• - " - - _ _ ~~, .~. .. _ ~~. ,;~~~:~. .~~'T ' ; ESTABLISHED'" IN Vittiburgh !unite. puBLISUFM BY : c - - . pOltlB lih 6 IZIKUIIOI. lIIi GAM -,- - - TERID3 . O2ran Gir-zETT 4 I. O ; ,. ArretaKby nun, per ic5r......, 1100 " 1 ee ,Tletitat.?... 1 M• : <Y ..- .• . -`10re f i t .,...,, is. •;; . ,se ake t , avitc............. _IS. Intl <e Kartm. qtairq, Pir 7tat.,..... i2l P, ^•.1: , --t r e. .-.....Ac0t1te.. ID. ' P ' ta Abe. In 7 S. T &Mt* elm& ecTlieympikr.,. woura. ~ . 1,161. _ . .... _ _ . .ii okbit /o._ ,- A I 2i , ^ , 'lll "tlO.ll of 10 as morn f .. ig4 ette - attn ttr the Patty rain slab Y oe atibd Mos, veleta And theitmerser r .anzerp Istly Par • . b C l tweet' ,er . 41° .. esio,roves,#patt. I Sr Ka xi llatglef 027 li . 1... snd 1 ,,, 1 Alliellettlyttattii 0.14 alms% 0 4/ .4 ipteek the tine Mtn*. ' L. The Ismßig Matter on this P agan la from Testerday'sJ Evening Editions-, FOREIGN lIISORtLANY.. Ii England it bleb =my - matter t o become air attorney end-14=ton „Eines -184=nd 1861 thalamus is as follown•Before one can bo,artioled, ezmo- as aelarkf-tiMut pate an examinalleo belbrespec—lel examinerd, sad be . Able to *rite kora dictation . .',must- pupates & knowledge of cempositlonararnmer, mgrs• phi history, ka,' and sulunikto outlaw' on some qmbJect kr - Latin; - Greek, - .4rlernsin. Wench, .Bpeuisb, Or. - .Judian. , snoesssful, be maims= be arldeled 14 a'pan tic=oLio. !tor, paying - AV r proinitun,fou.his articles lel from ..851te - f-106Plitecoldbg',.to the icipecte- Dint, of the;oMee:lnto-wkirds,- enters- 7,14 London the lie Ii ahigh:aa£2oo"oi£3oo. On theserastieleua,stampidnty of:4Bdis sTeo paid, and Abe terueof (=Mee Under them is Er. - vazik:,-,,When heist finally examined for admission ila haute wellies feu of from - £3O to,fdp clubmen bring peteticaltl thexespectlye cents.- . A Lerma from Meckleilairig-Solief==; in the 'Valk FOAL,' gof Berrlin, says "The Law which re•estabilshed the boatloads :onuses great` agitation In the - conntry. The noble hasnot only- the ; , right , of -inflicting.' =ratty. dubbin with' , Ca "stick - on hii colonists and servants,' buten= workmen of the lown,iho hare temporary employment on his estate, are subjeot to "tbe: same Juilidletion. The noble has • right to give the punishmenthim- - . self. A. ministerial order;whisk tad Pro 7 iisionalltyeolatabOshedin 1855 thsbulignsdo abolished' iiilB4o, staled thrit for the future the canes used for that purpose should be a yard'end a half long, instead of 'a yard and a quarter, and half,se,--ina Alokfluteistof a:quarter of beams, as the order said, the old stinks ware found 'pot top:educe the &aired eflioL'" - • Tars Pads caireeenruiertt if': Ike London Stu sale the - Emierdr Napoleon seems beat on adding to his glazies, that of haying senesced .Europiewith-stmaritm.....gofi come time the Isepia Ooyetementhare been OX =Wog- the ‘project Jzibmitted, there: , by some American angineera, of boing down a eable between- Prance and 'firgeriest:,, , This achemi,,it sums, bee their approval, and a eonYonelunhambeen Crud telatiyelo it' between - Prance, - . ?,0rftg,10.-.41 1 7f Brazil sad Hayti '! . _ Toe'oily Retie says ,the tottetrqtratfonrie becoming one of serious interest. as there it : almond dispiesition-to . billibrithetlthe war in- the 'gaw k Gkatri - Itapktg*lnes distil , issue, aud Iktiristarationatlmaceniktsletpli: end in the ie.:ipaniag -of the, yeatest °Yuan. market ofthe ivrid.Ja The - DoiTyAetf shawl ;that unirorthiatiestest Oiiiiiiiol . /1 fsefal4iid - . the sudden latex alio suilfliGiliiiarce-Core - reality,' OA ~ .- A lte- , ConseqUenr. • heavy =fall Ai .. .priaranukt piste most dintsmous. . .---;.- Arso; ; atitw.,algar.,,etearasblp? wax bolus , • built on : the Thes - fir NE: truntai and will be toctuchsd,willt her etemumpf and ;May for sea by abaur the -middle got reevas‘At.c length ovetearlilltsll` Tar, find her engin .. Will be -- so- poxlDG4a2aitzitFltTittlanitmlshe -, will aribefaiallSontilisitnye,,or nearly Gab mitiii.lui Sur. , ", ....,:. ;,1 . -. - --• Tau' • aticoissi of Paris, which hai an *Eclat or .alatal reputation, to urgtog the. idopti tof the psbisdts triad le In i - the Ducal* .Tkite...iefme---Other-ialallen, - and,. Continent the - Cbirtinaloaed, Frinati hiu done nethin4 to bring it iiiMitt;but it is'esi `'... dent *Olt not inoppositton to baremlloy.t, - - - M. Pleynts commiarmted to the: Preach - Academia Sotenaosome. observations on the passibility' a lasing the sesdof the carob-tree a for th 6 Wen glen ale dtbik-shichialghtba inbedtutid - :, a coffee: - lie describes . tbb! . drink at t - geteabicrevaniritifotit - ,suglir, and thinks ibtetaf . kat Pariahs who dolmof - ...: lee too "exalt lt ....,- ' . , . . , , , Tore 1 . I /le Brazil/is - ptiilhqt'..ltoijalo, 1 will not op ; e the anneittlan of the Duchies • to GermanVpiorided-Gennenytall not.en courage the "theme of a posadiparian' king &Du- Zdtionhilk 'Orders Xate been. tuned :-. that the Dak4lia - Auxostenburg shall not :be officially romped in Zollsod. ,-- -... T.. 'S • , 1 A Iwnssuid 'Tided 'tin' teen' abirMd for moiling' the 3G - cab - Pea and the_ Baltic. b_i . .. mama of a gladoswit , Zoistein" canar /t • Ime melted tie royal arches sad the pub- Ila exchequer will.kmakalweixp_ansita:ZlO rellianui watiV's , . - . a. ,....... ionsme f the ittarlBPribitirwconlyrd6/ - --Mairimontal 'unions between Aomori Cake- Das amf Pretest - It - ate in the Adetrian - Zmpire. Nighty-fire Catholics embra,tedthe-Protestant faith, and, 19 Proteetztte went - contorted to Cetholbista. - . ' .:. . : - ... ..,. the numbarde,VenViiaPiiiiiolimiterad . - the porta of rho yatia - Kingdom in 1863 wns 2,B7lwith an aggregatenataoMidlaent o f 279,218 tons—an increase,on. the previom leer of 231,visse, an tone 15d'11,416 t: . - _ , - . - . 1 Tel lovire of Cognac wilina doubtrairetto hur of thesadden death of Mr. Martel, whose nano on otrnkin,. pipets! that - much - quaffed ~.-• 'liquor co long assured the imbibers it wae,a pure article. - - ' - 44, '"- -- ; Ii all the chief,toorpo In /kali: Meetings : hays been; hallibtiratilethe English people ;for their cordial reception of Geribaldi.-: At - Gatos:the :Doris theatre WI illutlibitia in honor of the event. ; ... - 7 . z 7 ...- . ~.,.. - ;_i ' • ' i Tel Prince -of-Wiles Made his; *asp pearomee ias • publics speaker st,tbar annual banquet - of the Baia Literary Pond. lie Sated 111 Chstramn and sequitted:.hinaaelf credit ably ? -- - :- " '' '-' '. : .. -. .T. P. Cobra's „daughter, - who - summit. * not ling oaf !igenmilli understood hid a dowry of "140,000, the whole of which rt. the traitsof her : father's drainitielalmrs. -, , , ~ Ten picture gallery-and-librarpof-Bridge , index iinnte, with its ßitalryp earl treasures; has beanlbrown open to thqpagie.,.l4 Mal of Elbamore. .-.-, :• . - : , ;,$ , ;,.3.4 - ;:41 - ,, • ; - Ten Dharwar cotton to now said to be as .• : good as theAtuerloinibta the Serif h dirty - , bid smelling szd 02 4 11 044 Ihtlind/hap,, - ' 01 the day nt diiitairienniii into Lau• don war W a ndUbn of ooptik - ntt his phol tognsPh wire sold;,' . .-, : dociiirmo to - ,the Pule. Tempo. If. Meyer. ~' hest left a fortaisk . sktitostedsb.f4OßMG, - ,,, ,, ,i Tee Earl of- S 1164111: Prinnid# taFinnni, - ' to /MR c9l3Sregtkrtilii . ` 'Z#-; - , Tors Protestant naittion lc- iikifii',lFp . ,st; ..- . moots tn Po oiA Tekin.. : :, - - ,- -- . . . . ; ._.,-_ , . ~, L i.l:y '~~ ,_~ 1 ~,, t : : * • ' that:ging pelt! Tan . TUT' t out itiairs m iiirabisktlitintdid e ant, tall of prop . 'that' Omit" tirriti 'th e wife of rodn—UuM 'and abay - Werii serer tEI rub mod, do. When Grant armed the Santa Janne,and - Treettaaddtdd along toward II anevireCotut HOlllet the Rebel were oTeliersd-UrelsetttabNlebburg fellow wu In the este place, jut where Loo wanted him, and the easpicloto boar bad az. drad—Ranvier Janctlorwaa • yonnfl • ratter, and bare thr great victory s wim inuei, vas • foregone mnolaslon. Treaters. Orr ward the rebel stilton tnifirebtonieled the fed that Grant bad ,areedtbaa.Parentakle and wu mating donor:opposed to tho Cada • alto mlny. There -raltseon-- in- be editorial rhumb, bat; on go contrary, an indbabb of ogUnsing, U somebody load bola fooliaL The. papas contain . Mate o actual cirri they Ulu offer their glorify big writ the septuarof tub and Banks, and sweats that UseggaddLythitt ding Its Ao. • azroota art. odattl)nanratei - 4/111 tart, gala§ tnnt eua railroad on*oPn tnat polnt grountarioogliAn tht-Vtdih Carotin Onotrod, Itad Dom oapagotad4sloit• latt s and that tts tars woo • =zing tkroo4lL. Ittanmoad vet, ha's ntated.itt• mane thins. TILL mkt fn andoppartrut one to th at int, Ilt.the mind time. ft& nutortor or Samna Arms - Tr-LS ma , tea Anthowy, of Mode Wand, nu rs.dalactad rsttad. Iftntai Sauter fan Az yawn. b 7 Y 4 lasetik 1 ~~ rim' THE • oletr, front the:diqstattes hatted by the War Departme n t that. Grant has been u4ng his cavalry, on both fo nts with the .. greatest intro.' When last heard front Cetralry, woo fn : he roar'on .the right • thisk, raider ' :orders to destre, rlarogd krldgew river tta LittleandflontnAinsriveri, and to break email the roads (nut those rivers Grant's headquarters,So se to learethe in tervening eitrintry.linusetlitable Toe - tribal troops of any kind. This destruction covers the whole region north ef the Chickshominy, and is intended tokesp - Linant', wad-rear free from diversions, rsids,rozeprises, ko. Shot idan's line of 'operations is with ortlreiritfs position. His orders aiiirotreentioned, nor is it euer es yetwhat would be; he best line of poiisy to prunes inthit"diroction. If wo recur to the -.history oL the siege- of-Yicks burg, that when Grant Minnow firmly established his lines *before the.deontect city,Lia ,datselhed - I portion ef anly - to render the country in his rear impassable to the petrels under Johnston. , These orders were obeyed so strictly thit the country between Vicksburg'nod the Big 13lacie river wu con verted • into-; air impracticable ...desert through MC:forest' trees Were felled in great nu:oilers, staked down to the ground, reads dustroyod, and eyeryirtiagirtary obstaole soon =Wed in the say.; This effectually protected Grant's rear againstatutadaring the Whole of the long siege., , In the country where he isnonoper sting he can carry out the •eame 4 polley. by utterly destroying all roads' except the one usedlor his own supplies, and rendering the forests and swamps inpasuble, ,The • under taking is a vast ono, 'but vie feel:united of itssuoceu. He has rendered the two northern railroads useless airesdi, a d hid object now is to Una 1100 no northern outlet to march we army backward into - north - ins' If • the operations under algal, Butler and Crooks :had been suosessfal to the extent originaity, - desiggied, - ar the untold , leading to Itiniunond would by this time be destroyed, and our armies enclosing in around the rebel capital. , - - - As It•ts, - Grant' ha's drawn to Itim half of Butler's trodps, and ,Ilanter-ie ',advancing Omagh the Shensadostvalley,wbile Crooks is again advancing to complete the work on the. railroads. going southwards, from Binh mend ` width 'ha failed to - de en his first ex . DFatlrof Ender Tang— ?dahlia pa era received at New tileansan come* the death, irctleorgis,ott eta 10th of May, of Thomas Butler ging, ono of the promiatmt men of-the. South; iheiras among, the first: 'tad Most': kiOUTO irClha"„ etiolation. moveteemt Iller.waa born in ilampdeni litassachisettai Angtuet27ill3o4,. so.that he was neatlyslatyytotrs agro: - .7 He studied for the bar; tot, removing to Georgia in-VECk .cotton-, planter..' , 1832,• 1834, 18040 183 z Mier i sztamt4r of the State 'Senate. Bohm= 18* luta 4849 served eliongls several lanes 'Contrite. After that, for a tin:Lo t h° re/11W bat returning to Ida , oatettellia agora's, near Bransalak, ho took as leadingpatt , in various commeidal end politioal anterptises; He was ono of ihe - most adtecatee . of ..diroot trade,' Witriatems hareem:L.6o%lle and the continent betas been acmes the manila= the;Ttsbellioneendeaveriiig to enlist ; - inflames sad capital in bohilf of the a eternal • Pf3Pa tettee from WIM ashinSt. of Frain N itOesdaY• IT . Tot! rapers or tatoilattau gauok tiara of relief in both nooses. It Wad 'gonotelly to the am:album Inn In talO4allltat7 otttuttiotvo- tow feeling orso. owitcrltt,ourltutoicits. • . toxins orretos OP swag. -.• Lae ran colonel of the ainiy, on a Bait bete; deemed tei.day in a !diplomatic Aide that Grant'i rnoyernente bad been of the , most' admirablo character, and that only an .arm 104;1E003A .Itc. intalligence, ecuraitn,glinfpline, and condition . could hire execnteltnch moraments. . . . . Tsr IfitoTwo Omit Precrio.—Tho,Tresswy 'thiy co*menood Rio' tank tip psw two onhtpiceor TRW? Eyl OfilatiB AND MEMPHIS L ►tearnboats Burnt AFFIIIIS 1 onion convention at ximphis Elitti.eillEg2 AT GAINE4". C=E=2MM Catty, Wks 0,; - 'finidnIght —The - steluner Pauline Oirrell, Item Sow Orleans on the 27th, has arrlved. News unimportant' for _ officerslreybrt tkakirlien tome 'distance from the city they indeed& large light, ;apposed to be et R'elri Orleans: *On =riving . at bato n. Roue they learned that dispateh had ban incased Staling that eight steamboats had 104 1 1 bana vOrabl t'at Now Orlasne: No "particulars. The fae new from, New Yank .111. Vein an upward tendency to cotton. • Supply light; not much doing. Sager doll end droop. ingi =ill Sales of fair to good 17(248a; folly fair 19610. Nothing doing in molessee; goo-. tattoos nominal TO. 18th Indiana volunteers, colonel Wash burn, 'came rap on the Carroll from Baton Rouge ea route foeloomr on furlough. 1 - A ; postletrof the 164h-thinols,not menlist. id, anted from Little Melt en Mite to Springteld,to ho mastered out pf 1111.6210.'. • .By ordant asueral_Canbyeept. Jaime. =noir, Assistant QrvutemilitctiUi Amen &Mood to iluty - ai - Genii - 4 Superintendent Land end Water Transportation within the Division of the West Mississippi: ...The offi• cep ant owner* of all steamboats plying oe the 2ffissistlppl and tributaries 'alb of Cairo are ordered to reprint tsblin at his Irearkurit ters at Natchrimith the namerof tbalrboaln and cargres of eveijdisarip44,llusir.tsno nage, condition, owners and, tradel .. a whlpb they are engaged. 'r7c l 7‘; A Convention of uneondsbenil Uniontits to sleet delegates from the Western dioriet of Teinessee, assembled at Receipt& on the 10th ult. Resoladons were adopted endorsing the Admiststratten; and pledgieg the support of Dz. Lincoln for Prraddentand Andy Totosston for sloe Prutident. -: biewrinn; *iv 31-;—The troy-clads Mor mon, Juliet and Prairie hod, MAIM/ erVir ed the rebel battery at Gaon, 'Landing, and eneeeeded in adring them away; The Prairie Bird wee Crock 'thirty times: • The marine brigade bast Delteßid het dootor end aoglee 'rat, oirerbeafd sia: the Roglarrer:. killed- Mazuradulre was reported In command ofthe rebels. , They; had twelve pieces of artillery. He enters deed burned the steamer Lebanon add tarried - the crew end passengers off Boats fromit'll:ate River report the rebels thick, bat boats art Bat molested.' A heavy force of rebels ire reported within twenty-are mile, of linlvall's Bluff, marching on that place. They are supposed to number fifteen Daranniale last Monday, taking tea prisoners; After the esparto be crowd the Azkeron* ithyr. . It is supposed he. intended to strike the Liana hack Railroad. - • . f The groan* are raFftelaid MI unusually aothq '4ll appear; to )4 the icier:4lcm of the Delon ' forces to evactusteall of the State except LW At rifesek lane D.eloes. r7eeksonport and P4 4 01/ 1 90 1 PL oannielLatal b Y 'C IL ! iCfttl* BOCiIt:EROM BERMUDA HUNDRED: • , ••• - AUTLER'S LFFT-IfINGATLicKED. and; Fire IliuulTed, Si t u' Espclll4o-CAZ 4 ,7 4 '. Purassas litaiiak4uffa'rl.2J4:4 :item= licatfitriuda Misicbcs at int iratpot,uss imetlig; his anifad...-- ti• ". • • -At soma o'claok itatufsiaLlaol lo / 1 8--u 4 easaiy attacked ltatlat'a laft-iulai but ran ropulfaa: • Oa lair Ina &UDR' .• /beatssuatr Wauttaatua, frastiihtliailouse, bfu 'Maki hi:mi elf la matted nil 'Pits unn Irtasit Ileelrearlect of big eoltatad ame eaptared laat arablaillawstaiaptlet to Tt mid tii tbir &nett-on at White ljotuku, GI Fund Eingth's atm ammo Abater nave troatexel, Tim Rebel AL**4o3,,iii...r ?caw YOU, :CM" 1. , Sha 2Y3tokes 7•1116. ea& lotus tap that Sakasuattfa tau baffle& the Acladeel,oa the Slitobat the rebel MR Tommie wise In iLebite Bay atsausdas ibekii . tilie Till Of alitiriall!tp4: - , , . ~'.o ~,. ~,t . ,,: LiAILY FRO( R . L.:cRA NI DETAIL 0P1104111113 BiTAL DespertiteAssaults of the Enemy. lilef SEE REPULSED WITH HEAVE SUUGHTER Heroic Conduct o four TOoits. g PEEWEE! RESERVES 11/1411E IiGNIFICESTLY. The. Raw Trootie Fight Like vetersing. LEE SIcE. IH fIICHIFOND EvieUfn Copainand of the Rebels 2i!! Y 011; June 3.—The 'Herald'. sth Mrps oriespondentsaya of the battle on Mondale A t 51x4.4.1n. thelenemiiiiiitta'ou line, .0 it was l gallant and desperate attack.; They advaticed to two, lines of battle and a heavy akirmlaplice Shnultineons with theiroperz pg and shell frozn.the. *'ltiiiiptianklTiof.ascore or more - yit eMdmmhatronsteodonr men.' The retools '.abut /414, :Kies - Men cooly wilted tol,te turn llse drew , Ta titb,:taniost mzulleroes toy, told iiiriit4'thlitigiam staggered _ • Oat ztrilliery, which had been in position, eizined yesisinsiie.lo the enemy's] eannon. Aisanit .after' zusatdt was made by the des-' Paiute :foo, bat eaoh; time qar troupe hurled him book. Xrpoti Glen. o : misfired's division the assaults weraripested and dense. The enemy son& to 6n,his left; buteash flamer° handsome ly repulsed, and more than special alai' was won by-the man meeting and repelling these aeeaulti. The Penn'a Reserans behaved Miiillifently, la the divhdbn, and holding theuxtrameleft, , watilen: Look ood audible ticOpip most sadism for the d under rat time der ar .. ono behaved like Teteidns, Sitohtit's htlgadeatood their' round arith the iesolista isest,of i'otarans. This,brigade done caiiirrr ralgi4 priesners. ;-Tho sipitat doe* oath our imvlag driven 1 tini . eiter as stated alMve and miaowing the hatio mind. Oar iceman were 200 kttled, +m . . , inded and Missing. Among the killedwan Blatii..itlkort, commanding the 64th Biloid. gar:. the entmg!a lamps warennatiteMici, prolaly . 1,500, We . took. 200 ,prisoners. ~,,, among ham: beta eoniiniseloned- affirms. Among nAmseare said to hareliann fetind . . . , .. a rebel oral and two coioneln. t The prieo4nnall say that the wholo of ;ER ell's cmps ;was engaged almost entire.- inn, oorPs, ttier)nsy, however, is onemmoded by girth arld,pri.:Ewell is In command of the ar „tep,..l,,kbeing sick In Biebinerad. i A inlicor ties pro .. .flitted that Lee eras am:Laded In the lag at Spottrylvania It haat authenticated. There can be no • doubt, Itow gYerf.4 4. 44t ~, ut. zoe - now c orn Mind or thi, army. 3..4b.0. Orme. corres pondent With bailer, al_oys; When orders reached. hire to tend reinhoreaments to Grant, yesitomi`bridge IS said to have been laid aefois the Appottomax, and his men wasn't,. .1:n3110h - 44 to 'atts4:Yetenribarg, l bat werenrdered to march in ecother.dizettion. InfOXimatiOn 'famished by deserteri and prism:tan iihow that everything that can be been lent to Lae. :Abont apnea thousand mope were located at Peteribarg in . air' front and in the 'definers; around Richmond: .-.` >4ollLsioa of Steamers. Nair Tots, Juno, 3.—Tha steam trap port City of Bath, which jailed from Now York, Juns list, for Visahlagton, Interned „last *re:- 0131 with !her bows stout in and her, stern carried awar..tuvring eollidedoff Cape May wltli Bin shut= tramps, Pocahontas, Capt. Baztar,! frdin libif.,Orloans,biund for ;New York:. Pooihontai strak,uarrying down .forty of he craw ,aad plasengero, Jae - lading Copt Basta,. Ghs had on board one hundred and one souls, among them -were toldtors re ttifitingoa furlough, and sidle ' !!" Naei , IStas 'Pout, Jane misvisrpondatst, eapz that the Jazzes Gloyernt meat his been perfoottpiesbibllshettai'Moni• tqe . j. Tho Libeitsis, mein than 40,000 in ntmber'i werkpreparlog to march on Potosi. a 'Chia Prue* and Imperialists had beencem pletely routed to Mils, and grostentlitudasm prevailed foe the National Goverazattat. . Tax on Tobneco—.Cerreetlon. - "Nit° Toast June 3.—The ragrapb to the Oceigrocilotal proceedings yesterday rotative to the tax on tobsced wits inconuet. It . should racid:j "On tobacco—;eseendlib, plug,' twist end other descriptions front which shst.steut Ins been Ulm lout in whole or In put,- eileltieh is sweetened, Including fte wet and' Ste cut shorts,' adaptive toms per pound." 1 SUBTIMAN Vhingoilti..;olld6eir. - ! -:7! , We ealleet the following Items from tb s Clo . .afandprt • - • ' • The i - erippen fhortdey . erenlegat oTe*g Tither!. Halll, fenthe7bireinet the Sanitary -'air, we well attended,' andeveryttangwont 6EloWe:dillyend cmooldty.- „We earmared thnttheprgeetde:szeonitirdlo'.eliont• $1,0,0D;I Tiiii. , .tota: - .4onstiOn. , fieni the ell tepees to the Saolteig'.Potr, at Pittrbargh,wlltnot 411 sterna $20,090: , • • • Impronereents. - *Ahri;,.lirrii Doeson - .: hive hein - 'odininerterd 4 to unit. Every avalleblistoot of;groluid-ihr - the but. noes pert of thetowwis:bideg - ocoopt.C - liler-• eral-bellllegs - arer Ping 'inf.: rePlesentint eartotarophiblous ohorsoterfetto—being half thellieeltj 40d hell- on , : dry The' buildloge;irhen • completed, wlll be ciorrepied it badness holies., and will be nordesirable pr LProspootslll - we it alai:some very good 1 ' re/Dionne 'reset:lg One greet. hapeill; , ' meet to`golieled bellMotts Abe - smelly and 'high . Lpriire of - /Umber, poen , phis boards, isoglngfrorn s2n'to;s3o atheneand,:thirpon , . ter's:mega $2,50 ' per day, and help nano. Wm: Phtllipa ; dc Co ., Isar week, purchased thirWilsh Idiellllitooh fates on, prodnoint elpiteorr binseli, and the', other *bout Pura berielegier:dspi st pretone, ' We hisieNnit $24,000 Aral the piss paid . • Annunount mort singular and beautiful phonon:eon eras witnessed by stores . of 'moo= on Wednesday . 110•11.1%0011j Wbk.ll if. not • prophet!c one, was a truly Strange and wonderful Work of chance. As the pro -01111013 was slowly tooilog. through' our pity to the Sanitary Nair opening sunning, the sun wu buried behind a bleed-red and in tiu• sonthern horizon, whlio far in' the north ern eller • broottful direr cloud, forming, upon • suguillent scab, ,an suet num ; bUnee to the Amerinn ugh), slowly floated I forward, prunting msjostis sppsarroort, and retaining its I,llsgdat 'hope for Jenny zdandea. -Shit pinta*, formed by the great Senteiler. of neural, wits, In every napsat, ported, and the dullest ile'CAuld readily Per , calve In it the form of the Amortesn' btrd of Liberty, roaring in the bias canopy of Uearett.: Many who vitneuek Ole work Of olunee e attach sosaiderable I:operating. to its into:- pretationi and - he It aprophetio omen or not, itwlll.long be umenibereibitSUililli - Ud thefOntillo fe,Tineritjas f most tiondoribl tunrostante.'... . 71' • • S. SAIDOWII VOL,. 6' saelsalstSal-nostosistatott tills fa Roseate . Usll, tortevoatlV, by tbs Bt. RtigireVrAtiob: , Adattolf. fox tbothttiottlfitt tits:Whir, ItoL4' Otia - 0116 d, sad tarot aXasedttlia l A l 7l . tallstactiOtt.etth ortaltice ir. y °nag Lungs and putts:atm 'who tank part fa tIIt exerciles sogatttad tftecoaalara molt d• Lad tars rowan to full pmad of titer Itaballa. It L probAb it that ate *AU:I4A - otattiriti bo, sorsa Ll 04 • Attars Rats. ,•• . - PITTSBUOGH GAZETTE. ITI"I'13IIRGH, SATURDAY MORNING, 'The Drtift.la the 23d-Distriet. We mama the publication of the names ol tile pain'', drafted in the 23& litsmiet • • icauntrasizoinxini. ;dui M Geaser !Daniel Geed James Andaman anaannol Drown George Damao Daniel Wagoner Jamb Messenger John Beale. . John Hoist Peter Hangnail th Adam Mangold Ulan a Bunting Egii Clara Birch Setry Creeper Probrick.liellstaln Th0i.01.107 Jab 0 adman Yot= ' Qualm Decker o . 4siDealv Out Ladvig Smut:. Valentine liaarrelt Chou Matta Ozarsa Halm Mart lehbarger Eituurfamog Willis.% II timple hales IlteCartnask Audrey Martin Edward Fodor frahltealis . glar Jantt hrtataia jaspart C 4amph dada Jan= Crmg. , George Blzam Jaw /damn Adam enable David Melntym I Coat@ 'rear Saha Weidmr William 'lrminger Plilllp Cooled - Goinno Ilartenno, Joel Tornener Gotllo Mandate: Henn Mantel George Kean= August TAM Mars Cloche: John 6 Jaelima Henry Snorer Downs Icing Goon. Telmer James Ilaztor Andrew Trent John Drn Edward &al, Hoary a Palmer Edward Brats Philip Waltz Blatsol. &extra JohnCallayra Chstitisst Lentz floury Stouter Brodeticia Bohr I St. The shore conchae' the daft tit that port tion-of the District In Allegheny county,with the exception of Ohio tolmfttip, which hat been yarned nor, In order to ad.lest mount,: Thls afternoon the drawing for Butler. County will be mammal& " . Pelson wishing enbstitutee, eiviemption paper's lied, will do well to' tall at the wavy af... J. B. Jones k 89 Great limit... Ad vertisement in ;mother column. The Murder of , yerleman.-Addltlorial, ' It deems that George Foreman, who wail killed in Philadalphis, on Wednesday morn ing, had tot resided here for some time. . Hie family, it i, stated, reside at the Cherry Tree Tirana. half a mile below Woodland Casa tery, Philadelphia. The place where the murder occurred la a low den on Market street, the resort of both men and weasel. Foreman and his companion had been drinking freely, and had bona at a bell tip till a late hear. When they entered this den, a quarrel was going on between three men acid three women in a private booth. A stranger had entered the box, and the men aeranited him for taking the liberty. A soldier, from Alm West Philadol tas"is . o it r7 l 4 U dthir l a e l :v o ei tU T%y and th %l r il l n; of bathing the ladles—meaning the courts , tannin question. Foremen had sufficient sense to permits that the quicker be went out the betterlai him. He left with his friend. Reselling the sidewalk, he and his friend 'toed talking over the developments in the den below. The ruffians In the private box came up the stairs Foreman JAM them end moved on. One of the villains went after Foreman, with his hand behind. his back. A companion more sober than he, suspected his design, anted after him, "You d— fool, don't do It." The elution unheeded. The man lint ran as Foreman's friend, tact aimed at him a thrust witishis knife, bat missed his aim. Ho again rateable arm, and with deadly violence ran hie knife through . Foreman', neck, severing a leading - artery. Ho inziantly turned and fled. The wound ed. man cook down urn the curbstone and listened to the trickling blood. He spoke no word. The crimson Jet spirted over Alm. pertinent, and when Ito force wee expended Wilbled his garments. llls. ostananion, hltruielf meaning by the merest accident, sped for & physteisn, and secured one. The aid came too late. The physician said that had he arrived in time the mound artery-might have been tied. As It was, the veins - WM emptied, and the prostration ensuing was of that character from which there Is no reaction. Death resulted from -hemorrhage. • - The rumforinzteto man- was . butchered by mistake for some other man s who hadinter fared 'with the courtesans and that:compan ions. The Min who 4 eilie the den was ar rested, and held 'until the Inquest of the coroner is conspleted. Testln}onitil to Col. Bailey par readers ore already familiar with the brilliant engineering feat of Lieutenant Cols mud Bailey, whose chill lm building - a dam over the Bed itlyer had saved the fleet orQom. mate Porke i r from destructions' Mir this achievement he hay beau Pistil complizieuted by Me superior afficeallead admired'by Ms fellow coantryinvo everywhere. „Mama BOW act d< Co.,ageats for the Wheeler &Vilna Bowing Machkcea, have,through their lasi melt mazmgar,, L Mr. B. P. earpenter, dona ted three Oi-their but natchlrial, besides lc false of Wolk, Outlining beautiful:spoil inane of childreMs! : valved: at gin -to the Ben:: They have adapted the bias - offerlag their finest machine, 'a rplandid..malicigany, _full case, ailverglinala and: ~superbly4lished .iffair, as • testi -menial to. Cat. Bailey, . " Qui hero of the lied Blear, .13tabiailiitiona willbe received' at their staaig.44stwean Caihier's deck lad (Tidnelekootk, Ducar—at one dollar Ilertt intbseribers vai,:st, :the ad of the Pair, be forwarded to OoL.Balley in tita.fleldoind the suchlike to hia bozo. Thlropportualtyyta express adudration of the sarriess of one 'tithe heroes of the war, will bo gladly accepted by haudreds of slattors to the fair.. Bpnk Robbery._ The Pt Reflood Hank of Pint Youngstown, wee forcibly entered on Satnrd•znistit, by btuglare. pt attic Money a.fieheilie dzifled the ban door of the vault,4ver ihe . look, and as attlimpt wu minds ti blow *pin the doai . of blotroff the lock, with . powder, but failed. Thd thieves deount*d, birth* captured nothing. The look was so bjUreil or obstruoted, that thehey would not mot It, :end,for • time, on Monday, tke hank wu In a Oats of supernelon, not only otepectiopity minst,bot all other payments and business; the feuds; boob and ripen being securely fasten ed up against all acmes. J. action was.called In, who by removing tout Cl the hick walk, opened an 'entrance between the outer 'and' htnef doors of the Taut. The Wide iron Wog of :the outer doh was fottn4 forood partly off by the powder. Thie wu removed, the bolt' were, pulled beck and the 'doer opened.. The Inside' door and 'lock were all right. - Ttuit and the wife Inside of the vault being opened, and the funkresehrb badness wee resumed. . , , t . _ ",- CorutietfeldqUesto. , Coronet Mogi/tug hold an Inquest yesterday on the ,body of Moho:las Daphlar.. • Utef• to/ aged • .oar Josus, Who wee 'drowned in We At.: leigliedj; tire peak Dog borough. The deceased, In:company with • number of other inClAn boys, Was playing on raft, when he left his balance and fall tote the elver.' The alarm wee promptly _given but ,before he (wait° rearmed be-Tbejar7- ra tamed woe:diet of c‘sarddental drowning. John- Itimbrel, who was tejuredun the Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne and'sadosge. Boil roast lilt weak, died of Ids lejuries'au ;Wad euday- evening, Corals: Meng hold en leeriest on the body. and the jury retorted a verdict' in accordance .ulttr_theltals already. 011.145,41::, - ; • ir; lA;Aztli doing a pod bagasse la 'stung men for the hundred days 'orrice, cad we hope to hem of hls 10On ban back to the arm, istorrs he has timid Wool /1121110 falfifall y y. This is tkehfi 400 0 for man to enlist In this bat • I ' : The elegant and costly silver horn, on ez- Millen at the Jewelers' stand, in the Bazaar, and to be awarded to the Ere company receiv ing the largest number of votes during the fair, is already exciting • spirited competi tion. The votes are recorded at fifty cants way and a large sum will to realised from . this source. Tho following is the record of the vote as it stood at eight, tine and ten leolock Lost cmming:t Ilreadarict Bruckor Chas Elononlanb. John liorklnrooder grinds Planta %hams Ha John Cook y John Enna John King . . 8 o'clock. 9o'clock. lOo'clotk. ilkshony-.—.. 28 38 158 51ape..--,--- 22 28 Wad— —....... 77 22 , 58 litogoisw:Lo...— is s a Dovusko--...„ 18 19 21 Linim , Ml Helm Andrew Lindsey Drmouar's QUAIITSILT AID SOMAS DO GRAND Norma—The number for the Steamer quarter, aiding August, 1864, of this widely popular periodical is now out, and will be found to present features, comprehending to profuse variety of illustrations of theifashions hotly:olmnd and otherwise, patterns, etc., to gether with a very considerable misoellany of armful Information on the subject of tress which will reader it acceptable to its faii readers. For sale by J. P. hunt, Magenta , Sall Fifth street, and byW. A.GLidenfenney, 45 Fifth street, near Wood. Thorne Duff Joseph Snyder Casper Mier George Itrosoodder Maul Kretz 'Henry Marren Wifflam Dora Geo Patterson Adam iamb Andrew Denbarb PhllliDChristian Shigeo Gnaber Trade Welter ' Hobart MGzerodo graft's Iffarroth floury ?rank John Toodeo ' • Curter Stems& latob EtiOint Jolintraerrence ILLIMIRLYID AID 011(111 Elllllla PAPUB.- Mr. J. P. Hunt. Mamie Hall, Fifth street, has reeeived Harper's Weekly, Frank Untie's Inuatrated Newspaper, and Demon:We N.Y. Illustrated News, for June 11; The New New York Weekly Tribune, Herald, Times Ind World, for We weak; The National slice Gazette, for Jame 4; and Bsuith A Street'eN. Y. Weekly, for June 16. All these are also sale by J. D.Hample, 85 Federal 'treat, Allegheny. , • . Jacob Ilittehat • • Gawp Eettetly [George Luster I Gonatainto . &Ditto ' William McClurg IWO= Neepof Adolph Wash) °stoma Bhagat •Oharbas Joseph Beer Joseph Haman Andrew 'Baru Jacob Bupp Dernharl Ilhercatot John Gankol Tea NUM Hawelay.-...This veteran regi ment, Which, has been at home on furlough, arrived In the city to-daj, on their way back to Tennessee. This regiment is under com mand of CoL Thomas O. Jordan, and vras or ganised at Harrisburg in 1801. It numbered originally twelve hundred men. They came back with four hundred re-enlisted veterane, and since then have largely recruited their ranks. 111sbael Notts Sohn Kmlodel Angpct Halle John H Mamba' John Bona 01<a, &min Ranted 0= Oonrol &sib Andrew 0 Rudolphu Peter Eater Fos trat Ls/rm.—Frank Leslie's Lady's Magazine, for Jane, is jtust out, and sun be obtained at John W. Pittoek's new depot, oppositelbe post Offlett. 'Double iheeteolored fashion Plates, exhibiting all thabsiesieWlea Also, Demoreet's Quarterly Mirror of Fash ions, oontaining a splendid fashion plate, near cad original music, seven fall sized patterns, and a bat of elegant noTeltica for summer. Weablugtoulavo ' Peter Budder Triads Munch Wendel Bowers John Prentater Henry Pateanon Fritz Lulek tiobert A Hughey Nelson Brmey George 2roomp Lampert Enid. Chrbtlen Thaberrour P 1,41. 4 -08. MUSIC, ire. Giristhu: Wagner Rover,. W► takkpleornere in informing the pabilothit we cctan th• largo andcomm odlandtaaad 16.,12 BISSEWS BLOCK S IT. OLAII aTER6T6 • WM B. BBADDITNYandSOIIOII6OENN 600 tie* lot of SIIPINIIOIIPIANOO. Alm, army!. • offflaitifiletr= l = l4 ' • Ins oriporlotit y of the EINADEMILT PIANO is al preml=tlitina: tram •rotrunpbo the n.r so and French greed notion .Plan • `j• • msanfoottund MIL BBILDBUCY, . quakerd Go'. Mace boring boon 90 lon/gas• vorably knaan In Ws and otter cow:arta, rum • fatter comment. All inorontoni for Ave yearn WANELEfiII a BABB . • e;.13, Awtaf a rittsbrsgb wean God tatattal s.aa PhinCalar E.L.n Taxing and ha= dolts promptly. . - sada HAZELTON PIANO For Sale Cheap: She luboart.ctila ou M u d • beautiful all ebb. toned HAZELTON PIANO; mach t.l.g weal, lows In the furultnni, $5O Lens than Regular r.rice. CHAS., C. MELLOR, 81 WOOD IIISZET. /.2 .IiNIJ3E'S PlANcis. r Y ► A choice eopily of 63 and 7 octavo Plum fortes, from the factory of Amato it Vu., has loot been received—some to richly caned cases. Wiese instremeents art follr t erarnueted for eight yea's. and es are by the best I pronounced tiarlealheL A Cell Is rupee fully so cited been, purchasing sese- Stere. CiltAftLO . TU PLUM. Bole. Agent, jel . No. 43 111th meet. rf_RANTI3 THE 1.14 N I NA WOUDO HI CI. q ABDI.LL. UMW El I. tI.:DMILISO. a largo /at of fhb no eunl Waal fat wog las or dud In the tloola Eton of GOLPETEI, au, czorn,s, VVrNOW POR SALNWHAT . E ln, suppose to be theilargest astortmcat of Carpets and Floor Oil Cloths, Raw exhlbttad to thle tut to lIIIIIESZLS, TRUER PLY, • /NORRIS mad • vrarnAu MIMS and 61170 AT OIL 01.01.119. Via ban many dastrable igloo tot to be, fond clamber.. tnelndbag Nome beautUnt goods NIAROPOOTIIILED EXPIILIStIy NOR OUR RStetIe.TRAVR., . The vaster patt of mar Mock bating beam pm , abased or eontractel fee betoro the tamat heavy *l mes it Om wNLI be sale at a Ivy mall Lima at actual teat, oil plow betty to outty- tattautte tar below present totakert team • . =Wender* Shades axed Fiztosas Table mend Plano Covers ,Hemp, List and Rag Carpets j Cocoa and China Stettin gm, sidtla; A All axaortmeni ahem" an hand at the laved edam, WIISSATAI Asp lISTAIL. M DlA 'Farland Collins dc Coi l set 7l 4WD 71:nrur stuzzr, HAVING FIIRCEMEMD AID ADDED CUB wiris Tag • . ENTIRE . BTOOS os CARPER,' OIL CLOP; 111,' ugdyllelE ti uconitracii,m mut* ems; in Cr* able, 07 the wasolldatlcra, to oCit LARGEST STOCK• ►'o BE fOUND IN Irgz LOWEST P:1411*. oliver 712111 - 111*C.; •. . , FOURTH STREET NEW 8171 3 Or WINDOW i S.HADID , 11ZOSIVID AID ma., C A:M/ P ICTS; = wntaimanioi.' 0 R •- se.asoindes JUNE 4, 1864. The Silver Horn N.o. 12 ET. CL4II Bt., BlessWs Sao k. tiorraalsx & tioarrao. Ito ,il3 sheet.:, _ . But holm, to P. 0., Koood tkor. NEW sen Ana STOCK dtZIVS • is O.FITTEItIIB,GH THEATRE low, Ramer liszczvxm GREAT SUOCIGB. GREAT STIUGLSS. CURIO'S CAVE. OrDJOR CAVE. CI7D/0•8 CAVE. T/1113 EVENING. _ WM be presented el* caw seneatlon drams from the pp*r nova or cudkes Gre, =titled • WNW IN'TENNESSenn Ll2/1.01 TE19123933. LIYS:IH TILEIHISSEE. • • .Tcr conclude vitas • . Ti BLEtEarild'a BESIDE. .. 84. Wealthly------ ChlDpeadalw RAND CONCERT. OPENING OFTLIE InBlo6l, DEPARTZMT 07 SIM SANITARY FAIR. ON MONDAY NEXT, JUNE Oth, at AUDIENCE HALL, By the . Vatted German Stager's Sodlnas FROUSINN, LORELEY, TALIVOIPI4, IIIMIINGIHAI!X EI&GLLtW NO 011;MYs With the co-operation of Mr. George 'burgs's' GREAT WESTERN ORCHESTRA, and tie English and Gamma Tieatra Ortheatras, and other Professional Illuslclans, who all have tendered their seniors gratuitously. R M. performed the beauttfal lauded tabl4ul “OX THE SE.ESHORE,” 6EI MZE121.3 BTRANDE ) JUL:11311 . 01 . 11.0 OF DILBEIDIS Aditinsion Ono Pollan Tait Book. is Minn& and German-Tea Canis, Tickets to be had at the Mull and Book Storm end at theDdlcs of the Felt. Qeotlomen an rOitteated to- proem* their titteta belbre tho openlug Ot the Oanocrt, to avoid delay arid coral:Worn • Comminceme.‘d p. tr , 103:3t ' BENEFIT OF SANITARY BRUN'S GMT SITOV(, TON KING'S EXCELSIOR CIRCUS COMBINED, Pram Baltabore and Washington, grill exhibit cot RED LION LOT, PtUaburgh, SOH ONE VII&S. JUNE oth; Stb, Oth, 10th, 11th Comma=log on ISONDAY AITTF.IIBOOH, nt 2X o'clOck, for tb.elxisoat of . THE SANITARY FAIR -aftL b.'w't,AtTEss Le ittspr tif . tlao 94:0_ unri who willies that tee main letetred shall be donated to the exclusive banstit of this truly chart• tab purp.so. - The proprietor lila the plossure to ann'Aince that the EzeoutterCommlttee, of IshorabiAllosior Mayor Lowry Co at the bead, has accepted. his libenst offer at his oontritratiott, during the satire week t be therefore appeals to the potato to ra' elm la mar ine that contribution as large as possible, Tho Troops fa comp..] of the hAlosibig nausea artists: - • lied.. LOUISE lOU/MAIER. U. daring rrtnet. Equestrienne and Rarebseir Rider. whose onrirallinl perforce woos hove thrilled the %For's% Du no equal tuber catleinely splendid end Mt, as:ideal =mega ezersises. lead. YI SGINIIL wlO Brno. In &Ingle and doable s et egeoetrientont. Mad. LILYZNIC a &onto Totnestrienno. JAMES WA - 11Di thane:iterates Trick Chyme. MOW. 'MOULT, O.' the boot Gynutatt In the mosIL WK. NAYLOR, yor'd of r. J. 1101116 LOUIS ZISPRIMA, flytag Stems. 3011 N NAVLOU, the Ttenbler and Loam. Vac r u t! A! li t L D tt, h m e . n t n . o t te . r .l form a. WWI. SWUM, Id ids gouda! dlntottromons knetnt In the Trench !manage ue .• La Porohe." irma, who s e nanso well • knswi In the proloarkm, mitt dothenstrete Ur greet “Ilatonle brave' s. • Miter. and Anglo or doubter ad (von— t:tan hp bee act pier. • TWITS 1T0855.9. HOWE 3. 001110 M1TLE.9,60. Car Price of =Aston, LI and ; Seaenod meats 60 conic my90.12t ES=M=l CLAILIVI 4 EJETS. LAW OFFICE & CLADS AGENCY. W. J. & HALL PAIT' EASON 1 1111 Il'an.rt.ll! !urges, 11 /tom 11.71:10C11169. PL. Prwzre PEPSIOMS, COUNTIES, 8.11011 PAP ALL tll &Ur 211:11tarl (Ulm peccspily 12, " No thLrlt. =Wu inuLtathal ow sib MACERITI,AL JOI3NBON, , eartiaariays-vr.wor. and U. 13. IdaniadIUMMBIP CUM .A.CIFII3, - Vo. p wain srucer,, desa Prricararst. SOLDIER& C . ILAThrI3, : mune AND APildra or. PAT, Proecptl,7 anemia to LUISE= a swirl, 110.115/i fourth it:lmi; ilttipazgb. r. 6.3oltoulbwl I . CLAI 171 PENSIONS, ELM-PAY MSLBOIII ilaS MAIM of sTory ileacrlvlnn. collated. by the kit. eaStnr, at tins follawing rata, Pp:AM SIO 00: in o th er clalrest3 co. • .a.O;TAILou, Ammo as lAA, No. T 3 Grant wired, Pittamgh, Pa. H. P. - Ito &ergo ate =de if the clef= don net infasal. ■od all talbreistlea then 7tntls . Ma" Nom] W. SHAFER, Jerrinumr4T-T.Aw, 110. 106 if 1:011111troot, Plttatranti. Pa. Oahu for PZIMONI3, 1100/STI, P 8733 KOH LP. Lai vigarosuO remota& - -- • - ; War • ,on sati t E-NFOlt REXT.; FoR 1 3AlaiVALUABIZ - . II EALT 2, Tat...l3l.—TwOrpti cartage of Matte ittimao and Vino otelotitta Ittatt latelatitfotat Itta fact dezv.;.t 'Ono - Lot oat Pautotatatott avenue, 25 footitotiLltr 100 foot doolp.'ratatottg Wok tow I* foot lOW, • • Otto Otto of gormul cones of Mattotte sad Mites atrooto,l4.tbe toot of P. et 1f..4a.P B. W. Doitatt, totatobtlag twetattlato,...W by.= feet. - Atioi g number, af iroty.tottrablas lots !.lot. burgh. Ms of Woo totoba to a body, hartog a front of LLD foot on Orals ;street 1n41,1150 on.Wootallatton and Iftthaose strati, oxLmblota. Li -erected a oast! ptirtioalinspley to • - Port)itt Cloti_Worlar4.Wattatattualtot, FORIMLEt i . • , . . , Daryl ,- • la - goodordst,loo tatttlont.lo4l,47'aLlo, 44 acid Om, and deoke.4.,-04nnols 7 Ineb. Hat A:taiga?! qua kw • D. It. ZOGEBTON. - jetlw ' W 044,41144. .O%SALZ-40 ' 1.643 -- "irk, -Allegheny , together hulas& front cog Piston! Law of &boot NO auk and .rountorbectr 400 - ftet, being tote wantons& hos 0 toll InTohn ffaberee Von of tote, baton the ptop•ty when Bre. rood now 11, The lots will be a= apirotelj or In r. body, •aryOrtf • J.. p p . IN Fifth "tont. . . LIDA • •artunrypter .h4ntra et.. :- titernaw-momvizr: , • my4o;tr !To. Iland,streid;Tlitsturgh,To (Goalsirlllt, Clutha, sti snd Wbodtc4ryspritopy tia• 'redraw' loud la 111; to nobs. _ VUS.:faidil•No. 107 ROB street, a thoosittay BI & Dwelling limo, at bon, two potion, dining-tom. IrSteben..cellse, bith nom: lbw amebas, ibilebtr, raved yor4;. to! 20 beet Mat by 70 deny to SR ll{fta Mat .. B. OrIDDI Dte 010118...67.-740totot. aIkLICA 'Lot of tirouattirot the nner exam. rina Harmony arm% •thi o aDamask of Birmingham. Alio ono ea eornerai Nitaisastialia Lon* strootsath want;nthis arg Dada)* taltfttable, - /LOYD, uwo sips Tooth attmte. ,411,TofiND,ijokia v.,. o.4piti • • aostchiCaMiiiVicripkic tate bads - • Wel +OS sbiliteand sum for ade . NeWHALD AIIIIIIONLY, m og ;, ustasall 21i To. • - 00.11,taiL5— GI/sll4 usrro M • —samoions paaver,tg/t" with Agier. ' 118 34: /I " 2 "Y en " cga , nizi% JOHialiiik VOLUME LXXVII FOR SALLE--FOR REXT. - POR BALE - CHEAP .1.; favorable iippolircaltyls new eroded ta per. furor &limns of. procuring cheap and conrentent homes. The property hes bees lately divided into Bnildllig Lots, and will be sold to quentlitree testa' parctosen, it prices an 4 tows artdolt, toes bulgy rail to toted the views or those who' visit t comfort • able home - . The grannd la pleasantly, and CallT61:11. wetly situated at the Ant anti= on the Panay!. nate Railroad. adJoirdnd _litreetaor hit 7 Una la full slew of emend opleald mansionare. I anti; erected, in e rapidly S=praying ttedaber, hood, comtining the adrentszweaf both, city not colrotry. Torteclittirsof intercom= with Melon: wards of tho city, ft le not .arposed.by =rotten property to the vicinity, at the sacra distance. This property alai Moot indocements to velum. ara ployeall et the Oster Depot of th e Tows. B. B. or in the inanntertories in or adjoining the Pth wend. Tor further Information apply to ADOLInTtIa 12[DIVZLIB, et the German Truet Co.. corner of Wood and Birth stoat., or at hie residence, neer laterretsterille i or to Dr. Wilda. 132 Wehd 0-111 .. Sixth Mlle. 112130tif Fos ; eats. A FARM 061 ACREE, On whl4 Is sitclod a Brick Dnathing /donna ans• talning tan rooms v aith a /tams tenant Itot and lute rams Barn, a good erictaird, ele." Is Well ratsred. and cad, Ors mars from the city. • for paitterdars call or sans, BgLEY, ' , Alum', A co., my 23 ISO rtrEITII STREET, FOl3. ME—That, bcautifia site for a Otexebry Seat, titration the PerryirrVle Mak Said, especial the residence . of W., afefillatocki En tad &Wales the Obserrateryzierty, cea. STYE LIU) 015 - £.41/atalf Amts. This is cos of the most desirable ens .ie aka elcadty of, eltbar city, bring athin short wales date= i 4 the Sasponsica Bridge. There sar s number of fine forest trees on the property, sad a =abet. of choice Jana sad orals unread trees let eat. The *hole pewit, will be umbl In eDe Use; Cr dtliObli Into item= my. 'We 1. 313 7 31 . 1 ) 14, tear I. *T P iracul " 133 Wand larva, Pittsburgh. FOR s?.k.LE. A Mani ussmilion, Eery of aroem by.relliray, or • short Arlen from Al legheny C. meltable tor n prominent home for • btudszni mu, Le offerai TO.II PALZ, vitb pomulon Coditartaide dwelling, good outhousen, and too. grower:wends. 8. S. BRYAN, Apply !.,1:, Broker sad liainsauce Agant, ml~; 69 Fourth it, Mirth Building. VOR SAILLE--A Farm of 118 wives, in . St. Ctsit township, -Weetraorriand county, P. Also a St= of L4O scan In Ellmbeth te:= l : o P. Allegheny settney. Aloof • lave Prottory Brick UUMIII mad leot la the, - of Virost IDLlssbeth. Alt= Haase and Lot he Elisabeth borough, Also, Are Lots adjatang the borough of hicEeet poet, in Jame d Patty's' pleat Hot. 56, 57, 55, 50 • Also. a vary vales= tract of Goat Land, In Pool Ho 5, on thertlonongabela rtror. -Tar pa:tient= Pm= at No,IGn Fourth street . tayrAly G. IL TOWIIII. Bat Estate Agent..• UOtt, SALE-43'MM'. f3AW MILL .o.;* • . AND OIL • /1E7L91/531Y.—Ttie one-bedf of shells of on Bednery end literna Pow 99 Ill,' "Mb Wu lad on acres of ground: m.abnndanoe of anti on lo{—neineopen wad being winked, Meanie an the Allegheny Iltenn sod 'A. V. R. B. Is literal for ode. Tho - Leilneer, Is new cod of modern tin= The &nor Idill.ie to e9lendid order, and Is well .unto. ' ated. baying i creak running troni_ls. to kbo 91ns. fined locality In. building booze. • - row pertioniure null on, tits uudenigned: • LIMAS A CfroORYISTMII9, 0p931 Ito. 59 .F.uridutende.Pittiborgii, IT -- ALuant RIVER - rseruTy FOB o.6.Weltnated the"llonongaltrle /Um, abaft tha dme Pook.hating:a. born nnsaw ritar of OW kat; awl extending back To.Ereddock etreet, adlohnior the Otanellerfile DalLroad, con., tainted 4 =wand 17,perobee. Tab te *intim= hie lomtlen:lDt riaanottetrrring •resposea; haring the dyer in front and puddle groat and railroad In -the rear, and Ban 1111) and buildings thereon emoted. 'For tem 1. da. ap pi/ to En= 'AWN Wank an the premliq or to W. O. Allasuraurau,'Zio. its Marmot street, Pitrobnigh. weltotr; OR' . Eara—.one now Steam Engine, P.l.stech.eylhoder, 30 Loh ,tale, ea free betl;, redeem .el re gammas • • . • • .one laledicyltrider;to Inch 014 . 4ered•he.0, "LOI will hieshg.o4 me mew. • • One? In& gftda, ED tech itretei D. - 1 Oee 0 " • " hh " ". • - • Tyro Oyander Been, so ill." sio si:s Three " 511 lIT- T.o Wrought Iran OU I3itUe. • Mao, Three Bets et Bortag Teel, foi Ott W . db.: Chcap G3r cash. lhaqulre of U. N. itoLz. sp.2 Alloghoey after Bank, nearer) Potnt. F oR wax,. A =Dual arrrenta M & uta m f o o f r rdelien.q u 6 is hminga l r l a dome, ee, I after my outbuildings, thnse idurn of tenth. with trait trod awl other-Im county, suereaurstu It is a goo& for it mulDituni phydan yids a emall end mom maw. - Inquire of tbo tabu:alba, le Valley s Lame= Pu..DUTOEMB, St- De jeL/er VOR f3ALV.— , 4500 will pidatise Bann ot war Mites icrei, =dor a good aibb oforalthatfanonsllarataral with rprtogr sod =de Wonos, Cants about throe and a tont calm *on . 4butg. •Woodunundand eountr, on thu.Phila. dilPinto MO. ono toile from the 7, eani. Raltroad. The Impious:unto area ttarotory Thick Hamm down Barn. Ebston Mum, nud good. °milord d'clicateltnlt. 'Aims easy. itpplynt the Bold intato and Inninum otnau at . nen .Buttor irnatet.Lauraseattllot ' 8.6,1,9: 1 - LARGE' • motoo. 113 tett: Ono Oar, brick brow. oltutrobtillo.4B STILTXT, between Mb mad MO streets, irontobb lag ton roomsorlth good collar and. fribbod with tot. This lot bass front on° kot aft - IWe otzte, ran. dug book 70 hot to a 6 foot The home to sub otands4 bunt, bud boo aster sot tractlaronglort tbs bulldog. Warranter portlctgoto cuqulro at , • -G. GOBBAGE, op:Ebtf Dlsroood, Pittsbutzk. • FOR SAL .fie Oil :Works, 38 Oration retivistagtO-Tastltti. In ;came valor, Entisisittollebitilt of liithne timber, not long to cue, and will amain some g5O bnrrolo each. - application ino,y-te assao si the Tionnary to ,hrinotteng,Co. or the Ogles in Pittobltrgh, tizzarrqs; roatieroa a,,wlLaturis.. VARM FORT Okrart:::—sut,' rum 'Unto trn tho Pittsburgh 104 Sharon 'Grade Rood, tri' Robb:son Unruh% tavern as the 4 .8t111 Tarn:. about MD mita ,from Stuvoionoon• 'bluing 'boat 123 ercif wig be euld,et pritetiesk. rot tame aye" tn ' = STIDI4, ' ar,z.o.Yous, _Lstinnta4.49r,-pio. x 0 Fourth street. .- -1121 dewtt i ,Pitta urix,Pa;' FOR BAT ; 11. - 'I , 3 .6.TTZNITOZZ svatinosi BIIILDXIII3. , 1000 bag ism e flzat quality= two Ineti DEOHLNG tarprgel her cal 6 at ths Planing Ala of easaiums, oU.Azatarsoa streoti illlkatenr Citr. Pits. ESS IntittoCirattd te , e4 Ward • SW M is already , plaxemiliad,r,dror am • - - 1 0)11 - ElliLlrrL;it 000 D: CILi &SING Isoarr—a Periodical &dn. flotta a tins Inuintaa, pad trill% a'. mats Of OTet fair hun dred daily paperi,l, adtreditz sale. Ts , a sietynn atat - a - Enp - Ual - st stantA6so,.. LI mill p sam ateeb. lent lastatatant. r , L ,. tastinalstn tritpUts of • *i • . TS — - li ssome lisM Fifth stmt. dos - SALE , Olt: EXORANGS 'FOR PROPEFIT7fo—That XABIZII DWllato USCcoliffbilisamda attactoxl. Cu= drool, fork met iy =pith by Cliriatiao ammo, We of Zia Ilirsolnahoow Stang sad oataUlal*,,..ro ia-!ho roar of tpb . Dwelitom Efortoo. , lIIIICIN-L.1324X 3 ,• tabHadt ff - 109 Fourth stmt. Plttaboratt. LOUR OSICE : IMLLINCI; _ltoildid Vcd-s# l .. azakh =plate widow.illuotea trei'ed .cd..^ner cf Dian! trod &ad Claxpoiteet 41109: lextliWata• =Ws, ins alga rep;mssFs! 2.114 . 5 g, Prit. Cbu!l • xaquirtair-- :Ott? ili 8 tuniektui; • SALE—A bmall Earri . )011taLtling— x wr. ...sr.* Mat 'tact laiindirtaJd . Cow. Ifodfli d are d cad fracted, vi W s lugs boassoW I& lad fruit.> theplat* u volt 'Waal, wad sits- Mad la Boduccer tot cd.t4p,.; Weitounalp4:tvdcllT IN miles tram Bellsiethan. ShUplay) la int! ad a ',Timbale! In tutxdUcl."-. cußil octant AD), 104 wcce. atia447 UDR' R ATZ us RENT- - -/CFOm., of 5k 11.: Imre!, Landal litEkinitaircAtr, 141661. 1 2 8 India Met Teretasoat, sad within• short dfs 14,0,1411 =r a . • 1 0 1 F*I!/.. C.! Zl , ^. Nozodnair4 4tniacar tram rinfliskillnalatreeV, VOL Saat9 &Wen; ' M A -4°14/02. 1 411•1 1 1 - kolow - PAInoribT: air thilenttsbors. l 6 Molt airaotSaotuot.our log_ Shoo Dino toitiAlF To; particd,a tho !ado CM:* of • • CC. BILRITIOZII, MOIR= No.lo Mamma. Aikido VOlt 13d1411--11.14um in Beaver =our %It IV:tiara, ISO to 03 ta 000100014 11%* as lin'ict ov4O w t th i r t 00 1 = MN. 1CX 4 ; 401 4 sou ; , M == IMI -NO. 175 111,001E8. .41.L811.NS 4c. LATE,17.43 bOATIONEr" AT IttNILY „ . THE OT LT Novrt. auk.v.virric. t ata.A.R.re. Bitiosallor.t "TLe Lazapliglatar." Prim, cloth, - Berm Rtotlen..wltb bimment wl.l rJ tSa 4 Ike !farad, author of "Ily Dorm a; Lam .... . . wood," !...triam.iffa," The 'l3ol.ledeld Diyandoos wary Wad Starter me ea Maar, mg --a rkapp7 oIeaQINI of Watt , and ID tionArdap of rimy tratne3 dm a trottMor 11. r. SIM ft .meat add Attic are mat panwra oketchaa The 'Wet Day Man 'lrtah Inn' la • ro. MAIM fa Whistlers. Um %modal of a Clocsabdif ran of Iwo.' humor, de., and Duo who'd, Nedmat hood ardtraftda DLL? zrz.vv . micious. Sr Tomei AIITHOBS. erwaramiv prom , By Cali Satitiltext, anther , of '!4:bentry LlTtog. eta i voL, Melo. - 'tong"' r, rut epres, , ft, : 6.6.6 tie oiti and the Liaille nimbi Cl, • - Thhher Ordhiszhie Meld Inttinp; a Mery D.. the Pain! Prefer - M eetings t. The- neat- of jou Lon; Coatteverths; A11:1111e13:10IIL Gxtrir - The Lev 6f, omits ; •rririar; IbTeTehtel i Lace: Words vitheit Hnewledge. • SZE EM EM WOODS. B, ,Ileary D. Tharesq. an .,,Dior of ~•Widdazi," de. rot lexto. cloth. 1196. --Ikatiosal-Etanda; Chun:took ; The diligatO sod East Branch.: . . • mai mar aim Norm. _ DABHISEBE B ARD DATLIGIIT. A splendid:lM Book by Z.. Entry . 13ohnee, vanes excidkint tench are egnht after end read throughonl the lend with. ror delight. Elegantly printed kat b o nd in elotb $1 57 eac, unKorla h TVA ter ether poplar ' Ptioe . Loa Itive4l. Tes=d Zahke.. itogliet Orphazut. liolax.esd ea es Billgdp. cm Xstisti. Oopico of tLe obr,vo book. monad free of pOstago .on 000ntpt of price. Badirit miSl azul 18 Yuen it. neit devr_to 4.0 - pIHIMGRAPILALBIELMS,-a urge se. sarta4ti latest stylor, at 'Oast pa:eh AT MINT'S. AT.43174 IGTIISEB, an rinds. fra24 44141 , d77"2, PIIA.NGII4 BEALcix u.L dIVV/1.11:102.118;49.11 , ozraphed 1.5 to:ots, at puLllal;ase. plises% AT 111TINT3S wAitm4pe, Talons Itlads, AT An the IntiN BOOKS, AT HIINT,I3. All thi, AND EtAadZEtlYl3, AT IiIINT'iS. BfATIONSILY, 11l kind 4 AT•HIINTiB IVarditaala Ihd ilearl Bask - , Stationed , 7, Lfinranina and Nainspaper Emportain, : c 4 nrx a sr, masoracatas.:,t . • Card Photograpr4, "J, Albtacw Itka.l.l Pitotoggraphisi.; Po(Acet 1t003[13 Poelmot A*13:1.6. Eopolo i''ocUet -1Ubw31.1,. FLAGS! FLAGS ! Late /300413,. • t. - .taate rdneazines: i. :flaps of lrirginia A GeOrgig._ • sTiyrcnizai - i &TAMMY! f,t PIT TO O M'S; iir Ann so nrrn suss NECT,..130011.81 'HAW 1199K81 . mina Ann PIVAIIMAS or. sinspersonooLs —A Weirdly of Itobt. Pisan and Wia.,Poz. ILANuer, rameorrs rounded ea the Annum, of the putt o Involved In • the operreirme thei lands sad proper , Qoartrnetifaaf 1107:1211 , 0: HEArzni our. ,nonte. • ima - Leetto. • r • DABENG AND wrrsacnio.By Lint. Porto, • ea. A larra imply of the Litter irark pat rot:Dina: LaiEADaa kooreh Irma. • *.efire7lo.l* WALES. . • AIIOTION BALE_OZ_CPI9)33O74I. • . , Ifikahlagtag,D. 'Rit ApritLithi ' - pad at smblio tat , tote highest td• der, it he' =I places sla ' epolrotir; • liewpm% roams, Thwaday, 211..7 6th; . GoijHaux Pawls, ittailsi k tity fith: •- t y, , Basal& Peva, Thunatay. M 72641 ''l'-'- - • '' „Lebatan.lllllns, Thmsdy, .. +, .'r Ilarthapbcalimad, Ptili.ll. ThaMip,lnns ecroata44Suans. n,Y, Jump MAL. ..::•, , . _-. - 'L , fatatesixak to - %V - Pam, Tharaday,,hule =a; , on. - h=datt , lines 44 RrettilbVlD sult tn. —.- -" hundrod and t at ise-II °fee othetplaoaa.„, ..., ~ Thew. toms n „be= tanikilutter ist.tuillt La `' the carairt omit* of tbs - 11Altzd SUFIS Um,. ~ -,. .-., - Wee svmd sad firm ptrPoses,rfwaYo3o4 E 141411 1 - . amig . 4l4- int. d .fiii .. . -_, _. ‘•, -. s. , &as best* at 10 A n 01161Ints-dal WWI aro ' 1 - 4 ,Tania 4: CPR, in' note 8:e1 t r .. ..T . Tipi ,..., ! tar. - iieni, otal an} cz. eit. a =l;:;•ao-:- 1 - 1 -- . ' 1 4.211148 , . .; _, . - ....,..,7 ftrii,bnco- Lois Jar THI4BOROI7GII OP /4CMPSILARCIMPILLE.—WfiIbe trA - tastettes, cm 8NPORDAIP:AI,11114008, Ana 4111.18 N et 3 attack. the Eanatrityy alma t• - • Iliiliaticbats la the. Boronah •oftizotenutattn*. hblag rat of' tot 80. CB hr. Waisdut ' tptzklett.W the !mushily reed, ill:milt Put UP Nes. D.,B...Keres Lot. and try nets stteitt-. and the tietb3dlat Churl. 2. , • _ • Tar Latillteatti oh the lob ' ll4de id eel casator!Scits at fl: at church quid erlitulthiy zwattytrtly sant eablahatct, mhJat Wings sews , .t oat At techr.s; zantaniattpArudir. lams wtatal.So toot laepth; - . Inas bp Pass—Otte. hadatiht belszca !wan' bz i. nonmanamartisw.,T " - ray3l' . A. WALTHIL • .111 RANDIES,. FRENCH` :COB u ..432,' BATT:MM.! . hSOSHZHOa lam Mk aslOceslocki b• *old - toga> Oozamucial Was Emma, pa TIRO land: &baskets Obaxaikaaam. saaainere. balsettraZat; •BO glee. Mench ndr lrßak AA:bacce4";,..: teases Old Oackaa , anwaY, TittM lB4B ;, , -.., • :00 Fold Dardeacc ;:dca ID do !. old -Xumbr atf z) .-do. rcradi Cordial:At I.Oleasittil' a; - ' 1 pasta:lran alahan'm " Outard randy; I balaiJarray Acra Poipperuila,t Cetd.tall , . The&data= at trd ! ! af.„.Lba,tradii; ?!aillad ;Az Ph inliAgiCaliocl6 - - - - ; : •a.VenAfiliNt. EIGHTH'WARDPROP za9r,',4ozi:TVEHD&YZNI:I4I2IO,-Jaa6 8 ci:el , 44, .11 be -LI?, as , staColicarfaltel $0139114 tio: 54 Tiftb sh r ed . That ilaattblelimmeirrilot -"•J wow of *nos azd 12Ibbn. ,matt, irk the; lipthr r i ~A, thelot froat , nr3) lest ox IdAgeo Omit, ant - extending; slang Gibtlott axe. 64.1014E,Wheteatflij , ,: arectoi , tbreiritarts-artet Itwc Itbm. 'Mk 4011 ". L. ietut theipp,bsying most& bike:are So .; aniknow nuttlaso oPgr, - , a5 1 41a• - Oren 44,5arcauiles; • - • 4'l - Ituiti.„o.l.4btrc arti;riedielli - actiA4s4 .4110 ,T 3 ,,,,,,,,oo . lutassionaand o boid wuf snotopok, -- - - rAOSi AITD2IO,W- 4/2}lol.ir aaTeggesaartLoraims:zson 84.truaDAT srmAr sovitartayAl most risapteastwocrbet t. iaailet.7- onoaba 04 qutwm ap .4 sztaxeur .(03 itar.iirama. Avxrr. IDENTISTRI: V Be OWEL 'ADAMS, DontiaV Connallfe, tr 10:01 tansy a MowW• ad Grant ands; ettat,X gme-Dt-ii.m.Poluck" lot Ilqr*ireWiitiOuli Itratt. .sr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers