~.„.r ..:...,..., :,....r.,....,...;__.::,.. 4 to P'sltiAT~ ON NOMATIONIL MORA • "POI 141.1311iM Aiiioo l o l xpgcora r , rot Tun ruarom• - • I AND HEW JOXINSOIit, . - - - . "Ists Pogue Ditsr.—Accrefully prepared. atateozuctiletice present condition of tie pribliiideit sill be !dad ih onr con=7- cid dispartrnentthia aerning. COSCUPtICHI ia Woe 'York ,Poldir. New York adjeT . ! up - Ig niai _ llre P n ' talon of being : the merit evernod city in , tho Onion. It is caned - with* large etas I of pickpockets, housetorthers, counterfeit, ars, priabllghterk; britheLkeeids, and other vilisins who manage to fill some of the most Important - c ieee of the city with , Pat as • corrupt as themselves. It was Waugh the votes of this class that Fss manse - W,Aftb, the anther. al the Marvin fraud, was twin eleotel Mayor of New Tarkeed twice aint to Congress, and it is threogh their. void , that; New Teri is a Democritle city. We stay. add that the -slot of one Year ego was the. outgrowth of this 'paralleled's dadai s t. The durept denotes of New York ago eitilspujast been exemplified in *putrid ss Pied se it le bedidd. it imam best /Clad eluititablivqpositlia that the=ea seleetedtheare-forthe dhotis of New, Ica Weald not Init - .yeettl; however ineop. patent they might b?. Bat it items that they ere as corrupt is those officials , Who hold Ids honorable positions or vetdolt'carry with then the exp:aditure of large sums of - money. :The ,report, of special committee of the Board of ac*, i tier', jest p,ublislid, cheries certain school . trusted of the Youth ward with system- 1 Chatty extorting =mayhem teachers and other, crecwhose Appointment they dor deed controL It splieers that a-majority of the trustees, or &raters, formed them Selves into ' , rice- to manage the school oldie of the ward. • The - thief occasion - -for the choice of this preolone...eine was the buliding of a new scload house, and this ; made lidding the • dlsaharge of „ some doched. This Caused saftioient compe titiom for the "ring" of falthltes trustees to begirt their scandalous operations. They_ selectedan tigeitt,ithecaused it to be known :among .the unfortunate teachers that by paying' certain dims tidyy could procure ,their reappointment—the sums varying in 1 Plant from fifty dellars to six hundred according to the position sought for When it was slifted. that the amount could nothe'paid at once on account of the faddy of the teacher, the agent agreed to tithe It in instalments. One poor little lame girl„ who waked upon °ratchet, was taxed seventy.five deltas for a .situation . • , : yielding only three hundred dollars a year. And this badons practice of taxing teach- I is, stated, is not confined to the Fourth ward. - .TlAtreds bat - one acme remedy for the • - • iimentableNtatirifaithirs prevailing in the elder oily of the ITnion. Ylolatora of the jaw should not be permitted to vote or hidd - - office. It the. thieves and murderer cud • sviindien New York were deprival of the _elective' franchise, honest men would hive some chance of .belig selected to fill its offices and administer its destinies Andrew iohnsortra Position AXI/IZIT Joassoi deliveredi Mort ex eellent speech at a great Itnion roses meet -lag held In_lirshriile on Friday night last, in Which he slid that. he would -accept die nomination for the VkaPreeidency tender ed hunt) the Baltliciore Conrentiou. deriormeed the 'Rebellion in unmeasured terns, and enunciated sentiments in entire ans:rd with the platform adopted at Bald : ' mare. 'Upon the snbjeot of emancipation he irraade_,this noble detthiration: "I dealretbst all men shall hare a fair chance and an Start in the rat of life, and let him saoosed•who, has: the mot merit. Tide, I think ae & lA:triple of heaven. I em for amaiPxtc :; for 'fin reasons: drat, be. =ins : it £ls,.%right and see. ondi :because - the' emancipation . _ _of break down an odious , and deo:gowns iristooriwy." ing'of reconstruction _ ho aaid: "Why sit ildis carnage and derastalicmf that wow :VW a mightbe pat _own and traitors punished.- Tr faro 465 , that should Lika a /wand in think qf f"tpra,tior. .rfilari bit . fis ani ma Taalesor, iegal ja . the eon:tit:ciao; Zara to royal to `Stintirs, ihrie true dulforrh ,,:,-/iiireen (head 04(70/ thiwerk Visor/mina tfins,'and rifirinatitin-asottitriyl' Concern.'' hag the Monroe :Docirineette was equally uTiie __nations of Etuctfie are „ =rim for. our; Francs, takes Wilientage of our internal difficulties Sad :.sendirgsnltUillanoif to. Janie* to net up a en our - botlete.,_ The dal. of reekoitny is The time is not t' 'far distant when the rebenion '4l hilut dowry and, then we will attend to tids3lex his ersiri aud "Say to- Louis Napoleon, mi k e= set - ti ao ritotuircliy on this eau= ,- - tineut."- We' regret that , we hare :not rime for the whole epeooL It wee a mar . , mid pat:lntl° ant, sad 'showed that .thettuicoa party has put tut filth In r Mau of the right strop. - - r. - : 1 - .4' ^ I - i~'.: ~~` ~:_:~ _: . . „ .. :lisiOnainerrAt Itsanow.:—Welsinje:st 1 ,; .t r iirterf itiera.ll;iftriiiii: No : , 2i, . d ated; 'it /IriTiaTiite;Ttitaft 74, /sl4g64t/li which , 1; Obnirallitiziog "in seeerditiee with orders •- ' from depirir wit heri . dgtui , eiriniiii •,„ onninend atoll thelJnited iglus foreei on the "= Tezis oriel enstr. 'the . Itio :grinds ii; lfdttler, wlthhendtittertersni Brownsville. l a .." 1,;••• aeon& Swans has tain assigned to en 1 s , - isspertnnt peettfan, lit meit hietoq pee . - st , . y forthinnifiCient:fine ntee that, he ' will, be fr• folly,eitirl to all - aiirlds. The Oene= . fel is s•Plttatarear of *inns record yre • nee linnyli - and - riathe ionmgest tido Gen '" t• ersl in the army, a_td cued the most one • 7 4..-, capful, the nation, Oro, may well Vs proud The Time. Iturfrot Matta , Entrap. ! - _ - tion Clinic , -' We diitla? an effort will be made tort,. thin ea:three Iniudred ,dalleas. exemption 'clause , . Tie doubtless a via copes to - , pare**, • clbereriak- de people . wlllllll4ll the deal ,' OloeoPPoo° 51 lo olo O OLOW : ,oesepleint nada - /odd ya? Ode -:.obacaibtut Omni/ strait takes Ga miff laitig.: love the rich to escape. Thad fa stiatisp , pliable to A drift whichacesePtantiettelap• n,,, i/..t. -------- sTri re c entlyte.---- n.f.i n tat at tire. ,4111XlIndi .1' tclbstititbltt ~ Thal -- ''.----- -- _ a ' -. ---'"-. - will, of -CIPIIIO, 1)10ellit filtlY in Vt/44 UltitOWD, Teniglines'is n Penntylniwa. and then' it say truly be tad dation Se' gniduatekat Vat Point 14'18% arid but the faith/ ',lilt osolVC' t h o - droll' • 411CCincilod tbragit the Ski- hlala 011hooelih000PPIOWUoloo adz si, ' Ititood with , • , asleria'a euninttei , h7 loAhtiltdroo t of t. leien‘War andafterwards-oPon thrladiaa 1 , 2 , 2r1, , , 221265200, ma by ,, nin , in thul ur, t; „' frontier a s an attioir:of the 4th divraty. -- ,t h e " i immitn i ,t, urrea...tWthosirildlu t: 110 was nude A Brigadier - General of. Vol. ac ala.a o t, ea fi t a y k t 4o ,, ,,Arra, me m to A 'init. of Artreet fedi and peTal. e Pots P Wk 4Tio° of ' silutailmYl - 0 ° — /1 --- -- ' / ts'one thousand. dollare,-ladho'Polloos .n . . 4 Was arith General Dna st-Wilson'a Greek., __ ne refer to Nald•flud Isiiposeibbi to i oh-, i c - i Showid°B command after th e fill of le st 'din enlarge a ram; vaddbeforad to iszi a Lieu! Ito 1. ti litilye kid aillti• rare, eta, entitling'open th eft !Ammo tat . al ' ter enduing. The alternative of flying fOlOttotri loa Pnr°d /lellt/1, '..., °° I l u°/1 ad. M ont llt "the wintry would dortbiltsabo neat ' th 'no,' Bpt for ..to ..."...•••••7 - it a bo feardlltitin many I,' , dieted beinirnede allajoroaenerar tO. id s d i gudjuduidstizioe lir;umbe d ': "...-GC". — --,. le.s/ 4robableCtlia 'it Vot hod ./ /uP/./ ""', I , le u m - T i festft an, cad raaintit.' To 11 1411:°"/°-°* " htlk " -f-alit"!4 •""' • '--' --- nil tide Vontireof ha -bat IC dais .. • „ Z :••• t /6411-hre enters' Sitar tlii's i * t°l4 i- th :,,,,lllll#lllturpgarCher sainnts - brtbleits licatat , ptiiied stioi(tOdol t oe lag* Aar OVA_NottOr to - i ' l ' l a l t dritillbillitefili'authorityletzad iteltlieliiaCPPP V ldooM ::.4 - 1801 P ., °° l /1 1 ' 7 •-• - •`‘, 7, , '--;,,- •.. 41/ing140 0 .41; nfferia I ... i.l-1 .4 1 . 10., - , , - ,... -r : n . ,._,...Z . 'FF .-- • .: i ' • .. L .. - 441":' , Z . '..• .' .. " -r ' -2 4, 1'. -.:;', • r'` •'-- ' •• -*- :i, ....._,- ~- .z , .•fv-.? .;•'''''"2"'''.: - :' , '-:.7i ::i , i"i.- '-' - 2 , _ Pit_ - , •'---; - - ~ h.. I, _ ~:j,,- . ;7-,,',:`.::.:..',:' Usdai Itatlacia3t-I ?„ittvrakinit Thin it tbl'e-4tian to-mor row (Satuitty) ibomicenoing " 010 c l itt thifriende of laziotsrand S 01111• eon will hold a Grand Ratifidation Meeting, lit which addresses will be delivered by .Thrnirnr'ssid other distinpiehed gentlemei. As Ude ie to be the first politi cal denkonstnition.of, the TrieddiMtial.carn .peimin cox city and wanly, we expect to Bee the hall croard43o its utmost capacity. .11 fe'rtght and proper, that it should be. As the banner county in the compaigw . of 1860, and' al a' community sound to po core the - great. question of suppreasing the Rebellion, we would be untrue to otrreelves if we did not pronounce emphatically and at once in favor of the election of Isscoxe andJonesos., In their election IS centered the 'ply We of etiengthening thebonda of the Paictile the interests of Freedom after (Aker Malls braie men have tinishodthe 64414. ' . . The Courtship. , The_ followin g entreats from the leading Copperhead . and Radical newspapers will she* bow the wooing proem of the two 'great parties is being carried on. Thus . : now, Tilt lanicAls woo .TOO corrlllibutADlP [From thaw" Batton, the organ of Tremont.) ..- Lincoln cannot. hope for the support of the tow party, for Its bieritia due to its its trate,- Lincoln and thel?reeent . Adoibrietteas 0011. :floe can McClellan hope' for a better result. Without reokantog the err:ma swath :qr. this ceradate, his name_has become, whether justly tor =justly,se identified with doct ri nes that are So utterly repos.- neat to the Western people, that Fremont himself; hulks thedmireto do to, would be tur. able ,to induese hie friends to vote for McClel lan. ; The Ormairatie party has no other MOW 101,14 forward. :Orantliss been mentioned, and he, in feet, belongs to the Democratic part).; but before the Fourth of July tram will have dertroyed himself by his outalleonders and inemxteily.' i What snit then remain to be done? ' lioness° that Uncoln and hitt ' Clellan obstinately. persist; then we that persist - also.- When we, consider that in selecting Fremont as its 'candidate the new party apace+ the grievances of the West against the Dart; that it is eager and willing to regain its rights; that the new party fa vors those foreigners whose rights have been injured by the present Administration, animated as it is by the spirit of Know- Notlingism ; and that all these elomente are young, ardent, and in hornet extreme resolutions, vs =mot but cone:ads Oultint dents mad patriotism will prier to promote the• mean ey a party led by a man of unyoutiened iniquity, end who is the incarnation of Atneri.. can - freedom and dignity. 'There is so little difference between this party awl the Demo cratic, party it would be easy to adopt a common tiehet which would sweep everything before it. Eueh is step would be to the interest of the DemoVintie liekefil it temuldeet remain four years longer in the Inektroune , DOW WE COPPEZULADO WOO 1101 RADICALS. Were the Thor Talk Wortet,Coppertweett "hat why should Democratic lave say choice in the action of the Republican party (supposing it were to be successful) as between Lincoln and Fremont.? On the slavery question their 'policy would be the some; but as honest anti slavery man would be beam at the WI of the Government than a &valley, tirti4erciny Abolitionist And they Fremont is unequivocally for free speech, a free preen, the right of asylum, the Moen* doctrine, and the guarantee of personal liberty. There is nothing in the skiiiry question to be weighed for one moment against Wee.' Safer as the Borhade consent to stand upon these principles of the Cleveland platform, they liras a bond of sympathy with the Dentocratio party and with at/ true pa. triots." Alf!lenity Between span and Pern. The Panama Herald of the fah bust. Las sdrices from die West rout of South America c fortnight later then the pert ous dates received: • the 4 whole eosei, fromilouth to Nortb, is iiipiviented to be in a stete of the highest entatement, owing to the Spanish amps , tion of the Chibchas in Chili, so great is the ferment and etti' thorium among the people from the ex tremities of this country, that two of the leading members of the Government who were more moderate and counseled, Calmness in deliberation en the Spanish ee -1 cupation of South American territory, have had to resign their offices et the demand of public feeling. All political parties are merged into one "united people.," earned to avenge what is termed the twat offered by Spain to South American independenes. Seobaraged by the eumnimoue sympathy turd assurances of support from all the Is ter Ileptailiss of the tout, the Government . anti people of Peru are making the most strenuous • exertions In. prepsring to Tin dinette the -national honor- from the dis grace fait to have.een inflicted by. Spain, in the occupation of her territory. In lies, ,bountriee, fir the present, all minor and oven all important subjects are , waved, rind Chili, Bolivia, Columba,. Ems.' dor and 'the Argentine 'Repiriblie are pre• paring-to join in the defence of their ter ritory -"whole:and entire" - and for dab purpose to renew, if need te,the streggies Which restated in their first freedebn friar. Spanish power. • • • • The End of Opecutarlon la Gold. Ice passiug the gold bill Consents has at the least nueuented the :vitiation Of specie tattoo, snd we doubt not that its legislation will have a permanent'Und bettenciateffeat. If It does not at ones bring down the pre mium on gold it can hardly fail to prevent farther advance sad tatharmtasperculators whe hitherto hire been Unrestrained' by laW. Thenrorialons gt the tot iro so break and the penalties attsehed to Its 'violation are so heavy, that, if It is ouergotically enforced, gold tpecolstion must cease es be' the great financial alit of the day. The lent requires gold tube delivered on the day of. sale, thus striking at the root of speow . Wien, and its other provisions 'meet • oil i [the ponibls evasions 'of this jot , dmwS4 i lt imposes upon those who break the lair fins not exceeding- tlO,OOO, not less than $l,OOO, - or ImPrlsonment for peeiod not :more Gum =one year, not' lota than` three p months. It is pantiles. Mira, thattlibt act, it any way, interferesiiitti/eilifflnsteN ,contracts; it,.on the contrary.Protenia.tkrt true interests of business: York city needs bet.tiso hundred thousand dollen:It day to pay importation datles and meet foreign balances, and net..One/Asa td est that' th e speoulatiewhlith: fortes the salty of geld up - to twenty- millets. - day is as embarrassment 'and expense Jo the mereandie coaundniiy. Congress hieing:. lyrtsfiliated, 'thigh not to tie fall extent, the principle which the Eagfieh Parlisseent embodied th,the set whiehdeolared the salt ot the coin of fhe realm; at nominal rates higher. than Its legal mine, - to beleionj. —Ptak The New , Archbishop.` Bishop BleCieskey, of Albany, received his comutission as Arabi/40p of Nil York last week, and will 600:4 take up his residence in New York City. One of the Albany papers 'peek' of the successor of Arohbishop Hughes in the following temp Few clergymen in the State are more respented. Bishop McCloskey is a gentle man of talent and eloquence. Ile - is the very opposite of Bishop Hughes In temper. argent. The latter wu a great @outran?. shalt, and yes never better pleased Shan when engaged In a war of logic w ith the editor of the New York Egress, or some ' , other pusnaciots person. Bishop bicOlini key bas no .taste for this sort of thing. His greatest desire is to lire on good terms with his neighbors, and to indulge in sari. mony and ill-feeling as seldom as poesible. Archbishop Hughes'would rather, Bght for the muss of his creed than pray for it. Bishop McCloskey on these points differs radically _ with his predecessor, .1111 d we think with great gain to himself as well es advantage to his church. Bishop BloClow key, In going to New Yak, will take with him the best whites of our citizens for a long and happy life. A ?ammo' Brautan'arx.--An Intelligent shipmaster Informs no that he saw one of the new monitors go down the harbor this forenoon on art experimenbil cruise. The sea was smooth, the weather pitasint, with a moderate breeze from N. W., yet tke deck in some places was kneadeep with water. He expressed the opinion that if she were to attempt to go toses, lnc moderate sere breeze, the weight of water which must inevitably fall on her deck, would sink her. He said to sandbar to MS at all vas injudicious in-the ex treme ; so, we infer, thought Coma Greg oryi for he did not go in her, though, it is said, he came here to report on her per formartoa—Maielphia /Sparer, of Tgoo . - - Iris represented that the army with which Kirby Smith detested General Banks in West= Louisiana was almost orerwhelming in numbers; consisting of our thirty thousand men, In order to gather which the States of Louisiana, Texas and of Isere stripped of troops exempt the garrison of Ga!mice: It L also said that the last army the rebels can raise In the Tranullbaulppi region Is now ' in the geld, the conscription hating forced every man into the ranks capable of bearing mom PV:BL - 1 : 0 - AOTIWEI. MEETING OiTHE UNION 10.SSICOUTVit comoirrme. of Atleeway Conntyotill to twit at Um dam at liannall Broom, No. Ile 11.1111 t snort Pittatonatt, TRIM DAT, Inns 0.4, tart:, at I china p. L. Di BROWN, Chairman_ .1016 S. 130:WK8T,Beenstart. itainta 'OI:ITHE PUBL.W.—The Execu -Commtua of the Great datltary Wale desire to thank the public for the Moral sad quer ore patronage exteuded to the sick and sounded eol liter. of the Wan, sad d announce that the Fels chtee B,9lllliD w al oul EV121130, 19th kat., ate tecbtek. _1216 Secceort• U'LINCOLN AND JOHNEON I Grand iatifleation Meeting AT WILKINS HALL Saturday Hirtnlug, June 18th AT 6 O'oLoaK Distingulahod meeker, utD b wrowant ar..d Wren ttw mentLas. TUBS Out I TUBS Our t MB OUT JeUde IO,BANITARY FAIR--1313133211313 losr.-1 0 . Holuma. Treasurer, lus - reestred dm following seltditlmal maraud= : From employee. In Paws Weet et3eme, and depot ed ' Creel...a and Pitatargb RAC, Wm. a tesart,l3. U. Litebanm,Jomfdl E. Del., J. B. Domina l ti, N. D. NotherePand o , o . 0.40 116 4 Thames J. .L, 11. Adams, P. 24 insuryerr, D. ri. Andeneen. W. . anaffer, Nick Duff, Greed Nefflus, W. 11. , T won, Pal Staub, N. NoMponerry, Jam Bell, IL Weller., Jaw. Dell,'Tbsetme. P. Taber. 4195225 Wildmr, Jane. 0 blre, George 114. 1 Speer, T. IL Illenel, Jourph Etter Jima rutty, Jamb Mins Jdue Stelnben224----, 2150 (10 Cram Isosds Pro.. terran Cbarch --.... GOO &Noon, CrPa..............-....—. 620 I Ladle. lit, John'. Church, Ghlango.--. 36 00 1 Employees rare •255125.2. Twits en. -.- 200 I W.P.rota Ociltetar, Latimer'. Mem- 1040 Employees H. G. Hale a 0.....*—....... 4236 J m m L ookc b oy . Tobroo Aga-.----- - : : m o Wpm Adams& Coo elan F o r k.- 2260 Enoa mad oboe Comenittroi baleen.....-- 67. 0:1 proles Nmed Iron Co**. 603 40 ..35.p Prlsl=4l oh of an Afatum, donated by tb. Mtn pupils at Elm °amyl school Phil 102 00 Citizen's Pa45,44a4. 55551WV1* 1505!-05 Addnal from Catholic Oadrelna, per BlibopDaroarde..-----: .. ..• ...- .-.-- SO 00 1 Erma BlettMegbain Public fiel;ml. I High Ward Exhibittm...----201 38 Noll= Ileboal-----.--- 6 ill Hoyt Putman i14. 51 - - --......* 9 63 5112r9 " "-. ... 15 15 45 56 Employee. Allasbegy £010221, abl.-- 91 23 from Irving Utiltairylursoctallno. West ern redrendly, pro of enirtata --.477 60 _2 .. .. CO ICOS 6D Math <LAT', TACT TS Tenth diry'a receipts-- ..... 7,05 40. • 117,07 IX • 46 Pravionsly Pwrrosr illazolain Uinta 261 District. POWS. 91 Fourth amt. Pittsbitni 9 . /owe / 1 . 1561 . a",ilir COMPLIANCE , WITH Cia• ctuwat Ha .63, of 1147 Slit, um, sorties la hersby given that tha DRAWT tor wils district.' .Is. tivitzt node the tall ihr 700c660 woes will tat VW.. It the Headquarters at the Dilutes Provostar. ehall, as Tie 96 fourth surd, ilitaburgb, on ths data 'teen below. The iutipmint of mate for volunteers wkil br =toed, notwithstanding Um drill. 1 gm= g °Maas will report al this offloi on 171* day atter the drat in flair resysetiri Fab to worms notion tar serea cat drafted 8112. So. ilsb..lXt. DOW. Vats 4, AIX T4/44;.e. 4. us Ward, city-76 Jima 13 Julie 97 991 . LS . la •sr •3. as • ' ea _ al4 VI a 29 4. 4th .. Quota als, 11. bib 7V '6. 6117 7 11 7. 7th 7 Qv:42llW. 71 IL ash 7 92 9a. tn. 17 lO 9. Oth 7 121 9y. a. 1T July '` 1 ylO. liestranorrillsi 9 1 /OP in. 11 'i l4 2 11.Vonprancelt r a, 66 2 p.vit. la 2 19. Wats gittsl42, 7 9 a nu. 20 6 U. lloaonzaht* C1X" 214 . 11 . IL ikrulh gittablgh. to. 16. 'Birmingham, T 1 10 a. es. 20 7 6 .16.12e5s llirsn'h on, IS 9p. so. 20 l' 9 11. Igelistaloorr, VI 9a. tn. 21 7 7 Is slismos, Qum Ma. 31' a., mom sumbats„ 7 In &la. it 7 7 i:2O Pmt Canal% •23 1t a- 23 . 31 I r A:WWI, ' 17 11 p. so 21 , -Ae it 9 -.151177 1 9.mu 24 2 Id. Pans, lit 10 is. tn. 24 ~ II 91. Peonies, ' 66 , 11 p nt.22 /t. i I 25. Virkins, 'SS a at. id 1 ,0 II ~ Y 6 Patios. Ici vans Ars I yrr. Toni] na; Si ,_9 a. tn. % roa 11 21. Ellstbrab. VII In. ,ir 11 VIZ Villiint ... 1 _ O7 . i g4P. 31 23 i • - I'' 12 1.0. Jolutsork,„ ., , ksso. , - 164 wt a • _ , wi : s. $ .. 18 as.an&,str, 1 1 11. 13. ~ 15 a so. Qom 4 Clair; dr. , L : _ at Slitting, ' W ' w ", )* W. South Saint% Quota 2.1103. , so. Rola. farm: So. •40 t Itatral. .., do. 44;3231111. . 4WWWW. i • Ttgrd Ward amid map swatemps mink on. to ow hazard irUl report loas,1110; fross 11:0 to ISO Lr& , - - , -;1. , '-, - • reaseidl• enema Ms itigablred Von 1 to 40 will niputll6l7 l4s l 71966 413olliast Ws Ild Versailles Vanship Ossttsd lW sosa nambao4 Mos. i t•d? WM ••144,741 ddiadai to ism atm. ',1• 15, 5$ ' , COL gait Pr9•SlandelS2 id• BUIALSEND B1:119041i4T , I I 18 bt38.1:117 • •!'7 ,, ,ll:oo;iiiiih, la oacni " SCollgit..43lll. . .1,4 OW Oafs foii• tor - • . • TaTrzaems a LEMON,' ... ' . , .• No; Wood street. yo ohiei+i rsi Macias tomb. pus. pian gh ".% galt So: alm a nix l A. w. 00(E1tiTrg _ entrain risMiMitaiii ?.q 1 , 11 3P0 . 20 b 1 ". : .tksfl flag Sow macaw n°"-f—meissikii'maskiaretnsie ,Littisa illitiMes*Jnet,rer I X WM, s supply otuallititif MIA* Odor ! eta= Di ViVr.,; 1 4 1 ,' ,11 - , !‘. 4 'Oa : A - Mitt/A pip . • toirateert ao loot& tW.ifitie• -zuse-boo , utinar wriateth uir «Nor Pr i e=g row ,. ItuWrow 4 l .4l6 64 4 air. .".• s po.4 , up • by. Etkw to vst roo t .!uss monk Ns gat /01 i '-• ' . . - Wan;. -~~~~ the r-.0181-Betweeco. AloWerty_eidot .11.2 liana etrto3l4, 1* 1 4 the Oltt GaItNIST TIZACTLZT. A Itemit te. yard ba tattd lett at PEASOCIE. Sam, a 0u.'0.131 Mu at land. ANDERSON ROCE.gVE OIL COMPANY. • I:4,l.diekar et—eNTE DOLtII.2B PE& ¢1 has .thLii day bozo mad rti *, out of the melts of the Om months =dial Jane let, lB&t. 1,7+1,1641.38 to Staid:masa on sod lb•irlt. .10 - eiliOßDely , J °" SALE—A House in Allegheny City, ettuated es Correll outer. noon fedora Mtn Dot feet 4 luebee front by 100 uet drop te Jefferson street. Teroitory Baca Dwrllleg with 5 roar* and basement of two noon. Hydrant water. Tordtroot end b..k of brow. Apply to Jell B. IdeLAllll d 00., 102 fourth duet. SI` r !t.TIOMIY AHD BLAND. ROOKY Irma, scsotm & Co., So. 89 PIFTI3 STMT. rXECUTOR'S NOTlGE.—Whereas, XA Letters of Administration try= 'the estate, of non. Gabriel Adams, late of Was Bt CIO town. sfdp, deceased, bass loan granted to the ad, all parsons indattad to said mists sre notfined to mate LmmadtW payment, and tame barb. g clairne or &made will prommt them, prowls no. `SEEM Executor. OL SALE—A beautiful Suburban F Nasidasmsof 10% was el valuable groland. • t b * dwalltog ham of my porticos, front piwoh, Imp parlor, stabs' room, dining% roam. t = no cll elsambars, wash .mit Swo dawns Aro • wall, Mnbla, 'rapt !atm. mapbarios, straw. Went, !nut and shads tram, Omahas, Moo and galiett. • splandld stow USW, TIM cities, and drat and country SLIT o s . 'w daßlClff & SONS. 61 Starkst Br a INTKREST COUPONS. .10-40 s, On 14 SIPTIMBIEL 5401, dam 11 HOPLIIISZII Bouiiht at beat rata by 1312YPLIC i JOHIL9, Bar-tam A DiatileTHATOßS' NOTIOE.—Letp AM. tare of Administretion on the utile At Orbit: Wlermrper, Isla of West laaneherter Borough. , keodag been limed to the undestigned. alt *nom indebted to sald estate are requested. to mete woman, aid thou having elelms agaltue Om edits of !mid decedent edam present them, property au thenticated for settlement. OATELABIRE HEW/dirt= , W. B. ROSS, Adretnieridorik Ml= VALUABLE TEMA IBES ON THE HORSE. 2131!mee illlostented Hone 15anamammt --.45 50 Horse MUM.. . 3 50 i[weft on tke norm. Edited by Randall. 1 50. /mutt as the Hen*. Ikltteel by atisrar 150 gauche r on 11 oreemeneld 1 25 Mason's gamier end Stud 1 23 illisnrun's Amer ran Tenter ....------.. Fat sa• by is , 55 Woad str.st. MEN'S FURNISHING G NICCIC ?[tB BELSTS AND DRLWRRB WADE TO ORDER. mitts, ORE & CO., UM SAL if --EIIBURBAN SITES AN - 1) ILLA.OL LOTS, ,pwas rose isioa.—The saderelgard, Astir:tears of the estate of Jolts Hu ms, dim'd, offer for sale s amber of Lots, from pall to to two saes each, situate! near Fort Maori, tad within tam minutes salt of 010 termines of ttte littelmrsh Iltuterstilla Paesensir Ballems. Tim stars Lots are besuiffttlly located for prints reddeitow. it camber of mall Lob to the rfllags of Xl wermilleafroatlai ow the Yea st% r Elallwa,—tatrt7 to sixty tut front .d from cue to two besdret feet dory. lzronactsow Antrum of either of the ander. elitoki, or W. A. Eilatly)ti, Clerk's Offloo,_tbart Bowe. WK. A IfEctl3o2l. • JOEIS D E. 0. B¢LttIPN, IF: J. R 2112021, KzeratKl" FOR SALE--Virginia 011 111 Owl Weed iin Flaunt onnerid, upon Itaiienemak Has and Bun Sneak, is pions proxleetti to tl pat Seca. • llama IS yews on liinlndk inni l 4'L him . en Eicaseneek. 1 Imp of AS stir. on attureOring f.rne, on garennark. ns.• Laura anti te,sibegt 4terwa true tka ms verb. 1 lam or 413 yew CO ankai,'Cinntitalre ea- rani at tiro, atilt taw on itcat.l JekeLitan's WO., GO Ball Creek. those at 45 learn en Way lio& Wen, Dal Cana I lean at 4.5 learn era Zara Jobresudi term on 801 l Creek. 1 hue of 45 yews on Cu. Leneletn farm, an Hall 1 Isms *fen teem an Jam ltd.'* farm. on OW Creek . 1 haw orb) yea= on twat, GlathOleOSOM BlAt Hand Tart. 111 *mai fee snap% Wet Wend foiki bra p r . Pad vita Ina atoll. time oat Ikon ada=4 train Ito Otto mar, CE:tO talk) and an sarramitlecl 55 veil developan ant*a7t. Shin an about 1,001 aaree in an, ptagea vane . Unitary. Lamm. paler MUTH, SUL k 00., Parekrreilk- , STOCKS AND BONDS - V7a3TIIII. lion CIO Bank. nsursons • Zurats I On. Winters Inman.. Co. , IllananpluLt Innexuce - People' Immo 00. • Pittsbeigh Insurance CO. • POH sm,n. entiburgn Pl:Waugh A Men, U. 8. Banda. Minoan i.Bl CAP. Allsetumy Co. BcOp. •e. AM MUT AB, Dinka ant lon. Agnin, )44,, 69 forth it, (Bultel • X 1at9,675 1.0 RTROLEUId INSIIIILNCEL • nnelanlvual la math:lasi to abet Inman o* ea llallaallas sad Petrolaala falba' fallaidseg W 1l kw ea aad tespeaslblii Ccaapaales;_via L&B. _ortur.33, eon and liklatdelir /11111 lISBOLLNOX COMPANIC3, or hew Yolk, at sta. saleable rate'. dyne= 5pr05nut1.....—...—......-12,000,003. JA11843 W. ABEOl e r, larrrram:4 PO, jun RECEIVED... . ' `r i ..wi.bait ; a Pins Taw Tar Cantua;' • tirliaatt's DIIP S Dds ritfik 1:...A Oat=trap at tar.7-.... ,, t hr. :-...',' '.., V llWPActs °ll &• l4l l 7o ti: ' ''L i .. . n .i" •,1 , . Est; Allees ask Iladarcr. .il, , 2 Otkattlaaalut nog dlo 4 . ~ ' - • . 1 , / 1 4 . 1 - fi llelt ' ~• t At ft 45mgrai n 44 atotiicosult tid4itin onsa 1 momMalbesoa „, 1 .). 7 , '..- -- 'lnd'. , ,'tl .. - ~... ILL: it raw. . * TATMlNtiTitilgOaila 7 ' , ,, , - '• * •i ' '.;6loi3iiD isebliuZilitiiikatuaiii iol.4liida ti p t isot bola a Ottirgett Oat 1at132 - 10,011,.t0r Its Vital essibradnal4ateilla itt.ogTaty. as oar urkrearmiatcbm ~ An" 43•14 , liln-tsamlatiallanahly Ist • ~e,._ •„, ;-' Mammal apalgaattaaa *aril* 14•PtiNi the. li'llt: mint, ie. sr 1.1 Vubar• • •• • • • xasy to Iftto4divatt• tba sad. ~ t•kel • Piuldaatell Bs ~, Aommtttal.r. :IL: Oryies ai Omenix. to - Ausairt s cl. Pa.; . '.. ~,, .i. -,,•-• Pitabingt4 Jana WI:. J To DELINQUDIT:.TAXE% Ellfl'=- , •Ti weakia. vitts iet of iitiamlal of *Oa sito sp; tit taus *Missal oft Illatatartatkraa to tire Vona' yaLtavbSch UR Dam titan*" to ahts data aranyally 'lna' ba 11144 art 'Ma . Wet, la lb* Poduantsn'a Ome r' It _to Joy 104 leak Sid • Ina of tattitattan be !Mid to .I...tll,lbflrisi'ilitidter• .-- -- .: - 2 - ~. --iiiiiiii:*•,,,,—,..• WALL PAPS, , -1 tzbagArza Tutus inigoole BLIND% - . 11.0o&:¢ 11011001.1300145 TOWOL,COIOO. WO Asa & !ITV ionortabof a< JOtoollimpew Wosb, I No.llll ritlariewstrAnegbroy. - . . 101YnCa—Mbi rexPayer , bf thel2i3k - .ix - or iittraorbvor.aogdd.tatithoTreibm .: IrttOtt pr piroa to notinlitif We do at tam cllttel fat( 010= 1 1 at a get teniVtan ow m p 41* 0 legit titivlst,doVM . Eine trtgolieresion• Lletorsit• Wpm. dui‘w iisobiliktfpgrati watt 0utur. , 111121,1111- , " JAW OROXEN; wows a di baldene4; North' laiscletp.'; 'Atlitbeay PABLDITIIOIOII sllktem. aldtkorttb• - toft blju, TON ":PUWAR S. .W 4W A B D Ada be to D ima os ntgantAltgantaSsACiAdag •,111.11:40daaWit.:::,Z D.:.Biaii!;4: = tan' moth Aintov ,.,.:{Wood.;. ':};. .~ _~.~..~',1 ~, w,.~ ~~w_ ~ 1.41 1 rthiuwenoss, AT HENRY MINER'S Bel( Baerldte. 1 . 1 ,.. t1i . e .... putth0r of Margaret 11. Bridal Eve. By Mrs. I. D. N. N. Boutharorth. flotsam . : A Tale of the Old Dutch Manor. By IL T. Waltrorth.Olo 1 50 IV. Ematted Heart... By the author of the Lama- T. Baran Burris.. By Ik Marvel. 1 le VI. Hinatesn Beautiful Years; or, likstehin of a Glee LG. Cloth-. ....... 99 Woe. In Black. By author of Ilan in Grey. A companian to Woman to Willa. C10th.... 1 60 VIII. Tangly Pride. By the author of Mud. Clo.. 1 50 • /X. iroll Cap) Cod to Dixie. X. By I. M. !deckle. 175 Rumbling Block,. Bytiall Hamilton. Ciotti. 1 En Halm Weeds. By Hence D. Thine. Cloth. 1 E 6 • Baynutnra itnerdn'a I.4minietration. By H. lialmand. - Cloth XIII. Nano!, and Daylight- By MY. Mary Jano Arr. Linnet' Galan to Polito:nos and Parka San non. By Ma I Cloth 1 ED Ladles' Golds to Needle Wolk and Embroidery. POTleeeptiof AortertKneer. fleet Pi Incl. Meantloos of Universal Prop:row. Hy Mr bat Spencer. Gloth..--- 2ad 21111. Hawed an the WM. IrseSo - A of Mad co 2 CO PatILALVII awl. other, Papas. By T. Starr XX. • liontual sad Oomfart. •IlythileSontry,Partsa. 014.tb XXI. Outljos Care a Tale of Tart inrbanue. CIA. IW. XXIL Doneerliald`a Zed; our s the Stem 1. to . Woodburn &Soya,. By the author of POSIOL. By Bora. Cloth-- .---.—. 110 Too nom Znonab. A Posttest Work Zu or.p. and Brno Colton. By Andrew A. Pdler.Chth... I Se SIPf Indoetriel Itlcnraphy. By Samuel • Badlo. au thor el reel Belpe' and .Itrlst Blogroply." Woon end Thbd streets. Copies at ths slum, book. maned ft.* of Vimr , cm receipt of price. .17 11 and 13 TM st.. nest done to P.O. STILL BELLEW AT OLD PRICE. Hunt's Union Stationery Portfolios 11•11DRIBOHIBTS MINatAO VZSTB Hw i 5 fITTII STREET Mostly put up tri purtrolti. • WhoLW* and Wall Bookman., Station. &to! Hondaltar, Jet?. 60 TIT= BS, SLASOISIO HALL. ' ---- BEST AND CHEAPEST ==11223 HMI= lIISIIt. Containing 4 STIELTEI npate, note, esweted Goa Ogle 14 ILTIVILOPICS, to motet, U. paw 2 PIN! SIZZL PINS; ACCO3MODATIOIi PEHUOLDSH; 1 MONT'S PfITSBBBOB LLILABA.O ahrispas 70111 A ; SZMOILANDA Or IMPORTANT EVltlin MULLS 100. SALVABLE BECKET'S! azinamos =cow ; U. S. BOUNTY LAW t U. S. FiNSION LAW. out., .to Price. only SI Cents Sir A 'Dural !tempt to the trade. /OUTS P. BUNT, PHOTOGIL4PU .41.0 *law uto.s. a loiroWytkoa. .Pooket Books and Currency Wallo', Tow. wit STATIONERY. 0I at kizas...t tlu ray lowast rico, la lags or mall guardian, at FRANS USE'S Book and News Depot onsomax BUILDING. 1&fl . inn Cairene , ' Ramer. Pa., • Pn-rteasaa, Jane44, llf6. HAVING ASSUMED TFfira HE O of Cielhrtor of Interoal illeretate, om DOW to Melts an doe muter the U. 3. =t i ers of the United Sutra. Thb WWl= Marks will be mb-dbridoi into three wolo.Dbaskts am follows: , Pint Dietent *III embrace the city of Pitanyb, Tawsahlp, Iserrenarellle sad as may of thee manuttaires ;south •of rho Iliontougsbela M hats alas or warabonees in. the city, and all taxes will be paid at the No. 01 Yount street. Wont Distrkt L odi ommhot of the Townedpe Jefbason, Mlmin, Plisebeth, Vemennee, Panne, Pluto, Penn, WlMMl,'Peobles sad Collins, and the liaroaghs of 3:lltabeth. West Elltabdth. and McKee. port, end ern/make payment of Wes to Mr Wm. Z. Wrenn, Depnty eon:motor, at snelo those and ydsces we he tosydestimste litirdlllstrloveill anima the Townships of (bet amt. liorm.'lf Wahl, north Fayette, Booth motto. sobbnon, anortm. Upton. Clair, Lower Bt.onalr, !cot; Chart" Neville, Union hod Baldwin, with the Boroughs of Illmniatimm, ,- Put Blitedzigtoun, Booth and West Pitteburgh and Maoonnhel , en. ogling sath paM m are esdioad to 1, and will mab payment to Er. John Belleaat, at sach timmi and - p:lmm itanliT 0, e4 1, " Upped tans due under the admiaboration of the late oollectof teen be keld an CT before the 16th but, otherwise they w W plaid in the bands of the proper annex for collietiatn Tbe tenthly at. for April ats now in this aim and pant must be Muhl on or before the 10th lash Die notice will be Oen of Os times ant placee to lei the tare far llama end imams. , • WILLIAM urns, Oolleetnr,' I ei:lln InternaLliarenne. =DWI* Pa. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK OF PATilicstßipin. Ida. 63 SURE.= qirrfis.; • ; (tint &NJ I Bons.) Illtunldat Agent and V. B. o:mgal:out Drpositari. fomatal.l • ,Thantteniten of all .parsona Intarostal la •teuret. fall, filled to the 4:tract fads the follosing letter: TISSAStralf OT TIE Varian Eet tza. vita+ Washington lam 16t h. • L ..7b* ifcsgrth 191111613A1 pink of Pittabtagb, luti this day been &sloshed a Depoattary of Public Mona (.10'"„$, ClagtOta.) 11114 Sittantlel arms tne i .. mams Ostea, and has brooms cQonUlGod tonal'! Depaeltta of Aab& Meats. An, iratea . Y. IL 1311127231, “Tressogar Crafted States: • •Pozsca 114 Log ledopoilt mooso.,on amount of Gooloosnoot Botkda, Collictmo of Intorno BooeolLO, and ill pewit loteroototV aro alturod %bat every "soopor.lscrity b• stow t 7 this Ili*: to'lltart, WO* tu ba of bostoon 44111.1 , 1 - j 04:1 , 1113011, Vreddent. WiIIfr,TWELL & CO., Vie all ttis Waal= of 011 Dagen (0 par dal :OttPumphijra ter Pump:, ac., infa' !ill et up on earl notice. WI ilko Mu 10;T420119, OTh TON% tko With 14d, without tb• mtatra da, god Fins:A 129 1/otritill STREET. Dern !aimma'am' Oseriena 071 ' ' ' • Thteburth, Jams lOth. AIdILiAIRY HUMS PIIP. _ . eieco co Ikin be gnat hi P4I Inedellit nuabealb, Ps.. lbe good AILTILLIIIST BS n haysbbrin mantes of in debtqlSeeso o e,lrt , les! Than hones Ind bainri farmed, • ith at , . hosseen &bon, *Toto ff= I Von eltsbls So +Rs ; tram 111 Oasis hf4bi sad Is 11041 ^ nits to M rsoo=l ; ead mos will be • be*Dadasei bi s'oomL t£ iS. 1;4 stl know cressits, &end aeons to ths shoes sp r tt Cot. aid Q. D.ont.. I A :,BBLS. P81153.,-BRIGHT DEM mana utierg *lnd* gliumwril _ ~.,t:.p:.a::: _ Aily-EROsiammrs. HAIR 1_+ 1 »!N cl COCOA: WI CHEAIII, L'Citt OELIBIC7 . /17i UTTTTIIia 4'13 Sl EILA tcc It softens •ad ;SW the bait am/ gtsca U • wrtn• cent gloss, srlalcb U retsina fct ^ .•P east wing It. Ton bzoslfltylni sod Frovib of th hair, LUMPS 0000.9.1111 T OMAN 04.FailP1 DE 1,4.113EA.a4EL, It Kaaba the Irritated &Ag it oodles the Irritated Elcalg. It scam the Irritated Scalp. It.stesthee the Irritated Boat, It Pnreats Datttruss soft Lass of Mir. It Pf.vents fishfans and Los at Hair. It Pftrroats thldtuas sad Las of Hair. ii Pryffints Buldvsss tad Land Hs.% It It as ellYszlt Ptrkm. ls szl ace Pl:a Porto.. is IS is an legant e elm's', Perham. U ?.. Ceanant Cram realms D.4drza• Occosatt.ttream pawns t= Oacosaat Om= reascrhe i Occoastat Onsat remain DazoiraCL It producto tho =chat Lake. It prcdutos tbo Ilithot Lctra It t yprodu rodnato he !I niched l Latin. ce the atest nstr. It stow the gt,Sll Oily Appears:ox. It ewes the Harlin oily hopeetham It pm the Maul 01sy Appal:snow It ewe the Mir an oily Loyearence. 011Ing tibbkors It Issa no Krug Tor Wing Milken st bu m rri.ta. For Oalng MI/Am It kap no no equal. To Oi li ng Wlltskors It tut Kul. And it retsina I lin Beautifying note And it totem all it. Beantifying Meta and lt uttalus ell Us Byantifytng Setae And It retain, ail «. Bleantlfying Brenta Tor dap atto/ 11 1 18 Per data attar albs It. Far 6031 eta 001013 It. Far dip after =INC It We Drawing and 011 tag tag Illustacha. Tor D th raming Min that Mr:tact. easing and Oltbsit tba Iturtacto. Vic Dinattng and 0111 c h. thaw Hstacha It WM:TM Ors" /barn It {lntents Orly Halm It !grunts Gm lastrs. It protttti Gm? Mtn. It proreatt Ear from Tartan Om. It proveata 13• Ir from ?gazing Gray. It mina tun frost Torztthig Gm. It precsaU Bair from Tantlag Or Ho Mat preperethhapeuteme the Fuller props:- the which ee easentially tang the human bets u TOE C00041X117 CREJ It promotes the Clurnetb of the Bath It promote tlrn Growth of t h o lisle. It promotes the Onneth of tha Barn. It Fumrnes the Growth of the Earn. It la the chews& Hair Dranhei in tin World. It le the cheapen Hair Donates to the Wald It Le the cheapest Hair Drawing to the World. It b the anapest Hair Droning In the World. gir sale 07 $ll Draggtea, —Rae sale ay an rallgem, Tore& all Droolsts, Tor tris ti .11 Maoists, FULTON'S DRUG STORE, Dap/oral BVILDIISI2. Turn mixt. HOMEOPATEtte BRMEDEES, FOR THE PEOPLE A Fresh Supply Just ReeelreAL lEESlS=iffi No. 4—Yor Worm Mrtkr. Worm Collo smi York dons Appetit. Price, IS okay. No. 3—For Collo, Toothtng, Coins sod %Add- DOW, Olow Growth end Fablama or 13Late. Prim 55 amts. Ito: 4—Tor Mambos, of Mild= or Adalts; Cha sm latintoun, and Sumner COmplatutc Price :5 MILL To. s—Tar Dyallay ea Elnotip Mx. Pings, Dillon. Clone n Sail Drintarg. Tries 55 eta. No. 6—Tor Chokes, Cholera Motto, Ilium and - Tossittig, Astbstotto Moottanz. 35 coats. No. T—Tor Ornag hs, Colds, If oarsman Inlnertia and Dorn Throat. Pries Id wattßronicids,t • No. 11—Tor Taal4aus, iscaabs, Narrow Pau, Petuagis ald Plo Dolan= Price SS mu. Huth It—or Itta&soto, Sick Utsdactat, Vortlgo. Huth of Blood to Oa Hes& - Pliab ZS =to. . 10—Tor D3spepta, Weak, Arkt C Da fitansoch, CoastlpaUele, L= Oomplank. cent. So. 11—Tor 1313ppromi lionses.or Poled or Delaying Groan Sickroom 35 croto. 210.17,—Far Lanearrhes ar W hit..., 8...1.11 D. too Pmflue latinurs. 35 cents. 113.13—Par Croup, Marie Ossupp Cough, 1:0Scoll sad Oppressed Dressidag. 35 cram No. 14—lot Silt Bbeara,.orust7 ltraigion; D 7 alpelaa, teal Irma, Dubai'. Itti. 35 =U. • Ito. 15-353 r Ithentastlay, MA, Lhotenees oe Borfhese In the Chest. Beek, Comer Limbs. lets. - 116 . / 6 " 4 /or res'er Ague. Intmattent I:rter Mint' *roe, Old lirretents Avec GO anis. ird. 17-4er Mee, Blind or ittmetlize, Internal at 3 want on °NOVO.. . 60 alum - • Ae. IS—For °pikes.lmta, Week he Inflakual nee and Etelkte rallas ea Weak Sigt. W watt • Ho. 11:1-Har Cdtdrrh; me ita or chard% dry ar raO*l24l, Oold i n thea.d, Wanda. to mat& Ustl No. 40,as pas Whoptsig Cough. Osagb.,shortselas . OD sad pal ag itor dmadts esata. No. 2l—Tor Luttatik OpPremed.DUacolt, Labored Brostiang, Octet arid Sqactorailan. Pries, CO cts. • No,n2-Ifor Sir Rohe In Oa Head 1FT41"4-11=ing, llannba. GO nuts. • . _ . . , - - W.,--Yar Serails. Lalugoa Glaa4F,i d Taw. `int o Swellings and Old Ulcers. Nom—iroi aroirol acbNtT, nytest or Ea- .. Wtokoms. GO cent. 150.11.5-7lntt' Accumulation; !tumid 11m111.np, with Ecanti . Becret.loas. C.os:enta. _ , _ . motortges.fielrisso, Praitration. *Am !won, Vomiting. GO cents. - • Ito: ST—Toitirtloinuss tararol, Bond iAiro• cult DrYIWal Urination. t.O =too - iuttodetionnrokintrri m pli; rinsiro -snit ooroacterilt Prostration -and Pe tr. PliCa 11 00. St/AM—Tor fors Month or Stassioh. Mookkorof Month of Molt' or MIMI en, $1 M. - • . . Ro. vo—ra ThinzKy Incoatinestor, WotiloS the goa t too Request, painful or loading ttrlasUrs. •. ••• , . Osss or SS W . , OssesS2OvillscomoksAla tactrosss, sod book. 1 00 Oass of OD vials,s34•Oook.- OD QM 4116 onotbsse4 braer;aaa II SO Gess or a buoy numberolliazul D00k......*. 2 22 Blasts omabersd Um% with Elnelo Uttered bolts, lugs sus of S as. stab, for planters and Ors.: Odium • • 16 M. OVTIRVAXDpES DT ann - • • /*Wonr the list4rp siss_of what kW ion abaci; szul thtsmomitlaaarrestDots stes l P4 bi Mall to ary s4thio, sad. tbo msdkins W;vpl duly tiIsIFDI4 B bl. witi or .<51130,.4a of chi':, , ' • Vklblant *1 447 :I ttIHE Nrr RY FAIR Eittangers th. city will find Itt EATON, MACRUNI & CO.'S, so.. 17 8.19 FIITEI B}ILICI6T, A large ar i d choice assortment of Bilk Parasoli, San Umbrellas, Party Pans, Pine Laos Veils, Rich Scarfs, Panay Comb - Hair Nets, Rich Ribbons, Dress and Nisaills Trimmings, Rich Embroideries & Lace Goods, Gent's Shirts, Collars and Iles, Hosiery, Glom and Mitts. And maythighs alp In the Trimming and Malcom dasoty tolitsi.tdah rises, Illtatnnt and Dagen see !Rattily Invited to call andanuano tbestockin Wit01d01.74901...L CtLOARS I CLOAKS I O l a ne vciat7 st 71.2. Eft vas,sa GOOD 9, =ET= 6IIICHAMIZiIe. I=l oupszpr, sociLkaus. THIS DRISB GOODS, of all Wads, at low prlots, AT AUX. BATES', No. 21 irtith street. Ste, Shawls I Oloakst Dress Goods! . BARKER di; CO., No. 59 Market Street, Largest Meek ever Exhibited is this City, MID THE EFLEAPEsT 2 HIGEELY DESIRABLE NEW GOODS MEM !SACRUM a. CLYDE'S, 78 MARKET STREET, &waled every day by Baltroad eat Expreer: Lake should not delay to rawly gleam:anis with a new and pretty Parasol or Sun .umbreita, • i•rii• =P41 21 01*•1•11 Parts racy Pani. piny LOW and Ivory IF=lluoComb.r Llsgant Jat and Steal Pews. Phas Iltsa Belt-Utickles. Bair lista, of . at dislablo stylaa In Ladlae. liltraW Maas a new amp al Watartall. Onastas, May-Day sad Datry patina& *Vary Bennet/. or the Melt IMMO. oolon aid Nuke. Alio. eke auk Las* Wu. rant time Collar% Guipure lame, ate W..b.Uteo to otrar Ott mat , soinntageoat tutu to MLitt! st WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL: Er Whableslik Hoops up Eats and inbssexacad. van NEW summEE` 410011 . JOSEPH Hotkga CO. Marla ssla ♦r err:mkt . earl of Ladies' andNiues' Hats stqammets. swims, BIBTIONO. tad all other sassombla • MILLINERY GOODS. um mums aro =am GOODS to durrilxidn, 06 u low Flaw Buck and White Bulmorallildrts, DtIVLIX. EMT% 00ESITS aal ZOLLD STD 3, COTTON STOCCIMMI, awl bixt mike at tr 41116 Cotton SOCKS, at cruettlau zarw mon. soft trinsman, cotton. 5.0.1, Ina auk. vitt' WI lbw of 13131133=R triqpitatvimAi‘ lfer Mm. 1410xem sod Catiblretk t and krest mkt/ oR ItAMOIC .11.11:111LX3 lad NOTIObts, Dal= .13111m1 a tall stook &s Less than. Eastern Pride 7013)3P4. EOM & CO., 17 iiIIIITI ILIZEIT BM= Bow OASEIMPES, J:YPA. BURCHFIELD'S. Pumussarguls. main 'einem= rem ail-militi7a. Qyoasisa onimqt. ~ . . sr.:muss, ruin Aar fitiorfa MA1411q11.14 vserutcts.. SZOttEal usu. . But zmna - , BLACK DEATll.ltensuaer Oasts. A IA.-s,i - Aseottia'antof 2... Tia Fir 131i3OVitur . , , • - . . .: JOST 11120XVIr. • -.: . _ . . . _ . A. iS. car.Areurtb. ssui ,Elaik.atees. . .1.111 nicrios - iAcys-ciaore, raido* • sun insinizmo. . - • asilmoot achusatuglnagass z nurpa!a ABD swiss yaWae warn Damimatv,,zusulunim, ua~• L 121121 Arcankagri,catet • . - isler aimm. GAUD iEDBILB 11.10 1410 1 ,4 f 4., ! ' .. 41 , 0 7 11 : 412! ; •‘8 $ l," rani Mr -, ? ur i.N T E D-A SUBMITUM••ffit Hundred Dollen WSJ yin be veld la u ep creatable nabstlmte for a dratted roam. the iMbM• tate mast be thempt troth the Metal sad fttnr• drafts, latitdre at the • - 1.164 _ _ a tarrrs Caancs. ANTED.-10 0 tons of old boob, VV' sigh boas removed. old newspaper/ en . Inv7 tam; Oaf tujOISCII been writing. en .ng os. too o b Leh th.higtunt Riles •111 toin fl , m Slain aroarTePin oed he, W.r t bouses ho. 9219abbleld stmt. - C. T. MatBXLI 411 00. 14.' s rac .c . or b capl mks • part interest la kcal Prattling f 4qp, that pogo OD per ma. profit. Sultetran pleroant. . For particular - a call on or adirra_ So. 49 Hand ttral .Y. I st PStL WA_NTED. • TWIENTI GOOD OARPENTKRa. The undersigned are &alma of employing the above smuttier of Carpenters, to inert at fialnlisi Maar over tie gluiongshela River, at Kalb:alb. gar trather information apply at Ceaa>a the Attab Ward, on hank of Allegheny fan; believe s Marks and Clymer attests. Jleldtisr M=ZMI WANTED. 60,000 PIILHE WHITS OLE BTANE24I for OD Darstts. Apply to PLltUa. of mmuro. Foot of P street, P ttobtat WANTED = $6O A MONTH.— want Agent, et SZO month,_ to .on ray EVERLASTECIO PILSCIDIA I WAt BIJIMEBS, and thirteen ether new, metal .a rioneartlelea. Wipe:a taming. mat Me.. mar..., Kip T. Lome. BuddeforMalus• namsma.er WeiiTED-.BOARD—By tiro .gentle nut lutd :hair wives, ia a Firata heardiag Icata with hat f.w hiardarg, TIMID Rio adman' walk , ef . tha SWITTz - MLitt". +. • " 1.2.;* GAssire oSca: . . NvANTEO. ' Tear - Goo)) Brazaros, . 1 ' 0 6, " r en' 100 ?AMU Ensp`s ArsainfßattgiCa kteo. • Gillet Bae.nr. Good prim pidd. Itti•ta rA t4l4 °/.4 ,• " WANTED, 11 . DNS% jrnoz. • stardan tau thscits...• , mints To tam owe of a Inqolm'at s,aiss. 41 IC? A UCTIOiI HALE OF, CONDEMNED 1 WAS DVAXMIIIINT;eI,III37 Briar; • Cake of UhlefQacrtemehortmr. WaShblgtOn.D. (1. - , Aparblidth, /LW Was f old st public &utter% to Les highest • der. At the Muss sad places =lad Wow, riz.: Newport, Pens. Thursday; Mal sth; Getty •g, Paultaillauday. May lith; - - ' dilotuus.,' .rmus. MU.' lay, Kay 1211; • =hr. reurrai_Thursdan Nal 4gh:i • - Beadles, Penns, ThThand ay ruaday, Play =.; _ . labousen. Ftlardi, , Jusel.dt_ Nerthuraberlaud, Poona, Thursday, JutsOth i . ReSsob:a. Penna. Thursday, ions 10th, .. • Wrlllarostort, Penns, Thursday Julta Luv. ' -'- -(hor hundred (100) harm at uell3ooo ie. and turf hauttred and fifty (250) at each of the abler Awes. .._ " ' These horses hats tea coudeurned, as null Ds . the earthy sorriest:dills Vetted Brats Army. • - ' .: ler read sad brut purposes puny good tan** 'ty be had. . orso will be sold singly. dabs hoes at 10 A., sad continue dagl tlllall ars -, sold. Terms: CASH. to trolted Mateo T,lol2ll_motel , only. YAPESE! L. ZEIN Lbott, Ga. sod O. Q. M. Carsh7 Sur o ; 26 atd6rtje2o .2 GREAT PALE OF , - 820,000 Worth of Dry . Goods, Eat:sada; ktuslloa, Prints, llysixas, paisbask„ Malik*, Poplin', Pail de Camas . Plaids, illektos, Bel and 13Dialog Clacks, Payer and Cantbdo lhis. an., Irish Linen., irable Inapt% Alsc, Cantnaming Satinet., Jaw, Turedss-Costionadon - All slsairkY hoop skirts ; alai and Fancy libsirbi t Zan VW.' brollaa and Parasols; 'Ladies . , Genie, Mbase•sail iißaldren'a Bo hoof and 4110 rel; tonsillar with =nay aims goats nosally kept to • Wall dry good. tonal; Thls Lao:ooze stock avoid mars Ma attanslca - of boyars, as dry goods are dolly adrancing La Wolk An santlioy bang= Should call and say at 1 11 1 NoCLELLAND'S AUCTION, No. 55 TIME STISEST, Id &WSW lII= , N. 3.—Conetantl7 on band, • buy auortatuit nt. all kinda of n note and Ehnen, In back part of Mori. jolt • ITIOBACCO, GROCERIES, 10.—On! 81.21:18D.LT M 08.111.1214 Jams 1212:5' 21 o'clock, will be sold. the Ocumurdslllabs 61 Pbth sired. 10 criates Tobacoo2 , . . 3836 exes tooparuil 626 agusj • 2 bag- Cur sad Pry EmooldXf T 0 18: 2 c: • 'e 20 boxes Gononumat 26.ri006845; 1 that Busk Tau. 6 b 02.1 az:pular Cart.2lsBasp; 6 NY Yellow &up; 20 Greued Bplos; islxopr, _ • 15 a Pat e DalrChotio; 10 half. bbls. White Flex par 20. 1121072.11 . 12;.112x27. - . _ TI PROVED EIGHTH. WARD PROP. .L BILTY.—Cht TOISDNIE lIVBFILEIG. - Inns Itbd, at 5 o'clock. via be 5515. 55 555 Bonmatmtel Wee Booms, Oa 54 Ittlthitrett Sha dateable ROUND and Lot 'Baste on themes ' comer of Uwe and Gibbon itreets, In the Illgath ward, the tot trosPus 21 fan al Magee street, sad _ enchain slang Gibbon street 65 neat, abet= - ane nt kitehen, dal s thrteatoty B se ack Derilllng, new Maki tae Inkeaten. hydrant, to-.Yid now renting at 511 pet math: romettlen Innurs-05.thadlaid= In ass and tiro pa" lash Interest, wore by bond sad sairtlapa :SLWAINB.Anere _ . _ T ARO EP BUILDING LOT IN TB TEMDIDLT I=BooB, /Das 23i, at 9 o'clock, will to sold, - on the prectlns, that unable lot • t rota &tune on Inhere street at th. demon of feet non ere ouns. befog 133 eat 9 nobs& frail fee meet, by 191 fees IXlnshes dop • 4.S kat ' ' This pzoperty mtg.= a lane =ant, ot gc414111. - nit stone, mat Got at. flea of ytopartfean be wan at o l soe of J. D. - Lama, tto.lit 6mlthflettl street. _ tzunsyntabn. Scansntedetntoen at Sin jelT kto.U.Onaltin4 ken% BIIGGIES AND BAIIOI3CHE.— . .OII BWINEDAT NOSHING, Jane I 9 at U o'clock, viii be WO, - at Cloctunactel lake Sems, 54 slftniticat, Teo ameriovrock Hzucatae and caw excella&Basuct", oI tv.t.thusaiipbs. ;cc - IIaILVAIFOL ewer. DIpIDEJI"D6. IVIDEND:---The Dircotozo., of • the D "Allogtimptliolltabstrgh 011 Comosoe hew thy do &cared a Dtlidoon of. TWO.PILM CENT. f. .ther capital titoch, for the month of Eigf. boo of B %loam, OCTozootTiovs,oasbo• gibs atm . of tU.o=l.l¢y, /t2&mth Third otroot.Phlhat. . Pbt ! 4 _ cnala 13" the1 ;141. 4 1: LEM thmfotoil • Philidelphtu Jure 13th. nu. J015.1v, Mica or lart Ormix. iziltaurs 00..tl Pittsburgh, Joxe IBM y TEND 1 4 40T1C The Prespent irectors of this Como= Y home Ms kr -Dishiest of 151 X. D0LL6.11.11 rais MP= V h illt MUM Tlati. - Agrage, to the B ria s . l * _ 3I74EL-11111:6 "A ' 1 - 1151 ii DO'D 'NOTICE. \ Oottrzoll Ort. bostruif Patibortk, Th., Jane 51h.1.44. The Diretiars of this cowpony boo this toy to. clued o Dividend of s nit DOLSII.IIS 110) per shook *M. ce the vette* lot to i etochhotam ea aid sifter 'l= Imo . " , is; By order of the Board. "'"— lIIVIDEND.-716' dent . 'anti JLI rectos of Ltialt fasti th =As bs this itst_dsOlssed bat rz7- VIM Wm.= sEs Cspitsl Boss, ipscsablt on out site tbs ISO Lust, at the lizaktit Mks Edda. 241C1a" VDl3 7 lll s3 BVlAtii , a ali f .' - Plltstrarsb.4stss 5t4,1 6 6 1 . Mar N. „ 5.,. !..- - TOSEPII. ADAMS, D _arogsk•Connellie.', u'llullitot, comer of VimOnwlind Oranterwts,' Pitiabluldu PCIESNIKder• 11rA4. 1E64 • 1381 . , • I • - Aug. imsortownt or • tar, HOME DIABLO, Ibr aded — id =; 4 317:40:' roan, In Imitation Turk" Il i sion ,e t h via f rit gado sud= rteolate.dni=il, clasPi dud WX.I3, 47 Wood streak, I - 0110 - 1 11[1581 .° 11 • Yll9 ?"....;:i.°7 la doe cal tor Pas— . 0 u ot, 111S13tits Yeti tow Gp IGD b,: b. palm Dried . -..P . Its. 4 13 = • aC" " " 1 6ea1 e1"2341* - ‘:-: toX , boat. Xano.fat ISOINts: ICC tag , Nixed rdtdtdidc OK BAGS BIO'tOFFEE. fre., 10 ttaltelunts G5wk.11124k666 7 0 .6 : 11 Z0t , 60 boxes Citzts' =al Gartasi sow; V• ao moasa - ambm acs lawbboarem J. • , : -as ,a:Backsta .4 - do Cora Brow: saw eau. ti o. a Idscbtril 1 0 S do-^.-Lab Bind* 1 'bbli. HO. 1 lied 014 , .. Ibbli. BJ i sad Volaell. 16 bbua llXi 10 caw 10. 1 amemen ou i- la . 10 I=6 !FRU". T a 00., TOT Sib UtAnd. I, AO sl3l,llTli'a 41. 7 / 7 / 141 / 0 S !" • B tallett to Sae lotof 11142, AVISSOUON ci fe L tria, .11001.430 rust 0:10.1 . .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers