• • i. • •-ry.," _• MEI „ . Antrgit .ba 23, 4 .11384. ..-z§aTIV/Dai"d9 - rxrrnugla~ ..f.,•:;4114m-svuau ;fir? &al with,Aem.a.. ;amt. - the .ridefOr iointatieilii*slfiasOo.butel fori-Fl4tg , arilh..soasiaeribLibrtha : tag. tad 3 1itlecaala A ihad,aleneei;' .matt fara-rises snarl se itiro ll 4 4 : l ,*.eSed Tram store el Oats Ina &a. I•ttahaCkhvel;aili,of a aim h&treek st iI,4P. GaDdre . Thera' Is s &lista. liaprafearhat In ?itheamandlaagalearieseebah.the krenniztloat are ;.tirdtrea?L°Krzt:=l.lrZitirl.%l-!irfry voiiuqul 4 ,apd mar D•gooteal mph- F,.• .. r VantrA— " Vja . ibi ' h ' lte - Idat oat thenrie re: eitcatattre derailed ana the armee.. _ Mom aro inset!, Manta° amulet., , Illacettiwaroa, ; Xi w regwetiler o lital i rd at farms rates. " Lard fa Ins 01113 at i litr i ati a t i l t d i a t i gLatl 4 . ' la sa 'mow' fasturollt-thts ankle `stottb7 of aptsial itotfre,..llm.demaad 4 matlatuta prismara Cum bat Uncharrgetl.. •,-)strrsiva-racs—Dottaxis ateedy, - -with a Aar l"dematEd ltbdllghtirsolpte: salotof - 32 ke.o factod at SI, hadla pima Loll at (tom .90 .to• 12. - Em—ftrat,' with Was of 93 Walt at "'..2.43.` Udosart.' DRIED PRI.TIT—In good "demand aid the flop.; AIE . I,s-bsco l mlnh hem; cats of I.97Oblsapples at 19ye. al l4 -.rPsturds Pemba stls fur artars—• , - .'h'illTATO.E4-0911Mtdmsitirettst with it.'drooDlag toil*/;. caftan 1010. of 4001diah !rollied,. tram aj film 4t h t tegt Lastiqualttleamay be /natal 114.7—Tilsapplf Ma asalasiras halm So4sy tat nlll ovia Witt, demand; sale"! 19 - "at from t3O 7 119—' mostly at flUdt93. , -Baled Ha to "- held at from 830 t 0.1139, at wharf saddapdh, 1 1 fialh-fracillag ihe .staalr,"Way troaistare at PACs dale;f a one lot; an, .11=63.;-Titerli-te adtaldsralde litulfyft:r Flax • &id for shippmmaut. sad Sni 1100 tales at from 5 9 . 0 . 9 . 3Vllllitir—Carahtued dC3l.and...neglected, tbatiatt L ams itaelmattep, mama,' ftchatapii Rectified - 1.1 tifLEIN APll l egal• bbls 913stratta" at . , V.:—There line abatement In the demand lei . • • Ontd•otad,.wlth,eentlmadllea etteilds shd the -preset =IV/ siteetk eiltaestedi Cite mallet tutu • ierT , l , l,.te tladt•tt els are gralinDy tending' trieeird: • We z.fete . -teeiet ef.,;(.tntla returnedt• : • I,ttri.de,..landlle,,wod r an:tbettand Zdo Dbl.; ore 'the nee, it Inclruted. There trio jest aziteity In . - Reda:a ia ;pea to-dsy, bet the settee tone of the totektt fiermnees, and preview: auctallono aro well • - eeemaed. W•11041111{11 . 6'orlauti bLlNferJane do . Heat. *ellen optlan, at tit; and-16, bbl... trio—light atraweeler-oatfet •I.adttiieleito . tor bonded may be ' . Me, ghee at 59, an theatte.; 6i forJette, anise for .treptha le quiet Bed neglect: land, In the ab . swede et Isalei we quota at nen. Tes4denen, Is elitietand wiry bsquoted Demirel at gusas. The recalple DJ mriallegiu,p7 titer during the fettyeighttwele taidleit this evenleig,. are as atm: : Peentekt Sail l te:.:...•.001.111 Mcenne....----t, • • Sesealltegber..: : ': .:.' Tatalnuttiber York ,Petroleuiti: Pi*burgh-Guette. . liavrtoenrlliey 47-Tlierit. is aroatltiool fair de posal for Gradrei and - PICO are Arm tot tarehattod; Balsam ll:met/or at - 413, and 41 for June detlrery. -The Poker for liellnedin Prollivery Ansi end holder. era LAMA higher ratan on the spot, Giar.s is now de. mended. and 651. the quotation for .41tee delivery. YretrOtt nacho/per to every respiat. Napha is • nomtnahat WA:be ideteed. • • •••• ;7:44.e.•''cluut go the Mitt ee epee - al with a strait apirata tendency, probably, to the al fated is ;old, lnd a ti farther haprowmcmt of 13ge 24 ; 0 040hehilitl4 • About 10t,003 Inisholo wire add derneCheige nt tit:241,27.1hr •liti 1 instate, and aeviairdi east to Stp la stem The. =whet data with a geed' aitemlai„ -5114; iur4bi 7, dalinembhila the a tinlar Woe, wad wltltialitiAimail4 treat Wilan at 1427 . on te. - the ironing: the market' ralsd •1113 (.r 14.fier. than cot :"Changs.'7No I.aellf r og at st.r.xia.viN, rattnr dull of 51.28. At the Neerhail • Client 115,CC0 be changed lands, making the total Wei of Sheds) men 3.0,000 bp at a: Tango of St 25a 1 t 2314 as the extrema for N , o lapdog. : • Slat vas Saner, hot narcoly clone. booboo., dans to glee a doer idol of the state of. the market_ • gales of 71X1 bble.seronsportal at gs,so for oommoo: - sogerline artISS,ISon,OO for,,eonatrg spring taloa that sold • decUs,cd...l solthaOdes ' of about 10,0.0 Dathelssit CS mate store and Wade ', liters& Corn VS3 icolefrally loner, tear them 'Soars no alai oWeScd at. SLOG: oa tra*. Cm ', mon barbs,- Wei buireT, NO 2 selling et -51.24 on track. These - fano 'etrigtf, prime harlsy to . the ..zearket;and such nanldgfrabatoy command folly as 41aucli r berstataran.: ilrelfllni3 gage - rye entirely • notelnal,•es Soh lob little or nova °firing and no dsmandat anything like . ..tbe prlfts expected for Butona - Canslsamant tf new arcol baa thus farbten received, aad thatoraa a email - am:mat cf Indfrercat acniaglit6o. Etas tglitwool: would fmd r,2ldy sato*. Tue.' II ighirtnes are I c hlgber, bald at 41,2 L Chicago ifiar,kei—alatl itcpori. lLr 23-46s.iriteet :Market to-day opened steed/ and Itriseli p ielth lodes at $1,263-i51,27 for No 1, and $1,2131t1,24% far Ito 26pring; enbsequantly teens Yam It duff - Atka • hurry feel:lnge and prices receded tl;ut eked. in thee*reeke T°* 4ll / 7 0:0 0 ii..thiit weelutitisoanif .a lat 's T °2234ii , Ys for 2tol, saint .I,=al,293iier NO 2tO 'tore. . „ There yes lor Arguutt and a quiet Ealing is the . Mar tarkrt, bat re.ces. Wert.. irltpat %%a &maid jar 'corn by , rhlppers and emulators the market; was naive at an extraare . .n nn - Wet *era toad.. at - SLAW -11 for Ne 1. SIAN ',41.,01,11a.c.'4 . 0;14::5cd , at 111,6ta205 'ter •lilirlocted In The &dud for oats was light,. and the market Ins Onlstand easy at teXatfo for No 1, ari4 , at Frei !MI/0 for lit . t as ths thaldsUrri: Thom isaulittlo•ar nothing dohs 14 elate, Fla or 11srlo, and prim Imre utiroly nominal. Ito markot for bfghwince TOO la2o bettor, sad IMO bras changed boudoir. sl,9l%alen. . Seeds ars. inactive and almost nominal. Cnoesrits are Aim but nlit. gone of threholtiers an taking annacs of y a p 11 011-11U1 Yorkßaum .- , ,Thairtrrlsion markst merlon.. Arm with Wu of :mats rt. at 41.U,00, an &drums of fOcal l ,oo par bbl. Lard lanalreana notokad 5a1:413%0, Cleveland Market. 'Ragoo me a • tta it Id. :- • Inacttra. Sated:. ma No 1 To ledo zed at . C.'. • Crarn‘4lmoy. and unchanged. Salo 1 car car from 0111-1 0 A0mInal u; 78c, :on traCki and ide 'irom • • stom o at 51,40 from stars. Marley—Sala 1 raan - Utak atsl,:d. . - . .Duckwheat—Ealltag at /1,75. Imports by River • BT. LOEIB--twa thatinllinat—e tits cOlton, , E • ilydi,• hales lisatB4/oerusign en 354 dry hide*, J Y ilsLackhLis Sea; 11: green salted do, Pittaburgb A OM nelcrille 11 E-; 23 hint the eley, 21 hlolt do, .If y i s comas; Wbbidt white nod; llcZook-.11nf,, dry kddev, vintner, Ilarlowithil- GO; 'l2 Oki bans Wirt, 2 wstsevra,.E II Entkor; 12 thlawhieky, II A A Car ' von; 10' hbda banon,B Ewan /1 co; Ed bids new splrlus, 11p;.tarillmtib _l. skid, kcal tope, - o.x) Jooti; 2 bbLa wine, Fred Kneehondoten 'A do. 'whisky, Ito ion', 2 do do, 8 Lona; Ida do, John Iwreber, 3 do bang., NottitAtiosstioso 011 Co; lOwtoply bbls, ••32 do belt do, Sponose& McKay; 3 bine Igaor , Itaoo - 131.elnI13eks giaar;Paeliront bawl:. A no; 212 Islas whisky, AV Eoldan; 25 do do;Wro, Voight; 21 tluhair, - .7 Vale DaoL. a u lot isadrice, Clark A co, . • • . , . WIIEEL.M.Garrat .bbl dry. applee.: Owensliabn ,s 7l-arbble ide, - D5 :I,bls. 1 :oleo,' Dasaandad. co; 1 toting atacnine,,2 - bet, at Oaf. 711015bh.allatler,34 bolo wool, YYdw Cottle tans ; 10 Mut Tara; 2 Ltelstobacco, - I.o.ark 'earl small coil Mae, IV , Montortl atilt bottom. Stmt. atersor a co; 7 relarbtatne, G ELcastedtriaibbt.W 15.1talbebtadt . 64.bbb paper:l7ske Watt., McDonald d arba4lo; 25a belle rotpor, • M lleallatora Ildoettrama W -17;1 bra batter'llAltgy 2batteta battr, Cotton,. ,bblaftar, 41 ,iti.osta..ftriat; 1 empty bbl &alma 'Modes; 1 bsbooki, tAlberbon; 1 - Ls • Vila 44. . . ..ZLNE2ViLLE—rza 312.1/—lot inindrlea, Clark .'e0.,47 pkg..; clutdrbe, Petah - & drmarreal2.2l pkla So; Vi P Bear a co; bble -seed,•lls bee" was, $ 'blab; tobarar; head - tirldetrztriblibbibgda„ ties:tang 4t.,..* 2 rolls learter,A. tab:m.76ra° oil blibrilacia, bail a nave; 72 co da,423 Biddle; 'GEO feeal amber, •W 17 airtuadtani dot cb.h.l.l4btui OpLum; 12 - bbis otr„J Tatolli Scam baud; 3Us .ido cm; bz, It E &Hera Sr so; 1 bale corks,' drama - wee, Dm .• a or, 2 Ors 11101.-.1 . 1 - Paden - . 1 pottablir.ingi.ad, " . ..7thlte,lllsl2l% I:ieridy, tobacco, Jai. Ott pby,'. ZS - - aka oorn,'S w; to coo; Ibis; It 't Ketaird9 Ero; lot Inaba., Ilililatar &Bidwell; 933akeeoro, 23 So oats, iteßaita "2,0,07 - 9 by bp, - .Eca 742 obi cora; Porter, diked .2.eel olLbbla On; bble, dill aka cota,• - E•Dell ft co; am/. lit Ban; 11 Pkgsi 'EpiaJ• WO; 4,Aurit.sErratcria, . • • . , LOVISVILLE—ezii tlioiciar—"ll# kakdstobacto, to bt,LlidttolgY: CLuk 00:20 ttbla tobacco, B.l4l vort h . o .; abbrti 46; Jut Staxotroi do do, 3lttrt— hod ot Coas.r, pits atind.rles, Imx!orta Prrrdronou Jr. vita% no audi.o Boudioom . • 27-8 aide sleOtoli • J JVandetLilo pt iv; 1.",• • J lrior.rlebi 5 bills - alcobol, Wm IllookoolLlEu wok ow, •DowWolloca tirp,erap Inv; Babio od:6•Vdp pro :Co. 8 . Vaal aam 5 • bop :t5 bap- ma. Wm Caw. ado doot .E7ObruitOn:lll WI/ poor, Wm. ifoCumb. 'ion; 18 plots Dirdirbtth C.. mido do, 1:1 .rd • goodloto., L. ratabw.A.Dann; Ibrarirabeoc.t -Liggett .an 'turf metal:Jobb B:forbad; lot • corbin bolt; nit :eddy si..Xo.3s.sks obi ; , Iles& Kelt; bis -eh kw; so. - 4.., Ofbi...Lambort st* ••J • Ithiptad 3 bld ei:l;'E l'oelordon 25.d0 pall‘Losrbi , &Bitobart".; vides§ poor, Portia a co; 25 - doz vdln , ote;Wit Gormley, 19 do !INN.' .11.5.;cdth.&0; &II dd . :ELUGEIIOIISniUS; Zloi tddo...ado.„; sd,hunddt 1 .1441 Woo,* bletIMM.llOl/3 r- tiro cots; OirautalEorturd7.'7 . 111. dom mod, 71 It Barton .13 lop 11.2stm 788 by cont,loo fLoar,bbspooo 0. - Ettoa3 s. boars. •.nt Gloat; 'rto 40/.8.5 inebbam2 dti: l'Or• 4 do do, J Hom;10.do do,ll lords.lB do de,Vtury ' 1901,11% •amom ono.blaspoon & Fiala 13 bbls ado.. War °War; 3 bbas qt. and Anita. i' l 4G Igtltri rtniscus Runoin,Olst2T T ticorbook a 0;240 ke4, - lamas co: 3231,38 Thca .t co; Ws wog,' jots =era car amp' Impa PX,Sitg:7lo w pm, 44 mmmy - o" - int .°;P:`' 3eui 333, 3 els totiic??, John grata.. •-•*. z EN;;;I 4: +9 .iilfiii Pi': Oor Witiket.:. - 'Ms7 itarkei tit tat TOPA Dome_ ttir and Poidgn, bit fivers aro not inclined to open "bon thsr extends. oi the time, Lo view of the cnrtaintf_PlorPeneelattradirig two y. movements, sod the wiih rkpail the Tariff - queetlon,"and •tbsaggrirgeteot borlotes continues twehrate. The ashatinclude 100,00,1,S s Domestle Meese et 7Ava3e Tor her to doe evade', with small parcels choice at 11734‘ 160 bales Pulled, 7/11.6.5 to Super and Eatta; 11110.410 Whirs tailkli, ' ls4 Nid bo rAck j0 0 ,7b do Angola, 60 do Crimean, - 100 do Itio Grande, to ar rive, IW,OOO t . Valparaiso and,lol,ooo do .Pedied Itopla,,Ao pt. The London annual beds saes et proems when the PO,OlO left, on the 6th loot, Larepreactierd Cohere been ineneurated AUL, artulderable spirit, Cape reaping item9Xl tolld, an advance on prervionapahllo sales, Grain - Prpneeta In lUlf7oL. • We continne to have pod advicis from the grow ing, tnbeat crop It be about .barveet time In the aouthern part of the Btata for winter 'Moak TN, v.:saber bemow `rem warm sod vegetation of Ail kinds Le tpringing &Aran' rapidly. STE✓IJI!SO4TB Wt. CIItiOINMATI k LOl3- 37- v. Isvtun—tib. apltadld itmuaer, BOANOali,Vapt. E. McClure, will leave se sem an :1111.8 DAY, UM last:, et 4 p. m. Yor &eight or pn.oap apply on 1.14 or to 40124 ' JAB COLLINS d CO., Agent. FMI OR CAIRO dr, ST. LOUIS.— Ore,. 14 Sue steamer O,TARIO, Capt. •..;;;••,g,•• Barton, sill leave for the above and Intermedtato ports SATURDAY, 21. th trot., at 4 o'clock p. m. - For frelaht arlaseags apps as beard ar to JOBS FLACK. my2t Jr: D. COLLISCIWOOD,} FOR LODISVILU, AND ST. LOUIS —The neer . splendid Iseeenger ecstner•JAMT4 11. °Wain Jolly, will leave annotenced slxrre on 'MN DA% , iaetest, at 10 o'clock s. in. . • For freight or porno sooty board or to m7lB • JAS. COL Lrss - a CO., Atents.. .VDR CINCINNATI .& LOU D isvna..t.The ft. hew atom 21318TLE. Captain Jame* Bates, will are Ls the &bore aorta en THIS DAT, Inat,'ar . ..For freight or rassoge apply on board or to J. D. t)OLLINGSVOOD.,} ••• IDYLS . JOHN SLAM. • . Agents,. F 0 R NAbliVILLR—The i splendid new paseenger steamer AltlittiLOA, Cent. Golding, will leave for the abuse and tutenneninte pennon THIS DAY, 28th Indent, at 4 teoletk p. nt. . •.- Tor Insight or ~,,o.o s pyly on Mud or to .• D. LpINGWOOD, } Aceu ,. — rety23 011 X SLACK, IIiVEGULAR WFMRY,ING AIR YARICERSBURO PACKIM—Th , SiWelcomer TIVEZICYA, Capt. Jan • leairii 'Pitts/31mb for Wheeling every MONDAY, .d FRIDAY, noticing does eon. Meth= glib the Wheeling end Parketabutg Peek. 'eta. Hetorning, leer. Wheeling every TUE& tar THURSDAY and SATURDAY. Passengers Auld freight rem - pt,a taronh to l'arkerelnarg. /or freight or passage atlply on board er to JAS. COLLINS CO., agnate, —Ci Wharf Boat, at the feet Of Wood strost. • dealßitf VOR WHEELLNG; MAREES X TA AITEO ZANESITLLE.—The hue tam :net - steamer EMMA GILAIIAM, litourueiyrea, amender, leaves Pittsburgh every TUESDAY, at p, m. 'and Zanesville eery PRIDAY, at 8 o'clock m. Tim mar steamer JULIA, Wm. Coulapu, Com. Mande; leaves Pituburgb every SATURDAY, at 4 p. w., amt Zanesville every TUESDAY; .t 8 s'elock m. Pot freight or pasture Apply on board or co J. D. CULLISAGIWEIIOD, Agent, Pittsburgh ; R. S..PIFEED dt 00., Agents, • nO2l Looesville. Ctbio. ii:lll.h GREAT UNION RAFFLE, For the benefit of the itississippi Valley Sanitary Fair, So take place the tag week a the Pair, under the auspices at the rine= Committee. • • . • II . Ptizes7Aggregating $50,000. Tickets—ONE DOLLift EACH L—TTIE coa slating o rack acres, highly etiltiratid laud, in the county or St Lome, with 9invenlent boildings, dobtral by the 11.3 1 . J rim cd.tber vo.r, Gmrt...540,0:0 2.—d-FICTIMe.: lir Tlll5 CytliblrlXlol9, dens• tad by tho U. 8. B.ltary CommleGair._sl,(oo 3.—erte Cri,fi =Sea Pr.t.cio FORTE, with solid pearl keys; and in rtieesad este, donated by tbsball, )3= S. Dealt., of St. twels.--.92090 S—The Warm Stallion, 9101i.U.5.11 111.18TER, with a fuld.and Octant tot of dle)er General's Equipiximb' (11,, gee Hunter cog V. 9 99 in 'gold, is Wainont, to 1859; be% rrottal Ile to skeleton mrne, a wile in I; boo nerir been trained oa a men treat J do,:ated by C. eitg -to ont dermt..7lb; the dietero. IL—A splendid eb b turf oi - onni - a1 .. .y di, too. . Delmer S. Webb S9OO Tarkish 110::11. - SUe egantly Wald with gold, • liver and .0007 ; ; drostrd by C. 0.. late .9 S. CI. on Ora of rng. Gm —SUM 84—A eery elrgent 1111.4.71.AL 1 L18L5, donated , •by fraira. Brrumnick Dm, St. fronis...ssoo 9.—A. 'Picture of dm edwatlon of the Holy Trinity by all 'Eels e, donated 69 Isnte Ikeetdele, Trl pair of enryl.79 donoted •• by t oo Tyre 11—A bealtlfal model of . too enamor Daurp; complete in every , rerpecr, vii feet long and two feet !ILO limo keel to the top of smoke stack exhibiting every b• am, spat, small boat ot , goplauk, real, wheel, window., • pedestal; de.: in her. th, Mao one lobo 03 if eho could .'walk the Wilier 111.1 a thing of . 416.- Punster by Plre Captain 6A. nee -61C.—." - 11cloito In /Ito above Fraud achrmo, obagls or In =tom 70 t. / 0, 4 Atoy be bad at 111 fol. lorrs, sari others tt, to thatznotrtbereatter: Clerks, Erne. 6 Ca, corner Mato end Olire. - - Miler 6 . Roza. tont:out corari. Hen and Oilm 16doe, Tcloop it, 03., et - x:ler S..corti azidllbo Fourth NOpostal Hoak, corner of Wothniittou cad Tb/rd. A. Leitch; corner Fourth .6 Mire. First Rational Bank, Janet:on fifth and Secaud am*. , People's Satins Inatttuticn, cursor Oaroneolat lecd Park even... • Denk of St. Louie, corner Third end Clive Itenl Fatale earinni lonWntlon, Tulrd ctrtot, bts. Taken Olive and Loon t. Aastitant Treasurer 'United Stated. Atientlo Iruntrance On. P.M Cothran, T. Id., A Aft. L. H. R., Ticket °Pica. • • • - Detight Curtte. . I,id. -Crierakd's Dock/tore. John P:Catrp, 63 Wiehingtan.STolloo. And In the Pnirßaliding. Orden, with cash from our Mende In the conn• taT, eddreekedio P. A. LAMM; req., Treasurer of the Went Committee, will receive prompt attention. Met 60,000 natabeis Morn 1 to 60,000) to be placed In a wlwel, under the ellpOrintondento of Hie Honor, the Sloyar, end eleven of them drawn out. the per eon holding the ticket cnereepanding with first down nomblr krbe eolithd 0 the ant per. or with the 6mLser Farm, and eo oy with the : other drawn tun. ere;•l • • - • Entice will to given otthe Hine end plain of draw int, end the holder* of tic 4n attendance win bars the rhilogo of• fleidgArAlli the' oomfrilftee to amenrintend the dr - airing. HAIMADITTE, ••••• GESHA". E. H. MPG • P. A. LADIJE, • • • OHL. 8111711, Wed Committee of the finance Clommittee. enr4:6l 'EARL BOAP. - VON & 00., . 18;M' Strad, Elaatifarrarens for Wertz= Lfdiaas, Mktoir sad Ittiosomi. gain:pular ankle of five intl Begin Soap, P.6.NOY SOAPI. murzb PS.5.lllliOdP, whish we cm& dehtially reammend as better 'tar &nand me then any stitabstate the balk ehould be Lome Maand Loa noltber.Ponsh, belt, Lima or Eosin; or any other substance tit . ftemennfacture which can shrink ai ht,l teethe Inert barbs. Flatutels and Woolens am inshed,:sith tlei rapidity of Cotton or Minn. sltinthis nsehod with• the sum MEL 80AP d& Cot melts boning or. half the tabblr.g, which at course isms the wear and km. • SOAP . _ asinoteeCitease, DIA /clew*. itatas,' Pdatoss• Smoke, and the worst Beige Water PUB= ha. ehaltately, applying It trith 11101 d Sponge, thee protecting hadows,. Chapels end Vareituro Iron stele eaddlop. It .Liaparta' a - brilliancy to Plate, Jeiniry,glesaware,Entudiled Pahotiage/Led Leothar itnenednotell add tor cleaning cambia end thae l ti x t hat For the Bath, end patio • early nor hamycohlng, the XL P.BB MUM GOAD a w. t lion wore:alt who-hale tided its inaterfor valltica, 'acknowledge it the located , ylisconny id the age.. This Cowpony oak trial temp -all who teoreltemated . id calortia*, Ana In .V1...1 - AV. will *hied the pride of thew,. 4140111dA LAM 20 accomplbth 4,4! too eleha lbr:ll a tt inodiaSnAng . gold at, rive C8C453 , FEB l'oll2Di • ASV. ree:di:caw, delivered to the or bode or in Au leghcay, illeatingbaze elid city reildeaati free Of &use. Direedozutibd use Di tedkagni.:. Lauer Iderchants trent,&Odle! wUt do, well to'gtt. dlltlThiPTON & CO. • Oaf,. 867 Liberty arcs', onto mite Ptch ilu/at r r f a ra nissltailred PaVractg s er e Dope:, gr.Thr de•nrk—SlLnooeuno o an im tearingondtLi.hataCopyrißl?lAu:Ußßß —ea Wale ional ght. • (Y.T bt,6—Whoreas, XtrLettere Ititiseetinefhate pees idle day watt. td te the utidee•drealiEzoontee et , tlie lest will taut testament 44 —tge4Atditde,"demaedi petateie indebted to tiniiinfd titcrdeineele hereby not tided to pay thorn. witboutdelay. to lb. ander -elpastr.by !Mai Ileideldeot decedent widlemettid., eefikted GLORGdlll.llGB.ol,texeratev • TiIiTVHHSAL CLOTHES VEIN(); zza, Cot Coda by en tin, bats mod tbtm to ;Ixw othoe-otoko; and We onlynnearitti Cog mnotta,..itoont which Wriagamant mnable. Call !DMA paatba attlde3a oPeriiitoit, and obtain airman of riern andflitursitmatlationa.m , livenry .... b ". ihor go not sir) . isialfaCtlO;l; M0.15t01301 t en na tt. ,fi r niAtri; • men, Sole AVMs Imithlationnty; Th•Dui . • Bla.TIN_Uf- the licstaalhdthigyeAt ebuintsetarei toil bast withwt 1 , 44 VT; r A lizAA l A°Ak;Plfiklik„ Lobe teed ttt the Indle /loth& Amet of .teetz R•riqUtP.ll; „ , • DRY'- sotms. JUST OPENED I Silk Parasols, tun-trmtrgellas, Party Fans, Fine Lace Veils, Bich Scarfs, Fancy ConOa, Hair Nets; Rich Ribbons, Dress and Haub - ila Trimaiings, Etch Embroideries & Lace Goods, Gent's Shirts, Collars and Ties, Hosiery, Gloies and Mitts, To all of which 10 Invits tbo spacial attention Or Otlr natermara. . ELTON, NAOIkIIX & 00., Nola 1T MiD 19 nrra toy 47 I►TEW 4:300D3 I Just Received. attantfon of the Ladle Is part3stlarly . rolled to oar large and qdratild stock of MILWyLtDDI . za addition to ortr alma extanhe moortront, tboy will Lad racy pretty stylar of Ladies' inrisses' Hata and Bonnets, la gnat vartaty. nal clicapaa flan near Innanilly WO. Woo. And e very chola iamb of NKRDSO AND 5/1A VE5713 and UNDEBOAIIIISHIIi, for OENTL. EM3CIi Wo dem 0100 tho toost atol beet smarted ricck of Floe WAR.. end Twoory Manua Shirts so ono be [mod in oaty ittrabadng Goods Storo. Lielies' and Gent's. Linai Balers. Vet, Ocerfa, Glom, and Plesierry, Pocket Beaks. Pats brannalea snit Parsee, ek , oot Stoll and Jet Pins and Brocchm, Deis end Belt Brisklee,snd • full Use of Trimming end fancy Geode, es cheep as the cheep:et. CD' Whim:halo BATMVI irk rtaln or id to bainchxd. 111ACIIIIII 4 GLYDE EVHICY VARIETY AND 132CE1 CLO.+Ks, 511.11 E AHD 'CLOTH, For Ladies and, Mingo,. The [fare looL..rtormzt of Fashionable Dry Goods, SILKS, SHAWLS, ANT DRE'4S GOODS! AT ALEX. BATES', SILKS I Shawls! Sacques Circulars! HaEquin.es i Jackets I Dress Goods Parasols! Hoop skirts Sun Umbrellas! NEW AND CHEAP I AT J. W. BARKER & CO.'S 59 Market Street v ougTH ARRIVAL. • OF • • NEW 000111 g, AT J. 111 BURCHFIELD'S, • Now Dress Goods; New Calicos ; Nair Cidastal Mew Ginghssna Wow Whit* Brilliants; Now Plow's; NSW Bloaohsd Austin r ' drew Irish Linens, ' istgasionarnt of • Beery Description of flew Goode, _ _ - MST SZALIVED. Nr,w TRod tv.O.AND FUENISIIING HOB% Na. 81. Market Street. Nay TIIIMEIESOS. IDIEBROIDIDIES and DEB. DONS, L 2,012 and WITTED GOODS, LINEN NU& LTD; LISLII IGEDAD MIMEO and BILE Dll mus-oevazuni; mettamosrs ems warm imam. GLOVES HOSIXICE BAIEDSIDIDEIS, EON °vire ra.zwir BOLUS{ tsaisw YANOSXIII BOSE , _V• LEATHEEIDAGS, BUN UN. SKSILLAII mad SHADES, FANS, kO., at 110111LIERAD, DENIM & ca t s, IG =BEAT BILLET. grata:4m • THIRD STREET FOUNDRY. ALETED grammelt fermi= at Andaman it-IldUps,) tamed-. fully mdbmne bla 'Mead/ al:W.l.h°' plain generally Mat be baa avant a Taunts.; at the comer of Third dry, Chasm') lase, oppotlus Talton'a Baum Potm far Um purpose al minatactarb MOST 2dteltualltY, CASTINGS; GLASS MOULDS, i'ILLLITS,tra. Spacial stteatlan stint to Mamba, vrork; - m IMam BRITANNiN, .I#ol2o AND SHEET . . METAL WORSE. - • cozLias & .WIUGHT. Mann-hdurorsotOgliTOß - TILATtS.L.SMPBOIiIIe YDS and - LAMP lIIIMIST.6 generally. Also. TIN DILISTEIIIi TSUIMIMS, ITIOTT.JA_IICSOVEIW, lintributirers Akalins .4' Wright Patent YTS MG TOP. - ' Ho. US B oca groat, Pittsburgh, (1111.5. FOWNES,-(lata of the Brio of 'kJ roma.* Malg.) lOUS' B. HEILIION gets 311t4.01, Uerron C 10.,) WAN YOUPDSI33 and 6115"lain"%ctural, • • . Ao ** l77" 4 3T ' nab Woad, t art2.ly JOILN s.ozanolire 00. HE aIE,-./Co. 63 WATER 1 6.Plasbargbaranornorms MIMS , 413170 nT 1 1 42 "4 , .rFufawirgti o s a tdos eg7 diaaritgOisnlamard winos, at asual,staAalk %mkt et igant notltie. A ACE - LIRA.T • -" , RIVETti ATV KJ BELT 200E4 surtirt Wild% ha tap at th6baliatabba rklet. Atm ENZIE FOR HdILE—FOR FOE SALE. A FARM OF 61 ACRES, b irrtetcrl • Brick Ds , Ming House, am tattling ton rooms, with a 'Frame Tenant Hones and large' Prams Barn, a good oratatd, eta. Is well intend, and only tin mites from the atty. Tar portiocastr cull or satire. BAILEY, FARRELL & CO, • 111 . 0 . 11111 sumvr. Pi. tlburgh. myln FOR SALE. TIMBER LAND. A tract of 1640 acres aboanding In Oak, Pine and Binntock. Timber, on t h e apperlentaay firer, 00 tglatabove Tldoonte. 16 Win from Warren, 6 natal from Stramhurg, on the A. A O. W. B. S, In Ida Kern conoty, 4 now °gored for tale. A plot may lx• MR and a minute deacrlptlon bad by .7.0.10 2 8 B. S. BRYAN, . Broker end Inatranco agent, So. 14 EOURTH STREET, (Barks's Banding.) FOR tIALE--That beautiful eitcfor Uonntry Seat, altrutte an the Perry Mile Plank Bead, appetite the residence of W. McClintock, Esq., and adjoining the Ornerratory pwoperty, Mining FLYZ' AdrD 0.113-HALT (d)i) AMISS. Thisht one of the mat t desirable leattiona to the vicinity of either city, being wi.hha short walking distance of the flmommelou Bridge. The= are a number of flee forest trees on the property, and a number of choice fruit and orna mental tram tat out. • Mambolo proport7 FN be,old In one tract, or alvidad Into lota. Tinos tass. Title lattispatabla. Tar farther particulars ingulos of QEO. P. DIEM, ISZI Wood Erect, Pietas:oh. 'SOS 5.,61,F.---A two story brick house on the north side of the North Omani., between Federal sad Sandusky stn.* Allegheny Oily. Aho, Three two story bilck tenementson the eratelde of Cherry Alley, betmkni Second and Third streets; Pittsburgh. Also, Lot and buildings, on the without corner of tourth and ferry strsots, Pittsburgh. Also, A large brick building. on the west elde of Totitth street, (East 9f Market) Pittsburgh, natale for boarding hones or bank. Alen, The old Gavrt• It Boatels, ou thshorthetly side ,o f Third !threat, si:thing - 0u the above lot. Enquire of WI& EL. SEUNII. mi2:lm • • No. 137 Fourth street. I,l l Oft SALE—A Farm of 118 aoroa, in St. Clots. township, Westmoreland counry, Ps al., a Vara, of HO acne In Elizabeth townshfp, Allegheny octinty. fUo, a large twostory Brick Boma and Lot In the Borooo of Wed EdlrAbeth. &leo, • Brick Haase and Ist to Elizabeth borcnan. AL., Bre Lots adjoining the borough of McKee*. port, in Jonas et Potts'. plan, Nu. 66, 67, 6.7, 50 .4'60. tato, • vory mixable Bun of Oval Land, In Pool -190 S, on the Honongaholwrlver. For parttculan Inquire at Ho. 168 Fourth letrecL Phly tA. H TOWER. Saul legate Agent eALE.—S2,SOO will purchase a Farm of our flity-onaacres, road... • good Mato of Maths...ion, Won watered .Ith .priags nod under read fence, situate about three and • ball milos from Greensburg. Westmoreland county, on th. Phil. delphis PAN one mile from - Um' Railroad. The improvements are a two-story Brick Bonne, /rime Barn, tpring Home, do., and good orch ard of choice fruit. Terms may. • A 01,7 at thalttal Estate sad Ittauratrceoftltx of a. B. BATT.% coral Batter streat., Laarranconilla. VOR EILLE—One now Stoam engine 1: Minch Winder, 80 Inch stroke, cut Mary iron : bod . i. balance salve governor One 12 inch cylinder, 30 inch woke, zoom/hand, refit will be as gond as now. One 7 inch cylinder. 80 inch strokr., ma. 013 e 6 " " " Twv Cylinder Boilers, 30 tn. Wain., teat !nag. Then . " " Two Wrought iron 01.1 Etllls. Else, Throe flute of Coring Tools, fur 011 Walks Oneap for cab. Enquho of BOLE., 8,21 allsotteny ltivor Baek, near the Point. h'oll. SALT--43'f EA 51 sew MILL AND OIL 11.1.7/NRDY.—Tba one-ha/II or crbple of an OD neffnary and ulanuo eov milt, with gets, wad our-halt aorta of grnuad ; m abundance of oaf ou the lot—mhv rpm and Lotus verked, eithato oh the Allegheny Dam . and A. V. IL IL, fa offered foranlo. The Nollocry: le nem Ood of modern build. Thip sav BIIA fe to eivendld utter, wad la wall Ilan ad, having a creek muting Veto it to the river. Owed locality lor building boats. Tur particulars oil at; the Imdenrhairmi. t , IiTDAT 1:1170.11PiliViT10_, uhat e 0.14 , Heed direct. Mull:Kimll, Pa. POOR SALE—VALUABLE .ALINCELES ..i: ter prperip, betel; part of the wal knowure tua "Ilweclabb - croutiogua the tittle river, between Weiidagtuu and Quanta Meet; nutting hack Le Preble street. This prvestry mri bp Melded btu wr lota, molly hi feet tot, end frum7 LW to. KS feet day. The pi.pi.ty will be eon se an entirety. end you sus particular advantages tor • hisuufacthrites ate. Teruo can be made eatimtarierp. ADO, to GEOLO3T, 00L131JUll, Penaaylranla Balt tlatufs-tonag (J, coraar Pineal:at aud Dravamas Way, Pittabl) tay?..tm ALUARLE RIVER PROPERTY y . FOR BALE, attested on the Monongahela Ondors Om drat Lock, barite • Rant on mid elver of 017 feet, and extending tack to Braddock street, adjoining the COLlnellnlllo Railroad, eon. tainhmt ass. and.i7 perches. Mb la an admira. Me Walden OR manufacturing paws', having the river to front bud pail., arrest and railroad ha the rear, and nal:elfin and handbags thereon erected. For go., apply Co aIAIIT SUN TUSTIN, cm l mpxmt 0, or to W. 0. AIIORIEBAUGH, No. en kla Diamond street, Pittaborgh. hittf VOR HALE—A LARGE MODERN hunt Pete story brisk house, fititite on,ROSS 81'RERT, tame, Fifth and High street., chnudn. jng ten rooms, with, etsod•collar and ilnithal jar red. The lot has. front of BO feet on Row went, run. Wag back 70 bed to a 6 foot alley. Thu Loam it aule. %tannin, indlt, and has water and m gr throughout tb. buildings , For furthdr particubtra env:timed A. O. CiIDUAGIC, Anita:ll M tDamond. Pittaburok. VOlt SALE-2O Loth in Allegheny J Olt? , togotiserliaidng • froot o n Pastore Lane of about 180 toot, and monks boa 403 fait, bolos lots nuraband from dlo 31 In John O'llern't Elm of lots, bolas tho property lama lam Fordmow ?be lots will be sold rajzsrabdy or in • body. 7 .7*ifir""' £ l: ,, k 4 '.V. l NVarry, 186 Fllth Wed. tileaLsl 1 JK bALß.—That • valuabte /ATM situate a the Plttsbargh and Sharon Grade Boa& In goblets - ma towaship, gamma as the " ram,. about Gse mile. from the city, C.ll. tatau‘g about bas acrtosolvill b. sold at privets sala For terms apply to E E. Id, STILL OT, _J. a. youud, Attoriospal•Lms, If 0. 1155 Fourth street, ostighdatrtfT Pittsburgh, Ps. LE. AIT SA ZITIOS I 1917/111BOAT DITILDLII9. 10,000 feet taco mow= of gent quality ttro Inch DEOEIHO te offend for ode at the Phtedng /1111 of 8. BAEHEB, on Anderson straot, Allegheny Olty. Mot 803 par [banana feet, haunt nofasurs. The Doeltits already planed and ready r use. of g. to saaKra, mr On the immix. -VOl3 BALE EXCILiAGE FOR J: CITE PEOPESTE.—That LADOE DWELL. ISO, with grounds attached, 00 011X1011 stmt., for. reeriroccapled by Christlan Masan, We of East Eirminghane, Stabling La entboildhep In the rear at the Dwelling WOOL FEED. L. LEINEE2t =law IGO Fourth !street, Elttsbnavh. VOR Mkt. Olt J. • NT—A !`arm of •52 A=s, good lard, is Maio. Graruddy, adjoin. fag land of Pater Perchtsont, and within a abort dlw team of at Pormsylroala Railroad. * Tonor Mammals. ratgrila of - WIC WIRD, mail Sint door harm TRU, oo Groot amt. 'WM BALl—That two-story BKICK DWKLITIiII, finished In good style, and in caspiate miter, alluded no the corner of Loratitt trod fad Gargenter's alley, Sixth Ward, contain. 'big eight rookie and linielted garret. tin be had t illYLI? A EIBEPABD, • fd 643 Liberty street. WOR t3A1...F.--A Lot of tiround, at the u corner orlloville aid Harmony Areatr, In the Borne) of Inrathigham. Moo, ono on wryer of Tan lirsato end Loon stnoti, Efghth wart. Turin. AARON T 31 FLOID, too AA 6 1.a1:41=2 ors and fourth are,te. wp64 1410113 ti...llX—Cauntry [Seale at .tilerav a:• dale Station, mina maim below Pittsburgh, OD she Pittaburgh, Yort Wayne 6 Chicago IL 8., rang ing from three ro too acres. Nor particulars engulra at the Beal Wats Office of . O. BiIiTtNOBB., nurgiusa No. 10 Dlartma, nn—o LET—PIIOIBOLLAPII jioam.s.—Tho Tlloo Caner, in the U. , braldlux comr federal and Water Wrote, glieghtuy. ..ecyJrtf. it B. Plirrsiei.v.rs. ere. D a J. R. SPEER, 196 Pena street, Pittsburgh. Waco bawll to 9 a. tzr'.d It to 9p. pi Prating, if o. tEDZRAL &TlM,larbeng 01 , when cilia rill W oltradod to et 73(,12){ an/ 4 **cloak dally. m Pilao•loto DR. F. sEbL Burgeon - and Aecoacheur, Ho. lla 810111/71110 IT., ad d.Cr wt.% awn PnltilltalGU,PA DR, - THOS. 111 ARON --A 'UM leiitxmod hum 211 Z Botoicas street to Awe., atj. 1:19 0 7 °4 N /P 3 . 61 AND B iict.lsll , ol63llikll4telow Had, - Pit4s6rici ItahMol • • ' • BEWIMW JfIeiCIILVES. WRIZELBS . & WILSONT I LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHINES. Important Trutt' for th* People. 'Ago Macklin, ware avards4 11181:110T PRZILIVZ3 .t tk. Warll's stir. Lasdaa. Maiessid, asd tkutladzstrial likDosittes, Pugs, Irmo, Ham LI the Owls' Masila sf Zama and Asasrics snub 11 ossarttilva. rt Wheeler it Wilson Sewing Maebine sal Its week hare repeatedly tatea the Int FM& ass la this twaatry, at Ike lanai Itatewetate, la- Atha*, and ladled" spat itaathwie et aka 0.0 ry has- T. QS hew* Rat tlyealy fasillae with the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Heelake, sad Na beauttfal sad darabla tag the ury mated. "LOOS STITCH." ere wry warlate aai tkerraghty tanatloate before parakeetag. Ife court Or. mat right Ineeettattra of oar If s ada% name seeable. Satiety liana. Well. Twat. quilt. Gatbat, Insadl. Oard. Itrald. lianbrolder All wleleent issNy prowlers Muting. nab annual males are &early equl ea than of ail ttws aetabiaal elnt:4l determine the `bola Atha WA Lead& Mr log MethlaN Wil. lUMN 1 CO., Agates far apt of Me Wasters 6tat... NITTSBITYSH 01r7111;i:t N 0.27 FIFTEL STRIART Vir•lk:l4-ISOW-41•11/T TO THE GROCERS op PITTSBURGH FRENCH COFFEE. Wo offer to Your notlee the FUNGI( COPPIiC. prepared as MI Pelts, from Pllfilt COFIZZ AND Wert& lIKLT. It is a wonderful preparation. being one of the meet healthy .ad antritiora arti cle, tsar prepared. The lelirfiCll COSTES dare net affect the nervous spurns, and invalids can nse It with great benefit It ha. all the aroma and tooth of pore lam. (and km thus ono-third the prima and yet it to far repeMor In nourishment Unapl taly College. and InstlMtl , na who bare used it, .peak highly et fa virtue. In all doilies* dUm 10 hes taken precedence, and the peas vent of It es really a wonderful preparation. The irraticla corms'. ell PURL OUVYIS and PCB' CAB, ET llL<.Manntertured m a Potuibtr manner or It hm no antis to Carer It, nor der It re quire famlllealo ads Cofoo sera lt In cuing, al do th. reamer:AMU - ate, licdflelout Coffee I. mixed la ft. manufacture; mtd owing to tpe web/vino mated to prOnere of rating, It dcats not require u much anger ae other 6offeet. Ina mare of Pltteburgh us tequested to make trial of this &encased Cones, nes will Ilnd that [Mt • Ford 4Y been said to It. pnwee Mat will not be fully Ictn. out. It L pat up to (rood packet , In ➢tench parer, a It. to • box. It b bmutiblly ANTFACTLISED BY J. F. BROADBENT it CO., 67 NORM CALYXES 82BLET. Baltimore y 19direocl GENTLEMEN WISHING FIRST CLASS GARMENTS. rude In the 110.52 iABITIONABLE end LATEST STY e. would do null to call upon U. G. RALE & CO., MERCILIAT TiILOES, 00RULB 07 PDAIS ♦ND T. CLAIR STEW% Belwo Dpi elmmbass. PLUMBING, Gas and Steam Pitting, In all Ito immense, carefully attended ta, by a:p► danced, practical ortertincu.. A tbes oseortmeataf CAS TIXTOCES, &HIM BATS TIMS, 8110WZB DATES, WATSB CLOUTS, BYDBANIM, Cont►.Bl on band and made to order. TATS & SEVILLE, No. dd TIMBAL STREET, lillegheuy ; And 527 LIBMT ISTBEIT, Plitateirgit. mklL3wdl) MCCORD & CO., • • Wholesale Naas to Hats, • Gaps and Straw Goods, Hero por h. store the lineal sod most =plats stock of goods kr • • 'RINQ k7ALF3. Xraz olicrod the wait. tionihnoti aro swywortad to call ea as/mho acystock, which will tis sold at very Low ratio. 111 Wood eW Pittibargh. ROBINSON, MoOLEAN t CO., B &NEER'S AND-BROKERS, No. 76 roman ST., opposite bon City Bank. We ane prepared to do • general RANKING AND BROICCDAVE DULITtiL99: Dealers In Government Socurlttee of 811 kinds. Bay and soil Bank Notes, Gold, Silveri Stooks, Donde, Connenerulal Foram, Warta on Neer York, Philadelphia, Beaton. do. " Money, niceleed on deposit, to largo ur amail antoewte. Special ettentlna even to Lame oo approtedloo'. Warms •et Interest alloyed on Deposita. • . mt11•Iw ROBINSON, MaILEAN a 00. 'THIRD NATIONAL BANE OR Cerner *Ord Street aiid Virgin Alley. Deslgatttd Depotl tery null 71resets1 duct at the Ilnibxl &aut. orlyei rebscriou es to the 10.40 110 NOS. • Backe awl Sunken are notneatod to set al Sul, ddroute, pee tent. conunteslOn &tido ideo kept on band. • • . ADAK IIZINF2SI2.II. Prosittnt. .TNO. B. LIVIIILISTOv, Oaebter. treldw SUBsORIBER, • • 6GZnT YOB • John Marsh & Co.'s Soda Ash, Ts constantly rcocithortho semi, which he will ..1} mitho most fltvorablo term. This Ash l portico. lathy adopted to tho tosoutsottcre of(ilms. - C W.aIrOIWENAA, IiOITTH MOST initYX:, Philadtlybia. nolittwoot • T J. 0101 & . : . XX TAR. ; • Prepand existed: for A - SUSS...Pat Ap nrit une goihmlras boundi3CICKEZB. Totals by . t,hoillnAut ,rel in barrels sad halts. 01110. ve.,pa..iwrBTßX.l27,iPtitstarth. --1-IdoTIGHE, BANKER, 112 raTa s4 r t,: 7 o . tr.'eCimmas, Alkergeny 9ouo awn* Banaol diets BOUldi•itanag. - Mao, Afthey Vag end Otoubsof Us itsillsoki Stab.. 5 ma cop.= 2,tuAras.GOLD. • Mi MEES===;iS=l ALISCELLAXEOUS. N&WTian' LUBIN is COCOAIVIUT EMBALM, yan 011.1113. DIMSBI.2:O AND DEIUTIITING It softous and oils the hats . s.cd giros Its peas.. nont gloss, ablch It totolds for days after Wog It. Nor beentlfyln,-; and promoting the growth of the hole, LUBIN'S COCOANUT CREAN CAIiNOT BS. SURPABEIED. It ocabni ibe Irritated Scalp. It soothes the Irritated Pealtt. It soothes the Irritated Scalp. It football the Irritated bogy. It Presents Baidhea• and Lou of Rain It Fravents Idaldavaa and Lome of Bair It P.arenn. Madman and Loan of Bar It rrovanta P.... Woman and Lou of Eat:. It Is an elogant P,1 , 1116E, /t V an elegutt Peet.e. It is stri thgant Perfume. Mt an tlisiptut Partutoe. Cocoanut Or =nova Dandruff. Cocoanut Dream reolovn Dikadrati Coe:aunt arcana =wren Dandruff. COCOURIi Cream remove% Dandruff. It producesthe Richest Lustre. It produces thslitcheet Lustre. It produces the Richert Lustre. It produces We Richest Lust.. It eves the [tate. 00, Appoantnee. It gtem the Ildr an Oily Appraranca. It glean the Hale an Oily Appearance. It este the Bah. an Oily Appearance. Tor Mang Whiskers Ithsa no OTULL• Tor 011intliVhiskers It has no .50.1. For Oiling Whiskers It has no equal Tor Oiling Whiskers it has no egnoL And It retain, all Its Beautifying Effects And it retains all Its Beautifying Effects And It retains all Its Beautifying if &cis And It retains ail its Beautifying Effects For day. aft: r =lug IL For d.l. after wing It. For days after wing It. For days .flex using it. Tor Drundrig and 01Hag the htnatacha Tor Dreeslog and 01ling ea Nemeth. Tor Dr eartog and 01111% the Iduatacha Tu Dressing and 011Isus tho Mustache It Farrauta Gray Clair& It yrearata Gray Halm It prerranta Gray Rain. It parrenta Gray Balm It prevents Hair from Turtling Gray It !wryest, Hair from Turning Gray It prevents Hair from Turning Gray It prevent. Hair Milo Tarring Gray No preparation the peculiar propel. Ilia Width so esssutlally suite the harm hair ear THE COCO.a.rUT CRE.4I.H. It promotes the Growth of the Heir It promotes the Growth of the ash. It promotes the Growth of the Hair. It promotes the Growth of the Bair. It Is the cheapest Hen. Dr.solng to the World. It Is the cheapest Han. Dressing to the World. It to the cheapest tier Droning In the World. It Is the cheapest Ilalr Dressing In the Wotld. ler We by gill Drignsta, For isle by agl Drunging, for We by all Dragging!, her aslo by all Drugging, FI7LTON'I3 DRUG STORF, DISPATOZI BUILDING, 111T11 STRIET. TR/LT/peg Ormuz, &unarm= CO. Pe., Pittsburgh, Diet' Id, llcd. 1 IN PURSUANCE of the 2lit section of .s Act violating to ADoghsoy moat), pureed Bay Bet, 1861, I„ DAVID ALEEN, Jr., Treasurer of said minty, hereby give notice that I will attood for the purpose of receiving Mole to the several Ward; Boroughs, Township, and Precincts of said cooety, at the place of holding general elections thereto re. epectively, en the following dap, tram 10 o'clock a. m. until 3 o'dock p. m., to sit plat Ward, Pittsburgh; rim Ward,, Adlogheop Ells/Meth tororigh, devickley borough, Ptisdley gitsaboth township, traoktta tovraship, Rim toirmhip, ON TEBBSDAY, JOKE Os. Sword Ward, Pittsburgh ; Byroad Ward, silleghe• ; West Illinsbah borough, AleHeaport borough, 1 township, Harrison townadp, noon town ship, JirEbrkma taighbtp, OH FRIDAY, MHZ Po. Mot precinct, Third wed, Pinang*: First pre cinct, Third word, Allegheny; 'Passim berongh, ilharpoburg_boreugh; Mtn township, North Fayette, knrhatin,hignia toermittp, East Deer tenrashfp, ON ISATIIHDLY, mrs gra. &mudprecinct, Third went, Pittsburgh; &mud precinct, Third lard, Alleghony ; Tomparaceeillo borough, Duquesse borough, PloCadlees township, Whom township, South Payette township, 'Per gHlas township ' ON MONDAY, MTN fort. Fourth ward, Pittsburgh; First precinct, fourth word, Allughersy; lianareter borough , Lawrence villa borough, Magda tostuhtp, West Deer town ship, Baia= tmaidp, Paton to.uoblp, OH TRISDAT, JUBA Pro. rim PRoAtat, Ylith word, Pitataurgh ; _Ssacoad procinot, north snarl, Albacheay I Wm Pittsburgh borough, Mououganals borm,gh Richland awn. ship, Staler townatalp, Uppu B . Clair townah , d, Plum townahip, • ON DIIIISDAY, DINH gem Seared prociatt, PIM ward, Pittsbmlo SL:th ward, Platbrogh ; Smith Pittsburgh; pra dam, Birmingham Laconia ; BON taneuship, Ohl* ton:skip, Snowden townahlp, Peal townahip, ON THURSDAY, JOBB urn. Seventh ward, Pittsburgh t Eighth ward. Pith. burgh; Second precinct, Birmingham boson& ; Ent Birmingham borough, Sewickley trembly, Megan township. Baldwin townahip, Scott tp„, OH MDAY, TONI Iths. Ninth ward, Pittsburgh ; lissom township, Cho , tiers township, Union township, Wilkins tam:whip, First precinct POWs@ township, Ooui tosnusilp, Lowe. 81. Oistr toinsthip. ON ISARRIIDAY, JIIINE lltts. Elemnd precinct,lMMlts township; Pitt township, Cremot township, Neville township, ON MONDY, JUNE L. Tame can be pa& at the Treas.:meg Office within Ltom maths':ram the data Mood In Um foregoing districts subject to FIVE PEA CENT. DISCOUNT for prompt sermon% to any ponce paying the whole somnmt of their taus. mstSCO 1864.'._.._........1864. • 0 00EITAIVIIII RAT, ROACII, EXTERMINATORS. 1 .4 yeas. eatabllabad lAN. T. atty." “Only retread karma." arra., Qom Penni." "Hot dangerona to the Haman Ifsmily.l . "Bata omit oat of their boles to di." Bold by allDroggtsta stalTirbare. Betas I of all vrortblosa Imltattorui. aooauel Depot. No. 412 Broad:E. Z. Crdold by B. A. BABEIDITOO BON 00. and B. Z. ALLIZItS k CO., Wb • and Pawn Amt., Pllbborgb, Pa.; lIZNET P. 8011WABIZ. Wbolouda and Baton Agent. Allegheny City. entenvim BRIDGEWA.TRET. 1760. COTTAGE DRABS, GROUND 111 PURE LINSEED OIL. Er dibarcat Drab Shadre, tar CoTTL64B, VU4 S, 111LILBOAD DEPOTS, to. .AIxhINIT for Rom, beams. • ZIAV4TOILS, mxionT CABILao. aftEldfaa7 PAM IFI MB Mail= Addreci, ROBERT REROLD3, • Ckneral 4qt. 74 Malden Luse, Vow York. mhls:fircui PAPER WAREHOUSE. . FAIIRKLL, IRVING & CO w aro. 610 ninon nacre, P IIII 4LDE , PaiA, pa. u5na3,,,t,,,,. of Double Strength Manilla Paper, Of an dzoL ROLL WRAPPERS. on hard or =do to ardor. lid.;" pld kir BONI, in lop or aural WASHINGTON. xsanuram co., Of NW TORS, • • I NAtrtratlii " ll s Ming& 1.24 - ICIIIMIAIOII6 • OILS, Nit. IL S. EL WARUCG 0113.Lt1 thS I 0 N ITERGE&ZiIaI, klatt Broken, in Petroleum and its Products, aad awes In Iteentug Materials. ec9L•ly li. 33 Wt.EMT ST., Pittsburgh. ROE it PEIRSAIJA 0•11.1•1•110111ritriblillt$ & Broken, • Excicuriral7.4 Petroleum• and Os Products, ror vxPotl. and hosts eintStnnitnne AEU* h° l : 2l ties for enrage, at ressornbts rats. • Llbersl advances msdn nn3ay BREWER, BURKE itc 00., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Louts of Ig GLOBE, PAOISIO AHD LIBERTY OIL WOI3IIB. !Abend cub advance/ made on condipmnenta ni Refined or Crude Petroleum. 00E. ID11141:3215Z WAY A HAROOOK EITO.. Irrrastraim P. RICHARDSON, HARLEY & CO., 00ELEI83101f a IfORWMIDIIIO LiSBOILIUSTB, Crude and Refined Petrolearn t . So. 19 IMES STREIT, ITITEBURGEL. ear Liberal Oath advancee on conolgoraonla tar PlClstorgh or Eastern Blarinsta. Ileum J. S. Dilworth a Oa., Springer Harbsegh, Deq., Thompsinx Bell, Daq., Docioserclal Boat mtilikern Iltur+ CITY OIL WORKS LYDAY &010RPEECIDO, Noonfootann =ld Itaitnoro of 0/0113073 OIL. MM. E1:571 AND IXIBRICATM MB, sad Malmo fJILUDIZ Pala rtiOLJ=A. Works, cppoete ETharpgbtai. Oas, No, Ni HAND STBXI22. W m"" AILIA . wA'a4 C ° l — & CIJR — TIS .7- g, '''"'"r4 Comrniestion Dlerahanta, . and &ran 111 CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM, BIM= MID IMISIOATING OILS, Ilk. 134 COUPE WHAB YES, PH/LADHLPHLA.. gar Storage capacity (under oover,) for 16,000 'lbis Also excellent Iscilittea for ahipping to American and Porolgn porta, at our wharf on the Schuylkill River, near the platform of Um P. IL R. jeßS:ly TACK A. BRO., Crude and Refined Petroleum, BENZINE, Ara, 169 WALNUT 5T., I'IIIS.ID7LPEiLL. Bcrethem eatimatod to oar =a mill med.. am prompt r personal attention. Bch to Moons. Richardson, Harley & Co., Bream, Bork, & Co., and McClelland A Darin, Pittabstrah; Thia. Smith. Esq., Pros;. Bank B. A,; B. L. Punter Co., Philadelphia. MoCORM_ICK CALLENDER, OIL BROKERS. 211 and 213 Soith Wailr Street. OS Cumfenceule .11.olted. UM= TO Ilda7 d Clorproni Iran Ott! on Work*, Jacob Painter, of Pa ng, inter Co. /no. [t. t au of Eltrang,•Ckalllut • Co. V " 'GO OIL AND TRANSPORT- ATIOS COILPASIT, OIL CITY, P•anl., Are prepared to receive, .tam and eell Crude and Refined Petroleum On the most reasonable terms and to male Ilbcrnl athances. L. EL otremm, President, Mee, N 0.12 Pin greet, New 'Pork. WEL BOW/M . , Bee). 011 Chi n", WALTEIt CIIP.ST Aet , 011 0111. JAMES WILKINS, An't, Plea zugh. :or Comigrunemts, via Pennrylvania Central, *M be stored at tha Company's Aro-proof alarehonee. on Ltoboken aide of rim. cale2tly WALES, WETMORE & CO., 00M1113.410H ELIECELSII3, AID SHIPPERS OF PETROLEUM, Ll 7 lIIAIDILS LANA, EtW YOWL chyle Wink" Ihr 13208AG8 AND 111:11PPTECI et their yard ita ertiarf. RED Ho= vsylttf CABOT, PEMBEBTON ik WEI3STER • General Illefahandize Brokers, 142 PIA.III MELT, Hew York, Mao, 111 SOUTH !SORT 6T., Flt!Webb* Po. OMB & REITHAD PETIIO.LEVIT, 0.11711T10 SODA SODA 2214 1123218T016k, nnbas, orts, ta, se. Orders to Poi .ell promptly ottaulad to. D mnintE, Ja., Auany, . 1.13 WALNUT HT., PHILLDELPII7I. CRUDE & REFIRED PETROLEUM On Ontuabalcat ectrlol7l4. LU amiss at meat rea•onable cstam. EITOIIeaR FOB EMU= la opal aeon. Fa MIME, under good shads. Partindar attention paid to OM 808 EXPORT. FOR Bus—oevisno SODA, 80D/ ABII, to f qtalay ALIKM & NEIKDLEB, PHICADUPIIII6 COMMISEJION aszorzAszs. Particular st.tocatioa odd to carialgumouto Crude and Beflned Petroleum.. ENOS WOODWARD, (Late of Wm. FL Woodward Co.a • GitlittßAL poianssiozz 7d zBQHAET, Evrtil ittezalse ghat to thg gals el Crude and Hauled Petroleum. N*48.3m0. 111 /SOUTH FRONT CTHHET, PHILA. • UM V. INOLDICIM WOODVILTY OIL REFINERY. GEO. W. HOLDSIIIP & CO, Uanufacturera of DITILNING 011 AND IMBUICLA. TING OIL. Kee? constautly on booth Cho very boot Quality of BURNING OIL, cla.road without color; lso, a goal LEIDEICATON, punt WHITE BEN. Lott rad CAD °IMO 4Z. ea - Au order left ea No. SS WITH MIES% B_¢! ItLxl,, mond tow. •1B b prxmptl7 Wm:dad ROBERT ABILWOBTI3, 19r. MAU IT., Forwarding k Commission Merchant /ED DIRALA73 ID OILS oar ILLUMIIIATIVO, LIIIIRWATLIZO,OIII7D2I SLTROLELTS OILS, de, ecadtaatly en band gad fbr dab at am lomat market prices. Oxasigtommt: mdara .Ilelcod. • •OSIDI JABIES Oil of Vitriol and Aqua .ammonia. . Orders left el John Partenbld Office, c, art of UAREET AND MST .13T}IXTI, win et 1•11...n.end •Cton.l4om MfU OETEOUTE OIL WOMB. nun snarl chasm oily izoLl aatn PESIKILLIM 14131/10AXINg oth; '?V i athemea4 terzebEishilok. a MM . ; ritOrlMlo2l. ,4 - 1 01BahICMONGLIOILA BOWS, flizbawk, PROPOSAL& pROPORAIS FOR 'FORAM Oran eroariodurrides Orrirs. tt V 74311113 0, Depot, December 8, I. sealed propose!. sea baited bithe timbsreimed far rapplyina the 11. &Bm:inane:melees Department, at Wm/do-otos, D. CI, Baltimore, Rd, Aleomodrts and Port idmieex,, Va., et either of thew plats, wttb . lIA Y cu s\, OATS pad STRAW. vOl be received for the dalirary of 8,0:Ohm& al turn m ante , end 60 tamer hay or straw, and op. =Bidders mast not/5 et which of the. above =shed points they propose tit mate deflection, and the rates at alslcat they Dill make dellaarlas thereat, the qua' uty of eutt article pOoosed. to bellativersal, ft= when wad shale be ouxultanced. tad thee to to untapletei. • The price mutt be arritteu out In wards ern the bidd. Owk to be put up th good neat macki,of shoat tvo bat le each. Oote.ia Ilke mcb.a, of .boat - thew t:allele each. The kick, lobo foruhsl Wake:Mt ex ene ehorge to the tlaternatent. Tn. bay and Male to be securely baled:•. The pe,tieuh.r klyad or doscrlpeou of 0.469= hiy, or gnaw Propotlpd to bo delivery/dm:labs ba the propcsab. All the article, of ender the bids heroin M elted wilt be subject to • rigid impatient by the Government Impeder, totem being accepted. Contracts will he awarded from time to time to tpe lowest reeporalble bidder, as the Inured of the Gov ernment may require, and payment will be made when the whole &Monad contracted for shall two been delivered and accepted. The bidder will be required to aeconnemy Ith panel with a guaranty, signed by two weds, that In -cora hie hid to accepted be or they will, within ten daYre thausHer.CSldtte Homfflffeet for the same, with pod and iroldefclit stintke, la • than moat ro the amount of the contract, to deliver the forage proposekln cot with the terms of tail advertisement:Sind incase the add bidder should fail to enter Into the contract, they to tuakis good the difference betweenthe oder of odd bidder and the rout loweet responsiblebiddcr, or the pdsm to wham the contract may 4 awarded. The responsibility of the guarantotstand beshown hy the official comfiest& eta U. &District Ant o ny ,Attreery Collector of oo h , or soy other alter ee Dotted Brat. 6ovorranoat, or responalble person utpran to this dia. All bidders will be duly nodded of the senora= or rejection of theirproperaL The mum dad P. 0. manna of mob bidder must be legibly written In thePropcasL PropteaLe moot be addrrarad Brigadier General D. H. BUCKER, Oder Depot Quartermaster, Wash. iat r , La, ine ebould be marked "Prop". Donde, in a rumegptal to the amorest of the con tract, eigned by theeentractor and both of We gear. antors, will be redtined of the succerafel bidder Mr bidden upon elgoing the contract. Blank formed tilde, gameatees, and bonds, mel Le obtained upon appbration at thin cams. sons; OF PEOPOBA.L. (Town, Clomayea' di3tete, • thembscriber, do beret'' propose to lian& sad &User to the Milted etstoe, at the 4nartormestor's p o ,, r t meu t agreeably toile Wawa pour ulvertleammt, toritiag proposals Mr detod ifitaington Depot, Dmember 5, 1853, LE I M lowing &racks, Ms 5, —Mullets oaken, hiseelchat —•-• per babel. of 55 pomade. bcnhaL of Oste,in asks, el per Quad, of MI pomeds. tom Mb.* Hap at pa am, of I,too pomade. tom of Bail, et per_toa, gf2,000 pooads. DeliverY toommateoceon or before the tun of 115-, end Who completedoit babre the tha of--.—, 155- ,iihd pledge myself to eater WO • written contract with the Melted States; with good end approved ematities, within the Epees& ten after being notilledlhat mybld ha bean sompted. Tom obegitmt mamma, Brigadier General D. H. Baia, Mild Depot Ctmerternmeatter, , • Weehingtan.D. 0. ZULU/CITY. We, the nndereignad, rmidonis of tbocomoty of Staten! hereby, jointly and morally. comma with the United States, and - gaarentoe, tri nee the fetrevAt bide bid within ten depilate? the emeptence of said th ag : r cote the contract &VIA m a ne with good and t enrollee, In alum *nag to the anima of the centric; to ihrnish the forego reported in oomformity to the terms of advertises.= t doted December 7, 11363., ander which the bid well sltade, and, lee can. the said emit fail to enter into contract se aforataidore gm !mte to make good the difimence between Micas. by the uld end the next lowest reeponsikle Ladder, or the vsnitso to whom the contract may be awarded. W 'tome, t GITIZI =dem= hands andsoak :p i t a —day 0f—,186, I hereby rtify that, to the besot my and belief, t he aboVe turned gnarantore are good and rofacient as enntits for the amount tbr width they offer to be aconrity: , To be certified lit the United States DistriMAttnt ney, Collector of Unstoms, or any ohm officer tinder_ the United Statea,tiovornment, or rceponlble peg= known Co this alto. - - . AB PryPesnis tasaid =der this adiertisansat vitt bu opened andcsandnod o this o2lce ottWED NESDAY and diaTITIIDAY of each week. at 12 as. Bidders ars responianly, BMW to be present at du opening of phis,..llthey desire. D. H. BUMS% Brix. Gen.and Qurtarmaataa. PROPOSAI.S FOR. FLOUR—Sealed Proposals are invited till the 3Ont of MAT, at 12 o'clock 111., k.sr inn:asking the flatalefence Do• partmant with BIG BT TB 01/iIAW D (11,000) P rrewr et OF FLOM. Tbo proposals will be for what is known at tided.- pot ae Hoe. 1, - eol3, end tide will be entertained for any quantity Iwo than the wholes Bids motel to Id , duplcate, and for each wade on separate eheete of 'paper. The Flout to be fresh gemodd, and deltrered wo ;hrle t i7verP ' zefe.;. l our eed io be mend within five day. from the 'opening of the bide, and.to such qtentitice, dolly, lee the Government may dlrcet,do. Ilvend either LC. the Government warehouse In Georgetown, el tina wharves, or at the railroad depot, Washington, D. G: The delivery cleanFloorawarded to be completed within twenty clefs from the opening of the bids. Payment will td made in cent of Indebted nem, or each other Pm& es the Gtvertnnent mayban for dlsbureement;' The tonal Girrefmnent Impaction will be madejest before the dour is received, and mew will be accep4 ed which iv not t(esh ground. An oath of 1511Warteek mmt scrampany the bit! moll bidder, who ha. not the oath on lite hi% ofd co, And no log will be entertained from - parting. who hove previZemly failed to comply with their Aide, or from bidders not present to respond. Government frier., the right to reject any MS for say cause. Bide to be addieseed to the andereigrewl, at No. G street, Washington, D. 0., endorsed .Yropcs. sale for F10ur..., ' B. O.1:11111:BE r Oeptaho and O. B. V. Washington, 0. CI., Hay 19, Mt. =raid OILS, Jrc. RIDER Es.CIABJE, 012Z61M/OS maBOIIANIS. Petroleum a i Products, OM isiBBOAD Se WATEMA VP A prtti3or tlv.-2,TLASD ISMIUMEGIi Om WORM NW 101 tr. PAIIII.I7OMI CANDLII 00111:N63, caranwr, - noir, gilYnca 128 Watar lf9 hod* di. LUCENT OIL NORSE IMAM, BIJKLAP 4 CO. grr...newtrat2g Pare Milts Pawl Carbon Oils. Mat, 1,1133 in. RSILLAT, sn "gaga. pAAo 1 . 401:3GH & CO., Exigtrmstos EIXBOULHTB. Tor th. tale of Orwle And Ratted Petroleum, 416 BCIIITH DNLAWABS AVENUE, mUltSm S . E. POI7LTIOEY, Scoter to Crude mid Refined Petroleum. 13 - vastzusTic. In nun" snow. ritualist% Pa. TWIN CITY PLANING MILL. Aree h Jlexander,. . • &cantly blatant cat, tato Aware to babaliebi their Wends Void the publiergarerti Pcrib i V bars lamed mite sad pact ill the &ON P ING RILL, atitecr their lat. tomato, arid &R AM prepared to asacata orders=traded to aback b brompticor and &mtd & l • u= a larti stack et Dry bar co haat, ask 61 ttac mulct dt Iho7 oac now Preporical to itintiab dry atfll Plecring as Vita Shommr, t say quantity. at moo:table rata. mbitbelat ogga wy , f3EVILLE dc co., Orl,B4ers sad Pollahati, a70r .. 17 . yogOg Bro.'s Orindinvind Ileritaresl SnoP.) in on . 1 41 numirlihti 8 17717 dreg: to Do. mood Nam rp - nr:W.latreot,.Ptttabargh. Thrteher. a:4I,M SMS 3 B.r, Stn . . and :K o h= Corpontene, Corp.' and Timken' Tool.; relnors, Rosergi!Taitors' Shears, Sadler.' Enters, Mooing glactdog ,ir.dra, Sad ham, &o. All Grinding . . L o e '. l . , h l ns P 7 010717 attended to. mr7:7..41.01 G1u"),,, 5k ,E 1)4 „,„ ; EGON, Aral el kinds of OOIIHTAY. ]'DODIIOR..■oIdoa bj W. C. COPE, No, 1= ttiaxcr-snuitT, nuteight, _Piompt re . 24 Wen= g6a tfdadre4, • .yos AANSTILIL, - 131POIXPER'. J_A • P. 310 DULICS is the =et ideal broad( bf GEIRIINR• IMP/0U ATlGAltSeeakt ill dada SIIIOSENG • 6511). Casurnia IfiDACCO; EIRETP.. MOT PLIELICECAMiI. PIPES. WOES. te r . parest misty IMP= =BT. 01/f..E.LES EICN sanaisifonunnalisivix. "4 -2 just reseworty alaUrlletNlANir =IV cum B, acl, AZ. EIE=I3:3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers