. - . . . ... . .. r `, ' ' Th'''.- - ".• -.,- - - •-•'. . •„•,..• -e• .. . . ' i - ...--- ...-',.-'. -• • = 1 , 4 1 1.. - • - ,. r;...,ti,..,... ~...... . • ~.::_.,„....._....,.L.•......"•, ___„...„.,,....,..,..„.„,„,„.„„,,......„../....„ '•......„,.......„.._ ...,....,..4,....„..„.,..„....„„„,,,..„.„,....„..„,_,...,....„.Y'- '.%1 '' , ''r s ' .. r . if''''''•'": 2 ; . - I `tYl** ,A-7. 777 . 7.';' - ..'..',., • ,- ,'!'i, ~,r- - :.,,,- • ~:. , _"., _. ,i.- : ~' ' ~:' . .. :, ' ,' .!-, ~:: el , i 1 , , -w:-:. r 4i--..-45 , -. .'..4c - :;.:-.- - - , ..-:- . :' .-- ': . -"- ,- . '- 1 -....:!..--,. . ' ..--: :-..-, - - -.... . . . --- :.... . ' f - - lcy a r il Ifti . 1 7 , . r..VM - 1 • • 1 • ~ - --4-• -! - -. 1 f,: -- :-. •-- .; , - ..rrrss. ......1,;11 .., , , , , -_, ,.. __. ~.„. -- --- :- - ---- ;;i:.••; - I . 0, •- •;1 :qr. Fd i ~- -.1.r.' i :. , '• • . 2.1 7,16 - :; 4,,-,- , 4:?, IPf I T • _ .. _ _ ~, • ; r ••••• 1 .:41 4.e ;.! .1= 4141. " (P"-,l:"i'''!' .I'VV-11,, , l4 c:-...,:l iitg VI, ~,,c, ~,,,,,... v-1,..t.1... I i ..I,..euet • ''n -"" MP, -,.., i... , 41 , ...-,, , ~, ~ , 0.1.1 m t -r.•-• f i a m m u oyMi 118 .., ;, „*„ ..: I .."'".''. . j... 'l. .'". : ' -'...1- 43• t . triticionti .... 1-10 - 11' il l' .t... -,-,-. . 0 .. r .1. , q , . if i„, - 1;41.; - - ' 7' .4 1 . 4 ' ''''' ' ~`,..'"- .. ''. ' ..411, . ..i_e'ir 1 , ' 'il 1 . "41: 4 4 111 : 1 4 ( . 01 . • ~f. TELEGRAMS'. 1.4 • 4 -",:: 1 6.440-2=,,..41 ts'ciei*iitifill'ai c itsiisl' . 6' fife or . , 1 . . . , . - .... m... 1.... - ~,, - .L. 4.,... li o .o.4 43 4,:ontoklquyg4kt &lowing pro- 1 -- • . .....seshot, . „..,,,i ~ : . • ' riLL) 7 'll6:teuni: Atitit•lnsie :3112. -Itit;11913:11111W7----:::;7; i eljj2ls3a t°liil4l4"l tiliSk me. Your FAQM i'GRAN - 1 ,„„.- . orromo urga .. 4 eeeeri f ee ifir.doglGo4.4o.tfill, tobls nation,by a_goatrugeszejority, have -1--..- . ~=...4..••, , . • - . ..„,. ;.i.,-i.:.', selected me beneeM th •ta i l s rmt M s ° r „ i ; . to tiluniored Cantiire of Ft. Darling l ' - ' 3 ti ß e t wionew ° u ''''''7 -- iito AZETTgt . ':: : ' l dmtMies. t ir rir lA i rlit- r tIT ins have I and the Mitre_ earrisoni -------.--- - ...___ ..... --- this call. - Weer - , , 7 • • ' • 4. ‘ •••-" ,?,e +1 __, .e.,, been forme toSay . PPM to my us-. , at Las:6. ' l ' - ' - ' 1 a ''''XIMID ... `am•-. tie eottntri.andee - tert2t7/ hernia- 1 t.. , :riTM.7:4..ir; ',1i...•71.0.Z , ..i. i,,-...73.1.." .1.1. . - . 4 ' . ? . -- ' 14....---.--- .,., - ‘ o4 . r ei*" 2l rnali 'I". I . f J es / d ,W4M I A th e n e o tt !IP{ ARE kROMINO JARS BIVII. • - ' -- L . ' , _r05"..... 7 -7:- A l i t mighty has ~,4a usenii i glilies , . X ., ~# .b..i ,,,,;,1 ek, ,,6k ie5 5i55dib...„L :.,;•.*: ,. .L. m i uma f roitoso f oo ' f i p or s eastftut whoh,4orni A aar . i ,ry ty lai_ dis el u t tro lit o d i . ,i. 4. =., ~,, , q 1.,.:17 I .Ul' "' -t, '''-''': " -11 ' 14.4 " . ' 4(l. ''' Watt and warfere.silmosebtsf Pogo Wilting in theDireillon of Pe = - - -', r' -' * " . '. 44 . t' 7 ', *1 64 r2 4, ..... 44-2 . 1 C° A "11:.Ii4 .--elf4P-44- ' 744 :°9368. • ".1. - ' il t e- au ctAc in rtaTOßlM4PC•itityiargnlleo o * i r „..,,.., ,_, ..„„„ r ,,,....,,,,- •••• .... .•;,,,,,,s .1) . ....: e • • ! ' • ••- -“. ' la ' .., -et 6 ta2 V" - '4l._,_nt - the • koloya• • , atura. :flamerszenthttfe progress. s r , - .„-•:.; ),1)_;a0r„te..).., , ~......:, r: .)%-....e, :: .), ...,, .- . ;...re - cri •- :...4. l .ostureorec-- . --F's ;az,- The sroesesiolrdaalgr i er il:ir It/NT LED BUTLER IN CONSULT VON: 7 a -so=le eraraistbirte oulariiiiiir!" oar ini': - . • ir - a ~.. -..--•- -,-• - "L - ~ , ,:f... I ._l . 1. ' ..licit)! tt te i r pie Irttl,tut et, lOripuuu.AlfziAll trimitst', 1 1,vit•• . ,••44_,Itizitrd. '-• ''''-'''''''' ''.---- - "-. - . - ilictosis-i - s. , :d4"s/I.liiivoss: win In sti, to . 'm 2- , -1 , 0, -. Pc" Psmolicoll Raw Yokes, June 15.-The World t hesitl a ,-;...fr L .• Xcanuro Chasm 0: ging bsesebasl,Px° ll . - Wri 44 , I i f tlp t itg at Mtut a t assengers who arrived by the Bah ore -,•-=•.• • • •.•••!-- Iripagasdallad -I , ~ ais,. _" bir l.7 .4l :PN- 2 1" .. ions t .m..i. d i..' 4 4 7 1 , 4 41, 4,,,,,b i a last night report a rumor anent In that •--: ':••- -' ••••"'Llet '-• ~•••• - , • -- , - .. "614t4C- - ',• ;••i . l. •*-`,. : ' 7 " ;•-: •' 775 . ; .: if.t. - V,,P 11 4 - - P..tan7 7 'Sci ti odeirtev._l o __;allstaleen: fifty Verullte, JleftpC*l4._ 1 / 4 , 14. a 9• cs.• 1 - • • " ••- " ' ' --), • -71 ,, '2''' • .'"'" .. 7 - ``T'loo.4 l .m.iitiA4*-L)Ponliese.: 4ll3 .. o .• •sault;lits elided ort - berUng and eaptured • itetßeltAilr sm--ttig-Pagsh' Intl ea rinstm ere oul,essmingtslthig - .I._ " • ' '• - • a .`" o t • --• l- ' 01.111nInditiof-pre .ma mitimlPuldion • sustainiligneomparitirell -, • I••••- - 4 ilefaiii; ti ...' ' ilgy r k " Thfellilig -2 ,rtife t itMment of nktlenal rs ins.: slight loss.' , ii -, ~.. . -.!- -• 0. - „;,,,),:.43 1 • ‘,-,..•..- ?")::•;•-',•,•. ,ilt Is also- zaidoreiiiit ohiliiiites had '...".. - . :gluitillits • - 1 ~:. .......------..------- a to brunt of mesas of eommunleati to mesas of a 5, 414 w i l l 'Mat teem M2ll ~ * . .... oaVi. 1 ne! elitent*”. ofactniesesg 40 .41 '• r ' ' -; i . .es... ij"“liS t i*l s i tihre ihl ,. ls-5 1,.. • ..,r4 1 .0 i - - k e t 4 t 4ila •''' T Y cr 1 developMeni u '67' eddeatiOt dri ' I ate provided, removed the Wraps* n the . •-••- - 74,41,4' ilisoz-szerszos of ttelielife*.. to , ', tenor with the public in 4rer,and wore ascending the stream to pr. ' -• _emehYldeli T So7ooVhfluii;! - ?The t.) he blecangsrlifsillartea,end with th erebel iron chub. - .•,...-;•,., f...4....: . r.,.i. I.J: ~;%.,...:.,. ro * sad liberty will sieuredly net f _ _.. - -,,,,e.. --; r, .._-.e. l •-: :•;:. -', 1 Aif...... 5 -11 11 .22, = _.'w..,7 4 -,e',-,,analicia,- O f -', 4 dr ! IY TI , S , , all-the factions-din, virigidainss 1 4 " """ ra WaSa4o4l2soa, P 4 a. .. - F , _ ..".."'"". '''' , "'"'°" 3 "‘r": l,- I ,-- V - ; - by -a strong ma- lora, ,goseemere I het military critics mrlthst Ltd wilthireem •-• ''' • ••_ '‘•• -' The Cletaler)r,SP.NEllol.llbm -.811; , is exsetli. giftefireeildisistheblijeetsweltiVrhai pilledzs Bet b blAtltits r .oll.le PS Wrest from Ilks*Ald i etitastscsitli. masactialtlidreimmo elicited, and, iLenossiwoya-rerontlzue , ir r ,„„i„ . ., L., e „.......5b. , .....5..-. , .r )!, '• -I: - e Gabs the Ismail fietliMi been' dedblol.P hosted by'Gre 'ralleous, sentiments r. - i iiiiii i e h aaiyiW i l l i fy „ ro „ • '•••• •-•'' 'iil lttg= 4 l l ol i:4Te t lr rit ti se . ar; hi • 551 hs 4 shiiihi riM k"li p tb wi ga"ti l eo7t7t - sii;;;:, be canted byOrto.# mast ••••• • -.••• tents d eep.. .The actor extends P7fordAiewift . t ' 4 e:hinting Ils of:PlaulteGjeld ad hi th the surrounding roadiieetinißirilM . • .1, 1 4 • ","•-•. . ~-.. rued Sifeetaft.. Theh*Bleat e sde ofl.haellirA, to bb, .g t ,„&ir w h o= y ou o w. a large slay esznot existt 448 7 5V1V5.4' inumnillstre,rif4 , lxmAtiztbr'S ad ir a ri o n orpo re prize . . , ._ihiis fosse --,- • ' ischgagi• isonr"tbalim JO. IM _icwk 44 . •I i This ie what, theoliteWhieforcas sal m t dams fall On -,1•..t.... Itt148" " ,'. - ..!''• " 4 7 1 4 , 'a fawncloths 'ince In eirreeriand ' l i the pif.'.throkr_Oth*AnShments, or m:kat 9 , 0417t4dark- Vieth 1 1 7-Ina i a d laniptage--assetreseretnirof this o Itok„44Forimeelatilds.de es, Ida*CE iscifigotS,acittGo nsli. "PAM ohi l ess. _Rvery.oomottw addable wiz ' .. tris i.w ort o dolf :.. k .4.-4 t i os „ 1, ,,. •I ' l •! '. ' - earth g a th ibelkitlVlV" ` l 7 lkostelsMge • have sint:Mt lorrioini"fo be etroni •, ar•- ••••• • , chingstris42-Inehes tek. Mad 7 inChis wide, , fp ow i sm. thi s road r ogrod ri loyeitiospeq.l ea on end hang onlitikir s tittLot: ;Ca '''-• I • r -funningli=i o OOSlLAßAlßlPiCtPking .1 I• iffiTitek ifilidigtlt ()Stara See credit az y. , ... the dntare: ifirIiTinaT•4SIISSISITTITTIT Weft ishlch to dmire• Mexicans?: tls rumored bons thatEsiSioiSeitteisipi •- -•--• lizeltrzelMA4Zegag*item"Mdiaf**?! "4 e• tee' fless'slaman4camitCf la in 14 ry 4, -Weed= but . •-•--: fr.:- Iteskedritobablittnr): .„ _,_4 ribytattaiird•-.72 , ; Au dit, sold loyieu. s oder you. a eh)* to ...- Ca C*l l . Ar. l ~ . ._ _ '- - intlMilltilfe'lli k=6 4 4l l44 " iii6l. *' -'! Ws foralth and a Arintete'don 4. th rbir!..rsledypt.SChtrltandill. , *UM "' ~,,•- - .""b o h - Plat4 4 .. - ... 1 1*,_ •/O .. . 6 4 01 . 1401 , 1 Y . t your lakVandlti Saaf • thom to bd, G Nirsllftset,;...., e.o. --, •, -.• '1 • •-•"•• •••• -"-., ifolder a t• staiscocamonc. l o 46 -ccolcosrldiosmie within Invariable authorityn. ! lGod, 1 ~,,___ , ii ho • ~,,,, ......, ~,..,.,,,,, - • I ' ' 'i. ' tour ti e thar anklet. eiltgla' a ' ~"Li5d,,,...,;...41 . : 0 :...t i a-.. . : , I ,,, i ' L " h ''... : ri .4-,Z eit r,;;;;, A 4 a l a iii i; ....- '- • ':i=isTX,ilforiarsrliaass44obspess twdr • ,,f ei r ill y: siih t il yt i l e o l t.‘„Td i tr a szdt I his boon re4haidaik:4 l t t if a Vii` in lt, ..tilidltaxiaad - o* - - , imeo•firier. -"' I shall be Wade to 'team/WS- t 44 ; ca pit o t aue r ma i r , A r u m . =On 7 . vors• F' . th o m.L.,...l3lcatigleat',_. ~.tarreirettold„....ll...,Gllc_etis ...i duty to grasp the sceptre and the sword . _ -,1,..,' , . t i , 1). ,,, , , %:,7 “:. , 4 . .. ..7.- '. ' ' '' l " l4 " 4 " aap w e 're zet rr.- . 4 toe'LloAexea• • honor with gannets . It become - the ca .....00tsg-,,,, , .. - . - .. e e , ........... . •-• , ' .•••-• - `-The balltee - _hvetpool/1 - .0411t siressourd &bpi- ' bl o ,f oa k o f rho Amman to coutecrat.9.o the stirprehget trs• Cktr - Terpl;4 . 4l, that ''': ,--- • : " 1- .., 1 " 113 11,. itallet_.,_,..aNYA!OleM 2 _,,ioellet:. °pantry a ll the isbblieiatitunenti of do f g ae i tigi i ii, a ii t. l, enemy hi mo d e •!' •- .• skoeTreseusr a se-rs - foue-osesen - 0nc1r , ...,r,„." • Can virtue, and ail the sweetness Of a ii , als „.,..„ our „ mum * fo going t 1' ~ .. *61,711 feetG Inolue In ,diantetexmS _SR • der =Ober. Lit us unite.to pin th e t itt*: .. An the - iiiite:°/:0 55 0 4 4 M a nia ... aeon end; let us fotot„parbileradoine ; lot los es hire been soma- 2 "if,„ . „111f,i7C.,, mrstwerailiblier sibraiitlisVot. the turrets het. • bear the odium of faction, and the aurora dotes' accounts of again in Richmond. 1atga.1.P41107.1....4 -. , -- ,,, i ,' *),•-‘-" "'"'" a of peace 'and of merited happiness's will shine, tsp:, 3,_e i ,k_lqxy , ll,. el hsstaf)-0 4 s. Mtamom ...,_ __.:: ~.....,...: • • • - • .. s• . radiantly ern the new Empire. - ' f ro 11,,, ; ,,,,k1,,Hitspiq.nrittor. • : '- - :.-niareasildrow..l3anutelpatirat: ; ,,, , _,„ - --, ~•t s . , , ....e. as ••_. am i ,„. 0 ,„„ . ......„ , _„, _ _ sigh side 4, . • C -.. Att itifitttlq frotll4llo-131110111111413112,11111411i cr . & e r r , May kiith, 1864. sZ_IGIZI oolPaCiO mad ' ss4lss 5 .1 .- . .:. tlost•Soelety:lof Riegirmditesiiimiafed {.. .1 .!•••••• . ~.., .. ~......, o f ~ e James but night. OthOeportMae_of i.- , ,•'' .. - Garibaldi hr :gr; Thames T.PITCO-471g blt* C elliS, gilegettgll. , '. Jill/act. Vibration cs army.. was ale_ __o crers_Lag_st , Tio..,_ . __ ~.., , ,s , •ell . • ~ • &sir dokhi-Ve recent 'visa to the General at • lhaspentazeous orange - which a - i torge ted t d o a t non t 7 o a n s o 7 p 0 , : t 4 . i g . b . 1 7 g ! 5 . ..: - . '. 43i P r eiln i14 1' 114 1 1 Y00, 214 : 1 01 1 7 , i 5k ' t e o d us aria a t d i ar , 41 's •p w red a resle (*SO ItllLtai, 6 -;-i '-'• '-' - i` „ :t:',, - ; -- ,", 01 4 6 1 1 i - 15.1'32":?4 1:...' - : , •-_-: } i, , '''',,,,,,'":" - a :-: ' '''',''' 64 ,'" '''' • ••r cal darriiileipechrein the dale &Sell- - ,r 41 1-7:-` - 'i " ,- ii i r i usr ... wr i,,, Theo „ r a. -' - ...1• :g.'4,laVallacs..,2 T:soc - ..ftssArt•e!'" a ,.. • air machinery , that an Investigation into the cosalclrM n.,...,:.„....„ ~... ~.'-k--,.....- u .,......---- . .......--,.1- - ,.--.-=.........___-w•- if m esa s of remedylpgithelteultbrg evils tatqirtyieferdei. ;174c,t.,4t.dr,,...6 --.---. --_,.,,,,,... 3 ............,-. 2 L ...... - ........ 1 .E.....,- $. t?... viewed Ise an engineering -question e.mllllltmoroasaa . !not - boraKisalleted_,l4 il • r .- al. "" '''''''''Y - ` 44 ' Ya "" sl4 ""'"'" ls ' Oftvi ot hd 'amortize°. Among others, M. ...4,„:- ~.- - ---- - • --•- a leidgestaTezzerlearnink;.-srlostii•yzerbilb Sc imototh o lr t metionineMen Aga !to- , mrl stre lil-'l Xeid :ll6:l* the'-; r7olf " rrools."- -Pr• de • 154gruil g T5i; 155 d am i5115.15g Is in F: I . 11UNIER'641EPARTAIPIT.' ''' - - - '' ' ''' l6ll ,- ., ---:' : ip •mo of Ids vestigations r-A box of I - ••••• I- Reel . tit rundsieraii - C7your - 'Ars' It is ov a Irma was „ tick 0. Ak hammer . T .. . . .. ' tivili v t t fxpiiirnsF.4.,YM-1641, ti a ins aketate4for.3lg , ..sonitarlidive ii w Your Janis • 1.3., - A , ejtoolsit.S - Chu . 1 „, lemesdop 7 alai* sfinot by yarn Ma st se es. rao of this tame if broke Ints; tr. ta fr ,„ It aid - airAf oul ,,,‘, Aga ' h1 " 5511146514351b52541511iiiiim siiii b5555T1T t piec Before the experlment•the bar .. , - . ,„ _ _..._ es brothire 7 Hai; not she human •-fermi- • i good ept,Ohna Alibreatifinn, ,„,„„.„ zt a • 15, earreSee' of - enreerpew Telt by ' ili tA T '-' ssss7 ' °sliiiiTil4- ' ' l5 -.... hi1 f.,,e 1n *"_. kiTift I c ontrary , its fracture exhibited a brilliant o p roo k„,,,p o y e r re .gf tl aufo,fotorgo - • on tox the SWUM' maim a •• r• .o.ma at' tery Weed sanctum A bar of Iron, alloys).* o f omododi hiS strierta";llT4l4C . a •hll/-41 sorepulted . by thrtdoetrbilis - orourrElsoWst -,.; w e b; Butt to tier; rune treatment, „ i lf . ' „,; L lii4.l,7 l bryipord4-New ' ••: • 114455a-1.55415 45TTITi5TTa I T - 1 • riTs d /e- in erwent l abeifinW *very ;Able Means age Me • ""t/ E A I7; " / " l P il6n-a a l eve'ren% 24 / 1 14- r .. to of rectegnlslag the changed condition rive bridge, whiehhbyreenmeslsentopleted ' • ciPaiddnl' ' l E l 3 ll 'ilall 4 a t ' IP 4 Vektee l4 ti ot* on; so dangerous In its consequences.- by t • s!time. Thisditlturfeihu4 Iblioispeutter *re mere glorious Lair that efernsielPalb.lg. p Ir on , when magnetliedl7 contact, loses o f - g di n Lees stay .-. .3'.,.". ..:i- .-: x aseT iLtrim‘amhr°4ll.l4l.w.74iiii.....lll.:l..whttuli n i t s i t' sa g a d a o t h P o r° d. P e ,tir th. . l ,, ,ith .l'F iwie l d 7 I fi ii, ,T • o trea usi e o v f e C i o n i. p ilerr nitui li b i g eo it Tlan b relg tig th o e f t prostrate --els e ,-..- e. :beat . op ror. iiiikhonfhotimm il et° ~, 9 at .." depressed by obstructions, lakreeilt.4° el deedt;V:r.h4weearbogoxygre; tile TIT gar . Ilas. need of esetsolithisainineiciber throe ',ha or d i j r ,„ o „,• =aim „ roognr d re d. ti mu. I s i ll 4 444 havebeft o free, .!Ifeststrielne vanish - ' • - befoic th oti l ghtfla i11, n am ir „„, ° " 14 ,.,,,,„„*. T 1 ,1,,, r °1 . *Vbattitn:fflaiiiibill-Pentrig4Sfm GEI 'Siffilidetil'illit-ii1110lON ;;;'. - - y uund ours, P ." 1 - °n"- ...--- I : gut ' •' ''' •• • i- - tr -. , -iG7-111 - st a Viin - 7 - . a ".• _-, Owl s onaversatien.rers . n . tly, e w . lth a Be t hel , ~ . _ ~._... _ :, . 1 . ~ ....0 ' . siTo llie:Rn • eldiat•OVedillgalats-nnd•ECItOPO. VQlMel•laffil rgigl-rAk":;f 4 Trlark . 2 . -- ii You, ireue 10.--ihe TrGeas's Wash - ciPIUM-i : ~..1 1`4"*;11 0&1 41a 564?' ' S- '''''''" .. ..', . " Po GYe e ts t r.gth m tleitraditieli;leee breettateil. Madan *pedal me Llt Is anderstobd that , .40tnntisitangligoi!ensent:. 1 • :,-. (h. should have learned more respeetlor - • Shl gist -Will he iii 'destisiy isa r '-' ' our - k m w i xv,iii,h, - 4:. w bats ; but," mild he,awe are afraid of a , ' -, Tl M N :,,,, "l ,tii• ..,;"" ~' •-..... r .„ : . - 4. - II L ..,.. - - -- L nl- • ale . Wensul.alr•Chakgrient'ibuilelor 'Arnpossible of the road between Web ' 416 'sa•n ---- : ""•-•""` - ;s" - '!"".1?"..0" T " pi, ache will'brevall in Gus end. That is me n d Prodefkirsburg, thin' dll)In to :4, ,•-• 0.404,..00.-otiiati.4.i.itii..!::::_,....u.. fear in tiehmendi',-- The ebtiP"hrrl Charipteiville and &stray the diverging •.• • _ affrioofhletos:eaitelediikeit4l4.?leri Jtsl deo attack a t o l l * ,a si a th vg R re s ir,o b l.X.k. reeds It Ras eupposod Sheridan I si would join •-• ' ihuldir°s4 r allis ' lliihi-th4 f =l " *lite , d V; de y iepos, ressea for botkOrser,!_gxe , P4i4N3a4hihvitsspifigielii7l l. - . - ... i "'"' ? "'" . ':""''''''''""' -- ll ' lt%tOg7 ‘Ol l 4 -11 U4Vitall:' nili'ib b 4 "' 0 tIO,J, • robibly in pursuit of Sheridan. ''• .• ' "31stth iM ng " - Yr21 e e 441.-" ltlis tuiei .to amuip,xv.fit-acciagono.Y - Aii -- -- .- thatimft gr 3. Sit • Palm 7 - . .• • ' cuttLuglailfse , o'ilititinietshe White l'otist* • No' oag glances at Gob Grant rme..r....,..g.Pb I RtiaPatch pa ses rs trotn ent. •:llabtei se E!, _ end . . 10471e11i . M.7 r.kb - ..si 4041 la; of tiler ti e l e i l o nglet . L'hil? Itaid,O.T_..e ~. r"''"' which '"e- lel" ' W . mum, _Jobe. 16 The reared • - • ro ßo. f. t h- n irri ,,„, 14 7 1 ,,, u -b d-i tl ir e a r ib A -N i -L 515 -b o tit s- "f 55 - yol • I m es sad o his P l ease!' *alai= indicate; - - -.• ...... _-• - .. ' • • I" ' ' ---'-- ••• - • • ••- i a-rr•a l.bjrili aa ; Ili and which IsoPsessessart:slways;sahloh •E• l 7.' of "Be 12th pastas Mato M --. ••• - peultalkolgdOrglen ,lre -4) jaw-. .. - - ... arg , „ rio ,. 1,- 4 , 30 ,4 0r y A. -. :, • . . ea t . Ili:seinen „rbp, 1 mtler Ailtit, 7 . tha -11 44 1 ntii,,,,,,....4_,f4 5 ,,bi1 1 i t uatt0,,,,,,...."% t e ., 41 ,„t n e 5 7.41 1--- '''ita" -r i or emotion , it the tare- 090 Aid ATOM' iDitttaltillltitttlf , day at - eceeedw.lwoes!elleemg4aaa‘.. , .e• --._-_.„-- 5d 13 :.7.. 04." "Lert: Si cAidely.lbe 'llehol.'lloienol "84tus .n. A portion of their foreseen) Baer. t,airgimettsikso 'Alititillinet 4s .„,____,_,,r-.... .7 ; --...T,„." , .. , ..„.,, ,- .6i,e kwi z antrklqep rt haw- on tt Granvilliond illiddlabrookrariL '. . :-..',•,. nizetleatiers •dietzoyed; --West ef . .• Areeroe=o hoL , 4o .'N` l' - ' r-e 7 r -, ... , -... • .• -- - -- .pf, sittatiCasiatrp-Anads..adianonstra ndiUonr . un ' prieh - - b ,, 7 i t i r ro ln i bi li t i t a w s i r diii ,„:„,•.:-: Ai, L. , Atsesss as piaci , ..,:, ~, 7.... : U m , n a.. 11: T ay hit ne o i la bo s to and .„ ry 7 ti a ... z ..t r 0 :111 3: edby ... • '•••••' 1- Is to 'ol;lasts:- e rlideicalieslha south 194 • • • .,11 ow York super says : A daring ntlemit ; I & • -.- - ' ragntop looked to-ksztitialGravari4quarterie - moilt i s - 0. ,, ,K r i 0 r0 • p o s h uf oro f s itou d i b l , _, , _ ll,llol. o =l ssis, ~., . 3.0 ;is _ ..., , •-• . peatityithi,egsaett/eflitbed4; , ::,, Quota, wkiel soiled mini dglorall on di f m tbwr..= noire l a m . ,fl o j m ,„., TA '• • ' • ' - _-_-... L ... • )07; 7 , W a -a . e, .. " - c - JI• • Kir. 5i frosc'thle lore. lII°. bad . e a ' . boa, en= have a Ta4upptles - 4;itc •- entetst nether areit4o . ,* -- „easatttififlotsitarpt!,llobbrCh.• greq se ion, gars, besides.7l „ . - cowl •. Om iZOODIi an to Attlt, 1111111t8 ...! ,,II!ti colcuin tertiptidioneintelleiflAtlqezires ils . . WI; :og.o der Aletruszo4oTlV.s. 7 , 1,0,a ,„,"I„.ouil D wiw4.6, .„,www„,, Stem latter had fanned a pun to eels! the yr . .;,, Top; Jim 9.-The ,1114127 ad •-„I. ' - Itoehettii,!....CalriCo7, 4 •7•••7tting illy, NG' all potions .onme.errAcziOld Tanned s pin to-day with Mods; , Icad*e • " • , I - • iwz. - thioat,:: niF hitiriga - vor.ifuilals and run bon thew,.,-......- ..45,..i. ~,„ if e . o k bfLaboderi.'• -, "' ' • • •-:- -Cu tiro ration SlislitaPi r irsii:biettlifialsor,; pra% .was -prepared, -having hap:Clad :Cur .... ••• ' a Si • - . lir , 131 1,...19N:_ 11 4 1 4_,," __",.._,,-,„ ,„„"L„- ;. aid &Eta . ,'''- isro•7 ll u ll ... TS 111 .• 11 4-'°•.rz.*. { ... r 1• '' torhind;iiirirans l44 lll ll bi llt" = bal l :. -4 Tl:e " strian ; ':LPI. y0b5._ .,.8 • 1 ; .. .e"... a , 1P:•71. k "..P.r.F .21 ., ..-i1F..." / ". ~.t i ' •• : -• siontiggig . hstleoininitteitAbe;nzMirdens.. .40 1 .0 forward, and- The --Ther Whole N. g. trttpolr !noeiterysti -aelemeneArneme r • Age iin.l:;llloltundifstitkltchli.ikeitiTZT:', 'hang shed at the Captain and:_the alm star- -:e. arma, aunnettion, .elß . thli t ig , „_hee t ... - -.. ~. -,........,.. -- .- - ".. --- - .- -- with , but . the foremoskrznetz was tilled, loco, - bresehtage-oenlinlet!.. 0 .m... 0 - - ... ' ''• '•' •;•1' ....i.' MM -er-" • ......, ---- • ,;;.; ---5•••- fi, 1 4 11 71,.... : .„,41,. - q irk , Bkilliketr aid "Piatdor Igloo& fro land . tattt aneressfolly :to thwrebels, Who • • -.-.•••••••• •••°°. , -*""s• "*" . 7.7 --- ---- rata greubbleointregitheslonisindeYwilih! Ago s our blockade. SLetylliousandidol; •' -I . a • - - - -Bethel tti.i.l , lihrifent thither_i ie.= ago fc co .beingtagent o ASPlVlSCiraddaoloaa brew re received *re gralkg . tsrer k, co,, exeept sight erne esosped, and . , . .., , sdaeh-wsa -,,givdre to. -lltelisitish aid la tlifileetOrttellOdeklOr4lll44/ -, • . ' .. -- • h lied the liorbia, said -. . - 'nTietllte - 4elso ellen le. -, tate lieer„..a:l4tat:e nisi ckleal-alo k - '..,.,_. - ''', ' ''''',' .. ' ;S us . 7 741 ° 1 t m 1 , 340 ,,h trial when die wv rt. 41ajof GialerifireiriWilfiderate.:-:- '''' "";--' a '' .-a '' Daviseginatlons- '- -' '•-•' • • adds armarnint: UV-American ' Consul .. ,- ' - was ` - --- ,, ' - f - d- - r.: - /ni eu - iire oostinoisgthislies t epicure has - . n dompellek_te c_lor t_he co . ns hini niate bso , es ' llimultit'eb° ,.__. l/° _. -147 -, .. .“ 71. . 14 '" ° tA .4 ."Y . - sow tway.sostionczji,:awsui- saes - stkoPeop- .4 7 4 • 11 .w. ..irs., dial& #l•447,•si4swrint isssiissz. r Inv, Ilrottune,lipiereitperentsend WSW* . our. . He had tilde eittVili,wl4lr#4lsereittood• dill ,:iiii! fonnd_he the o TtoLthgat.. - ~,,, . 0,4. y iced„... ... -6 . hilt 1' thertnlierwit timid th e los. One of the m , , g es , .:'lla -1 4 12 / 1 44WP - f - .. - , a s . - - • • -,.)' 5.."." 'Of' hind-is that O f s son..of:therg ell, - New toaa, „Xene,ls_,.-The 271 , 4 , Id' e Soy - ----•-• shot th ddittid'Ac 4 lo4 4 .to ,lll4 " On , fratii IdentleirarsoriDids, whols. !err. w e d., • rfe ip oti dent,foe; ~h•ti eat - t - Vr -.-- ' - '-- '-;. e• •-." ',,,`:•- "-'- • ' intase- oa th ! - Pelmet :Offieteielel , -. r --, anted- fraos Fort to :--.-'' 4iedhat"4. ' - ' 'l.-- .' -. f • 1 ,1...4•5 - ... - . figh t Win 1 - ee"h 42 " iiiii "" 64ll " l " b " --; t ll?ilm ort%i . ars e rza ngsteetni - OfedlleV'' ir,Sid •'- • - El'Ogill WlAli 3 lmio-...-- - ... -, 11-1 r of. The Dads junior lithe i on or net so • guerrillas , who so at shell; ~,,,, lei, siniiggie4deatT ' .ingriestiiikettiliffinsta 'BD ata rv ;r2 , ..u o trit= e nt i l l icia. - They f . ol, , wrtil;NtoX &Ai s luteaeteo o2 4.oellitlfelilitX:Pi t l f bl h • aer the Iseet,;giedit frorsEttsVeltos. iv: ,1, ; ; 1,1-4... ,1tr........1.1 on -d , Wig* dai,istaWA oo.4% *`' .-9° r.il - ow: .p.riken : ll,Bl7Btrei tliefreditle sobs sis. secured, Ttlf,lLWouto,n4,,,,li eteee - -C r eTtottletrikj•i*:4il44!;i 4 - , i ' in. : the : ef otha t ti s t l a t..,."= a n t ",.! sad 70 eate n end ellultre. Tat; ma." :: : - .; , ''i4 1 ; , .' `. -- - .‘ • ' ' '''''''':. ' 4 " ''' .:..L' f '! 4.1 ." rit,,„, x „„..-,7„- 7 .-- ~ ..-,,ii„., . """ 4 it" "riiid Winio l Td Ore? 'lOO . ' .. ''r- - . - r,-4: . . -- tbe I ...iy " ---,...--------- --: 5 ,. 11 14 0 ° hro urtli e wl srerarl s • vessela .witti -- vmloti* T' 1.:::' ' " lin°lll ."-t'ta' Ill ' '41411S Silt'dental Pci ter' Uri-been in corn - - - a l 04 arrest."- - ..,.. , - - f a''..- :.--- ...inoi7k:v7io7-sto,-- th D Potter thelonth, he has carg";* ere " P ":'•• ' 'deg of thi• dine.. 14.0 . 211 ° 6 r ii 411: 41 0 11°01,1 1 4151 .t treal7 irelatoofa it ' clili t aulit . New oar June r id;-The')Twaiw. ewes, tbal: a4EIIY° ' ' ...' :- '''.- ---'---.. - - la libig. K. bi n imaPirtiVirti pendent with A . J. Eliith's ecape levee this: "..:-:- , Y '. •. -- - ---. ---. . .:.,- ' - " 51621 Ism" ' d, ' d. 11- c re ate A tails i a battle at Beyou Pis% resulting •• :7 • ''.!. -' Tag Quakers estabnitilit -16 .ealege- 12 to#lt s ' Tu ng -6555 , 5 e= ' fedifebd. fro m e said !sisals sf-iisussidatiso ok.otk. vanifi :..... *1n1a ..,..,:. : -.___ l " . . 441 ,,n. ~._n 111° PrxILA 71 . lilt *Sit the . inhabitants of ..qtariesttal. - .."1n so - of den him free the r of the Cusps Atm neseißle.: - ." - 7 . ---46-t:-. -----,- 0014 slid be has met with- sosoopiand kas ,stississi 1,. ,me 110,1 was on Ot a lltnts r - Ste 000 ingrob:Nm - Oldto*•$14•4* 1 :, 1 1 ( ! ilis - • Jasksou•ill.s:'& l •4/ . iWt*Vot• to &a iss two . i hear . _. .._ . .,_i_Abr__, ,•.•.:' -• ~ ...•-• .--,-,,,..'",-- --' - a- ' '7 - -.' :. . ~....„..."i Dais - - edisssi: roster wilkat_l_va t t: number% a b _4,_l o .=l, o lT o r . 2 .Va b a:4 -'...'-'...;...4iteolilltitrisl4.olio# of : il44 ? m° #: "le, re °ma menace tim ar b lade; i c i l l a llif=ritot t l7disti lt epenliii . Vie Pill n, •-•- • I.ournati'darselieosWeri'fbraitid' i liOn i f A very: _.numbs”.• im am.. „ ix the mississit is, Ewa ori la ivitcas. , 00 anis, 5 . a.... „......L.,,,..... r..- 1 - m -- .,,,.......-„, - i f i f i e -past ure s, ...... he sn "' '• • - b e 6i . jafizetzpoould , are.pallnaildtd - - aa '''• ' aaalli• g "' ""••••• bel , gerdson in a eontinoal data 'ppm. f ont , , tb "A b4 " l "Vatleette . Itietatlttlg...tekkr..-1 tendert, so as to prevent _treat. !ti realm. bas;rd oar the ?eh !______ o l Memphis- - - .. 1 i.,.,,,, :. .......' .... " .. " 6.1 " 11 ..,.. ...,, ~ , - , 2. 4 the rebel army In Vlrghtli, wiLl-or _ , ..,- 1 4 sr - T: • " •5L - " Peciaa. ' 9.Tmal afeicaCtirdaff lo daily letst Gen. Grant in carrying on . the ' • 0 , • ".. •: became two hundred Wajr,rl44o4l.l•litre plans 0 ' the campaign' -• • ,;, ...• .• i . .. -- leteli heill etere A., 16 #".,2,,.,.." 11 , 1 4 1 , 1 t 6 , 111 ;0"..e •:',. , am t '' or In Pswantsr.-The Praddent . 1 ,",-R rape of ths.4 691" ' Qf - " l " ; '' ' ' ' ' ' ' '-. ''' ' A daprisited the Berm of Commhisioner •-•-... .- _.- -' ._•••••• . . ~ :• , .-----) , ...5e..1.••!.).!......-..T2 . •- •lti r li o r the Tema lleveatte, to see Aleut ' - - _.• wificlonsTalrocalinotc). , .setrthat Gotorrid_ o f...ninon made IT a eleilia le thr ot e k tilero a liquifier !Autos above all ihiniptistsedrin named fixate. ~ , I LII .!' " v mm .t o th e nindaeitt - ,-"fdilieloseiof-Ids arduous - idodeldi;dlApia eree iddlyO s e; o rir ss.: m o at"-, an diffi Gult at Mau . of Inte*e..ilta•!'.. .. ,- ... - "''.... !:- ''''': ; . 4 • tlm Teiret The bast rill be ~ , e_entto!et _ , ~.-;.'-'''':: ..i, --"-- " . """ t ' .-: " . '''' Phlte de l f bi S .,44,Trallif * :. *** - 7 - P - 7- ‘---1: '-'- - iii;C:iiitiii.4:'-.- 212 amine: st5)120O410, el* sui taws, the ingsrasistitsaks it petal, atas isling so high, fatial44 maw. . . , TI2 Brlltal Gann al!tt bnit, dlopit it ij stoppage of weak we too 6ipliolpo!dbp 70. °LW" , Ca" d h 0,11,00 4xydtjlvtion of oat. I .4.1: OoMein,:y4tt . smer)quailioi r irial _ . 1110 16- 411116510'-w- eacougkiLL -in, lowa, ' . • .•• • IthiON ROM* - 70111P112 AT •—• bVunt7 ilUnPal ten Wetbineen 'on 'gushy „ mt. Ittalitm7 gaud, baring betm 1115terkil toy oasis I:UAW to tan 7stre, {l2: tho Oetutectimt Peal tetehlp47:: 114 401/ Nov Jetiem bonntial ind,tan site. BO hitt betel M the rebel smaye.". Rouricatini almtleels smashood far s efintlirt - Lart;tii. joined Um Ihst tern I i Yhtlebilptihs' ' . .6loqmpa gat_ Ezati - aagagsd• Pd the ••• • • ladadai baa oratll auas tO eat alakti *ad Nab, Alppers sad spadulat 4 re, Itaadidad kaaktura, sad vas of the awes , of Ili it tiEtare L IdcFddids =Snag, or istair 1 1) *Li p514421.A.: - riaks.d.ll E!S PI~TS~$:_~°~~~D g ~~~~:~~ The firetiteed In t e =wry_ .New Year, 1111710.—The Worid'eWuhlat itigtl4 l l l ; 04 , *A s sue wound/118re yet tn the wilds:eel ;nests reeling tenthly. A few bye stnew4s few, h9bbledcat nidfiettNkeen miles atillokelAdAbefOi.;Aifse s t arlth ibatOW rebels bad twelithetwattittihitl'arstsM Testing the wont elven 90m4itithewvek " Ws, . • , WilliintOTOT, Jane 15.--Tho hl b est an imal IMO-IMM 1,12 SWlltded 4:047. Yogi. muter Citneral Mar Let the idols wilco from Ateljtoll,Kuns, 'Os Batt Like, to Yd. tom City{ itiamert kt.0it87 , 56,611 0 foritiummi: Ibis fu the hitmcMo Ottfy WPM i Clio - Attmi• do lad Ymtifo mut. W lleealwaLa offtteetithi Army. Nrw You 4' Wistilig louVlMll4 tltiMinpikt's Lao Li at LW" acok, Yin* Blatt, Eta' DoTall'o Biafra. Lite" Rt;eklaill Pfailittlf aro Wong ty Wanda& Tlio robiil:,*Mo743l.#o l anus Is mall paittirod. .L 2 d k, ?”.1 - ..a*Ant , P..rb311 TA ,'N.TI I 2tl/71 - 817.71.48A 11 .." 3 ttt ..car._c !,,c.,.:1() ro . 7 .... T 1 :1-1 :fl..ri 1 Illitetiterrltet - IftlfikWafiell'eas t e .'l 'Pm.ticrtrindlaLtotaTall:l;firtwiettlednowlilthiiriagli=,' b - nitltotalfrulenet Bilfole,lesi-bresiglbti. ' * l ' ,t5441.4tt 1 A - ClPODiStelttitliP l ik ate re—lndges...hisit t p . and , .. l- Ifiewit u. Thbff or read Re fits ,i!,9'& ,4 the msel44 . hist of , t* lye* et 4iitri.4 kts,,a tatad&fetid it URI - Mg Wit 111 snosetinenws .„ nswlrlateAlessniasabrdireh .. • . bknatriek appearok•Air ,the irreseentloN • Ififstalfzend - 13w4iradeti It.i thva- torer .29 tealiMPT tlientiblAT,ted ti ,, . • q not t 'nen) ,gat defends:m.olth (oaths hneleastrial; erbipe•ilti.'dstinss natt materially_ stronatharid. , The apiethth .. ar r eertnet were idols - Ws at% the , y 6 / 18 L4 f" :::a r j lii :::::: ub ; t l l ir f Is, ti th ll 44l :Lttorn Al"fel e: ltaltul atr e lelf " 7 l ' i ra fi t:te l : ,, : ViTheitifiteliiir .:seamed to take a A d , per latimstAnt-thenaleltbieriew.fef• the a Shaman , of.ble••=lst; and•nytiii petal relied. was comb with. pathed...l . 1 1Pi•- , 'Ihnitig ;110 ::Pi 1 / 2 # 04 ;.ttt akili 4:1.d. n'brearotheW'mparablts features with those ofttbs elefentlantitatetmitiettr44ehs 1 1 J *bo th er thiy-trould,,oo , Zio Intei.iltly embiNilkl., itill,ni, eba.„.4 rmdivi.t. h b it w i th het." ,lluittl tll'Afttat.,.: . l.. -,.1.1, . titrgildelion'delliermillue char& of the , 9 urt, and. shalom spud wain , attripet : tit 1 1' ".1n lesithewto" : „ samara :.. J .,., : , .1., - ,, 1 - 1 • . ' I ...,,,_Al:touiPieo4,oo.olfrizict, ,t,ilt o rr m i pati, :: f y. 4 . 4 ...i4 , , , . ,t f%ithelltiglienaritia ristalrqch CD cqx4263 0 hare - deolirlit • liflilderie cries ' ~. . 1 cont.fciatha menth..of I nk y bs,tbs tipipa • a , -,1 . , area compuit 001,4onfatia State a: in Idtetatsz,,payableene and afterrldilitn. , If tehrelebtediiiiipia? thiliiirest Oita' el en t prodastimeaf,the faLelompenbt.ln Ude a: 11 ts. r Its shoat are almost cab* In the • binds of a few of the Ithatited espltalAte,Le , PilfhtlfelPliKrialbgall: i f ald A/Oaf Atie ttertabeerf In thas*lt market. holnutueld. , • it ;Fount bands for the Tory Irap parent sae of profits which •it- already pays . and L' promises to tnefolllll. , There is an dottbi'vait" W wealth fethi - ofrreklan of northern Penn. sylyanla and when aspltil Asnnors entirely .t devoted to malt from, th e nrodnetleft of, MI , as In the amid the totipair hare ziottdar, .' rather Thai profit from the formation ,of . the i .;; ' rrett l lZ to * re b .Sise thr wealth . w it hth il the cU legion manlfettly entrorip' • • • bath - Gene - W. iteiniUi. The wain:malty be painat6.learnwf theindden decease of DOporgaW,,Waymen, *iglit and operattro chemitt of, thAe, city. idled tl6 - MOih.ll4, o'clock, at the -. Valence of Ado tabu Smithlildativet. Ile had bun 111 for a few data. put, batiste flab ware entertained led 4trilale 'thinks azail a -non , hedtd• Ads. &Lath, VILLA congestion of the brain. Dr.iWenn=:Twos*•of the 'meet, *atom , piddled chemists In the crountrY,ba , Thillia l4 ,' WO at admen or at' Ilfrinich; tinder die disqaguished Gartman chunial,Butut aq, was evidently &iota to the science, and lost) no opportunity to :ludo biscuit 'Vote °uglily Latter with everything pimt4P4o. to ie. Sewn a line scholir hid' gare'prom• hie of a life oataos loss willlcs laurel" it , only by his'imme• diati relations and) blends,- but by Munity at Lugo. The deceased. was about iblrtr-twIS Tatreof tea, anmarried. Recisions Concerning thn prat — 1 , The follioriniaeODVius iron to • Ptovott Mamba! General'. lincsou,stairaskingtoM hivet boon tarnished for the Information and Wino of District Provost Marshal.: let. Alhorecllte for oullstments..of.dabe pctt. is to' intent tiegPaning oftraftitilt Hs await: ed on thepresent draft and a corresponding :Limber of men last drawn will be discharged. hdt Ia ems . a drafted man falls-to report for esszninstion he Is hold to . be a deserter. His 46=0 will not be put In the wheel again, but ewll, be counted upon the deficiency spent oath *Attic:pito:site be draw:PlO try a'sup Tomo:taxi draft. 1 3.1.; Butetitztes will be astigned to reel , toentS b)-the Adjitantflenersie.after arrival We are alto Adel/04*e the.tiravat Hai; shot WM, upon thn WOrdef airoponalble,citi , nen, arrest my drafted man, before the dap pun Which he is ordered to report, who bas al ,. .ctiirObisintentlon-nf going away to avoid Scanlon, Escape of a As • a Sims§ Main tenths ' Wit on tho Patron's Railroad waa running in tho of.lfouk-Pladdla,,c on the Cionasaiugti; 13 miles west of Johnstown, on Tuesday, en, sxlio of the ,:watcrtsakistoks, snit for so time ths,aiiire train gnu in imminent.petit o Witldeshmiid :otitis. - all =on'hoMfe: -It Obi .eissinder bad oof gisinidod - Lirshecklfit the train Whoa was it would , hireldengeidpitiala oslit bahludentone htm distil - Met - ,Qidelthe, 0b01 , 70 neigh sid'u .. rfaieheo of m:MA-of tbasen-; 'weer saved. thallsns of Sloaw:aulhahusinz' leam what w• could learn-onkr ins mizit.ifaii slightly ,iojpred, • Thsiseeidanrdatitioddl , #41.17 1 '. 210 .z4 2 ", )417:1PI lime on the 1019.1cIth-': - • •• • • . . .. . .. ' landaus Ittilltat4 a Aaaltinuti ' ::ea aboldeoK euyipsg A horny rub tatutPod On ih'steinit:ltaisid "nee; Vittearintattais . , _ tha nth r - dssy She 'freight train.; tionall treat . .. • .. ran luta another going In the multi illreattoa, Or 6 vi , g .fillmang.:ears trunk the %Wick :and brc lit ig Othord Wiltooli;:1 To i 44 Ltd ebb dia. atter, a nitatin nataht. fire - Ina In aehart ' Jim* V1: 441 i f VON* ati int two.ar three t tondo . of Coat took tire, £n it° ii;.: tomtit wiettiunroaArit lottmoics T ao all hernajte 'shoe.- -The tract: ess--dostrsistl 'bra oonstdarabirr dtatertai: ' Tb 0,161. tairt. en AFlC•tbtrails riStit94lf.the 3.utisastepA tbs. peal. Therloil lir estiststa4,4 sbiait sns it9P4' . tbolusia4 4011sra. .:--, - : . _ , ,_.. ' .'Ta .:.. ': - li "terming at , sa alidock3l# :110 Ina ii9linfll , mil :thl - Aelii-::bi ihii-: : Bixth lirsidlir c draiin; . :llle , iicite• of in" wad *u•429 credit, 311, dsflolacy, lf. , lases I' L jiff W-Otylar or - Jam !Jr JrZirce V.: Clellash ambi Robert Elite. ta. • • ~• Henry Illeberde It Irsl i t Nor'' , Wmi a it aMel?r tee7 . - him &Miter - Richard can Hoeg Ottlagbm QP O2 ,lb Taper . , _ .- j- , , Dr; thborgli..l4 - f MiClablri - Phrdoloal - to the Board odlloali4x6 - pOillaadloidii !loath" for the 4iladdoronionnini.lane 3rdocrfa Oak: beg :in 410804r - 1 -' - '.., ~; - ;:„. '.' ftialee,i.- 11W)/00.;...1 , T;; , 67. 7 V miles ~.. 6 4 ..Colotad.4 ill . Of the - dtsoues there were: Oonsumption, VI •Diplihille,ll , Croup, 1 . J . BOW Born; r; 'illphtUritLe, If :Litatory.Oroup;.ll t rAs -., Tara.—A recent enibilicill of spa! 1 . , I rhariolftfoordr auto" trtaimrphadpiai been pat in circulation. Thry asuisadlly &- at tecie4bY obietTing the following remarks: They an eighth of an inch shorter than Ilos gen e; the words malty coats,., which SWIRIMIA the head of Washington, are Toy pale and distinct in the .oo:unionist', while the ore Tory black and distinct In the genuine. I l'ko-brones circle arolufdlhi had tothieounterfsit can hardly be gen, w at ttawipe is • a deep color. The spurious, though inplletinotili all its manse, to darker than the irlginaL WoulD Bunn. (1 0/04 for ram • Wu • .• AT Tllll WILDIT/11:614—Jacob ot the Os} Assipsenl,:ondlolus the I 53tli Bonlment, who hid boss MA at Locust Grove ll:spltal,to the eeoart weroucreaso:ttgibibllttnt: ve t.Moy y. of the 61st Iteplment, woo u ro liming, In the Wilde:nem, at te.. Tk• hoepltal coder clasp ci DrA bonuelly, ot.tbe naive% assist' d bya corpsCof puck* -• Ptu.—TheotsAtot" l,3 o'clock tide ottanooo, was ocosetoosel by the partial baCip of dm balldln Mjrbirtf 143 Penn A., °peopled th•pdildeneei of rtem 7 F ip orta Vntel 4l :l)a s, t; sl p eLcrtl !man MIS Ike lltbkin nrollsoe; men - naoientitobbill wlthbit *mega The AroN t lat.( were promptly on the ;pot, ocasolon to we sayo4ekdbAs mrermirs, PARSON &pal& remitia froltßibtarlfflaalithitscas. riP44-.10 failtitiosA 0 ate twelist, Of darKS•tarl.l4.l4 411411.thiS os7 OD ArreethiP* ll Warnari TogThahmild-r 4 4.1-T L c•-• la MOP - ..fo Cdszt 37S L 2a ,1•1:1.7.121 c0..11:t V'44 .s.. rt ki 1%. t ••• cp.t • iiir• ic. 11-.;1, :.;I.! :I sue.: !;lw 11.. T It. 943 OZO e,5/. Id , , eyy A-FAc....1.!f.:L . •1 -I .v7.ln 610. 0g.,-,1 lib V;el td;'" $r ri 0 5 .1 11 I S2 --TAH9 I. 0TTP80 12 at, , ,, ,L . L , 1 ,,.a . ; ....• Ist., 1,-.i:l egt.: r , ....6.% , ". L.- ” r " .- TraiefiCirii*olieittra:llltiA74 . 4 . --114 , ffikialg i r , , I•litT4 KiLd.ll. tl m ---r - 3818 - (rtiLtil)rtlekom v ~4 . .,.- 7 7, Mb, viiionted, for the C :It d pi tatki tbstllligemsntla meltkdr•Pk of rbUste :431"-staroteeiii P ow or iMODTTLIIIM. ..*- - . l i.Q.kiZiwfialillittd . • -. ...f.....,... "- 47 -. " -- Atr gal: •l inwAolinantleal dm:cud 11::ii. 40SAlf-efil7aD.- ---- V4i4w4-.4 ...1.01cii(444r Malrataii 1 ittAbster• “. _ vaggok4PftwAt6iViii...- !; 4=71.111, A.-nrura --P4Ua ; wit" , !!'' V ~ *a • , • ny l v ELT lg'lNel'if 42-- li 1 I DUI! PAteooo°7l.l6l.of. T4l .it , I : 0 . 11k VIELLSION 011 i °BERK. 1: ' ~.,....,..,,... J.,.., 04. • • irk* d rocaLt • • 144 44, 1,1,04 ~.t 24.*0 , trars.'it • Jogt - P:16:1111 1 1 -- ihmiLll Ind Mal ' 3o ' o t k., ' etulOnv ) atd Ham _ : 1.1 49r 111 P 7 4. , iltut.isazier, liessniannae. - • AMMO 'Card Lohotograpne. IMlbUtiili.' ` s Card Photo rapha Piookßt Books .F.'9ocPP.BX bt a lls. Yoolc6t • Sooke+ _ , II;It; ' pc,bicet - Aabuma.. .3 F . I O A GS I F,LpaS i ..1", ...:. :: ...; -.. :... a to illoelze. . . : Leto rdsiga2zines. * .f . " ' , die .11'g4a; 140/B.ll 7 6iiii(lfilt I 1 - - astrio - nr entrust • ... - . W-11001(8 Ni.. l Tr TOMB, PItOORIS.O OT SIMPIVLIAIHOOLS —A b ty of -Bat, llama sail;Vst. lasi an Sohn rwent."nol.," bine In On • A Astral.-- 'ow 14tBACTING / 11 E 1 T 8— • ••• asibegnstonly a gni parts langned la titb•nide anirp . lppar cara inn; lIIZAVAX.OtIirLICILL 1 eol. 1! o. • DATILISGUIXD Bur e n Pinlnn4 nCfnilifinvirenk tninxeogruL -I:I`II,:TIMIIA.I4Iannt4, l iJelogortMZlVSlC*tic. 77- , , w -Wsicwwg tbepfbilattat ap74hio lugs tad team:Lod/mu haw so:12 nissrmvef-stocK, , Fr. - vranrerarer, • where art adra dinattftitad Ennia WlL, 4 4.lingtopßitamtaccaontossa koo• • •tsimlnsoapiAisos. 61.0. • copplati }ato!szturslObUlitett rs43Aiiio:oisj 'fhepme.F.4y, I. top.ipi4 00,118.pimut te,di,coluaitatom A6124111*(040? aniiscalent Ina signal no !ain_OL:ryklarity cacaktcdra. giby — gic - Taingararitteglatralmed33 two aa tbs new spda,' MI "bah crake, Ann and hunch (mad action Placa I Iragba _gaantactured by WK. EtHAMICHY,.a.bd Bh6 Oa Wm Plana bating been *az tongaid !moral" Innown In tido and crthagycanttlag. wad tanager comment. All gtanddead4brlya pada, WAXKLIIII wilt,' ; • , Ho. If fir. admin., Efiligli suo. M!M==n ilii/ELTON PLAN© . it or Sa le Cheap. . • ' 'l4;l;aua ribirtii al tiaccd a b•Etitlturand it Cl Mir : Ir _ • ,___.• 4/Ml4. ilia Wing algLiJ InJared lit Ms tunaltiare, will ;101‘4,11ii 4,eee than Iteanti E 14461.3; CHAS. al-':WoODAhr*!V, KNA ; ES UNEIVALLNIY: . • •,-, - P.1.A.N0134 ,- 1 VIM , . A'Shol . 1 1:14 0 Jijilisset actari Awqrorfiks. frac ths isbrsts4 bld#l.of . MAW & Oa, WWI'S' witn a d b.* p i ed —sososjs. na.. ly..asnld Mk% TUN la• hgclinwri tt!l trAtighttatA4m4 web: tjul best j -rr==mt4 ussissstsid , tr ostus . • •fialy so dud bakers joesolusing Ow ksbon.S.=.3 I .. MAJILIMAJII.I7XII4 fintli Agettt,.l •' 44 '.-,. ~... wr, • ,:,..,080.43:FtfttLetriit:,.!.. ~1.? .~:ry,...a nS~~ fMANth I.lOENE:frCir7 . ,;;;; irbkolomglapt.r.•: MOP" MEV afii.bost nnldsisar lap -Opp it be Osa allotbak 'WO sas ~to~~ers :~~; .1311 ottp . totlEottlital boßPlltitt; Mt trOlptios draw& • Tbutiday. Jaw trid, lb* and RIR bo tm, ter. - - of 0,1.-.lsatas lin - Potraii; titth !Er. wad Hollitill to atolattat. ,• - pow 1.04 •ROattmoixt pant= can hoes am. on 64.14 deportmeat Rad Mr, oitstkotArttl ..4,,t td toaduct tbo ow t , t , tlaa alit* salittse. Ws of the Srablln. • - a ft . , Ai / Ist, 0= Oil= I'M tom Thtil Wiest Tem, dallA t th• Tat , URI thrtogt In. two limn. wi t hout Ambit at Ito irsy ttatioac , i rsol bans tcostato bad to tba 'WM ovtd7 oty zoinatot. ,••• •,,,. :; Male,' itttior tbs e mo t ion or Mr. Sham Maltz, kw ttmotaomohforittrestaot. p.m,. • bblff•Op totss room vt.ll ad..: 13 uigh{.4 WOLIMPLII, rre c tim m . , • , .. i• Attaallogtraim a mm o. If. 13.-- , 114 11.1 .t eGX." low fotassacityto a tt. [ha tams Windt' 4145.1Rpospid, • As trell cma a NIA belt sad set . um. .. N u . , . ITTNITES MATHS HOTIV.Z ;,,,;.4.; l), Y. • ' ` . :M.. , i . liar . 44.1911 Mililati. .§ ... 1 . : 144r1 , 4 1 4tPUP ' ; 211411.14 i." 0" 110 ' Weildifillia . 4 ..".. r eitAbta t‘ . 1;1[0 ' . tbl llili OR nbib . . 1, 4", ' = PIMP .worsen 14 1 4 111 . 0 Oft.oolloo, of vistlars• to t t litit Oa Lova • . , . N T .eho.s tati: 04 a o n la iall d it i i e tMiltTh is id a l A i w rk noi a co g. ... &a Z• l a4riattri•••nsea w& p.pr tua of ttla11 , •;441;011 , pmts. almost to V* ot tbeteD7.l I 1 ..04 4 t0 AR tbe li = --------- • +mos oselple 0- ' lottm At - S: suiw-r -- ir. .1 . 11,4.15 - L2: " Trf) 0 1. • I,fl ~ . • nktßsTb Mut bdAt q Ms f I.ll.Xtletilliedtlilai. igtteNtiPq o 4% , ..BW ll o o 6o 6l 9 l : llll a ej r j 1 1 7 Le ilitrafili. MUlaii V. 7. •:: WTVV r eiiira ' essagauge,WEOlhArSk isiWUitniqe• - • ~ . ! .. nte , t . 01,60 liftdeaCtllltatbyc.; t, , t •-• 1 1 toltailtl3a irkspg: 1, , , . 0 ..„. Wli'• t 1 4.d.olthutlitl. i • • isia' kirrod& if. fiVolf,Aqi , . . zelsbatilamiW is I II 'W.W.I! IA zuftwaLlClL frau, dper I ..tilt , , Pi . wiliqx Litt,!,%.'itt,LW6ti.; •• itabia.mastmi., ..,..,... ~.. J... 1 7110 tras Ashland rarnul,Baliladoxr,toubt .. 1. Wand " . 1, 4416 , E . 44 . 1 ,1(.., i4 ., ; ... ? ,0- "C l *, ~.44-. ii'— UMW A ' t;cl4l . ail a 0.1.4,4,4 Va ZalaZB4i.,litiOnaf" 114 . t o el g t m 174 !a t , 14 ,. ...:1 1 7 6. 1 1/4 1 2tA tOI9.OIPINIMOMPLICIIOdIWW.aati.t, 1 alf -6 114 .' n= •r. • ciAilext, i .. tk,v i tL.,..l ,, k . *64 y, m , 40 . 4 , ....... .. 4aftialwikto &t W. ...M i ‘ •' . itle t . x n , a I e ry i t ' =rkmrt. p ..• -* * a. . . I.E.,* . tially ( a v • vaam.....avat; . L. *44 , a.. ma Kamm siatiaaus aakcaz...* ' 4. iIoViIItICITLE I .I ... .. gt, r - an . ' OCP St fTV A fl e rltithifthilnialablbbet . ,.. .00 f Ng lbo„ +swam fl, kf , ek eleyjeth f counter: o tecflthtto to.futbotheft` 0 1 e t r t lf , := 3l l;not na. ,..641 4= Ley ony; ThU ether •I rS ha rr l V l er ri r ii, e'%; fl a r e *A' rr.idkrAdttrilibra V I ..rrtmultaotaaa.u.aatar rellf,oll TUft 01 1 7n1111:40.4efiweei -Wool •thue , athtr lot Wi.edlbb.,!oth ithe Or ot-letatheldosoeoneir "k w "pri 54 . ..4 P.F 2 M. *4 0. ?P.. We,f , libr,,Sfie • - -i , inavt! . tECI:I7I)IEF SAIIWINIIFIVPA: 1 tv Tff: *130101:4361' TWO Mireth'ititheths , itheethiOth eel IthlotWittheeed rimiest of 4 "S"" troet o' l l 6 lt wili beto "ll44 o* hozoest iPtiTaS esa ra ithlthid "MM. SUMO ill. Won taimsh,_a , "•_ Ar. r w mi " , ..._/. 4" ,.. g.. tida11ai11a1.4 . D.ath ialas z)f rka* no.. r . : 24 . 4 oat a pflociAtureeler of itplesel= ittlibt .. .lsthatni*•:r :doe thet thOre With try! iseeiyote4 at oeth. t ellbrileA-440144.11 kildi.i44.wzoia• sest t. .... ,„. e ~ . id le tiarar "A .W. o vi. 10,0 no fold throttoth,4itte laticiiit,li 1e awared by bond sad "c° 4lo Ph d r ay e n ko'Vlf ethlri4 beefiest of th e, widow da_nc 1- pa -----; uottress.most -- 1:-. '''''.' 7 l?7,.: 4 l ll h.ttl_tt.t4. l 4.=. l iiilki - i:i Joali"-' • • - - - --XL-w.tors• 1 . iialliiiiii 'Alai /3i1ii1111.3 . Bo tiPP.tilurAbl nextugared Manreae'dailmei of aulauling in the Planting and gay 11111 Manna to patchass • nalnahle property (Muted to a heath. al l eteliti 1/035raiiitlgi . =trgMl P. W,t U. U. W. It mutate of Pl., KM, Bow Inn, Dwelling Irmo, Barn and'othar outhouses. A vein of BittpningnaNqtt, gin isnllthlclip oft of IfitanitkinraLbes a thug fuel to, T t . ma a Vila, and la a *mace of raptly to the WO. ba Thera up alghtuitaittlho tract Iron lintMur end Ibureittlhatte On.WWayFi' MA lommilato talghl‘orhood, amyl - a) log fro= MO to t o hum* fatal& A:horne4notand for the tpaega Et of the ulna. Mu her nt.rtleolunteng he bad on alpg.4.lralins to I.II:111/AN, Broker sad Laurence nark—, :001d SALE—ailialtiable - Seiain' Viotti-% .1.: . ing KW, eltusia mar miles from Allegheny CU7, toextst.temstrt, egg Irbiat. wisp:tams • • bi- . ~.b..... I; Mt Illerdallt Made. -Tam itamda ~.. taxiliAtir..6o..to =Qui Allai. mass el bun, legelyieryibileg eninglats...,.,-, _:1 • nate ef ground, ili,,m=, le a twoatal7 1 Lome irelllng!of Amy inatekiimelMlim,ATAbliediv. 1 4 r KM ' elom.4 o 4:gia - iSIMIPen. 4.' 1 - I '. ll I ftulti lakilitil:g , t o lli cutts:_ - .. .. . t ,xlll,o,4•ll2.Attli.lotista. .itittior: tturtit“ UI Q. Par - b. 6- 6 5 6.7 01 " .egnini.: l M a CooL.a.l. mating I , IrittMPVINIP4I.In4 li. elts.thla,alt. mui coal4-11.401. , 1,...)4 oviltak• tam Mattr,d 0a11'0r , .. - ti ..,...: ~ f......... -.. .r.-t. f.er tally). tlesmikbana..ftesach voi ihrihei parlksiara ova ee emmineig, .: . Olt i . - - a MeralN 4 0 0 . e la) Vomit emu: . o.6t l(74l mtni.t. Tim Iftvel 40 t.1.144111.4va1il ica hax 4seep... oft ra4l.:Erenenytvlatmingine, 25 fees fro* y. tis t to* VA iota any.. ,!Dits Oleg eigroavtl 11104,11 tit nu r.-x.x..u. e 41E4 atobir tazolitok bar tazartiwc. ath. of thesolets Vain 01"112ritat strait gti 4 0 ad ad ttmit .415, 1 .1110=4 1 wWilisissisis 51 / o "kl'....misii ,. .sk which is ntetal amal S. D. 616in:i:II, .. rod ri.03 . 6., wqrkr„ westftrum gs. . 15040 . 113313-OF LAND ®dm laced clean' ter; sale a' rum of - 100 of vblok ern sad In • i• f etalfatlen t tba balance to Casuallyed, with oale,chlaßy. 'lt Ina near .abortat eccd•Clbfant teerf I Onrincy'a ficalma, tlanYUCtborab, • a Map IL E. 'ti tle perfect. indre of H.; o$ t a n4r . th 4“, • . 715 . 1111 D. Han If et 3. 121 OR laglut 160 806 d state WI flat • tits 91po , tram Irtfth wad Ifighrtreets, 'contain. with goal •cellar and Astiahad /Vs Las • front of Y 6 tegt cal Dm street, rnst. o bed toa6botal Thelma' Uinta • and has wit.? a id d iss throuttosyt forthir tartialtaxa =Oho of A..O.IRIBUON, . ~111)%mond. bank. ' LB 42 000* -pnrchas . a. a sarrpriat _ Haan - 0111/1107. doconettrestilmlitr arLik strW•irell ptdoM bit4bachAtckti ' 1,11,60.** 'fiaa poR 8 &A I, jpa_' " ls .l-r- ooloos, -4 1re Pot "iiiir:.lloe wollollllliosimeortli find pfiriWg4 7"" 4 4::" c4il ut i rwt . thr . ' - ' No.ll • fm!lh 4 41 F 9 W it. ';' _ .. --011110211.-,-- 7 -I .ba ti : v iti - 4 21-•l3lWitswASI T tri.... - . Matt . 114. 13.00ger.alurnaitigit -7 64.1=rtnetivaa wa.usar Tr 44 . 1 1 iiro! 4 Sositig i 4 .._ , . ~, , 4 :Yr , r ' , lD '' '. .4447U1 -4-1 -'irs"'llii4be , - mew air , Settran ve4to • - • - - et ”. - ilairk W a ct conot 01 !Mt /mast ._,.... . ionsclimos no rus ut,* r - r. , • - • , - • ! MID, BNGIRIB i Borcit it • protein advtaiC intli 640 Vlbt A R - 0 2C,04 :1 1 Pt S i &It int. a. Joan= a co. • J MIME`l= :zt4 4 1 • .a) &OJIU3 r 3 tliEffil/P-TtaltWei:, ~ 5 / :. ' to U l % O . -A; ..,, ' , ft .. :, • . V. . ovmar as • . t. •- .133 In um 441217edris21,5%ftz'kVillses-"127- , a. tlit' 94 4 coslisqvh.tswkwisrm , ... .t tr.-041W amtLiaNaltika;at a • Veika,k,ii 19;38110,stasts,"mi nOßAELOAClahalrlitqlif iltiiiiV lii . 11 ; 4 OW: PrlitablyhAlbstamobseal eciarjtom .1. a.. • n am of ures In Elizabeth tcrinial4, Petzhelly M county. Lao, • lane tweir - 107113• - ••• tot In C {be Anima of Wart.NN- • - kg.— I) z ilr .Beek Home out Loo lilabotb tope•sh. -. .. „ 5 , .....441ehibigtearbftowarnttiset• PPS•OI.4I4:::f. igtuit.:ffft;m 6 7,Alo..; Irmluvraziadiamottotaioissna; , :eatak i ...,,,r th ir i tattN f rigti.44sirifiiiitak4) .. .: . ..-., , z::.1.14&79.1c.340 1 404.MWtigvatcf 1: liMitiZSCP:#o4'l4liP :1J " IotRV: • .?.3:± evalAitabiOst Fs Boas: tgaz:u % 4021 4 ). atatavv: - lirtribpS i Virstin ~ .Pce3iLT: ft et MY two raw+ IN 1t... Ebel*/ Via Aid laleßtias. litlryllogiabetdji4 IgW i ta l at=l, 93 MT ..gl.k, - / 0:3.1:13 ..ralLtl ..., A...........t la *" { 4.r - .... - rl'efeaf3AW-' i soles 11 ICAinsirsieitsrinttbtp,slit C , 1 abSt-080,21Ailmaz. I *boat= azres,‘ol ntsBti; WlTtltic,‘"`'r 1r 14;d4 - c..,..4 V 441 yIotAGMEOI4 Atrff ORRatiA,VAlforalkoAtlves.i ' 1,4 t,t-A.1.410.11'51VAN.1.--1 I B.; ttfALB OR 311110GE'Ingt: PBOPIaTT,-11'h/N , tABOB/DIWZL.T.r - UiO.;lrtt l l troPadvalichgli 4,vota,stssovon -41 1" -- auzzr,,..u.s.umm iii ; - 1W 4n. SALF..-20:-Lets I in-Allegheny k, " 11 frozdato -,l'astaroirazik • • rlegr l t Wet !A aknaPPiatratlletleNta! hod tuhrllV ‘lll tlapal„ ae la a body, La, aoati to • g . 1: CIF. 'maths. leo VO: .3 .41 4:'-...51a Amildarg 13M, .VenVtitt. dekhod spco.ool. satin ompt i zirdercdratitt Zekbe - cornerAt Dents heft XkolpettleePsnair etrftiFirr, Chit c %mu; td to td ingsgt,+-Ciabe bad—. + La+ ++ ti " Cttt s ' 6i MO% £43l,ftererflaltr tkilaworifdrz-A nizigcat'sl 4es,Vstark4Oir ukArup UMW:4, aMot* dal Pete pey iVeeMma Mdirlthin'isheit - Ne - 1.1 ift[140 ,,,, • • .•• wie:lnistk" " 7 A . Nettitter,trMlßlth. ermuttoet pot seam4diatiy , delel9W4:l66Visafee 6i Iltteteerg* . on the - Ntehmtbiftrt•Waym ChltagelL.E.,.46,F NEJtete, poi thteerte tan suses... 6 E. g. " - met I •••—•-• 16 , 1. M-waive& lateißeet:' io, porno a tab( l'atshtelis. — IV tie . sold di strootmt of tha Stlro,st, tro.ustato,4lllToBl; Jet d2~ .._4IIZOSSIIT pat -BALA 41.6NCIEERD Cipapaixtroan anuts twra i t tail% bag. hist. broken_ Jo singit.ad doh am% toct gibinitiLD A as BUCEJLA —WO •-• -^4.4.1c0d . . . . kejj r • • 1! TLEMEN WLSBING FIRST RLASS - GARSTERTS. 15103 T TABHIONAAZ - • - • x...ietztivr . .-erviriai-t - ,. - • 1...• w . -H. broctzE, . - 0 _ R ...i.u.7- , , , ....r--::• ..• ! :-7..•...._ oi t 1 to,s .. • : T ~ • QM*: 4Tiiii, - , c wide •isi'lagskicitbiriißlii,4;iioi .: goods: 1 kurbsectidetted " Wipes ,un, NA al.dl itootabo Oho woad ottloi of •itoSt Pt Itt lact • /sant )91 1 1141. Aioitalrldgaganit doknbee . .11te toad' to Alter • •111 Vow call sod' artlto ow Batt tirtliti. Alstti it MI I3l to complete ltdci Wati lIIMITS Cirg . A.W4:l" Gitribuldi Side" " }MS' DEETELOPOLIT AN SACKS, • White ktiT.lll44 : Paziis andteq,s, rtr_mpix . ro i3A COATS, Xilt-CL-Aini V IWM 4t MAIM A01344(n . ;i 7l l (1 HAI:I:PATTERSON .111 . .**.tkPU•bhtlirxe• ' . • 110/11111ES;BUR . Yif '..' - g:::4kiphs=ipubv-skt. , ---0: • . ' ••• ♦ alg= 410/314150N, A:3l:!amos . : ; , !t'..! !A lEUCIIIM4T.rair(e. •- AAA% r - imaxesze water Lams, A LARGE • BIODERIi kick homy, altsusti 02 8088 B ._ qms *imp ANMIIfraPAT.:: • • Prtwe 7 . 4 4" 14(14 _ •• r •-.•• • la resg# , ruaztro.r.- Wrriacy - ICllindk-BOUNTIEi PIS (ta irfi N, :CRC 11.x;azat Lirtil2llt. IMAIREIat dalP-ipttaNcallartal r7-t-N. ab- , rail*. rated alas reaalana f 10,1)?; a 1 otb 11a.1RA1 m C r p f s A a TZ O - L ; a • tt a o rrata ta;7l pant itorart bard s-. o antteDutlghvad ,4 kr7 OAH No. IU • (Zama for glraka., - z " 10.1114.. •c, —. IMplay .7l 7 l6. (f ou r A nA tiT a lL a ßß A Tl o r s. . wolf hi' purchwd tel Mated or /OHS MIAS% In trii Sr Pol WELL rallabSO i *la. allot bawd sll WO airbag. by salt Arm stints by its estesintag Ran. u 4 ItarbsoLotilrartl bt =elated se Woofs.% titbit Orlialo"I iblit or ragratslll GA tiIISON aOM . - . - , - JOIN a mossretka a t" , . _.' no.clasean. • 4. , , PlUttbsiili. l sasl;lso. _ . ~, ..... japa,.. TIBSABUOP PARITIREMP ,:-ortes toottosato er ;m O II2I449AOR thisl . 4l l .l..ainal n 4 , I to wiPeolil . to tgoo oftw. to= 1.4n0t0, f II , 11=111) itiMs. Om irta Ibrbj , d -- I :Frlttlatsbittasol IS , - Mto bra "VW*. sr - --,•., -t ; \:. .I,::;ti;r:bits, r - MILO. -,..- ..., 1-.4%.br M. 1111330 I ' a" i i. 11. 1 InalirOirrib. MINI Sat, LUI would do well to 421101;7i3O coretr AWL. taking. Good.. • o tt i !A. 400. 3 i; 1 4 , mi54i 1 1loi, • • - mar iiiieeLeituta..- ottys.zoohn. Ifal ayikur 1614.6.440060iipii5-: ErA ,• • , • " I - lOU • MI=IMI VE4X.:&11 .1 a:stv- ato. hST• Ibm opea tbz bkvzsb siks bed laboted in this cbq of • ,•••••• - UM Si Ldso , l tti :thy ths*.iic%74l ed by ouriehr.,ll - dez a tbfAtltpEsarnt Le o • Id premium U 4.1 p•p54 , 4. - i rite , ~,531 . ,E,A174rigDIAILAintair 4 w - ••; • AillA•;14A47.41110:01 -CO • 44., t c•44/ I:‘,J ej.. 1 . 4 1 . 7• 3 4CAT1v1 17 .. 1 am= * • 15ilit' r 4. . t • 12 1 " uslastuinnociraccap psza ,t 1 4lO-3, P :•FlGWOPElialsiu ttittl9ll.o" / TAMPON. toli tkaihnillaramittitealaa:.-V l. ' i 1 ' tVaila Flote 011 1 i othga;' — ' t...4-.•.:a s OAP ....4 *Lir . • E m bil it tl i W ear t l re pa ve ii .. 675.„ 4 , I, ; - i% •° . ifol , - 4,15Mr; 1- , 4e tdowu tm ~ , .. 61.;,t. • ...e. ~ . I . l3 Wiltrsitosi'Vegair " t \ • or ••• ftel fel beano Itekptont •-tsil.• -• c+as , :} :POW/MU solo it's-vary man - Nimbi ~' ‘,. • -• Pat yatandk•ob,o to insejt•Uitaaces -t s \ • • Moot tilute. nits. . • , - - • - - dour Illiiiikis aziii yrivissur• - , _ , -,...; lir /41tiold ling , Climmilts2p.- , .; ,•.• ) •••••• .4 anti MIRA Elattinim iwu srldthil,••, , i. P. lit ~...1..., . ../ o ,t, ..... t ~.., ..-1.... -.." anarizeint slimy, la bilsa ',Milt Iproit ~“. - 1 watuansfir Aza. =rat. 1 :-....,1 '.3 l' I 1/1$1112:4•0 ' , I ilr O•vs.-- ,- -it • i Asurtrwrii mart - - I -- 1 .. _ . 1 -z •••lfirctitcat a P:l),Vseeifellait ' 4'" umrimmmil I .;;;;.d -;alllscmmmlieliTik4'“ 7:l "0 117. t • -Prs' •-• 4, 23M 2 8; "T" are ar lEttf . ' ..z.fiht.7.4wArtiszawcz , ,VVE D - if3tt; Mkt< •• r.4:4; • - Al • BVs7:Wfft.or.dialsit , • vr- Alma • .111ACHINf.623, AND • :COPP oA9StriGlB; of all dacrlytl=4.lafftpAli. - 001ar... . . ••••OATWOMI,BIf=II...D 4 :` wAMPAIBING,Fcarso..i -• • - altautlcar paid to fl 111E3 7 , 11. COAL AND-C411:1101aar ' ' .-....=l , MatS r t. mMarne je rp a tt. t.t. croft, apr ithialr trunsandar - ttuat lamp ' Tose,- usin!una f icar. Co, innnizir bfirstailatizi. , ;: ! ".41.10 . 40+11widir.4 atr..t.; al seigi,..27 adtitits ims a az Ls : - , . • • nELL GUMMI. ac411.40/1 9 :0 7 , , :' um Ih - an to repabillq(llol,LTlSß . wsonloga se..rogifill •' Tla AND - mai nag. iiiduccas. "lul7Gen ctamiof ... g .. .. . . • • TIN W4RI M- : Inujiktudolt 4 .4 b-st*.oa Amid - -1 • •• • os •1111t201144 Waft la 134,44 I> • • . Proceat To Elplai Culla-le:(11mb . ..- ' lotof Slid Ceres to Z4‘a' ; " W i a:-0/1. Ott argelpatteros,_Tin Bootlag. Oaaatat®, • • otJobbilag Work domino ads.. - • • ' " ' • OCTOREp; 8v 1861... VrOUUMGNOPiTOrr ieJme . .. . , 15 0drit .Mc Ontidna. of id dos. liradandsd." •- - g oat to ikayillifolllol - 0r• man dictum! to Ws nom-.. . Mesa waraboadl_tokla drill:I. MEd! na=nnt VII UMW aFiIILWIM, rittals , . LLEttreollllllM. it.I3O.I:VALLNIt Rtoofootorces of COOL PARLOR - AB ECM, - LNG rfOrAIUtORAND KITIRIXIMAAPPIA = ,-- - - 110LWW W otA,Stool andOlsoNoußlA MI." • ' ZIOI •timing, CR* Ware And Az. gm PI 1Z4.4 lima. Wien tR.Sa• • • Ow Rs Polk* Amoy OseWboolA *LoP • And 1110.4obbiWoutdAlbeldr• n: Osotho =OA tcs, order.,:PAßAtid tvi anoti Sumo Posor: .al4 d .. 3 BRAS Amici -SEEM' zelnTAty, Ykpittia.7 • . 1701 roil! 82 tk . :W/4.0111' ' • sauthetaiwiacaronneuns.weranb =I and LAW' BRANDLS ifroarelly. AAgo 1111 . > LAISTIFI D JAZ lll.nll4tarart-of OaDa. a Wtlikt7k Urn/0 107.- DM: WV•xfaarnial.PUtibutfilh • ?WM: AcHna WORKS AND• • .R.;Witoarnis is co: • *sating SIITILDIILVADD : betweguk Yadoial on Sar.daaky. • : . ! , • - romr • -- gradiwiii•s i ti a anouraears•prnornienri• r'• ADIS. osandwroliksr.astur . ..s, ado.: . pa~laßPjatl Wads ea-mike ;1417 ! .101 MES. iate she&m e l em.& Mnaoy.) JO El tr.• =mon 01:•• otNltelts; Perm t YOI7NDEga sad ' alajaracnytairit. , ••• • Jab Wiid;tutalatb.Pa.• • stair I 7 ,1011111%.131:R8ON& •• S:BlmuteNcE, V*. 53 .W .87: • • Arioi r rulta t s=2 lll3 nlleo 0 1 1 1335' ehq Portloolaratiod or mlua Rift= aia4:IIIIELI • Tarp cr weal; rads co arta at abort *aka, • votassartams aasuctly ea Aim& larXts , itLDDLE at-00 - 1 , 10: SUS' NMsl s' 'lama Ilardan2lo, vainTirsM=&L.: . yr 0 n i1".7. 4 "" i114 ° 44 . -33 / 1 4 PP,. —9:l 4 `l ,B4 iitutcad+Aßtgookyomsk ,..l ‘ ` -• rat Imam:Mew. - ii,:n ~:~~ turereoi LIVEN nova =cu. sad CUM" 00Ir sad Wimecasis 61 Ea II NUTS MOM to - k • 4.= • 7-1.3 • • ,!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers