!A . _,. 6 • • ugh LiSazeitt, _; , - to'itits. Pon. "Tteineiti yalnabli'*abllo dominants eicvded'otit thti • :tot. ok . the 17th Aruir Corps ho, anivid it-vaottOni-Viciaistirg, - Wteither te.reffi'F s eiiithe arnij at Chattanooga , -or tiritAriny. of the Petcanac r we, are only perniltita:ts' iliele" For the present it eaeidmped at' Cairo Tripe weeks ego.we 931101_41Qatietitmn oar citizens to tho project, for removing OM Butte Copilot friss HmTlsburg -to Philsdelphint',there is imminent dozier tho' colitine, will become on *ma'am. pllshed fat fu4s s the peOple iststit tam to oppostslt. ere-the -people tlifk - 4 1 4 and Allegheny ; county -- of oete PezzfYir/I"744aliktlat the molt? . : It would aim that they ere, if the old:esw hi true that osilence gives con ' eentn r T';T, e.. „, • State Palings:, The.lte..au.uneneountable apathy 1 , 1 0. 12 k 14 m a ny . ' . notion: upon the" . call of the State Central Conentttao fors C onvent on to meet at 11arrlsiarg on the 28th lint. We note be; low: such action by OUT friends tbroughent* -the State,in . response to -the call„as bee met cur notice: - Atm: s%-Tho llntouEYecuti a Own toliteal ofAlliStietiy • ; ;Tit*: m t i nthis yesterday and Issnedlitalt, which will r be f0n444 intr - eidtentkilifs'inaridng, foi a Convention 'of the loyal men f• ce1194. ° e comp Jazz the party of said county, to naeetitt theConrt /louse on' Tuesday, April 26th, at it o'Olook, - . - .., for Senate - vial and sre Stpresen etive`:delliates:lci. the Tinton -State 9:invention,- deleOtel' to `the Baltistore Conietitlin; Coni• - eitionof - 'ficasSildetfor_the224,o42B.i'dittrient. Thu 114114 1 t fer : 4l lo S4b 2lll 4 the; bonveidon , .l. to take place on Saturday ,:` April 28d be- fireeti . Stre44fitypta.74.l7,niostßapublican mass metstiflrshOintlfotitroseottthellthinst. for piiiiese electing delegates ictiin - National and State oin . 70.1 tto - /Ur. !” It adopt. a iutton indoetti Mr .-Luca= and ,sa y ing ,: ikat . hie keel:Oblation' - • : would be iled -"l'ith:Pelgre44est ett L. F. Pt= teas c hosen Repiesen ratire delegate to tiamlabnig, and confer sem were efni44 l -ed to assist in the iihietion of Senatorial: delegate: Gatveni. A. Ostia was a iAtiiiid"fl 1 p e egatec Itslamorn, - with Wee U. Jassor Rig.; as alternate . Impish.:-!tiecnicanhots of th emu tee will meet in the Court Hoare; in ; -the Biraug,lii*:lndiani;Ou Tuesday, April 2 11 'Lbi 1 1 4 6 %* ZI2, for the,pzu , pair of eatoOildt 6leilees to the State • VeritiON-fillllll*ll, irreigemeata for the' eleettnnotdelegittea_ln the National, Con . Tenttnl3, and tolfix;the time for holding the P!intiirY • eiott- , delegates to -the -Courtly Csareattan , • :county oomuuttee , le called f:° meet at fhinGotelde'i Hotel in ; ,_ . -Greeniht&g,enistlirday; 6e ; 211d of APIA • trAt'ieideiiip.M., to eleet deleg a tes the Staiti'VonientiOn'aita to -' , Uiiiead to other BBs wliteli may come before , the )4irarteepon,--,The membersof the countY emamititi*t o ltd #atienal- triton paity of ElmottaitdonMitirity met at the Court noise; on • ' • - • mislay ternoon, April 1214 to cleat ,-• &legatee"to the coming'tints 'C ; • ° So oatsr A Union - Mass- meeting is to be held ati,hafCeart libuse in Somerset 'on ..1 Tuesday Lienicg, th&Sith last, called; by itentty'.r.annitted in - attend to • - titzli'bt4,l44ell." Tie ;Attack on Cttaiiisoia..lnvort.ant • RelPflopmeotto-rytio Iron.Ciads. tailtastotioir toigiesolvitiOn - at lie Haul of Ris - pivsentsbiliiobo 'l3eoretari, AYO , _ Noxylomi moat'sn y 3ntereeting retort Co tho •itlialeziayt of oar;boa-cud• Thisoopnri Oleo mob; tildsbleis " 'flair's or , t h e sit 60i.ppon Chsrlegoebi Baiter - and Da. ~_ pantn ... • ~.lir, A , 4 vi i oix clui,u3To e` : sub ' t ile cintaa a • oeuig • an is_ ._, li_ w. fst itta ltig t t in o the .m a t. sy, tack lois C l eeti „j 3l :: 3 edvieed hi the ' 3162 i Dili ! , 19 ii wiittannnine Hill,' llePercibtamettitoN - oork,tbst the;-W An _sr to capture 1 „ 4 'eat inolniMiene to ul Dertrireol *-11.` 4 to tbemetemeli • beriaeleOilMt ' Ad miral -: Pea `-` i1e,..„3344,,er0e1th--d meet - 2'he 44 on - • -of ... ..-?,- T do , a tip tore rested s olely__ . . Worm= l . " I i ii a °wry , end this was c am. m il l eAier =l: halal- to e Z ee f ile i r i l l° 3 e Xt, acre et ,the.Deparporl i rl . , , Pc: . _ .....:...z. „ his Ituil ' et "niti. al 4:the.2 , lth o.7immill s • . , Admit- Dupon t, should indiseorlp noon, eeplltdtbal,-.,_,0 „„Ameet, but hemaa7 ..' ~,t thee or setremr- . „ o „ thee ,- - . - "" N oe for 14 attempt .'. ibb , - more e __ d th e 'Nem during tiss. *-' 'The advised macram47... th e Admiral 1641 d m om mon th , Charleston , If be deemo . dot am alum* c ' e )4, Lothtsolent 40 - A sombei et iroa.o a _ --0 .h., ceeteresettate. bees: render •--,...,- - „,: 000t real altsok bad After dZi oor ethey et. ibis, Nary& rolarrblg - ' mad e , - ~. emtlenttal orrespozidenooo. - -, to - proer t ;-“ - -., m at t: I t tbalm t l n s ta lli t e t l x /S . / 1 Ptate4,oi tind i 4;lo , 3d bi the, j;lri r thlT ken ') ;31teretilP evens 4445tej•TilidotibtedlY have ' - lien ordered Mere . _ u r tr....1014a Lb. '' Admiral Thlblrea IZ l :ittlek - 0 1 fatal 'at - making ,„,.. sty . be :was - , Pm *, b o t the ------, beitiP asAsit, Arno .kao, bt ".ll - ,.. But ~‘ f .-.•-- wesPen4s,he sought as a 73;7; sight wrbe posed lit„,ropielabeed" a fli e d to yim Admiral - dews " vet C43l3idltd Mille be oe6 die:Note st udy, e pri or ',be-badlands more t .„ o year- If, it in heed for ,ous y et thi, 7120„,Apri1,8. -, ge 114 4. .. l Tr oa dzi. ill the tlieni%it„t letlh" ° theirutootoort‘agthenemil,,,, ,- We and iladentad°l ttta tbst ien ''''''' oiti m to to 0413°- y o ur . di strust of th eir c$P4 ,_... 011. ise" 7" =WI before soy demon the Xl.lmrise ,„. 71:14(1:11 , oi, the rli sd .k er . J a atl oit r . ' u las;i i i i d i mira the / ga DaPo Tas ill leforaw' - . to etito go tab all tat - tut ' 4411 * ilir leee blob has Lieu so • , Sea iria I wo Al i-- V 'bleb ' ‘_' A be r 11 / 0 7° , 1 -tbe' rebelliee*- andtot leiehla ' te 'erotism:lmnd Teo .. . t u m or 40 a "P r om tbe44me e 7 ' 7 la the law.* says, 4.1i0 appears - ' - see k. the 13e idell loth tos renewed' ', letin, .t to oliPee viewat tau : ~. vtageeee n and in ~- ear YA choleric' * .cid to tellers Yoe: /watt ea ,theele ee flt tilesbron trorpoete to be yo i __.. te° • do:he se: M l ?' , ; • ',"...,, , .., aswOr t. ,- lit,',itille! faller, -- - atilosea.aar,....." to the Alt "es: aitid 4> I h e i. 47 1. Datititen"*!'e elligrit ...pupate .....-Itio Cbarlraieli, spinet. C hief Eileen, 1 , ,Bite 7 Flrt " -- a ..-A.t4dgisiar' r"" l " t i m who ha- rePlrttlid-bietiOtt4Plat' - cl o t but:' Peer",mr. stheete .. - DirliPii , ..f ilovjeoet-o,lalk:, cool, etbiolh'illi7 ,mi. .,m** - , --vied befort4e l f ruses, , „ nai3utioo,Tdelf, - nomination ....A' from trivet' 1 1 ; - '- esositrarmallawl o f , you, 7i' -• th o l i lilbe - bi'illieb...„,""teeththilli? 4d .”. 1 - .• e - f _s_____ iemitib llfj th e tied •lhe attrill:i*Aeldob, t' " doleapoliii4,tl7l4,3lobjeetr.' iii. 4 ...4.....-,--datopk prt,,ottoitlan, 4 i a d - A0 asi• Ina ' m y , adds A` P z i l i j e at T liny Liai'737c4l2,/it. teepreteds'i'leri h , that ma tor : r . 15 10:*" . .r__--"iii=63.110441.....- , tio , 1 Aitije l " 21- , - mo-1 " can .fool `l. i. -an -';' w e° wok :dr..% '-I oloisitii" item - pau - -'- - c4ilmt'- ats° 41"rder ° u letldt little Mate at ,thiaTel will have AO • txtidf,Uu , .4,, o r etait'Abai s stictquetti: la rm. X - 70. '1 - bare , 4* * 4 10 47 'Ada Alirnps. 1 I„ the they , are Ira en thst que!tio,..'' thi veigr Aa.t-t s" " - Dupont to t6udd ... *- 1,4 further ‘111)17 ':-i ,: 4--_,„. 4 , _:;i4 /e t il e ---- tied 7IS•-, .1,4;14*1:.!;', '.17.:-',."...-,..-4. 1 . rte 4 .A , " 1,1. `'., .:`A,.14'"';.:'..-.,'.A `-`,1,,,c...r,,j,„..,-..., ' . , I ; _ ..„,.,, 2_ • ~,,,, ~ ,,T,', . ., - ..',...','--,'; '..,,, '-----.1-A.:';'i'l-`,,k'' t,.. 7r -' '_,-1-,. 2,,g, .!,....,,,41.......:-.,..,..„„........- .- .. - .. 1 ,,,,. ..„---4,,, -1 , -,... , .,.. ~ .-.?--J -. f.-.-;.. . - ......,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,-;,........ ..t., 9.1,..- - ,,A....... , ~.: ~; _`;. .; :_ fi . , rfroas e -Ml3l murales on Morris mato, was duly acknoWledged but was not obey tair teligraphis order of the Presi dent,'lltted Idith , AprO„ ,, directlng Rear Ad *liciPenrina General Hunter to take the batteries - oartionisteland and antitrust lensid; vela swim; set Tar na thhiDepart. meat is advised, qbeied, or attempted so be Obeyed, by Bear Admiral Dapcnt: The order of 'ibe. Secretary of Nall . dlrecting Rear Admirer Dupont - . tO co=oper ate with General Gli m ore was not obeyed. IdsjorMeneral Ranter, ,in a letter to rho President, referring to the ittackTbr the iroreclads„,upon. 9borleston,-. an ~a ttack in which, from the itature o f AbCplana of Ad , - Weal Dupont, the tinny had no active part, says theta's the mornlng•after the attack, the army was ready to proceed to tarsi Mop" rise island, and , I fFert Sumter would bare beart=ndered untenable in two days' fire." Oen.,', Minter. adds "On the afternoon StiMe the &meted attack on Fort Sumter, the troops;on Potty Island mere not only ready to tress light House Inlet, butvet — re acted in the act, a Anal reconnoissance lutting been made, boats ready lite men *oder arms for they were re. &ailed, as I hoped merely, temporarily, by the annonneementef. Admiral Dupont that had resolved ' to 'retire,. and that, cons,- (peaty, ',WS wool:I-expect no assistance from the - navy. Immedtstery the-Admiral' was waited upon by an opeor , of my staff, Who =presented 46, forwardness of our -preparations for 'meting, the evidently _ unpreparedness of the enemy to receive us, while any delay, now that our intentions' were tutderstood, -would glee the enemy time to erect upon the- southern .end of M'bale-Island,..commanding: tight House ttilet, , those works Which holed. heretofore neglected. . , • 'To three, Consideratioits,.. earnestly. and elaborately urged, the Admiral's answer was that sfiteeretild not tire sumac r shot." 1% Plipifttn t hie up Information se to who devised the lion of attack on Fort Surciler!t&llear Admlral Dupont on April 7.1,1863,1m6 never doubted that, it ,4 ; originated 'and' belonged exclutively to I dice!. ' • • • -111 Z 1771114119 CT OP IRON CLLDO. he it lititi2ool torn:avid and military Ltri COPP. in relation to the iron Mods forma laige part of the Sectetory'a rep trt. He tr Admiral Porter eaya that no batter proof fo ; waiting 'of the ability of tbe West to epioly ail demands of the government for Ironclad! than :le given in thine. building at Chid - nand Bo remarks allot in - six -neonths we min Wore a tloet of vt stele vhiob .erillirolcot the Oblo and Mimisnippivivere against the fleets of the itorld- He also "earessettlia opinion in fever of - iron Clads for harboidefence. !Beer Admiral 'Oltldaho:4)4Bh hi. nit eo stintident." - .lth decisive that but an indif intoetes has been reached, and holds VISE thitificiency or 'thirinsto "'merit of ity - irou slid intended for the ocean or ! Tor can't purposes,. le - 'to be estimated so eprfilitelo ber.,:strength thronghoat every part; :1( the.htill, Every Den clad, should I Do's gnat, for harbordefsnoe unprovi. '44 14lit gnat, sod might be used' for in letior-Lliver operations in a country like our Own in cast of maritime diffmulsy. believes our iron clads to be open to serious :objection; that there las masked defiolency of ability. for general •naval operationz, timing more' euitablis for entooilt, water- bar. :bat than hi eta service. We, should, how- Oil; profit by experience fie - rgarils the ;Net Ironsides at more efilideuf. than its predication. Brigadier General Barnard basilic rx ismineAtheentlict of armored and terreted reisels, - .applled 'after Eviction's desi g n; parllonlar_ly as • Itsrhsr defence, exprespes 'bitajpiniosi that they furnish the beet so- Warm of the, prialoabllity of vessels for thitiparpess. - The Dictator and the Purl tan, he say; can etteeessfetily contend agedostany elipetloat 'Madison and IllikrahOL Mies Illartinein is helping .to._entreat, publits sentiment- in 'England, awl taro hi Ip:favor Of the Northby giejetirealielErell as of her That to America in 1.635*. Prcm Southern men then epske with frank ness of the evils of elavery, and looked' with foribeviii* to the futare.- 'She says of. Judge Marshall: lle was elghty.ihree—as bright•eyed and • i waratteuted se ,titer, while as dignified sk , judge u ever filled the highest seat in the , kigtutst court of soy country. He said be •hi,d seem Vligialattie leading State for half . his lifr , ,he hod PCP her become the second,' aratink to be, I think, the' fifth. Worse' than this, there .was no arresting her de oitrsede diltiot &this cot to sherern s o dhe saw no edges of any inten tion to do so, east of the monnueine, at , least. ' lie had seen .hole groups of .catatee, populous in big time, lam into waste. Eta had neon agriculture exchanged for human sioikbreeding, and keenly felt the degra dstioe. "The forest was returning over the. line old ItS4ll2.l*lllld- Wild Otelthltell which, had not been seen for generations were rgi appearing; numbers and wealth went de elheing„and education and manners were : degenerating. It would not here surprised', him to be told Mit 011 that Boil would the main battle bb lcmght, when the. dsy should came which he foreasw. Madmanafia says: , Mr. Madison had a cheerful and • este. guine temper, and if there was one thing rather than anothtr, which ho had learned to consider aeourr.,• it was the Constitution, *blob he hap large stabler* in meking. 7 , Yet he told me that lee Ira nearly nearly In deV; 'pair, and that been quite so till the. Colonisation :Boole* arose: Rather ; then. ' admit:tie lab:itself ''that the -South inusehei laid waste by a servile war, oi the wbolel, country by chit:War; ho strove to believe; that millions of got could b.) carried, to' Africa, and se got rid of.. lie talked more of slavery than of alt all otherinhjeols together, returning to it Morning, noon and night. liessed that: the clergy preerted homage was Altogether,. against .slavery;', that , the, colored -pepulathen • vas lacreselag fasterl, than the white; and-tb tiro'tetra of =M.: uewee such as barely•pettaitted `society ter; exist, , • - - • 1)1 the hate of the'.ooolliot r irlienerer it; should vicar, there could, he said, be se: doubt„ Avociety. brirderted' with a elarei system` 'could" make no permanent renist.-; once to the 'tlitenonmbered• enemy ; and ha, was 6/squished at the fametleism welch; blinded semi ',l3enthein men' to en clear ti! . 'ooDiTiltrlTlllo Gazuatincs.—.Beerri little while a report. braterted est there Ls; I' , comaterfelt of some denomination of. geeentmoks in circulation, and the knowing; ones shake thele.heade and say, that'after lepltenderhas been in ,ueelong enough,: ar e shalt see what ; e 'hall see. . Tbs bank of England- notes bare boon In circulation s good tails, and in pretty general circulation They itrn orcaelon ally slo7bOay mu, learn frcm.:Frainda's history. Lint .did any se rious, Iris to the pnblia - ever bappes reason of these forgorlee,-4by lots that, shotOd ebaks the ;1%114 of the circulation,: as se em, to be antletpided by croakers to Abe cue off ths tendon 2-4losten Drity..darecrtiett. Zditofe Comb*: 4pd the following sen 4 Wee in l e ading editorial et a instemporary, , • of Wedneeday monting !Tkreet'sitatel oolventego 011 aid enmsoZooll mitigates patent orldth prow tr oonteotodesoi moray sinsiosltoxidpossodle. , ' Whet does the above mean! Nese it sto that *arils inch 'ac east different,e between, the- orthography of climate end ollotatologyi, I esfOodd have atuihnted the appearance of the wordin this ;connection to a t7poirephlest 'error but r think It's:Out be attributed td monittbing . It. is &trams to use big, - words, apeelalty when „we do soeS sndssitosid lholoseadat. o ClLoostology,"esieWebsteri . niitheeelinee OfletiMateal-erian impetigo. - time of the "amps on'-which the allmite et place &Nadi." - .lthat baton' advantsges Abe stientiderinveitigation _of olio:tette Indni erioni deirerOisedis, tore? It no wonder ,thaa boo:of,-,ourviorthy.editoriiii the 'Ane traxaberbf 4- t mentlay, Easseine. jtut reltuOtii.'licieneels every- doe;•thing; but , vortueAs!l. l "..• PF. l # l 4 l "l' • 1 M.f~~47Tt Y~. ~ ~.-+tR - ~FT.}'i`.:.. ~'K'.._.. ~-=Y'. X +N.W_.::3.til_. ~:,~ .... a_ ... ...........-.1.. :..~~ -y,~. '~ ':i m~... ._ter- ~ __,~.._. Moiolitc,i'/"Ven• =Erg "WHIM .XOTIVER.L fr - .A _MEETING of tho Etockholdore or the SIOCLSIOR OIL 47031PAi7Y. 1e held ea FRIDAY, 2341 bat., et 2 oletetk et: le ,-et the store of Online a Thome% Liberty e vet. _ • u. • COV,NTY COUNCIL Throo Da eon lenient: Lard 0 non. In tim Praildrot of glio noon, roan of AgILYITiB HALL,. Pintangti. on Witlitigaltill, Ann gOth. -Imacrtont tgoilorim regain the tiittrodimato of full &fagoting from avert Oigtti 4l ., • - By roller of • opt; Intl' . Tut piston:4n. • O.BOUHTY ATHA THIRD WARD; ALLEGIIENT—The contributors ito this thud are Jamestly regulate d to mast THIS m0m .4.11 EVENING at 7,;4 ulna, In Gsorae 11•11, ea Abaco to to be • business. meeting or, the Centribetars. All Interested should erect ptamptl? at the b<nr named. tpl4'- S:tf. EOM Prrskient &r. Orr - .ca or COLINUM "U. CO Xr.ars okrii)tirita • 11; to the Stockholders to Casty on and after tb n e l lttn day of April. Y. lIIEBTRAVIIIr o spltter 9eeretra7. UNlON.—Members Ore heyby netided that • Itegdar Nestley will be had m 1110IteDAT Sri& 1110, lit 7% &cloak, in the alloy of M. DARIUS & 00, 01.rat4 We" comer yhttd and EltaithAeld Areetr. - Was of Importance, • ! By fader of the Prerldent. _ iyl3,2t J. A. BARICIa. teeertte.7. &roam= Beak or.Prrreaciair,l E 5 • Patotargh. April. litth, 1664. -(rA GENERAL MEETING OF T — Stockbalders of this Boa be held at the Dealing Roma= I . BIIII6DAY, rid)7 6th, at eleven 'O'clork, a. m. to take lido consiettati the ex. MIAMI of the darter, approval laittiar 6th,1661. .r aplit-derd . • 11. 11. MIIIIBAT Oarliter.• • 1:1N1T.7 COUNTY CONVENTION. —Tinley/Imam of Masten, county, eon. Brlting the Vtdon roan of said county, are requested , toirssenthle, at the unit places for holding dealt:au to their !muds, boroughs, township, and elealon precincts. reflectively, on DATUM/AY, April 23d. In t.; and elect two delegates to reprettent each db trictnforelaldln a COneentlen to be held at theoourt Berm, to Plttabargb, on TIDDIDAT, April 26th hat., et 11 o'clock. a. m., for the runt:not electing two eenatorial and Ire BepreicrantireDeleigare to the Paton dtate Onneaution, Delegable to the Bs. Unitla I:masa:lop to be held at Baltimore. 'and nendneting Oongreesionel undidatts for the kg `rid lid Malibu.. The meetings In the wirer and borse,thet abet be held tetttreen the bumf of G . and r t ' otre of tp o . e ' no . o"go i l, t he 's "MP' b." 1". the • - By, order of the Mika E [tail.. 0 MlClalttee A. td..BROWS, Chatruka. ILETricarie, Femttrz. spllFtd ; FIRST NATIONAL RANK, GE' ;A.L.L.W.G.Enr.Ny. Volt prtillei;lo thaw.. fo 630;000 this Bank in timr tally orgstased and in mew lita open. • .• 1 -We ars ratio prepared to an a general Banking bads= land offer ear esuirkea ea correspondent to Daub 'Bankers throughout the country. • Special Wanton given to collection In lite and the adjoining caq of Pittsburgh, as *dl us on an puts of the memory. Honeys suceind on &foal; and litsobazsp on sit the prim:lnd cities bought and sold. • Agency for V. S. 10.10 Bonds. IL H. DAVIS, HNNET °WIWI% JOHN THOMPSON, A PATTIRSON. T. H NEVIN, JOHN DC.TH, WIL RARRANGH, O. 0. BOTLA ARTHUR H 088024, XENIA' Pstaites. === rr REMOVAL, 19A l T° 179 . • { Wood Steals I— "late, bommal.k4 . ..the.'";,. Feb ntr tr oar bur 1 1 08 Don to ilanonneo that we .01 tornovo oar 110810 MRS, on the 1.13 T Or APIIIL nest, to 129 WOO D STREET, rcms Dobus Awes pgrra STOUT, - Booty opposite au Pletaborgil,Trofft Compon : y. ai-Thnsulashs arm. Ibr STETNWArS PIANOS Oll'llsoolo In oat pommnloo, as Demo. • H. ICLRBER & 1111.0. JeMElno7wrn• (tines OT Tan Fr17114120a. PORT WATIMI CeiC.loo 11AltlirAr Co., • .Plttlhurgb, Pm. April oth, Bortrd.of Direct n hero thle day 'declared a Dividend of TWO OD ONE-ITALY (2%) PCS OYff on tho Capital Mock of the Company, oat of the pet earn. tnp. f.. the Trifler ending March ftlat,l nOttoo, Capable them of Governmeat yam) on and letter the 10 At day of May, yprom., at the Geteral Moe of the Company, to Pltatureb, to the Stockhri)dere Whale et sa I. sneerer, d three, and at tbe Agency of the Corelney, New. Window. }.ante AOO4 lie. 12 ve all moot, New Tort, to the Stulholdem who. .lock t. realatered there. The Trawler Books of therameman ammo{ o'clock p m.. 'head of May, prom, and.will main timed till 10 o'clock a. to. on the 17‘la Of May therealarr. A SPECIAL MEETING of the Stockholder. of the Cleveland A Pittaborgh railroad Company wOl b. held it the,ottloinf said thanksor, to ideveland, on the DAY Of MAY. IE4, &t in o'clock a. Ve., to cola von the lemma of the Capital Stock of odd Company, for the per- pee of alloying the bonds of .Id Company to be concerted Into .tack. The Tran.for Dooko will be awed mdtke Ind day of Apeflnad open of the fob do of May. By order of the Board of IlltactOm. J. N. IIcCULLOQuiI, President. Cteveland.lllarob St. 1854. migakt..o • Ouzo or }form CLAP ?ammo at.. • 215 Fifth street, Pitothorrgb, Aptl.l 4,166 t. l'E THE DIRECTORS of the " North "F"'" Miff Ltifdtlfratfouty, of id Ichitta." have ltylat anaie stmentof 0 tit DOLL.II7. P2BI3IIARE on the capital 19 the same tory .land at the clove of buittuto tIATUBDAT, the Seth Inattat, pistil* to the Trestarer on TITEBDA.Y, the tgth of NAT text, with latest tier that dtte. r. • . so)httoyll • • 11101. tf. HOWIE, Treetuter. )11111:1=411. ft-WATER/LID CLICLIOCI Ea 114.111 OPTICS ON VIII 81:1:1111Alit, Pittabarght.P . s., Itobanot7 .14tkl8fA. DIVIDEND. --THE BOARD 0 IT'3 ' Directors tufo tbb day dalakwil for of 1111,TEN PEE CENTITK on the Imam" or TIM btorttigo Dot* of fhb Cotopani, Got of Cu rune .Ingo of 18ES, potable In cub on the is d_si of Aptir staff. TWA W:11, BABRIZ,Body. K?.FOITRTH WARD..A.LLEGIIENT. —The Mock Ommittees eTe hembligetUled no hive all eaborlpUona he the bounty fund hel leeted and mikes Sad meet It • meeting to be held on 'THURSDAY ZUKDEO; se Ty. o'eldnltWantba Rona of if. - Y. A. Talbanber. Clement drat. 14 ender et the (ipin) 001 S burr= ."SPECIAL NOTIOR—The owners otol7 at the Allegheny landing ere to remote air CHI at once, otherwise it sr= bir renumsE at their, ISIPPDPI, u Ultra Is nOt.rooar 'there to do the cerrent basinon. Attention to this matter till asto trouble and mime miat. , JAMES ALLIS, Wharf Motet. 1 XE 401 t vxzerise.me.rrs. TALLOW! , OIL-12 'barrels, to arrive lb steadier /ebb!. Itabbe, CO sale by • iylb • • 113.0•14 DICK= t CO. WAREHOIJBE - WANTED-4n?good tnatfon Ibr butlnlti Apply to , . 415 &au THOSIT.T 6024 8,61 Woad it. GREEN SALTED IDES1001:10 hovy Quin WWI Hidr,ray dig* for ma tr 7 apls 249 and 61 fl=ZiA s e r it U i of Wood. VELLING 11011.SEg WANTED ijaa good lookilaoi In the city or.chmtr{Lttnm pal to tin thou tnd dollart. "Apply- to apt, :B. 40111 UST it BUBO, ISt Market Et. A NEW. WORK Oh: THE HOERR— ins illibuttad VMS Bony meat, amain. lag deactivate tomerka on natomy, Ifiallcine, bboolatt, teeth, Nood, 'Vote, fitablet, lamas, plan account alba slination; Mann and nano or ths 'unions pants,' tosabar with Mammas on grooms, dolma, brorAtza. and asthma l ate Mirt Haste and Dame" Ittnballabed with men thin 400 imaymangs. Bf liward Idaynew. I vol, Pao. Tor taus by (apl4l 71AT a CO., 65 Wood amt.: BREF—Veg _choice Mein. net D e p t Cored Dried Boni SzoW Sof Tongues, on Mod and for Isle by . . • _ Joint am:inn:LON' 013 oonwrr Litany and Used arson.. . AtILNL CRAOKBIIB.-5 bbb. fresh F baked Wing's oshamtcd hem Omit* Jute meted and *ante by JOILN 'A. =SHAW. nadir Omer; 4l3 ' Omar Liberty and Mud itrosts, A FRICAR - COFFEE —A iiiall 400 of Pi. eboke Militia OoSie; rasembllag thi :tank Moths hiqvallty sad flsvpr, for We at th e tfaitly (homy More of , . spill JOTIN A. mamaiw, torpor Mort, ald Vaud strata.. SAL . OIL.- 4 Fresti Itailan, Nidd and , Mazda= 011va 011, to pinta and quart., rends. ed and tar dile by tbs. dim dr does bottle, at tbe Tastily Ornery &arid • JOHN 443 A: an, ' ; ''Oornisrldbortyousd Band dyads. i VIESUR,OLL BUTTER AND E(438 day, D7m um. chokenca But' Its. fa tam-11 f batlf rums and dhow Od , - voiat a ca. PIICYTOGRAYIIIO - ARTISTa— x- Jost reeettra ; nAoE4Bounrosor Vigs4re i*et. cr129,14 - thd did dcperred coke ...1 401111 Va Y. 112 Wood*, D_WS42.S bbis. primi Whimpiiina; jj ; 7sc tial•4tUs7e9lN 7'i t RIG ' = it CO• 113111ING lhoscallaid Med NecristkeN Ibr Web/ wp.i•f W. P. igABSKOII Fr WO* .Xtir- . ...lllrEnini=i7gA vs. VE HAVE T HIS DAY AMOCIATF D Mth as GEORGE D.P0014 tt, tb. notate, Dais*, and Gomel Gotazatastos bletowl. April Itt 560. otmA64PBrrrr 200. apLktmd WANTED- BOAHD IA A IftlirAlt.P.l OILY, by a gown man &tiring 4. . °carotin of a good bow 4014 rots fur two d.gi r.,: HOLM, 0A.Z14111 OF 110 h. ~ itgilht BIIGGIES, BA.ROII F., A - 4 ,—On Na arday morning, Aptil; 'thr, as 11 n'ohek, w.ll he lied .t the Oommercbg dos Rooms, 14 Filth street, I num for top boggles ;.:4 .... 1 opon top harp., .4 "... 2 famty Wenches, cneAnd two hone; Idol:;1e sat !worst ; ; I dozen bridloa, an. Itp/3 DAVMA IicIIALLI39II. Acterti. ENGINE MANUititTUREREMEET IDG.—An agatirnstlAssUnd, of the Ratline and Defier llsionfactarera PitisOnrgh and Ade. theory will be held ar the roPlas of the ban Auseta Hon over Zog A Patnter's,aii Water street, on TEL DAT, April 15th, at 10 o'l4/ek, I. In., to beer the spurt [Am the Committee 0 Yernlahinit machinery for the /Unitary Fair. ISAYIES ItZettl, 110nDAT LZA. ,/.1). W. O. =au, aplt-lt " Ustremettee on Ilachlnery. VENAL NOTICE—LIC , TERNAL ral3ll-33, lostruello gaited from the Coai mlarkmar of internal Itirreae, It la Itapiratira that .lucolsn should be rattostid Wine the Itt of May, 1/3t4, Manton oatloo is t r Rim thst all pa. was who fall tot:Dab, is ItHas to Mu abase tom- Mooed date, mill have a ret mad* opt fa Ono by lb. Asstd.:a Aassatoro, nolo the beat Information Miry can obta . l.u. nods pealpof $lO srIU be gala. ERNST A. fain, Ammar, spl6-1011tv oftles 103 [A L street, Plttslo'h. hOUSE FOR BAL D , " —` A. very neat and du two story brW' darelllaglonas, mar tr. new, attested on Boyla,trareet. (corner lot) our tbw 001132110/11. Allegheny, atformient to imarketr,' whrola, melodramas:l roorm,all newly papered, marble mangos in parlor, dor hearth. Ant gsa In miry. room and hall awl IS ar In book bulZhag. All IM'shed In the !stemle throughout. for o. tarn, t, apply to Ulf GAM So. 76 Grant atmeg t Opptadta Com. Moms, or at 11Altd t AIDDLII46 Mon% Dlsmand thous. . apl6.lwd NOTICE--The partkOrehip heretofore , atfatlug War tbo Iljamo of JENNINGS 1141IILSON, fa thlf doy, dboolood mu. tad commit, lIIINJUIIS 1S JENNINGS Imolai; purchased tbo entlro lateral! Of WILLIAM HA IL. SONofill condom the Sloluots of coanufsetarfng SPIEES,RIVETA, 4a, at [bar factor, 2t), OA STESET, Allegbony. BENJAMIN W. JENNINGS. WILIASIN fILIIILTOS • April It. ItSt• rethlog fmen the Ere of JVIN/NOlll • HAM ILTON, I cheerfully recommend my lota perther to the pefeetutte of the public. apls-tApril 14,1804. WILLIAM HAMILTON. erd LADIES SHOES— . •LL CMS, AT M'CLELLAND'S AUCTION. No. 55 Fifth titreet apl6 RECRIIITWANTED! TOR TH2 Fifth Regiment U. 8. Artillery, 13=! Thom tr . ebleg to CIUNt rerorite bra.cb of U. verde, .111 remise tbe Monet GEMS [MUCH! .and LOCAL BOUNTIIB The tette et service t• only three yews. Recruiting Bondi:swat.. No. 120 FOOBTII -Pittsburgh, epp''•ite the 'Layer's Mao -re , idaa WILLIAM, Jr lot Lieut. eth O, 8 A.ralfrry, spllrf liegtoteohtt &smiting °nicer yOU CAN ALWAYS Pi OCURE Omatitoilos Water Mid foal. Water, • Boroint's iketals. and 'Latham, FY, idatitgloost of TOoth, Balm, o oT Solt wars Plias Ind Otatmet, Ifm.AllmealLidr limurnir arid Zylobahamust I.l.lmbota s SochaSd Sarsaparilla, zti Lindsay% Impramialdood Searcher, • tlitbls Orrent, Flue Tend Soma asht Portion., oafs Brmate :Nall Bombes, Tooth Drnahra, Omani Doss iswie, comer Ohlo arsi Sidon lo lat!mo.:hlltal=l,_ spll SILO h. hiLLT CO. LIGHT GYMNAgilea—The fint es hShitloa of Dr. Did LEWIS' pm not= of • Lioht or Parlor Gymosetics lo 10 be given at CON -OEIIT HALL, ca illinioDOT DYADIC°, April Det, the shoo to appear lai foil costume. A sock* of Emu with the Light Dumb trolls, exorcisms with the Orummolo Dins tad Woolf, are to be pal formsti,bit• Win other highly Wens/dug oxertioso, ail to rolinned by a musks' rotertsfommt. .... Demi open at T Webtak÷esercise• to commenob at 11, preately. Admindon. 2.5 etetta; <Mideast muter melee 'Gam eenti. Tides lobe obtained at 'the vinelpa ir l tutu!. szarat, lad ado at the door. aol3tl NSW BOOK& The Carat:soar Thal By hair ran). - Tne Tell Partly Lifted, Coureel and Onnfart. By a Country PAITOU. Red Tape and Plgert6 Bole Generals. View of Slavery. my Blabap Bopklna. Work r.d ray. By Burlap& • Garland Brant and kb Clunpalps. 1 coda Napobern and4b•Bstileof krtinkeddon. vat realred. W" h man) °a"' ""I ) B. WAN BRAN, aptl Bo ill Frderal street. AllankanY• • Q . POULTNEY, to Crade and Refined PetroLenin, EMN2I,NIC. &0., itsMND MESS A FRIA=Th. 1.9 . sp TTIINTIONI ALL COLEMANAGA has rebuilt his shop; destroyed' by dee A few waken% and Le non prepared to ntannfacture to °Mgr all - kinds al - IT/Wulf HOU; HAT - AND 113•111 HARM, mew NOTTABIe, LITODE AND )3AGGIAGI 'num 5, DAMICHIN,'II6IDII, STEM. TEEM for Ilitjand Oraistilakee. Manufactory 'air NAMON AVENUE: Penitentiary. Alleaheuy. D R. F. BEBE, _ - Surgeon awl Acoonchenr, I,ct./44 EIMITIMELD at, 24 Om below Rs% prrreatataa, pi. 6,..10-40' LOOT eabletiptioto to • acrazgamirarr 10-40 LOAN, Ittooirod ot tbo cake of; BAIO/6 MINT It CO, Wad insect. tol3oiti 108 TWA EMMA, detat. - - BAT gOßßlt—Taken up, cii4 Thutoky Inoraloy- Aynl rth,lllBl, by the 51igt91 Pollee, 04.1 BU D, about Afton bads, black, may sa9l9ll.'andbbalti 19 or LSyears /earache} The wrote lo deg maw pore, property and pay cluirpo; or 11 wIU booldiorawdloy to law. opl3ll .641111 EL! LANG ;Chide Yolks. Ra BRYAN, t,. • • """ NOTAFLVI PV131,10, 1 No. fa touara 37 7 / 1 9;?, (Borksis ,llntldlolt4 Offloi Loan *OM 9 e 41411 a. to. to tro'elook.9: A RARE OPPORTUNITY.—A 13co . 40•4 Eltallasal sad Newt Dopittir see, la tee lwallota balmy filth aid Was • UV. btuilawal• To a wpm mita about $3,603 capital It will be sa' lit to sumo . '. llWW lrkw la= mi will a__ SOHN P. Truirra lac ; • - won.* 11#7141.1th • DDOCTOR F. IRMO, /1 1 ,16 al:too:2EoN. , 'tro.'ssa mat arrairi,bete l niourge. radtsirs WALL P.drEtt-41oiing and olonn WALL Y.Z.I Augii.carseg trilMetilaZ to, tb• ammo 1121141 lb, rock" at N 0.107 Alitbet rtme,,ll.lstt STORE SHADES; mai orier.l occi., • l No. 107 .tansy Fr., , tuttsua zamts. ~.B:Anna..ti 1, • /11., : :gum BARLEISALT - r—Prim* Pad: Y 44211 , nAtiLe* rua?v, omidiultly on han4 awl %riga tri .43A i wAT bakth3i No. 1112 Latiti Wort. sk - • • - IVALL PAPER culd y - ' WI rDOW HUADIS The Isnot comtattod maoitoleas lot esla pe JOHN!J. Da20170111C,112 WINA st. ri".'77.11 - 1 1 r i IN • „ • i? - : - .lllpseg,ibirishj • „tariers y PHILLIP% %Odin - 110 Wster merit. N.-? 'into noir A dam: tab teelishiby self'l.7ll7" FA/MUM= • J • xZw• Arreinizs=mn-rs GRAPE. VlNES— Haring on hand a few choice relate. of Tina, more Oise b ce ieseary taw dlleelnlog orders, I era than for aele at Metalloid:lg km Mee 1 line - Water. tato= pee hundred; A do do Thanes toe, each I do Coammt Urania each; 11 do lona 81 each: 'do Teabellsesti lona 51,101entii • Id* • Swot the folloirlog easietlea : Lincoln, Le noir, Croton Village, Cujelioge, Taylar'e Ballet, Ma teo, ko. A hit of Chaney Charente at $1,26 per Mere cosy tie Let at 72 YEDLIILL 1311111 Zr, Al legheny. spill 21 W. B. MOORE, Wools' 8,,. FOULARD PLAIN AND PRINTED, In alto* Blur Broom, Potpie arid Fran Oohed Mune. Tor .O. ti WHITE, ORR & CO., 525 Vifth Street. nplOt WEIMER & WILISON'd 81011 EST NUMMI • , LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHINES TEL 0111111PIST, BIMPLIST AND DEBT. MO* Odka sad Wbakaa Irdapoi W. in FIFTH ST., Three doom belay Bock Block. IFOILIBRIt eft 00., •ISTAB9 MIME. Ide:ffuei B AILEY, FARRELL & CO., Pl/AOfICIAL Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, Hasa constantly on 6.4 • Om assortonal Gas Viztures, Oaks. Bath Tian, Shows Baths, Water Closets, Ellydran s, is Otltn far work prompt.ly att.tdallo. No. 120 11 . 0178 TH STRZET, Pittilbargh. "COSTAR'S" RAT, ROACH, Am., • EXTERMINATORS. ..111 years eatsblighed to 5. Y. City.. .Only rafalllble remedies blown: Ifiee from Perante." dniggenna to the Dram WArally... "Hags arm out of thetr hobo to cll." &14 by aII Draggling erara whom EfinutztOt all worthier Inglintlons. “Crateges Deno% Mo. 15113roadir:s61. gliggtold by B. A. /511511:31'00 505 CO., lard It, R. 55IgLER8 CO Who • and Retell wMiig _Plibbnigh, Pa.; asal e.actimurra, bo rbing and Mall Agent, Allegheny City. ga IrreNnir a. BMX & In taw recehtos tea Spring Stock or Goods, Mtkb In Went, bbolc• and beta wet Annum an). lid= byee aver attend to the public, ratubnlng thanli ant to ea many trim& and Wrens for the ant pitrenage betatofora molted, and trusting, by elm attantton to buotnon 7 to met all oar old friends and Maly now onto GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOOD!, always as band. 00iutaz or PINE aro at. (ruin IVTIMECTIS, !mucus, r*. NNW arose or Wall Paper for Spring Trade. ZMIPD BTAIIPED GOLD, for Porkier. IMITATION " •• for Chambers, do. A viriotp of amp GOLD, SATIN IMOLA ZED WAIL PAM; GLAZED AND UNGLAZED GUINN; DUTY, BLUE, ERMINED WINDOW SHAVES. Air Imam es osiortaunA of tow priced WALL PAYED, to.oll of which: thip stointiou mad loopectioatrf bounkeopero odd other* is raspoctrai4 regneatcd, at tbs .Popor Watitwooo, No. AI Woo:Wrest, balsam Spank sad nib., 1101:014 door kalow Dimond ANAT. THOMAS PALNVEL. An listiontivo suorAmtiot of CHU P0T481.1 Wont Linen Widow nada, Tizturai, to for ado (05:1o) ruoias PALINNB. UiCORD & W. , - • - < Wholecele Detlers ta Kati, .Caps and Straw Goods, Um ho. in it,,. the largest and 'meet complete stook of goals fee SPULN43 SALUS. X ter carat to the tomb Marchetti on telnattea to oast: awake ow nook, which- will a .old eery trustee. 131 Wood slt4 Pfttitecogb. oche • pia DIE ECSTANTLYI • lickui of an the ILA Powders. Puts as PIA let Introduced will so effectually destroy 11.1128. 111 4uE, ROAOIIII3, /A n as VOWMLL'S 1611.*A.111TZ. Ibei eat It greodlty and die toganpy. 150167 - ELMO rooms, IDS Conan Fourth and Smithfield strati. ,4100 D NEWS TO RODS KEEPERS. 1.11 - -;: rmaticeba % thanard dor Out Gm" in. 'Maly Unita tholr,patrdon to nll . and *wane !Fir now stork of UOIDGMITUISISUIUG GOODS, OmbrUng_of Ontlary, Tr Tra_7l and !Aaiun, Brit. laid& and Block MITI. Mc Fin Data And blond% Voila War% Bird Gym Sys,a43Gooklus Son* Tin and abort Iron Wilts, Liao. Wax% nrtd 201 Misty Malt eale, 7111 Swam and Job Work dam to ardor. AU *WV wurvatad. 04X4VP XV . . =MAU= VDOEWORTH SEMINARY FOR, JUA YOUNG I.ADlllB.—The Bummer Seerlon, of fourteen weeks. - -4111 op= oo HAT Besides Non, very best . adreotapo la the Ivey of faattion Non, thia .U. 410111033, telog oath* to the country :and ittnrotiodet: with ,utentlno tad well dada, grooads, ant& t heelahtfol retreat frmo the beat of ob. do &alai early months of demater..while the eatlre . forms for boats, talt.ou, Re, de not eacredatait board alone can to had for to the city, Appb• loom to the Principal, BIT. wiLLians, NewkaJeyrilla, Ya. atelf SWICKLICY ACADEMY, Classical sad Oronosstrigl XSABDIVG BOUOOL NOB Bon; on the P. T. W. it O. U. LOA. ulnas Onto 'Pittsburgh. 74,..1.& TRUVELLL A. IL,,,pgr.d. p Tim Tortg.iburth - Palau vOl Gummi* us MOITDATdisy M 4 its' roe Chualors or fortbsr tsrormsdoa apply to T. .8. blunt 00.. 43 Wood strati, or, to Ow Pried.' pal, &wields P. 0., Allsgbsay sosusty, Ps. ton ball bbla. Nrdtte Ifia; 1/50 do )10. 01141* lifstkersl; 60 bbld. _ 2 do _ drq - ISO -dd ND. 3 bald did . id, • SCO boxed toilers !Wry Oleos; • 103 Dbl.. liallnedegbpa Oil; 'ln atoll sad Qs Ras by BPS J.& tLHri 'TIDY AN I GHEE SALTED HIDES ;to- IMO Oran Solid Nom Elko; ' .:- do; ' ' • To arrive p 3, duty ood:for solo by,- rf SECOND-RAND PLAN • ' ruoi_so so Sol* ' for fa.by ; 1 , 9 . -- . e St WilaitENlt. ,Lizo aura sew, .. i usr. -' WATT eintiox IlAlk-404 'ghee ff=g 100 - 61:416 aktl be nL ;►T_:' DRY,' avow, kt GLIDAK• AND NIA \ In 'ter, 11.4roolrr s• ,, F .• NEW DRESS, GOnDS, CHINTZES. ONANDIEs. Grenadines and Launs, 1 , LINEN MD COTTON GOODS, WhOlosal. and He/all. ALEX. BATES , 21 FIFTH STREET. _Ol3 NEW SPRING GOODS WHOLE?ALY' & RETAIL Tito latest utyks of eruty thing to our Um brought to tbl. bud . Oar eto,k will be ftrud vary =II plate In 114.)ttallIr. GLOV ; IEB Axil JITHE GOODS; TILL ointiNal,i. awry de- tltyle ; beautiful lIONNAT AND TIITILITINO ILIBBODS; SCOTCH PLAID VELVDT RIBBON; LIOOP AND BALMORAL SRIBTS; SILK. GILT AND • MOROCCO 13H-L1 et 71.; LAMM nfl COMBS AND 8 ; P PR ALBUMS, the chapost Ia tho city; N0T1 ,, N3 AND 811LA1L WARM; LA.DILS' AND G 147•9 COLLABS allghtly •olled, from 0 to U on3ts a plow ; TWICNTY ITHE LIZABLELLED COLLAJUI 4a 25_0IINTS; GIST'S 7TOINISIIING GOODS, s hop stock_ oar lIIMSCIUNTI3, ezdalfotto bay to midi stn Invited to give us • call before purchasing el.- whom oo mro boy oar from =Oa/Acton. or Im pulses, sad sal .t price. that cannot fall to plcan. IACRIII4 & GLYDE, No. 711 Niazkst St. AT RETAIL. Bead Gimp and Bead Buttons, AHD OTEISB NSW Tenanituo. Tb• new Basilian Collar awl Coln amine Point GAD. Nitta and flandkeschlefoi bw priced glad Ike Linen Irdlloo. i Laces, Ore* adlne sad Crape V.U., Oombrie and thuntarg Trlldig., In wrest 'esrley, at los prixd ; claps flub Auld Fatal trlbbo.; Doncots, Mao and Flow ern Boon Net% of ovin-y wtyle ; Clocking, Glove, Ootssts, iromp Skirts And Sprits Balmoral Marts. A fa'l Line of Bisn's Furnishing Goods always . band. Lidice .d Chlldrees Yen., Silk and Game (Tattenants; ladles' Mita Ken. Under Ithta—cost Ira than the material to mat►Yhem. Wholmola Booms ¢p .terra Bayern ha the dty and from the country will do well to look at PO stork before parchmlag. TOBRPH HORNS & 77 AND 77 IIAIIEST EiTILDIrr GREAT SALE, LT J. N, BARKER & CO.'S, 59 Market Street, Or SILKS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, DRESS C. 4 0 0 DM. MEM DRESS ROODS! J. M. BURCHFIELD'S. Mozambique& Grenadine& Pongees, for mato Manes. Black and Colored Chintzes. Dada Ginghami. Shawls and Cloaks. Boys' and Gent's Cass'mares. L ions mortmeat of NEB' GOODS! N. E. tor. 4th and Market St.. as NEW AND DESTE /MLR t A amino armament of ! otch,P2afd, iliarf & Bollaillt Ribbon. Biationd Bugle °tulips and Batton*. Now arks of IMITE2II Illaek Guipure Laees s alisfelSifo of Sloe Laces ant Embroideries. Corsets* Skl Gloves, Hosiery, Soar% Breaktles, Shirts, dcia.,te, EATON, ELACOVI & 00.'8, EA No VIETILT. •. W. 1100111m11. n. ninnupon. rorm.Al with Zatan.l.lsenno IC. w. n. MOORHEAD, DENNISON CO., _ _ • Xer 131 Market. Street, • . Gan DLit teethed& tall shock of /1/XDBOL TILENNING, TERUO LAO • ZNOLIPG•and 1/11Dtierl DUAIN, • and LLIIIN ELANDIELTIGITIUS. OZNTS IIIIININFIING GOODS; test quallty.ooP. UN_ , .1128 L)10 stet NILN I/NOUGAT/. GABITANTS, HOSIZITY,GLOVIS; beet WHIM 611t11143, LINEN .and MDR COLL/MS; DITITONS, all kinds SPOOL OOTTQN; lattst style SUNDT BLEIBONN ko. ; te, width nos °Nerd to the trade, et whetted* braash and retell * an the land Attorable kerma . ANTSDIint 15 CENTS FOR GLOVES WORTU 23. 12() dozen of Fiue Lisle Gloves. cma• e Into Quo ter. at 15 CUTS A PATH Adar Irate bargeta. - EATON, 31.11311r131,dc , E=7M7ZI BARRAINB FOR TILE ROLIii&VB, niumcoonlit - • . imeTromp . ,Ffisigitta .fie &vita matzo! 4900 i, "Immo -en ,vcruipuW BLit:l)4%4lla . ptie ttan celottO. •••• • • t .1- • Tomo. mutat aliutasciri*Pcsoant; thamtysts sub. ROI it JOHA Itt tOMIII, n 2 Woad. 'F; t r ~ '~ .2 ~6ei:.e :.aoi~c.~~~ .a.. .cfi,'i~::zi+~c3..ificr'f~• ..1 4 o2'ICES. KATILAIRO. !Calderon ia4om the Greek word ' , Eathro... er' • ILatheiro,” sighlWeg to olechee, tdureusto lard melon, Shia article Is whet. IL, LISMO rgolll r.e p.iscreiCg, reeteriug and beetetifylog the Llama hate le the lima Toriectathe peparatiou in the world_ t scale owned and put lap by the orienol preprit tor, and le now toads with the w= cam still and at- Leollen which gam. It ans.., el, ore one_ million bete tie per Ans.. It t• • nand delightful Bair Dreend!lg. It erediceva scarf sad : • • It Leer,. the bred cool and clean. • • It claim tba !Mir rich, mil *ad &s', It prevent., the hair falling MI sad ttiraip6 It a ocorat halt . upon bald headn. Auy lady or put!otruai sbo mimes himatiral bead .1' hair •hoold u.e Lyoa's Kaatatrun.:-It to knana • d veal throughout tau civilized world". Said by all apoetablode.l.,:u. . • . • DI AS 8. 11X1lN1.8 Co., Vow Yost HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM. This is the most delight m and extraohlinary chi ever discovered. lx <bonzes the man-burnt Camt and hates too pearly uthi texture of ravishing hoito• ty, impalrtost the marble purity of youti?' mid the dia. tredve appearance so Inviting In the cltyrelle of rash. ton. It removes tan, freckles, pimples edidrotighitess from the skim leaving the complexion fresh, tramp. rut and niacin. It contains no material hidurfotta to the sldn. Patraulsel 07 Actresses sad Opera Flank or,. It is what every lady ehoold barn': Sold every where. Prepared by IV. X HAOLN, Troy. N Address miens to DII & BALESELN 00...'liew Tort. Inimitable Hair Restorative NOT A DID, bat restores guy bait M Pe original color, by supplying the capillary tubes With natural sunenance, Impaired by asre Or unease. ' All terfordre. won dos ars composed of hoar =eat destroyhnt the eiteht sad beauty of the halrogal rd of %bezel selves no Ileiroatreet's Loimliabie Coloring uotouly restore. hair to in [ottani outer by an easy promo, butt:lees the hair a Luxuriant Itaautyi' yrroutotos In growtb,premente tte lellbsgbff,endlcates dandruff, and imparts health 111214 plearantaces to the head. It has stood the tato( time, bona; the Original Hair Oolorlag, and le constantly incremun la boor. Used by both gentlemen sad balm. M ece.d by all respectable dealers, or can be swooned by them of the commercial sputa, D. &DA Et bra a CO.. 2C2Drowl. way, New York. Two area, 50 cents &051. • MEXICAN MUSTANG LININENT. The parties In Bt. Lords and GLichntatl, whi) have been counterfeiting the . ]Busing Liniment under mamma of proprietorship. have been thoroughly estoped by the eourts4 To gaud !mina further lm. Frill.. I bum procured. IYOUI the 'United Stan. ri= . 4e th‘ r °tea h=l7 . L ista w t hi c h boars the Jae sfrin2e of ° my signaturst' and w ts i ' dto m u p t 'Which the article is • ccemterfAt, dangerom and worthless imitation. Examine eve Ly. bottle. This Liniment has be. In use and growing in favor for mazy years. Thera hardly exists s hamlet cm the habitable glote, that does nut contsdnevidence of its wonderfal effects. Iris the beat emollient in thenorld. With ins present improved togredienta, Ats effecter:mon man and beast are perf.tly remarkable. Some are heal., mans relieved, Wes enved,,valemble animals made meted, end untold Ills assnamid_ For cots, brakes, Sprains, rhenmattem, swellinge, bite., cuts, caked breasts, strained homes,So. tt it Is • Saverslme Itemody that etionldnot be dlepenaed with. It should bele every family. Bold by D. S. BAEUVIES, Sew Work, fe'Szemeol.straW • 0°21331 ABOVE•ABTIRLES roa, BALE BY SIMON JOHNSTON, Omer of emlthlteld mat Fourth sticohr. IrSditotood.actv O•PHIVATB DISEASES Dr. Ludhun's Specific • la the only reliable moody fir dismehe at the organs of gesieration. It la the &worm rif as *absent Physician oboes We was devoted to the treatment of tbda also of &mum. and with iritArerii4eFhl4 =K am, for more than ivenly yearn. Ills yrshotloti nnalriog no Inpatient, and dthrerring eattrely Irma 11*ml:taken pracilie and the airrientrtForth lea cocepoonde adored to the pabUe It fienttrily TagetatLe , and perfectly eats. It acti as a du= sad tworbt strength sad 'lgor to the dimmed groat =caw of LtLfi romodito Jostlog permanent corn ha 10:1 to I€totitz tooltatk tominotpled rum Motrro, ttotiat" tbM gm alvtitEcro at lb* proprietor ttoOvondOsch Ccmitatue otbor to motto. Prepared only ?+, Wll. - F. DAMSON, rota Proprietor* . 4Miutlbtosit bold by all Dm /010. I?ric6, 11 pi t box. ellielor gals at wholerals by G 74 n. Emu, iattirdola ILV' ONE • OF HIINNEWELLI GUILT BE 11 ED ILS—EGEEDWEGLI3 SOLD 'ANODTHL—IIdeIaNy selebratodprepab. din, which-has to trop mined beisame and bile of a ay2rue Anodyne by month witch bollmeled marl , other attempt at , ems or ma* Eflatralgte, Elarornadon. Goat, Nom= Healiathey Tooth pad Daracloy Umbra Nodal, Paine t the Stomar,Vor Bowel', Elatedly Mattes after Ditto& Low Bleep, General Ne/7019 Debility, - ,Psooryststs In Asthma . and Whooping Gorey, new: declared to lie largely nervous, and ihr the pane hi, Monthly Men. etrotettcry alto declared to be one of the IttarriP2. portent points In medicine. A lady Writer trom New York "tare it ten dollars a drop, ; woidd not be withond It In ay family, and no onsahould be with. ant it. for ale by al moddiab and Bet* Nam .; JOHN S. GiEgliewELD,yroymber, Dor salo by Jos. Slektio.s, Go - 14,1Cmieer. D. A. Milsoestosis C 0..;: D. Yukon . Agerots for PM* Derek; Geo. A. Kelly, W. J. Mom pd Dr. Jam,/ Drown. &goals far Allegheny My: . sohlarosbJe me PHYSIOL 0 MOLL VIEW OF asinnigit . ooutainllmc nearly .moo Psilh mad no floe Plates and 12:meeings of the anatomy of Om Italian Organs Isis Mats of Death and mi. OM, with a ?maim. on 'Marti Envoi; Its deplorable consequences upon the Mind and Body, with the authors plan of treatment-the oral; „rational and sospestni mods of =ohm shown be, the report of cases treated. • tratheil adviser to ths Mantel, and those contemplating martin% 'who enteriab doubts of Unix physical occrelititor: feat toss of postage to any address, on receipt 'id' 26 crab, in stamps or postal cornoroY, by addismlng Dr. LA OBOTILIro. 21 Maiden Lane, Albini, N T.- FE" - 1.A1C6. SIIPERIOR'j•COPPrit '7" KILL A BILILLTING.WOBIII3;Purostusaa. 1 - . PARKfMCCIIIIDY, 4, C 0.4 el n,. of OHTATSII7O, 111411:111113' AND BOLT OOPPIaI, PIIMISED"coppia, 'BOTTOIS3, MUSED BTILL Borrinm, bSALTIIS SOLDER. Moo, important. and &aim la 14111a.15, TIN PLATE. MELT ILON, W/Blotoo Oeastaatly we head, 211451035 116C.111/1115 AND TOOLS.. . .: i Warehouse, No. 140 ITEM a LW 11500 ND ISTS., httsburah, Pa. - i ' w ril orders of °over cut to any dared pat: SE CONFBBI3IO4B:AND ICC 1' Olt .OF AR. INTA#I), vg.theeil be the tend uswessasiaadesttthm toyosag b E tam who ban' EfiliTOON DOW% Preashae tosesy a ste.ployphefar, it the =so thug as emcee qf relferre.-• Drosteserho has canal Wessell 'am. Wu pat totat arperue sad thfury thiroeurh :13 ' d l e at tm'am s ac IrackeTT. " ' ' - Di 0 94 2 / I 'g • Pstrad 6 4. 11 91 114 10,e* staste apt Lee say he had of , the author, . "'" - - - • . . . „ NAT/IhNILS itair ..rnardawr.••,• • Pa!=zak !may aqntrill:T: 'D/BEASESM OB NERVOUS, "`'-r naudigvesp" , =tux. gyrnria.r.4leltatiatiratelit-In sgort. ago Limadoodoloo- se_ at ismakd lirttibmwdost.freaotosiatreaciCz.asta nentarsoNdragamosoolso.sacitA 11771 :I:4 : 11,VPI 3.: MUIR! R . , :liS C OMMOOMOß*l l l44 o 2figrrili 41/hIg4IIIIIII4III6IO4I=MOVIRITMOMEW ralVitla fAClßtrinikrObi kft. , lo.3rltcp,f/t. ftebtana.b. , • - . aol, 7,`"P -• • ffEEERE spEciaL -rOTICES. 4 011. ITAILEHILL & CO., Bowisi tRAKVIS AND BHERT IRON WORK ERS, Penn EL, - SQL 110.=,44 sad 2S. Natalia,- c l i. d 1 .-irq ll 4l 4ad with &kw* tot . provaeccisktterey. sri Dreparel to IRAAsematos . orBOIXERS, to the teat mixduir. and wortax.tri egnal to &Iv =do to ODA coastry. an - npqrs, . DRICRLN I strin -BEM :tank PIPES, tocoilourE aowires, co:aim:ans, SALT PASS, TAMILS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS. SETTLING PANS. BOLLER IRON BRIMS, SUGAR PANS, and snle miatufActscrers of BARN HILL'S DATENT•EQII . RepablazdcA*Gi the ehorthtt notion.' I 0 .: " ' -11:1713[1 : r ~HOBINSUIT, AEA & CO., (11tD}. c a non to lionsios, Dorm & BlizAstA) yfesniso TON livoural, ?oral.= a hllzmilars, Pllt.barsh. Afautiticturen M DOAT AND STAMM= 'STEAM 2 ENOINE9, BLAHS V 401147-9, ?JILL DACIIINEDY, GEADINO, SILASTING, CAST. INOS, of 611 deeciptivas ; OIL TANKS & EITILLA, BOILED AND swim . IRON WOGS. Agent for OTPPARD'S . PATENT AEILOTOB, FOE YEADING 'HOMERS. -- - - IfAN NVAIITI TROCHES; 848 • yltit can of iloartermaintrout Disemtkic.. sn tpectelly recommtacitollteleterr. BInZOM, tad shorn coeWcet milli, them to ,peak ts . pdt- Itc. Muttsfactured =Ty by cie.HANNVAST ihmtburg, Pm. to whom 411 order. should Is ,ml. dreetetL tairSoLi by Ducygiets everywhere. • F . TO RERVOTIS iiIIFFEB27IB OF • BDTH SEXIDI.--A tbrerend gentian:We leg tom r ientored to health Ina Cm dam atter co. delving fill the oared rout* and trregolar Nepal- Lee modO of treatment. elthont mamas. consider* It Ids Incrod daty to onmanneucato to Ida atdlctedlellos .reatecreti the mama of core. Hence, ea the recap! of an addreesot envelope, he gill mend,ftse, a copra I the pros:el-lotion used. Direct to Dr. JOHN id. DSON.A.LL, ISt Fulton etimet, ht. X. cmovainurs.,—, Duouatui f - 17,PiLil BELIE STEEL Nirompl REITER it CO., !..racessorm so Gaiter, lartsma Zs Oa, tomaufisuarerm of OAST STEEL, BPRING,,PLOW ANDIILLSTZEI BISEL ;.sprbuics, AXLSB. CROWBUS. Walt.% BUST WALD, Allmheay,Clty. P.O. Addrm. PIT/lIIMIGE4 P.. Jandi [I.4OII,IICOCILIIAN d:BßO y . ~itin• ALUM:IPM or imps Rd. 11,130, IROB ViIIVIS AND VAULT DOORS. WINDOW SEUT =RS; WINDOW GuA.una,,s., ism. BI SEPOED and Se TDIRD STREET, 6.4. Woodnid ' Ainzkef. HATA* band andletypf pnir.Patttpianntni an d ainornitable for all parpatt. • " _ Partietdar attention yak! tor sunken Quua fob. Jobbinn docent abort nodes. • : HOLNES & SONO.; DiutrteH is rormas AND noursno BILLS trk EXODANGE. CENTTFICATZ9 0? ,DEPOSIT. BANK -NOTES AND SPZOIE, Ilfo. 61 MASK= STREET, Piltsbnri,2l. Pa. Collections =Ws on - al Id* PdaelPal dtbs tb.rvogtput the Unll.4l.statos. E t 901E8, dirBUMB, !cc. ONi,Y 25 CENTS I, Hunt's Union Stationery Portfolio Ant still sold at the old pries, enlarged eutlltmgeor .d. el:Valuing SIMETS OOMITUOIAL PdP5lll, d- d. IIILL1T. ! 4 LAIIGZ WERZ i';iITICL6PEB; STS/iLL to; 19 BITS do a TISE srzra. PEive; ' ACCOMIOD&TION PENIIOLDEII; 1 LEAD PESOLD; .1 alums prrrssuriaa LIMLNACI; ce.tx.-nas son . ELEMOILANDA OP *PORTANT MIME; RELERY 100 VALUABLE RECEIPTS; DEnint,LioN 21.-13011ETE14NP E. S. PESSIOZI LAVT.ett.,aLL. ONLY ; 25 0/INTS-IYeeth a Dollar. A 111Wral discount to tRo bade. Trafoßiii Ageitti wanted. , JOHN P. HtINT, MASONIC! HALL. W MTH ST. NEW BOOKF, it.a4Ted at . '? - NIEENTItit'S. . ' Iffnet4tlaca of Careful PPDCriadt. artta rate a =deb of Sp r`a Haw Itynteln of Philosophy- 78 0/11;111; ► eN.ath Hopi. By Arnie Ce. bait*.-- 1 25 Ten' fats Znongb; - a Practical ltrpertena • naiad how a Tarr susill Tara =at - rade to beg a very large fain , lly. • Cloth.— 1.:26 Oct of ;Prison. "ff. al • M sad attar* that nista to tun le In to at L'lo. 1 IS My: Oars Life fir VW:Aram ath Letters THil and Tract . - By a 1301311:1111 Lady: a% 1 CO Biala to Itllleasen, Br 11. sy.. B. OrtelantL.... 115 earth Zaapl...lly.llo6llater.: CO ° 7 6 tlegaMla m ifylfallfg prw mt " tlcal Hortladttolet. Cloth.; • 1 23 Work ad Play; or,' IllearoT . Varlstlos: - -• Harem BoaluteLL,Clottr..l.l. • 10 School 0111a' Garland. It *footled of Poetry., Led Track. ' 6 Tale of Ileglco: Gurtaaff aura.its Lay Hoed, thelhalta oflClubreocel'Ll o e•- Ce Tee Blade tit Bar-Boom.l By T. B. Ez?nr.. 145 TleaWs Binary of 13niali eta : OD tlatitpaa Tbal.. -By Jan gad, author of 'To- • tank" "Titan," etc.; 1 111 The Vtit Patlyi.Llfted 'and - jams Itocoateg ' • Tiellds. - By,W.U.Nanlrestdkith 21 Damsel And Oceaort. - By the Coantry Parson, • atelier of "Boatellona of* Galaxy Pation.:4 60 Ind:atrial By EU:Ma . ft/W. that ; of "da•Belpr,".btepheascak,“- , etc.; • 1.25 'flan of Sisrery—ikolotorsl. Beclo • giasttcyl ant' Itortivical By Damp Hopkins, of Vt. :elk '1" SO Vlgora A Novak By - „Walter •Barreth Choir.; - anew MI Old Elorchiuma of Nam York'; a:1,50 The Ilinsizated Homo Nanagracint By haw. oalhorof Bluttrated Nom Don. , , 260 Bed 'Apo sad' -1.14;11 Rao Gerairsh, By OBIS= Solar. Army of thy Potomm; Moth. 1 2d Nakiaton , Itotmekospor.-1 Ic omen--a ea companion to Plimaiicloib a* 160 Ll,O and Letters of Jake Wynthrop,"Goraimor Emsachasalta Bay Colorant, 1060 ; 2chooll2cciomoy. A Tomns• on thy Papas- Mani. Orgyaization. Elayloymenk 'Omura. ment. and Authorities of lachcals; 123 Gen. Grant and ht. Oampahma. By /Mimi Barka.' With Ands on %trot; cloth. 160 Bordalto. Chelatm.h Ea and Xmtot Lay: By Bohan Bro..myl 1 22 Bra of , Wm. .Preecott. By Von Groan Cell®. Tinted 760 Antobbygraphy and omcomontonco of Lyman Doctor. :Edited by his om. Yd.l, cloth., 1 75 Bobo Do Bonin By Win.. W. Story: 2 via, 00 Icabwa.. A tam novel; c10th.... 140 OntonylPs INary, No r.. 0 Hid Oct cynnlXl roue .13, &ex:mbar of %Ill.!' &Oh—' X2O CodJoh lip Whoa, of -Nelphhor . jack., -. • wood -t c10th.........__...: • i sa 0... Balm in 800 Oilomoni , By, Paxton palm, .2 00 Nand•Book of theNoy. Ted/meat." Br NY !butes; cloth 00 ..• Coyka of any of the ab - edbooks;- ariallad fri. of PrO2 c n camipt of Fig, 71 and. 73 Blllli attee4,lmil dam kir. O. sollaa upToGWR„AZBugsI.-, P. CARD. noTOGßapgat: AT . . . ....• •i LATE !BOONS. II r, • • , &•'worars•llALlEo* , , o *** iii* !! . **A ntOILrO#:...IY. L! ! . ! 404 } 29 ,18112 :. :trzw.ostagejia • Alt VoOki wolfed PITTOCRW . COOK 67ATIONIZIM:410-'!gpri r 1 I 1.11 • • GOLD Prtra, IZAZItEEPB GOLD Pan. ed) iha-bad vir 'can aorclairessnattian 3 ,trntfoltruserarderreaptitiolt. , . D 4112, OLNEKIC =WA ' • - 'llWood strut pRgat3ED: AZTD. QQMAION,PACK. - I.6"Advpaitassrft vocoacrozmost mw.K - RRAtadtod " 7 , tit: lll ' 66 4; • r' 1020:1 7 - , ''''''3- , ;• - .itki:.*, - i - .:-; . .::'ra.I'i:-': - l'', , :-_ - -, -'::T . , ,v,,:,,, -.....-.-1210. T. Ito2llllloll C. A. DAITISTAUT t 00
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers