Viitsburgh daze WM MORNING:: ::ILUICH 14, net Vlysseo M . Grant, When the war commenced, the natural tendency of the American mind to hero worship, coupled with our great - mud of master spirit td °remise and achieve vie tory, led to the universal advertisement upon the countenances of lojl • men—in their newspaperd and In their assemblies— " Wanted: a hero!" But the want was not supplied. Nowhere could the people discover one of those rare creations of Burr/ who, at long intervals In the world's history, are given to nations to lean them through tlerytrials and preserve them from disintegration and decay. We did not need politicians. We had enough of them and 1 - to spare. Nor orators to talk to the people, nor editors to write for them. These too wore abundant. We wanted a leader—one who could show the people their peal and, teach them haw , lip meet it like brave men. I Alas, Ire had none BUCILIMA3I first. Thu new President, AZIAIII.I Leo. , Boas, saw the danger and prepared to meet it, but ile was a civilian—not a soldier. The war commented, and Gen. Ecorr failed. Oar defedts multiplied. It was then that the Oar_ groanol inwirit and cried aloud for a' than. lifeemettlS stepped forth and for fifteen months—oh, how long hose months were!—the p:opie followed him like blip: man into swamps and anaconda coils Opening theii eyes at. last, they tried an other and another, and fared no better. Our darkest hour came. Fredericksburg anti Chazteedrorsville— will we ever forget Gunn? . Rat the day dawned. The man for whom we had all waited °ewe in God's good.time. AU hail to the land of the set ting sun for the gift of the soldier-hero, General flaaorrt In lam we Lund a leader who had won his right to the title by tho force of unaided and unobtrusive genius. Halite idcOmer.t.ce, be was not taken on trial. He had been tried on many a battle- Iliddiaturon all he had proved his greatness and his dtness for command. General OLLAT hen reo-ntly been pla4d in supreme command of all the armies of the Union, and has shifted Washington to arrange a plan of operations for the now campaign. Has the reader ohs , reed bow modestly the hero bore himself daring that long journey from the Far West?—how un ottentationtly he traveled?—bow business like Were all bin movements? The people everywhere would haveshoided aloud their praises, bat he could cot stop for them. He bad • great work before him, nod ho was solelyintent upon doing it. • In three days after reaching Washington beleft it, hiv ing. in. the meantime visited the army of Gertatil MEAD E. Unannounced he entered the capital of the country; unheralded he passed from it through a hundred towns and e hies back to the theatre of ids former usefulness. The nation cannot repose too much cant dance la General 0111.16 T, nor eon it, when this Gam COMM; (10 him too much homy.. Prom him the Rebels have received their severest blows. When they yielded Vieks. bung to his prowess, they gave up half their territory and lost all their prestige. The oer...tenet' all his victories are not easily re membered. Let 1111 rejoice to-day that, w!,13 an honest EMI for President, we have at the same time for Lientenatt-General of our armies s man born to ccmoiand and born also to carry victory wherever he waves his banners. The future is full of hope, for GLerr leads the column of the Union soldiery, and that column never was stroager than it is n6w. Tammany. The Tammany Ran organization of New York city, it will be remembered, was not admitted 'to gents in the Into New fork Demperitio State Convention. Cause—the Conrention was controlled by Peace Demo-I crats, - and Tammany was for the war. Tammany, as we have shown in these col toms, has quite, recently resented this ex elusion by lidding a mammoth war meet ing 4i the obi wigwam, at which Itiratimm, BRAD'S' and other prominent Democrats were the speakers In addition IA this demonstration, we have now lying before us the proceeding& of an official meeting of theTatum' my .General Committee, which contain an address aettingforth reasons why that Connalttce and those , It represents can- . Oct herredieilact with a y Penes, Dettiocrats. They .deolart themselves to be War Dem. -- east; and that the only way to obtain an liosarshli-pesee is tOput-down the Rebel- Don rttry, -however, deoisie themselves swpcie4 tei the reelection of Asiatust env, tad ItCrevor of Owarr, MaCtataut, Raxmot„: . leoxiii,- or Stocastax—they are leulaiwhich.. !ogles their recant. aoudad= el . ..these lilt *lca candidates withilti ease who will elect the neat tratideat, theyiespose =oat medium of Ssitaf—tbit rime Weed be but one war tite thallieTestaosay ThnoSa#lo.t coarse, them fellow, don't losakstisithlsg thay. lax :Mr the half of it. , jti . lays:.4te‘ oalffn easiest twoaa thing! —talluainidaitlithaPeicelhamoertey. . - Ihninsylrente and the Draft. • A:I4D! dirpotch from Weshlegnm use thoatut: to , which we referred yesterday - tuordet, Inform as that a draft will be neceipr7 liCantusity,New Jarsey,lfary.. lottrk I .sl . .:rt,Ftreyironi.s. The &Tata web:fed, couttaanted simply ' atitier that Penneybrania was the most of frialftatee la Mlles her quatit. - ler .94' of- which we now give the toast intiTligenee ocncereinit a draft In our State` the oelebration of the-drst aoai- Wareryof the National Ireton Club of Phil 040 . 014 . which tech plisse at the Academy of Music on Friday ironing last, Governor Casa iersitcat,'-and made a speech. From tholreport:af It Sat the'Werth Avarice' m we clip this a teteteiht 'I The Cantor MAXI lama tqaur =Wm/ q 07171 1, meat: 4 atroat tallfaa4 on deaf of iturelub dean kg o nmah A lb wlli a tlit hat zut u d t gr); ' = " r: ,Thm es q,ois g e ondropeu for,, • not be refs and erstoo.i. direbe ito draft" ''Of coma* not. Butt' 7 1• Bunt tlatrforget to cork. 44, 11F1ie1 ineith prafrodasigtb. awe. people wen b opittiodk tipmelfVesX , s n or snot dinag trrsurry IQ the ccathca l retf. - Po i e P mkt " , ;41 wa Aril , beard a soy "tike" being bilk(by' the Federal Goverinnftt Rototra., tole fa 64 44ndiet itself," ire mimeo bio ... ,,enzikelOirkettlAbbet refer* 0 miter be tboea OtthieletiOn Owtrtderttert ever"' Vtninte; 441/ Liied Ingrestort by the ,g0u1k a ii 7 d ,414 1 6. 7 16 the egedret React 10**ifbeforf thni 0 4'f'4'SnAkti" ifittliffeli /*begin, lint eve liteare/OffediSafAniesdeidtelesfetame - 7 3 ;r3 4 Viti'W4441ifft 44 tWift''Aii.lAiVirA 41 '4146, cf /4C &aide &mg lave far'i _ _ The Exchange of Prisoners! Resumed— What are the Terms! kiecordia to dui Skimped DiepateB, ha 'exchange of pr6hoets hrs been resumed, we giving them not only man for mar, but 1 25 per cent. more, representinethe excess In the number of their prisoners in our hands over the number of our prisoners in theirs. la other words, for every hun dred prisoners which 'we receive from the rebe to ls, we deliver one hundred and twenty. five thern--tone nundred being regularly - robanred, and the remaining twenty-five on parole. Etbt hundred rebel prisoners I have, according to the same authority, been heeded ever to the Confederate authorities OD these terms, and, if the arrangement 000linues, we shall very shortly have no ' prisoners In our keeping, nor the rebels any In theirs. Most people will on hearig all this, naturally came to the oonclus n ioe that all the difficulties which have hitherto prevail ed in enthrone, and which have been in ateu.erieri in keeping twelve or fourteen thousand of our soldiers Oniug to the Richmond prison for the last five moot hs, have all been salistaotorily arranged; that the stator of the negro incept as U. 8 soldiers has been regularly aoknoWledged by the Confederate authorities, that those of them who have fallen Into ' their hands have been satisfactorily se3ounted for, that Mr. Conn heel rescinded of hie lilega , dee :aritioes of exchange in the case of the Vicksburg prisoners; and that his thou sands dehans paroles, which we tolerant, refused to esti, lg. last Somme... have been ernake.. • 1.1 h e bookri and finally; .h..t Gen. 1111T1.88 bee been fully and for mally neknowleigeol a, agent of ex change. Whoher •Ir e e earoption is or 18 not cervect, w.: . All we know is that, according Et: Il.olimoud-Darpatch, llt is not. I. soya, IMa eh 7:) "She otter or onike Outs, rennin; to rotoguite Butler, h ue oot been trltt4ralre, eel r have the dim. .nine. with refiteofe to the ea nags u-trro tr....Valero removed.' ' And this statement it confirmed by the Richmond Tidy of March 8•11. If all this be true, and we cannot help taking It to be so until oorrradloted, especially as it co , - roborstee the f.ot that we bane given 800 prieuckrre xtb.ngv for 645 we •hotla greatly like to be informed what has bran the obj-er of &laying tb e x....henee dor , tog the last flae in methsl Hundreds of tlitioo Office,. SO/ +o:Ji,ra helve to altt It cereal died miserably in the Lit by PtieJil and on Bede Isle; sod thy remainder have suffered unheard of tortures. Moe of them will probably return home serrna nest!, lejur eel in tooetitution through star vation, env:sore and co - there:mot. Wh.m, three menthe ago, the country vile being tradden.d by the eCtJtloll ut their suffer rugs which were tutu reaching eve , w e urged on the Government the prepri,ty or ecoediog to the rp bet demands ref the pur pose of getting three unfor trustee out of ih-rr hands, add then never sgein trustint to Confederate "honor " We were infonaut that If our Otivernmontyieicied in this, they would have to yield to everything ever alter, and that it roust tecuseou. ally make • Stand as a manic of hoomurtty as well as of honor. We acquiesced in this reason. log at the timr; but we bold that It le fully so good now aa tarn. It enema to have 1001. 11.8 force, however, in the eyes of Cho ett thoritios, sad if so, we may fairli dad why We tionadently predict', if the version of the Richmond prees be true, that we shall, before the Summer is .3•1 r, bare a repeat. don of the cemplicatioo from which we now appear to be so discreditsbty eetispeng. All show of !sinless and good Mato will be cast aside la the matter of parolee and ex. changes; and this pet Sdy sod trucalenhe will increase in the dtreot midi, of the rebel necessities. More r, cur boom. is se Kt:cooly pledged •a that of any ()overt went ever wets, to suture fur the black ho t diets whom to • large number of mists we are forcing into our mutts, the treatment of prisoners of war. The rebels have reso lutely persisted in refusing to amend It ie any of them who nit, have been enlisted to the Slave States, or, In miter woide a majority of them; and tne rebel General, ff.ctett, has nonouncril formally that be . will hang any negro liken in arm, against Confederate troops. Large numbers a these colored toldiers, we,...leave been murdered by their minima after surrender, or else situated quarter ou the Sold If we eubmit to these tete:Dies, we 'hall well deserve the opprobrium which our on mulcts at home and thread have foe three years t a seeking to heap upon us, We minnow the scope:ll9ot ofeschenges indi. cued a zit/ determination on the part of the Gave meat to put In end to ;him by i the lease "cruel means within its reach. Tte intend* of the sarplus prisoners i t . 1 , 1 our 1 bands as andoub.efly the easiest •nd least ad' si but if we now surrender them, tar is represented, we have nothing to foil back on but realiiittOo. Thu., however, Is so shegking a mode of protecting ourselves, so apt to aggravate the barbarities it is in tended to prevent, that everjholy knows perfectly well it will never in fully meted out, and, if not, where Is our redress/ And what excuse can we possibly offer to the Christian world for seuding colored men to the tar to fight our battles f—N. I .r.cie& 1 Speech tf General ;overran's...His idea of Reconstruction. In a frecch at Bt. Louis, a few evenings stars, Cc oral Hoseeratut toil: . Otne al SloNail hos mid you that he thought every black man who fought f.,r the onuatry shootd.have a vote. Se do 1-30 do I." He acid km but a black man t.. , his =rum. (Btatuel idireball), wbobad won his freedom by fighting for the country as Pott Lloultrio la South Canitnit. So we hive the example of the fintlb itself In frvetng Wane who fight for et. country. °mural fiesenans gave hie •iewo of a re =nonunion of the Union. He mad that whenever a agate panes on Act renouncing its allegiance to the 'gore:accent, •13 at, obliged to reoognis. it so the sot of the stato—that it boo abdicated--ond not two hoodtsd men in such stale can abc for the *hole . The people stilt remain enlivens of the Vtdted titstes and ate to