THE DAILY PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. - - • . . • ' Gaggeat Geary iadeseribed a e d e'e n Ie"'EITNINCI G.kZETIE TELEGRAIIS, O t ttssbar B I T 6 a ~,1 : eft e. t d iln e m .n e o d r iu mediate heigh t, ; Lr e and e b x s tr eze . l t y . on modest' th, • .._ _ ___ !register, "U. S. Grant and eon, John Rewlie 6 ! Add rens of Gov. Bramlette to the Pen. i ........0n in.n....i , --Wa. litscremism. PUBL./SUED BY !Colonel Comstock, Neahville, Tenueesee, ' pie of Kentucky. PI ChnSilnfrOS. I arid made no speeches. Whet eon of wet. - : L. r:Fr ILLn, Jlurch 1r,.-rlsr. Bramlette hti 1111 4ifirti PUIIIII9IIPiG ASSOCIATION, gist b• ie is told in a etory from the 'West, art istnecl the following address to the people arc [me .nee snooty. Th e great moral drama of ' ~....----------- • which runs that • few eventng e NV 6° ' W ' 1 - • ! CNCLEIOM r• f trillN, In whlab thernareeocapany Fli oil do • G. wlins and other sash oil of lien tacky : TERMS OF THE GAZETTE. , • • - R to ther it Frii.oc Ariz.'s.: I n view of the dist clan. alit appear. Ali the Uri: real Idetio, !oven , end Isere of Gen. Grant, were g athered g• * Ts bloat,. .0° Co. j the latter's room, in the Cunningham mansion. of the popular mind produced by the enroll- THIS EN - ENING, • 70 . Gen. Smith was pacing op and down the room, merit of slaens for the army In Kentucky, it a ill U. pres-oted, the gr..? moral drama lino tied, lb. I apparently in deep stody, -.hen tome one 'is deemed prudent to make the following mg. UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. 1. !asked him what distressed him. Another , !gestion for the benefit and guidaaee of the s'°der Tom_ 4 in. ' spoke up and said : "Let Reidy alone; he is , loyal people of Kentucky : Your - indignation L . ,,, v ,_ .* an I studying strategy." A laugh followed at; should not move you to acts of violence nor Goolna Ilarrt. , I Smith's expense, when G.. Grant remarked:' to unlawful resistance. Standing as we have Gas.v .. ... .... . . - --""--- --,„ "I don't believe in strategy as you generally I stood end will over stand, for the Constitution, 'caw ' " negie '''44.*** "" ---- " : I Mena IL" I uee it In getting just as cape. to . the Union and the enforcement of the ~• r.- -e MA.St /SIC HALL. Fa.. R.mee • enlist e.Piee• Per 1 .. r••• 0 ''' I the enemy as possible, and then, 'llp, guards, laws, we must repel the e ff orts of re- " e enlist of 6to 10, .. ._ 1 50. na g at 'eta:" , hellion to overthrow our Government by THIRD TRIUMPHANT WASH. ''' Ow , . of 16 or more" - 1 V ' . , Another storY. on the same enbi•etr told by iota gallant eoldiere in the field, •od lieu , et crowded ta•uffecatlon I Tbs wildest sotba- 4 .... ,,,ri.„„„.... ~,, „ boy . ~,,,, nr, ,, tie ., ~, , e , . lee „ann,-, ~,,t n,,,,„„ o „,,,,,nnprten !,,,,,,,n. own; ,91 A C11.1111T0331/, -manes ' atm to the party sanding club. Ter 1.1 the correspondent of the Bern Id, is more pus- meet and correct unjust or untenstitutional ...itt::.:,;:,,raTm0itfX,,,.....,ti15,.“.,..,..%.1. —..•-a i. iht. ies C•l3 be ebtaleed en • application to dub. fifteen, we wfti and the Errata GAssirl , itlve than apocryphal. At the time Long -' legislation by level appeals to the con- tics for Curate, et *LEL. rants I.:lurral edeencee made. e e.g wed she ! . streat (having been detached from Bragg,' stituted tribunals of the government, and • "Ili' For I dub •I "'wt.' we st ' who was besieging Chattanooga ,) was endear • I through the ballot-box, and in the constituted W. P. ;oyes, 4.,...t. B RI --- N- ER. BURKS et ( 1 .1) . Mamma Ilascrre deny. single &Ow , - ceeo • , . YANK EE HILL'S ' _,, ~„, ..,, p „,„ I ortrig to forte a peerage of the ,Tenniuisee at I modes, those who pervert or abuse the trust ar AA .. , ... 114/.. o ' 4 ' 4 ''' - ,_ . 7 ' ' I London and Kingston, against Gen. Iturriside. . eommitted to them. Thin ir the only true NI onetime . Illirlew<ikle• awns ctcrw .... Lb. U." '''''''.. ' Gen 11 rant sent °Adm. to Gen. Burnside to I mode of maintain ir g the Constitution, the COMMISSION MERCHANTS, THURSDATz • :::=•::: . :-: :M 1 7 , / 864 I sen s e all opposition to Longetreet r i reveling, : I Mon, and the enforcement of the laws. Tree Opera Troupe and Brass Band. . -2 1 f.O back on Knoxville, stand a siege as long , mere net of enrolling the names of slaves does - - --- - 7--=- -.7:-7----.----- -:-L-- - - - us he could, and by all mean n to draw Long- . not effeot any right of the rltieen. No draft EVERY EVENING A SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Results of Sherman's Expedition. 1 street as far away from Bragg as paseible. !has been ordered, nor do we know that a draft thelt may or it may no The New York Delco. briefly SUMS op,Tirol .°.k fir the en *et of IF 11 LEWIS, !De thought it probable that Burnside might ! will be ordered. t We in . ii .,.., .. n .. uan ., i „...„, ~....",„ i malts of Gen. Sherman's expedition lute !be sacrifiaed, but et the same time he would should abide by and maintain the law, and ' cares of Admission .... - 0 .....t. I I destroy Bragg. We sll know the result of :pursue the model provided or the remedy it . 0 14710. 00 0 Advertise*. Wstnt.d. snht4stf I Mlitsfislppi: .. i that strategy-the defeat of Bragg and re- I aff,ords. If any violence or wrong to the - i Gen. Shermsue left Vicksburg with • fnrrei i treat of Longstreet. . u,,,r,...),,-^SACIIED CA INCERT I portion or property of the claret. be of about 30,000 men. Re bad , two objects; I --e•-•-•-•••--- , committed by any officer or soldier against Ant to desolate the country through which be j 'Tim Caine, soaves Once. ?dceclu...4. of 1 the known Imes of the land, make your marched, and to destroy is railways in order I his having a secret Interview with Lee after I acetisation in the mode preeesilbed by law, - to make • rebel campaign in form imposeible . the battle of Antietam, comes trim a Mary- , end if the commanding officers refuse or nog during the .attest eeeond, to FO to Selma. !lender named Waldrop, said to be somewhat ! loci to use their utmost endeavors to infest • .AN: , 1119 Pt'l'lLS, kindly ..e.m...1 by breatealt, j In the Ant object he has succeeded; ln the 1 disordered in brain. fishes been in the elm- i the (Meer or soldier un•ler his command so seound he has failed. But he has succeeded ,to AS T'l IFS fin r. 71 PK ol MAV , fI. sty of the Sergeant-at•Arme since Wednes- i seemed, and hand him or them over to the an completely in the first, and hoe done his i .. y a afternoon, but refused to make under oath Civil magistrate fo - trial, when officially ad- A .. .j . , m . A. s (.5 NI C l ii A. L... L.... , work with each unexpected and exteneive , i the statement which be has furnished for , rived of the facts, the Executive of the State iliermglirle" that his failure to reach Se lma publication. Ile has also other stories of a , will prefer charges and amend a court-martial. 04 cc .1 the nibs.. t• h. !ulna wr •ellrely new,' need net be deeply deplored. The Southern ' marvellous intim*, oros of which la that he In the Union, under the Con s titution, and n' t i r er .. t l i :: , r•vioir ( wee temste . 1 ll Y Alt . ! Miesissippi Railroad, cros sin g the Stare at I was for same time employed night and day , troyed. The in accordance with the law, assert and urge Vol, LAM , . sod re.ollscraeo sill tak• part In the j right angles to the river, is des by Secretary Chase in aiding in the prepare- I your rights. It be our duty to obey the law ~t,„„,..,„ Mobile anti Ohio Railroad, running through i , lion of anew linamiel scheme, which has no antes. it Is decided by judicial decision to be T^.. , En cents-n.l. hest so 0 C Mottoes Nes , the easterly part of the State parallel to the ! foundat i on in faiii.i ! unconstitutional. The Mclean whose property II .1 1,h,L00l st,wt firer, bas been torn up and irreparably lnjured • The following 11 from the New York nll. may be taken under it for public use, wilt be itti p... T.:X ." ..° 7 ".'''''''°- C ' ° ""''' " t ''''''''''''' Sir. distance of fifty-six miles north mid southi'" ob. k• nahll oi bone, which paper first gave eurretcy to this entitled, od d er the im p erative mandate of the , . el Meridian. Theimmense supplies &imam u • sthry i Constitution, to a just compensation for his ' r ,---..„--- .3 , C()NCEXT HALL Lied by the rebels at numerous points on the "It is elated that the dittoed -lye. who have : pri•ate property so taken for public rise. Al- n ' - - Uncle these two roads hare been burned, and I had Waldron In charge, have got • oonfeesion I though the present Congress may not do us jut the .,. .....,, „,.. ~,.... .. mr ., , mills, manufaeturies, machinA- a hops, rib- , ~_ from him in writing, that he was drank when lice, yet It le safe to rely upon the justice et the Tile F O GS Isildblillal n 0.11.13 I)ol.tuas i lie intlidlllglF-1 11 A word, everything . '°" t he told the story of the Interview between 1 American people,ansi an appeal to them will not contributed to the. military power of th e Re.l McClellan and Lee, and that he puts on John Ibe unheeded or onavewered Peace restored , OF 11•TURE AGE, Si PoRETTI 91flitItT -. (Berke'. Bulliingai hellion-have been annihilated. There arel Jos!t•sois , Barleycorn the entire blame of troubling the i and the unity of our government pres•rved, ; r - no longer the meet. of transporting or of ; War Department and the Was Committee to I will drive to ignominious disgrace these , n,tte. _ lillOwn on the Fac e Of the Globe. subsisting any oonsiderable Wee of Rebel I jirreStigste the eharg,,.., , whom, in the agony of our asnflict, perverted ' WESTERN INSU HA NCH COM PA. troops--cevalry perhaps exmpted- - in South. , , ' • • , POSiliVtly This 'reek Orily.l hT OF PITTSBIRS.FI. 'heir sacred trace. to the base usm o. pert,- It mihigo, Jr . p......a.‘ Mar Liberal Oseli adinenooe oil at.Ottritootzta ft. BRITANNIA ern or Central Missiseippl. The aninter , Toe Cool or Once. M'Coor, Csirrmi Das, , 'an ends, and fanatical purposes. Uphold Pltseburga fir Lantern Barked. I rupted navigation of the Miseisidppi River It••N oaT. TTEaritl. WEDI•NtDAT, 1110119• I f,M°L,..l)RD,"9°,i,,jegr, "'''',..j";, i, nn A CeCs Wars. • i two Neuter .-A telegram . . the N. T. T... 0. land maintain your government . conatitia- ' P•ii, }MOAT' and a att'll,o44 0 Ito , , - t, ~,,,.., ~- h- t - tr .. . , - and the eacurity ef /*ulnae' Ire' a /s ' ebn 1 one any. : The Court of Inquiry mesisting , tea and obey and . per its jut demand , . L000t• Imes day, Pam it to tgli,„ a ' ;71/ " Zw:Sr - 7,.. snot :17/ vial. ts n. Pte. ond N 0.,. gonna JIL Dilerort::Cin n'""'" COLLIN invasion am rend. of this Dspedition. Be- iof Gene. Hunter, Cadwallader, and Wads. the only hope of perpetuating free instiln- to tha Leo :li to 9 o'clock. •• Megan the forces of the Rebellion met and , . oi . t . , . nisia. A Elam.. 1...0w moseved ho Demotore who tiring. , Turksno, uq•• , a ppeintest to inset the senduct 110129. Toon. C. llutifberre. , ors well h.* se ter. cotoo,•sos, 8.1 who an La..- Thesups.Ati Ital. Lai.. Fmk ecru owersool host. west of the blissiselppi, niler° eae beemferth !of Gene. McCook, Crittenden sad Kegley , st Froniferf, F.rol 15, laf4. timed, te, posnipenots end ithomitaft, m maw... co. rehmede " ere **-*Pernien-aeareelY "Y 'nal"' le- the battle of Chickamangs, ' ha. reported the GEN. TOM THUMB, 1 4, ... ,,,, iehki fheT h... ....'", . ''''''''. ' 1 " '''''' IRON CITY tar. woRK, AND It le tereourse. Tor all military par. ems the ! I wet.... te Omar rho deft., to t./.......-i rosette of ins investigations to the War De. State which Sherman has traversed Is • des I ISEAUTIVIJL LITTL i arts:cent. They god that Gen. McCook did Mate:lOW LYDAT & CTIORPENNINU, art--its TILL territor7 not merely useless to late a ir Leriola Warren, vim ' ?Milo, Jr , • , .. the ',h e. het en impute )", humor he- t a t . , e t : . jitire.,d..nt.yi.ingthrreembit.ttle...przeorejubdtigmt m e ati r,,, e leanly. os al , Alin-y. 111.nnlieseirersorto MAD... a cAltllo/1 tali lit 4 tweets them and the region in which they •it- Art Hcitnoe, to. in going into Chattanooga. Gen. Crittenden 01‘i M. t)1)( ) l-t E I , kk, Nes P "t'd t':' h"' P "'"d "u "r"'" 1 " """ Ile held entirely blamelese, and the Chart Paign. Ron I spsalcin commendatory terms of his conduct losnoo.••$ , a • Noss. •oF 1..11.1 t ,trnit., .1 Al •• If Ur 1.)11C I • lirrltt biolill'bri The 11-13.. attribu. the failure of (lan- ! Ills forces had been sent plocemoal to lien. •,1 Abel ..o. nneo Cl, I. T Ilerueo. lr '6l GONDOL ieresse.,,, , %., ~.... ~ ,r , ,,,.. gb ,,,,, , *till Sherman 'lO go to Selma to the failure! Thome., and he found himself without a • ~,,........ j o i n h i m a , y, command before leaving for Chattanooga. .14 CONI of Smith's cavalry column to EdhAiii .11itinie If ittrr rn, Oilloc So . RANI , nettgle, I lien .. ogley is also mthenerated. - esmr al titian.. • sliest Lair of her lase lever wee. limo st,4OPI• A correspondent of the Chicago Tr4lusn , . Tun London Morstiog Pori diseerns that t om . a ir...-t et, st..l Etelle..ll loos . 1.1,ZT. 1" sends that paper the following Interesting i Russia and Prus.ia, relying on the fancied rests , : .• I. , rce end imam,. IA I a eon i 3,,,... : separation uf England and Panne, tome ~ wo area h.,. ha( ...e. 1.-.0 dot •11 . ~ in 'h. private letter, written by •• m.o. nebl••• • bound thern!elvea together for the °stamina- to's!. ' C , ,, , rilloci! , ti itrliers-oritte•s... bar of Congress I • tion of what they call revolution, and for the ...i.g nt tr., 11 • ,••••.‘ n,••,'n, Io• r i 0,, tom , , . •ni no.. leo lo•oti • I ' ''".... .4" 1 .• are And deism In On the recent expeditions into Mi•sisslipi . permanent erection of despotism In Hur,re. -i.. •nr, .... ••1 ..r...• • t••• ri, • we had a good opportunity to observe th e sea . M. Von liternark has asserted that Germans or r.i. :nib, • tat timimt of the people in the interior of th.• I oroul„1 neve; bo on gond term. with Denmark, Confederacy. Mach of it L' in accords:lry en long as the present democratb• Institutint•us - cu . :is Att. 1 rrettroeTlel 011. h with what has been wilt. o of the eentimenit •of Debut... are mainvtined. The Pao prom. -, r-to 1. , - , 6.• era s tom of the people In other parts of tic South, Lod toes that Englend will renew again , in e joi• A !1.e.. , Ii•roo- it, 1.. adds but aziottitr confirm: .'ion to the great ettlitl.l, the French alliance, and Gaye: 11,110ttlit of proof of the rottenness of the rebel •• With our gallant neighbors, and the Itai pulley. The.fullowing is e copy of a letter inns and Scandinavians, sod with the Poles, Written by a Confedorote mewl, of Congress, ann,ariann. and Turks, it will b. 1,,,i,.„, W one of his friend., and eh ~ the tort , d ' notating if we do not make short work of this feeling that ?erratic> the hearts of the law : new Holy Alliauce." givers of the South. The letter woo wrltten 6y G. R. Slush:toe. of Canton. Miss., veto has a bsother, we believe, of some notonety, la Gainey, Illinois. The letter was kutdiy loaned to as by the °Seer Ler tog It in his pos• siseaton: Blown:fro Ibrrtov, by mall, per year :math ^ tingle Smarms Loittoy, by mail, per year Tan Important rate of Geo. W. .Lace, en-' biniemr to Dogma, Wm. H. Seward. heti bum decided in New York Fy the Supreme Court. Mr. Jots. was arrested nn a tele graphic dispatob Dom Secretary bownrd, and imprisoned at Fort Lafayette. When released Roe. I. D tiescocis . he brought a snit for $5040 damages for false Dina Dun—l Mat 'told today • Siam of Yoni mprimn mcni. Mr. Seward, by counsel, atUmll. l ".• m 1 Del ...Y.", lsogm d l'ir" ( m i l . " • mimed to trane for the .40 to the Halted aftsr my multiplied end incemint dirtied here. I -ta•os Courl under the sot of March, tme... day te drink the health of our y•un, ft.• • doe and talk over our '•tiair•bree.dth •Kag..4 aro', ; 1343. The motion was denied, lend the gen gram crlbalsti.ns. Thep • .4010. hoar Ie.AS gloom?. ' .11 term decided an appeal which was taken to Monte . .. Md. Yoomell, hellm• in it. The umlority of the Judger a Slim the minas Te give a. t hi. at a. s k. r:: ono, Clerk., dissented an emirs blow early in ate spring. W Th.+ wiz net IL el our legs noun. I)oubtlme alto poderale ern , open the campaign by =acing Leavy column ape, Ders•man 114C.11--/TO Littler IS An] o MUM., Ga. and et the 0..* • heavy—ln the late dim... at at Oitistoe, Florid , l one Sb • °""'6""'"'• wing or the f b Nev Ilarnpuhiro had snob anJ tiorthera North Carolina Tilt. letter, d 11 , 4 I wmfor pp °. G... ,r ; deadly fire poured into them. ails they br o ke =tieback Mumble preeent manual, It may Le from; and fled. Thin regiment heed been all armed Diehmaad. and almost rrim 5 amnia. to with Spencer's reputing rifle, but this wtn• ham being and 1, 1. army f romb.l^g had had the weapon removed and Springtoid entirely disbanded . destroyed. You can sm given them. The w',ng rt.., re ono. if this mevemeni h• allowed tai som that mu.k . " must N 110.,., ..r , mined t h e repealing rifle .toed its ground nn Virginia Is now prott• emit eaten not, 'no if Cr..' I ail outflanked, and kept hearing ion dead:, wilre at off from the South It could not be lire into the cue cc y's ran ks. Common..' uo prortdmed Swamies months. remeel la front, end hammed in the Tear. vita 0:e , dlabandmint and destrrictlan most fence. It then Itemizes a ulavdr of the first moment n. go:La n ths Ye of She army slam Mumma. Should the mormiart upon atimta encoded, limn Georgia will tee 101 l waste, and nor chief more tat present) of ph be cut off. No men eau 1..,k farmedd to Spring without great apprele.tone Douletlese oar neon trials will then be upon us. 11 werluidian ostrsnises, or morn, if ma gain' say Miami I advantage ortr the enemy .. , On atter thei opening of the msepagn, we may gt , e t heoppuell I Alm:rents of the North a chasm to mmbine and haat Lincoln for Freddie:a. TIM I theahl bold to gold ...weed he ele co Masi ! asses at goo eery/ thensol deo. I 0.60 no dunce for peace until the Itopetillcan party Is beaten card onnome. kith* mneetnne things are emoting' • more unfavorable safest in North Caroline. Der bourn to deeply humiliating te every patrloti• beert o,bgroon Is laboring dlllgually to annum hen oar arm y and improve aor cunency. Iho we shall auctwe4 taatirtally It artompliehlng both ope f them soda Tim remedy Is a sevens one. hot the duds. to dreperate, sad as .1117 neetrnm mill answer. The mom to the proses sod tiny most musts It at all bassrvis, and tber•proonntatlve who falters In this hour of trial to sal worthy of confident.. I would tell you what mamas we are likely to adapt, bat that would be menet:tendon ear proceedings arab:m.o moo. Az ...elan , . frtmd, snot trely; 0. IL Insatrms. Thla letter shone the sentiments of the Coo (octants leaders, or rather perhaps the mod manta 'snob they profess to outmdere to feel.] But it if despondent exongb, bolting mrsidst hops. The only drop of consolation they seem to - have Is that the Republican party may be beaten et the next eleetion. n 1 ,1114.1”. Grant and Bragg• The Few York Mows ixstitutcs s C• 0 1- !Alison between the respective Commanding Cionistals, Orate and Bragg Bragg's name is synony moat with disaster --firsatre with victory. The Richmond Sir ow says that liniggre "center has been a long, nentalied and complete failure," the way ravens of which statement would be nearly the tenth eonterning Greta. Bragg's grit undertaking of imsrortanoe recalled in Ms fallen at Peasaeola; Grant's first large settee wed his triumph at Donahoe. Brag c's butt battle pea at Chattanooga, where his whole aritywaa routed by Greet. Against drams %ricksha& maws Bruges Slathers hewn spinet Grant's Champion Rills we have Bragg's Perryville. (Dant flanked the rebels at Bowling Green and Columbus, and Bragg got liewkati,et Tellaboma and Shelbyville. Omit' begets epaittions at Calle, and the sweep of bill 111C00113iTO victories, as he rraltrebed onward, extended a the nand miles. Bragg once had his army on the Ohio. and hie succesare tomato from there covered teresei,hlt•derd tales. So we might go on, etnitnurting in still other respects the history of the two Clatintle, wbo are nom the ranking *fleece date we armies, Tim War In Florida. The Ilide u ttfercee at Otrr r ..ille,. 7 / 0 -4 1 ds. • • tra . sofa' In` condition to advance. On the 11th Instant there use some skirmishing be- tweets the opposing armies, and if the rebel. did net commence an attaek upon rat arittY the nut day, an attack, it was expected, would , be made upon them. The quiet which has existed there dace Gen. Soya:leer's Inform; nab expedition te.Olastee hes been improved, sad we are now in.* better toondition to ad- i vanes than heretofore. It U a ehnitdaTilitte of the war %at, whenever Inaderpule force has been oats employed, the second progress j of et Man hose been with strength which bereft= itiPeattlex , • -This may require same Isaias dawn to Uur Peninsalo, bat . r.,'7,t , rt. ram and Weary preiland to receive important Intelligent* of 'dry* front Florida at any moment. New Morgan raided through Indiana and Ohio, Richmond editors called him the gal• lint wcrgtestgleil his hone staillig in old . men and women mar. daring operations "grorious" and eldest:lo. When Kilpatrick pitches lite Willi into Wend sad entries], Morgan In the "raiding way." minus the Inhuman sets of the groat Mous h 41.44 1 4441 1. ingoiiklitars 'tall/ id. opor, niseibarons." Mt. G. Mil.alLL, editor of ;he Buenos Arran Standard, Is is Paraguay, inspecting the cotton plantation', which are in the mast proruitleg condition. He say. that In Pore. gutty there are shout 1,000,000 of plant" In tho very beet Gandhi,. His ;cur through thoplantationt in Corrientee eon•inaed horn of the fact that with the very slightest *Harts oattot on a large tante can Se grown In that provizirs. Tar Bank of 'Brune° will on the first of April irsno now. of VZ. At prererat the low ostemount of note eireulatlem h Li (100frsnes ) and the Bank sd , pted it with intense repog nasioo, as it has done, darer., the £2 note. Franca bankers ,en tertain the belief that in notes of inch an amount there is some myste rious danger. - A wOaILMAS In the Cbsaffrawr sf L. Arno hae succeeded In making barrels without hoops as solid as the best hoopedharrels in the world. Soit lent asserts a Preneh paper, and the alleged die.Tery ■hieb has been a dwidera tum for some three thousand years, Is now undergoing examination ilmiore the Academy of La Roeltell4. Pa:oars advice/ M Boston Mate that the Rebel pirate RappUlnauneek left ➢ranee pri. ♦►tely on the 20th of February, armed 'nth six gone and a Oohed mew, who had been paid throe mooth►ts sdruniow Her enlists,' ground, It Is repotted, Mil be the Hipster and Chloe. IT to said that General Boott has nearly eompleted his autobiography, tracing bir per sonal history doiroward from the earliest pe riod to the Lust published 'frets of his nently ruefai - and honorable life. The 1101111 will create •sensation when published. TSB= women were anestod on the Long Bridge, ►t Washington, en Friday, who bed twenty-three e►nteene of whi►ky eonee►led tinder their dresses. They • were attempting to granule the staff into Dixie. d HIV LADY: Oaerez-eMlins Tanis 1111- 1901100, who has already attained eonsiderable celebrity ea a public reader, will ghortty ap pear as a pnblic speaker. Dune Is an Indies word signifying " The game( the asountsbe." W.dirTlf. Wei TEA. "iiro GOOD AXE TOLGLES /LID ALLEM/8, To who. mutant emplesysesB end tad+atfri Met m. /or ftulber tekkemsitos odd.. lbereib mac", frol&stee, efrar liereEcet, Luaus• vnmeT. realms. EU INAS 1 TO if PE 50k,14:1.• WANTED—A PucricAL GLA.33 VY Cr &Crean, to ult. , of • WU . 4 • Ginn Ir.avry ra Ita Mac.. et Obi.. Ohm , . 2 4 . ,- .saud tM Watill.ll yr/W.4, sll emit.. •Qap f41 ,41 r .rtay. Aldro. DOI IZI4, larTat esll4-.1• WANTED—An HIPHILIDeIGEY., SALES , MAN, le Lb. Dry Gulls ewtn.w T. ma gem Is perepedara. llbrr.l rri.a.e. 1.111 to p. M, by eir , yl)lng Iseneest.tely DCKLAP EU • CO, r.d. lrr street. Mirgberly ANTED -460 • awful. loran* =‘, pt h r ottiel taw awful andearlam artietal.. rlftwon aril. A.* Ava. AdArrao, I,Jl•4ataeer JUI4 T. 37,5 NTICI —1 mud XT;eIUII , pad coapt, at, WM ssontL, m astri aticise IFADVIA. dQ Mnai: fatfato BAJEtrEY MALT.—Prime Fag and 87'1'g BAXII.LIGT NIALT 071101 i Kra ly ora hoed okat la oble D. E. CIALITAT. 80. ZELLEO7II7 divot. Pttub=l l .• TIKS&-1100K CIAAWUMaIbIie IW-7 Bal. JAMiltiOWN.lollWooSsliva. - I Kant/rano:nee of CASTOR TRAMILN, MOO 6, COPS, The Deficiency DILL LADLES. and a mot rariety of BRITANNIA ankh.. Alut, CARBON OIL LAMP It l'ltN IA NV/at:aro*, Much 113.—The Deficiency BEAUTIVUL LITTLE WIVE, , Mate:lOW . , end LAMP Itriatiarii generally, ho 1.19 ttarlme Dill, which has no* become . law, conte , ns 11 " '".'" ''''.. Lt"' irl ' • W. " . "'• l-6 " i. " "."'".., Q":"."" a• OM'' , II • • 0 odreor Arkley, street, Pittebornh of Beauty. ' Jarws M , Aoley, Ale:tondos Speer, -- the follewing appropriations .. For templet- Net haolel Holnam, 0.0.4 M. Lona, . & T.I.EN M CDR:MICK. A:. (rti .V 0 Lt.iff tag the repair. of Government warehouses ( - 3()1‘1. NI( )1 )4. )1-t E, NUTI , ! AI.. Nh.kk, ken J Thanau , llllrlt. !ND LcmatcATlNti OILS, and doLota• n , 1.. r i''''''`• P. '''" u ll'• r.- on Staten Island, $10,000; for olteration of ' , Cloorg- Dome 1 EL-sn P Er-lta - e t, 4.11 - Nt angles., 11l LIDEN l'T STREET. Cuetont Hone., in C1.1,11111•IA, $25,000: for the Th. (omens a , • Non. • /if i•olled one I:erre/1 ea/apt/ell U tin rnat,, 1 .ho k M'Cutte , m oon t o , ', t on, of (NOE, P.AILLON AND HEAT In. I IL ' l-.l' ' O ' IC ' ' " • • 1 , ,,i . 01 - 11VES PARL , Ql AND lilTillEN ORATES. niters...ion ~r the Cl:nacre aft. Lootsville, rottwod thot once tt,alt Its I. T Nakao, for .10.••• . C . V Itirsen , e, ' mySO 7 II 00111 , 01 C, atty. Eio LIMNS I% ARE, et- .1.1,1 utd.Clea.Stoulde. Roll. $15,000; for the completion of the Co.- ,•••••• "*.r."""'''' , • . ''''.'• tog klat Cullen.. 31111 Grarlug, C/o, \Voter 0t.4 Ar. ,M H4,p, O.IbIIVIA, sa,ooo. for repair/ . i lITIZEN'S IN:II; ICA NCH CONII'ANY LII fikti oil( ft vs it If itrr yet, ..on e q .-, Sad Iron,. fl, 'tone, k oleo 11 , ,ke.t. O utl preparattott of CUStoM H0U..., Ma- , 4,..) Of PlTl'elirEGii. rev, roroos 11...rttes and 1 ' gar Kw 0 , ..., Pulleys. Gouger. , Car Wh.o.te, Cultpllnge moo 11ootntsle 0 , 1,•0 other pet ll I it` bll iI d - ~,,,,,,,,, ~,,,, of has Igg . ~,„ ..... ll., ~,,, gI W • . r • .......... ....'...1 1..-.' • .41 Cast tap v./tenni,. A. Jobbing and Machin. Ne II .tt 10 At, IT . Yoelo.4eott -,- ....0. - ...." . ''- , Outings mado to order. Patented Portable Mat loge, nnaer the ropetv o.lon of the Tree, Marrkd Cottoto a heel ....: sod Rolle, ell Inas ...tato , oA4 „„ ~,. ,____ v • .•,..“-- ..... •• -...-r-r-r• , r-rara , ... ' •Ith tit,,som or It ,r, P. Ire., onl4,Cmd nry ID.Trarr , U ,. ..r., 5:0 OM for erecting Naval lee von fro thy Pert-o .• /tree and katonto Th. in..-...;,-;,—„,„—:„„--""„.1,....,:-... Al LAC'E hCU wrist:. - ----- 11,•,FLital at Kittery, Ai y.. 525,040; for ex ten ' ....• 14 " , •:r . •^: .. ^:ltZ e .. t t ". 4 .." ''" . 4° ' ' .l I I *" t eea s e e e „ go t o s t o e.. 0n , , , ~,,,,,,,,, t,, sh o „ o L,,,,L, a eion of Sac AI A•ylnita. entildelphts, 5'5.010; 'at tho dontlwro ott , n ~ . . Rove,. 1.0'.. end Apeuna . the It • e,oot e t ., ,t, tete , . o _ ~__ _„, ~...., ~,L ~ ~ for ereotlng Neva 11,apttal et \VA hoLgto , „ . i . „ y .„,„ ~, ~.0 , .„, .... ~,„. ,J,,,,ai,a, • r ... 1 1 .7• .. • r . r . . , r . s ' 0 C., 52, oon r... 11.111.• •11., •••kr. •1 .•n0 , .. •bo ri, ow a.,.. $ leo an kiJI. •gt. Its., 1,. tett, i tot • , , fir sr, 6.§.f.51...1, • M K...,. ' CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM. " ^.-'" ~,,.,, , r.‘ , .. , -"- , •• Rebels Surpriril and Captor. 41. , TA y.lO ..;•:•-• , •: - ...' .. /" (0. " ". “ '' ~ Portt J • 1. L• ' ,1 L ,..1 ft. 1., :: . r,,,..”.• Prirr.•Ortt , Ira. .11t , 1 l'' --A tr, ot.l tits , r '"T'' "•••"' 4 tor ar J.. Lost ..• OP rt.,. r• .• ••• ~..•.• ar....1 .1. Pro-ooto, a , ~ _ ~,,,„, pat, t.' , Cho I:•.'lott.a, .1.0(.4 C1i , ,,0n.C., I tt.h, , ~,,,,,,,, .„,,...,,, ~,,,„ ~,_, „, 0 ., ~ ~,,, ! tt J • ou. ~.n 1 1 Li N't L 1'` , .NL . ...1 I, N1L,11.11 . .,1 ,, K.nee 1 1 . 10, 41, I l'• • ~ ....11 Jr . 1). 10111([ SToN V 11011 ..t. ,- CEI All Ct. I. ear.'A•tra ra., 11.11....$ .41., Iran Vt , ro•. , org, r 0,,,,, 0 , L t„. ,-;,... ...t i 1 . 0.0.,, L. 1•r'•" ail, 1,./ n.. T ,, 14.,., Ll't ,' oc r: - fli n /ilk ill, !II IL:1.1:1 ri.. , ~,,,.. :., Dr.. 'ilk 0r...0 tt ar t h 4 iriii.-0 iy I.‘ 1 . 11.1 • qe, : ...1 {lr tr• r, t I heen iet hogt- , A , es , Le' . • • Par.Lty P , ,•toc. sl et A 0 ,, 1g.r0 hr ~,;`.......n ' v argeoes t l n• A i ert , nof the A 01...0 r.0<•••, Y„ .rarrr.• r'....^.• '" Orrs. 0" '"' ' r: .... 5t....-1...... ST Bum, ... v .„.,y 0,,,,,,,,,,. ~,,,,,„,., ~„ t 0,. .„, „a. ~ . ., . Irarro,••••• et Iti• 'I FT VI kr ST ann . '-• . r . . ...iii-r than •• raebei ta4. , t (root- 0 • (tar el -1."2!."...=..----•___,,.. _ d ....,,_ ^ ' 1 11„,.. Aloe orvellemt each.. fhe ohliptog It , A ITI•r 1,- A, . r'll''''-l'er' nt.1241, tua: Inc br,g toe, ll oder Capt. tlrart•l all, recently ,',';' ' „ mo ,. ~,,,.. I „ , ~,,, ~, „,,, ~,,0 , „,,.., 4 DE(wi,Es i ' . O, si i t r ,o \ t f.. k't INI l'A ! ,, t y, .4 porta ot oat oho, o• rt.. kl.nyilt , l . •DR I• (:4)00D.V. ..urprraerl s fet.-: ramp, twelve muse eaa. t , f ~,, 0 ,, I E...tata,, , t , Lotort ed. prom, j kirer, neat the .stf...wh il iilti! lye. iiiNia - - -.- -. Port tittle., and ear . ..areal forty SoVro pria- ~‘” ‘......""'''"''''' o'." ""' '''''''''' ' ' • ...I , i , ' Office. N. R. COT 11151" Wood & Fifth Sts. TA C.K. icm - i .. nears. and thrit arm., Look , Log Cert. Lo tots, r•de se oars. in ~ 0 , eel tr -to Oa Ilan of Kalothont \k-i , ,,- , IN CA 1:1: .. CO - - I rnleri.ort 11,0 .4 .yl . .$OO rlrn, who had . t",o,;:::H''''' T t.vo . ilr-n 00 !, g Mort 0 0 0 , 0.00 ItelLoa , ,„, ~„,,, , L ,,,,,, 1,, ~,,0 , .. at ~,, Prom New Orleans.- - • Nser Mar - h 1 1 —The reamer Creole - CONTEICT HALL a y, arr i v ed f rt .., New or!eiing, nab dam to the 9:h milt .k. smell Memean eteeme;, the Mgedun, MONDAY EVENING, March 215 f. Dc.tanwl ww•rns.d to oar oars 16-91 rwrerr. , unr Sunken the Mtselesippi sorer, en the night of 1.0 F646+4 stn.., now , V," 1.!1 I I.! re'. trend* pown6t Twwwwl ••4, the, the ' , lt, by n ILh st•areer Dudley creme,. r ta. Two wabfbltlroo ,n whoa-down.. n.rt, 6Ow .11w•Trow, 1 .'761 •11,1rowr01 rnbn JrJIIN , I r - II en 1,1,d ed Tn• now. , ,srotolwn n trw•woog • AM r PO 4 , Y n "" '"-• AA ` A L '" l ' ""''''"g' • DAMN•II kCIV . II & Whole.ale ne Nese .1 r Chen• Celeonerre has _ The. Smith, 166,6., Tree N. 61. A, 11 1.. f,w6r / • •• • • • RANCE COM. • Pb".4,112`.- r.n 11.1,.11 Dwo,erw In TY.IMIIINt:S. K. 6111601. E rti R & FOOT E ' S k ENY IN, .L - 1. PANT OF PITTrO , ' - Oaf., Nr . ritm R -7 FL , _ DZ.: Y. 6 •nrl I,ItT ovr•, 17 ru^.l‘ o,ref, Pr.ubnr.b• -• and GRF.II MOR%L VIkIIBITION 11D TIOI, nowt, Munk 111.. I ../nrw, 01,111.1 \lnd. rl, vi AC ILL & Gl.l . 1) Wl)..,sale 1r AA , JONI', Jw.....6-wr, 11,/,4ll.lwwl•rs In FANCY AND ,TATLC DUI ' • ,De. Trt:mui.N.s N.,. If:Art.4 ,oancr., . • 8111MZI ‘• Lion Waf at. Sup r and M leeeoe quiet and ttas•ly }:tcnstn,to on N•IF 01 ,tull et lintd Belutu of Troopse..Laet Tt1;l1P•oll'e !On •nn11.•• hp•skau kn we Let,. • rlpt CO St MOIDORB , POOTIII, Meech 1 , -1:4111 Luc, t . t It btch. eh.l ,4 n, n• i,n;,rt.ob 4 11 , , , e , Z n eu n 1 ar h:7 . 1 .....e .1 . 1 f Einonnebire, Maine. end St acfarhuPottl re g i 1:.1 1 (\ l rh„ Ittritd :eft hi re lent bt l f l ht v h ei h u, tout" rl •ni Int twble. t , rd ti. • ••• •••I.•ne r T zo tric. the arm) of the Puthmae. si.l the it. to ,weefnee lbee.qaal T.te rivet< tuhocrirtion. in .1a the pen. , " ,1 Ir,"TY I n es• Fie .1 Tr n nee! to 1) ,4.01. oneth ef. l k -I .f l . ll, tn en Led §,/, ." te,t , tte •el went ae • her,flah, ••. rater Isis. .rJ Pan", ~ nt aa 13411.0 ^ , dee. NISH If.LIZ• NICPITECL, Illookade Itunner. .t., .4 the ....... b.tler lk o.lre em 11444 I' 1 Int Da II .....: I .1. N.. , Much I 8.--. The new Mock .fi - '. 4 ti T. W E.T. ih. smathat tnaturad led, le ' , IL. ado runner Uloire arrived here this morning sow ri' t half the sirs of Tam Vile aVs wlf•---la 14 from Bermu4o forrepairs. Rite woe unable: ~,,,, ns.l yt t h at,. blab. and welsh* ill, pnaada In art., the port of iVi/alloglOn, sod reports COL. 5..11•L1., tho bit .:bade runner Will-ol the-Wisp er be-' Th. 01. and remal• Chars., t. ann.. I. 17 pm. I log henohw.l off W dna ington. The new Brit .1 ,1 . 3^ teat. hlih.and ne { ah• U P•tutd• la Vaud., Vtaliks swat iSh B* o i'biP Du.'... ''' -h A3'l"' lii P e tTe b r " exTl o bititi ot ot l o n Artis n e st Ls. in wkdeSt tb• atm, aboard, arrived at liernauda on the 12th. - wtet•,•” !reined ti &mast to a ..?fain pastas.. - • --.- ---. 1,.. aty ant 01a1 abo•,)•re th wneghly dm ..d, and P 1.1.1r0 S. .11US I., ETC. •,,v4.4.: la • T alery of . 'owl , hevana, C mit and at. tio• fe Dane, La.gbaale Da rleaqn., Tar..., a. , ar. au eel ion 11....4 .110 (mat car. F. plea.. them.. • .a.tldlun. twat, In arl.t..h limy •141 be r.arlated by tl.• old, nowitial end !salty dtabratod CONTINENTAL TOGA I ISTS, Taa• ten . with Miss M. C. ILLINGIR. tit. aelehra. tad Pianltt an (..,ntramer, aa4 I'mf G. II DA MSS, the eminent blind Nan I. and VI Mot. , err ?Nett 111.:11. • aryiti it rTtit!sti'itif 4110, B RADBURY !SIC .k.L) Itt IC.V'S IZTEEMEM - - ...., -- . . . ri et Irur nigh , cc mien. 111.1 . 11 ~._-. d • , .." 2 .. 6. 3E:" I lA. P I NT C:1 1 jel Z ! 1n...11•2•Etd (lb Id .. 1....1.• t• /6f LOT D., 21Mdae..., • -- 1111...mti,ebim.... n n•ft • Ll,ar• opo la 41 2 Mad I e.,lnck p. m —E11.11.121...E1 to c mm....... 61 A .m. 2 2 tb. mint row el:rt. L an..l 61.5...:L21T TOJETI n4lock p.m DIPTRITHENTi mactuw - trurd lu Ma i1m1....m. 2P soot, 2...mai .01212, 46 eva.s 11ildron rimlar 12 joam •1 Ay*. 1.1 e•ez•• i BEVER PI ar P1t17.U. /111 C.V 11.7611C1A, 13•1 , 111A8. Am. 2.1 rttbta a tantllla at It. Tatra aarClned• t/. . a &At. %onto for llatadaarkor Ca •Ad likardomae * Grar• and/ km T. ext... 11.1•1 Plarro, wel A. D. a W. H. 'Smith • ilalmture• aaJ itarvoanl• am.. deslriag a Dols( laa•••••••A •rs to. tlt.l v•••/1 nazataa Wore purahaat. •4•••• ham. A.saang that who kayo pagobari tla•on ia•tro taaata 1L tht• •Saialty Iry taA• ;dawn to ratarrieg altea Knauer, E City al._.aad Saunas Goa, P ltmt, tr7lj !) .I ;ra b. . Yo MJC.Datack, lIao•alot, km'''. d D iara. 150 , ; Jnhe /414.. Dr. D 1/ratoer !At, I' II ;tank. C. aad Mn. Pta,k mars Picia almnr% A (argot. of 11•• pea , . aritk rat burin, leant. WAIMIRIC & BARR. Jlt. Agents Mt rlttsfiarik 16e4 Wentarn TA., Tn. 1 TT. MATT 0., near Ilnov's rtril4. A "...I saws of avmal Goats always !ski A _..._ (.) , (P1.1 1 71 . 14 lift'SICAL LIBRARY. Oornortslas warty O. Thousand Pismo of PIANO NITJt-iIC3.' War only Ton Dollars. I The forroring basks do of satfOns old .4 otyls. aid lona a henry tadtspossatds es awry MI. vbe , i. ot plans. So laud dilation of *eV t pub-' I hard, past cars homing boom takes. Nigsdeottor pious sdsptsd to tt.• poptilar tourist THE 00.1113 Clitriti , A selloollos d liarobss, Wallsoa, Nfld, Asisoottodtd, Itsdows. QadtrElls, &ism banana. Tour Hand 1.1. a. sad Plaaa.dalai, In , . LIZ AlLv.ra C;IMT.D; A mall...flaw. ol &MP. balls , * (pampa., !mats, la , ort , ts Man ktramie• postman% Tlii Alum zn of rpm Kul , • on al.o.k. d ' Cards Vocal Due,. with Plano A 000mpsolmsat • d PIRATIC ' , LAMA; • oalloatan el Sanyo, Da• ow mad TO.. osisprooss tb• Wood Usaltras ar It. '1:3=7."(1 P ooloosoo o A 763.77V ''' .:L. 1 li. I ti.r mr, 70 1 rbZ I r:-.:,--.51. --.i.. , , 0111/IILDA 0. Biles. Lon. N I Wood .halt. • o REMOVAL—On the let of April P r o eot mute. .roe thus , /tom tr. Mi. DM X ST, TY. blue sit preaeat oompled by Me.. X let. a Ito*. • pie aseertmeal et PI II XOh el, bred pear lasely at Pfe 111 111/111 J. M. HOFFMAN & 1111.0 bN ►Lmb of Deckarn t4121);,g, No. /1 , 3 RWIII/I Ill•U Hr, Pianos and Musical Instruments, oamtaall)! an Una • Aar umarlllaril Kr, num viottiri °MUM koonfavo• M. Marna, , v.% inh bo urlll .4.VUILEOTE , JETS TWUTR)3. =ll=l lar same. Mr Iln Itrear LIM. lirantln ¶4 BI GITNN Hl' MIL CLEMBEFT THTEDOUS, r • so days crtly, c mm• n:JL: CONTINENTAL VOCALISTS 10.4" B✓l LES . AA rION SALE OF C.AIAIIN - DD j 110101 VA. W.. Darattossars. r.“•LOIll D 01/71... thstsr Qt - aadddx• ooo 4 Wssitlngtoa, D. 0.. /ohm./ o.ditt MM. VI 11l bo tstkl at public a•otioa, ta Lb. hdltheot - dor. •t !h. 'does. .I'l dates named halals, slat AI 101111 n, P a , 14 6 Rona, Prldal U L 110,04, At Williamsport, P., tP [torsos, Tasatts/, •th Itateh. At •Itooa, Pa., MO Homo, Prtdal, Bub Wank. at Now Brunswick, M. J411)0 glossa, Tonsda7, I/th Hatch.. Al Imam, P., tan Boron, /Map, Hat b. ullsoart. N. J.,1" Horsea,Tootala. RA Push. Al Lai - Amon, Pa., hAd 110/1/1 Irttday, Sttlb Mands. At 1011Insable - fa, Pa., 11(.0 Boma, IlvsntAlt. 0 01 . }lamb. flaws Hones han boat soadartsbad to unlit Oor lW Cavalry largos of tho Onlttid nat.* A nay. Per read and laTs• porpo• • man/ good haordas ass/ b. bad. floras. /01 ha sold stogy. lhalot begin at ld a. nv, and osAtloas daily 011 all as rat Toms Cash, Is 040.111 Mates ?lessor) Pot. only. A. 011.10, 62ltinh21 Oltta Qv/wt./tan/tr. 0.. Barman ELFA3ANT MANSION AT AUCTION. 11111D•Y vim Ito WI +rah 22d, /a Tbe rid ob. •111 ho sold, at Ida ormamercitliwas 114 slours "(bat impeller bolll Id•nalon. oa.uoled Mirar alsekbom, re/0. .11 est* 00 War steeel, 1.1411111 , • tfiltietl sad Van Wawa strrabie ovorloatind ids Vali.* of the Mallascahals. the th•ttelhA tiPS b • t to i t. . moat .111b..Aljel Was car, lar the •• or r . • earn ..p io n, *wary I .• ar desil taring /Mahal mar al/Fungi , sad coroWee. The Granada, amapribing wow lbraveriltrillrl of an Acre, are laid out I.lterally .'lit vrallta sad alf , don. and rilant•A b ha , * eine. and atm:ll4w'. a gni srspary bed gawk-bans., tosathar with • la brick atabla sad carried* balm, aro enacted on the • felf greanda• oportreaud, tha or•party mad be Isioraceb ly az smiu.d, and ail who ebullr• le pPletLeo6 • COM. ee•fle. wonet .11 toe modern latro•••• 1 moots, sr. / aricuaoad to aaarel. lb. pronto. Irnaaa—Cou-talrd cash, nada. la ate and MO' years, .ltd lotauvat. rah 19 DA VIS A Sal LW 1.11111, Attre'rs. pargTiliiK. /ka t A. On THURSDAY MORRIMO, ak. 10 c5 . 411 , ...k, 41 Nyman Unit Ale Mal Ilouse,NO. 6 6 1 Pt; blr..t. • In•sifily of intallura, Marinas oas @owl a Zs ...ism Table, Uherry Maidtnlo, tot., Orsssiag lloraars, Plata Mali u. Y. I Lois lisd•tosds, Ractonad arid riskin Watt, somas, Gilt , frarns Mirror., Wood and C... Seal tihai•s and Mochas, Maitrsisam, Itsndsrs, Ontlerg, Yobs Oast Bios., earA. psts, An T. MrAILIILLA IstOrr. , B.—Parsons! attantina glran to .11 sato isithas t at r.letenoW or oak. Wins. RIMS VT/Agit-UV Tri4-77.i.-1.15-MPiii4 I. STStir.RY.—On Tann.inav liaturiNn, Instant, .1 10 n el•cli, will be sold, al sandmen No. , Clonaywas . root, filligh.Mand, the trotir• Mom. !hold Tarlatan, snosplistag Hair ant Mahogany Chairs and Roam, Dicke., Illgh and Low 1 1 / 4 .'1%4. .tada. rittstun, °argots, 011 Cloths, Kitchen Tor• I , lout*, 40. I Mbra DAVIS 11411rAIIITLAwers. WV 1.0 thaw SmentfariareuLprOmA,ifar • awl ro PATnoileWil olif Va. II vor sw4. lA'S UR .IJrCE. NSURA24tm Insurance Co. or North America. petroleum and fl Products, Insuranr..e Co. of the State of Penna., IT .0 7 - rEAKSALI .. Hartford Fire Insurance Company Ilert dly Ilagolpy). Building, 17 Way, 0tr.1... AMERICAN LIFE INSCRANCH CO OW PUILADISLPUI I. . Man ofa:turars or otatlosar7 and otbar STIGISILIII, ISOLLITIO MILL CAST II ornrpora•ei MO.) GLOMS. PAQIPIO AND LIMELLTT I. , ir L WURGB. I Iliilb lanT lin MI Itint Y, r a paltrln, ROLLING A utbdrirod 0apita1........._ 4501006 ' or all Sun* and antscrallni 4 lond Paid ap enplit4l. . ~,,y1 ", ,,,r.... LliWw. ' `'." '''''''''" °L.A. ' s "' ''''" "r". " '" '''' MILL Pr gArli( 6 ll7O. "" W Relined or Cruets Pet rotas:4m' joHN HALL & 3°l amnia..... ... Amax. anna.,rqrs, rreda.t. Lout.. irons, (ot Work, McConch • ro ) •. r. C 0.,• Lime Mats to ora-aro tho payment or ii,Mtri at th• dotata of du asontsd. Tratniura to Ins paid am- ""ft. Mg" 6" WIT A UAR°C.‘jl Alli " ! VALLEY FORGE PLOW woass, waxily. - Pinsauses. PA. Ae. dr, SO --. —.—...614 To• 40 ._. ... .... ....... .Son TO SS f 7 a. , PS _l 7 0. 44 A. rm , rglIMlllll - 76, - - ...._...... ............. Or Me 1;114• prntriltato ruay no paid l• I, 1, a, T r II pa4tocato. Ilanns lt.r tn.*, od 01l particulars Turnlanod on application I. P. B. BATA ri ritrobarlb Agaut, ro lin 69 F,uroL stn.,. t Rork. • Balloting. -- . pnEstx [SSC ft .NCH Co . 1 a I •4 .1 t ..... eterylnt, Jaz: 1.•, 1.14 the asiaralgaM h.. been .ya Ante 4 AR... of anan , ae and rallanl. Compan, and I. pre;larad to Nan . oa falorable terns. B. B. BRYAN, Auguy V , cwt., FIRE AND MAI-LIFE INSURANCE A oa. Tc w..t. Wm. II Hays, J. Y. rark•, Claarl.• S f1i...11 v.t. I. Irk 10 EN I). /1 I 11 &xis irePc • vlevio t NV 11 r. ••_ .• n Num., Cl.ll. h. iipl.s C. Gm, Int,. In In, . B 1. F.Lneer.n.,. C-41 RYET S.OIL 1,07115, 4c rrTMTI:A.ArCrS 147.11: .• 1 1 MlAlftB. ARMSTRONG .14 KIDD, 6 OJIIIIR mazes, LIVICRPOOL. A.II..AND •771.7.1115.7 TS . I. A 'EL P" -El Yoek—Maarra. R. CI. Pan Co ,314 Broadway ' ' B• 31 .1 , Lona. on A I 0,.., Anima. OA Ue ro• tort sad taforroat , oo aryl, ta 11, O. SXIOII6IIT, Cot. Wood mad roorat stro46. MU-stomp d09:23a - Spring Sloe's of I=ll 11 11. 11 1, 11 Tll M=EIIIIIIZ39 „le ;i• 4 ! CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEIIN ?11, un Ootntoloelon saeltuttoty. LU Amy.. oi mem mosontutbla row. STOILAGII namro In 0, - 4 oellsok. Tow, °RUDE, node, gm.! .Coda. j Fartimlar alleotiens raid to OIL iron EXHORT fa At tr Oarpet Store. Tos S.A.r.s , —CA corm SODA. SODA AS D. A. ! I .1 :It II POIMIII ' ,rl4ll h.RTC17 . ..: it WEB: , n. 1$ 1 iv, • vieymo rut-cow:xi) ••No ADI)3O 1 General Merohandize Brokers, LC! Fl/111.L STCTILT, T. Tort, : Tflado In A hwr, s OITA AS LOIN AS ELSEVAERE I=l ENTIRE STOCK CA PETS, OIL CLOTHS, 6g, 1.41•17 A. IdsObiN TUCK 112 bLatkvi street, In barb* by Me ....tidal., to aro ti. LARCEST STOCK, TO BE FOUND 1N TIM WEST, .AT TJTE t.O Trigs T PRIM:IN Oliver MoOliutook & 00., pi ANO tX)VERS YLao Embroidered Cloth Embossed Cloth Vlototia. p•or and naanAtd wumrtutoul Judi re•slred As NEW CIARPET STORE IIoPARLAND, COLLIES & CO .44 _ A — -- TWOOD, RaUMW a CO., Ilra.elibibstere mid Comm tavfilo Ifitrobant. MEMM SARPETI NOM, Oil Oloths, Mattings, Ravi, &e.. 110. 011 1111'1111111T OTlllllff. M=M AN inanity non and mnspt.. ...Demons in.. grind al NMI N ENV CAMS' Ft RI MaFAItLAND, OOLLIIIII3 & CO. me. t rEPEt ADAn Do WuS LiMjimplea=raierr s W ARING k KING, COMNIS6ION MEECIIA oeilly 50. r. MARKET et , Gomm/sates nereh•sits S Urok•r• 11". • N,11.1.3 , •A1l J. 1411.1 . 111L.1..- Petroleum and ifr rToditels, tla.c CITY \VURES 8 RIPPERS OF PETROLEUM tit m Amin tArs,llo vol3E r.VO,r - Ct no 191,7 1 1 ~i Amp twiltt.l.• STOIIMIT. /OM AI:HYPING 811.1,7011 11 51^.1,-23 st their y•rd mod 'Awl. TM, Elmo myl4,tf Ofllfilid2lnli MINT P. BMW° Ifilrlll ANTS, BLST Ql7 &LITT BETTNID CAST STEIL. Crude and Refined Petro ?1,.. Ica and ICI THISI Na. ID lEWIN lITILKIT. PITTIIBUIPM Crude and Relined l'efroleurn, r..t.r.luN Am. 1, , ,31C.9714 DCT ,;04,1”... S. , .1 Insmorsd rittst orrh aplAtf L V .113 Pf el., ice n r. Atirleve, r Jones, {(enrrn Isf NIALSVI ST, rall.Ant; PLII6 I, 131Z()ICE1:s E=l I.,innlond ondltCttCH nlrth t•1..2,h 211 and 219 Bonth Water street.' r nib•.l./.•, 1t...11 DvAlmr IL StA VLE ANT , Y N , Y PUY , o• of r• or•II and Market intro., j.,,tol,r‘h. I (SEPtI •JWI Dralor In all klo-to of 1' I N :rf 1 WIT (Po)11,1. Ac.., 77 oast ~I.7r7TrrWrrITIII.• 15 - en Tern - t 1 . k1n.1.1 of [ITS GOODS. No. i 9 klarLet t0t0 , .0 Third on.l Fourth. Pt.tottnrr,h. MEE@ Adam I, II :met! trq. • %V Ikv.• . II I. 14,6 raw. H. Dol. L)de, l .'bcrrye4u'arg. Ir, Ctrl `Kuria. Jsc , b r4.lter, .4 J. irit,tex 4. Jn.. 'Tha:Not, .1 ilsmoni. Chs.lfaer A On. I 6 116 tt ALWOT IT., PIIILAVELPOIA, SAN , , US BOUTS FRONT NT., rtaltd. , ,S,O., Pa CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM, LIACATIC , soee 60DA esu, nut AtATONI4 DRUGS. 011. A, A, • urlM Yu bur tor WI pmmptly att.m.l..d to. Ppramtm sitmtl. PAU A` A , '. 4A.A•Ab c 4 Crude and Reined Petroleum i air 1.11.4.,51 samoce. m.t. smlgf ra I ICTITIMiin, arta of Wok. 11. Woodwassl a 0...) GENERAL a+s 11553019 MISCIIANT. tveafal .swath. pion le al. ink of Crude and Reaped Petroleum. N.. in POUTE ►BOIIT MUM. runs. ocsra. . .. i)ETROLITE OIL WORKS lisztatrsaras of PUIIIIIC WITII MAHON OIL, IliliZoLE Alirl> PICT O ROLNUIt LOIIBIOATINO OIL. (Upset, two Housed borrsk per Beak. REESE & GRAFF, Pxorrurrou. 11:017011011MIRLA 110 Cit, Pitubnzigh. ITORTIMT&TWO • : Po. I IT. OGAIII IT. errreerusean. Forwarding 4 Commission Merohan Nur IL LUIFTRATING. LUBRICATING, CIL CDS rrrnOLLITM OILS, conearttly eel !mad pad lier Palo st tl.. leer.; market prim. Oopelguraeato Yd ardien panelled. ap7rlus WOODVILLE OIL REFINSRV. y An pnawren d III:M*11W OIL A2IP.LU:34ICA TTNO OIL. Fon , conamolli t bit el lirrionvo r'ar "wIIIIM BLS! SW rood LUBRICAT OR , P."' tOir .a CAP CILSAIIT.S nrrn engin. unklarta.Anc .111 prTm+pily eV+. j. 4 coknt, Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammoviii. _ w ig 1 . 1& 9 1 2tad tr t r ca rs ,v: • - GILL /it WojtK!... CADMIN & CB.AWTORD, Gra in anti Prot isionS. QLK Tort PLCNBEILS, CrtAM 081 (1"r EEO= LAa TITTER., SIACIIINISN, A...D •, ,,, I . PER , M I TIIS. of7V-1 1 0;"is.;:rr.tri7ZIV:V}Mtill' A . '''' ii r. A ..5 CAST' N,S, of all dimmiptlema. mada to ! ant, &TEA Nt D ,, A T WO nE. STE.; : , .I AND GAS- , 1; , . ST WOOD FIRWIT. motrro, Pt. ir ITTI NU. 11111.1 t,..1.1 . A1111N1:. promptly attende.l to. 1 l.d . l7__— _- P.,,,... .tt-,,ti.. 1,, : t, fitnua. up ELFINE. Rll:et F. wl: ft/A I AND CA EltON olt,:x • .11ARLF.S. , C. .112.0-kiLE: Y, Ala., SSala A,....-,... for tha W. -tern Dtat; 0 ict of Pam. V fo Al ar. r t h.. a.l. ~f MARSH, LA C S DELL a 1 .0... Al 's AT ENT sTri_li. , N Pl.: Mt% the town twat i. 1- ...educe and Comniiuion Merchant., ;c..1 Haviu.... r.o ^al. , . it la 1:1•Ai11.,e to ~,T1 Inat of o„ tor, url l• 01 01,•• • mo, sat er thu any pump WEILCUIANDISZ lIIIOKI2I, ,• • .. - 1 • 1,4 air., ia Ap . ' 1 Amd Cul. la ....1 kir.ll of 001TRTBY PLOD4CIII, I= 1.5.1 DI ,12 , •1•111S kiTE Li•S, RIDDLE dr. CO., No. 21 E11.,•T pprsitu Pi - v - rh. Pit ratmr-rt of I. .., 4 SIVITOLI sn4 vssf asseript...o I.EITLICIt kUr.l ' ' - -•-• [USN ZIN JON k ®'OR ArXII , VI A NTIS AND DDALCS 11l ans. GEO. W. 110LIMOUlT a CO EsaalUttuu ol IId,rrFaCTITIZERS, 1 c .4.c.tactnr.ql of •Tery vans[. :4 tutaLed NO. ITO LIRIBTT fITSPPIi 1112417 Prriitartau, Pa. & CO., ftrm i)..t ... . 1. , ,,E;n1 , 7 Pittsbaripk.. wen..ota °Loc.) 'DI ):%; &Lk) & J liUCRII.EB. rn.ln, sad 0=7111,31m lie, th•nta. pbt•trt. Ic , orFLIC., N 0. 51.; 2 , It and MO. L 11..S.111:1:1 rtout. Toum:. TEAA.. r: I citrus. 21.3 .1.4 f Eit,ert7 irtteet. Pttu i t' 'KO • I=l =lll I=l , Ity ikast I=l Yakut swillgvs, kw? amines In .11 lb. dilLerrnt ktada CASTINI.:B, 11e00111, GUT TI Nt. BOX®. k. With grwaly Incrr..ed 0..'1/- Um I'vr doing bto‘n•an..r• d.alant to 11,t. :a . roll. arshowee. Owl!, .11,7 Ind Liberty Mt. illtab'gh. ,Id.HIN HALL. T J HAI.L, STEPHEN WOODEL, ncT. em IAS. J BROWN. BLACK DIA3IONU tiTEKL WORKS =NEM PARK, BROTHER & CO Sqtw, flat and ()ascot, of Cre.rrzettO .iceto any Importod matauftotttrod i. Ott. mon. . , and s.n.l SIOO SP ST 1/ LITY, rlt catnt.rgh. 11.11 I Td AND BRASS WORKF, S & WRIGHT. (fmccessory to Orin Fewtoo.) •ANCI. l• • okgot tri I• 171111. AN E. Mx A 1:0 Y A; l'U.: liNilerd in 1.4 FOREIGN ANL. LAMFATI , crierUo t.. 1”, n 11. PALMLI2, Wood Street, 11:2 BONNETS, BATS, ST/LkW TRIM M NUB, .n 4 STRAIT GOODS genermE, ic -Arc RL rFE 13LUNi E. Deal,r in MU ) PIO ANP bitSICA I. IN,TIII - MINTS mil. yrnt for IF.N ADE A lIAINE.° DUOS. PIANOS, sod PEINCE S CO'S III:LODE. O!S. Fo. u Fifth sto,t, eo"rnid tlrs.r %Corot, Plttabor‘b. Pt.. to let, aato•s In "...luso,* tor orw. mr.l9 HKLEBER k 13R0., I/milers in Iir .BIC A.ND NrStrAl. INSTRUITYNT! , , vol. &grata for BTRINW AT'S CELLPLLATED rl ANON, No. VI 711th arm., Ptuaborich • r 2, lIIIARLES C. ICIELLATR„ D'..lor in pisyne, Bflcolynnss. No. 41 4,...,6 1.4(v4i0n P.. 4,414 •Ln.l D,. .n.. 1,44,6 Se Pitreforsh, mannesctoror of 1t4.11T.E11 itlV rre WROVIaRT SPIKES, common and railroad. Paritcalar rtrA or shaped STIKIE4 and MT rtl, large or small, made to order at Vso.rt ann., A good assortment ounstantly on hand. toyW _ . ATTO RA - E rs 11.01.11%; /1 c. 5t,011 . • S. 11: SCROYE 12, Atu,rnevs-st .l. Ofta, N,1314 Follllll.rrel., K 1 BTONER, XTII.I6INIIT - Al , al, W.— t 'Teo, Ns. I§o FOURTH Pitts."h. DTID., ZdORTO/1161[11, MUCHA !JIGS' L 1 5, I.IIAdIS, and etion 1. Is traaoret• Jr.., 04- lee.. mart: Is gbh .or4.ol.l.l.ine.rontl. 44.t® •• • 7 L LIND P.ll. tbr IL. by C/bLDWILF4., boob, Tibet ..A Varlet Wares. %-mubb_2l :ba. now landing from 'La Oman Whit. D. fbr ludo by ..!AIT DIGEST A CO. OIL ".111REL PAINT.-10 bdITOIS rato. attpenim -Matt Fey Olt Du. rt. OCIMII O. OOLI.ENIL aisr-irrs - - - - JGARDINER COFFLN, Agunt fot • fraaltlit, Philadelphia and hen. losarano , lican os, Northeast eanur Weed arid Vaal ova Agent North Atrunrics, • • sta. of PrcauTlTagala. and flartfote. .em Cvuipaula., 6T if .tor stivet. , ecrotary heons • cornet list*** and Water It. • In _ 0.1 mrsacalpasl7. geuretaryNre.Torn rariaco Com a ,92 Wear Ural.- • mann Company. 51 rink anent. uic rsrs. ZAL[LITLNION JOHNSTON, Dealerin- TOO. DRISGS AND CIIIIIICA LS, SEI'S! SRI. FANCY GOODS, DDYSIIIIO SLUED, orl.S, lialo 'AZDIOLGLS, le.. or ausao4. erbtab he offers at tavola vete. Cseeer Soothtele .4 Iroarta one., Plttsbaralt. PruseerrOors WI oastundol hoer- 0 14 Bdam, Dr.ESiscs., sad azanuliterurent or WHITT LEAD AND LITILADOC,rxress of Wood and Droat =la streets, Pittal•nrgh. trugpi, HO Wood and, terse-r of Strata Pistsberet. - - BOOKSELLEICS. Kc. tvpd. G. JOHNSTON & CO.; Sutivn. Tv on, Man% Book Manntsoncors and Job Printers. No. al Wood strort., Pittabarfb. .W YT (.11. Hookeefierd and Sti.tion .lll yrs, No.fa Wool Arent. neat door to tbo farm.- of !bird, Pitt,numb. dCEIVOL and LAW BOOLO °own'. • • •^n El T }ZdVadat Ant 1." • No. 71 Tearib attaa., !titan tufl<l4o 1 31 pigs&&&" lad Eights(' & Os." Iced M 'antes sad oral. Tip ens, to dlTtri isultbranta • . .1. R adWPIELII. C ROCER lES, PROD UCE,:c& ri )•• (tiemttoor to r. Dorta) Sil RI rir.R & LAZIKA R, GLlA)Grani •ID COBIYISEION ILESZELLIVIS. Noe. 97 and 29 Smlthir. , ld sL, cox. &mod. • 111.141142,....../0111 4 ♦LIMILSTEIII.I. 1913711.. p OTT E A I Is. .11'. S. i I F.PARD Com false. klwrf4fants off d D•ralrrn Torwipf sad Dirwestro {TA. ET TILE 1..11113ba, GC POTATCIEL, 6...1 Pr gortef fly. No. SW I,..bfrt7 stmt. off/foal , Dffpert, httaVgh. Sy J. H. DI worth ,Mttt,l thqllr. Culp • Slog. artl, Atw•ll, Let. S to, 1 , 410 es-r, Pitt•bnr.h; It t 33.0 , IttDowtll Van Drm t • hilatta.i Dsztl•tt • 51Imotont. RD . ..LW • t• ••ti ir• T. L. etan'tall Le•tlt, Imp •-tt. my•-. 13 ACKEOWN & LI N HART, Flocs .a. o nal , Gluts Tacropa, Pnariret ..nitOrramisoS Stu - Basra, far the sato .f Row. Grain, Kt*, 8.- a, Lard, Butter, Em, Cutts, Pie:ar.s, Tann., f Whom, Potatoes. Pot and Pearl ND., "nitrate's, Lt ,d e.t.a Lori (ill, PI - tee! and Omen teats. Sisnotbs, Clots, Flu and Grum Seeds. FRANK VAN CORDER, Produsa and Commission Iderahant, Ne.'llo ITGICOSD STEVE?, MUNE:I4I_ Dealer Iv ri,ors, BUTTER, DIUsOI4S. : SEED; LA BD, CHEERS, BUM DRIED AND GREEN fRt• ITS, arid produce geurnelly. Lime: cuh advance. on ooroklornorto. W GOR.MLY, So. ET: LIIICSTS 6111. T T. eltobarcb, autos; parcassod tae latancipf Lt. lat. .111 mallow oh. tombola n old stand, oo pleated to metre th• rstror.ago of Ma old trier& ant cwtotto-ra sarts:ll 1011 Costmlamb I Illtactmorrs,ll"bnle.4l.ElANr.txt 1;1111.111S .11A1_11IL CIIZE-11L, MIMI/ FRUIT* OL - STlial. -IGGS, GRAINS u. 0.1 produce gm.. .11y. 11.11.,, WAT/1111, GIRLS. OIIN, 6c., 'o. :11.? Liberty ISRabargh. 11 , 11 MAIL ‘7 , 0 1 ./fa llll . ll . 1.1 31 • -n 3i. utrunnLi ln Ci a1..1. b Poaell7C Marl.n.. a nd OAler n L&B.i .rn ,I,L, BA' D Mt TrElt. EGtif. K B. Aft. l'Uo iUCCH. • L , U QE.ATN. uncrx 1)111119 h . :1 , 4. CALL .131.1 XL /06 )AI O:RS , rt A !if Nit Pi Ot • MAI i i 5 toV BUM; d ANTS, AA:. UK/11N, so.: PEDDCC: N. Jon: ('A_ISHEL.I), .MlOl AND Fiwirtanygn 11.tritir, wr..l s.h., , ,ide dealer in 111.2:ka i; Utl 1.1 , r.. 70 fai . I InH, YOT ANL: YEAR/. FAL CU A TliS, LINSEED AND LAND AILS, Willa/ ricUIT, erd i'retture ceneraLly,,Noa 141 101 l 141 Fr.nt strev. riciibereh. od Lriric, ..... T 211.12. lari.E.t.Titimask,%Vholesala J a.r.d 0,12..19+10p krotr-taute, dttler• 12 PNU wairle BACON„ 7DIEI , Al'.l•A A AND LAND OIL, NtiILa,ULAAS-: Cu'r :UN TA UNN, end rlWbo,gb maeuterttrea reneia iy, ri. , ..n4 ttnnet, Pittat.O. E Y3l E R S BRUTEIERS, (succeseors t• keyrter Anderon,) Whol•••:•• to lilttKlUN FT.UITS, NUTY. AND SUIrES, COB • FIATIOYILitY.ISI:OARS. FII W , tiLliS, tr., Not., 1:01,:td IT•—trtrwt, •ttt4r Ts= l'ltt•trurglt.. 2,1 y :az 81.1 Si' it A ILD, C0113116.110S FLOUR, LSD PBlll./I'CE, No. /IS 1.:N.1. 7 3rrnot, Piccabrnt_ 411101., IrrtINJA 134.1...ra Kiel family Mo. .w:l 7 or: rxri.ic:•!‘cr attn=tl. tala .11lIng older& fnr Ilerrhsandl. c onorall., LEZI.: li. LEFA.III., FLotqr. eau \J the Kim rf GRAIN. SCED3, c•n“r.FE, ruoDurs, Cho l'nl.43ltyrn N.* Ile tieNNI zr.d 1 . 1,41 :AN",I ANA N allthll.l3, vs, 11 EAD & NiETZGAIt, t,rucers and 11 Como:do:dos dos , ors m .Lll tusk. of Gnu I•t-foinco and Pfttabdrgh bLoradOdinrol. So. 20 Li w. berty ot root, opposlto boo.. of Wood offio... Pflosbargh. K*l7 ..... MB= GEC) h . B. — JONES a. SOY, Wholes:Lb Grocers and Ticiat rartit4bere, dealers in XL. 11L 14OPT, O&M:M. OILS, n T U. =ft Pitt.' mrgL mativirezttireel srtieled, No. 1.1 Wetar err.* th• .114.140ri el. Bri. . Pitt • • • • snow, na so* DOBERT DALZKLL tr. 00. WilCao- 1.11 Grams. Connniiiston end omit-dinette , _hunts, and &N.J.. in Prods. sad .Plitsisirgs ansn stscazros, Litosrti str.s.c, cousin. 1 l WALLAC Commisea , n Merchant,' 1- , • sod Wholesals Dolor tn rcour: No. Libersy strost, opposes Pennsylvania Ps E., g ri De t, Pittsbnogh, Ps. 6tossgo Wax, zoom, corner W 0,11.1 nisi P. screen nottli MET 1-amtaaar_..._.-vasza sarzrros.-- , aa,11•0 , I AMBERT, sat Pro's CO y Whgle- L. 4 aale Gnacara Kali Produce Daslora, bar: Steal dr.", ?Mahar"), WATT & WholesaleOro any Omatabskro Merchants, sad el.stars la Pratt. cad Paull awiagcc.res, No. WI Lib. - VISMAY TELFORD, Whale6ale - 1-4 .4 11•.110130CIB41,11.00 B S.I4D PEOKOZ DICALESS, 1.41 Mom, lust, Pltablugl. ocHob4 AKFR & LAN °mummy sad Irbassra. deslar• M. Ktse CZHIGS, TLOCE, GNAT'S, ?O MTN, Sa, No. MI Wort atm Plttab• 5.13.111 JS. LIG . GKIT Ft CO , CITY FLOUR.. . IRO IfILLI, corm . Leorrty ADA Adams .tAtFlit u n, Pb ti n Aoo barrels PALLELL SITN, Yituut = - ,Ltun.n. At LARD OIL, and Ikm.toloo an. et fed ttu, parrlmas and ealo of Catlin MD REFIRID PDT6oLZDAL Roc and Zr lister ,tmet, pima, • Mfra.nCim C:440 on C.0.110.,...1L vs. • KIRILPATRICK kBROTETER,Iitte u • ~ors ter Drown It Kirkpatrick. ,NiaintE• ALE Orteccas, It.. 19: wad 14 Wherry etrwrt, Pittabet h. a . - ar.dCeuameoacca Mor n. COLLIN% Y i nrrEL LAZE Atxds end doater to CHs/!.. , 0, 23 wO3l 3. Tiles. wad Produce surddolli. . E.r2 stars NVlcLie., P_2 . ‘2_j:ebu a 14-CILLASI) ouccossor to no 1611. So. 10 Litoortypou wrs , psualci.V.,-11110CIAT Aka, COlll 1111A51.1).21 tettIiLOHASIT. o.:Ozearneot. 5.11 y ealiclGKl. 4e7r" O taata Grocepy aramabrion Myre. sad &Son In p,siczo, Alm co Wert mom and is rront, stroet, Plitabocra. j OHF FLOYD & CO., Whulendo tiro- mrs sad On=Vat. , ISem:vac Vow. WI 16*.el and I% Li wor i ptubrartt L (mircessor 14 JamesA/WW 2 a 0.0 mei PAtlitli sad Eder ie P 60418102 M sorer of Karin NW haul streets, Pltitharick. 5.5 - - can I Tovragsbil.) POSE TAMES god &AI. or t rsoviinoNs, No. I] Tourth irtrosh osur Lib. rot , Pittsburgh.. oral 11 VOIOT b. CO, Pneeeesuirs -to 11. L. Gh, Cnn, PCODCOT. •ND COXIUSSION mr.r.auarre SIT LlSsfty arse', rittstsrak • TORN I. 11.013613 It, CO., Wholake* 011.00ENII AND CON MISSION ITY:NCILANTO. darner of Smithfield fled W.t.r ovreta. Pltltlaai ; toteminnitna Merchants. end dealers tn.PRODMIL..II4OI.II. os.coti, WOOL, OILSI.Ii. Oc., SI, tl Omttbllatel tweet, Ptaalsa.rsh. 1ne1217 10,1118 lISAZEINtSS,IVg4esaan 1:1 GITtOCS.II Ala COM1110$11)S-111:103 1 ANT. Sind cuter et OW /lc It, fitleherslt InhlfalTets HAUAiettel, " aW""" \N ! Ontree NON 1.6 end te-Wea4 ' 4Satt A C I I MS=Vggr * . :
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