litliiblit'g -- k.1 , :, ' : - AUdk .' -'-'-''';',;.' ~•,.-.....;•:,.i.:,3.,1.':',•.:.1.1.,.•:4..,,, laMiDAYe , Atluipia, atizgutzurr oowl, lama, who z - Tiravaathetirlato,l7 1 1r9Ogh h 0 ; 1 47 lfbg the ta ' 001,10 3 r i1l 141111411 '._ elfizitri It „i,Guak.—Witl4lkthe imptiortr);#lhottis gold/at goga - *P;to 06 1 :9•6 1 6 vet. sane PrF°l2llll2'6li4 fe len Ala to semly-two gias halt leiraaluotaisil*o ll l-four anh iiateirierustogglip ' - sGors. Qyzenox rmaanat—BY / ioLis flew to cor apeuial iireWlditgiew -,pathiteiii will;be seen that ibageaste was Yeliebtereeg ged`in s tu aistalOni , 0! t 1: , 03 7 important : Bros Suir.s.—Tanm I :ilgtvus hail introduced mo s tim PoT t "tl l o l inti the irouig4; Itimirrithrfav taxis tpate I threopereiiit. pil../tintuei one their 4/1 " 111ti ! D ; an d Prddbits thtm frga Wu; _l2*f . in_ 1 : 1 ? after ‘e...701•1 &kis antborued by act ..of drapes& fi 'lhe bill will be !and . qt our commercial -firsatratit. . 4 . '111 undoubtedly pan both Rouses -*i'Remnyd -- 4Uledfoxy The joini resolution on the sulleot a the immoral Of the capital fiomllarriiskitrig to come up`oll iYI3 &MI pieasge In ale_BElll4. ' Mr. LO*Tiant'a . . • , itbst th is isholit:subjet• bSpottpontatidll • latelquestion, the'heist' 5. On 8 c. 5 saeee , tote 1 111111fietitO:pastpuneme:4 • • ro• . • •. o nnqulnad, and wara sp • Yeasfessie.- Bucher; Cheseene)*: Dun -4p , Ftamin liege , Hopthis, ,Ileasebolder, Soh:Imo:4 Lumberton , 'Lowry, -M'Candleas, hisherey,Woutgommy enoi•Werleas•-14, "••• Otsmsr,Connell; Dononzt Glatt,' . Graham, lElpseyi . Lai* 2:nabob, 'Reilly, ;Illdgwoj,' 'l3calth; dtarh, Stela,' Terrell, Wilke" ? ' :,Vlrorthingten and Penny, Sp.eaker-18:7:-. •• •. • -. • 31M. - Nmeeds morel that the 'wbOlo sub . jSit a select sem:ell/to of lidddit:!Moyeet irnslnireitAn, The Speaker his the uppObitiaent.oi mu kbtSfelAtois, -and wiliiti-ehatruisu.'" 7 ' - ' • .• _ , Horlbld toinmbtte,'Byy +s d. ut. all' town Teel the • 311 _ be low .64,111,,wag blint Port Pillo w 'W" n° • beginning a 3 th o war , ivaß. • long held t. by ,its bgllderr ` lts ailtce' b y Biz taindred t r i° — -La colored. Union troops IP - bun , dre ° 4 61 ke.l bY Feall23; day it "3 ener a brut' . °11'74112 owl meal a'34'. Ael• ltb eLn °wits .a art ti . w . 1c ,- ma* elPture4" t. n il imezed. 4493 e, wai at bia.'-' • I be 12°4' ulitet °I I;rrible &We wil . . ~,. im'rgicryt. /or 9;nrea paTrh°r, tabeeany.stracedkuedeallant: "112 eau to have token. that Geoeral Baa rrar or •uy It no Caild, Is crim ina lly. wheel," eelnin allow ing this brlteber7 to tike fault for -1,.. jun . eti roanasT ,-- at , two we eksainee tooky, place. . 1 18 n° es in Western Kim ..-Ite llPPearen - h‘3 been ........ tlatltO a ttemptl,3m wed yet it 11,411 e!" i an attack by ...k made -to guard agains t of • hie attac k n Tembus,. or a rep e tition ..uently rePel on 'e`--- „mob w as `.m a- lad 4 • on Radeeek fi nsc}s. The islet /33 t e a by PI a hie repulse- We - reAital'rt*")" f or " followers may yet' that he ond Ile mileelazi .....„ se th e y served a Berra J"'' ~., „mut= and ..b, „,,, e ,.. , "'' 0 boys -at P• ,,,,, •""' - :,,•:,- our bra* i - ) ' C°Z g r k li , . ,:..I . !,r,O, ` ,ire"hitniir been 'en ses sion : 6 ur * o' d brit meinths,,snd asiet.ithie accompliehisd butlit*lfor t -tios good4r the.sotintry,TWhile ' ; It has done it Miocenee harm: In thimidst of. Merest 'public. calamity—,in th e midst of Whitilithrts -The 4e4 , life Of the pation—at a time when the highest-Attri ' Judea of.statainenthip and the oferingii, of the • . purest patriotism ere deinanded-bf > sufferingPeOpl bod y ofdisci to Ymen entente Of that -istrkkaii- people is found robe incapable of rising to as appre. clafiou Of the'perill - whicibesit. as and: the . moans Which ehdnld be wild to alert thela. We cat with trails say thief much of the membersof this Congress as a b3dr f bet, of many of them t and We do not mean bop: parheads exclusively, wer oan with , equal 41 4 W 4 lB - 6 * ..9°Y *re' NitteltlY lag in anseldsh patriotism. The country is exaSperated, nuadeurd, rdnit think of itl law ; making:-branch '.of this Government has been'tn session fottr and a halt' months aid •lias done, whad+' Passed a iewanioliteent 4 4 Slair,;eff*ilatesi money tire the faitient of bounties to volunteers, put three miltioris pockets of irft*.iiliecitths; j tors which , should . have been put in the 1. , madtwo.f. the Treasury, enabled the Pietd: diet to matte 0,841.11 S Ilintenant.fietterith ttbd' Beeretary -Oast • down the price of gold' by making tante' at t . old gambler, It done more 414 n 'thin. It, has disonszed 'mist a:l4hinf"7Of '' men ttres 1 ' of no les.• atediati'interest 'Ar value . iothe - . ;Stitt , . . trhandithao thrown 'kr two hi:lndio {find 114 'llittio.tiondred-zpoiotwo forget Stith - Ow intuit of *ono Comresinton wean ; biased wttti t -roliereri intiginnble subject, • for home connmption.- ' all • this . Congress has done • " four months . and • half of the slime! 'riar:Of '.1111:-16;:Aot all e , ;Dosing titoselour months and a half cold„ . lms,liew.steadily . going exp, the price of •rirj iilaablo thing his - bean going up, currency has.been and*, add mis. ahlerotudy lodated, mope has <outland ' to drabi us of oar sieeir, and the public, ' - mind.* lescaticontro more arteriole, and disionslant.% Deleeuw sane Man who is not a Papiar."ooellera.ool:all of this evil to Pezl Prevented P/11#14444:4iiilkii:tion4., ' a searaliinuisnititi4failio And an it- dtrldcit:pcatesitag:a &tabus itimitarthrthe - eitkienstast Turk. What ths bawd* has needed s iotbi..— whg tt has deigaided--issifteiO4eoi an Internal leienue , bill' thdt: fiesdkpid . money in tie vaults of the Treseen7 itch rerfilon of ttie tariff as Would preveht tho drain of -specie to Emmert to pay for needless luvirlt l s the PILSVIge making it felony 10 gamble In 'gold, and =oh legislation sei would not only preieut the bird:ter ineresee in,tha . volome of peva: Money, hut also make prorision for Its graderstridaction. aid these things been done three month* ige, iold would not tow day,ta seventy. per cant. premium Over greenhichee, insane spe‘mdettois7would not list e b'een an rife, the - neeeisailis °PHA; would not command twetpriceri pellio ocrn= luisnos would not barebeer! shaken is' it has bees, sad the 'talon ,of 'these dayi would' not f bet , torllsd upon to .`record, iltatss dal* XXXt-VAIIP , Coullreer was !Y4 6 ,e r 4 "rr" ;;;„, 11 ,,,elti 7 tH : . , • General Baran and hltrAdmintetration' OSGle_Gultddepartment. 9e eampile _ from late ' Bonthbrn inteW tiort. n t/4 " - "f9U o,, leiSonur. summary - of everda ithe4dglst.itration.- of. the vary; which la titudes 'Oubliette sad New Orlesns:. ` , Firit,Urpertin In Louisiana. - There are fetirelitelelif inciter` thiold fleceselardeli oaittatia_apa4:lak,iiieguri Mayeratht!. Ili* lib thC s old:Coverierders litthe colt; :Vital-deaf:theold Trataiesidente, "mitt opposed 8e!ri"11,63 a j01:4101P10; the Tinian - is a theory ; but Mink thiiit &Teri - is air institution . that'sh ta . 01 rte aatieflcd "with neptivia Sautheill Presi dent , those .'; trho belleve '; ln the polity of the :Administration; IlmusmlLtinstiloyeenbriund the itadicale, who take the',ininttirdierie ground in favor _ r of . , eistrandittitery neg ;:ht.ssidfrage, and it division'ot the landi.-:-At the election.for StatitiffmeicthetiMindonitita dhl not vote. The_ Badtcale ankCeneervatives wire not erMervote: trit every: . thing 4 6 , 1 r....'ein r *aii.and 'et - tweet:tied in bringing = lthe. State; beck. ;to 'the That_ pisitY-48" the; party of . Taezianit ;Beri4 - and rep.' resents . ,his views. . , The'Adiiiirdstra l : tiort:f evidently: has - eindidente - , -in loi.:the...President:hitiiiot only rectigeised, tLe HOrt.Birestain,lLMS civil Governer, under the Coestitutian and laws,but,antic , . iPitilag Shat oinmenstances*ght arise to. which - ther:old. Constitution and laws might to his power as eivilQorereor, has cimferred uportbiniall the 'neers of spill*, Ger mnor. - . hese powers. . are:presumed to' be intended to be temporarY, and will be with drawn as BUM es the people of Louisiana _ have adopted. S.. new Constitution: - Dele gates this ctonvosstion to frame a new Con stitntion 'Pere Sleeted on the 28th of March, - andtitieonvention met on the 6th instant* The enceesiftd candidates are unconpro -misting Union and sutt-Slavery mon, and their ‘wirk will Undoubtedly be thorough A.Conetitution abolishing slavery-wilt-be the result, and Louisiana Will soon"be fedi in 'tin Union once more, and thii title si *no 'Slate. The total , .vote at the eleetion - of 'delegates to the Con: stitinimial-Coniatioittinionnta to cm:udder. ably . more thanthe Presideni'S aintieSti proolguntion'requina restore the State toe the Beicni. i The. polities' situation in Louisiana L thtie explained_ • . - 'ruff connate:roar gong'. Next eremarremark one feature of Gen. Bunn' ailciliatiry policy: He certainly has adopted a novel expedient for the assimild, Gen of-eiteotia eletnenOsi.- We quote from a liew. Orleans cornspondeat of a NeW York journal:, , • ' "Daring the past whiter he took the toad in -social enjoyment and tub:comma The camp and the ball-room are different agencies, bat. in. sehjagating a State or a city, whica nuns bets at women - dwell, the mono 'of the ,tralm Is. aaefiletental the music of the match. The lady Of the oommesoling general - was the tender- of the fashioe. Her balls wore the mostmagettsent its/ receptions were lisgely patronised ; her entertainments beyoad any- Wig thaChad ever bent known in New Or team Shawls surrounded 'by ladies, wives and daughters of Yankee officers and Yanked ranehants, making_sus' *Mina . a tinge as ;synod:maid the drawing reout of :a poises. _What could pier:women do? She loved the "bonnie bine gag," her." Mazylszad;' and her "Southern Confederacy:9llft rho-most,see • the :fashions' and show her own new dregs. 'Stamm toes Yinkee party, and her friends eine; and, secordiag to - gossip, they fined curYmikee Gann; not such fearful 'Yahoos aftaiall,lor they danced, rand made sweet ePeeeheesefid had CertainAllgqB of manly beaaty.- -Before the season was over thoanx bay to see and be sewi . these festivals of the General and his friends was as great 1101013 g the ladles as it was ainong ladles who believed-lithe Union, and &few. ofthem • wore aetually married and given - in-marriage to Yankee officers.!.. • van laws swims' artau,'. lastly; we come to the operutions of Goa eta, mum' '.,ll;re Lair ewes.. That , lent at cotalned la the celebrated order 14.28, is already known to our readmit. -Illaehratingils ?mutts we give thesoitems: year igo the, Goiernment *was feeding, - with no return, more theanweeti thottiand aegis*: in Tonisiana. _Fifteen , thousand more were precariously living, partly by cooking, waiting, Stehing, and etealing, and liere htirtly , dependent _upon the Govern' meat.':Now, all of thaw are employed with benefit to tioneselves and profit to the Gov ernment, enacting to .pay all. the expense that the' refagie negromi hare ceased since the:, oceniation of the State by our ,troops. gratify's:lg and 1 !onion:Mew/tat like iSeinctursa One Of the detase of`the systna which produces times results may be inferred train the followlng extract f_rerci ,general 'orders' No. A, hinted by Brig. Ont. Beltran, .commantiing, Idiot Carrolitori : --IV: The" Poorest Marshal of the Baristi of a - efferent le also:charged with the execution of General Order No. 12, Headquarters Da -Gain of New Orleans, illaretr24, '864. to far arts:elates to its execution Wilds this Ala tan. All pattern. within this olusiot anEre ?posted- to report: as Claws ,offics the nameiof ttudr colored locusts of either set, in astir that Its may ginstbeth an employ mint Certificate" and all colored 'people of either sex, who shill not, on - the lint of April, have such cenlikate in their renceselon, will beeoneldired inereplojed, the malts organ trod Into squids and sampan* tot labor ed: the Parapet, and the Tam is yarned over is iequiris skew freed, no;, j to ernibird, and if the Government does not need their servicee'they are hired Out ata Axed. to Ouse 'km 'do 'need them.' Cue Is taken tifit - thej :are not , cruelly treated, that they properly- 1 .elottied, thetas, havesulacient food, foe By r recentregulatton, noticed some days. ago in these columtut, the taxpayers are to bitaled. fa eripporta . free - school' !videos for the *nett of these people. - ' - _ • rassienimraincor aeons re: .. connetaion with,General Mbar system, -.most . important `act orthis*ar Departnoint has jot.beets made puhifa. it is - ,eifteLel indoirt: went: of that System and extension' of it tiranglical the, military divishorlst the Nis- Edeeippl-41Miend. Stutaraeles departnent , The fpreiiitlgetionot the order adopting Geeteralßeilte systein forilie Whole Mix. IdesiPPl was_ Vicksburg, Atiilth,andelgtied ihyisrtie- Marta and signed '•by order of the Secretary of War, L. Thomas, Adjutant Oen. era." :it raids ea follows. The followingisgalations reopsating the Imhoff of plantations 'within the limits of the military division of ( the Misslssippl, and tha ant of. the freedman thereon, are publish, for,,the Information and government of all ematterned. "Thistles adapted by Major.Ganaral Bank/ in the &pertinent. of the Golf bans for the sake of uniformity, been taken as p: via, with ALI eb toodilley' • bast;;wititiooli tuoilliicoiXonsas the' export. once of the put year has dictated se most beneficial to the Interests of this section of the country." "The oocap Won of the plaitatione an d em ployment of the fre admit ' balder been reeved by the President of the United 81atos nattst berseurdod al settledP• llo 7 of fl 4 Golernineint, sad It Is this ditty of_all miff-; tarn carozandert and troops to afford probe& limo to the fullist extent to this most Import ant intermit tamer'? tt , tan properly he . done." Then fallow the 'whole at General B L i t aa itehibtstedardativikti 'tine alight - _ a i d =dm ' poi t at i , WAREHOUSE, WANTED-61n goo( keaum.b. !mew.. anti it• (jou* WES biliDen Inneh cum:ma t f te a. crantaarr a waa,e2 await itp , ••• ', i '• • :t". l • - = 't. • ' •' t • • •••• s1 ; , •• • • • ; I , • laala * .ardte:Nfe' ..L :"• • •t 7. bemuse of has Trek Labor aysime; ' bid a system 'which warheitarAThent,fitaaatioi I tl y. ae. hare_ narratedrat4-tiridelt edict ea I earriplimentary,aniadon*Meitt-EY the er Department, 1111111 i pcisesi Some;inerits: it may have defects, but theta can an no doubt will he rmeedied by time and expert: once-, It must be remembered that General, Binis is called; . upon -to` solve no , leatft problem than the -- reconstruction of Lo l uisi- 1 Max. Moiety, 'a:. Walt' of infinitely treater Magnitude thin 'Gait of the military Con guest of the State- In the solatiort'of that problem there is no prece'dent. The duty; and the reaponeibility "has devolved upon, him uf makia; a-pretedent for the aolation of similar social problems lu other 'portions Of reclaimed 'rebel teiriterj. J -i,. ' la understood that the Convention at loyal Teanesseeana note In teatdon 'at , Knorrille I will take [same action looking to the irateediatelahelitioit et altirinyjhroughont the State. One hcoidred and twenty delegate ! are present, repre senting twenty-two counties. , Dorm* 'aeuseort and Rea. T. era 1 . 31 attendance. ppn tq *PA DISCIPLES 'OF CitRIST( mar Orrr,) ELD)111:7081211 LING, Pah;. toy,end onset In* %Pr EXCELSIOR, HALL. miner or Tolland eschlrg erner LORD'il DAT, at WA a; - m. I . p. to Pry • Meeting SMOLT I=,.G. The onblla ars eccdtall3l In. THE FIRST _ CONGREGATION Or . DDICIPLYS; of Pittsburgh:meet Meted. lA, In the IRON CITE COLLEGE BUILDINGS, corner of,-Penn and lit. - Clair Gnats. Preaching 'LORD'S DAT—lloniing and grening—at the no home. Sunday *heel at 274 o'clock p. m: Pekree liteetlag every WEDNESDAY EVENING. 'Phi public are 1.1,..02117 PUBLIC JrOTICE& ]il:r .11E1111PIG of the tteckheldhrs of the 11051,13T02 OIL COMPANY kill hold no 22.1 . 1ncl , ac 2 o'clock P. aka 'ittcro at Grab= S Victim.. Lit...3.qt • GE O. 4. 11 AD5,121 a, tocselloi. Wltstanik. Apra 13th. 146 i. • of < oardists OLI Cossess, Plitsatiegb April Id 1164. I VIDEND 0 fIC 034 rd: of Directors bays tail day declared ce dead of altatif DOLLSad EMS afield; payable to the Stockholder! la Osda, us sad idler the lids day of - liprd. • • If 11113TESVALT, ; flooeetsrf• • EX.CnA.CI2 141. r. or Ftermothe. 1 • • • thtteturob, aped, 14th. 1801 ra.A GENERAL MEETING OF THE • st.iorad. of dik • Ell e. twa m the bet Ilona au TB 011.41,101, Bley oda, at els ten wart.-!. Ulm ate oonshleretton - the Vs. Imam at the aorta.. 1p91,91 Jamter WI, 1804 Ka-Ird. It inicaey cso,G.r. THE ENGINE BUIGDER AND BOILED ILIABELLS met nn friday forearian pormiaot u tlei ea I. Present, James Bets, Soden Lee. Watson & Atonrce,Eoblason, Beal 00. , Fearer 3.0., & oo:,,alclotneb Becophill .1, , • W. W. Weal., Natal, & Kirkpatrick, Wm. Barnhill It Co., Jared PS. Brush, H. H. Pole. Carroll& Snyder, J. Powers, and Johnaron, Fatter & Co. Jared M. Broil, arm called to the Ohalz, and A.W. Pester Jr. , aopatoted Seereter7. the Com mitten on brisinese was directed to rontract mr an Engine and Boner, and also to act oo a Cbm. Mitt. on Corriepondenca. On motion of Mr. Watson. Hnen.larbatoela, Torn. Boson Bea; Barnhill and Brash were imp:dote& a ,Col3llllittee on Bleante, andwere inetracted to irt.. the amount doe from each order to pnrchus nrachineay. , , , The Committee rerted that all the Entine,Balid. era and Bolter'dtakm wood contribute to the ho- Mane canes oftheßanitm7 Committee except' 14. W, White & Ilm., of AlleOevy ,it y. wbcaa p.coiler views ere la opposition to the object. of the prop:sad Pair. • ileattaz adlonznid, to assemble at tbe . mal of the Obalrama. • • apleat; ~IINIONCODNTYIONVENTIOt I —The loyal =en of Aligneny connty, pii tha Dairen party otaalt centatDial twines ed In useable atelst steal places (or bolding ele tom In theft wards, borough le borough. Winship; Winship; wad eatlqu precincts, respectively, on BaTURDAY, April .2311, bat., and soot two delegateb to resent oath • tett tsfortiallln a Coorettionhote held at the °Sart Brtte,l Is Pittsburgh , on 2DgsDAY, alrb bah; at lU:eclat:L. ta, fa t :: pathos, of sleeting 'two eintatorlsr and gee itch Illative Delegates to 'the Unton• Stat. Conventioo Delegate. to the aloha Dolor VAIITVII4OII to to. held at lialtlmora IVEllstithagOongreolon candidates for the DA asd Sad Districts. The meetings io Das it and ;boroughs shall be. held te•twins the holm 'm a; and to the townships behest.% 'the 'hut.* of d and 6 o'ci.t e D. ha • !Sy order of theZniowEzecutire Osmolltteo. Stutz; Secretary., 41544 T . C.FiRer NATIONAL BANK, .A.LsLaIDG:EGEZirIe Cap~tal-•--_.. ssimitomi WWI prirllep to Ittermais to 5000100 . . • . , • . • This But isisow fatly 04111fted Mid to ill7t0111; We ate PoPsred to " ge* . rii iianhthsbothst2 and tilihr am tanker as antenondsnt to on &Wm* thccilthoot the 4:comity `, ' Spatial *Mutton Sinn to collar-km In thio To! cedoicicli qty of Pi ilokaiThs 1 . Ili on .9 pasts of thaemrott7. lionsysmoostsed on &pod*, and Tmohatini on .4 th, totooloal Utica bought and sold. dram: for U. 8.301 0 Band ßands. 1 ... . DI:=MM: T. IL NETI27; JOHN DEAN, W7d.17.1.118A170.11, O. O. 110 TL. AIITEndt nOssmi, B. H. DAVIA,_ EMBRY 41x. 11 W10 JOHN TaomPEoi. A; PATTERSON. SILVIA, Passmune. F 33 11, Winn. r_T:r=!fl :Crock OF vita Prrrioritot. Ton WATTS Cameo° /14nway C 0.,, ;; • ; Pittebnigh; P... 'tart Ink 1864. ' 1 tr - DP7lDEN.o.—Thißoartt or Diroot,l eiTr 'ourbsve this. day artd • 'Dividend of 11 TWO ASO 0111.11,11.14 coo psa ontr. csi the; Oglital Stock of tit* COnsysny cmt or the net hunt; ink for the qaUtn. endlog March Slot, ultimo.; payable (five of Govornment Tia) on and sitar tbe; 18th dey of Ray, proz., at tbe Owen' Ofiloa of the; Ooropeny, Pitteerrrab, tolkkiltoeitholdera whose; Wok he • ranieterld thereiand the Sarney of Ow; Oonipanyi (Nears. Wire low, :Lamest • oh'.,) No. AlI **11•13110. Saw korkito the Stockholdate "those; "look le negated there. . , The 'transfer'transfer Docks of the Cokmarty .111 elm! at, 3 o'clock m thv 84 of tiny, prom, and .111 min &wed till 10 o'clock a. ro;. on the 17th of Nay ; Mares ter. teIIEMZEIM!‘ A • SPECIAL, MINVIING et the Star-Madan of thoildnand4 PlitaboaM Baßrod Onapon will ba bald a ilurailleo ad d O sopeat,la • lawalsad, no till Dal Of WI, at la o'clock lons., to von spas the tonna" M On Capita Stoat of laid Cbanna, fot ahs par. :poieor adoidad. the bat& of sad Compaay to be : dodTated into stock. The Trailer Boob will be' elated nano Old dada 'A Pra end open an the rdh: du of My. , /37 order of Om Span at Matta", - • • -. I.I 7 .IIcOOLLOOSSI,PIiaIdeot. 1 - Cranium,. Math 28, tea: ewe: , Orrros or NORTE 01117 Ituaro 13).; AS VIM, Meet, riPsburgb, April 4. 1864.1 UTB DlRlferOlit; of , the ulionli Olt Man 03 .4;444. ifichigast."..har* Wad au essontontof OpQ MAMAS Mtn MASS ott the Capital OttotkOis ther mem mg staati ot the ohoe of habit os "ISATISHDOT. tho hOttitottoht, •peyabbi toiha Tfiatarer ter ITUDA, thelOth of Nay - next, with fotoweet sthat dab. TE10.4 III: WOW Trowition • tr7SPEOI/Lte•NOTIOE.- - -The owners , Aron at the &helm) Wahl are Mud*" to time,* this &ranee, otherwise ft trill hue to be =tend ►t . thitnripetie, aa th. re h not eh= the to the eirrtett Infant. Attention tapir matter 11111 sate tettable'ind minas - • - i#l.ll - • • SAIIBB ALUM; irbartthrserA, . NEW-WORK ON TEE "HORSE , Illistrated limas Mobaomoat, omega. tog dosariptiro smarts on Ammon, Iloiltiaa; Ilaaelag,:lbotb, rood. - Yinear iltovitt plata boommt of Ito sthatiloa, Wan aad voloa or the mann . potato. , toolbar. Iligh roma:eat/ ea , promo, &alums, Waders aa !talons ; oho on 'Oat. stages aad hermit. Imbellialted With tura *hut WO ooprialogo. ^•By Edward Itionev.' .Iyol, a vv. fro? we by . (apla) HAT* CO., 65 Wool ottoot„.L 'RECEIVED ON CONSIONIdaNT, leu load YOrkEtati Applear. ' tO bblo. afro abate', Obio,dz, l'alf loidattall:ct Gnu; bblo. Lido those Polatoeoi lo odor* sad taro oats by vows a co • GBEE N SALTED BIDES—WOO helm atteo Wad I:2llNri v ebntitra tat It 2 sod 214 ttbotty at., non bood of Vrottf.j 1it,11:1413T .PUSTe.. • 000 Sawed Post., • Reg long; • . SWO 61, gaq,, , ini of. •,. • _WAIT • WILSON, catt2l • , ' • NM Ltb•rty 'lnst. TA WELLING HOUSES WANTED - In goal locator i fn its dry at irebszbi al Moto Mob Cs tholumf &Alan. A ppry_t. old IL *Anil GIIZI son, al Market at WALL rAPEl . 4,and „ witic 4 art i vis li‘larliet combing 110:IttliCli Ramis by • • JOHN J. De ZuMint. 11l Wool et :QIIiMIBOA./13 AND Olt, ycliFINEr liu2Orvibytly astea bp by , Davi, asurynliPs., f . All sum Mr We EP DAVIS et PIiaLLUM,- ttt. OIL.-12 Darr • to to on Manna hails Robby Ike ado • , . i „ - POR 8.U.54-04e IA 30 - H three noose: tharken *lib we initiate 'trite elieT. hear retell. itreet.i y) tenee,, 'qetre at the calcoier woratem DOMILAS.','" Ho. ST Pun street. rrEN BUILDING 14118 FO N BALE :4L Inmate at thi Janetlanot the Graatabarg Zka. and:Butler ttnati Snit front and.ll:o kat deep: Tanta: - one bait auk and timbals':ate In tan' year. Anplyst Unites! Fatate and Itantanne coned - G. ti. . BATE?, - Batlei.treet, Lagrrence.l,l4l. F4°TOBY AND ii r ATEEL-POWEEt ,011 inkandney - ff“ fajtal. a Una building. with crater power, shouts In PAW • BUIGISTONdIkur county, Pa. The building hat Darn vad kWh and lkor factory. and recently is • woolen factory, unt If Imitable Jr alined any -ID busmen; Apply ararthe_ wanders to '7liple•lna • • O.U. urswArk. p.m . FOR SAL --4 farm of 47 gores, J. ander good ealthwtion; and ireU watered with 78rionitodtnated erlthin this, of Greensburg, Wottroorabind.croniy, on thePhllapelpida 1 7 1ke, and onemile from th•Pauwilvaola itabsoed. The im provement' are a two Wary hrkk boys enhy 70 feet, trittalroorne; bank hani, with itablini andarth, andother aseestary ontbolings; has two good or chardi;on• of 100 trees. It G s good location for .puhlk_s Iwaseoh u atono.. eag. Apply at the *ads 8..77*g. . G. 8. linTZB, spin Didier street, iswornervilla. FUOT ARRIVAL NE9f STYLES 0) tem. Balmoral foot,. • OomprWig ill the latest etylee qualities, and at the linnet rites. Coll soon. Dealonnsupplion at Manufactures plus BORLAND'S, 98 MARKET STREET ..toad door from . 1111 h strpiiL tioß B A tar,—akt Evergreen, Rolle Toiruship, five tones tom Allegbany, • good frame dmillog, modern style. containhag eleven " 000 4 OCT. roomy VantfYiehetern, mbar =oar th e whalebone., and an UT* of ground with a varletyof fruit Mein and email fruits. Thie property le dune metal from the Ateautletion, but the purchaser may enjoy the advantagea of a flat elan Oepolowy, to be grained Eh a fermata by gentleman (Mut New Toth. and any mbar benefits comucted with the Ansoletion any gentleman doing bovines, In the oity.Und de. tiring a Malthybouse la the country one hoaredrive from the city, Mio• log rat. Inducement. for the moral and phyelml welfare of children. will do w.ll to look at. thim property. which will be sold low. Pae aration mu be given May let. For bather informs. tlon Inquire at the priming, og at No. 85 Mutat street , Weller LADDLS ALL 611119, AT M'CLELLAND'S AUCTION No. 55 Fifth Street • -- OM SALE—A. VERY VALUABLE 41111, tliosted lo Mom entity. West VlE low Gallipoli; 0 , tontsintag 14, 1, atom 1,100 swot tetra/bottom land extend lag afros the Ohlo firer. 2 mils, alllerir sod to the h.gbeet state of caltlvetlon. the balm, of the •oroi being heavily , imbued. Two and Ma% one 4%, the other Cancel Co.!, 4 fret thick. are an the proration easy of aster, and .t. bl o ranee of the tibletiver. Tiselmprownowata are t. or dwellings, six 'rabble,. satiable out-beueee, end three orehuds Tre mob pawing through the Guru. *End an am.. 11 , supply ot wstar kr etook.farat; end, bey thg...lOd =root bottom had, sad sailletost Lister egiold be merle out of this trszt, , and to Realest tsr toils, a rare chance le offered to swum goad Loon, atarenfrot to good markote, sod Ina doe climate 'Title Indisputable. Tema wlttob will be made to cult thaautolisiers, msdehhowo on applicattno by lat. two" otheiwistitoll. LAMMAS t,oollpolle, 0. splitAtd-ltir fIaRONICLB BUILDING, FIFTH N..! stunt FRANK P. CASE, BOOKSELLER AND :STATIONER, NEWS DEPOT, 70 rum erenzx-r, ounoluoLs strannio Supplies New rock, .Philadaphis and Olactoasil Daily Pop•rs, all New Books, Iffsintints, romp spun and cbscp putdies- Bons : , All the Plitabtugh Dello, and Weekly pap . v filth ;11.'1111w:it wrappers. . FRJ. P. C.IBE. Fly= STREET. SiaPYA•e IdADAZINS 3.011. MAY, cit aelies, and drib* Mars* papers lig ihta wark,Sso. ready. ; apt 6 It • aRAPE VMS—listing on hand a vir tow ant . muletiat of Vim% more than Is de. °miry to =mining ordars,l other them trt tale at the folloodos kw rats s' 1 year Delaware 6.7 OM per hundred; t do do 73 orate to Illoach 2 'do Comord di matt each; II do ona if stab r,! I do rubellaand - foes $1,60 atoll Also a feerof the foUowtog Tartetlee r Lincoln, Leo bolt. Craton 'Maya Cuyahoga, Taylor); Itallat,lllol. Pm, iht. A let of Cherry earraata it VIM pot doom Orden may Is lift at 72 nwimar. SUITT, Al ieghom7. ....12! AU RECRUITS; WANTED W. S. mous. Wood.' am Fifth Regiment U. 8. artillery, 4LL MOUT BATIIIIIIES. Were Welling to enrat for thle favorite breech of tha.drleemlO metre the hlgeoct OSTSIIIIMIDIT and LOCAL DOIINTIIIS 'Tbe term of mervloy br bias Om yens. Meneuftlog limb:inv. as No. 191 FOURTH IT., PllOO arab, nrstte lb* Mayor'. OR.. TB- SIAS WILLIAMS. Jr., let Lieut./Sib IT. II Actibas, . -- Miectet Bairtilting 011eet THEY DIE INSTANTLY t of el the Hat Pimlico, PACO. or Pitto pd intmclured will so snoopy Castro) EATS, Itsrur, BOAOLLIP3, Co., sr PASTiiir 113siessitsreally auk m. ta.tantly. Mal try JOII2IBTOB. Conker Ranh and Etmltbleld strati. T IGHT GYMNASTICS.-The first exa Id bltion' of M.. DIE LEWIS' new game al Lista or Park, Grinnatilot 11 to to given at CON OZEIT HALL, on EH UltaDaT IlYstiltiO, Aptp tha class to aptear fn foU eadattoo. •d. who of Imo whit the LICA Dumb exerebsovetth the oigmairtto Hine' and Wand, atv so be pip farad d,to. dale other idgirly enartateing ozerefass, nit to to entlithat try • mollott entortaidamt. • Edon opm at 7 ceckekTotuthas to oosioxenee at 5, Itrorbeiy. Adodalon.l.s canto; children ander ' tows ieere,ld canto Uchida lobe obtained at the .prineltal mutt Cores, and also* the door. eplalw • "a • IMOV.BooKs. • --- noMager Thal. By ig.g. paw. . B Panoa :.'Bad aod'Plaeon 14,2 7 4 I Work a... 1 P 1 1.7.: 11;11%,„itothm7 1-t maaT ether nor or work., JoiO.4,AT AP44". T'V N ANNUA, No 104 Tglerol .4set. Allegheny. TIII•TAL NOTICE--INTIMNAL RSV iNDL—Bf tastrocilloaarses!irodf,om thoDoen. eafailostor of bourrool Zoom.. lO,Po haperatiro Imam should ba rota oaf Whey Up lot or Nay, Manton aolloo bomb, tbot aD sala who fall tombs To tura orlatiesho above awn. loud data, .Ut bare aniam auoto «Is for theta by abo Asobtaat itiomoora, boat tbioboot lemma-Um a, lueov apia Mho Oka 1.04 roartbotrool. Pletaola. • E. POULINEY; • . . . Crude and Refined Petroleum, BENZINE, ac:,; N o n nrIBD Brant, Pittsbtrib. apl3.2m iA TTENTIONI ALL. -4a COLICILiN bss rebuilt Ids *bop destroyed by dos visas eye, sad Is sow yawed to toonufsetore to ardsz oil lauds of ifaul)ll WORE, HAT AND IMAM Besd lITHAW OMEN, 111.0011(111 Tuvalu, nessowa, BUDS, te. Also lITICIL for MY ead-Ororti Ilskic Ilsoalbotcry an If ABIOS AYZE/11, dso/ tb• natant . ellsetsoy. •• 1m DR. F. BEBE, I iliargeon and . bac ottohm. 10. 11l ECIIIITEITULD BT. , II dear balm Mx% trITOBtrEGII, st.e tat wATKL. - fiat of titans Water rips, bom Ito t tali cantors. ' ' IL OOLISIMI _'~~. I =IBM= .X.A' Fr aIDrERTISE.VE.rTN. % T OT : s T io Otr il , !E, L , ABS. SILK SAQUES & .w 7 hiadia;ISPL#IDIC;CCCIItDDIA4):3, taxml• by ALL TEE NEW AND POPULAR BOOKB. AT HUNT'S. AU gut tato Pipit'. and Nasulnal. AS HUN VB. • Albrima thirds from 25 arts •drama and uporarde AT.llUirl"il • Photograph Altaa; all slaw, atylas, shapes sad (Wattles, whb ellk sap amtvi. from 60 .01. AT HUNT'S &boot Booka sad Brliooi Btat!onery AT 111117Arr8. arid Slippers. All OA Wm, Books at AT HUNToII Album Pictures, In oil colon, sold !thole. We sat reenlist prars's price.; by JOHN P. MINT. Agent. TWENTIr-FIRST BEE3LA NN II A L Otatament and Ootidltiou of tbsAROTI PIItE utstatiosas OOSITANY, on ths Ist do of Jaw, 11164 : Cob 079 80 Claalik Bat p 03,98 V Ganls aa Stortgaso (bang emit. au Lid Manta fn 811, Sort and Stooklyn vortb at taut • ---. 10,800 00 Loannan StaCtA. pa• abb. on amandlmar. kat aaba. of Banarltles bold at Wawa, w. SCRAM.-- . 191,0130 00 Voltild Beam ima by tb &mks ana7Cona. Baal Mt 9,861 03 Wan t B,oannd (of lir tilob anntot pact des} January 1.t,1. alx•adypall 6,647W1 Daiwa, 1 bands of Amu, and In canna of tranunt *too front . 8,000 00 Bllla , Bacelrable fur Premium, on Inland Wakes and otbar — 10,047 44 0.. b Prandial; tin olkatad on Poactaa CIA for 14aloo co74loodloog J. 1,14-1 15,875 CO 17.4414 Mr 14.74/ —....—...—. 232 GO 6.. od ocm Taxa. • 4,761 25 J. WILTON SMITH, Pistil. Parrett Turco. Secondary. Joann W. Wunti, Assistant Bandar,. pslcatiocu mired by JAM W. ABROTT, AGENT NEW GOODS- Just rimrive4 at lb. Trimming Mora at MAORUM & GLYDE • Oan not b toad the WO and most canellelly lowed' 'tom of :VAISOT GOODS ator opened In tea city, comprlther EMBROIDERIES OR ALL RINDS Point, Matta*, Thread Lae., Liab Poi* sadtro• bradawl 130 ranbroltkred Sets , adtai and Gaut. Resestisched Handkarcbfak L. luta Ma braidard 13sadkerchInt. Mack . Crape Oollap and Bata .017 cheap.. in our lionbry and Wave Departneard will be band • fall INloitatrat. of LOW and Gents , Kids, In all eolaln.4se. BEdi, Valstnnesd. link sad Idita 'nixed Glorna- , Also Ludt& Inbber Glom and and Whs. lar. km all nukes of Wks white, black, brosa,:slata and mixed Cattail Boas. Also, whit. and black /Mk Wharp do. Fanc* Goody trotlaus ISIo Itacks, m end] . rarlstY. ALL AT LOW PRIOVA Whessals Baku ep stain, and la the basassiaL WIEISELER & WILSON'S LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHINES; GO TO ?UT AIOINOT awl :mamba, and you •m than a/meta as, that tt It as abzweet palm& lastmment.—Esesber fat EVIBY minim is made. htypter by the ' Introduction Of MU Irastwettby machine. Wiptaa.. T I116:11 Sr. good, totter, .ad toot and Ms .bed anablne, we LW catkaly male In 'ey ing, Vault? IWllsoceo."—WWww :46.ecenn. TEST ILI#IIINOALITAL. -606.1.0 4 Inaion.. W PM noshed lb. lllghast Proadiunl irtiOnter eziabli44—Mtad4plia Pna. WaI I 4IIAQTA. not, W.I. to gat out E 'at We, my to/Weal, anot WO. In ow ltractiouo—Aix R. T. Ittawfid. B; VOSS PUROLIABIZIO. tumble the "Wllae 'o“stka. EXCLILS - to an tu qualll in Mat couUta• good tasehina.—frdepagdnd. 814PA8S13 ALL OTMCILLS —Lake; Bagfa my. Tula to untaanksably the :bein',Bewhii holdae, nig fa tbio one ortle4l . l3:cin nn. quallAstrly recommend..-Vitt A. 6. These Machines are "Par minted for Three l'eara. Pikts /from CCIO upwards. PTIRSIIIOIIOO 011101: No.OtFIFTH STEMET.: mLinimmap., Iwl~iis.LrtlarY WALVPAPBBoaaaOms tad claim !.v b wait Milt oustUlr ICC 7 toes Um, Ihr whirl edVialf soh tlcrm Ukl 474177a4 alargaligid. Zak LAW and Yalm hula, Papm to tba chaq•as artid. la t.. 1 mate, at dg , WI Lam I nriot, 0•113 . TIAIL MEI ~ , • 1.? "I,l'l . ".tk JPEIP ArDrIERTISEME-1 Ts //yyRpVE6 :St:SSKKWt and Simmer 25 leifth Street. SEWING MACHINES WILLI ALL VIE LATE'? 1 v PlioWNALEsaili, They will 13-am. 11. m, Yel, Tuck, Cord, U Braid and ==ROWER. This Company nose mattes tb SD cTrcr. or LOCH STITCH klaohines or the same awes= and at the same ;alas as their eehbreted Nohow. Moser & BalmrStiteh Becht, ee. his firths only Company width makes both k MU, end (hearty one that can supply the *ante of the 09 /if iraVnie Hail TUE GROVER & BAKER EVERY WH E tE .TRILIMPRA NT. (Mud taxablcas Lau takoo Ma tint p - uulauu st all the priludpal Rain throneurt th• =into ale put mason, our Otto tomtolbrappular . sad sow nand at the SCOS,OO4 00 =EI No other Menhir. will do re g aol cr se nr at a •a riety of warn. They are simple to casette:Zen, and, email learned, and with proper management 37 nth skost, Pittsburgh NEVER GET OUT OF 'ORDER. STREET We have more arcnk than vs can p.aalbly do In cur altartingroorn, and colocipally morn thaw • Ito tura other Meshlcen. This het iroais voluna• in favor VIE GROVER & B HERMAOHINE, dad and'uld te bard* to :atm] by Wye °Saab., Bowing Ilarblram The rook dome me tb. Maehlues hu faked FIRST PREMIUM at entry l'alr to it. flatted States abort eat/R.IW to date. 1111.4 examln•thato, or and km . Oltvgar cra tabling Namples t3titehlag and Embrold•l7. Office, No.lB FIFTH STREET NEW BOOKS, remind at MINER'S. Illostratkaas of Universal Program: By Ilex. but tkoricar ; with a notice of Spenair's Sew • Smarm of Philosophy. C10th...------ 76 La Garlota; a epuebb Novak 117 /mum 61s bailer%' 1 25 Ton Anus Enough; • Practical ispoierive Sharlog how a ray =la )arm may b. Out nwh of ivo k rison. "I eep is very am large family. C10th ...... 103 P 4 and nothing that ?slates to man is indlffssenl tri Ms. Co. 1 25 air Oar. Lies In Viebborg. with Lou.,. of 151.1 and Ineet By a Sosithent Lady. CM 100 !Main to Sidemen. By H: W. IL Cleveland." 13 Church resayo McWhorter. oth-. Grape thilnim. A By ?volitive on the ClCeltreer;;; 1 CO of thaNatlva Tina By And. B. Fuller, moo. Ual Morticultroist. cloth" 1 7-5 Work and Play or, Literary Varieties. By Horace SushimlL -. 1 50 School Garland. A ialection of Poetry: Had Track. 7 . ‘ Ti. of Mexico. Gustare At tnand..._...-......, 25 Lady Maud, the Wonder of fluiprood Ohm.. 1 CO Ten Nights to • Bar-lsoons.•.. By T. El Arthur. 1.25 Tleknork Binary of Spanish Liberatimi. 2 .b.& 00 Composer Thel. By Jain Paul, anther of *le. Tana," "Titan " etc.; Moth...—. 160 The Tiff Pail; Lift., ..d 'Jana 17marili 'Visible. By .U. Minna ; cloth- • 25 Cozumel mid tmmforc: By the Country - Parma, • • anther of "Bommotons of a 00Mitry Panora.' 1 60 150 oolfal BlograPhY. fly ?Jamul - Smiles. en. thor of ..loullelpr; "Geo Eteplionson." etc? - . I 2.5 Tim of.Blavery-Beriptural, Esielasiastisal and •- iltstotical By Blabcp Hopkins, &VS el% 160 Wigor. A Nove2 By Walter Barrett Clerk; • mitten o f !Old Merchants of New Turk"; 160 rilustrafed Bona Ilanapagint BY walk:co: 1 11m Blerttated 1T.... . • . 1160 Bea i; • Citizen floidlor, Army Of the Potomac t cloth. 1 25 Maistrions's. Mortsekaaper. A nor /15nieJah Novel-a companion ta Indus; ckith«. ..-.. a Ufa and Letter; of John Winthrop. Clonmor of Nasactinsatts BayEkommay, 112X1; •••..; Ecticol;noDool2. A .Treatlas on the Pupas. flan ; Ommlottion, Employment, Gantt. snout and Authorities Of Echoolps 1 15 Qea Grant and his Gampatens. By Julian 12. • Inirko. - Witk wrtrall strelloloth-....... /DO - .l3ortialicsl3Maftr CluMtniM Era mid Basta. TOY. By &bort Manning tclo- 128 Li. of. Wm.. M. Prescott. .BY GM. ltoPor. GissegYalleim.' Thstsd paper.: - --- 760 Antablinstspky and Oarresphisdence of Lyman _ Beecher. Edited by hts cam ' :VOL 1, doh. 173 ,Bab .De BMW. . 8 71 , 14..W.13t4217. 3 vls. 21. Sao , Boldries. " A new n0ve1:,,...........„.«....110 Garowakl's Dlary, Nov. '22. and Out • 1 1B; moth. 1 25 1444.• By theantbor 13 Mai; Motto:.- 160 dj Oava.- By maim? af lisiglebor woo deo 6O Gam. Butler In Nine Oalcalla :By -Parton; do. 2 DO Mand•Book law .1 5 esterimat t NY / 11 ' Who:Uri-Moth 1 03. Ooploe of any Of the aIMM kaki addled tree of Poem cotreapipt-otsaki. -.1 netsM Vase, tadt . dear to P ! , O. TITEHAVZTEISDATASSOC/ATED IT with us 01011011 D. 0001 4 , 1 12 ita Pirtle% Desa lust 0.1111,111 palDEßlakatnint2lllll. ' WOE PiTl ' lTaCo.~^ 1~ - ~ CZLX II /3/ I.IID FiIL , T Pala uitsi fIEdD OP THE LIST HOW.IId IT? A. F. CHA TONEY, Otmeral Agent. - j rir .IDrERTIBMIEN7IL VOURIB LIST OF APPLICATIONS .a: aro wiling Ltriner,Bled ta'Abo Chilik'll cillolitair to April 14th, MA --- . , -.: „ _, •.,.., iii., ...1 . 4,4 Franllk _•:. Pam. pO. Keine, and, nevem. let Wand, Pittsburgh. WalL: do '' • do Patrick Arc Corm et, do do Thorn. Dory, do do T 001121.11 Durkin, do - do John Both,eating bon.. ... do .. ~ Henry Evert, other good, • ,do ',. ,, Aaron Beingraver tavern, do A; 0 nekentielcoor'l Bros., oth. good, dD John ,Scariett,i. lmp :, do David Move,, - do do Jaire McPherson, do John Nelson do , , I Frederbk Miller, do . v' do D.,W.Adams. • do. , do Andrew dta -g, du . do Davidson Meauor. .do ' dui ThornasJonet, ' do 2I Ward; Pittiburgh, Themes Unfroze, do : •- 'do Aleph Spencer, do , --:. ? do Jacob Gerber,: • do ~ . do. • JosephhicEea„ . lb .... ,• - to ,laMea Sewell, do . ..., -1111cinel Keeton, dO - • do 'Themes Bailey, die - - 'do Alexander-Murray. ski' Ad-Ward. Piltaburgb. Joeeph Keiser, , do , . do Jahr:, Sialth, Jactd, Keller, othergoode, do - Cnrlcelaa Move, esti.; bons, do August Wittbaner, do • do C. ,rge Schwerin, do - , do • David E Hall, tavern, do Peter Brady, do . do ' Joseph &wok, do do - Franetv McLaughlin, do do Clark dr Co.; do do • Joseph Enhoreider, eating ham, do ..• Stephen Cannella, tavern, do John o•Nont, do do Simon Selinek, ~ other mods, do . limn Vadromp, do do Timothy Connelly, eating house, •do Patrick Dunn,, tavern, do James Brownlee, • other gime. do Owed Coroaran, eating house, " do Chino Quin*, tavern, John limerty, do . • d o Gortlelb Bridle,eating house, . do William Sher, tavern, - do ' Timmy Krats, eating house, do 0. 8. Kennedy, tavern, do • May d Dickey, . do - ' do George Raab,. eadiaghoorn • do Wm.Monett, other goods, do MiCheal Meilen; tavern, do ER Yocum, • do • A do . thorns White, other good, • ' do Peter. Aland, tavern, • . •- do Geo. Blarmarecheln, do do Ilenty Woodcock, do do • Lorit Celia, do do Edward Coileton, do - do M. 11 cCullough & Lio.,ottL gide,lth Ward, Pittsburgh. Vermeil other goods, do Joseph N. Ander/KA. memo. ' do J. Adler It Co., ether good., ' do J. f.'140115021, do do Lawrence Purcell, do do . Albers Moaner, other goads, do SameaLyncb, tavern, do . i Fredeellso 'Meurer, do - do AbizanderCampball, doi do J. I dbotruker, meting home, do ' Jiro MeGrady, tavern, do 'Joseph Blinahart, do do John It Mullin, do do LIMN a Mechlin& other geode, ' do , Louis A Kaufman, do 6th Ward , Pittsborgh. Garbled BM. ' do • do Fresik..J Landgrar, do do Edward McDermott do ~ do Pith. Darnbergar, do 4d John Sehriber, do • do I A Loimbry, do do 0 W Buehler, eating house, do Wm Seldlnsticker . orher good, do Adam Emeriti., tavern. do' . Joseph Reck, do . do John Mider, do do Peter Gelmbeimer ' other good, do Emanuel Media, tams,. a. John Center, do do Wm Morgan, do do Josephine rebuild, other good., do • ilimorrLoflok, do do Michael Greenwald, tavern, do Hairy Coins, ending house, do Adam Sivinehart, tavern, do John Kesler, eating house, do neon grey burg, tavern, do. Catbeine Keck, do do , . Thomas Kelley, . do do • Catharine Sim do 6th Ward, Plttoburgh. Hanyy Zirermarinlvi, do do Chu W White eating house. Ith Ward, Patel:mesh. Geo McLaughlin, tavern, Bth Ward, Pittsburgh. Michael Show, do do John Kamer, do do Wen Crossen, other goods, Bth Ward, Pittsburgh. Gillett. Myer, eating bouse,_lat Ward, Alleghmy. Joe Campbell, tavern John libidos., eating goose, do Sarver Utgler, torero, do ' 0L Nothing. do do . John &bum, do . do Mathew Campbell, do do Mary B Yeech, - do 2.1 Ward, Allegheoy, W B Newell, do do , Goa Walter, do do Jlll9. Neely, do • do Gottleib Dramble, do do Peter Newmayer, do Emil, Boon C., oilier mods, &I *ard Allegheny. EProd. , i dorfer, do • do Frederick Lang, tavern, do . Anton Wacker, do do Gregor. Atiyar, other good. • do Adam Ooppem, eating house, do Peter Glees, Mom, ' do Mawr& Wagner, do d. Jacob &lama, eating hour.. do leonard Kam, do. do Ghent, do do C Goa hristian Jetkel, do ' Goo do Adam Schuddt, do Dopler, do (th . do. Ward, Allegheny. John Bane, do do John Elchenmillar, eating bone., do Bkholim Tamil, do do John Elia, tavern, do John J Cowling• do do Henry lifesnonbeld, other goods, lth Ward Alleeny, Joseph Weber, tavern, do • • Marguette Pack, do do ,'Apolonla ldoll, do do Frederick Bilker, do do ' Bosnia Fieldnor, do do Alleluia Fees, eating boom, do • duo. Kiehentruhl, tavern, . do Fredericlotichirene, do '.. ' do.. Jacob Eagle, do do Antony Miming, otbor good., do Jamee Johns tavern ; do John Mclntyre. do do Premeds Scheer, do do Dormha Mehrlig, do do Adam Mats, do dis ilirmlagition Dor. Mar Fiedler, do do Frederick Seed, do do Geo. Krogh, do. .. do Francis Aloha, do dm George Schafer, do do John &Mai, other good, , do Maxim Konsler, tavern, Frederick Altirea, do _. do Charlotte Hoffman,' do 'Kan Birmingham. Wm. flanman, do ,do Joseph Schell, ' do - do GenJeib Fisher, do . vdadados Borne/. &bidden Maid, dating home, do George Hoar. odor Suds. Lawrinmeillii. Hannah Donaldson; eating bonne. .. do . Valmatioa Mop, twerp, do • Ilichard Mtge, .do 'do William Smith, other gaols, . do ' Barbara Mitwlig, tavern, Mancheirtee. Itarimal Kepler, -do Menoarra.balC John Wenanteeh, do - McKeesport.- Wm. B. Ileldnileo,l do - do • 11. Ktellunaa, 'do do Jacob Engel, do do Jump D.hold, eating horn, • Sbatpabisrgh John P. Walker, torero, , Smith PittidiiiitiglL Jamb Catlating. other goods, . do • glisabetb Emote, eating house. Taman= P. Iritsgrald other - dards. - lernyersaaWilhi. JUL., bidder, eating home, do Daudet Saner, tavern, West Bilinbeth. AL A. McGraw, eating. housa, Weat Preteterigh. ' Preek. Louden, do do Vanntlne Preen., tavern. Baldwin TowtMlolD dadrawLightnar,otherigood, do Win. Sample, tavern, do John Boyden. Dahlab Gartner , do i ' do ' Jae. Slaps !leo., do Nyad'k Weigel: do Joseph Schirmer, other goodie, Boti't Armstrong, tavern, Ired'k Hemp, do klaufslelly, do Mazy Belittle:Mar, do Francis S. Bogle, eating horns, . MTVolker. do , - . Warren.' tavern, ' Jehd AL Yowler. : • do. I • no Peter llostanal, . kdo litidLin. Philip Iloilinan; - ottagood, - do dothah7 SChulter tannic do Jacob Kiel. do 'do Geo..kitineyer. • do do • ,Alartlbuituran, do . Deanna • Jacob Ban*, do DoCandlem. Snall'n. Weaver, do • Pitt: Java lg. illneilar. do . • •do IL D. Van 'Voorhis, do do , . Thos. Gillespie, do . 'do ,Predertak ,Elk Other Goods Pemi Townektp. George Snyder s :do Kn. Ellen Reefer U do e= Peetdae Towash.hi. J. r. D. Beating do . liceirecernaldp Jacob Bore do ... do thus Jung t . do do .. . Beano Towtuiblp; Plill4P Obers ' ' do '.. • ' Barbara Ilechelaison do do Damn Luta • - do do, Christian Nig! , do Samuel Philips . do BoblemonTaimealp. Jim= N.Tid,dell , do . .dO Janus Bryan • do .- do Thom., Davit do ' Miele! Tawmltl4. .. Am Balm .Li .• 'do ' , Colors Township., Ilergratette Bansbei do • • .. do . n'dagot Teehegnar do Verenaks 'Fp. ' Patrick Galligher do "do • • ' Adolph Preoger' '' do ' . WilktiseTp. - E.E.- r' ,-. do I do .Jetoe, IL &Mee ',_-.' - do , • i - do ~ Willi. Hribtliann,,, Ao._. ' . do • _. _ - The , Coml.' will meet on WIDAZSDAY, dgcll Bob, 186 h, atlo o'clock a.: nil Itnennedraaem D 2113 be Med on or before' that day. ' Applinents will bring their bands to my ousel before Oa day cd bend* - aNle2td . . 2 W. A. M.BRON. Clark. EW - AND - DESCRABLIII 4.1., '..., . 1 ', _ ' - .•: !. : . . 12==!= Scotch, Plaid. Bear! nowt Ribbons. =1:11 neadai4!l:lngle I . 3logps a!2d MEER= Black Gm Licel 6 V;npLaiseil Constir. Skirts, Work% Boeter4i ,- Sega*, ifistri4u,,llblzte;a44.lte;, - .9.12 1 ,i.05t se PAWL KAMM! de -60 AI XOO BMX W E SMISOnitaYO I 2IO3ObMi ' aretailnall ladVbit. PSVer blinOrk, 1411 M IV#_ atsSo OXON • 11 1 1EliUan.W. --, *Mold stmt. :,,:z _ MIN= AMR" .SD PER DEL J. M. LINDSEY Will be permandrat4 lontid at Nosii - . 437 an 4 69 path st., ; Whets h• la now prepazies BLOOD SEARCHER, Which IffLir for sea J. M. FULTON, DZINME; !`IIL~ON9 :~- l~ ; a EXTRACT PARERII 'BRAVA, CHLORINE WATER, ha rah 61 JOHN m. vim:rows H°°Pul'lr" GEBRIAIV wrisss, ADTRATIAAD IM ALL TRA SAAWAPAW4 FULTOWB DRUG STORE, PIE S. T, 11180-L PLLNTATION BITTERS, aDVZILIIRLD IN ALL THi.YAPSBB, Tot ale at - FULqON'S. na. W PELARTI3 PINE OriETIR CORDIAL, I ' ADVERTISED snaianxiss, i ror Ws at Fu i Tows DRUG nom, CONSTI93TION WATER, • arbizinerD 0131101111X4t, Nor sal* at FULIVIWG DRUG EITORR do Moriloro, MIRO& Elicabodt. Harrison. Ind Etas. Loom Bt. Mir; L ad AYER'S I Chem Pectoral & Barmanla, 1 rampla et HAM • • • - •' 7 Bachelorlo and airtittoderots, )pr a. st FULTON'S. TWOD °slim Ou'"))E 3 '; E7UBB . .pmeAsou Maim. . _ spv _ ,1.1/ta. ciiIMI=IIII=MII , • z t•val -_-- -. inzra BIRLYET. F22=El ,In STREIT sari ersx*r. rare 111711111 T. ~~,~: ~::~:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers