dhwtit M ' MrT .l."'".'"isl "9oE;;l CITY AID BUBUBBLN Tian SANITARY FAIL Plea' Basing on 1t Ilinii...ftepert.. ant Addrest b the Executive Com mictee...eld tor y the Subsistence Com.. Soldiers , Home to be Es tablisbcd...Athircues by John 11. stlrepaisicis, Esq. Prot. S. J. WU= son, and T. J. Blitiam, Esq. On Saturday afternoon a large usemblage of citizens conceited in the vicinity of the Sanitary Fair Buildings, in the Diamond, Al -140•121,,to witness the raising of a fag ode Floral , Vali. AU the buildings have bees completed, and are now being decorated and Arranged for the , grand exhibition, which will !Men on Wednesday, June let. Flavin fin- I !shed the buildings for this patriotic , work, it Ina but fitting and proper that the glorious , emblems of oni nationality should be elevated Vint appropriate ceremonies. Alfiexecilantbrass band wee stationed aver I the entrance to Floral Hall, and a little to the ' east of this a stud had been erected for the gentlemen who were to deliver addresses. At three o'clock; F. It. Brunet, Esq., Chairman of the Executive Committee, announced Col - James B. Cooper an Pecaident vf the meeting. _ Col. J. B. Clark wan then introduced, and opened the ceremonies with prayer—invoking the blessing of Almighty. Pod upon thecae's is which our people were now. engaged. Col. elartrott the request- of Bit Erneot, , them mod the followlnstiunpertant paper from the Executive Committee : To Tin ,i7letaa. Hasa Queer's' 11.xectrrmt Coe:arras, or Tat , PITIZICZON 1115/14.LET Fool, MAT 2141, 1804. The successful result of um present effort in behalf of the sick and wounded eoldlers of the Union Army is now beyond a doubt, and :the Executive Committee of the Fair deem this a proper time to make a statement as to the Intended animal of the Fund pro duced, sad to tall upon every person who hes not already done so—for the sake of the canoe .• and for the hosier of the people, to came for eivard and join the honorable roll of contribu . tors. . • The, amounts of the Fair are being kept with itrict businessaconiney, and will be audited. by . a committee already appointed from among the best accountants of the city. Tka ! entire notproceeds will be paid to the Pittaburgh Sanitary Committee for the relief of slat and wounded soldiers. The Pittsburgh Sanitary Committee is com posed of twenty-one of the most respected . ranges Thomas Sakurai, Esq. being the President. There are also many "Associate Members," who have a voice and vote when ever they see proper to attend the meetings. There is also au active committee of ladies Who have transacted the badness of the de pot en Fourth street, including the details of oath:ming, peeking, cutting out and making up an Immense Taman, of stores, and whose Wintry and -devotedans to the cause is be yond praise. The Sanitary Committee, substantially, was the origin of the citizens of Pittsburgh in sending the two steamers, 11.4i114431 and Marengo, to the relief of the wounded at Pittsburgh Landing, in April, 1642, and es tabliehing and maintaining the hospital for those who were brought back en the boats. Whenever the occasion seemed to require, it bat sent physicians, nurses and committees to the armies. Is anticipation .6 the battle. before Etiehnoad, in June, 1482, hundreds of humane citinns from all parts of the country, hastened to the Fenian:de to aid the wound ed. The Committee sent twenty-fire lu pe= and nurses, with stores, when the ar my retreated, leaving the , wounded is the hands of th e enemy. Fourteen civilians only remained at the post of duty. Of these, one was an agent of the State of Michigan, one of New York, and twelve were citizen of Pittsburgh sent by this Committee. In /enemy, 1203, a the result of all the practical knowledge obtained by all its mem bers and agents, the Committee decided that mem good would be accomplished by the dis tribution of its Beanie chiefly through the National Apney—the UnnedStatos Ssnitary Commission—and to that end merged to alit as its spat for the collecting end traumas el= of stores in this city Bed surrounding country, but - maluteining also, the right attribute of a parents of the bounty entrusted se It in each local channels ai in tin judgment of the Committee accord with the object of the-United States fainitary CoMmiazion. The Pittsburgh linbaistsince Committee was one of the organthations named at the time. As an instant* et the exercise of this optima, eke Sanitary Committee sent to the beetle of flettyaborgle, some of tee can members and about twenty eurgoeus, many of whom did elliesient service in the line di their profes sion duties the week following the battle. Ti the same place, a large quantity of stereo use sent In sharp of a special agent, who on ar rival placed them In she hands of the United States Sanitary. Cemmiselon, as the surest mode by which to secure proper distribution. While reserving this degree of liberty in the exeraise of In functions, th# Committee has sputerally skipped its 'stores to he points de sigaated by the United States Sanitary Cow • minion; meet of them for the Cut you, have gene to the wester n army. The Comnuttee'has never sent money to the 11. S. Sanitary , Commission, and It is In- Nadel that the messy to be raised by the Jafralallbe expended as judiciously em pos tale by the Ccandttee, chiefly in.he. purchase Of such supplementary supplies as may be needed from time to time from this 'rectos by tier Wind States Sanitary Commissinn, and width will be aentareetly to the points where they am needed, to the agents of the Sanitary Commisdon. • The Hems Pm siek and wounded soldiers so admirably manage d by the. Subsistence Com minas inflate any', is a woik such as the U.S. Sanitary Ctraunission Is engaged in at many pence, and ths Pittsburgh Committee cannot imitate litany time to give wtuthever portion of the funds or SWISS in its judgment may be needed for thisaidect. The tilminittes has already prospeetively N appropulated 10 per ant. of the net proofed' erthe'llair to the Soldiers Home, and by anther resohttlon decided to reserve 25 per • emit for the fixture establiehment of a perma ' , • tat Mogul either for disabled soldiers, or for solemn' alphas, ; "provided that the mien des of war shall. not too pressingly require • ' said reservation to be expended for the relief of etekand wounded in the armies." The Executive Committee of the Fair and the • Ssaibrf Committee - . hare entire ten " Ideates in thaVnited States Sanitary Com mission. 11. operations meoonducted ! mcramitally,, and 'with. wonderful efficiency - lathe the It is IltriOnl de f. P erthe tmen a ts i min t hal systematised fer .rollef o thi a noble tastatallon worthy of te great people, and it snows tens ail—by our Ratio; countryby :ear dcayto the men ,who.are defending us in moat Utah ottr i ptaperty end out homear—by Owl sympathy or auffering-husaanity—byour • losgitepsfer swim end honorable peso-4nd tapes ail, by Our grstittule to the Divine - hither of good,: who blesses so many of us -With Wielded prosperity in the midst of the itstion's calamity, to labor with seal and con .Artlea.withsAberOlty cotareensawato tb the . sidles whieksppend to no. By order of eta Er.ecntive Committee, • , _ Froth B. Buser, Chairman. the 45.40 When tbeigsPurr tad been read, and:stasis . nal given from the stand, the gag wa. rue up ' s tiCts proud sad lofty position,amid the cheers _of the oleanders. As 110451 u siss • sag *sir . . aerated abort the. reef, a propitious braes* from the sonthweat aught its fells and 5L15. -1151111/ . 4b4113 14055 bseutifelly•—the band at the essne tine - striking up the,giand netball • ! sir, aTheltar !Nettled Banner." The sena ' •• • Ins emit impressive. and beautiful, and so haptritod the anemic: that , : three altars " 1 " , sPentaneously given. . - • - The Clusineen armoured, with regret, that 'Maas M. blershell, Esq.,who was to have bun immat,vras detaisedisi stablest , dialisaa ow am. xrmanriact. . Join 11. Eirbpstrick, Esq., was tatrottmed to iheaudienle. 