-"` ESTABLISHED 1786. abbugh -stazdtt. PUBLISHED DP -- IR !pH? MIL !KG AAIUN TEEMS OP THE GAZETTE. g 01313 1 ,3 ltarnba, by mit% par yoar.....—aa . .1 • ' a. irrarta Thirelog,, by lin% Par I O. • ..174 , .! • . Ober *rem Summa, dnp. capias, per yeu... 2 W. tdu.o of sto - ... 1 60. 55 w • club of 10 cc rem " «.1S& 4sailoss eitealolbspixty lesidteg Pea • dab 11.fteeeore "TR wad the Zelustea Geterrz club .ef twenty, we `will tend the krAllicee deism' dell:. Bbegle envies; 5 cent!, ear All subisalptionsi fn a.m.:N. sad paper. time Onr s -0. 7 1 , 91141 whoa the ti.expieee t . THE GRAND CAMPAIGN. The` ew Tork Tril?ane of. Wednordey mart icig contains the following connected a. • . seemingly 'oorrcht review of the - retreat o Lee from Opottsylvania and Grant's rapid and so fez suo6os36ll.partuit of him:, • • When lianeock's corps. woe put in motion for Bowlfog GrOCti •on Priday night, Lee bad already abandoned Spottsylvania Gond-House. -The attack by llhodee's divis ion of Ewell's corpa onfirent'S reason Thurs , day was undoubtedly to cover the retiromont of the rest of thaarmy, and with a less reso lute commander' than Gen. Grant might have availed to delay pursuit still longer. When Abut attack ,was made : the advance of Le e, retreating army had churned the North Anna. When Harhookatirted Be was - too late to in tercept or to overtake riven the rear guard of the rebels; The 'fight at' 'Milford Bridge we, • stamp one, bat was small in - untabers. With the exception of that cache:ltch andof cavalry skinnishesitherawits. no engagement north of the river--a fait which prowl conclusively that Peri hadleonlor. days' withdrawing has -- foreab - ,,Yet even alb: Hancock was on the road, den.'Grantseemito havolieeathdonbt whether ha had not , still- sumo' force of the itanirir. on' his flank, and - his movements, thottglijsiet eritrasno rapidity r were cautious. He ieems not to have been In poisesslon of cemplete information - . lie was-in fact par . Ening the lamyler Leo., - lint' was cbligoggo conduct biapersnit sou to guard against the possibility bf -deception ; hence the long cereal hitwoorithe- starting of the 2d and of the -oda*. ibinir:;" honed the. intreachment of theatilit Irriford; waiting Torthe meta body to 00111*AIN•hence theittrantholdnettisteit. • ly Irepthn tliti alba . aedetielcaburg road andlhodelayof Burnside'rearni, acting as a useless to • ,Elad: Goni.',Graat been ' able. ao 'kiwis positively the movements of Lee, and lib position, he would have been aora'atheliorthAnna come days sooner, or would , hare - fought a battle this side of it. Still, wheß hie rusabig was once begun; it was a Marini at. derision and rapidity. Un - aware 'ea he was of the 'eaemy's absolute haniperad' by the necessity of providing against, , sequiso,,ha . nevertheless moved Itle,Wholearmy. 33 miles in three days —itt , thaturcumatances, and considering the numbers, an instance of remarkable Celerity. Oar dispatches some down to theafternoon of Tuesday:' Hancock marched on Friday night, rent' ottßowling Green on Saturdaj at 2 to thi afternoon, and Milford in the even ! .1 4 1: g wI th n e o li t ', P11% 1 V4 * the iTe c tit e L t a Va,7 lthd ; of Lee. Trio ' Slit, 6th, and . 9theorge, march ing In Ow artier In which they, are mentioned, ' cams up by parallel^ and - converging reatis, west;4of the railroad, on. Sithday, and en Monday advanced to- the North Anna Hirer, whith was 'crossedby the 2d and sth Corp! at half peat stain:at afternoon of-that day, Warreebaring to dispose of a considerabie Itabatiorotin order to, o.gablish. himself on the lath* hank: 'At toe p. m. on Taesday, li•••••k And:Marred ware marching fat tee • Santis:4=s, and- though tha troops vow, greatly fatigued, expocied toroach it by night. fall. From the limo Hancock moved, down to Om -doctfo.f the lut.ilimputelt„ Gen. Grant . has hiritrisimpti prorating Lou—nothing else. It Li not beeessary titian. Gnat into to conceithlhe fact that Leo got away from his front, at Bpi ttsylvinits rather: unexpectedly, and thatha 4 1 , 1CP ,, at din covering sue retreat as adroitly that, though it may barn been sue petted as Thursday, it was not rarely known ' till WO er three:days-later—not tinkle escape beyond the:North Anna bad been accom plished. ; Bat - - that ie .of little moment; the vital bet being that-Lea did have to retreat There-can be no question : that th. want of supplies was one main' cattro that compelled him befall batik,'snit I,prithable that fn the ozPoolation , t of holding the PonsPitutrg and Denville 'Railroads, and to of getting - Ilich- mend providoned and Insuring, retreat when nearazarl,•ies-061:110 to the conch:Won toit-ban • don the - Strg:Cont.Witlioith it Struggle and to make !want - to' hold the North Anna line during the abort time which would, be occu pied by'Grantin foreiag orb' Limning it The South .4nriaiiinainato him-46 put Una seem ingly of itrungth at -its continence with the pimunkei—buttlieto ice deal clithati mony goirigrfaiihoir 'that 'Leo does not.mean to *Ter baltlic °atria...the:exterior de fense/ ef tllichmond—a. line four urilisor aeon from city.:' Ithr presumable, m ore. over, trite ahandtiritaent inhet.:ltorth Anna, arid eaVrdally` the from'necessity which the tomtit; 'of liiesrmy must now impose on, his milltarylcuigment. -- Ifti - cannot. afford • that Mt legions-should bi subjected to the' mortilleation „and discoltraputtent . of a.com . palsoirr'istreat fritaanother position vainly defended. Dater go ...Straight to Iticlunond, and bast.to the strength el its earthworks; It b to be remarked Nile: that the length ening of General Gist** lite of conilatihica tin is coutyleasatod -in various ways.' The retirementrifleabehind the North Anna puts it carotids /Meet to interrupt Gdetztta. If Leo lingers miltrthe South Alma, the North . 'Anna pirifetriftctiere General Grant's left flank, sad provents althri any =overheat: di rectly upon. it, of any attempt on his rear. He may open new lines to Port Boyar. to Tap pelt:nook, and, if necsthery, to ll:banns, sad all of them will be,eafrt from everything but Cavalry—of which:Lee -has too small a Bore to rote it in useless raids Co the Inca 'medalist:supplies of his enemy. Therri another reason for the 'withdrawal of Lee within the defenses of - Richmond: If Richmond IS' half an -well.protecitid en the north: as luts been .reported, At smaller force . than Leo's srmyhantemporarily hold itsforte - mod todOttbloP and.al no . place SO fortleadean be approached without 'caution, Loe May And ample time to ciptriate - against Butler, white thn. Grant it closing abort! Richmond - : 0 1 -,Y • .1 1 • .41 ' I 1, 3 Dab however that may be, the mm 1 41 11 12. • . =narrows:. When LOO is foreocinto ad, the ,aeptare Of that city is . only a gnesticat of tinicV`To be .fltiyen to defend it -, by the. strength: of ;its walls and not by the streeath at hie army in the Add Ii tha most htimilisibe _._ ,, alialter aihlob . Leo has yet against enemy ; which • an army which be -has :re.- . peatidly: - declared. t' beaten, 'be esinot a - ow'-nutintain- a conceal—that 'is what he matfeescur brit!' 'retreat.' -Ma bat cause for sanitation is that ha ran away en secretly • Shad his enemy, foia tow Angg. de not know halm gone. ..fliflisWeetilog into hls wuted ranks area bls musicians and bin: imbalance Mike , no 'thought for his wounded w 'the Confederaffyitselftkin the - Instant ' danger-et poristing.. ,, ileys: of seventeen :are *garrison for Bleiortond. Who does' ant see that this list Atruggloctramendona as it will bi, Is an Oast of-diaperitiont '-_ - - • . . . BattleWein; . . . In the ligh t between DMus .end Dianna- CUD an •Fridaydaer, thretrigade of-Oafs - Mel Ilowaso weiStho,herets of the day, and.dody leoeleill this; thanks *of lOen..Ozoames for th e i r Ge tian tMe 2 d brereei• The -following - anoidoto of the brims Old Colonel is worthro ' A few days ago our men ;seas renci aaao ed by Oi rebid ihorprhooter conha ilea in the brrishWood. , •After be had wounded several of our mon,Verines attempts were maO to get a ‘.pop'!. at'him without - erect -vit Jost .the • gallant, old celond hi& uPoni tho follo'sring • tagenions tiumght:rattar danglions espri ..sient of enticing Om rebel cot "of Ms conceal "Zo3l," %soh cot whore the mote earoor - frorap for as 110013 'as the Smith= treader-len meihe will lot ay!'" ...Getting deliberately from ths ride-pit, whimhte had been watching • operations; the • Colonel walked i few puce and calmly Boated himself rt , on kettnnp.;:goarcely" bid he done ' before bang :went the '1111), liKld Mole •- flow ;put - 11400 -close proximity to be egraable: Let, era the_mok.o bad. cleared Away, .do z(ii tad pa.uotritadite IPA - whirs the rebel -Jay, - and, in s few mo ments after his body, reeking with gore; dragged fromlte hiding plate, laming react end not less than throe bash! through On seeing the body the fJaciala exclaimed, "There; bem . dtd Lisette!) yen; mild draw Ide thy f " - • ' . , 1 • ; - t I - - ~~ .Asa:.-~.,~.,~::,~+._,.~...x,., . —_.....r- .. _... _,~7,T ~_.._. RELIGIOUS INTELLIGRNCE Tho forty-eighth aanlrersaty of the American Bible Society was celebrated at Irving Ball, New York, on Thuriday, May 12th.- Jamml teamox t Esq., recently elected President la thee of 'Ban. Luther Bradiab, deceased, deoupied the chair. Religions exorcises conducted- by Bishop Janes of the M. E. Church. From the annual re porta we learn twenty-eight new auxiliaries have been recognized, and many old ones bare been reorganized. • Tho receipts from all sources daring the year were $580,578,- 60. Total books printed during the same , eried 1,592,198. Item for the year, 1,- 500,578 volumes. Thirtycight agents; of of whom Bent Taro in the foreign field, hive been employed during they ear. Bibles, testaments and' parts of .seriptures granted to the army and navy withid the pest two years is 768,075 'volumea. To ttte Freedmen of the South, 18,404 volumes. Grants to eeoeded States, 217,824 volumes, and sales /at 40;054. Total, 2u,e38. Five new agents have been appointed for the foreign work during the year. -The Scriptures are being published in Italy, Germany, Russis, Turkey India, Chlua,the Sandwich Islands, besides Scriptures is Arabia for the blind in Egypt. The Society publisha books at home and abroad, in about &lipid.% lan guages and dialects. Interesting addresses were delivered by Rev. Dr. Fair' is, of New Turk; Rey. W, L. Thornton, N. A, of Lon don, a delegate from the 'Wesleyan Confer.. ence to the N. E. Church, now in session in Philadelphia; Rev. - Dr., Sunderland, of Washington City; Bishop hiclivaine of the Protestant• Episcopal Diocese of Ohio; Rev erdy Johnson, Jr, of Baltimore; Rev. Lack. lin Taylor,. delegate-of the British and For eign Bible Society, and Bev. Joseph T. Duryea. • The following eloquent paragraph is taken from the address of Bev. Mr. Clark of the African M. E. Church, one of three delegates to the General Conference of the IS. E. Church, now in session in Philadel- I phis: "The Church of Christ must take her plane as the vanguard of the mighty hoist of God in the reformation of the world, and all other appliances will follow in the train. Our Conference is pleased, there fore, to learn this tendency of your Church; the Mother of Methodism in this country, to the recognition of this principle ao long trampled In the dust. 100 pray that we may prove ourselves worthy of this re cognition of manhood. It is our innate heiti to be grateful fir favors bestowed: Farm; we engrave upon the imperishable tablets of our hearts, while injuries with= are,like sentences; written upon the drifting sand2' Thivindicates that a colored man's mind is capable of mental - culture! lAdepersdat says the well. intiven Methodist clergyman, nee. John McClintock, D.D, who has spent the last two years as pastor of the Amer Man Chapel in Paris, has returned to New York ; and we timid be glad to hear of himas overwhelm ed. with the thanks fellow citizen!, for many good services to the American cants while abroad. It farther says we desire to make a conspicuous record of the following resolution adopted at the late Meeting of the - American and Foreign Chrictia.' n Union, became every word sf it is richly deserved: nßeiotord, That the thanks of this meeting; as repreaentatives of our fellow-eitizens, be given to the Bev. Dr. McClintock; for his valuable services in vindicatinglirtraduced country heroic the peopleirßorope." —4 meeting was held some days ;Since:at the Cooper Institute, Now York, to eidopt a plan for sending christian minis tore and lecturers into the likruthrits calm. try. An able committee of ministers and laymen, residents in New York, Boston sad Philadelphia, were appedided to mature plan. Among the pectoris composing the committee we observe the names of Bev. Jr" Ferris LLD, Bev. John MoClintock D.D, Rev, S. H. Tying, D.D, Dr. E. N: and George H. Stuart. Addresses were delivered by Rem. Kirk, Lockwood, Delt7es, and Hon. Eli Thayer. effort is being made tor:teenier).* central Congregational Church in Philadel phia. It is said one gentleman has pledged tca•the enterprise $lO,OOO. Rai. Henry Ward tether preached morning and eve ning on the 15th, at Concert "all, on Chest nut street, to immense audiences, and Bev. Dr. Stone of Boston, on the 22d,"at the same place, in irehalf of.this movement. • ; —A Citicferenco of the believers' in an early end ofil4 world , Met at the Lowell street Chapel,. Reston, some weeks ago. Bev. Edward Iturtduun preached thecpen ins sermon. Quite a ;lumbar of the brethren wore long hair, 'shawls, green spectacles, and carried gingham umbrellas—an inev itable indication, says the. Boston Port, that reformers are around. " —lt is eat& to be an undeniable fact that previous to the revolution of 1780, Paris reckoned. 10,000 priests and. monks, 500.0.00 inhabitants. No Tor the capital hasn poptdation,Of 1,900,600,runt &xi net possess it priests. 1 • , —a—The General' Synod of the Iteibrined Pns. bYtoilan Patch Minh meets in &he. nectady, ',N. Y., Finn Wodnesday, June Ist. The opening . sermon will..bs preached by tha.liev.o7. W. Chambers, D.-D., of New Yca, President of, the Gencralcilyned. Presbyterian, ptadiehed in 'Phil adelphia, halt been ricently enlarged and 'Ahern's . ° improved. It is nn ps• per, ably. conducted; Outspoken in its de. ntinciatiOn 'of . tht.aecursed rebellion,. up .l4filnrChe supreme, laW of the land. 'the Presbyterian Church (New ficitool) at':Collegeßill, near Cincinnati, 0., a' gracious work of revival is In progress. purr one hundred are indulging hope, a y kril e portion of whom are young ladies of 'thelemialoCollege.. :,—The fruits of the Into revival in the I+iratTieabyterian Church in - Springfield, Mass; Inumbers nearly one .hUndred and fifty perm:iris ; and A now congregation has iiett formed - The anntuilmeetin of the Boned, of .Foreign • .51.1saitme , been held.. %Wei iteePte frOm all emireeht having beim 69; the - ;.experise6,#2l,Lo9 Thirteen naisilanariest Miertibeetireemt forth into, the field daring Moiler. • The Pittsburgh :Synod; gyp:131;0.40 1 lttherun:Churelt;"will hold its artiatialmteet-. Ling, in the . Eugligh • - Lutheran Church of Rochester, Beaver county, -Pennsylvania, Otirameneing:itedneeday, Juno let.• —St. is. ;•reportcd tho ConsistOrY of iiienews; 4ve denied. to the MasoolatiOn parlors the.use of the churches the cel ebration dose threo.bmilietillk niusiscres; ry,c‘ftlie death . treeitircee the MotliodiatE SlLtasial7:BoaWdorilii the weekindiMg4th Ls2.~iT~ ~.s: t+)atC~'q..~'y +rCwik t ~ ~•- Exciting Trial at Youngetown, Ohio—. Two Women Tarred and Feathered— Verdict of $5,000 Damages. theevening of the Dat of March teat an ontrapous assault was perpetrated upon the persons of two fon:odes residing at 'Youngs town, Ohio, named Mn. Louisa Stearn, cud her sister Emma C. Rees. These women were charged with keeping a disreputable homse, and a preconcerted arrangement was made, by a number of met and women of the town, to enter their house by force, on the night above designated, end tar and loather the objection. able woman. The scheme was carried out to the latter, and the mob 1/141 charinterized by the grossest violence and btatality. The men and women who participated In this disgraceful outrage were generally dis guised, but most of, them were recognised by the women assaulted, and. Milt WU sublet , quently • entered' against thirty or hero of I them, by Emma C. Ems, who laid her darne -1 gee at $25,000. The case mime on Ter trial, on I Monday, in thi Common Pleas of Mahoning county, and excited an extraordinary degree of interest in the eammunity. The testimony was very voluminous, and we subjoin a few extracts, from which the mein facti may .he gleaned: Miss Ann Niblock tallith , / As follow; t Mrs. Hiram. Park came to my sister's house. at tom o'clock thit afternoon; she said the &tiptoe; racy were going to put down those Bose !Orli; that they had separated Po Weis and wife, and had calmed trouble onough'in families; thut Wets, going to cut oft their hair, tar and feath er them, and destroy their furniture, dresses, and $152 set of furs; she wanted my Eider to go.• Wewent to Mrs. Park's hots° that after noon., Mrs. A. J. Pulsed, Sarah Murray, hlrstiMary Niblook and Mrs. Parkwere there. When we went in Min Murray inquired If these ladles wished to be droned; It was about eta in the araning;no one then had • Magni.. ch; saw terms*. revolvers; ladies. handled them; Mrs. Park put one in .her pocket; said she knew how to use it; she sold she had cayenne poPpei lb Weir In their eyes and scissor' to out their hair off; said they got the tar of Mr. Packard, who Said he would supply the turpentine if they wanted it: I went up In the evening with them; raw Mrs. Herber coming out of the home; the said the tar made her sick. I sold "Oh, Mrs. Amber," and she ilapt her hand on my mouth. Mrs. Park said James Bens, was to be on hood, ho was a good fellow. She said they were taking op Sim Powa' . camel :•anderstod that °battle Howard's family were separated • by plaintiff; Howard was a Man •et Laditence; Enian woo &bent sixteen years old when she wept away with'Howard ; don't remember of seeing Emma on the street fob a year after Reward loft her Boss family boarded with when i they coma to Youngstown; am • daughter of Benjamin liiblock, who fortacs ly.koot the Union-House. Ottusr witnesses eorreberatel the *bore tee timony, !hewing that the &malt wu preoon BTATIMEIT OP VIZ iLLIATLIR gaILIM O. 13.030 M." 113 the foilllWieg state. moot: My sister myself and ear two chit drab ware all tha t were In, the been. My sister was in bed sick upstairs. The onildren had gone to bad, one op stairs, one down attire. I heard some one in the alley ask "is thin Mi. BMWs house:" the answer was "yo,.' rheard a 'patio rep at the doer; I opened it, and a matt dressed In a wrapper came in, and took me by tho th.roat; I scream , ad. T hey washed In, send me, pushed me down, tied my hands, cut ol.my hair mid put tar sad feathers on toy head. They ent open o pillow to get the feathers; Hero were ire or sin persons bold of me; others had sticks breaking , heluntiture. My Celt came down amiss, and they rend het /,there was a bright 6'1,410e-ft the room. Mrs. Addle Wick was 'there ; it was Thowia tee Herber who took me by the throat. lie was disguised with stripes down his tote end a loofa wrapper on. I belleye Mrs. Han• oak Arms was there; Eliza Witt was there; I. think Lasers Wick,Joha Wink, Wm- With, James Pato, James Itayen and Henry Don nell. My sister called out the aamce of Jetia Seedy, Sarah Parris! and Lefty Packard. As, she railed their names, they srould turn Lite', backs. My sister did not tome down until they cut my hair and were potting tarots, when they seised her. John Wick and Wm. Wick came In while:llCW on the floor; walked round and went cut. James Rene was at Use door with a dub in his hand. The women said they would fle,me ; would take my bead down and make zee look pretty; would take my English out of me. It teemeda long time while they held me on the floor, though it might hare bean a abort time. They forced feathers into my month. Hamilton, Brothers and Infield canto in and reacted me. I went up stain ea soon AS the crowds/root ant; there was a light up there. In about Ore minutes some one came up the outside; stairs. James Rayon ordered toe door open; said "be Would shoot ins if I did not open the door, and would throw over the stain If I did," 1 skid " I will shoot yon." I had nothing to shoot with. lie said "Came boys, let's go down and storm the castle," and went down and throw cinders. The first cin der straek the lamp; the second hit me; the marls has not loft mo. Sister cried "murder I" from the window; they said "yes, yes, we hear You." Tiro men came up outside s tairs; said they were friends; let them .tat they took us, with the children, to Mrs. gammons'. Bode over to Mr. Drake's test day and stayed there that week. I was assisted into the our zings by. St. Clair; could not stand etrelght from the effects of the weight pa my. breast : have been eery nervous since., It was three or J on , dope before I could bare my bead cleaned. I tboaght thorn was vihrol In the tar, *bat found It was pepper i It stung my eyes and flesh; m Laois swelled. When Hamilton came in I had given stymy life; I was thinking of the other world and of my boy. I had ceased feeling, a want of bieath. I was not aide to speak to tail them not to kill um, or to get up from the tne. They de stroyed all the furniture, and took away gloves, perfumery, elbow, silver needle case, thread, ie. XI.II.II7LIZei STATIVCII7. Mrs. Louisa - Gnome teetilled;:in substanoe, u follow,; I was sick in bed; had boon slok two days ;:sts ter bed Just left the room'; I hurl a snout.; left my bed and went down stain; some urotnen caught me by the hair and dragged'roe into the room. I then cangdout them names—" Jolla Seely, Sarah Perrin,, Sarah'Eark, I know yam" They aried--"We will spoil your beauty; we'll take the English out of you; your banes In Youngstown to ended." if sew my sister on the door; tour or Gee holding her; ohe of them 1.11.1 a man in woman's clothes; I elm his pants below Ma dress. They cut off my hair and pot tar sod feathers oh me. Mts. Seely. Laura iykr and Sarah Park eut my hair; about forty or fifty In the house when I came down ; n they bad cut the hid: off my titter's head; Ent tar on it and feathers. Ear • face was parole, and when they loft her site tru sp. patently , lifeless.. Ilandlton Ilfted her up and she fell. Ito then est bean a chair. They had a sponge of tar and feathers etrangling my sit ter. They did not lore my liner tit! I screened. I said "My Godl epmebody is killing my sister." I had a struggle with Julia Seely for the scissors, when she was .ouning my heir, end got them. the said, "tura; quick, another pair at stllners." They heat Me and bruised me, purred tar on the top of my head. 'When I took the lesson she was attempting to mutilate my person. (Here the witness exhibited it pair of scissors without; handle bent, and demonstrated bow they were bent In the Woggle.) It took some days to get the tar off. One of the persons present asked for popper; there , was pepper in the tar. They did not get me down. - .My siater's hands were, bound witb*ropes. ; My child was In the bed up stairs ;'my sister a in the bed Weer. I wee married to Stearn t. and attic his death to W. D. Johnston, from whom I was divorced. , . pa After a at dcal of testimony, in blob strord of tho dcfeadsats proved that thej, bad no, participation in the mob, and others' that thh repatatlon of the how:a wls bAdirrobuillog tesjimony was offerod to' prole that the hciaso win not of tho character alleged. The'aase was ably argued to the fury, who retired on Wednesday evening: On Thaniday morning they rendered averdiot fa favor of !the plain , tiff for the spacial -fire tianuand dollar. data egos against th o following defandants : Bunnell, Sallie Bens; Jolla Biel , lleorie J. &elk, Laura Wick, Sarah Parritti Mary Son nedl, 'Wm. Bonne% John 19101‘..Vrancls Soo, ma t ed Bono,- Eliza 'Barber M ' Joseph.flarbor, Sarah Donnell, Elba et,James Itsyea and A. J.:Packard: This "dsfradateV r dsmand: a *load which la illnwed 3z-thel:l6ttri. _611: dela :dame glrlog bond in the illitrof ton thotttand dol. ',, • :," i Irma Stzetuto.—,tvaluable Ors*, 'forth $5lO, yeaastolati on Moudikyi frola lir; gas. tett, aeu Watt/1440, Ttur-borie and Mai were traced as far ai whim' the lull mu teat, • , : A.Nais or rr.-4adies,litialLassiitat moat PO Ind his autograptito thi Bt. 14ouls . • . PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY MORNING. MAY 28, 1864. CITY AND SUBUBB.AN. Protestant Er : lSt:opal Convention The Convention re-assembled yesterday at nine o'clock, Biahop Potter in the Chair, and was opened with devotional exercises: The call of the roil was dispensed with. The minutes of yeaterday'l 'onions were read and approved after a few amendments and alterations. Mr. B. B. Brunet offered the following res olution, !shish was adopted t Raolo.d, That a committee of five be ap pointed to examine into the aublect and report at the text Convention, in regard to the expe diency of bolding the scallions of the diocese alternately In et least two of the principal cities of the State. On motion, it was Bcvotvwf, That tho Treamuer be mithcrised M pay the traveling expenses of tho Blehop and Assistant Bishops, to an amount not ex ceeding $4OO. On aotbin a eommittco of five wets ap pointed to aka into oonsidoraUtn the pro prtoty of enlarging the scope and Qv dada' of this Convootion. resolution was adopter, tendering an In vitation to !WT. Dr. Bowe to address the Convention on the subject of Home Missions, this morning, at eleven o'clock. The dilatation of the resolutions offorod yesterday (hi :oral too dilation of the dio cese,) by Rev. Mr. fistula, wee rezumbd. The mover of the reeolutiont expressod hit willing• USSR to modify them eo as not to endorse the recommendations of the committoo. A substitute was offered setting forth that tho proposed division of the diocese was un called for at tho present time. Judge Watts, of Collide, offered an amend ment to the intatituto, declaring it to be' the tense of the Convention. that the State be divided into twe dirmenn, the Sainnelmiona dim being the bonadarrline. The whole matter was very fally-discoused, when, on motion, the whole ruble... 4 was laid on the table. AVII o'clock business was suspended, In order to afford Dr. Howe ap opportunity to deliver an address on the Home ?anions of the Church. At the oonalusion of Dr. Howe's address, the business of the Convention was resumed. hir. Welsh read a paper giving a detailed account r f the labors of Christian women of the church in parishes and hospitals. Thu report wu prepared hi request of the ?mai dentp to order that the whole matter could be clearly eat forth to the chorah. Mr. Reese', °fared the following resell, tion, which was mmanimousi► adopted liesotra, That the thanks of this Convam• don be tendered to tbo clergy and laity of Pittsburgh for the kind hospitality extended towards them during our stay In this oily. Also Mr. Snap, the proprietor of the Rort Pitt Works, the Managers of the Rouse of Refuge and the Subsktestoo Committee, for invitations extended. A resolution was offered extending the thanks of th•,Consenttea to the rooters and vestry of Trinity mad St. Pour'. Wingro,ye- Cons for the use of their churches dertug the 1.3,10 ni of the Canveutinn. On motion, ft was RisOfisct, That the President of the Con. station be requested to transmit poplin' of the preamble and resolution on the state of the country, adopted by the Convention, to the President of the United States and Oovcroor of. feunsitrania. A amainr of resolution' to regard to the government of the Church wore then paned.; . After the reading of the minutes, and de voting • short time to .devotional enrolees, the Convention adjournedsiste Volt:attar Militia. Gov. Collies call for-the volunteer. tel HUI for terries to a Itplitd'peried is being heartily responded to thronshout the State. It is remarkable that scall of this hind from the Governor always brings vat &largo body of soldiers, while coaseirlptiori steel reeraithi., nada' bounties, are stemparsttsless vol Pureinly, It I. • belief that the ignite be abort, and them mey be setae feeling of State -pride to the matter, or it may be the ATl:it which military oegenitation teepires among the rolanteer militia. If the latter is let. USK 01040, It affords one of .the best ZIMSO2I for the immediate organization of the militia of the State, so that this spit it may Withrow:s latted through the entire msle popelation, and right means be lases to acquire the necessary military Lnetnrction, that at crery call, the militia of the' ...that Stec.. would fortieth voluntarily the Gtnerai Government with all the soldier. required, without hating to resort to conscription or sautes! bounties Railroad Accident, A liorribis railroad accident occurred on Monday Met at McLure's Landing, on tho Marietta and CM:lsnot! rallroed, about tbroe 'mints from Parkersburg, which malted In the death of thrae aim and the wounding of so, oral others. A largo train bearing tit* 149th regiment of Ohio National Ona•ds, was mot• log along at • pretty rapid rate, and *ken near McLane's Lending the besot gate way, owing to a defestlve-raiL Tte tender jumped the track taking with It a passenger cat whit!) turned upside dpwn. A soldier and two stu dents who wore in the as car, almost in stant', killed. Two mer.had Osslr legs broken and roveral walo badly Waxed. Appointment of Deputy Reglbter • Rh. Williams, Jr., Erg., has been appointed. by Mr. Wm. J. Richardson, Register of Mill e:en, oonnty , Daputy Register of Wills, An; Mr. Williams fs a member at the Pittsburgh Dot, and 1262 formerly law partner of MY. Swartswelder. At the breaking out of the rebellion he was appotatod Quartermaster of the blot Regiment, and 'spread In tbatcapsoi ty the Penintniar campaign. During the Boren days' tight he was attached to Oen eral Casey', staff• Mr. Williams h on, of the best penmen la the roanq, and is peculiarly fitted to attend to the duties of his appoint ment. Knara liattallen..Tbe Last Chance. C0..0 c this Battalion, tat the city at an early hour Friday morning, underdomande! (rapt. Sum! Riddle. This compUty Ls com posed of excellent material, and will doubt ' lass give a good account of hoot!. Co. Els now being recruited by Lieut. Stewart, W. of the Ninth Reserves, *hose headquarters are at Wilkins Roil. This is the loot chance offered to get 4nte this Werke orgazdzatlea, and those detigning to go for one hundred days should maks Lnimosliato application to Moat. Stewart. The company wink.e ready to take Ito departure early went week. Earn= Taitthxe or Iner.—Among the or. Halo furnished to the St. Louis Fair by the iron manufacturers of this city is a epsolmsn iitextremely thin sheetiron rolled by Lyon, Sborb & Co. This sheet is bat little over 1.900 th of en in Inch in thicknote—shat. is, nine hundred Sheets of it laid together would measure buts small fraction over en inch in thigkmies. It is hardly possible to realima the extreme tonally of inch ebeet. Com. mon paper varies from 200 to 850 shoots to the Inch y writing paper - from 75 to 200. Tho sheet, of Iron in this specimen are thinier then the finest bank Onto paper, and probably quite as thin as gold foil is generally drain. This remarkable epochnen was rolled from Sligo bloom. A similar specimen we believe, will be tarnished for this Fair. Smarm) lltx Itrawr,r , Last ensuing a young lady du passing along Fifth street, when she eras mooted by a Allow and grossly in sulted. A brother of the lady hammed to be in the riolnithAad boaringof theomarreaeo, followed3ho fallow, gave him a avers mhipr piag,aad handed hint over to Ms lkas. Tho Mayor Friday morning, imposed itino of $25 upon him, which he paid and wu dim:barge& Ton body which we noticed on Thursday at baring boon found floating to the oideriyar, at Courts:ll7'o Station, Is supposed to turre boon thet of the boy /Maher Who was ed in tho Allegheny river, at tho Aqueduct, some Weeks since. ' • .Tni Corm: .ootraut.—This is the Afth. ansabor of the library serial of Boaditeo dime novel', and can be obtained it Um book and poriodiaal atm of. Mr. J. P. Rant, TIM street, and at J. L. llampleo,.Paderal arse, Allegheny. LON Peeeze,—Zilt. J. j. nurlt. Mu onio /a RUM street, hachtst received the Inds pendent .2reak Leslie. Illtuttetnii Nampa per,- and Demerest's Illustrated Neil. Yoe tele sled by 7. - 2. Bample,-Alleshehy. , • • Lairs, PArim r —Norpoi'm '1943810, ' Now . bit Pdtk Weekly, Polito Clasotte, and tboWookly 'hi a, Bored and. Worbi,lioii just boon steel ed by Mr. J. P. Not, PIM otxook.. and HIV ;!:43imple,,lbdoral 'Wet, AUeipuay. - .ll9tattatal has t abieto, - aolhrtiatoktlas, raspy:dam; aipt •hcislary, at .11o0lallaat1 'maga Haul 1S Stith Mal, • -, „ ~'.33` r -}`i ~' TELEGRAMS FIGHT AT TAYLOR'S BRIDGH ON • Hap AY. Rebel Position Stormed by Riney, THE REBELS DRIVEN ACROSS THE NORTH ANNA OUR WHOLE ARMY ACROSS THE RIVER, Detaqs of the CrosBing, rNnw Tour, May 2.7.—A Herald speoial gives the following detail of the struggle for Taylor's Bridge over tho North Anne: When my last dispatch was written a considerable force of the enemy was disputing our passage over the North Anna Gen. Laws' division, of Long. atreets corps, wu posted In strong earthworks between Long Creek and the river, and seemed dtSpesed to hold Taylor's Bridge at all hazard, and poured a dorm of shot and shell from their batteries, when General flimsy, with his division, advanced. Cols. Pierce_ and Eagan, with their brigades, the lel and 2d, made an assault on the ene my'l works at six e'olook p. m. of the 23d !utast. The riflemen of tho enemy poured a deadly fire Into their tanks, and they chars (idea. the batteries on the high grounda little to the loft of the bridge, and scoured the open space In every direction, tearing np the earth with their whisalng missiles. The redoubt we, carried at the point of the bayonet, a considerable number of rebel, killed in the entrenchment, and one htu.ired and ten cap. tared. This assault, which was mode under the im mediate direction of Gen. Binsty, was con sidered a very brilliant aCalr, and General litencork wrote him a congratulatory let ter. The.3d and sth MieMaui, the 86th and 124th Now York, kith Pennsylvania and llth Maine suffered more soverely than any other regiments In the division. The rebels when driven from td, re doubts and ribs pas, retreated across the Hem., msny of them swimming, the bridge beish too much crowded to admit of their crossing with es tench celerity as therdesired. i An assau It to Teytor's bridge, spanning the North Awe., was mode without , oby the 4th Maims. The bridge was carried niter a chary bkirmish, and the relish were driven from their position oppoelte the bark. At It p. m. the enemy mode a sortie trim his works and owlesvoresi to rotate the bridge, bat after a sharp engagement, lusting about twenty minutes, they were driven back. At midnight they made another with a comb larger force and drove ' tar men from the bridge, held It for erne tiErAls.c.d made aurora! attempts to burn it, ha: the lib New York heavy artillery coming op the rebels arra forma to retire, andth•f:re was extinguished, Our troops then hell the bridge undisturbed till warning. At 7 a. c, of the yitb, Birney emoted the Tort! - Anna at the bridge with hie division, ' , followed by llibben a ad bit division, and soca after by. the it:ll.tigecr &lithe edrpr.' - 061 rISASOi on'the end 24111 do hot rued !,bO4 to lilt J., wdended end naLtslog, while that of the enemy 11.101112 U to that in killed and wound• 1, while we care 1,000 prie <MOM A World apse.i.l datalll a ca., May 25th, .n3r an 7 *Saito army U on the kanth Dant of I. North Anna rive:. At It In. et-re vas onai,laraiblo Ockut triag oa our oentre, but nobat!ezt•A bare upe.ted The 0%11 acsl MI corps aro sarrocirg Nte' Year, 31.ey 97, 43 a. ut.—S.,,oeiab tor the taornlag pateora acetate natbleg later than Stcrotari Staztaa's FROM THE GULF DEPARTMENT. Banks and a Pertlonof his Army At New Orleans PARTICtLARS OF HIS RETREAT, Rebel .17uliny at :Tiobile I LATER . FROM MEXICO Reported Battlo between FKOD. , sh and Mexicans. THE FRENCH THOROUGHLY DEFEATED. Cazzo; Slay 26.—Tho iitaamer Atlantic, from Ditiw Otloans on the :ILI and !AmpHU yuterday evening, arrived r Ith 228 bales cotton far St. Louis. The Colorable, Havana and d Ulm. Cromwell were to u far New Toth C 3 the 21st. Thetav sport Oatawaba bad arrived with tl the 2Gt Musaohosotts and Gorerndiont stores. 4 ; The ofdeers of the Attatetle report that Oen. Banks with a portion cd' his army arrtv lid at Arm Orleans on tho Stat. It is not known whother say new zno'Ya• wets woman foot for the priarit. In mooing across the counirj, on his retreat from Alexandria, ben. Bunks left the Rad River at Port Dentasey, ; and struck '=for Same:lmport, whore he crossed at Chafalay, and marched to hforganak on the A. J. Smith's command also marched to Sommesport, end than embarked on trans. porta. ornerr who la% l'ausacola ao the 18th says that a report bad Jest been received thole of another mutiny Irk , the' garrison V Fort Morgan, Idobtte. No partiruhus. The New 0 - risans Tree Drlk of the Stet has following hope Maxim,: The steamer SL Mary. Arrived hut night, bringing 160 refugees, and. reports that • heavy battle had taken places between the French and Mexicans 7000 strong end, r Goa. Neoprene it San Louie, In which the French REV defeated. This intelligeneo. though Of importance, Is doubted by many intelligent Iderleana Inbar city for several reaso'ne. The Mexican consul, we are told, had no intelli gence of this victory, and be tuneally receives the earliest intedigenee. These movements we known from various advice', although Gea. Noegarotte was marching his troops with the intention of giving the enemy bat tle, yet the distance to be accomplished, SOO miles ever •the enemy', country, In which there Was no water, was too great, in the opinion of those familiar with the country, for human energy. The New firleans cotton Market woe Mao. tire Lno sales of importance being reported. Low middlings, 81®81.; middlings, 850130. There is nothing doing in auger or Melones. A fair cupply arming, butt no ,disposlUon Shown to Operate. , Tho Memphis cotton market remains on• changed, and tbo absence of ,stook limits mcniachlontirdl offering Doing readily taken. The rooolpta ,clado hut roporo amount to 100 halos. -The Tan Bill. Now T;ir May 2P—The - !Triblou'a Wash- Xngton ppectil or the 20 th vale that the Sen ate Sineaca,Committoe's amonduent to the aouga 'tan on :spirits tax boon -arrozoomily averted to the country. The imoondennt $1 from the int of:Juno, sl;2S.from "tho kit of Olteber.lSTAD frost the erst. et Jemmy, and tor tangon.. the stook on hand, 'which ametattotat; TU edouteti: Itt 'Committee of the Whole trklay s except as to ..the deck - on hand,Orhith war rimperryd..., .. a~.o«a ....riv`a.'.G 9~ Y.,;~.a.".✓~s.iVs:a SHERMAN. JOHNSTON'S POSITION FLANKED ITLS ARMI RIPORTED ALLISFOBATIG LIB Gummi., ➢fay 27.—Tho Joarours spdtial correspondent states that Shorman's ontire army rostimod the march from Kingston, G., an Tuesday, and daked•Johnetoa'e position at Altoona. This position was in the moun tain fartnesses, and was eonsidorad vary strong. This eorreepondont ballorei Johnston doe. not Intend to fight, but that hie troop aro boing transferred gradually to Lon and Bean regard. BUTLER. The Enemy Make Frequent At tacks on Our Intrenchments. THEY AltE DEFEATED WITH BEATY LOSS. BALTIMOILI, May 27, d letter from Bermu da Hundred, dated May 25th, ray, the weath er 13 very Warm. The enemy made frequent atuahs on our Intreashments, but have been defeated al ways with hoary loss. The Gan:Leib gun, which throws 208 sbot per minute, was•used with torribbs effoot against the rebels. Arrival of Steamers Nsw Yost, 27.- , The stoamers City et Limorlok ►ad Nati:mins ter, from Liverpool, arrived this morning. The steamer Champion, flour Aspinwall oa the 17th, arrivod thin morning. sho ben $30,000 treasuro. The Ere& Eastern Mr. Cyrus.=37: Field atates that the an nouncemont - which has appeared in print that the steamship Great Eastern has been sold to the French Government is untrue. The Great Eastern was sold by auction for 1.115,000, her purchasers being Messrs. Gooch, Barber, Bnassoy and others, who have formed a company ander the title of the Groat Ship Company, This company here ciartered her to lay the Atlantio cable before' the 31st of December, ilos, and if the cable in success fully laid they aro to receive .C 50,000 In shares of the Atlantic Telegraph Company. Soon after the purchase of the Groat Eastern her present owners wore addressed by a Preach firm asking upon what terms she could he purchased by the French Government-, rho response -was that, efts? the Atlantic...l3lo was laid, the,stoaracr could be purchased for lot hies farther Lad been received from the Proton Government up to tha time Mr. Field loft England. S.I.V/T-IR 1,..1112 • SAN r- FAIR.—AII State, cj ug . :ls , fly nca ',own (rem.. la tc.eearu PeamLoO-tr, 41./ amt Vlrgints, p:en:ao orrip otmot f..r the ritt.- 1.4.-.llSatiMry Fad: t. she 14,41-51401,1, of acid Comotittra, tuat tiro proper ert-litr may 1. in - crouoicaticma In mord to to,. atavo mat ter e.ll Ga imottUall ; ateeadn4 t.. L. EIELI:ON. Coalman of I...*lmlttne. 101111 U. siStTA ttecrotary. leo.ltr t3aultary Fair (1,0,- t bt cop; lon the abora. Ps% lottf TLIE f )LDIEL:.-3 Wet he undersigned, hereby litre the wog:. of one d4' or the sums set oppo site to our names, to tiro Plttabeirgh Sanitary Fair, for the Sisk and Wound. ed Soldiers t Wire ad. lOa sane e Lie atatlish raced, inter, pvlArn. ml the J.,..:14.1 rrt. - pri.tor, asag.-. Rost, a acy ratrimtc =ay, pe.4,to or vapy 'mita MR pt It .I,rsz.fl Gy 1,1 tho men thn f4en4.4., eto.p. N‘at ,nr.l.•wre, tes-Ir ..r wccpatiost to which ha br , .0,75, tr.:no.u.tt Th., smock. NAttr.uttr.t. 1:11,111C, 'fig.-J*l3lW of th.. Pat,burgb.. cri th.w.n,y » tit bottoly by letter mod Lb.. t.t ,r.:ca• of our I, , lters :e.• rn..mory of Cur or:ork.ce.l.l.l. cud tn the kl.r,e,„-1., c4ll ao tv to to prarort .04 4 ocr-0.4. :day G..p vat a 1:.0 the huvrt of ertry Chriltlan eud p.t,ot to r,5p..13.1 with hu run., or his treasure. For the Executi ,, ,onkuutive. • mylotf YELLS It. I3CNOT..C4a:r=xt._ ial D "OLD CURIOSITY SIIOP." Mc ail and co-opera:too of the patriotic people of Wel eft l`tOLLOOlytk.?a and &satire OLlo, la here by rstoo.hol, to mating tho above nr.inel depart ment of the ostoslog Simi wry nor equal ly 4ll ant a sooosse: Nomeroda talks and trophies of the ;intern; tar. of the Mexican war, war of 1813, ..d rwrolcitchury wan, cariraittos ens:aerial wltl. the early rattle not t of .r rtgier., or with aod men Now:Wont Ln cur htectry, ties of ovary description arc stored away to privoto tee coptaeka and way, tf brosight Whether, yonder the 01.11.1051T5 91:10r - tot the least of the at traetitra, of till Fair. The orsomittev thcrekon act that ell who are Wlltin to h, 1p u:oug the goal COCOA, nod to so eh arti-tes of the above de etription ea they may hive, ar cao procure Ind. otherm, notthy the 0tt.1114 , 111 where they can be tontil donated toll b. di-Tamed of ea the dooms may direct, or abder the 1.112%11:111 of the Itrecutive Conohtttee. hot article, mend/ ulasood Isu exhibition, rensiptel for 10 arty member of too reostoltive, preened cod rearmed. • Wt. aboniduerotopany ea. ankle hiving Ite engin, htetoty, oto—and ti ft he donated : Pa taloa. Litre evarythihr yon can , awistond to the toot. Oa behalf of the tr.mmittre, Jos.. tl. 111011111501:, Chairman. Omani EL CIIELSIT. Elerretary. Ar`lelea either donated, or left for exhlbldou, can be loft with. or addressed to, either of the following =emboli of tbeconsmatte • ' W. D. Id:GOWAN, Pee'y Ea. Cons. Water et. rlmL l g. DON. JAS. VLECII , . comer 4th and Grant ttrtota. DIL JNO. DICKSON, wont? Pcnn and I.llcad smocta. 8. RIDDLE, • lloatoLlms Allegheny. D. LENT !WIELDS, or2:1,1 tawrickleyollta. Pa. QA.NITAItY FAIR.—The Committee oe re/wee - trolly reqcost al) who are dwitwoo to oontributo mothineu or manuf tarns of any desuriptleo, approprla:a to that Do. ;Admen% to report as mula rawsible, althor of the OudereLtned.l.4 that the proper orange menu eau be taaio for the ruotptlon cud c.o.:mm.l*dcn of o?,. article that may leo acad. • Thu Committee send meet regularly, en Tuesday cad Erldny aft/mmona.st 4 o'rJemk, tout othormiso annoveed, et the clam or ha. 31. Coopto, Na, —, Dank Mott, Pint. street, teLero. oontrtbutemaor other* hailag I/minces Are Invited to man. with the Coratultto. JAHNS lif-COOYEII, P. U. MLLES., IOW? J. JENNINGS, • WILLIAM WADE, TILOS. S. BLAIR, W. W. PAIMION, Corturtlttoo on Mmlmoltne I.l%lL.Eardtary Yale. toylike( CARD.—Notice is -hereby given to all perms who propose voter. led deeds to the Eddli, or tali, wish to, wed amid. to be <lls peed of by ten /lartar Oernotirt., that throe of their memb.rs will be in =natant attendee. et the Bazaar Huddled, from and Idler ZION I.AY II 0 Ebb/ • LNG, Nay Nth, 00th TbEiDAt EVENING, net. tux ttu parries° of reerble,; cod caring for gote:e sod to by ruentilbetore. It hselog b•en decided by the Est:rale. Or ! too that the Tair shell be opened at 6 o'clock,. the *tuning of Jane lat, parties who baba aelecttd booths or ttands are requated to tittered to that dernratlen beer e the day of opening:" The Oodneittea ban, secured the services of inlay j t'ght watchmen during thaeoetleireneo or the Tait, hereby nwerieg the ”foty of all roods deposited wi:b them. Mee. it. 11. GUST, I , r. DAMON. j''''' remlL #J1..0 erLW6 T. ALEX. !USES, myllsnsl QTREET peroons inthr oatal are hereby notified that Ile roped of the Viewers appointed to view and image damnu and benefits arising from the proposed opening of a shoot in she &rand Word of Allegheny, tom • point on Allegheny Avenue, 104 tot .4ntli of Franklin etreet, whore the same crown aold Avenue diagonally northwesterly toe paint on Franklin etre. 101% fret east of Stilwell Wont, has bron bird In the trial Court of Ll:Nihon) county fur werifirmation. BOHolf FS, Jr Solicitor for Al kwhrhY. A LLEGHENY AVENUE.—AII per ri toot intemaled ere hanky notified that the ro port of Viewers appointed to view and S»3/1 &m -em, ar.d becalm *tieing from the Amonteg of Allot gel etymon, from the north lino of Elora street to • Gingen' etrret ordered to be ervoed, • dhiatree of 2.6 2 fool, In tho Wiretard Second Ward. of Alio. ghee, city, ha. hoot' hied In the Dlatrfot Wart of Allogheity county for confirmation, • 8.13011071:111, Jr. my18:Ilw Solicitor tbr Alleaberly. BIDWELL STREET.—AII persons in. temotrd are hereby 'aotttled that the report et Viewers appointed to Max and mem damages mod benefits *thing from the, widen logoftlidarell drett, eemmd ward, Allegheny, from Tenakiln *trod to Idea Lane, hes bead Mad In the ilbtriet Court of Allegheny fount, for conitrandlott,' & SCEPTER, Jr:, asyllnew- *Welter for Allet,heny. B Asazr. , :g*T.liiini,,,=Fatt and .naittakv minT, - Caosaway Taxa col Rs "Is • !data 11a.4213 Liberty worn, rindanta. • . . VOL I LXXVII-'-NO. 166 JtAIUSE.IIIJE.r7S . --- .PITTBBURGH THEA:ritit U•J Lease and..... U. rii2MICLICZ tr. ChISEMITII Laid slight or the brilli.lat throe woe.ke eaiireg 1,12t13t. of the il,polar .area, trt/E EIENDEILSOIif .ho will appear ha fire chavectera. THIS /VINING, Wt:i be presented, the Parisian dramas entitled SATAN IN PANIC), Bettie Henderson In flee characters. Ertl. Hoodenon In flee character, Stele Headman Is an closes...re. Jails Henderson la des casraetort. To conclude with the to...tits drama of I.IISLAND AS I'D WAS. With a comlete. mat In %eke orrpirAtino, "lactilJos Cara " 1 .. §-,- -- BA2SITARY FAIR LECTURES. The Third and Yohrth Retreder Leettaree for th beceilt of the 6m:diary Fair, trillZv &livered by GRACE CRUX AT. r; , 7 i-L LL MONDAY AND TUESVAT EitEM65 !MAY 30 AND 31. VINO Loctgro—LlGll7l3 IH VIZ AvA.a glotrp. Pamnd Lectmr.--WASHINGTON, LONDOS 110.11 C. T!..keta 25 cants—to b. hAI at the rung idaan the city, and In ellogheny nt H. P. Eictrrutes, Ur. E. C. ria,krunr... and Geo. L. Kelly A Ca'r. . Demon rpm at 7}6 o'clodt, turtpre cernorenurs at 8. W. nAhIIIEL A. LOOO, TEIO9. EASE WELL, ILL7Ad Corn-On Lentrunr. U_ TRIMBLE'S VARIETIES, Mae 2T1112111, .—MAnagetri, J. ELLUT and 11. M. nraalasco GLDILIOUS SUCCESS Of THY, NEW BIAH4GE- tIEST-DELIGHTED A lIDItNCTS. Entire New Programme To-Night. Look oat for Idaturday Ziight'n Firer appearance of HART 8 FITZGERALD'S VARIETY MINSTRELS. Meaday reerdos, May 30th. booed of ➢ltea P. McDONALIr. ..auerlo.r .8-ME& 6ALE UB oiNDEMNED tl aousim teas Darattattot, CATJLIT Ettattio, 010eo of DLitt QuarternnAster, Washington, D. C., Nil 49th,'SAL 11;11 be sold at pnblie mutton, to the blgheat 14 dor, at the Mats sod place. tuned below, ell; Newport, Perin, TbunaLay, May 01h• Gettysburg . , emne, Monday, May Nit; Altoona, Penns, flan bay, May ITltt; . Smile, Parma, TYoneday, May lltb; {cum, Thareday, May 26Da; Lebanon. Thneeday, Jm. 2,4 Nortbutobeti.d, Patna, Thuraday, Jute oth; acrutton, Patna_ Thursday, Jou. DUI.; Vallieraepto t. Penna., Thunday, Jona =II: Oa* hundred (lee; 'borate. at Gettysburg, and two hundred an4dfty (_SO) at each of the °that. placee. ?heat horses hoe. b.O condemned as unfit fog the a.ralry Knelt. of the Cutted Matey Arty. • /or to Al and farm turleuse• ID.) goad barydril may be. bad. RON. will be gold elngly. tittle. begirt at 10 A., and eouttto• daily DU all Sr. mold. Ter As CASH, IA Itedt.l atato. Treanity =44 only. JAMES A. USIS, CeL and 0. Q. K. Cavalry 13c.resu. 4.2ft:rjoa, TALL' ni3Lk ROOKS UY CATA, V LOOT. —On to TOLITLY tLey 2..te. at 2;.; vk, w TTI b. sold, by vatah4Ans, et • the Can. reed 6.1.6 Lune, ho. 6% Fifth ett:cal.,ll v. webby .114.1., of Th. bast Easliah .d Amer!. au editions, sea. A th.m ta.opertor btaa,nn , and Ennis ilbutrated, including' once works es.Lye/d4 autTqulTs In.inttive SCl.Ott.;s vsls. liwory's Gonglepey of te• 8.1, Arl Trensousi of Orrar lif halo, a ob ; Castite's tiara Ateerhave ; Indians, 4 vols. Tilt Ya3lp Aliatere Worts. Per-S. val•• Luseeb Litersturs, 3 rots, Nature's 311. e And T roe. ash. nevolutd., tiolflunittet Animated Zia , tn., vol.; titer .2,7ms:deal sod t[. P ipe D1et1.a.),2 outs. ITT2den's Postlud SA'asks, 1 vol.: Liedeosza Seakaptere,ll vale:7l2lWe irsech Berserks, Lords:ter'. Diatirl.l bhdawoohy. valet liegb tallltes Works, I vole Leigh nest, A rob; Wm. Lavin, I 'raw Air Won. Logic; ; Ltves from ths. Olarrndoe Osllery, 3 an.,, Scrivener. • The 1,.. 111.2 Lae Li' Wm., 1 Val.; L 1 krrstrth's Wort., 4 ads, So. Catalog.. an euw reedy, and the Duets win bd an TUT. b.nulay . M=! A DJ 013 P..% EDUaPH COU ter SALC.-117 •trt. of so order or au Orphans' Court of Allegheny County, I .111 expose at Public Bale, at the C01:11rf _lluusr.. In Mao oily of Pltts thrgla, 02 SA TrILDA.T. the . ../13 trey of nay, nt 10 o'clock s. That Non... and Lot No. PS Grant she., opposite the tiatto.dral. Pittsburgh, occupied by Etrb. Soule), and others, as lac orlces. Also, iSca contiguous lots on the wort die of Con gress arra; Pittsburgh, Nos. 33 and tS In tb• plan of the Watson estate, each Ist having a front of 113 'tat end s depth of 90 fret. Al., a lot an the c.a. of Totten street .d Belford alley, Pittsburgh, being 2.3 test and /1 inch• es la tar„ t, by ISM feet 8 loch. In death. Also, Too Oatms of itock la Its, Iron City Land Amoclatlon. Tan or Beig—Oaidi, and ooneeTanees made tub sect to the taxes for the year 160. and the paretteer to pay es petite of to. ccevreyaoct, and the riaintatte rerean• stamps th ereon. Lthlflll IdeIdASTEIL, roygStil diatireee Holdaeter, deed. rrliiiiiCet), ccOCER t F. 13, LIQUORS, L co —On 6/at lIDAY 610R5111% hay 9.81 h, et 10 o'Clock, to acid, at the Commercial Wu ilocane 01 itith mixt : 10 Honey Dew Tuba=.; 10 boxcis imparted ton . ague; Lola Cut and Dry emoting Tetateci; 6 Weis evertor Castile Soap, Pale Trlloir 60 . arnied tipaotk 6 - " Ist Indigo; IS " prime Dairy awe.; 6 dceen Handled Ratchets; " Half Bethel. A1.,',. Week of epperlor Prandics, F hut, Car. OH., Ad , In came and eaakt to le filch the attention of the trade le invited. The !Ague. are Of choice limed. nod euperior gm:Hy my2l A. 111cILWAISii, Atter. DESIRABLE sEVKNTIi W AFIP lISSIDEDOE.—On TDESDAY DVENIDO Sias Mat, at t o'clock, will ba told, at the Comment etal Bales Dooms, 14 Tifth street That desintbi lot of ground situate an tho north side of Dance street, Mt ft•t 2 Inches from ins sextets of Davis ono Deno. &Meta, haring • front of MI Croton Duncan etrcet and ecttendirg back 180 tett, on which, is masted the new two Marled Brick Dwelllog. con taloiag toren rooms. Lath room and dressing room, finished attic and Dement dear cellar. Thu Mute 4; flulfhed throngboot in the beat etyle, nautdo can d.a, One dulthed grate., thstrs best range, hot and sold VIM, and Ira j *hada and trait trees en the ground, to. ,Tula—Om , third cub, 'edam in one and fro Jars, wititintercet, mewed by bond wad mortgage may2ll idoLLWA.III.3, AsoVt. COUNTRY RESID4INCE • LN Ma. CLU vor. 'lOl% - nli IP AT AUCRION.—WIII-be aald,,ou rh. premiaeta, oa MONDAY, Slay filth; at to o'clock, LIGHT Seara of good &sedan laod,' in 31eCntre township with glad duelling toms, of Owe rams, barn, outhouses eacalidnt spring of aster, and wlthlu too minute.' walk of artmatt's Station oa the Pittabargh d...ll.suchoslar P. It. It. It attn. ated on Woodalfins, one mile abort, the thatino, and adjoin. promisee of liabertClarr. - " Lupareor 13.41 0. B ti.YNOI/, 18 Be.ror strait; or at dm auctt n bfr4lll Cf A. LEGOATE, akB2ll:4t 1651 WsCoral etrart, Allaghonyi VALUABLE 13TOCK8 AT AUCTION. —OuTIM.DA If EVENING, llay /Ist, at 8 O'tloA. on socood Co. of Commer . dol Wm Hoorah No. 61 Illth atroot 101 ahem tab./rhea, Volley Railroad bract: 60 do Pittsburgh A.Steubeuvills R. 11. Co.; 10 do P. Pt. W. Al C. B. R.; • no= • A. IdoILVTATHR, Auct'ri LAW OFFICE a CLALM AGFNC? W. J. & HALL PATTERSON i St if plink aural, Id flsr PITISIMIGII, PL Will Procure PENSIONS, BOUNTIES. BACA 'PA &ad all othrr MfltGLau p'remptly Mr Ho ab►rp antai gncometal Rao RI: U. C. 1111/.0X1C1.-.. 4. JOIMILM.O MACKIMEAt JOEL'S' SON; dTTOICAEYN-AT-LAW . find U. S. Imam! 601.DIZIL6' CLAM 40.1:n® to gIIAST 8173.1 ET. ATILITARY CLAIMS, BOUNITES, PENSIONS, DAVE PAY and - MILITISI plat= or ovary doscription, collocUel by tb...4nb. scriber, at Um following rat , vbs Poutiona SW 04 all atm. claw. $3 NA CL 0. RAMO% Attorney at Law, F No. 73 Grant mat, Plttaburgb, N. B. No obugat aza [nada 11 the data doom apt Sod all lokowatlon etvab grant. art 73 NOAH W. BRAFMI, &ITOBSIIT-e4-LAW, se. 100 Minh Strout, l'lttebint, ", Clatianfor PZEBTOZ:B, SOESYY, rinzs EY, Ira, vtgorataly prosocated. sta,Dj Ct./11 . '0s, lap.l.llll'Ltie, PEVIOXO AND a TI* 4111 0:1, V clntly ALUM:O OI ft - mamma * arDpia4 - No. u ?oath tend, Pittoinsib, Fa. 401.,slidiarr .V/Z /7.1/11'. .100 "" • • THE LAST CH/J.:CF. FOR Knap's Battalion. • . COSIPANY E. Tha haat Clompasy lbr Chia Ilattallaa, wader Major EMIR, will ha =bad and forwarded only tu=t week. Recruit, will ha received, clothed aad eviiiriaxi at WILNDSI3 BALL, Youth atreet, from . Chip q/,te. tIEUT. ARTHUR %TEM ART, Tate ut the Ninth liola..es, Edar . niting Other. anyttna. or W. W. WARD. Mamas. RALLY I FOR 100 DAYS! First Gall from Pennsylvania. The Bee:star/ of Wax bra ar.thartratillne to rob* • Battalion of artillery, To terse la 'lOO DAYS. In Wsaldustoa and rlataty. lks onamicathc bun= as BATTZBY A VIII Om we Company of this Eattallos. ?inn Eder eosakemteallnisatry o. Attilltry,) .111 be se copied. Cloomaadlog Mori ',III ?m i l ... 1,1)13.k At cam it THIRD STORY WILSINS 4 Sock oosoosay b ba coospoood of If*mos.—to be rmtorod, uniform 4 and eqinlppeclAthe Mated • —_. FENSHA BATTALION ARTILLERY. United States Service. FOB 100 DAIS ONLY. BATTEELY D, ®der oorayosail of Clanta.b. G. L. DitAlYll, Date of 21 Artirbory,l t. about fah, This Bottaßon of AYSlllary te =opted direct by tae Boastawy of Was. Battled. A and B kayo lat. • Thaw uliting to Alloy Amid mian at tau. in Oompnain. 0 sad D. ascurrrusci 0771015—Ca e, over Prowat 31arslnil'e Office, Federal street, allegkeny, or at Wilkins lUD, Fourth Kant ; D, Da. 63 llft creek Cla1114; ond outfit fcralabod on starter Bad qmartars of Battik% witaraws HALI. MEMO =Br W. W. WSW% Matra= Battery Cleatte Ectral.lf A TT - 132;110Ni COMPANY, In accerdsnee 'with the Inte l'roelantttlan of the . Governer of Ponnotrzaln, the undentgand pnopoeee raking aOSMPA.Ift Or INFANTRY, twatrlntent, Loan and rietalty, to mart& at thiinaltlett'sta3L , Rally Round the Flag, Boys htrl Let ow GL01110173 coirsirny know that In ter hoar of neat. brave hearts and awns arms are OM Int:Gm to topper% her. W' Becrattn 01:110, open at. TOWN HALL, T1ATT.311.3:1).4:1(. Ma 28th. D. A. WeI:NIGHT NOW IS THE TIMP TO ENLIST I While Victory is Ours MEN WANTED EON THE NAVY, At tho Gemini Agway of J. B. JOHICS t CO. An Pxpecan paid to the Nvzir Yard. Big Board.. rin Moaq , Advaaoo roy. • 'WWI and toe N. B.—ALIEN SUBSTITUTES *len wonted, to to topot la mortices prortaas to the draft. llotny cash baud. 89 GRANT BT., war Tiftb.. C.4RPETB. OIL CLOTHS. A - 4 rOtTRTI-1. STREET NEW KYLES e) OF WINDOW S.HADE:6 BIODIVED TDB DAY NEW SPRING STOOK 0 ..A. P., P H, 1118, WELL SEASONED' OIL CLOTH, AT APCALLITEVS. CARPET STOR No. 81 /OMIT( STMT. sahl9 HAVING PIIIICRASED An) ADDED T 3 our. (mu Tax • ENTIRE STOOK OIL .CIATIIB I &O. tAtely ba4 .1:7 zumarroca, st inna&-t deed, imam ablo„ by Lb* coatudittatioa, to *Ear tbo LARCEST STOCK TO 13E FOUND IN THE WEST, AT TWEE LOWEST PRICE& Oliver McClintock 6 00.,, as ZS YEllat BUM. DlSSOLvTitarrs. NG INIt3SOLUTION OF PARTNEafigli". Ler —m. firm otLONG, anus:at CO, the Pio. so Islam of .otho Patrons Oil Weeks,. of pubtenty Pt., woo dissolved by =Mal consent ot all the tie; at &epistolists MOSE& - - Aar owsks hallos !mimes to settle vilaitbe Isi fLitt ors reTwited to call ois either ... . ..... , , . . t .... RIIIMIN MUSH, OL n , . . ~ • PITLE IL HILLXI6 . - iiaLEION MILLER., • -- '•-.' , : or to SAMUEL 41.. LONG; at Anttabarsh Bay Works; calmer, Raw sad Short Istrftts. Plitibunb. -. , • . - • mig..,tr 1,..MK1L0 WON ON rafralwiElibEtle —me partetreh hamlets* extettakhetweest, the Ithdershothol. ontler tp Mt style a WM. O. JOatt. Mat tauttelb . ached, to- tehettlbet truck thle We. 2.10116 ED BWUN Mirth( froze the firm. The badness tent be cettaztatd eetomer -I,Titimice the etllo se beetimfore. , • WhL a. maxi m% • - • Ithlrlt.E. JOHIMON. - iortubmb. mh.l.-te JX/I;LZ.NMR LtILLINZRY STOKE, . - Aka.:2l 'St: Clair Afreet . giaaalir;.*iad !n714 , Airittuety 0,604 - Mats watt atom sodBOXIM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers