`:~ =. f r_;;i ~-x •,.:5 7 7 '." WEE:fi ftbStillit ~10/l A rr faniriritOM UK .1f.0717 AND SOBURBAN, yenta da i s ee !..Axi;vabi ink -.. , .._ plia46 am Han t ell L- l os pm, ...7-, iiseAmeo,&so-1 m.,. a. . ..1 1tau—,..,..w0 a 20 tact x .1.......... izi ~1:11r@f lizprrts•+ 40 P m 4lVite. -.'•'.:'.';'4llg="isojtAlli ,„wa:r.;....., ~. t7ivi.r...it3°•,::,,,- ,-..- . - -'111;:' 14: • .. ,11 li do .- .. t* llrOa adys.p.m 34:.-..1.._ .:/ko6vcs! ,L . i! „ 21 1.s - i:•',.....tr,50•;:_.."b Troi6.9o.,iti'llis....4stestittuism (05 eue:111) . 2 Clf. ' am 1114rna sr uferg FwA- ''''' •.. • --- - -.- tvrilMft:l4l l' ? '' 4 " l6, ":Zt - O it 10 1 "'' ' -.,' Ekdoef;43 • go Oeloeis*VigPLn die p VA :liiit. lac!* -Iloilo Pht do -.; . 1 140 P or. :-, •'!:: ~ -.l %T "T i;ir. l. -;, • = e '7'l, 11 Cenatallio.ik‘ll^i 7,2 ll . :2, ' -..,„413 ,b..'_'l,4t;i7tsiAlepiiimcoiloliapirs'i,tsp me '' "*Statilid-Pls 2s . sai m itiTs l hatt Blitke at s'"). • ''''' - ' Ittlilie*.. kaleg - vitpb9PAii , ..,4 ,-' , ".. - ...4 1 '. • ''...:'..-... - ,IIV - It..= w-' iie'e;AredAshlls•-''': ,•.: . i Amon: - - ni l ;;........ ,'''-'- ' - ,4) friii - sr'6 Haft.:- 44° . s p. ft , . . . ~• ..,,,,......,„,„,..—..... wipe, 5rmip_.......-Le,...4:1,0iii,52.- Per 4o ,„ 14.,,,.i.ti0 az let. Mr.' gibs . p ut, , - • .-.. " ' l st". • ..... , - - 0:15P li , W ' - 41=1.1.01' . . ~..".21124 '• - ••••••', • ' to o . post P01irt....".,, . 0 ss .' . ;' ' -Pett) , ''tsyss Iltsdlosp.,str-i- it „ tot : ....: . i,r.oka sttiMio on ~,,a f r '' r " -*-- ii i t, Ili) p:li,leelenfilles ~zi r- ,-;. ..:. ~..-74.,....:„„......,..„11„.1.4...c....:411f. ,';• — ‘ - '"" - -issoThi-vs - 14 0n5 , ._„,.,„,,,...”- --- -ea t st in vas. Is ;•;;, - otzilss,,s!.',,rbfitig-'..lr'''il' 1; , ; .2 .!•'-', 7 , , r:,: ikail,f i ii .--, 16,11.„.....-- 3 41 , .. 1 . ..,..",.:, meett isle Sim Cletlaetio tie iegr. it 5 6 04 ,674c - Re... I ...• - ~ ..0.0........, , ,,,,,,:: . ~. .... cindand....., 7:40 ..,.... . . .... ~....:--.6.,, . ''' - '- liiirticM4`.4'l." ilte-CaP Capital' '`-'' twill:, -: ' ••,:: :-: '''""7.4.l.,,Aiiiiiiiiii , istlishii fa in .' ' i'li— . , - , still impolite o bate, •'^' 1440 4.44.. " 1 P 161 . t " a . jaalwatal Or th e' 1,.-1120i20!-'14*.i°P.'. d tii tLLi - ',l','„„ i f ree ly, -.--f-.-;-;',-,-',;:seisit'ai4l/47i'lielgitp9,,ii‘ efei4t.P6r-- ail4UoAlitike...l2°',Ejrga firthit Put" ...I,`'Li a i n d a l the alre adyiill,. ~ ~ 1,00.. ''lllltsP2l/1/"F*6 ' ha ms m►de; . A u : t wee thEede.4. l 4 2l - city 101 , 1* . di 4,41,000,0p9 for tba etas, , lia'a°l-ILrgiitialiiii; and it ti said that ' li" - , -feeifi*- d-iiill ' 111 exptedss,ooo,ooo lather . thin ' ' ilwi w x bin erovldas_fer thiete-. 1. tJAPe en i--. - 48:------ t .404 in the - , hi A ' ant'f - geverkseellA . ....• .1. '.. •• ' ,- mover 'Pt; thit r. the 43eite; bula:.Permaatr :-.:-' ~ ,,jekarr i e htilma o 6 );EV /4441 Pr a d 'at i r on or ‘ '-..i s - F lii - s7itti. - of MY ,_, ll °_,# , P.lll4 6 et-A s ii bays betas thetnik.e.s d i t ood.! i m udi ii gt tor the provided settsible..t,eFra,dipotresn te..-`'./.„,4 • *•• . _... • f.. I,s'lsteitisiel.Wo.l73 _ i ii ii. r. sunury. of t he ; " ' - 'l. ". • .-'.. 1 ! Garilien' Att " 3-8 / .e” iltiers l ;4 l 4. 7,o - 'W .%.cogozeiti3,4lo44oAtta,ribi...s.iiii,,, sad firs .....itr.....u. j elsmb_ri . l . .. to be sphgeletad bi g i l l .. ....-- . ~..,., , 0 : 44teelien ec-fitof::;i7t,, ,bdis,l4tiolometet_,, -., ~ , •-r Z,Vis i sjlLlti TOlio r tet t X 6 dl n i l s 7 , so p :,;:11 AO toit _.,_,,, 434 ! • ,... gr lZ i p is a il t eit erectics, , ol . 4o lee . 7- 1 - l 'i', 4 7 : „., i ii, their ireetien. fr giii t direc t:::44 that.the G " a r b t r P l a i tte will veto the pro P olod-l ' hs " r4 r..."thie event an effort the till if 5P 44 . 14 . , a,u ---. 'it eVer lbe.Executivi will'f- be nimik-...5tc... - ,.. 1 , r ' 0te ~ but It is 4...iebtfol v°l#., _ „...bl u t i wit irral , t:t4ll l4- . ell k l ! :t.t ...- - ~.: :::. ..... ww5......A...i. : us .....di, 4 4, ..,... - ,r: A tmll gl' ! a 6'.. -. ' ' - 7 " - ::' ' ' .. 7- '•"•' - '-; ......'..--7„,ma .Rellte.., ,":. '....; :•. .... i'.. ---,..'.•-_; :-.._ . . • v s . igrostty Mite " .. *l°4*lPlt" lcav ll li - inetyiliAsurPia? the line of es , !/ItA-s- 11 k..4 Au. msiionlez; 80siiitsiro ritcia 1iti1t01712111,;a,., large bed; cl • - '- '---, t ii. iadistai,itr man boas } .F° = jAi4 t I > sioisda .' 13.,.._.L.-_.,,,,..a,,t that they wi. , FO . T:°, 1 :1,"!... .. ',' • -- ~. :100!.1"!! , :g7'-"'- '- - l ii 411444 bro7.'S': oflndiana WO, an in 6 `2.- . ucit i tt i kki7 i i . ,-,.., - - -'' fiidiggall'red- • - -&-.A.. - . pro - - —-- loslii,"""i7-iitt lArs,bil I"lnial kheksaia other 11 AP am Ai hands, stmlatc'ww •lific-aro found ; with _ t to, savage' , • ',Lei alsy, Otaqd ritb ~...4- -. " '-'•-"!,l:riAltAliAnnitywhibewh gravel lei 41 , 11 1. 1:s o % th in ne d imi ° Ogee. found save , the .e __ ~.,..,. ~:-'-'•.• = - .....tres33o. -..,,,...1ei,,,,,..1,04. 0 0 .3!..7 1 • . 11 7 i ii: Atie.l 4 Pflu'" , • i t '- wits Tor 'milieu so L --• '-f- . 1414. placed ST P i ta sisimiteijilincaboa l e- ' ,'-• ' Interldwgz-: °P- 7,,,./. 0 6., and estimsts4l/7 1 ' .-. '. • : fourfeet from t he -- • • atiodloiam-Awo.tb ! - %theidietain tc.:ksll,l%. It is _ p .,..a three hundred • mi C e It ?-ykinity - ,,matking the :these era others twills ,iin biaulinst have , . - '-.:.....-. _..., ~. • •pot whore a V: l lV , fiehdre 4- YeLos = . - , • ':".': Wen Pl= tut thel'iliScf W I. ri' 4 (. tbi : --,- .:-.'',• • s' .The 4.',110113010164' 41enl ? "' iAffistUtil• - • • ' ' ' llt ailii .the letti l dliati..' 0 „ 6 4 - rt ebii e t ha to.4: - pv!pltei . ! • •,‘ -;‘, , ~, r • th ey watt, .as were is4llol/1. ,`,...AliSl!“;:_ll.,thit rlill : th at ' f the . ~..;•• r. .„- ;';.....•,,,,ifere thir•.5ee..,,_.133,1,,,,ut. pee,. o 6b, • ••.. • ' - werlA ./digiat=or.frecMrOd' lt a i'sli P aah." . . - 'iktingll:oo• f lifiligiilch As Fg-• -----:: S ' .;: • - .t.-.: toty. the idiot 9 , ; Aft Went tirt'elYettrrk.ilreltroa d. .. Otr.Vrwdessday thisauove e!prss Inas, :alis to lhla ety whoof.isisieciislis - sset wD.h a `iboet two of , ' 4 6rweerbrirg• 'lt sliiiii t b s t* hal -I " m " ta twtrobt, whirl ta k ibutsertiy wished. Osage ems or stews Jakd atrt rat tato tho. month or.the taw:wit woes; Vitelyllhalwaing , it.- The sweeter or the ; - ssw.tht obstruett, bate:et _ nor k , wiTir wow completely .r."..a/ betclungeto say tharkwas so person lastusii, A ' - Intre'rrariertc*dm Oda city the eastderet, sett rho yurourPTO a my l / • Alt Work to cleat away thi the are... niag - i.);s • • • 1 - •4-4 , :!. Thelgroa matil - - • Usury A. itesviir, Sistee As; .° lll °Uk r k ° ' ace oi s tbe fist Wit. totems of the esurter tbt bs awls rat the 7cri /813, should be made r2 orborsMtheiritot Usy. - Au failing tomak• • _swum that date wili hats &return atetho ' ,4l 'aftt i tri the Assishisit. Assissots, gest the bat tafirsastion.lw their penman. This I 1 , -s Haat matter. end shoed mats* .." ..-, "17 th0 prompt attention or sw_srx man whose fp ;,11 come is syn. the amount er hundred ' . t. Tiuwestrossetebe.ei seherar eriti t tt re 41 0 r and "stPone r ir nor AS it .1 swesible mon:4ot. low • -4, 4desebi - be. Vbe.soptlnestusts Niert showillmr Witilt2l l ,l Aria rtordaUT caroled, them deltas should Wattle:tea taw!aptly , atilemstosl4- 41 ter car!: a li githuu , —.........4.- 2 :;.. i . ir LIT' or Parlour Lucout.—i;.u. Altar ; ' son k Protbeis,l'ldlidolpbjakre:, hank jut rabligtudtha.Llfo,l3pouttra 1., ;oda= tips', I,ottan,, bloorogu, ado, sad Potilla Salvias ~ •'., `of Puri drat Lseotn:' 'troubling stall ttlo tary Ildr TAU 14Ir earear to a Larger mad 11 ' , St.{9. l I CoP s oath UP 'Po tiotPLASis I r d 0 , Fill • . Spot Au, Mosta/to, Proola t r p u i l:l 4 :74 ll3 : l 1 '' •a f la ir i i ( rolt°a•toimanderttrtataff of tho ;tuna, mud /far: of lila UMW SULU.% Dicta tbs 'lnsert , : •«, ; .. ilmry with 111, Portrait. ~ , C vaplolot to, on 1 - ••' Lug. Tl 4 Inl tia of al?t G° Ps t g ;ilr it r... 21 IZZ• ' • : 1 I ':' fir?gatdijistll4lflos;!riat labibf i % a.it, 1 --, •.: Maiiiksto iisu, inta id.mt; W. £ talldi . , , ' - fAsaaitgsirillestrzt i rad . , Hoary Man s, t t. ... '••• liratart OVIIIII,r,e-A Oitiqdlis or a setqc ` l ' - ' 14st impsient Astor* silo • porpotratai co a t t rutted. at Yesdritioe ro.,at CidertilDlii , ' 7 ' ' dot lad wool. Ma was standing before GA, ' F door of oni, of the Clactottati bar, kr, Jats lifter. • -10 Ise cloud for tbaday, whoa two ;outset ~ckaklog todtvtdatla *oat to eat door, sad 4 +gnats ft loqiced, woo luta to orprontotta of Csappolntaumt in not bider ado tort Out? , itirlt - for a thousaad doltan coultort—lo fact • ' ,„ ta t oi wort ndoed twless ttau cold got the .r, , , mo ms, 0.114 only two cilnotoa too laia. Oar •'•-" ' ' Orawtord eotnatrytricad witted tbolr eoadlfloa, hind %tali cheek 101 SU% and loaned F'u'' I uti It at the • buy; • .-- -.. are, morning, sprasioo g . ' ' that it wu good tor '‘ola." -Itatttor a bad ' ' PArtrut. doctorate-A as 'days !go., • , r Dal " boy to , et{ ample, of if , r. 1.11 u . i lto: ; itaafter.: l No= Vg. too k t 7,,,,,f.„ 6 7 ,' =lll.fit..-- a. v i ..`.IC7 to L. .. w ., i ' ' u. tsars tut .bi.d.i. $ Wet. dLsehasissk fold, Tb• ball puled through both 'ldea , ollts guild', tbirn Iretitleg IS sstisdoss lodts 4 , - 4a. aw , shoolae. of Illtir liiirVe. Cooper, • ...,: ins to of a 'Odor lay, Ilting In tto Isr of tie ifsbia, ..(Let , ein_s , a , ...very !war! and 1 gaigsfuna tre=......_L_......._______ ) consent , ' % —Ts routing tita ibutig *in gists of the W . deo ro am h•oflotitioatiatiax,mutsilln•aas., 4t• Itay.o7ll Vi, o I 1 Co , #014604 fks Obairfkaa of the Pram oag g E ., 'nit. to a =ULU. It ought to be , 64450 5, . 3 1 .00 ,,,,i /cm lifilialigtall• .sulitin , ,Ploot t 7 , - Nacalris liovverint , --al l l l l la is, • - ' -. 4 $4454494440, ; Ili' ji0 7 4 7; 4 ' 00.04iDamwo waM IQ, uf tit reilogue v ia 1 ' ' bpd .4 1 i. t 9 t,ta Ord!sena Coscad l 4 o for • ?-.;:PZ:777:;_:':,,:;.,',1,;4:,..'-,.:-.':::*;.::','::,:i:.MP!"E-t.i '' - :.'. a - -':: ., ':.','.;."-' - ' . -1• - :" . ', -- , 1 :'j - . - i- d' s Verandnal-tetat,' Xbe forming :t sW'ittte - disPaed , of - bo fore Judge Bts4atf x: vlO 411:01/6104;u4tooa on a charge of illegal ihrotol4alifit plcadOlitaiiivms etnitenned ActiK 4 t 4ol , liv ; - o§ l4;CoOtds4:l,l*-Mtkat#l, Steam Cavamona. -- timo airsigned upon ,s rii i * A 4,....oierie_ , #;ennintnining a 'intim:tee , thnjodnipa.ohnni,atpla - Allsobodost;Piftft'Shiatof. . The jury foincolsonectailly!: - .Thasamei defendant' ataslndkited ithilta-last term - of -Coatt a fndcenvieledattlovol o viti !.11tiartputtegeed-hini,;woldethha.:Sishindi td; ' b ettodeottitandinbatit, lee Istdinaotir: • eidlebeal Celti , "W iLS'liiitlqoia tbe imikOzron,chYgrt,il*!,i. trod .a ftnitittandidn.tblipbblto. Ightesn A 't s torner,af street,and -Cherry A ll ey.. It *it ittiiiidincti,AtiwiSwer,- - 'hbit thil ground wimple& hop him,beltdisid SC PsaValla thedral, had - ohisilned bermlreion A t a l roL: i ...7ltivjari'fautll , a -vm - t of root guilty, and that - di canity - pif'the Abtaloani_OrlattrOP iii elite& to answer a cherpa of, higarey, preferred by Fanny llrisb-, tree.' The indictment charged - in Abraham . Wit 'Realty to his balms, in : the city of Phils delphikin 1862, and that to Dicembi4lss-1, 'hi called at the office oi Alderman Nicholson, to thle ci ty, in 'ooinpany with itne Vanlla; Ifoodiiibo ilgalled a 'desire to Dein ham's iisotal, .11arrieh was then and there, converted int o a Crabtree, 'but the fact homing 'nada the ears of - the sfOrtimdd - Ilikiny; soared ler., temper, and she soot named the anent GC - ANthe , marrPititp- mane'aad be was hued te bail for.trial. The crabbed proseent riteata not appear, and the firstrcuinsapio .was not proved to the satisfaction of the Jury. , verdict of not : guilty wasrendered—the comity ..tmpsy the costs. ) - There toeing no other elute - ready. for trial, the-present panel! of: l lan:re was discharged, .with the thanks of the , Court. _ Arnewantp, will be in attendance. on Monday neat,- , Lannactrusn-Bounatr•Oemennaa — Ai l l. , recent tneetlng_ot ilia Lawrenceville Council,, the following` Borough alms mem elected., . theensulagyeati Tmaiumai Wm. iallet7, - Neq Sul; Reg hilator.'Jeasee W. Deirellia; Clerk of cennolle, Ifeiathane • Lanketalf Street' Reuse 4eitabryl Tamed Neeente,r,:,(llna . Flee Nor ti - Assistant, George ; Moses. UNo *et- Motor vu eleeted; u underthp amendment to ruroulitt'''cliattee,' taxes *in tatealtet, be paid Iv di:idly to "the Tre 'mini 'by the tax. payers. - • - Casarraista.The Board of Directed of. the COlumbisi-.1311 'Companyy tit a meeting beidlesterdsx„deciared dividOnd of seven dollars usiiihate,hpiyi t biilika, 44 ataf..t 6. day. At. the same. time the Board adopted a itiolatioa donatiatto "the approaching Simi.' Pair, the Company's shun- of , the pro needs Of. one dsjicavaraga product of crude': olt:frOto,thole-iattds zoling. the month of 1.1147:-'40,m• Ints had +!Dogliihis,••-athe'lo2d rtiglinerit; Itik line silver _epilesis presented:to him by' friends, ilia eel:dab:deg inieriptions of the isiznerons• bettlee through sehleh he had pasi-,i ml. .3aCi"leVlCeSed•tellse the only re-en, listed vetereti dog in thetosflice; foli Meisel ,hiiit-badge of -honor, le an • act of• the most unmitigated nueslity. • Mtn!itonatenr.7,4l:43heeitr, Skinner: of ptanklin eennti. tree robbed of the - SUM s3,lo,itod.ebattt.4l:oo ptetelssory notes, on Monday d irt, .whito on bowl 'of no night tralnVroon Phttadoliddi: hidinst ninon the . 4re,imbie. jtoeho jostle among , the pal. snook he. Win:mindhie .-. . . . Migrellati ti Gavotosia—Tho Noe York:. - Ttaeits says' that , engagement is voyage& by , the . Atlantic L. &eat Wasterrn, -whktioalti deiebts . 4eack more than paehalt the 3!lttsbargb k Feat Wayne. - 5TE4J18047 13 FOR:S.7I,QUIS. , ';:rhe Sad -M,•••4 . .80Crilrifi r eq Dnit s :-211 {. 1tar r er • aterani twt., spi3.' 1‘" , . 1, D. OOLLINGWOOW g' l4l " • . , • LTO t FOB; , !.Cllll 'ClOLDi e fti anim—vou wr, won opleadta dental . AIIGIOSAIIT no: Copt. J. W.Tarter onll I.avo S 3 above on TBIS D the IBA UM: it (Ioolock - 'O. - • • - for 6tigbt or jrA g. TYYZI,, n b":, or 7" 414 ..J. D. C0LL850W.....,D, t' 'II 08. NASHVILLE, —The • I Jr.e.,...0 g.:aplandl3 stasasi SaLLIE I.lBr, PLpt. kayo far *tams and Wiener dist. OM an raw kio Sib last.. " . flat • ffaistat or pa •-; fags* sp% i board I t • -10 CL a V e AtOD, A 1017 AND ST. jaii meant.. dem% 11.15; DIE MAX; Caps 13haw: isin love sa Mats E ,SU3/43r.16ib last. ; Vorkelght or pone apply - cm boaidar D bti N0W;64)13, 1 417'ei' p)IR ST. LO ,JIZOKUK,I t aa 4:ISLINGTON. 3143 RAVINE, DA. .VISPORT DEROQI/E;LIASTINGs u This tptomikt nteniaer DTARLIGUT, Oottla C 13114 'MAW, WM true III! stoic oa SATIntpAT, tbt. toth p, CLLINOWVUI. A •Wor fret& orrossES. • Iron to apt! JOUN ILACTKi A. CAIRO, ST. LO IS '-.4.!::-ALTOIIIc. 11 ktdMIAT..;O I TINCIT , IZORTOIC„ausuNaToN. 11080 A ntnn. IS LAND. DATES PORT.IEDIAON CITY, GALE. DINIUMM.'.LADROSSE; -WENONA, 1003 & ST. WM—Th.lllw now stit:ll+r HAT& &X It UN lIN A CatitainV.llalgtq, ill': ism as absr no VATIInDLY, the ICJ tett , . ant "o'elook p. Zoe ItelfDt or paws owls on taani or to: I spla : ;.; - • - COLLINGWOOD; ASent. . .10tEGULAR.MIMEENQ Pessintogna ritaszT.-=Tie ink" Amiga 1111,131013%:' Capt. iPtur M= 7ll Ulm .Pittabrugh -tar .Whirliat.Areri TIMMY; InnISDAY.awY,SATURDAY. Mthis clog* con- IRCUnswittt Whaelineannt,Paraibizta Wag' gr. Bortutanir, will Iwo - Viselbg vrat7 NON. 'DAY. VSIMZSDAIt 'ADC Exerttogori cod freight receiptsdpArmrilh . Farkerstrogßen.: 5¢ minim board Cr to 03414 at the ,fact Wadonvt. "PO.I3.WHEELING, II ABEET - X T A AND WitiffiVlLL'llui poommor , Mommer , EMMA CIItAB4I I , Wm* Allot Comosstda, toms Plttptsugh everyTl:ll:BDAT. Ip, m.Land • Zinamtlie mery st 8 o'cicck m lbo tam erststr A/LIA. Wm - mutton. 0 8 g ,. . maw, Immo Pit mbar& : arm•L!#l l :raDAY , ss 4 p. sad Zspturtlllo 'or Ity 21:1=mAT; at 8 s'clott .J.D ftsliehtor yoseetAl bost4 or to . , . ' t. Rfttratith ' "31 Iii121:88.1 rrwrrir.7 7 m" 7 7l pENSIONEY BOUNTY, BACK : PAY, T. WALTER DAY -- _ • • p r 4iiie %sir Clai m Ag,e,n4 17.4. GeV fl S s x. tic. 103 InfilliKer as e‘ierit tbe catiwusi. • Ague Is collected. Wielt tijekinn, of.ssprry. description; presented and preencated Wets MaoAennv, the Goort of Minn, the 101.^1111,11,11014140nti Oonsf WI *creating flellesers' Claims -prompt IT .!sealed to. - -—•- tiLw oFFIgs a „ Ci.Alal AIWZIJOY. W. Ji HALL . -14*.Felii#stir...,VLx4, • • msanitml,l4:. , • • 10. F.• ilaStplS. SOWITIES,Iitci IPA! Andid.646!..i.f 1 1 "4 4 / 7 .. • Chictniaatl Leaf - Tobacco 'diarist. The asks of Bain:bane° at Badman's warthonnif April 12tb, wan: 2.lbhdabod 50 bp lut follows : 6 bbds 0 IdiSason Duddy Leaf, els: l at 21 ,9 24 11: at gsl, i at $l2, 2 at 2251,16, 1 at 1=,16,1 .66200 ! 2 • at 627,2 5 ; Chltda Valdaf and Lug. at 11f1,501:21: 'l3 do saw Ey Loaf, Logs and Trash, els :2 at s4,tp. lat 64,76; 1 %LIAM; at ff 7, lit $7,50, tat 211, 1 at, 312. 1 as $l3, s ee at 616,60,3 at ls. I at '419,26; 10, eases old Otto sd hat.wrappera and Illara, nunt: log goat g 12,26 to Ibl; 40 caws new aced, lad de Jo' ranter fronsf3 to 223. 4 ne041144 zendorati, 1 : imports by Railroad. . ~L PaTillit:l4oll7T:. WATX2 4.1171 CIIICIOO 841130.4 5515 egg; 19. 1' Batt & co; 5o kgn nal% ,tg i fr i brtil; VI its eam.3lcCollon4l:l;l l m l th & Oat 'l7 bbla apples, B Yangorder;l 27 l:2 l yfheat,7 6 Llg, gets it cw 1 con Waite% Yanitt: l9 m a 1,0300 14 bats Wised cbarelest 'Boa & Kell; It tddeal. & IT; Witten 2 bids apples, !- do cherries , Lll vele a ; 3do eggs, Jolla, Innib; 6 NIL becOm handles, Z B Batbows; 11l b a s wag, 6 Barad &cot 8 bblcap sea, Potter, Aiken & Bhopal; 2664 obsaasl Jahn IL ' Int 5 d:t gad; 2eo ars Cwor t 21 Itoblacat & co; ,26 , ' dot italla, stet ffhatnatat&Laus2l43sks (win lOU li b 1 Wallacs; 1 nu-reapers, laalab Mktg . *. to; 133 is bacon sholdats.l6 l . pbg . '4 O : 0 1 .0/4 Pettit Leo; 2 a I ags .6111,17 It Itnutot; 75 ltdd.::;=,;,wlik, . casts,ifiletz:r.9s as Annatroot 13 go tzga,'ltarite a 60; 3 bbla arga, L /1 Volgt *cot 2 tan ddl bbls t pulp , 1 9 - a 16==7 , • ' , ..1 1 clay:zma oat _Perron:man It. U. ,' Apell ? K t 110 aka etren.-3pki :modeles, Y Yangordeit 119 ea ' ougarang,l l ll Deatet 6 bbls rogar,3:l bbla oNdes. 103 do rotator, Pattie, Aiken & Situp:ad; 444 oaths into. Itimpant 5 feat t 4 5 OP inoirkw, Jobs MU. len 100 bids apples; VI blda notat 1., 11,Yolgt ft co; 63 ptea flab, Shontakar & Leine 24 do ON 'Watt & mu; 3 bhda 16 big tetawco, .1 Gratter: 5) dosbrodaw, ggotgotax & Lang; ICO au done, 2114stdasty' a brut 109 do &NB Botobbneing '2OO do BoiChrfla It Leach. &u,:otnnwe'Elitagiceb- &012 16-4' bbt eldeetlo Wuhan; 2 lads , eggs, .11 Leas; 6 . Itltga prodww, ' Zhilbend lAndratfr 21:51.i batter a nd eggs, J Col , Manz; .11 aka potatont, 6,tddswad; 4 144. Ms: 1 11 1 1. butte, 2do drr1PP0,1%..4.604.!‘c!: 13 by '6 1 017: . cO 1 ' • '''f ImPorty r by,.ll4ver: ..., ;4 , _ Clf CIINNLTI—ns .821312 Ws . Key, P 5 0 n...a...; g tads babeb,Jas Oar:nom 3k_p lard. 6 baloa bash krianoan as Wadi shooldesß Itobt-, 0w.,..... - son NeOClObbla whWee;'L ' Yule9lll 162:32 , !an. IFIPWWI6-' C I" I I" ,"i ' BOUPI/64,01' • ' Arise IfIA rahneitont & an 4611/114606,111a1611 & -- . 1111.' - • - 1. • t ,-, oot item. basoa;L:m;aboe go; 60 de. de,aboaa. i.. , ;..r.,.,;:416 1 V...frr 46i.- P 31. - r & won 4 bha baton, lea, 13 , & -11106•14' 0 ', t t a , :z f , 100901214411!Ittli.-:i ~ : .2, 1 gaps, sr a bes; 10 bol _ . a iil csio i p* . ,:.,.4-4Pi--t_tx-T ''''' • -' r -- .- "-:J - f .- 1 . , * gondelgt,,lnt alaatogl sabotanooly , • - :-•,":....,4..'.-p..,:-..142TX.134.06.8116.1131N. '.. usacsseal.Jaellaam% /tal°l4./ . 0 . 94 . T. 41- ..1 1.4 - ".. /- ,:,-- z ,-- ,-- . , :cr' ^ '' " bitevaatorloteal4 kr sa. n.. - ~... ;• . . 5.4 ' lC' ' VlC4 • l9 l4:l4o**-1;?$ 14 '. ''-tortiVnairrots Pletititiio lia ge"'" 1 bbd- 44 PdairilmAitiliCaUlaif •- • • ,_ _ "imabqk j ik e i Zi-0 do *4 woyassaala; 2 4o do,. t 1_:,t 1 ) E. 4 .t IllOBBBIEVELTIN(PlitlX!31; 4.6ll,6lltrojiiiilC4ll Oran° at*dog atm 6 viodo.loto l . .. . , , dgkat i t ' 1.,;." 'fit -; siniiiiirlad , Rairrt -4' L larks - -"•'" — Tionerissidatarsoraß 9oo/13dd44790 t, . •, ~.. ... log , aaavat tba Islakliabtoo6s, - , f,... Jo i skApriCa 66,1566 , tate .1306 , 0 0 65 , , limo,.xcisfootiiiii4 o ,= lo. . os7. "" 4 " !'"'? 5 ?" '''1gur;':.1..1;'•:::14'6.411.014.0°-Pit"!""‘ - amov. -2 0; ., ?, ,- A. - -,-' '-'-'.: .1 : ~'• • ~, I. - , .-,'::-...' .';:',',s)-i.....,2' .4 - , , ;; , - - jc,':.P.:;..:15,-,:a.:',5".;fia.-2-:.2.r.-;,W0,-.,;.':.:5:--•.-4i.gt--;.'".-r4:-.y4,11:4174::'A1ar; ilarzfacurP= l,o , llz " KM. . . MAOK.PWA:4 O . III S II3 !# I . • . W U tkliceased IOLDIDII9 CL/I]IAORStp .o..4lleitioriorilrerr, . _ -muagAtor: outmEk; 7UOTINTIEA ILL 11E11510Ni Seyal pok zans . Marge at =II , Fan. mwegsa=gra; aarthar. as ra?..1 1 , 1 , Po , all other • • is o. %. :4 7.3AigitrtUltubtrat; Pik 1 it tba' donoe imam& aadl all tbrioatuns evils ottstic ant., m o iAmi4 No" 0 , No. iOS oath sus 04,111CP iscitan ~ .*t o*Mair verwthal . rer, ~.--;••-• • -i} - .-,. IMM!iON COMMERCIALtIiEOORD. 6 4 ' 4 W r Samna. 05114; mt. als k..?"t 'f wbest. aniv l4 4 baii*nt..frEtwr afine4; nu of IP: 0 I boa. paw. Ic4 u v 1,55; 4141.00014131 , wino whit' I _ ,f tit I. l a 'Erm!JA MO"; uk 6 f 0110 POW'. WO Bfats, at DX: and,DXl bush du at wawa arm Holdall are nOW asking 1333 Oata n 9 higher, but, in the absence of Wes, Ira ol3tt9tta4ttionk-Biale7-nctusu6ertog.and aclanet '.ncivomoag-amm arab to ma"sidled asr: itud szt ammo or %-cd fb aettu.a.a vr. all tho different, dentriptkult. Wt. 0 " quota at 100 for it hcothicrs: 13.113t0 'be 11.1t60d Duce; sod 18>faaldc for fricanfol I”,ittlec for Thin flaw ; sklo ibriftaliten Clued. lutd 18 lois* oft Tamed do. Hese Pork held at au advance abou VIM $t bid, and us sow Vona at 117; sea of 72 Dbl. pekoe Men at 6=_lard is higher; Email aka of 012 7 sneered at Ityalik'S. Dried Dad may be gno tad firm Wirt. noorauEs-Tha t. was consider4l. exciteineut li. the crocityniatkat and prim have lupin xdranced. Carte 1014,0rtt7 freely at K.-hoiden get:trail, inking ec:,thucaces of Cuba at rn. Trxd,,L 4 4 wog oamo &lila, from 18 to 20c1 Woo chola,. itiolasile. L. IDE,/ but not quotably -tory drab, and, etith a fair demand, both for cpusumptiou and vot ipeculation, prices tare still father advanced.- We MU IMP a 'EWA, r " tit " th 6 tV4kt or 4 . 333 taiga - from BT,Bo to DOTT ED ED -kIGGS-There Is good dtiosod o f no I Butter, but pricey =sin unchanged; tal of 8 hue atilt:and Unit chafes at 450. Ego stiff, With y151.1-71rto, but not • vadat! higher; H e of 25 half bola Whitellsh at 118,00, 7C, do Lake Herring 3&tft " 331 &LSO 3 Lama Harkeral at sBlfs. OHESSE-Beks 10 tote of t33 , Bwa 20 8 13 tt-fflaitY lIIDDS-Flrio; t.aln if.oto omm Baited la mo. sair-sma ortsunaavosestosia2 to ton. led may te_tquotod at fccon Onto 835. - DDM3 , BRUIT-Sale of 11,050 The Pewter at Mit Vitt 91 14 ° "Yor 3 Btata" £lll1 1 at VOTATOSE--Tand In danandi gull of rar todned at $l,OCe. P is a mallases -from state at 81,10. 4111£8.3 .1.111,125-411 good supply and dal wa note 'ales at kola 33 to Ilt ilt 831. . thrb i e llaK ontra i lo7l '' l ll c e i hrdyrte d e. bl e r qulo nomiuty at $1,,Z1a1,25. MAPLE 191851,86-dole of 13 barrels at 17e pep. 9EDDS--7herata sumo Inquiry fOr Flan swd. and yawns staalladea at 12,83.378. Motor and Timo thy Sadism quiet, and unchanged: _, - • ,Pittsburgh retrmenrn 6yaiket.. ' uf AisimlL—Thintarkeifof Diode opened thia seam- M • •logsery touch as If ottned •last evening', quiet m rather doll, and bolderugaterilli,eppeered. Oralone, as Risen,: and, llueoomxJ,s slight; cpuetadou would." m hire Veen 01/146.• Indeed, IMMO (Cif 11:4 wets . mode; ;b i • early In the day at priceri trills below those of yes, tetday. soon;halrever,Ste the New Tot &Aims; were unadred,reportlegthatraerketestlreand high... Sir, the qtdetruas immediately gave 'lazy to esteem, .fireatiessiend holders . getierelly 'advanced• their fig are. rale lne* alebt, after our report of 1,000 this bulk, on petrels tarms;;2ol7o du et 28e, free on. boardoarg.3o2llce at 22c, on shit spot. Maly' this monster, 4)00 bbl. on the spot at 2Se; 1176 In bulk.• at 23c;1000 dr on prtrita terms; TM, t o tilde, at22e. This afternoon rind emodag. 6so , tbla,ei•TßNlG cod . 450, 500 and 41 ne lOt . The market doted 01711. un nattiest andinnewhet r eseited, and holders generally 'were were 'asklng higher • rale. , &flue% in sympathy with etude, Balsa firm and higher, betel!, vlmintof 'ir Ideiseretueo conOtellag that, ta• the ebeenoe, of milm, we omit inotatims, Nautili. Is Orin quietith out quotable cluutge. Residuum Tamales q and 'T h e uncanged. ' " h receipts by toe Auegheny Flyer &trio; tha tirenty-foar bUrs ending this at:ening, amounted la the. aggregate to 4,20 blde, u followa: Brower, Burke co, ,Xcetine, gicliardeen, Harley & co, 1,686; DuCicen, Duo op & 0°,100; Cloth & co, Fisher& bra; •148; It Ashworth,' 0 Waits, 10; 11 T WDifan., TA 11 BleKelry; 417; .1 Bellitgberi 22—t0te1.4,393. New York Vetroletim market. • SpecLel pripstch to tfie Pittsburgh Gasetta lira Tool, ,13..-Thera is an salve de. mud for Cmde, and pride ham advanoed Sto Ion; the receipts are large, but do not mead the de- Mend, and prieu rule eina. • Batt on the opet at VA tadelind Al'e.3Bc. for April dental.. gained In bond Is ragidem, and holders are maths UAW Teter, Ulu at 55417 e. There is an retire demand for free all, and prima have' still *ether advanced Ades et 6.5a&A on the epoVand Ch fur A pelt damp. Hap the La dem, with ales at 340 on the epee, - and Water April. • - (lip to the present writin; oat regales Fore Tort dlapateb has failed to tome to bead; Cru d eraulat puts, or to-day, hummer, reports at, t2o, 'rehleb le en admire of 6 cm our Wednesday's gnats.- The'alleblgan Wheat Crop. th. Detroit Prie!Prete says t ' . ' , Tits bard. treating, with enemata thawing, La Do. Maher tad /naafi: mad thy steencad =ow drams rtearly Abu whole winter mn. .I.9.daUr taste , a part of the Elate,' with the tats af , l tho plant auproteetal,,has caused the wheal meantt gereirallprnintar By gerverally, we that . nearlyererP wheat .11.ald.ta titers *elms injured. Syme estimate thet rho stop will be reduced to ern , that of. preview Jeers; others. lecludleg the ' .most unsafe*. CM hot think Imam have Intro MO tWo4blrds of a cr m. The mateut Injury sod blight to Ito wheat prospects have resulted, br &great Mtli. ere; by hte sowleg. This eras dorm to avoid OP demd.tiacia of the III; Oat th 4 Ph.). to areldMg the. rocks, f Scylla, ' hat Leer ,rnedlowed wp the whirlpool of Charybile. In other. rd., by trying to creape thelly late rowing, our Waiters hare in voked the velbarance of ditto later open the root. of the wheat V. 1114, ill being uoprotected,by • grotrth of lessee. • . • Tbstmterii ptht Abe State has experica cad lb* the afket of winter milling to great* , &gm Moot say other. The manyilmost totally bursa d some Ortleas of Wayne ccounty. Oaltlen, Othe llo, sad Saginaw e unties, mailable witnesses of the • damage melee& Oar sAmices form the central p r. don of the Mato are rather mere enmaragin, "He :oar oorrespondsuts in the Western portion of the State are mute coal:Meng and .hopefoL In the broil .wbeat :pludacieg counties of: St. Joseph, 13ianth, tilltedald and Leaawee, sad general!) threugla the Southern portioucf the State, we ate sore that from • Stir to en avenge crop.'" aspecteeL ,The breadth of surface acme hat Oil will probably ' tpli a little short of the pee It though *holm beet informal generatig place it upon 0, ter STOMP of thothof the prerlonn year. Scarcity iced the high price of labor have Mcmpelleel In tome portionspf the :State arather lowa method: of farming, at hut not :ny to the prime Michigan style, which doultheis au tomate to some extent far Abe PemenSomobtlen of acme of the wheat • TOtdo Market.. • , April 12.,F10ai••-riales 150 bids; .l'oble-extra. at $0:15; 41/3; do XX at !Mi . ; 180 do do 1nt1.: 8 4.200 dada melte wliest; at 17; sou d... 1 . 1. 1,4 ' , ft." at 45,00; 100 bbli-XX do do, at • iWboat--Eadeff lost-oienbm • of SA ti CO bmb mber 11kb at le. To.day-7011 tomb White d. at. 153 q, 2.0 0 . Muth Bob Bed at 112q:2,910 bosb Ito 1 di It 1433-6 o; 700 do Whim Mob at 1554. • Slnce 'retort Woes toady Offer 145 e for Amber Midi,' but , .tiold- I en albite!. Corn 'he market I. quite salvo at' an' adraoce.. *.e 4,000 basb X? 1 at 108 o; 1,400 bash and 22i do. . Not at 105g•230 do Lew core of 103e;4. IR 1 tolze+l (old) at 103 e. •. . • Oatt,',lale_2,oo 3 barb it.7oe. 'llye.--Thets IrDOChanite to note; ladders uk 11Se. There to no enquir7: . . . ' • W in. :11arley—Ilenilual at 145 a for Sprtog;lBoc raj ter. ,Clorer peed—lcarket grriet arid nnebrakyd;ixtr23l' Chic ago Flour Market. 119m12.-21calT0 3 4,921 61:24. 2dArket U 01111.14 600 per bbl bleier. bats were: Wtart Wirrsillt4 tzu-600 bbl. .I"sginal 4 ace" . at 331 1 0 0 bbbl. - , !Earty. Dive at U. Era Vhstra - lirrius-10C ,b3l. "V.:change - .0.19,90; 100 . 561$ ~ /uwastiption• -6t47,03. Brana Z. - mu-4500 Ws 'Uantiorlthe (Icis - a) 55,73,. 330 . 1.310 ...Ester CU," '1110; 400 Itipe7 . 4l, Pl 4lY.te l gal d t cll," .... : ' Tine) sad 300 bola korumlaot'usned) at 40,25; 2,4 9Entoo3o . st , 156.33: . 1,0 4 :01 , 1 0 0 Lotkpaq "lly ilrahllo,"3ol3bbl."Vh9sTriatopt4"loobbli 8e•t,..100•bb1.4 *.oole'o," 2,000 0014 "2,1b10n,r 1.13 d 115 al. 1920atiett's Bat" at (0.50; 1,00 bbIP 9110tltsea X.!' 391139 1it09.191:33- 4 .1 /15-4 . 0 delltered; . orcrat j LtrAUNITED STATES. - Paul sr tko. Firat Sutton of ats TAir fp. eipAik C!!:mgrets.;. [Przato—No..lB] Aorr inconftiratetheit t aablngtan City ! Savings Bank' ' .Bail ,enacud ,tit th.e.Senafiand Rouse of Ftepr•Stntottoes SY ths , Viute4 States o/ Amer ica MI. Congress assembled, That William B Todd,tWilitaru P.. Don, Edward Clark. Edt ward 11; Blume, Aosepb .1. Coombs, Z. C. Bobbin, Thomas S. Otirdueri John B. El transonad Samuel B Niles; and their also cl elate and sneeestent, are coostltnted end Crest d s; body corporate mid. politic, by the no naof, "The Washington 'City having!. Banf f .. .. ; Be 2, dad be it /nether Mulcted, That the -officers of geld corporation ,ehall constet of a prXsident and vide president, who, to gether with seven trustees, shall constitute a Wiwi of managers, four of whom, if the •pret4dent or vice president be present,ehall constitute a legal meeting - of such board for the transaction of business. • Sc.r 8. And be it forikerenizend, That said corptaration obeli meet Annually In the MOl4 of April, ind as ninth oftener es tb•PY, may judia expedient , and any seven In erniters of estd corporation, the prcsideni," secriitaq,'.or treasurer being one, she 1 be a gamut, Land the said corporation at their annul meeting, shell base power to elect a pre Went and iv , treasurer, • who shall give bon , in the sum of ten theusand dollars, far the faithful :discharge of the duties of his. roZee' and attend' other officers as may. Ito ' ceed necessary ; which o ffi cers shall con int inoffien one year, and until others are chosen in.their stead, and all officeraso chogertahall be under oath, to the feithful diseharge of the dates of their offices,: respectively. Sea.. 4. And be it further enacted That iota corporation may receive on deposit, for tie ruse and benefit of the depository, all, marls of money Offered for that purpose: 'Preened, Ammo; That it shall not hold at Sesame time more than one thousand d ollaut 1 r, ny one depositor, other thane religions r, heritable corporation. All boob sums is ha invested in 'tie an‘k of any beak is 'pasted by : Congtess, or may be loan. , d nioterestr td any each bank, or may to oaoed on bowls or notes, with collateral; teerity of the stock of :such banks at not cob 'm it a than ninety per 'mottles of its par via, 0, Or they may, be invented at the public funds of the U oiled States, of the several :46'0, o r barn d on n pledge of any of said titelle,„qr invested in boars on mortgagee of . r o4, 4state: Priridei, 'that the whole arapoistof clock held by the-institution at one. time in "soy one bank, both by way -of innestmest sad so a eutel for loco, shall not exceed ore-half of its capital at e u4h,bsok, and that not mote -than three quarters of the whole sum deposited in the tomitiation shalt be at-any one time invest ed in mar gages of real estate. Toe income orfsiterrat of ell deposite: shell be divided . .6ot:6g - the depositors, or their legal repro sentstives, according to the terms of inter eatttlipulated; sod the principal may be withdrawn at each times, or in such man. neriati the corporation shall in its by-laws direct. Oro 5. 41ndlv it further enacted That no officer, director, or committee chargedNith boduty of investigating the deposits shall rrow anyiltiortian thereof, or 'use the eeme, exceptin the pay mint of the any, of the corporatioo ; and if any can r, director, agent, or any ether person con- HHteun d wih said bank, and interested with e fds t or deposits thereof, ehall embes ale or fraudulently convert the same to his own nee, her shall be deemed guilty of lay ceny, sad shall. en conviction thereof, by soy court competent to fry the offence, be I imprisoned in the penitentiary not less than one year nor mare than too years. Et 6. 6. And be it further enacted, 'that the • simordinate efficers and agents of said per- • • pension shall respectirAy give such Se curity for their fidelity and good conduct as the board of managers may from time to i time ?equiv., end said hoard shall fie the 1 salaries of such officers and agent!. .i : 1 See. i. And be it :farther enacted, Thit chi persons named. as corporators in the first section of. this Mat eball be authorised to. ; meet and organise said hack by they enamel of one of their number as mai- dent, and one as vice president, and there- , I upon shall proceed to elect such persona as ihey shall select, not herein named as ear- pastors, to be added to their board of managers, so that the whole number of , trustees, or managers, including the presie sent and vice president, shell not exceed trine persons. I Bee. 8. ' And be it Arad' tnact,d, That Wile I. ori.otation shall make an sanest report to Congress of their fonds and In vestments. Bald returns shall specify the following pa/Woolen', namely: The number lot depository; total amount of deposits; amount tnvested in bank stock and de ',posited 'ln bank on Interest; amount se cured by bank stock; amount invested in public funds; loans on mortgage of real estate; leans on personal eecuritite; amount of cash en band; total dividends of the Year; annual capinseenf the institution; all of which shall be certified and sworn to by the treasurer, and five or more of the Martsgere shall also certify anti make oath that the said return is correct according to their best knowledge and belief. See .9 And be it Yerther enacted, That the books of said corporation elm% at all times during their bones of business, be open - for InepecWon and esaminatieu to the Comp.! troller of the Currinei or depositors. _. Bee. 10. And be ft 'further meted That said corporatioa may make by-taws for the more orderly management of their beet-1 'nese, net repugnant to law; may have a", common seat, 'bleb they may change at pleasure ; Oat all deeds, grants, covenants, ;end ageeetnente, made by their treasurer, 1 or any *her parson by their authority, shall Inktood and valid ; and said corpora tion-041141sec power to sue and may be sned, , digind and.be held to answer by the 1 . nime it4claid. - - 13191,411. And be it further enacted, This act shadlittko effect and .be in force from' undafOttlin litulge dPlid, March 8, /884. . [PttoldC--No 10.] ,An :Ad tonnable goodie wi and committees of littaties,• appointed In the several Etas ' lum . ld) ta to oat ,within the District of Co-, B. .#.f ated - ii the Smote, and Rouse of ifrpre 'liars o/ the United Bales 0, Alma 'ea in : tOsyrise-ermetnikA That it shelf , be laWful' i any Oren,. appointed' the nom- , mitten' t a lunatio.i.or the •guardian of a minor o Ai lunatic, by the proper' authority, In any Elate or Territory • of . the Dolma Slate!, i s. institute Ind prosecute to final judgrobt any. pull Or action in the court s of thc . ,B, triot of Coital:ablest he might have 'done if ii 4 authority net Oath guardian or coMmitAe had been derlied from , the proper tribuualli of said Didtrlcts; and such com mittee or guardian inay in the same man ner ediact and - .receircanz an of money due to such lastatio Cr - minor, and may by, teed 'idly esecuttid,relciuse and convey to say pail; entitled to the gams, whether by parch or otheridin - say . lands or aisles situateff• * In the. District of Columbia, the property of inch tuned° or minor. or to or upon' Wideh each Walk or minor may. have ailaim or mortgage, in the samenutn neer mite might have done if his authority bad ben derived teem the tribunals of Bald liletri i .Prorided, That each, committee or aria_ inn, before making any aostvey ance o; real estate:or release of idaira,.or =mtg!** thereon" libel file in the Orphan.' Conn CI said District-the official certificate of the lodge cribs court . from which such committee or guardian derived his appoint meist,.that he has given a-sufficient- bend tamp:int to the Minor .or - lunatic lei ill slimier money received by virtue of the I authority conferred by this act. Bsdi 2. And he it further enacted, That ill payments heretofore - made - -within the Diem' trice of Columblitl'to .i.he .cemmltte& or' guardian of a:lunette er the guardian . of a minor duly: appointedat the domicile of the lunette or. Minor out , of the District of. Co. itim — bia, in the. United filateistuall be good altdeninolentr:ProiddekThateaidguirdia r t or committee '; Shelf tile in: the, Orphans''' . CoiorkitkosislDisttiof the offloistairtifteate 1 Cribo'llttige :504 cour t *bill such 1 emandtnal or stottitatottoett . hteinp . °lnt- i 'OlinViltat'be ',hew Oren Sufficient land ta, 'econittin the:tabor or,lttnittii for annoy. ilenteativladit Aid Prieldra further, That:, in nil cuss the :irldetgoicht.tholit point: , mot and nuthar#7. ofatoll;oonzsittnii .~~~ ~ .. _ &argon sYttin he first recorded in the office of the Orph Omit:if said Dictriot. .Approved; March 8,1664- gunito—No. 20.] dn Ace to tapportion the expinies of the Levy Coact of the county of Washington upontbe.;hasis of population. Be it =tided' by the Senate owl Howe of keprezenlatires of the United States of Amer ica is Cozyitese mumbled, That tenon and after the passage of this sot the corporate authorities %of the city of Washingten, the clorporate authorities of the city of George town, anc ' e county stntlioritirs of ibe county of' . asbiugton in the District of Columbia, *haft contribute to the expenses of the levy; coast of the county of Wash ington, iectivred on &moonlit of the Orphans Court, the elßoe of coronerand the jail of said county, 'whenever hereafter imposed by law, iw; the following proportion*, to wit: the oily of. Washington tweivefif tcentis, the otty of Georgetown' twee4f teenths, add the county of Washington one ifteenth 04.0 extuner- Sec. 2. 4nd be it forth ,. enacted, That ell laws and iarts of laws inconsistent with the provialens of this not be and they are hereby repotted. Approved, March 8, 1884. • 1 [Puritan—No. 21 ] An gm to lantborizo the enroll nt and license :o/ the !swam tugs B. nvideon and W. Z. Muir. Be it marled by the Senate and owe Repretenlalgois of the United States of Amer ica in_ ConOess assembled, Thae th Secre tary of Itte;Treisuri be and he is hereby aulharisedifa grant the enrolment and; B. cense of thq etc= tugs B. F. Davidson and VI, - K. Mils, now owned by William Poster and Williap tusking, of Milwaukee, in the &Me of Wisconsin, upon inch terms, not inconsistent with law, se to him ettall [seem just and proper. Approed, March 8, 1864. FAISI44 DYE colons. ti*ISTZD MOB= 13, WE. Ektk, Mack Drk , /teed/ Clard Dark Dalt .1 Batf Merry, Crimps, Dark • Vahl • U. 1c..0 R.+ Goods, 131..kr Dolmas, Bata WM*, Chlldt'. Mailing, and of kinds of Welding Apparch R 4 BA NO-Of 60 PHIL CENT. "Ilea for PS tea., you can color as many aweless would otherwieo Ott fire times that lora Various dude* mu ewe prodecal from the same dye. The prom,. is maple'p rl i ... .A7 one am use tho 'dye oith perfect meccasa cots in Zugliolc,Franchand (aside ogeopkt package. Tor ihrther Information in Dyetvg, and giving • perfect knocitrlodg• what col.s aro bestlolopted Wciys over °Morel with ca., valuable recipes,) porchase Howe &Steffens' Treatise on Dyeing and Coloring. Bent by Midt receipt of prico-10 meta. Idanutls4ared by PLOWS BTkirgliß, • WA Broadway, Boehm. for sair.by &Valeta and dealera genenAlly. uolleStai EsTmtusttED 1760. 'NETER LORILLARD, 815ItTIOAND TOILWOO ELAISIII/LOTIIHEB, AND 11 01141111011M13712Ernt ItocrOrty t3luttussn itreet, Haw York Would WI the attention of doalere to the articles of his tossaficture, els : SUOMI SNOT/. lacidn*, 71211 Sapper, Coarse Sept.., American Gentlemen, pronigroe, Pare Vhitinis, Nechltochea, Copenhaten. : 2 1 TILLOW 131917F1f. Soete.h ,;-1:110t Tout Scotch, Irish [ugh Tout or leendriont, Honey Dow Eootch, Freeh 'loner Scotch, fresh Attenten tecalled ,o the ISM reduction in grime of Tohence. which ati i'lentel of a enci c r i laMip, 13Nai‘;Iirrig. tlO. 1. No. 2:, Nom. I end 11 011t14 Granntated. Tura On Ctrnrrno—P. A. L.., or plain • Caren. dish, or.?Aereet ; 2... t *tooted Orcnotar Tht Fon Clarendinlo: Snonnta—S. Jeep, Stanieb. Osiaetar, N. 13.4,,A circular of price. will be mat on Kroner pLanly TEW CASTLE• AND' FRANKLIN BAILBOAD.--Dooko,of colvteripLion to the CrioltalStbet of the NOW CASTLE I ' , BANAL'S BAILIIDAD 0031PoNY will be opened on WAD. N 1 0043'. Lk. 21th of Aprii, proahno. in the City of Pittsburgh, at the Boom of the Doord GjTrod., 1n Stier !Jostle, lemma. coma ty, at the Offloe c f the NoW Catrilo and Delmer Volley lloitrood Coro. In al, - truer, Narver county, at the Dram of William Stsyned e E.g. In Yeaukinu, Venation county, at the :Moe of the Vint National Dank. anon cr conwrostostas A.V, Crawford, Samuel EL liter, S. Cfltrown, J. Bolster. Wi o 4:Dllirortb, Jo., O. W• Cu,, 3. C. Murray. 0 Shaw, George Al Dols, Kg** t' Asberoett, Joolah J.. 1 1 Sprlogor tiorbough Bublutret. J. W. Blanclard. AD* K. Kerr,. 3. 11. ,111 , . Du rid Courtney. T. D. Amor.. Plttobargh, Edo. h I. It 61. BIpDGEWATRET. COTTAGE DRABS, .01LOUND IN PURE LINSEED , Nli illfforeat Drab Shad... mr vittis, smixosii DrPOTEI, s. Lor BO^T8; Demo, sLICVATOBS, FBEIOBT OARS, dffRIPEST,PAINT IS TAB MARKET. ROBERT lINTNOLDS General Agent, T 4 Marilee, Laint, Near Tort inu5:01,3.1 ROBERTS, BARNES & PARTS, SO Third St, Pittsburgh, .41;11i. *I BUM 1130 N VibilKl7:ll3, AJ,Amm,dmonma a.4.E.ADrracia TIN WARE Pertictilat attention pald to the manufsetuting o lIIKIOXES Tit OANISTEBEI, TOILET WARE WAVES MOMS, an. OIL , OATIB, all elms and pattern*; TIM 11001. LEO, ODD DUOTOUS, and all kinds of Jobbing stork done to order. Mao, • large Ronk of fancy BIND OAOFB Jest re. =leek TWO SMUTS inn OLD 'farms bonm. wear FRUIT AND !SHADE TREES. EVERGREENS, 41;e. • - , • 01 AYPLE. we have aosno 800,00001nd of al tha leading eariatir• meat priofitabla for thia location, Wean ectrollaie Early Banat, Malden . Diathl Stoll/aid Pippin Efoldalti, Polio itef Waif of Tompkins 0o.: Übe& Island Las, Some Bodoty, Almoluchoaso; Tolman', Seet, Sollth'. cars, so., .Ith a rery lorwastocii of PEAS, OREREY,TEACII,PLUS, EVESOUEEN. !MUDD SILTLUSIDEIIT, onunmousa pp P rB, so., do. 41 one stock lorge; we Offer am. ainflooementi to lters or . vitiobisole purchoe Orden loft r h oOreenhonao, Coalmen, or Pittalinigh Port Oelke, will be peoay attonitol to. atiNura Pcaa Yittatarah wad Ganam N ITURE AND WOOD ouAin * au.= Olt AT IiTTOID MOTs WIXOM:BALI! 011.STIIIL. JAB. W. WOODIVELE In .4499 Ththistreet, oypostt•lL samundson A 0 ° j and 111 Youth amt. mkt° " p i rORTSMENS BEADVARTEB B, 1 " 1 us loop fnurr. . • JA.11113213 13017VTi ineitee Me attention of Sportsmen and Others to We grieudid stick of RIM, RIMS, BRYOVV7OB. 'PISTOLS, RAKE AGEIPOWDRB 71,M1K6,8U0T ISIDLTI3 and' POiRRIES, DRAM TRAUB, and am. mintition of *my MM._ ILL Oa pith. 'Mat mo Magid to Mb martd. . _ oen il ARLES L. PALDWALL, • • G. one ? sice to Jeraii ruasais a au. roue PACIEK.u. DNJer to Amu( Lemix stroAu croram Atria suksa) Buy, coulicitataturremn.>7lllsT /mum . rA. sm." YON-F-= ABIiaIIALO= , I3I2PORTER _LI AND, mum ill thoucitouct, trsas pk outruns EILVANd: .crauts. , ,,to -An Ilan et tNOT ISNOKINGV'AND WIN TonsoeNtainunt, TANOIQE 1.17/24TIIIIrvie4 lO p r y t t 131.11131 : TUII,I4 II IUM • • • • supplied taut. r• • rr-i,rizs SECOND N , OF PITTSBURG n IttltASC)ll' UEFA lITIINNI Oirws or Conceratn-unk of TA. Inth, ) VittcrtZAA, By eallnLittory nr,..vated to the tintlerstfero, It hue bin mode 44 , nv0: that,th fiECOND h A 1 . 110. AL BA I'ITTSIII' Iti3 In the Oeunt) of„ben3, t , tatv rvnusylv. Itna hem nr,onfred tu.ler nod to the ',noire...nu the Act of Comae., :utilled PP ro de • Nntionel Curren,” ..von-0 hy iil6lol , olt•ut Strove Stock., stni i,le t fh ettlatiou emd rtatenaptlun ther,ol," ofpal's.] YobrUarysod b. tn on,ntd rim nll the pr.:Aldo. of said Art regoired to he v.unpllet4 with beftl• COSOlnractog the Guelrive. ul Bank tug llow, therefor., 1, Ileum Li.neu of the Curretto, homy , rtity ihat the vettl SZCOND NATIVNAL BAlas OF PITTS ' IL'F:d R, eotmt7 of AtlttgLten), mid 4 ., tot Prnl,ll,lratkiw le anthorhod to conottvove the hontovev..f Ihkoklng on• dor the Act ator...td. •••••. In trntic,, , h, •nrre,t etts , ..to 'Lno,: ss. thin 13th tiny of rebrottry. ' J 1854. 1117G11 !actg.:l4.om, ~ ornptrollot of the Currency reMtltn • ME SECOND NATIONAL BANS OF PITISEURGH, PA., pp,o, Tr u os CITY 'MUST COILTYAIi Y.) Oaplts], 8:10.4),0 00, with prllllrg.• 1,, $1.000.000 Tbe 1110 S CITY TRUST GOMPANY holing or gsalsed cluilt, [be Icatiocal er.rrcncy Act, offers Its mervlce• tor the tr....M1 01 • "moral Awaking HnLLntn Draits leoemt•t sod so!d. rccolred 'on Deposit, and tbliertione mode cc id] peris or the • • Jacob Puintvr, he 11111. CL Y. Blnpra Wm. move. WARNER. President JIM IL. PAT'Pk:JELSON, Cambia, 620.4¢1 THIRD NATIONAL BANK, ON PITO . ORG 11. TEEL/3EIIY 01:PARTILS.I. 7, Onus orW o ahin o o l n .2 2 th O y r H b . G n a M th a e t r . s, Wasatth, By railelactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it hoe been made to appear that the THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF .I.ITTBBIINGiII, in the County of Allegheny, sod Rate of Perinsyl vents, her been (tidy organized under arid according to the requirements of the Act of Congress, entitiM "sus Act to provide a National Currency, secived by a pledge of United States Stocks, and to preside for the cirenialon end redemption thereof," appeoved Bebthary 18G3, and has complied with all the provisions of weld Act requited to he complied with before commencing the basins-. of BlTOking Now, therefore, I, Hugh McConnell, Comptroller of thn Coriency. do ce that the amid THIRD NATIONALhereby BANE. Lir rtify PITTSBUBOB, County of Allegheny and State of PenvailTs.ft, to uthorised t o. COHTi•nCe E.1110.6140(13.41k1HE un der the act aforesaid. In testimony whereof witness my band and sea/ of office, this fifth day of Bebroary,lB64. [OO.lNeOlli,LOCil, Comptroller of the Corm:icy. Dark Gum, lapkg Grten, Erao.6., Matti, MarOON Drama. Pad PanAa. nodal Par* , gtmce, Belcrld, Slate, &Writs; Vtdia, i TA., THE TRIED NATIONAL BANK Having organized nod, the Natlonai Onsweocr ant le now prepared to do s General Banking- BISSitIeSS BEPOSITS RECEIVED, Exchange cu tho prla pal es of tho dat and West bought and Aold nd collections wale la every accessible part of th • Ofttoe for the prment, (nno the eo . mpleifol l of th e Nov Dankloa.llense. corner of \load eteest and Eire" alley 1 to the Banking Room lately moupled by the CITIZENS BANS, N. W. cor. Wood St. dk.Virgin alley. . . Wm. Pi Palmeri; A.lisrDe, A. B. Bell, I Ales. Wider; B. W ttnremsm Henry Germlg, . L Alorgsnetern. B. Ore. ADAM MEINEMAW President. IMO. D. LIT INGBTON, Cashier. reensam DOLLOAR sAVINOS BANE., N 0.65 Footers &MILT. 011AIITERED IN 1858. Opedaily from 9 to 2 o'clock, am an Wednesday sod S aturday evenings, from nay lit to November Ist, from 7 to 9 o'clock, and from November lot u May lei from B to 8 o'cloc.k. Dereadm walled of all sums not Isms than One Dollar, and a dividend of tho' prollte declared twice a you, to Jour and November. Interest has Non do dared semd•ononally. Jone sod December, show the, Dank WAN Org.i . l.d. Id the row of es pet amt. =rest, if not drawn out, is placed to the credit of &Do depositor ea principal, and bears tbe sax. in terest from the that ditys of June and Eiscrnabor, com pounding twins e year with troubling the depot& for to coil, or own to proaent pass bosh. At (Al. rate money .7111 , 100b1. In laws than twelve years. Book*, containing tDo Charter, Dy-Laws, Maim and ilegulatfons. furnidaed gratis, on application at Am.. PRZELDrItT- - OE O' TIOR rni James McAuley, Jobu dboeuberyet, Jamey llerdmm. . Peter A. Mad-Ire, Wlllll.l J. 1t130 , 19. A. M. Pollock. M. , Calvin Adams, John C. Bindhl, Comm Black, DID Burr.ln Alone.. A. CAPITIca, Charles A. Calton, John Vvens, Ben). L. Vahneatock, John J. Ol William B. Bann, Polon R. Bunker , Richard Dam Jame. D. Kelly, RDTMVIAIII .r. 1.11111 mhll.,dan 3'ooo ""us''s-WA2' TED. CAVALRY BUREAU, OITICS or elute Quandree.em4 Washington, D.C., Nardi 13, 1864. One hundred end 4107 (1150) dollars per head .111 bo plaid Cro all CAVALRY lIOIL9EB. • delivered 'alma the next thirty (rio) day. at the Government Stable. at Ohaboro, D. G. Bold bones to be sound to all particolare, not lam than Ave (5) nor mom than nine (9) years old; from 14% to Pilau& high ; full fleshed, compactly built, bridle elm, and of sine aufficient for cavalry purpasee. Time eyrridentimu vall he strictly adhered to, and rigidly enforced t every portico/a. Payment made on delivery of ton (10) and over. Hours of inspection from 9 a. m to 6 p. m. /MGM A. MEIN, Lieutenant Colonel, Chief Quartormeeter, mhEtam Cavalry Beireau. METROPOLITAN • LEONARD SUITS, The very latest styles att. Spring TWIN CITY PLANING NULL. 'Mite lc Alexander, Itet - etaly barned out, take pleunr• to toforming their blonds and tho u publlo generelly, that they hero leased room and power in the UtilOti PLAN. IMO MILL, ncor their late location, and are aow pr, pared to ea u ote ell orders entra:ted to them, with twomptnets and depatett. Baring *large stockier Dry Lranbor on hand, not damaged by the mint Pre, they will, to • fia day 0, .bo (Meted to tarnish dry 11111 flooring, to any • nantity. at reasonable rates. ma.14.1m ISVSTEEN, BRASS Forrimires, u • Gsa MID &MX Preinnus. Parting= attention paid to tbs fitting up and repairing of OIL GEV,. NEIIIII/1 All kinds of BRABB ANDIRON COCKS made to order. Also 1111A0.9 CASTING% of all kinds, made at the shortest nodes. All orders left at Nue, al and 84.WAT'Alt ESTRIELT, near Liberty, will be pm:sanity attended to. INO - The members of this nom being prociteoloi ► ari a 111 many years . .experiersoe in their business will imam to give satisfaction In every respect We - ate also agents for Gold, Garrison t 00.`a STEAM PINUP, for pumping Water, Grade and 00. fined Oils, do. dolly NIGHT BLOOMING CEREUS, a now retract for the Handkerchief. It Is the incat trant and &Maas ot ail perfrancs. It will not stain the handkerchief. Abe, a large and complete assortmont of 'ITEM TOILET BOA Pli, blyhty met:amended foryoodging the elan sort, fair and.ornoth. Ass, thee BUFFALO HORN DIIIIABITO all else*: Bale Blushes, Fall Dote, Nall cud Tooth Brushes, In great variety, kept constantly rot band and Farago at • • - • - • GU. L. KELLIrB DRUM STOP. ftener Oka° awl Todaral a trona n . YEING AND SCOURING ESTAB LIMDDENT.-- `he underelgtod hart.* opened en establtshmeng et 'o. en FOURTH ci•tugnr. tenon Idartet and • o cry, for tho mimeo of Aarryr, ing on the • • DFEINU AN!, 80011WINCI BUSLUES, • tronentatnip nollcite a. stare of puhtlo patronage: Harp; gpeot due pia* faithe «JUN Ilht.o of Ms. NteP.T, he negro% Obteelf Unit Pagan give the roll. ert. gatisfaetlen taitinorge: o,lo z min be retninoni .. .a tem orooke.L - - - - retan-.3er .08wALD ATUNICIL • ON EU. errONIMAN, naiiti4uTuAres (Jr*l. l 4 witn! l l ibtipoisis tbe illsessivwsrd, aid ilifory • • • *jai , al% to diselnninS thin4V Pins . ; . thi suss Bram _wait ourrn ; sun! , et or , av ift!dtinonottrrsio lll 4 6 . 6 Fo•*o4' non. Wads Eat rouidry on - r - - mon k n i t InNOolVikko. 011ILD_CIACIp t; 13 ••• - MtrarOilnilt WLDWITIy, wnlirwavaan i d ea/. 4,15. - . • ' so:in TOT.urni enter -- • streetp:Agetit.- =l= pll It:s, Twenty Years Standing. Babe gall bq t,eed a cap.iticao from oo• , e f . the aunt r.pe,tatln tt tun. ,r WsMins tuwhip In Dr. Keyser's Lindsey's Blood Scarehes The Doctor's certiticetee ere within reasb, end Poe ook t3o deal red In regent to ttlo progaratipme Dr. G.. U. 69dx-s. 1 twgxne , a 111104.1 with about twenty year ago, and every year thity Wire growing wore, so as to troub'o me very moult. to Muth in at time. me to unfit mo for work.'-Homo . Bons I was so bad that I could not do anything on account of them they came out So mess beige oaf hickory cot.' I hsa tried • mom deal of mielkine for them. 100001 to buy and take vb.:it:ever I ouald bade in or read of In circulars end pamphlet. that fedin my way; bat I .old not get cored ; toviettmea they would do me some gold fora little while, but afterward. they would return ogn l / 1 so had as ever. I also applied to two Met" who sisird me et my house and gore mo some modish., het It would not do, I could not act milL firm • year übo I gut advertisement; of your Lindsey'. Blood EC:archer, made by yourself. When Jon sold to ma You told me one bottle would uurctire me, and that my whole .ystom would lure to be meowed by the otodlcine before I got Well. I bought one bottle and, , toolt it home with mop and mod It accordlnEto yodi direr. lions. I then called to am you again, when Yon mid I could not expect much benefit front ono bittle. I bought It, one bottle at • Limo, I.LII I had Used Ace battles. After this quantity had been used. I was entirely well of lbs Piles, which had tortured mo tot twenty year.' In other respect. my health le tem proved, and I am so well aa could be e rpticted for one of my age, being arty year. peak There been weft mow iby SIX months, andthcre it no appearance Dia nitwit of the disease. I can do 'any: kind of farming work now without the Piles tenting down and hurting me. I can pitch hay, chop wrd, or do any kind of work which before need to het me. When I found out you Blood heercher I kept on taking it until I got entirely well. I outsider It my duty to make my cam known to the cotintry fct the benefit of - others who may be nifferlager I was, and do not Um: the rine of your medlar. You may publigh this If you like. I live in.:Wilkins township, mid will be pleased to satiety any one of the truth of tliti certillrate If they aid , to call on ELLIOTT DAVIEL llot.icron w. Gunttly. ms. Docomberlty. A. gar Look out for the ousts of D 13.. GEORGE .11 HEISER on tbe cover of the bottle sod postal ores the cork; alto far his stomp co the Onityd fßates stamp on tbe top of the bottle, to present being im posed upon by • spurious article obich: h to tb• Market. De' Sold by the Proprietor, No. 140 Wood Street, and by Spam JOUNSTOR, corner Fourth and Smithfield etneete. HEItisMA OR RUPTURE. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture oared. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia . or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured.` Hernia or Rupture cured. MOE A LDIIII.E. :ernarrs : Janunn D. D. Meads, Wm Douglas, Tenant:l. rennoct, Jame FlLlctin, John B. Wanda., John G. Backe.. TIMSTIEIS : . _ . Rupture or Hernia; cured. March's Radical Cure Truss. Ritter's Patent . True& Fitch's Supporter Truss.' Self-Adjusting Truss. Dr. Batwing's Lace or Body . Brace, for the cure of Prolapses Ute r i, Piles Abdominal and Spinal Weaknesses. Benry J. Ljncb, John 31nrshall, Vl;itor P. llarshal lobo Orr, Robert Robb, Henry L. EMIR - v.l; William E. Schmortn. AltaAndon.Speer, Alscander.Ttudle. VAnkirk, Isam El:dater. s—CELAB. A. CtitavN. Dr.. 8. B. Fite.lea Silver Plated Supporter. Pile Drops, for the support and cure of Piles. Elastic Stockings, for weak and var icose veins. Elastic Knee Cape, for weak knee. ante. Ankle Supporters, for weak knee ,skits Suspensory Bandages. Self-Injecting and every other kind of Syringe's. Hard Rubber Syringes. Da. Muses will give his personal at•, tention to the application of Trtusses in adults and children, and he is satisfied that;with an experience of Wenty years, he will be enabled to give eatisfaction. Jo- one. at his Drug Store, No. 140 WOOD STIOIDT, sign of the Golden Mortar. Persons writing . for Trusses hould send the number of DIOIICII around the body immediately over the ruptaro. • mar . _ TOE BO IL GRAY & LOGAN He. 19 YINTH FIRSZT. CATARRH I to Market' Ef ea:Ara, MEM ?u D rc tZ CV RE 11" Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia Cured. Rupture or Reruialcured. Rupture or Hernia 'cured. Rapture or Hernia cored. DR. R. GOODLLE'S CATARRH REMEDY dt pesettatin to the vary soot of thla terrible di* woo, and ixterminatca ft. root and branch. 'brava,. GOOpALII la the first and only pont= who nor told the world what Catarrh rally wat—whoiiilk caramel:mod—and what would cars Dr. GOODALD his spent sllferlase la belling with this fell - Clem., exploring Irk secret arotaih, and tooling known to the world Ora. Ira that Unit, whirl* bas, for pars, Wed Oro skill and to_ search of bledlost nom and author In - tbli otantrp and llOCUTOp0; COM Ow 'be our 4, sith_tis mism. imp= *Way Mut moraine itillors WO: Thrown& who bits &Led Sim lnina, erne Inrslst, 'ism teen perattattittly cand..l44 l t. tiOODALIGI CATAIII/11 ATLLEDY, turd , t3o, ;•pralso It in its molt littrattotut tams a Mi.- Call at am tamest wrier, 4.11 a stomp for pamphlet: 41 . pained and preport'd Uri; GOODALIi..M. He '•SOBTOZI ( a 00.; Bate Aga* El2tist:4ol"y, Hot • DR. GEO. H. IrRYBER,. Sot? Admit t Ba.llo WOOD ISTOTST, !Maw& sati NORTO2O3 -oThirtign .; thirghtEgliAND itenarpLA, .permetteetitcotee Tetbsi;Boeht geed; glogsiont; and ill itgthtig en d t.foL done and gond= of the tikio.. otniiicßesqrOm to the teals of tl'*e! fiery , from get tkektteeeM eh* .cav tne onac• ; PRO P05.91/.8.. -.. - peOPOSAIS FOR FORAGE.. .L. .(.113sr QuiumMILIITLiNI arcs. - '.... ' . L Xisillingion Depet, - DoCent 6.166 k --,, Sealed pnalmeetsurellauted-bi , foe r . supplying, the U.S. Quarterroater's, 't, at Washiugton;D:.o42 l altlititrre, Ild.,'A and Fort Mourne, rta r str.withekof .1110 M giros with IlAg,Call.X. OATS and faun' ... .. . Didisel berrecived.higthe.d.Ww7. 't - 00: 04,61 t r...d acorn oroats, and tO tone of bay or would vie Bidders must 'state at width of. the points they propose to make deliretios, d the nue at which they will Make delivertnitherast, the eon., tityof each article proposes/to be delivered, the time when mid deliveriee shell be rotrunin d, and whoa to to complete& The price must ye written out to on thetdda Coro to ha put up In good stout of abort two bushels each. Oats in like webs., o about - these bushels each. The mar tube furnis without ex tra charge to the Government The- y and straw to bo eecurely bakd. The particular kind or description It oats, Man, hey, or straw etoposed to be delivered, art be elated lu the propmals. Alt the artlelle. offered rho b da heroin In vited will be subject to a rigid lasi Mos by the government /aspect., hefore being tel. Contract/mill be awarded fermi time g te time to the lomat resperalhle bidder, as the lutenist of the Gov• 0r1111.121. may mquirei, end payment twill be made ...then the whole amount contracted far shall bare :born delivered .end accepted, . , The bidder 1311 be required to sccompany his pro,, point! with a guaranty, signed , by tee respaasible persona that in easolois bid is accePtial be or they e . will, within Mu dap thereafter • ex to them - citrus for the awns, with goodtind =Aisle% imiretlm, in a sum equal to, the moonlit of the coo t, to deliver the forego prepared in conformity wi - the torn Of thlu advertisement; and Meese tbe. ei bidder .hould feil to entd into.the cantruct, they too:take - m*4HW ' difference 'betwten the offer of mid - bidder mut the next lowest responsiblebtdeler,ot the pormulutsbetu - the contract may be qwarded. ' .. -,.. The responsibility of the goran must. beabom by the °Metal tortido.to of a U-S.D tAt 1 Collector of Customs, or any other o Mr ;a we United Stets/ Gave-nowt, or known to DO Mike. .- All bbiders will be duly notified of Itho ancentance or relettion of their prop , .d. The pull , name and P. O: eddrem of earl 'bidder mast be legibly written in the proposal. Pro la min be allmated to Dr gather General D. 31. UOSV.II, Chief Depot Qtterte r, Waal, Pre lato D.C.; and ahould be plainly d “Propo• Forage: . Bonds, to e, 6.1 aqui to the art tof Um ion trect, signed by the contractor and th of hli gem anon, will boo -required of .tho au I hldder or bidders anon elgning the contrail: ' Illtailt forms of Md., gorantets, &bode, may be °b" VirM ig o i ritoWil l irf w- • - (Town Cotady end State,) (D; c t.d. .. . f 0 ... 7, Meted 'caber, do hereby pro to Punta. eato deliver to ee United States, at the Ouarternmentes Martme t at.---,agrecably to the teemeof adve remit. Inviting proposals for. forage, datedlVtolington Depot, December the fol. baying &Akita, viz -, . —bilsheis of Corn, loacks, at ' . per bushel, . cif 66 pounds. ...--b bele of Oats,in soaks, at per !MILO, f 32 pounds. ~ 111 .---- to of. haled Rats i d--... lar Me, at 1,17e0 f site >--- to of Straw, at—per tool oM,OOP pounds. Delivery commenceonor beforettheday of —.-, 12Z-, and to be completed on Or berm the OP" ( ---,psi - . end pledge myself to enter Into • written contract with the United gales. with ecd. v./Ida - pulsed somaithe, within r" - ' - VMS otter being notified that rei, ' Tear obedient , Brigadlor Oconal De 1). Chic! pot Wo,wo ruidorsi, , rood, rook then/mat) . of hereby, jointly and soundly, =tenant with the United Bleat, and gnerantoo, tholoregolng bid of be wanted, that he or they. will, Within ten &patter the aowptanci of said bid, eze auto the contractfor the samowithgoodandudhcient enrollee, in a ma equal to the smonat of the ronttict, to famish the forego, propoud in tomformity to the forma of edvartisentent dated Dreethber 7,1863, under which the bid wee made, end, in vise the mid shall toil toentet into &contract sugar:NA we gnu ante* to make good the diroreace between flea offer by the said -- and the nentiowest responsible bidder, or the potson to whom tbb emitted may be awarded, . • Witness, l t. Gistmundercmr ham& =deeds I this dayorr, =j g . I herrhy r certify that, to the bes t my know] and bellef,.the above named En tors ore good and enflicient es unties Or the amoilnt for which they offer to beeecnritg. o SW." To beautified by the United Stites Dist' rictAttOr ney, Collector of thastoma, or enslother otlicernnder rho United Staten GoTer4LlCilt, of reeponibla person • known to ibis oilice.. , All propos:4S remind wader his advertionsient will be opened and examined at office on WTD :NEOAX And BATIIIIDAY of . eactrwork, dIT e. Etdderf ars Seepectiblly invited to be presentAtthe opening Of bide. if they 4.11111.4 IL masa.. &mem; Brig. Clert. l aad lj Quartertopdtes. SUBSISTENCE HO. OIT B LCI I I7 B , rz a mv AR . I O: , Baltimang - ti d., A ;it 14th, 1804. &e.l Proposal% in tiepins will he received at this alßeekntil 19 ea., on WATURD tlf, April llah , • lent, fee thrußhing . The Unitadtlßotes bateistrua Dew/meet with— FOUR 11101:01AND (1,000) DEAD OF BEEF CATTLE;ort thetact dela - sled:at the , :Rata Ceuta sa n dltaltimore, Md., d os m of (1,0n0) pne tho tech every (10) ton; to b. weighed "within onewtd..hatidaye alien arrival; at - the ex pense °rase rontrador. ?They Mast average about (1,300) thirteen imeiret portant grow weight. all baling short of (1,000; woods eon weight, Beak Buse:S.ou u, Cow., Deters and Ilerrdems Cattle will be selected. A dedaction of tea (to) pound sill be mado Iron the weight. of each liner accepted trader this con trsict, provided the annex" den not steal la=the pen. ttreaadenwbslf hear. before being weighed, or Rotaeigbed immediately ptfter removal Wont thßlank eears. farms for propo'ais nap belted off applire- Um at this dace, either in per7sice, byman,or le gmith: Etre C t oWrarsient win claim the righbol weighing • ' any ono animal separate, If Its eppearance indicates leas weight than the mialurant mentioned above ; the farrow of wolglring will he paid by.the !party eyeing inindgmeet. Bach kid, to Recur* cazaidetallorg . raust contain a wsitton gaarwatee of two rerponsible 'creme, as follows:. ( • -.. W e of the cormly of -1,!--,Eigge of —..--, do hereby enemata! that later are) able to falfd a contra Mia eccerniance *lth the terms of Mx (or their) prevention, and Ihmga hie (or their) or:Tornio:rim accepted, be icrithey) sill at once.- • ter tilt* ih contract In acemensße therewith, and we an prepared to 1.001336 his . seturltira, giving, good and entlicisat bonds for Its fulffitamt. . The tesponaiblltty of the gaarantori must be alma by the alllchtl - certifieste et the Clerk of the • neared District Court, or of the Baited States pie. inlet Attorney, to be enclowelvlth the bah • 4.. • ' The Cenrernmarst reserves MitgeU the right to re. led any or all bide at - wide:4 unreasonable.. Payments to be made after posh delivery; In each ' •-• foods at may be on hand; if more ori - haad, to be made es soon ae received. ! Dragnets Mutt be eadarsid distlactli, Proposele for Bed Cattle,".:and addro. to .• Capt. 7. U. GILMAN, C. S., Baltimore, Maryland.. If tibia is in t h e =Ma of a?firm; their ammo and their OW office address must evpari or they Will not be immidered. Each person or every merr.iter .5r - a Erne edorleg a proposal must accompsayli .by alr_alth of - all. glance to the Vatted brides !Government, tf be - has not already filed one in this Oka; Alt bide not complying strietly RIM . - the brims of this niteritieement will be lepetoi. • - .1. 11 . GIIXI* ap134.21 . • Capbrda end - 0,9411.13:A. • NOTICE cONTRACTOREV—Pro be reeolixi nep to SiTIIIIDAX, leth Inst. at t o'clock, Q. in.iforlthe SollOting - quip"; end Pairing Mart= gifted—Grading 414 Poing froti*nn- Ininis nal4road tcLkllogb.prqnx: anan szo!p"drit Llt°2l7 to Penn Butt " "dl letbt°l° Ettttt P tl Y tt t!t i ,q f atU g Irani Liberty to Pito street., . - - ddsties Stet et—Geseing arldrieGog Prora proxi to Pao greet.• Pike treet—Ciradina,v.sed swing freus 0 gars to Witeldogton Strest—GyeathgatedriStioreLis. " 412dIgto 'W ei thr Street—G .".'ll. sOrtarSial*tib ertjetnet to DrioneeneilVT 4 Stroot=Gradlog 'Paving_ Vona Ito street aorta:madly.. , ."• Wstkoa Street—Grading dad Paving' to m' zoo street:oo foot esetersrdly.. Penn Street—Gradios 5nd:1.0-saving frozoliiiiiroad Groin:ll4o a point near SterForea ll ey. Idelberri d're-paringtroto cluoidto Garrison timer. Alley—Grading Bail Wring Pl from ural's too street to Stemma • 611ey—Grading ail , froit:7.4ol to , Elm sumo Big= on Ma ebt4t witt ditto *lit iiz . 10;;14111» Owned for dorte and trod id gendbeidgei . • :.- Pb riglat to reaerred..tderiGi or any *tot the sboremork. 04EICGOWIN, 800- neg. Office 2.lllTern street. " sPI2 NYINE cO2 , 7IUCTORS. • icscurant's Orrin, Ozto, Ems Bl=ll . Bolthacle D'Ottla Itelitosa. - BZLIAIit o OhIS 21th nozoh.l6lA; Proposals will be roottrol at. thle. WILIIk mitt Um =ti DAY, OT ADDIL; fat the 'triton wick of the Itellroad Dridreto bo tarn mar Abe Ohio river at TWA psi TWA. sod rpoilftmtiont atn it Oa Roe lures Ofllte to Follett; Dom OA LD-ft t o at' 2:41 der of APtD: ,a" lbe Ootopser metre the -.EU roje.o try or Palmate roo.thlrt eatb..ith inter rams- taciiii..tecurtry raltillavit of aw l ' 'this will an txtensiyir work, awl 'well Worth the I . !.tentica? of fait titan contrsctoni. • 1.20 . 1.&-NDOLP8iragtham • • rrio it AILHOND CONTRACTORS.— trtnualt arelnelted Yot tlni; 415/41thnithhi Idr• &met, .Ibridge Supentrothere, , Bennie: igen-ties end %reek-laying et thepl i rgh*Pqn 1011road4 between Game end Chazabett ri t em et - Me m= about ehttityoleyete mtlen, In whona of chant awe alto eseh. , aposcifin ciao' ti eand Ptefilewsteittiw reedy id the einevany'n 01101, 01'10;bn:ugh, amdl:epolnh.iUl pe ngetred 00 the 300 OF.APItII. • -rzzu.,11..-Livibas,ypAsent. '• weeoft.. _,- 'l4tteburgb, - 11arelt 1501. 'ism neb=tl r1157116.11.110AD' ;CONTEM.,7OEtt..... dfiellligbleni.Velley ltall.6aCdasiday.latlte tkleide Wed:o fr th Mit e* bet n er s er e A a t be e l r le ip reryses othca tanidsj add the month IdeMln at creer .bout ou mile . : ,11P Via. -ttorie Pealelkaidds end.dpeatli‘ttitle of ck.ar art , " CL i.niuktfor C11111:4111110n.“ the Oalde of thd gova- • that, oa Pas gnat. In {ho eltraf Pittisbeigh, e.'4 OW the 17th thltiz dad • Prorithelrl4m re.: .tetted wall the dint Or - Ma, next. - . • sumer, CdOef;digier pithebtrib, -Ithlt•ed . ett- '- ,VIRG MON. 01:1 1 .;01400.13,/itT =tone rpm . ~- - - 3 30bcts13:01.01M13,11NEDr Tti don aid tapas . by WATTlentia nir.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers