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I. .%1:1.:...11-:. sl . 4, ...ki;:1-?- i le .1;.• -;...sxiis,'l 4,,e,?....5pN.::"..,,,,.;f1 ,i1:+4.,...1•_,1., . • - -1.0, ;• ; ;.•• - .re.:11..r- ~ .I.liek!?iti..:. • 4- 4:z..77:f ttkii!mk ., it;: =4;a:: •:. ,%1• .. 1- 7t::•+;• it, ft.tl".::,t.i; ,t‘?;' ; 1 lt?1: , ;, 1 t' 4i-4 ri:St*P,i::, ~ill:4. 4 :: C. ; ,‘ " i'N:l .:;,:: 1- , :4:..,;.:t4 ,t. 4.1 1;?::-: 4t 71t.'ilizi.,i;Nlii;ii: `;.* ?yeti q. . 3 ::!:.!,;:•: , `.. $ f ,l- 4 .:':.!.4;•: I] ;!41;z i4i,.:ii•ii''.g irif:;4;,: .3.;11;;•z*.,,:41.-:4;k3:s Z :g'..5•:1 -.f: :11,,e, if-it -78 i 174 . ;, : - ..; ; ;;,-,..1„f44,.• ',..': ff. ..,%,.::!..: ' ‘,;•7-04z:1; 1 1, ..,,_< .y.-: ,- •i, ,et ."A li.*:-2!.::. 4 f;: : c ....,;,•,:,4 ,•'..„,.,;-''-t!=n;•4ll.':' ' • 1 . - %,::., .'5•5",..!.--,•, = ..,, •„, , : -, 1 , .4- • ',I -,- , T ';',.---' %• "i.'-'7z.;-„,::;":,::1-: f !''''' ~, ,:t• .;•- ‘ ....iivi,-*.,; ~,, ~ t f -. , i ?-- N,:irll ./-i:''.l'S.,:,,,,ii" F -: ,- 1 - • :!;%;',.,:': ...5 ..:: -. ~'• ‘!, ; '' ~.': ff'?.,ZW'S •,'-`!'f.' ..'.. - 4 .. 1-14 tr.,..t:•:, f: , • ...-;',‘' 4 ~;' i. ~.' , -!-. ;s,''.l • : :,'?;,1,:::,'I MEE u~.- , :.' . 1 ' A ESTABLISKEIY: Oittsbur,git Olizttte. „::-, „:„YIIBLISECED,BY :.7':!ip'P.IiVI:,.MII,ISO.44SSONTION. .1 r IA . -1. TimiaAzETTE. .-Iromillinume,tyman,p;rytiu...4.43 co. _ " 0. 1111 141 11 14z1M" br Vlaniyo Por-- 4 - 6°' .i• - 1 -';Alntstvt karettricilogliittisa4F 4 41 ^ 1 50 . •••,••••11•;•••:-••• 115. ' 72 e,1•11 sue oxtails the rem wading chi . h. fir A, • 114:6 At Ulm, ire •DI =ad the, ennal Gaircra Day. for • deb of meaty, we lAD; vend the Loarnro Gairmirdefly. Single cello., 54eita:" SIP AD subiraiptieas &idly N eetemweoehd poem guys Mond whet, the dm* expires. fPg;PD,Ak===7,-7:31MIC11 16 1864 au,tt Dir.tr LETTER Ostroveasstam of theme :was oustte. - Rawl - on. Mardi 12,1864. Ths withdrawal of- Secretary , Chase from the Presidmittal Arena, and tha t consequent -• ' talon of the ,lbspolilleans'oi , /fionest Old , . th , J- , sidle:44mo lat,e bottom out of the hopes , • . .of .the Demoorsia. Oat copperhead orators _.,_ . -----2 '''''''ini t tionritilliiii t e indalged the fond hope that the split in the Radon ranks would condone, which, It was alleged, would dram Aftesit a subuplit of the Germans in !awl Of ITene t ril Fremont. It is knOwn that thelDemociatbr, asnunittnes of the city have , prepared dekko. eating broom:its, calculated to ermonngrithe allfiliolariObalit aspirated retell. Ail eyes '' il' l ' - ‘) ,4- .3 *), , _„,„, , fl trei.Sonti ', ; ~'• . -,,..., , -.. ~ t nres.maxneverepms by thsVicent election In A • itte - .l3estiVirs powie - ing)ii4 of traitors - settabred within our bitten. They number '-' ,ithisi-kwetaimazia in tit toes sad B.SpoA4 fpn eittakr. ,- Vida is compantlyety a email ....,/ifiallre': 4iiiicwinit think by tida noise they " theywbald foe I - np S but then ' '•la _hist ll= trill make pate_ r than i • .- ir,Vbadaverolledall urAnerAtipda., ali timpa ni! • . • ribbon msdelt &point bi tu r n ma on ele c tion ^ ti - : iii,,y,nrf Ake itapstiteitiei • all loyal ' t at& Nbitthatthey !Meath:ran their hinds, and airs forithemselves what a oitifril appear ance thay make, they elaim-that Matly thou sand* of their number voted inlavas ot the right of. soldiers "to rote, bacons they wore Cartels the Army of the Potomad was sound , ter IleOlellari. They are slippery fellows fo -, talk Senn to, and train an argamentatie masked battery on you,turn whitlier yowler!' t , . • tr ,. r,. ; T he r Noir yorkets ate a• - llnte ;excited on ' 'die trai,ytoirrami oa:. The polite notice to • t ' .. 4• . ' the ladies it the eampito abtrinattdate, and 3 - ate Trait tit. arm then to &nitwit, Peilidllif ,• , ,• i t :,. larked Mhz tominess I but "the `telegraph:•'an t-,:tuctinestlest, evanbig that- the' end lind , =te • inkbibinfldilest 491dryemlillb fP,Ten ,4en 1 tartaket.'. kits; at On Wbtto too, and ,•- - .", frilicAA fariwell of rho magaihneat Distances -d of Ifssithagton. blesowtdid Mole are hut , :-.-,:;rying br th e front at Act sinning - rate. Where .• • --,---- - tbrrsdate *oat ot;to;:absepsittentar Isnot "....17:-:-40 -Ate - bonnVite"ent,biewit.l They are - .•,'llietalls lune .tlrklay anditorra todratrow.. • t• r , ..5. --: Thu, daily •tionitier,'plied with ' -1-- ."; - "\dtlintlietti Efriny:filfatwnis said to t, ‘ ',- fadialidllfteeohnitdred.: Thaboys ook hearty • ndrelestein th eir netelright stn onus, and ills* alltiantkp xmjnyed•lbonsittoroteistr , stssioally - at they pleasant 'boatel. They Kra putridly well satisfied. lb - ow and then - `• ' : ills differtal. -- - , -, , -Yee inatesres—ridenionnett;:yrinet thane ' dowiplagelaZiiiif City-1441y. t regiment Ir ailltite r hil:tg up a street when lon e of the ' • _ Wm ' drunk andhelpless, fell out the ranks - `' , on toll. siderebilk, where he lay /apparel • Lip --Odes& After - repeated efforts !had grpcb by ids come. l ' , en re hiCll ntthle feet • agates his - o.pum4ol Along t ra ndisgpg his avoid. aid ietaally ordered tho tan' to fl 7 tbusat theirbityonets,tato the eel loss fellow ' - addosit they were tossed to do, drawing -the _ Wood eepirauly, but :without any vlsitpreg *TeatThe scene was brutal in eke extreme, end did tot add an bramtiver to dny one ills • elplog on adopl &soldier's life. I ni, wareity of team:n.l3 making our be . Oran men eon their eye'. Thn, greatest dielmity is experienced to properly mast the taresdrsernt out of this part. The dearth it prevalent to the sem* exact to the nary ' Last week there were sit reseals St the Wild yard unable to go to eta for the want of able seamen. A company, with a capital er 510,000,000, has been organised in this city. triih the view . of establishing a line of feetand large otpant. - ars bum= New York and•Ragland. Another eonspany Wendt to operate a line between Am York ankikina. It is hlgh time that eraiatiting OF tilts sort _was aciproptished While we pompom with Englaad ion almost raw, eutarprlse,raci lava 211°1,4 them to obtain s long start of cm Woman' steamers. - nen isim one vegilefvf A tztoris.4 build chnr. mesas the ocens...the.dthladow4nd the I; anted by Englishmen, and sails coder the British tag. Those Ilnel tlitweelaiNew Rork And Havre will soon commence regale/ tripe This" PrISII4I3IIIII hare Yelled onl Midges) vanity by naming the two Fiance steamers ' essltereirely .Washiegton" and . alnyette." _ The SAlidonXesoL Spring begin foillif•4ll3 la the shape of drlssilog rains, thick fogs, fatal rasa, of diptheria, and an locomse in growling on the pert cr added rheumatics. Neuralgta and toothache base got hold of -subsea ,evembody. ,;Children - zor ...Attain ~ ..` V... ariffit:scia ititeferestotif• &Ilea deld water ..._ appileattengsnd- shaping-conga nearly strangleslisititboatotints. - Sprites coming, ' - l i killik,t 49 . - ....., 4., ...... ....,,,—_,... ~. , .. i . A :NAM Alltrs 'Mai Elotityl .by „tbs ittestottlip : ;;J r i_idiel4 tigth 1 1 174.0 1 . 1:1-gity:Torkbn fraidij . Bight, has occuldsublaistarest.- tills dates ..,/ ..4 , ,,„1.104. ID Ow .I.olb itiltint; , z arimic thi milltar7 ' 9 ... ,, - ;sitaaths sit Jaekshatilli'nfrailailli otacbstif; ' . 4d. U: Otir irisspastlll hold the' plies, bat -ars 311, 4 0411 h - Oleig,9 ll t praezaasa fro la the rebel i L '- - eivils - - troirtaay- airs still Liao listable .. 093 ,9 401-aldlittiaid scoots sours titian: pi:DUI . ..., - .. .usasiforta au la: t the ewe .; - . • •-• at its sloth of cattle, ishlelifitbein g drivip Off . u fist ,as possible. OpOLihr par forces 33 1 4.1 1 1 , 1 131 4 39 4 1 4 . 340 - :31i• '• 33 7,,L 1 47 1 / a 410y,last arult -ittlitilliazxahr it#tiefid, g , r i ';, -- :;10010,51;:iiit, itits tatiljiii: rebels ere. i: ThvrepoSt- - pabllshed.ssairi! us-Atincs that ' lasers! Visdes • had . ..;44 iii d.,; Weisral Ii Itlie - eoliati.aCif the Florida ..... -. _fralhrais pitieriti)Ut47 a eorraspoadent. ' -I.3liiii*ijtof ibo : issi.assani officer, in eon -..... ~-.lwarthirs-il the latslaressa, is to be rigidly •..- --c - r iiiirtlsstadiaail- oar Washlngtott alspatchat ' - , , ' , 40 that ha Sad Chu.'3llltiosjk saiioil, ire to hi' satiutoii3 to *Tioaqiips:' i na examined ' _ , . - 1 • 7)7140°i:1111qt on. the Oudnot of the War. - -^- lki. - is34-Sittibli - of wormed la 44D tain t , .._ ..',l399l3.,edirsarat taco* Ant *So . ham been far ~ . ._-. questa-this was frill*Pal 94 79 ooo 13 4419 I Go 45ernial 4-- Maskt 'otlitkikeists, sii • 1 -.Lila iitillthti riii!;sill9ill:-tba Suffer. il4- 41 41 1 ; ;!2 '- ; .: - ... , .:-,1 - ..) Illia-liithils -WAV, - , th. hut., to an =•" : o'lletfekait c ,iiiiip*Aft yforl s, arizaltathat ' 4.- " : ihirtsiaiiiriviara4siiseaSiirp la mill. The • - - . - - 1 lif IL ilia tilialsii Ofilsid4itatid it 939. thin,.... mcciam7,._:,-, ebbihsi,radidmirabseti . item ~,_ .. di o b._ ek iiying ob „e-.. ,idutnietoo *avoid ee *,,•• 're” :••,'•lleti*eytislifenioe'kat: kii4l"hit g;iso • , - t: 'if fjOeli-Aterkrifo_ et ,116t2, the neb4,is hwy. •';''`':llZeoe 1,11241 .........11af Oa: b4Allrf,i; ttjfisitkii _• • ' m sttittid itiltbel;t2 `.7.Lereiton; 1 ' .I=eLafflilli:OZ:ittahri Of." 1,1 Am .. :.-. 1.;. 4401_77,3•1tini fut Von Ibela . to the .let' -phis inaldr° Doll Boi 4,..t. iireeWkape • , th. frit imajaputli.ta c the be I ~..• . olio - Kato It ..' .4 Um*, •.. &mime: it would ~...- - ilia. theT _ ,:abolinte lattlnets; .... ,'lMielib mow bin eon% !?1, 4 ` imp iestbleto • r lowed ;tbat'th►' um are iirong all : bSSO lillaW . . ~....bl, ,ina are, ~" totkeit - I NATI no filth in cite Obayjra a cold , 14tout i ., ---- - -.-.- - • blooded taco,' th ey are the politicians amens] k-' ' ''Orte ''''''. ' 4 , 1 404 4:1110111::090110, nub). who li iFildlo---B!? eell :an -4 ClliceparercbTll' pasiot;:orfibkanithiorirturntor;llo lb -•.• 7 ,117-Onaliiitilda :eippObAed V* , ingr.Wi t D, 7 4 1 , ,, , tlektagairi rebarafind lilies ire thotr mtd , ~...„..„, a m to : E m ia j o i ti;m. m due , or Gama agile eattenier ben prlnoill nioietunst-Vc., . . - • ' Iref:ateblek!lnli,9l4. hiTtmips the .4 -..4k, '''.-'-' Vidt4"i'Asia: ' ,Th" ''fatti - :41 04iiiiitalfielitit1441iii,1 ' • - •" 7 ' .r fisoor . . . , ,21— ..,4%._ ~ ennat• - at aloft* du tr ' -' i . 4102 3 /iiiiiitiWA o4 . l o l h 4l * -111,4 ‘. dialerie: 411 - 04 41rirlacon0404-04 - hatadakfalk Initiko arpaitrsioAbascadim ' rdMakiwilrediruk, iti 'l'. * '' 4,11 4 1M11101 - 1 "- . I,‘4 ' -4 . 4 ‘‘41 . 7"r.;":41 --- t il:; . k:: . :. 1 :: ~,=-i... ...,,..._ -4' ''''.' - ', -- : , :. 1 ; -. ;.Z."-:'.' - ' - '-' ,, '''''.-..-1. -, (:. -• ..:. • ..roatzir. iz !..i '. 7: 42.T:; 7 ‘ , .;4 . ;i1'a 0 ,4,- ^ 'f'-' 4 l'''.: l ,: -r '' . l '' - ' 1 ,!';;L:7-I,t 4 1.41 .-; _ _ ' _ - • ' • ' - • _ :3 ,'":•,•• • •ii r „,,,tctf" . _ • - •,- , . • . - , , . 'l' . ' ni: ab 41 .12 "14 : wh g etli t ar t" &a l3 37 4 E):?g i llth iel. his . iorisi: ever recorded, without a btruh of shame, the' faet,thattbe them w bo fled before Cromwell , . when he Wu Th 'e, dog op his remains after he was dead, and hung, quartered and burn ed the.body of the deported lien, when • it was th safe Yorere to mak back to the capital trona which be bad driven them. l'he act Ina as c o wnepy..ae. it, Was mean, and every. friars. fifty heaped open the corpse al the-. Protector was a fre' advertisement to the World efjoet hownitmithis enemies feared litisi. „The fol lowers of the '"earn e an" ai Utah; mood bare inheirited the wo t quilitlee of tateein their Eastlake/rental ' with t their virtnes, and they dere imitated the 'Orege menhese pacified at the•Aealoration, Ind insulted the bedinekif soldier* . ithithadhattle. Titibiatth lein — commenced tit 'Bull San, Where the trade to relies made of "Tarthee" ektilletrudbupee got ita drat starts, botthe batharienf haa ono ofcite , strOngost Illastrationk Int the - keeni cue of the death of Col. Dahlgren: The:ROC mood Saweriart,inAjberoethrhttle arti cle Upon the subject, gloats over - it thiemiption of how the body of the dead young lire ,wav "riddled •by, Vreenging;Smithern: belle% ". of how his body wee stripped itakod.and gob: bed of all the valuables upon It, and ashore* terra cat of to aritra th e diamond rave nest taro: These 'rime were 'probably, per pennted by tereeponsibleperdes.bOt their iota were applauded and jesulled by • thane who profess to be the exponeum of Southern pub . 1 Ito sentiment. 1 Et!EM "The &amber goo on to tell vitt I[4 be mute of tb. utilabid lad.tig; - sit; et lean, vas does 6yF authority. It Bayou,: "=rats? ifterboonahabity to reatormi Ouse I the car that 'broueht it to tba_Xork 61 *PS • the &ea.:a that,fiet arra - lb eel/=.• 0. Ivo It. 'Where that (pot la so one but those coo- cenuoi , la Oa burial knot' at Can to tell. It lasi a dosivbdrial, witheat tab, triadlott hoot or rev. it... Friend. sad relatives as the b e rm - battbi %alma° foultart,thia traathei:teill.knoor —e b a Malta; that beettaathe =baba. opus trill& I he came." "iitiringtberbody of & dead mons? a "dog's bariiii;aithont coffin, alisdink-shset, loser. vim," and: eancesllng it where the mourning "friends of 'the deemed - Will ' 'be able to And Itinmy Ime,*eve And gallant, hat It Is Audi braverfixid gallantry as are peculiar to. the Bouthern,scheal of chivalry. The Coon - - el of Conslanie burns a the body of John Ross and threw ttla ashes ea thea bite ; i but the act only made the teaching, and memory of ttie martype* Wanner mime :pato= to hie fol levet,' ithdlia 'ssattered 'aillislemsne amp phatimily • the mad of the church, and they istrealiatidanttrults.' Thee "dog's burial" of young Dabliren makes his 'lsm° and Mento7 midi &Mims Ini the sight of hls countrymen, end It bettesservssthe cense turbine that, if the Mew had' given him a pompous funeral ankraised &pile ,of monumental marble over ids grave." The above is fromtle - Philad Iphlaßelleti)l; to whieh we add the r foUoyins, frets thaffew. ,\ terV ,roartirty lire; : _.. . , '.,' ' • ' Wloboar.ely4aGae lords, on Woultettitelt• they never recommended such "Tilde as Ellputrick!soia their favorite malt, of i r ,4: 4 ., fare.- - Tir Hebei to-eliiir angry tfireite, we eta:mild torgat—as they appear to byre forget. , ten .t he marches and explain" of Stnert,'an.d Morgan, and Wheeler, Mosby quenttell . Sad Format. Kilpatrick is only worthy Of' an ig, nominlous death, but John Morgan,. who In half • doten expeditions devastated Ken• tacky, semlivett allhoner - sod glory. It is a edits. 'gill:lit- traminity 'to make a dash at Richmond, but when.Quantrall bunted:taw-. iettetrand mlissacied In cold blood the Imre , Listing _ inhabitants, the rebels called his exploit i'greist iletory and hint i within Clot. dler„a terror to Tankees. - , Shtereeirilsople who now cry. out ea fa, riotesly,. wore the inventors of them midi; they restrained for two yeah the heroism and splendid achievement* eta* ,tuaalry gen mils, theca - solifiraiiiess Was to make such interstate. And now that they steno longer pecceastalin Al. their faventte braittb of war, now that Quantiell, Jackson and :Ithers can ecilongarturage2Siouri *ad bons towns la Kaneko—districts entirely beyond; the legit imate Cold of wad that limiest-and Forrest can to more get Into Kentucky ,to tear up rellicials; destroy-and carry a cattle and norarc y and burn mills and stores-41 . mac pet .. gei.- -az y ...lost with chi:dial' and disgraceful psitilance„ " unfair "--Le soma, half-grown .0111Etticta 'eadd3pe; arid_ ineak entot the geute!whWtataCui.taagme when , till dernoel pa[dodlitidataneetit2..,, .. • . . fill*LtOrox' bthatiWind isakihgaut. L,Weehinitma correspondent *sliest Gen. Grant, having 'seeped hem the hight of ikrgofliturttrUst.:lW4a. ittiero 114 bad bean eandietehlid fob maribition betWesrh two beads oY departmenu and got onto( doors, drams d. energetically, ;bat be had "had enemsh of the show Inisiners " and deelined, in sapid soch r""FitMibt‘ritinunrAli Sew Took, a reeep. gob on the it,irsef tangtesi, and a oomph mentary review of the Army of the Potomac, and berried off West to his nnfleished work. it is understood that he will be back bore ha •Ightdshys: retake-commend of the Army oh dye Potomac.' Also, that ft change of pro gramme will give Gen. Deflect the command of a Department aomewherewestoehero. eiristhesat the above, It is stated that draw *DC osittleitaidrii beta; ramped the • Array et the Potomae; lead it In its exit mOveineut, then place Bald . " Smith at the bead:of It, and afterward from Ode citr dines the five eabt- ' Uri gierieeimiets'ind then One Cent Damages 1 G. outer Ts. 11. D Poitii A Co., ti proprietors of the Cincionatt Casenereiet—bas just been tried in the Dam !atm Ceara, Oceraof Common Plead, sad re nidiat on* eliat Am:mu . for the plaintiff, who modestly claimed $20,0001 TIM ground of sedan woe this. Carter yrs• nominated by •.Deut - oetette- wpm:aloe for Judge. The Coneteroiat .pltebed into" him Cinpirmati fashion, and defeated hid election. Qum:left sore troder,mhe of character. and loss Of office;ind'sotiglit redline In libel dam ages asainat the editors. They bad charged watb•lntodinitlon t ;dukprared on trial.• eJulixtabtirthonatano, nefilehand figure up the asset damages to - character .aultained 71nayins iosi,q. offing nut of-the h0000nt— • ff-me.AO4" tital.:Oretrhicent, butte coups too murk. Carter feel cheap. !lle ought tootd)upep abet- ' DiAri ' Orr- tow sumo tStatObeniti: &CC Wiiieleesidenos 1m Len= vaster onlreidaY, Siniiikonutbreek of the war Oa. Stambaugh 'lull bean actively out played, having been in command of the 2d 'Keeton; arts meow ielmatierp; and sub sequently' of: fres. • CoL - Stsimbitugh at ono ,thne ftlled a. largo place in tho political kisfory.of skive:mitts,. and. few. soon of equal political position - wont mon widely known: ifs was • Coal , warm-bouted sun, and a. intik :ifs-?i• lel reinserted' alike by political Wends and opponents. The but odisfatpinition ha held vas under Petal-. ;lout Bachananjas.l3ftweyor.of Utah, :fliaTittiarz Buis. Noilts•—ni Waohington telgrain agar - The Waif -nnti•:;Menrar rComancitto• hare adopted aa amindmont to the 'National Beriklog Ant, allowing National Banka to ince notes of the denominations of one, two 011io anif;tpotllareintitiliniol• payments are teatiatil4.4lrea the y;411111* eauad in and notes of not Ins than Era dollars hiseed. There are moral other hypo:tent amend many, which nuttertalirnbange the bill tropusad raiKistalon: . . I • . ficnuaatke Une's,Aarers.,.-_Tiu Richmond .RT42, - Lf March 9, cars that it wkll take about a week-more to rebuild the -railroad ; to Lee's um/. Los WU ItatOnt his Omalry fit all di rections to 'attic Wier, thing Li the :shape of forage aut. inarlitiande. for; hift troops. <The circuitous route that everything hu to come over bt railroadi-setiders 114mposalble fer Lie to cecina enough, immune Ilne' to keep hie army from ituffering; and . the fanners in dart:laity No iippastsd st, to come' forward with proricions forths troops. 033114:44.11/LoniTOß4lUyerod as ad drinirbir.ito the Ldial lwastta of Tow, at fiadrdhlumnidnlths Irat attCills said thus a u hot opt Fa73o,lottla th . rim, and that way wait atm' to: ittediiidf woad /caddy the taut .whosa hot and laltdrs had bein iniiidernd anginas is Ma= by. 'ea Tow rehab." TacortoiCPriata, writer to Ed diary Or Aprit,lBls3:PWeaVta Medford. Sarr Starr Itiorrosph*Jellov, onty.l9. Taiga sehopi three-' yaarl..-supperra 'hie ; mother Raw* Orsrah, Sp4tilati, 41,tin, Relies, a Huh Greek, sad busies flaramt (g• Is • good PITTSBURGH, IV,tDNESDA' AfqlNG,‘'MMitH 16, 1864. rams MTN' TELtd#B, OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES RROX frailBWXGTO.4*. tips:Flat tooTatclt to Co fltiitlxitib Gibritt, W011001:0; March 14; lan. GUTCCCT OUT ü. The news of GOT. BtimlatOj protest's:lliad the anlistinont of slaves In Sentanky„ as I contained inn dispatch this from Frank fortiProdttoei considerable excitement among Politicians. 'The feeling among. the Mien member, of Congress is- strongly in favor of ig bold and 'manly Enntnehy, and lite believed that the President will not and catinfit iecado.frorn the potion Ise has taken It Is Dotson why rentuchishottld be treated in say way different foo ether border star* Stable. "Tho Kentvolgy_Members inks that themes some mistake atr'grist the dispatch and deny that Croy. Dranete'ite Ceramist taken say snob position as is attributed to bite. assotrhpil OTVIIID. lir. Williams, of Pittsburgh. In the Qom to-day, Mead a Ferias of reedatlons, Inland ed as a sort of declaration of faith for tbe . Awning etaipalgo. Thai declare that the adstiog relsUon bet wean Union and Babel States conadtates the bondittcm of a Wills Isar alit all attiohlas dreamt:aim twin lass of a nation or nation!, , -That lb* 'appeal of Rebel Stain from 1.41 fribunala to the sword, hu not withdosent. the sees beyond the Canaan:mien, which, In Confening the irar pewir on tbe fhvernment, has made the law of war the rate in the sdjutmiot of the pending eeatroverty. That while - the Rebel States are by that law, and by the proelame , goo lf August '6l,plaCtid In the sttitade of belligerents, and outside of the roles et States, the jrabdtctlen and powers of the noierninent ever their territory and titian. continuo unimpaired, end the Uttar are amenable to the laws fan and aims. That ao long as these States mitten. under the, oeedpatiou of the rotted States troops engaged in suppressing the rebellion, the Melt tnnntfons of the ornaufhoritistare suspended, disenehlingthem from electing members for Pongee*, /Ad ebsetors of the President. That this sinned oceuistion, either under military commanders ei. provinelalgorenters, le purely MIR tari, *ad should determine with the ewes- . SRI th at predated It. That when the rebel , lien Is soppreeted in any State, the President shotdOotomunicate the feet to Congressithet measures fee the reorganisation of cirri got, eminent iuy be — taken, And . that it is the Illeitistmo right of the legislative power of the .G nirerrinent to say upon what terms those tertitordea shell be allowed to esters to the Union, and tbmin the adjustment of the jralmi tog controversy in government ad im ef the neenquered territerj„ and in ar rangement of terms of teorgitilettion, ft eft !, be entirely within their tordpetency to pro vide Wee:pity 'for expenses of the' war, and security - spinet nay future outbreak of a tike kind, hirer:m*4g the 031110111 and moderating absolutely the property and estates of guilty suthsrs and abettors thereof. na new bill of Mr. Orienf., regulating purchme and Inspection ofeaval rupplics and mainly in sooordaoce filth raggestloto from facers of It. tiara] beroku, alter careful In !stigatiots of ousting evils, and requires the aPpointtattit of * deterring and pmelturing !brew, nasal storekeeper and Inspector and receiver at each use, yard. Tho bills ate made in triplicate. The duties of each velar 'sue minutely apf oiled and feuded by a go wn fl ohmic*, ittorcd. 09 iktriatota are re quired to give bend ontreete,and attempted baudr are measly panty habit. Isiit rote,. The Weft Point Cadet bill at It peered the Benate tom day. Inereasee the pay if Cadets from SO to 40 &Mare per month, the same •I. lowed to Midshipmen In the Natal Academy. but debar. payment of anything in rases of appointLuenta to,t made andar the attic% letter of . the law. It aoth:ttlus the appointment of one additional Cadet [rem each Dtatriet tinreireeented la Congress_ rho amend- Meat retratang annOction, the 11.11.1111113•tina IVII. loot atter a shop debate,. a YEW LEAL, EIioBEDLY Stepan of Blstosi t oaks pay of Congress for cemlos hers to *natant Mr. Moen seat. eonsiditing that there, t 7 absolutely unanimous v ote tel that he had no shad. ow of alai= tholes% his moat Ls remark*. hly cool. After"the perforwutime of the Home ; 12011 . 11.01%, In voting psy to bog** Louisiana niemberi . r, therein no telling . has t bes may do.. . , 7S4XX st.als'e noarartn out. Gen, Ftwok hl. dashed Ida argument In ripport•of hi. claim. to • seat ha the Bonne te-day. Air. Knox ellreonaide hlatteran• der to-morrow, and • deelstan of 15. Contadt• Iss Is expected some time this week. Meek Interest la felt In the rase, and the general ballet is that Blatt mottling his seat. concAsor. or PIIISOIILI3 Waßlll34Till,. Mirth 14.—The statement that Wadsworth la to interfere lo bey way with General Butler, In the management of the - exehange of prisoners, Is esntradleted. Them) who originally made It, however, In idea thei bri Trait to Peruses Monroe ho, some Inch pnrpoee. I, '!l The Committee on Wariand Mesas, have dnallp nfetred the deohton cranetaltted Lut night ea rotated to-dij le report an amend. mint to the Futons! Bank 2111, authorities tie tome of ms, 1.0 , sod Oro,' dnllat Dotes. It in understood thin the Sonata win Dot agree to the Freedman, Harem Dill as It pasha ttutnerne. Sunnier la at work on it netting and eitanglngand wit make It prac tically a new bill. The gotd,„ bill oecapief moat of the time Lathe Hotisa te:dq,+hdtdt-wiu poll pressed toe vote, Its friends fearing, that while the house eras so thin, It might possibly he lost. The Home Karel Commlttoi same bath from Ocumeettent bating desidedly the won. for wear. Probable s.l4mrebt, New Val, • Mar,A *hip Star of the West,reporta thie - ed thirtth of Baud, In Let. 40 . 40, Lbeg. 154.20, at t p. m. obesely& large wea-01-erar, with bar male top-mast gone and colors at mut head, as If they wished to speak es. • BabsraPsently, we were able, after coneiderebbf ,dtfilettity, to .p., A lr her, and waif:lntuit:it:like. she was In linking roeditlon;4o6peoPle on boerd,ana eked so to remain with her daringthe night. This +redid, drlng rockets and blur, Oahe! until 11 p. m., that night, when ws epee& We did tat receive any reply. bt sheelock theeeranteminghanled kftbe wind sappostng the man 04 war had hop. away before the wind ai 9 points. That night sateen( braise from by W., eroto reetthedidowleg,the weather was moderately gibe Y. l ,Natitieemore was seen of the frigate, Whioh wes the/alien man-of-war It. S. pq- Tanin9rilb. „ The sundae Gold. .Malian:mos, March IL—lt was unread la.debaa, la .debate , iesteidy that neither the dent nos the Secrets*. of .War had 'mom nilinded that gigolo to self the kir ear gotoL This is andantino, as It is kaolin thuds« . goers tar ham tea nab salted for It la • batter to the dasaceoemseittios, bet has urged .thaptiaateitt.a.bilCfar:.that paspos• isporilitltridxst.Rembites gtgattval. Fn . Tozgaig'.l4biltiluasiAsigit: LIALJOAtrit ri p. %Pew ftsellsittt ..) , y"!W 4t gfra ll -1 1 -tw - f dcru.l 4 *IL 4, 1710.17,041enpmim Ponsurylvanis Ls/ldat In Prgietedllatc Fractal Dirplicto to ihe Pittsbaiet li.asietc a. MAMA S. 1.864. llorea.--.lforniespssuion.—Lest Iniotht the I meiontyreport, rettatirs to the enthership Qf ; certain &sticks to th'e ratAttr a v woo proot:tod by the msjotity. Theninortty tett-m/44 lb Inapt= mom, this mernl4,*d both nii,orts were road. Us totisertti ripen conelnded with resolution gris . ip6t4l4l the committee to summon Messrs. flaeyer and Witham, the repute 4 owners. A thee debate fottowed, paettelpi* to thi leitteipet speakers on both sides, vibe' wonted part, upset fbo rsoolorlos woo tojeotod by a rout of 40 to LS. The amend went giving the 'pinker a earn, t iring over the tetfottif. adtthe corrpritd:. tate on the floor of the house. with the right to break a their 'etaiVopeuditice atilt or expel them. hum Er. Doi WSJ aid rejected: - Mi. (Ilan called thiPreilone queetion, thus 'aeoepting the wincreltp report and 01101 the whole sit:Sect, ... Daring the &bete, hir...dinith. Of Chillier minty. reflected adVerelp entity coarse of the hat/Ito:rah Otegswria, for eadesvoring to , create the impretelon that one wino led the Union party to the Roue, - controlling int ao , tion by his eaperiovi , j as a leider. lie had boni it salon anci.gb, and would eibiolt to it no longer. .1. ~ . •The Rontitproosedadwlth bills on log. Panthers of Weston bills patted that reading, which will palm Gauen, tbio aim 0 . 1 . The bill ineorporating ' tint jtantlia and New i Cutts Railroad, eel , lifieVern, wee objected ar the calendar. f": --' A dj owned un Marten:mon: -` I Sues—dforel4 ,Staton—The morning ' paned away without any Welton bills of tannin being pu* The Bill ptorldieg the manner and time for submitting the Con stitutional amenduserme to the prole, paned ap to woad reglig. The Oil prescribing that the intiniti .• on the State debt shall, hereafter be paid, In- greitenhaeltsr dol lar for dollar, anti thmie state tends or sloths litre tofon taxatrandaithe act. Of 1813, ant ntiesdefrum such taxation also passed.."'On um:dreading, this bill, pending the disco. anon, the Eisnalkidjoamed o'clock, p.o. The Expedition up the Ouachita Hirer Election in Kentucky. Caton, March 14.—Same partinulars et the late expedition up the Oa ell , . rim has been remised: Zee ranboau Onaettits, Osage, Conestoga, T,cigbton, Fort Rieman, and Cooks', compossilkthit expedition. bin. ity was fntlud to be strongly fortifeti The Osage, In advancing, was alloi.ed rim without interruption. The hagxhio Libman followed, when a Limey Ens opened upon her, ■hlch, afters-Ow, obliged her to retire In a deotaged pubd)tion, with a loss of two men killed, and eight wohltded. .The ileg was then trentforrad to the-One- Oita, whom ponied:Wrote silenced this sa• emu's batters, is bleb consisted of three Et pm:laden. but littto ditheolty was asps cleated in driving the costar from thadr port Hon at Ilarrisonhurg. Chu fortes burned the torn. Daring the engegemant thestinboat eosohlta reissued n alight injury. The Hinman wilfoleitnins conetdorebt• re pairs. The gunboat Conestoga collided with. tho Goo. Price on the Misslerlitpl, oh the 10th Wit., a abort distance below Netehen • The Conintoga; with hie cargo of ammo al hien, is mak and .111 b • total loAra. The following is the Tate of Carroll Cp. K;. • Coleman I:2B;4lendertoti, 364.0 i and West ley, 11E0. 1. diatthit the nteeriiin was Ornitatt op. Eitinate vent erliJiln eight miler ofJsekson and thirteen tenth of Lesingten, when patio of the ti 3•111/ were tbrogitaatog the people with illegainell If they should yule. Gene. Sherman sod Unrlbut—Uleettan In: Ar10nam.71,,P 2 ' ... 4:114L . kintionm, March 1:7...-o*n. ~.A lrThottant 'staff •rttsiid from Vickabtaggiaat night Tk. general has taken ha. old qaariers and •ztiects to remain wire time. Tim larger part of hi. !oorpa 1. ereterled with anotb•r sopedition which left Verk.burg tom* d.l. slam. Ore. Sherman i.•t the Gayo.n trocist.. I review the Itamphts militia itita *Toning. „, IT Th. Arkanea. take. tw-day, Congraimienafrandidate. ara E at district; A A. C. Rldgera, Wm. D.Suati. i sod Dr. Delnal. verwetd dist/Wit; J. M. Jahasca third district MeComb'd cotton &bed sea • Toothy of oation VII bump, tbie isiorttog Loos net, WO. .. • Twenty•ieven Inn ext. ,r• nos at IL• month of R•d River. Andr• In . Qeattlttl--Went-Cen•nl Loctertun Minh 14.—Lient. Oen. thane end Ma ehielastalfoneetwl heyittile morn nog on their way to breebrille. 2del. Gen. fitterman le expected bets to night. Brig. Gen. Being rierleed ben tile awl reported to 01, Betbridge, sad is es ligned to the eowessirt of Mei roet..eire Col. Drees, relleeed. 'lb motored that' Reatieky wUI bi distded fats. tWo distant, withltsfr boadelltarter. Tv areal-rake it Leulatillitted.Lestogtoo, 'for bad's weessling the ferster,ead Swiss the letter dittrid. Jr Vlelteborg Advlers.-111ti moot/0 ts the Behthweat . .. • . ' Kr. Lot* March .141;.ie Altair "dole,. of the Sci soy that It boats t thst piece hate boo. Mooed lain thefiovetocasot talks. It to 'reported that a irottentant le to be Made vie the Hod p flub itott Washita rivers to Monroe, titenee l by lied tioiBhoteepott. eon. B , eole will eo /pirate trod Little Kook. U. M. fitpunirs Payed. 1301 TON, Mart& 14:—Ibo trzilta4 Butes F4WratiMiter from Dostan, arrived at ray at on the I tth of itbrautry. Theilt. Louts left that• on do 17cbtpfSlad4ra. The trogisee, • Ilearreess, ifamh 1e. , ;-The steamer !fetid ly from Portito-Prirme,ertioh arrived to-dob brought 'a mall from the D. B. Imam It'ep t oat, spokes off hteragoeme. Cotton Woe, Korth 146,400 visarsr rmis. with nearly ail bantritl aka of eolttqa for Oneinnatl, vaned op to-nfsbt. Ararat of aka Loofa.. Nor Tat. Idareh:l3,-Tha Lenin has arrived at Elouttunpton. nor oevole aohl olpated. The U. & erepreme Cent. WAnniermr, Minh U-fsr 11. S. ge. M. 04411 is =Mid.= on No. 1M to. ul7: Tau . *lfs of Gm G. T. Bostusgart ,idled to Few - Orlssas es Ws moths at do • 104., and m butted as Gi5.416.. list fdaststsas the limit oast won in,ltsw Grimm Om SOO O . Imons attsastadfaad the !mp was on? on. eio In liar& Perartaioooi disputa says that Ms rea ealpt'of nbel dolmas *map 'thirty pit thy for Ik!,u% rpqr4. , . . tr 4.1"121. WANTED rant (loot, Alt rOnassi an, animas, To-thee muftis t mploycioni sad pre vim +NW e. gt... 1, Jot tailor th 4 brosittoa Aaron pimi gab. verllnts:Ptvidic".s kr.nonitaserali mom, . ,tibettitsa at(ruatem alUair WAN l ED7. 4l V•gallitltal3= &LP' 1111 1 , fn fir_ Tityl-Gootlehrulteee To cot that la eolspettrot. IThoeW,atesot tettl a sea, la sp. pl, ins learoadlate4 to • • • D11111,11#; turtta oth16:111 He tall • ad rat ' , rats, atale , attoy W.A.ItiIt.D..PIIACTICZL{. GLASS niul 1711.4CTURES:.lo at. 'Dam ot a Wad.. Oast - factory }pr Stave at Ohio: Wert oratler eta:Hilt* hmaitialbot.l,y, t I tti detlei me other wad aop'y Addrept DOZ 1811, Clavilaoll, WAFTED .... litarrn.--4. want , =l4=wrinsur air..... ald ba kwa' Er n..no!!031114111. rdilfgli att._ :-,:sotnalsno,nia inawstr4.-wa ' ' 0 1 17044 . 5-201 i. emu L. 4,0 aa 13 iitliesageigt 3:4 AN IF av m k IRO la i z= _ _ . :l.7llllßE':TtPrlTß, PITTSBURtatI ifiILAT Low 404 Iffsaramer Bwiemes. ielr 'Tito erre etnre dim a tfiCi.tt OlreOdetN.ln tbritutirect4eitety iPP.Cd• AN ern i , r;:tnal tirptio, Sr.nsti tied Tiatlesue.' °Vt.e la tb• otart. , *! rvital raakh th!, Toantl fat metal drazt.has t,•‘•,l of tea terve:bre th. enotty. 0* Om:tam t. , -Ife4=te...lszt tins ekr3 at th.P,meat tIM innet ibrarrtteste the ;table.. =LI' (15", tecglay) ic". I SG. W rFct.c. - Nro Carl* -morn .Hr Hamm ..... tern I It• _ ... .21 r Word o MAIO\IC HALL • TUI:11) TRIUMPILILAT WECJ Ram al craw t • omit> at it. Ths,•ll./.4 entity. 41 , ..-314 eat et motow•at Ire? er.ll,nl eq. bj any 1111.1thel 1.44 YANKEE HILL'S _ Monist 13urliwaue Opera Trott e f and Brass Band: Elan OEM SOMA, AFTEREOOI. /In d wort o , the au Kum. of W. n I.WWt . t.t• great ro•dloo Bpwo Pendia. . Cud. • f Aclags.L4u—. 11.-10,0)1Allsyrti.wv - W...tm oahllttf SACRED CONCkJit, Tu DS cites DT MIL tLEIKENT MEN= AND BL PUPILS, klAdly waled q Ainatsiva, ON 7NCTSDA I', 17r/I of NAPO!. AT MAI.II4ONIC HALL.. 111 M of SU glean* tole. nag are estlrely eery. mato ely.tbte. Saris; been translated copra-tally for tbts =solos. • tort , L.M end C:ttl•qteevill lake put In the ci.orrm, T cket., 70 cools—to t. 40 as O. C Makes klos'e 10 co, ai Wcod otreet. • Doom open U 7 o'clock. C•rocort cow:erne UV* g oclock . 09NCERT BALI TIM FOUR BIi&LLENT REIN BEINGS, Or VILTME Ara, Ever Known on the Face of the Globe. POSE lively This Waal. Only. kl in a iL a T T : a T ru r ' erg:gr. T T IL UUS' . /moo own day. te, 52 I+ en cs}l, 5 t 5 aad 714 lb• eelndc. CEN. TOM THUMB, Art 6.10.411T1V1VL LITTI.I6 rir lug •ta Ls Hula 44 , 17r5t 1..413 110.17. (:(,)5114101) , , It D: NUTT. .tl•4 tarirs eirr4 , vra I Tr, 711.... Elfin .Rinsch Warren. rho oosnllool lalli of t • o • ',sr goo Molter, • 11•27 - 1-el Ort Se. a %oho - ••• Snth., all *tar 0%10. les bet Llk The roe. •.I , r, tut Later. TO, OGI covet no sloth. o o• lan Vcalaer nl N• argor Moo to many 1.1. , • , At the °prams a lE. I I . ••••••• atora•og Logo.. oh • flocreat aa4 hi. LO, f• A lanai. ,a. idea tt al tretldloo kootaato they .J.-. at oracs , Ow.; oo tb•lt Sta•Vato Day, 'rob ...S, le. .a. TS-z alll.rro , la • oroot farooy of I - sorb:dabs rtelo swoon Art Co n oco. lb, olokt. tan MA oot , ) rodOlat Presoota, oi. as atanlhafai Join& kir* &tad to 0.. Toot Thumb /c the Cterwood lit•Co of SarJrop. !rib b. aaltfolted a. each Lavn A nags. ta« st.. (53 CM, I.oge +.k-t' &a go hf t.rot 1b....awl punt-, 1. 04. fled Arta (AftchAtal alt lAtery •11. rnan enwts the street, and ta.t.l3- Will tAtt tAct. lo It hI 14-4 from Ito 11.11 ItAltrt , 4 ANt , toe u» lletut itamts not. 0:41.4 10 ~.r. o , ... le •• bttanxtv CONCESIT Ili 1.1 o 'ew 4.y, o. I cturooortsi4 . MISDLY .EVANINJ, 1141-41 slat , .14 , 3•6•.. o =Ws 1e Tt.a n w trowilos ELLINGEH & FOOTE'S GREAT ROM EkEIIIIITIOI CONTINENTAL VOOALISTS. Me nave emetat tom-tr 1. I'p , n Co% BWOUOE POOTB. y•• , •...14 2. IEII,OO tuna 111 It. Ile 81 II Inelb•• mt. ,toon pan-6 .1112 I ..10- Slott* mad yra • ot4t.• tt 111, 0•• 10 ~,0•5 at. 1 1 / 1 1101.21 oitao .0 • 100 m. 1420,11- I " • tr.* 0....J. 0 .0 4t • • •••numa u. .p• Iwo. Io Iv, lo rrttlattn lb- mutt/ of OX. FOOTS t. ••• • •••••115 eta II ton • tItt.oeilt•0001.1 Is 0. .• and ' 00 06, 0.0• • tvat.tlt. Saki taros., • .ta 4141, Anew. °NSW 402 Daerr• ••• attl • at.dwr •lIIS ELIZA SESTET.,. Ortarat tb• .data b Ito kut..rn aa tha lAItT Or 101 l *Sat, M. tustand I d, In fat.- . 4 tilt the at • a '1 , ./1 1 brialW• orb--L year. old , at ttlak .+.I atrl,,ha plmuuta to L. SHALL. Ow I la .ad et.. arocoi., la I l-yesr. ola...laabra high aid watt h• 115 pound. Tab r , o oT aUllpa tan W•natt•ra. (aatilta. aunt "that. estlatifoo of MO last. r., In +dart the Olaf wants are itataad to appear la a eartala p.talov. Ittaaa salaal alow.lAre. ' , stably alto otrd, a ad antra. is • 5.4.1 y of ends Pawl, Oautla old At ari.. Dane. Laaglaahla Elartsaqueto, P.M.. ar. &Lod f.), teem Sink am. an la plea a lb. caw antiksaa 1 an. Ch It.. .111 I....istad by the cad, ST ("nal sad jaatly ralabrated COT TIN/SSTAL VOCALISTS, Teztabar with .51. a. IL U. SLLIhiII6S, Oa Mahn. IN •POSOS tlAVOmatplatensad Prof 0. E.IIIIIOSA. the elatarat Blind .'Ludt and VI .11.1.1. iler Felon . Matins. CV/ lIS errm.yons altar tls tering_ Light. P romancing at 3 o eat. rot' LAC.. and Ob boa 1.31.4 la aftvraoca !tattoos 13 costal lauld.ma to tea'• D. apktr at 1 and? p. at.—Kablt Ithat 1* s ciamapt at It and o'ciadt Almlatioa. $1 1.311; tt,erral teats, 50 ewes hildren muter 13 ).art of •.-• le viva. e. O .LVSSELI.. Bmltwa Aga. t. .SUCTIOX S.ILEa AUCTION BALE OF CONDEMNED 110E315. Wiz DMISTM/1412. CAIIMAT 1111111lIr 017%,1111, Nitro eranicaiiiirtii. Iliabtoittro, D. o.,Pti.roary IRA. Will to ookt ot obbllA minim to tbi Wool Idi der, it tbuiplacoo sod digs. naricd As Xilidto, Pa, iEU llotsit. Friday, lib Mardi. • Al wintimpott, P., Wm boron, Tiudiy, Its Knt. • At Milani, Pa, 800 !limo Ihrtb7,lltit !faro!. it N.* Eintassiii, $ Dean. Tatoday, llth Mutt. At Eton. Pa., Mid Mom r Item. illb It tisoarb,ll.l.,lM 110,.. Tuesday; Di !Web. At Lotabia. Po., atio kor.. rsidsy. bleb March. Wubsiborio, Pa , P El, tot, Violal. ebb !Lamb. AN Perin tins bio&tiesiltio bird fia taitt fsr the Omit, • rhos s+ tio Cleated itrtro Army. To rood aid buil palps • wary food hrgatas sop be had. • Pomo. A. odd Joey. bi•la at loath, ail coattail WI/ On 1 0 3 aro sol Pomo d. Cob, la Pabst list. Tr JANESom so Patio Indy. Paint* Cblit third was.. Chay.lioreati P 111111 OIL PAINTINGS.—OD WILDSSIDAT IMOSFINO6 Now" tub, ' alas, val b. *II; by Ca.a.e.aw. co Os ammo Carat Caaano. gist Won Ikon., II 11111.1 sat eat, a tomb tat.voo. 011 'Potation. losooroi d I aaa of lb. bon • castawas of frt 'fb.• sue or ISO elate "tansy traeofir, Dawbtortf Oa goo Coal ob sod Oran= bawl., romp litiororaa sib amensio Lomax:or . 0.41 sad Mister. cos asbt Whoa/ mato. Karts. P1005,..11w • %Of Irboors, rigor. Pt.*. a. taeladtat aorta tem mob rii.naat arttstom 'abr der. 0111 rty, 1. .701.11. flare. inftvior Jacobs. Vormasi E. S. alas, Ilystboto, he. Alm utt.tn matte oturoosat 001W0 11 . 4 Mau Mae of lb, 4101.0. &oh as oba.ro Ifaaraeo,Ocooe Yora:o et 140,-(to win te oor brought Yatratosa I Ilaallo's Mod of ote• .1; 11:1 ; 4.aatriA Io npr. Fae.lhb lore kro WA. The P*ldilaii en alorsegy otorataa to or-a. mostal oh Noss to resat terptlor. Tblarry•rb ostlaolos, rocalhatlas to • rart. Gallory of Tea Arta. b tie So 0. °abb., for Yr • ••acil stytou. Ladles an ear - hol •rty Nepal. Cla.a now all be may fr a sultan sca .I'4lcattoy. DAVID* vaunt& worn PURNITURS AT No. 25 COVORESB EO3lll l ll,An Sit R , Dsl. MC01111504 Itol .1 r /intent, 10 oel ek, , oUl• ha eoltr.3 esidesea Onicre at es SUM. 61.110 len •d,• the austire Maw held letredins, annpriOng Mir Kitt 0 mini and Seeker, Oinine, Klett ank ken Poet Beth east% flame, Wpm, 011 (Intim, Kitchen lox: DAVIS k. 11c1LWAD011. Auctece. MEM MALT.—Prime Fall- LP Prdas 11AIMST ri<i • CV 08 4 11 4 b n " " 4 " " 6 031 -balm Want ITOSE:PrditaWAXnalik ,o36 : l4 / 8 riattartosistaiim.t_t. es a le=f r eilt74t rtY•ll47;as .1: 0/144, WAKING & KIN°, *ONNIIIIIO.2 MICIICSU:ars, Petroleum and Its Products, Slo. at ctr.arr BT., Pins (kali aa•—... Rug PEARSALL, A Cele=Ulan? itarcthiasts k Viral. ors, Petroleum and tta Products, tot eznort ••• Doan aessempciu. 6.lts do /at stable. .11 frveukt.ifi , r•%., Ltheral fighloni Po • BREWrat, uuxK R aj. COMMISSION MEECH %NTS, UM" fit 411.01 S; ratlPlo •ri LIZZII77 OrIiI4:OXUSA. Liberal Nob *lmam erie oft imastgoirris Rained or Crude Petro/rum 00E. D7:Q012131 WAI a BAIIODCS ITE. Kiiii u , ..MlU5lllOif .MELLOBANTIi. SIELPMS OP PEZEIOLETE. nflialDlDl LUIZ, HiVi' TOILS acct&t♦eOltlr 0T0210.1 LIIVIMIMSO • al thy& Fara . .t ,t tau Naas_ 001SC1u1021 k POZWAIIDIVII M=til!IM;11, Crude and Refined Petroleum, Ifek If lEI►IS !TELLY, OSP Ltb•ral Put &Inane ea ornirigartsufartbr Plttzlnr or Leassra Markets. . . doom J. b. Denerti & • E..U. P4a. tu uuk. 10.1.2 ptos ern; o . • . •••. n. LYDAY & 011011 PENNING. 12.satactevers ask ft +e ve BBertt VII. DRY tl AND LCO 11 tats. am/ 6 , 1.14 a te CAITAIIiAr. Yk: I'RU LFC U PI. .T p.,1;!•7 Shwool.cr, ..nto do U N•lp t. id. CI Xi 4111-1.4C11- MIMI creme. WALLACE dt CURTLig, fl'..mx.n exatun Ilteretvmte CRUDE & REFIRED PETROLEDN, FEMME •ND OIL. Y.. LSI tIOCTIII Intlitrffs PRIL4LIVLP.9I4I . alr Bt•rags toperhy (vadat etnyt.)lot tkur..o bbhi Us. escsilani Ortllliew for thIIVIAL hhuniuth hud 'unlit. Punt , at oat abhrf tbs SchnylklP 11.1,.. oat. the hletfon4et the P. 6 W.1.U1.1 itaa Crude and Refined Petroleum, FiNN7tII..Z lISIWALNUT PRTLADILPSIA. Sw p into t n ortnotoot to our mt. realty, goo prom protozoa attoottort. Wire to Harm Itiehooloork, Barley it co, Mew.. Burk. • Co., and McClelland & Darte, Pill.benb • not , erotat. Pout Book N. A,: R. 3.. Foote. Go., to artrolr M Iteri. A CALLENDER, 011. BROKERS U and 213 South Water Street. - bytay s Ctospasabw. boa Gig 011 Worts, Jacob stater, of J. Paha. 0 Co. /ma L Chaltanat. of Sassy Chalfant • Co. ifaal pETROLEUM COALIiIIBBIOr - 151117. OELLNTEL ARMSTRONG di KIDD, GORkZ PIAZZA crvitireou 11.11711M1211: Kea Torb...khous L G. D®lo6 .314Ittondon ro. k. GI. Dan k Co.I Immo* 00 ; Ardwoo 00 Oa far bru. •ed Informal*, onnly to D. SHICIIILIET. <kr. Wood sad Toorinntroote, Pittston:4k. nattNa DAQIDit, D. ID WLLIDT IT., PHNLADELPOIIL. CRUDE & REPINED PETROLEUE Oa Om =Wan actashatl• emir , 4,, 1 . 90 namable radon 11T0/110111 COS EXTESED mawl colion. 1,111 CIIIrDr, under good oho& Tartkolor .:oration pad to OIL FOB =Poe?. Pm doss-011:11710 SODA, SODA ASH. to. WEBSTER. General Menthandize Brokers, fit MARL 644rrriR. a r m Tacit, 154 sours ram re.. PhnztlO.Pta.YPL CRUDE & MINED PBTFLOWIIS. CAMPO SODA,. 150 PA =terror*. Tiaras, OILS. au, a.. Onion to looy l proloptto ottiodod to. - riftiipirrslat. coxes WITOEt HEZCHA lawatias paid vs oelailcaseenia Grade and Refined Petroleum. .eir Liam 7 adman aids. aaL• ' ILatvitlrea.ll.. Woe: bad I 02.,, mcimwr+, ipete dilation &on to Ow olio Olt Crude and Relined -Petroleum. go. 111 ISMS MONT MEM, YELL` eaklas JACOII 2 fIZTR9LITE OIL WORKS. „ num warn OARBOE OIL; enrsout PETROLEUM LUTIRICIATLEO Ciap,akt.nrthinessilbalslapit ask BEEBE 4 GRAFF. PROYEITTOEIL MOSPEGREILA [MUM Pitigtatgb. t• R : ASHWORTH, BRA OLATB WT., PITII9IIISIn, Forwarding& Clonunisalan lien:haat AND 011414111 is OR& air tturmnwento, LIIBRICATLVO. CM DI no - rutting one; coma:4y -twa awl orders Ow solo at n soileltaL u Wrest moist prkau Cloastawaro. • - wouruxaroircializikr. Gr. 9. EIOLD.BIIIIP Slzeolbetturon BITIOSMI OIL MID LOIIIIICIIe 1150 OIL. £oll4l4seattantly ban/ tb• on bur inalttr of 11171ININGOIL, door and without color; . goad LUBRIGATOI3. Prey. IVILMO lI7M Kum .ad CAS 6REV3I . ora.r. tat .1 It.. .is eine ream. Duel Plult; owed door, .31 b pwaptly: attended oer.tt /aUlllierae tit -- ifiritlidll34 7 :4lmilinalbais: 06,40.4 r" ",. ' ' •,,. '. •':. A - : . /m ir •,..:,1 . ,.. ,:t . , .. , `i: • ',Pr x ~~.~.n,_,.,,,.:~.~r u7~. VOLEME. . 7 114.477F.derortrAs, Orc. •-•I 11.1 4 41.1tbNt.; 1.1 1 t.6s . commi & cRAW/V RD, • bit.osoctoroon of ma, earl ty 'Of Milobid lIDA/1.9 WOGS POD InAnsnrits, M Olt GAS COS, 111LkUP CAPTING PPER .3 .:IN UI 2os T erlitio, um& to 'Het STEA At , CI - Oft6 . ,,BTEAPI' VID GAIL FITTING, atul DEPA LCINB , poomptb otlecnietl to. Porticulas octootloc odd tc, op LEVINE. 'um POD coat. Asp oz • Alto, Soil, Agoras for lb. Women, IHstrfc of Prato ,y1..12 On the col. of MAI:PR; LAO DELL I . C 0.1- PATIC-'VT SYPHON PUMP, Itobest ow Lt. matcd, Dario; tux roice• Dot Ilatto to pa OW Of min, and Irtll Lt.., more crow, duo tol foam) o‘ mkt , . In eta • I WI NAC4.I.IMIL--7. 11:1 21 .3rj 7. KAM E ItON.CITY nA9Krs-iosii. AIIAkI.PH/LLL 41, CO" inunnErcil ARD zucurS . Tril • , (Y.., Of Pik* mud oMara. 'vial • Mks opt! 'Walnut, ilerras, (Soar City Stator Wortia,) *onoGetnrers of stattanary and oil.? i i tat'srS. 11.01,1,1A0 NULL Qin I /tlOB .and (SAC MUT, of all kizolo, and goners/ jobber*. .Prompt attention given to repairing rioraavo RILL HAMM)/ !MY. Joss #ALL ,t CO., • • VAIL POEGE PLOW, wbUs. • 1 =will - BGS. • Shataarttern and 144149 tit sTilh4SlSitypt kind. PLOWS, PLOW WI'LLSOBV, GWOJA, CUT, /LNG UOXE- Ott, WWl' greatly In etteeitell belt. Geot'Sn . doing bmitovv, ve eatna . tl y writ, lin to a cell. Illatnitscteri, Teitiptrattecrit's.. . Warobattoo, Omit. ellimaa4 Liberty SL, fltbtb'tgb. - • JOSS LULL, • T. J. ILALL,c' ! - STKPLEN WO9DS, • JAS. L. 13g011,11, BLACK. DIADiOND STEEL 'yipilKl3, P 7311 GE GS, 4'4. • PARK.* Baomp: do cO.; CUT Qtriarry XIINIZithiALST 14p110._.. saran. iLt armS Orison, tea. gni. *smote squat so W tmpartrd or eitoracortzrod Ix! oh% Ms aid onsrohooao, liorAil and 11118137 end 120 oat 124 56.00XD wrazrts, Pittstargli. 611:Ird. BRITADTNIA AND BRASS WIL)RKs. COLLINS & wßzoaT, (dr.ocaiross . to Orin Solnin.j Zetaactuitron of CASTOR FBAILVA, :41 7 05, MT; LADLES, Led ■ prat r-slet7 of Br -- • Abn, CABSION on, LAY.P MME=MI ALLEN M CORSIICK fr . CO. Forxnnr, Clrlrarnhouse, IMlSt.l7..gntrra: . . - Mao COOL. PARLOR AND F/TIA7 Iti ci sivrE-R, PARLOILAND 6 / 1 121.17.:4 nxr EEO L LOW WARE. etc., d..!Sell tej Millann Pad Mt!, _Dog Irma, M Wu* 15. gr" iur Knife. , PUlß7l.lllsairers.CAr WU.* o,oplinga 41.1.1 Codraogs przisikt. Ako,..lobtarg Xsr-ttlzr Oostinit me.. to crier. Patented i`artaLie 1118 wttlb Poo v llorto Pw.o apt ta.=d WELLS, RIDDLE & No.. _S! Lltoray eprmita f.tb, Plnebtrzl. oramfactcrers ot (.141164 .4 StVITCII. frfry dm, :1-nut or L.C.A.:111.E.P. Iq.4IDEI ROES.' Orden itolletted tbr tredn cmd gcatts,prolapi 7limed as par inCrartion• , relft7 n & W. lIENNETT, Ilaiaufacttircreu 11-16WITEE.STOSZ 019..4 Wantons. is 11. TI FIFTH STEEEI ristabm-gb- ¢4 1:1J • DR r GOODS lon 1M.501.....FUL11 S. Aeoasniza. WiLSON,CARR at 00., Ls. 6. ( Fano, Papa& C 0..) 1:111rolantir dealers to IrODKIDIf AND ErntlISTD OGT.CAIODS, No. S 4 Wood greet, dard 11--no •ba Diamond •11.7 Pl3bbscrat. • 4JlCetf : 421 . 1.4 Tyr:vs Ma&BOY le CO., Ocaitft ii L,IftIItZIGN Lb]) DOISLSTIO DRY CIO. IDS, tt: tM federal stmt., (iocotpldo.art.4l...er 1 ,114rlur Howe, . PATON, ILA CRUM. ,k CO., WholcsaV ouul Roma Dowers In TRIMMINGS. GIMP , ' UTS7IO3 and DST 000/B,' of eorry doatlptiot. S.R. 17 and 19 Fif h mon, rtGobarrh. -• ‘it Acuu sr 4,-, Go . buleasale Ane ikual ota.ra V r.7sat' x..N: 0 weal' dt TM+ TRULY/INGN. O. Ilarto tortn.ell Diamond and Fourth 'Pirtat.nretl • I 'ON • •:11 • Borth!fell t 0,4) Whi,beicatr_•fal 14c.0 in rAPLE AND rA.NOT DRY Gy.1(41, lionbess oorser of Fourib and /latter .:cress, Ptusborell. IJ OSXPII ablEs:E, Wholesale and He tall Dealer la all It 1. - •TCL3II/IINGS, D& r• r Dti, dr. Nis. ar.4 7s Market. dmet.. • .'.k & 0., ealers in all J'. triads of DRY GOODS, h 9 /hat t arm. terwara Third .ad !fourth, PDtAbiirgb. D IL PALMER, Nix,B4 \IAA. &rot, Lk. Dealer la DONSTII, Mat, trEAR TAM %HNC% end STRAW 424.0D9 tenerally. Fri TTE BLUME Dealer:in MU trOSICIAL ESSTRUIRI2I . ogeef on C0..8 PIANOS, 11.0. NI") saoB, nASOS, sad PIIESCS ItiEtADZ 0118.* tro.f.l fifth amt. ccono IDor aec.o Wooe; Plttaugh. ?loam to lot, anti Ware lo for um. IN" KLE.Bett&l3TLO.Dolcut in MU LL. HO AND 'aft'SICAL TETTAIWYNTS; sad oole Kann ha- STELIMAre IRLE.DIIATED /4- WD. No. 8411101 Street, Pieltatagb. raj= CEARLES E. MELLOR, limier io Tl f tos, WELODZOND Zs, o. it W... 1 it, tem,. V.v.% oft•saaa Diaumnd .fl.) Grlth.t.l S3ft •• .c 'CL. A • ATI= ST., .Pfttthmill.martabctscrlr et DpIT.II3IIayEM - ""'T Err"— iiiisls ( GlifiEFElCA — oorolit;37.toier• doteript rkte Ponied& gird or thaw! MIMS and IIIT1711; bow or toull.toado to ardor at than notice. A good psorttosot.coottantly au hard. iny2oOut 47TORXErs. . 11121701111, . , N 1 . 1 1:k SCHOYER, Attornys-at . Lys - Oelos, No. ID Tomb sews, Pi - I . MIST-AT • Otrio, No. ILO STUN/T. PM Blab. LI ii r f WlLact• wolfl ffixtlefrslermenettios -1' • .l r 16201 1!1 . AND 8 O. LOU fur sal. t 7 CEIAS. 4 CALDWELI., won Tlrst and l2ark.4 rtrrott. bbls. now • diErg:from dosalo fer sal• • ISAIAH by mkt DICCZT t CO. OIL BARREL PAINT.-10 Ntraral PAW, eoperlor -rtile tor 'CM Bar. 'suiuixe..6'.olPlar•rs f GABDINER CON''FIll, Agent Cm U• I ukttD, Ptllmietji and IZGllai}ca Insure. lawtheist comer Wood aod Thini 66, Agent North Ametieb . bat. ot Prerailnala. tlartPra Innu .fle.Oompoako:s7 W.tmr meet. MClne=l tikyiaarefiar,, . • a ,82 ;gout Elva. • •@lCp Om DR 0916 - i DiTl3 ... 1 1.51UN JUIiNS I UN, , Lhsulei ib- 1' tI . W D:LS .4114 D Clltll 10.61. k. P 61311;31 mill FANCY GOODS, DCLIII)(0 FLO IR, E ICTS; at w e p. UlLf gi TAW I Adb D ena. bo il pr i ma o Cmsfrsel 2 htsf ,. Toaribstrwsui. Pthaburgli. flocirt - Slaza 96r. AsA. PAECNE44OCK.A , CU., hole Dr.loB.....E...wkesetarrr. es -WHIT) .p;il rrolal eta,ritolo.lo "1 • GEOIRIE 41.01. GOTter ar V =3=Ml=!ffl • JUiINSTON zitnti - ot. . ods, Inas& C;Jok' duitteaticirers iad Ja : Haden. N0..67 Wood anon; PituddrictL on3C, riz artxr. , • • kaellefi" eaCtitatitrt,'. 7LV alh; N.¢s %PIA arm. au. dais 11.1 1 PIttit t mh. •-N78091. Qui 1.41 V 1199k:i L: • ' arz.zi • ..Hall tikatlC - 0- Li! ad . 4 - I , " : C ZAW; i t ni n ' te turns ' 4.J;..1.1 IlUe°4 o- " tbgatlP . *tab - - • l igigiftgali l .• • . ~ _ . ~.:~ l`: yyi~L•' Gift ockn tEsi,f;./pp.trbEo* ' I 11%-irs SO I - A: Nu,- • 'plum...6 , w aiduauui,i 6 - 4. 4. I - 6ilnui4 cotinisslos 'nfratiila Flow / .Brays and Yvan , Won& 81 tIl ;Tzar 'Pltri:rnard rY . ' , stun. 6 nirzr. euuMn.t ,ul,l4.N.Liti 0.- Produce ea Commission Plerchaat. smacfUb,en J UYenc And dola en MO. ITS MISISTY MUM!, mh+ly Preribtlisa.PC, —.cuts- • JllO. LUC lit• late Om al D. & D *13..11 Wefimmi, DhloitEffie" ' • %AI TUN td•D 6. ,t NIESi Wholo.. LTA ad. Grocers, Prod••• C•mailiftua Mu, lutau, Mb., 00.11 - M tf: 9ErGAD, wad 140••• ItSFLYED catsup/ nova, 8•005, TODiCal, .TLby, RIDS, • it NUN tko., ISt*, 212 ta3LH.l,lDutz amt. Pitt a• & J.A Mit r A 1 ?-• • ' , • , Inicamakt . taocats Asteconinsirios =cum rm. r sad ft eritt*ci't4ol3;coad, . • , . 4,IITAIIK6U. a mast.? sa.-Japa aiktmaataaaak,44allaraoa p_lrriatcAt k EL& tiihrA d•Con Duabanza and Deal ra usrsrttga *ad nwiTs, raDULL'BDTII2I iOSS rpTal'Ott., tad Predritraieatao,. ay2 c.l belly ausat,amal.a.F!,oo,,, ar Loa, rwatoyl4 a. Dl'aarth t Co M n..re Calaa:Calp anov el, Atwell, Lao d Joan 0 at). Rl.O - L'ar, , b; salaif tare, lEcDoluall Taft Drst.itt.; t hada; mr To t, f a la ta n l a r pv t B L I- at 4. b 4 ; r*lat Bl . o O 3 + o 4 . a " g oA 4oiroorintorceowsr.::.,— _ =two& ACKTOWN:b LINITART,I Funk Lon Cia4ko - Tacna.% Psoorco oso Common ilsnoskyrs, Ulo oole of }intro, ar.llllPart!, 80. 4 , 24. 14.1. Bcr.tor, Lis, Chem, Beeza. :14.11w. artaw, foletbers, Potato.,, tot and Pearl Asbdi, 45161rata,! tinned arid LEA 011.. Ailed and Grow fndu4 7-In.ra.7. Clover. irum=d prat amts. ,C.ah athiaccastits N,Lde Oti • C•Cti. • • y ! No. CPT Wbert, drei rittabzfth. FRANK .VAN GOBDES, -,- Proanob 'arid Conimilesion *4ohanti sausszaLnDiminir oea,t. nointomrrri4 4l2oo2 WariM LABG; GUMS, PG,IIIL, DUL ICD , ANG, G MUM, and rabic* Pe= ll .l- Liberal caab advances au .11$6112RIVAIN. ..Tka _ At• GU.44.1.,Y1 waoLmsALs asomiEe, • • • • No. 271 la'Mari sxr,iL'T t Pitedergb• dayirigircrettoood tho.intiorret.of F.4,1a10 4111 watinoto ;be bold.* ok ;taut= teosted to rttoiro to. poxFottt ! ppt, pL !id Mott& EJH d; 15 1\ SON, _Cowl+ Emu " lintANain, Witoßale diAtt,Traln WESTUII itr.t , gavr; CIiSTES;" DRIED - . FIGIITR - BLITSZA, GRAINS,- szd'Erunistai I.manns.. InDzs,'Oner, , aoq.licc= LO. - 171 tirespb atrumnikft lazdx. :GRocisnment. .lATAL P. BECK & Cli:Na,tea , ffirtj Btran, Pizabargli. Pa.. Wbufamais Grar, Coramioloa Illentaata..ad dealun, In DUDS. :ET PLLUDDCZ. PIIOVISIONI3, DACUS, LUtD. turtrac, EOCS. CIiZIS4; PDODUCD, , LOGE, GRAIN, B.CffDa, laiFf DRAW qt.UITO. 0 I.DATTlitti 4, IX..h MMt ehr, .o.sualsvol uracte2rili.; (Alm &bptisAm,Lbud4s-rtal—P-tin=B Babas, S. I WWI) ratcrburµ. itsb.:l7 lOW* B C;A:t tp,LD, .I.n.utiitsatua 4.1.1) itanrasatzu Alsausurr grbub..A.A.Ata. to CESTRIIN RiIt3LAVELLILIi3A. BIiTrER tZ 'ORR. DACUS. fLUVR,-rIe.LL-PuT AND . PtAA .SHEt ' BAIRILVtOO, • , 'INDs LARD CDSZOTT,Ati , Psbdhar(entaiall), lice. 41 .r.O 143 Irruat ann. :• • ad '• kl.ll. Sarni. L IT ILE & TRIMBLE; Wkwlesid= ixc • . • , ... , vves.. rum', stars.. rals:44&,::,arat • C 136 AND Lana uIL.I bt, Fri b 411.6.1.11Z1213,: , - 'OT CON f. and _Put4bario . ' dal:Wok:WlC§ vroelalll,lll ind 14 eseuir kiwi,: . . . 1.4 EYMEltt'BßUTElEßgaitizirs.:7-; tar to twrit.t- A•isidenoli.j - Wbuiel , S; , • - Nalen AtuICI(M. ITSITM , NIIII4 XNU dPiVEk rICTIAMPIII. ouAlas, nua-A44l.a.raoki.; ni.4:`- 7 W.0.41d3:104, .LP -S1 ARA CinUtins4ON- Af [Louvre and,li.ofirk-ta'SOMF , • LTD PIIODITCA'Nik. Pf 3 tatpim Irt c let; PitUbcigh, Choice branch o! flour to &au* azatrialLl) tue ....ecstaatly an-btat pea to, , linsgorders for Blerctusadt. 6.11:d1y litA L.t.,13 K 'LM:',UnT. ktotrN ' AND V Ceuta Faeroz AND Ommamm lialaimAzrt ,fac tha oleo( GRAIN, SZEDS.,4IIIIWCZ.,:iif.PLUCT., •-nd .gone bcLisa ael*Patad CB. iILNT, Me. 116 Seamd and 1.1.4 First =coca, Pa ncras Weal mod Smithfield, Pirtabserg - ^ ass 1.1E3.D A 31STPEIAR,' I tkoters and. 4.-LeolontiedOn groltbsab,a6CQ/S![Ot4lan tints Ctritary ,Produce Pitubmrgli wad, So. PAbatj stmt', app,ita head at NNW sum, GEQ. B. 'JONES: Ic.SON Whole 171,0 as and Ikea ilsnalabsti, - sopr.omaniti,ou4 ereca,,na atYh Maasitcranid - .Knicks, No 14} Wiwi stmt rtdonot 'NUL Brides;„Pttutntria. - itOnta " • • r:OUSIILL. _ROBERT VOW: Whole. ats Crommeolinantera etWorwardfai Yen chasm.. sad dealers Pruisnafsa flentnititals itscsam, Llberty...anet, nuonritc , - a " fission • • !MT/ . and Wl:Amt. Asia In7LOVltandlatAlN V*. rV L that/ Itt•et. aPPortt• Psiduihsitit B. box" wear 61=3 AMBEla t BELIPTON A OliliVhble: LA vole Grieco act Pre4now /Wm. No.:"a aft* west, Plttsbergle • ' .01111 SOY. talcums ILLIMILVt, I_DIDSAY TELFORD,7 Wholesale ta luta: GEOCIZR3, TLOtrtt AZT I.UODIFOX DELLICIWIST Lab.ny rittabatzbw V. KNO•s*.. P. traa & L4NIV_OOMOISSON llzacmorno mit •Oggsid• awaits ORO cream 11.017.14911A11G41LUD11Cia5e.010.1143 .s. wasurri ; 1'.14)13 It: • IND MILLIA canker •LrbootA AAA.) Adam. 4, `4 WWI PI Ro.f. o#o L1A3.21U.1. 1 1101!‘..Sia1Uffit 'KJ tams of LARD OIL, ood Comadootoo Deo. eaos'a tor tlto_p_orobsoo and sale of.DRIJDZ CMS= PETRODRDET, To Wrap/ nPti, Mt • • •.' Adouous too& on tomicazocutil. ILIWATRICII • • . JPs' lIIIIMTVE J• .KIRKPACTRICK & BROTHER, nue. " Drams" 3• lrivitrlclta tri s o6l2l6 ' zea. 103 bit' -.t . - AI2EHOUSE.--114Nity . ia 11. coutsAtawaranti Catkin= 0106 Um. alas sod &War ts iltlSlls - Burt tiv LAIIII 111813,..nd Pnolual pwrs.ll7, , +Arm; .Don Warm. rust L.. mss ULLA .S U tUDD ' ,sawieeater w Juo V lacClalaanu eto. tal Lasuftu; scout. rata _uunh,, , rurat . Pa.)l:ll3Cll,ololCgalf _Lap c tr,l2dar ca - ) t3A I ' • " ',Wic.ale •NViOcmmtyloa'lnerrausAft,:saiil dravr. °"' 01.10 Watar:dlivo' earl c.ls•lllupi I (HIN. FLA IFll6ret.itttr Gto •N awn lkomawaO• No:. I lad . = Litwin y.k. 's - L LDIA' a...1.n.4 riuth PA :K Xt. .04 Lr4r to PlMVlSWES.ocatter:st Katkri.itql n. . (sursftri.eVt3l,4,l:.a -1...4 . •T W PBOVleflutibvtio:LßFousthu4i.ill -Lib- • a •..VUIGT . :.it _JX). ; ; .a..1. 0.- Graft; PI.DUCE..INI4 4 r Itql A HT., 147 4cut - KUM 1 1 11 N L . .C( k, 41. 4MoGlitch &NU <VAN lasltW?l A Th. , oroe+ ipt Ihtelimetb, n." 1.14 11A00.14, - „W001,. 0,11•114. 414,„ IY•. ;; 12 Agillheeid HISAZei.7I*..-Ytito6nia titU A ND. ant *Max, all TAW 637. law antai-istp• D ictUrtarra .,L , liAtFit 03%4 60 4 .1.11: 4;4 -10;i21*littpvy Pitt. VOX% i 6 / 4 440aih avultm " N l i. tatk LIM _ torritritc - - tall -~A«N; !MEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers