A,-,:. - 3'tf~~nrr~.,~Y .(~~ BA.TUBD MORNINCE,4,;I3e4.-, '-go-- - FMANGIAL , icitt , PITTSBUILGRI RIATIKETa. sioains f t lbw , ' • Jot* MAC 4—thetafertaiillght;snd, -* 'good ' , 663aiff, the zoliket sntn ttmer it 4 pecel jiri wi:netitaleintltidtrtgainvis etis 6, sip at • 0 . 121 : 5-4 • 03 PPV 4 1 1414 , tjailad,ind . - semiti—fetal azarl4l tawra.--- ;rozo to from PriSeela, 4 daallaa 4 _ a 'r eial t 13.11 ‘,. w. 'IAN Ads vbirt at 133; suutloo d, do, . ~, . , '/mall sail tram lilt bsadis ia 4 thc444 , k4 , lnr. 4 208 N-1114 boa" aerale4 " kt. ails of 1 .we tux thettlh P rtale ar " umba2 . l a 2 tars isil dad ea ' l a / 1 4 .4 _ ___te a"l" '.h. " ,,,blD Fl.3B ;a l lam Men Adf IsTa ., rime:4.....-___„--.1, ',mil*, to meet the twain& TAO, tzfos,""" Needj w ' ill , 'be, little. °meths. 81,111 ~allitai li mkgon at it at . ix. Lira sad volt war t ' 1ifna... 11 .,9. 1114 bat P a / 744 , 44 4 , , 3 ~,,, .st m aco v , adee ti e t:6, -- bed eideg sael Willa 134518 lon lor Chrer; 7 and !WI for 0111kniged 4 0 . _ . . be tut , surrtsossol-bitter is dna ansf6:23 told ••• Awl, 40 prim aril doclhang: .. .5 vlitt Dr 011010110 0I* 1 4 V i a" u '‘," Egli au" ' ,' is lkirdianad 1 4.__„= %,.. - 1...,... ' Ana va - boldes gm; e ' ' ruipi=s`LTZ -13ssassses. Ws Note WO ersni.. o . 4 , vg.otta azitrat attapASOAS t ar, . - - 19 '4 ; ' gt;s. -- .1' ,' • , ''.' ' '- . ' & , , HAV-Lt f_4 l, 0,09034 ~,,. ,a C.,,W, -tea, .......iti.firgoll per searawar laS4a I °lea n, ___ ____ 2. - .. a 493 do - nw . .mia...iisas of 104) bbls WNW." ' *P ig:IA-AS Illi . tik &mud sad stead/0 11 th fa good Wig, . - W ILT-iidai orn bbIS ilai=y u 4 ,erd 1 311 b es.so. 5- - ' Davao.. TILUI-C.-b , Way, bla. uze_ l 9ll. '.,.5 11, 21 lalet * I , Of Anita at 12113 5', wif..- at .... r ' r ..... 4 ' W ziesli n :POl t trr-ds *plat . bnk lid:lsis steam al 0 jut lAA. The stock In this znark.tli r i t 5 ,V,...... L/LBD-b....a.tiolftir Wm.. , 7a . 113,eg:24roVsLh:P dpilorltb li earplAt 1 ex 104 4 0. ' ' ~ a. dawn% a./ O.* are -.. er rYl a g", = fru rm. to tk ee f ar tad ' - and Ts at a colusta.local decant; ~ te cud/ Wes tro= slurp at 4360, , ' Re* T O/ 444 ;n7!Potig:Yrsi a t; 1 t crsoottiolot,Joost) , _ Xottoullsooststoodtol ca eldw e v ot t'Au d • i uk , ntthegeelthe Ito* tnotadoit =MAI eve& tu the sitars l a d 7gcocraeotmanufactan. rim:abuts' obalicsamokierios !then Prri , th we I=o7 a bible l_tarrinliiig”PrmilliPirddie gi r ths Inesua..lkry. et.. - 1 4 1 b 41 . rgAr: imar Pei mit‘aidicaptuus Mut Inas. as. . Ffd fitcolteing etzo er ezauouss.'soica e teehlglele -nub veld to ixabs.An‘ : 13 4 1 .otin.lAssosisuolos. 'Buie , holdto.l haw vilkdranit" Mak dock c !Magda gob feint din 111 # 13 t: At.ilaysathi"zAZilignic^" l6ll4 pds. bii. bi. 03 - udios or .s to soisrrort"wsico ' Wore east, Pe7. iideldes the thaol , Sel WI Z= greign goods stem Oath* adrauttiptln prize to ea 108102,11 1'4 1,/,ii . 101 . 410ut Incrfaing the Pular to any curries =Wag t dime. Cuttotethastings so - istddly sushi,:lobe Wel of tato! Ibsen shofar" , Brom sad blaschadgOods tate assess about .231 - tifitll . ; .The PrOrldrup cotton cloth market Li very ant" printers buytolyttoty. hints hays mule gunny advancsd Id a yard. and beldam axe not ‘llllr4 to sall kLbange quantities at this' edema. - Irodeu goals :, Ann istutsly . buoyent.' Dag= a • culet. the elletun being onr,sos am imps' arit's _ sibs art . scam: nod -viatait. — The - dstasud Il ptcoojiyact stad'aur vance , In Intimate' WI sblaslondissr yire• goody :Ba ad rtok goods us leteauttte, s i t t. ab i a.i t ortug, but clothing am be:linger urcarking.up sto ck tor ;baba tads. - Mori= goods am nowsuare In daosnd than 1 , th OIN a Shin IDISLACtIIIV. and the demand ander ~ l. • the mit tarttrutoralsus steadily toPterease.- -. I I . Ws km tOollablystlempted, fa pot ram to tutt. .t • - tan g tondos fibriair? tainUrat=At Wile Atm ,-, Vent. Trench and iEsaltak tickets. labels, ski _-- unarturhata been used tectati the pablla by arm tuthelsoutrer to tho country. She tabkaare i ' nun tamed. -Pattfotk laddaa-not the Mora - Idn ,.. riluttepr--deunotd nurtnican- muds intslins. dug. 1 . ..., , ~, ' kook. &daimon•and other drat, Zahrlos. Our mw ft' ' ' chedlet h ..A . helidly,,ere ,eow abg ) .,.. 16 Vk Rnilibl. , :. 1 ,-. • :r7.71g1 tr roost " IrSiWousien7ou c to2oNeVai "..,-*4 - -...- - beastaustaq eobt. with nutetican lit ma home :•114 r -:- ' thee geonl Therefoth look out sharp, lad, for ~, „„. ' 4 "hogus., tan goods. "bonus" Oasts, and era - ...,.. i , Wan ' for.a .begun" /at r i =utation now blamed .•,'" ~ Edward )3LU 9 s Flour and 9raimareu -1:‘:1 • , _,- i - .., i lir- - - • , liiirlnai,ltag Si..-AilliStilita - of 3n7 lad 42,1 r , ti - oiltßizila *or bum?* inamzOnt/zula 9 . 423 fat fli - Imt4ht. both f 4 i ' d , thr iSd *heal . ". '..,'. 1. - .Thiadiaitil in odd 0'4,i:14414p bar stimulated Cho : r•:., -',-,.. fast:aril liggfri a And thloinddad to a 'tetraiodaiati 1 Irtiiiir ct.P• "hin4i&vradforiortiT4Axi7:iiild tutop: obtA., !stabled - Soldan of Sur tO Italia .• .:-. ; , -, icanldatthlit adinuact. - ;or Jancdalitin7garts tam '. :. I, bna radiant ilipi atm.* S7,SO perbbt, lances tny- - ..1' .`. • ' Mg. - TliiihotrittiottY brawls otlndlatuiiid Itti: mut are to , yo gsaly Said at Impnrcing prima Moo mutts cloth% Yiatorday at a thalladvageo tar ay' T~hs natal of vbeat uralttcroaalm - to* slams Satin ban, sold teeth= , thArrlaid, tts• macula °Cain tor tannallatadattntry, la atain.and : ; .. ': :' , la tS af i ttdtartet P : i l i f ix aN i I t: a i rl "t-ll*lB lat . . ' - bale Wan sods of tto.l „211arguksa al„ s l . 6 3ar.dd. , but :at ratantay% 'Sroduce. trzahauga, gold Salmi loth blither.* lOW au aura wmathad. -Tbet• am ~. - - .) , - ...)alaarraawinneut on I.:marked yettetdaY . , bat t•- ; i -..- .. , ,.•-„,tubatantliag.untavorabla. - Englber advice,: bol i rara axe arm and obtained gnaw Metal mon than pg Saturday lait:: Art"FrPrdt Lb. groitiOf „Oh% Of, :/.:'"lnb al l" :4l„miszmr.... -- gc..,:::ff....:1 ui.t.e.,„,.... shroa saarnots at MO to ¢ l r , , - .- ' , oat the mason , gar that d ...iliatl4thae. • Eta le ;null' 4; - ' f :d101:1011 inti has an upward tanottucy.= -Itutsuppltur ...., Indlag., , parrt Ars moderate: and -Fiats' ara *Pin blghatVoloslogiradtat tgar quotation& __,, . • I Plttsburet. 'market. , A, - lane ..1-.-flo a biss,nat bun sodas* *dint Of : . Grade at thla pots% „awing titit itroat2-12. Ulm ..,' * Vidnig this * *Tcalcd,'. 4 thadi is iitt tlitlinnigna .. ; dui, WV nicepts tot APlTlltagge iii caw Ws* -.. 4 dignhar•Ull • fair donaand, cad. tii• "Motto toil my Cm, and the dila. liaidiiii43iiiyans . 'dads. I.V. no fa •W. otItOV6I.; on ...pd. Id is, ... .. 2,1,11 1.01.4 aad • tot 'aka ;non 440 te 700 Dbl., ~; * 1, ; • . 71" ".:2. 11 7',.. 7,11", i V`•"`"'",",:*L"" - ‘, B.l Poo T. to ' be activided la It'adMielp.b.la,l g t ;'I * 41. t. (Tamar to " c l=l» , ls t e r de .'l. s ?o l lglod,, " t :tro .; 11 abonid node teen do-salta .. d Marano* ults4 to Sand to odd bat vors.lnts and, does. et 1 oda, on wood at 6.67. - tor lod.dtst. &unto,. • Ind *limo b• saatad tine. •r 121. 11.0dut la want -.or sithro bat anctualid; maks ott MO into plod cl..i. • ^ : &dui at ea ands* of ilit,Eloildtrataoidonicit6o tibia,. odd.' putintozi o 0 OA fi:n, .6 60 do ; - - 04 " 15,2 " °6 ' - *—,..:....---..:-......--. - - -,; - mettor:;lriMar. Pitlroleran karts". • : .i - . IrDwai nts4;2c ath•"Piusboxsts cimdts, • .:•-; • Est To., Judi 3.-Thitiwk.oiCso Os& manta . Val ovry firm, sod bidden ars sten .aklar mita tats odo. cd Om. so ttgaila. ' Eathold Ii bond -.[ It zdado with • tilt dedand at SUMO * on go tpos ;, sod Cdo Loris. dolltiicy. .11todatid toy trod and '1.11,2an on doe wills do dirimoi,' thssontalion. '' in nxand or the qv' sad ISO tiAninot4sytha to , r /- Chicago afartet...illall Refort,..' •!: • : . . Jas.l-T r " "a toad tu°lll4 A711,f " .l"It dw bomb o L Esde na. 21,22 s1 .1 prlntiab• : • 21 at SI,Mor 1,24 Jdo 2 131nIns at $1,26)9. ULM.. . t sal Maud Spotog 10. il,lO. At dr clod them.. ' tot road Ina at *IX% dr So 2, .ad 21,211 in Is • sir Cra az I buoy.' Stack n• tlami it; Os cant dd.% portooday oast's." this morning. and &fur , ear .draws of bad pl• instal wag adadiabod. No ' 2 to, do. did at twin41,1661,1 6 . 562 . 1 fr0mi10t1X . " o. lad M 2, lad at trod 11,041. 1 :1%; Italic a. • do t '. ma." corn, ado., scat id teas 1141.101,20. ; Moro and mod actitlt2 In flat. CUD tot 1011 . U.. Pat, .of bate eziwunti thinPa batd. It 02 - , and. of lan per total on Oil onllzo immerdt2, Igo 2 sod at Oink sod lio 2at , • St, illart.l car: 19•cpsFttv1 1 m Ie n as l tcied ivil.s‘"",""^ alifinflOolo Mari 1 . 6111 tin ara soli al • ftottoos . <. , tailor le. And. WI balidessipod band. al 61,12)0 • : 1,12- 21. no. num InTook Irsi codtronall W. Ars• S.-Maui-6W ICO lei zs."hd :, v.m. -:. ;- t 1 v,..5...10-"ILVAI iiii - '"...t..k ~ ~ . , tr. 11 ore raolo :go t : TO irsa i laig e lit= tn.-2044W , ".• * t‘ • lI V " .../al uved ratldr rutted Andigia - t loccile-to . 1.: ditss. I/. b•st of r i...... , and cubot line 41. tr. ! ' _044.47, I•lcar an taks& 60,•-..- ff= " pal . arailTiSlAl6l,l3 for Nod carrallro ais - saliaeAD, rt.. s_ ' b ' tin Am don, ir•Ill & 112Ndi. 60 tobto awl, Saki * ni Mod P.m& or; 60 pip a& * MOW 10 W. kto 1 ' i.... Xclvou - e0 ao,:ta sreLdo,wg cap. ,- , A, Mg D a Xabipt% Obotoktor ..-/a34: 11 b 11 ; . coy ts ado.. ?att., 1 Inas I 311 do. it ratan a 0. 4.5 ao L4llljoi TetFitaWdlicablir /I -.' J MIF ~~ .- - .4 11l by . River. Xxxxsr4—d4ll,4l4 ll 4, 7, Tolut SON% 4 5 / st r u Gadilv a. Cull 15 lags coptdrloBlbbls "bob B ramelke 34 IS ski baby, Gook, *DVa Val 10 1 _ 18 4Y, . L lt4Calloac, 00; 6 err- 24 John - ThWat mug. 4 81: 1 9/84 1,88 g , 0 1 8 1 11 11 ,* 'Letts eslWedisd.S6 pes cattier , . paterre, J ,Lyossk Occ 80;dtgoalieWed idle: 85 West Iwot,l3larte ioo :.p boa_ Ef i .. l / 4 4 13 ". 1 1 4 Xis 111921:1,4 Bdidlayt li cel owa L A /4 Vuziet, r e gilatks crate,"4 Bternut,lll baba bay, J T ()elite On 20 bbls tour, II Cbristbelli Etlesep 7 Cant, own , raBSkar , Ll 7 l ll 650 bbli dor;e4libluis towax., 5 bares do„ I Soo dryorples, S boxes do, 55 Ws eggs; 0 lop.Dntter.ls logs ass, sod. 4 boxes h gos, Icbare Olseksit-co;as ego, do, dry apples, I do„ seed, 3 sack* 4W Xlts b 2 esets, 16 carts rep, 20 011 bblailaryhtmetateosclbbl W Pilo* *co; 8111118 . 8 41. doedll Mlle , . lads avi, I keg. dad lUMI.eg Se Steel; 2 obls seed, Mats Drotbend •30 all 15154Jackbars 0xg15110111414 A edam 011 CO:15 ball paper,,lso P Tanner, 5 ars berry bayed linos; 2bbbi eszo r tkey,trulter, 2 stk. dry apples. J 8 Dilseirtb ecr 11,b) oak Bead a. Itetxpet - 37110%ft:Inotber, - :ll.llllairebilltdwelklo9, bap 0 11' U llama 'ecqn.l Tb o e,:a. too; LSoek bas cars, pcom: 41k= a co; 11 eke ems, Elle.bo t ellesesy d .co; 64t ski cam bk. Sass diner, I roll .carpor,' 011virrdeCllatodt; 58 Morse bbls, 24T Reersolly & 13r0;.124 ell DDB, Dna= , 4Wralsmi; 193 de, Or limey; I temok.,l3e4Tborap• sox; 1 box ew,3lr. Bbest; bias alder, Ido seed, 41 PPP* 4 1148 6 lIOBII9IX. ';, - • 107EafJ11130478'. FoEt asclNNATtai„Lot....vait - . Au new MIRO 011T00,44: 'Jts. Xelkos; 01111 lean am suon .111116 VAT,'3lloi4tb; as 10 o'clock a,. ~ ror 101101 A-00 pasesei apply oa tears ii' CINCINNATI 41, LOU !gnu= t—ni toe bar itasioer BZItTIIA, Cart Ilicashim, rN leatitliii;lbon 7:m NUIDAT,Juu Ch: at 4 , Attr ersighrot J . D Me n tr o lti . cra boad .1 ,,rt0 ; COLLINGWOOf. 4= 6 — , - JAL. - COL LINE 4 03., Vag' OINCINNATD. i. 1 Aloe new and mAnniflcent - rdetnew AnDESSOIc DePt. pretr, Andrew 'utartipa; will lens'., Win, en TBlri DAT, ith Inat.,:st p.ze, - ~ for . . . 4oar_ii..tos,.. • +isn't& 4: on ST. I.Loma— The fine AZ -.stirrer °Lank Pos. CIO. Thom • wl3l Ipn ul'abon 0713a1113DA tat " 1-4 ! Vale I' l 4 e JeS 1111 EGULfar - l i nteltrartaK 11 PARESESBMCI P4133= dae.wtewmer.MlNJßY %Lie Pittatrargb: for Whaling very ,NONDAY; LWIMITZEIDAT. mad .11711 DAT - mating, claw can r-stottoavolth lb* Whordlad sad Parlari sta. "Bawn, v1:11 lam Whodtauffer7 D.S.T...THINtaDdIt sad IiATIFSDAT. , :Poustaimi 'sad treght iecelpted tarotarb to Porlcontarg. fright sag bard Cr to On *or f"at r ot tho tot of strwA, woßlvEnuma lamtierf , ta.-Aan wravniai-The Ito = Omer 8101.4.6111,118.4,810re0, , Zoom PUtstonh marl TtiCBDAT„ 4 Nom, arid 4.4neafilo wooz7 8 de/or.lc . Tho no* ilooteter 707.18,,W50.(10m.' taandor.lowno Phttoburoh , Wm* - 82.TORD/if, at -4 p. soul..Zaaotrato 40r87 TOMATist Vclock din .Tae,treght or 8 n .a onboard into WOOLA= q,_4,r3platlctatio. BETrIXG macmdrp,s W191131M .3V11,130.NT LOCK STITCH, SE=ll MACI=S. important Truths for the People. irsounis was mrdiii 'et. war= noggin ate. wirturs Ulan, bola, hod tuinaustia ripadium, pax% rraxte, whip on I. lo 'lP"in / 16411 ° 1 ! ,, .0 a. ~a lc. Vc•th . e c on ietitimi • I ' 111iiiilerA wn n .sewing - _.lstabhine had fla vort bM rovatoodly 1.1. n thO Int aro to Ma eacorry. ao the tfoltall Mara, t tato, , Altar, sad baud:ode opt Itiouirolteof.lho anrrai Yos. So tar polypi, Not already Craffloo vita life I • Violet. &Nati= Sewing Alsothie, flitimOstffol orof deroblo coorroofira sook• Pzi 0 1 . 1,1 7 Plffolic • • •LOOK STITCH. '' . • . ..iihri4 : ,;;amt... Tod Ararcogidy Cyr.. before illifircrt roof lorrertfirri an ofecr Hs. Zhu. vela. • sai; Tray - 13raldo Esabroldor, All art thou' ary . wand stollasting,' • • , macho oi.. in teally iota-to door of all • VOW! lON btu& Ws sir& for glintd datenelka • Opon Its ells Ice of As be n Thrall &why; Xachtin, <:. ~: ma. Mina a ca.. • . . 441 4 'et itedittisitii:***. eat.. munacui orsin; N 0.521 FIFTH STREET, - .44'Azwft4uwZakinr,. PgrszczArii,• DB.F 131113- E1 r. Burgeon AZt So. i 4 8311113 7 1 * 14) ,Ii.. 0 1 ?#. 1 10 ,14 M a l t nrssavaan, rA. PTEt *AT.R 21 Bobsiekitropt to ad. V! ti; ist4l4/1410:41‘. inilis ' t&iiiiTraa Ter OvtitaL, oo== , of idneriraii & Tar. flap °Cam WO as.. Bake'. Pare Goa Mr.: 011. • Mu. Antres Bab botatar.- U. - S ai l i Srrta• ROW, anO ON a. El let• ' MUM . " iailtai) CUllel4l, Al thipsalThrilx Stray, &Oat Mora as !I pl/to 0:11:1Lit - s . tr. ' ikumidiortNerobsts, ~' . -. A. OMCII4IZr , laws or In VtiirED SUM . . htuai ai ths irrat &Av . ' 's dl to Thirty- eighth Congrtii. - 6b ' - Air fat irauting Lads to aid In the on : atznation-‘or - -ceitaitt rillbroule 'ln the' , - atate atWiecordrin.,' , ' _ , . . 43e if brined bytils Senetteutillteutegtlie preireittitive: o/ thi United States Of Asterieu Culmes - euserable4 That there to and ler hereby granted to the State of. Wisem sin,-. for the.purpose of aiding in' the ton- Stractied of lirsilroad from a point on the Saint:Croistriverur lake, between - town ships 'twenty-Ave and_ thirty-one, to We West end of Lake Superloi;, and front some point on the line of said rallroad, to be selected by - staid State, te Bey - field, every Marimba section: of public land designated by odetntratherei for ten ieolioss la width on each ;side of said reed, deducting any and &Blends that may have been granted :to ,the, State of _Wisconsin for the same I parpoi the, act of , Cams' of :nrie three,.eighteen hundred and tifty-elz,.epon the same - terms and conditions are cori- Mined in the • act granting . lends to: the Mite of Wisonitiai,to Aiken - the constrict.: 1 don of rellicads in said - State; approved Joe three.tighteen hnedred and: But id easel; ebelimppear - that the Val ted States lave when the line or route of said road Is definitely:Seed, frold, reserved; I or .'otborwbse dbposedot, any geode= or parts - thereof, granted/1e oloreadd, or that the Sight of ;pre-emptier' or homestead has ohs eame,.then it shalt be fal far any - agent at agents to be appolated bj 'said 'companY,'.. to select, sabject to the_ approval of the Secretary. of the, Interior, from the patio' lands of the United Steles neared to the r tier of. actions above sps;. caddi,ms 'bind in alternate sections or Parts of Veotions,,ats - ehall be equal to =Olinda- aa the Moiled States have eold or °them - hie appropriated, or to which the right of preemption or homestead has at tacked - aforesaid, , which lands (thus seleoted in lien of those add, end to'which pre.eniptianer homestead right hat titivat ed as aforeamd, together, trith'the "manna and parts of. r.otions designated• by odd numbers as eforeaaid,:end apprilidatedah sforestaid,) shall be held by said railroad. 'Suite for the ace and purpose aforesaid:, .Prooiderli That the lands to. 'be . eo 'Gated, in no-rase by further,. then. twenty milei from the .line'-of the , taid roads,. nor -Oen each ieledion"or Dietitian be made in lieu of lanai reseived'unier the said - grant" of , Julie; three eighteen hundred and - fifty-six, 'but sues ideation and longed may be made for, the benefit of said State, and , foe thi" purpoee afore-_, • to 'supply any deflated:J. under the said' grant of Juno . third; eighteen' bun- Heed and fifty-cis, should any such de ficiency. veld. Sea. 2. And be it further rtutru4 That there b• and is hereby granted to the State of Wisconsin; for the purpose e aiding in the ,00nsUnetion of. a railroad from the town of Tomah, In the County of Monroe, In raid - State, , total Saint Croix river or lake, bitween townships twenty-five and thirty4ne; tidy alternate section of pub lic lend "designated by odd inunhirs for ten eddies is width on each aide of said risde,ileditating any and all lends that may have been granted.to the State of Wiscon sin for the oomo, purpose, by ;the "act of Cantrell . granting Undo to said Slate to aid. n the construction of certain railroads, approved. Jane three, eighteen hundred and.flay-elz, - upon the same terms and. conditions as are contained in the said act of Jane three eighteen hondred and lifty-dx. Bat in ease, it dull appear that the United States here, when the line or ! route of. said road le definitely fixed, sold, ' reserved, Or, iotherwise disposed of any . eectiOnn, or parts of sections, granted as aforesaid, or that the right of pre-eroption or homestead, hoe attached to the Game, 'Mei shall. to lawful for any agent or agents to bo appointed by raid State to I telect, subject to the epproial pr the Sea rotary of the Interior, :from the public lands of the United Siestas nearest to the tier of eectfors above specified, as mach land, le alternate seotioas, or parts of tto sectio - is shall be equal to such lands as the United States have cold, or otherwise appropriated, or to which the right of preemption or homestead has attached, 13 aforesaid, lode - (thus selected la lien of drone sold, and to which pre-emp ticm or homestead right has attached, as, aforeaild, together witherationa and parts of Sections, designited by old aumbent as aforessid, and appropriated IS aforesaid) Shell be held by said State for the On and PurpOtes +aforesaid Proonferf, That the . Wadi to be eo located shall in no ease to farther than' twenty miles from thelina the add' road, nor shall each seledion location-be-made in Meat lands received: under, die said great of Tune three; eight een hundred and fifty-sli, - bat such se-, teatione audit:Cations may bemadefer the, benefit of co' Suite, and for the papase afores4d, to supply any deficient)/ under the said gnat of hum three, eighteen hundred and. fifty.elz, should any sub de.' Belem exist.- ' - Bro. d. dad be it feeether• enacted, ,That, there be and is hereby crept:l to the State of Wisconsin, for the purPore of aid- - lag in the construction of a railroad from Portage city, Berlin; Dny's Island or Pon du Lao,, sr bald' Blots purl determine, kin northwestern - direction, to &yield and thence ,to Superior , on.. Like Boperini every alternate section of potato land, de. signaled by odd number*. for ten' section/ in width on each side dr said not upon the rime terms and conditions es'are goa -1 tatted In the - sot gnat:ling ',bindle to said I State' to aid la the construction of rail , . roads in said fitate, - spproved Joib three, eighteen hundred and fifty alz. .But to cue !Cohan appear that the llnitod Butte havei-wien the line or route of said road cold, 'craned, or other: wWe - dispelled of any sectione ar ping thereof, wanted an aforesaid, or that the: right of pre emptier% or homestead 'has ati tubed to the lama, that it shall be turfed ler any *gent or agents of said Stale, ap, pointed by the Ooeernor - lhereof, select; subject to the approval of the Secretary of the !senior, from the lands tf the United States nearest to the tier of notion/1 ateve speeded, - as much public land in alternate seitione; ,or puts of sections, as shall. be eqnal to suit lands as the Bated Win have eild or otherwise oppropriated, or to which itho right of pre emptlon or home+ stead hu attached u' aforesaid, - wide& lands (hoe Selected in lieu of those sold 'Drib which the right of pre-emption or homestead "has attached as aforesaid, tether with sections 'and parts of seething eilidgnated :by. odd neurhers as aforesaid; and , appropriated as aforesaid) shall be held - by - said litsts, or by the company to which she may transfer the SUM for the use and purpose afonuld: Providcd, This the lands to be co located shall in - no cud be further thin twenty miles from the line awed road. - ' -Bee. 4. And bff „Arnie_ ararkel,: That the ettgal a si7l. pals of sections of Linde whiott remain to the United Blatt* withinten, es on side of said roads dull not .. .he sold for lees than double the minimum price of the pubic lar.ds when sold;.. 'hall any of the sild reserved' lands becorde subject to private entry until the Sus lure been first offered at publi c sale et the Increased price. - Bro. 6.-eind ha IC/War. MOM; Put the timed:4d and limited foe Ito don ot , veld loads.in the act &foretold oft June three, eighteen hundred and lifty.slx, be - and' the same s hereby - extended to period - of five - years from and - after the muse of this aot. - • • ' , Bso._C. Aid be II further' meted, That island alt bide resernd to the Belted Btaters by any sot of Quotes for Iltepur. pore of aiding o f , object of Internal improveinetd, or *piny mint:letter any, purpose whatereivir, and all m ineral lands be sad the osewite; hereby. "catered and i estaindell - ftetaitheLoperation , Of thus ael, fuer , to aka stilt may be toned noemay {a lons - teas mite clash railroads through snobt tesarsid lends, in which ,- ease 'the light of erey only shell be griettild, sing jeot to theappreved of the _Ptreitterit et-tbe Vaitad &wt. • • titan:, 454 . , fklitter ' 0.66/4" arkertiver tbe • nantyanite ' tio'• itllch this grestis nide,' as to *WA The sem may bt tzeronfertod, . ahau hrte , trompliteM ea:Sty tioaseentivi tulles at enyipSrllos at, lald with ,lineament driblet.`treiMiet tgelldellrittkiditeP , n#4gee, -- tonteglatayestOittitibtatek. pidildeelltde - adstesiNtle - St treS41011,"101.1. r, fi s 0" W 16011`.10",,NaMiati,PAIC ~,,~.~;, EMEI MEE= rigid and title to laid land to the said :e m ro Pand: _ m ntille fai ttb uti e#W ilm c tet is eae comi lt pi feca tba l, aid cote:resit:teak - with said - completed see der', not exceeding. the emoent aforesaid, aid patents shall in like manner Lune as each milics:etsaid road to oomplet -I,..Prookfed.„ hal rarer, Th at no patents Shall { issue forany - , of said lands unless 'there shall be presented to the Secretary 'of the Interior a statement, verified on oath, or .affirmation by :the President of said , cenipany, and - certified by the Governer - of the State of Wisconsin, that such twenty Mlles have been completed in the . manner required by this act, and setti ng - forth With certainty tha— points where such twenty miles. begin And where the same etidi whioltnath - shall be taken:lc:fore - a judge of .a 'court of. record of the Unitei States. of See. 8. And be it further elected, That the said lands hereby granted shall, when patented as proyiiied -in section- sev , a of chill act, be subject to the disposal of the companies respectively entitled thereto, for the, purposes =aforesaid, and other, ud the said railroads be:iind shall remain public highways for the use of the Govern- Mentof the United States, free ; from all till Ur other charge, for the transportation of any property or - troops of the United elates. , • So. 9. And be is further enacted, That if sold road mentioned In the third section iforesald hi not completed'urithin ten yearn Ocut: the time of. the 'vintage of this eo, IS provided berein,.teforther patents shall be honed to said company for said loads, had no further sale shall be made, and the lands unsold shell revert to the United States. Approved, hiay.s, 1894. [Maur:la—No. G 6 As *cr. to amend An act to Incorporate the inhabitants of the city of Washing ; ton," passed May fifteen, eighteen bun ' deed and twenty. Be . if 'corseted bin the Senate and Rouge of Representatives of the United States of Amer ica tn..oaugress , iteserehled, That the first paragraph of section eight of 't An act to leicorporee the inhabitants of the city of ;Vitiabingtoti," passed iday fifteenth, eight eeti hundred - and - twenty, be amended to as toad as follows ` : That the said corpora tion shall hare full power and authority to taxes on particular wards, parts, or sections of the city,. for their particular Jogai improvements; and to cause. the earbotcrneo to bo set, the feet and carriage 'ways to be graded and pared, or BO much !thereof as they may deem beet, and the 'necessary ea/average and drainage fe °Utiles !to be introduced under and upon the whole or any porlion et any OTelltie, AUTO% or ;alley, and- elect to cantle the- same to be 'suitably pared and repaired, and to be at all times properly cleaned and watered, and also to ovine lamps to be erected there in, and light the same, and to pay cost there of'oat of. the funds of the ward in which snob improvement chill be snade•, this provielon.r.ot ; to be construed si reptaling, but being inlisiuled as =unary to tee pow er they rilreirdy possess to make boil preen:exile an the application of, the Ow/1- ere of property benefited thereby: Bea 2. And be it further enceted, That Immediately upon the approval of this act the laid Corporation 'thrill designate some proper officer thiseof whose duty it shall bo to see that the provisions 'of tble ant are properly executed, and that the prin cipal cremes and !streets of the eta city are io cleaned and watered - as to be at all times reasonably *lean and free from dust; and alio to keep the pavements and side walks upon said avenues and streets at all times in suitable and proper repair, and it shell further be the duty of the raid Crrpo ration to take such measnres as they shall deein wise 'to promote some uniform and general spleen of drainage !gravid arty. BEO. 3. And be it /wrier,- enucui, That In ail cases in which the meek., &Telmer, or &lisp) of the said city pest through or by any of the property of the United States the Commissioner of Ito Public Buildings shall pay to the duly anthoriied officer of the Corporation the jest propor tion of the capons° incurred in Improvins much amino, meet, or alley, whimh the said property, tears to the whole cost thereof, to be 'ascertained in tto, same manner as the tame Is apportioned amen the individual proprietors of the property Improved thereby. Approved, May 5,1864 zunsAlt'l Ores% LUTAELL3i Co. Pa.,l Pittsburgh, Slap. ,f .TN PUBSTIANOS of the 21st section of J. an Act relatlog to Allegheny minty. panel My 21a, 861,i.DAVID AMEN, Jr., Tessin= of cats emmty.isereby glee nodal that I will attenitbr Min:rpm of roceiring taxes In the word Weals, lkoncatia, Townships mid Precincts of WA county, at the place of bolding g garst electrons therein re. Spectlyely, on the following Sam irons 10 o'clock L 31:12. antll3 o'clock to , Most Ward, Pittsburgh; Mut Ward; Alloglernit Ellgabetit borough,. Bea Ickley borough,townstog,' EMU - thkoenahlp, Pranklto togortilp, Mon toertieh!Er iiY.4II7IIBDA I J'CINE_*I), • gooond Ward, Pittsburg',: &cowl Ward, KIWI*. ay ; West Elisabeth boning", Ur-Kanpur' borough, Plarsball brirusbip, Uarrian. onraabiy, Mora t ship, Jathrson to nub*, -015 3D. Tort iiirsdact, Third wud, Pittsburgh; Plrst pre. ctoct. V&A ward, altrighauy ; Tarwatoro borough, hbarpsbarg borough; Pins wmabtp, Korth rayed township, knIELIti 'awash p East DK/ township, 03131108 M , JUNN trs, lletetad precinct, lblrd ward, Pittatntrgli; Woad st.aclast,lbird eard, Allestiony; Taroparanwilla ogb, Du:l.w borough, ille.busilion toornablp, Indiana trannahlp, Bontla Payette toroahlp, er• Wilma to Obi s Obi NONDAT, IV driz. Parirth Pitisimrgit ; Finn pecinct, leurth irard,ll.llagbes Itlancireetar bormh, Law - moos. tilts -Wealth, haopton township /Wan Deer tirlra• dap, Inobicsos toonstblp, Patois unitabip, ON TULBDIP, JUL 4 71111 ;redact, yin 'ward, Pittsburgh; Wend procintt, Fourth wad, Alirgheny ; Ant Virtsbargb boroogit, :Mationgshant borough 0.1-111.4 town ship, abater totausulp, Opper tit. , Clair totrustil nwn" rll%. 017130,11,70110 bra. Wand precinct, yme, ward, Pltisbargb , Elsa; ward, PUttimrtbl ;loath Pittsburgh; Pint pl. afoot, Btrastoghana Waugh; Bora rournatip,bnowdon todruattip, Penn tontualp ON TLIOBSDLY, Job 3 Ott. ikrrenth , ward, Pittsburgh; Eighth ward. • St* burgh; bacor.d precinct, Birmbgbans p o = l 4. Lot Dtriniegbaus 'borough, lkykslo 11;:tbuse towrship:llatd tooludilp, &ott Sp. • . ' • raw&i. JUNI 10zw. • ' Ninth ward, Pittabarght Nesares tawastdp,Ohn tten; township, Union township, iVlilclm township, Wirst Mocker-Puebla township, Mina townsdip, Loirat 81. Clair township. - ON tIIaCIIDAT, 791111 ll Second precinct, Pashto/ anhattdp; Pitt tawnship, Orrsoont township. township, Ott 11.0NDAT,'JUNE:11T3, le paid at the Treeeniee's Oahe althlo tJuse ashofti tram the date hied ha the foregefog dlitrktiondtleet to PLVIL PEI loon. DIBOUIght for prompt petard. to *ay person paying the whet, easacheteniesertesch . lan:Mt RAM 'PUBIS ECLIP. 0:11,111111:, , TON & 00.. ;414:Lask1 stn.', Sots ganstulatrars;lsr Wotan Itulstrt..2ls. Oh% Wham. Mr* ma Ai.o isaaataatatera ' addietsdid• . • POI, Germany Olive and Beak Boni. 011.2.17 AND vaircv soArs. • pi cern lEILVILII 'MATZ OLP, wh.ah ws *WV !disdain wwatanawatt pabl ss b o ettor for grnaral ow than cuisr the__ a cute tr. borne tq mind Ms nett= Patiall, niat, LIM at Thadnoar *my ether =Utah. to Its wan on which can shrink sr 14 are Oat Skim; IL:mob sat Woctlas. csn b. . . hat win' ;the rebtalt7 at Mates or Liam. Qat. lawabot : wish the 81L9711 FRAM, 604? dgrsot :Kan boiling or talf ths rahhtsc which of west prop* sear and WA, - WIPER PEARL 80AP •- . 5 „„„„ lane" Dirt, Tob_Ocorr Stains, Mare .11 At e Water Stain' in:. • tedy. o,pplplap n wllb a nudst 1160666, thw pie wa ng 6:40.: Carnet: .td ltualturs I =do and slop. At fmparu or toilllanoy to Piste, Jeweiry.Olaeregre,lasaudied Pointlagliaa pew i t, and for .Lento toarblo and boor 1116 It boo no pad. Tor tb 113 and i u r t, fp s a s io the =FRI P boa, rapes paractlF la • lroro. VI who biro trad Ito d= tall, orkarorloolgo am mann • dirnotary of =lCl:midis) ask •:trW ante odi vb. or, Inlanortedlt , wag bap, and la etas Otto wild Wand trot Drao of the woo /hoops I, fa 6: socempath. orbit vs claim dr lt, Ittord occordlow . nor nctmm. old, on siva '.031130p0mp,. m b ai gam, &omit Olin nom or boot h Gra, 0,1! liotay; airrontibtne lad cap raltlonco alpo or shine. IdLend Altooroat total =No , r: ‘o. koLns:. . . lirrotordo attAtalbe.lloblakdal '14146 give eglieVeiVlLTiatth.7.o.., °Pzer Alleroni of llatedtationot none poombo' s gink1326.11311k..4 1 MV1U SAffr 198511. ,o-40 ir.-17P1611:01$06PladdlFll TvgstuXTIONTYVAITS2Bit!M L0A2.4441'? LAP-AorboiS.+44l,l4l----ifAms JOHN Tr, 7.„1 .„. Alinttri. mw4is it *aim& _bcc s l 4 inel t4ws, ,a BIbY i t i l aii i i ngz j0...4 . 0 1,011.14 legla141111: 11 1 10 100"14 fIAR2 i MOIL. 10411144 kr& Att:,L= .: ti~~1: -~s:,r;S .mvimz.L;fxzcons. THE NEW HAIR PREPARATION LUBIN' e 4 COCOANUT CREAM, FOR OILING. DRESSING AND REAOTITYING rfair. tt.6LIYA. rt Knelt& and oat the bate aid glees It • pex neat glen, which IS retethe roe eV) •nW adult. for beantlfging and prothatrig the growth of the hair, LIMN'S COCOANIIT CREAM CANNOT 11111 AVIPASSED. It Soothes the irritated Scalp. It soothes the Itattatsd Scalp. It soothes the Irritated Scalp. It moths the Irritated 804. le P P r e a r r in a s l E a al d d nai n a n n d LLOOCWI Thdr. a Mir it Pravalitli 13100.091 and Lasko: Bair It ?rewards lialdnim and Lim of Hair II le an elegant Perfume. It L arlelegaut Perfume. It la an "koala Perfume. lo an elegant Pathan% Cocoanut Crown rewires Dandruff. Orcosuut Cream rota Dandruff. ' Cocoanut Cream remotes Dandruff. Cocoanut Crum lemma Dandraff. It produces the Bleburt Ludre. It pit:dace/ th. Itiobeet Lustre. It produce/ tho Brohest Ltutro. It pitdocre the Slched Loathe. It gins the Hair ea Oily Appearance. It ghee the Heir an tilly Appearance. It giro the Hair an Gil Appearance. It sires the Hair an Oily Appearance. • ?or Oiling Whiskers It bee no equal. Yet Oiling Whiskers it her no equal. Tor Oiling Whiskers it hes no venal. • for 0 Wng Whiskers It has no equal. And It retains all its DeantVying Effects And it retains dl it. Bonalifying Mete And it retains .11 Its Beantirsing 'fats And It retains all Its Denuttrying Meta -Tor ds3l. gnu ..LOB it for dad, after win it, fur dal. smog It. for dip ft. Par Dressing and OIILg llio efustoelle. Tor Dreaming and Oiling the Mostsebe. Tor llessing end Oiling Deo glustordm Tor Dressing and Oiling Dia Elootneho, It p..-mtas Grey 'Man , . it lames Gray Balm It myna. Gray Hafts. It prarenta Gray Haim It proveata Ile& from Taming Gray. It prevents Bar from Turalog Gray. It prevents Herr fmao Taming Gray. It proventa Hair froraTarabg Gm. No Bar preparation Mama thalmrsalor proper. tim •hloh tormantaglyiatta the Imarsa hair a THE COCO4JrIIT ORE4X. It Remotes the Growth ratite Thar. It promotes the Growth of the Haar. It promotes the Gerseth of the Weir. It promotes the Growth of the haft. It ls the cheapest Weir Drawing to the World. It I. the cheapest Bair Wash:4 En the World. It is the cheapest Mar Droning In the World. It is the cheapest Eel. Dressing In the World. Tor osle by el Drosolsti, Far .010 by a• 1 Drake-as, Tor louts by all Droggistr„ Tor sale by all Drorts, EIJLTOWI3 DIVOG STOB,E, DIBP.&2VII BUILDING, ITFTH 13MISICT FRUIT AND SHADE Tit4ES, EV ERGR BENS. 'Se. - or Arms, wo have ocino 200,000, add of all Iha trashier neva,. mat profitable for this location. We have =era floe trove, as Early Harm; Wahl= Moth, Willard PlPpyla, Baldvia. Yal owafm. (WAN Fans ot'Torapkitta 00., Elboda Wand Green, Rota. Scanty; limbo, ernoka•lionse, Tohcan'a Street, Odor 6.c. with rr ve large stock of cassia, pieca, PLUM. iVEROD.ESN, SHADE TEEM, 1109.88, daBwIBEBT, QIIJESSIIOUSE PLUM, to., to d one stock Islasp, vs otter groat Ludncevirals to Pioninio ar nrhOlninin i 4uo rem Orders left at tho Cireenhonoa, C or rittabrup Prot Cfillre, orllf be protoptio atter. to. • : .7UHN .1.10011, bilhdaorlP Pttiabrrat and' Oakland • mulls I SALO Valli% 0 CVLalrr ALLEGES= 0117, • - g m? , Irs.o • Istr.• V i a reraoseo rim! of DECKING. BOAT Platr WIN DOW /HAI r M BUM LINTLE aufiu•ram, ePotruo, 14±01, rAI. li s ' . ardal for BATTLE tiTCT7 BCD coprisera iuld at 6Js ratan. N. O. Pam= wairliorg LONG MISER cr Tv! LAD ars particulars tolled to scanttneth stcnt. crock.. 3 Ors* strut, me Boßlasca. satatf PAPER WAREHOME. FARIWLL, IRVING a CO., no. 610 1C15013 61TXST, PIIILADIMPHIA, Po., btanatainnrn a Double Btrength Manilla Paper, Of aLI draa 110111. WELLYPeaI, on band cr ena-te to mist. Mental rim bad IIOPO, Urge a mall inantlttna • - soldEllent TWI*CITY FLAMM MILL • • • Wrhlte tf Alexander Netistly ionwel oat, take. ;Lamm to badatrok• trbanda and tb• pnblln that tbq taro bumf rum and purr In lb* UtltOld PLAN IUD MILL, um: their • late 'Dation, and am DO, papenad to ustatiall . otters alattutod to th em, with -yromptran sad dlsulab. der=by r••lags romat cut of Dry Umbe rthey on b p and, nat Um em ar• now ew:o to WIWI drylllll llouing and ylatn BUlvtop, to may puntley: at reasonable rator. rabid: NOTICE—STOLEN-.Coti pone of 5-20 Dotal: .11,114 11‘•. 2401, MO, ?AA UAL tied; Thrto slo2,tioe. 10,t02.15351,,10554 TIN $5OO, Noe, CVO, 6270; Tbrto !Nos. 4077, t 3,070, :tent Ttwoo Grapoos bear date Norrmb:o 2.1, IBC; . AU pawns Ate trenby notified not to puntElas tbm. Loy paws r•ttorlog th. Coopots or iilvtog snob Information so tlll. WA to ttio detection of the thltf, eat Do Liberally toloot , tot__ =MAU DIOBHII GO., ao2tAt • 60 Watantrorea. CI:MELEE L. CALDWELL, • Mumma to Pima Miami& Oa) POIPIE PAOPLiD., Desist in DAoo3l t isaa. SUOMI imam) Haus, , . 3211011 ND BUN, PC, 00BNIE tams= zaro nut ernErts, Ptrrovegu. SPORTSNIX.YB T EADQUARTERB, Us WOOD BTDLAf. JA - 11 ,2)418 :11319Nvzi tutitiod S ap271:12:600 11LX3' Ara othar. to Ws 00l tero inulld tuck of GUNI:n. s. #l6 - roul, - oelitilAos,powDEaV 11 lISPOLVT iainie,ernot DIMS and POUC111:3; DRAM iLASKS,.s.4 sm. munltke dove:7lEla. Ma utak tithe largest WM tatagbi to Dill coartri. • al? GRAIN ) SEEDS,. BIITTER, POULTII.Iri £063, AL4',ll,ktpli of 001111121 T notitrcar; sofa 61imregia.b7 "\• W. C. ceio, 14c...123 , 3 21/01.11Cr rtardsly Um. Prompt eattrsa. Sakrapor in.; if embed. asytteusel .• rtAcis t BAGSt BAGE3I • • JUP 6,000 laublent {TOTtlital BiZT I - " • "•*. '4,000 Tallist/aa = ~ - , 1 0.000 01141 eat , , • - mat blued - roa/1.141 &mallow - • • 14,10:10=‘,7 . - - 001 :0••/47"4 On; nrcceliccetel•bazd minimax am Oruulas_ T tr.& •apyl,l4. .19LIXTX1100cr . ., Xf6 1 411:11 • C 9-. - ..1104•111• , .. .. A, t. Small dneL • _ _ „ •1 UR.LXCE. FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PRII ADELPHIA. taws on .hulary 1. 1804; 51,457.849 96. Accrual Neap 911,000 Invested Iltteettl,d 8,410 Loos Pall since -.8,000.0u0 grpatual sad Temporary Pollees unilberal onne. DIZSG[OB3: Marin N. Baneker, Loan Lee. Tobias Wagner, Edward 0. Dale, Samuel Grant, • "Nero. rake, Jacob It. Smith, Alfred Piller, Geo. W. SWAM& Tess. W. Lewin, IL D. CHARLES N. BANC/EEO, President, EDWALID 0. DALE, Vine Prefldent. JAS. W .lilcALLltatß, Sec. Pro. Tem. J. O. OOPPIN Arent, tn 1329 corner Wood and Third meets. INBURANDE, FIRE AND INLAND Insurance Co. of North America, paILADELPIIIL --$1.,600,000. WI- ,, .!!!!!!!1=1 Hartford Fire Insurance Company. IgarPxotecti..a eau be secnnei in th• above named old and rallabla nomganiaa. W. P. JONES, Aaiun, 1147:d1y Begslees Boildlnin t ST Wider Strt.t. WRSTERN 'NEI:MANCE CODIPA .ry Xi OP PITTSBMIGH, B. 111nr.r , lm, Jr., Prating. F.L MOON, Secretory.. • Mira, No. 02 Water street, Spans A Oo.'s Were. house, sty stairs, Pittaborgh: MNtame aordars ail gials 0 Firs ad Iferbss Dish, d EOM ISt it 6:14.1 , mowed by Dire:fors sobs era sterl knows hi - As tonleramily, and sae ors deter. 0h.% by orossoOsers bloarlina omits:110 W obarodr. sada - 01,ey Gam assanat&or aloft. (hi to 4 protection to those who desire to to Wad. .• ntairatil Andrew Acktvg, Epos; Alexander Dairdlll. Long, Bros T. Thomas, Berg. P.73shalreil, John B. Al!Cnne, N..111.111et, Jr., &mem McAuley, Nathaniel Alex. Nimick, George Darsio, , • oasupbell & Num, 0. Iticketeon, cuyso T. M. GMIDOR (^I4.IYRN'S INSTIRAACE COMPANY N.../ OF PITTSBURGH. Office, corner Market sad Water Wee', eaeond Roar. WTS. ZIALMLIM, Praidat. SAMUEL lIEL &a-dary. • henna Steamboats and Chug.. Imam against Ices anddamage 6t the navivtlem of the Sdaahem and Waste= Itivera Lakea arid Elsm and the navigation of the See *pint loss and damage by Ere. B. H. Ele,r, John 51.1ptan, Jamas IL expar, John ~ B. Harbib, . w Jr B. Dilworth, Wm. A..,Rodgere. de3o. Wm. Pimala, la& Park, J r... W. a. Jobnatm. D. Y. Jams, Rena Owens, Hon. T. LG Arre, Barclay Prortm, George 13Ingbard, PEOPLES INSURANCE COMPANY, Office, N. R. corner Wood & Fifth Sts. FIRE AND EARITSE INSURANCE. =II James Jo h n, Dept. L. Dbasitee Darnel P. 6 brim,. George P. Jones, Ranson Charles ArbsiTlN 173M1 Wm. B. Qom John IL Rake, Marla 8. Mom% Wm. Ti Sirk, MUM I!3=M W)L P. GARDNEIL. ALLEGHENY INSOR&NCE COM PANY OF PITD2I3I3BI3FL • OD-4, lick. 87 PM Arad, Dank Block. Wan, Linlzat all kind:Winn mud Mew Mat% MAO JONES, Praldest, JOES D. ItVOOD.D. nuo D. EL LOOS, Steretsm. • ' Copt- MX DWI. first ."t Isan.o .7or nn m, ... .Joke D. .1141.2 A. 0. 0. ay, . Alt Startirti, ~ ' • Ilar D L atilld. 0. Gm, . Cur Wm. Dear. 2-e Ca nt, R. L.SticOrsw,: ' B. L. rabsitatock. Bobs.. IL Dula. ' 134JrliCEI SECOND NATIONAL BANE, .OF PITTSBURGH (Farrerly MOH CITY TILITU 002:PANI.) ovw, Sacro,ooo, Ida parsuisso inartaci ta 0,000,000. - The lima art mini comma Milne mired singer the National Curnmey Ant, offer Itt surdas for the traasectioa of a amoral Busloses. Diafts bought and .old.: Rom= onDeposit, and Collsolloas made ois all parts of the country. staansir I Rot& ISAlzmum, 11.130 11/.=.. Jamb-Painter, Jake Mil, 0.1. ILlcgra, Wm. Cooper, G. E. WARNER. President. 3500 Z. PAT . TllatiloN, Ouldar te3C , Azo : _ • THLBD NATIONAL BANS, Or PITTSBURGH. - TREASURY DIPAUTNINT, Urner. or Oagrmenaks or eim Canaria; Woeidattaa Cirfy, Feb. sr:, DOA -Wzrzsus, B sattatentory voidance _presents -fp the end, pat been made to appear that the THOM NATIONAL awns. Of PITTSBUItfiII, la the County ddu l y, end State. of Penn* tants, has ham organized tinder accordiur to the requirsmants of me Act of Congress, anti ..an Act to prorate • Bational Currency, 11 , 5CLe u t a plodg• °Malted States Stocks, and to provide i the circulation sad redemption thereof,' February Mtli, WA and hoc complied with all =of mid Act required bncomplled vi =i to bmtmencing the buskins of Banking; • • Bon, therefbre, Bosh Comp of the hereby certify , t eat the THIRD PIATIO . NAL BARB CY • PATIBBIIBG Omni of Allegheny sod State of relmeybranbb de moireaud to commence ton intim:slat Sulking - act anneal& • , la testimony whereonefetto sty hand and and • adios, thisFith day_ of Febroary,loBl. Ds.] . — MOM doODUCCIPI, • Comptroller of thaßortency. MAD' NLTIONb B . • throbs orgasilivilundar the Maim) Cissingt , • Tunr rimmed se du►-i : • - -General. Banking Bust DZPOSITS tiara% Stebange gib Pr! cipal citlat of the nag and West bon ht 'sad so and collections man In trict7 part of , . . , 00121111.17. Once for the 'promote, (tootll the tomplottoto of How Nanking Homo, - .eoroor of Wood aired Virgin ei., )~ 1,1 tn. E11:hog 'Zoom Leel7 occope, by the CITIZENS BABE,. I 1 • N.W. EDI'. Wood St. & Virgin ale DOMOI3 Wm. rft &ChM:di. A. MN., A. e e i t n . 7 llitsg B. B. . 14 lk.rg -" 1r 2.1.D . Ail Areal Pneldsn JETO-D, LIT AMMON, Outdo. • - • • DOLLAR. SAVINGS . BLNIC,•NO; . 011ASTEBLD ID 101. Op= daily from 9 to 9 o'clock, abet an Wadmatary and Ittatirday enigma, from May tat to Foreronct lot, from T toe o'clock and from Sonabor let to 'toy lat from 6to o'clOck. - Ito Iles ;wetted' of ill otos not late than Ltrtt Dollar, and a dividend of the praline dreamt Mk* • roar, l a Jam and Decembar. -Intoroulaiboon to. churl onl•ancally, in Jam and Decomber. dna. tho Dank or ea arnanind, eJ th• ego of ate for tatt. n'otAtt b sign b plaad I . o! flat &parlor ma prth a elp ing beset Um Oa= • lama bran t h e ant dolt of Jima and December, cola. pot odious. twice • itaz with= troubling the dove,. for nooe.ll, m non to Fount Me prat book. At thlo rate moray That doable In lam than Weirs year• Rooky containtns th• Obarter,.By.lame, - Balm and Bogrlatfono, tkonlabod F•tts, atton'trt th• ottett." nizin>cer—tlZolloll2 AIDE= , • • • , TICS name:err* 'Jason IloAoloy, • Jame. D. 1: .. . 3 1 /oho H. Btiosoborpor, Wm. Docutlas, /man Dorfman. two B. Pater A. Elidolno, J. moo tieldno, William J. noneren. Jclua B. oPddat, A.ll.7ellock. kt. D., John 0. Backolen. I 'cumi Ai.; 7. • Urn, Tmaciy 3 Jots C. 1 31541.7. Jobs Alosto Oak*, " Sabers Bn y ba. • 'Jebst Mutes Mrsas A:,', Coitas. • M Wl=an L . W ISO 4. Maistod. Alsszadss Obis; Jobs J. 0111•1416,,.7_ • Alecuse.cr inapt a. suatu t Vislatoi ,- -• Peter 13.. llantar; • i taw SWAM Nam' ••• •• 1 1 / 1 2.1'.p • : • • !-,lJllllSliarTaffii n t 1111 A. • ...iadkftA.W4 41' tijaj j ,3:7- trios br • . Odtrbs OI L " V. P. }141.4 i jr4 sat MA alll4 • M I 6 F101174,1.1P ...4JrUF4CT/7/ZIER.S. DU(IDESN F. BRASS WORKS, CADMAN & CRAWFORD. of emery twisty of tolottod L MUSS OAS WORE FOB PIJILBSILS, OR' FITTRES, Id.aOIII.HISTS, AND • COPPEESHITHS. BRASS OASTIHOS, of all deeerlptimm, evade to order. STEAMBOAT WORE. STEAM AND GAS HITTLNG, and P.EPLIIIINH: promptly ouo.ded to. Particular attention pold to lining op lI.E.FLNIC LIES FOR COAL 1.... CD CLIABObi OILS. Also, Sobs Agentelhr the Western Dfdriet of Win sylvanta far the We of MARS% LASISDELL 00.'8 PATEIIT STPIIOII 513511, the ben erot In vented. Having no valves Hie not Wile to get 001 of ord'er, and trill L ately mote wale: than any pump oi mica Its rho. ' gag V. S. II kCSI.P . iir-nrius----s. 1. luau RON CITY WORK& Bro. 2. That the pado of the astern cab line of Washington greet emit lane a &sanding grad* of YB', or 0.83 per 100 sat trourthe north curb line of Luser:y mace to the north =lb Ina afkultatry' alley; then to 101 l 1 6 .0', or 2.0. 10:1 brit, to the mho II& of Dopteani Way. Enc. 3. That the grad. of the south mob list* of . Pike Knot, In the a Itch ward, dull tare an mama of 6' 33', or 1.00 per 100 feet, for the dhlatme of 146.00, thereto 6,11 03 's 1 . 7 - 0 per 1 0 0 &ate for 314.10, to the western curb line of trEarastnest. - bc6.4. 'Poet the grade sf the north curb ilea or Etna stnek in the bilth watt, shall halt a dam& to grad° of 0° it', or 1.43 per 100 feat, fans the eaters such lice of .Washington street to thawed; orb curb 1100 of O'Hara street. . _ kn. E. That the grade of lifalberry - shall haso anasceat from the eastern curb line of Wash— ington shoot. of 0' 42', or 1.23 per 100 feet, En' ea, distance of 145 feet; thence fall 0° 43fsrz 1.23 per 160 - Let, to the western curb lint of "O'Hara sheet. : • Ere. 6. not the pale of Spring alley shall hart. : en ascentan' sr 1.11 par WO fat: for the di a.. tence of 100 tat from the curb line of Washington street; thence till t o 43', or 1.23 par 110 ter, tota . li TIMEOD alley. ; ' Esc. 7. - That Intleinge alley, in tho rcroith ward, - shell hare an ascent from the curb- Ilse of Wayne suset of V ell', or 1.11 per 100 fort, for the distance. of 166 fast, to the 'railroad la-at - thence felt 41, or 1.72 per 100 foot, to the curb line of Wsultingtea Ptc.-8. - Thoth, much ef any *renames conillch with the Inualsiona af thisonilnantoi he and the. &lune Lamb/ 17 7, 6117.2 . 70thsad enacted Mtn We in Councils, t his 30th dayaf May, A. D. 1864: . • • 8. monalowi *evident, pro ten, of Eclat ClotonsiL :Wort S. 3.oloatow Clerk ofllelat ' • ' . Tl/03. 'max. Prehdrat 14.4-14.1 . C.143.M.11ir5.1 - 3/13, I attain Ilton,ll'2lserca_, of - Comma Comte& Clerk of Common Commit MILACKINTOSH, REDILFOLIAL 6 CO, IraTINDIELttS AND InilnraninM, Omer of Plk. and Orllara, AFC Pike and Walnut Ms* ciao (Near Ctrs Water S'iarers,) gannfactorers ni stationary LA other ENGISES, BOLLING MILL CAHTINGS and MACHINES; of, all kir.% and general Jobber.. Prompt attention given to repairing ROLLING HILL MACH 1171111". &Nay ROBERTS, BARNES & CO , A 0.139 Third Elt., Palablush, TM AIM 8117 LIT laOli WOlOOOll3, =99 JALP.A.NNM.I) TIN WAR We nre now manufacturing and bron on band Raining Apparatus of ail kind., Tong 'Ware in Water Gooier., Grocers' Tea and Wee Oani.ters,Cialb and Sploo Romer, Tumblor Drainers., Spittoon., do.. A Large blot DirdOalies Mr min low. Oil Coat of oil Axes mad pattern., Tin Roofing, Conductor., and all kinds a:Jobbing Work. done to artier. spat • • pATENTED OCTOBER 8, 1861 DITELILIDGET PATIV'S riamonnum oa IX PLIXT GLASS. These Clitmnels 'are latesided far the flat fame, beating all parts of the glass .soosally. doom not =Pm It to oracklag.. - E. D. DIVER:MGR. , lon Pitt Gins Works; Wastilagtort street. . aprf PlMA:ant. Peens. B LACK DIAMOND STEXI, WORKS, PITTISBUBOR, PA. PARE, BROTHER it CO., DZST Queany Elmlnro OAT arm, • ihiratualot sod Octagon. of sdl sire. Warm:dad squid to say laparted or routtellotarrA to this man. ri tr kr 011os cod worehords ' N .149 anill6lllBo2 sad 140 sad= EiECOND BViti3, Pittsburgh. fellayd ON EIL KONEMAN, ILIL3VITAOx P 2138 07 wna t n WO= Ramo ohms fro tam and asko 4o order MR ADE DRABS BORE= WIRD CLOTH - ; SIEVES, of a kind.; RIDDLES • for Erinadry BORATE WORK ron wurbows. ao.; SHED °AGM. 0 RSECESTAL WIIOIIWOZR, for Ilomaro. CC? All atm of Win Woo?, II rottamn Mi=l`. THIRD STREET FOUNDRY. ALFRED DAVIS, (Yoram.ly or at, otcrierigti & Phillip..) rurluci fully Informs hie friends and the public generally that he bar opened • Foundry at the own . of Third arrest and Manner, lane, opposite Alton'. Bray Toundry, for the purpose of Manufacturing LaIWIT Il Min WEIL; -1:11.5r111133, GLASS, LMOULDS, PIILLIgIng,ku Special attention errata Plumber* emrk. Anylthem A T.r.vs ISICORMECK to CO., VAum . FOOSIDIT, Pine •DirWareLouse, 3HI LLBILHTY STREET. Mouvractortra of 00011. PARLOR. AND DITAT MCI moms, PABLOIL AHD =Ca= GRATES. HOLLOW WARE, etc:, Etta and Gime Mould; Doll. bg Ertl (hurting; Mill Dealing, Gm, Water and An Pipe, gad Imre., Dog trov, Wes , D 80. gar Settles, Pulleys, Couplings and Carainv geaerally. Aleo, Jotting ma Kaaba Castings made to ardor. Patented - Portable Mill, aith Ede= or Home Po-var. wollAmd BR4ANNIS, BRASS AND ErHEET KETA.L WORICS. • COLLINS. a—WRIGHT, Itanntecitionf ofOAISPDBBB.B.IB2B LISPEOSIS. SBB and LA.UP 8P.A88121 Szarlandy. _MID, _TIM IdeSTSltti -TRIIIMLNOIIIT AB oovzus, Ifaaufacluron eolltm i• WesfsPit Potent 113 JlB2l TOP. No..= &coral dreg, PittePfrei. sPO. COLUMBUS PaiNk AN, • HAIGGG Ai - EERIE, Allegheny GI, Atanaferenzre 6n lab Hey & Grain Bakes, of tie goon:any, Vnionolintney end Prairie Pled venereal ober; AT our, AND BAOOL6E T1i11011.5, WHYELAABBOINS, CUTTING GOMM 'Ail Weg aaSortOf AU descrlptkne Abe, BTECL =SIG, for Hay aad Grata Bake. nerAmteelowl? 0 1 ' 48 FOWNES, (late of the firm of //oases & libley,) JOHN B. ICIME.ON Oat. of Harm & Cajlll.oli YOUNDISS and BTOV.O Milinfacturant, taxaconmn STREET. Muth Wand, Pittanalbj o Pri n craw , am • zartlrß . RIDDLE '& CO., Igo. 215 VriA edi lM t,sadglaryawdaa WOIE. daertptlon ofJlta7llSl 11ADED • Oaths solicited that tit* aid% F ad ir,tata vaunt tatpped per tastractlowt. . 76:1Y Q BgIiNCF.,, Na -53 Warn 'Br. 1... r. Pit roarorrectrare of BOILER IllirrM• WROUGHT EILEEI, arronon and ndlroad. angry dekafprkm. - • Puticalaz &ad or shaped SPIESS and l t n largo or mall, made to order it abort non good lenortoteat coos= try on ruird. - arra:Err 1 " - t " Manufacturers warm maim awl caws col. OHM _WPM. - MutaOffice antMuguras at No. ft /Um STUMM, te.. tabled, • • • 1864. - ........... 18. 4 1 .0019 'TAWS" RAT, ACM, .lewd . . .E.ILTERMINATORS. eft • • sstablistad to S. T. 01t7." .Only to .111016 remedial known." troas .Riot Mumma, to ths Menlo Family." vier cams wt of their helm to db.^ . &Id by MI Dreiggiets orterwhore. DawaaalofMl worthier imitation. .oertar's Depot, N 0.1.83 Worry. U. T. • tiar2old BON FA TL sod R.- 1311UX a. ELB 00., Wrings sod Agar, Pittsburgh. As.; P. BMW MI, 11.21Assatilitlestcay qty. - • miedihem . • .• W.I))OEWATIFAT.'I76O; COMO"' DRABS, . attorim ffi PVB3 askew OU ' et: eteimt Le* elmese. kit 7 iiairaams, ab 3, nsir E., wore; imam 'J - 4 • - • • Kunnas. raricur• a,* se. mai rzr PAM , . 1/1 27th main :• Addroa, ROBERT RiTIZOLDEI, eilll em d ail Agent, Vt BULB Lane, Nfti VA. • Ptin FRPITIIRE oa - as inaz WOOD o As.t • ' azaso on or izottso) . . os mon -•._-_-_ 07 toe CI Tb iirterorpoitAlitilliniitirtd it sag 111 To atli giditUt: 10Wrii..) LIY 7 Nt!", aaaartssalars.`fiwWißtia (36, • '+- - - A N ORDINANCE changing the 6 ." • Fade .t l'auetrett..bron Way. atroa IV %ITS ets..t; Plko muat, .Iron Wastagtol; sine: to tram street; EMS siPset. trous.Viesblisiace Met. to b`aera eireet ; Umber', alley, from r behbeibte •t,e-t to O'Hara •creet ;14.Tb:1g Zvi, from Wen, tattoo otre.l to Eterebedres errors stet Ltelmixa. to Sao fourth Wllla, Ira* 'Washington Urea wuyoe et, eat. , SS, L. pe it 0.11.4=1 ea model bf fhe At• dermen ad cite.... Pit.ll , ronct. a Mad and Cam= Wawa. coseeated, and ft Le hereby ordebeed ad owed en. That th e grade of the north curb b. of eta a sset, • Hn It the east catib Ilse of Way*, attest, abet hire in meat of 0° OW above the boelvert, 1.63 per 100 era tot' the distance of ..e.11.09 Pet; thaw fast 0s OV, 01 . 12, per he feet for tlardnasoca of ;SI Geste the not= earn line of Reshotirtoo street; th ong level the =stem ctub line of Criehlu,tou attar; thaw Tin u° r. Or 1.2 2, Pu i O O f.t , ter the Mamie* of 1t3.32 o.lli the.m fad fr tfl, or 1.34 perabb feet. to the western curb line of fr Mae meet A N ONDINANCE • authorizing - the Ceding, raring and Betting with - Cu'meacee•;; Scaler street, from tne north club Wm cf Talbertg 'motto the south crab Ilea of Penn Mem:: else, Mecham° street. bath the north garb Ms of Petra atrearto the meth Curb lice of Pete street; ahere Adana ',treat. in the PM ward, from the ncath curb line of Penn atreat to the south curb lice C. Meitner. thc. L B. it ordained and esadzd by As Ifepor, demure and eitixos of Pittsbatrok, is Select tout thou! Commit. assesinbiol; and 11 is herrby ordoled mud meted by the ttathoritagf Mebcose, That the Secording Bet , ' usatorbe nun he la barony nuthinited• to advent:he for op:Torah for Grading. Paring and Setting with "Curottune, Butler demi, from the north curb Sae , of Liberty 'treat tO the cuth club' Ilas -of Seth street; also, klechardeatteet, troth the moith curb line of Penn threes to the north curb line' of Pits arrest; aloe, Adana street,th the Fifth - ward, bora the north curb Ilea of Penn street laths mouth tarp Rae of Pike Mama ; and to let there= in the mi ner directed bp an ordltance othounneg streets. paned Magnet Slit; 1817; also an Act of Amemtay approved January stir, Ordained and enacted Into a low In Cotmath4.thla '3oth day of Xay, h. D.1&4. 8. H 0113014, Pemadent pro tam., of Select Ortmell. Attent t E. S. hiehaller, . alMiof Palest Cmntif. - , ... THOS. 61% L, , . insistent of Common Council. Attest : arcs 21.11orrzn,. Qat of Common Cooudt le23t N UnDINANGE authorisitHg the., " beildiaz or . Public hewer or: &avian Street, IA the Eixtb 'Ward • • 62e. 1. Do it ordsiaal end modal Wide Maitre t at.' dermeis sad deism,.,/ Pirabersh la &a-a end Cheeses Coenctis astecatted - and St is herby orelefaal saidosnetsd An 0211441ritryelil4 IMIIIII. Tau thabtreet Castastt tee and the Peconsing Etegulator be etapavered to, hare e mow sever, with the - no:salary Irate, haft , acmes Chairford street. the vhdlerto be erodes the direction" of She Br galatar. • - • ' tut. 2. That O. /Stria:Mu Jeer Talk, of the Oh • era-d; and Jamie 1.1. BAUD; of the &Psward, be sad • they am hantbreppainted to mean th e cost awl are I .2 prate of budding sald sever upon the p•oparty larnia L • am3o:ding to ea Act. of Amiably approval • - Jearatry Gob, lead ; Ordained and enacted Into a Inv ta - Councils, thte - 20th day or Elan A. D. lfiGt. • B -- 21011/10W, •-• President. roe test, ect Cparsdl. • . Attest: B 2. idoaartv. • Clerk of !elect Come& . .... - : of Quer . zpoxt - oosuica. Attest, Brea - - Clerk ed.:lona:Len Connell.;- ' _a jetES JeiSAIi*UX.dLIP pßoPosAls FOR FORMIE. CM= graTELlLUriall Ofirial4 Wartington Depot, December 8,1883. Skated proposals ere invited try the andurtgned for - rrtpliing the U.S. Quartermaster's Department, at Wertdagton, D. Oh Baltimore, bid., dioreadria and. , Tort flooroe, Va.„, or eitherof thrut with ~..,, HAY, CORN, OATS mad . Bide will be received for the donna, of 6,000 beat; acorn or cots, erg Ed tore of boy or strew, Wog. 'Bidders meet stale at which of the abort, amid paints they popes taiorte Cellulite, and' the rata at which they sill make aliment thereat, the own. - aqui cacti artkle propos-1i to be delhansd, the time when artd deliveries shall be corammiced, and when The price molt be settee ant In words =the Mi. Corn M to put op in good Mot tacks, of about twif boshels each. The sacks robe boshda .34. ato without ex. cha%ro to tho Cosionhent. The bay and lame to te.ocmcl7 bated. - The pattlailat kind Cr dramiption of Oath= tay, err=repoeed to be delircred, ameba to the dll the articles othred cider the bide lamb kw • - riled will be .aided to a rigid impedes by the , • Ocincroumt Impactor, brtorelodag tempted. contractewill awarded from time to stale to the lows resprortble bidder, ros tbo Interest of the Ow. • B r=eu± 1 . 8 1 retutei sad Hymens will to made When the whole amount contacted for shall base , . boen dritreced and accepted. The bidden. atilt* repirod to acconmany bie part with a parant,, signed by two lo pence, that in ate Ids bid le accepted he or they RID, within tea dap thereaftor, moats thoombact for the same, with good and articient sorellor, in a ram equal to the amount of the contract, to Other . the forage flwwpeed to conformity with the terns of this ad r cart nue thd sold bidder abseil. fell to eater Into tie contract, they to make goat tie differease between tho ogee of said bidder sad the pert bawd torpomiltlebidder,or the prima towhee the Wattage mo be awarded. _ • rytu isponeUilly of thoyarentontmart ro ws n ge. oflagalciat errae7 DlLl= owlet the _ United htatol Diorama:Lent, or =partible perion morn to this taco.. All bidders will be dal, notidod of the eocettatotai or repeal= of their proposal. , The foil name, and 'P. D. adobes of sob bidder UM* be 1.85 1 7 written to „, Proportia matt be ocora Brtgenterventrat D. li. WOMB, Chief Depot Quarteroaseter - Waalw sec D. 0., sod literal be phinly marted"/TBlts D CU, to •am opal to the amount of the ' tract, cloud the contract:4.lnd Loth of hie gair. I Were, will be required of the . bidders own the contract: Bleak forms re gairptece, and boa*, u gr • - be obtained apt sip et tots ogloa nut Or ISOMedia. gotoe (B ' lll3l ''V g ' • therdecriber, do hereby propos, to rancher &Per to the Bolted etatatort thtertematatat's .Department ,sgrecabbrto tbe. term td. - pot odooleht=t, hefting Protocols for tot.l.ootowlt oatedW i arldngt cle.. ort Depot, Docredert 8, MO, the . bmhtigof Coradneacrtra •-•-14 8 .bc 121 6 " ••••••••••bnallete of Doti, ia paha per bteief, ...i.e.- tau of lie7l SAW to wat—pte-the.oOpmaei'- e — ctoCOMMenee certr..day of • 188-, and tote completed= or Weirs - ge--,186-, and plats myself to miter WO a written cceittact with the Dotted Stater, with good And wa tu rtrict pcutitirt,withln the space of Wm dal after notllted that tay lei hem peep artagtede . ' • • • Weehtiothuk ; • GUARANTY. - . : . • We, ths codiretted. readeata ,ft 02.11029z14 of ono Emu why, Jolotly sad strongly, tortollot lbe United Bteuts, and goersole*, lo CABe ibregn_43. bidet wonted. Goo be cr tki3• le,llAlatoodoie Otter the sccefacroe date ' ta m : . rmstee :atm: for the ewes trlth wx.i tad twee= song to ttax asoowet of Goat:l2o4 • to the Goes* Volxot 4 m ....4wirialp W. terms otattortleeteaat dsteelViteseter =dot whkh the bid ma tools, Maras oar tto ohl • abottfelltetelvelphe ixoeusetees gone, antes to Dal fX4 the difernese tatetetat tb *Got t lthe mad sea the Cad , venom obstd, the Ogettottto4 be i • t OttrovrtGAlSll4l2 l3 sated, • v,ne*Di • h ,,..b 7 tit - 61ittiftlyteitiii, - , pow, the eteireauemed sireoters orshlottth soodello.l, Nachos es motif* szt.tbz.suaoast ieejf taer tots eeratltte • • . To be melded bY the ToitedYtates DletelotAttole• ern _Collator of OrAt=s, tY to: other oftoereatlit the Vaned !Rope Gomm-A or reepealtles pane .All ortoweahl yeettne:l meet Ofsertleetreett ' *DI be opened Sod esieOLoeS et Vett OM* tee WTED, - =BRAY and NATIGIDAT of each week. et 12 to. ; Elddete aro renertfeD7 hyttt4 to te Pos.-1 a.* 'washes of Of4i, Otte,' &etre. getk-f- . 11ttY: 1 * , -:41 1 4 tteetteotoutot. _ - -42 . 70.8eMErifie • t? —_..- ~EB,T,;, ~: : ' '... : • Ta-MY-3 -.T7 r7 ~-' . tliT;luiVr'; - .- ' - xrerltNEy,., • ..,- ... '-:- utga 24147 • '-='- .' -Ill'ikm!! •,- in - • 1,01r44 .. • 7.....011111:fidal •putotra• jet 4.RizOlual lit°44l: ifr. :f;ccr..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers