Viitsintrgh oSazet4 3W_113DAY7.::::. -- .:: -.. MA1 CH 17, 1864 .0727 AND SUBURBAN Camp Copeland. We are gratified to learn that the Christian Commission is about to establish a station at Camp Copeland, with an extra diet kitchen attsehed, which will be under the immediate direction of the ladies of Swissvale and vicin ity. The public will be rejoiced to hear this announcement, as it is hoped that much of ii the suffering amo g the sick will thereby be alleviated. The ick li st it frightfully larce at present, being onsiderably over one hun dred, and none of these are receiving that ears and attention which they should, con sidering the facilities at the disposal of the government officers. The Commission will have an agent constantly on the ground, who will make tumselfffamiliar with the wants of the soldiers, and endeavor to have them at tended to promptly. Iris expected that the station will be ready for operations on Satur day next, and all persons wishing to contrib ute food, cooked or uncooked, roe leave their contributions at the rooms of the Commission, No, 78 Smithfield street. ____ The P. F. W. .IY C. R. W.—Election On the outside of to-day's issue will be found the proceedings of the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Pitteburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway Company, to ether with a eynopsis of the mutual report. Tbs following is the offlcial result of the election : J. r D. Lanier, N. T., tool. H. Meyer Rasonel./. 7. Idgar Thampeon, Penna. O'W. Case, enrbtaar Ilarbangh, Int Jarvis. 0hi0... Wade lfertirnen, Robert NeKelly, •• Roane' Hanna, Ind Jesse L Pliny Hoealand, Wm. B. Ogden., Vet Dead—A Mean Hoax A day or two since we published a state ment, on the authority of a person signing himself John 0. Caskey, of New Galilee, Pa., to the effect that Mr. .7. K. Weir, a citizen of that place, had died suddenly in this city of heart disease. There was not a word of truth In the statement, as we learned from Mr. Weir himself, who L punning his =nut avocation In the city. We cannot imagine what object any one could have in thus imposing up6n us, and indicting =necessary pain upon the rela tives of Mr. Weir. It was not only eyrie', but mean and rascally, and Mr. Caskpy (if he Is really the author) should explain the mat ter. We learn that there is such a gentleman at that place, but we are loth to believe him guilty of so low an act. We have given the communication to Mr. Weir, who will attend to the author in due time. The Date Case Settled The Date ease has been settled by mutual tuidarstandit;g of the parties. The custody of Dr. D. M. Date has been surrendered to his family by Dr. Cuthbert and Mrs. Holmes, the respondents in the writ of habeas corpus. Dn. Simpson and Thadle, the physicians who had formerly gone to Mrs. Holmes' residence with the intention of bringing the patient in, wan then authorized to discharge the same duty yesterday. The family an in future to employ what physician they may prefer. The Court■ • EILEPOIP.TRD tiCLIMITZLY TOE TOO cstarre j Dninuer.Cotrws.—Tlils Court yesterday dis pouct of the following eases 10 M. Graver vs hiesrmyar 0 Graff tru 110 /Mho McMurray. W. W. Walls.. UST 701 WASSLIID•T:, 19 Al.:. Meß i 'm TS P. P. beranrcsl. MllAaa GOMM. vs Pons. It. 11. Cu. 04 Wn. Ciltl2ld •11W121. Momles csraishom 1. C. Varner o. flstArsat Oil Co. 96 Wm. Plawart, far ax, vs Wm )Ins, k'. Gst oI Mars • • • 17 Ostio•rs of St ant boot Ent., •s blaam boat lint Point Si J....adore= Jno B Solittody's 11 W. IL Walla= d Co. vs it Cory'r. /dm, Premiums to Recruits. HDADQ . 2II DLPARTIIIIII . Elcatommurt..., i Pittsburgh, Ps., March 16, 1864. Editor. Gazette: Please give notice through the oolumus of your paper that Capt. Baird, Inspector Provost Marshal's Department, I. now to this city for the purpose of investigat ing all cases where there are conflicting claims for the premium paid to pereons presenting recruits for enlistment. Those having nom. plaints to mato ran Cusd Capt. Baird et these headquarters. Very lespmtkilly, THIODOEL Rate, Assistant Adjutant General. Novato, Noveurrrea, Mauseisss, News poem, wro.—Mr. J. P. Rant, Masonic Hall,' Fifth street, and J. T. Sample, &5 Federal street, Allegheny, halve received from the publishers “Armis War/rich', Fortunes," a novel by Reline Lce, author of "Sylvan Hot's Daughter.' niathie Braude," eta., eta, forming the 2.59 th number of the "Library of Select Novels also, "Bob Brant, Patriot end Spy, a Tale of the War in the West "—a ton cent novel ette, being the sth number of "American Tale.;" also, the April number of "TA. Lady's Fri end," a Monthly Magenta. of Lit erature and Fashion, edited by Mrs. fibenry Peterson, and having among its attraction. a beautiful steel engraving and a colored double-page fashion plate, magic, etc , etc. They have alto received the April number of "Jonathan's Oln-Cracks"—a publication with which the laughter-loving portion of the pub lie have no doubt long since made acquaint ance. The well.known sporting weeklies, Willies' Spirit and the N. Y. ("tipper are also for tale at J. P. Heree and J. T. S• trete'. News and Periodical Depots aforesaid. Tmuria.—Owing to the unprecedented rue, and at the request of a large number of oiti • uns, Manager Henderson has consented to continue the representation of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" for one light longer. As an illutra tion of the popularity of the piece, we might state that quite a number of ladies ware una ble te sbMin seats last night, a fart which we prunmenuer before occurred in the absence of ► "star." We would advise all who intend being present at the Theater this evening to go early, as it will undoubtedly be crowded. "Trade Tom's Cable" is one of there tow dramas which never appear to lie "played cut," and es the characters are Unusually well so, mined (particularly "Topsy" and "Ezra") those wishing to see the piece well played should be present this evening. Rateunraso.—Dr., Levis, axamining &m -oon at the Provost Marshal's Mike (Capt. Wright) examined and passed forty. two new remits yuterday. Capt. Harker, Provost Marshal of the 28d District, yesterday re cruited fourteen men. This Is at considerable improvement on the badness of the past few days. We notice that the committee' of the varlattusies-distrieto are again working ener getically, and we hope they may successfully combat the draft.. Me. W. A. Chbvzsmwr, 46 Fifth street, has reeelved the April nombar of " The La dye Yriand"--a monthly Magnate of Liter &tura and Fashion, edited by Mrs. Henry Patarsed. It contains engravings both on Meal Ind wood, a donbla-page fashion plate, oolontd, eta., eta. W. A. G. hes also recedrad "Bob Hipt, Patriot and Bpy" a now Ten Cent.'Nevellitte, containing a talo of the war In this west. Smt larztro.—Thomas Whalen, who wu Ward merely on the head, on Saturday eealajful, by astone thrown by. boy from Boyd'. Hill, L still living, but we understand from his attending physician, Dr. George NeOcask, Br., that ha Is not yet out at danger. Es km been remieed to his residence In Port Perry. Ma boy who threw the stone has not yet been discovered. .„ To Tarns AID Tloll%.—The matinees of this Interesting troupe eontlnue to to well attended, *ad as It is Lotpouible for them to - mom% longer thin the present week among es, ~akilshing to see them should aeoept of *mu opportanlty. The General will faults tho titian, of Cleveland with his plume on Monday evening nest. Fat TN UnrOnweirlre—On Tnesday evening As Math attached to the McClelland Hotel, tialditdirdi7itstlight See and was entirely domino& Fifteen bead et horses were ••• • • . korkediakd ifty - tons of baled hay, briong -' big to - Mittia - B. Stoaffer, Esq., Go ?orn ate's! entraator, were destroyed. The Bre wiszeitltrabtadly M. work of ea in,esillary. Boss TEILOAT.—T6III afflicted with Coughs, lloansztess Irritation and Soreness of the Throat,isilidnd nothing nothing so odiesetous U $ Throat Remedy, as Brown's Bronchial Trestles. rer We at Halton's Drug store, Fifth etre. t, 140 0. 4 . re 6 • itelPneferther Cominscrg et the K. Muth* net at Deonsente, 'Ohio, yesterday. .~~,:,,~., a~ _ ~_ _ti,_ OUR NEW YORK LETTER Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gaz,tte. Nr.v Yost, Itiaca I s, 156.4 Eonoss Gazarra .—The retailers ri" wet . damnation" have made an increase on the price of all beverages, in view of the tax iro posed by Congress, much to the disgust of I ; bar-room loafers, Concert Hall proprietors ! and Democrats generally. The glass of ale,' whloh before oast three cents, is now sold for six; mugs of 'elf-and-'elf that were worth six, are now worth ten, and so on. The Broadway establLthments have increased from ten to 'Meet, and Dom fifteen to twenty cents per drink. Humanitarians are much rejoiced! at the advance in toe price of rum, and see in ; it an indirect diecouragement to tippling. I ; fear the millenium is not quite so close at h ar ,„l„ Sunday night, which is the one meet commonly devoted to the celebration of the memory of Bacchus, in this city, witnessed ae 'much, if not more, intoxication than ever, and probably went s groat way to convince mankind that the very agent used to uproot sloe was destructive of its own object. A' good movement, however, has been made re- ! eently, the euccess of which, so far as I know, is univertally prayed for. Saturday has heretofore been "pay-day." This leaves the' neat day an idle one, and idleness, you know, is the mother of vies. There are more men who, cannot stand prosperity than there are: who cannot stand poverty; and these men I when they have plenty of money and no work, will invariably mange to part with.the for- 1 mer end oftentimes for reward. The propo sition among business men now, is to make Monday the pay-day, which it is thought (and the idea certainly seems reasonable) will do away with a great portion of out drunkenness, and consequently trims, in a very harmless and unassuming manner. The City Councils have the tax bill under ooeeideration, and are, as usual, attempting_ to convince their conthituente that all the former board, have been lavish and 166one:it, while they themselves are above reproach. I The debate in the Common Coanoll developed the fact that the aggregate expenditures for the pact six years have exceeded by nearly a -million of dollars the total Increase In the value of property for that periodt—an appall. ing fact. If this continue:4 it requires no I Statesman to announce that the natural growth of the city must end. To ameliorate the condition of things a hill it to be icome- dietary introduced into the Legislature for I the purpose of compelling oar City railroads to pay sae tenth of their gross receipts into the Treasury. According to resent judicial decisions the whole subject matter of our city railroads Is under centrei of the Legislature,: and it is now to be shown whether the mans- germ or these valuable franchisee have long enough purses to prevent the railroads from contributing to the relief of this tax-ridden I city. An attempt will also be made to make the tams:pante of the ration" oily market,— who now pay bet a nominal tam--dieburse a reasonable rent, which with earnest efforts toward retnmehment in advertising, it is thought, will rednee our expenditures and taxes very materially. Stoat and gold speculations have-xeised I upon a large share of our community again, and Wall and William streets have been sort I of Bedlam this week. Beery "operator" is on the alert for the fate of the gold bill in the House, and numberless are the stratagems re sorted to to obtain the MIL news. Almost all the Southern telegraphers have been"ap proached," and "little testimonials," in the shape of demijohns, boxes of cigars!, suite of clothes, and sometimes green backs, have been tendered virtuous 0100triCtialll who refuse to be brit ed. Meanwhile the speculator have organised a sort of magnetic signal corps at Washington, who, when the bill shall have been decided upon, will transmit to their prin cipal' some to outside!. enigmatical language like : "Simon had a eon born," or "my sister was married last night," which, when trans toted will mean Bill passed or rejected. as the case may be. However successfully the Go•- vernment may ioteroept the transmission of new, In the press, it cannot be denied that Wall street 6 fully acquainted with the de tails of the revenost 'attained, or successes achieved, by our arms within a few hours after their receipt at Headquarters. Often times when the people breathed in suspense with regard to the suoceet of battles, that never - failing indicator, th e price of gold, has prepared us for the wont, Oar usually quiet neighbors in New Jersey have recently laid themselves open to' • charge of rioting. It seems the busy railroad conotat'ng Jersey eltr and Newark lin a regulation permitting no persons to enter' their depot but those having tickets. The patron. of the road claim that this isnot only unnecessary, hot inconvenientand hasardoos. They are compelled to show their tickets in the cars, of coarse, and this pulling out pock et books la the hurry and theft/met:col pressing through a crowd, gives gekpooketa an oppor tunity to ply their profession. Indignation meetings have been held and resolutions in favor of patronising the Morris and Essex Railroad, (which has Its Eastern terminus at Hoboken—a mile above Jersey city) were adopted with great unanimity. Fifforto were also rOII4I. O. compel a withdrawal of the ob noxious regulation by knooking down the guards and rthhing pall mall into the depot Some of the participants in this affair were promptly arrested for riotous oonduet. "Ter rible retribution" Is announced, bat beyond sanguinary resolutions, nothing has as yet bees accomplished. It now turn. out that the great speech de livered by Miss Emma Webb was written by an Honorable Gentleman, with an accidental sobriquet--Bunset Cox. After Miss W. had made her debnt, Sunset himself, whet was present, was called upon, who complimented the lady by saying that he did not know as he could a3d anything -to the lloreible •rgu ment of his predethstrese. Consfderable mer riment has been had at Mr. Cox's eloquent puff of his own speech. ..-106.699 100,67! 10(00.1 •• The .ow:dation for the benefit of colored orphans have been allowed about $75,000 by the city for the destruction of their asylum by the rioters last Jnly. Subscription papers are circulating fora small additional amount, wherewith will be erected A new asylum im mediately. A roadingroom formr soldiers will soon be established. The neeessary funds hare been raised, sad the eontributious of book, cod periodicals oommenoed. A new building will probably be ereeted on Broadway for the pur pose, and the concern will be 'reneged after the manner of that at Philadelphia. WAVERLIT. SOVITY AND &somata Bectrirma will soon cover the bodies of these brave men who are fighting their oormtry's hattios. Tight air, bad food, and drenching rains will make sad hero. with the strongest, threfore, lot every man supply himself with HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT, It is a certain care for overt' kind of skin disease. Holloway's Pilla and Ointment are now re tailed, owing to the high price of dregs, ko. at 30 cents, TO cents, and $l,lO per box or pot. For onto in Pittsburgh, P.., by B. L. l'airnes took & Co. For gale elan at Felton's drag store, Fifth street, Pittsburgh. Puma° Clocrrenrarr hio•wr.—J ohn Rahn. son was arrested yeeterdny and taken before AM. Humbert, elunged on oath of Joshua Marsh with passing oosulerfeltmoney. He was committedfor trial in default of ball. Another commitment win lodged against him by At dermas lithe for assault and battery, on oath of Joseph Bowen. Tam Comm Tatman' COSTINTIO.II—The Allegheny annual convention of the County Teachers Assocladen has been petitioned by the Executive Committee, from the drat wttek In April anti' the last week In August, the at tendance of Teachers being more favorable at that time. MAIM!, ON A TULE Or Cals.—On the Ra nce.. train Wert on Monday, between Wood ride Station and Cranberry Summit on the Beltimareand Ohio Railroad, Mr..llbriatopher Bunkelaw was married to Mire RuttiTitehend, by the Rev. 8. Ring. To-Dar to 8t Patrtok's Pay. No doubt It will be duly observed by the 1001 of "ould Ireland" in this city. RIVER INTELLIGEIfen rrilda, Oil City loloph rierw, M.mphti.[Anyors. Bt. Louis. Letl.ln, OH City. IJu Bets, Elizabeth The weather yesterday bees cloudy and cold, with a Bight fall of =ow at intervals. The river is eta i re eding steadily at this potnt, with ten feet els tnettai by the pier muke last evening. Then has,not been a &Ingle Arrival from below, glom our Wt report. The Paragon, from Ginclanail, was due lest night, and will doubtlesebe found at the aloe this morning. The arearre, frorn Is about doe, and will probably naive to-day, and the Jells, from Unman, may be expected. In to-mot, The Jareph Pierce eland for Xentiphis shoot soon yesterday. with a good freight list, and guile • num ter of passengers. The Aurora was making prayer - Ratans to leave for St. Loom, laet evening, although It was not certain whether she will get od be daylight this irtlen d' utleas announced to leave Ctn. cinnati for Pittsburgh on Toneday--pwitirely. Tim oast and relt!e Thistle, Capt. C. A. Orman.. pasitlyely lea,. for Clocioseti and Louisville to day at noon. Mr. A A. White mill preeldm in the amts. The staunch and well.known 011 ye, Capt, 3. X Andrew. is annoumd to le..* for Naehrille and all Intermed te iate points taday. She Mill has some room for Creight.and excellent accommodation. for puma. gers It Is thought that the Whoellag packet, *larva. sin karats rows shaft finished and, if so, abewill be reedy behave for Wheeling to-marrow at noon. IPECC/Alll , 1.00.111 NOT/OILII. SANCEL GRA.akx k Co., Merokant I=l =EEO Irox N.IIIT, and Ornamental Blots Roofor, and dealer M Pennsylvania and Vermont elate or the bolt onallt7 at low rates. (Moo st Alex. Laughllo's, near the Water Works, Pi:taboret, Pa. For sale, that valuable lot of ground, iron Foundry and Warehouse, situated at the cor ner of Water and Grant streets, having a front of 180 feet on Water street and Trout street, and 160 feet on Grant street, the same being now occupied by Anderson A Phillips. Pos session given April let, 194 e. Apply on the premises, and to 1 w B•cirwst.i., Peals A Co. JON itsciurro AID PLILLDT POR Sebm—The Atte assortment of Fill and Winter Clothing, lately received by Means. John Wier • Co., Merchant Tailors, No. Ile Federal street, Al legheny. Ttte stook of clothing consists of the finest Twisty of gents' pantaloons, vests, coats and outmost:. The style of pattern" is tasteful and fashionable. We would Invite all of our readers to glee the above gentlemen a salts Wvoue, JIIIII.IT, ha.—J. M. Roberts; No. 17 Fifth street, is wow opening the most oholoe stook of fine Gold and Silver Watohas, Jewelry, Sliver wave and Panay Goods ever displayed In this city, said Is selling them at Tenisrkably low arloas. Damian* and carriage esti, nil be token at the Omniling oflee, Fn. tle Penn street, day or night. AU order loft st the shore plime will he promptly ettendrci te. All eats most be paid la advance. • _ O. But, Dentist, 248 Penn stns, sal at tend tr on Alatinteatam arnfaostos OUTII E Tnnd•f night, In Ciiicinsatl, MARTHA OOT➢I[LE, d•cghter of John D. Gotbrls. Not of (animal mlll be given In 3•3ctstl friday M[JA RLAIIID —At Cool !going•, leff•cson roan t). Penn•., on Mond•y morning, M•reh 14th, at 3 o'clock. /MATILDA GREGO, • it of It,. A J. Ths frlnt,ds al the fern'', .re respectfully Incited to attend the funeral, from the maiden,* of het father, D. Gregg, No. 14 South Common, Allegheny City, cm FILID/a 4,rrsasiome, lath het., at 2 o'clock. 140111NEIGN—On Tuesday erenlog,erlarch lath, at Ste; o'clock, Mrs MARI, ROB 21601 i, wife of the lobo Thomas G. ilabluram. Tha . and Ilrionda at the fatuity are re qeeeted to attend her funeral without fur ther notice, from the ...dents of her broth...footsie, Ur. 11. Cote Yet renal street, on TPCIII4.I Arrasstoos, the Ink loot . at two &el wit, to precetol to Allegheny Cemetery. ICING Tun , try evening, /larch lath, lied, 21cCULLY, oom,o i daarbtar of J. Nell. and Jane L Ytng, aged 2 years and $ month.. Putters! from the twaidence of her permits, No. MT Liberty street, TNIMSDA T Arrtn...ll, at 2 o'alock. SECOND WARD MEETING— Ibeenrolled men aro carotene requested to wan al the School lima, Amend Ward, Pittsburgh, THIS (Thursday) HTEHING, f,r the purpose of ta king Into consideration the beet mottos to Wive, the Ward frrtn tee draft. under the late call atilt Pre. Iden t for 200 oin. It la to be loped bet every en rolled outs •lit be on heed. It. It BUIAEH, Chairmen. I I We . N. nitrite, Searetary. table ORDNANCE OFFICE, WAIL PEPARTMENT, Weeltingtoa, ■ebruary 1884. P,pomtle will be received by thi• Department IRO tit TUESDAY, !Tara. 12 , th, at 4 p tn., fur the dr liver), at the fallowing Artemis, of HOPIS! lIQr1F• 111INTS, United State. Cavalry pettetn, as herein• later eperintsl • Al the New Vytk Arsenal. t i51e..,.. At lb' Frankford Arsenal, 5,41 1 4 .114. At the Allegheny Arsenal, *eta. Al the Cincinnati Eclat, ;OW sets. At lb. Ft. Louis •teetnat, 9,0.1 mita Thee* lade of ll. , ree c.inlvmem4 •re to La 'andel:tett pcomfdete, except the hotes.brash,..orry.eoint, barb.. picket-pin lint and blanket. The remand wale: fag him, the malleable iron hardware and etirrapt am to ossnform strictly In pattern mud finish to tem* lied at the Arsenate above nutted lb. tires me 1., be the reaelaticn gatie•n, eeeortel class—not lea than 3i Irishso between tha ham on the latide of the ponsme , , the side beta of hard white wood cr beech, the pommel.% and captive ~ f beech, well pot together, all tbe Innis one-tenth of .. In.h thb k, mei all let iuto the no& to be coached will t d co ne o •hide . all otm ...feting to be rept-Led. The tree. to be snMret to it/erect,. dot log ell stags of toe iscenuMein-e, bat the equip menu will be inspected at the Ar.enalo wise. de livered,. Doliveries mast to made In luts of ne, Ire Man nifty cents p, wort for .'l con,acts of too•stts rr motor; one nottr•d set+ per a'seit for all [...tree, of frrat foCC op to 1,'"20 sets, too hundred lots pot meet for 1.11 contracts of ;Ton I,ot , to 2,llkerte•-•nd butolract sets per veek for all aoltracte of from 2,020 to n,foo vAit. The dr, dell•of y to be made oa the Al day of April, lsr i. Failure to mak. d•lN•rtee a' •am um. • 111 subfort the rout ro.-tor . tor .It Ira of the ootabe h. may fell to deliver at that tzmo No bid. toll be coasiderod from partl. oth.r than mouu'actarrre, and touch a. Sr. know, to [M. Deptrtmont to ton fully comp 4nt to exacta. tst th‘lr own .hope the 'work propool.,l for. 111.!•1 r. wlil t oclowo with their 1.1,14 U. written ncknowhddtu••utt of .rottea, •••wr the it own .liftsatureA. psrty •.hlatula[ a. - ootr 0,1 will olli,tod to onh, lute Lon.fe, wib a;pr..'•d 11,11 - .1.44 tUr faithful as •ta4nu. rp a tar. sward being mid, stransostal bidders 11l he not feed. and furnished • lilt lenns of con tsar; ad toad. Tivi Depart ins nt see tyros the right le refret soy or all bids, calmed sailsfectory. Proposals will be with-tweed t• "Brigadier 0 u•ral George D Ramsay, Chief tf Ordnance,. R•shingten. D. C and will be endorsed ' Propoeal• for lions. Egn ipso rita." OT.O. D. It • MBA , Dtlgullsr General, t r.le I of Ordnance, Ib2o.eodid (ALCOA] Z °MCC. Wan D Washloptoa, Ill•rch 4, 1E414 Th. :iota for °roles of proposalm undar tha above adr.als.queot for Ham Equlpmatta, la peatronad mW th. 20rel INSTANT, sod the find &glary' on tll April Yth, 1141. 000. V. ILAAI3,AY, Osooral, Chlaf of Ordnenes, TM , : SUBSCRIBER, John Marsh & Co.'s Soda Ash, Is constantly molting the same, which ha will .11 on the most avotabls terms. Thts Ash Is wattle.. lady adapted to the llll.D.lfacton , of Class. SOUTII FRONT STIIITT. Philadelphl• uotttmeod t i No. BUM ESN A: CO., Comcnl•ston it Forwarding More hsntst Llaving pnrcbased the ''llanna Warohause" OU City, .d haring ample room etad &entries, so are nos pm-party! to eon and forward OIL AND MER CHANDISE., of ovary dm:rip:lon, and prondeo rat• latartion to ho Deal favor to rtth and" patron- REIM VAI. fist. romohol hoot No. 945 Lib." ty 4hott to noo owl sp./mu holtdirtga, SIX DOORS BELOW SIXTH, ON LIBERTY, Where they MI be happy to meet their old Mends and customers. mhl22.d VJR SALE—A Beautiful Residence ip Sharpsimig, sitnatod on Malls Mmet. 7h. bon= contains emelt rooms and finished attic. A well of good water mot an mosdient cistern at the door, with pomp in tacb. The lot is TT Net 4 inches front and 200 *me dosp, to • street. There to reign, Ylowera allit Shrubbery to abundance Pomona de sirous of purchming a beautiful maideute, cannot Dud amens pleasant oge in thhheklelth. Enquire of the hinny of the sublorther, on the prualiee,nr J. 0. LZWI.B, of the triad Lewis, Dal. roll it 00., at their mill In itharpaburg. uthibblawddsr H. U. LIWIS. ICE CHESTS, REFRIGERAITOES, BATIM AND HEAT HOUBPS.—Ie. Chests ter Hotels, Tendlier, Bew Hsu., do, M. *palling of .ld Marts, Wm and Baftigeraton, and made se good as neg. The attention of the trade le ulled to our lemma. went end prim. Shop en MAHLON A TIMM, at the railroad crow ag, Allegheny, or addran BOX 64 Allegheny P. O. JalOdinteed H. 4. pawn a 00. 1.1111.1•11.11. Jim Be., Ellabeth (`PRUDE OIL TANKS,. _at all AOITATOBB, 0011DIRMIO TANXII and TOMB, of art kinds, tbr Bellneries. Tanks repaired and rims pat In. All work warranted, $t the (seater ghop on MARION AY 1I at the railroad crowing, All. gheny ; or addrew BOX At, Al legheny P. 0. ja.argreeod . 'T. PRlag • 00. L. SNP7/ELY, Wholnals Maunfoottovr of LADLES , BOOTS AND 11110E11, No. IS NORTH FOURTH STAMM'. Philadelphia, 8.. oonstaxilly en b•nd . general •asortmont of LADIES, 1178188' end CIIILDSEE'S HOOTS sad BEIOIE4 seitablo for city so 4 oonotry traits. p_loll7.les GOLD PEN& Thee. are Ibe b..l In Os. mark.t, whkb we an not only recommend, but !nil, Wool./ Woet7 Pow wntd. Devil!. CURIE, • 00 .. . . 01 Woad maw PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. , --Hening awedmimet with um WAITE:DU itmOLISTOCI Pantww, ma* win a...11mm the Carpi Malaga ma bseingnris, ma Wm. is Wane marwmt. ishll4ll ouvaz moOLUITOCItSOO. Iron Foundry for Sale C. W. CEIVICORMAH, euZleodeta3 GRAFF & HUGUS, (W 0051360118 TO GRA FF 4100.,) Aros. 206 and 208, FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PIENS. wAsteraes GOLD MIS. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. OUR SPEOL&L DLSPATORES, FROM WASHINGTON Speciel Dhpaerh to the Plttaboegh Geeette. WADDIDOTON CRY, Much 16, 1/ 1 434. nil COLD' ELL 1,111.31D--ORIAT IIGIT4IEIT The approach of the Gnat decision on foe gold bill today attracted a swarm of gold 'peculators, silents of New York banks, etc., who infested the lobbies, worked their Way on the floor, and invaded the reporter's gallery In a perfect swarm. The Clerk had hardly ceased calling the roll, on the final peonage of the bill, when a general rash was made for the telegraph MB., and the throng was to great that for a time the scene was almost as exciting as the gold market itself on William street. Orders to sell gold short to the extent of downs of million, were sent to New York within the next thirty minutes, and the dis patchea were piled up ahead of the capacity of the operator, to transmit Until after the Last board in New York was over. The ope rators era now in huge disgust& at ending that the market has not the, far responded at all tostle action of the House. The bill finally passed by a majority of 27 votes, but a nue,- her of Demoerata getting leave subsequently to record their vote,, reduced It considerably. Mr. Bontwell withdrew his opposition, and the bill commended nearly a solid Adminia- U. 0.. ...ripen. It has still to go to the Senate for concurrence in the thalburd amendment, which requires the execution of the law of 18112, concerning the formation of • sinking fund.. The enemies of the bill say this render, it practically worthless, but its friends regard it as not affecting its efficacy. It is supposed that the Senate will promptly concur in the amendment. Thad Stereos' !speech, in fevor of the bill, just before Its peonage woe ono of his ablest efforts. BILL TO oitaallril Si lITALID Col Pal Mr. !forward introduced • bill in the Bennie to organise an Invalid corps on an Infantry basis, to comprise four brigades, of six regi ments each. Officers to be appointed for meri torious conduct, disability for notice, while capable of garrison duty. Men may be trans ferred from regiments In the field when unfit for active duty, if their character and mili tary history entitle them to honorable recog nition, and ....Wien honorably discharged af ter a service of two years may enlist bait If unfit for 4otiv duty. It provides as penalty for drunkenness and other misdemeanor,, de privation of pension due, or to become due. The Democrats to-day strennottely resisted the passage of the bill dismissing Major Gener als remaining unemployed over titre,' months. Mr. Garfield, in the mares of a strong speech in its favor, said the President and War De partment were; responsible, if the Generals were good for anything, and still wore unem ployed, and he was determined to make them take the responsibility. Several Major Gen erals had been suddenly set to work sines the introduction of this bill, and he thought it probable that plasma would be found for some snore of them. Complaints of eseeuire charge. of U. S. Marshals baring beet, made, Senator Foster has prepared a bill authorising the transfer of tattriet. of the I S. Court. at actual oust fur their transportation and subsistence by the Secretary of the Interior. It repeals the act of February, which authoritea the appoint. meat el a warden or the jail in the District of Columbia. It is stated that the President has retwolly . declared his Intention to enforce orders con cerning negro recruiting in Kentucky. Kt- Secretary Guthrie has hitherto had great in f wise° with the President in Inducing him to make exceptions in behalf of Kentucky, but sine. his recent political demonstration, Ws voice Win not be so potential. The amendment to the national currency sot main:titled in the resolution of Senator Howard, prop,ses the authorizing of National banks to charge on loans at the same rat. of interest u L. allowed by the Suitt in which they are located The punishment for desertion, as prescribed in the new bill e' the Chairman of the Senate ilitary Committee, le mode a diertualillestio n fur voting and holding. offira. It proposes, however, to offer amnesty to deserters now in Canada, on condition of returning and re newal of service, with lots of pay for Owner, The Preeldent'e Pri••e Secretary, Job■ Hey, Is owning back (Torn norlds,and lent glee up hie militnry position. He le scre ed bore soon. The resolution of donator Male looks to the adoption of • system of promotions In the volunteer navy for meritorious eonduet, simi lar to that, already to vogue to the regular Fur two hundred thousand man esaltes very little dismission. If rigidly anforeed it will raise nor army to peer a million effective men, and aoght to mak• abort work •1 whist Is tort of the rebellion. The bill establishing • syrtssto of ootteular pupae, .a proposed by Mr. Sumner, passed the Satiate to day. FROM 111.41RRISBUOI6 Ponusylv•ul• Logialakt I v• Proceedisaga. PpecLl Dispdcb to tbo Pittsburgh Oatwtta. H•aaraeolo, March 16, 1861 Sae•ro—Moraieg Session—Mr. Hoge—One In snot • new oonety eat of parts of 'Craw ford, Venango and Warren counties, to be called Tionesta. Mr. Bucher—A supplement to the Free Bankiag Laws of thLs State. Mr. Ridgeway—One to Moorporata the Freeport. Millerstown and Centreville railroad. IT= A farther supplement to the charter of the Warren and Tldiantta railroad, A supplement to the charter of the Western Iniuranee and Transportation Company. One Increasing the pay of Juror?ln the county of Bedford. The bill fixing the time for •oting on the amendments to the constitution, by the peo ple, passed Cosily. The House and Banat. meet again this af ternoon. I=l Home.—Forenoon &e, on--One relative to the sale of a portion of the Public Square, In the borough of Kittanning.. One relative to the weight of bituminous coal In Armstrong county. One authorising the commissioners of Lawrence county to borrow money to pay Landholders. One authorising the appoint ment of Leather Inspector In Allegheny county. One increasing the pay of jurors and witnesses of Huntingdon county.. One for the relief of • former Treuurer wf Clarion county. One for the Tolle( of Charles Huh's, of Indiana county. One Increasing the pay of Jurors of Cambria county. One extending to Allegheny county, certain provisions of the election laws of Philadelphia. One to change the placeof election In Elk township, Oaribria Comity. Act requiring canal, railroad and naviga tion companies to report &1211111114 to the Auditor &mural. Aot to Inoorporato eh. National Railroad Transportation Company, applement to Ms New Castio and Beaver Valley Railroad Company. Ifr. Barron, comaithtg to Apoilhooky pi the Sehtial Lout of Chat.? eonsity,.giolog the aviators power to 'sleet sites for rchool houses. Mr. Glue, a charter for the North .ktnencen 011 company. Mr. .‘lyer,, a bill to lay out a , State road to Bedford and Cambria connties. "Mr. Perehing, increasing the pay of Jurors in Cambria Co. Mr. M. Mortrie, to incorporate Huntingdon Masonic Hell. Mr. Brown, relative to the plank roads in Crawford county; also, empowering the trustees of Rone• estate to porehe,e land to build a poor boon, Bills passed finally , rhartering rile Tyr , nos and Cleufield Exprt, C..urpany: Hones. Mr. Henry called up the int,rporeting the New Brighton Insane Aryl., Paned finally. The bill preposine to change the *tendert weight of oat. la..m thl t ty to thirty. two pounds was defeateJ. The House proceeded to the consideration of the propound constitutional amendment'. Mr. Barger raised the point of order that the eonstitotional majority of fifty one not hating toted for them they could not DOW be considered. The Speaker hold that the Constitution re quired them to be coceidcred as amendment§ to the Constitution, not at 'actions of a bill; therefore the House Is competent to proceed to the consideration, the Hone. not having considered them before In sioArdaneo with the provisions of tho Constitution. The Speaker's lo decision ill long, but very lucid and lest. Au appeal was taken by hfr. Bar or from the Chair. The•Honse refereed to sus in the appeal.--S7 ayes,(Demoerats, ) nays 50, i LTaion iets.) MI the amendment, passed finality, and now await only the Governors olgmati9 be• fore nubmlsslon to the people. Tbe bill pernolt‘lng Web hilt lonnohip, Givens oormiy, to borrow money to pay boon tie,, we. passed finally. tin SATZ-- Afternoon So. ~ prey en ling persons acting as est rotor and trustee from eharging more than id,- commission, except upon interest receir•ti as trustee. The sup plement extending Sections sixty-third, se, enty• first, seventy•serond and seventy-third of the sot of June 11L36, to nil bridges of the same dimensions. The general bounty bill passed up to a third reading. Numerous amendments were offered and some rejected. Adjourned until to night. Ifousx--Vtghs —The bill relative to raising bounties for volunteers under the President's •ariont culls for 700,000 volan teers, in the counties of Butler, iionterset, Hod ford, Fulton, ClcsrlSeld, Huntingdon and Marlon, passed finally. After this bill passed, Mr. Smith, of Ches ter, pitched Into Hulett, of Butler, severely, because the passage bad t, nsumed more time than Smith expected, Smith having the floor to speak on the bill providing fur the payment of the interest on the Stet, debt. Hazlett retorted that Smith had ronsurned hours of time of the Douse in long speeches, and no more to their (lift-mien than tie who had not spoken at all , :real laughter. Henry D. Moore Ira. cterted State Treasurer in Joint ounvention to tvadt. Mr. Moore re eal•ed 60 Toles, and W. V. Metfreth if votes. Adjourned. See.••l -A YUpplement t, the 'Western Inn:ran, n 1 Tr•nsp9rtation Con:ploy. A hill rel,,ve to the potnors of the Cotonaissivners of t vrlakg• county. Un• to in,ease the pay : :ha supervisors of !)road Top township, I,,iforti eonnty. .:ze authorising tFo sunerel., of Rich Rill town ship,Greece aolanly. t. levy • ,unly too AdiOtiruod Until to- ~ore( Stith t morrow M r. for the pun,. 11.,n Sohn! in Centre r•.unty, shit trill cc! mk-t from tit-morrow not noW Mond•y ereuing i . Prom Gen. Stict mata'n Expedition. tl'xaatenroa. Much If.—Maj. Tien. W. I. Sherman, In • .11rpsteb dated V ick•kurg, Mies., Febrottry 'l7th, by way of Cairo, March loth, has addre.sed the following to Lieot. Lien. Unait, care of lico. I1•11ers. B•nersi, I got in this morning flout Canton, whore I left sty army in epl•od+4 heart and condition. We reached J►rkann, F e bru a ry 4,h, rr rod Pearl ricer, and pas.-e : th:ough Brandon to Map,.:. where the ere my made a disposition for battle ht. Bed in the night and putted ou rer all otstweles and i ,shed Meridian on Febreary 14th, tier. Flit haring a railroad to assist him on h • retrooL Ile esca ped across the Tem...On:Ws no th• 17th. I could bear nothing . :no cavalry fore* of Meters) Wm. Smith t o b e tu era by February loth. I eiteloye by mail herewith n copy of bin instructions. l then began to give beck slowly, mek•o;; a circuit by the north le C. 1.013, where I left the army yes terday in splendid condition. I will leave it atlas, (cur days in bore ale caralry from Memphis will torn tip there. Me}. Oen. Butterteld, under date Cairo, March 11th, bas addretted the following - to Lieut. Oen. Omit ~r Oen: Ilalbeck : Left General Sherman yesterday t,t Memphin. The command Le all safe. Oor total toes in killed, wounded and missing, is ..nly 170. The oen• nal result of his E tpedition, Including Smith's and Tar. Rivet morel:coati., Is about es follows: Ono hundred and fly mil*. of railroad, sixty-wren bridges, se v thousand feet of [resale, twenty locomotives, twenty•eight oars, ten thousand baleaootton.ooreral sum mills, and two million bnalt at flora were destroy ed. The railroad des ruction is complete and thorough. The capture..l prisoners exceed all our less--upwards of eight thousand con trabands and refugees came in with tba•arions columns. Chasing a Blockade Batmen-. Arrival of Richmond Prioonern, Vortexes Mentos, March 13.—The Supply et...toter Admiral arrived to-day from. Mata gorda Bay, March 34. On the morning of the 13th we saw a steamer ahead, evidently Joel out from Wilmington. Ogre chess. By 12 o'cloek had gained upon floc so et to di. • cover she was a aide wheeler, With a cargo of oottoo, which she had oemmenced throwing overboard. By two o'clock, opened Are upon bar, bet she was not in range. We gained upon her, and up to 3 o'clock we bad oounted from our docks 430 bales of ootton they had thrown overboard. At 3 o'clock, the wind suddenly died away, while the prime was almost within our grasp. Chased her until dark, she having slightly gained upon as. At dark we lost eight of the blockade moose. Tb. Flag of tztica:etosmer New York, Capt. Chsehbolm ' arrived this evening from City Point, with a largo number of our prisoners from Richmond, among whom were Copts. Sawyer and Flinn, and General Neal Dow. From Memphis MINIPIIIII, March 14.—Aditece from Vicks burg to the 10th Joel-, say: Everybody,. among the troops Is co the qai sir., prepar ing for another grand expedition. The troops are In excellent mirk. sod eager for marching orders. There wee quite a bent. at. Yazoo Clay on the oth, between the negro troops stationed there and a large force of rebek, who merle an attack upon the place. The rebels gained pouession of a part of the city, but the gun boats coming up, opened fire upon them, en couraging the negrner, who charged and drove them bank. Oar lose le slight. The rebel loss is unknown._ Gen. Veatch and nett arrived hero to day. He is on rouse for lien. Dodge's Divi sion, Huntsville, Alabama. Upwards of 5,000 bales of cotton arrived from below yesterday. The receipts by wagon continue large. Foreign Arrival March In—The Arable arrived here this evening with Liverpool dates of the Sth via Queeostown,on the fah Inst. Daniell affairs ate reported unchanged. The Arab Duke !dekkoHien arrived in Part on the btb, and It Is reporte d that he ail , em bark for Mexico on the 25tb, all the dttricul• tie. having bean settled. LieerpoOf, Idaroh 'th.—Tboro is nothing to-day relative to the Danish war, and noth ing La expeotad email the interval 'requested by Denmark for deciding the conferralsce has expirca. lerom Cairo ettoo. March 16.—Gen. Sharman and staff passed through hero to-day, as route rot Lou towns. The steamer► Lanonotor, Celeste, aad Sil ver Wave, were and Into moistly to White River. One man was killed arid one wounded. From the hottthwost NAUTILI'S. TUN.,, March I{.-v. i. eral a. B. Grant,—Afar osoupylag LontatFr. Dais paattad to Canntlandi - eau* to. Meatier*, driving - ab• antiar;'innt 4 man? prtaanonankratonal' onnaanntale atnak. • S. idowskAit /440,. !MII= CongreAudenal VV&snuotos, March 16, 1644 Scesra—A largo no mbar of petitions In fa ror of increased mail facilities between :New York and Philadelphia were road and re ferred. Mr. floward, of Michigan, introduced a 1,,t1 to organise the luralid Corps of the army. Referred to the Military Committee. Mr. Wilson, of itastachtteetts, Introduced a bill relative to deserter.. Referred. The consular and diplomatic bill name up in order, and • debate ensued on the clause authorising twenty-five consular pupils. The LEena.te has concurred in the Home amendment to the gold bill, which only awaits the President's signature to become a law. Toe Consular and Diplomatic bill WSJ passed. The ..ovate then Proceeded to consider the Di.tric: of Coln business,. The bill to Incorporate the Metropolitan Railroad Com pany of the District of Colombia rousing up, Mr. Sumner Toted to amend by inserting that there should be no exclusion on account of color from any car. Mr. Saulsbury opponed the amendment. He said the corporation had legal Near to net apart car, for whites and negroes, and the present company had done this just as the ocean steamer, had power to eat apart por tion, of their steamers for first, second and third class. Railroad companies provide emi grant rate. They had legal power to eject e.dored persons from the ears, provided a suf ficient number of other care were provided for their aoeommottuion. He war surprised to hear each a dial:weldon manifested by white men to ride with negroes. He asked, did any man, born a gentleman, and with the Instincts of • gentleman, feel aggrieved because he was net seated alongside • negro,or • lady that she was tot seated alongside of Miss Dinah? Does a complaint of this kind come from the great ruling class to whom Hod ha. given all things that tionetitute the moat perfect man hood or womanhood, or from those forgetting what Hod has given them, who choose to thrust themselves whore they are not wanted, or from that sickly 'sentimentality which in its progress has done so much to degrade human character in this country and is being so In dustriously cultivated es a political element? The only complaint we have heard is that or • negro clothed with a brief authority as a surgeon, who presuming to thrust himself In • ear with white people, was thrust out. We had received no petition from • single resident here praying for the passage of such an amendment. Let It be known to the country, even to Miimaehusettr, whose ideas :eem to be cotutrolling the legislation of the country, and who seem to be running the machine alone. Let it go out that this' legis lation is proposed in America on the plea of a letter written by a negro, by the men who are persistently attempting to urge these measures, culminating In social Intercourse and not true friendship of the colored rue. Fifty years will not expire before history will record this feet. Look at the fate of the poor Indian. When he looked at the African in his grovelling condition, he accepted it as a demo of Providence, that the white man was BO tar above him In ell the attributes of civili "Hun, political power and noels! condition,he presented at this day a singular aspect before the nations of the world—one without a par allel! in history. We are and have been for the Met three years, trying to debars ourselvea .d mime the negro. If the massive column. of this edifice should ever tumble to ruins, the epitaph should be written on lt, "Here lie teensy millions of whites who lost their liber ty by trying to elevate above their proper condition four million, of black.." AJj darned. llorat.—Mr. Farrow,,rlb introduced s bill to promote the efficiency of the I'. 5. artillery, notch was referred to the Committee on Mili tary Affair, The !Jones concurred in the Senate's amend. ment, 'to the Postoffize Appropriation Bill. Thule amendment, appropriate $640,000 for the payment of letter eaniers, and $1,500,000 to meet any defi..ieney which may 001.1 in the posted:Bee revenue. The lien” reemoel the oonsideration of the fold Bill. The Hoare aloyted the amendment offered by Mr. Hubbard, of New York, yesterday, •te Provided, that the obligation to create a rindting fund by the Oct of Pebrulry 2i, t9fi2, that: net be impaired therotty. Mr. Rigby, of Cot., "ppn9ed the Govern meat going itsm the ranrket with geld in head and beekrtering b. etty i e 0.1,1 paper at lees than eo•t. Mr. Kelly, el Ps , sail ne tad changcd viola. and a all t,.a. TO, f, the tall ba(t.aa the liatt,e. Mr Stereo-, of roar oy trio legit lama of thingres• to; twa years ago that slereh was declared a dollar war money, and the standard of value for all pre:Lizal purposes, and whoa bullion or any other metal-is cued in lieu •.Imoney, it is the exception and not the rate. He said Let it be known that the lie•ensmerit has role which It can sell at rea sonable rates, cud the Shylocks on the Ria.lto mould would mese whorring their knives and give their gold to the public et the ionic price. Mr. Slarr, moved tbo recipes .ior.lion. Mr. Cox moved that there be a call of the Hco e, in ardor to versa a full attendance upon the main qtatetion trdcred to be put. This Rouse arreel to pet en amendment, namely, auttioritaig the Secretary of the Treseury I. •ctisipate by a period not olreethilg one veer, the pry-meet ot.jnterest on the public debt, and then voted on agreeieg to the Sen ate amendment authorising the Secretary to sell told. As amended this morning by the amendment of Mr. Halberd, this amendment of the Senate Was serried to by 83 to hi. So the bill as amended by the Senate and Mr. Halberd, passed. The House proceeded to the coesideration of the bill to drop unemployed general officer'. Mr. Cox opposed it, arguing they should be dropped only alter inquiring to eis whether they are incompetent. To do ao otherwise it would indict a stain which Ia woreo than a wound on their character. Mr. Farnsworth favored the bill, and thought that retaral effiatrs should he treated' as everybody else, when their terrine: ►re not wanted. Mr. Garfield leo in Lror of the MII. do (potion. The noose adj4uroc4l Tho Bteamer RapphannotY Wssoimieron, March It °Meetly known that the mtistement that the Rapphan nook ham left Calais and gone to mem V •tron sout. She wan 'till detained at Calais on the 27th of Februery, end her cage was under the oonsideration of the French Cloven:meet. Philadelphia Market Paluntmnia, March 10.—The broadsinfra mar ket le dull and priet• drooping. The export demand for Sour 1. limiter' and only liard bbl. were sold at IPS for impel - hoe and ST for extra, and 57,30(47,25 for ex tr.loooll7. Bye Soar le steady at Sa. Coo meal Le Larva. Wheat ts doll and pricey drooping ; eala of 700, bosh mil at 11,6041,11 and white at $1,7001,40. Bye is atcady at Coro gnbti min of 30du bush yellow 51,1501,16 in store. lists as dull at 01c. Prosialinis are One; mbar/ mom pork •t :442,3,50 ; 4070 tos cif hams at 13%illi1te In pickle Lod 16 Su cauramied. Lard sassily at 14c. Petro leum nub., , Flea of crud.. t ; refined in banal at 470 and rree at sc<auk. Clore. - aced is dull at 47,00. WO lib's of whisky ware told at Plc for obto and US Mr drudge New York Marken I'IN Toe., March I.l.—Colton deollna4 Ic; plea of 100 bales at 75. Plour hoary; aelta of 13,600 bbla at 116,25ge,50 Slaw; 87,1547,20 for Ohio; 16,904 7,40 for t7ootheru. Wheat hoary; wire of 14,000 bnah old dud new spring at /1,61 Onrn quiet; Wee of 42,000 bush at 11,30(41,31. Mllay unchanged at 91403 c . Petroleum unchmuted; crude 111>yr . ; tanned 40450 e. Stock and Money Markets. Naar Tout, March 14-Btorka bettor . 123 Camberlan , l RI ...... 54,, P. & Ft. W 1.304 Illinois Lbetra1........11TN Treamary 7-.10a..........112 Reading ....... ... ........ 131 i 6.20 Coupons. 1131ei' P.r1e....—. 1= ithaa Tear CertlSkate. 99X Galena 1 i1h1eag.....100 . . PtiILAZZLPHIA, March 16.—Procks steady Perin. N. LFA,.llProoa. R. R 71 Haseilt... R. 11. 81.341001 d 101% Morris Canal 74. lExchang• ot. N. Y... par. [Aug Island 47 I ' FOR RaLE--FOR R E.VT. 21, - ) 13EL5. GOLDEN SYRUP. 10 bbl. N. 0. 1191asseo (now crop); 10 do No 1 lard 011; ilarcbs Davie !Par Nam, (Plain and Caaraarod,) Put rcorivad amd br unto LINDSAY a TILTON% orbit lar Gawkily aroord. FOR RENT—Atwo !tory Frame Dwel 1114 Homo, plaatottly stoasto ma Bo!Pot) •trot No. SSD NM, too front potebor, MOW, al Ile, wasp Islam , oto. Apply co 01.TTEIIINAT A SONS II Naticot at. VALUABLE LOT ON CENTRE AV. EMUS TOR ISALE—U Mt hoot by 123 door to John ototot. Arply to lAA I. 6011113 Zia &SON& 81 Usariut at. RENT--Siie osal troll li ilext(lo, minas far 4.tdoet Vaal or Alwbble Sbbps. Will be . 7 I kmerel to cps or di er...1 .• 11,(4n,. SALE—Thattao-story , BRICK DwuLttio, to NOM Idyl., .tut =One ordor, sitsatad oa thecorner of Decatna [root asd Carrentrea alley, Sixth Ward, coatal.. lsj eight roma land entabed gams. Can be had al a bargain. Latish. or fel GULP k SELEPAILD, Liberty greet. - • von SAE —Two east hart BLAST' r CTLINDLBS, to work perpeildlebilattrt Ityrty. imam disnan., six LIDS oinks; sallitirio war= ar Deal dir e. ura** or Pept•i .71 owlet. mitt pail or of 001.4111ADMIZEMMN IMO abaromalsarai~r, ra.' "Ul ,11).44.100 pito lirciA Gehialmad 1 • 4 el‘ RUNT IL 102:41301. fa mar arsons, ire, i ALL TEE NEW STYLES OE Smiles Madan ; HAMM; Jockeys; Mantillas; JUST OPINED ♦T ALEX. BATES' , 21 FIFTH STREET. table NEW . SPRING GOODS, Wholesale .and Retail. • general mu:taunt with* •••••t stem Trisamioge, Ladies' and (leas Neck Tl4ll end Scarfs; Inaes, Hdgingi Plain, Rein Stitched sod Embroidered Headkerch'e. New as Rish Maltese Lace Collars. Embroidered Collars, Sete and landerslosves; Paris Trimming, Magic Ruling; Silk and Worst• ed Ihrthreidery Weide; the Ppring Fashion Plain and Plaid Bonnet Iltbbon A fall line of Velvet Ribbons; Jet, Bogle, Steel, Gilt, India Rubber and Pearl Buttons. bmall Warea and Notions endless variety We boy from losatilartorere end nest bon& only. and offer to Iferchanta .off Drably an extottffee earl eareelly selooted .reek et Emden Priem MACRUI & GLYDE. N/AR( H FOR SPRING TRADE! An elegant assortment or Bead and Bugle Gimps, Bead and Bugle Fringes, Of all Ir44lbs. (Trion style• of Bead Buttons, Bugle Ornaments, .r awl U..k Selmnalnas. }Alch ll{trio.. al Bash Ribbons, Bonnet Ribbons, # Trimming Ribbons, To whloh ore 1 mite tbo ottootin of Mr oiniftlnerli . . Kft e••• 0p../ • larva mortortut of Oftaft, purchased at Lowurr CUSS( PRICKS, which vo ct.r . L. trade oft th. malt Mend tuft.. EATON, NACRU & CO., Poo. 17 ARD 19 TUTU MILT. matt! Sll,ii AND DRESS GQODB IIIidF'ORITTNIC, J. W. Barker & Co„ 59 MARKET 8?. THE LARGEST MOCK, THE GREATEST VARIETY. Ever Exhibited to this SECOND ARRIVAL, NEW GOODS ! J. M. BUROMPIELD'S Deis' Caugatrwom g Gent.. Cassigner ea i Black Preach Cloths 1 Twaada wag III•outals g Hamitic/11y Jesus sad Caabmure do.I Table Liao= 1 Sheetlas Llanelli; Ih•otting Maattaiii Fanstly Shirting Linens 1 I=lnfl Illowfvfo wad RlAontillsa. • • loop assortmat of Drills Goads bit NIV7 GOODS I SPRING-1864. Joseph Home &. Co q . 77 AND 79 MARKET STREET, Naha. la STRAW 000 DI. lIILLIA RUT GOODS. INBROIDIIIIIB, . TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, nowass_, LADIES' AND GISTS PORNISRINO GOODS,OLOVER lIOSILIIT, INTIM ' cossrm. SAMOS GOODS. AND 1 NOTIONIA. oar departments aro oomploto. InA on! "I" stonily bang replasdahod NNA.nafr mod.. She part:Wear ationdon - .a Oa® Norahantaand 111111 noon. and Udall Balm. od no oar dock, nbleh V the Largest Ever Brought to this City, • And to Orr do al OA, • • • Lowest Market lantes, roan HOB tc;Ca alba i3ASGIALOS FOR THE , HOLIDAYS DRUB GOODS t - - umi,x.Ycizi>t Al Lass, 41,190 1 ' i „„I". ..insitaga aihcbditi. PHOTO annutoons..-: Gomm nirm *kr itolar.eratri; uut ad nitaa. akilmeilice% "herby IttoiN) ' • ^ Treaume. ra: • - InarA, J. , *lag* 111 C **it flt pregl i l nw it•ib indaksoCiltast aid Of Mk; Om AMID ANDIDMISMS so Uss_cao: eIIaSIMIS ibloitailaskimas.base swam Ai Wit Or alstlOV'Priss=i2g , BOOTH 41/XTI JUST RECEIVED, • Lilial LOT 07 MEN'S ENGLISH WM) CONCERT NMI SHOE HIRE, as FIFTH STREW'. N•xt door to the /Express Olio& 1000 id fiN WANTED, CAVALRY BOOTS McOLELLAND'S AUCTION, iiii RIFT"' STIIEST, . n Pdasonlo rhou TvnilaiNt iNEMIIMMiiiMi log • lam ••d ...11 melacted moat . BOOTS .A. 1.113 $i ()E9. • Saitahle mz spripg and Ihnorocr weer. lilted. for *E Javan.= and demakatt7 dunat be Irallampb TOM l b. Wel st A Somali Advance on Eastern Petuis good mappily of inst. oo3di es Yael. vilkh ani oe at 000 L Jos. H. Dor:Wad, Eta 1111 11111RINT IR, Id door hoes nth SLATER & EOUTH BOOTS AND SHOES. On Monday, March 21.14 AT 34 ivi.A.l3.Lt - zr.-r wrnrrtr.T. Second door frogs Third se.dt. maldas FINE GOODei JUST HICII'7ID, . LAMM . GLOP - I_3M BALMOILAL 800 Do do do CONGISB• do; Do 110110000 &GOAT BALWL do: agNrs THAI PULL ORLIN • CAI: d. ; Do TWO do GALT ddo; All of tbo bort auto. murk. and w_arsaied teen =dm zatlafratios. . GEO. ALKEU. SOH & CG., TORN CAMPBELL, MarlnfacturstArt tr 1100111 AM) lininES, of ovary deectfritia, nN. 73 flaaNdiekd urea., Pittaborgh. - CIRC. AURAE, 8014 &011 ludo zed BANN Doslta 1n.128/004 _AN= won Weig nod JoarlAt OM% /11110t1.6:-,, afILITALRF XOWICES: lam gsanicrsFr, U. S. Infantry. . All parole ttalstleig fititerst•—•ralbe Teurans or new emaltis-atrn men • Itiamity it' FOUR lIOtIDBIU DOLLIES, ,Ave Goentatete, Aptil 1.1 , IDOL Also, de LOOM. BOLIIII7 creed by any Ward. Beeillb. Ter•IMP er Oo•nty. llecrolting Otata, No: R ITI TM, Iron b• field streat, PttUpursh, • - DALtAS 114:111811, - - Cabt. nth Wizen, Statethg Oelocr. • • H. - xtruot from IRepoihnehstlye to the 13th U. S. latioitry. At the ortsnaelei of thin 7J%r„taLls In AIM, WILLIAM 101181Illil Nab 7b Cattill. and at he amtutlotat at • WM* le Gleval la tte legalary. 001. JOHN P.6I.IIDMISON bee bit place by prmotios, aid la no. It. casstuettez T drat Watts Hos deer fornu Gra. !harms'Ni do perms= heed amuse.' guard ei thiaterille, sad keel been with hie easmsand the seareteleand battles during the goat year. At the dew et Gas. Grant's operatlcauge Um Tal ly of the lllssissigyi tut peer. s &art of Marra was ordered to ream and aramias nB dams, lad 'award bows wen darted the =voice; dad Ole • "Ileard," atm • carried ...natation af She rpm and edam» submitted In enpratt of claim. detldal easeienaae, the dist Battalion of the LIM 11, a Ixr fenny entitled to the Movies fasmlgrtioas ea its atenderd.• IMICILABAW 'WIXOM • ASSIN3III POST, mamas irpsr tooling this aiard. the Board. pea tt .11nde the ltth U.& Wen tt7. torte Ara honer at Indultam& befit/ In s plstdsd and assietalaed its onion ca the parapet irttk also of 43 1.10 preens., ineindlet Its igaflind osausend st. Westdagten. wee died at the target. S. 002- dud and has Abe Board, altars metal exasalnatlea. Wino salequaikd in the army. sad respecifellyase the Oaten! conunaadtnikthe . eartneenl to n rA.S=lt. tho th of' °debts. this Eat. • and tau =spondee of the Wth kWh:skins &mad by Oen. Chalmers with a ibtogafAdda Min and atm Oems of artillls7. Altiereetthe pitamel. tad &Warily wee eo large, this fares was bald. check der des bourn, and tautly &Iran Off. 'podial ulnae/gni worm. nod dart= on thiauxnels& the Bangloll wu COlapit.ll2 • by Geo. Sheanas. - the fold at Weston Lidga, hoingh_tedeced Las, It notamestalard • repttatloa Itlud yes aldlktor D ..130102."BY FOB. VOLU/473=3 ' . —The SECOND WARD. Anataltfr la so. roody to pay Moral 8 ontim So Talaassam dm pro. ran startortag rentarstas from Oa Provost Mann! to Wit L. =ED, Troreenr, rat MII7 Tan Do JOSUE 1.181.1% BOWL IIaILEFIGHTo' •- f JOHN HEM L. SHI Ln4 t, . 050. JUDD - . MENEM urnixt Monty lthormanalorts • All as lad oaseibrun la thallioamll Von Bormsq had an topmast-to tr= to WIL A. SZED, Tramanr, arid pi rani. Mann no WATIIIIME,, '.. altar egg 9 BOUNTY !. . . vvwd• • sus SLIP 11-11X31!IMIS ‘;'••• litfh . United Matti . .61418eiv luena . be liittrisHi fit 'LTG= DASTIBINS • tint ra l mmesat Amq, trod tray It Use Unial. - 211rea offfrk okilffit NOS efirrormsurtif.- Itsfit f ty,• - • Ti. sow anemia. vollooters. thri4l-001.00, ptlit111111•00.1 4 21.711-41n , AL. • tetraitteki Ha. Law TOURTft 19X,, !Pfftitaftt!, oppadtaTiiiitsices 4 . „ lit Lt. ttb U. B. UMW% a.nguarOskitri• .NSWBooKS, salt IT Mir irr. , SbarAlT. ad Wood stead 44 . 0.77ausaairriC0 at Tag. Tartar; sajur youtlast $ *la It CD • Alsprea likkall:at Tatars ak (x u rap• Groat Osasarusarkaa, _ 1W . ilaaakarark IkroaCLAk askgapars; =AMP- in 00 atrasadas Ilettler Terraatabm -• io The Clursalor en* Gesilanit. Leilt;Z: Irrolikis <Meadw tavold to thatr saam.;..--. 0 446` tilectkat /rot th• Parte of Syrera7 l Lyric. of Loyally. b 7 tort POblat, by Jima !nem Krar• /4**,11 Parks ; saar — Oadjektamalry lliculltr.-blr Era im t.ry Bath Osszt, yy Ca pp Was billqaciltaL b 7 EPP- The Dock 's Pralso, ,trA , ra 11. bort Saadi • • Goma* Or 1415,nt 13 ; lIBILTO esi. tie aideßeded • TiiQow ti•iTabtle rob owvrireaso - ATOpiist . sacia-!b niddase• as sl34Wlzi 'b. suf.. knish 11-11ftetrilasAm.libtlingzit mpattMar.Lt kip juptitiLitris. 'Mt 7 double ortif 74 4Warerfalf tin tiv"sa.: .1. - c4;3 Masora itbek. • !camp= liatriswitaurtscar, *EVE lama npo OON qrofl24-"Pritei6ir*.l tailtid Os the Itstintod., • Dank Pita:aria. Om, ant ,stnelfritthard a V ram nady, sad am was st aware* et X. 134 25. salsa.oaths Nook lactidlat, betwasalkabstirs a. ind p;m„,ilirbwoldetirtUilitecehifil - • XOnirtireCrErtAte - " . : . alarm • T AHD -011...-LUBRICATERkb ;..! ao LDY. pet . m• Na / lestarala*Sientelit • s‘," 1 /0.4 1 •to!111 wt vakk.i oak by ' /mar. 4, fra sallolrfte _ ...... ,,._,,,,-,,,, . ;- ; , ! .i- : . :. - 7 . 7.-,L..7::T',-7''' ..;',.3:T...Z.i'r,.;;'-:.Z;s.'h:, k 4 k ::.;j . 4 .'_;' , ': : '•f:; - Y_'_ ,- ••;.:•'_'-'.',C . ,..; • ' ••5:.'4:;3:7'.•,.V7,;e,;:e,••''-7•''
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers