,tt, -•'• ll*ll MNiffNiiii ti - ED , IN 1786. ...„..--,--,44i-iiii4iitcli.BY' ~. :: ''''',;....,, -c , ' - -,--,----- ''' Min 1 .C 4 '-' l'; ''' iIEILEREG - LSSO . ~, , ,L ., . , n -- -- - '—'.-iiiii7i- 0474F1711- ::.,..=...,..7-rgif gtO 9*--- --- • -, . • ....4:.24 [4O. '' . ' ''' brill:* bi 1,4,1.1 P,Frtner...4. ra. - Ingi..— .. 8. 6 . , F ''..l . ..L • ;'•' ,": ' - •- :;- •;•..':'.- - '''' .-., " - '.. . .. r.,', illaglir onk.'!" 4 6a.- , !•: ,.. .I`.- I . o i. . : ~...232.3, piiyeal!...,l. 4.4, ~-.:-. :`,"``-•' -- tiri,o2 KILM OO , , , , , . ~, agatl?....• 10. _ .. ...,_ ...-. . '''.•. ' , !MN-4- 2. a - ssi '_....-1 .....-.MI 9 CO. ..1,:. ~,,............, -4- r.i.m.. ANA w , .. 4. ~.. 160. ~.,,I•' '. 1 F r q 3.1 .., a , ebbed 61* !..L, 1 23; 7/ •• '....•.. •,,. r 'dills of I.oamore . ..... mrt, mallati ew , • - -....*.extla 05 . 146 - -,.. ,_Eviii.-221 Quern! .. --- ~.4an.paa-tt... • , wia .6/1 tea '-'-' -- Itlbef flit 1 Eireal. -1,5 . th. . . ii ,a4b.:4! .... . • f... 4 ma .-.; . ';...;4110.11'"„.-` '44nir.,/3the• "P ibtl ;0en ,..•;.---,:,);,:,;16c0ix0u1'7;rb,.....k ii .if •d•••", 1 $ . .';a-'•'3 ' f i- . 1 t,* 1 4/_ ..P"-* tLm ii.etti.l4_ l 7" 6 ' ' .-• , 4 - " , •;' ,,, 21' • . Frpo •• - in: c : :,',1.-... Ap . _ . , LIGIOUS INTELLIGE,Ct. Wd wen tieateoteily prevent Li, acme li4eridnet,"tiote_ evil's Ate oloslni ino• .Iceetlioge.tot Unita , Pttebiterfon Oro .',, - tirSiVii.zobly; - thrreforo resume ear pt the .t ernooa eeielott of the last .taititptootodipor , .. I mmediately lifter the tioroisti, - the Gimmitiee ' or eport of immune raiSed by thO__l'sfobytirits itOCUTpon 'am °potations of thetvarious fr '•::::.tf . lls#lfloftke4Sisoit ,l 7;:clarinte,t,he,bustatig year to - sooomplialk Lhis object,-thetiter age lief Member is as I:or'oreign SftY aotics littiiloni,43 , 4 - aterthi:Misslons, - 3boi Palirotaht Ithtelone, '7l:4l,;:Ediusatiois,4si,l'atilliatton, 4 ;e;Chiffeh Aetembly'tt.reto, Te. Com , mattes' oa - Bills awl Orertiireisroporteti rt• solutioakohowing the 411i0ritlIMO of smead. to United;Stotts Constitraloh tee° pifi(ng thppFepsaaj of QodAnd His Bon " • • Jirsis , Dhrlet.".. - .Coltatilttee on Dahliostion in their referenie it° this parcbioe 9f brailng fur a Doak Depository on Thiel street; Pittabrirgh ; for $3,000, in fi tinrut„, Report edopted;andalso sanoiioning , i6. purchaee, cf Um-properly; and authorising the Board to bj soliciting donatiOns and - -otherwits , to sorepletelhe pen:fent of the ditic failfoipiyment - 'iaid plirchare. A 10(18i'Zruf 4yotuteii id'isq4ire into proprieli:_dfeetsoiishing e D6l4stes' Ylitid;atid':ispdrt to nest'Aseem i bly. The Att. - vorribl:v 1.111 - Rot.' sleet- Any 'foreigntniti! shintrivrt,!:4ittutherizeAile Bosrd stied,. = i.ilite - iiitidster - u4siet ' stid ' uld any . bibuth?rtrerkiilop!iriforoemeat.T.taliutalis - ifuit reootardends&favorablito the , ohureh , Committee oft Overtures made report, pirt, as fops! yr: ow= es to 4 prepare - 4- t"-;str - address to , Preildent Lincoln;' and his -the,:Emancipation -- t — ProolarattOri. Thd resat:o,lOct' on Prods ; iisTionVerols—Resolred, - "That withoatkz prcdsieg ear. gagiitent - Ori the Ikkilltary, „ importance , arid steciasity; the states maallke,oltirec:er of the 'Prooltuustion, sit".ta'atudieisde tli'voioe of God, 4:44.45:64:.!iik be Aid l his,roaciene : people,', - - -"Let the opprissod.. go ftei and tiesk testy iiport °a Moneta far thiroom. 'fartsb:leatoommOdatloiz of United Presbyte . _ ;tartan--ministers, -, win commended- in - Wen ha — the fillaiitere,. Eidere, demean;: rid f di tiara 0110131 OM 0 8 CS. was over , • tound.2 - :COafiitteareociainierided ttiiit while there tslerttineetbedtaate in the are of eirrtainittnittq yet they . were tinprepwred to lay 'thitthrii Wee in in itae anworiptn. wrong : -:-'lnie following t : paeans were appointed as s Committee, rivo..-new ..:1;a010tCC;000_itit0 Biweridge, ' D. *D4 , 1 0 1 !%rrati, .0.14 ., W. 11.4e:tern, and • Rev. Wm. lj iltlson -It Wei reported that to 3 . _ carry the operations cit inn different weardil. ii Tr' 'Wait presented. , Chanting wan caninierided -' ,- _,-,:wetnot.inwariettiont with thezprinniplen of "Thiidor iniftisa on l'eibrindi • 'reported 14 length, in which the aubjeoe thoroughly Abeam/04,104 Anally,-no, ,-*tlpn tree ' taken : hr favor' 'priblithiag revised edition'of the realm, and the ap• co.rai*Y4l' to prepoto nor After the' transaction of enteral ElME=f=l ._,-- - „ r 'erg - Aisie is ztlY is W I ~ •- - -.. - 7 - --T. if.."lheit...t -ea s . .zy •ington, '*olve - is.. First Chttse-, , . . ... meet J 3l - ti, asi sots e - Yi 186 u" 1 s-;:1 riititi;PAila !set • twit of the Isle ` . f. - 7 r --' Atit_ngthain3"T Which held --- emend, Conferences, •jifflinealek _, , j o ,i i n ThtleVelphlk ' --' dreenist etas ~31.8. mi • . Ste .911 t - ' • II (lee - T Ole 'titid'tl°23 .-:. • lir -'• o f lho:nroLet i don ... ,-...,fiehling c o y...'• -,, s t ron g de len ":::.., -- - , borshik. so. a • ' Mem i .., o f sbe IMMO tend ..0 6 i to t o t t f a l o. Iciegl fi t ly of olaTeholding, J. . . were adopted 10, ex .;..7-__S h t o the -• . 'Aim 7 ,„k ene e - of the Lail" •` TO Alli ""'"" - ° Tide IfOr tbq ~.41 , ~. , i n d , altar Pr - ' . a'lrecti-1-- -"-- '1 onfefences to v - ' rz tiro ann eal e I:inrifistion of t of, __ lored onistero. Io col T oxed-511 ,,,,,,,, 1 atLt a tn- 9 7 9 0,4taiiiiPii th e ter. amlittele---= thf,,A1415. feet Ita 4 ' " , i f the 'Etiat'det's laellegetion .....-. ... ~.., : iitaii , , Q u i s ti n of ItY 11 in ' - . notioabil ..- d t o the Chtgh s g a 31 liiitan.rPfeF r f- -, ~' hi llooo r ' the - ' ; 11111 T - • Pilules that w henever %Tile CaLL--...-: : : := irtilk ,ll e' lul 11014ritiskuID • , •. -:-Ighuitik eia-",!.--, 4,ls:lslit*Sgeell3l' .01 i•••,,-':*. "th,ll3oif;,tt.!";;:i*gteildWoo et' tt-; 1.,,--Ttyliegiii,Lio—,.':' r t ` o , , r re ..s" - tr 4 tiumbil.r. ,z, ..,,...-• • f r ,,,,, two o • d ' ' 1 oips 7 -,,;, feltd;t4 - rs_werc'l'!a, "r ' f thy , ottAraStg ~ - tiooi 7,0 - - 7 i'lll4l3g bi ;Nit/Jo C 414411t1hItv°3mit detttionag --=•T h ...of of Um foreign ittibtion . . iijoihie 7...• i fte d iner i on p Biz! ..! . nuardistlat iat .- - -..' -iiiiiittty eell".‘v '-7',zeP ee V' '''-'' ex .:'' iii:(Mall asts hove r eliedpra!_ioriiiambeigesueoiciao: ._ ._. . altptaika The aunt„llTTogre,t recepta ~ ..... .7 ,of 430,U613.- ..h itiree' thlia* The H Q .. - -..- -,:lq . , toae , , .6were $13%516,25' oeipte :.,s::', - .t.i '4 0 4 the bnpropated—te geed/ To tornfle • '- ." : 's 6l istilellari-- „„„. Is wee.resel , ~- ' - 50f47%. --`-'''' stolte ann.' an 3 rad s- , P., 01uole ' iy-lie.l3lo# 103 etaciin ueritlit, ..;f l idsi i 4 o f , $3l, ''..:., -"., .., -• tic -11F;f3NY iCi°ls.. imiii:lhopitrelp -f-F dliiitilh itlalli ' gCrtloli 41711- ;;;.- , - ,F.,;•,•,, rbii fibissolyrOportpkt o e t % - I , :tc, God; • • - •- -I `' - .;•f : , ilea i.ini . 4o, - orAlinive,:fl, 11, ,, a r , ‘oo3 lis-1t`13,, •,,40-frid`upeis fi l li 9 l , ) Ittl i a cr' was _Tho-remei ..,.! 4:rlf.all'-- -i t ' Lea ' t At ty 'it • - g o , -Wiablne-4 In 7 ttIiSLISL mig . :49is spilled !Byfllfa77 ::!broad. - , 'ihstTatire & H i fstabiadiai Chun:llk for 'the tf,!'- igai is det publlgo •- of the 514:1."133.714111*°‘ C1a4 . 13 PTO' elictid,Blitqfh livr, P'- Y,`,;ince,-Wh 'd 0 en', --, MU, ii'''' C q 'lr,B ' .! coiaiadQ..7. 0,.. sidir#.7°:aeit4 Qi-17:: stack °T.,..,er;,t 13** ,4111.1111 ,ne,,kian Pul.orotillakm awhisill ' '::.1u4.43t NUT lePtniiiii'dehrFt-inr2ipt 1?t ...„.....,,,...„;.:-. 10//, :,,,,,, C ‘lll° ~ , riiis?l`P' air* , Auft,lB44- t.:.•?-10,111,n,,..0,,,,ft. -. -- • . 6• • t,....-- -s,?&F,-:eiseut.i.o -1,..0,30 ot, . igoil ii ,t,o,, ~ „„i .; at 11110-2..1i4:11.-.1.0..4 IF tr! 1",!!!,--,-.1, Time not.esen, but we believe he leaves for this far if 24a. Angus% via Eng- A. National. Convention of Toting hien'e Christian Asatelations has just been hold la Beaton.,_ Convention was welcomed by the beaten liimelation. Joseph A Pond Of Philadelphia presided. The next day, ThiirsdaY, wee occupied in the fore • !an. chiefly with receiving reportelOf local Organisations. In the afternoon : essays were read, and in the evening a meeting was held in the Old Booth Chunk at which various addresses were delivered. Friday . moping Irtat devetekbo the eonsidexatioh of the work of the Christian Com Mission. —.—Eoloneo 7 the deposed Engll Meb. op, skill asserle that the Bishop of Cape• town, aridthe_olhtr Bishops of Routh Africa lain' no alibi' to depose . 1111 from : office. Ile hasinzned an ad ress to the clergy d the diocese. lt is saidthe fend collacted in England for enabling Celenso to plead hie canoe before tle English courts-amens& to orer.C2,ooo. —.—Confirms has at last done justics to ohaplaice, by not rcqultivg them to r orr.- !eh certificates from - ether officers, that they hare been on duty in order to draw their pay, but they halm been placed na tho same footing with other officers in that spot. . s . —Vie German Methodists of the Wist,.. aroabont to build on orphan asyliorn and institution of lesiniog near Warrenton, sixty miloa,from St. Louis, To make the Institution supporting, a good farm of 1,94.5 sores hae•b,tan bought for §lOOO. . . —Bev. Dr. Gutbrio the Metbagntiled Boatel minister oompelted to resign tha pastorate of Me , church bp aloisetinenceOrlll44alth- -- It le fe,ared:Mt . willnever be able to occupy the phlpit or platforin again. Stephan F- Miner, of Wellsville, !Phi°, ztia Le a Josiah Mansell, and 11. Chapman, of Ibidatone circuit, Westmore land Co., all Methodist minlatere in charge of congregations, havo been taken in the recent draft., _ Alinois Pet tibylery; School; has a role requiring ministers that ere absent and churches not represented, to re pottbi rettei "this reason for non-attend. 'noes, which reasons are to be Flaccid ou the . —The dist sermon over preached by a United Presbyterian minister, says the llortniii rani' iresehed - by the'lter.'Ssinne l Collins °paladin; Ind. to a large 'F3rIgT6 tioa in Dr. Gurley's church. —Re► 3. . S'aring hue just bean in -stalled , plator , cif =the First - Presbyterlun Church, :Kittanning, Pa • The Teniniinia 'Fortifications: Hundreds of miler otaarthworks here bean built by, dita Army of the Potnumomithin the laat;thirty dale.- From the 'Rapids* to the Chickahoutiny these arra.farrows har6;muti- . isiedind terethe bosom of '0411144 Twon . . ti - yeari the touriet will delra rho'. santLfor an old camocm, a tattered ball, a piece of shell or a - rusty" bayonet: These works are an atrong—they, are permanent, and for ientinies will be - like great mama up on the land'a surface. The..men who . huilt them, =aspirated the' ramparts with their tdoedi end - piled the trenches with the rebel dead, wilf most ofahem have pasifed mourn fully: way- to jela the solemn precession of generations.- ifowthere can always be found a spot where the battle ragodliotteatl end the leaden daath'ilsw thickest. Twenty*Moundi of oartbi each onestazkodfiy a tasty, unpre tending head-bosid,, osn'always bei men. In a abort time the elements will level the rude, ly-shaped mound, and all that will bona, the quiet mating -place of the deadl warder will be ths antanalrankness of tbe VMS OVel, that spot beneath 'Nrhich reposes-his !toll and war-worn irsule.—Anny . lineespondems of the CATTINiVe: v Rebel Barbarity., . f The Beaton Jared says : "At the battle orjiattyeburg; as %rein informed by rue who ilMersed Abe litoldent, a wounded rebel sol dier fell:pear our lines. Ps moans and erica for water were piteous - and exalted thatonii passion of soma of the memberi of - a Media/ churettereglment They attempted to ro- Have him, hat found that tho task would be perileul is censeasuMee of the vigilance of semis/111=1as sharpshooters - sae ggd arca: ted a lodgment withisi a ledge at ito'greet distance. At , length one of our.men, tumble to restrain bbi eyinpathy, threw dowitlois glut; holdup wf cannureand culled out to the Ar kansas menp , llow don't 'shoot; I'm going to give Meg - goer_ fellow some water.' had nearly reached the wounded firm vbon wasWhyas:lr fiotadirelmilißleiiied com pelled-to relinquish hid'IniSSIOSI Of kindness. The rebel Haws= know that it 'wee one ut their owri - comradis who'wait suflarlng;tstnO emotion of ;ryropathy ~c ould 'restrain their fiendish millgettyel • - ttliePrragentthinilin and thef,Baltir , . more Convention,. , : At a — rtepnblican — retiticition : seeitbrit in. Bangor t jgr,4ce: pektrday evening Vim- Presidentll4llip,„ made an eddies' pf some lonstiOrbieeibe i tim k occasion Welly to commend the nomination made at Bspimors, enfogiring the President as a Min of eminent abil, andet rare and unmupassettintesyir ty—ene sheltie adidebsiered the government wen, and erholelitiping the nation ehtorriii difficulties-mailman on the steered OW 1 pies of liberty.. lid pito 'peke of B - sptiii um, from .perional-knowbeige, as an incur , „ runt:ibis patriot, cue .emlnimtly fitted; and valiliedfoithipsitiee to which be been lnominated,glitilsid that the ticket Bi ; har, the boned - and earnest endorsement shp• port of 1 4 1 -IP. OPP? . : • , ,-, •:1 . Teat prpfekof ;Walden have boon 'sanding addresees and giving sannades to the •:Dolo , of ilithofillid; '-trikola" , in their ait4for dourtaq-lo Darrihaldl. „From Gibraltar on the Id of flay the NW biro wit* this - aid,' dear frfendf - Haring*riad in t Lon• don jotnitali that yon and yourfrionds bare formed thogouelonsintantionia open a oh-. scsiPitsiiitt-fainir.of th'lself snamt obildreni must tit jau - knenrahat' Wit iniposSible for me to adopt it. " It L, however, but oneda , mind the more on the gratitude whir snl one. to W yatt Antiolcatr:tobln friss* !or . o ob Indlisss. — Tierotodly - yodra. '•, '"To the. Doke of tinthaland. Gausaant." General Grint:Re EtrathersAtt.Law Rob , I .Ttied.py uerrillau Tadao Dent l 69tfierTin,lsw of, Got 4 Grant, had for some`tioairliii onttinating plantation tonmilaa baeli oof Skinirltlko Lan dins, ott • A guerilla party enured the neighborhood:on Lut Itiesday. stole alsti:anlos; and "elided iwaf alftha noiines'atoploirOton the pbtititloaN i and ay cry thing shiest - aould inmovild...l"ln .Indge hlmeell luoltod 6140114'a tailing ana came up tO Ifas 4drew, Jobnion of , Tpanetpu *bpi to the tjaitutel of tho'tratia State", wbOi the seouslontsta into deporting their potteolared to Psi _to them, ps by slgnlllosntly shook big forger it 'did. Duls;' , .. It I were tllo.2cesl.- dent I would 'must you as truttonr;tii jolt as tralton,stid.ieutim.estrwilpii . Is Is proposed t 0 builds new Ltierpool - -4reolusidredthouisad Aka* let ,4 ' tern P,4414 t!don'Wthe - c1ty,11917 ths*' the WO !light •.. Mil New yo*.roirlud of.Caunerce . biu pitied Its Inbarlptio2-prba tay sl2!s itutr, , ead heriAked !tsratasg-o,rtillsig,` kF. 410 .0 !if 0 , 000 shimbi,ead Donut atilegilizirirse gipped from Waltdairt4 Uttlnolle+4,o64odimaia. anat. t I=M:MMI • 1 . .. . - •••. . .. 1 ...... w. . . . . . • :::11,A :- 2• . ' , ' _ . . ~.. , :, ..).: a • 0 . , ..,,- •- ri • . , -.; I . , • . • • -. 7.. -,-. ..,, .. . 1 11 . . .. . .. _ . , . . I -.........i.,.......m..... ......." _ ‘. M ~ ~ . Eittrpriee of Geneiai Lee at General Grant's Movement... His Army too Mach Reduced to Aright in an Open Flgnt".Tremulotte Opinions in Rich.. monA Concerning thcA?respect•—The Evicnation onsldered a Military Necessity. The Washington correspondent of the New York World, writes on the 79th: Tho last private advice' received from Richmond represent Cern! Lee as herong been eamptetety taken try rorpre by the =velment of the Charm forces toward the James—an erts for whirl he was in no, way prepared. MS hope was that General :Grant rronld remain on the Clsiekahominy, and direct ell hi' efforts direction. Thia imddon 'chino pf base having upset all the calenlatierit of the rebel loader, he has been forW to give up• all his preparations, and to transpose his system of defense elsewhere. . . .... . This explains why our troops have been en abled to accomplish their change of bate withont.any opposition,; and to march almost in lighter the rebels withorthanyAttempt on their part to hinder their admen. Another reason more patent yet, is Pat their' forces are no much reduced by the various battles in teltieb they /tare been rogag!clp that they can hardly afford at present tofigbt an the open Aide • They roust neonatally have a-line of rifle pits and earth • slake In front of them ,afore they venture to ere. This hay been ot#Stingly illnatrated in the present advance. of ahr own troops thransh Namaland antithe Long Bridge, ani opera. 'Gan which it wax in the power of Gen. Lee to pretreat bad he been strong and wise enough to do it. Since General Grant 11111 safely eeeched the Jamas, the impression in Richmond ie the: he will build a strongly Lutrenchcd camp on the shore of the river, or perhaps &fail himself 'of that ,already prepared by General Butler, mid - march from that point in the direttion of Port Darling, which it tslitit intention, they say, to tabs by storm. . Once in possession of that li fort he will advance on Petersburg, and pro— ceed from that city, in ;the vicinity of which General Lee is likely to give him battle, straightforward to Richmond. The uneasluen of the rebels Is not, how ever, cauedso much by th e fear of having a battle, as by the appall:maiden of seeing all .the'.,,eonaranatcations - nonneithrg Ithihmond 'With lite-latitrior cut and destroyed. They kriew well that their cavalry is incapable of competing with 09114 and to protectefdoienbly the roads through which they draw their men, their supplies, - and their ammunition; and tlintlheir capital may, tit any moment, be in, sainted and deprived or the manna by which it has been hitherto endbled to resist.. This is onset the moil perplexing prospect of the rebels, one which they. en now 'discos. sing with thattraittestnesi and glow of;feellng istairds:;theY - bring . in- I, their discussions.discussions. 'Slimy ire °felts ophil r n that if Gen. Gnat suneedi-in -complete! severing Richmond from all its lines of oommunication, the emelt- . ... .. take a that tityDreolitat a military '<rarity which to is isspossa - is /Fr an the f' ,we o i /t( the Coafecforory satited to present. /a ottafturvis, Richisond„ ar deprived of j , rooirios . r.*:{l4"*.iiii tioni of 'm, Rideau! tritated 'mWsto cannot stood ihirtg do.o and mom be ii*aiatid. This is the gloomy conclusion to which the rebels hare arrived sines the transfer ,of our troops from the Chlokshotainy. At the sums time Richmond, repreienteB by tibiae 'writers u being wen stocked with all kinds of grain, has ,hardly enough toisubsist two months to come, and the inhabits are now trotting for the 1141/' aunties - replenish their wz i.o handed puma:rice, . citcutustante . Which Make still mere.probable the fall of that city, and iluscoMplete swims of the. expedition. ander oommand of 9enoral,lGrant. “The Kilkenny Onts.” A conesydiident of!'"Nota cmd Qucrics.",, that- pleaeaittest of reipoettoriee - antiona• timi:lora;aaa'of 3.1 f. Orysedast'e qoalat aad oadotte thtajil giaerally:—giveatbe foltoirfai . lieatant of tbe-oilgitilof the ecesuaoa saytog; quarrelsome Cati".:-two of which felino desperadeei are assorted to have fought so long and se furiously that naught was tined of them at last but tarodalle., Thy writer 111170 During the rebelliOn which occurred 'in Ireland in 1798 (or may be in 1803)) Kilken ny was garrisoned bye a regiment of Persian soldiers, whose custom it wail to tie together In brier of their barraik rooms two eats by their respective tails, and then to throw them face to farm aeon a line generally teed - for drying .clothes. The: cats naturally became iefuriated, and scratched each other in the abdomen until death ensued to one or !bah of them; and , terminated' their stiffertngi. • The ;Mors of tho oorps . te ultimately actqusint. ed with thee* barb nil note of cruelty, and they resolved to pat an end to them 'Ludy:nu. Leh the offenders. Iniorder to effect thin par. pose an *mar woe oTdozod to hopped each barrack roputdailyi.andlo report to the com. mending officer in what state he fond the room. The cruel goldieds ' determined not to lose the daily torture of the wretched cats, generally employed one of their comrade; to watch the .approsish bf the 'editor, dn order that: the eats might) be liberated load take refuge in eight before the visit elate plater to the scone of their torture. On one occasion the "look-out man" nett bided his duty, and the officer of the day via heard ascending the. ',barrack stairs while the tits were andergonig heir customary torture One, of the trooper immediately seized a I Sword fiectihri..aren•rackiand , with a single blow divided the toile of. the two oats. The course;'.Usektiod thietrgh the open windoirs of the room„ which aro entered Alnaultimfae dieted! Oeiwarff by_ the ciao?, ,who inquired what wars the . 611136 of the two bleeding cats' tails , being - suspended on the '*lathes tine, - andtrasitold that "two seta had been fighting in the room ; that it was fond imposelbby to separate them • and that they. foughtrao desperatelY that they had devoured each other op, with the exception of their two tailsr ;which _may,-Elnevo satisfied Captain Behmeekelkettele but Could have deluded anypiracre bat .e beery Prtuelan; Allatooni , If any - one wouldlunre as Idaho( thinainet Mi of this atoona Blake, let Mei lola tie ten thousand bi ll s of vrgions rises (none f them . OF/ lallb). 011 fitmitildrregalerly. .1444 a vast paral(eloaarea, a :kindred- miles long end , from 4 sWle fifteen -broad broad; `strew th, sidesindiuMmits bills infra pillion Waseite.loadd tif.frograeatslifqttrts aud Mat hive 'ill sorts of isOusible,aud impossible = gorges droving', mai; gin all 'possible di remions among the bills; then hover the en tiro tract with a *buy pleuittal groWth of sltteliatittegifb•wead.lbebobi--rin have the Allatoots Mo • .thins. , - MJuaromrs Or Mtn Com Rama Barns ~430"metimnitheiSi r hiehienerallypre tails among the ' d-. andAyingis ban LAO by an:idiom Incident. ' , An Idshman who had been fatally wounded was advised by the surgeon . to glee his effects to M person AmuPy..- Dlepulled out Ids gang, anti leaked, oonioally; 'fl II - leto 'wouleslend that haute to the cold =man." ' Yes," said thud iktats Next came out his glasses, and thou $17,136 of whisk- one doll* was -slim. All , them things he wanted cont. But when the dele gate went to take I them, he asked put to ~W alt a bit. These 'lreton suro not always right. Yam betthet be either seeing whethot I'm going to die or not." . 1 _ .._ Rev. Beery Ward Beecher dispelled of Bewi,lk. LouVs 711ble ._argumont for ilave withoutal 'Mb tomatoes!. the Other day, at eatd: 'When thofn 'WU cursed to woe mused bratrf an who hid ast. got .oiet a drunken debatiob. and had ' the headaeba—aid who, having just got cow a dobauoh, wu rot au. au:0 1 00 01 1 0 447b047." Tann Is a rat-eater giving exhibitions near earllide, England. '.The man is * ten Kalf, only- *ens& head} dren , AEC an apron', and eau thirty to fortyirats a day, first btthig ni t ft 'the heads of the vermin. Tin polio* pa t then disgusting eshlbitlots, and 'the; people - go to see them. I I Qatint to ataxia attabeio by an atillotod bat .67'itidowet_ r waif liOd wants ,ta be borrbid to mutt°. - At Wan aszklok;l7. *mis t rals, la dig We ilole4bi the side of mg to tither walto—list tt be d ee p. . Alannon , and linalleh internatloial 'Gam vlaaltdug,• - rtaatolit took ;Oki* rOoontlj at p, o inzpon_. depir Unapt; An Ba allatv•tano.hine ..4ott:tha •.dtat Flti„ and. a Blanch theranoondaa' • - - ' A isiicalaz7,l 26 zitly Piro lnavandlot the banattnf 4xtanaating ettetunitanaos" to a borriblewratedt - wto murdered , hl own mother bf'hiaditt bet; )04 .161ni In s'apg heap inalibtl via 4 1 4: , . *1 1 416 1 1 11 4: airs* in Bangor, Me., for opost,tho furroloiuld cob, irsrpo firrooi tio Name t11ct0.,,. :4 , Vailial4o 3 ie Wtladban qi• a PITTSBURGH, SATUDRAY MORNING, JUNE 18, 1864. From the Front THE FIGHTING AT PETERSBURG. ARRIVAL OF GEN. SMITH'S CORPS. Grant Beinforeod by Fresh Troops. 'MUM PROBABLY IN OUR HAND& Rumored Evacuation of Rich • mond! THE REBEL CAPITAL CDIIPLETELI LSOIATEO .Nan Year, Jane 17.—The Time' path ington special of the 111th . says: Ono of Grant'a couriera„,who arrived here this;mom leg from Bermuda flundrod,•with dieintehes for the Government, may* that velum he left yertarday morning ( We dnesday,lsth ) fighting was going on In the vicinity of .Potersharg. Cannonading and musketry flring,,whlch could be distinctly heard at the. Landing, be e m at earli'dann. It was very hemmed ap red to be momentarily increuing In eaverity. Grant's whole army was swore the J 11.13261 river, Its rear several miles west of Boil:rude hundred. - The whole "of Smith i e I,cltu on "trivet!. . Several thousand frish rel t form mania have reached lierinud‘and are itang up. The file corpe had advanced; Beihlnke Petersburg before this Is in our hands,las the rebels liad but oomparatireii a'ernall forms thereto. defend it. Nothing bas been! heard trent Sheridan. • A special to the Tiee, dated headquarters Bermuda Hundred, June 15th, 2 a. m.,f say': The 18th Army turps, lien. Smith, Whkeh wee detached from the Army of thel,Potedeare pre Monday, rejoined Bntler'i command last eve xtlitg, landing at Point of RMls.Appoitittox river. On reporting to Gen: Britler, priers were immediately issued to Smith 6 mbro, at twaVolock this morning, upon Peters4rg, in reenjunotien with a strong cavalry forcetunder IC ani 1.... ~1. 4hiniti spent nearly all of to. day wide itet hAtif*ting the line of entrenchinents at this patty and -expressing himself well 'Bossed eritli t tieeendition of affairs here. 'tßetlet , tcl-day relieved Gilmore front dolt; is eliiiiiiiider of the 18th corps. .The 'ground of notion alleged was on delay In Moving his trnopr on. Petersburgh: lest Then/ay. Gilmore has requested that a Court of Inquiry luveitigate the matter. While I am writing these lines the rumble of' irtillirrand the clattering of house, as they cross the pontoon bridges over the 11741 can be distinctly heard. Hancock arossed-I.near Part Powhattan, et t tfelr.Miles bet* City Point. . . : • clienham .rwrised last night with ad sift lTritift pontoon trains, and the nosing la now going err unmolested. A Tribune oerresponder4 Stine 13th 1 rays ; The inny.ement to- Janie! liver,rwal in three columns, Hancock and Wright 'Arad the Ohiskithem , ny, Btu:tilde -On .the left, andl Wright in thenentre; . • : Sheridan is ell With the divialons of Gregg endLerhett,,. to, dad 14,2 7 , 0 40 9 9tPxtin1 this - direction. , ' : • ' 1 A Herald correspondent with Buller, on the 15ili says, Bents loft here kit night with • taiga form of cavalry In the direction of Petersburg. . t The, Hero! 1 Portreu Monroe tlawerpondan t way, the mpture of Petersburg Mill place us In possession of all the railroads umlauting Bletteond with the South, thee preventing repplies .front • roichleg Ittohnieettiptiso the rebel conscripts lubhat direction. The only *heed opera is theLynchtitig and Danville, :aiidlytet Is attended to by Hunter and Sher. The W.rhi'. Washington tpeolsl gip that rumors are rifethat the rebels have evacuated Richmond. ~.,The rebel Congress aijburned 'hastily althea closing the 'lndoors 'before them, and hot only prisoners but noa-cem batantslave bele removed South. Ittleasid the evacuation was provided for three Months since, when they commenced removing the pubiio archives to Golembla. South Carolina, and Macon,, asergia, and other plains.- A hoary exodus of women and -children, who recently came hero, think the'place L cren ated now, and that Grant can take It without s struggle. - Tho Rebel capital was never In oath dan ger: The :taros& Bonet .are in tirinNi hands, sad Ara toms Imo poast4iOn of theDinvUleth4 The Cspitil Is aomplotely TELL PHILADELPHIA' FAIR SPEEOII" OP TEE PiiESIDENT. HIS OPINION OF POSITION. • PAILADILP}II,II, Tone 16,-After the „Teed dent had been contacted through the Pair, he retired. to the sapper room, loop - Pp Thee. Webster gave ha • bumper : "TM, heildi Of the President." The Prohibit 004, aid dosed as follows : "We aregoipg our tasit i eo far as lam ommerned,,it ttsYee three' years longer.l have notheen In the heti of making predlotions,but am almost thmilid now ;to haeud one, and I wilL : Ai ,that Grant 1111 this seating in a position With Meade and lianceek whom ha clan nator,be dislodged by the enemy niitll Itidawoing it taken. If, I,sititlldiseerer that he May be greatly facilltatod friths eaptogof Itiohniond by rapt* Topiolne . APltiois Inge . Mn— bora of armed men at the briefest no des, will, yen go ? ledee of yes Ii Will son march on with him? [Orin of yes 1, yes I] I Then I abut call upon ;on when it k isetert, .[Lsighter aid - applause, bring WWI di•Proeident retired from the table.] The President lanes ter Washington at o'elookitmorrow morning. Vallamligham at Home—Re: Utt. mates Tozpiise to Resist any ' Attempt to Arrest Him. Connor= Juno 17.—The ftwuniretara Dayton diaper:eh me thereat but little doubt that Vallandl i ehain's arrival. wu uneapeeted to hithionde. 1110 hustle was open yeeOrdayi sad a-large. numbetqf, his ldonde called on him. In retyanne Us - a serenade tut rdghti ha said did not hollers there would be any attempt to arrest him, but should there be, be intllostad thistle and hie rtiends - ware pre. oared for sn amatimeirr. announced his intention of tonatining quiet until after the thbrago Convention, whoa he would mike his frirpoto luzoorn. Miancourricfaloact or VIII Pao34/0, Jane 16, 1864 rwe f . Du troops and trains araengaged . 14 MU. Lag thj, James river, lissicook , s corps has advanced tetrad Petersburg, which place he was expected to veschisst night, bit nothing ofacial; been.heald atm hlin up to this gni* cannonading hubs= going on ha' that direetion; ina tt letupposed that either he or Botta bare engaged:the enemy; The CincinnetLEneelrerr.The Nor. . . . Araunirui, . Tal2o"--/T.-/11. Oda net IMP Ington ilipsohari_ClosiosUltdoidjobis h ood an order forbidding - the oiroatitloot of OlialinitFrOgoffor 46514 the 11xolto of tits distriot. ; , • - Thamend 'of iitOolitak 7 Wohlualbrot end, h. tuning piii!ikpreitigkilst Ii it with' lut •3: - • • -- MENZ MEG MY 211 VD gUBVIM4N. The Drift In dui 22d Dlatilet. ' The following is the result of the draft In the Eighth Ward, which took place yesterday morning at Provost Marshal Footer's (dice: Josiah Butler Jutoh Dakar /area Pugh John Lapper Geo Younger Hobert Brown James Ward Matthew Los Hugh Hely Henry Schrader Christ lichelikopn George Welman iilexanderr Jack Jams Shields John Dello. John Drenting Thee Phillli. . Hobert Gmelukr John Doyle Dental O'Neil Jahn It Jones J 11Sergoant ' Walesa McCormick Bernard Harringt• 0 Peter F Smith Fred Caplan John E.hlenous Joseph Spann • • l i Owen Hart . Leonard Wegener , * , Dentel Barr George nail ! : . Henry Colossal', John Elgaon i 'unts Tracer Pater Prue . Olsen Jones leery Miltrun Andrew J Taylor ; James Hell John Campbell Themes Moons , - . Wet Lamphemoyer hitched George Anthony Byrne Patrick Drennen Wm Towner ' John Wilms • • David Thoems -, Alex. McDonald Heigh McCoy • Henry le uteri Lewis NVllholes - fred. Sleben Adolphus Mich° .1 • . Daytd Howells . , - Philip Ebert • Adam Hardy Henri King Ixonord Derr . Wm J Omagh '' John lingo George, Meyer , JIM. S alertum , Merles Ilepp ' ' -, ' Illenry Cramp ' Matthew Ready Emed Kakhor -- John McNeely, James Garoyan ~.. Berneyeampbell•• • Luke Loomhp Anthony Snyder John Owen Andros Schiller John Demean Deettie Duffy , Jaime Wynn , • . John Vallely Richard Pritchard Rkltard Corr Edmond WILII.OI OHO Graff Andros Herta D. H. Williams John Doi:Overly Miaow! Malone Jones Conlon William Heiser Charles S Hibbs • ' John,lYDnianell Daniel Kelley At two °clock the draft woo resumed., The following to the rennin the i -.. ,_ antra WOOD. I : James Salmi ! . Henry Smith t • William Stiostash t Daniel liertridti lame Lnagttlin John Hoover Armstrong Ilendetison 1.1 0 Gebharl Hama Count • ?home Brown John Jackson gainnel Junkin John Itlogler Valentino Meglomat) John 0 Kemp Morgan Craig Jams II II Furlley Michael lin.h Cowell Rambach John Norman, :Jr *tilt= Carroll Calrizr Dequelds CV illismilcitoborts It hrtnlan Timmer 'William 0111rnors i roma /Mira, Penman It Dar June B nal Jana Minato Derv! Vesta. And Dobemmirser Patrick Conway Alex liciCautry John Maj a riirlesi Loblri Frannie timemdrit ' /Intern Rendareen , Illmotby bulliran William Ruda 'Awe lime, Patrick Elena Maw, Dais John Elea iElltott Bagtmlder Mary 61brlatt 6obert Co:itt • John SC Thonrinun John 5 X Mee 611Ihun1Ly Daniel lionlincks George nay noton,Braddock John Morn= f ranch, Como, ralatiel Si. wart Lotto Borkebtle Vans! Websttr Kmp John S Shane John Bogy E=WII • - • lease nastier Geerge Stank Saml Densest; Joan Bumeskei /mesh Charlene:a Lettet ;teem the 01 Region. The Oil City Monitor in its reviser of the market for Ate weak ending the 0111,111 st, says t Oil 141 steadily advanced ulnae our but report, and, has now reached higher ligares than .% hare over known at the wells. Buy era are plenty and sellers independent: We easy quote $9,30 per barrel as about the raise per barrel, In bunt, at the wells, and semi producers !irking $lO. In all probability $lO gill be the nail:ignite before the close of the. present week. How high It will run tip.we navel-no means of asoerteleing, the ductication A gold go:ten:log the price of off to a, groat °Vont. On Thuteday teat, Mourn. Phillips & co. tubed their new well on the Petroleum Stone tot, and commenced pumping. Thegasibeing eery strung, prevented too. pump' from work -Wig only at intervals of several boors. The prodoct:,of the Brit- day hr operation! was about' 'three .barrels, and. on Saturday tt yielded glut eight barrels. The oil is of a very eappr . quality- Mr. Chalker lialles and Bifigesi have pardiussed•one.; - .sattrf& of the working lnterest, for $2,000. - The well of Brown L - • Benedict, at Walnut Bend, on the satt 01e of the river, yielded about twelve hundred ha:vela - 4 dayfor a year and a half, but wart finally abandoned an ao wont of the cheapness of petroleum.•Reeent iy the wall has been chambered anew and Is now yielding fifty bands per day. The well ea on the Bruner farm, opposite upper Wad aubleland. The David Smith farm, on the river, Are miles halo* Franklin, in Sandi Crook ,town. ship, haangaps been sold. The price' paid I was f. 25,000. Rho company eshichtztose aim the property heve rem monced active spire done. , Many of the well owner. are closing the noroprodneing.walls by potting down seed. bags" in order to increase the yield of thou in in operation. • lion. Alexander tiolmixt last wear egid Its farm on the Allegheny rivet In President township, for $15,000.‘ • The Phillips on the Tarr farm, is pnmang onelandrod barrels per day, with prospect or a largo - increase. it Is reported that and, Masson* Co. have 'track a fifty barrel well an the lighert farm Court of quarter Besalons. Before Judges Mellon and Brown. • , The following outs were disposed .of yes• lade, forenoon : • George Beeler ens tried on a charge, of as sault and battery, .o n of Wray: The jury returned s verdict of nut guilty, the prosecutor to pay tha l ;coste. Commonwealth to. William W.' Brock , man, indicted; for committing a j fele teens assault , upon. limes McCombs, On the leveeing of the a7th.of April, In Wide alley, Bourth Ward,' Allegheny. Brockman repro-, tented himself to be a detective, and Cooing, McCombs (who bad seen • mem ber of Colonel Clark's regiment) wearing a uniform contor dared him to report himself to the Pkavosk Marshal's aim. McCombs called at the oVI die, end upon showing hie discharge wpm in formed by Capt. Hirker that Brockman 4iur acting at a detective without authority from him. 'McCombs afterwards met the alleged "detective," when a diMailly arose between them, during which Brockman shot McCombs in the lab groin, indielinee were wound, which • conked . him to lab house for. same areeki; „ Dr. 'Jaime' it, Merton testlded that habad attended:tholtmidui man, and; hod' boon anahluto extract tho .baU. The **mod was lever., though titan time eta he Oicoald end that it would restilffittally' 011 Dlaco verlee ln New flannewick. We have; J,..osilretd cePy of the repOit'or Dr. Merbeit W. 0. Twaddle; manager Of th. , llitardard'oll'Worke,ef thils elty. Wllllll'l4 explorationplor oil on the lands of the!Nest. moreland Petiole= Conipsay of New Dmna- Wielr:..A.. well :Ilia secontly bean - sunk 'On these lands,,,to the depth of .430 feel; and the tndioationi tie of the 'host favorable +sno ter. At the 'dine' -of alnetr. foot, several veins of oil were, passed, and atone Itemised and twenty feet' an ateallent show of qll was sten*. At three hundred feel, a vein of, salt water 'waif opened, and the gas was; eery strong. At , dour hundred feet. another salt irate thin wan ttruelWand half a pint ktf oil ;tenni, be branght . np* the eand.prenp.l The baling-16W .oudueted,h7 Mr. Alfred Bhuttaly;erho had been opetatlng ten two yawl) !Atha: Veneago oil Treglow • The land now belaideyeloped ip 'New Bititswloh was leased by MaiguiliDs Lowidaillxitiiii consul &Clic:stone Mau., arid has long been noted for its surface oil springs. There irons to Into_ doubt ontortalled that these lands eep,ba ada teylold 'rich treihrinen of - pettoletun, • - • Had Case 'IT Drowning. . ' ,OhTheridepatelotog o P. Bo;lstele, aged abont elghteenttertir' s ft, warwggidantally drowned In Pine mak abont one mile, .froin ate Pled& It tipiestdethat the - deceased had been oat to the Ptilll2V7, aid bejag on hone but be drove into the croak for the ptirposo of giving bls hette- a drink.; -Not , be &P- I Tainted with the loaalttjr, hedroveborsi title a hole sonie ttazi. ortwelye feet deep. and going delis it T< npP dho was kicked by theft:duel...end *lurid so as to fonder hloutiable telly*: himself. The boar Mai mattered,* short timaaftar the accident; "tat llfci wan satinet. Coroner McClang hold an tngaut en the body, dui jury returning dials accordance withAhe tads., The haste soacoodod Inqtmetlest aaltep.' Duo raOi Ilts Isztonzo.—Wiai nioxibit of tt040911 - regtooontinhotolVfrout theifootth4o* wjndow:ot Cort lZgaonyrq on Monday inetailogi dlad from bLitnitisi an Wodneado7.': As soonu 14 1 4 4 1 ',lrak atitoodliooraOnnortod t r osthi-nall000rilok; noinonstaft, ,se; and:oxprf,o ah0y,.7,14,,Q11.1444121"17!-"•-• i ! ! • Pittsburgh Sanitary Fair This sale of paintings, photographsdko 7 Ac i on Thursday netted a large stun, and pro dined a spirited competition. The donations from France and England .. have Jost arrived, per express, and the sale will beetintinned to night (Friday,l7th Inst.) in the 'Art Gallery," at 8 o'clock, Alex. Mailman*, unotlonees. The French goods, direct from'Poria, aro ills donations of eminent ladies. aid gentlemen, and nlll doubtless bring high - prices me objects of curiosity and art, and will be reserved as favorod mementos of the grand Fair. The articles embrace Ova? 200 photographs of distingniehed per. eons In Eatope. • Over 20D aterosooplo - views. A on_berbly carved goblet. French Cologne noses. A magnificent impet goo' of green velvet. An embroidorod traveling sack. One tine French attiring box. An ologant Prencb basket. A Parastan lace bonnet. it . Ladles head - dresses and genie. nee French ennif.beges, ran and anal ri osities of a highly valuable and rest..., Mg character, copies of pennons, Arc.. A contribution of Books-has also jut been received from London—donated by -the Au thor of ' Baptist Wriatherly HoetsLentillod "The Rebellion in America "-..Wreedom I and Slivesy In the .llnited Sustesc and " Chapel Royal bermons,"..lm: _Photo', will I also he offered for tale a feer - of Longfellaw's 1 emirs, donated by himself for this: benefit 'of the - Pittsburg Sanitary 'Pair, and emits! rot , ame Contains a photograph' of the author, and hit autographic signature. Oliver Wendell Reims' has also very hind ly donated a- few-copies of his . poome,'with his autograph, which mina/10 be said. So rare an opportunity of obtaining offer ing( of Inch an interesting and valuable char acter seldom presents itself, and we hone all lovers of learning and admirers of the! fine ante, and seekers .after ancient ,and foreign curieshici, will be punctual in their attend ante, and contribute liberally to stet ajust, 1 noble end parrlotio Mums: The Vale of Paintings, qr. The Sale of paintings, and othei'yorks cf art, at the Art Gallery, on Thtusstaiesening, was largely attended, but the bidding was by no means spirited. We name a few of the artielee sold, with the prices obtained: beautiful statuette of "Plant," donated by C. Miller, woe sold for $175; Landscape; "Kittanning Point," by Retest, $00; Portrait, of Cot Clark, purchased by A. tenpins, on behalf of the friends of the Colonel, at $100; 'Portrait of Bishop Domenes, $4O; "The Of. Niles," by Truor . McClurg, $80;."Old Vir ginia Home,"...br -Blythe, $3O; "Wounded Soldier," $10; Landscape, "View on the Ju niata," by Wall, $80; Albums, containing Photographs end autographs of the Senate and Howse of Representatives, ($3O each,) 660. Only one autographic latter eta offered —that of Henry Clay—which aoldforsll. A large number of fine pictures, landscapes, fruit pieces, portrait', etc., sold at very low rata*. Several paintings were offered, but.hattto be withdrawn, the bids being entirely toti low. The eel. was not finished until a Jab boar, when Irtriui Uiinotitieed that the sale or alto graphs autographic letters, eta., would take place this evening, at tight o'clock, at the Art Gallery. The Sewing iteeltaue Contest The following litho reralt of the contest for the beautiful Ginter & Baker Sewing Ho chine, donated to the Sanitary Fair: German Catholic Orghans'lum..... ..... 210 fassavent's Intlmam 143 flome of the Friendless. 55 Epislopal Church Home Bi/tOtl of Moroi de: Partra Orphans' Asylum.. Ladies' Aid Bocioty Honstrof Allegheny Orphans' Asylu© Total rotes, of $1 tub The Committee ' oonsisting of Messrs. Jas. Park, Jr., B. P. Jonr.s, John 11. Chalfrust and Wns,D, Ale4osrazt - havnnaccially armottneid the - above fastat, and. awarded the mettle to the Getman Ostholla Orphans' Asylum.. Nit/burgh and Erie Railroad On Wedte:day the long continued sound of the steam whistle- of the construction train from.Erit, of the Pittsburgh and Erie Rail road, announced the pleasing fact that Abe connection had been made between:that raid and that of the NewOutle and Roarer Valley —the last tie in its place and the last rail It was expected that the regular traits would commence running by the 4tlt of July, Int as considerable work is yet to de, in bat lasting the toad, erecting etatione, ratting up water tanks, eh., etc., it is hardly hoped now that the road. will be in complete running order before the 15th of the month. Dittman Vmtio or TECralnll.—Captain dries Walker, an aged-citizen of Greene township, Erie county, who had been very deaf for many years, had his hearing sudden ly restored during a thunder stoma on the .25thultimo. Ile states that iihmedtately e -1 ter a load report of thunder his head seemed to ' , feel all hollow," and that he told :those about him he could distinctly hear a 9: they said. lie is now able to converse without the slightest difilmilty, hearing as well as persons fifty years old—he Is a great deal older—generally do,. and presenting, In his 011/10 a cartons feet for the Inreptigutlen of the learned and scientific. ,P/LPIRIS . Ammerao.—Yesterday a man named. Lots, who keeps a variety store on Ohio street, Allegheny, called at the okay lishMent of J. Y. Kauffman Jr on :Wood street, to make some perehmes.._ After "he left the store two muds of , pookot-knives with a small stun of money ere =las i tog. Sttspleion fell upon,Lats Ai being the gulttl party;'hild. a warrant was batted- to searehlts store. %Thor:visaing goods weronot towed, bat a spy glassiaurgioal-instraxemsts and cquanUty of other - ertielet - wire Mena lied by atr. Kauffman as being hIS. property. Lute was arrested, and will-have a hearing tbLi evening. Tsui /mama Urn Gaza, Walrus Rau.: war.:—This road is now Inesily'llintsbad. to Dayton, at which point, it connects With the Dayton and Cincinnati. road, on -which' extra rails are to be laid, connecting the _Atlantic and. Great Wastarn Railway with the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad. There will bo an Tulin: tarruptad six toot gauge route fro= Now York City, to 64.Lonis, a distal:ea of 1,200 tulles. The,road;it is enacted, bo opened to Ditto's In July, and the ooluseation through to St. Louis will be made in the course of the . . Tira".Ditarr is Boma iJD AIIIIITICMII. The Bond of Enrollment of the. 23d Dlstriot lane for Butler to4norrow (BaturtlayJmern. 7 Inge They will eitcalne' drafted men at. the (hurt Entree In Butler on blanday, and Tuesaayr, On Wednesday they trill go t Ettlansklng end examiner the awn drafted Ist Armstrong °panty on Thursday and Pildayi end return o n The. oars, 55 Fed— itaratitetistlleghin'yorlll be kept open, al= though no basilican can be transaatod during the absence of , tho. Beard. Disarm° Straarirrrra Sawn—A Pabittrato named-Davidatansfprdv rrho harbbeen paid $5OO by a drafted man at Wooster, Ohiciornd , afterwards. deserted, ,was arrestod at Brine! station, - but again esosPed; Thp dater who tut4A4 In charge called him . to built, hut ho ramrod to do so and ants rhea dead. Tour attuTenbettentes, who are reported to "hare come front: Canada, In renipini with 'Logi ford, and-who alp entered.. the - suttee ae ant4tUtttnh ihnietteol at the isianctime:r . . r Astom& ti:C011 : aoe ,aireltait 74terdyj 'end, taknit.lie foriXeyorAtatinider, of Alloglienj a ediarged on ontherilebectes Webb with.= anianleand .The - leirtlinieudio , seerresideate - ol BinnehestaT,beea=e involved En ek - dispette &boat n, efleili - tub; ihen theedliOdeisesalt wu committed, !dn. Crilonnor eras held to bell for her eppoerence &t t7oart: lawns . Slum st, lade that Cerebral = ,folin" Xielcipi of. the lsathP4llllll.-Voll4 died on Banclay wreaths, ialleampbelt . :lfospltal, • Washlngter, Ol -epeed,; , .:far, afet,*,4l,, , :ptetTed , In bat; ilea7e, the 1 1 111403 tail; .".21ar t :•,6t1i.; . :11e. bed biandidely wodidectill: the amis. bidet . it 1 the battled .Cfetqabarg, • .11111-111111111111 ;el* ' etilbabad sea leer homei - ead wIU be later.; rod tatisOk4 - *o4t# l4 !lnitiOtlPiin • • - ' r A So Ammar .Sunday ,hai," two p l ot totoPnlnliWThinnut ErMinna noid OlwiattOto'Yelleffe while Ipartrat at a tam, "amll4k it* Eltsubewille turnpike;; kept - by Efillitta l PIMA , ina /2ol ra: l n ' tt a g . *l nit i aarsact !if:v.3llW of 'Writ, In *Ha Xiintkruir go .1 , " 6 1 1 . 1 1 53 ' 1414 17 VOLUME LXXVIE;;;:NG:7_IS7 SELP-SLCIIIICIV By TIM AtIVOR 0/ Guam. BierrlA3D..-1112. J. P. Muni, MITOUii Hall, Fifth street, has received from Maim. T. B. Peterson A Brothers, Philadelphia, their American reprint of a recently published English novel, by the "Author of ' , Margaret Maitland,'" entitled" Self—Sacrifice; or, The Devoted Sister," which appears to be worthy of the name and fame Of Its greatly giftedand highly accomplished authoress. Manyyrsars have now passed away since the writer of this notice, in a letter from one of the most die. thiguished historians of Scotland, received an intimation of the authorship of " Pessaglis the Life of Margaret Maitland," the publica tion of which had jest then been announced; and well does he rememberthopleseurewhich the success of that most successful book gave himself and other Lrleads, not only because of the interest of oar Edinburgh friend In his relative, but still more for the sake or the 'fair unknown' herself,— , whose star was arising with so pure and ea spiclotis a light above the mist-velled . hiPt of Scotland. We are therefore to day adding - pleasure to pleasure, when its rec,rd that the loader; Crirs — c; has said of this new work: The popularity - of that 'oat rea?^lkahle anoopa- of meet reniarkable work, 9 p lszgarei r Maitland," will be evanstir passedby thatof thenewone,lielf Sacrifice.' !' And the Adamson is even more 11112phttiO in Its praise, speaking 'thus tit the anther and her work:.'Vrith a power possessed byno female writer of our day, unless it be by - the lainephed Giza, Aguilar, Its fair author atrikOs oneyeri page for the hearts and Into/ Wets .oft her clatters, and rarely fails to touch the or take Abe latter captive. As &plan:re:of the vast power of s Salf•Ssovilice 1 . it has scarcely ever been approached—oestlinly never at oned.". , —For sale by Mr. henry Minor, it and f 3 Fifth street.__ _ _ . • Ma. J. P. Mere, Ililoide Holf,.Fltth street, has received No. 8 of American 2h/ea rentale-, lug The Oreruaco Ghlef,!'a Story of adven— ture In South America, by J. Thome' Warren; ;Gamer, for Jolt';`-The, National Pollen Ga., setta, for June 181 //07er's Werhiy, for Jane 25; Street .k Smith's New York WerhrY, far Jane 80; and the N. Y. Weekly Trauma, thr ead, Times, World, eta., for thh week. The above are abto for sale by J. L. Sample, 85 Federal - street Allegheny. Home cat &Mar Srotani..,--A man gising the name of John Handcraft, hired a hone andibuggy aethelivery stable of J. C. B:7,01- tom, In Yougstown, Ohio, on the tth and has not sine, bean hoard from. 'The stolen animal was a sorrel mare, and the bug gy mu open top, painted Mash, and nearly now. A reward of $lOO is Offered for the re oceery of the prosorty. A GOOD Iserznatrr.—The books of' the Birmingham Water Works Company are now open at McVay Co.'s Bank, for the sub scription of the additional. capital stock au thorised by law. To those who ;wish to in irst their moans profitably, this company can be safely recommended.. Wonamtn.—Wm. A. Fox, of 00. It, 155th Pennsyleanig regiment, was pieced in Armory Square hospital, Washington, on the 13th last., haring been wounded in the rodent en- . gegaments. • Tama Hew Is the name of the maxi who was recently found dead in Coulter's - woods, Westmoreland county. He wee s poppet:And had strayed away from the poor-house.. fi. flit, of Co. P, 62d Hoe meat, died at Armory Square hospital, Wash ington, on the 13th Inst., from' wounds re Mend in action. , * :l) 'J'' OARPETS. We haw naii4yol±the larva and bed 'elected stact In thla fity ENCLISii BRUSSELS; ha darted by enrol.; under the old tatiff,,' - wltlh the gold plenaltim at'exty ' : • • ..,. ~„ NEAT'IrELVGI-S- Also, a frill assottmant of • Wain. CHYCHED ADD TAROT CHINA MATT-INGS, tow tuldthr, and st . • The Lowest Prices, toi Cash: OLIVER. McOLllooolre oD., tit yrilTE PAS W E NOW OFFER nu 'SALE WHIL v ss suppose to b we tartlet worn:mat of Carpets and Floor Oil Cloths, • • Ittor =tatted In cttp; to 118L1E511.11. 'mitts PLY, _ItIGILLIB and. YX19111411 °ARP= and EM MET OIL. CLOTHS. Pre base many tteetrable dyke not to be toosa elteirbere, including same bannerol good' NIANUVACITIMED EXPIIYSSLT 1011.01311. =TAIL TRADE..• The anoint park of oar stack having been per• chased or contracted tor before the recent heavy ad vance in pries, will be sold at • veritatall INATIMICA on actnal cost, war prices bolng in many Inetwoles tar below present market rates. Windarorglhedep_alid Platurss Table aadViano Covers' Hemp, List and Hag Carpets Cocoa and China Elattlass, Croatia: Afa Assartalad Woos on bsol thin irrat galas, WHOLESALE MID *TAIL. • . - Farialla 001.1irded6 1 30. Nat 71/1.51)13 ram EiTBIECT, botweeto P. 0., wand littai URTH STRE NEW WYMIS ' • - WINDOW _".'SHADE S, • lILOICIVEO I`llls DAY: NEW SPRING STEEN. or 12 ! I=',lll T S, • AMU SIMON= - OIL CLOTH.; AT WC,A Is 101,11 VP. R E TZEi E rk4 muss RTHILT, .•; CLAIM AGENTS. LAW:VET= & 'MAIM AGFINITY, 111:-Jr&-HALtPAITERSON •;• _•: • 4 , Wm- 4 • ~ . .14 .17 .157340E1 4 i;r 11 . 11- • PINSUMS:- ENVIES: 'BACK !Pill' kna iP So dirg•astalt: woman- • - MAIXRET r ai &JOHNSON, - ATTORN33 . YB.AT.L/LIAN iluija.l4(mma enwriwr, crutd AGFrg, llaes_oßA eszaki. Wremot - ! - crattaiL i,y mringotl: NS. BUZ Eh sad MILITituT CLeuln '11 ` 514 .7 7 7 aeaertption the We Wilber. it'll" Mann rata:vie: retsloasl;lo CO; . • 0. O. Atkrtor i -4 1 1 ; • • N. TS Great Meet, tteezrgo. B. ehertitte ete - made If the &elm dm ea mend. haihrinattem elm • rely Nomr SEARE2I,: - - • 4- ‘ • ArronsicraTlA‘. • pitt i a . ..cretn . - Frame; ?I°F: ba., 'dreamy Inzwo - • balr +1'.1'5:1.'4 ; r:',..:1,1 , 11 - 1:4, If;,A ..PlTriiftrlitqff - TEDMTE:E. tasty saltXo , Tressara— asconsai. esuntn night of LL. cattr.t , 40,0 ' ond Rata mtmist r gramvpos azd 'TO4lv., .as daV• THXS VlitlV444 SO. will b• prtublba; • r,„..mtiil t d - John 7.fimasPcolo....- • ro ba.f0110.1034 L. 7.0. Gags of OATO or, AS F T LAW' EVPLANT S 11 .7L ATION A.111)21117)043 • O. Veto. the area Aleneherd. Bran, Dog o! the Plentattcrer..h.:..:..,..:.Dotlo. To oonetugeerith— .• - no.unaT,l3.ll/1i47, Dobert Dui okLoiobj. .Pla's I il.-=A:GR,43ID PONIM,nI.I 11:2=1.3 WILLIAM L.141111311.1i tildlolf HOTEL. Oc the Bronnsoffle -Hood. on :tie /OVA= 01 JOLT. A good Bond of Eltraloirill to la attend- anew ;Isola to =nom/ et To'cltok' IA-- .IUCTIOJi& gdFLES:-' Auc'n"., MALE OF COICD,E3I.C.EII Was DIPAirIOWT, OLYAsixl39sitav„ t- Othus of Ohlefllcartatiouter,„ - A p Weebiagtou, D. Q., April 2.611,1531.) WIG be sold at public; shatlol, to the Whoa; US& .or, at the thriesusd ply:cassia:at below, sits Pewpart,'Peans, Tharidey, IfeyEthr ' emalarzuvratak btoroleyalitY Al mit too nu no, i. /..ssse naa, arlis y y i ltlyay .Bastlug, Prune, Ttmnarri Itiltton, Yams, Thitteday, June 2d; Jlortherabeshaid, row, TblusrbWrJltho„Wh; , arnostoe, Pam. Thursday, Jute th; • Wlllhouport; Enna, Thu, stbay„ Jsroi '23;1 0,30 purstb,,ct (I sa ne. ' as Gettysburg, end two' headrest ardarty , ( am& Cle., otDar pieta, • lb= hori.both .0=41=4 we: watt for the dimity strike of the Gutted Mates Ana_ . 7., , "t tor roidhad- garb -pi:spode hmsay good berGethl - crow will to gob! aroglic • ' , WON begla at 11 A., and mile= dolly VII iii an sold. 'Terms: CASIX, In Dulled S 1. Tranannrnatta only. • JadlEB A. SISIEIf, CoL and C. Q. AL Canary Bureau. aVedjcZO• . : GREAT eAL R. OF _ . 820,000 Worthof Dry, lioodc, Embracing M, Una Mate,' ipscas. • Chillies, 'Papilla, Pail da,Ctarms PLUS; Bei and Shirting Mocha, Paper sad Cambria • Hue. tine, Irish Limns, 7sbte Diaper. Altaillassisa , no, ' Satinets, Jeans,' Vacate, Cottorardes • Latium of Hoop skirts; black sad Tang Malicia: iSta, Wallas and Parartli•"Ladite, Gana • Mem' and Childnsii'a Hosiery atttili dries; tagaipiir nib inlay • <tetrgoods nniallrintpt in • retail dry ga cda tim. • Iniciero• stock anOold ircietre the alsantlati or \ bumf., at di, wads are daft, odvaudrrg In rtes a 11 rioting barging aimald ad! iadata, IIIeCLELIATIVB AUCTION; exam', MD:MO-EAU. . 11:13:—Coastistly ca Ldaa» lama aeertmontcl ell Madrol tool. and ehpcsi in boat zurt !tare. jeld FIVIBACCO, G1100ER1E8; • 11.0:4•On fintratalf 2101111L120, :10, 10 10 caddies Homy Dor Tobstca 1 . 10 bozos 1222221 ed 11.2•4.1ga55• bob : Gut and Dry en.kag Tobx o; 00 NW, Gournsoast Jan pal • 6 bats salmi=tmstSn Soap; , • " ' Pole Yellow 8066; - 2.0 Oronad 6plcolq 16 0 primo•Dalry (76660ie„ • 10 half bbta. Mato MAW' , • -• • ' A. ataiiranix litcyr raLPROVPI) 'EIGHTH-WARR PROP .1.41/TY. , -Ote TOILSDAY IiTZITING; Jana 211 t, • . at - ffieckelk will be wk.. at the Cozognarcialfielne Dooms. flo. 64 Fifth atreett .• • That destrible Rome and Lot eitlabe on the ippor . owner of Neve and Gibbon greet.. bi Abe signet ward, the lot fronWax fratxn Dadra street, and extending along _Gibbon street C 4 tent v erbefoon lo mechat C thenglytory 'Brick Dwelling. • le Ith•bila. anent kitchen, Ihring ontalde beke-oven, bydrant, Zr., end not renting at 113. or month. l'Oeindlem Tenth—Onalldrd oath, readers in ono Mai teat Tram; Withlntereet, leannel by band andanortgage. lal6 . .eite hiaLLIV/LTSMeanerr: LA WE BUILD'S:Ct. LOT: IN THE .1-11 taII SEVE STHoIts mean.-on THUILSDAY Al% - TOON, J SU, st 0 . 0/sck, - be - mold, on - the promises, SW. taloabla lot of ground situate int Artbars strott, at the dittatico of 111 feet from 09. tr• aromas Nang= foot 9 loam foist .oa Arthrua ' • ttreet, 14.).44L0tt 1% Inches deepta • • 22 teat alloy. • This - property costgas a large solotmt ot good both!. tag moos, oaatly got at. -• 7 -• Plan or ptyporty Ono be amid office of 1. Ham, No. stmt. 1 Title laAlsputabls Terms made knownet solo. • 7 1017 - • A. IIeILITAINE, Ant Pr. DGGIES AND DAEOUCHE..;....thi BBATIIBDaY - .IIOIIIITSO, June 18t Bebeh, U. strect will 1 71 . 70 5 =r Top Minim awl one excellent Bareache,orlentrcen rbiledietphis make. JeI64.I.IcILWAMO. Aunt% 1 0 14.11 - 0?..4111731r, icc. REMOVAL. We tsterigninnas in tnknnini the poiliatat vi noir ccenpy tbelarge arp3coaLmcllow!!urtika ifo. 12 pISSELV . 9 ROCK, ST. MAIII = • inMew* him Ittstioneved fmno the tosnalsotate: of WN:.I3.II3I4DIII3ItYandBOHONIXEMB & "CO., anowtotofKIPIIUIOSPTA3O( I . Ahar accurgeu amortment of 13111Tfit celebrated rismannitn* • , • Weans sad Nosiest goods generally.. - tbasoondatity of ilia sainnirmt mast) is ready ortabltstuxi.! leilta history of Plistas :mom Metroment OM plied ma rapidly Ito popedlety or maelved =my prodsons ortddlrthe oval of two years as .1.110 now'_ wade, hal how - , esam„ overstron Wad Traneh grand action Piano god"- ntst gawas mEsetarod• by WM' Itithllol7llY, sod &hamster & Piano. . Imilng•been sa brigand tarotably knows to tblf sad -atom otelattron meol ftttthar cxmgi¢t..6ll gran-ssitecdpitty, yam -s. ' WAESLIZIE CkleAseltsf Piliabaxo =4 Western Pa., San ET.ol.4.loVA.. l3 tntTitlaitk. .4lood &mud Fowl Ptante,!=„3l4*. .Traing tad fECAZFT4?N PIAI4O For Sale gheap, The aa . 443 a lhailityai:al4 rich= IBLIZELTON PL lam. wida.behiriughey weatcuettentratzro, $5O teem O,MELIfi#I.. Al TIPP tnaFr- KN.413E13 lINSIVdLLED R, VIANOS• T 1" - choke sanity of llfo nod T octavo Plc& Vona, trot:LIU celebostel Otanty Of finribe aoo,-; loss font been reedited-4mo toAb , : mein can& There inottOnnente aro &Foted for eight item and Ve btutlso, beet .t VOLUM:ed. 12/1/1711401: - otlit. now:n(011y cited before parchmloit CUM. - 9112111LOSIM BLITtLro Soler lttent, Tas BEST PllaiOS I HOFFMANN HOENE CO,, • aro the agoutiDZOIMET'ObLiMILSMIM P/A/! 0 1 14 1111011- bl barnsusidans co so. 'to to superior -to on othoi. without Ler ==l \a. 'lliSso/arrith*,!/..4e fIIS..4OtUTI9N OrPARTNERSHIPA' • h-rBOTLCEtFiL DOLLMIttI lend .Itt GAS., BUM ttatLos pettottelot the, Interest r of-4011111' tatiatp. etit.. Cm of DO 1.131.415; °Amason . • 4034 ettaecoonts does:4o Eslitlawtoc *ad Lsm,witl b. tented 17 tha teamtetryt loottet re, etnt': the bmlcarwDl be otottintext Ysbeeftotoie,"cadat tho rpm!. sottetile OrltOLlthtltti, Qtatltlftelitt CO. '- - --.30/Itt XtIOICIVIA. • ,PitteittzttaitoshvlSCL', ,7,-!..7,14111te ,n+I6BOLDTION OR PARTNEasHir ortithigiztwesa . ibetzteenditn4, ander Ito idyls a WEL 0.10.13111, WON a op" to otaturarAtaaroa, artatt-.. aka ado du% mamas) trim , • *stirs.' .Ttobasblestr aibm ll h couttafttss rmam.— . 7 1461 ;T sg -l"`"'. caste aoarsama SAIL . IOI4OBOIIMurs, • SD Flaws.- , - ~' J .. -~^'.. . WES
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers