---- ,- . -Ik • 1. , GH G AZE .. ..,.... ~,.. .....__ _" . , , . . 1 ", A Ly .. rrrs ~,,,U. ~ t.„ . . .. , P Vittsburgit 6nzettt. Ftlitu/StIED BY lIE GA' ITBLIMIING ASSOCIATIOII TERMS Or TIME Iita.ETTEL Mows'Av. EVITTID, DT mall, par pwa—._...sa mo 18. 'en& LTssno EDITION, by mall, par Ye.r 6°. co •• • , 10. " " single I. -Grusstr MINTIOIL, single c--ptes., per rear_ 2 CO, " dubs of sto 10, o—l Ea sr o clot-, of 19 or wore 1 115. •estll6l Or, ertro w U. early t.ending club. To: pleb of ea.., We old ..end the I'vrargo 121.7 . 11 dap,. os • club of ternary, Bond the tdontogo Ge=rrr. Catly. Single col.toe, 6 cents. 027 . A.llsubscrtittons 0rt..4, t., uarosee, end rapers 61....,..t0P1ted When the time 'l'he Reading Matter on this Page is from Yesterday's Evening Edition. How Jeb. Mamie was LiWed. The sth Waiver! Car/thy Is in Cnatar's brigade, and was with Sheridan on his recent raid toward Richmond. A private named Dann, belonging to Comnuny A of the sth Michigan, shot Hen. J. E. B. Stuart with a "Spencer long.retrige rifle." While the sth wet ender a hooey fire, the colonel's attention was nailed to the taut that r. rebel general, with a considerable number of staff ctlioere, suddenly appears d in sight, and within rasp of the rifle. The general's name was not then known. Ono man of the sth shot at him, but misted. Dann watched the shot, and lnetatitly eselaimod—"Too high anti too Tar to the left."' "lay, old Dann, whet do you know shoot shoot ng 1" . Inquired another member. Dean replied that he served two yams in the "Barden Sheryisbooters," before he joined the sth, and took a prize in Wash ington I.r the beet shot. This was good news to the colonel and hie men, and Dann, supporting his words by so floe, quickly stepped forward a few feet, and reining his lona range' rifle upon a fence, fired, and the angpuirod rah< I General threw up both baud', stretched out his arms, and fell from his torte. At the 8.1:00 moment Dann, turn ing to the colonel, sold "Colonel, thorn Is a spread eagle for you." The men cheered Dawn, who tadlonly became s great favorite lathe regiment. fits name ran through Cu tar's brigade. "Well done, good and faithful servant, " was upon every tongue. Some ton or twelve men were noon to elsetiotint and as • stet the wounded or title d;te bel general. Tbo most intense anxiety was at onto man . !rested in Cantor's brigade to learn the name of thu_gerieral who Rae thus allot Soon of ter Caster became mentor of the very spot whore au man was hit and the hill beyond, on the summit of which • lead an old colored 1100/%3. Ouster cacao to a tolt noar her home About the door of the old wow so'a hot Wee a large quantity of blood. iilc horn blood to that, Annly 1" inquired a Slichirieder. "That Gott. Sfuar.'s blood•. Tio woe shot little time since tiger throuyb the body. The ball entered his right side end came out of his left. Tho of lady Fu rku 'etioned etre- fully to a500r,..1 o if ehe 'hots Stuart horrelf,, and it oat found that oh, did. The men donh.ol, toreorthelors, beesuze Stuart had bean reported hilted so Mar,' timer before, eib.rin.lis was not bees. A few day. more peered, when he Mellow:ad papers reached the eammend, giving a detailed no count of the time, place and in:loser of Stuart'. being that, which coiootd , l etootlc with the how as their took place, at bonier, to tic rogiciett The elm., pipet O.CDOCIOCCd Stl3 age death. Tait ea no. ad oft d ,nb:c. The Aripteihe Case Th. President, to re:panto to an inyrry, on Wedopday cent to the denote ail tee paper. 12 the Ai-penes ease en file to the S ate De partment. and also a latter of Secretary Sew ard, in which M. latter Any et By an act of Zungrees Ci May: 15, 1h25, the Antran slave Made is deolared to be piracy; and by the treaty of 1512 with Great Patten., it is et ip- Wad that they "Ail invite and urge upon eh Powers the o t i ropristy and duty atersci.aally at once .nd sereear closing all African slave Markets." The S,eretury eayr, tbsca baing no treaty of extradttion between the Uetted Stile/ and Spam, not any act of Coegrele directing.how lugiticua in the SpaniSh dom.. isles shall be dnit.oted up, the extradition in tbe Arguelles CAN) le underetoid by the y : Biala Department to have been made in virtue of tip law al Datiet e and the Constitution of the United States. Although there is a coo Mot of authorittos coact. ni.sg the expediency of exereiting bemity b• wards a foreign Gov ernment. by surrendeeint: at ire request ono of Its own subjects charged eithlhe commis. oleo of mime territory; and national obligation may be oonmned that there is no national obligation to make such a,serrender upon a detaand therefor, unless ,kf is acknowledged by - treaty or rtatine, yet a nation is n-ter bound to (mulish avylem to dangerous ming . gals who are efi.oders against the human riser; and it is believed that ff in. any nue *amity mold, with pt opriety, be remised, the one which to node's food to hare nailed forth the resolution oi inquiry of te Senate, Varnished a jest occaeloo !or its exerhoise. Horaea Greeley waknown friend of oars has kit as a note, as follows : .1 write this tt Soar desk. I called to ask Cott to give plsos la the Indeptadrat to the en alcasd thjmee., I wrote theta en;sritaesslog an set of great:kir:inert on the Titre of that good wan. talger," 11011• Ci ItgALLIT. to•• • gifted, Loo rut out, h .kpest• the truth out frrs'y • lodf , ru d him on Ills hob!. ;Uri: And bin nonce Greeley. Veto tome fie' ktile <bet eppea r r . rota nut, end lat , t OL.L. y, Das thou ha timittburieVe rpet.r— MA 'Mud Tree iterate Glelley. And though the tt , a is mtlmt mush, need.* r ghr, 'tie pe tt y; rains to hl. wee hu'e tough ; Three oeeere to: noraea LOA ley 1 . icie/;•qtroleI addhe ing,7ettlon in thetas' • and t. a ”tiger."--/edepredeett. Atlanta. In Jo 16G1. a`st,rtil after tho battle of Doti Ban, says tho Now Torr. Zoonin; Post, ik gentleniarrwno Lod siTOl3 eome attention to the strategieei teapot-tato, orreltroads, mark ad upon s map uowis our nosecoslon, is poatm tot, saying t "When a strong Union army ly potted there, the tebellian will be to sill intents and purposes put down." That point was litlartut; stud the ballot has long bean general that this is ono of the kcysionca of . the rebel arch. Sharman la moving open It taw end IT Johnston glass it ou to him, it w in only be beeaute Leo td desperately of indeasand mutt have help at all hozerdato sionfront OPlut. It is not too south to say that if Shzireten—reinforced as be •wril be in • few days--46Plizres *haw, be alas ter of ill the la State' south of of North Casolltis; of he a t ontelnences Bach arms. (intone to the rotate every tilatio tan udOt. Now. Atianta impoitant. if Oat becanntat is the centre, the heart, of the whole Southern railroad system.. uttit.:_ry Splrltniih Kentucky 141- The 1,05 .:1vi1t0 Joar. I . gilrtp the following, . 71 . 0 of Dvit welch. t consider, Most do plornble and Ileart,..oo DP Pantos st riving fry Ditli . o4l l , 1/013ael1 011 find Video eountleai ji reptesen * sad btati of aff.tra eslatin in :4,,,,t ,polo of ...t! * Countr. The slaver, lids? AS Yoking al 1 `..' 'se - , . policy reoently LORD .00400, are deserting -"the plantations by ter , as, Oofi making their ~..... way to the rederet 1 neg. , tTho blacks el. -, ,midirelydecoorabsed, a d cannot:be controll ed by their muter': • neAl• of con sof ,. .diers,.tuider command of inert:Ming officers, 0.; scouring the ctinotry for the rap.* of t o d u Ong the alre.(i, do. ea iheir owners and t ar, sr low camp end enlist in pa mill tar, strike, gcery rc orolling t goad obtain. Its bundhdi, ~,,,,; the hrget.f. plautollODS at, toirer4liy 4,,,,,ni.,Vd of black'. Bien oL Ml agea„womencind eiren, make op the Molly group, all detcandir.g in:b2iiisnon in' lido dialed or e 1 " "._`" Tea sitio it of the transom.: Pozahe Wag, GNI ' . ''Oape May, by colliiloo with nootherstosmer , and did CoAleVlolo;a:pyrntog of a number of 092 bravo troops roturning from Southern ~, firrioa, is ts eireutoitanco :clotting strict in-! viastlgetion. 13Vidently, !somebody is guilty of moat of cairelesiness, and, fo: . theatilto of the innooant,the guilty shoal,* kiaira. - , 10 . ir the Esuiptry . .Voir its El. Louis tho poo • • PIO dispeced to siva . the sword to AAA. ::WO przeuMe that the Petit& ipitio sword Kirou"to geulo.. 3t Lsuit IlLtasito, the :ririordpel competitor. Wo preSump he volt *ad two isms posh : WC to ; From Mnap's Battery. Cc:req./id.o of the Pout:area Otattte. Hears grannie lisar's Barrattos, Fort Ili•naw, D C., June 3, 'S&L 11 Editor. Gazete: Your expellent paper is a welcome visitor at the line of forts from which I write. We receive it regularly the day alter publication. Although the Wash ington papers are circulated here by enter• Prising members of the Washington News boys' Assooistion," yet We Pittabnrghers welcome oar own paper, with Its home news, and familiar items. • Major Joe. M. !Luray arrived hero last eve ning, and assumed command of his battalion of "one hundred day' artillerists." Battery A, Capt. Cooper, and battorrß. Capt. Brown, ore located in Fort Midge, battery C, Not Riddle, Be assigned to this flue fort. There are eleven forts in the division, of which these two form a part. Fort Greble, on the north bank of the Potomac, almost opposite Alexandria is the extreme poet in that direr - [ion. Port Baker, the nest strong wok, is ono commanding emineneo castor the Wash ington Navy Yard, east branch of the Poto mac, with Forts Davis and Dupont intervals log between that and Fort kiaigs. Mahn* is next in the chain, on a bald, gravelly hill, overlooking the valley of the.east bronch i I camp Barry. the city, and the valley up to Bladentburg, and commanding a very eon-1 eiderable reach of country in the rear. Previous to Grant's advance on Lee's army these form were strongly garrisoned by heavy artillery regiments of three yearn' men. These have been marched to the front as in-., (entry, leaving this (Ilaskin's) division of the 22d army corps to be made up of some fourteen companies of 2dasseehn• sett's heavy artillery, together with Major Knap's battalion of light artillery. These troops are sll armed with muskets and perform regular garrison and guard duty as infantry. Guards, patrols and pickets are In and around the works continually by tight and by day. Troops not on this kind,of duty', are employedln drilling at the guns, with a slew to instant readiness in ease of attack. Besides the heavy armament are font 12 pound er Napoleon guns mounted on geld elerriaces. The country In this vicinity Is well pope- Late& and well cultivated. Most of the dent tons are bitterly 'teeth, which causes the Poet commanders to exercise great caution, to avoid spies and prowlers. The guards are frequently fired upon by night. showing that only those frowning guns, manned by watch fnl and vigilant garrisons, sufFise to suppress open Oar Pttteburgh Battalion is being drilled I hard, the majority of the boys being groan. No little pride Be manifested by the men in the Lot that this is the only command from Pennsylvania, taised since the opening of the present campaign. In less than twenty days from the date of the order authorizing the Battalion, over three hundred men thereo I ore performing military duty in the parolees teelened to them. Old Allegheny may feel proud of Heap's Battalion of Artillery. The weather here is intoraely warm by day, and quite cool by night. Yesterday the the, ora•tar indicated 92° Farenhiet in the shade, at 2 o'click p. m. With tbo marshy East Branch to windward of those forts, and suck weather ns this, great care is necessary to pregeere the health of the man, exposed ea they Pm by night and by day. So far, the commend sr joy good health. Lout. Col. J. H. Obartattffor, of the 23 Po:mei-Ivan. Artillery, has been recently as pigsed to the command of these forces, corm prissng the 3d Brigade, Haskell'i 221 Army Corps, commandod by Gen. Anger. ernitzlCA.l. CARO. Letts' . From the lit Penneylvanla IteserNe Cavalry• The !plowing is an extract from a letter written by Mr. D. Shafer, of Co. K., under late of Pamunty river, may 29th. The tom pan; named woe recruited in Bridgeville, this county I rsurser lima. (South Side) May 29. We met the enemy on the 28th, early le the morning, end rather unexpectedly too, on the Bietimend road, five entice south of the Petwanky. They it seems were hurrying on their toms to meet US et the river end eon test our croesing, but they were behind time and to one forces coated unmeleste*Pur regiment wee is the advance and was J urged civilitylite rebels, and in turn we ehangod end drove them back. Oar forces were then deployed and sent in the advance, and throughout the day the bottle lasted and at times was furious. Many a poor fellow 'ought Rh this day hie last fight, end our regiment and Ito twin brother (the i't New Jersey) suf fered severely. The let New Jersey now has hat one Captain able for duty, the others all being disabled. Our regiment loot in killed,' oleo, and wounded, about fifty. Lieutenant Greenly of Co. F, was killed, and Lieutenant Kennedy of Co. K, wear wcundad in the neon severely, bet will recover. Other came were Wounded. In Co. K, John Endres, epe. Itial bugler, and Orderly for General Davis,' was killed, and Ilichaul Barnett wounded'' ' seriously in the head. Ms recovery is doubt ful. Some of the ether boys mode narro• escapes, having been struck, and the missile ' turned from its Eitel course by coming in con. 'tact with the cartridge box. We drove the enemy and occupied the battle ground. It was the hardest cavalry fighting of the war.' There ill heavy cannonading on our right. We are sow on the Pemunky, twenty miles from White House. Larnet is reported re covering, bat we can't speak certainly of this. The St. Louis Sanitary Falr.-Unfonn ded Rumor Sr. Loots, Juno o.—The Ban(Wl Pair was practically brought to a close on Saturday night. Tba managers and ethers interested to tt have reason to congratulate thruisalyes that it has putted a magnificent 'accost, ex oseding the expectations of the most sanguine. The grow reoolpts to data from ell sources of revenue are not lass than 5b75,000, ono the not proonds which will pass into the hands of the Sanitary Commiesion will be or • - least $300,000. The braiding will be open daring the °ve ntage of the present w cok for combinstlon loins of gold and silver bars and other artL clot. Tho Siniser farm rattle wee drawn on Sat urday evening, number 34,412 drawing the farm. Who is the lucky. holder to not at re liant known. The Army Sword was awarded amid mach enthusiasm to Gen. Hancock, ha having re celrod 2,493 Totes. hicOlcilan wu second on the list. A dispatch dated headquarters, from Rolle, says the report of the bUrning of the train, sod the killing of .the refugees sear Salem, Ark., proves unfounded, a portion of tba men sent out to look after the train having arrived there. Latest from Europe. Saxer Hoot, Jane 11—The steamer Cir. girlie, from Liverpool on the 24th, vin Quens. town on the 26th, has parsed this point. The cotton market is easier, hnt prices are wed. Breadstutfa and Provisions generally doll. London, June 26.—Consols closed at 91% for money. The noes from America created great id eation, and advise per the City of Washing ton increased the excitement. The news is generally considered ae dleastrons ao the rebel canto.— Tbe rebelloan has declined 66e. per coot. Leird'e rams were pardoned by the British govern mint. The Doke of Nelda 4 deal. DUFF OF • PrTIMMIOn BOIMISS. ?dim Ramis di. Dade, nurse to Ho.l Umpital,Ohet tanooge; Tenn. and agent of the Olirielen writesp, mmtrelan , ' under dete of May 28th tO Portmestet Von Donnhorst ^ibis morning • soldier named Robert hi. Horner, pirate in Co. A, Idth U.S. Infante), died In this hospttaL lie was wounded to the neck and brought to this hospital on 1.1.• Idth inst. flemoteage from his wooed caused Ws &tab. Roma told SRIXIP of the patient. that be was f Pittebtirgb, but DO paper. could be fend to give any seeount as to whop any of his relatives are." _ • - - EN 0010eStit. Plan INOAIOZD, Whom Goo. tenor Delatt.lllS, of Kentucky, has most in odicloosty eccomfatienett to rata a regiment of Butte troops for eta rooaths' remit°, has `been at Lebanon raektog spreoh !kWh be made' d was a severer O. thin' the sketch he made' Yirlegtor, foe which he was din ntlese4 the genie°. it eti{i, that . We Aare of the_ frcolpont in bad grammar fad 'l4d temotr, mfghi rival Iwo hpllogegatethatimir vixen flehatte, or walgar 110 2 *?•dIA* 3 ; 006 tree mistress or master • . • ~ , Tam Clevolazd Iroo, Minh* anif net alelarod sot extra acoldint6 -, of 6 pr °aut. the lasosaa for the hot lair was 061,169, *ad the. Corspay are reported atpresaat to Imre 03540 sorplaa fa, hand.' . , . - Lias. ion% isst Thursday. •• Seidler. tsitids &mos boas his faithless • wife, in jos Imam set:nisi from the size et' Mins *ll i a: d: .:;y.~.. ~:1." t :65T:3iL~x~.~.•~ TELEGRA.MS. FROM GRANT. Fourth Grand Flank Molement. GRANT'S STRATEGY BAFFLES TIIE ENEMY, The Position of our Army SMITH'S JUNCTION WITH WRIGHT Details of Wednesday's Battle. BEAGREGAILD'S FORCES IN ACTION Now You., June 6 —The Tribune'. corres. Pendent near Cold Harbor, of the 2d, says.: ' The fourth grand flank movement Is nole•in progress, and judging from reports the move ment will prove successful. The battle yesterday; 301 , 020 u it was, re sulted in our taking six hundred and fifty prisoners and the enemy's principal works. At 6 o'clock our whole line moved forwird by the narrow bolt of woods, and on reaching the open plowed field the enemy's position trnii in full view. The picket division of the enemy opened with a heavy fire of artil lery and musketry, but our men nobly advanced through a deadly storm throne: the swamp, and with bayonets any° the enemy pelt each from their earth works, which they held during the night , against repeated assaults. This feat elidited 'from Meade his thanks. Smith's ft/notion with Wright wee so opportune that - ft Weals the fact that the army of the Potomac is un der the guides:de of minds possessed of mas terly ability. Deauregard's force,.. with part of Lang street's, was engaged in the battle of yeller day. Oar total lots amounted to 1,800. New ti ore, June 6.-1. speolal dispatch to the Traver, dated Headquarters Army of the Potomac. Thundsy June 9d, says : The eno cemfol operations 'of the sth corps On Mon day, was loitered up by the advance of the 2d corps on Tuesday morning. They com pelled the enemy to withdraw from their line 03 the Tspotomay. Tboy bare retreated to the south side of the Chieknhominy, with the exception of their line towards our advance. Car cavalry entered Heohaniceville last night, after scouting about the old bath geld of the Chioltabosainy. Grant ',till pushes his left Rink samosa 'ally, and hie strategy bafSes the maneuvers of the enemy, having offered battle on the Tspotomay, with his right wing resting on the Vaginia Central railroad, and having I compelled the enemy to withdraw acress the Chickahominy, be has thrown his loft wing with his usual celerity away to the clot of Richmond, and is now threatening the cross ing of the Cbicksberniny bolo Bottom bridge. Thia ie L new point o interest Btldy Smith arrived from White House jest in time to got in notion and co operate with o ur left flank ',sat night. All day Bring In chat direction indicates a severe battle bee brae, waging. We are• glad to observe that the eonnenading le becoming morn distant Oar new base is 11011 c.ampletely established at White Hence. FROM SHERMAN The Battle at New Hope thatch 1-4" TE R Es T LEG DETAILS ROM BUTLER'S DEPARTMENT The Battle on Thursday THE ENEHT IRE RI ULSED !Wavy Losses on Both Sides New Tout, Jane 6.—The Bercid'e cones. pendent with Sbermen dotaili the battle at Now Rope Cberoh on the 231 h se fallout. About 3 p. no. the eriemy gave, signs of en Unity and coon moved' a heavy body OD t 6.111311 from the Wetes before McPherson's army end damow's division. They niarehed bold iy up the bill exposed to a severe artillery tire. When they bad reached within lees than one hundred yards of the breastworks our in fantry poured upon them in thick mass a terrible volley. The column etaggerod , but well° rallied again, when they fired and made effort. to approach close. The troops now became hotly engaged, led though the rebels greatly 'eutnumbered us, they' were held at bay. Our artillery secured &Setter position, and with shrapnel and shell 'IIOOD lent the Nobel mass rushing for prole:AS . 3n to the rav ine end wood near by. , Another attack was soon made upon another porti n of IdaPhor eon's line, eorammidedrby Gen nal Qatari:now; though made witb 7 wven mo impotdosity It met with the sumo fate. 101 l ensued, bat the rabble were brought circr o third al • tack, stillrigalnet MePherionland Sweeny'. divisions, theloth tarps. They first presented :be tame bold front, but ft did not last long, es they were disccuroged, and were sent baok with serious lose. From ;Wieners we learned that the rebel Den. Johasten'e army eonsisted of flee divisions, en:or:Ended by Chatham, Claiborne and Setts. •sioa tioaarod trill cover owl. total Imo of the day. The rebels hurled flee diVislone against three of owe. The Bared correepondent With Bailer lays et the battle at 'Thatcher's on Thor, day, the 2d inst., 3 a. m.: The rebels opened with dr- Slaty, and massing st heavy body dashed on nor picket line and raptured d number of the Sd New Hampshir e . , . Then we drove thereb els ck, cap wyV of them. Two , o ther similer otteed: were Shade, but none of them succeeded In their object in gettiog through our lines.' Oar loiter are heavy, but ,bite of the rebels much heavier. We took ' between 00 and 70 prisoners:, The Cleveland CouvenUiins..Trremouths Letter of Acceptance. lira Year., Juno 6 -A i long letter from Fremont, accepting thetorainatlon row: dudes, as follown—ulf the Ckniveatlon at Baltimore rrill nominate any man ;who e put life foot rite well grounded eonftdoce in hts fidelity so Our COSA:Jig principles, there is DO reason : e isy. there should be :any division swoon trelly patriotic men of the Country. To an) such I shall be Most hapPy to give T y , tor dial tied amive support. My: own decded preference Is to nid to :thief way, and not be myself a candidate. Bat lf Lincoln be re- nominated, DJ I believe it would be Walton's!. Il i country to endorse a polloy lind termer *power ehieli has oost us the yes of thousands of men, and needlessly p t the country in bankrupts, there wilt rem in no alternative bat to organise tigaltust diem every element of conservatism and opposition, with a clew to prevent the solifortanepf his re•cleetion. In this contingency I accept the nomination at. Creeeland, and as a preliminary step I litive resigned my commhision ID the army. This Trite the sairldeelt gam me teteke, but I had fox a long•time trails:wily endestorsd to obtain. sonic*. I make this samidee now only -to Alga ;lib of midi to leave qo bige tagso way ofdiefbuorging my la moot icUarthitisir los ay. set 14 *Pre me. With earnest aid sincere arike for your et --. pouting of conddencre and regard, and fOr ', the manner 111 ;which yea &pilot tas with i dm /Wag qt 4A,Copci tto, T am , giodir -, Vf 1 7 TalOcifol7"- - 4-ifitr 2. 01 i1t , ,'-.; _ . L 111guil,) i • J. o. Ylituoim , Jona Oodus;ie his ai r wide:4 letter lAN ereiss the amftisistio4 SO Tts• Poigssit. AND SUBOBBAN. Balinese EtCAPl.—Thia morning as an el- CITY daily man us mad John Shaffer was engaged ' in trimming a buteher's block in front of the In Memoriam. Market Rouse, with a large axe, Muhl Hines ittco—On Sunday, LI ty 5t1i.1561. at the battle , }mead along, and Sheffer not noticing him, of viausilreale cart Banta, Captain i streak him on the arm with the axe, cutting ein 10.10 o...".inei PonntSle'enia Yllilln 4 " . " . la large tole in a valuable coat, but not other- No words can es &grand toreh It , wise injuring him. Mr. Hines made an in 'is written Upon the hearts of hose who were !formation before the Mayor against Shaffer, , who wee arrested and fined four dollars and sear and dear to him, and upon the tender twets. Mr. Hines mode a narrow escape; had regard which hie countrythears for those who ,he been n few inches closer to the block ho offer their young lives upon her altar. , would undoubtedly have been severely inlet- Captain Clapp was the only commissioned cd. In Jostiflcatiou of his conduct, Shaffer °Meer in hie company. Receiving a severe I stated t that the cl trimerk of the Market inside would not the Wound in the wrist, he was urged to go to the !permi him to the roar. bet at one, refused, exclaiming, in I building, hitt the Mayor informed him that words of noblest boroism, lead you ihe could not use the sidewalk for such purpo• lie had scarce uttered the words, ere a ball , son. penetrated his brain, and "he had fought lihs teat battle." Mr. Clapp raised the company of which he was fleet elected Lieutenant and afterwards Captain. Raving been engaged in mercan tile life, he war not expected to be folly con- , versant with military affairs. Bet it is said by those who mane In immadiate,eantaet with biro, that he 'studied the tactics of the army with such assiduity that he attained a Won derful proficiency, these exemplifying that he was resolved to tax every energy to assist in crushing thh wickedest and most inexcusable rebellion the world has ever seen. le the civil walk. of life, aver genial and generous, he wee beloved by all wbo knew rim. In the " Oillmore Mission Sabbath school," with which be was connected, he took an .care part, and whether leading the children in singing, or whether performing the duties of a librarian be was ever kind and obliging. , Truly • None know him but to loos him Bone nateel him bat to praise " Ile was connected with the Third Presbyteri an Church of this city and was always motive and consistent. Bat he 1i gonel and we believe that, for above the discords of earth, he lo to-day, singing the gong of "Moses end the Lamb." R. A. L. rianttery Fair Photograph Gallery. This eitobliehmeut,Vhich is Located in the west end of Bazaar lieu, to doing a n 3 . 6 .1- fog business. The gallery is in charge of Messrs. Wet. T. Parylance and R. M. Cargo, two of the oldest and most successful p hotographers in the city, and whore names are a sufficient gusraotee of the quality of the pictures taken. Persons wishing le con tribute to the Fate, eat visit thb Gallery and sit for their negatived &l as low prices as et any of the regular establishments in either city. Governor Curtin; while in the city on Thursday last,..visired the g allery and bad his negative taken, copiespf eatioh ere for sale for the benefit of the pair. Photographs of all the notabilities, TWIT: of the principal features of--the Fair, together with group portraits of ladies in waiting, dressed in coo ,nme, are on exhibition, and will be disposed of at moderate rates. These mementos" of the Fair will ho very interesting in after years, and afford to those who are enable to attend, an opportunity.. or witnessing ono of cso most g or g eous andirnagnifionnt spectacn tar arrangemeete weer perfected in this coun try. Pittsburgh photographers are celebrated or the perfection which they have attained in their art, and the egtecitnime on exhibition fa.. the -Fair will sense materially to inereme their fame. No one can inEleiently Annie te the Fate witboutailitiag the Photograph 'Mary, and obtaining a copy of the works of them exhibited. Ws Lave been much gratified by encomia ng an instrument wbich we feel natured "up! p;a002.111 , 1t 0 In every place where mutt cal education hot made any advance, evtia.... daily arbors he testa le cultivated. We refer to Mason and Frank/la's Cabinet Organ. In er.meivendiog it WO feel the utmost confidence in ire merits, assured not only by the evi dence of cur earn Censer but by the tortimuol .if the most eminent artiste, organien Ind mueielanv:in every part of the country of , lt.t vuperiority to sit other inetruinetti of the rand no. made. Particulszly Is it adapted to . . .. parlor and boom am, tot only as an acccaps. Dimon: to tho voice bat for music which the piano is not seitod',to. The old faehioned melodeon has had a efidipopelalley, and yet I, ecarcply b forarrikitie-siMAd mule; addle the Cabinet Organ from Its rapid utterance and groat capacity for exproasion has a much wider range. The musically proficient two not generally lacked upon melodeon. with mach rasa or been attiitlrd to use them. The Cabinet Organ is a much more artistic instramont and is boding groat favor with artists. They are need by the bent organ- Jets of the country in their own private prac tice mad inset action, and I y the bent artists in their concerts. The Italian Opera now freqaently employs them, as does Gottschaik in kis mmicerts rrcry family of taste and 1 refinement shosid poisess one. Inferior in- "mammies will always besetd at les. than this con be, because it meal be en to make sales, and because the cont is less. But the Mason and Franklin Cabinet Organ will be found the eheapost in the rod. All who are to smirch of Bach an iretrument, or feel any curiosity con earning ft, would do well to call and exam ine for thee:mires. Mr. Mellor in the ex lelusive agent for this city and vicinity, at whose Musk , 11.30028, El Wood street, a fall assortment may be scan. Teo Death of Gen. Jenkins The W heeling foreiliyrnesr says: Surgeons Oration and Johnson who were left with our WUClndtd at Cloy d's Mountain, Pulaski coun ty, after the reemnt fight at that plume, arrived to this city on Friday, having tome by way cf Richmond. Dr. Graham ttended open the rebel General Jenkins aftorhe was wound. ed and amputated bfa 1M at the shoulder, but In maw:mime of a lack of attention or a lack of competency on the part of the rebel surgeons a hemorrhage took plate and Jrnekine died. Dr. Graham MS MA for a second time just before Jenkins died, and had a long nonce nation with hire. Lke old Falstaff, he "bobbled o' green fields" and spoke of his early youth spent neon the old homestead on the banks of the Ohio. Ho regretted that the war had over commenced, and said he bad oil along hoped that the unhappy ditEculties would be settled that be might retire from the strife and resume his pestered life upon the bank, of the grand old Ohio. Re was :Ia! In the early part of the engagement. The Late'audge Adam■ The following is a copy of the resolutions adoptea by the members of the Bar, at the meeting held on Saturday, to take action in reference to the death of the lion. Gabriel Adorns: nadirs:l, That eau ben board of the death of the Ma Get. , lel Ad•ros, late e Justice of the Court of Corote,o Pleas r.f this o only, with unfeigned sor row Dorloe the period r f his cfacisiprereore on the berrob, he h d deservally obtained the reepect, confi dence and allsrlren r f the Bar. fforaired. That the public character cf the deressed woo ,caorrol harmony with his Private eanbrerolorot frr all the Orin" that adorn <tillerless character; kind, fabvaring, p tient, yet dm and stable of forme unit eg tbr.s moliclty ot childhood with no beediou Cros , :ess in the die - barge of duty. Be, lord. That WhilSt CO mourn the less cf a kind sod &freed° , ue rind. we knowlrhat the loss le sure A good row, ripe In year.. ripe in sal the fumitare of preparation has bee called to bin rest llesagrd, That the officen of this meeting convoy to Cretan:sly of ills deceased, thir expreaton ~f our sor row svihrir bores,. meet, and that a copy of three resolutions be published. Exemptlono, COmmutatlons, Wo are requested by the Board of Enroll. meat of the 291 district, testate that all draft• ed mon who deefro to pay commutation must do so on the CoIICIO day they ore notified to report. Thoth oho desire to offer embstitutes most report beforo the .day mentioned, when they will bo immediately examined, and, if foumi tit for service, the eubitutute may at once be offered. There regulattoes are. adopted in conformity with orders from head! • carters. Istroarairr I orics.—All men who 'albite. in coMpanica A, B and CI, of Knot?. One Wan dreg Day's Biti2llol2 of Artillery, and wh• fallod to report In time to aonompany the oom moods, are ordered to report to Copt. Wright Poet Communes, Girard Boner, Smithflel• street tdanodintoly, or they will be wrest.. • am deserterst Thorn mon who have Joint Comany D. will report forthwith to Csp Stewart, at Wilkins Ball, Fourth moot. • c o wmen 0 3, an article headedhe "The Fleaneas of Allegheny City," pei oa the outside of thle 'paper, two Cita% occur ! In the hot line Of the third paragraph, reed " grorpgrity of the city instead of preepeeteP The lest Item in the tablnieade, "also paid Oft of the city treasury, on aeeount of rail— road eeeveil"—it should road, Nu accorrht of - railroad comprotaire," $20,001 Nos Goonn..—NoClelland, No. 6, ' street, has Sastrecelvodan elegant SLIOT of Ladies', Moues'. and thlldeen's gapers—Congresa,Lace and Selman!: general asaortosint' Roots, She Getters for Nen, Bola' and °Wine , Oa at rival° 111416 'Txotc fer astmleegis MEE= BING:AR Destn —d HUM boy in Johns town, non of Mr. George W. McDowell, died on Saturday last from the edam of poison sec ceived in eating locust bloesoms. lie eta heartily of these blossoms in the beginning of last week and took sick on Monday evening. It we! not known what wen the matter with him till ha threw up a large quantity of blos soms, when upon inquiry, it was necertainod that he brol ' ectot hie hotful of them. Pby skim, were rent for and tried all hinds of medicine, even cretan oU, bat no medicine would take any effect, and alter suffering in- I tonne pain for 01,078 i days, this little house hold pot expired, suffering the most excrucia sing agony. Die physicians decided that the boy was poisoned by eating theie blossoms. Re was not quite Ere years-of ago. Too MISTZET Sotxte.--The immortal, J. N. Free, the greatest orator, philosopher and satirist of tho age ' passed through th e city to•day, and will lecture in Johnstown on Tuesday evening. Lie has "volved the mys tery of the wet,' and Is the only man who was competent to the task,..viewing their...at conflict from a metaphysical standpoint, while the opposing elan:tents, North and South, take a e.dtticol and constitutional slower things." This it the leCtel of the whole matter. J. N. is now on his way to Mattson i, and if Grant doe. not berry up J. N b' roo will be to ahead of him. KNOCIND DOWN AND 8.CD11, , D.-0a Tuesday eight between svelte and en* o'clock a dia. charged moldier by the name of Henry Jones, who realdes in Mend'cid, Ohio, but who be • longed to the Mit Indiana, was knocked down and robbed of one hundred and nine. teen dollar., on the batik .1 the Allegheny river bats:old the St. Clair street bridge and Eland 'tract lie had been drinking, and could not tell whose company he was in. Ile has been wounded in the right eye, temple, and ear, and haring been discharged from arctic:, was on LW way home, having arrived bore on Saturday. Tlla (hie res did not take his discharge papery. A Dual, SOLDIZR K:LL7.O,--We regret to learn that. Henry Campbell of the 63d Peon sylrunia regiment was killed on the 24th tilt., while crossing the rth Anna river, Virgin la. Young Campbell ono a resident of this oily, his mother, a widow, residing on Wylie street. HO was only sixteen years of age when he entered the army, and participated in all the battles under M'Clellan, Pope, Alooker, Burnside, Meade and Grant. Lact year he we placed on the roll of honor for meritorious conduct on the field. Pwrns.—We recommend any s f oar read— ers who may be in want of n piano, to stop in at Mr. Mellor's warerooms, it Wood street, sod examine his splendid assortment. Every taAto can be suited both in tone and finish ; oowerful toned instrumen: and sweet toned ones; riola!y nerved noes nd neat plate 0000. In addition to new instrt.ments be hoc n lot of second hand ones, at prices from $25 to $l5O, that would do very well for learners. Go and see them. TILIIGIZAPII IC Esreasma.—The Inland Tel egraph Company hse extended their line to Monongehele City, where an office Le new open for bushier:. The lines aro now being oreetol between ConreWeill° and Union town, and n branch nal Ono be extended to Browan llle. Tit. BJen,re Cipp, mentions a report eurrort io thtt ci , y that the hotel keeper' Intend to charge of %en dollat, per day during "rh:i t&aion. of the 13animoNteenventioil. The Clipper ezhorta oh) people of that city to put down this attempt at onOrtion by opening their home.. UCTIOJr 8•i LES A UC THY.% SALE 01. CONDEMNED BORSEB. Watt Dora.. TILS7, Ce•alara /truant", Odic. of Chief litiartaritalketter, ATeallington, D. C., April 15th,1361. WID he aold at public onettun, to the highest hid. der, at the tints. and 0w... uttotad below, Newport, Penns, 1 buneey Mel 501 Gotti,ehorg, 'eon*, Mooney. :lay 9th; .4,atnons, Tenn*, Thura u 7, May I:th; Htdllo Penns , Tburetlay, May 19th; !tanning, Prone, Thureta,s, May 2 9 th: laltarion, Patina, Thoraday, Juno 2al; Itorthutuherland, Penne, Thonaloy, Jona:obi Forantuo. I run. Toortslay, Jane 19th; tY t, Panne. Thoth:lay, Jona 2:141; One huodo..d 000) horaeo a, Cettyrtturs. and tw hoadrod cod fifty (..9. 1 / 1 at *nth of the other plocea. these horses base lustounttonmeti no unfit to • the caralry earvice of the Maned stator Atmr. for ro.d and !arm purposes to., good hargal• he had. IlOtere will he mold alngly. Salta bogin .110 .t., and contio as ..9•117 all • , MT], C.65n. 1.11 Doi tr.!. S AMU K. tatee Trea... LEIN7 not.. ly. J , Itact. OvL cod G. Q. Cavnlry Darn. piratiVD EIGHTII WARD PROP / lEWTS.O E n TUESDAY EViCtitial, June 70, et d o'clock, wl I be 'ate et the Cdentuercisi EOl. Jalnts, ho. bt 4llth t That &eV able Ifenee end LOt itnate cn the upper co er of dleace and atuben etlente, In Ott litguth d, the tot trout oe Magee iteeet, and •K odlog aloud Gibbon street C 4 tees, whetwon IP to 'WI a threewtard tw‘lUng. •Ith beat:. tot .1 kitchtn, burins oetadde bake .rtn, hydrant. M end new nentlod at It in motet. rottnetton sl o ri rut,' er, .—o..ittra i om and two r with I "="*"""`Tnerva-Altit. Atteg.i_ VALUABLE STOCKS AT AUCTION --(WTI:IP:FDA i IC V ZNIVO, Juno len, at I k, Go eesond loot at Goncrearctol Ealio 800., 80. 84 Perth drool.: I Atom Itlerchnoto . A Vlonnallectureee Bank; 0 do Enreto Inonnoco CO. Stock; 6 do Wootorti Inentaneo Co.; 4 do Allegheny luenranco Co.; • do MAXICII•11.31 , P1•111C• Dank; I 0 do Pittsburgh Se eleonbenvello D. EL 10.1 I.) do Allegheny V alloy Harmed Semi; 4 A. Hal LWA OIL. Anere. d 01JsEHOLD FURN 11 UWE, CAB -3 pyre, kr, ,AT elliTON.—On VItsDAY 111011131140, J. 0 h, at 10 obiork at Tbatoodd st,tot, ell be sale. e estataltt a Tuts:• toe, hoe:Trish; Lo-• ant. Clabs. aztenCon Table g r unge rat., Looking °!a..., Break ast Tablts d g peaa.. bh•st, Cook eters and Flrtarea Quotas Clrets. 6eudsts. Coils Ards. CarpAs Petther Be:s. itatnemes, altdllnt. Chrpsta as. .6 T. A. I.IcCLIf.LLADD, Ana'. CL.41,111 AGEXTS. LAW OFFICE & CLAIM AGENCY. Lg. J. & HALL PATTERSOH I WLII pr'Aum PEIMICIfiS, 80ORTIES, BACK PA fisvt all 01..h.0r m 11Itzry Mal= promptll Or Flo charge =lnn f al U. C. n&or...m. /011S11011 VIACKHELL JOIINSON, ATTOttli VS-AT-LAWi Aihd U. B.,4 t. 4 .01ZW.118* CILAILL6OISBIB, SoLDiF.Re culms, Botirrras, .V/11010E8 AHD Ar.13a1123 TO. 10. retr,t str.M, Plpsi.rit!? Pa. 40171:1:na rlays CLAIMS, BOUVIES, PEN3IObIB, BACK PAP and bIILITARY SLUES of every description, cnitected by the ten- Seabee, at the fallowing rettr4 via: reunions O fat etl other otalineS3 GO. 0. 0. TAYLOR., Attorney nt Law, , 50.'13 Grant ottert, PltMboriN Pa. D. So cbaressi are Made a the olefin doe not stutatod. and ell information eirnn smite. eattly NOAH W. SHAFER, ATTOIMOir-LT-Llhr, SO. 100 VUtb !direst, rittsbmsh, FL. Ma= forovcr.sly Prff i 81011.1 Bourg. nusz UGH 1114 viz ppcatad. tehlr - . ' TOMER Ap . 4lll3,Dantist; - >lltuxolly's efl aria afDiamond mad Gnat stall% ReforwrlMA.X. Pollack,D6l ll l. ;, initywodeFs itotts;oll,4l PPPI'BBIIRGH THEATRB. Loom awl Itzsosssas. Trcerarer IL o.aracreca. Ay pub] to &vire castennenzo of the city imfre = etre:gess 'Visiting the city at the present t the manager has bun indncei to pretent the tsantifo • no' al wean . ion Pont of With • full and annpl.te cm! BENEFIT OF SANITARY AHD TOM KING'S EXCELSIOR CIRCUS Prom Bat=olo !Ind Washing - nu:4 nal exhibit on RED Liodr LOT, Pittsburgh, JIJNE Oth, Ith, Bth, Oth, 10th, 11th Comma=Log on DIONDAY AFTESI4OOII, nt 234 o'clock, for the benefit of THE SANITARY FAIR. The Mayor or the City of Pittsburgh to ace ea Trees. user, who will eee that tar Mardi. ;arcked shall be don...id to the oxeholve benefit of MO truly chart. table tarpon. The proprietor hen the pleesnre to annoliinea that the !Leen:Mier Commletew,of whcm his /big. IllgYor Lowry iv at the heed, ha accepted his liberal on e hie contribution, during the entire Week; he therefore appeals to the potgic to aid rim In tender t.. that cootrioutlen as large se pweetbis.• Ths Troop camp:gad of the following named Had. LOU ISO TOURAAIRS, the doing Trench tPaned and Bareback Rider, whou nortralled performances have thrilled rho world, ht no eq. , In bet extremely rplendld and truly clueingl numege undue. Had VIRGINIA sly appear In eagle and doable ...le of equestrianism. Had. LAVENIS, a Buck Equestrienne. JAME 3 WARD, the perforates Trick Clown. L • ROOLIZL, the Rat Gmnu In the world. • NAYLoR, pupil of L. J Nor t th. LOOli ZANFRETTA, Fly leg Trep-se. JOHN-NAYLOR, the Tumbler goo Loper. Bhmor WAMBOLD, the mail of mmy forms. Wbl. H. GISTJLNI, the greet four-horse elder. W SMITH, in him graceful atruthemens known In therrmech language as "La Per he." T o O ie MR , ING i , I w d b e o m ie o n na t m raet e le we ll great . "Bea u n e o eap a. so a 11111/ter, and stogie or doable act Igoe:a tria. he hoe no peer. . 'KT. '0 O.IISUI. 11.5.1EGE &MISES. • 00.111 C MULES, to. Prlne of Ld =Wt., '2l o.•uU; limsrre4 &DLL GO mull. m7lO IV. 'A GRAND CONOERT, Will be given by tbo poplin of the Putlie Schools of Allegheny city, on SCESDAY EYlLtiltilif, June 7th to A P elift II A b. All the Public Schools e( the city, 11 , 1 be largely represented, forming • mental ateetiipaniment, and alit ho der e direc tion of Prof. W. H. !LAWS. The procaine:le will consist of eolce, Duette, Trice, trantLettee and Chen rm.., many of them new pstet:tic tones, some of enb.ch hare le en vrttt n e xpresely for the °manioc. 'rickety, b° cents—to be bed at tho Mule and Drug Stereo In Plttab irgb, and the 13.i0k and Drug `,ores In Allegheny, and at the door • .1 the eiesieg of the o..ncert jeik:d OR THE BENEFIT OF THE SAIIITARY COMMISSION AT CONCERT- HALL S.J. of Helena and tenured mete to a mmenoe on Saturday Jape It, af. lho Haste Snore of ft. ELleber a 800 , stun of tha Golden Clary, Ito. Wood ft., fsur doors above Fifth. wyllntd CONCERT POSTPONED. Tuesday Erening . , June 14th, sa Winnch Eaton, PA. GBAST 5T14267 Nremnum Pa k.tcraptly att=dr4l;o by &STRUTS .! rinpru, DR4VISTX4r. =ME 4 hfUSE.MEJYT a ENOLE lON'S CABIN UNCLE ToBI'S CLBIN UNCLEIVRI'd CABIN 117 4 'LV T M'S OASTY DROLE T 01143 CABIN ['NULL TOM'S OASIS BRIAN'S GREAT 8110 W, COSIBIIMD, YOB ONE WEEN, 11. L. BT tDBINS„Artt The Sanitary Fair rand, MR. AND MM. II KLEBERS GRAND CONCERT, WILL TAKE PLACE OH Tuesday Evening, Juno 14th, Ls doomed txplilert by the Ivo:taes MOT M od the VII derelined to postpone the Ooneert Bo oed by M. oud Urn. U. ELEBEat to When It wlll take pls. et CONCERT FIALA , Fifth St. EIL.ISECT ILLSBEIL CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, Of c. WE NOW OFFER. rosCBALE WHAT TY we .oppo.o to to the iergyst assortment of Carpets and Fltior 011 Cloths, Ever exhibited in this city, to BRUSSELS, TIMES PLY, INGRAIN .d TEBrnex CARPETS and SHEET OIL °LOTUS. We have many dedrable t, lee not to to found elsenebe+e. including . am. beacriful role MANUFACTURED EXPRESSLY ROB GUIS RETAIL TRADE The greater part of our .took baring been par. chaseder *entractel for before the:meat helm ad. ranee to price, will be sole et a rem =tall advance en actual cast, our prices being in nosey lustantet far below preterit market rates. ' Window Shades and Fixtures Table and Plano Covers I Hemp, List and HagTottl Cocoa and Chiaa Blattlags. 'tithe; & fall at:cement al tam on hand at the lowest prim, WIIOLES&LE ASD ENTAIL. M'Farlitna, Collins & Co., Nos. TI tiliD T 3 OTTE MELT. HAVING PURCHASED ;ND ADDED TO OZII3 OW TED ENTIRE STOOK PETS, OIL CLOT Lately b r ad b R. letcOLLl37ool., .t of Illatket atml, ere abla, b Ma cmisolblation. to ann. UM LARCEST STOOK TO BE FOUND IN Tins WEST, .87 THE LOirEsT PRIEM'S Oliver MoMintook di 00,, Da IA VOTE QUINT FOURTH STREET NEW STYLES 01 IFINDOW SHADES L'EuzirsD THIS DAT. NEW SPRING STOCK Ulf PA.I2.PMTE 3 , WILL !MADE= 1 OIL CLOTH. :41.T UM'S. OARPET STORE, zi o .antrumnimm nixio aITTORdrErs. JAUES .LAFFERTY, ATTORWEY-AI'.LAW. AU Lend Barytes tyromptly sttandsd So. Oaks, No. Ili rill= STIUGNIT, near Cram, Attabaran. • • • snnamhat - ~~. 4 oinrxcnA;' 10. 95 GRAlti ,lIT*I93T. , • - . . t ri - :'-.44:::: . ; ,- = ,. V . ::? -,...,,,,,, :. - - - ,0ri , .... t" - - ," ..- ----------, -*,',''.- v.afs.lf,tiVZ-4,5,-.: !' . . , I . , • .11 ;4 , sTi - - . ~.. : 0 I . , 1 • - . . .1 BOOKS. ALBUXEI, LATE 11713LICATIONp, AT HENRY !HINER'S. I TUE GUEST Nols,p. iLsulwrir.l3 Dy the author of 4, Ths 14mrlithter. PO., cloth, TZ CO• Boren Mork% with bailment Milani,' By Ike Direst, author of .• 511 at Lige wood; ^Dm= Life." eta tlor--, .--51 76 The Springfield Ftepablteas is a 'Rite Beton Stotiaa ate all charming--a nanny plaudits d truth and Batton—foliage of tancy tratteLnpon trai t of fact. The Basement and Attla re nenllytinorn sketches, The 'Wet Day at an h Inn' la a ro mance to mitlattre. the 'Amontit of a ootridate la fall of quiet humor. de, and vital* pal:aunt bah commands Itaelf." TWO N.E.W i3pO.LES, DT POrmas Aliagoss. L 1 1 8117111814 EI BLOCS& D I 4 ashlar= segos of oDocurtry Living," oto. 1. rcL, lemo. clothe beetled boards, red ettlges, W. • : Ortateats—ltus Onto and th e Ise ;The , Tilaoss:Of: Things; Orditasuxe ; Chortle 4itlings; a • Vim from, the revs : Prayer Idestiogatt The ProOf of loos Love Oontorrersies; tehootepsnts ; Gas Waj 1: The L . w of CI:LAM ; Praying I Forgiveness ; rmxr; Words without Knoorlatiga. I nix runny. WOODS. By B.nry D. Thoreau. and It= of "Walden," ate. 1 inL 1 esno. e'oth, $1 2%. Cbatener—Htandn ; Cbstan— • k ; The AIRMO and' Lot Branch. Has. HOWIE?irr ZifOrat. DARKNESS AND DATLIORT. A apleudld oar. Book by Alm Ear, J. Helms. arhciat annuitant novels am sought after .4 mad throughout 04 land lath nth naught. Elegantly priutsi .4 bound to cloth. uniform .tb bar titter populat aerial. Prim al 50 each. Lens U h . l. Toracj i rAflan rel . s Mui r lleada• Brook. Zngliwn Otain , Homo ;lead on du 1111121de Dorn Deese. Oopili of U. shave books j =Hod this of • receipt of price • i: runny tam, my 31 71 and 13 Flftb FO.. neat door to P. 0.,; PHOTOGRAPH 48'0119, a large al 107U:sent, latest stylea,,at lavnat Wm; AT nuxrs • ALBUM PICTUEILS, all kinds, from 31 eemta down upward.. AT 1113,11T,i. PlL.Vard CIAEO9, .graphed la co`ors, st putllaturif pricer, AT HUNT'S WAS HMS, varim. kW,. AT HUNT'S AM the HEW BOOKA, ♦T HUNT'S All the lea .PAPERS AND 7:IIAGAZINIB, AT AVNT,S s rel 'Garai', r. AT [LUNT'S Wkeeaskid dad 11:tall em k, Stationer 7, Elegastde and Nreopager Kmporilm, 90:G41 PITIES 574 1t1A.50910 HALL. lea AL8E111 . ,13 I Card PhotoirfftPrdg Albums Card Photecraphy Poeketaocks Faoket.Albtuas Pocket Eladacr. Fock.eti\lbuisie FLAGS 1 FLAGS 1 Late Dock. Late Idacasrixtea. Maps of Virginia if Georgia mini:aml srplionra PITT 0 dac's, 7! AHDso nrra 6T7lsr. RELIEF FROM CITY I FR , TEE ACRES • P p AOTIOAL TIMAI LSE ro . i. SHE KILLION ) .hotrlng bow a Sault Yenta =VS made to tal , Polt a very lamp family._With tall sae adautitalltraa• glans as to the beet cao - a talttretine the smeller frail+, each as 821LiW13411.111.0.1118P8E15.1 111 4 , DIA01137;BILIE9, &a. .' • . . • I voL . , lbsto. Cktß 81: Bfelhd toes on receipt of plot., by • DAVIS, CLARte & Ca; BoobsUeh, SOI 'Wood Wiest. NOW COMPLIVTE IN TWO VOLE 4. A MOST ISTEIIESSINO wax Two liookr oz. ltistelhwy of Popular Antiquity. in - E conitortitza with Cho Cstendor, including Anecdote., iltatory, OorWallies of Litedattina and oddities of Unrant:Etharactare with tundras illatrationA Edited by lb Chaim*. Pat 57 CO. Tor nab try Kial 6 0035PAEL • 55 Woad land. NEW BOOKS I NEYVBOOKS, .t , Bin AND 1030011.1= or. ECTEDAY BOBOOLEI —A. biography of Bahl. Balker and larie.l 4 o7. John 0. Power. 1 vol. Prim ao. e sexual, .os sassectout TOTS:- rounded on th e A natomy of the pasta intoirtalln the operation ; the kinds and proper constraetion of insommente, to. I vol. ltno. HEAVEN OUR BOMB. 1 rot. =an.. •i DABINO AHD 67TY107100. By tient. Paton dm A larre enmity of the latter work Jutland:tired. jas J. It. IIItAXIS Yourthstreet. . UM_M_ CR - RBP PASSAGE FBAMSTEr , . • 1 -... "-...t . u OLD COUNT ~ , R Y. i . _ _ . , - .. LOWER l illaklq THE 1;01VE 8 T. The waswitaid bi taw prepaid to-UM Outfits. engem by Plait Class Serval =all *testa. Sr.. elect to Newt Talle.or Elttet,a tel3l ta verti.t. „„ .o. : !- .!' li lioloide, , .i.... _ •. r. tit. , ; •-,,G. .. , Lower That haij . other Agent Ewe. Gall and get the: and he oonvinee& Om geemere mil talon , wry. andynqengten Mc tend . to The no, Jo ills Agent Wr: ....... ~, TA.PFICIYIT'ii , LIFTB - • . of co.& Ltnizt want, Illniat Udall Ilk . , tat ,and for ths X Ity Cf Lawyer PACKETS, ,• 1: i - Peetitcbt oil eienucleso at la . tata!sa. , SIGHT DBnl7 On ant Pitt a mvarrve ihrieb- Cr, . , • - , .: -,, ar;ply b 1 -- ' -' D. ' 14'. ' oiroii.;utiarai.sa 706 tritist. anaemia StnlO p. m. gen Ehig ~. laratitltti: -1 4 - aTItAlt WEEK4Y • TOI E17.400L. tozattng at QtrIEMMONSW .. [Wan I:UsenL) Ttre itas=rt • • LiTerpool. xtew Task all Plarizwp , ,gutumadr cisrwav en tcrteadell to folipes: _ cr.msaow num. MI 07 8ALT1110141.—...,...1 Joe U. —§Rthadig; Jams IL tad ever, somoralaw 1N1721.10. at =cup= Ao. Tiorth 81tar . %1!11 CS , iteua_ ..., di 03 Goid... s frt atotlitd li Vorttr u , cc . 0 to L. do . to Lotultoo 114 CC ' do to P05ta.:....... - 05 001 .. 'do * - .-'lO Part - «: •D BO do to Sambas. 00 DO do to rioono: 27 . l X .rientlall abottruirkd .tp Ustte, UtEMat. Z* illralln. antrm bk. _at eql,lll Irk sate& --.. . - Two totio Mara' ar Q: as ; IA 041 to. ' 5T5,104 'tic& ' fiteasits,l3s. - Ma* sto" wi th g; , kW itsr Welt Ittiqdolan Tilt boil IXt ' -Tcr'hiltil;.l;;Smsyniklarin- It ligt ompue., ....; ....;...;,.......,,, ...,„ 0 L y. Alm Trott •- , 11 . ' ! :'. •- '. D. 011111 LL, '.. - .I . .If c gaol 14 wilt, rit.tavripir MEE r `, I;XXV11---.NO. 17 FOR EidLE-FOR REArr POIR SALE--CIIDAPHOMEIG —A favorable opportunity is noir at:lorded trl pa' Ilona teeinue of procuring . cheap and MitoticA hornet. The property boo been lately divtde 4 Into Raiding DAN./ will be said In Gs antqloe to erdll paribleem, at price. too tor,a l.h can hardly fall to meet S , • idea" et th es • wont • MrtifCat • able home. The ground t. ph • --le p.se mortal • mil, attted at the th. Pennsyl vania Barred, adjoin , sP • ,troet, oety llns.) in toll view of mi. manaimmre, natty meat& in to: slur otennbos , how!, we being the et ,l both city apid. country. for tacildtle a tote:soot. • tth vat& of the city It Is not sorporeei by any other property to the vicinity. at the same 61. lance. This property MIMI etrzog inducements to poems. era. played at the Ont.r Depot of *re C• 1•126. It 8., or In the cr.annfactorles In or alJoining the Stlt ward. Tor forther information apply to AlDGernitl rioLvaracv., •% the German stunt Cr.. corner of Wdod and Men o streets, or at his resider. near Larretoorill. , or to Dr: WILLY, 1311 Webster . et, 6.1.1 a ward. nerlett A FAIIII OF 61 ACRES, Op which 1 ended a It:1cl Dwdlitng U=o, ac dining ten name, with a Tame Tenant Panne iFla Luxe Mao Darn, • Co crawl% em. 'ls felt wound. and only day riptlagraM the city Ter p►rtlentam emII nr Wren BAILBY, FARRELL & 199 101:11128 srasyr. Ectsburgb. I' • OB,SALE—A valuable Swam Flour lag 11.10, situate Cam mast from Allegtieny City, In • good Icamtlon, and which La at present doe big a good Milner to oily merchant made. the taitehluery la all nearly LOW lald m ezmilant um. nu, of bums, and every thing; camphor*. Three acres of ground, on which 1. a two-story ham.. dwelling of tom rooms. good cellar, stable. Am SOO grape • Inge. WO grafted 044 steam. and small fruit. and stirribbory in abundance. TMr property would Ault any ono doing bmatileS to Ceti city, being easy of isoess by a -good road. Making • seat country home; sod If doibed, tit mlll could b, ranted. Al exteliont mill buktato Can to dons. _ Re bare also far zee two second hand Frenth Onrm. Yee farther Particulars and price enquire of • Iva B. metals ,t Ou., len Fourth ;Meet. p‘0.13. SALE—That beautiful site for it L. 7 ikemh7 Beat, altentte on the Perryeri Plank Road, oppoetto the residence of W. lictnintock, Seq., and adjoining the Observatory property, con taining rIPA AND ONE-ELS-LE (SX) &OEMS. 'This to ons of the met deeireoln latations to the rielnity of either city, being velAdri abort leaking niterce of the Suspension Midge. There are a amber of doe foreot Men owthe property, sod a number of choice MIL and ores. MOMS! Iran let out. The whole property will ho sold to one trnin, of divided into , lots. Tonne cosy. Till. fa table. far umber partionlars inonlre of GEO. T. MEL 123 Wad area, Pittsbnrek. FOR SALE. A sends r:EarDszurz. Emy of scam by rail way, or o 'hart drive from AL I.gban7 City, =liable tore parmuwat note far boalans rows, is drawl TOR TALE, •t;b Immediate pc ...Idols. Coarorteble dwelling, go-d onthonees, and l peened grounds. B. S. BEXANg Apply to Eroka ond Insorams Agate, m 330 53 fast& rt., Duke. Burlsh3g. VOR SALE--A. Farm of 118 acres, , M' Bt. Clair township, Wortmgrelsod county, Ps. Also n r am of 140 acres In Flinabeth transship, Allegany county. In Also, a large tvpartary Itriot. Hansa sad Lot the Borough of Wert ttlinsboth. Also, a Lo i n Ha and Lot Elisaboth taintieL Abs. Aso adjoinlog tho borough of McKean part, in Jana A Paten plan, Noe. 58, 67,'88,58 sal GO. *boot nod rateable tract of 0.1 land, in Pool Bo.:, an the liononioshela river. Tor vartlottlars Inquire at & 120. li 0. e Frth Wefts cellar - 13. WNW Beal hau ou te Aeank FOR SALE--VALUaBLE,ItEity.. ES TAM—Two Lob corner of Cairtsaarewst wtel Vine street, 40 bet 7 Intl •s frees by 1.0 feet clop. Or. Lon on Peonsylvallst avenue, 03 rag: mkt or • 100 feet deep. rubbing back to 10 foot alley. Ono pleb of ground mambo! Chstiottettodiforbto .1 streets, la the sear of P fa 8 L. P. P. W.' Sept, confab:dog twenty lots, 20 by 100 feet. Alga, • number of wry &arable lots In lfatt - Pi - ta. bureb. Btabfiltese lots Volta %body, tams • fryyt t of IV feet tea Utak; Erect:nal P.O co Weattfutton and Illlmore attests, ca skirl Is erected I. imeU brick bow. For plitlColllllippll tft Z. D. DI rreatot, Jcl.lm Tort Piet Gaon Work.. Weablostos F Oa SALE—One new Steam &gine, • latzaccythidar, 20 Inch arch*, on henry Wm t a d. Warm° valve governor Ora 19 hick cylisidcw,ro inch stroke, second•shandi alit will be as goal as now. Oral huh cylinder, tuck stroke, new. One 6 " 23 het 100 Two Cylinder Dollen, 21 In. diem., p g. Three " Two - Wrought Iron 011 Sllils, Alio, Throe Bite of liming Pmhi, for Oil Wolis. Catnap for cash. Enquire of 11. 61. BOLE, apt 9 Allegheny Uttar Bank, noar the Point. 1A131 , 1 AT PUBLIC .SALE 4 n x sold by public outcry, on Ake preeches, cu r1ii11121261, the 231 o( •rins, lust, is Farm ma taming 161 Ames. sang d o Borh Hinstingdou township, Westmoreland county, 2 mike, Man tart. mer l e Station Penna. P. B. It., and oho Wean die. twice mom Olimelleville B B. The land.abosuclii in coal and lissestous. la well watered. '.1.110 ' pronments an Leg Dwelling Rouen and Log Barn. - Saki to take place at 'o'clock p m. • lethw SAMUEL DAVIDSON. F or. SALE. A PIEDIOAL BUD ATION. I: l 4lr.ms of relingatthtag mY prictiet. I ores Atl lactation forsate. A mall troche, outtillAthiP. tree to of Itad r tntl trait trots auct otter tia. Istntottuts. It to a Rood opentott fora to:Rata:A rl ggltt:l t g=tg:Tig Ui*t r l tF ;teio toms,. . A. P. D'UTOIIABt. It. D. lelaw • SAM-42,50 0 Iva' paid:taw) a F ° ll ftrai of twat say-on. =to, mast rtotel of toliftstioa. sail watered with eprini auti coder patents, situate about three and • tad laths from Greensburg, Ifustod aunty, ca. tia WWI. Pits, one mile from the Penna. Railroad ; ,The toptosescumte an • taro•story Urfa ROW, frame Dam Spring Howe, to., and irod orchard of &otos haft. Terms easy. . Apply at dalleolEstate and lasarazzsollee . Ps der attest. lastencesnli. VOR - EIALF.;-A" LARGE MODERN bunt tttle Ito:Oda boase,, emits on 800 ISTILEILT, between lath and Lllgh duets, =lgoe bsw ten roonnortfh - Wood cellar er , L fUlLebed: Pr• mt. The lot hes front of ak feet en Bete ettate =te eing beek77 feet to • s.feet efle7. The hone h Rub. steattelly bait. and hoe Inter and gen thronghott tht b "alnt. Treforther particulars enquire or. MD MOE, ' D'wn ea "PI tLehe Fall RAT:P—At Atilicddin Oil Works, • as-ciugle riinse or3ir,sebirtatfor4 bulii of rime timbir nOt /Mkt WS, out Wn ma t l at e a a t w a a t s S S e SU b er na eah. J yep:Man =ay 111!3e7Dge""k11.41oTualliVri&attil,— •• • 20 "Lob y ety, Seottiorbestitt bria Yu tats Low' of stout Miss; toff mutat tett • SW tot; bast %tit front to SI kasha 091.sru's VIA 4D,f Utabs torpluoti last* Sits ricd•post Use& U. kts te sold asorskti s body. rialr Iza=s,l o 4 apply - asstd. ST.T. WHSTC. 10S Tett Stmt. 06R mar,--A GOOD CLIAND FOX 11,15.1NG laossr Put:4lml stire, dot.% driabelligati; A. and with sr:. soma of *versa= Man pied daily papers, ft ala , ct tax rm., pa c 4 - 'srithiLtzpitat cr abed z Si will p.tOT3 as met. • Iduatar anet, • FOB SALE. ono ?so s aargai fa cad c dc y.l het tont.l B tea 9Ytda 4 kr.thl newt4pcd*aAL Cftuk'„ 1/I D 7 Jekfir 107'4100d as vet . Pat ' • trrairsasc arr. zias ArTirri. • ; • ramatti 2 nrwratw LIFO hrarr. rom4 _ - Efttia.street. ; {pea Iraels:444 rad I,t !mitt% Ispttto4y Rad tall to r0:44. Wok.), .3r., :•g,44. VOIR SALlarecamtri Emits at Mena. .I:4sta • • ate* ad.ta pdtref.Pireaciihrcm the PIM • • sit Warns & ChiCigs B nias lag_trcm tot 92,1191 6"lS.loZat* °Pee 15134.90 i . •Ws.lo Disme 4 .21 Atka Iv•ria..• Lot of Gtoung at tho orusTou mai a==z9 rands, t itio. of 21:notog600l: Alto, cos au corr." . of • .oßiffAmilltro f tg1,11041% ward. Term ttattoagaulla. 6AlcOli -Corer,.YMu 4. , M rob *eh . . aarAlstaTain soluiss.4 "Alt taxica isMatd vartiortbto r k.. 4 6. ' • Ws, broken •to goes a-a floa too b.- :NU by la DONALD a rats coma,- 113-a5p7:16114.64,: 1 51i....,, ,, ,,,' .. • - .. '.- r , '-- " ''''',' '. . : • 41 1 .-•
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