- - • '" • ' ~ , ' ' f' i • ...: '1 ' - - , ' .' - I 6 zetfft- . sic ' um a, Arm 16, PA, -STIBURBAI s i: ..,,,, v— nen :- til g it" r 011E181N : 10ES! !.- ' aligig...... ' ''''................ t' :,- .' . -.' ' ..-• ' '.., :',. :., ' = - ISTASONO "I TU ' 1::: r.lni. 1 t itVo4 ll qr L'a! i i !!' -.. . C .% - ii, A. , ,' ...% <n, ' _ tivi%ll4? El.__ 7 . ' ib. U10f.... clt9 -2 ' 5 1,4 r. ttre: tr. Ir. .. .7 , . -. :. Three 1 , ' ra nt ti " l - --- 240 120 00 40 II" "2"....." 2GO 140 170 0b . as 1 --' :: • ,I , V *lr irtect: - ....... 4 0 03 ' l 2 r o In 1 ,3. 3 IX i Iso : ," i • ' Tk om il mm int 4h lls . ...t . 1 6 ea . 2 02 / oo zo . s i l t - soii 4 . 00 . ~ .r.„,..th..... 11 lb 2 w . . _ .... 4 2 35 \ r Ttocoutetta , g r sl ii; 2 ~ ,, ,11, ;PP ,11121 I i l l i l t: WIZ: aco 1511.24 2 NI I i ll v 1 4,, 13 6.44 : 7 ,- ; '90•1067-**" -• "-41 *IIII.II6I , IiSTIAb LIC A TS. in;tltingesbts one thasarb INA immedthte basiotisof thowtratirr. • mr'uPez.gctrroPoticas: OW 6 Tor :v3* coAllustl to tho iat lain ad 00' 0 ' aOO ,a 00 laurpeaboota...— 1 0 7 0 . 10 a 0 lalsm00.0314*•• ' , 10 _2* 00 .0 03 lagmOs tm wows 1111,1 155 101 C 11 Raab ..•••••••••• S 75 Piteambx ,7 sap soyiutore .- The Pltisbnigh. 10 Connell's'Pile Rat. - - . read' Contimay,.,-:lidlioitalit Bill. , - :We listrekest receliekftem blinters, Slack; tiliii .. sid,lleiniston, . iiie.of tits lloniai from this tionzity," entlti.nf the bill itoti.'be :. foie ilre-fiegiclaitire, piceririkigici the repel Of the Alai* ef the Pitkittittiihaitd:Ctinnelli, -;-tille; Rallies& : Company : ...Thsiiniantbla re`. - -- cline tits tritaiend eondittonear die Wealth - ...' elarter...sold pits forth'that We eIad,O OI OTIST I I. • ••, by !lolly, sad the tintuichil and Ambit. .. - 2 risrmestra itirldoltit :heit Wane: lafoll'edi '• has_ " tohnissit eid'iihnted? '.thepOwerecna; fard J thstiels tojarkeilte the citizens of . , the, conatriontrealth; that ' the . said, OClTOrdit should Wager here 'itatillit en'prill . lege to. hind. or :eiteiaiV-tholli,',.vead. sontti.- ..-,.., - - wally en e.sidwardly -frOttiConeellicilli sad. that -said privllegereatiotild hoe roToked, in ardor 't r hst. the Legtoliterto i..atit . r grant . the same ra., -- allier fitiothdtal- ia - each corporation ''' will promptly iztena the Ilai through that poition - of :be Etats sonthwaallY aneiesstz -wardly from Connell/eine:-- - t.“: .....: The firstseiticnprotidirs for !repeal of otantlbiuhipaits,„„c",:taid. froth= •. ' .'*- therstii so far as the TOII - 310 autborlso the_con-:, '..etatiith;l's of,Aline or hod of rallwo south . 'sally or eotwerdly from Conntlitorille,prot , sided that 'no Weill:a ;aim be done to the', alli'llbe elatil-ieosire.colopeasstion • for -all. "detrisgitseart.injurj done, if to say they may Aintitled; and the Govetner shall ' 'aflicut titiC67ootArt PetIQ UI te: -a PP rati6 • '-'• - litailsaf-liFs:4=dir so e o t m►ds tbmazigar n-an t Y ; .. wircuy :or ConnellstLe,_ and the amount' . :' ' ikszanfrethen so t ittprsised ,:. sad - . certiliert to --: • him to wilting, shall. be paid to thegitti. - ' --- -: bosh-sad tionnallsellie ItailialuitCompeay„ by say corporation or earner:es ~ berrafter =the:ludo cOnstract a tine or lines south ': warily OT esitwrir y no e, sn , in :the companyso plying shall be .'entitiledi _Omit astri li onnstoorttle,: il rork so - paid fortis. '.-.- The secend section - insku l t r il i Siefatler ,t h e. • ,Plttsbarth k Connellsrille Railroad Cktnipszty. to make -sale, to eiy[eiri..rastlon Corpora".."' .. tient via& may hereafter be crest o ttftl sad il- --...-- - ..thortied to tionstmct a line or lines eastward- , II or Connelltillie;lof whateier , Workt ,ittsy . ' hsis lett=rogre,se.d with tOROTd the contple - _ The. third Coedit, repeals sit acts inociailat• gitb. . . The COiticlitrelite ialtUrO*ll Ch*lttr. .•--Attioll tate-Board of Trad.,-1 : . 1.- it; ii.oottng of the , sees or Tr ifle of th e • • City or Pittsburgh, boil on the fOnOW -. log Imre toitimiaiottily solopted: - Roolted,' That "sr/ tee with regret that a his be? n t!or list"he t'ghtturgrar.g.,,_7ll*:,l, =h . ad 4.'N,ratTruilije Itatt.ltaad ...upsni, .gliitytts a wassti that pure .ttottorl sold Stm- d lottltirlTlk'Ses• " . Tat faith - la the .Intestiti. sad. *tatty of the saltkittstrdi totalt% wool* be nowise, unjust soil Warta=bet% iteissts of thls important. }los& so much asated, to --Ita*tiettst WIT smT trith its Stidtss4 Sine. SS I , sse sa* L S= ix* tc. ll o l Jima .I*--tettl. * Ftutt.l • 1 BstsFsei.. That . * copi 'olio itioduiloos biumt to out , l watogutatm ,Lt *slant thee . _ : itgutitr bob?relvexil=4,nd - . r . Tea Building CWI *Kitts -Sultan' ' r .Itsir Ineni - purnnan , too —ratottson_...ffet! ~ do s it e mooo,.. abet? eighty-V. , aiti i • ' ' days yak:wore matelots:Wl' t.tak following amen oirpoatira,,iii liatuAt of gmomployea I 41 Oa& -sesportlvi shops viz: L.-Boatre 3.• ..-. fiat, n, r: Malone, ./ii Umillot, lotto • .. Johnston,. V.V.' Mita!, .T. , C..Banier!ltnd $. B. Negreer... ...-.,. -..,-. -._The folloalug patient.* " hare been select idleSri sir torsi:sett of the:fetnilaber _en'esah of the follotriAirdnyo ate, Mi ning! . i....,‘: Oigiridlyvik.'Yattaittaal,',ldotiasi, it. It Eta ' sena ;ilteadv,-.Tialiva Boyd': Wfanespir, Aloodbr Wore: -Thitredoi , 40 b/ - Al, '' . !' l 'r - -' doll Hritiey;',3. Wilson: - , . t" ' '..• - " fim meeting sdiettru ° d. to moot et ttre !Jot. • - tom Souse oa Friday text; at 3 0 . 0 1 - 001 r.r , / bteaistees,' Iff rartroitir rtc.L:hil.' S. P. -- - -s -' ' - Haat, Wool* ILMl;Vittlystriet, hiii Thcilyed. - - - duo Mar mmbasof limpet's Maguite,wbielt eentobee • met variety of intetestlng read b=r; erterel,ofi Os uttelee ileo beteg • i ty tibial:Wee Vet *meat very, - - Vial-ireWY; ,Plotoriel, Wooly:4W, eta, • igebad g •Tbe,Spleit of Abe Vale, foe weines.; -*Wood . Thurstuji , 'The New` 14 Weill, : - Tite:alb Heille, Ana•Mlorld; Ibupeet Week 'l7; • beak; litellep--Vamcireers Ibiestratal - • ' Nei* Tbieiteutd-lZable; Street 4 Botitb's - -• Neer loilerltuse4l7F4lll, all be feline sthle ,- ••, le . e . 11-Itioilißook;_Stewe =a ye - rie.4est etoie, '‘Oikke*Abli lterbsibi. . , ----•- : t r .; - - kago) 7-''"'"" 7----- laiis . c:Esiiintims -Itsz..-This' ieompany hos , bait *sit lam: offteoi Sit the •oorassa sisals:Asti:swam o:eatt, tool:tool ug.i: "di ..i...i.„,,,,..0- to seedier sosnagas T trinnidt,Un 40 all Eastsira - cities. -Theis . 'Vats= Esoits totlotooloplotsChutePiaw; pant to bsso.-41ieot cosnosuoloatiost; with' lit ."-pow East - of .oklasgo it; sa - few diii. Mr. Jbatargobintot i ato-r ta s r s t o 'l eta sias sosiia cts& ilitithe tolegr tl. la ussflwhiStgity,will asi award t4_e - , ALSzocrisir Tama! Mar Socrceir.Lah• Is. dim Of the .Alloidurny S6l4larotltd. BOoleti ;-. luetefolly solutowtedge the large donations of ohdhlng, bookeieto., ye idled for fluirefigeos, het nie atedlnmelt In need .urflarfedi R d . est . ' JurlftnifirePtables ind ttottertee. ;htbox redll be.epen for a fete dos, and nny t!le with. :'tog to eontributu thus."ergelei, villf, . getuti send thous to Mr. IL 11.-.DierlerdSlitt mum? of Hateral , street and . South Consutoni.selnu ffithunee on ro Dalai', photogtsphroorek ,-. Nirious Loiree—Mn. Martin litiSer ' iged simentrslx7isars, Isfi . the reildraes ' et , his ciga-tmr,Ohirles Rena, Input b. , Totality _morning top titbit , Alla ny Marti* since ltitob: h om er 11001101 WI Ugn lward of Iterr;althoUsb Isr fritoeltiovio mid, dIIIPI I swfory. .., -. ins 014i7.1tLoirs Jalldit l vo-ds to toss down tb• 014 wirrn no* oam arY lli ink of demolftlaa woo order to . .Vt c4 4 . l Pito folth% t or ti dot of b 011 41 28 tf be tl ul ; ‘ 13 ! .. ' -- '" ; "" . " . " -7-7-1 ' itoioberf qu toolotoor ithoPtlaittovon won in fowl omotify:-.ll* 1.0 ttPku f u tu t week, At tholignity of sta at 3 at tutora Dle lnina th diot; , At Ole tat was timid teted ,iliteiX - ciii*Mliiirj rii - u i t4 -1162 - o ftinidir 6°l l6o lll lliusaidieonsiti,_o6 ~„lkuiawiti: sualdigriS Pr 413°9P3g ai;iti..0 1 . - PT . !': thelsitroyer. othli,dqp!.. ~,,..,:, .:•-',-;.44**i5i.1#13.0.1.=PF411.1"..', - Th i r-intedr. won Bassi Itsttetime - Mama Welsh Scalte - tireV 1,0p 0 7 ‘ ._ the old T on Yll; - , 7 o 4 . ,=r 54 • :, ~ C omman;llltercLET :tat Goitre - " or hek — tomut i tso l44 7 , y r w o Qe auk: : of the Pihnsylvots eetk _; *staid • amp DO ck i °r _ _ - 11' , " 1/1173gra I ,i . t a e tell' htbarge' 44s-‘ flboven urin 4bbi tt r l 6 givAlbank • Eust'rez-You: as 0 . ?soma INIZEMEI DEMME 'rue aeCcitalmrr,treGritsnLel 2v 17 r-to a a y iiite the Ibtatu Entine Nar...CYB. , In Turn Tonamen Bortnix: Croon'', n Skum.' Pntebullik-• DIAS, 00 0 C ..Co...plfeed etratd:, Mead 666py.:", I:LI:' R o. .y. 4 Will noticed thilirst volume of thie able and . .. . . . . - jadiclonawrollt,On Its appeararieetian Amer . . , . , Lean ' &ea,. sere* limas-Ai:aced 'we be- , ~ Dirk familiar( st yeir- wis e . 'As ire thei . . hid ocCUlon to iemosk tow creditable t 6 the pildialtirithat dress *ail -ire may now add, that ifilds taste mid spirit of sitat - of Oar Fab- Elandl In tegnodac, :English Irak' , were sl lis34 alibi:iced !so satisfactorily si in this instance, Atone would no bin& .bot any de mand In Abe American book-market for Bullet editions Of booker Thanoisemere of the , elegant ltoston 'cal= of illailaixes _Worke,.reeently cOmplited, will - be :glinT to know' that thous volumes of Ur: 1g which continue tits ConstitutlonalEbtor7 a who lend - from the eatossion of . George I'llohtni. Gallant's Celebrated mak citoses, !limn to A. D. 1860, ars iudforra In else aid appegaines, and (what lima/Ova the highest mile they could reoeive) worthy Of being added to' that goodly, array:of , booke that are bnoins._ , i , 2, 3 briefly stated by the *lithos; the design of his Work b to tram the progress sad development of.tb Iltitleh.Constitntionidstring the period of 01:iti hundred:l**, arid to'illustrate every instals? eheagerehstlar of legbdailoi, was tom or polley,—by.whiolt iiidititiora Ws bnati Improved, sin Amis. tritlorprammint cavorted. , . It ..: anibractil:,s •slistorg int the prerogitivel; Winne* -,.. and revenues of the Crown lel the .• iions,t.i ' lutlen ' ;potion, funetior , s,: , and . piditical ',relation: of both .11onses of .-Pszlhtment r - of 4te 4 . origin and , influence, .-. the evils. and - Micriho •of - petit lest ~ pirilta,V of the; press rand liberty of opinion; of the Ghttreh and religious liberty; of :politiell tights; , of local ; rights ; of Ire lan& before the 'Union ;- of thirightet llitertiel, constitutions.; etc., otitritliti nannies sod e• pendeneles ; . and'of thel.prOgross of ge legialatiott. , Each volume has ,sit; ef oelleat analytical table of contents sumt a Omens le -46t, readerlng the whole history r ! es6ity ac• -4610'0 , the studeat,- , „ ';' . i ea osibla to , anvertoss Taos szs-INCcatzs 0; .Isusxs Twain. =With was ssemst of the Aisthoi and bls Writ , ioss. , :Booton: . Littkylimrs &Co. di Pltrttsbmrsb: I . -fa salill-1:1 Nay • &pi, AS Nfoott , 3)4pp life eery Pool oft Divirtei;--the Cihriseitem of Railroad-enrol: Tie the iv:pi:Pao? ;era. toy :16 - plor: t- 3a -loftiness and :rutty - of listuatitiln-rltdmesief Intagloatlea, In copt iOuleesa Sari - aini 'Sand of tho'itsouffres of lawiltUiriant in :.(eationi , foliate of expzos:7 dea r rafting trier end .bleitdiolf the hillutlef of totlinative end refuge idiom% lastly auy of our iteitWritare- it o uith rtart =sm. llouS sXOSllOOlff.-445147-ISylos;=-Of If say, do, wit h Bacon flattAdiOnallakp: ail, alone. with Um .in this- pre 4cdneneek, When such ate. the .soknostierdipid• sasiseterbticoll tboirOally oSsuptid blab plateln literature , and 1104 0 12 of ,Jerdulv-Teyber=ve lane the :judicious reader . td judge for larniilf what a lid' tamale of wiedom And huowledio of ..ef noblest elortasstoe,, of : gloriStis Asiatings With; aut. fersid -nth:rupee-of the yap po 'etry &avoid= thereat, we lase lathle bean ' OW volume; yawn we - t4ll him aull it Is io• looted with ,talitsrisiddisiniminstiou from the best portion _of' the worths of ", thls:groo t awl . wondrinaly sittea writer, ' ' =--------- . ~ - .110*-Jefertlif- Otero. , • SUtei, a practical and e .- pert, . eniad-rhusinere Men, his lust opened a new ;feint, caicir. -;a n d.jeseirir,Stsre; in = Graff itlocle4NO: 13 'Fedora 'Street, ',Ye . Ilegberly, whereto offers to the:public a complete stock At Leticia' in `:The store room is coo of - the finest In the two cities, end com-' pat*. favorabli attj jewelry establish moat on this aide At the door. Mr. s.lages; who ~is a thoroughly pleaded :nen', and' au. p ai ns !judge of kr orki.: will take especial L r pains in lforaishing Pap:at:ens the bed quelitle• end the naweiVetyles 'of. ;watches, cloak*. jewelry, Plated - ware, snedacies, ate., Dartig!klvirlt to hi, 'establishment yester day we *ere shams ace ked watch, the ' m oveent of ..vhich Ali made entire/ by himself, and !sheltered tO he the first mann oturea ,Weitern Penns9lvania. It le. a fat:lewd:led' end , fOil 'Nipped lever Allah, of very hesetiful'",workedesehlp with 'an: improved raileof his Awn invention: lie has also twills *him" Arlo4ow a fancy minia ture dock, of his AAA vonetructicur- Theaters lacteal stocked with - the 2. choicert goods, and. the - pro itiotari pretnit attention to busi ness and-tumantble hop*, t o o -merit confide=9:: .pottoos to of :patio.. Those of our readersin need of arti cles io his line .shauld,by.all mesas oali and "amine his 'toot.. . . . . . '...8n.aL,t61y711 ro eA to ti Ivts— 0 t l o rs om b b e t lsra i rfo.ttn.7 e . iof Pecs aompetuois, th e mo: W.Plt. l oa*o t a Ml 4 wn . PetiodicalPtOt , opposite the ..Postodlee,`.; one ratty certain to" Ind suehtbings at thonirties ts t possible day. .We observe that Abeialirp'sestral libutsated Pb.15113n Ws sittabot . ot ,Efaiir, but beyond tk.tittes.. sad a mese tlanos; over ' the pages of it, we tato not gone at tbts ritlng. , _ . , . . ... shelf expect to ace an Overflowing housethis evening sr the Theatre, lotto occasion of the last night ot ithis tan to young 'artist. The bottle, lastevening - nal teplationiand. he rulW TAW 'Oonsiclert himself !onset our greatest faverliel. -To-night he mitt eppein , as Edward Ididdleton in the very toptitar drima of the • .. , ..,-.._ ....---..,..,... .• , ..'.1:•:'-:' - :•:-:.:4:- - .. '''' ....'• '':: . ,';' - :•••• , '-%...-1 , i' . .i , i.... - -..: 4 ,5. ,•:......... • . f ;:,;., : r : ,, , , i ,.. ; , , ,,,..#;..,4-, : ,r, : : .:-•:'....•1,...:,,•::-.'.:''-'4";::'7.....-:':....',....:::-•'-2--;!'.i'1...;;;;:i.....1;.51'....1. 'TAE LATEST r lsf BY IBLEilimi. DEPAT° ou p o srPoPI Special Dfvp*Htcb to the Minna& Gault* , WOHniaroN, April 36,41364. The tax hill came in In . printed fcinci thin afternoon. The Associated Preis ptemlse to . faiiiiitt's'yery complete shstrvet, and there , s fora it ts needless to say more here than that the statements of taxes on"tridoli.Y,p ' troleig, olgso,inbaceo end inuff,forentrded might, were strictly `icarect. .It Ils '.etridersi cod: that Mrehillis not likely_ to be brengtk a p for die= =Ulol,beictronext Tuesdiy. 'The !Wayland L I Mean! COMMlttee state that they believe, If ', adopted In its meant form, the bill will tulle , three bandrod tnillloae reiterate: - The pew Tariff bill will be iported to the Mime bit a few weeks. Mr. orrill now his it in hand.' : - ore onto tarastlok- - It Is understood that the doicanlttees of PI ' nitnee and Wei* and Means tisteagreednpou emishiftatureo at the gold bill.; T , he Senate Ortalttee;threargli Mi. Sherman, reported an amendment to the bill introdtteed by Mo. Sherman, purring to make it int:a:titbit to 'make a contract for the anrclase Oita°, loan or delitery of gold, bullion or 1 fereign ex; change, at any time inbierpoit .: to the making of such contrut ;,or for the pay ment of any Szed or .contingent srm in default of the delivery of gold' i !pillion, or oa anyi other; tortes than :immediate mental deihrOyiet spricir)tgreed npon.l The seller of gold oust lti In actual poloseelon et it, and snake ixins lido oaleant delivey. All con tracts- In violation of 04 set ettall be void, and violators eubjoet to a Ale ot from One to ten thousand dollar* , and haptiseliment of from.thrmamontbs to ono yee ! r.l ,The Wires debated to-,dity by *alio Shannen,Teuenden , 'slit , Sommer; In latdr, and Mans. Oluits johnson. sad Owen in oppesition. The.' ;notion tostilke out wit, n* iioond *sedan, for. 1 bidding all the operatio of !strut spends- Ang: Vaii - lest by the vole ct 10 1 t0 S. -.....,:.l,coganslcarron •,..rtu ! um- ~ ' 7 I)ic Ot:Pii3,4l:oe_Huci.ise 3 o -day ant hDri * ileg-the Poihrfaster-lieneral re units with the Post Otte 'dtpsitmestloc'Kotifil in .est.blist... tag, mad eoroonnlostig; .butoont the two ono:pixies - 14 ,roolins oft Oxon! ateamsbtps not lois tkan two thousand tans bnethen, making •:tiieles trips annually between someportuorth of the Potomac and Kla l Jana lip, tosehtng at Saint Thom= in ';tl West loillass 4 , 3 4 Behis and. Pernemb chr; : peotided the cot abed' riot eieeed two 11ndrid. thousand dol lars ptr =num. Thit Pcatclast o r GolieOil gait -advertise for PrcOats'sixty da7lllA one or more =pars inXsagtoft, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston, and aorrice shall be someone's, . Ou or before the 'first day of September', 180: • ' ntedenileALß . The following W estern Olsen hare been disc:duo& tbe service f First Lieut. BOA- D. Adams; First Lieut. Wm. Prisbee ; Second Littot. James McGuire, of the 40th Kentucky volunteers, to date from Mote:abet 10,1803, for tirtmkonness,destation and incompetency; \ Second lieut. James Started, Mb Mae von- 1 nuteers, to date from / s prit Bth, 1864, for' drunkenness and absence ithout leave; Sec ond Lieut. Wm. Zolftler,!ind Illinois volun teers, absence without leave ; Second Lieut. 1 V 24 M- `Whaling.' 421 Panels tolunteers, disobedience of orders. pow:missions are re stored to the following:13110r B. M. Catsey, .12th Ohio voluldeirs ; Capt. James B. Luegey, to Ohio cavalry ;Kept. (Otago A. Armstrong, Yth Michigan *sudsy. I Al.asraratoop Wins?. The Legislator, of -Wileovin has memori- alined the Senate praying that insonfactn rers of agricultural itgflomento ibtpl be op empt from the, three pee cent. tax, and giving; si tease= that Inintifseinrers °Gooch goods. produce yearly pre linos the tabu of their, capital—that (hole watts save an immense amount of yuletide labor—have .greatly en riched the . West;and I cannot be dispensed with. ; We fear the Marino will recommend a still bottler too from the showing made. ?area mu. • The Rouse Pestoftlee Committee seems likely to disegice ' to the Senate Overland .all bill. ir I ' • The Ways anfJAtents,Committee stilldelej the Senate bill sothorlsing the coinage done and two cent pleees of IPronse.. Pennsylvania Intereste, hoidedhy „Thaddeus Staten*, op pose it, boosusess long :as niched le Used fol. ;.this coinage, prtifitibt putt:a Ps rotated for the great Panniyitan,snickel mint. , ' ' The Comnylttee oi - Kleotione are considering the ease of Lindsey? Solt, from MissourL areas= couch's alcuipix. Speaker Colfax ga e the tut •of his reap ,...l ticins for ;the sure to night . The attend ance wax s pure m, and the Democrats especially were out Inn, aw numbers, show. ia.g that the late intuition question has in no way affected tbe Bpdehet's standing with his poilticalopponents., * . i 711.1 coonfints lIITTOEITAT. Up Loin late hour thli afternoon the dot ernMeni had no ad cos confirming the start ling statement, fror4 Cairo, about the surrend er of Columba. The lid reputation of Cairo, for reliability, lead's to aboOe that the reporti , , may be exaggerated. „. , • tat go noLnocradra. It it,known that Seward. opposes the rise-- \ laden which ! • re ce ntly petted thi donee I ananiatonsly, eon erning French interference in Mexican affair*: It is 'owing to his oppo eitton that the Senate oommitte his deeidek to stifle it. ' 1. - tits rotASST'.lo ASS. ~- The mud has nearly dried near the army headvasitirs. The sutlers and citizens are to all gone. Extra lbaggage !inn to be sent the rear, divalry men, acting's orderlies or on detathed SCUP*, are ordered back to their regiments. SPECIAL 1.0.C* NOTICES Tiolias land Olasmonta 81451tootit, and &aier la-Pidiza7lTrala sad Virtacat data 'of *it tist 004 et law rata. Odd -ter rbr Virvuo lgorki,titatiorgli;Ta, lirlist. liar arsrv•The 1, attention 'of our. reside:els ands te.' the brilliant - assortmen t of spring fintitier Goods' jot reoeived kJ multifold fdr, Jolla „Welet,lifo..l2G Fad ers' street, Allegast.: Ills stock compute! a -grest-,variety of Emmy Preach, Enlist., amta"lia AfAcfbilft, Valsistares and Cloths, finalists - Bilk ' mulleaulsouro ;Veitinim,—ell of .utdeltirill-he madit . op. to order la the l choiceatesse t styles and la this best tosonsr. A lection of ,Yarnlikhn Goods also on and lor ‘ velde, together with s; full stook of Seedy Mae Clothlogs regalia feshichubly made. . , Baum,Errmto. :strike of man weeks dastlon of Me Journeyrderipieno takers has „Nit Iteindated.:, Insp.nswer to the essay earalrlos,o.fter the Oelabssted Eanns men ay st Rena, we beg teMadillny :to inform oomers that - we tam :the. promise of the e Stalainy foarird to us the Ant lo M t " pima:they ren.tat reedy. hops to be Ole, in &week or tWOil to supply purchasers with the different desired styles of t pop. n'sr pima. Siam . 800 .. ' pull, ith street. f h . Atrsarto!latueltadtotheetateta ad o the Asada Tire Innate. Catapany,as p zo ublished' ffi to-dsy'o ewe. This Compaq has nally doublidili, capita, and the entire as sets an the lint of- Jeareary Last, were newly 0139,000., =twin of liabilities. -The rept teflon and 'enmity furnished by the. "Arctic U" not swelled by Any slotibt thttibtlon. Tice agent of the Cotepaso, - J. W. ',mitt -teeibe fount *hie ogee Fifth attest. .o • " Willlembli to •no fecrean.... yn, 37, AllEcOnd _two doors below 'Wood street, ,bsif. .be , n "sty olsolos stock of. 11cinote, oferverr,de,ettiition, lehloli be is sell 105AI-erg, bordeitto 10. elsyton fa an lu s tnoßketodblins eudeellatle btioineas endallosen 'Waited to /41a lan be lytompt ly and feltbf. • Ituntnaldnenic—All the Ifirelnerefen theireet, all tbe itatenines, Oat) oTols, saiLeveg th ing 3n the tending line, can be had at Wreak e's liovs. popot, Chronicle StillningOrn etteet. ,•I - . „ toninallto a*lnTitod to hopiet the bolsi. I !MI assottotoPt of oonfootloparloo kept kr axonal Bum, at his candy, swot in Om 4.ltoghotip Nolr , htsthat House: Yon , idofe.Mooper's l!daisitno for liar to out, and can be had with out edges st,Frank Cull News papot,.o4rolOrta Bottling. ; Tat Woutiasaki Parnoi—Fact's Thula I Booftio,_fot thlk west, Is tow ready at Wasik. Cllfilliowallapot. Wes; a'amu. 'As-ifauf Voilm—A% lot of old liagatlaos I for gala at, Ulf Taloa, at Bras* Casio Nowt DicohOlatonlals 'Bp tho latroatoi' of Blood. Booohor,asst,...e NO at SOW* drag stars, *Win he blarpariag Blood•Bassoliar, - . Limas lqt:tof oalattl.taß Mr* Tokyo ar ono of Cfromt sad I iiftbli. `.) Basszu ',ou cloth gal rag east s p, at (ir salgal O Bolatotal and goo SWIM atinttr, OrWOrallla Baaatull la , Drat Goods at d /Bich's, eit.Tturr of *anti_ %lid aw, la • .--,Towm - ianitWA!'" FRO mt wwswirerfix. Ire RAZ DUX UPOETII) tho GoirernOT. . • • - Mr. napkins announced d ating e mulling debato that the Attorney-Genoral hid said the, bill should not be signed. ' ! Mr. Penney Made two distinct set spoochei for its recall, which were very ably done. Mr. Hoge read in place the charter to the Franklin notes Company, which was I taken up- and paned finally. • Mr. Graham, I one empowering I the school directors of the Seventh Ward, Pittsburgb,to borrow thirty thousand dollars to build school bottom, passed dually, and has passed!both honsoe. Adjourned until half-pact 111111111: MUM linen ritiaLLT, Night Bm/ion-Mr. Johnsonr-o3upploment to Winslow Colliery, amended. Mr. Weller* --aaPploment to Beady . Usk Itallroad Colo. pony, 'Mended. Mr. IloPkinit-Supplamen t t• Pigeon Creek Coal Company. ma. ma , Candlms-An actrelative top aying bounties nrelarra Coring. In the borough and townships of ; Spoor , Gov. Corwin, Mhoistar to blexico k has pro- cosset,. Mr. Long-Supplement to Antitia cured leave to wino home, a nd he writes as If cite C o g and Iron Compeep, &leg e ll led he bad but 'little e;pootationof going back. railroad •privileges to said Iron Company. Ho now intends ;to:start in about aMonth. Mr. Hopkins-An act to vicate a otortain rood - 1 ' v ilsk. sesestne ! . . in Greene county. Mr. Graham '-' A° sot ell' - Mil llfatlY, a° ,Pitalla the reargailbstion or tending additional water psl4os to Alio the trorpe 'under his command. They are • &any City. Mr. Latta-Ge e lfor the per understood tO tie In a One condition, and 0e meet of a bounty , for For scalps In West tea to render Important service soon. - manhood county, Mr. Beerdsloe-A. bilt to expre ~ nrirOan arlatMe pay a reward for Fos scalp i In Witstrclorelend Leto estrul.olllcial axiom from Mexico re- county. Mr... Orstlizar4 as giving . ' istrge ' r Preatont .Liarmlestinaking sureesiful headway water facilities to AUsghoeyDity. . against the libistsril rebellion. ,cri me smonose. llottss-Aftsreaus.-The, Monte has been engaged all afternoon on the bill. to raise' an For the ant time for months the Soots sulditiorml revenue. little progress wu made. and Moult/ blab t wi ll havall'in."l46l4" 0 s The Democrats ore dittlingrie fiercely against Saturday. -I the increase of the State ratenne at they am I, ' -, a xoralso viols common. Thci Government Ls without dieratohos about for increased revenue, showing that their aim! the Columims' dilutor. la M'areaken and, if possible, overpower the I I. . . VII GOLllitta. . . State and !National Governments. through I The Senate hie had the gold tamp to I,,df their dunces; ` Adjourned ' tilt tonight : , r „,.,..,,...„, ~, Nigh* Session; , ..A bill I to ; vacate the State 7 4 1 !! aivill a day t road from fiew.Castle .ioFtril, en su e ..a.; between Elgovrts.t. I Aptnlb.-The,lnosvllle Con; Nov Castle and Crottlll/ *if Mitriad. 1 , ration MOR tiopeoond &ay irdnaday) put , . Thkoonsiamation of •thetllevn no bill, was scant, -tti ad auras:teat. , -• 'I re. mar much „ smo g. '4 discuarlon„ ed. , farther lofiGthreill:Obib"ride-Cfe !foril.oll)lllerlg,All4nAnilittr-tt7nytinDcl4ll)tr",!!ft•ltlstr:t7;lll:TlAdrilf,7ll, t°l dotall/ with 6111U11. y. T h ird ( rialLlda/ld *litho site/atlas+ effdo4llPaii4o' i.P0.1- .""- ....-... - -- ,, ......... :... i --"- bounces s t ! i i ireleeddirthnidoky'. T., , -:) • "run lion of 1111. Coleman to Attlkaei& the 'het Kitts 011 /F itl i b°l4 " Ulf" Ilith " th4l2 ' imelO,toii;t, t a see:77i.i.. ,. ... ... - --- rote titeitlons *floating . Iba,Voltar., of the The ~ . ~ G id. , ^*---*------ 131 W 11, and tatio.nttosh:crig. 1... coPlitt. -We .. 'no fgalint NUII4 II TAO f , " l thITI LImz " ° . ha ten .M. 1.114 Yam ;S. tcw, °alma ea onroav, clock p.m: The ntrina tree raoCy er . .ii ..- 1111° tn e r k e li f e ' it" 4-°1 , a ' Ca?,--, 'tmetteetwatfolli!laritia. .o_.* u 'l .- ''... -C1761 . 1 "; ! ‘F` l- 16.1. .7 °u !,.. - -:. L 't*, J . 1: !; . /I° ` ~. . NeW.YollkaApilliti.-The sulmerlptions.to listacioeri pr ~ „ ~ tea 0 _ 1 , ..t,b.iir5444,,,e,„,e, p.,,,,,,. one Getup by titolttoneb.‘ ' ehg to sthiltitit.ratltoul pao, hit. tab. PAM , LoOkorM 404. rr ~. ,,,k nnaore-on Aldo snansool , SS. two 1 934. , .r,, - DT ti t hat . '.. .e Otteiiii to-day; miheithtfa tisT2NOOO..-, -i. ;,-. . Risks • oggnandlOS - that -P 0 ?$ ,114 " * " un . Mr.,i,"-ttritmetitticamshsos, wit toyeett j othuopel2 l :3 a ot h : owl „ l ot i li og y Tur i st ci.lonettoslasosis,:te);.:..l2anti ohriz7e:st.:ar..::::...,,foiseGos..,4l4itreet.4:ikTthoetrliegu,detty4l.l..i.; ,stbtelit!e.ntou.;o4aan.!7d.,rt,..t...„_,_„...r..4t.am!!rrtri;idiant.:;it,A9;mcHnusta-n.io.ntiilaoivatij:;:..!!lfraaeoane!iisb.e,!:pg:j, ,:, 1 t5...9 1 : n u, g !„. , 1,..0,b:ii:5iii.:...47.4,A 1,1 16 ..,....rb.ii Aii ,ca. has A tic:dgthrti.u.lir.o.u.„,N.6logr.ln.,:osiroh.tr.thirmio.l;l:E;l:nrslD::::73:Pri,l,slllpr.h,./.t7., ..r.i.i., -."- -it-. I - 1 th N lirrettch oov 1 . . The noelpte.--st-the Cestent hones irate Thnnasy f rom„ an expealit---**"., the Pole-. • imalcioathi. .., , , . , ~ , 1. ,_ . . ,_ . ~ Sgi°flbial tbareilititilityl ''ll. a that, ''Sbadf 000' hoingthilargestover kitowe and mu , into. Virginia, --ha tiliy ..*.....,,,,, wil,,,ii.bioksanumariolot duvet - t', WI ) • t led Ir --.. ..11...C---.,,, stet s aka' ',1 1 ,u.a.,' thebided 111.040.0hOtogoid: oetUheitet. j thousand Apnea with •tobacoo..on the WOY •-- tr,:::::,; -- t iii s iiL:ae. 04 , the miCitiizigief 10, zz% a ".4"th s ‘Vc -- - Tii ir' - u, 1 - tie :;Ckdd_ ;altitieillog:st-113$001•4 to itiq *olio Ithatmoud to TaitilioreO ula si gin !'f .A.p1a"•!....<7 . . 1 111 . 1 ,; t ;,;i41,31:*aga4nit.c . : , 4” ---: --aZiTiti ' °e, • /aid eiosedot iir4K. ,,. . :,, Y. _,,.._, ~..1, NotkstfelPithrt., ':,,,=';, ''''' ': 1 _,,; ::...; :7 77 77 .;!.,:, . j.,., 7 9 ' .:i41 - -- I ' l .R ' L' , -;-% ' - ‘f USIA./ 7 btehliPtfiPi:,*,'Z: .:4-'-' .'::::•:.":...:: ......,,,;: ir" ~ ...: 47,,r . ' " 1,; ibi - :;:' , . i-': ~, , ,,..';l . -; - _,., 1 . . _ ....-. ..-'?.:::__...:1-',:.- ; ~,-: ' % ::;•.5 . •r.1,1 , ,.. - =. , i'::. ,, t -,- . 4 . i' ' ' '. '!-...- 7'''.'..',;•.:.-'.' -,-.,: ..r ...' . !•:.•:;':4;•;, , , , .1 •rt ,:......T . k:.. . :•4....; ;'..1..{3 .. -:i `"i: F) ,II ' .10,C1: 1 '--...,,n,.5....,z.,;:•..-.,,,,....,..,,..,;.,.-..45.;,...;,1r.rr.Ti.,1;:,,,-,A •• ~, 1, ,., ;, , . .;, , , • 7.l';i: : ': - E.' , .. -1f.:5:4' . . • .-..,----",.,.-----....;,.7.•,;-,••,•-,•-•,-.,..rel ""•-Zri".' ' "••••,-;•' -.f . ;,F•7..;i., ......, „,. ~.•:, 4 . ,. : e . /,', ~ , -..t...5.,y, i ..r,...i...7.4_,.v.,;•..,=.,...,f: , r.,....3... , , „ .. •, ,, , L , - '.' • -- -- '•' 1 " -1 : ' l- ? -:,. t 4- ' l4 -'' r":" .. ` 1 r•, .'"•-•;,, , ... i 1''f...,: . .,;.''.:; f' %:3 '''' •• - It , •'...:11 - A • .x.,,,r I,l•Nt 40 ,e....1.A ~,A,.,,,..,,,-,,.,*;15,4,.., .. ",-.:;..;.••,...0',-..11.;.1-..,A.1;,,.'.1. ,'-' • - •.' 4 -,• '' 4 .l. t':'' o- ' . ' . ?... -. ...!;.;: , art , :-"1 ,`;,2 ,, i.., 4,44 . t . t* '. 4 :<••° '," ` '' l-0 1'' / 7'""":'" --1.1 --.' - "''''7l -- ' 6 ' -:,, :-. ~....- ".,.'''. l- '.'" . ". '., ' -; z_ . 7.':" :‘."'' _. '.l'. - 7.' , --i, , • ....., .. . . --- . -.,.. . . :-. -.- .. --4-• • -; • • ,:r" , *.1. ,, r77.". , ',; . .: - $4'. , ......Z" . ,.4 . ,.' :, ', , , ,, , .'-'.,l':'.'-': .-.,..,?-,.-77'-!;f:,,...,'77...:., I==i; .1 0 IIiRY . AT FORT PRIM i 19"4 ___ - .pf - the Appaling-- Descriptlth. e. Fleildfpasof-the Bed - - 9D*OlO Inas lifiskai _ JrEanoEs BUBIEBVILIVE. ' t THE REBELS - IN FULL RETREA.T 7'he quui. Captured .147rra.ti iEIO.IIAL COMESIESIO REBEL OFFICERS: The Attacie'en. Paducah Si. Lailo3, April 14,—A corresFewideili of the U'aion whir measl's:a the steamer Platte Val ley at Port Pillow, gives oven a moreappalling _ , deseriptitin of the lendlshissee of the rebels , thaw do our Cairo dis Patches. 1,81ei37 of our' wounded , were wounded.were shot in the toepltsl,lwhile the remainder [were driven out and the hospital' . • - . burned. . . . " : _ •,.• -, .•. [..- The morning alter the battle, the fetwii [ want ' ore? the field, ' ne e shot the tepees who •had .not did from previous wounds Many of tbiwe who escaped from the works' • and hospitals, andrelsii desired to be treated [ as prisoners of war, aithe rebels amid, were [ ordered fall into thelinewbgnthey were in- 1 ' humanly shot down. Of the three hundred [ ', and fifty oolore troops,not more than thirty-1 ell escaped th e massacre and - not One of the' [officers that commended arrived their death!. The loss in the 11th Tenn. to 1100 killed ; thel ', remnants wounded and captrared. I [ . Gen. Chalmers told.this corresPoblient, al,[ I th ough it wee against Gto poll°7 - of bl° c - ernmeut to spare negro soldiers end that!'[ [ loMeers, and that he bad donsthe all ludas power [to stop the carnage, at same tim I into he believed it was right.; - \ Another officer sold our irtlitutroops would hare been groteged,bud API Pet been found [ on duty with *tutees. on- [ vitilit U as M rellelsWere endeavoring to e neat theiviosi, It w erldent that they suf- 1 Yersd,severely. , • -1 [- . • • -Col.-Iteed,eotoreartrling s Teneeisee fee ,' mail, wee mortally "treltded.'. Tiro it Mini '[.well Pied herpitaTs were W[Short - die tanie 'in the country. „ - ; Cello, April is.—Tiro heals an allowed to i leave here for virtu below Colugtoaf ;since , [ the first maws of the Port Moir affair. [ The attacron Peducilt-yetterday proved [ to be a .users raid for plunder, Wade by a couple hundred men who Were shelled out by the fort and gunboats. [ After occupying a portion of the eity in meads about au hour, they left, inking away a number .of horses and:considerable plunder, leaving . behind a half dollen killed and Worilided. ", Ng elle hurt Yi 0. 1 4 _side. . . Strcetal gees oaptered:by Porreot at Port Pillow were 'piked before falling into his heedvi and ethers were turned upon the gen. u. boat )%P f, which, from substatiurea:em lation, having fired some. three hundred rounds, was compelled to withdraw. Al thousbnialy tin clad she received but slight Injury.,, ~ - • tool. Leh "Mira, *lid etalrled oommaud attlie . beginning of , the battle, previous to which Chalmers dire etedthe movements,. Gen: Forrest with his main twee retired afL ter the fight to Brownville/ taking with him [ the captured fonds, ,„ . While the ateatner Platte Valley ley under a flag of truce taking on wounded,rebel ea [ ears,' among Them llenatil -Chnbsiere, went [aboard.. Some of our offleme showed them great deference, drinking with thorn. and [ showing them et thr melts bf courtesy. Prom inent-among them Is said to have been Capt. Woodruff of the 113th lib. Infantry. Cetus, April 15: Two' negro ioldiers who were wounded at Fort Pillow and burled by the reb elo afterwards, worked themselves out o ti f p t ot s g e 'l l%re d V w et r e e y ' , l7l2 : l : orggttet hospital at Mound City. The glitters of the Platte Valley restive great credit from the military authorities - for lap et' Fort Pil low stench imminent 114, tak i ng our trotted ed, and for the kind and humans 'treatment manifested toward,them on their way a nd up, doing everything Forcible to rend aid relieve their suffering , . Canto, April 15.--Three other segrard were bowled olive by the rebels at Port Pillow, making five in all. All were wounded hot one, and he fltifoited to help dig pita ~,..and , was then thrown in end covered up. Chalmers gild to a federal orator in Platte -1 Valley it wee. their intention to akOw not Meru. to,bome-made Yankees, meaning thel ffouthorntrs earring inthe Beton army, andi Degrees, but genuine V enkees would be [ treated ns risoners of war, , . • latinivat.t, April lb.—Beady:viziers are \ Advised of re 'dispatch froth Col. Gallup, re* delved at , Lexisigton, - that the rebels ore in [ full retreat from gast geninek!. The late , I attacking Tame, near ,Paineerille, numbrairi II , about ono thoueand„. Col. Trod is poehing [ forward from Mount'Sterling in the direction , 1 of Powell lisp , to intercept them. If kale are entertained of the result of this invaders. 4 small hand of Bennett's guerrillas is re ported to have gone from liarboardle to Hart ford, and there robbed the People's BenV,and sty aid st;ores. A ramor alroglevaile of stout twenty-five guerrillas Within dye , alias of Shelbyville. - , • , ----;------. __ ~ PENItEIhiIMLS. LEGIBLATUILB, . . 6pectsl Dapatch to the Vitisberah'nsretts. Esaantacan; Aprills. 1864. BlLlTll.—Vmsoon Session.—After .a long discussion over thareohartetathe biontgent ery County Bank, vent to o.,tld.rd reading. Tho rules could not be titiPended. A very pretty fight Is proceeding over the Peasant and Pittsburgh Itallroad. - llly.Beaharkeubutitted a supplement or a very restrictive character. That less post• potted for the present. Ile then subutitted a resolution to recall the . origloal chiiter from •. • . - . . =MEI . , hngtes toad ; : TIO-NEVUTAX BILL _ - WAMlnalnOlt, APril 15, 1864. • Bolan—Mi.Tniio9, at Ind., again asked, Weisman:ex April 15.—The teL bill pro btluolnfsprnoveditlinDgbraortee 's his e l n dl t n t g o° o tr f er n L igh ic t B a G e lu s- ' via" .i.b4t coa l illurnhatiag oil, etc.' 41'41 dons for the traniettlei of Mainers. P I 1 ., 6 ' 0 7 °I , 2 °O-Pe e W. 44991 .091894F49 0 - --.llli,Beautan;al.llltell7fteldtheMireriiial iarr:Sitlintes.loper pormd; measles, irirepy, -P,MMeittelreGreterelleattesilng amendment to litil'i . s Par 'e - enead - vilortim ; empre, I rind Oa t ,;1u11, - privratid..a territorial Government ' , tat ,t,ttz,,aadt, :a r a ta ,t, ~a aamaarta rt a) .'per_ ~: y0,1zu . , ,.. 4. Da of .. all : ,deacriptions,,s, a t a a a ur tegoo- l et the denote- avna g ra a n l: prreenf. ea :valorem; set, 0: peir 100 pounds; staler. .0i the quelfmate . - 0 , , o p 1 • hii..:..pig Iran, Si p;sr ton; bleems, it eta or 10*, tug .'w!ltt4 fo r '.stele l bud eohatittMeB $1 50 per ton ; stoves and hollow ware,' Vl' per ton; leather of all deserijtichs, 1 Per " every ' ' male MOO:, of the ' ; Insited §1334620/I:MPThOti3V44eae"dl.l"ar in.. cen t . ad valorem; grape Pea, 60 pm. , tendon : to hkoMite each. .. gallon; all other wines and liquom called, Mr. beaten said he aoulil not 04 thii Limo wine , 25 c .a . , per goo . ; . ; ,... d) , made mete any remarks upon - the =V i eth. a wits ;-- - clothng, boots and shoes, ' ',5 per omit. 't i ll'understood- by ever , go-atleoMie; and ad valorem ; - nlintrfaitanini!of cotton, wool, therefdre Moved the Preeiolniqueetheo• , t- ilk end 'woritiid, 5 Per cent.' . ad vale:ail ; 1 Mr. Neiman, of Indiana, moved to lay too e . iv endiiih, ping, twist,, and stemmed to report on the table, which' was disagreed to; boom, made 01SM:steely of stens, and shorts yeas, GO ; nays, 67. and refine, 10c ; snuff and snuff clang 35a ; The Iloilo disagreed to the repent. rirCil fine cut, 35e ; cigars valued at ten dollar per is, na ys g 3,... . . • ....; ' . th ou sand $5,00 per, thotttanCe vetted at $2O ' Ble. NolMarirnoieJiiii the trowel adhere: - -7 per therm:cid $7 per thousand ; ;rained. et $2O Sir. Beeman moved that the Rouse insist, gr thousand, ..$l2 per thousand ; valued at and ask another Committee of Conference . s.'per ' Godsend 440 per thousand.: Sint Ili. Webster, of Md., moved the following proof serite sold or removed for ooneompr. instractionc "andthat the Committee agiee to tiva prior to July Ist, CD cents per gal.,. and no report which authorises tq i vote for any - after July and prior to January let, 1005, $1 other then.free white mils citizens, and those per. gal., and after . January let, $25 per gal' who have deemed * their intention to 114OOMO ts :::: G I 7 Thu: i, ,q 47. t, i 0 n t r . ea reit:a Mr. Wet, ........111.11154A ..:Itihriotßut Liexturiellanaetyd.c .71 all may be slog's instructions and agreed to. Tami 75, - e - -------- i . From Near Orleans ...Dim-Rattan* F i re Rebel Ram "Tennessee" Not Sulikr. ' Mr. Beamon'e motion for another Comma- The Free State Convention o'rgan o of conferente was adopted with the in• 'tractions as above. Ized.-11arkets, Me. to' ' 1 Mr. Alloy, of Maas., from the ComnetteeTOPlC. Ap tirr • tllls;=The ibiameir George ' On Poet Offices and. Post Beads. reported a wattdagtait antaad at du s part this afternoon authorising the establishment •of- an " bringing New Orleans papereof . the 9th, eon- Ocean Mail 'steamship "service between the taint, g one day's later news. , United Stateaund Brazil. 'the reported sinking of the rebel ram Ten- Mr. Ana; bflilais., .aid that the Commit- L a t . c-ze"delltallintillitlitire*'"qoeten., wrred"lnfeND4ewdeOcielearte. ovorsanritlekh:e: seren i d g .,l. h . t u rii:i. o it t baa t , i ll : : 0 .,1... t a1h ia. 1 tee reported this billbocutso it was potitiosed for by II large number of merchanm, capital , ' ''''' eadvoi T r... h .n. a ti. s .o to . r A e t e .ara of .tiv, ..B os . : A. ' hy: h o o a it."i the 1 t o e i a o t : pott: country ' c c only grand) v t e tr promoted rho of motional the by Union.t e l r p e e lie o _ , ..t a l . The Free State Convention had emardeled liqmi:Obealatogree'wM;re ille‘tircalav"edndtodcrathtie of its organisation. It lad - ebtecT 06 to 71 that intimate postal and commercial communims. members shall take the Iron. clad oath of Deo. don with onr neiglibbro upon.this continent. , Bth, 1803-1. 4.; the oath prescribed, by the The North American reeentonte '"° no d) President's Amnesty Proe m:oat - ten. to welcome as with opoe arms'. - Tiey dread Cotton warfinner; middling72(Vic, Sugar the eneroceliag and grasping policycy of the and molassecaret slight l i i higher. governments of the Old IN orld, Mathey are ...it,,,ind:_,.,Anwa at' N ow - Orleans on tap looking to the Government of the United BA ther ship, E. Z.,.from Philadelphiar barque States as 4 barrier end shield to the aggro's , Pawriee;from Philadelphia; Conqueror, from sloes and nsurpatloge of those Gorcilomen th ',. Boston; brig Ids. M.. Conery,trom Philadel- He hoped to " e ern ions il*.., . 4 9 1 teil ethnt , ° ' Vila; solitoner Bonilirio MeLein !rem ditto; steams navigation, and foreign ma laTtee 7.,,c, Eataisat.ttatay...o x.alt! . yforilly a ifieet maritime nation like'ottr own, '' , and somewhat eammemeuraie with the power Boller of the Gunboat t henaugo Burst ...Forty Sten Scalded. : • ra atti.nalltheconaqte .thin , t G at o t r o er : t ut thoeughotwithe Q.sTix. sTxpoi jaw., April 15._ When Ali to eoaoiallti h ede an , d °„°, t°°oo l . The genboat Cbenango, while ontreartiboand, an evidence of power and strength will we sante of 'wham are dead. "The' engine rooms 'exhibited ferrety% Gorernmente, A nation his coot Withet aed e with Ito le g "' La g "' An medical assistance. the masthead, -its *Diemen upon every sea ditraleg for maritime supremacy with tie treater potrets of Earope, e ntiel irrestling from their ltenactouf grasp that great peso; the can ,, of the ve seal have not yet boon reached. The traar"t'thbnee'PT:a;:ird 1 . 71 1 ' Its Pr 1 ' il I " g,,, w i : i . pro b ab l y - o ; 1 ~, t alldh,,eiffier.ForstooLtlyfamy.e.tto.., tdheisstewteorrireooonaibdinseat, ena f F• ' t he leithtt;“ It o fl u w a .„..." .... revenue cutter Brous. has come ashore for eying trades)! the world, thou weeder, stand d nd creel upon foreign soil( and poinf with ;tre satisfaction to the fact that we are Amarie, to citizens. ' L it with the Collins lino end abandoned% leer \ eh M a ad " °Te e / L a a ? . it o y f e tPer% Pa, 3gh subsides. th a t th W g e tried ia lloouleeetted to him they ought again to resort to gghtletotilbilek.lllltenwetroe ea'rmenP'ptirtiofidntibasie lite. [ [ it at this time when gold it at a premium: : }ranging from fifty to„ one - hundred per cent.,` .. land when the petite expenditures were three'', 'Billions dollars a dey. • dc lir e .' l,,, A e lli t y il ;aid l lli v e r g op en o l l A iden to niece not exceeding $150,000 per annum ; laigirePPf7rh6thne ' provided-Brasil would pay an eqeal amount. There was no subsidy, no particular line is selected, but the tangos is open the table, able& was dimagreed to by 30 tMorf.olfitecovmenPr tmitioroneel th A a rt t " th fil e 't bi l ll i'.°s' lie tard d rp g o ' n . against AO. The bill at .n passed, It en - tborizes the Postmaster ' , tenant to unite with tho Post 02100 Depar tate .a• of Mittel in pates: lishleg direct m afi communication between the too eountripa by mean` of a Monthly tine of first, elan eta going steamers, of 'not lees than 2000 tons each, .1 sufficient number to perform twelve reef , i tripe per no rth tao "then the United 51.719:1 et a pool north of the Potcaso ejeor,ttAl Rio Janeiro, touching at St. Ilhoma, i i th t West Indio., at Bahre, and Perenroboco t F ovided, that the expense to the United Starr - shall not exceed $200,- 010 per annum. , The Postmaster General is aotherieed to advertise fir pr.-rises for such service for . I eigty dap, in O.° or mere newspapers,. in IWashincton, Baltimore. Philadelphia, New Tork and Boston, and lash contrast to go In to effect on or before. the lit of ;September, 1515. Elt4Alloy,.frose the- Closcrolilee ca.Pes— offices and Post Roads, reported a bil, com palling all itintelii eerporailorts to carry the Mr, Alley ogled up the bilk .. to establish a postal mo ne y .ttder sys te m. which WCI 7 :loo: 7,, t' t l3 l:o ,o l ,l . be rb • iie ri o l u ia l o o lirin t o . ,tr t , e 7 l f h ats Pl , s' s.. b l t . i n o i l l l ; b g t t l ie , ' , : te poo, ol7 ::: t i wi dl'a batr i f:At a l n c leb r se o s in tp i h tit ra th.t i o n ;i ' a co dollar, nor more than thirty dollars. sergeant• at-arms for the arrest of ' John H. Donahue, of New Toth, who bas refused to . appeer and testify in relation to. the &Haired the New yort Custo.m Ilouve. The resolution was passed. \The Nouse passed a resolution for the relief of postmestant :Who' have heen robbed of stamps, money, I*.e., by the Confederate forces . ornds of uerrillas. The Nouse g ad journed. • Sutra.—Several private bills were pasted. Mr. Sumner, of Mites., presorted a petition ',of forty. one Shousand two hundred and eigh , teen eitlsens praying for the abolition of ale— [ very.' Tho Senate, on motion of Mr. Sher man. took up the substitute , for the bill pro- , hiblting speoulatioos in- gold and exchange. Mr. Sherman explained than'. the object of this bill ou to prevent gambling in gold., 1 Mr. Sherman said that though the-Cominit. I tee on Finance were not certain thit the evils I sought to bis remedied by this bill would be i go, be was certain, however, that dm bill might do good and oonld do noharm. 'The true remedy lot ouracils, as alihnew, woe the sne- OOSS Or our illIO 01. 1 .Ms. Essessnden, advocated the hill. V Mr. Cowan, of Penn's., opposed the hillia. lof useless and doubtful' legislatien. -Re I moved to ttrike - eut the clause requiring the annual deliveti of United States •notee or national mummy in all gold', transsetions. .11ejeeteL Mr. Chandler, of Michigan, rupported the , MU. I Mr. Johnston, of Marylan cede a legal argument to show that it was not competent. for Congress to undertake to regulate title. 1 stetter, as Itaolely belonged to the States. On motion of Mr. Collemer, the Senate refused to accept the proposition of the Mouse coming In the form it hod. 1 . Mr. Sheraton said that teedepreolation of our ontreney wan not gr than tha t of 1 ?Jane. end England. AV hen gmat financiers, ,like William Pat, presided over, the financial. 1 bureau of England, similar mattati were pro posed in, thole days to prevent time deprecia tion of the currency. lie cited instances daring tha period when England vraged'wer agains t t 'N otherbill., nocomollshea' all that was:desired, and but for 2be had.no doubt gad would aver 0. Our bonds mere now worth lid, and if gold iris-higher, It was because of the enor mous high bounties wo bad paid 'Tolerant: Ile took no discouraging 'view of oen condi tion. This wan unwise, anditiirould almost say unpatriotic; - * ~ - ,1 ! Mr. Sumner said thia whole question had . been discussed exhaustingly two yeirs ego? and ha would ateltehis words brief. Ili thou went on to giro a history of the French na. signets, and" said they were not parallel to our currency, because no provision eras made for their redemption., Gold: coma In 'ail con , trien, might be considered an money or titer ohiniin. If itlemoney the:Government must protect • It. The Government, to cornet Its abuse must, withdtaw:its coin altogeEter. Mr. flowanroPiled to Meters Stunner abd Sherman. lie said if we prohibit gambling , in gold today there would be gambling in mtmenoy tv.vmorrow. Ile opposed the bill, so it showed an indiscreet panic; Ltd looked to wards en effort to fared' the securities tif thrime e Govateiment on- the people gainst all p dente: ' 'iVe mud pais the revenue ~bW, and then, with our now general and, rejevenated army conqier the enemy, 'put is l erebeli ' 'on down, and psy our debts, ---- . • ,_' ' ' A motion of:.Mr,Uolluttar, to strike cut the second 'adetioni' forbidding the ! radio or sale at gold at other than ahe ordinary place of bUittenzial Alm 'griller :'cit purchaser, was ',Mooted. ,Mr. Oollattte crud ti strike oat th e "41 forolgi achon ,• , ' , ,-; ~ , • The Sedate t han idjonmei: Murderer Hung Dsrros, April 14.—Jobn W. Dobbins, con 'rioted of the roardor of (leo. Madam:aid' a year ago, was bung in the county jail a bolt past'ono'o'clock to-day. 10.40 Loan, Wisaturron, April thr—Tho amount_ of subscription to tho 10 40 loan reported tO -day attbe Treasury Department was 8.3,3815,000. RARKEIS BY TELEGRAPH • ' ''• C 1110.111381.1 Market. Ciactuarat. aprilllL—Prindao.—Flour ir,galar ; Hot:albite alga at 84,50, and Extra at 8b,75, but thew , er rate. seamed to be below the Tils':if holders, lull! the demand wait light,sp•eulators haring with &est - Alibeat declined de. etosing doll at 51,4 d ce 1,52 fur Pelee Lod and Whites Corn doll at 81,15, 1 which is • decline. Ilya lu good demand at 81,50, and the surlily light. Itrrley Brea et lot rates. Whisky Is held at 81.21, but the epee - illative demand her subsided. Prowl...dons is held finely, but the de mand is less active; Moss Pork 825. Balk Poet icy, 01134 7,1aa1 piecea of light country Sidra cold at 11Q1:63117... hsTit`,hl=Zlki,lrrg.l,ll7,,Wi, Cur p h .t. 15,A10. Lard dull; 4,i..... ter se leo at 1.1%. COMM aileaucal ; to ,45846 end in active &maid... , Eugai-17%9:13. bids., 11. Cloeerreed declined to 57,75, and dell. Gold I70(.1171; barer 159 •0100. • YhUndelptia Market. . ristaxaincrita, tptlll6.—Theexcitthient in antel- I.a.'- itaffs reeedml yesterday, sod has materially declosnd ,there 1. leas &log Floor la hold firmly, and I,IVO bb`a sold at *8 for Extras, sad /a, 8 s fur Family. Email sales of Ilya Fla. fa 5G,50(41,75, .d Cornmeal at 53,11. Torre is a fair inquiry for Wheat. awl bp.* bush Fair 0.5 add as VI .XLLI,E.cI, and White at 11,95031 fti. Rye is nulled At 51,40. Oa. naive, and Notcl bash Fella*, sold at 11,53. fhoo firm at 4814500. Calton advanced to - 82411 Cloy sells az 51',V.17:15. 2,000 hash Flaxseed sold It V. 311.4. Fecal... unsenlecl; Wes Mess Pork,st 12644$ for Old and Nan. Lard 15c, llama at ITO Itlx, and 10,cuo tierces We. at 111,61%, and tihoublars at 11. la PetrOlellul 65,11, la mare firm . sales of Crude at ::4C435c, Echoed la bond .1 . . altd Treest,oo6oe. Whisky steads' at i 1,25. NOWTork Ala.rket. .. ..,... . _ .. ... .. .. Vona , A p ril .. .._ , . • . Navr sales SnO balsa at SOO. Front quiet ; sales In,COO bbli at rao s ,.lll , n r ; : s g r t i a . te , i_1;, , r74 , 1 1 , 0, % , 1 4 . 0 2 deilined 244 e, ...1 quotations nomital; sales of TAX/ •badt at ga fur White blialdran an outtida prico. Corn dull ituddeollned ft ; T,talti r bash sold at 81,34. Pork heavy at Ca tariffs's!. Lord lintel at 14%a. Whisky beasy at 514%pp, doe.: at tbe former. Zed buoyant; re•packed Dm at Me. Codeo dna , sales', 1,03 bags at 450. Molasses dull; Nem Orleans $1,0301,09%. Naval stores dull. Lin seed Oil brines ; Wes of tZ,OOO gallant , at 'W.,1066e. l ed unattained; Crude 41a1134c,Itefind in bond IS , e. Freights dull and htary. .. Stiiik Ala Money alainet. tat : Ct. & T..-- ..... ...... 14,0 .4 O. Is P... r . -----/.. T. 11. 6 .... - ......... 83 1 i P. nig a 6.-----144:s 1.-Vkii7:**-2: It Lvi c : risr ;;:._ Ai c.pon. issi-----u. 12%, but Le noir In. .—Stacks Irtigalx.rt (Pouts. 11. R—....-... fr ,, :' i t00ta.:....- .---- 173 lE . subtalie . /. Y " k I'. sro Yost., April 1.5.-131 O. k Cumberland pfd.—.. 81 111. Central 130111/.17 1 .... 11 4 do guanued...- 150 ;12 Y .80ding._......... .11adon ZlTCt..' —l6l. Oaten& it ktlrogo::- 13 Gddkoo was. loot so 7 Yotairn., duC,April LS. Tont., 63..,......L...„. 1 . 01 34 1 Evading IL II ....1 . 79 !Sores ...... Long eo I st.,Zonis ataiket. .._ . . Br. Loots, Aprllls,—Tbere to a marked reaction la the tualket today. aria but little don. I ?lour de- dined 10e. Wheat _ditto. Corn and Oats sleo de. ended:: Zak adranoed 244.525, '.. Clear SD* rocked 14. Cotton—Low MiddlingG7c, 'l34l4lmore !dirket. ... llatmoar, April 15..Y10ru dull and derlided t il e d Mier,heat Mrs; raless.ooobusb Kentucky Vrb at *2 e 2,15 Or Ohio. C(blay dull at 51,1,26. 11161/ INTELltlegtlit A 11.1 1 ,/.. • ZsnraviliA. ic u ttitgo, Oil City Whtell Itilneira, %Meeting. Lec4dxs, Olt City. Arm tis, ll a Lotto. Ida Neel, Oil City. The rifer_pmeded about tea Inches during the 7/4•44lgbihitirs escilog leMerfenhig, at which time . the pier masks Indicated twelve feet In thothanuel. The weather iontlater cloudy and =tattled -, The wharf, did not prevent a very actin appear ...a Yeattrdal. Lbs.-receipt. being very h light, sad the shipments limited. Wean In hopes, owmv In er, Ghat .s win o• able. bs record aanimPrommved 'tlas impact before many dap clew. The snivels' include Om. Julia, from Lavervills, and tho Illuerve. from Wbellog. Tim M elor An deron, trensChichinall, ersi.due lest night, .d win doubtless be bmnd lnport this morning. Themily departure, sable Prom the regear pack ets, was the Armenia, forfft.'Lmils. She had only , moderate trip. .. The 'Mefferd kff for 011 City, .last owning with , fair trip, locluding unites number. of peseengers. We understand that/125,CW cash. was offered for the Steamer Continental tit. itt. -d.ouir, on Satords7 last, - The same amount eras also offered for ;her at New ffilesnimhtlethens tater leat: trip. _ . It is retorted that th e fin. steamer. Lumlneff. has been bureert , 11 the rebel, np Ited titer. the.wati :sinew bokt,indcook about $315,001 1 ' ' The Joseph Pierce arched at Now Orlenga on tiro 4th lust.. This ti the ilmt bolt that has gots direcalf. through from Ode city to liew Orleans atom atm commencement of the war.- t The drirment, Capt J. W. Totter, will 'froaltlrily loam fora...Louis taday.' She has eaceff ens actotov modatlont fur peueugers; tad plenty of 'mem for . . . . freight., , ' . , The etranch and reliable Starlight, Capt Iferton, a nd w be eeett bi-card, is announced for At. Louts e tho Upper lihndeslpt L finthwith. 'Pb, now sod splendid If. Lk Mephopi,Cept, Shea, drill be ready to tope for St. Tonle owillondry. The SallieLlst, Capt. Neat, will pcsillyely love kr.ffashf lite tty, .without falL . _ - The iabi,Capt.= Coulson, Ti the rigid. geeket for Zanerville to.doyetreviog at 4p. m. _ '• , '.; Id.jor'dndarson will be ready toksfelbe Oitt, cinuatl mlgt. Lords, daring the early part of - the coming week. , . . The new Iltallantr Este'. Kaernoy.Cept. llalght, is' annuuneal far.l3l. Lonis Maths CIA.r" IlistletiPfl, forthwith....--, . , . :•, , - .'` - - ~ ;.:..I.*"- -°*-' ', ,T ' .. ' " l -^ . ' j '' ' ' i: ... . . ... [l7 .91.bWil JIN. lisa :WA .tO,.h.A , ealtniesed al . • Wettish.. .lb Years a epsthmeriima • vv. ttarondanso• extendb34 throughout all natinnab: ideaa the babUithle 'eche, bawl trod . Abr. — Wien Intr. Skits and eatehilshed s'basii Irwin which. we twist mit arr. Wien not Ecrprialitil At such ball As the bilthring—tetherighthe pairsti 'bp WOW them are. We term the persons iinectreWinst brace And at liberty to Indorse whelp etatinsenta t.. • hisw-Itibrimn. 11MA, Blois . 14,1 130 . • Den, air: 1 bare been anew many rani with mere prostrating cosznpi to my lintlw, aid fed and lands, and a general'absrdared system. :Ph/Odom. and medleirter failed to -ndlow. MA ' We abiting some Wanda in New York who werwartes 1111.11 t& tion Bitters they prdvailol, upon see to Wy them. I consteenced with • anal vinoglarrful Oor dinner. Berlins better he &ogres. In a Sew days I was atop. bland to, And the colduesa and stamps , hid eatirelS left me, and I eauldsdeep the night tbragb• Whirl , 1/1111011 3 t done for year,. Usti Ma another Uttar. Hy appetite and etreastb Woe also greatly imp:Awed by the wire of Ow Plazdation Bitters. , impectitilli, . .1171)17:0 nvsur.,... --,... “sznipzrzyi Wis., Pot. 10. let 1. • • • •• 1 have born In the army barbital Ibl fourteen intintbs—wiseadom and nearly dead. At Alton, 111, they plow a bottla of Plantatica Bit tars. • . • * Three bottles restored Any speech and cared me: • • • O. L.P.A I 7/ I . • __ Ile folioed/4 is ,tresta the Dranarptiof ,}he ThOsn ROM SOIC.OI for the Whir= of Volunteers: • . •ILarixArla Itartinsis slur Bo.; t aSorr York. August U. 4 ,03 .. ) Dr. Dmitri Your wonderful Plantation Bitters haft been given to , some of on= tittle 001 dvfn seer. IngSrom west:nom and weak Mesa with most bob”; elect. One little sill, in partieular,with pales in • tics head, lose of oppatiti, . end dell witting coil. suanciton. on whoa all medicallidU toid teen *A baco:ad, has entirely restored. 'We commenced • with but a tesspoontni of Dittman dip Aar Willet. tits anti storegth ,__lreiddlY icoroftdr and the I. A" writ ~. U•oo•l4.uy. • ...irs. 9.3 d, DF.Tog!L. :. , • . . i ~e nuteltto you; fer I ntlir Ulla , ' the PlOttatiest Bitters have wistd ins WA! ; Use. W. U. cosiactssuotiatia:,' 151: Y. r— I • •, 1 . • Thou wilt s and me two bottles more at thy Ilastailart Bitters.. lly wife hoe tai n greatly benefited by thetitter. n 'BlAS:rlead, ABA. ClUB; Thlbs.4lplila, PIO ~ e'•' • • 1 . hive been i iiteat Pilferer Boa pri ma 1.11 , 1 had to abandan;.pruswnuag. c e. • Tile Pluntatlon B Metals. curet toe, . 1- . .. Let. J. B. CBTIIOIII.t, Itaultatet, 8.V." " • • • I have even the Plasitationlllttere to hundred, of nor.ditsbled golden With thi moat wr . : i nu:tithing °duct. ft, W. D,'.tHDIII4WfIy. . Betattntendeat Waters' tionte,'Cattlardit U . " • • 0 The ria.uwou ti: tam toted me! of Lim Oomplatut, of whith was tali up protal veto, and had to *band= mph we.. H. B. ELBG9LI.I9, claillanti? 0 1- 1 t.." -- ' " • • • The Plastattin Blttire' bare. curet -toe of a deranswnent of the me s idneyand Banat/ Uri pea that taw distreamat for at lid. like I therm. . .0. 0. atoonA No. -2.sdßroadvnt7 ." • Ifre, keCs M. 6 ~ ' . i" • ..,_ • Th.. Plata*Son Bitters the tweak itropg, thii teaguld brilliant, endure estimated mantel; great rotor.. They are onteposed of the colderabed Otte linos Bark, Winton - ran, Ittutufnet, Ilea; ri...w. aa., all preeerrat icenerfectly • - aro St. tholulaum , • . " • B. Te--11360-r X. ., Paeans of ielontary habits, troubled with *set roe, lealtuta. palpitation of the heat, leek, of op. petite, dtstresi after eating, torpid liver, cOnettpr lion, Sc,, deal - veto surer IC they wilt not try thorn. They are.reoommiendod by the hiTtaet mailtal ortheri Hee, end are wairantrel to produce an rases' dia. tunencial Oat. They sae exceedingly ettees. hie, periatlypetre, cad Wale's. . •.. 1 , Bootat.—htry pore= pletrtuthts se ND Plehth4co Blaine to bit* ar by the gallon la sattodler Witt.. paw?. It la put op only to per - In cabin tottieu. Peelers of bottles mulled erph;mttalmt eltiertatie anft, Ow tehteb s.-venal Warners elrvady Inprit(an. Bee that (mai bottle hoe or:ICI:dolt Stites entrap over the cork easentitarde asil,ora* tilitata." an Reel plate aide label. " ' neld by reepectablexteelers throaghan the babies. . I hlt , &b. : P. 11. 1111.65. a 0 00.4 T. t,B** ,12.....,.....".._ 4d713 ••-ett T. ~...._,_'L iI -L--DitAILE'S PLANTATIOX: BIT . Trio, the cadre article, for ate, by SIMON. aenssros; c... of Bmithtletd and fourth !nor 142.5:tateeBltus PHYSIOLOOIOAL VIEW OF biABILLSCIE, orelfbhgn PI Ina I'M On, Plata And littneatlnue of the sumaniny of ob. Buhl.. Orgill s halo or ma* aria Vs. ore, with • Trestles on Early Irrars. itadeplersbls eonsentunkcaa rpm the Ellnd and Body, wllti the author's plan of treatment'—the only rshonisl and so.onsfal mods of aura, asp shown by the nisei at oases mated. A trathtot:adatter to the =nisch and lbws contraaptsting inarriage, .sbo on i tartals doubts of their pbysitaboondltlon. Star kr., of postage to'iny sddresi, an - receipt of 25 cants, fa Vamps or. postal =nue'', by Wire:slur pr• LA MOLE, 710. el Maid= Lane, Albany, ii. Yt snlekhouttwT ri, -- L -ARE - SUPER cans .--) tra.,& . BUELTING RI NVO O ILES, ElMortrum P.k1411.,, NoCURDIE, A; CO:, ' rtootrorr or smorairia, 1141,1E06r ADD DOLT COPPER, PETS= COPPPOT BOTTOMS, RAISED MILL BOTTOM% A1'2,1,2101 SOLDER. Also, Imports= mid &slim IA arsaii, TO PLATE, MEET UWE, EZTEESM. . Onsiantly 00 , hasA TIPIEFEW DAMMAM AND TOOLS. Vansbost..* TO% 110 TIES? . A 1.0) STOOD DM PlttaWnh, Pa. , . .. Epslsladon et Coppq al to . WI doom i=t• tern. , , =MS:WWI • W - dHE COHIESSIONS AliD EX- plarssan OF AN TSVAVD, i yabliabe tor the bitten sti4 siswilistigsailcsaDait titian, Gt ifeia .o wen Irks Wier Dom 13errytet Debility, trassakce Dxsy of Msabood, ita.itupplying,st the Dar k Ss maw slur ars lly cis trho lisil _. - 61tcr being yet to vest sy t ysitsti sail Din tliteuft sii iAteel lititobss sail quackery. ' l' I By °briefing s tat; sildiritsed iest#l7 ll 4 l k on- may b• 663tif tbe exithar, - " A.ITLIED "YTAII6 • igAT myttilytlit6Y Beattrd, IMO asiistYi •''T BABVILLL &, PNEEE NANTES ARP rapt; OBE. ENS, Pain St, Nos. CO.:. 44 and Std. Ra cored • Urge yard and Intholled PIMA En Fond machinery. ere• are Mode to erery description of DOILIES, is the , and warranted squid, to any made to - try. =ONE% DIIICHEN, TIRE BEDS, It TIPZS, LOOONOTITE BOILS:NS. 00‘iIl ENS, SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, 101TATOES, SETTLING PANA 'BOILER IRON BIGDGES, SLIOAB PANS, and sole manctiketsciera of BANN. HILL'S PATENT 11011NRS. Eva/ring de del* CO3 tLe shortest nodes. .11110.132,50 r. anathael. vo•lasos. - grOBINSON. /LEA &CO., orora to nostinaz. Alois itusai4SlL I ABUrtgo TON WOBES,Totnaxst tlllsoststern, W ASHING' Etanollset-arets. of. BOAT AMP iTAVOXCE 7 STEAM racourss, nun =Asia, MACITINEPT, GEARING, SHATTINO, GUT. MS, testi doseripflom; OIL TANTS STILL% WILES AND au= mos worm: Atratta for GIMILD'S Pens' II trovroF, • FOR 'SIDING BOILERS.' i A a WO NERy01113.1311FFE8.4 5 . 0 BOTh etsx4;—kWyereadipttligneabsT . j It 6 b.usest4Tid a i.ia a . far it after tar: &wins 01l tta,, , Wll routine and lawitsr aim. aka mods ottaavaioat: !MEW st4esnoonoldora it " 1 s'lm4 4 1 1 a caataannoto tollts'alteted Won Wm the mato at oton.' .Itotx6. aa tho roadpi eon adirS,lid Orithrt, blirill offlid, a tall o' lite . ofracriptlaa ap& mind to - - rit... ?Mg .1 1 DA.OI4ILL, 186 Inltgoo amt. H. I . . , 571%11 a 11:1..'r.-______,.__.........-.-.- mom ormanimn...4 lzusir.....E,T' WOW: rLi BLIE STE 7 • 11rErErt'at- c 0.,: 13,L .. .. to Ulmer, Itartaittid C,., as t.ull of sUst t#EL, sews* ri,:Bram itst STE 4 ;,13PUEGS, AMISS, MMUS, 14. - Warts, ngsyr wasp: Ana , " 1 ati. P, 0A 4 . 1 7" irTT S l/t lO 4 , 1'..,-' - -----71- t tsolcti COCHRAN A BRO., Man - - • autarem ,or IRON prim, ntois vizi= Auto SWILTDOOLVVINDO&UM TEM WINDOW -GUARDS. tri,14.39.. 91SECOND, aild 136 IBIRD_SMET, bei.lrpod 9911 Mutat. . Ulm an Islaiiarktlettsw inttetns, !NM AAA ' en, cabals tor n-pcascsai. • r :, -, Ones . . ' Rartleular attention paid to #4l499lsUtz. 449199 timtk.. aa9 ,Tre' Lllll "BitIINVASTIMOU Ott cnmv of licinesekigilai49: oll Peun nrs liktaltr pimms whose tread= cane tlma td spell to pub lip. lisztoinrodoiaty b7 p.A.iisartivaus whom ' fll . tdon should bo sd• - , 4 - urBasil ;etc!' .:•so•T:ENBR , •"!:;;;4 MOTO. tralis AND .--' pilfflag9iewtsiTtuatl•iroime* - ti LlOl of !bottomed Abocalsecou, keit ti mail in marl tonsiinSomtrooottlatge.i Wort!). LOW. tEti /10CIMIN,tiiraTdatirdsiknOto.S nntA ninth dm*, PS , 1112137 =MU .sxD OBOE& CONCERT OEM MEE B T 0:Tal .44 e. Largest Vglety,lie4 6004% LOWEST TRIM •I S OT or ANT Boor a 101Ort novas :1H tag cart. No. 62 Fifth kitrjset.lital IFIT A reduction made tOBcanall. RIACTIO2d'f' " W AND CHOICE A" Sprix4tiaid _ Xtoogs, Shots, ! Rubbers, ac.r i Toe Qui SOirTAxie imoiionie or . • ,gLATRB 80111 H, 6i 112,11 d Ca* foam TWA. • • NEW 00()DBINEW - OOD 9l W. Sins Jot, roeskrod car katair stock of BOOTS AZTD*IO/0* rii Nna..ni 'nu at tn. winzi - titibizt ni de wf o. 'b. Luria so 4 ben OkeLdi!b*e I r 'Wes Via* Oath '*yiltii,4444 *MON 01119 P 73 9SS3;/5/ • `. MAT DitOELVED;r % Wass. az,Vvi Ka; itatarcaafi' actinta !; Do , . do do OONODZAS dot,, Know° wacremar a quar saws? slum. autersmiaza sa do , • Do TWO • do CAL, do ABof tbotost mottos workrond irarnadaa again - &LUXE, SOB & cOl GEO. ve.004"41' I'OBN CAMPBELL, o BOOTH MO 8110121; ca /fiery deicetpti. 6 .lllu t Bmithfteld street. Itittgullt 6 • • odd* (IEO. . ALBSEE, 80N: dc. C0..,- - W ate and Detail Dealers In DOOTB, BROW, earner Wood and Tourth streata.-Pftedrtna. A,PRI.L;773F 164 . - aZIF MU* Cl. _',:. lf , e: •.• . . Wall . Paper - rot ' Spring' t, ra c!. EXIDD ATAXY= COLD, or Plll4oTfi t. uarreTioN . for Mamba lite, & ..riety of *M GLAZEDMS k GEO AZZLI WALL P&P=MID .Or 013. TED, LOU, BLVD, EIGIIIILD: W DOW -. ELUDE An. bateau* enactment of 1 pelted. ! WELL PAPR, to all of which Abe Wet ,trai Ana , e, laspocircerof lumeke•oere aed ether! in frolantrai regoarud,, at tro • Wall Pirl Warebcnuoillo. I , V i r Wood street, between ?Oath and littlf,:ear , -- Wm Diamond alley, • , eat lIIDEEDAZAL _ insztende eapeatra of Geld Docetrea Tram j t Linata Widow Mae i" : 7 ItstarES!: bo.jfel_aafo , • . (nfaci"' pia, URalEi. OtrrieWr iSA:VIT lall4eS— v-al="MitliTT an band • lam Add ID.rj 44.n g Mali 2' V.HD 4 M I aresoned dab D G. DOA - j • MLIF4DOW ~ MILD fi r* tr r Joins; arotrrme, - utim - vour, tHG, Jon, to. . . - - .•iiitt - E Ur arDl orders to WWII 17 cut .. prortees =Di st bit rater. - • _,,...1 .___. N. Femora wanting _1,030 1130 3 n. er• Mil falt an PerfeltaM Itrtited WelLlCClata b Mdl. 1 we t.= DMA env.. mg 11445 0 V, ' ri Wand . n-•-•""" prTR—VG)IFEi ,_ ;, _L i PHOTOGReIt - 8 0004 0011313 Mill ADD 11 Dichardr ullo 161110 . II slaked dodo, Mai ' = Dor+) riaceroGiO:AX --- . t i ll. L _ - of ..47 CZ& Sigi dais, plata :or--......,” ...... UN oesedar Outs Or Visits to oaths: am un ifs. ITIBVIANOX Inlaid eutioeirn7 ea% st. Conti= a th. ea BUD SZI wow «miss. amendlity of this artabltsbnana , bang aerobia oy • Outs abaft light of Inaba.: lattere sm =„o l -_.._ -, - - ---- vest YOU 4WA T A r#9OIRE • . ' ma --. 410 etostltnlaalister Taint r, .*. Bgtetgatt Ononsintand HolalUtTtii -', - Lard's Dianna Small, - ' .;.1;... - 111"'" Hollavay 'l itl ag ia' arti Olattoon . -' tY?: . _:.. _ ... Mrs.AllnlNHAteltnntnans ond - - -ELAtabnid *Dabs ablanenio= '° ' '7 Lindoo Improved Blood ltantrltenv Hilton alosgable Henta, .. , R.::. - Finn Torlot nom lad - raltron‘r _.Pl a ty Sell .Bruni sottam:atm. At thil ontrid Dent WM. corm Ohr Tatend altontn wpt G Ito. LA. Yal CO, IA Disibt Hon* AllmintE ~ ~ RAW WWI , ; ineoscond-band . . . . , - Semler.% Burlap a tuomy Bag% . 'notrit AND RAI? HUB; 1 iy • rises, itztata to .It by JOHN T. BALW4O4 eth• tiCE33 it.llL W. -. •-.''',, • - ) lEtitoiat ottOotkot - to ;tl.l - etet!m at 4 1 P it Ram innutiARITTICIAL ILTA:t_sed mots all .. . uotuteerotti =LSI atm and 43. end all diaeseas, streelia4l the ' garvad leading to _: Otto. ICO tiamfentirr . _• . = ~:-.. wooly --entisircorra 131011124/4RY " FOB. a -.• Xi TOII2IO 1.0113.-4ba guides* goderg. _ . tonzteth wenlea. Till ern • cit - WIT_ 2D - .- -Tobias - : tho very lest wittottagee ht - th&Torrat Inetrsto - • gee. th ie Inettnition, tide". tnlbe cowry -.; . and inutvanded mitts extends* tleat.Tall akedadf ' ' slionhsdenglittil rettaltirihnn the hest of =during the terry Units athanonet-mbitt the entire expense tot bed.tW -- =: net stoma "bet bawl goal can txkletd toe In tbe city. ...g .t;tilfweecrieli...Scr: itinellPet. 81,....LT:thilkildi Qr.-W.1(3;1A Y- MAD Y 4 a Modal '= . .) • end Cosontercial:l:lo6.lo/1T 0 6011001, nig- BOYS, no the P. A . I% it O. It.os . tour loos ~. titsabargh. So. Le. TEVIZT4.I. I. M., Frisch . ~. ost. se. -Pepbarth Sodom Mill tosinstinar an •ttortDAT,ma so. um: - .- -1 , .: gac Omahas or fttaiir biLlnelalkea:49/1-tO T. . IL SMITS 400.. gb lei tic Oa Orin* •• - 100, therituzil .stw ie T- P. 0.. Lueshil +=sty. PL . . AlittlitiE LOi • OF ' , E,..;. ... , ..ctoitito We Tobacco; llatiamer.Xl-Scbstanf-i - ,''....! Cot etel On le , ek i tt ter-4 0 4:i._____,' , Patera - do:, - ~,nto,.tontg osoo OW • . .gweet.Oven ltinicail - F :lilt - -. : -:-..: -- . t iotatrtitt ato lair 4st. tcli Wld tin 4 BRlCls "ttiKu A.Nu 'logo mature app. cpg makiant, N , '",=;`7. enemata go id' DAVID uutortam. - sago lum u b.lO-to mutVe ‘ , . ciovientuncirr itit.4 , _`trfled i t • 'Booakfta , g tbs ages a ti4 1 , 04-. 4 4 " '6 CO . 1 r b 4txj` . gr"*l S t i4 L11513 . ..,i luso to cedar ell I ..:.,. 11... q.. id NO. AV /fAIIETTIR., +k r 114 ' nal l * I I' iNDOW ithll4o4}4tor tha wtln ttusi c rtirlSriiiN 1141i 4 . : " o g ild "' Ain 411111 Imr.r.iitYrou - • . gir L th alk .. .. - a t ~.I...lillinmetiv4SAClC - -r"- 41 !!; , ,:...::•' if,:*!.gi=7lo--1413.53**00. .• . 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers