C=Z:=ll . r's ESTABLISHED IN 1786, (!aerie PITBLIMED BY 111 " :40-P M MIMI° ASSOCIM TERMS OP THE GAZETTE, zooms lorrwa, by scusfl, psr yrar--....08 00. 1 , .0 , rhaigle . c0pya......-.- 11. IlYwnsyllanif by eitaft, perybar:--- I Ea. • u! u munth-.- WY. • ... . o ° ' tines copim...------ I. WIIIvr II , stogle cop., per-par... II 01 • " dubs of II to 10., u - IDO. a ditto oflOor more" i IL V:llll4.actraft-tbi putr, vomit ewe. lot • Irtu!irid the Eyousci CLusrri WV.' be a- club of minty, sin mad lb' IlLeaass Own" daft. Sloe* swf a aaaa. ssr.tn.b.epu•asera:aya.i.h..A.a P.M* StIVOId . 101611:0111 12111.1 Ctrird. TUESDATi...:.:BIARCH 15, 1864 Vire President itandlit on the War The National Baton Club of Philadelphia, OilMilltAtiell of /ATV toluene among the bye' community, celebrated its anniversary, oriNciday night, atilt° Attadiza3ColMusle,l4 -a pittedmosting: :Governor Curtin presided, and among the smitten= upon the platform win 130M1101. Pollock, the Vice.Prosident of ethlitat &WS, Gem T. Blow, of Nis. arl, and other members of Congress. flprolow more rzukle by ILennibal Hamlin, 11.. M. B owl Lecutard Myer, and other% 416.Preiblent Ifamlia, infla coarse of his remulu said: "MI winn`Whe'worrld now clamor 'for parts *worth) to be a citizen of this great goy. ammont, Thai ill a elms of men in every esmantnnity. Who ill us we must Itave.the Constitution as It Is, and the Bolen as It was.' That Idea carries with It the idea that we wet .mecohro baolr-the Me; whose hands are coring with' "the - blaul of our fathers are sons—that we most restore the stems of sta. ray where it bas been' broken and opt:armed. The onus who argue *prepaid roll back the fldi of freedom lowing over ransomed toni tory, and bring back to power the traitors who have sought to destroy us. t.lif an is everywhere , to stand erect in the dignity of freedom. The tide of emancipation Is not to be rolled back, but to be rolled on. We are not to dose this war until the cense of It is removed. (Long applause.) We are to stead upon a higher clvillration even than that given to to by our fathers.. We are going to plant this government upon a basis of free dom that shall render It stable for all coming time. , llto prevents toward that remit 131 fa! ? Uad "i 4 47 ,thfoloan can tell the precise thee when this febollionlis to he broken, but the signs of the times already show us the beginning of the end. It is now oarro wing. its limits are eirramarsibod., The hope of a division in the Mirth his been one of theneat and par. amount causes that have boofa'them np. But the North issmited, from the pine forests of Maine to the old Keystone State, for no. eonatitutional liberty over the Union. "The rebels'Obit and reibritieiteet. An. other hope • that stimulated them was, that the resource of the North would not be Con. -triboted to the Government. They wore again - mistaken. They have felled in everything When they see this fully, the rebellion must and will come to an end." • • irailitice 'OF the Campalgl. In a rebent letter the Washington corres . pendeed Of the Cincinnati Gazette speaks •• fellows pn this subject : It world appe ar that - the plan for the-open ' litedf the cam paign Involved roar distance objects—the occupation of Florida, the ear- Floret Richmond, the taking of Mobile, and pmeibly,the otmatlon of some midi point as column. The Movedents - frail ;fortress lifonioe and the Array of the Potomac were manifestly aux _ • Diaries to-Rilpatrick's attempt; and the ad _ ''vatisalti Tunnel/Till and Dallon seems betainly intended as a diversion to protect Sherman. • Mirth! Mins ittuol to continue AL the forts bet".one - can hird/y believe, albeit liiiiimeardum, that anything serious I, meant there., As to the rest, we have had only Tabus all moan d the board. ,Yetr the. seaters, of theta failures we , mast. Thalliinamittee art-tha Conduct of the War Is to investigate the ill-starred Florida affair. An effort la making to blacken the 3 ,glitieirrof Gen. Oilniorelglioldingbint whdly •*rillonsible for it; awl othedhaviineredible stories about Gen. Seymour; and , others the same about genial and clever yoteng Private • . . rgen. Napre. far to swat ins live:alga cin before rusbing to dish conclusions about anybody. Rat tissue the Kilpatrick seeds nebedyean have say doubtlt was common talk tethe naps, weeks before it was undertaken. Evan Aeilitetta yilltito; this army heartily: searen thiraihitigtoit kept thee secret, of mummy es their sex always'does. If the rebel ' • ltalthlmitlea in Richmond- did 1:10' know ail 4 abbittlfeeveral ty **rig n . „ ; sit* ellopliveryoto plat. mid lkisposit • Ilie that Waleve made just about enough. cal &Weal in this war, based on the assumed stapldityotour opponents, Istawanif,..ipaas Tredetiactilailurro/riao Alto esl4.Q .. ndoss theTsliele hid reached that point of sheer ex- Montan that they could not muster men „to "difind their espitarfreireititttneit;nr idiots time, Manner and coneferatti4ireilthess they were folly advised. loiibern Copperhendbm. • Tbeialtaraeter.of.tha_NewAlampthirs Cop _ perbead leaders, who' have just been se ante. madly defeated .ity their, on plans, Inv be *tented frail:tette adding, of 000 J. D. Idtreraw, at Newington recently. hicrarat . - allentsdahaStatator. leselocaurosithe Item= amide candidate fett 6 Xleverimir... - 114 . MOS,: "Rather than imbeds four years longer to Ant essii 3 On ATIMR hy the horde" et hb -e•re27ioldieleyrilsit Of old, 'To your tants,fo, Inset I" Demo ..inittillnOtalisnal4or.Tatihte.into drill clubs, ~Mompastiss,ibattallaia,: regiments and • -gmobeef for.ltteut Atood-tidity• Abolitionist, and shoddyite thieves tad traitors are a wind- broken, spavined, Jiispeydo rsoe. end one reittiiitanottleinocratedoltidCwhirl- three of theta: Our armies have accomplished notb; injo, Om May of Xesoinzals spend pits nie aneitition eating - up thumbs:ea& •of the nation, and aiming heal to Tote down the ar 4 lo -o ,th , e l P.P.):Tendity, elea 4 1-111t0eUlla teeektnYw the Weritli'az., . .. . , ID - omplltnentrolliert. - Gth,titL.-1111s , Repay. , Wasnmorox, Miivili' ii.4l4iiirisi 'Giant; hertTir Ltel•ls orapiday.-for theAlteetomeret-t iretbeletter Writtertilitteludfor i large num: her of the citizens a New York who desired to evince their appreciation of the service he lms rendered 10-the , Ceilmtiy - 'iti a trillium series et. snecees in anne,,,eurd respectfully. felieiting thefirer of Ms Intorno' se their gu e st at some perioddruing his stay:in the east- %%it' v,,, , ,- ,:'l, i' .* 1. . 11',... This letter was signed by fifty of the Most prominent eithent of New York, and in reply to it Oen. Grant lays, that while highly an- Pro4toB.l4s kitkd tender of .the-htropitall-, M ties OP.'aity,-'heitill nat . % eblittr--eicoepr' of them. My duties call me immediately to the West, for which I start on the most ex peditious route this evening. For that part of . „.yotor,Letter tromplierontary ;, to iitletlf, so- ALI to, thanks,'in& rerstivti my aatranire, that all in my power will be done that your expectations may be realized. The man and money you so patrlotteelly offer for the proc uration ofVitt wit; Oink .11mk - , will be re quired to Ware its early termination in the re-establishment of the whole Union. ".' • v 6 0 3, ' , 1ff 4e4+ ! .., • aWisiwatrior, kaiuli It.L.The Neti - Cojot 1,- teilisreaccr of this morning says: Rumors liTi dently founded upon mhfappruhansions htving obtained Oinks) , bilthridffeetitilt;.the health of Gan. Meade had become so much impaired as to Indude his ritignathin of the command of the Army, pf the kotacesse,end gontrso. fat' Ito llatio:ate blisubberict; Vita*. bigo le, be ibis to state, as we do on good azabotith Use ebtsdistingaished-elberhereadpOrra.: covers afitite.his renenfitidisphailtisr, and that he bad terra entertsdned the remotest War. don of retirlisg frOMs. *lit* in which we , may add he bestreettrod the confidence of the' corm try and , the tile* , end 4titio be Int antedmob a hitiipsilltaarwatition. thi 'esoent visiti if Geri:Meade to thlecity, as we underhand, have been tar fittringeorst of won.' utglPfki,‘OULtrtirgMFUStbs aurae f‘zo, - the' 090411444, OSI gatVand=44.o:4s. Wsz,asii, not billiftW.stfliftFliaiiiillitAlifa'Aituarn' froiit command. U. was expected ie.: • • thiswooketage.,:zw..u. Pt ..ste , I 4, a•Nart Digyrisse 1 ,4!: °1.. a.4i i . 11s40 ‘11 1g4tWarief t. if - iii . Aff.: F ------ . 4,....11 4r • 4 ' ski:- -- - s' .4 ;. -iiiii4riii:.4'.. thli . 4 / 11 ' 011 1ulTiil.)'* .. A snur' rt gibill ockiiiii. 1 Par* 1 , -. y '-:,.. , T":!,11 1.4. '`,1i,: 1 a i M 11 14 11 44144,11 1 a51. gy I. 1 , :-... , ';: - `::et.4 . `.?rir , :z..7,2 ' ,1..ii . ..4.)ix 1 ..ti:ijii-W,1..7.r. a . -,..4 1 , .1 .4 ::; , . - :..i•_ - "ET . 1.1,. , ; - 4,..:5....4 a 4,, / - --0,1 :S.: , :•=il s i , . , • _,,... _,. ;: e,.. ~ r . * '''''' ''''' ' '''''''' ''''' g '''''''''''''.....;' i 43Crt •--.. - .)Q 4:1:1115 . 4 - .•'.:“',..d .., .• Var....l4.lLl4SlZ,iiNii - Al4,Upitll iv,l. , ?. , --P .‘ ..r . ' ... '' ' '... - .-,•-• 42 0 , a),„,a.-I,,rt V ' • - - .fiera curl ; . .3.... - -pa . :44x11“, r.. j i.u.,,.., 4 4 , „...,„ ,_. ,:, ~... ~,,, .. _.., ..t.t,,-..harUrajratl:47,l4Z4 Alt . - - -. imiett,:ii 4,...4'-r..,q :1 17! •,4 ' ' I ,l ' 4 " ''',.' • 4 , - .'z-4 .. r `---' -, '' : '.5 k''4"^" , ..T.: , ..-ata.i:= ,- . ,.......... a . . , ,--, , -,,,,,,r.--,..-i---,-,..,...,-.....,,,,,,,,,.....,4.,...,Ww.,....,.14.,..,......a..±. -,,.1,-,L. 2-,.,,, , , , ...... - ,, , w :_-.. Z.,el-4 ,,, .. ,,, . .--; . . • . . Elad,ru Audi. inthlisliaia letter frimi the lifinitimatssapir tad, midi& notes that us man who 'has eve Arid a fortmOttPill isMesicamalraire,./IM , Alealitiklimelt hid liiihetibil• to - Sitpotoi• When, and that he is about to arrive at Yemt Oran." This is no loss personage than Urns %Amit e LThejilmtifror asserts that hi uprisliikto be the Ant to do homage to his Rosparramtdueocat Rho to the capital," and adda• "Thia.dotancination al the ex-Presit ding irtlrtakirsirtma by 'surprise. Tears ago Atonal Beata Alpo recOghtsinit tho danger; sad, ohs 'lnanity' of a Republican form of gammon, bad openly proclaimed that_ p jeeltterlitilui ot.Amsarotri, !Could, !Chafe litre Ptillathdphisldvoph'says that a let ter has boar ntosirad-from a friend of the into topmeK 47qohlstene. yarn served with thaltlitiollitiser agog Um c raid IblittabStanonds 1 0 101 1 . 14 4 ; 1 4.J rel lo 6antlloll 7 tina•thisitkianf Ir Otanenilland atlas•P tioadkopon-the body of - Dobisago, ~,t o o - .rlootba- sod forgery o?..teCi : 24 ? -1111 ,1 1 . riler *vow one written, issooli Pingo°, or " 0 1 1 ra l atii=rirlierl i g=l4:l that, Cita mbissablsolta was gotton tot *Mgt" to 'Dom sho indlgnkttos, :4004.PLIni — ths 4 naldingatellatilitan - Tan Rani Patioasstain-Hoof Duty; ran. solar—Tbszt wars 97 deaths =Dog the pris oners aaltook lalankllisk Wore teat, of widolf $32 watitiond oomitpos. Bo far thou bonbon,. 42 4 , 716rtisatbs among dome pelsoustsion.wbtab $O5 wails from smallpox,. ales Ulna Low sato* frdigiOot la attend : _ 4 94441 lnUeillgierti to nu . optetnAlittgaptsaty_annilltas.olaill but ionawnwrattltalsafr Istailmmilran JoatiollyrE ThonPOto now SOP oft 4 4,F14.4544_A1ffif04.t,0" Nrcaresuarianntiossaivisiehire s 4, for sesiemdelebooffotreotoreeemen. Then; est , foie Or c4irieuthke., l2 4l,.... b "talts Szthi navy td th 4 11Inake of lodes eboonodwill,fe L , Moosta t inloseitoitideiL • ItsiO>ro ions of Itsron Lionel Botbsehud i ! 00 wrogdPrr A t Brossille, olaito moo :kiseloaalled at Brookes'. • • • , n . ~ .. .ua~i: THE DAILY PITTSBU EVENING GAZE TIE TELEGRAIIS. WASHENGTONe m ot' Phriaou.-nera.Sestoppeid.d. n' that Gen. Wadsworth left the city tot Fortras: SOUTHERN NEWS FRON TARIOIJS SOURCES. Monroe yesterday with orders from the War Department to stop all the exchanges of Fie .--- opera upon the basis recently anted an byt.the Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette rebels, on which one hundred rebel priloners CHATTANOOGA, March 12, 1864. are exchanged for every 'event:4lra of man beca tbe re w be iti l n a ci u mi thori w il i tz te Gi th e . n t . The following items of Southern news ere ' illg'iptrteeets•t.ir bas bees derived from various sources : no more minnows will be exabeaged except Howell Cobb delivered an address in da- on the principle of man for man, and that, Tumuli on Wednesday writing last. • too, without regard to color. 1 The amount of confederate notes funded at I i Gen. Peek's Order-Guerrilla Coln. the Custom Home, Savannah, for the - Int lire • at Masan $250 , 000. , pany Captured. days was 'early $ 700 , 000 ; In Tidwell county, Oa., the wheat as t er I Elmira*, March 8.---den. Peck has issued Is lan order prohibiting the sending of tolerate. poor. Egeoottonlspientedsaie for home use. I tie . to t i t . northern pt ... by any person in Cora planting nu commenced and a large . North Carolina other than authorised comes crap will be put io. - npo dents. A convention of editors of weekly papers I The army bast Foster, with a detach :abLagttoldieitrige the price enArtiertp2titnalll:, re- , rout ment of the 101 rt Pennsylvania regiment, surprised a ruem:jia camp at Fairfield and per annum, and advertising to $lO per aqua.. I cap tured a trEtde guerrilla company- On Saturday week, a boat contakng ;about 20 Union soldiers, landed al Goose Creek, In , • - - Florida, broke up salt works there, and can :hiker theProPligariwact tieirou.Th• rod General Hood narrowly escaped death while trevellinKto Dalton, recently. . A collision took place between tw• gra re on the railroad, and killed •woman, fleee•averal lOW sad legs, and smashed thMart.: Gen Hood was slightly injured. -'' - • The Treasury Notes funded in Charles ton, for the week, ending amount to 20,- 500,000 dollars , 1 The Charleston papers annum, the death of, The Slave Trade. Captain R. B. Thayer, of the steamer An- Lord Palmerfion bas assured the House of tents. !Commons that no one felt more destroy of • Brackinridgt has been yuperseded, sod ' seeing the last:Lona treflio In slaves put down I ' Sam Jour, is in clemmand of the Department than the Foreign Secretary and himself, and! of Southwest Virginia. - thet no effort of theirs should be spisid to 1 The tebel Brigadier General' Mahone has accomplish that object. Already the. slave ' I been made a Major General, and also Military I !trade wish Brasil had ceased, and a vast dituln • ; Sti=ndent of all the Southern railratads , don bad taken state in the number )tti• ! Papers state th at some-rebel "l ' ier '' ported into Cuba. This result he attribbted recently had a fight with a band of deserters • mainly to the operation of the treaty with the In'''lnn'• county, A11 ' . .; they captured • tidy-: United Stat.. Re regretted to sax, however, her and hanged and snot ten. that the government of P.n., whirl, was Hers is a dispatch from Richmond, dated, - ' amongst the first to declare the inhumanity March 10th. I don't believe you have any- I end illegality of the traffic, had not thought thing later, , fit to follow the example of the United Scum, and had lent -bat lukewarm rapport la the "An official dispatch from Gen. Ransom to-! work. With regard to the employment of night, from Suffolk, says the enemy occupied • =bore in Cabo ... ten, he then ht a...0,e Suffolk in forte, on Sunday. He attacked 1 prudent and humane course was to send them and them on the sth, *ere them out of to", to the coast of Africa, rather thaq to allow killings number and capturing one niers of the slaves to go through the horrors of the artillery and a quantity of Commissary and middle passage b e f ore they had a ,hence of Quartermaster's store., the enemy dying to I capture and falling into ether hands. I Portsmouth, banning bridges apd everything behind them- They were pursued beyond, , A G oon r 4DMA.-Will understand that Poet. Bernard's Mill. ' master Wakeman proposes to take into the • One gunboat and two transports appeared 1 Post-Otte w number of boys of the of in the York River today, neat Coast Point. about 10 yeah', whose fathers hare lost their Their object le not known. I lives in the service of their country, thus Chrldr".., Morel 10 . - Th° enemy b.?e aiding their widowed mothers, and introduc reared firing an the city. I log them into active and industrious employ- AA very hard bl o w , prevailed at sea all day !mead. The idea Is a praiseworthy one, end 1 and last night. Iwe have no doubt will be followed by The new iron clad gunboat Ashley, w . " I many other, of our claming who have employ incoersfully launched did morning. ' meet to bestow sellable for boys -X. 1 . Riaurimul, Kora IL-The Legislature of 1 Tri .. Virginia requlrea exemption from military 1 duty of numerous judicial and everntlVe de- , Kr ItirroaCtiltirr, or roe CHARLINnottir pertments of State, Government, and public' Buicreog.—Ae soon as seamen can be ob institutions. : tabled four or five war steamers will he sent lifilledgerillh Mardi 10,—The Ron. Linton its crieforce the blockade fleet at Chatleston. Stevens introduced resolutions iota the The new regulation between the War and Rotuma Represented.s declaring power te Navy Departments will expedite th is enter suspend the habeas corpus yet limited by pro- I prise. hibibitlon, and that no person ;tell be de-' prived of liberty without duo process of law, ' Canoe's rioter Cale r•tor.-A dispatch which must come from courts, and not from 1 from San Francisco reports the arrival of Kit the executive, and that an act of Congress at- Cation et Santa Pe, after a ruccesrfal cam tempting to sustain arrests Is rod. , paigu against the Navajo Indians, rebel sines, The rebel official loss in the Ocean Food whom he virtually subdued, having captured battle was 939. eeren hundred of the tribe and killed the principal chief. The Situation In East Tennessee. ____...........----- r r • es , days o. y, nuieneoleg A BRITISH subject recently arrived at Eno s. Special Dispstcli to the Pittsburgh Gareth,. ville h 214 , leen..., who ran the blockade inter MONDAY BYRN IRO, Marc Eloamrsrawa, Tres., March 10.—Tba cars the Confederacy, with $5,000 to roc • 7 1". is Imine••• e toble •tlon T.o esltblth.ns la o• ! came th roug h h e r e fr o ,. K noxv ill e tn .g ey. Cottlib, wire conscripted into the re bel army, wiled through several seven battles, and 1 Tu e mod sttrectlrt , nhlLltles e. trinintles The track from the Plains is in excellent ! neity oe . p . t into oor tutor, o wt .... et .. , ,E LLIN G EEL & FOOTE:11 .. If echoer's, , 4 ItarEs. ceder. . •. B. n e t •Im delemls. The weather is delightfol. Movements ! CLALIN aGEJrT/i/. ' GREAT RURAL E.IIIIIIITION AND . a' EL nettaan. o Beery Geese*, _ _ _ . 2, Merore.tera. ; b. Goa. are progreasinic admirably. ilea* S'h'fidd it ' FiFYSftiTtiE 2 , 13 0b NT Y, nAcK Mk Y t - •DAM hittILINAN, Pftstd.oto. aO. lk!IIIINII17., Cashbn, me Y. edema over at the front, and fen or activity - The 1 CONTINENTAL VOCALISTS. ' MUMMA are strong In the belief that Long- T. WALTER DAY, The aim mailed Mime beluga In reeks e, r .--- 1 - •OLLAR SAVINGS BANE., NO. 65 sr u Torus eruct street is MPar""'S -I °r a movement ir'4, K' ' '' ' Soldier. . ' Claim Agent.' COM MODOMIS FOOTS. CBASITZIIID IN Mr, tucky, for which purpose he is mounting his!• T 2 !woe old. SE i.e.** high, ter , .0.h. , K lb. It open rally from 1 to o'dock, elm oto Walessday troop., having called on Goy. Lomb. for fiIiCKWEIVE BT TET C. 5 00, EartinETT, Ito II Itch.. Aortae lb. Tom tbatelt sad' 1,1 fres 414,1 let ho Nermahe : shorter made yeas tillage itimemelliMEANNY Het. 1,,,,,,,,, o it ,e, ~,,d 4.„.„ ig...,,,„,.,, 1., ~,, 14.000 homey 19T that 111 .9• 3• • Th• T •-h• I No. 1103 Firth a 11.., ad dm beteg th e Cathodal li• Di OW tt •eb e Uri his challeepace.nt 5g, 66 16 , ~,,6 66 6to 6 , . 6 4, 6 aipre., the !Alfa ihat only his earaby Iti i ed. and ter tables turned Wa sae challenge e T Depielte remind of all eo-e oat I,n thee Om geingi And' 0111 bid lirfrieiry *lll disputa oor! We charge le toad , until the claim le collected. DIVIOI3OI sad sh• etude iliord to produce the crud Dollar, and a dded of tb, e.t.d.* de ltd twice • prestige thichlel Still% trip. RAH CLAMS, et leery de eriptros, presented ,at 0.. m. FOOTE le 140 ale, Ihttehl er ale 4oe 7 ,..,. l a y,,,,,...,1 p.,,, 1„.„ ‘ ., A.. t... a„„ ales I and preermad Wm- toms. lb. Court of Chaim, I II thorn agh mhol, le (house mid .car las s aloe hie ..,,,,,,,,, ....,,,,,,,, A , A4. I . y., , , D.,..,,,,,,,..,... The reports ire Tory ociodictioll• It i" also ! the Executive Departs:L.loe, and I' apeman' Mural. I v`mathlt. and wool as • O. May. Mem, Otateer ,A, D.,* ~..,,,,,,i. , ,,, ~, ~,,., , 1 0,,, , Micah. to form an enlightened opinion. I.t washinuo., DC. - nod Denser at eor de Maids, older. z...e. 0I I ON .... ... . Olga ELIILILXBIIITEL e Ivied., It am dn., .0, o piaschki to the =dß A die dapiettor ar psi:WM ..“4 been Mammas ha. rider rd the ahoy. to therVlDl • ire im the FAUST OF met from the Mel dart id 1 no. .•te DeomEer, coas t ton filliT. be meanie! matured I illy la cab, ~,,,,„„,d,„,,,,.., , .... A , ~,,,„,„, ,„,,,,,,„,, 0 , 6 ,,,,,„., ..:. - sot hal' Me the of Toted buteliie die-di le for ,„..11 , „,,,,,„..,,,, ~,....., ~,.,....,,,,,,,, A , ~,,,. Yam. old, VI 10l it.. *lse and *etch* 141/ p seeds cap , mousy wilt &MY In leo that, maim you.. COL. ISLA L.L. Books, cootalatet4 the Charms, 07-Loan, hole. Then I. and Ir.enira Chuirctar a arm, Le l• dun ad Elu,dattona, turehhul 'mule, oe applicant*. at old mehm high md idisto 1.5 pounds ihv arm. This , no of i Illipu ipmr, Woedes (collie meet I ILehtlaZIFT—G CURT C ALBUM. ether exklblttim• of *LI erten, let which Om cirri dm 1MM2111,16.1011 arum bra trained to swim le a metals porters, Jame. McAuley. ' lame B. 0 Nude, like so edamt dine.) are dee ought, eleterad, and Jobs H Ilmasterser, ' or at Dose., a ,pr iar le • • disiy ot . net< 0n0.., 0 auto and sa• muses Modems ' lased il munch, mole Daum, La-rdole Derlamma, Farces, re , P.t.r A 564.11 a, I 2 ems I Mal., era mired ko tram .Ito grim rm. to el. 0 denser Vi ill bus 1 dm ..... ma B. licSeddesi. deldleue 1.e.. It et • h thy, .kI be misted by 4ld rollocl. II t•, J,,tia GI Nacre. the old, or goal and Dully oriabreted raver i• COMITINEENTAL V 00•11. I lITB, italeta Adams, rue', J. to) nal. Terither .00 Sin N. C. •LLIIIOI[II, lb. seivbrs• Lob. C-. o ,__htillie. I lea Nadel as l Compuer e eed Prof B. 14.8 , 11r01ii ..-- "" 61 , 86„66,,"7.6 r , -lin Inarshall, , rdta I. Neratirll, ire emdamt Jilted rtadiet sat VI -IBM. RAF Puma lifetime liT• ET A IPTIotb onN alter al.a.. A. "' 1 'l "'." 13. b 0 ChurlA• A. Dolby:, trio" I. Wind., ire .teaher eight, o ramming st 3 o Idea, in J o ke 1,,,,,,.... Mlles sod Ch Ides lord In teldkarcome Maxim, ...., , rilliam Lac huste. le meta. t hild-ea all Chh•ll D. , ors epee at., and I •_!: 4,',? ... ""ta- tl"eAnattelPlai •el .01 P. M —Habil Itloo m 0 meaner it'd and I J oh n J. mile, tierander Truths Illiam 8, Raven, Winton Teeth*. c'ets It D. , * • stotwon, - 11S , eati reseed keit, No moats Peer H. Hunker bass, Whittier, Ittelant Hays. mrat P. Rpm; bilenra under II tsar. er ars ID ems D le I FII VESSEL h, Bede,. Asasi. Jai.e. D. 1 .1. hriettin table reol• sena:say 4 ramaramo •iti AS. A 0 " OrFONI. melt dew month-- Q. Fro& ilarana—Sonthern News—Mox lean Mann. . • :lan' YORK. Marsh 13 —The swirlier MOM tag Bur orrired today, bringing Havana dates to the Bt44 t rutt.,- - - The Spitiiilh /raid Alsnagahr, and Da magas' ha - arrirtirr‘ith - reinrOrreinents for tho army of tho The Havens papers contains copious es• tracts from late Mobile papers showing that Oen. Shertnah't nipediftOn bid vested the greatest alarm there. The federal troops are charged with halo iebtelmitted Incredible out rages. . - . _ The ■teamers Fannie and Syren bad arrived t .wean on tbe.l9tb altj,,etth'ireiliess of euen fromWilintagttili, kmißg ran Um Web de thbre. Tim advice., from Vara Crus.tro to4ho Ist toot., and from the city of Sfaxlnn to Ifekinary the 26th. The report that Presidank Juarez had re signed, is denied in 1 litter" !rola Idinself. Zacatecas his been Amarpled 4:2,000 Im perialists who are _directing, _their willimr7 operations.+dgalnsiC`Udhiriit - 'OrtdQc`De Is **Witched ,atizAind,the Import arts Plat; in a sum of siege. Thepswpfsfhtaidu„bresc rewslied the invaders with rejoicings. The Imperialist - gZnisdit it — : Tibuta . has biletrltlifitiod by sha.Juasiits, and unless reinforced Ida beim to ,urrondor. Gen. Vidattrri has opestly declared against Juarez, anti Itu Abaadoaed b 4 velwa• A rtunkriwalrills tinstaLlitega give. In his adheeten to the new Government From &Upsets of the eovatry soma the to- . thltikencey4l thei 41;761¢Ohri ormiarkM tiretne 'bf "the Mips, 464.e'reitritnoilthilferpraiii Gaanajaata and Itinattlaa. Wlrdini k gh towawbo tdot mratadcooso, trudrhitY eaPtara and took Into Bon Slam tbo,hfordroon steamer Bon-1 ironclad - fith:,...xtbirgazi4lkittiv#iyr Lord it.104 , .*,,44 - 0.) , P14540 At ittl3lloll2aootintslinreviru at Banta Cocaina cdod. Maki& Attar maktrieall alloarknol Trir , tbe fad "AM the: news from Mexico Comes from BrenCla sources, it ill evident that the Notional ammo Is rapidly tarbigit.d. Tpl,^TanrK : BKernm!at ,is now rednood to 'tour or Are states. Tile Situation in Bast Tennessee. Lantern-me, Ky., March 14.—A dispaidh from Cumberland Gap, March 1201, says: In formation Alined reliable says Longetreet's headquarters are at Greenville, Tennessee, and Jacek/nes, at Bull's Gap. Tbelz main fortis am .between these two points. Thal: Whets are eight miles above Morristown. General Vaughan Ise at Bo ti ler sad General Gaines at Jonesville,eVa. Ms Monti .d Oftloers' Cliaivar pnmptl♦ sneudni J•15:11 ._ 11.iT_4RY CLAIAIti W. J. C HALL PATTNRSON t sa V018.'121 s.r.•t. 9d Sun fir/SDI/PAN. Pa. %stn. tor PANSIOSS, bOUNTT, ea C% PAT rAUBSISTENCIL sad P 1117. 1, %WNW!, INSIMMiMME;I MACK RELI. A Joimsos. A TTOILIJI - LA W. ♦n4 V. $ .I.instue4 BOLDLIBEr CLAIM AGENTS, NOAH W. SHAFI4:IC, I=l So. 106 Plfth e, Plttablogh, P. MIMDT& PVIINIOSS, mousyyr, vain MO TT, a..., rigor:may rtoneFtad. 4 1 /4.• • • ILITAR .CLAIM E, IXHINTrat, Ul eremite, • BACK Par and ratirenv oka,lllo of atvaripttan, aallactad 17 du, dab sarlbear aatSi, liUunnß may, yltst Realms 11%.-00; all way claim p C. GLMAYLOB,, Maareey at Lam, No. 11 Grant mod, Plttabank Pa. X. B. Be altarypa ass coadyll dm-40W 6am cal sn.o..d. sod all lbSyna•tlaa dwa waft early 0/1.8. Nt. ' V ENA AND TitjursFoß T .; MITA NT; OM VITT, Penna. Art prepared to weirs, *ton ..4 rll Crude and Rct►ud 'Petroleum tts the mod reasonable tersik an& to faith, Illenti serums, L. IL co.vsa, President, &Ste, We. IVP•sta street, Now Tort. WM. IMPWX?i, Noe y, Ott City, WA CoIIESTES., doe. Oil ONT. /SUES WILKINS, Art: , Pittsburgh' ear 0 ..da.. 13 .1ta, Tlareanayirsale Central, trill b. Send et the Crotheasy•Alinoprooraratshoase. ea flobohtrn Ode of river. mhl•ly • • ''".• v m is t laQ r.t".. Ili • Petroleum - end Pioduets, Oils, Di 91), ad: ail . Ol BILOADTOM. , IL as WT=ll3 MONS BTU J'lrristracwr• Or V for tS. WOREVI tra P,= 1 11',101,11, 0 . 31 VOMPAIir. • w A. 10111•111A11, AWE., 0p11:00_ OS Wu., 41112 flostwa VOISST OIL . 1.: : DUSOAII,'DIFISIAP '4IS 00:. tionulloimaaro of Pure White Refined Carbon Of% eet menu stunt rrisearatag. sa WANTED—Air Expimummto...Bauss- TT MAR. la tit* Ettall Da goods. itatoast. A fibril masa vrtil in pad to c a ,. osp l Ait et Wang thsar of a ;Oak ciao. Dom Ckolit.. • pply. to . OALDWAILL: :011 - 010 We 1261,41... W'ANTED—A° ritAOTICAL thus MAR trIPACTUIIM to tato clam! at . plods. Otis. Tattoo it the star Ot Ohio. Knit auk,- mad itiolaiit prettily, Watt Ito &oat. Ono *Oa ANA appal- Adeltur BOX 1215; .. . wANTED.-469: ' hiONltt..4 want 7 Astntit.lat i?tAb . td.b. insroor town Zerrwer ashigt=ectic 3..N ue rruy ift ,"" l° ., l • .tAutsdreil , ^4olllol.l.ol3o.liMera. ITAWAgkilia4ll l 444 taturik4l43enti iv:lsmer seam it ,- 0111140i05t14......... 17 44 4 4 , P. _~_. ~ _ _..~._...._~=~.nz~:.T~ _ .... PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 15, . 1864 IM UREMEATII .PITTSBURGH Tfillta.lM. E - =EIMM Per three ntgbta ohly. The greet metal drama of UNOLE C4111!', la INN& tbaeoth* mmpuy wlll appear. Alt the Orightll Neste, Seasee end Oaring to the summate' retina which Alla bant4 fel metal drama b. 'melted of late tbotaebaut aounts7. the Manager feels teal:Watt thaitita poe- Um:Lai tba motet Woes rill meet tbeaPptomi rod lb. public ITEM frastday) EV1191:140. WM ba t r aatatt EICLZ TOW/ CABIX. wrs*. Itynat .-.1.1111• Warden 1.7.14 T0m..... _. comp Muria.. CWT ..... MASONIC •• HAIL i, THIRD TRIVIIPIIADT. WESEL Bosom srobrdad to sables:km I' Tbs wiltliii setts. slam bad grastobt a:tabula:Lb fiat Meted ip this rty by any Illubbl. Ottgardantlab. ) _ Moruntur lELaikeitquet , i • Opera Troupe and Brim -Bala EVERY EVENING SATURDAY .14111110011,1" raft or th. waapvems 1 1 Love. tho groat mouton Sopron Youttlnt. Cludoet ndronVers Rut - tal. oWtint [O.OONCERT HALL THE POUR SILIWIST usgr,gll3o3, ur Itilfuni *on. • Ever Known on tho Face of the Globe. Positively Thin If OsslY. MONDAY, TV/SD AY, WEDNESDAY. 14:11L9- D• 1, Flit EMT .ad &AMMO T. T Lova. orb day. from 11 to WA, to VA nod fyi to 9 &dock. CEN. TOM THUMB, AID 111 BEAUTIFUL LITTLE WIFE. 11. O. Ca tar - let. Ouothattag a Noway. CIOMMODORF. NUTT, 71. 1. osso.cre ast!.,r se erMs4 Irmo %Wog fle.tindl that Gam huta:Kr Sanwa far aim lan' senior MR» Minnie Warren, no =Wirt Lady .f bor yo ow ..... Han area Mulled Qaole, a liaelularaod Delia ell Dar woilla lag bat 100 2a. Perffet hi farm and n. wo. Id nom am an, Wag hal el medic al. No largo, OW% so Mute Nthlee. At tile opening Of the U e'elec:4 .aroma Lamp, thy emtoral and bit lady will .air dot identical Wtoddlag Dwain. obey wore at Gram ba.6l, ea {half Harris's Day, fob. 1110, ILO. Tiwy will appear in groat warmly of rooolaatiay Perru•maarae sad Coataww. The deb, rim ettil atiatly Wichita' Ptereenta. aled the tiedwithedit Amite: rem ated to Gelx. Tim Tbiteeb by the Civic.' Ileeila of latope, eitti b. exhibited Et auk Lend A llognlflostri Minletnon Coach,loortlns (113 no larger that "o Nada -hooka '' drawls by fend the moll.: pool." In U.. saga. and abode/ by VA. Coachman sad roanoal a Liar,. wil(porno mad. Oa anat. aud tbo bar Um , * wood.. WU ride at cam In It to ood from Oho Holl al llobibifina wad the final. •ud • r lei Irr. 14 •. U - .CONCY.ILT II A UCTIOAr 8.411.1 LES A UCTION SALE OF CX)NDEMNED Nu Devernidit Ca •mar terv , r• et CWlMQreartemesrma, Wasb , rigtort, D.e,clr•broary 1 , 10,1114. M b• wid at pob , I,TiC etkrb. t lb. hlghan der, at tbe places altd dill; named below, Oa. At Pa add f0r..., friday, 4th March. Al Williamsport, Pa., MO Home, Toady, Ste Much. Al Altomm, MAD llama Prlday, Mb March. .1 N.. Brounrl,k, 1. J , lln Bores, Toady, lAth March. At Mutest, Ps.„ Home, rtiday, 15th Mara At Neveart,ll. J Tnaolay, rid Match. At Lebanon, PA, ioolttrtma IFTWay, 23th Meta. 41 Mllkaabarre, Pte;; it* norm, Tumidity, MA March. Thom Home have been coademnedu omit hr lY Cavalry mmlce of lb. Dotted Wain Army. rand and Cum pimp:eve malty good hargolm may be had. Hoes. mill be sold Arida', Salon be,lo at 10 a. at., and Nadine daily tW .11 Id. .tre ac Taman Oath, In Culled Stelae Trent., Motet val.!. JAMB A. MCI 4, 11rIttiablP Clbleflittailtermatter; Q. U PERB OILa!AINTINGS.-On 1.) W1D011111.4 1101111IN0. Maisb, 111thoss /0 llost, bs "11, bi erst•losos, o• the mesa lasso, Cosuosislal Was Scow, 14 If Oth strait, • sspsrb cello, Ike of Goa 011 R• 1 41•11•1 b 7 one of lb. bat , Vbelttbitb 01 - Abbt: attibtptb of liCe about. Pertfaip,frosif Dassiblorlf, *oilbb nod American Bobcats, comprises Swops. and Massicau landscapes, .DrsoCosal sad Elmer. ens Ihibblata, WI War Voice Pitfall, Moos ilea Vass, rigors Pleas, Se., lealcullog arorls ram such emlusut art** sr Shrsds, ffs r Carti. 0 L. Brows L: Mule Prohmiot Jacobi. Y. llOOll , $ 4 4 - I L lysibslu, As. Also follhfil corIOSAI nfkarlmt slasbrats4 Oslo flans of - tho 11foilaro. phowl's hIsdoun•,11ols0 Voy•1104f !Aft, (• four boutlful Palottp) 111411* • liairc;F l ygi , T. l . V . :a. r sudss•s,..rs• , 14 , 1:s . 114!1•1k , !Merlon, m. Th. Palmtop ore alloblehhttl await" Is ...- mental silt true. to belled totoilarr„ Tbte (verb rort i gf= l etrUtWartt i b r it t erN i fe i rlel, Naha. Ledloe aro tortleolerly Invited. O. bide will be reedy hr dlshibatkoren IlEttattly. robli ' DMZ tNW • JAW". ELEO . ANT VISION Ia4UOTTLIN: 01+0. sill beeCfr ilt butelel G.ll6" ba b 'fte a 5734 5$ Flith street : Ills . tkikporlor tsilt Nsuskoh *papa by 01 1 ess w.liukbbn:h.lrut, rituals ob Bluff Word. balsa.* Ilarlou and vim. Br am ,itieets, porlaplogglo Tallay Paha Kabaasisbata:: Thsasatafts araaboallt f. du most subs taatlal psuoar, for Om frames ova armoury, *wary Itaaret dealt baby dalsbol POO thorough sad scruple's, , . The Gonads, comprlslat Ma. thrownsabtor of so so; sus tald out laterally 11th oars sod ar bors, and glasnost 41 , 11 abode. this and sbrabbary. • col! popsy sod gnome:lmm. together vlth's tarp brisk *tab!. and opriap bras, al. Psabldelif th* ma of the pseuds. . _ Ts be app.:Mated, lbe prowl, nog be Morons]. by usalisiLOAd arloydattraluluttobillas • somi sadism loaurtra all the modern baron: mob, ars :equated to impaLlsa tits .„TasUsst raulb , sigglo to aos apt Pe yam bstrinat. _ sahib DAVIN • InTLIVATEM Atort.n. BENG& VALLX—Ott T IC UUDA A T T" Zara Ira* at 10 oclock, be soft at tbo has tidaxie. of Xs.. Lteck, on the Oka otos Ptla, the Wirt Ilocsabohl toraltatr,acatiprkhsg Hatr &at awn, set•, OuriU. TOW, fildatossda, Dreelftng Bums*, Wirdrobmit, BoldamitilkitA SUMO,4 d JAa X flank e.arooobtorlltox and - VtataVa t lltchif rprof,tuna ker. Atio. LSO aillosaparrAlitklallani7 oft ishl9 DAVISX,IfoILP/1111X amt..% -AL L GMT :" rafifitent ri , V 3l lll o llren rfOr." tiliOseareallilalift est ":l , in: iI Ia miLLI VRIBIMALIMIIII MOM r ;,.)rO. a ir , ...4^r • ,n-Z.l. , -1:04,e-n+,0;.;., - LAtigi te...erie *CI at:.'4Of.rlZ.Ligia EtJJrzcs. SECOND NATIONAL. BANE, or pirrmoueon TREASURY °SPAETH/NT Orr,. or O.III7TKOLLZIK or ens Otramer. Washlngtos City, Fab. leth, tfitl Waulteasa eallefact..r) evidanoo pram to Om madam t. has bee made to appear that the MCCORD NATIONAL BANE 01 PITTSBURGH. to the, Cloanty of Allegheny, .4 Stat. of Pantsylvw' Ida, has bem duly organised ander and according to Wa maprineennum of th• Art of cougrese, witted oAn Act to_provid• • National Currency, wend by apbodportHnited Roam Stocks, era to prorldo Ibr Um ciradation and redemption tharoaf." approved Ifebreary I.sth, um, ad has complied with •JI ths, provhdono of mid Act repaired to to complied witt. Win* cammenciug ebb ea of Banking 1 No. iblEreitllf., I, Brom licCossocs. Comp of tha Ournmey, hereby that thy mid SIOOSD RATIONAL BANS 01 PITTSBURGH. *wall Ralegheray, and State Penneyinsetia, le antbotined to comma. the Mm alo of Banking un der theAclallonsailL in tarttmany aloanoof Wilma coy baud k arid gator Moo, al, 1141 i day of Tobroary. HUGH If oCULLOCII, Clomptrolla of lb* Carte• OSCOND NATIONAL BANK OP niTEIZIMIOR, PA.. Oreinutigy MOO 411ITY rem aorsest4 • esoomoo..ttla prht.trvi to lode. is 01.000.000. no 641 CITY !EMT COKPASY bawling or palsied =dn. garrosoy sal, Was ts . a mmo.tot W . tnummos .1 • • et•eng Baakleg 8n•la AMU boughs sad oil Mom, rea•ind •••• DONIS. ILA estlactloza mule ea Ai p•rts of in. mammy. /awl hinter. lit. MIL ilepfu. Wm Caspr, Zobtroa E. Dimtighalika. W. 111. Gamily. G. B. WARNER. Pmident JBO. PATTZIIIIO3, Ordtkre ieedo rIRD NATIONAL RANK. oP prrivistrnicrt TBIASUIIIf OZPAATIIiCIuf. writ. at Coorrsattos o. ento Clanuarsor, %ohlogton hily. Pah IT, MIL Wflaw. My. octot7 prem., to the ondorificeed, It hos to made le swear that the ?LIMO hATIONIL. DANE Or PITTIIIIMGII, lo the County of Allsoheuy and Stole of Imam!. soots. hso bee. duly utioutsed ands .ad so:ceding to lb. reqairenurtite of toe Act of Waitron, sotttbd •lut Aol to provide o Noticiatl urreacy, wand hr • plodos of United SW , . otocko, and to provide let the choulsqou mud redemption th.reof,n approved February 25th, 1667 , and hos coloptiod wi th .11 I. p . Oelstons of Sold Act requited to be complied olth Wont C0.0111•13.log td b00r... of Soaking; Mow, thereon, I, loch McCulloch. Uomptroller of OA Canonry do hereby certify Mud lb. sofa THIRD NA710111•L DANK 07 PITTBBI7IIOIII. Goody of 11:egheny ilt.te of Prune. hroato, outb..clood to sontosenoe too huslnott of Luting nu. dor thiroct aforesaid. -- • . toilmody whoolvitbo. Ray hand od awl of 00, ON SUL 4.7 d Fobol.ry, 1--1 domptn.do a do °lmmo,. THE THIRD NATIONAL BARR Us.lr.* orgssktud dr.J.r 14. National Oarnooz Art, V,• pupa.! to Jo . General Hank its w Blititsess DCPOBI72I nicf cr. I, hsc-bougo aro lb. prcu -Ip.l citle• or tt • root and art baattta and .4d, colirallooo 11.4. lo aberealbla port of Me • 2..7 019ce , fru tbs pre, our, romplietkm of us El.flutkirig sorts caw., r ITutal Alno4 eO4 fireet ails) ) I I. Bauktu, Room of tbe DIME Skil ItPP I.I4bTITUTItts No. 110 Sm thfield St., PPtISITZ lIIIC Ct 81 , 411 000111. CAUF IPEIVIL.OLL CLOTHS, at ffA c is-liiiiRCEIASBD-A;ZiD9IIIS I=l ENTIRE STOCK CARPUS, - OIL CLOTHS, &e, Later ►.O tx rook ai of Naafi shoat, •. aro Ipy eanyalLiailoa, to .der CM LARGEST STOCK, TO BE POUND IN TB WEST, 4T THE LOWEST PRICES: Oliver Me°Umiak /a 00., 4171 STRICHT Spring Stook of 0.4.1?..1: 5 MT5, TUR 0,112411 D 011 . VLOTEI. W•ii 1411.41.111 %Was of Firtiiiidour Shades, ete pig AS LOW H asamERE, At WC/ilium% eirpet Stori, No. IT FOINTII STUNT. sal LIMO CO VIM. Niue Embroidered Cloth. Zmhsse Cloth d totoria. A Dow £ad.giydtd &sorts. us jut !vend as Ma NEW CARPET STORE umb4N At oPARLAND, COLLINS CO. ATWOOII7rRAISTON it OW( NasihmenaisaateausWin anttintd. I.4kagler?Valr. 01/.:0664.' 35%316;J- a*. w gemrtmtre iiT3s 4 111 A. , e saa.4 , !MEM GH GAZETTE, OILS, it& WARING & SING, lON ERASION KEBCY•nTg, s IME=EI Petroleum and tts Products, Ansi 410•/•.• le RNlathy. 11)Warta,b S. 33 'USA= ST., PltAsbury.% easvowi..—& -- PE A -- R .- A — ti."7" R I=l Commlsaloa Merehassta 4 °rod... Itsaiothrell 4 Petro/cum and tils Products, for ctport and ham areseterpar• kelpie Oda. tl yeas.maulastable. Literal advances oases BREWER, BURKE dt COMMISSION MIIIICHANTS, 14... t. of th.. , GLOBS, 'Actin° AND LASI22TY OIL WOBICL Lbws! art. adraacse ma& °a owastpusests of Refined or Crude Petro/mos. E*. DCW7121113 WAY t HAIIOOOI PIDISIMISIN P& le*ls WZAD3, WETSRms 1)0., i.uCIMI33IOLI Ittr.litallAbltl. SHIPPERS OF PETROLEUM, 111 Ile MIN LASL Ellif TUBS &awls boalltor br STOB6OII MID ISHIPPINQ at their yard ord wiLarf. Rae Roos myna( WarilrbSON, WATILLEY ,t CO/6311831011 a TOBWAIWING WILILOBAIITS, Grade and Refined Petroleum, 19. le lEWID MUM, PITTSBOIIIII. ear Liberal Chakk sgvuosese ausigipirssais Sur Pittsburgb or Latium Markets. 11.11011.3... Mai. IL Dilworth A Oa., ititygoHat4togh., Esq., =IT. Boni &w.. Dm& Cloratiwnial Book. IRON CITY OIL wotucn. LYDAY & CIIORPENRING. iloooflorinrors ond 16.60... of (ABBOT Of L. BEN MU' •8O LVIMICA TING 01Le, .4 choirs le CNA: UPC PqrrFt. OPIEC t , M 001 m to abarp•blvig • Oen% No G A ND VIMENT Pswasruau,.n.. CA .1 B (I CommC'ommisaf on Mwivhnn t. 11:11:=13 CRUDE Br MELDED PETROLEUL IFELKSINI ♦ND LUBSICATIRO °ILA V.. 1811 dO VTR WRAMIJIY, oar thorny roar ity (u sonar,) br 13,000 blab Abe lacell.nt Uellittro forshipping to Amorivaa anti ror•IC. ocn . wharf oat b. &char uan ‘ b. ° !!!'`!!'Brid TACK A Rita, Crude and Refined Petroleum. BEICRINR, ha., nILS CT ST.: !Watson. entrusted to oat oars •111 int:Alto ottr prompt portent! attest-too. Bohr to ht.vars. RI.Awl/atm. [lade? A O. Unmet , Durks CA., and ilet7l.44.twel A Darts, Pittabontt ; Then Smith, Leg" Reef. rota N. A. ; U. L., latter A Ut., Philadt.lphia. amdtl WORM ICK & CALIAMER, OIL- BROKERS, 211 and 215 South Water Street. I:==1 U31111E9 Jacob OwTouralog. Woo City WI Wort. Jacob I•slotat, J. Paluter Co. Jou. R. ChaMat, of Rya.`, Ch. M.. • WSJ;Iy ..0 •uxt CO LA SS: OBA.Nta. • ARMSTRONG & KIDD a COWES PIAZZAS, LIVZ/IPOOL, INWARD : Noe raelp—Mac 11. G. Das AM .61110 Pllsolgoal.--licorm. P.. 0. thca Oa.; Lours 0..; Juliano Oil Oa. tarns sad lemmata* get 1 7 1 Car. Wont cent focal anon Plinbargb. ITU MILLER, JR., daziv, w•Limr $l.. PBILIDILPHI~. CRUDE 44 REFINED pantorstrm Oa egomania& cranseniy. All aimmg. non . . . G RUD OPT ORAIfo GE niarr FOE I d dual.MMO to cool collars. I* zee Particular Adulation paid le OIL TOE WORT, Nos If Aul-0/ WITIO 801)4dSODA. ASil, tc. CriaT i'IMMERTOR& WEBSTER. General Merchandise Brokers I 4 PURL ISTRIET. Now Tort Moo, ISS soars , llloBT si., rltilutol.bt., Pa. CRUDE &11111111(ED PETROLEIIII; osuriza - ton, sopA Ass, lientrrare, DIRIS,,' OILS, Sac, St, *nun so bay or gel promptly bitoombod to. PICILADIULMIU. XML STOT 15ZEC2141925. PertWeise attamtk!a , pekl to 411011/11b1111411 Os Crude and Refined: Petroleum. Sr Liberal advasonle .aa. •0117 " . * Mao IL, Woodvani 4 0ck...) OKITIRAL OCrtialrlON I— ettepfloa (oc !.13 *wad* Crude and Reined Petroleum. o r 11.1 Anna most rraErf. PELLA. JAOD . 13ETROLITIC 9th WORK& Iheuriketonti ce ' ram MIMI CARBON lINNZOLZ AND PETEUWIIY LUILEICILTLZO evade, as thavamd bane" pirr "sok.- • anaz &catauitrioilarazs. ON*, NORONSAHILA 15913/11,14Clibiri6. OPT t ei. - instra rzetvorm. Worwaraing diazintaitgoti Iff e nchant . • AZDATUZI2 1 ear ILLI MTniariirMICIATTIO, Diktin DZINOLZITY OITA ,ba., amatantly as' iumA sa4. Cm Ws at Um linnet 111112k:et pilaw - Ooneleniumb ' ./qtlT IMIIIIIIIII7 S ekTOODVILLE OIL EEMY.AX:. Ivy GEO 'IV; itorx ' limn' r bete lWisteni of 11Q11111356011. AVID 1417111104, 111:10 OIL.. loopuevatootly or hand the lug, bat qquilt:et BUININCI,OIL, otter mai without color I el a ,geal LOHILICATON B i t. toLlt tad ' Mtn Ea. as 17112 Irani Im.kl l /° O4 . "M • l9 k " ° 4 " aStenhci Ps bate gamipmr - 1 1titrig1810 &put Simon* ,41. , :1frf it 41;' ,r - az: 7,, 1.5 : .2.41.1345 -fi 3 F 7 n 'y ' ww y s L .caael"'~'w ' .tivW. s - I.i+~rvsCMiiE:`~LL"An~l~kuf'F~"`s3.~r '---,,,,,,,--7,;:. , -:.f. , L;i';',•,'if. , ':.4 . :,!:' , ',3f;.;Z;.'4:.7, i VOLUME X4.47IIIICTURERS, 4c. ROCERIER, PiOin*Aire; DUQUESNE Bi:aeS WORK CADZILIT & t7BELWFORD, Ifisanfllemma of met" of tabbed BRAES WORE TOR PLUMBERS., STEAM OR GAB T1TT...3, RAUH/RIM, AND i COPPEESMITILS. REARS CASTINGS, ,sf descriptions, Londe to order. STEAIIDOAI WORK , 6TEAM AND OAS. PITTING, and REPAIRING, pm:Maly attended to. Pat - Urdu &salsa= paid to Cuing optltET/N FOR COAL AND CARRON OILS. Also, Bole Agents for the War.= District of Penn rylvanla for the 001 . lIARSII, LAUBDELL & CO.'S PATENT SYPHON PLIIP, the twat over ht. reefed. Ilming no relate It Is not liable to get out of order, and will throw mote water than any pump id Mid Its alas. Apia IRO. CITY- WIRES. MACKINTOSO, LIEMPIIILLL a. CO. tOUNI)6RS AND ➢lA4.,uLnln'7N Corot, Plikeaud O'Hara, end Plk• and Walnut Streit/ (ticar city water Wor[lo Ummt.otarors ot.latkinair a nd tLor E.:MINNA ROLLING al /LL CANIINGS LIAOIIINEIty, of all kinds, sad 'moral Jobber. Prompt attotat n rrea to npolring ROLLING SILL do30:1 JOHN BALLA CO., VALLEY FORGE PLOW WORE% FTTISBITROB, P&. llanutantaeure and &alma in all flu distal kitala of PLOWS, PLOW CASTINGS, FAX/OPS, GUT TUC° BOXES.Ja pearly Inereaeed 4.t0. tim far doing bnetinen, ere earnestly Italie dealers to gine nu call Ilannflecoarg, Teraperatereville. Warebonse, Carib alley and Liberty St., !MIN lIALL, T. J. tiALL, STSPIIEN JAS. J. 1311.011.". N. B LACK DIAMOND STEELWORKS, PITTSIIGTOR. PA. PLRX. BROTHER a CO BEAT QUALITY HI►INID CAST STILL, Square, Tint end Octaton, of all riser Warranted OQUALI U. any itnportad or wannhrtnnitt to thin ow: me lialtOfrio• and warahonat, Woe 1411aad . 161 VIRST and 120 and 111 gs ND STE VMS, Pittsbmwh. • felLlyd BRITANNIA AND BRASS WORKS. COLLINS & WRIGHT. (Entectwort to Orb Nowt...) Ofaunfarturary of CUSTOS IRA SETA II COS, =EI, LA.DLX3, and a great variety of BRITANNIA. L Also, CSABON OIL LAMP STUMM and LAMP MUSS generally, Si*. LW Second Pittalitayt. ALLEN M C()RXICK & CO.. ForsDay, PlllPburgh, Pa. WlrWaraboaae., 911 LIBERTY STREET. . . Manufacturers of COOK. PARLOR ARP HEAT ING STOVES, PARLOR K ITCHEN GRATES. HOLLOW WARE, stn., 14.0 andOlass WOG., Roll ing MAI Cutlnge. Mill Regrow, Gas, Water •od Ar tisan Pips, NW Irons. Dwg lrvru , Wagon Bone, Su- Kettles, Pulleys, Ilan , ers, Car WbeeL., Coopling, soJ Castings gorier - ally. Mao. Jobbing And El d'hinn Canting, made to order. Paten tad P0rtr....!.. with Steam or Hon. Power. ar,l4-6.4 WELLS, RIDDIdi CO., N.. 215 Liberty strnot, orposits Nta - th, Pittst.nrgh, totouract mars of WHIPn. LASHEn ft... 1 SW ITCH gs and every description LEATHER BRAIDER Onion mlicited from th• trwl. mld goal. pmapt- IT or per Irrrrsc.,,,,. tt W. BE'SNETT. I.:lnufacturors of L. %MITE STONE 1 - 111S2 a+.l CREAM IXO4 08. ED WADI. Offics alai Warehouse at N. 74 n rrli Pittab , ergh. zuhlkly Direr GOODS w~aWILALOW.....MISE W. WU !MIAMI WILSON, CARR & CO., ',Lg. %Woos, Pay. i Ca..) Whyte/ad. Mahn hi JORIION AND VOISEATIC DRY GOODS, B. li f Wood urea. third linucc *burr DLunoredJ. Pittsidarrh. were smsa a'Asos--au rims. LANE, McABOY At CO., Dealers in ronttair AND DOMESTIC DRT GOODS, Na. lie Federal evert, (wend door betas sea Market thensiegheny C/7•mbiotly EATON, 111ACRUM &CO., 'Wholesale .1.2. d Retail Dealers in TRIMMINGS, MMOROI DERIES.and DRT GOODS, of .eery •deseription, NM. 17 and 10 Fifth anat. Pittsburgh. IVFACRiai k CLYDE, Wholesale and fletnil Damn In nisi:lr AND STAPLE DRI DODDS, TRIMMINGS. Se.,•No. is Marta amt. heaven Diamond and Tomah Pittsburgh. M. BURCHFIELD, (successor to OurshOold Co.,”TboOsAls and Retail Dada In STAPLE AND FANCY DRT GOODS, Northam, sumar of Fourth wad Market Watts, Pittsbnegh. OSEP/ir BOHN' and aoleaale and Re, tail Daniain all kinds of TEL DRI GOODS, to., Non TT and 79 Market street. .A t:414. Ar. CO., I eaters 19 all • kinds of MT GOODS, No 69 Mork•t totwoso Third ead Yourth, Pistsborglt. iqoreiztEit, No. 84 woorßtreet, it Dealer la 13010ETS, FLATS, DTllgei tnin• sad 11TELW 000 Del generally. Ci TTE BLUME, Dealer in MU llft MUSICAL . L.N.STIW3I.ENT3. Arta KNABI A CO4l PIANOS, IIAINE3 1111108. MASON, AAA PEINCIC f 00.13 ON& No. 43 AIM ahast, wood' door at... Woor, Plitaburigh. Aland . to let, And taken to •actuop. 14p19 U RIBBER & BRO. Dealers in MU LL. etc AND WSICAL INSTUIINYNTS. gale avmq. tbr anniwers CILEJMATED Pl. &NOS. 61111tk amt., Pittabur ES O. DIELLOR I Dealer in snaomtoss,Sl Ntecst at., bThe reurth Berea* lug Diamanil p. : • 10. s• JTYII L„ Var a bilip i mbctlovr . of . 2ll./Pit RIVETS, nr flen' Pattlenlar eyed or aluara -oar shad no duped ISIPTHES and RITZTS, 4rt. man. Mad. tot cedar $t abort .Douce. satortinant antteantl7 on ban& ortr42ra .aTTORJrE rs. urao • L . • : 01 • Attorneys-atv. Las, Odle* N0. 1:9 Toareirot 'La • • - Gen r ONRITz r . ATTORNIT-AV- - LAW:— • *mei, Wo:iboiro writ wren?, • CND+, •NOIMACEIL. DIUMINNION* LtlcN!„ • • Zaould other lova lo tromooto &Sao. •I:V A I. I Sinew made to VOL% and adfolatocoommlost. fol:Zia W 11:11 . I V 9, WILMS for Ws by OAS. L. CKLIEWIILL, Jilt ' !carboy Tint bad Marti* semen. • bbls: nowt landing from Maui: {ill it % ra, *malt , sill. • - • IlWal DIIIIIL'r* OJI.-.. O' BARREL Innate -Pent, a sapertor'siitch 4r OU Dar• . . , HENRY 11[-COLT•I/43.: I.rB vigrcn .4 0 E,JE'TS GIMINERr :001?PIN llgunt •for el cirsisklb, P1011,4.101* jifuacn tnrtusamt OceapseMes, Northeart censer Vraxl 'rad Third sts. )0 IT P. JONES, Agent North . Alne ricit; It • etsts et •Penasylitafarud airktorit Tmai: imaa Oompardesal Water dreeta ..I:+t ..leorelWerrt .f.1.-Wattoe met E • aorcurZy t DN. - •', ... ,sr . DRUGGISTS.: I 0- JOHNSTON; Dude; in PURE" DUGS AND OE= [CALA, PF.Dflallat SANG! GOOD* -BOLDING - irLDID. CriILS;I O AID , , tr,Tatinteash i ot salet.ly prtm• qull whirAlfit am at mat prfcia. Cqpr eatlx444 sad Nonzth iamb, Pitts/As:AA. :illeDqowi.o.l* ifierruta svfigg) /AI 102.1 martuficiterers oe . 10111 * ugAD:A2tp S,otassralliaollaul. frans I ILCUEO n. * N ew,: LO No. 110 Woul.statt,Awasz-a Tlrt :.:,..13.00MLIELIACIM #4. 7,1 G. JOIESISTON-4,6).;'FirrAiim trintlinp,.l.l6wAtet, "tr ki B3ohellists and Suwon . - .11-Vlrilt No; tia Woia 'stream, nett !I'mlrv. ttae cif Th Tin= - . I3 CTIOOL mina LEW ll= ~ • • ' 9 FP doft a i dens' . 4 "19°41101.k ii 03.... us t. gn , * aia pmitar - 4Pu tiM. .. lII'. 1 ~ er try! ) .r" - rt -0 MIMES BENEMENI XXVfI---NO. 102. pos. L SIGCLF;LIaIiaI, (Successor to 111coeusta Tharia,) ;GrtisseL oomussion )118.0HANT IT Ph:Mr, Grain and Provisions. f t riArnt o 3 .. 1;71; We o VA.= SIOOD imam, Pittebarsh, PL . r jukly CHARLES O. BALSLEY, Pioduce and Cammiadon' ktenihant. ZIECELAZDISE 11IIOL-MEI, Lad dreez In all !Lod. el/CM:MUT rsonrcia, MX ITO LXIWPEP ETRErsr. Prreasiman, PY JYA. kOt the late dm of D. it D. SCD.AIII Picts ucl 4l. & Co., Wetbrrills, Ohio.) vi - ToxALD AILBUCSI.F.A 7 Wbolo- , we Grocers Product sad Ms. eldists, Jobbers h. COFTICE,I`:. SWAB:mad HO LASZEJ, Relrib:EL d COALS taTIIDF•tt, BLOCH, SAWN, TOBACCO, TEAS, ItloE,' CHEESE, SUDS, de., bos. tit sod 2U Liberty street, Pitt. burgh. . .1 - SHRIVES & LAZEAR, 6110CLT.S MID COMMISSION St sad 29 81241tb.1.141 6L car .• •d. sN;ly • sums. WWI toront—iesur ATltt•—•Tareht• sjizeus. DirrEis,AlhEN Minton Earths:Eat and Deal rota ?wrists' .itod ...oda 561'.1.71. imouß, utrzial. ~ R 6.11:11. • soGs ruTATOLL, oad Prod.,.,e!_rt 417. o 0 t.orto , stood, wad stood, o Paul. or Dopes. Pitkob'glo: Dvenotal : 0. Mrcell, Co Collie, Corp W Atwell, Les Aco Joon el aso r Tat bar Ali., eater •H. , McDowell Tom Dro.t. *l7 .4. 1 1a110d0.4 rrotoktt A Slmoretp, St. Loki, Sliteler a 41 - sa4 Nt-or To k otormrd.t. Leitch. Llsholsoott., ACKEOWN tt LlNFlA.RTjrikatat' 111 Ant OL. Facto., Pisan-MI onomitairi kt......re, Mr the sale .f Plum., Oren, Pork, lem m, Lard, Butt., Ins, Cheese, Coal* Tallow, them., Feathers, Potatoes, Pot and Pearl Ashes, &threw, Lisseoll and Lard On., DMad .ad Oroma Phil s, Timothy, Closer, Mx aml Gram, Smnia. Cash advancements made on Clonsigamsate,' ipi:l) fin 297.1.,3erts strom. Pinthartrit. , • FRA NK VAN GORDER, - -• • • .Produce and .Conuniaeion Merchant, !I 'zoom) staarT.llvAbia, Dior fa not% Erma, BtOiniga,lllMD.,V LAUD, 0/1“132, PORK, DRIED - 418.11 1, mu's, ud pr dva. generally: PlLfberral cub atrium ea ccuipsiosup. 2 „tsll_ W GORILLY, WHOLESALE' (MOOSE; No. Sir LIBERTY STREET, Mita:lough, • Bering purchased the Interest .t hist late puirkeliv, will dentine. the besitinne at the old etentLetad sill be pleased to retain the pstrointo of bin rid Wends add castanets.mylll:tf & VrTERTNPSSt, C own tisizoy V Stexceseria—Wletensele denlesaJt, WEiSTERN. ar.sxlvE CIiEESE, DILIEy ruu rrt , , nurtrac, EGOS, GRAMS, nod preen.. sanerelta Alse? LELEBER, RILES, Ui No. ell Liberty street, Ilttetargh. EUiial=M!M 1•Al 11. • T • • kE 17,111.1. P y Colmn/mAlvn Mar.-L. ti, and ‘l , ,lms COUN• TRY" WRODEME, lIACUN, LARD, 812 ITCY, EGGA. CHEESE, Y 1.1.1, 60.111.7. EEiys, or.El:>: DitTRI) FLIJITS. /tc., lIALT and LIME. Jv79 LSAI•. •1.9 TERSON & AIMMON. • • cesimissiox LERG:LA D 75, .4%0E1.1 /131/.1 , /Lad gou.oral PRODEUF: deolor, No. 0 WULID STREET, rltl4l.sreo, aahl:ly • Joa.N B.U,AISFIELD, ColagasioN A.sn • FOARAO.IOIOO kt.C.ST orloolmulo dealer too , ViTTEP.I4 MESIZILVE CILE1:11E, 141 , 7TE11,T.A.F.D. 1 ' WILT, 8MX...N1 iLUE.II, YISII,PUTAND PEA/11. .5.1 1 14.C•1; kLESATUS, LINSEED' Al4ll L/4.21i ul LS, DltilD FRUIT, ead Product. Virally. V.OO. 141 sad 143 Front stD•et, Pio.tolourED. mos. urns, LITTLE & TRIABLE, Wholesale Gra - £4 evr. And CommJaalon Erbriguat., 46 .1= CBODL t, PLOCB, BACON, CEITI96, TIAN UAS...H.ABD LARD 04/..1442ff. lIMIAGLASS COT tObi YARNS, and Pltithurgb maaufachma . genotailiy. )1Y..114 714 . 11teoluf street, Tittstrargb. I. D. acravi. R"Apat 4t. BROTHERS, (successors to Rermor a Aiderotti4) FUEEIGN. SMITS, NEV. ASD drICES, .CON FICTIONEEY. SEGALL% FLEE WOEES, d0../Soc. 12 C lea LY9 W o 4.ltrott. otrooo Flith. - Pittsbetret. . WI.. CULP OULP & 811 E 1.1 D, Comusitcat Elmarmaars und &Alen IorTLOUS; AND PIEWLIICS, No. 243 LiberiF green. P/rtutoorglx. Cbolco brands or Floao km taken and Nagy Doi constuntle on band. Pardondas,urroaticaz paid ta Llinyordsta for Llerobandlze annornlly. Waft , (VIA Ltdß. LEXCLI, blotriC. • - vV Onsta Taman am Ontesnastus the . ' the ante of <MAIN, 86EDS, OFEEWZ, PRODUCT.e,.. , tom, and agent fur the oalebratal Chstnitoarn Z. • AUNT, 116 , ..Serond and if& ghat ameba hoe - , menu Weed and Ent I titheld, Pittsburgh. ea 3 cub., c "...-orczas scrntaa. LEAD & IfETZGAR, Grut , erk- -and' 1 - 1 -thuatimieuglstrusuttosud.isulan 41,tineta, Cacntry ?min. and l'lnalmro Plattattacrec, filtit Liberty Amt. opponits Basil el Agoutb•uniegi.. Pittsburgh. • - . O. Mi. a. fall= a Eau B. JONES Be. SON, Wholeitaby Omen aad Ban Fllmlshers, &Win /xi 414- SILL,/ ROPE, 0A1[1731, OILS, PITCH. and Phi,. ,argh ertannitetared &Meta, No..lft Wage ginei r ..Wm the Mum • bets Bridge, Pilt•teugh... soma r.J:1•1216i pop OBERT DALZELL • Wbole- LI; na/e gamma, Chnonanion and rarearding.alca, :halm, and dealer. la Produce! and Pltnotaidtk caw :facture., Liberty dram, tlttannzah. • IIirALLACK en— • _ lUo' minisSionaterohant4 arld•WEntosle Pester la FLOII3 andGIULIf s . No. 358 Ltlerty_street. orpoPte Perilasylreste R. 11.. - Poeseopr 'Depot, Titilbargh, • ra. Men,- bear, corrier, Mayne and Penn cheat., selPly • ar Lesuerxr...—acss-mrra5......1 1 AMBERT, - SEUPTON* Lade Grocers sad Prot** Daskes, 40, 93 GL‘Gli, eteet:Pittitiorgli." " 1415,, , JOSIr ... • ' .WATT A WILSOIS W hole am, Coma:lb:don Ihrobards, and. deem In Produce and . Plttabazgla mano.fletliria, , lreg LISLIAW eattreati tlitsbarAh: , , . • JvCl6 sarcu Lognavr --.-..efeattatogn, ad/138411 Gammas mon AND .I.E.Q.DIILLII DRALE.C.S. IT. Llburty w r 00. Pli.tabFgh, V. lam Q,CIIQUAKER LANG,..,Colasteaufec 1 1 / 4 7. /11.courn vttederle. - -dislgr titCr=:" .C101.11:11, %LOUR, GRAIN, 11101:11:CIAG. VD. 2/51:= Mort PIMA , • ee13,11 J. L uxnarr." Ir S. LIGGETT k.LX);4117.1 VLIIII11,;- INa itnat-wrme Aateertr—lart—itd.a: , anota, Mut...Wk. . Ilierearulty;4ool.anvtit " vLLZBfJ JE. Bantifadi WlLD : CaL...aCoirozobiatovitlort,lt , etwatn for the p p thus sad isle of OBIZIII AND " rsisiti - rrmoLstrit; Net.. 150 - - - oacV 702Woleitz atrortakttsburch. Adra4coo =do ortaosslvarmatt., 7 - CIAZTAII.II., PRBPATRI CKW BROFHEB; e n u> - ramnibDrorad Kirkpatrick.," uota,._ sArrps9cars, aod IDS ddberty nun, PItLD ' = - N9LlWS,rourardistaandOccamlasioa Nor." chant" aid - durer in" 0f1D:32, 111.inErt; LALS:r"." FLU:foul Reactacs pmly. No. NI NoodArtraii..,'. floss Wain, • ricr3 . 1 it • SIN:1111* numl. PRODUCE GIIOCILIi t \Plttr'' zancaANT. 14S14,1.111:10.4. . .:ISdray.: ';."1 Grooarb C 4 =6.1.4016 Iterchsars. - ;nd d tl eaS6 -' • PradaoA /16.6: 60 Warr rimy vs. 4 65 - Tror.6 61:616, at; nem jO a naez....-........ =was non ti FLOYD &. t dalrrholesalsi am— nd tiS LI • •nconid Ctennnims ...mmra, 2ing.ll2•llGml.:. I'IA l' 4 RITZ L.O a Ti Of suocesaar tohenevaime k0 0 ..1 PORK PArAti , „ „....,Ima nlmt. haugMB6.lZ/3. anon PrijszUt.", ----,, ' nrobta;VS. • JAir _ .on It i ngE l M(setit . . ni,in ' • Ttek-', -- - • ktovuent,MßlC TIM sad &al l et 11; PILOVIS/ONS, Eo.l3,Taatik Onn.wari.flp-. .7 er- omen -.......*...........—.x. 4e.....- 'FL 'WWI' Lk 004 .sttaieeissiiii - tii . " L. C Lit. PRODUCC — AND , OMMIUSSIODC ZZIKILLSTIL,247 Ilbarty streak tlihsbgtegb.', ' L Sgt.' TORN' L 110178 E co, .Vha GROMBI AND cowman's KlintettottitEc" man Mt gaillkikid mai Watar-qinwots, pittatargb., I • ETTI & Cominimou ordAil.. - wad dealw, PIIOD VCR, m MAI" ex. 5k,..12-IthiSdi 'BACON, WOO . 123 • D.: AV . 0k Mau)/ , 0/1001211/IVCOISMISSI '.ll)MaiAlft Mut minuet 44.411,81mouLlio,:.1kPitirbsugh, Groan Nos. fit sad SO- Wood suer; Irirti lt ' teach:* j u md • stomr, c - I: 1, • : ta: "AT' a t i 17 ) ."1 - '- ', ArDcCulicantog liotasSesollirtnaiigh.` •• '-'-' F-4 1,-,,,,-- ~...t, :• • cc -. +4 1.,.., .I'3: iii;r4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers