, E e., t_' e;ami Aftrattur; Mot 18: 1884. SinolittNiot riOnaTIONIL, •3 ' _ 'ABRAXIADi IiNCOLII6, ANDREW .1081930 1 t; , ,; or - ,':-.---'.--''.- ! l.r - -!-::PirattillT. - ..tieltgmbied is p o 4 etictil / 4 ' 4 , .. oif ! 4_l*aeiiii.Gi.oieff.xiiirethed4 -sor oti qw:;-Airl;o3: , :i.tiyiir, •ipl hi:l - Auld -In lint illii.: 4064i1-iiilk0110g;i:-'1:::::1.: • - : - .-.7.:'.'? -.:.-.: ,_•—•.. ~... ......... . ••• . • . ..... ....--,:.:, . F - - - -- - - - . ----..--, gat to- 'Ali' np but Armies. Noises oils three editorial eigateD Apt ecosania' the . Pittsburgh ' - Dirierchyesterhty in advocacy of the policy of repealing the sBooolauso of the preeeni cariolbnent Sag 'Ude ;Tolley, plainly-meutifesta4 want of faith in , any attempt that iraight'be Made to..OhtuinTlattils.b.T-YOliuiltet4- • gaiPoOtiai is agreilik:lrkiold that the experience of „lest wharf 'Pori that oratireirent tin obtain large numbers, ,' efrecruits .by otterirs-,botentica to corna l ties, and we tilieva that it would be Wise - 'polioy.for the Goyim:mat to return to that ~.: - P 7 1107 101 9;Deyel', 12011L 7 eau for., -troops id ;F: 7 l rendered Ascisismi .<As iiit.witr is Supi posed 16'6' drawing ileac," and as it Li fat frovi"Prollable that thetairn of service. ti~a required tinder thenost call it M.. be for thranyiMM‘ithtat least aieneeriable intteptlin i _Vni think, that tinunmads'of men wood voltinteerit affixed a bounty of $3OO by thitoveramintin - aliititin tfithelocai :.<<, beauty they would. receive. ' Thratear ." ..--„draft,'to be enfoiced in the event of a to:din men by :volunteering, Would of Itself txraincaMany_to accept -the bounties nieettl. The iliepaih certainly (sine!. have forgotten the experience of three Sad .four„,,znoatint ago.. Aniit it has not trarioi ion thia foxier-lentil, ire 'still cannot see the .;... , jraprietyor - Ite reeracurendation,, that tho Government itMuld to measure , of AS :kenos( rantretim baniliness and of itonbtinl • efiloleaoy iu'ordirintlilnpour armies, i. -••• .T•We submit that thoiriecessiti dote not ex lratfir,korrowing amidions ; military policy. term the.l3onthern;"- Confederacy and ' - ;:submit (cattier that it 'rabid be is decidedly hotter itiste, for i:ditors of loyal newspapers to'aid.inexciting among their.readirs some enthuidesm for the old flag,initead of taking it ' for- - grauted.,.. - as * our neighbors or. the D spatik seem to havedode, - thai haie nation'ot craven!, and that ' foie of country.: is_ - no longki; a "irenlimeett American trimaran, . 77 A 'Word:ie.'the Pont. The lost OtSieitinpki nontaincti the tel. nsinriinoef.ot,iti Ismbace brio: once: 4, Wis Vent were eel; 'etisintarty - astute ttr inlPTrwestatleidtheZontl:VC re. 101411 Co Slaw 'MA • 1 1 ;ity vitt/ins innPperzeo‘ et ' in all oar,editorlpllebortr,.,—the party of the glat: 73 Yorti ih' 6 toos Ole party'of the Tice. wisk "to: lee that etteiesitel' the unit'PrOlthatitisi -...l._:llWCltioWi-ki‘prine that, if it is isti !Use who 'tit; poeod is it p&tcb =p s rale eintp:outieelsilth trittore.., Stich . = iesae ot the war we weidl regale:he the _giettie:St.nalstatti.itist.43ould !Wail our -esitintryttit4 the world. To: prevent each a dire consttionotien,-tve are: oppolea' to the tnioPilOnbithe presentliinkbirition: et •any b earn a Shat will teed to defeat it at polls next Itiveniber. dxiii-yrltiont C-,;icenetuntices would , haves this tendency, ! "14a:tlis Potlt is notioblind ain,ortegeti it. . . . , The alck tind - woundcd hare all *on re• rived from the White Ronie...-.Ths Boo •.' els tamed a largo mount of gold terra:- No York It t at r • . Wseas Belt 0 tarn Pnidon 4r; epeculation.—The of Pa. Peetiiiiithiii. been muttered out of server* ice - thief hiiing capita:L . —Petersburg Iti iiienty-ttio miles from Richmond by rall, , . . sea tar miles from James firer at City It is on the 4014 bank of the ,Ap . peonator.—Fort Darlicg is about sena' • eolltrfromBlts - atadf=-TXO en -- At,l nal Jos=e, killed Setlloames;s tight:for the pomession of ikatuitofi i ii4a yitginian, and a gender:tie of Weatifidit..--,-liolicitor . ' Mutual has dicidlik:o4 the : ,eitituer of a • draft' slam eanintit lain' him , exempted from service by the piiiinetiktif ' . the alai* denim: fisilosiCstiom - plail.=The - Bpsaieh Clorcenmeitt.bial.dinaPPro:Ted, tho coodaet Admiral. P/1 . IZON 11/ vidzhig the hinch*blends. The Rampant . Peen - generally condemned this act' as 'cid of . Manifest robbery. _ _ 1 : ...Lt . I • {,...........- ~,-.. - z ~.,. . I •••• - t Dip1.61 ; 17,p2 Car VIE BITE 7,11 art Berns itetunsmr:Atr - SYser Doter.-4hle - cero• mony took place on Wednesdny.. A. large assemblage was In attendance. The only speed' delieerwl was the dedicatory., , drees by General MoCcacian. Galena toe r Asnissos acted blarsbaL Oen. s 4.I34TATILICIL and Genera l a4C10137.11 , Wore Pre 96 4; 11 0 0 G3Tervor Driven.' Gourd Doerr alp! ?dajer General Da were expect. , sd lobe present, but the former was tumble tg ItST6 11.11 hotel from illness. The latter from some cause which did no! trara Ito WISCISSMO to attend..: 1 E t . . Ex Oovntson .Watoar, of *Lacs, in • splotch delivered at the LISCOLN 11111 . 4 7011N -I*' lei Ratification Ifeeting held at the Cooper liiititnte, !tow li:ork, on Wedneintay nigh, Ant referred to oar candidate forlbb Ytce • - bum knots-boarnoi Jamas hit- . nutty for i v4mtpone pron. I solved via klm In -be Twtaty-okl.ghth Convect. If I of sDShndtng Ar t ri p tg , tiat is att e lz o r v o l ca ll; 4 :21 tboloboto length in& breadth of thiMettthot .7_ I ctenetdre.eopalor to Amy JoiritOlt. . From lb. am bop of this. rebellion to this day Ito hes betttnt one potkoripsd lit boon salmi'- , Cod witb bat one &dr., - sad est tr, lei. of . i i Tbiji mocrac y, thou slk 'belted an te d . itifo llT WI • ig ml litd, tilt* given no r t o ttsA ar. wt t i l iab, e.ri. of the 1 26 " PM"." ° and ita political col , ' ' " lid.rfa p L u l ,ls il ' e loo% ua thazt u7 itio atoddrpatcY,.,. l „ ... gfv. 4. ' ''whiellyatw4:°:7 l 4 l4ll4 " third l ,. .., • costittdo. - , ue - ' ..• - that zueAfFaccr.sg, ::•- .11- 4 tift, menus •' f thi TOXfilif Uto: - . 011° 7 - tit6 fault? " ° ..iri t h z i kl iolfilug. . 11 ‘;thLa 'fr of gAiig tiaiwill Abe mo tion ?fast litts .. .tum , , ~. Ta ii tb a Lan a at . ..' fxmzilus4ug APM fa expls *:11' . ' '- ' ° Dila our oolauude - !Ir. :' -, • ,- - 42:1eigo? r , P. ; , :_s!. • - ...- -. % twice. - - -.' •- - ' '_. 6 ....(..z... ; .--,..,, A 23 7 , - o f T au iiiirrvr .7 .-:.' *" :,.-. • - ',''''' ' ri•47 (i ", -- itiootall Att At P U Y ' ••.:. ••••••••• -.' -.',-- . , b iT i, completud_arf4 l 6 _ ... k . mg , :- .:.' • . ;•::%.,: -- • • ~- ostheutta riPort -- I• 7 i 1: . i:/. I , '-;',...,-..‘ : . rectipt 43. a l3 . 31 ar k,f;d 9 in k 4.3 az • - • ,1... ......:11.'f...- !". ''' ..• .- • 'fork Dlortop`stid SlOta" -- ,ail, rowan Tide . !'"• •'. 111, - --,.,', -lat, !', ~.- t o, igjok:rigr.-Plonl "' -r . :-•- l'''' . " ~..me,*4ll4(iritLlTl-1-isi4tat "Firt7-h.,':= 1 • :;- ~ itiiiiiiiiiiijiPe,r ' Phi° i ll i e u;.., 4o oiplute 3i*l'fsail gains t4 buTlaess coral:amity g a * A nts of WU II - • tt_ """ """- ' ' '!; The' New York frame thus concludes Siartiolo - ditoted is the consideration of 0241'wl Edsl' the James; Pa j'..;•• &nth of thd JEWS River the campaign MUKHA ,of :course, totally new. aspect. ' Esti were .062: 01•112. orcie the main eddy able srmy at Fort Powhatan, as Stardorlirdispincit asserts, the immediate 'revolt of its ippon:taco 'weed bi the co - - motion of the: Petersburg •Ilearadszio Dollen, linesan , nottso near That there couldsearcalybe much opposition' to a °miens effort_ by a greet. smile Ile., booth from them and pit down adrotto the taitway:' ` lt br'ecinallYreatifiet that the, linear the Danville _Railroad Must ipeedily be severed, stlaillut by Sheridan's cavalry Mantel silk, ;eines' hi to' the *est and Tresohtng the Appomattox bridge Its air 'atilt, or by the extension of Gen. / Grant's lines of , Ineestraent Art the ionth of Rich mond; 'end what with the work Of Etheticlain aortic of the lames, and 'of Roster in the ealley,:theis will then remain no"-avenue of supply, to the', 'Rebel . capitecor to the rimy which' defends • Al Morelia imisppreheistori of 'a More ntent upon ,Waehington, now. left Mums ered, it ie suidolent to, say that Lei has no rumens of Arkin as, .army=north of the I Rappahannock. The Fredericksburg anal Vfrginia Central Railroads-Bra destrayed.l The country between' the James' and the Rapidan is a deeert, and The Shenandoah Valley not 'Meth orottedyateliipedl7 the peerage . of the males, 'Led could only edemas° an'force npon-Wastingten by load ing supplies la.wsgot4 to:ell:mites neither the_wagons, nor the horses, nor tho forage to feed the hems, for seals ,an enterprise. Es matters 'tend _we regard demonstration' upon, Washurgton as utterly, impruttioable. Lee , Muesli end More - Abel all_he can attend to in the neighborhood of Riokintutd." • . . _ Washloston and-Lincoln. In the course 'of his speech at the New Tork'eTbdificattect Meeting onlifednesdey' evening,lien:Hsair J:ll,aittosn Tested • . the falleiringirraident: • ' • After thiiirar had been - .going on about a you remember that the hearts of great menyl - people ,wated rant at the prorpeot before them...-Ydr. -Lincoln had not shown, then as fully as he het done since his thorough adaptation to the crisis upon Which his bt wse , .,cast... I happened. to be in Washington at the time, are:theist& -a remark rando by one of the most Mafia.' waisted members Of - the - government "(I don't feel at liberty bean hip Mane) br a private cirolr,. at Which' the general tone of remark woe 'illiPartigement of the Priv , ldent. - ,The gentlethan listened to the *hide discourse, and then , said Well, gentlemen,., ro to'ake, a remark to - which suPpose you will not decent I suppote,'. void ho,.fltst, thatloti all believe Washinglott Was raised' . up by a spa ! dal 'PrOVidenee Carry' - our country through the _war. for. our independence.' They all said, ..".Tes. they_ had no doubt of IV Bald he,. 'Well, I have .made 1t my business to study the character of s branam - Lincoln. :I have. done , it thoroughly; I be- Hee° !appreciate it; I think I understand his weeknetries 'and Ms strength ; I believe ' that Itnote'everyelmient that enters. into his management at public wrestle* and I tell yodto.day,= the, result of that study, what you Will not now believe, but which you iiii believe one year from. to.day, and what the greet-botlY of. the people will be lieve:befote,ids first term • isover, that Abraham Lincoln Was as truly raised np to carry:thletountrr safely through the per ils of this rebellion - as Washington was to carry =through oar rerroluttee,.-' [applause' and I believe that events will justify that sagacious and just remark. We have 'already published acme static. tins " ,tioncrining cotton, Whlab, go to show that the supply of this commodity for the English, stitutet has tepidly increased "du ring the post Icor. Brazil, Egypt, Eset Wiz timid China contribute mainly to Ode supply: 1.3 a 7cOnsequence, wo hear that, with;the increasing .aupply of cotton in England, the distress , among the oteratives , in theinanrifacturing districts; is graduelly . dimTniehing , On the other hand, supplies of cotton on this aide - of the Atlantic nit( rapidly-dwindling away. The New reek Shipping and *cameras! List thus speaks of the "Prospect : '• - ' The failure of the military ezrditlon In the Bad Itistionuattly--orte of the most vo ila° coerces of .aupply., in the Sonth—the. re pall of the made Iteentes in General Wash- Manila departraent,the rapid rise to geld, and the - steady advance In the .EargUsh meskets, have -combined to. early prices op to an aid tndo hitherto unattained, and with ,turrant rates - of exchange favoring aldPlntette, the , prospect of manufacturers is anythingbat etteenredrog: The stocks in the bands of con- tumid ore used upCi6so2tharr usual and as the - chief 7roliattee of" toatinfacturera,ls now . upon - the dettriallog seettipte treat New at hletes and Memphis ancltho precarious sup. piis alSoidedly Hoc tunnirsi a further Adventist invitees Would seem to be inevitable. Unless Were simulate' conslderaldestbaterzaent in rates of., gold .stid "ozettenge, ef , which there is, epperantly,no Immediate prospect', . , . 'feint resoluilthidialltarcopperhaid 'platform ought to bet tioloppra Resolved, That a tie, ii,fl'tusk ' to, la as good is the truth. • , The Copperhastie neverdriUsf-repeating the stale and oft contradistid lie that "Mo. Dowell's corps at 90,000 men was with held from McClellan," and that this caused the ballets:of his Penioeulii.‘ =palm Nowithis Is site. - Tepee who tall it know it to be a Ile. They teU tt because It is a He, and on the principle that a Ile, Well stuck to, is as good os the truth. • .314Dowelf e corps. -was made op .about squally of three divisions, node:Franklin, McCall, and Ring. Franklin, with • one. third this force, Joln.d McClellan al West Point. prior to the battle of Williamsburg, and McCall's third joined him prior to the • seven day& fight, in which they took a con: aplettous least. The force withheld, there: fore, was not MoDovelFs boil,. of 90,000 men, but King's division of some 12,000. , They were withheld because Oen. Ma Clellan, before going to the.Pentheula, bad , given his opinion In writing to thq Pres!, deat.that he should retain 40,000 men for the defense' of -Washington. 'The 12,000 thus retained, with -the 18 000 lett by Ma. Ciellin It Washington, 11.111 left the capital defended by 10,000 less troops than Ate-, Ciellan had certd to bo necessary, ,Thesi facts all appear by , a co:stall :gusty. Le of own rept:o,6lth le One cif the Tory few particulars in which that rellable.Chieogo Triblme. . • Elognxilee'sifArtifice Johnson. 7 The following Se' one °t ate most truly eloquent passage" ores ep3ken. It ie from • a epeethdelivcredb7i ttnazW Jomeol ln April butt to a maim meeting of the people of Knoxville and vicinity: tdy countrymen t my heart yearns _toward you; I lomsyou ; lam ono of you. r Mire' celatbed . yondsr mountains that. you hire cilmbedb yonder nmentalas roctlibbed and glowing to eun.shlnis, in whom forgo, whose comas, your sons, hunted like wild boasts, have felisn to rims no more. Ido not insole of these thiogt to drawyour tesrs: /t not the time for. Mon, bat for blows. I speak' of them that I may fire your heart with holy indigestion, and nerve., Oar arms,for excisM. quirahlifight. And I speak of than because the Inol2.lltallif 111,111 to talk to me. My home among ths mountains, and flume: it Ls not far sray.lninnot go to D. It is the .pleoe whore I met her and loved heriand married her who is tits welter of my children. Do I not loio the mountains. eon? . And if lib. atty . is to es Om if freedom is to be dal bayed, If my canary, in all to length and bres4:l4. Is to tremble bi neat- the oppronois tread, let the Ise, the dear oil flag, the list hag hi planted ca yon :tar bulghu, and opon it Ist than ba this Lassuiption "Ono ie the end of all that Le dim to the heart and samed:tif Dulf.tlnembrY of man." - • . KM la so:OMM g . Lu referee:Gs to the ojeedoni ()Osvaldo n ond, from a very old, sad a very oraelleit eitt• th or tki, .'tow _erne is th e axiom, "Instal, rer siefiwit:" - • • .:-.14%111111517 ohs that was la dletreli, and vies in debt, and *very cos di soon u a ged, vaned themetelm lleteldm; and be became a Ceptalit over *MR end tam wore with him abou fed sems.—es Soma, Pal eh. 2cft four •-•-•'• - Piciadent Ll:moles T I.' +Lovejoy. The Princeton Republican, currant week, is nearly fine. pert of the proceedings and . , recent meeting in that town io insugunote , Owen LVOV /101;1,Unit4 Asscowtina AMong ths,inenerone letters) read on the oceeslon was the following from the Pres. Went: Exzewrivs3lANlloll, - ITssurscroo,, Maj 20,1844. //cm.felos 11: Bryuit Dias Out:-Yours of the 14th irOst. * card of invitation to to prelim inary:.timi meeting contemplating the erection Of a moent to the memory . of lion. Oven Lovejoy, vas duly received. Ae you anticipate, it will be out of my potion to attend. Many of you have known klr. Lovejoy longer than I have, and are better able teen I to do his memory jostle°. iffy personal acquaintance withbbn commenced only about ten years-ago, since when it has been quite intimate ; anti every step in it has been one of increasing respect and esteem, ending, with his lif4in mins than ageotion on my part.:.: /t . can be truly said of him that while heves personally 14b1- Lions, hi, bravely endured the obscurity which the unpopularity - Ibis princip les imposed, Sad never accep *Saba hore, until those honors were : y.to admhis principles with lohn. Throughout my heavy end perpleting responsibilities here, to the day of Die - death, it would Fiercely wrong any - ether to say, he wormy most memos frionti. - Let him hey° the, marble monis. meet,' along the '. we ll-secured land more enddriog one in'thil hearts of those 'who limo liberty uneclfisitly for all nten. Tows truly, - Learns. ulio are looking anximMly forth.) beers teem 'your side of the next campaign, For myself,', have never coneidereci that the result cif pint terrible civil war was to he dallied bylfightlng alont. It le the disorganisation, of the Sarah, .through the operation - of the war" on Ike African. race, thit I have always regarded as the real loom of the weakness aid danger of the Confederates. • But for this Clatl6l) to have full effect requires time: ! ''During that time I fear you will be in curring an Ottomans .expenditure, and ac cumulating a terrible debt. This is not bi f i all; 'I. am 'afraid, , whilst he Government to nectelmily . spending vast sums, your elßsone ire individuallygi ving way CO ex travagant private table. This is lighting the candle at bill:tends: If persevered in it will lead you to terri a financial diffi culties. The only way in which you can continue to furnish extraordinary supplies to the Government is by ibe rigid practice of 4901101:ay on the part of individutile. Let every patriot preach, this truth Ito the people. ..- - - .-i•. : ' 1 have fall . faith in 00 El-Wittig Criunb of your cause, bronze it le the , cause of Pettis, civilisation, and humanity. i 11. Cocain." . A Smart Lie !,4410. to =to omen . (111.), for itho aid the' re .eotheo of ibe. Pepalar ECOII9/18Y During the War. The Moving is an extract from a letter rain ' Diehard Cobden, '.ated Didhuret, Grd}ll.llL I=2ll AN Thr.A.—WIO ROL Own:, &Mt came to Washington, SU old friend who happened to !meet him there, exclaimed, "Wellidoneral, so you are goo lug - to take Riaimoodr Grant ,replied, briefly, but eignillaintly,l 4.ra try to whip Lee." - General Grant has shown from the beginning that he understood the true Value —or relativb unimportaUce— , of Illehteond. ankwer Involved alternative that If Lees'artny were rooted Itichkrindl must fall of reoures and . of [itself, arid ivory movement of t e psesent campaign bee been made with ibat 'stink , in view., 1 ILELIG4OIIB • 'LI"'",PRE.M I I3ING BY THE MATER ... `7• 0 " DAY BAISTOokan,I4, I AD'A DAY, lit 1034 o gix. asi p. DOLLY ID HAW cAnuts• S. UsAx.t. eat esnelstqcy ADlAten,y Oky. 1 h. pabllo aryls Ito Atte , d: I • ! trizs•DISCIPLES OF CHRIST, (lain am= Crn,).ELDEII SOSIPEI MCI Par ined =mama. HALL, corner. of laderil Preubintin.,7 LOUD'S DAY,At asida.z..,.. 11"t iZ12 9. .1 ID- tiled.' TICE—Tho new w•LY, onsazation of th.l CIIUB7H Or JESUS erten: or Winn DAY , BUNN , tbst star 11103138:t U. at tbeirlialler4r the Inten3llßenn at tem, Fon= Atm*, bctirect Wood mpi /luta. ante•lo% bx. 33.0 3p. . "Tho so:0114 s • sited la *tura: ,1313:11 fr -- 116 MST NaREGATION we" OF DISOIPIX3_, of Pilistorreh mot oats& ly,rla this, FELON CRT OOLLIWZ.I3FILDIN O3 , LOllD4reAlt=s37Fsiu I.ft"t= hours. , &why School ectook i Vm th Irsyse Itlesthhi WIGIMMAT MYl.ollo.__ imbllo ars respOctfulli ihsit4— J',23, PLTILIC OTICE I. W.SA 141 TAR Y FAIII-3TEAM DUI BOTIO6-43abscrlpilau for the pilee clialira len dm *nil echo. CM Saturday, IBM kat' •Csa be Laded Or either of am Commit te., at Lett halt Caldwell t 11,0. 1 • jelP:l3 • - L.I3I:CIUILW, Trestarrr. . BOA-TM:BNB D,iPAIMIENT OF rrnistracia EISSITIAT TRIM —71.• iward uithw PIIIZEISZLII, LITZ 81AT, Sa , wtil celll.l. en 1110NDAN.201 , 4 lmt. 118 chi el MO, Oleo at A. D. B itli it Mow .63 Watar atted. .swinalPed, to , Ws !and will plows. id Lewd. :It .B..l.,llkOliEW,ltauctrer„ 0.0LD.• CURIOSITY SHOP-2 , 10 , T 1011.•-1 llattod ttiuotor of Iht Catatonia of Mat& TroOtto. Anat. After, Ifostortrir, hair Looms, klanstscaNpto, Cktrisaltiou Waned lo 4 .01 d Ladolty Ilhop" of a mni a Far. ora for ado at the Newt Drpot . of 291111 Prim IS crab : '• • • . 5 1 4-• , FESTIVAL ' 1 • A STRAW 8161111 12.4"LAVAT bor this bet of the ®arch Mum, ‘ll2 pa bill at that hilrat'oo, Lam: Grath 2emlaarl, ____Toonathoo on the ethnic.= sad *ening e2.2IIFIDATi 21.1 lae. • Adathailm.lo oaths.• .” lapthr Tkkets loth Do bad of nom; mum tha or laud, and at the mirth" al 21 alga. • PISTOL corrrEsT--sAxrrAßlr LSIll.—Tho cyrni Toting for the rptrodld 10017 and Savorallmtntod, OtooMM talk for Pounds Ilesdo, Mama. std IIK• bob .01 don on NIUDAT BUMS Ito 170. at 10 (eclat. r Irntoth mast btdontlt no fuelled osi.to El &TO LID/ilt. tho.llo Mot., at o'clock noon. A 'MEETING! OF Mit UNION u - nr .1121101711 TE 0011111 Trill, of Allegtony Gaudy to hott at;tbo calm liatttalt Ilona St. lte Nita Woert Plitstarat, DAT, Joao 211, hat" at o'clock p.m :: • a. ts. smovfx,chann.. id&te •THE PUBLICL—'4be • Execti -1.• Will:Atte* of it* Great fia Ray lair dotro to &Usk rhaVnbilii for the Ltera ud pcner• pitrans actalad to Olt sick and trnaa sot- Ms, of Ito tat lon, sattmcnklylaftcosuirothalb•Yar tlal dl on 6,4cquirl, WiT/1111fitl. 311th itl3l, jolt. . . Im.l thastirr. erand.Rallilirinteethigi AT , WIL;ILIigS HALL. Batutdar Elentag, hae 18th, LT 15 00LCIM. • . • Dint ttlablziOreaken'yllt be tresait attl &Um. tLa strettei, ! • I TUBS t 211 . 8JF.013; t Tung orrt . • - • uObFOU MTH WARD, ALLEGHENY. Comartudosorr of lb* Bounty 'nod Denby gin• toile* teat ;the; a.. Dintrandto lon Cartidesi ea to lb* to to the the land, and Mat ttury or& toottettott to meet at th e offal of lna Tremento (at The ldetotisati and Tanners flank to Use Dtaroond)se tolloirc - • • • • • • • • 99.tki nos. 5, 1 sal ItarNoa s s7 analog, ilcco DlcdupTowl,h:.ua,a cu titl4ll oftzlot, Joao • Blocks *co. 7, S, 9 and 10 0• Wir4tul4ll7 Blain; Nos. 11,12,1344 le co Thisdayorroks, • IllccasSoi. ?a . on Tillay realm, otoraatliierill • Asa Tto 9 o'clock eacti Males Block usual aft.ttgoortid to 14P 1 . 1. act at the mode[ of Mar. isnacute bitaka„ .tat paint not ,sown to the Inoue ,tal caw 1T•• . pond ottb ropy iirsccier oo DO oertilicate 4111, Do sediatoeio ranched for by • twalttotr at tat am, cartteato oboes block r , • • i • VIM cost Ocatio.w.ll ogarultitio tato p7 Mot latotott boring twat wltitt.rm.t.d to sena otintry Dalai oci *Mai Ma 00=0 taz Let brio pita to Ore Or, Treunim r. 1 abase (rear es ant. data boto bolsi Itolimsf.. - " , 34 oars of lb. Boont7 Ottztotoolusits: - . . A IiDERSON IWIDEVILVIMPANY; tS elitu um r A is ilr tt,* a i rati li tantra pv614014* throe wa imam iri g Amo s Fy yvstr : 0 : , BRIGHT: Dian strwl. IrStablnli 10 Inia.kr2 se IMMEM! PW IN Ilt.lNyry TOMMY EVIMUNI, Joao 21d, It a o'clock, at tka Onanit. dal Oohs Boons ? 84 Mb atuat, tolclaott Ito, 48 la rotalt7 Ottarok. • 1.18 A. DidoB.BlllE, Ai tt. CABHART'S CELEBRATED Melodeons and Hartnoniums, IL ELMIRA BW., Pas islalmly DJ tatelt :122 Weed at.. al U the Gallen tient. PALE—A. beautifill site for a cotratryThure, &Aiming ltanotiold, contata. las It acne, Fasted ytth the beat of feta tfoes. Abe, d sacra ea the Pewyseltle road, fag tau tom the city. Abe, BC ltda on Tremont West, o.Edi 2 R 5.0.1 wird, Allegheny. Jdr legatos of , Ho. lo Dlattemot, Alieshatr- THE PEERLESS STEINWAY PIANOS CM onty b. had at IL &LEBER d 8.8.03.. Solo Agoura for the Stab:mays, N. rar Wood streot. CLOSING OUT HALF, OP Round Too Boots, Shoes and Clatters, At great !magas, at .1301MAISIM 98 lAstitt atm:, Second doer tram Ma- FRREIH•ARRIVAL OF • • Boots, Shoos and eskers, or the Wait styles and at the lowest rice. In the city. Call eattrasid exam tarots's, , nORL&NWS. 93 Milzka'itz°49 Eszorross. BALE OF STOBICA-- Mix TUMMY ZVUUW. JUIlh ist' o'clnek, Sin be add, et the Oaratoarelal Sahli litimete, 66 fifth street, by order of Ladner Moore, Ituctitor ottiery Seal roir IR ,, hevire Bank Stack. • e. by order of Wm. Porter, lizeatitor 6 ahem Idesiangshela Bridge amt. el 7 S. Mel VALUABLE STOCKS AT AUCTION. —oo2l7llsDtilf W 712111710, 2nao Eat, at o'clock, on woad door of Ikauxurcbdglotoo lltomas, so. 51 AM gnat ti shares lbccbaass Bank Stock;;;; . ; ; r• 20 do klarchoute • Distaiischrmte 10 do Ueda lasursous 03.5t0ck; 50 do Pittsburgh • Staubtrusigo B. 50 do Minium, Valle ilallorod . IS do ; Pautrylmmis /mummy po 17 . 1. IicILAV• INA Ater. UORA3ALE—A. Farm of 50. Acme, I. mere tr Irs, la offers! at print* obi data the Beet elf Ansa, when. if tot oldortll..br bid at public Na. dad prcperty is situated itl Mifflin tai alhearday county, Is well eratered, sat s yea 'tin 11=misost Coal miter the whole. The building Presoca beam Dam sad fram Marina,. flow. forth partietilars tftsuLre e ors the 'Premix:sr or at HIMME:I a 00.11 Mug dtotta, 0 whir 01,0e5." pees ane WTlu atreeta, Pit ebargh,be at the Prb• thaextery's Otdoe. D.O HULTZ, - Admisistrator of Unser Weer.' JeDllainhater STEINWAY'S. A trot of tbrst bug expect.' era laixaltibla EITTLIVW AN PIANOS an at length on tho way, and tbty will banyan tot old:tibia:xi and two sob by the ba;inning of unit Took. U. EL131121. s MO, We %rata flr Stehrway% in Mika strut: jatitat Cenci or ensCio un or t ghe, or n naetih t . anBE CLo., TD CARPENTERS Ara PLIIMBEM. • . fir Med Proem!, will be remind st this Mei nu. 1.11 25e11 Onelcsiva, for , the follow ten tepsba to Privy et Ocent Bona. il.t Ire woatea trownho of a plant, On nee bog, net 'deep end fa in chat wide, andllatd. with II pounds of abut lead to the Coot i Itch wahoot emus, form S inch topply cooks, for lotting voter into toonghe t three. Ince brou nutty pipe; favinriceic with tbt nee. sary carpenter wont to make the job , nontplete. Particulars forithheden application. . 81 ditietket of Canary ornondui•nere. 1.&IIIBW1ft Ornteeller. CULENBEFG'S PLiNuBM.I auk* lot of tltoi.• gnaw{ gul '1 4 1 4 Molar Oalinberg N. Y. Plano s; • Opwsr}tofTlllllTT tym L OEBO'B -PIANOS hem boon 991919 Ogle ttion7 with DOA Maim* m nth', tad tamp M 9919 au emu alma the rioaterje.l setttfactlon , .19 ,. ee1e esti by 11. ELLS=• 11110., the 6ele Age4te tot Ciettherea Plum, W•cd 4 10 Of thellolductlary. jerialt MOURNING GOODS. • BLACKIDRESS GOOD 9 MOURNING %RAW LS. j- . MOURNING MANTLES (d 1 crsoftmont of Mounting GoOlis, for ioito by WHITE, OEIOI ao.; Ira 23 P 13171 BTICiaT RROPOSALS FOR COAL: SLAM AMA TAB. feed Propmeto, for Ituediftoop OU' tiorba of tee :Plttaborth Orapany, be,tofl butane of Bituortoole Owl, T 6 000 101.thei.. 4 Mag. 0 ' d OP , btobola of I.llsto, Inn be malted at tby 0440 of tte Oosopasy until the TI 11516TANTI: ?M Mat thole and Lim to bidf each goatltr sad dollroral at nth Ma ••d la'stab quotel Ira so rball fro ap proval ar.4 'mt.& Palo:4ot to tat onto monthly, realolog jovial por.ra lot. as mown, Par the terfortsioce: tf fhe toe tract. Propsalt to to old mord lo T110114:9 4114 WPLIA, le9 , Prenteet of dm Con:may, sod es. dano.4 °Prop:solo for Coal or black. or for ;174.," ea the cue way be. lEICIId I Off, Pctloter. . . Offloo of Its Plttabrugh Oat Go., t Joao nth, L j lilf:t4 'WANK BOOSS. ESVELOPES, PAPER. STATIONERY, 4c. ITEM, BOBOYEB.& 00., YIRH • ELECI'BOPATEIS. .. • .111011 ME LOKERGAII AID KISS tALDIif.U. ,llive opened es aloe ca the corner of Shill Ind Wylie emote, entrance 173 Milt If TIIEET,- for the practice a Modlotne.- Tem, era Mohr credo. stew, ILIA hove tbat Dlykowast int xhb their chlow -Thous prepared t all a 1014,1, to mien tttle otentor.• • , • . Margot noionatle end caret ' • They rea the Vane to the following moatiffewl paying &peed cf oldlns and medicines to Misses Lofoten & *twin hese /Odeon. to: Whore ore gra:kale, lo the luslog et; .1 do clOtt etworfelly rearm:and thorn to the sthleted, end to the poleflo in general, as every , trey whythy et their ccneA.sw sad pstronege. - • .B. WOODIIID, ME D." . Tlitsbarthiians 11th 1164 MLA(. :puma VAT UNAL, BANK UM . PITTSBURGH.. = lit!,'lsa RANK= frfIINZY, ' • • - (Nal don, go N. trad4A Roinil+llpm3.M We. tioninop.t Tb. attoatloa of Nf venoms laliabotid fa tonnot• callad to tbo titssat tom to. LAW, toy him: SLIAIOII 0.7 tsa 1731111) eTATI.II, • 1: maw wrthigum has La. Youtb 9alUaal bbizik at P batty bat IhIJ dal big% ilestinabol 0 DrpoCtary of Public Nom 5, ((.roryt from 'CturOgoo obi . ltaaad tl A poi V &nod Otatm,socl boo Wools ouplibl to not tn. (nom) Depoiltes of Paha, If aura to. So: • • - OPIONI.N.t , . USIIIP1111440! """" Pang:ort•blr.g to &posit maid 0 1 1• 0 47:" Gonuncoot Doods, Colt, dots oflOisfoot sod otbtro bitarostkr, otopri 4 , ..r/ Ip¢ hd ••ltyvlU bi elm by tbla :Sauk to I luto. Oozed lotk of batt.o.l. • . JAMS crangiciton.ima. J UST , • ' • . Wlrbut's Plw Tree Tar Oetdlat.,.• . Wistart's DAM** fllL._ • O d 574LIppr.orr Tor., • Saaragler, . . . ilea OUT* 011,- tar Wit we. . t J • Balsa Punt ad Lime OU.. - lin. Ann icertas'. XIAls brltoror. isy , Tins Ol alrd no Sterlbito darnels, for tbt, flats: ' ' c • 114 and Tooth Mute& • ' ltOtoeslairNaEtaparnt. , • _ . • At ttilo Central Drr;elan cotni AtAit Oblo 11, 3 t0 • O. 1: Rini WOO. • prritOLE . • VatadErat ttlintiniiid to teKi a 2 gawks oat Potsdam ta_ttue %Lit:rein wrU te ar 4,mntArraz,vi.,l,,r lasusamoit o gl n ! Aisze.s. of Vurv:rat k. rya., "-Warikeitutoir,'„ 7TZ?et,Pftltlt. . : V.I.XTH LIST OF ' APPLICATIONS A... 1 ter selling lasinars,lll44l to the Clock's Olice op ta Juno Oth, W.Cei i , Haws. i rasa. EDW. lt i .clatec Wets,, Meer., lot ward, Pittehurch; Jobs Ting, do, , d o ; James Moisall, do, . do; /mut 21141Jsmadtt, aging hots., do; James Crooke, _ tale., do; Jane gloPtoreon, eating hone., do: , Polonium Fara, tavern, Yd ..411,FittecuriThi H. litairlgoo, other goods, - do; Beadel, - tannin • do; Chat Boblemon, eating home, do; John Ward, other goode, dm August Marin, all hon., Id ward. Pittaburgh; John Schlomer,• do, • do; Wm.' A. Have; taurrn, • do; Patrick Mullen, do, do; John Finnerty, do, do; Frank litllerumn, do, do; Den:mitt "USW. do, dc; Patrick Hollywood, eating home, do; John Kerr, • ,100, do; 111 JaCCO3 McKay, other good., Ith ward, Pittehurgh; John kluthillocigh, do, do; , Kerr & Aiken, torero, do; Blaurice•Willce, tavern, illb ward, Pitteturgh; P. • ht. Kane, other goods, do; Michael Lang, tavern, dm Jacob Too, ' do, do; H. J. Weber, d., 4 ,.. et \ do; IL Darla, do , n Lward, ward, Pittahrugh; Bate *Whey. eating Dean, __ do; . , Jan Alciumu, ' term, do; Andrew O'Connor i3Fr 013, Bth ward. Pittsburgh; 1801,408 Id - wads: tavern, do; Mary O'Hara, other goods, do; Thomao n 'worth, tavern, oth ward PALO:ugh; Echols, Son A Co..othar gle,lst ward, Allegheny; Ached; Dancer • Co., do, d..; John E. Heinrich., t.sorn, do; Francis Drown, do, hi ward Allegheny; Darld Stem do, . do; Chau. Tespcider. do, I do. Frederick Sauer, do, Al Ward, ' Allegheny; Lawrence Spr.al, do, do; . Ultolltd Drawn, sating home, do; Fedi Hai, tavern, do; Jacob Min d:art, other •00411, do; Antony Wearer, Wen 4:23 ward, lelleglemay; Ilisdi Satter, ea t lis . uM, dc. C. Katuumeig, other goods, do Cronelms Idarylkily ; 131T0Z12, de D. McGuire, do, Illturinghare; 11% H. Erismon, do,. do . J. A. Lippert, do, Tut Illimleglasm; John .Tatn, do, • Dcariams; A. W. Darklay, da. do, Jos. Hart, do, Lawroncerille; John Frstitazaholz, do, do; Valentine Short, do, Itlwartmetal - , DobL B. hloan, do, do; John Creeps:. do, Illanongolisia; . " Morgarstte Meyer, do, do; 1% %% Screen, other &ode, South Pitt:burgh; le theta. Wren, W wri FiStebrmitsi John AchtiTer, do, Temperament:le; Waxy Hashes, eaticg tame, do; -John Esnaller, Wens, - di; HestkiSh Vantino, do, - Tarentrual Wm' inaney, do, Daldwia by; Joseph Chmetar, do, Gel Ins tp; OCI Jarrett, do, • loath Feyotto tp; John Morrison, do, Harrison to; Margssette Power", do. - Indiana tp; • Andrew ElUlor, do, do . John Hartman, • do, McClain: tp; Jelin Taylor..: , do. 'Peat= IP. Michael tiler,on, dm Jam d o,Ple o ntard P no tp; • Goome Hite, d In Koltanhonter, d-0., Pitt tp; do; •.. Ireidhoesal Clairatz, do, nieldind tp; John Holzme, . taring, bor.., •Ato,rra Ir. • Maas, flamer, worry Lunar Et Clel4; 0.: Mawr,, do, *hater tp; , lawnuce Winch.% do, ''• Chula Miler, do, do; Irtaiolak tlachellar, do, Onion tp; Peter Peratment, do, w Oki. in. The Court will meet on WKDHESDAT, Josue Writ, 110 A, at 101 o'clock a. us. Unsoustramme court be tiled on or before that:day. Lionmes =ribs taken out MIMI don, and within 15 %aye after toing oranuel, or they wW,be rented according to law. Applicants will Deng th eir bonds to ray aMm before the day of bearine. leDhltd W. A. ELLIMAN. Clerk.' t , I ti 11J RETAIL GROCERS OF P1T1813131 - 0 a FRENCH COFFEE Tto advertisers so nuoutsclarlss wienlatele . ths celebrated IllirtSCll COPPEZ, coda, as la Path, from pure raffia and errne mall In • tetc tallar man ntr. It has no drag. to Bator or color: tt drenrot area the *errata system, and la estremily nourish log and healtbi ;Invalids dales great lomsfil Iron Its as ; It het all eh. ars= and tamer the Java elan In Introduction luta thorllolted tutu, . f w months ago, it Me item ntdrerard malefic don, aced it cold by every prominent Grocer in tht the ram* don we ate dolma that the Orcrars Or Pitts burgh should t y this celebrated Cola.. t Once they try It they orlllotrararetee IL It 4 coact:mum eribatittha We hate challeard all the coffee nianufacutren to the United &etre ha IRMO Mau .(the moms& to be Eisen to tooplutls) that th. Preach WU+ Is loped= to all Mbar.. ' It 4 pure, fraultfone and healthy r It bee all thr moms and taste of pure Jaye; It la tabout on•-tblat the price. - The 1' IdESOLI COST= dots not req;clo fie to :Rs ol.t; is au ming. Barthian! emre'corfra introllet its roasufacture. In Ithe trallithoi end az. hem. mania, will =Me it the beverage of /mollies on babg known. The testanontal. of he goad quer- hies an ionumerable Weir!. • few eatracts Pram Os Parriveres Ateetiere Crime cad One,. We bare need the hay, celebrated Preach Ocths. and In Justice to the manors:Amer, we writ to the beat color we ma cued Pros Growl As Nee York. Plededelphia, palsy ten, /Lltratie tout Gkicago Oar muttomere an much plotted with your .fneechOoffee. It will Certainly operas& ell other coffee when Mama, and we deo sire an alltlootsl iron //meth tee Boloscre and Wealldeproi,-Allfe hate toed your Preach Coffee In our hothiteds, and wears planed to loform you that It eras ;vat est. ration r, tact glace Its Introduction, our petit ate will drink nothing else:" The aosoutscOus of the TC'ONCT COT/EE la known Prat to 0.11.01111. Any mama hera It ala i= M ot P Pratt i g h are ‘" rc ' sp di' ec h tlll l ; =taro. ' oaks s total of It IBAUCIAOTOBED BY J. P. BROAVINNT ilk CO., No. Or N. CALVERT BY., RAM.In. FRENCH COFFEE. To Retail I/rimers. This J natty celetnattd 00117ZZ, fast aufercadlng an other goatee, for its purity, in nutriment and hislgh giving gntlltln, nit be obtained at the:4d. lowing neresd Wholerale Rouses in Pittebnrgh. lIIASUFACTURERS' PRICES itrimium I 111110CELE3. Nor Maur 911 Liberty Watt; KIRI PATRICE I BROS., 191 Liberty regret; WATT to WILSON. US L1b.,l areas; - Squat alma &x..also, ins Lireitystreot; 11. 1,10819110 X. I Ott., ZS Liberty strew. • . PLISTZEII:O,I9 Merry 10.1; 1 WU OARS 100.. VT Liberty abut : .a.. 711010. 41.9 Fr= drat ; • p.,1091111 .1090M1.19 Pam drew& . • l irticti • rib. Ilgteell Grcart Till AM Out the F °MEE .111 itio pest sailinictlon to qtr ens. =ow: It Pt' put apht liteeeb ;Poo irttb Or bad Mai lisbelsown inn nboir (nrls and Zrgratiop to sitrikbox. THE F ELIIINOU CO.Wir.ILE TI A • " dirtilod to mile BP Ow to In the ittitory of b7:lBTnii. .Itratit Magog& CO., „ . . Caithkiti; =IOU Ot (in D.;.t' imp irtak • 011 Pumps, grater Pomp palcy EIO r• wlillll op ca ant imitlq. ecantoakoz.l6llo3,llV.l , , With lead, witioal ibe aselot 4:ll6r.runs t Kruk. • I#l..C.lll;ittnri*EßT*. CHILDREN'S . - siaoEs,l IMIiMMI st.P.WYwigicTto 65 kilt Street. MEMO STOMAND 130NDS. . .1 .-. sir..irriol' . “ - ' 1 _. ... -.. . :won !ammo:kn... (...1). .. . . T;,,, .. 1 ~ A , o l l . 3 . g a n i b i .1. Im m tnt o ,.. c o ; : roil BA Tzbure, igutint.e.oo. . 7 '.', ' ratsbur i ti a Qom R. B. Cet, . _ , ~ . Pllts.bas . Lagoagil a Go= g. B.Zmaiti . '' '. F. .:. • . a. ti.. si7 Anti Motor luta raii.'igi t pit ..:—..‘sic:ii;iid. ;.ii, . , ~, I TT . aiiir#purFxouPolfa , ... 4 .. WO§ 004 XlO * 1341,1411. -4 --- . /101411esibeit Mob' , r 444 :.0 04 0 .1.1-..10 entriiiiiigai. . . Wood tiiiiitainit‘ ' . .3e163v: &Eirurna ammo-ma TESTENION I A LZ‘ GROVE( i BIKER'S SEWING_PACHINES , taka preasora to rocranmeadtog II a. averr way ratable' gov. Dr. LICANITT, Edit.. 'Maw York Iraq:lndent. ' , I hare twed Grover G Baker for two pars Gar tiente bare been worn out without the giving of • ttitch.." • Itee. GEB. BILPPIS, N. Y. nWp ad using aSVILt 9 Ildbar'a &ming Idadbibq nudrtdth pleswore beetill to its b satire! and ehotio seetut, and tt• elaplself OZOB.GE P. 110111115, Editor Home icnrudi. "After trying wren) gad mandate, I profur the Grimm 6 Baker, and Rai ormpatent to teams:tend it for *vary ntrloy of familySalrillit." X. P. SPOONER, YdttorDrootlyn Stu. ..Ws.lraow of none more d.a r ring at puMle =- Admm and patronage th.n the 43:oryr a Raker." Eitottorrph Post "For testily pun:wool the Grover & %kat/.lse( sebbto is Infinitely esrpesiorto say otherlie sum", • Pliteds/Ms hex. .abe Grater a Baer Itierhiree mai with to Piers nab, them the parr of a gratified kitten. There b to compliesita bedlam la It to got acri cif order."' PLaralelphia 7£2.16 .2%. Brom k Baker Madill:vs ars rasitoomposier to all others in am It Is conceded by ill oho have strptled a practice tee, tbat tbs famous Orator a Baker Staab to infinitely thi root durable' Pholeslphis baring laird all m. principal Sesiog are utast monad to Graver a Bake, ilia pte tmi, enoa." Dar. Dr. IPPLICELiaIiID, Editor H. Y. Christian Adrocata and Joarnal. ..w. hare tested the droner & Baker Sensing Ma chines In one house, and greasily niconointmd thus to one nbsettliere "There le to bren:L or system of Bening known to the busteete, either prettied or ornamental, to which tte Greyer A Baker Itteehtne ant Ile Improte. meets =not be applied. It Ow me the *latest pinny* to Mt my wain's., to the suszlnlled ex. cellentke o f the Ototar tt Daher Ittechine. It I. In :ay optelon by ter the meat ealoable et say. Km: HaStltY WA BD DraellElll. 'Grum a Bakaeo 111.1thhas =skean line clue. • =em, that doe. cot rip or wear with Icarian; me most ordeelenly, Is plata, simple, nay to trait. and stet liable to get out Or:pair; (mama the ends cilia eant thread, .d roes the threat and Wks directly from ties spool oc eviocti they ere tonight" Frank Lair's la: sacra E./paper. Office, No. 18 11.1-VR STREET WIIEELEII. AMILY SEWING MACHINE Crystal Cloth Presses, Braider, Corder, Gauge ,tor Quilting and Tucking, Improved Loop Cheek and Hammer, At predsely EMIG ANY WIDTH OP HEM DEMO The Itdostrial Erynitton, Tit Ths latemsthxsal 3Cthibl lnn. tastes-1881 Theo IndustziaLltspeatiles. —"1M& . _ . And at all the rafted s:►'re,stoto tad Comity Pin where extdaltad. • 0ree150,030 album Inimitable andlnooeiperslie Machines are tee:netted In the Hume otAnsetce and the 01,111sul World. 10,475 neake eat 1010 With.lo the last three sitimtbe, be t nearly 'geed to the ale of all the other Pawls% 11nollnei, COMBINED, • "het which Ocean De considered by there;destrlng to probes" The Best Family Sewing Machine. . • Itiri,rsitii 018.1,11)sta dons ca thus Iraddass mithott Proltalabsitlea. atatltur the thleeh. which b only stitchsalestds for es mittlati of Trak does Us the fo U 7. .• Even"! Whine Warranted Three' Tear!, 09==1 And tall tmlattetland Wad In opinstlatnrltladdd WlTOaltat tlisAgeitcy and fin thimin viva:wt.*. Na. 217 FIFTH isirairr COT W4l. IIGIMIE IN THE wzatow,:ria. av1:5.7.J , L-AtW. , Qavet_ TT - .liiM IL VI lii' CIAESICAL.AND , :LI . COMIKEIII3/ILL ecaooL, No., t 9, Et; Clatr mat. Tama 511 par iMbolar, , Far -VoMer .of 11 raska Ma4Maerk.' Ito= of moniax4rotis. =Ant Tr.911110117AL9i..' ~.; i: • • - Etoccromi4 • it. plasm* to saying *at Pfo4 Miasma M entionttli quallllad to mromply , orid 14 huh tbs art oti ma tarulßpatiktog with moo. db. MMus% olairasr k And Imprautra term. IVIST.3III, , Pr4asar of ilArmitni. Ilm l3o iitar Ks . cr . I W M ar P m ai Imlmeamauttdmhmrt—aA n s lao b Pr o d tcioeors.i - - e T I 114Vil,VICa . anownriotrin a ackitilific ex well us **robes. 17 practical tooartedio of U. bob t - mum at' Scot& Um/Mg. sod. aCCiretila mu Athens. obtain that knowladire ill 11 impart°, raimumr tkAa,. ll,4 ar- tb! , . Malik:mot PAL .Wllltam i .".;..„ - .4 .T i ciolitr. -`-----iii. MorinIONTGOIIKpit,‘ Il i t itagik el OD). W. D121321Da - ~,,..„: 'MSc/BO ot ii:'''' .,- ' : ' '- - ii - it - priViiirOiliilai;iio ittpottot -4181):biXi and to httotoottkio put that's an . 4 Zl=,..wir,B, ',..;,....,-. - . Isi"""Pafi btg "f ma, irfl/ 0 1 4 • -1,--, .... • - -..; -•.-- ~,---..',..1. -.....f. -- .. . .. . „ . . Celebrated Premium A. F. CHATOMRY, general Mont. IMPROVED TROUTAT PAMITIIII9 AWABZDT:4 AT W3L'6MIM3II ea., !pat for tight ditto Werterg htsto remmoonpnotrics:' B kEGAINS IN acques Circalars 1 Ba?..quilles I Shawls! Wehate made great reductlera to the Dim of theu, ~ , peCho.li la tirth goads, to dose them out et on.. J. W. BABXER at CO , wANTED. • TWENTY GOOD GIEYENYEWN. The =dumped ere decirom of =playlet the Dore a ember of Carpeatem, to. weak et, Leming Midge °Tripe Itenongahela Ehmr; at Dlttebargh. ker . turtherinforcattaa apply et OEte h the likttli Ward., cm bank et Miter-my Blitz, hetet.= Morton m2d Cllimer excett. Ur 11 Jelklw: . • Urge witty at e ll Pekin l I , WANTED. No. 69 trAtiKET 811117.11. CLOAKS! CLOAKS! Si smen DRESS °pow, From the lowest I,rtak, GELENADINIS 814118, 0134A11D1Y3 VOIILABUB, THIN DBMS GOHHI, of at lands, at low priest, AT ALEX. BATES', No. 21 Vifth Street, WGHLY .:UJMI NEW GOODS ! NIACRUM & CLYDE'S, 78 MARKET STREET, Bacottol orery day by Ittilmod and Xxiorcoa. Lodn staadd not delay to imply thosnoolvel TBL ns• sad pretty Parasol or Sun Umbrella, a hip MPD I 7 lan aratclir Paris Fancy Fans. Pliza 1114oU sad Ivory uck.Garcklaa. Ztairoutt Jat anti Steel Pins Fins Steel Ileli.lincklas. Etalz Net of all &arable styles. In Ladles. Straw Etat% a .nar supply o' Waterfall, Mauna, ttay-Day and Daisy pattaw. Straw Bonnets. of the most amend mime and ellea kW. nua Mpg 1404 WEI, Mate tees Cotiara, Gs'lpttie Lace. eta. Vle• s I.oo:ttnosto offer the matt • •• •• Lama to Napa at WHOLESALE AND DETAIL. M===N I ~ l *Wstpavvit GooDs. JOSEPH HORNE do 00. Mr for vele vc-; complete xtotitof Ladies' and Masai' Hata attilßonaets, MOWERS, BIEMONE, -Ard ill othsr toop000hl• PZCLI,LINERY GOODS LINEN 'IIIHDRIMI ADD WHITS GOODS b rna7 Wbtlr•nQtttni pion. Mack and White Balmoral Skirts D 1 LIZ 138.12tT8, miss= and IMO HITS, COTTON BTOCEIIIGH, and beet meat ct, Putt& Cotton socks, at magi leis Ursa NEW PBlOll3. Et= oraommis, In Cottai,l3cotch and 11.14, Tab fattlins of StiNCYLOR IngritCßWEJkli. For Mad. Woman and Cddldren I sad • great misty of MOT saran= and 1i0n10219. Dadeas CO rtodc Less than Eastern Price rosEm HORNS & cm, IT AND N MAILKILT DM= TIE SANITARY FAIR. Strmetra dittlnt . tke dty ‘l3lll3adat tiTON, MACRON & CO.'S; Ea, 17, 4 . 19.1W1TEE .13THX11). A iarim tuidoiioloo assortment at Silk Parasols, Sun Umbrellas, Party Pans, ' Fins Lace Vella, Rah toad% ;Pomo . y tatiaibbons, Dress and ;] enxtlts Trimmings, , Rich Ihnt&olltaries & 'Alma Geeds, Gent's Shirts, Collars and Ties, Hosiery, Gloves and 21;itts, ormaese in the TrLicespg sad Natio:al Itroo l at lolgbalradi swim. Illacaspa sad Dad= *dill to tted to ain eirdkozwine,estoeVci Bow_wksaristinuw sr J. BURCHFIELD'S. -..putas 11,M!it'OM±Mnilrnti. CILOAXIMEigLIMUL• • 71' irr.n.4l3;TWEitAs /AND LESIIIIITASIT arum 4 , Btotil =hoc • MAY iltaVE DPA k. : E r2 = / w . Ci""' • • • G- - 001L*0. guartammt • Tr. o or %coon and Piiket ,Jal3. DR ESS,Tin cis, Lea 6462tij, issactlitHLlEgt, iIOrORIL Atm ralas saw_A__ BBlLLTAlrrsounumir; winT6BaII&gCOLIABI3,Z . Wkr.4411.091134. gmaptCaartill. - militt min suit 4 :( 110 % 0 T 7, ' :-1!%11 11 •%: 1 ;*. E , t S 0 5 4114Dlfoniffil - i ,~ .r ~~~ - ;~, .~..~ rr4.1r271 WANTED—To purchase, an interest v In • blernastas ar Munbinnetng Ihninen, by mutts, and Inr•S•notd awn . A &trot S. S., Surrts Otnca. jartslusoi WANTRD.—A yeneg xtutn with expo T Hones as wholesome, sot halo to the drone Idols.a m situation so Clerk or gasman in a stow out bt.tameto.zaitabthwaltlOgenety =DLL Adores' D. 4,114E= Me PDllllbUrlal P.O. • Ze WA NT ED—A SUBSTITUT.b.-811 Dorian af,03,) will to t •ou to so. ceptablo or:Outlive tor a &alma 71:4131. 7ha =bal• tuts nay= W Azampt (roar Ilut moat draft& lacolre at the )el&tf o atm ern= WANTED.-100 tone Of old books, yrr 'kith backs mixoretl„ old runimpar.2l. 2 12 7 11,1ag that bas once tool irrltlng,Jor WtnHvt WY: l # for . blch it:. highest grim .111 to pald sr am Ma and Dag liVertlarum. lao. 23 8m111111.12 and. a. P. aasnsia a Oa' WANTED. . • At few men vlth a amalllcarltal, to take a part Interest In a Meal or tearethap that papa 400 per mat. profit. Annum Itglk and pleasant. ~ Sor particulars call on or aa4rao J. O. TILTON, Pittabarg_tt. 17. 4a Mod TIM &131111tFLVIL 60,000 PIIISEI WHITS .06.. F. s'A►i29, for 011.11antli. A ply to . Plaine. BAL' ELLSTITO. jellamrod VOA of Pitt exist. Pltiaborgh. WA NTED— PO e _ MONTH.— V mud Uontt TIN E smooth, et= B ,* to sell my ZVIBLAS rrsu,s, 01:18Hrth68. and thirteen' other new. theft! sad ea• then articles. thiteenclecalere ant race. Andreas, JOHN r. war, Sidatebrd, Zane— WANTED—.,BOARD—By. two .gentlo emen and theirsiren, s pint" family. or hastily" horse with but I'm bwadenh - withht Ln minutes' walk of the oAl:err' darn . -- Andrea •‘J.I?„ . GLUT= dad. WANTED. VIM GOOD 111781.1135, To scrla for ICA den, ID Saver Arial:xi Bo:Wm taxa I Chid Good wiernald. Apply sr SULAM' DATT.. ari3l3l WAR TED, — h Wm care of • g o p d nal elm city. Inquire at =IS 44.111C12. :Watt Ut UM& if C. L W ATE PUBLICATIO 'AT HENRY Eel( &critics. Hy On author otifirpfti 2192,15td. 60 Blida Eve. Dy Thy. Z. D. S. N. Boutberasth. 1 60 Hotspur: A Tele of the Old Dttee. noun By U. T. Welwooth.' . 1 d o Hvanted Beard. By ill., author of the Lamp llghtes. " SIM Btocb6. By Ik 6fartel. Cloth..:._ 116 Mad= Beautiful Dean; or : Searteko - d OWI Lifo. dtot -- 40 CCoaxin In Black. By author of Han lei Grey. O daaparden teMositen 1L la 1 01166: Cloth-- 160 . 1 /1 Family Drip, * Mai anther of 11014,1 C 16.. 00 irpsa Cepa OA to D 466. By I. 2G biretta. ^ 17i Elmablkuplode. By 04111a66111666. 016613. 160 Mem Weeds. By Eleak D.2hdedt.,l36th. I 43 bp=id's Untol6l Anatatratient. - - By H. • .1. Baylavad. Close XIIL 1 60 , Dartnerstmd ' , billed. By 51n..24a I 66! • Loam' Gede to Bloom .nit Pefia 242. • ' stem Ily Ufa Lotlto. - 160 Oho to Acctillt)Votk aid ratitilldtort. • I 60 P 11111.30147 of Itotbart Stotocoi. t Vint!. I. plea. 3 60 Pacstrattacts of Maleereal Dy ll.er. Dart Bp.ncu Obr - B.: rd or. the WM. lteadatd of Eta ca . Wildny„ CUtn 110 Patrktiam and other Nana. BI T. Eton. Sing. • 1 W . Canned soft Comfort. By the Dom* Thamen. clan Cadjo'e Cale a Tale of Dad Tanneatlft.' CU.. 170 Dangetteld'a Brat; or. Before the Storm. 6 . 1 60 Woodloan: &Sorel. 1171bo antherof Posen. Ey Rota. Cloth —... 160 • Tan Atlree Znoeyb. Praithtel *eat for Taman. ' 160 The Gray, and Crop) C hottqt.' d.n.IDeD B. • Duller. , Cloth. 1 : XIVL. - Waited 131cimpla. Drßasatl Radios, se. dm a -Oaf Helps. sad ...021.11:2:110ipiP27." 23 Copia of ,tho otOro 1041 .- oriallol frOO - of poilago . -: on reeelptof plea. . . : _• . . . . fort 7l and TO fifth tt. omit door to?. O. 111 . 0IITE TO THE OIL REGION& ALLEGHENY RIVER iipmE. SOAK P.'ELI NT WOllitt • rervetidly &spoon. thst -lIIS, tesly rest', sad sill shortly riblish;sa slubsatio glilde et the Alteghettr.lliver, lyrom itir south to iho brad of osiliStiost 134 tvuttotbl - - - ktreat.Perapaylvallia OiL-Regipu t • . .• - WITII annsains 1 • Ctsissolog Agonts wasted. - JOHN P..suwriptiiits 4E5 as Di Elilllll7. Naollio EIALI4 VALUABLE. TREATISES ON ram' HORSE. Alsybeee Mitred:4 Born NeiaSe=t........s3 SD • - Erna & Deeter.,.... * -. SSD Tosudt eis the MOO; Med by. ISO Toostt on tb• bor e. idtp4 1 1 Dauber as ItarritosaatlV ... 1 IS }Woe, Feria tad Sri/ Boot BIICILEIMP Arair:esi Fetter 'WM& DI • , Jolt r. AY.4 CO. ' 6Sigiod street. Rzsol; m!iL co., WOOL commission , morOlants. •r,. 31111113EIITY Brit Era; Comer ot :Wayne, /gpWootbocahl sad wi4tn - • , Ltmnr WART/JAM= Gm= Onl irioitmar b b. Jain, e • A lITILLWY A.UBSE EITBLHAE .poi„ so pi Or Br/att . ; ' 4165_00 will to &ruby Po-onilitstvic.l_.2 • Pambui.a. good tanittrat sour.% - sAribl• A. 4- P.444 4 z , Rf0r 114 kza fromhoists strxt bisell.fmorsk lidtk sad tea . from al 'Aga from i gears kla tIIL ngeiss to gears oil; eom /5 3 / tot, banin.hlgb, ant to eaten not less tbanlOaponsds.,' s - Welts berms and stars viii lAantipasti. . 4 btg*Ell be =mined, by. ccenpetrat judge, sng "all berm ;mental caret contemn tot e Abe,* sp,s. - Lt. Ott sen.Attratl DELINQUENT Inarandascs with let, ormwrilai of ARIZ Stb OM, all taus =mad ca Beal ;state trtv• tats puma youyableb bare- bus, utotasa o dilateace as =relic idll be ' fled ele'n•nal lloa .d b. lb. Prthozotazj'a Ofll* to Jag'. a 115,2111, and a writ of lola fetbevelll be tatted tub cue to , the Ocausty - _ • .11 V.& 111 " - LIXB4 7 17i , lantronle.' felL•stralter ' ' '••••••' . - .1.450,000 (IF '! Itn a e a a fa .:lllleAtem p O. t ,laatltoPtot 730.1:imoat .pi nr: _ham rithutittaimacheass._ I,oo3lustrzarClotn.pezatairenw ls . • . - - - • - PartgrAlN - ': Zito. Wool • .;:,:. , .]: . ....i - :',4; , ; . ;:T,-.:_:;„.. PMZELIITIACIB. F.
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