pittsburg,fr 6444 ~•4 SATURDAY. NAY Ft. Wl*. The • phmopal Church and Slavery. ' Wit.ralesteri 4 o7:ll4fo o terit bly up... patina c tott " . Elbe Methodist General Conferenea and the Gait. oral Assembly .of the Old OelMO l Presto:te- Tian Church, in aondanning the chief cause and principal prop of the present Rebel' lion, aegre slavery, we left until to-day the performance of . a less pleasing duty !nippy ed upoulas kir the sotion of the Convention of the Epiedopal Church of the Diodeso of Peousylvania,in session in this city, upon a serinalirioysl and anti elavory resole; tiona'ititradbcad-by Dr. Doonum, of Phil: adelphia. Them reiolutiens weio asfollows: - • Villatztan, There welts In this country an organised and armed rebellion, whose par' pose is the iiSstruction of "oar !1...G0u1d Union and the psrpoittatisn'of Wave Slaver.f.' Lnd Vuesmos, thfe rehelliOn has more suds inert ..,tamed - n ; us.. at of barbarous faticiatis m id. d eiNcit forosity on the psrc of the end ,intesol the cation, therefore, in :twat of the Caci.i. CO' enarloter hf this sjlngzle„ Resstrod.'Thstitils Convoatton 4t the Prot seetic-Eoiso y.l enures in the Diocese of Ponoaitvant., at • b .dy of Christian, rues. pledge ui theloveramout of our country ea prat.ore, ayropostsy and support in this wir tor .Z 11141300 Ulaxon, Glatt, sad peace. That the authors and actors Of thin rebellion, wherever they are found, are alone galley of ail the bloodshed sod &seta thin on 'either side, entailed by this contest upon . North one South, nowor hereafter.. Eloolaid, That in the long delay of Ina - Cass to 4Uoptallabil . tha rebellion, we see won derfully asoaifest the hand of God traintag by his teviirost. chastisement this reittautut people to a madinest ti do jostle* ta a long °pursuits& and outraged raw. ,Reeetred, That under present aircumetau set Vie' Notional Government, whether croon ties. 'vestal:sr or Judicial, is In oar Judg meat s'otelY boubd to in. all it. power, and sesisloy every anthorised constitutions! *eons for the speedy and - total abolitioa ot slavery. throne ono the tone, sod as patriots, _ freicien and Christians ' we ,had hail with . jabilont gladness and devout gratitude ' God the deyof lie Ansi ettleotion. One would hardly suppose (hot a Conven tion stmlniaters and laymen _of a church Calming to Ito I 461, assembled in a ley al city of s loyal State, would hesitate to adopt ttts• resolutions. Vat the Gplooopol Contention ?id hesitate to slopt . .thens, substituting theretai . I wretched, pstchwork.'of . sale jgslatitudes. We will come to theta present- In' the meantime, it is worth while to noto the opirit which animated s Convex ticin which could reject Dr. tioonwro's reso- Judge Salim, of this city, denourieed theta as "abolition resolutions," and, to prove at once that they were ouch, and that he was eel an "abolitionist," -proceeded to charge the National Administration with bowing ...violated the Constifhtion," &to, ito., Ills was OppoSed to the introduction of Pdi tO S " /au! the:ecclesiastical ,cenneele of the/than:lb, iiid'yet delivered ifinself• of a . mest, _violent political hasangue, not one word t which; if wo are correctly informr t d, :histrayed any sympathy with the Etteit our soldiers to crush out the Rebellion. :Dr. -- Witmer - as, of Philadelphia, was opposed to theintroduction of political opinions istiothe oionvention, "no the Church had heretofore expressed much by her silence." 'lt woo not necessary far the - reverend gentleman to explain what that silence expressed; and 'he didn't: member "was in favor . of his oouatry, bat lee- held 'allegiance flret tolls God;" therefore he was opposed to the resolutions. Another excand himself ,hy saying tits; "we are cow . noind.d to love 'our enemies, and his loyalty to . his God' deterred him from edding his 'voice in favor of thei resolm }louse — .1Ir„ W. B. Welsh. moveil as an' iniziendinent that the screen and thirdreso . Tutions be str7ifititout. Note 024 tigaii. - oactificf that amendment I Several gentle -Men oppeeed the resolations becense they were "a pd#tiekt character. Gas gdntia Imaged. that he 'fled not, daiing four • yliain! eenuctition with his ? parish, "seer stated One word in his pulpit which could - " - be perverted lots ettnveing poluionl ira preinsions." fit this gentleman never com mended to his ctingregazion the dolma of • . *lending country in this crisis, wade got think hi had\ much. to boast et. Finally, the ':following substitute, offend by Dr. Ves Deny, of this city, was adopted by 124 yeti to 92 nays: flerefarti, That re hereby declare our in fattest? allegiance to the Governmere of the ;sited Awes, and that we pledge it onl willing devotion and service, and that, as• a body_ of Christians, we will ever "pray that in God's own titne and why this r:heltionMey be Init down ; filet oppression end slavery in all s forms, may be done away ; that freedom of body and - mind, .goilitieal arid roligiou s . may'esery where prevail ; that the emenc,. psted ucgracsiwhom God, id hie Presidents,. if edmosittiog to cur cars, may he the eljeela of our libirtil_aed. Christian regard sad in- Orgasm , : r teat war may icon cease throogh Out all our borders, and that ooinorr Istwrated iiari;ry . may again be lo united that from the lastas on tee-North, to rho Golf on the South, sod faun the /Mantle to the Pacdlc, there 'hall bo but ode Union; one ,gaTornment, o to. Sep.; oho constitution, in %hot - higher glory Ishii% shall mike this nation Pantieuei's land . - -'-s mountain of lolitess sod a deviling piles ef rlibteedsoess." 70 Oie substitute silo preamble. and first esolatinet of Dr, Goonerne'n series ware sub. Xicriently prefixed: ..._. . . The r . eader.will perceive, from tiro - fore ' gels% resume of the preeoettngs ettlaciool vetation, that 126 of lei members, era ma jitity of the whole number, rtfo;lel, dot, to kneunce the authors and actors of this -- diebellion;" 'fid, to recogniee the hand of ..._,,providence in tralabig thy American people ;ntei do justice to a long oppressed and out- Xaged racer ad, to approve all " constitet ;. Venal means for the speedy sad total 11110 ' ' ritioll of slavery ..Oroughont the land." "What they m;re in favor of; and what they ,-, i ,fidoPted, wsti a doughface resolntionfwhiqk -',- ' :passes no censure upon Southern Rebels, ' .. which expresses no desire to see the Ttebel .._.;llan weakenid by freeing the aletven of rebels, and which implies that the North has . ' :done ag . much al the South .to prodece this r - , bloody and wicked war. • IC ...: - Such Is idle deliberate, IPFOrded. irPres". it: ' - 0031 - CIC opinion by the highest ecclielesti Iv ' cal coareil tot the Protestant ,Cpbscopsl V . ... - ~ C hnrotelaf Penns 'Tanta, Tt has produced ,` '-',- In fills Community a feeling of.therselfst in ; . - toile indignation ; which, weal:deice to. say, ~ ..V :- le Shared by ,any communicants in tho Chfirk touch hoe Veen eonhatnefully.die graaed. To say that members of the Con , 3!.t.'-' ventlin were renifestly and namistake -11 'ably opposed to otanutiny th e Rebellion, cr / f, .:... ;pie staetrit, t ie wire, would be Bay og too ll 1.1 We belletw as firmly ELt we believe '6,; .;. .- . ". . . r ma t tin :.: 'anything , that 4kero w er e •. that It': ::, Oniountiort ~ .nrbol would reot:eor to 'seo the T.,.i.. .:• ''Rebeilleurineeeolful; andwho 'would (mist ' '_to kee p the chains upon .tho victims of pr .. .., So a tke rn ilovery.i :To isy,tbst 7e...regret s' . :{hat the . 6 3 rfoontion did not possess tin hu -14 ;'sossioand ciiiistion spirit wldoli led„l3islop 4 ; ;' - ' : ' l'errita to protect . itgainst the defLinee' of -''ilsiory 1 . 1 DisboitioriFtss, would bo oiling . Jinni . 'Lords:: ;17s belleitra" the.' it. - ii.ilte . '''''' ' ' dut y every'trill loll' inotithOS of :-. :,soistrt or y.. .3 the Episcopal -01.nrefuf every - *7 0 °'r i,,.. 3 ', 3 : , :**:fialoS 'slavery sell 0..0 causei L of:tio he • '1;04111On which is tour °kr o r ot.n?trY# , l% F : ' ,- . ' : b) , littrOilied—isiodttivoiands—tu tnitoiroutpt 5., , .' J. silt etsps to show to'tlitiiiii4al/ioli disapprobation of the milk and-water Vaa 'rrt , 4,AwEildlhefflktig efactf bm *ha waled*. fridn'ottilLithiMit*J' : " Conveatitn, on the lith, Mr. Thomas W. Wells, ton Or 000 of ths greatest Odom and elsveownera of Lluittitirin; rote: and eloquent/7 declared eiumelf in friar of immediate and uncon ditional emancipation. Ile was followed by Robert Taliaterro, eon of another noted planter, related tothe aristocratic Talie. Arras of South Carotins and. Virginia Ws sonata:an said: am in favor of immediate emancipation, and of the educa tion of the negro. I was born in tho into ital. of Laulalans, and woo navel beyond , he boundary of the State. I. am with ZIT.. 'lns new legialaturoof New Hampshire cotota at, CODCIOri .on the first day of June. Among its Ms' duttea wilt ha the el!otion of *United Statea Senator in place of John whooslerm molt-est. the 4th of Uatch cost. Hale has been to Congress with eh ,, rt intermissions for more than twenty- yenta; and iu the Senate fur two rut tonne. It looks a Hate ho would oot ha re elected. Tits latent, dispatcho from Butler o:at,. that the euteny left. lota front atd marched tor. Gdottitinutl. Taolr dtstgn, it is resat: , ebly conjectured, is to go to Lee's awls arqs. Toot being the case, Bdtler'e n' , 4l inupt net be ldie fur t. niogle I .y. If t , can not do anything tionstet south of the James, tt net go to Grant. COLONEL...IOi" A. Arguelles, whose it , eau'. attest in New V.iee by order of the GOTerllolelll,ll ll .Vb Tine to ea weaueb uuteror able comment, aerie. t.l at [1.111.10a previous to the 21st, in the steamehip EogG, from New York. Owls* to a diepoeition - of mectOeni of Congress so both shied to owoaL comiog evuts oaths); the queiniun of rr conetrnotiog the States, it is moot likely that the Arkansas dol.getion wilt to lilt out The Senate the tax bill hp the middle of mat weal, baving aimed 0%6E1 Mr tight] ' , Av.% Dut tittle change VI mode in the bill es reported by the Senate Committee. &ht. the houses are taken st 51.11 f port, all ha best iu6ml at the best houses at the *Melting p!nors &=o, tor t h e summer. Fitrteti.ice and groriabscks rill tic utilise :My lively. Essay J. itnycroliii, Daniel 3 Dickinson, [linnet Trernsin, anti Preston King, smite delegates et large from New York to the Baltimore Conesnaca. Durex Brown, a well known war Correa pendent, and a Captain in the army of the Folomat; was mortally wpandrd in one of the late battles. Hos. Thomas E. Cochran, late Auditor fieneral,is a delegate , to Baltimore from York county. tigNATOII Foors, of. Vermont, is suggest edO as Chairman of the Baltimore Conven tion. Tug New E'a, the,Frereout organ lately 'started at Washington, died ism. Jlonday. Testa to no prospect of a Bankrupt hill passinj this session. - - Lee's Army—Tune aitd. klard Pound. 111 g Required. "Carleton," the intelligent - war corres pondent of the Boatels Journca, writes from the hattle•field in Virginto as follows: "I think. that Lee has depleted his forces e Saishens Waste up in some measure hut meantlosserhere. They Acta deeperattely raid hold out with great pertinceity. There one yet bloody bottles before us, triole of strength, endurance and patience . which will require a nervtag up end bracing et all. our powers. We hard boon jubilant, exultant, have insguited succors, nod with out measuring our adversary at hie full strength have taken it for granted that we were going to take Richmond at arca and clean the Rebels aut. of the 0 d DAcolnioci. Boater bold on to our enthusiasm for the preeent. The blow* welch the Rebels we r-meiving are wearing cut their strength it Is a question of time and eoddracce rather thao . of military Potence and cclii. l•Residews of thief place inform me that the State is nearly exhausted of suppltee; that Lee hod his main depot of auppl.cv not at Richmond, bit of Grrdotictillo end Lynchburg, hal that the cperations of Sheridan to cut tiugthe Crntrelr tad, w hi c .t might emnarraro Leo somewhat. would Ittit, oat him cif from hts base, eh.: .1 to not Richmond, but Gortiohsvttle and Lynch burg. A well rot rru.d grotto:coo et." e thoi., with the Weil :n hoe at ro id to our OnliSe Bain, Leo eehaat ettha.g. Inc army 0. crest-. while. Time a: .d herd pzutdius will break the rcoviitou. Our commander boo the qiiality of eodurauce. Waist re pulsed at Tractolson, his right pushed honk his Centre ready to Ste;n, he etormed the works with has left awl-et - mei them . 4.i Ptttsburg Lending, B euregard...thought he victory was won do Eidod.y night, nut .frend he wait mistaken on Monday morn log. At Vlckelbrirg, Jaftar months of !Darior flr.ng, cons! digging and the' repulse at Haines' Bluff, the IL.tele became joblieut and Batted it that Vicksburg coutitnothe taken i but vine morning tt.ey rout I Gen. 011.42 on the (lag Bleee, in possession at Jesteon, and discounters banned in After months of siege e emotion. name the Timor; at lail.. AtCositattooga wettareiy had topt tecld. The stimittion of too army was crT , that, but in a day ill was changed, and our haunters +semi triumtheutly neat Lavikunt and . Missionary Ridge But enough. We abolt have reverent, steers', btoouy solds, hopes deferred, but rectory at loot. It to butter to break the pick of the Rebellion tare in the Old Domini-to, rather than to the interior of the.Bruth. far from the sera board. flora we eon get at the enemy ; theta the possibilities are that be Would get et um," Orvieto' Mee Is bin Mother The following is an eztratt from the last letter written b.l General Tangs C Bice Joel before the battles in the Virginia Wil dereese, brume of which he lost Ws life, to tie aged 'mother, who lives in War:tang. ion • We are about to commence the campaign the greeted; in magnitude strength and Importance since the beginning of the Var. Gad grant that victory may crown car arms; that this wicked rebellion may be crushed, ore Bobo preserved, and peace and prosperity again be restored to our l:dosed country. My faith and hope and confidence are in G^d alone, and I know that you feel the same. I trust that God ' may again graciously spire my life, as He has in the past, and yet one cannot fall too early if, loving Cone, be dies for hie country. My entire hope is in the event at my 5 t viour . its this hops -I am allay. hsppy. We pray here in the army, moth er, just the some as at home. Tnemithe G.d who watolars over you, also guards me. I always remember you, mother, in my prayers, sod I know you never forget me in yours. All that I am, under God, 1 ova to you, my dear mother. Do you re• collect thin passage to the Bible: "Thou shalt keep therefore the instate, that it may go wall with thee, and thy children after thee." How true this is In re spent .to your children,. Mother. I hope you will toed the Bible and must the - pro. mixes to the less. There is no book like the Bible for comfort. It is a guide -to the steps of the young—a staff to the aged. Well, my dear mother, goodbye. We are' going again to our duty, to bravely offer up our Bien for that of the country, and "through God we shall do valiantly.' With,mnott loin/ r ood many prayers, that whatever may betide ue, we may meet In heaven at last, I am year affetnionate son, LINED The Whole'Questlen Stated ELMULD Evrestsrr, In &letter on Dress Re form, thug lutecium', states the whole tines. tion involved in recent ditCritillollo of the proposition to confine the purchase of arti cle4.st I n dite' dress to goods et domestic madeifttOture W • I ought to add theta reform Is needed on the petprt of both sexes, and In many things besides. foreign. inseam Extravagance in agineral style of living, in building, fusel rieletf, I:olpage, •lllettainmett, amasermati, kotalfi.iffsterlpg pisms—extrevagance often Matelcss as it Is otherwise reprehensible— is - rowing ;Ton us, and oollioniag, walla 'o.4kroduirth•ky, the substance of the 01211 try. The waste * fiutamikae Pirate entertainment would stipport three or.four mitrla the ranksof the army fur • twelve.. ' ninth, end provide for the relief coadort. of hue disi wounded seltlitre akespitel.".. Tam Maryland halltary Pair setts! $80,000':Aho Brooklyn no s4oo,ooOptlse Near Yet* Fair $lOOO,OOO. L,The '-ra• calm of On Bt. Lords Fai4alreadj'amount to 0011300,000, and will Waal the Brook. lyn figure*, $4OOOOl Shall our Fair fall behind those of Brooklyn and Shl.oxua We hope not.. • RE - Lla - IUS JrOTICES JAKES E, WII.LSON pttarh irk the South Plttebergh Popttat Mark T0,311111110R, tee ramfoa ., end In. end nip. th. The Public aro arttllslty (atm& tny.1541L... • • 11,----.PREACTING BY THE L&TTILP. Lea aAJH 11, en PliitnAlt, /Li, ik et .2 e'cle k R m, to telri e rnor e. Leo k Old nearu.k. Mretos, .I,ogLosl CIM. The pobliz aro la WO to sar...d. my:12.1, DISCIPLEES OF CRRIST t (ALLE ongsi cm ,) RIDER JOSEPH KING, Pu ler, meat to rxcELSIOLI. HALL. cora , of Vedprel aad Loam& eta. Preaching ecer7 LORD'S DAY. at RH; aud.7 p. m PramleatieFt WED NESDAT EVLNIRG. The pubtlp are cuttially in• .Red. . sobthlt T/IE FIR6T CONGREGATION DISCIPL, of Pittebolltb, meet noted ly.tba !RON CITX COLI.M.W ce-roce of Non and tit. Clan stOketa .Proachlop ideltlYS DA 11 —Morning and Evening—at the wood .hour• Smola, ans..] at 2}gy o'clock p. m Frivol %ening every Well./N.F.SLOY itSIGSI24O. The public an moan:DAV Invited. myllk It s~truLl , ' J9^Or CES N o'r is—FLottstt. Lt..— r.,57 portion turf-M, Oral aa.f tobaraupyclally role • to a o arranraraeon , of Rai, at r q to met it lay at 3 id .ck SSffl sikrlC•o.o , J2.. 19. a. hkets..l., hiirmera. DRAFT 11§7 . TUE THIRD WARD. •LLICIEIKNT —7lto Ciontrrbutore to ono Elnanty Fund e Oita Ward .711 wow. at tn. halt n r tintatt Title (Saturn. ) aWLNLING nr 7% • . rlock. turro•ntal uttenglortu• 1. ot Itattortear• 11, order of 798 11.11111.1.:81024177td. royialt • citizesa Liawding alooo . I CL. m rl lebdritb ae 1114 PALS r hallway sot toque... Lad t• aa..t Tills 8 laturo•y) LVKN IN., at 8 o'alock, to 1•Icolit• tip port cs , t,%mmtit.e appototsl at • Om. Sr stoodag, • raforyte• t• •aid toad. 8, P. EL SATOIL CY It. d. EIBISRON, J. L. g... 481 LIEN, •• 'lt It Commit ed. - -=-SANITLRY FAlR—Persons bac. •IPg =Om:nary oar tomanto , torra or kllnels. Ica Icll an nettlini thts rrota and otter tbin 452. a.. woe munition of the OsenwAttan IUI b. Ir. Weed. , •51 LI, nail veciTs and snag. a. Odell denend, ar bt extilbil:ol. .14d. W W. PJAUGOI. WM. WADI. JNO P "3/SIDINUE. P D. IILLLEO, T. L. BLAIR. RIM WAR MBETING—The citizens of Dinah:l,lmo sr* •oreiry rospooltilyt.,Ao to nrot t,g•tot r nt IlLassr nem, THUS ICVII/- LAO. a VS o'cloclC, rnr am parr., ar *n .. 1 . 1 .11 • compaay Infaotry, ander tho tats protlatostiut. SI A•voroor Oat GA. Several dlat.litiF.lehad oysters will aiddkrva thr wading, among whom are eepacted ilea New. Y. C. SUL and J. 21 .11136e.tr6Ica, lards amat.rig tt az;act don this impertvri azd pat, .4.5i012. la701;It . W. C. AUGZEITIBLOOId, Raw. LtsT,TEASrrA xY r .1. —1.21. HOLMES, Treerrarar Ban!. tarp Fier, ackuowled&ra wircipt of the followma : From Farrow, Gamtert & Goal Worki Farrow, Goo:Alert E.untelmaia Vn Co iJ 10 00J yowell ..... 5 J 6 50 J bW E T H.••• 0 k 1 . 10001, 7 50 11 Capbo.ed 5 01 H Wlcboll -- 6 D Hanefleld,—• GO J ladal-a Jflartin. .... W Lielderedarf.- W C Painter L Erb ... . n Footon 1 Wren..._...._. 6 cat 3 1.1 Ids 3 Posil.,_ .... _ OO. Ifa omltla ... J Bider ...... _.... 501 W .ung._ a Pala 0r....._...- 2 IM II Plows, •••••• J Wabley_ 6 Cull Palnt.e..-...__ , A Grind __-_. 20. J Linden____ E. tairlif ....._ 6 144 t. 3 «refill,. r.__. I' It t 1... y _.... ...... ... 2te J Wiper ..... ....... W Wutater...-- 5 le W kr ip0r—.....- T Wobo er.....„-, 4 20'21 To , In --- ..... . A Troop-_-__ 0 . 401 D Barrett ... . G G P0rr0w...... 2 tel 11 DeDirtinellit- A Doak:son .... 5 CO I Graham ....-- 41 p e i,,,,...._ . 6VIIt w •111i0na.......- 11 le. 1: o] ......._- 420 Si l'alhors-...- .. E. 3 A oorp -...._ 2 SO. Vii Bardwig -__ J Daysid.i_____ 2 o r, J Parser._..-_. 2 00, 4419 From the espies*. at 0 G Elmoos k Ce'o Copps. KM ... Gee, ,_____ 4 ili fe Baraffla ... 1 Wl3 34.01,0 7 7.3:/ Jutirs..___._._ 2 0 A. Ccnrat ..... - 175111 Jo. ro ...„, 1 0 William It I , s_ 301. G Wllll m._. 1 7 2 2 Il J Paola.— 2 2 . 5 5 Ananywons 1 7 3' Pro :farm .. 1 rs. 3l' auch.......__ 1 0 3 ~.....amsel .___. 1 70 E blormon___ 1 Cr ~,uo J Edwards ..... -.. 1 . 1.7 W bram...... 7AI W Lich,aue .__ . 2 6 E Eram..-_ 12 W . Jou __, 57i I' Jou., .._,_ ... lif 0 Griffitho.. - .__ 225 0 1.,11.1 ........... 2 0 J '.ll .. al.:Ovum, IDO W Jou.- ..- 1 'IT w Davis -... 2 1.0 1. Delter-.,..__ 1. WI IT. 0:1 From kinfilth, Dana. k Lodbetorio Cool Work , Pool No 4'. . smith, 1111.50. A , r Thorium ....--. 1 ,... Ledbeter ...-.....3 29 001 / 0 -oak __ J Led e'er......... 4 to I Garrard -.-- .I Elins.-_--- 4, I F oar ____ C 0.5.—....- 40 .7 bhanieit.......... John iLopp..o..- 4WI 3 V. ro, ' O wl ,L sails or 4 0 Hasa« , thee h Co.. 1.10/ Yeek........ ........ 9 100 DO mod.qms ..1 hilo., 31'Llortutek a Co.---- 111 19 IF i amor.n, per J.., Boyd' a. 0......._- 6 14 L o di.' of Winslow, / oriors.. a 0f,,, 15riployma of earn, 1-arfory, WLi atintas te 50 'Proprietor. and Worbown Of isymts Ton. rie, 7,1..... r tanuollovlllo.--.........--- 13 . 0 7... Ms. 11 s liars y, Wosumbnrg_........_-. 6 (0 Froze, Emp.osera of Desors. 0.0.01, ullalfaul .k 0.4. Works Jorepl. bohoo., John 0 Willlatilk, John Willis., Wm 11 illitebledw, J t. 5 kill Isdaddle, lin hard Joni, Jonhi,,, David 310 4nloy, Leof. Er. 1, 666,1 Doy A Bilia.gre, Calorie* Elohor, Darli Leaf., J le Porker, Th mut Lynch, Jaand, tom, J.lhn tow s, Juba ,loan *Milos Fryer, Philip 200 MM, William Davis, John Goa Ilenry o «, John lionser, John 306.4 JuLIC. 4 6.71 h., 3«lon e hunk. Peter talacener, 31 .1 Itichares, Clement leaner, Deo Tondo, Jacob isnowk ea, Asset Harry. Lou,. - Byers, Jo* ph ;ogle, Petor g. Vied Hartsion,John Weever, J t. Behar, Peter Grum, Conrad W ..... , Wtill. await, E J..mis, •lefasulor um, Jaium embh, Thew It Jun., J . Jones, Jacob Drofolo Jim.ph Can nlognoto, Andrew f Inn, Bichsel o,ison Teter Blame°. Thome. D Dario. Jas. 0 Wattle., John Pm, Berld f.vom.,John Domus, 11 .101:. on, A 110- 01,01 le, Ilan hhtOmp, Joe ph. 'Gook, Lad Blank, lin& Puled", Larry Dool.n, 'ohws Dal . h., John K ineoter, .... fartstrenahr titch. los Glamour, Thm J Ds*, Theo Leis, George 6411.1., Michael Both, Grum. Lthullar, E 1 Potterws, Jolla Boolon,. Joe b Thorns., thomart orhuthnot, Clouse Droller, Ilendle,Bm-ck Bennett, And rick Y rooffowler Jobn Zimmerman. Adam Yeast, Frede«nog, Henry. Moberune,3 'nob fro nick II Dye., It ttodentsoh, Kdwore khalifs', ov, Oable John 15 , .d., Mosta B.f- Ire Eaton Lora, ,Ino 81II•10, Anthony Pry, Adolph Burnes Jimo Nicholson, John tstrairgnid, James Dna ler, Thm. 11 Atone, Grorgo Beeler, .1999ph Mltilori,' Joreph Hunter, CeeorAd romdrock, John Nottoff-r, Jaunt. liosinaster, Andrew artintbnot, Bylmaier llourrnen, Marlin Bowers, Valentino Boon (Dingo al filer, VIGO towia, Ados k onnork, ',Matthew Um Kee, Derry Urlf.y, Clines. Roll, AlsZallhonm,' John :deg.., Valentino •Earnlng, Illeisoles Woldrr, D a Junrs Dant I Enke, Robert 0 on, 3 h mos Young. Christ Dhabi-, Eltheol 11bIrts, Th mu Poor. ere, C o mmon. Mies, Lewl atruiburft, Clupalr f ogle' John IlloArnittli, J. 11.7 Clark, Jno J rii.lde, Alf Bei/0001, Adolf Ilionriur, Dumb Kerman, Jo 0 Smith, Chad. 00e., Sebastian Monter. Nieltolas Einsil., John Wearer, Gewrse leteoset, George 'Kish... G. Efaele, Lavlo free., George kWh, Georg • Beaman, George Derickonoordsr Alata Hughes, John nue, Richard CNA, E Keibullne, 60616 Wltile, B Cloward, Edwuod Labey, WI Kam Elogh.o, Junto Cline, Jobo Brom., A Kiionomo, John Brodso .for, Georgie Cr.., GaAs. Eros, Joseph Zallbouss Jetrow Saikfly, Jos Klsoaddem, Chaps! busder, Jacob 0114 Lewis 0001.4., ' Dmon Westa., John L Loyd, Normalospano,f3oo A . r \Tuta/ Amouut, ..... ...- ...... ....- --r• „. 8 493 19 __ 1 . ..N0T10E...-1 he fired meeting of the Association se the AklaftiCall MINING 0 ial , ANT," will be held at toe 0/201:ef D. Potabargh Katona Miming m Ike set, of Pl:tsborgh, uo dITUSDAT tp. Ilth day of Joea text, at n'olock p a., to lurthoraera .f the pa . 0.- lam of toe Lae. of Illchlgan, authorising tee for. mnllon if oorrorum. fui _UW.11.. 4 .. 111 .4. A., for WI I,IIMON of eleatmg afireCt..lll sad adoptlrg liptmee f.r the government of szvd . and lb. traumatic. of sack other hula.. as may properly coMe before said nomOta g. COM in ItUSSIT, . . TII*MA+ II ROWE, 21+ avOT CEI4D3, JAMES a: MUSKET ALLIq MEAMEM, EDWARD UMII. Croat Pni,ll=l4lll Damo OMPANT, Play I a nth C , Bee. BOOKR WILL BE OPENED FOB IlliDSOSlP•flObito the OaPIT&L STOOK of the Pltutbneglialthirt Oompaay, at the following pint., air • • 001)113DO, Itay ttn, at 'Zliball'a Utter, to the Sterentllle Trttarke. il(1 Oa T 08114.1, llq Mat norm!' Baba, an the teutnmallle Turnip**. Oa TlitinDia, 11i dl, at lianettte Raki, on the Weebtagton Turnpike. • YlftlaS datitEg to matte a ears sad rentable to.. vestment, shad') mato it convenient to attend at the rm.* anorloned en tto, der mated: , • Boots of Faber:trios re ore doily at tk.salia of Wit. K. bill loin, Veneerer, watdr at. nairotjaittbert. -r. :IUOB. . &nohow... WAOTICE.TO TAXPOEItI--All woo. who tomesean. d po . Owl* p oor 11,,,,tim , Wee:. Pchool BoilAng wa We 1$3:112 tbsrink Vold; Piembemck. .1 1 1104 tbet, 00 Ziety InValta will be beeltuteel la all mil: 7:tice* who welters eats will py_befleetbst da. 00101141., Oallseter. •, "lee. 41 teartteeemerk- , : At tom frceuillta Velecl l ,l 4 Sib BPECI.III4 JrOTICEB .IJ. 8 1040 BOItkrDS. bona.. 'lsmod nod. tb. Lot of Corkpla •f March Ca, IV4, Irklob pr.rthl . tbst all Ron& fused under tbis ant *BALL BE ELDEEUED 111 at eLe pleasure of the Government, at any polind not Ira a.. to 11.1 . nowt Owes Jwty yew. !tort Attar until Ch.. rolornpl n FIT& PM lINTEE,E3T WILL 131; PAID 111 COP:, 0.1 of nut over oho huadrolldnotert aaaaary, and other Berne nevi-annually. Tn. to retest is Psyals on the Out days of harsh ..I Esptirdsber A. 0.. Bond., by At, of buspesa, are EXEMPT' rUOU 111.7NIOIPAL OY PTATIR TAXATION tbilt ♦ic. I. - W - resod from 01311 to nun per toot Ir. annum, mrordlng to ths ratoa t of tax levirs to 11. rat p.rt• of the comatry At Lb pree•at me I't premium ca VW p•I OVER EIGIIT PLR CE'Nr INTFIICST fn any y, and sze of equal courealer,* se • porn:anon It le ha mod that toh.ehditkee offer eu groat th Oo.nocta to law:lora as tbo vortuus deocriptious U. B. Sands. In n't other to-ma or indebted°, v, to alat or obPloy of priosto pottJeo or stack ,Inkatil r rparais comsat:tellies only is plodled fsr nay out, sails ta the debts a the United ntsiss th holt properts of am; amirry ly buld,rt to stair b. paysont of 1.:11 padmpa and Inharest Then D.A. mil be subs Abed for Ina sums fro= PO up to ally tas ltnSe, os tha um* terms, in,dl thus mad* squally avallsblo to the sunalft !coder •ad Om 'Arica: capitalist. Thiry can Da con Toned Into magoey as any scoa.t, ehd the he/der !ITIIT'WTITfITITII The tnn4e4 Debt al the United Stetter on tehtth totere!rla payable to gold, oa the 11 lay a Iterob. lit, sa. 5169,903N0. lbe letterset cm Lbl debt th. coning Ilecal 41« r alit be 5i5,937,12.6, tabtle Use cattoml rm.:m.9 in iel4 for the can-eat IL. • pear, ending June 29th, 1161, hn. been ea tar th rate ;Aster 1..t0,0.0,Ch0 per annum. It 401 b. .ra tbr,t bun U. 10r.41. gold 14 of lb. °oval:kw-eat aro lorgo4 la ex:on of lb ergots of th• Ttsestary No the mon"' of gold In wbile ao, ismit lucger• sf tariff will Ccabtloo. rats* the annoat recoil,. from coat ,cco .am. azaout of tErpocto.tioca. to 1150.003000 saateriaalLas_ant a! this Laa ig area 3tmuo D.314:5. : am:me I DS a.zz.:•l Banks acting as 10. nannto Were not ',run ant? hlerch 2C but the amouut of Etude rep•med mold the baked Elates Tamanl7 op to Ilay 21,1 vs. 854. 5 04L.000. Star criptlets will he melee.] L7tte Treasurer of the CrsitedStates. et Washihstan, end the. Asa Want Ta4stalarams at haw lark, ➢alto , d Plaitadalphlk and by t!. First National Dank, of 110.touvb, Pa. Third Salim: .1 Sarah. r. •nd by all Sallow:kb/ Banks obit). are topeal Mare cf pubilc money, aud all r.spobtablo Lank sad Bankers thronghont the non 'try, (acting as agents et the Nat/nazi Depowitary Banks) will hr deli luturaciatien an' application, and ata-rd ry r4lllty w osta ..11dridyP .2. V 12.4.18 D,( flls &tarty - , tut Li - 11111.M ()•te 0•i•. Ilubt..ru a Cc.) •axi:•• • W.O. WPITTSBITIIGH. SAW WOR3I-8 _ - lIITIIIIARDS Zig LONG, Staaaracsarers et PATENS a/DOLIID CIRCO; tallS, warm:Lad (liva LTEKL svarl ; Mill, Ma a). Oro.. cute, Gan , .4 all Abu varlatlaa All MD4011:2111' gd A SPLINGS, roach from Fiord Ca. Dctiarcl ern ..11 &VI) twaruso, traraluales aud Warta, cot. %VASES & EitIOUT PIS, Ptualcori.. Particular ..utratn giteu to liatcuthint, Ocrac.l4 and dtraight=.lr., Cirvala !Aid I Sod repa're of an Linda. rzeichlag •. d Drilling doe* at rcurrdLld rate, ga5.11 l*lEi a&I ! KILL & CO.. BuILEn I . ..Ariel:a' , eVD Ft-cu :: , •Dd VA. 11 ,, thE. z..rott • Latp ,•ria,:furabhnd It •Ith tem woo; in. Orurtd macftlrarl. sal are prrfat.,3 w craaritarfula 7 dear:ll,lo.o of 1101 LEW, Oat cau.taa. aud •roaantad equal to . malt ft. lIM C. 1.11.11 .1111.11NGTtl, 1/1,1111a.N. TIE.I. BEDS, oTILAIII f'll`E.R, BOILRE.S. awyrmbsua DA LT PARR, TARRN, OIL aT11.66. AGIT ATORa, PASS. 111/ILLU IRON 13111DOL11 300411 PARR and ..l. matiufartunaa of BARN , 111LL'e PATENT 1101itER21. Rapairtug done or Cbe • hvileSl uutidu. belea4 6TIPEBIOR COPPER "IV • - KILL- & VAIBL7IIIO W08.E.21, Pirmarum PARS., IticekißDW do CO., biItaTIIIML vite.zirhs• DOLT aoercu, 1117.1nED WPPZB cur/imo, ti&ISYD STILL StrTOSIS, bPALTDD LOLDIIL AIR, important and donlara la IIiZ.:ALS, Tlb SLAM SET= MON, W LAB, SF. Op:Au:antly 07, wand, MAGNIN AND TOOLS. War•Bousa. flo. 140 SIILST a 1W AVE/ND STA, eltlanaryn, pa. bpbalal °rein" al unyou cat V. any 4malred pal my7Alydaver as• Eta. tam Sum. l'7•110.3317313011, RR& & CO., (ous ...to Rousso', kinr3 A ttn...Ass,) TGN WoWO, Fotrsozzl • Karen.. en, PluitrurFh Illarittleesursra o , BOAT AND STATION - MIT 1114011i153. BLAST 61401N59, MILL KICIIIHERT, Grafi ING.q.ot al) deerziptunte OIL TA NHS al STILLS IVALIit AND BET IRJS ROSH. .14eLta for GIIIPARD'A PATENT INSICTOII. poll rssiallo Bo! LIMB. PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF KAIAtiIAGA, ovutainiag Pauly SW pages, .ad 1W F. ?Wes rtodEogrartng. of.tha 11111stom, of the Human Organs in . era. of Health sad Db. ens, CHI • Treati. on tarty Strum, Its deplorable ompoquenme cp. the Kind asd Body, with the author's plan of treatment—the only rational and sup...fay mode of our., a. shinwa by the report of awes treated. A truthful IhaVII. to lb. marrisa, .cad Hasa oontamplating marriage., who cu.-laic Aonbta of their physloal cendltion. Sent free cf postags to any addreu, on receipt of 25 cants, Ls. 4tamp• or postal currency, by addroolag Dr. LA ONOIX, No, Al Maiden Lou., Albany, N. T. calltamdAbver " ALA BELIE STEEL J FW. OIIORKS REITER h CO., Snatessors w Itattor,Rsrtatart d Op., suanarrtottuvrs of OAStBTEISL, SPRING, PLOW AND BLIBTZB STEEL SPRINGS, AELte, lIIOWBABS, I. Works, MIST WARD, rdlegbeas OM. P.O. Adams. PITTSBUROB. Ps. IsIS:11 I: LE CONFESSIONS MID EE fIzIZHOB OB Ah INVALID, pabliatted km the Dealt end en woonlas sad canton to Toone mem who ruler from Homo. Debility,. Prcoodure Decoy of Maabwili, oto., nlpplytna, at tho 1.110 ttma A. own of wt/ eaWa By on. who ham coral hhaaeli .her Wog pot to pant spear sad laitu7 through oudkal lambus ied quackery. EU= By enclosing pag-pald sdldngsgl aangaigh do& gog guy bp had of tlu scam, ATLIAISIZL KAMM IN- F. Berland, King, ocnnity. It. T 0.10 NEItVOIII3 SUFFERERS OP BOTH O3XES.—A rammed pntlemas tog been restored to health in few days, altar en. dergoing all the nasal routine, and irregular aspen. the Mao of treatment. without meow. corAildera It Igo mewl duty to communicate to Ws afflicted fellow avatar." flan mein of ens. llenca„ on the receipt of an uldrocsod envelope, he trill •••11VM, • con o f the Direct oeecripelon mad. Dir.. lONA DAGNALL. Ise flacon Mod. N. T. 001 Infs." COWMAN et. BRO., MAD ofootorers of IRON RAILING, tun VAULTS AND VAULT BOONS, WINDOW SHUT TEES, WINDOW GLARUS, &a, N a. 91 SECOND sad IS =TM STREET, bat Wood and narloit. Mao ou head statist, of.tom I/Warns, Ihnoy and oldtable for all puroasta. • PurtiorOwx ottoostot paid to tutiosto; Cm* L Jobbing duns ac Abort poll.. rg EWN. HOLMES & SONS., Ibuivzo fl ronscos AND DOMESTIC DILLILOP EISCIIANGE, CEIITIFICATIC3 OT DEPOSIT, DANE DOTES AND SPECIE, Na. SI HAIM= WISEST, Pittsburgh, Pr Ocilbistloh" Is& ori ell tits prtnelp Itll _...tantlon4 mid. on tbirowitolis the Min:4 &mac 112371 Y IL COLLIN/3, FOAWAv: taG AND 00XIELEZION =CRAM Ala VrtichMb dealer ts cuzian, BVTfIB BUDA 111114'sall DrIIA.AIN BuwinT,Sa 13 WOOD'S!. rke We ber.s. ads to bc satembeeed sayiblag. lean et exprelosee sad • Oir zeepeadormo esSeedlag tkrerkskest a 9 asthma]. aloe a the habitable glnba have Wood Ow etlee tab facto and establlsl a basks from whiel re aced aot err. We an act sarprLead at rota bob . . as rho follorrlsg—sltaaaaik tN parsons aft.," .11 . 1. W'3l ate. .17• kr1.0 . 3 p 01.2.• 1/0311100111......., Sol 11lbws, o Ood.orso {hoar atom/Longo .htew.6lolollogldage., tiov.ll. IBCL . Dr..w adz: I bay* hewn athlete.] woo, rant via Never. proatralluit Cratrkl , my 11=0,460t,, Nat lad bait., and s gonerni dwo.da.s4 asatem phyttuttot and median tell.id to vulture sta. Whit. wng N •Arta Mende in ow Tort who wan twin/ Ph.. t1. , 1 Bitters li.ey prevail.] upon rot w tr 7 than. 1 unuternond wth octant] wlnt—glatetal attar dint.. rechog batter s .7 dnroto, tn a Caw tap. I woo wain. Leda, had tit. mldnoit and Zrallapa 111*11 anitVal, 101 l Ma and I could slap tha togigt through, which I hairy not do. yworn totillko Nona. opprtlnt ant; atawngtlA &Xi graaul) prolail by th• 1124 or tile Plantation Marra goopocirtill7, J ODOM 60t48L..' “F..hear as, WL. t Sept. la, U. •” • • I have treat to the eon: hospital k: fourteen sseashe—tpeechless and 'warty 4lead. itt &Ike, 11l • , they :pave ens ',battle of Planta:Wu 911 tom • • these bottles teetzted IL enesch and eared inn • • • 11. a. rtacru." The following U oat the Illenralorpf the Union 12^.ioe &came for th gr e .11111dr.o of To luguero .)larawarea Hosanna rite invest, New Turk, Laval 2, ItQt, A. Drabs , Tear waladortal ['lemma. {Mort, wl ba beta &colt. was or oar Utile Wiesen sailer - lag from aro:Amassed ',wink lenge with Mott 1444 otheat Oak little girl to partly tar, with poi= it her be. has of appetite, and daily wasting DMZ 4smaptioa, whom all medicalteet aid IlhO eeoa exantod, lowa entirely teetered; We, commenced with but • teaspoontal of Bitten 4Op. Her pp ills end Manila malty inerswaed, aud oho to Dow ileopectlnlly, K. oho " • • • / ay. nmcb ta yea, lb. I Tarns bona ca. elLn tails n Blum bay. eay.st Kg lib. Dam. W. H. WA-G.OOISM N. I. " • • • Them wilt wad au tam tortilla mama thy Planta%Loa Maar. Uy alb has bows platy Waal:Lei by thLir ma Thy Maud, ABA QUILL'S. naladalpkta, h•-• " • • • I bar* trwo • great nearer from Idys. p.9.11,,5ad bad So abandon praadaras: • • The rasataadlt Illtrn lure cared on. tAn. J. 11: CATItult.N. 11.41aerw, S. T. • •• • I Wn gime. the PlAttAtlon 1300 n t. landred. of our ilasbk4 .0101• rs •rttit 001 inesrt sr etsca. 0. D. AZ Sap.ro.oooloo tvldieva' Haw., Gtikcia••ol C." " • • • Tbi7iart , ll.n Baton IIIII• of Lim Onmplithlt, of whkb I - Isdd Unto, ......4,baof to Om - ob. oty IL I. aniceLti, oh'," .• • • • Th. l'lrattatl.a 131ttarr ha,• rand al a itirsapaust of W. !Warp urd Urloary 0 par rtaka tar dO . ma tor ars It erns Ma dram. U. Q. arrd CIO , GU. p 1654 Ittoadva.r." ke. 4 Jp3., Pleatatize Bitten main t=. ...k strung, tie sea an othatunel eaten'. Veal newer. They an cezapeeed d Che eeletitsted G. Bart, Wintergreen, Baer-Cat, liteets, Herb., all gamma to perfectly . rule It. Clete Stet. S. T.--11$60—.X. Per.. of tedratery hablid, troubled with had no" Issaitadd palyttaffmt of th. hod" Id* of of. paths, dieters Ow Wing, toriht Ltoto, Moe, do, dewy. to ealltf If they will aot try theed :boy ars remastoodod b th. Mead wod:ohl asikorltlas, 111. 11,G , Tatted toll pz duc. n /MU. Moo beaallelal ebb. They ora Kra. ola, pa lactly pars, sail karate. tlorum•—any or pre:A.llw . tall PLautastaa eaters In balk or by tia gallon la a ortadla .4 tin port.. It bi pat cp .17 la ear log cabLa beta. Slavar , of bottle, balled atai baltaaca lalstreets audit ter which several per.v ars alralla7 to au. that nary battle b.. our Lap. Matra gam over the oak assaaflated, .1 car Oyu.. en Aft plata Oda laleL • Sal o,y ratyastsoloilatlm tisleakttort tba habits• kis ear. P. Q. MUSA A CO, trY2.BroadwaY. F. T = =_l MULE'S PLANTATION B go.olre arilcifk. for &. by 111 WIO JOll STO W. Cortez of Scattf.all Gait Ifoarth are* PIIPIATE DISEASES. Dr. Ludlum's Specific it. r.:44ab10 4....43,y .14....4.4 gszsrral, Lt b t.to alsoarcri 0b. , : ota•utrd t^ LSa t.r.....t.ra Etta eLa.ho ^,en, .th • '4[12 ,, that raeoty ow, • It'. prrintlra - • U. mitt ea 14 4 .ect•Ons, .414 onitTeNly tt.a. Ott =lstatt. p:atti..• .31 ttetc,r , . vmt:. ,:t.',.cad W lte la voßrtl) eat, It rte liYa • 4:13,01 I.ry.st Istroestb .4 vtvr lb. 41...1 `aver OrttSIMI d iita rem H! tc 1Y .4tar perynawont I.: 4.1 boptng SWUM./ tl ..01xxridol mra. Obear., tbsrstor., tbas ika egustare csf th. pzowilitor arorad veva t0z...3 .tier it g..vtr. Prtpand WAT WM. F. DAVIDSON, / eel! rroprWts, 01130!..101,1). Sold b al Drorikata Ptl,th SI per cr for sala .1 wewl rola by. ILSTSIS 1.40 Wood • .13t1 whim ONE OF WONNEWELL'S GUT ON N LP/ L L N IVEIISA 00110 lIEULDT.-111 , basis of this truly wonderful preparation, now er such well-earn ed celebrity, is • tread= from every componsat od chilutsd to debilitate, .d by *nth to allow the greaten freedom of nee, day or night, ea the only true theory by whicb Throat and Lung (Xitiplaints can be eflocuelly curvet • • To promo! askitra attmitica to Wits stories of groat omtortmn local <ULM make almost all each com- M== which will tw mond, la Cobh, Congit, Hearsanesa, Son Throat, Dmnshial and Asthmatic Oompla!nu, Whooping Clangh,and to all Throat tad Lni4 Cost. plants, which, when neglect., and In Consumption. Tatham:dada from Physicians of the highest respect ability. and Prom invalid., can be son at my elm by all loterestad. for sal* by all Wholenle and Detail pralors. JOHN L. fIVIINZWILLL. Propri.u.. rt.tke CLemist, Bootorn Mast nyr Ws by Jo. FlairAng, Goo, EL Herm, D. L. P*41.1i...1 a 0a...3. 11.• rattan. Ageota for Pitt. A. At,1 : 11, W. J.llipais sad Dr. Jo>•' unrigh; Om. Lo B 7 .liana Brown, Agents bit Allegisnq qt 7. 61taha-1.0.3.,2 . O.BAHNVA.B.TI TROCHES, FOB the cues of Boarsonsosrbroat Dwane, to., ars specially mtolluatsided tollthistart, Bingen. sad Psrsons .have vocacton calls Jima to sprat to pub. blastatactundoLly by O.A.'DAVN VALIT et CO., iyareobayy, Pa., fh *horn all ardor* sbuttld to ad. dronsd. swim by Drugginue nrerryi•ber. O. A. BANNTAIirt a on 10.OISFASE8 OF THE NERrOIIB, sestmei, DIIINAJ3.I AND arxuAl. sysTEme—u.. and trostm.it—ln Report. oitto Howard Ansoctation. 81111. by mall in waled utter eavelope, free or amp- .Addraaa D. J.81(IL. LIN DODOLITION, RowsrdAssoclstlon, No. 3 South Ninth at.-wt. Phlleflotpbl., Pa ob2i.kly „ZTRAYED Ott STOUN—On t•tindity 1.1 night, the tkl inatant, fe.te the farm etooek Indiana to ern eh bp,..d oy sooty, Ever the Deer theta Lock Orle bla I.lOll$A, dere years old. with welts ettip• to the for teed, nod one •hgte hind Lot Al.o, OLT if a 12 jesrs bea.y set, with slight touch of the bearea Lay pullea reignite: said tlree, or giving inter mattes of their ttnemibutre, wilt be stably reweig• ed by lite aubtalbar. /USW” tiditOVCIK. ¢,y2Cts MOTICEL-lost, out of a sunk boat, JiA .boot 100 B•asULa or tumor. Oa. No.l2.noted •a7 po.oa M taalaq tale 011 sill bt Lamont', tall ha t►tlr treble by ropoiroloq In ofilaa,conkor of blood drool anal:mom.. ay, Pittoborgb. ,pryl7-.Atf I[ 119 OF ICKSb HQ—Pictorial , Wioll•Papor, reprarotlng this Woos. ohm, for § f.' o by • W..P. ItaltatibbL, '.4 2 7. 8 .., 67 Wood OMR ginlMlli, .PAYISH HANGINGS, ale. ;ant Cool,To 0 0."Idedoltono wad t bor Will Oros eta, lots rotirid from Part., fo o r soh by ' tyYO W. P. Id A IWII ALL, 1.1 Wood .trre b. ..t:iiekt BHT. Fll • - NS 2tl TEB far We 17 PAITISSON • •R WIN 11a728 VP , 43 sue DIA K ILK 131.&ti3i AND A.P03.1108, Tor Naldlnre'rae, for tra• at ths laths Jtjabtx r Dep .t, 211 ant f 4 t lair stmt T•affal • N. PCEIBLII-11; AYE 4 .. 0 17 jk a c tr="o B. .it 011 1 14 2 VAN: in stota nna ler tir =us ARMAT 90.1 .7rE .4DrERTIsEarrEATS. FOB /I E ' &?ti 'FORMA - EtOftsr ,-- One peir .eirn matched ofrilsg 11,m, Of two here. eingi • evd J4Ol- b enr eal• by Mcd.O.ei T, aAF L foya ' ft: 4.4 2t , teibeel atrwt. 1, 4 1 UR t" A LE-- ENG , IN AND HOI i.E t. povar Togl•e, WWI Astl•Y, fur uls ••:n lu .p.iatxux by Mils, 1.1 ear wiutlait toyl7:lf 14 - 11. n. J , IINt , 0 1 ; .► CO Ipelf" , 'RYAS I4I O ICE; Dr&l.,llfiti AHD OVlDElP.—Tce•uNscrlter psalsaccs t•fcr u. ICC, darlac the t nt , 0' as Fair, •t big Ira El , .nte In Lunn as D.rnan .t TIOLLIB.6 Pitt TON. La raj, clasuna D> . 711 . 1t0 jroo.,•••lazlon.e.y. LEAF 7 03A GM 9 Cat<• Ohlo Leaf Itrertred ood far mot, 1.7 R D• I TIT CO DIU! 191 1 iterly •1 1./. FORSALE ~IL A. , .1) 0 , ....L. An lotrrost lo • proutitioi. OR 6 A , , e..“ 2f. dare Rolthrt•ettror Cool, r•er the o,lr:ed. Rr elle et ou.ArrKte re re Inquire at Nu it ill ill ND/TRIER or tn.r.Gr3. 0 P. lI.JCSIIIR o. LiXl4 SALLY —A small I -arm, ont.ining u 3,14 r. 1.1% as. '4erlj cl •srail • feacvd, al a a ,rse Pa.., eta al. .d frail. Ito pia. II w.tl wat,red, sao at. 4.1 I. ell• 'tray*. t...nallp, 11 4 .11e• fr. in clellcvona. ' Tble place arvllaclit• tu raeclecluic ...meter my ta I. 'Cc • A. I , a 00 • otsaat. ACAHN O,TICATIIh. -, ten Testamentary no m the ' , stet. of IN arganm Km. Judy, lam of !or AtAny t.Py, AYleyhony come ty, Pa. .4A15501.i.41/14 the nod,• ylenrd, all ;lemons lodyb'el to sold WAS. will met. pA,Atout oithont dylsy aud time basins ^ielmo or domande slit pro,ut 0101:11, doll auttomucatnd for ay. lement. A. AIoCOILD, my2l6t nlntstrater. volt SALi.—A suburban resids.ce, I oituatern Haunt Trog, ca. rella from alughe ny kfadko. Fleas.; tara• ramolon house, well ar ranged, with p•rtico io hear wide rearm kull,trillir room• cm drat lour, eight c• •woad _ear, garret, I gt orlbr, back p-rek, Makin and carriage baton hostage room and ether afgrat, two scree of crorad, good .611, large 0at..., fowl Loan, 2 yak eta.; esalleat frail sod shade trees, •••rgreeco, Tin bud ahrubloreg, circular ovriaga boo., all la car-plots order. 1048 a. •174111124.11 T a sows. 61 Market WHIIE, ORR A CO., 25 Fifth Street, 0110 fat .d. EMIIIIIIIOIII.SD, H1r•6IITOfl1D d TLIIN O&KIIRTO sad 11177 HANDICERCHIEFS , EtdIII9IDZIIILS, sod IVFM SUMMER GOODS. -LI JOSEPH HORNS & CO. Offer for ~is a very eociplet• stook of Ladies' and Idis Bea' Hats and Batavta, YLOWI9IB, 11113190F11, Lad all other tassoabla MILLINERY GOODS. LIN CN Iti•VOK*ll Ab 6 inn rx GOODS In *vary variety, 550 at low prices Black and. White Balmoral Skirts, DO PLZX E 11877, 0112.98111 ad DEAD 183711, OOTTON STOOII9OB, and boa wake of logllsle Gotten ae , 168, at mask 1... than 101 W PRI eeN 01111550.10, la Cott., leateh and bilk, tali/ a ND l a of SIT DI MICIPL M. Women ad CM - Idea ad a Mai d•no l 7 of TAbbY MitICLES ad NOIIoNS. Dill lad a fill 'tea at Less than Eastern Price. JOSEPH HORNE dc CO., 11 dieSD 79 Illa7Ll7l' /1711SZT. coyli WE :COW OFFER roc SALE WHAT • I we coypus to Eis the Ission worn:art of Carpets and Floor 011 Cloths, Er,r eakitirol 10 this city, to TIIILII PLY, Prilinalle sad Yen f TIAN OLLIPVfII nd •• ELT OIL Clan 1111. IS • hero many &amble sty 011 not to 1. fond •larwtere, tralthina urn hour in yowls ,U e. U YU - 708SL LT. r/I.CVSLI avrAit. Th The grist.r put of 0111 neck having ben pnr• ennui or coat ttttt I for L.P... the i..-at beery ad ve....c0 pun. Via M . 1., at • very unit advance on nivel Co,g, 610. prisrs tong to many Instncos It: non &rant. merlon mfrs. Window Sh.tAles and Flitarexi table ay. P 1 .no Covent I Hopp. 1.1 , t . d ties Carpet., C. , Caa end Cbten Pliaatm.gn, ell .lath. a.eartmant .I.l7. t. sa ki b l azd at tits lowan ya yea, tic fil.)LtztaLL /11-Tar/and, Collins & Co., Nos 'IL &ND Ir aTit STIED?, BISSEL BLuCK. W. H. McGEE. 10 SI% CLAM! STREET, Wonll soll tb.tleal.n or boyoro to kis stook of 'PIES. It !so bo•si Fl.cicd With 'put cola, .no •11311 all lb. :tonal stsl.• rots to Do fo..d I. claim bons Goats wlsloloo salt .1 cloth. sad. a tutor, orlll 'Orme call owl eronno• oor ousels owl pones. Also, • fall awl ossplsto .took Famishing _Goods. W. 11. 110253, Merchant We:, 11.10 et Chlr street, Pittabli SSO IitiWAREY —On Wednesday =cru ise Ile bare ef T 11.11.2 Eyed, listed op la tam Will. ?maimed, alter miles trees tbe *Rye wee detered„ sad a lark bay *dal ad ester • tit- Lell gym rasa. Me am tees.. years eld, to gad medal.. lA. ►eras is .Ingle O= I MP -errs. wltIR • s ra tat has Al or els,ul the sees time the cerrisp kola of ftirkterd rare:... septets's Me ease pevralsee, was marred, eed T.l SUOCIT at driveller whit dr frpsd'a mere. It Is •sititibsivisp beady, palsied Idea, wader e by Loa, of ristleasiplia. Oa sale side, eat as seal, ea Ike eatelde, ta m la a ef ease-mark Weis/. lett eltsta lent.a at la routs, ad, lovas la lb middle ad etendrd art* SW" pla , “ of ire. There I. se dealt bet See tide( ems le Allogkony City, as he wan treated ilia ter. Tlie above reward wilt ha pald We a:mead oeaelotlesef Ile Ode ..d tee resesery of lb. prop sty. JllllB BUM aht ItICHA OD 1.1•31101 f. REECE, SEAL k CO., WOOL Commission Merchant: 341 LIBERTY STREET, Corns". of 'Wayne, firldiltrfiG/1. car ldleol bough: sad sold os Brskstads. s••./1;1,3 EMildrTfi. WANTED, BOARD AT BAST LIMIEST, ely • s.•tlma. t• • rc•pect•!H priests family oc h.•ce log hoot•. • WANTED—At theVorks or the Pa eet: m.etutemeig Ce•ence.), Puti:rf /et E n.,D I En MEN, for canna *art. Ilea Zjit tam, .bt peened.. litoady ample, anent. v 7.11) on Mteday. .edutedav,and ri et tte affloo nt tb. lA:Upson canter rrri Bnir.e.T anal Dt Qt:REINI Wo.Y. • • tr7411 , 1w ANTED— fAO A MONTH.— , . I want airmittat IMO • asoatti, expnwlopald, to toll my EVEB,LABTING PICNCJILB,I4III2MLI , BB KNEW% and thirteen other new, metal 111111 rfirmssittclas. Tintso circular* neat /a.. Address, JOAN F. Lor.D, Biddeford, Elaine. apakiltodawT WANTIGO--A goodti4EvAsT GIRL, v the utuThrxtegols geom.)lttautsr. itd I/111ln; 1••• to to ilho oonlitry %Oat lb aCm a partnotteut "It • w. • llll.ltbglvea. lequiro at No. .111 11111353 AATANTF.,o--A BOY between the fees TV of I/ mit Is years. Alootenme TrC01.10,13 - arli br puent... Infinite st 13/811TTESLIAN BAY. NI VIGZ, In the moor Guinn Scalding. int2r/.21 ANTED—bonds atilt N ortgages to w ...ant of f Thovand (isn,ooo,) oti O' Cy or Ootilay oroyarty, m MY Mae: g mt. II to ED; WI, Owl) to toy IN 11. :or LA TA A 01..10r•oorte. arr. ,1)-11T—ANI-r; 'ED. A IBM CIA6S PIZZAZE. DAVIE k POILLVIA • y.. 411) Water gtrut. y RI - A ca..starn, . take oast et • pededea key. tki atty. /atrattlo at WI Or/UM *ASA( F ° 6.11.11. George W. Smith's Farm. In coo...queue. 01 the rex...vat of part of al sty own ago, and Oti...t conoldorotiono of • ;omit , sod' fonioly suture I wilt mous., ei• attain ..d cantloo at • atomiloo ootat. limed Pi-owing and C l o g 9taln 1.1 , 1i9 , 441 Is and to atoorn,linT Ebb , tale. ty p - ltote esontranu, till to Mei DAN or zi.it,Llol, and.' tot then sold, b) ?obit: Auction. the Magnificent Estate of Waddington, Containing tr 4 Acnrth of b,nortirnt end fret's* roil Ink bill land, well ',Awed with r.srene tailla, ape iyes, in one of the moat ealnbrious ...tries la the woain, and aitnaref in a nel,heturnorel went one blob ly narrater. V' to It Is an the Bethany Tura. Mil. fr. NVlraentg. The mann., I. II thorsukh reptile, lan• sod tea rest F. Nat., ell. Ivory cudtrn eonsvotemQ, sarronade's er ~n eneabseey end tries Tn. prioup t. oat he s. le • nest and can:Anat. twvertars trunk Th.. near, hon.- le en-ado. and Cana. ate Causer ni-otl arroarel. There ere a.or eiebt cotter , ' lb; e. , tst..• all tented to tail ta„d newt ottairtay the ror.tul sf 'ankh pays mare then the :aeon •it ri 1.4..U1 , 170 boon, wirb NE,l3....Ava.nt dt•eded tote sta D.lng Is. IS non., end molls kr ,ar Ile ' wine col. rare, Unss, ws and aseurbing In the hiclret pnertl_u or •ism, It asea an • rani 17 0 0. 1 -room. nu's - ended by be - c. fn. :tall, and .beep: blasketsit• shop and slaughter bean. The form is 11 knees, ola the awl bropentar ens moo highly en:nested in this pan or at.. or.* try, stocked with imparted and ratb.relmine cattle elo.os, ars., Impt-tn.hts, Sr , sc. lira growl* aura Constar of 31 Dates et 4.1 wheat 2. trar'n today: et toll dl pc.v. er sonny Parley; 23 nereaa blank sate; Irra..re af • ors ; IY a no of prerratsea lb arani ernearrue. the baluoce in trod pasture, sit at obi b -ill be asl.l to abet'. Meted en the. Slat . Of kl T 'Sat. er„ Tern. or pueLhaw wade known on) of eala, and at lb. harounng where prate of the ploe and umber rartsculars G. be (Inn artor the 16th of Ploy, Ittrt : hew tort —At the Often of klerears. PACT: Ell lilltOollls a urn, I %Voter ...net: An. JOHN JAI HANNAH, Pearl street; Mr WlLre/ ALI ilAla• NAB, Pearl muter; tiburs.LIcCIEW.I.RIE G CHILD, 11 Water - . . . . • . Plallanelphlt—DULLETT • EAIETUOHNE Saltr.ore—lle , .rs D. STISIXI, ElO. a 13F.1.L. Pittsburgh—Mr. J. TU. MING'S Drug Eton, 01evu40e—D1r. , J. D. IMITH•S Halt lime. CtsteloptH—D. N. MITCHELL A Ca Water qt. IL Lola—W. I IL H It IN EILICKSHOPEN. Lottirrill.--0. 0. DOPER. -. • - kteOlag —A t the BLOM ILI toy 11:1".ar LARGE SALE 01. Farm Stock and Implements, Tour tall. from Wlmeling, 011 Bethany Ttropike, On StJEah•T, 31st May, 1.804, and billowing Mar /am I will sell by nobtio auction, all lay Ilia stack, compristag thirty Gomm suitable for any pirposs Gorham sad Gnaw GAM; Lott:eater, Ostainald sad Grad. Simon. • L., lima.' Orem and part of my Hansahold Famiture. Apply st .y Brmairry, or to JOHN X/LHOILLL, oa the Lana, tor hinbar paniculara. Ostalognes of the peed. lots at Lim Stock and Implements can Ds had as the Brlllfary. ea Me 10th dq of May. 1864 boa edvertineacat also. aylttd NEW GOADS I warn *gone, .y111:11 /ROM DUPLIN k 09., New Tort English, Walking and Easiness Snits, Alto, • tarp lot of Linen Backs and Dusters, Lai • fall Lamm: at of 001 W WI LA NT 01 ICE. TO CON 'I R cri atti--Pro pota/1 aro Netted and oral be mate. by tat Comatlttor on Iltnooa, et n olty ot Allaabotty, 'Ra ta Kay Mb fast, tle• ta itodlag partot al Ottle Lass (sae . haat orototaa tatd Lo. at F,. moat Wait) from Putout. Lore ~ the ...t ciao of V.:MA toner, tooth., altb tlyr beats., 4t , rb et.o and tfttotralk. hi,. kr tit. grubs, Az4 parlay of tient avoaae trete fa/lama ...et to tatiar ovtatob ► wad from ftodar arta. to Bout law, tobsthrr the neotottay ca-Ml.. .4 sidooollto raysteft oil , be node to tbo matt - act tt u loan ae the oa sratoteasa cao be code - rad off tbe pr party, Prep.- -aft to tot loft er lb 11014071. tr. t OnatoLatlext• 61, JOBS WILIGHY, Claim. of Omsk! too ea cantos. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODti I IV. h* Imo received our thlemig .trek of Wldich we drill se:10 lb. tow WT OAHU PIM= W. Ivory am tat pet and ben loslnated eteck .f Mau.* Fla* Calf Square-Woad Roots, To bo bond Is th• city. LADISIP LAST OAITFI7 , to abandAncr., Gin to • call. Jas. RoJob, 122 WOO[) bTtihET Re kaTo fin•dr rcrawred our Ptsno warercr•ma to cur cue burldttur, No. 1 2 IVIrc•D S CftE6T, f nr door above • 111.bstrerd, sad nuarly opoothro tug Sirs , Nat:vast Conk. where Ire 11'14 b happy to wait on our triends sod tte petblit In geurlaL H. R1.X.13E.R & BRO., Bin of the Deßea Harp, ney2Otler es , ' 122 WOOD STREET OTIC ...--.STOLEN—Coupons of .L Benda: lit. $6O, Nu. 2461, MI. 2442, 2414,1163; • Tnn• Cot, tin.. 10,32 d 10,2 , 3, 10,6'34; To. 4n46, Na. 6211,22111. !Irmo; a c . . 99 , 29,878 =,872, Tare adapt. be. data November 21, 1463; All para. are hereby nettled not to water. lbws. Any penos notating lbw Coops. et giving kerb, tatensation .4 will load bathe datectina of C. a7lll be 111.61.11 relearned In /SALMI DION= .13:11 A Water.llo4. WM= RHEUMATISM I ItTon lath torbo prromuently mood of WWI MATIZM er /111711A-L9lll, you oat% als tb. mai lab ems MO*. told by en 'shoat Drageau. styli) Garner Toaro and andiladaldatraela TUONONGAIIIILA WATER Cog• ASA re lT —Mee Losislotors horteg atbeeisod dye gosoasiebt Woke Oosepon, to tserwse !bele Ogled Cock to • tr. Boa oi lboaeorol Dollars flooS lu. 4roll Tbooesse Itoolog been tam. Ilea[. will be owned ex Ile Stn •T ILLY, at tle Ilenklet Nam of MS MAU, h 004 w eer 818131dd:isle ad fourth .[mate, eor at pet-pees at rereivies saltlessl oalroorpdoss t. flto efodt of sold Oman. 117 soar of Om Dona of Manors. , aele:ter 1110LSILD MOTO. iteerotory, WOUNDED SOLDIEEti TO ALLIi• WOUNDS. 501 . 4)=11.9. stoir letttyg pal; 4:01 wit! . tolaclearp. He *Urge wall thoatostoyh collecieLi T. WALTZB DAT, telooaxed by lb 11. I. lireeraskeeii, No MTN% Meet, Htt■We, TWA doer below the Oatbeemel. U. IL V Moe Prarrros'i Om-s,. 156 R. Woof street, Pell., flay net,llB4. PROPOSALS FOIL IRON B STlADO.—Proposals aro layered Le $BlO Doi Liodetroda, orvildet.ag woolen bottom, mob bed• tread N b r Rot I WO:we long, I Met f toebos wide, and 11 loam high. Name. GI two sertuttles• to to %robbed with fee blue. Propooes Wlll Y. none., on the lot 07 The Noel al Potterer rearm Wm visit lo , velcot .7 or oil Ws. E 11011114 T. myttier Own. V. 4. A., rot Purveyor.. • MT OP &TAIGHBIIT, Titraream'a Orrtca, May 20th, 1844 2OTICE .I.l+ REREBY GIVtN-.that• lu madidartra alit lb. Ordtheilthe of eaciactta: mewl ma third day .1 Kay, IBM. cap per mat ant be added as aQ Vehicle Limeade remaiterm impal afar the lei day et Jam. ISM, togatuar M Y fifty' cll.ll on met at that as may be a retarded by the educable. • D. MAOrtllatlni • ley21:11. City Treasurer. • Llrt ilvauxeNoiv • Ths American Ltl► Inn:wanes Q'• kiss. Win:wary, Prest. e.n•t. word, F. r. loos,ponain fox num at Joint B.ock, itutml tr. Het Pmklrmv rata on !trorshle Cartt t ift SC11( ) AT E V EMI REE-N .-÷Tb e dr thts 1110t1111tIOD .111 oonlateDov aD W i r y 11, lila. A lllMeod on.2ber el Critt ' y of Prio cl b p:l7Tor i : I. `— t, ' !:ll t r a b r . : l otstir4 =l,oo promtra, at reergrenaHeimalei; or ...*, mittec applicitlon to B. HP MA. Primelr are of Wm 11 shine, I. .t&b. earh. • MAK V IN'6 CRACKEBB, B patent reel VIA onablu ma to firaills Creleltera ..near •-?* *wt et ten ffiom• . tales• & 2115T114. ro, (4 Truth street, • piY 11.-1 ho .siononglielo; 2 : C o mm'', al this atty. h. tkia, Aar d 11•na • -DL o f, radar rfiliLed.4 rau 51111.11 E, psyst la • n sad allat tas 15 . 1 k ; DdYri, riesbank. Ifs, n••, PSI • airfalr. 500 51411 OATti, in Mors; IP) lova. ^ l• • rrva. rnizasos tei 77 Fa. d libt an* t t in I Ij .- 741:""4"ibl 27111111::4"' •••• waver Itlhirt, - xis s_v...r..~d. ~3'-c.e.=_""' .i:.-`,,, ~.:~k',:.,, NWEn AT WADDINGTON /A M, 17EMZ! YOU TSIV'S 0 GISTS. GRAY & LOGAN,- BOOTS AND SHOW, SI liLiaii ET 1 rHIIIST. Final Removal. Re. Blvaaaati• Oil. WllOlll JOHISEB2O3, 1100 BOUNTY OF PIIILLDEL?FiIt.. •n e 11111'Arent,foarth irl•rot, (Thaes Ontlalag Nod , at 6l FOCRTIL SZLINCT r==3 BERT-IHE OILEAPEbT. Pooheap, Letter and Note Paper, SY YES 017LBZ OS BILL ENVE I_, 0 1 71 IC B; • 0' all klaris .ad, istallirlgi, by the finite Fmk, hwa ark! or tllvrtlar.e. PHOTOGR.IPII .ILBEXII, Lad aver] th'uks th.• BOOK AND rEBIODICAL LINE, As CHEAP AS THE CHHAPEST, - FRANX CASE'S oolr. and News Depot. Clint: (1 BITILIiI74O. STILL bgIiANG AT uLD Pawß: fituat's Union Stationery Portfolios ContaininZ IS SIIZETS .04011TiD BOTI P►PlB; 0 e. BILLIT .6 LAJRGS, litilirELOP/21 IX=MI 3 71.2131 STEIL 111104 1 A.COOALUODA.TION PRKIIOLDIS; 1 BLACK LIAD PINOLL; I lIIIIira PITTSBVIIGII .41.11•110; M.SNOB.A.ADA 07 DiTOBTLIT IniIITE arrarair 100 TALIIAI4/7 saoiarre ; IitraNTZIOFt B.BOOIID Q. & SOIJICI7 LAW; 11. L PXSI9IOS- LAW, sta., trtit. tiobyttlatsnettng ass high 601066 of ovei76blaa, its 6011 sold at th. oxtrwsoki low psie•-211 CCM iffsral dlo:sant to sown osil timber& klatOls ill orders Is !tow. prompt atuptrtioa.. to • JOHN P. tlttsT. 60 6101 It.. Yuma* EA. Prise pocluqo 6spptleo to agent. at tbs Ivied Nara ATEA , PUBLICATIONB, AT HENRY HIRER'S. Tenn Stork% with basement sad Otte. Ify • Its Marvel, author of My Tam at Ms. aced,. •Wrasso Ws: . dn. aistla..:*n • R. it - cman In Black. Ity tlmantlar of "Mae fa Ony." ♦ essnyanfoa to •Wonsaa In Whits.' 111 Lincoln's Ada 1.... By 11.27 Ilay mond. TO 'Patriotism and other Papers. Ry Thai. IR= Kins. I $ ISlastan Ilassaltal Tom, sr Ravioli if a (Mrs Lib. Cloth al ,Cllrocielos of aka Inambarig—Cotta rauiiT. O. I T • Tim Ladies' Cwmplet• pork .ad Emnrcidarira. By Rim Lambast. Nov mutton. I TT The Ladies' anype to Tram Politeness sat flap - tad Stasoers. By lain IlesLE 110 IX. newly tor the Pular esti Barden, hsadwm.• ty illustrated. By Z. s. Rant. Gann mod. ISO Thougbt• on Pors.al Ea/L., botng sin tube ou Chdathan LILL By SAL Cie%Mut. D. L. Mos ITV Noun on )34,10W Lib, .ftla u latrothetta by ESL.? P.m:. Si Woodbnra :. flora. JoirtrY. OIL,. 1 SO • . - 211 L Dantern.jd'a risst ; or, Bak. the Brom: a Novel akmoriorn LSO aadl4aaan. as 160 .Sepo.the: hovel. By dal sawn f 1115...— 150 X V. • /can. 0! tk• Deeknory of lb, Asarco of the B. B By isptels Spot. 818 X VI gala imsd Nature; or, Poyalcal Geography se mcollfled by B. •stles. By Kush. . . _ dindito of Belienaslvory and OrllLlO. By_ di. Erna% Boma, Aetna., of `LI% of Ghtist...3 to 7.9111. Cbaplolza emd.Clogy of tam Imolntl= By 11.11-7. 11* is:mica and her Cbra a:staters., By Tudor. • • - • --....- 1 The Terry Boy end lb. Fleezeite. k curgifal "Book ler Bop." 1 TA IX L. • Thor Term, Itq , oLeil Row be Bran* Oase. lased. r A Beek that orrery yretk sherad reed. I U. Iffept•s trt tb• !Om books malted tree of pearl . resolpt of prim tusnz =Mao snylo 71 sad 73 Ylftb .t., sosS d..r Ss P.O. • ENTERTAINING BOOKS FOB TOOTH. tn. Prague. Boy. Illurtrola h, Daslay...-41 Vbbi.. Bey; or, Soy 1.14 of 114 Gourd ' N. P. . I 2.1. The Print. Boy ; or. boy Life of BorJaseln 1 .121 The Min.. Boy; or, Boy Life of •hrohas .. 1 L Te Yoram Boy. sad Boy h. he:azu Con. growaret-la The worry Bey; or. 80. Life of & P. Mane 1 Si •he Water Boy. By Oliver Optic Lieu .. • Tooth'. Bittcry plebe—..... 1 For oflo h 7 BAY 0011P&NT, sorVI Wood'otroet. NEW BOOKS! NEW BOONS I AND PROGTIE:39 Of 91774.111 T 1108001 A —A, biography of Itoba Itethee aftd Wm.lPoi - AT John Poster. 1 wt. Price it IA bfABIJAL ON EXTRAOTIFIGI ounded oo the Anatomy of the oasis Inintred fa the oparstfon; the.kfivie end proper conalanclpseg Instrument', ao. LIEAVKN ODB HOF" E 1 VOL. Mao. '`' • DAZING AND WTI au LIEU. By LIM. Patten; ger. A hags 'apply of ttu letter work Oat reenhuL J. BEAD. roarthAreele P irdirros. U 21401416 N EW SONG 1. W.'S . SOSO. I:LEVI KiSe. NNW Bele. "DIMMING Of now's.. "DR11&11194 Or HOWE." "SIBiLUILINQ or 1101/1." The sv:ie are locautital, sag the musts saq sad' pretty. je.ryboiy pet sterishomill ten ft. ODASL Capita matted as raatipt at prim ORLI. C. IKELLOR, II WOOD' MIMI RiOAD ORGANS I %LSI 1170ABHAILT, IL I Th. bat known stildrtitito 8e Md. , latt'• Chart& Ctrgars az* 1111111A/ITII N. T. Organ Harmonliaxam. SL t.,llo,ring Marche. tiara era tall:Mind Paw 6.1. te those army otb.rChurch,. 7111 h Miert;lr. Illnchart,.Leadar; °Chiral PM" , tqterlan Clatrel, Ror. Dr. humbug; terign Match, Be.. Dr. Wawa ; Church, C. epeur..er, Loads , Llterti amt . IL. I. Church, IT. J. 'Dewier, alder; thir. , Ledberia Church, &mathet.mt, G. K. Ueda ; Cats Commou Z Church. Celrharea Organ Bumouluas. are in:rutted tape. nor otha.a. 11. X WOWS /SO, Sao AMIN 10 Ca:hares 11/r1.111101N . , trutg:ll V*. ortrist 8-WNW/XS. • • few of Mile foakexpostad tad Wadeable !ITRINITAY PIANOS an at truth oa the way, wad dewy will le opts for othfhteles sad W tole Iry tie tolgtardog at mai weak- • 11. ILEISt2. re BRO., -Solt agate for itelaway's, ISE Veda tenet soetent KNABF:B UNRIVALLED - 7 PLANOEL ' ;, A choice elyply of c3i and 7 oetava • raw Trate.. from the rolehcated bovAry.of Easb• & Oa. fur fruit been received—some to richly carted awn,. sup trairomenu ere (thy warranted for eleht yarn cad are by the beet judo. ynnocinced =rivalled. A. tin u rwyechally ..kind before - parckatia& @la war?. ' - • onaisuortz zimmisoka. - agar, mite . TUT& .etreet. ; Tat ' sirsiNvirAiz PIANOS okki: ai ssur n.t. i latz , %sant.' , , . .11*.111 Opt.
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