..„„....-...-_,...--.". . , ..: •-:._..-..".., . " .....,.., -.: ..... .. .- .. ,:-. . 1 .-:.t,... , ...._, ::.': '''' _..',,:.,....-:.;:.1:-•.:1-.;,•-.I...'"›.-.:...:'-.4; .;. b:.-;:-',-,'---- .., .•":•-.., -'`-::',fit3:%7'''%;4.i... :::.' .': ..,..;, - ;;j:;.j . '......_. :.:: - ~.;..;']:- ,i .- , ',:- ; ..,',- ,f - ,'_..;':' : t. 3;:4,;.•;:: -7 .:.'; . . - : - :'::.:- - .; . : : • - : '',' P -I , ESTA.I3LISHEI) IN 11786. • - , allue , qaa''tte.‘ • our fla MIMI PIIBMHXD By Nikti 1311811111, OLIO, =PM OP vEue.,94.7.m: s 4, B oa. ; it'szqii *rim tijmak'pailit........ sea' - ' • ibei IL Walks totitoir, dnOL Myles. payee.l co. N ebbe istqw u 354. ' ' eldolontiorlx*lN -11014 ilitts - te. Os party.seitllng eltb, Tors of Mem, n m/E1 wid *mu Gomm sti,• dub or tire% Ars ill"- mut the Maxima Clue= dall,y. Wag% kph*, 5 Cants. • . •• saran ..t.epikmadrite r faparsr,l24ll2lPri gum stopped iota Ms ttcas eiqp:tnic The iteealltliatter_ on this Page is from Yesterday's vening PUP*. ' - dour the newa'of another day from the thisi- Tao be . inanuakd up the four eheezi.. word,: dcc . ; donto moyaar.t Guar: aoWitanAlii bp' L atdalailue Lae orcued - the OldikaheortaY 414., tine iton oil, - the open ileld—dt indeed it,ea'tdif. fairly be add ihirf'he' had eiier bi z io4 to is • open ge l d, atm, he met Guar—, n ow, detne• inhibit° tight 'MO,. within the doiliricitti ' l l ,; Abe -robot; eepltal t of- at- least ho orettent to :•.- 4 . 4 .47t4thri m mob .41spesition.ean be math en will enable both' the 'civic and -Mitt .Pt the QhfedelPeY," , with aPFrit°l, to bai t a ' tasty retread i aonthiard; v a Dizmills,- , ,t0: the etileatieVpoint oko,arsit.ame.gat we 'cannot for the present rum definitely az `thin to pay It ought to he somew hem on tit • Oirothin-Snt 'crew the DanWille rabioail wily - not by this ;time be: rillablit4 Svhst • with%Ehtimin: and Kam; operadag with -thilieWrairy- in the, witixd.tref RielunOn4, !" - alid,ffitorme and - liintrent advan'elngirom the _, ll 4ollMoent from their reepeetive f.:etwerunds -Indlehte, le- mei be that even thie;,testiftz• retreat, which the stss's 'ssittellofyissid ordsc to 'the isbobilittt be denied them . ? Bni - whether they item& at bq f:at BialuSsad, ; thefi, emcee t 4 that eity,:and mato their *MEd - numb= oiee,:, them ti evidently bate end , • , denpireitin -enough - yet 'rensining in rebel -I,,dozettommler another great little Multi.' , War; Plinylsigiti Eiiinpe •• • ' . . . .' A: Most intelligent and:oipable , Eny,liehl , tumid tkellbnial tolool, -who mil. rapidly - ; - taloa traversed Europe from' Londonto Stint. , r.lionl, - inA pair* letter . .to tlieridititr of the 1 : -New Terik-21 , licMi; thus gib:mild thesltnar. i .. ..1 - rticret' .. ... ' . ' -.." ', :•.. - -.. .''. ' , ' ..... - ~ 1 I have - i imost attaritivi'lnveiligation - f.0_,,1 ilte tilt .. -.of, pnhlic . fe e ding ; inf. Turkey; :r.FLetoo.r . 4 2 '4 1 24; , l3witteriana,AmLiiiii =3 - tode4 Mauna :, on -.which yon, may tir•Ttte, ' ;Arabs; ezni ' llClut Mohammedan i kali, the Easparoi of the French; and 1 no doubt scrimp war may be a:elated in , At. :', Valli and minutiae .whole .: of (Northern Al-. The OreeirXhateithe iniperic of the French; , let, mitre he lapports the Pope, whom -the 1 Greeks think tho'grestait enemy of their reJ 1-ligiettw-- ;1 . .6:w0re the Emperor hat - bullied . ' them, an they , hav e ; taken entirely ^to . . " the . • i British 5 e e...... - The,".l - hate, .'Eroperir bi ibis gtelieb; ouch. /9404 as only - Italians perhaps' feel. n: Pirlili mi i: he Money to . - lia li inr ts aohliers to ;th ; thoot Carib/ nave Oil that bra. =ands, soldier ,paid with French golVdid 1 tha Amt of autuutinstiori. II em tl !myself•f y puntaided that they are right In that) ,-. • .± ~- • - -; - -: . - . , . - .. - - i._ - •iilimoia, ' Simms be - keeps - ,tlisir Capital poem)* _.y from them, and has done subs -: ctimwt,i. keep ap Mandan , and:brigandage, ,te amino andenslavelhemitnatcad pf . mil: , ting them and liberating them.'. , •:- ,- • '.-.,. • i Pram long practice, I epaak French nearly !thii same la EnglishAtad • had excellent op portunlties for squiring informatiem •botn, , VOIDS ankid•Sh Prance, returning, a441.3111+ carat 1ate11tdt.:2. , ....:.... ' ..• , ...: 7.....; .:T • . - :I , Ma- sitantibed a t : the ** state - of, things ; • •-- rimer onaldliasSbollasedlt: "On.isysaying a ward *boat the liciptfres and hiejloo, peas "ants, farmers,"birgeols, private soldiers and * -- .'idillaenb . tl!'"gri - Vitxr . .`,..girret/470f Azyialvei against the Emperor, such as I could hardly . : intaximegill*: -. linclidays as .#*6 of Loam , • • . XVI - and . Marla Antolnetta , iiney , libt be'l* Manua estosatattpposmi ',Tea : Zmituot - me : ',, : • . '. a game, day 'Aid . luteglity . race, and I can • .. - p Ziock uPokikni - EmPator se sitting. on the ..; ' '-, obi:valance, Ja ittunlitant, Miaow -el 1 7 tiOrnidliiill tient - know " ..... on. y• to *het the - i trench . ' thenutelvat:p4 t.. forward an their L . or gaiter thi isiiihzioyems'ti•iis; : ,• - ~, *lrks /ma besa-100,0,00, , the ;Trion' assmw • ' - - imam luceing betin'anty.4o,4oo . ; -• _•-........ • . . . • . .. t I.L..•Onts-runtired:ttlionsand•:havine bee n - . - seat Ito.,ldesictilsid' the Preackluita•"ses .. ,-.,... -lopsges,))' of Which - Anly I 6 s,doo,a4Most"...llN' • ' '' , ._ Unijll. , thr;:riiiiliil7itilleii4o' ifilAii - Welilikeild 44r WU' 'thOlnen-RoPubaeler '.2.ll* eat - 'a , • . - ' ..., ...., m Lestumist, • most Orlon: a nd . the BonspardstsAipt athoms., 2 ,, • ".5 . ,:i.• 1, - TV.; ~ That zeptoucan; Lealusitit •30, Or. " - ... • .... ,41eatilet-Yelifeiraisere- infahly.,:adt l2l2 .lll.4 has tha doomed regiments.; 3 1 '‘y That the lartuii.-4iwi Mid. aittnin4 ,-,•zineskor ti*Clonts are beyond miatnve,'end •.,- ...thi .. fliattiate - -- of 'the - copal . eselenotialy n ' t."! . _ha ti Tr u teabalent_p - C 1144 titaii ' ..* *z .ti ' b ra la resneronming the noly "d.Ltiance - vrt. ,- , . - . ~ . .., Ai:stria, and • Ennis, egahtst Inane. • , , Cum. no . ..doubt this *quite altar The 3katieli-Accen. like .tei:he Ibroagbt, without - -' '-- ...•• . neriseilato a war with three nations at a time, '....,- . 4 . • end they thititi4.l.! lodloisiAittlk jristles=ll • 4:-. ' :41w:wilt; *ben Isitir four4eeteni...edisi, .4. , ! . ..:..k -Alsciltili - , thatiniikiiiiiva;, - Then the tpin:lle ".. - Kebantinedatt'iniptilition'of lttrion, --- witk I - • .., ' %above:in.-a nay poor iookont; . _ . 1 II . to lua *rum Lii` , innkto • depth of itigittSpean telt -Sad utiVaikbeatia up r the wprfman ire now medal ineeinevinohe debris tietii the' bottom. Ji~asaoldv. teetin ' diamnar. phi beinewsterled,watward from -tbe elan 'tor the pinlollllLOi ta*tivklallecoin for akin *l4„Tfilkenbiininetir a Ont Went Win be a sitdi lore tie,employedfa doting ...thiteaded toes-00'4 also, es , e: flora. ,ftenee for toile azideiwne: ter car.; 'The water and eley.wre raised to tnt,*-settee bt:4ll"lftrOtt lroa wire cable, : whitiiSteei amnia a,drarp mo»dby .team poem: yilaohlnee anteing , :erected :on :the graced ie manntaebire.: the clay Into: brick - -whieltwltibe Weed the* conetracidow” of the tfitieol: the - Lavv•• ,- ,.' of Mirka .oilmti Mrs; Karr dins Langeruteher Ina taryrietedA t . 01aceilogi,ier llnibicid;and iszdeiloeid the iiidieo l 4 l l - 2 4 WitrinieCtowitbeenotereTo4 /paint that ;hi lore' et "kg improper instruetions :be the evidence. It ie held bl the - ibirienakkeirr, 4l lSWities.forthe Jury- to Judge of the evidence. and th e • Conn bad no ten Abere , thei they-time tiritittbeit spank* . e . view of seplication %It'tobifid. - '.'wrcbare: =id. -• pros mail/err irjpetlia4to• which it might beef. ~abt- . decision- - Loup amour' vin.. - Nr• 4et - st iibertriaketei e ulliat .b•Atainttte4sta'giigabon charge , or s in the c • •• , taguiii fengaa ga law, "cannot be brjeepardr taw drage fir ..A *Ear ilit. , (*),Le-CoaxAin).-4- 1/4421 • 6 04 1 4.4 4 *Iniffe;ifen Ver, NV Slot, to . 9ftetti, 1114 iii i t eenizeitreoli4ter' • ' du Water tdilb:ilegaide4edlthnOt:'. - _ , .. Sittatiolo.lo , fetete Itteniten.dr "Me Sird , thiettitet. - 16WVeirtied ' : 1644 , Lt"Oxo 4th l*MillOk9loßl4,-, ~. _. , :'r. ~? `' • fr ~~CS:akat+pc ~;~::.: - . . , 4r . _ . . Letterfrom' Washington. Correspaadonce alike Pittsburgh (hzette. Os Bunn DICTATOR FOR Warn.Horas, 1 Wasamaroar, Iday 81 , 1864. j The Hon. Lamp Id. Bums, Becietary of Ward fs certainly vie of the best abused men in the present day. The obloquy cut upon him, I firmly believe, is undeserved: Thbre Ie 11Q other - WM that I know of so troll , ied . for thi'pasition. has the courage. to . say.ifaeWheithe patine stertioe'reipOres it; and .1* , sae the kindueseto say ayes" when he - wan oblige a eitisea and not do lojury the beaLinterests of the nation. He cannot to almost any use at the present junctire, lain larrtiasorc torrid gramting hundreds of, requests. If he would do so, I am well oonvinced.that refuel would present it self in the light 'of kindness. If the ha duds who asked perudiulowto go, to Broder icksbarg and thiWilderneasto look afteithiiir wounded, sick and. deoesied friends, had re. caked panes, many of them would now be ta their graves. Let: every one await develo Mints when he mutt with - a ritual from the ElisretarY, and I ammo he win feel satiated' that not only his own bat the public interests were better served than if the request .hid been grented,,„ - And,' hera:Leattiot from noticing the kindness sad amisbillty bf Dol. James A. truffle, Inspector getters' B. A. The ism:din:tuition of Oct Birdie's ap points:neatly the Senate, withoWsetartmdcs4 was a fitthiguilmate.tO..his 'worth; 'patriotism and administrative whilltv-nels luwautitthiit In hi, attentions ba ladies .whe bare boatmen At this War aim no matter how humble their ' , ekcito diemindue'guar. anyone:liar Jet leen' either ; the Bearetsay or the Colonel in the7"giuff moods" of which Thar. heard others complatif., RO. - Agin t ic an Odeon need employs mediator to intercede with - either:: Thareelll „do - their duty, and endeavor to advisee theheet imamate of all. my laat I italleCatteatlon- to thou Penn; iylvanha State Agency,. nl3O rally orgertiee.d 4 and peel:Mimi' to , collect bolmty, back pay, nenslena, &;I,_ forthe volunteers of fate Bugs. , I would sums here that the Sanitary Ckinallli;, don hare le eh:du agency Lelia city: They collect bounty, back pay, &a., free of charge ♦ for the volunteers of_any elate, and; if WM necessary - for the,volutteer to remain a week or to, ther thbelat - gimultously at their rooms. I.hsv•• soiliii..goodli member who have been benektedjuthiawaye Diecharged and furloughed' eoldheis irefurnlehed by the ' Ocuunisaion *lib .columntatlon tickets, in all nhotasery Cane *here the government cannot do it. I enclose Um...following circular which to of Importance to ourvolunteere, atufahoWe the provision that this patriotio and banal; stoat Inatitiztlein makes fa tom 'O. B. s.euov D;waiiidef'..iwast WI,. RS. MD Bo*. bdoma rdErawttbsitd /Pear; Math Sim*, tiona. Bide,- Woddiarm Car, D. O. 801 l here arldilewarin ma; at the shore ethos, bate the uScelldl7 Man made anti thnesiMadernes attended nn and all needed miasma tdralsholt' trostpird to pawning pay, pollens,. bosaty,artici irony, and mum or pay and beenty...wlthent thane. This work iodate by tata et ample eilsothrmoipoisming *needed D. B. Loh applicant ter a pawl= shoal king ) persons able to mate oath that they bans he ht the psaon ho rep.' metes hicwll . .to • be. reed sad lodging are presided at the nate plus fir all men on sick; leave, and to *Mauled soldiern.cm their way- from the army to their .homes, tree of means day needed* will be prortdodlikew/w. without charge, as spplylog Ilk Belilmore, at De. H Soath'llharp street, 0.12 ebibidaPhhh,sl No. nor Chestant.-4. 84. Althotk.tholef Assistant •'4.etsi Beller Depart: mean any tartherlafbrmatlen coneerntng the a. slots*. rendered b 7 the 11. B.,llanttary Cleaurdemea ma be obtained iron Dr. CI. 11. Caldwell. or Dm Bisphem Barker. llethitikittsltrds,"ll. B. Boltaty Cenalalon, orie of wheat &Bib*. them aotices I have Wu atadylng the operations Of the ' Sanitary. Commission'-for two-weeks, sad the More I see of them the bettor do I, Ulm them. It should, and itwili be sustained. - MI others are nothing in oomph:bon with it: • :The speech of Boa. ThomaiWilliams,of the 2.1 d district, b now being circulated ariamph let fortn. I was told that Senator 'Stunner said ofit, "There morelogio,iairang r lar, and--statasimamshipla..lC- than. in. any speech that bas been delivered- sine* :the rim cam. menoodr A high compliment from :cam patent Plage.. It IA straagelliat the' papers Westorn Psansylvaniatrave not givens more 'extensive swags nf It to worthy of being read by every Aimertaart , eitiztai sad 'bites, ~. • • Troopists - AM balagstat &wit frinitAlese Garibaldi and tlieNtuis. Pregnant were Qs teeming visits Odd to the 0011TaltiqqPatIFFio), In which the city andita SIIVirEMB aboard: The nem had been cereal soffereiiliitieliowthardicentf the con vent' of BC. Catherine and eildectoriniware owe mug of, mink !Wad mad others weir partiallidainsicati:':Xiesc,titeromen- . . tin Zinn of airibildl had imam& the heads of the tautly sisterhood, The iMin'one r and all pionsly imanumrsd to him. Not Note -day paired, bat Mierinp nf' etardiedfratte,preserees, or *, nriormeahkreeterirds Benda damn, ar. *4, 0 04.P104.40.i CrOdence, armada IL ID Mutonslyryrought basks% interstemm&wht r amidolartimie*iligrio•wOrls,enibroideeed handkerchiefs quid bahnet,:ireeniptirdsd itn ins.eriptionlitiolatilinni On White satin, nfythiektho folloiriagdaritreinasm fiTri the, Giuseppe 18alntand hero t Mighty ist-Bt. George I Beautiful as the seraphim I gefidd :-1 1 0f , ' the, cone of who love elm tenderly; who pray hourly-to Santa Rosalie that, she may watch over thee In thy sleeping Ind ',eking, lows On. mouth& ao *lrina tittle if Prelim invitation, we Visited Ow famous cannot of outside the Ports The Udy abbess met mat the vegan* andi taking the .Gantral by the lasideled-the.way to the refectory, where the tells spread for breakfast! resembled a fancy fairi,4ltgareastles,.ecpolae, temples. palms, and dome ;. . and in the - .. - rentre a statue of Garibaldi In sum. The patient Ingenuity of the nuns: west have eabseastetitself in the !*reental'dspartmenr of that trimptuous remit . With the exception Of one or two yens:- lies and • few. of a lt....middle aged; all the isms - weilryenag, Most ut them of noble birth: lathe Girard entered the tress-shorn matdeas Blustered wait him - with ilitioritte , and agitated mien, but the limits Ind' leg - countenance of the tale:lied captain; the wianners of the parfait 'gentlemitir which are to essantially kleireassured them at once. llow :beautiful I" exelatined one, "tae , the .image. of,--,Neetne..4wen!,`!-- whilpered aliathimj,Whlla la- the heat. of :her ielsadr.„hls band :and kiiisol it; hirWithdrei it; ilaid`slifi; springing on his • isek,V . - Iruirressed" a fervent Mu apoo lips:-• 711W9Indatity limed: contagious; It mead gist to ler riles orinpinions, then to she sged,lo the valuables, and thud h to the !ribbon, who at test seemed scan "an • PlaintentstedPatylet,.:..., • Ike" Boston Journ4quotlug this allesion of • filar" tiithis -1 hot that 'Whiting; • , or! Dare" &Miter 'Of . the Arai 'Department, 'worked "'theist ' - • - , • 'forlis.stalement, that 41. doh man, and ant affordto' do all he has reairean imonslyagraedloi ionanthat - detraits from *smelt of thesaerldeehe hes setnally made. We talrgielLto liteett.that:Otae•entering the saieleeat thieVournment, Leine 'compelled to;acince his establishreent r itive, whit& 'had been apppotted by ifrineely'lncome from hla proPhalea, and prank* thowontany which many Imlay men who claim to 'be patriot* only preachP Li EXTXI27II &Cr 07 hors. -L Aim election bet ass neatly mad . ' OaWends. On. Midler, agreed - with • Dr. Hetrick to ettr,4 wok oldest from Sacramento to CDC ton ln *seethe Demoastio -Whetters' defteet. *di Ile keit sadgald. The sack ef flour wsi the: Cereal* the Diallary Ceamilubm fttad, And, was pat up, st.emetiot4, .The Anthem gaff $350. 3t wu then' t'ap eget; sad w=0,4505. It was scab) stap sad gold sad ropold. dating the is.ii_mingrnamadait tiwithth cf $4,400. The isms big of flour -le now bibs seat to the Bt. Lisa, Elsaltary Bar, to lt'sidd oisksgsfa. . . :toil other , day,,othen oottuatotaing &- feats of s tiordertwila . aabiladelpbts, Dsoid Pool . Brown emr two'Jiztticre *Rh their feet or the tolls In front of.their sash- "Teke doint YOur feet; urn 1" bent& "I came ham to spook to tha's har t or heasts.ittoinotto their feat; &admill sobmitto:l:ouch fungi& ty it court of instfos, who _the- ilia of an hdbridool at.eteke, for dootakr.ls Pest of the:how.", Tho,feet,of tooth, dropped it tram Coemystiou.prmsamplibli on Za i tsdal 44l aPtlittioluPs 'bdinithi's iscli*sonniftt Admlatitragice n• (0 aver Of th. ;:q*lmpligk in f#,ltintihnt • •. • . an" atiM;Zrl/1/t" kr, itolfsrof Gsaintl ititisa.; spirsitisthat instad of lIVIODON gs vitalism; Aim, 4200,90 . 0. A sumAltimrschq-* " --;•• '',"! • . • ••• 1 ,1 '-r477'777.7,W5Z717,47.4-'- 7-."27--477:77`.'.7.-C.;477-773.77f771.77:7-`-7,F''7F;z7-7777F1 F -r:,-1.-i.,:;iofr-,:-;:ek:..-',..;.•::,.*.Ai1t.',.,..-,'S-17'*"-:,.1-,-....',..J.-4.:::?2,.-Ii:--'-'-':'-f,s1lt..iffire:---(v.'::::.i..if:-:',':::;-;::::'.':-; " , i . '-' 7 :''''''''-:: - :" ,- ;''''' . ..," - .::ff.:"'t....7'.1::.'1,':•':-.'-'-':.."-----':7:' AILS' TELEGRAM' 8, GRANT'S: FLANK MOVEMENT. Sharp Cavalry Fight on SainrditY THE REBELS BADLY WHIPPE The Pamunkty PultorTrani ports and• GOntionts. THE SIEGE OF RICHMOND BEGUN Midnight Attempt to Surprise Gen. Hancock. RESIHJE,OF THE ENESITIVITH SEVERE LO OLD TAVEL, 011176011, Mal 30.—We have again flanked the enemy. Our foveae were withdrawn from the north side of the Worth Anna river last 'Thursday and Frt. day. Sheridan, with Torbett's and Gregg's divisions of cavalry * marched ell night, end on Thnreday morning . the fords an he Pi, - - Tmonkey were In our point:lion. At Delaney's erry Baker's IforthCarolinahrigade Opposed our advance and resisted no When we laid the pantoin bridge. Caster and Davies brigade, drove them or to Hanover Court Home, Willi leg many and captuting a large stunber of priseners. The Sixth coma was IPOIII at oral heels, then came up.the Eighth and Ninth: Bee-was 'dormied to disappointment. Hid elaborate fortilleations wonid not nave htra. Grant iirai otthis right flank and he roust away to' }Melanin : a.", . Ocillattray forenoon Gregg's tilvt,len was tired 'into ' 'near HAIM . chop. Daviee trigaele was in the advance. The woods. seemed alive with rebels, and they soon be gan toretound.with the 'them volley, of our carbines. In a short time Davie% entire bri gado was fighting in earnest ' Col. Gregg was ordered to Darle's nippers, and the itnnainder of - the division became, hotly engaged, Rim Hugh lee comatanded Ink:wean. Hi, cavalry corps was all lighting, staelated by se brigade of fire-eaters fromBouth Carolina, commanded by Col. Butler. These' men had Just arrived from the sea board, and admit the warm re ception gl,in'them by our men, which (or • long time held Pits Hugh Lee bal. We found the rebels strongly entrenched in these woods, with heavy gouts position , 'adorer, advan tage on their side but were badlybekten, int freat the fleld,leaving their dead and Worm. l ed lama hand, and pver/00 prisoners. Lee's army °couple' the trenchei about Meadow and Bataan bridge'. Tne telegraph communication with White House was opened. The Pataunkey Is full of transport' and gunboats. We expect General Smitit to Join os with his oortunand within Hancock undo mighty effort last night about dank to-Mini Warren, mho hid bean slightly ' , nosed during the afternoon. Our Ices was vary trifling. To, deg, of Itiolunond hu began. The :Herold'. special gives the following ao count of the cavalry fight enflancrtlay : As the fight waxed hot, between two and three o'olook, Cannes Mirada *was .oriined ta assist Davis' and Gregg'e brigades ' who already had the enemy weakened,.. in putting hint to rout. Cann marched upthe road, and diem:minted his men. Davis opened the gap In Ma line to make way for the Michigan brigade. The line an immediately fanned. and a furious assault commenced. It was jut in the nick of throsifor at thelame moment a brigade of fresh troops were_ reinforcing the enemy, but nothing could withstand the terrible Don hall which our boys no w.poured into their ranks. Hack they went; Snit& gandLeiate lad all, for one ;ape and a half, with fearful loss. At five o'clock - the battle ended, and we had the field. Three-of our brigades had !hipped the whale corps. . The Pretreat Kir shaLcounted 126 dead rebels In a email spin jut in Davis' fronctutt these weld not hays embracedhalf that: dead.. There'wen' loads upon loads of their wounded carried Dam the Sold, and - our; bespitals 'Caitlin about forty 'of their men mortally or serenely wounded. On total loss was 365. We took 100 pfbeners- Thir was the itunpast cavalry fight of the war. .5", The lima' of fdly 31i nye : Babel Parge cf .- Yet day, - claire wh ole ithug, unread Thom on met our corps of *Wien on Saturday night, when in fact we had only Gregg's division, and enly one of Torbett's brigade engaged. They admit the defeat and ion of one hundred men and that , they do ohlieed to The their ' dead and wounded in our hands. y admit the toga of one hundred and sixty-four in the 4oath Catelinareginumt alone: At midnight the 02101337 . ' Illttellipted to surprise Hancock, Sad threw a hem force upon him. They were repulsed after a chap fight, and lelti kerns Sr.:hundred. inisoners_ in cur bandy Deride the night it wu determined to ad. , nine* the whole line as far as Hancock's , front, and the, movement bum, aeon' after , daylight and Is still going on. There is con. sfderable; musketry and artillery front, the diemaTi add they are avictentlyimaidnesome natistance. — As - yet then are no indications of a general engagement. The Banking Act. Wszilitoronr, Jane L—Nothing in the: Bankinedet is to be - construed to prevent .11 shares of -any ;associations - Add biranY pertower body corporate, from beingineluded in theYaltuttion of personal property in the as seument of taxes imposed by or under State authority, at ate plane where *stank la :loca ted, and not elsewhere, but not ataxy greater rite than is assessed. The principal changes [Lim the original bill that. to.banks can organised withieu capluil:than $ . 1014400 *small texas and slloo.ooo' in skies with- a population of over ; ' • • • Beeond. Banks mut...redeem at par at tritionuti Bute In deolgriatiii plaices, regard 4el Li hird.-None bat;Regis. hexed bends can be re teed as security for ,eircrulailen, and the necessary memorandum those, tie signed try an other of the. bar& 0r.14 the Vimptrollor. „:Coxplete for= of all kinds to correspond ..adthigur new bill, will belicitufgptely preps , iidky Ctoniptroller: : , . „ , Prim: Port Royal. 'Raw You, June 2.—Ths itaaassr. Milton his andradifrom Port Royalwith data of the EOM nit 4 t n. Poster has as command of the D rtment of the Beath.- al esnidah ti op al) ed - to Um: sioromad - of tho &OW of /111tonllawl.. , • 4. r ooniention of layallits at Jaehronifb, Pls., Paws sent dßeptes tops Balftare Convention. ; I - Dagestan from gifannoh arrired.at,Port Royal onlhs 27th, ,and report that Johnston bad retreatid beim Sherman to *thin four miles of 491345, Whore • scat battle'win oo• farther'moirenientinCharlestonha;bor. Pqt Stanter- was matarilly dassapd try the Igo attack. Foreign Eneroaelunenta—Hone Intlone. Nov Tou,aune-2,...-A Bun "Octal, dated Washington,Tazel, op: The House Com mittee; tot Raritan' Miami Instructed their chairman to report annotation relating to former resolution on 'the Monroe I:latrine, and maintaining the right of Minima's to In: insets the policy of the Government arnatini- Mg the enemactunents of foreign power, on thm continent. - dr Torpedo 'ExplOsiois---Farty4; Soldiers Killed-Signal Tower Blown two Feet tnOte - Air. ffsir Yon, 7ine2.—"-Th•it.;.ik. Itaehiditi Creek, MC.; correspondent mis that mi t ree moving four monster tarpedoeshuon the Main at that station an deplosion oesureed, over fort 7 soldlersi and blowing' the el tower and oinunissors building eiglit hen ' feet Into the' air ,The ,Soldiers mostly it,ITS of New Tork,•regimints.,- , Teni Sanitary Cotanaralon's 119699119 John M4bompaon loft Silthions on Monday mu. log. e 3 dQ tans , sasitary_stares—Ur monad load—bewail for, Banana - Mundrede arderaitobas bean stitionod &ring tau put fortnight.• Tito .pripolbar tho-Baltisnona -lino lin also:buy. by PO Sanitas7 Calm/Mose and oral on M day:ilea loaded without, forty tau of los and eighty'tana of asaortad lindtary stores sad 4spitaud to. the .1431tal Myst. Thai Thoorpson and Sliiabotb mob fantod Its corns 01 .. 2 • 1111 aSinatzn Thong 4tler , baste' In tha paddy *flu Salta* , Conuniasion lilt the moa tfle ilappaitannookat:dayikkk rlaY. tordaysoondni kith* zariolineor the Alba Potomac. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. PITTSBURGH. FRIDAY, MORNING, JUNE 3, 1864 CUT AND SUBURBAN. The Draft In the 234 Dirtr lcL The draft In the '23d district coniMintrica this morning at nine o'clock at the °Toe of thaPromotilarshal, kederalstreet, ?alight. ny. The attendance was quits largatad the liveliest Interest was manifested in the draw ings. The names were drawn out -by Mr. dagnstus Backer, a disabled soldhsr,' who banded them to the Commisslonor; hir. cot-, ley, by whom they were announced gaud, after which they ware passed to thafingeoTht, Di r lTerchreant, for examination. Tharialtils thus drawn were duly recorded, Incik UP "lucky individuals bearing them will Midas time be notified to 4, ca1l at the captain's *tee slid aetUe.L,' ~.. 0" • ' •.. . The following is the result of the drawing, la the Pint and &Mud Wards, Allegtieriy-, tie only: diaries celled up till neon: i; EZZ=I .41nOta 44. Nombre drawn, (60 per cent. adde4 for exemptions) 06: Week/Stubbs Jae el Sumo Jame. Gott Rebut White Adam Howell Andre ...Davidson Mettimer Watmeart Gomm* Abrader • Henry W 001. J1t1.5 13 Orman Wm Meettree Jame. B McKelvey Jb kl'Ormlaz Robot 800 Wee Bb. Joseph Bova J it etome Leech Zsmcie Icanwood sp.muel !loath Jame Hunter Joscpb Douglass Andrea Rogan sam.b - Rortel Job. Mae Drab" Joln W traderbla Wm II Pale Obilet Meng len Hock R Joseph Bs Rev khan £ Dickey Urlah Rolm= Beni hunt John Rama Joseph Nielson Wredatiok Hasler ' David That. Gorge LDrydan Jobe • rf Thomas H)ds Japtl Sloan John() Gettman Itobsot P Getty J• 1311,4 Butt • Jahn Woods Lolls lams. • • Chas 11 • I Chas A tliamberlain Wm..paymond ii WmG Joh s Bohan ill &pa Abraham Dhaka= Jetta Weir John Shorts David Campbell Jo a kis • arland Gan II Schmidt Jomph 0 Young Jams, 01•0114 Wong Baks!,-, Chas • Pops Alaxandat Orumada George W Lynn David erammis John Cangtopy MUSD QtWik (6 Numb., dm. szemptionO C). Stephen B Geyer Jas J Moon Robert 'Hush Jas D .nnell , Hobert Hamer Juba Brown. Jr Hobt Hawthorns Rohl W Whits Francis Donnally John Or*mon Wm 1111111 Frank Murray Hugh Elsreany Jr Faulkner Wm Chambais JUG Welsh Adam Hoag John Smith Chas Hadley Fred Mita Louis Weidenholt Chambers J ohns ouler Henry Williamson DAM Fry Jas &Stevenson Hugh Ward John Porter David epeen 0 W Hambright Hen y an Wm Eiseman "red Smith George Peps Jam IC 804$ .. rb Wm 01Ibmplo W G Faber Bylremar Caldwell E IC Moore Wil on IP.*ith James BIM Wait Demand lotm Jae'von Junco Gardiner ontas Patton B Gammheint Aka McKenna Julius Ktrms John Wilson Samuel kleaksh - Henry Hayti William Stork Waiter J Burin= Then B Dunlap Louis Hater 0 tkanell Wm Maass John Itt Patna John Carter Jeremiah Holly • Geo W Morton Ju MK Lusk Wm W Bratty Wm &mien.= John liteHendry John Elk. Isaib ilanoming Goo B 1) each , WmJ Warnock Another Bonner Gone DIM at Hatewoal Wmh/agton, D. 0., May list, DM, Joss W. ateComtma, of gllubath tomublp, Ailogboay C0.,P.. Among the many nobly men from thlitown. 'ship, who, from love of country and Instinctive detestation of oppreulen, sprang Warns let the call of the GOvernmNit.-of ,wheninot a few have fallen—Mr. hicootosiltdeirrel an honorable place in the affeistiortito maim. bronco of , As his mind matured amid-the torrikeizts pf house, he had yfelded,talthliiiilutkedwi; edge; and when thrwer broke out wu inn. Carefully engaged In literary pandits, with a view to future asefolness. But at the all of hie country, all his cherished proepeett lend favorite pursuit' were promptly laid on the eller of patriotism. ' . Connecting himself with the Boandhead Se eat, 100th Penn% he has been Mend. led withlt In all its diversified and gallant straggles for the soppseasion of treuom, and the conservation of our glorious Union and Republican Institutions. Wounded In the arm at the battle of Fred ericksburg, he sulOred GU:ltaly In tracer: from the Feld to the hospital, and though the wound was not necessarllxfatal, by pb,ysical systom sank ander the severe pain, and could not be, muted by surgical treatment. HI, noble spirit took Its flight this morning at 8 ' o'clock; from these scenes of strife and car nage with which it had of late teenso Conver sant, to enter, u we tract, the Rest on high. Assa old personal friend of Mr. McDonnell and his fancily, I cannot withhold my test! Many to his sterling moral worth, and elate and social virtues. J. A. E. WALIIHINGTOS Cot, D. 0., My Xl,lBs. Supposed Thief Attuned. A few dsys since a young man named Geo. Watson, arrived In this city, and in' =tow). with II friend,itopped the St. Charles Hotel. Theitiothms were of ;suet a nature as to in. dims the enepielon that they Wife thieves, aid a watch was pieced tanned/ mpvements. This - morales Ahoy were discovered prying arenud therewith la the upper pert of the ho tel, but managed to get away before being ar rested. Lacunae= of the fad was oommn • pleated the who dispatched offices Wray in 'sure for them The OfitOU net Winos Parditrast e and from the detain. den an had noeired, conetted that hewn one of the parson' he we/seeking. 17pin be ing interrogated, Watt= denied his Identity but was TlMOgnisedby the clerk and chamber maid at the hotel. The room otempted by the suspected parties was searched, and a num ber of burglar's tools were found. Watsos was taken to the Ileyoloa °Eke, and will have • hearing this afternoon. His companion has not yet been muted. *otinded'th Palladelghla. _ ttoldlera : ' ,Rtes.one thousand wounded 'soldiers vas simentirrentuved from IWashingon to Phila delphia., Among thou •from Penasylemda segments au the folloeing • GeoP tents. 7, LT/ Pa Javan; d. U A H tludb, sirgt B, LIS WiLinv Prank, GI I Waltarbarkb, ID2 Pater Eater IA CI Bad Itaam,l2, 1 - A Wary, 0. G 2 sul /fable, corp. GI, 166 Jobn II Gamble, 40 hams Pox, 8.163 lons Mum, Jr Owens,' A. 11 ' Hugh yla,K, 100 Wm Pratt, 0, it Jr Miey, IP, 102 David Blear, It, 61 Andrew Chasm 0;102 Jr Middlaton. U. 102 Serge IBHam, M, 103 111 Nikko% O,U Bea debt Jordan_ , A. 105 Than Cana; 7. 110 Jai IC Oorbatt. D. 106 Jobn 31 Bony. 0,140 A Lo•tallar, UM I Bum*, A, 140 &mit D Strong B, 100 David McAllister, map, Pl 4 Raba, A, , 1.110 Preeph Ball, 8.101 J Boma. carp A, 112 MB at GUM, B. 133 Bealab OGrr 002 1 1 / 12 2 2=04 K, / 02 0 WAnida, 0, a Mum zoo Palunta' . outurutast Was MAr ran Sorrat a in Tor av1113.-.4. P. Hunt, Simile or 110, ISM street, has ,sicedved "Pardue's New Topographical War Mop of the Southern States, with a Chrozolocy.of the - Great Babel. lion; complied from:the'..latesh G0T1111213111111. Surreys and 04lcial Deporthr Publith.d C. D. Perrino .& Co. Indianapolis, :Didion& This map is 'on • lain scale, but, folded for thapooket,'and will be fond si very conveni ent companion to the .aewspapar reader of these days. It may-be had either with or without "A concise -History of the War, " whit& fills about 140.Daites of small prizt. This - mop is also fat safe adtalfen" ay, 45 Plitt skeet; near Wood. , . Pion ens Pones Oavaanr.a Brant Puts, 'of flompany Penni onto Cansy,swdaa.td.LLfatbar, Judge Parke, of Manehestit,tu t der date of Um 230 of ltay, stating that they bad just retains& from' the raidtovard Itlolumond,andanimanoi. in the safety of his elide command, The oldest of thls notIM Is to aditte those hav ing friends and aoquaLotanees In the. above named conersay of the& safety up to the day oluestho Captain !not& , . , Ner- 001211111=7 P6rtl9lll Coutrair.-- Pitt, cleats, postage currency, 'new countsra felt Issue, have Just made their appearance, Ia solos It la kind of llghqinit. -The en graving la not varrgoOd. The first Issue' et the bogna !spat foreign orderto have It fully desoritant by the papers, r after which darker bit . Itne - eiDar' r..-0210ips W. Hall, the . =at who Wu arrested at **Fair, jatterdayaltor ao.Dr. %V 4 alW., Li n Barr tha a had ar luattat tddimendef- berate Mare Loarbleldoh sinned la hte • being held Is POO nu tails sprtatiettiat Cant to. so. , 4 - .•;•i . : , ::- , -'7 , 1' , .:2:... , : - -' -1 1''' , ,.: . i.:.::..::;' , , - -:: , .',:',.:' , :!.;. - -- . ;..::.,'.: - -;: - .:..:::H';..'-'::...::' - .-.: . :': , ' - -. - " , 7.,?1.. , :...:! . ,:-:::..::!.': - .. ~'.4u,i.-,.,,..;.!•.,,-,.-3-,;::,1t..z.‘.:L'•-•,.L.i.-,.4:,:i.,,4,..:.,_:a4;,,..,,,,,-.,1,.-zk;,,,:,,,-,, Tie Reserve Corps Resolved to Remain with the Army Until Richmond is Reduced. The Harrisburg Tekpaph "of Wednesda y contain the following: By oar special dispatches this morning, from Washington, it will be seen that tho ea/rivers of tae Pennsylvania Reserve Corps have resolved to remain with the Army of the Potomac until Richmond has been cap tared. Thu action, while it will corely test the patience df the friends of the Reserves at home, preparing to give them a glorious wel come st il l reflects. the highest credit on those gallant heroes and crowns their services with the eridenoe of a devotion unparalleled in the history of the American I:inion,- All over the Commonwealth a grateful people will respond to the gallantry of the Reserves in prayers and supplications to God for their protection Delegates to tne National Convention. A meeting of the Conferees from the man tles composing the 23d Congressional DU triet was held on. Wednesday, June lot, in Freeport, Armstrong county, to select dele gates to ,th• National Union Convention to be held in Baltimore on the 7th inst. lion. Simnel A. Parriance, of Allegheny, received men votes, Alexander Reynolds; of Arm strong, six votes, and William Stewart, of Butler, five votes. Messrs. Pervianoe and Reynolds having received a majority Were unittinionsly declared the choice of tho Con fovea Passoneros.—About ten o'clock on Tues= day forenoon, our attention was caned to • spectacle in the skies u beautiful at it we. noreL A large cir cle, with colors like the rainbow, but not •Co b right, surrounded the sem. At the north and east dues of this err. de, and mingling with It, were two similar ones, which changed their position repeated -Iy, their edges sometimes touching the sztn, and at other times being • considerable dis tance hem It. The phenomenon lasted a considerable period, and ',tweeted much at tention.—Erie (Pa.) Obserrer, May 28th. Lw.iz'MAoaam roc .Tmra.—J. W. Pit took has received "Frank Leslie's Lady's Magazine and Gazette of Fashion" for the enrrent month. This number contains the Whims for the month, together with a large amount of intolesting reading matter. (50 par cent. Bedded tbr A JOICR benefit of the Pittsburgh Gymnas tie &iodation and German Tamara will be given this evening in the Grand Concert Hall, on the Fair grounds, for the exclusive boned; of the Pittsburgh Sanitary Fair. Admittance SO cents. Boa. T. I. Thonam will please accept our thanks for a ooprof ”Important General Laws payload at the session of 1866, embracing the . renne, Militia , Appropriation wad Appor 'time:neat Acts: • FATALL Accunner.—On Friday last, Thomas Blank, of Adamsbarg, was instantly killed jrallays' Coal-Shaft, near Irwin Station, by tbs falling of a !Ilan of slats. sy! tB. .i. 1.13 VONA, ac. -- LATE PUBL.ICIATIONI3, AT HENRY RIINER'S. THE aTIE&T HOVEL FiLATTN'T'ECD HEARTS: By the author 0t.1%. lassepthtt/se &ran Mork., with bustoont arid attllt BI Its hl Errol, asthor ". My Pans at Ldp. Wood." "isms 4111,.• .to. TI The Springlelt RepaLlicaa are: "rho ana , tltarlas we all oh/umiak—a asps, blendlng of troth flottos—tollago of tutor trained opts stroll!. of AL.11.. The Banement Si d Attic are coatlpAraws {stales. Ms 'Wet D. at as Mai True I. • ro• thasostamlnithsta. ho 'Astons/ of 1.. oousalate rant f i a b t !twin, an. en! the whole pleases/ beeleecneeatasde itself." TWO NEW BOOTfflh DT POPTILAB ♦VTHOBB. dpIIHOLIWG BLD(Wfd. .Af Can Raw/atm. salt= ,of "Ootuatry Lhlag," sta. 1 Tot., /11. mo. &ft, borated board.. rod eds.', Ift - 60. Coaasta—Tta Chda and the To; The nun at Map; Onaaances ; Chants Ildtlap; a Vans from the Pars: Pryer alaottap: no Proof of Jour Lary; Cloatrorerslos Arausomeata ; God's Way; , Tan Law of Carla ; Praying; Tintlanas; Prior; Wards unbent Enowledgd. VII MATS'S WOODS. ty Drury D. Shorten. se. ther or “Walden,” eta. 1 vol. luso. *kik it ID. Cbosers—Srartdn I Chrsencook I Ths Allsgarh and Lo! Drenet. XEN HOLIZNE NEW NOVEL. DA EN= ADD D•ThIGIIT. A splendid DM / 1 00 k bJ lira Nary J. Bolan, wham asnallamt moth ye sought otter sod read Curd tha land adds rich Tallest. illiteuttly tad ate forks. Plicate Wand la fantly sultans inth hor it popular SO sank.: Lan Mama . Tampon awl Balaban. Xalan May. Meadow Brea- Lagll.o Orphan. liameama an tbaltalalcla. Dora Deana Otasta Meads. • 111 Ass r tio abare book, matted tem at pansy ea ncetpt ;atm. =FBI WHXI3, mral •n and is TUIL It., mart door to P. 0 ALBUMS I dlbras. Basket Books Pooket nooks FLAGS! FLAGS! Lets 'Books Maps of rirginia 2Y Geolgia STATIORIBT I BTATIORZBY 1 at 1:'I 'l' T 0 C IC'Sv 11..011"D 80 raw sum% bpW . 4390 M I NEW BOMB I AJSID PROM= Olt and DOHOOLB —A tdography of Bobt. Ralltas and Wm. roz. John O. Power. 1 ooL Prim $1 00. A VANDAL ON EXTRACTING TRITE— /*modal oaths Anatomy of the parts IsMaltod fn tha operation the kinds and gnome mnunnamtim of toatrtunama. AM I tot. Into. . DRAPES OUR ROM. I rot. litma; " . DARING AND surn N araa. • Hy Lint. UM. campy. A large ly of th• latter work Jam recolnd. Jdi• J. L MAD, WI Fourth stroot. ' ROOKS FOR SPORTEUSIBX—OIem• I.2od's Mata.to Ittftemen. Moo sl_ Tos Dom Shot; or. eportf mimeo Oomploto'On12•; bobta truth...a the no of tag stn.. St 22. husk Yommtir's Ooosplot* Muni' Int Yvon Amami mob: ' 12mo. cloth Piton - Did.. !do2how ud Ittmobloon on the Dos. Ed. too by Ifemik foreitor Prk• O. • Wawa and Oottmeo Complete Amer - $1 tO. ' Iforhogo by E.A2-42 00 HP$1T. = • 20231 :62. Wood airoot PKY610.141173. 'cc. DIT, J. H. BPlr4r!k 1911 Pena . Bisect, Eittaburg • 011ie bars $ tot a. =ditto .3 pax. 60.90 WIiDIMIL ITIISLT 'Alll4ll* IX Time willo will be attended to at i lt i ll% • o'clock daily. •• 'in.l • .14.1.2 ir• /3 . 7 .4 214 ; - Innecin and Acconcthenr, 14.11 . ,/nemmitcm" IT, in mar buce mita, zrenanynan, PA. D P. ;T m amA 2 c7 -- Itoo roaming freak aaa itoboia wow to so. two= tnautzt, - attioatiou - 'ars tin yirmE . - 1,Y 47° - R eirrezpu, AID !krill:COL ratio initerAdowiriAmstitiarof Sir Pries af adalielta, 113 mots; Ilasecvid sea 60 ants. smyoo. - 12t • STIIHM:I6S, - BENtaerr OF Ei&NITARY FALB.— Mourn DOLMAN YOUNG. of W0 4 14”t#44 Po.. win. on REllafinir and WitIDAY IfY/175., fIiGS, 34 and 3t toot., pro an alsitoltlon of MA. ,ight Stereosoopticon, AT CONCERT EiALa eb Iligblinammttied mad illamtuated ttraoleingViurs, Sungari Wu Picture., Combo !Subjects, Aralicial Piro %arts, As. • • • CTIOs. SALE. OP CONDENSED - aoaar Was Twiattrrr, OiTarar Burst', I Orem of Chief Quartwroaater, , Visabtogtou, D. 0., april htth. fa ct. ;Wlithe add at mactton, to the Wilma • dercist lb* Urns mad plum. named below, eta: Newport, Parma, Thursday, May ath ; :ditty gamy. 11 9 / 999 ; :Algoma, Paula. Thur my, May itch; • *MbEto Perms, Thursday, May loth; Bearing, Penns, Thursday, May bah: Lebanon. - Peunk Thumbs/. Jon. 24 : • , Zionburtmertaud, Perm., Thuraday, Juba litty Pt:ninon. Pemba Thursday, km* 16th: , Wilhamspors, Pemba; Thwaday, Jane 23d; One hundred (1.00)• hors at Getrystrary stud two barutml sod Mt; W.Wistanctswf the mber Thai. horses' have been coodemued aa unfit for I the blush, service of the United btate: Amy. . for rod and farm purpoma many good tamable May ba W. Rome. will be sold tingly. mold. Palos begia at 10 A., and cantina. day MU an ant Taus: CASH, In United States Treasury nuts. only. JAHEB A. MEIN Mart, Oa nod Q.ll-41atalry Burma. aphertfee2o Prim, cloth, IA GO BUILDING LOl . B nt THE :°ROUGH OP TIMPAIXANCEVIIJAL—Wm be weld on the yeasting, on fiATUDDAY ArrszsooN. Jane Mb le* 10.3 ..'oloek the followdig eleven Taluablo Doildloa ta.te to the Borough of Teosperanovville, being part of Lot 80. MO in Warden Alexander's plan ed Thoperanowille: One Lot !wooded by the Loveable rood, roaming pest the Rev. D N. Km's Lot, and by Main AMOS ead the Methodist Church. Tan LOU alto/teen the eolith side of Mete abut, contreeneing at Hoe of church well aad extending westwardly along tad Asset, each lot baring • front of en teat 6 far-hew end =Wag souttnirsedly the earns width IWO feet in eepth. Trans or Beza—One halm& i balance in toady' menthe with Interest, me:cared by bcmd and overtop. mybl A. tioIIeNTAINP. Ana, VINE BRANDIES, _BRANCH COW V DIALS, do --erit SAITAIDAT mo% Due 410, 01 10 o'clock. will be sold to the teal tkmROW., 64 Fifth street 6 tratets Cheropierts. wads. choice bread; 30 pa.. Tian& Breeds, from O. H. bond; I cases old 5 to old Bordea Comic &s ux do;d) o, irkWyksl6l9; 10 do old heath do; II do.. French Cordial, *holm ertkleo rbrlrOn. Ittr. Whiskr; bkLa. Jersey block do: 1 bblPapporrolat Cordial; 1 libL Dirrowak do. The attionion of the trade of the Dads to called to thle very choice stock. IIIeLLW&LITIL And% IMPROVED EIGHTH WAND Petur 1. ZETT.—an TOI8D&T EVENING, Juno Ita, at a o'clock, ad I Is sold. at the Odaaneerial Gahm Bps% So. la Vital .teat: That don•able Home and Lot altnate on iho upper coma of Meese end Gibbon strata in the liguth ward, the lot front a 21:1 fa; cn Magee Atom, sad extending along Gibbon street 64 wet, w i th la aloud•• thzeowtory Brick Dwelling, with use kltolun, hating ontaide talmaeen, hydrant, La., end now renting at $0 per month. l'oasenalon given to pnrootieer. Teasco—One.thled ,caoh, restate In one sad two le2 years, with awe, secured by band and nua WAINE. locartgtegs. EcID - Card Photograzona. Card Phobtegrapha Pocket Albans. QU,P6813 FURNITUtiIi—On FarnAT, ki A ITABIMMIT, Jane 31, al 2 o'clo k,. but add, at the Cientelerelal Pates Boman, 64 IV* atm% a quantity of superb Mahogany and Walnut Ircual• tam, richly carved and =ale top ankh, am of which are tiepins aturgany Wardrobe, 'Malawi "main Bureau, neipenti.e bong marble top and . 2 try tlm Mirror: elegant e, doled Wash Stand, to match; superb Mahogany Jinn, Llad Badstead% ant wild dote and Arm Ghat., itch plash covered; wing seat Chairs and Arm Rocker; marble top Both Tablas, mahogany Mid. Tables, mahogany Divans, waking ts, Tepoy, Touter Beds, Spring Beds, Mom A. Itiejnui Ac. McILWAIMM. Allot% Posket .Albsizeur Late liictcemaes. Rooms Wit%to playas la' latbrmlgg tle patio I.4fre Dow riocapy the lugs and ecamodthal hot= . - 131111fiELLM BLOCK, WLer~ifs hors parole:Ned fraid"themioitfsosuss• of WM.H. BRADBMIT CEZII 100. E niseldt of AIIPERIOR PLUM Also, s • • dadostAssif of BALITaII celebrated Effuncalzosuy Ma lodsocufond floslost goods Asosrsfiff... . • no kirpolarlty of the ammo Pieab la al. ready issibllslsfa. lofts Iffstes•Aof 'Mica to sew lostrsosent Woof so faptfas to popularity £r s or nocalsed so ofsay math= within the sows of tx= .s l , S;' e wad gzale, Iron f lans rats, in:unflawed to• WIFULDIIIIIIr and flboaskst.a.99's..PlAncs having been .a Ics4sad Ossafebtf ltoovo lo Ms and other ooantaiss, need fg) liretha caostosnt. 6lt justasteol for Bic psis , WAIDIE f INX al BAER, Bob Avner le P4!fterstb West= ft, Good Second Hood Maw for *qt., 'pardali sod rooolnix dna' lomOtlv. • Krasa a UNKINA.LLED • r P.triactOEl: elate* imply of 614 mad 7 octavo Plano Fortes, from the calab,atod Won of Kaaba A Oa, boa fad boon recoired-asma la - day: tarred nom new lastramants are tally warranted for liabt years and at by . . th• bed - Judges pro-soma:a ,aariraJled. A 'call la ferpeofolktaeltdtled boron parasol og ao !nem - -428a8W7T511L171714, Bola' Amok , - -;! No. fa MAD areal- =liik4liN A !aria lot of this zawsak htaufghl wag hu rindd la the aLralo Mom of tele :.. I . I .4.muarzizJrrs. l'illlblSU/3413 TELEATNA Tim sad rians,Ecr Efirm;eoz. Hi Oniztreeitoz. OSE&T 817001D38 GbEAT 81:10005. CI7DJ . O'B CATE. CIIDJO'S GAVE. THIS EVENING,GIEDJO•B CAVE Will be pranged, the netr enaetion drama Crum the Molar neva of Cotio'• Dave, =UWE LITE IN g ENNEicsa. LIFE IN TEN ...REESE. LIFE IN TENNEESEE. EARLY DAYS 10 TB; tr,281114,103. O , FOR BENEFIT OF EANITARY rALIL BRIAN'S GREAT SHOW. TON KING'S EXCELSIOR CLEO CO2I.IIIIIED, Prom IleltEcnore and Waslaingtoa. azhtba os RED L 10.4" LOT, Pittsburgh., PO a OHM WEEK, JUNE 004-4%, Bth, oth, 10th, llth• aomm.ang o. nroliver Arra - woos. .t 13i o'clock, far the bonen of THE SANITARY FAIR, Th. Mayor of the Ott; of Pittsburgh to est se nem ' am, erh.i.erfil etc that the mules mired dud] be dousied to the esshistee benefit of thle truly chart. table pumas. The proprietor hem the ploll.lSre to suneximel that the I:mutter Committee, of whets hie Honor Mayor Lowry is etas beeA hes soestrted Ms Moral offer se Ms contributioil, 'dates the entire treat; hi thexntor.•PPratt to the puha° to std ohm in.reader. to. thiillioutrimatitui as Urge as poseible. wTh te:e I:feetie fa competed the followhig.fft..lsll4 a . • • AWL LOTltall TOMINSLIRE, the daring Trench Equattreuto and Cutback Etter, whoa* tudiralled perarnanesa bare thrlliat the world, has no equal ia her ercatach extremely splendid and truly dueled manage ex man WI@°MNIA will appear In Mosta and &rabbi seta of equestriennes. EN &ral qu J M tr A wan A, t a eprfo e r r lagT tr rick Cl own. Mora. =MEL L, the best Orman In Ma world. WM. ZIATL..D., popli of L. J Bonk. 1,0016 zrairiarra,, non Ti..rapt JOHN NAYLOR, the Tumbler and Leaver. • Starter WAMBOLD, the man of many forms, • WM. if. Olt t In his tba mat fear.bons Mar. W MUM. dared atmeltaimundknows In the franob Loves* ae "La Peruke." TOM WINO, wtorb lama la troll keno In Its profradon,will damonarrate bit crest "Bated. Grape se s molter, mad Mails or donbla ad rwros., tr . /ante bas no pear. MICK HOMO. .• HAUGE SOME% 002110 .1113133, Jai 'rtaximon, Auerrodir BALES, PLAJrOB. Jf10811... ate. BT. CIA4Ti RUM% Ea. 23 FT. Milli ee, 131111,41's Block. WOBD9DTQ L. Awn& IffI7SIOBT J. DABLIZIG. Jll~'ygAaS A.801iW~~: =LIMN ";`DJE:IY=3TRY. FOR &SLE--FOR - pOtt, SALE-CHEAP HO'siaz-;-4 ..L• &Storable opportunity fa now allhoslad - trs pet! , 11011/11 dastr.tra of procuring cheap atatoorirentens housea. lba property hark arm total, divides:llnm Dot'dl.g Lots, ant will be sold In gaantiths roar& porchaaert at pricer and soma wnili• ISM bardi,t m meet 1. e *Uri et than who want &Conflict abre lyome. She pound le pleasantlt and content early sim.tod as the *mutation on tha Dettiati rani. Railroad. adjoin's g lionodary atreet; (4tnity fn Inn vim of several apiendlif cosnahats ra• neatly monied. in a tardly Improving istgabor bc.d, renal tains the adrautates of both nay a. d oornitry. Tor , anibith•o lorernouraa with thalami wards of the oft , , h k sto, sorproael by arty other property Lin the skids,. at she taw db mom . nao oroArty offers atls og inducements 10 p.reuna tra.- plod at toe Out, Depot a 1. a IL, or In Ica manufactbran In or adjoining eh. Oth ward. Par forth, iroormatlon apply co LOGO. We Erorrzurr, at the German Trutt C cores. of Wood and Sixth streets, or at his residence tau Lawrenorrille ; or to Dr. WBAY, 1.12 Webatsr .L. Sloth ward. mytChtt FOR BMX. A FUN OF 61 ACRES, On which It ended a Brink DirellitagrolL" con tshohas tom rooms, with a Frimm Truant Homo and Inge "'runs Earn, good Orchard, etc. It Inn Intend, and cmly am miles tram the eit7., For-paztleolors coil or oddreos BAILEY, FARRELL & CO., myz, 712 TOMITHBTater• P*IbTFOI. VOA EALE—That beautifar; gram for a I Onintry Beat. Minato on the Perryeet le Weak a the i rdence of W. McClintock, talag NllmD 01E.E m" = r6)O Atta This le one of therm. t desirable locadm in the vicinity of either city, being wl.blin short aralking &name of the etutpenalon Hedge. Them are Ai number of Am fared tram. on the property, and • number of choice, Ikon arid erne. mental tree. set out. The whole property will be sold In one tract, or divided into lot.. Ten= easy. Title todiamitehle. Ikr farther peatimilars Mott* of GEO. ir:Dracer, mylfeloo 133 Wood street, Pittainagh. FOE SALE • • 811XIIIIEll BISED3EtiUr, Lay of toms by renew, or a east drive from leeway Caj, saleable fora pen:lemma ' home for boalnem man, le erase/ rm. BAX with Immatit.Pme.da, linakiertabl a.e good cnithoneee, and fin proved einnind Apply to B. B. BRYAN, /troker mad izeranuase dock my3o 69 Ifoartb et., Barke• Bullyting. FOB SALE—A Farm of 118 , isores, in EL Ol.lr totrosblp, Waranorotond *mtg. lb. AnMoo, • Sono of 140 no in lltsabollt trtanuldr ogban7 Woo. • largo two-dory Stick Rom sad Lot to tbs Botoogb rat West lalistboth. A/o. • M•klt tionionntlbct la illsabeth borough. Also, are Lot' adjoining the term& of • ort, In Jaw & Pairs plan, Nol. 66.. f 1 ak 69 Altoyam.tory valuable tract of Ctol Lano, m Pool 21 1, tbs blonongobas sitar.. rotAnstlontato TO at 188 TOterth: "tract. ont/Lit G. H. TOWEL Seel Intato I F OR BALE—A. two curry brick bonze en the north ride of the North Oetutoc. h!rtAbrt , lodate! sad Seaderiber streets; Alleghetry Abe, Three two atm trick taco:meta oti the A.tddr amen Allef, bermirsa,fiecoall'ond Third streets;Pitielorera , . Abs. Lot jaid banding; on the southeast comer of Fourth and Jim for etzeotA Piitiough. . . Also, A large brick boltdirg. on the wait shle Acsorth mast( Lt of Market) Pfttehorgh, meltable. Atm% The *id Omar taaidcv, on tic raitiCtli debe of Third Street, abrettfoir co the atom Enordre at WM. Af. SEL WT . -1m . • 80. LT/ Fourth street: One now Steam: Brigitte.: •J. tato& cylinder. BO inch ttroks,-22 ham yo. *bed ; balm= valve peel:tar • .• One 12 I=2 cyl.lMer, 30 ba th struts, 50cca6425.24 25111.,21 be aa good as now. - • '02., 0n0 6 huh 2s eiltadar, 25 lath stro2s, .• .• Two Cylinder Boiler; Ad In diem 30 Pot hit& lam ao Two Weaned Iron on atmi. Alec.. Throe sew adsorbs Tools, tor Oil Wend.' • Cheap far cub. Enqutis of 11, BO_Lil. 441:1 Allegheny Mier Dank. neer do Feta. Fos. BALE-NAMABLE MANCHEZ , 4ar lunacy, belngpart at ttut itimme4 tats "Ital twitting on Om uldo etrci, bottroau Wadhhiftdut atul emu= rue; =nine bcktz haat stmt. Thin pr party eau bidivida tato 22 lota, mostly £4 Act grant, and Lem ; IMCo .13:2C,Ulat deep. The primly will be cold as ast a:Wrath sad possums particular advattmqca. utaurtfactatiu4 064 Term aut Da suds Apply to P 6,,,, ntraniS &UM= corner Pitt actestazol icaguelual ark WPM FOR SALR—That valuable PAR llf tirade on the Pllttlaugh and Sham . grade Bold, to Bottneon inatehlp, knows II tla EltM fame! goat All mike tom- the leati cdte. cm. - For talisht=it 111.5 , will be sold at pri soli to scree turritz, • aks. I . lll =-01,4aw. LA Ranh an Plts,Laixa t%, OR SALE. A. _ —LOH I OTTANDOAT TIMM& 101016 st hes mean= at end quote- tiro bob DECKING b offered tar, Ws Id the Muting TM of B. EthitETß, eh &damn street. Alledheap Prbe $6B per Maenad feet, board meters, The VII already Wandsad reel, hr. an.Cr Pa pressen& ' FOR PALS—A GOOD CHANG% FOR, MIMEO mom —A, p.iiie hu a au* dol. 's • fiat onsiassa, and with • rout* or onrthir dial daily is rittrr.4l sok. Vet= with • of 'Warp.% it, will ran air szael kat thrall:war. for partlealini tapir. at JOECti P. HUNT., Mamie Hall. lift =Mt VOR BALE OR RIORANGE FOR QTR PROPEEEtTIf.—That LADS) DWILL. WO, with groom* attached, cm Oman Wed, lbw Lu 13 Wa41 L x & =op 'ln Um cur of Dwelling • . tw uttarmir„,-. raarlls ettec4. Plwaverm SALE.4bai two-story .8.81011 DWELLING, lded good atgbi atel omelet* orderogtea lia teg 4 p th• corm at .Decata' b treat gad Gemeetee•,alley Birth Ward, =Metro tn~iiva raxsa sad wawa garret. Dam be bad • Pepin. • . . Ingebe et COW it SIZEPADD. . ' • SO Marty obese. LOB SALE—A mall Fano, coataining . 1: WA annoy 130 of widen is underlaid oft licat. 11attly dewed and hated; vita • Was bone, its Ida and Mgt, SW plias to well motored, and situ land la Ilmetranor townablp, ylimarelood amity, l.}todoe trout Bellireernen. Ws place ta will nit .. 104 lictutth street. 1104 BALE. One No. :1 Barg*, • r In gad order . 100 Dot long. In feat wide, II Inclni deep, owl &dust. Gunder tact.' Wu tan nind ottc• far -D. X. EDGIBTOO. - • Jelin 101 Wood strant BAL.II-2A Lots in Alleghenj tope. hntlotn !aid ad Pagan Lazo otabont 180 bet, sad tanahla tack CO bit,, bob/ lob nuotand trout 01481 In John 07/orn's plan o'. 10 % Wain* Impiety when Kn. Tond I:towline Tho bb wail bo odd opporntoty or la shod,. .a to arnd • . t J. . Warfig los 7120 $S • • anuignoeer O.It..XXOTI&NOZ. '•• ' • Icarare of MATHEW IteCiaIIVEIG • may3o:tf No. 411 lira! stract, Plmotaxr44,' Pa [ 1,4414 41n1y Otoctanati out Wbeatiam paws am cma treat and mnot 15111 to Bob*. 1 44 .47, - 4rt So. 4 Haut ttratt4 • , LICHI BAIA Ott 11MM—A Fara' of 52 /Lens, good laz4, ta Wind= wirnhlp, adjign_ tog bad of Pito" Parcluomat, nod EMU a taboo ot dm AD tracts= = l* %rot doOi from IRA, tiALB-7.4lonntry. dester at 14?.entr. 4: dale 4ttdan, the ittPor below' Mahwah,. co thi Van %Ciro& Chkatat-a• g,. not pirtlcalta 42441 re at the Baal Estate Mr ot. BtIIINGI3I, =ram tt.,: to Map:ma Allah • : Li OR 1341LE,—A. Farm ixt Bea v er, cOun u ty, of 110 acts, CO to 03 MIS thititt, Smola. Or prise limbs, dthilifitt boas, ambit to abletlid issfa .„ teirsid 100 ctui co tits, Stod amUrai apt ton toul3 Sin MS A BOMB, SI Nuts( 700 K SALE—Na" 107 Boss 1: 'gifts gas Britt SiOniti Seise,. at balliSts padtra, Sobs-roam; idiots, 'sits', ba th roo m etiaksbni, giddied attle, pasttyarl; lot 20 hll , l I J front by 10 dam, sit Wer sityq mtti OMIBINII2 *BOO. SlOSktt 164 M;11.&4,-Lcit of Airon.wekthe e of ZrefUli ea:WO ot.iltriat a sina 'es - cornari, VskflaimiadLootitft ' gram - .., -40 4 t r wevar Ben mi Tan* Amu FpusAur,,:maac•i: Acausukt Obli pdtlitira isigoteACcialAp lonigmits ibra heady ids% =imtrAmileT , as *Si by =ad LA*lmapitted:- . , - VOLUME W(XVLI7-7NO. =174 FOR 11.1LE-.FOR. Fut BALE. nrinokr: entrAmos . . Dairocts or ntllnitattluic sty pntztSco, !Attar mr. +!matron-tar sac A 'nun f•on , n, pt,nodi.p. 141•1 ocroft.of, • landt..wltt au • tr onff eater !m• • urovem:Atit It Is pmd off n cOloontoni #711.44.1211112th • IRMO ii.l3lllF . nflpino 01 IMO attboOritn , , ' `f • • •.4,1 0 ff fronooo , Pa. - : 64 E. D. • liVa BALK-82,6W puranae I. Tartu o my ans.. warn, audit- • pud Eats chltiostiort mull orstored ith opridp sat under' au% sinus. stout three suds Nat ank• trust- Brroa , obdrit Wean:m.lnd ducat,. 011 tfiAr ebßs .lsiphsPiao. one MILO Cam toe POSIM , RatruouL, rho calproosmen Co ate • two-story Brick. Baccee yy Prams r•s, spring Vows, ast, 'and goad orchard" Andy at the fled &tau /do Lmnrianaiofaco of • Butler street La FOR RA! P.- 7 At Alikddin. Oil Works, - dd Crude Petrolour* Tanks, Wale order, robstantially bollt of prima pat long la nay and •dI =nal.. coma riu barrels mob. Application may b t0.a.0 at the if..az.rs is drmnQoai Co. or the unto. to Pltiburib. bAILESTOS,JuZINSTuN A talah.llsl3, To711:0 filOR FALB—ENOI.IsiE AND BOILER. .r. -s tea bons polar Eagtee, eral Mier, Rnr Yale. May be toell m (Tarawa hl cal.Ung et car palattag balie • : merabi . . - -- .ML.43..ronisurrol a -- - a11.5..4^ 1 / 2 :lol•vitzßB. Ofc. DI3QIJEZNE Bi:UOSS ISTORKB, CADMAN & CRAWFORD, Elicadactere7 of irrup via7et7 liatibed • SHAHS Wong.. van , PLMBERS, onus OS GAS SITTERS, MACHINISTS, AHD COPPERSMITH& BRAM CASTINGS, of ardeottriptiou r made to ceder. exnamoen WORK. STEAM AND OAS. . /rpm% and REPAIRING,,tatoPt4 'attended to. BBllOPortiador attantiou paid to fintng ERPISZ. RIO /OR COAL AND CARSON OILS. tEus t"br of W 11 1) , LAUSDILL :8 PATENT SYPHON PUMP, thalami arta to:" =WA Haring no .walroo tt to not &ado to got coot cif order; and wall tarot more water than any pomp , w. a. 11104 cay worts. . . . taw al aAcznarrows, • uzzirrnms; eh Crow YOMTDDIN3 AND DAWMIZMI., suns of Pit. sad °Mara, Plk. std Walnut Surat. (Hen City Was:. Wortoj krannfecherena of atatlonary and other zantso, BOLLING HILL OUTINGS and lI.AOII/11118Y, of all bind; andontlon general Jobbers: ati to relpelr ZELPromL NACELIIIIRY. siren Ing SOLLINQ de3Otly PATENTED OCTOBER 8, IB6L arTaa.toorn PATI= OVALS.. LAMM' MX. PEI NT 'GM A'SS: ram Clithoneyo aro intended Pa tttAtt. fix" Wlt inn all parts of the glue egziallydoso not mom to aocklog. 47 . D. DITMBLDGEL Tait Pitt Ghat W9A9r, Waalanstcal stree4 4• - • •PittOwitiiftaal: F B M. 1" 0/ 13 aRNES a CO; ,A 0.89 TLtnl ' Bt., Pittetcrgb, I TIN AND HEMET raos wolpErea, - Au . d thatftetwas of - .i.APANNED Tth WARE AT. are nom. -iasaalkaaci ok kw; kantak Lima ,PLlM MT:x `a rs t les k Vagitei W utt h sigi G ar . tG and Skrial Boxwl =Ater Drift= Bilirlaralli k largo lot at Elm Cu., I? Oil Oink - ata,..-..a Bborlirt - lkiadiresark' " arai all kbali of, ottbiarr, ark dorrato Warr* BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WQ1188,,., P/721,.38 . 1112QH, PARsoutmi 4 , ca. -EFEET 41741117 - 11.1*121 ither tenx6;,', ' ..Atro:7lst mt 082igea, of aII . waitgums:: - to oor.ttop.roxtot ouratoot.itotia, mm.. - lir (moo and m. 0.. 17' . 14; 6E4 IEI ElBl4 , '- asu!lIZE and LUNEDONDFIT/trZETA, Plttstargb.. . oratu...twornams, * - . . , umntamuunatiar lams wow.' awl @bran an Ealin and cabs to oda ram .exii eataswarea , wour CLOTH; d atoll t i ta;alMttr rotutZdres TY 141 9 2 17 P WalWO$S, Annavis.ms._. 4 _ . slog et win lerlatoi ".- A LLEN If ,0013.5101 r. 4 pp.. srAurr. Hooothotorers of POOH, Team% 'Alib MT. IWO BTOT29;PAELOBLED ICITCMSH (MATES, HOLLOW Waßkoto. Stool Ltd Glom Moab, tas flat Mrn Chtotitts, Goth.Wator oat Ai* otten_Plk Sad 'Dos' front, Wogottitozeo, Sara, KatU:p 4 Car Wbeelo, Oottplingo, and Wiattop • Jobbtog Matto t Outlap to =dor. Patented Portablo - • ' attb atom or Hon* Porn. . ,osatHold BEITILICSLI, BRAES Alm sxEET METAL ' - COLLINS MaIm itthauicOARrOOTTAAM:MLLASIPLIM; Mead LAMP BELSSZO_Founally. Alba, TUT, wurrsanuntittNakraurr 'AU COOMBS, &c.lisactiztscrers .11I'Velstrs Patent- TO no TOP. Ha IZAILAxod Wad, PlUatepsb.,':'-.--. Tama STREET FOUNDRY. ALPIaW I)AVlfii; mrafbiamin it Anda G •. ndnipia sews.. roPy Inform bhp and prow gesenaly that be hasspropd a fctantry as the wow of Third anal pad ‘APPAPATI sPPAS , O Tatesea Bram 11. C 4 Mdar far ro, ;wpm of suastsaturizioldEßTZ : ' 1114133iNIZY, CASTINGS, GLASS. .. etrun.s.44. Special aroenttast stmt. Prounbas coFrSIBUS Coupataq, , - Antsusdinesbrecr at', • - • shzur.t.i•k r As, s Grain - • t thiz _°; to' "if fh er /30.1Z63 - Alio; MALZS, far Vay ana Grain Balm FOWNEI3 (late of tho !Ina of lV rumai Ulnley,) JO HIS A LUERBON llste of Mitchell, Burros ~) ICON - FOIThIDELI ate , * ukllly sit • 2,14 pi 6 OUN grawit , , , BIDDLE CO,. No. 215 Mmigrolta 44 Br,. jam rerri?itziockm of LENTILIII .15F.A.1D3F Orden molidial tm; it. traity anti vats proxiito. ty alltneds• per butractloas. • - coply 8EV)4142§101,- Na 53 W.enis.Ekr.' Pittsnrgliror.of BOLLItII:SIIr4TB,;_,,,,, oepixts,tictruactra and raltrookotorort Pankow olsotior &cot 31,11thi.j,4iBatani; Argo or mai - made to order at abort =lca: 'tool omortteoat coostoatly oo Sam wywaro, ;Za W. sEasitim- tlauttfacturerea '82"935 . quize 61,4 =au oar,. ce* svpit.;;l: as tt sivin imam. . . iarroit.x•Ers JAMES, LAFFERTY, • • • t "iikittatlttiot;o4e oiQa;No la aintniza - sraFrr, beir Gnat,- maptiama 08 GRANT 8 scaloyEß,, , AthAeT...° ......,0001MLI2reirralgteN4,Ptttaler t lik, ,"-.. JOHN CAMPRIMirr AlMo4am-of 81 1 " 1 "ED enr °' " 1 " 411219tt9srixtuzi*`
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