110 addressed himself to the Marilee and geattemen, aad• all true friends of W . lag;;. and 401115111541454 d them, that Ay their labors of love and a wand anon, Width seemed to know Ito betimes but meets, they •hed se admirably completed - their ar magemeata for the coutteg Pair for the bene fit Of the defenders of our whole, ca; Mentertn; andour belayed country. IN ; mil dad to the great singularity of this day's proettiodiligs in the history of this nation. On SU blab of the new historic Papidau, a half sttlllaa damn, Die mama inight, a anithiell plume, and u common petit:ma:faith and deitiaj, might possibly be engaged In deadly Oak - of battle, as on Many a hard fought inairthey already_ had leen, tar. the 'lngle hit piemeatoes and fearfully abseebleg hum, • • • whether tidi fag 'of the free, Which en this , glad sprint day, amid the shouts of the in 61- W:obis smith, strains of patriot!e mate, bad *A the sisal bine sky from 'seder stuff, ahold wave over out:Seder ÷d people. ILettesidnot, and the , greet North, by their leriskissiprotligat expenditure af blood and traegorejitotad noilallova• that there acid WS , fogis;# POO Was 00 4 4• • Pliiofe.crandbost—the most heretoof any age or any week ago we buried a hero of thirty-two battles—Brigadier &mural Alexander Rays —a Pittsburgh,: and a Penney',autism, of whom this people and this natlen might well he prond. We wreathed his oolln with iei sterieffes, and draping It with the deg of kis biassed eonntry, whisk ke had fallen to de fend., illardnated by his almost dying words: "illy God and my country," with arms re varied Mad amidst the suppressed sobs of a multitude aid the dirge of martial mulls, we minded the hero to his last resting place. •In the glad snaskine of the earnest spring, with heaven's choleest and sweetest bastions fall. ing upon him, we laid him te rest, to sleep kis lest sleep, as a hero should be laid, 'With his martial cloak around him" Standing by the colltheed ul heroic dead, and thinking of innumerable others that had gone from no Dever, to again return to us ; of the r:loquent end salient Black, of Rippey, of Jaekson, of Childs, and Shannon, and Pationon, and Emmy, and Robinson, and the countless others eqoallyhrave ; every man of them • item, although not squally known, the speaker did not believe .that a eons. made sacred Ly tub head, could by any poselbility, in the providence of a just God, fail and come to naught. Ile exhorted the issemblap to renewed ef fort for the milder, living and dead. Living, by words of encouragement and hope and eympathy ; dying, by ministrations of affec tion and love to cheer him In the last great conflict ; and dead, by ti king to oar hearts their wives and families, teaching them and the nation and the world that the gratitude of tire mrpnblie lune bounds to all times who fall in behalf of her 'tan and her stripes, herinstitutions and her laws, The country, Continued thelnesker, eta live, and 'hall, In the good providence of a most wise, most hely, arid Just God, be "born again" to another, a newer and abet ter life. ,Porilled of Its great corm, it ;hail rise redeemed, regenerated and disenthralled. Its noble army ot, patriots and martyrs, who have fallen in this great struggle, are not to- day dead, but live ' , They never die who fall In • good came; The ground :my wok their gore; their bodice Fedd.a to the Me; their heeds may bout 04 cattle gates, and yeti their rpirtte Walt among, and will conduct the World to stamen at the belt" The great North has trilled and determined . mocrss to their cause, and it tan not and will not fall. They have given of the dew of their youth, the vigor of their manhood, and of the silvered 'energy of age, and they will again and again give, till the right prevail. True to their traditions, their history, and their instincts, they harnplutted deep In thigraves of their dead heroes the tree of liberty ;•they have watered It with their tears end blood ; and thus this tree shall grow and blouson until the oppresied of all lands skill rest un der its shadow, till its perfume shell All the world; and Da toms sUll be a healing to all nations. ?SOP. Incsoes Avsszen. 'Rey. S. .1. Wilson, Pastor of the Sixth Presbyterian church, was next Introdieed, and delivered a brief but apprepriatileaddrees. 'Mesa that God, In his providence, was 'edwating this tuition. Among other belong, be had taught as to give. Three years ago, and no appeal, however eloquent, °mild have realised gush immense swam la are now freely given. God had asked as for blood and tr. as. I tire, andse had give* both plenteously. God had touched our hearts and our syropethiu, and we were contributing llMnily of our mew to alleviate the sulferber of fathers, husbands, bretheri sad emu, whiled become rick end wounded In the set tle. Gild was also teaching a greatleuon Mother nations of the earth. When Pert Sumter was tired on, the aristocratic nations et Amite exclaimed : "The bubble of popular govern ment had burst." Baton. million of freemen I spans to their fast, In defense of popular government, and we bad proved this free na tion the stroogait en earth. Jed 'Davis laughed when Monty-11v* Mhinmand men were *ailed for In the North, u lie could not see. where they were to fume from, New seveotj five thousand men would net form one wing of our great army.. The ceremony this afternoon might he tym ,hollad. After theme 'aerial war the old fog goes up—and to stay. As it went ups pro• pitions brute caughtgit sail:waved It proudly aloft. Might not this be proplietio—mixbt not this flag, raised to-day, continue to wave until the Met armed rebel Is subdued ? The people ware Wm aid determined. It DOM airy soother army would be given; and still inother. Let us bete aothing of heart er hope, bat ding our flag to the breeze, with the motto: "God—Grant—Viotory." tADDZIA OF Mt. SIMIAN. .Thiman J. Dighton, Esq., was next intro duced. Ile reviewed, at some length, the cumin' whirl led to the war, and expressed the firm belief that God was directing the 0002111 of the nation. If victory bad parched upon out banners at 801 l Ban ; if the enemy bad been overcome daring the first sear of the war, would we then have been prepared for peace? This war an important question. Re believed the nation had not then been educated to a fall sense of the duds& de volving —upon it. Slavery, that great lzdtpaity,en amount of which we were now being chastened, would have remained to distract as. The people however, through rrrrrrrr to OW Armies, and the persistency and the:wickedness of the:enesalt # onkel:overt% meet, had been 'detested toe* high respon sibilities devolving ripen thew, and • slavery was at lout domed—lt twu new struggling in its death, &Koziol, and the end was drawing nigh. lie expreued azfaitermg faith its Ike ni. mete none, of the issue, become he know that God, and Justice andkit azaty war. en our side. tie concluded by appealing to the won and women of Ilta present day to, dim • charge all their duties with patriotic %blitz, en upon them were devolved the Mott moms*. tons isms ever committed to the hands of any people. The addrones were well relieved, and after Lim latter named gentleman had ooneluded his remarks the oxalises were anneunsed closed, and the assemblage &loaned; Open Lug of the Steinway Wardroom. Brom along anoint of tills important event in • Sew York paper, we extract as follow' We Audi say Roaring in praise of the quality of Aturrioin piano-fortes as exhibit ed to-day, for it feu been our province as journalists to record from time to time many great improvements made and patstied by our manufacturere, the remelt of Which has been to give their taxtrtuneato a world-wide reputation and obtain for them the kighut encomiums, from the first players, and judges of tear), now living. The foot that * • ' Steinway A Sons have an agency in London, where orders from various par's of the Brit lsh kingdom as well as from the continental clan are Oiled, L an evidence of the estbne den in which their work is held abroad. We believe this firm has also a first prise model I to show, obtained at the last Industrial Ex hibition in London. There is really no sted, then, to detail the excellencies of American instruments thin noirrionily acknowledged. It le noticeable that the boars of Steinway A. Sons his risen from obseurity to en, amt.' notice hitherto unequalled, preeleely ithin the period in which the country his made such astonishing musical Fromm, . Hindu yeirs ago they made their first piano. For tweet three yews past they have been mak ing-five grand mad fart, square pianos a week, besides eocasional upright it boadsir bubo moats. , Ut this"enormous avenge of 'about two thousand end four kindred plums a year dui net represent the demand furred epos them by one-half. It. Is simply imaginable to supply a greater camber of instrameats than theydo, for the sob reason that :good artisans aril act u plenty as hlsokberrlits• In their immense factor/ on fourth ave nue, red to whist' they have lately added a new wing abut As else of City 'Halt IN employed over fear tundra an at all times, ,had eight hundred pianos are constantly in Process of manefuture. hunt *um I'M bar Madrid extra hands, sad "they On doable their sales, and peitaps impute, in some measure, an inpatient army of wimid-he eautomen. Al a nutter of credit Id the ar- Sitio skill and businees LA of WU Win. gabbed firm, it le just to add CEO their ex ample in affording • penliarly tine tuba *ant, as well as their now is Creating their business, and their sal is premed's in more ways than one the bin./id of wit, witainlyhare contributed much toward the • rapid and : healthy propagation of mullesl solace in fhb land. They kevi been pleat. • are, se well as reapers, and denim their prosperity the more.' . Undeniably, the honorable sompetition of the Steinways and their speedy risesmpelled other sad old established cabers timely exertions, lest the wind shenid be tibia wholly out of their nib, and hence came Profit to the consumer of -harmony sad in crossedj luster to the fame of home-made planes. At Stewart's magrilicent warehouse stand abut indices of the passim for , derial . , 114- Itaartel by 092 lovely wives' and , dangriterei to the newly meted One passe on Sour- Meath Oust la at once a monument to `alt end a witness to its vitality, la the puppet born of mations: • It Is to entemplation with the *slim "at. upon a WS, lot adjoin: lag their' warereoms, • concert Atoll fir the use of readout- artiste.i Already- though o'F' mots& but a few. eske,.ksa their Ortahlisir; .meat Deemer a Isablenalds 'saltsend the nntsbeEtineberig'S...nnd news:OPOW - Ct 110 Arrival of the Eighth Pe:amply=la Regiment At ten 'o'clock tart night the Eighth Tiagi meat of Pennsylvania litsseaves, whose term of ealistment hu expired, "arrived In this city. A large concourse of citizens anem bled at the railroad depot :to bid them wel come. The regiment was formed and march ed to City Hall, preceded by din Greet West ern Band, where a Ana entertainment was provided for them. After 'supper, Mayer Lowrie made the reception speech, which wee responded to by Col. Bailey. Major Gallop, au old Pittsburgher, was then called upon nod responded la a neat and graceful speech. The regiment was then marched to the 11. I. Barracks, on Pint street, where it will .be quartered anti' mustered out of the service. The reception of the Eighth was all that could be desired. Thousands of our clams wen at the depot to lid welcome to the vete rans. The regiment has been one of the molt effective sent out by the State. When the regiment left this city Vireo yeah ago they numbered over one thousand, end returned with two-- hundred and forty men. They will be mustered out of service on Tues day next. • Fatal Accldent»..Caranar,a inquest. On Saturday *venlig a *trainer called at Charles Balletatter's saloon, on Wood street, near Liberty, and asked for lodging. The landlord stated that .he was not pre pared to reCelill lodgers but would en dow:Or to accommodate him. What the house was closed, the stranger and the her-keeper retired to bed in s third story MOM, and -yesterday morning the stranger was 'found dead In the yerd attached to the house. The Coroner was Bent for, and en in vestigation of the case made. The bar keeper stated that be went to sleep immediately after retiring, and did not waken until morning, when he mined the stranger from the room. Sitar examining a ntunber, of witnesses, the jury came to the conolosion that the deceased had risen from his bed during the night, and not being soinattfted with the locality of the bowie, accidentally fell oat of the window. The Coroner was =able: to aseetain the name of the deceased, as be bad no letter or papers about his person. In his pockets were found' a dollar-bill end a small amount of I c p:str in cLu;s ey n currency. I. g ll e Informed tu :L oii landlord . nod, sr. intended to go to. Philadelphia. Twentr•Ttilrd 'District. The net deficiency is this district, accord ing to the credits of all kinds reported from heed quarters to the Board of Enrollment, to 44f ; but there may be ether credit' not yet reported. The eggrogate delciesey et the sub , districts te considerably greater than 449, there being many that have more mon credited to them than ere ' needed te 11l their eimetas. The Beard will publish an exhibit of the state of each sub-distriot as icon as the questions of =edits can be settled. It le DO yet tally determined Whether deficient eab ,, district will be required to furnish the fall &Meant of Its quota, or only its proportional share of the above meatiened delebeney of 449,1 ming the not deficiency ot I eha whole distiie‘ Should the latter course be adopted, an account will he opened with the moral sub-districts, barging those defi cient with the number of men they now owe; and creditiag them with the number that shell-be drawn; and crediting such as may have a surplus with the amount ef mole plus, tektite charges and • credit. will be ad justed In the assignment of quotas M the seat draft. The draft will be made as seen as the credits can be arranged. The Courts. IC(ll4.yarted calamity ft?r the Gasetta) Disfiricr Cotart.—Today this Court will take up theatres itudleposed of In Its preseat Argument end lioulty Meta, Comma Pluari.—Tkle Court will, to- day, take up the following t lift: 1. J D 1101 vs dumb 111 McDonald. Rule tar Judgment. it. Alm Nallt vi J 11 Salo". Motion for new D. ?Arai Barry Ti Jaa Barri • /a J ohn Gaanst la D. If Guand. 10-dlvorra L John Gramma •a Gala/too Graham. to of 6. nry.Cnym n Ohm Dah O•nlorat T. Wm Wllvir et 61. !giant Unman, Al • %lon for new trial. S. J Crawford rot nee H Harebell. Eassreed Question°. O. •Ilaghens, Coasts vs J Blactreste et id. He served lavertions. 10. Prurater and wife vs Cr-serfs:4 and wife. sale far an attachment. . 11. C E Respect we Ju Cr!,..l &served Quo.- Nous. 12. T 8 Oluablo Thos Collins. Motion for 1111 lk lemorbsch sal .i 1 TS J noodorlsou et al. It anal Qutotious. 15. Johnston, Uttar ICo vs Chu E Cook. Ru to Missive uttucholast. ' rT7Ntilltri.:CoG.:onlotTVilltroodi."ll - to apootal roman. Row Col. Hanebright was Wounded. A dispatch from Colonel Husbright, of the 79th Pennsylvania Reg'.Meat, dated Nashville Hospital, near Tunnel 14 Georgia, May 11, says: "I eiu struck lethe. side by a piece of shell, on Monday afternoon, soon after ad lancing on the enemy. My injuries are slight, and I have reason to be thankful for the escape from instant death. The force of the piece mast bye bun broken by the limbs of the trees and - ashes; u the gun was quite (dose to where I was• struck. My side is bruised eonaiderably, and one rih blokes, but this will soon mend, and I exposit to be with the regiment in a few days. This happened at the sane place we parted with the robs about two month; sloce,and where my friend Miholotsy was killed, Iluisszd'a Roost." The Inauguration of the Fair—Latter from Gov. Curthr. Mr. Brunet, Chairman of the Executive Committee of GM Bonita:7 Fair, has received the following letter from Governor Curtin, in maim:tie to a latter inviting him t• attend the opening of our Falr,aad deliver the inaugural • address : Maannauao, Pa. 39th May, 1964. My dear Bir—itateemis; it an honer not to be rejected, X. will be most happy to take the part in the ceremonies of the °pearls of the Pittsburgh Sanitary Fair to which you invite me in your letter of the 19th May halt, Very respectfully your ob't ev't, A. G. Creme. To Felix B. Brunet, Esq. Fiore Evergreens Wanted for the Fair. Notwithstanding arrangements have been made to get a large +math, of evergreens daily from the Allegheny mountains until the Fair opens, mote are Doodad, and farmern con venient to tits city are solicited to bring in wagon loads of hemlock and iligarsat varie ties of pines as early this wash as possible. They can be unloaded at Floral or Audience Hall, where there will be some one ready to moire thorn at all times. Market men com ing to either city during the wash, could pie tureitin,l7 top Ott their loads w.th hemlock and pine branches, and Isave.them at the Fat Buildings. We hops that farmers, market mon and others living whore then evergreens are to be found; wpi.oot overlook this sloth*. Duns or • liormrsa.--15Mos Totingostnem ber of company Z,102d Pennrylvaals 'Bee mut, who was wounded la one of the late Mails, in the Army of the Potomlo, died Mr Wuhingten Olty on Thursday last. Ills body wu brought to this city yesterday for Min. mint. Mr. Yung was • mamba of the Jeotamis Independent Blues doling the Ides- Man war, and gamed daring that campaign. EN leaves a *Maud family. Dazes or Loot Ornins,—Sierce Brennan, an old and wall known citizen, who fer auto, years acted so an cfSces of tha Court of Quar ter Semitone, died at kis residence in Um Sixth Mud, on Saistday. Salvador &locust, who for a long torte et years kept • hotel la the Birth Ward, also be on Saturday. The fa, nisei notices will be found elsewhere. Ceasnortot..-In tier Wt of "dons lons aelraewledged" by the Treasurer of the Baal. tiny Pair, as pablished en ilaturday starting, H Bennie or lif . Logan 11 Gregg and It • /We k Getty were transposed, mad Ms amount given by the Termer was credited I. the latter. It should be Logan b Gregg, $500,00 1 flay . k Getty. $110,00;" DVITIZT 0., Hear's Dire•Woll.--Captidu Riddle will accept • tow more good sent° fin up the third Battery of Ksap's .101 day Batten ti 's. Ile Intea mustaring in thil of. tarnobn at 2 eulock, and adverthee • call In another colufatt, alifinu all members to report at headqnartete die afternoon, at 1 o'clock. TIM IKROIiIIII2 FOR ARIZ.-WO us Indebt ed to J. W. Prrroot, opposite the Pest 001 es, of Wood street, for early copies of Bridles' Lady's Book and the Atlantic, Monthly for Ante.: They are both splendid numbers—the utter bektstaneh abori the map. DANNISIV;COVIIMOTI P , Mo;, depot of the: Irsaborry and Merriookok EMI BOA In • was entered Iset by repealing o, paid in the door., no , rare :vat Wows apex and *raked of shoot sin Attiortio ifiAliltts434:Pitto*fisWaoP. gm for Jai is. wady at. /Ink . . h; „ - „ ,„ Letter from Zap Mates. - - : Beerivecte, Xa7lB, 110, Orritatnnt It It only a day or tato since I had the honor of ntaalsing year printed denial . Is rela tion to lb* opprncning Pittsborgh Dataltat7 Fair, for the sick and wounded Soldiers, containing the names of the committee and a list of honorary mm- ben, In lb. bettor of which I am much gratified Jo Ind my mule included. For this mail nttanticn I tender the be thankful acknowledgments. This might be onfildent, but when I ton t, the mancm portion of your note, !Spied In the at:do g-mph of each of you, my hospreulou of pier good mu, csil for a more special notico In my repij. Tour language stir. up emotions of • Marl not jet so much blunted by feebleness end an age _hit iditkto lOb - firm yeero, bringing me into the tort period of and finding me .tilt in the midst of the aim generous people, by whom oo may acts of great kb:ideas, contribilting to my happiness, have been thrown rima me ; and now but yesterday followed y e t our mu once of coal ience bi and good will, e 1 cantiOt arrest my Inclination as press, sparingly, anti:mots connected with the noble end generous undertaking into watch the, men and women of our land have thrown thsir full burp of benevolence in aid of the came of tho . g•Ltanraol- Mem of mar country. To, I tame =ewe Joist en thusiastic compardOu ; nay, your guide and lraor In the holy work of charity. whose/wart ramie coma to throb, nor bee fair hand to rest from Ira labor, 'lnuit- Imting Pam every source and garnering Atm al:brood health and relief for the huntshed and diubliel sol dier. Abe tenet clod in armor, Join tho '•randtand filo" end rub Into the row and tumult of Alte battle, bat are timers arrund and watches Ik. borders of ilia fluid of carnage Waned net with the Instranunt of datb, bat with thohealing relief,nue !aeons of alloviation carried from toe warehoue of year Sanitary F•le. She koala upon the ground, molotened with the blood of the mediate patriot, and if the moment of cure be put, and the °balsam wenod cast the dub ,blow of dekth upon his pal o and wanted features, a bright mit Romero and the darklino mellowsaway, for she sdmialst en to kim the unsolation, bo oof reward to be rotund in It o gold, Sot where n. ' battlin, but where peace and forglvenwo are found. A. on American," must he dead to the honor of my country,ml a Magner from my .worn fidelity tolls conothntlon—with my unimpaired atter doteetation of ttoceuton and tts treasonable offering, were I not highly excitid by the noble efforts to which 1 allude, nod did I no mcompuis you by day a• d by night far your foil end consummated summon Lint, alas t how mot euful to It tome th the cir- CU/I/Stantee to which I ham referred iende• me unfit to Jolri IWin• active and pr. ctica partlcipeo ion with yon In your try nod various plane to gain the .e n d of you. purodt for the benefit of the tick and wounded soldiers. inn the holy Ctiwituw Tkein7o ;mato raring and .'esionel to stand On a .pet, once to my boyhood eye tamn mid only occulonally oupled by a foe whose tomahawk waii Moment and harmbro, compared witn the ow rd of the Southern &bol o may, vial Its various end It:delimiting collection, pass away with whichg to tue the satisfaction/A • sight of objects Aid. tke coming time. t r long bold la re reembranco• The gen.( and gladiola advance of the army of the ?atom.a may giro you mom wok, and Cell for increased acuity In youriaftwetant and intemithig ',Up:Loin:cut or the war;" but your 'Alma will be aceompanial and shared by victoria tad the down fall of tont anoguit and crintbaal toot d hums of stony of the chief author. of the disasters of the coun•ry. Their prepottiormily ailed 'tamed soil of Virginia, - may now with great propriety In the ratans hear that luguago ; for it ts sow a ...oil" ren dered •Niscrsd" by the glorious victoria of a pearl. mic and loyal army. Those victories proclaim peace, notoompromiu nod dutardly concession, Its true and legitimate meaning. With high *alum, your Mend and obliged citisen Wit WitLikil ToWears. Dominec, Teech, Funtavat, Jacribas, William and Barker. 19•XITXST Fox Lemmas —We would remind our readers that the second leotum of the "Sanitary Fair Committee" will ,be de- . livered In Lafayette Hall or to-morrow (Tuesday) evening by Mr. John Bakewell. dubjsot—" Contrasted Laker—Katrina Co mo Lueeme aid Genesaareth." The subject furnishes h laid for most Jute] (sang study, and, is a historical point of Vial!, is auseepti• Lie of being presented In a way that must charm every hearer. Mr. BtOlfidip as a ripe classical scholar, possess g a highly cultivated taste for "the beautiful," is amply qualified to develop. the extreme interest of his attractive subject. SILLZD ON TIN PnwnSilvana RAILROAD.— A man wan killed on the Pennsylvania Rail road, near Swissvale, on Saturday. Coroner McClung was not for, and bald an inquest on the body yesterday afternoon. W. were unable to learn the partictibun at the acci dent. DltD —Capt. Therese S. Hirkbridt,2l,..Co. It, 1112 d Penneylyenia 'Regiment, wins was wounded during the 11 days' battle at the Wilderness, died is the hospital, at Freder icksburg, on 'friday last. Ilia body will be embalmed end brought Dome for Interment. Azusa or . Picarocirrr.—On Saturday af terheon a noted pickpocket, named Usury Arnold, was arrested In the Allegheny Dia mond while attempting to Oak the poottl of Mr. Matthew Sloan. Mayon' Alexander com mitted him to jail for ninety days. SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICE'S Twain Pawr, Plain . end Ornamental Slats Roofer, and dealer ielennryirania and Ver sion' slate of the hest quality at low rates Ohm et Alex. Laughlin's, near the Water Worts, Pittsburgh, Pa. 6reow. Norms.—The attention of ocr reader. to directed to the•brilliant assortment of Bprlag and Summer Goods put received by OW friand lir. John Water, No. 126 Pod seal street, Allegheny. lII' stock comprises a great variety of raze 7 French, Englieh, 6r.otak and American Cassimeret sad Cloths, and One Bilk and Camtmore Vostings,--101 of which will be made up to order In the latest 'Wes and In at best mennat. A cholas se- Illation of Furnishing Goods also on bond sod for sale, together with a hill stook of Ready Made atothins. well ead fkobloaribly made. Itanoven..--Elantuel Graham ar Co., Mar shwa Tailors, have removed to 73 Smithfield stmt. We ere just receiving our aimed npply of spring and seminar pods, and would most respectfully invite our friends and the public in general to examine our new sleek, bettering it to be one of the finest stocks of merchant base goods in the city. livery garment warranted to give full lade faction, In both price and quality. Give to call before purchasing elsewhere and judge Ifsr yonrielvel. k McCointsos, Merchant Tailors, Ifs. T 3 Smithfield street. throw' ma us roontsa.—For tie who bes from the 'Mots of the heist, ten perith from damp and exposure to night air. email dome of ELOLLOWAY'S PILL% taken every other night will correct all disordore of the Liver and tumuli, purify the blood, Mid la- IIEtIttOLUSCL Milth b ewer Mgt. ilelleway'l Pills and Ointment me now re tailed, owing to the high price of &Us, koo at OS mute, tMI cents and 51 10 per bon or pot for silo to -Pittsburgh by B. Paha*. steak aid Co. Put mile at Polton's drag atom, lifth street, Pittsburgh. Tor salt also by Geo. A. Tay, radical street Allegheny atty. Ici Oasan awn Bons chearfally glom my thanks to the publle generally for their kind patronage In thus past; and fur their comfort and benefit I have fitted Up the finest and moat comfortable saloon and 110 n. featlonary, where Isft he glad:to acoammo• data all *IA tbm,bast of averythlng In toy lite, at Bnand Oylederal 'treat, Allegheny. BOLDISAS and °Maori in the army, being exposed to sadden changes, should always be supplied with "Brown's litouthial Troches,". as they glee prompt relief in •► cold, cough or an Initstad sore throst. Per sale by dr:wrists generally. De. Manure, Dentist, N. 10 .ifsmxth street, between Smithfield and Grant. No imbuement+ held inn by offering low riolll4 bit an equitable fee will be °barged In wary ems, for the beet materials will be Ind, mad all the elms and skill mousempe tarePerllSlMlSirfiltik Ault applled fathem Oran= and oarrfage cells wUI b Wan it tha Omaibea dies, No. 410 Pam slams, /ay or Wahl- All ardor, lop at the above place will be promptly atteadrd to. All tills toast be paid la advanoe. • Oen Pseeoomeres of the Ista Gen. Imus eta be bad at Plitosiee, appetite the , Poit , Ocoee. Jonas M. GAMS,. Attune . , at les. Griot Mist. slat" 0, Omni Dentist, AI Pau street, WM I tend to aid byline= et di professios: DIED: Int-rday, Iffy fact Sr. PIIOI.OII aka alf ail, apo 76 yaw. Teo frantic of no Wally an rogoostaa to Wand Ma funeral can nar,ll3l tatt.; at ans o'clock, l m.„, fganthla lots accidence, 110. retard stead. Finn 41011119--099iltlrea1, Illa 7 ft, Mr, tlai,:yit/Oli IbutlUal, sign 05 jaaro. no relative. aid Minas of no Wady on ts. apatfally Incited to stand hap fisaltral watt arras- iota at two o'clock, from hla iota iodine*, neva of lomat sal Attati Want Srmorte..-es tawdry mental, Nay .. tlat, Muni dattattan of llama Incaott, fa tko 15th 7av other or. Tho fund will 'Ono plAco co Moron, A, 211 liuf.. id &clack 17; mt rent lb. ffoldlan weber falba, in day din, sear lionetotron, Ansitora City. lin flint elite war era xpro: 111 . 'ion to Oilool. 5141=11111-0a latafAaßf la -th nal Sinop Olaf. id in 9 &aka), lam. at No WolLlacao e inal=clll/111.LTAitalt f3Llfolllllll, ta IN Hottn'of Marla fn Menet Pt9a* " r • Wan, If. 74 llaint93l9l; nL WKS' 49TrtalfilbOl Snag . • THE LATESTNEWS BY TELEMPII. OUR 'SPEDIAL •DISPATOHES. GRANT. MPORTANT CHANGE OF POSITION. THE WHOLE ARMY.IN MOTION!! RESULT OF THURSDAY'S BATTLE. The Cause of EwelN Failure to Tutu Our Bight, SHERIDAN ON ANOTHER RAID!! Special Dispatch to tko Pittsburgh .oastotts. WABBIIIOIOI I , May 22,1864 A rebel lieutenant, who denerted and came nto oar lime' on Friday, stated to one of one correspondents at the front that Ewell attrib utes his failure to tarn our right, on Thursday night, to the conduct of a Colonel who moved hi. regiment too far iota our lines, thus dis closing the movertient,too soon; that Lee's army numbered 90,000 before the battles of the Wi'darnels, and hat lost from 25,000 to 30,000 in killed, wounded and missing, and hu been reirgurced by three brigades since his occupation of Spot:l34,lml. Court Ileums. Last Monday Lee Issued" general order, which was rsal along the litres, stating that Brecklarldfie had defeated Sigel and captured many,prisoneu ai d an entire train in the Shenandost Valley. nodal= that the rebels bare captured six thonsuld.prisoners, besides the weernded. He also claims that ke has plenty of ptorisions and that there had' beei no scarcity. The railroad trots Acquit Creek to Fred ericksburg it eipaited to be In running order next Tuesday. Transyorrn •ere expected at Fredericks berg yesterday, to. remove the dangerously wounded by pater to Washington. New Tou, May 22.—A Port Monroe du pateb of tday.2oth to the ftenzki, states that squats of rebel prisoners continuo to arrive In a dilapidated oondition, who express hopes that the campaign wilt be concluded soon to prevent their exchange. Gen. Sheridan's faro* be. left Hakes Landing, and Will soon be heard from. A Herald correspondence nearSpottsylvanis ander date of May 2 lit, B A. if., says that our troops Were moving all night to a new position. • Thts morning general headquarters were broken up and_nearly the whole army is In motion. Pre:duly where our emit halting place will be, time will alone determine. The general impression is that we shall have bard' fighting immediately. Another coryesPondest says of the fight on Thursday tight, in widish the raw cavalry and ' artillery acted so handsomely, our lose was but half the numPer originally stated. A rebel deserter gays their , loss wee double ours, end represents the enemy as very much chagrined at their failure to turn our right. The r Ina Corps now occupy a position in advance of two limes of works held by the enemy a few days since, and our progress, slow, is sure and steady. Trains were running to Oninney's Station during last *sok. Gin. Meade bas timed an order oomph' meeting Gee. Tyler's division and General Kitoban's brigade for their gallantry In the action of flit:Today, There wee no lighting after Thursday. Wrautserrow, May 21 —A dispatch from the headquarters of the army of the Potomac, dated to-day ssye Nothing of importance occurred yesterday. The wounded from the fight of Thursday afternoon, were rent to Fredericksburg during the day. Oar lees war much heavier than Ant znp posed—abont 11i0r0111 hundred. Over one thousand of whom were met to Washington. A large situ:fiber of "roundeb rebels were brought into our hospital., and oared for, some of whom afterwa• ds died. The rebel loss is estimated at twelve hun dred killed and wounded, besides about four hundred and Atty windier', who were sent to Washington last night. Sixty citizens of Poslerioksburg have been arrested and will be sent to Washington to to be held a hostages fr the slaty of our wounded men taken by them, ant o•nvsyed to Richmond. Rebel prisoners routine• to be brought in. About twenty-Ace bare been captured sine, lastnight. They give gloving &coolants of the Confederacy, and say that General Lee is certala of Anal victory. New Tots, May 21.—A Pest special, from Weabiegton 21 says: Private advice' from the army of the Potomac confirm previous Stitt.- ' menu that 'Lee's army is •mailer than was estimated, having been greatly reduciod by the recent haulm. .ECRETIEY STANTON'S BULLETIN Affairs In the Departments of Sherman, Banks and Butler. MPORTANT MOVEMENT BY GRANT The Hebei: Hastening' South Wart Dsrurrancr, WASZINGTOII, May 22, 10 p. m.—fo Moja,. General Dic :—On Briday evening General Grant commenced a move ment for the purpose of compelling Lee to abandon tits position at Spottsylvania—the details of snitch, for obvious reasons, shocild not be made public. Itllias tbas,fer progressed ectecessfally. Lonptreoe. corps started south at 1 o'clock en Friday night, an hour and a half after Maneeek moved. Beelt's corps followed Looptreet list night. The indleations are that the rebel army has fallen back beyond the North Anna. Hoke's brigade has Joined Lee. The movement of Gen. Grant has thus far been accomplished without any severe engagegaent or serious Interruption. We now coon* Outline, S - Ilan, Milford Station, and south of the Mat tapony enithat line, A dispatch was resolved this morning from Osf. Canby, dated May lath, at the mouth of Bed Itiver,which says: We have}limers to-day from rebel sources that all thatunbests except two succeeded In getting ;over the falls at Alexandria on the day mentioned In General Daub' dlipatplw. No dispostotta hare best received to-der from te Ben: Bailer. A dispatch from Kingston, Ga., states tut Gen. Shorelines toms are rating end is. plenisbing their supplies. [elgnedl E. M. STISTOS. WMlll7lO'Ol4 Bley 11, 0.10 p. m.-112 armed Miik—Dhpatolise from General Sher. the eta(' that our fortes found in 1101111 a good dial of provisions, seven One iron wake soil lie machine shoos. We bare is. cured two good bridprand an "salient ford soma the Etowah. The esti ant now arriving at Kingston, ;with atoms, and two dos would be givealo replenish and It up. _- A displitah jat reosived from Gen. Danes, dated at Alesendrisi May e, states that the dam will be completed to , morrow, May e, 1 tad if the gunboats relieved Mrs •he would then more immediately for tba Mississippi. Gen. Caeby WM at the mouth of Bad River on Ility lei collecting forces to slat lienks if necessery. A dispatch from Gin . Butler dated Mai 10, tact night, reports that he had - beenSOO, all i the enemy - endeavoring to oleo in on our tines. We ban alveoli' the rebel Gen. Walker, of the Tem-troops.' 1 : (1111110,1.) E. if. ETASTOI3, Sonitsty pommludnii livi You, May"2o—",The 1000 jai Of Cal;oontribUted to the Sanitary emits. sice,by peolte;mmstr,olloodoe,thettelsht open which wit paid Jiimss hiellsery; 01 the some pleas salved this motales..All2l4o. wants ate We* made to sell the sem et pub. Ile seetle4 ei.Tgesday. •r. ; - • ; Explielotl•eSevethl- Perini NOW. Demon; hre:iliA..-Ths propillte line es. pleded: elle marlins "Ws Lying at the dock. 1311 i pains ittlawou to bokillokatulotbiel are appeeett.t4be,- ,, Thi beet4eset?) 1411, ., Trocksad,ou!t 1 4 t BANKS OUR GUNBOATS OVER THE FALLS ndria Evacuated by Oar Troops. HOSPITA L STE AMERS Fl RED UPON Slaughter of Troops on the City Belle DELEGATES TO THE BALTIMORE CONVENTION Bad. Feeling Betvreea tha rev:kali and Native PLealdeuto at riatamarae. Wasnuorow, May 22.--Sixty hostages who were arrested in Fredericksburg, arrived to the city this morning and were committed to the Old Capitol Filson. The following dispatch has been received by the Nary Department: Iloa. Gideon Vella, Secretary of Rey : I have just received a letter from LiOntol3l.Dt Commander B dead at Month of Black River, May 18. Be writes as follows: This morning, a bearer of dispatches from Gen, Banks, arrived at Fort de Bussey, who says that when be left one gunboat was com ing over the falls, and it 11111 currently be lieved that all' would get over.. Be knew nothing more. I have information from a reliable. source thus the dun hes been oom• plated, and we may soon expeot to hear that all the iron clads are over. Cam, 22-10 p. in—Admiral Porter's flag ship its arrived at Mound City, and reports ' the entire fleet ant of fled river, the dam haring'reached a 'efficient heighten the 13th to suable them to move. An extensive cone egration recently occur red at Natobesecomuming several blocks of ' the moat princely balding,. Itis_ supposed to be the work of an incendiary. The steamer Mollie Able, No. 17, arrived this evening with the 17th and 28th Illinois Infantry on board, en runts for Springfield., The 2lith have re.enhate& The 17th are to! be mustered out. Qur forces evacuated Alexandria last week and moved towards Bellspert. The ofacirs of the steamer Laurel Hill, which had arrived at New Orleans, stets that they ditinctly heard heavy'eannonading from the direction ear forms bad taken. The fleet was much 'labored, fa pairing out, by guerrillas, who lined the banks bowman Alezandrie and Fort De Ramey. : A portion of Alexandria was burning when the Laurel Hill left. This steamer had 200 slok on board, and while flying hospital flags was fired into ten miles below Alexendria. No injury resulted.. Gen. McOlernand, who was seriotmly ill, was on board. Cot. Mott, of the 149th - Ohio, and many other officeri of rank, were killed, and the greater part of oar troops slaughtered, of which there wire floe hundred on board of the steamer City - -13.11, at the time she was captured and burned by the rebels, thirty miles below Alexandria, in the early part of the month. Fourteen delegates, to represent Louisiana in the Baltimore Convention ' were elected by the Bram Convention ea the 16th. The Delea says the action of the convention was has monlotis, every member endorsing the general policy of the civil and military administra tion,also heartily approving of the military sedy!! career et Gen. Banks and the policy inaugaraled by, GOT. Hahn,as tending to put ting! down the rebellion and restoring the Union. The steamship Casandra, from Boston, had arrived with 3113 men of the 30th Massechu setts and 94 recruits for various other com mands. • Late intelligence from Matamoros repre sent things in a very unsettled state, and a bad feeling existing between the native, and French residence, which bad ripened into an setual outbreak. Gen. Cortemas and staff, while riding through the streets, ware insulted by Frenchman. A general panel aimed,. and Weapons were drawn and freely used by both parties. Carton's' Adjutant General, during the melee, shot one Frenchman dead. and another was disabled and enbrequently executed the next day by Corteaas- Much excitement prevailed and many French residents were lowing the city. All was quiet in the dote Ity of Brazos. Judge. Hancock, one of I.2ez meet prominent 17410 t man of 'Bizza, bee escaped from re. baldom and arrived at Brownsville, accom panied by about 20 others. Si era Retreat—The Rebel Losses Rebel Daft Works Destroyed-- Successfal Expedition—The Teri- Forty Loan—lsebel Hostages. WMIIIINOTON ' May 22.—The Richmond po per • of the 19th Init., claim a great victory over Sigel at New Market, and say they would have captured his army had it not been for our cavalry. According to their ao. counts, Sigel ran twenty miler without stop ping, abandoning his hospitals and burning his trains, la. These papers state their tomes at 20,000 in the battles with the Army of the Potomac, hut claim a victory every time. They acknowledge losing twenty guns, but are silent as to the number of prisoners. The. Navy DepartMent has received • erimmualeation from the United Stec. bark Ethan Allen, blockading off Murrell's Inlet, S. 0., repquitig the destruction of valuable salt works,ethe information being given them by contrabands ef the locality of the works, which were at • place called Cane Pitch, 15 =Rash= the inlet. Cpou reaching the works an Knurl crew was sent ashore who succeeded in destroying them and burning the building. Extensive arrangements had been made for extending the works to double their sloe. .A communication has been received from the Pawnee, which lays that en expedition was lent up the St. Johns river, Florida, under command of General Ralzey, and had bun very sueceesful, they did not however meet the enemy sup posed to have OfOltea at Port Tates, to tb• eut side of the St. John. One thousand hei of cattle, some hones and other valuable property were raptured. The expedition bad not returned to Jeckionville al last ad vices, bet was expeoted seen to do se by way of St. Augustine. Eight hundred more wounded arrived here this morning. The subscriptions reported to the Treasury Department to the 111:40 loan for the tut reek amounted to $5,800.000. The total ',A scriptions to data are $54,000,000. . The appoint:rout of Gen. Ranter, to the oemutand of the department of Western Virginia, gives much satisfaction here. It is now expected that the new tariff will be reported to the House, by the Ways and Mean, Committee , on Monday. A proposition (or the final adjournment of &tigress will soon be mode, Axing the day on the 25th of June next. European Intelligence. Nay You, May 23.—The 'tamer Alllllll. can, from Southampton, Me i 11, arrived this morning. The following item& were not re paired liyittle 'dela' by the Pa ulen: In the House of, Lords Eat Russel stated Ault the Conformal, had agreed to * minen sion et boatilitlea for a month from the 12th, on-condition that the blockade of the German porta 'bald be rased, , Bailment adjourn - radii. 13th. The Beak of Prance' has raised its rate of discount to 8 per sat. In the moat naval engagement the Ans alai were Maly beaten. One frigate wa in lama The Dattecanobered behind Sand Island Dila& Sweeda end Norwegian war vase% which assembledosa_m I sth, - olf Gat **abort, under Pace OIOLT. Garibaldi arrived at Capra on the 9th. The Data naval &nacos') and the aura sion of hostilities was rewind to - Loudon with animation: Consols phased to 9I , The Austrians Pillaged liaison, Vander', !did other plugs >a 7a d. • Congressional. Vasansoron lisp 21,1604. eaturs.-11r. Line, of lioness, presented the; credentials of Plshbatk, Senator sleet from Arkansas, in .plaea of &bastion. Mr. Connell moved t hat the orestatials bo ro. )forged so the Committee en Judiciary. On MAMA of Mr. LIMO. of Emu, the consideration of the motto'. of Mr. Counts wu postponsd until Mtnday. • . • The Senate, in' executive session to-day, alarmed this nombostion of Col. Suonel Car roll, of the Eighth Oldo-Voinntears, and Cap. ;fain of -the' Tenth :Vatted States Infantr3r, to be Brigodler General, for pliant and 41s- Copts/lid senleein the *lOl os7 o battler in the Wilderness and Spottsylronlo C. 11. Ho is Iloyer•II , and perhaps mortally, wounded. James Taylor, of Msr/Lind,hu bean appoint ed 'pedal agent at large of the Post Olio* Dopartmeatplies of Jana Walbrook, de- The d. The Paella Pailroadblll Ens takan ar and debated upon,stioneth. , The Pirot• - - „- - - You, Kay 21,41 a rebel Windom irlodds. riU.4 ftom .Benaudi4itin .Utlibuttitocraltioadorinad probably km' In thao Oa*: of Azottiesok Tiot,l)l, - ; toy Newlott sid Wimp& . - Ell=2ll a`oia Epeeist Dhpsteh to the Mattigla Cluatte, waarrocrros, M►J 21,1264. sitserra The Senate eonfinned..tint following: Col. &maid 8. Carroll, iitts'Oidti,suild Cant 10th tf 8. Infantry, Brig: Genera, reecm mandod for MI gallantry ant distingriished services in the riled bye bailie in the Wil. dernems and at B pothulvanla Cotiat inns*. He is severely and It Is fesredmornelly !rounded. Wm. H. Waterman, of Wisconsin, Enpotin tendons of Indian Affairs, for Vaihington Territory, vice John C. MoGsdon, decline& In== The cool asinamptlon involved la Claiming n neat In the United States Sersate,:frons the State of Arkansas, was , to—Jay pplap& Senator Jim Lane, of Sakti's, being the fitting spokesman for the -olaimakt. NO PlOlllllO There hes been no fighting in . the front since the defeat of the' rebel attempts on Thursday to cot our ooncrotralcationa with Fredericksburg. The Bogus Proelamatlail7-Iteleate of Telegraph Operators. New Yana, Me 21.-Another Brooklyn reporter, named J. A. Mattson, hes been ar rested in conneation with the authorisation of the beg= proaLsmation. Ile was ezeplojed as a WilliemebergraPortat. for VAriata papers.He is charged with writing -- ,ln Snanifold the copies of the pretended proelsmation which Coward bad drawn. It-is alleged that he cawed a draft of the proolsmatioeXtoMHowart, wall &request to see that. Golden weredellter ed at the newspaper office) In via city. • - New Your, May,: 21.—The telegraPh operators of sae-Independent Line , who wet sent to sort Lafayette to Wednesday night, were this morning taken frordsttoc fort te • +apparel Dix'. Headquarters, and ensmitted, when affidavit& were made by theta to the effect, that they knew -nothing of the forged proclamation and they wens imtiuttUatedy set at liberty. . . The soldiers still remain t the office of tha Independent Telegraph; an itvEd be held un til further orders. i l n From the Blockadin Squadron—A Rebel Iron-Clad elltruSid. New You, May 22—T e supply steamer , . Newborn, from the bloated j squadron, has arrived. She hat a numb. of boxikade run ning prisoners. i • , The rebel iron-clad, North Carolinal which recently came a short distanonovor Wilming ton Bar, leaked so badly that she; was com pelled .to run ashore. When the tide fell she broke in twain amidships.- nu consort, the Raleigh, is nearly completed. Rebel Prbsonerseelikuidred Day Men. LIDIANIPOLII, May 12.—Six hundred rebel prisoners, °soured by Gen.Shermen,arrived here this morning. Two regiments of hendred de eel:masers, from Indiana, left for the fro t yesterday. The or six more will leave•• Monday or Tuesday. Railroad Accident. • Massa-um, May 21.—One 'ear Of the ex press train, bound north on the 0.0. &O. B. It, was thrown front' the tract near Crestline this montiscand Mr. DOwittb of the liras of YoangaLan & Dewitt, of this city, Val killed. Several others were Injured, bat none sett. only. They were all brought, here. • MARKETS BY TO.LEGEAPEL, Frew York Matt. Naar Tsai May 2L—Olton about:, lo better, 030 fur 111.12 Uplandt, nd Dec •for Lone dllng. rim:a—ads and Wein= elated dull and il.gt 10 . ton. 1.17,7008,40 for T.r.d. Ilreside r • the market clueing dull. Whisky without • decided change ; 1,27% for State. end i1t,2901;30 for Weatern, cloalug at sl,2n.for the letter. Wbeekt and'lSLL'• lower; favorable English accounts; tome • &veering e feet; the nominal quotatiormire 11,58.31,60 for Chi cap. Burton+. 111,2281,10 Cons remains quiet at 11,45 for Interior N. Western. Oats lower and 40.1, and asaspA fur Western. By. doll Coffee dull aud prima nominally: Unchanged; Illosmmulo 1•34@170. PetrOlettm OW: Refined in loud 59r1r,G0c, Crude 320.. Perk •Irtner ; 1127 for Ilteav $26.14 for Old do., 1.2,758 for Old and Nem Prime, 827,23TA.50 . for Priari,.. :Lard inner at 1.31014%, Digtor eteedy it V.{427 fqr 0h10.350 100 fur otate. Clnelnnati arket.: CINCIIIII.I7, May 22.—Ylcur ulet exiduachsegimi Nth hardly anything &lug. Wheat held erlth great &mons, bet the demand Is light;. Who'd at $1,60 and - W him at 151,70. Core. unchanged ; Eat $1.15 and Shelled 51,9, bat therm is more =equation Eyethan to buy at these qnotatlona Ghth carce with small tales atsl,s o 6 l .iii• WhhthY closed doll at 11425, with more metiers than bayed. Precisions quiet ;.:170 bids City bleu Pork *tidal VA. lOD 0.0 lin Clear BetonSides, puked to Gems; t&li, Nothing don. in the other artlelea. Cc:cert. quiet. Molars= Be lower, at $161,05. Gold 1&'(2181, Silver : 163170 . . Enchange doll -Monty market Arm at 8610. ■ttlgk and Money Maricet. Haw Tom., s&y 21.-11oney eaty at-607i) cent with t whole of the bus , neaaat 61;p3 formal loan. Exchange eteady at litintrliEfig. cutxwhoj• Gold without decided change et 140183. GITTIMMOIeLIt awoke without decided ebitoge. Chleagi, Mark'et. CUICA., 61e121.—Fleur du' I and &abed. Mast doll and &ditto& Highlrlua quirt ai 151,20.3621. Vrtlghts martuu• mil. • Bevlpt►-3,600 Ude Flour, 60.000 bFall Wbr2.2. 82,002 tomb Our., 38.03 Drub Oat.. thlpmeuts—rAUX , T10ar,16,000 !rush Inca. 45,000 burh Corn. St Louts Market. St. Loom, lie) 2L—tlour quiet but firm at un hanged roma Wbeat—Eacelpta dghb►od tbe mar ket quiet and Sr;m Good sl, l o. Oat moony at 93t. Corn gigot and nocbaugen. Whnki arm at the opening. bat dwell *oak at $1,18(31,W. Sherd is nothing doing b Cottoi. Plasultiplita Market. Nukatairillit May 11.—r1out dull at 87,5037 75 Ibr Sam Wheat srai at it B.ltor Rad Kentucky, tW for *Wu' Oort.quiet. Whisky dacllued real:ileum Am for Credo mud /leaned; asks Crude at 55411aftnedln baud at 086571; Wrea at ',W.. Baltimore Marta. • Bermes; Nay n.—Tlooz firm; ialts of Ohio fates at $8.85. Wheat quiet s d 11mi. Com dod .4 cuctinwi Se. Vt4ty ena pipa held at 81. 42 , ellth to buyer... ", INTELLIGEWCM &wren", St. Louis. !Hsi. !Indents° . ,Clnelanat Illustee, Wheeling. lAdtantle, City. 317.LICrITAZI. , Dalware,Lotlinfile. La dy Tranklrt.Clnclrssl &mamma, at. Lon* • JELIN Lanenilla. Eicrolls,oll City. Ida Ito" OD eity. The riser rimrinues fs reeds steadily at AU point with taut eigbt feat tatb.ehanadlest .easing. The weather hat been auesalesly warn daring the pait two days, and .trove Dope an entertained that ft wID ereutnally and tarn. • The arrivals! tufa& the 'Muerte from Wheeling. K Jer Anderson tsar Clednuati and the Bo =no 1117/1:11 et. Lorna. Ttis Anderson had a good trip fur ride city, holden ',blades diactiarged sbiuct Meow at Whelin, th• fleserre,too. bad •• frai =V. whi& lb.ni era bad an average trip. • Ti the ne &tartars Werathe Julu far Zaivertile; Del- - aware for Loulilll4, lad the argonaut for Bt.,Londs. The Doiaware in trellent trip, includlug fair Weber of pridearre and arlin cr flay head of hones. the Denbo and Norm left rnisci waif lb: rids eity on friday, end tba BDn r ; Spry An, Gessuillt ware announced to f Pow on easurday. Xmas from Zuwatillo, was dos let nett urn ° aril ars be found lo port this moonlit;. - Captain Be..- Jotorion's flue new' aide-wtoefer, 0 Adam Jambe—named. alter the Worse Item ! boatantaJaeobs,of Urisinrille—fraPlilll•Proacle -1 lug to completion, and ala thoughts/Ss win boned: for buitineu In about tea dart. C'aptain rta Yarble hes purchased the trazior Ifercary f r Loninale and Nerisills trado—prices SIaCCO cub. . The Kgropbla Packet Conlisal bar euld th•Glaree. dale to Capt. B. W.Teirry, late of the, Ariscata, for S'',lloo, dealt% Capt. 'Tows will &afield the gins dries, FOAM 10 tiptop Order, and plar her to tbe Ilicaplas and Vicluburg tradd, les but- has err enjoyed. • grata szenat' of Ix ptibirhy than tbss Kiiiridalh and we regret! to • part !Loafs elm reliable ' and swat attune% but command.her W our Olen& At Kesaphis sad VI. kabcrig...-0-A.Ctualserciat, foninies. Its engleser Of tbitesteus iiw.R oleo was so &ear Injured In Ilesplas, a few 'deli rind, by tams on K. heed frac • , 111401 01 the hand. of hie tuistant. was Captain A. custeer. angualy ka.. , 4* "D.C . Gaut Denise, bee aronedlas new stunner the .111. sunder" le prises/Ling finely and will sun be reedy to Cainmeinco the menus ceopelgit. -• • ! This bilnerra,Ospt. Gordo', la the regular picket for Wbesitest to-day.. the Th cononand of Kept Joseph Balsa, fa announced forCturinsurif end Usuirillis lesmorioo sunder. Mr: Andrew White still mud& clump Of the omit • '• • • The AMaticS,ukps. Theo. IA Galata& will be seen by card, In announced far Kimball!". "The anoxic* he nest pawner packs% anti Ia I. charge et curial end p 7amart The bialebeahod NW. Anderson, Capt. Chu it. Draro, mill leas . for rill Until toinurrow, posi tively, et Dant. Nasuarer and eirippers ahould nut fa to mats a note of thin. cipt...Andfachtruch Urn retains clone oftbo office.. anti Th . J... E. Klunare,•Capt.Jiiiir,•Wlll be rudy tO for dt Louis Udday; probably, • . REIKEINATIBM t• • xt yolk wbh to be Virtuatit4 014 of itENII 311,TLV8 sr 411511114114,10 n anttn4 Iteenris Teltripietio,oll. cat ti • mop tries. :104'17 en "clips 91 ‘ 41:1641. • . alma Via, • mflO Coiva Taiitli 011T0IVAILIKIVI4TL-; .- Tausamea 0inak 11 47 1,1104 z.."? 5 • NOT/OX' sosoriaaidoMin thlOrPosaurst posse Malta twit pay, ugh.•es per and eat ealtdrdiall YAM* 14Sais Alsai.4 l 4 IF `lO4 OryolJess..lo4tagrage inaL. saes oa - sszto kitpcat 11fmaj,...,"" `°7 . , . . . .....,!..' ...}..0.......,,,,,,..............,`... ~ -......, ~~~_~ To.r. lo.r.yors ItATICAIRAZ . zmutraa u from the Greek lord *Sigliot . .Hathalro,“ elentlyin to Wiz" tartans nth art:l464 what llamas towereing,reetortcs and heantArtnittbahlanect kb' It falba mod resoarkabla pegewastan lalletwOHL lt Insignia owned loam ap bytba tar, audio caw asps with taws call4= 110 " . tentlon which Hap it a ea, omens alkebelW• tie pet wutunt. ji wan rsl Hale It etedlcatis sort eel Osseasi • It leaps the baeo end clean. It makes retest. is , an ander/ay. It presents tbe hair baba WI eatl =AM Mire It antoree hair twat bald_ heeds Awe Iltd7 at Woman .he a bisaffeboll e lair nee Wes isahettah. ICS by and awl throughout tle ClTill &MI by nestwtabledeelern DUDS 15. DADBL9I OD.. Iry nit fitimitable Hater e ßtator at dia NOT ' DTI, bat ranaimi gray ban at mbar. by taptansa tin capliluy tabs au* taitaaaaceduptired bl an or anima ah tamale ran 40 an unpaid of Lao. nag* kitten Mt tta to tad b . al=ln bait: sad anal atibeit. rain Ito hanitainiat Wadi* tat Eer y baits isatatal *aka by al Ng pronta bateau thabsir • - Luxuriant Beauty. , oranotistiguart;artvexta Wag alkaridisidd analrair,and imptua finale sad Plallat.M. at an tan& baaatcaltbstastolthisa betas*" solglitill attr Waring gad Ai anatualt annatait !giber. Med Want gunman Indiana;3t la awl bri aAb rarotentle &Vaa, I* btnormal brass of Mt mosoongalaombD. IL BARONS MI inn& aty, ihn Tan I Q Nan Int ILAGAMB MAGNOLIA mast &Meg al euel ego. dam ilionetbsL dame the, bla•buti and ba.la &mat/satin *dare of bobilebtbsoi. e, beapabbtithemarblabbeltyairralLleadekbeir grymaypearaires so levlibmg Who dly bolloof Aldo Ws. Is remote' taajlesak4B, ptheybiabdlallebiabl froattleukth, katingttoi somplintios Omsk tesasper , remand swath. it mamba no tiaterbl tot.. skis. Pafrcptu4 by LetrareeniadOystaftra• en. It is erbaS *nay lady should w_ Sabi oar tbeene. Award bta y W.I. lULEILIIM:I6 LT.. Addne• all °Mari L to DZIAB BAsmagoo..si•Ta. MEXICAN NUSTAINI IdNII t. The ye the I. IL Loads lad 12butaatedi Vba teen counteradtbes MOMIMO& lOW mamas of propriletoraldP,•have bees tbiluaibb` mama by the Comb; Togoard'amelmt radios ba. ream. , I boy procured •Ircaa Valet . w ho o .l.pboomilutualdaay. Oak fa placed over the top et awe bottle: lava bean the foil famed of my idmaucfb mai =t rtdcb tba asticbla a emzelerfal - 4.daalfaum Mad wortalsee teeltatfos. • Masada, limy 'bad% Da Llnimeht bee bier armless la laver too many year& Dom hardly axial 6. blanbi.gis th• babltaWe globe that enema ooa alnerridemoiet wonderful of it 44 the beet °modest be Um weld. VIM beymmentbnpremed ingroSetda,ftaidbotioyal eau sad bead are perfectly Mocarkabla,. Some are Maid, pat= named, Ifna inn!, ealnabb =iamb made eadM, and untold Ne arecragad. Ida cab. Mob.* waled, timumatbm, forellinDa, blew. caM. mead Wom•Wdfledeed 1 .4 , ,, t L UM • Remedy tbasthouldnot be alai. e rt= to la every facadY.- Bold by BanDiree. • • D. B. HAILII*4 AVM Toss. Cri ABOVE ARTIOrtFI FOE 15,111.1 n SOWN JOHNSTON. Ogruseet Badtbtiold ant l t serth . tatatesal-easor • • • . I, HE POLL THE • mtributon Co roof Zoottkaa4 Co's. 54 • Hateld—.4 6 01i L Getty--... 7 401 1 ockhlll..-. 11 10 OD W A Ziogutro.:—. 166 0 13olow--- 225 41 A ConnsesA--. 1 016 W 1 04 P 6uaer..a Y 160 1 50 Z 1 66 tioot -- 9 251 • • - IJ 'Mem --- 125 11.11ery—.,---.. 2 2 75 B tiopklni ........... 2.0 p Kingsanath-- 2EA 2 22 J le n 1 L'Euus 710 ' . .. A Orafic.---- 741 W 700 r 118 V wthter:—...-- IV' W 7 471 Mut 7 fa actin T k "Thl .142, 111 2 . 1 . 1;11;0=7--.7. :./ Woolhocoo.—.. `l6O o.Tattar ,—.- 140 J W Labuitt-- oas J 4 42 J 00 011 W D 19 200 A illipladdr•-•--. a COI GOOD ADVICE. • eq. ne St~bVag exillearsOrtauyelaria. lee baretemes. u we 8.. :ar k i tgud a la. ret, But ede. thus /anti Midi 11214 leidtkr • ly ele t te=g r esete tekAike, BOOTS AND SEOER MAY .121 C COIC 3:T BILL 3{ 011 VIVI% - 62 Fiftlratzetii. WLUEOYLOTOYU= SVlntitien.U. e7lll ROBINSON, Nota.BAN GO n &NAZE'S:A:ND 0401[1215. - . se. n rovins er.. ennthe Wi PreParmi to do gIawaSLIIIT I4O I,V) 10.02CWAIRE13111 regastaVesensisa &curates di112;3124 ma Deakitstos, Gold, MIT, Mar, lon .119:imetda - Pam r au Noe Tut, Matsu OA Saaoa.lo.: Messy - ricalsed demi; tarp to Nun ' Spclai.*Medlin even ta sp cks„ Damn lona wally - 6013IPSOW, KeRL![Y a Co. . TAB D : Na'ri . t.?1,1.1.14:,.4141i. Olt. , - iiisa r tria*-- (41iiriritike airi4iii4itiiiiii.li • ri Desteuted Depoultent 111kirb111111110 kirat It tbi United Mato. Beadles ado rptittits lb as .. .-. 10.40 4 1101101 W. '''.- .. Lake sad tanker* we regeoted.tb•es ile Se* 4.IrOAN kt %Pr ass sigeaselea: , . -.-,. 1. ldids also tiptoe band._ ~,_ ....,• t . ' - • - - - • . AIM*. .1,11/11RAZI, Tiedieat. • nee. 11.LITINtitTo . ,. rlerel.r. te , tizier S lns.lJsl,..inaler is -if -, 1 _ 1 ' i ,• IaiDIVARE Aliii L*Rlr. - - Piolis; rzonintaxims. nilklM,''se4l4o, Iluditsewell lands et BAIL .e 54111.02 ts ar; els,. atkilede et rant4zig •, ,4 , 1 4 ,1*.its. e `.... . , Aran tliill9=lo. ,' - Avutlointoillit* o 'tam. DEL A k SPAUCH., I= - 146 getarlam,rittqlei.mjusilllll , Wel. Deirisogii.Sllll2olllLlti .W1 1011 !",,Tia.1 2 . 1 1,r 111 Wilk tisk rl,•„ att im„inaii ire ens. est, I:044 s•. - "l= visiftSSOft vs 'nominal - ft tnetioPl a ratali* sa, enortahtv*VSKSldes, ,!Plorouv wigr•Tuvb • • FING IS. MIMI' - am Elanltszyltilc,4Blll9 , ~, ho Bolling MU! _ inin50dy......... 6CO 10 17 Holy 11•13.—. 1.7 a Jobs W1bd0...........•, 7 40' D Ifferrowy, . 1 Ilk. VG 74sionst,* 11 110 J Datior—......-. 7WI D Parke---... . 7 47 11 Dutla..-4.4. _-, a 43 - ' II taarlc--... « ...... , 160 W177.11..;-' ..4......' A T wilititoy.- 4 CI J - Wylaad.` . 36 X Fromust,.....:-. 6SO P Ebbley--,...... 1 . E.......:....... a 0 0 Flehurtr--......... 146 ? Eoprt--.:. ,710 J And5na6........ 1.66 1 - II ./640708«.....-.... sfa • -. .:...... ?la . *a 1.1 st 160 '=l '....... 113 1 J Loagmir" ' .. ' 5 a J Thassaa—...s . ...... .166. - 7 Whlizos.l.- ! .. 106 ',1145"41.0tk"."10......"."-: if 0733 8 8ut05.......:. ..Z... 133 3111 , 1 60 J D001ing............ 166 P Dapa. - ..... ' 1 a .....'. ~ ,716 ........ 160
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers