>~=,~.~; vo At fl nzt MONDk! IIIORNING:t:z . • COMmPRCIAL 8E608,D. ... . . ...... . , s.i.;,l3..:,Trorgstrukacist.maKETs. ~•: ' ,:•,,.7.- ,,,r t1.7t--, , ,rgkilif !=ii.i.iyibi-I.*'Paterge Quetta) •=:-.' '' 1-.....0 .'.xof.lt - rt,, , v r..,.., lirrenner, Nay 21, 1664.. Itheisartr:...ot: , ro , 'figLittlLrelThettlilti active demand but them IA , ‘4 , 5i11"P 4 1;?!,.'01'4 1 .'.' ..t 1 -.?'Ll'n. tie itarkat: C o rn to firm, with a V-•';',: : 1. ‘-%. ..-til:.w,l.t. ,c;. Alma of tbe supply; mime , " b. 4 ...14-4f-4-''''''''''''' V. l , l , ...._l ron ikon, at 11,15. Oate—mle of COO ,La o.from a,-pot at o.lkaho, smell LIUs from store At ...; t0.,J3., It,. —last wale at $1,71/. ... , 4 FlOTtilt,l79—Tho demand for BaCon continue. • i''' Itil • mat thomotor hi steady while prices heve no '. ' . ,-vVtli}:w,'.-7L;, :;. sleeve .no has Wo quota en ' 2 % 43 rue '--• I • - , Bbladd ' ers; 135iiilu-N.forfliblad did. and Meld for '. hit?, W',.40.r, . .., .(Oast e. g - ,02,,t13.4 for Plain Llama; 104019 for Plain . . 1-• - a0'5,' , .... , •1110wkr-C aed end 22021 for Ceuvessed do. Lard la '.' . • tar ' - 0 , - ,,,, . • *eddy . with small sale. in 1334 for Country and It% . . • for City. alma Port' is bold pretty firmly at 527,600 . • rt,..'..1. , 7 - -;r!i• - • --Irbil:l6ow Quit - Brno - while the demand le limited end prime are nominally udchansed. dales of irn this Lama Yadill e at s 67,6(1,8,00, and 100 do do et Lyles. Some small ale of Fancy brands en - molting at fig 2.5•11,51.1 • „.1111 rr Es ..t Eertli-Theto in a cent lewd brisk dr ' Mind Jro prone Moll Batter end the 111 , 11k.111 1 foot. . _ ~. w.th sale, at Atra.t.t. E t tys have advanced to 21. E per dome, and the supply le light. -etibt, reso,pai. mom Mere at 11,4 0 per ewe . - „..„ 0. „ . ,.... i .., , ,10ri Bran and /1.60 for idithilLoga . . 4 . .": . ‘ , ....ft0 ,. .. ~,.. 2 . 'I./11.1.ED - '• yab If-sale Oflo Obis , chOles Apples .. r 4.. , , ef; ~ , 2 1 ,2;•'.- * .„ ,a, Y,134e, VV - 111. Peaches% may b d . quoted et lac for ; ,..., S: 4- - - :?: , t .. r , 4 -' .. ,...',' ...ra 'n f irM aiiii.i ll e .tiati Tte7.4 l ll l a t. h r * 7 4 l l' l:for ) lox, Western Beyer.> -•- l , t ,, 1 . .'-' ' ''''' '' 1/11..1--Etalt,bf . front ' Lam l e( T'loodeof loose at 133 ' - . t. d.-4 '‘' .41, 4 ,i4 ! -.. tecrAt v to. ' Batedll.ll I. with a molar de -: :- ~..9. ,41. ..' ' ,--- ottuaNn fort¢eiiatie. ' ," , ~. P . OTATQW—Dallatdneglectai, velth a supply s 4 largeij to eneller p. pr..' demand, but prices . ..'... - 6, ,, tere,not quotably' lower. t 8 note email Rah, at sore a ..e ~ ~,,...n.o. St to p . m I I b ee h e ed $3.4.54,60 per bbl. too '-0' , . , 1 , L , . (11t0tIE3IC.3- , Gontinne doll and inactive, though '- • —'-"'' 4 ,T l''' - ',ribee are nominally =than ed. ii,i vo , ir l,- re , , ;..• t . _ , - r - .....4 .' .::RittoborglLßetralegun Market. .*, . •-• . . ~- . lf t. , • ataint.- - -Theroli ii.'6l2 . tinited good local sridshlp I,742.l.l.J;:''ViiidaiistidfOr—driido, 'ara with lightest:4U and --n., leery reduced supply, the market robe firm with a tendency to higher rate.. We note sereml small salmon the Spot at 24 rm., bids returned, and ZI, hbls Included, also. sale in ono lot of 1000 bble el 20%, l, .• free on board cars. There is also a geed speculative , ~..„... , . :„ tentag i, o3 . r a lt . le u ed , t i tl bo v =r , le , o i i . p , :l . iy of fo•jtu n eend .Nll,ii.itra 11. altiy....tomtant:operations. emeaot 200 Wm.. „.,...t,,,,,.,4.:: ,auttp mverbrand, al. ell ;.2.50 do do at to) , and 1302 . • ~,,,,.1,,,..„,i,.,i10.dp5.t,..11,a1l 054100 @pod -6W bele .Avdesco, ..t ea a ~,gly . , 911 !!lel jeer", buyeraoptlob, et falg. 'toenail. not • .etta,..l. 0.---.FPAllilnaltFd 411 hot, holden are very arm, never. .11,4 !vali , i alT li calli.aWb ela Si n wietsad =eta.' dll,Nt r ol2 7 Ettle h , t/ - .. •• ''''''''''' ''',it n oideia -A--- atkind denr..t.lloal sae Lack 1.17 ' out; CO; ''''''''''' . ': - ...11ct0, ail= alto lib of oaks may be quot e d at !, -4' ?'. '' . , 45,03a5025; ..... - . -- V , ' -.. ,'''' - i :Review. of the Pew Yuri' Grocery „. _.l - • '" ''' •f ' ' '' . _ Maract. , ~,. .. _ .. ~..., :i r, ,- .7 -- : - [Prom the Slapping LLst l ltlay 21.) ...=-4llilreri=thleiniiii.ii - ritin ebas rely quiet, but them In a little mow firmness noticeable,' es. Mider the late ' advance In Gold, currant arrive's could not be sold here at present valuations, except at a lots; hence holders do not offer their stocks freely. ti Quotations, though etlll rather countital,sturpolted Buyers, in the meantime, stand aloof, and there is smolt nothing dolt,. Me have only to notice 100 ~.._.. - 11 - .0..s On , - , ,- . 144. kl ' n '" st', l . 'it' ~.eat..!..,4.,1nee nod 50 Legaelme, ess .. ... ,, t• - ' 441 : .. , e ,. . , Ilager-7 An axpot:t demand for raw has rather rt.' --rwrxttfil;.T.7.llll°ge.lit , L d . th . e di m„° T.t .; . ~3, .--.. -IZ , „. 'pecan th late advance4n Gold Mem , ' 1,-,-o•-..,-.1., el . Y ear e . • :: : ;—, 1 ,.. ty Will sopporteoli es have not, hammer, varied Our •: - e ,,,, ~..7:szalationn. Itetlned Is In better requeet,and closes ,„:,.,.; - ,1" etealliaor others than Staaree, At - ..a.Sts-yianta for .*--,. ',.-' flan] ' e i22 for,Soft Whits, and ISalW e onish, for ~....i. ~,,,,,.„,„...,,,, Yellow, Tim sales of Beware ell biles Onba at 103.,‘ .„..,..., ...,.. - 4•17% cents; 0./Zdo., In bond, lnliall, (cash) torss: ~,..„.. ...,,.. - :.. .. • .....r" ! ..) Porto . 1ic0,L11.,19 6 1 i g . a & Brown Sabin, L;'''''' r-''t t .ll&.;sre l el: ' ':,,;;iiiae-Thrierket=st Loll, the do _ ~,:,!oi =Ma beltilteneee e d to the 4Mmedlite wards of can. -o,;o a-4: 7 ' ‘ grakat i =alu m nl t tl i nfe ff : in 7 ' tort Beo l 3t . . . 1Q Cents • 4113 Mob' and 40, to Cubs linecovedo, 74a .. . . gg Spada nqn... AO. 70 ; 115 Nnevites, 112.197 ; end "ad„ ~ . 'nibble Ileis.Orldixoh itTaB,4teoe• ' -New Mork Petroleum 'Market. 'Spatial Dispatch th the . Plitsbufill Catetta . NSW-Tau, Ably tl—The nearkot for Crude Is less Otto, beat prices aro linchnznyed-31% on ths spot. taiwl NOtal for July dathery. &Road, In bond. is firm atithaf fairdentaud 8...160.A, on the spot. £m* firtnarittt sale, t. fats extent at bne on the spot: Sanfor Iday dei ver3y7ca nd r,r June. Nap _hcadalat f r Redned. Chicago Grata alarket. Ifazz:l--'Chen was a good attend.. on 'Change -• • t, ke-day ; het %wing to the decline 1.. gold and h. 'favorable r;4l. Mom Now Tort, the I.ding mutters 71Csiiiintateriall 7n• sellsat.iai not subject to the en - :bloat te,si dlt Jest rdoy. Tarly ••-", t • e •.s• n. it opened at the closlreggriors of , hauge, bat et Go opening of 'Change mi. • ...irk,. ...v. to .' mop. The deprecation won • the seeel..n, and alter the receipt • er tspetchre, the lambi closed heavy rtedOctlbt• Alant th changed •.‘hands, Il.tual,toti tor No t Cprlng, 31.2:a1,074 —Sadie Spring, sill f1,1u01,10 fur Pr;lCOL.4—..losing - wf 1, nlim at 3.1,.23a1,21 for No 4, and SI,IT for be tollais at bl,,titr, .td 24,20,e. Ina mart pLut 141:03 leo active and prleee .• -.red buyersko_thi. extent at bath:. greet to Ole e. • decline the. Mee dot much analety on the parte of •• •• op retort to fake hold, toeless seller. woug make • -••• to r t • er conseision toleitso. The salve toot up me o az 37,4).7,71 fur red and white sinters, '' • •and•35,6001,.:* foi low greeds to very motee opring extras • •••• tat. teti'le. good demand, both speculative and • ibffra•ag, tad the market'advanced .3hale. with mite l••• • of St,OuUba,.. 31,1411,12'f0r *ow In entree (1 ; • '10.1,•10%sul• 130.24and'51,03.1, 0 3X,f0r rejected; $l,- • •• 113(shir link old bistorei 51,13 fituble f. o. b., o•ontidlli,',l3%.• (Sr 'Oronspectwl mittl, allot. At the of:Chopp' however, lbw mayo.& was barely •; • utaLutaltied and the In stk4 closes week., • eig 1, .........Themsrket'fog solo stied doll, sad trio tole • do dOnapated with the clueing •••,"•' —primaOa "Chiltide scatted. Afoot Gt,ono hunhol ch l tord . latidliekliNef.3 , 4 Li Nu 1,601.66 e fur tie • ••-2,:and tI fed r01d.44.• • - Theus wait in 141,1 , 0' demand for . 11. y and the • - faseliet• .163 .11Mit at the advance noted staiderdal. • The sales sing. St 31,4 U for No Ila .tore at 11,41. ..1• 1,4 h km samput - Daly au fa giuld.rnand 444 1;6, ' with Mae. at f .--51,1001,42 toT wasopla lots. • • L 841381118 Market; , ?tar - 20—Pacmaton-rlllaskat.ftral and Mora a, the.. Sales of 66,006 15. clear side. at 16W, packed; 25,030 Its clear thisides sold on private terms Par. Liss front Terre dantesold 130.4.00 Da clear bulk rib sine, today to Prier a Co. The price agreed to was 12c, the came to be packedPn throes and delivered in thL thZ..- X8,41.8.,888- Oa lull, at, quiet and. tm .ctiasS' , !- , -.ftiaaio ea. llarltalaitotaltattrattgagh prices remain ',you*ineliangtdllaleibrs.sl.blids tis follows 15at • 4100 $45 35 al' 65 at 56a6,15,_26 at 27.7,05, 17 .1 „ . 1818,96; B,t 191N25,1801111M10,76{ 16 at 1111a1.1,75, ~ ' , ' 4.latilitsl2,7s;• 13 at $13a3,75 6as 114114,60,13 at 11%1)75 : li e at 11 d 16a16,75, 11 at 17.17,75, .2 at $lB l at 513.10,50. at WA:010 at 12421,75, Lag , 'WS 18123,60 as 221144,75, 4at $251 175,60, 8 05:M.25,75; 3 at 127•27,23, 1 at. 828,50, 1 at SBl, tat e.S.t, 1 atW, lat 2 5 T. tdd sto I t 1 3 . 30 . 11,8,011 20611 a. • OLIN - Market coke there is very tithe offered, tho demand-.h grad, and all, Weds of grata ta-,Latr, , patee. We cdote wheat at 111,006 '1,45 - tetted. and 21,th11,65 for white. Corn $1,05e, 1,10 for oar and shelled Oats 8.5505 c. Barley $1,35 . • -11,40. 148 111.28. , .11ar—In demand. We quote at 1129531 per ton ; staillaLtruta atom stil=a33.. -,,Daartoßtarrittlebatiard W. quote apples .t $3 • 'taCk;andptachca from 12,k4 to 15. • . . , ' Toledo Market. • . Mar 14—Fienr—No tranuetlons. Tbo.nemlnal r7,lmteatfetre fer,ibeeriSickn gradiebte. Flues 11 1 ;e 0 n , i, , J4OXt 001;artinti54,231 0 Ab ESetn4-83ifeeek Double sera and Fancy, 5 6 ,23a7,23. . 'Bye 50,76, - -, - 11theat—amos yesterday evening, at. our report: . - .4,000 bet Amber alltlent Mo. • To.day, botorereport: ', ~ .„ • Co:alba Vol red, to two tote, at 112 m after report, :1,002 bn licsareeraS 10e, ara 1.,' OW be No Fred at . ' , : • : -145 e. We'-heard S,F or.' lot of No lon the market ' . 1 ... gas Fell. at 145 e,. sithent finding a Forename. Corn e . last evening: 10,0n0 le a No 1 at 117 c. !Se i.,.....,. ,3 1 , 619 bn /S . I_l3 Gana at 11.70.. the only sale repot bed Tares= be veleetrelnt 110%, .4 . 1.• Oats—dale 600 bn at 73e. S t e-1.23e. • ,Barlol,--Warnntbana toenoote nominal at 140. for • ' BeedVe.tbirer,ll,oo, Timothy, E 3,00; Sian 1 2 , 00 . . . ___ .._ . •E- 1, ,Cliffeland Markel—May 20... _ ~.. ... Tsdri-UsekstArra and moderato - local deicksad. i : • ----qtale4lo l lbblh good XX red at P,69 ; 69 bPI6 extra et 1 ij ' 7 " / 'lll4l4,Wlitatri6ii 6i9i2e4Stror thin it ills class yes , '':::•'lOrds.T., Ths.'osts Agri reported to-dsy gni WOO ~ :,...::::.ksitired fro au board at $1,634 . - Codot.4lnsgultr but '.11•14 , hither. Nowise!, t;,-,...a4.1,1? 1"/ g'r. . i BtortPts ars light .6 Ir. ,sslts... . -.. ~, 7...„04.x.t-Mmkand,nvutetallg,onchs.nged at - 0. 7to, 'ti and and Welton: stars. RTI -4 1. 1 .t ..adate.dl At it,4o fruit store. .. Dszstr—Viontital at ir, 23 . 1 , 35 /Or Entd to Pt , ..,ttlttselt::-- . __.-: .. _ .., • ~..1:UL1 _ 'Ctileago Highwine Market, NAT 20,—'fbervi sauce settee epee:dative demand for Ittgbwirete to-dab and the market advanced UM trelahlyeeterday sooti-swith talager 4,7p0 mege 0r1i.2:a1,22- r the Market closing g1:140.4 atilat. , TThlaadraneo ia-predleted the ihirt,tukaa bree , Sereate tvasoliteelo lineman the taz on Whiskyatter aheitrat of Jmtuary next to eytneetba &Mato itself hae not taken any talon ter ..tte;" but ;beta lea general elAntoz " 41 t "ral 17eer , rhe , Vommlttee'e bill. • eft,,,,,g e etnate,,Les no:deposition on the part of the L,4lBettaPeVltr,l.iike an band. • " t=l . vo. b Zto7o ',no sd pat in t r i y. ...."Cittal:Pattoel., in lot from store a1 1' i113479, 4 t : 4l7,444l7ol l , frgi o ;fr i gi e rj .L.n . d. . v rat : V7171-2110 - Psolput lAtiiid r oir, r t O(11)17 , Cod et 11043 i amigo rec., , • isicuia;ll-4>t-iiiil4 4 : Trk 7- "Iti.r.ag=fatv... ts , . ~.0 „ ,4 , 4 1 4 1 ;n4114,h40 arisouci,; , B 0 9 94 cm -56 I. lard, Ken. A - Dr.; it! Lbla atm a 41:41 5 4 .441 1 t0 Ilndraveds 343 07 a 1 tweeiill'Alms,. oatiora. liturF.A .t.F". 9 4 111 K - 14 4 =OM tib Dcaßtri obilimm OroCiutic -. , 1ea1474104 COO blia..44.trianfr, Pt! reol.o.lade4l 041.0(karirliteleakt . c 0; tu-.41....AteAm1l F 4 ,.? 444 1 1ttlitNrgInt.,CtAifilleralteo - , l trukyraptirrrestar, bkqatnltrinapty AtalbrUliqtrl . e, Slatt9 41, *LC cg.4.f!lit, cco bbla Ai , ==:=:, ' 11051:14-4014 leaber, Mita & co, 11 dar & Ltornm; ofl 1i gland aril Oil cci. 2t?kp It., eggs. etc. etc, lice6llungls, lirelth kw; I OW bog., It 1.1.11 & co; SO pkg, Ws, 7„&mtrocho & co; 26 b2s, K E &Item A etc; gbh:. cm& oft, II bleftelfy; 1 'englae, c o; her.,, Cooper & to' 3 .ks vcol, Revco, Heal & ea; 1 MAY 2.13; 1864 owner': 012:0777. S TIR k 1 Ilarou Amtrateml-23 Woo cotton, Thee Arbuckle & co; 4 htrde hacon,WlTut. rem 21 pke fornlrare, A' lilopfes & eo; 4 pkg., MO W Gould; 20 sewing machines, Wm Sumner co; IB bble lard *II, Wm Stewart; 16 pits, White, 800 & co; 1 box books, las Itodgm; 7 boom am% Beermeyer Graff 23 Wes hemp, ales Gordon. %V bides, De luge & Chestnut; 144 hble sand, McKee & Bro; 24 steel plates, Binger, Nintick & Co; dry kips,•A Taggart; 12 boxes oordial, 11 L ratmeateek a co; 144 pks, N Dolande; Ors flaxseed, 22 do rags, W P Beck & co; 13 bags rye, Wll Gamine:id; 10 ale jAckages, Spencer 4 IleEar, S horse., Sipke, llahn & Geflekeo; GOO blots whisky, 9.5 bhis non. pork, 20 are hams, 22 rolls leather, Clark & co; 1 reckaeray, 0 Weer. CLETTLAND two "P.ITTSZVII.OII . May 21— 35 bales hey, 8 B Floyd; 11 coo olotal,Zog A Pointer! 10 bblo scrap lrost, Jiehn klulltn; 4 00 telt Kum./ Park, Bro 8 no; 53 tons metal, Nlialickl'S en; ID bblo tolmoco, 8 tsrart 8 ro; 24 bb • Ilmr. T A Emus; 42 boo cisme, J It Canfield; 173 bp. corn, Bingham I Sturgeon 8 col 73 bbls eoppor, T 11 Howe 01 obi oat., J Ilagau; 17 pkg. produce, NT P Berk S re; 3 bbli eggs, J g Dilworth; 0. .k. rap, Itenowil Cottrell; 0 Ltd. potatneo, Potter, Aiken 8 Shopoerd 151 al. Maley, hlrClurk., /lemon & en, SI Notes choose, LEI Yolgt A c.; 51 do In, 0 0 A1..00.111 8130100, May 21— GA don breasts, J C Blteble, 10 do do, .14 Dyer, 10 boon., W II Walker; 'l/dlspopo, Perk/ us it co; 53 pkgs hides, eta,. etc, klerrlmmo; I 6 bOg. oats, 4 Mint; 20 Lae cheese, Tiers Dan a Getty: 12 Uhl tehorcu; Balm 8 Iltelille; ado do, 11 J NV Ifltre•, 31 bee theme, Shuts ' Don co; •3 rolls leotber, A 0 Tame-0 12 do do, 5.8; 6 rem core, 1 or who tilusle n Jo Boos; 50 bales tow, J II Child. I no; 0 bales cher., N Angeh.o3 bgersda. tom, Jas 11ceentlleos; 10/ bblo iltior,'Oscuo 8 lieu: [lady; 16 rolls Intither, J B Llndmy. Prrrearatm To. Worse Asa 08.0000 BLILLOAD, May 21-157 els cons, 41 As oats, 11clilone 8 Anjer,. 133 Otte wheat, J 8 Liggett*/ cof 105 bbN Sho maker* Lang;,l car core • Illtchcoelt, 1100re/try mfitt grind Mnues,J E Bliisell; I or tiro day, Liter,' Glover aro; 100bli10 floctr. James Gardiner, 37 bblo lour, Elltcbcock, NeCniery A• co; 174 bge oat., Bee Keil; lot omit/ lron,:-.lao Wood 8 co; 2 on lumber, W F Richardson; L 3 plcgo dry beef, 0 L Caldwell; 3 bbls alcohol, 3.111 Felton; PO Md./ Clow leader, 150 pig. J .RTTWAS REMAINING UNCLAIM ED In the Poet ollbee at Allegheny, Stet° of Pero:minuet., tbo nth day of flay. ISG4. To obtain env of those letters, the applicant must call fur oelrerfOomf bum, gi thee date of Wallet, and pov out cent for adrortioing. if not celled for within and Montle, they erlll be sent to the dead letter °film lf I...delivery of letters by carriers, at tho theldetten °tossers, troy be secured hi ob.-mind the f Mina: Dtrect letters plafaly to the street as, number as still Oa the post °film set, State 2 need -lett." , with the outer; post office and State, etre t and u ember. Miro there plainly. with full mate, and request that answers be directed ac` rd. L • ace t • • • 4' he ft letup, stamp on the upper-110a. hand murmur, and leave Wpeee NAV - Fell the Vamp end direction for post utartiLug witbont interfrring with the writing. N. 11. A requwt for the return of a letter to the Writer, If unclaimed within 50 dou or lem, Written or printedwith She writer's name, post °Mee, end State. acrOla the left band end of the envelope, en the face side will Ire complied with at the usual protodd rate or 'adage, payntle when the letter if delivered to the wrltor.--Ire. 18, law of IS6 r. Allender Jos W 2 Antlns Jennie liteeraell inn 21 Selma Cliriet Barton Einar 2 Burial Samuel A0yd.1012137 Eater Joan A Deebartaa J A Eitar Mary 0 Carry Amelia Markle Ch. Cray Mittuarlae Goa E =UM El= ~ -- -~.~ Rdporta by Railroad JIY• . Letters to erne:mere or tnossleot vlrltore In - • • • own or eit7, wham epochal addrow may to onknow • rould to wart. d, to the lower left-hood come 'th the word n trenelent." floreaon Gra Poser 'aka Linsey, Sarah J Porter M•r A Ilawthorue Jna ;Per-y Harker J W tivemo Jol], 11.mteLl Catb licimmutilmry Etmipatb Sane ßaltMa. 30m II I 131 my Jrl 'Bailey Wm Seed Behest, Itstherston hret tlendomn My, Hall Kau . Johnston W Jones Both Scott Domini< Sprinor En. Sample Samuel IStieeu Such Sadler Jacob SEtw.son J. Stewart John South John iStopdon Mary ISlewart Mirth% /Short dlaris Sullivan Mettle Swindle* Vim Ling Chao ks Keye JAR. Kirby Wm L Larnan Matilda Lodi. Chariot" Lyon Lizzie A Liodasy Elizeth ane Samuel Lightner Sateol Lurch, Lenoir Logan I nit LI Mamie Path. Miller Pother Dloget Janet Joho Mitchell Rory .1 Mc McCullough W locCrom Mary McDonald Jou McGrath McGraw Sac W igui.ly Sarni P Samoa hes 2 tittendenDeSW exrde GS, Pock Samuel P Clam John A Cabin James W Cuthbateart John Gloss John A itlostbell Vatto-• Ones% wattle Culp nary Vier, e D Tbonsas Nary A MnWyon r na iWilson Et tl Woodoorrgi Dr Wilson Modes olf Dorld Wrßrbt Err VW arbfkartklro SW %Volker !Warm Grorrgo MEE Disco Elizabetb Darin Lisle Dunn Nanny Denver hoes Franklin Marla Forward Roan Orb k Oilterin Geri W Walker. toll nary Ashland Oil Wt E O'Brien Johann.] Oi;Jen John NIA Albart Amg'etDDl Hntettl.ou A =='l2 STEAMBOAFTS it CINCINNATI k LOU. .1* IST , LLE.—The tit. new steamer 11118 LE, Vaptaan Jittnes Date. will tee,. - the &bow. pone OC Tl E4D 17. 9L.11 lee at 4 p For freight or peewee api•li op boor 1 or to J D. 001..LiFSGIVWD, m 723 J(404 PLecli, F 0 R NASH VILLE.—The 'apl.ditl• itew pasaeu rr stearrier AllZatO apt. Chhtlug. will teat. for 0.. above and lateruirdiato ports on 11/KW/WY, 24th In. taut., at 4 o'clwea p. OR. Fur sreight o< prone applr on board • r to • J. D. COLLINDWOOD, '•JOHN FLACK, Aria. poxLOUISVILLE;CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS —The nen and splendid passenger W. 1., J It. 1. atultE, Captain Jolly. arsll. learn, as annonuced aban• ots TB IS DAV , 2ls: Instant, at IN o'clock. a. an Yar freight or paPage apply no boson onto tot 18 .1 AS. COLLINS GO., Agent.. F 0 K CINCINNATI. -76 Eon neer and Inagnincent stcnnteritl, aIdJOIL DallnON, Capt C. A. Dtaro; Clark, Andra,' Rothman. 1011 *tare at above am TOYS DAT, 21th haat, at o'clardt. p. - ' Tar freight or .D. wa COLLIH ge appIy OWOOD on board ar to iny2l JOHN SLAM. }Agents. 101(1 EGITIAR WHEP,LING -LAI PARKERSBURG OnaksT.—Ttre • Ilse dossier SUR ESTA..Cliipt. •Jobwiliordon, leaie Pittebrergh for Wheeling emery MONDAY, WEDRESDAY said FRIDAY, making elms eon it - modem with the Wheeling end Parksaalmtg Pack. eta. Rotarian, will lease Wheeling evoi, TUES DAY. THURSDAY and SATURDAY. Pliewenipin andlreight reeerpted thro u gh to ParketehnlU Tor I'i°' or =il l :M c :AV, " genho W • Ott Wharf Doe; at Om foot of wood 'twos. de3bitt . 'WOE WHEELING MAILLET A: TA AND ZA.NESVIIIII.—Tha retitle:ea EMMA GRAHAM, Monroe Ayres, Catc7 l 3 ar, kens Pittsburgh every TIIEBDAY,st 4 p, m. end Toseentlia errery FRIDAY. LL 8 rerWEL m. I The nes steamer J171.1A. Wm. Dem irrandert, lames Pittsburgh emery SATURDAY, at 4 p. Zmiersille every TUESDAY, at 8 a' Jack s. us. For freight..or : mge epplye boort or to, LINOW OD, Agent, Pietsbergh • a. O. PUMAS 4 00.. Attests, Zanesville, Ostia. GENTLEMEN WISHING • FIRST CLASS GARMENTS. tba MOST 11,81.11017A8LE and LaikTILIEIT would do well to ea upau 11. IL HALE 4CO.,IIBRCRART TAILORS, °owns or pzarr Ain) 01.6.1118181112% Nino ;41 uVud,lurelsonotturc _' PAPER WAREHOUSE. FARRELL, IRVINO & CO., Na 510 )1:115011 mg= ratLADIMPIIIIA. Ps.. Double Btremgth Manilla Paper IM3=3 BOLL WIILPPICaII, on bald or remle to tutor. Highest prk• pad Err 1101%, in taw or small qcsattties. leadtAnd FRUIT AND tiEIADD TREES, EVERGREENS, ate. Of APPLE:Mr hare same 200,000, and of all the leallas varfeere most profitable' for tem location. •We ham arra Arm tress, es Early Ilaryart, Staid. Itlnch, Holland Pippin, Daidniti. Estionater, Gems, littgreTcaspittrei cal; - tig,ne • Oremm. Boise Beauty, Rambo, Smoke-honse, , Tolmates Blemt; limith's Mar &c.. with • very lame stock of PEAS. GGERBT,PEACG.PLUE4gENAGAZAN. SUADA TREES,' ItOffES; •SllftUßSEllf, oxiaamovat PLANTS, Am, As oar stock ts large, ms eh, treat ladecomeptaro planters or wholesale purcha ser., Orders loft at ths Greenhorn., fskLnd, at Pfttensfsb Pat Of6morill be promptly eterther t 4. OM; 111311130011,fr., - „tektirelP Pitt bosh .4 Oakland rionertas. (In"- W. SEAVILIA & co., - • "'q Aionairriann s . Odalbw apallapaMfag qt Iwo namin.fram• UlkqtreettO lOW all%latiriVoc 4 .47-itubitriel , - 1 44 6 , • •littairs, 0140v3Viwielth /Wye fa 4 10,1074 Oktrribeil%_. o : 4 P&..,% 4 TW 2 l 4 4 - -edziorgattiV.SitMar rolkao.;, 11iiiii71,0!'41*1401,144**,4461 • • .• , SPEtrolL ..41 4 0'/FkEti. r - -7"CLAPP, sTANx,Ey Sc CO.'S PoLotiPricoatimtats. 14,90tm00d PSIYATJ DISEASES Dr. Ludlum's Spectifio IA the only reliable remedy !Of dhows of ch. of goat . 1- 11.meretion. It ts the dteterery of as exolviel Phyalclan whole Ills ant dovtasd to the treatment of tht. ch of diwiaes, and with aaptecodented ar, ten, La more 12.11 tarauty 'ism it 4 per‘ctton tr. Itsel/, reqnl flag . lojeatoaa, .d difr.bir •,:dt.d7 from the mistaken praettos and the Damen= worth tan oomp.ul, dram! to the pabllo. It la onttrely egetAbls and perte.ctly We. It rota 11Ito a elvrm and tows , . strength and rigor w St,* diseased pop, pat MOMm of tht. moody to .L Ing vulp.actont caa halt tod to Ito being Imitated Mus pclvetpled man. Obvert's, therefore, that the e.getstnre of the proprietor b oroutd each bor.lttorte *tbs.. lz govalve. Prepared'.ly by WM. F. DAVLDSON, Sob Propriator, Otactsmatt, 0. sad Druggist& Nike, 11 par bou. •Ir For ell. at mbololudi by 010. H. Sir= [O , OHS> OF RIINNSWELL'S • GIIEAT ittIiEDLC)3--H LINN ENV EL VAITSILSAL COUGII itEirEDY.—The tails of this truly wonderfal preparation, now of such weil•osrn• etl celebrity, is • freedom front awry component cal salami to debilitate, mod by such to sDaw the greatest freedom of ass, do or night, se the only trap theory by which Throat and Lang Cost:pleb:its eau bs dreamily cared. • To prevent asking attontlon to long dories or great CM.. when local causes make almost all such ooms plaints different in elect, Y would ask confidence, which will be. sacred, In COlda Cone., rientsuneeN Bore Throat, Dranchlal and astilmatic Complaints, taboviug Cough, and to ail Throat and Lung Cosy plants, which, when neglected, and In Gtosumption. Testlinenials tram Physldaes of the highest respect• ability, and from invalids,:can he seen at my °Mos by ail interested. for sets by all Wholesale and Batall Dealers. JOHN L. HUItibIiSWELL, Prourtotnr, Practical Obeentst, Dot.. ?dam l'cr sale by Jr.. Fleming, Geo. EL &nem D. L. Pahnattoak A to., J. H. leaton Agents to Pitt. burgh ; Geo. A. Rally, W.. 1. .ml Dr . hunt* Drown, Agrntsrar Allegheny City. fel 6:3l3a—k..n.y.an • o. a leas tan,Sate thump, for ldpulaccat a pm) ( *to d Gaga, Hubbard L Clo.) war. • uoao. jr -- -a PITTSBURGH SAW WORKS . HUBBARD 9 & LOIG, hianefeetnrers ct PATENT tiIIOCND GIRaU• I. Rd, warranted OAT 'STEEL SAWS, of every dgleerlytion ; N.lll, Eden arena Ontt, Gam and all other varieties.' AU &Indoor ENIVItSI SPRINGS, mods from Sheet Cut Steel; Extra Refined REAP. ER AND MOVING, KNIVES, & h Wareham* and Wertz, cor. WATER & SUORT STS, Pittsburgh. Punchier attention OVA to Reloathing, Gemming end Straightening Cireuhir Paha repaore of all kinds. Preaching d Drilling done at marnable aplady WM. BAIt.IFBILL - & CO.. Bort IILtEERS AIM slum-nun? WORM ERS, Paco St., Pica. PO, W., 24 and ZS. Haring es scand • large yo.ed and foxivisled it with the most ho proved machinery, we are prepered to Manolscrare every description of BOILEBS, to the test manoar, and warranted equal to soy made to the moose;. CIIIIINETS, BSnIItEB, TIRE DIMS, STEAM PIPES. LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, CONDENSERS, BALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, SETTLING PANS, BOILER IRON BRIDGE& SUGAR PANS, sod sole manufamorem of BARN HILL'S PATENT BOILERS . Repai ri ng, dons on the shormiemottos, &lAN s.osuirsoN, , e co., (SE/0- moan w Ilamsol, M,m & Igni.A2s,) WASIIINO TON WORKS, rotarmtsi 4 }twin/MA BOWS.GIS. Maxmfacturt. o , BOAT AND STATIONEST STEAM ENGINES, BLAST ENGINES, MILL BIAC/lINERT, OEAD;NO, MATTING, CAST INGS, at ell description.; bIL TARES A STILLS BOILED AIM SLIEST IRON WORE. Agent.. for wrrearrs PATENT INJECTOR Mn vsrmato oolt,Ons. l .Ldp 81TPERIOR COPPER LULL A 8111F.VqN0 1V0RK. , .% Putnam,. PAM*, iMCCURDW & CO., Manntectorara of 1111LATUING, BRAZIZINP AND BOLT COPPER, PRESSED (NIPPER BAYITOMS, BALSIIIITTILA BOTTOMS, bPALTitt SOLDILILI Alm, Iroportori end dale" In MZ:A,LIS, TIN PLATE. SHBET IRON, WIER, /Sc. Constantly onl Dead. TINSMILS' mecguas AND VIOLS. 11 Wershocas. No. 140 roosri 120 SZCON - D UM, Pftutrrgta, Pa. Spre b tel orders of Copper out to any &Wad pat tarn. sayMt:lydsrsr? • ii°ll PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OP bIABBIAGL, containing nearly me peva sod DO Doe Blake and Fagriplap of the amtomy of the Hamm Organs thrills/. of Health and DIL ease, with a Tisane° on Early Decors, Its deplorable antsconenow ap.nt the Mod and Body, with tbo anthor's plan of tomistrent—the elly rational and stoccestfol mode of corn, as shown by the report of caws treeleaLA,,truthful advber to the monied, and thaw ocirtatoplating teartiagn, who entertain docbte of their phrdeal rendition. Bent free o poetage to any salon. Oie receipt of IS cents, to stamps or •ptegal cartencl. by eddivislay Dr. LA OWL'. Ho. 31 Malden Lane, Albany, mhtattaßew'r 0 0 031 CONFESSIONS AND EX PST/I=M 07 Alg traurn, pablleted far the benefit and am i awning 'redone:or Iblortnl men who safer from Narrate DebflitY, Trenranue Decay of Manhood, etc.., supplying, at the same time, Me amuse qf eV oars. Hy one who has cured himself altar being, put avast expense and Injury through nestled humbug and quackery. • • - By or:awing • pwt-pold •ddrmed candgcs, sines capful may be had of the logtwr, , NATILiaIEL Zwi myll lIWNonI, Nlng. cab, N. T• 0 , 10 lixavciu 8 strlTElunks OF BOTH 812118,—.ft iseerend gentian= him tow been notated to trial in few ilsys, after tut. deogologsatlis twitstroathis and irregular ¢peow elre trade of treatment. without noose, eorialderi U hie wood dot) to comitittnloste to hie silltote4 fellow °restores the alma Of cam nonce, ou the receipt a as sildrcesed enreloya, lb. h i e , will erdgi L ni c t i f i llY t o r. , Dito=i t ti ' Voltois etrwiti whltardeter szo.turrn. v. onotLeux WIA BELLE STEEL WORKS. REITER & CO., fincomora to Bolton Ilsrtmon A Oa.. otzsalscttuars of OAST STEEL SPRING, PLOW AND BLISTER STYEL; SPRINGS. AXLES, C ROWBARS...4o. Works, nun weal% Allogbpay Qty. P. O. Adam., PITEBIII7II6II, Pa. 1s1B:1) rCe•BANNITARTEI MOORES, FOB She core of Thoissossookftbsost Dhows, &a. are specially reocassoondsd toltlaistere, &lagers, sad pumas whose oosatloo ealls these to speak Is pub. Ito. Ilsoefactoroll only by O.A. llAlniir<t & 00., Illsoristrcog,Ps., to *hem ell order( &cold be ad. dome& • : OrSold by Drag Aids alluvium% C. A. ILANNVAIII • 00 - O.JOHN COCHRAN & BRO., Man abeam, of I . ItON RAILING, MOP PAULTB AND PAIILT MHZ, WINDOW-autrzi Ms. warm* MUM% dn.. Tim 01 EISOOND and BO TIIIIID STEM, bot. Wood end Hoag. - nave on hand &variety of Ow Perforce, trail and &In, suitable for all ottoman Particular attantlou yal4 to exicloeing Gm* WO. Jobbing &Om ahort notice, "-' B. HOLMBEI & BONS.. Dauzsie or romor i AND mamma BILLS OP Er.onoro, orwrrrioerzs or DTTOSi% BANE NOTES AND 8140 IN, No. Si HAM= STRIGTT, Piltabuegbaa. • ' Rar Woe:lions ms-s CO • the prfasdpel elder thickshm.i the uuttd ewes. mas - - "DtlikrtfiES OF TERNEEVOIIB, - sparNAL, ,011121 MIT 'AND SIELLILL . SISTIZINS..ion aid tellable treatment-10 Esparta of the ffirestd,Aseoclitton. Sent bylisillix waled leiter enteki.e; free °Obi*. • Adiirces J.SIGII.. LIB - 110lIONTON: liP .l / 4 dAaeoda B ,./Fro• &till .-, . i,h?8.17 HENRY : COLLINS, b'osituen 11W earn 00WICIUSION 311MOWANT pad irtedsalit &gar ht Off6=ll4 DOTTIER, DUDS TIM, end ralliter Patin?, We. ID WOOD WO. iv. Azip's MAMMON 6 , AM,ItiON; f actor ssras wzacramsrmJ- , : , MOON AND GRAIN..tam mot minas • wctlß,Millni.-.Mmunib«ft. - •s: ':: : -.:: ' -:: .:-•.:.-::,:•-!..;:::.,;.-i.;,-";:i-:,4:it::-:--;',Val'' •i11e:4.2i4,,,,,—, EMI ,_. . . . , . - - xtstri.t.crEorrs.` N OTICE TO THE TAXPAYERS OF 4Elie-BOURUGH or LAW REITOgPILLT. — IN b•sreea, hi s eeFlamont of Liao Act of Asmachly, apprdeed the 4th y of - lia li. na, A. D. 1864 telatteg to the payment et the Ilarooge T. to the Velma , within the limits Of add Berocgd. . The undomhomd roepectfally ootlflee tbeetld Tax• mere that he IA Col , 111 a nd l nady to rebello t.derpticate Me the payment , If mid tax he wine, On all fates paid on sr before the Ore( day of An. gnat, 186 i, an glee/anus II Ore per centurn.will to Made. On all Wxn paid eabeespent to the nest day of dogma and priori to the Brat day of September mint b. pald la 'toll. On all tun geld mho...mitt to the first day of Poptatelier ho shall add eve per 4:ohm. and oat h. Oat any of October to each year, Ohs 'Preserver eball' Utak. oat a liat of dellootient tax payers, with the amount doe mom each, with toe Pe' aimum additional addtd ; provided that se addl. Donal mount shall be leas then ten amid', and plate the nine 121 the hand, of the Sigh Oomtatio, snubs do y It .hall be So resolve the mine nod , a penal. y of Ditty Dollars; and the mad Troasmed Y berse7 authorised to LIMO to sold tdmetable bb warrant to said tax, /ranting him all the Taoism and monlnn.noe by law vested collectors of county into sad Is lea. Provided, that no further or addl• Donal notice to taxpayer. shall be rognired than the 414.itiaolbeta LILL. Or mere papery, and by hand ball WI 61.11.01 J AWAY Borough Treed, One. Bailer d WaLnirrigitt LAItTeti.V.S. tenet Dlerd • 1864. 1864. "COSTAR'S" RAT, ROACH, EXTERMINATORS. ettablilhOd In N. T. catT." "Only Infallible remedies known.' , orrea from Poisons." "Not deuterons to the /Inman Peuttly." ones comelout of their holm to die.' Bald by el Draggles everrollew Binrean I of eywrthleat Imitations. opostarki Beloit. No, UN Broadway. N. T. /Dlratold by_l FAHNBSTOINgeI, NON A 00., and B. N. BEL NM • 00., Whatnot* and Retell Agents, Pittsburgh, Pa. !INABA P. sanWASTE, Wholesale and Arbil] Agent, Allegheny Otty. ad:o23Am Nmw SPRING GOODS. 10 ST • CLA.III STREET, • Just received from the meter* cities. A lame and smll orloctad step . of g00d., , &etyma for thshprieS and hemmer te ..tasting to part of the follow leg qualm' TR GLOTtGe and cesstatEssA, 1,2,11.01 f EtiGISIBII, GERMAN and AItiCEICLIS COATINOB CA34IIIEBO, of almost emery shmie. style mei color, all of which I will make pp to mem to the latest a 540.1 faablouable oyscuyer by experienced 'reticence at short notice mul reassemble Mmes. 0100, * large stock of Gents' Yurelebleg Geode, sock agave unsay kept to dem el.. Web b, sg Mures Orderesolle God and promptly exccuted. We. lo BLOW, itum.. Pittgit, B id EWATHET, 1760. COTTAGE DRABS, 06017 ND 13 PORE LITISELD OIL 1111 diCerent Drab &Ads, An oarraass, Thais, ILULHOLD nears, ft. CUBA Parr PAINT IS THI MARKET. Adds. ROBICIIT LUCY/SOLD% Noma' Agent, 74 Midst, Lazo, Nom Tort tattlketod FURN ITIIIRIC 0•11 2 AND WOOD OHAIB aunts an at avaroiD nano, WBOLISALB OB BLVAIL. JAS. W. WOODWELL, E!IMgM;;Z=M G=MI cliJir;,tr.7 . S.A. W rdi.LAugs, ALLA:OHMS! OTT f lisow osseastly band a tarn awl ibmoVill weaassel studs DIVEING. GOAT AND DOWOI/ PLANE, WINDOW FUANI STUTF, LINTLO, 11118.81LL8, JOIM, errocrrrNa. Lantz. PAL. Us ostlers tcw ISAWXD emir etta prompts.. and al Cslr rates. H. B. Pm.. wasting L0N41310111 rO" LAB ars Fantasias, Inwita I , ' ID. th rt , b. aIIirOCEOP 013 , e 11; alrwrl,, 1... /Atm. MoCORD & • Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, Ilan. .o in more Um Largest and most coandste Rock of goods for 131.12124(31 LICS Tye, olletal fa Ms west. Elotsbants an motets/ to call and ersualtat oar stock. whlca b. sold at vary lot rata 131 wood Bt., Plltsbamh. v.h9 B A6SI BAGS I BAGS t Hew and namd.band Seamless, Burlap & Canny Bags, nova AND SALT DADS prtotall to ardor, by JOHN T. BAILEY £ 00., fialaxo No. 111 Vint!) Trti CE'NTRAL DRUG STORE, err ' Or awl Adana Mutt., AL11.0.1. am. A. 1.11!aLl. reoraireo. AUG SODA Wegra PATLIff itLIDWIM Oo BREDI3, BUTTER, POULTRY, LOOP, And all land. of 00tflITET PEODIIOB, ,old of conuntalon, by W. C..COPE, No. 1428 81A11.8117 13711C11. Philadelphia. Mff;=== SPORTSMEN'S HEADQUARTERS, VW WOOD EITHEZT. Invitee U. attention of !Veltman and othriato tda splendid stcck of ODDS, RIFLES, DEVOLVERS A PISTOLS, GAME BAGS, POWDEII TLASKS,SIIOI BELTS and POUCIRES, DRAM FLASKS, and an =Wilds of *Tin 04. Ilia Mock Utni e,ds WOUNDED EOLDIEES. $lOO BOUNTY TO ALL WOUNDED SOLDIERS, la now btimg gold ; can with Discharge." No charge made until the moooy oatlectel T. WALTES DAT, ' I Lionised by the U. IA Clowewasent, No 103 II DM stoat. PlttahonCh; TM'S door Wow the Oethotral. mrF.il.a STREET NOTIOE.—AR persons inter emed are hereby notified that the nowt of the Viewers appointed to view and anew damages and betiefita arbtag from the prolunwelopetdog of &street In the Cocotte Ward of Athlytkeny, from • point on Alleghtruy Mosul:4loi het meth of r etroet. where the lame Crol.• add Amine nerthweeterly to • point an Yrs:Alla West lot% Get art of Bidwell stmt, hae been lied to the Wet Court of Allegheny comity for confirmation. 8. 801101'8110n. fiell , itor ter Allethmtv. A LLBWIENY AVENUE—AII per t] mono interested are trinity opined that the re port of Warren appointed to aim* and was darn ages sad bencilts asieteg from the. epenlog of 60e shoe Autism, from tbe north Untie( Itidre etreet to • dlagedal dyed ordered to be epenodtu ahltuno. of 2,112 felt, In the fleet and Beriond Wards of *He• bony eity, he. ben died lei the District Oran of tillatitietiy county foicoudomatiou. . • • e 8011011D1,1r.. • inylartir . Solicitor for Allsabray. pervins aD tareered are bombe notified that the rep et .f Vienare appointed t. thin and mom damadce and benefits wiring bop the widening cif otdun ewe, t.eond weird, Alltnibeny, trent fninklbit strati to Island echo, haii been flied in the Dlatrlet Marl of Allegheny county tee eendeemuee., b. sworn% sr.. torliner • folloltor ter Alien • . JLutott.mTatieitham7 al. du via* te fhe efelef.tesee, itoeosr.f the hut will ma snout of Wilitato -31e4softhllee 4o:reef:O. An ruf Itid•btitt folio. eat .hoedent afeshereby• ace tom the eietiOrithoot delay, to the owlet , levied. broken the debteof dkoedeot .111 totalled., sultivel Gunton suromM Nz•culd,. RARLAN azinassor top* eke ibeasu . ••••• • • • 4 • •••••••.I..I..SAIIALWA.T., ..,04.143$14boop,atioot. vitubasib. V$A YieP 011r.e4 m g .. : m i tten& --IA bar n° WPM' ' - 7.11 21111L1711".' ==Z=MM X7SCELL.A.TEO US FIFTH lasi' OF AYPIAGATIOISA (or selling liquors, 014 to the Clock's 0556 e op to May 11th. 1867: rows. rind. ward, P.O Waigand, tavern, let ward, Pittsburgh; Hugh 80110. Co, 4, do; Philip Dotter, do, do; George Bauroth. do, do; F. W. Bluolthours, do, do', George Canning, • do, do; John Selferth /4 Co.,ther goo?e, do. Jacob Dodo], eiting house, do; Britlyet Golitalow, do, 1.61 ward, Pittsburgh: O. W Hochschwoodor,tanaro, do; Wt. Torni, eating home, do; - John Laverty, toot ern, do; Georg. Duty, do, do; ohn Brna-n, do; J • [Bari.dil Iteeson. do, Ms; Steel. Wale, eating hon., ad ward, Plttabargh; Frauds Gersolo, tavern, do; Jots Larcher, do, do; F Limb a Co.. other goods, dm Id malts, Pacbtel, tavern, do; Reinhart 1111 rich, do, do; Hoy a Dickey; do, Adorn ecetit ett, do, Woo Bmikre, other good., John Seblcuter, tavern, Trim Laverty, de, Ainsauder Murray, do, Andrew GO loch, du, IL Math, do, George Sptchm ever, oat'g li.uai, Win Clayton, athar good.. M.A.. Oovenella, eat'g 1.e... Wm C Flinn, tavern, Vlrphau Cairns, do, I Michael roils, do, Joh!. Duly, do, John Savage, do, _ .1. AJ. Kelly, other donde do, deorgeltdineman A Co., tavern, dm James Wilitatue: do, dm Luke O'llrlen, de, . do; D. Haworth a Co., other goo., do; Wm. A. Norm total., do; tool Jona, sating SOS.. do; Black & Womb., Mlle, goods, 411* ward, Pittsburgh. Peter libibealter, tavern, do; John McCrady, do, do; John EloDeritt, other goods, do; McCullough, Smith A C 4., do, do; H. W. Boanmontk 00., do, do: P. M. Hotthlus, tavern, do; Daniel Meehan, do, do; Benjamin Trimble, do, do; Wm. N. Obeatoan, do, do; J. E. Lanabsur, tavern, . do; Ctuvies 31nileo, eating house, do; James Boyd, other goods, do; Lancelot Apploby, tavern, sth ward, Pittsburgh. Abraham Gmenwood, do do; Wm. Brown, do dia; Philip. Meyer, eating boom, de. Thomas eg Williams, tavern, do; Ho Miley, do dm. Margaretha Wigloy, eating house ' do; Herman Bechtold, nevem, Cob word, Pltbtough. Elisat.th Hipp!, eating hone, do; do; ( s= S t. ' v7, "' trace d :, do, T. W. ittglis, do do; Joh, Illeichter, de 711 ward, Pittatnargb. Jobe Vc*el, within bout, do; John Ilichardson, tavern, Bth word, Pittsburgh. William Hunk do do; P. F. McNally, do do; ,Joltr. Ditimond, do Oil ward, Pittsburgh. at.ini Power, do do; A. Nome, do • do; tivtlelb Maas, eating house, IA ward, 41/echo:l. barons; Patton, tavern. do; ' Borst., Ilighler, eating boo., dm John Boit ACo , tavern, 24 ward, Allegheny. Such..,; Dickeuhoffer, eating house, do; En... Ilruwa. tavern, do; John Nicholls, laver,VA ward Allegheny• John .Pretting. .thing Seam, 3d Ward Allegheny. Christ.. OMR tavern, , do . Jacob F,'Stoidle, eating hour, do, Tbrodare Beeistriu, do; be Illaderick Saner, tavern, Geo. Pettthmr, do; ' do Autouy Hoffman. do; do WmSehlen, other goods, lth Want A Mathew. Gthvelini alcOloaky, tavern. do, Jacob Kohler, ' do; do John AIM., do; do John 11. Bohlen other goods, de, Philip Ballsicin, worn, do. Anton `Stephen, eating boom, do, Cosaar & Eakin, tavern, do Marla. nester, eating how', do Anus efAtzter, ~,o. do John N Schaff., do Blivnicgbara. livory Oliager. do do; Boralnect Maguire, do . do; Solo Nouser,l, do do; Hamm A Jodie..., other goods, do' threat Ilona. rating boom., East Birealogitain Geo. W. Immo% tau., dm Marks Crow. do do; Robert 3. Taylor, other goods, to. Jobe Behold, rating housa, D00m... John 0 Tay'or, rating bomo, Khubeth. Eliatbeth Barringor. Var.-a, Lawronuville. Itarbara.Fasta, do; du; Jobu Smith, do; .._ CharleaJacob, other go-4k Joseph Elort, tart. Itrancia Berenger, do; Jam. Toowc. do; Joh, G. .term, eating how, James 11,a,v,. torero, Jo, o Naves, do; IL B.Blcan, do; Beaty Wthur, other goodk J. A. Ponca-eon, tames, Ftwacrith Wacker, do; Joseph Janawmu, do; l'ardensld, do; _ . onto. CornSnr, do; Weld Pm...burgh. Matilda. Ham, dm do; Henry &Spottier, ono. gads, do; Wm. Voigt, do; Booth Pitcsburgli, Anton Rough, tavorn, do; John Gehring, do; do; Jacob thashoaugh, other peals, dot Martin Yreadsurelrh. tavern, Itharpthurg. Root. Stewart, rating hoot*, Tarromm. Georg* ELeltosi, tavern, Tenapvrincertlle. Eligabeth Clark. eatiog house, - do; John Riley, cation Donee, dm Hannah Arwood-01n, Harem, do; Di lefties 1.... h. do Collies towrablp John Llmegrover, do do ' Ltatthew ScGregur, do North Fayette. If tchael . hopes.. do Inthana. Willem Thorpe, do MlllllO. Hewett. Cooled, do do Jacob Crliert, do McClure. Henry 11111 r, do Peoblea. Joaephlne Flick. do Pitt. Juteoll Lofink, do Ree.-ve. Michael Cwt.. do do; Alexander Berbmich, do do; Michael Leonard, do Robinson. Elizabeth Hannah, -do !haler. Philip Toad. do do; Joho Scheort, ' 'do Lower St. CLilr. J. lan Pore, dating btu°, do, John Lets. layer.. do; George Lour, do do; Otorge 0.141.. h, do (to; Wm. Grteroun, other epode, do; Jacob Ott, taunt, do; . John O. Hughey do do; Richard Hotter, do do; Janet Bennett, do 11 n ion. George Vein., do Versailles. Abrahana Moore, do do; Thome Later..., do do; Attamour enberly, do do; Fund* Donn, do Wilklrm The Court will moot . WEDNESDAY. Jon Ist, 1864. at Ioo'clock a. ro. Rthoonstranceo moot be filed.oh of looforo tinatiday. Lineman must be taken out altar 5 dayk,' and within 15 days after &log onantod, or they will.bo rovoked ...Ming to law. Applicants will Min flair bonds to my once, be fo r e tho dry of hearing I ~ my2leatd W. A. lIERRON. Clerk - A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing gargle Amendments to the Constitution. B. Urodred by die &mt. and. Irons* of Seprowens• nese ef Cbsemnoseolai of Pmenstrusto a Ceemral neel, Tint the following amendments be meowed to the Comelitution of the Commonwealth, to awoordance with the provisioned the tenth article thereof : There shell be an additionel motion to the third isrgicleof the Constitution, to be dodos:al es 80, thm tour, u follow. : • Amitioe 4. Whenever nay of the quallend oleo tors of tits Commonwealth .hall be to any actual military tervice, under a requisition•trons the Pres ident, or by the authority of thiji Commonwealth, math thetas may exerciae the right of su ff rage In a ll y by the oitissne. under each rtions a. • o• r'shall be, proscribed by leer, se fel ae it they ware present at their 1111.1 piece of el n." liecrios U. There than be two additional sections to the elerenth article of the Coutitntion. to be dee. th e a. section. tight and nine, m follows: ihnwad a. section. tight and nine . 0 oNstrratra 8. No bill shall be p aced by the Legis lature containing more than one .object, which shall to clearly copremed In the title, except appro. prlatien bill.' 1 .9911100 9. No bill shall be owed by the Lees. later* :gmating any powers, or privileges.. in any arhere the authority to grant alrcli,potrora at prirdve has boon, or may Lassiter be, cosferred opt the Ooerts of ale tiomthonweetitb... DENNY 0. JOHNSON, ' Speaker of the House of itspresenfalives, JOHN P. FENN LT, Speaker of the Senate. torrloll or 119Chrrairr or Tna C05h09110.11.111,1 UarrhtrUrrp, April 25.11161. J PINNSYLTANIA, U. I do hereby certify (hat the foregoin lls • fall, true and correct copy of the °tie mat ilesoitaion of the General Assembly, entitled "A Joint Acatiollort Inept:alas certain Amendments to the Centlitution.'.aa the same remains on ale to Olt dicta In testimony whereof I hove hereunto set my head and canard the mei of the recretary`e office to be affixed, the day and year above written. bLITER. Secretary of the Comarnweeltd. • LTlosebove resolution having been sawed to by amp toy of the members of each Home, at two coo. erosive ileaslons of the Gomm! A numbly of thisthom• monwialtb, toe propoeed amerotments will he cob initta4 to tho poople,f4r their adoption or rejection, of the one bDAl eig h to, in the year of our Lord thoissand h oode d and dory. f our , In ....dance with the prollatote ore. tenth article of the Oonstlttilloe, nod the sot entitled "to Let praimildng the time and mean, of submitting to the people, for their approral and ratification or rejection, the prorsed acoondmenta to the Conitttet lion; approved t alwenty•thipi day of April, one thousand eight Modred and easy-four. Nil BLIZBE, Secretary Of the Commonwealth. oultlawdtd A IiLEGRENY COUNTY ea..—ln the tkotrt of Common Plan% to the metier of the Trudreship of Mrs. 0. Q. tdoCrey. Ito. 107, Mora% 1860. Ana now to wit. April =b. / 1304 • the Tuthlan ofJohn Ituelereni Trans* of Xhiu O. 11111cOnty, eating limn of Court toughing' nactiTrostre, pre. seated In open Court, and upon hewing sad thecae. dentition 4ft t:5 ft enity ordimed sod decreed that the on t o end host !l eimanat exhibited with sad m1111°14...3! said 'buttes be Mod and maimed .111 r end that notice O the Shag afield m eve et n: f ell putlea in fat f alist by - publication week oan, hely to tie Pittsburgh - Delly• Comte for Um* weelMend ,should no exception be filed to said account on or banal EaTtrittlitY. the Ed davit - thy, Inn, the some tie coalirmed shoo:atoll. sod. the mild 'Minn tellodol end dlochermd for mar, from the perfor 'aienothof the duties of mid trent to accordance with the hittber orders of Court tote meth, so preyed fon _ the (butt,: [CrtM-the Beand )- -•; • Attain Ugh= 11•10 bi Prothonotary • . an d' entisecte . nxilasTßAtoks - Nonot—Aii .1101Lj pasooo.ftbrolati tikoliolosito bi d to the anat. of James Lowsy, - or.,' WO' - Otto tit" of Pittsburgh, &musk Atotbriatillfitst tir maks lAtyprot,, add thaw haolag eloio _avdnort plaii.protent the _pun. ewrimakioiti ate, forootdesiollt: :361L13 spilowdees . .1011.MY4IttUtr: IRE= CIIAAJUEO US. RNLI(.; AND TROPHI ES. "OLD CURIOSITY SHOP." The aid end c i-oteirstion of the gettriotbP.PPill ofWestern Penneilnaula and Ember. Ohio, 11 herr by requested, In making the above named depart tof t h e ctiming Pittsburgh Sanitary Par equal ly s credit sod a ear ems. Numerate, relics and trophies of the premot war, of the Blectiman war, Irmo of 15121 Indian mod Revolutionary waracearloaltice connected with the early Bottle went of our region, or with events and men psonsineut In our bleory, =rivals tine of eves, dsn-riptlon are timed away in private ro• ceptaelee, an! may, If beounbt together, render the "OLD OTISWEITY 31.101`" not the least et the at- tractions et th• Fair. The committee therefore nob that all oho erg willing to help along the good draw, wool! send to each articles of the above do. scription no they may have, sr can procure from others, o< notify the committee where they am be found. Artie!. domited Fill be .4111pimed of .. tba &morn may din..., or aridar the direction of the rooootloe Committee. But artialla merely aLscad on oublbition, reeriptrd for by any mamba of tho oommitten, Ml be to provrorct ond ;cleaned. • Wier abonld scoompany artfele giving Its :u if I.2 i. d . o d urd. O. vain*. GO, On netball en.nizaltfon, iO5. 8. A10E2180)4 Manna. Oroanx H. Orrnarrr, Becretar7. Ark •Irhet donated, or left for exhibltrou. ma be lon nlth, or addrossod to either of the fallowing member. of the committee: W. D. MEO WAN, Seo'y Ex. C.My Wahl. at. Pltrab'g. EON. JAS. VEECH, emorr Ot6 and antra meets. DH. J NO. DICKSON, roma, Soon end Hand arrests. 8. DIDDLE. Postotadn, Allegheny: D. MEET /MELDS, m 'l4 Sesrickletrille,Ps. TILLUVILLICS Orrice, A.Loconrar Co., PA., 1 Pittsburgh, May Ed, 101. f rN PIIRSItAI7 GE of the 21st section of 1 an At relating to Allegheny county, passed said 21st, WM, 1, DAVID A IGEN, Jr., Trewsurer of said booty, byteby glee notice that 1 will a t fat the purpose of receiving braes to the 'amoral Ward., Boroughs, Townships and Precincts of sold county, at the pleas .f bolding g -neral elections therein re. speothely, on the following days, from 10 o'clock a. m. until d o'clock p. In., to watt Sint Ward, Plttat•ursh Sint Ward. Allratteuyi illinzbeth borough, hew y Jindloy townerp, Elisabeth township, 7111911.1•411 township, horn township, UN THIIILBDAT, JUNE To. &bond Ward, Pitt burgh ,• &bond Ward, Alleghe ny; Wert Llisatoth borough, hlcErstsporli bornsigh, harshall townsidp, Harrison township,llloon town ship, Jefferson brosuship, ON rawer. 102110 SD. Itrst preednct, Third ward, Pittsburgh; 7K pow doer Third ward, Allegheny; Tarsatom borough, 11hawlwbwrit hOougir. Pine township, North Fayette bonabiy, lean township, East Doer township, ON PIATIIKDAT, JUDD !WI. Second precinct, Third ward, Pittsburgh; lisoand precinct, Third ward, Allegheny; Temperanneville borough, Dogma. borough, II enaction township, Indiana township, 'Booth Payette township, Ver. amass township, . „ ON 1110/51Tht =Ng north ward, Pittsburgh; Pint precinct, Pouritt wan!, nilegbesy; Manchestrm borough, Law roam rine bop mgt., Hampton townihtp, West Deer town ship, BObilLoll 'Ptownship, PattoUNEn townsh Trn. iP, • . OS OMBA', J First Fourth ward, Pittsburgh; deomid piweinct, Fourth ward, Allegheny; Meat Pittsburgh borough, Monongahela borough, Bichland: taw. ship, Staler townstdp, Upper St. Mir touruniedi Plum township, OS WEDNESDAY, JUNE gra. Second froclect, filth ward, Pittsburgh, Sixth ward, Pitstborgh; Smith Pittsburgh i gird pre. don, Birmingham boront ; Dom township, Ohio township, enovden tormhip, Pam township, ON THOBSVAI, JObS trn. Seventh ward, Pittsburgh: burgh fi,ond precinct, Birmingham borough; Soot Birmingham borough, Sewickley township. McClure towneny. Baldwin township, Scott tp., . .hip. Megan, ON YSIDAY, JIIISIN Ninth war& Pittaburgh; Reams tomzuhilLChu• teen Loan:whip, Union toarnahfp, tam:whip, Tina precitnt Peebles inlrnahip, totmadip., Lower EL Clair township. ON SATURDAY, .117N17 11TH. -• Second procinct,Pablea townthip; Pal tcrwasehip. Crearta township, Neville townahip, ON MONDAY, JtJ 13rn. Saxes tan be paid at the Stmorat's Ocoee within thre =maw tram the data !tartan the foron district= cultism to FIVE PEE CENT. DEBOOVNT fur prompt pa4meat. to ay peran paying the whole amount of their tsars. nrs3:3nt SLLVM PEARL SOAP. ORUMPTON & 00., 367 Liberty Strut, II Homport do, Bole Pnaprienun and trunntedurnn far W.l.= Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indians, 1131nols and 111lomat Mao, mseufactecremeof • =parlor article of Palm, German, Olive and Rosin Soap, ►m Tadao TOUT AND NANCY 110AP0. Of our BILVEIt PEARL &MP, which we conß.• &nattily recommend se bettor for general use than W other before the public, should bs borne m mind tow neither Pouch, Balt, Lime or Bode, or asp other substance In its manufacture which can shrink or Wore the nowt Wats. Plannels and Woolens can bewashod with the rapldit3 of Oottott or Linen. Clotho washed with the ULM MEM BOAP do not rapine boiling or half the rnlttdag. which of course mete the wow and tear. . BILVSB PEARL SOAP llonovea Grease, Dirt, Toteeco Stains, Printers' Ink, Smoke sod the worst Beige Water Stains tre• mad lately, applying tt with a moist Sponge, thou protecting Indent Clerpett and Yulaltrir• from rads and dog. It „Imparts • brilliancy to Plats,. Jewelry, j.namlbed Palmtop and Patent Leather ImmedLtely ; and for &males marble and - door tile it has no oval. For the Bath. sad panto • snarly ler Ilhampong, the <= PaIRL 804 P It • perast halm in • work a/I who hale tried Its ulterior glights, acknowkdge It the greatest diesrrory of ti eage This Oorapeng ask • trial from ail who use Intmartol Wag Beep, and te afore reihnd the prim of the tame shorddit to accomplish shot lire claim for It, if need *marling to our directions. Bold of PIYB moms PIM POUND, In tllti pound bared, delirered to the care or bosh, or In lighen7 Birmingham and - city residences lets of dune. Dime-Wm ihr moon ail peckages. Moral dhoommt to the trade. Ifferchcats Limn abroad ntil do yell to give OBIIIIPTON d 00. a inU, .I.Mity greet, on.. rite Pentoiylranla BallroadPasenger Depot, PLU ii/r•B our oarare trademarkatoll to:Cations none gowshit union bearing--£1110 73 . 11 M IiBILL —at bemired by National Copyright. ostaly FASHIONABLE • DESIRABLE GOODS. GENT'S & YOUTH'S CLOTHING. MA.I TO ORDER, IN TIE BEST STYLE it HAMEL R. B. NORRIS, MIISQHAHT TaM)ll, 79 FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny. &Mat ~W~ CORNER CiATR B'o3. mammon, PA. largort, chavoii and um& sueseedhl Eftiaineite-Olan , s College. Itgileats enter and reviivi at any 11m.. literarcror Its Sorer or Prrnm atsrt.. Cuomo Sense, April to, ISSL , Iftice le hereby given that Staled Proposals, at cogejpeetot by porn' guaranteed, sounding to fortes , t . ttp .„l..h t e on *pegmatite at Ws ordoe, leLl - bi ,dooat, tou le a rtick cuerldlat em the 11613 P TUISDAY Illi t JUSS, brat. for the i tempi, f the Marla , Molted, user Mk elm with the ar ticles of provielm, Medledue, de:, mormeneted In add . ronohien orie , setrieoltaioneireg ea the first day of July next, and ending on the thtmloth day, or jog,. • The guantitiM kilted - art'eatimak4 'leitif reference IA the weal numbarof Patient' to Man.:grata ; but lee. State s remises tbe right' to take mcce or lees cited sanickkimetridingly 42 .illey may to se, %rosy reqatted...lttbeartlelse delivered so ' the hoe. iv we Der; to the pap:neat Of .the Stu aoha, oil hot qtality; eld adapted MIMI hospital; totOM - • iellitertfla reject/ theillenia; to porebese other A Me et .111 FirVit vs*. la ta,tr stastvem to ,thorge fas Mentracter spree. , tarthahVOileger. : i ,;:, ottle iliv• cam it Oast togr thoimptmet price . • -•• • l alma', SUM ' .. t.. -.., ~ 7„.2lolMitcellStatearinerma4=rl to swept the IL SI: Doidei - Allegnety Comity a ' ' wieri -- ,..W posasku for rtlaVt2tfor Of tloi *Ware dim" handy Bonds. •Jeleeb - 450W1•,111altrY teed Itro4llciL - . ,' - - . ' -P. • SATOLIWItteI, 131subeetellleSsibarl Stain: ,- • •• . . . ...- :Stnerptr egg Amer ong eir e n .umite . , MIL 00 Immo rearm es anti. - racii.- . - stausiaut • - • 1 ~. OIRCITLABS, containing mn intermation, son boo, tO anj , odircon;an applicstie tat.borrinciptt TJIIIIIIXLTS s SPIITtIi fittotwit. Ps• AIMINI6TRATOWS NOTICFL—Let. tan of Admtolatratlim on the estate of Miller, late of (ho PIO of .rittabursh, deemmatl, hating boon granted to the undtralanad all ma= Indebted to tha estaterepo:lota to task. Imam. Mate payment. and thaw lanatottlalias to pant , iiiraLEgo Watt QaMtoondtl i4lstntt Clt!p thr,-taJOHNII24I.A.V.Wa 'Attornoi74.l3tsat .stert:Plitibargb. - - , ,aoldy;tatidair: • p n OP alLf La. . _ pEorosias FOR FORAGE. Preihlngton Depot, December a, 1.n33. Bgaled proposals are hatlted by the etulrodmind for • mwpiying the G.B. erarterectoter . . Itetervaierit, sr Weshbageon, rp. 0., Baltimore, ILL, Alocendria ad 1 Port linear., Vs, or either of thine plaan, with ERAS, COBS, OATS and MAW. Bid. will be received for the &Sierra 6,000 busi. i of earn Or oat; end IA tons of hay or etraw, Lod up wards =Bidders most state at which_ of the above mined point. they propane to make dellveriarg. and the need at which they will make &Uteri. thereat, thequen- My of each article propmed to be &literal, the time when said deliveries shall be corroncetld, and when to lie completed. • The primmest be Written ant In words on the bids. Corn to be put up in mod strut mins, of stout two bushels each.' Onto in like auto, of alout threw. borstals men. The maks mho . foibe without la ers charge to the Gov.-mead Tie hay and Fume to be securely bided. . The parlichla kind or description:of oats, corn, hay, or straw propoecd to be delivered; must be stated In the proxmils. All the sodden offered miler the bids heroin in vited will be collect to • rigid inspection. by the Government Inspector, before Wing ViceptinL Contracts will be awarded frortithne to time to the lowest responsible bidder, as the 'lnternet of the Gov ern...l may require, and piyment will be marts when the whole aroma contracted for shall have leant delivered and &septa& The bidder will be required to amatapanY his Pre posa with pitman:ay sied by two responsible persons, that in b id mass hie ie accepted he or they will, whadu ten day. therea ft er...emit e the...it , " for with good and inifildeut sureties, be a sum tqvud to the amount of the ointract, to deliver the forage proposed to. conformity with the terms of tide advertisement; and in ease the mid bidder shonld Mil to enter tote the contract; they-to make good the difference between the offer of raid bidder and the next lowest respomlblebtdder,or the person to whom the coorma may be awarded. The rerionsfinllty of the guarantor/ must be Mown by the otaal certlnento of a 11. B. District Attorney, Ocdkotor of Customs, or any other oflimr under the Milted BMWs Government, or reriOnablis person mown to this olfloe. All bidders will bo duly notified of the acuiptance or rejection of their proposal. • The fall name and P. G. alma of each bidder must be legibly writienju the propoeal. Proposals Must be adtheesed te Brigadier General D. 11. MOSER, Chief Depot Quartermaster, Wash- D. O. and shoelitbo plandy marked ii.Propo• sale for Fora gia' . Bonds, in • sum eqoal teethe amOunt of the con treat, signed by the coutractor and both of his guar tomore, will to requited of the soca:mint bidder or bidders upon signing the otiotract. . Blank forum of bids guarantem, and bonds, nm 7 be obtatnad neon applicator , no this p WORM OF PROPOSAL. (Town, Otvesty and Btato,) I, thertb;crlber, do hereby prop.. to Auttieb .3 &live to the Molted fitetea, $0 tho Quartermaster's Department et ormeably to [be term. of your adverthoition Invitiog proposal, tior forage, datediPsehlnten Depot December 8 1863, the MI / towing =via of Com in 1.231, per halal, of 66 nds. btuthele w ofpoue nds._ Oita, fn Rae, at -- Per 1 6 2thal. of 32 toes °floated Day, at— per Wu, al IMO punds. , tons of Strained.— per ton, 0f2,000 pomade. Delivery to commence on or before the—day of 268—, and tote completed oa or before the day of---,,186,and pled. copelf to water into a written bontrect with the Daft. States, with rood mill approved eemnitim, the Injece of ten days afberbeing notified that my bid lase teen accepted. • Your obedient servant, Brtgadler General D D. Emmy Chid epct Grcertermai.' — ., VirasLlngton, D. G. cromulal. We, the endersigned, realdents of , tbscoenary of, and genteel hereby, jointly and ., rerrertally,''corevaat with the United 0W.% and awarentasi In me the foregoing bidet be acpupted, that Ire or they will, within Mu days after the acceptance of raid bid, ere. cuts the contract for the tame with good &edged:Wont stream, itlairearieqtal to the amount of the contract, to thrash the forams proposed to Coroformity so the termsofedvettleenteut dated Deceniber 7, made which the bid was Dude,. and, In ewe the add shall fall to enter Into a contreks se aforesaid, we gew gaw, to make good the = mince edu between the offer by the sold bidder, or the pee to whom the contract may be awarded. • Winner., f Olven corder oar hand, and wale this —day of 13d, tdeaLj • I hereby certify that, to the besot my knowle ge and belief, the shone namol guarantor. are goal end sufficient as females for the amount for which they offer to to security. To be testified by the United Stet. District Attor ney, Collector of Customs, or any other officer under the United &arse Government, orresponlble person known to tlds dace. All prevents melted prier thla advertisement will be opened and examined at the atmon WED. JSZBDAY and SATURDAY of oath week, at 12 m. Bidder. are respectfully invited to be present at the opening of bide, if they desire. - B. storm, dent= ' Brig. Gen. and gtoutormeater. ORDNANCE/ OFFICE WAS DEPASTKEST, WAeaussrto7, 2401. t, 1864./ SEALED PELOPOSAL.S. trill be received el this dike until MONDAY, the 23d del of Hay. 11/64, for the delivery, et the following Arsenals. OAVAIdtli • ACCOUTIttroIIINTN, Cnitr tf tatm Covelry Pattern, as heretriefter neoltod. ! , At the Nem 'York Ammo]; 45,00 vets. - - At de Ca. Lords Arsenal, COM sets. At the Frankfort Areensl„lo,o7o seta. At the Allegheny Arsenal. ICAO mu. These accoutrements are to ba Snub la strict con formity with the regulation pattern, welch can bo men at the above =salad please. leach set is to con sist clone Sabre-bait as plata Complete ; ern, Car bine-alien with swivel complaint-ono S a e one Carbine Cartridgroboa; one Plated Cartridge- I box or Pouch; one Belaßalstor for Army else so -1 vohnir, and one Clap-pooch with cone pick. All of which are to be made of the best notarial* and vortimongdp. The Ware belt, gebrakttot and Car- binaging are to be of BUFF AT/E6ll BLACK- ! &Wand the Cartridge-boxee, Bolt-Bolder and Cap- I poach of MIL OA-K-TASh ED LEATILE.B. It is - to be distinctly randknoold that this Depart ment le to bens too prlvilige o Polspoctimitbe work done under any cataract it as Seward, la all gages of Ita progseuy especially to exatigne the stork bra kin platting- They ate to be subject to the Anal In - swag= at the Arsenal whew delivered beihre being marina by thoGoverrunerit. Sohnaretobe&crept ed or paid for but each as Ara approved ova Impala • , flan. . Deliveries matt, ben:nolo b lota of not kai then c" , * 4 . 0 . 1, ( 1 • 10 th)l.e. _Week after whole number coatraeted far ; the drat dalverrto be condo On the llOth day of Juno. Failure tOnseke &Um les at a: specified time will inslajost the contractor to &forfeiture of Um number he may raffle dell= at that time., The6r:confinements meat, be boxed In the mat manner; the bone to be charged toot, to hedger mined by bah:nectar: • • Bidders will state argilettlif the Ascend, or Arse nate, Where they propose to rioting.. and thee number of setathryipropose to deliver at each place, if far mon than bile Will be Witotidareti Peva Parties other than al4rmaso n to and such as are Imam to Elepanment to be Idly competent to ati lt their own *bops theiworkpropeecd for. 'Should any partyabtelobsg a =treat Mier Atecntroments other than thaw made In his own. eh4e, they will be re jected. and the contract tendered neil end Told. Bidden will erolsee with Zeit bide the written ittknertiedgmonte of (bar wstetlca over dads own . di ell party obtaining a contr..* Till be obliged to enter Into bondoittli opprored Aurelio, for it. faith. inlUpon er.ttoz. - cao the award being made, amassed bidder. will bozo:third and torniebod etch ion= of contract and bonds. The Department mem, the right to,reject any or ell blis, it not donned entbitortorf. PropoWil will be addramed to Brigadier General GEO WE D. BANSAY, Chief' of cantruizoo, Worb , legion, D. 0.." widened ...Prapotele Sor Cavalry d.o. aratranents.. GEORGE ,D. 111011 SAY alp hint - Beg. Gen, Obid of Ordnente, rkEDNANCE OFFICE{: • - • WAIL DEPLIIIMISENT, . Wrzeintrroz. D. 0., 6r/ 864 . f Bids rill Ides be received rod these scan:Ur-motto 'to be made of the BEST GRAINED LEATHER, initeroil of DUST. • - ' • ' GEO; D. IthlianY, . , Brig. Dori., Chariot Ordnance: • - PROPOS AT-9 FOB, I . l.ol333r—Senleti ii Propriela are baited till the Him of NAT. at 12 O'clock N. for Curniahlng . the Subal.Wence De. mr-cnt with. . . =OIIT THOUSAND (SADO] 1321211123 OT 'FLOUR. The proposals Will be for wheelie known at this de; poise Nos. 1, 2. and 3, mid bids will be entertained for any quantity lees than tbe - Bide must be in oreptiaste, endsea grade on *parole &este of paper:: - 210 Mont.-to be fresh graudd, and drirrered In new oak barrels, headlined. - The &Stay of the flour to bereentmenced Within DM days from the opening of the blds,and in such Imentities, daily, - u theilosernrcara may direct, do- Ired althet-at.. the Gorenunent - warehouse in (leorgstown,attla whortrs, or *the r*lroad depot, The Teri of all Maar awarded to be carcrideled within twenty days Horatio openingaf the blds. ' - Payment will be 'made in- artideates of te4bted pastor Each other tends aitheiilererunieut Mad here , for rilsbureement.. ! . A 4 . The um* OlcarweitoMilnigoctiele he =A. before the iloriklexeccleed, and otie will be incept which Is not fresh ground: , . An oath of allegiance Inuit accompany the bid of each bidder, who has pot .the with on file in this office; and no : bid -be'entertaimd from parties who hare prialutudy. failed to comply with their bids, or from bidders not seat to mmarol. Gorr wren tersrMa 'the tight to. reject any bid Bids to he addremed. to -the; undersigned, at lio. l 223 .4rue, Tfaeltington‘ D., 0. , endorsed wimpa. sills for : S. 0. DHINNIA,_ • - _ C1e.r,4 3 Pod iraddl4itUrtl; NOTICE FOR PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLY OP ]!AWNS nosprrAL. , , • PROPO.SfeILS. HORSES! HORSES! BOBSES 1 • -- - WAIL Drrarramar, Germ .= Ntrastri Waco of CtOef Quarttrmaster. Waveasolorr. 31 .7 16, 1864 * • • Sealed Proprendo ill be received at tide office until 13 o'clock tn. TO ULSDAY, May . 2 itte,lSG•t, for TWO THOUSAND (2,060) OAYALILX, S6,tobede liveredred et tho tiovernmcnt Minis In Chicago, 1.111• nine, and TWO THOUSAND (2,000) at Government Suid-s In Davenport, 1688.„ with. fitly (ILO) dap from date (contract. &del Eoney to be wood 16 all trartictdats, il broke., full to drab, from Ilftoom P 1 to oixttoo ( 16 ) hurtle high, Clem Con OYto nine (a) years old, In gg ott comittiot, and well adapted In every ..eray to Cavalry norpmes, Theae epoutleatfane alf bo stilotly enema to and enforr_ed in emery parttedlar. No bid will be entertained union! aocampivtiod by a gchrantee far Its Ltithhil peewits., Should any thlivil Shiba aMc6r glut-MAO tho prop.al of bidder who vhould raw. to be Irvs vponlible, ht. mune will t. veported to the Secretary of War, with • recetatticadgfion that such oeloor bo dienolgod thee - vette: ' MI Winery and =wanton will be held to the strictect eccoantabilitj, and every Whirr to comply with terms f - ..contract, or to matte the- cautrett when award.; will he fellewed prrarcution to the tell extent of the Lew. - • . Form of bid and paarartty can be had oivapplics• tion to Ma &¢m, or to the Batted Mat. Qrurier. Masten at Chicegoard Compact. samo:atof bidders mill to reqatred to cater Into written coutrocto, with gond and sufficlent wearily, Immediately on the acceptor. of their hide. The oath of allegiance must ar..company tomb bid. lb, andersignal reserves the right to reject ail bids deemed umemottable. Bids for ens hundred (10)) upwardss beentertained. Bide for tho mare onmAcr of Hotta recroltod are invitort. Payment mill be promptly made an complation of contract. . . Ro roam will he received. Propolate mutt be codoreed 4 Propoaals for Cavalry Horne,' and addromod to Captain JAS. A: Z.E ai,rQuartermanter, Cavalry Boman, Waslargton, D. C. Any farther Information win bo.• promptly Om oa opplicattta, immorally ar.ly letter, to JAMES A. mini, Ltantepanflotioland Oh:of traarttrrmotor. Caralri bureau. CF Portbase In. open market will, bo continued at Mew and rwenpart unta tho contre.rt b swerd.ll., Palm mt mado to Cartitlastm of %debt. cChne.lo Insight ob) bona or rnOra• taylo.:td • ORDNANCE OFFICE, wAa. WASEMNITTCM. D. Cr, 31ey Lib; IBM. BELLED PROPOI&LS will. be Tecotrd this office until TELSDLY, the 21th Coy or •Alelt / B,l i f,r B-INGII COLEMULth 811.CGL,to bo dOlneff. ntho following gnentll,lo+, et. the undonanmod Mwonals, At rho Watertown Annul], blereatibusety, 10,000 11.1ochshelL • At tho Watervlint Atecnel, Now. York, 10,000 S-Inch At th• Nair lictic Arsenal, darcritoi'■ Wand, Nett York. 16,000 8-inch At 'the Allegheny dasea3l, Ittsburgb, 1.0,000 8-Inch 61,11. . • . • At the Bt. Louts Arsenal, Ito. .0,00:t S-inalt the% • Thus projeetib• an to be mid& of Ibe bind of metal, end tweeted after the inlet laid dein to the Ordnance Manual, the tangle etteogth of the B.n to be not less than 14,00 N. per septets inch. Draw inge can be- nen at arty,of .tbe, 'United State. Arse nals. The projectiles are to be inspected ettne feller dry where ceit, end are To he . dOlicred at the Aree. rota free of charge for tutiolling andrransportetion. Daintiest moat be made at thereto - et tot lets then one-tenth (1-10th) Of the whale antotint contracted too per wools. The th'et del-Int:AO be autdo on the liota day of lane, 111 . 4. , , Failure to nuke dentate& eta aPocined time will =block the ontreetor to iforfeitare of the number he may Tall to deliver at that time. - Bidden will-state auplicitly the Animal or Arse gals where they propose to deliver, fad the number of frojeCtlies they promo to dearer. at each place, . if for-more then one. Oft, hide will be considered from pietist other thin regular founders, or propriaiots of *Mks, who are known to thisDopastment Lobo rapable of ,mating the work prorpoied for. Shonld say party obtaining &contract offer Chant other thert`thou out In his own foundry, they wail be rejected, sad the contract rendered unit ano told. Bidden will entice* with their bill the written acknowledgments of their sunhat out their own signature.. Inch potty obtaining a contrut ohliged to enter into hood, with approved suretietcfor Its faith• fal execution. Open the award being made. encentsful bidders will he notfied, and tarnished withimunt of contract and head. The Deperboriet 11.,. es the right - ; reject any or all bide, df not deemed taitsfactory.! • Propoesis beaddrested to "Brigadier General GP.OIIOF. D. ftahlSA.Y, Chief of,Ordestm, Weak. ington, D. 0," and endorsed "Proposal& for B.inch Oolumbied S hells." GitOliGE D..11,11118AY, mytheodtd Brig tee., Chief of-Ordnance, ORDIJnANTES., JCLA N ORDINANCE establiehing the grade of Washington. !street; de the Third ward, from the south curb of Libertf.litrset to the north curb of Webster anent. • ,I 6E0.1. De it ordained mei modal by itho Afeyor, Al dermen and e• — •th,rna of Pitatergh; &led awl Comenm Co3neiTs assemble:4 and ieis hereby ordained and ennead by the erathoeily ri ft. mate; That the geode of east curb of. Washington street, braizedng.itt the eolith curb of Liberty street, alien here- 'u Meent of 2.• (V above t h e benison. or 150 feet rer 100 to. distance of 20 feet; thence rho 6,130 r 0.1 0 feet Per lf.O feet to Fountain street; %hewn. rieel.oo soma the game; thence rise b. 46 , cr 10.03:per 100 feet to the north corded Bedford or ProspectreAmt; the*. tiro 2' r/.." 4.23 feet per 100 fret to, thetsorth mnb of Poplar alley; thence rise O• 61' eirl.'l3.ieet per Ifo • foot to the north curb Of Webster street:.; Bee. ti That eo much of shy ordlnenCene conflicts with the pervistone of-this ordinanceihe .end the tame is hereby repealed. ; Ordained and enacted Otto a law incatineils, 'this lath day cf Key, A. D:1661. •• SAXES hicAULST. President of Select Cornell. Attest : E. S. hloastow • ' Clerk of ticket: ceee , a. • ' TrleketEEL, , ' President of Cointion 7 ConaciL • Attest: 110mr1r3fistm. • • • Clerk of Common Conmcil:-; AN- ORDINANCE_ imadriAing the Grading.d rwrins and, Betting ;with Cerb• stone Wllkini strart, , , In the liintlilr z ani, Iron dmallscusn street to Ddinesne . Sze. 1. Es it sollahrof cad coastal kg dtt 7fltar:•, derma and alirenl of Pittd.WWk; larSelect and drew.. Oovedis orscorkled;ead St is hereby ordeired awl enacted kg de rogdorint nide aide; tho IfirOirding ulster bennd he is hereby di rioted to advertise tor proposals dr Groans, travint and Betting with Oorbrone Wilk.inst street. from the., neigh east lino of thnodimen street to Duquesne Way; in con tot mity with the provisions of tor ordnance nd the ale day of Ante, A. D.. 18.67, and antA4 ;mo f - A 6!issestottly approved January 6th, 186.1. • • -Ordained and enacted Into alawhi 3 Otiitncils, this 19th day of Hay. L. 2. 1864. • • , .JAVF 4,I Vs.4.I7VET, 2reationt of ..BjtodperodiL Attod 2 . S. 2roinchr,• s• •. Clerk of Select: Conitett.• r., 1228:1412EL, Prteldento,t Orwarnp Cormoll. Attest : Homo 11"11.warrn. t. s Clerk . of Comaion ' , myg..o.Bt N OIIDENANCE supilletitilitatz to au cabana; tor ttier 'desalts and 1710%1 g• of Waster street, pessed..teyril Ist, See. 1. Hitt ondoiseet cod. nada tortt.e . or. At dole. seed - ottleses qt• •Piatterrsa,44S-sior4ie abbb. Outwits assentbied, crier tt ii hereby onfisflit4 enacted by glee coethareOr o/ 7E. "math of the wiles= Famed April IssilBol,- tomaidter,oter, the wldeotsg.ena °psalms st Rebsteristeese, as appllee to that pot or weitt.r.tr.t.tttwrcoototoo .ormt and Itobeits street, to"eutit She issus; It - hereby re. Ordeinot and enacted tato a tivtie'Conocils,"thle 13th day of kW, A. DAMS. , • ' • .1 —TAXES iteteltLEY, Tresitentot Connell. Attest r ZS. Mese*, • . 'Meeker Selecteousetl. - EEL. Pr or occuton . CouneLt. AttmiClerk oft.letestoo 7saylcs3t n'issOLlVrroJra.'4e: DITOLUTIOIi. OF PARTNEBSEUP. Tbe P tomatotors'intstbos between JAMES B. AEDDICE. and T.. H. ATTEII,IIOAT,I patina. an AT Claltblilt; REDONE A' CO'• le! the manl26olllll of runt ftlaneWars; at the eater of Carton' nd 'gages as., Dombisharel, Dm thls Pay teen dlnolyectOT AXES BEDDIGE. mad Die Interact theism. to J. LA T. B. ATTLEHEItY:who e Carts en the bull:tomat the old statali and Ratio nP4II , woman.. The Ina teltl bo amid on molar the stake of Al , TEE.IIEBT A GO: ;" .1. ff. Atrium unr, . t • 4 JAMES' SEDUM - s T. B.AITSItiIEIT. Blemlnghtim; ttb, ; ; " Each. say In est in tbe Erni:ll ATTETt. DUET. itIEDDICE AEO.to 4/I.llfin A - T.D. AT. TER,I3VitS.'I. take gnat 1A... moommending them vl-.1. friends end. ttii old - =tome., tar a ineetlnuanot of tbalr tatennemb .o :literally bottom. el on the late Arm: Elrailaglion..lleYlo. • 18AL ! ;raarf.o.3l DIESKETIOIC-ratl ., :pAynNEß. Ml* beeetonne - enlitbeg totieta abielmiler. signskinsdpt the name and MI. all. ELIDDLE MI" was dismayed by maul. sasetemitomtbecAlst day' of December, ISM. 'The Clasrrna.ettona hat twin since the, Ist' of.JantuuTc !UAL:and will hanoefeettt be In dui bands.and coder the andisfr, manstomeens an , damelation Mfinf - ander= Int of Ametably, Wagon to Kan a. ItIDDLE ts authorised ; to ass the e ra settlement.; Porges baTtug :Cialtal,agginst the late Ann • too reqr,oskd betnetit eassa.at the mewing Itesm for sel d lomont; and all know- Log thslaselyse ladeb rillikeese - tar &ha *Mlle witbgiulßAl=.T. AIDDLE. 'ITOASAEL EIMETT s 4.37.52141601tUtti, 0. HOBOTBgE.i Jr. Xet.l B o. I tour= TIISSOLUTIOI4-OPPARTNERKIIP. Ly the aria o 1 Loth, tut= 'teo..us Pro. tals of "Tbe Pettbom 011 Worts," onStbtollib, r Pe P r o.,WA dissolve by istatnet torseet4 slitim par ties, CO September 7.111; xra., .Any turtles haslet' boatmen - to letlf7 vft tba IMO firm an redoes:4 tsroll oo AE ettber - t: , • nAnD m LONG WILSON iItILIZES; to BASlOltted,to . bia, SI Plttessres Saw Wets; coroem Water sod Short streets. Sittsbdraib - --.>. . r myna - PO . P.AIVTNERStIEP nuwat. lixtasua betmers L .Parta ljTl 2 T P the Eno un¢er the rtyla f G. lOW BTON 130.,' mueuay -caled. , tetalcoieferet tram 414 a, BIWA.IID =Ens - waft" tram Ito Inn. re bustwas vitt te aratiPP:lklltiprier• 1 :1) I t l/f 4.3 h!"l4Vi,Sivisierie .13.10tV1,111:itilfISVP624 tar lIIR-;.-200 od; b1; 3 5. andr - MillOrlz do Gold= 13484141... 3 14 ravEssoWarantos, Wood oltot. MIME= 0- , 4
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