D IN 1786. sburgh 6azettq. PUBLISHED BY tfiß gAIETTII ITBLISIM iSSOCIATIOI - TERMS Orr THE erAZETTE. Mcurrao Itemns, by mall, per year 41$ 4, month— TO. • •a - slngto enyles--. Ayretivi triysimr,, by zanll, p•r year..—_ 4 50. •7, I. " • . - Kw:3th— IbEl. • • • aingle .07.222 LT &max; ettrb eopies,.porleir— 2 00. ' dolt of sto ID, " I 60. 41 clels of 10 or room.' I 25. ..—ent.-oie emirs to the party ,ending deb. Par • dab of &toes, as will send the Drcringo Geier. .4511 p. !or a elob of rsouty, are Irin send the MoUtsa Dexcerrdif by. Slagle =pita, 6 crate. OrMI enbecriptioes %biz ay fa 'chasms, and pipets !Only** stopped then the time expires. The Reading Matter on this Page _ isr. from Saturday's Evening Edition. The lifigue Proclamation Agaln—lts Probable Authors. In our telegraphic , column will be found a diepstch from New York evidently written by the. Maneger, or managers, of the .Associated Pref. Agency in that city to divert public at tention from their own docre, to which some fingers have boon sutplcionsly peinting,' oineo people discovered that, aftnrifdr. Casio had satisfied himself that the pretended pro (demotion Was "fable at hen," and 'had seta -allyso. described it on Thursday morning, It _ was from that very office a fow hours later that, the fal se thing was tarnished with "lighter wings to,. in fad with the lt2htning wings of the telegraph—accompanied 'with no denunciation—accompanied with no word whatever that could fairly bo Interpreted .11 , T011 to imply a doubt of the anthentici l ty of • - the doecroese on the par o f those who trans mitted it,--for the introductory lino ('The - Troseld-ir the only paper which appears to have • the following," might as well be taken by readers who bad no reasons to tweet the World', good faith, as a compliment to that "irmraS l for having outstripped its competitors, Aind ziecu:: I earlier new than they, in this ' The dispatch published to-day is evidently inMadad to suggest that certain correspond ' '" obi's coot or the Associated Prose, bet of a rival organizetion,) e in Washington, may be the guilty parties. Well, if they have any eiti " to insircr for, we hare no word to say &gait:tit , Z.iltelrptitizhment. Bat it does ndk appear that • infamous produetlois originated in - ••• ',yinettington at alt. On the contrary, every • t:, .fzot wo know alicut it, so far, seems to indi - sato 'that it was entirely of New York .conception as well as of I , llw York birth. in fine, we hope that no hue and cry about :Washington correspondents, who . can be looked after also, if there shall appear to bo any suspicion hanging over them, will divert theintantion of the proper unthoriiies of the government from making •--• xnearching and thorough examination about 'all the telegraph offices in Now York; for Acre; more probably than in the newspaper emcee, will some of the real culprits be found. probability rests, wo may say, on the ob . Timm'. fact that only a prmon accustomed to • • •-,•the.use or manifold , writers, such as are used tel telegraph, not newspaper offices, could hero prepared and sent round the copies of this infamous forgery, so that they would reach •:• • • tile offices of the morning paters just at the n .best hour to insure publication. It will pro '''. Asably be found that it wee the conjoint - work of some - gold gamblers or stock'-brokers, and • Some employees in ono of the telegraph', .• offices. 1 • ---• Picture or southern Slavery. . • • At the recent anniversary meeting of , the .America Anil Slavery-society, Mr. • 'Obrrison introdifeed Wee. 110 - ward Day, a -iloolored ma; whose elcquent speech con - • • 'eluded with the following forcible picture ...Pk of Southern slavery . . -been asked to describe slavery. If I :epos painter I would attempt it. - rwould - iirect in the corner there a l huge engine, Working from' daylight to dark; `frein dark to daYlight, busy, bury, its.- iron arm crushing the body -- :autt - the anti. I woblil place beyond it the •li of the victims who have already _ .pprCesed through the machine—already has ,wit`- .:destroyed its millions, and even now thirbare huedredi of thousands chained mu erote purposes. And yet the iwork goes on! Listen, as its ponder° as irbechi croak over , the bories'ef innecont and.womon, acid children. And - there Tanis dig a- pawl nearly filled -with clot, led Mood, that its stench might comoup tioutinnalty to remind as of the cruelties , t_of alavery. Arai. thcre,L - would make the entrance to teeth end part prison, lead: ' on and'all to the Ildelicsa Gulf... , With .- * the living slave Iwouldpriseo the mangled ,Laremains, , the -- keerea best attentions, .the nnroalisel,desire, the hope for freedom, • ...a the aspiration fora higher existen* the • • manhood. I wouldralesever it a mould, would picture sumo one like Love,' • • , loy,miiid Work, and Burr ' and Thempsoo, I " ' and Torriy . and - John Brown, walking - among the- graves, rolling away the atone from the'doctrif the, prieoe sepalehre, and I letting in thitlfght cif freedom- And there • ...I mciuld.,show reientlere persecution follow ing-them: ~Livejoy with a rifle, Work and Torsiy with s., penitentiary eantenee, ~,- . oeorgs Thompson and others.' with mob', and Wm. Lloyd Garrison with a rope . atonad his; neck,- And a prison for his honlei••• I"Watill treat in the centre there hellish - Image, with a giant's a scorpion's sting, and a hyena's . • ..iheart; to: olulth each of us ai we entered his lapa huge cup to redeire your hard. earnings, as the daily ' , debted - of the -dementia suethin his eyes Wiicild crown him king. I would thin e rrise-up every, tvindow hero but ontr, - !'s: , - ,' l tfiat 'the Irak of darkness Might goon, with i -only ,lighi:encugh to make it more .I would than go up"and deism the lay " aa3 'Men and woigen to scot& impression should be daguttrrootyped upon the etiuti-•-iiatil men stud .Women - should •, feel that liberty is i . , : - 41kt7O 1 41 1 0; Mad Olt elaverilaust die. - . lit Cas ten -'' `" Who General rf , This general - g,reatiYdistinguishod him selfin'tles recent successful exPoditleii- eta. , . 1 ' ''..4ei.p4iinictitild of:General Sheridan. 'Mire ~ , ix 'lt deicription of h is personal.appearancee - -- ,l9Ereris, a young M - -oe an--rtabiltiot over -..,`„ awe:A...two ICON df age—but as brave as . ',. Cveicraa, Of a thousand fights. i no study nearly ; iii tee( in hte stookiags, of fair L , ', ' ComPlezion':vrith "golden, looks" hanging , ...,ever JAI alionlden; .at least each was his , mutom. before he entered on the present sampalgo;-, bat now ho is in lighting trim. nib's !totem .blue eye, a very slight im pediment ' in hia speech, -and; dresses in - - Somewhat of the old cavalier aide—black, ~vallret jacket; wittia blue shirt collar tarn - :.,ad over the mime, his brigadier's star be-, tag:•Norked'..in each earner. 1.10 wears a • • sloaated. hat-with a star in the' front, and 41: 1 •• • •• • •ta, asset cravat around his"nech. When. ilia iirloti a Charge he always leads ill .; .anit hursteupon the enemy with a .1.,•-ie equal: to, th at of any of tbo Bosh: '':, menutein'alorlgines." , A Lataltlehmond - petier has the follow- iiitlrlllUr.rre BATTLI2I.—A eorres• leg notice of General Longspeet's pendant' writes from tho army: As illastrr wound:---"ThetalliatiatiVebrintaenetal ...:Abr.thic_wrierlti of um-Work. I auto-.t h . lt rAligirtreet *as wpm:tea to arils° In th this' ' . 4.lettre Weirton, 6th Corps;xlp butortoGiNO o,gundo,,,,,nixor; e soorojoitmd • .serni ate, tedir marched Sri& SACO, redonly to I som t h at No wound I . =vat 7 `,..4B4on,timts s t say Atte sill killed and „ m o o ; A n d . th a t A R. tvlen4.lsleyil . Will ‘,.wotuidod;and this ontifinstaneaii but , an ll .gata. be In the-lehl. - , - Wetian but ilia Ai', nbutration - ,14.0i0yh0tc64311 .t.! know-air th e mum mind, Qr. exesedsrtbe faa. - 68 / 668 1 8 166180 8P 141 C` "dral+fittod -mac to the nnoonitairtiblif calor 68 "MO / 88 1: 1 .;r 666 -/ 8 • deanee in4tenavity of the rank and 11/4. th is Morn dills air We." . EM= . .-•- Our Book Table. Thomism on PiCIOILL itaerazos, being &Treatise sea the Child!. Lt fu Its Two Chief glements; D. votlon ' aod Practice. By Edward kleyrick Gout. bourn D.D., Prebendary of Bt. Notre. etc., ete. Sint American from the Fifth English tion. With a ProlittOrl Not., by C..g. 11- • 11 "g h t 4. .. D.D. Boa York: D. Appleton & CO. Pittsburgh: for de by ihmisiClarke h Co., 93 Wood 328 pp. 12zum When a book has run through four or five editions in London, it it • pretty safe enter. Fire for a publisher who undertakes to re print it in New Tork,—and, we may add, It also a pretty safe book to buy and read. If it were a frivolous book upon a frivolous ob ject, wo should not recommend the reader to decide in its favor even from these =taco hats ; but a grave book and upon a grave subject, that is doer in its sixth edition, may be so Judged witgout the lout fear you are 'drawing a bow ar a venture: Bet for our part, we have been led to examine Dr. Gout bourn', book with some care, and with there. snit of enabling us to 'say with Dr. Houghton, that it le "marked by great comprehensive ness of enbjeot, etrong practical tense, vigor and beauty of style, fulness and felicity of H. lustrations, and thoroughwarinth and/Write !ally of tone." kiw , TrEmi Er•AvnimiT.. 4 4 04.8hetchea of a Girl', Lilo. Written by Her Water. With an 'tared.; tlon by the Bev. 8.. h. Foster, D.D. Hew York : Harper.% Brothers. Pittsburgh: Tamale by Hen. ry Miner, 71 and 73F1Tth owlish 211 pp. Hum' The Rev. Dr. Foster, in the touching and genially appreciative introduction, which he has written for this little book, says of It: lueteou Beautiful ' Years" to the sisterly tribute which Frank, in tears and loneliness, brings to lay on Mares grave , a tribute at full of fragrance and touching beauty as the life whose memory it seeks to perpetuate was full of sweetness and innocence. • • The book is the joint production of trio' minds, consisting mainly of exaerpta from the pri• rate journal of the gifted girl,. who mutat consciously pennitig her own biography, culled and collated with great good Mate by har eister,leith added reflection' and remirds, cancer of her own. There is everywhere freshness and sparkle which rarely adorn the pages of the bent writers. While the story is exquisite and racy throughout, undoubtedly the extracts from the private jcrorma lend the chief charm to the volume. We -know of no such colleotlon of gems from a sines source in the same space. • • To the cultivated and, appreciative reader, of every ; age, eel and sect, there is spread out here abate and rich newt, from the enjoyment of which he must 'arise a purer, stronger and better no: tare." OICLI AND TOTAIVIC ; or , The Med= Of Be t h. Grant, A Btory for Young Poople. By Oliver Op, e. 294 p. 12.m0. Lv Pcnoot. Jam OCT ; or, the Conquest, or -Richard Grant. A Story for Tomxg People. H Oliver Optic, Author of "The Boat Club," Katie by Little," "Poor and Proud," ItiveHale Story Hooke," em, ,to. Boston: Lee! Sbepard, (Sue canon to Pbillips, Sampeon d Op. Pittsburgh for sale by Davis, Clarke a Co., 0 3 Word street. MEMtME bove, form the commencement df • new series of story beets for young people, by their excellent friend "Oliver Optic," This !series to be called the "Woodville stories," and will extend: to six volumes, each of which, however, will be • complete story in itself— though u the characters introduced In the first,"ltich and Humble," where Bathe Grant lathe heroine, reappear In the second, "In &hoot and Out - ,"'Where her brother Richard Orant is the hero, and will be re,inbrodured in the subsequent volumes, we have do doubt that our , pinny friends, after reading about Bertha sad Richard and their companions in these two volumes, will want to read sleazy one of the rest,that they may hear all about every. body wbghas interested them. Mr. William T. Adamr, whom perhaps the readera of his stories will prefer to call "Oliver Optic," no be at first made himself known to them, writes as ate have already had oeusloa to state, not only a charming story, but one to profit withal—fraught with moral-teaching; though probably you oonld not find • single page in any volumegivenap to - themolnlising a I rain, either directly from the author, or even Al put into the mouth of some Mentor, whose duty in the world and in the story is to "im .rova the present opportunity by making • ew remarks I" "Tun Wousa is Butt."—This L areprint of a new English novel, of the authorship of which the title page giros as just this informa tion : "By the author of the ' Man in Gray,' a companion to Wilkie Collins! Wo-1 man In White.' " It is, however, generally ebisidered to im - by alady, whose prospects in authorship are brilliant, if we accept the fol lowing opinion of a critic who has read the "Woman in Black:" "The haddents are those of English fashionable life, and the plot tarns upon the schemes of an English girl of Miltlva.. tion and refinemimt to obtain a place for kerma, by marriage„lnto the coveted IA d.highly-prir, ed circle of ease,hzxury, and the giatineation of every sense and taste embraced in that one word, the English 'nobility.' We hazard' nothing in asserting that in thrilling snit con tinned inicrost, the Woman in Biaek' Ia equal to any of the novels of the new 46001 of English flotion,of which Miss Biaddetrand Mn. Wood are the pioneers and loaders! s"or sale, in Pittsburgh, by I. P. Hunt, Masonic Bali, Fifth street, and Henry Minor 71 and 13 Each street. Tue Weaveissue linvtzw, won bran] 1844.—MA. W. A. Gildentanny, 45 Fifth et., has received from Mears L. Bcott & Co., Now York, thefimerican edition of the April prim ber of the , Wu:rains' tor Scrim. The contents' are ; Sete Basin of the Upper Nile Ocl its Inhabitants ; Strikes and Llttrial Co. opera tion ; The Abolition of Religious Tests r The Prerogative of. Parliament and the Punish ment of Death ; New Zealand ; Taine's Hle tory of, English Literature; The .Philosophy or Bobber. Baden; Contemporary Literature. The first article, as the title would probably el:spit, is apropeo of Captain Spoke's' Unlit • Journal of the Disoovery et the SoltAw of the 8i11e'. 7 4 discovery which the retriever imdtte should be held or norproesa. Severe! of the other articles will attract almost wad" atten lion, and the fidel one—thei, mutpnkosive summary of ,contemporary ~;es It always Is, very good. The Loss of General =earl: The' lees of able General officere In tiach army Is otten times one of the most sirlens they can' sustain. Though we haveonly very limited information Tiger:ling the rebel losses in the late batik; we can yet compare the losses of the two armiee in, this respect, as follows: I= I 1= .8"0/44—Major tieneral Sedgyl°l4! of Connsetiont; Brig—Gent Wadewortk and Ricer; of New. York; Stevenson, of Mts.; Hayes, of Pennsylvania, :Total, 6. Wowured—Brig. Gen. Torbert, of New Jersey; Bobineen, of Lhe Regular dr* ; Goicy,,al the same;-Webb, ..of New York; Bedter, of Pennsylvania; W.' IL Morns, of New York. Total, 6. Captured—Brig (fens. fihaler,l Seymour, and Crawford, (reported)—B. Total sum ber disabled, 14. Generals Bartlett and Owens were also very 'lightly wounded, but se they Ore still at the head of their brigades in the geld, they cannot be considered hors du actubun _ • • TIIII REBEL AIM. Hille!.—Major Gen. J. 15:11. Stinirt,!of Virginia; Brig. Gene. Jenkibe of South Carolina; J. M. Jones of Virginia; L. A. Stafford, of Louisiana—a. • Langetreet, ,of Virginik; Major Gen. Beth,. of Virginia; Major Gen. Picked, of Virginia; Brig. Genf. Pogrom, of Virginia; Walker 'of Virginia; Hays of Louisiana; Binning, pt Georgia-7. - I firpterM--Majoi Den. JohnsOn and Brig. Gen:- Georga- IL- Steuart, of -Maryland-2. Total number of rebel General dicers !to abbni, Tax Massaehusetts RepublipsnAtata COD. caution - met on_ Thuriday at the:Tremont Temple, _Bosten:t-Gov—iteldner, 11. Bullock, William MAIM and Jas. T. Robin son were selected as delegable to the National Convention at Baltimois. , Wendell Phillips spoke in- appoeition to . thek renombtathm of Abraham Lincoln. The yolaef the conven tion- was, hoiover, decidedly against Jam, and a resolation was adopted strongly *dye eating Mr. Ltneoln as candidate for the next Presidency. • ' TELEakeWS. Latest from' Gran LONGSTREE'S ATTEIPT I TO TM OUBII4 Bravery of Raw Troops REBELS HANDSOMELY REPULSED They Retire Under Cover °Might THE LOSSES, PRLSOYPHS CAPTURED, ETC Our Movements Bee um ed ANOTHER RATTLE EXPECTED La.;k0.. 0 . New You, May 21.—The Hum hu the following species : Headquarters Army of the Potomac-8 a. cm My dispatelsof 10 o'clock p. - m. yesterday afternoon Infotinedyci clan attack Made last evening ion the right wing of our army and the handsome manner in which the rebuilt wars delielfi back: It wu made by the whole of Eteell's wipe. The ehemy left the vicinity of Spottsylvania Court House about 12 p m. yesterday, Made • ,detour by the mast,. crossed the Ny, end About 5 o'clock straok the -Peedericks hurg road in the rear of par right flank, breaking out within three quarter 'of a mile of-thatheadquarters of Grant and Made. The only troops we had upon the ground at the time were a couple of regiments of Tyler's division of beery artillery,nerer before under ftre. Tyler soon brava up the remainder of his force and met the rebel attack, driving the enemy back into the woods. Here the rebels had formed their line of battle. Tyler felt rather apprehensive at the work before him, considering the karats of hit troop.. When onealairly - tinder flreihowever, they showed -the utmost bravery. Their loss was quite heavy, and more lerere than reported by me In my dispatch of last night, and will probably reach 1,000 killed and woundea. The rebels gave way in confusion, scatter ing through the woods. The honors of the repulse of the rebels rests exolusivily with Tyrter's heavy artillery division, thougly Bic' ' nay'. division of the 2d corps, and Crawford . ' of the sth, were afterwards sent to their sup. port, and formed a line, enabling Tyler to withdraw, after driving the enemy several and clearing the valley of the Ny. The mansion of the rebels' appear& to have bean very great, the major portion of Rhoden' division scattering in the wood,. Three bun fired and fifty of them were picked up In the woods during the night, and have jest been brought into headquarters: The division of raw troops feel immensely tickled at their success. Although their loss has been heavy, it is felt that the dimunition in numbers is I fully made up by the increase of morale. A Tribune special, dated headquarters, May 19, 9 p. m., cape: Communications am open as weal to-night, and supplies are still pour, ing in. - Guinea's Station was captured last even ing by Talbot's cavalry, and is now in our possession. From this point the rebels hive been bringing up their Lath.—Bowling Green has been their rail road station.. It is now believed that the 'enemy bring their supplies .hoes from the Virginia Central Railroad, a distant,* of 20 miles. New You, May 21.—The Bervid has the following: Friday, May 20th, 7 a m.—The losses [tithe fight Jut evening are estimated at between five and sia hundred, and are con fined to a tie regiments, The rebel loss ln killed and . wounded b unknown, but must be very gooney in proportion to the numbers en gaged. Their disabled lay 'quite thick on some parts of the line. Squads of prisoners leere coming in till midnight: This morning at daylight 200 passed in front of my tent. From 600 to 600 barn already been brought in. c. There seas no firing of conecquence during the night, and none at all . this forenoon. Thp rebels withdrew from their position in our mar under cover of the night. Our old Sank Movements to the left were reettniodignin thinaftenioon, and no battle is expected before to-morrow or neat day. Loa Is believed to be nueuy in his inter roepled position around Spoitaylvania, and it may be has taking up a now, one further southwest at tho Dreamt moment. -The Associated Press and the Bogus Proclamation. , finw Tins, May 20,—.1t truly be interesting to the public andiftess, who were so terribly imposed an input Bastion of the kaila bogus Proclamation to knosi that in . the city of Washington there lies of late existed a body of news gatherers styling themselves the re presentatives of thelVestern Press, composed of Messti. 'Willtaj Bill and Vallard, who him for "some Coln ,Ifeen sending daily dia. patellae to pipers at Springfield and Boston, Massachusetts, and to Rochester, Vow York, as well as others in Cincinnati and Chlcago, St. Lords and other points at the iiest. The pumas are in nowise connected with the As sociated ;Press, which has a well known and intelligent and reliable agent in that city, am the tight:ft' nature of ills dispatches for many'yeitrs will attest. It appears, as we learn from awellinformed Correspondent of the Cbsasecreial Adocrtiscr, that on Wednesday night a dispateh iias sent by •members of the •Western. Was assorting or purporting to have been left by them, an nouncing - that there would be a proclamation tuned calling for anew draft about the first of July,and that the placeaof the 100 day troop, might be filled. Whether the bogus proo • lunation was concerted 44 one of the !mediation, or whether another person based it upon 'their now's, is not yet officially known. It Ls fair to infer, however. that either some member of the above MO elation. was the author of the hogas proclama tion, or that some person ,connected with them, knowing the fact that a toll was about to be mode l wrote the pioclamation upon pre— dietimus furnished, by their dispatches. One of the members of the Western Associa tion is a Onlidential employee of the War Department and the others °copy official pc. sitions,thrta,gaining them the opportunity to secure ennetuicements for the public. The Provost &Isabel of Washington .e giving the affair a most thoreugh investigation, and all eim the aboVentioned'pemoneiwill be critical ly examined in reference to this outrage upon the public and the press. Farther by the Peruvian. Pour All Bisims, R. 8., May 10.-The fol lowing if s dupla:to of the iotatnercial news sent out by the Glugow, which sailed from Liverpool on the llth bat : The Liverpool cotton market had bean ex cited, and prices are a Xd@llii higher,olosing wet and and less firm. BrenAlstuffs dull and tend downward.' FlouiheaTy and nominal. Wheat dull and Rigid lower, owing to at.' Wittier ; Bed Western 80(3661. Corn heavy and 6d lower, Mixed, VW ad. Provisions quiet and steady. Beef quiet and steady. York quiet and Arm. Auxin , dall and an- Changed. Produce and ashes quiet and steady. Sugar Inner. Petroleuin steady, at Is 4d per gallon for rqfined.. London treadstaffs market less Arm. Gager steady. Coffee firm. Tea dilL ` American. securities' of 'lllllnols Central shares, 665660:disoountr &fir shares 64 ®56. The following is a brief summary of the news by the steamer which left Liverpoo6on the 11th: armistice had been &tried to.bstrieon pants* and the allies The allied iquedron, attar Oa en gagetatmt on the atb, reached Atahaven on the follow. incdsy. Its ton is stated at 170 killed - luta wounded. Taw par_ Perwriem--Livapool, bray 18.—i. Brew:4WD Tag dull, with , a alight decline. Provisions. dull and easier. Consols, 1:11%® 91% for mettey. 'Lateit From Chitilestan.: • PutirmetPau, Nay Sl.—Td-day the atom it flarsaabonotts mired &bat Cl/Arles tow, on tttowynalwg of es UM. Ellta4oports co fight to& at .Clltarlestm, The only _attack trade, waa bj , two r itioattors on. Port Semler. The Iroaalttor Itaw Pot -beep sottenJudy. ,-7-rr. . _ order Joßuitnnowoißon os.ww.“Woriaw :and 9fournat of CoatmetOV , : lteitrito 4 t. . itasotiono4 'May , 216.—Tbi ardor foi use of floiitt;"1: 1 trogalind ',borne n!abgaan~. boo biori ,WilriAtid;r4lttoteolßoin U. now Via th eSpprilluplPuldliked so instill on Monday, *: PITTSBURGH. MONDAY MORNING. MAY 23, Pi ON" Btf li rLEß'S ARMY THE MEM CONCENTRATID IN LARGE FORCE They •re Actively lengsaged Repairing CI =1 THEIR PURPOSE TO KEEP OPEN LEE'S COll MV.If TION Yong, May 21.--The Herald'? cops-, .pondence from Butler's army, dated thellBoi says that two heavy columns of the enemy have been discovered down the rifts towards Petersburg, with 4orge trains. Gen. Poster was sent out to destroy, If possible, the trains, bat the enemy were met in such strong force that the purpose was abandoned. Thoonemy are aativily engaged in repairing the railroad, and have concentrated a force of from 20,000 to 25,000, with which they not only hope to keep Open Leo's eronnanntiatiOn but to crash Batter. Cleassert, May 21.—General Kilpatrick arrived hero this morning. Sam Modary was arreatod on an in dictment for . an alleged conspiracy with parties arrested here some months age, to overthrow Use Government. The Conenerciard West Virginia correspon dent says General Crook's commanrlis slowly falling beak, after accomplishing most thor oughly hs objects. Ho his destroyed large =mount' of supplies, and danuteed, the East T nnessee railroad beyond repair for fatly three . months. I - - 'General Jenkins who was wounded and captured, has sincp,died. Lomsnixs, May 20.—Gen. Kilpatrick ar rived this morning from the front, en sante for New York, and-left at noon. Travel between here and Nashville, which has been suspended for the past few days by military occupation of the railroad, has leen resumed. General Conference of the DLE. Church The order of the day, namely the election of the veriens oincers of the church was then token up. Tarn . were appdinted and the roll of mere bete was called—each member depositing hie rause hle name woe called. The Secretary animartoed that every mem ber of the Confererpe, 218 in all, had oast their ballot. for Bishops. The Tellers proceeded to roast, to open Cenference, the vote, and the result was en• nom:toad as follows : Ray.. Dr. D. WI Clark Bev. S. Thompson; D. D... Rev. C. Eingoloy, D. D Rev. J. T. Pack, D. I) Bev. B. S. Sorter, D. D..... Rev. S. Y. Monroe, Rev. Joseph Trimbeli, D. D Rey. Dr. D. W. Clark and Boy. Dr. E. Thompson, having 'received the majority of votes, wore deolared to be Bishops elect of the Methodist Eiseopal Church in the United States -of America,, and therConferenee pro• seeded to a seeond ballot, *blob tesulted as follows : Bev C. Kingsley, D D 114,Rer Dr 'ewer, See.) T Peck, UD, 40l Rev d P Mouroe 19 Rev. J. P. Marble, D., D., was re-elected, by acclamation, Corresponding Secretary of the Missionary SoOlety of the M. R. Church. Rev. W. L. Barris, D. D. ' was chosen, by acclamation First AasistantSecrotary of the Missionary Society, :There beteg eciesial nemfnetions for second assistant secretary or the Missionary Society of the M. E. Church, a ballot was had, the tellers being permitted to retire, count the votes, and report the result to the Con ference, which was that no choice. had been made. Rev. W. Nast, D. D., wu elected by acclamation, Editor of the Chrieaprg Apo& girt —( German. ) The Rev. Dr. Kingsley baring received the ballots of a majority of the whole number of the members of the General Conference, he was declared to be duly elected Bishop Of the M. S. Church. The asketlon of time gentlemen evidently I gave great satisfaction to the elergy.and Met se . erowd of gentlemen landladies present. They are men, in all respects, suitable for the Rev. D. D. Whedon, D. D., was *loot ed by acclamation, 4he Editor of the. Quarter ly Review. A ballot was had for the editor of the Surd Western Mrsidian Acloote, published at Chicago. The votes were collected and the tellers retired abd reported Rev. T. M. Eddy, D. D., ebeote4 by 177 votes. Rev. B. P. Dreary, D. D., was elected, by acclamation, editor , of the ceid"ll Mudstian Advocate, published et Bt. Louis, Missouri. Rev. E. fi. Nesbit D. 1)., was elected, by acclamation, editor of the Pitmearmi ChrW tian Adosoute. The %Wounded at Washington The following woanded officers, belonging to Western Penney'vents Regiments, have re ported at Washington. Some el them have left for their homes on furlongh, while others have been transferred to Annapolis, Md.: dal WSballenterger,llolool 136, Y Paltb, 01 Cope A W AtzAlson, 0,140 041 C Cralx, 106 Copt W P thstmt, 10 °apt Donghttrty, T, la Ad) A Hager. 109 leaps 1 L Plot,, 10,106 Copt. it Atow P me, D, 109 Limit o J Ald, Lf 110 114,1 John rwar, 140 The following sail. Mount Pleasant So 4 WlTkam E say, A, @- Job. Color, M, 62 i UorpJ GAherbins, F, 612 Dania hicGreggor, F., 69 Sorgr.lotor, Fits, if. CI Sergt John A Etta, Corp 13 IL Whith, C, ICO Tbus Barn., C, 100 N A Gickman, B, cY 1 Carp 1 .Wl3eninstt, 11, 01 W 1,105 Jas Biagio, A, PG Patrick DeLosy, K. GS etewert Thompson. Jr, .1 9 Barber, 9, 105 The following larva Third Army Corps, El, GW Bale, E, IZ9 " G. W Crawford, K, tr n llliroo, 1, 11 W Zllller, 0, 11 Jae Kamp', B, 11 Famarl clerk, B, 11 Henry 1.311111, B, 11 B Bp.gler, B, 11 Beep Kur., 0, 11 Joe 0 Watt, ,11 Arlartitatmer, I, 11 1. 3. C. Connelly, D,lO , hospital of the Third.N tie Pennsylvanian. Wounded In General Sherman 46 Army. The fotiPwlog b 114 lat of , altikand'utriaided Penns, trials soldier. sent from the army Of the Combbrland to the hospitalkar. Nashville, since the forward mOtement of den. Sherman : CriAtAlsi t lit Sergi J3l Bruner, D,Hth Copt lirlll eam7tl b Dans, 71 , Geo Laughlin, A, 28th •orem 13A00 Mien; 0, 'alb Copt Hoeltge,lllth,dnail D 0 Johnson, Lath LI Banner, 29thortight , Orrin Filtrickland,D 11th Oapt J 01 Wells,. Patrick slight • ' ' John Moßtfrey, A., 147th James A McClain, *GM Frit , 0 . 0 B Hoar., 10 , 7 4 P ithenvice, B, 24 r{ 11114 Arthur., 077th Limn r? 109 Blum, L. MN lot eerrt th Shoe LA:mire, Care Oorp.l 17 Oreistorte I 28th &rgt nervy Pftny, D,7341 Wm Lamm 73d -1. Narita Clumabera.D. 734 Geo 14 Roberts, 7, 28ttil Jn Stamm, 0 8,7131 b Bobt farmer., I, 48th Jote oh ph o Drown, ;39th. JooLtonoer,F,, 48th I Jae Widleca:oarpo,loo Freeland Moore, 0, 27th, Thee Moldattamfo.A.77lll II Myer., F 22th JOOll B Crammer, wry Wm Galbraith, D,79th 1 0, 78th • , Jno H Wading, 6,lBth!` IMO D 147th : EiOglesby, E. 78th ; Francis Id Lott, K, 46011 Fred Lachoostin, K,lllt a Josiah Freibly, K, 46th Barn Picket.% 70th.- .1 Joseph Handolm, corn 27, LerfThoons. 0, 2,8t1,1 40th , Goo 13tedreorna, E, lllOO , . . Henry Ward Beether for Lincoln. Henry Ward Beecher has written a letter to a distingaished In politisian s in Wiah ington, in which be Ole t i, , . "In the present ex genet', in view of Mr. Lincoln's peat admittleirstion,,,the evidence he has shown,the mama parity , of , the man, the great and jest oor Chun which the peo le put in him, the-danger which there would b l it e, If he were set dale, of having it regard ed as a popular retm e of .his policy. and the congidenee that I feel that, though losig hewn ing—he tat lea/ mid ingovern,X..anifull and strong in my emit:dim that he shield be our next President" . , 0111 Y. Oanzaa.— The item, Jost,eateltlehed ! • at nomoneyorder shall ~ lees that' *tier:lw pi Who reeetre. mousy . pay thereto* the tonowl !: idor , lo Mar et;',..sl, bat not to exceed et°, - 4..saidtitteted by the "• order; for an order of t....tesseeedlng $2O. the to ; and tor Getty beer : toe of 20 oat& .: .'.. i dna von Posva.;; postal nionty . evdin Ls, provides batinand for any • sid all pod &deism rviniVe4i4 log or for any huger ntgit pearsttsbnlttniV post:winter giving in tangstban 110 :and charge shall bell • older msoeedisg 20 i~.R CITY AND SUBURBAN. The Draft is the 22d District A table /eas been prepared showing the credits allowed to the tub districts In the 2.2.1 Diettiehrriderr tleeiast draft, also . for volun teers, regular. end veterans up to date,. to gether with the number of enlistments to the credit of the city and county at largo. The quotas ofddiesnb-districts, however, have not yet been assigned. The gross qitota of the dietrict, in round ! animberlife about 5,600, against which, me i cordlatfor the table, there is a credit of 4,441, leaving a de3ciency of a trifle over 1,000, which will be made up by a draft. Lt is pretty certain that there will be no draft, tinder the last calls, In the Second,'Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Ninth weeds el the city, and it Is likely-that the First, Third anti Eighth will be called upon fez their deflcieldry. The total credits are thus eummod up: tra der the last draft, 1,308; volunteer!, 1011 ; regulars, 331 ; votaraes, 853; total eredita up to April I.sth, 8,552; credits liA4O that date, 899. Glonel total, 4411. . A boy named William Barbers was arrested this morning by the Mayor, on a ohirge of stealing a pocket book from a market woman, containing about sin dollars. When "mated, two dolfere Were found upon his person. The was looked uplor a bearing. About noon to-day • little boy, aged about seven years, wee arrested by officer guider. of the Mpor'scpalioe, for stealing Iran scraps from the wharf, The deprodOlons !of `bays 'have been very annoying to the iron, mer chants, and frequent complaints babe boa mad" to ; tho Ideyar, who has been endeavoring to fate - tout the guilty parties. A hearing in the ease will ho had this afternoon. I. Aceldent on llte Plttoburgh and Cleve land Railroad—Man Kliled. Thls morning, about nine o'clock, an acci dent occurred at the depot of tho Pittsburgh and . clloVeliaud Railroad, in klauellester, whreh resulted in the deathof Philip Potter, as em ployee of the road. Potter was engaged in coupling oars, when he was caught totween two of the cars and instantly killed. rho de ceased had been engaged on the road for the past five years, and woe an indtistrieus and worthy .man. Ile was about forty jean of age, and leaves a wife and sir children: Coro ner McClung held an inattiest , on the body, and a verdict of accidental death was rendered. It gives as great pleasure to announro that Rev. Richard Newton, D. D., of Philadel phia, will address the Sabbath Schools Of this city, tomorrow (Sabbath) afternoon, three o'clock, in the let Presbyterian churelqWood street. ' The pia& is well chosen—large as, the church is, it will doubtless be filled to Its ut most capacity. Wo art requested to state that the entire room, above and helot, will be reserved for the children and teachers, as it is them Dr. Newton wishes especially to meet Superintendants and teacheri 'ill osprey a, faror, by attending with their 'schel‘ This morning, 'Judge Mellon consulted With Mr. Swarttweider, ono ,of the counsel for lameadirox, convicted of ibemarderOf ',Row • .ward-Httail[on, in referatee tcrthe'sen,tence. The counsel expressed himself satisfied with Lim verdict of the jury, but mked the - Court that sentence be postponed for one week, that the young man might have an oppOrtanity to sm acme of his friends before being consign ed to the penitentiary. The 'request; was granted. SOLDIZII ACCIDICII,LLY K ILLID.—A young man named Adam James, who enlisted in the 7th Pennsylvania eon airy at Johnstown, was instantly killed by the accidental &embargo of his carbine, while on picket duty In ,Ter, basses, on the 25th of April. Ills gud was leaning against a (once, and on pickingit up auct,drawing It Lwards . him the hainmer caught on a rail, discharging the piece' the treatents' of ilidsteh 'entered' young Jdraes' breast., passing through him and cooling out at his back. His comrades basted him decent ly the next day. His parents are said to re side in this city- Tee dmae of tho ladies connected with the Sanitary Pair, except those in fancy connate, will be uniform. Block dpases,white waists, if desired, and white aprons, white caps, trimmed with the color belonging to the de partment. The church codetlea are requent ed to meta these caps and send them to the house of the Rev. W. hi. Paxton, Penn street, where they will be cold for the benefit of the Fair. It ie hoped that all will purchase them there, es the amount fiat will accrue from she - sole wilt bh etnelderable. Sommaxi—Dr. D. R. Smith. of, Newt:ll.g, Cumberland oatmty, Pa., shot himself thrchgh the brain, in his own Stable, on Saturday morning last, and died in about nn hour 'af terwards. No reason is assigned for the act. Tho Carlisle Americaa says "he was highly esteemed In his profession, had an excellent practice, had spit:4unit, happy family around him, was not known to be predisposed to melancholy, and indeed wk. one of the last men fur whom any oneeauld predict such a fats." , Fres ow vnii &Lemmas' Waeity--Iscsain *usu.—Between one and two o'clock this morning a are was discovered on the Alleghe ny wharf, a short distantce above the St. Clair !Meet fiaspension Zridge, some evil-dispelled pence, having„ apparentlyi 'deliberately flied an oil barrel with a view to produce • mole, gration. The early discovery of the fire was most (emanate, as It was extinguished whit out ditilottlty. tonal 'wounded anent John l'lscr, C. 100 Robt IdcKLlck, 0,100 Jam Tallier, 0, 100 8 0 Grilveog, CL' 108 11 = 1 7 P Wlkoff,C,'los Jaa 0 Conway, I, 6,2 Salsa Wakeman, 0, 6th Jonathan Stahl, A, 61 Jas McPherson, 61. Vuta4The alarm Of Fro thii morning a l as jcsaalooed by the roof of the Variety Works on First street taking fire from n spark from the chimney. The flames were extbignistMd by the workmen before the arrival of the en ema. I=MMM Jacob Swab, G. 105 John Ritchey, 0, GY Wm Tote, IY, Ito 'twin bleCotetwon, A. 67 3 'Handal, IC, 102 t th. Second Division, spited: Samuel Hicks, A, H Ur eh Cannon, A, 11 Ed Crittenden, P ll John J Grove, E, 11 Corp D Geddes, 11, H Corp Daniel Hkn.cr, H Il tient E e Hakl, D, 11 Wm Repaid, D, 11 Jur Sayler, Jr, 11 rex Cann, Itre Caaax.—K. Dish. will open the llama confectionary and Ice Cream saloon to-day, wait of the mountains lot the driest eakes, oonfectlons and roe Cream. Call at Nos. 89 and 91 Pedaral threat, Allegheny. Drvoncen.—ln the Court of Common Pleat, to-day, Martha Jane Clark._ was granted divorce from her husband, James Wilson Clark, on .the groand of adultery. Joan. rdcerackes F. 11 uswOlAmpell.d.ll oth Iteement,la In the 'inch corm on the bat- A NtGLIZATIVI Cough, Cold, or Sore Throat, which might be elsooked by a simple reme dy, like o ßrocade Broilehbd Trachea," If allowed Po program, may terminate seriously: a UCTIOJM BOLES. AUCTIONF CONDEMNED HOBBES, : • t Wu DteAarxrar, °ATLI'S, BOILID, °lace oflef Quartermaster, • Weehlogton. D. 0., April 2500 1854. Will cold At pollio auction, to the hlgheet der, u" - ti the threw -Ind places 'named below, I' • Newport, Pauts;'`Theirsday; May Sth; Gettysburg, Penns, Maeda, -Bray Oth; Alt.,* Penns, Than fay, May 12th; n.Pen* Thwady, Ma 7 /rith; • litesubtg, Penns, Thursday, May 2dth; Lebanon, Penna,Thorsday, June 2d; Northumberland:Penns, Thursday, Jens Orb; Saszton, Palm. Thursday, ,Ynne leen; • - wuhentsport, Penna. Thursday, Juno =d; o ne hundred [the) borne at Gettylborg, and tsar handrerrand Oily (110) at each of the other places Theo , horser hare been eondeninetr chat for the cavalry service of the United States Lousy ror road mtd Ihrerr purples fon t good btrgaina, or. be bad. ones will be solddnpl - • Salts begin at 10 /1.; .n done 'dully till all ars sold. _ TOME 11SZI, 41, Milted, States • T aiy notes et l 7, JeNE3 4!L. SH IN - •7deat. Oat' aid 0. Q. IL Cavalry Duras. si:O6lJe..Z3 VALUABLE STOCKS AT AUCTION. —OoIIIZEIDAY &UMW% NY 246 / 4 ni oklockoageoond doOr o l ozoosporclaAges Bom, No, NANA 'trod VI dune AltAghony Book Block; JO. do I.lsochemas dialog:Auk; 10 do Mooluoati'd Idoontoetaiorie Beall ea do 16 4=6% Nook swam 10 do P. 111... W. U.; . • 60 .-'do Pittsbargh d Btoobentol6 11.11. 011 50 do Allogbouy VallelloNrosd Stock; ' 60 do rNeskoughafsoloolisrUlo LB. Clo.; *. m3O) A. AIcILWA IN 0. A061% U(7IIONti.a.L.E.()F, Pas ;193: TISGIB.--Cia TUMULI, it= ltd' 1), OM, 6110 e,cloalr. a, in. ‘llll be lath at the Grafted Rates Military Clothing Doi:, Market ntraet, Stooges. ' villa,- Ohin,.to .tha - hmg blade, aboat YOUR THOUttlitil) MECO) UNDS NEW LIOUT BLIT/ blintitg ourriaGa.., , Ternit Of tale dath,ta o:mermaid 'Panda ' Itaihtt prTECIVIADIXEC • , . ......- - .. , YOBS 4 •<werairuon. • . .. galloriter-Taxtsrmiikaritzlt root inzuriutolualpou ana.rtroLlim 142r i alarmo i r a r e afit r • , IS W 4 o o l l rity Attefitslq. fir ; ? x c . F ~~W~-+^ al.{~r,}e §. •Y~ i: y. Y _ _ } Larceny Sabbath School Meeting. The Case of Jame. Sims. i . 41 MUSEMEJr78 iilltV ING LIT&RARY ASSOCIA TTON, WISTERN UNITEBSTTT, ENTERTAINMENT Tor the battellt or TUN SANITARY 7AIII YUND AT COI-VC/S.I2T HALL MONDAY MAME. MAY 23D. liskets, W EIEN LB—to be heti et the Beek end lIUSID Storm O.IdASONIC HALL NEL SZCZIPTS in VIE EEHSPIT47 THE SANITARY FAIR, ONE WEEK. CAPTAIN WILLIAMS, Wonderfal Bones and Wild Advert ventaies in the Life of an American Whaleman. MEET EVENING, at 8 o'clock. Admhdost ffi amts. Itotorncl ne,cla 50 pests. SaTIIIIDAV Aprranooc—Adattialm to all porta of the home, 05 cents. Cblldrca 10 croft. eryle SANITARY FAIR LECTURES. The Second Hein:Liar Lecture for the benatt of the Battler, ralr, will be delivered by JOHN BAKEIVE.I,L, ItA-le ELY ECT'T 12D HALL TUESDAY moo. MAY 24TH. BubJect—ZONTLI &ETED iLElDl—Eatrisle,Como Laterns sad Ciaskanaroth. Doors open at T 3 o'clock, Lecterstommeams at S. Mach; 1,0 dots—to be had at the mud place. In the cley, and in Allegheny et U. P. sohwartz'a, Um. IL C. Lbokrans'e sea Gem A Kelly & Co.'s. W. U. KINCAID, senrEL A. LONG, • THoB. BAK !WEIL L, Jr" Core. oe Lecture,. O ,, WAIT FOR THE REAL SHOW GARDNER, HEMMINGS & CO, S AMERICAN CIRCUS And Troupe of Arabs, RED LION LOT,Pittaburgh, MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESAY MAY 23d, 24th and 26th. The Initial Entertainment will he given on MOH. DAT ETIZNISO. Hey M. Door. opes et 7 o'clock p. m., avian TIIM.SDAY end WEDEZSDAY, Map It. end 'alb, there will he TOO Orand Performances, AFTERNOON AND SVICNING Donn open at 2 alol 7 o'clock, performance to • -tnence half an hoar later. Adinhaton— renal. The entretehltueot be Uf -6;e hula chute and ar eleawn e character, ..d oecelt a every variety EQUESTRIAN AND GYMNASTIC ENTERTAINMENTS, In erhfeb the ARAD TROUPE, end nlva over DO gurepean had ilmertart. Stare .rill par ticipat* sided by the most b auttful shad of Hors. and Pardee In the world. .• • . 112sgallicant G olden Charlet will lead- the GnAND PnOCFMSIO:I, arnica will pars larangb the principal atrasta on Monday lamming, May tat 461. Don't forget the day, and date. tnyla:D. W. II G4IIDDICR., Agadt. PLAXOS. A/US/ft, 4c-. ii2k . NEW AND BEAUTIFUL OHICKERING & PONS PIANOS, Just Resolved by CRAB. 0. MELLOR, v. woo& Bt., my2l Soje Agent for PlttsbrusLl. REMOVAL. W. bias plamtre to tafienaing the paNllo that • occupy the laryis sad amassoakvas bona AO. 12 BISSELL'S BLOCH, T. criera nun, Where we have Mrs received from the maenfectorer of WE. 1. BBADBIIItY and aCHOMI,OIIIOI* 00., •W. lot of ' , UTTAR'S!, P 1A19 , 13. Ala., •mosiniens monotone of SMITH'S alebrated Harmoniums, Me lodeons and Musical goods generally. stnieniority of the HKADLICHT PIA3O Is al. ready estate ea. In the lustiny or Plasma ne nor instrument ham genet so rapidly la poindarily er twarbred so many pronduate within the owe of two pnn ma , the mar mode, toll losa . trams, ning-tam and Fren_ grand action Plasm ISM mannfairtnrod by ch WM. BEtADIMIIIY, and Shomaker & Rance having Wen an kong sad favorably kaown In this mad ether conattlem, need ao fortiter ormsment. All guaranteed for an yeas SWIM= st BARB, Mk. Aguas' a Plaskae, me Wad= Pa., Es. is R. CLAIM M., Blame. 111:143. Good Socond Bald Plump for Boat. Timing and rtioairmy door promptly. ap34) GRANTS THE MAN I WORDS BY Cl. L. ABDILL. Mine BY J. X DARLING large lot of thin now and beautiful wag has or. Ind In the Hasa atom of LICIFFNIMIN & noses, I=l KNABEI3 UNRIVALLED e ,,—;:. — r f PLAN OS. I ! , 1 A choice supply of 6 and 7 octave Piano Tortes, ham tho celebrated factory of Abe & Co., has host been received—Same in nobly carved cum Those Instruments are follicarrantesl for eight run. and are by I. a Met Jo es pronounced unrivalled. A nLL L respoctfa ll y at, lied before!parchaelsg e'so. wham 1211ABUYFTZ Bole Agent. styli N 0.43 Fifth west. CL4VI6I AGEJr7S. LAW OFFICE & C L AIM AGENCY. W. J. & HALL PM - RASO& 144 ronirth litrooto to mrimulm, es. will PENSIONS, BOUNTIES, BAC% IPII I I /0.1 a car, maiwi (wow pvmpu3 , . Mans charge mlooo oxiscontd. WI H. JORNIMIS MACKRELLIk JOBNS Q N, ATTORdirIiIIeAT.LAW, end U. B. 'Ldeepi . ed ULA-lif AGENTS, 80, EO GILANT 1111113% MITARY CLAMS, .:BOUNTIES, IMIONI3, BLOB PAT bad MILITARY CLAIM of emery deartrotkat, colledat by dm tab. Eipbey, 'Ls: Pautfons 810 CO; um folioBlE4 tam, other clatomala ..„ 0. 0. TAILOII, Attornoy at haw, No. 7110 m at 'frost, Pittaborgb, Pa. . MD. Ho charge err made It the Oath don at =mem& and at inibeteseloo alone gratte. eatly NOAH: W. SHAFISIti 111.0IINZT4T-LAW. Re.. 100 fifth Stralt. Pittsburgh, pa, ash= far razimova, Bann; Pllrel ic% Pis ft. , viewt° 4l 7 Pr,° ,11 .4. 14.9:1S soun:goFr 43411181i5,, - 1101INTIA m;==73 w,EsMabwlkow•resi, +•~:,:[emapt}tittiaaeaee~ . - c z; ._ asraoas a amDZLZ, M wogissers OMif ` mT " 14 m 1 .! 4 thoggilik Ps. , . • - v 0 ME Lxxvu---No. 161. ..M.4.4 , II7MCTVIVERS. 4c DUQUESNE BRASS waßp, CADMAN & CRAWFORD, Ideuntfoctzcors of orery mf.l7 a ftdibal BRASS WORK • YOB P 2 STEAM 08, GAS TITTERS, MACIIINIS AIM • BBS OAST I / C P O ie PP R o E f S aMll ITLS. pordLSTEAMBOAT WOREMTIA htWurat, m GA S o - TITTLE°, end BEPAIBING, promptly attraded to. Particular attention paid to ening •op EMPINE, RIES FOR COAL AND CARBON OMR ey Also, Sola Agents for the WesterWesterDistrict of Perm leanla fur lhe ule of MARSH, LAIISDELL A CO.'S PATEET SYPHON PIMP, the brat he in mated. Haeing_no valma It !a not liable to get oat of order, and sill throw more ankle thmi Atty pump of twice Its else. apIT •. a uQisiody • 5i...«....~a: I, E. Ixox ~T~""wosga lIACHIIiTOI3II, OICTIPHILLL £ CO 701715DE1L9 AHD ILAC=97BMi. Corner of Mks wad O'llara, is 4 Pike and Walnut Streets, Rim Ott? Weise Works,' . . Nanulactarere oterationari and other NOGININ, ROLLING SILL GAIITENGS,InditrItCIIIIINST, of all kinds, end general jobbers. •• • • • Prompt attention gram_ to ropatting NOAVIIP 3 ?nu Reununprr• - PATENTED OCTOBER B, ' 1861 DITIMIDOrS PATAII; OVJLL. X X FEINT GX ASI3I These Chitemeys are Intended - for thi Mat Meting .11 parts of the glass eqnslly, does no tt to cracking. R. D. DIVELIMM Port Pitt 61au Works, W•shlntit•• • • 1917 Pittsbmltb,rj ROBERTS, BARNES 6c PARY jio. 89 Third St., 889b;98h• TM AND suErr Laos Nyothrras, And 25.sanhanyon of JAPANNED lc • We are now manufacturing and hors ett hazel flatbing Apmrat. of an kinds, Toilet Ware fig Bette, Water CooDn, Groccre Tea and Spica Canie ter., (lab and Spica Doxes, Tumbler Drainer., legittoonii, Ate, Pc. A large lot of DirdCaarefor male low. OD Dane of all sisal and pattern., Tin Rooting, Condectork and all kinds of JobbtugWork dons to ceder. BUCK. DIAMOND STEEL WORKS, PITIBBORGA re. PABIL BBOTICEM & ffsaafaetaxers of IQUIT QUALITY UNTINED CAST Milks sqoare,./lat and Octagon, of all Wariantad equal to any Imported or nannufactary4 ttr this Conn- nor Mos and warehos" N. 142 aoa 151 MIST • d 120 and MI SECOND fiTIIESTS, fellayil A I.LvN IirCORMICK & CO.. Pittsbairgh; P. earWarehomm, LIBERTY SMART. Manufacture. of COOK, PARLOR AND HEAT INC STOV/R, PARLOR AND KITCHEN GRATES, HOLLOW WARE, et., Steel and Gls. EL mild. Roil ing Mill Gainings, IfIlD Gearing, Cll.l, Witter and As. tar. Pipe, Sad bony, Dog lrooo, Wag.. Box., Su gar Kettles, Palley. Hangers, Car Wheels, Coupling. and Castings gauerolly. Ala. Jobbing and Machine camings mad. to order. p.u...2 Portable LtMl, with Stamm or Rona Power. atil46lrd THLRD STREET FOUNDRY. ALFRED DAVIS, • . (Termerly Amman at Andonsm & Philips,) respect fully Informs his friends sad' the politic gtmoraPy that ho has opened a IFounco , at.the coiner of Thlad Mad and Chancery lute,- oppcsite Stilton's Dna Youndri for the purpose or mazahmttirirg WORT UAW:DARBY, CASTINGS GLASS AIOULDS, PULLEYS, Be. Bir,c/al attoatlon gliett to Plumbers wurA. • 10.tm BRITANNIA, BRASS AND SHEET METAL WORKS. COLLINS WRIGHT. ilonnissturers ofOAETOIt TRA3II:9,LAMP EDS and LAIIP BRASSES morally. Also, TIE LAATEIIN FIWIT JAIL OONISHEI, /s. Ilanutacturera of Oonins it Wright's Patent TIN .1 - 00 TOP. Na LIS Seoeud street, Pittsburgh. ap=t ON EIL & STONIEMAN, 111ASIIVAOITILICRO OP WIEB WOES, Em i hn s m il hana and make to oaei MCiS o .rjh wont iti'D'inii%Z.7.7dßißD",,,;...ar,AP 14411tEIMAL WORE, too /lover, eso. NO" All liar GI WLII9 for lON cl No. in POITEV Ch AS. FOWNES, (late of the firm of Folrma & Hlnlel.) JOHN B. lIHRRON Hate Sf Medea!, Herron & C 0.,) IRON FOUNDERS and TOVE fannufsettmers, iut.zamEurr errazazr, " z272. °' W Iy nrd. Plit'ftrgl a " 2l 11. =IRON & 00 WELLS, RIDDLE & CO No. 215 IV Liberty elseet. oppoelte &VA, elsonfacturers of WHIPS, LAMBS -.4 SW/I'CH- E 4 ust every dacription of =LYRICS EHAIDED WOBIL Orders solicited has the huts, Led pods prcect lA -4 shipped as pea inetractloas. Imay Dlb W. BENNETT, Manufmotarergof WHITE &TONE CHINA and CHEAII COL- Office and Waratuam at Ha. Tk rail! sins's?, Pittsbargit. • athlkly OILS, RED&R I CLARK, HIEBC=M9 Patrols= and its Prodttots„ 17/.13DL114 Oil, ea 61 mom) ernarr—__-_:-_..._.ass ass Yore. 0171` Agents for the roirniarD Elaianlii WORK YOE% EAIWITIEN OANDLI 00 ANY, ha. R. A. CLIZAPNAIS, AsScrr, -SS WO= a LIS ISont LUCENT OIL WORKS DUNCAN, DUNLAP Pare Mite /Wined Oarbcm Ga. Cam 11. 491 ISEIIINT MUM ISAAC HOUGIEt & CO., oonnalastoll EBECHAMS, Ear tisa We of Crude and Refined Petroleum 4 DS SOUTH DELAWARE AraWl!., S . E. POULTNEY, Crude and &fined Petrolanai, • mtiartzuvir. Itro. iel TIMID snow, rutanen, apl-tloz SAM an PETEOLITE OIL W0R103. , . " .• yam OABI O OIL; lIIIZZOL I 4BD PLUM= lIIMIOATING OIL. cierlar thescumil bar:sliver weelL SE & GBA.I7_, Puma-rata. Me, MOSONG /MLA 11011:311, Ilttaticush. mfA. porsicidt.rs. 4.c. DR. F. BEA Burgeon (tad Actionefienr; , 10.1 u =inn= BTh ta ;nub DR.:11191 M.A.130 : 15 teincmod from ass Zobeces timid Loom 57151:2.1mieg7 0117. DOPTO4 - F. , ElVali , ':' . .'. .. - PUYSICIAN MID - itate*li*::'...'`.' EZEI OILS, le. WA.RING & tea, colinissms itiaucrie.NTEl, I And prelim ra In Petroleum and irs Produeli, ALd,dl~lef 1n E-na!r_ odkly 80. 93 ....I:SILT ST, Pitt bm311.1 ma, aor vn.w,* rusaati r . ROE It PEARSALL, YELI.SiVELPHIA, Canmlayleadispduiata 46 Brokers, Szeltatinsty Is Petroleum aril its Produetki Tor export and home tkr.nrityttoo. empb WS. tim Su. con" reagerlsabla Ma& Liberal advances made. • •.$:l7 BREWER, BIIR4ER h CO., COMMISSION MIIICHAN'T% Agadir at Ca motif., rearm Ain rains m on,yonzi. • lam! Dub 'dna= made on oiestoniten al Refined or Crude • Petrol 4 COIL DZQDXSEE WiT kiwis:pair km. rte. ra . , RICHARDSON, EURI.Er & op., 001112M31031. a 201118411 DING Crude and Refined - Petroleum, a0..7.a raw= era= PlTrunpsgEL oar Liberal OMb mottleacs en asosiguantsj... Pittsburgh or Eartant nurkets. . . Mews. 7. 9. DEEin;ati Thom - B ° Cbcosssrad 'Emit. 1 aatao:6En IRUN uITY Om WORK& LIDO& CHOURMINg t Mb= of CaBBON OIL. BEN f . MI AHD Lunincuorma OILd, ma am.u. tti . c - aurnr.. inrrimoLptijaz Works, opporlto Shorpcbmig. OS" No. IP HAND =km. aglintor . Prersinmar, W4LACE CIIRTLS4 Ckrizaathadon Merohanter. c. &Ade-emits OEM & I==D PETROLEUM t EX 01110 eHn LLIBIISOLTERG 0/LB. Vo. ISt HOOTS WHARVES, PHILAHHLPHLI, Staragt capacity (under ocreer,)lhr 18,00 n b ey , Alsoilar excellent facillthe for ehipplos to American sad Forotgn ports:at our wharf on the Sch • Ikill Meer, near the platform of the P. H. n. • • TACK & BRO., Orude'and Relined Pittldeurmi BENZRs'E, &a, IPS WALNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA.. Business anbutad b arm can tides *alb Gni prompt personal attention. . Bob. to Moslem Bichatdson s 11.147 &Du. =mass Burke & Co„ and McClelland & Davis, Pittsburgh; That. Smith, E.a, Pratt. Bank N. A.; H. 1.. frarket , & Co., Phlladel , 8.5" MaC01333101 k CALT.RNDER, OIL BROKERS. a 211 and 213 South Water Street;.: CHICAGO. esr ocosigniztatta 'Write& Way dilborponsting. loon, City Off WattL Jacob Potottee, of J. Pautor d Co. .ino. B. CMMat, of Bpang,lfsot a 00. hr f3:l, VENANGO OIL AND TRANSPORT 4 1 ATION 001 PART, OIL CITY, Pasuair., Lee prepared to receive, atm sad Oen Crude and Refined Petroleum On the mart resemble LITIIII, and to nuan Mond r &dunned. - L. H. omits. President,' Offlos, 80. 13 Pine dzeet, Ben Tort. WEL BOWEN WALT=, eon's, arrn , JAMES WILKINS, Ail," Pitts ink. Av., In cats. Oonolinments, via Permsylvsnia. °antral. be stored at-the Company's flee-proof warebnnosnn Hoboken side of river. . real WALES, WETMORE & CO., Aza - BHIPPIERB or przoOtrum:: 1.13 YULLEMS LAZIO, BMW 70.11 X; , Ample Wilke Gm' sTosaar. liariin I attheir yard sail * harf. 8o Spar. reAttf ctuar,plannurrox & Ni7a!rrit . 1 General Merchandise Brokersial 148 mum =sat Net lark AIaS, lab sorrrn is= EN. ranaeotts; CRUDE & minarmahmoiroz, CALIBTIO 130DA4 SODA ASH, BBINSTOIint, DRUGS, OILS, to., dz., Orders el bay or Ball promptly astemaad Co. T I L. MILLTIELds, damn, ua mama , EIT.,PHILADELPRIL mom a askixtri ptimorzum Ommadisioa itrimanty, ATI vicars st reatonable rater. _ - - - STORACII YOB . PSITHXD t cool oalla rt : - me BBUDX, under gaol duds. _ Particular atication paid Co OIL YOB Sox BLIDA ABE, &A: t 'ma:ly AT.T.7.1 & NEEDLES, . nradinzwilui: canagdios wribizurri; rutin:Jar situttka pail to amalgustiab Crude and Bailed Petroleum* Übara advanas sably : , , ENOS WOODWARD, (rte orwm.s. wootinulacii‘d GrEIMAI. amintanox Bpadal attantba gm to Melds thuds and Refined `PatrOlew m Rom iILONT 61SES* no. V. EEC= =AM " WOODVILLE OIL RUM= - GEO. W. HOLDSHIP"di CO., - :5f Iffaanfoctmera of IMEOXING OlLAthiLLantrthL; TING OLL. Beep ootodantlystr. band the story tint , •: , qtallty of DIIIININO om, clear and without motor; Wt., • good „ LIMRIOATOIti Soo WIMP • Pus• ZOLZ and OAR OISELSZ. • :- • • ; . ;;,1 ear au mini lets at sa.. as rsirit Bank Block; second nom. wOl boronzourmilemm•—• aqr ,. to. RQBIC4T !&1"'W01?.T11, awiBzczuzsem,=sl=my ' . •;-; Fmrtix!;ig &golturtUdonltemlaulxt ear umagirm, LIiIIRICATEM; 43 Rribt 'i - PITIIOLSIat OILS, kr-. =atm tV sa. hltad, tarsals laths Anent owl* ,OcaseguseuaMi TAITES firicr/N, u . of Vitr iol sad 0411 a Ordenlast JaceParterAda A OVel3l%cat.. oaf XABILIM AND inn ASTNIESB, liDwrisipt ettlistke. /.. - .1410 . • - - . •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers