..11 110 •4 I i isnzera, SAIIIS!:Ay ii(IRSIIML=:NIAY 28 1884 ' ' .1423Via11TISI NG NJITES I . , 3 MI Ml■ t.h.• • • . . liqr I% tqr 1 tqr iv 1 667 i% •qr -. On 1ing..... 01 76: 4° ls ' $ $ 8 TT* 4/0“6........- 1 - 337° 1 ti ntioaar9..... '.14 0 DI Nit 1an....- I 90 11 5 ' .761,9 2194441,...... 42 0 130 . .... 0w...a -- 250 r4 O 170 95 44 45 i Two 144nIcs—. 466 260' 290-1 70 145 115 .61494 grwats - 6 00 2 4 40 .2 20 200 1 10 es. rsousb— 740 4 0 , 6 031.2 10 2 2 E 04 1 15 21046ada1ki.... 11 25 409 7141 4CO 3 7" 200 1901 , 9114 4 1 1 66 19 76 7MI 9 15 , 470 4 2 5 931, a4544•41144*"40 ~75,11 le 13 SI 00 0 9, 4 t 0 ..3104: insaatu-1 - 47 00.16 6ii 49 (0 Is 301 900 2.10 Os•Yrtr.--;31 02;12 0910. 23 12 40110 70 o'4 driAIf4IIABLII ADTERTIBII7IB To, ais..moare, di.itable; one tem tha limehil.tetaslnesiof Allllll%O. t4Tarilloine Ma fa islet prop• 3 %Mel • la ',vet's,. week week. • skintt/ , .--- 2 973 1 , 00 i 1 4 7 ,, 1 300 M roosalll... 17 2. 11 45/ i4O aCO Iz Is' Zuths— —1 '2l 1.0 10 (1. 15 75 10 e.O 9111111zr.:."..--. 10 04 "i.OO 24 50 14 111/ ma=iisable the abova ;Atm: tkaot MT7lsg7; taotkep—.. 75 ilmeabad adtertisateente, par Oo MmiCittozs . aiLdaalaistrators'aolicea...... 2 76 ATI AND SUBURBAN, dienispatConfarenee if the 111.E.Ch arch. . . TNIMIT-71111ti DAY. i forge anseniat of business , i not of general 'llltinest, was transacted. -, Tha report of the Committee on Episcopacy "reelslnn tip. The Item relative to amend %agile, Discipline so as to provide that the Illislien .shall 111 the appointments of the prientilie, with theVico of the Presiding . illiers," was . reported adverts/7, The Pro dding Elde', therefore, simply remain ad whim in the inakingefappoiqtments,es hone. tefom. , Thefollowing.resoluthen wits adopted : . aerehrel,. lilt when -.superannuated end lid preaotnes areemployed in the pastoral iiotir,'the law-of limitation applies to them, skid - that the limitatios cite:l,th* appointing phwinaPplies to the Presiding Elders as well At to the-Bishop. The important eubjeot of dividing the whohreharch Into Episcopal. districts was re parted,back ;without agy resommendation of &tempi. -The report of the Committee on Itiseran cy Was then taken up. The restoration of. the Supernumerary . ... retitle' was recommended, and 'the I noommendetios adopted. The memorial. of the Ladles' Rome Mieslenar Noddy of Ciattinnati, asking that the preach er stationedin their mirk limed be exempted from the Ihnitatioit in regard , to Ministerial terries wan favorably acted upon, and the Disaipilie emendedadoefdingly. The report of the. Committee on Revivals was 'text in order. The part of the report in reference to the - order ref palate worship was passed. The &images el -the order are very slight. The Lord's 'Prayer. Is-always to be used at the oleientihe epenbg prayer, and the people are to join audibly In the some with the litialear. 'A linen from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament is required in thii morning service. 'Amenity! the Ritual is invariably le be regarded. Is was ordered that one of more is each *hatch be selected to lead the flinging_ If `was also ordered that upon a minister naming from the Church SMath and desiriag to join the AL E. Church, he is required to give assisfectory asststancs to an Annual or Quarterly.Cortferenee °this loyalty to the Ra tional Government, and his hearty enteral of eke call slavery doctrine of the Church. Ray. Bishop" Bakerwas ussoiated - with the Ootetaltice authorised to edit the Diniptir.o. It Is made the do;; of the minister to ro wed alt marriages and baptism., and to make Unwisely report. .f all whe have been re adied tato the church sr expelled ; Mao, the manta of those who hive teen received or dismiseed \by serrilloato sod of those who have died or withdrawn from the church. The Bev. Stilton Janes now arose and s mt.:A this he held in his hand aortae to be procuted to;the eldest 'stainer now a member of the Gwent . Confeream, from Peter D. Myers, of thiselty, It contains this inscription ..• "Made from one of the rafters if the cad Mining left to Willie= street, New York, whore the Metho dists worshipped before they removed to Wesley Chapol o John attest, Row York. Pre sented to--- , - - , May, 180-f." downlink 6 the hest informed. he had been aide t r ip °teeth, the Bev. and Venerable Geo. Peek, of Wycsoing, had performed forth. longest period effective acrylcein the Chwith. That-mentlerake name foriverdand received the owe hi i rery neat address, thankingGed for along. We, and the dower fertile memento palm nein associations. Rev: „13.1). - Brown editor elect of the Pa. 694 Chriside Arrene:i., presented his rosig iwideoWerbleit WAS actelpted, - Retr.v•Dr. 4 T: T. Peek, editor elect of the Nortiiiir Oriltlan /incase, tendered - his res ignation; ...bleb was sroetived. lie prefers, to reenlist* California.. ' ," • . Ear. R. fl. Benson of California, was *tinted editor of the P.4fit ariariele Advocate. Genfareacte . adjeurned ° with the Doxology and Berea! edlon from Rev. Bishop Clark. Draft In the 234 blettlet...— Oa Thursday, the ai day of June, a draft 'Ell somminee for the balanba of the foie re maining quotas wbieh are yet deficient. The fallowing are the sub,distrlots and the num bins t• be drafted, in order to make up the set detaleney of the entire district, which at pretest is . la many eals-districla the coedits exceeded Magmas quotas. These credits In excess were espitably distributed among those deficient, sad in this siay.tirreral. sub-dietrtats, which ...had small deficiencies, ,were cleared of the draft, Middle 'deicits.ef the other* proper. lisaatali Midges& The m0'4104.113E8 In ea , ;011111118/11 (milted with the amount, relate those la armareare charded With the number thus bred to the*. In no other way ocutid the sot quota of the district be equitably arrived at. , The Mimi fifty per cant. to cover clamp aisle will ha, added to. these numbers.. • The aesidementent. credit. for veletteers will be 410111311161 . 4 sotwltludandlng the draft. it • dd do do 44 OE do .. do . 01414 /0 1111•04011444t0vr0h1p.....--.----. I Nadir - • do 11 Sworn E. SI 303 Stissesildlazectebterg—,..4.....—•••—•—• a 1/1611•41 - alisma. aa dis 11 *Mali di 'Maid de 10 7qu ir. • de 4 - s ta iA 3.4 rr Reim Crook do INidoy " do 10 import • . _ Cries Greenwood's' Lecture 'Theo Twetnre Cep-tattoo of the Sanitary . Fair kart. deternined.to. giro to o ihort and breastMinn* -of ,- popular . liottmar. For - . • _ Menlo awning they anitortaes' the name of • OlitZi!po4:llri InkthonSis elan winisiATAlrtittiWith.plessar• by 0101 Wet ofnate-linit-thiro 'Th. Zia: lin native of Western Paintiyirsali; but for some years • riaterl'ln e*lting- the Tong fiVds-4,,littio paper that hrightent wan* a famitretrate to chi load. . The snyiaat of !tier I•oture : "tight* In 6e We ontr—t_stiblact width isopoms. handle Uttar, - pethaps; than one of - -the ethos sar..." That alt may beat' this lectatei its pi" har been Arse at, 15 .eantr.. The teeter' irdi he dailiate at Tittpotto tfait on The entire prom:tea of the tentntegolet the landa.of. the Growl IYit'BITER WANTED Fled uswqapor eomp,sissi is wanted lit elliefaiisatailay. .Wags?, 40 emits por Gan tte.e.Enee; . - *Yentas 'terminate, the IMMO ingssaistaat r !trio Ilea dem ru. Per ikteiwOki tldi lady tie bean draw• . tht.Leod tioasas, sad L baoam!vg a favorite abartatan. axceltaat Bataedal alight bull aallimaucad. ' lsoatracii _ VTOnig.—Wo axe; *wed to tee Oil; oat ertricl Clue, Coats bar .4Poluid. it,* tar ths yds of his *Varatakes sadJapaw, Sibs' also tas,essottlumit ni -Yates, Brutes; Artists' ~chists, efo., 04's ;psi st Wcisd MOS: ' - : • • sanitary COMMittee—elnefal newt sC the General Agent. To TOL BLITZAZT COYSIFIZZZ or Bare. LC[oE—Gentlemen :—ln obedience to(yoar appeifftmerat I proceeded to the city of WIZ, iagton on the 15th day of May for theitur pose of inquiring after and ministering a the itch and wounded soldiers of 'Wetter. Penn iyivania. Oa my arrival in Washington I found . the task to be much more difficia:t even than I had anticipated. Oar men aro scatter el ever more than twenty hospitele, cod it it seldom that more than two of them oats be found in the came ward, so that much time has to be spent in collecting the names. I travelled en hour and a half through Hare wood Hospital in search of ono man. I availed myself, however, of the asitiatence of the Pennsylvania Snag Agency in the National Metropolis. and was enabled to rend lists of cur tick and wounded, which, although very imperfect, were as complete as could be ex. putted under the circamatuices, as soldiers were being transferred, and bieught into the hospitals once or twice each day. These Hots, both printed and in manuscript, I hope you received. Having aecompliabod all that could be ;tut then aceomplished, I 'mate to l'rederieksbarg so the Mole of last week. Oa my arrival, I was put eompletelj Sere dee camera, having had to march abont twelve miles in a broiling sun, and carry my baggage at the same time. As soon as I was able, larwovor, I prosecuted my minion in accordeace with the iustrut, liens given. Hare the difficulties aro more insurmountable than is Washington - . I think I can lately say that the hospitals can be counted bore by the hundred. . All the churches in the city—many of the rebel dwellings, and a largo number of stores and warehouses have limns set apart for hospital purposes. To visit the tithe of them and ascertain the names of the inmates would be a work of a month for ono person. Bat if it were in my power I wouldnet leave a wound ed mon here longer than be could bo trano ported to a more healthy atmosphere. Just Imagine one, two, or three deceit of mea thrown into a corner grocery store of very email dimensions, and etrawa over the leer without nay bids to He upon, and you will hare a perfect parrs of nearly the cue-half of the seven or eight theitand men that ore here at present. The various Rolle Associations and Com missions are doing everything in their power to supply the wants and alleviate the suffer ings of those bravo men who have periled sheir lives In their country's defence. Of course the Sanitary Commission la the groat Institution. It Ita, more ample resources then any other, and greater futilities for transpor tation. _ No lees than twenty•flve four-horse wagons arrived bare yesterday from Belle Biala well laden .with everything necessary for hospl tale both in the town and ea the kid. Fxsd toksbarg is the headquarters of the Auxiliary Belief Corps fer-the Army of the Potemso. Beery physician who has charge of a hospital can make a requisition for whatever is need, od and hie order is immediately filed. It is almost incredible the amount of emus that are inned is &single day. I was curious enough to note down a few of the items which the Commission distriluttos. The fol. lowing in only a very few of them: Crutches, vegetable soup, bumf and vegetables, farina, condensed milk, concentrated extract of cof fee, freeh turkey (In cansdtotentoes, pieties, eggs (m large numbersd rout turkey, fens, pocket handkerchiefs, chloride of lime, oranges, lemons, lee, shirts, drawers, sponges, wash. basins, pillows, pad., medico, choco late, Indio rubber cushions, lint, bandages, ginger, cheats,:sites, whisky and brandy. I base not emraced in this many nitieles of the utmost utility, and which, perhisps ' would never occur to hundreds who take thedsenest interest In our soldiers. Botween thirty and forty wagons are in constant rsqursitient. Two steamers and two barge. are running almost avoty day batwaae, W►rbiogwa and Bello Plane, and one swam , cr gees regularly up James river. There are about 210 agents permanently employed in affording relief. At protim, the Sanitaryleinio2 has as abundaace of stores to meat all domande. This it very providential, as several of the other Comstimione have re:wooly anything oa hand. If, gentlemen, you will only bring your powers of calculation to bear upon the state meets given above, you will see at once that it will noire more to supply the itercheutos of the Sanitary •ommle:ies, than to give a Dew stock in trade to a corner apple stand. The amount of stores issued far exceeds the sales of some of the largest warehouses in she country. Think of bow much it will re quire to keep the vast machinery is motion. You can easily calculate the musing cost of about forty wagons and tire steamers. The stores they carry ace not Co sassily ealrulated. The •tawmente, however, far the trntb of which ample evidence can be produced, are iuffielent to satisfy all that the Sanitary Commission has not more leads than it needs, and even if it had, it will seed hundreds of thousands to provide artificial limbs for those whe have lost legs and arms in the defence of their codutry's Mere battles have to be fought : more rap. plies and . nurses will he needed. Let ear pimple be prepared to meet every emergency. Jost now aunts to the battle field Is impos sible, and esthete are nurses and aupplies in abundance, both there and here, and one base of Supplies will, in all probability, use his shifted, I may soon return to Washington, Of some 01110 f C021 , 41111511t point, await your orders and the. developments of impending battles. It ie-my opinion that a mere glance at the operations of the COmmission woald convince the mint skopticel of its importance. Sant terity it it far ahead of any other institution that I known!. Everywhere I want ,the sol diers said, "If there era any of the Sanitary; boys abont, we will protein Thom from the guerrillas " I think I have seen landrids of officers and men on their way to their regi ments, and friends boats:igniter their nla (tree, furnished with :board, at lodging,. or both, by the Commission. •n Otter, who is now being supplied at my left, says, "the Sanitary Commission LI a glorioas institu tion." I am under many obligations to John 11. Douglas, M. D., Chief of the Medical. De partment of the Commission, Pruitt B. Fay, IN., Superintendent of the Auxiliary Corp', ilea J. W. Johnston, Eeq.,-Chief of the Yield Relief Corps, fsemany courtesies entended,to .me. - • . It li to he boped,thiltrile approaching rats wilt ao riplarash thafdEers of the Committee that It will be &Moto supply the demands that will aeon be made upon IL. I am, gentlemen, yoursi Gracia. Anti/. Pr.dorlakrbsug, May 23,186 E • Dunn, ro Parnmaccootaa.-4olut Marko, 2.„ LJth PV, boiled ow the 20th of May dlod oa tho leth. • NSSMaiI=M;I Elcarerraze—The &Dewing W. 1 b .petal at Ireedqicksbnra : Jerome 17.1[1119th; Tied thtab. W Bbakelar, 0, MM. tletab;neale Dalens Rowe, Sergeant,B 189th, WO, tleah. W RlOlftlan,'D, 799th, boat I.gs, /Walt tluDantet, r, 179th, left Inner. A II Clear, 0, 19th. coat Iran left C.O. . D B Alittander, A, leTtb, eget fay 40 .?.tt. J H Btonerr. A, IMtle, loft Md. nos A Templeient,;o.- =ilk east lettleg. D Ognahan. )38th. (CODirls. 0, Llrith, Bigot Psolet.o. T, .02d, left knee. The. Dotage., Jr, E. 1.0”, Lott thlgle. , -Eluw 1,3031 thigh. 11..3 Stra7, 11. 3024, rightgna attiputattel. Art.L6/ D.Dov, D, 681, le e nada. Teter, itmolg.r, E, 63d. thigh ouplanD.—At this week's examination In Duff 's hieroantlle Collage, Pittsburgh, Joseph P. loath, Pittsburgh, Pat John L. Gny, Galllpolts, Ohio; G. P. Ickes, Gt. Claire rine, Pa.; Joka. L.. Gullet:, Allegheny eityi Pe.; -John W. Halliday, Nowak, Ohio; Wm. I_ Hubert", Washington, Pa. all of - whom pissed an honorable exultation, were awarded the Diploma elk the College, and,whe will no do doubt hereafter do credit to them selves and their yoreepters by their prof:Nancy In businesi. Lau? Paccss....ltr. J. W. Pittook. Yin street, oppoe tO h. Post Ogee, hu tselitaad Ilarpaei Weakly, Doctorates !Augusta& Hews, Ltdapendant, .Waaarlay Hamitic, thr Rcaad Tabte, Machu'. Tradao. Now Xork Malawi Sunday Heronry, Nap' Nattoz, Lodgar and Weekly Herald, Trapani', Virotld sad Thus. Jaat atia--call and pra t:axe aeapply. • ' Punt -Nrritcs —Tn. atm orgaultailea of tbe. Church of Jeans Child of Letter, Day zueeteveryi,3ebbath et their ball; Over the Internal. novenutr °Met, Fourth street, 'between-Wood Serricaat hell. past ton- a. D. elitd . . p. au The public are invited to attend, . - . Tan V&I.111111411 DoOss - to .be sold by- sato. logos thls evening at AtortwataVa AUCtIOn ROOll5ll, are now open to examination . on the ecoand door, 84 Bitth street, Catalogs/et Rrorrara or...rep jo,rra..o..—.llo*Per'S Weekly and.Pronk LoaliVo Newspaper for Oily wash, to be had - at Frank quo's. Sawa Depot, Okronizto Sal Wing; Fifth street. TAAIEITO74I.II thn Ataaarinas fat Jam) and an, the papsra 'far . thin, war.k eau by Lad at -PranWC"e g •r ie " rtir)t,r Fifth strut. Pa; r 'uin wrapper - 640r =ailing. • C. Stu. Do:atilt) 148 'Point street, will lit• laud to on batboy cl kis psoginton. . _ The Two Tenn Principle Tho fallowing well written and 'patriotic letter Dom Gen. J. 27 - .Parrfaiaasdli bo road with mach interest by the people of the 23d -District, in which our paper ha: o largo cir culation. The uniform adherence, of the pee pie of the counties which now compose -that district through a period of forty years, and through all the mutations of district bounda ries, to the two terse rule In cong.resiional roprosentation, as to to Clearly shown by Gen. Perri:moo, will strike tho minds of the voteso vary forcibly at this time wgen a strong tilirrt io being made to break-tie upon that Wltla and time-honored usage Brrmin, May 19, 1864. "Wu. FIAEILDfT, EgQ Editor of Batley Arai, ican :—Doar Sir. The 'kind partiality of number of friends hoiing Induced Them to express a desire that I ehould be a candidate for Congress, I have tbought it proper, in declining to be a candidate, to state the reasons whisk influence my judgment. The name of the Eon. Thothas Williams is nein before the people of rids eongressional die trict for re-nomination to the position ho now occupies es our Representative in Congress. Whilst we have no disposition to disparage the merits of others who aspire to a seat in Congress, it may bo tristhfrilly said that Mr. is one of the ablest members of the body, and has rendered efficient and ablo sup port to all the measures of the National Ad ministration. No firmer or truer friend of President Lincoln is to bo found in Congress. And it is well known that no member can exercise so much !influence as the rare whit has experience end screed' in Congress sev eral years. In these times of Our National troubles when the very exietento of the republic, is menaced, and the public mind so intensely occupied with new, from ear Army, now fighting the most sanguinary battles of the War, unnecessary party strife, and especially for nominatierts, should be avoided as far as practicable. Tho greatest questions that ever occupied tho American Congress ' will oacupy•the earn est consideration and labor of the next Con gress. It is therefore eminently the interest of the people that the Representative who has proved able and faithfuLahould he continued and receive the encouraging approbation of his constituency. Would it be regarded fair or just to apply a different rale to Mr. Williams, from that whieh has been applied to all his predeces sor" in the counties of Allegheny, Armstrong and Butler, for nearly half a century. Party usage has invariably given to the faithful Representative a re-election, and to general and well settled hat this rule became that the -Ron. Josiah Coply, who was nominated two years ago by Armstrong county, has magnan imously withdrawn Ms name from thecae's"e as a candidate at this time and advised his friends to eupport Mr. Willi ams. Such adhe rence to well established roles is commenda ble. That portion too of Alleghearconnty, which forms a part of this Congressional dis trict has already rcnotniniited Mr. Williams by acclamation. How ; is it as to former Repratentatives in Congress loom the district now composed of theectuitite 'named t Some forty years ago Robert Orr was elected • and re elected. Since then John Gilmore was elected and re•elect• ed, * Samuel Harrison elected and reelected, Joseph Bufbngton elected and re elected, William Beatty elected and re-elected. Al fred Gilmore elected and re , eleeted, Thomas M. Howe elected and reelected, Barred A. Piarviauce elected and re-elected, Robert McKnight 'dieted and re-elected, Then. Williams has been elected but once. Now why should we make as exception in his wise, and give to him a different record front that of all the other honorable gentleman we have . naractl; or, in other words, would it be right to give him but one term while all the others have bad two torsos 2 Weald it not imply censer° without cruse for it? It 13 well known, too, that we are all, with unsurpassed unnnimity, supporting the re nomination and election of President Lincoln for.a second torn, and I am unable to see hew we can con— sistently,, at the thi.ll. me time, oppose the re nomination of ter Representative in Con geese who has had but , ono torso; end who Is faithfully supporting the some principfas and censures that we 10 Mach admire In the Na tional Administration. Theo suggestions, made in an hiadnass will, I trust, be satisfactory. Very truly yours, Jana N. Puarrarica. ffPECIAL LOCAL. NOTICES Livkan P/ALT, Plata end Oreascental Slue Roofer, artd dealer In Penzeplexhie end Ver. meat Mere of the heat qtrality at foe rate, °thee M Alex. Laugh new the Water Work!, Pittebargh, Pa. Is sr possible that any soldier can 1 , 5 act tbblish es to leave thevolty without • ripply of HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AAP PILLS? Whoever does BO will deeply regrotlt. Theis medicines are tho only certain mire for Bowel Complaints, Fevers, Sores and Scurvy. ilolloway'e KIM and Ointment are noW re , tailed, owing to tbq Mei price" of drugs, ka.,_ at 30 cotta, 75'eente and $l,lO par pot or box. Por esle in Pittabargh by B. 1.. Fahne stock k Oa. For sale at Fukore's dreg store, Fifth stmt., Pittsburgh. For sale also by Geo. A. Redly, Federal street, Allegheny city. Iteuovri:—Satunel Graham h Co., Mer chant Tailors, have removed to 73 Sadao:leld street. We are just receiving cur second supply of spring and summer goods, and would most respectfully invite our friends and the public in general to 07.11111i110 our new stook, hollering it to be one of the finest' stocks of merrohaza tailor goods in the oity. Seely garment warranted to give full tads faction, In both Price and quality. Give no a cell 'before purchasing elsewhere and , judge .for yourselvee. Gamut( IlloCasntira Merchant Tailors, No. 78 Smithfield stivert. G* Din GOO= MINIM and per yard at J: )lash', come d Grua and ?Mb strut:. ♦ snafu, assartanint d Drua Duds at J. rush's, earner of Anal ant Intik struts. Pisa Vassat lioturargact sadllohair Las tut, sbesp, at 1, Flash's, onus of Grans and Pitslstrut!. ' trait:tatty laletersl Skirts at Hi plies, at .T.'llaciet, comer of Grata led lrifth 'traces. Pm' Lavas at 20 and 25 teats per yard, at .1. Vim:6'i, comer of Chas* sad stream. • QM, dress goods, hoop skirts, sum shade*, ka, cheap al lieClalLuid'• Auction Hews, Pitth etpisto. Parra, minding flannels, glaglauss, At., at licOlollond's Shoo Auction Home, IS Neil moue. EPSOM. Norton.—Tim attention of our readers is directed to the brilliant assortment of Boring and ilummer Goods Just reeelvod by oar. friand Mr. John Wafer, No. 1211 Fed eral street, Alleghmy. lib stock comprises a great earloty of Fairy. Trench, English, Bobtail and American Cassimeres and Cloths, and lbw Bilk and Canionero Vesting,,—all of whiob will be pada cep to order in the latest styles and in the !rut manner. A choice se beams of Irjuniihing Goode also on bandana for sale, tigether with a full stock of Reedy Mad. Clathina. well and fashionably made. St)7ll.l' pS il,i39.—The subscriber wishes to inform tbo risadersof the Gasstio that he has again a fall supply of the Asti, celebra ted halt restorer Illessinuor, whore elect hs restoring gray heir to ite original color, pros ecuting hair from Lolling out, removing dandruff, Ito; fairly entithu it to be classed among too guatest mouser of modem .81mou .Totniton,4 role agent, corner of fhidthfuld and Fourth streets, ood 4w Ds. Morirrr, Dentist, Eh. 163 fourth street, botwoen Steltbtold and Giant. ladcaarcenta bald oil by Orating low pri r ees; but as equitable fee will be charged ln,aiory vino, for the lout wistaria, will be weed, and all tba tleao int skill mown to in, gyre rernsancrit mutt. AMU ba applied tal7:l3em ' A IlsoLzoysr) Clough, Col 4 or Bore Throat, whichi might ha ohookoii kj a Idatiall roroe.dy. like “Broro's Bronchial Tr6chea, ' gallowad to program., witty torrolasfa 'or talc by drigalita generally, Owinws and =Togo calls e taken at tfie Omnibus aloe, :fp. 40 Ilen• ;hoot, day or night. All 'orders' feh at the abor• place be,promptly attended to. All calls must • Le paid in advance. Airallnto.—Photograpi Mbiamit at low prices at - Frank - omeg o 0 Store, ehroyeids Band -Lai, ?Ott' etrea Joszta. ittottry ait ga Orme; Emig.. al:ha LT - 13/11.11TARY portion' 14- 0' . be to the T.tr Dandier, after pis o , 4xw:tb.eae except ihcee aoo We ensued In the wart bf dna - Ulm They will please ;mama thlrts from the Ada= of the enannltteite whlrh t;ey tains. Three tfetate via be regaled te the Ohelrm4n of PontalU*!s,b MN. who aril alum al the He., ty the Seetate47. ' 'dulled 111aalt bootee, Ti h Meta tWailipU , can Unbiassed at the Ilisactqw.arairAlleabew, or at the Sanitary wore, en Jfeauth Unit itarlos aro isqsrautto tor then Mantis, and egarZel 14 dim. *law tbeseen,aa tha lintladnotitastYlita gimbal Me atittint bapargl be tin'eby mu* rapaditaL 1 !PP/a • ' ' - , . •-; - THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. Glt ANT'S CAMPAIGN OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES RESULTS OF TRREt WEEKS' MARCUM; AND FIGHTING. The Potomac) Army sixty Miles from its Starting Point. IMPREGNABLE IMPROVISED WORKS -- --- Hancock's Success - on the 12th GRIND RACE OF THE TWO ARMIES Mpottbylvania abandaalcg CROOSING THE NORTH ANNA RIVER HEAVY EUGAGEMERT :ON THE SOOTH'SIOEO liaudsonle Repulse of the Rebels !MELTZER'S BRIGADE CORPILLIENTED Drildiant E.rplell of "limey's Command. REBEL STRONGHOLD CAPTURED Now. Dane of Supplies Opened OUR ADVANCE THREE MILES SOUTH OF THE NonTn.ANNA. THE PRESENT SITUATION. Dlspeteh to the rittaborch ()tacit@ WADI! sssss , Slay 27, 1814 W. Swinton, correspondent of the New York Voce, sends the following dispatch to that paper, dated "Headquarters Army of it., Potomac, South Bala of the North Anna Ricer, Iday 25th, 12 m." After throe weeks of marching and Oghting,.the Army of the Potomac L sixty miles from Its starting point north of the Rapidan, eatery - planted south of the North Anna River, within twenty nee ranee of the objective point which to; three years has been the goal of all the ble.d and straggle of tbia army. The experience •f the two weeks we spent before the lines of Spottsylvani.e, brought the °Deviation that tbst position °mild nut be canted, save by an expenditure of blood out et all proportion so the results of any victory that could be achseved there. 'To hem been able to bring en a dodger, engagement there would undoubtedly have been to cur advan tage, for we had then a front of operations In easy distance frowner proximate base,(llfrod erickaisurg,) while the enemy was et a ling remove from his. Oa thmayelations a, basil, that would IST. ,factually brokan Lea's army would have placed us la a more advantageouti pelltion.for destroying It, is the ratreat that. would have followed. I think It was with tome regret that Gen. Great am evouttaally compelled to abandon the hope of delivering such a battle. Dar by day the commanding General condoned to throw out toward, the loft rith the hope of ororwhelming and brsakipg In the rebel right wing 3 and from cm copying, as are did at Aral, - a lire of two or three wiles north, and en. beading fire or six talks cost of Spottsylvania Court 11. use, we tlnolly cam. to hold the lino, ruct4icg al most due east. from that point, and about fear miles in extant, our left mating at Mu capons: Church. But Joel in proportion aa we stretched to the left, Lea extended Ma right to conform to our line and eatranched himself, till gn►lly he camo to lutes a L'cnt practically impregnable. Nothing, In fact, can be . Imagined more formidable than the Improvised works which each army has loom ed to construct to cover itself withaL A layer of atone logs, breast high, forms the framework on which a thick parapet of earth is thrown up. In front of this lino the timber, for several hundred yards, is felled, making an elaborately interact abattis. imagine one, two or three such lines along the enemy's treat, plant behind each a line of battle, rake eliminated approaches, with a lailsh supply of artillery, apd piers in front of all eeveral lines of ride pits, and you will farm a conception, though still en Inadequate one, of the tank imposed upon the army when it Is proposed to move on the enemy's works. Yet, in several instances, as you know, and as all the world will some day learn with wonder, the Mutations Toler et the Army of the Potomac has pinched victory from these Jaws of hell, and bayoneted an unflinching fonin the very enceinte of his citadel. Advice! from day to day have informed you of the different attempts that were made to entry the enemy's Ones, ancensirely no the right, the centre and the life, of partial sue misses achieved, and of our no few repulses. Of our In . eCelted, 111 most complete - wee un doubtedly that woo by liasoook on th. morn ing of the 12th test , when his corps struck the femora salient on the right of the robed line, and . captund nearly as snare piston, and holding it. Deal:dem °mad w have knewn be advance precisely what Ms u pshot of that attaetwould be, our aasaillog fares, instead of beteg pre pared merely with a view of mules the Fe sitien,would have beer, formed so as to peek success to its eetunquenees, and the whole rebel army might then and there have been doubled op, routed and destroyed. Se snob' goldenepportunity again presented Itself, and after seeking ft in blood-bought repr:els. orinoes oh our right and centre, and after •Inee of SeMe 15,See killed and maimed men bad attested the thoroughness of the effort to se aler* a decisive victory, the heed of the army resolved to force the enemy's abandonment of his lines with the determination of seeking elsewhere the arena fer a now trial of battle. With thin view it was needful, grit of el/, that the army should aommulatis such sups. plias as would allow it to eat loose from its old base, end enable it to idvanco ter enough to open a new and more accessible one. This done it was very certain that by simply mov - - lag en the left of our front we Would so threaten Lee's commenleatiene en to compel him to evacuate hie fortified line. In other words, we would effect a turning movement on the rebel right. Trap to tspectatien f whoathe reliele t on . Prleay, &sutured the Cups of Hancocii, which the day before had boon feeling their extrema left, shifted ever to their:extreme right, Lee began to look out for his On Friday night, Hay 2011, Hancock took up his march and advaucad'due not to Mu. &hyena: Church, and there diverged on . 011015 f the:main roads leading duo south froin - }Tred• loksburg. Ho continued on daring theilight and following day, and an Saturday evening, May 11E, occupied Bowling Green, with . the bead of his column at Milford, distant front the point of starting solute en nines: He met be enerey . on the way. ' The Time night. cm which lialooetataried Leo began to 'withdraw in the daad of attfht at ontealook. a.m. Of y.- On latarday ths rebid arniala.nza laarittn beat Ea thibead-GrLonOtnitt'll:eilqin" <..... mil 'e ~ ~ij•:~.- which was aseigne4 the advance:tip the retreat filed dna contairral. Here than trt•gini the crrord race of the tire. a - mtrr, similar to that whirl they ran from the SS Lldvrr.eae ILI.;:ey11,1 , 410. A glance at Lilo!EDI) will tk.L., us Fhtah has Lb. betact chance. It will ba observed, it the examina tion he trade with en cd , quit4 trpegtapninal snap.in hand, that the rehUt franca; Spettayl- Vattis corns the isir•ct acd bast route lc; d ing centhwecd, nanie!y, the teolgreph reed., with the reads converging on, and radiating from this mitt lice. Oa the other hand IL was a eaccaeity of the propos:ea operations that to should beer end' to the c.stwis It is a recognized maxim, that the por.y exreatiag a Hooking movement orposes his own flank. Such's msooorre in the her.of a vigibct and vigor or op;..baal is 41,4 - kr e dangerous cue. It bad, therefore, to be done hub cautionsly eta by a roots sow. rehat cir cuitous. Lee, ea we brow by exporiecre, is both vigilant and vigorous. The fbrinerquel Ity wag proved by br, promptoots with whitt, ho mat the advance of cur flanking column by a corrtopontlinz movement to the rear. The letter. 11,4 made tosnlfct in unother any the a-ut day. Elancock's cured carps, as wo bare Sian, hod withdrawn during the eight of Friday. Warren's fifth corps tot out early on Saturday morning, following for some distance over the same route as punned by Hancock. About the Name time L• well's corps of the rebel army appears to have fullorrod Longstroet.. In the, Meantime our old position near Spottsylvania is still held. by such portions of our 'rons as the o,ips of Scrarida's ninth and Wright's sixth corcrod.• •At p. m. of Saturday, eLurnsido, who held a petition on the loft of the oth Curpe, withdraw, and the remaining force of robe , chill's Corps) fancuying that Ow nth Corps was also retiring, loft tho work, and came up Cruelly in Wright's front, and attacked. They suocooded in bruiting his skismiek lino in ono place, butt Wright opened a heavy ar tillery tiro upon theta, which chocked their advance. 11111 committed un error in making the attack in front, for had he Grossed the river a little above, be would have struck the right flank of the Ith Corps,uncoveted by the withdrawal of Warren, add would have had en enfilading bra on Wright, which would have been difficult to withstand. I. addition to thLs,.tho assault was made with much persietance, and was probably designed simply to develop our statue' force left. Duriag the night Wright withdrew. 11111 did the same, and the works of Spettsivania ceased to ba the objects of either attack or defense. They remelt now as parts of paral lels that, from the Rapidan up to our present front, stand a. Milani:peat/. Tho two erodes once fairly on the march, their : operations belong to that domain of etratlgy which deals with the movements of armlet out of sight of each other. The rest °beton, goal Is North Anna, north of *bids It was not deemed it all probable that Lyn would make a ;tend From the first, hoirovir, It wet a matter of certainty that the enemy woolid.reaoh It to advnrre of 1211 for, baring poesettilrn, of the telegraph road, be tabved on an intorior . , Oa Saturday the tight of fleacoak bi roe 4- ad at Milford. Tha Fdth corps followed the Becogd over the ear, read [lntl atril.int. Guinea Elation. 914 it diverged to the rizh,, that la westward, cron,d the Mattapon, z. Guinea iiridge, end at 9 p.m. bivouacked no, the Old Academy, having Made a march of llttaen Tao Ninth and Sixth folio ,rd over thz game general Hoes. The next day. Sond,y, the 221, the wag renamed; Warren ere:stag the Ta etriking into the telegreph road, down e h;en the rear of the columns of LongAtterat and Erroll had e. eherlt then before disappeared He heti a ekiraneh milt the enemy's roar ;acrd of earoVy, eon:is:lag of Rorstero. arizad, IbLecuck, adroaciag du> wertward from 2d.iturd avu miles, struck tht Lolagripla at klarti..! Aura. tioud,3'.lmarcit brought uor army forward ao oddiziunal fourtm3n mike, lad within a Scar mils ui (lor lforth Anna. Resmaing our advence to Mentioy morn. log, May na, a march of a for ;hoar. brtneit the he• 4 of cur ‘,..:uton r. neer • the North Anna that cper.tti,,ns frem the domain of Itstein late the tactical question of effectlnj the I.as sago of the river, always • dirdcult.ene wl.su vigorously resist ad, and that it would 1.135 t, :tainted was natural to suppose, f even If the enenfy propered making, a stood on the S..uth Aeon ho woold wish to gait. all the time - possible, In order.. eabablich. L.mrelf well in kb posi tion, and also for the reason that tha North Alm* agr,trtAttiall.iivais Central Railroad, which hate - ItaMS'irrittis — V,ltichil — Clbvelto. of the IL I, be; from coo to three miloe south rof it. ~.„„ • Eros If L. feel that ho would eventually be compelled to sacrifice this im portant tine of coumunlestiou, he would atilt think It was reavuablo to argue the attempt to hold It till all' the rebel detachments llsot have been to the vatic) , should be drawn in. In Lida antizipation ice were not dirop points3, and hot only did he contest the pos tage, but ends ono of his ficlrel.,t assaults, wish the view of crushing that portion of our army that had seal:ceded in ...ring. The lines on which oar sctoy bad bean ad vaccing, brought our columns to the North Anna, near the point at which the Fredericks burg sad Richmond Railroad crosser that stream. Rancech's column, which had the left, amok it lets thou one mile to the west of the railrOad crossing; Warren's column, which, had the right, struck it at Jericho Ford, about four miles higher. By an apposite for tune Warren waaablo to aorta vantage with. outstay resistance, but was savagely assailed on the other side, while Ilaneock hod a fight on the north side for the passago; bat once over he has than far found little to bar his progress. Tee head of. the column of the Fifth corps, Gritat's division leading, reached the. North Anna all 1 p. m. on Monday, and within ten minutes after the time of its arrival began to cress. The river at this 'point is fordable; but has a very rocky bed with preApitens banks, zed the men. bed to wade it waist deep. The rebels eppearnot to have °spott ed that the, passage would be mode so high up stream; and hence had no great force in the immediate vicinity. In fact they had no time to bring up mush force, as the rear of Bill's corps WAS arriving 111:130St at the Bathe with the headof. .Warien's column. Immediately on crossing, Grifte's division was formed in line of battle, the 2d Brigade (fiweitzer's) having tbo advance, while the negroos teak a petition on the left , and Bart lett was held in reserve in the centre of the line.. Cui.er's division formed on the right of Griffin, and Crawford's Ps:nnsylvenia Reserves on his left. Moving rapidly up across an open space of six or eight hued's...eye:4s Grif fin took a position in the woods wheren heavy skirmish line was soon met. As Brit the only rebel troops In the neigh borhood oenslited of MeGlowon'i brigade of Wilcox', divitioit, and Hill's corpi under the command-of Oa. Brown. of the lath Booth Carolina, bat he was preiently relator:red by the ether three brigades of Wilcox', divirion, namely. : atom of Scolee, „Gordon end Thome, while ll:oath's diviacrilaned on to the right of Wilcox's,endlpilionerseay tgat Ilreekeuridge'a division efterwardi came up. The skirmith line, which was MI ear ad renal met, had been easily drivon batik, and the eattiland had taken rip tie position in the wood,, and jnot a:calved orders' to en trench, the aril preparations fer which it was jest taking,.when Griffin's Division, - at 6:15 was furitinsly assailed by the rebel force ,bore eon rated, which suddenly developed in two line, of battle, with a heavy skirmith line in' front. Popov after volley, Luce and 'gap, was poured, in, and the enemy opened front three bacteria e vary heavy cannonade. Griihn'a Division, bow er/7, Wilketfil works, euoaeelapy resisted the attack, and repulsed:it with great slaughter. - Oar men, to fact, served them with the same treatment They had themseive, swoolied in tho numercus attacks which they have been compelled to make, and illuatated afresh the inermati advantage' the . defensive ha la such a country as this; that 5, they lay low, sod erased thrattelve , as weD on allowed. The rebel! approach, and when the whiten of their eye, were .•Isible, we raked their nee with withering Volleys. guiding that be wan gaining nothing and losing very heavily, it appears that the total commander, while continuing to hold three of hie brigades on. Glrian's trot% detached Col. iirowa's Booth Caroling brigodo to afoot a demur and make an assault on the flank. Tho mode In which he Made this rbave from Cal. Brewn himself, who, not ball an hour etorwardo, war a prisoner In talr bud,. Marching by Column up the railroad fur sern• distaame, he wheeled by the tight into lino of beta* . and fall upon Cutler, who, as we hare seen, was formed on the right of tirifiln. ' Gen. - Cutler's division had aid „vat gotten into position, when Oen. Brown •attacked with much vigor. Its left gave way, and tho whole command wan considerably broken and thrown foto much confusion. This, of course, uncovered the right of Grldlea line, held. as we have aeon, by Ayres' brigade, p;popthg him iniminent - danger of having hit pooh turned. The tight won " nonfood somewhat, and Gem throw fez wsrd .throe regimento of Bartletes Andrade; which 'arrived just - in time to 'aro hisczporodCan't from being Maned, and tho .li-oitablistusiont of bid lino, Iu the eXe9qop of . akia adawousrei thorn PeeitwiellOtta o tboto odd tocortott% which honealortadly, happen in eomplicited notionit of battle. . 7 ,046 opliartiott's - regiments, the 831 Pinnsilvania, Lisafortant Colozel McCoy Commanding, nialcidaz up by the flank (that ItthoOluant - , a0t.121 fine of - batdb6)zill &MP 'PIUS Brqw# .l l 4 1 1 9 Aldan we. MOT. REIM lag to follow opts success against our right. It teat one of those critical rithations which a ,q..0 . 4 , -Lt teal e.,Cit'S, tt.o decision in fact ds , h 3 IL.' gzin the nil:at:Lig: tf ' , a llhih oweag hi. •opaniea into Inc- erpi ,or the Li, ilia .qie of Mcr;O:i'S Mee creed lee rebel CC v_121.7.3 by the collar na,Pcliaggil him in' Tha tad ponied in volleys on the- Cuero y t Lk and roar, nue,t e ehrl: ,e'iel brigades made off in du-order. The replete of the rebels Ir. must c , .mpleie, end during er voga.msei f o ito o , log the .ore:sg, not lessth an ' one thousand printers were tiken In addiihri to chi! the rebel eta in killed and wounded w. very heavy, though tctoot mold not be avertained, as during the ei,ties the enemy made a forcible attack on our pickets, Lod under cover of thl., 11.1 •coodoi a carrying off their dead and vtounded. Our loss was inconsiderable. Crriee's di vision, which bore the brunt of the-attack, may hive lost 200, and Cutler 130, while the Ilse of Crawl.rd's divisloa, entice held the left, and whose skirmish line alone was en gaged, was but trifling. All things contil• oral, chit maybe regarded mune of the most bountiful detached engagements of the cam• Fudge, and tekieg into account the very im portant results hanging upon it, it fatly mer its the praise acoorded to It by the isommand• In; general, to a dispatah cent to Gen. War rho immediately after the action, In which G in. Pleads congratulates hint and his gallant corps upon the handsome manner in which the enemy's week eras repulsed. Although the commanding general extend, praise to too while corps, the other diviiions will willingly aokisowledge that It belongs morn particularly to the first division—Grit:ll a'a—witich received and repulsed the male attack of the enemy. Espodal'credit Is duo to the old brigade of this division, commanded by Col. S critter, though equal eulogy L claimed by the brigade of Bartlett, which en promptly checkmated the flanking movement of Brown. Passing tram the position of Warren on the right to that of Hancock on the left, we find his oorpa engaged at the souse time with the 6th, although uo , lko Warren, who passed the river unopposed, he had to carry his crossing against severe opposition. As I bare already mentioned, Hansocler point of passage was et Chesterfield or Conn. ty Bridge, half a mile above the railroad bridge. liens this rebels had a strong posi tion end a "tote do pont," which had to be taken before a passage could .ho steeled. Six or eight handrail yards north of the Anna l i is a long mock which runs parallel with the - ricer and empties into It east of thifrallroad bridge. The two streams therefore form a hindas of inland, and here the rebels had prepared the position to oppose any crossing. Near the-bridge Is an extended Boden,with a wet ditch In front of the gorge swept by ri fle pits. In the roar, on the opposite or souttvrei bank of the river, Is a similar work of riga pita, which the southern bank tom. mande. Theta works wore built a year ego, Immediately altar the battle of Chancellors vibe. The Intend la a perfectly flat and bar ran plain, and honors this it was me:usury to advance to carry the bridge. The position wail held by hioLacee' division of B.,ongstreet's Corps. To General Birtey's division of Hanconk's waswsigned oho gloricualy periloas took of carrying it. Oa the left was the brigade of Colonel Egre, on his right Pierce's brigade, rend tientral Mott's brigade on the right of Bitiren. The Fourth Brigade, the EgLebior, commanded by Colo nel Blaisdell, oi the 11th Mnsaa:hueette, came op partly in the reae, with its left to rboright of the rodeo. To oo“r the assault, three of artillery wore put in po•ition and replied to the Ere Grillo osenly. On the Joa of Blrney's nos Bubo's division, the left of which contorted with ;he right of tilibleJne' derision, while T)ler's bcavy artillery divi sion.wes bold in re,st. o. An hour before ur,-,r,sro on 31,dsy the assault was beds• and moat triltiontly sae. cored by E;roef•. cutualood, which swept aortas the open ipso, at a doable qui nailer ,corm o' Iv/In:Or:1 a,/ voile, ot musketry. Two reginaste of the Er seleinr brigade, the 71;c and i;:d New Yo , k, first ranched the Radon, the garrison of which ran procipi tattly. As the men advanced In line' with Card inyonets, nod cams eepiog along malting footholds in the p +sorer with their mit‘kuts, the brave fellows climbed up and simultaneously planted their c_l.rs on the rebel stronghold. Thirty roholo., unable to gat away in time, were captured in - the ditch. The tout into in this brilliant exploit, the vary rapidity and Jariog of which astonished end paraltaed the rebuts, did nut named ore hundred tom, and encored us the pc...salon - cf the across watch a porti-m of Han coch's C.rps immediately crossed, and held the bridge dorm,: the night. Itte work of Monday, theretere, had scoured us the paasago cf the North Anna at two different points, and night futtud the whole of the btb Corps aortas at Jtri:he Ford an portion of the 21Corpracroes at Cbelderfteld bridge In the ottoman, however, Crawfori'a di vision of Warren's corps, exts..nd:d to the left to malts a diverslan in his favor, engaged tee enemy and enabled the whole of Dirney'a division to pass over. The remainder of the Second corps spoedily•followed. Meanwhile Barnaidea corps Oill remained on the north bank of the river. But the operation of yes terday a - t.rneen having swept the rebels from our whole front, the Ninth corp. was able this morning to make the peerage at a ford mid way between the points of crossing of Han cock and Warren. • Daring Monday night Hancock's left ex tended to the railroad - bridge, we holding the northern sad the enemy the southern end. The rebels, howorer, had prepared it far barfing, and daring the night it was set on fire and destroyed. This is no loss, as there appears to be no present intention to ate the Fredereeksburg and Richmond railroad, Port Royal, on the Rappahannock, haring been to. day opened as a now bare. The water transportation of the army Is now all there, and a long train with our ...rounded was this morning sent across:andor an escort to that point. Yesterday, Monday, 24th, was mainly am. played in passing over the neat of the army, and pushing out our lines and reversing our position. That held by Gen. Warren was happily one of great strength, being a point where the Anna makes a bond in the form of a horse-shoe s thus affording a secure point for both flanks. Early yettorday the whole of the 6:h corps (Wright's,) filed oval:st this point and took position in the rear of the bth, and a portion at It in the afternoon relieved by part of Warren's front. Hancock on his front was not able to make inch rapid progress end now found only such portions of the command ca had (arced s pas loge eits the previous night across the neer. The rebel' still held tho works, the ride lilts and commanding the heights on the Southern bank. This mornirg trade our advance, pushed out throe miles south of the North Anna, mad across the Virginia Control Railroad, which hoe been effectually destroyed. No engage. moot has up to this hour taken place. The main body of the robots apooars to hain drawn back to the South Anna, which is a tine they have lung boon prepari ng and mush to defond to the lmt. Their advanoed lino resta along Long Creek, one mile north of. the South Anna. Gen. Grant's plans with roferorme to this position has not boon developed, road though • otddy of the ground affords an'antieipation of the patio of thn I:pm:alma that will next lie made, I refrain as yet from recording oven epoouletions. The heat dazing the put four days of march ing and fighting has boon oxeculce, and the work has boon a savers strain na,the plazoical and moral powers of the men and came, bat thorn is uothlng`which buoya an 1.7=, like success. and the .dotermiaation at the army of the Potomaokbatia tote jot or tittle of the pnrpone with which it oat oat. I need not say , that that pUrpore is the capture of An robot capital and the destruation of do rabnl army. May 37.—Tho Eaquirer pub lobe, Oa following dispatch Sofa Side North Anaa, near /trick., Ifey 25, on.—Tho rebels me in ourlrcut, tad pria opera biro boon iskat during-the twouty four hours from throo tetql oorps, 'Genera and ItOngstreerri Oror four hundred par crors were Wilms from is brigade' of the rebels he the Pennsylvanii Norervos under Craifuld, who aitda a charga on our extreme right, titer Worron evaascat the North Anon Au the road leading to .Bourer 'Dun. (sar Smart lowa torn up and contyletely destroyed sourly six mils/ st.trach on the -Virgin(*Ventral, treat . of Sexton's Jmootion: Wsk oro now but one day's tonne march from Rittuncad, in a glee spaticountry. There Is pipnty of good putore far oar - horses, but nothing fer.tho men except 'what, boa been bronakt Wong. Tho onthusiasm of our army knows** bounds. The oondttion of ttie reb els, judging from their wonnded prisoners falling into our hands, to sou bad. .The weather ii lkitisidoky hot. - • •. Pirnsnstamts, May 27.—A spocialiliPalch to tho fluilerist says : A coording to an eV* of tho Washington Repialiaus, 41044441 W o'clock, Leo was In lino of beWsithlitnose: tag maths south side of rho Nertfi al land *liettltZ Wes Peetabli4•da7 Nebraska:Valor], Coh*Witinv - ::: EnT,lday'27 =Thi = ilntmi '` 2errtr tatio Conioritioo - K Nabilillk* 01 14 pointod.afitollgataito.thi Itialmors Arena:llG' Itesoixticon endorsing ,iluo titradon assilutra_ ottn_g dalegitti to'rtato for Presidatllneoln far SECRETARY STANTON'S BOUTIN Dispatch from Gen. Banks IDE REBELS BUTEN 15 TTIO LNGAGEIEN Nothing Later from Grant; Sher man or Butler. WAR DcrAnnms7, W•sUIRCMOss May 27, 10 r. Y. J Moj. Gen. Df.r. —A diepatch front:: General Banks, dated May 21st, en the hllisiselppi firer, was reoeired to day. It diStalls the brilliant engineering sehlorement a Colonel Bailey in censtracting a dam acrozir the falls of the Red river for therelief of th'i gunboat fleet, the partieulars of which have already been made public. The army, in going from Alexandria to the Mississippi, bath two en gagements with the enemy, one et'Mangena and one at Yellow Boyce, in both - :of which the rebels wore beaten General Banks t gore, wagons, or Oil:, :0 , 11,r. irmy hard been captured by re%loy, eiXeept that abandoned to him in the unexptcted en gagement at SabineGroes Roads oaths morn ing of April Bth. With tho exception of the losses su.stained there, the material of the army is complete. A dthpetch has been received frog; General Thaler, but no mention is made of:4mY ton - Oats rinoe the defeat of Fits 11120 Lee pt Wilson Wharf by the brigaloof Cientirel Wild. No intalligmoo hsa boon receireci }aura my last telogrwa from Groat or Eiharratin. E. M. S*a.srea CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. Waal:micros, May 27, 180 d. Briars.—Mr. Fessonden reported favOrs bly, from tho Firmness Committee,. • jel.to resolution amendatory of the joint resolatlon of the House, to lacrosse the duties on lA ports. The bill to amend tho charter of Washing big City, in reference to the regirtration, of votes, was taken up, and the dismission in volving the question of negro mirage was coat:mood daring the morning hourl f The Central Ravenna same up, and the In come claims were conaidorod. Mr. Worlo reported from the ComMita* on Territory [lto bill to rogn'tito tbs . elective frunohlre in Vicishitgb , a Territhri, with n inbititute. Ms. Stevie 111010 d to take up the joint revo lution relative to the imprisonment of Wm. Yocum at the Albany Penitentiary or site where, and all the facts In ht cue. ,The mo tion woe retooled—yeas 18; nays 19, Mr. Somata sabutitted the following: R,seiced, That a State pretendiegtto secede from the Union, and battling agithiet the Nation:l llovernment to maintain its per salon, must be regarded as a rebel State, rohjsot to military occupation, sad without rel./etc.:a tatien an this flatr,l2o2ll Ulu been readmitted by a vote of both bonus of Congress, and Ina Senate will decline to en tertain any application from any suett State tmtti af.er scat rote of both Elimeea l • - • lie vlearlied that he desired it to lie on tho table until it could be roterred to n com mittee to be appuinted on the credentials el Mr. Fialattlk. Mr. Sherman reported the Homte Lill to encourage Navigo.ioo, with an amendment bilbaitaupg for it the Senate bill driginally 4A-educed by him. The Luternal Bevoote Bill was than taken up and the reading progressed uniil 4:30 p. m , when the Senate took a recess natil 7p. ni House.—The Henze passed the Senate bill modifying the postage law so that doonments and letters may he vent to Government officers without the prepayment of postage. , Mr. Smithors, of Del., from the Gnmmittee on Elections, celled up the report Iheretorore made in the case of bloileury agaitmt Yea man, which concludes with a resoltition de claring that the latter is entitled to:roturn to his seat re 4he represents-leo dt the solsond Congressional District of Kentucky; Mr. inmithers etibmitted the report, which says that the charge of fraud, !lime nod tent oaths made by the contestant waer"not one- Mr. McHenry, the contestant, in ids claim, said that thd certificates of the sitting mem ber were obtained by depriving maxi, citizens of the eiective franchise through forgo, intimi dation, violence and bloodshed. the New Twill Bill WASHINGTON, May 27.—A speciiil to the Now Tork Post Drys: The Committee of Waysund Alarms have 10pyrtod the new Tariff bill. A duty of /inky per cent ad valorem is imposed upon silks. The duties on spirits are as follows: Bran dies, first proof, $2,50 per gallon, all othei spirits $2 per gallon. Wool worth 24 cents • pound and over, to to payliduty of ten cents a pound and ton per cent. ad valorem ; wool worth from 12 to 34 cents a pound, is to pay six centall pound. The duty on woolen goods is twenty rents a pound and thirty per cent. ad valorem. The duty on cigars and tobaectx is fixed Co as to range from one dollar • pound and 30 per cent,. ad valorem. Duties on figure and tobacco are. Axed as follows t Cigars range from, $1 per pound and 80 per oent.lid valor om to 25 percent., and ICt per eentilucurding to value. The Finance Committee of the: Musa ogree to the House resolution funding antra duties paid on goods entered on the 29th of April, end providing that-goods In bond Oust! only be intact to duties at the• time they were bonded. New York War Democracy Sinanost, May 2.7.- The State Co mmi ttee of the War Democracy of New Yort which have been In' session here for • day or two past, have adjourned after appeiraing coin mitosee on an address pof orgartiration. The next meeting of* Committee will soon be held. in NoW' Citypahen the sub committees will make ' air report. The meeting wee very enthusiastic, and the members united in a determination to auppott the Union candidates to be nominated at-Bal timore, at the came time. expectant a prefer en.a for Abraham Linecoirs,while warmly rem/- airing the patriotism of Secretary) Stanton; Generals Dtt and Butler, Dapiel Dickenson, Lyman Tremain, James T. Brady, joins Con_ nave anti other eminent War Democrats. The meeting of the Brat* Oenvetition was also attended by loadiag War pemocrats iron Penttrylvania, Ohio and Indio& v ' Lamentable State of Affairs Itl Taxer. • New TORX, May 27.—The Times - sew w heat; correspondent Bays Gen. J. A. Musa. .ton has arrived there sad gives al:non la maatab2e account of the . state' of' affairs in Temss. The withdrawal of large force of oar troops from Taw will niece the talon late in apish:lfni position, and they sic already Ina frightful condition. Wholoiamillea who a day cr two slaw worn enjoying all the tam forts of life noware reduccri to beggary, the atati.bodiod men can off by rebel comer-I'olot and their families loft helpless and withotit protection. • ,blosby's Opefaoons. Pamenatrau„ May 37.—Ths IFenigg rel pray& hat the following apecial a Wet/tin:me Mop 2Y.—Meth,* gaen:ll - bate bran devoting MO tea days to the entire and complete destruction of all our block helves and bridges from Craton Hills dawn tb the ftspddan, ; ; The with drawal of oar outpost troops upon the railroad for Important duty, afforded theta a clear coin* it)/ their operations, ha irldeh:they were aided by the fatmers all along the read, wheat we hare Protected end supported all "Later. Mop. County Bank Rubbed of 5200- 725.—..beivard Offered; New You, May 27.—0 n the night of the 25th of - May the Tipp County Bank of Penn sylvania:mos robbed .f 520.725,003 in 17. boo& and zreenhsaks and retired currency of the bank. Payment of - the bonds is stop-, pod. $5,000 of the amount is like.tirsaty„, bonds and over $3,000 in gold, 4, , reerard of $3,000 Is offered fur the recovery ottitO prop. .rty and $2,000 for tho deteation of the bar. glira. :Death of lloti.-Jgabun A, GtOaths& iSIONSIIIAL, Bloy .27. Bon. J. R Giddings, the AtWiead -Coaial Gonaral, drOppOi dead Of ono ceelsak this craning. JUST BECEIVED._ • Wiebegi's ?kw Tr., Tar Ccital.' Watart's Dyspep.la • • • lope. Coirv,soad Imp of tdrapwort t Tar. • Sittnedei •• nns CU , * far Labia 6e.. . • Mares Pit* 11 ) , 1.Ltr.r.11. 7 . 'l. • " • • - M. MAIr Esetaris._ . Tow Glynn.** sad,lltury gasp:- 111•4311.4's Asbructs, &rite intr.', • 71.1r,'Itaii and Tootle. Onsatiet. - • timid:de Oem. t- • ♦Ostai fin' si lir:l4m, Comae ridg,llll4 Old? , • - I?.A. . ~([. A RgETs. NEW York market. New You, Nor :7a-aortaro 1t1 ,2 . -1,101 01 113 for NM d'ag, and 81 for Low Iliddllag. Floor —Salad war. 5410 e higher; 11,4 W 45 f r Estes Soda. $2,73031,53 for Lstralot Er 0,1f7,1n8,60 r r 'rm.«, Brand., tiro market closing steady; included to Ow sales are 1,000 bbls EStra glide, last half of Juna, $7,10. Woisky roan. aellra and decidedly firwar at Y1 . ,21431-2.e110r &o a, gl 30i3d,31J)i for Woodern. he, Ic ha; 1.]1,ft‘,21.6J for 1 . 1 .. 1 " .poke Chlmaa eyeing, $1,61C ~CO for fdllsankra Club, $1,71.01,71 for Wintor red Weat-ra. Onna more settee sad decided], armor; Old &Used We. era 5t.&021,1.1 10 etcee and afloat. Oats a mar arid closed Mims qdet st Ith for Wastent. Wool said and data. Yetreleastro flow Out : Crude is gaa teal at 32€00c. Port Tory dole. ; 74. but the Prier of all othrt . bawl adlnuaolrl; Ennafar Mao. E,f a d. lbef W.; m. Lora et 11 for June, buyers' option, al ' o•ool a• Baiter quiet and steady , Stock and Norte; E.r.Soux, nay 27.--Eauey market , eary . 6 q cent., chiefly at the Uttar. btailurirteez at 2U5g,..^04, curieucy, first due bits. Cold caner, opening at 16e,i, tte.l..lerg telfAIL . advancing 131% axe alcalag quiet at 185%. Geeerrizaent suck, quiet; 6-3 De Ceitiunie 107 , 4; 7-30 Tretartiriea, October and Aprl4. 11.1340, ducts lone : . . Parini Mall.-...--1....1"' C. a TT. W..._._..-.. in)4 Pre or York C.eutral-L3l. 111. Central Ncrip....1y.9% Poe 95.1 —....-...—.10.574 C. a P.,. ‘......114 Erle---.....-.....--.llnpi Galena .k Chicago -1M anclaon.-._.-. -__.ll4Tloveland &Toledo-IC, I tio.dlog--. -- -14.1.4 O. it R. 1.................114 Ellehlnan eel:Lateen- 11a , .,, O. B. is Q .......127 Ulcbliza 4:km.1_1.154 1 e. MN.* IL.: ' s 'lntch. Southern gtd..11.2.>nl , t • :nen ctucago Eiarket , • , -• • - - CIITCAGO. May 2f , —Floor , actintand • best& stk. - las an adranca of act. *brat =lre ind itnansed lair; talc. at 31,273(at,r13i Na. 111,41130 1,14 cir No. a Oorn actin, and adraniatd ; $1,1:41 - 1,12 far No. 1, 51,03% far No. Oslo bums= rat at . 6230g2r. Ltigtintnar firm and KaTO ea , PM. freights film; ktic on Wbsat,9e apCom, to Bat • Plalladelphia llarket. thulness almost Pusaarranus, Nay 27. Wpm - cd by the bsavy Atom: Flour quiet ;• Etta IWO; $7,7497,9e. u hag grin; E d 31.80. , &tatailiTel 2,05. Corn stirsbod ; Yellow VA& Milky firm ; Nrunylvants $1,2). Ohio 81.32. "Ra"TMX?.,. Julia, Zanesville. illness Spray s EL /M.& ; Ifinerva, Wheeling, f • The rim at tide point rose a ft. 'fiche; daring Thursday night and Friday morning, ling` night, however, It au about atationary with a thin' craw tin kat In the channaL The weather et -lbws yam and eineattlat, with oscastosel shover' *f rzia. neve wee • all•M improvement In barium& at thi. abut yeatorday, bet there is still plenty of meta Ns improvement.. The arrival oferretal boats snot ad statist:turtle, and than au apparently lairs freight offering for shipment. The arrhale inclste the Julia from ZuerrElliv 'Linares, from Wbeeling, and Myer Spray, from St. Lords. 2 hareirare no departures arida from' Wril mamba packets. Genres/lee es Ike Creehertond —Daring the last e[- hot week a part) , of thirty guerrillas,. led by Captain ad we learn, nye the Evansville .fmweef, flea rawangore by the , :arrie, visited Elegy Ginn, where they rebbwl the stoma . whatclothing they neold find, and then proaedcd to Reckon...lo when thee mole about $4Oll woith of clothing. 1/pa they took panted= of the Oleons, which they robbed to. some extent bat gob but little. Tee, then rolled ant hhd. of tobacco overboard, and Atha the basso eo !Leto rode ran for thelrliorsea, after which . they made the captain ferry them scrota the Myer, when cher releasedthe twat andproecoded w their way to plunder. • The Cherokehrat advertise/ to leers tit Lombfstt Pittetnewle on Trade) hut, and the . Onstelte, ianat tioshville, is due here between thliud Ilonday. The Thletle, rcpt Bob., and the ficonoke, Cap! CfcChare,both neat passenger atearcers,areounonneed for Cincinnati and Lonievillatoday, without fan. Pessespre should bear this in n.lad The well-hnown esaatini, Copt T Hldil4, tefl be the first ple kat tot eve for HaiLeith.. 800 to. ..p.rlor accumtuedatioos for passeagero awl pleat, of room for freight. re. Jaili Glint re. C.pt .T 'fly. did dot pt eC St Louis last caching, to antoonottl, .Itst ohs will na.re to-do;, with°. faiL The prompt and popular Julia, Copt Occaaa, It dui regular packet for Zanesville tiellaydeaelog at GP OP 1111 .11.4r10 Staff i GOOD ADVICE. , "fa nading sathimr, vbs. you 111111 .4! 11.ighs p.n. that iriatkA the =LA And trhlch. wimp, y. Yy bar , !MX% rip dank et .1 uuoer waft, • ; Bo net coatratscl with 0.11404' Vat Ulm thom &RN 1a144 • such rolests yon tY tasibt, • That the GINIAPEST BOOTS AND SHOEt 1114ILY BE Bova-mice,. CONCEIT'S/II EOB STONVi 82 Fifth Street. Ca- L 1114.111 LOT 0711110 Z BOILS POB 800113, SHOES AND %urns, ALL mime, At WCIRLAB'S AUCTION, No. 55 Fifth Street. • LADIES SHOW; entlemeti Um* GMUlna's imam; mryi%rb, it 87IAM://s ISOM% • zu.satisenan t -t . Os VII% groat. • , , * MI • : BORLAND, Si 110 as tun* larp'itlleli - • • reletrifsfit Congress Callers - Malt wan banatt, tarlyit+ifai.aaw,aM air Ilhal• • maws CAS be, told, as karat inlaaa tlr.lbay sal* p naiad la this ally. Call *ad easalaaml.' loyal Mona MC. if- 4 \. ~ t. novae, LADIES' STEEL *BAKE Galtert Balittan l l6' _ • a. anataicatJast T 01 3 ,01 mai grab* inr - BoBlANDl6;Blleartiirtriet. ,* Salmi door Irmo Iltlb TO THE CITIZ&NS BUII9I. ALLIOI.I.2IIIi, lUD StrialutlSD.--: , BOSOUOIIB..—As Alone' ace todivtdosio ter ,- ritoiona• occupation. not asacd to Ito Cloud' *Eta appointed, win Cu:,. tosontribot• to thi latitury Saw, Al .ach pawn. ass raspectUouo T. zuratad not to Intit Tor • persona aponescion to ba on.. to them. tint wl.l tqaso pat thote toltactip at coot to 2t. 1114.112 ' .9 Teem:moo. at is,. a of I. Wolin.. 2 Eton., Itslstlasster, ..ster et tits 'lnaccitivo COO& W. D.IIcGOWA Bacrats4. •-. „ parcvlbrAimmasTrPina *Ara, Thollzocutirs Onionlinen te. Azad IL. following hchedol. of Price ion ethairion in int Tart • - -•-•• To cal*: To Dining liall,inniculhas meat • Gd , To elthet Laditnl &wait. Monitor Ball, INOoft*S." Unti• ?him ,finirory,• Cr Old -Cothnity.- Shop,. ' , sinchincltete, il6. cents; or, pFlairoot Are tklirts Oa eiedartda7 Li of Jew. it iniendod $0 OPin.the /nit intr'•diately Ono inantnwiig c•torivales the tantalum. To pie . eich HAI on that owning , two of the iiitinn b., !ignited: No lioio?o . onli sold it.ll,lln! •mni awning children under IT yearn cO wt. '•.• niench *fate bruldingiercepithe Dating Hail 604 v t h e Awnwrints, will re liokl at 10 cents each. The wit* of Mtn* to the. Andisoricun wan bo: regnictinicoloidlng lo the masts et 'the entertain, ..tg, and sill he. 11140000000titallr time Al P11111.': - - etaills - MTELE ILLITI ur , wotars Err it. L. asStrILL. , 1101.10 L 74, DA117.11NO: old& my ABA • awn miicostal. - • 10/1410X, • ' - 4 atrial "'"-; -. .- • "r'-'",--7.-
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