7, •';------- ,-------* - `--.7---' '-%;7 1 --'-='..-- 1 - - . .. - 0.. t-. '..-" , r , -- 4<3.---ar.Fle ' e r . -. ' _• 2 • , , 1' 2 - - i , I, ' ' ' H • - 14 I ~,,..._ ... ,„ .13ATUDAY-MOBS/170:1:40NE 4,'1864 4 fftrAND Li . lllßillißlL. .: .. _. .1' - • *min Pitasnmaiix esazatt. aramewr. The: Sixth Annual Cession Of the General • , '4Psombly of .tha.tfnited Presbyterian Church efhlorth , Amnia convened . Philr , delphia , May, Thar pad was openedwith a sermon by , . - - larnot• -germ, sf New Fork--t ez h ei~p, . , 1 "a /eatiris , nuked ,order Analoglie between . - • the ahurchand avine. 1. The dedrablemen of Kith riorialt as Is contempla#ea in the text. [LAoO °lts of the termon the Genital At . •-• sermNy pasponstitatid by preyer. • • • • . , Anectiblynnet at ten. o'clock, and win open , with; prayer:by Roe. Same° Honer, of Hely York, theratiriag flodaratteo alternate. The Orator Clerk; Dr. ;Cooper,. of ; Philadelphia, ealted 1 , 10;roll of delegates: • Delegates rep. ,:reoeintittieren Synods, 03=411021g- testy-on prealiyteries, - . ware present, except from the . . - preib.nories'ef Oregon, Scalkete an'd . Ths'AnemblY 'then prooooded to the election of a IMderitter, Phan the Ern. D. A. firefly°, Monmouth, 111, eras-elected. The rrereanderef the erosion pus nett . hi per-- footing Ike • , . , , . the:; , lenion..—After • dnotional over: the Moderaterlsomlnated; and. the As ' sembly , ire:flirted , the - ,followng.": Standing Committees:-On'Orernaree,;.Terdnial, Corres pond:Pee; Narrative- and State of Religion, .Dantlenal Exercises, Pinesiee, Beard of For - eigriLltisolotur,' of Botia .11losions, _ Beardisf Chards Bninalett;:Boirdof Edna tion;llleard of Eilnions to the Freedmen ' and Doscdl,pf,.. Pablintion. Reports of eereral • Beards ware road and referred to the appre : priateeommltteer, also•Treports establtils. log inniesion among the aborigines. 4 me moript.was presented relating to the estab- Inhorentofir hind for supersavated ministers, and - prepoilegto -tar =Walston a certain pea • cant.LConitanaleatlon from General dalembly (0:8.) In - .sPosion at hiewark,.lll. J., relative to apPointing,;redneiday the 25th se a day for praise and proyer.to God foionr cenntry. 'After an .explanation• 110/4 " Dr. Prosily, the • TAM tr, **refined to the CoMmittee Coe ',.llolo4.entorar.-.Bernalttee on a new v ersion of the Peanut MIA `presented , to a eommittee. After iome frontbacmst :ten inin•l'dispored - of; 'the" ; Aiiembly . ad , . osi tioanozl'isamm=3r anizaiu, Afterin;,. lermsdlatily - after the uattalsapsolag• derrotionsl -exercises, commit tees bkVinsual Eiyabtle mod° reports, which noupleaCialderable time and elicited some - . spirited sonsarks, especially on the Records of thtp-Syriod of Kentucky. The raport, on 'Psalmody wee token tip, nag dinussed.ciatll. the dole - ef the sswien. : Beatty, 'of Stela benville,,Ohler. opened - the discussion: He nid ha would mention onn-,o's two thing' for *the consideration of this hose. The dret cos the matteeol tepanse.".. The tent musical. talenknonittei_ expenditure. 'T'he Board of Publication is to boor the -expense. 'II 2.:11* the old .book, bat he y beßesedourTiolmody onsieeptible.oflos. prove:nut.- At tho fettle tiitis.lt might be detatioatedei.On mussel' tangents various. . Some : condemn altogethe r hymns which_ are highly 'valued by others. 3. It hat beei • urged that washosild 'riot enter ..'.u - poest. nese - Book new. bconso--of- oar relationi to the I .,,Other - lpratabis or - the Prosbytirian And it was true that,tide say matter affsend otir relation:So ether branohca,onderpsolallY to one for . ,,'ltlifolswe bad a set high regard, mad witht-ifliclawo hod entetred into 'town ! pondmons;--.fle .did net oppose, bathe;min ? Boned Dino - things for-, their consideration.; Dt-Tforitywas opposed tathilotrodmnion of ettazita. ..Te was engrafting tc-frasment Bplscopeoy-afon, our' eystent. ';s3kr Irish Presbyterians could not 'ring khans, nor would they.. lire had bauthrought up on the prinelple.'tket man luitliperfeet himeadnese." Mr. Taylor favored spent notion as 'seams of the hymns ware not, appropriate for praise. Violin/ half hoar of the session Was spent Ia devotional l e.xerciceo.. litanies rend cad approved.,- Dr. Drockluildge; frisks the Com mittee on gills and Brestures; reported on antral inspdrtankpaptis.- Among" the number wee a regastfteat the -Board cfDirectot., of the Wisstent Thoologieelffattairr, Allegheny, asking the ; General draekobly to recommend ' young man studying for the ministry to stain with Presbyteries:previous to, entering : the 'ffetelnadth .--Cononiktoo, approved the = ens,, :sestina., ,Ridge - I liatthen reported for %the. same coma:vitamin the nwinerial on slaved, from ; the - Presbytery of Ifewton, which hat, been already referred to and commended. The, subject of, eleothsg a Professor of Theology in itslT tßiark .Thaploglcat Semina r,' fenny, eanso up, and aercial distlognished ministare 'win nominated _for the. position. *hoes ttiore,,hamod were Dr. A. A. - HOgei Dr.J. td. Lowrlei Dr. Msemaster: The eloo4 time was ..pattponad for three - dill: - There-, poreof the . Oossimitno on Pnblicatiori was commanded hy . nreral op:ethers and adoptsd; Mereeoss`..dassembly net at three' o'clock. The 'Order of the day the: bearing ef:.delegates :Roza- correapondink bodlat,,tho Modmator introdund Joke T. Prinudel, IL D., Of the Baited-Pros byterian -Si made sans brief re.. content a- fraternal' otarsoter; to Which' the' . Moderator, replied in'the lama: Writ. ' Dr. Deeterest,orthelteformidDcteh Ohara; spoke, who; after :ti`few - kind. words _of rer3Y kom she Moderator; was followed by lies: Dr. Wilson, otcheitalf of the Nbi . Sohoolffenersit Auenibly. The Moderator spoke in - arab:Of brotherly leire; '.Letters were read from the ' delegates to the trotted Presbyterian Genctral Anemblyiand.rt. the. Synod-of the .Da eh £gerudyset Oath' Fara of the 'sea lant arm devoted-to remarks upon a-paper, submitted by Dr. 41. S. fdanarter, aggeetteg the fah day at Atli ale day - of lehattleffth, fastiag, and pillar, "Rehearkrwerosaide that the time had fully, some. when the Assembly thould epeak; out on the • catass of: the .Irsi. Motion was midst.° 'refer to floropittas • Overtaxes end Bide. dedgeltiersoa repOrt ad, oh behalf_ of the Committee ell Mieleter , i ffelartes; • The report - strongly recommended an Inareno,,:gleing raelete, andsuggested that they/toper authorltlea attend'to thereat, tar. Basil adopted. - Vothaelttee on Torelei Oarrespondeiies'esPraised empathy with the efforts of dealt:fistful 'people, st :Gamma; In their endeavor to neck a •Metattrist Hall far - ". • - . - bar; - Afteethe . asnal religious .sentios,a oom attudeatton that-Geneent Contennes 'of the Methodist EplaeopefrOhnnals,ant3iPilni Die Invitation 0;04.150'u matte In prayer fertile osintiy;sie presaatid endreed.,Ret porno! 'CommittesK tin Orertures Sind BAR was taken sap andaetien had oar sererif jai pers. TherepYrt cf th'e Committee on sign Ifiettotur was :presented by Dr:Cadge: Dr. J. C. 404,444, 4411 of-tho secretaries of the Board, also etiressod the Antsubly - , - folle wed by BOY. 41111144.. 1. 4 1 4ti.: - .1 1 / 4 11611i FittSbe4 Rogers Welsh, ' :Spear, Drs. IthottiCandee,' Junkie; ad Mute: Carter and ankle: Mr. Spear,moved that-the oturoltraist 4300,-; 000 for no. Bond thltryeareadepted, Ile was" the whole report. ..` • ' A/lame onct',Z*inir•Seteigee,-.lpho AS*, suably met and iptettihe afternoon fe prayer: and devotional earths: la 'behalf of oar , sentry scanning to eppoletment..hterght'ff. 15.8teart, Toq.l - sproltivittelefigthlipth behalf .of the Christian Oottuntailon..-Atthe close of Ms remake, the Slavery .Deporfwee end..: Judge ,Ikfatthews able epetrehregethettherourrhefeterl7, - ;;.'.:."_'_.... Thema! haff.heriiietrepdht In, prayer. The Contaditelf;en Mileages reported thet $1,035 had bah:paid.. - Der. Dr. Theffale. , tortedrelatirp to Mellott 46 4461' 218101.14661 Wheal AsseffthlP of Jut paer:lFldeilty" of debetats 'epproAd. The report of the C0m..1 anittamoon disahladias shows that thrtieg the peer . slB,l6ff ;hare bees Met:Dieted to demi/Attire/eons:' The riPirt wee adopt.; The ,Blret'Piethrterhie Ohara of Pitts.: emoTelsouit 44 the ?utak of next meet i ng, epee horldnatta • o Dr.. 111110,4'., sad = moth= of Dr...D. Lice EMS 104t164 biltflit,4,lll4 1411p61011 the Assembly, thWorned, - Al a an wes- ffanossAfteipriyisiinteptorfal bgaLfettiiutteifor ocafenthls hornet for prosbytenfits:r-seditite,;propeiteg wattle treshote oatheettbjeetirrorortedandidopt. ilitattorthrPolatodp wee taken, hp, and Irk! naurits;wera,:roatte Tsylor, gA7,,Portar t 404 , TEri Jeekla. Madre!. ' The re'rohdloiesirtre adtipted, and thee the Ithobereplizt.'The abet:moo ef the resektion sppeedetrte the paper we have already! . ern; erhert•reported at the' epee tetesswat*fits ettttotr."