.z,":;1 '7- - t ifisintrgh Saatte. MONDAY, JIMAIMO. 1804. "the clerekuniiNahination: I.Miles' we opened our remarks upon this apo tien, we took it for granted, frateall tasi.lie were able to see of the proceedings" „ , ~ .0-., t he:town 'meeting which made ii , that .o.l4siiisiei and ble friends were's° fhb IJ ittB4o its abortive ohmmeter that hirrtaMit-res not presented or pronged for Pimildential place on the ticket. It E;seeined, from 'all that appeared on the Mir that the nomination went, a leggir4r, tnai it was finally given to Jena Coat i pass because no one else was silly eiongb 1 to . want it or willing to have it ;;;:-.;.**) learn now, however, and with' some I r ...- . surprise, that the GOVOTIIVII I I friends In SlltdOity are indignant that the nomination - Witsr4tot ,given to him. They regivi the nigleot ehuen him not merely as a glee, bit"as an limit and an outrage. They cannot in 'drve hew 'this mass meeting of bi - considerable and inconsiderate politiciani, led by 'Peassn A/M*lRM* and man of his kidney, could pa'ss over the weighty claims of the Goseroor for each a nonentity as Aus_Coonesse. Nor, for that 6,! , ttti?; , catk . They aro ,esrefal, notwithstanding, tq ,express a sort of disapprobation of the act Of molting any nomination at all, at Cleve- 'ilthough interely indignant that Sidi- friend was-not nominated: They say ...thateninomination there wee unwise and inexpedient; and then proceed to Nati .— nate °wrathful denunolaticme_bettanse this pasties:tier one was not made. We cusxmor understand this. lianomination.at Clow land was inexpedient and unwise, it !should rather be a matter of rejoining to them than' nf anger_ that the ex°Goyernor was nntrinoluded in it. Why shwa Panto' .Pintentinx and his followers be denounced for act : mating a partioular nomltustioro, abut aay...niimivation at all was cat t. It my be all vary clear, but we-can. not see:it. Aside from this view of the 013 t, we are disposed ,to , regard t* notien of the Con teattonln.thiamatter as sornewhat idiotic ; but then, as lro cannot look with any.fa rrpon ittaote, ;ea a whole, our opinion npari thinpart Of it , nosy be regarded - as simply Ld= . harmony with our other views , of the . • oonCern: If Governor Jouserox really de etre nomination, it onrtainly was a poor compliment to him to pare him over for such a „nuin as lone Geclu4is. To have a bettor roan preferred .4 you is . sometimes hard enough to bear; . but to - be thrust' aside unceremoniously for One :who is worse is certainly rather wound fug to the' feelings. As a young' plan. by thCinune of Gum observes, ,there are ohnrds inn . t he human 'art," & 0... To hare nieedjuihi Convention and not hare won becanne n suitor. was. Preferred wheurrit in possible to penis, onlyll being silent, is ~~r~ ~ ; ~~- hot flattering to selfesizem, cettathly. ',We recur to Cur 'first kV Stadia as the , P coma:Cello: -The erreinor'e friends must besuistakim.-- It cannot be that he was 16 Out sighted as to want that nomination - it is fai rabre,fiatterb' ig to his foresight to 'Oppose, as we did,- that he saw `through ilthihubble and declined to have anything le arther:,to:do irith it ; and that, weighing 'emhole toneeri in the bilatieee of an kindle:wed judgment, he found if so la; ntably Wanting- that be let it take its .-:. tra xoad to speedy perdition by 11.3;ains ! hing a cut`off politician faint 'Nevi York, ho aloe of ell those named forthe place 1 p.. willing , to take it. 'lbis, sKmii _to us y 'fae the; isest view of 'the ease; and by 1 all odds ',lli most Complimentary to the clo*nekr. To suppose otherwise is to set the self-'appointed delegates down as *much Outer peak of ninnies-than even we had lioen-wiiling to do.. • .'l l .' Ft., r .~'~~r'. N, 1 Setae itime ago we noticed mono of our . exchanges a recommendation to fanners to lent nets; .Tho reason assigned why they eboufd do to was thic—Hay, oats and corn are now. bringing higher, priced than ever before knoirn. "Those prices nuiy declin e SOmowtsst, brim they will not fall to the old . fame: . Hence, fanners who desire to re slice - .lt; hendoness- incites from the'pile of • their lay, este and corn ihsuld raise large anipsV, roots to feed to - their cattle ma IMbstitttlis, Cattle thrive-well on roots, bat 2roots • essidonc pay to taw:spurt to , marl&i.. heir coltivistion - hil conergueistly. not re ... , °Sleet - gement attention. ' The argument is a good one, end we would be =be glad to see it 1 • - -4 to:lopted - oy the farmers near this city. A trio , ii#e - or two, planted in- turnips . .ter rotabsipts, Would -ply welithle year is the way Wo-have indiented. It. may not be too l'irus to plant outvote., 1 .There;- le another argument that may be addoced in favar_ottheroot-pbusting theory. In the present situation of our iionatry, With hundreds end themiands Of Mir faimens in , thf.tented.tield instead of at the plow /10a% There is great danger that the sup. ply or thateceatairies of life, Whielt are pro. dbeedity. the labor' of 'the husbandman, will 'P6 rwillcedirtuelt istlciw the aireinge'd pre; ofenrs 3 ears. .10d - to :this fact the possibility alonglirouglit, ore. eery . wet stunimir, or : 2 1 . isvages of the' fly, and the crop of grain ybe .a - t alarmingly: eaall - one ' It is •ilMreib;si 11* intputse pf ; patriotism and , sl4-pressratlion, :a.i. well as of gain, to *lint everything that can be eaten by man ice beast There w i ll - not be a famine; hut . 'there own be a great scarcity. Plant roots, all of )o, . , - .. • • };u • •••• .. ~~`- C :.':.. f I. , i . ilits telegraph'on Seto:rant brought its the new/ • tits temmencentest of the iptuat Irtru into 41 frusta litoluuond.. The result 10 that asty's fightizig Wee substantleßy s rata si'toesik althougbi as Deneraree/sr (telegraphs; we art .not gain , any detaidie advantage.. Both 'armies Were in line of I ibiattleptt Friday, at come polite fifty ofttsch other. ,Thestruggle was prob renewed, on Saturday. Whether. it was or visa nut, the present weak will be big with:fits Intl raeotorssle inour Meter,. o Noittostthe Union /tad IC' east *rata ibtati - for 4itt notelaatton of osodtdatea for the rfeslllFuelr and Vice Pteeldeney; 01.• , ,eees in froot.ittret Theatre; Baltimore. attanait Ltraarx: ant nadeubtedly so , note the aetataatten for the lint awned by a vary large rojerity, If ;tot by ic0u446131. ` l4 / 3 319 ; ant. Nazar:B. Pxoli!loir, 4214 1 1 ezerm so l2ll axe spa/nor fa einueOttoi with the second Ties /VIPs of •tku'Aulitur F a it Up- to goluntoloyouleti exceeded $165,09.: The Foto wilreontinue during the whole of the , resent week. Therefs to abatement la the interest !Chu Strebted. the people from the country art Jan. beginning coma , T - i t , . on 4 ut Montag= 4et Chen. .ZWstiWvietthW/Wei_Gin ridilittki ort, in& th at 'th e tty ;tempted, - :1'47 rs! crop' stria's wo-pion i' 7, ''FjP;''''"''''' ' - ' 7 '''''.. 71 ''''''7• 7. 7 7 7'. - ' 7;0rq417 - ' ,.- 74.:77 . '.'..,S.r.H.FF'''t,','":''';'.•."•'...'4's:7-...-'.'7•.'''."-q?''''.'''!=---..',": , TIM New York World, on Saturday, was guilty of one oflibri meanest acts thateordd pondhliidiegnathe 'editorial profession. Itrerliublilhed - a'ninple of eatrate from the anitnents by the feibuse and limas upon tfia riominialoe of Farness in 1856. The date of these comments was suppressedy so auto leselithe impression upon the unwary reader, who does not see the Drib= and lima, that those papers are now, mop porting Faintest It was a most base and (temptable Copperhead trick. The paper that did this thing could forge a President's Praia:union if is didn't. Tus only Paterson' man killed in the Thirty-third New Jersey Regiment, in the late fights under Sherman, was a man named Brown. The news no sooner reach 'ed his sorrowing , wife, than she straight may married again, not even waiting for a confirmation of the saddening intelligence; having gotten the news in the morning, Mrs. Brown was married again before night. Tim Radical Germans of Chicago have published a protest against the late Cleve land Convention—or rather against the delegates thereto from Chicago, whit were sot elected by a majority of the Associa tion. They declare themselves for the nominee of the Baltimore Convention, and •111 discountenance every effort to divide it a Union party. CHARLES 8 Sabra eon of ea Senior Jones, of Dubnqutflowajand June' Hemp ••red, eon or ea tivvein,r diempste•d, of Dubuque, were taken prisoners along with • rebel brigade by Gm Bailer. Young Jones was Assistant Adjutant-General on Can. B. It Johnson's staff. Young Hemp stead was a Confederate Captain. Pant votes taken In the Senile on the Wedeity tax., it seems probable that the eliding eagle of $l, $125 and $1.50, June let, October let and January let, BA adopt ed in Committee of the Whole, will be ad hered to, a higher and lower etude re spectively, haying been toted down by de cisive majorities. Sewn light-footed and light fingered thief entered tieoretarrOhtss's haute, on Tues.. day, night, and found hie way to Mr. Chaae'e bed,ohataber, and todk hie gold we and pooled-boot, containing about $4O, and made hthesospe without disturb ing the Secretary, who was sound 'asleep. " Aucwo the rare "cariosities to be exhib. lied at the great ,fisnitary Fair at Pails dell.his, will be the dagger which Geri tho eminent Itaban patriot and sol dier, carried with him in most of hie great campaigns. ARARRATIVE Of the barbarities inflicted upon prisoners of war at Port Pillow, cam ' piled from the official reports, Is about to be published at the office of the Rebellion Record, No. 441 Broadway. Tow Bt. Louie Gcnitary Fair has taken in-nearly four hundred thousand dollars in the sword contest General Hancock is ;ahead., butts of soldiers are now : occurring -In the hospitals of Washington at tho rate of fifty a day. Agars inKentucii—slave-bantingty &motor Wilson hino rscelvtil a letter tool Kentucky, which Boys: don't care bow loud mouthed may be the protestations of leyaiey here, the negro stands first end foremost. It aeons to be the polity-to keep Kentucky officers and troops in this State, and the result is that' it is a boning-ground for fagitites, ind the hunters are men employed and paid by the United States as soldiers. Sines I_ bate been stationed here, 'now something more then eleven months, it hoe been an shiest daily occurrence for squad of men to be employed in hunting slaves sad returningthem to their Mietere. a I hats keen a Colonel of a regiment riding at the rear of a elate gang compos ed of me; womenand children tied togeth er, and guarded by men in the uniform of S. S. soldiers. - Let me give you en in stance. Last Saturday, the, commandant of this post gave , an order to, the Provost hiarithal to setae and deliver outside the lines, to :her muter, a slave girl who was employed as cook at the oonvalesoent camp. This girl had; been away from ber mister, who is and sittays has been a noted Itebra, for more than kix. months. Sne ran away on aceaturt of, his cruelty. "The, owner of the'girl, with the guard, went to the camp, nosed the girl, and, amid her cries end freak appeals for pre. teetion, were taking her away. She fell don her knees and begged the 'guard to - aluxit her upon the spot, sayingler muter viola whip her' to• death if he got bet *wily. This was too much for the endu rance of some of the inmate; of the camp, and they interfered and took the girl away from • the guard, drrne3 • her in boy's clothes and secreted her. • • 'lna few minutes an officer came with a Mounted petrol and exhibited an eider troll" the commanding Officer to seatch the bathe for the girl and return bei to her owner. Thanks to the soldiers in the hoe pitile she was not to bi found. It makes miblosd boil-to-read .the high-sounding speeches and campaign orders published the, papers, and then witness these things daily." -The_writer them, speaking eritb loathing of the degralation of United States troops to the brutal business of whipping women, Inclose/ to Senator Wilson tens monstrous order: • Pint Roots E14.1614•617Lii CA67 AltiJON, Er. , Omni Pori OUINANDAM. Mal rt,Ltst. Ltattrumarr loiormetion hae mashed thaw bea.4mii tars Ma th row o the woman whim yett piseld too, ond eh* lhourpaterday are back again lir caroyouutelm Oozed emormadtug dyneathat you mud' out "Our patrol sad serer them, Mel omilos thud in the Military Proem melt they are ail col. Ws: d by uhetaaatrs, Whew 706 will tie thus ap and gtve Puma •It w 1 elm, aodurpel them aloud the 11601 th. dlatanoti he:Moroni :vim& Alm, misfits. gro Womial here whims; au:46aq will De ahead sad aim beyond On Ilitea, and inbrmed time it they ramie, The lash awaits them BY Conuomnol of ,001. CLA 6 6. 006, 64 iOOl. 070. A. }UM, Lioot. mod Fon oidi't. To Meet. Jose liteuesm, l'ionost liaribal, (Map V.,ll°Do Ey: 7 Gen: GrantlsOplalon.of HI, Owr station. , I A gentleman front the, front tells us th folloiring good story. of Gen. Groat: k 'hater to the army called upon One morning, and found the fienemi sitting in his tent smoking and talking to one of hie stafrofficers. The strannerapproathedthe chieftain andinquired of him as follows: , 43eneral, if you flank Jae and get be• tween him and Mt : almond, will yot not un- cure; Washington and liars It prey to the enemy?" Gen. Grant., dlitherging cloud' of smoke from hoe': mouth, ludiffer. entlyl replied, alfes,.l reckon ea" The stranger encouraged by a reply, propound ed question atuaber two: , ' , General, do you not think leeetan detach sufficient force from big attorto reinforeelleaturogard and ormiltroar Butler T''.-"Not a doubt of It," replied. the General; Becoming fortified by his - ancient; the ,stranger propounded number three ;we follows: ' , General, is there not danger that Johnston may come op and ;reinforce Lee, So that the letter wall' iglus round and out off your tom munleitions, and soise,_, our. supplies ?" was the cool reply_ of the General, and he knockid the antes from theend of lots olgsi. The stranger; her,. rifled at. the :aortal fate about to befall Gni.- Grant and his:arm;, made his exit, and hastened to 3Vatologlon ,to' communi cate the news. - The Butter tYI.II. _ Iformorosurr tocroxyloorr or irgoonno Alta 1 V 0011-01WAINA. 11l TES SIRUP. kill 3 0 . 1 ro gar Editor of the %eio York 47reP: 5r11,4 it. the following parsgmph in the Boeton rrarellerj credited toyour parr: "De - New York Ariort of Thursday soy, the will, of-A, J. Butlercbrother to fdsj, Gin. Butler; hos boon offered lir pro bateln; tbs Boring's's (Coe In that atty. IL:slower aneslata , valged at two nallone of dollsow of 'Web qua/WI bai been be queathed to ths' . llajor-Gialrial:;'X'hi par tioadar*of the will cannot be made publ.to *Ur die Jotter port 'of the non*, ',Which Is the fall ratans day, llt I to , suidirstaod, hoiresr, that . there are -ascend New Or isons ebb:mugs who Intermits file petitions as creditors." '•, -, 1-I : • 1,- • - , , T amicua .There to not ens ironic. ate, it. ran' ttukto[will of my ‘ brother: ..keen'olferett 1 r " val ta. '• • so nets . . , ut , • g - Tw 7------- • / -or • ,i's • Esse ? Labs the Ma . , , 1 ,11. —Ar 05 03 , ..rdiunt , i ,„ the lie. , lisle **llona - be, very res. , ••ebalteirdela Joir or! tai0!!,.. ,„, _ .1 VeCtialliro o 4 lo6 o l4t ''' '':, ,",,, , , T - • I j .."..;,1: amnia. i . •/•::"4.,-.-)1. 17.;,7 r..,,_•,,,_',.':4.•:„,,"-gt 1 7400,)q 1 ,. i0ii ...J,, iii -;:i4. n±41•5 ,•,fu.,,.15, ',,, *,4i sclttlatttr!vs,, o: , e ,• , : !. • 1I": 1 N 4 ' W.i,,I9 4 ; Af;.AJ i,:'„fl`:•l:;,,',_;., , -1:::,:•,..-. +- '''';'":::.. ~ I , l' :---, :-;4 , ' , .. - Z ''f'• • •. -1 4••-:7F- 7 :; , .. , •ii , i•Q5= 14 r,•• •, Tll'!, , T . :•;, - t - `"•,--:-,?••-•I';•:::'.--:iL'1•.:1--'::-:•••:-"„:.c.,-.:m_;..,s_.,5L--c?•2•i.:1...:.M;v:...:4-A : , MffMNM Gleanings from the Malls 10A1Md Statei Army Oracers. PUBLIC .rorircEs. THkASQKEES LIST, SANITA BY FAIIL—N. gnaws; Mesmer elani . tar, Talr„ acknowledpm • racipt of the - !Wolfing addltkoul contribution.:' . From Committee, F. &Pais, - Exchmoirllsolt.-....-----.--21,000 00 Dank ot Plt(linargh---..--- 1,000 . 00 .Citisciasl,Coo .6 ) 1.0 Biltar, Pittatour;ll.... 1.000 00 tif il erVan " le 1 1 , 0 0411 Iron City .• 700 CO 2d Notional Sauk, Pitieburib - -- • 600 DO Farmer" Dep HU C0..._.. E6O 00 German Trost 4 SarDnitk..-..--. 250 00 Union Banking 260 00 Doll. Baring Bani— ...... 125 PO Sd Notional Dank, Pittabngb.-- 100 CO /Lem Estate Our Institution.....—. 100 0009,12500 From Dry Groods Committee : Citra 1b.5500 COrilson Bfellroy.Bsl2o 00 Bbscklett, McClain .1 T 60 00 400 • DM 00 1 W ...... 20 00 Isaac Tailor— 60 001Cbris 20 00 Jame. P 001...—. 20 00 Chris Lowe.— 10 011 T T 20 CO D Dietrlck.—......- 600 J D 2300 Decker_:......._,- 10 00 Hobert Ileer,E.---- Jemes Norria Oltntoo tp, Jobn reader, Dmier, O Pchtelter. of Outliner 4 . o.lelter, Mark e Armstrong - Co--. Bev a Beatty, Oil City..- PlnmmerrtLLle Society. 11 . Z Oturch....„ Key E F Garland, for St Patrick's Con.. Jo i r:Twaident , . . ... 20 00 Boa. utesetwom - Titamith.:---, . 10 00 Hugh IlicHeal, Harts& • Wornine, Blair o per John Moorhead.. -.... 100 00 L I.lcGr.r. Tress Steamboat Fo nd, on & tl . 76 CO Employe. Bloomfield furnace 0.40.4 Employ., "if Alol3.tly _ _ From , W sndow Comm Ht. : - Paator. echulta d. (0, 11100; I Gabler, 21 0; 0 W Geuretunan Philadelphia, Lathrop, rudington, - doo, new York, per J. Caldwell &meld Clonstabla to, Bow Tat, per Jae Osldwell . 100 03 Employees limey. Wells co*. 3 0 0 00 omadusky street 10aptist church, babstme - att r.puramsing 200 00 j H Odra— 25 00 Citlseas of }Seldom-amt:per, Yra Perb , " 90 00 Cleisensof B.;c - heatar. per Pennock 60 00 .1) Barnum, New York-- 79 00 •17.7r1LTAVL fn.m Onlot TramrrarTtstlan, Chita A Co, Otter Depot P B B, J Ho'Greighton, J H Irwin, 8 Dawson, 0 Woods. 8 Pinkerton 8 W J Montilla, A Fisher W Drani, F 0 moor, GA Bilk., B Z I etradh, V 8 McGotheon, J Tarmood, 0 18 Quorum II Forbes, F, I gisolth, V Jack, .1 Welith, Jll J • hlclatlro, W.A Goobers, e nemple, H Creighton, 11 liMmaa, W Harmond, HElrwin, P A Frothy. Ii H Mar 8.1.1 Loomis, P Sweeny, HT Hi% Drlecal, J 8 Dungen, D gweeny, 0 Anderson T Hamitoo, D. A Boles, 11 Gala, J N Me titan, W McGlone% B M need, Wm Coot, 8 B Drat D Urns, 0 It Loomis, P B melt, H .1 Meek, al - rear L t Maxwell, BMOLLft T W Maga, J Dul lard, Wm Walters, D Lamson, B. Beattie, A G Prop ear, I/ Leary, 8 c one. Uallalutell, P klendlough, W McGraGo Ryan; B Mcßride, J Watson, W Dick. son, B Bulger, J Beady W Grams, B Leaman, Evans, A bteesonion, W Orr, J Martin, 8 Wright, D O'Connor, 1181termson, W O'Brien, J McCafferty, I Catsup,T Blacken, II Hotter. Erne, H Bayles, J i t 72 4 cat?' Draw , ' low oo Alricunt prat (rowdy reported 15 THE PITTISBURGH SANITARY FAIR We pnblieb, by authority, the fall pr• gramme of the eoteleg treat. Zotarttlesteuta, to be even On the Fair GFrounde. It tho AUDITOIIIIIII .13.11 AND ZISTEIRTAIN SLENT HALL. Th. Hell irell ventilated, and capable of reat• Ins i,f/C0 persons, and we h. ps to see It crowned every bight. PEOGRA/Edflf. On MONDAY EtEalBlo, June eth, at 8 o'clock, GLAND Mil/110.1L TABLEEIIE, and peefOrm• ann. of the , Ideelatrom, or Sea Shore' Ticket., 81.00 each. Thle Grand Musical Entertainment will embody all the talent of our On TIIEnDar EIGHT. Jute 7th, at 8 o'cltel4Prof. Shot and orreral hundred School Children will sire a dt..d 'lntertidal:one, Strkiitt Mo. each. en WEDNESDAY EIGIECTdane Bth, at 8 o'clock, • Prof WAIILLISEII °BEAD CONOSB E. Tick ets, LO cants each- On THU all Del NIGHT, Juno 9121, at 11 o'clock, a GS OROO.EtTiI CONCLIti, by the Ger ms tans. 'Staub. CO amta On 'FRIDAY BIGHT, Joo 10th, at 8 o'clock, the GRAND ORATORIO OP TE R ISIRRI•13, with fall Germania Band of twenty eight performers, from Philedsdphia, four tot the bast bolo !Bagels le the worldoestleted by name. of 103 Amateurs of Flttsburnh and Allegheny Olty. 'khan, $1 each. We tall refer dal:, to than entertainments, and the rmblio will me that every effort has twee made to gratify the public, taste, and it , . unqualified eat. !emotion to oar amusement enter., who that . h . aid th• gloricon arm ef the eick and wounded de l' mien of oor country. • JeGAt t , II.I7IIII3URGH THEATRE. Gam s=d •Bj ycbUe daps THOLE TBSIT CAMS MOLE TOM'S CABIN ÜBOLDTON'S CABIN - In conenrunee-of the nominal murex hem • stronger. }to-city at no present time the asougsr hos • been !winced to prosont tho teontifol twat mow too Drama of tRinLTII.IOII3 CABIN lISOLSI TON'S CABIN. lISOLIC TOILII CABIN tWNOTita—?ho first meeting of the Amodaiton toots as -MOAB MINING 0 )810a,N1, - " tlil b• had at the Ottioo of the Att borjhA Thatoa 110ing On, to the at, of Plitibargh, on BantiDf.Y. the Ilth day of Mr, 3o'clock p m.,>a iarthaanoi of lb. wrath. lona of the Laos of Michigan, antbolislag too for. =Ow of Ilxponitloas for Main, tainlng, Co, for lb* outvote of olaitiag Directors And adayttcp By. Laws far the roaramiait of told Aamel-tion, And the traniattlen of itch otter Imal.in so may properly corns Wore said meotlag. CIISIDi G. 2117831 Y. =WWI IL BOWS, lialtVEY CHILDS Jain 13. Ammer, ALL IBLM XDFOD ALEC leir rERTINEJLEIV7II.. pua SALE—Valuiblo City . Property • sixty feet front en Witter tweet hi 1(.0 sing on Parry to Vino street, tarty:feet front on !Tint st , nun a Wenn etnnd end swelling bouts, Perone wishing to 'mare a good's. anntsffltory or we e lessW, are invited to mom no this proptitY• /or grits and foe= &only to • J 4 B. COTFII36.IIT *SONO. 61 Market rt. 2A BAGS PRIME RIO COFFER V 80 half cheer Onto, Black and Japan Too; 50 burs Claclynati Gonna, rosy; YO do do Wald 055011614 . & r; ova Wvhbosrd do Ilyckoto; . i 75 do Coro Broomr; 113 hilt 160 1175harrYle 15 do Lo /16.r15 . bbls. No H ur d OIL ••4 25 bbly dylllsl and 15;0. Molasses; 16 Dodo tortgo Corh 84rely IPcutd ]lo. t Matchor. 10 bosom Prepared Coffee; For 5610 by B. LINDH/Cr, Jr. k CO., .166: 187 Warty Omit, • • OR, 'THE FAIR-Jus t receive 3, a F aad aaected 'took of . .ItABITN• 0 trrzas ANOSALBUSAIAL: • 310869' AND 011ILDItZ6'8 BOaTAI MEWS, B .Tti• AND toots% BOOTS. . BALEIOBAL3, BBOOABSt GABIENO, 314 30.1 to acid at aNO prk•at • . • • • -14 soutakeres, 03 ' Narita Etna& `57 'y ojr CAN GET SUITED in all. kinds Boot', Shoes, aaitere aad 13sth to inize and quilt?, st BORLAND'S, OS Nuke, strut, Scowl dear from fUth.' Jd , A ILFAMISITY, WHARF NI:MOE Ala. Val beold, on Tal:DaY, LLCMst, UK owl riATs, loge and null; one Wt. ING. dc., ter vunt**, and corm of pasting gala into the nor and towing them -ant of Sto tray, la order ,to let bonnets , ter noted on. All goon elided* any of the above - undo will call Inuaedl. soli sad pay chops and tate them away.; ingot . .Idllo3 AMEN. Alanuster. PATMIT GAS STOVES, on exhibition and In toll operation at • . , Tan ettreousan sorrens At theta& end of Notebooks' Iroaty, fiats,. Wier end IF adder awed; duet, dirt, sild .*. emirs heat In 1111191601 F avoided by thy Atse of thus divot. Itson'aotored EMILIE It I 011188111821, phi TO Went is for sale. 1,4 t .. 13.Fe11" i'.I.ANUS I HOFFMANN, HOENE & CO; . -xe. as mut wisp; tkcsmu br Diana% unsiIRATID PIANOS; iiltier by tha bait 111121claal, Aro ittr. lutosiadyta to be aupstior to !Mothers, withaalasy eicaptical. • '_ • $l.OOO, 0 00 00, ,0F - Cal tf ;paisatoi utteld - th# mrfLolf vsel;blis. mart sad wl4 bart;'.". wWlut sad pi a Papyoiria,atd isarritialara.' • ' ' rEc-6,„0 half bblit. Na 8 e. L , l; do‘ =,- -Einkizti:Ssara 117. 4)4 .04 Auld rm t, • RPECIJL XOTTCEII o 'll b' 10-40 BONDS. Thews bond. are lethal ender the Act of Clongree. of March BM, 18G4, which provide. that all Bond. tented cutler this act BEALL DR =DEEM= IN 00t1d, it the plasmas or the Ovrernment, at thy period we Jess ad= 1.21 mor• axe fosse yew. from their date, and anti their redemption FIVE PLR CENT. INTEREST WILL DE PAID IN COIN, on Bends of not orer one hoodrod dollars annually, aid on ail other Donde eami-enannally. Thitterest payableson the brat day. of March cod umber to each year. As thee Bonds, by Let of Congress, are =San MOH lIIINICTIPAL OR STAIR TAXATION, tbotr rake Is Increased fromi ono to throe p4'eant. per annum, wording to the Yato of too levies In regions parts of the country. At the pmeent rate of womb= on' gold they pay OVER LIGHT YEB CENT. I.I9ISTIEBT rency, and an of equal amvadence as a permanent or ternottrary investment. It Itiadiared that no =arias. offer or great tu• dummeule to lenders as the various detcriptione of 0. S. Bonds. In ail other forms of indebtednam, the faith or abitiry of prime, partly or Moat companke or mparste cominmilties only le pledged for eey meet, while for the debts of the Mated 'Staten the *hole property of the oonntu fa holds. to . saemge the payment of both prleolpsi and interest to cola. These Honda may be tube , rllsed lbr la rums from $OO op to any magnitude, on the same ten., .od ars thee made equally available to the .m►4est lender and the largest eapitallnt. They can be ma vested into money at any moment, sad the holds .01 hale the benefit of the interest. Tb. Wended Debt of the rutted States on which batmen le payable in gold, on the 3d day of March, 1664.,erm 11T60A05,0110. The Interest me thin debt Ste ea coming fhwal year will to 1145,9.37121, lAD* th t a custom' moans to gold for the current gaol year, ending Jane 30th, 1041, low tom so Ihr at the rate of over $160,010,001 per ecmum. It will be wen that even the Vessel gold on nun of N. Glaearrunent are largely In eaten of the watts of the Trsaam for the payment of gold ht. tore!, while the moat Increase of the tariff WU doubtless rah. the annual receipts from mato:axon the tame .mount of imnortatlone, to $150,04V0) p.r armee, The authorised =coat of this loan lo Two Dec.: deal Billiton DoUare. Instrnoacms to the Hatfowl Banks acting as loan spots were not issued auto March PS, bat the amount or Bonds reported sold at the United Etats. Treasury op to May Stilt ems $54.504,900. anhecriptions will be received by the Treasurer of the Val ted Stales, at Washington, and the deelstaat Treasurers ►t Has York, flostlot, end Phitedelphla, and by the EIEZEEI First Motional Bank. of Pittsburgh, Pa. Third 111attanal Bank, Pittsburgh, Pa. And by ._ . National Banks which are dopsid lariat of public mousy, and all respectable Dunks and Bankors throughout the cows try, (acting aa aganta of the Natiotal Depositary Plankt,) will A 22- Ilia rural? Information on- application, and afford wary Welty to rata-alba. rayggdwilawir C. W. mourn. Pard , Zhu:togs: for Ldpolooott Q Co.) a. o oraaaso, (lota of Gain, flobbard • Co.) WWII A WOO. jZ?PITTSIOIRGH SAW WORKS 111711 BARDS & LONG, llanufseturns of PAVEIST d1101321D 01:11013- LASS, warranted GUM STarla SAWS, of wary description ; Malay. Cans Call, Gana and all *thaw misfit. All kinds of Eliflirta A SPRINGS, undo from Shoot Cast Stand; Mxtra Refined TIM AID MOWING. AVIV IS, de. Warthossio and Work!, tor. WAWA di SILOBT STS., ?Mahwah. Particular attention aim to Betoothhig, Onateming and Straightanina Circular Sate; also nrpaini of all tir.ds. Punching and Milling dow at rounnitlii rata. apt. ily FC - _ , WII. BA.ItNiiILL & 00., Boum: LIANNES AND MEET [BON NM, Pena fa, Nos. VAIL It and 11. Mates e. cared • large yard and tanstated It vith the sad in proved znachlnery. ere are papered to znazadlectecre dray deicrtptlatt of BOILERS. In the beet manner, and warranted equal to any made In th. matey. =NUMB, BItIOUEIL YIBX BEDS, MAN PIPES, LIXONOTITE BOILIIB3, DONNA:NUM, BALT PANG, TANKS, OIL BIILLN, AGITATIONS, BVITLING PANS, BOILER IRON BIIIDOEbt /MOAB PANS, and eole tnatatactratos of BASIL EMUS NATIFiT BOILER& Itepaiclng dons on the shorter:notice. dal&tt LAKE 131IPBRIOR COPPER MILL t ItTMXTTENO WORKS, Praturaan. PARK, McMillin & CO., branntactartra a! lIBMSTMIIIO, LBAIMICBS' LED BOLT OOPPIEB, PRESSED 00Pi.EXI BOTTOMS, 11,4111EDSTILL BOTTOMS, bPaLTIIII SOLD= _lsso; iniporun and ioalors Ia 1111.1 ADS, TES ruerm, SHEET MN, WEICTots. Conitantly oa Lana, TINDZILEV MACHINES Als1) TOOLS. Wa t talon k Na 140 MST 120 SECOND gyp., Pi t:Moincra at Clapper vat to any daltrinl pat . , to= anyt&lpdaniT a SOZOIDOI*-.....41110. f. 1101/11101 ...... WIT ROIWA. SOBINSOR, REA & CO., (ob. isonzscra, Buns A ?Sums.) WABELLSO TO WOUSH,Yorimat illAmusurri,BUSsbargh. ISLARYcfarsra at BOAT AND STATIONERY meat WORM BLAST BRUISES, KILL BACRINLIT L GRAZING, SHAMS% OAST LSO, of 41 doseriptko. ; OIL TANKS A STILLS BOILER AND BESET IRON WORK. ApAs Sir GIYYAZD•B TAUNT INJECTOR VON REEDING BOILERS. ire.Tlth CQNIBBBONB AND EX..' . P1R112502 OP AD IBTALID, published der the beasttaid • wartdaz *Mention to mai matudo pew treat Ndrevaa DebWh, Premasted• Decal diblazdtdode atm.laPPblait. at Ow 11320 tha,, (tee emougfee4f gsfa: By cue who bu mad btu olt 'Eat Wag pat to great eirpraaa aid Wary tbratty,t. =dial banabni, sad 4aaFkary. • By eickalag a poirt•paid *dammed %Mope, slues ondee may to bad of the iatboe, DATUM= lIATPAIB, stylblydert/ • • • Mad§ =day, D. T. 818/I.VOI/8 8 PPEREEB OB BOTH 681LE13.-0. renmencl putts:nu W. bp Own reciared to health in • ftnetets, utter ;n. Warping all the weal matins and Winder expel. stre nude of tnistourni. without moans, confiders it kb snared duty to conuntiniewte to Ho efillitod Wow entesittn• the awe= of cum Seam, on the receipt th e slimmed eneel*e. he will not ..frah• copy of the prescription need. Minot to Per. JOBB - H. DLONALL, Talton street, N. Y. O , LA BELIE STEEL WORKS. ' HESTER & Bnecoesets to lieltaroThrtioan. & Oe., minnhetureni of CAST =EL, STAINO, PLOW AND DUSTED En= ; BPIIINGS, AXLES, CIIOWDAXS, So. WOW, PLUS? VAUD, Allegheny aty. P.O. Adam.. PITTADDIIOII. Pa. Keay Tr" ,, JOHN COCHadli BRO., Ilan. j laiintiare of iBON . new s% Imo VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, WINDOW 8111 M ru34 WINDOW 011AND/Vie., Noe. 91 BDOOND and 96,THISID 6TBELT, Int. Wood sad Norkat. Nave en bend sesdity at new Patera', teary sad tin, WWI* for all pummel. DartledareNeatlon pad to epelettegGises Loft lobldagdene .bon • ce• en 9 ;, N' ART% 7130011:68, YOB. tae cure of itairsenaNyabrast Diseam, he.; aro goaany reicimmeaded <Minis:tam Ebwerioiald promo irbase vontlat calls them to igpeak Ls rib. up. Idsmufgetol9llolAT ti O.S stsz4NVART A 00., ginisbnrm, hi. to -whom !Ikeda' *acid be ad. . - L 41111k11 by De a nia a •rmnbere. • • O. A. asanirsny k OD. O.DISZSOBB OF THB NERVOUS, • . VILNA= AMP SE 107 AL , MAMA boa t:tint-41i Iteprrti- Cr! did *rid . Amdatton.. -8. I by torli ixt salad utureirfoop' 9, Lao of diary. Atlletßa P. J. 6811. Lm Emma, nORIZ4 tundattop, No. I South Vitt, ;drift; PhlladOrbfa, inhttly /101,11/13 • - pus.- p lans inionsioNlinapougantlitrusca azciagnis,, OEST/1112412 O. WOOF= BAIR! 1101M8 esa 01.011 h so. az lkyauucT Fltark - Pittsbunb;Pa ,' • ' ' air OoDsottait maidt as WWI WWl* sift throitgalx the Milted Sato.' ' spas nitatylr. Comae;eo Fozw: 11 ; 4 40 ago tarTN4 2 1 :4 1 r 17- Boon G>X, SPECI.4I, Jrf)TICES 10.LYON'9 K&THALBOB Hathalron is from the Greek wad "Rathro." er nliatheiro," s ignifying to cleanse. taitirot.ta and restore. This article iswhat its mono muddies- got present 'This restoring and beautifying the human hair it le the most remarkable preparation In the world. It is again owned and put aptly the original proprie tor, and in now made with the same care, skill .d at tention which mere It serve of over one million bat " per a most dWed Hal.r.Dreaslng. It eradicates scurf and dandruff. It keep. the hood coal and clean. It make the Mir rloh. toll and glossy. It Ferrante the hair falling off and turning gray. It restores hair upon bald heads, Any lady or gentleman who Tables • beautiful had of hair should woe Lyon's Hathairon. It is known and used throughout the civilized world. Bold by all respectable dodos. DOLLS B. DARIUS Go., Dew York. Inimitable flair Restorative, SOT A DYS, but motorail gray hair to Ha original cob., by aupplytng tho capillary tuba arta natural th.tatishro.lruPairod by age or camas. An tortoni.. meow 4. aro votopoacd of lunar cowrie, &aiming •vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford of them* leave+ no&rarlag. Uclinatreoei Inimitable Coloring not ouly restored hair hilt. natural color by an easy proem, but giro. the hob • Lnznrtamt Boastty, =tofu gr. owth, pretente felllegolt eradicate. tl, sod Impute health and plaseentoess to the hes& h hoe stood the Hato? time, beteg the Menai Hair Waring, .4 la ooestontly tneretuano In favor. Ueed by botb gentlemen Ond ladle. It le soid by ell reepectale dealers,. cat be procured by them of the eonalaerolol ageute, D. a:BABA:1E8 6 VI Broad way, thy:York. Two due. Oft ante CO.,s atiL HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA HALAL This le the moat dolled Id and extreordlnery aril. ole aver discovered. It chumps the entsburat Awe end hands toe pearly eatfn texture of remitting bese t', Impairing the marble puriry of youth, sod the &s -pans appear... Inv' tlog In the city nape(' fuh • lon. It remove. tan. freckle., pimple* end roughnem from the skin, lathes the nnenidenlon five., Munna• remand smooth. It contnlns no materiel Injurious to the elan. Patronized., &armee and 01;ors Sing etre. It Is what afore lady should hove. Sold every. *tiara Prepared by NV: Z. HAQAI3, Troy. It Y. Address al orders to DIMAS S. BARIUM & 00.. New Turk. 1Li:+:40f.11,4114 krAlts4 • s A:44 The partite to Bt. Louts and 01nrituantl, .ho hen •rcon conaterfeltlng the fiestang Liniment under proteins ofproprietorship. have been thoroughly setoir r Zythe (bort. To gourd edpitnet further int. I bare procured from the United State. gerunty emirate ateol.plate menus stamp, which Is placed over the top of each bottle.. Tech stomp bean the A. simile of my tlyontars, sad vJthouf which the article to • counterfeit( dangerous and worthies Imitation. Ininine ev • y battle. This Mamma has been In ewe and rewind In fern for many mi.. There hardly exists 1 hamlet on the hahitahL globe that doe. not van aim:nide:tee of it. inmdarfol eAct. le Is *titan emoisal In the world. Willa Its pnuent Improved Ingreckants, Ilse:Cacti upon man and bassi axe prribbtly re..rksble. Baree an healed. pains sollesed, Item ass,d, salasbln animals mada medal, and untold Ills amass& Tor cute, •redns sprans, rhaumailank, nrslilngs, blies, Clit% caked shed bona, db., It Is • dorealftn .17,etnody that should not by dieed with. It should bath orrery bunny. Bold all lhassista. D. 8. EIdEtNEII, Mow Work. 10.T.Efil ABOVE AETIGILES 6/M0 fir JOnligTON. Wm= of 13=106014 astroarth otrooo !dine:mod-mom g.PBIVATE DLECBAB3B. Dr. Ludlum's Specific L the 0527 reliable meaty for &awe of the orgata at seiaratica. It la Ito dlaveary of so unload Iltptfrizo whore Ufa war devoted to the triatanat thleciate of dlserase, tad Cab auserelaatial ruca an, ter tiara than WWI r=ii. It ix pada:Coo to regabizg no lajectiona sad dilreritig otatptlp Item the =Walk= practice and tbo numerous worth loanottpazsda ttkrod to ISt pato. It Is tuttrely vsgstablo and poriXtly tiro. It tea Ilk, a am& sod Impart, ttrintstb sod cigor to PA dttasitd CalMOlL—Th* rat won, of thL mod, to IR Agctb,p porr—saant erne tram led to thg tang Miltated by erptiaciptal boo. Otmerre, Mentor', that eln atga+tc:a of the proprietor la wont nett bo Ligon" ottru 6, pensioc. Preparn arty lap WIC te. DAVI/MOB,. &Le Rogletor, Oinclanall. 0 bola Drnierta. ?Ha, 11 per bas. Clit Pa ego at erholeriL if" OEM 11.., MB= 110 Wood stmt. legLITCLtwl I . cr ONE OP • HIINNEWE.LL'EI GREAT DIZIEDIIS3-111:13 B Ellt /L I.*B DITIVEBAAL COUGH Illelf/DY.—The basis of this Daly wandered pmparatria; now clinch wellsarn. edadetsll7. Is • Nal= hum etsry component cal culated to debilltap, and by snob to allow the greatest 'fladma of nee, day or deb; ea tie only tree theory by width Tbioat, and Laing templalsta can be Ciescally So prevent asking attenDon to lon Sadaof prat ante; when local camel snake alined all inch com plaint, different to Sirs; I world ark ;cadmic, which will Le sacred. to Cold; COaltbar Members. tore Throat, Drenchlal mid Asthniatio Gomntalnta. Sitooplag comb, and to ell Throat and Lug 0,, ph ieta. which, when neglected, sag In ge minpt i c , Teatlmonlare from Physicians of the blebs& rapist. ability. and item torailde t one be seen at my clbce by 016Se:rats& Per ale by all Willgturb'ind head! Dealers, Mlle 4 lIONNEWELZ, Premiere; ' Practical Chemin; Boston. May. Per ale by Jo; Pie. arsig, Oen. h i. 'Halm; D. A. lahneetook it Co., lealton, Agents for Pitta. buret; Geo. A. Kelly. W.I. Deans and Dr. James Bllegheny City, tot LWA THTBIOLOKOAL VIEW OP LLUDIAOI2, containing nearly 000 pagoe, and 110 dna Dilate and Yagraslnge of the =stool of t h e Etrosaa Organs to *State of Health sad Dia ease, with► Towline on Dirty Snore, Its deplorable ccontwyeartess iron the Mind sad lady, with' tbs author's plan of treatment the only ratlonal ►od :srasassfial mods of onra, ea shown by ilts report of came treated. A tnlthfal sdelser to the married, and Defeo aratefoplallog .marriage, who entertain' doolits of their pbyalcai. oortltlon. Sent breo of postage to NAY addtsce. on rocalpt of 24 roots, IS nto=o or posts! currency, by addroutng Dr. LA ODOM. Ito. at Malden Lou., Alba*. N. T. inbtibridawT D . BARNUM'S • , "SELF SEWER," FOR ALL •SEWING MACHINES. No mutant -template atltbott It. It ptelartet the nes, avoids banding, guide, tha troilt ttettf, no basting, and greatly tullltstes"tbs walk;. frleq 111 60, with dlrsttlons. Naiad to, and TOIL AIM: AT TUB tat art If tchltitit add at tho , Ortmxr Data Settltg 20.1.11 TUTU mew, FittaA'gb, Erika by latter tra. led Itt 114 BRYAN,- • • VO. 55 /OVATE (Darke!o Bonu mcJ OEN Moss AVM 9 o'clotk la. to sp. to. ARODUCE, .ll o W ll3 oeiVing:' .1 0 bbli. Galt Max. • - 10 111.1000 aah - 00 bphels bright Dried 0 14 4 , 1 ; 2 bbli E *ism! 75trasb•Islaill ttaFuri ' • loc idpti • .11., 1141)70LN, J Oll 1 XL 1100Ltbert0 hetet. . MTV OF ALLXOIIII2I7 l'ay.unreits'e Otrunr, Jane let. 1 eetr - MOT/OE .Is HEREBY GIVEN. to - all AA dialenla Iterebsedlet le She ety et Atteglas: tbas they are 'tequited foethwith. te ts 4 o.t thus ine• M.r013111.4 Litmus. se tie Trefeiszer'l OMee city : ; . ; . i D. msorsasoN,, ' T L BOER ALLERLI—TiIIo la s priests 0.11.47 of Palatka* of 7. U. Obbesibor. ow, lip, /25 PittilllMUlffo4ll.b4 ad may .747 for **Minos, dubs tha Patr,,froni 10, o'clar.k o.to.'tlll4o'olook p . m vr, t4lxtutl/ of flo Sagas* 00112112 in v. RW:cat Cie door, 11 meta. , • lam _ _ l• t i v . e r ry_ S' ' Ca; tits enly **pato mutant 13 11 , 11 - 1 b 7 ; . Jr.Eff" 40 rEJR.TISE.NEXTB OLAIlig FOR, VOLUATSIgit CRED IT:3.—Her. Brier ao claims for eredito will be received at the ott . e afrlie Actto6 diaistant thous: lillsuattalGetierat of tali State, Indent they - are NY. wards'. by the ele•meet. tt ::,::;o tbo Dathlet Pro roe. Marshal, .comi aria d I y the ...atery eel deuce. lb. claims are to bn f rwerJed by mail, as no preKerreree will be given t r any claim. prevented by the claimants In fronton. By ardor of LA. Col. J V. 8011 OftD, 16th U. B. Trammt•i, A A. Pro. Par O J. W. HUMPH, .•• • , Capt. Pro. Mar , 231 Nstsict, Pa. Proywit Mamba] s 0136 , 4= 1 , 4 t P. 1 iillagbaay City, J olio 3, IE6I. J 1.6,22 WHITE, ORR & CO, 25 FIFTH STREET, Oillar for sale a large stook of Shawls, Lace Points, Cloth Mantles SILK SACQUES, &C., AT LO w FRIO ES pcat 1,1 1 08. SALE—A valuable Steam Flour lag Mlll, eitmste four mOa. hens Allegheny Olty, in • good location, and which La at present do ing • good busters' in city merchant trade. The machinery is all newly new and In exmllent order, three Mrs 01 burn, and elOr)tb log complete. Three acne of ground. on which It • 100410.7 frame dwelling alone mows good cellar. stable Sfe• 800 grape aloes, 2110 grafted fruit trees', cod Small trolls and ebrubbwy m aboodmee. Thi. property wool! inn My one doing buelness. lu the 011 7. being coy of to, by • good road, making • m at ounntry home, end If dmised, the mill mold bs rented. An ex wheat mill bmineat can be dom. We have oleo for side two second band Trench Darn for futher porilcals._e sad price ell:loins of B 111eLA1 N 8 0 ~, 102 fourth street. ALBUMS TISITOLIS TO TED SANITARY FAIR &woad rail and [mullion tho hue dock of ALBUMS, PAP 3,5K1r7 acoss, PIIB3, IMO, at: at . MYERS, SCHOYER & Oa, No. Me PUT NITZICT, 1121122C=11 HO! FOR THE DRAFT 8400! 8100! 84003 Cash Down! Money Jn Rand. Alin Substitutes Wanted. PESTS WAISTED TIIIB DAT, for Ailegherl City. Drefted men 'eV do well to call on us. Exemption papers prepared, and exemption se ctored: J. Eh JO NEB & CO , General Arno, SO Gnat strut, tear PM. Pittsburgh. ja32l RA -L-T--, !MOUND THE FLAG, BOYS I Shouting the Battle Cry of Freedom. 100 DAYS IN KNAP'S BATTALION, COMPANY D. • Usder Captain ARTHUR STUART, Io now nearly off, and onto • ren more men cabs tea,. Into MU orgeatuation from Pittsburgh... the Battalion to Dratted. to tear Oetcpsoles, three of Vila are now et %FUMY:Von, end part of Os. D. Recruits rill be received, clothed and ecalppid at Wilkins Hall, Foci= STURM ARTHUR Brum Late of Ninth Reserve', Oommanting. Jel:Sid PIANOS AND MELODEON& Knabe's Unrivalled Pianos, ITABZINTEDOrifi 111.1A9. Mita DUOS, ES:ELUDE ?LINOS, and Planer rasdo by Groveatten 00, Nem York. Also. PRINOE`e MELODEONS and SOHOOL OBOADS, beyond a doubt the tell ned Instranueat mad*. OLLONOTT'S riobl coma 71:210DE0118, at MAIM s prim ot ono r plain Lost:moot. of Interior soak All Melodeons Warrauxted FIT. Team OEL&BLOTTE BLITIE, So. U 11178 BUM, Errand door above Wood, jatlt Solo agent tar all the above lintruzuott TT S LICKNAR TAX. • v . AnzaurVe Onto, 22d Com:x..lam, / No. 108 an Aram& Pirriecann. PA. Notice le lanai given that the tau of valuations sad enumerations of property mulll.t to UN wider the “act apart& gamma to airport toe grivernment and pay tamer oar the public, debt, approved July 1.1, 18W . and- tin amaidatory act provided !larch3d, 1883, male awl, taken by the several Aerate:it Ammar of said Conant:in Marta, will remain opea too the examination of all persons concerned for the epee of 18 day. from the date hereof, at my Oka ha. 108 4th area, between the hours of 10 A. N. and 3 P. M. And immediately after the expiration of the aid 15 day& beginning on the Sid and ending on the 17th of June, 1 will re. cave and determine all appeals tasting to C 7611•0111 or sicarave Tali:atlas or enumerationi made and taken by the aid ealetent soessot& AU appeals to lb* Ammar. mat be made in writing dad opacity the pertain? Lt matter or Wag, reepecting which a decision is repoatcd, at the gravid or prin cipal of bail:Laity complain ot 111N ed ET A. 1 1 7NAVER, Assentor 088 Ooll.&. June 3, 1681. .I,le3At UNITED STATES HOTEL" ATLANTIC CITY, N. J TWa calibrated Itotal win to opal for ths resiptlon of goads on Thanday. dons lid. lira. Sad will bo mlar. the Super/ Joni of Cot. James W. Powers, Wltts Mr. Edward trartindi as Ass:Wash Prealoal raut aspens:iced persons here teen an ployed for each department and *Tug make will be- made to rotidnet the manta to the hake • lion of the public. Atter July Ist, four mini will him Tine Street Peril,. daily; the Jut Line through In two honer, without stopping at the yes Oaken A petweger cur.vlll be nista* km betel to the Inlet Ore ry twenty minutes. Itauter's Band, under the direetlint of Xr. Elmon Busier, tins Awn engaged for the IMMO. ' /WOO= Wbbitg to Page' IMMIX 'VIII adder BILOWN 7iVUI4PPZIA Propask* . Atlantic 01*/{ekJerseP. B. 13..."-•• • Phi Sand Bar which last year rorinedoppo• ells tth shore bu entlrer illupound. Urclu.be Nutt cue of the twat sedan* az the neut. johltie .UNITBD STATES HOTEL, _ z • COO !OLAND, VET :turf. ; mt , AAuogr gut briv- PICPILIVOLS, •• - ' Beg Bees to cell the altaatiottof thdr Mends and the pobito to the El abate agalkoot ettebilthottot; which trill UN. r ot the reception of visitors ye the 11tddes sipsolotto Dining Mil end lihttleA, ft coOtt. Übe Lb maul umber et large and veil %vigils. ted BOA Booms, ail butisomtly tornithed with saw Ottidtate ttanaghool. - The proodetere of this; estiblithmint-idit Rpm to tore otexPeoes to moet the wants of theirgtoete, thereby boobs to dare libetake, Le the public s. trout,... Aptltcstlott far roily:it iiiedelo the subscribers, bY letter toOope Itta . s.k will reales* vomit te 1 - 1 - .11 - 77‘ Pati`.4l3, . - IC7 OQt tittAlhaS, • , . . , • _ !tn9 o /. BOOKBP , .8 04., ill ] odl• o an 4 4 41 44: pIY of ettu4dlst Pratootaal Dims : Boob. 44 /04 Ifodoril ;treat, Allighetry. msllo 5, , , .T. VALT.114441/L. wqms :AND , . . Rims Aftntquiet - 12al 714 42 4 1 P 3 PV , Um% !tritif; borri•ii ridira & Wailry, Animus ors% otAIGIVICANII TAILIMPOIT. Asa asoUAATtwo fiT4A!kzilcazUkSitisa? °JiA~tcd'ifhQd/41. $ll MIXT& WASTED -COAL: • BEIIHZIO 10 000 LUMP At the Horse of Sent. Beale. Peppeesh f or t b s aLon supply of Csal will be received tom ttl JUNE ern. Penis wahine bide are re reepstredtresdeb lit, Er the pr pt erlively of the o Coal to be delivered in the yard of the Institution, within sixty drys from data of contract. Plas to to left at the Office of the Refuge, No. CT FuOVITH Inehr.ST. els1.30:10t By order of the Clornitelltee. WANTED—At the Work, of • the Pa. &'t. Manufacturing Otruspany, FORTY ABLE Y, /DIED ELM for furnace work. Ilea with fami lies preferred. Wag. from V. 75 to B 2 00 per day. <Ready empl.ymeur. Apply cm Monday, W•dnesday and lrilay, at the (Ore al the Company, 15012161. of PITT Britain and DCQUIISSY. WAY. es r—alo WA N TED— VO A MONTH.— t R euu.s geo e a:oath, expeaate traLd, to sell my EI"gaLLBTINO PENOILEI, BURNBnB, .d thirteen, other new, useful and =- flow articles. IN Reed circulars bent rasa. dddreas, JOHN V. LOISD, Blddifonl, !Saba. ap3C,Smdaw'r WANTED—A Dwelling House to rent, by a roan with a aaatil In or near the 047.. 801)81taith an or az reams and robd yard. gent not roar 1116 per mouth. ett y see having leach a home, may beer of a geed tenant by addreselot; DEUGlitta °arena Orrtca. roydetltr VVrr NTEI'. THREE 0000 1306LtE5, to servo for 100 days, to Knap's Artalary Eittallou &tau. a Misr Pegles. Goad prim paid. Appl at WILELAS HALL, 81 y :tr Third story. WANTED, A GABDWEE, To take care of !Toed garden near the city. Toontre at TUTU VITITME. te72lktf WANTED -500 bush. Aimee& 1 L. U. VOIGT & 00. THE NEW HAIR PREPARATION LIIErN iti COCOANOUT CREAN", FOR OILING, DIOSIIING AND BRADIarfING IrMr. HAIR. It softens tan QM the hair ud gins It a penes. sort eara, stitch It Mat . for days altar sibs It. hi Nor beautifying mei promoting the growth a! the LUBIN'S COCOANUT ORLIN OANNOI. BE 131311PLS3ED It aconite the Irritated Beep. It teethes the Irritated Scalp. It Kettles the Irritated llcelp. It moth* the Irritated &alp. It ?tomb Brian tad Lea of Hair. It Prottuts Baklava and Lott of Bar: It Portent. Baines and Lon of Ver t It Prevents Ealdases and Loa of Bab. It Is an elegant Perectme. It to an elegant Perfruna. It is an elegant Parham. It is an tlegint Parfinno.' Cocoanut Cream mums Dandruff. Cocoanut Cream mums DandrulL Cocoanut Clown remove' Dan rod: Cocoanut Casson mums Dandruff It producer the Mann Lattre. It produces the Mama Ludr. It proloote the Meta/ Mums. It produces the Richest Lnetre. It gives the Halt an Oily Appearance. It gives the Hair an 44 appsaisses. It gives the Halt aa (by Appearance. It gives the Hall. an Oily Appearance. /or Oiling Midas's it has no egool. For Oiling Whisks,' It has no equal- For Oiling Whiskers It hug no <Kind. for Oiling Whiskers It has no equal. And it tutalin alit; BoantlEng Effects And it rotains Boauil g &facts And it retains all its Bewail g Utrecht And it man. all RI Beautifying Meta For dais alter ulna tt. For dot e after using ft. Foritap attar using I a For day, after tuba Is. Tor Drumlin asd Ofnig the blastulae. Tor Dressing and (Ming the Mustache. Tor Messing ea 011iag the Mustache.. Tor Drunlng .d °inn the Mustache. It . retreats Cray Balm prinat. Gray Ham It premmta Gray nal= It prevents Gray Min. It prerrcata Hair trma Tatting Gray: It prermita Bar from Taming May : praranta VW from taratcm eray. It Fermata Ear It= Tmairtg Gray, Be Hair preparatimt pmaressa tha pedlar prom , Um width ntaeatlallymita Otte ban lair at THE COOO,OJrUT CRE4X: IS promotes the °moth of the Her. • It promotes the Growth orals, Thar, IS promotes the Onstrth of the Flair. It promotes the Orcruth of the Bair. . It Is the &most Hatt Drsestas La the World, llb the clumpart els Dresalng In the World. II is the cheapen Halt Droning In the World. It bp the &sprat Hair bnirstag In the Ter ale by all Dragesti, /a oohs by. arl Drasertos Tar alt by all Draggled', Tar sale by all Draggtrts, YOLTON'B DIIIIG STORE, DISPATCH . Bi'ALM% l'll9l 1=1:10T. GEN'IIEMIIN WISMM; FIRST CLASS GARMENTS. 11 ths SIOBT TAICEIONABLE and LATEST etym.' triald do well to oald upon H. 11; HALE ATO,IIIIIIOTIO TIMOR.% 0311VILB ON MN AID 62. 4118 : Baru* parthutv,eliewbare. REECE, SEAL & 00., WoOL: Commission Merchants. 341 LIBEIITY STREET, a. Cl*raga. oi,Voifarde. _ Pltr . /int/EGO, Po. WoOl ba¢gbt add sold on' itkotogo.. MAYWILLS/ or azw 0/U.ELISS, ••• b e 1at . 11,1861. • .1 pROPOSAIS =ATMretewed et' the - Mho of the Clip Clomparellar,:, br 0831 'TIIOI7- RAND "r 0118; more .or *a map to N 11= UM T QUALITY PITIallUBGlie 001 'llia the' me of. SAO City ot 'Mew Chironsi raid' stoat be *UMW ttraTODDLUTiIIOWILL; Eaq., Comptroller, stating tee pries pot buret, Mabel or too, datftred VII)012 tbt wham, sad bobs:Med ha at orbororothe Fi S? DA? Of JULY, next. Tb. Coal to be:. delivered prior to Sept. 151 h. 1864. Cbdor. BTSPULN HOYT. - • . . • Copts& D.B. A„liortbg D. L. recretam. • .--- 1- - • Jeltrairetos RIMMU11183:1:1 ran oteb 411 be piment:4 rued of REILI7- KATifili or mrsrahm•La, Ina •,• • ' Reed's DianmetblOn• ra. ixat is idea &Ii by ail edit tat artali 30.83/1=031i... 1 .. earl* Ceram. Mouth and BmlthtalJ atrimete.-. .i.TEN7-3staumF. STO:15? , . Aip. 41 Sti.Grair treet: --". BiAILTIA **l triadariand fish nidinery.Goadi, ' I's •-• aci it , sts sad straw ; ran . kat air aim* .0k aoa~ata, take..r:ouitt cuoisdea—. .IPIPAPER. , , , A 1 ZNVIEGOM -WAIM 13111:1311intat er tnifilawsitypk, •- •:"-*; PJ21021 vide3l:44 . 34F Iffe t Uti, , , t. 2.5 MEM DRY GOODS. TILE SANITARY FAIR. Strargata Nitiag the clty vlll Cad at EATON, [SACRUM & CO.'S, N 4.17119 rirra maim large and choice assortment. of Silk Parasols, Bon Umbrellas, Party Pans, Pine Lace Veils, Rich Scarfs, Fancy Combs, Hair Sets, Rich Ribbons, . Dress and Mantilla Trimmings, Rich Embroideries & Laos Goods, Gent's Shirts, Collars and Ties, Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts,. End araryttinge`at in the Trimming and Nona Has, at Iowa& cash prima Illarattla and DsYn a i g=lll.4lll.ltl . to ~i°e Jot BARGAINS IN Sacques ; BARGAINS IN Circulars; BARGAINS DT Cloaks. of all kinds; BARGAINS IN Silks; BARGAINS IN 6 ha.wla ; BARGAINS IN Dress Goods; AT J. W. BARKER & CO.'S, 59 MARKET STREET, 164 NEW BUMMER GOODS. . JOSEPH ROM & CO. Off . for de . very c0n33:1443 /dock Ladies' and Nines' Hats andßonnets, . YLOWERS, Et 13230238, And. all other teasonahl• ZZELLIINERY GOODS. tiara IMANDIVIS LED WM= GOON in orrarrizzlety, and at by prices. Mail and White Balmoral-Skirts, 1212PLVL HIM% 001/812221 and VELD BV2B, ODITON STOCKING % aani tort make of Eatallab Cotton BOORS, at much las than NNW PBIOVI 812N11}113RILLAD, In Potion, Neat& and BM, with a of SUB:MECH. UNDERWEAR. For Moo, Women mad Children: and acresCosiloty of PLOY ASTIOUSIS tad NOTIONS. Nolan tlnd a fall stock si Less than Eastern Price. JOSEPH HOBBS dr 00., 77 can 79 NAM= BEMS HIGHLY DESIRABLE NEW GOODS! MACRUM & CLYDE'S, 78 MARKET STREET, Baashad suer, daybyEarosi andrayrese. Ladr &odd d sat, ram. delay to rapply thezesaltae alth •an en p Pastasol or Sun Unibreita, • !WV m➢Di? /Ma 0P.•14. Pixie fancy rims. Pia, Phial and Ivory imeggpint ass and Steel Pins. slue mina neitmaisiaas. MAN S ata,.fall diddrable 1. la: Ladles , Straw Hata, a Raw supply ,Of Watieoal, Sagaitta May-Day and Dairy paSama. • Its 4 aar Eliatuttas of Oa malt *l9mnd Neu_ lad al4laa Alta alga Silk Lana dV a SSIW two Callaraftaulpara tax. - - Va. Mat mitts= to alb the most admissie= terms So bares al ' W,HOLEMIALE AND RETAIL. • , Augrwbasiab Noon up ttales sad to Sis asedead. • A:.. • .1;4 s Lit .1 677 LE C I-1 0 -46 3r. B 7 I sna AND . For Ladles and Misr624. Ms brava snaloort of Fashionable Dry,Goodsi SUM, , SHAWLS, DRE.BB GOODS! AT ALEX BATE 14 , No. 2]. 'Fifth Street. ..14p7?: GOODS, Just Reeeived at J.. M. BUFICHFIELDIL , . 'DR ESS- GOODS „ : lop anortZutt . .:. • - Lace Nantillai, • LaPeqobitk 19reFldbxe nalvh. 711 ff OFXSTD Ninf 9 4 : 1 °Dal Witte Go et. emze:AlD:rasszzo,i... - • and TA NA Man niziOras 00 TIB. 41i4 O P i . .4"'" lackeoore.&Toiria,so; f azi n n4 ' • Aur#Ao E A "w tt af t4 1 . thalmsozai, —lam= auly' ' • -se*ulactrzumaamocurn • ,tesrair Goomd . twain :• • ImonEll4l3lo3ola.co, i : , - f a41 , 111' • • = Ma;,. -,.:: :!.:.:.'-:;::':.:::- T :' :. : - ' l ; ' •':' ' :•, -',,:-... '. ::-.':',:''.. ' ' '-'''' , ~;:'',s-•'-::.:1-1!P...:;''.''.7'''t.'_'-,',',,S.:,'!.t.r..7,',7,:.'-',.. 4710 . th CiMOw'k
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers