Pittsinitt KONDii,-113[Att 23, 1544. onal 'Nomination in the The Cong reut , 234 District- ;•'•• '' Ji this district, which iscompossdof that county lyittg 14 ' 41 portion of AnegheDy r together-with the coitus, bes o .. . -- "• '. ".:.-,T. , _,.. , - ..t .- : - .11,•- tha war ri A rd:Arma..._tt•ong, the contalt for the' candidate of the tint C party foC 6°Pesa u 1 Allegheny hoe al ' 115EinstiGn.4 a- '' ' eaoming both inte n r. • - -g' sea evilting. a...a :ready declared in favor efthai an.Tuoaae Wtaaaus, of AleilouTcity,the,presen t t —aM 4lntative, who Is now in his arst t am ':t4ab:lsftppe'nted as conferees three; ::+l, - a :i e --so will stead by hintfirmly to end Butler both nominate - tte't.ttd..tes o& what tle Cana the Crawford c pp n ly vetil,.ll2 which the yenta at the prEmery creation east, ballots directly for the oendsdetee, and in which the candidate hieing its highestmumber of waintges:is declared to be the nominee for the office to - which he aspires. ' In Butler County Col Jons M. Tramples, th of this county for Coupes* in 19,92, is again before the pee • ;rats .cams object. In Armstrong scanty Col. J. B. PERLA; Offattattillf, who air unanceessfal candidate for nomisa . flan for Congress in that cotmty in 1802, is again before the people. ~But wo think the Union men of bath theist — Counties are opposed to any &alp „ba #tartpresentation of the distriet at this Mae, and that a majority of their suffrages - -Will les cist lit the primary election for Dir. ' • • Wrintews. This will certainly be the case it •fintvote tom be got out. To turn out a faithful and 'Wattled representative at the ‘''stage of first term, would bo a thing so unusual, so unwise, so torah and disrourt . mum, so disoiedititido to themselves and Be injurions to the best interest& of the corm , try at this perilous oriels, that we feel sure • "'that they will not do it. That men should • feel inclined taperer a citizen of their own °funky to one of another county, other &Inge being equal, Is all right; and that . atotins of personal friendship shoulditsve . theirproper weight in thedirection of men'e actions is equally right; but no good citL fen'il I:milted° to hold all such consider lions subordinate to the claims of the country. In private lifit we may make as concessions and sacrifices as we plesse toitierulakdp, or to loeslpride; but in kis high and sacred relations to his cot:m ow try, the good citizen will feel that itsolnims upon bin are paramount to all others. • '- • To mar i y any :eflecting mind thatair. , . Is the right Mall in, the right we need only - refer to his lite epeech onitemmstraction, published in the Gazette. 7 . &few. dayetegoosnd which hes pen widely! rlisseminatid, in pamphlet'fermithronghorfit', .. ; the loyal .19tatee. In vigor of thoug'ht co. genet' of argument, and classical elegance - of diction, no speech ever delivered in that hectic of Congress surpasses It; and, we no t member of Congress Who, in his first session, ever made for himself so bril liant a record as has air. Wnizess. To . itcatiee each arepresentative, at the end of his first term, would be less dishonoring to than It would be ''to his constituents We do notibeliere, however, that they will s • do.it. But to remove all apprehension o each a thing, we trust that the people of Butler and Armstrong will rally in their -strength at thqtr printer? , elections. That a large majority are opposed to any change niw; fully persuaded; but, unless, they vote,„theirioppoeition will be of no avaiL The primary election takes place in But ler county on the 11th of Jane ; in Arm• . strong,...en the 19th. . _ • A F.w Call ter Troops. • Governor Cceaut has intimated by proo• lime don , het another call for troops will soon be made, and for a period not lees than . one buodi.d dips: He advilat the forma . tien eritillitary organisations Withentleisat, _ lA* the pisipla may not be unprepared for Aker oeli,when it is made. , The troops will hn Clotted, tinned, sutialited and paid by .11m . Milled States, and will be mustered lute the 'Federal and not the State service. We hats no thought that the period of en -Bement will exceed six months. The ob - sect.' in elating out the militia will be to sestet 011•31 in bringing the present Vie ginia Campaign to a . glorious conclusion. Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, lowa and Michigan bate already sent forth their thousands of eiciiirUndivid'tlay men 'to assist in the good • •evorkoteditts right and proper that Penn. • sylvanie 'should "rally 'Once again" her -• P 5.410110 eons that they may Its in at the death of the monster. . • Ws leain that Pittsburgh and Allegheny elVainrimponding nobly to the call of the ilecietiry of War for a battalion of light artllle4.: RC:sorra In the defenses of Waeh bitten for one hundred days—two hun dred andiWetillq•illtlyneil having been el. - risigiitillated: A few more men are.want. ed annplite the nember required.. Petition. should be made at once to either of the recruiting iifdcas mentioned in our advertising tolcunne.. - • • • • - 1.) • - ; I ' TAe Inland Telegraph. We"do not, of cane r . know the Masons, ahiob itnieteed the beeretarY of War toittL, seed the employees °Me Inland Telegraph . Company.: itt.this.and -other cities, bat we ham, become acquainted, within the petit --tisirti, with the fact that our business sommtutity is suffering great lneonveni enci 'from the interruption of the" line in viestion. Mania-0m leading merchants and ether .basiness 111011 have been acmes* famed to transmit telegraphic messages tAltr . tii Inland line, and Ito promptnesa and reliability lama given gnat sittlefteir . Wm The closing elite offices, and the. U. rout of its employed, are felt by them etete Wiens interference whit:heir ordinary bee. Leese transactione. . lin facilities offered . by. other line, it is mid. can ad.mptately 10113110tite themfor the inconvenience and Loma na) s ti~q flit interruption to the • sperathia Sn& .ffhesegmtilent* therefore • ejoin time in ibieboPar, - that, the B.ettvilf War cc Core. to the -•oottmnnity the are of Ode telegrephic - maim . ; at the same time holk leg ,for, punishment any employee or am ,play,:reedf the. Inland Company who. may ,the any law or rer; . dadene enacted or 'impala for the pufr lie .Sonso of. the agenti of MO . o*. , pin may 11. g uilty, but , its stockholder., &meters; ied the lone riajority.oll6 pleryces,car bt'atipporid to be guilty any ;ais:syeaty or indlearolion **Meier. Ikesiiee.—ThesisticaPtito strike from the . • nettling net ettie'rerritoey of Montane Ole words' free rhito," t ant eting.the rig* taßr+Oe ,o till 'af iiensonif estae:4 ,l 4l.e - .twee .defeated;-,L,Thel bill,; ad pein , k , 4; indictee - iiiitage , 41 j,of.nlitenage eltisiniat the Ilivite4:Bistee„od r io. t * e . law beiri . jdieleied their, jnlention to . S ,Butlers;Night Last Monday. A aspitil to: the Philadelphia Inquirer, dated Bermuda gundred, May . 18th, reside as follows : n The Director' Transportion of Wounded informs me that nearly nye thousand of our men were cap tured, wounded nod killed on Monday. Nearly the whole of liscsues's brigade are either killed, wounded or missing. Oar forces hare fallen back to within fire miles of this place. They are no longer menacing Fort, Darling." RAILROAD TO PORDZETORIBMSG.—The Railroad from Acquits Creek to Fredericks- burgwoa expected to be in running order and in operation Yesterday, Sunday. This 4141.1* greatly facilitabAransportation to the ai'my of the Potomac. Tun Esperor and Emmett of MOSICO had reached Madeira on the 29th of April, sad tailed again the same ilaz for Vera Cruz. The Forged Proelamatton—Arrest of the Forger. Nzw Year, May 2L—The forger of the recent 'proclamation purporting to nave been honed by P resident Lincoln has ttien arrested, and confessed that he palmed it off on the journals here for gold and stook operations. Ms name is stated to be Howard. a newspaper reporter. The riff/CI of Saturday says:—lt hint . oat that J. Howard, Jr., City Editor of the Brooklyn Leyte, is the man who forged the Proclamation, and prooored he Insertion in as many of the City newspaper') as ho sue. ceeded in duping. He has acknowledged the fact, and was sant down last evening totiort Lafayette. He says he had no other motive except to make a little money on the Block Exchange, and that it never occurred to him :that his performance could produce any more important or se• rims effect. It seems that something like a week ago Howard consulted Mr. Kent, member of the firm of Kent & Clspp, Brokers, as to the probable effect upon the market ot . —a m proolamstion calling for 600,000 more en, Mr. Kent gale him his opinion, and sub sequently Howard showed him die draft of a proclamation, which ho claimed to know, through secret channels of intelli gence at Washington, was about to be is sued. After the publication in the World and Journal of anuzierre on Wednesday morning, Mr. Kent at once identified the published proclamation with the draft which Howard had shown him, and gave information of the ciretimstance to Gee. Dlr. Ildward wv arrested and brought to -the -General's headquarters yesterday afternoon, where be, at once made • fall acknowledimentrin the matter, and excul pated all the newspapers, which he euo• iseeded• is victimizing, from any 00111lee don with it, diriestly or indirectly He employed another Freon, whose paws we believe is Morrissey, to make the copies which were sent to the press. It 111 re ported that several other persons were cog• nizant of the proceeding, and also made it the heels of speculative operations in gold But Howard, we understand, denies that any penon was at all implicated with him in the transaction. Howard had been connected in various capacities with several of the city news papers, the Tim's and Tf Oulu among them, nd had thus acquired a knowledge of their routine of business, which was 91 service to him in this imposition upon them. "The End at Once h" it is not often that we find anything it: the ILT, Arald that we can indorse, but the following paragraph. from one of ila editorials of Friday has the true ring: Perhaps the last great battle that we may have-to fight against the rebellion to is progreso now. We, have no fear for the result. The life of rebellion - in con centrated on Spotisylvaais county, Vir ginia—it is in Lee's army—even in Lee. It ever any min was a nation, if ever Louis XIV. was France, Lee to the rebel lion. Both sides in the great stragele are adequately represented south of the Zepidan, and there tLe "law of natural selection" is in operation en a grand eoale. It Was inevitable as fate, as inevitable to any great event In the life of 0 nation can be, that the people-who are best fitted to lice and thrive in the world, as it now is, will prevail in that battle; and beyond all - question we are that people. There the rebellion is to , fight with its intense strength, and there we mutt fight with our utmost strength also. If the fight is to lanfor another eight days, we must keep ono...irony equal to it. There and wherever else it may be necessary we mint minthal now all our power. For, though the re molt be certain, yet we maj hasten it, and the muse freely and the mere readily and earnestly the pipit: support the govern ment now the lees time will it take to pat down,the rebellion and end the war. Let Inhere the end at once. Surgery After a Battle The following passage from a recent 'attar mitten after one of tho late'hattles, presents a striking picture of tle surgeon's dales on the told: --- Day before yesterday some 300 Rebel wenn: dedfall into our hands. Of thus, 21 required capital operations. They were pined in a row, • slip of paper pinned to each man's ooze collar telling the nature of the operation that had been decided upon. Dr. Morton brat puns along and with atowel saturated with ether puts every man beyond conselonntess and pain. The operating surgeon follow, and rapidly and skilfully:amputates a leg or an arm, as the cue may befall the 21 hare been sub jected to the knife and saw without one twinge of pain. A second union ties up 'the arteries; a third dresses the wounds. The men are taken to tents near by and wake up and And themselves cut in two without tor ture while a winnow lopped off members, attesti the work. The last man hut bees operated upon 'before the trot awakened, nothing could be more dramatic and nothing could more perfectly demonstrate the yahoo of anaesthetics. Besides, men tight better when they know that tortr t Woes not follow a wound, and numberless lives era eared that the knife wouldlose to their friends and the country. Honor, then, to Morton and Jack ion, the men who so opportunely for this war placed In oar hands an agent that relieves the soldier from untold misery, and his friends from untold anguish. Government Flinneee. Secretary Chase, replying to an inquiry concerning the currency with which the fiveawenty elm per cent. and the three years seven-thirty per cent. notes are To+ deemable, settles a point that will be et in terest to all. . Mr. Chase states that the usage of the department has been to redeem all spupon and registered bonds, forming part of the fended or permanent debt, in coin; that all Treasury notes and other obligations will be redeemed in .United !Metes notes Meta the resumption of specie payments; that the Ova twenty sires and the twenty year eines, into which the seven-thirty notes are convertible, are considered as part of the funded debt, and are therefore redeemable in colic. - TO three :years seven•thirLies will be ipateln United States notes, Or msy con ,rested, The optitiortnner officially pro- Imulgsted cannot. ill to strengthen that I 'class of national finances affected by it, with a favorable result upon all other Government seeneittea, • The Cloirettaia,CpnvOtlon. - - . The Eastern agents "of the Associated 'Pre!' neglectedio , forward to o the fol lowing dispatch: Mawr, May 17.—A call for Mass Con volition of damns of the United' Stater who Man, to uphold tho Union, who believe that - the relmillian ma be crushed without infring ing open the rights of individuals or States, whortegard the extinction of slavery among the practical effect' of themar for the Union, - Soil who Wet . an amendment of the Consti taloa to 'exclude slimary, and who demand 'fotsgrity andemonomy in the administration a f the Government, is milled for at Moreland, Afel litst, for eoneulta on signers,t at isamptign. Ittosing the some rty or forty lumber, me th ' , names of Cloinprolter .Roblissort 'end GSM :ohs Thli:itielotetitlitritended to be tick:lid -444 with that 0f atalte,Biowtr, -" • Itotassoit.sottotbstet.:,f • SECuNiWAID, ALLEGHENY. —Thera Ida be as uthmraoll taming or the rat scrtbm ts Hut Bounty rust is the SCHOOL ROVBE, . Tala ETZiISO, st131;:e!clork: Nem auto:raw b reqtusted to .tend. Zahn. of Importance. JOHN SHOWN, Pr•et. W. Onmmis, Neer. TO'S:NAP 8 BATTALION—Batory 0.,300 DAY WOLUINTLEBS—Battertre A sad 15 are folland bate gene foraged t Wasking. tom Battery 0, GAIT. FIDDLE, ls rapidly Blinn ttp land will be cambered in tide afternoon at two o'clock. AD member are reensetee to report at laatlgnartant, over Parrost-Barekes 0011oe. Federal street, Allegheny, at one o'clock, 104 ay to be tarte. teed In. A be. goof men be accepted to All up Ike Battery. Apply asabore. or st Battalion lisalgoar. ten, Wilkie, Ball, Your‘b street. my23:lt eASIVEL ILTDDLZ. SANITARY FAIR.—. 42 State, County, city and Town ese. t. RegUrs Penerylvarita, Hut.. .side sad Nitetrtern Viritiat, viu piess make their h.tritrlona for the ritM. harrh Saeger, lair to the undersied, elialmaan et red ihmerateme, that the crow gn credits may he erne. Cackinrupiaatlese to regsvi te the above mat• ts trill be posemany attended to. Chairman of tbar it gittii. JOHN STVIAPT, Secr.tary. P. B..—Spere triratlly to the Sanitary Yalr am raw win oblige by <spaying the above. ntriltt O.FAIR—SPECIAL N(YrICE.—To Tie Pirdiro: the mat ball for Consorts,' do., is mew reads for chairs. It will mulls es least doco. Ali ,petdotio chimes. of Pittsburgh* AU. sherry and eiclaity, dation. of sidled the caws by leading chain or settees, lan plasm at MP notify the ondereigned, stating the numb r and when they De delivered at the hair buildhign. Ti. name of the donor or lender molt be atuolsod to each chair., As buts fey days lisp yet to elapse betel, the opening of the lair, prompt stollen ts rennet. folly He:meted By order of Committee. WAVER P. ILOSSIIALL, Chairmen, rayblkSt ; , 87 Woad street. (O. IMP FOR FEZ BOLDDIES I We, the undersigned. hereby give the wages man. Lay,ur the stuns eetupps site t. Our =M.., to flu Pittsburgh Sanitary Thar, far the Sisk and Wound ed Soldier. Mere add A.maw fg Ur v 1111414.. mad, mine, yrnreefoa et. trade, eel ta. Imaegy.] let tL Pnrpristor, Manager, Dom, on say painiella = a'este or oopy [h obese on white pager; gel it try nd the ma of the raid, mine, Puma, ahoy, boat stud, etore, trade er oecupatien to which he belongs, transmit the amoons UP NATII/11111 /lomat, Jr., Treasurer old* Per, Pitlabmgh. Thermo's& of the tatmey day nekneeladged by letter and the newspapers. The nomad of the battle; the groans ei oar brethwe and defendant; tie memory of the glorious dead., and oar hope. of BUM= the Maggie, cell Ira ta be prompt and genatOns. flay God pot it fete the Mart of weary Chstdtia and patriot to reigned wilt his mile or hi. treatnr► ler the Esecallre Ootamlttas. mylOtf rELIE B. JEWOOT, Q,otmaa. Unita Mumma i tuittatkinsort. y 16th, lit% • a •BOOKS WILL BB OPENED FL 11111130ELPTION to the CAPITAL STOCK of the Pitteburgh 'Bridge Oompeny, at the (Atoning places, sin: On TESDAY, lthy 114, at. 'Haan'. hotel, on the Stenthenrine Turnpike. On THURSDAY, Hay 26, at Pleroe's Hotel, on the Steubenville Turnpike. On TUESDAY, Hay 81, at Garrett'. Hotel, on the Washington Turnpike. Pardee deeirleg to make name and proltabla th vissiment, should make it convthlent t. .Uond at the plena mentioned on the dity. named. Book. of Einbecription am open datly at the ogles of Wil. E. DIZIOJE, Tmestmer,•No. IS Water et. - Adore • THOS. STEEL, . . TBI 61 FAT UNION RAFFLE, Nississippi Valley Sanitary Fair, To tete place the hat week of the no, under the engine or the Inane Cuemittee. 11 Prises--Aggregating $50,000 Tickets---•ONE DOLLAR EAOII THE SMILER rem orneatioir of 600 acres koghly etildratsd lead, to the county of St Lon set lectrairsnient buildings, donated by the Eon Ridges el the roast) Onirt.-1140,0.b A RIOTOUS ter TIIC caoutrmon, dons. tad by de II S. Sanitary ConinOssion—SlECO • tie ii3d, estate EURO IfOIITR, with eelkt pearl key.. and lD t teemed toe. denoted by Mao. I, Oars a Manua, of Idt. Leo —UAW Tbi famous Stallion. SIOROAN IiIISTRIA• with a fel and elegant eat of Kai. Gsneral • Iqpipou.ts. (Flusgen Bantu cost 53,6 E. Is gold. in Terosent, la 1859 i hat trotted la pub. lie to skeleton errasn.a W161.4E84 barn news been trained on a race track i) doastat Ly U. O. --S2IIOO An e.t.a BIIFOGF, donated by the pecan.' Booksr ildpo A eplordild PI alibi SORTS, donated CIA us. Banner a Web.> ...... A Turk' du TIGER RIFLE. • silently balsa, with gout, silver and Ivory; donated by apt lisasisso. Ista A A. G. on staff of Brig. Glen C.. —.—S6CO A very chip= BIWA/LIM TABLE, oolieteti by Knelt firsomick & Bro., St. Louis...looo A PictOr• of the Admation of the 11.1, Trinity by all Sainte, donated by lease Itrasenhil , 4 polo of very See 11A11.111. /1082109, dosaed by 11=4 Tylar...--. A beautiful model o f the steamer JIB/111 DEAN s, complete to ewry reapwA, .1. Ate , long and two feet bials from keel te the top of smoke ruck •”ry ban, spar smell boat etrge plaskonast, wheel, irindosn, Weds', ao.r to fact, Um 11111. ens looks a• It she mold °walk the Irks • thlAig of lib." Donate/ by Bre .oaptata 11. A. AD*. Tickets in the shove grand echtine. Weil! or le whelps of Lam le to 101. may be bad at the tot. teethe phew, ant other. to be draignated henrafter. Olathe, Ros. A Co., _corner Main =d Olin. Mttler A nerlbeelt other Baia and Olive. Ladtw,lowery 4,Ca., either &coed antipine Toroth 3 atonal Eta. t, =re= of WashAstan aad Third. L. Leitch, corner Toroth Ind tint Rational Bank, inaction girth and Roca= street. People's lethal Institution, oirner Cercrndelrt 04 Park ensue.. Bant of it. teals, corner Thirgend Clive. Real Wite amine bastitutton, Toted .Lest, the tureen Ohre and Learnt. eminent Trimmer United dudes. Alien:to insareace.oe. 7. IL Colbath, T. U., A. 4 ER L. R. 8., Ticket ore . • lightht Parke&• • J. 12.. Craw = ere Rockstcra, - John P. Camp 63 Wathingtth arsine. /tad in the lfahr BufidLog. Orders, with ea= Rem oar friend. in the coml. try, eddrsual to Pi. A. LADLIE, f Treathrar of theme= cuematue...m tt011:To prompt att.:Wow sar 60,000 numbers (ll= 1 tolU,000) to be =4 In a wheel, under the superintendence of BR the Mayor, end ehiren et that dm= out, the per. son bolding the JIG= corresgendlag with first do= namba to Ds entithd to the ant prise. of with the einfurrarns, and eo on with the other 'drawn sum. biro. HoNco be &end the time sad place of draw ing, cid the bolder. of tickets la atteadence will hare the prlstlep of diostfinsthhfi the corantitte• to suptrtuttsd the drawing. W. A. HAltekDl NE, GENERAL E. °JINN, P. A. LhDl7ll, SOL.. BiiITH, &Wit Osmaltts• of the 711/111106 Committee. ythlAt pum u:NeNt3; . . Table Ilamalb ; Napkins ;. pillow Men ; • .Sheetlngs, Ton SALE BY WRITE, Olia LIFE INBUlip10& The American Lift Inniranoo Oa, Or PELLADELPpLi. -.OVAL Lutz. Wiruanni, Prot. BAWL. Woos, T. T. hum* polleNo on lino all Jona Stook, Wolnal 210TaMtnro Mar on ignorable tonne. SITAN,IIIont, loy9l CO Tenni Wed, phirko'. Naetrig.) WALL PAPERS; • ' wninow BRIVES; WIDOW WEE Essatifol st 3 leo ot UDE LIGSIT PiPZII4 ite. all ailllag akoop, at No. NA fedora! rt., Apiskemy r. N. WASICEIAN. TTNI BM- Ai 11113 En, conceded by 211 who him moil Mint to b• InipOriOr sonny otbet maks, and the only ono with oon , onoila. ',Moat which no Wringertato Minnie OW in and tea the article tO operastan, and *Ulla circular of prices and rocomundationo. ovvy ease viler. thorn° not nhonatishiction tho mono hi refunded. ' J. a it. PHibISPII. ei723 gob !rota for tbkosaiity. DUCK CHEEK LUBRIULT4iIik s Priem attlao;frm from 'grit, warranted :me to tom amenhteryome equel tn No. 2 Lst4 OH, en hand and for gals by JAN. DALZELL !OWN, • Rli siullOWatei stmt. VO.l LARD 0.11,--50, Abb. prima No. i_vrious Otraintd Lath Oil orzt bag and fit JAB DALvirca, i BUN, - lad TO Water dam& V . O. 2 LARD. 0114,-22 bblo; No. 11 land OIL on band rod tot Lahr ay , • .12.8. DALLUZ. I EON, m7'29 t 9 0470 Water stmt. ▪AL Y. llt : 11 : 1 : 14 'o.= • bone O folomaa, lut mein/ Ltd bad, ti . . E.--10# g iz mo VT. IL Crinly• Just arrteodaid ter lobby - ifsfl IW h t _pip# thgenajull vastly! stuttaribo7 th ~ ~ ~, -- ; GROVER & BARER FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. ml call - machine whlola EIMEBROIDHIRS. The cmly machine which MAKES THE ELASTIC STITCH. Mks only muftis shici USES TWO SPOOLS The only mschlne idea TENS TUE ENDS OF TUE SEAM; Th. only machine which' AI AMERS A BIAS SRAM list will not broil' sad meet in stretching tkli makes!. The Only Sewing Meyhine OompanY, LOCK STITCH OUBLE LOCK STITCH MACHINES; Porshasors can exchany for °trim, If nir Office, No. 18 FIFTH STREET 4. F. CH4TONET, Gould Agent IN HEELER & 'WILCOX'S =BM MINIUN LOOK STITCH SEWING MACHINES' iai anzirzn, 611111.11 N AND WM Matadi Mai sag lirholsada Issratioas, No. 911 NINTH BT. Iris dam Wise Hit MS& WM. MEM Ca. ran= ANENN. : loStassest JIII *Tan r. KNAPTI RATTAIJON • ARTILLERY. United States Service ; FOR 100 DAYS ORM • _ r . BATIBRY D. wider temand of Captain JOE, BBOW2I, (We ifejer WU Begin=s,) le &bent full: This gentilton of Artillery le neeepted direct by the genetary of War Battery A left ea Thersday night. wed elee este &Won el Batter, B. Thom ',lentos to follow a atoned enroll at moo aeropany o,lat the Room , Reg -oMoa, onir Protest Marshal. Often Federal attset, Allegany, or at antis. Youth strait. Clothing end ontle fornttlwl on sinster Readgnairttra ef Battalion, w.w. WARD, Chairman Mattes Otaindttee. Rum! .1 • FOR 100 DAYS! • First Oall,from Pesnsylvanis... Sb Baretairi or War too satbstrod m. ti Tabs Battalion of 4rtilltri, T. our be 100 DEVI.. irroblrebro aad Araby. Tho orgorsorro loins r BATTERY A WM form or or _sp.a7 or AU Briar, 111011 crew oassporos 41 or 3101ory,) br al troo L mazi ' ENolleero _boa maritime NO Tinnaliioll 11,11.11.10 1 / 1 11.0. Boob corral to to ••m) of ItO mose—tr bi ..sogood, erforror lad retool by Ur trottod brow CleverAtant„. J. 11. WAR NOLO!, ONJI lIIINDRFJ) DAV& TUE LAST DANCE. CO. I FILLING UP. , . snandijall ter iinkid an also ta over the Torrosi itaxiltuba Talk WM ingenar, slam MY Finial= a asp poky Se arra vs itatryse Light 4111414.7, far • ORS I,IIIOPRITII DAYS , 7 ,,d rairt ....4,.. irattorti7 ti. acSireety•Szst.d3Ltivilittlumili.".6 DAR, Wir..a.4arena 1""1128 ' "act°. - LIST 'ail= traiii& .Lstitisle *totally the .t. 6ser"ansideaslia. t• PartlOAttl. r ig...„:„...L. sassing Mealita ........J.„'=, ,- 7 ''7 I ..urem.lrot sp!firi --.7---- " no 1,-- tiprMMleli62"l r emb _ - • ' r • , ... . . . • . . . . . . • - .14111=0,imisl air !",....r ',..,... - - -.•-- .- : - -'. ' .._.i , . . . '-,_-_-- -,,....,,,,_„_.,,,._,::''.W'-r:-`t'2l.---;:, • 'l' -'' '-':: - • • - - - - ' - -1,,L '-', -:' - ' •'' -. - '-:- '..-...--.., ..z.--',-..-:,.:nrx.%,'Viror4,Xlf4••Ml:„..,l::',';',-,7z‘:....„.' r A1i- r :1-__ '4,z 1 : ; ,-,- , - r ~''..;'irc • ',.. .. . i r , •_. ; - . . .„.;;;,.....„„,.„,.r.,: ,, r i,1.t.,4„,,:„.,,,,,..„,r.v.a,-,,,,,-,a.1.,...,,,;„,,,,t4;,.4-,?,•;,,A5.„0.;rakr.i.,z-Ag.-4,,,,:..wg..a.-yl r i1p,,....-,t.,4..T.'„.:.,,,,.,,...„5,-:.;,_:,.r..„:;,,,t. r ,,,,,,,..‘„;:.. . • . : • - ,....:144., 1 . . ' . 1.. . . NNW GOODS! NEW GOODS! J. W. Barker Co.'s, Ho. 59 ALAILKET liTaltgli. NNW 031-00DSI NEW GOODS! NW GOODS I Just Received. The atfantlaa af tha Was particularly calla! to on lam and oplanald stock of NEW GOODS. Is oddities to on turitul estessits ostortatent, Quirk sill And tory pretty apes of Ladies' Qc Kisses' Bats and Bonnets, i Ms%(mat vatiety..3:4 shaper lbsa canusity &PENG AND NM ILILSOUL SEIM And a `elf choice stock of IMMO AHD 13111 T 123711 and TRIDILTSOILLUILYNTB, Oa oarDrrL.EmICNIS We have ate° the anent and ion eaterted stock el Tine Whit. and Taney Menet ithtrtaae can to tweed In any 7a•alahing Gaader atm.. Alm, 'LOW and Gook'. Linen Oatbus, Tko, Bow* Glom oad lloalary, Pocket. Books, Parts Ilionsudes and Pane; oloput Stool sad Jot Into sad Mccebed, Belts and Bolt Buckles, a n nul It I.lno of Trims:otos sod tansy Om% oa so the cheapest. • sir initharate Seems witadri and In bantment, 11A011111 & GLIDE, Ito vs narliet SUMMER MOSS GOODS Organdies, Poidards, GRENADINES. LAWNS, Llo Lad asultaa SILI ID CLOTH CLOAK Silks, Shawls, LINER GOODS. AT ALEX: BATES', No. Si Fifth Street. AT fiSTdll, Bead Gimp and Bead Buttons, Alb OTIIIII low mamma Tbe minr ilasattas CoLar sad Co?, dogma Mot eat= lattli ea Itzadkarebleti g low primal led :Ma Lissa 11411011 I LAMM, glaid. adisa ant Camps Valls, Qad° and Hamburg Trbsuntdp, In ignmigaristg, as law gdom i alagnat UM and Maui Embanot Harunde, Hata and Flow. nil Eta INts, of nary iryla i Stookbp, Glare% Corsets, Roo llllrta sad Byrtos Batman] MAL 4. MI liar of Wurnlatlng Goods amp Land. Lied aa ebttraa's Marts*, Elk sad Oman Warman L. 4 White Habo Oafs, aldrti7.ritlrs We the srketal te oats Owns. k44l4 tree tbsa°72":lfro .tarot CakttecT, 41-1. rows taus a C 0.,. 1,#'1.1.ki.1t•i1.4 , • 1444 lAI BEM. DEBTS GOODS J. M. BURCHFIELD'S Shaw% rriTri Circulars. =:1 Remnants of Dress 6oeds,eheap ♦ wain AsatiwritersT or Goods for Hen's and Boys' Wear. 0011. ?OMIT; a KAIIKZ? eaa litp 10:11014NT8 AND DEALKELFI EATON, 1MA413R17112 & CO,, Nos. 17 and 19 Fifth street, Lave* ego Monti= of WitOLUALII MIMS th a w pogo do*, OWN is now amploto to may lioporfoomot. that pooh won parausa betters Ck• word onaar RUM Lr PRICEIh Lad th;q ttatdimpad to NU at a laadarsts and at ratio WWI INNS!' 41.1411 • ,EASTERN .PRIOES laralallf= l ,ind all itiko baj le pal of llp; an alpacas/4 Waled ta den wad dxsadad OR lISIMIL Ica IT AP 1.9 1ffra.,•612:11.3T ATEV. TRIUMnie AND mansmtie ROVE, No. 81 1114rket street. tr.* littlintaak_rinutonatrace 1113. VII lakell mad WEVIIII GOODR, ZAN= X LW; ISEILII THBIAD 111Zats6 and RILE uu. nza.oausistal, - IlettlinONll. bid WO ISIIIIIMMISOLIZa M lt, o.lollll4olalVni, NU SCAM; nova avng testilavirlAMDMA ;at 18 CobTLPd TI R. a.—]OM- 11JUVAStatiin dIir.T.—ISLIAR DAILY r. Ovenitant addition" are being ands ea gee role Mat of this excelleat Amble beet cad Arm. route, end every puestble care eta t eterelasa ft the eantort of presager. and. mid acArament height. Trains will tows the 'pepot to fittabooto to Wenn The TIIIIOUGII A.OOO3IIRODATIDH TRAUB WM. the Pseesager Rtatloo dilly, (stop* Ganda?,) et 11..00 0. ol.,•!t,opping el All Shalom Oedema Mt burgh sad Philadelphia, and cgathg died ommo Hon err Ire Tort sag PhitrehOWs. The THROUGH MAIL TRAIN haves the. Pea gen. Mike:4 every tanning (e , 2t Olmday.) ZS L-00 at, atopptng only et ;Marl atoeloos. oaf nuking direct councetkroe LI berg Ho HAM more sad Tieehingtou. cad for Hew Toll vt• Iphla 6. Ths THHOL'OH LiPBSSS 2 - 3.d.111 learn. daidy th 3 p. connection only at prinolpal stations, matins direct connection at Harrlsbarg for Dahlman', Wasb botou and Philadelphia. ThST LINT. lasses the Station daily (sseep Stmday) at 11:46 p. stopping only at principal Ids down, onsuiecting at Harrisburg for Saltinans and Washington, end for Env iforkail.allestoarn roots, without chassis of cm; else, at PhDadalphLt fp! gem YOft AOOOIOIODATIOV TRAINS. The Johnsumno Ancommodatton Train bars dab) (except Sunday) at 9:10 p. m, mopping at all Station. and riamtag as far as Clonemangh. lint Ataroacodation Train for WWI'S Sthtlo , Imam day (swept Sunday) at G:ZO a. an. Second A...mmodation ,Train f o r Wan Matto+ Imre. daily (esoept Sunday) attl.::o a. na. Third Anconatoodat‘on Train Ibr Wan ilitaihm rem daily (eampt Sunday) at 4.09 p. to. booth Accommodation Train .ihr Walt% Etatia bane daily(amopt Sunday) at Alo p. to. The Clutch Train mane Wary titatian amay Ow - day st atiPi a. m.: returning, leaver Pittsburgh st 12.45 p. in. AI Train. arrive in Pat-M=o so halm .2 Salthaorenam,....-....-.----.-1133 p. to. Phila./hip/do prem.- --. 1.07 p. in TsslUT idn Ti=rtigh liallTrldra7-- . ......- —...120 a. m Jobnstown Accommollathaa„ _,..8ial a... Secon d Wal. Station Aoconam;dation-..- fhZ s. ts. Secon Wan Station Amensmoodation-.. 8.43 a. se, Third Wan Station Accomraodation........ Vil p. ea, ' , Math Wall'. Station Accommodatku....- (1:05 p.m. Baltimore Lamm will antes with Philadelphia Pi=at LW p. ca. on idonda.m. ihr Blairmilleand DAM. conneolai Blain. Alla Intellection with Through Accommodation Johruatawn Accommodation and Eoptta Train Curt. and with - Salomon llamas end Jo Ammo. isolation Wert. Train. for lilettebard conn ppeeenm ect at Masson with Er.. Tratoa and Nail Weet,mni with borough and arrows Train East TARE: 1 To N.Y Rcerk.-311 60 To Intlitetore....-.. 510 00 To Phlballtlpbla...-. 10 SO To 10ner5 . ...,.. A 192 To Ilarrbbserg-- To Altoona-- 303 clumbacto sll talons on the ICraylne da p = Railraed, and to Pltiladetpbb, Baltlnnet and New Tort. Passangten parchating Mints 111 Ow ems will te tented ei on ei t ==leng to the &stenos traveled, wean the Camp., hie no agent. T10T10311.-In awe of to®, the 031:14.11/ will hold tbartmlree corprosible tar personal bump only, and for an anwont not 31101. N. D.-An g mnibto Line to been employed away pamonere and tango to and tram - tit, Be. pot, at • clam not to ambled llb ono, fat melt pew wager and beggage. Tor" aterarto_ AZT" AWOL At Um Thenselyleante Oland Redbesd Paweemat enetlon. on Liberty sod Gaol anon. myo3 ItIED/Cati. TEA NSW BALA .PRAPARATION .LTSBIN'S COCOA.NUT 61116A411, TOB OILING, DAUBING ►ND BIWITITTMG 'X' ELMS EL It Ditties awl •Th tlis War mad trim It I mum. tut glom, trials It rash, Mr days arm ult.( IL Tor lersutllytag and promoting the growth et the hair, MIENS COCOANUT CREAN OAXSOT HZ 1111IIPIII5ED. It ovate. the Irrltabi Soap! It meth. to Irrttutd Soap. MMEM3 II ?roma, Itsktaeon and Lou of note. It Proroato Raw.. aad Lon of lair II Psovum Radars sail Ur of lair SO ?wrongs flaldaos mad Imo of lair II la an blow& Poems. It Y sa Wirt Pathos. Is Y aa abgasit ...ryas ?actor. illcomast Onasa mans Matto & °nowt O moms 'Wan& troessai Onnia 111112011•1 Duarer. OrliDag Crosse names low:Ira& It prelims 11* lltahort ;Amine: It pedalo U. SLAW Imtni. It polo= an Iltstmt Laws. It produce the lielassit Latta It itylo So Matra 04 Appanage. It eves Ow Nair at trill Appsanaos. It eta tin Star a id y Apptataist. It gins tho Ear sa 0(7 Appaustas. Par DVlag irliatuna ttYu ita natl. IF_ Ming Irklitan it Wu am opal Far Ms; Win It w.. marl, War 0111 q Indium It Ms so mtg. Asa 11 blabs in lb Ilbabllttai Watt Aaa la Mutat di b. numgrun Pact. La It blabs all lb basittyln =bib Lail Untwist V to Itustgrtal Yews Tor day' ear uln L To days &1% rim 11. Iras tap after egg It. Tarim OW lies" 13. For Doses. roe Ones the liasteebe. Ter Deedag ad 011 tag the liesteelah Per &mat eft 011ies the Mesteabe. Ter Divides sad Mai the Neetels. II Frosts Ilea Mart. it pllllll.l Ow Lbs. It p.'s*, May. Salm It parmata Gray llalre. • 11 ;meta Rate frila numb( Gm Il prevents Hair trona genalag ern It pisvotia 11411 r tremlftratag 9ray b. remain inh. Insi Twain Gray . de Vs* proparsileu procesne props?. Us width se ciontlaty solis Om Mum Ms rztE COCO4JrI77 CRE4X ittomtat Orstrth of ths It valeta; the Growth of tt. Mat. It promattaslttolttb of the Bain protestet growth of As NW. h the despot Halt *soft to the Wale. It te the efsepeet ash lentsehtg !a the Waft It te the dearest Halt Prange" Is the Vest& It Is the cheeped nett Weights: te tie Witte. Tot mitts iy an Dnituttti, For lob by vl Drerittati‘ not Isla tti Drsigtro, Tar nab an.Dritailter. rumors MVO MPS, DAPATM It=h3o, ram ers~ rzrzra WAMED. A lAN WILL YOSTID, Te take charge of a small TaT•6oat. Addrus DDX 306, peighsay P. EMIT=2= 'WANTED. • , • GEVORAL GOOD moutDias. dt the "New Osualmnisad resADT , " • Address )(SLUM, Monona so toyarat New Cuoibtrisad Wa re. . . N'SE - $6O A lii.ONTEL uv watt Aosta at smooth__,_ to .11 nargirEBLASTING potatuk=* , BIN= 013, sod tbiztorn otter now, oesfol sod eti• Auot oritclAs. :Tatou dtcolati not rum. ItOlreso JOHN P. LONA .11414441.11L10w WANTED—A. good esovAity Gum, who understand. marl boureork. s 1 b villini to go to the eadatry to U,,, T. nth a en dtnatbm coed...aeff be °A s° ' k-4"="lnf rre -am WANTED—Bonds awllioXE D2 clo TV mum es Tarty TheTaiva (IRO, an cntr MW etp . ant7 IMMO. inn= nallinera?a , ,no Appty.to . • ' st In .11. asoLAIII a• r• • .WAN sze TED-6600 bush.' Fited. Tv Wl' •-• ' L. 13, TOIOI4I - itsr•wE. l rim TVVIDENDT—The hfolonga - /I mowOcdpasKot this d.ty, tdwibli,so ...Dmdeva ot, Tan= DOLL/36 101.1411Mnab*o,nFtdi after Os UM fast. I itas. urn,' - eithinPtistiarAitt!.' , " -"-,", 1173thr ='C: BOOKS :. jittUAII Er, xi' NSW BOOK/3, AT MI NER,2I. THE LADIES' GUIDE True Politenet 5 and Perfect Manners. 3151 LESLIE'S LIDT'S BEHAVIOR 8008 A Gail• sad Manuel for Ladle., es raw& their Donrersatiett, Ilentinr., Drees, Introducions/. 1.- tree to Beekty, Sheyping, o&tntrict in the Walt, at Piste of Amtnament, m Traveling: et the Tetoo, althorns hems; In riturpeny,sx as p oet ; ti.port meet Gentienteres Dionity, 6-nritlexion, Teeth, Banda, th e lisNeto., Otto nal instrectione end advt. tat loiter Writing, B• foil roseate, O•.tt- Inmmct Words, Wffrotles, Obligatione Gie..tho men, Offences, Children, Deconani In Chime, et Evening Yarthar, and naggeettone 111 ind Prat:Des liebits etily contracted, •. lob ne pillOt lady enen.l4 be guilty of, ein, atc. By Mho LULID, or -it.. Lam:. lattnied hew Oook•r7 Book," “Brhs Ladle. Beer Beatlpla fn. Oneiting,' eta., eta. Ocarphte in one hole Uwe. relax.. Price $1 60, La 'doll, THE LADIES' CO)IPLETE GUIDE Needlework and Embroidery, • tkoltanhan altar and yractical Inatattlons, where by auy earl 4.slackly learn bow to Oa all kind. at plain and fancy Neoll.work, Tapestry-work, Tort- L. Work, Para. Work, Chaallle, ber tha Patterns Emahroid.ry, blltehes, aMLag Nora. Canna, tato. Skalds, Tao Cal lan. Omer Work, Crotobst,ltal.. Crotch., &attn., Matting, Edging., twos, eta., Spray lbs. Work Lmyboacolk, Coll ars , Slipper; OW. Panes, Etallhs, Tarta lei of M( and . Applique, Malaria., eto. with orte hundred and el.Guen illutratiala and dlagnuu, ilh.ftative of W tie "ariam atlmkr to those maul and tashlona bl..loplolmsab, ahowl., at a glance, to all, bow t0...0r.) ma, or all ofthe ttoasands at articles, lu kin. of. Nardlrwark. Mnahriadarlr, rt., do acribed to 1.1. work. By Miss LaMBERT. Ta which to addad Mra. Oisagala's orlabratAl book on llstVug and Crotahat Wank of all kinds and draerlytiona, as well as lb. itoyal Shetland Shawl, Ls. Collar, Bright= Ripper and China' Parra Baoelpt Beak, by Mn J B. 0..,0111, fob descriptleas and arrests., with Ulustalitlons, to Matting and Totting all thesi rade. ardcle. Camplata In one large limo. minas. Pace gl 10 Copia of ettborof the store works erM be Nat per toe.U. to say person, fore of pe•its.p, tbetr re. =Map Ole sod Julep Nom or ample@ of both till beret, free of p =tape, far Thno 'Mir miles from WM*ling, ea Bethany Tampa& SIJAuDAY, Est May, 1864, and following four of 8, I will sell by punkt* anotion,all 867 Ws Mail, maul:Ma g thirty Hamm suitable Sa. any p rpm.; ran and Grads Omits; Woods& Cotswold and raft. Ramp. wbo, firwMag Crop s and part of my zushold Turalturs. Apply at ray Braway, or to :OHM MaII&IIALL, Oa the farm, far further particular& catalogs. , of tkis prod. lon ot Um !tack an 4 truants am Ds had at tha Browny, an the PO* of Ifay.llPL Das adtrartlasramt alp& • 09). W.BIMIL LELIA'S NIMPLIII HUBS'S I FoR sma RINK! airste, mull TI &711P1111,81., ant doer to P. 0 ILLUSTR kTIONti Grant's Victories In Virginia. itskt. 113117 Illustrated b ub wisk'a particulars *nu As ant of war of a!1 Slot fight, lag of Grant's, Sherman's & Butler's armies IA ihlo wooro Now Took REMELT MOULD, TILIZONZ and WOULD. A Lap .0100 •Applr of Ow Woo. Am Mos rocolood Iir.UNT'O. 7/4. ill 70711 NIZEST, tIABONIO FALL. LIEN Karam .al Strada' Etiltlau ot rAm ,Iffsss York Daily Papers, And the Philadelphia Paper's &tateDeng all the Tar Hews, Lista at tlo Mad aai I/medal, eta, Mai. ti •JOSH P. RUST, • •• sao Zatal 1100t.11.1r, Statham end 1:020 E 9 TIFTES 6t., Mu Is Hall. NEW BOOBS I NEW : OKS NINE AND ?ZOOMS Olt 1317NDAY BOHOOLE —A telegraphy of Bobt. Balks/ and Wm. Vox. By John O. Power. 1 •01. Prtoe'il 00. A MANUAL 011 BETBAOTING TEEM— Emended 012 the Anatomy of the parts involved to the operation; the kinds end proper construction Of Inormemets, Ate— 1 vol. IMoo. HEAVES 013/1 HOME. 1 WI. /21913. DARING AND 191377E81NG. By Lieut. ?attac ker. A large aunty of BEAD work Just neeehvg. la 3 J. 7ll ;fourth street. A. NEW AND VALUABLE biLILLL WOES. Jun published. M. D.lO G- 911115. With spee. lel reference to Practical Medicine. A guide to the Ku tetras, and DlscriallekatioO of Dis eases. By J. M. De Ocoto. AL D. 1 voL, Imo. ll lastestect • Ith eogratinge. Tor salkby 65 Wood grad. FOR 1341.46-.111111 . A FARR OF 61 ACRES, on which te ended a 'Brick Threlltball House, aces• Wain tea rooms, with a Faun Taunt Boom and lin. Irma Dam • [cod =cloud, rte. L watt mitered, sad oal7llro Wks from lb. ells. Par partieulma call or address • BAILEY. FABRELL & C 0.,. TOIIILITI lITILXS, Plltsbragl. m 723 pIIBLIc BALE OF COMM' HO We pupas to oar at Milo se., as THWEX. DAY. May Itith, Ink at 10 °Vett a. la our prop erty on Martins Merl. adiefalug 3/f0i.. 34 .Iht Puritan of the tbsubearille and Charglers wadi. The Lots rouge Awn 3 acres op to 15aosse ask. nia ' Olbuor mill Imes Hanes Thad at It a. en. on the day of eta. A good Cum writ bs fu staked boa. are autlarbrat t 0 saj that the &outlawing , rtaltrood trill be to omit* this foll. for further oartieulart gee N. BohlUf. Pr0..192 Fourth street ; JAB. L. M.Allerfra.l.. 130 'Liberty Pa. wren, Pittsburgh. or X. b. BROWN, ktaatiteld,' saySl3:lt ROB. BALE OBBENT-4' Beautiful Itesideoze la Sbarpilitcrg, eitstated on Mein at. the house contains root r+oms and finished *trio. ; &good welt of water sod in coselhintcistern at the doot, stets stump In each. The lot le 17;fest4 huhu tront and Sod fist deep, to sweet: Tbos 1, hen; flowers end Ohne:her, 11 sbuadance. Perrone de , arms of partiustog or seating • boentitui residence =not droi a tom pleaunt one In tide rldaiq.. Inquire of the wetly of the netecriberoas the Fmtess, at 3. 0.0. laiWIS, of the ism of Lents ull ist their min dharrhitiff. spl2:3lawd3w a.Lrwia. VOB. PEAL -150 ACRES OF LAND. I. -ibs unaaregarat eras 61r 161 0 1 . 11=6 Moat 160 atm; 100 cf are alaarail sraikla a pod slat' of cultivation; 110 basararli anuas . l6 ..11 timbered - , 1.111 orbits oak cide r. liao au: the 0610 Mar, about inatillfflaat from lifroalW bony sad Orartary'r Iltatlofii, of the Pit:NANO. tort Waya• i 011040.11.71. Vila 'orbit. For urn. Inquiry el 11. ItILANOS, No. II Tais. atts•cir at Na. 66 Watar areorm, _Allegbalry 142002. JAM= D. =WI ; BALE-20 146&,- - itt Allegheny: Olty. WlWl:tor beritir 6 front an Pasture fobs of about 160 trot. and =matt book 400 bet, Doing. MI =abut!! from 6 to 81 In John Oliforn's plan. od, lota, Wag Oa property 'taro .Tr/rs.'Yort zobr Mete itto lob trill to sold amnia: or la i body. for term, &a., apply to , •:tf Z. W. T. WillTl6. 106 s.. LIGIt SALE OR EXCHANGE SOH PROYZILTY.—Tbs• k•EGX IMO. irith.grawas attached, era •Clarson; atm* fgt.' merit occoptal by, Obristlia Maw Ista' of. EMS Blrmintim. tabling'. and • tint toot of • - IIIXD. messza, • logicsatti Ti OS BALE—TLut twc4to.ry BRICK x sowntana; futahad la cod dile, sat fa tinplate arderoduated as the amarr of.Dicatai mid sad Oarpenter`a ellay, elith Ward, =data+ tai tight toad sad If delta prrat. Can beia4 a tartata• in at 1:17F a BURP&T.3),* 14 - .1113 L West VOlt &ULF, OH ILECNT—A Rumor 51 Acne, goal laud, to Wird= ttablp, eaBoto• too Wad of Mar ray.b.mrot, and wit or hin &art Ma tane• of the Peoyal k luals Bathyal. , • &Coo L ThL atoot area. A ROLES OPPOSTIWITY.—A Bock Btationsil and Han Deynt 0e 606, In WS bxli Ineadtan, in IBM dtr. and &Ins s du bastnes. 156 kparisa with sem nt=k,. lll t'W 4=144 :11111.0e1AIV tO Mat? Tor nattenlata AA, . cant Y. 111341111, 1.,2640 • - • Wanda Flftb 'Wet . . „ DB EALB , -;11. Loiot Grow:A M - *llk, camgriellirdlls sad Hamm Wm% ter tho Bora:041f -Striolaikanw-Aloo. cocoa wrier of Van Ms= aztlicostt sools, lft _Olll Tv*. ?mot Ow aid 4 . 114 610119Otole:' :juzult FIAT% . • % Ould , 'UM Ind hwtti ,7 . . Mite WiLlt.;4. BPSCULLIIONi=7OTo. . ..1: bin co Otis iptstoi• 'Bata Landlei /or* acusly; Vadat ir4 am tartntetel 4 am itc r t st de,* noriltdnitigice of .150, ma:, i - to • .. , c...,* ; ~. :: Jane :. -8.:/ioLA.10 kg:4= 'oath Knot?- . ' , .LET=ZiitrzoikiPa " H ogue ape ernirvis Casey 10111 , theorasse I,Fitrol ''fF " F oa !UM. George W. Smith's Farm • P a mopsass w romor4 Wl' Cf _r 6.117; my own NM, MA Other rehedatettaDS • pri.sto und flam/y eaters, l vidt N strati awn aml seal. -t tamed. Is soy old mass. 11.1.4 greying Ind lialt/xtig outlaw In and 14 ssecnabllth Ills I add t,. ult. by pAtW onktract. tIU the Mt DAT 01 MAT. Ink mid If mot lb= nib, by Pall. Auctlob. Itagniffeent Estate of Waddington. °metalabs 14 ACI of bourtl2ll and bre. roil ing bill lead, well watered with wee allingsorlasse In one .t the moat seised.' conatries and Maxwells. a aslakborlood of vestal sad higir• ly reejtetable people hi. Da tin listbass Term pike. tour mote from Wheelog. The zoszolos b o la tberough malt. Large and coneamalloas=n it wita weer, modern comealenco, with ehrebbery and Mem The prlaclj.l Meal home le a neat and comfortable :tweeter, brck. The Wry hone, le systion and ftstaree are n 0,.. aimed, arranged. Than are weight eettagee the .etate, Bali rented I. aid ard one casseate.) the natal af which pay. more Man ths lame. As as. twelve born, with stone basescsardtraled lam no. ben for 15 kerma mad atalle fer tb oattly with ad larm Pam, mem, sad aterythiag In the highest re quisition of a Wm ; It meads In a yard 170 bet square, earrosacted leetok Mob Orr meth sad Oozy; aim, blacksmith ahoy and slaagbase home. The bra la well Males is he the most trammel and moat highly cultimted be this part of be area. try, stocked with imparted md other sheep, horses, Implemeate, go., in. The growls; mope mobs of 34 acme ef 101 l what; be arrm so DM barley; 21 acres all spring barley; 112 awe ef black Irate; IA acres of rims ; 12 acne of potabetue 65 scree of meadow, the baker* la geed puts" all ed . orb& h isl 3 as aloes sestet en tkoZsi It 12 AT, 1884. Terms 'tyro:ohms Made bows on day _of sale„ ' and at the fellowiss ylvits, where ylsaaglhe Pee and clothe, yerticniems can be gime 'after the 151 k • of Ile', 1E64: New York—At the arcs et nue= PA 111100143 a cO., 1 Water 'trod ; Mr. JOIM 11A2124•13, l'eml street; Mr WILLIAM RAIN NAN, Peal sweet Yens. IicCSUISBIII A MAD. 11 Water El:eit. PAlladelpbl4—.BOLLlPl7 A P•I3THORNIS Paltlaser•-61 were. 41. 6TX•111; Nils. • BAIL. Pltteeerlt.r. J. 11,111114618 Lag Dare. Cr:molest—Mr. J. EL 1611111111 Melt Limn. eli ln ettmatt-0. N. NITCSALL Ow. WethE ute—W. IL iiNINZAJWIBBOPIN. nopsa. WL•mlLag—At the SIGWIIIIT. I mylLawatd LARGE SALE OF Farm Stook and Implements, . AT WLDDLIRGION T13C13 KIR L.A.NIX A boot of IWO acres, shomalVi imy :tek,lllo Sad Haatlook Timber, ea Ow one! elver, 40 miles above Tidamote,lll from lima. • ranee from Itaamburg, ea the A. I B. W. 11. 1., la Ito- Leas meaty, l new armed foe male. A plot mg , Oa as eat s =taste imariptlea ad by oPPI/log to S. L BETAIL Broker wed Inman°. alma% I. of 10131612 SUICC, 1001 i. dALIS—That beautiful silo for i I. Gauntry Beat, Minnie .n the Seiffyirdia Plank Lead, oppadt• ih. reddest, at W. DlC•Oltataek tate " IVA 'Al' Aill im OVrria u Erdle TIAN ix aro Oa meat drofrahla A in vicinity of ant. city, Wag wi.hin short walking &mac* of the rtrapnaton Eddp. - Stowe are • scaler ef Its fond tram as Ow property, sad • maker al cholas Dan mad .too" manta/ tram net eet no whole property will In told le eta trait, or divided Into iota. Taxa easy. Title ladinatabla. Tor further particraare lapin of GEO. I. NHL rood anot_t,Plttobordh. II SALE--A. two okay brink house a: ca the not* We of tba North el Whin federfederal NA Saari*, stretta tar Alltibtal Gay. al T of Gerry Al la y , da y r 7 boVe &end. ir..-4„h.. Alto,Lot sad boildlagr, Mt the aritkeitt wow Of Fourth and larry ittratO, Pilo ALP, • lark+ brick blag.lm vend& of Wraith skeet, (East ef Marta) Pillabargkozitable ter bowling boort or beak. , Leo, Th e old Goatee Mat*, es tbs. writh e* ibla of Thirlwbutingark the abet lat. i of . U. Y. MEL orrklm 1fe.127 Fourth Arent. -- - POE iinlarr—tt 'arm of 118 sane, in .V St. Herr torah!p, 19setarreral 'nary. Pa Aro, s farm of 1 to =RANA tonal*, ',13 = 7 1= 4 • t;o•etor7 Teri Herr sal b the Borough sr West eltrbsiti. Welk Hoar sod LC4 in =BINA bevel* . Also, dess bor. adjoSetog tba boraoritr IlLstro• port, la Jour a Parrs piss, Bo a . 66, R. U. sad 60. Mao, sooty esiaabls trod of 1161 Laseleta Pea Ho tor tbs lionongsrls err. Tor p1e.../srs , robe at Hs. flostik=l. r 91.0, 0.11 TOW= Heal lstais pow. SALE—Ono new Steal Ramble, L a: lb tooll Winder, 80 rah drab, oa 'Um ttos .bad;- Wore rein coverage Poe 19 huh cylladr, SO leak drake, spoord.lo4 refit trill be as good si re. Om 7 Incl eiltadsr,ll.lareetesks. Eons. • ' Ons " 93 0 " ": Two Cyttode WWI, 31 fa. dilea. 80 bet kalg• Three a •• SO a 0 4 . Tagßroaghl Iron on nom Abe, Thres Seto of Bortseg Terla r ltrelll WAN. Cheap he rush. Mutate; of 11. N. Bois. • grea Bel amts Port. :WOR BLW KILL AHD OIL 11.141291131 L—The craball de !nob .f OU Bellamy sod B! Saw EP, vita Inland enabalf urea se most' ea abwdepoe et bad on tn. lot—mtna emir awl Wait larbodo lamb - on the Alleabuyr Hem aadA.T. B. I,la Added ter eels 'The Bann , / been, ad Tea= band, The , Bay MUI Ii In splundli crier, see le veil Ate libd, awing creakmobs dm II tote. Mar. lbod loesliti be balldlag bOlll/11. Mar pseilcalare eel oa Ida eadar O e= n3 d OH No. id Read street. P 1.....,. VrAIATABLE RIVER PROPERTY FOB BAIA innate LPLe Ccosongthela ties, above the drat Indt., • boat on sent ties of 927 sat, and extasoling book to Brieldock • Mod, adlalnlng, the Comeallervida Badrool: n. n. taldetnerf ems aad 77- parthea; ICde Is as Dr kadion kw asannfientating wdaeq Wert= the . :2111tir Id front and %dale atreatnen4 ta ea Fuer. and &or NM and buddinp thereon ansatod. For An, apply_to. WIC! £33 I GH MM , IX tho or to W. IL AdMICIIIRILO No. lin Diamond onnot, Pltubetrile. aelatat VOW BALB—VALIULDLE BUNCHES ' ndignortl. being part af Ito wdl kaolin so. Aga ..Ilosadals," fronting= the tibia dew, totem ) 'Nubbin= cadets:aunt straets, mass book U! Treble 'Meet: 'ltds repot, can lm dleidad Into EV lots, mostly 21 net front, and Mesa 120 no 101 an d , ;Imp, Theproperly wilkbe mil as an entfre4y, and "woman pastime= advantages to angszonstcsend sits. retina mn Oa suds eilleaml,• nogy. to • - - 811011032 uLHOUN, Pennsylvania Salt Ilannasstmixitdbi. . coma PM atrset and Inmotkant WIT, PUSIVI...I 7{4 IA EULLE.—S2,SOO will purofteae al .I.: Partin! near nftpos• ames, under 'good of mrtisation, well satins& san Wins sad rod face, altnate *boat tlieennd a hail cam dbeensblon, Walmarelsad =• t7. on At t. delphta Pike, elm milk nom Os Paul ,The tescrommants are a tin•stat7 Rink Has" Tama naco, Sliest lons% de., anal gad airdeAgn of abates gnat. Terms may. - i Anply at tbaaallLstataand Itnntiarmedleisa2 s.i=a. LIUR SUB.—A. s me llFarat far Wei s: nolo thi'llototobeds lideer; put kr Dal Zoe,. rill*. - s.elilaglleum of .{di tom; pod garden, ebsuasace el tredl,lll ewes ef was welled ned in good eubsr, kerell al iced ember. neitt Mirth& geed bestserei clue to dea•,2 - Unbar. , We will NB. the fseso; seal teak es 4 estUfor COIXI, cub. Penn= es 01117 . moo dee.' Tlue loudloni Li keel by Lad . x 71- -L MI !BET *NMI* 31 Ifwbei b t 'VOW LA NI *MODERN', 'lt! bent Ores reg ru tlick tem eittiate ea ENO BTBELT,lestereet sad Moses, peateho , bed tee Toms, silk: good coast wed dialed - op , ret. The lot bee • trosiefo: l ket ea Raestreet, real . Ding beck Ti tee to • 5 mot e11e7 4 The bone Into stsat bullt. end kap 0 % . . 41 pe {broom, .the Yor Psalm h. 0 . • 10 Mooted; Pttedeesi:L rat Ealar.--Tweritihsen*Actros 4: - land, or Um liarcialinit,"!esnutatas tes vin Of Plitibll2lo3 iaila iv= Janie err 7 LidlezTrai;rl; premises mune thas trait tiro* sad a iunaradttat wieg or excallsat Imam AM to sold Or divided to parettaim. Pivascree tamati7 ralsione• will rims tali art • - • U. ALUM Lana, Woier time. , vAR ( FOR . SALE,—ThaClaabla Wad situate ea the Pittsburgh sal Vaasa °mac Reed. It 'goblin= tennuttly, imoutials ess Yana," about ths Wits from tba eV, con tent= about 115 awn, will la sold at lirtrali low ten= apply to AIL MU. or, J. O. 20171111. • . .Attarnerttastr. 80, US 'Fount strsok SAlM—That • de*tagei gork* , ..i: - imam la Ile sionmectf mmonEw, ea Oa emu lexaei West aad the *lda eine, aged to ea the Oreetwood oa add& U erected a zebra eV* Br7ck7 Wan, Oar. Hart Bow, afar" to lloat. AK' . Acztaar psniouriolTln - - . clinslegitokrittonA, rerrszinost MSLUIDIOI.? sQnsmms _ am het ha, mean et int cunt/ ittmetta hottral tor, waist at Maga WU et &ant= car Ashram_ then, "titlettear.Cirt• Prim Ott per thews& her,' boast teseratew The Vishady Netted 644 nay braes. tt ; - . a: EULEILI2i r~~': -.,
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