- - -fllve dtearitaot, thleflePertiit measure occupied Ark! trerefaie i 10444• easiderthg the eta ofDr.M.Ptaterei 'tar be'thte a - Pm 4 )lB4l.Zentla,.,*;Tba stet:old thia 'ens 'Pau' -Tente-look 11,• retedissokelDr.ltePtaters'peeteralrela; tloa.: ' lll444o4lo fi ,o4 'btiitibit7'4l'vOtir of .I Milk . - ProlesiZAW-'thete *eked lame , to *Wu seetpattet.2.2%,tt Wee Dihrie4 , - „ _ i° r ,~.. ~. 'I ... . ' 1 ' ~ f - k , I . ', o'y .. 4 •••,': ' ' .1 ..'; A . f _ !:- - `l ,: -.1 I '' - 4. 1' -.1'4 ..,l - -.W. , .1.q , 1 , -; ',., -, ..: , f..i.. I 1 : - 1 4 t , ,-.:`... :1: 1 1 1 . / ':, ; * 1 ' . ;',l f , ',: 1,:'';.,'1:. 1 1 , ,' '‘k '. 1 . Zi;. , • :.,., . 'l 'l4 ''l- l - -,, :4..1 ..:-- ~ ., . 4 ,1 1 ...:.:- „.• : •, 1 1 '• ' . • ' 41 . 1 , '•`': 2 §, 7: . ;;•:. . I'' ~ f 3 _ 1. ....7, - -;..-.- ,., .;3,/ 1 .-.-..1: ~..:,--.....:.!.•,•:. '-',--,.: ',- •.-:.:.r.!.:-,-.,..::-,..--.::::. •• • • 4 i 1: • t : ' : ~v Oftburolt daztfte t,rmp,c4ous iirrrxtiprzrcz ;;; sad the pluton' relatiomuirsolved. while Dr. Mil'betas became suoiroted ef; being atop:3i bid the hand of military, power laid upon btm, Complaint*, were road and the Assembly ndjoarned. • - aura .nrr. - Shortly alloy the union commenced, the Clerk read a latter from the New Seheol As simblrin acknowledgment of the cOmmuni cation.seet a fowtsys ago by this bddy. The Narrative :was read by Dr. • But, and wen adopbsd: Ms Coital*e on the &anal Report Of the 'turd of Domani° Maslen repotted, showing this. deflatanoy of church labor to be in a prosperous, edndition. Brief addresses Were made while tho report was pending by Dr. Janeway..lteve: Do Lamely, Lure, for, lAdge Rryorson, Drs. Nogg and No. Grawould blr.Frateei. The Rev. Ur. Biaok. burn,-of Trenton, was elected to attend the N. 0. P. General Assembly 11 his plus. Afternoces . gaiieei ! ..lFon. Stanley Matthews' report on' Slivery was taken up, When . Judge Upraises' delivered a bog speech in - its favor, after , which it tea* adopted. The vote for Professor of Theology in the Allegheny Theo logical Seminary was announced, that Dr. Archibald A: /logo had received 154. rates, and wee dnlyelectad. Dr. Wm. Johnson, of tho Presbyterbm Church of Ireland was vited to address the Assembly. Ereatey Seerite.—Paanlty of Western Som. bury 'authorised to - arrange - the studies of that inetitatlon. : Report favor. of estab• liihing school' for freedmen presented. The camel/ant of Dr. /SePlesetert, of ' St. l e nbi, [wee taken up and Pe:opted -intuit of the sex. 11E=C12 . . A paper on GiesOject of, the notch - of the trio Assiambiles;:adopted by the General Ac seinbly now in session at Dayton, Ohio,was received and-recorded, with an enthusiastic response and • applause.• Cue of Dr. 1.10- Pheeters resumed. Dr. JiloPheeters, the cempiststant, addressed the Assembly. lie Spoke until the hour of adjournmient, and was aligned the door at ten a. on. on Mon— day. • • - • ttity fuzz oz. rarserzsztax ogathar.!43lsllSlßLT. The Arterially niet Dayton;Ohlo, Zfay 19th, and opened with suitable religions ex orcizes. flee. Henry B. smitb, D. D., of New Tolls, the. Moderator .of,the - hat Assembly,. preached the epeulng Oaraton from Eph., ev : 13.; Subject, uebristian Union, and Eaciesi ,astleal Reunion." The speaker 'hawed that most of the reason, for. separation in 1637, were now obsolete ; and that in. :natters of .doctrine there was no essential difference. One hundred and seventh flee commit:loners were present,. In the afternoon, Rae. Thom al Brainard, D. D , of Philadelphia, was Chosen Moderator. ' . SZCIOIID DAY - After mom° matters were disposed of, the report of the Rondo- Committee was mad, Erni which we learn thataisty ministers eon nected with the Assembly : aro in the aervice of the Amerionut Board, molly in the foreign field. Contributions amount to about ninety thousand dollars, tea thousand above ' last year. Committee on Education reported there ware them principal Theological Semi-! aeries, and eighty-seven students recommen-; dad by Presbyteries had been assisted in wholuor pert, the put year. The ma an nual,roport of the Committee on Homo Mix- - uioneirekinetonted by RIMREIF" KOlldlin, .D.D„, formerly of this city: It appear, from this - report the number of missionaries am .ployed the wholeor- part at the year is 209. Therzepert revivals, formation of 17 ohurchesi and the • addition of 1100 to. the churches. The whole of the; contributions amounted to $lOO,OOO. Committee-on Publiestion report that .eleven tracts and nine boand eolumes bad bean ismad during the year. Rectipta, 13,3,497 25. , Layfayette Avenue Preabyte rim Chinch of timoilyn, hi. T., was anat. iMously chosen . 'nal the plum of holding the .nut Central Assembly. Rev. Daniel. Win teri.appeared as the deegate for the Gorman /deformed Church: A committee was ap pointed to prepare a suitable paper emmosen- j °retire of the decease of John Calvin, the toMentanary of which oocarred this week. ' Tke session opened with the anal devo tional:exercises, after which the report of the ChUrch Erection Pend was presented. Whole amount •of, the land" $139,01.7 IS- It' was - Stated that the Pond bad aided In erecting church property , . to the arhoinat of more than hidf . re million," of :cloths& ,• Consitithe en . ,Overturis reporters favorably of the Israel:lon of a building for the ..Preebyterian Illstoriaat Sacietf. 'The pahlication.ol a monthly mis sionary joranalwas recommended and asps. &Ad committee appointed to ascertain the amt. A causal:tee on the State of the Country was appointed. The Special Committee appoint. ed by the last Auetr.bly on Provision for Dixabled Minlstenr; Eto , reported favorably to conttituthag a' Food for ;hot purpose., :The proposition of the Old Selina Assembly for a 'mecca of .prayer for the ',nutty was no. cePted.' . Verna arr. - Half anion? spent he dovcittonal tartlets.. The Committee on the Polity of the Church presented overtures on the follewing -gum , Mans': Whet h to tyi done with the names of novresident church members ; are they to be •countod in the statistical repertof the coition!' The;answer gives by the 'Comeau* to:the first, qdostion; vie that they could not be atrhken from the roll, and they recommended that thei second question 'be-referred to the - ,Coniusit:es akead,y appointed on Statistical Reports. What is to be done , with belated cherehei In rebel districts of country? It wet antwored that, by 'direction of - a pm:titans Assam*, such churches ware itetru-ted to inks, application toil:ae Presbyteries that are,OSMS Convenient, who are .e toxerniso their dlathe matter of rieeirinn them. Can an ,ordained wltheuti charge,. hecome a irulincelderf MS which they re plied la the negative, on the ground that the Conztination requires that an elder must be a male • member, In' fan' eammunion of-the church, whiff' he h 'Oaten tartars.. Report adapts& The latter question elicited some discussion. Rev. Pr.Vernilye of the Reform ad Dahlia:Lurch, at this poke took leave of the -Attembly in en excellent address, 'to which, the Moderator retpanded "in a line , The it week in: the eassuing year recommended ns st week of .prayer for the universal spresdof the Gospel; and the loot Thursday of Pebrtliry . ea a de) of prayer for loratairles of learning. 44ensoce, , SstrionaThe.Standint Commit tee en Foreign 'Missions presented an Ibis melt followed by, Interesting add/vises front several eorstalttioners. Report on the State of the Countryis bath able and deelded s consisting of a lengthy preamblaand seven resell:diens. -We adroit the -- allth ai a aped teen: That wo. ailold the-Govern reent with oursympelbles-and prheri In its larLergatle 'efferta" , forjthe'sinpresaion-nt this . -bloat CAPLIOIdi4 and . met rebellion, and urge all Wait= to -refrain- Dom weakening thi "authority :of the administration by timed demplatnts and -uneeeralary Mariana, and I fully,belleuring that in midst crisis all epeieh And action'. which tend to differences should be studionaly!.:avolded for the take of the com 'mortWest, The report was enthusiastically and ananintortify adopted. Bev. Dr. Dpreoher, delegate of the Lutheran body, teak kaiser° of; the krionibi,y in en eddrestito which the liculeratOryerproodid. some metiers wcre re. lured_ to the appropriate ;committees ' the gommittesenEdneatlon reputed. The rese.' 'lootions appended to the report ealledout: aide ind Intersetleg addressda friss distinguished ministers, Which occupied the reaudader , : Afteniocl& Sersioze,- The Vadat . the sittlotcyruedeiromd tha reception of com;. mtittriattopii from oormspondlaglodles. Ad! , *moot item delSverod by-Bev. 21; iey:3);.D., of the 011.8ehoot b4l7;•Tter.:Alfro4 Storni from the 6aaeip emtrantlotkof mont,:and the Rev: Daniel Whiteis from the .Gercaral' 'Synod of , ths atranah ;LRefoiriett Ohtcrob to **soh of which the Moderator re sponded. Mier" the until devotional,. exerciser., th Constalttea 4n. Overtures reported, nem. nunidlig the ohaplaine ftt'our army and navy - doslympatbles• of the chnrehei s soldiers and 'seller, In the -national 'service and the Christleis; Cow:anion. Overtures: adopted. co.nuntttee on the Polity of the , Church re .ported Overture No. No. . b, 1 1 / I iLiBK—WhO „NO to, VA" feeTresteesefa'Cihurehr—wko. oro t o call the inciting* for the elution 9f Ttrostees ~.4nd, Ina bare - the oilier to Opizt and close the Ouch Jedil/oe, Ate se salon or 2hu- Trim— r tees ''‘'On their recommendation s it woo livered that these rpie , stleta were to hi deter. 0=0) Loaal laws (2) The by.laws• of, the'oerpOtation. oi (3) T ao terms of the trost-ftielfp4and ' not by any general 'rule. Octitnittetton Home Missions:reported. • . ,Aftel4arai Park& ,—The • stilton consisted ;alosolit'whopj thanksgiving and prayerlor thictirtrAt7. r Prolfir And Praltelvlth Inter•o esting.remaro from different members, Ailed lip the time,: The 'M its cession w ProlOnVid •to act eituto reports atter whielvttil-Assomtly' TAM 5.011M1T Ftr.a.:•—dil the Plttebargh weeliffee coattlatat fat! tepOeta of. the open. 'et fag of thaßair. her vithoat wrapper., for rauh9gi tun, the Mast:rate n'piper'sad the Coastanoli—We an racpterted to aortal New York 'Weekly Tribune; Heral d,d !Share • otatomcat made In the Otieagersistof pater. sod World, and all tba .hlstellate for /ace, dab that Mr. J. W. Tint le the only 'tip can he had tt Lank que'r lif t we Dont, inanafeottur: th• nig.. up:a.- wan., haldizi.7 l 4 'Paddle .C. o o•lttavit been earrylag on the bade : •••• ••• ten bon for shoot Papuan, tad Zie.Proodt'a —Herpes's- Weikli, the I. Urn of wblet to the fitaltary Fair easonatint liptisdeot, the !tend 'l'ltefe,Sifeaooa's Com. 416 00. • loch • stateroom ea the, short Ja, ,imotee, pones Otestte__; Nay York bitercirr, eeloatated.. to .de mat lojiutlee to melt Sow nitins.r9llW/41414,4111447M"'"17.' worthy tad antelepterfilt hanlaou drm • Ledger ••Coatle gesaly, :Baiter of • /ea, Ifeatair Notions. *Wulf, lirrald..World, affxr,•• etaeh it Molt Aid !Tribune, eta; eta., esii*b4lt el.PO:11'0 aatard'4l[ll;* De tats, 60 likatitsWett 4 sari depot, oppatha the t.fgh opts ",' : ` ^-~tT.,,,y _~.r~--~• ~a TM t r» .~.+=` ~ i ri ..,. y ; F « ~S" ^s~r~- .:a - c ~ "-.L }., ~ .:..~.., -. ,:=.~.-.-~ i ' '- =t1~~?' Oa Friday the intere■t is tLo Sealiar, Fait Was mil naiataisedf r and the reeelpt3 from the cab of Octets airdtoodil were , patentednisay new iititeetions; u neatly all the booth" bad beau ankdled with articles lot previously, wthibited. deputtaent Ls (ally azid:Otmtetlew aeon the opening day. still continues to be thronged with elsitars dsy and evening, and there are fresh addi- Mons saacle'daily to the already large- and beautiful display. Among the new Gatlin* Which we noticed yesterday wits Gipsey Encampment, SG the tear of the UN, where eleitorcare admit ted for ten cents sash, where thoie whit wish to nese htto futurity" can hare their fort - anis told by Some one of the numerous "Gilleya" in attendance. Tho Stet/velment Stand of lira. James M. Bohoonmaker, at the sight of the entrande, will be found ' fully supplied with lee area*, strawberries, and numerous other delleaclea. The Bower of Beet, the Bouquet:Booth, the Soda Benutaius, and the Beau Cottage, are all well •worthy the special attention of visit on!. , • 110.111012. LULL. This place is beingvery largely patronised, and the little Monitor, steaming emend the ,ndniature lake, together with the mammon' ' little vessels which make up the fleet, attraet universal. admiration. The modal of tie twenty' inch guns, and' the Shot, shell, and phloem of ordnance here exhibited, era very interesting and instruotlvo. The patent brseett.leading guns exhibited by Mr. Mann and Mr. Lee, are exciting mach interest, par ticularly among army °facers. There are many at:potions hare for both young and old,. . MECITAITOB' HILL The' . display herein stoves, implementS; glassware, carpeting, upholstery, furniture, harness, gas fixtures, whips, , dce., Is very One. Tho steam, engine and shafting, deny. tad by the engine bullaersnlithept constantly running. A beautiful bell, rained at *sag, and donabsa.by Mr. Al.lultorWand asplenild Me boat, worth $460, , donated by the Ann ployess of 31X. Wm. B. aealfe, vas greatly ;sanity& • . ! - ' TMI Dnnia LULL profound & buoy Pletorilay. It is & Stoat toque .ot th e raft s and will M eld large terenne. Theitult to the tithing Omit coon Ica pleoolng and interesting sight. winriutre Ast, arnroinun. . . , . , , , The Art Goßery and Old Cariosity Shop presented' Jamul trrililent apposranee lest evening. Both departments .were literally crowded, end tho, visitors wore enthoelestlo . over the noun which lies crowned tho elrods of tho committees.' . 0011 1112Cer. DiPAZTIMIT. Among the chief attractions here we a ool !cotton of Cashmere Coate, the drat error Im ported Into this country. They are the prop erty of J. U. ItioNall„ of North Star, Wash* Ington. county.' Theft anln i4' are well worthy tbi attention of stook &Win. Items. Meyer Bro.,wp(Alleghen poundsit a price hillock, which eighs 1825 & very fine animaL exhibitMa a te lt h Ze r h o n g d h , bofe dA ll h fg t h fo e r nn o ha s hhe ttenry Clay stook,. froin:the porter !esparto. tton. ULU It a beoutifolaa£aal. The-weight Is 1,500 pounds. 1,111 s=oars. As the rah progresses, the receipts assume 'magnificent propartionLa Up to Thuds) , evening, the tejaipta from Cub 'do -loather, and sales of tlekets and tiommoditiu, aggre gated $10,113..51?. • The iteeipts from the tales 6: tickets and ;commodities, up to Tharsdsy Droning, were gl3,001:1,-of which SSIICO water from Masts. It must 4eremembered that the Peir was not opened until Weineaday eventrig,' flours To Tan rare Can be obtainedt the banking house of N. Rolmea &gone; 'arket limit, at the Bank of Pittsburgh, az st'the various book ezd t , mule stores. Meth inconvenience and delay rould:bo avoided by persons visiting the fah, It they would procure thole tickets at either of .the above Idlest. This throng at tho ticket paha h frequently so great that it involves considerable waiting.: No money Is taken at the doom . . .1.401.130 if RAIL. . ta Tho Missies /lasilll will ere a grand ex Tahitian this svanirig; In Light Gyvzhastlei their class appearing In fall COstIIZIL • \ The Insurance Committee. To as Parsidal mid Zreestriew e/ • • Fistsblpth Eantl27 leis: - Thd invidions spirit in' whioh the Commit tee to solicit subeCriptions from tho home in. innate compaeloo and egeueles in behalf of the Pittsburgh Staniar Pair ' here made their report which eppilan In ,oat isstto of the 23 last,readers it proper for me, as the agate one or the Computes repartee at .mmtribu ti>g oodles," to car. and create, ecypeatioo tar coml.. sie the sepretentatire of, toe It-lower. taloa( Safety losorence Company. The well erteh. tithed character of tots Compost, ( r ilberellty to. Ward§ all 'salable entsrpri we Jute as well as to Pleadephts, le too'well known to be *Pearl by tee Upon of • coma:dd., bowevor respre.ably mar. seated le nay be. Je,tlra alone impels me to pace toe Mauna Imo rightly Delors tbepobtia. The Company tuff centribeted mast - 111wrally lb Pbtledelgbto tor objects cuteness Intent& support of In win fa IrrCry Way.and authorial mew the tont to inbewtbe APO to the Bawl...fond. so will hem:alb: referring to the publlelud record. There you wfu disoota who Wow toe Wilson le ea that asoulon, of which very propetly them-est nothing I geld. stated my entwilptson to We fond to two memberi of the Cemmlttee, as. a ,woo for not at preima totblt my lendable eel noble nowise lag. 'Generosity and &desire to Ito Attlee to an eisotad, In my oplules,hors glue me the ii. voltage of my explanation, at least for withholding mycootrlention„to tbeleshitary Fab. Too impacts no. IA as !anomaly sada total &parlor* Loos tbe "inn penned by other committees tor Outset:nolo, • pox. If all wee *sewed from agoodes,-,lostast it nos coartesy, sboaLleatitb therm to a rtpremotatlea on the committee: The rlght:to dhciLminati the differeat objects fourth. support of the seer ard stepresao` s of toe rebellion le,l preeleme, aocorded to, all. Home may rock Proper. Wald It ma way sad come In another. The object of tale very extra creamy mat by the intelligent wed wow,' aux .tors §setae Committee.. I .can marwlylasaglas. Ott bat Inn Jinn 106 Shinning pcibile tot:Diu. , P sk. Manna, . /ga 111. t D .S.l PeUadslphla. The Late Tnoi:ctai fifeTfte. enyealef iniaiteird the Diroatorrof the Bitintnetani Depoilt Contay, held on the Si' , krt., the folioed/3z intemble end resole. tfor,e, - .exprestlen of _the seats of the ; Ttiard.ai the death, of 'then-, latel'tsildent 'end fellow' member, Thornier, Magee, Ttg., trete intent tttrOt adopted t I , . • ... Waal" as, It his plessad (41111 Mo /mond neon to Hit away to bil !Islay =home, Umtata McKee, Zsal., *album of tblabercesgh,acidour Noted Wend sta trziated anodair.,:thirofore • ..r., nvebed, That though moaralnsalbs lthleb we and ib• eop<moo ty react dia1:4.64 Mabee, with reraence before. the oultdpotsat d.t , pfdlgae Ca dom. ''•Zsea sot:labor, brae It steralli herdic thy Emend; That ea ciscrially tate torrialccor. Is a corporation, to the lottillgance,indactrY., bolter and which iensid is phnolasat a awl to to. sharecteroi car late Pradttcat; wed as p, ftisad, to the bale qtalltleSof :mladaed beast far , 'nab ha :sutra distinguished.— -' • • darted, Tool v. napectrally, bat deebly gmpa dela with., his addicted' lamb, la thelr beressemsat, 'but bid tbsos.h.tra (101Aldeapita ciod, and Lek for a :canyon id the happy arlabsloti of the bland. &eased, 'l"kat this Baal' boclared ea the day et the lhaerarat I! O'clock, to Ors all alt opportlsolly be at. 11marid; Thit ors'attani thiltaiszal la a Whit. altrrow (Ssaorda,o) at 2 eoleti, p.m.- - 1 '?surd, That these tectatioas be poblishodla iba city papinu, sad a copy Post to We Utak, aftho AdJouraed. i lfli P. BEEOI2, faetotary, • Illnaingtota Jr.ao &I, - • .T/1371/10XILL of Knatio'el Untrereil Mat thin thei eminent pianist B. Thither's,: „ "ni t re great pleosora *o. - Ftlfriat tint/ have tried your Squalls Nestor; and 'And shut. equal, If not euierfir, to anyof eouutry. .Among their great : . quelftled, ahleb tit eft -03.1111 them; tho erennetos the aureeablo nuclear, teneb, and rolutio of tone. Wisbing.you all the named you.° gittly" 4o terve . ; I ata,:otr, youriTell . Timaus:i •• ~ .The above, - planos •Ere for zahr . oulj Cherlotto . Mutt, .43 rtro et. . Zech Nino warrauted- eight ~.. „ - COMmingtsgssneascsm. , 4lonntartelt 201 - ate in escalation - in and around. eld; .11.isd this ion ,deseript antl'apok out Sas them: 'The” pave' is af.; 'a Vetter shMde then on the genets-00 , th and the engraving . COaraer• In ebb , nentro 'et the bill the feet of the female figure larva seen; seine in - els genuine it is stele '4n ths. pealing, pot below the figure inlint.iretd. aah•;! them is no 011 nit /4'o In blic let4e vioile It Le Palm in the gennine,,.; , s , ' ' Its Fair. THE LATEST NEWS MI BAILS OUE SPECIAL DISPATCHES Bipedal Dispatch to tb. Pittsbaret Cliiott• Traluturaros, June 3, 1864 ?LOLL aAti The President signed the Bank bill to. day. The bill, as pasted. limits the eirenlatirn to three hundred millions, bet the Senate' intendment, limiting to that ram the capital dock, was received from the circulation of banks in lien of the existing ta=ts, is taxed half of one per cent, each half year, deposits, one quertei each half year, and capital in re=cess of U. B. bends, ono quarter each half year. No bank may be organized with capital of less than one hundred thousand dollars, nor more than two hundred thousand. In towns of five thousand Inhabitants, cer tain cities are designated as 'points fof re deroption. Tho security for circulation must be registered bond,. AItISOID 14.11703 TN MI irts7lllB DIPARTIIIIST —rarer: OP TM M/LIWIT coloquica. The Secretary of the Treasttry sent to the Cunt° the report of the Military Commission to ezetalne into the alleged. fronds in the dpira — ileum of the Western Department, of which 'commiselon Gen: hteDowoll4eas Pra dent. It refers mincdpally to the transactions In cotton. To the inquiry, first, what °Mears ware engaged In the cotton trade claunder what cirmametaneez, Gen. B. S. Curtis woe found to hare authorised the titling of certain cotton, moot of which woe satisfactorily ao• comitei for, among whioh wore the cases of Saunders and Woodson, barns!, and Tappan, White, Mott and Wash. The cotton, one hun dred end eight bales, was wised and sent to Hclono and afterwards sold far' twelve and giti:lutlf mots, and the proceed, paid to Mr Among three whore the eourt found Inter. !estifin cotton apecislatiOns were Itfaj. If. C. Cards, blej. Et:Kinney and Lieut. Gayler, of Canis' staff, Capt. Winslow, A. Q. M ; Brig, Gen. Harvey, who was exonerated front the charge of forcibly returning fifteen negroes to 'slavery; Col. Sleek, of the 47th Indiana, who also took silver.ware in fditudrolppl, but subsequently returned it; Capt. Howland; Col. C. o.llarsh, and Capt. Rradlei, of iho 20th Illinois; Lt. Col. S. N. Wood, of the 6th Mb. tchul cavalry, sent admitted. making $20,009; Cant. Jerome Bradley, A. Q.lll ; Capt. Itobt. German, who made $2500 on 102 bales; Copt. Hayden and Licat. Wright, of the &Howe battery; Lirut. Doker; Lieut. Ilardook, of the 15th Ohio battery, and many ahem. Second, It was found that permits to trade in cotton bad been granted by Cent. Cards, Stook', Grant, Gorman and Washbnrno. • Third, It was ehowa that trantPortatioa had boon and for prleato parpores. To the consideration of tho tax bill to day, th.ofienato increased the duo for false sc oot:us% on refusal to show backs, from three hundred to one thousand dollars. The prod= Acne for cashier of internal .70TVICO ea stricken out,and rectionadopted, franc_ (erring tbo custody of nt0n0.7%1 from thootaz , nalSiOn of Internal rrorenue to the Secretary of the Treasury. A disposition iimanifested for further tinkering of tobacco taxation, not so much to increase duties as to equalize theist unifilho rancor - complicated branches of Lb./manufacture. Vag AIISLTI TAT SILL—..I/if,IIDILE3IIII The Hemp Unitary Committee hat agreed to report the Eenate's pay bill with a few almond:menu. One of them gives 'the ledge Advocate General the rank of Brigadier, with a. salary of $5,000 per year. Another prohib its summary (Graduals from the army tt.-so after, hi the. President. A number of dolegatos to the Rational Convention aro hero to day. Borne &rostrata.. ly In favor of Nitponlas It till Elepternher. El-Governor Donation irse on the Sonata flaor thin afternoon wad had a long consults- . two der.itte Morgan. Ton delegates front Louisiana are hare. The Booze bid on the table a resolution to pay llionctry and Birch, contest.sti *Lo tion, the canal compensation. The .inferonce h that hereafter, *bless the contestant has e. .vary strong cue, the Bonze will let blot pay hit arse:ponies. The Bankrupt bill and Joint r octagon to emend the Constipation, prohibiting slavery, were crowded ont i to•day by th e Tariff tilt The Bankrupt pats, but the paesege of an amendment to the Conetltution Is very doubtful Last mouth 26213 claims:for prigs sone', uzuouating to utterly half a :canton of dollars wore rattled at tbo Fourth Auditor's otiloo. Now lists for distributien, arctocatMg to $1:1,400, wore recoired hi the same time. OOLOITD D6TOATT3 TO 1131TLYORII There are foer nolo rod delegate, from Boon fort, South garoliza, here on their way to at tend the Baltimore Convention. POCAP/1 OP CLITOPED BOLDS:IL fleveii soldiers who bud been muttered by guerraiss sled had cusped, were picked up yesterday by one of out transports 'Lad brought to this city. The - o,mmMee of Way/ and. liras wan making tams revision - I In the Tariff bill tido CIIETARY STANTOIsi'S BUIRTIN, Important Movements J ln Sher man's Department. • VIOLENT STORE ON THE PENINSULA, Tolegraphio CommtUaioittion felayelL r WubIIUSTNIIIII, ;, • WAJUIROTON Ante 3-10 r. Y J Major Primal dispatch, ,datod ym- Umbra. 7:50 p. m., 3tae thb ivening Won moolmtditom General Sharman, Es-reports that on Wednesday, Jams lit, BlePlurrson Moved tp from Dallas to a paint In front . of the enemy, at_Narrfilopo Obaratt.:, Ot Than-, day,iJune da, Schofield aid' Hooker, having been slated to thestatreme left, praslnd Yor. rardioirards litarlettik- At the nme,tlme, Eltansinan's and , Garrard'a earalry'vere innt; to!'4llatoOna Pass, which they reached and aosuid p ion of. Those , mamma% the ,dlapatch ma, lave" friend a pas ;lila Ina °outdated' - formidable one. laloriniania are reported byttha dlspatoh . be In pregrsitithloli are not proper.for pah- , Matron., ' , '-2;lothlott his 'baser heard frOm Gnat abaci dlspaMh, dated at Y oNalcalr yesterday morale, , TEegrnphio eoninriolcatioa has. been, do layed byaValsatatorm ore the 'Peninsula, yutertlay;trianlng and Isla Matikand cannot lm,relastabllthert before Slime Gam - to•mor ! {Slimed) ••-..Z'fili.tlasrtorf.`• Thy 4aipes ttbei 0 loi!tmetlottli.i ina'aa other a larn i l a Wasium ikp oroira t ans tu llo— t lt. ra Ls t known byatrothyn elodi, : ta l adaa tbs a, rafts and d ...a a. th. 1 1 1 Joh' in Jams, tiyar *pint our T od for mu' twit', b ;avg.:Cows an welt pop lhaipand busitataz of the m .utt. ; • . %sal:tapir , . Restratpn,'°E s• - • r - Chew .. 1 is;', . 1:""Tb. °"B"fti :b7 tbs a HO. J.1:114.0 Itsi e 6 2 1 stud of fals tO_.ll.tittr Tynrui..tel Alajahat sumigyr!!...Na BY TEWURAPH. IFI2OJR . Fr.4BlllJraTOJi: BILL. EIOSID ILLTIOAAL CONVENTIZA DMIEIASZL rsre ear Cr etccium atm sptcH izoilri:l3 Tltl/P ItTaION' i~~. ,# , `1 GRANT'', OPERATIONS. TIEE 81T4TION fiIiAPHIfIALLY The Potonnie Army In the Iden - Heal Po Ilion It was Two years Ago. THE GREAT FLANK MOVEMENT Comments of the'lttcbmond Examinee THE MARCHFROM THE NORTH ANNA TO THE PRESENT POSITION. Our Fortes Steadily Pressing Pes‘rward. MUT tITWIT EIGHT OF 'THB WA ADVANCE TOWARD ILEOHLNIOSVILLR. The Rebels Twice Repulsed by the Pensuryleinta !Lettersets. DAFTLY ON THE OHICKARONINY FULLY EXPECTED.' Special Dirpstah to ths Flttaborah Caputo. Hespouenntas ARMY OF TIM P0T03.40, le TER Fine 0111 nelelnlETol7ll4 To:l'day, Jane 3, Diet. Dy one of these odd - cokoldents of which the history of Virginia Liao full, Gin. Grant's Headqureters are this afternoon at the very : point. which formed the extreme right wing of the Army of the Potomac in - tho roalosit- 1 tar Campaign tweyon sta . . liartis', Shclp, I nter which we now arc, and-four or five Ulna mouthcast of Honorer Court Hones, 'merlon I occupied by tire Sth regular oaralry 'as an outpost ; and it ;teat hare, fort two years ago, that Stout, moving from' Hanovii Court Home to make' a raid around alo3ll,llaresi Duel, struck our:right flunk. Draw a line of are or six miles in length from the Pam:lnky:river, over Hanover Court Donse, where oar right now reets;silmost due l ronib, actors Tokpatsmoy Creek, three miles south of Hanorortown,and Yon will hereon? lino-of :Leith as,lt noir stands. PITe miles west of our Hue none the famous etreem Chickahominy. ;Along that' river, in front of and covering the Virginia Central Railroad from Alice" Station to Shady GrOye, fire tailor north of Illohmond, Hip rebel front it I formed. Midway of the interval Which dividos there :two pants above named,' the skirmish /lea of the two armies meat, and to our oar.' the morning air brings the crackle of musketry, like the shattartag - of somecauldron, while now and than comas the boom of gums, whoa* restoration' are easily boort lo the capital of the rebellion. Genet BIM and Ateeb.suicirtilo ore within an hours' ride of Pair Oake, which you ow reaslidst • two boar's trot; Riclimond Lis tea Miles off., 'Tis thus that history 'puska itself. The ?Twat position of the army la the re.. suit of that one terming movement which, commencing on Thursday kit, to two days planted oar Carps across' the Pamothey river and rendered treks, the elaborate rebel de- I fence, of tiro heath Ana*, and secured Irs commuoication with I ark river, the Chess peako and the irrupt* resonrcot which thorn waters fleet. Oi this movement I have sent you sash , reports as has 'been possible to cond, with. stag onfrequentopratunities of et, - 4:431111ite i:011 as are offerOd. I fear, howevar, that no repo:47llkb you can hare reeedrod aro at all adequate to eat forth the true prerentation of this great cps - rattan In stritogY. -- lrahr readers would require batter maps than-an possibly he acsresible to them, and would teed to Icing to(thoos an amount, of study of which you aro incapable, in order to graep its relations and ifisreality. Doortrk that it has placed the army it) alias nearer Richmond; ,that it has foiled the plane and purposes of the play oneray and has brought win May ' communication with a secure and perfect bate. I most not - forbear, to omphasisa one point. It appears to boconeeired that this movement , l ls understood to to a following op of the enemy, who is auppoecd to hare tallen biet r from ELI lines between the North and Booth Anne, a conception which does iojnition to the.genoralship of oar commander. It letenot Lee, ttli'Great, that took theca. Motive. Leo would gladly have ronsadalid his lima along the South Anne and would wil• liner hay, swotted battle there,. but Was forced out :of hi': cherished position )utt 'he wee compelled to evacuate the lines of Spottsylranis by an - offensive movement threatealeg;his camconnicatione, • movement bid in conception enigma/early la execution ! There are, nye the Arch Doke and Chart. battles which are Falready won by mar:roil:ra tion of the etrateglo line of name*: In a like eerie it canAirly be cliimed that by a couple of days' marchhrg this a=ihragained victory more subetantlal than a wide/hard pounding could in the situation, wo hove won, and that we are'. entitled ea ',to regard this great flank movement, which Is - confirmed by the tine of tcdnglod inortilloatilra aid bingo. (loofa Lo whloh the flie:nand .'.press triati "Graaf," says the Eiomieer of Saturday the 24th, has deanitely doolined battle at. ItesMier ffonationi Perhaps ire ehonld say . that - hie 'army have, oared hlmthe triable of dealining ft .It !contain that both armies are cooring; Too novice bare lately prevail. eel of:ldie tiheotion in which Grant is going. 'One apenwt ropresented Gott a;large body. of Yankees were at Negro:root in the tip Per Part of Hanorm, but -it has not been confltikLed; Itld .Probably LOC init. The MOTO ;probable itatement to that Grab . put fottificationa along Ilia tits beton; tbe innotfon to provant an attack froick General Mrs, and titan, retur s alng to tba noillent bank of tho North Anna, panned AGM] the Paixiati t key to Ilanovertown, *fairmike . &bon the Piping Trot), tho pclnt to which boats con come, ileto bo briald to have or r osicol the, river with the greeter. part, of h 9 foree. "If arent hes :evilly landed there, he ma; be laid to have elreetbrreaehe'd 91e'slostlzia ==2E2tM ..._ _. Spottilyivania the York and the Poninset& Ills nest base will be 1:0 Pamtmkey and York riven, the White Boom sold West Point. Un able to remove the obstacle on the thutalloid - 0 f his proposed campaign, nothing, was left but to abandon it and make his way down the valley of the Rappahtzusook to the head orators of the York, • - monstrous ointalt; to reach • point where be might' hairs 'landed ' on the lot of Way, had not his head- been addled by his vlatorlos over Pemberton and B Thu lathe tone of rutin, who, knowing the prodignons labor expended In fortifying a c haise position, are thinuelves compelled to forfeit its advantages and leak eissero, and ourialoulj amaze their capital, anew, line - of disfonne. Bortainly if the Rlelunondjmumst; . lets , Ind any satisfaction to the tionekorai ousels this army has made for the' point.: at =atit has doted, is in a eoydi -1 b r n t ti l n. ' Toe march indlosted in tho 'shove oitreei u taken up by this army La quite oared. Becrealut the North Anne on Thureday Right and Friday morning, ths corps were directed on the parallel roads loading doWn Iliti - ample of the Pammikeyto the toms. of Halovir,, in Oa dolnity-a w shod riel" iC4IJ of csvitry Crossed b e r ive rsor& in the alarne. Three ham ' allairwardt. Basun division of the elk ear!, - after-il beantiol march of.. twentr-firk:mkiasAneelk pampa ' ', - , -, -- :.;, - ,,54 , ,,,,,, , , - ,:_,' l 4,he enemy, apparently not'. limb eromint te be made le faz down,. re: , • had sniy a cavalry fatale 'obserretlan el thks points The Patty wee teal y drivel:l,4, sixty Nog wait, di and the fords was recces el far the psaig • a our ahoy, which was }Baia '• Id dales Ile dey. It to quite caulk thar 11 woe art (Cl this narventati was , putty . 4 • •1 ' . :-. ;. l'' ' • r ' - ;;;-:; ,7- - . ,--,- — '' ,5,,,-:......C;„, under way that Lee eommeneed hie =Nino raring necessary to meet It. Parant,"-•aya a isorrespeadent ottnedf Richmond , papers,,erriensTen.:Priday night bet, "comtneaced rapidly moving towards oar lightwith his whole force. • Correspond ing movements are new On foot 00 one Sideto meet those of Grant." The movement neoessory on the part of the rebels was simply a Change of front and a retrogade march duesouth along the railroad, and tan miles would bring them to the Chick &hominy. For 6; en the contrary, it was necessary to give &great development to our left to reach Immo point widish the enemy could not make in a ten minutes' march. It wan necessary for no to march something Like 30 Miles ; that is, we had to move ins tenth easterly dinotion to effeetthe passage of the river, and then move westward-for the par. pore of striking the enemy or .meeting his advance. This detour, Cr monstrous circuit, as the I Richmond writer terms - it, woe necessitated ,by two different considerations: fi rst, because I a flank march of the kind datarinined open is one which is always somewhat hazardous In the face of a vigilant and energetleoppenent; and zecendly,..beeatise , ft was the prime de sidaratnm to open up a water base, oar eau; terminations having been abandoned when -,this move was initiated. This was received' yes Whit ly e H testi, what' tod ay eav y our water tran s . was seadown to H ouse, and portation to reported at that point., I The work of the put three -days has been a steady pressing forward at - our force from Hanovettown to the td, on tbe line leading to : he Chiekab omi n ynd the Virginia Central and Fredericksburg and Richmond Railroad. The;adnume of Gregg's divielon on Batter. day developed the enemy with his entire aunty' , force and a portion of his intim , try covering those roads, and brought on an engagement, which, from the lons on both aides, tank, among thatutiviest cavalry fights of the War. Gregg's division ]oat over three hindred and fifty men and forty *facers, bat during Sunday and yesterday our. Runt has been steadily advancing. Yesterday morning; the Both, found oar line stretched from the PanninkY, itommilately in frenteflisnorer Court Homo while our battle stretched beyond Tolopotsucioy-Creek, about ten miles from the rebel capital. The enemy shawed in our front • line -of battleA and a ekinuish line was formed' by part of;the of Ewell and Hill, Daring yesterday evening skirmishing took place, we "flellagthe‘anemy's Early to the morn ing Strawford's division of Warites Corp,, moved , in rapport of Gm Orifflnls *plaints moving out on ihe road towards Pole Green. Itwas directed by Om. Warren to ,support Orifrin's left as he advanced. L-. The road to Mechanicsville ran along parallel to the road upon which it wu advancing, and was held formerly by the enemy's cavalry and some labotty. Crawford determined to push for tide road, and more, If poseible, and advance toward, lifeebaniesville. - Accordingly, he ordered. Col. Hardin forward with 'the first brigade, directing him to advance to the picket tile his front,• to suppMt It 'closely, and move for Me Meohfaiartlle .road. It was nearly three-guartersof mile - from our ' left flank. • Harden pushed In upon the front of• the enemy's Hue, which he, drove across the road, ectuPying It. Forming- here he was slowly advancing, when the enemy advanced on. kle One of battle direttly on his Link. Crawford rent two regiments to his support, bet the enemy • attacked them `upon both flanks, and finding hie fires fatly eagaged he moved to the AM with his whole divisien.. The enemy haying flanked Ilardea, when he nutted, Crawford hastily throw ioiwerd brigade to hold! the right, end ad vanced ,Colonel Rimben with a - regiment to suport the line the left, but it ins too late and be ordered thelino to fall back to the crest e • kill. Hero be extended it and be. dared'the men to throw up tattersall/meats. Old rails, toss, and whatever wait handy, wire . used, and a breastwork soon prepared, after whieb Fisher's btigadis was thrown serous a ravine en the sight, and nine pieces of ar tillery were planted to sweep the ravine. Hardly were the men in position when the rebels advanced their hoe of battle directly open oar line. Awaiting their coming until they 'tore within one hundred yards, the Pannaylvania Reseries opened a. very heavy fire. The rebel colors were shot down anti WOO not raised again. Whoever had them crawled' Way with them. Twice they rallied their men and advanced. Twice they. were driven back until the men laid down, when' they commenced running hark, and our line marched oat of their works and took seventy visotterit, among them six or seven ofloere. A very large number of the enemy were killed., Among thaaa.:a Colonel, any - oft; eon J0n3400. deedume.- left tyiDg hive:. front fluids of the Ono of skirmishers. Ore.fcrd lost a coneiderablo number of men. Brig. Gen. IlemeCy was left on Abe field se peportad W.11. - Eeht, cf the 6th regiment, was allot thrtmgh the hand. Copt, Worth, of the etb, was also wounded. Col. Tyrrell !skilled. Sore. Thompson, of the 'Bechtel's, who espineelthe battle-flag of the 15th acmes,' at Gettysburg, won wounded and mode pris oner. When the attack was made upon Warren, Hance* woe ordered, at 8 o'clock last even ing, to Shako a diversion in his favor. !The order tees size/cagy executed, and fur a couple of hours a heavy cannonade was kept up on the rebel position by several batteries. This %morning finds oar line In meth - the same fermation L 3 it had yesterday. The Sixth corps, Wright, hold, the right; then the Eiscond,i Ilancloca; then the -Filth, Warren; and then the Math, Burnside,. which holds our lefty The only p ortion of our force thus far engaged-today Is Hancock'e corps, from' whose front I have just returned. The divisions of Itirney on the right and Barlow -on the left, while I remained on the. ground, advanced about six hundred intdAso , nn,lng onemsts first lino ' Whim was 'held by a strong. skirmish force. flimsy captured forty pitmen', who proved to belong I to Breekinridges command.;.' Thereto hardly a doubt, however; that the petition now held by the rebels -in. our front le bat tut advance:o:c, which they will hold as tang is possible for the purpose of gaining time to perfect their defences on the_ Chicks. holiday. ; On that historic; lino it is now frilly expected that we shalt erelong, deliver battid. -I-need not say that in tho ielativo *position of the oppaliag loner ' thie is the only fiald tight ere to hate outside of Rich mond, and that Its ?malt roast deoldo wheiher the rebeleapital can be carried by stoup de main, or erhethar it is destined to become - the *bleat of a ttmemor's, FROM' CAIRO AND BELOW Forrest Reported at Corinth BARI ON SIIERLYS BNB HIND Gen. Canby at-icateluiz Clina Lanai;./utied.—Tio steamer dlloo Donn, nciin MomphL (or Cincinnati, viscid up wiltiaislinn died -bans of cioticttnit The stetiuurruptaxt rismciotortma and into at Wan d-Twtaity-rira, ; Kale caber ti r ai . to Alcmpidi;lha ictui! ". bat Aof Dees teamed %Ili body. tit; P4123'46 4.c.,lyinais, at Mound illii;wilieics'iresS4 to.da7. - tyorrost sropsted ihristri, nisi. 1, lugs number Of WlElez: are, de aertluE. It s 000114 that 'Potted iiteas erioXing ' ald ea Stitrmit'F'; xenr ithg•Vizt7; ll llistialez4s .41:81611iiit overlain tinsaner.ll%. e:Balthaore 7.43onventinn..alarylad).l_4l,aota;-, :Nay Took, iota S.--Ths Ns* York Air. . ' V. money 'tided° 14010 This aonlig'ir OE6II luitraaloili from the - t toratary cilia ... .. . , yrassory to kft. tiled' iniiisiw .iny . xi'tiv 0. vim:v.lla litcl:C.4 fr'nMa thiphritrYloni to six .. iot. -MM., and also to pay at car* the . Jolt' aolitatariat on octiona.- , - . ... . •' L . .., , Th. dispatch slio•..otatts that propoitala for: atom loan 'or ilz par oont hoods, payablo.kr lieli . vill• be limed to-monori , or t ;j40011: tail; =omit Dot shard. ' ~...- .' • .:',.. ~..- " Thefolloatiori sainrancto containa , din Ata' lastrnetions to Mr. Clic* Not De roostrod adth ganatit •caltihretion :' ' 4 ' Yin may contradict most impliallaatly all iatOttiora that lhip Bier ass any pga :unfair farina: . 0a the , tiorArary,. ho .12. gradually • settinlot that: , All silt nolo loniuLave falled . a old vita ta_ lurk =pato Ifith . dzaill.',•:: ,;,' _ ..r.Miir You; Jana 11,...A spotlit Co Uttiltat. York -Onsraccciat, from Washloston, Jane Mr dolt r • It It oadorctoOditind, Bonintgrr .Chisti. boa sot 714 'tally dattrzalna.lo what ahripa -1 basil Om 4 ,41'514? 4 #, Prff'cde4 wi. it 16 1 1. 3.3 ' -. 4 ' i ii ' iYhini t V iii; . "' r *tor ao . o Qn , .rpo . ola priliftlferofEloar•atßalthairtiL - : — r ., . _•'': ' ‘. Maryland It fartientot ia - tarlin'inepbraltda if, Imloppg 'radiant' IC InW•gllomi troll ti f• strattat fAtetikr!Vditlat 4l4l 4 . ' - ' 47% ' ' • ... .. ; :,,,,, _••,-;.t-,..1---XAsefic' R .Ir , A t gi. -.... ••:. l'.-7.71• j: '- r. - .'..i ' , : ye• ....,, c, ..,•-; - ?. , -e- ,- ,: - J - ,..f...,i;N9 , ..:; , ..,.:• , .. , tA: ... - 5,..— , ...,-::..- .0: - .--tA.461.t-,41 'V! BIC . , Sfllll CI!PS plea ON .1110Sijii: 4 , Grant Reinforced by the . Tealk and Eighkenth Corps., - . SEVERIL REGIMENTS IIEGRO TROOPS , -LURED ; AT 16111,14' ROUSE. BreastworKs Carkled by Blrney's •Ditliton. 1111 E0KINBIDGR'S TITOPS TitE Heir. Fat/twee° Cut ofrith Supplies ' ' , - FIGHTNTAR BETHESADA'CHURCH. E.N.4IY DR7I4 ABOUT TWO,VILTS I . • ' Ilebel Column of attack' , Nearlx D.P7 , . Special Disystek totes rittsimrsh Carona. ' - , „, . " YI eras, Sane f,18641: ' ' .. The steamer snitch irtt White Heise yea-: , . , trirdifnemn attired he o to.day. Purees* , acit state that rheavy carinoituling :ITI3 lures& . . Were witontti.. r . lest: .t. ' ''.- -• ' . -.-. , . White ' Reusecavalryman who hid Tuatara:eel* White . Reuse from' the front :stated. Oat the Sixth sups *is engaged, having brought on an eat , gage-ment by a quick movement from lOft , toi The Tentisme Eighteenth aiMie.'corps bar. , . Consolidated and Joined. Grant, and seems I ! , . i _ .regiments of , negre troopri;dethtlesi of Bdt- , Airs comuutUd, were beharlanded at viva 1 House . Whin tbe boat brit. '.. j ',- ti ' The hospital. boats were then takineini the wounded. 'The Wounded . ef ,Tecidall'a" s engagement were on. their way from the froriti but had not'. arrived at, the Whit Howe: .AiStra - auteirerOfrebel prisoners were ors' their _, . Wok' from the front:l ' -- .- - .-i . ifasimaree, - Jene 3.--A dispatch,. frCit. . p atch ,_ from the Army of ' the. Potomae - dated 5 o'clock , Tleday aftemorm, - lap Gen.-Eirricy'Sclivt: Alio advanced' against a hicasttioric hold by . Breekturidge's corps, on the :side of. . the Tolopatamoy creek, on a hgitUmin,encci, every strong position, and one which might have bean eatlly held .against a -vastly sup*) nor:forme. The enemy after firing around Or two, and.seeleg ri determination to take the ' plum, evacuated it entre treated tothesvcods.. Oar Loma was about twenty-five. We, too shoat - filly , prisoners, mostly., belonging to 13ichkittridge's command;: some of whom said they ware is the valley in the fight with 41e n. Sigel, but 44 - not 'fight as ' itabboml7' as they did here. ' The attempt, made is turn ow left last night, and to cut h. off from the White House,' ow new base .of.upplies r aras defeated - With' .eonsidaralfis tau ors both sides.. L: ..': 7 :.' - ,.1: ;,. Wasersozor, Jana 5'...., A. diepatch - from-tha. Army of the Potomac, dated Tuesday rsigbf,' says that on the day before the Fifth corps advanced from /Irmo'. Store. towarde 'Beth... , udi Church, and drove the enemy about two miles, and while our teen were engaged in digging rifle pits, Medea' and Earisy's di-' vlelotts made an attar ls on Warren's right flank, causing lam t.. 0 rat hack trots his fibt line. , The eremytherredrinced aid charged the second line. Ettohin's brigade of heavy: artillery was posted three and opened a bezel , . lire in conjunction withthe batteries on both thinks, which Th ee the rebel colensn of attack. enemisyhe fell back in terrible disorder and left their _dead strut ' wounded behind them; r..,. : - • CONtiIIEgSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. .... . 1719213G.T08, Jeme S.- ; Ifessz.-31r. Ostrom, from. the Committee, on Elections, reported. a resolution alloying mileage and salary to Mr. McHenry, of Ken. Linty, and Mr. Birth , of Missouri, who sm. suomsfully , derogated the taste, of Allesna. Yeamatrandingisp tolho Hale 'the' Routh dimided the, question.. On a °Bon - of Mr. .Wa.thburao the resolu. Hon IT9J tabled-66 to 59. , Mr. Washburn* made a roport: from -tho Committee of Confereoce,pn tilt hill creating additional lespeotarv. of steamboats in -.tho Metoplits collection district:vritich„ woe costa, cursed in. It brings this smaller classes of vermin under the steamboat bill. Mr. Eterens resorted a bill making appro. v4212)111 for sundry civil expondititres. The House passed the piasto bili , amende.i tory of the law granting alternateaeollerns of land to Michigan, to aid in the construction of curtain railroads. . -, ... .. ~..,, The Ifousivrentinto'Cominitioe tin the ta t , ill% The folltitilaff Anattnebbants Were made: Molasser.inade from .tugar- nit fl cents it:L stead 0112 cents per gallon. AU paof the, bill to take affect on the Ist of Inly, toad of from and after that date: ' One of lb provi-! stens of the Naos' section was 61110 did to read es follow' :. That allimitallont of Sandy or spirits, or of wines, Imported by. Milne whatever, shall be subject to the highest rate of duty {as provided lo.r . tho genuine article,' respectively intended iti- be represented,aild in no cams less than $1 per gallon._ ' • ' Jas. 0. Allen moved . to roduca. the dettyAns' , wood recrews, and spoke of tho bonus ', - r blob! was tto hus be glean to a monopoly. , M. Mertill explained that no 4:456 aiiii than is at presen I paid le designed these ar- • Helm and sold the patent is near itsexpi ration. . - ... . z . Me. Mimeo amendment wan redeOted. . - An amendment was oTered taxing Indigo, dye woods and madder thirty. per cent. &d -iatom:3i as the cottont.manufacturers nee these &Miele, free from tax 4 His proposed by this motion' to add' seriral millions per arm= to the twienue. i • •-• Mr. IllotrM" sidd We ititinditent . came from a quarter which would* strike doim gem Menufaotrulag Interest, and &bald mar be adopted.' The amendment wu rejected. • The proviso of the Wool taz section woe &tended en as to read, that wool which shall be increased in value by i : being mated or , qc washed, shal ay, in addition- so the Chafes herein Fort ,, double the =omit of inch duties._ : • • Mr. Breeks :loved to rarties Abe WIT UP , . tapestry Carpets to forty-iii //dciatipet square yard.*: The manufaature in this WM*7 Is la .the han flit of two or throe mix itfacturere.. • .. _ Mr. Morrill replied that 40 to a recent p, clod the American manufacturers did not make o dollar. The tax proposed , by the bill was about right.. 'Mr. Bomb' IMMICILI . * - 441 To; jetted. •' • ' ' I , Mr. Pendleton moved to go Into Committed if the Whole on the i',nlg bill, when -Mr 4 Stevens,-of Pennsylvania at 19.ntinutim-;414 9 o'clock moron to itajostril.- - This w,i canted; Adjourued. 6emiLigT,Seerims.-51r. Washbarno, for thd Cominittee on Commerce, reported a bill Which was passed, suborning the Secretary of the Treater? , to sell the mmtne hospital - and' grounds at Chicago. • -• ", The Inakerpreeteded SO cetnidor the Bank- rapt bill.' i 1 . .. , :. , i,',..,..: ....., Mr. BP4adieN Said.Plailtti.estblect r &Gat be had pretentici a EM as perfini ns conld be roads raiddr the eircamstances, and It Ives milled for liy the best Interests of the *pantry. ,fdr. Stamina hoped that Compels would bane the honor, as well as tie credit of pan.' lag thls•hill, in..order .to ro ll ers anaaany Iron Ipsdagn, . 4 measnri of the kind_vaa•more *Sided la ebb country, when than win .so 'mateytliotaations o than hCelte•ol,i *aid; ?km dumps of trade are lets cessmon.i...., , ; lliestatie , bill to par tirlsobnitiililrei 01, cent on'. the salcs.of harzsgetsitnimdt, irlbldbotiesicl without - tea:at: - 1 `it J' We al d'.F.r liiilr: Reward reputed back from the .1 blase an Commune the bill to emend oafs let to fac‘to coarcerm hitwees the MING!' :Wand P o Stems by eree g ra lqi.;„ l 4 l l l .,.. l 4r, 1 !Leo; with . a amendment. • I, ~_.; ' :,.••0 ..r...,- 's.The Internal Bayonne till was aria ..traang , e j ;asid various - verbal ameadzientir of Ar i ; ./Eitituf wets adopted- -. -'•.•-•• 1.. . ia!T - 'llr. Howe! otrmal va,ione &metal:glen* to. pedant - the nmehinery of awl tp; ; Oa& — lii which snits/ oat the provision for i Cashier sof 100/mar $ l lllllO , Ol a W 1 ,7 ad PB4OO nor annum.' ,. .Thit penalties La the bill were. nits' ineressult , , . 4 ''' '''' ' • :" _ —.-. ." .. , •••• 1 Tkeresioneaitaiiidialiti idoptillihaieiti ( i ergot to tabs the eantral of the Gnernal !int,. ria• one otilta 1,52 #1°X. thoL9Pautilgoikif. .litormill i erannis sus a pmaii Gs the hands of the Badstary, elthe Trpiemsryz: ..Vz..:::.4)./ • Mr. MIX.= ore d the following udicidrotat i , ablehats approvialeGiVelifini Teased alai dam ' 413,4 / not .i *Ms , fitYlirO , i laintylorr nourind,l3 pet tectuaarfr an eligen raised at"ore,: Owen - aa*-mor ever;tlW dollsia ler 'theastiada $l5 dollars per thensiott - on epr...rzat e n it over thUly mute ot over Yr); Are 4 4/ 1 • 1 7P.t as am4;433 'p et/ow:sail , '.2 . e . eleiers_ veleogal.p..m.7.o_ft 11 :=WiiiiI4Aildic itial la' sil' cues la Ow I.44thivgifithir. etsus : . : I •4 l lAtAiliglie.• raillitiVilig 'llk* NW. r 4 W.: 41°1811 ' . a s k M • t •:I ; * . ' '' ' : c" , * :- ->;:-:. - ,..., , ', , :c - ; ~ r's I ', ''' `'''`...:•'..,:':*--',"' ' it ,s-vr;• ;,,-, : J - - . , .., ' '. - ..,--,r's I , •;'' 414-AlitrZ*.!.., C~1~TD;~- Curs It ?Omit Anenrisisg him to oi en Mit ilia, fir widehdte shall pay fifty it s . !pit thefaliogrocaue thereon -the g adettenseet of . the , Aestalant Althea! , of his distriet,pAYlng ten cents therefor.' Myeiy_gtrsort_moltiag. eigess Allrleep nn -lomat, of ,theCeiglitt madobrittni,lheir kind aid quality, =dater- whoza.mtide, and ihall distivortcrthe Assist.„ ant Asia ls" a caP3f thereof bilKtettly • eTholienidly for violation of this act - le llia • • dollars far each day, or imprisonment Doi on reeding thirty dale on 'Gay - ate -ednaletion. The peneity fora false return is $lOO with the eatneimprisournent. An &mew:taint by Mr. Chandler was adopt. ed widek'reises the tax on -chewing tobacca,!:. eaiitaabbe pleg,hzd manufactured mincers of deteriPacas. from "sekl,d , the eters!, been bean' -take); from thir!- , cents, bya.vote of 109 - • - .fdr.Marris =eve r:er the iota hi ' Srbieh the amendment as ted. „.., entitle de imteuensuet;_..... pun tas matted, pond. lug ast e h the Bonet, t.td p. rn.itookareceet,- • Ereniogbatfort—.-Mr. Van:Winkle milled - Sp' the bill to prevent the asonterftitiarof 'tete - Of the United Suites. Pealed.. The eauridarr.tion of the Tarr ' . Mil wag liased,•the question being on:Mr. ,Poweire , ..; Metiers' to reconsider the v ote by , which the tax on chewing tobacco'.trai raiseefremadt, 31 cents. Tho notion Waeitairiedi and the: original: qaution•ieennitig,, , the tax of BS ' Mr. Chandler moved to amend the!gatinta'as amendment taxing finci - entln:linik, per hotel; . , papyri, be. 41 °cute,. and . Meer!. IS: anti , . perpouni: was_agreed to - by,32. tict't Mr. Wilson moved to amend, inereteleirShil Jan. on whisky, $1,28 frets Jaly' to • Citoir.4.-.., - 1864; fl5O !rem October, 1864, - to - Tsnuarh • 1856 and "to $2 Per • gellOw thereafter.:::.-;..A a Wils M on!, amendments Were rejected by gainit . Mr.liondriala meted an amendnientirawi'::• 'Tiding that from, the first ..day,of July4Bs4 - 1 the-Ant , asiy Of Tidy, 1865, the tax =Ms, 'OPleils shall-km one dollar, azidtrpni Viqrna :an% dinar and trey 'ambit Mr. liondricks =attended that the I . ..repentV . . Satires' a Suinotv'end Oppressive tax:up= , :r; 'the corn growing regions -of. the Wait ..where",• • She people ware unable to get their , market, except - ha the form'of whiskey. *— The amendment, was rejected by a 90tal-e1. ,, . Ioto2l :: kite Benafe,i4l.o , . Few York lita.ikep,, ' Nwar Teas, June 3:;;-.0..Ottim sinlei ',Mina derfaed - change. Siam—Stateandifeetern be better and lie . • geed demand, 57,00313- fur Extra State, 38,25 for'.,,; ' • .8 . 11. 0. Waisky attire and firmer; .51,3031310 -..: ' ''• _ 1,11 for Wetterm• :Wheat satire for Chicano. 4ringli.. 2. .1... tC l 3 ad l , We k :n w e I m ti .l.liCe rknreCa a ll b a ; d ' ma cr a ly or t3ilei, -‘, : . Het'llLtad Wetern3l.l3- 0o; gccdaraeri,-I''(ate active end do:Hoar higher; 93329 1 far, al ~....- . tree, te arrive.. Wm.l - 4telet net arm. ' feltramm a i..'„, • abide _ l . Oll . .-PiO-MadallGelTrectlie and - 'hichirri`' `.- $30,3031 fir kers, 130 her Old da.:l33 . Pivev"•;7l ,-"," 1 ' en . rof d tgew dm; 12.1;0132-7,53 roe Oki and Kew kiiimae:-...i.,-. • . , 3323.32,6 n .for -Prime Herr. - limf mato net re , .._, &Ad! bleier; 03,10313 for -11 ma, f.Ble , for - Primal , 1 .410,60310,10 for Belmaked fileas,E l 3, o i!a4= fir Saini'''''''' Mesa. - Prime' Meat Let arm. tint lamina ladle ~,:..., firmer, at.11%311% , Lard fireer' at 11 8160; . ~,.._.-... flatter dolleAlateehadamastre, at lii3ioo. , ' ' • ."I''.. - ', _, . . •" - Phlllutelphla Marker. ' ,- ' •...,- .. , Penman-ram; June 3.=The aiirearallo carniia..., , ,,. tilts at amen was cheerful ;maritime Snore Mag. — 1 The Flour market was Arm rk,d-4 , 40 bide werlarasf," -; 'i'. at 47 , 37 3(11r4 76 fur ;atm.. mid 37.75617 :fe10r - Ex,1...' . ' - :' :. traiamdy:. Iticelgts light... There man anaagsitt. - . Rye irp.arprtorial2fia.l,T 4 ens is mo*delpsfiet 11.1'.. , -. , ! - 1 • SS host and 330 bath; Red cold at 31.331,83; atva.',7' . .;? White 'at no: .117e,..comarates, 51.10. Lawn -:la .': 7 ' _ Atelier and 3 e.higlver;,-30,000:fmh-Tet ow' wad a t: '. , :.7. 111,131 ' Oata arc, ste ady a, P6g,i33, - Bark lowa,: ."- Tanned' to .141;60. ''.- Clnveresed i. newly at 00 . 33 8 -- 7';' ,, ' . : . MAO. '; Sr proTl:l6rut amok la a One foglog. , Wit!.ky),... in `rt./I:gold; smell tale of -,, DWI; at 01,3231 .... Bales ,of Laaanang ;4 • 4.1,..ki .Corn Vinegar ' at 1 0 6.13e"'j'' :-..,„ 1 . , StoCk ' t6iii ' mancy nititit, -.-.:: 4' -; • • . . . ,...-...-.,-.,, . Ns/ ,Vass, Twee 3. , ;-11oney stradj . at 3 firi.oente,.. - :t. Cold 'srithast detldet change,' bpriang at 14K, +.1 .4 ::.1 Goverament ;stake steady; 5-101 cidip001,104.24.,1 1 : z Seoyhe tamer: .. :' I You condieum-.-V83491t0di0i;.",,,i.U.,1•-,-..-,;,-* ..1 Comb; cb0............, 815. i tfarien.....„.—..."43 . i.,' "ce.i . . , Paella 1ia11.,..X, - - 037 at 0. - a P. _ .' ' '1.1.1 Vow 'fork Oettnel.-1314., Cf,'5rfka........ * 1.11. Sale-1.4.......4.„.'...i.a11jg e.rt; W. tr. t 1.,;...... ato ~,...;.: xiwuctm..4..;...;:...t.-al; - .- •. -. ~. , . ...:., ;,. :.tp,',.„::,_ I * r i i iiiisi,j!4o;,..ater.t...t.Z47:,...Z, TaZ4l4 . L . t R J R«.....,. - .9S ; g i retha k' 4« - : - 4! ~.."1i0ga..L...i.- IDipxore.4 asza—E W E ! c hamc. (2-21 i 'Sq , , . - Clocitnatt xarke; . :.. ;,•:''. - ; 7 ! .--.. ' -.' L ' ', •- ' ;,7 thiretaxarr, Jame 3.—Sionr unchanged avid thadif, -, '''' --r, mend light, but the hoiden, are few at 36,36,73 for -;,,,......, '' Superfine._ Wheat in g - 44. dviemeakieed the .grie4i , -- -, friner i Wei' it pato trchkeia tea at 8 1 ,6 0 . Gnu I. ' . higher; for Shelled 51,173 l,18; 'E dr.li at 51,10;".11 ~ vate.ate....ll3a. .nomineLy , Theri it no demand - 02 r ', '7 , . 3 W1 , 9 1 Whit l 3- 11 ;ad.Y. at Fl So. Thera hia. grara-:' goad-', dimaad for Stenircrk ;,oOrs of 2,00) hb!s.st $34, Nti....-', at the date bolder, mked higher Vies.. 130 a aldat,- ~.....; in grad -dimmed It 33‘..; Lard , te hild as .11M, WC ''. -Dopera' 'Ter 134... caflim,,te inwer.Liozgarsaa atoi , , , r •.=•'.,_. Skid ozho. esurllited, • app..:l - rmOtrr. ° ;.Itt,inici iini-140.11' btaccunt eadpac:::: is .: ~... ',:c i ; . ..claciag&maiket. • . . tberceae.Jansb.:,—lticeat 'Wriceit 's l eet/7 i 441,1,1 tit '15 1 ."3 1 P4%. for Val. 5LY001.26 , , , ,t , Tor; Ne. Oone gal.t and dcallned - .1%5 . 20.7. eat. eo 151,1401;IY• for lio. - 1 ; _841.16t,11% for c.e.Y- Oafs bra( as 7..tti v 70%. Hea l er nos anti and declined lc; sates vgi ~ept,zax Perk. tram fer Pria;ie :blass,,au dfralgble ace .1d request,. Lard 13%q1.c%e, 5 t enClorn &vines-10.000 bbls Floss,. 0;000- btub""- 1.1.29,1X9 blab 0411,18,0001mah ads' ' - , B aiyawati , ;.4o;ooo bbve YLur, 25503 bash V7lcrit: bosh Core, ;Loa bash .oau:.` : • Oege . Oesneio,ifs:y I, :ti'lent . lttter., Wheat . qaterft' . .. 51,60 for 17- attern".Bprlaglnrlticti is wanted./ of rho • v 17dilita, bat 'Cordial:tea -scarce: Core LI:4114 Old is bold low in. atom • Oita _arm an* valet, aed ?Oat lay; .70 bash : Carnelian =l;r , . Canal ;Freebie doll and .tracbanyed.....Flettr4.7o • t 43e. Wheats:ad Ptia 00, Lets ea In New Tort , - - • Ito reciblpti by the Lakes. . . . Canal Exyctt. e .— . 4 , 710-1 41a.flear;184,itIO . ;1.. ; St. Loom Market. " • 80. Loing, Julia .9 ...-YlotEilnaiederets 47,76;38, tingle X $6 EMI. cliVEntat active = sad area bayersl,Chotee 5 1 . 75 ftt 70, strictly 81.6,t01.70.. thstainicti re at We. brogans doing NYwer i34rier Oorndall anddraoping I - Choice " - ley 11,23 a NYAlta S/,25, nixed 111,12. ; . • -;16 - rNTERs. -•- • mftwis.• — •,3l.Fni:gaii.e.: • .I. • yy~lyAndeisaa, M. • ...WOa/kite 1. The rivit.la stll4raatelhtiiiteitai',lit ••• iitittiabmit tope, Sri Mt 'What .17 theStree Marke l ca 4 fotr . .fret milted au!Vilals gain: The weatietrecoatiattes akar 'mai ;Imm:it. • Shen Iris beta no anirsia ilheeMecinutlet from Ehe rhMar packets. The Dilaware,4om Zane.'. • rie, era at Glaie Mame hve at ealog, VeM fleabtleat be toted at the trhsil this tiorptee • Tb. Myer Anaemia; faeCtacthitail sad the lea, for Imutholle, Mind lilt maize lb° latter' •`•••••• heat Lott hers with • B.6lt.trlp, likaaditiett to Itha had • ci.exiderable qot at lumber . . Tikllii l74 thitdon.,toi riff 'salmi Horneet'Sarij: , yesterday efterncca, after tacit: na tilers slam* twenty•font bonra. T. Mittens :tarred the Eatin- • . sir: of eanni.iat bar freight and thin sneceeditd • - , Nabob twist. The Leonidas snit Ontario were • detained st the time place, bat anteceded is betting • , crier mil bock nvieb dialculty.; • • • • -.:•: 011.4 Tllghlwid Cider and Cbcrelee, ern - Wed lb lease Cletirdistt for Oda oaf Thai"- : duornd the Ju D. 'Gilmore, argot,. front Weekly, t •billt TAMA 'arrived at Cineinnatl Wednesday. : • . • • • ..estiding hi their: robseriptlonn Lithe ; . . • !: toad of BanlbuT the rbolOtb ofJnai i , t F 1 Ibis .1:1 tinieto , oonipoto fiprize Lug. •C t pt : i s It 0 Grey istbalrman of the committee., • • s. , This nnstto'of ths boy who plebs:l l p the &bib threw It esti - bond 'from UN tri t 'vbsa, Cu Gnus 4,, Mississippi tinseled %Wit Ttiblta /gind, obtsi Oopenalinner..: He belongs la Bibby. abould be tpsle.mbakely . rewarded A,r, us sant, Ijitit &ISO' suid trrb - titt.t. packfti. :,:kt.m.t.,;,d, ter. oipc•iv panne t• .n.r.tom 4.1,10 s,r estrir; sti *ld Loblerlife'llierraalat • Bertha tan saperfor sorointoodirilotie Aurelius anCis toe bstgwotrwt•otat and Mr D Retitle, Li tboolert.'• • • .. . .Ttleiridl•ltSown end reliable Chin P deiCapt. Time tr. Pak anvil' brawn bfcard: In t /0t 1 1 : 11411,1 • 1 1't.:'Ir• 'al unlit: ta r jr s brtilP;l , • t sz .be windy to lam Car atlittatintlasibirallse:' sibs tih .....1Bc• Eg. badmen, nresDeni bap. Ls a dbIDWWaiTtP 4 . • frau hip. I ' • • • •••••-.: 1 • - _ :-...:,••••.,;• t!'fililanTED,S i:* " , , . .. : ',.;,.. . r , ..* l4lS F* 4ll.lliiiltt.- elVnaqtds.Y•v6il,44-; •. . ' ' --! Jaw liibylr. De. l iowad. 41 thos.ita Praitl. •,- :: ' ... ' .'..—.' giNteiarely qiisaue. 13a4Dxgx :ii wan's,- ~lv* c.:l;th,i, [ .. , niiiißD rie a fe. Aneahlzy-cloom nom. Ansuaing.aoz.srui.szcip, . - 4 ...... . Ile* gm tak.p.9 l i:e.,r4.,4inaiciaii .. ~.. ,-, •Maigil . _ ,itli ikixiializzsivtam.rorin s a. ex: - ~ •.1 ~....., ~.. . set otaispiriesticill:Oteaiiii fitgatlers ii): • I' . '" l^ ') ii 7.1 • ft , giv.q4A1b0,? . .. , : . 1 ; ,::. ;;;_.;,:.. •:,. ::.. :: .. : ...:,.,-.... 1 . .,... ;,.., apxsom—kii. hiiiito doming:. toyetzt - . 1- , ; •,',""*„' ciairr; A* egatiptiNviattattillitcwimmtg :,:'-'...::" •r`T "- 3.4 rs ham 1 i taitli. ,, ;': , ." , '•'!;-. , -,- • - ... ' ' • ...'",.' ...-7/*fillut 1 - ki it il A . ' ..- iiialiejf : .: l .;.i '• ::-...,,, Lailiatsid Ito . 11,4§4.4.,5pq.- . 4 . 4* . m0.ra,..3 ;;;:c '.: \,.:::: = "1.1416.1"1, e °14 : 7 ,PW 2,1 P 5 ''. -'. ,— ,. 1 su.t. - i 11 -.... :.:f . • . ..: , ..—.. ' ~.-....--. . ::'. '.:.''.::-. ,1 • s-y-vtoicame noniti:itiffirilaiti; 4 - „i1;:lt . 1-7 . .. 7 .- i . AO . 10,1 ha. ." "V All 11 .' ,c., : .3 “ ' • . = . . : ". -....- ... ‘1,......_...._ 1 3. •, _f_yucr, tilinifix,4l;44-jililit4fif : -, ',, . • r ael . 7i 4 V l 47valelaxty,.4 ti.. 1,6,, lamositti....,,, • :: .: ' -... ;....,:"-• e. 27 14 1 1901 j vtroa• I, i_iultvut '', '6 .i. sx.f•:.*r :. '-i.. F'-' '.'`.,;::;;;' , .7...‘,-": F. 810 %. ,eled tow n !., , e7-..----, 1 !!':. sicsoffiliaisu.. .501i,0 1 ,24, , ..i.-1:1;: ‘ -i. ,, l ~. iii*fitil: Ites t b.' If-;44.11*.:72,..4;Vi.ag;..-T,-- 5•+• ,: : . .„•t - .• .1 4 , .4.,`. -4- • •• ',,,. :-::' -.. fi. , ..; * .:... , -'. ~-,f,.:. ~-;%,,P4.1iV,..,ir•V. ~..,•1:, ~,,,, ....,,, ..,.... r.. , , ,. . ‘,. e! ..-- ~: • • -., . ..-.. ,t-r,.4::::•84:5...0 ~.!.f4 , , 74' 1 ... ... ,' - ...:',:::.?::::gL,.'2.; 1"..!':" . .A;• - •1'? , :;' . L' ..--, -. , • - L ::: .•"- ; ;:..‘ i'. 7 1."4!,.. : ~,:, > . MEE= E5l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers