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'- - ‘`• ' -,' .'• • 1 ,- r. , ..- --•-- - ..!,- es,. ll.ist -, s •, - - - , _, . . _- - f w ~.. t , . . ! _ - _ Ali Wit( SaMig. MDATMOBJENCERIE 17, 1864 Cirri AND SUBURBAN. MEMO rotivithibnidlig the extreme heat of the day yesterday; the 'Pair WAS very largely at ;loaded, and a large 4aingty of 11 00 4 1 were `:'folic at;lcry . good "Trion. As the Pair is i. ',l ot u s; Intent whiting to make ta ':`aeitoseata,' will have a good opportunity. Yesterday, a box arrived from Prance, con. famine . photograph! of dhtinguirled resi dents of that, country, stereo:cop, Vows of the principal streets and prominent buildings in Pair, together with a large vuottity of fancy article!, SOMA of which are very beauti ful.: It Is intern:tints that the boo did not - arrive-at an earlier day, as it would have added greatly to the interest of the Pair. • Ati halt port three o'clock yesterday after. noon • loglee'Oineoluee of persons assembled in the Auditorium to hear the result of the contest for the Firemen% Silver Trumpet. Mon.: Thomas M. Howe, Thomas Bakevell and Williem Elehbanm were chorea a coat. =raittco to examine the ballots and announce the ocralt; • Before opening the box Mr. .MoWe'. rignested that representation from ..;'nenit of the companies competing for`lhe prize - would .take scan upon the platform when ~,john- 1 1. Hare; of the Rent°, Col. ' Robert the Ptgilaat, C.•!R. Ingram, of the tope r ,. ant Phllip B. 11.111;et the Allegheny, punted ftheutselets and took their-seats. Holmes, Jr., Trearourorthe Pair fundl'aaaisted'by Mr. JosephllloPhosabn, of .. the I'atlaare• Bank. examined thematic). ro ..ielve‘...l3eviirel.,billa.. tram found to be spn ?ion; but they were protopU r redeemed by, ?the templates. for whotai the fate had beau The ronairinie li the resell of the • • -- :3516' ' • • • ...... .. .....2638 , Allegheny Neptcute. ' ' 160. Eagle - ' 138 Duqcutne...: ..... Niagara," - General 8e1ief.;.:.........; o , , -I The Hops was deemed to be the imottesafel Sompotitos , for' tho.Priie !rrintifet o and the hawing seenred.l.the next highest number of votes remelved beantlfcd lIIUVIIT horn s which bad boon' donated by the Nep bine; to bo proientodahe oompany second on the list. . • • '; After the Tote had been -counted, and the result - enninineed, Mr. Howe, on behalf of the etonialttee, nude the following Met ad- "Atontimeos of the morel Fire iletiatotira of ratts.3iiigh'ciazidliesrAeny.: The duty has de - ravel on me, Sn', behalf of your committee, of declazing the resat& of the. spirited com petitlontridok the **voted .poescazion of this beautiful fora has elicited from the members and friends of the severaLFLei Coinpardes. - . 1 1. cannot permit myself t for. a moment, to rappels that this - generale/ and praiseworthy *balm - . bee been inspired by the Int:rind° . wane of. the article itself. - I knoW it to be • far otherwise. I know your sympathies to be in harmony with the great objects for which *is-Tait eras instituted, and which have serrette - arowiltwith each abundant endears. Is Vie Spirit almost of prodigality itself,' 'you have taken this method of extending re nd to:the - hlekttlie wonnded soldiers of the army, Irtviihaie braved the privations of the eampi Audible perils of the battlefield for the - suppression of ovieballion,morevauseless in its inception; and ',more diabolical in the spirit selth which it has been prosecuted than any revolt eines the day the arch.spostate himself, with tits trate:row; legions, was east headlong out of a 017621. _..."62.6 while it is my duty to award the born to the Hope Fire 'Company, in testimony of the largest aggregate subscription having been made in betel( of that company, it is no less my duty than my pleesure to say, that the generom ephit which haithue bean man. ifesteck bi all tho pompetitors Is above all prailie,.and cannot fall; when the asorifiess of the present ;hour shall have passed into his tory, to eiimmend the patriot:lo Hlremeti of Pittsburgh and - Allegheny to the admiration and respect of the whole country." The Bair fund realized from this contest the _handsome 1M1:11 of $4,154.3,40. The best of feel ings prevailed among thb &amen, and the sear passed off very . plesaantly. The Ste no= are deserving of great credit for tho en argetle =saner Co which they labored to tzt• moue the fonds of this great charity. • . •'*4 4 •P'` Supplemental Draft In the 231 DU. • triet.- • In appOrtionleg the late draft upon the savera' I sob-districts, the Board of Enrollment .of the 231 Distriet distributed among those deficient "the aggregate number of credits 'filch othel &Striate bad In excess of their quotas. was dons in order to reduce the number _to the exact defeit of the entire. dis. trio!, sir:twang to orders at thatNime. The sabadietricte in - dr:Holt wens charged with the number, they received, while those in excess were, ezollted.with the number, whatever it was. rpon the numbers resulting from this operation theta:, drift was made. Bat; by the following order, it will be seen that the -Board are required to- make `s draft upon each., sub:dish:fat -to the fall , amount of Ins owe proper delloieusey't. • _ "Haaarsawact, June lb, 1861. (I ThiPrOvait Marshal General directs that each: Antr-tihetrict makes up _its !keine! ;defl ator:oy under the present draft, noi ?awed ke distrawiee of eu,plas. Make supplementary .4; V. torrozo, A. A. P. M. Gent'l." Vas supplemental draft will oommena .on Manday,tba T/th List., and - be In the sub districts and tor -thirnambers following. To!tkolso numbers wilt be addednny dellolenor tha - inny be found In the result of the draft that hat , just been 'made:— The orders ere want, audit Is the Intrzett of all to hasten the attendance of all tau were drafted on the SI and ad • •~~ t• ` '~4~ .; ,~ sa. No. ored. ail ward Lust's 4:dry . a 2d irard 'do do 84 trued do do • 71g Ef=gll Italandloof 1 Shake Basern, Dmfgatito frairabt . ' 7 -.Cranberry 1 follatkopleborm..«..:.... 1 -14rli0etd.. C5451111653' 4 fat:WV tp 5 Omni Den l lsol,. 41 . . Mr. arid *r.. Weber , ' Concert. . ' Ti. Vozufert on Tuesday night at Concert _, Mall by Mr.- and Mrs. Kilter, was quite ._ . . . s immesh 4 The programme mu varied and riah--Ulartted witirthe Judgment 'and alit of which ,glr.-- . Meng,;S ie ber , 'ha s . formerly . . . ~ given us such freqemat pnefaz, The different Eau, distil and-tries Of the prineipal lady gingen. the hihses.Cces Breen; llattlisJimes ant Matilda de Mem were Wahl/ tuitiaetelTs and theytave evidence of nausea:al training. The' two ehoteutuskthe ' finale from. opera Xarthe, sad the one from Opera Trontore, : - wareersanted with fineeffectomd werernrenty . - - unleaded: Indeed it would- be dliffult• to :plea two More ackeeptdi• or-effective eon. ' mated pisees,-. The principal attraction heir; ta r of.the evening was the performance on 'the &Retort, et Mrs;ll. Slither t andlurre let us remark that As proved herself a true _rdZof • the "divine art" by her selection ri distinguished mentor th eir ferriage —7 theit-79fr_ibeKVe:zeeralliff the -1 1 1* former In flue composition rather than the turetdelonsormarnal piecifsa calculated - but - to alum ellits Pigin of-the player and to roT m4 the .l t by a momentary dsuais. bribe' We antuder bligatmosto Mrs.Elebor for malting ea au with •the:ererks of the great teulost Ilhopiniwhose, compositions muutatio - wort the . principal attriation of -the-coneerte In the ca / tern titles and 'ad Yampa Like e: 'genuine prods:Mimi_ of j oaks in . - all lotanahei;_of ; the due utsi they :,eattinu• to improve and 'grow on ',ion ~. th' - ..' better .. aoquidatanee eldp. We !Mune doubt Queer own musical public trill be able to twee :Aro these works u musk se de the Bostonions.ind New York. Wili , l'Whe '/!iloodota" by ..Lbst, Is a charm - - lei .ffolelfrodtion'and it NM Pendemd .with great caffuerand Poetiofetdingt Altogether tlte-plane playing of Mrs K. hoe an unusual .. trut a and gave great delight to the large and ~ '_ eppreabstireentionce. - Water* andtnist to --.' bwreiht Mure s frequent opportunities to be , -,tome attire lathriatety - uquaboted with the productions of the better modern 'lathers; of ' plasto.foete music, wawa hareem doubt that - .- & fall house willreirard ear effort in that di . Cunt, To-gthir-=-Titata young tc,r. thi 'tqw_ligi4:prorl RA, gayer- tionnesd Cloope 4irolv4tg 'Pistols vitifbs:gloncl•to'slitt; n q dol°)l4 imnattti l t' l o - teacktratt Frititto 7 p . „o . 3mranizontm osiwcral,alook 7 • • .t ''' Y . 1 r, ~ ../I . iet Sanitary .Fair., EABDSOICI Passarr.--A splendidly orna mented pound cake, made by Mr. H. Ruh, of Na. 482 Penn street, wu yesterday pro. seated to the Hope Steam Engine Company, the successful competitors for the poise horn. The cake was on exhibition at the Fair, and has been match admired. It is !nodded in the form of a pyramidi the ban being orna mented with statues of the Gladdest of Liberty and Indium, representing America in the present and the put. Upon the sides is a bat tery aupported by infantry, and the centre piece represents a collection of milltar3r coutrements. The company gave a reception to their friends at their engine home daring the evening, and a beautiful display of Ere works was given la celebration of their sue - ss. Borxyr .TlintrlMJ ARIMITED.--Tlro bounty jumpers from New York named Win. Woods and John Welsh, were arrested last evening by the Mayor's police. Itappears that they came to this city on Monday hut, and through lath representations. succeeded In enlisting into the army. After receiviag : their Ito.tuty, they destroyed their military clothing...and were about leaving the city, when. their de signs were discovered and frustrated. They. will have a hearing this morning. Tan folloiiing gentlemen two been invited and are expected to addrees the Union Radii • cation meeting on Saturday night, vii : Parson Brawniest, Hort.A. W.Lootle s Ron. Jas. L. Graham, Thos. M. Masai'', Esq., John M. Kirkpatrick, Esq., lien. John P. Panney,-Thot. Inward, Esq. A. EL Estowst, lffss. 0. idoesstrat, S. B. Cr..m.r.r; La Box Tow.—Mr, J. W. Pittock, Peal street, opposite the Post cam, has received the Sally, number of "Li Box Toe, heaved de Moder, mad Harald/ Reporter of Par 4 Fish iou," published by B. T. Taylor ' No. 811, Broadway, Nov York, and Brie Ste Anne, Paris. It contains form beautiful eteel plate engravings, colored; besides • comber of wood-out illustrationa, patterns, etc., eta. A Counsels? To ran 139rn.—A modal order has been reeelved from tho War Da pertinent to I , arta the right end left comps -niter of the 139:h ltegicormt Penurylvania Vela:deem with the Spencer repeating:Me, and this entire regiment at the earliest possi ble moment. Thb is • deserved compliMent to tide excellent regimeat. ACCIIDINS.-01 T . Llellfilky evening 1116 saw s break down of • two horse carriage contain ing two daughters of of DM' waalthy seas and A. Attheny- Gutman, the private Bematai7 of &oratory Seward, who is on a "visit -to our Pair. None of the partlti were Waxed. 5.15424tiea. Fo. bawd. tAracord 2 Mora 4 wulaingioa tp.-- • 5 Partin' tp...—.— 4 4 11 , 12 , 21tp---- 4 5"224225 3 .402 13. 3 Mercer astIIII2n12;1111, 4 Cu. Accorsz.—Bay. B. Y. Dodp, of Wheel:lg, hos signlflad bit milliogueso to so • eept o call which futi been tezdersd by tho.Seeond Presl:petit-7/ daub of WoohlorP ton, tad wilt assuaio the duties of _ new chirp la r short time. AVEITIWNO w. Perry 42 Qatenstamt— 2 8ranir5119311tp....... 19 Sugar Omit tp---. 7 Wmategton 6 gotith 86ff619.--- 6 Freeport Bora 7 ilLiskamfnetaslp....,..— 1 BOSTOiI Pi= Opt sp ek Paltry tp-- C47,212b1P204 mato On. La nar—W. would direct at tontion to - the adrartisement of. Weed& oil lands for tale, which will be foand In another column. Parsons wishing sites for oil well cannot find "a bettei chum far htrasonents. /MUM as Taoors.--The 2d Wisconsin, a veteran regiment, paned through theeity yesterday afternoon' and were entertalnedby the Subsbtenee Committee. , Tame Pisar,PWn aud chtuatentallilate Rooter, aria bah& ht Pensuudrada and Vera' mut date of tha bast quality at low rater tuna al Mu. leoublizes, sear the Water Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. _ Ittronto.--Eunuel Gisluint .t Co., !da cha:a Tailors, hove removed to II Smithfield street. We are jest readying our mad ;Taly of splint and yammer -'goods, and d most respectfully Invite =trim& and the 'palls In general to Mid= our awl steely hollering it to be one of the but stories of mant- tailor goods in thif city. Every garment warranted to give fall Selll. faction, in both Floe and quality. Give s tall before patv.Uxbg elsewhere sad judge for lewastreL aassan MoOsirmus, Tatitgr, TB Smithfield street. twos tun Corr.--At Kee!attend.' /mutton Hoeg No. 85 Elftb street, goods of every deseilption are being retailed below 'present eastani pion. .1. large gook of Boots, Shoe' and - adtess—prima goalie-4i private sale. Look for number and name' in windows. Tiit- Committee of Arrangements for the ,IltrorMarructirron Moms on Batnrday nlest,'Airs reputed to mat this maing at Mao Mayor's oMoo,at 7js o'clock. &swats= Chairman. Poe Braechicts; deems, Catarrh ted 414- sciroptlee Coughs', Browses Bronchial Troches Orr wad with advintsgo,BlTlng okfintlmee Immediate 'Sad bY thuSellbs gelkerelP Oitsnits ano artists 01110 will ba 10104 the Omnibus office, Va. 410 Penn street', day or night. AU order" left et the stare pleat will be prom_ptly attended to. An taxi most be gala be &drones. - . Wasosuoi scum Who. Ivnot 'object to -Anyt, to dll es place of a , dread- min. Bpoolol Induce:ter:to orotEL Apply Immo. .dtotoly at' , ettotrokOrms4_,. Etio Onlas.4-110,000 piper collars 1:1 ihe psokagoihsand ar , itansaadoit 0/411aar4 MgaxeßelgaltiNgt"ligitlit. . ; • . ': .:.;, i ,-, < .,,, z .-. : ., ' -, it. ,, : l iilZp. - ;! - .: . i' , X;i:ii‘ic' .- 4 . 1:; J, ' , ,a . ...` 4- g';&i .,4 ''''''' - '.::'.;;It - k Obr Hoot Table. A lifinto_Amaat Mt* itiialian Vann. D. D, LLD., lste ammttna Protasis of Systematic Disleati la lb* Galva Tbordoesica Gemloary of the Prot mama Episcopal Chnrch - la the Vatted States of Anielift. By CC Wbite Bromon, A. AL Ybilmfel pala .1. 21. Lippincott It Co. ielttebargh: for sale by Kay A Co., 66 Wood - area. 212 pp. 12mo. This ls a graceful and tender record of the life of a bolo - fed tascher,which will doubtless ho very welcome to many, in all park of the country, who profited by the lessor,' of divine truth and wisdom, and earnest piety, which they learned .from him. Beside the memoir, Mr. Bronson has given as • lemma and two samosa by Dr. Wilson, which cannot fall to impress most favorably those who have not already had an opportunity of becoming an. co:minted with the manner of teaching of this learned and able man. New Novatz.—Mr. Henry Miner, 71 and 73- Fifth street, has received from the publish. en, Mews. T. B. Peterson 6c Brother,, Phil adelphia, offs. Bridal Eve," a new novel, by Mn- Emma D. g. N. Soathworth, whose ex ceedingly prolific, bat always entertaining, faculty of invention has BO often been ex ercised _in the interest of our excitement loving generation of novel-readers. It is to be claimed among the best of Mn. South worth's novels, containing, u ono writer af firms, "deeper thought, and embracing a deeper meaning, than any of her preceding voila, besides being in plot more Ingenious and elaborate." Brom Mr. Miner we have also nosivod "Hottpu A Tale w orth , Okl DuteA Motor," by Mansfield T. W anew of “Lnlu," just published by Carletom of New York. It Ws sensation novel of the most senntional type, mid will not fall to and readers of the oleos that delights itself in the morbid ex citements widen such works engender. Tao Annual Cyclopedia, and Register of important events for the year 1603, has been received by Usury Miner, 71 and 73 Fifth streets. Catalogue of the Old Curioxity Shop. We have lying before n, the catalogue of the Old Curiosity Shop, connected with our Sanitary Fair. Although frequent visitor to the Old Curiosity Shop, we were eurprLsed -to note the largo number of relics, curiosities, -trophies, /Co ,on exhibition. There are just dm* hundred separate article,. The =sta. loom is very complete In it, descriptions of the different subjects of Interest, and is well worthy of preservation sae memento of the Pair. The list_pf Revolutionary relics and rebel trophies will be road with interest by those who are to come after us. We hid thought to call attention to some of the more valuable articles named in the catalogue, and not already noticed in these columns, but we 'despair of being able In the limited space that would be at our. disposal, to do justice to the collection. We can only say to the reader, that, if you bans not al ready given an hour or two of careful study to the contents of the Old Curiosity Shop, you should do so at once, Au opportunity to see so many rare and Carious things, we feel se emed, will not again occur In your lifetime. It it hut en sot of simple Pollee to state in this connection that the working members of she - Connitlttee on the Oldeuriosity Shop haver displayed great energy and tact in Hawing their adm ira ble ealleotion, as well as area lent taste in atraning it. - They have labored under many disad v antages and discourage. mente—among others, the want of a hall of ,entllciont else—but noterithnand.ing these they have stmeeeded in rendering their 4e partment one of, the most interesting' and popular of the Pall. The seal and industry dlsplayed by them Is worthy of all praise. SPEOMI . lACAb aoitCES TAE Ut TEST, NEWS BY TELEdIIAPii. OUR SPEOIAL DISPATCHES FROM WASHINGTON. STIRRING NKiYS IRON GRANT BUM The Army Safely Across James 111Ter. ADVANCE TOWARDS PETERSBURG Onr Cavalry Engaging the Enemy WHITE HOUSE ENTIRELY ABANDONED THE NEW YORK CUSTOM MOVIE FRAUDS to.. Spectal blapatch to th. Pittabiugh °netts. Wentrioron, June 16, 1864 GILINI'II MOVIAZITS We may soon expect something stirring from Brent again. It is certain thathis army bas safely crossed the James river. He avert ed the passage of the White Oak stramPle 'and took the short out to Charles City Court Home, by crossing the Chickshoudny at Long Bridge and at Jones' Bridge. Yesterday morning our advance was on the march Ines direction of Petersburg, and General Hades cavalry were already engaging the seamy in the outskirts of that townj, Their - operations ', were distinctly visible from General Butler's headquarters. White HoUse Is entirely aban doned, and steamers !semi this city now fee chutes City Landleg t on the Jame, tint, The Iliolunind Diepatat Of Tees 11th says : "An official dispatch recalled yesterday states that Ohneidan's force& had encamped, on Thursday night, at New Market, le Sisetstyl tante county, about five miles from :Childs. berg and ten miles sont; o• of Spotkyliania Court House. We have od authority for stating that Gen. Hampton wen between them and Gordonsville. Ileitis= of Caroline =e- V, who arrived In this city yesterday, statue that Sheridett's command it about eight !hea rted strong, with ten pieces of astlaely, and that they moved in three solemn,. A tumor was In cirnulation yesterday that Hampton bad surprised the enemy's tramp and pnt them to rout, - but the report laths confirmation. The Dispatch also says ; ViTe havereceived further Intelligence from the' valley. Crook and Avesta joined Hunter tendon Wednesday were at)Stramtektt mislead:le abortion older forenwereon the Greenville and Middlebrook rand. s. On the same day at 3o' clack, p. 100 - Unary made a denienstration on the Greenville and Stitunton,road but were repuleed by Inebodett. The enemy retreated to Staun ton, burning the Pishervitle depot on the route. " Pope with a toms of 40011 was mewing down the valley to reinforce limiter. The enemy have no supplies, but subsist off the eauntry. Thiry were doubtless awareof the richness of the country Into which they have penetrated, and will strip the Inhabitant% of everything they poises,. ; A dispatch from Menntabi Gap say. our troops are - in fine spirits, and are anxious to measure strength with the enemy. The Yankee cavalry made =Mem advance on Thursday, but were easily repulsed by Imbo din's inf entry." TER caw TORE COTTON UOl7lll PLIODS. Mr. Hubbard, from the Beloot Committeo to investigate the alleged frauds on the Gov ernment in certain departMents of the New York Custom House, reptutithat greatftrega- Laxities hive bean commHted in bonds for goods shipped to points knoirn es rebel trad ing posts. Given thousand into, hundred end thirty-two of such bonds wit** found to con tain the names of principaliaiderent from the signatures; some having two principals in the body of the instrument were subscribed by ono. Clerks signed without power of 'attorney ; some without stamps or seals, and many without haring. the jtuitlecation twined; and one tind no signature, thlingh witnessed by D. O. Stanton and signed and sealed by H. B. Stanton, in charge of the bond division. It shown that the bonds wsse abstzaetad by 'ming Stanton sad summtlered for a fee; that the bonds were Imps:feet and in decep tive and lasnfilcient amonnts, and o:anted In disregard of the express ttrms oftiolaw. Evidence is addotoed inlplloathtg U. B. Stanton In the surrender oft bona of f 44,000 in less than an hour after It eras executed, for a fee of $650. Stanton - was t Notary Maio, and charged fees for lastrombnts upon which his °Vidal jadgmants were based, and trans &Mad general Custom Nome ibutine.s, chug- . log from sixty mots to twenty dollars. Stan. ton and son were discharged petolx:r 28,7863. The Committee failed to End manifests of sixty vessels which are known to have clear. ed from Now York. Oita of, the bonds was for goods bought on order or Major Walker, rebel agent at BL George's, parmudas, with Wm. B. Small, as surety, then clerk of the Surveyor of New York. It appeared ,that fottr.6fths of the trade with Matamoros goes to Taxis, and cotton, wool, mod Aldus from Texas form the return cargoes. Trade pith the West Indica has doubled 'Moe the tom mencement of the rebellion. The Committee , conclude !that Collector Barney cannot be held wholly blameless for the faulty form of the bond; !blab is requir ed to be submitted to him forlapproral. Otto TOO 121 Err soil. The opeubstr of bids for Um' new loan is u resumed to-day at 12 o'clock, sit the Troasury Department. The books wMi closed this evening, 'bowing the foil wing rank : Amount at discount, xs,ooo; amozust ender font, per cent. premium, $29,24p,450 ; amount from four tolls. per cot. preniltun, $24,427,- 050 I amount over fire per mint. prirmlinf, $17,771,8501 tote!, $69,464,4/44 There was sin hundred end fifty-one 'mad proposals. mss, cams, aai Senator Sprague reported albill authoris ing the Seerrotars of the Trimmers to publish and Sell &media :naps, chub . and nautical books, and appropriating $.30,1100 to be rapid as stand for that purpose. TEI "Lonna mitairzi RILL Ili. Chandler, from the Bellt Committee en tilirins oree, reported the P n a Telegraph blii, with in amendment *bikinis out the nnn traot for $20,000 annually for ten years be bevel the Company and the G•vernment of the United sutra. ma. TO roam . The bill to pianist' guerrillas day. Mr. ',Tobrison, of Mar, the deesoiptien of the guerrill a;adoesmEl Inqnsed, for Au and other evils, to respect t • whate►ar 114, by whioh tboy considered briefly in an morabs. I=Ei3 I#, The tariff bill was then duty upon teas was reduced tro to twenty °ante par pound, but ware charged ten cents ad valor al. - The Comirdttoe's ainendusen was adopted. 1 - Irlrrilfl77ll The Flotuablit in amendment elan claim law Will reported by Committee on Foreign Relations • _The Nous lo progronlng rap! , oldoration of the ¬es nmea tsilt reasdad, to.ifay, fro' goo in &Tor of taxing spirits ,on I yak' of, ft to 62. Ixox Om awn. • .Itiinnderstoott that seta, who took trli fiat tads will he spisoleted to Visa ptees ht the hatttarfromtnittes ' WI=MI OnLI will not go to Noir York 1111's4 taken-b 7 Congress on theigold si, - reintorii erm President tannin and' in3/' inornths foe. Pidishiptin. GENERAL Particulars of the Adrance n aud r r.- &treat, THE BATTLE NEAR GUNTOWN DOMAN FI9RTIIIO OF TOE HONE Our Loss absut 1,600 Non and 14 Pieces of Arti llery. PARTIAL LIST OF CASUALTIES hiaurnis, Jane 16.—The following inform ation In regard to the late expedition of pen. Sturgis, Is gathered mostly from offtcpri ao m,mpanying the expedition, and Is mainly correct Nothing of Interest occurred until the' ex pedition patted Saline, Miss., on the Stab, when three hundred men were sent In adman pining through Ripley, capturing errata small parties of the enemy and • met ing directly upon Rienzi and Danville ' ? do stroying the railroad, burning the depot at the former plan, and constantly skirmishing with a considerable body of the enemy. They rejoined th e main column on the 81 wit h twenty-five winners, On the Oils the main body paned thorough Ripley, moving sonth. , On the morning of the 10th the cavalr y moved in the direction of Genteel:, leaving the infantry in camp.. After proceeding a few miles they encountered the enginespick. ets and soon after tame %known large body of a:enemy.* peeftion end **tattle became geninta The cavalry dismounisid and drove thiaiemiaome Ottawa, when thelatta were reinforced, 'an d-oar men fought four holm againet thin odds, when the Infantry came up and the ffiYaley retired At II P. AL another 'Arcady of the enemy arrived en tharallroad, sight of the battle, which was raging furious y. All our ferns . being engaged; it van toes evident that ne could not withstand such attacks as wore being nude by curb superior numbers, and our men began to fall back, contesting every: Inch of ground. The colored troops fought with desperation, and were last to give way. The column retreated to Ripley, a dinar:lona . twenty-eight miles, that night, after burning a large portion of their supply-train and de stroying ten pieces of artillery, which they were unable to move through the swamps.. On the 11th the enemy made a desperate attack on the infantry, which was repulsed, ' but the attack wee removal, end a considera ble portion of the infantry was cut off and captured. After the ammunition bad become extuntet• ed, it is stated, many negro troops boarded the ammunition train, as It was - being des troyed, filing their pocket, and bosoms with cartridges, and others gathering ammunition from the out off accoutrements of white troops, and thus were enabled to keep up the Aght until they reached Memphis. It is stated that ale body. of 1,600 Infantry whieh were cut o ff and supposed captured, were defended by 200 negroes from repeated amanita by the rebel cavalry, and arrived at Collinsville non after the main column. An. other body of SOO negroes arrived this moth , lug, having escaped by by-roads, kinglet their Rine The loss Is now allmated at 125 negroes and 14 pieces of artillery and about 1,500 men. All of the 59th 11. B. (colored,) hays comesn except 200 on and six adhere. Three hen• drid of the 55th b. B. an minting. Among the catualtits in the 2.1 New Jer sey eivalry are Capt. Reilly, killed, and Lima. Reedolphlo, Lieut. Brady, Lieut.. Buda, Lieut. Rainer, Lieut. Applegate and Assistant Burgeon Krauts, missing. Bernet Indient. cavalry—Lieut. Col. Brown, and Capt. Elliott, wounded. Ninety-Third Indl ana—Lieut. Col. Pool, killed; Adjutant Hea ly, killed; Capt. Comissier, wounded; lieut. Rees, wounded and mining. Ninety. Filth OhloLCapt. Allies and Lieut.:Kelton, killed; Car. Hanson. wounded and missing. CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDING& Wasnasorron, Jane la, ISM. 8111A111—The WI for prepaying duties on Foreign gat before arhing !mantle' ■ere al- awed, was parsed. Mr. Wilson called up the Home bill for the Carla speedy punishment of guerrillas, and for other purposes, discunion on which con sumed the remainder of the morning hour. The Taqiff bill was taken up,. and amend ments acted upon,terrierfos. An amendment was adopted, reducing the dudes on tea to twenty cents, with tee per cent ad valorem on fine qualities, and iiztrig the duties on cigars worth fifteen dollen or lem per thousand at seventy. five cent, per pound, and twenty per ant ad valorem"; be tween fifteen and thirty dollars, one dollar and a quarter end thirty per cent ad valorem; between thirty and forty-five: dollars, two dollars per pound end fifty per cent ad valo rem; above forty. fire dollars, three dollars per pound and linty per cent, ad valorem. Paperbigars end cigarettes are subjected to the same duties • also decreasing the duty on Imported railroad iron from eighty to seventy cents per pound. The ad valorem duty on steel wire less than No. 15 was raised to twenty per cent. Namernes other amend- ments were agreed to as far as the reading of the bill programed. The section relative to woolen goods was left for future motion. The Senate nOn•COnnafirOn In the. Boom amendments to the Senate bill to prevent emaggilog, - Oa motion of Mr. Wade, an inquiry was ordered into the manner Of engraving and printing fractional currency, bonds, notre o ke. Mr. Chandler, from the Committ ee on Com. mere*, reported on the bill for Increased Ml egrephie facilities between the Atlantis and Nettle States and the Territory of Idaho, with an amendment striking out the OOMpen cation of $20,000 for ten years for the use of the United States. The Senate then went into enemata* ses sion and adjourned. liocan—A bill was introduced for the'better protection of steamboat passeigers. The Ways and Means Committee reported the new Civil Appropriation bill. Mr. Myers, of Psninsylvenia, moved that ,the hillitary Committee report en the expo& 'ency of making tutors drafts for eighteen menthe; requiting parsons exempt to pay commutation, and to permit the seseptenee of colored men Cs substitutes. The joint resolution to attend, the Orsr. land Mall contract,. was adopted. The Conference Committee reported a Legislative and Jodi-ail Appropriation The House non.concurred In the reportend then receded from its disagreement on all the amendment* except that increasingthe salary of the:Treanuar of the Mined States, and on Gas exiting for another Committeeof Oanikr. SAM The Internal Iterrenue MU was then taken up, and the Conte resumed the consideration of the amendments in which the' Contains* of Wale and Means recommended a constr. rase. Thus were read through andmoaof them costarred in without l= distil or MOM than half • dozen of the amandm is on Which tho' conference, was recommended ware non-eonauned In, and those were notef an important character. On the amendment striking out the tax On wblekey• on hand Mr. Morrell, of Vermont, said that this question bad bean debated and acted'upon so many times that lU opposed there could be no.desire to Mums it farther. Mr. Hernando Wood, of New York, said there were great principles involved In tbis 'question of taxation of- the steaks of whisky on hand, which would be sustained notwith. standing any previous aetion or precedents. Mr. liaison of New York, sold thetbe and others also h ad sustained the gentleman from New York in this matter when it was first presented. He had become satisfied of its Impolloy, and he called attention to the fait that all the members of onti aide of the House, who strenuously advocated this tax,invariebly voted agetnet any tax bill. It was- evident that it was not from a desire to Mersin the revenue of the Government that they per. slated In He hoped that no mom time or mimes weal,' be 'scribed' In the diegnation of the minims. • - Mr.'Waithburti k' s, of In . obi, laid this was smolt Jett and Proper tag, and he hoped the House would twist upcm It. Every vote that had been taken anon It in this Honee, except one, bed been bills favor. He hoped theilmn• would insist first, last and all the time. On agreeleg to the amendment the TOW 11/1118 as follows: yeas, 72, nips, 62 t to the tax was stricken out. came up to. ' •d, thought too vague, f rota/Litt= • authority, . It was iit hoar, and en up. The twenty.iltre .er rarities n• addition on eirgars .t the Pera• the Sante and passed. Mr. goo;, of Mo.. bu boon appolntad Itt tks plc4 of Mr. F. P. Bloat, Jr., on'thoMil. !taw Onsunittsa. At 43i . o'clock tho Hoots took a ittott.. • to oon .•eab ofttie ..• Ifs Pod. hand, by • The Demeeratle leattanal . Cenientki. mite M a Zane 18.—II to itolumlte doubt ed whether the Malang 'Damomatto Oatures• don; untied to meet at Ohloaga, AO 4111,, will be postgam!. The quesdou.vel W de._ olded ou Woke Monday nett . at 2011. the Hatt, vacatail Johnston or Leo' Reinforced. 'on hag ban too bats. Nu You, Aug 14,-Th. Eaulre Now Wows isanspondimt gari r Una 40' fplable that 'ffaikke dtvisloit lisit armed tha 'sboye Nstobolo alaram latattuorrig/A LZEI _..; ,- ,::<;,'i-a, -. 1...t:::6.,!:; , a: , .; , i,- , ::.:, Cniosoo, June t 6 —The Illinois Deraecratio State Convention met at Springfield Jester day, and nominated a full electoral tiokot and appointed delegates to the National Con vention which Is to assemble In this fifty on the 4th of July. Aresoltillon was adopted de,- chaos, that'll:mama as tho National Dem ocratic Convention is soon to ueemble with anthaity to make' a declaration of the prin. alpha of the National Democrat° petty, it l inozpedient for this Convention, en this oc. /Won, to make raah a doolorstLni. Allspatob ware:deed here frozn the Nresl dotit of the District Convention at Harallton, Ohio, announcing the arrival there' of Hon. C.. L. Vellandighain. Tho reading of the ditpateh was folloWed by a wild outbnrst of *chewing and enthusiasm. A resolution Wes unanimously. adopted declaring as follows: That wo pledge ourselves to stand by Ohio In protecting Clement L. Vallandigham and her citizens under the Constitution and laws. The Behan of Vallandigham—The Wasnrsoros, Janel6.—The return of Mr. Vallandixhato to Ohio was on his own re sponsibility. /t is not known what, it any, executive action will be taken eoneurning Although the gold bill , u amended by the House and published a day - or two slue, has puled both houses of Congress, It has not jot been presented to President Lincoln for his 'ignitors. It will undoubtedly be ap proved by him miter his return from Phila delphia. The New Hampstire Legislature end COSCORD, N. 11, June 16.—The Roam of Representatives to-day, by a vote of 163 you against 93 nays, adopted a resolution 'requesting the Representatives of this State Iq Congrau to do aLL in their power to um= thepassage in Congrou ths grope sed amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery in the United States. Visit of Secretary Ctuuse-.Tho Return of tralandigharct. • . Sur You, June 111.—The Poste special sap: Mr. Ohue 1' (or New York thls evening rr to•morrow mondug, where he will remain for several days. The return of Valtandlgham will not, It is believed, be Interfered with by the Govern ment, especially If he conducts himself with propriety. Cutesoo, Juno le.—Bill k Disyry's brewery visa destroyed by flu this morning. Lou on bisliding and Zuturss about $85,000. Insured for $30,000. Loss of stook, $65,000. No In intamso. The draw of the railroad bridge at Heck Island caught Are from a steamboat yester day. Lou shoot $40,000. It tell take Mean day' to rapid, the damage. Bldg (or the 675,000.000 Loan. NUMMI:ROI, Jane 16.—There ware slx hundred mod Atty. one sealed proposal. for Ike $75,000,000 loan. At a rough calcu lation the offers amount to $10,000,000. Th. Md. op.:l6dt* day averaged abort the um. as yesteeday. •lgo 'formal awards have yet been made, attn. entire. U5l hat yet to nu. dergo o.lBeill•entulaatiqt. Humored Hold Into Indiana. MAMBOS, Tod., Jane 16.—1 t Is repotted that a 'rebel force of three handfed, ender Jenkins, crossed the river Into Trilab le eonnty, eight miles frotn:Carroltoohjast night, and are conking westward. Uhl to Repeal the Draft Commutation • Neer Yoar,'lnne 16 —The PP.?. special lays the House Military Committee will next .week report a bill to raped the draft cemen tation. • President Lincoln In fhtlidelpisla. Pananatrara, Jane I6.—President Lincoln has arrived at the Continental Hotel. He will visit the Fair this afternoon. Corns, Bomauns and Diseased Nadia • • • De. Itairneu.- -This eminent Chiropodist, who erected many cures of corns and buttons, la again among as and to loomed at 20 Fifth street, over Andrew's tea store. Ills opens tins ore ettleselour, painleu and speedy, and knowing, as all should that comfort in walk. log is paserittal to health, those &Elated with these troublesome pats would do well to give the Doctor a call. Mr. Ell Young, and Mr. James Billlinger, well known in this °immu nity for years, were afflicted with both corns and bunions for a long time. 'Mr, Ell Young saps Dr. Randall most sucoessfolly clued some most painful corns and levitate (or me. Theme Is effectual, and' milder I made an excellent investment. Mr. James Milllnger wdtar•Dr. Randall, a yauage,temoved a most painful corn from under one of my ton nails. The operation was perfectly sucoesful. To-day he has removed others, and.l have no doubt With equal gno me, for which I had undergone several an. successful operations at tbs beads of other professed Chiropodists. Otos hours from 10 to 12 a. to., and from 2 to f. p. as. re rr possible that any 'oldier eau be so foolish ea to leave the city without a amply of HOLLOWAYIIOINTRENT AND MIST Witirever does so will deeply regret ih. These medicines are Mainly certain eon for Lower Couiplainte, Peron, time and Faux:. Iloilo wars Pills sad Ohttmentare lICIIf re. talled, owing to the high prices of dings, &a, M.BO onto. 76 cents and 61,10 per pot or box. For sale Pittiburgh try - 11. L. 'Fano stock 4 Uo. For sale at Felton 's drug stem Fifth street, .P/uaburgh. For sale also by Geo. A. oily,' Federal street, Allegheny city. arnmat Nostem,Tbe attention of our realism II directed to the brilliant assortmont of Eprthis and Bummer Goods ,fur mocked by otrrildendldr. John War, No. 128 Ped ant ;treat, Allegheny. .1118 stock &Implies a great surety of loamy Preach, English, !hotel' and Ammirom thissimerat and Cloths, ant One Bilk and Cassliners Valings,—ell of wtdoli will be made up to order in the MUM Gybe and to the best manner.' A @holm se legion of Parniahing Goods oleo on luind and for sale, tofflther with a full stook of Beady Made lna. Tolland fashkmably mode. Di. lifursrm. Douthit, No. in Fourth street, between Smithfield and Grant. No ladttotroauts hold out by amiss low riots; but as equitable fee will, ba ohmiod to may ease, forth. best materials will be as and all tho time and amewaryso ie. serebo applied Dem , DT1M.L.431 a Irma melted la a akhatlatt hem lb. battle of Worth anus MTV. OU the Itth foot i apt. W. W. EITXX &est Pa. Tatar Sbi faawal kao• the raddanteof A. S. Mae. Lodi au !rota /Immo, 800 ad Watt illeightii7 City; on Tama artazata, at! &deck, to premed tto Etna!, Cloolotory. ,oche kilted to toad larthat wax , • 11117104X111.—0n Titola, oronlatt. Jams 14th, KIIIIDOOZOies of llamas and iu Mgr. isodrokpd nltutoottriin. ..waTHAN of saadiuq. on Thursday ma nil y aa&a& us* eth conortiott ortho brala, - Dr. (11105 UM IULLI4, In the= you of AY ato.: Via famtoirdirtllcoliiii**on Butdoithaaiigi's; 4=0004 at 10 fro.* Rt. - iiildinoo el 144 . 114bir,Bitallinal4str*.. - '-% 4 ObnialiAMES attendanbt • , 404 2111717r0ar voliturrita onto: to taalt 0/19134 FULL, Nue Was* 'outgo It it okloca. A patesoal ottondooto 4 riallestat.' Itamitot ewe: L;• , - boat, k m . 44-Wgtlur Ziar t Itba;sphaind =I C = tr.' , —S= 1 .1 ;Pe: L td' ViSre..,valreqk , kilia !tits stlA *l*okt:ow' ... ',:,•-iro-iLig,...,:::-...11,:.,•,,..;;t1,,g,,,,,,,..,:z7:..i.,3:i•-•:...4,.,-:,..,....,:i..4:...,...,....4..,-.,..„,,--..-„,,,,z.,..‘,.,.., mommicuttrilirtliD. Theßemnant of his Force rarsu ed through FletoV)urg• 1106Gi6'S LOSS AT 'CHRISM 1,000 VALLANDIOHAM STILL AT DAYTON aISCINNATI, Jane 16th.—The Those corn,- pondent at Flemingsburg, Ky., of the llith says: Tho remnant of hforgan's command, numbering seven hundred, passed through there on the morning of the 19th, en route, Porribiy, for Pound Gap. They admit a all of nearly one thousand at Cyntbiana. A Pederal forms of fifteen bin:dna, 111 pursuit, arrived at Plemingsburg about six hour, if ter Morgan left. Vallazdlgham 4 still at Dayton, and ell ta reported qatet there. ILLINOIS DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. Belolntione Adopted to Protect Val landigham. Geld Bin the Conatmitional Airandment. Destructive Fires New York market. Haw Tax, Jam 16.--Cotton excited and Kowa higber ; 51,45 for 111k1,111¢4 Uplands, Ear is held at 41,60. Ploor—fltate and Wear= mom attire earl loglGo Melba, and, in man inertancer aharing an ad nu.. Or 20c; IMIII.IO hr Ears 5tat..114.448,00 for Extra IL H. 0., and p.4 , ?a,FSfa Trod. Bradt.' rho market Mean Ann •no alien at tbe fa. aids quotaions; toaludad to 'beaded are 30,010 DM, Estralltato,June,July and AnastAttal 45. Wfdal more salve and Inner at 31,35.111,3? for Madero. What amine and Pato bigher and in beta apart Mama ; 31,7801 03 for Dolma !Poring. 11,02;3181 for 11111wankee Club, $1,378101 for Winter Hed Wridene ; • large porticn of the tat. connoted of No. I 11111waukee to arrive at 01J33011,02 Cern opened steady and cloyed doll at $1,43,q1,47 for 8.. Mixed Wertarn, riming doll at tb• Outdo prier. Oats opened steady and cloud doll at lel @AI% er Madam Oar.. dull with no We. of trOPertmem. Ihns. an at 11% for P.O. in Bond, sod 16318 e for Cuba and Muscovado. Parole= ; Qnde 40c, Mined in bond 67348411. Helloed Pre. 70eg77. Wool very dna and to moderate demand. Pork excited and folly gt 'per bbl blotter, chiefly Be. ids u, but the price. of tb• other kinds are mere or ben nominal ; for Mere, 335 for 04 do.. 8371311,150 for Ham do., chubs at $37'2 . 837,00, COMO= for Old and New Prime 594 g36,..t. for Prime Merl; abo 1000 bbb Be. May Jon; buyer.' 0pti0q,,3376437.0 ; 600 bbb do., eon. terms and &Omar 317,35; 1,000 Dbl. do., July, buyars option, $ 35,.25. Beef firmer; 14,00010 ter 8687 for Prime, $1600()19,60 for It.packsei Mem 1=024 for Old Extra Moe. Cut Meats • abode draw at 12.0d2y,0 for Shoulder., 15015140 Hum Baca Aida more strive; Medan Short Babel 1434 k. Lard firma at v ., Rade Heledered, August, buyer.' option, 11., Hotter in Bo demand .at 2503J0 for (Ada, 30 for State. Chomp ultra. Cincinnati Market. Lldecrasari, Jame 10.—Plour In large ajtectdatire demand; adfs of 26,01 X) bbb coma 7 tbr experdno. and 1170130 for Extra; at eh, boldara aaked 16 021.10 bladtar. Wheat advanced ton for Bed. Cont rather arum; Las $1,04,111,10, Charted 111, 1,14. -Oats doll at 13X4111c. Whisky advanced , and closing buoyant. Kea Pork Maw cad to 14,10. and closed uneettlad, holden asking Ll 5 and de Lard add to the Ettant of 100 demi at 1 but et the dole could not ban bean hosed at than Ito. Balk olds attranclog tallW6lsg. gad bhouldan to LI, the market ckelag ineguLtr. Lams firmer; Ocrumon Boor Cured fLOW.Igc. Grocedaa Arm and an toed demand at toll ratec page 166342 e Ooff • 42g44% mau.eou,ssa Loa. Gold 196@i97. Silver tar 918.5. Exchage. Omer but not higher. Thera is a presslog demand for money. Stock and Money Market. Now You, Jams 16 —Money quiet and fine at 7 Pre cent. etathog doll at 110.10 gold. Gold &A.& firmer ladlulet,oyenleg 1973„', adrauead to 197%, and eltslog quiet at 19P/. Gorentment Stock, Mtn; 0.20 s Couptntloo,3l.os%; 7-304, February and august, 103. 0. a IL L....—..117X1Lrie.—.---.-111% Terre Wants-- .—64 X Toledo a Wanui....149 OaF. W— —163 Leant= ........ 40v lIL ament nat.—l oam& chlaw—lel Maim /outgun— 0. 11. Certificates— 65 Mel= year eertlbeates—. 971/ Pada., 61101---4C4 New Tort Cent:ll_lst%! MAW° Market. Ilturrato Jane 15—hour firm, quilt std un changed. What 495 e better, the demand befog chiefly confaani to eyeing ; Ne. 1 Itilweakee and Chicago !prin. 5167, New $1,0301 GC to arrive. Ito. 2 (2sicagollpring 51 C.:41,43, Cana firmer but quiet, alien and buyers being Kept. Oat is held at Po for Wetter., but velth , cit Wt. Other Oran anal. ha/. Pork b 35. Whisky—Salta at 51.31.31., • Chant Frtights— Wheat 18%, Oar. 1 , Oats 15,14. Lott Imports-430.; 10 5.5 this; eat 123,14 b bath Clara. 111,674 bunk; Oen, 48,030 bush. Cana txporte—hour, 1,203 bids Wheat . .. , t15.4120 bash; Can s 92,6C0 bush ; 05b,15,150 bosh.. Citteago Market. CIIICLOO,JUILieI.—nnt, &diva and . advanced 250. Wheat active, nxitatileci and excited, and advacced 9 0o; tale 21,61% for No. 1, and 2 1 , 0 %01.1i2 for ho. 2. Ortn anoettkd ; 81.14%01,16 No. 1 24191,12% for Po. 2. owe quiet at minx. Higherine. Jinn at VAN,' Prorialoar firm. knights advanced lc; L5)016 on Wheat to 13 of foist .11scelpts-7,000 bbl. Flour, 63,000 bu h Wheat, W. 5.000 bushOons, %40 boob Oats. Ib4nusuts-14,000 bbl. Fluur,Elo.oDo blab Wbrat, 0,61X1 hush Corn, 1.40540 bath Oats. "fining Stock. Bona,, Jona 10.—Tbe fallouts' ars tlas prises of mining stook; bid In Bono. to-fay: Canatral Haacoet 7 Huron AS I Pesach Croak— _ Isle Itoyalo.---.29 Oswego Market. Oerrao, Jana 18.—Irloar to haged; $7,15611 ter JAo. 1 Rad Wheat—esrcfally We Wialer—contlnue• scarce and provement la price.; %bite dull; New No.l Indians 114 Caasl Profekta— Moor 42; He Yrk. Good demand and an. It.RZ for Mater stern Spring. and Rtd • am at • fortner lm- MJcbtg $487. Corn a. Wboat and Pena ito to Philadelphia Market. Plaranntagla, June 16.—gloar firm and un abangad Wheat tot.; Whit* 52(19,10. Rai 51:019 1,90. Coon dsclinod ; Yellow 59,63 afloat, 5i,61 atom. Virhas declined le. Provialoaa advancing. Patrols= lamming ; Croda 43(544, Banned to bond 94,93.50, do. tree 70374. Whisky advanced; Penn. tylvanla 51,34, Ohio 51,30. Baltimore Market. Batmoan, Jana 16.—glonr firm; Ohio Superior 53. Wheal atudy. Cora dull and drooping; Whine $1,43(1143. Tallow 5133. Whleky 1 ; *al= or Ohio at 51.35. ha w . 1 la river Is still minding steadily at ebb point, with Ira than three feet reported on "Clam Mosso Ripple." The weather yeMerday was clear and op pressively hot Ireghenon, and the apparent Indimilens of ninon Wednealay have entirely renisheL Them hae not been • single arrisal ar departure dem our last report. The !Werra from Wheeling: Juin, Rom Zanesville: Rerun from Cincinnati and D Eats Robinson from baulsoille due, and the two former teals will doubtless be found In port tide morning. The ddam Jacobs, we reared to learn, isstill hard agroemd at Clam Ileum, and le likely to remain than until there Is another rise in the river. Rbe I. said robs lying acoraldarable distance onset the channel. It Ls • areal pity that • tine new Wet lit. the Ja mbe abould have mat with each • misfortune on h Tba In commend of Capt. Jam been, lo announced to lean for Gt. Louis on beturday. eh* hos teen thoroughly overhauled sad repaired, and le In Met rots mmiltion for the rouremer canomslan. Cent. J. It Lyre has charge of the Oka The prompt end nilabia tilesrva, Copt Gorden, ie the regular packet for Wheeling to-oy, Laving at • pLUMBLNG, Giu and Steam Fitting, In sTlh bra i n r chne ran attended by rye GAr macrk..•a= mri. o$ SIMLA 1111311 a T I B A L R DAUM WATER CLOSETS, EITDBANTS Ounataatty on hand and made Moeda ~ TATE & SEVILLE, No. 69 TEDIZAL STREET, Alkgherajt, a4 , 111111 1=1 ./ ri? L1137/ZiTT EITELEST, Pittabanty• TAPER WAREHOUSE, KIRMICL i IRVING No. 'no =Nos STEXICT, PtillaDELPflia t Poo tioalltetaren of Double Strength Manias Paper. Of .11 Wm. aoza.. WitAPPKILS. co hand or made to order Meted vantftio. prim paid liar HOPI, In lam or small eattrod opORD Ca, W basal* Dial= ix Hats, Caps' and Straw Goods, Ron Isov In raw Ws Wont cut .can oomplats dock - of epode Su EW.4/ZZG: E141.E8. Verausel In Os Ted. laerabuts sin monied to ma sad =amble car "Sock, fbab,len bo sold AS vorylaw eat s. UI Woi3is at., ft:4ml. NEW ,IMILtNERY STORK,. 21.,4t; aigir!sireet. cg4;gZr== Bats g amil t t yaw, put aux Eaagattas.• orlowerft arval,na t • and Mama.. Mama. - !r ia4iil2ll MSORIBER, AGIEST POS ' t • John Marsh &, Co.'s Boihs•Ash, .... , . , zieinztaatly reodliaithio oins. wltlch to mill on at the martliyarable team -21a.ts -Ash b - pinker luly aqua ty the mainc*taTe cd Obis., . -.. : O. W. CIIIIRCHNAS3. Dotal' IBOBT eras" enalmiptas. solteamod vuorolierrr or.ssw ontsams, crry utit m osal. PROPOSALS will be - rooed 6t tho atm of the Ply Omptrollor, for 01111 !DOD MOW 1038, atm or Itr, o. sury Co trisuterd; o /LW!. Q OdLITY . PITZSOUSGI rt . COAL, for de ors of las OUI ad err Ostrom Paid Provosts roorrt basidtessed to ISTODDLBT.ROMILL, Oactrellar, stales Mr price ;or bard. Model or tari, drlfvtrrd rips! tbs wharf. sod to MAW Is Oa cr tem ILo ifS3l. DAN 01 JOLT, out. • -Tho ussi lob dallvirsdprlortsempt.l3o. —..- 1 7.11./L.Attbtle D. L. onttromMta . >lga t., 1559 000 FEET OF LITMEES, .7+ bagAsaa = l l% wPtnr o vrefa_ty! L - 1411.2 s aft, • - `", EIMMEEM WEI/ 41 4 1 # eacaugsx ruzrof LOCK s3ll3ltil SEWING MACHINES• Via 0 11.Z.LP/ZsT,BThIPLIST LEW am. Prioxtpal OM.= mut Wholstells impettess.. L. AT WallTii ST., Tlares iLant bolas, Ea& Meth. wit *sirtiNza 3r otx. Ira FM= &arra C=MIJ HYLAND, WOODS MO., NEIRCIIIANDLIIE saosEns LONHARD SIMT, BALITIEMBE, SID. Onion for potr-huo of CeSTEZ. SIIC IR, b. thfri = L em to rblPPlor , • Waning, by ponalarlon, to: - Marra bumps; liknonott 6 Co, tit* Tort. .1 rats Whetter d 00., do; _Hklddy,.lllnford b Oa, do; Donhaly, Woods d Co., Baltimore. jar ns IN STORE AND FOR SALE AT 000 K, PE"B7IT t 00.13., • No. 18 Eliatthdeld arrest. ! 10 Denim manned 8. 0. Mums; 380,0 00 Plate - 180 de ;el H ms Leaf Lard; um - OVID " Unarasatt Hamm • Ld W. B. Caarseed a. 44 Efuzi.! 800.000 " Extra Nice Bhouldsid; • 100,000 " Oldee; 60.0:81 Bibbed Wei . • .80.000" linger o=4 Dried Wet, 6%1 bb!.. (Sbsp rdd Beek) Dd. real. Flotir GROCERIES 250 khda. N. 0. al P. ILBogara, good to grim; 400 bbla. R. Y. /Ira" arearteal brarelit 2.51 do R. O. ltolausr. . • 200 do Orned, Roved, Or, & Cedes Stowe; frrainige good to pilau Rio Crain; 250 1,7. ebeeta r.LI„. G. P., Lay. di OoLorgyotai 10 do Japan-Tea; . 200 bbla. Rangoon lare; • 700 pkgs. Totowa, Charted AM 1114 onaillien ZOO bf. Ulm Enke Re ring Lae White Add 1.100 bide. and tit bbla. Ilatkand i aarreud NOll' 100 gnu /gm Cant 2 Rattan; /a store ant for sea by ! • inlay= Leztas, and Hon 21 and an 8m tbgeld etrett. GROCERIES. 120 bap Prim. Oeftwa :0"2411'. $ 'Aq • 60 tines do des U 0 Ws. H.O. lL:anew 11:0 do abates 87ram • 40 taass /Vs sad 17. Tobacco; 20 do Pounds do. k-p &Mist • d o ; 1.60 baUctuarts Young Hymn, Lapertal and Black Tsai; Armand and tonal. los by JOEL lIMEPASIIIOII d 1111da. 4125 191 and 193 LI. To PRENTLES. PRESSES FOE SALE. ONE ADAM' PATIT PRIX% plsßesi MHO Inches. ORE TAYLOR OTLYNDIaMINISO OEM TAYLOR DOlinLE ER, bed hull AD In pod order. Will be add sr bar gain. Upbeat. WSW seserrz. Pittibaryn,YA 11 1 ( L EURIMA WISh t. 11831 b , PLaki C9/041 'l4la. "IuguEAULI, you mow mi. Reed's Dlownetio OIL Tba cart Is • was UM. Bold by add divot D=ggins. EIXON J 01138703, myl9 Oorms. toeuth EluilthElddidtreat. COLUMBUS OOLEM.dN, DUMMY AYElltil, Alloshany City, licoufacturos tbr •ale Ray & Grain Rake• of tics Economy. Union, Ealkey and Priori, Rtrd pattenm alao, STORE AND 81.001.81 C WHEELBARROWS, OUTTIRO BOX and Wag on wor STEEL all description. A 1... TEEM. for Hay and Grain Rakes. • • , .Bmsodairlf p&TTERISON & BROB., Ilasbulk Youghiogheny Coat and Not, Coal. Orders 141 at the Crle DA.1013.01t next. Bradley's Woolen Allegheny Vlty, promptly attended to. talWattorn aide. paarpay 01144. cilflmatf S . DRIM, Dealer in HARDWARE AND CUTLER PLOWS, PLOWSITHASS, HAY 841113, *r. all the dlteeaat kinds of BILI.IGERS and lto In uwsoauta. an loads of Harculnautt Gar:twin Im• pla No. 26 OHIO STEXCT, 14.Iolobtaajuou's Toren. maiv.s CHAS W. SEVILLE & CO., Grinds?' and Polishers. (Pomo:ly Young Bro.'s Caner and Ayala! I M ) jisy m int l ar l" W=T n Ett i l h argl7 4 Ilnkbarr Cita.* Elannaga, Bras and Shingly EAlam Carmatere Cavan' and Ti WNW %bolsi Balwan, Kasai; %aim' Rim; &dim' 'Labia bt thablas Ude,. and Dana &a. All Orlzallng antlearlthlag ikamaptly atundaet Sr. crisadain SUNignEa or hada Lk/Shore Potatouh 50 bld&altrs 5 20021 10 6 do 801 l Halter; bozo. .162 I 0 Lobo packed Doter: 10 bbis. Whits Bow: 20 do 'Whtto klai•driod Coro 15..*1; 6 hhds. N. 0. 6tkpz;.... • and tor lab by rams: VAN GORDEN, 26211 No 10 thottleold at, corner of lint 200 BBLt3. GAFF'S FLOUR 25 bbla N. O. ;Mohair ; 20 da Cbtudanall Sto. 1 Lard OD; 50 tutus C3nchtuatl German Soap: 30 hl. them Gram, Black and Joao Tea; 20 bbo N. T. Sytup; Jaat nottrod sad 03r Ws by B. LUSA:MU, Jr., CO.-, ISt Llbert .treat. • DAPEE AND ENVELOPE WARE. a. 7111782.—Jas:ftia. largo stock of EOM UM= AND cap-papraa. Alto, XISTEDOP7/04 la great earkths, adtxt, sad qoalltin, for pa& For eal• W. 03. JO a OD., hypo_ 677; oc l 4ll. SONDBIBB-4 bbla. Eggs; 1.0 kap do I Dru 4 Hatter ; Apples; rish PO DOA., Pwsas 1103 do 'Pastas In ston sad fta oslo 4 . cat's ix BAL3LIT, INT N 0.171 /Rtty Meet LEAF 'TOBACCO. 9 Cu.. Oh*Q Ltat. FM7=ROMI DVON - CRUX LUBRICATING OLL, ► p r i m . Mt*, tree tram tritowanintV co gem stoohtosvcd equal to Heif rard, et turatu f a Rom • oral 41411) Water Ana.- "rtIIRLINGTON" RZR6ING.--20 bz.o. miteton on emoted Hactina.ba Flaw ardor, Jost reasived sad far eau by tba boa ar at owl, at Colima', Oman Sian of tM;MMNI .NOW IN STOR.F. 70 bbls. Wed Yak sta ti Dry , Apples; • .1 laitaas 12 8 sali k b icb*. k"a a" L. IL 1 70/0T k CO 0 . 3 A hal'. paTainain and • wrad; I;7oa:dHa a vad:t a aibteoa a t s:,Cam as, o a .0 iblindio.ryaLoJ JOnil a 1111.Nattalir.....t LICWHEAT.—No* in store; - 28C1 B Dal: pets. Jam" Backidust. loe ffretl. - WM . sell daris,Uti ba sat .sin. - El. vozor a 00.. t. 37 Mat, irt. stuuxem - vauseuis, a luta° PPti LP Wu, Aesop uprealy D aman Day swami Aid SOS' age bJO ziMuLIS'. MOM Ltbatv slums. NO I . /, LIED 0/4-431)0tt1. Mtilsodlo. m. eal•by - US. DAM= &BUB, • , mr‘t , ,gsmdtoliirearmwt. I,EA.u-40U pigs salt tialOi!a..llo .1:- ziesival sad to / asabj '7"": RUIILING tustitraNti-2). Ja — T - Thartcdrid Rad it. ...re,. •• : - ago • vinkixa kBICS _ GUI•LS—Ttto hugest - bed la dock tzt this thokst, Icor Wiley - ish BM/hum" them sin; e • SUR 4 Biltem,u OutALlOl. -19" tas zOtrit. us iff.;.e I . _ a r wllamito-r46.Wlist Wein' arta atqa frf Art7MM 14 toll 4.21" =EI * .-- 1fei02 4 141,7111 MOB& BMViII.T. -BUT AN ZEMIANT --- PLO)_ MEN'S CALF CONCIESaIIAIIELS a! CONV: P HALL MU BPOU, o. 62 Fir h street, =Sr DOOR TO ItZPRRIS 017 TOR. 1•16 5,000 PAIRS OF GAITEIIS I • urns, mums' enbozazgals iFrON; cosanzA, opniiiszo . Alarl, a vary large asarts sct CHILDREN'S SHOESi : : ; .• or ry ova dzscal,pttor., Malaga grilx,, =tat !it : - • - • MCOLELLAIikI, 55 Fifth Street. - ff. 8.-gook tar nun and astmber.p candor; aa team co censuction with oar ettisr bats% A NEW bUPPLY OF •. LAtn:s., omprzanzwit, aussar, BOW AND MIMS% Boottiaihoes and Oahe" - . No. 54 Ma.rkot Street. BLUER & SOME. DURING THE PAIR, Boots, Shoes, Gaiter; and Balmoral* FAIR PRIORS. At BORLAND'S, Ito. V 3 MAILECZT 3113310. NEW OOODSI NEW GOODS! , We haw Jan racatred au Spring ' WNW it . BOOTS ABM SHONS, - Which ara will sal at the LOWMIT razass: Wd tun dm Latvia and best 'ahead Wicker ifiraft flag Cell Sqlcuars4oo.l •16004 . ..: rob. anmenn the city. Laramp Len eAraiiii_ hi aka Gun as • eau, Jas. Robb; • . 11) BUMS ISTILINT. • rfLIBTOM MADE ECEIOES—WiI ...ibis remind • large salortaasat of . .1 Bows, imuas AND KUM% hest Hew York and Philadelphia Ckatooo Walk s Qu Wk. and Woe& Gros, SW, liforeccco, Goa l and Losing lialrarros, Hoots sad Gallas, or a Three goads are watrassted to both. MY goods toad, ha tbsk mantes.. Also • gesterallacetam‘ofall Ito& and gusillog GI =Ursa% Staple and Yaw, nom . . . 011 . 0. Illtga. 11031 - 4.C0.i. apla No. n. air. of Wood sad Podeth 44, JOHN OAMPBELL Blattidhatiii . r BOOTS AND MOO; slurp deactiptlas e yt Ehalthtead str,t,Tlttsborgh caa:47, FIRINECUED ~ iSL VAS. /LSD 1700 D 1711A/../g.,..-, - awn cm , : im ",- , 2 WH0L131.1,11 011 MILLI. re& W wocant - EX.Ut 97 and to Third ma, amaiie 44:41 c end 1117aarth Erma . —9OllO gun a STONMEAN, istaiorammuom 01 wilut wax& QKO shrg on bang ase4 =bib trail" alt r i tu. Iras+eatss "l oAara. - = surto= wrowroaxobonocogzik. . =TAD idoes WTEUtibr co * *itt. on 'own! . a t 1 SPORTEMENB lIIS4NIJAATE:I4I • • susl3o7lMirril ,?! Invitis it* qmixtokt Mlskeir of GOO, =UNA R4LIVL • .110,p& ~ 7; L% O AILIIAAGN,POWDLICTIAN.VoIerk : 11014113 sad DUX 742118. aqat =LIU= at era; kW: 111, _ pJ. 0113 - it CO. ! xx PINE": ; rri.n aimed" fa AIZLIZt." Pd iv iltii-Oilive.tisa ardlan bstrat-BINZESTEL Foritli9l:l4llo.7pa OHLoe. Ho. I.I4THHEIH.F43I= -4 " jWkin .1. • • HENRY WALLAOR €011110431011 Mc No* ISO TB 14=4 irr, van -Ontwrszs;l'l3o - It*lrllo N - SIEDLE, 2;1183 • 0 nib . - . • - ' - 1 ~' . • Pianos and ,Iffludcal 14tstun7ts "- c • , - . -. Kaspacautaalir en !gm . ; s gas setataist,c9 : • . .:-; lIIVP/ABOB, VIOUITE, za. sons.. aboon:_: -*_4 OBa, rZLINIB, !a, Which; Ifs vU. on to 4,seir , , , mina • - _ _. ; lialeisetlqt -I' ,,' F lBg +.50 half bin No. 3 Istroi.- ; do - odulatk • 40' X Xm • .,-- azacuraij d . s sh;rts !aa Iteastridantlibriatsby 3.g r I IDLIK -- BB AND ANL - nAco 216 Trf *balm Brut,' Tired B. 0. Swam 3 3501ba. Moo Osavalleax Rug:mg twore.o.r.DaelsiOssLopisrt,imt T3firram ehalaalaat Iraraitt , 'Tar ash -- J IMPINAS N ATLAIiTIO Arm PAOrlelp Ltini To 'cLuroixt re - . inianiar Osaa.-1, (VOWS! Ca&MSE--fte e ire teoberm tarp cmp. 4.1 q, -• • !": S ' • • ••-• • ." • ..k it. vomii alp, , NOTN.+4.OI)O frosh. • thoos• • Runs tan ne!pipput lb" ado bpi:- ,iunitis um, •344 • Sik.l.ll melte *Mt, ' • QrtitrliAG SQUiIItIeATIN of 'way-T.:1.., b - 44 gar Sib • ' - , te,•sr. • • JAM:lllloll7lf.LlS.wirfinftur. fffirelat ornring&OtoreTroz-'"Y:41: /A • : ILK= euWIT, 124 Wood stmt. Gratatir b li 41111 •JA 17111 arn: hTIIOWr . . - .:~ h,, ~ "_~ ~' . 'AA end. IL -
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