pittsintrgit dautht I•4•MtiVi- (0 3 ;1, 11 EL.= C • 4, I 41 ' AND 8718 VABA2V NP , OFFICIAL PAPER.Va The 13th U. 8. Infantry We invite the attention to the advertise ;cent of cant. Dallas C. Irish, now recruiting 14 this city for this regiment, %t Splane's goading, corner of Fifth sod Smithfield streets. At the organisation of this regiment, in 1861, Wm. T. Shaman wm made ita Colonel, and on his appointment sa a Brigadierklen aril in the regular army, Col. John P. Sim. demon took filo plane by promotion, and is now Ito commanding einem% The drat battalion now forms lien. tinier /MA 'department headquarters' .guard at litottrrillo.ana has been with his rommaad la 11th. marches and battler during the part At the dose of Gen. Grant's operations in the Valley if. the Mississippi last year, • baud of efficient was ordered to ramie' and examine all claims, and award honor' won dazing theearepalgs; end the Board, after a Imolai examination of the papers and evi dent* mbmitted in support of Claims, deolded seiresisiowiixthe first battiLlion of the 13th U. B.lnfantry entitled to the following lesorip- Liens on its standard: Chickasaw Bayou; Ilikanaas Port; Champion ; sun st Vick/Inn ; Jackson. 'ln mating thla award the board says, In Its `report, fillings ABl3Olll. G. Infantry entitled to the fist honor at Vicksburg, having in a body planted aid maintained its colon on the war with tho loss of 43 3-10 per mt., ineigdin la gallant commander, Washingtou, who die at the parapet. Its co:idea and Mu the board, after a careful examination. believes unequaled in the army, and respect folly ask =the General commanding the De partratint7to allow It the insmiption award- • At Cornetistile, on the 11th of October, this idattalleli"and four companies of •the titith 7.dians„ ins attacked by Gan: Chalmers with et . force of 3A54 men and nine pieces of sr. Misty. Although the numerical disparity was so large, this force was held in cheek for die hours, and finally driven of. For its en - 111eahlog courage and daring on this occasion, the Battalion we. complimented by General Sherman. On the field at Biusion Ridge, though•reduced in numbers, it nobly sustain ed the reputation It had won on ether fields. .To hive awarded the first honor at Vick,- brag, in term, so flattering, is an endorse ment than which there could be no higher, and affords a gnaranty to all who may enlist In this Regiment, that they, indeed, asEoeiste themselves with brave men and officers. The'llanitary Pair. Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania hare ' not Idtherte been behind die very el:defeat in giving brave -hearts and generous. contri butions to uphold the "starry banner of free ' dom.," We are called upon now to outdo all that by Bien done, to eclipse, if possible, the glerieuereeord havealreadyteade. accounts reach out :ears of • what other cities are doing in the good cans The cry comet, "What will old Pittsburgh, the richest city of its site in the Video, do now?" Be It ours to make such reply, as will ranee away soldier's heart in the country to beat a --ponder march against his blue coat as he 1001 s at the avow, and says to his consrades,• f'ilmutty faces may be up there la old Pitt.- bargb,but mighty big hearts." Now, Ilimars. Bditers, to irecomplish the desired result are emu Win everybody. 'Brerjblidy, I say—old • and Yenag, Whiled poor, big and tittle,bAzid ooze, or—llks your correspondent, compelled to quota dear Aunt Primrose for consolation, "handacime is that handsome don"—but everybody mast put their hearts in. their • loads, and their hands at work for the Orr And sow, sir, to enlist the heartiest co operation of every one who can work or give, stanther of ladies - request me to propose 'tut we throw to the breeze two nags, in. serlN - 1 respeotively, - "SanitaryCommisaion," "Christian Commission." These two noble charities, working in bro therly tellovistelp side by side, have equal claims con us, are eaftit deservingull the aid we lten - bestow. 'Which of - the-me stands highest the paths esteem, it won invidious to inquire, even *erre it possible to determine. • They are both doing what they eon for the eoldier, and doing , it wisely, helping each otheir, ton, with genenum, unsparing hands, ax your correspondent oan testify from expert. • nee at Chattanooga. More than once was • his basket heaped up with uncounted luxuries from the "Sanitary Rooms." ere he !tested oat to the "told hospital." Sub or these has -freq. cf friends. loving not one the less, bet the other more. •Let ae call them all together ender tie istarirliedfitai I Yet there ho the same cu. aid working together, the same unity of aim, the samereadirseas to divide labor and means among Us; that."' have often seen between the novo of these two most noble char/ties in thaluoy, and my word for it, we will double our, metes& / am confident, air, that these •" --- indhle"aupratir the wishes of . thousands throUgkotti the city and country. adjacent. :MOAT to the country . districts , depending for . Run malulropon the weekly religious news impekare /weer austriamd soak tie tabors cad slue of the Minims Commission. An at.- - pest to . them partly in its behalf would meat with a readier response. Will the Managers not consider the pro posal? R. D. - Larceny by Boys. . 112.1rsatlay Herman, who keeps a cigar store si No. In Porta stud; Eft ward, ham been annoyed for some time put by a'aow, bcrof boya who , bad mond a key whish watt open- ids door, and who have taken ad ... _ . . Armitage of Mit temporally absence from the praxises to enter-the store and help them. • ailatito eigare,:and anything eisithat weed .sett auk feno7. - Ort, Monday. &drains at an early hour, while a city watchman was passing the house,be heard an unmet. noise - in Quito* and upon investigation, diamond that a number of youthful Wain hid made that way into :the store and wan &spanks it of,lta most vahnble contents. The watch. man *Meriden *tore andel:creedal to captar leg three of this rascals, allied Jeremiah Me ., 'earthy; Zahn Kirby and' John • Menai, and 'soak :aim to the Mayor's ofdoti. Upon search. leg them eleven dollars, which had been taken • .1) t ofAbe money drawer, was found upon one of than._ The Mayor committed them to Ail Is:difanlk_of ball _to answer the charge at anat. We undeastand,that this storekeepers is that vicinity hare been much annoyed by th i r a fferen; and that complaints hero (re ' made as theauttmetlq, hats • idid - detetiloaruitil the Masan 'erne. Several Minn are implicated laihe.adeir, end wairants hare - hem Issued for their angst. .. Asa meeting of the etbokholders of the llituatleld Coal and lame COIRSay, held at the ofSeo of the Pazatere Deposit Banking . Oompany x on Monday, the 14th but., the fol. [Owing patlaman ware elected Directors: Ames , Manhall, John Scott, George Bing ' ;Mai rrntahab W. Wilson, R. X: George. TW tollowingofilninvere sleeted 1 Pauddint, Tames, ifiriltill; Vies Pfeil - limit, "John -Stott; Secrotam Fr. Bahia; • Vnetonier, E. A. George. • . Suonan plum—We, learn &inn John O. Esa., of Now Oslllee, Pa.,that J. K. Web, of that place, died very suddenly to !hie "eke on the 13th inst. , Mr. - Caskey LAI e,sfwelueze not turned the partierthuri of his - death; but tuideiitand le • died ' - from disease of the heart.'ll. lelt tient On 'the orening -troth, in apparent good health. had bean a worthy citizen, end:fern stun: .:her of ,yelis held the dare . postmaster. • • MS lONS derply felt byall who-knew Wis." PLIMILTAWLA ittorstitmr-rldt I=tativtarans;_undercidtantind 'of COL Colittariof entatitbargi will kite for -- 2,llCitetonso armi doubts thif mint *tel. 13lik.rastailtat • ls abotrfall, and will roast ' :Arm "It Estrialart tors tsw.:asyt.' CAN. Yoosirsil will spay this's" thetrinitulty on • Thisttity• nat. .A:Eattber of new moul: for itilartglarint; tat , are at Camp Copelstid, 1 4.svittor,ilentsbers Ttionday. • Mut . 1911 i /Lump , — Puy, rotoron minkont,Vot Tfarabright;onired in gar city Loa Bandit, Avant About bra,. o'clock, and warelarnlchod lath in ozcollentlirpper by lloi , Babalttota Coroinittoo:: Th 6 ra i ment iliZallsloll — of Copt: Mcdhideo ;pm:and in Noronigaluda city,) left for "Bing'oP~tga`socrsrilpta.—.The ettisesur , ettswerttertritemeasber the autethtf at the Ailey flats* Able mate& sad' those . who heweilessaiesit s o di.boottjaii„ are eve- Ask siesesteltto Wereseat tq' instruct the iiim....fteseelost.oolueutesquAlliar4-t4 "1" ot the b!illswew of MEMIMMM Bur Book Table. As IsTsoacciios Td lit stam De.tgru4 for /mural realm, and for dude.o lo fellers nad Higher Schools By John Nortert PeroeroS. CounsaiwAt.h.r. Sec York "D. Appel.= Co. Plttabirrigh: for gralm M Paid,,'Clarke Co., 23 Wood sate. This work Is designed to supply a want which has long been felt,. namely, such an introduction to the study of jurisprudence as would save non-professional readers from re sorting to the voluminous treatise. which the few-student mut encounter, bat which are too formidable to be approached by others who have no spacial call to that particular department of study. Mr. Pomeroy has sta ted the scope and purpose of his work in the following sentences: "This work is intend ed primarily for the use of students in higher schools and colleges, and of thou readers who wish to obtain some knowled of the spirit of oar municipal law, but ha no de sire to panne the study profersional/i. Its, object, therefore, Is not !to take the Place of the standard treatises of Bir Williaur Black stone, of Chaneellor Kent, or of otherduthors, kat to sapplyllsod for which Mora Com mentaries were vu designed." And yet, it is more than ere synopsis and aniline of the various rule which form the body•f the i t municipal law as it is administered, that the femoral Student requires. "In convention with this more practical knowledge,' the writer justly remarks,'" he should be led to study our legal system as a whole: to mark those forces which, have I:molded' it, and, through it, the eivilisatb3n of the nation ; to investigate the character of the Infamies, now at work upon It; to examine its peculiar form of growth; to compare it in these re spects with the legislation of other countries; and thus to be able to weigh Its excellence. and defect., and, in his capacity u citizen, to do whatever is possible toward its im provement and final rierfactlon." It evi dences careful research and ability through out, and most be regarded as a mostauccess fol attempt to popularise the study of the groat principles of Law. We need hardly add that thematic is beantifully printed, it being so well known that Messrs. Appleton *Co. never bring out their books In any other than a creditable style. "Tan BOINEIIIGH' RLYTIW.—The January number of tills veteran myth of literary and political criticism and opinion, has jut been rioehrod here, by W. A. Ghldenfeoney, OS Fifth Street. agent of the American publish ers, L. Scott & Co., Now York. It contains the following article.:—Thermo-Dynamics; The Plavian Canes and the Antonini's; Mar quis Of Daegeau and Doke de Saint-Sloson; Progress of India; Dean Millman and Dean Stanley on Jewish llistory ; Scottish Religious Moues abroad; the Negro Race in America ; Proadeelllstory of England; Ireland. This table of contents presents sufficient variety of subjects to render every reasonable reader pretty cartels' to find something to interest him. But probabky no article in the whole number will be read with more gnome: inter est than that on the "Negro Race In Ameri ca," the author of whisk is himself of that race, though now rsookthied as one of them selves by the Ethatiof itorupis—esul worthily 1 .0 ranked, both se a dinkier sad a writer, as this remarkable essay will afford abundant proof to the istiolligent reader. Charge of False Pretenses Chief of Po'Joe Long received a telegraphie dispatch yesterday from Z. C. Barker, Sheriff of Sorcius °aunty, Indiana, requesting him tr arrest a man named B. B. Baker, who would arrive in the oily on the western train daring the day, with, two ear loads of horses which he had succeeded in getting possession of through false representations. Mr. Long visited the cattle yards at East Liberty, and from the description he had received of Baker, had no difficulty in recognising him. Ile was -arrested and brought into the city, and during the evening_ a number of persons who had been swlzsdled out of their horses arrived from Indiana, in search of their 'property. It appear. that Baker represented to citizens' of Warsaw, Indiana, that he had beau author ised by substantial-parties topurchase a nqm ber of home, and through this representation succeeded ja procuring two car loads, with which be started East. After his departure suspicion was aroused, and inquiry into hi. financial condition beiag made, the fact was revealed that he ads endeavoring to perpe trate a stapendotof rwindle. The aid of the • • • telegraph wu resorted to, with the success *bore stated. The parties interesteti in the rue were at the Mayor's ales last evening in eonnzitation, and the matter .111 probably be settled. The Cottrts. tSeporled Exclusives fix lb. assette.l Durrawe Cokkr.—Yesterday the Court dim posed of the filtiOlrillg (MIS: 5 Watson k B.lsou ve 1. F. Dane. a Co. cent's 1 211 d. 12 'bury Sprott! vs Junes McLain, contloot.l. 25 Henry Sproul rs globe Terrence. continued 10 Henry Sproul vs 12obt Torrence, .ottithe.l. LUIT aca TULIP* ■. I Jen Stewart'. admr re John Creerfonl .J Jon Irrerry ve Jan Best. 7 Corn for ts./ of Geed et al re Jot MoD GI etal. II Com for ale of licad et al TT /no Molt GI et al. 10 Michael Cram rs Neirmeyor A Graft - 11 A. Pattarssa T 1 g. 3.loHlulersad.sor 10 Alex !Adios n P P Fkmarest. John if cif tansy rsVi , W %Ohre COKYON Ptuss.—Yesterday tbe Court dis posod of the following eases : 23 The N. A. Oil Co., TS Forsyth, Bros. A Co. Jury vitt. 46 Florsoll C 0... .J. &doer A. Co. Fordict for plalatiff, 3160. Ti 111eNsal [VA.° Erdoor. rist4l , 4 for plains'? 1153. • Alt ran :Chas(. 20 Iteary Sell vs Bel. D...lery. II Led Dilland v. Lyre Arnattud. 53 Owns Aurests vs C. D. Maxilla. Rafirniul Earnings. Tho following is a statement of approximate earnings of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway Company duriag the month of February lest, compared with the same pe riod of last year. The Controller, Mr. T. D. Mauler, says: "Theappareptly small Pursue daring the two Impalas ending February 20th tit., is attributable to the 'strike' among the 'Penmen, in January, which canoed a tem porary cessation of business." Tram l ErMie;: Butt Railway. 11.sedlaneous. 18M. . ' 1863. 2794=84 V. 57.085 U 234,301 24 We 137,465 20 31,000 54 40,455 72 Ma 5,000 M 9,557 50 2 449 40 We 7,925 IX) 7,825 1.3. - 7,083 31 7,02131 2,127 113 1,039 81 2.095 02 10e IMME $4..,1,&55 sa AG0,69/ ra 115,3117 00 irIC Earalo7ll-om Jaz I to liebZ 3733.601 17 3703,934 04 538,e13 17 Ina Peimuu7. 23Y. per mot.: no to February 231 h. 5,!{. per Increase average In cent. The Sanitary Fair: The ExamtbreCommittsent the Pittaborgh leathery Ur Imre jutted irnottee requesting all the different anoelations, branehes of In dustry, trades, Professions, etc., to meet In separate conventions immediately, and; op point committees to aid in the work of getting up the projected Fair. This is a very im portant matter, and the leading representa tives of the several assoolatiOds, profession', • trades, etc., edit do well to'cany out the suit potion as speedily as possible. Every dug of our citizens will desire to be represented in the great ashildtion, and their work. to be rendered ediolent, man be done systemat !catty. The names of Committaos se soon appointed, should be »palette t he Secreta ry of the Association, No. 90 Witter 'treat. 1 • . 'TOM ThuMb and Company. • The levees of Gm. Tom Thumb and hie wonderful little eetepealons are drawing large andleacm at Concert. Ad; and evert body, young and old, is delighted with the exhibitions.- In -the morning, the General • and bit little life' appMr ' their wedding eteteite-4 Statile not tw ted at the &f -eral teoon and- OTIIIIIII - antartainzatmti. At each exhibition, hoOrer, there am Interest lug perfonaanere,'lntba variety of mwtones, in eittith . Mr. and Afts.' Thanib, Commodore Nutt, and tbadimlaatlrit Minnie Warrens!). Eft er o . n. See adrertlemeent for . holm of raid. as Salsa Das:: Chinni—Mr. J. M. Barohdeld, well knorLdry goads* dealer, hm - jutaninedi from tbi oast with a _largo. I • and carefolly nitrated /toot of now-and .faah. Unable spring fatodos. The diato wolf and 'fayombly lmoWn to thi'011.11o;-that this attoploannomurommt mUltionifflotant to % In dada purchmers to mil and examine anion:Kt - ogored. The .taatos. and: oaperlenem! of Mr.' 13ctrohdold area tuffielantgaarantse that Atis stookefferedattU.fatl)atizS the bond of the ladles of our ottfet 7, %any, Sul AND rA,ss. corrazift.—lt inui stated krixabik• m oar constetlaa of yorierdaz h 155icid,..#341,5; pains Of ;UK ?Mot, th4l4. :San.ng w ;; I S be ombluarlar has. taw boz .a=nti. It skald Urn boacLannomattal hies not 1 0441: 1 1aiter; of--tboriniat. WW amet; W*B4ll4l " ltla t i P . 14311 09 hr.-UP:W*44 ‘ , spize/A2, LOCAL NOTICiza. Fr urn. 13,' lAEAY k Co., Merchant Taller' elll eemere to Ye 71 Scnitleteld rtreet, on the 15tb not. TIMM' PA/12T, Plat and Onsamaatal Blabs Roofer, sad dealer in Pennsylvania and Vermont slat• of the best qoality at low rates. Odes at 6Ler.. L•ngfiUa's, nom - t tot Water Work'. Pittaborgh, Pa. • Iron Foundry ror Sale For sale, that valuable lot of ground r lron Foundry and Warehouse,•situated at the cor ner of Water and Grant streets, having a front of 180 feet on Water 'treat and Front street, and 160 feet on Grant street, the same being now occupied by Anderson .57 Phillips. Pos session given April let, 1865. Apply on the prepires, and to iw BAELIeLLL, Poses .5 CO. SCURVY AND SCROFULOUS ERCPrzoits will 6000 cover the bodies of those brave men who are fighting their country's battles. Tight Mr, hod food, and - drenching rains will make sad havoc with the strongest, threfore, let every man supply himself with HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT, It is is certain cure for every kind of skin disease. Holloway's Pills and Ointment an now To talled, owing to the high price of thugs, ko. at 30 cents, TO cents, and $l,lO per box or pot. Forma' in Pittsburgh, Pa., by B. L. Bohn's took k Co. For sate also st - Futtou's 'drug stone, Fifth street, Pittsburgh. Banvre'a pacixouw. Teocasa.—These Los. imps are prepared from a highly esteemed recipe for alleviating Bronchial Affections, 4otticua, lloarsoness, Coughs, Colds, and IITi• Mims orfioreness of the Throat. For sale at Fultort's Drag store, Fi(lb street, Pittsburgh. JCR 331111:1731) AID ILIUM MS doe assorilnent of You and Winter Clothing, Wolf rec4ved b 7 Mews. John Wier k Co., Merchant Talton, No. led Packets] street, Al legheny. T.be stock of clothing consists of the linen variety of gents' pantaloons, Taste, costa and evercoau n• style of patterns is tasteful and fashionable. We would Invite all of e@ fenders to give the above gentionen a call. Mamma, Jaime; ke.—J. M. Batons, 190. 17 girth street, is now opening the most choice stook of fine Gold and Silver Watcher, Jewelry, Silva ware and Panoay Goods ova displayed in tide eity, wed ls nlitog thew at remarkably low ream Otarum aa,d amine out viii be taken at the Oronlbm office, No. 410 Penn West, day or niabt. All orders left at the above place vlp berm ptly attended to. AU mile mast be l Amapa. • - 0. Wu, Death; 248 Ps= stows, will sfr. t... 4 t..• P %Hammack c 4 Ma orcteuton. IfIVER INTELLIGENCE. •2123V•Ls. Eau. aralmst, &men!lls,Jaa. 11. me. Slinst..th Echo No ; Oil ehy. itiottagelio 2, Oil Oily. Jas. Brew, Elizabeth. :Advance, Oil City. The pivot was receding slowly at MIA pnlot yeeter• day, with full fourteen feet in the channel by the pier mark, last evening. The weather continuer, cloddy and eon!, w ith in unaiaianal spitting of snow. The Ennuis Graham. Iron Z.:infertile, la the "ray arrival we hare to record from beton. The Paragon and Oen. Grant are both d., and will probably .r. tire to-day. The Echo, Cottage and AJ•stice, loft for 011 City patents) with fair trips, including quite a number of pasmagers. u=aday night last, the Wheoling god Peahen h oet Express collided with a numbar of Loa] burgs In tow of the Wild Cot, at Captina. The titchrwis very dark, and the Expresa was running tory carefully. Abe saw the Wild Oat and bur lar gos ahead, and gave the Lomat signs& with the whis tle, hot the pilot of thew lid Cat did not hearer dot not hoof tho signal, .ad a colti•lon ono the con., science. 0.21 of the guard, of the lexprese was ea• ttrely raked o ff op to the wheel ludo, ar i d it is s a id that two of the coal barge. wee" mob. though this is mewhat doubtfol. The Express had a largo pas senger Rs; and alarm oa board ono of cone. eery mat. The lispivos Is mild to have hot conelderable freight by the accident. The popular and oommodlo bluseatio., Capt..l. J. Bobinron, leaves to-day for Pt. Loots and St. Paul. Phi has suporfor accommodations for pamongers, and is In charge of careful and esperlennot officers. Th. Aurora, Capt. Calm, ta ilia only boat In ;met loading direct for et LOllil, and eh* will sobs be reedy to lease. The pear sal ruahrulflocut Joseph Pierre., cept. hos. Trench, es bestsu ty rani, is summered to Into for klerophis this evening.. The Orient, Capt J. R. Andrea., iv non prepared to resolve passensers &DO freight for Cincinnati, Trimaran. .11 lie:shrill. Meters. Jet Collins Co., are her sprats. Elbe leaves on Thursday morning. the nest and tellable Thistle, fkipt. C. L. Diemen, 1.. ecaoancrd~ for Cincinnati sod Louisville, this evening. The EMI. Grabs., Capt. A.yred..le the regular packet for Zanelvdie packet 1.4.,e. having et 4 p. an. Imports by Itlssr. BA NE3VILLE—rra Eat. (Man. —4 rolls Iron -or, 6 881. grerw, I bbb rod twang.] bbl rot, 1 tub nutter, ti aka wheat, 1 661. do wed, 13 rks du, 36 buts dour, sbbl. butter, 11 bb's eggs, /o Molt ego and Le ad 1 bon 'leather. G leather, 6 .ks wool, 12 881: e: seed, 111 tads Boor. 4 hr. maw 4 bbl. flour. Clarke ,41 co. 54 Dbl. apples, Midget Murphey. 1 ell bids, Buffurn A Ilepwer, SI skseorn, A J. Masao. 11 eke WWI. 100 board) J. Myers, 0 Md. seed and Par, 1 boo butter. 6 head cattle. J 8 Liggett, 104 dour bbl, Wm P Rock 2 co. 5 ale rider vinegar, de, 4 this to seed, 1 erste, 1 sck rags, 14 dor 1 , 1901111, bid egg. , W P Wooldridge; 84 oil Ws, W If G rrutly, GO aka corn Meal, E Gleason, S hhils lobar., Drown.- ..1110 Packet, 1 bbl and 1 bog eggs; 8 Miller, 8 bead cattle, David II Edgerton, 14 bbl. potatoes, H Lower, 3 woks, D Jackson. 1 aklll, It 11 Yolk,. 1 crate loather, 51 Ilichalman. 0 beer kegs, Lyda k Chou. Ding, 1 bbl coal II LI Collins, 22 6014 gins, C H 71•14- t ard7e s y . ,t . Zt l. l7l( l 3 P b rtro Pr, r4 ll ' b r ' y b , " l; bbl. lob GoareY. Clark co t 794 feat " runreer, Mr Thomas, 22 bola fruit reed and eggs, 0 W Man, 2000 feet punkt,intrther,ll 06111 no, 9 sks card watt., Means a Collin, 1 MD eggs, Graham AThomas, 001,14. dour, Vocgtly /Kopp, 421 Az Boar,B Si Me -4140, 3.k. ofska, Fetzer dr Artostrung, 25 Its pa woos, 3 MIL sorgam, 2 .ksgs nacho, !Montalto . Lang,EgMsgs nails, (az hoard) 11 Loks, boges,l keg, 1 6814nndrios, Rwtoudra nn. 4 Os rags, 1 681 lard, 1 ho. Meat, 3 htds dried arnica, 2 keg. 8.1100 and lard, 34a1. prodqcs, 1 grata rags, 84makur Lang. FILIZO3T LSD 1 . 1111 PILIMIDZISOY.—ti's lelumed incidentally yesterday that the friends ofe3sn.. John Q. Fremont, fayorable to his nomination for tbo Presidency, will hold a mast nizeLing, •t Wllkine 8011, on Tnuraday evening next, for the purpose Qf advocating the claims of that distinguished gentleman, and organizing for the campaign. acutuar.— Frank Bilkers was arrested gatorday by the hi ay or', pollee, on &charge of stealing pill) front Lieut. Jerome ld'Bride, & tinnier resident of Butler county. Be woe held to answer. • r Larr—On Monday afternoon, at Concert Hall, a mall plaid 'bawl. The finder will confer a favor on the Owner by leaving It at Hagerty'' cigar store, Wylie street. ands, morning, .114u,b 131 h, 1161. at Gravel Rall , rota Tonnadoan, Warta., land comm. Pa. MAIM 1. LICISSACII, le the lith year of her ap. The funeral erltl Wks hlam from GM neldence of her Atthrr, John Mamie:at, Mgt. Mancberter, on True., 15th Int., at 1 o'clock p. m. Tha filen& the &taffy are reeprolfally larttal to attend. 1 1 2NNISON.—Ou flebb.th imam March 1.314. at &dug. ROOM F . 10141 mos if Jams sad Margaret Datuatecat, aged Mar .4 to motabe. Tbs Illonds °fibs &WV aro roi;oeifully NOW to attend Ili* foosre. from Qs reoldonoa of his soror.io, No. 710 Robins, .ott. Allokbooy, Tors. oar sounto, ►t 10 Lidock. CJJi'D7O4TEB. TZ.-->krOlt COUNTY COMMISSIONER. —Dam Calmar. et Petulclp, yin bp • casEldate An the abotie atm, to to the detis. tau Ude. Eeinablhats acuity Irentioit cabltdauta 0..F0R CORONER.--24nomoN of Ilbegagbass, erhl be • sandidat• for Car. =Of. illbjlKt to tbs &Wahl% of tba Onion County Donation. salPstasrts Ulorf. a) OOMMitiSIONER. —Join Acmes, of iftlithis tannahlp, .11111 011 • candidata. far County Catasolsslostr, subJodt to tbs dotslost of ths Man B•publiai'Ocranty.Cos• nutlet:4 sisbtdart• Y CO MI ;anew, of Lot Nor It..okiP, lilll bo s'oandidata for thootao• of County Oosasiiik ons; soldoct to quo dootiike of itto Vain Repub. lan Convootlon. folO:daorla _ [o ; l2 .'ffit n . s • ° Z.Lt.ll: — .lLtio., Protltort ta . tbs d. km . km . p i t thi; w ".o l 7ePlit r el: — Gome:°4 z i ot: , . , mzr i e l t n tris dedslne 44 , thfortra Fux PLlCYrkit/N/YrARY...-4 003 /7. waits, ot the Math Ward Pltubara •lil . 1* • inadidsta for the o¢lo• or Aral atro4; Walser roil* dut/Wa of tho Utica antrialican " Caa . 1423:41 - - - - - - - LT - 141)8 NIHAU .—Tuos. Svai, will be a oaodhleto for the Ake of totileot to the deeteket of the Bekaa Itepolottata ventlon. ' ' ' slkta ritOT • utiovag y .—taw. B. Rama will be a eatalktabe tor the oea et rrothonotai,e, aubliict to pa dial of Oa Vales O'NOl4 00 NER...;-‘ll. B. atsratu., 'AA Ittnetaitiar, wat be antualabs Ita• •aier,stsblattto Ow il!ds1611 otaillnietcllmue.t.pabfkaa 4 33tia en Jut:Luso oi . tbalrhirWard, Alkerip, cineti. des ht Carew vl - 411rgtogay Coatatyialdect Ur Add: ol the ownt A. ‘sqnbr natio Ocanrialos.,;: ....4~. } w1dn..:.~...- • ~~~,dr+'-+su...u~.~'.dr.. s _ ::~,dr~n ~v.~ ... r ...,L4t c'....< .u~ a... ~4': TH E LATEST NEWS BT TELEGRAPH. OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES, FROM WASHINGTON. Diapateh to the Pittsbargb Gault. WASS IIGTOI, Marsh 140, 1841,1 The following are among the provisions of Mr. Rooper'slighly important amendments to the National Bank bill, reported to day : Association for butting may be formed by not less than five persons, with article of as sociation not inconsiatent with Wise, signed' by each member and forwarded to the Couip troller. Their organisation certificate must i specify the name assumed, subject to appro. ] val by the Comptroller. Second. The tom- OJT. designating the village, town district and Slate. Third. The amount of capital and number of shares, wilt:a:the number o f shareholders. Fifth. The declaration that such certificate Is made to enable such per sons to avail themselves of its advantages, to be acknowledged before a Notary, or • hurt of &turd. The minimum limit of capital is $100,000; $200,000 in cities of 50,000 inhabitants. They may have five directors in each town with not lessAhan ten ionizes, and to take e stringent oath for the performance of iheir duty. Shareholders are held individually responsible equally and ra tably for all debts and contraota. The in crease of capital may hi voted, the maximum to be determined by the Comptroller of the . Treasury, or . It may be reduced by a two third, vote of shareholders. Fifty per seat of eapital must be paid in, and bonds to the amount of ens-third of the paid ,In capital be transferred to the treasurer before the Dank can sommeace business, when it le entitled thitrveimive motes to thel amount of ninety per ant of the market, value, bonds transferred. The udonnt of elr• crulation under this bill is limited to three hundred million dollars. The fetal ilibilities of one individual or company shall not exceed one-tooth of the hold In stock. The rideot i interest is fixed atisven per pent, and taking of higher rates forfeit the Interest. Banks in certain cilia, most have at least twenty- , Eve per cent. of the amount of circulation on hand, and all others Often per cent. One - tenth of all the profits must be carried to s marlin fend before dividenda•are declared,' until such fund shall be equal to tmenty-five per cent. of the stook, and they ars forbidden to make loans or discounts on the ;smithy of their own shares of capital stock. at read in plvt• The bIU establishing the National Cemetery at Gettyeburg being under cormiderallen, Mr. Stokes, a Democrat, from Lawrie eo., moved I in Strike out the West, where it pre letediti Virginia, and v ealled the yea, and nap. Teas, 35 Demoorata ; nay. 45 U Mon ist a, eh, .. Mg that the Penneylvania Dentoortte t. Nee ro recitals° the State of Wert Vir• ginia. West Virginia now Walt know who ter. lerarr MILITARY CrILX9I.II. her friends, independent of Senator Car Statement. cent last night concerning im Dale's •ffiliation, and the Copperheads •t portant military Acingee eteut to be fully w.,1,1,,g0.. • confirmed. The Inlellirverr title tooretiog nye gesart—The Senate met at three o'clock it has good authority for , lenylog that Gen. title afternoon. Meade has been or it to be relieved from the Mr. eennell moved I. take tip the hill re commend of the Army of the Potomac, but tending the time 01 the charter of the there in very little doubt that It is mietaktm. mentown Dank. General Smith hart been nominated Major - Mr. Lowry moved •to recommit, with in- General, with the unlentanding that on his :atructions to the committee to bring in a bill confirmation he la to be mistimed to the con,: compelling the Dank to enter upon the pay wand of the Army of the Poton.. Mean- went of q.t. or :rico utt.inke for its tote. In time there I. to be a grand review of the elm:dation . . whole Arm), excepting the Fifth Corp., some' The Senate Was. I t. recommit. This day this week. The following other at- ; was considered the te•t cote of the Senate Te nanneemtnts Sr. made here Ws wooing, ap lathe t o the . of Banks under narently by •ettbortty : 1.17 order of the; tLe State laws. Prete!dent the folMiting military ~node-. The bill went up 111 R I bird reeding. merits have been made; Lieutenant General Mr. Ideeendlers eulk.l up and had creel Greet has been as.elexied to the command or. neatly a bill relative, to p...t marten. examine all the armies of the United States. He ' Cola In Dotter uvy. establish his Head Quarters In the geld with yr. Lowry's bill trietire o. the Sheriff of the mope:give armies operating under hie Erie county, payee.' nosily. personal supervision 'lfni or I/ I Hal.: Cul. filebard regimsot has left hero leek is relieved Dom duty as Generel.ln- tar Routh Caroline. in New Tali, fatly Chief, and assigned to epecial duty at Wash • 7tweire hundred str .og Col. t'ri,t's. the 50th legion at Chief of Staff of the Army. Maj.! Penn., I. rapidly collect log Lem, prrparatory Goa. Sherman is assigned to the command of ito relenting to E tst Tennessee, •cd has re • the Division of the hiLtalitaiiipl, lately tote- 'erullod from three buu4red In eight hundred mended by Gen. Grant, and eomprisini the raee. Department of the Olde, the Cumberland. the' The Hecate adjuusne IMt ben-pun seven Tenneisee, cad Arkmum. M.j. General to•night. McPherson Is &Weed to the command of SILL* P/S4tr , naa LLY. the Department cf ke Teenier..., stolen) , SC.IILTIL.—AVISe.ent.ot --An net to Incense enomanded by GeoSgherman. tete the Comertery, Cleo field County. Aar •ItalfrollUlT TO TIC PATIOT Art, retails to eapitel Itl:••••Ig , Vnuangn County. Inventors have been in trouble sloes the The supplement t.t iho borote:h of South passage of lb* amendment to the Patent dot Pittsburgh. To lee"e". the pay of the of March last, in many eases In which the County Conunissioneer of WeeimorelsOd final fee was unpaid and the patent lost by : County. To ineurportte the lustitution fur the Ihnitatievectanse. A bill was reported to- the benefit of the children of Indian and of. day by thegen Ate Committee on Potent., per-; rican descent. The appointment of a Notary footing all such patents by the payment of : Poille for Milk Ortek Townahlp, Erie comity. the final fee within els morittrifrem tlm pas-, The supplement to charter the Melanie Nall, sage of this amendment, , hut no reclemation !Seat Liberiy. One ebonging the plant of for mtenfeeturars' as use:_meanerbite is al- i election to Cherry Toweehip; Butler county. lowed. The tupplitment to act t .r the revision of the 'State reed front New ettlie, Eatiillt.ol3, nango county. One to Incorporate the Sol dier. and,Orphant Home, Allegheny county patted to second raiding. Adjourned. . MOTSSICITI or LIIIIIT. OIL OLOT Lieut. General Grant, by means of extra ordinary Utilities afforded him upon different railroads from this shy to the West, will reash the headquarters of the Department of the Mississippi to- night. ===l rho Prusident has melted a dispatch from Askant'', announcing that over twelve thou sand of the inhabitants hare taken tbe. oath prescribed in blo amnisti proclamation, pre paratory to the reconstruction of the fitats government on the ons.tenth rinciple. OAP?. S. n."'" Late of the Gecond Ohio Cavalry, sae dis missed the terries on charges prefenad'by a follow-olßcer, for hanging some 'guerrillas in Kentucky, Ina styieofjusticis more summary than regular. After dismiaaal he Insisted on and 'Eaoreedad In 'locating a trial before • military tioniectssicli In oily, of width Gen. Eloketts is President. Ile has Jtut been honorably acquitted sad promoted to be • . Major Is tha Invalid Girps. 11. is brother le. law to Gen. Bates, of Cincinnati. II MITA IT MIDTIII7/1011 MILID FOIL limo!attests of the Chicago Board et Trade, submitted to the Senate, represent the awes city for thasultitaryfientsotion of oar Lake region.and the transportation ogler rapidly iscreseing agrioultdial products of the West, and for the Immediate oonstrnotion of the Snore Tails Ship Canal. The merchants of Sandasky City,phio, seat Ina similar peti tion. =1:1=111 The following order, dated-tdureh l2th, has been prepared at tba c yYstr Department, but ie not out In punt: It will be !hued Inthe afro oilman ma printed t Wait Dartaramr_•,Al)lll.l.Blll.ounars Orrtn, Wow:1m; Ifareb 1:,1884. .1 finte;ai Order* • No. 98.—The Ptesldait of th* United States order, as talon: Ist. lifejor -.General lialltek, at his own re quest, I, rehired from duty al Gosontl-ln- Omer of the am,. and LltatAlittoirol U. B. Grant I, assigned. to the command of the armies of the United States. The hsadquay• tan of the army wUt bean Wallington, and also with Mat. Gen. Grant In the field. 3d. Major General Wert le assigned to duty In Washington so chief of time of the army, under the dlrietton'ottlo Seentary of War and the Lieutenant General commend lug, and his ordus yrlD be obeyed and re spected amordingly.. 3d. Moj. Gen. W. J. Sherman U istlgnott to am command of the Bede. Diviitott of the ocenposed of the Departments of the Ohio, Cumberland, TIMUOUNI and Ar- 4th. Maj.' F. B. MTharson ii assigned to th• command of th•J)94ituurat and .4 r112111.0t.11.. sth. In relieving Gene , Bailed from duty General•in-Ohlef, the - President dashed, to expense hie approbation and thanks for. the able and sealous manner in which thlifirdltoln and responsible .dntlia of that position hue been performod., . . By order of the flearstary of IS'ar. Et-D. Vatican:lr . • rns curve /.10134T0U ; •- Ara pressing upon Ocogress.dre pniPrieig of requiring the Leiyennostili, Pages 4,lrestern Railroad Compsor to iambi WyasitlOtti. r±&**, nu " , rT °P.kir- Walo*OlVeStliliktt# 41 0 isinetlirk title polaris • ".7 Frni:APlP# l i g,4 44 PZ ¢Oramatiafforta itoloilsip made tha,Feir Jers,a4 *inroad asoliopolj 14 - the lorstke of V tire mate. Memorials Nal Boston, Nut Took , - Phitadeptits sad Pitts burgh wore prailited to the Senate towity on that /rapes. - O , BgZICVLA. 6111107.. Citizen of Ohio are petitioning Conyvie foe the Improvement of the Aslitsbnla harbor. FROM MIR RYSBURO. Special Dispatch In the Pittsburg\ °matte. litztusanzo, March It, 1561. PATITIO. Mr. Merton, testis. , r dealer, asking an ap• pointntont as Leath.? Itlrpeotor. Mr. Henry, relative to to 'arras., tba pay of °Moon in Boars? manly. One to penult a certain religions body In Unity township, Westmoreland comity, to sell certain real estate. Mr. Glass, relative to the Western Penasylvsatt Railroad, and on. thorising the election of .it soperrisors In Jefferson township, Washington eatirity. Mr. Glass, a report of the special committee ap polntedyw Investliete the authonitipcf ear tale articles In the 'Pittsburgh Cbrangereini. Laid over to be reed to monow. MET= Mr. Illugham—rbill regniatlng tbu pay of ()Wain officers of Allegheny county. Mr. Herron, release to the appointment of the leather Inspector of Allegheny county. Mr. dlass, extending cert.in provisions supple. seat to the eat to candidate the airy of Phil adelphia to PitubtriA, sad dit44.1101 the boor to call, and two additional inopsztore in all elective district* of Allegheny county where there are not more than three thortsand votarM also,* charter for the Subterranean Transport:don CoMpaey. A 1.., one relative to changes made in appointing Inspeeton (or Ithe Western Penitentiary, *outs of common I pleas and district marts, appointing three..- prams courts. Lir. Mill, one for marking twitter and lard firkins In Erie, Crawford and 'Warren eocustiesipassed Snail,. Mr.Coohran printed $ bill icings, to the Increasing of the pay of the twenty starers of Rtle °aunty. Mr. White, ono to change the plea, for holding eleotlons to Slippery Ruck township, Lawrence Co. On motion, this posed finally as soon Advance, ou Suirdk Vouraten Mau i.. ld.roh 12.—0 n the ga t i Inst., an advent* was medo on Saffolk, by the 26 Colored:Corsair, Col. Cole. The Col onel with 7 companies • dvanced on the south ern and Mout, Culotta Pa nd,with 2 cam- Owls. fril advocate, nnl Ltentanant Snyder i with 1 aoMpany on the ...mit rittorry road. Lineman% Snyder Or.t oneounterad the enemy, consisting of lien. RUCZOSIOI entire brigade Of Infantry, cavalry and artillery. LienL antra cooler to Cut. Cale, who went to his usistanee, and mot the enemy at Suf folk, where a fight of on hour took place. Col, Colishot the commander of the' rebel oavairy, and attempted to rover the retreat of Lieut. Col. Pond. but tho:enom with their impud oe c a mbers, Intercepted blot, foreleg him to re y tire across the Jericho Caul, where he re.orgnized. Lieut. CoL Pond came up eta Soothe:ton road, attacking the enemy In the rear, find Col. !Cole In front, thereby cutting thillr way through the enemy's ranks, caving their command Deserters say the enemy had 46 men killed. Oar lose In killed, wounded and missing was TO. Lieut. Vinlem, of the 2cl Colored cavalry, was killed., Lint. Pond had his horse not from under him. From St.joule.. Sr. Ltrth, March 15.--Gan. Sisk, coa l . mender of the district of St. Louis, has fast returned frnin an inspection tour southeast. There ire reports that InIMEIVIII bands of vanillas heire boon committing depredatlins in that section and northeast Arkansas, and that some ban desire preparing for more exten d,* OPOratiPliS in the Spring. Stringent misstate will be Immediately taken to drive out or destroy all such bande, and establish law and order throughout Ma department. Gen. Sally, who Is preparing an expedition against the Sioux Indiana, under Gen, Pope's orders, arrived here. Two Iron chid turreignohotte wen, lannohed Caroudoliton Saturday. From Fortroix Monroe. . - . FORTS= blossom, Maroh 14.--The Gan beat Bonguihell frein Chooser)ymouth arrived on Saturday, vie river. ' The rebels opened es her from thatr batteries en the , bank' render it the river imputable. A demand w a s e tto Plymouth for assists toe and the gun• Southdeld and Whitehead were despite l ed to tha sane , also the Mas sasoit with 160 men opened on the enemy, ehellieg theta for ire tont; when the them) diverted and the river wee opened. A bun.. dyed pound Parrot goo hint on the South- Lad,- wounding two loon. There •were no other oasnattles, From 4acksonvl.ll.lc. • Nay You. Match IL —A lookoutlle lot to: published In She Rat, and dated the - llth, !apart. .hoaryho firing up the river, Understood to be gunboats feeling the rebel lizos. Later au that day au 'dean°. of Col. floury'. weir, attacked sad driven In from that!' second pooltlotOrith tbe fors of a number of woanded• It Was expected the robot. would MUD an attack n Janhoonville the neat day. If they did tot do en our forces, would loon advents., The !few FOlindlana Telegraph Liao. ET. Joan, N. P., Ilan* 14.--Thr. New Yoandiaad Telegraph lieu. =marl working oa they 21kb of Tobnawy, during • heavy anew itona fwklehirontlnued several, dem scrod b/r tetrillo - fall •at sleet, binaklag the fins, tor zailwav lamp froidtbst la the dikriaddrilio War tronbl.,bathy bud Mat heir iiimpeile a - in - patting - At eta Anti 0 1 4 % 4 440100 at,lnf aPr" ,47. It is alma talmalacti. Ccalgres&laval Wassuorou, March la, 1644. Herea..-11z Mcßride, of Oregon, intro. diced a bill grantiag lands in aid of the coa st:mien= of a railroad from Salt Lake City to the bead-waters of the Oregon, and to se cure the use of the same (or postal and mili tary : purposes. This, together with other proposition, relating to the Pacitle Railroad, was referred to the Select Committee on that subject. Mr. Arnold, of Illinoie, Introduced a bill, providing for a tiezmanent peace by the removal of the cause of the war. It provides that from and aftet its passage, slavery shall be abolished is all the states and territories where It now °lieu. The bill was referred to Ibo Committee on the Judi ciary. • Mr. Ashley, of Ohio, istroducal a bill ex tending the time In which the atates and ter ritories may avail themselves of the act do• eating public lands for the establishment of an agricultural college. Referred to the com mittee on public lands. The House referred to the report of the Cenhirenels committee rn the deficieday bill. On motion of Mi. Bmithers, of Del., it was resolved that the Committee on Nara! Affairs In determining tho erectiod of a naval depot, shall Inquire Into the propriety of fixing the its on the Dalowero, at or near the tortirof Yew Castle,Mr. Woolborne, of 111. , asked leave to pro • resolution instructing the Committee of Ways and Means, lo s their next revenue bill to tax the stock of f domestic, liquors on hand, for sale, at 60 costs pee gallon. Mr. Storms, of Pa., objected, lad Air. Washburn* moved a suspension of the ruler. The gold bill was taken up, Mr. Lumen. 'm of Pa., moved that the Hoe concur in the S enate's emendment. Mr. Zeman, of New Teak, opposed the motion. Pflgo, of N. Y., argued that the only result of this measure mast be mis chief, and he objected to plating snob power as le proposed in the hands of any roan. Mr. Cox, of Ohio, favored standing by the original proposition of the House, Merely art therleiag td antleipaos the payment of the pablio debt. Nothing doe, hors could perma nently regulate the laws of Trade. Mr. Bouturoll said he still stood by that measure, which was originally introduced by him, Mr. Alley, of Mass., wpald support the See ' tee's amendments, believing It would he for the Interest of the Government, Gauntry, and people. He believed that in the hands of the Secretary of the Treunry it would be pro ductive of much good. Mr. Hubbard, of N. T., oppoeed the Senate amendments. Mr. Deuteron believed they had no right to grant power to sell the surplus gold, and if they bad tbo right it would be unwire to ex. groin, It If the war matinees, as there will be demand for the year. 1804 -5 of eighty fire million. coin or more. Mr. Hooper.prodeeed the figores to show that the Seeretnry of the Treasury may of twenty millions of gold between now and July without impairing his Wigs:loos to meet all liabilities. House adjourned without action un the gold bill. SCia2ll.—The Senate paused the House bill ! i relating to the diminution or lost to oheplsins, ' providing that they shall not coder dianioutirm or loss of pay or alleterattoor when ■L.eat On aoeount of 'licitness and disaisiluy, or when held so pri.onerr, sod granting a peo.ion to chaplains f r tetsl disability- of $2O per to•mth, and applying Its provisions also to i idows, and mothers, and sister. of ehaplaies who have died since the 4th of Starch. 1061. Mr. Davis presented a resoledon of inquiry t the pert taken by Col. T. W. niggle son, Colonel of a Massaebusetts adored reg iment, in the reseen of Anthony , in whioh the rescue resulted in e g et one of the deputies - of the Court. Objected to, laid over and ordered to be printed. The bill realties ma appropriation for the West Point Academy was taken op. Mr. Ortmes opposed Air... Anthony's amend most providing fora competitive mruination of ord.'s. The morning hour hewing expired, the W..t Point Ansiinlay Appropriation BO I came up In order, the pending amendment being that of Mr. Anthony, providing for a ofoo gar se itiZ t. oll ry 0 41:131r I T 1i: , 12 n the direction hf r. Anthony', 0uten.1....0t wt. then.leti Ly IS to 20. Mr. ilaia attend an amendment that no cadet ,hall raneive any part of the appropri•• tion units, appointed in a,tit t i a a ea with the laws of Congress. Mr. Doull:cle blr.rtql so amendment pro viding 'het omit the suppreseion of the re bellion, the Pre•lJent Beall be authorised to appoint !nom anreprotinted districts, ,00h de serving ;Gang ooldiere in the armies el the ` ailed States la s homey mist*. `After • debete."the iniendmen,e of Moser,. Male and Doolittle wary adopted, and the bill peeped Mr. Peeranden called op the tdonorter and Diplomatic Appropriation. After a debate on on smondment of Mr. Sumner to erects a Minister Plenipotentiary at the Oran of Be/jjiurn, without 'leans, the Senate adjourned. Latest Foreign Ness a PoPTl.allo, Horeb 11.—The steamship Jar., Capt iAetort ' from Lirerpool, on the after noon of the 3.1, end Londonderry, OP the 4th 'act., arrived at Ms port, this eve ning• The steamer Oly aim!, from New Turk, arrived off Cape Clear, on the morning of the 2d. The stennanhip City of Cork, from Sew York, arrived at Qacenarown, on the truing of the 24. Great DrPain—The proceeilrige In Perlis runt on the ?allot., US wholly nolosportant The nig of Belgium arrived in England on the 34 last., to attain the christening of the Prince of Weiss, con. Biz Rowland Hill, ban reelgoei tho Been - taryablp of the Post Office, and retired fr• publio life, owing to Ili boalt.b. Brown, Baronet. and bud of of the well Inoll2l Gnu of Bcown. Shiplay & Co., died to Liverpool, on the 3d inst. It is 'asserted that the violent sale of the Great Eastern will be contested in law tonne by the person whose bid forth. rowel at ato lls. was refesed, and who lays claim to her. The fiasco has an editorial on Gen. Banks' general order at New Orleans relative to negro labor, ike. It lays it Is the establishment et earldom, or the retention of slavery without the name, and the design Is to secure the votes of the employees for Mr. Linoolq. Tax Dartszliaa.—The Attlee made a close reommoinnee toward Duval on the id. The Dann lied burnt down all the fermi on the line of their outposts. A cavalry skirmish tog. plam on the 28 th, near Predrrick. T banns captured thirty Dunne. ilea. De Men expresses the belief that ap pal cannot be taken before the end of Mai. or the beginning of Jane, under the moat se favorable circumstances to the Mass. • ' The Berlin and Vienna Journals conflate to ridicule the motion of a confer/are. Mr. Mason bad retuned to Lon Jon from Parisi, it is supposed, in eonnc„ction with the alleged recognition negotiations. It is also said that Mr. Lewin, ex•comespondent of the London Mars, at Richmond, is contently passing between London and Paris, end 14 probably engaged on the same athlete. flood. of the rebel loan to the extent of 11,100 pounds; re-payable at par, were drawn at London on the lit of March. Law by the Jaro.—The Arabia from DWl ton, arrived at Queetstown on the 28th, and the City of Washington from New York on the lth. • The litilltary_operatloas lo Schleswig con tinued suspended. The English blinist-re tweeted_ defeat last night on a mere party division to the Iloose of Common, by a majority of I only. - An ittailliary Department to the; 8. SLondon.anitary Committee has been - organised In The rumor to the effect that the Arch Duero hiaxLntillan hu renounced hie intention or going to aterloo Is entirely nti&unded. , . • M. Mon has doolare4 he the Spanhh Con gress that he world govern with the eo-oper- Won of the Cortex, and settle the Coastlto-, trim at question. • ' Lieerpool.—Plour elude ,r• wheat tending .downward, end ray dull; Aid Waters 8 and I.lod. Corn Oat - and - tending downword ; mixed .180 d and 28a 111. PAOM2olll . —neer hee i ttif pork firm; baeon Inactive. Dater 'dull, lefert4 qualities lower. Lard Anil end u cheered. Tallow Amer. Proattei tette, quiet, 32 and 34 for, pots. Bner tends taperer*. Cog" q uiet and nuohangU. Rim quiet.- !bump active, and dearer. Linseed oil Ono. Rosin lossilreH Bilrita of turpentine quiet and steady. Petro leum dull; no isles. Prom Denver City, Drava* Orry,'ll. T., Harsh IC.—Among ea • resolutions passed b the Territorial Conran tian was one in favor or an amendment to the Constitution - anon/Wag alavary throughout the trolled Stater. Yestardny thir Kutner guard . at the Nevi .Tantl took- possession or tho naval -.tom by 'order of the Elseretary of the Mtvy,,and aminel . partlat were arrested on sarptslon' being .oemplleetixt la french. , The Pirite liiippahannoeL • - Ikerrai r Marali - 14—Private nailer*. nr. , - eared hem etas that the,Phite lieepahan• sock leftfranaelehantatron the '204 tun - errivetiz laws Is lust' -sad kw AWN& UMW Itererelstanarett‘ tu reptfthie be en the ritsteriedatrpi Etxtbititge of Plntre. Wasitrsrox, Mehl that the endings of prisoners was to be sus pended, the Administration not airship ( b, Gen. Eutler'splan, therefore, as made isk the Washington .abaft to-day,is anthatitatively denied, for, with the exception of the 'Lexie fad that Cho. Wadsworth has loft this city, there Is not . a shadow of foundation for the statement or any portion of it. The Govern ment has no intention, whatever, of interfer. lag with the businesi of regulating exchanges entrusted to Gen. Butler. The New York Demgcracy. etinsur, N. Y., Blanch 14.-61 r. Bryant, a Democrat of Now Tort, to-day Introduced to the Assembly &series of resolutions, declaring that the war must be prosecuted until staviry Is annihilated, and that the constitutioad abrogration of slavery would clear the pith to our manifest destiny, and!produee the Tee torsi-bus of a united nationv and requesting Congress to submit to the people the constitu tional amendment forever prohibiting and terminating slavery. Frauds In the Navy Departments New Yoax,'lliareh 14.,—A specie' dispatch from Weehington to the Cosewerrlot says: It to understood that the Department has an eye on the Navy agent. In two or three Northern eines, who are reoortul to be rushing • "big thler In a side way, out of their °Medal po sitions. The frauds are said to be of enor moat dimensions, but no arrests hare yet been mad' Navigation Resumed on the iludsom. New roar, March 14.—The Ralson riser Is clear otter, and the regular Albany and Troy paraenger steamers silt eemmenoe their trips tomorrow. Troops for Hilton Head. ' Nur You, lfareh 14.—The 65th Pennsyl vania rolantoen, 850 strong, bare inived from Harrisburg, and aro awaiting. transpor tation to Hilton Haul. Death of Mr. Cozzens. Nair Your, Maroh 14.—Wm. D. Caroni the proprietor of the well known hotel s , Walt Point, on the Hudson, died yesterday. lIIARKETS BY TELEGRAPH.. PhiladelptrlaKittket. Puu.snaDrara, 3Tarcb 14.—The dour Market con tinue. exceoleely dull with bat Ittle demand kn. ex pert, and the only ware we heard of are fed bbls ex. to at 36,60 3B bbla Mm 11 Thomas mills, on irritate terms, and 300 bbla extra family at 19:. Sales to lb. mule range frourg.D3B,l3 for euperffne np to 13 8 / 4 . 9,40 for high grade extra family and Gary mole By. flour le dell I a email eau Ist $6, and 100 bbls or a better brand as $13,311. In corn meal them le coshing dobru to do a quoted:la. Wheat Is unsettled and tower, 81,60 only being offered fo r prime md, but we /Rw of sale. In white without change. Thom !abet Ilttlelnlelry tor rye and It is offend .111,40. There; I. des. doing lo mrn ; males of about 466000 Drub at In dote Lad $1,2) admit, with If.oo bush at 11,19 dellrend. Quer citron bark Uarvely offered at $37 per ton; at rehleli there an bat far. buyers. In ,ed , 'hors Ls no rhaere and bat small sale.. Pm. ridges arm. Petroleum quiet; rondo rkslo; ra deed In bond 4.53..4413g and reve6Ddlrl.. I`. blelry Ls .11 with mom dram.; Ohlo and - Pen na blds sal ter at for prime and 91c fir Cincinnati Market. Illopatrh to thtorittaloctrgh Gmette, ch The fl oor lo ato•r:y toitb 2 to ot r water tLe chsnurl. Woothor LlouJy • Ith • of i‘lit sprfoLllna of too* 2—Dolt aloof iwaty;F (Yr • ...A F3.te,,,e tar ex... • Wniad—Uall . sl. 4 n..zt dad furr,/, end (1.331?.. 1.4•; fur white. HR. roam—Yule • 1 for rhoire uoußtrly Raul cltr. I , Ra—quiet RI 1:1;401123it. arre—Belo bulk and adtgsoo. In tact e. Coy; —Doll and lamina' et Elkjar , e. • Wut.Firea at re. New York Market. tie.- Taira, krarek 14.—Cotton Jailawl lo•o ales or Lso bales at 111N.6770. Flour dull and de ellund fat; Was .2 . 11,500 Lela at 5. 1 ,1536,fa for Stare 17,10(47,t0 for Ohio; 15,4047.40 for Sootta.ro. Wha desltural Iq Bala, of 1 . ... 4 ,000 boob at /1,6201,01 k Cblcago .priet.; 11,0.41,70 sn , rad. Cara stead, at 11,51. Lard dull. 'Whisky Irrazu , ar al laratara Pork true. Goff.. 6rsa at;-c. Malastaa doll Na.. PVL(O/.1113 quiet; crud* 74i43154, r...acad t kW/tic. Fraikal dub, flour la 61+,0 • newt 1%55.5.y. SL Louie Blarket • &r. Levu. Iterah 14.—C.tt.a at 7070 e; rawelpt. Cat Lula, 1/ ur et= at for extra. Wheat armor la 31,30 frr strictly prism Casa—receipts large sod mark.. toady ar 97X28t,011. 0313 tutor at U4451%c. Philadelphia Cattle Marta.. hot.. Irate, March It—?b! offering of mule resebent about IWO head, LW lata than hot end prices ruled nearly thn mama, bur rather dull, magi. from 011 to $lO Tor .mat. to rood and extra quality. Coors ware ataanly, and 160 had wen aol.l from 4.13 E5O for aprinours, and Srne.so fne no. and c al ea. nags rare firm, ad the offering.. were =OW., arblett sold a full rates, sarylurfr. OW to 319 per 100pNunda nett, mostly. 01. s. Llunna Yard. Sbeq, ern better*. tint au ta., offering; Cita/ beld .old at ytallNc, and extra *want, at he per pLeand grow. • • Stock Mitt Money Markets. N. To., Ron& If.—Stock. betleg. C. a a T. 144 Combool.,l pll C. 11. a 41 lltloola C0re1.,—....13.,/fillcl4. Michigan Soothorn..lo9% liarloot ......... 1.5.) 1 . 110 0 1 11L5rant00d.....141 IC. & .119% Now York 13/Ig , &FL nod.. filo&l . Erlo N. IL, Co. Oak.. Chkoza....llS, Pau.arnzea, March 11.—..510cks %teak : Pcuna. Ire:meal ..... Mar 4. Canal ... . ---74 Cold Lona Gland .--4 T taLaago nn N. Roasting —.. 61Q, New York Bank Stater!aeon. — taw Tau, March rollowitti li the re.- pantiea statement of the amlittos ti Nr. rock banks s 4: ths week spllntlliirckp : Loans, Spo. 437ez cirmutio?, _ AA*. D.po.ltj, SPECIAL .INt;TICE-S Ti -Wlll. RuINIULL ec co Lousr. itAr.Ens AND BOSET IRON WOMB. 123 . has h, - 5a tOr 21, 21eatt 211. Ifettoi fa, =ld • hip Yazd god furnished it with the moet lm Pend meehlany, ere premed t tessallectscrs elerydesertptlea of Bons's.% is the beet mann. •e• ••••••••• 1 1 •4•41 to lent AM. In the try.. auxima, NUCUZN, runt Tins, arz.va LOOONOTIVX DOILDPA, CON'DMISEDS. /SALT PAN& TADS% OIL MILS, AGITATODA: $Er/242:0 PAHI , BOILL'it naus BIIIDOD9, =OAR PANS, .ad -cola tbsaalleetame of 1141111. =an PATENT BOILERS. &pilling &as es theehotteet aceine &Mt' BAH/WARTS BB,OI4CHIAL 20001130 1 , for t h e can. of. liesearnem. ?brat DWaa . An, ars spectstly etvonnestabxt to Minieterr, Cinders, and parsons vb..* r. - estlon calls ibtAl to 'peak Is public, 111sanfectnetd only by 0. DAZINDABt CO:, • Hairbbard, P., tO Idiom all orders abonld be addressed: • dold bt 7 tangdtatesterywhere. - 'Copied to boar from pan by relent wall, no are. Tours; An, O. A. DANCIDAHT lb CO. teldrain 16„—; ---..THE CONFESSIONS AND EX, ricaTzscz - or AN „INVALID, pwtAtobsd f the bookltuhl 114 011112121141441A51tie1l t 01117138 Pea who wan ftioa 1C011,19 DiLlilty, Vl:palms Decay of ItAthood; otelyitii, it Iho isms the* the miaow qf wlincrA L • 'llt ons whlo bat ebitiilliksooll, arca Ulm pal to.gual impetus Wad lojorrthroh r ht. oadoolcii • pastrpald Wrapped owtolopi, Nola copies max bis bd of du NAIDASIICL AAryll:lrlowN 13 .1 had. Slap =WV. N. T. r. A 0511.002. 1t..110011. . OqLOBEBIEION, RBA A CO. ; (inp". omorrie Xonnos, ]tuna Iduanst,) WASHING Top . wont', Borrow A Ilicarrurrs, Ifaatellietarers 0 BOAT AND .BTATIONTXT STZAX 12101N13. BUBB .11BGBWES; - KILL BIAOTCOMT 02AB/11% warm, • Clirl• MS, alide:erliikma; OIL - TANIS t trrrita, so=k AIM zursrr IRON wciaz. ' • Agents Glr OITTABIrO TATINT, I*TGTOIN TOB ITELDMI.BOUB3I9._ _ , • 0.2 . 0. 'NERVOUS KW/WU 0 iurni inexia—i'iv.mai:ots!iiii . at i.i. - hlit b.= . nsioniikt Walt!' a flwr 'law. *Ur cri. altivotas ailltbi ware mu lbw spa trrogglas awaw dm mods of trworwat. *Ulan insmeoeotuni,ten,. his Warretdray woosoisaantorts boreatclad haw . wraturea Warmwsts of woo _ on thir wrortpt cr Warsaw!' aol=l4_l= oPr it Folasa! Waft, N. T. wfafaaawfX *YOZNCOCHRAN.*BRO., Man, u'lh.t.im 'et 111011" BAUM, - 12°N , Ititt/ITI3 AND VATI'M DOOMS, wn:DirW srro: Van, WLVDOW: atIAZIDII. to;, 9l:112001111 tad-b SHIED bet. 'Meal tiare ea baud • variety ol .. iitie . lTatite.lei Mo r ey sad ilia, imitable tor 'di pereasaa' • ' Cuticulae - unmade*. paid ee-eatiumuifilase teblikitdone alwe VS , . ic: 2l- . 1101 . 1 1E13:4 . 800;.7:1,iiu55i wrOMUGIT AND DOXlCsflo=an,l4 of ImeIIANGV, braTITIDATES , or ;Dintart voyvi Arm Arr Ami: • gie - 6vslAtics7 nom pittamio; rA.•••• • • - gar cbniucid:mAglirreAll , 0 1 : 441 . 0 ; 61t1 " . 1 :* 1 41;b00 1 4 - VIIIQ &Oaf,' 09 r a i tXX.VOWNiri.Y494 1- Ct; Ira `Ang 01 50 3 1tindA8f 414 iddaialit dodos? hi AIIUtgawBUTTER AttlLo3 UM sat ligatai*liesk",lllll.636ll4, iThdierekra - BOOTS .S.TEI SNOBS: JOST RECEIVED, MEN'S ENGLISH W CON T LILL 62 *lris-Orli N•zt door to the BOOTSJ ROOTS! 1100W81 'BOOTS, mons I anon% on% GAITERS! GAITERS OATIGIBBI M'Clelland'a Auction. Roue. 63 IPITTEI $r11113? "- • The logesOen:* in the oit7 of CAVALILY SOOSY, with plain mid command Lege. ustll2 S PRLNG GOODS.,-Wo are now rocaiv tag s largo and welt latuctod dock of - ago.ras AND eiktoms. • • Entrabl. br Sprteg sati Entamtr-wear. ittach Lrr lawman and durabillircennot ilnputed; Thar 1141. le wild it A Small Advance cas Easters-Pelee, t . Ara id rnpplytr Wat. ,ea - .ltand. -TVA ..tee t•ofat m inter (limb Jos. 11. Borland,. No. F 4 lI AIMETT4., 41 dm/ 11=-71ftb. FINE GOOIX6I JUNT • LA DIEN. OLOVF BID BALMORAL 13001 D Do do do CONOBESS do; DWROIN.I., BA L ADL du cicrd !IMRE SOLE GR A I NI & GILT do,. Do TWO do CALr do All of Ow bed =Moat work, .d vrorroalod to ' clre main satisfaction. GEO. A.LBREZ, SON & CO., ea n. nor. of ir.o4 roarth TORN CAMPBELL, Manufacturer of ROOTS A KIR SHOES, nt orrery •Inorsiptiath 34 Statthtield Orval, Sittittogh. • ogfißis flat ALBREE, SON 641.;0., N_X ood Soul] I).*lrre to 'HMV, trtiOrDato, e.rner Weed ap4 i.mrM anwu , Pilltsnave, PIOXOII. 01061 c. - BRADBUR Y I URADDVICW'S 1111:Lt3RATTZ 3Ft I A.M.-C:OE3I The =on POWiErn. aml 6LYJAIiT - TOjzD IY+TIitatILSTS muainctato3 to the to_tui47. SIEVE'S SIUST POIZES • - IIeoclr•d within • moath St Ittstr falls sodllausl Ws arsOrr arida tse titeb - sallsakir A 'Cs.ltatd lihstdmart Grres wall ktr,ss: undlrat Phu.. sod A. P. A-W.-Et. Amities thEaldolawas sad ilaraoLt ams Pumas dadrioe a roisot aserwswod, sty M inn.:IS...II sad essadosbators p.classioasharwhess. Arsons those who toms parchssed thew !Oars- Swats , u this 'leafy ws take ti Wm - tiro tq site. E.rasorr, >47 sad ItsterraaCkw, Vs's . Ails shrew Ms; John Mreordy. /sq., tot .Pstl4. Curdy* raj Um Ilea say. Oakland: Pr. Jonas 8. lloOtiotock, A.oorsler,rsq., chard f1ard.214., Fart I.llwry • John Doi, Dr. Ir. EL Matta tsr. P. N. Wadt. 1.1., sad Mts. Illsekrours. Pitts. barrio. A gLarluttor sd Ars pats with eta Iszstrn• east. WAIIIII2qC it BARE, - Bois Agssis for Pittatersh sad i!miteraz Ps, . - - No. 18E CLAIR am: Ban's' Eii4e ims! elan haat of /NANA Chawis laving oh A COMPLETE ) I UEICAkfiaIE.E4EY. emarristuctiney Chas Thousand Ilona., PIANO Al - Far only Tao .... , ,iii The followlug looks am or thtibrit shohak'strla, aW imp • libral7 kwkrproaabla .to mak* w she Las • Pia... ll* lentor =Moth= of mule le polo third, great van boyish boas tats & * !deaths phone Mutat to Ow popular Sastp: • ._ . TES IitOMI CHICLY; A othactlow of.liarchus, Walt Polka, feleottlsabsV llodowaa. Chaketile s 011111.ra Irour.lland Thou aal - Tlarte Onus; 9 Toh: • - OTIORD; s sawn.* re- IWO. Ballad* Quinn', Dew* &a , whit ‘Tiaeut Lisom- IIIOWTh -C iortak/otl Chaim Twat Darts, rlth'Plass Arowilmattuast, OPTIAT/0 TIAILII; A wellsottow ar Sockaaw iito weat bias, oseprislog lin Toed. Bolustisabi blot Opstwa, with o-/Ltooropaullmot,..'..- All thoabere (5 oshonsaLtsr SW, arm ng as** Ibitawfor orlon • Tlab,111; V..%; Ctotk, fah P' P.i " ;34 b r • ClgAßlLlill" C. ft/WILLOWS bet • -Illeediffiee. REM OVAL.—Oa tho lit 0f..4440, wa •111 nactimo ov isridssaii-a. • "ere. as "Tryst' • TUrtnri T. haw .3 preseaS aarephelM 11=16,ESellet • .Br.. A One assottseset of PLASS96Au •AAA . pee., =fly al N.. S 1 NMI= . HOPPIW 4 / 1 10 4:' tole Ames oi tbtkstr-' Man B/:04M,19): • -- ruffos .:9..Vitlf an now - evesuund le. nini? Pt41(03-130:= .B ZNZ B 1.1. Y. PLIBO3 ale BU flethntat ited dun Plaara tei Ike mlll4/7' " " -CLUSIonTE BLIDIP4U.II.I4k-stria. , QULDIERS' :.130U1s1.^TLECIEI, _ Irraipplo,Alu) Asztint- 4 of Iv., Prx.parainusw!obir- _ /al Ith Eistibre l / 4 Pl 6 votnoslorgptn.a:sisu lluloer Irby n bottom than 114 it/IN:ft • 1. It Io et .Mel 1114snd.- It boo io ' O. It roultiono no dirt at don: - - stando Ms mat Wants iwt. "" It. It the mot somootinil.P. T. It trunk wartrusb lis la/Ont. 8,44 ' `y" !MON Jorprgroit, OarnarhntbMnianttbfind'." U t Uk t' WO h steasvir.a.v 4 Braes , JPeculct,t z ni, . TINISITCOII4IS3 Wolll.lnreshestlibile'in. *emelt* A eater! or sterle et Ilil/8416PaCC. LNG BIZTAY‘ tot, Sham Ciiinlitil. 0 ti. 4,14 lite. ONO, mat ShOft. stmt. Plineargb. Ps, ... sa..6:lt LY°" A KNSTLI A f.,, - (I.Wr -----. WEE,R, • AIND DICALSII. la it*. itaxt 'eon linad,e OrSVINZ /L6TANA CTOABB , stml el Xt•Adt cf SKOKING A! CIITWING ToaApco, 5„•3,, 4 1 : 137 ., TANCYvem a ll 2. ll 2l3CILLitil PIPES, 7.3."...,, frs u & mut, lil= TILE ST C . lilpriatl 110.• Tlu. ilteibsps. ••_. p. , •,,,,, onvra, N l at Mora bna4.-,- pAIMERsrup N OTICE= n ssexist4 within 'gam% torthar. We Will co.ituur Lbw q= CklitTC" m ..a.at NO. II Villb /POOL" ae , -‘ 5,4 411,n,mtafctt*.ncic4co. /oa Mi' 24r ialtatika`ii4 Inc Mini iwuariatithe 8 , at '''""• 44,o6 ar- , - , Warm doe• twv oruk -- anilt - Tel ------ Ireta ix , I :Mv-uorfa ado nipAnzues-a A LAROt LO WO 800% OE STORE, Te!is °aloe tiumott, pksi4wrs.~=~~~a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers