E DAILY MBE MEM ,;',;LZSTAB,4IBHED IN 1786 05anttq. PUBLISHED BY Et (MU MUM' OMR TiltDa' OH THE CAZOIt.E.{; in= toMos;t:y month—. to. I. • " id6t4 All,irrie tbreFT, by m4l), per yaw...—. 4 60. • ; . 10. . I = l l o l, stnk ocTim, RT 7l , Ar^- 2 C°. " " dabs*, ;;;.. age Gip croon r I St. °tit vitesio r the yattT limdla6 ilob. for I. dititiel:44ollPr rad the EVIMMI '--,11831}; Tar 'a - dub of tirenty, 10c,4 the , Komi' allalllCW Stu& capths, 6 coax. 11rAlliroiscrt (6,4=06 end 66P 61, 'firings gavot! irlom thellme owdels. - FRIDAY MORNING =APRIL' 15, 18414 Vales State Coneenyeti.' thi3eiefeieierrineottenie . , czl. T rigin Mo liethealljohnt pettyorittmeetleState Onmentlce he the Ital Otte Boast of Iteprisentatitee, at. Hatt iishere.dterhatesdieyi Apr/198 th, 1104. Illadititsiatidab 3 =mica to the ammo regrew. iallatiaa Were bet In the Btate Lectiletere, nod the Alleithee vta-lter elm= et end,' time end la each Awnfia.AAbe directed by the new:the croaaty eceataltteee.' • , . TM State Cenrentioir is' carted for.thapospasi placing la neasteurtlin en Illectoral tleket.selerting dauggli*limpkto thOiationst Cionteitton er the llatotiparti,tobsliell St Daltitiorem the7th Jona out, arieltaking pule salon ea It my deem proper In refamice Lathe eptiMehteg Presidential moms. Theigeleillop of the dielsitt delegates from Penn- SylitatilliteitliblindighalOongention le len, where It PrePeklYllattiticfg - the people membled -their county Mirentlons; bat the' different escrotrioes- Mtteer are earneetly ragneStad to adopt each Mas ers:l :Winn negro et Itir attendance at than respect igiixertiontinissiind thereby Mare, the choice of delaghta, tMI and fair eamession of the win of the kPit e • The.conomlttee cannot forbear to congratulate all losers ofritbsety end the Cube tip= the recent trl 'Mrphs of tlee good calm to New llimpebirs and flosineetlegt, and to ecipiaailli belts, altered by all loyg; tim,lhet they ere only the Grerunners of more splendldyletoible tom to to won bribe same camas nlllcetix She bagfind 'the • ITATSE EIeVEAOII, Mailman GuC. nallotOusur, svu.. e. W. It tiers, Negro Law In a New Light. Secretary .. et Vito. Is responsible for a nez 7e blei..:, - ficoilithinge are not so cow be. YOureLcivai notice; lands° far as I know, this , 1s nisi . ..lately now. -The alaTes t e argues, tisiethe ittipt teat' !r tit ii.lhriand-oettr. traartioiiiia 4:w-establish it ittit t They have always had one right,irldell eon atiteted:a ;Tee the Velma/. per. sena or real of their assteis—the right te: substktence. The masters knay bo gone, but the property remains--still subject So - lien held by 'the Tinder thairriztdples of the Coneseetion Law, the right of 'the-roaster to any' estate is gone. No other parties have • any claim to - it; no etheriliiii• my in . la it, ems a. stairs' , ukoitittkave IFiir liar. In legal lenge - lige, thli lithe renutinder It is a well established legal principle that; • where then Is no other title,,any sort of a lien:givesposessios and title. Therefore the slant, holding the only lien, have 'the legal right to tbe property... . • - ,do not know . that the Secretary, who hoe Visit 'arousing Itbaself by setting , forth this them,jia..o,pversation occasionally, regards Use & vary good laW according to the books,* bat isn't t it ought tobe t--lum A New ,Torpetl4.-Itoat. Mr. arefdes,they bnildei of a now torpedo bast, fambeen-Miting itinz,tiOlS , york Bey. orensained ander the water upwards of nine hoitti„"ithilng tothe' bottom of the old sloop "ExtilatarotarpSdoes. The parcanion lock of the int forped4 con tithing fifty pounds of powder, was exploded, but; owing to some de fends* commuulmithin, the powder WAS not Ignited. The second torpedo cmitained' one hundred pounds powder, with three per. MAI= Jocks. attempting to Ore the ',Amigo of powder, the wire- connection run elf the sponli end no explosion took itifee. • The . olorip Wu then towed 'Thisiwick mock, litigant lOw WC the sloop:my : ha ,seen with theAwb...tathodoes sittsche& to.her bottom. • Aithooghthe Sloop was-wt.' trt. defective ]totpedoiti,' this 'experiment hen denfotsMithed.tithprocileebilitiof.thetio7m l 4 bolie.mbfelitiey:feknee!gitoChelate.tho our. •Isoe- of the meter, end , opine!, either egehmf salmot t elett . obettizetiott ..ors. tbip'O' bottom. The itoitipurt:bir TirbOto , tbie host war built, ,for 415,1100, - hove rsicerptetithkr, end she will ly.beliMitt.bo;future naval operattons. els. Afty.feet .lonels manned by twenty. Sc.fir en • end -Moores by means of a ropellot • - beltsEdweated Negro. , PrsiwterkieltillSe en. 6 l, 4Mesthilf count of * negro , fleeted George, sows private I tbsTeMpiitimealghtLdstilteryt , ', a dare 'en st; Beathe'rit plantation. he was the playmate of liitmester's- , children, and by class attention :bus teamed- the letters of She eitplutbet. Some tliteaftbroriid •he found en — old bo*, ..ead'etadled It se cr etly, re ..wwinberthg theorder tifsthe lettere, until he weestble to read—shieog , indlellous proems: He theettsid te:itad bookii,to: oneenspeet , fag the: "imam; master" 'defiled „WA:ma Greeb7 and George :hand * lottla vmmoz.iiicartaiiiiidili Greek' gremickaa, both" of which Jhelaboricurely ••stadia. He , eras' Moira In duns et-* dlitlllwy, nodes ♦ newnuatir;:whose Wally had 'ea Irish to. tor: Prheltgatr biped. with whlskt*,P l ' l •• seta instruotioa, the lessons only ceseleg,trom the Ineretudag love Or the !Iglus oeoic otaing •rtheteseliireesteterin the family. HOU now, ~.LA tha f Watts et Wer, a*sents*;mid ht the, 11114111-01,Wolijultrb as steted.abete. Dottglu e midair - the f3tephen ` d: Douglis - nrittin a litter to.jrtandl Noir "Zokki in which she demist. thainost—explleit -snif • f umpitttik WWl* ...' . thatrepintswidatt bare boon . 'gating the rounds - tha newspapers that dm is employed as a •"Arkin - rev-of the Ispartmenti it Wasting: , " - um; She rnmplains;Anstutiliy, enough, - of into.7 l lma, !blob the 'nironlation of , this Wounded statement occisions her. It prob ,- day hid -its Origin 'An the mingle some nrrespandant not so fendlier with her per: sonet - spenan as he supposed himself to fste_nnd - Aceskeen thoughtlessly copied - by ithers. - , War ate SOLDULIa LOYII 4 Hnr The Nov Waren Jourssaflif this morning says: Genera! :12mmaide. was _a passenger from Neerlforierm the inaittrain. lest night mroatt for Providenee. lOUs enjoying his Havant' the hemp, ear, - oonnaotor Iloyf intro /hued Ginseng: to is*withitemsas named WlMana - flukey; si:.fonnor-inembre of Cori- . piny 11; Tw ntpaereitho.V. The two sat smoked, fonghterer , the battle of; Toed etteksbarg agatn t And appeared to enjoy their mutual semselutancle Noddy." , Tai) (we i r jinifiza I,sys wagon from i) some lialfaihington thatArieseral Want oz peota to hav,it an way of - two liandied and ilia lotto" great awietatiat foiwtdolk bit faaorpri4ping - Tan total ;Om for the:relief of East Tea= nom, raLs4S t flistscheuotto sad the ad; joiothistetHAt .Iklr. Everett, =minted on Saturday itathoo.• rasa to 00111 , - - Adietrojram„Japiet tutye sidle wee& - kliiieuseretst tasty,- bdween Japan lend Sidteldoit#;fied Dees iotielcida, traVereasoi stPila Yet ItOording to mil toted. seaouiti; TIN NaihlVl ram sailiostostho otalhit ririfltfto of tttol4al State! brit:el forti, orbile flan. Gisott ranfotiiporillicquitpl. , , • 640 - retstileta of 3hF Seirltark ti,; gilt upAg'3,lo, 1 4 4 on Tgrasioiraii , costof'srovirbtai tiostoiyit fast OTnR NEW YORK LETTER Cornspondroni of the PiU,Orimgh Gazette New, Toss, April 12, 11361. Nothing argues More unmistekably that the Newt/tern copperheads are In complicity with their fellows South of the Potomac , and the Ohlee than that certain business estab liehments which wereln feli blast before the Rebel raid on paduceb, have since that event, unaccountably vanished; Telegraphic an nouncements were made that.parties.ln Now York and Cincinnati were respected of bar ing been engaged in the nefarious trallie of sending goods to Padtmah,bi "become a prey to:Forrett, and an attempt is being made to arrest the guilty parties.' The places of basi l:MU will be found Taunt, the proprietors, no doubt, baring pieced thetnielver beyond the reach of Federal law. It is stated that come arrests of the more foolhardy, who chose to stay and abide the consequences, have been made. The Custom Nouse detectives are also on the scent of some Silt dozen Rebels here, who are carrying on trade with their principals •at idstamons and Nassau: fhe great truth these facts disclose is that the cerularildp of the grinds a mammoth humbug. More "weeding one' geoesiary. Let men wheezy "they don't uphold the Administra tion, bat' support the war," be kinked out. Therenirer was a traitor bist who voted the Democratic ticket ; end there are no disloyal Republitami. The ;psiley would, no doubt, do some harm, bat that tote be expected. It would math greater good. Clear the WeelingtoriDepartments and the New York Custom II onse and Post Officio: of Cense:re tiree, who have been obliged to take the oath three or four times toconvince peeve of their loyalty, and who army, time take it with a reservation, or as protection, and those "queer co.incidenees, , of ending the rebels drawn up in battle array whenever we go out to fight them, will go up In a balloon. lire. Quarles, the mills lady who 'supplied Col. Straight with a rebel uniform and 101 l directions as to how to proceed when be made his esesal from Libby Prison, has arrived in town. 'The rebels ponAh'ed her for this act brsending her through their COO—which must have belie about es much Of a punish meat as du; act of irate eohoolmasters putting the boys with the , girls t Mr. Quarles, who turned op shortly afterward ., enlisted in the Now . York ltils" Cirehy. Dire. Q., who has three children withher, le spa to destitute, and arrangements ere in repels to place her In tette circumstance*. , . The Collection of Taxes in Ineutrec. , • • tloicary Districts. From the report of the Secretary of the Tressony.litsnaerei to the. resolution of the Senate relative to the number of commission ers and amount of money received under the law to collect direct taxes to insurrectionary ' districts, it splicers that there were Ave cora -1 missioners in the distriot of Fluids, and four in each of the districts in South Carolina, Virginia and TOIDZIOSSet, at a salary of $3,000 with, andtwir clerks in; glorida and one in each of the other distrieti its eatery of $l,- 200 each.. In South Carolina, 103,574 acres of lima were soldlor $27,390, In Virginia, 6,400 limes far 51.10.407; in Florida, 124 acres for 1;16,002; and •In Tennessee, lands to the amount of $52,500: • The expenses In the Die ' idiot of South Carolina Were $15,815; Florida, $14,466;. Virkinis; $6,061; and Tennessee, $7,122. • ' • • • ' • C 111110175 Peon 'Agony Conosismies.— A Washington litter Writer gires snrno ClirlOtts facts about the pretentCongressmen. Ile says Mi. Ames, of Musechrustts;ll the richest, worth over two millions &Mr. Baldwin, of the same State, the la rgest; Mr, Clay, of Kentucky; the talleatlMr. Cox, of Ohio, this mealiest; Mi. Ill'Olurg, of Musaclssetts, the shortest; -General' Dumont, of Indiana, the most productive, being the father of nineteen children; Mr. Stereruyof PennsylVania, the oldest, .seventy-Ise years; Generailicrtiald, of Ohio, the youngestAbisty-twolentw; Mr. Windom. of Minnesota, the handsomest; Mr. Kelley, of Pennsylvania, and Vorhoes, of In diana, the best 'speaker' ; Mr. Cox, of Ohio, 1 and Mr. W'ashtittrne of Illinois. the hest par,' liammitarlana- - .5f• Ww... of Pendleton, of ;Ohio, the resulted debaters; Mr. Clay, of Kentucky, the largest farmer, tar ing:B,soo acree ofitand,sTs slaves, 200 sheep, and 150 blooded cattle ; while Mr. Greene% of lowa, has apoo acme land, 6,000 sheep; Mr. Wallace, of Idaho, liveirthe farthest from Washington, 'and draws $8,997 for mileage, andldr. Paris, of Maryland, the nearest, his .mileage being only s32'; Mr. Prank, of New .York, the best penman, and Mr. Stevens, of Pennsylvania, the poorest. The 'douse has twenty-five - members with bald beads, thirty with mustaches, and two with. wigs., ' A Kiroxvnta-' letter says There. is a free colored man hare, who hie a brother, the slave of one Duke% Passim: Drownlow's assistant in the Custom 1109,13. The slave ran off, was ought by unstop, terribly whipped and lock ed op in the hotise. Haskell then applied to Gen. Carter, who is from East Tennessee, for a guard over bis house. A gaud was furnish ed from the -24 .ohio cavalry. But-the free brother pat up s. ladder behind, and got out The slave. gave the alstrin,'and tired :twice at the slave, while the guard hid wisely behind the fence. The sieve has not boon seen since, but tne free brother has been ar.; ruled and pat in prison., Gen. Schofield has the matter under consideration. The lairs of Tennessee* :eruptive slavery, and the State was °aortae &tidy excepted from the Presi dent's Pr0C1612150011 of lEosancipation. Tai LLTIS lfirtoezox ' ii Pumusksrute.— The-jury, which investigated tinciretunstan -04 attending the late terrible explosion of a steam boiler In the work. of Messrs. Merrick lawns, en thereth init., find in their, verdict thin thiosploSion resulted froins,defeet in the construotion of the wb‘ob ; defect originated Inc change of form . from a .boiler prosionsly usetwith entire sifetyt and which change 'was designed to 'remedy the trouble of tedimetitaryydeposit4 The Ini'y believe that the - diminished strelgth'which resulted froth the' change;' escaped the bake- of the eonstruetork, sad atitAkie making of the new boiler and management afterwards, were • signed's 'precautionary sucasures, sad were intended to avoid the ray disaster which has fallen upon them and:: the: untertunato Too Pecommitio piety Itself beet boasting that the EgypHan and.ooppechead counties of Mined* have furnished the majority of the volunteers from that State. The Springfield Jogrsuricildishis tables,rempiled from official Sortrees,.: showing that this knot the ease. With population of 114,121 subject to draft, thi.l7nlou districts - hare', frarahhed an excess over their fuli d ttiotas of 8,401 - men; while the Copperhead ttioter with: a poaulatlan of 110.902; - ,111110 only furnished an excess of 0 021, - Cateldirlig - the' disloyal ale:Cents in Aids midst, loyal citizens of ; the 'Copper bend cortatligyhavro :etldently'doic nobly, holtsmir, in sanding ant' slarge a proportion of theirnufauber to light the trattW of the Ilaiaa as their brethztin•te the more northern 1 aowl*et- GorrirErsooi'S or rsr . ,(lisrana.—k lady :in , ..DrldgePort, Cid:ll4, hsa r eceived a loiter Coe- tabsing:-the following: "6 wonderful disc:only of gold his Jost bean made by some- whites and Indians an, ! lands occupied by -a mining oolipany, Canada East.. They discovered a tare lode vain,,suid, manj lumps 'of pare gold; The',\ vein ,wasi opened', again; a halt', mile distant, \ where It yielded at slob. - Thin in thisught to bs the .richest yield of the precious metal errs obtained' In limits stineries, !and cures . great.otelterwmt among speculators In Que. Wu- --The. new .dlsooyery is on a fritillary of oi:Cbitidliii.iprer,,astd.in the Heart of the , • . Ottrizanatiary etionva-Pstrerrt.valux.—: It may.b•lnteresting to knout that the hero of the: Welt,' - ettesmdent grand chieftain, Lieutenant General 11. O. Grant, comes petty am being oPennsylvattlan: 114mothir;wai, Mani& - 13impsetn, a with% of • Montgomem , Mina*: Otie .theilengtfor of John Btmp. spn,'who - reniartd fret:LAW - county - to Ottioj iff 18I1L , ":ThemfaIM married anton..ll. Grant 4 form Watineilanil vasty, in this. State ; and illynes tionlinit , lon, in. his name stands lor t3impintn . . . ' No ern-an be swish more -orderly en quiet than Little Beek, says a• eorrespondeati and there ii a IrJadly ••feeling.. be the althea', and' indeed • thronighent the State where.-they hare 'elte in contiat;'4Yenerti4 Steele hating: declared - there sha lieo ex oast cassurthted by, irrespeaslble pon in-, 9 danale* poop% 'lmply becometr the anforta laths happen tell** In a distrlat inhere rebel" are primmer; around.:, . . . Wiloleisli &stars Ili - TOMOS AIM Doanerna --- DRY GOIDDS, 140. w Wood strift.illirdlopm igkrTh , - - .... lun A crowns prucheiiithia 'mil' Un•ol Dlosond allay, Pittabuiatt., WOO ''' inti r 641 C ° 3I WatOOKI ii inVl 4 b Stant tag Itial'ir 1,4 LAIRL.....i. tillOt IMIDIV,,Iit "'Ma. ' extortions of,thia incites from nbleb tti goelt T ANE maim_ ,t co. Denioniv in hia:"2"" After " annt,dian"Wr he liirtosicarnottpconsnoukro oo ns , igo. ingionlinkildi tot as ,foncini ,1 'Wow l ie lialrederal Newt, isecond doer !;..siallriZi -1,19,17" rir 144 id Wllt inzaretintri , disir' , any• liiiiit of lionioAlielthetti eitl , . .. . ".2>" ' ins ileidirblehlf• Ufa iiiid .tid lelide r ' /4 Vir wpal.inga,-3taiiit' wood fa seallist to is Mal his' dadnotbinizionk ph Dolor to H oTHH T T HA TA, mum nofpairgilinly inniviinsatnry t , ?l,lni natirm ID:lieialuirtantw-noons pans t inv .:.... -,. ' l- ` l . ' ',. ' • ' '1; , , '•••• . :r ,:,-:'-: ••:' , 1,;' 0 , • •'• tv , •-• r. • .:... ~, ; ;: ' ',3:: - f . ' '4li.-.},c4C:14.,,,,,1-4:4:kk,",i.::.;"r.-1.fLi'....L.ii4;',.:14-.i.'di2(;1.1,1-,i,iri,•,,,,e,',...t1,1,1:,-;4•;;I:..4 News Items A. Rescuer., who has just scooped from Wil mington, N. C says " r Heel within a few doors of Mr. Mallory, the Confederate States SeMetary of thaNavy. Ills wife, a Spanish lady, is most anxious to Teach the Stlte .of Massachusetts, where her sisternow Is Irking. The Secrotary aad his lady are-setoally very poor, so poor that when guests were at their house they usually had to borrow from us te, Me equipage, antrthat of the simplest.iL De ring • temporary absence I made the Secre tary welcome to the milk of my solitary now, and he esteemed it, for VI wife's sake, en exceedingly great kindness." A rrrailwarr has bean published that two steamers left Fortress Monroe on Thursday to bring away all the Union officer' and soldiers congaed sttlticlussond, numbering aboutl,ooo. I We etre informaditiat ebb., ineorreet- - ing the recent visit of the rebel Commissioner Ould to Fortress Monroe, it was agreed that all our sick at /Richmond should be released, and it Is for them that the steamers %bore mentioned hare gone. Three paints . hate yet to be decided heron a general eldinge can be effected, and It is to consult the rebel-au thorities on these points that Cold kis re.; turned to Richmond. Totranoca.—The rebels have began their _naval operatione Oda year by a to)pado, war. On the St. Johns River, in Florida; the* sue. 'ceeded in blowing up the steamer Maple Lea,/ by a torpedo, and in the James River ' they made a desperate effort to destroy steam frigate Mitniesoto by the some , Mean*, hut. failed. We been adv loos fro Europe that Slam was, getting extensivef'eSpetintents made for him in Ws breach oCtitti rebel floe arts. These inventions are probably the re sult of his efforts!. ILLAL ILlTlill in the nelghbor(ol of Haiti 'more, seems to command very tad mete pri ces. Sixty acres, withiriaighp l ea of..the !city, the andivid half of one - . Dadred end ' twenty acres, h . are SO ffl4 cords of 'standing w00d,.. Id the Italia day for p 5,50 per acre. Zr, is reported that the sattialles -of St. John, N. It., have received ontkla: from the home government for the re . .. Mitizt of the Chesapeake, pirates recently OlLitt liberty. It is suppOsed that a farther Up* ligation is 4 , lo be made:into the whale affaiti4'.:' ". N ovr a Innuteavoit.---A Pedi. ' blphia pa per of Wednesday saye : A Is i ip. aiding in the Seventh ward gave birt . sif . aterday to three healthy ehildren—lwo tf u and one girl. • This native immigration'.„:: well for the Dana. r 4 -4,,. A TOOIIO Yoe who was .I'', .. fifteen or twenty times around a shaft in • lor's t, soap atone yolks at Petkinsville 4 the other day, had every article of oltktiltorn from him, but escaped without a 140114' upon his person. 4 t *: , e 5,...: Tun rebel deserters and re la who find) thole way to Wheeling, Va., , * accepting, places as farm laborers in EsettF*, kttuyiand. Great Inducements are offered tliani, in conse quence of the scarcity of labor 4. Gowns Is is thronged wilkmounterfeit graffiibacks, by the speculators %gimes, cat tle, butter, grain, and other prOdite, that the farmers are urged by the papertAi receive no currency hot coin or Canadian: lid'nit notes. Is is announced in the Bostore f :'. that Rt. Rev. Dr. kfcClosiry, Roman Ca lio Bishop pot of Albany, bas been appointed - clamp of few York,.and Rt. Rev. Dr. 4 ding, of Louisville, 'Archbishop of Delta . Tawnier - a Stevens, if Pe yI , rani*, who lboa worn a wig for these twat years, was lately applied to In behalf of . .e- St. Louis ISanitary Fair for a look of his Liar to pat in a .., Congressional Wreath. gg Ma. J. 'L. Sinner, the Ame t4n historian and Meister at Vienna, has self two hundred dollars to Edward Everett in opt the suf ferers of Eat Tennessee. 14' • ; Bev. JA31121 FILIGMAX , fe to deliver an addrees before the New EnglAna Etistorlco- Genealogioal ffoolety,i orti , Whakeiieara's ter centenary' btrthilay, trffl 23d. • A Lsaurnumber of paymastgts: left Wash ington for the Army of the Potdushe on Tues day, with greanbaekt suffirient tray Of toes tip to the 4rat of April. Tlntbn r g,pneditigSpakSta. &tie esignary out has neon decided at Detroit, and two hundred thousand acres of lanit are awarded petltionere. Au. tho regiments bolonging to tho Nioth Army Corps, late from KootoiUo, Tenn., have bean sent forward from (Cincinnati to Annapolis. In Ohio thous urn 14233 common school., 167 oolored iohools, and over 21,000 teachers, of whom 1.2.e.e0 are woman. Tn■ Oil 1•41/111: of Pennsylvania h. , . pro duced 554,000 barrels of petroleum since February, 1802. Tllk only defeat that our iron-blads seem to hare to that they won't toot. • lii'AXTS WANTED. Fl WIT 01.481 11'013E112W, To make Pacoal. ono and Pale: Tbe high .et pricee paid. laquireot 11 G. 11.1 LL & CO., aplt.2t corner if Pena and St. Clair ate WANTED. I=l At so. 18 DIAUOND WANTED -A SUIT OF ROOMS.- One large ROOM or HALL, Om GO to 80 feet deep by ad to ID feet *ids, with 'two VitHAnINGI R 00316 attached. A fly one baring euoh, er wOl alter to ttilc, Or arO about to.baild, will find • ten- OW that will tats a beeso far fire to le . years. The locil ty mu. be central, and Dot above third flu r. for particulars addreem DOE 1,182, Pitiebargh P. O. apl2at WANTED—Ten or twelve SHIP CAR PRSTERB, to work in a boat yard tbrre mil. Mow Wellsville, opposite Pellsw shack, at Illehon's Mill Apply to Capt. JOUR lioll, Mcrae Wes, on Treaday, Weducaosy and Thursday after turima, Wyman terse !sod four o'clock. apl2:2t WANTED—Agents to sell theSTAzit. ry ARD 111AT011.1 or THR WAR. A tare chance to male mousy. Agent. an, clearing from to 1200 par mouth. ssAeoo volumes already add. Pend for - drugs.. Address JONES, DUOS. CO., Publisher., Bablmore, kid. apt:lm WANTED—At the House of Refuge, DILIDDLI-AOLD WOUAN,as none. Wm ortne well recommended for 'character wad captain- Application. to ha mda at the Institute, cm PRIDAY, April 25 .' rial2At WANTED, T A , VIIAUI MOULDY& DAVIS L MILLI PS, •ps:lak 110 Water. Used, WANTED—IIop to lei= Brass Fir. I &bin sad Stem Pining. D&TIS S PHILLIPS. .palm 116 Wats eara, r, A MONTH want to hire Agent; pald Marto o , lEmSiedsmT 0. 8.818.808. 8841 4.8U85.. RE,Ig H raLS TEmPoteRY. WILKINS HALL. Our Criandeand the public It hiSge win •st• we Una, Jerget that IWO are et present„ sad for • for weeks, So hefted et - WILKINS ILL[,: Onr the Mayor's OtSeP, ►oath stews, where we hose ea es hiblttonAtad fares/0 u dee • stock of mezzos, LIAIMONTIMEI AIM lIRGODIE9ISI3, as ever Ism bosaybt 'this city, EA it strictly EABTElitt FALIToItY PLUMS Lt. &LEBER h BRO., RESIOVAI. s iiiird Notional Doak, of Pittsburgh. 'On and sliir MONDAY, Apr° 11th. 1804, this Dank tnumird Us holiness iIY the thaldiss for merly occupied try thrOlTird ANS DANE; comer of Woodhtreet and Virgin alkly.' Plitelnirshi: Ps epdahr ' JNO.I3e LININGEMOH, °setae*. Rgmtrirmt.. , • : • yltazio. Via 00111 nit, Pratodo end Otitomtaitou Motabool, Oat removed to Ho. ID mNITUPIRLD FITIULT, comer of ittot. PPEMOVAL.LjAIderman J. DON/4,11‘ It SON ha. moored Irto aloe from No. 43 8 L Mk Aron to ./ANNI3OI4`B BLOCH, unit door to the Waiting Boom 01 th.attsms Parooor Onr Goons., ! .109:111 ima07...4n0. w. WILSON; CABS a' PO.; \ • - cb..4 .. . , . n . , H G A . PITT ' : FRIDAY' MORNING, APRIL 15, 1864 EVENING GAZETTLLEGMS. PENNSYLVANIA LEOBLATtata Speciol Dispatch to the Plttsbarth 11iRnr9EVH6, April 14, 1M4:: Mr. Brown, to permit the Connotts of War ren to sell real estate. Mr. Olmstead, North American Oil Company; sopplFatent to ano• Bon laws; relative to Allegheny county. Mr. Barron, supplement to regulating, the inspection of leather.l. Alleghiny; supple meet to the act of Mt, to prevent vice apd Immorality, Mr. grown, a stipplamant to the Farmers' . Railroad in Venatagn! county was taken ap and passed. Mr. Shock,acharter for the Ohio Canal Company; 'rho, relative to the Wifer Works of Allegltenj 'city iratteltin np. The latter passed finally. BILLS lIKSOLITtn Supplement to the Fiermere . ,0 0 . 2 t 1 Prorcp: Bank, of Greene oounty. One relative to tba Stpitsl stock of the Venango.Brusk. One rel ative to the Petroleum Bank. Supplement to the Danko( Pittobrogh o amended— ,One rel— *Oro to the - Prieque Talelnstialseo Cordpany. One relative to a [tome for destitute ehilfttn . of sOldfers. • ME= 'Mr. Slaek—One foradditienal train? V.V. togas in Allegheny city. Alto one retativi# LiTery Stable Keepers in Allegheny minty. Mr.7Dennlaten-one to charter the Western !Skiing Company of Colorado. atlas StNATIL—Ona telatire t 6 ibbylnit tntuntlotPt borough anui,toottships of Bognor county. One telativo to Ltanatico and habitual :Drank. ante. e The Western Pennsylvania Railroad bill was called up en thirdroading. Mr. Gralra moved to g o into a spacial oommittee on the amendment, providing that if the canal is abandoned between Pittsburg and Prseper4 the Peinsylvania Railroad tr . damages sustained. The motion was test— y." 10, nays 21. The motion was reconsidqed , fuld lost--yees 13, nays 17 . . Passed flnally.k— yeas 23, nays B. The ripplement to the Pita Banking Law was eowddered aact.:pstead. Bills relative to the payment of interest on the State debt were patted. Latest From Eairtoie IIkLITAZ, April 14.—The steamer Asia from Liverpool oa the 2d !net, QUBODl town'oi the 2d. hie arrived. The political news Ls unimportant. The report of the destruction of the ihlp Com. Crompton by the Georgia islet eincon , firmed: The increase in bullion in the Bank of Rigs /and is reported et 1115,000 pounds, instead of :65!g00. Breadsttiffs closed dull on Friday, and . prices were weak. Provisions closed heavy, and all descriptions slightly lower. Consols closed on Fridly al 91 }¢(9.01 `:_for money. Hopes were ontortainod of floating the steamer City of Now York- Liverpeol April 2.—Eveniog.—Colton quiet and nnahangod. the sales to day wort! 600 Breadstuffe inactive Iliad drooping. . Provisloos sere dull and tending bet ward. Produce quiet MA 11141*. Loudon, April 2.—Coneols, WI Kier money ; Erie theses, 873r@6.53;',; Itt rift Central shares, 17%61614 disorient. y he market fur Amide:in eecurities atating- Polities to day 'are unitopbrianL • A telegram announcing ilatibaldPs *Weed at Southampton le momentarily eipoital charmtatrrs, 3.—tossing- 7 .TheylfVuo change In tho porfttotrul the. iteramti~Of .Nov York. She atiil Has . firmly embedded old Dannt'r Rock. Preparations on a large scale are being made, and strong hopes Sr. enter. tainod of being able to rale. her. Tho Braaillan government bar accepted the mediation of Portugal in the dispute with England. The French Building Iron-elude fur the Rebels. New Tose, April 14.—The French papers of this' city published this morning en article taken from the Opinion Fat:onak, of Paris, which Includes official documents, and proves that the French government is quietly con niving at the efforts of the Coifederate apnea to hays iron clad war vessels belt In Prance; for Confederate servile. From. the revelations of the Opiaion It appears that parties at Santee and Andean/. have 'been for inn months at work building war resets, ostensi bly for China, but really for the rebels. Mr. Payton, last Pell, laid before the French Government proofs of thee teal destination of Um vowels, and after much delay the work was stopped by government orders, bot du ring the tut two months, as the Opinien de clares, the werk has beestrnsumed,,and two of the vessels ire now ready to be passed over to the Confederate agents. ' Lieut.-Maury and Capt. Itsllock, have been prominent in these negotiotlons. These Tas sels are iron dads, and - tite rebel authorities bare ordered as entire att. Which the, gov ernment at Napoleon seems . willing to bare built at French porta, in spite of Its reiterated decrees to maintain a strict nentrafity. New York Mexican advice, via Barons, slate that Durango bad been scrupled by the Imperialists, Gen. Patient haring left for Chlhastmet. The reported rapture of Goadsisjsra by Greg% is absurd. A granah frigate with troops bad left Vera Crux (or the Rio Grande. The Knoxville-Greenville t'onventlon KAOITILLI, April 13.—The resueoltated Greenville Convention of 'di, reassembled yea. torday at the Court House. About 160 delegates reported In person, repretenting 27 aountles. The President, A. R. Nelson, on opening the Convention, made an explanatory -speech and resigned the ebalrialter , which William Haskell was chosen President. Some exciting debates arose on motion tb appoint a committee on aredentials, with power to determine the loyally of delegates. The whole matter was A business committee of one from each county was , appointed, which up to aeon to day has not boon able to agree and report resolutions. The disturbing question Is whether the President's,terms chat! be adopt• ed ad a basis for re-admitting Tennessee as s frac nisei. Andy Jdbstson, yestarday,mads s strops otaliampattion speoeh, and • fin staff was *rooted on the spot whets the robots destroy all the oldllaerty polo In 1801. From. New Orleans. Ncw Yea', April 14.—The steamer Creels hits arrived from New Orleans with date' to the ath bast. Her witless hate berm mainly anticipated vie Caro. Admiral Fannin was at Now Wiens. The Era Itatts that tha Liberals mid Corti• naa had dateated.Vidavri et Monterey, Mar. French War Teasels wore Midas: soundlags at the mouth of the 'Rio Orando. ' . Oortind hoe -satirised 'to 'Matamoros, and expressed the 'deternabiatlon fu defend it to the list extremity. A force had been sent to Bagdad at the mouth of the Rio Grande, to oppose the French and to throw up defensive world. _ . Teki thousand boles of cotton had been fer ried Jotter the RIO Ogilvie On Eagle Pass from Teens, within • month, and were hauled down to Matadors& for shipment,_ , At New Orleans cotton had advanied 2 eta. Middlings were soiree at 710. Sugar and molasses higher. • From California. New You, .April 14.—The steamer Azle has attired from Aspinwall with the Oslgor Die treasure and mails of March 234. OILS. Arc. pi!us.o Soooff 1: Pa, oomenssiott =mum; Tor Ma Woof tirade and .Refined -?e . troleum, fib BOUTII inayrialt.Avzsus, gramatas lON'T OIL WORK ETNOAN; DUNLAP et 00, , I inn: raruaosoe 4 .'7L 4.I7UBE,JfIEJV77I. 11.PITT8B1)1{Gli 11-11SATKK • Dem. and Idszsgur innwrell El van albs yaurg and rnecerorni trzre• Man EDWIN ADAIIS, yr.) opp,r In Ms thrill ing personation, of tbo Dagen( Ghotrr, two It I rd.) the only night anduir the engagement, THIS. (Frrit.y,) EVENING, will be presented Sluterp•ero'c tragatty, in fire octs, ea titled Elclurd 111 Qo~ev~. .. To concltc& Iran TIIE 11.017011 DIAIIOND• Wilkinson, Ckxmim ..... tahatraal, a. origami Tingttly .[ltled ?to., 41. U.MASONIC HALL lOU ONE WLZE Lonisit WIWIROFFEISAIREAT "ORIGINAL BOHEMIAN Ti-tb ÜBE GLASS BLOWERS, WIN open theft. GILSND OrTP PROITESADE TgatilfalllNTß tho %boon Hell, on Jfpri4(lll. lEvetspiglpril 11th, EVIVNTZIG. and on WE - DNS:B. DAT and SLTURDAT A/TERM/gni dozing On ITA. adefrantartaqmsent the telnbratod Low. 4.17.11 . Eltlant Engine " Monitor," WADI: ENTIRELY OP ques . . • P7lll be la Another great tbatui. I. that all tbi troth* et'ett manuf.etured by the 'wet piny well be trateltortslydletrthetwl to the 75.1t0r5. On VBIDIT EVENING, April let.,. bo•lltinii :e.4110 Or work Will be mese - and to the anther et the biet crideo toeundento . the Glow Steam rogine. lapbekon to Eveublig get...r.iothent, Ot apts. Atfeetie. hielkoeee, 15 contv. No half Flo.. i • ittnni.infn , n Nn tb• ornalox at 7 n'eloCk After cabovnl 2.h*cfncb. Exhibition -•,mm•oo-a ball an bOur kink ' % VIII. W 00011011 TE, Maniac, M.AAUDlNltit;(b.tnqn/ sp11:11t 1.-.OONCE 11 A LI- THE MODEL THOZPS OF 11:1E WORLD! DIIPREZ & GREEN'S ORIGiNAL NEW ORLEANS AND METROPOLITAN MINSTRELSI BURLESQUE OPERA IP.OUPE & BRASS BALI __r The into.pereble kadhq tramp, of the Burnt Chet Pro%mon..lJl appeee at tbo above Ball. 1., e Weedy but • I V 6 NIGHTS! audS4ollll{o2a, Frau. 13,11,15 end In, tntrodueinu many no• ?moo, I .11 the old hoot Iles of tea years' expedient,. The mammoth or t -.aixati..o o' the prodat ago. ea lax,ed sad Unproved for 101111 8 41.113 d h 34, ammo peed. of a (reel coorvue - at d`stlogaistua Eth olden artl.tah never lefde contetdratnl into one company —universally admitte l la be th. best (Meet, !anal and tarot couplet, end tu,.t ex Ulnae. bald travel. ing—ea whi.n ocxxxl.n the Ist et features at tlltdlteloy *III Ln laltodattel path reel lop. the daVar roll p.rticalsn see rus ie re ILC9,. Crogremrse of y. '4 , P. ors ala-ti at I .1 r k. Cones rt to commence at i. Adastoston. 2.'. awe. liesertred seat. fa) reats. CHAS H. DI: eItALZ Manager. • SAKI.. Pt/NO ao4 11S. 0 4 hpygmt, sph..ll Advertising a ...eta. CA 11P8F.1.1 S CONCERT HALL, DIMAY, ILIES2AT MID ',IIEDNESDAT EVEIIINGS TLe d vll CAMPB LL MIN tTREL9, th. ollnet. la :•.:. .r and original tronpa lo tie gutisruaryaut tratattawm-igthlliistra lbsaataa thrum:y[l - Oat Ow wort./ for gh .f.g :ha mut- It al [CND am/ 114.14. ail Ea Ethiagiaa ant flak:goat or any organ- Nation In tzlatarse la admlltlou to thy Triope ere. Lbuir last ilmit [age, aro tho 411, lag. :Alia., Stara: M. P. GIG Y Lit* arse al pl (Awl 11.1 tone • lar. W. 110DGE , e1..1 MEIIT eXILTO:s, CHAMYION N C I,C I? (Late of artaty • altnatrdla, L , odoa.) wbn pawl all England in his great and vrvudvrfol Te r; col ohor A et:t TLe 7/03008 QUIXTETTE. lu tor trd tolottAt plotem 01,00,Doan O% 7 to.teuto if S Admin.., 25 .nnts. • C. C,AIIPDELL. litemegor. A. W. WOOLS, liminess Aleut. .pl3l P 1.1. 4 -08. MUSIC, cc. B RADBURy t 1112.000Inalle . • 11ATRD .1 :3 I IL-•rq C› a nu mold PbWtft7l3l, met ELEGANT TOLIZO niallttLlENT9 tennotneturett le the =wet' 1 I=l MM=IiI=IVE Wo an, also agcuts for gebdiaaritor II Co.'. and Boardman A Grey's well know• ...Boni Pianos, and N. D. A W. 11. Smith's IllolOgoota and Ilarmoni [mi. Parsons desiring • perfact .4agrocaord., an, In vited tonsil and examino before pfirchavinit'ol•owhore.. Among Bums who taro purchased-thaw Instr. , ' manta in this vicinity wo take *arm .in Warring to mull Kramer yeaßaioi.?,'oll.failAigc„. ginl3.ll l (%.4 j alm. lilc= l .s=l Dr. Jonas U. Idgeltntoct, Eloovelor, Bithard Bard, laq., Kul Liberty ; John Quinn, req.. Dr. P.M. poen ,- tor, P. M. Pooh, Bp.. and 11.ra, Blackmon, Pitt. POO. ' vibrant., of lire roars with each balm. moot. WLIKELEITIC & SAldt. Bole Agent. for Plttebargb end Wtstmo I=l A priers! snottaural uf Haslcal Goals always an KNABE & CO.'S GOLD !]EDAL Pi:LEMUR! PIANOS I . . Are now beyond 1, donia tho ton .Pian o . und. Warranted for right yam, CHtstILOTTIQ BLIMP, 43 Fifth stroot, polo Apra for,Knabo's Pianos, Haines Bros. Vans Anti Vrtoco's School Orono. A SPLENDID OkhyED v s-1,2 . 7. : , BOSSWOC) PIANO, Saves octave, Ints crams, nearly Deb ... rot BALI ATE GREAT DAZGLIN. ITO CHAR. C. DISCILOR, SI Wood st. THREE t•ECOND-HAND ,AILLODEONS, Oar ulo..chsap. CLIAS. C. lIIELLOI3, . _mp9 81 Wood stmt SECOND-HAND PRINCE , nrr , scno ca,nauxOHlUlf, I. Tsr ad, daap. ORAN. Cs 31044L0ns ap9 llf Waisd adtasal. rmm7r•-77'wril UL UTlON.—Th'o.Paottershl heistotbra *tieing ander - thnnune and sty • of JOlllt VOCLITLY CO.. tot the pussiese of tying on the Flouring halms, has this day best dissolved, In m 41,10.1158 et theAsath of O/CII• °LAS votatLy. 411 pouts knowing Waxwing ted.bted tee,, end those having lialme 'against asid dna, ICC yiensos tali on the nadersigned for settle'. mpt. JOHN' VOLOTLY, pt. _ BECOMMDSDA • ' Hating sold oar nowise Hill to Henn. D. GIL. 1101:18 It CO. io ettenfolly moommead them to our tats Motown and the puldlo In general, semen of probity and espnienoo. If VOECITLY d CO.. In tablet; to tl vs valeta tesputtally bespeak • towline/nes 'of the favor beloved upon our voltam.% to tkeflearlaallW at Booth Camel greet, Allegkeny. spbrir _ • D. &INOUE et CO. heOR PART IiERSHIP —Thrportporthlp briotokrO eststlux botmen the codersigarri,mador titoityli of AVM 0..1011N. SION 411 00, MOtroilly dtroblre.lll;44 - tato eat 'from this dote,. 1110HASD ItRESON milting from Mor firm;;. ',ambulate, wal to, toopmed formerr• 17 odder the style bitelofias=" - W .101 . 151516 N, BAWL. If. istb. rein' ECM= iNTSSO LOTION , ' OF 'OO••PARTNXI,I, JJ ; bair.—jbopadieerattp tere.t.O . eriletteet betwat , ti JOS FiItAtITLTOS and MB .D4Yln, th ouenV. nodotaba Mtn er 11.11.6113170 Ti __' bat bean demelved by inland oaneent-t JON' `ILION rat attend to tbanneetnedeeewonto . a Pam gefs;ossluptimmiplKOrrin , Tina end Mirk eta. .;xf FOR SALE'--A FLOWING lit:lLL. Will all oar non:ring 01111 in amts.., Wheeling. on /Wilma. and Ohio It. 11., o short distance be low the 11 dlr. B. 11. Depot, on river bank. The 151111 has four run of Wrench bon; and all the modern Imptvremente la machinery the wepaclty of the 11111 is 150 bomb per day. Sim of engine 10 Irish bore, Chrot, feet muck*, Wi t:lewd at 60 hone power • MT. cylinder boilers, 26 Pet long, 80 Inches in di:scooter. The toxin build ing le 66 feet by 40, brew stories, and warehouse at- Laehed, 66 fret by 4(0 three erodes * including base ment; also new stable 06 by 14... Thu tot on which the 2121 loam ted L 464 by 44 Lot. All will be .old with the Hill. w_. lirrnezeu, lIICRIARD 111 .Ir.d.rbo Adams. .. 0 Lor day. ....Hato Eynor. .. We would call the attentiau of eapitaliste to this property, as there is no Bun more favorably e l a good Cs ° tt. ° 1311.! oboe, t u . n =tll.7 — .. tithes get • supply of gr We are ohm favorably situated to ahtp our flow to the eastern markets, both by Baltimore sad Ohio Dedlroad nod PermsylvtutiaCeatral. We also have • got d load trade fur cur dour and ford, at fair prima We have n railroad from our Hill down to the tow watermark, by which 'redraw our wheat from the lotding .tute the IEIII, by marblossy. Three men eau take is Prom two to thou thourand baldish of wheat in a day, soingthe homy =posse of drayage. thould the property not be sold by the klat of April, at private tale, we then will offer It at public, sob oo thatday, at two o'clock p. or., at the Coot Eidwe in the city of Wheeling. Tema will to acute coy. tohnOsogo - A. H. DI TWILER .k CO. riWKLIANG HOUSE FOR SAL& The intbeclibor often for sale the dwelling bevao to which!. tun Mae, Wasted on South Au. mice, Sint Ward. iilleghenl. The . lot tot 2 7 fret rennt by ICO deep, running back ta . alloy. It L e tero-eteried bract, contains Ida rooms and cellar. The -oat-homey ere • wash holm, stable, hense,..t.c.. There to a large yea a surnenedlng the dwelling, Oiled with thud° and =anent.' trees. Time le pa and stater te ah the rooms of the-dteall. tog. I also offer for male • dealrals counts . " reddono• In TECoohonter townebtp, Voava oomaty, Pa., contain• Mt twat, icrm of ground. Throe is & now two- prO "464d y 7t , Tlio7ro utr. la aleo o g : ' • y t'th orimr, l' o g re 'i' tkar i r all on •lin the dt a fruit. Th or. Is a goml barn. outhomn, dm. It I, t. rma &Loot a mils from th e lloelmtor Depot. Al. BOLES, .W2.81f Booth Mona, Alloalkorty Ofty. t roll SALE--Tllll EC2NOI%IC4 FLYNT u 01.8.88 WOBES, AT BRIDCWirAurr, ON LIBLIIAL TYBIIB.-111Le arcoka la nearly nor, Lod la now •nragod In the manufacturing of Carbon and other Lamp Chimney. lucapacity to 8 pot f0110w..., 12 eLopi, hie dozen per day. 11. e all the Onr.Bo, y brdldieta, viz Largo Pacalrg ono dWtw Root. Miatug Room Sand 111111 and Hoe., Pot Atoll nod other building. Thero.fourths of an acts of pond on the river bank This orers • rare op portunity fora Lothians non A nalcient trade is ton dolag Co rake all wood/made. Bandanna they. ere lire near the work. A 1.-g. !deck of pots and other contorts a on Land, and It not and by the 25th or .tpril tan proprietors, trill continue the balloon. A ddreee Pon Mice Dos 8,9, PitteLargh, or ea the owners at the work. - ap42w Pt ItSOl-14, TAYLOR A. 00. 14 1 0 K SALE.—The undersigned have 12 been eppolnted a Committee by the Stalthel ere to make rate of the 01.13.1 AND AND PIM. PC16.011 AND MINEEDIYILLB RAILWAYS, or either .;1 them—with equi.lom-eta, atoch, Ac, and edit receive We therefor melt May Ist, irralltao. If not sal i by that time, propoell. trill le received for the tr n cud Isood of Ike reflective ratbrayr, Notice at the dbp out of the npripmcht., 6c., will be cl•ea eller May la:, .foresald. For par. :niece refer to .111 , ., of the undrnlgned. I% DI t. HERRON JO 4 11 CA. IMOD tIAINUNL 6101.11114, A. S. BELL, apd:ltet 1 Committee. VOR SA STEAMLE SAW MILL I. AND Ott. REVINTRY.—Vna ono-half or m Oil Tie wiry mil steam Ann 111, Alai tin and onAbalf arnaw gonad; an struudamo of coal on tbe.lot—ini'neoperi and biilng worked, intuate on the Alleabeny tilacr and A, V. II It tad:Drug fur sale The Refinery la nen and of modern build. Ihe gar Bill Is In splendid order, ant is aril ait stril. baring a climb conning from it to OA ricer. liond b•ality for building boats. For lIILT ll.Larn call on the nndenigaot. LTDAV Lt7BOBNINNING, apl/:tf - No. fei Hand etriii4,Plti.larigN, P. VALUABLE RIVER PROPERTY IF FUG I!ALL , ettnate r g co tbo Monongahela !bear. .Do.- tho first Lock, Loring f eat on eatil river of V 47 fiat, ant extending Lack to Braddock .tre-e., adloirdng the Conn-Alert le `Ladroad, eun• reining 4 area And 77 tivi ch.. This ben admits. El* haation for man nears net lag Pveyn.w , her ing the rienr in front and vabll .east And ralleorol to the rear. and Few Mfll aud buli 0 toga arr.. mead. Yor term., Aa. app'y to tIA la AoN TUSSIN, tie prernoetr, or to W. C. A IMIIINBACOII, Ile the weer, tuthnrgh. mbli. tf VOA{ SALE—A valuable buainefis pzop- L' tear,. needle : Ong of et BRICE EIOU3E AND 63011 f:. AlllO tea., tee nodes; a BUCK WALE. flOusc,hem mein hnudl.R, L'Oritl, with or without 4 tee fruit garden ' together wsin the .torsitor end' 11: tinter tt email Bardszire hartnre a, on rear tenets. the intethr within; to retire from ruyErl : r at TUTS OPYIOII. Alto, • COTCON WA RYE% um, never to men, ar.d Ils. Pnralturo and Yistures.t DIICO STORE. rntai:tf POE SALE. ATTLITTION I STRAIIBOAT BUILDERS. re..t face measure of first quality two inch DECK TNO Is cflared for sad ai the rtanlog Mill of eti Anderslll, Mirgliany City. firna Via per thousand feet, board measure. The Decking Is alrewly planed and redly for use. )11.ipstre of S 1121.11$ split tfOa the pita:Edw. 11 1 OR SALE—A new three-story BGIOK I. nousg, with back building, containing eleven einumodintui room., situated. banned West, Alle gheny City, third door from Grantham. The style of thisisonro Is modern, and It u elegantly fiat had ttootighout, with gas and water in first and w rond stories, bath room, A. VOR SALE—'lVenty-sexen Acrea of Lsud, part of tha Lorena liana. ournuaandlog • Ono 1011. o Pitt.bUlfgh and vicinity. Is •boat out cane hem Jones' Ferry L•ndiolf• 'Eh". 00. on thr premise• some fine fruit treas. and • rm.-Ming gyring of exaelloui water. Will be sold toget-ber, or divided to cult pure= Pomona &thing -.wry rr.ideote Win plasma call on ALUM I.OIIISHZ, falfrAto . So. 41 Water curet. FOR SA.Lt-LMPROVEII PROPER,. TV.—A two-story Brick Dwelling of eight rooms, ball, large ceUar, good well of water, fruit trees, etc. Lot C.G. wet trent and 107 feet deep, and Is within 100 feet of the CithensPaseenger Railw►V. Terms may. Apply at the Deal latate and Insurance oats of EL 8. BATES, ml2B Butler Knot. Lawrannecilla fiX)RSALE—Thatdesirable property altneled In the Borough of Henchmen, on the corner of Locust street and the Ohio rive; and berm os the Greenwood proarty, on which to erected • modern etyle Beck Do.ollhig ling • House, Stable, lee House, So. T. farther partleulus moire of A. D. MUTH, Ootir EH Water ethos; Pitteborgh. LOB SALE—Two Wrought Iron OLL I. STLI,LS, skean- new: with Capper Geo. Necks aid Condensing Pipe. 111 the No sad conl.C• Cone complete. SALE—WiIARITOAT AND COAL PLfT.—Th• Wharfboad . at Pomeroy, Ohio, with wren Coal Plata. (tour nes ly tom.) lines, cork gangways, fornlture, de., are offered for aalo ia a low prim,. !Rodeo of D N ICOOKIITOIO, 107 Wo.l Moot or, GItO.I.IIOADLMY, Pomeroy, Ohio. ap9:lwd {i&LE--A pleasant Country seat, a: suitable for . business tosa, easy of stem by either the Test Wayne or Ilancherter Balleaye, well improved and aboundingln cticiice trait, ts now of fered for isle or to exchange for city property. CHUB ALE—A BOAT ElitilNZ AND L BOILTIL—RegIne, oevlTating, 8 Intim inside diameter of cylinder,Bl Inches atroko ; copper bear. toga. 1 4t,r, 2X feet diameter, IN feat laas. hr eluding are Doi. (A iltine, 8 pugs cock, 11 been owed metro montha Ina alde.atund boat, and la In good order. Pd. $15:00. Addrem, • .101111 A. HIDDLE, ap7,2er lianebeeter, N. H. FOR S4LE--FOR REIM. Apply to J. M tiTONT.S., Attoincy ot•Letr, N. 1r0.1.11 ttreat o 11. WOLfI, Ohl.. toorothlp. ap13.1.0. &1., TWO STEAM DOILEOS. Lnquiro of 1100 H M. BOLT, MEM Apply to KB. 11,12TAPI,BrogriA b L Agt, eg Fourth street, (Butte's Building ) I.M. SALE OK .EXIALA.NGE JfOR .crITY 111.0PZETY.—That LARGE DWELL ING, with grcoada attached, au 0/111011 street, for. marl} orwapied by Christian /lumen, beta of East Olisningham. Stabling and outbuilding& in the har of tb. Uwelliag UMW. SPEED. 1.,„ MUSES, mn2tAr, Ica Fourth stmt., Pittsburgh .-Ner— . .a a am*" .I, l lolt . KENT—T a small family, the A: onal•altot a baantital rtedenta ta Mame Tray, ardealle tram the Allegheny Martel Ilona, with about ;41 asrootactaand, all amend with chalet; Wit tram etergreenkabrahhery,la., An ezealkai, wdl arwatae, and a large chasm otao't water. • • Inquire of ' A. 11:8A11,ZIV • mhallt Oa the earralaes. FUIt SALE—haat(lialjliG ZUrr•-lrfo Wt PrrsclittO a Lot of Crowd baring trout or SO frirt on • main street, and ex. Wading batk.lBo fat to sla fool olio,. on which we erected s good inhotential two otrol from* wel ling. Tss tot to 1111 rd with grape., Milt and 11u►- in. 6 neat 401. APO) to B. =Lai td 60D., 101.Vourin otrrot HUH SALF OH. Farm of 52 Acre. fool Mad, In NMI= tavishlwa , Nola• mg Red NW! Percluarnt, and within a short &s -tapes of the renwlnala Cattroad, • Tema rreao aaUe. I:marred WARD. mR2— Nkatdocr taus NM. on_Oraat at:vat L. UK SALIL-;- - A Lot of frond, at the ci,rnet of Neville SUA flanninY stmts. in IRO Bcroallt Iltraalariami Allay one on most Van ovum ascl Locust strode, Rlabtßvart. Vella" can awl tab fall tabu, 11.0111, .• Rosa and Vont* stmt. VIM SALE-44 acres: Of, prime Mist, um! Iso41;11‘ Itaystabla arazty. Oact WM. abased Or SiCalesabrai ibs •ta_zy mnsing wawk -t o leava - Itt atargaldr , tra.--Aralr tn --"- • -;* _ 31. , 3 7 ,r-Li=4lt lal Terartfi ' star* , rro LET.--Iro'ltu•ge cud handier:Ay tara:thad WOMB; Attbiat baank_ean by applying , at. to:-.M17/111D 4211-V47,ltatiraaa Oisli.AlAlAlll,ooo,los,aoa ,g4IA '4:11 • voLuKE Averitxr 844 ZS. BUILDING LuTii/4HPEXIILIIS TOS/D6HIP, ADJO , EiIIiCICITYDDARICT , —On EIONDAY 6108.611N0, April 18dt;1864. at to o'rlora. will:be mid, on the pnerdeteh th e Lallosing !Nif t y-ono Valuable Boildtos Loss, la Peebles loss ship, adjoining City District, .Must. on the line of the Peannyltanla Central Itailrand,adjoining lands ; of tho heirs of Harmon Denny, and within short din: tante of the Outer Depot ! Nn. &to DI Inclosire, 8 Lots cult fronting . 2:l feet ou Laurel amine, and extending tentarde the rel. road 118 loot 4,6 , i inches to a 83 feet torenehip road. I Laurel arrogate wing a4O feet anent, running Psr allot with rim street. I Not. 8 and,n, adjoining Lott, same Width at am, ' nd averaging from 61 to 99 foot to dept6t. No. 1, a triarguter Lot at corner of Lanroi arena* nod toansbip road, 69 feet front on the arenno, 61 feet on the township toad, and 61 het sing 'imbue No. 13, a corner Lot, fronting 16 feet 1 Inch on I, Laurel sienna and extending along Ohatnnt ,trees 119 foot, basing 20 fret front an thellbanchiP Toad, (remnant street being a 40 foes reset. No.. 16 t 0.25 inclusive, 11 Lots, fronting oath fro fort.. Lantel armone, and from 10 to Li4tot to de - No pth: . M, a triaigalar Lot sip:notion" of townehip rand with Lanni amour, containing atria }jam,. Noa. 27 to 64 inclosiro, 28 Lei, Limiting ,rantli - 20 Let on townshiprond, and extending bur to ndi road from 108 to 173 Loot to darn. • Them Lots Immediately adjoin 111 boandar7 HMO of the City Distritt, and being readily reached from the Penn West amain admirably "Mated forron eeioaf raritencar to those doing balloted: 1h the city. The farozahls , location of thia property. M aurine kta ghat and rapid !AMU. in yalne, : the at tention of Manufmturara, roectutedi and• others Is amddentlytartted to thlasals. - Pins ot thaproterty.can W obtalded as the 41.1.11 Me Naomi, No. Yirth airrot Tartru—Ons-{bird cash, te on. and tie years, with hatarsat. secured. 1r bond and mortgage. oral ' DAVIS d .31 MATHS, docile'. A LLEGRENY CITY LOTS AT ACC 2171MDAT Immo; April 10th, at o'clock. aria be sold. at the Oonunerc*dean Booms, No ba Irvin etreet , . • Poor Lots on Ohio avenue, near the 'onticr depot. each baring a trent of 2t feet on Ohio avenvniand exteeding hack 190 feet to ai• One. Lot on the corner of It enaley'le lane end ilant ilton etreet, teeing a front 0f21a% feet items; aed extending 1.79 'eat siongißefnelsea lane Three Lott, adfoleking the ahnerinaeh hoeing • frost of 24feet on Banilton itreet, and extending back 130 f. et to an alley. • Ono Lot on ihount eid• oft t ßearer Want baying a front of 20 f.ef ore Beaver Mee% end extending bank 107 feet to an alby, be g Lot. 80. 6 in •Bnitit Davis' pl. of Lot. Than—One•thlrd cash, reaktua in mu, ma two yearn, with intern,/ z apl4 DAPISdiatLIVAINE. Aiefra. BBIRMINGHAM LOTS AT AUCTION. —On 't [(MAY ITZNISO, aril 19th at owck. 'dill., sold. at the CommarcialVa'aa . . . No. 54 Vita* attvet Ons Lot on the north aide of Canon Watt, te. tween Joerph and Craig stroeta. baring • front of 24 hot to CATIOD street, and ex enOin* back .00 fort, Lang Los No 00 to Grefres plan Lot N 0.91 In Oregra pr.. baring • front of 24 Lees 011 WM./ street, and utending along ChWit atreot 100 feet to an alley. • Lot no. CM, baring a front of 24 feet on VDU= street, and extending back Irti feet to an ailay. Lots Nen 294 .0 225. each baling a front of TD feet . Manor &frost, ind extending lea-k 20 Lit to an alley. • Terms of gale—One third Cs., and the balance In one and two )eala with Interest. ap .4 DAVIS McILV7II:Mit, Ca/RPETS. OIL CLOTHS. dr c. FOURTH STRE VEW STYLES WINDOW &HADES 01! lIXOSITED TIIIB DAY. sq NEVI SPRING STOCIS : 1 0/!s_l2,PETe, 4 011, CLOTH, AT 111 PC Ai. Ll 7 M'S. CI ARPET STOR No. R 7 F61:111Til ETBSES. TTAYING PURCH.ORD alio ADDED ENTIRE STOCK CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &C. Lstely bold by W. bIeCI.INTOOB., at 112 Starke genet, we at, el le, by Lbe couvaltdietton, to otter taut LARGEST STOCK TO BE FOUND IN TIM WEST, AT THE LOWEST PRIDES Oliver MeMinted' & 001 93 VITITI STREIT pANo covEßs. Fine Embroidered• Cloth. Embossed Cloth: • Victoria. O am and ryleudW agaortmant jast. ract , l , 43 at Ms NEW CARPET STORE McPABLARD, COLLINS & CO mM VENITIAN BLIND MAW:NOS! An entirely new and complete Amertment Jnal mired st tbe N2C W cA.K.ever 14 TOB. kg - or INFARLLND, COLLINS &,CO. GROCERI7Eq,PRODUCE,Ore . B F. QUIMBY Sr. CO., Commission Merchants, Po. 100 Boum WATIB CIIIICAGO Give .pedal attenttcm to poeticising Flour, Grain; Prpvisions, IC., B. T. T. BROWS mhal.r THOS. L McGLELWi.ND, (Elotaasor m lleelel4ad.i Dad%) OtbnillKL ootraussioU Iszsottram IS Pour, Grabs anti Provisions. ~tVirtrardir= the id. bio. 2? WOOD STREET, Pittabargh, rs. RENRY WALLACE', • Commission lierchnni, No Its SOUTH WAS= Hi, CHICAGO, MOW& Puttcul.r attmattaapaldloSlllas orde6 for PROVIBI61:11, kb: 03i St 011A111 mlxi7:om CaIA.T.Es C. BALLET ~" - • Produce and Conmdesien. Merchant. 141ERLIELABATER 880EICEt. AAA th.ger fu .ill Mai a comma minus. vex no-675r:570 irnuurs =:=l!@ ALM MVANE & ANJER, COMMON MURMURS, And &Alen hour, Groin sad Produce, 6EPOD.S7., b . do - 17 . 19?0fdi t011i4114 *Pitt" ' " - FliA NS. VAN Gi.i4DER, bodnce and COMECUgiliall 211Orq • ni.lo pauprixiso Dad.. itouu; Etwrit irro rlucatuk LA PORK, Asp , swiwodace gartmAr. • sob odismos cm mod 11 1 DWARD HRAZHLTUTi -Visalessile, .12.1 cumin ant colousswisraucaan, sass am=nl tat94Comday: 70. Putelga" laYarca, , ,_ 4 . , ._Ft.z.11 - r _" rem t f.< _,~ .~ .. ~~ lIEEI NJIPSURA.ArtiI. - 1829: -w-1 7;: n )"" ; , FRANKLIN IRE INSURANCE Co ANY oa. Ma•. on loam 1. /844, 53,1574,& A=rued Ssuplue:---.......-..—...;..: 971.** ::.. lovosted Prembssor'.........-.....-....L.' .....,830111r - :' , : Unsettled Clalmi-......--..--.,4...4,i 5.414 - -7 income for 1864.- ......-.... -. Lon Pald drici-1.....: ._C.X, .:.: 7. ..-.-- -"—C , C O _, Perpitud ..ei taspirary Polled CM Uttfaterlio.'•! DIlliCT(113 t - . 4 , Z t, ~,- '!, F id aaC T i rlf:t r tkt, ' : Geo.. '" riues, Allred YttlelVi Fru: W. lostli. , V. D. . BANCIMB., Patittaat.. DALVcs Plifildlent. ..roik 2,,a,g_LL • O. OTT_ ,IN Ari, Vooks.a.l7l3lrd - Claim N. Dandier, Tablas Wagner, - Summa Grant, Jacob H. Smith, I -Gao.'W. Elebarda, CGAILLES 1 EDWARD C. Fispivas:uv, FIRE Aio l~Ti AND. Mailroom Co. of NpyttiOtglea. , ‘ FEElLAziLritsk :Hartford Fire bigamies --COnpany . ' • . -• •..: AdlrProtectlced tad be sect:n:4ln the lidded old sad sellable crimild*d, rA-fc P.lpmsvA4l* , - . t 047417 Nopky's Hatldlogs, W t and. . WESTERN. INSURANCE QA., I T NY op PITINDUZIA_ _154 .F: 7..1L GORDON Boordary. - t. • • °Nee. No. 92 Wear stmt. - BpiapCa' . ipioc i ii - wori. • • ii Noopoorp stair*NlGibmarti. • r. - • - • siva 6......0.cut - I.E.th qt 8i54:4 1 .1 Mow hablagat mowed kg DiNerea'soW Y As- oxeonosey, cod sole err thildr• inisod.' by yrocutwi'sadnoratityilo . *Vaal A/' dim Wadi eksy bow. asegasioy ofeltily Oak: prltoolios to Woo ego &Fire to bit browg. l.;• imisceass: • • , •!• . .t . - IlattrerwAsiOin Alexsadar tinser, Dalvd LOA, r Pam Ben} P. Eakalnal.! • 11._Gannosite E. bill's?, Jr., Jamatha s* rdel MMus llcauley, Tj, - • George Dania, Campbell B. Herron, 0. W. Ilicketmay elliji" SINEMIIA.NCECCI.UPANY fiTTSBOHOM. :oMce, ontbrAbsirif ate: Wafer, strestar Woad BA.MITYL alArryc lames Btramboala and Cargoes. . . _ , Lows sodas! los and 'damage In thin of tha Bontlonn sad. Westernltlvers,' , 4ablci - ate,. ; Bayou, and ths.nadignitlon'of the Seas. Imams what lowa:id dos .--. sHcisy liras':' .- ....a Wm. Bayle, - 8. M. ' • Jas.-Para, Jr., Jobn ShlpeOni W. Cl. Jolocatat4 James M. ooFpw, B. Y. loan. J . ..:, Been Owens, Hon. T. M. Have, John B. DlAlngbil Barclay Preston, Gocras Bingham, • 7."..dcßdwri PEOPLES INWWWE OCSsITILICY, Office r l7. B. corker Woad gitriftiati: • -- FIRE ,AND NAM* T ;-; Capt. Jail.. ..., • r Fasciae! P;.g1 . ..t. . • lissnotacrvit, L Cbtaial ‘ i A:l*.kbirle," /MT, Milidest. WM. PDTUIm; Jahn Watt, • Wm. B. Rap, Jahn S. Parka, • 1 Marks &Ewan, Wm. Vao • - JOlll5 WEL It. GARDNER, • • • • A LLEAMENY. DiSTßAlicpp li PANY OF PITTSIIIINOIL— 0 , 11 4 etry ISEo. ST Path= vet Bank 810t..'. : '.; Immo splint all Wads of • USA° 'OAPS. • • • JOHN ,D. 11PCOP4.) VidLitatiod. • D. M. BOOK, Eacrziarp. Capt. NIL DIAN Gehlrat Apiti's• • 3 •• Jam roiona, - fmitrz?b lIW ' Bet& IL tate., "-J Lane Jona, • HaWl.O. Only ' • Jofin Irwin, Jr. . H. L. HamesHOL .Itt3drUF4C2`l27ll.lElll 1113 UREINE:IIf4t3B "mitamt eg . = Wrap,' • . ffianatYawem s of elm eihteti of„Aatthei mum Irons ros PM/10MM !Tina* GAB PrITINL% htACIIINTEDVAND tOOPPEILIMITILL , : • DIWIS CASTINGS; atoll deectiptiihthi a re order. A.TSANBOAT WORN, STUN?. 01,15- 10271020, ha REPAIBINO, pecaaptitettahlettto: CO ettentlthe paid to &Um UM FOE COAL AND CANDOR OMB, •• Also:Sale Agents for the Western Diatekt etTeratel ":" .yltents ear the ante ofILLIISH,W_BDZIAL PATSY!. SYPHON PIMP, ins. Int .eaten. •Herlat tut valise It Is hot Helga to get eat • j.; of order, end Intl throw note enter 00,ia any pomp ;., of twice De lisa. - • ,--; • opt ItIACKINTOSU, Mpl!q..lllLo+ rotrapzzes tU!iD ILAMaUtiML Oamor at Ptk. and CYHass, and Pike and liVai;t4 ' (Neu City Watts works,} ; . . . ~ al:lead:am, of ibatriaary_and otbgi. .11:50ININ% • 2ILILS CASTINGS sad KOALINXIIT, • 1 of all kinds, and samend jobbers. - Promaj4 atteutfan ;Inn to mai*, BOLLIX° KILL 11ACIUNKIIT. •' jonN HALL a co:, fr 2.. :. . ' , VALLEY FORGE PLOW AVOBA :„ . . PISTSOI:Mptf, PA, 6:1 .. - " • - • • etaanfottoraro rad Sabot b all no sc torat Moat -,• • of PLOWS, PLOW CLASTVIGIL PS, OCT- ' TING BOZOS So. With Areal/ totOtioad Sell. •••• op t cur„ tie. for &log b;st . we , tottto diatom to stn. as a on. .SolopttsotorMs. Wingate*, ally ood LOAM.' PlttiLlll; : ; BSI:PIJMIT - 001" - oellot MS. J. IMAM. • L ' BLACK DIAMOND STEEIi*QEI(B,,-z: PPPISBUBOS, P 4. 7 i " - ' • PAILL BRIM= ili::CO., '• ' - BM?, A571:479 CAA may. BM? 132rarn aquargs rut fkr"gigkotlq Kt* to ItlY fro Potted or - "tonn"F thl° t°°b*. Ofilea sod innboolo. N0.149;4 ' 4 MI sad 120 sad 122 aCOONDETAIITS , f.Maloortik ; BRITANNIA ,JLND BRApcworas:: coLLiNs & W 2 ORT, is.n.actmrsiiourrolt neldics„Ateir l / 4 "otriii , : , . • . and • 1014. Tallety of _DBITA.WHIA attlelm. Also, (Atwell OIL Liagal lIOHHIIHB .. ands LATIP Bit&EZT.9 pacratly, /UN , M Roma MCORMICK .C 1 TOa sio-watamahsn aT. Pi rr • .11I•aufsetaren af 000 H, PAILLOB: , AND EIDRAT. , 2 I . • non& PAIILOB AND ILITCIntHr HOLLOW WAD,. eta. Ileac sod OlsoLigookts,llZoll.....-.. P i* Ilearing,Gas,;ll.lalor =dlr. Out. io, Bid Dog Iran, Watts Dm% Ors; gar Kettles, Pollfro, Car Coaptiogs Awl Cistlop pakozilly. Jobbi4lant _Machin, * • Inas midi to ardor, Wanted . - Xatabh wiek Stem or Horn Power. - ltli7El/13 RIDDLE . & Mk; No. 215 : ,,'; TV Inger IfffotiLMolf• 83,1144 frosaufactororf of WUffi, LAMP, fiod sWrics., =- ZE4 and ofoll agoodPilos of L , T47I3Pf 'SY ILE: • • Ordomolletted from tho Dodo; ht .bi ppe d a s per Instroctloaa. , fokly W..BENN T lianoThotomrso C, war= STONZ CHINA and Au OleaavalWargiounstlo.ti' r Y ilt~e%j~~ .1011iM01. Ilaff , SCHOYEat, 3koin• • S. taw. 041 n. OuburtiLl D DI. ATTOrritlnetaxtewm = f% AOIlk?I k oingwilS ttitts ,"..r...l.. M' "4 arkir=s4clabli . . 4., 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers