c==;D- hfltftk.' 1864„ . idIFO~'8K~I 1 lY!;p~ ~: SCHEDULE OF ROES. - - •-.674ion!ck • uzzo7A' r so irrii! .... 5: . 1 a 115 \ - . . • ' - 1 ' . .2 40 AO • 9 W IV .1 ; 70 ':. (5 \ 135 .. 2 Alt 90 1 70 -8 W .3 50 410 OSO 7401;4 04 . 5 ' 0010 1125 • 0 WI -755 14 00 . 13117 tO 9 15 .410 20 'IS 11 00 ISO3I 000 la co 15 511i8 CO 10 WI 13voo 14.9 0 12 1 P 52 WI Oaillair••••••"1 tism.--• 'i Three tioses..... 1.7 aro Mag.-- I TM :One wtet. , --...1 TWO LTOl%* seekt imOntb•-;- ; Two =mato*, Tires montba. ISRne , Monthl , -1 Oix!.lrOzr-•••441 . . tints t visluarra lartz . - ichvageable ono drab each week tamealsts tr :dam of the l'aWct Yrrric"..: Var-cme ;a. essillatd lathe 4126? a 4 ti4t3ds.v•et s'w,a -woo!. 0 II 300 - '110351:1 30 1$ 31 1 p. - Atm. tromitui,,....." • 2 , ,X) 17'f4 it 0 , 1 15 15 10 C 0 tactulk*** , .'" op VI 00 24 . 5 9 el iil•Fist leo dot& tbs,stoss:ritis, , - Desth eattesd. sleh 5 0 c o t: !image nctic1,4..,"..•••••,•'•:—..,--4,.—.. Stasabest sdnertinasati, _ • Itiseutore,.ornotices..:— 9 7 5 . , AND SUBURBAN. Our-PnagOger R ail ways. IT. sti It ttakd that a lairs holug proper _ • • .a be presented to the , • Wier/dire, making : „lt - n misdemeanor for any esiffuttoi oC any of the lassintga - rell. i'vrais to this. county, to receive. fate - from', piteenger,tulhite:be can provtde him with a.' seat: The object alleged for thbeztraordr. nary tigliletlo, - .le to., renal the "over: erawding....ol,Aerf,”ifbut it ; seems to - us that the pesettge,.ol snob - a bill would be traught:elk greet 'mischief, ,end occasion "tanetcalligteluconvenleace to the - pubUo than I.esdperientelliy the "crowdine-alluded to. It Ruche. law 'were now. in force every pas stager t ailway „company in trait city-would Increase their stock of cars .:; - have to - Largely and horrors together with the - number if their :employees, or 'else .compel M 'i patrons any of their to walk: :Should they increase their carryin to g 'Utilities, they would ales be ,fetee- of fare, - • ;delloh via ere - Sure weird bet relished by pdt therthlia.....What Chance would way litigate tame; melding - sash a law wore eatoicadr . A' cur is . 9Uedup,,every seat is occupied. and, and the nowinetor Starts. Betas ** nutprcceeded icannsse - tintil a lady organ- ban herb 111, baths or she is informed that .. A s - ear- is fall,::, 11211.; there : "on ed. -..telttstace: :The _ . LIST, car bay be taii'etso, and, thus. , , the initsenger - is ."-oeitipellsti walk..liareliflicwocild,be much awns: inoonvonrent than. r'szowding.r - It a lsdyor - .grattetaan lots taws fall oar, he or she virtually .: mikes a contract to sonid,`and they 7 cannot complain Tao will:meow. -teedste Ahem wish acoat. If a gehtleman ryav'toOTC s ladvhis seat, he_ woes - to stand mitt Ofremitio Buffets - no injury...! Thy `,..7 . 4botire. Tor. spsody,"tisiseport - from: point. to - point is such - that ninety.nine ..oat ~of overt tundra* 'Would prefer en °te.: • aton a l 'tending ride," • rather than • to walk or wait. In _the ari . ;iambi eaceolation „of. a oar with empty ry ;case .of sullen StOrn , / fOr ttOias,',4:stare -Witte and gentlemen will hike calagete 'vatting car. and although . .".Irait -at, them . may not have ;eats they will cizudderrthcadolvealuck,f-:-Inlio4they fool gaits - comforts - Ida. But we need. not adduce arguments--to.: prove. that euth a law as that -..._Contomplated would ; operate .most-bluiloitsly „- - ;eplast theristrchi t :oar linsanttrrat i W a Y loves:: If be object of the 'bill be as stated, it would sharply . ESSIB6 a greater illentVellitlloo In trying to remedy a testier. There seems to ?be a* nesessaryrwhatevarfer such 'a lea, and ` 'we hope it will not piss. Beilegur eniLbing Affray- at Camp.pry _ • sialqt=rob 4 ble Yeeterdiy illiatiien; sseaawillibbing at, Camp, Ateinoldsi forierdis 'temp Copeland; which will ..PrObablY4ainalt in the death of thlinjmea patj - j utkias eat a lumber 6f ..the co: , A, drafted Mu, assigned to the 'l4ol' taro - been' _doing unaid • • &it, at amp for the 'past eight months, ,were aulturing .theruselires treading • on. each •'' "athec's feet, when one of their number, named ..-Laisstetteribecameuraged aka Inas named .11ana LaMar, and drawing a large dirk:knife, made- an 'attempt to stab him. Laseaf evaded the Slow, and trooped down to pick up aitoge whit defend hierself,'wheriLaustetter garbed Mier and inflicted-five gouda -4i...ion'iris pasoW, l'ho knife cued wire eight or to ha° length, Wail inseio out of. an old 'file3ed wan:a =Oat formidable weapon. One blow penetrated the left side, under the ghoul- Aar,'•blade,f and - entered the: had' to the depth of , several Another blow -"wee lalletrl~: tho right shoulder, hut the ', , blade -wu ' , prevented from terlliit''lt'i eau& g .. ontact with the ' bens, be : sounded man was conveyed to ; , ,tha amp heipitat, and -Ms injuries were > devised , h 7; the surgeous,,Dm. Sargent and Mernaibin.-, At last Recounts, he was lying p:k . - - eery. - ceu tral - Undid'on, and; was . not en looted to recover The:am w ailant staken ..intecaitody, after asUilit struigle b eAdplarad tlauguard house• Both: : parties ere jerreg and belong to riMoirporsi in this run ty• , ",",The ; Alan= created.great tzeittraUt the men incamp.r liaatuay ran , The_follo gn ic sdOttLeu il gcmgcli ttoo*lave 4tua.upasand Chnlik-Soth, IL Cud. Genera Vieet.lreelnx ank Aenk'or li a=Vc&VeUeth'i"l2- lAtteory,Setiettee-gell hatersei. Jco.B: UM- W*,lll B.'Begiro„ Geo. Intl, E. W. llottrow„ Thos. Pylihneston. I. .Iliag.havr, X. P Barshnold, Job. BleGoodieer, J. C. 'Medan°, 31. A. Wilson. Cagan era Galen Onenniactrqu-W. 11. - Map a...T.Nonnell, D. G. Gump. . Sangennnt G. Tager. 4, 13 tonaoltare Antt Turathlng Omde-.0. Salop; Gn a nnen.l 11. teat; Gr.b.lintley..ips. Toms, B.otewert. lob stmt. !hark WeEirvy.. WW,lWTOulittbeir Wantaactare*-4. Brody,of r os miagtumi: %cos. szat wo•—a.lr. - T, u oeses.llide ond her - Ream. eatt fittest t n a t Leathar-licbadßard. Cagatemals, Chu. Bop, T. Likotk, Jam U. Itoletoo. inebernezer. *Brun cnuacre.-4ree. Vtreinnunirr. Jnn. /lir job. iesm ," shun, iiPt=inniz:n:l, " 2 ' 13: ZittotrObank..oitO ittbi6Vng. Zonalete-Sobers Vendernrr, Q Pr. zdaw a+-,Wm.- 0,0 1 4 24"ri bilk. - Wg*. lidatokeri-Itiorjailg Watgan, COIMMoba 0. SWAT. William 131 ck. Pboter_Oe_ re. 4. an% 4.1 a D=6-hanalu l Sa Sobert Ration, Z. Lot r 13rnrer1-I. a Sum*, ktmirmin; Docups Tatg, P. Gera, mania .-Ignshxzbarbarki esnavt.su. Mans Olneo--4eno, cbiLnuu.,...job. , 41411 4 0 , 141 • ' l4°4 - • . - • ? 'The diinlutry.giar. Vlielcitststs of Ballot noun tr. ere. Abou Lto •take.aottoo in,ltolielf.of the rals to be ghee fo ad Barte& ofth e Judge Ce nn ia~ram , . b'f Boater' bee nodd ed Brisit,Cluitsonctof '.tholltoontlenCons. --* 1014 lb. Court Ifolise In Balmer on, • Thusedily - , !hp cols. T er 13111 at , twit; to ',titer atiy. county undonhte y -The obalimen of- the fluontivo mulattos male upon tho loyal lumbermen:of Wostsrn - !Pennsylvania; esottlooontrlbtitilopi bongs. oshandles of shingles aufsehtt to Plltelloutgb, grind Allegheny 1t1re5,....t51 1 2 1 1 192 1 ,X11 bata rtbe hitt, l i t tTtl i t lfr te t s l ;:a7bolg o -0472' snout*. we th idetala - NR: th o ' bui ~ .c., w ileves from the lumber 4 . 1 - IllteAroostrong- .Deetooros hoa tendered the nu of Its colunts, free of thsrge, to All In Hoenig the lamest ,of the Fair: Alitho-omnloyoes of dui Allegtorny - Yalley Aaliroad hairs contributed one _day's_ lobe! to ••• !els fond. ", rityDst Z Xaii:l33iT" rozwala.--Gaarga and datertan from the 140th .4apiyhania, who warp outdid an:Vrid 'day evening, rare iant :nuslabsias_ last 21104' ao baths sar4 j * or trtat by WI zatuau, ajar,. -:: - . :1 =oth totally: Lus ros Parrs= Mo=od.—Major Om- .Butoks, accompanied by Ma staii,Capt. 21.4414" Diked, Capt.; W.l 8.. Have, ident. Midst sal VAIL P114;0' DI loft for the 4111111iiit, u 1111,06t0 Gan. Bollasso• -•:_gfreatistordars rsottred: 1461flilintssurm.r—qt boy to Wilt la Minn • mots cm Wilmer. Apply stPts MMEM Vivo humisittirelttip freed the rebel States passed through this city yesterday on their , way Esti,: At Cairo, St. Louis, and men y other pleYcoey Southern rorages* are arriving In large numbers. !lo estimate can be forte ad of the number of Southern' men, women and children who have migrated to the free Stelae shoe the rebaUlcin began, but it mot be ser oral hundred thousand. Tato is so much fin telbuted to the population 'and power of the loyal Elite., and so math deducted from those of the rebellious States. Bortanatzly for them, there G such a de. 'mind for labor of all kinds; that we can isfrord ' to Welcoma them.' ',Bat there are mazy **m en and(ohildren, and some feeble men, itho hove aufrored;ond lost everything -a t he: South, who need sonsething more then a 'Wel , come. At the ` West associations blip t)cen formed to take are or the destitute rilfagees, 1 1 and at the St..Louls Sanitary ! t heFairre [be department especially In. of the umors rerageeirand freedmen. Would it nut be well to .hats something of the kind in, the Fale to ; beheldberef T here fogies that have' • come among fie' are :henceforth to our fel low citizens, andthoee of them who - hare enf. feed in the Tinton cause and wliokre unable to get fairly started In . .inisiness in their mew home ore entitled to substantial aisistanee from the old residents. • itirl%gar ,=ZMI 785 '1415 400 110 2 1. 3 6 ElO 300 4S 016 090 4to :11 9 0 ti . A. Shooting Allray 7 -A Jealous Husband -, Shoo% Himself while Endeavoring to Shoot. Ids Wife. Last everting, ,about six. o'clock, the: real . dents of thaliational Hotel, on Water street, were alarined by hearing the report of-o pis tol In one of the rooms in an upper story, and ..t r upon rep....r.ng to the room, disoovered that a sollim named Alexander Ifelmbold,* for mer resident of this city, but at preieot a member of the 18th Regular Cavalry, had shot .himself in tbo leg..lndleting a severe wound. It appears that Relmbold, who is in the City ostindfarhasl"bgesch' ws"tompplinneedatallhatioßrt-atitlMonealinwleatti. his wife. tut evening - he visited Ms wife's 'room, and drawing •is -revolver, attempted to *beet her, and after a . slight Imlay, She Pis tol was discharged, the. cutouts lodging in his lag.: _Reinhold win arrested, taken to the Mayor's office and looked up. He Ilia boon drinking very freely for some daya,and Is represented aa being very re J kless while un der tnie influence of liquor. ealousy is sup posed to be the cause of the shootino. lie will b, sent back to his regiment to. day. .A little girl named hilitenna,,an 'attendant of the Fifth Ward Public School, fell.fi.em the !het to the second atoziof theschmil'huilding on .Wednesday evening, and cut her forehead severely.' The school tad just dismisied, and a number of children were coming dawn the stairs, when the injured child got upon the railing of the stairs to ride tiownomd losing her balance, fell to the . story below. The fall stunned 'her, and gave rise to aye Port that "she had , Ixten killed. , Shti was canted to:the residence of 'her toother,.and had an far re ' covered yesterday at to be able to walk around. The Janitor of the building is in structed - to prevent the children from riding on the railings, and his attention being mo mentarily attracted to a passing funeral, the accident occurred. . • ' The Courts. • (Deportee Tztleateety far the Glzette Dermot Comr.—Yestardey the Court, Me sioie4 of the following tame': : T.:t'ommtameetth for stip of J B find u J -:~feD. GleTt, et el, Ventlct for plelattee. Qiettlpas of lair rerrrercL 8 camakoetretilth foi use of U Ilabbllll.l . llcD. Glenn- et el. Coralurad. 93 - Ereily:STateey n Alen Ittebeffry. Retorted. sk 5-aloiaiiiaa: nPimiemem's Baum Wm Neely. • Ceitiow puce,—The 'followlnieses were ilisposed of 'yesterday: 4fell4baT Begt.L BalitenuaL oonlinsal. 77 Mary O'Hara vs ninth 1117-LarLipn.cat aL trial. • This miss the r esent trial list, in this Court. The" following &Mhz tam onenired In Vie United Statee Army Hospital, In 'Able eitj, iinee Wit repOrtl ' Aprllllll4 Adam liOttt PonnsitronLa Dor !moot; Crowknit county. Apttll2.t.l4oravionktnonnsmon,ll,7*;Ponntylin nlilftfteutt Womott eckmtre - - Amil =b. IhrOdllcOnustlO, yenurytranin Begltennt;Arnultrosto itottnal ,. nplill3th, Wm. Thorns, Ine4l Penonityanla 11.01. "out, Bunn county. . Apri114111; Henry Young, Ilomptotio 'Datum Al - Masons Bits 0141521 Btowxas..;—The exhi bitions of this. talented troupe are still very popular with our citizens. It is. an exhibition where' instruction and amazement are com bined-and when our citisens who do not attend theatrical and tether -atunatimenta oast spend a pleasant evening., with perfect - proprioty. The glass Medial engine is of itielf a greet scientific wonder ' and we would ergo parents and toachort- , to have tho oldidrati attend - at lout one of thoirentartaintnents; as a groat amount of knotilidge may be obtained from this beautiful work of. art whioli may bo of great tie:Tice - to them lu'isfter gears. They give an exhon every evening this weak, alscrou Saturday afteszoon. A large amount of splendid pastor ornaments are did-flatted at oachnxbitotticoa.: By. !1 means go. „ Taw/al.—This orrening to &implanted as the last - .night but vie of the young tragedian, Emma Amato, and farewell Ennefit,.on *blob occasion he wlli appear grist arid the only time during the' engageglautias ;Richard 111. Mr.. C. Wilkinson, the ,new comedian, will appear in the afterplece Consie Joe. - :To•inarroir night, Mr. Ana= : Will produce his new Indian'Tragedg, "Ticaemh,” written originally for him, and said to* AV excel lentlitararyproduction • . Dasoanzatr Corauvr.—.7.• Bobringer kru arrested yesterday and, taken before Alder men Poste, of Alleglenis on a Alsip of dia. orderly conduct.. lie was Ilied4s and _which he nal& • A. auto . of earault , ind battery vas also made :againt him; and be wall held to ball for. Ids lappeFanco at mint. • •= 4,- ..z.rtV-T-'s , , Severe Pelt• Tinerts Death' th thii llosplt4 • Barislostr.-7,Tolnt B=ol4 ; . ,00nvioted burglary, wan sopeoupid yostordol to Ps/ a tine rot t4OO aid the costs of^ pros:melon, and to undergo an tospriionnient. in she Welt• ern Penitenttary for the lona. of , Ave years. Be was removed to thit institution yesterday. . . Sus=or mi . Puta,,foitzt Limbaugb was united 'petards, and faked , before AKentutrTsyhtr, of the Fifth: wartiotterged airoatte of Christiana Bathe with surety of thipcooto. - -110 was had to WI- _ . Hum m Ban.-41rs. Hari A: Mae'retook was arrested 3esterds, on a espial, and bed to bet in the sues of $2,009 to puma & charge of assault arid battery;erltlt Intent to ktU, preferred by Robert filmirsort. , = , . Became ream Tuebrui. - -Three hut &red reeruits foe the Ise iliartgan regiment, pissed through the eity 'yea terday, tot their way to the regimerit, la the' army of the P0t413110. , Wince th editd all attention to v moot In oar eolvi to-114110 100 d ''graPP viztos." 9it.poE/14; LOUAL IfOTICES Trout 'PAESI; PLI4II 4kmunto Elitel6a6r;aad dash: Yraohialiaial. Vamnialtia ths_6lool#y -M1461114 Olios at AU:. Xraustilles, • talc Water 1101 t.s. Pittactalta - • dviatea; 2f attention' of oar team Ii &meted to the brilliant Assortment of aping aid fironmel — Goods Jost - readied by_ one friend fdr; John' fie:l26 Fed onalLatrest; Allegheny. Ills , stook oomprises a a lA y a ri o e f n F Caut Yn an E Mth h and lino Silk and aushneref Vostings,—all of ssideh,flllbe suds up jciotdes in the, latest styles swain the Vest manner. A e lroloo se d - finotton.of gorrialthlgfoode aleo on hand an forsaletlopAher with 'a fhll stook of , Bolds Stade Clothbg, I'o and fashionably made, ,'"ltiwbilit,;-43Woodtiratah2 toe . _ i ntoratine I Taken, hovo rotoortot to 411.girattbotletstreet , and wouldidot orwposthar eon the iatentien Of ttelr Moods and the jobb: genszally to their new rtOok of Spring end Stuxuaargoods, latch thy him* Jell NOtATIId• Their stook 1 to of "the la/ frost. quality Of English 'sad Itrerrek• amOweree,--doW,- reardtaeres, wad luting. Also, le' Torjr-orteadre wtiortotoot of ticoteb eaulatores. ,Den!t #ll to gyi. Oro to tarty. tall.- Itrel7 gau!•out wan" t4 ta give WI eetirdsottoti. :• - ,i.' • .. ..., y Orono it If oClirrotim. 73 Broithooold flo , , TeaVolitraitafal'aistartiof• lkides gookai. for this *sap know ready at Font goods Nowa Depot, WWI& onto; 40 , - UAL PligirTA cof Magazines fats* Milan pike; rank ONO li•ws iil9oll.ChriTh4/341/Ente „ loyeam, tW tieentor of Blood -6 It, sea be seas at raltoo's dzig store; Wberele 1.1 gspadnlDsooa•n.vaL'!' ••• DREG OM TEIBROS, OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES FRCiACWASHINGTON. Eipesial Dispatch Wills PittsbarghzepAt. WORITMO! COT, Aptil 14, 1664 ran 1.C.110 txririnios uumitlOx., The conclusion of the otpnision , question today •wits'precisely What the idiainistration men, 'the Speaker included, hive from the beginning. It was krici.la resolution of expulsion could not be carried, and the one for censure would probably have bean oared -intitead of it in the bell:ming but Ter Gil, technical question of order, which I wie aupposeitto prevent it. This was avoid . 4 by Mr. Broomall's amendment, and it was therefore accepted by all. The ten majority ter severe conjure was nearly • strict peaty Isola. Prank Blair Voted with the Democrat' I ' against It, though he voted last Saturday to I jape! Ramis: linitto Clay voted with the Democrats, and one or two Unionists dodged. Tho resolution requiring the Speaker to read the ten:dation of censure to . Mr. Long'in the Rome, was not urged by the, Unionists, who were willing to spare him that humilia tion, but the Demdcrats refused'te let it be withdrawn, and compelled a vote. It then . came within two rates of passing. The galleries wore orammed.by as largo an audience as any during the debate, and the excitement ran high again. Mr.Colfax'a speech was a resume of arguments ad vanced against the resolution, and andllue- Motion of their inconsistency followed by a running commentary on Mr. Long's speech. It was good tempered throughout, and full of telling points. During its pro gress he referred to the statement itadeby, Samuel Cox; thatratts of the . Democratic members from Ch 'id been held after Long's speech, and had authorised him to disavow it, and asked if party was of so-much more im portance ttan the country, and that Congress oculd'ist do for , the country'what these men had thought it 'attessary for mere political purposes to do for party. Mr. Pendleton here interrupted and said be desired to state for himself, that ho knew nothing of the caucus, and thalseveral of his colleagues had secured him that they knell , nothing of it. Pethape this did not fix • dis tinct (ideation of voracity on Mr. Cox, but it was so understood by everybody on the Ad. ministrat igp side. Mr. Colfax was once or twice interrupted by hearty applause, bulbs appealed to the galleries to desist. aa. waren orsascr. ' Mr. Long's speech - In defenoe greatly grist- Ned the Democrats, and undoubtedly gains! him friend,. It was delimit; reiterating the most objectionable passages of his tamer !pooch, and Indeed made one or two wage, I - perhaps, than they had been before. Union• rate spoke of It as full of repetitions, arid as beim loosely put together and bad in style ; lnit7tis own tido is delighted; and it L the general wish of. Democrats to congratulate him at its close. There is Is not !unposed to [be the slightest probability of either his res• I iguation or Danis'. They have o precedent Ifor nab a course in Giddings' action on. a simi • tar: resolution, hot they are not zeroed, to mlet their constituents as Giddings was. the Democratic policy new is to laugh at the rein% and 'say it don't amount to anything, thatit is a mare partisan vote to make party capital, eta. They are talking so all Odertolfll to -night. _. . . - GIL/ILDIOD 0008.51 DZIIOCXCLD. Worts will be made tomorrow to press tuition from the Way', and Means Commit tee. The Democrats are [Sethi); very mach_ mortifedeover the acerb of Chanter, the le ,liMsestiative of Viva Points l Jil. T.''•' in object [ tag to Colfax having time to finish his rpeech, 1 atefit had been espreisly agreed by the Dem ocrats-whoa he yielded to their Interruptions thathe aleintld have all the time he wanted. The bad faith was Co flap - int that even James C. Allen felt forced to beg that the party should not he held responsible for it, and af terwards they mauled Chanter, and begged Co:fax te go on. Ile thrilledthat he accepted no reluctlict concessions from Mr. Cheater. 1 They then-wasted him to have leave to print the remainder of his speech, and he replied that he never printed What he did not say. And finally, after 'Laughed euncladed, they again wanted him to speak, and assured him 1 that the.unanimone consent would then be 1 given. Chanter Is denounced on all hands, and ,his path will not likely be one of roses hereafter. conxramat tarraconsas le resuaaxcriosiar etsratcra. Mr. Chandler's bill regulating commercial intercomie In lowarreetionary districts author ises the Secretary of the, Treasury to deslg; slate, In' addition to those recognized by the present law, places where abandoned property may be sold. It charges (agents with power to lase abandoned laod for twelve months and the employment and general welfare of the freedmen. All property into be regarded as abandoned when its owner Is absent in the service of the • rebel Geeernment. The Prohibitions and Regulations act of JOT, 1861, are extended to all commercial transactions whatever in those districts; also in portions of the loyal states under the eon._ trot of -relict raids, or in,lmmedtatellanger of them. The present mode of distributing tile, fines and penalties is . changed towards the , court, decreeing condemnation. It author ize:li agents to purchase products in inch di,' trial, at not exceeding three.fourths of the market value. IILOODTAXT GOLD DILL.. A highly Important bill was Introduced this evening from the Ways and Means Commit tee, making all transactions, n gold Illegal, unless there is an 'Mad manual exchange' f currency for the geld at the time the.contract is made. The bill provides for the severe punishment in any :court' of record, of par: ties found. guilty, aid has numerous other details, apparently making gold specolailon alm'st an impossibility. • TER TAx 00 wuserri omens elm reason*. The tax bill Is to'be reported tit -morrow. The details are ali 'Freesia. We; think : it '. lath today that the tax on whisky will one dollar after the fist of July, and ono dollar and twenty-flve cents after the first of lann-'1 au. - On olgars,froxia Ate to twenty deillin per thousand, according to qoality,..fttaril of 1 thirty-live cent,. Refined petroleum twenty cents. 'Manufactured tobacco, thirty Cents. ; Trip row &smoke roszotirs. - : The Committee on Pablo Lands reportett a 1 bill forit railroad front Et:merle, Rinses, via 130D11011: Grave, to ,ittinneit roar Pori Riley with 4 the Void* rood..la grants .iiltainits . sections for ten secitiosi en each side of the mail It also (tithe:lies a change of rants from, ! Lawrence. and•Wakarors valley, towards Santa He, to ran faun'Leirrenee tei posporli„,, onus illus.'s-mos ! i The Secret Alfy of -the Interior rF 1 ommende an sepropriailon for the Mont and Wisne-1 . ago Indiana, (or the: Inproientent" of their 1 reservation aid' subslsOnoes during the next fiscal year, of onahundrod and aenn them and dollars ' .They Will reqnlre for May and i Jane, of the present year, twenty nine thino; sand dollars, crone ` dollar ea Ara mats each' ;' or Week:: ' eras. sietitroi astnraisit:an--twrany 1 .', - Fir strinst l'arreoaannin. ' etei3: niiicA and Lien; &int ist • plooisa: (together all 427iOen ineintiers of the cabl'• 'net :wall : refosed adisitteneo, The belief ! o P, Zi i t 4 gilltkvo#l!ta,pit Importent . event , ail approaching -'' . . . ; ~..'.; - -; • - - = l, ssairitirosttlia.- - 7.!sti*swaii 04100 of en bantam amount of eilrepFtant bostitesairtdei.':lfte Senate .° 10, i 74 4 anis 7 iii Gtfiserali to-del, and* kill .01 * 3, ,lii'il6.:l3l4lorifi Ofl -040100 on noommt..of peentliti.keltnalltlnnt—Calt before he left Btatojal-14.SullengApp o r d and hlr. faverethli teOnntlxl 11 0 141 ." . COni o 9 3iolll. O mulatto son of JCS Dsvii, Undeniably proved to be euch, l new - seirlitg oz the gun boat Cuondolet. He Is to be brought north as an Illustration of the question In wbkch mlseegenstlon lo mide . ,prattleal, 001.0 Excrumurr, Thorn is eonitderable excitement here ever the rapid li?.0 to gold. Secretary Chasels to New York. - Fogg= luttzr. - sny e•LLIII3. not true that the Laterite or foreign ministers are. to ba tithed. PEENS, LVAIIIA LEGISLATURE. Special pionslcia to the Pltitimrsh Gatatla. 'llatuktianao, April 14, 1804. House—The /lonia this afternoon re. samed the consideration of the Appropriation bill to a second reading. The vote on the 11th section, relative to Qautermasters and Clerks carried-4i to 40. The hill progressed to the 36:h section. The Homo adjourned: till to-night. Great fun was excited after the adjourn-, ment, from a speech from Mr. Snyder, C. claimant to • seat iu the Legislature ; . some'. years ago, asking pay for hie expenses and: salary for that year. Tho Hansa remained in outside 'session with vast laughter and fun. Mr. Mika= presided. The Benatop came over in. large numbers, andwere immensely tickled.' . • Entrefrx—Wornoon foliawing • hills paired finally : Mr. Lowry, amending' the chariot of the oily of Erie. • Mr. Graham,, relative to the burial ground oC tho First Rai tiet Church of Pittsburgh: Mr. Hoge moved' to take up the Meshannock bill, which was taken up, but was recommitted. arras raaaan turarix. • Mr. St. Clair, supplement to the Preoportf sad Shenango Railroad; Sir. Householder,. charter to the Huntingdon Car Company , : alto a supplement to the Fiomerseiiron Company ; Mi. Hopkins, one to. augment the gay of jurors and witnesses L in Greene and Weehing ton counties ; , Dlr;Latta,'one gifting the Sboriff of lirestrooreLond fifty eentsfoi serving neticlos on jurors; Pittahargkamt Franklin Railroad .postponed Mt. Graham fought hard to secure its paiuge. Mr. Graham, to Increase the capital stook:of, the Elea. coy; ton Works, Allegheny eliy. Adjourned until to-morrow. Sersion,—The coculderation ef the Appropriation bill was resumed. tin motion of Mr. Pershing, ea appropriation of $15,000 for the Western Pnnneyirania Insane Hospital, kayoed of $3O 100, al Proposed in the original bill was made ; $5,000 for the New, Brighton Logone Asylum was also inserted to the bill, which passed to sixtieth section: Adjourned until to morrow.. 'Minn FROM CAIRO SURRENDER OF PADUCAH DEMANDED Our Force Prepared to Aka the alsitkipaged MEETING OF THE LOUISIANA CONTENTION A Brilliant Fight at Pensacola, THE REBELS ALMOST ANNIHILATED Carlo, April 14..—Anottter demand solo Made thi; afternoon for the surrender of Padseah, giving out hour for the removal of the women and children. Col. flick's declined to. sur render, sad is prepared to meet the anticipated attack... • The following dispatch, per the steamer OUT. Brunch, failed - to reach your correspond. en* hands till to-day 3 Nm Orleans, Aped/ C —The ceremordes of dedicating Liberty Mall, named and selbeted by Gen. Banks, took place this morning and wore most ttapressive. Bet. J. P. 15111 , 1Miti, of New York, was Master of Ceremonies.. The Louisiana Constitutional Conventio met In Liberty liall, at twelve o'clock. le- fred Shaw was chosen.Presldent pro teee , an • A. C. Hill, of the "Era," Secretary, pro trot. A Committee an Credentials was selected. The Convention adjourned till twelve o'clock to-morrow. A brilliant tight recently took place at-Pen easels, between thirty of the Fourteenth cav alry and the Fifty-seventh Alabama cavalry, in which the rebels were almost annihilated in a hand to land cementer with-sabre,. Mrs. General Swabs, &misted by the ladies of Now Orleans, design giving a Modes if tableaux's; the Opera 1301110 on Wednesday next, for the benefit of soldiers' wires and widows. GUN 41 STEELE'S EXPEDITION The Rear Guars Repuld Attacked and tlie Rebelsed. MARDMOURE'S FORCES ROUTED Limn Retie, Ass., April li.—.Adeloes from Gen. Steele to the 2th inst. have been received. Ilia expedition reiehed Point Mel, south of Skin Ferry, on the Little Blituouri river, about twenty five miles from Camden, where he expected Bon: Thayer with the Ft. Smith force from him aexl. day. On the 2d Shelby attacked Steele's tear gaud under Gen. lileo. with 1200 cavalry, arid two pledes of artillery, and was.rapalsad with' lots of 100 killed sad wOrmied. Onr lots Wit 34 killed and wounded, arid fifteen prisoners. iOn theetis hiarmaduke was attached • with three or four thousand cavalry, and five pieces of artillery, on. the south side of the Little Missouri; and after live hears' hard' Setting. was routed with a less of four killed . aid twenty.three wounded. Our lassies twenty lime wounded. Titania a large force of rebels live , or six mile' from Steele's advance, but fele not ex p. sated that they will make a stand,. Nothing bas been heard from Gen., Banks nr.thegnabotits. • i Sill? POUNDIRED TH BAY OF BENG* 'IVEXTPSIA PIES AND iALUAI34 . CAROO OAT. czam „ Borrox,`",tpril 14.—The *hip Hirini Capt. Andrews, from Calcutta for Beet,in,; with; a valuable cergo, (pandered in the Bay of Ben: gal on the ,4.0 a of January; during sibitril: one . 'Mho eaptaln and fist mate went doers In the chip,'The reandader of the aresitolik refuge in tlshlp's home ' which beams , de tached from the vessel. Before' the alght'of the Ant day Are of thane were washed off the house and drowned. On the fourth day throe others died; on the' Ala day Ole more died, and the lIIVTIVOII re, theyw m h a en Wre e w k ek o ff u nbyti lt h J e / L P e r a e l e ty k - lark . and iribsequently -landed at Point DeOads ' In the bland of Oeylon. Of the mew, dflall told, only throe liars rated. he vessel and cargo are largely Insinial In this Potomac Armr-.Goni 1 31 / 1 3 4's Division Bevlevirdradlebele Rumored', Dino Ridge; Woman:nu, April 14.,..decounta from the_ 'army ~ of the Potomac ay that the Ad divislen, of then 'corps, comm deby Bflen. was reviewed to-day- hy . anock'ead pM resent and a m . Gene ra l resented a sppindid. appestat thedeelwnWaits aimianderlor pffcinty. , After the review the Oenuale partook of refreihments with • John M. Botta, nth!' habil, and. atteratrai Vrlth Oen. Billic in,l V The,lnyl wet beautiful.: .A rnmor.pievalla . but no credit is giveato it, that , the rebeb have recentlybeen seerron Bine eight pehveen our Troops and Indiana' thistu; April le repotted that th a Indian, have torn down th e telegraph , linen es , twice near the Xanatleic Station, latwe lanesburg ant DeaTej A Ight Is said to lava taken at Yr*. monk's Orchard, between the troops from, Belau 'and 'the luau* iebtehdro” diem were w Iletal,tlanidAtiported :ll,l;wit up SkixiinaKidli+Atai l : -.44410441111 I Pill= oil the Ist bit. stiquirt*t: the and up th eir mai Verner . ' and --Mlattouti,"3o-Prungit' their fain Y , out hicdua Old hive terad#oollllnitirtk Cotra4talanaL assisozo,4pril 1, 1 • Houras.—Mr. tSllioD, Of. Tex's, asked leave to offer a resolution that' until otherwise or dored;this Menu wOl, loch day, take a recess from 41 o'oleekuntil 7 n'olock, far the per pose of holding night versions for the mans. potion of business. Objtation was made from the opposite side. The House then renames-Lebo oonsidaraion of the resolution to expel Mr. Long. Mr. Rogers, of N. J.,apposed the resole. , tion, contending that free speech bad been xecognieed by the common law of England from time Immemorial. A man has a right here to !advocate each doctrine. id will the better moue liberty to on:raves and posterity. Be was not hero to giodloato the sentiments .avowed by the gentleman from Ohio. lie did • uOt say the day wouldnot cacao rhea he would :take the same ground, but if it did, he would declare has sentiments, although the pillion doors sadhastilo Should be Opened to receive ' him. We must have freedom of debate in this country, or bid farewell to liberty. Mr. Cox demanded th,Ss yeas end nays. Mr. Colfax remarked t l that that as delays Irene intended, ho had otter proceed with his remarks. Mr. Oox replied that Ins and his friends did not want to delay, but they thought on question of etteh.itopertanee there ought to be a recorder names. ! The main question woe then ordered to be pitt—yetwi7s, nays 71. • Mr. Pandloton,of Obto,'S.ald that three or font. gentleman on the Oppositiasside desired to speak.' The praising question should not: leo broughl to bear to curtail free 'pooch. He therefor* appealed Ice Mr. Colfax not , to take ! that motion until others had: bean heard. Mr. Colfax replied that his heart was dis posed to ,accede to the _request, but public duty densandeditat lje should mobs the mo. two. He called called *Lannon to the fact that', ;mhos Giddings was upend under the pro. ioaeouostloist withaft an oporlunity to he head. _No felt co ' spoiled to demand the previous! question. About twentYiaixspeesihes have been Made, , 1 and both sides have boon equally nosed. There !Were fifteen members who: yet desired to ex. I es els thar views. Mr. Eldridge, wf Miassonsin,' raised, ! , a point of order that Broomall's sab• saitede for Col fee' resolution declaring Long'Sl alma by members, wis not in order.-1 The ,Speaker pro tent , lilt.. Rollins, of N. . declared the substitute to be Weeder. It tild', l 1 nacpronatr , to 'censure Mt. Vilig for 'words:l spoken in debate, but for'tho pallication of .l his sorrels in New York, showing him to be ,in favor a the reeognitlen of th. Southern , Confettrocy, end siding the traitors in arms: against the Gevernment. The Speakeroto tem. declared Mr, Broomon's , subseitute in order; Mr. Eldridge appealed from the decision of the chair. The question bales taken up, the decision of the chair woe sustained by yeas 79 to neje 65. Mr. Colfax said that as Mr. Broomall's pro- pesinon would 60301301 A a 61311111: object, hs would accept ii. for his own, to expel the gentleman from Ohio, as le-wee evident that a Sufficient number of votes could bathe 01, Mined. He demanded the prostate question,' Mr. Cox, of Ohio, wanted tea move to lay the reeolution on the table. Mr. Davie, of Md., gave notice that be should renew the original resolution of expel , awn. The qUastioo Was thou stated, &tadt the question to now pat? Mr. Colton, of tad., then supported the proposition which his had presented In the per , 01'313030 of his duty. Ile showed that when Clay wan Speaker, be came down from the chair ,numerous times to reply to Josiah Quiney, who had tantalised himself against thews: of 1811. Re said that tattoos speeches, jest such LI Long's, had Incited riot in New York slid Illinois, and encouraged the enemy ar.lltolomood and elsewhere, gladdening that hearts and strengthening their bands. Mr. Long, of Ohio, raid hedge. not arraign. ed fur any misconduct, bat merely. far ex. pressing his views on the great subject before them, having called the sentiments of Lin• ooln, Seward, tied other republican. in hie lorpport. Ile may hate tis ea in error, but his judgment aced conscience told him he was Mr. COX moved to lay the caul:awn Co the table : disagreed tq by majority. The resolution conloriog Mr. Long was then adopted by a vole othl against 70. Mr. Colfax then mooed the previous qua. tlon et the preamble, ender the operation' of which it was agreed to. The preamble pets fsate substantially, that Alexander Long, represented! , from the second district of Ohio, by hie are-o: deolaration to the National Capita, and by --publication in _War York, has: hown himself to be to Divot of the necogoitientlf the eitscalled Con, indetacy, now trying to ostallliztt shelf on the Inlns of the osuutry, thiro airing aid and comfort to the enemy In t heir practices', and to the - traitors &gotta the Government within our borders, by assurunace of their succors, and affirmation* of the }talcs of their cause, and that each condom ie Incotu patiblo with hie duty as a member of thin body. The aborts preamble was agreed to by -you 78, nays 05. Adjourood. . • • Sraarc.—The bill to coable the people of Nebraska to form a. Constitution and 5 iota government was passed without amendment. Me. Wade reported frorM:. the Committee of Csufetence on the disagreeing vote. ot the two limns on - the bill enabling the people of Montana to form a territorial government. Adopted. Tao bill to alartet a Masonic Rail Amnia , teen in the District of Coltiothja was. passed. Mr. Sherman, from the Finance Committee, reported a substitute for, bill 105. It pre. 'idea that it shall be unlawful to make aril contract for the purchase, or gale, or loan : or I delivery of any gold coin or bullion, or of Direign exchange, sit any time subsequently to the making of 'the contrast. or for the pay ment of any, Stood or contingent, ln de fault of delivering !Alla eels, &v. It provides also that none but bona lido own , ars in' actual pc:nation etsall make 'a contract for the sale of gold, and forbids any banker or other person to :hake sale of gold, coin be halloo, or forolgta exchange, or to snake :a contract for any Inch parthaso or sato it other than his, ordinary. place of business. All contracts Tialitlou of the act - aro void. Tao ponaltica for tho violation of the eat aro • One of not more than $10,009, nor lea then 11,00 0 , wren imprisonment Of not less thin three months, nor more than one year, or both at the disotaton of the court. - The Senate then - went into executive session, and shortly after adjourned. From San Franclero-;..Prltateer In 'lr°ll,6 Bas Eatgouseo, April 13.-8,41.0, the ship Eueossafor. Balla°, also the steamer Golden City, for Pant:oop, carrying 350 passengers: asid $780,00 .n treasure for England, sod 5272,0 00 for New York. She also takes - 1;0 oheits of too end' 140 bales of wool for New York. Among keepassangera was Griashottle, the privateer of the schooner Cluspulatoorho goes to Nifsahlegtint In irons for tried, tinviig forfeited his par*. Prize Steantrr—Blegroes Sentenced.' Neer Ostnens, dprill3.-i-TheprireitehMMer Mary O. Benton :Cum arrived n.t New Orleehe from off flabreeten. ; Soren uegmenhadbeen trled for the murder of the Intailly of hie: Neff, near Piriniline. In Jumnry i , and; thlie of them sententedde hehanged. , • - • - ; . , Tue,ltaLllin;'lint:l:at albrn,lll,tr4 Nnr Tais,•April 141.—Tho ge diatalLoarilsrod , st. Gibraltor on tlts 28th ult. In 13 itsYn ane.:o'; , hours raining thin. The stlip.and:tnaines went It(petleot, odor, Giest I 7 Uln Gold ' Nsw lon*, giest fain:a gold is raised by a repair that Seeretarjehise hat drawn for night hundred-thousand pounds . stealing, against tint gold sent from San gnat elm last year. Froin Nei ()mane. Nee Tokx. dpell 14.—Th° stosmer Tttos. A. 13.004 tuta eintiod,Eoni Neff Otteani, with tki loei °flair padei mid.propeller. • Grant:and the President. Wasstaatos,;April ties: (hint sat at - baadqaalteri, int caaanitatloa •with the Pregidant ttat manilas. • . ThErAsta Stgqalled. . Ilax.iso,!.Atiril 14—The 'tamer .Ada, VOIR ',taupelite stgagted Dafow, settti dates ta tbs._ Ed snit.._ , • . - , .. -.3 „ 3 ... .II 03-IVOLifitG-.04 %%May otootag, tU litb,36oll,'aCtb, residence of itohro d dainh /OW 114.00.1 tow*lpi Dols. anldgbf Bit. Mr: Colcoun, i15:41.14.13 Sae. ina wassunto: trauma.- . - . inning, April 141.11, Zitrs 76,11M8E1R laN01)1, vlO3 vel,worip Maga. Rr. !alto clth par : 9llter wt. ert.he fauna will he girenla the tat•rui • • Q,lnarr—: s so blab. Symp. of the fol. rzirie fth l, 1 1 1 2 : 111Z;13%,t / uird'i n c:77 l l2ll; ..t, Et..,-.0.132p.Am1.11 Ewa 11°"1. \ urns a team- - 1 ,ttaY.E yEIIB DAY aitiodnlP 4 ,y‘ wits tit h... . 01(0..D. VOIAt. to PrdpaY . -!" 66 1 ,3 tr!kC"ll t roos, prri:l24oo.:- '''''' , W4 4 •• ,,l 44V.4 , ‘Z - 4: -.ll =i;it o . . • ! , . .....- . .. „ . - MARKETS BY TELEGRAM.. New York, Olt Market. Sper Dlapateb to the Plttsbergh Gazette. Neer Foal, April IL—The market for Wade b ex cited, .ed soimiettled that accurate quotation. can. not be Riven. Priem entirely nominal at 98at2c. For HAMM. in bond. Mit demand is moderate and I=arm, at 50a5735c. For Free, the demand rate and prices firm.. BMus at 86667%. For traptha the market fa unchanetd In weer, respect. chicinnati Ittirket. Cmcm.n, Arrll 14.—Erestro.—Flour opened active and elated, and prices advanced on , 'Change 60c ; Wm- of Superfine at S7SO7,Z. but under - the New York neva .the market cloeml flat. What! 54 higher nte Oed 11,50, White 51,00. Corn rather rialet at ' 51,18,91.20 at the clots. Oats advanced tO 8.5 c, and to good demand. Ilya advanced to 51,50. Whisky Ls up to 11,25, and nt the dose sae held higher. Mess Pork arm md to goad demand at 12d. Salm 1,500 bids Bulk Shoulders, advanced to 11:0/ 4 ,.d light Sides to Site • heavy clear Sides sold at 12%. Lord advanced to 13}1(4133e,c, with large tales. Slam Shoulder• sold at natl%, tbn latter rates limlnding .packages. GrocerTes acchanged. Cloverseed 08. Gold 179C0.1V0i Silver IGGOIGt. New York Market. Tonr, ApHll4 —,Cotttn adranced; WOO balm bold at an advance of 20, at 000, the market closing quiet. Flour advanced 10e,200; tales 17, 0 0 0 bhis ST,G 6 /7,g ) for State, 15,6038,75 for Ohio, and $7,40 s 0 for Southern Wheat advanced SCPc 001002,000 both at szarA for White Kentucky. $3 Gr ilicblgan, and SI,OO for fled Jersey. Corn ad vowed 2c; vales 42,000 bush at $1,80(1,32. Park buoyant ; 2.000 bbl, sold at 525, 75 C4 2 7, for ti.° Flacon buoyant it 13415%. Lard nnoyant at 143491 be. Wblaky flan ; We* '35,b20 ablv $1,2001,33. Sow firm. Ooffoe firm and quiet. ?dolman. doll. Petroleum exalted and advanced lo; Crude 42, Banned In bond 5.5{35;y : , and Ptee CSSOT, Frelghta dull. Stock and Money Blair aet. Jiro Toss, April 'lt—Stocks anti and lowtr O. U. 1 —.150 'Michigan ContraL-Ids Curaborland 81% 111.. Control Scrlp-.-147% 0. & Islatgati Bonthem..ll3 T. 11. & d& do staran'd....l63 P.;Vt W & T R W... , nub. & . Canton Co Caton. & . (th1rag0....14.1 :t yrar Cortideataa....ll:: PaLLA.Ozvola,April 11 —BLock. Lrre,suu, • Emus.Venn*. Morris Catl;xl Ifkold —L....L. Loua LO ,ErthangaNew * York v. PhUadelpnla Maiket Prus-angtrnut,..Sprill4.-410 3 rlaeln the prentlinnl o gold has compbeloly.tuneettled the mocha. loran! deantiptloris of breadatia., and prime are advancing; mit" of 3(ootoblcititra fatally Mug at 511.2560475.1 Rod e cbalea lot at: V.); Superfine I. held at SI end., Extra ot : P.Lfii4. 7o • Ilya Ihnte hoe advanced toy tin,7s and Corn Bloat ta £7,75. Wheat boo ad.ancedi tackyd COW tooth meld nt 11 ? &I;g0rYJ both Ken- , White at nye I. tat. on.ltvrival at 51,3851,42. Core Le ...roc: rello• Vati. 00c. ShoObneh Clover Feld gold at 5,150,7,70, Pro vhdon. of all kind. nave again advanced. Whlolry i. active at 51,t4 St. Loft! Ille,rket Loco, Aprll O and unchanged. Flour higher an d carded ;ulnale ra; Entra $7, double I' 17,75(,j8.60. Viboat 10@lto higher: prime - alp@ 1,71, chute° $1,66(41,75. Corn sdra. red 100, ranging . from 61,31,1 i Oats ad ranne4 3140, ranging from. 72 to 070. bard 14a. Whisky very active; and es -1 cited at $1,1131,713, Louisville Tobacco Market. • • Aran - lb—Sale. or.rO hogsheads as follow,: 61 at 91,03a1,955111 at 95+15,95.15 at 9C490, 21 at 97.7,904 17 at 5.x08,90, 21 at 49‘9,13, 21 at 910.1073, 14 at 11.1 11,75 15 at 912,23212,75, 7 at 912.13,75, 9 at $ll. 14 75 ' . 12 at 915215,73, 13 at 1110.10,73, 4 at 517a17 73; Cu 319.14 59, 9 at 919,23.19,73, C at 5M,2140),73. at $21,23, 1 at 121, 9 at 323,502,73 4 at 1921.21,25, 2 at 625.25,25, 1 at $27,23, 1 at 928,1 at 133,50,1 at 1)1025, I.t S5O, lat 991. "haoheads d.01.74ad trait, at $3,223.9: 1 , end 1 llovletad of stem St 92 19. RIVER INTELLIGENCE. Delaware, LattaDile, Ida Doe., Oil Clry, J. it. Oilmere,Nesbvllll , Goody SOlseds,Oineitiosil, • Delaware, Cincinnati. lobo, Oil City. Ito tirerremalua Shout galloon . at gib point, with thirteen feel in the channel by the pier markt tot evening. The weather continues warm and on, settled, al h essalOrial glower,. of rain. Businim It tolerably brisk •t the •harf, with am: p. tonnhge to all what, knight.. hewers, an rather sorra; and boars bare ceneiMuul . ie dificultt In getting it full trip. She 11.hiViils Include the Delaware, from Loilsrllle, coo the Starlight, from F.l, Lois. The Julia, from ianoville, was doe lot dight, end will douLti.ei ho found be pot this morning. The J 00100 U. Gilmore left for 1t . ..011ie le the m.rniug yesterday. with • goof ellµ Incledlog sereral tens of Oen, mid h fair moire of Noma- Sera• Tbe Delaware cleared fur Cincinnati In the aft.r noon,dyiugUaba, and tbs Ooody Friends, in the same predicament, it woe thought. would wagon - dory (pg. The Ontario, Capt..l. A. Barton's new boat, kat: most completed. and th,pt. U. says he will him bre la the landing dor.ng the early part of tbs coming week. She 'Sklar Anderson. LIICII• Martin and Ohio Val ley left CIOCUI0•11for Pittsburgh on Tutsdny, The Jennie Itublie easy announced to follow on Wednet- • der. TbeNemole palmed , Calm en note for St. Louis on Toomey. The lieho left for 011 City huh evening, crowded velth paeoeugerv, and a fair freight liat. The Cot tage, tram the same point, was doe Imp night. Tim Colman, le loading at LonMille for Pitts burgh. The Empire, City left StalLoula for Pittuburgh oo Twoday last, loaded down to the guard, ' Thestattnela and reliable Starlight, Copt Ilartog. II will be man by card, Is announced for St. Louis and the Uppor tillasiasippi, forthwith. ' The Sallie Lilt, Capt. Neal, will yeshivah , leave the foot of Liberty street to day for Noobrille. , The prompt and popular Mho rats, Capt. Gordon, tattle regular parket for Wheeling to-day, learlug t noon The Amount, atpt J. W. Porter, wilt lb m u tt teave,for St. Let& this erettingor to.morrew mart Tho u. g. Blephatn,Clapt. Shaw, will be ready to leave far St. Lents oh Monday, The new steamer Kate Kearney, Cant. Knight, annouriced for St. Louis wet the Unrr Mirsinntrgt forthwith. . ; SITU lIIINDMILD 'COLONIZE/a SIGs IN CLIC?. —Young men, be warned In time, supply yourselves with GO LLO WAT'S PIL LS AND OINTMENT. They are guaranteed to Cure the worst cases of Sores, Ulcers, Scurvy, Fi vers and Bowel complaints. Holloway's Pills and Ointment are now re tailed, owing to the high price 'of drugs, &r., at SO cents, 75 cents and 51,16 par box er pet.. For sale in Pittsburgh by B. L. Fabuestoik & Co. For tale also at Fulton's drug store, Fifth street, Pittsburgh, and by George A. Kelley, Allegheny city. Wsn'am Jtilmus. ha.-,T. M. Itoberis, No. lf PLR street, 11011 opening the most ohoico stock of fine Gold end Silver Watches, Jewelry, Silver were and Fancy Goods aver displayed in this city, and to selling them at remarkably low minas. e : . Omni ma amigo Wit will be train it the Omnibus °Mee, fro. 410 Pm= street, dl) 'or night. MI ordure left at the &bore plaits gill be promptly ettemded &to most ire polio advents. 11..8111., 7.48 rear, ctrov.. I:11 1 Lartl La aft 1 , 7(5r.1 11 o1 • 1 Poi afar end &farad , ' dry goodio to Barker's, n Mutat street. Jostra hL G•sgm, Agornoy gLaw, 98 Grant. street. slam' EDON WORTH 61Mriraltlf aeadvertiromegt GROCERIES. =ono prime la bloren 60 do do Ceps do; 106 hltde. E: O. mow, riles coop; . ED do -nnicooScib.sope.. , ; .10 0 bbl: Neturtlintve, - 77 63 : ' 200: doO. Sdolsams, now cooir. do ' do do. . 3 4 eIV; • 300' do ftteapi, snorted bran6c SOn do Benron klnt: 1600 piteleva this. and bolt MALI 160 ble. Vann*. It ty Lien:lnc - 60 do Say of Island do;. 60 do Lahrsdor ' do; 10360 tuattle. Lake do; do - White Tlebt 600 bbl. Extra ltd. 18.111 _ •• 300 do Ex= and ;Uri, /Inn 2100 bust Tobacco toutnlot • t 76 bbla. Tn.. no. 1 'doter itesbieo LW Oil; BO tierces prime Leaf Laid; ;.• • for mile to the trade la., Joas L ifooss 800.. rabid corner Smithfield and %dor streeta. nt_ROCERTEi. - N„R 2to hhda. R. R. aP. R.Dogara, Tod to ptifico; 100 bbla. .T. tyrant, warted pads; ID'S do. N. 0. boluses: do Cnuid. Pone& Gran.* Who %agars; 493 bap 'nod to kilms Rio Ratko: Sl* ht. ctuataY•llo • 9`.. bap. kOoloogTeQ; 60 do Japan Tan . 100 bbl& Rangoon Bice; .. VW pap. Tobacco, amtorted .iota and qualitiu ; VOO bt bbla Late Ilelxing and White 11.11 • 1,100 bbla. andbf. bblinta:karel, iniorkd 100 kite. Nos. I sudilitlankcond; In "°"4 fiakinti k • . .11c0027 and t 9 mar thaa ROCERIES. ' • • G-. 1201.0priduatio core° , • .B 0 -d. Cuba . • ad tierce* - 110 Ibis. 21'. O. liclassoli • . . - 100 do thetasßytapi; •40 t023:5 acd ICts Tbacco; 20 do Pounds' ' ' ISkzi e•twlat' 404 tnd asattuf caestilrout4o "Pe dn[tlag © d r"' • •ll'l 1 i .91 V i and a l 2 3 ai• a a st., ~ FOR; Disrtisiki;on inodeiate tin= Dr' ...1. is a nt ooterwmatsarMaossiaterLo to AsErrupousa Donau, ormolu' sizmc glue, ...era ibeettell•baao ICHOINIX or.•4llloezt -slug} waottoirr: WAN faLATTI3, ft , stattLlol AN. ',bed boats. DOCTOR& AS"' eair aad Fume !istii mons sa IrpSIGIELT }101311,3214 r • • jm= hilo":l).oe'ck'nuaia - • • • • a 44' :. . l''6 ,- i 4 . - li' 4 f• -1.-" .-1 -.54.---,,.,---,,,-,-1,-,..^,,--..--,.1,- . ' ... VEI 4 OS:Kt 01 1 5,.A 1) !UNSPOlLT :..e.sioirconeanr, . . Pi nizA4 - itmrpared .rosin, stor• sad sail Crude and. Befinert,etkolevan i. 012 the most ressonsias and to mate Mgr bitumen'..L.H.. trULVZR, Plnis street. New Yost. Wlf. Etter. • I WArtrat det.e# c/a. JAMES WILKUiS, Li % PaisarlL.. Jar c.rodg.u.-nts, Pewmytranla wats+. Ir.: to stored at the Oomeshy's tre-pmef istremoli, oa I:fob:Mee side of Titer. ' - Waal- PAPER WAREHOUSE. VARUKLL, IRVING &CO., 40. 610 mums srurr, YntiAmaxii4, Iff anttbacgxi!n Double Strength Manilla Paper, Of .n dna. BOLL REAPP.ESS, pa baadjfe amtr to coder Ingbist prine pidd ear 13.0P11, to Imp 4).• cod quantities. • mleamd MaCA.ROOI3 MARBLE WOB3p, Ix. unman KRIM O blautlful .0 Tailed onic3olo.l al' Hontannts• aftB Gisve Stones. !WTI% Pjtiitl, 80H15DA.4.6 Vit}OHND: 'MWIS 0:1311iTII.. . SAAR 1,3RA1t4 12 7' EC"E P 4 A:W Lrlzaran am ! lops nen/ana, 00 fond a tans sad •• • • • • . annentzt stork of •DDDISI:SI2,DOAT AND . I. PLANA. WIDDOW !BAKU 371:Mr. INTE.I4 , 11313•81143, JOl2ll l . 13PODTDAD, Ls v , . PAul was, a.ar.., Ya .„ tu =att. ear SAIVID • • irDDI preen ottes• and at talt redeA, • • DAL Persons van Den. WDD ""• or. for= f.il aro putt Wetted t maga. %Cu*. CODISem, en ers.a. Own: en. , 'Goble BAGSI ititElS±St Hew as al secon*basui - Seamless, Burhip A 'kiwi Bags,' ILOt' AND 4 . 4 am* . VI prhind 'yo order. by JOAN T. BAILEY kru.s.” is. 11 storm Troy. rhiladelDiaL TBE 'NATIONAL ALMANAC, FOR -1664- ... . . Tido tstalisobla Annual li mw r;n4y to[ Wag . Tbor• to no one but can dna lomolnantoslinn nottta Len HMO the mot of the boo* to them. . ,• DA V ta. LIARS: I34 CSEI 1710=1 REMOVAL. --On theist of Apyni will remove.= Om<ono to Mo. 63 PIPTIII 6T616g.T. The town tt present oaniid 'by Mann: Weber 4 Bro. A Brio asortaurat of ;PIANOS on hand me!! tntif 1.1 N. bI E1TX11.62.1=. J. la. 110FPliiAlf & BRO.; Bola sprit. of 'Dockets num. T.. 1 . ORR & CO., Dea*a in X.X. PINE' TAR. , Vrapared asyres.ly I xixs. Panay in runt ixi• g • non ircn BUCt&Td. Tor anl• by thidoan and In bands and haires.= = tea. Ho. Ud YLBSI Pittaburgb. ap9dlna • C gN Twa, DRUG! Chia olgul braiSa. qv,. a. HILLY spans s?DtrOlLtimpicutrim oar chnite.a.st• 0 . 4 1. 46 ' 4 ' w..10' AbTRAL OIL WORKS. ASTRAL *CUBE OIL;. Braving poroboood tbs. Bo4ory latoly intovelcloy VirlL Z. DisANDON, sA aro , DOW preparattd nbr to the pobl It our roper'," ILIA/HINE ffia , l4 . (=mod oa otrictly prlnelplos, osol sat-. rancool equal to Lora 014: THOS. J.,..":6IoOLELLAND k CO.. to441:1to Otloo. 47 Wood 50774- : DIAIt,LEm. litrieemortment of TOCEMI AND COUNTIMO HOUSE DIAIUMS. for 1/164--1a poor, in clothi to roan. la Imitation Torkoy. la Tarim Morocco.- with gilt elm and with marble almgr-with tack% mums Marys sad elartlo festartinget All sines, 1 0 d from the caromonort. to l the wry trot. For rale at rrtmousble robs by . . - WM. 0. lote§Ttal co- stateims: oeltS•worraw 6T Wool trawiL. I.)APER /LND E . W/L. 1101751E.—Juse VELOPE • Ign stock et NOTE, AND OAF PAM& • AWNI2. , MS, In ups: wietles, zolort sad qoaUtiell, irrery _tad. 701 . 1rAleby W. CI.JOHEMS CO., raliDideq; Mil2=3 NEW BOOKS! "NBW BOOKS! , . , BINE An =Maass OT Bt ISCHOOLB —A biography of tat...mak/NI- and W. Fox: By Jobs O. Poorer. ',rot' Price 53. 00: • A VANDAL ON , "XXIMAOTINO Maga— ronAdad on tho Aaatoriy Of the porta Iterated Yo the operattott ,• kirpla &ad pioyor coalb!stetion:of tEutrameata, Lc. 1 vol. Igroo. - •. REAVEIiI noma. - lrot.12020: DAING AND surrr.anra. Lion. Petlam• ger. Z A largo supply of th e Dater inn* Pat Moira& l a y lA' DYAD. 18 Fourth wad; - AA LLRGE LOT OF Om,* ma &s Tobago; •;; Daimon apt% Tobacco; , Navy Pounds do; , Bright dot . : . Cat awl Dry motto; Tobacco; , PaTcat d 'do do, atm tioattta'n Bohai Inao Cat' do; , Bann Swop, Oren 11111. d 011 do; Vdo_ do ot. . ' • mhto 11o0OLLISTIR & 11 4 111,10$VOid fitAGE3 I BAGS]. BAGS I : 7, ' ii 1,100 &Wiwi iwo Ocahel Cep ; __, .. - '4oColmitatioei ' 4? - - - - __ A.; , ' I o,ooo.oats 8.4601 . .. 1 •,O0 font. bnstal.nieirentealsge I 7 ' , 1.600 Sate Brat . , 1,1100 wand hind Inantlee• UP :. ''. •,. , 1,600 Otono . Owl.. ' . en• an coan6uselyineclelng new and weond.6nin Dena Sankt sad Gunning: ''Tbe, trade - aniplted. arrGl4.-OCEFe NnOBELIII. • CO., I , 131 Sowed ateneti...„ CIONSIGNai rs. hozri Drina SQ. do "Irmonc,, ,, 10 doHomburg Amon 160 trba , rano% • 60 halt bbli. Lgto lierrlnd; Srro 0106. 3 110:•tt - sad 1111low.dh -l ial0" 10 Dom trigs Wit Batter j, Itacrlved sad far rale at Ho' 501 Llbrrrrrtieet. spB vt/T l ll l , AI6F9 416-6111:P18ti: QUNDRISS. 14.? 100 tblnntioke - 200 do _Tamil:lMM. • , - 800 boan t lorbkd rt!r!!7;.l, . 1,600 do 1.0.00 do Ph-11.4 o=o4 . . , 1,4 0 11 do Wbest; • - , do :Rhino forges ny• Noblaild d 611.170. LIT 1.1.)0K, •.E7TIT do CO. - LP - So. is smaurrsisiirjussi. Jut Meant! !argue: so Sten.* prltsil‘srlded;l". •- • 5.003 plea* wr Bacon ;. • 10.CE0 'Mtn Hams: sr 10,00 do. 'gad:matt ISvK O • plif 13,C00 cleslll44 ribbed 11.1; • • 4,41bu0i..1h14 tip, _ . ple* erk•NIMMII U 40.111,1 C NLO' 1 , 5 v-10 bbbc W.) Ited tf • g4-2:3=t P Wu* andii ElP •by PAITSON Atn AIITION.No.'6•W 1..(X) .eND ....7 vs bbai. prumsbootdaisi, T 3 NAB Wm Part: .• - . Tor taus siaxkitascriliack-, • =WI - 191 and IDS Llbetzirtreo 10 ww G - r lLb t oar load Tack Appltur,: •; • 60 bbli.istrachota , Ohio to; 1 rar lout sheha Goma; 110 bblm.lati Ottorfrritilbes; T 6 rry /Mari . la store sad for malt by •L. f1.,6•07 _ (11.1.FT0 .WOMEN! -WATS& `CI . YlOl7 TIZITI2OI-4i., imply critui 4111eint widths rucellnijitui to raid thi Itatilistywr • Naa.4tl dud Z 1 St. ear -; . • Tlll 7 *as Apati tor AlleiDerry rdtcari. . ptagitekil&W Pit= flor 91f14 12tailbt pita' Maar opostg.th 12 DOSENDALEOFMNT•• - ", b: 'l3), tritEfi' 4 stetaim.ipor.t.uns. ' 40' T itte teglueinbrb._ • ISICEET • A L If 880 Y • -- • 4 - BTO EE The Largen 'irarteth Best Ronda, ima ItiCEB 1 Of ANT BOOT a tiaotirpias gerNo. 62', Fifth St.roVOlr Or • i,avttWu m.m to Dolan, •'' •t ' -- 1 BOOT AND SHOP STORE OF --1, m P - .- r - r 1 • I ' - ' • . - . -•,!: ... •,,. LFt BOIttaND; - ''' '' "'"1 lqi 5 •ri' • No. 99 *.A.VtirrEM,t3= AW. • - 1:E/• Pl .. ::r *1611144 WI ;Itkett4 WA 64014 Nock PI:. ,4 Boots,- Bliaes;claitani and talmarais ::;.i 1 ivb. find in- 11.4 city. Canby. Marritab VV. -1 alba at a• • refit soc k twan -poem— Zs vas* alai lii • soma re, ta liar larigki stoc leant gatrettaabss at*. i 1 3. H. BOIL LAND'S, at Mirka . : street. 0 t,-,1 Becr IA dam hum 1111th. Ti: . , NEW isND macs .8444414.0 erp Alia, and iSiml:4liiin• ci ril°6tBf Ithqtlif ntibbe6-; trO4 -j • •. ! fatthir. ttliN BOOT 4.BD'OnOr HOME - •••• • ; titkritiVicaqt.': • • as at lUDS= BT.. It digit= Ttttr;. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! W. wdi. honoo - matlnd oar Spot;lrlotOck BOOTB AND snap., at tho I;OWLIT . 65n vsup. W. hays do Imre...Loot boos mimed mock E l? Ingle. wimp ;ow' squimr-toed TouibucainelW ctp. Leams , La abgadoino. Gin as co/L. . 89 mestir enssirr. fIOODSi • • ;suer sAcinvia,i iaanzw. arkirx sip Da , do At mama - ekr, Do 110E0000 &GOAT BALlrli'do; arms Taft= BOLE GRAIN & GALT do Vi i'? Do TWO do. attar do AU of tbe beas mum mes e ad wercated to ttt!f , ii . ware eatlefecOos. • CFECN 4LBRILE; SON . 4c CO„ de= ft. 71. oof Wood Id:aim:lb :4! JOHN cAIueBELL, BOOTS AND SESDES;of fnaryidecrllAS4l* l e 4 Smith&ld. ifteet,-Pitutergh. ; ocsKi . • : .$ ' I SILVER 1 PEARL SOAP. , . CRITAIPTOII - Liberty stioii, '131; Bole Poneiciere ileatleiterera foe Wake Pasghertle. Obb, /agletta. tabwic.na . j . F ts.t..ets =pat* ;- Palm e Geimai - Olive Lad Tamara = E+ TOILET ivszi wiz alma PLLUL BOAP, which some* . deatlelly redoarreesit tut batter Or parcel see 434 .• • ea other berme the wale, phottlet be terra ta stag • bee neither Petah:Wt. LiMa ar Boelaioi mTot9lt soletazute Itr, Its itteaoSetare which cse artalle - Ware the Wet tants. Thessets sod Woofers 44 • he ~aeDW emit she matt" at Cotton or USN. Cudmi mated with the OILY/2 PROM OUP do rot wads* .botileg, or heft Slut !Ohba. fro.l# • SUNKRIP.A.Tat sta.,4". ma., - mit; astabi z atuf the-word Bap Water atalasa aardlate lk• ly. It with semelet,gyouge,,thse PrefcerthE amps , sad gurallase Beta ado gad dep. II . .trett,lsecy is ppy ~de~ Jrrelri.Glroserat Zassoellott Patathep an Mae Ladles taaitedleistr t . end lot - dente aterhhe r esa Ikea Hi a tt bat so pur.. Tx the sad early tbs &LIME P WAY a perfeti.l7tifi4ln • yore. e , *ho Oast arias Its esprelat eckoostedge Osi. vOO rdlsconui of t ego. US Orteeett7 Ish • Irtelttare who are latereetra sear Soap, sea lkolirr_ I came sill reread the price ar the axes ebochl WWI , m 1112XCIPliel V Wire dohs tor 11,1 f seelesselifea to Soul st MTS Cing TIM; POThrti. - bfety paged boestolethered to Ca Weer tads, wa i st. Isgarety,'Slitsa mad 0117 midmost , ci charge.. Wreath= Ox axe at ad pertain: j dhcoratto grrral Nachman trou ts. t 'gates • di': varVstrs. '020711111 . 20111 CO. a calk gr 7 =et/ Ste Peamtestle Reilrosanlitreno /Fr Hems, at WI trettelloss t ease eseefai Dearth; 040 CrlYlmetatip—gthr: Mau scated 17.a5kYR!1.0F77 71 10 4 -, _ ptagnr.D ocroiTit - • DrICEMIXIIII PAISMi ' 6 AL S *-#P S ; • I , .VIS II", iIhiMMIS Ste tateded It4hao., Udint a puts at the par sosig i a&sheatposi tt to qtr Fir p iorkJ . 4 Wiabbigtol Mad; . .„I:.cii 2 6 labututeamo_.,l7R:l.ANlfftEtet.:l3WlLlA2llnr,.4i.unt. bsee2.4o3i f ioi , 4•; - S: -,, : ` . 1 . , 1 - — lootOilialt. WA" g!' boiatial nem Aim Equasrairl4,o:. 44-lisas) ; kaOrkii. orriptiirbault JeSrypois4.- pvitriVarjesigmoOatooli=feoia -'4. =l: k. , ca nibs of nate!..Pricateil gEts 41.4151!4*., •-•-; ~ . . , ;=, l DR: 13AV,LZ '- , - - ...: 1- • rim Prditi -iicaruarthogaistbio treepOst at, lanowto the= A 04 smintint. ~,,e der itiot sci _SP& tor Azny4ol.la, P E 511, M eacu I n ch 1 1 i i lw r 1 ei Ro l a? = l t in 4 eg 011111 el ilfaXani. the ;Ur' mal trt4.114 m. ,. . , . Mos. UP rim ann. r, -- in :;,. , • ITYRULASTRALLNuorittatzkpftoall 0. wissegraiat spoesen TAxista• ipoz-barssfos .111 utmost, . 1W; prior— "Wl 11{II BEDS; Hatt; Hui 'IMO' aprtag_lllat. .TRAesza• vett vorlatr of 811ADSB -, 114.3L1C noon oh. awns; Ett er TAB= 0011:611; AdElsido ; um, tionseri 1:, of tbo bon 410a1tt,!0 . • arbars' igliotlisd to. • • ..• Holm No, MU; dilstioal ; ( 1613212 t! _ , 0 ort Irk afw . nil . WITO/411B.T1:., si 60411, to. is woos 61W? r emaktai 140103. uwu n,- ' " II -1 oeimaiiinoia'arttakiroutoti*o.tor emntma4 Pinamith Acketentisktuntirlf MS. lasi* WAIL //3.4 Dom* CO Arnimalvuta.miNlitio rvlrs A=7,10 LIEVELOCIA -1 4..63 -- ar r i: rit Ifil:. dysimactsciitte ~ . ,- 111n . 11. " 41 A4 1 4 44 0 4 -Or r — dal ' Pi 11 46 4 liftili ea 1 0 31* anslkailiblweeitorsimaliegliei. - ,h. t spowroiratultyla W , 5.,-1014:11:! „. , ,:t,; ..,,,,,,,,, , i;?1.4 . 1.• -- e_ - . - vi, .E..,-4 4 1 V . 4:4 - 1 • riEt . • r Sik , =Mr ~~ _-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers