,f:* )1111 - Ctz= EST2I4 'tkISITED 1786. Ofitangit , /gazette, Vprimaro BY i® saffilmfim,issocite, * ll O l 4 7 1 4 Maria iltrikbitrall, per year—.-- {B= to: D 0. .. 0 r Linn 'bi WA. PIT 10,4.—•—•.4 ••• meek,„„„„,_ '16319"112n?'44,16 i'Ci**POrifbar...9 stub of Btolo, ' , dila et ID IS aorta ... IZ. endow *Unto the petty , Jahn doh. Tot' a Ire *in iota the ktinciito Glasern ,Ifog ol.eb of tirootyort Till 1111:4 the 6tagli'copt6e, 5 amtt, /WM 1t5.4= 1 17;dasorkag **ow:for:tips:rm . , lama the thne,exgreal. Thei Reading Matter oaf= raga is Tram gOurday'B Eienhig Edition: _ ' Sherman ead.,lohlmtoni- lanraiithrelgerwiiiifamished fugitives frozi northern 0001:1011. and „Mohan:ca.:and an • aspect of gloom pomades tho piece ...Jelin• elin bas3aoyed Other - dila of Atlanta;with hoper of what he was, going to - Ao,. until at • length they Sad every point of enterlos de- 1 fence ;abandoned .sccosessisrely, and Johnston beaten in conflicalind thwarted in, et:Wan-I Ile Mire „pm attempt to •-save- Atlantil by' nutieddiag Adieu& Dallas, to cover the tarn pike. leadiEcto Atiantal but after erecting) l'ormidebissworks andEghtinguselen,liattles, he 'Enda:that Sherman-wee all the taus ensu ing hinettune Ishii, portion; of Ms army' were islarphlfgbytheaanktetrard Marietta, width they have now reached, and are thus ealebs licked the direst railroad to Atlanta at tfr2=a/toirri-Inthe road, meth of UK the pctsitions end within easy reach of ri t riEElMAnOW'remaliu'i Ili. his fortiled post ontiniellalliathininin will taki seeab le .1-#terreltread and - ran his - forces' to Atlanta. It Johnston breaks eaniplhare and movou.to.: Mirietta,Shermin then bat the airApLi c o o k& o p ewL ,M, Athatai and can move 6 1 . 1=414 battleof the, moat derm a be Zoluss ton's true policy, and this will account for idremunning AIM of. lisisite and attacking Shuman; " hut" he does not were As have-theequragctor resolution'Ao risk a decisive - Wattle, end therefore his rights lISTOI amount to usucif. - :'l74sprercirne tlutt be VII retreat to Wilms of the ChatPaheochlo, enrelleniii to defend it. egicinal:-Sheinien,,, wilpl,be.a difficult task at prennt, in con:. sequentw of the lioiltioli - JeFintkon Enda , hirni ;elf in, with Sharszian'a forms oosupyingbOth -- ne!paiiersiori of Marietta by , .Sherman will cause the immediate ibindirnment byes ineludiricrilliTiiiiits- au ihozallrsm4 north bf • 4 ' . :'LEMilleve;l:tirludiaill'oitagaw mad,Alafaxota two atcoaLcatppoonsitions soisth of - Basic:Ws. Itoosti.,and as 13 simian always • teetn-Licf , locomative ready. the mare will soonseach him .lhaltilitriattaundo_pen oemnanniciflorin through rliftirrall/Chattanooga-- Wo aro antra t Una of communications maintain, and 'gainst a general of the imps. city of Lee it might be-perilous; the John-- AIEll'llPOO: Is so purely, delenilea manta to ineesitantly_offussivo, that the Ime 1 -ilfttEATealisince capftia,U7Atince Kingstob luta been converted into a secondary bane, , Atlanta; Sherman will now be apt to hold the turupikeloada somiliof the raiirciaAr , thereby lroleetsthis approaches tetai - bwi oolnuinuleationathare being no roads north and east of the railroad, running to Atlanta from tho north except by a rem airmitous route. liewillboaptto '4O -to aimless *nether reason, . InMndertaking iha Edge PT Atlanta, he would deals° it to be : covered from the railroad which would cons •••;...neat it with therapatavallable reinforoemants e which being the one leading to Mobilo, comes in Um mg of his march from KiMuld,Johnuton retreat to :the Ras or the i-ft•i4OthitionEndlng Mariam in -.lmam. s ' c, elm of our forces, Sherman would 'probabli follow the same policy hope:cued atKiapston and other places—hoop his main army on the ' line of the railroad alulaerulacilaran march ing by the - parallel lurnpilcoi. If the direct one to Sandtown and Atlanta was open, he might thereby secure an availablo crossing of the ~„_.,3ohaston. would y `defend the Aver at Sandtowa - it would - be - necessary for Sherman'm detached p. 140,11.42 mar* bmihe dirditonsitinte from Bu ttiCaiiibeliton. In point... 4 lapt,../quiston horst:mated 10 far, andloit eo many good poeitionalphat he hat now got himself into w-vary.' dilemma where the defaneeof Atiunisesetna stitidsiriMpoiodble.ll:9l&6lM - Moiirtg ca bal las, Sharanon.taa r but J.O 11134# det4oll4LUltt7 the turnpike you,. Mei and biennia bold Illesittett eemelendingssiont dad abWoiroad - to Kingston, on the north, anti another--to Oamploolltorr a llited4ivir artclAtlanta' - oli the l awet...alareatumwip)oleiy• tansculhrilsak ES2l7:4ll4llftn-,Pgittell. Zehneton.iallkol,V taluren th e - is of the Chattahoochie i nad *Wpm= itannWthelife r ieribt4cru. IhitoottalleitioWor, "_, ,1.1..-dgedgratben Sigllsh pipers notion the'dOw iielicrs, the fdatliieitittritira the MAktfAvi , 4 l ,lftvf s irrgiairootcolFigo passenger, 'mainher entire Ameba 200, ins . zeaHSq perlionThhind, who had petted thesege÷ . .keti--2 . h0. C l orkibPor#r MitilltrtalraWki-"greitgilifirsintirdestmts asysiolell t a Woold no) beenterett lor any MO be 13th" of Julie' eat,' with!, a webablllty of. beteg •evabllged to welt' edll looj1111: . :Orer 2,000 person/ arealre.3 tom to . tat i s the Te .. .n - VOlapilllr Oath 14:040i1V. 011104i1 ale another ean sit wilt be kyast.likermot of, other entries rade In Liverpool - arid Qwwnitown, and by PAM:silt qadranee Azle. pad Lis Ameba. It li' conelderial lays the Reporire, uthit thirCompany.despetehes thseeboate er. setbrblett, and that the Ctmaid Companes keit; depart weekly, and 'Mettle" endgratbn wedlnned throughout the whole of the p e t Der r though pretlormlyll-oesed dating the lit , weather, some notionmay be re of the magnitods of that tide 'which b Sellately rolling from ear stone." One _ MeV ;miter from Tells. and "'•Xlilizney toOk'ther , &Teem tot Now York, Nett day. tie number was between 200 and 000 X of ?whom 40 hatt7theb'pittegal - paid by, Lotgobinizimac - All of them had been the empants of small time, and ato described as the bene,kttd - alitaw *TAW emery. This =Newt, s.. rat maybe said to be universal, though' praesilbak,sente in,liortea districts., than In ri!, ' - jt.;giblUttsillia-of this Irs'entlers:= . _ — _ , .: . The gaud:Lester(Bog.) GyarstAM,lttfentlas Co; thrlithllifg - in -- aegt Bilhandzi , leVtd to the position of the GermanPowass, - obsorres that a jeer or two ago s rumor to the street that the Yrench!wore premaring lbs.:tend frontier to the left laitrof the alai, would' hive created the greatest excdteumat la Bagtendiuttdtlut ono *al isumittszents liat chalet; Wrealrliutrs been thstancli en aggressicwand such an. aggran disement of ' the chief ntllitarpnonsechyou iths Ooltilutoieu'.:sico be` tolerated 401 an hour. •liten the lint steps is the realization Quash sischeme tsuuld-Urfbieit the sligust for *rupture of frisudbualattons withpan if sbitorteperi apposlttoL - 1414;11 isys, that Lenin Napoleon were to atom fortbt bb. pet, tkelint remark of nine'cuitliften Eng. nikuontass believewould be, 'lt win sate fhai set the example of spoliation anaoporesslon, and WentfOost WU not interfere to saysher trracr the merited pamillmosnt Ohm wroag-dom s *" "Tedt tole of a We," s girt* u Jdtt ooeuredid-Parla from eel/tactics of keeping Amen b - beddiamberv.4 lady residing la dialitaz 21 •12so4Mertallis laidreadired from .tdon t a etaaatltyof Itay Mteriardoit ob• lidlAeladidloriielatoddliJa a hugs dad simplU biTticTsaghter, a Teddy child oged di: gram% At :bight: tlot ; , zoothar forgot to mend the lowan, and thy door. war _ closed, • Win- th• atortdagraorlibariatio7 01030- mid , Imes doses, she went Weal If air . &ileac!' I 2 OL. Zet:*1111k0. _The,ddid'a deep.did ael'aieartiatarat Ttuf mother tad •to awaken har, - botinTalia;sad orwaseeplidd natitbd*Ao44 idle &diva that she had Uri 's! ziabs9lio '4e117. kis _ Haig 0 , a ' '• llt4 l 4igiaiiiiiiak the Fir W"‘: Netter Korlika,Teatlt tartia aster lahat D , ,Indl atjfil . AMmit..wll*TAttilaaaatorto pmmagas la MI as i= 01111114 i Ina AP. 4 ' 5, 110.5 1 . 1 . blatt , on .uatm, who = • 'alit bolfall." who Amaz "Dal , laatinual;jutjaailoapt, Woman na e ataimid “Ass suateergimaaadqulektaisisa "*lyaap, 4rltjima. the oausitasign • 1 ' '-i .1 - , I :-" , .:ML.E.G):LiMS, FROM 213Z:S.RAT OF WAR. Otaaiiill4olpnond THE ARMIES IN 'CLOSE . PROXIMITY TirE 0 LT DATTiIi SOON TO .TAIT PLACE Details of the late Gawky Fight. FOBEI4EIIII GOIBIGEREO IMPREGNABLE TO OUR CUMATS. Preparations to Destroy,Our Meet, Trunn-pianet Ira BE tri3l.irm IletHA Iron- =NC Nur Toni,- Juno 4.:—The Herafd4 Mead qtfil*re Army of the.:Totantao correspond eat UtMay Oust onyx: All done yofteiday (Monday) amounted to, notbing mote thi , in a series of attempts to asoatairL7tho enemy's position. A Herald W pild.nroti aratil says: GetZLI Banir, accompanied by a number of en - core, left fot-Grunt's army ,on Some crockft,; 4 up 4 Headriciartare of the 651t . Corii, li milts north of Bicluaccid -10 p. m., says: The rebel: line of rifle pits .nauji."llcol In the 'Wen front of Maneoek's corps.: There was desultory Cuing all day by liirright's corps, who warelis Tery dose 11197.- Wa to y the rebels. Both'Parties wish the other ,to conquonee the attack., eapt4Plitt of %slab Coups, with Are men and i wagon was csptared on Sunday night. Supplies will reach the Corps tognairow from libte, Monne,. Haw Yon; June 4.—The corris pondence from the. Zr eschnunicirs of Ahi eorps, gives detalli of the anialry en gagement on Monday, at Cold Harbor. The engagemei was .bronylt on by both parts attempting to establish lines of pickets. Gels. Donn and .Merritt went in with , seal,sad drove the rebels to their, ant wothit.y. then dismottntatltrqoarthe:or fa* *sp, leering the othereth the harses,aad ortfoot pressed through the woods, acre.'r the n ine sad ,nerd over the next hill lute HIM Tonic AX. tiny were going ttp o r inp:vinst.. opened his vene upon tiu t t i u; Having ranched the woods the rimy another stand, unepportatthy; seniemei. Jde - litt and Herrin maintabendliteli ground atnit boinly and: nontested - every inch, until the lines WO.lrithin..olgit Sod' of each othe}, neither yielding; and bear' cawing great sluinghter• Heater, with hie . Sharp — sheensi or", noWadvanced up and• permuted the relents ni,t of the woo4s. flhuwidaexalso came on the trat.when hannuld : oblervniliattersand give ta:thiitei4:`uilionotinted taen who moved foriapi . l.te . dottble quick,. lad in lea" *a than fifteen ntes Ate: aptd.crick Of !hi Spencer cities rem Ines 4 : : Thir !Int Heti York dngoroie elated 3n with them, and , oubilesi thUrilials theNghtl4 thousand men, ' elifseib r niiiiinfc;Med their opponenta,for theyj fled two oithred miles, reeving their dead and wounded on the told. Terbet followed tfifen; up, and spathe night four milaSin adraisoeg Another fight manned on l'uoieday:' - its,; Merritt'. brigade was masks , torrents Cold liarlioiiiiiho•MlSFeems, they -mune upon the liebsj'i `eivalii, ?alibi:did '''hy Apse mgt. menu if Nails Carolina infantry. Merritt pitched fade them with mini:m*4 ittld , lrii strongly supported by pirells in Caitar; The light was oven More desperate than in' Corday— peridan' gillipierie the front, but f_ofiiikTnibetti *Wiping! thee beautifully Tblination gates" Cold' Harbor, and if Lee is,,,at.,,,hieebseicseille, as 'suppesed,, ; it very niiiily tar= his right'ank and gibssitarit i is great point. Tlie Sera' Id% corresriident with ihi Tames firen fleet, sap : A thwarter from the rebel ram Itichmond'etates that rat Darlliginennts r. fifty guitf, It Is inrcuiderikthy • rebels to bs Impregnable to . pwbents. • Thieslnt th elade 'are 210, before the fort isrq: tio attitit r ont' ftSe,t, 41611 . 6i Iretpt:flne Alps ands nambei CI fidernal machines. Ships am to be drifted ; down to our Tassels in flames, closely following will be a host of torpedoes to . 0110 S on itrikligoor vmboats. the rebel iron clads are to nuke the attack. The raw are iron .clad, lhme feet of solid al, and each has but moral. feet long, 'Ffth aloweolnl inbmarine,battery attached. .•. . • . DISPATCH FROM GENERAL GRANT fissault on the Bounsy's /Lines TITS REBELS BRIM INTO THEIR Hi TRENCHNINTS. - FortW' Lint of Cnennitios Vrisiurinotr, Tune 4, 1564. To Gm • Grant's headquarters yoateiday, ariijut received. En operations sinon.limanday. Yesterday, it 4tBo A. M. Grant Mid* an mann on the °nom?' linos, of, which he nukes the report'. -4 1C r ii es . iatilted 4.180 ili4 A. M., dosing the enemy within his Intim:La o:4 minn at ail and - eveiy point, but without gilioing any' VOW edientap. t a g Ws now occupy &position close to the ette ; e y, and in 'lonia placer. 01:44ftj yirdl , !Oar lois LS net sesesi,nor do I 'uprose the enemy lost heavily. We ,carensed over 300 pifsonersi mostly feorci.ilreekluildge." Mother &Balareport, -n , ot from Grant, minimills the loss and womsdsnltst Alcioi,g the Wet ite'l *shell, 36th Macs:min QoL Porter, Bth zaw York, bariy.intillay punt Col. Minis, 64# Nets Xorh. -Among;the younde4 ficirsl R. 0. Taylor, setlaitill, hihty , lote s loot._ -(Signed] • E, 2d. /humor of War. • SareiV•ltecarered -- liromiliti 7 41traill'a Molina 4i ibt... 41 ( 1 4(1n , of the Fits.. Cowllila orEerintaderßoi r (WO ) , (ane • — iit="ttidatitht,-I%,*(i, - iafia stela -to4syletitnenq trona- the*roolt;ot the nNal nautttlioat , battled Of Monad 4 7 1 10 One Of thentiftsksiutar Dann's, oontildned Sidle ,00' g ood 'isonditlon,, , eseept somewhat &thinned fro*water; en* oostsfithig (ands to tbs. mount; of ;terns' 'llunisend dollars filled 'to2preseree' , ltroontents; except the booss s which wean fated, iiitt(tho &peptic , of ttleonentei "Melt Mao loininrhat oberoid. Mahal Porto? attdinites the ad& of oon (Ispation to a stroke:of lightning. , Payniester _Boggs rotas Inn (dittos' con. &ton. .131Ould be none It Is fiend he will lose theme oflits;handi •-•- "MO War DOZOOlfrigi and,tließeltlntern ^ ' " Convention. Stoto Committii "•`P . POMMY - of ,Her Tort:pot at thi iitof Mita oftormlnrift tog :their or:formic* , for- ioinoadirgfins of Pngidentllncoltki adoptocf • Cal $0,411 Cllr Democrats to ully/Clltltlmortion Ziroorfib, to Ifopross on Um 'Union Correntlon the Jur. tioe,ospodlcier necoritv of - the hblia• nation of Danlil& Dloireaon folljos6Prod. done of the plus stator. r. tftsi6ll2ll:l4trut&bp , ran_ 01/ hiss dinisawieast :at-tiukkyli-grezmAmo, anoi4 #qui imshichi ad* 411 u 9 010$ 4 ,,1 4, 01 Nirir,Pi : 111 ;?!? kr, °l "? rig"' reusts,-**,v p im a Atm a ses , curthsftpf Itzetti."""Z puts thata.„3- 11.44.1= -• „ : I ,-, 1 ffS=E M=M .r . ~;*;:i;=-:;~t: CITY. STJB7JRBAN. Dx a t , . We continuo the , planation of. the fit of drafted men in the 23d Dieirte ; °aro 3ovduAß Tide townshiplime a adelemoy of ten, but before the drafting commenced received a credit of seven men, them redatibeiter gnats to furs, including the fifty per ce?t. Join, oftlehind - ' IBazonal Taykr • Thee Hamilton • Cormalui Smith AnthtraySalder . - Iffii2 Nicholas Slate • Erasion& Ikrnlager Peter Kanneai John Ilona & Jacob Dxitkor itabt Galb rd reath" Chu Ku Jawpl3 t3mlth John lkmgan FISI2OII Sumled W' WM= .074 Pater Zenttel watterß Mr Rabloa /air Man iicitert O Clark fManna, bort Mathias Sweva Thus Mutton- SebaldLa Wring Ina M B Bagman Juo Dodgers , gat uad tßewart Frauds Slater U==l IN 8 Hutchinson Eli 8 Gibson ElundSlBeddle4 • ' Wlllfam#fitsb Jim Interary Sylvester IdGford David Grant Jaroseritubet vElWlGO =Um Jounce= B ain Myers' Y . Coe Robert Blair Joseph Terwilliger J O Uerterey :.hart gims Jam 61Fan Joo Woaderly, MAZID3I T. Hlchael 1111/adden Jun DrOlattaiy 'Daminlo lirLaneditt =WWl 111X.A.DT'M B • JoepluKamerer . , • Ann PHolledmaglo • William Armstrong Kkbee &tyrant KlchaelOstalck • ! • Tateeltorrel Leinard Keller John Ilnedeboe Thorn L Themes Chorea Klass William Patton • 15 'W'WElllams Jahn Lstr , - Lavern:lm Kan Wm-Stewart John DIMS Valentina Myers Leonard Knurling Jana Geddes John Darla • . Derm Quinn Jacob E Kan Wm II D Ph 111414 Thomas Glenn Thomas Sackett Jam Drosmiltld Jamas M Drown " 50K 111 15+10. ‘rediiick if s holner reed "teary John t boo tarmatroag Ephraim Luber Jr MIMES . J McGatmelgly Jahn Killer TOza 514ter . . . . Jolmtl Jame. thorizion James ilhaungm U James fintablaso John Cunningham David Wartantur WiMain ?Doman Taasallarkar . Monad Grogan teit h Ett dCu. Rabat 11 %Ike, Entry F. Mile Garret Skinner This concludes the , -854 , 10Lter bating. The drafted peen in the canal enb-dhf aids of Allegheny minty win report at the ;Provost Marshals omee as, follows. when the ,Board will hear ill elaimelor extreptloni ' , VIM Ward et guroat Ass. !. 'Second Ward - 4nithslotli. r Third Ward on the 11th, 13th and 14th. 111,0tendleee township on the 14th. Ohio townahip on thorleth.' Raearve township ea the 30th and 16th. Staler toWashipen.tha leth. • ' Batter eormty will report at the tand Buse in tkativerengkof Balla u fol. Donegallownehipen the 20th. Jeffersin townsikip*eii the 20th. Winfield township on the 20th. , Clearfield township on the 20th. Samnatiownship,ort the 20th. Parkarlevmship ors thy 3ltt. . Allegheny townehlyka the2lst., • hitrisalawnettiven Venezia towt4lp'otrilit'2lll.' - Aratrtoingolisl oft ill'aTtod,and ,Places of Pe"TPWI9/ 1 bi.loTo ol : 2ll aadaeo papa. _ • . , „ . „ , Aivaireretrtriaide. ' ate hmtho tbietioit w~llopal the Ull3lOll department 14:11:1 flak; . . 1bar7.2.. 1 40 Monday; net, (an _which mow den' thcoolabinted . inislial:lablani . 'deer'nt Wale. -Ira performed the ilerman fingers” With*. and :Orchestra.) is now ;ready. and no on. looking over the ad mirable .Ilogilshr , 'monies; vstslon'hy.' Flom BiPlymptim,", now of the 'Ohichnati Ormatercior; and glancing at '.tha. descriptive Mkt, can-doubt that .the tableau w 11 again be as enthruissticallyntasived 'as lt was when grit performed in _our citt.iom. siz yams ago. There will be,* phasing- variety of ,mtislo, from the sorein and grand opening and timing Hymns; to inerlaitteßnis drink ing songs, the sweet and.ohirming, dailors' ihreoldoi saCther Wavle orthe'olt flatoltra m;•ind`.tho - ;,wholi. brit In a aturippropriate Emend CI chastral,,mnsio. 'Thom Who attend Wean- commit' not be Iroarlat mend:Mona repetitions; irldolt,'hbinvar 'grand and oat, are 124t149•*01V. littricstAW kik do no snit thit4itom 'GI as mere program!". of the 'art. ' ...dart , haw bsett 'apitred.j. Make thu imtirtalnment'secoessfel; and front nrreatitiodhatloosAbara will be.st Argo and M ,bly ispprichtire andimum., • ..', • innertnittattni boater:. The pnbilo toJettrer that Peel. Wiunenturs -Grad ?nail- and Ultra• stritsfeonotirtWdoetniiiTeineitlridass dsy evening, the dile lig, at thilAndlinee Ha, Allegheny City, for the^ bonedt ot, the 13snitsry Fain , • kitcde of the private bolac that It: w It will be one of the flout of the 'erten of soncerts given doing the thee of 'the' Yak: The phonies lreas orstudlsey 114•A11134 . 11111, ding with that rid_woolzlott , rateli to be ant. ith. - Ths Soke s ..Tri and :Quartweet are porton:is& by ladles Stitt •front sininetho - bat anon talent in tilt: - Di eow 3ppaclosNse—floss: Gobstii Adam .died a; masses-in Lewitt fit. Chia tone's'', this mornlog t it the small.% fifth part of Thp , a highly *Wised and; hatrerbil' althea sod kepis a Lige ofrolo.of M orh onett* esatats oschori. Hs Piss wall • Moir: ihronghisst the -Oodatry as one of thsthssoototo-JOges of, the Coati of COAMIM' Plass' sod Misstep 801110/114 a position to which: hernia .tested hills follow citisens:l3lBl2, and which ha fathhsny'llileft for ii tirsa drops yodri. The soooonopment .pf his thlisrsl found anSfig.olll4loi, loattdaoh jatta of C'EaßlZ:abaaat for sireraliratkitatbadtai thfl'Onoilillkokr aaati is a dalagata,Ao that hed7, Will h' to tilt! alawebt'oarale Of ;IltialtiaialiEsi 'treats, togaorroit'aittn2l# 0,; . 111:14,' tliaits•tral *wire tff • _ tau opp• arata .14nnentageoW Morn% sumbri444 Mit stifspikid. ra l trartrqtro n At i rtur= Ate. Iwo bon toiraa Ladsidhfogaoq fa tibiratiro disftt oil ISOLA-% 1• , e1m4"1 4 -x-1. 7 7.4^, „_ _ „.,,,,,,...: T„,• ~ PFITSBURGIk: MONDAY , ', MORNING, JUNE'•• 6, 1864. • prtcgs.to the Fair.l I The : following etre the pzka , for tio*ets to the Sealtery.Pair: - • ! • Tone Bazaar.. ' Picture; Ofd " ulffecharda . ; " Monftor .21 . ...AS 7 , Or five of the above - fora 00,„ TG illy Moral "- " Dinitig trall:-.........—..a.-60 r . IVICITICO LWIMITACIII3IIII AT akiorteatrc. - Monday, 6th Jusie-Mearasstrandl o. do666 : -.VI 0 Tosiday. 7th .70no-Grand Javettlle eet:ty- . 60: Wednesday. 6th Jams-Prot ' means {. . 581 cairn*. LIOSIMIIO. Blaren Goepfert Monday, ath Juoo-41 ono/tots ISO Friday, lath Jura.— " ' - 50 Estnrasy, 11th Joao—Oratorio of the Mestlool 90 Bee advertisememt. The Sayer Ham Tie competition for the Yirerrion'a here at She Bair was laity' smiting the Wend. and admirers or. the 'differentOempii: ides were working-:enorgetioaElp Ati ;ma and nine o'clock the vote etoodal.follower 8 Velock. 114'41gek. ........ . . ll3 UO 51: Dal v 50 ' 44 'l[l 4 ll 'T rei ' 4 l-07 4 . ; ra ekee Grent,Anenteny. 1 4 Jotinl.o JELrgliarsL r Etirard Zalll,p,rfy Jobn Past' TOW.. • Pater Gaary • Abair - Kobe , HatarmaDaapa Alfred YYDoraild I Yatzlek Geary Gabrial•Tfeff WWI= Leach - • lama EtoterGod. John Iklaoff iseold ToduoltOr Milos Gold Total nambei of yaks Ur Corazin'a tscluisi.—Coronor Brillni held =lnquest cm Thursday eh flue body.iflfieli. ohs Dspbler„ a little boy aged four yeark, who was drowned in the Allegheny river': Dan Duquesne borough. The deceased, iiedny pany with a number of other small, bo solis playing on a raft, when he lost his and fell tato the river. Tke alarm wail promptly given, but beforehe ;imbibe • mad keJeas dead.'. The. fury randeredir • ; t of •Pacoidental drowning.” • Michael Ihromy Francis Belle Jai O'Donnell Ina Nyack. John ifm Peter fllsyta Plea' Iktleartz. E=1223 Mrtansnotis Assarrian Viands eve ning, ' about nine o'clock, as ..Kr.sfillkon Johnston was passing along Bldg* street; Al lea heny. he eras smutted by a =sty inlaid David York and Co wanly. InjtuadAlust life Is &Elmira/ of. Ford yu arrested and committed to jail this morning, byt llfayor Alexander, to await the :exult of Et. iTohn ston'a injWiCS. I Geo Dodson I Goo II Slaw Iwo Ituntor Joafah Miro !John Itegba I.lolm WILog Eklund Kay Hobert Irwin Francis Il'Ehiree renew!' Elifilard WOMODID PLOWISTLTAIIAM—ha following WO find in a list of additionaltroanded,ilately arrived at Washington : Peter Gets, 4th Car John A. Robinson, G. 63d ; Beret John M. Thompson, G, .63d; Geo. Montgomery, GI, 100th; John I Moans, F, 105th; Tholnu Grwat„ A, 100th} Geo. W. MoFariegd, A, 100th. Adam 0 %Moo . kilehael'll. Jamul T.Elloatt Jampli Grim OWSUIT. • Hugh Hay ulexuater•Husxd.l Draw a WAsguaroz HornArs.--Tho followilog are among the deaths reported is Workington horoltals: Corp. Mom 11 63d; 4,10ut.d. B. Cook, 140Ib; Corp. :lamb Banker, - 14.2 d; Noblo G. Allow, 1,-139thr Sprat. J. It. Citi77,D, 116th. I=l Jacob .rinnernootb Mama Longbottoto Dr J N James As invirntlan bu recrontly bean pstostid ln Now York by whlob a correct Warn et fans radioed ears tan tbe sensed. It Is bed to la a neat aad simple contrivsnea uta !==l • nthoty Garner Walla*, Oat'& John Oonuall Ilmathy Csigy George Hydrich Atha Eriebtrgar W Weary Dribani William Collins Stephen Cray Poem Moreleaditelegraok operator, had hie pocket picked at :tbe Fait loot night, Ms pocket book eontalao4 $4.0. The 176,000,000 Loan. Wastrocrros, June 3.—ln order to ensure the gresteot possible vigor to the operations of our armies now moving against thelairdr gents ender brave and skillful Generals upon a vast theatre of operations, the expel:di taros have been it:tenoned beyond the recelpte from the revenue and ordinary' anbeeriptions to the National loan, therefore the Secretary of the Titulary bas advertised that, elated offers will be received at thaDepartment under theme of March 3,1603, untilcoon of Thurs day, June 18;1869, for bands of the Molted States to the amount of s7,6,figmeo, bearing an annual interest of ale per cont., payable semi-annually to coin on the firstdayi of July and January of each year, and redeemable after the 30th of June, 1831. It Is reunited that each offer must be $5O or $l,OOO, orsome multiple of one hundred, and must state the rum offered for each $lOO in bonds crier $5OO. When offered for no. mow than lire lorradred dolighs, two per cent. of the principal, (then ding premium,) offal* whole amount offered; which must be deposited with the Treason of the United States at Washington; or with the Assistant Treasurer at New Tork, Boston, Philadelphia or St. Louis, or with the desig nated depositaries at Baltimore, Pittsburgh; Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago, Detroit and Buffalo, or with any National Banking Asso ciation authorized to receive deposits and which may content to transact the buziness without charge. Certificates in thigeatis of deposits will be lisood to depositors by the officer or association reoeiving thorn. Origin els must be forwarded with offers to the :De part:nut. All deposits should be made in time to roach Washington not later than the morning of June 18th. No offer. not accompanied by Its pioper certilicatos of deposit will be considered. Coupon registered bonds issued will be of the denominations of $5O, $lOO, ,$5OO, andsl,ooo. Registered bond, of $5,000 and $lO,llOO will also be issued. • John Z Oliver Robtri Zlnya John A tarly John A OrMa David. Shea Airy !Camel Wally John Ilrekart •. . • hroaramiatr. Leonard fait David l. Stewart William Groan Jaeobrlantrar Toy Samna Cowan Wallace Vistason Traby Jamas - Moak A El Hammer Jodi& Complosp L- Jcsoph Moody IlanznalOaimpball Jacob atrial! Merldina Laird Philip Wayabras Robert Inserter llama" Frits Atm? McOslo David emit, Jacob ljawk John Oaltsabot Sawn! blOcrogor EliMiiii Western Wool Growing and Mande- Bir;Otinnsiii, of lowa, in a good speech on de WSW last Thirds, la Congress,called thiWest to Mingside bysido Wilmot-grower and - the wool manufaciscrer. U.. startled soma.WeW England inert by thisititement that the Weld already had 479 wcolen ;stills to 453 IA the lisst and he predicted that the cloth menuiseturiisg empire would be bi the'lfppar Mititsstppl Valley. Be okayed that France, with* damn pop ulation than ours, kept. sight milliont mem sheep pyip; irs; pronounced • the American J6Kno' de best ,cloth-maklag deep la th e world,andealled ea his Western countrymen to'establish — and Fund smagrioniturel polity that shoidd enrich the aunt while cloUdng the world, instead of wearing out the sell tyres ing wheat to feed the world. "Nlosoluottnrurpraltunrorre—A Wish ingtonr, dispatch says: Adjutant General 'Thome will be in Kentucky next" eek, and two slaws 'eagles will lake an p femme', klgh flight, 'sad thin the slam of Nen tacky".lll be gathered la by this great, ro t/MESS -with a rakt - that will not lawn a carnet, unvisited. The epoch of pro•slavary billow, border State strealr„ ittilitarysitoe driving, lent anon& - ; •• • The aegroes of .Stattnneava Rot to Bala fair the Union. General, homes goes down with plenary poWers,and ea la his pocket, to 'put with, the organisation of, three regd. mats, the newel of qualided officere-Who bare passed Casey's board. Sixteen regiments of -*camel* , blacks will swell oar ranks inn few'weeks. ; 8 reepoetable young girls' hare .re. *Ay - .disappeared mysterioaelj..frote , ths vastest' pirt of floW York, sad the *rest of eryftag woman-at Utica has dia. te:mtry of an organized satiety to kidnap auk sad send them to Nsw York. A mit t= l'aoastittalan" of the satiety., which was Earned the "linights of the Soorst Circle," was found upon ter, algarrby.tweaty.fatir parlous irk eoatateing a list of ale* yang edo mazkod.atit far abdaotion, tat Latta: , Do. Ug allof hishly rm.:table oozasa .atioas.. . ZEti Je tree captured by Prank Towin g otihe lidainedereanteentli. Zs took the rebid by theeollas and Olt him he tru hts lationerorhen Tphaeton replied' that he ehould not earrende to any one bat the crom t °tender of the force. Hie captor "Don't know anything about that'i-7 0,1 can't . gete(way fbom me!"—and be toot him to that, Haneook. • . Bon light•footisd and .light*logored thief aitind Bocntaryeltue's Mush ou...2nifloy nlgbl p *Ad fond - Ili way f 0 Mr. Oltuo's bad elonboto and toothh goldwitelind pobkot - book; containing ab9at.fslo. onnoido.lnosr ups twithoni - dlstarbing ..tha teenstary, whir • Pads or Egypt tuulositi.tiagitir mott Eton, who wu betrothed tOWno of WilhOuou ald•do-oampo,. &nacho dostb the illooroy wot: loft - _bis residence 'it Mao, And realm so 050.,_ Stscanris,-The atteedract at the nit tO-litty it.;iory • lotgo. , - The total roollpte k ttp to tut,. o'otook flottir day) =mat to $178,221015, - : , , Tat Cabot (t Almon latelw fad iffeati-Ais :Intik in Gaz e r .a to 414 9 1 .an 4 dig Sk. dos • • 7011 0,41' t ifliaa (412 4 6, .. um 1ite spinr.witEl44o-4141-. zr, ;R44 &a* lb r ir , • ,-"' „ ~-1114,- G amlAWkimritaktuiriplionft ad - 0 0m imikiikligunfAilmelisrat' Xxitteat Haruki of 'Wednesday tut, itencauteee the =tut et Belle r troydis eat oltj i . • 4 4,- - ' • - ..,--,--::-... ,- ' 4 ; • ,- _ • ...,...,..,-,' ~- -,--- , ..1----:?-~r , = --„---,,-,,:,--,.. ,-,...,...- s .--, *'- ---7 -,' - -57- " -- -`l-1"`""v'- rf...r - 11'r . " .-7.7-777-1- :?'" -I ''''''''' 7 ": r 7 ---'• --- ~.''- -----;'' - J . --.-, ,--,b , .* ~ .• - ' •,,-. „--,:-- -, -y ~,... ~ '' ' --- f - t - ~.. r -- , - ' 7 4- ~.. „..... --,-,- .. '--,•-; •-. '.,:: , -,-; -- -ti•-••;• - ; \,:, - • ..?..":1-"... .-• '..., :-. -.4 7 - 77 7 --; : 7 7 -z 7777 - 7 j :7 -- f--, - 7 11 6% . '---. '--'''' .;.--''') 4:: '...- ' :-1 '' ; 1 -,- ' ' ' 1 ' '' --4.'S : '',, - _ ' s ' - . ' '' :-6 : ‘ A -' . : ' ' 1 I I - ''. . -- ''s - ':: 2 1 ''';', - - •' ' i t - 111 ' i ' ' —...--''''. ..1 ....".''."....."' ; ''."---.'...*'"..*. 7: -. ; ".*- 7, - 7: . ~. , . , ..•. .... _ . . , .._._..- . - .-,-., ..; ~.2. - 1 •!.. ~...,..---- ~ .... ~ 1..., _....4 - 1. ..-;,..,•-• .:-.i.--L •,_ - • - ..• :,---- .- ' s'. 1.k.:, 4 .; , ` t•-•. - -%,., -;..) " - - - -'_l • 11- . ~, ~ , ,,e ~..,. --, , [ -- '.- -.`' •-'• " - ' , '•.. :- ... z. , .. - - 411 ' ' '-' '' :,•" , -- _ ~_,,_;"_ -. . ' ' ~ 4 ' . '.:-. ' i : -- ,1 i„; i t 0.-•1 _ ___ _ _ , ITsBuRGH • i ~ ....,i, • JIMURE.WEAVN. GRAND CON9ERI OFMEGI OY THE 23LTICIAL DEPAUTIIEr SANITARY FAIR, ON MONDAY wrpxT,Warie. Gth, at AUDIENCE HALL. fly the 'CI:Med thrman eistre. FROHSINii, EILTIALTSIGTIATI STAGERS , SOCIETY, Firb the 00-operatlop of Er. George Tamp& '.';GREAT WESTERN ORCHESTRA, sad the English and Get= Theatre Orrlnteta, Witt Wow Proftwdonal Nuerlaw, who au bawl tendokull their serrlcoo wratolloraa?. win be performed tbilbeentifal make' tableaus "o.r TILE EILISKORE," (AK DINES)I3 STRANDS ) lir 71: 1 017B . 01 , , i0 0 P'..1i111.1501,N. • Adel.ofon:One Dollar, Text Do* ba)btallth sad. Goma-Tea Cana."• Tio/rpto to -be Lad at abut Ilintls sad Book' Irtbresi and at the Offloo of the Yitr., , • Gealbszooa ars raqaboted tb proem= tholrblokets Won the opcalos cattle Oaucorr to veld &Um bad mamba. Cotomencemtar, Bp. m. 43,2 t jr_PO M P. BEREFT! ' OP SANITARY "Iv' BRIWS MAT SHOW, TON 14E101 EXCELSIOR, °MOUS ooximm, Tram Deft:dors and Viallaitoa, Walt -ea WI LIOX LOT, Pittsburgh) JUNE eta, 'mi. stn. Ott, 10th. litt, Clotozookeing o MOND/a .6.17811H0011, et IPA o'clock, be th• Dolma* of THE SANITARY FAIR, rho llfew of the Otty of Pittsburgh:a act asTraw am, who will has that thistuardeo oteatrod WWI bin towed to the nand, beatltt of Ms truly chaff tatdo impala ' I The proprietor hoe the plossare to .noon,. that the ixeutlor Conadttos, of whets Ms Hobos Nam .Lowey Is at the lunsd , baihoeoptsd his ollbrid offer to his twatribetlos, d aring the Wert week:. be tiwrofewn append* to the pubdetto old him la Hader ine thstcontrlostetoo se Lupo sw powdblob Troupe Is a:unposed of the findlowbnit uszafd artiste: LODISIi TOMINAIRR, the AQUA Snack :.Itqtteettiena• and Bareback Btder, whose veriralliel perfermanam bare lA:WM theyorid, has me eqvial in her extremely milmsdid and truly chemical ir..co VI URAL& sfl appear Is single and doable acts of equestrianism. Mad. LA PRAIA, • Boer IO Pgneetriezmi. JAMES WARD, thole:n*lmin thick Glows. Mobs. ROWELL.; Um kit Gynumt in the world. RIC NAYLOR, nnpU et J North, LOUIS zeNratrre, • .I . OIIN -NAYLOR, the Tumbler anti A ti hr t or n wi l a n oLD th. the man of let Ag: . WAL BRIM, in Ids gracercl d Rfat ivertixemant.knoln tkik.rmetch beware Ls Perthe." TOM - BIND , whoa unto Ii talent in the preicesiont • docurcetrate hit great "Datctile Ares" at a vaulter, iticildgie or delitail Set Optlf , Waal* heal peer. • • • TIMOR 110118118, • ' Ala-P s. oles of adoxfulro, Eitorood mop; Oant qua, AND MB9. KLEBEIrIi GRAND V).NCERT, AMMO BENEFIT OFTRE SANITARY COMMISSION, WILL SAES PLAOM ON Tuesday Evening, June 14th, AT OONOERT HALL. dele of Gaeta eat mewed war to ocmannee oe gektardry, Jane 11, as the i ll de awn Sleltete di Deo, sign of t Golden et% He. IU Wood kw dooneabano NORM' POSTPONED. it te deemed eziedleat by the 3v:entire; tiontostt, tee and the indeed/mod to postpone the Concert ■aaaeed by lie. and Yrs. Eli ILLYMIII to Tuesday Evening, June I4th, When It will take plate at CIONOICELT HALL. Filth ne. Plat.roll. - .lllllBllt,lire. BMOVAL • • • • Ws tits plusses W talsicSisg bbe pUblld Ittst not tconia Lb s i (up ea e4giatedious Dotie• • Wo. U Eassexpe 'Brags, T. man wow, Whereon bars but rooofrod fiatn OW:ism:44oml of Wll. ff. DRADIMILY nod 80110 kt &CUR OD., • now lot of SUP=OI3IIA2IOII. Also, smwkonk I onOrtooso of aItITII3 celebrated lionnontOnwo ma. Wools sad Modest omits Tho suporkrit y of the OF I A.I . If PIANO 111 nod, combliaboa. tay_of now no now • butrooneut - how , 00tned sr rsyLWln popodoritY or Hatred so may. ponaboos watts the noes of two Tana . as as th. pow soda, foil lron Atoms; ornocronag•noso sad Vouch 0115.1 notion Pins Foto, cosnohotarod by W BRADBUIVW. and Sheaskor auo's Pianos baring boon oolong Vol farawsbly known la obis and oar exadzbos need co author onaminal. Ali guru toot for preyeats, . . •1 -WMCIE4I*-4,1047114 scaitielistA vingfarga.sia westaitati., . . No. ti gr. aurtrasioni.e. Good second nalia pumps ior se. Ttcani Instruct dosio Tcreantly sop i LVIM ilal For Sale Cheap, Vb. suborner has cm hind a bealittfig tad riata• BAZELTIIM- PIALNO, !Mei' ban latttitly Ji ttin tbo fornitimi, wlll gSq .rasa :theui K ABE'S UNRIVALLED Vii . : :• ' P , 1.Azkr08..... •f _' , I . ciaascoptizet ex sad ruin Varies, from thiceobratod too=7 of Inaba a Co., km lost b=lrod—iumis 111 rkhl7 caned MP., Theo ratan foAt warriated tor, olobt 'carp, sad ono by .boot . :Wims'pzonotmeatt azuirollott." -- A 041 to forpoofolly solkltsd Wan* otrchosioli. irtumLi 0/14.13L0T111 BLINKOSa loont. Pi I N • 131EDL.111; No. 181 131irtanzt,Rer" irmitoninicaryte% kuunau.sothneticot Nsw *rat", loivitos, EMMA, tiwirblth vial" for 12. ! ~:.:477011-JrEl7/0.',:;;;;-:,.j. JAh 'LAZ:141314,-. - us trcamitliittli'd"s, to. ::' AnuAlk - is asb -187-:,,,;vami*, 3 1 1474tAt GAZZAAIS 1 - . Aztf 4 -4 , ,-. 4.* LAW °lnriCrEr. Ac 4 ITIAM. ,114 1 1. Nft:ee oRAwr, ffra ster.s. ""histhgftrotgeasinst , weissimemkttre.Dra, LORELEY, TEUTONIA POD =I WIEK. MAYSGE VOUSTi. 01011fClIVIZIKU ALBlndat • Card Photexcaptut. Annuals. Card Photographs. E i ch 7 )ce.taitOeks .I.ooket Albtutiat. - ,roelcat Hooke. Peolcet Album's. ' • FLAGS ! FLAGS ! Late nooks. .Late:1511111V1.13111.08. .papa Of rirgintatt Georgia. ISTAIICrWEBYI lITATIONIMI at PITTO C X'S, 71 AND CO 111113 STZE67. Jet ETIBRIBII, /met.) Rump FROM CITY- ' LIFE` . , TEN AcaEs ENcluan I - A znAcrnmitp44rtnroTna MILLION, lhovlag h‘ttit Batill hint eW be cuct. to ihirpeti I very 11138Am/Iy. With tall sad granule Warm- Cots as to the berg hoods of cultivating the smeller rrettrisath as STRAWMIRIMS.IIIIIIPHEILUDY4 _ A:bb, iibb; -ploth.fl td. "hid itehca n:eipto!-pike, by BAIT'S, CLABEE erGO., Jellat ihtekeellers, ettWeed street: ELIBIM. NOW 033LPLICTE,IN TWO VOIR - . • NWT 111TEBEITTECI - Wolls. TEEM HOOK Op` • Macellany of Popular Antiquity, 1.1 eounsollini with Um Caliendo:, tholublug apolodoto, Mstory ea d g L r tS a • i p HumNh k c b o wih.MMVI MOrgot tattod by B. Cloupara. Prke • a o = y ef . Tor aaJoby • • Mil Ze lud • , 15.5 Wood. aired.. b i pW 1300103 NEW BOOKS! -- 8188 iusaynoontsa'OrlVlDATlollool.ll —Lkloirrsphy of Ikart. Woes cod Wm. row, By lohn.O. Power. 1 voL,* PH°. $1 OD. A. I Mamal. Oa =Tam= nititc:. rouniud on the Anatomy of Qs parto,llmorrodb the oprostion• the kinds wad Mime coottrwottoa of lostrowtonlkOz. 1 vol. Mao: • DARENG arAvzs AND Io un SIIVIM E Holm. .4 MISCIToi-ito* . „Ey ASCU. Partial. k !llVAlrepAy oftlio Jotter work justroaolni. 7,14 AW, pi rough amt. -frrottii o infelE - og ceiND - 5 - 16 xi. Rn= - - • 1 Wu Dipaimitirt,.o.mxii• Mitzi; I 4 • , , Oft* of OblalAtiutemaster; . . • ,24 - o.:April 23tb, I. , Will ii.iolVarto alictJa4 to Lb . blgbat 1- , de, it lb. tlmediaad places word Pam vlf : ' • Simport, Alin)* Tbared4., My Oth; • -.‘ .. .' GettyibaG PLUM; 2 ffondsT.UP4 9114,- , • • 'Altzoaa. - Petda. Tbanl47 XV -MN: ' iltaln:Pallpi; ThlasclaNUAti l tith i i - - - -- B l •4tht, PdUnar .11 "0 111 7s rtill7• 2, ItiLeotthu aned:, rep% tiberuma ukt th J.guks 2 41, '-, ' • . r m 0 - - - ",ISermatan..Posata. Mummy. Jinn CM InaMl •--- . . ..Ar ' l'lLOW4llm.roday. Jan =4 ',.,. '• . • . Ow 'Madre& IW)lA4rses it ilittysbarg, 7 sad. tiro hard. _ t " Vb s o l e= g an i 3 g :1 I° 4. P M 1t%1. 41. •fai 11.11amrpoll i. ia• csair minim at the llNti4 eta* Amy. .... - . ...Faroe and ' rep:ded mom good.bingion two b•glit um A.; and outline daily tin atial• . . laptton;::, AI WOOD maim- Tat" tyt bASEIA "'tilted ages ry JAMES A. Z CoLiattO•Q; /I:llMatr, :SP 2 litteael t TM' I FED EIGHTif WARD 11110P -1.1112T.-ft .1616n11.T.BVISLYGI, hunk, a'aloakortli be. WO, in Vito ,Cenaneolat Salim Hootos,ltevai Inn and • r. • .11ut tiontrOginonni and tor Mato an teThat 01rettaittelba0.11-Itiostsilrilat Mann' veld, vard.ns or ttonrna 7n Paton Magee Week aad enteading along Gibbon Meat an the arbaratrog sestet la tbreeirton Dank tuning.latltta base 'Aunt lattchea,bming oateda,bakernego, bp:nut. Ilro4antt nag =atlas at 65 gatnioatt.:l4ueglon Sato—On&tlittd:caeli; ieedigg iul , &Int ro& ailla natarettosaurnl i tMland. lanolin& • • VALtr_AMaiSTOCIKS AT AMMON —otermaDmr-iniairnwrait• Ith.r st t -adoNt , lmaa nog Pzurewao 1,25.N014t staisti, - Melo= Mercbaate & Vaaullietanatanal ., "10: 'do ;NurekslusuaismCb• Stock- - ';'"4 , do - WarterzihmzeineeCo.; - APACtier4 . l l NPOalt:<': , Asat kretop/buitvr: IV* 14-11ttibtailitsftftwvargal,Onr„,,, 10..744 -%.9..ragigrAnta.llll4lolV' BOORS. ALBUM, cc r ATS PUBLICATIONS, AT HENRY KUPER'S. GILIC6I Eare.6RT By the author et "Ile Leath .rrkS Claibb P CO. Bona Storkkirith. bisement - line attic. 1314 Du Marra, ghillie - of "14.7 Palm at. da- I wood," “Dredmallb,^4tit„ CactllB - elPitdetad - Eq - argecol. asp s. !ITU Ann Starter aril 6.1 i altuktuftiL4ftigopy tilaullst a truth flctStna—foltage or s taici thautli.Ext s treak of fat. The -- Duieaßent am! Attic era naittra TNOWeI Diy at at b• m enace in atteilari. Tho 'Account a courage t. fa of qulst Lnmor, 49.., sad Os lade &mat book ooramettds Welt." TWO NSW BOOMS. DrPOll3l.O. =MORA 131T/IBLIEG tiLOOBll. Jiyaatl Utundtasysilblis of "C•tiatti.Ltilsig,'!-ala. 1 'id., SIOSii briniad baba% rid addigid ' Castad.—Tbs Owltr sad the Wins Tiloisi Thinp; °Mimes; Mara Mattes ; • Viewtrida t Fowl Prom kissilles; Tits tool at you Lon; Coatawressies; dandisaoalsi God's WO; TM Lot of Clatd .Th.gt; Malls without Knowledes; - • TIM MAINS WOOll9. 137 EGnry v. 'Daum an ther of "Walden," do. 1 voLidoto. cloth, 1121. Chaikato—ltifola I Ckew¢oook:a^lla Anasell waf a& Nora t is.. saw. sow. DABSBUSB Jr..eplardld sir Book by Mn. Mary 3, Mims, whom itizollout ;AMU ors sonht otter sad roof throughout ti - land with nth nolighk...lkhagen...tly printed nag Usual in eloth,Wsliornk with ler other impala works: Fri* gt ouch. Lima 11from. . , 'lalapcot lhmildago. . Pleads, Itrosk. Speigh OrzakaaL. Hemosteedm the 11111.1sts. Dora bases.; Comte !Sande. • Civics of thoilmin books malkeltne of pcelme ala notlpi of pries HOMY MIRA% T 1 and Ta 111 Th Y.. mat 0.3 r to P. 0 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, a large as L. so/tiara; latest Mk., at lowst plea; AT HTI,NT,B. ALBIIII P1CT112.12%. al - kinds, from ES cash a dour epwarb, AT HIINT,I3. • . Atia'd 'BFXI3I.IrUL ALTIIIII CARDS, 111 b Wor., at plbllshcre - pile.; • AT HUNT'S WAR MAPS, 'Arlen* kinds, AT IFIUNrs. All the HAW 800 EA • AT AUNT'S Alkne lac. MIDIS AND NAGAZINIE, AT HU D 9 s eisiontimr, all kinds, E3rEEII3 Wholesale and Bataß Bonk, Stationery, tEaraline sad Hasupsraz S'opmf am, /4 'Sa to'sirra Br. , 11180810 rEspz INE.L.t,v4.zAtz.uIAMI - . - 4 Qt L. f . kiti =VII -NO rid/. 'FOR . AL'ir.te"-FOs Wit SALEt-CILEAPI HO itd l& Mantle onporitudgr fa •nowaßordnd_ aa sons goitrous ot iprottirfng- they 'and cant!' home.. not properts *LIT 4W:d n a. pulthamors t at Do TUN Buil tos ding Lora and id he sold faWod goaatltior to writ hit pricer a terms nh hußbr taeS et Moe vbo yard a able horn. The ground it pleasant], sad =i• - • tally rittrated at thn frit station na tha - L - Nanenb, ranlwltailtroad,adlobaing Floroodarrldroon.Lcv *O7 line.) is Can - view of auroral aglendid inandons to costly emoted, In s rapidly UngnorimirnalfghbOr• hood, core talng Dos adrantagta Of both: city. and entity..: Fortactlitlta orfatarcroirso with thole wards of the city, It In not surpatial balmy propatt7 is the ritinity. at Chil .Mme dirsance.. property onforn Itrorur indacroartto to ammo e alma! stabs Oster Hopei of thin Putina.ll.ll., In the ,faanntootoriefi orAfothSnittbE PULlmid• Tor" rather Infonnattca min to MIQUaTIDI 1:10Z9B1,13, at the German Trost Cu., - earner al Wood and Bath mutate, or of hit rald41011:14134, Lainencarllin ; or to Dr. WP.A.I4; 139 Webrtor Birth ward. • sardlth Foil 119 LE. A PAW OF 61 AdIES t , • - ozwhicii Is at:cet.o tea rooms, vith rrams issrtat Etostripp buy ham Bart. a . v.:4 ,m4rd, std.: .10 yeo inland. sad only SITs miles fro= thercitr: • Tor part.tcsars eon or a,l,!lixe , 1 I, 1. MIA CO., min - • I,w yotnisu mu*. EVE MLR—That beautiful silo for a rkrantry Peat, actuate on thaPeatnlll. Plant ths rahlenseellfselintank, rattaT "P.M . OIIII.ILLIVE7,OIa.' This It one of tits roar dellmbla La ln iletalty of either city, twins sithln 'hart walking datum of the Baspansion Bhip,! There am a namber of Ana foiston•ths smarty, and '• =mbar of choice ftnit and onts. mental tom sit out. ' - *- • no whole propaft, will Pa w./4 " etlvklett tato tots. Tams aany. Aldo ladlepolblo.! • • For farther, particalan logairo of CeStO. F. 183 . Wood abed, Pettabtutti. FOR BALE. 41.1311X21118 EXSIDMIIII, Easy Of mom 17 railway, or short from Al, legheny Qty. caltable fora pormuitrat booze for Wakes tan, is offered . 'I - • • . role SALE, with [momllats p9.wUlila. Comfortable direiling, good Guttman, ard Dm. proved gretoulr. Apply to B. 8..E1111Y4#, Brokor and laasulace Agent, . ..• my.SCr 59 Toartta rt., Barbi', Balding. VOll SALE—A farm - of 'llB acre, is 1 1 : 13 t. Chir to.nuldP. Wintsuorelond tiOnoty, Pt Alsaot Parra of lltiecno to Illtenboth. townsigp. 11:471or7tWasto ry Brick ßoas. and tho Beroagh of West inistbell • • Also, a thick nauseant Lotto Entabeth borne, &too, ate Lots Waning MS - boron& of nicllnea p, to • • Potty's plan, Not. 6t 67, 66, 6t sal CO. Alm, a yelp isinahla wont . oLOcal Land. in Pool thy B, oa the ninumnlatals, , /or psnieulars fraqatre at Ito, 164 Ponath street, lit IL TOWEL Baal Batas Agent.• U • ON?. BALE—STEAM .SAW MILL 1,31 - OIL lOrlllllVrt.Tlio cnahalt 'or whole of an OU Berhaely and LW = Saar bill, TM .n and onr.half scree ?f ground; an atandincenl cold ea the Int—nanscpen and being worked. Streak an the Allegheny Shur and A. Y.: R. 8., la filleted tor ski. Tne Dennery la caw and of modernitrulld. the Is in aplandld order, and la meld attic gad haring a creek :tinning tract U, Yo{ Ball`o 'War k O1107 1 3rO64}: at2tl Ito. Se nand Vaiot.Plttabarg,h, Pa., • ITALUABLE. BMW' PROPRIITY von aezz, situated aa.tho Itonangabile Maar, shout nest Lock, baring • bent on u 1 *tore r/Ihe and extending tack to ,I3rallack West, allatatar tha Oninaseills BaSltosd, con' tables 4 sem andl7 perches. TlM:ban admttr bb loandeti 03r banabetorlag pczloaca hating the, chart n tit front and •putil M eie rats, and listrlUll,l23d bn t3 ildlaga et thereon emit& ha terms, Woply to NASTI2.2IInd ad tSIM= on the proteins, a lt o W : 0. A 111211111114.13111, S p a, 112 Inse3ond west, pitoburzt,' _ FOR BALE.;-TALIWEL.F 4 ,43,E.L ES. TATE.,—Tsro Lots corner of Osittre Snit= And Fibs strati; 40 Let 1 boars trout toy lib feet deep., One Loin Poolosybreats atentoo,'26lbot }tout by 100 font deep, rostolog.back to is OD ibot . . • Ott• piece of gtoltpdcorner of Cbortotto onorosbos offsets, ill the star of, P. is FL L. ELL V. poirot, coobsining tiventy_lota,Fo by 100 feet. • "• • • •T••••fAt drsinago lOU to FatltTts., h Imo= " &z Of thaw 'tulle abal,f,.baslagsalset of lb:1 fess= Crate •streat c001'240 lif.i.astob tout k bo Silicate strestkon *bleb is meted ls smelt brisna , for Fart.---- Z. D. Dirll2lr.6t Allot Fort Pig Glol.osWort,. Wialitotton e. UDR SALE—Ana now Btearq4ne, 19 Inch eilladar, SO belt 119 ate, 999 ,T9 4% 9 ! bed; banes nays_ gymnor 09919 Inch Winder. 8) bah Enke, secoalltaa, can via bet as zood ea tom One tneb alMdm.,lo inch dray, nay. Two Oillsoloriloose, 64 fn. aim., 60 not long. Throe " 60 " •"f • Two Wranghi Iron Oil SUM, Abe. nano Ws (likn Toole, tor OH Went. Map for cub. /aggro of U. N. HOLZ. Allegheny Utter Bank, near the Point pa BALL O MOICEIL BITUA'ZION. - - Dolmas of rellimulahlag my praetfee, I offer My altnatfoo , far. ob. small Immo, oatbsildlom• alum Goats of lba4 arlf• limit Meet sod other ira• prommaint• It la • good opentog fbr • amnpatrai physlatui 'rinks small MIMI, sad away swans. InqraraMf thesalmailii, &amTalley. Lamm* rormyea.... . A. P. DIIT(Ina, Xi D. - pox alual.—s2sooL radii/10;4 - i J Tam Mow tittyk , meacrieoradar a gobd Mate at caltrizttam melt watered with steep emil =dal pod fame, Mutate about three sad hattadm tmai Weetmotalhad coasty,Lon the PDS*: 'delptda P ore aMM team the Pahl. *One& The WS:tants sae tirattax7 Mick Umse, Pram Byline Someam end goal .mshard ARV theEtel TatatthAlammaceafaceat, Fas_sera-es Ablatbvoil works, ag Crudo'Petralinam . - • In Prime ardor; kabala:AßT of alpricta u sher, nos long in •ois; awl ittll contain itoma Ilielarrol: oath. I Application my no cads nailuntr , Yrmatroae lb.arthe ufnoo in.Pittaboxith. • b JonnsTog a voi.g.*fi.. FOR' ;:ItiODERN btLilt lane sterty bildrhatuss, situate of Eo9p =ZVI batmen filth sad Sigh stresta:reattitr Ing tau roams, id* gad-tabs and rialibed :gar , ret..Tbe bt las • trout of SS reet Ou Ron attesUrult. sing bteltlo het to a ittgat Tbahosas sub. stantla bank sad bag Unita stittgias tbtoughoug tbe b=bg.: Fa Mathes partisalsrs eurreuf D std. Pittsburgh. UB 84.1.A.small.Farmicontsiling sast,,Bo-of whicb is :imlerrialel.irldiC•as. illudlrclared sza Levee., elf) • larpollase•LE bit LW 4 112•plaim - ke atett - aratekred, igd Inlfertsuar astablp, • 11, 1 71klalereliad county, INVElektroat Bell ar. , • • SW glacell Iran - sag. ' •0 26 ' 4. • FOR BALE 4 '•hte In good °Mar, 100 bid Jon. 10 Doot w 164.44 laohui dap; azd &eked. °mnolsr bob. Hu .beet good EDGLXISTOIS, # - 107:Wcod st•eet. " Veer '43.11X-215 - Stale - 6014 _J:Alty,logitbse hubs' front' as Psitms laus of ant LSD test, and rmmlog beck 400 di betas tots Smattered from ittogt ts Jolurtareries piss GI ;obits:Mg the propsrty w3larslttss. loans, tires.. As tots will be IwW Alscststr . cr-41..P117. - • srsktg . ..1148112. - 106-1, trod, • . ULM • FO/t::I3A:T.E....That .1: , MU gloss balite Rittabscre t : sistviaros Orstla Itned, In Eoldrnma-tosnahtp, kinnrnla the 61111 hen," anal An Itales tnnn bity, - cott . tflntotgontUS tiaori z iltattalgivatesa. AStOrnopet•Lart. Toerelt an 4 -6bickuirtfT VIVO UOlll EIALEAnt IaCHA.NGE 'VOA IZ-IIIIT - PEOPIIIIIII...That USG% LSA with maids attubad, as Oartan end, tar; 14?14 IraiMjagglaklatt: - Ire rfolutb otnM. tublinekv: VOR 'I2LALE—That twCostatr EMUS DW1114114 IlateW, - 4,g90d , owe; at to =pa 4rderittanwfin Orr ~cornerriCDepttak cms sad aumbel iThit - 131111i - Wirdianagar. IrgitihkrOcaa Inhhat 1017*.;19,34-,00 Ld lervart • aRZLLISIN, IR ISALisI * 4,V , 52 INT-rA bit `4ll =A;sm wi grwin a T*Git 416 _ tens ti the bleats ; • • nt_ll.l Inill*SM-13ft"!- reir, 4 AWL . P SAL =-Wa bo IK, 'sold AT pate. IIICLIO votal, ~.‘sreatitill; . 131131dID&Y the S2l vflon.,lsuit,, • rum son. tawny/if 12.c.i.15t111214. to tioria 4102t10ga02 township, Westmore)and cow', 2 pasha gm Lam. ittors Stalloni'; Nils& p. - 2. th. tame die. umaall..o. B. ,fl ah. taad abcsiddii to 0.1 and 17oitstotus; 1. .01 Mast. Loenolltrrgl.t. 13.221 I Bak to take idAir pla ya' 't..V l llll/R F. KI!1.113=3; L an sAis,l4so 191114 OF LAND. t—Thip eccolexaiiiat inteis . to tile's Tenn et . Mad 160. ahree,loo at 'which aro hlearsd.so4.ll.l. Voletete of el/111'111oz; the baincole innumaAr : flea *Owed; erithlehilia thkokl4v Mohair the Ohio deer, about evadhithiht•khz- 2 4 11 4:111' .. abd Maim till' Bandit* of the Iltbhorgb, ~xt Vigra* rchgo.s..u., Mit/e mixt ..; :rot tame WitOrioni. 101.hli No. ef itia . gOiot, /tiro fief( „_ J - 4, tp...t.,..:,-.__ Ansmaurt iiiimiactAT. Dinrziss; -, avec& tide etera. or End.quellty ten Inqh . DE sum tigerea.to ; cab as tas minim IlInct• S; BEZEME, on Indorses One; allsgpang.OitE. . EOM 149.1 Er Ibouond 'bet, bOmil , mosnoi.,Ens fVig i l strea47 plimed sad rolka ma. - ' . . apttif On =no , VOS 861,13.--A 4300 D CHOICEFOB, ..11: MAMBO Porkatical Stork "dobtr las bailout, and with a roots of over Dm hon. Li , 41kout for sake JTO a' person with aat af 415qa; too. wlllgroutaa •=l. ror-Inlimilionfioratof • ,miXtbr Efairidarrall. drat LIO)V.SALE: . , X ; - ,-, iniams oZ iz umicittexart: ' -'''- • . - Inardrif , W NaGAIWEIT...,. - , , ; In .00lf WO. - 4 streat,Plittbargh, Ps _."' _ Poratrritlo, anctrantisnd Wheelltat laipats =Tr inte week antond Mt to AIW. Ivor, Jr...itgv.4. pOlt 4 RALECoIui%I aleilt=. dilintatkim; nine &MI- aigth'*2 the Pillibtakb, kart Wayne a. tl4 roar - or.piiildo4rs atmlfro utn.East ancli • - O. DIIIINGLIC, =MAI Brum WO iflfiLV-4ilLob :of aititik thi =we of Novi& sad atoccotair ths , uorcolth of Bfrroinghom. Sira an poser of Von Brum sad Locust streets, th wozd: Tams' way sod title fgullgoolobla s 3 FLOYD.A knell Comer 800 fallosertlistrosts: BALA MATCHED .HORSEI3;-'.:. u ODD pair brawn , attain! rautlitis tiOntiodi." teen Lands hbet t brutes to ottqls and dou ble mut-for tale by IizoONALD a Asntraux, WOE, EALE;—.ENGINE awn BOILEX 1 ~:71:7=P:t . '""naltetarith Eca cAUIns tri • Priatlataric• - • 12 13 2 7:1 114. p. oiiasrostoo. .„ c? V Qr.) 170 1114,1 :WE NOW9FFEEtirceSIIIIEIVICA.'I', < ! I: veiuppose tate thi Ut eri astattotati - t cartio6'iiiiii !Inn niitlbUnd in Alt nr AnEntrseica,:igun:,4 PLY-ItiGHAIS end lin TIA nos , mabf " ca4P/2r5 ud- 1 aeil fu. n. net-ip to found el bero.-lnelndlp~ tontarlfatlootit BinaITPACTUItED EXP=.33I.I" L 4011.01 3 / I . 6. Blrflab MAL . .• 4 - • CDs, via part of ons met peon' • aimed at pa trected for ben manta teason Masi will be sold et • Tory mµl3 • coat,nrir prfeeetatni it .4u.-..be4°.!Prcna, . . Whiciaw,Efts4es and sixtuOis- - - Tighter and Plano CclveTt.. ' Ramp, lan ruadlliag C ' ocan AcA-CALAA.AtAttbk • Ilgtkisi;•.7! A ta , igictc.ce ,. lllo7ccitttled at.Att, Wow, VIIpLEA*Ve. AHD =Wink, • hiTaxland, Oollineit Oo rtaoustrrsirtrru stanri ' - " "., ignor hat. toP - 0. par,Atilsor - 11AV. :NG MM)UiaIU) ASO ADM& ry.! ! QUA 0719 ENTIREr. STOOSa • -,, Lf [All - 0 I . 6 [Way, bpi by St' Ildl4l2lMary it 412 Write itribSti ireare R CEST-- st-66-1& 70,8 E FOUND IN uni 171111 LOWEST PAUCE/1. .nowissavs rEam. CX1:1. RT-H.. T REM T N E 7": l3 ',. WIN ROW 18.HATirS . - FEW sPitancherrocs, C"$R►P`ETs frimondsoinet , CLOTit'S *RP B' T • i 6 , ^ ,Z# I, F.U, afGENTS. 1 .4 &W 0i1793 & CLAiM A4ENOW - & HMI PAMMON • ; nrnzsmuur.m. lirm , mem MIMI EM itS, let /Udall tear UMW, Clams tralsapity • or goii rain Actor .---- 3/40$11B.LL & JOHNSON, - ATTOANNOIS.AT.2.4I9E. 6ad C. 9.:l4cliged GratElCatireri 11,6161.1214==i; I* llo3ll AM A • nr - .P=1214444t0did,1017.... "1-4 I,' LIMIUSLA=BIDDZI4 ' ;11a113 totitlainioOtttibt424ii:-:".1 itt AsY list. hi th :10141315118, —, BOUNTIZES. ,r ot. vim si TXR4OI-1114411&11,1. CLAM Ptteerellehted e to . . r . iben s.th4itatoretli; !steel °thir,4l.e,lii.dit.ta. Mao-area:v.4. U.H.& hie:httergel are saspb, • theclatro ;dwelt*: taxied. Sadyu ybrmatioaselvt 7 , gral4a . br r 'l?.l7 : • 2“—,w 44.•mait ' I 141432270: , • '- Ira lea irnth BirsiVriusbFr?. noiskillArarial<Ll li.1:411 )1flt•:', tem • fin/ • MIZMI=XM jy. 1 7 , mass' _ thtepokip . 4 Acipokeux, 8 t o d i CaM I SFIZIPIENeg 4O 3!"2 I 4 O -ftik'r- , _ • trtIFKOZOW";''a- MAIMAM= pastraioh,o6' $N114,10,14,10 1. -- ' l4 . 46 tlW9cakkrlMMAnstallir;etn,!.;: , ih;v Er,CTPR / 1118 E4 , , PilYineUgrAnto Igrtta acus.- • ito.timits erszrzbasir' . _ ~~iK ~~.~~ ~,_ y p ~~~ - F~'Ml~ et • r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers