THURSDAY: To-morrow the election for borough and township officers will take place throughout this county., We are informed that in many of the dietatits mash apathy is prevailing among our friends, and that in others they have stewed what are delusively styled "citizene tickets" to be canvassed (for without opposition. Do our friends realize tho risksthey are ren.aing Ly pursuing this policy, rr rather no-policy' It • 3 Lever safe for a political party to abandon its organi cation, even at a township election. T"e old Democratic party nev . er did so. Its '81100313 was as much owi , ,c, to its thorough discipline s and the but-ung lennoitzwith which it Aneroid to its organization to any other cirebmatance. The Union party of to-day should lea, n a lesson from she history of its once mighty rival. 9ur Friends, if they hope t, be success ful next fall in tho State and Presiden tial elections, should insist upon the integ rity *tot their party organization now. A party at certainly as an armya ^ernes de moralized by a laxity of discipline, Oven it the temptation be merely a ski Al low the Copperheads to carry afew districts now and you will hare a hard fight to re gain control of thorn. Let no Copper head be elected to any office, higit or low, if you can help It. Be sure they would keep you oft in the cold if tAT were the stronger. Travel over this entire State, and in every county where the Copperheads are in the ascendency you will find That members of their party hold the offices. We adyise onr friends in every district in Allegheny county where an election le to be held to-morrow to organize at once and put in the field a pure, unadulterated Union ticket. Place no confidence in the protes t sions of Copperheads. If they are not for the Union party and'all its measures, they are certainly againot it, and are not trorthy of ,your confidence. Be sure that ycur judges and inspectors and ars wor 1 are Ell right. The Oue Term Prluclple. A newly-fledged ootemporary, in its issue of Wednesday, has an article proposing 11011,111 i amendments to the Federal Consti tution, among the number the following: "We could, without lionientle hesitation, .mend the Conetitntion so es tOMt &Wish the non term prin ;;lpmhill4=armud . t J o tr bare at e e P n rea or its . n2 nod aremmet ligatnet doing leo that did not contain with in itself its own refutation. Indeed, we have never seen nor board any one oppose ouch an emendment, naleas he wee either actuated by motivea or mu. so 01113•OrVItti re that he thought :hat nothing which was not at least two or three pnerations old era s ft to be tolerated." At thel rick of being consigned to the "conservative . ' eines 'above mentioned, we timidly venture to differ with our cetera porary, and with the source from which it draws its inspiration, the New York 2Whtma. The "principle" above exnessed has recently found warm advocates among those who are in favor of turning Mr. lan celt, out and turning somebody else in. We do not say that our eotemporary is in this category; we knew that the Tribune Is. Hence much of the milk in the cocoanut. Aside from this, it seems to us that the . "principle" in question is only another way of stating 4he "rotate-you -out-of-office-and- rotate -me-in" doctrine, which gentlemen " actuated -by interested motives' have always bee& loud in proclaiming. The "one term principle" contains "within itself its own refutation." If an incumbent of office proves to be the possessor of those Jeffersordan qualities of "honesty, capacity anti worillinese," why hot him in the place for which he is so well fitted? Why exchange a tried and co-_: tent psblia servant et the end of his "one term - for one who ba4 not been triad, and night prove to be incompetent? In the private afairs of life men do not act no. WI ea the proprietor of a rolling mill ore printing office seoures a good workman, be does not discharge him soon after finding out his tueri , r. Much of the etability of the British Government is owing to the settled policy of that coun try which continues men in oMce when found to be 1-uitel to their positiorc. And our oatemporasies well know that oze great cause of the superiority of Southern over Northern politicians in the councils of the nstionbefore the war was the Soutuern pros tics of putting their best man In office and ksepfag teem there. The general prectice of _the Narth was the opposite of this. If a gad: man happened to obtain a soot in Congress, ho knew that be could hold it just's° long—two or four Testes, when he would hove to yield to the "turn" of . the next Most prominent man in hie district: As to the Presidency, It is within the knowledge of all men that mate of our beet Presidents—Wassi. s los, for instance,— have Barred two terms, and that at leart ons other— Joss'- Qt'racr Anus--should have been re-sleeted. The " one term prin etiple,".if insisted on in the infancy of our Reputing, at• the explration of Wximusa- Torre term, would have led to woful results.• And there can be no danger to the institutions of our fathers nor, by the rereleation of a worthy President. It Is a question of worth—not of "one term" or two terms. The real dangers of the coon- try, aa Re have seen in the inception of the present Rebellion, come frcm une.a.y If It were known that the 4tlet for office, which is traceable from the aspirant to the Presideney.down to the man who thinks it 13 his "turn " to be school director, would .not baaneouraged by any ill-timed argu- inentei hi - favor of the one term principle, or by the good nature of the honest masses who ars too easily led to follow the fortunes of politietans, the country would be more tranquil than it is and the war nearer its tad. The Port , . Way, The Zest yesterday Bogs editorially, "We can heartily second the action of the Taro many Hall Democracy." All right , If the PM believes what it says, It is le favor of tke relieving plank in the Tammany plat, form: L Wa believe that slavery, ae a satdott of pouttwt 'citation bee puled from the pelting of Waves.- 147. Old that there ehowld be bat on. party of the paivielio TIM of We land, devoted wholly to the roe totatlon of the Union • sod the supremacy of the Oolletltntkt, atirrenderfog all rabordloate Wan. If it• 17alps L awed syrri LOOOOO COO be right. ; II thee thasyslost. w Won: Wsiwit4 to know wby, if slavery, ~a a a subject_ofl political agitation. has passed from the politico of this country," the Post is always pratlnrof Abolitiotasm ? If the Abolitionists are only amusing themselves by calking, about a dead been., why should tke Pidribe to ungracious as to interfere with their amusement, and threaten the "utter 4nMention of Abolitionism? ' ICs unkind In you, netelboi. Ascot no fourth 2f Ih, tow* of Sapo rta, la du bui confl.celtd as beolfits dlaOyaties. Among other, tto loata Coamildolor gatd,loloi C. lorskratig. and 11; 'V iti4ster.‘"Fear, 12m20,010 sigiesia robit - orguiri tit ell 's , 4=== -,SIARCII 17, 1864 The Spring Election p Colonel Straght's Charges against Colonel wanderaon. A Washiegron dispeich says. Colonel Straight has made grove charges against Lieutenant Co , onel James 11. Sander eon, one of the six hundred prisoners just returned from RichMond, in pursuance of which the latter Leis been placed under arrest. Colonel Sanderson, it will be re. membered, very flatly denies what he terms the exaggerated stories of rebel cruelty to the Richmond prisoner., among which he doubtleee reckoner the late painful state ment of Colonel Strelght's captivity. Col. Sanderson himself has been well treated, and speaks., no doubt, from personal ex perience; but be Is almost the only prison er who has had occasion to say a good word for the Confederate officials Singularly, Colonel Sanderson is the officer accused of Laving betrayed the plea of insurrection , and escape on Belle Isle ' a charge which do is staid to have explained by stating that he had been overheard by a rebel surgeon while communicating with one of the prix once. in the Richmond hospitals. The charges which Colonel Straight has made scril be readily understand. After the many desperate efforts of Col. iitrelght and his fellow captives to escape, sod last perilous and oceoessful venture, the will not doubt tire story or their sufferings Sanderson wlll be confined till all the necessary evidence arrivss from Riehmond, with the rest of the prisoners to be exchanged. He was taken prisoner, ! at Gettysburg, and served at various times under Reynolds, McDowell, at d Wads- I worth. A llisr.—Tsken in connection with the nomination of Farnowr as the Democratic candidate for the Presidency, by the Gin. oinnati Volkzreund road the following from the New York Ileral4 of Friday hurt: ••Vow, unless the fortunes of war shall yet bring General Grant in the foreground and leave "Old Abe" in the background, the best thing that the broken-up Demon racy can do is to trusts with the Fremont party. Why not? Why stick upon Demo cratic principles and prejudices when they hare had their day and bzcome obsolete ideas? Why not take a new departure, end strike ahead of the Adminietration on ibis modern idea of universal liberty by adopting the Fremont platform and Fre. moat &IL tbelr candidate. Tus following interesting statistics hove been recently given as to the strength and coat of the Handbag armies of Europe: 8.1111- slei standing army is 1,000,000 men, costing annually 26,000,000 sterling, or 42 per,cent. of the national budget; France km/ z.. 73,000 men, costing 34,000,000, or 31 per cent.; Austria, 467,000 men, costing 16,000,000, or 37 per sent.; Turkey, 414,000 men; Italy, 314,000 men, costing 16,000,000; England, 300,000 men, *Ming 33,000,000, or 39 per cont.; she, 214,000 men, costing 7,500,000, or 30 per 011111:34 Sweden, 67,000 men, nesting 40 per rent.: Deninark, 60,000, costing 97 per cent. The whole standing army of Barone Is 3,11 5,647 men, costing annually 170,000,000 sterling. Tex remittances to Europe, for the pay ment of our foreign ministers and consuls, are necessarily large, and it is said that the Government, instead of purchasing bills of exchange, at high rates, hoe detrr mined to send three millions and a half of gold brought from California, direct to Lon don. The loss by exchange on the remit lances made to the Daring., (who ant as United States banker, in London,) during the fiscal year, was $98,659 42, and on the one item of consular salaries the loos by exchange was $54 868 08, PAP.BOI BIROWILOW, In ,in Knoxville Whip ea i R , bet Vend/oar, 1 , es, e of the Tenneeetre arljtoareey : "Tbr nigh the mar• ay of God, the bunt:mei of Mr. Lincoln. and trot madam of the Southern Confede racy f To ono stow to Sod • 61 , 1441:1 'ere!, shore we cam at least besot 1 l at lb. Lord be tire alskor of as oil B. IA not below fore bean the maker of us ell, but the titnr• are changed I It will r (care luny/ %nil gaellights in the daytime to bud tt.t. aria taaracy of this lose.' PCISOMAL.--Capt. Messed** N Whip ley, Chief QollfletftllSl Ol of 4. Depart ment of the duegoebasos, bee Gese ,Pl.r ed to report to ilsJoe General Wane, 04 Nee Orleaas, and is proper's, to leave fyr Hi. destination. All one of the prinelpal pfh ores of this Department, Capt. dh;pley was greatly esteemed for his high Goethe., qoalifloaltous and his ti113041111:1 02e11.41q, Whether In social or official interoonese. Cosa Ou in Itouu.—A formation MC tar to that of the oil-producing regions of Penneybrania has been disarmed in Son. sta. CoL Gowen, an American, him ob. talked from the Itunbut Government Lags o" Oft, thodeand urea, ,upon *doh to grill our/ on No animations • foredal ell . Two Hundred Thousand More. The eel of the President for 200.(h)l) more men has not taken the country alto gether unexpectedly, for we hove had rumors for several days that such a call would soon he made. That it has not been made wlthout good cause we may be very sure. Many will ask, "Why was not the whole number called for at first, so that the reople could grapple with the business of filling their quotas at once ? ' We cannot answer that question; and very likely it would not be compatible with the interests of the coun try for ;the President to answer*. Let us be content, for the present, to know assnr edly that they are needed, or they would not hate been called for. It will be observed that the President, in his call, speaks of the morinc and :anvil, ac well as of the military, service. Take this fact In connection with what has become kac con of the unfriendly attitude of France toward: us e and of the probability one of the first acts of Manumit:, when he ascends the new imperial throne of Mexico will be the recognition of the Southern Confederacy, and probably a treaty of close alliance with that rebellious concern, and we may find one possible solution of this extraordinary demand for men. For more than two yeere keen and close observers have percale, 1 that N 1 . 0! EON was ap proaching us by sly and cautious advances, like a oat, ready tJ inaks the spring et the opportune moment. Perchance that mo tion& has arrived. To the rescue, then, noble young men! and whether you are coiled to face traitor ma countrymen or the invading forces of a foreign tyrant. "quit you like men,' and end the strife. Soldiers , Widowe and Children We give below a couple of paragraphs which require no extended comment. The Ingestions they contain should find a re sponse in the heart of every employer and every officer of the Government who has patronage to bestow. We are not so mind ful of the wants of soldiers' wid ows a n d or . pimps as we should be. A grateful people should at least see to it that the families of those who have given their lives for the Union shall surer want. "Th. Senate has <unarm.' Mr appoaut meta of Mrs. Smith , widow of Lieut. Col. Stoat, ~ 1 the 45th Illinois, who was killed last .0 •, of the assault. upon Vicksburg. a• Postrolat,— r Pdtnatstress, rsther.—..f Iloclan , l. 111. Th.. c..untry will Indorse [hie applotment, and the poopla rill unite In saylng there ought to b.. more of We .00000 kind. There ars thousanno of sash pawnor,. that could and ought to he dlls.l by the widows 01 our fallen broom, n..f ofie,.. 51, , h... Lot of meat, soldiers, who, on sserifietng t hoot- its... (or the of the nation, hoes left dews... tamtlt. I'd od The foregoing is from the Washington correspondence of EL Cincinnati cotompo rary. The following is frtAin the New York Tribune "We ondentand that Postm.ter Wakeman pro. poem to take Into the p_etodlty numb., of boys r , r the age or about ;astral:l yeart, Ish,re fathers here lest their hays ht the sarat, of their nmotry, thus aiding their widoerr.d mothers, and Introdocte..•' " . am. oostriou• eploymnt. The idee 14 • pralreworl•y one, and w.• heve r., drubt be followed by men, other. of our rItIZ.11• h•TO empbnyment to Inntow euit•ble f, boys." P JrOTICES. BRICKLAYEIts' .NiEk,"TING B:lctlay ere' Lmon mo. to at the Allegbr. ny TI al'e•enp.ny e e Mel, Irvin atrent,every rttl. DAY Er Ea IN4, at 7 , - o'•l.elt Punctual &eget:A -nne...4 the ie.netted tubl7 It . ALBERT Secretary. AK(' )NU ARO. 11 ALLIG111:HT.--Tbere be a meting In the 8 , ,44 Bombe, TB C ILSDAY EVEN INO, .t 7lj erke.k The member. of the Bleck Coo teli ttees, aurl all ri •Le of the varal, are expert. el to lete prevent, ar loon , es of Impertenre sill Le .ee. By order. W CPA M REPS, Treacle. TU MILKMEN.—The 1- , . NOTICE members or the Aeanriailoo, earl al Mame, ~o ^ra, ,, , are r-,Pat.....1 In oo TIICHSDAY alr rsii NU N. blotch 17th, at 2,5‘ o'clock, at John Fee..l..r'a, in tot, tot.. con.lleratruti the Tarot lon of Sunday trart-I. By enter of tra.1.5.3t o I, NOTICE.—The ownern of CHI of tl,o All,lbtoy.landing are nagrineted to remote tbtt •t once, otherwieo It will have to Oe tvototed nt thoir ox;•ebee, es IL. re le n o tivotti there to .10 the rorient hotline.. Attention to Ulla molter will tan. trouble end etre...* mhl I JA ME? ALLEN ‘t bort Mentor. [1:- -- >'' AN ELECTION for President and Dtr,t,re of tl , e Nta,be.ter Fat - Inge! Bulk vfft beheld at the 11ehb.)ng Ilon.e un SATCEDAT, the 21ith day of Ilamh, bolvor. %be hour, of I and i o'clock p. m. THOS. B. UPDIKE, Oehler. Han-boater. Feb. ?Sth, Intik ruhlitd ,ECT 1: E. R v A. A B ItOTT, of 6-T,' Steubenville, will deliver • lo,tura In the Feet G•rusuon elfurth. Alleitheny Ohl, . TIII•RSDA VANISti, Match 17th, Ter, 1, for the ben,fit thr Sabbath tl , hool and Semi. rj. Sub jort—“ itTert of the Preaeut ar on the Future [Natio7 of our Cc lime,." Ticket', 2.5 rents. Li,oi • open at To alrck— Lecture to comnr•ndo at 734,. Prrialinaoa rt. Ws ratt eau CIRCA,. IL/al-WAY 00., OrrICR or "via Securrar, Pittsburgh, Pa., Yebruary 24th, t an( DIVIDEND.—THE BoARD Director. have this day declared a dividend of SEVEN PEN glebiTUM ou the fuming or Third blore.~l Bond. of this Gomptiay, oat of the earn ing. Lf 1063, payable lo crud, on the 1.1 d.; of April nest. W. H. DA BENEFIT uF SUBSISTE:CCE (lON MITTNIC.—V lei tor. will be admitted Into the Fort Pitt Work, Fifth Hard, to Pe. the &mon. 20-174C11 GUN, daily, until lot, 1064. Price ef admission, CIESTb, the entire proceed. to he peettutrel to tbs Sebalatence Committee of Pitts. burgh. Tirketa sold at tb, office of th• work., at Illanottgahela 'locum atid at St. Charles Hotel. fe27 r, Exiwiative C.,mmit two of th. Pitt...erah Panttary Pair have of d t heat all different sen , rls.llol., branches ot Indorary, pr. , h-arione. Dad tinder. is. rr.oroted to thmoat neparato ronv•atloni at once, aed appoint ree more inanalttot• o• a llammithao to aid In tha ^ ltteldiryh hanitary Val, It hidr 4 spea-tfally re ant•td.l that the uf all .sid Committee. be banded In at anon to th• Sec tel.', of the A.lret la thou, •0 thou. to duo tM Water tittert, drat tag Wdrehott.te Be ..rder. Id It. }JiII:SOT, illsrt.rntan. El=lll§EtE:il LSE'' AL Lai: G 11FiVV ()spitAl_ u inn privligro lact.w. T6l. 11,.4.1 fully nrgaulrerl snd la norm .10 rat Iroc We or.. prr.put.,l In np Grukeral 'lank lurr !m0tt0..., and .41,r ”nr e•urd ••• t Ilankr wud 111...ter• t! ruu,rl.•tul lift. country npt ta: nttettrudt gly, r.dl. tt. tt :.• tr.'. mud t.• ot; Ctty of Ping/v.-411 a.. .II ,r tne country. Yl.onety• rdvt.d. rue pt -ct I+ , nght ad. 4 wuld T II NEVIN. JOHN It t HENRY tiltlClVlu, 11. M. H t ./MIN 1 1 - Itt)lrtiON C. littY LE, ; H. N . RIIITk. A RTII Itti,l3SoN. T. 11. NILVIN, rutotneve JOHN P. ILILAMICII.4.•..ts. ==l1M!B D 11).1T ES `F( Ill.ONEil —A LEI A :LEN. win h.. cendt,nte f ,, e the "Mon e' Conner, Nut ).--t to -1. .• he I:epttho 1:13,n Cetaity ,e`et, Cut:NT Y (101 MlS:4l,iNhi,t of r-Ln t .••••11:p, tell! It. •• Lb. n sleet to lt• ttn,i•• t. Lon •h• Uttlon tlepuld,_.nk ,_.n 1. ta”n. nata,t,latt-tr FOR ( X ) ROSER.—SoLAIMON SALA, I.l,mtnritom, I*. a emadidat. for tr.louut Ilnovwt.tlon mis dk• 'Olt COUNTY COMNIISSIONER, lioromk cr WIMI..•Llp, nlil • • , -sn,(1.1••• t cunt, , ixtas,••••••• r xnt,,,prt to IL. s, of tin, V ur Ilepubli can ntheon outh,. h 2.4•••. • 1.( LS' CA 1_ 1,11:•Nilils A..•. , 111•*Le I. Doer Towt•Llp, irtllk, • m0.1.e. c.r .r ..Mon of Ciaunty Commis. dw - 1....n the UoMe B.npub. !can C..vention. fellULt ao rr',.. FOR l' a ( aTi (IN( Yi Ali I' . - - D. U. '''- Limn will boa rnrolotate• for the offloo of Prothonotary. atiblat to too , Irconort of the V Dion lieoul.ln an , :0,1•••nt tut.._ kap . ). t.". 1: .... Fffii: Pittrai( IciffATi.-go . I '' ~, P,trl will to- a.andhlate for th. take of Prothonotary. nobtoet to tio to Igtou of tho Villa.. Ilepahlltan County ~o aa n w T" ---- ,. ri ill PHI i'IIiIISOTATEV —.rKill ' '-, if WAttlia, 14 It... Sixth Whrd, P. t•barch. Iwlll La N ,nolidat, f r •ho .46• a ~ f Prntnonntary, sul,nre .n ,ho decl•tou • I the Luton fiopublirwa Gon na:Mon. pan se FOR I' li (IT ildWri R - 17—'f noi. Bret. will be a candidate for the °Nice of Prvtinnotary, trifhl.l to the decielott of the Ugh., Republic.. Convention attl:to _. -- -,j... FOR PILOThI/NOTA It i' . —4.1 CO. Lt - o- , s, 1,,,,..1 , 1 I, x chi:AL:tote for the tam of Prothonotary, subleTt to lb. declaim, of the V WO. 0(.11",•9 tl , 41 relit:daunt, r --.-..Fpi( . --- rimi._-.-m. 13. 'WART rim E., -f of Dlrmllactem will be • candidate for Cur toner, etattect to the elt , lNlnti of the Union Itlepooll4. OIL ithhttiewto CU I ) NF.I4,—.JOHN MCCLUNG, 01 the Tint Word, All.gbenr, oil bo • oodl• dote for Coroner of A Ihritherny Dottoty,totttoct to GA decision of fl. onaoln, (losinty Polo, Ot.hveution 4,10... .4rE or 40 rERTISE.I7IEXTIL pOI'ASEL 6 CASKS ao.l for sole , by bALZELL &CO., u 1.171 141 Liberty azreJt. FILIFFTTEII. half. bblz. choice HMI, .11-, just reeelYed •rl for gala by fabl? JOHN B. CANFIELD. CL IF T IN 'ti WOOLEN N'A'111:11- x_i PROOF DELYINO—A eupplt r f tt. diffornot teldthr r,0 , .41a:...1 r.r foal. at lb. Itolla llul for Depot, .N. 4. 2d and th Nt. Ow .treat. bt J it,hl7 Polo Agora,. for Allateloo, ronoty. INI/IA IitUKESER .111)SE FTEA td PACK 11. i and GASH ETS—A larg stook on rand and fur 'air t IL. Indla Etd.bor Lr Put of .1. d 11. PHILLIPS, inhlT N..:F and NI. (•lnat. ONNE LEATIIEtf. BELT -1 !) nt oh.. dlffevat.t width, and a onpollor quality, fur ..In nt Not. and 2A In Clair at. zuhl7 J. a 11. PHILLIP& LACK LEA'I'H ER, of the hegtqurtlity, s! Noe. :A and 'Mat. flair etr.ot. Inhl7_ J. a H. P 1111.1.1 Pa (10.1iN MP:AL.-150 hw:h. prima, :n eat, fio.l for only 1 4 W M, 008 M L 7, bLln Fn. 271 Lam., •tre.t. fl • " (k.long rta (a,/, , ^1 141 - 11LIVIM LAZiittft. _ ti KEN )( n IVA NTED. - -Irw in r rntils a Or. n IT ors wn.ol wanted, Par atotA Ins nto.t. Rua al rn M , DON 41.1) at LES, roOlf. Nos 42 .cl 444 lAberly st., Iltar Wand. SW MKT URANUS--JiuntreciivCrl, a kw horn. prime Swest Orange.: also, easin. Too-moo, tn ash at IL. family Urtsaors Mole or JOHN A. ILZKEIIIANY, 03610 aranor I.llorly and Hand atrwsta. - ' • O U AC :itti rabam, p 1111 k. Butter and Family Greaten knit ramfmall (rah (rem the Beaten Dalton. and t.r ado by lbw or at retail. by JURN A. RENSHAW, Clonsur Llbertyand Hand lama. 071.-TD quart and pint bat ik / t 1... pore Itallon, hilto sod flordranz 01. n. Off; chcdce townie. J mit revolved end for sole b 1 the doe. or einol. bat:l., 17 JOHN A. RENSHAW, Cl.rver Liberty and Hand stmts. WANTED—A .MAREIRD MAN. iOlLitdl Cam 17 . to take chara• of • Farm ft.... mil.. from Oda e11,. 1r Itn'arencea regnl,l kl a to character and atoldy nqnlra of 111cDONALD d ARBUCKLE:O, tablet ?Ica 212 and 214 Lltr rte et., or. Wod. 7)1IA CCU. 2 , e/ package. Dark rhea.; .1. IN. .In Spun 12.11. 7: do Nary Pot 10 d., n.rk Yet, 174 do Natural Leaf, in lege kJ. Twist ; font lc, CU lIIVICR kIA ZIA 6. .4 no I 'art* 31setond WU/ • I • • k no.d. do ; • • 141,1,1,4 ,0 AI d t. u, !AL •4 41.4 Heroine : I i 414•461 lAAkaAI fotibt " 0.1.11 m Y 14, .r.. , 14.• Iµ , rbi ha 41 VIII 4 11.AZILAR. ' I 4I(A its, Ml' lilf !Olt Fi.OUR.— °hd nti, bent Wheat,. fidly ein. 11•44 row Irtlog 1.1gh.14 nbd 4t. Laula Mont to usa.l.. W. Dim pe g " Surat& oar atutr.moss wi th 7 1 .Zorinol - wit:Ls" ,te. touts brits4l. tahltiw 2. T. 112T2iIDT A Bart on. es " I own or *.L . .) EH' 401r.EATISIS17EJVAS. ._„_. 1 4 -1 01. i SALE OR RENT—In Birming .ll: haat. D 4 t it 11011 Ist moms. FR.- to 4 the .-nreer a licit.. sat Bli n ks. strains. Ga. La sorest rooms LI th Ise by to. I:bwilro 11. lit LIITTIIL HEN Y WA I.I.ACE, Commission Merchant, SuUTH k TIER 15T, ICAGO Part tr alr• u,-n too pact IV ling ,r‘lor 1111:/fW E. 4, ' , LUTA: uRAIN rah': fiu, ALAI I N IS'FRATOWS all --Let tors ot tel Is Is:rotten on IQ. eetate of PaltstAt M. 11111 or. late of the GB) of I ittaburgh, dthea•ed. hawing born grunted to the and. reigned all petsone Indebted to the estate are reyneethtl to make Imme &Ate payment. and Otto. having claims to moment them et thou t delay. RA DA C BILLER, Admiefelrattu, West C Or, to JOIIN 11rOLAIIILIS,tn./ A ttsrutty,ltmon, Allegh n eny City . 71 Grant street, Pitteburgh tratlTtlawdAer A I.LEGHENY STREET NUT] CES.— All person. Interested In the nettling of ALLE GE{ LR T AVENUE, • diagonal wool running 1,001 Allegheny avenue to PrankllnMott, and In the widen tog of BI 0 WLlti , STREET ore notified that the. Viewer. will meet at my office, on SATURDAY, Starch 111th,1064. •t o'clu-k p. us, when and wheth they may attend, It they see prop... P. PICUOYER, Jr.. Relict... for Allegheny City. tottl7Rt Nn la Fourth etreet, Pltutonsgb fly RAILROAD CONTRACTORB.- 1 ar. invited for the GrulaalluD. Ma o sty, Bridge Sopeestructstre. Ballast, Cramt-tfee thd 7 reek•laylng of the Pltteburgh A ConnetlevUle Rallrqd, between Connellavllle and ertmbeeland, ombessing • distance of about eighty-erven (b 7) milts, In sections of about one tolls rash. Speollt cations will be ready at the Company . . Oak, In Pitthborgh, on and alter the 28rut OF MARCB, ear relt'nt, an N d propothle g will be rteslved ontlll the Idea ti A UL, thenin BaN.I. 11. LA! 11081, Presld4 Oak. of P. AC.a. R. , / Pitt. bomb, Mamh MI. GROVREZ A BAKER:SI SEWING MACHINES R 1116: II 1,1% 1 *3 - 00,000 /100,000 hI3 l S S WITIIoUT ~''l •! 1 uIII 11, VC 151 ••1121 , 1t BUT IT. 812113121 EOM= EI:=21! I=! It Will Hem, Braid and Embroider WHICH NO OTHER MACHINE DOES =SEE e .111 t cherg. Office, No. 18 FIFTH STREET A. F. CIIATOAEI-, 1nt.17 II E('l LEY, a tompieto ny,tom MEDICAL ELI:C.7BICM Fur the trrattrma mod cure or D 1... DR. A. CARTER, Or PIIILADFiI 1.11/ Wooed to orm the of PiC•burgh and All. steny elly, sod 01 pabqd gonor•Ily, [kat b.. I. nXttod sa ofßro et No. 143 Gram eeeeee PUtaburgh, pay Wha re he wll delete a portloo of bla time to .be treatment tt Plunnsee. Qm.nitetbn frre. Those ern., have teat.] thle agent, ne anaplo .d toy the nnak•llful only, •-s nomad to an Inerertgation of Its tuerita, am practiced by Pr CA RTill. Klectriral ruuldwalona, yropgrly leinituted, afford In'allible testa of laieemeo, and In BO cut are Infarlons or unpin. ant. PI:MISES CrIZED RI ELECTRIC,Ty. The fAloolott ate among the =my alse•••• In rhlch thl• trotet• of pr. widow Ella to afoot • tare: Ago. ChIDI Asthma, Apoplexy, Antenortboaat Broach'lb, Brute., Ostarria, Consumption to Its Crly etas., Coldness of the foal or hoods, Cholera, olera Morbas, Contraction of Cm Chest, Gouge. Coo of the Brala, Chlorogle—grma tacks. re, Cramp or Croup; Dropsy, Mandato 'lnman; Litafttem from warfints mums, loisainess or DrOlninn.s, In all It. form., Ditecalt eseplmtimt Dlsessme of the Urinary Olean., Dleutano contract.' by the ose of Memory Earache, Eye. vomit or Inflamed. Epilepsy —'.ping *ldioms, Erysipelas. F.clal Paralysis, Ills. from radon...time. G o u t; Whooping -tough, Hand. • - he, II yetert t; 'niftier e.; Jaundice; Liver, torpid oat, ol Lockjaw, Leorort tsar, aJbas. whiter; Lumbago, pain. snout the limbo or back ; Mental depression. Muscular contraction; Neuralgia. Numb. oeaa ; Plenriay, Pneumonia, Paralyais, Painful Mari tima, lon. Pepltatlen of the Drat t, Palsy. Pllea, ho.; of the lris—b lodates tram W liheantallsoi ; m,' pended A nimathot, Seralual -eakness. Spinal ru on D e, St. Time ant, Suppremlon of %oink Short Dem of Sight, Son•strot•, limofula, Spina. Inew•out., Sprains; Toothache, Tumor.; Shisistraiso Mon, derangrments la Ut role Waskneas, Otarfoli Misplacement.; Witham.] Limb; W..k Ty.. A,. To the above might he added a long Ile of diction corable by this agent. Aoy information r. Nu , t Ink the treat:soot of dia. ea.. eat be obtaloe I by railing on Pr OA STEM, er bee poser ally or by lettor, at his rooms, No 143 UMa\r sruie.r, Pitt.horgh, tab lb. To Tbsedlapi QIXTIt & SEVENTH WARD LOTS. 4...7 —On Ti . MICA Y EVENINII, Mat all 214, at treheok. teal U. cold, at the thrmaturcial Ws Room. • SI fifth Wart Nine Lots, each tut log • front of 21 Net on T. neblil strut, and I sok:WW2 hack el 1nc1... b One Lot, utag • front of IX/ fan on Tildonetti street, and extending back VI toot 2 loon.. Matti.. Lot., each having • front of 04 feet ViLe street, and ea toadlng bark 91 loot 2 Motu. Two Lots, eall imelng • front of 20 Met co VI, strut, and extending back PI foot 2 mcbeti Plana may be eren at too a Iletll. Hoc, Tsum--Oue-tbird cub, 0,1410 In ou sod I . year., with latent. mbi7 QU I' ERR OIL PA 11 , ;TIN(LS.--Ou IJ TIIIDAT kfORNING Mardi I/16, I &It, at In o'clock, and EVENING at 7,..; o'clock, mill b. mil, lb. almond floor of Comm. Mal Balm Rooms, bo. 04 Vent. event, • superb eollorbou of Lill Pairtling., from lb. Doescidorif. I tal mu! American &hoot, comprising Landlempeo ' , rut oanl end Ilommorn Subject.. Winter Comm, Enron. Piece., an., Melod ic. malts from eminent and Willful copies of the most mild/rola' pn do , lekno of Ih. kinsten. The Painting. an all elobantly mourned In clan. mental gilt (mark to b... 14 together. The colloction Is niten for el .mlnalon OMIT DAVIS aIcILWAISEn Anoern LA VIS A Mel LWAINE, Auct're. WA NTED —By a man having Two w Thousand Amesof y amine Land In swell settled part of she West, with pertomatos emu, and officivot umber for (aortae and fort, and haring a oerupy it for • Stook farm that will gag sr belt., than the nand rood. of . fatmleg . ishea a man somewhat acquainted with farming, I haring Cresol him; to rITO 7toosand Dollar., to 0 , bi g , i n en topmi and equitable arrangement to wo and MT, on the farming hustneta The had .f reference. give. sad required. g g ply Immediately. to to I7 Al. HoLAIN $ 00..109 Tottrth draw $2OO Pg —. 2 7 .` 3 ,ncm ftrr the recovery of the body of my Eno, IDWARD N. RAMC r ed a about la pare, oh* was loot off boo etemboboat Panther, Irbil* bylog ;baba Freedom, ISmover ccnety, Pa , Merck lath. .1864, at 6 o'clock p. tn. The body c vb 3 to mop Identified, at kb un do rcloiltev ere marked erbb kb name. 111. name Is abo written In a kda,k morocco pocket book, eantalned gamut 980 In O. It Treasury Notre lied ona .lark colored wit coat. A. p, bi.o. f wstch lountk,ll L Ilkeiy that en. rernalulng port may batbuvtd cta litapottoo, attacbod to tat mt by a light iron watch cbtibt. tobl7lw JOSEPH P. HAIGH. H IDE -1W Dry Flint; Grum Sated ; Suit resterd ptr steamt ttelawFit and keUla lot to dun ermingonest. • IIo.DONALD ♦ ABBI7OELZI, obi! SCI sad 1114 Llherty mut. JrE lir 4 151 rE RT 18 ,E.V E.4-T8 N EW PUBLICATIONS, AT HUNT'S. Thankarap, Lim Gomm l.t .nd the. man of latter. Astoniabing Malan... of Idm and Rrigbt—bl. al...lards with and ...imps. fr o m lb. Kalght. of the Golden Circle. The Life, Campaign. anJ Sarni.. of Gee. linCiel Gen. McClellan's !Upon, with Maps. Price Mc Beadle's Dims Tale, N" 7. The Life aid Public Pere wee of Major General Butler. Price 2S mots. The rnknown—t he Scares Helper. P. Br. J. II &shim n. Illunroa last 16 Cent No eel —./10 ludlen Plater The urirefe Vulg. Lest Lumber of Dime hovel,. The Silver Eland. Last °umber In cent Neseletra. Neighbor Jackwrod. By sorb., of i'n.lJo'e C 0... Elllgross'e Ball Worn aside. The Perfect Gc utlonuto If you want New Books, Late Paper, or Statoota ery of any kind, r.ll or bead te Cheap Cash Book `torn We. F. TIPT/I 81%. DIASOISIe 111 LI, TO THE PUULIC.—The Pubh.hera Flaring mail. eilrancei In tb. Wh.lerelr Pricezor their Pohllest let,. , are at LAST COM. MILLED TO INC:RYAS& TMIC MITAIL PRICES or somstor Tll3ll, iimitinerztal vie Eirtrper's Magazine, Atlantic Ttionthly, :all '• Mager ne, Coistlnent•l Monthly, Btackmoriire Mag azine an! Dernoreat'r Car Mono, 30 rent. par copy each. Harper'. Weekly, hereafter, R centre per copy. New Tort Clipper, Pollee Helmet, and Sunday Mercury, 7 e ent• per copy each. New York Ledger, 0 cents per copy. AU New York, Pal!adapt's u,d einelooted lad rents par ropy each. JOHN P. HUNT, HENRY 'MEM!, JOHN W. PI MUCH, M. A-OILMEN/OPd KT, L EDMONDS, • ra.LNK P O.ISR, M. MINES, and all other denim... Pittaburgh, March 16th, IVA. mhl6,4t FRESH STOCK OF GOODS FOR Now or., ft . , the Itopool ea of our custoutrta the public, anti to who erpr.clata style sod quality In CLOTHING, Inalng ever7thlug ttna.t I. new 1111 I E. •.ral. , 1., • TIBET IJLABSStuII TRADE Wbl,ll ore 8 111eud..vor 4, wake up 4, ttod.r w ti .afleactioo of th,,vn who m.J furor u, with 11, , 1r str,osp.. 11,..4e0rt to Se.ttolol Crlay 2 Son,l N • mak• • rpn.l•l , y 31A, fur thr. Arm, •:d 1.•, mh• I w lAq FIN Ti •I{ K:= " • lur• wnrm✓oc Pendants, Chandeliers, Brackets BAILEY, FARRELL & CO , VVI - 110;1.Kki 1% I I.St)N LOCK STITCH SEWING MACIHINk'S TIJ 1111 CA PK2 4 T, nim PI.IST Ain Pr Inc/pal liairar and WEI riersala 11.11' Mnk Hlo,k eeneral Agent. LEE= HENRY a HAL}, & tX Spring Stock of goods, Which le .:tent, ebnisad foals will &urn.. any. thing we have ever o ff ered •a to the public. returning tbeok t. otr many frtrnd. ' adrtro r ff u. r t bel="ft.rbr''°''., ic lentutnlaiaa , all on i:ns and men; new non A chel op tollettlun of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOOD/ (X)ELNICIS Or PIENN LSD ST. CILA 11l BTBE3TS, W. W. DOILDDIA• D. Formly with Eaton. urn Co. w.DK . . 'k, MOO ItHEAI), DENNISON & 2116. NI Blark.t eirost, of I a norm,. a toll smelt of grza t 1111112111 NO, LACE, ENGLISH arol TRENCH CHASE. SILK .4 LINEN HAS DICIIICIIIICES, GENT'S FURNISH MG GOODS ; brat finality COT. TON, MERINO and SILK UNDERGAII• CLLHISINSTI, HOSIERY, OLOTSSI; beat WHITS SMUTS, LINEN and PAPER OOLLAIRS: BUTTONS, WI kinds; SPooL COTTON; latest atyle BONNET RIBBONS, do., So, which an offer. to the trade, at atorlisale .4 ratan, on Om moat favorable terms for rash. Want.. Nnoostuici CEREUS, a new _LI Ranier lbr the if . andlirrehlef. 1t Is lb. num bwraot ind deitcate of .0 perfume.. It not Main thy handkerchief TOIL Slow larp a Mehl nod nomplete assortment of 11111 the .Icla ion. nth and on SOAPS, ; recommesdnd ihr rreaderhu, AIMo, dn . comb. RUPT•LO HORN DRESSIPQ 001111 IS, ell Mani I /fair Ilinalcoo, Pali Besse, Nall and Tooth and Mr thoshm, I n n great variety, kept constantly on Land eeal GEO. A. KELM'S BARG Erros,ll, Gamer 06In and Fedora/ covets, fIOOD NEWS TO HOUSEKEEPERS. VI —Tho culaorleara, kbas. MI for prat Wears, ro• z e i ro . 2 I t e ct vi t to o t t beir par to .11 sad exam]. 11 017B1C-11117IIIII9ITTNG GOODR, °owletlog of Cutlery. Tea Tray'. and Waite re, Drip tar la and Blook Tla Tea Seta, Flea hem Red ataado, 'toilet Wars. Died Carat, Lama, tc., be.; Vonalna Stove., Ti. aod !Mae Ire. Wale., Ilona. .W.l P. (fr 411111. ` 7,2, Jeb float V. 1.. to *. arder All week well...sated. aptaZn 813:41 HASE two WILL PURC t w o . tly story Brirk Dwelng. and Lot, near the nerixr of Prete and Locuat 'tree., alb surd. 11100 will pumbas..• neat twn-alory Dwoiling and Lot no Poplar ...ea Allegheny Oily. 14180 will purchase rive o.mulluge and lota rnr• iser of Carry and Lamm! Menem, Aline.. ivy City. Will rent claar of all tun for 11 per coon no the in•11111.0.11t. Apply to mbl4 B. IdcLAIN on.. 101 Ponml, mined 11 M. P. BECK & CO., Wholesale Urn 116 Llbertj m met, ilitTe for rale 20 tibia Bomanite 100 do picked Russet Apples; 80 do rams Whits Helms, 60,314. Le p ar 'ruble,. 18 Dbl.. Barnet elder; 1 do Tallow; 3 do Sorghum Nolassee; 1000 do Extra No. 1 Pall. 200 MILS. S CAR OF THE W ES'I TLOOtt. 100 bbl. Pcot's boob;. tales Flour; 100 do Bartlett'. do do 60 do Colo'. thole. tatr. do; 60 do Ford's tot ; 00 do Caro /Ora taloPy do , 60 do from'. It. Loofa do ; 100 da Golden Ado Kilt. do; /for dot by LINDSAY t TILWOHD. bobls 117211 mm moot. a GAR BOX MLNIIPACTURBRit, almAz for. by 1 67114V1EL SAM, Bev KW, loblathr 11311itakyyms Plll6y4pid.. JOHN P. HUNT'S FZINEEM Magazines and Papera THE PliniEST SEASON GRAY, POSSIEL & ERSE /larch.. Tellm e, Nn. I , VI onTil NI IMEICEI -On 111,1,1 and tio. ItIO Fourth Ittaoct, El= lIIGIIE-T liu• 27 FIFTH or WN. BIIMNRIt & CO. I=l •re Lou recv It lug ltula •wn,. i o ban& Pm•+vaaa, PA. In Mark., p '.., I HIM & 801TW &HT?, JOIIN DOUGLAsS, IoT Am 0u . r.,) &oder to k 1,41. . f ifor.lgn awl FM osletla Leaf and MaroVeolar.-4 Tor 4 ^coo. Also Imported, Bombs, Comma uldlneatle 51:01k3, .NUFF, 8310 R INo ro sOOO, PIPES, , 80. 13 Noltrli St ITN ITSERI, tomer of Onnucturo, Phfladolpht, •YTILIN Y. MAW. PROPOSALS for Grading, Paving and Betting Irak Curbetoce Tanocbtll Lana, In the Sixth Ward; also both/ Ittrart, In th. Ninth Ward ; from Pena etroet the A Ilse:coy rtrar ; •lll b. nt eel red op to SATUIttI/ a V, the loth !nal, at I o'clock R .. The /ode en Tonottlelll 1... will Mate the price per ratio yard. All material to I. mama to directed, or let trench pa r yard, the contractor tomer• lair tbe bonding otono. 0 . kIoGOWIN, etthlkid Recording Stagnlator. RARE CHANCE for an active lean or A cub eapltel et •ealy awn $1,0700 Or 11.200 re era!red, cram. ea barren le Is • ftery neer the city ea 4 ea the Meer Amen.. DOI eel, •firshasy Oily. mb11:11r Bome AWAY, from the Allegheny Whet?, es tad. Welt of the 10th of It_ areb bat OIL YLAT. to. aaaao stun a YeBBLDI es the of WI. It le Omit to ft. wee by It ft. .tbs. The beak head mod porter the dm/ aro an Abe boat. A [Neal mad wftl I.Dall*, latorastlasi et the beet There aro a heat& mak bat thedt• It vim It kola way. vahlittt ..rE IV .11) rE. R TIS Errrs SILVER Pisani. :4()A1 CRUMPT( )ti &.c( 3e7 Liberty Street, &I, Proprieliin ikzi I MitonCibatu,ni km Wrist. ria pi,.o, 1nd:.,,., I atirl .1 Lao, nmileawlarvr. of voyrtior a tick at Palm, German, Olive and Rosin Soap, IM=!I TOILET AND PANCT SOAPS of our BIL PEA ItL ll', which we rota). deatially rffrotonsend hatter perform( use than any other het re El. poi lie. •Infold la,rue mind h. neither lo.nah, Pali. Lime or , IL—dta or ray other Inl substanoto in It. roan el. - tore rla can shrink or tire the /total fahrif,i. Flan., and W.Letpi ran be washed 'alai tlio rapidity f Cow, (n on Clotboa washod with tha PEARL 1.04 P do not require boiling or half the ruhLitig, Each of r.,firse say.. the gnaw and tear. SILVER PEARL SOAP It. morn Dtrt, Tehetro Stains, Pi Intent' I 11., Smoke, ai.ol the worst Beige Watsr btatirs im ,..diatel), by ape., n; it with a molt Sponge, i.r•ptecting it 1nd...., Cl.rpets and Totniture from •t: Is .1 slop. It Imparts a bill tanoy to Plata, J meter, Gluoware, knomolled Patoting• sod Patent Lo.ttiter Inamttlittody, , sod by clesuleg marbl• and fl or tile It ha. no Nita'. For the Bath, and panto- II 1,17 for Ft:tamp - motor, the lifL PHS ?HA EL 804 P Is a perfwel luxury• 1,1 . 1, all who have tried 14 supetior yu rlitle. in arknowletlge It the greatest diwvvetr of the ear Thu Lkorn;any ask • trial from all afro are iniorestod In using Soap, and In eveg ca.. will refund the rice of the .ante should It fail it, wocompliah moat • • claim for it, If o.od atttordlng to our direction.. Sold at ERR CENTS PER POUND, In fifty pound boxes, delivered ti, lbe cora or boats, or In Al legheny, Birmingham and city maid:nen hr. of d barg ee D i re.. rectio o n. for use on a I packap.a. Liberal td. kl.rehant• tr.. abroad will .10 wall fn g 1•• ORtritIPTON x L'U • rail. , 41 Llbe.rty •trtnt, orpo- Pentmletlea Repot. sir B.:warft of all Luloglic.on; nob., nnlo• lr+• boring oar tr.l...tuark - St LVER RI, NEMLL —fkot ..enrr.l by Nat..1.,t1 t'..{)rtgbt rohtqf ROCEHIEz. k.A 1r)o ba,,, prime it, 0.47. 10 do ' d. d.., 10‘ Lids f. 0 .uaar, neer r rep, fit do do prim. ua Sogar 100 bble. oe. rte.!. Trto it 0.0 pa. cr...., 21al do do “. 071. ri... 000 do t7yrnp• .1 br.ds; 001 d o Hana-en lire, 16,0 perinea Macire,..7 bbla. and half bids lb) bbis. irortnon Bay Herrings 1.0 do Day of dot 10 do Latrodor do; 101 ha'( bbl.. Lake do; AO do White Fish; .Vin 1,71 a. Tatra No 1 Salt; SOO do Ixtra and lotro Family Floor, NO tax., Tobacco snorted; 76 bid. No. 1 winter atrolnal Lard 01 50 ti.rre• prime Loaf Lard; V. r sale to the trod.. love, by JOHN I. HOOIII a CO , n. 714 corner Smithfield and Water sireata. FIZU iT ANL) sIIADE TREES, EVERGREENS. d‘c '.l P L If, • • bare •nrne Vtooon, and of all the Ung rari•tl. I moot profitable for ails loealloo. n. 8 ., am Early Harrold, Maiden 11.41aad Plpp n, aldwin. PaLoooter, is Toinpkia• , Bit d.. I•L•nd Green, Boots . lionahn, .ko-tionoo, Tolman's I•ool, ,SUIT , • WI • vol., larrr stock of MAR, EBB Y, PICA ill, PLUM, SHADE TI: Y,+, Elf, SIT RUBBER T, OBEENHI)UtiIt 1 . 1.1 \TB, it,. Re An oor •ttrk is large, we offer •st Inds °lmre le to pl.toro or wholesale parch.- erdere left at the Greenhouse, aklood, or i•burgil Poet Oftiro, will ho prompt', attended I. JOHN M EILDOCII, Jr. atit'd•wr rittabutot and ()Aland Barmy-Con. NI ETHoroLITAN LEONARD SUITS MEM I he V, y moyhass Apr t4pritig GRAY & LOGAN Iv Firm STltilij uki,lo arp: WA 10E iit iu ll FARRELL, IRVINE & CO., nle mIN.II SMELT, PIT/L P EM!1=1!1!I D , IIAILE A NI , SINGLE !HMI UN ROLL 11 RIPPERS, CAP & CROWN MAN Oo h.. 1.• mad. ord., Illrboot 1,1 • pwld Hot I.ale ~r mid I..ntlt rrAnt.l - _ B QUIMBY Commission Merchants, ‘,l Igo porvi W ITER T. opect.: •ttwellon u porcbaallog flottr, Grain, Prortsions. tre tantrrn .r. ,m n r QUIMBY tobl.l, 1 2(6 D Remo. vrby It la 1.-Il:r lbao dry I Itla alt.ady mixed. It ha. no tnl.ll .1 It prodne. no dirt or dial t It stand. the moot Intrepe bola. 0. It pm horn rant. It it the moat gr.:mouth-al Polish I 11.4 OM om.-lonath lb. labor. Sold by SIMON JOHNSTON h 3 Uoroer Fourth and ralt!iflekl•treeta, Ai ,coßD St CO., Whole•al• Dealers hi Hats, Caps and Straw Goods En, no., In step the larva* and most eomplet• it. , t of Roods for-- IS I°l3. IL NU 19 A.1.1r.k3 ten r offered la the tweet. Ideretutata ar• requratteet re , tall end examine our • tack. which M gold at toer rate, 13 I Wood /11., Pitttbmih. mho N LIE'S EICELSIO PIANOS I W4ll •r• erarrant•el for elabt years, end patellas. of • theatie granaed time within six month •t.,nld . Plano not or. eetire smisfaction. OH&ELOTTE LILUKZ, 4 nth Km 1 , 1.3.4cen1 for Enete's Pi..., Mince Brno. Plan , wed Prince's ticliool Omens. 0b%6 NF4W CONSIGNMENTS 11.0 half 1 , 66. Lake Boning : 16 dr. WWI.* Ylth; 1000 IN. Cod Ylth; 850 bbl.. Green pplra; 10 do Dr. Apple., 1 car load %Chita Bogart an,rmvi prime l'acurobtr 100 boon Orangat: 50 do 1....n10utr. Jo..‘ r.r.lrrd sod for .al. It. 380 Lltrrry .tr ruhI 4 POTTIIII, A [I( SW 1110EYARD. . - SOLD, SILVER ♦HD U. 14. couPoNs 3( Th. higbnal market pets paid be 61OLD. SILVER & U. 8. COUPONS, At W. Ban!fag Hon. of A. NlcTlolllli. 1111 ezrra to lATALL PAPER, Irr WINDOW PAPER, RANDY /MADRE, PATNT BTI ETIIICB RAGE nod PAPER Cn E oghl. and LIND M lb. em" / 1 prin. pant. al lh. Ikndg and P.p.. !Hone, No. 11 , 4 FEDERAL 31., Allegh•ey T. e. WA fIAU • PRACTICAL OIL RETITZR. is miaow oe t mani7l drElilr LO PER TIS.E.I7E.X7'S CHEROKEE EDICINE., CHEROKEE PILLS F1TGA8..00.117.1, I Ellet.Y. RIOT' LATult. ror tho Rentals] of Otottruclloas anti th e / C•JI.. J Regularity In the ILecarnpuce ..f 11, they cure or h.. numerous rila, spring from Irregularity, Ly remoTlug thri Ity They cure Supprt•rtd, Etceastre and Pa atruatiort. Th - y run Greco butanes ,Ctilonwis.) They cure Nervous and Spinal Affection., Palos in the Beek and lower parte of the Dud), lleavinesti /at trite PEI el!glit exertion, Polpitailen of the Heart. Lowness /1 81ints, klyeteria, tht Headache, (Udell nese, a,„ to • word, by mounting the Irreitilarity, they removi the cause, and with it .11 the effects that erring from It. Comp3ise,l of amp!. vegotable extraeht, they con tain nothing deleterious to any toonitution, hew ever Johann', then hmetlon being to sul.stitnue etrength for weakens, which, when properly need, they noes fall to d.. They may be merely need at any ego, and at any period, erri4 Irwin, the $0 Are. during • bide the enrolling oatenro of their action would in. fallibly prevent pregnancy. All letters seeking Information of ad hei will be promptly, (cooly and dhicreetly answered. 101 l directions accompany each box. Erie. 81 per boo, or no boon fur Id. Pent by mail, few of postage, on receipt of pore dead by ell reepectabla Dr, este. DE. W.Et. kIERWIN A et).. Solo Proprleturs, To 19 Liberty siren, Now Tort. For sala In Pit teleurgb by Dr. GEO. H. KEYSER, No 180 Wood street, and N. Mot LAIIRAN .t CO corner of the Diamond and Market streets. tobl7 2awdennowE - GLAD NEWS! FOR TUN UN POE rUNATE THE LONG SOUGHT FOR DISCOVERED Al LAST CHEROKEE REMEDY CHEROKEE INJECTION Coropoota4.l from Boots, Barks •rld Loa CHRBOKILIC REMEDY, the groat lodtan Diu retic, ureee/1 &imams of the nriettey organs, end , as lumetlnence of the V 01,., Ind.:emotion of the Bladder, Inflaming!lon of the Kldneye, Stone In the 13I'vidder, Stricture, Gravel, Blest, Gonorrhea, and U espectelly evcommeude the...eta.. of Timm Alba. (or Wbltea Im foralesi,) when all the old oter.rne. medicites have felled. It I. gropareet In ; hl hIY mmentrsted form, the dose !Mug from one to two teaspoonful's three time* Per da.Y. It le diorectm and alterative in Ito .olio.—purl. Wag and cleansing the blood, eau log it to Dow In all Its original purity and vigor, that removing from the natant all pernicime came. which have Induced disease, Comdr., Injection Is intended as an ally or mills, act to the Cherokee Remedy, and should to used In conjunction with that medicine in w mem of Gem Jrrbra, Omet, Fluor Albm or Whites Its effect. are healing soothing and demulcent; removing all scalding. beat, chords, and pain, Mated of the burning and almmt unendurable pain that I. asps Messed elth nearly all the cheap ansek Injections. D 7 the ose of the CHIROICEK ItEIIZDY and CHZDOEEZ INJECTION—the two medicine. at the sauce time—all Improper dim/largos are remored, end the weakened orgam mo speedl/y restored to full rigor and strength. For full particulars, get our pamphlet from any Drug Ettore in the ocumbv, or wilts us, and we will mall free, to any address a full beetles Prim, CH2ll,oBrit REMEDY, per bottle, or three bottle. for 53. Price, CWISOICIIC 111 /KCrION, 52 ler bott/s. or three bortlee for $5. Sent t•f expreea. Wavy addrats, OP the rooelpt of pile. &Id by ell roglasts ever; abate. DE. W. H. KERWIN & CO., Sole Proprietor; Da. 59 Liberty Wrest., New Taft. /or .ale le .Fittshorgb by DH. GTO. 11. %ETHER, No. HO Wood street, sod N. IloOL.&11.114N i CO., turner of the Dlosoeshl sad Warta street. oshl7:2evedsaioaT CHEROKEE CURE. EIMMEMI 1713393313 INDIAN MEDICINE C..aapoooled from }Laois, Barka and Leave ♦n unfailing cure for Sponaaturrhea, Seminal Weaknem, Backus:ail Emintom, and ail diseases caused by melf-pollution, such im Lime of livism7. Universal Lassitude, Paine 112 the Bath, Menus of Thrlon, Premature 014 Aim, Weak NUT", Difficulty of Breathing, Trembling, Wakefulness, Eruptions on the Fees, Pate Countenance, Ducally, Coltemnpi Lion, and all the &refill corapleints caused by de. parttug from the path of nature. This medicine simple vegetable extract, end one no which all can rely, aa it has been used In oar prank's for =sty years, wed with thoosanda treated, It has Dot Gdied in • Angle instance. Its candies yowen hats bons extßiclaat to gain victory over the mat otebbank ems. To thou who ban trifled with their mountain, tutu they think themselves beyond the molt of medical aid, we would ny, Demon ! the Otero km Cure will restore your health and vigor, and after all quack doctors hare failed /or fall partkulem pt • circular from any Drug Store In the country, or trite the, propiefor, Ida will mall hag to any one dedrlng the nine, e toll treetlee to pamphlet form. prided El per bottle. Or throe bottlaa for $3, and forwarded by exprenn to all pot. of to. world. Sold by all revottatde droning teroryarbore. DR. R. W. 1930199119 ot CO., Hobo Proprietor.. No. 69 Liberty Amor, Now York. For gab In Pittsburgh by DEL 46Z0. B. NITILLB, No. 110 Wood street, mod N. 11601.ANR,9N A CO., • rner Dlyzond and- Mark.t .trast mhl7:2fivirdawoovri. Ott. WIILIOUT•I REJUVENATE/if) ELIXIR; Or, EIEINCC or LIFi. ad teens Par. Yegetatla Zamora, coutalalrg edible, hilarious to lb. mini delicate. The Baj aaaaa Mug their la the remit of modern discomrem In the veaetable Nap Ord, DSII and abetruet method of mire, hireitpeetrve of all the old sad woro-oot micas. Thin toodlotoolur ton timed by the most eminent medical man of the dry, and by them pronounced to be on of the greeteet medical dimmed. of the ago. One battle will cure General Debility. ♦f. dew auto Er Markt la tweak.. Otte bottle VMS P.lpttudoa of the Heart. ♦ O. dome redone the organ. of mention. hem one to three bolt!. reetorto the insulin* .4 toll ether of yeath. A few dm rastanks ttre 'nettle Three bottle. mere the wont co. of leuyeteney A few dose. nue. the b. .pirlted. one bottle teetotal melded peer. A f.. doses brings the nor to tb. ehr.k. Tills reedkine radar. to manly •taor and robes! health tl per. debilitated, wora.doun and de spairing devotee of am.nal plenevre. The Bathe., ettereaud youth, the oeer•taake! may of !nodules, the rictito of nervous &premien, the to.. diettittal tonna' has poen, debility, at book week:maw eta ehalle °rhea, mill all MIS ltansuai aad permaaest relief by the nes of ale Mbar or Lo• pace of Pnaltl per bottle, et three bottles ha Sh, Atha forwarded l, etprati, es recalpt of money, to !try rddrea.. geld by ul droptisti friersyymm. ba W.. is Oa., . Eale Rippikib., 1 qin..eiLibeitprtaft, Vey Tort. N rft we la Plttelpao bit*: mt. Et Kamm, o. 10 Wood otnno, and NoCLAJUIAN k CO., =my attb•Ttaisad tat listiat nwets.. loklYamit4nysTri CtIITAIN ANt , Y.tYr. Mow ly Ps11,1•1 Tomas rohn who may tlo ndrerin from tbo many Me ocarequent upon early indiscretion or atom, ehoold teen. Ill.try one bottle and b. roliewoll. The ump- By not arresting these signs, which go point as Os needle to the pole, to Iropottr,M loptic Tits, Premeture Denay and Death, • cisme against nanny L. renninitted—a graettleal, although pm/trusted, 8U1011)Z Is being ccuusdhed, All mud eta authorities wise that eters the alerts of EARLY INDISCRETION As the meanie of these Introane Iu tallone es that a vary Wire proportion of Orals palmate emu thetr reception and detention within them to early habit. of Indiscretion. WOKEN, menni . D OR SINGLE, Or those looklag forwsrd to the Married !Watt= 1.111 find It the XTEACT OF PAILILRIA BRAVA • Elreelila for Chlom.le or Retention, all Irresularl ty,,Palayal . Bappreeeed Ifaireee, Somme of the Menu, the Whites, Barnscons, and la short a R dlefteadi of the Genital ar Urinary Organs, let than Proceed from any cams *barer.. "Throw Physic to the Dogs," Bore las immortal bard. If yo aro a tertrarer .t lepoo We advice relative to year Balm:14 ()opens sad likenoetraata, for .11 ample= datigeroas disease, ISOII EITRIOT 01 Mita BRAVA, Atookasty nom went ° Mamma., of no matter trbat krygthonnatko from of otandlng Im met h ango or d 6lstV resulted, no Soldiers Home Upon Furlough, and irbo may wimp. haw ardbrlmsalaty coatemated din.% will and illa EXTRACT OE PARERIA BRAVA Ms oafslbs Cm& Ms. By Its *WU, Getke d= It amass • frequent dales So arise* thereby massing obstructiosse tad 'mutat saEsser sitalmst all Dar of stsietsa• of dm Mlasess. ' 2-0 111VG - 1.131111\T I Bowan of the numborlou quacks to to bout t• all Immo olden. may of them IDIOM NOTHING Of THE PRACTICE Of MEDICINE and yet thy ars W..ssd to deoetre sod &nor man oftantlsoas, after . 111.t.1m0 of sly, doath Mad/you& tbalr rallerlag. GILSON'S OHLORINE WATER In etotoootknt with llto Mane% Is • Mr tiko Gloanotbas, .ProtrutrA Olen. il ow pas.% toprdadly pow of old standing, rooLd do wall to Cu GILSON'S PILLS. • dloiltdoe Mot bos stood lb. teat or ream, and Os osambeellea with them of the EXTRACT Of PARIRIA BIWA, •111•Modaally anNol• any ti, no Ma. te how krog suactlAL am.-02 1 / 1 6 DOLLAR PAM BOTTLIS Wholesale and Retail, JOKE M. FITLTON, Ia? DUIPILTOU WILDING, Puma eras= LINDSETb IMPROVED BLOOD-SEARCHEIR, FOC NI. cos• of all Mama. arlaiag kw ea Impure data of um Diouf, mil ea scaorou. Oa:emote /Drew Om. Othamo s Dies ,eseestLlttepthlls,plee """l"."..emd theta eed, Teter le= 01:1 I tabbcalll7l=ll. il=se emema .. , . 7 attediceetlaltittessm a _ etemes;thassel Deb:l4,We., Gm Mtn; LesiotA tte, Low dpiriey Toet Stowe* rem& together Mlle otherete• orders tem ea catellthe et the etrathtory getets. As *general Teethe ' Its althea en met bedgeeth Meet Iten •to !meth erteme end perse m i nty GM cording to theme&oe• I. X FTfLTON, prolell4 Whedesah and Beta Agent, To lona all elm 114 It armed. woo JIEDICaLL. GLAD T1D1N633- FOB THE AFFLICTED I GILSON'S GENUINE MEDIOIRL The Invnotor of lb. attract PARERIA BRAVA. an.= a •epetioove of owty fan V pth.L. per. 1E1=11:11E!MM =MI What Is Parerla Brava 7-1688. It b... dn. 1t166, basa • ognelCio Cur CAL 4CO LO tte A lISITTIONS ; IMITAkftiA7IO2I Or Mt BOW L 9; INTLAktALLTION or TUE KIDH1113; LEOMERIIMA ; and W &awes of TUN URINARY 0/tUAILS. It has b.. recotoutittd.rl by ths Waal of the *. Id Prot...Mon Ler slowly two coutarkw. The Ihtl4 Earsof:of PARSZIA BRA IA Is Aow °Mond to aa .01ct..1 wwid In • Amp& Within the Reach of All liar .11 diweawr or the Bladder, IlLartep, Gravel, roDropikal tio medicine haveated cam pe with Bah oompoond In its pow. W Uto.dAY ANNIHILATE DISEASE. ell 6 . ll l l thberthe in the ,oyth I b is 11.L•Ing w of th. STERLING PROPERTIES 'ALONE. INDISPOSITION TO EXIATION If La T04:15 rNDISPOBITIOII LOSS or MORT. WARM HAIGDB AND LIND& •LI:WITH° 0/ BETH GENERAL LAELSITUDIL Removed, there wvald be fee bee nee Me Insane .Isillutna, TH.III UNW AIW. H. 0. OAKLEY, Feneral Airent. No. La DZY W 191217, BLit TOME 10=1=1 No 67 Asp 69 it'll! &TR, 'mums, im"
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