. ~..r~~` ~~., thsbml - atzdt; - -_.132.2111117AT MOBVIVICLLIJUgg 18, 1864 CITI .AND StIBURBAN. The AltigrearilsidarY tar 41"'!" to '4 4 Y. -We leern;_that the rssoolVes-fren, a lt 80 UNUti fiTorilki, !Lad, ralebesithe *genets . of ,e2i1,01314" 'VW; Treasitier hes been notified aub:iontribiltioti yet to reeSe jesf 4 4 -13204.0 fe.orerriesson to believe twit the net renelpts vrill be $30"0,000, -,nforgeVernanntef -goads will be, aged for Sabi . reasonable ras.. ,7be a nte eg ,suregreptie letters, photo. ,graphs,=beokt,' eta,: hut eveising; realised Anise a handionssr ents. ,, The , - bblelleg, erne, itennotierg'3phitedi_ , ' •", ' The Opon ToUpg for the testi if revolving ,I'l#Pl'eleeta.kgtel.ol4llB, lst:spied -ballot, aptp =l2 l !t t i: irair?;s tbroage4 -tc.dijr! .4 „2 : Another tt iialskarAlreiiitattslate li.' Afiii. went tir . Sprizgifolo; Ohio; mints!, end- ovene7V,ii-bzottei -office, ea:, idled* .ffiie .4... , ii4iangei lionk,''' isncl soii'etiatoz_ttio a bemoeratia , aiii:.. - in salntradis aniline to tic lintiorketßink eithai ,_ 'ally:: ye, hint trona the seigalie tkat cm the IthiL,tbe"-Ohlis Valley-.Belski:kr, mistake, . len brexpiesi from Ciniinnoti $lO,OOO, instead of $l,OOO. -* -Oa -tlst .I':h, ho' drew .a ii ... dr on ; Clow -Yank - for ;10,000, which was vas ikby_ the flutliational Boo* et Spring ffial * - 111t_tosen on thelith, ho- ook the' earn :.on * Ibly ,for _Cincinnati, - but Ime, not been -' Ito : f Ilit' ' ' ' , lstirrt h or tr on. te ck jigi!lftrt°7 l . ::.'...; didaitiniho 46 ° .; A. - c.0....f0r: ina., ..,,,. . warcis4_ In .4....a'VailOti b u - Pinions] ins. pere; . e batenee-stseet- ahostiorAntoce to be weeth abont $I0,1100;o book - of &Atli Gaffe* '' * Yoak,'roaso *dated Spriniffela. some' Oiford; Jerk, some finest np, others blank: In the twit -wen the emus and doskaothe thairo; • ',':. i #. tatty, an vrititios!t,, trd tin g traiteriall, and - other' Waist' articles, viols Salt 'of which :the 140zia.Putlds-124#..:'2, - Pro retiein wail min 't, - ' kayo beau ma 0 • 711itts omuifseturcel !Monogr • byTarroiehitioesittlpi',Onoi4 l new got up -a . Mita vigil eight-Wu:4 nails it onseedie will mike r- per-amid-40 at s time, pion& Per diy, ineleldloc all • - Balshiel; ugh, at a profit of at pound. Thf the old rata. • Weed, but orm at • time is vat. outtLog is net Awe, ene.tent other method. - Two machines, baud, oist'makeloo imp of tilt per day.-,:By the old method, • I employing two hands, =Melt kegs ..per dayi &Mord:int tW. ',workmen: Orli of our Jerre . ' fifty autohitow; prOducs 00,000 1 -.."r'por annual. -Bitty Wlekershitti_ •-uudee -700,000 -Meg, per . sutra= • Bauthcin,Betageea• - • .filloiNEeitlrafoom sa:otl Corollas jerk meat,whaieftihe ameiy about Abe - Arab ilia nnth, wired In Olio city icaterdery: cad.: friendless, end were tainsin, abuge.by two p eminent ritisau who re. their preserit Wants. 'cl'huy "'state that --L'-',•thOl t.eided in South. Carolina, and woncion. 4 . iota tie army in May but; bat took adirantign-of tbe drat opportunity Codeine; ouroar itaee. They xi:pretreat the' Eionthint `,.canto to tor' bapiileas, - aud . crate that a ' ;=,:4,-...•.,tritutlar of tabol:ooldiara.alo .111Xiosti to for. ,".'"..lnhatbneeanzo;which thoy- hare been foreod sr • o 41 , WSW—. q1:1111 deg. illy iriMing . isat, - Oitrangor metered aaalcon on St: Clair strest,and- callod,fOr 'refresh:, taseita. ,,, Darlog the absence of the preprio. •-• • • bit Mona 'the: agora, while' Otto:tang to the WI; the 'string= ,- Was .asennlted...by :two ' • nhinraz,,O - Otter nhohind:hito, robbed him, - ,e‘f '2 Ws pookot.bnolz:liMaabeing , sl. oo and a , ratnablo gold watch: Fortunoteliftho pert] tiebbid r erarettabled to giros dczeniption of asaallaatz, which lead to :he recorery of ~. .tin'stoilm property.. , • _ `._.Car city is at . prozont• ir.frated with an rronisso&---gang:or thirres, and our citizens nizadd do wall to, to-Ov ' - the, watch for them,. 'othaviso timy nix sullbet - sayerely from their. • ims DISCIOTIZT. learn. from a Toledo aper -"that's bed of L.Siloi x or. White Stint hue , bcon dlicsicrad neer ;ttet-eity, ' , blebs fur igatttairs ie only equalled by 2, Outs obteined neer lioxburyilisse. Baru is one itie meat hnteirtant •rizHelee used in the Eusiuteedura. of flint slasei:Uita 'heretofore Seedy been obtained in tbree.lCianlities in the i United.titrasse;',vie: itozbOry, Hsu's, • •Hantortildiebigess, and An Missouri. A glut - , ...,'Ossonfecturer of this city, 'whit her recently tried this send,itifest ilia of et superior gnaltfr:and equal to the best sand that bog ;Seen breuriatt to thliolti for gte nesnufacture orglos.;.%This -new - discovery may cause -- , '-rerebellin in lb" gliss'trade. ri ,;;,..... L i .B l aiir„4-The July rilili t.eie t Of it* tbli ir .. ** - 17b7 -- sitect 01d; World o_ rgan_Lif s4lll In - (March Etch-mat ~.na:_j _ ; ' - 47 .!igi llarlz irb tli l L ia ltiaricazi , - 011 161 ..1 hc i n t a to b n. Yr... L. Seott't Co.. New . ..._. _. ..,__ ....---• ._ (sho w ing .The , Pimp Cu , ...,!.. s t7 • - ":;tians . th e Pompe ii ; - Th. may#6ol al i - 139.1re'brite4 Mr Willlsni Napier; ?'—"" Life if- Otaieril-, ... _zrep Policy -.; ,-- Rio 3. , and lits Sinteu , ~ i ' .. t_ dgment. Bgitilik"ariEnig"4"she ila ri m v t 9*lni- ni mi te ' ':d7 l . ...ii . y ''l'Wll i l tn irleri idEet d the. yerorai ' l3 l Y v'XITY gi'c'te ' tvi.b. --. • , 3 ray ixi gated by ''... tastes . e alas, Its. r ea der s _ ,,,irt ... y. '. . 1 . Wm:nbar' of ihs 2 ,,,, i , gc , ri 42 7 Sew sailart.-:air. - James Lutz; who war arrested, gee terdl7. on a charge of robbing the score of J. liauffsio & Co., bad alma:- in yes ! tirday, Afternoon, whloh resulted In hit baths. hold 'to-bail to awswer the charge at Comm. Lola 'totes ttutt whoa' the.asto '..,..;,eagies !Afore Court be itrablo d prim ~-oanobasliely.that he tethe r rightful postattoe, of the good. which ire , UP ,63/111. 7 '.'ltifr:reiltit ilil 'been peed - , ite hatband. for ';'.aomallate In 4.l4nlnay,nnd his friends would rbe gratified to settkW protohbilielf tullootat of. itletalligtoitheff. ,2 - • : _ . Ca Tarp,— The cue if the Commonwealth Of: W0.13/oel44.7ohargod with shooting .... ;XI:NW* ,oa ,11247t1L - sif April lost, 000ttplatlinisttontionof the Coot ot Qnsttor &moo yostordny .attertusoN , and wit not Witchillodat'asijonntairnt.z as we published - ,thefgl4 pi:1101m of ths case at the Um* Of aourronol,. we torrid* lions gising the ogidencto Otteited daring tho teak . esterdormornlng, .iterenstpline Irons/dad /soldiers L-iired to, 'this edtr, etia wettiellotted to quarters Ist the U. 8. Horeital, izt - entozhiled 'soldiers ":ftots crest/is resilient/sr pisssi throne/ the city dui/lite° kley...ileth detsohmeatt mem tßispitiblydhte*lns4.,J4 r . l4ll.BdheistaftecOoetattuee; • p~:. y-~ Y ' - . i . . lan Fifth etreet, iv:melte the Post Ofßet, hat reeetect Napes Weekly, ttur,Rouid - Table,Ledges, 01seson'sLitetespCompialea,stiositi Teak DellecNeer Natiev; flediesy 2derenry, Polloe'llsesttetimil all the latest pipets an d: ' • , ... . . .., . ... - - .- ENOII4/11Xtc alIVIv; :01 iittl,POttlid 6111)f AI .Inlll/034 LOCkit. , A- chary of Adventure - in booth AsoartilW ; Fox ado br•T. 17 P l t!° l / - + AFlldistnet? _ . . -. - Iningiol2... l' - ..', V.a'll lir '" ' " A'46lll° 4' a ttar ocnualiy ',lamp .i'cicir.,.roomop'.lsi , ...„ . ., E . r. " ittausa;',ln .l- Tittiblall 4 ::',..! 24ll g., . 'n St - . Steget.''27T.TOUEritiVite _:., . . . • Ern MI tie eistiti And - , loors the ,pi tti b uri t i lien CAUL be ~lekl7 " pie ' a trow" 'Depot, TO Rath 'War Chlot ll46 • was by 0 09 : i itOr thousad, , Otofla ' s 6"1°1144. .AL101tiecia..33t0.45 Ft[tL at 14 93 ' iters MoVI3I- . In"; 14" "'ft titZg 2 g , 5 Fifth !itzeot. Atption, jitcok 'et g ode - of every do cheiposr duo Roue; Zto; strait.. Dokitto:ZwilGootta :— A 'lsto float at ffiOmeilaada OhoO Attotion-.NOuloi No. 6k, , , . -:' Photograph . Allapis r,,,t ci.esvom • • . snake In ir.afpoi !Srtiliitt Auelon ; .11ctue ! •. . exert, •Pottet 800lri.'ftacieins51:41Waltoti'Fa 4 •,_ 'OOO igalrs Divot. • - : ortaiunrze ;Alt 1.;01O tor rto• 55 orr: oriroly! ldsoi!,torttlairkouts atui *boo!, ;•_‘ :.,.:.,...,.. , ,.., , :.,.,:47.‘;;. ; . - .': - ,•::•. , :.,•4'-.:'4,';':,J,`--(:,.';-I.i'''-'i-ii7,:•,',"-....r.,'‘i:'..q.•:;',.i.,.',;;''.i=a-'..s,•':UWt.i; - ; Vie- Congressional CeAttie in AIM* , .• strong., - • Thii:day tho penile ot l Armstrong count; Lold their primity election for candidates to be rapportzd at the ensuing .oetobor deotion. The contest for Gougress is what excites the I - most !atheist. , The lion. Thos. Williams will be voted for by melt of the sensible men of the county, and It /meths like a toll vote of theNniov men can be got out, there L no, doubt of the molt. The,oppment of Mr. Williams in that °out, is a gentleman who originally , Italia from Itleand; one known as therHoo. J. D. Finlay,' LLD. -ProMous to his marrialm' he officiated ms the.putt'r of a Prosbyterien ohurch in the 'neighborhood of . New York. Abandoning I *imposition soon after hi. marriage, hew- moved to Kitten:deg, 'hero he aubseqnently became a member of the bar, then a banker, than a colonel (but he tots none of the blood of the months of his: adopted` , country either upon his conscience or his sword.) In 1682,1 endowing arms, he betookbletself to polities ; wum candidatei for nomination for Congress fn Actutcoull county, end - wait biaten at the primary election by Air. Copley, who then re. Aided ia"-Allegheny City, but who hid snout] the greater tut of his :life In that county ; and now he is trying it again against a man who is not so *MI known in Armstrong. Is is notworthZehtle to 'spienlate as to the Tem% as wo shall he:. Ulu a day at two. ' WeA only • mention the matter'now became I we =hen seen an elaborate eiremlar, bearing all the eannarkeof that untitiouit gutter:an; bimtelf. It Ii extremely ethutirk-eharges fdr o Williams with many titingei among ;the ' ruerwith having wronged Armotrong coma, to nod Amino tint county reprusotedia the Board lof Zotolhoestr. A more absurd charge than I this can hardly be imagined, for if the people of Armstrong, in'the summer of 1862; by their rotes, maths choler of their old fellow citizen, 'Josiah -1 0411y, as the candidate at ;their; county:for Congress. 'surely Mr.'l9lll. isms did not ar greatly In vaggesting him u the- reprasentauve - et Armlet:Eons county, to, I the Board of Bantle:W. , 'lint the moitridioniou part of this singular ; eirmilar—whielt Is more likely to damage the mother than anybOdy_eise74l under tbe toad of *, !The - Mean and Mr,Coploy." - tries to make out that a baler quota wu tut 'toga to Aiiiiittong - 001=4, in 1865 than was I jurt-that it ought to „hue been only• 180, when= it • was our 206. The whole t hin g is a tissue of :absurdity and falmhood. There mu no injustioe demo -to Armstrong cou n ty ; bat if there tad' boefi - tho Hoard here had nothing to do with it. The earth:Mut of the 1 sub:distriots was Made. report erthi num. 'boys sent onto- Washiegton. and in Wulder ton the 'quota of aiolt usiganid, sing with the Yint Ward of Allegheny City, at to. land ending with Cowanthannock township, Armstrong county, as NM 82. The Board bad nothing whatever to do with the asthaustent et the' quota,. The proportion af the drafted men in Armstrong, to:those en. I rollod, was the same as in - the ethos counties; and the Baud defy this 11•711011 a Lawyer and Colonel, mad Doctor of Laws, to peon in a court justice, er anywheni else, teat any Injustice oil:wooer was done to Armstrong county. :AitO Air. Copley himself, be la Tory 'I willing to leave the. question IA whether ' Armetroeg Gouty - bad is faithful represents- I live in the Board of *mamma, bathe•lei- I'dreds of her cilium who bid trinszotions with him in his official I The Lost two pogo: of this fel latter-sheet I printed circular are too absurd to merit any serious notthe. We think the already inuff• deicat from afar, and Itiherefore more than sumallyi demented; for no mast in hts caber senses could be so desperately mends- Mouitend Marin. IL:mitten like a . Malay running amuck. ' • • - - • „SOO: hags Df sill 'Mitt* a time. Thar MD: aut Oust '• stasis 'Stoke. 160 balt•taab or Omit 3,800 list of, small 4stione teats be it cost of • Alma of say_ f• Mot:7ll3g era • ilamsay stalls Ora mashinat. z • Ono to sight °t abs ' - &Aries. lite kegs. of nails msekisles will gp.Ecws soyez. montas Teems Nem, Plat and Otasetentiltillet• Itettet,ssl tte4tr In Peneeythutle and Ver• teent.ilste - of thelmi gesl.l.ty at: lei Hies Orloi et Aitax. letaithliteo, ItiM the 'lrster Werke, Mihail% ?a. , ' ' COMA, ittualons and 'Diseased • Dills , . . DitAisimar.le—Thls erainant Chiropodist, who effected Many cures of come and bunions Is again anions as, and is. located it 20 Fifth srut, over tindrew's tea store. Illi Cpara tiers axe eilicaelomejinleas and spoody, and' 4.11011114, as all should:that am:siert it walk leg !Ltromendial tabula, Omni afflicted with th,eso troublosomancests would 'de well to giro the Doctor. a call.: Mr:Eli - Young, and fir: /alias Milliagor, well known In this comma, nit; tar years, were allifeted with both corns and banlona for a long tier-a: Mr Ell Young says: Dr. Randall most cuccaufally cared some moat painful ooms and butienas, for me. Theatre la effectual. 'Ludt unaidarl insdo an excellent invest:tam. ' 0 -, r -; Mx. James Miltingo: writes:--Dr. Randall, a year ago,removad a most pahafalmcirn - from undu cue of my-toe mills. The operation was , perfectly "surcesfuL day ha has removed PtitM's,icid. I have co, oubtleith kcal sap con, AS:1111/Lial /. tact dergoni medal ail ituccessful'eteratiins t the 'kande of other teemed Chiropodists. - . ' • Office hours tram 10 - L I I to 6p. zet. Card Thatographa a Gem Meado,Maya, Moody, gale, Bleck;'S g uy, rierraa,McCall, Reynolds, Ord, &a. &c. ;IVOcoee, opposite the Post, °Moe. /duper, Le Boa To., Madame rDrmoreat, Lady. Friend, Blaalcal Harp, and other Maga zine, for July, at. - Pimmrr, opposite the . Post dike.. dianncerThe Outset sad the earliest in the eity,nnd at the loriest prices, at Ptlown, opposite the Post omen. , _ sill the Card BeeksOst PitioeFe, opposite the Pest once. Packet Mimeos and Pocket Hopis; a great assertntent,, at Piitoelee, opposite the Peat onto. All the late Dime Beeks,.sit oppo alto the r, O Stationery, at Amor*, oplierite the Port tele°. All -the' 'earnest dailies, at Piiioaea OPP* alto the. Post ciao. . let rt. geskbli Dist any soldier = be so foothill u to learithe city without s supply of 11OLLOWAT'SOLNThiliNT AND PILLS! Whoever does so will deeply regret. it- Thus oxedirdross aro the only ciatslitOurti for.Powel Complaints, Bores and deurrar; ..,11olloirses Fills and Ointas:ent tiro now re tailed, owing tide high pprices of algsr Art, at 30 - eents)ls ant; tad $l,lO per po or box. VOL ea irisPuta!nFgh . by 11.-1, Piano. stook &do. - •i n , For Ws at pal:ores drag !two, Flithitreet, Pittsburgh.' ".. • , • ' • Ict_ tab aW 31,.(1e0. A. Roily; Federal 'strut Allegheny-city, • Brom Nofuns.,—Tho attontloa of our nodal Is dlrooted to the brlAlaat issortmont of. Spring and" Summar Goods Just- , received by our frond Kr. John Mier, N 0.1.26 rod., oral stiestiAllealumy. DU stoat:. =Titles r. great Tarioty - armor Pren Abs •Esielobr Bagels and lime:dna Clauluowoi :Cloths, andli Coa andessidatero. VestiOusr-all of Width bo mode up to adz: la the !start styles din the best utonnor.": Acholoo - so lootion of Strobblag Goods alsova band and fos.sabs, tonother with a fasts& Of 'Bawdy ifilatilotkinkwirellop.d Arubseribir TA tato= "the resilette of the _Siosette that he . hes *gain e toll ism], of thifeistlyeeletre• tod tar. restorer 'Befeetuator - ,whose 'Sect In restoring psyhels to Its ceiling etvlor. pm maw from..felllog. loot, removiog deandf,'Ao., leklyemtittes It to ,ho classed :smug the greatest mows' of modem times. filloces..2alaston egoist, earner of Smithfield esollfourttritreete. @view . paatbt, No. 463 Rowe jtazot,totweentlallehtiald and *ant. No .latlaosiaouts U1(1,0121147 offatiag low prima; but an offoltablo fey w ba charged Ia avcoi ow, for tha beat saaaellals will be ased, lad all to tiataand aosaan is tvnperstaaeatyveratiatall be applied , calf:6ia . • Lois 481 N Corr.—At SA)lisairs Auction Roue, Pifth etrest, goods of every description aro, being Moiled below present eastern prioss...4 large stock of Boots, Oboes end Get tere=pricoo• Ipoods--,st nri 'wbd suto : tgs. LO4 - forhoonbor and mune ows. , VitsAkmilatitee "at' Arrogetrente for the .trtuotrltaltinciteas hinsao Seturdaj• nigt, am - requested to,satet Oh °Toning u, the 111eyeeeOloei - Fon Bsonohiiia,'Mt I Catarrh and Coal ontoptiro Contitis,littran'a Broneb.iiiTnothes aro toed Witivadtagdsipilining . ottontin i es immediate relief., - - Scid by druggists - , Oxitsys and ambit. alb will 6l.tsko ll o the a=line egos, lie. 410 Penn otreeti ate or night All orders bit at the alteeis. pleat .11111 barteteptl7-attFrob3:44:4;;;4ll cans smut peld in sante% ' ' - . S9ipfin—A man who Is not: !Ojai to i d r ay to an thb own , 4if a draftsVmszt. flpsolatbdueopug4l. : _olkedZ 2 tattly ths eatteßa ux r nva., DOaUsto 213 PlAa eaOldela lt. 'tro ta:*lirglbtilall Of "" THE LA ST NEWS cal ; ._ 1 ,BY TB BEil:IL 01311 SFE 018 . P . AT01318. FROM wArIINGTo N. GEN, GIRNT'S 14TEST 110VEMENT, MPORTANT ORANGE 10P BABA. FIG!T NEAR l CHARLES CITY. Retreat or the Rebels Toward • Rtetimond: NEB NM UM TERRIBLE EXPLOSION UT WASIII).10TON Seventeen Oirle, Killed and Heveral • Badly Ininred. I • TART SENATE TART 1 1 ' AIIgNEHENTS The Tariff Bill. Passed evelal Dirpatt!l to Oa Plttlinumb e",14,13a. Weeaurevos, dame 17, 1864. Dt:►ltd or twit tats eami eternise, • halojamt rneeired the lallelrieg or th4Lto,movemelDt of .the At of ps '. . . tomne, ludo, date or liostiquAtteri, Sane 16: Tho movement woos ths : Zatoos tiver began on Thursday even g. The /4 carps mus ti , ken on traturpotti at Wilmix Wharf, tittle miles (tom Chad Com% gonse, and taken ..... . . , Amiss Abe Jams river to Windmill Point. TVs movementv a:dimly performed during die, itlikt, ultkout an &oxidant or ravens. As early aolast Sendai Catnip' Corps strived at Whits floute r f4om which plane It alto took boatifor Marko City and strived on Than. day 7., , , 'morning. e 6th and gtb corps cm monad crossing on pontoons on Tuesday eight opposite to Povhatten. slid the sth corps monad tolsy, Widassdey, just abase the fhoon:d. The thole =palm, sae itiu'nngisteenid by General Benhani,loomamilding the engineer brigade. I , Thies hr the arty lam not been molested In this Iniportont cheap of 'beie.' A iiin of General iTilsonh grafehY diilil• ion had a brisk skirmish Sails a body of rebel envalti, on Taesday tight, near Long Bridge- The enemy eras driven back so that our engi neers were able tn lay • pontoon bridge upon which oar men mimed, azdatterwarda drove the enemy buds lo Mite Oak bridge, where we resolved vela arm:tents from Crawford% division. The ;elute were driven back to ward Richmond . , making , a stand, however, wherevondt was twossible. Aleut tilo lanai from Charlie City they , made a deSparate stand, and for a while hold our men it bay. Once they succeeded In breaking through the centre of our skirmish line, but Only to be mowed off by our right end 'lste whets,reh doted In on them with splendid effect. The enemy's lou In this ef fort was so heavy that they touts no feather attempt at rembitanU, but retreated preotpi SIEJA Day before yesierday (Monday) lour cavalry, tegether with a iortion of Crawford's division of Infantry, kw; a short skirmish with the catieny'n mall* neg. Xenr htarket. One hundred and Ty In kilied, wounded. and em balms will , c ver 'our 'entire fou. The stellar' 'Oil mast have born much heavier than ours, empecially on Sue day. The enemy in each cure retreated in the direction of Richmond, and did not, except in one single instance, show s trolled disposition to mike a, . stand: . worms sx prollost—exreirrent Otaae warn ara.anti OoLICIDISca. There was a i Lterrible explosion today at twelve o'clock the Laboratory of the linitod States drsenalla this city, by which tom teen-working girls lost their lives and coven! ware badly Woad. The bsdhling in which the explosion ta ck pleas is a ono story brick edifice, digit:doff into four rooms, and runs out and westt Those girls who were em ployed In the east rooms lif the Laboratory mostly escaped by jumping from the windows , and running though the doors, but those in . the room fronting on the east were nearly ill killed by, the b txPlosion or burned to death. Host of the dies were into Chap,- , less, nicking. inirPs, malt wag necessant to I restore them: on boards from the ruins, is they could mat be otherwise =led. A strange coincidence occurred jut before the explosion. . k i rtter was rest to these girls atknowledgin the tecelpt of one hundred surd • savant, dollars contributed by them for . the erietion'i'farsonuninat to the victims an -alsitost aim itir catastrophe at Pittsburgh . . tastlern • r - • !a vi suannuirre. In additio to the Piriance ,Committeo's aileadmeatii o the Tariff bill the following I were adopted S o- day ; in the 'Benito s" On' clover literal, Bean cents per pound ; tile duced duty on oil of dorm from six to time 1 dollars per pound; on strychnine in eats, one ' dollar dud a 4.1 t per pound; on hitters' furs not on skins, earity-fire.per cent."ll{Vrels,.. rem.. - The Committee's imendatente Maltag a tax Of three (cents per:pound on wool , worth less than thisleen slants was not agreed.to, trey - ing ling cents on! all Wools lint than . twelve coats.. An amendment was offered and agree& to, that wool which shall be lar; ported soured shall pay en addition to the Iffetles . horehr e l i provided of four ' times the amount Of sit duties: 1 ' • • , comas, , soot to l ls , Arretlirr TO ULM • ern . ' • roe • Parr AID. 1 , The Comultee on Ifivillifain . inetruoted. their Obeirms , to-day to report a ileolatiOn . 1 authorising thh Beeratary of the Navy to eli • - • I point a oommission of one nand aglow, ode ' officer Of engineers and one ciiillan, tit.sts lect a site fora wavy yard or naval station on like Bilasissippl at one of its tributaries. aorstiaiNT ritirrtre—COSTe or ruirrore. The eetyri4es, l'Or the transportation of Goverimeniyappliesacrees the Plains for the present, year .a famished to the 'Senate by tao War rioPortments lets 0,500• froz?, the Matte Comet* ratlroad to Port LeaTeirlrortb; $1,54 , 8,000 trim -Port Leavenworth, via Port ICesnrey andlEcat =4, westward; $878,000 via:Port •ICeerneY westward, and $50, 00 0 rot other freight: TEI ,iirusr satt.. The Senate continued the bonidditation of the Tariff bill in the evening stagon. A lirely debate arose upon the motion to non I. - concur in the l eOmmittet's amendmentiehang. l -log the taxnprai tent fro m 2 . 6 to Iff cents per pound shad 7. vet centrism ad valorem, which wag adopted , and , the dray loft et - 25 cuts: A rioolfle 'Ana:lament, to dearcesio the duty oa r rellroadi . orsirottclb to dd cents per hun dred pounds was stinted: Yens, IP; naye,l7, . ewe ?digs strin rialto. 1 L oi tootioal of ILr. Harris, the duty on Wm *Wilkie-, made 1 esinkper pound !Anita of, S doll4l poi ton The Committee' amend reitakbavini . biei:ingtiblered,Aoa - 0 tio *tAdott ei lipas e - the Tarts bill was 1 0. ppeeredat ; LLstri.;nsinutess • before ; midnight. Ayes, , 214 ' ys,;s.4lessn. Peckalew, Me. Dotiiittl;PollnlirreneO ke t i n d r it l akardso n .--. t:X•iiisitorioiii.--`, .- .• . ' _-- ,-.,._ , iliikilidded timiipt an the iioitoiui at foot .tfa:pitit. 12 ta l i; 422 from 2 • „Bandar, - gas said* h . 4:1 - , - I , j' ,- ;',L 7 :. , • . : 'i1; : • , „„••=. „,.,.,, , ,7 , ,•''.f;5,1 E.Z? : - 171:- .‘ , . ,, r.: , 1 I:fS:YM-;', , ,--;:,7:7..:,.":',1%...-.. sal drinird. Thtie :mount Wabosktoriy. ttidy.iaUlioatWilshL7itndtlsetllbt II calf 249;iaarillasp 91 not lan tliiii4tir its Ora. Arrucatoxi ros aositrf,alm 6. Thu. have beset What dredind fostp,tuo applications (Or the consulship Tainted by the death of the late Ashes' R. Giddinp. Sam. Galloway;of 'Columbus, Ohio, will most likely seooiTll the appointment. In pureunee to Anal action ancl• tax bill lots last night, to the nonce, s Committee of Conference boo been appolated,tud amend mute not concocted In' will,* doubt, speed• it, be disposed • mann comeleston. The Bowe baa been engaged warty all day on a bill tottabllili a flomuilislost of Odom CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDRIGS. . W.1.3111111*01!, Jane 17,1864 Screts.—Mr. °Wainer made an ineffootal attempt to get up the House mall bill during the inerntagthoor. Mr. Hale objealug. ,•.:The tot the more speedy patishment of `gni:Mlles, on motion et Mr. ; Nelson, Its ta ken up. Mr. Dais opposed the bW, reptignant to the Constitution, at some length. - Without action on the bill'the Senate, at 1 o'clock, reusnmed the confide/aloe of the tariff bill, being as In Committee of the Whole. The Internal Revenue Bill waa• arsared from the-House, with a request fora Commit-• tee of Container; The tariff bill was then resumed is in Committee of the. Whole. Varloot 'Mend malts mire adapted. Seotiow 18 was agreed to.' It Imposes ten pre eat- ad velum on all/Prods, etc., the growth of countries -east of Cape of Good Rope, except raw cotton, In AiddiUo.ll to the duties on-such artßbse when imported direct from the 'plias of groWth or `production. • , , Ur. Collates, opposed the Pinata Octa -1 I initterle amendment in reference to'imported scoured wool. BEIM. . t. Rainey mead to seduce the May on railroad treaty sixty instead of seventy ants perhundred pounds, which -VIA agreed to -7- yeas, I.2lnsye, IT. Mr. Sherman offered en amendraint ex empting goods on which duties wool paid on the Both of April, 18934, Ned extending the time to the la of May, 1844, tor 3hit with drawal of goods he bond ' under resolution of April 29th, 1864. to Imam temporally .ttair duties on imports. , Adjourned.; Evening Settion,—Bin Wilson, from the-Con feree** Committee on the disagreeing votes on the bill to equalise the pay of. the soldiers of the army of the United. fitatee, Wade a re port.which was agreed-to. , Tkerxesiderallon et the taiUt bill wet then resumed. The various amendmentimade 1n 'Committee of the Whole :Aare agreed to. Tiro was then reportato the Sanaa. Mr. Morgan hoped that the Hordivprovis ion of 23 cents• On al, without the trod ad valorem tax of 10 per cent, would be retained In Iv bill. • Mr. Johnson maid that the Seale now mica In the Finance Committal amend men% which were legreed to yea, ; nays, 12. • Home—the Speaker caused to be read to the House a conunimlcatian from the Sam tory of Wes dealing the recent,tivezta In connection with the capture of Petersburg, andin which it was stated" that the beeriest drilling was donozby the colored troops. [Appleusej Mr. Kelly, of Pa., expressed a bops. that certain gentlemen would now withdraw their slender on'ootared - troons. The House In accordance with a parlous order, preeteded to the eontiderattoreof 'rate bills.. Mr. Hale, of Pe, from. the Committee on Claims, reported the billproviding • for the atabllshmeneof boards of eommertro in cer tain defined dletriett, to adjudicate the dam fa property destroyed or Injured by the ar mies of the United States, the amounts awards ed to be paid therefor by Coagroselowal sp proprtalon. The Cortunissioners are pro hibited from taking agnlssaceof say claims for the lose of slaves, and all persons who l bars taken part in the, rebellion lad Allen ald. and-comma,, Cidb2ded feta - eat bene fits orthis at. Attar a dehate, s'efitolltuts was effered, providing for the appointment of three commissioners, a solicitor and a soar. NOW, to constitute one board only.' This was rejected. The question was anted on order leg a third reading, when, at 4;30 cl'eleck, the ; •,14Ine took a recta WI 7;64. f.L.Srenieg Ststion —The bill was laidover for t.. present. Sacral bills concerning the District of Columbia were passed. At 9 o'clock the House edJearned. TERRIBLE AIisERAL EXPLOION: Eighteen Girls Killed MOST HEART•BRUDIN6 SOME Wassandros, June 17.--A terrible explo sion ace:erred at the Washington Arienal te• day, • few Cdutes before 12 o'clock— It seems that nom. sod stars for Are-works had been made andt i ant' on black pins to dry. They could not . d ii . .hrtiperstrui of more athcent"'Sreiclilideedgrcathalit. and n tin e eir del :tS th ir e j b titra ot g l al itd th te e d l ; which eat the remainder off,- exploding the laboratory. ' The occupants of the handing were all feraelos. 'Upon the explosion a terrible scone was witnessed. In the- yard 'then re about one thogrand two hundred men e nd" six bon , dreid. women at work, * number , of. whom ' were bunted sad bmieed In endeavoring , to get away. The alarm was iminsdlately Oren, and after the giro was istUngulthed a mach far bodice was troturaenmi. Eighteen bodies hare:thus far boon taken cut of the ruins tarried to a It was Impossible toyroiliguLte'them..iiilrt females were taken oat in a ad: condition sad placed. In the tuispital._' - • The scene at the yard wait of the Most brawn:oiling deseeiption. The_nronio of many of those at work in _the buUdlog end yard robed to the scene of' the insulter ts make inquiries alter, ths safety of 'their et& dren, but the , names of alt who hare perished cannot be ueertained until a allot to. toll can bemaenad those wholare been laved are assembled. -• The: Army - Approiriedlon 13111—Blds, for tac0075,0,00,000 loom .. .Wsmagoroir, June 17.—The Amy Appro priation bill, which has jut beoSerten fat provides as follows:.. • , All nations of eolor who harebell; inay te neutered Into the military satin of the United States, astir:oWe the came uniform rot:thing, arms, equipments, eampl equipoge, rations,stedidne and, goephal attennce, pay end emolumente, other than haunts, ea other Addicts of .the regular eir vohintary forces of the _United Stew Army, and like arras of, the service, front and after ail lint ' of Zanusry, 1884 ; and Wry yenta of odor who shall hereafter be iontered into the ser vice elndl receive moth sunts in bointylas the Pres/lent shill order the different States and parte dithe Unitedfitedu, not excoeding one lumdred dollars. All plasm enlisted and mustered Into the serial as sellout/ere, Under the Ball !dated October 17,1803, for 300,4100 Lvileiteme, who` were, at the time, of enrollment, 'otiosity en. rolled and subject to draft In the -BMW In which they volunteered,' thin receln from the United Stites the same Moountof bounty, without regard to color, • All persons of eolor etho wen: free o a, the 19th di y of April, 11100, sad who have been enlisted and mustered ! foto .• the military service of the - United.flutme shall, fro= the time of their entistrient, be entitled to n aive the pay, bounty and , clothing allowed to Mach persons by the, laws esieling at. the time. of. their enliennent ; and .th• Attorney Gensuil of thek‘United States is , hereby anth, *aid to determine any question law mist tog cinder this proposition; Intl( the Attor ney General atorualit , shell determine-that say bt such enlisted'patrons' are malltled td reecho any par, bounty": dothitig In addl. don to what they have already received; the Seoretstylef War-'skati- nab aIL necesskry regulations tkiloehlo the Pry DaParthat4 to make payment to socardsrme with such de , Xfter - 1 careful nddiga np',of theilds lath* Tremors Department, it is asoortslied that the - aggregate for the SII,OOO ' ooo4thn. Ia "bout 570 , 000,000. The SearetalXhas decided to reject ail office below font per cent.pes. Mira. and takethosellt Ind above her, which !will make the sum aempted about 54.1,000,000. 'hoer:die laiiinet's'Orrunt, Si liotreth street.. Pitted negb,lonel3,l36l. • Ix COMPLIANIA WIPE 0 OULU/ thin.liro 63, ot Kg 224,1864; notice la liereby trlftn e 31147 ter tb4dlttri 1. dt. Wend audit the tel tmt rcopq me, will take plant At els nettdedietded 07 the //Mile! Preemie gar. shall, et -Ito 03 roneth dtetct, .Fltttburgh, on , the The aulgomal of dredthifor.enlmltesen - ettll oontlnedd. notwithttandleg the draft. . rnrolltog calms Tut r pnt, thle, ogled on the day astir the draft te th. eitepettive adedletetste, enectar• naked fat ionied as dra ted .. men. my, pelltott, • Dote ett7llll.- 21, • I. tit Ward, .Taee 13 440927 t't dB. aa 44 : 29 20 - • 4, 4th 'Quota ll:ted, * • ' ' 1. sOl6 ;/. 1111 6, eth ee 17 - 1A -50, .: 7th Sth u 92 • 9a,m. 17 30 • I.llh ett: 68 - -; p; m. 17 Jalr 210. ltaterelicailllee, 91 -; 10 *. A 149- 11.,Tdmedenotee'N to 9v. r t , ; . 15. Was littiVehe oa. t:o : —.• Itononestals. gam - • 14, Vttietegtee do. ... ; - U. Stemtsehato, 73 /0 a. to.. 20 1 ,_ '5 16: kis tletrmlearn, 85" 2p. au 20 -• . 9 ... t. • 17.:2eKeetport Se 7. 9 et.m.lll ;.7• '' 10. 11d4.2.10 'Quota Wesilllribeth, , 111.. en. 221 2CI. Pitt lownahlp, 10 -11 a. m. 21 : • 7 211. 17 s ,- - - .3.‘et. ce - 23.:Ponn, 19 4. m. 81! 1.-Peeetes, 'ii It en. 32 . ' .:124•291.112ter, tBO t a m. 12 ; .: ffi.Pattoa Qmta Al tzt.veraw6;, 44 ot. 93.23 - 9 • 1 2 lA, main 107 "-sp: tgl °IA en . trl 11. , 13 I.o.3ettdeljn. 42•010 • gast.• • * a ai •• .+, 13 33. .I„,entase,,ceiltriate t;14., 22 " " 32 . ratans - VI- • t - Sedt/e. Q 3013 , , 110. - trepW Al - • - " " ST. Chatters, 13f, , - "" 00 ! • 'le- , 1 4 ' • 10 . 23011 r*Tiai. Quota 2himl ,Velegya uttax..n abari4 , lr:P_ , dcL do ::: 1 iron the Oomatttetiof . 0:101 101 v 0, has 1 0 140 0:V Nettlte.;,' - 'geed/ a 'sprit on the bill lak indict:3*d lanais , x 1 .44 eatt.4 Wages bio•etraatisutlatton. bettram: c ab ui ,a n d yin .1 7.7a7.,7 9 rg 0 riait luau sad Paatle, Utica& *I birritallol- On 1 21 . 99 t 22, :' , fag*, by tba Vatted! lictass Telistipa UM,......4ltirmforni„.l„.o32l,=tritmcitt,rs. 9 , tu nnl; / 20 1 3 1 7* The 001 soltt" 412 _, a11 ‘"" 7 -2 Yet =it ' enboty glutted iscaticatobteit tag: ittnA stilling cut tbo 91111 itoat 111.40 34 000 fa tat yesmi fa. ;,110001114 , 1 4 F, tx• Valued - • • -.,- ..!y r - ; iiiiiiiilCTileki iNkte: -- ' 'A , ii ir A.leats: i, ..:, , wadi stirtooli atiOisL ... ' sncou aloaL'.Wosw iikii'huli assrrtsiti of albattimalfyftalis, I* No. ta reds* airs% *efiblen7 . ,- ' # , EI '' : .....asT - lii CaLLI3Bi Fan*tutr. , T. Wl% kit k - •.- , _ • "?_ . . 0 ? . , .. A xso unocuttonovarKELAZ: 7 44] al) MEWHOLT.2;-.2icrit. la ;A1tgre*.',.& .8 ....a leis** Alga' fa:PICKSI, , ZUTIPIMIEtEDIC 4.4 latstwirlepoUltim . • F ... ...acOrbaisiFF•fille• 3 ,1!•4 1 , as pitNira . ll. -croon" a. ' I I" d " .P t, ° • ktl it'irTi MID '.." ' ' iO-1- - 1 til i.%,“'-'..-.',!. 4..,- , j :.C.:-." a ..-:“.'.l* . 4,:.. ~,,,.2,14 1 ) - Z . ,` .i...,_ :•.:. .^..:. ---.., ,F.V.'r':t.--,.:' , ..7--iN .R, : xi-- , ,....` F=';'-Di : ',;%•N'Zi".'i r• tf.:' , .:.-", ,,, "... , l',;,Zfia• ,' . .Ll‘ .r./4';'''...'l , Te :',.---1,-.24,1, A - '-''.,-..' ~ -..-- ~•:,:`<•,-''...-,-' .., ' ':, -' ---. ; = 4' -_ .- . , 4-.- _--' - - % . , ~.... -,..2:::..;..........4,4.40 , -.. .4,4-.4 ~•: EZ==3 SMITHY STANION'S -.• IMPORTANT ISOM • aliad t. Petersburg Attacked by Smith's Forces. THE PRINCIPAL LINES CARRIED. Thirteen Canon and Between Urn and Fora Hundred Prisoners Captured, OMIT OALLAETRY OP COLORED TROOPS ereburg Reported in Our Poseeseion, RUMORED DEFEAT OF SHERWAN. WAniuscrros, ;tine 1?, 1864. To Meier Gencrar Dix : The following dli pstoben biro been ro . ociind this depart ment: Jamestown, Julie 15t1, via Jai:mow:l hiectut 5:20 a, on,--Gen. Smith, with 15;000 men, at tacked Polenbirg ale morning.. ' • Gen. batter reports, from rds„observatlon near Dennada Ilandred, thinker° had been sharp lighting, end that the troops end trains of the enemy were, se he writes; movinifrom the city 'Mona the Appomattox, ' u if 'retreat,. Gin. linnoook ts not near enoogn to Gen Smith to rondos him any aid. The Richmond pipets have nothing toln- Meats s seapiclon of our creasing the James river. They expect tote attacked from the direction of Malvern HUL -• are Poieul, Jane 16,, 6:30 p. last re port from Smith was at 4p. m. He had cap. lured a, line of entrenchments at Really s House, the colored troop. assaulting and car !ling the rifle pin with great gallantry, but he bad not yet canted the main line. He describes the rebel artillery fire as very heavy. He expected to assault the line just before dark. Hancock, le within two miles of Smith. arts Prier, 7 A. M. Jane 16th, cis lama • ea:l , lll4nd 11:30, A. 3L—At fide P. M. yes terday} Smith assaulted and carried the prin. nipstlllnes of the enemy before Petersburg, taking 13 cannon, several stand of colors and between 300 and 400 prisoners. Thle line is • two miles from,Petenburg. r Hancock moved up and took position on Smith's left. At 3 'A. M. today there was Item Shingle that direction. lio report has been received yet. Dooreazo Lamm), Va., 1 P. 31.--Sone 16. —After sending my dispatch of this morning from the heights south-east of Petersburg, I wont over the conquered lines with Oca. Orant and the officers of the engineer corps: The works are of the very strangest kind, and more difileuli to' take than was Minters cry Map; at Chattanooga. The hardest fight ing was done by the black troops. The torts they stormed were the worst of all. ' Altar the affair was over Gut. Smith went to thank them, and to telt them that he was proud of their courage and dash. He 'aye they can't be exceeded as soldiers, and here , after he will send them la a difficult place as readily as the but white troops. They cap toyed six oat of the sixteen cannon which he took. The prisoners be took were - from Bosom. gard's command. Some of them said they had just crossed the Jean ricer aboverDintre Sluff. Ido not think any of Lee's army had nnehed.Petersburg when Smith stormed it: The/ 'seam to. be Nuking arrangements to hold the west side of the Appomatol. The town they can't think of bolding, as ft lien directly ander our gnus. The weather is splendid. C,%rue, June 16, 4:10p. so . .—tien. Better reports, from Bermuda fiend:id, that the enemy hare abandoned the works In front of that plsoe. Ills troops are now engaged in tearing up the'ralfroad between Petersburg OD& Richmond. The following dispatch dons not'desimiata the hour,but It is supposed to tri later than the preceding otos Jactestows, Joan IG.-I came down from the pontoon above Port Powhattan, with dispatch es forSeereMl7 Stanton. Jig as I left Capt. Pitten told Eta that Petersburg was in our passeulon. - Not of recent data has been heard from General Sheridan; bat the 'Richmond Whig of dune 15th contains dispatch from Lev stating that Efheridan bad been rented in an engagement with Fits Hugh Leo and Hamp• too, losing ilve hundrad miscue:sand !oaring his dead and wounded on the field. Prom General ShiSmen a dispatch dated last night at Moe o'clOck has been moire& It only states the relative position of Ie forces. Ho lever, engagement had pot no m:me& E.Z. Stearn:. Death of Gem Polk Contirmed....Mos. pita Mortality. WASMIXOTOI4 Jane 17.—The Washington Boor taps Secretary -Stanton has received a dispatchfrom Sherman eonlirmlng the report. iwth of Gen. Polk. The Star, also flys that highly satisfactory news hat been re paired from Shemin; The Nei York Pert's Wruhingten eprrelal eve the mortality in the hospitals average one hundred per day. • The Rebels_ fa Bedford, By. !daimon, Juno 17.—Thu rebel forces in Trunttrzt coordy, Kentucky, took panelists:l of Bedford, the County scat, to-day, captur; lag WlT:Quoit Marshal and pintas, throso ening to hang the Proust. Marshal at last axoanis. Bedford is ton satins south of this Fire In Sandusky. 4 HAnnrann, Juno 17.—A. dim about 6 p. destroyed the Towniondllonle and mom/di prints bonier. < Tno.lors b about $lO,OOO. bowed for $lO,OOO. . From `lfece Orleans. Nig Ton; sonelL—The steamer Creole, from New Orleans on the LOtb, arrived lut eeetilog, but brtegs no news: . . VLYLOI4:—Oti Thursday morning, Jane 1113011 ItOLIIIIIIION TAT GOA eon et Baena end Hurl. Saylor, to the nth sear of hle ars.. The flume( will bk., Vann. on Banana: *run. =or, Jttna Mb, off o'clock, Lem the teddente of Eli patents; On Gay idler, Allegheny: wit . Tie 11 lone of Wally are tattlad to: attend. SnEden.l7, Montane moil:dna% Jame leth, of _conottlon o: the brain. azottps w.-wal =Seta g.? ffid saw, Pftils Tn!tal"l s t iMna/4 ' l6 *c 4x4 L ?' tatter. Sadthfial M.A.RgStTS- --Nett Yak! LAW ° ! • Nn* Tone, Irottel7.—ikatatt daddedly fitmet at 51.5010 r Riddling Ifalsnes. • Ifkur6tete nod Western opened ded.annly, er, bat aftemads became quiet; and holden are retbie mere diquased to reales; $3,1043,20 - for Extra Etats, UAW 45 fur Exits. Rua 0., 58,5543,50 far .Trede Brenda, tee market timing quirt and nand; eo firm; eluded In the males are Extra Rate, Jane, July and anal, at V 29,1543,50: hltl y deekledly 'nom; o 51,44g,4e for $ MU; the letter kr bble mama : 11050145 for WISV3III.. Wheat opened quite Ilan but wigwam& became: . qtdet and dosed Num/ tad - 1470 loner; 143041,13 for ()bathe° flpring, 51.819 .109 for Bilereakne Otub. 51,5041,95 fur Winter Red Western; includad in the wee are one boat lead Amber lacirlsen at r..x. Com steady at 110, 35 0 1,47 for Rea Kited, elnehne at - the - Wilde price, 21,4734 for New and Old do., 21,424.1,43 forlineonod. ' Oats mead; at 0 0920 for Prime, , Wool Ban and In moderate deman4 ''Petroleum very firm but geld: Rama le tarsi away, Pork opened a dada firmer, but owed lower; EC for Item, RBA fur, Old do., $97437 CO for _New do., elating dull at the Inside price:s9o 7545 I. for Old and bele Prime; pap to Prime Ilea; alto 600 bbli Sew Rees, June, Dupla' option. $37.70, and 2 COD bble do.,drtly. some option, 592.50X8,15. Beef more sally* and If atter 1 19.60913 fm *wary Mesa 1847 5,1• Couarry Prime. $ 0,5042150 tor Repacked Bea. and 522412425 far Extra Mem. • Beam eidss • dull; Camberiand, Cut 1.314, lard • &bads limier at 15)017, tbs Butte .extreme for Tay choirs kettle rendered. 'shade Loner ; $5494e for Stirs, the latter for ray choke In firkin/. - Cincinnati Market. driC6II•II, Jratto I.l.—The nowi from Wow York latumed tea market for Moor and Wheat, and at tho dose prima want to mono Getout lower; In the mom:dog Vizor sold at 10,90 - for Bopeohnio and $1,25 for Zama. but at the elom the rata of averting gem $6,16. Wheit diehard to SUS for Prime it• - al • with • dull market. Coo nominally unettarget. 'Miro is a beim? - demand for, Oats. with sato of MAO bath 'at thane in and 07,c bags. iNtdaky mod at 10,336,1,37. closing wtti no pinto, 1' low 51,01 and boors:011X . Mao ft* ad ; ranted to 115. but the Market Aimed. colot. lard rid at lon. Greeartmnbelmatedand Oatd 135c1196. eBterlit9lB4. tktriningo May. Chletign Market. , Ostrare, Jam 17.-41 Mr firm' Mid ...unchanged. Meat mart bat Emu salvo at 51,65X(31,15.1 for Ito. 1„ and $1,485(a1,443 for 2. Cora dsodabilcktga and the market quio; blot at 51,14'6;17 gsr at:debt-161M y. tar 50.% Mtn !Imo; ult. daring the dm az daeing at 71K6720. Illetaines excited;. ogles u hign us $1.44(41.44 closing at 11,42)01,43. Prorlsions malt and aachalged. • ritightm sued,. bbla Flour, 47,0:0 bush Wbeat, 172,0:0 blab Corn. Shlpmmta-1 0 LAO bbl. glom, ^40,000 bash Wheat. 28,000 both Oarn:' Toledo Market. , .„ Ina 15-41eur the absence of We we Rite nominal quotailone of the differebt ffeecksi 114,251.5.00; superfine $5,2645,75; extra, f 6,004,50: double extra :am . , S7A6sA,SO. Bye four, p,74. beat—Selee yesterday, after our riport-2.000 bn No 1 rad at 158o;511 bu amber Mich at 063. ToduT —ash. SOO bu .bite 611th at 3,600 bu =bet inch at 1040; 2,100 bn Ho 2 red at 1570; I,COO bu do at . •• Oora—Sales 4,000 bu No 1,112 two lotA, at 12 Oata-747:x. n. 7 .-120c. 1355; minter. 130 c Oswego Dlarket. • . ... Canino, Jul:ult . —flour attire and higher at SU 11,60 for No. 1 Spring, andin.bo for Bed Winter, and 194,25 for Whits, and i9,25a10 for Doable Extra. SVh.at eolltiotiße SCUOI.I Wm scarce; and We. 11 4 . small at 542.5 for nen Mende ; 041c4t air &mead ; Peon sarce; but Ord and gat - , . I (Mend floor 42e, Wheat km! row luo ."" ". or k. -- --....--...;: St, Louts Malik Bt. Louts, Jam 17.—Plour active; Extra $6,759 7.60, Double Extra, 1868,76.. %Meat baoyant ittd 31353 ; PrNilo 111,1341145, Oneleell,7sol;so. Oats steady and atilt. at 0.34691:: - Oortt study; hoed Taint. 41 g 5. Wbtto 41.27. - Whisky active and 'avowal to it t sYal- 3 5. , Cott= *drama- ai'd much blew. No gala of. states. Philattelphlg Saricet. Pwrissinaurs, Jana IT.-.-Ifkrar firm; Extra Tam fly, Itt,f-tail,6o. Wheat ad rsoerd; Bed at Sl,toslP 2 X: Veins, 12,i5t42,10; Cott Solot ; -Tallow, SUM ; Pro stalonsesittantlog; Lard Smarm stoytt7o ; Fano hum ladled ; Itillosiln bond, Skate, do fre.,72.74 ; 'Minty norstrlrd talc s of ten LW, taw at but now hind higher. - R,TTrMR. . '4Klitallot4as?a,Cin Jails Zaaesrill6. Hfue ' s, Wh~ollog. • The sitar Is aim derlitilag steadily at Crispoint, with shoat thirty lachee reported onv Glow Homo nipple" Net evening. The se fiber continua clear end opprowlvtly boa in the .on. llnsinem continues ¢tremely doll at the wharf, and, Judging tram prowess Indlutions, it will coos be entirely el:upended. There was a slight Lunen.- mind in the receipts, hot the ehipments wen, Ilm-• bad, and •netwithatmading heals moist tare more than coo-third of n any, they erperienoe consider- We difficulty In ereh getting that. The artful+ include the litinierva firm Wheeling, the Julia Irons Tantenills; and the Ease Itotdvison teem Cincinnati. The limns is hid op et VlacelinZ., haring re-dipped bar Pittsburgh freight on the Minerva The CM= succteded gamin trrer Glais Mu son Wedeceday craning, arid the re. Tort* Laving.paseat beret Wheeling on Thareday. The Aller,tway flea chat, Parcae, came =and to the Monevgahela wharf yesterday, wad; we pre sume; will commence loading for some point below Immediately. • . The nest and light draught Pauenger paiket ('b ells, Capt Jessie Date. le announced-as leave tor In Louis and eh Intermediate point. this eventog. The Innen& has withdrawn from the Sniveling F trade it the present; lei • oonsetineace ot the low , inter. it is nitogethar however, thatihere will be a law water hoar In the trade tonne inmsy de" with Capt John Gordon In command. The prompt and popular Jolla, thipt Conbon, b the regales packet for Zineeville to•day, having at MairlY. SILVICa MEL SOAP. CRUNIPTON , & Llbirty Straot, • BO* Proprietors and natug•uumon to. cuman2 ottio, botwas, =ma, and ritSIMIt Aka, .anzatftertanat of a capartat artica of - Palm, German, Olive and Room Soap, ilul dada SCOLLSOP AND FANCY SOAPS. _ Of oor lAMB PURL SOAP. which ste oral:i ds:Malls roonzuneud u better for ireserel cis than say other beta theWOW; should be bat= ts saint Juts neither Potast4ls6ll, Lime or Bosinsar say otter 'substance In Its wasufacturo wbkb can shrink ar Won thi inert alnico. - flannels sad Woolens can be Clot Washed hes wishe Iridsh lab the r ths B otas, rtr 14713 Ostrom or Wow .1 HURL 8042 do not snare - Dolan or halt the rubbtott, which of come sow the mrasand tsar. • BILVP3I PEARL 80AP • , oteue, Dirt, Tobacco Rata., rztatini. lolt;i3moNt hmu ld t , to worst Balm Wstur Stains tin. odistely, applyi ng it with a moist dreams. thin protecting aorta •and Iforalturo Enna sods slop: It Imparts a tullasm, to Itsts, Olsawate, Tasmellsd IPaintisms mid Potent Imam .. closateg marble no bxe,tile it has no ismisl.—/kr Bab, and parUo. May fur tbo =US MAUL 604 P is • perfect Mara. - la • maw. all tam: tad Its strmaior qualities; sc/mrnsle4mt lt .vaatatt 11120 mx, d Me, This Clammay ask • mad from al/ who am totsructed In =Mg Burp, cad In men casSWlll Wand the 'prim of the mac obOold It U• to aucomrdlta watt vs'clabst for It, Mauled iseconliog tde Sold at ItIVN, PCRIIID.Ia tit" wad Wise. delivered to am cars or hats, yr In al, Isibsay, Strailantuaa sad City 1.10116,21 . trce of &ars% Dtrectioas for um= Poskarst.. Mord discount to Um trade,." Merchants ` from salvia WI T "do' t6.4tri ilfaUttlll'Olf St CO, a mil, .ta Marty arrest, opms. site Pransylssals Billroad.ftlraMMT Low. COW" of all imltation. ; nuns sormins tat* . Waring oar trademark—MATS PLUM: SIM& woad 4 lifstianal filmiest. • d - Optics Ocusicton or Uri:mu Exantalal couswarow Dumas, , Prnexases..inas' O. mi. 101111 - ATMG ASSUMED '!fttEl, OFFICE' AL of Oath:dor of latinubtiesa9l, I am sum pulsated to nabs ail tine doe ntallsr the 11. $. ogees... law of the Vatted Stabs.. This &Mutt= District will, he Subdivided tato Ores Stab.Diewiete u follows: • Tint =Strict sill etabracs the city of Pittsburg% Pitt Township, Lawesucenlle and as many, of the stuanfactorso wrath of the IdotouGabell•ea hate aka tar warahoales ki the elm sad ell taxis se belled at the aloe, 1{0.; a Dearth Matt. • aerand. District will could of the Ibiroships of .leffewsooll l N 4 lliisbetbker h, Versailles, , Pasta*, Phan, Peas, V 'Pee sat and the Baugh' of Wed Ellutishosad Menses Mtal will mkt Mr Ment of taxes to Jar Wm. E. a te DifutY. 0 4 ,40 ,4 •tt . 1 . 44 pis thlreDbitrkre sill mates*, the 11:nnwhips of Ores. sat. Won. Viaeloy, North turn% Boas Payette, Dobloson, Swan, tipper ER:Clair. Loser Elt.Clair. Scott, Cha n ute, Newille,Znion and Baldwin. with th•Dorongks of Biratiobtassa, tut Binningluury &lath and West Plttstrowth cad liononabels, ex. optics each peruse ate assigued to subtrict 1, Sullen mats Dumont to Dlr. John 4. Sergeant, Waotphid mn d dn paa nods; s th s m dallal w sra on Of ea aate,uolirctor.mud be paid on or beans, tba-lath hat, *Sherwin, they WM be pined in the hoods of tilsoPw talker tat col:W.4km. . - 7 • Tb. monthly Ulla fa april ancrunanthip ofllos mad wupat_tatist be nude on - or tre the 10th taut. Deashollce *Di be 'Masi of the three isad,plaeor to pith, co ith, ta ace Menses end Intwanat L a , . wtmaAas Ocl or • Duernat Iteranne, rd . District, Pa. RHEUILATIEW I . • , IT yali ,tobo Fr , • y sur,a qt 'ttAxiba gr a a hL P l S 7 " 2 P 111". azeecvs zdasmotto-0ni,..•.. 213. out u s t:r' pug, sou t? 1 holt auaßt4o}ll[4lTcos, Conterf mufti ssta Efml ate& stmts.: EZED o.l,YokBEillitON: - Set olron Is feta the Greet lard ' l l.nt.nen." est gnitstes to eleamse. riVllntat• Sal rotore. This si ertide Is cast Its name seglMes. Tes presorting, rottateg and beautifying the hems= hale Mr the most tennarkalleprepeentloo Id _Cat world. It Is agate awned seedont nplertlue orlgleal .tensed Is now made with the same sore, tlt7 teatlon wltch' gem 'a wee doter ono ndllbee • It t. a mod dealghtted Inedlei. • .If ersdleates scurf and deeded!. ' It keens the had cool and dime. • ; It nukes ltd.:isle etch; soft and glom,. . llamado the hale blllog ad . and turning grey. It redone hale open bald Wide Any ledyer Ude= mho mince a bseettlel heed of bale shbald am Lyon.. ligethalron. It Is twin gamed throzgleont the oldllsed world. j Bold 14 all inspectable dealer. DMUS It. HAMM'S - a 00.. Trier. lock. Itotrittabie Hoar Reitorptive, NOT d DTA, but restui. gray ball tolU . color, by supplying Ms capillary tut. 'din natural entanance,kagatrad by aganrasolum, All basalt yam dim. au colapcwist of Stasi anutiklikarrying, tbaritalty andteauty of tha Isar and &Santa tlana-j warn no dt•-ng..ldastreet'a la Ckluting, not onlyarsturts bar tars natural War by . an tam imams, but &as the bar a - . . B•autY, vgi ir ltfirgawthrrerarbiltandllasoltiradleito audit:ports health and , plawantas. to the haat.: 'hag stood tbs ato( Vans thaglibAl 'Wtby both afgan Dad Is t ger It taloa comnieraalt=7". 8. Itt e i=7).t b g e CTi : 3; . way, Haw York. Two sinpa.so smuts antlsl., HAGAIUS MAONO SALE Thfa laths mat Wight cd end .• .• • • • ant do any disenered. It chimps the accd-baree bide aadbudstoa 'punkt texture al reminded beau s marble parity oflthond the di.. Z appearance oe appearan n tenting In the ty bitten [sett tea. It mann tea. treekbas, pimp and tan,bno Wraith° akta,leaving the eareplreaa froth, trewps• end sad amnia: It =dates no materbl Ledanate to the *ht. Pahroaind by darn= sad,OPtra en. It to That nary lady should have. !Bold emery , when. Prepared by AV, E. HAGAN', Tay. H. Y. Lddrede all order* to • C DZILLS S. Phan! /boo.oYen Turk. ECEMICAII Ell/STANG LINXILTZT. The partim to St . Lane . ad Clncinnath who bare been omintarfeittng the Illottang 7 6,4 " , ... =tar pretense at prepriatonhip, haw) been : thoroughly, eatoped lathe llorata.. To gazed apansi hatbox to.. politic*, I tome gemmed - from the United. States Tremary a petralertml•plate swarm stamp, which la placed over the topateach bottla. Zack stamp bears the /ha shoat ofmy &Water*. end wilhont which the article fa a connterfeitc Mammon. and Ifelthloa Imitation; - FUMLISMOT.I3 - hurtle. ml. Liniment haa been In nal and grown* In laser In. away para. Thera barn, - extent s lusailet on the habitable globe that &ow not eon alnalideemsof it. womlartil ettacti. lab the bast mat:nein than mid. With Ira Faecal Improved inFrathat4klteracuttPre man and teat are perfectly remerl Some an, bode, pales named, lima 'raved, maratbla animals ammagati made meal, and cobalt JIM For cats; bream. spraintehatunniUm. mating! Wes; cast, =That% oel d met r e dlagW:l " 4= to Maury famay. &Why allDec,Well. - s. nazurzo, we+. ark. smemeoa-rwr .T.13:6 ABOVE -Agnms ro 87 I' SiMoi7 J02.264'074 Cantu of Smith.ll4d sad-lroeth auvrt C. v. =sou" Cout tl►aster for . 'Lipp •• ..• 8 Co. S. P. Drum. Cate of Goal Ers'Obsol ...„ LikW WORM weans .1.010;, Mattfactarera of PAT"...111 . 611.017= cram raus, warratadl asia ME= POrd., of. sverr &mita= ; NM. Idulay.Broas Cult, Cant and an L . other raiietles. an ittud.ormsffits• ammo. made froto Sheet Cut Steel; Tatra Be a:BMX. - = AND MOPING, EMESS,to. • lad Warta, oar. WAILu I IMOBT fiBB ,i Pittricaret , Particular ithmtiou Orem to ItatCoCillicr, Oscoisanic auaSiralghtoolog Cirrilas :Pool ritlio malt; Or all kta,. Pouching sod -Milibig dor.. et me...m. rate. • - ' • 4 aula' . ly it 4Vm BARIMIL & Bouxr: ;". umitiLs AND 81135M2 womx soli, Penn Be., Zits. Eta, =, 21 and 24 flasks en cased s large yard and thrtntated tZ slab tbo retort Ow Wand marlbwry, we stn peryturri to sunniness map desctip3cen of BOLLIZEB, tn. the teat nuestes, end warranted wynal to otgy etude- In pe conntty. eln:11=0, BRICILEN. /IBS BEDS, 81116.11 ['no, Locomornx Dorms, cokassipts, SALT PAX% TAX6I3, OIL STILLS, teOllAlOll.9, BITTLISO PASS, BOILER =DI PULDGESe' SUOMI PAM, and sole manntacteurni at ,11.1.114-. BILL'S Piaran BOILSILS. IloyaliWeg dad on tne anortnt netts& lexs SUPERIOR COUR zata.'s saml/EINGWOUEB: PARK, DielarßDY dic Utroaoterin aiIMIUMILDICIATES' LED EOLT COPPED, MUSD 00P DOTION% - wwo BULL Dorroms 61.61 SOLEMB. tmpareas kut tales 'lO-. 211:=10, TIN Plan:, au= ma, mirk ao. 4:IL-titans!: cat bsaminsior macrusss AHD LS.' Warshme. 84:4140 SIBST 19) ND STS., BpxW orders of Capps cat to , , . PHYBIOLOGIOAL I: "'OP nasnuAnc.tainfn a. 300 Fake". and 183 dim Disks and trograitop of pa anatomy of the Unman Organs la it state of /taint and Dia ammo, with a Treatise on 'Early trrara,itt deplorable annevnacas apaa the Mind iota Be 7, with Yha sedhor'w Dina of treatratat—the i7nl7 =local and soaxerfal mace ease, as alorways who: mast of csaes trealsd. A truthful &dew to the trattial, and thaw oartaaplating trardase, catezttin dolga of their ;Weal condition. ;Pont fee* of portagt or adartoa, reoetpt ot 123 mato, tramps or portal cram% by addrerains Dr. LA max. No. VI /Laden Loma, Alhaay, ft. W. iwaskolr . Alma/A.."' sogonrox: iIrBOBINBOISI BEA. &PO Onto. *moo aracarasea, arsaa a 2lstirosalipPTirna . TONVoll2o,7aysznablPittabarg 24. Nactra.dhirizi" 731:04.2 - LllllMAtt p litirt STUN 11:15tOMEN-1314.0 VICSIF/26% 41311. 11.A=Iltat - aunts% CILLITING. Jun: uusodin dOsrlytkiairl . OM T SICIMIM AM? OMIT MON "MUM dotztl for I OUTAMYS . P4ItIMT vosintraisallottatas.,-..i canuccaxin - 74.-:- iccuarie...'4...i.- i. =pupas; o.' LA 'BELLE Empig, Woßas. - - , iitiltiFittitco„ , --. ja 4 D soxolotot to to MITEraIIA a 00., rodaciatoro at ()Ain eux4r., OPIUM PLOW inamtn tmzsa i SPIELNO£I, AXLZS, (1207/14,19, aa. ' vrorkoluslmmAticusgben tit:. ' - P. 0 ; Mdsigs. Prr= 4lo ßOZ ,ft. 1 ...10t17 TO4OHN co caws a . m . :to., risr. or mos muLyn - e, imon TAIILTS AND TATTLT DOM; DINPOWIDINT: :IDDIS.SnNDOW atii.tunt, mettxt sin so Tam szserr, Cot:woodorisztortos: Irmo mule oneorl otioTqatroiodoilloy au: Tortuotoratootioa potato anrktta Cfrwrs Lots. Jobbing done admit-mike. ff• • - ata 07BANWVIRT8 TRO :t:: ; FOR the au ors Ilathoesimahrosipher—Ne, ite.., ire nietilly rvioantmaeatonanktaa,Eingo.,saa patftatrhaesecattlorr ate them to• vest is pea. i t 110. ilandeetand only 27 e.v mei AT* op narrignaz Pa., to .thorn all <este . 143 b• . 4- - nreCad- by. Dreo6 4ll 9. erd... , f DISBAM.OF2IOI.. MOM . scurtatornalwrz.:Ab— 1317.11 AL jks A CrIIITINS—Dar KM iddihible ,` RiPorti if ttal Assidit*i 13E0%4 130 1 .,44 Inttertraloo, Inv adult's% - A D. J.EITIL: LIN IMINIZITONAcesnad , Nii:lll3.istb math stmt. Pbtlabblrbla. Pa.. - ::. c:. Ciritifttir . OIL BOLES & tION&I Mumma drosimiS Dottenti 411 1,1 " =Emus= =mos= or, wawa. B alt sovra taVencpc,.yo, Arezfcim ErscPautibmg, - Au. wroot '1.1120a.g.d. Gi t ;11 - 0 . 4 8 tpot dav ibtriliebtritt - the Valtexißtairit.. '4141 $l4 '7, 1 . 4 !.P: l :sii'M Btßnkii • - - • r s;: 7 ,I-r[;.iUi. , ITEM ,NIONGBEss_OTERSO' NOM' EMI 3; Ulna OS Mk Stied,. =ET Doo3l* IntEIVS qtrrar„ A x wsIIPPkYOF-• o : l2 E.rzr , , saw AND cinutsit Boots,..4lll)efrapd,GOters, No: 54 Uarket.-'44t,reete szaTmni HRH* THE FAIR, Boo* Shoos, Gaiters inifialzsarall PAIR PRICES. At BOBLAND'4 #o. 23,X&A.T . CO. BEGIIIT, NM GUMS I NEW GOODS) We hare last tepteed oziiiiiiiiteteek of BOOTS AND BELOBS, ' wbichire win wal as the iovresT cam PBU We tuns the hirsset and ben selected !teat cl IlleiVi.Plaw calf Squiws.pood, Botta, To be mans in it. ctii; LADLES' LAST oentE, In ehandeasca. Ohs as a celL - 'as rtobb' ea kills= Brum • efUSTO3I MAD.R SHOES-WE 1141713' N." &et received a tame aseartoseat et BLIBTSaIILLBAND E 15013 beet Sinerco•k• sad ft dlatelabla thw.cezt Wait. ice Lad leased litron.: Cloah,Bla; Ilitargcco; God area Laettng tlaltaarals, Boat, aad Gallen, at all etylta. Moos gocbt ate erartaataktet betas BAST Goode am Alma • seated atscatacoat et Alias art geed,/ al Children's Staple awl Barmy ORO. SOY & CO. n. as. of wooissa Raab as. crp.Az pAcIE F'I.O t AtTHE commur.o LOWER.T: AN THE LOWEST, the exutailieigt . noir emend to brlas 0121 Vex. : 1 1 ..rizert Clem" MOY&I 814611.121. orat araCt. to VO, Tort. or Pitteb2so (me Liverpool, • gneennteft _ . ; _ . • ' . • Londonderry, 7 ; Minn% - • • Lower' Ttian'Any, Gad Agent Etta. vli and 6e tbs nun tad w_nytuvoiLl Our ~t wit Wars ina,k;zatllteg Writ= an taud TAYSCOTrS M:EPi faserite Livorpool psoketvisillis tirlafte sada:ft:A:l' . , • . . • , LONDON . PACliii:Te, Parting tran,^ElS ont by thin ant sr ton Tune.. !MORT DRELITIS on agnr tart of Zosapo ter ra..b. . _ 4ppt3 , to D. CPBEILL, ito. TO Trin Cress. . end frcra tn , lo Rcatceffialtlo4o stmt., Pato MocoP • . • Ilata, Cape floads,- RA. aow 14 'lore tb* hood siorturat to= plats SPRING" BALMS. , Zierottiri4 Pr the won. Ilorotorts aro Music* to coil ar.d mates, or. othxl, win b• sold " 1!"1" n 411.-181 Wiho4, - 4; ritt:b:na. NEw nawmat.roxic" •••:•;-:•• . • :•1 , . .00. , sylthatorvits*s: • b e O sks cosas, • nab sad Straw sa* Miner Crape and silk ßoaaata • • - Fle,a•re, sisuauars. • . *Lad Illarsdaa. - Caps, Eisad.Drastaa, anSklas Collars and Carpta, DRiB!, EfAIIDIT4.ItE AltD CVTItEIIT, PLOW , PLovazonatt,' nit iumrs. tat ai the 415m:a klads otati Anal 255 1110A1113 la ; stilt:As 47 , 41 9 . 001, 7 , .50.25 011L0 5 Adjoitlng milillerd • • 1146, Of O . • • -- - IffOTICE.—The "f ,. .10 —sof the City .11.11: et Tittstguitt ad that alto Tsamaroar • illalatipapared to mall. all MAI QV,' 4 la aft% a=l.• daoaunt at 6 par esas 441 tuts Oat oa ar War. th. lal dq tt Laval msg. • Me etude MaraaaLla Llagara er.l.Ourlaa dos, and mad be paidlatnatewLtet poaot, a, Mat, lav argraoly aware the saw, , • . , • wlLattalalAll3, VistobstilOmall:llolVi.N 4' I -sr 'CAA f..) . • ..1.11. El IL rAIQiII .p 141.4 1. DADPN. La.R.DAVIA.I I p .11111 D BEtOrip • • piniqiqmpurstreap rimer Ems:6z, • PNDEP: B OOF , PEL7 ..ii*Agiftro.*•• • • TO ALL W OiDTDID , IIKVXDA:I 2 . n3W ' &l4 "6"" 4.llai g :i“1611.1 " 66.41k I M/2 DAT.. ,LkialeAreDLlAlDarrromeaL rains iii.;.egiAitcwra sg r.,l utirja*- U W104010Alt: . ::. - • setdcdstems. covigivsacs.NT CaeilTrt /Sabi aSCII cebil.t/ _ ‘Olintia .A..LLEQHF.NY WILCO IiOT.IOII-; ,. DOI: AU to ada,da. Al* Id, 1116; pp. Nat tare add mnall; .10011, ma CABS. a• it, for • bar f iv. 4.4 cm s dreatot Itato Into the And sad. towing tunpl admv. get ondas-to.lan talloom to coreld as. • pavan .1:10314 say ot ito 'bad oreLls will call Imeradie awaly add pay aids.. and Ws tbanyoway, tg • tel • Ittl4l. goXI.45`.'W • armament. riff -s?h3trl:kl!'res.alMS' • bingo •• tb ;!' Oal cad• Muted; sad , : 133 wow. rAts yr.citnel abid We by 2 .1. 11.0.nririx&o: HAt a, BEEF AND 4.6"0 lls, p,- &Wry & Om. 'used a 'Wow 3160 e. Chlakp thkerr.m.2,o. allow -I.OOOIIWO. Dm W L.a y csay. urs Diet rr 4W9U IK:II.II A 15 JIB it LAM. ink K4Oll Olt ottilL—Lieceired this d‘7, . bozos tap aIICISIONMA; . 1 . .1 1r 7., L ;'Vorovii co.. bbbs. E m uat tva , JAL DLIALLL iOn. • etssaprlrateri Anittl 1.1 .%ietlk?{ ; WEE=I • . - '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers