. . . • ..z . . . . , . . ... . . • ' . • ! •Vi ::::,..., c,1=i47,., ..,..„,_...,„ r , , , .., ..„:„......„. .r.rt-al.v.-,,,:•.1.,,,,,,....., - --- ' ..-- ':-:',:"'' 4 ' +l . .., , ._., .. .. ,_ . . .. . . . .1, . - 1 ' , , PBBBLSEBD BY • GA113711 PURISM ASSOCIATI Z91:11102 'Eamon, by mall, ;or 4 50. swath—. FL • n wsak--- 10. M darn WirtiLT Forms, ainglscopirs, per year_ 2 00. . 1 clubs ot sto 10, 1 so. sa r 0 hitt:4olloer moss 1. . 4 .14 ad eta extra to the party loading club, For a tilteeii, we will send the Ersanto Cissrsta "daily. Tor • club al tsoat7 , wo will send the Npostisa o.4n.mitlistly. Single copits, 6 cents. . 411'4 submalptimui 4: , 14:4 . 14 admen., and papers ahraSimioiged when Ilia tilts 'nitwit The Beading Matter on this Page is from Yesterday's Evening Edition. Washington Dispatchea. [From the 1T691 Yo;lt napes of Wednoaday . Of lowa, the extensive wool grower, rep speak to the Nousq upon the polity and necessity of higher protection jorwoole and for cloth manufactures. Several Eastern cloth makers Ore hero properly urg-. ing the members of the House and the Ways' and Means Committee tortrike out from the free list wools of low grade, and to encourage by.adequate 'protection the wool-growers of the Northwest and of, California. Galin TO CLIALN Ur. There in ajoyfin proipect that Congress will compel hropertY•owners in this niftiest city On the Continent tolowerwnd pave tire streets. - Iran TAO .PATists. ,It oMelallyknownhere that Gans. Bean- . regard and.Porrest and Gor. Isham_G. Harris hero recently raid United State, taxes on real estate, In Tennessee. 43XtsT GM TOR itainon narinal. Norman Marl was congatniated to-day by a. high otticial in tho Navy Dopirtment upon the siscoessfril coiling of his great ma tron grin at Trenton, as the beginning of a new era in harbor defenses and marine war fare. _.ran roams otrromAtt. roar arztore. The feroigrt diplomati, who have hitherto ;allied their faith to the sleeve of Jeff Davie and Geniral Leo, are meek troubled at the pretreat wiped of affairs. " The Wounded Soldiers. The Albany Evening erotano/ says : • "Dr. A. 0. Vanderpoel returned home Sat urday availing from , Frederioksbarg, where he has been employed as a volunteer surgeon dtuiliithei past twelve daye. He gives the most encouraging acconatsof the condition of our wounded rood the provision gads for their comfort. The government hen spared no - pains in - *Glistering tor their sufferiaP s In deed, in no previous *stew* -after a great battle have, they been so wall takeif care of. "Dr. Vanderpool also speaks in' high terms of - The efforts of the • Sanitary COmmitsion. When•its agents and employees flat arrived at. Frederigksburgno arrangements had been made for receiving enr wounded, because the authorities at Waelinton - supposed they would be brought direc tl y there. They im mediately set to work buying heroes, eaten porising.asubialattees-and preparin; hospitals. . Sack progress. tildthey- take, that in a tow hours•even - the ainhalatteas were on the way to the field of battle, and load after toad of mutilated heroes began to come in. The Commission ill* established a coffee depot at Delhi Plain,. and another on the road between • there and Fredericksburg, where the poor Bellows could be refreshed on their way to the - hospitals. The Christian Commission were oleo deluge noble work, in the way ofd furnishinirnurees, eta, +lrc "Dr.. Vanderpoil ' tells us that our 1 1 wounded soldiers expressed emboonded con- fidenealti Groat., The whale- Dumber of .our wounded up to Wednesday might last win tot; he tells - ns, ' , exceed nineteen thousand. The killed, stragglers, eke., will, of cost*, swell this - several thousand more." tr% .;) thot, • •13 HOWantio; the proclamation forger, is about thirty-five years'of age. He =rurl:iced his literary career as a contributor to country newspapers; then es, correspondent of the Boston : Daily Journal; subieqeently as a col , respondeat of the Boston Afire and Deo. In 1852 ho took:Largo of the fireman's depart - meat of the ,Leader; afterwards helves em ployed the - Hew York Times, and, on the arrival ef She Prince of Wales fn Canada, and doringhie tont through this country, Howard accompanied him an a special acrlaspondent. Re was with President Lincoln at the time of hie tone frogtElPringfield to Washington, and wrote the.. stary in relation' to Mr. Lincoln's escape "In a Boatel cap and long military cloak"--a statement which (the Tribune says) had not shadow of truth in it. For a ehort , time he was empioyed by the Tribune as a correspondent, bot not as .its city editor. l About sixteen months agale Was appointed city editor of the Tinies,_a position which he H held but - a few months. e was next maploy-] ;Id by the Daily New,, and at the time of his ] arrest was city editor of the Brooklyn Eagle.] Qaa.SITWOUS, who was captured in one oil therecant tattles near Bpotsylvania, was taken I by the rebels to Charlottesville Where quits, * crowd gathered around hind. ' He improved the opportunity of making a good loyal speech, telling I bis audience that even if Leo were niccessftil; and should copier., Washington and ntfastelphia, the effect would only'be to , thoroughly -unite the Nortaand , tender the punishment of the South tapri - thorough and severe. The Riclunondeir to very angry that he should be "peiniltiod to speak, bat betrays . the same of itslEdlgnatton by admittlugAhat many pemone were pleased with the General", pluck. ' TEN ...Loulst4le n Journal of Saturday says: Bbinki, the correspondent of the Now York Heredidenieshoving boon:allied or wound ed at the time kind In thenisnzer mentioned by del peisars of Cincinnati and Loublitte, (ours oxesepted;) or that he has. been killod or wounded at any other time or in any other ammo * /hullo vor. Ile was In this city yes- Tun Is- an aboard rumor stoat that the Dowiiittr - Duchess -of - Sutherland has madoo cougnest of Giribtddt, and may possibly set aside her state, and- canoes! to Moos* the wife of the hero of Aspromosto. The canard Is going the rottadof the mato, and Is not elnlo•tattle - oily, Gun:sum speaks. fourteen different ',lan guages. Belng asked to Write something for littio'f*s ocaap-book, he instantly COM possd.topsypiistl in Greek,. • Da. Dail — . Htts, wh o east his first Coto for Guars} Irasktagtan for Prestdant, rttod. at Clotelai9, cgo, on tholOtb, agod 94 years. 13.9,Parsrazir Eurasia it loon to sail for Nampo iplearazetoar. , 'tusklaw:Laid Home Guards. , 'The Noma Ebtaids of Itiotunoild and Paters birg tiara been slaughtered in the tote tattles with , lintier't army, They seem to bare been placcarbithe most exposed Points, and were outdownlarganumbert, The Itich. mend .14Maiser - .if -the .18:11, speaking of repulsing Merle:, says . ithetentb orn troopi'lnfibrod &con sur4rlble lorlia. in :killed and wounded.. , To make an omelette. ono mut break tam sggil it the snarls of French arraies., But we as inelined to ;MO. that the numbtr Is exagge rated, for there...ii this evident AUI3O . of ex; eggeration: thit the - hrigado which borirtim btuntottho battle, oentained a great provost_ tics of ;;young men from , this oily. Many limes hero .uontsizt-Wounded. , brethers and NOW and 'Wee the popular imagination in Elehmondinerchses the total lossbeyond re ality." - • ) Lee r sArmy. - • [Westderenle Baton Treederd Genera Gant fir.wedalaing for:some o.ppor tomb, tn . take-Lao at *disadvantage. There is no doubt slisiensribit: 44' has 4' email -force—tnnelt hatialarthin -was inppeded at „Soh :GonevalJiLeadei gave - it.aa hla opinion but s f. day, sines that Lip'a snap does not nasehar ferry-five thensand men: Genaral Grant, iteald &es no; 'give it tredik for ;um than fiftythonatat maned= the recent tetttlas....This liancattraginad..for Garret ban ; hen an faunas* Harz attli and itiesp;rit id MI • ur ic..t...; ,,, Thi . ...Kete27etio*, Moment or : ima) eayettallt hsromathlate-to - do with the eoneentiolteella4 6 iiitsek at Bllttritere the 6th of inns, the 'ley iireeeding the ilittba- Comm. 11.0 n) ea it beitevea It to boa Qui movement. li . t,---- r ,, , ,,..,.._,.._ s==, THE DAILY " ITTS I ' GAZETTK Vittsburgli 4ER.IIEI 01 0 . TILE hAZETTE. Noma; bmoi, by moll, Per yoar--.18 00. toontb--. TO. week.-- IT. a • s t ■ a rzonCriO3 Pon woos.. NEW YORK, May 26.—A Tribune diepatch, .near Hanover Junetion, of the 24th, at mid niicht, says that trant's grand flank move ment was made with ouch celerity that it not only ousted Le•from hie stronghold lot Spott f y Irani& C. it, bat pushed him back beyond the North Anna riverin each disorder that he WWI unable to present to oar army a solid r front- The ruin day's march left Hancock, near Milford Station, strongly entrenched in j three Hoes of earthworks, which could easily j have repulsed Lee's whole army. On the 24th the whole army moved down to Mount Carmel Church, within four miles of the:North Anna. Here a line of battle was formed, and - the march resumed, ail:meting Lea would show fight. Slight resistance was j shown, bat they loon found us too strong for them and gave way. They were driven into and across the river. Our pickets then ex- I tended along the line of the river upon the left; Gen. Warren, upon the right, was quite as successful, repulsing three charges, and pursuing the enemy across and beyond the river, where he it strongly entrenched. The wholciartuy is animated with its success. Naw Toll, May 26.—A Tells. spacial says that rebel Fisoners state' that Lee's whole army is moving toward the North Anna. A portion of Lfingstrett's and Hill's tarps f wary sent to dispritatha passage of the river. , Their resistance, however, though sharp was raffle, and our troopi forced their way over l and. the rebel, fell back a mile, sustaining rev - Y . llWe damage. ,I Another correspondent pp Of the los !' parlance of Grant's! last movement that officer remarked that after what was ICCODapiitao4 bo would Nave risked three battles to have j gained the advantage he has secured. A rebel bearer of dispatches was captured, whose dispatches show that Lee is failing back on Richmond. The rebel army, he grays, L- in 'a panto. New Year, May 26.—We learn from Folly lola td that on the 15th inst an important expedPion WWI made by the 103 d New York volunteers, which was highly successful and resuipsd in the capture et a rebel picket post jof five man. The troops landed - on James I Island from boats in Secessionville Creek. They advanced through the marsh and took the rebel pickets by surprise. Theee men re port the news In the Charleston papers of the 12th to bo that Bleade'e army was thrown back by Lee,but Meade received reinforce ' manta and ads &stud south of the Rapidan. The present fore* of the enemy Is six regi- Anents of Infantry. This does not inolude the troops en Johnston's Island and in the Vicinity of Adams' Run. Personal Mention OLD CRILLTDRIPIZLD, May 23.-10 P A news from Warren and Hanasok Is beyond oorexpectationa. Both oorps effected a lodg• meat on the right bank of the North Anne late ads evening, after'a sharp and decisive engagement..-Attach crossing they seoeead• ed In carrying the enemy's rifle-pits and driv ing him complotoly from his vantage.rottod. New Your, Ma 26.—The Ilerakr quutora correspon y dent says that our s line/Ind- of advance from Bowling Green is due South to itiolniond. Lee luta a longer distance to march, and the probabilities ate that we shall reach *hero Amt. Lee may, by a forced march, arrive at the same time, but will be so, cx. haustad that the remit of an engagement would nor be doubtful. !- wAaaniwy o y, May 26 . .--21, Gm. Iliv—Dis patohoS from Gen. Grant, received nal morn ing, inform tbli dppertment that the rebel army - still holds.gielitrong poaitton between the Ifortttand Booth Aram rivers, where their forces appear _to &a concentrated. It will grebe* requite twe or three days to develop. hbrlntentionil- ' • Tilts-Ninth Corps btu been incorporated with tfto Aim,' of thaPotonsam Nb dirpatchen. boo =boon reciired from any other field of °pentium. (Slgnnd.) E. M. Bußnm. • From .NOW °Maim CAnut, Hai 25.—Row. Orleans dotes of the loth an raceiied. li no nom oflnsport- Thew Waco. ,•.• - . • Cottod spirited, with only it liztilad amount zpriaz aged. Blz hundred bales wzrosidd at 71@77; ordinity.to•good . oo@2;- low 'mid dling Bd, aid middling.. Bo. &mt . Indigo' foi sugiz ands adolatisd. - Baled 100- blida of angdr. Inferior 'bed fang fair 20ax 200 bbli /uplands at 00800. for inferior to good old and tow. Thom,ls a fair quantity'of sagas ! ori aalls.llttle malign& . •- • I • "The Bombardment of Pert Sumter. lialg nett, May 25.—Chailtoton Ilarbor t;, advises to the 2534/04, dated 15th ina stall that ins =orator': and hattatierwere pound ing away at fituntar all day and night of the nth. and renewed oti the 25th with,inateased vigor and offset. s-'^`'..'mac-n.,..,,.,er3'5.,:.,:tfi l ~.wu.•rs?sse. a.~-r;.E ~P ._j l~ .. TELEGB.k3IB. GRANT AND LEE LATEST FROM THE FRONT !! Over 600 Prisoners Taken up to Tuesday Night. CAPTURE OF LEE'S ORDERLY AN IMPORTANT DISPATCH INTERCEPTED. Ewell Ordered to Fall Bath to the Detentes at Richmond. PANIC IN LE F'S ARMY ANOTHER RAID BY SHERIDAN The Railroad Cut 12 Mlles Below Hanover. TWO BRIDGES BURNED The Race for Richmond More an More Exciting ! 1 THE "LAST DITCH" NEAR AT HAND .41 - .711i1e of RatirOad Destroyed. THE REBEL GENERAL GORDON DEAD le c., co., &o. MMY or rum Porousc, May 24, 8 P. M.— A messenger who left the front at six o'clock this afternoon, reports the enemy crossing the South Anna, with our troops In close pur suit. Over en prisoners hare been brOught in since yesterday, and more aro hourly arriving. Fixiog,tss heard this morning in the direc tion of Port Royal, and was supposed to be from a rebel battery which was reported to have boon placed at a point twelve miles from Prsderleksburg. Au orderly of Gen. Lee wee.hrought in to Headquarters to-day, on whom was found dispatches to Ewell from Lee, ordering him to fall back to the defences at Richmond. A lieutenant, taken two days ago, laid his brigade had been at Plymouth and Drury's fillaff, and after fighting Butler were sent at once to join Lee's army in front of GratiL This afternoon a detachment from the cav alry_ expedition under Sheridan, arrived at headquarters, Announcing the safe return of his command acmes the Pamenkey hut night, and that they Would arrive to-night. Custer% division clot the railroad twelve miles below Hanover J'anotion, burning two bridges and tearing up a mile of railroad. The 'hones of this expedition ere pretty well' exhausted, 'I bat a feW days rest and feed o n the tine clover in this vicinity, will again put them in condition for service. ;1111ADQUARVILE1 Povoxe Ma 24. —;.The Richmond l, Way of op the 20th c, says, y the losses in Weekham4 brigade is: officers killed and wounded, twenty. font ; missing, two; non commissioned oiliness and privates, fifty six killed, three hundred and fifteen wounded, and fifty_ five mining. Lamox's brigade, officers killed, nine; wounded, seventeen: misting, one hundred and twenty-two. Total lois in the division, seven hundred and eighty. Brig. • 'Oen. Gordon, of North Carolina, tom ' cavalry, died on Thursday, from received while - fi ghting Sheridan's near Richmond. CITY AND STIBUBBAN • • Presbyterian General Assembly, (New School)—Heaoltillons on the State of the Country. The General Assembly of the New School Presbyterian Church, now in sesslortet Day ton, Ohio, has unanimously adopted the fol lowing paper on the State of the Country, which was preeented by Prof. H. Crosby. Windier', The Iniquitous rebellion, prompt ed by reckless ambition, fit rho defense and furtherance of human slavery, continues to , lift itself against the legitimate and liberal Government of the United States and ~. Wetness, Suelirehollion not Only violates the sacred principle of obedience to the au thority ordained of God, but also directly advocate the hindrance of the free progress Got God', Holy Word, and thus, as anti-Christ, opi; i le ,E s t e4 . l A tileif l to ts th . e do tna ra th and and bettors ere re , sponsible fo ' r the we bf blood that has been shed through their resietance to the righteous efforts of the Government to save the life and integrity of the nation; and Wireless, It beeotees the Church of Christ to utter no uncertain voice in regard to a grand ' I public feat so intimately connected with its interests, therefore Revolved, 1. That this General Assembly heartily reaffirms the principle., and renews the declarations of previous General Assam- I bar cos , en far as appiliCable to the present aspect I of public affairs. ' 2. That we recognise clearly the good band or our God in all the victories of the national !arms ' whereby the limits of the rebellion I have been contracted and its vitality impair ed'; and we look humbly. and confidently to the same divine source for farther success , vntfl the cause of the nation shall be vincli- , sated, sad peace established on tae grave of treason. 9- That we also recognize the same good hand of our God in the disappeintments and delays and of the war, by which he was made cure the complete destination of the vile sys tem of human bondage, and rendered less self-confident and more religions the heart of the nation. 4. That in snob recognition and hope we do by no means lose sight of oar national and Individual stns, which render us so utterly un- I worthy of the Divine favor, but confess! them with penitent hearts, and trust to a covenant God in Christ Jestub4hat this unworthiney will not hinder the might of God'e grace In behalf of the cause of right and order, 5. That we exhortall our churches to re mewed teal and faithfulness in supplication to God for , the deliverance of the land and prosperity of Christ's Kingdom through the blessings of national peace and fraternity. t. That we cordially uphold the Govern- I meat with our sympathies and prayers In its energetic efforts for the seppression of this most ceaseless and cruel rebellion, urge all Christians to refrain from weakening the authority of the Administration by ill-timed complaint, and unnecessary oritielem ; folly trolleying that in euch.a crisis all speech and action which tend to difference should he sedulously avbided for the sake of the com • mon weal. I. That a copy of these ras a / a liens, duly authenticated, he sent to the President of ter United States by a special committee. General Conference et the Ilt.E.Chureh il, •IXIT[YATA DAY At the opening of Conference, Col. Moody, after a lengthy explanation, withdrew the charge of disloyalty against Mr. Linehan. Quite an animated debate took place upon new few providing to exclude those mem 'bore of se Church whokabitually neglect the means ofgrace, such as the public worship of God. The Supper of the Lord, reading the Scriptures, public nal 'Floats prayer, and class and prayer meeting, all after the words "means of race" W 11.5 an amendment offered by Rev. D. Hibbard. Upon this the ayes and nays were called, the previous question being ordered. The result was ayes 130, nays 63. The amendment being adopted, the ayes and nays were celled upon the report of the committee including the amendment, when it was approved bye vote of 125 to 78. The Conference, in mamas to a request from the General Assembly of the Fresh,- terian Church, in session at Newark, N. J resolved to join with them In spending Wed nesday Wien:mon "in thanksgiving to Al mighty, God for past mercies, and in prayer for his continued blessings on oar country." Rev. Dr. Curry was then elected editor of the Christian Advocate at New York. Rev. J. S. Peck, D. D., wee elected editor of the -Vol-Mere aro:vile Advocate. Dr. Perk I expressed his love for C►lifonia and his re• luctance to leave that State, and would held I the matter dnder advisement for a day or two. Adj tatntti Pith lbe datelogy and bailed ca. P ol :T n i 1 8 4 g f:o . . , i n r o .wa gar ani d: t o lo at Washington: •dui at Washington anal wounded, belong. •gison4,-bave arrived DOFIS ?MIAS James /I Bbeater, D, 100 AL.k., T, 11 E 11 Gibeou, C, of Jame 13 ktelrla , $ , 110 Al. 01 Kibben, Ai, 110 Faulk Gilman, 11, 11 II II Campbell, D, 11 LJ Fnemarl, 11, 13 IV W Waltbour, I, 11 J Zlmmermad, I, II J Ati.er, 1, 11 • _1 1109PITAL. • Wm C Small, 11, 17 Math. Drina, I, 129 Corp Jahn Holly, 11, 12 11 Seat 91 MclarLand 1911 thtp J DasMa, A, 1 1 t trat L di Simpton, S, 11 • hi/at, C, 611 .1 Maitland, 0, 62 WmOahl, X, 19 I/ 13 Fithlar, X., 13 It E Demill, /1, 10 II ,LA McCartney, C, 11 ILeala Danl., C, 118 Daniel Chamban, 11, 62 fiergt ti F Denick, El, la Cia. KUM,* 8, en P W Gram, A, 101 a W McKee, C, 120 !J J Claw. I, 111 Danlel 011anolan, E, 81 herr L deckling I, 11 Wm Weaver 1. .1. lintlinger, E, 12 It John Stein, 11, II W 1 Galleabangh: K, 12 IL 9 A LC P Eigallogr, 12 11 ierce. I, GI Danl linichi neon, F, It And 91eIlralne, G, 47 1. Gi, tt Wm Doe , 1, 116001.110 lalkg1 alkg Michael Eddy, A, 140 Owen Gallagher, I. 116 nos Dalaley, D , 116 ccoarriAL. B .r) L..), A, 140 A Botts, E, 61 El range, I. 116 Horse and fuggy Stolen: Oo Wednesday morning the barn of Thom as Rynd, looated on the PeiryvMerced, a few miles from the wu entered by lomeper son, who took off a dark bsy mare and set of herniae. The thief then proceeded to the car , dap house of Richard Pearson, in the imme diate vicinity, and appropriated a tap buggy, to which the stolen mare was attached. The thief was tracked all the way to Allegheny, hat whether he stopped here or pushed farther on has notyet beet escertatilod. A reward of fifty dollars hes been offered for thearrestand conviction of the thief, and the recovery of the property. To co Dtsuocirrin.—The .21st Pen:aryls& lain Cavalry, recently stationed at Chambers_ burg, Ls new near Washington, which point they reached after a hard four day's march. An order bae been received requiring the reg iment to turn over all the horses, and cavalry arms and equipments; and ropers to General Casey. The object of thin order is to edpvert the Met into infantry, and the order haa cans ed,ratioh diesatiefaction omens °dicers and men, who protest earnestly - against IL" The regiment le over 1200 strodg, one company ei 100 men being on detached duty at Scranton. , . Ravournesiar RiLICS roe rim Sairmaitt Fps:-+-110171. A. W. Benedict has genepealy eoneeniott to, send to the Pittsburgh 13mWart Fair ttio Wendt:al chair In Which John : ash. cock pat when presiding over thergontitiental °engross Istl7 ZS, and.aLo tlie -titdestt *bleb the Declaration of Independence Wasisikned. The ehair.l3.ll2olr and .haa been formany rime used by the Speaker In the fence of -Repro tentativea,.and the table In the hill of the Siete Library. Those mementoes of the put will be attractive features in the olden time department of the fair. ~ lot= Daowerso.—Tte body of pi boy, aged about tea , years was found - drowned In the Ohtd.rivsf i lat clointnees Station, on .Wedsies daT,':lt had lain in the .. later 'abent,i' - two weeks: II boy' had 'on soundabonti and oassinet pants, and was barefoottr7llllooS ones held an inquest, : but the IS13121:10024da: eased conk& nog be &soar Otiood , ! : ',-;•' 2 :4"^404 , - • ;i 1- Tax VeznierioneibfoOlang yeaterdai held. an Inquest upon tlaa , :bOdlet o f a ! madanaway, wbo wee. killed at' (lo bo= Station on Tuesday nlobb, 'The joy found a Tordlet of &cadential death. Camp. belt wae.not killed, as ropoeted, but be now Ilea in a critical 'condition at flawlelley. - GlowmenOn Saturday evening last, &Mat' named - Campbell, melding on the Allegheny tiver i wypealto Pine Creek, fell from the flat Golden Gate, and was drowned, at Redhenk. Deceased feared: icanally; A: Hour —ColonslEl6 Aid Oonher, of the Eleventh Penniylvankt Regiment, retched home yesterday, imitating front a severe hul lo& wound in tho left Oust, whetted recently while on 1401[4 duty. . , , • • • Tai Jon Tux*, the Celmtal• Coma *ill aotnsonos o3i Zona" week, nd aliases, tram of thvoonty are ;avid to sand !labile titian'td the Distriet Attorney Immedlate!,y. '~r_,-~rx~u~cw.:..~.'~a5.,~.,..~:r.+'....x ux,.xs. i REBEL DISPATCHES Monica, May 18.—Authentle news from Brookhaven says: Gen. Banks escaped to New Orleans with Jiro thousand men, and Alestndria surrendered to Taylor with eighj thousand prisoners and twenty guns, twelve hundred mules, thirty-five boats, twenty-six in good order and the rest damaged. Baton Bongo has been evacuated by the enemy, and Is now is possession of the conL federates. Natohea L burning. Two squares aro gotio and fire atilt raging. Moron, La., Slay I7.—Newe from Alexan dria up to the day before yesterday states that Bank. has boon fourteen days oat off from all communication. It la supposed that Le will attempt to cut his way through by way of Markstille. A largo flotilla of gunboats went up Red River yesterday. Heavy firing was heard In the directidn of our batteries at Fort Do Rue say. The result ❑ not known. Eellc of Gen. Washington. We bare been handed the following nom ananlostions, which enfaciently captain them selves : "One day when Gen. W 611111110013 was pa• rading his man in Alexsadrla, Va., ho called for his sword which had been left In my shop for to get sonceAllv o er mputitlng on it. As he took his sword he hanaed hie his walking cane, Baying "keep it until I call for It." The general i never called for it, and I kept It for, Masai' PZIT2EO.II." "The above 1s a true account of the cane, as Irecelved it from my former husband." HANNAH STANTON. "I haring married Mr. Peterson's widow, and she having made a present of tho walk ing cane to me, I freely present It to the San, itary Pair, that all its healing and paving virtues may be applied to the wounds of the young heroes who bare bled to keep that union which tht/ old hero set up. I was for merly a citizen of Allegheny city, but now reside in Wilkinsburgb, Allegheny county. Enna STANTON" -- 1 From a Battle-field Letter. rally round the Flag, boys." During one of those eventful nights, when the troops lay in line of battle behind their temporary fortifications of dirt, logs and rails, ao4 the continuous crack of the sharpshooter's rill* rollod along our front, a solitary voice struck op the patriotic song, 'Bally round the flag, boys," and almost instantly, thousands of the men, who seemed to have been waiting for something to dissipate the gloom which thoughts of the day's carnage had engender d, were shouting to a chose which "shook tho depth of the forest's gloom:" "The talon forarrr, hurrah boys, barrel:l' Down with the traitors, sod up with the stary,",t, As down Cm line It went, the refrain swell ed Into one cart roar, exultant, triumphant, and breathing defiance to the wary enemy, whore only reply was the spiteful whit of ex tra bullets from their skirmish lino, whistling harmlessly by. Too 13tuva Bore—The Chicago ✓oareo learns from a gentleman just arrived tro.• Washington, that the boats going down th. Potomac with the reinforcement, for cieneral Grant's army cheer every boat that Is bring ing up the wounded, and that the wounded, on the decks of the boats, lying on their backs, and turning on their elbows, when able, return the cheers, waving their hands a, far as their strength will permit- All the wounded, cur informant says, only pray 'that they may be able to return to renew the battle. S.iel • IT4Rl• ":1112 irr E .3 - -. SAN ITA RY FA I R.—All Stato, . - o-Y County. Oily •Ind Tone OtEcere•ln %Ventura Punosyleuuhs, Rescue. kohl° and %Ventur e Vir g inia, will pipes, make their euntribcoluts lo t tho rine bomb Knelt's, Fat, to the uodonlitOud, Chairmen Of said ComatlLlee, to that the prope r credits may tu gi Cummunteatio n t to re g ard to the above mat ter .lit bu' t nartually attended Vo Et. A. HEBRON, Ghltirrzmn of ero oor.lttoo. JOHN 11. STEW ART , Socn4Arl• ant rillfl3 hteredl.l to t Saalt4r, P.& mo•e -4,llgr,cnorfo, the atoovA to, I nat . . . - P FOR. THE 6-OLDLEM-I We, the undersigned, hereby give the . I wave. of one day. or tb• sums sat oppb- I lite to our names, to the Pittsburgh Sanitary Pair, for a he Slob and Wound , Id Soldier.; Rim add CL. tenet ar establa 6.fid, mane, Pre/rob e or creole, sad Ll• foesll4.l Let the PrLiarietor, Mar-ave. 800, or my psoetatlc e r'''' taeneerby " e ' ll . X:PYtneho* o.. :' ' t . l7 ,l l7ll 'l" rniTtr, f7ar r tle t c! t shop, boa yard, store, trade or rem:potion to whico ho belongs, tremmit the mamma to Ns tusmrs Hours, Jr., Tramurer of the Pair, Pittsburgh. by Thetter romits of the money -111 Le duly *Gk./121244rd le and the oewspapers. The eound of the bow, the gemns of oar lumbers and defenders; the memory of the glorious dostl, 001 onr hop. of geom. in the etrugglo, call au m to be prompt mid generous. Slay God pu lotto the Mort of every Christi. and patriot to fretpo vita his take or hie tempura For the Rarontire Otautnittes. - myIOttYELLS 11. Plarl7oT, Cbalransa. R ELLIC," AND TROPHIES. "OLD CURIOSITY SHOP." The old and eo-operation of the patriotic people rf Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio, le here by rogneeted, in making the shove mtmcsi depart ment of the arming Pittsburgh Smeltery Petra:pal ly a credit and • encems. Nomerane rellos sad trophin or the pussent war, of the blexicen war, war of 1811. Indian mod Itevolaticrothy wars, .010.11fre cceonsoted with ti. early settlement of our Nylon, or with mono, and mem prominent to oar history, truths!. iles of every description are stored away In priests mr erptschw, thi may, If bnvoght tom,ther, render the “OLD OL - 12108ITY 8805. not thrX Neat of the at tractions of the Fair. The camilittee therefore ask that all who no. to help Cong the good nose, would nod in each articles of the above de scription ea they may have, or cola procure from other; or notify the commit/ee when they can be roemd. Artoles donated will b. dleperead of aa the donors may direct, ar 'under the &motion of the Lataarthe Committee. Dot article. merely Placed an exhibition, recelpted for by any member of the commlttes, lb earcresky proserbod met 'abroad. A letter should woompany moth article goring ita orl Watery, e to- -and Mt be donated. lb velem Ohs ems-riot:to yorr can, and lend no the mat On Cshalltd the Onmenittes, JOB. 8. 1111111 Othoolx U. Orman, Becbtoary.U3ON, thtsdrinan. /keret. elehoe donated, or left for exhibition, am be loft with: - or addressed to either of the following member. of thecommittee: W. D. eI'OOWAN, Soo') Ex. Com, ea wee., Pittab' g. HON. JAB. VEECII, comer 4th and Groot iamb. DU. DICKSON, corner Penn and iburd etreeta. 8. RIDDLE, Pormilice, hear D. LECT BDIEtt tiewinkleyvi e.Ps. SANITARY FALK—The Committee on Idechanica . Hall r.speethdly ravioli% ell who as declines to centrlbnto machioary or roanufao. tares of my description, appropriate to that De partment, to ' report as <Ari as possible to either of the undersigned, so that th e proper arrannerneate can be made for the reception and accommodation of army article that may Les offered. The Committee will meet regn/ar/y, on Thesday and /friday afternoons, at 4 o'clock, until othenrise annotroad, et t e office of Jae.ll. Chapel., Ho, —., Bank Block nth street, where cootriboton or otheni haririg basin= ano Invited to confer with the Committoa JAULS li. 000M11, P.ll. MILLI% JOHN J. rzNzimas, WILLIAM WAD.% THOS. B. . W. W. ATRIOH, Committee on Ifechanim` Sanitary Pali. ntylo3l flAlitD.—Notice is hereby given to pereene who proposo “copring elands in the BAZAAR, or who wish to wind articles to he dia. posed of by Ile Bosse Committee, that threw of their members will to In constant attendance. at the :Blum Building, [tom and after NONDAY MOEN. 1203; kitty 80th, mall TUESDAY ElS:Enid, Met, for the itorpise of nothing and eerie'. km good. sent ftilrumtrinntant, ng timm b the !sede* Commit. toe that thalfair h decided y s alt to opened at ec o'clock oath, iruntog of lone Ist, partite who hero tridents./ tooths or itardis are. renewed to attend to their, decoration before the day of opening The Oonnatace bate aecond the genius of tenet" leghtlsittettmen during thoixothitiance of the fair; thereby imosing the safety of all good. deposited' irlith Otto. • Nra IL M. COST, / X. H. EATON, • Af CAMAY, .31.13.12 Ed, aTTOILIiEr73 /LIEI:ES LAFFERTY, ATTORNEY-AT.LAVI. All total , lltratoon promptly attended to. 001 cs, ICO POMMEL sum, mar Grant, Pittsburgh. cp=rairsi MMMO97.IIVit:I OB'FICfID. NO. 98 GRANT STREET. ,•• • • - • • 0. BOWYER, Attorrieli4d. .oal!ce, &AR. 'fourth stned,Pltegburgb: ajr/ USEME.rTB L[ ~YI7'TLiHIIH(,II TFL&dTHI4. &moo and Elanagcn. Trreocavr--. Benefit the eneneeetnl and peyenler actress, ICTTIL HEtoDERSOLt. Who et Pt appear ea /nth, oWtitled 111 TM la EVENING, preseal,d. Pbarldaa Knowlea Ina11U:ill play on 711 E BIINCEIBAt'S Jails 4 I ..... . ....... ...—...TeLls Ilardprwm Cliftn Matter Walter 1%. flendvre.v. n t_ B ..T °Bl. 7lC/r I E. h E it. TRIIIi ILE'S 'VARIETIES, PENN BTRETT. J. a., and oil. r rrsorti.,.l, Manage OLthr.loo/4 SUCCESS 01 TEE 71 - LW DIA:7AG! MEI4T—DELTO aTED A.IIDIENCES. Entire Nev' Programme To-Fight Lot out for Saturday NU:ht's 73111 First ttpriessmr,e or HART & FITZGERALD'S VARIETY MINSTRELS. ?sopa.,evening, May 30th, bonort or Miss Y. IifeDONALM. CONCERT.—A portion of the Pt"- pH. of 'the Fifth Bard School will give TiVO CONGESTS OF 1 OCAL MUSIC, I'4 THE HALL OF THE SCHOOL BUILDING, On THUSSDAT aed EVENINGS May Errn. Under the direetien ave thr r Teacher, Mr. D. SUET 00E. Them will be a different programme, and elm different elegem, each evening. The elegem (alerrit fuer hundred in nem ber,) will he tmlfurealy dressed, told vllt prment a very lm pos. leg appearance. Ticket& 16 DENTS. . _ aucr7o.4- s.4LEs. ATALUABLE BOOBS BY BATA ,' LoatrE eArrntnAT EVENING, /day lotto, t 7,14'cl oock., alit be sold, by tatattootte, at tb• Commorc‘al &aro RoO .1.1 No. 54 Fifth . • valuable oolloctldri of the best English aod •tro.t Amori• can edition, many of them to -.prior binding, and amply Illuitrattd, Including ouch woke as Lyeb Antiquity of hloo, w Lowalla Inductive Science, 2 %el,: Maury's G0..-h - ro - phy of the flea. Art Treasures of Groat Britain, 1 Tule PatlinUr North Anomie., Indians, 4 :Vol.. fir Philip Snoop's Wort, Yard. rare EnalLsh I .lurotore, 0 volt; ' , Yahoo'. 61... and Tim. of tho Revolution, Golf eolith . . •i. imatal No. tor, 4 tole . • Now Nidtn - oodical and Technological En - 11th lltetldent•y, 2 vol. Dr, den's Panto-al Work.. 2 vol.; Rodvon's Sloakeid,re, II vole; 'Me?. trench Risloa, tor bertiner's Natotal Phlltsophy. 3 • ; 10gh Works, 5 rot., Leigh Hatt, 4 role: Wo.. Hat Lives from Irt. 'oh, e•lr Wru. Lisatilton's , n the ir•-o th• Clatoodou Gsllory, 3 rob, Pur.veter o Trod, out Lea 2 11l Ivrstrth'• Wok,, 4M volt, 4r ds' Works, rt. 44dalogtics aro tole ready, sod. tho It lo r. thus Saturday. tordr, A. Mr!LW k INV A •:rt D.wußNmi) ORPHAICe COki aT SAlioch•rty 'Mao of ea pester e O ..rpban out t county, I will szpoao at Pab.,e dale, et the COMO , Hs-P[ 7 B4 la the olty of Pitts burgh, on tIAIVIIDiaIr, I. :Mk day of Hay, at 10 i clock a. to. That flubs- cad Lot Xo e 6 Grant street, th.. Wee boo th t •th,dsal. PlltlcLargh, •cupiel by Lo r,.•- glay. and others, it law otllees Also, Two nes.t.g.oooe lota ea the treat [lda of Coe.. gnat strret. Pitt barge, N,e. 3 and t 4 In the pla• of the Watson eata,, veal let hevtlig • trout sr 20 set. mud a 60014 el PC fee:. Mo., a lot eh the c:reer of Calton street and gri.lo.ll alley, l e ttlebtugh, beteg 28 lest scd IA ttr,h es In runt, by '24 6..1 6 is• Lea to dean, Ala, Two of stock la the Ire. (117 Land Astne.l,tire Tatmle or Fa Lr—Oaah. oad eAne•Twar.ca nruie sub. the teen. for the y.tt.r 11.4..14 the purohasor pay ezp.n. ni the c. ay. ya.n... tb• rnquirit• .:e rtatope thertta b /I.3IAETEIZ, royt. , :tsl Atho'r ot A odr,e. nES/RABiIE B EVESI'H WAHL II 6•ID CNC -.4)• RT Eli I NO, 31.7 81. t, •1 8 ticlctt, • 11.1 .Id, tk. Oornen.r• ittactas, Yl,l . Shit dealr•ble .t .f tr.n.d rtu.tr I K ,L •Irls of etry•t, f• t 3 hot ! , th• earn•t- of Dot, , ea ainma otreeta, 113•1n6. • ',Qat of It: 'cot .• vue .trees and witcndl. 1. fmt, cc which, I, ...Kt..] the n. vr Ivo tot flrkk oun• t•lelvel•••11 t00,...0. Ka .1 routu • drewttag toon, dtll.lad OW* ond • 0,, r The 111.,e is titilogl•ont in in. K.., m man. I 4,•, dn. ndish,.l gr‘td. I.e•t tort., hot 0.1 cold ••.1 c.a , • s•dc 1,1 fr-alt ti. , . th• Trans--Oue.thir.l rie.4. ....eider, I. one A t .,., yoara;arith tater-re, •e.ered by heed mad tvertgaga MOO A. 11, 101AI/I'E. sacs,. CIOI.7NTR Y , iES I DEN(76 IN Mc. N.... 44.4 .cgs Tull - N!.ILIP AT ACOtION —wig b. weld. on Lb. nramt..e. no MONDAY, 'Hay Mr, at o'ole,k. £lOOl A 'AA, at good garde• laud In RaCien tearealtip with u.cd doelliran hoe. of On.oorns, ben. eatl..aelt, •a feet spriag of vat., .ea •tthln t... 3 infanta.' walk of Partutaa's St•ttea an the 1110abler . ga a 21.nehertar P. R. ft. I. alto at,rd . Weeds Rae, roes mile above the. Station, and arlpin•prarent, ~ f Hobart Oarr Ingnirs et H • 0. It A Th 011, I ra Roarersire., dor at the asteti a bo n a. a A. Lcaoa I E. e. 24 at lA, Fear,. atra.t, All•glern7. A LI(110N FALAI; Me KiIt,F.ET (TT. Cl. 711:Gs —(rtt TC11.4:. A T, Jens (th, A D 1864, at Ie o'Lltert. a. H. Will be ~ I d, at tan United Slates Vllitary Cholla:1g Dep.:, Market strroL Staub.. Ida. Ohio ' 10 rho Ligh..t bNI Lao abrat FOOR PRUIISAND (4.D..01 MUNDS Of NEW LIGHT SLUE ENIIIINY CUTTINGS Term, vital° ut.h, ie Government Tonto. ALEXANDER CONE, Capt. and A. Q. 81. '. P 1.1. 4 -08. .7.1 US IC. c. REMOVAL. We Ink , "pltattre Iv laGa ming the pablio tha "In - oprztpy-the lAN* end comm.:How lag. O. 12 BISSELL', BLOCK lIT. CLAM 6TR117, Wizen. we have Juni received from the rearafecturer of WM. D. BRA DBO EY and SCHUMACHER d HO, • new lot of SHP/MOH PIA:CNN!. Al.o, • complete &wort:lung of SMITIPS colelaratod Harmoniums, Me lode°. and Musical decd. generally. The toperlority of the dkd NICHT PIANO Is al ready citab/hdloo. In the hattnry of Plano. no cow inetrumout has gainol co rapidly In popularity or received somany prestinms within the .pare of two years as the new male, full iron frame, ferstrung•bav and French grand action Plane Pone, umordacturrd by WM - . lIIIADHUHT, and ilhotorilar d Plan,. having Loon en lonirmid , avorably known In th.. and miler comrades, nevi no further cotemeut. All gnarantwd for fire Jean. • viAlnuairx a SAGE, bM Artits ' n Pitt burgh •nQ Wertcrn Ps_ Ca IS BT. CLAM L. Shoal's Mock. Good Sooord Bead Pismo.; for Beat. Tuning and ropalnos done arrmardlr. %On CHICKEIRINO. NEW AND BXHITIVIIL OHICKERING & SONS PIANOS, ItTus!st, Reooivecl by. CUM,. O. 811411,10 a, SI Wood St , . Soln Agent Thr Pltetbargh. KNABE'S UNRI 1.1. ED I ! IA.N . A choice supply of GM, and T oda,. PI. o r or t y, ry.m the caleLostod taetory or /Inal. t Co., hai hut Fenn recolsed--eam e Ih richly carved cases. Thew itietramenta aro fully warranted for e(cht years. and O. by lb. haat Judger pronounced nurterdled. A eatl le trapcorally rollelted tit4ore paraseing *here. eJLIAULOTTE 111.U/die, deo Agent. No. 43 rim, armee. 01L6.2.178 THE MAN I WORDS DY (I L. A DDSLL. UUSIO Di J. AL DARLING large lei of thla new and Sautitul sona . haa ar nre a lu the Laredo Store of UOVV2I2ANN c 110 E g* No 63 rinb DIRSOLV7I,O.4^B-lic ..a._ • - )Ii °LOTION OF PARI'_NER.SIII.P. —..2 4 1,6 firm of LONG, /SILLIER di M., the Pro. tore of "The Petrone Oil Works," uf Pltlalltirgh, ~ .0 et/mind by =Malcontent or all the par- Nom, on September 70, 1863. , A E , canto* baring boidnese to tear with Me. tote ate mooted te cell on 'abet • . IMUBSIt MILLE% SIL, • /PAM) 11. LONG, . ..i . , SlVfilta U. MILLE% • , • WILSON MILLER, er to BA Al 0/61, A. L ONG , 110111ebIlrelt i flaer Werke, corner Water and abort m ittnetet SI t s,Allth• =War F1E5801.4.11101.4 YAKTIVIttibtLILP The tartnershlp heretCtor. ails than between the underd_sned, ender the wjne of tcrON a 00,.. is tontogily.tistottet, td take erect troin till 444, RIULIAILD /*TAME...eII:Im (MD tho. OM The basinesn will eet. be co trout.. thestylio it baritones,. ntinent to forr. , •• • • • iitsbnitti,maxastb,ww abtif • ~2 . =MIIIISEM 100 DAY'S' —Wiz. Eloinemoiz Ovrainizron THE LAST CHANCE FOR Knap's Battalion COMPANY E The laat Comp.,. far this Battalion, under 21 .. - /CNA?, w 111 be raked .d forwarded early /text week. Retro lis vlii be rooked, clothed sad 01;1=!IMB LIEUr. ARTHUR STEWART Itoo of the Ninth fleserres, Ertl ['Mug Offle my2f ---- - RALLY FOR 100 DAYS! First Call from Pennsylvania The See - eterj of War Ilse not,Ztoriend me to re* Battalion or artillery, TV sacra f. r 100 DAYS!, In Wv,hingtork utd trinity. The organization known se BATTERY A Will form one Comp., of this RAttallt.. Th ochor compactly. (Infantry cr Arttlirry.t wlil be epted_ Oomm.dlog 001 c. , vlll Oman At on. THIRD STORY WILKINS HALL. Sect company to bt compared of ICO men.—to tot tocatered, cniforto.d and equipped by the UPII.I `lost. Gov. rnmout J K-NAP. rarlauttf KNAP.ii BATTALION ARTILLERY. United. States Service FOR 100 DAYS ONLY. BATTRIIT 13, on.!, e.rtuenand ~f Ost,tuln G. L. BRAUN, (Tate of 2l k 1.1 ill. r 7.1 Is a.,ont fun . This Battalion of Artillery Is smutted direct by the 5e.. ,- stary of War Butte:Vs 1 and 0 b•tt , !eft. Those alehtng to Ml,w thou d at 01:11M la tto.patiles 0 sod D, ILICCFLOITTAG Orr:CEA— 0, over Provc6t Marwhal's llare Peden! t, Allorherry, or .t Pkine flail, Fourth etr... • n D, No. 61 Poth (76 , th10g •pel outfit ferul.l66l . rr.ustar fleftel• quarter% all... Viet, TV L137.1.1NS .1-1 AL.!, rumRD 11700. Y W. NV WA BD, B.atory Comm I , Lm myto.,f O NE HUNDitEIiDAYS. L.ABT C7=lA-ti CO. 8 FILLING UP. The nodtrelanwi• hat opened en office In the Ilalf °`lthe Provoet Ittarshal'• Ifed. and stret, Allegheny. where helm nr.ctllitlOß • corn. pan, h_ terve se Fleary cr Light ArtWory, far OME FIU'SDIIED DAYS Cod, nothorit7 received from lb. Wet Department, alobeissd to Capt. Jut M. Kemp. • The mea alit b, moored Iq alothed and eqttippe4 helpro leaviss the rlty. this L. Prottah , y the LA it' Cl/IA SCE km • ' vol. antes, organisation. to participate In the Closing Scenes of the (Areal LtebelUon, Let there be • prompt r.poess. lusts:o SAMUEL 5151105.1, ArI ' ESTION ! If PANY. ra aCC.rd Wlth the i.te Proclamation of the Covert:or of Peoomlranla, the undcnigoar propores ralido, a 0631 PANT OP INPAINTIIT, m illnatag ham and •lobuty, t. mmoh at the Prealdeot`a call. Rally Round the Flag, Rays 1 And Lei ear GLORIOUS COUNTRY intro .Ihat her hoar 01 wad, brava hearts and strong arms ars um Gnu to support bar. Cdr Bea ulting Oltes open Int TOWN HALL, NATUU DAY, May 28th CLa1.,71 GE.V7'B LsW OFFICE ore M eOENC Y W. J. & HALL PATTERSON • 144 Fault k 88888 tOd floor, rxrurucrwaß, Pa_ Pro. r. PENSIONS, BOUNTIES, BACA IPA Lod w occur 1111114ry (Utz. ehatra =dm wascessfaL sae al: MACKRELL it JOHNSON, A TTORK EYS-A T.LA IN , And D. B.l.loecomd BOLDIMIS' Oland AGEM, saw ORANT BTBIZIT, MILITARY CLAIMS BOUNTIES, PRNSIONB, BACH PAY and MILITARY CLAIMS of every deecriptlon, oollected by the miter, et the following raw, oft Penalons IRO 00; all other chaintell3 50. Q . (l. TATLOII, Attorney pit Law, Wrio. 73 Grant etroet, Pittabordh j P. N. h. )to thargra &to made If the calm don! not .100.4. and el Intormotfat, atom moll. 144:13 NOM( W. SHAMKR, ATTOBITNY-LT-LAIV tilo. 100 Pllttka 8 ttttt , Plttablugh, P., all= for PIINCIONB, BOUNTY, PIIIEZ MOE CY, Co., rigororlal7 /stir SOLDIERS' CLAIMS, BOUNT/EB, PERBIONS AIM AILItSAIIB or PAY, Pronotly ottoodal to by &RTIIDES a RIDDELL. 136 Fourth aVoot, Pitt.lmrgh. P. a.m:nra.ar► WOUNDED ,NOLDIERS. 4)100 BOUNTY to Fetid ALL WOOIR D DZD is SOLDITAS, now being with ci:arm" No charge made mall the money le collected. T. WALTER DAT, Licensed by the D. S. Government, No 103 Flfth etnet, Pittsburgh, Third dind below'the Cathedral. mylhlywn N. B. A, Not Provrroa'a tirrtta, 21,0 N. Brow! street, Phila., lday iiist. Int.! IDIR 0 P OSALEI FOP. IRON BUD- A. llTELDS.—Priposals are I:mind for 8 Iron liodsitvidt, undulation south.. bottoms, oast, bed. stead to bo II foot 0 Lichee loutt, it feet t Inches wide, and is beim high. Noma of two rnotilles to be lornishod with the bknt. Prepora , a w l be opened en the lire OP JEWS, . Tu. Main! Purveyor moms the right to rejtot any or All bide. It MURRAY, myClatw tyro. B. & A. Ifni. Pormor. 131.17 or ALLtoozor, NTILBBBIIIB.II Orem, May Sill, 1888 -, OTICE IR HEREBY GIVEN t 5 as to savordeoca ;with the Ordhatmn of Cloonenk pined the third day of they, MO, tea per pat telll M added elven Wilde' Idomte remaining hoped after die Ire day of Joaa, Mt together triak fifty anti on each et such es may be eo returned by tbe Met Conateble. littetErtltON, 1.1121.thr (.118 Treernrer. LIFE INSURANCE. The hams:loan Life Insurance Co., Or rIIITADELPHIA. C4ttn tiViaCtanir . rets. "— laCir n itr wain en Ilan nt Join) Sunk tunl or Ni" 14m 744 1711$1Wtrul 8191 a row= stmt. faucket b 4 .771 Z IT.AR I' Parasols I Sun. Umbrellas! AT J. W. BARKER & CO.l NEW GOODB I or W. W. WAUD. chair.. The attention of the Ladles is partica:larly called to oar !aro and splendid stock of NEW GOODS • In addltlaa to otr mnara extol:Wee inortment, that 1.111 find eery pretty xtylne of . Ladies' & Kisses' Hata and Bonnets soldgnat variety, and cheaper than no* ganarafly Also, PRING AND SODER BALNORAL"SUBTS And ..cu choke @tookof imam. airs 611. VESIS sort UNDERGARMENTS, for • t.3.larvrt. Elll N•rs W ta:Axt. ho the fincat .d Nat airsortoli Inc.. of FL. W.V. and Fancy Flannel tibirta to caii bo fo.d Tunalcblog Goode atom. Mao, Ltd lee' and Genre pinen Ge 14,2", Tie., Searle, Glover and Booleel, Por Doa:s., Porte nonnalos and rarer., elegant Steed end ;Jet Pine and Broochra, Britt end Bolt Racklret, and i fall thee cheaor Trlaming end /mop Goode, an epee', as the pest. • SW IV Conn., up stairs and in haaermaat. EVENT VARIETY ANI) I -EA STYLE TN - 01 —/O-A-MS; SILK AND CLOTII,r Vol . Laclion and The larpst ams , riment at Fashionable Dry Goods; SILKS, SHAWLS, AND DRESS GOODS! AT ALEX. BATES', Aio. 21 Fit th Street. my2l T RETAIL. Bead Gimp and Bead Buttons, gab CYLS2It YEW TBIIIOI/2:0 The nor Idanataaa Collar and Cuff, digital Point Gaza* Lotto End lia.tulkarctitellij ler ;clad and line Liken H 9 eLk e 'll {Lasos, .6448 a. adlna and Orapa Vela t Cambria aed Earactrig Trim:rids% In great nrtety, at tea prima ; 41aat Sett and 8,..t =bona; Baeettt, Rata aed rev. ars Mad Hata, of ofol7 KW. ; . efixAtogo, elorq °ones, limp Ulna and Baring Balmoral Bart& A n. MebNIGHT. Ike of lfloof,s Puronlotang aced' 81#171 on hand- lauthlr arid =dram's Kering 8111i'and Gaon tadervest.; Ladled White Merino Oddan tkirti—opet ha* them the materiel to make thsiti.• Whokoa Boommi try nab. Doyen la the ilty and from the cotmtry will do well to at attn. nook beton yarchietm. /MPH HORNE & CO., fl 6171) T 9 Id/LIMEY MI FOURTH ARRIVAL NEW GOODS, AT 4. J. M. BURCHFIELD'S Prertamon P dew Deets Goods p Navy Callow; I New Chintz i Saw Gingham.' Naar Whit•Brllllants 1 New Pilgrims I Now Illeachod Muting i New Isiah Linens . A largo abar.4tment of ry Desoriptkon of. New Goode' JUST orostvro. , NEW TREMNG AND FUIIMSIIINGL 110 USE, No. 81 Market Street, New TIIMMTNGS, EIMMIDSBMS sad REI3. DONS, ME snAWEIDEN GOODS, LINEN NM LIN; LISLE TMAD, IMMO asd anaK UN: DER.GANNENTS; NeRELSON'S k.t WHIM SIIINTBi OLOIW3MISEY, lIMIDEMUTWES. ME TES MTV EMT soAars; two , revoarrz sautr; LEATHER BAGS, SUN UN, DIELLAB and SHADES, PENS, Ea, 211011171 D, bENNISON & M=7M3m DR. J. R. SPEER, enu street, Pittsburgh Otace lams to 9s, n. sod 1 to ii.m. /walla& 80 . 3CI7EDULAL BRUT t Y. when> attawdad to at 734, 12% o'elpelt daily. my2Lll.w•taad DB F. BMA Burgeon and Acconchenr, 150.144 aIuTITSULD &Li id dav t 0.4.• A niac.l4 imetillssBobactsa give, to ll*. l / 1 2 1.400; nuts; nnisbeni myth. °croft F. IRISH, PIftSICIAW AND SURGEON. no, sso. ran arinax.bekn Made mildratat Dftr GOODS Shawls ! Swques I Circulars Basquines I Jackets! Dress Goods! Hoop Skirts! NEW AND CDE'P! 59 Market Street Just Received. MACRUM & GLYDE. ,1 de. •t ilcutkjrt at A Lux ISCORMICS, & CO., VALLiir JUL FOUNDRY, Pittsburh. Pa. SO - arehome, an Luata.TT snmET. Usaufaoturers of COOS, PARLOR AND MAT ING STOVES, PABLOIIAND KITCHEN ()UTE% LIDLLOW RABE, etc., Stoel and Oirrsr lag IfITO Cestlugs, Ocariag, Gas; Water ena dr tlzen Pipe, Sad Imo. Dog Iron, %Neu Sorel, Su. gar Kettles, Pulleys, Eiaog., Car Wheels, Conliliags and Castings generally. .41W, Jobbing sad Mariam Castings ma. 4 so order. Patented . Portable UM, with Steam or Horse Poem.. aollzeold ONRIL & STONIMAN, MSBOPPLORTIMEBB OP WU= WOES Hart always an tams and Take to order IRON tam Rams 80BrIN WIDE MO= ; SIXTE3, of all dada: UIDDLTD, for denary ana ; lIDArI IMILIDTTAL WIRE WORD, WORE TOD WINDOWS, dn.; DITZD PAGES, 0 for Patna; . THIRD STREET FOUNDRY. , (Formerly foreman at Anderson ( k l. l4lllpaa forpct fad; Met be ,InWre Me friend..friend.. and dm pablio generally low opened • Foundry It the earner of nod street and Unanore7 tone, OFFordlo Vnbenee Bt..' Foundry. for Vac yurpoee of monnfactendYg 3.1E19T ' .11MAIINIRT, ()snack G.b , d.5,9 MOULDS, PU wo LLLTS, Lc. Special &MAU= glrco. to numbess • rk. 1 moo-ft. _ _ . et Kumar MALT. BRITANNIA, BRASS AZio NIIEET COLLIES k WP.ItEHT, NAM/%dame oil/ASTON MMES. Lila' /3 UNII. Ella and LAMP DEABBEB ahrterally.; Also. TIN LANTICIIN TIIIILULNOS,VBO/2 JAI/COVEY/8,- de. Efranalsararers or ttllizu d Wright'. Patent . TIN JUG TOP. No.l 22B ceoad.treet,lPlttsteergE. ap:11 nEr.AS : • -TOWNES, to of . firm of - Favmei & Ebalry,) JOHN B. rtnnOlC (las . at nemm & C 0..) /BON TOIIINDIRS ihml • trrrsurBo9. Moth Ward, Plttetrotsh, po. i 2.ly , JQFi3t g , BZBUON 3 00, P. btrdEVERANCE ey ~..NOl. 53 WaTIMST. pj,,Pitta manniktmr cd'BOILID2 UPTAIS I.WBOVOIM SPDLlA:cotrunco tad Talrood,of gray' .., 1 • Partleuht Mad at ithapsd onus sad law . lute in , mall.. mad* te. Orin la Mat 1414 .11;,,'; ..-, : PC4.11.1. alnt.""lf lat F. 942ll4 #' -140423, . -. . ' :i. + _-..... 2, - . s . - 4.1,...4.,5,...z,,,,,1c--:e::•4, C.SRPETS.OIL CLOTS.% Of FOURTH STREE D ! VEW STYLES I -Li I.; ! or I . _ __,, ml jW.INDO.W ; , HADES • 7 I nrothrn 7111.' JAL ' - ~ V 11 . 6 1 NEW SI , ,t 1. 2 4. G STOCK Ift I ' ' 4 "' 1 C A. 1 7 2, .I=' MI rit S; I WELL BEA-SON/ID • 1 f OIL CLOTH. IC • el AT MCA L • DARPE . T STORE. No 87 FOURTH STIMET. lakl9 . HAVLNO PURG-HASE.I)-4 TO OITE Owlr TEM ENTIRE. STOCK OMITS, OIL CLOTS, &V, Lately hpld by W. hicCLINTOGra, et 1117darkot stmet, se an abbN by the consolldstioa, to offer ths LARGEST sTopic TO BB FOUND IN TEA WST, 47 THE LOITeEST PRICES. Oliver McClintock dr, Cori No. 13 SLIME .21MEZT. pro (X) TEES. Fiat Embroidered Cloth, Plinhossed Cloth. Victoria A. new wad imortaa,nt )rst mcelnd et the NEW CARPET STORE IlcriaLLTD, COLLMS & CO. eh 4 VEMTIAN BLIND TRIMILNIBBI Aa emdrely acs and complete aoarmlent. ;tat ceivad at. tae DI E W CAJEL.P.V.Ir P.. 3 IC OFr Or KoPARLAND, COLLINS II CC. 4/..i.Vitund CT U.KERS. 4c. Tis is/ BRASS WO CADELIN & CR4WFORD„ liisonfa , —"urnr, of every vailay of jalsiwd BRASS WORK FOB PLUMBERS, STEAM OR GAS FITTERS, MACHINISTS, AND iCOPPERSNITBS. • BRASS CASTINGS, of all dewripptione nowls order. STEAMBOAT WORK, STEAM AD CAS PITTING, sod REPAIRING, Promptly attouded to. • . Partlenler ettention fetid to fitting op REFINE RIES FOR COAL AND CARBON OILS. • Also, Solo Agents for the Western District of Peon-' eylvanls for the wile of MARSH, LAESDELL S • CO.'S PATENT SYPHON POMP, the beet ewer In. Envlng no retro. it to one HMb to get ont of order, end well throw mom water titan my pomp q mice It. Elm &pia IRON CITY WORKS. BIACKISTOSII, lIEZIPEEIL , LL Cc CO., TOMIDERS ,UirD Corner of Pike &ad O'Hara, std Pik.. and Walnut Streets. (Near Ott, Water Works.) theanfactgrem of stationary and other ENGlfirliS, ROLLING MILL CASTINGS and MACHINERY, of all kinds, and grnmral Jobbers. Prompt attention Rienzi to repairing ROLLING MI MILL MALNKET. &Way PATENTED OCTOBER 8, 1861 DITECRIDOZ'S ritTr.- OVAL L 4 W CEULNLINIM'Y MULIV7LOTT.arD 07 XX FLINT GLASS These Obimueys are intended for tho fiat lamb, hea to ting all parts of the glass equally, does nett:gam. It cracking. E. D. DITERIDO3, Port Pitt Glum Works, Washington street, 117 Pittsburgh, Penna. ROBERTS, BARNEs.& PARKS, ■o. 89 Third St" Plttaburgb, TIN ail) HEM= reoN WORKIZBA And Nanufactaxon of JAPANNED TIN WAD E Wa an now manufacturing and bass n band Batting Apparatus of all kinds, Toilet Ware In Setts, Water Coolers, Grocers' Tea .d Spies Canisters, Cash &c. d an Spice Belzer, T.:abler Drainers, Bnionssai knv A largelat of Bird Cases for ade low. Oil Cans of all size. .4 patterns, T. Booting, Conductors, mid all kinds of Jobbing Work done to order. B . II : PriTSBVEGIII, Pd. PARK, BROTH:RH & CO., klanaK=nsco of DLST QIIAL/TY =Mum OAST ETEZL Square, Mat and Octagon, of all Area. Warranted equal to any lmponod ar atannfactond la Ohio wan ltir Otto. and warehaaae. Nos. 140 and 151 PflIS and 120 SECIOIrDSTRESTS, Plttabargh. fethlyd ear Au wee ca was uz 111*. et TOULTII STE.EXT ALFRED DAVIS, METAL TrortlCs.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers