. . . , ''''.'":''''''''''''''''.`......"'"'""*.*'' '''' ,. ."`"4"7.,'"''.r, ~. ,:•••-i• ":'.. ..`,7' . . 1 , - , _ ~..,;,14,;: 1;:c7r4::::,.,1 ,^Ai ,i,f, gSTAJ3LISHED . 1N 'fY7B6; 4tf-f. .atzrl I Viltsburgh balettg. zi ==-7 - trirsratHED BIT AIM PUBLEII36 AlSi C4llOl csSirsp or , ?rueag AzgirTEs.. • ;L. *alumni ta map, Por7esr—.4B -et..., • ri.-ehitte isutl, per yess....J., 4 W. • ausstk.r.j, • 4r4st-4—. 10. - - 7 , -4.0'1.67.1..17.M14j, siliglaiieclAsts....-7 2 .-- Weems ivatos, slues tOPIM tarili*A 04 . n dial Of 5 too /0, v.l 50. clubs oflOit apse —1 Ed. cars to the party =4ll for ,thiblitiftsein,ve4-10 veldt-1w! OLZITfi Yes • dab *FAO...gat!! seed the Illostaseiteietty. Blues isvhs6 6 mat!. Nor Azumbicapaitiddedy amog...,atd p a p. stmktistcgost whets the unwroire.., ,leisroni,Ltgal yawn State. Conventl tat She loyal sela at Peamlraala, emo ha statast Ilaknaparty, win ineet Rite lanilert Laths Sett elks lacmakor Bernsoatatlies, at Ilar runaiLmorbluiday, April Sethi a sae. Zia &drat ache eutltlat to theme* irprena. titian mit me hag la the Blab logialshire, aed the &bete, mill be elm= o j t siyh gala lad lama rikils*u.l44l+6 '3441.-kuy_tticoomi. county The Etats (loaireaticai lo thesdipheetif placing in siceadnaugu 'llectorilllckel, selecting delegate, at largeto dm satiaaat cowman= of las Valaa pei*teihrield at Bailin:cc. on tlielth omit. and .tiktng 41, d , action as it ttlaT atilt DlpFer raltTent*t°the 6 PProaalngProliatit4 , 4 s aTut _ _ • ' Thp WWI= of thit fllttrtet.:deln•atea from Ppm 'WU-NO-opt Cktatention ta lefb,etttere it. tt: lba mete imietablell la Melt imanty emmemllona; bat the alfamst cOnaty cam to stilmt• inch meat -star sa mattritaratabliatlatteit!the,iffelPlttl Ito ementlems, sad thareby aecure, rltab choice of delicatet, a fait and fait expramlon of the wilt of the people. _ - Tits catimlttee =not forbear to eonglatolattrall - inert of 111m5tand the Val= alma the iemat trb ,14:11iir - pirWiturt keieuital.bire and ckilmetisstild 63 sweet thi hcpe, tharW t 7 all . *alma, that May are only tint fentrana4a of more . iplatdid *Menke exiti, to be woo In th: *ma 'nom -- allb by-the balleband the ballot. • -.M . .T.:;4l.2wAyjsztiragMiciairuun Smretuk. _ - A Now Pik! at Louisville, Natiorial Union Press," la the tido of a view daily paper, the trot num .• her of whieiwill be leaned at Loutre'lle, Ey., as the lath inet:',4a tewleatia' dtberairit4l- . lA ample eaPltsli,atit • to twin the beads of 'reliable- at cereiniteiit , Sou: — The tleid le ad inaportautaltd Sete:wive one, and Its thorte,th eatialastersizeturts, both peaunithiljr P altieeil'" Nowhere is a thriorightf • • popes more ueed4. iiterqu Nenbiehia end we art glad that thu nee iL aboni tp . Ee iropidled. , .„., `" • -Ma ;keit Atlantic Tele g raph - Cable:- The farm of cable' adopted by thagoinroit: toe of the Company is thus describeil 5... The ... c.- - -rM2.lo 6 elttr 441kgenteiliot ta ss sooner !dryad of 1 - ..russm-scv. a ( likflal kro d one,) aut. wire . ' . gauging pts, or number 111 of thellirghani .., ' • wire - imago, and - weighing 300. po de per - ; Jumad a / 1 1- mite; embedded for solidity in the ' - cosonositkna known as "Chatterton's -Col , a...2::ptintiLi? -The Insitiat.o6 - -Is 'to censiskof gotta pirchai four - layers of which are to be laid al . u r gat o ly with four thin layers of thb abore . %named ecimpoond, "making the - diameter: of , . • the core 400 inches; and a stream[ .- 1 ' 7 , 311 2 ittellik-4-The weight of the on einint . ; 'star is to be'4oo ponds per man al mile. , ...i . The extort* protection is to be in tiro parts; ~ •-litactbo.oore. -surrounded -with ss.pi t ddinget, wit io -'- ': - ,, , , : i....,,scifkistaygn, i tativated with* : , .....,..n.-^WURIIe„.II&V;t9 t.,_.atii,ljdding ls '-.kthrt - - "..:-.PinteotisEe' , :eareting;:Widiiisisa -e,,81d .. . ....:Adraectthelaajm#osf4Thlin-4514 smogs , • .- '. . necont hen; the - came iklielt. ' :Whit- , '•' -; 'worth" iti the mannfaiture of - h ;Irma ' each wire surrounded ; sop s I,y with dye strands of .Manilbt yarn, the w cot the ~ •-' ten Strands thus formed of hemp and wire to • . -- -' be laid apitally - irounilt-he yetide'de4re. The •3,ll;ilrAglita tho • calu. icitu. raltie2.4 art per 1 :-- natti=rirtalli the kreaklng 'attain viii be 7 - ' - 141 1 :1 5 curt, or equal to 11 times 46 weight . - per sanded mile in water—that Is to say, if -.- . 'sap:tided perpendicularly from theist:Una -.3llll3l*Mtliit.woullbastaticewn weight ball '- `-- I,'-, - mites depth of weld: - - ' ' i - , . . . • Passanattow pro . lora-- The Wasblegten - correspondent of e Raw _ ssk Advertiser, writes as follows: An.affaLr of amslderable interest came off stalk WLJts lf.naisednizilietstrolirl , lnrytitt the .4?...olozoo of • =all party of visitant, being um formal presentation . of a Tory oholee eoll4tion of was, „knits to " Abraham and Maty `itolt,• • Rom Mrs. Caroline Johruttonps ---reepeetelleoletwi-Abieeeffef-Pettestelnhia, as a taitkaaklo Ilir)kerYapt , tairtie4l ot the Prodder:it'. services In behalf of beef oppress ed nice. "Xhough some remarla wore made by Mrs. J., the presentation speeoh was mad* by the Rev. James Hamilton, a. Donut der• omen of the above city, who tourblegly toStoil Olodi9 Tfull:soirtliziP of his Po•elet to the rapid progress of their dellverang pig , the present Administration, and theft hopes of the future,end asked the Prerideuttli=a& apt of the gift as e specimen of the handl , work of milady of solar. arid lean evidetss• • theft conlideateand esteem for the ciikeatei had brought thentthus far oat of the land of bondage. Mr. Lineein Witty rerpondsditio turning Sheets, fot the beaatifal present, re• . faring to 1.12, stitactatter. with wetekhaAad edsteunted, arid viseribing the wtaidrons changes of the put three years to the nilings of an alt.wbe Providence.— The work H let- midst g 350. We understand that cola intends living It 'spatted for shiPicti` to barktrot in Illinois Ifaran-OniturPnrarllddilllttinuoUs, ton ) new ehlef pf avpointed by G. Grant, nit WOW to Ohio, HMI. Be enbanadll7ert Point to 1801, and graduated In 1823. 'ln 1820 hoTer, u to command at Port Wood,. Rev Pork p.arbor, nand watt thence to San Praneluo, In Osage VilusitllP •Sittli tualanerin ordtrn•fat bumf. 1/157,Gen.Scott sent bimikatoka fodasking rue with "the Coquilla• 'tidiest/. /tint be vu appointed b 3 Sent/dairy. In Desimber of the same 'Garbo tram tame chief quartermaster and commissary of the Army of the Screlloweit;•iehleh be flied until after the ree,ltidge battle. - May 27,1862, be waif • appointed Col. of the 2d 2dkittgan Unity, He made $ diva of over one hundred miles roundlArrintb, destroyed the Mobile and Oido IlaHrund, did come hard istitlag, and suistad 'Aln‘lettl•Atont 2,000 prisoners. Shortly 'alter litsbicame briptiler•pneral, he' db. Unstated himself st Stone Hirer, at °bloke sosup—orber• nutieroduurinvalus; • Die serrioes—lit MLaon 81dge, td, ;do. Hen. Sheridan Is of unall balld robust, end fall of Ula.and activity. h asbeen named by his aun the Little Corporal." He will. soon -inks 10 siqs command. • 0 'gory Cl.i. slier az Inlet meat of t death of welve y wasife, remotod last teae ed W elf,l wpm the tds w and placi by aide with hers bonne a hearattformeze., aunt emoted to his Mennory the Lazingtea„l Iy., Unwary. The wreath of istwortelke plead noon his sofho by his Woad, the 0414 PIO-tar Rana 8. 8 hyphens, plias: ttstha 'a ermeraini !the body from Wsabinitt o br fie fated to lo• in as almost perfect etata otgrZhe serration, being bat littla faded, whilst • gold ring, bearing the initials "J. W ~" 'which . c ratted Um tie issatholletaillfght ft" lad Lost &jilt OW a ' TEN lan Ms. arrts:,..fitia'Cisiidind lien aid relates the following instdsztla the Ufa. of the iota Joins O. Sties, when quite • batabalos, fail la lose with ono of the girls in hie bindery. She was the earthy Unease_ of • worthy widow. .B„ieu ''Priselgsgtha getter', permluion to pay his ad. ;brasses to her don/burs, and, twin' Ma gozaant, offered Dieu elf to the danghtar, who worgted him, and ma n fep soon follows d. Iscsaamo, PAT of% Socozzos.—Ths Eons =Mao biro agreed apon.• bU thini If the pay of soldiers, The Co•uojfA tea had • loastby afeassioa ores theq•••• : : an, fildllS . the rats of whits and Ids& .1 diem Thu have inerastod %Aw a it. the .; 7; t3rltille li itztosn, -kb* latter tei dol.. Lin pas month. ;:-' It is firported by obi eau" las trrreled offer alszli all am State of kilasod.d, time the peach Gros ex* eneally killed down to a. mg& Dl s=!,llnl Naples, A Dlecourd'm Poutuft.--4. Utter from Naples, of Minh 15th, says: "The excava tions in Pompeii have mbar eased for • Year pest, and most indusble °bloats were brought to II ht, such as gold said braise wan, and teem commun. Three bodies in different tombs emu most Ingettlonsly plererned In d am and shape.• one, a wartior, x eaently - of superior rank, has on &mat- of- and the usual armor i ,BoosatelftrelO those tIOIO/4 Of the two others, oneStieltu3y, whose.'beauty of Uttar-and foes me splendid—the'arms ere beautiful-41a teem Asters Templet distill.; gobbed origin, while the remnants of her s arsimey are of the finest miteadils; the last is e s ,yonng girl rot : alma hauls, eppMently an attendant. The coarse texture of-het i ciress le distinctly leen, and on one of. -her ngen a dame ring of ` - lead or tinehowe h r love of baubles. The . nails ire intact, iportlon of her skull Is entire, and the preservation , of these bodice is dim to the aldiffal /recess of pUster moulding of Signor Plorelli who has Mao disTeted 01 dam in itieliatate building mfrompell. , , , ,',,„ i , ; ' Quent-Veirloara bagmen} relation! . who are fitized lapin Continental edam. Abblieleter lif,hers, daughter, of OP' pit4olls of Kent, was the wife pf the lafoPtinceof liciltenlolar. Lingenburg. tier Avivekildren ;teem* , Manicure of the Queen. One of daugh te"lmarrted.thelfok• ol Aogruitenburg,the elaimint to the :Diadem King Leepold, of Belgium, Is the Queen's understood tar COllBl7l (the Duke;of Brobent, - Leopold' .: eldest eon end heir) Is the buiband of an Aulaiku Arch claphess, ind AB clautliter Is the-- I "re of the Amide", lifs.lmUion ' Emperor ,offidexico. Then the Queen's mint, the Duchess of Cato. bridge, is aunt of the Queen of Deneierk; her An is the .husband "Of the pee"! of the Bing . and her dalaghtettleti;wife of t o Ptinee Boyal of. Pr - . r. , - "... ^ ti a Speech robe ntlypado by Ur. insoles, a: P., at Aalten,hMetated thoifolto leg en rions facts in relation to the audit!or the Ettablislued Church IW , Trelindr , T e num ber of Perigee *theta.' etiolates, without glebes, and ',Meet artr mambo of the Church of Bettina Allies in. the,rh, is 539, end theis 'mama, amounts to 50,432. Included In three , were. Bit patbes with betakes amountlegto 1,557,:1a w h i ch there wars neither chtirob,..gleb• nor. ;V testant Somebody redelved,thet $4154- 4 1 0, 1 had me thing to do for it : Again, the nuns of par ishes with Marshes br glebee,'ot; th, but more than fifty Protests-Ma; wit 121 and th e 'berme of the Ilene Wm #17,00. , k A. nw ;furcate. Lord-Betesforfi,t e Arch t bishop of 'Aintagh, dled-ss verzeld d res peqtable mai!, - ria,facitridatiop tented the Church very pates, with ikaterfh friends, who placed himin good Ilvitige. Pc the Brat Beton your he'Well ,Peletitr,Ologlar and re ceived in thatllineA4;9oo. - Alen h was two Piers Bishop of Cork' and Quern and ecoived 510,000 ;Ahem two years ;Bishops:if aeon, and received Lis,aos ; themßishop 0 Mother firt elevetrabe, and received, 4121 4 0; then Archbiehop of Bollintwoyeare,ind calved 1 12000; theethoreached thet* of he tree, as'Archbishop of . Armagh, - wed be- f nd it a very - good plus, for he lived forty years In it, and received goo,ooo, making a total of ~, ;Puled women we know', ere, - 4 a rule, relychick and ready with their answers. One of them wu last week on the Taint if start tog.for Austria, where passports rue hits re • Tared. , Me -official document wits on the table. Mow Midsize de 8i... - z—is lot only twenty-Bra' years of egg nt her,_ totimate idends user* did she tunt been Awaity five for, many years. A visitor calling to take leave, Menbitivii as ParisianLare apt to br, took Ur the pasta", and Teed tile fatal "izerelS—," a ago which ;educed the 'twenty. Ave to an absurdity. "Ah, num thee," said Madame de Br—, taking the paper, "don't lootat thatrusport, tt Is an. old. vele.? ',Barone fromdiffetent:quaitereagfee that France does not Intestate lutist en miintain • lug the treaty of 1042 es the bade of 4egotts -146. Sentl-official papers of -Paris date the Emperor regards the applicotion of tbe gen. eratsuffrage as the only utlabotory !Marian of the complication, The official organ. Dia.:. Doke of Coburg . elates •tlatthe Emperor az- P4led to the Duke htsaudicou to recoudre *ebbe" of Augastenburg ea Deka if Hols tein, if the Federal Dlekshoold dulde in his liter._ ' , _t '' " ' '' i 4,, coldly of Are "thosesaild Viraudians la abut to be established by the Porto in the poly Land, on' the. barge. atiCumedoiflorat plilte of flioreNtatwemidobni:l7anleal and 044, TrocpdOrkligr/11001101 tit sus eaten on . the scheme, thinking it will add ingiut five theutand'ubbert to to the. number already biberettingpf thege no try. / X Deructimg La Mien 3n_die - pedal family of AusUlo respeoling theprlmptive right of Archduke of hiallosilian to„ e Aus trian crown. The flocuseit of 'the, family virfeled the Atehdoke to. magi his right in cosi the Mown should revert to blot, hut the Archduke hesitated.to comely , with this ne ePteM '' ' ... ,' .. I , ,-'. i Tax Japanese Seabasiadon, wittfokuite of 50 persons, are telegraphed from 'Suet. Be side, Parts, whore they are to iitiolderlsi to the Eaperor for the Misdeeds of thoTycoanthey ire to visit Landau,Vienna , end a4¢ ' Sir"- zerland, whither they - aretoing to .o. an ez istleOfeePublie- ' • :'2. -- ' '' ,I _, . Tice number, of ,comniercLal_Mesmers be. longlagto Francois now duo bundred end thirsreight, having Incressedfrotosizty-four ilflll7. Of those inerlundred andalitty.sit tri4 frebr AtiMitfri - ports aid Mei Icandred andseventy.tiro la:the Ilienliternmeent CeMMISX II OOIXPO Is round'cc ,lioneolto he'lricked with lien 'and Mat, to - Make It valet heavier. The French, dealers do the aikido complain loudly of the ch Widget the bloctadirtannersf , " ; ',CT' ,'" I ....Tisnuinberofli ' Mall bitastlebroyed by the ialetWeather ot.thawinbredik Prance Is esti mated it several tediliOns.' atei years must ilapubefore,thiPluediof theteenteLO friends iTr•Srlee. let•AuXllllPeltd.... ut I - 1 :dear AMU of the' Onitareity criffell, rap devilitln the Tuttle evildoer 'Of Ifoliteln, bas officially declared dips the fooling'of the peo ' Pii IS cdfaverabytte-Pnatsie and fivorabie to Denman 3:,y Y '''' A- cuter number'of Treclotti:aLg;a - hai been' pmehued by the ifrofehigovernmen m that of Portugal.. Fifty diamon d mitten boweonstantioniebyettel theloperial f•ulorp ,-, -- ', -'`..lt s tazette. Ins pmparatiaterell i nocm'aiwollodlon la applied with great' menu In Vierltli to lb. enra of tamefsetioia,'ol.llll . ollll sad niratt? lot7t l Peks• • It it.iPpiied with a btosh. Won dnfal cores are mentioned. :• . • ! , . Terms are senzty-tine colllertai- In Ire land; of which only fortj-aln ori4d, and the whole product in 1862 wat-bat dn• On dred and twemty-garcn thomand tan/. : Bratmurrione it.rs received by Dareley & CO., bankers, London, for thot Dlatrtas Fund of colored refugees In the Vatted Otitis, and largwaturts hare heen • • • . . Jitir Btwo>i,. ,Mi IsreaUt4,:of tie Riddle Temple, London, has born auto d s versant ailaw, Ole ant of bl 4 religions taller who hiutivre? rec.:11140114 . boot In England. ,-. Tan Model of : Omit, In good conditiois, coma:l'm:tad fez Itc.ei , Ellmtbstb, bee recently. mote to light nl4 : fm 4 Dipttird idonkerds, rq Bmtar nawatippmants lava taken plore In Poland Walden the Insargents and tto Itnitotans. • ; . ' - Tax Atatrioan• aoppat-toe 'lona is Introdu ced into we In ioglandi and . Is, much ap , Mamma are to b. saki. In the Subtarran altars ot St. Pa* and St. Paid. In iha Vali sanijor Mesta! theU S andantino • • % 1. /IMA. 40:1610..stnitis jabs ItoxiertuD Atim? . :•Ons drOsit7thbataad 'lmodzad lamina: sass lit land wan take* op ander the Someataid law ' dortas• th• month of Much: at the . lind•aana la SI. Peter Mina. Upwards 4419,090 sent arms wand la the um* mouth at tbs lirtztnebsgo City idie• the MVO BLAU. A if BiTtAltb•Ortstoi or Corrzszatti.— Ths BaldmoriAticriAm alkyl W• aorta hes ittesa, to say that dap vowpart of the rots which ba Minoan, lita7lszof Xestackt, will to cart fat Maisano is • vont tbitirialA be rim tritcaowsly ant for Jae Davil;4o takes op the other as thews% twitionA..• • •. • • . . . C6 , 3x_ Us' istieltsgsol Gibraltar Island, at Lb* roma of=Pat4a-Day,lisk• ir*, for 83,000. - Bs ectotamplatas asommodichilmild Ing - fer,srrsoir - iesart; flos rums to biss -a tortes orod ipokkost..cOmrssaiting one of the Sant Tim *Wilds contletant. Os says ea 6,adaskrasSfdes:o 3.- • • - . Juan Hogg buums .. l.2i the Vevey , o lciistarelnalos,hearthltilleAbs ObWISSIIrg 1/ . 4, 4 4 e t0: 5 , 1 4FR01 , ittise-.4 Iticluess& ociretimMliala t" Atlanta (Getritts) Appeal eve that a ratidemt of Riolusesid Merriam his !maitre Or 411 e bees= kit rest was milted from all hundred dollar" to dye thosmed dollars. !:".:',.'-..::. , -.:...' 7 '. ~•: „ . „ ,1 , -,L.: (4 ,,,ti0, . ..:4, 4 4-,-. 7 zz5a:. : 1..- : t. . f;. ' :, - ;,:.:.' .. . . .. .. .. =A= . _ .„..—. . . _ , 4 _ • . 4 • •.d 4 -,, -1-...... , . - 'T. .....^.re./ I. n,a-E Qt. --,.: ,5 - . 7 .,.. • :.1;ri,,,E7.• 5 :1 - . , ..*,,51-Arr 27-'4 r 3 -. —•. •'-',..:-..• ._ . - . : ! - • ... . ' ... L.: \ i, ~.- ~: _ , .. . i .7::. ' . ' • ; t r.,, ~ 4 ',, 2 ':.,.! • ...'.. p , ... :.:,.._. __: 7a,"' ' ' • . . 1 •;G • ' GA. a. • 'r .. ''' ... .... • _ "• . .. . , . _ ... • iVENING OZOTB TELEIiIm, Exciting from Cairo BT PILLOW: glean) tORRISI Two Demanda fox: Surrender lie'creed: '. TIE COlllialiDsßOF HE FORT ••11,1141, Our Troops Nverpowereo, Arid Captured. ! • SCENES OF INDESCRIBABLE HIMNORI _ indiscriminate Antic/urn of Whites and flacks THE DEAD HORRIBLY MUIIrATEDI Wounded Bolan" tgliot De a, and their Bodies . Rolled into the River t DAD ADD :IVOUNDR. NEGROES B t , . i •eklg°, lapalW -.Mornings rarest; with come 6000 men, attacked Port Pillow. Seen after the attack Forrtst cent out a flag of trace demanding the snisinde" of the fort and gentian. Meanwhile he made iniay.alipoill4iiii:pf his forces ras to gain the advantage. Majwc Booth, of * the 13th Tenn cases cavalry, was in command, with 400 . '4:Jr that regiment and 20p of the Alt bi i isilinta of the 6th U. B. heady artillery, form4ly first Alabama cavalry (colored), The hag Of tmee was refused, and aglttlaiirsa - restimea after A . Becond flag of tripe came In, which Wits refused. Both flags gave the rebels the vantage of gaining new positions. The battle , was lePinp till p . o'clock M. whei hlijor Booth Iwae -killed and' Utter Bradford took nomneand. The, rebehr7ntrer came in swami, overpowering our troops, and compelling Uri:Surrender. ilmotedinte ly after the entrender, ensued gripes' which - utterly : hit es _description.. Up to that time ctiinparaUvelY kir Otani . men 'eine- killed, but insatiate u donde, blood-thirsty as devils loan:tate, the rebel# commenced an incite eliminate butchery o whiter and blaeks;iii: eluding those orbothioolorsprevieuslywound ed.: The black) eoldierebecoming demoral ised, rushed to the rear, and the whine °Blurs having thrown down their arms, both white and blacks were bayanetted, , shot or sabred r dead bodies %foie horribly mutilated.; Chil dren seveh and, eight years old , and several nem women killed In oold blood., lobile* unable to spiakicroM wounds, stein stet dead and their bodice felled down the Danis into the ricer. Dead and wounded negreiss were plied in huts and bureed,and second eitisens who joinui oaf. to'socii foY protectioti, ware either killed or wounded. . . , Out of garrison of sir hoodrel only tiro hundred remain &tiro. Among oar;dead 'oMeers are Cape: Brad ford;Tdeuil. .it.eheilltseta, rat and Mij. Booth, sit of the 13tir Ttnn. cavalry. Capt.. Poston end Lt. Lyon, 15tk . Tenn., Capt. Toting, hiih Mo., setts* Tie volt Marshal, were taken prisontis Bradford was SISII 4 : entered but is said to Wire esiaped... is„fsh4dhorievet that he has bnen Thaiteateei Platte 'Valley came up about half past three, andWialustled bymibehe*-:, defilisa. Of ; Mess aretri auntie hereto. linty the deatl, and take - nboisid ittelalot tie wounded as the rebels. lad allowed to lite. FinYle°7l..here :skis . ibolyd~ "fnalnding eaten or eight colored. Eight .died 'on the way up. The 'teenier arritedlers thia even- log, and was imatedfately seso, to the . ?Sound City hospital to disehatgo her suffering cargo. Azttong the wotthOo'd 418001 of the troloted tsoop's ,ato.Caphtin Irkirgir; Mint. Llbharts, and Adjutant Loop:Ong, Bligtosa caphirodby the rebels were einied off, including two ten pound Panetta, and !two twalvo pound howit zers. A 'engem:Emma of stone were destroy ed or canied' strati. The intention 'of the 'rebels scouted to he ko erzenate the place and more. on towards Memphis. AprOS.—Colonel Pratt, 00./11- mending at roil. Donelzon, telegraphs that he is informed that Paducah has been attzektsds and the corn 6 full - of rebels. PSNNSILITANIA LEGISLA2II/111 sped,' acivitcl4 tha' r rlia# 31 'sh o # 4t4- - aLiiiiircari, April 15, Mt muti nirownto Sewarter-Moraisy Srniel.—Tho followthg bills law reported: A •Mrpptomcat the - Moller; Colliery and White Deer Imams,- meat Company ; one to Amster the American Life Insurance and Transit Insurance COLCI• paitif o . nirefative to the aieentwood Come -44 I .*517.1-19 Omisf l loli wi,i nro kern and private beakers ; On chart:erica the McKeis 'Peirri Company; Wilson s bill proposing that the State gnome the Pay. Reit of eoleoteer bounties vu &mowed daring the entire eAsloni •nearly nil me Son • Hon[-Friday Mereive—Tbe Moose re sumed the eon Adoration of.th APproprlatlon blii;arter.• personal esplenstion of • bitter character. between. Mr. -Myers otiedfOrds and Mr. Watson, .el Philadel phia. A sup plement to.thb ;layette County Railroad, em powering i ttie oonetznotien of a , road from Uniontown to Greenibirg, wee passed Malty. The Appro bill pawed finally. • - • - - , , ' " ;. F ro = New °riding. ;,.'New You, April 16.--Tbri•.stgamer Conti nental unfired et this pert, stilt nionting, from Ifew Orthunnon the Sib lest., ~• • • :Adirlees (I . olll.4lexandrls, that. VA. lost„ port that Ose..llanks and kiludiff proocoded the lint to Grand Eyre. 1 !,'- - '' Alt - was - qulst 'at Alex. fulde,, and ample ireettitlons had been taken against • surprise by the annoy. , #.• . The hoary iron c l ads be d dropped dawn to Port De Bosley, _. There wu still auldelent lathe for the sors• boats and trugporto to you glrii falls. The streets of Alexandria 'woos barricaded 1 In nee of ,aide being made by the rebels.- ' Advises from Texas state , Ukt .oe% Dena tag been relieved from the'dielmand of the troops at Pus Walla at Ids &ill request, and hag been surgueded by Oen. tilgEr, . • There la no prospect of •:',4 irinnotilata movement ether on the coutlii m Browns. vB Advises from ilatanun:thisplrt that there is no Preneh or' Praneo•lfell,gyk • fora there, nor known to be ;outbid% •;5 . • ' ••• Of% Alkoth was ln commandert Pensacola. 'The enemy were • nonoentratlng 4 hoary fora at, pollard, Ale., to operate on le e line of, the named from Pensacola to Ifegourgrys, Thsmost terrible prourcutbiltWer• inkloted on the people who try to ere&ithe oeurorlp. We. • Bundy& of man, grotto end children wore uncesled in the . swanspi,::end 'Umbels die from starratlon. • ..,,,' • ' • • The,r 4 Ports a 4 to4 4 lati#o Mound:ls au manse... .-. ' ' • ',, ''' • Cotton/it New Orleans Is irexidared supply; and the pikes are Arm) mlddlthge n cuts. Auger and molasses are du11... 4 ', t. , . . " s - - 21 .Sebel. Ih'emsti ~,,' ~ j I ~' -Nor You, A treillEThe t Zyne:Tatitifek ofd hat ttlobniond pspen of . Elth, but !hey ter , r t re eouteta De Dori of repo t "- f ft We tiets e; (humid •Whouler la .In, e •ruirp - bitel"wita#4 4o l.. . . i "• on WI gist of 'llizotr.# llll !.., -..= the tem heeh: ';',l - ; •,.: ... --- ,'•,;,,- - --, TboliathufirtOrti 'nit A Z A t i ik ,,„ or the nut debt tar been fa up by th• dlfforrni Mato, whibla sa los i er pup. ofo a of ut. Co:Wormy U ; a a The 3..teinerestlzatee the totAl , ettlot tam Si 11t7.50,090,000 4011.1111. ;, = ' i.'i -" : . ‘.:** ' :;:' 'i ". ".... i t - ' • ' P4TIOURGHO SATUR CITY .41;31D n SUEUPB. }..., , j ,-* J . . ~,..,ii_____ _ , . • • HosuPtilft Entekpriseer are Ma tt a ige4. • '4 rstiostinkitiens scene wastritnesse[l*frhe - Aidian.n.Nichoison,en-miiiaii.afteitionter. &mini thie t triat era esiles' hal itideh Metirs,' , .. , Barr & Myers, job minion; wet." plafixtiffe and theepicepifetar t.cd Russell's' Perm - aof . the War, defendant. The owner wpall. , OD= bIJOICICO 111.kly MIS . intredied it - airier& bi fn 100 time tines by the Sheriff and ught far _ by J. Charles Dicke; Esq., The punting{ were rseentlyeahibited''utiTencertMnili_adt the "gift" dodge - woo tried, but with 1 inies'-,; cess...,,The concern dually . , closed, easing. sundry billi intutettlidi among ethers that'of . Messrs. Barr k Myer,, wild Issoldone tinting on the Credit er thd" painting to Die Gant of some forty dollars.' These gentlemen, ugh their attorney, El. Seboyer, Jr,Rsq, in tlinted proceedings inotitseirment;against . it non (mama' antittevraltr; and the case w heard before Alderman Nicholson. Mr. Di en de nied his respensibility,claiwing to ttavelesa.. , ad the panotaritidther parties, kndtreflued ., to pay any of the debts incurred . ! ' ' ,- , Daring the trial,,hir. Scholar calletd" --- Vitritf=aritnetseito'pruvd - : - Mr. ;Dien ' 1 neotintWith thereto' exhibltints:-'dha taken the receipts for three overdo tnidn'unitibekint btrikiirik had ante a 'Acme with another member of t ttilinnibrig the :people by a gift .en TtlttllbeTtselsg ,l4 9V 4R " naL a wereittfored Weld ' bibitlon, - ; otherililtgi ITUriesiliii -- -tike 'II t elegaiet . .gift" 'Sr as drairehj . Antheny man, Erq , a practicing member Of and he woo suntanned to testify as to knew about the matter. Ile declined Pear, and woe brought In on attame 1 thgariEltratfisrlottus; 3 o 4 ' l2 O huilkk,b , 4 Ati_ ll lhing*AratP , Si . l 4 sr him. -tio,ispiMued:lite ognion; n phatie and impressive manneri,"that t a very qtteer case," and aupealed to tb tatrate whetherit wu, - prepitr, to _lntel binilte reference to.dose dinge.".,The taste decided that he-would havitolcui_ _ _ answere, and he - did So 'with& great eel ei r einetanee and . innitinlng._ ,The. setts nos of i as tesDnohY wasillitett - P4kllleke had a =Variation with Ain Pt *le a r d to Mt .cake basket Wore the entertainment , anti gave him a Itrogismnie,;Beitis a number t reon, and was informed thatills Minter would draw the prise. It was distinetly unde toed, however, that. Waltman should Nee e the gift aa though everything had been oondnoted in iced faltb,.and'retern D to Mr. Dagen the Dent - day=ali - of will& was - 4one.! The exposition of this petti - dtidge incited a good deal of merriment, and, will serve to open the eyes of.some of those crouton Or ions whit attend "gift entettalnmenta" and wonder hoe 'it - hi' that' they are .alviays eo Gen. Conti!' Taken Command. -Itte Dppartmcat of fheilidOnongshcla ban Inn been abolished, and anneted to the De:, liniment of the Snequetuusna, Conch gives the following *Motel notice on as:mining command : Hoar, Qt.:aortas, DifIrIMILICT or ran Idnatioximmg, ' Chambersburg, Pa., Aprill2, RPM: The following - extract . from the mders of the Wo Departlusut Is published— Wan Drat■m, • /MAMA= 0.11111. 4 6 Unice, April 0,4134. 'fho Department of the Monongahela will: be an , amid to the Department of the betenneherdan, owl discontinued as a sepensts Deportment. By order of the Secretary of War. JL D. TOWNSESO Au/ 4.51 flail. Ofaclnft i • . - (signed) E. D. TOW.hSENI), Atit Gee,. In ace...minor° with the &bore Order, tho under. elgoad aeon command of that..p2rtion of OIL De• partmeot which has bum annexed. - All rders and Instritettone front floadquertera Da parttaentof.the:Monoagabels till tvisteln fa f.,rce unless otherwise directed.. . =reed osiers of there Headquarters will galore where there L r con• plot of, enthczity. •.-, : Officers Whom. thli c;rdiriffeets, timely, Staff 001. ram commending ,Oilicare.. of .bodles. and detach petits; Of troops, Intltelteg 'these of the .Aereet tnentniftwgi, Will report their itation • and!entas withoot.delay to thenalleadgussints. The follewlog ire the flan Officers of this. tapart moot; together with their nation,: ' Jno. 8. Sennllse, Gen; Chnotbe4haeg. 1114.13rionn D. Duet, A. D. C. and Inerpe:t Genoa% Capt..:Jameaaster, 'awn ersburg, Penna. • •„. M • ' • 1114nr Con. or lim- Copt. tilrk akathbergtharg, PrAng Penh :. . , I • IL , Y. Beardalog.4., 11,6. Chainbere. Oun, Penna.: 14.• Col. SintiAtierefergediolinerinatorePhil. adelptd Pro. " • Burgeon Jahn Ceropbell, Iffedinal .Dlrectoe,• NON. dente* Poo. ' Captain Drool' Granger, Chief Com. of Gabb ro:toe, ilarrisbarg, P. Lieut. C. W. Taylor, OrdnancoODleer, Therefebarg, Penn. D. N. Coro, • • , Major General, U. S. Vas. Metal : rittamtl.rr, A. A. A.I. • The Government 10;40 This stenloan, - iiittitorized bJ Get of on graze of March 3, 1 804, which Is new being taken up so rapidly by the people, Ii un doubtedly destined to as successful a disposal as was neared for Its immediate predecessor, the 6-20 loan. This loan Is made in bonds tunadig /Ila,' of from 'dollars Is ten thousand dollars, redeemable at the pleuttre of the Government after ten years, aid paya ble forty years after date, bearing Interest at eve per centom a year, payable on bond. not over one hundred dollarsannually, and on all ether bonds serat-aneraitily, , tia polo. Fir the hetter - icothiriodation' and secitrity of those desiring to Invest, these bonds are divided Into two oluses—rogistered and coupon. The coupon bonds will be of the denominations of fifty, one hundred, eve hundred, and ore thousand dollars respectively. Registered bonds will be of the denomination, of INV, one hundred, dye bnodred, one thoaumd, five thou ' sand, and ten thousand dollar. each.. The former will be a/ available for all purpose, of exchange as would' be United Stated Rotes of dinominatioo/ with • the added ati vanthges of bearing interest. The latter Will be at all times transfersblei hot will be mostly soap& by those seeking permanent:invest ments. As the-rademption of then ' beads at inautrity Is speared by the pledge o the en tire resources of the nation, and , t eintarest et leo per cent. per annum. is made' payable is sobs, It is easy to see that ill 120 !way , can the 'earnings of the induitrions and-the pins of the thrifty be so well and es safely invested as In these bonds. No matter what may be the encluati one of values, the income from thus bonds will remain the same, and the sorority be as ',attain an the existent, of the,Govern runt itself. !desire. Hanna, Oast Co., Wood' Street; FM401313,644 the _Hirst Notional Banki Federal street, Allegheny, are spots for the sale of these bonds. • - • ; Convicted of Manolanifbtor. Morgan R. Bryan, of this city, was tried for mader, at Cluunberstnrg, Ptankllii e4nty, Penn., the present week. He was grit Lieu. tenant of Co. A. Tth Penne; Regiment , three mortals meo. at Camp Slifer, In. June,..1861, and while there he wept to Chababershotg, mile or twit distant, In oomesand of "Jsqnsd of men, for the pupate of picking up ittsg glare from camp. His cleverly was celled the "Scott Legion,'? and there was. PlilladeL PIA% regiment , PO Milled, epoatpped in the ' vicinity. A•dlEetifty maturted between some members of the Scott, Legion ocPhiladelptga, wtdoh came to the ears of Bryan, who; think tog the man belonged to h" oerepsay, lent to the spot. A soldier had been snot, it :was allepdby a nepo,unteed Front Jones, whom Bryan attsoked, lest shooting blot one* or tele* with a molter and then piercing him through the body with his sword. Bryan avoided arrest et the time, bat the excitement concerning the affair subsiding, he surrendered himself ; to the nuthorities and .was admitted to ball, It being conceded that the homicide wu npt of the Li best Lends. • , His cue iu liken op on Monday, and con cluded on Thmeday, the Jury readwitig • verdict of guilty of matislieghter ts . He;tu not yen been sinleneid. • t:. ACCIDIV 01701 PZNIIITITANU Haulms. —The exoress Wain which lift for the Eset kat *rectos., was ran into it the. Bleirrrille Junction by the swum tilkln with"' Wat t sad foot tones belonging to Cleo. Brooke an d war, killed. The home were in theme' of 9rdetl7 Job; gam, sad pump :a olored SOT tante'of 'the oillreir. Two of the remote were levetely . injured. We wen enable to nen the fail partioullin.• rottriaue'— TEL popular ttimpo, attc. hors Wen platform:las to crowded &moo to Clotolaud„thli weak. will °port for id short man st Ooncora-llall, on , Nlondig nada! Anti' Tboi.irti fraatfalrorltif hero, and vill•trodoubtodt mutt. within tnitlipri., artlertairptloul' •, • "..•: , . stim rabelmaaar Nib* Wu itabbei as Camp Re7aolds, TbEitidim aft= oaa,ima &led EN VI bit Wales.. We LIVID DCA 11111111 d whether Laattetter will be 11•111 to the civil sallatrit Ito, in Laid for trial by meat martial. '4 I P..,Ig9rIMG, "APRIf 16, -1864 Thep telegram was reeeiyed by Elrier Frorost ?iferaltil of the .234 [District, this morainic Ifseirnintino, April 15, 1864- , Criptain4-CMdite trill be giver: for -both Teterrantlod temeitei to inclade the 15th rout. Bs pie ited to make the draft Immediately thereafter in such districts then•d Sclent but do riot'biltuatime ltitigtil.farther orders. -Aeri4ebereby directed to fon:gird the tri monthly:tolls: of veterans and new recruits for thil toucher mastered between the 1 lth arid 15111, inclufm,branctilatelY after the 15th itkettritt` ; , ", 140W6 , 6 6 , , A. A. P. hf. Gen'L havo yet teen received Sizing the 0046 4 6 hillie r -the last inn- for 200,400 men. in 4 this connection the Collowlegelarde from the 3dersotibn of the Oct of Congress, of Feb. 20,1881, is very Insportint: "All volunteers who May enlist of draft alo ! !! haestrra prd s r.d, and toef.re it be aety.atly niticte; shell be deducted from the I slumber ordered to be dfa c tid in such ward, l i town, tpLachip t procleolor election district, !9ria1q.09." From - Lbl, It will be perceived that tiletpee. , pip moy conilime-to present -Volunteers meet their quotas up to the tline of the draft. How to . TeirEirloalve 0114 An eery, method, of decoding ; dingemna thoiti which lenito at a lOW tamsotatgre, - liai .bisen , dikdoverqd by a modieal gentlemen 6,l,44gland.lilis Method was exhibiteldi t t I sl l ,Axkiskiff pit ,v!altal AUGOltiabi .:$"l4'.* S P! ll lO , ;.. - • „ ,fr aad eco - teattapfalcothoiling water and:0110 , nf:nold Water: ( tt - the ordinary.tmopersinre of 10110[dg reinn)Were mitectt 2 gittliertnet stall iiiiiti: A a - r hafitoilit,tlietaiilwri, dipped out h ;Cit. Ili, ?oihtto. be ,tested witmed:trpcat serfaze; n few - marina& a ciglteiwar expriedle the. oit. 'The - dipterous' . oirethero - capable ' - of igniting below it tem ne4hire..4( ono: bendzi4 ; and „twerity.eight dognme-,immediatoly took firer wherear y it was *nova to - he Impossible to ignite i their, that 'wire:WO Info ott,inon-exrolosive theme- T^.. .^^ 1.02..^.,aafri, that-sinned; Dn. Letheby, Lankestpeand R. D.. Thousio4 took prt,:and the desirability of raising Ili stand ard of the petroleum net from one htdodred degrees Fahrenheit .to one hundred and twenty five degrees was discussed, many- • cidents . haiintruriven 'from the employment of oils with a higher Inflaming point than, one hundred degrees." • . , . ;BLOP.Aftir.•&-het trifelt P. Karp!, residing on Chestnut groat, Albeam*, do camped fur parts unknown on Thuntdajp . vsbilo her husband was at work, taking conaidcrablo ,frartian of tho household goods. The trouble had' been married' tint naval's, and each had four children. The will took bar children with her, leaving the °theta be- . bind: Tex CATHOi.IO CLOT LHD rna•Fartt.—vd. meeting of the clergy of the Catholic church Ira lately held at the veviCeans.of -Bishop Detainee ' at which it wee resolved to take ac tive tztessltred to Interest the Tartans Catholic eoegtegationt in the forthcoming tali for the benefit of the Sanitary - Comtaissipti.., - DISOZDIRLY Hors--d number or boy! hove been`arreated by the, pollee within tbo past few dayl ter throwing stones and anubying citizens, la. tweaking their windows. The Mayor has determined •to punish severely these who may hereafter so offend and be tgeught before him 'Ciaaatattes.—ln 1:10i1CID g the closing exer cises of the Western Th;ologicial Seminar, the Rev. Csras Dickson, of. Baltimore, ip an financed naChairfaan of the Baiunlqing cote mitttee. This is a miiitake. It otigiitito bq the Rev. Robett Dinksai , of Now Wilmington, Penna. _ a/00ra Putt:—Oar quiet neighbors of peb toloci toarnaldrare Loot of the draft" jtottil lather Abe. =Ana 'another. "call."' They gravity do thVir due} eitizeit, and '001:1 . 1 appear to ears P be: Aar It In generally known or not., .fttOrlUlifi Pun T. , Sri ;K.^. reetnitn fur Chia Interim regiment left th,ia city at noon to day (or Chattanooga PLIJr4)S. .Iprent., 4c. tt"/3[Sfi I:1=3 10SVCIMILT.ED POWTILITI. and ELCCISST TO:;ILD tianutscrtimlln the ernotry, Ilaciattal paaatla at &tato inks an catl tutec ' Wa are al. agoras tor Bahcnnackar Cb.'s - and Dwirdrain agoras. sic:0110a Pl.nce, and B. D.& W:11. Bailtle.i MaLidouna and Elertaoni. ems. Parana dashing se jotted batralanst, ars In stal to clll.dosam.inebifurapterchasint aisswhars. Among th4ww. slid hare sinsthsAwd tines Instro• tialitkin this skiniti w, take p/csisnra Ia raierrhqr la 'Eike, Siamar Es.q._;and tiateatin Esq,Alla. Only URI John BleGneti7,. E.., lot Dark', He Curdy lib.,) McCleary, Oakland ; . Dr..laross 11. McCelntock;.&.lloarelar, Esq., tichard ttard. .q.; Eut Liberty ; John Quinn, Esq., Dr. p. Hastat. tor. D. M. ;look Ewa,. and Mrs. Illaclonsors, ,bib: A inglantaa Mgr, years with each Insert,. . . . WATESLINZ a 04.14 Agou:a for'Pltl4;.rah Won°. PL. r. tfLAIII Et, Maven'. Mock A gotorstimsoriti of 51.1411,C700da Always on band. cola REMOVAL—On tho Ist or April wo WI remora our Yttuttc igtorti to Ao. 53 VIrTEI'STIMET, Tb• bow, lkiprettnt'ocedple4 by Elmors Illeber a. f!ro. A nuremottmentat PLLNOS an brtztd slob eat], ikt No. 5.1 FL/71U AIREJZT-- • - ' J. 11. HOFFMAN. Sala Ageuta GOLD BIEDAL Yt K. 3, 3 A.1 :4 1,kc0:s I=l Ar. now beyond .st .doubt th e but Planes med., Alriern*tollorj I=ti li i tuus, a Fifth 4. *ion( ber.Knabe'n Piano., Hainan Bro. Timm! Add .erisseee &boot Ounce* • • MO • SPLENDID. CLEVED ka r is i lIDS&iQO6D PIANO,. trirlirtri Sohn attn. Iron Bum, nearly - Aavr,NOß BALA' AT A.G/LNAT BARGAIN.. ' $ $!. r spe IM&S. C. 111W1.1.0114 Woodirt. SIWONWEIAND PIANOS 1 244 : ntoi pa TAUB,' ' - - - ands: G. a Wocelvt.riet..- for sale by app' THREE bECOND-HAND3m---4-1. lISLOI3O/161, ror was cheap. CIIIA 9 . C. DIELLOiti • St Wood street. I S!P9ND 4 4/ / g. :. 174 /4 C C E 17 -" ' - 2 — ii • Ss 00 8680011iAfl010110111, I lee ol • c6h ' 01:114,0. ZIELI.OI4 49 9 • ' :- • ,at wart stra•L REJRr~y'.~LB EMOM:TEMPORARY.' , I iOut Moods and the prlbtle et large Istlt.tiat, wi frost, target that' *elute et._ tomcat, mei fur Cf . weeks, to be band et WLLICINB 'LULL, eyes; the three* oar*, fourth street, where 110.1111713 ot{tr• bit:Stied and for Wires thas tr steels or llELonacirrs oi r evorlnoo - I:roultiii to ttaioity, and -at'itrictif IASTIMBTA.UTWIItrItIOESI • lt,KWArajt BIRO. WITAMSB HAM RBIIOVAL. • . • Th l F 4l - . M4tolliiirasailg. r orr , litsbarig h . Oa sad abet. NOND&I's April Bank 'du inland it! bream." lb title bolblltyPP wetly ccenytell by the 0 ITIZ sus BARK, tomer of iiirb9d (Peet end, voila ouoy tutibursh, v•: - =mu. itittlVQBcon. &Airy. RS 519Y141- I :77 t irm,s aopozi,4 gratuc.Avatincettsicil Iterlitttrht ' s,isato4P , Mtwara VIZ 41311/10nveerrair-trtittit: tsgeirr.,4 t' "TIMM° Ar.,:iildarzanti .1. DONALD- . LW 803 tor 'moved hls - aim &ma tio. UM. Chit' unit to /season's BLOCK, MU &Mr tO **Waiting Baena asattmat PormiCol - Zati. 1167.ranstrgli.: - Wteta. . agfITTSBURGH TREATRPt. 400 gad _ • . . __ --••• GIiAND SATCADAY .1710 WC'S' 11114-t . WOSE • CELL UM - P15(51:3. - • -' . - - _Edwin Adana, the yonagyigtelleryta Ws int• tralltlon of Edw•rl petalottt, la tla, morel &me of tlaClirsuereal, or the Fake &Ted 'Hr. Aeneas' rerfo,iteitee of tbe aelitlist4l theret• teir, ritara - entilio . fe . " mittly than. pen OM Tlus,(Fidabuf,) Evzsmo., R".ytl De pre...waled Oak - nat mural drama aatltltd TUE lIIIIPE/illl, Edwardlan, Bar, Brno? To conettdo with pLApt RIND SCPN O.MASONIC aALL. YOB ONE WXILIC LONOlat: :1 1 / 1 100ROFFE'8 GREAT ORIGINAL BOREMIAN TROUPE 0088 BLOWERS, . Will open their GrlthbrD GIFT Pals2lsls4llltbt• .TILBTAI.I9II.INTS at the above Hall, On . . . . ;Ittb4 4ay Evettisir, Jpril ILUN tuidexhiblt MST SISNING. and on trILD;3Ett peg and SATURDaT ARTXRNiXtfin &ming the .ent At each entertainment the selohented bow. Present. Glass Steam 'Engine Noniter,"• #I,IDIIPITIBIZLY 07 GLASS. WIIt bI IbII oPtratlon. Another rust (naturals that all the the of art seanufaetured bltha cm* ploy en be gratuitously dlarlbrited t a - visitant. On FRIDAY IVANIIIO Aprll Ist a beautifal mos orerork trilt presented to the author of the Lola original eoscondruna on the Ohm Steno Engine. Ad.beiOn cents. Siteacca lfst fne a, 16 cent. No half prim.. rh.r. •two Ilk. eyed.% sr. 7 ticket After. nooa a 2 o'clock, Exhlbltbou corm nem OWN) bent later. • • VAL WOOOIIOI7E. 21so0her. V. El. (1111DI1611, Gems] Agent. spltler • Ir. - -.CONCERT HALL . • SIIs 3IODEL TROUPE OF TEE WORLD' Tenth trtumptliot annual tour of the unequaled rad DUPREZ & GREEN'S ORIGINAL NEW ORLEANS AND METROPOLITAN - 2 3VIZENST_R.TELS I BUILESIIIt OPBRA IBOUPB k BUSS MD. TbeCliiiaMpitrabb.l leetaug Troupe of Lb. Dant Omit Protonlon. •ilcapposrat lb. .bore 11.11, ;we !lively but PIYY NIO HMI I , TUZSDir. WEDNESDAY. THUBSper, YRIDAY sudI3,6TURDAT, Ann 12,19, 16,12 62416, Tatrodueing men? rum Tea., oral all tLs old tarot las of too yeah' assariersee. Thi mammoth organisation atilt* present ego, en larged mad haprovod for the tear 1163 sad 'Gt. coca- P !ted of • greet Corp. of distinguished LA °plan arti.to, never before conceadreted beta sun loompoay —.dreamily admitted to ho the best. aldose, larva sad moat damploto,..4 most exteatirs bend travel. log—on ihiehemsdAn. all tbs. Least features of RI idstrohy mill be introduced each evoLl.g. ' Tor full-perticulara see Poster. and Programme of the day. • U or, op,u at 7 o'clock. Connell to commence at d. Adn3l.lca, 25 an... Wormed seat. CO amts. MISS. H. !MISSES. Manager. SO', . POND and D. S. GARDINER, ap7:7L Adveriieyg ionts. I:O9Ti 1 OAMPBELLS SUE 0.52,1 OONOERT HALL S MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY EVENINGS, APB'S. Ilirn,lorEE AND 251. i, The mid, trig teal 4vd only CAMPBELL IaiNbTRELc.?, The olden; m et popular and orlgheat troops In the unlsernA',..tl wbo he. mishit.ed the.me through ant tht world far &log the mat ItitTINIED .4' rattlatMen.tattalmerent of any organ :la- en/dents In addition to the Troupe etote ate tot ',hit here, to. the talltving potruter Stan: F. a LOY RII. th • aecomplidaad Baritone; Air, W. 110DGI and y 1 i V . t . 1 . .1 usai SE-12aS:t.ha CHAMPION lAA N OMR (Late of Christy's Elinitrels, Landon.) Lo aar tubed MI llnltlshil lbhb gnat-rand wondralal Terpmlottorean. Jot N. The rAlors QUAItTETTE, b nay and Wanted pima. DOOM open at 7 o'clock—to commence at 8 Admittance, 45 cents. Et 0. OADIPBELL.HansAer. A. W. WOODS, Emblem Agent. aptmlla TraSATS: WANTED- BOARD IN 6 PRITATE TAMIL'S, by • yowl; m.. 0 dektrin; ths comforts of a goat boom. AtHrem for Vac dap 11011 Z, OAZZITIC ONTO? WANTED—Agents to sell the STAND -111/ AHD lUSTOD4 or ILIZ WAIL A rare chance to nuke rummy. Agent.' are clearing from 1100 to S7AO per month. . 0 .00.001 'alumna alreadg ”Id. Pend for dm:dem Adneeen JOSES, DUOS, CO..A Publithera flakineora, U& antlat., • WTANTED. • - nut wonketia, To make Paulsboro and Wes. The kdahst paid. 'Dadra of • apllat II G. lIALP"k CO., Comer et Peon and 6t. Clair sta. WANTED. e.OOILD-WAREI3OI7SriiiiIS WANTED, & OHMS 1IOT:W:1E14 . • DATIBI PHILLf 'S, optl:las 110 Water Rivet. . . ANTED—Doye to learn :Drees E l i Latin &IA %Liam flat .k: OSTIA , ap9:112 • :115 Wet. tllllM+,.; DLSSOLZJTIO:JMs: ~t~sr'';'r ~ n 1680 L Partifeisbi heretofore extilue ender' the rizro awl sty . . of /DUN voorwr a Co.. [albs pa poseor cu rsing on pe Mowing booboo', two otos dAy brio dirooirod, to coongurato rf the &sib of Mr. LICU. 01413170EGTLY. AU porroor krtowlos tbemselrei ind.bted u tc=l throoriarba 4 V3srlort mid =7 l . 1? 14 -JOHN V 451.01Irtr.ft.1:''' BEQOMUFND4TIOR. —Meel32'4lol4.m limier MU to Ahern -D. GIL , 11011rek.00., we cheer hillyr receromearl thew Weer late ceetomars end the public. "ureteral, am mu of probity AO experhatee. .3011:4110LOTLY a oar In teterttog to the above, we would. iss;eettotly bespeake • toettaitanee of the rater bettered upon pee red.coso , Lin the 710ur1411111 at Booth Cunt xtrott. M:gte-ny. - D. GILMORE # CO. IIISSOLUTIONTRE.PAR'I'NEII- -/.. MP heretofore existing between the snider. signed, sob b e d by end style loot i UO., was dby *phial sirreenumt en tbe day of Mather, The Gomm establishment has been Muth the Ist of January; 18151, , and atll huncullarth be in the hands and. =dm the exclude* eaumgement of an Amodatlea rorzuzdzepl under 442 sorer numbly, rotating to lislaniactroinz, 1110DIJI is authorized do nse the Am mos in settlement. - parties tuning claims aznimrdtke tats Arm 'are theneeted to present the mum at the Oounties Worn let nsttlotuent; and all yemoneknew. lartbemarives indebted, mill _pleas salt and settle without delay; • ithilllrEt DIDDLE.' nossilwzgardo__ JAIL= M. ILLORIIII, 0. bnaTir r 2.itieal.= ,MOTI . Thel*eerehip heretofore entitlng ;Uttar .4on, suns of Jr.llll.lslllB ffnt&lLTuN, N tb.te :deke dtroteed' AT. mu tual consent. BEN/LUIS . A.74ItHSTING.3 hating innstaLsod the'enttne Interest of: WILLIA If USW T0N. , 411 canttnne the lintlaratt,nannOtotortni APIRE.3.I4IrItts. So, attbetrtactory =0,1901211. OA artestoo g - • : ' in rethinfrom the gm ni' mimosa =ON, I chlorinity - reconuand paittunt txZ tbsttattrame at ruroti Apd:l 1A1664. , WXL I ,JAX 6 Dtsigoutenox OF PARTNERSHIP ..-Therewtotashly heteteßew *Hating between , the nitteteletned;ander tbe of WU. a. JOHN, acts'L - matoeuir Mnolveri, to talto area from Ms dote, BIOULUD 1/7U3ON tettrlat hem the Inn. Tbs bustoote etratbtwett gewber• !Tk.bet4ew the etzle ,betetabont W7iL /01111503T014 r BAK'lte IL. 30151;8204A k,l , t , .111084.11 D 1X5021. 4 • Plbo 4 • 4111X10111.,.., W.nals3:l2' ' 2 1 1wires-ot ' chlißl . ' AETNER"Fo4,4E-4 .„ „prim 1 7. 11850L1M02f.--01 1 :t,cOr , limit tietio:ii Reitia l4ll *Mtl , I";Orte;•"trb& A WAlP' lo ot , dbe"d ittl i. ebiumi for slo3oletios .ths .1,. ..- r Delman JO2. F. TOIL otot:ZITA Da3l2si Worm tb. , m la ~,, . g,,,,,z,. arnsetamovaummilaaindON a CIO Ass_ -.., :iior; " 17.7.4-ii -ar m , ,6, 4 1. ie . ett. , been dlooleod by mama vorst. - JOS,' T.' max. wpm win atm! to no =sand womb of Mild . MIT Tao larezd 1 / 1 0 o l#9 eaa 1 3 , :tay s 1113 NIi 114 .tqatigtd!ImMillr. s l ' l va l i f 't„. y . ihn ' ab lw. g !.:,.....14 -24 . 1 1M ;BUOY IMT, Whom bilmnigg . :.. ,' ITO/ . D.iTVIE6.. -.--- 1:-::: 9,17= =dues alsoma 1124:". , ''' : ....-: 4 , 110 7 : . -':'-'....:.:, .. :.- -. .- .. :..: .4. • -.. ' ''' ," ;:' .....',„;,.:.a..;.. 1 :4..... , -L l4 -'l' , '''"".' - 'l . ''' . l: -4 :7' . 7 1 1 -7 , ,:j„,,i,- , ---:z. , -tif,i. , .......44.4.,! - : v: ! ,• - ..„ .. : ! .., : f! : :!: . ! ! ._ . 1! . ! . • • FOR' SatLE- FOR itE.rt . • FC)It SALE=A 'FLOUR:NG 2411,1±. WM Mil our.ricaring '1 111 in Orstri•Woff• on Balthnorei an Milo' R. 11:, a Mart &Miff , bo•. l ow a.m.: as. Th. EMI hiti four run e 1 trench, burn, incolersolmproemisents tit nuabhiery. Weirgossferl, of the Mil la 110 biareit per day. • ' • ..' fflzeofinglaelo loch late, three feet etroatc• mated at MP bone power 4 threery ll nclor hot M. flat keep, 116 Inches In diameter... ffint maid ibe d•• log is co fret by 40. %suit - 4in; Oiled entrehmix• at. tubed, 64 Peat by 40, tams Merles, Includl•t bait. cunt afro. new stable 16 by t4i • The lot on which the Willa erected is.44llby 44. feet. All wEll ba sold with the MM. • • We tumid gait the stand= of cmiltailsW to this property as there tsar Mill more twos ebly &oared than Willa the western Coeurfry. r W. bome • goof =growing countrysnrtocraelln• cut—and we Moo Vella Meer 'at rim' cloce'shnt at el thou* zeta ripply lit gram, • , - • We are also favorably attested La 114 flora to the eattern nuirksts, lath by lisitlorike'sh4 Ohio Railroad Perinsylmottaffentral..Worbee hirm good treat trade fierier our and Pied, at faiii= We ta M ro a niiirmAltoto our Milli flostrii• water to*k, by whtch we draw oar wheal floe; be landing into Om 21111, by *mschlrieryli Th zoei tan rI take to. three thoosanet bd. ; of wheat In id.y, whip the Army exPonse of d yam,. Manta. the pIOPOCIY.iIat Wooed -ty,tllalitt•of April, ad yrirel. mac, we then wilt offer it aL on tfradey,•A o'clocVpi. - •rui., o.p:rad Boon in tbe cityof Whim:Mpg. - Tensis Sill to made earl. • • 1 - InffTWlLFltqf • E==l Lloli, SALE—TIM - .ECO3S4)Nri #I4INT IL , at ens woaks,rAT IIItIPOWATNIN PA.. ON LI OILBAL TEII2I/3.=-Thleltdrki LI tiaiddli newt and Is now ruseged to ittetosantfactorittgettrilint and other Lamp Chimneys. Its . iraplollr °I. lx , s. (=sae, le chaps, 51.1) dozen:pet !day:. *NAY. i necessary bulldogs, via i .Lorpi. Paritiolt_otteV tii Boom, Mining Ito -rah Baud dllll Lod 'No •Pot !Arch and O th er baildlopt.' iTlireehfrortim of* ant e of ground on the rirer , bunt- This offers a S ilyeT partnotty.for a Emden' man: • rit.:t adlefents els now doing to take all roods made-, limids and linem en lire near the work. 'A lade stock of Sete sad olio., materis a on littra4 end If trot sold, t 7 Nati 49th of April the proprietors will continua the helpmate ,/tannic Poet' Office La* 819,• Pittsburgh; see the owned et the erode.. - i • aptiew .F = - • • pitsolgs, , rAiticilra '6n. • • I'OR SALE.—=Tlio tinderiznedi . LL been appointed • Ctownittetibf the' EllockhLlS err to mate tale of the .04 • t«oND,AND iPINTii oURGIi 'AND lIIINVISVI ILAILWAYS, - or . either of ahem—with equips - ate. I.tOot,'Do ; laud receliit, bide therefor until Dtap•Lct, , Proximo. float aolDby that Stine, paltatilt *rill he teralteel Cre the irlat and woodaf the reatite ralltra;fa Notice of the dlopoeit th etta!potesitt, ie. ! . will be rt.eo after May latsaftnw dr zs Per peril !uteri refer to elthir i at the onderainerr: ' W . A.AICDRON. • JO+ • NA BIIODEA I 'SLIM% EIDER°; A.S. DILL, ./ • i Committee: UOR 4 •SALE 7 -,STE 451 'MLA; ADD OIL L IIVEYINItRY.—The emir( or an whale of Oil tat' eery nod Wenn - Sew. 1r I, *nth 013 od otwhalf acres of ground 1 an •bun4zico of tool on itrolot—inlneopon and beteg worked.sitaste en the Allegheny hlver'and A. Y. It IL, leAffeted for mho. Toe Deanery ii now and of modern WK. the Beer le In splendid order; oldie welt elta• sled, having • cheek mane from It to the river. Good lecollzy for building beats.'' Yor patticulnre call on the LYDAT k 0/3011PCNSYMY. • • No. dg Hand stre42P/ttaburgla, Pe. 01.1 BE FOR SALE—A:Tory nat hnd dtsliabla IWJ dory brick darelllag Lowles ly rag; altualatl on Boyle died: (coroeild) tar 12 .1.0 2 .2 D 02 0. 2 2.1.1 3 2 .20 *OW; 'Kb dio ,cootaLosaorso roomy, all newly pap.ted, marble *dab 111 park',. shine , heartii, , aci; /171 1 27 MOM slid a.ml miler /O beck balloting. MI theahed In the Idea atylo - thronahiit.' I tor . term%apply to GEORTI U. 11.1DDLS; . No. Ti Grant 'Wet, oppchlto Vend or at MUM t BIDDLE'S star*: Tllam,tol , • r• apls.lirtl LlOll SALE—,A valuable litiaineas prop s: erty' oonstrtiug of • WOE . )10118E-. AND STOII6. kll7O fret, two 'tortes; a BEICH WARS, 1101388. Sleuthed freitimain betimes.: VhdO, with or without • fee Ircdt, gatdeu, together With, the stock and fixture. of • mall hardware lortrMer, or easy tenor. the preprietor wishthe to metre from bzudowo. Snout eat " TiltsoFglum elm, I: OOTION WAEPZII, new, =vain msg. sad the Funilture and /Astarte, of • DRUG 13TOBle: mh2l:ti .• rOR .ii - : • . • 10... 1 0 ,TM01 t ST eata Vlßir ci. B12;14119 .11, DECK IN° la ofnued for age at the Multi KM of d. Ha Andenthn otreet;:Allrghany City. Prl..e t5l per thourand, feet, board' measure. So. E....eking:la already nlaned and itaiy . f.r t 0 , , ,,. ! r Invite of • 1' . ' S ILLIIKEtti .' anlllf.. , • , Ontivo it . Aar*, . • POE now:three•steryl Brit= 110 t BV., with hack balb3lng, co:gab:Mg oleren - oramodiona rooms, sit:mead Oa becock,atroot, ILII. 2 ebony City, third dooffrom Gratabam; - Vbe stile onhe banes Is modord, and it la Ilrgantlyifiebbed throughout, with glut and waterin thweano echoed stone. bathroom, d", • - I , Apply.to J. It STONER, Attorospat-ljaw,:No. 126 Vonrth etrtet I,Cr WaPIS. U l l 4 4 o Wneltii , • aplfhlw filoß BALE--Th- enty4 oven .11.1trps ; I:Lank yert of tha More= tote. commeatitagi: Our view of Plttebergb and'rielnity. Is about ma; mile hoax .1 yomeSerrgaeittatin& Then r6' otl the premlawkamaa ghee frail from; fobl'il+torrergaging. wring ogazoollont wetter. Will be sold together or divided to welt purcbasze. Promo, deitbrgegi country =ldeate will passe cell on • Amax: Lonkriz, N 0.62 Water latest. FOR: BALE-ThIPROVED 1:"B;OPElt a: Tr twoAdary Brick' Dwelling - OVelght looms, ball, bugs cellar, good. wall of .mrater, fruit trees, ate. Lot 05 feet front and 107 feet doep, and 11 'rabbi 100 fat of tho-Cltlge*Yasamagei Ziawy . ty. Tams easy. Apply it the Bea "Eilgto gad Insuraace odloo of • 11411/0., =NM Boller Laircentreills: • SALE--That propeity: iritalted In the noroirgh of llanehenter, on Slue earner of Lomat 'greet aralthe Ohio litter and Itnosen m the Cireennoed property, on which to erected at modern etyle Brick DueMug' Mere; Car, deg. Roger, Stable, Ic. Haan, du Yee further particulars on Of fethtt e 8 Water attest, Pittsburgh_ FM:SALE—Two Wrought bort OIL STILLS, altdoet no*, midi Popper GaAs Heti and,Oondonolna Pipe. All the - cooks aid! ocon.r., lions coo:plan Mao, TWO IMULTI' BOITA:111. i Enquire of _ , Omar of Pointlloy and trtiquesno amt... I. folfhtt : . Olt SALE--WHARYBOAT AND COAL TLLT.—.Tha Wharttaut at Tammy; Ohio, vlth seven Costrlsta. (Anti 1aca . 17rtaw41...16 pan, worry', fitroflarc, Ac.; . are offend ad fOr oat a lam plea. laquile ' I D.m icuoraToir,Fitit vosa tercet; .., or, GEO. T. BOADLET; Pomeror.Ohtc. ap!Abrd.. At No.lB DIAMOND pOkBALE-=-A.pleskinnt Contirjr- Said, imifabib for • battnina man, w 7 ot*rets by claw tlieScrt Wayne or liancbader UnWeekra, Itaptviredsndnbonnang to chnivit fruit, in non, al. rand fpi . isla or In est Bang, forelty prpmt . y. ; • A • Apply to • 8. 84 . 138;1884i8•Okil: rair.,6 hot "worth rilid:igarge•Bigidum? VOICSALE- - -k BOAT ENGINE AND BOlLT.E.—Engioe, oaedlidlai; g Inebed led& dhimetet of ddlladar, theta stroke; copper boas Boller, 234 het Maruder. 9)4 feet long, hi laalorlive b0x,.30 three, 3- pup cock*. 'pis beer used Weir* mouths in • Wtq+etuel Wed. eddja In good order. Pelee OLIDO. I setam.,: ..rottm i:IIIDALICi • ip7dlr Zdancleester,; N. U. FOR , - 1 1,0111 . 0 bins CatirerbeCilrape Of tiro twine `rowtel, growthkeslibi aid to llce cimdibm. AWE' if 3.11. STlte.t/In nasvr-ny, - eellaidettiee itreet WARM That valuable PATIV altstate oaths Pittabaret on Mum Graf% Stoad;La &Almon' towetalawlmOnt as the •AM Tana," about tlaa miles; t•cm.tha ell, cod. ta , nithiltatut HZ acres, ‘lll.l,tiaold at private's:Oal. /or tar= apply . to . • M • , J. O. TOIMOci. - Attaratat•Minr. N 0.120 Fourth gna • • taltThdalttfT . Pitttbutab. t, LIO.I3,I,EILLE ValaldritiE YOE MY PIIOPZIMT.L4bat , LARGIVIDWELX , USG, icith getnada imeebed, Ina Cameo itreet, wetly occupied P101=144%14* Sirintaitssia. Stabling Lad ansttrultdralit in the' nor abbe Strolling ;loom•- • • , raliti, 14:1TibtS1.14; • ISO heath stmt. Pitt.b.trati. • 10013. fltgN'f-=.ro- et:Email taktility;lha L: =O l ball otak bessitifal reoliSenee holligralroy, on. ml. from the Allegheny . Mutat Ritmo wish about % eon of godond, all melted olab,'.elrotee Ikon trettoevenpoontothetlabery,Ang' An exoelleny RU ot.wasg. cod *Lego gonna of KM Sturdza . OW the lint:pfaii, ‘tiaLr.,..ahat. itwastOry tattliM MMUS% sails ampler* cad646ll6atati on:th• carver or itsestat trter Ad Carpenter's :allen 1316tn:Warl4 eontain. Ina erattt mai and Antstretprrttf, Cadlbortud at - •:rdt."' Foe. sat& mg itteer-'-A Farm of 52 Vii:irin, &vied& /Alt Immo alba Pennatmgallattrost. 4: 4 ;Tem* ' TIM dear Ilentallltr, Gmt alsotO F 9 4 , of .Grottnii,atthit ewbo-r Nem. purroacrstramOrt-th , porno of also. - on* 94.0 0 . 2 .gr 0f VIA BMWs c.r. ragt Lir4o,l4ebthvAtd.v. eas7 swAl title teetrguts6le.3 -.SA 16011 7/1.077V - 400-rf, Owner Saroaed rAtßikanr 9o . ; VOLUME LXXVII"'a:NO" • biers 1N PrICASS u.a. Towmativeraozsisoorrrfwallttoxi —o. 1105 DAT otolairmo,..orn . 7 44 /B§oi 10 eePelontortel bsiald, O thee pandsees, the 54.111115i1 Itlf4l-cma If amnia Badlr i n i ln, ea habiga, ors fellp; ala i = rad, .1.41„. Sande i4th• batty al:farmer Dann;, azolle R tzar tialitnad , a hin alleett taco Cl Qatar Dttatt '._, - lO • - • learateeld cult ftpatinklep . • Lark arum* antl e ante:ll4l4r Owe, tha neesdll4 freetaN.tnelets to a sa - ma, Lanai ammo .nnbitai .11ar attlaL:tat par allel with Penn atrtet.. • te; 1t0i.14 and kettplegnifaii; u 5 istati.ia...., and anazien; trona 414.99 tra11141142111. • Ito".'1„ trlangdar totatnornerof Lanza/am* • . and t....ta9 mut, tg taatrose Lt...100tme.61 feat 4nisl-toteAMA-sar4 6 l feta alteati palms* 30.'14i a aPinet - Lticerentket 13 feat' Litech,pa- Laura manna sad exteneugocedeneLClantentl Weed 110 le...Lb/ming itel teat - front on the toinalel# rust Obeettant Items beteg 44 - 40 labs Sae. 15 to 45 execlnalte,:ll Lott, ftenetlinb. fait oa Limed am* wed. trans 100 to-1541*est to 15e."44e" tatieln: tiAnahlp road :witlasuzill Non VI to 54 Lealssirs,l3 Lets Lontieg loch td Let Olt Idanoldp antl indtzetbane 412 110- /cad ftoneloB tonb tad deptln - Thum tati ten tledlatedy adjoin tlter Laanday Ut. of the Untie, and b i =ry:rwlita ap, pan. wad µMU" Mu:{ateMbr mind •readlonata•ttelhtsi 'dolendltecteseartO the 11 t1. Th...nr.ALs...)ocalan-athls pro patty, Itegreat and rapid Itectrana ln valuer, the at , tad= ot ibadtlatemete, tanntstdca and mere I. coneldentl.y.tzerttedlo OLIO as*, • ilsaa at Oa property Co. be ob y lpreed 11.0 Ana 410alleoPia.INoeLdlidttatrart pe: "Txxxlee-Ona•tldrd radana In nen,„44 d taro years,trith•lnteratt, named 14100 and•*•iertme. .111,- • DAY113,44114PW:114: .L . rPOBABCPAIQUORELAND:GROCER .II:O—'4IO atteatlop ot".latlrk zatilimlarly called to a large luTokoi of aolierlar tobaccdlikus nom read: freak grocarklikrhlch mill bo :PO at 10: o'clock, on :Ea moralez, *wit 10t*' at Mr Oosoatacelal &per itoomaM ritth-attleWila tW hack are embraccd - 21 caddy bout Bac chewing tobacco ; b°l.•geelluertl,°;l4ll?aiiir''' 50 gallons Veldt it/reet (kat pe Tort thutom. , Dime: _ I air_ ladriltkunfaz NO Otani ,u nowt. lot:Motet noluboik ', . 10 tow }lnaba 0,12n0r cbot4 Oolong 15 Lou. Ground Eglceo ; 5 do. , Zeit 2 dti - (14,Ettor Caltee d dq PaLTellovacep; , . 10,IFsglIghDatry chow; ' DAVILt NeILW/alai,, Ildtfra• . A LLEGEVINTrLOTSAtAtIIC- Am.TION:•;;4n L LV ILVII/eX r ra. 7% itelcaft arta tala. Glick Was Boma 1t0,24 Sittlatteeto • • ~. • • . /Can. Lott on Ohlastentia;ttablib• - oter,',4apot. • nob tta•lck a front at LlLOatt.O*l firtiSl4o/. and exteadlna back ISO riot an in ky. - One latnalla etibitaTlTakilora laza atia Rm. tom statat, attain/it fr0519t 112 361• 4 West, and extandleng 190 testa/oat 13041147 tans Sara Lots, adtolnlas the Atha*, otokr , katbat a Inmate 24 feet ea Hamilton iilrooLantlaktc.natsl back Lls Latto an alley: - • One Lot on tta east-Ws of .Itantarabl4 - Inntak Irani l of 20 feet on Nom: atnaiyi and rbar bade Cer Stet to an anon beak Lot Roca, 'Hoek I Dads' play of Leta • , • Szatta. - -Onatklrd • cab, ' =Linn bi . Onaaad two laustlrlthAntanart. , .; Ws Parra - Ilel4l.llo3ELitito7B:AM.4.llo)3oN.' AY -, --012 TUESDAY ITEDIU64 A • pnl )o 51 . 1% o'clock. min la %A at ta t t Ottatt w . M a "" *QM4 60. 64 lUth .toot: , • • ' Ono LOt -on the doint odd. of Mont Jotsph sad firsts streets.. ha' nE kEStatt of 111 fist on CITILTIi onset, and ei - andin AscE2oo, amt. botog Lot Do. 944 to Otsgs's Lot Igo. ST.Ju Gregg's, p' o. banal s • 129241 k TA DouroAVllllsin otrooaraint satteding sitiatalts , A street 199 Rat to an alley. • - .•••• • tot no. vikhavitog s riootorti Lit iiilrtatus inset, and satending balk 102sor Win aDV.• • Lot. Wm 294 and 295. •basing • plias of al Dot on Daubs .hall, and ostotOlag 14 Iltaftat to as allay.. Tot= of suo—ono ttaDd oath . , 'anattliSta44,llriat la tinsand tin: oats mitlastonst2. - - 4 , 4 DATIS & StaIDWAIVE. AttioVrs.•, _ ROGGIES, BARQUOHN I tn. Eat triar=ang, April 1C1,24 et' 11 ettitli.mlU bo sold *X the Comberensb Bars, llosenr ! itib.lilftb e t. ' d tre 2o di+sritcldP lines; 1 °Pea tab bagICI . ! • famby bared:m.6es, was and two Emmet:, 1 dortleteist bermes t. lelorso bridles. Sc. • C.'fiNtPETSi 011 4 FI•OrVNAC FouRTH. STREET. NEW IiTY WIN D 1)17,1 . 4,1"41* 8;(114TR.,T4m1pAT.4., NEW SPEINGNII4IOI , i 7 wati 151.A13021k1i: - . 6`• • - OIL . , AM-. RIVAL LIT MEL p RP E T . so. sr 'ovum num: HAVING ENTIRE STOCiir'" WETS, Lately bald by W. IdeOLINTOOK. at plllarltsi 4rbbt. trees bb* by Pu , boYiebibYa fat tba LARaiiiiy.ST:4o , , - - . To BE FOUND IN TEUs t "AIM 1 TILE LOWEST PIA ICES. - Oliver &Glinted ditk4., _itoo&Tunt-gtkiir• . !AM) coMga: - . • , • Pine Embroidered Cloth. 7.,`1 ,• , EmboseedViotti.' Victoria. A. mar and notaila wtmffit Prat fliih, lb. . NEW _CARPET STORE - lOr •MCYARLA'IiD, cowNikAm. VESTrLiN Ban. TRAI4II I / 4 1381 Anon*, mr f ratiminitapiumisolgts jar, m- NEW aAninrr STORE - sa , • Zolf417.1481:1; clouna4 CIROCERIEII Plientrele Ire co s B VNU' „ - Commission itereluinis ! So. 190 8011111 WATEt Oita vadat Oman= to viiettaUvr • NC..I I ' ' rat Waders - D: ailar ril# 411 ksiceassii iOi!l,o2lsiire - qt ilatecalcia4bnotto wild; plimpx MS= WOOD OTEMICZPittat • -131E1CRY'1 W4 4 . 33 1:.',' „ A.,1176644800it'i* soma WA • , 14,.b°39172,iTik0- miDwARDB:I=I32(S., grmajam : Xt Gummi earaworPti,l"l"4, • • ' ; ---- • . IL 1 ' O. , . r. F .; ' . - .. . n, ....... - ! . .. - . -;,:',...11 ' '. : . -':: j . V ' ' . ' ' ii r , W , ' t -. Erg . - _ _=- ~::~~; r _r 7 #:-': -- ';': 1 -0_ e' .' ' 'm)ADDED ? to ova owx raa ML:CLOTHS Tie. vto.ihaiiAnt : - •::::'-' , ti 1 - )' :, I --'::-.
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