be.governed until them lls Slogs! population 'sufficient, to taus I else* sod to towhead into the Elam The General added : ulent not in favor of a remval delpotiso, but to the ttett7,t4 the nation and the niabtenanie of the.,geDeral govornoo•a4 When citizen mutt* to espatristo blame be min do so by thetsoteent *taut sofereisr t: want Congress to pus an ass to atioi aDY eitizen to capsulate himself, and to &env, its assent. to Such expatriation, sod meet more to , rote • unti I re Datuial ised." . • Irraavmw imu Jona Barour—The London conespoodout of the Moeleditil Galati gays: had Job s lessurscd • long coaertsa- Uon with Bright the other day, who holds • moot uasiorrabla fifth la the bear approach Medd end et the rebellion. Ile to also very wane Is his deatro'tor Mr. Lincoln's rualectios—chisin n would pro dose • grand erect La Eogioni, b rant's- Ging ths people of the solid porpoise, of the American people, rad quoted the words of a distinguished Mewl of its sato :roar a member of the- as of Cemmoas, (bat such ra sleuths Would be the Lieselret blow that the aorta could ititlibt on (tot &nub, I Bo does no: care watch far the artileteins 'on Mr. Linttin's slowness, though leilfd .ndts that • ci alga of cabinet ebould be de manded; farther ins ha says: • Mr.,Afocolti le like a waiter In • Urge esting-bousej artendall the halls are ringing at coot; he cannot seers all at °net_ nod so some, grumbler: , an to expeeted.'" A nuns* of the Tint New fork Na palm, who accompanied peditlon, writes home: ) After roar diyihard zureking and tor us! fighte, we are spin die. camp, and Una , nearly wens oar, and earealue lame 1134 aue tram constpt experrire.. The general improwlon *Mat oar more wu made la conjunetion with one of the Pan- Bat dine will telL t3oldiera never boy, edfored i daring +be prerencwar,re mo then' we dar—leary Jou* aloe, aim and wind;,sad mad,ankle-diep..:At tinierraudsTres terolut - A. IL lilt 2( N ook thdni#t: l2olll ftlV'Plikollt ping to Ow-law an Inentinirselits, skiii_ts),ll glOgibonation n go no th'enliot f•wate ii:ninney oompard - - ilk And non stints( I cull cresgop spoked in Ote,NorliSjai iMied to cant and /Off AO Vito pert ',.k _ F __~ ~ AC GOY }Tress, er ZdARTLAND —"Aga," tf the Baltimore Sou wriies from Washington: "Our citizen. are .pained to heat. th.t Oov. Hicks is obliged to submit to the tar rible ordsal of an amputation of his leg, arisiug from erysipelas, with which he bee been so severely althea Prof. Smith, of Baltimore, came to the city this morning, and performed the operation. NEW llauesutax elects a United States Senator (or Mx. years by her Legislature Just chosen. Ron. John P. Bale, it is pre sumed, will be again a candidate, and ROIL Thoma• 31. Edwards, of Keene, and Ron. Ames Tuck, of Exeter, are suggested .as possible candidates for the post. Each of these, as well as Mr. Hale, has been s Rep resentative in the State Legislature and in Congress. PUBLIC iID BOUNTY YIIN It 1C EETI NO.—Thero trill he .m ating of the olden° e of the Stkhth Went, TElTB ' fracs. do,) KCEN LNG, of 7.% o'clock, at the Fehocl Howe. cohls E7-p—NOTIOE TO MILKMEN.—The members of the Association, s d WlJlktuen Generally, are requested to meet on THURSDAY kr BBBNOrN. Hatch 17th at 11% o'clock, at John Haulers. to teas into conalivration the question of Sand 6y travel. By autos of son ilat NOTlCE.heny—The owners of Oil at e Alleg landing are seaweed $o retool, Mir 0 11 at OtICV, olherolso It will hays to be removed at their .per"•l Unto 14 not room the-* to do the cortent bovines.. Attontloa to We matter 4011 on trouble and mom+ tehll JAMES ALLEN Wharf Mester. F‘'APi ELECTION for President and dle Dtroctareof the Manchester eavinge Bent IL.will be held at the Banking Home on SATURDAY, feth day of Manb, tede, between the hours of I wad 4 o'clock p. ... =OB. B. UPDIIIE, (lubber. Lioncheater, Feb. 25th, 1864. rahl:td CEICAOa 11.00. WAT 00" OM. Pittsburgh, P. , robro..y 24th. 1864 DIVIDEND.-TEIE BOARD 0 Dlroctors have th la day the • dividend of 811 YIN Pin CrICYTIThi on the Income, or Third Nonstop, Bonds or We C.amtpany, out of toe earn ings of Ist.Q. pa. ebbs cash on the let day of ApiS cent. [8.261 W. Is. BARNM, 80c.y. BENEFIT (W : 4 1.1iSISTE10E C l . ol,l llTTFE,—Vialtora will be admitted law the Fore Pftt Works, Fifth Ward, tot-45 the fitacms 20-INCE GCE, daily, mitil Ist, 1664. Prim of athalealoa, CENTS, the entire proce,de to to we. 1114 to the Subeisience Committee of PEW herek. Tl, rat. wld at the ca.." or tb. worka, at llommgah.le Home, acd at St. Charles fe27.lm Executile Commit. tee or tho Pltts - arsh !sanitary irmr d that all the dlfferoat as oelsttons, brat, hos of lot:miry% mt....10b5, and ttades rsquet led to moot in St p...te rooventlo • at orn , e • •.d appoint thrro et re tortnoto •ma • , I • 1.14 - 14 the Pittalitlfo3 "Iwlt•ry Fair. It t• teopoctfetLy le ,. clod th at 1%. hsl.lll of all sal! Committees be !baud's lu ut oocu to tits eecretsry of toe Asaosia don, •t their ra,osa. litt Watts St sot. over Zest A W•tohoutha By ostler athlt,t P B. BRVSOT, ebatresta. d— [0 -.SACRED CONCERT, TO 137. OIVEv Ey MR. CLEMENT TETEDODX, AND 1.1 id PrrlLB, h dly ur ete-d hs Amafra • ON r_ . ra;r•er . 17171 OF 1111“:11, AT it , NIC HA. L. L... AI, st of the In b. •ung are rntlre tap hl• onrrulon nen!' to. en c•rt,q, bran traatlatr4 patrons ly /I, for hatlrs and U ollotren all: tat. part In it,a Ch 01.13 T r-ta, erne.—pr he vial Melt., • u• c Et re, Al Wr.,l t r—t tkarra vvett at a•clrair. Coarart aril cornrow- rko art trr kr, a cr . r.1 , 1 k FIRST NiTIONA-1:-BAK- OF' A.L.I.FCCrHICIN Capital Issznam • Thh. Beak la fully orgnelacd and In suateaat. ful operation. we are prepared to go • general Banking btortneaN twd ogler our aerelnea se irorreaprindent to Bank. and Barelt•re threughoui the country. Sparta, attention to collection to MIA aud the adjoining City of Pittehargb, aa a.on all pacts of the conntry. norms rrceivorl on deposit, and Sachem,. DP ail the princlpal althea botrant and .old. itTCris T. /1 NEVIN, C. D. DA VIS, !MIN DEAN, HENRI' OZEVN WEI FIADDAUOII, I JOHN TUONPSON C. O. DOYLE D N. ammo. Lanni a uonsott, GLIZEZE JOH/II P. IMAM ECM 33, 1/361. __E,JfIl . ____ .4"Elf 4 JD VIESITISEXTS .., __. Hib&s-100 Dry Flini . 10) Gre; , n Palm, Ju rncel, d prr • -am, L' and for gale )... to ss ose wood, law, i . M. IbON A LD k ARBUCKLEI mAIO 2tl and 2b4 Llborty .tree(. - - 9 00 TBLORULIBt SPAR OF THE WEST ItXtbb/... Prat's Doable Extra liver; Ilk do Bartlett'. do do i bk do Oar's Obotre Extra do; en do renr• Baal do; Li do Gaff'. Extr. Faal'y do, ild do Try's St. Loofa do; 1.1” do Gold, . ago MITI. do, rm.!. by II.iIIIDSAT & TBEITOED, ' rett'd 107 Liberty .treol. j __— SALE OF IfOUSF. AND LOT IN 13.1.1E111810111N, ALLIOIIRIST CO., PA.-1), vitt°. of . orderiir the Orphans' ha t or Coanly, will carmen to Public Sale LOT or AMID Alf AMR', with Dwelling Ilan, na4 hie thereon, late the pr. perty of John Lardy. dnc'd, bsanded wont by :the Dinka b Ailegheay Plank. 8.4, norm by the Dearer lead, I oat and south by 64d of Wm. Brkkle. Pala to teke place on the premien e, on WEDTIL3- Day, April at 1 o'clock p.m. Teares—Ten per cent of Dumbest 01.7 la hand, baLtrice on condronaMon eels tend, rof dyed. HAAR} A. Lavnt, Administrator. nahleilawddwaSinT VALUABLE RIVER PROPER.Ty 1 , 011 PALE, 0DD,1.11 Ith. of abet , - Ma am Lock', havisy • ( on ion e'er of PI &et, and enten4lng _Peck to Broideek atm; adlals'ne Oontellarile Itallroad. con• talning 4 644.48 and 77 p-tebra. ft. I. an twin:lie b'e location for lAtotthetaring mimosa, h trlng the rirer in heat •D• pobllb street •04 rallroa4 ID dm rea....1 raw 11111 and bane Inge tb.r-on meld.' for tams .4.4.4epp y to ID ettT • FIN TreTIN, on the prelaie• or to C • 004(1 fin COll, N •, 11 4 Dtaeeen4 street Pntettortch• mbld t.r ADMINISTAA.TOBS' Myrica Ha le bereb . f Ha th at / be andereleried have ban appointed a rtValalratora of roe mat. of Mob. Bala,ntis. ed, a bd. eV the Oily trAillithany n , Pennyl &owhß all pervill havia claims or di of sod• agalnet the estate of thro said &ardent are rirated le make !mown the mate to ae, Tjanal . , Joutf 1101421.T.,40. at Iht Ity Ltill. , d t i lirtr i tirtib w r y t . MP: Beata tetras / Alleghtoy manly. ntlailasrdaer WALL PAPER, WINDOW PAPIITit. W IPP U 1 11 1 ,1 ND I/X B►W and ratan Mt, tow tA. taic U elt - pti. paid oa Om Book sad Paper Non, Fo. lel TZDZBAL BT., alloOsay. T. Z. WaaNBAN • JOHN DOUGLASS, (1.414 304 avb atnrat,) ianoldrare 61.14 r In ail niads.4 Tornio and Do. awn, Leg and Atanunociand Tort 000. Aldo, IsporOd. Dawn% Gomm' and Domaidia SIDIABB,ANCrrir,BHOILINC TOBACCO, PIPE, ,a 80. p CLITU nTABIT, Tsar of Pliltadalphia. Lam. r. NMI.,, NEW CONSJONMRNTS. all Mar bbd. Lao 0.14011 ris do Wafts VIA; , iciro es. dal 11/1; EEO bbd. Gnarl Andra; Li) do Dr, APPlow: 1 car low:ll4%ns !Nap w plaza Vocarator Pk la.; lo!) tows (Mina; W do banuur J Int n ertr.d sod far aida ' at No 140 Litany Wad. 4:044 POTTIII, &111tPaRD. UTMryP.BECK.4C►,, Wbolnside Oro. lad Liberty @lran, bark for NO. 20 bait ilomaallaapplaa nu do plckod Rama Applm • 60 do pear Whits Natal lao Loaf Tobacco: lb bale. Bind Cam • • 2 do Tallow do Sadao* Moloodow ,1020 do 124 Ira tip. I Po% aahli SNIVELY 1.41. Wkopaials Ilaaufactuier of LADIES , 11002 , 11 /MD 4410101, 21011111 MOOT STMT. Phlli&aplitti AM 0000tonly on hoods Mind sonttinset of TALI sa4 CITZDZIESP4 Doors ma • SIWIS, Eatable tad: 41,2 sad assail) and.. CIGAR' I.IOX 3fESTPAtsTURNRI4. Ardlagll CZ ^ AR COX MUM. beating t 4.14,11, 4OX 1 11 0ABIA for mils by Eiroina“6.4-nita. _ UP_ ILMVZ9 I toy onto mom norm sown 235 wad it' 4 ' rf 0 "rf.-40 .no. I (two us wor. br ADMIT IL MIAMI. ~.r M"~'j'~~~.`' ED" 4D rElt27B WANTED. • situation as Ciatiroi• ilarsistato. Boat of rot. or 'lron A &from A MP ai Orrocla, or 110 X ea. Ago/og,, Oily. VOR SALE--ticsLES AND WAGON. ' bar.. two good mood-hand PLATTODN 150 A LES f sato—ono lrgo. Me tut avail. irte goal wo , ond-hull ono !arse WAGON. too/stir* at City Mille. rnhltrliir J 8 L'OGETT A 00, Ai N() NGA HELA NAVIGATION .I.V.L STOCK —On TO/LmOLY EVENING , ilmrh lath, at 73., o'clock, oft b. added to the ma. of males theCommorelal Males Booms, 61FIGh st. : 10 almms aletmensabsla NavismOon Mock. mbt! DAVIS & MeLLW ATTIE. Aunt's... WANTED. TWO GOOD AZD POLO DDB AND II ELMO! To whom constant employment and goal waren oil/ b. Rhea• for farther I/tannestlon address tho an y, Nana. Providence, a ar Scranton, Lamas comely, Nana. SILESIAN TOMPEENS. roltlCler A _________ MILLIiR WANTED.—A sober, in duotricau and accommodatlag man, .bo bnii 4 complat• knoviedge of &ening "ranch Burn, and keeplog • 111111 la order, and a& =Wanton& wind lug thoroughly, cam And • good Ennui= by cook ing application .on, to the egib...lU,, .1 Trade, lattotre, Won& =a marry, Ohlo. A dug& mon prrterrod " IlblIft•T PEARL MILL SUPERIOR FLOUR.— A. IF, hare comma:on, nothing a ne7 choke lat of 05,000 buskul• Southern Wheal!. roll' equal to that from erhlth the blgheat grades or Louta Flour It m. We. are now prepttre d furaa'sh our en scoalm Ith Flour scud to th to St. Goole bran& e ben mhos. Tux SECRET 4 RY ADMINISfRATOR3' NOTICE tore of Admlntetmtlon oy the agate of lie nty Orisemor, Inte of Shaba township, Allegheny so.- ty, having heen greeted to I el, ell par.. Indebted to told Mate w i lle= d g: mediate gement, end tho. haring ch.. 111 pt.. and the ante, preporly on theoll•wed foreotihrenet, OATH • RINI GIII LAM ES, CIIAML ES GIIIItaIIIB, Admiolettatora. MUM WILL PURCHASE two two -91tIt/V riot, Brick nestlings and Lot taw tha corner of Pnde and learnt atnista Nth ins,rd. 1100 ponairiae • moat es naeory Dwelling and Lot on Poplar rtniet, Alleghany City. HIM purchase Pisa Canning. cad Leo ow ner of Corry wid Lanark stmt., Allenhany City. Will lent clear uf all tax.* for II per not.. it. R A ll ' ll4l%l • fin lin r-”rth R ARE CHANCE for an active man or A PRACTICAL OIL REFINER dumb eeplial of out) ll,oon f 11,40 re. qu Yee, to retire lateniet ELPtieet7 hear the ci y and on the river Addr.te w 80.1 egg, Al.eghety City. l B NI 11{ E AWAY, from the Allegheny Wharf, nn the nlybt n , tbe 11/Ah of March, belt OtL PLAT, web tee nameof BUSILY • IL:PRIEM on the etnt of P. T. le About 113 ft. toys by 14 ft. et 44 The bn k lend and pert of the dtck sof. 04 the bnd ivy aed win be pall In malno of M. bnet. 7bnr.ens Trench find le It hen It br.,be sway. —• (AINTI2 ACTOR 9 ._PropomiIs era (Moo of I.• Th ird Nail aal Flit•ber,h Plat.. an I apaclficall m. an two. rawly. aud e.cs u.. o. [be otL. or BA RR 5110.4cfr. obe bet... . Us Lot. • ro. as.o p. m. bid. 1,111 be runt'Ved Onld .11 12 .11 Ilrei NI ' IT to KOBER? C. SCHEIERTZ, eattl7.4l (.1.111.r, pro inn. JAN._ ItENII, Youghiogheny Coal and Nut Coal Onion loft at klae Lino the Ehamporks,. Bridge. e , or at reetbone. No 10 POPLAR / T E L O , 4,11..Kbvy, rumptl, e.trudel to. firWeetAret e dmrs hlthlawdtf (3t)h SALE-830mM U. S. 5-2 u Bonds u d Gertinostee; fi uu Yells, B. 111. Ist Alcrtsaste AA.. 7 opt •, $3,010 Pttlnldnith •.1nortello•I le a a. t Sunlit Omit I/1161os ) is mcrtenn Bonds. WANTRO—finock itt the harghsny Yajley, Pia& burgh Connellestila Sittatratih A Sieubsavllle R. a. Campania, Ala 7 /o ,11011IPSON, BILL A CO., utkili He Gd Folarth *treat. pHOPOI4AL fur Grading. Paving and Petting nth 0.1.11.t013• Tannehill telaiN l lb. Stith Ward; also andth Iltrat. In the Ninth Ward, trout Penn street to the AClnheny rtv.r, • 111 let ns c.dved tip In SATURDAY, the that, a • c'educh th. The bids en Tannehill 1. ..l, • tte dl nrice per e. lc yard. All Instant. lot res 1110.4 an or n on nto-b per ).rd, the contractor tams. int .. the building stone. C', whit: Id flessydan Itsmulater._ SLATItti A SOUTEI Si 00,000 600,000 w. viii 111.0 Sue nod, • BOOTS AND SHOES On Monday, March •21st, AT 5.1 111A.n.u.wr ItITFLIYIDT . toc... droond doer horn Third erred. GROCERIES. 30r , bags prin. Rio Goer ; to do 4. Ow, do; Ite. eh& N. o.endar. ono rtnOr tO do More Cuba tom too bbl.. tallnal Boom me flak 200 do et. 0. Motown.... MP; 150 do do do, old crop; 300 do Syrup,. awned brandr; StOo do Hatwen lice; LJO pertagre Macketal. lehla and holt 144.; 130 bbl.. tallow Bay Honing; !A do Day of bland do; Si) do Labrador do; 101 haT MILL Lake do; 40 do Wb;t. net; • W bble. tetra No 1 Salt 300 do It'd,* and tetra Talon, noon 200 box*, Tobaeno oared; 75 bbls En. to. 1 tinter Wanted Lard ODD t/orree prime Leal Lard; Tor nth to the tralr 10 t , ,y Jnlllt ItOrtli 110 ' er emitha.l4 an*te- FRUIT AND iSRADE TREES, EVERGREENS. &e. Of APPLE we hoe. some 970.000, and of .11 the leofletit tlea cant pridtrible .o this location. Iw o bore mew Ono icon, to Early Bataan, Made. Wash, Holland Pim.. B.idwitt. T•Loostar, Owe; King of Totophins Co , Mods island atm, Bowe &qay Rambo, flteake.hintio. Toltnant, 19ailtte Older Ith • rq_lys• Of/EMIT, PEACH, PLI7M, EVEROREBB, MADBoat of PEAR Timm BOIL% ansummar, ORBIE PLANS'S, *C. Al tour . to Varga. w BBOVIIE o clikr great tod cetenate to plantle•or ortankw a , sm. Order. left ai the Orewohercee. f.hiand, Or Plueborgh Pat Oface, will be proniptfr attond•it to. JOBB 111 II1tDOOLI, Jr., 61 , 1k4..7 Pittabench awl Chkkisad Nonerior. FROM LIVERPOOL FOR one 00, ouansarow. ingobao SO pirrnouaon raft 131 so, cvntetmoy i t aaasao by al sap, aa low as 1 14.7 cam' it , Paataip oat aall.vmela will 'only somata milbto tot dam in is at• eartlfltaaa. at OM WIG BINGHAM, Jr„ Adam. tiprer Os.. No. Oa Fifth an (200 D NEWd TO BOUISEiREPERS. NA —The inabierinorr tbanortil Aar part tarren, m ita, leelir o i f brit Wren,. to call and sambas nuctsx-rumnantwo 001:1D11, aitolistion of Cialtrry. Too Trly. &a Walton, Brit. tad& and afoot Tin Tr. Inmn and 51.04., falba Ware, tiird Crigrik le.; tlookin 0 elorrir. Tin and nest hos %iv, ~allot Wny Grid boar, to Cbortr. Kral Wit fa Tin Iloontin and Job Work dna to order. AU sorb warrantki. 11011Iktm rid DIARINS. . utv.VD,44`62, Vit'fx_r„:" 277„ 4 3 , In Imitation taiiroy, Tatlay lmett, with gill dm sal with male dm—with tockg, ntn matt clamps 444 IhMul. • AUL sag ftow tb4 morowmt ih• bwit. For ado ressoosblo • • WII.4I.3OW9IITUISAI tlYdNag. oblglimW wood elm* N 444 1 snewir, Na I 1 itiiiisurpa.iTAii• Pianos and Musical Instruments.: it.v. mutal, ott hantla liartdintof 07.7. 141111b,TENt Plftlt MAI; CRIVORarC4. The Alikart saskei prlaa mid GOLD, SILVER & U. S. COUPONS, . • a, Nimbi of ' WTIGIILC, fld MITI stair 14161fgA TWO anew Olp riwris ism; keg, lased 10644 inrl4.ol atirori Tou bent, two lull balmy toloolocl outdo sod gro Was, oil ot000lOO: ol Fat panionlonspprp of OTlllaz or hoodoo, of J. 8.4m41:11,,, :.• ; . IT" igt, Hassioli, iu wood.; 1014,, estlahluf In room. lliNtlliatir aons aver* 01.94.._ KSmoke ot IL sL Wi t t 41 Woods Ihm. ye al riejtv a ga st r o Pm, iwpe *bars 4_ , Y41P1 ';;;1 D. 017LBEILTSON. R. T. RICRNZDT • BRO. fi a - trout from Report Rohl tire to the 18th U. alt. Inflautry• At the esap.tastlon or thiswas linglont, le Iltnl • %MAW T. SHININAN made Its Dinne.% polotm 4 nt as • Dawdler General In the &wanler A ap my, 04 JOHN P. SA NDILDSON ° his plane by prowittlq# l . Is now It. cuntzsand na Pk 1.. In. Orel Battelle:leaner bent. awn. Ihadteen'e d.. par neat h•ed pomade's' guard at Cantanlie, and has betas with his ooreasand to all the march. and battle• darter the Pal Ina. Al Hack. et Gen. Cranes operations la the Val. ley of the ■betldppl lan jest, • Board of Offlo re was °Nem! to roo terrena and ealtillthe chain., end honse• daring the eautpaira ; end the ,t , error a careful exandnallon or tee yep-ro *earldce eubtalael In supplest of elate.. &t el..' tateminatenly, the first Battalluse of theldth U A to faary entitled to the following la•ript c It. awaited, CHICKASAW HAVOC. ARKANSAS POST, CHAIIPION HILLS, 7IBST AT TICKS• BURG, JACKSON. In males this award Ital.:oard sale, to Ita to port, It . ImA/A len 19th U.B Irautty entitled to the ant honor as Weissberg, hatelog In a body planed and maintained C• 10,• •12 the parapet ettha to of IS 1.10 per cent., looneding He gallant woman l er, Weettinston , who died at the !angel. Its roe • duct and leas Me Beard, afters central estaselnalra I belle,. unsqvalled le the anoy, end reepectratly ass the Gen-eel eanamanding the Lopatin:root to allow I the illaCII•do• At Colgenellle, on the Ilia of astute, this Rec. baton, and four oonaksales of the t e e led Lao., attacked by Oen. Cleanses...lth • fum of 3.350 03.11 and eine pica of artillery. Although the uouseri cal &vanity was so large, (ha fut. was held le cheek '.e bon., and finally del., off. For lot unfilechlag coarags sod daring on thin eta 'be be Battalion mam ba pllmented by Oen. Sherman. l'u the dad at H l■ba 11114*. though trdoesel In u a, it nobly enetaltud the regal it lon tt had In On other fields mhintler N PU BL I ceTioNs, AT HUNT'S_ Thaekenty, the Domes let and the ghee of Antalfables Disthenure of ItWound Wright-4.e aeleenterea .Ith end teMpt. Imre the selin,. the 13.4.1d0e Mote. of The Ll'e. Ceetheighs .al Sonic. <>llk, Me. ,et Gen. Weir Gates Retort. with Elaf a. En, Bradlee Maolwa No 7. 'nu Life at d Poblb &ilk. of liajor Gen.. 01 Llotior. Price di cant.. Th• traknown—tito Swirl !Japer. 111 Dr. J. H. Sabin. a. khutro's laat 10 Cent Novel -110 lodlart Slayer. Tba rinntror'• Yaw. Lan earaber of Ditna Nord. Tbe_AllYrr Hag& Laat amebae 10 mat lerrealatte Neighbor Jaeboned. By author of Cud Jo's Can,, VrtZtitihjurh. if les want Itewilooks, Leh. Pap.n, or Matto ofialy tln4 calt ar rnd to Cheap Oash Book t tore No. 69 111711 87., mascara . HALL, WHEELER & IVUZON•S SEWING MAOHINE Till ONNA.PINT, SINPITAT AND BEAT. Prtardped Ore* and Who Wale lapsehum, Thor doers belay Bask Black. WI. 817 MNER & trIEBITHII AGZWIN. PaSuisart GAR FUTURES. -4)n hand and to Pendants, Chandeliers, Brackets. roinle on tbalo,ole tams by BAILEY, L a co., Mar=l HIMRY 0. IL&LX & 00., LIM A fIaIIWARTZ. Spring Stock of 6100118, ‘th{oh In tonic *bake WI lade 'aquae sop !urn ItTlft elmd to du publiq nuuralthr thshbi to owlish; Meads and pawns for the llh Val pattoosp hisritcluth reativid. had Oh , Iht, 1 7 ohm* AltiatWhio hiolaeo, to emwt ail our Oa Melt ',Manny elm gem OEFILEMEWS FURNONINO GOOD On,* mans or van ♦ND R. oLtuiwrazins, FRESH ,EITOCK OF GOODN - RO Tun MIXIIENT sioasoat .04 rally OL , OTHINC+, ro l vt. g sivotblog shat Is smrass4 dsslreW•eys Ilan CLAM atratpu =ADS, orttl outmost to auto op to color to de 61 . = or nom mho totk,o Marwstak noir .` POllBl4 ¢ ItESA qt!'llo;sco,t.; Nina qrai & smh) 14-4.07.0:f4 utinna pr vo tioMs~ t. bars Ann MAW art w r . REMOVAL.-4,ldszmao DONAID. az BOX bat liqs, IN a ► lt MN* inui • agtakillNW 1111 1 eiti!Milre .42%'' ELECT/If/PATH]; a complete system XXVICLiti. laLscraioiTr Tar Ms treatmalted core of Mem.. DR. A. CARTER, OP PHILADELPHIA, Would Inform the citizen.. of Plcabarith and All.. gtieny Oily,. and the poldft generally, tint be hat opened an office at No. 143 Grunt-.treat, Pittsburgh, P Where be erld [bro. a portion of bf time to . treatment of Dtsemes. O. [imitation free. Tbs. mho ham tested thir agmt, as employed by tbi unrkillful only, an invited to 1...5n0t/ma of its marlts mini nisbed by Dr. ObIIVESIL Electrical w. properly instituted. stk. Isvallibte teats of Meese., and In to c.e an. !spa.. or unpleasant. DISRAMIS 01 - 1:81, ar Ectarnierrr. Tbe tollevrltg err among the many Wawa. 'ditch this:intern or prartf-e eeldant Gate to effect care: I Agm. Chillearinthosa, Apoplexy. r Bronchitis:Truism ; Crilarrh Consumption la ite I early &tags, Coldr:es• of the feet or hands, Cholera, Cholera Hotbox, Contraction cf tae Cheat, Conga., tips 00 ths BrL , Chlorceis—gmen *Jct.. , Cramp or Croup; Dreary. Delirium Truman.. D. &turas from r•ritgill 1)11.111•0 Or D 70.101.4, 'Dyspepsia in an.. name, Dinka. smog.. hiegagOyega p.a." grean.. Diseases contracted by the me of Ifterrony ; Earache, Eye. week cr Inflamed Epilegy —sailing dolmas, Ery.iprias, alai Teralyele, . hom various cattreo; Con;; W hoopla/p..4h, Read. sob., Byer. ,s• Inatome; ; latiodiws; Lirrs , torpid nate of; Lockjaw Lotocontaa— nem, alba. whit..; Lumbago pains Limns the lim b . or beak ; klental dopegg.L Kt:molar ccost ma t ion;Nralgla, blenahPainful Mon - of. ams; Pnenumata. Paraly, strtmlan. POpitallas of the Utast, Paley. Pithy of /the his—bdadness ham; Rheumatism ; finsproded Aultaatlem L &wing Weaknam, Spinal _rm•oaturea, et. Thu Dam., Suppreadan of Voice, .gbartagig nl-Night ganatroks, Porofcla, Open. Diseames, Sprains; Toothache. Tom= ; Ilanstrwa. then. derangements to; Ut-ritte Weeknera. Une RundsornommY Withered Limbs; Weak hrs. h o. To the above might ho added a long list of diereses curable by jigs agent. nay infOto It . ..prating the treatment of db. sun ran-be obtainel by caging on Dr OA hTIIII, either personally or by letter, at his room., No 143 °Rag? errizsr, Plitabargh, Pa. mblloTuMbe.dtanl 1 3TII REGIMENT, U. S. Infantry All pahou estlbtlag Ws Ihilamt—whatlier vet4rabsor socrull rotan4 • Bonney or rum' mispazD DOLLILILN Tom Govenausbot. bull At el 14t, 1864 Alin. lb. 711121111 NT LO 'AL BOURTT Olered by 80r. 4 / 1 b few - r.lll, or Uo.nty, Ilecrtattsas 01006 Na. 61 MTH, 46,464 Nmoth• 1161 d atm!, I'll - .burgh, Pa. DALLAS 1111111 M. Cabt. 13th Ittfantry.ll , l42ltlnt °dime. JOIN P. HURTS pirrsollßGll. fitanzat YBS ALIVE LOCK STITCH No. ST FIFTH ST 'win., lb 111.0 nmeorlaarnt of Ao. IAO Fourth Ilimn PITIIIIIIIIGH An AOsr noshing Slots A dela colloctioi hcftn,aigg ti. 11j OTI ff. —WO creme,.Letter of All- AA arlaistratara • o lb. Waif of 410.11/ XVlagt 114 PO. Catlaty4 iil4 Nob ,Irsy•lt• tawaatiss ascsaard, having at Dora graa44 to Mx aaboartals• ail issioa.alladabtali la lia add assat• ars ncurstad to 4 ". Cu oksaist• *Meat. ail those , bariai tiaras r aqua& an,11341. lii• wisa,of add , oraideat will inaketalowa lb. lama Irtilusal dela •b. ~. , , , • - • non. sW ita Sa. i. ' " laa ", trittaidar: ~- !sank ak-, 1 8f ni le UV P MING BOOM talliam i . ;: - .1 ;00 A WC" AO t, -g-kbanbiss We 107 Ilymutii stmt. am hateldhk: - matlainas _ • ... . enbai.wHrt,Vio EU' 41) P-ER ORDNANCE UFFICE WAR I, EPA RTUEST Proposal. win he reerireel by this Department un til Turiver. March loth .4 4 p m. far for lino de u_ Jr at rei the fallowing Anewali, at Libaß /EQUIP. ifiliTlit, United dear.. Cavalry pettein, u ben.- after splurged . At the New Yoe Are.nal. At the granktoni Arsenal, S,ue. cola. Al the Allegheny direnal, 6„t set *. At the Cincino it! t r epot, Si the St. Louie A r 3,ii•ei eel,. now Iformlilry to be furnish. complete, exceopt tba horseuipmente Lamb, c w ung.eomb, Lariat, plcket-pin ink sod blanket. The caro.4 wet. bag km, this malle•ble Iron hardware .4 stirrup. are to conform litietly to pai.rn and finish to doe peoltad at the Amesai above nomr‘d The tee. are to of the rigulstion petit. 14 saaoilel le •be than 8% Inches totween th• bars no the 1.141. of the pommy, the .Ids bars of haul white wood or beech. lb pomorels and cantles of batch, wen pet together; all the front on••tontli ref an lath thick, end all lot into the toot.; to Le COVeZed with the liatighteryil row-hide; all tutor coveting to le. r. jetted. The trees to be setqco: to insp. client der. :u4 all stag:. of lb. nieneectute, hat the beet. mate cold be Iner , sted at toe Ar hot• do. lireltd. Deliveries meet b =We in iota of tot km than !My cents per wee k for a 1 emi• nem of !MI sets or u.elar ; ens nundr d oets per week for all contracts of contract. from 14.0 /I wt. to I,ood erne ; two hundred est. per 0 .4 wea hmrdrei for a cot:imam of tom 1,000 to 2 . 0( tad d gyr verb all of from 2,Drkt to 8,000 •et•. The first for deetirery te b. mole on !Le 24 tray 01 April, in t 4 Tulinn to mak. d•breriao • sOlatod tome till subject th• rontrector to a ( of the nmabo h• may tell to delver .t that time, No bids wilt be considered from parties ether these eygolar many acre:mem and sorb ay an known to thei thLtDepartment to by I wknky ounce Dat to *newts to r own shore the .r prepwed for. Elidd-m .ncion. 0110 their bid* the a nti.. acknowledgm.y of their merles, over their own dguatuns. Lech pang °bridal. •rootrael 1.111 IN ohb to enter tato bones, rl h aancred annettea, for Ito fatten] er oat., Upes the award betra made, raft:onto' blthlsm• and toad. will be notldsd, and forolshed • Ids fence of ccatract n. a Department r , strrt• the rlahl to repot ay or all bide, It n.t doper.* sateeetry. Proposals will be aetlreamod to .. ftrlyadier 0 sh•ral George D Ramsay, Chief t f Ordnance. Warble` toe, D G.," mid I.Wbe ecdo.erd ' rropcsal• for Horse Gtottpot Am" 0 ID. 1). Maar, Ihigadler General, Castor Oidnaace. feri.odtd OItIMAX X Orr:ct, W•n.lll4za.r. Washtnitoo, b 4 MN, f no thar lbr op tang ofpropop...ll b•abor• 14 , filseco•ot for Hone Yotatprorrolta, Is poitpcoard ' l "7 "' Prig. General Mkt of4)nttu,kpC4. - . Deem, QUARTSIM AM* 0013111.11 0171C1,1 rittaknest, Mush 1 / 1 64. 500,000 SIMMS OF • COAL PedJed Proposals kill b. roSsived at this ark. ntittl the 22d day of MANCH, 11/04, at 12 o'clock it. for tho furnishing and dallrery of /ire BONDI/ND 21101.41 AND b 08HEL8 Or GOOD MIBOILLNI, ULD PITISBDRGII COAL, aS the places and to quantltlee es foliose., via: • 101,020 bushels at Ykkaburtc. 200,000 •". Memphis, /e o n., zno,cao •• Cairo, Ills, the above edal to be dellrered atsoon as potable atter Opting the contract Proposals most state the price formoh of the shove pima alimvatals. Depoty Proposals artermaste must he addrosed to Lt. CoL 0. Cross Qur General, Pittsburgh. sof morked "Proposal. for coal to to deli at rick, Memphis, or Calm," aa the or b may he. Imis will be received for each of the ramie* der. or for tho whote amount as may so• - " • n. ability of the bhidar to fill tie contract., should iil meanie,' to him, must be guaranteed by taro iponsle ib pentona, whom signature, mast to op pennon to the guarantee. Tim responsibility of the gliaraoton mast be shown by the official mrtincate of the Clerk of Ibis so:inert fiteinct Court, or or ties United Stamm District Al- Iliddare not b. preeent In person when the bids art opened, or their proposal. will not be considered. Bonds equal in amonat to bon the man to be m erited on the contract, Mimed by the contrector and Loth of bit guermatore, will be recoiled of the sae mmhol bidder upon &ignitor the trot. Al Oka bond mast occompany the contract, will im mum. wry for the bidden to hate their ( bondsmen with tin m, or to have bonds signed to udielpatlon mid reedy to Ice produced when the contract la signed. Faro signed. to, ____ , , of the county of —, and Stat. of —, end of the county af and State of ----, do Lc.retly in , ntnt.. that is able to fulfil a cootract, In accordance with the terms of Li. roposttlon, and , att, should hi. prof... Mon La accepted, he will at .4•1•1 eau, lino a maltreat therewith. Should the tract be awardoti him we are prepared to become L m eeruriticw. fTo title ptuerantee must be appended the fuliciai rcrtlthate above mentioned.) reepottals from dtaloyal pectins will not be consid ,efl, and an oath of allegiance will be required of .ffecmufful bidders before Mania; ountracta. The undandaved fmemo to bloated( the right le tilri elect any or all bid. that be may deem too high. Payment to be made upon the nolditlMl of the ...tract, or ao enou thereafter as the mderoloed abet! be In hinds. 0. C&oBB, Liszt. Out and It. Q. M. Chateral. . _ lif leritlb—Ptii,ll.llN' i.T.I. LEONARD SUITS GU= Tine very letvert rtylee fur kirvireg GRAY & LOGAN Zio. 10 nrrar IMINET. FARRELL, IRVING & Co., N.. 610 moron friILIULT. ParLADILPHI C P lisalastunrts a/ MALE AIM mom: 1111DI8Y ROLL WRAPPERS, CAP & CROWN EIMLL. Om bard et mad• goal:dittll/gbo o& ri Fri,* paid Art BAP lugs or wall toh.tirod CommLsslon Merchants, no. IDO Bo n% warty IT., Clin spool 4 &Main N rusluldni Flour, Grain, Provisions; Am., 11.410111117................-GEO. T. SUOMI oOORD & CO., Wholesale Deals. la Hats, Caps and Btraw Good& Rave apel,la atom diu Largeat sad MrAIL I ecaphrte as,at of br SPRING} 19.ALLarm. W„ rer °lrma in th e wog. liforcbutta are regtwatird call col rumbas oar stock irldob will be acid it -4.17 low ran. • 131 Wood 81,1Ittsbargb, StrBSCRISICE, loan sus John Marsh it Co.'s tiodn Ash, I. mutual; receiving lb. i. :bleb b. sail WI iV7 h. nlatd 4 to the " area n re otatt!! ' P."11"' C.* °morsel, oitemaki33 801311 EITIIrrt Phase.lou • J NO. BURGESS & Co., Muammar. to J. a W. Liatritaj Comeialaalon& WaywardMS Marshants OIL OIST, PAL • • • ilarleg purchased the “011:4041 Warehouse" at Oil rat,. and haring ample room and tarldltles, era are au. prepared Idstoreared forward OIL AND MU. 1/1 ANDIald. of army thwart ptloa, and 'pram's* eat- Isfortloa to all who taq throe eta with lint: Pm.... cm. be.o.dd. 1l: g et:g ll ktittettiliKNATlM2l, 9AITI AND MU? 8001121.—te• Chub for Hotel%mbd halite*, flew nW Units to. &a .1.0,16t0z0f eitizto, woo' mut ttotlierston, mrmt Tin attaatiao of tho troa. la ca 1664 to an ye t , 064 p cm INAILIOX immix at the railroad P crow log, 01:egb6667, or addroot BOX to, 111601 *1 .O. J0f..3....1 Ft T. PUMP a CO. - gCATO a 7 - ' ran (3 E .------.,.'-- . . tom if Jolmfolitmtloa opli Ow Wale of Jain; W. Sorter. tato or Mahwah, doctvol, having Woo rod to tb• oadontgood, 111 potions todebttd to t *Kaki gnat, ea tiquated ,to mks VoYmoott att those amine owe.. to mortal Um mit to • 1111.111 r ADP OA Xrill, .. • • 1 1 061XRT J. IIIIXT&S, No. Ili Thud greet Pittobargii; O. I / ROPIUMIP* LAZlial, 111 MI. stmt., 11.14:16•60. • T/6F R(L~.~'f'B NEW' 'PRING GC;I3D4, Wholesale and Retail A L•wnl sabitllfllli of I h. wowed irtyko of Trimmings, Ladies' and Gent's Neck Ties and Scar& ; Laces. Edgin,gv; Plain, Hem Stitched and Embroidered ilandkereh'e. New tit Bid Maltese Lace Collars. Embroidered Collars, & and tradersleaves; Paris Trimming, Magic Ruffling ; Silk arid Worst- ed Embroidery Braids; the spring Fail:lion Plain and Plaid Bonnet Ribbon A 11311, line of Velvet Ribbons; • Jet, Bagle, *eel, , India Rubber and Pend Buttons. email Wares and Notions in endless variety. • Ha bay from masohietuier• and Ofat haal• °al,. • d as to Itarchaat• and Dales sa d sad • ally nalseta.l mat al Lutera MACRUM & GLYDE, TS DELIMIT Milt MARCH FOR SPRING TRADE As olgratit amortount of and . Bugl aa a Gim ant r : Be sagie maim, Of all widths.. Obefeestylo of Bead Buttou, Bugle Ormuneeiti, To Dram and Cloak trimming Ftloh Styles or Bash Ribbons, Bonnet Ribbons Trimming Ribbons, • To wild. we lesi4 U. ettmtlon of aen. mammon. o:=.7a-Varlatenliclr of 000/y will etree tot he trade oh the run Metal tetra, EATON, NACRIIN & CO., ishl2 Nan. IT AND IA TAM/ STRUT • EMBROIIeD CURTAINS. Vanor Drees (3ooals ISIZAWLIII Linen Goode! Vaal i hula Loo Cotton Gl.oogi ! sAcqvati Linea Damask C l :B47l7Llatl I Balmoral 9kirta.l Cossimerss Cloths! AT AWARDER BATES', 11 MTH MS= salt SRIXR.I . D ARRIVAL, NEW GOODS J. M. BURCHFIELD'S Mriv CAW= ens Otratos COISSiIO2II/66 I Blank french 01.4ka 1 Tweeds awl PlanasLe 1 Jiteatiaalqr Jeam wird Cashmere Oa. Table Llll4lOlll I Reran; Linens, Shantz,* Nouns*, Panay Starting yi n ,, Illeashall vial Beddow:lied Nuilins Skalds am:lantlllas• ••hip savitsatt of Are.. goods bad n. olive& etal NZW GOODS I SPRII*IG-1.864. oseph Home & Co l 77 AND 79 MARKET STREET, Dua. ta eu& m doors. Kiwi. rim mope titßSoiaas ILI, EMB ONSaIVTIIIIII, • Limier oiltru„zonsura ' Go HaSLICRY.IIXIXTI.- COt VANCT GOO DO AID NOTION . All *et dnanandi an, and An coo. finally bolos tniinwhavritk emit do. • juit h4=dtion 1 . (117 ' and Ckanng nnearsteek. 24761" Zargen EVer EFOlight to thkeitay, •nd iv Ibr solo sa Ma Lowest Ata;ket Rubes. • MUM HORNS & CO. SILK AND ruses GOODS J. W. Barker & Co., 8? • THE LARGEST SfOCK TEE 011KATEST TMattrit, Ever E xhibUte fis IM4 Du . whi ni s FOB THE HOLIDAYS; .. puss ONDIO : SEiticticts a,LA 1S v sisaior Ai: . itaitasi 'a., ia • • , 41 , _ D. . * BB lB , l , o4_l;taanoi4 Cla v‘itaxim linsa*BßAD,,, LT...N/0150 *CO ''' Ai. 81 itazio;t ittni4,- ••::,-----..-::•• . • ___,...._____ _ __ 4 . .- • :ate 11141 42811810 I: •, ,• , ./18 A. , aid 1828 -.oaajpit . - -.•-•88 1. . i 800 8 its Aserscf . 00181 i UN , e; SOX•asetio-sit Au, 001 gas clurZON I 8 888 88118sn iz."Bllll'n°° • ac ir WlBllB ims 481818 it Oa trade, at ' ,- mg lieiglowla. ma limo:0 ' . GLAii Po THE AFFLICITXD I MOWS GEM MOM rt. !avant.* of lb* aatnat of IARE.R.I.A BRAVA, km., 12 1. .P 12 / 1 42.1 of aun 7 trn la pelota rue tiow otters It to for allllcted In • It tea, ocemot fated am. What la Pareria Brava-T-16.88. It hae, eh= Itta, bees a awl& toe caimotra ernariesa l take 11:11ATION Or/ITh BOWELS a tsziautimArzon OP VIZ 111DEIZIra; LI:000111111111A ; and all d Imams at nal trataatthataeßs IS has ban racoasessmbat by [ha Want el 16. 11.0 loot Pnastioa toe wary two cootartat. Ictiadrp' t BltaTit It too odbeal to to .ate to • oLv• Within the Reach of All. no all demos of dm Stadder.tor" ChM!. of Bfroillos. .1* otodidas laratad ozgoitttia *moaned lo Lio power to nutaly A NW/FILL ATM DISVASE. 4U.1 test properties to the dreta w ers elmould y the =m g %it@ composuadlog tn dupe at thebdot% 871ERLING PROPERTrBB Ar. On. M.Y areaoung who spay saleriay has the masa ayma early ladle:Mks es Oar, sbnald try erre boule sad be esUered. The grew tem &111 LODISPOSITION TO EXEBT/ON. NTIIIVOITS ESZMUUnnON. LOSS OP SIGHT WARM asErDa AND Lat . BE. 1 / 1 010:11140 07 MIN GIMEDILAL LASSITUDE By ma arresting Mar Wens, which ma pedal se fit, mottle to Ow pole, to Itarats=l lapel. rite, urs D and Death • mime agateat n ibnatupitunit'n prantkal:altbotatti proosenat 811101D1 is bri e~ nglumitted: mkt cal authorities apes that wer e the sputa ot ICA R le ITCDISORIDTION Ifesievel.. there .oats be sr WM -- Ay Insane asylums, Ai dm rocorde of those bum* flaetltallbos pro,* flit • very largo poportlao of tbalr aro aloft dotootkm wlthlo =early habits of tlcs, WOKEN; HARRIED OH SINGLE, Or those b.kin torteurd to the Married &baton, erill dad /a the EXISAOT OP LIBERIA BRAVA &• =N. Oblonay or , lersvilarl• nu, tbi'Whler, .Danirslatria ttseern ado Glenna er trettin (Ira, hi Chan mood from limy mai* rhafener. a Throw Pligste to the Dora," lay. the immortal bard. If you ate • madam . eat lap* Ude advice relative to yocr Balsam. Orparla sect Ilk. oottruee, ler cerpleselatarmia deageorae aleears. mon num or num elAbeehnett mu Nate abet% muit.-irbm. ength eon teanh‘ del a . ehnage it ardent. no esonettg he Soldiers Home Upon Farbight dad vim may primp. dam andmma..4.l7 aantrmad diamond. vill dad tJx• EXTRACT OR PARBRIA BRAVA tbs opirtdo for Mitt Mo. By its Prallor elks opal' Qs =dam It4turoso_lo frogman Akotro to erbzzroby moortogoortroottoot sad seaaing tka— aptort W jhr of . strtotorp of M. MINN& "rotriqa- .isicaAsT Beraraot the issasberlis gasate tun& Li kris eitks. , Nige7 of tbrat :.431 EIIOW IMO OF TIE PUCTICE Of NEMER . _ sad pis tliipareaDorkt is !redo madam* costa ofteallark gnat a 1161.15 i et kiwi. lank ktodtr *aft Mete onaltut GLUON'S OHLOBIITE WITEB twozootton with lito Renee, li,onli4tuthi the tb; fictiothes. at PM:tatted GU*. peilsib tolowtsdy atotwat old *Win& do owl oo_di GILSON'S' PILLS. . ♦ Xadtatas that has stood stufast cf pas; sad Is ego/Nell= iett2t rtes Ids of the Exam OF Mini BRA% apetwu r await. av two . . so sowiwW hoe kogrotsadheg. DOLL pink .st Glenereil4gent, Ito, le Drin TOW .'i ~;~ ~. Tesale atuf. - - JOHN ituroNa:f tts.lFtsomuknivrivior lu)pui au magi attßi ' ' • 47, M r :.i~ahoewme:.~- . , I ..;. .. T!lKriwitri.4 :- :' , i ~,,-, • : -s , dread . Pony. ; :., •.--,.. 4 rW riw Ilivalai.__lnark - e l _:: li V san , um. ... odad ke , liltimidai. ' " - Pbbl. OA °°""aliht dusr - umsomi, . laididalpierjr . e,=:Platl, halliard . add tad alr t avr ". 'ill aka*, Oa. -, ..-firarriase imeal 481111"7411a ," ' ... ,Pordiarftly ad act, •.--:'!':-'' z... 7. <„ ;:. „PPPite, Paellas.: c.;"- J]It7QL~OX_ _ T '- 11mg;U~'`. - *.7:: L. • ,Whdeede indßateig:Afed;;`; No. 67 mat 49 Firm LlTa n i, - • minOt t IP4I, rethaiso.s*iiganfAtrw,. -
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