-• • • -•••-- • • • _ ...,..m••••-•-• - .. , :t.'rt7r:7•`.... 7 = 7. • • ' ,"' ' • / , • 77.: 771. ,-,--•••,--Al4,--••••yeg. , • • • - ; I I F 11 •••; jITJ'Y e 1 • *.r; ' 11 T -4.1.t1 CL urs.covr-1 • • Ji -•- • : •ice.; ,,, _• - • - '/U 4 .4l*W iriumeooo IitELLICMINtr. : "' Vrtßi ii l ii r glner ti lY , 4 4 i rt.i. k t wins seelealastiesl bodies IMO kulb . - In ) 04 7, NSW, the go" If.d f Wow ' . kl4O ald=4 3 24..04. 4 ~ , - ji. lebleliirttlibsnaftlil to IsiSty ikittii nadirs : The PresbyletbUy ' -- (Mee* Ahatembly, Old &hoot, trillritteaLit' , : Newark, N. J., !day lgati Haw 13 4 001 P!" - _ byt i ii,, N „,,t, Dspoo,phio,May 19th; United , F ,„444 4 •H 121ifithtildelphts, .li c sy 2511%; .."..: , Cumberland Presb7Ltrimle Lit b; „A1M.,;,.' , . - , ~ . -- - May ltith ;General Cortfarenook!. Moab, ''it Philade)Phto;MaY 2 d ; 7 iiil; ° Billed or &formed Thilnk at /Schen 71 N. Y. 45 , k 0 4 , ^ 1 / 0 ? 1 7ne4 - Pgetbi'liftinft, It Plant ' &apt* May 19th, and Lutheran, ntltori. '...' - P., 51ay,,, 61 / 1 . The Fiftenuth_Anlity of the Ameifean,"Bepttsi i lliiGns / flll, - „:101 . ~._.,_ kted at Philadelphia ,Inilin'ildini waele4 - ' ./.1g7 , 11'0:" Brit :•'..:Q1.v3 r: i - '-',"' 4 Z.4. - -I? .... • . The following extract - fil irntrent .. IMikta Po4#4 , dinefte 1 4 which Ls significant: i'- i- 4`i itt :4:ol4. 4 6l 7:•Mnrat nnkfernit:lihich the „ "SeMplvmlidkif and our standards kneit, , Iflftolpitadlite; the only ratiauslon '''lifWaties.'''''l'lliier. MI - m‘;', Othati.; :the doa ,Y.i:trTiiited , cigalis.ratitoll e = Mid fruitful ' ; :., time. Of • Inllletkr of rutterer " 1 / 4 .. --, __ _it may do for tither; it cute.* atakettad, • ltaeot aitkitkeEpisoefil rabid,' Tlts El.fs. - • 1 :,.- ~.",agabilkvho adcptig catt-mtlytAl Wei ,1 . to ", L ,4 4 R I P I P (u r _yhilettilet-ii , ... _ Lapp/ absibnirintsi - f' omto. IDo yort ask ';-: =lei *i rpi Fg ati4eit Ls In 4 nutiltelL is an Bpl sciislien, - Itebelleies Mixt evert Cluinn - hidi, oioughl to tulii; s Bishop at B 4 7 7 Its ILIAC' to 7 niTertal Chnr t b, it:am, must • - .„. : ,iipAtm Aply the 'Gallop of, en ttniverul Church.. , In other words, ,nn niter/al - ‘ j ---'-‘-.-Itle'hop".-hit is to say, a Poiefi : —lt is ropresen'id thtt the ). ' op of Canterbury, n giving hie aria t' to they s-. minket the ludgetent of .Pr. Luithington , onus nOtleaL nr• ''eternal P"lia 4 ° tat. in] ... . . f 'Wu nisi of air. Wilson, saldkedidlo ' , solely . -. '. •, . ontaohnlcslgrounda,:eddlegiPll ettattly I of punishment to ts,.soeiidltito 4sy mind, iv:• 1 131 4 J 01 43 0 sits Ktrantd as the eternity , :1 ,4, Mrsseduese ; they most l eland or fall -- - ": l*. ± r • - ,:„ - latrether, and the anrelinri,74l44,6l u I •-: ~. ..,;;Ft% • Inni ntitn, lad WI , 44kiegri*or deli' ''.;'..,.Vt"- _ly and dieldtlity?' *_ ' t 4 ''l •:7'.''' L ... ~r0,r4.; 5 :."...--.L.Theibllotrion.444 #3 orf mits ... ...- 't - '. 4 • 4 ll4lVioitted by e, Indy, i perveriedtrtini Prot. ...,..„; estsesm; to a Protestant inlaid; in. Lon 1. ' . - 14,35) don, which' oho is anal,. 41f e r, se, Tier 1 ... • • Bina it. eras by an eat of her private jadg. --, 1 ,_,, i meat ,that sh? ..s _bernme a l Roman Cade:4k, , _.',. . . aid this Jade:tent lstallib*ldid ztllo be 1. , ;:relied orcla - MairebrAl-ralliiOn; a can • '.,...,- ,2,.. its be certain thiti 5514 WAS rigid in ....- . - 6 ".04. 1 , , i'''', '.• ' • ... ~.' ''-:‘, p . - ` 4 "9 0116.. 1ria 1 0,4 4 . ,fighi - , 'ing of : ..:, ' - ...tlis...Wijkst" . ..4-11ifilsigsii . 4- the,curio= g :- ';'- :. et 4...M441#.ati on tb° l6 4 5;r: 1,035 oinoint .tt .., .. 2 ;1•-iitii rim Mall bso9o 4ient - . , te Ab e del ft , .;`i - on sad 1269 for same! , ~ s ": l 't• toliciox;Esq,ot fieiererle,:au-nrahlroonsfy Masted Presidontif 'the Society bi place of Lite tato-Non. Lutherßradislti • , .....--Ono of (ho contrititanib; Wes, lapis Minion Minion Jubilee :' Fand , a Meeting Faid,itt: Meeting . 1 •", % .7 -," : 7 : :held PL Waterford, me one ' thou-' -.. ;'' .. ,I nnfnCol' 2 4 B ;" 4 " l gto Altrilablret of a: Rt y fr . ,, ~;, ,to ova T gise unto puits. OLa The , - ",,,' 1, : ,, - - ;•` - N. 41 01Ma/Hri.tiolOintarlin, it we 'lmola, ',l 11.31.,!attliikiteisr. the; Lord his Dim; what --- ' ':. ' , itii . -Istionise His titulary iitsuld reteive , -...L.Aktaillgenes from-India states that ,• , ~ ~- .. 74a,:ttl,lfoonlispootoor, nes Vellore, ',..• , 2 .i...:70 .. . r ot 2dadmoti. : 1 ,14 the Diemic;n of tiVat*,,it wolfed' Bcollaltdribrty.obe f whom - - • s ' - '''''''''''aiire baptised, the whirl being way en . ' raged in rallrai46Wl f , ..,:. —A sossasition-ptas . your* grir* - pis '.1 , 4 Isi r , Preit44 1 * 1 4104 6 :... s ,gi n. Iklill ferente of thelfeatedret Npieeapa atirab, i , , is to meet 12s 4 Philstielphis, May I th. ' :47:viv a IrrgefelMfied-r8 - ' 1 _. '-:t. ,_,VOR, Ert- LOULFL—The Sine roc ' t A! *saw !MIDLAND'S. ...terra. I CsP LICE4OII 3 r.. 4 . 1 tt" . . I '" ' 4,1 *11"Kr44•403°11.111 tIQODD. . I , 101 OPlialt - MO Ei.., CIOLD 1,-: 21 atifest- i gir. tams awn -•/, = L -,"-, T' l nsos Dlc ri l e l lroette:Vistt Partt insect A ss sig l et 1 4 ' 1 -'' " ' 11414.thaletb hut. al 4 %sock is. is. - , ... 714 ,11 ;r 4 5kt;"" • 011 ° 2 .ti 4 t o i.. , 11 0 R ' NASEIVILI,R—The LEI! . . .1: *mad stfainer 11.11 , 411Lisr, • •' lll7 . i ‘ o=rjhretaalli4:l 4 4'..tt'l , - - 44's r $ ' irfriAgarriv°,7l , lft bawd ' t on ,J. n COMINGWOOD. i i 'l ,mtg • ^ •.- • • leir t s • • - WOE LOUISVILLE 'AIiD Eq. - .. - • •" ' 11:iliotne,-'4lg. Ili, • tie pumin t er se cut. Wm.. I i n" - ........ • 11 Mi lli jibi or rap alAilitiT - ' :,;litat --: , :..1. DGO Ltarcisraiv; . ~ ..: . ' ' VorST:101:103:aFA &UK, Ir; .. .. " :- i , "."•-•-:' '.-.. VILAPOII2 011efltICIEJLASTIV OS &tn. rill.. .7 .. 1.:.t ., . f.. i try o w o t eriu r arklllgllttli t CrlZ9 i n, '" 1 -;;;r - Tot; gill O'cloklii4" 1 1 - - '. '. : • '•- ' • • - ';';' :'-'-'7.' , . Jar erstki or - cOVIv tel • - , .D. id,rsawapp,i 44 .... i, . _au . • • --.4ous•riaos... - • . ... ~ :TORY (IAMOj ffrl:lA - - '' . •' ". . ALTON MATS/it,. IatIIVOT ': ::,:;.' .4..iinua. iv tu.rs any lam * -'' r ASI.III,D, tuvzs Po ay. armor. et . OALV aw f 4 1 .. ';' Pa. mascam La i cal:os,, well)); • nor. - ti [ ;.:: ::,-• :5 I tl ist_tny; 4411t-atzu. ca. kw It X t.T3 •x,r •omitili It, 'ldea, 'DJ I. IA Om* ,:-..., ~, . ...valikl i i , leli b tkt llllk Lid .- N I o'ci kp. at. ' ",,., ~;7 . .. Far ot pamort= r a lewd. to• '.._ , - .)EGUL. WinELIN , ;- • L.: t _ ...!i lAA •PAJIICT AR IM PICKE G: PT -% a . .. ....., eft *Ulla& Vaatitii,t.att... Johtt ',. „...; .- r‘l' .• latte;-Pulaborvt, L , trwry•TllglantY. ••1 x 7 ..t 12/1311/NVIC sal iILTII - Mitstktok 4 • -; .'. . •- ' ' "; _ ". :••; .•? .'.- , ; ~',- " •, ',.-.'•. ':•;t--r• i r ,ldi a t - ,a ; i tt i e ki n r ! t . c%oElr3 W b A s e m tta a r . A 7 n _ t _ tk AoX . to t ek- , ev- l.asoigtill kstk r lbg 110 9 . • . .2WlDikDoATbioktiotorakZ movert -P O'N~tt a ==o,Am a. - ' Oalltvead.llV w*o ed'tr u ill- .- ' . •- . . 110111iVEZELIISGVABIET . . ... • .ar. ~ - --,-, -- , - • - owner Wald 1 3 / 2 4 - 11 - 01tirtA . * '''=.,•:".:', i ..'. iii ii. EL. bad Suotrillo ISTD r /Z l 4 ; 4•tiorli tom.italr i,ty .Vzt•On AN"' swig - .friliAlitZDAT . .l4 , , . p.'zi.; vet. ZanottOis 7TUZSDAY, WI "'dor, ''''''''' - ..11,111::ilot thightototo sipply oe_brant or to ;':,.:l;' '' ' . r '' , :c' , +%:r 4 6 . 1 V9" 1 ! 11i0WOOp I. ; - ...84::11e!ting a IXL: ' . • - ... .. : ' Yom ,. .- - '•- '- • ' t a d°: . .- - • ~, , ~ ..., . T wIN my EI.WING M I Ilf7itte .4flexander , ~.ICLEXPOZS tbcir 111•14 i YOd the ruano meway IttAt Wow iebtri room 4114 14 WA' tbo tr31 . 0:11 PLAII• *ILL, - star ttatr- Lots kcaCloo. awd Oro now „..proway4 Naomi. orders wovrortol rbow . Wbb love pint. sad toloit.,WO 7-1=4141= utet.y.; • Cisrafob dry 11,01 Irloarirry; to way •;.• , ,lr.lii.M; If fitt'F.:s; 'i3 '-' '.• --,—; -: ' i• - •.•• . ~T.Pitible a robssograluai Parthiale - titteotka • •-•:-. ;: : . M. 6...:.• Ar i gta s i a4l 42o3 l ll 7 l l. l oo lz oi i rl ' -- --- - - Ad:larder , lelt t - flied OA WA 57111F1T, l* S hil . 4 ": ,,, ';''' toe Libertr,loll prom a rattleSdid tillt. -, --: vs*, :,..7.,...,....14.41ingeftuf steal 3114iteaftietts• "Iftabirs. sin 1.1:1111= tia ev. rtichetima to am ,•:-1 ~ . .. r,, t,...wr Vilire Are ohic....vVty ice i paid, a 0.. 1,--4 • - Fop imsm - me ysn..* ,•-••••••• *o.4 rump , da =e 4ssad NMI" of dlffone I .301; 111110430 RT ISOM 1111Altn, mr Ti mei NS. =armDOCTVIIIS. Abu, Paw sad m mol 1174[01:rr VOMITS& Lamm i THOS. B. ELIA . - IMES ..--:?-1-- •_•.--: ..:`74.g,...„?...„1.,..„.;,..„,,.. , ...,. . , . .-:,....f.,,.,:-..11_,..;.„.4Zz*"4,,,t?.;....ti1---:pitr,.,;.,,,,?a,:,,..„......,,..,.._.,,,..,....,_•:.,............,,,1. 4..., ...4 ._;...... . ' '*',,/,,..4;.4..;0P st.triffo4"..-1.,t1V,Ag.!P:,.*5...-,...-;..f: r 1 :, i . • a. ;-.'' - ....''1!-.4: ''..‘?":4".4,*-atataiittigiA),.z*;i :;iI: .41,,...4...tr. 1 ...: '.....-..L.; -" .... _ .... -.1-...',;::::.......-"-:: ', •-'.. ::. ;:'l, w,.•.;....,;, ,:•;4 ---;:-Ft MUM cOjf RECUT, izATOP:;,t-,. - • "I• 1 .8141- ... . . -_ . - ~: ik....4... - 14111111strasa auk: r• ,-- - ' ... ..—•.. - • - li:4. : it 14 4 ktitivil itgibi /11014 , ,. linso LWJ ~?..w...gv. ~‘ ..k L v. `t-it • ' • * l 'Lnk ii . l e:. - 7 .74 8 - I k.UNISPO I 4 B 4I9 O # *goat 60...i.A5*.! 4.lswuuN Alt °ON tOit, teilii•^4 l :o.../ageor !WI SIS 4 1 4 0 ,4 05 a l felfeht-ClPAiglit9llllb hipilleto-041* ele .et5. 4011 ,4" 4 100 0 .1ki1l 71. 1,1 1 1 4 , iiTikfrigigide bi ..4 A 1211 *.: .: 1 elk 6 = 0, 8 4.14/ag - -400014 11 / 1 asabsa* tm:: diallellkgr 4 ..ids%. ,r 4 • Ow'. - ti"" rnii . ogetialffiV 4 7 o, 44laegi qlgAit inal" , ports* trimadt6oa ins Ickini _ L..alsok; , l42ek 4 1016 VoiNpiatinaire;l3 blifittioVe atom . ,16 g$C.AS1.004:44Sei:Drieur. a Ilblio lint Oertpltt.2ll)4tolNeritoilltir Id :Mir 40 btli oleotypillWl2l%2Wlllolitioi at MOW*/ alaws aV 4 9 7 2Altig 6 / 4 0121 eottie id 46x4 :16. g.. 11 I.,ltaii sad CDollll2ki at to3ie. 1 r - ."' • PlLOPOlDEns—estow„ li to Itrth with' • ..m.- thrived koWljaMiow demand tL.' plow ~t tot twotals 11142rti A* Vote at 120 for Shooldert; 111 11% Illwillbwid maw isVai tot Clear lics 11901 th thr ?lath Mato :•Wolfelioi Plan 156C1a Cando sad 11011346 for Maimed do. Zome tort Ina al "tri lorlfis mad, with mall wart et .1rX•11)(F. , fLOWI—Ttro &rano In Roll put a t4iti:Lisw to hurt otwetatirt cwanwtins WO& ottkitylvel lbw. mutat to nry an., aid Mull as hilly seashßk A. pa, ..le. of 6 bib rall lefts Ilitailr-on tbandq--.1 PAD to gig; _eaderdstindrada IS 1.21rt,1t, 222W0d0ti11„12,0241/11 bilritur. TM= t 1:0611 - 441atte to dna 6d In dinaam d but trtobserta. elowolllobrtmad 5 Dbl. prime at tie. Lap 0r...11b lakietlairto fl &tutu , NMI. Ps Wlt-411•1• al Nitwit of Mt tees "Smo. cab" atitt,toN at; 6 tom Nkteltrats artt,CO. and II Was Brad atdl.3s.- •L, - • • - - • 710.11-15,dfa of Ed bbla NO !I Lana Nactorat at Staalf Oats do at KM and to It all' .No klrtlast do at 1-5. V— La Derrtog nags frau 15.43 to in Ltd IR, Nttb as quoted area at POtdiO}SSkefit a &mad (0' Pia] Witte linty; sal. oft ea at 10,511 bbl; and total &at from 'tarifa* 11.104•12 V both - •' • Da= 1111311"—antattr taloaltott. itata, Ito far Anil sail:falai for Niacin. • . • EOSIN Z—Stasity at PIA Md. • ' • toatiatinie 1 Ott tad tiled at 118043: , • 4 ,`V . IfitlNS—Qdtrbut ;Ith ago it NM' B,= far . fin Ilmattly atallt,lll3d,t6 . 081 Li A.141;13—1n rx4 apply *ad dall:—;•ing• tag free N 2,13 to $3,T3 ft tat. at to . " - • • • • • rennet= 'Market. Alibm 15.-414 marten for Grafi tree a betemili sia . to4mT; the reported airs essOtreto4 only. to 12Xt.bbla.. Se Ursa Wee. aro tametceed. them lino 444etfelebiabe Dot lc*: • Some heifers trerebtam Itejaat tme. ais - atreaca but se scald bear of so '111401044144 Ist Aosterti the ckstog rate d Thar. : el44i4Sif:Aelofja the .pot of Z 4 bLIa it 55k; ii44434404215Me Scare, tree oe bee:4 can. aid I. 111-.slie oiiilll.o* antes: Sae of LOCO Oblate Wad,ea prism:eta:am DO bbl., free, "Lo t 4111:" brawl al Me: alai 60 bbl. 4 !Petrase . ei MOM Aptha I. Is deemed. at dirltt►fighb . meti.. tbi mart.! 1. 'i:.= am ce '• nS • t t0.:t0.:4J: .:to .:4J: laAtd to Mises that la la •be 41a :A as Armed...ot• la, that It Kto be eseetetedleitUrdy. mbUifasetbr: retort tt tbat tbe .Commlttie es Veresed Ilemam wiltselsomemall a Aqt 04910!1' 1 -71 ms by the .Alleghtay .fee' 4extbj Aim tienty.feer tome mhos Nis emeleg, .' v fi4. loam: W U Byrum, VA Illtmenbech, 40:4 JGMes. itriaou es J llney fa; Wader 4: ,Sofb ! thallember. M 14..11 e; 14..11 AT; nutter A Smarr. 74; .1•11.111.1klos, : • 11,593 bblm.. • . Ifew.• Toxic Petroleum illartet. • oat& tr. tbs. Pirlatrry,h Casetts. iftd M st You. Aprflls-SW market for Credo is dolt, and prices are aolatnal Main:. Rased. ln: baud, b dub btd lower; the nominal quotations us Mann Then. is* modems dawand•ter (no 'oil tat St * altibt decline; nib oath. Spot at Cbities,• .0 Vs Atitil delivery Ylaptha Ls to fair debar& sad plias are finst; sobs at anr, on 14. spat. Syr tir 'April, buyers option; tad 37%e for May, medlar* wt. • . ' Viet Bill to' Piirreat a' Dapped . "if& at , -• • Atte t urgency. • - • . .1 • I Ttil tbficOrlas le lb* Cal reported, to the Weise of llepreeenitydlos by Ile. Stems, from elm Casuolttee Of Wept* Reams, to went • dermal on of the ;•-•llndoThat othiy prism or every bock, Von or corporation ineolog Wee, bills or other obit. gallons calculated or lottoded Co circulate/at tunnel, wilco there* anthotithd fry'act of Congress, .bal l ray a c 1 sly of ourerourtti of one -per moth= mob , , reoat ou the amount of each notes, bias of caber obthcelledico tuned try. told perm, bask 11114Celo. {ton or earparatton; cod shalt on the dist bandy °fresh thdethry suenth,"outhe auddcalrer to their lessor of the district Is inch bank. easothatten • or corporation. my be laated s or is which sob perms they reyldo, a Um and accurate tutu= of tire mum t of notes, - balsa. other obit-edamso anal, so frieli`lilstkm or In-Its .or to or chariots, in Noculthis or ocr &remit, end obeli annex annoy a.th retorts a daelsualon, with the oath or ethane. maim of roetspersa, Mot the onside:et or ashler of Ansis boat. , eassaltia to caseation, In nth form amt suss arse may be directed by thoConunise goat or lateral Beaune, that thin woo cantina a true and faithfol Mew:ups of the s moo sat of circutv., lion citation:maid • and .ball dearer & colot of esid.rp:; tom to otot Cofactor ir the to erblblt my& bent, itheothaUca or eorporellon, loaded,- dad within ton dye from thy( aryl Holiday to each Cad 'Tay math, saga odd Vollesior said duty Of 001; courtly= theosconnt so retanzecl, am! tbr soy cot: %tett to reader:or make nth retons or psymepth, atonal % every nett pereili, hack, • sooclatlon OS oorpothilon shall pays penalty of aloe per town:atm the amount of notes, tale or other obllgattoaa based se afunistfd, otrlctituathut atall,'ln default of prop s return, toe animated by the enema novo the bees lalsatiatino be sea obtain; and *rely each penalty may Do reamed fort's . two or the rafted Stela to as y cinart COMIPH6IIt Jaz • • . eStet .06 year trout the pawns,. et this act, It elan no =Lev ftil for any : pasta, beak , I.l.oclatian co corporation to Lyme or Meatus notes ; , or other obligations designed or eateuhthed to skt - a• 4b u lothilionleya authorised thereto by act of . . . !: -Toledo Market; • -." • ' .41 ears 14 - Hear -.• t3 . Urt errata.' rf “Woodtaorte,' at VA.. To-0.70 Mgt =Eat Ie,SS; I LOO bb!. =at $240: SCO tbla XXX at ETA; 1W • Mb XX at SAX: attnlslX at t 0,75; 2.52 bbl. dr.' to at $61.200 Obla Zll.l rhtto sawn. at VA: lad .bbIrZXX, *btu whom al AT,S4 =bats Ann . W Curd, 26.75:•200 bale -,, Bartan's fsontta” at STU; LW Mb XX.Arbita elms, a 22,6 AA - SOD Mar XX red. at ir4i; ICOAAL ism at V; SO OLUIX sr 17 52;Lmbb1iSCI shins( $7.24 7ulbbledodi, a 4 Arboal-4Lnitat Unpin mkt atm:Veva 2+:l;4'i, lan aratdagartarson lomat. 2,2:0 - bas Sia. 2, =alas To-day--0 riXo bar flo.l red at 1470 1,410 Intitnat idle: 'Mbar whits allrb titan at Mr: 2,100 bar 'tabor Ituldgais AS lU/n B,Opo Ma N. , / Ard lain. 1,000 ton Ito. 2 red at 14.2 c; SOUS bat No. Ind at 14Tn 1,100 ton nal 4000 bur Sto. 2 051:16. lOOci 60)basazabar Aikidos' al 1604 AM/ Ina Ito Acy,at 162.; 1,150 ton No. Ands* 147. 800 bas ass.. .bee litcbina a , Isdr.. 270 Das Co). rad at ICC: . 402160 r To. - 2 n01a114.3n 1000 bas And ta' Allchigatt Cora—A drawn! dr. pan loot .stesidl of 03 boo nos cora at 105 s. I'o-day CEO Ala 140.1 it Mc; I,loobuitta: l et 1011 c:, TOO but rrsrelcd at ICee: Oates—Xarkst steady; tabs BAS tar sad 2,000 bus :Cleveland .aeries. . l Lem. 14.—lrloar-Bolos 1W IA la XIX obit* at 111: 103 bb1;• IX at 170; 100 bal. Lir XX 'enlace raNfICO led, do do at 17,15: LO bbl. oo red SX. a 1 10',6O; CtOtlAc nod lX nd at 1G.15; ISO Mr do at KW: 100 1.44, do do at SGArr. Sad' 5 bblo nag do do st St' no mutat otorlog Irscitad, ca. Whist—lad bat dattrat mon. wily* sad drar..aritk ao ad nom of alma comoreat for red on tract: Sala ;MO min lid Aeon ego., in two Boo s t at $1,40: ono rar Sad rafter track el sl.ln; .ono car ono Ice do etsl,4o sad our ear rano do at VAC. - • - = • ; • • WI cent. ..Idoceptio Rod Logary, Stalar . tro can ,belled on flack at at. • • •• = • • sibiadied. 15TH oar cot olr aria atTto .• • ,- • - BarbirAldat;-214, 200 boo 1) on -track at 111 . ,17. • hitago Maur Blatkat ." 11$10 %Mir; inland; SP) bblatikakat I ann., bat prima Odd Oa' trliders genendly 'Ana ea Idyl:tee of 6fro. Wee. ta-day'vennrr Wan% . Wnrns IlrasS-100. bble ..PseOsa 11111 s. (Palm y%) at 48.76 c 777574.1% Colliatlde at SII,W st. bola "Welropoll tan" at $3,00; 6001dra lad vain minter nue (brand prl. vats) at 1e,75; Ina Warn bbl. "star 111114" st VA?: Ito b 1. nd mldta extra at $783. Prima Zrrass-CCO Urn "Jacket's Doubt. Inane' at 87.74 LEW bblil.Lcckporr llydraalk" a. 6e.II 'POD %Ma llkalla Clip': id 1a,60:21 %Ma 6 'arrprlllaa" at 54,2%; ECM UM medium .metra, at pm.- ammo 8c.0.-41 tau Wog paw at U.S. , • • • ~ :•• • .P.iiiimaa Yr: Won. Lao Marko° Itortistast, 40SU Ide-rt Gadd+, Cbszlq 4 bbd., 14 b z . tassoo, Ts.sion.llo 1, 0 obit. 1 / 04111 %... .1131 blab ; Cep ettopotd: I tat halo., • B WS J OPPlass'D /11 bdl ono., Vostf aaffmar; aw 4 assail, ohn lictosbasdi 1.7 U .bat, 1. Liggett& ear, • bbls antes, „Us sto. I...WA= IS tdds Watts. S bVJ Wow elms L. 3 .; 100 als Ilottc.ltosllLetatittsoo:_= o Oar aetmott, Opt.) Coat Ilbets toalty, Spoon' I Moran 10 dos tabs,.llll Allsrpritt oat 2.1 do polls, idatt/1 "Aldo do, loisobsst II Ebiptoa;,lo dos broom{; liar Iladroy; di bp sod, 7.11* St nava II 9191! inct, dam ,Thmk, 445 lags orbast; 7.3btpatria. a : Chavatara adts'lTttesitsoll:74 R, 40111 . 16 tdro /Mar a Asstotrosr, 116 do do, Midi. so; iapofl bbl.. TIL ttsoto I co: ISO busts enro l Ii Ma Mow): 103 btelao, a 11.sttooittt 4 bb ts good, II Vold...ton 100 WA. Llwar, Li. a EC; .1 ,, b1= i1 4 1=111 1 10% I TH=rO l l4 "pi es . , Edits. son St ,sz 10 do do, l'lrstorgardo; I la :as= 7♦itotm* 1.111 Ms potatoes, Um Nate, Pottys, 1111ss Signovord: 144 bp beldshrL 1117sdits At co; 11 iskiss scasphon, A , • .: iaYiBVILtL -. O Jai-404 taUti cos Maks eon lb do WI Idelloos &Ude: 1 tog tato:sq./ Mambos, Ido cps. 111 8011, doo I,bts totatookltals mod, I Ws ism &Ane; 1 tam otedkdara J 134.1.- 1 tie salmi, Ass AVM. son ICS Ws dodt7eloboto ' d Mu* / tadtisolort, 7•6loStothistl tsts can. L 31 Yogi k co; ag0b449104 0 ,1 1 IssastS 4 beds pitodoetlalectog *skier, bd obbstry 1..b1.,15 Ws apple/. Loll " Obis, 0210,,y.1,0015t0r50, NoWettldt; i pkg. .41{•1 II 1b bids 021111:011111. do lepp;:il do Also tsk Wolter llama MAO* soils, . ,39 Dot aan Mold ktbSotafa' gado, Torssolll in ' tosa itniglipt, - . _avi! , pgi . ol,Bkiliiimg.;: Dflissoth•dtZol; , /i A • i'S".:;• •• ! Ittaiiii4ol*essi. Lan. ma SO *look Wia lilatabas a Fs;. mat Dal" Mow Alla%llo B . rt iioanar,• adapaski Mpg lay 701 74/2107/10 potololl‘laki deb& Inn, mak am rat irlietbanWqr OW att. aara,llarslstak• lige wed to WNW. Oging,*oic. CLOW AND • ; ,"i. Iq nu, g4 ll . • 7 a im a i i i, x f s diet Ott - . fiEl , ,ttpx;B6 OOHS, OUNDHIL litinnallieS an d ItanASty is jai C017011:6013 . ,i I,vhigeigaifie yawl .*etatt aIiEL BATE . 21-FIFTH STREET. • TiPZES 6001:18 AT J. M. BUtICHFIEI.D'a .. g5.*44i.i . -9.411.01*!:.7,, 'roneeei; T. Chiniete, . 1 1 /Unkind Copr!II Matte& • titaituuns. aluvivis and Cia&b. Bore' and beat's Cassimeres. • .• • • airy offortolont of . . G-OODS B. B. oar. 4th end Kultet Bill. *.l • GREAT BALE, • .1;11/ • BARKER OICO,'S ,eig ii4l;ri f ot. ostritet. or SILKS, SHAWL? CLOAKS, EIR.74OBGtOODIS. , . , AT RETAEL Bead dtlaP and:iiadßaitonfi, *HD mut law Tswana. TOs wBaaular Cobliar tad Carr' al+qpsit rtita Gams Illeita and IlanAlk ere W.C•I kW plod and tae Ltsen Wdt'b 1 L aces, CI • • eau* tad Craps Vella; Conabrio tal Vile • el TrieuridiA, to vat valley, lot too 1.10. i , -i, !lath ta6 Soul' .1111 boas; ton mat, HMI ii.oft ... . en I !Aid Sots, of nu, Kyle ;' f Watts; 61 dget. ; 4:lamoto, Hoop Stint sad erring Holman] Ell.rto.. , I l'aU the a f Illau , si Votral.lahlrlg Goods army, on t.t.ta ' Lodi& tad Ch.lldren't lieriao, Sift tad 04020 'II adorn. I• ; Lod1os" Vildtt Ifortno Carl+ a - 1; 4.0* Itio thin tloo tatasrl;l la imilt . • *bit& ...Crtiolooito goof= ap italne • Hager.' it thOaL4 owl Tram lb. coronary till do troll to kcal at oito ai:•.*lnolamuo. razzataly eltb Zalae; Illacntra Cia fir. a. asna•.. VlVOlinPap ; DENNISON Mat kat .11tellsta nagrajaal a . eana •CO stalk DUMP BM. • DEB I.* 11131L1100,:?UlSEAD tAOS. 11301.1n1 as& /Bill= U i BILK aba LINICH 11 1 / 1 11D/Entalll7 QM'S • /011118 MEG GOODS z. bait • b.t :MI IL 11111% s i I i ad . F T LY G 12 0 1 v D2 1 140 . WHOM DU STS, MILS and [ALES DOLLADBt BOISOKB, all Linde ,• BP;./01. . COTTON ; latcat op. COMM BtllliOnt ele-, watch as °Mond I Lba . b al irtainal• sad rata, aa Cu swat OBacrabla 15 citalessoswgral .1 i • _ . .. • .;• 7 ,7 4 .c.iivrg sip • Gloves, A ... I LKI I TIVAIV7rint AM:lrak ° e "'' - . - - - - - ' , • pls -i4nikmicstral a co.. • •^ .6 -- • --gisatnrut x 8 IL 4 . 114111i8 . 1 1 1R TME HOLIDAYB LP DRIBS GOODS!. AT a'F.DLTOW:I7 .iI- V , iniCICIS I is'dy nt, asimov.•l44s ____ Oz. me. natiat: ov2::Haf=3Ml pe44SlpNB,. BOUNTY;. )3411.. !AT, . r To WWII On g Soldiers'.;_ Claim Agent, 140111MINDIp . Mt u. c.oovramurit, So; 101111Ptftb 1144 Id 40M Wow tikilarg, Intl" eras tuall SU claim Is °ninety:l. WAS' Me, of 1/11111 doorrtokY, pryeranol Vol prmeeZted bezn. Corm*, tho Cavort of 011.1°A tea Iftootlro IVattroint Is, awl tritoy.tor Oirnerai. It Wi.~le~ean C. Prism ce2oya atul • liocraltins - O. W= promo* otteoged to. • - tatlar LAW . ovalcz, A CLAUSI.AGENCI Y. Vt. HALL PATTERSON .1., Iltre•t,ld &Ca% .4rranionam.ra. , wru, vexcar. Pet:11011S. 801111 M, SAC PAY, Clain pmapc drarp istecadid - IL O. JOLII ACICEBLL:it JOHNSON, ; • " , . • • , .....arrf".l l ot lllo .** l4 W.9 *nap, e. is.6al4.lkaArn*rowil .." -; •1. attar mg:m - 1 .' ' Privarossa. ts. VfIITTAIt CLLESIEt, ' BOUNTIpA ALL 11381018. " DACE - PAY Ned If MIMS! mats a . air/woo., maxi*/ by lb* 4011 .. scrilmw, al iba nig rass,Tts: Rubin PIO C . I . C . t; s~4otiseetdzsp3o. „_ • .?AMIN AUMffy. as Yaw. .4 . 80. 73 Gnat am% 2s. N. ti. pAurse Ant =do It lAa daia satandoiall ell In lbystatkm etas waft: min? . min? NOAH W. S , HAINEt, ' • , • riisagro, ta. astsetirigietallotomnr. Paw 101 Itßomoll 4 l l o l l7lllo9l ll s4' - ' SOLDIERS' :MOW, 8013 . 211110, !MONS4IO - 019457/ .01;i41r, , , !, . . '• -, lloonottpitt,s!&.• $Ol, ' .., -: ' 1 . - Aziaintakzamig,, • Oct SIVICRANCIi, a • Wins er: I.attobortrius...•= So.r of MIMI i ar rcri 1 6 =oilioittrobqoi IMO 'Cod isms, *WI at shill, Mao to woke el 'bort maim • goodsmoorterl magoollr ea td - IWO= '..• • • -• * Air: • • • " f.;;;; - . :.••••4 • 14 P • ' ••- a. • 1 .-SPilift t . k .. " . • • . • .Z..i , :..i..! , -.:.-'t CIF.i. n: i:',.::: ,,_ .....:1,1;.:!. ' , l, , sisfircz..errEcPyhl lIMY O. HALE h 00, • •• •• Alt Whirklihtitithiat • Spring !Hoek of Goods, iihst.hir, l tt....; char: and tastisrftl =to: " It frlantlr g Uid tb *PlUTOW t? tn. 11'354 . urs3 pithintuts uses now t sad trusting. by innly elose *MAU*ow ones to to t a, to suet oartdd Maas and churn. collectkos of_ . . IiEinERIEN'S FURNISHING GOOD?, .; • , . alma co brunt • - coatizA 6W Pam zoo at OLLIE frraiirre. B , Vir, FARRELL & CO., ; • .1 , pII.6OIIOALL flaniiirs,' Gas and Steam Fitters, • `i • • ilsii;carairr,,,,. band a gris saurrtzucnt - gr ,°" Pic l 4 7 ss, Beth • . . . • •••• shower aitLq water wepeist, Itseinuate,•,« OrdersPoit , wort Promptly &Shrewd to. 701711211 num Pittsburgh. .11 "- -1864. W:410/1.11 , 111" RUM ROACH. ittoo, EXtER.MINATORS: .15 Nom iitobilabsd to a. T. cit" • .001,1WIIIIbto resmottial known" 1 Titottntoi Polotat.. • . - "Net dellgeror to tho Boma Toady." mitotsatoto oat of :belt bolos to dr." Bold by 111 Druggists' ovirryorlswoo. • barezi I of all worthier trifoliate. "." 4 .oostott Depot, No. 482 T. sirtolA b 0. A. /AE 110700 809 4100. " g " Pt ; ° ?SI It t Pakl i tlftArt4 l mob mot &MU Ara; Allogbtoy 01y. cotttio • • _MEW CASTLE AND JOIABILUN. RAILIOAD.—Boote ca tvliallsalos:se the nOtta to alba IS Kw rrLseintainisui RAILROAD CORP adr 1011 be armed dlt ASP, • gstkalr. tb Iltb of AprO. prtabaa. Da Oa Clay of thabargb, al Do Ragas at alb Board el Trade. ' la Na. Cestio, Lammed* county. At the 011e•af. du Sow' Wee sal Bauer Vali., Rand OM m in • lfercer,)Kararr =MI Raman, I la lambkin. Panay, a fins /rational Dank. it town ea a A. L. (balder& B. Q. Brava, Waz. Dilvotthi Jr.. liaL. Bantu; J. C. Bbaa, Robert Aebeartb, /me. Rhskley. 3. R. Robuoa. Imes K. Kerr, Datl4 Courtney. Pittebergb, Kant D. L fino HORSES WANTED. OLVALET Owes or Cum Qtreerinuturra r l • litarbtoptan, D. 0., kisrch 18, ism , on. boolnd and 11.1:7 (11.10 &Ilan per bred Irlo pald lbe • CAVALRY HOB9lll. &Unload Clbui lb. text tlgrty (30) days at Usk 19ontrorosot Stables at abbe., U. C. • Bald bonito to to stonr3 Is all particular*, [tot is Cm % dr. (6) nor wont th an alne (0) yewspa rtly old. Cram I_4 to 18 bands blab 1 full Seabed, cum ba brats vise, ardor Cm ovation t Corcavalry parpar ll, sa .1. Thou ft.-elk:a:Soot sal b. atrktly o.Doved a 2„. sod *ally ailorval Y carry partkalar. 1 . 1•)121.: roads as doll ,r 7 tan (10) tad tour. Hoan of lorpoctiss from 9 a. m is6µ m. JINJI a. rzni Lloatenatti Cana. Clad Qaallarotaatir, Cavalry PAPER WAREHOUSE. FARRELL, tayiNe a Ce., Ma. an amok eriarraiitLintatiNmiti. Double -Strength Paper, BOLL WIL&PPIOLI. cm tual or =dm to ord.r. Mewl prig pIA EN FLOM IE Imp or =Art ortow.lttan. sobtleod MSTROPOLITA2i LEONARD SUITS. The very latest etyies for Spring. MCCORD at CO., Mudd* 4..1er• la - Hats, _Caps and Straw Goods, Ds. cum La .fin lir Lariat and coin comptqa !look m iwd. 191.111N0 SA LEH, Mr mlts nd to on Itattlsoto 1 sogoatiot to con aul Irs.ai es ovy cock whh:b win Do poll St my tom Moo 131 Weibil St.. Mt/MX • • • M oCARGO'd *LIMY WORM,. 4s Lamm elms% tonoltftll &AO nrlsil ..morrstui of 3 MOLE MASTrffi,E, Ronammnts and Grim BWnes, 'LIME PAL A, IMMALII MID: RIM. :inn, cam TH ti. BUBSCRIBER, LOU? ro s John Hann '4l Co.'s Soda Asti, Le cmacantly nodttlair lL 1110:0X, .di b bi rill 6;11 ola the man fan:4mM. Wm. Thin Aah la plinks. lady adapted to ttu maxmlletars or Glom. C. W. On'tritoassWi, • solti , • 8013711 non Brarl7, nu non mmel JNO. BURGESS & CO., 06. 73 ,r0 S.i W. L 14112110 . Cookalsalarn 4 Worwardi ng Xi re hauls", . • . OIL CWT, . . . Hellos rut hssod Ott w andusbotio" it CHI sM basins =Wroa nLetllttos, ao.pipand to non and Ormsrd OIL AND UHANDLSE, of ran dm:llptfaa, datl voramis• sat. Istatilas to a 0 Itto toss Ortor os with tbstr patios. arINELL grONIFALN, lJ Atazinrauruizze or wus irozz. Hate slits hams 414 ;aka tocolor ntos BRAM 531[1:1 VIM MOTO ; a( a Itlzettk; ILIDDLIM. trosetrr ' WORN vol witthown, kt. ; 111.0124 0 Wllinair WILL WOZZ ; . • . . • Mr AB dill II • • . , . minim smut tiMl4lsl;o7li)Voll.llA.' • • AB2II,AL OI L n.th s _parobrod unadus.; 7 CtUay oirnod by PII. NILINDOrfots tat bolo_ propteod to oar to tbo ptaitto viz toterkt af.Aanil OIL, agna te:lmnd CM stikity seta= toineltbs, and alb ranted opal So Tout OIL Taps._ L. X.:MILLARD a o".. • . ehmass • OM at. ST Wood otnob:' 2. en) WOLumrp Yfa i in sad dials” 1p1,21414/1" dd . 10. tag ,Cop Lop odsdartlym 1a51iY!{i , 44244 or Mao sad &galas Totucal. INDIA RUBBER. BEL ,T 1240 BOSE, I. MUM PACEI2IIO sobil GAIDICLIS-4. bale tea co Wad di es lull Si the . 11111 LIPS Was lett.' A. re a J.lO . seht? SI Mid SS it, CUL. stmt. Eliffil '-'laSt , : .. .ilaf ' • , 4„,I,..FRAPAIKW, ,100111ERM WANT' Ca /1 Ma = 1 PHIVADELPHIIr • Lis sOa Janury 1.1U4, $1,457.5U 95, 0ti1dta1..—....--.—.-----3403.000 Toredied Pratoltre. ....................“9028 Goaaitbd Glaiens----- .......G SAW )Denim toe lied— .—.....—.. 500,0 X. Uri Paid dace utir....--a.=s,oxvioo *Waal and Tamborsip Polka* Od Moral Urdu , • Cbeitab N. fleackar. . Ism Imih. ' . '. ' • ' Tobias Widow, • noted C. D.l Samuel Omit, - • Geo. Peer, . Jacob B. Scab. !UAW Met.' _ • • ' ' CVO. w: Ektllliell. '• • Yria. W. Led&t a L D. • , • Meal= N. BANCIS TB, - t. • • EDWARD O. DALE. Pio. Pidldaiet. JAI. W. Wed LLISTZEI, deo. PrO: Tam. J. G.GOFFIN, Am% , oileta .: amber Wood.abd Tblid stableae - V SURANUri' FITIE ri/LND. INLAND; ee CO. of Aorth Ametlim tu ,:••%; PElLADlllalilla 4. : , .'. . Hartford Ere kunucanco Company • 401rPmt•ctlra can be INK - mil tea abore named 04 sad reiLCb cam maim. W. P. , JOBBEI, AGENT, ItXr , d l 7 13 .41Akr• manna. $7 scam. street. INSURANCE COMPA . .z I iV IC YTTIII.III3IIOII. B. KILLJZII, Jr., EYabibbi . EL 00BD0II Bantam 915 a, So. 11:1 Water may Opium • C 0... Ware. lam% up stabs. Pitts Ware swear t" rl[ : %ta of R.. oat Marie. Ettatr, Haw /adiaatire Ofiliaoat by Dirrebars rib ere mil hoes be thy bowsurruy, royl übe are deb, brirber Ylarreerrr tier how duemodora orerbo 1.11 but grojtlatimio hoe YJor dairy to Ow /coma WNW sr, Jr., 41:01,1 litrAzdey, NUM:dal 1101 a" Ala:.lllmlck, Omni Danis, • cht pun Ilarrao, , TIZEIVSINEHMANCE COMPANY OF PITTIMITIIOO. , Cam, corner Llnrket lexel ' &ter streets, ..mad door. „mit nra. /MOLL EY, Pmecine I metes Steamboats and Cargoes. Itsarst masa lore sad damage to tW nartgatkal st,:abo gornhera sad Woman Illrers, Lakes sad Va. sad the aaritartta the Bess. , Wares against lass sad damage by 15 re. OtILICOIVILL It= Paolo. P. It. Mar. Ja Part, Jr Zahn eb !Os& . lame /IL limper. O. Y. Joan, & Elarbarsch Ha , Baer embus, Um T. U. Bows. Jr.. John B. Dilworth, &yea Pnesaa, tem. A. Hodgen. Gear. Dinadurs. • dediklyd pEOPLES D;SURANCE COMPANY, Glide, E. B. corner II:RE AHD 7, of,too ofßoo of Wtlllsak . at Mt 011:k. of tbe tlit0.10.11: fri z a . W. Mr, O. W. Cyr, J. O. Doom, =s O. RAD,. 8 / I .V. P Drlani t artZ g ► J. H. fiesOkb, F. D. Et11111:61% Wm. Phillips. • • .Tohtt{Yeti,Wai. D. ILkm, Jn Pnrk a e., I= Ert,"' kIXEGHENY - INSURANCE COM - JCL PAN 7 07 P 777881711011.., Oma, No. 81 VIM stmt. Hank Dia*. lams valor: 1 kladiof llarlas CJaka. 113.8/10 JONES, Asadaa. JOLIN D. IVQOIIO, Flat flagetat,. /0, Y. DODIC, frentara. Ogg. WM. flux, Ckaaal *prat slams. . • Jolunt )Icrinl, &ClllBm . Sterlig, . p1. ( 1,17t frat.t" lattastor.t. Debt. I. Valli. lIIINGAIII/EACTURZRB, Ku I.UQUE3NE IMAM WORKS, CADMAN & CRAWFORD, r.Sonolselningro of .n vatioty . of Ard.bot BALSA "POLY JOB PLUALBLBA. [MAN 011 GAD //WADS. XACIIINIB2B, AND ICOPPRAAIIIIIIB. BUSS CASTINGS. of all daraipriona, mmir, to onnr.. ATICANDOAT WOUN, BTXAll'Apra OAS ITITINO, and EIPAIRINO, promptly nturoded 'Funicular latintliOn paid to Anion sq. REPINR. BINS FOB COAL AND CARBON DILA. iylttla On the ata r l ' e r of lAIIIIII. LACIALL ' a; 00/1 PATRRT SYPHON PUMP, the bon .tar nand, Unring no nine Oils not Intble to got so; of older, and will thoo awn water than say pump 01 (irkr lu stow spit 1 , 08. Dora. d. untorratn.—.l. tr. Nam. IliCiN CITY WORK& XiCIECINTOSTI, lIIMPIIIILLL • CO.. GRAY & LOGA3, if 119 Rl= ITBUT. IX/UNDIES AXD ILACCITINIHTS. (3..qm or Plk. acid °Mara., and Munfactortro of CATlonarir oad other ENGunta, BOLLING MILL CASTINGS .ad NIACHIN SET, of kinds, osol o pour jobtorT. ROLLTISO i lregA s oll . lllll4. "P"'IM WITT Y JOHN H*ll. 4 CO., VALLEY FORGE PLOW woms, •rzrrontriton, PA... Ifasaactoir PL OW µns all &be SCOOPS kind; or PLOWS. cuarnios, SCOOPS, CUT TING BOBS. to. Witiretatly lammed dcta ttrA: doh; Du low, Ire earned) laths, dealers to 'giro ma • all. II anis&ctori. Tompotancoctilo. Watanonso, Gear oily, and Lltorty Bt.; Pima lies. J 01124 MALL, T. J. HALL tresrasta troops, ar1:201 JA . J. DROWN. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL ! WORKS, , eirran CBOII, PA PAILX, BROTH= & q 0... cf 11111:157 'QUALITY ELTRISILD OAST inn, &fon; hit iste Waco., of aR atm Warraottd 4 9 1 ,1 to sal frepaitad et mitencturod to Ills tt.te. u llir mat crud Itarttome, Wm 14D =a 151 nun 5.14420 and 1528[00ND ern Pla.b.rih.. tom ta BRITANNIA AND BRASS ViTORKR DOLLING & WRIGHT. (Oatromoro to Orb Norton.) • • Mari Rot runts of CASTOR rriAlfr3, MOOB. CUM LADLTA, and • rot orloty of BRITANNIA nottelos. IJro, CARBON- 011. LAMP DURNICBB runt LAMP BRASSES 130 Remora . . 00R111011&ALLEN M CO.. Viz Wanampos„ 3SI L Iktanniketnewa of COOK, PANION AND DEAT INO ATOM, PAELCIN, AND KITCD GILATIA I.IOhLOW.WABX, we., Steal azi Ohm Ileold, log )1111 Dwain" Datelog, W., Wows and An Duo 11" ISad lio li Zoi m. l Dona Wagoa Dora, So. sar Maths. Pallop, Car Wboelai Goopltata. add Catilart Summit). Jobblog and Mello. Owthige made to Indr..e. Po:tooted . Torpota. NW, with Burins or Ilona Roarer. klikttott H1.L14-:1111)1/1411 215 I.4larty Ansa op poidfA hiatb, thei - - handy enattadicturiore of WHIPS, LASUDII and BW1T09: anti mai dametiption of LICATIVCSI -DRAW= Oates ailielted Dint. Dia hada, mad coots Viz+ 17. h ••• • so per Inittatilona. . ay :Ft &. RENNETT, Manufantarers o 14tipire . abs CREAM OM, °tam ...a WU, o pat MOI4 /11141 METE ttabluzh. ' soidAkly so= wsuctu.luansw. ati C a.:-sarto a sraeinume 1iV4 44 .":1 3 ..AARA , • "' at* rag% Are • Oh') isirotsza 'I27D DODUTTIO DUT GOOD 9, 9a H Wool dpolt, tLltd hou• &bon Dtamowl *An'. Pittstargh.— • - t. mit uirs-ar. wai0r.......zu Trrna. .14ta le ka ?JABOT 130:' Dealers in . qN norairerzatiliv 000DS; No. 140 plo4nl •Oss, - /"NudAk.,* b!knO caw ltuts4 post.l4kabov vtu.' - • • mut Ii PNo. 84 Wood Bft.eot, Drags ts DONN RAM el THEN. mor..d 111211/ ono mot,. BJLEKE,I3 & CO, • ern in a 4 bad. at DST Goons, nr.. SO Mutat alrei, wean UN aad roma, PutoFta,..--,., • •v• I'AP r••.• • • . ~recwcL =MI Andmv Laity, Llchandar ems,, Daiwa AL Larg o Ram J. Thomas, P, Etatswell. Jahn U. ll'eaus. IL.OORDON. Btoarov. Wood & Ilith St,. I: : 1311117RANCIR /aim/ D. V.rner, a➢ 4 John L. It.boads. flunnel P. 1913 rtrer. George P. Joneo, 0. Thumb Loft, Ctuzlev • rtrackle. MM= ,oa r. 0111DNICA. . Pike and Walnut Iltre•ts, (gm, dry Waiar NS'oeb,) DR r GOODS. 174.rits; -s*Fobiy • i/P PITTSBURGH. iItILANGRY DEPARTNIESI • Onus or Cnarrbott.a• or on. Croszsql. Wart.tuition arr. Feb. 1811., . WIECLU.S, iplyy nfishteb,r7 .Alcoa otoototol. to 'MO rtbdirri6ora U ha =re!. appror Motile SECOND I,ATIONAL DANK ()Y riTTSBURGII. !nth.) Ckamotr or blicuhang, 0b,15:41e of Pottery*. : oto.ltea ton dob ..nrablied abE bra... Ants to thr . 10qa1rtibeutr or tr. hr. of %arm*, et. 101.4 Act trr_pvtl4.l6 rorbrod by • lalrdp Uottrd Steck., rtvelll mt lbe WL - .1/0r sea tboerof,' . oormool- TelsrmarylßM sad boo e.mtpitrd oith .11 the of ..0.1 reolord b. to tirrirtled out. are Cixturtrneibir trot : ' Ifry. therefor.., 1, Lingo .I.tbotn.llab Of the Nrroocy, I.reell birtify Shot the ...le ISICOTID NATIUNAL 11Abli Ul PIXTeIII7IIOII, mot, of AlkFhehr. rod Stme of pooosylv.la. 11 ilatltorited to cowl:recce the braftirs. “fli.roblaw on. dAtr tberket albroomtd. - broarnota) cherootormu.r. L• 11.1 as, °Blom. in G l i lib m tr u o l f . Feb...tray, Qoaaptrollre of the Comber. THE SECOND . NATIONAL SAAR OF PITTSBURGH, PA., (Tors.ly (BON (117 Y TBILIBT C0MPA,.241.) 4:141ta1. 6300.000, with privileg. c, Ina to $1.000,060 Tbe IRON , CITY TRUST OOMPANT haring or paint atietr the Nations' Currency Art, °Remits alnlOY We the Irvist•ction or decent' Basking H4dOm•• Diet& bneglit sod Wit Madre received OIL Depart, ok.d CoJlrcllon. mule ea all p•rts of the comm. 01/50103.1 ! eoblogon, R. Boar.hatin, W. IL Coml. Jacob Palow., late fill, 0. t. Elopter Wm. e.oper. (3. E. W AJMER. Preeidont JllO. E. PATTEU.SON. Outdo. tr20,4t0 THIRD NATIONAL BANK, OF PITTSIBILFROiII TBEAS.rE J ETA/MIFFS', 'Omen or Coarreepte or TN 01 ewer,/ • Washington Lily, Feb. 21, 180. Winona, Dy eatlefictory erldenco . prrient•d to the tordersignol, It has . been made to aprear that lb. SIIIDD trATIONAL DANK Or 'PIITSIMIECID, In the Carroty of Abe/bray, and State of ecursyl. Tanta, has hero duly organtz.4 ander and according to the regally:err te cf toe Act of Congrem, entitled "an Act to provide • rational Corrency, secured try • pledge of United States Stocks, and to provide fir the clevala•lon and redemption theroof,” enplane rebroary 2.5 th, IOC; nod boa complhd with ell the mortar,ro of pled Act required to be compiled alit before coalmen:log the bestows of Data Log: Now, therefore, I, Singh McCulloch, Comptroller of Con racy. do hereby certify that troy sold THIRD NATIONAL DANK Or STFISBUBO//, County of Alleghecy and Mote of Sannetivertio. I. enthralled to commence toe btodoem of Denting tin der the act reformed . lo meth:pony whereof wittare my hard nod seal of antra, this 17th day of February. 1864. • DUO IticaleLo44, Ocanpholler of the Corronoy. THE THIRD NATIONAL BANS ElavlCs orgatiLtrd %Mem the Natloosi Cam Am. Act, to Dow prepmrd de• Centres! Banking Business IMPOSITB JIRCEIVED, Eschoore oh the pith clpsl 0ft..., of the Man .d Wan bought sad sold nod wllectione mule fo nory areemell.le. pan of tb 0.107. MEd for tlso ppeereat , (nold the completion of tits New /Jacking !Irmo. corner of Weod eft A and Virgin alley.) In the D.oUot; Loom lately ancoplrd b tha CITIZENS BASK, N. W. cos. Wood St. Virgin alley Wm. E Relmteria, A. Hartle, A. EL 901, Alfa. Ilalstaln, B. H. Hartman. Rears Gcrarig, L Ilarganttern. O. Oa, ADAU narmew, Prral%tut. /SO. B. LIVINGSTON. Oman,. mbeGm DOLLAR ..Tovirra 9,12.27. CEIAILTERIED TN 1615. Orrot daily Dora 9 to L o'clock, also an Wednesday and aaevilny avtmlucv, frt. Day let to November Ist, from 7to o'clo ck, and bun November tel tt May Ist from 6 to 8 o'clock. Depcalta received of ail scam not los than Oro Dollar, and • dividend of tits protha declared Mat a so; Ls hum and Dot:ember. Loma ha. tom dst claresl armi.arennally, In Jane and December, duet lb* Doak Iry organhed, a: N. rata of de per cent. ! Tteror. If not Ds out, la pirated to tbe credit of ths depltor beam the earns L. terve Dom the ant days of June and December, tom. ponvoiltna Del co • year without troubling tbs deptel. tor to call, or or. to present bLe pawn back. At this rate money .111 doubts Us lath Dom tevive pant Booka, emu/doing the Charter, Dy-Latta, Balm and Ecgulatiotu, ftienlabcd intl., an maestro, at tbe °fee, Pacsmnir—OLOlNlZ ALDBES. TICS lAfIW TI: Jason D. D. ?Iced% Wm. Devitt, Jms lacAlgel, Jan H. Bbnesaarger. Issas E. resseek. Jams t John B. liclraddes. Jobs 0. Bast-ohs. Nur A Marin, William J. Asol.volo, A. IL Pollock, M. P Unary J. Ljteb Juba 3t. ball. C=102:3 John 0. Bindle', ltleßlack, nry•in, Alan. A. Cant, MarlonA. Colton. Joh* gAMS, Walk, P. Marshall John On, IC=M Henry L.llhapralt, Walls= L. Eklmena. Alexander Almatter RIM= Vacates. Taw Whittier, Wm P. Wricua, Obaidfack Yew, • A& A. C 014021. D.J. L. Tahnostock. Juba J.Dllluiu. . .11 . 1111 am & Potor HAltinker. Maud Jams D. KRaellm • 611C11111/1 a. • ROMA:law B RIDGEWATIMT. 176(L COTTAGE DRABS, OBOUND IR DUBE LINSEED OIL. Dix dttraront Drab fibula., for ODITAGISS, VILLAS, ItAIIJIOAD DIPOTS, to. 11., DIM ft IliknTEl, TIAIINS. ILICTATOBJ, FECEIOI3T CAW, 10. OBELI P , '''T PAIKT IN TSB arensar. ROBERT REYNOLDS, General Asont, 711.1alden Laze, New York ailkls:otmd rBERTS, B&RNES & PARYS, Po,S9 Thltr,d Et., Pittsburgh, ANN SUET t tION WORE ET.% And nannf.fnmro of TIN 17V.A4If1r, Patients, attention pant to the manufacturing o GROCERS TEA CANISTERS, TOILET WARN WATER COOLERS, do. OIL' CASE, all idles Mid patterns; TIN ROOT. TEO, CON DOCTORS, and all Wade of Jobbing work done to order. • Also, a largo stook of fancy BIRD CAGES put ro calved. • • . . ' ZINC SCRAPS and OLD METALS bongtl. . : • FRUIT AND SHADE TREES, EVERGTIEENS, &c. Or APPLE. we have some 200,000, and at all the leading varieties n. 4 maw*, for tel. location. We s bare roost toe tpinroop, as Valli Rome, Belden Vlach. 'Rolland P Iliddein. Ostr. Ring or Tompkinsip ~ Mode bland Tallowater, Orrein,• llama a &ant.. Rambo, Smoke-house, Tolman.. Emmy as., - with very large stock of PEA V, CHERRY, PZACLI, PLUM, EVIDIORE6Id. 811/tin TREES, ROSES, SIITITIBTIERT, °VEEN - HOUSE PLANTBote.. 411. As• our stock to large, we odor Met lidisertnent. to planter* or 'anatomic etcher tem - Ordeni•left et the Greaubotim, ad, or Plthibergh•Post ROW, will Der remptlrattended 101127 tilUttliniXll, /N. Pittilharah and Oakland Vpreerlii. .CIOOHNU.WS TO HOUSEKEEPERS -, k.fl'hoattacrlifeafi, thankful far put flarianorof: apectfully Invite %bale patina' to and stamina W:. ne wlafoul of . . • .1 :::Huusi.rtrunsiilNo aootie, Ootodstla of Collori..Tra Tray. sod : Wohoro. Brit. to to ad Moot Tin Ta liotAdrito irvan sod Baas, • War6,•,BJtd Hip.; LeS , ap, do.; Ac.; Hookas Sara, Tin and Sheet iron Woro„ and lank Ico glean, Hoot Sok*, do. sad Job Work door to ord. *. N all tort wottsatod:. . %Tina . • ill! • SCHWARTZ. MEMO' AND §COURING ESTAB, LT611111Z14T....-Tho unclowillaal bolas oporwa ostabitahmeat at FOIIATIIBIMEES, to. hien Market - sod' forry,,for pup of .a,0 . 7 ! • 44 Oaths , - • , ;. - .4.EMING .soomiina. nariEss, retormibily solicits a atom' or bliblio burooars. TIMMY; span alai 'tomtit tit} atabll.hmeat of Mr. Rape, be dation Mosolt that be out (Moths tail?. "oat oaUsbotion to bit oalloWelA toad. "". will to tolornial is two week,. ' rr robbObir! , 'V9WALD , I;irtIINZIL . MEil=l=l IWv , tIOD . BT/tp= JA.DIF:S EION. iitvito4thostiamtlko of fiyortiviin and otbero to his Voettld stook of CUM, ItIFTX.B, - 111CVOLTEBS , 'IBI.OO.OAIn"ZBAGS,YOWDER riasEs,snor. BELTS "MI POMMES, DUAIt 'TASK% , d OM• it otlticit hod t of icitoy kind, Jug Nock !a , t , la r g ed l o r %es:meats ths, " , • WON': .'•ARN,4lll,its• . AISWORTER Amy nspasn tri Ina onalpeket brands of moms HAVANA: 1310.1123, , and411 kholr oL lINONLINI -AND , COMM° 'TtatACKIN &lOW, .n2iOIinIIMISCIIIA6IVPIrES.:ZUM. ae... In Etat va r WINDXILITEMST:crinALI4 .H r HD. —Tba Trod. otopPllai on Metal [erne„ • • JOSICtIi • I ABI S Demist, Coruielly's Baildins, corner of Divacut Lod Omit IMMO, pitsgbarib. 4/evicts—Dr. A.ll. Polk:4, Dr. Ma. Or. Tbsadaer. Bobbtaa.Bapet trreti. air . Plio7 o oll4lA. pEorus.us FOR FORAGE. -t Cuter Qranr=.r-liee' ra's Orrice. Waddriston Doper, Oceember g, tee 7, f ' Sealed proposals are 111T1441 by the cridetsigned. rot aupplYing the U. S. quartermanleee Depaktment,at; Waatuunton, .I.taittence, Aterandiis Tort ,bloame, Tea, or either Of Thou, pies., with llAT:cotm, OATS and OTI6AW. • • . . • BlitsWillbericetred for the detireiy or 'p.a . .* bush. actin or mite, and 60 trait of hay or ethos, and up must state at which of the nan i a 'pants tomtherpropran ake dellreries, and the rah. at which they will maim del the quan ,tity of each article ilroposed to be &Steered, the throe whozeinl4 delivericachnibbe , Mnruneueed; and when to be nomplettd.!... , • • The price mutt be Written unt la words en the bak ootn tO, he put @pin gra..4latont segkihof about two' bashes' each. - Otitir In - like'aerie' 'of about three . -busheiseacia. The tacks . robe frm.ithra without es tracharge to. the Government-0. TOO h./ ena.str l 9 , to heeetufeli baled.. ._ Thb particular kbalor desctintleii of Ws.: m 0 ., ,. hay 'or straw paled to be dellrerricmust deatated Alf the article@ ofibrodnxuler- tiro hirein Lt. - rated will be•auldect: to 4 riBid./.0.° by the . Government. Inspector, befute,being arCePtcd. Contracts will bo aw arded time to tile! , to fho lowest resrensiblibldder; as the Merest of the.Gert eminent may require, and miyment• will 1.0 tuada . l when the whole =aunt contracted. for shall hate . I beend@lisered and accepted. ' , The bidder will be required-to acoonciany ma'am pond with • guaranty, algru-N1 by two responalble... persona, that In case bin bid accepted.be or they, lUo,:within ten days thereafter: execute thecontraet for the Name, with good and autilelent.timetter; ram equal_ to. the amount of the contiich, to deliver the foragepropowal hi conformity with 'the :arias of this adrertiaeruent; sad In meths mid bidder should thQ to ester Into the cmaract, they to maks-good the digerdice between the ogee or said bible, arid „the neat luanst respondhie bidder, o . rthe perm to whom. the contract may bentranled. The -metd...•btlitY Of the guaranteesraj mein be ahosin by the andel certhirate of a U.B. Inatrtet Attogot.7„. Collector-of Oaten., or nay other dater Bader-the United States Goroament, or resporwildo parser, kritruni to this When. iiii.Wiiiia - ii:= --- , icTo i, - , .1: Johrutinm Azoommolution.---.—lbei a.. Pint Well Station Accuebordatton.:..J.... LIZ am. fiacond Watra Station It:commas! !b . *. 0:3 , 5 a.M. TWA Ware Station Arrotentodatlres.... - -. 1,45 pm.- Worth WalPs Station Zioronimobtkon.:- 005 p b. -. Baltbnort, Mot= vill brib, nib Philadelphia !..= . 14 1.1:0 p. m. on goods :in.' .- ' kirlllaitfrllk andltidisna Otanact at Blanes rib Intersection with nimbi:, Jkomsaissantica 'Johinitown lerannbodation nod'...preint Vain Due s -Sodith Baltimore, Ilisprens and J...ibown Lambs . T ib rcbc, r,..l % Ebbnbg• robed ikon: aeon with 1x. ,, . Dr sr/ Mail lapin Weat;and #lll itroDiti A, xostzcollathm awl lamb Train "Ebb . li'LlitP: To Urn ink.--. 41.11 SO To lioltbroot..- . PIO 00 To PhiladirlPhla...... 10 .50 To Laarastar.....— a el To Ilarrialicirg..— T 5.5 To Attoone.-;.-.... I SO Beggagwehenbiel to all tattoos an th e'Perwrylva- Din Onntralirollsnad,sind to 112p.a.r.lphin, B.slttnors and Sew _I k.• , . Pane* pnrchaen ' tickets to thi con Will b 'lamed an boars, tr, In e diatguaz• babied, L la addition to Do batten Woe, acme bola stations whore be pm- has co agent- -.-, - , . NOTIONJ-Irr Inas orbs% Oa Cloapany Will boil tbrcussires irnponsible "for pnot bagssan only. 'and for nn Witt net oxondeling VON N.' 11.-4,lis Ontrillnill Line has bran , Employed to baby and baggage to sad from the As• pat, at a 'TA tots ooed 23 Cents, for erolypso songsrand An &hob apply to . _7., IsstrobAlitT, Aannt. ps... ,iir Ito r Inn bi 'Oa fut. Ilaribend ,Psasengsi "Ar Station, on - rod Gobi atencht. Jao , Beigadire Paneral D,,11: AtTIL.., . ' • ' " 1 SIIIIPPIJr61: able Depot, Quart, • i - ......-- .4. -.... ICeelilagtaa, D D.. . - ------.- - -- Alakiddera will be duly notified of thn twooptanoc; or rejection of their:pm:mil. • • : 'ltotoll name and P.O.address of each bidder moat heDandy written in this proposal. Proposal. mast ko a.ldresosd. to Brinadlar General D. D. 800K8.8., Chief Depot Quartannester, Noah., Ington, D. C., and should be plainly rats for Forego." , Banda, to a ram equal to the' menet p f ths; coo track, gamed by die contrindotqind both of Ms gam , ' =tn.. roil be recital - ad of the seem-Adel bidder or bidden upon donna the contrast. - Blank looms of bids, gcatotions, and mar , be obtallicZ noon application at tbla ofsca " 110.11i1 • ' (Town, Coanty and Blau,) depart karebyptopsee to fr.rnish sod dallier to Oa - Dnitcd &aims, at'tha quartermaeice• Department at , • , eignirday to the tertian( dot: - d ate inviting , proposal:ohr forage, dated Wilabington Depot, Desttaber DF, Ike Sol. lowtog-artichsortiti ; . • • -b of of COrn,ln { 11 41 1 211 1 —Par beehet i; of 56 Pounds. ---IYashats of Oala.fn socks, at 'par booted, of poon_dc,- • • tors of boiod gay, per :On. of VXD tau offitaiisr;atPer ten, of2„ooopianida. Delliciy to commenco on on afore the—, &gni 155-, and tobe compleirid on orbeihre day 01.---•-.185-.and'platice Myself to Cntat tibia smitten Contract with the Milted &Masi with. good, and approred *marl tios,within2tbe aPine of tan darf aftor king notified that my bLI Las bran oczoad, Your obedient to 017+111AFTV We, the toodereigned, residents or to the conotyor and Rote of berchy,Jointly and emerally covenaas -with - the United States, and guarantee, in case the foregoing bid et be accepted, that he or thc7 TO. teedayeafter the acceptance of mid bid, ene mata the coot:sect for the scunowith goof and ardlcient =nth% Ina sum agouti to the &Mounter' the contract, tole:MA the forego proposed in comthrmity to the termer advertisement dated December 7,lss3„under which the bid was nude, and, la case the said shatlfidl beater into a contractmaforendd, vegan autos to make good the difference between the offs by the - and the next low est, responsible bidder, or the person to wheal the &attract maybe . awarded. . ~ . .. - Wham c Giros =der oor beads onderobr 1 tble --, 7 d57 of --,188, , . ' . best IdeeLj I hereby wilily that, to tba b ' of raj know Ca sad belie, the shoreuarord goisrantors cregOcol sod solllclent .e =reties far the sponnt tar srblcb they °Car tato secarity. • i To be certified by th e roltedEtstes District Mlle nay, Collector of Customs • or Way other officer .der the Toned States Goseruinant, or retool:Stole person known to this office. • • . All provable received andir this other:Lemon rill be opened and examined at thie odlco on YriliD Ii2SDAY and SATIIIIDAY of each week, at 12 m Bidden are rerpeetfally Invited , to preeent at lb. °pain a hide, if they datiral2 • ' • BUMETT : dethein Gem:and Quartermestet. SUBSISTENCE OFFICE; a 'ARMY - - No. BONUS BTREIGT„' • Nth; MCI Steel llnpusals, Ist ficrpltrattu arlll be rehired at thill GEO. trail 12 to., on dATOED&Y, .4111 lath, 1110 4, 12r furnishing 111. Unita& Stotts fttslstanno YOUR 2110USAISIP (4,ooo)!7azau OP BErs OA2TI.L, en the heal, deltrerad'at tha State Cattle , Scalea, at Baltimore, Ma, itt.cota of(4000) ona ,thohraod each every (10) ter, gays • to ha treighod .mith.to one -and-o.halt day.. after anival, at tho pens. of the contrattar. Thar moat antra", atkmt 0.000). thirteen hotritsql poutitb tram ;all ht falling chart of (1,000) pounds Erma weigh t, Stage . , Ozen, - cotre, golfers aut . Hangar! CattlOmill. . be rejected.' • A deduction of tct, (10) p.an* *in tni ma& Liera tos; weight of cub Steer accepted tamer' lhl con tract, prostded the animal dote slot stand In the pens sunand-ousalsit hours before tam- listens!, or is not weighed Usszardistely: atter remora- !Pun the'ean. • -• Blank firms for Flip` arab ram. be hod Oir xm elan eh- at thief:ace, either in person. by omit,. or tee, Toe Government will claim the right of weighing, any one atiorstreparate, IC Inn iimea.rallos Indicate,. less weight than-the minimum mentioned abyre; the impetus of weighing will Se paid by the pat .. erriog tn Judgment. - Food bid, to semire coveideration, must oixdatit written grunwritee of two rorporalhie penanis,:na follows r Weonkel county of .-i,--,Utato do hereby g ' itarantee that -to (or ire) Ariel* MAI a contract to accordant...with the term of bra (or their) prommion and elionli his, (or' their) proposition be accepted: he for they) will pt ones en. tarinto a contract la accordant* therewith, and.we are prepared to beam. -kis emir: Wes gime g good m=cientirende for Stn fuLtilommt. - - The noponsibiltty •of the goarantora most be shown by M. aloha certificate of the Clerk of the nearest Distzlet,Coart, or of- rho United Stake trict Attorney, to be motored with the , The Grovernment Mans to =2 , 0 htto lea any or all bids 'considered Payments to be made after tech - densely, in ruck kinds as may be on herds if pane on bsed, :to he . . .• , fropotalstmmtbitedorted Atsttmt Pmposals for rateet Cattle,' and sdAteestel to t• Capt. :OILMAN, 0. 8.; Bslttaiors,'llarstax.A.'” ' n • bid Is inthet mum or Arm, their moss .s their post otAto address mart_spusr, or they: RBI . . Hot be eouldoreiL Mich perecni or eirmyhteniber of o firm gating • pripcmal must; sccompany Why ea oath of elle.; glance to the Vatted linger Gorornment, If be tosi not already filed one In this oftles. . • All bids not complyieg grimly mith; the terms;of micettliement rejected. • • ; $. a. OnaltAliriz ' , aPl&f.d CePlaltt and A; AI'OTICISI 'IQ' CQNTHALIII).Hrio -1.11 voila `ill be rotetrOd'ap MBATOMDAT,, Ttitn; burl. at 4 o'clock, p. m., 4r -ibif following - Grading! sad Parlay: • Morton- allaset.-agradlog and', rating from retttn: tylundo Brood to Allegbeny Meer. - • Wan s; Ruth stretr eet. tt-rgradlngtnad Paling Rom, I.lbagtfi Dotlerandlleebotto Strettal, rattlei and Pattni from Liberty to Mks street. •rr -Mdams -Street-atating and Rathur from Punt to , •rit, e trt e titistgli *rola-Paying ftom O'Hara.' to 'Washington street' Washington Streekirsdltiolf‘d raTisettssiLlP arty to Welmter Ends. . Washington Streetz.Oradlny4a ?mini froza /4b . erg; strtet Wilugrma Way. • - .0 - Marak Btreot-flrading and:Taring from 'rpm atieet norttneardlyr, • Manion titreet-tiradtug mid rioar Bpjd strati 390 kot eartwardly. -- Penn ¬-Grading and royartny from RallMlatf .eroadog to • point near Ptaveuson ' 'Mulberry Alloy-Meadlng and re-paling from Mo. chaplet* Morrison street r 13prlag Alley-fintding and Patna:gap Malang. ton streot to btarenton • Wide Alley-rGradlng and TAng IYain: L . 0 . .0100 Ilidderten ican street ifi atateothat piles *SEW,* strewed for atone and teen to Canal - rightts reatured to legall or any_part of MIO shore work. •,' hiee nee: Ofikkiffi Pazstatrmt.'. - • -:. Xxottlszb Itteo.;:Omo Atra Iliuttt,r .1., • altha ro Vto.ltitiroadi , •-", • Jrtit LUTA, Obtoi 41tb Itarcb.lB6l.•- PrOPOMillditbiTiCiAtd it ttro atm loran , the MIDAY .011` AP/tllr, nett, fat the llosbnloorl ot the M I ta pla imed llt t dgo to to hollt oust the Otto rifer -,Rlbtor. bad nottibratiost con.% soon at the letitt boor's .othe ta Hobbit from the I=h to the tlttt chint ApilL , nor tbropanruiperoiri it* ilea to Nutt ony,,ar, Oottott bro,tity. tit . rot Ur. Irt.Per t.tern. -- tlottabrod3rity-totualltrrent ottontroct. Mt; will ito at ,extvartro- buttkrood welt Tooth Itiobttentiock orator clots tontrottoro. .-- • ; • Jd9. fo„),:t.bliptttrif,ralbro,o4•7 'l l O .• • - Al) ..CONATACTURIA.;-- .1;:p7optoklijI11 Ole Arial,* MC,. 114. En* Mince Barorsinicturn, Crom.ties sad leeektlayinit of the l!litsbarnir Connenotille -bossnos-Oannonsvillo:and Cumberland; 'm dlsianon of about. alglatipinton • ign_ mneson - melon. yr Axmi,ms:talla nob. ; Soo*. coition nod Padlen an - how msodrakilin Clonnsone. °MO, in Pittaborgh. and propene, tectived =Hi th0 ,. 130ra41/I" . ARBIL. - bairn o'f.r. 4 cl11:11:470,,"'al= •Pittsburgn, Iflic6 14th.. Itat inn4tottSl 4110:- lal p/3041) ,CONTRacrivirsi e ;; - .l.Aukeopty.ll4Afiaro.d tkeripinjl4eits imposetrott4tlktanstion and Vaimeyot About eletxa motilat tmad,lotitteatheßoroxbX tanatag Ato7.kh ;1004104 a.. tons of%Mat oto • Prates; PlaasadViketllmllons of the iradtmill -butadJ be Mesa the Misr pinb"on Pulosireel;lll thi cI_TC 4 . illtthoughi Oii sod Oar the 17th bit, and ?r path 'taut!, xe, es tted watt thetraTi r Illta,next.:. • • • s • ^ 7.3 Wlllo=', Cte4l , l§2toter;.i Pit - !E" ijenth, Aril 11th, 7164. sptitt4=.. IG IRON AND CLDVg. tiEED, P '250 tons Wan Pumaa PIG IRAN; ra dm sad for Ws by - WATT _ . . P'15"51 4.lairl 717 _ 3 . 1- plakig...- WrISTZII . BA ii " IttSIOT... V DAILYSVILAINS. , OnenznddilMagicen being IMVIW:10 al MVP. meat - 01. OIL as double 'teack 'and _,.., ma mate, and nary goaslnla care will be '...ed Ibi Me co i lt paseengen awl rayld moTentant 0 lkolgbt.. zui wilTleaie the Depot In 'Plltzbalgtz as follo ws: . :., „I . 7bor- OttOIS - AODIMIBIODATION TIMIS Matta fhb fluienger Station daay, (=mot annda7z) at SAD a. ani Wapping it all &Atkins Women Nut trn. - gli and Naiad alpki. and making dint ammo. . lion for Nitz.Tork. and lTailska- - The THSOVOII ISALI., TRAMS lining Um Pah. mange/ StatWn sztly sl y ( ix Itanay,) at WA A - di stonlng only nt statkes. and 1 making direct ommengons at Dr Balkh rwm luulf.td.g.a. a.4.r. Nest 7 Ma MM. 1.11 Z 2, e Tmiouarcrxrazes visis:iirroi aktog daily ASO p. no-Aloovpingonlystt princlyalstatdona,m lizactomookctlan at llarrlabwrg forSzdtlsmca,Waah • lagoon and Pkiladelpnls: • , gbo rAgT LINE iewgii dm' Station WY (ewmcd San Any) an, gm p. 5..., stopping lolly it sta. Nona, connzoting at Ilanntwes Mr and Ireablaktzgo ama kg Saw Yak Me Allentown con*, without quake, of tam; also, at . PAdjataphb, lb, .Now Tor . - . .. ~ ivintonxin* maim 1 • Rim JoAnomansodatian Train teats dans (eXcp at 3.illfy. tn. st.PD 2 .4I at as &atom and mall as far ea Monemanglo. .. ?Ina" :AnotuntnOdatlM Train - Ax Wall'i:,Statina :IgrOlg dall ( elizld &man) at erlo - f. 00. :. Second coonunodation. Vain' ME Wall'a tgation burn daily (carpi Sandayit I 11:40.. z. . " "MIA Attnrcmodation • In- dle WWI SIMI; !. noes da il y (litowptglazday) 1:50 post. . - Youth Accacanodotton Train. kw WalllrSgetion '. loom Mak (except Handory) ellkOn.ya tn. ~ - .. Thaell6oz*b.lkran. Mona iislAz Stakes mrY 6, ;,.-.. day. at US-. wo ; totarntog, bares Vitkllontt a Asv.rx- -- I ---- ~.• _ -r Be .Tielits *a f ro to illiabzuglt as fallaws - Baltimore, ~,.. .......,.........12,50p. m Philadelphia . - ......-..........-..`—. IMO lz.m. Vast Line.. L.........---.....•...... ............. IMO& m. C RE" PASS' AGE FROWITIFIAS . 14OLD COUNTRY.” LOWEit THAN THE• LOWEST. Too audertigued is tiooryrepaied.to hrlog out pa- Gaugers by ! First Class Itoyal Mall Steamers, Direct to lievr Tork or Pttt•burgb, from Livereool, Quoeustosu, Lendooderry, Galwar, , Lower 'then Any Other Agent Here. Chill wad get the rafts end to colitieced. Ott apemen olet1.01n) . end pa:sewn toned In everything. The undeielgued Os also Agent' tor. the 4, 4 i , ,hda. INGTO2I LINE" of Clipper Sailfrig ressels, Balling weekly between Liverpool 'sad Hear York. Parties broiiglit oat bo ibis line at - greatly redoced Mies. SIGHT DRAFTa t elt TILE,NATIONAL DANK YOB. BALK, pos L obli at azy of Ito bystrchas to Eos- Isatior Irstazd. Apply i re II OITEILL 1 mhip;Fuo;4.o:o.:7l:lor ...AAA, • illth lane, ' j artd7o.:96.Bnllol:6oll,Tittettirgh. QTEAMLWEEKLY EIiPOOT, tarialaa ot 4312:1CH9SOWIr, (Coax Lfarokra.). It. wallAnotra storavorrarts 1d.a,...1 1 Larr.-York 'and PhiladalphEn v•vh 0O•109-0AV taharodad Clam: . • CITY OP ICClllCSTEltatariay, April 9. OM Or 1.02:1?0S.. 72---sagado, Apra W. ADS ovary =oar ding &-tot-day,ar 9105 N. from 44 . Nargt • " . ..1 win mil . .Pal.g *al; ir Mar WarrrAaaris .-$9O 00 do to Lradvat...- a 1,1 Colman SI CO do to OS- CO do to•Parlo.- SO SO , do to Hatobarg. tO 00i do to Samba ST CO • Also krerardad to limp Bremen, tot. Sordoni, at vitally low 11..5. Yam Ova rcroool Cusoaustozza; (Apart:, 'mom pa Wicerage, VS, Thoay.arbo vat& to avW ,thetr Mods pm bay Calvals hers at Uwe • War tr . ‘Carlaganatataii_appit at Ow Ocatfaara =DM,.- 4 • JORNL 1 .e. ...AU5. Agent • • I • JO= TECOICCPSO9:7Av,-Sfe mvrltat dal. thU Sava Array fart Omit from , dm bridal. , ItiO • Ilh. • CU_i_an4B.••••SWAICi LL4ICOI,OOI,A.Nti 4114537.9 , 971, 51 ta told OR 1.0 Av.. 'Zang to retra4ry - molt NSW g=4-4:7 • so. waa. AyVy '• • • • • .12172761 F"'LF DYE_COLORS. . • . PATESTXD oproBura:xac. Black • s i l j Dark Zhu. 1.(024.115. mac (Vali Dart /Jolt/ Ctienv, • D ark rim Dr Light Yale. 46 If. rows tfab laistbers.,LEld loci% Ctillgren'a and 'kinds ot Weratter Apparel: AirX &LYING OV ISPSEII ART W 1: Tor ES ants youc oalat no nicitlYrdi an .. " 41141 otherwise cost ..r e than. that awns.. shone shades can be prodoced hdm the wane dye: TL prom. fa dimple, and jany merlin sserlbe Or with perfect romp, Directions fn English, rttllthind German, inaidiS cresols package. , Sor fartite4forznatloh Drill& and thing a ...wrii , ct lin what micro upbeat adapted to 04, oter mbar; many *tills recipcia,)lnnelszio Emma Stevens limit* 'on Dyeing and Coloring. - Boat by =ail; en rocnipt pg yrke—.lll cents. , :thigogicioeg by liowrkaitsviVia. 2,w'Brogiroy, &atm oranddealers geilsey. ills WA:10,1811ED - 1,761 AT. Own "Lottiiiiitb, .111t0i7 A m.TOISAVOO7.Aeximr.s; ice l szos ozumpE43.o3llasz Vain* i3h3lia ' 4!;:er, TOrk.) *Ott adi The attention of desists to Cu articles of fits matmfactnte, viz:- • 1, : 8E.0W2i 8111777.' "."3149Pe..000w /Wpm Acme= GentlotornOlemtgray Pare Virenten fracbitochos, foottbs /Mk Tust,..l3coteni llkb Tout or Tic Tanutsfoot,Lltmey Cele tiSotate ilaae7Bmtch, Attention is called to thslarr a ; g redection in 'prim r M of Tins Caoving - and T9baCCOS, r pick srtli bo,funtelors t alf2' Rst 'citlii;-T,USitTh•- 1, Ifg• 8. Hod TTT'T T mined, T un , cm -fticrwsna:—..P; - Won dilds; or Tweet: TT'uT sciatia 9roncco ; Tin Poll Couadielt, 811t0.3S Jeae,Otsubb. Caputo?, Tukisb. • ftr, Prins( tW. sent on mike. ' I ' -.os -,sr taka.w 0.4:11,A I a naisse on *Tlir:D=o rime sztaissAu Ht T19..8" . Ela. 97 9994 a' b•uo idise4 orAidlor:ldeiiildsce a cio ; ald Ulloeth streeL,,, fr-ESIXS.LA. r - • to toafs— .Atca 1 0 1P.A 41. CI /X Dealer la DA LAZiIL M ARD HIIGIAD : . D= !LADD, IEfD *Err 4t:14 sss AIND max surxre, PIIEUXne; 4."
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