urgh Suatt4, eitts SUB URBAN. From Yesterday's Evening Gal The Mooie-elarbourg notate, TOUITH DAT • 11estaturrad, March it, a 44. Court met t 13% o'clock. The J u dge de- Iltrered his opt . ton on the proposition to prove the adulterous intercourse between Karbourg and Mrs. Moore—ruling out all testimony at acts and con (loot prior to the day on whiob the heath:id° lose committed, but admitting declarations and admissions made on that day and prgof of to calculated to produce the stets of mind ndsr which the deed is claim • ed to hare two committed. This ruling fore. closed a mass f test,mony on the part of the 'defense, and irtuelly dismissed a host of witnesses who had bean summoned to estab lish the erimin intercourse existing between the wooed for nearly two yearn. • Mr. Jobnet o naiad that the defendant was unable to coax into Court this morning, and rwesantedhis p ysielsa,Dr. Bann, to testify ho the fact . Dr: Bann was 'Toni, end stated that In Me op lorf, the Flakier would not be In a -aonditio safely to appear in Court for twenty-four ours. nerestpon, at the sug estion of Mr. /Scott, Court adjourned until 5 o'clock. runny weramo, 5 O'CLOCK. COurt restrinntried at the hoar appointed. The. prbtoner having recovered sufficiently, was brought In, and the trial proceeded. The detente offered in writing, • proposition to prove, by witnesses named therein, that Jor dan blerbOurg, in September, 1803, had of fered to furnish defendant's wife with patens to be administered to said defendant, and Drat daring the following winter, the said Jordan Merbourg gave one of said witnesses a pack ' ago sada to contain medicine, which package was to ' be delivered to defendant's wife; that the package , was delivered so desired, and that the defendant's wife threw it into the fire, saying that it wit poison. The preposition was received by the Court and sealed. Tohtitleis,:pororn.—Efave known. defendant 20 or 22 years; always knew biro as a.good, peaceable eitbeen; never heard anything to the cOntrary of him. [A sharp die:maiden sprung up here, consuming half en hour, on the IrKettiOD of proving pre:viol:se good ch ,ran ter, wkyd was participated ie mainly by Mate. UMtdi for the deem*, and %veins and loiter for the prosecution. The Court ruled to admit the testimony ] sever beard defendant swear, or use vulgar hang:tamp; • Aerer, 2 l l . Wm angri• Lords Plitt, ex Sheriff Robt. P. Linton, Jilob Fond,- Louie Luekhardt, Col. T. L. Meyer,Howard .1. Roberto,l.. H. Woolf, Davld,M Low, A. 11 Petrik en, and Joe. H. Bowteen were severally 'worn and testified to the same effect. They had known him from I to 20 years, and'never beard him swear, or use profane or vulgar language; he always bore " a good character, which feet was admitted by the Commonwealth. During the examination or Mr. Fond upon this point, the question was asked him wheth er-he had ever known any of the defendant's family to be insane. To this the prosecution objected fur reasons submitted to be record ad; and after argument by Johnston and Chill§ for the defence, and Kopelin contra, the Court deoided to admit the Le. 10:10tly, 100 the examination went on as fellows: Wit noes did not know defendant's father; didn't know his brother John; knew Ids sister Jane ; _ knew jeer about 20 years- She was not eon ' ildamd.right in her mind. On cross-exami- , nation, sold he conidtell in some cases who wereinsanter otherwise; the was about Of teen years old when I first knew heck ohs is now married; had several children; married tie Daniel Delany. Did not like to say she was (may, but her motions inlectnethings were ---trosvery-esessibtorwecoratag to hie Judgment; wan married shit kept home; she didn't at told to her family very well -sometimes went sway and left bar children. He Dent caw thin knew it only by hearsay; personally knew nothing of her conduct that be could testify to; was not spoken to by anybody on the subject. After Mr. Do 'men, Mary Delany; niece of the defeddant, was again called to tho stand: but the ruling of the Cot rt and the watch - faineis of the- prosecution restricted her tes ta:may to any conversation, end what it wu, she at any time had with tier emote, the de fendant, on'the,subject of the reports in oh m:Wien m regard to his wife's untaithfulneu. The defense had proposed to prove by her that she lad seen Marbourg in bed with Mrs. Moore, in lloore'a own house, and in his owe bed ;° bathe Coarthaving ruled out such to - tiumny, she confined herself to the convene tron with - her uncle, the defendant, on the lfcidayeivenlng meek before the shooting or Marbourg, relative to the stories retailed by the public , Imputing Marbourg and her aunt, the defendant's wife. While she was yet on the eland we left the'Court room. It was expected that all the testimony would be in on Saturday, and that the eau email go toil's-jar; *boot Wednesday. • 'A. prisoner is looking very badly this aumbig, and it seems like abeolute einelty to keep Mtn bribe. Carat room, under the torture of the reputes:l of a twenty times told tale. '.• ' -Eittanstua, Mush 12, 1864. Tito Bounty Ti: In Manchester. '''' ' Mari Debiny.nonilinued.—l told Mr. Moore A meeting of citizen, was held in the the lelk about his wife and Marbonrg, a nd borough of Manchester, on Saturday evening, owe Mrs. Piekwertli as my author. Mr. to take aetion In regard to the refusal of the Moore took aunt out on the poreb, and talked Council to Petition the Legislators to Pa" an about the &ups. lie then went to Mi. act authar bins the levy of a tan W Peg Piekworth and attacked her. She said that bounties to noltintenu " M " S. Wi l O n, Ere Maas tell bar. live Hunts wassent for, Eig., presided, and Mr. Watt aoted es Seem . and irdst'd•died. felling, hat aftertardi 1.1 - • tall. WM.' B. Bose, EM., Mat a few re n au n g th a t a ba h a d s o ld Mrs. pi n k no m, the' marks, and charged the members of Council `Wiwi stories &bons hfoores wife and Mar- with lisTiogiP . r ed the OlPte , a wi.h of throe '.• -. nom; a nd red jegc; hip, co to mak. hi s b u s./ hundred eltisens, as sot (attain th eir petition. -IL lifectre' didn't eat muob, noidrinlf north Be hoped that the p•qpie would take the ~ thee I knew of. lie 'wee ready tronhia . matter out of the hand, of Council, or insist -- - about thlo matter. lie.wee =Milker'. himself. that:theic withes should b•Ohoged• Mfe. Matilda Piekwortb, Wilda that the ~ . Capp Jamie Miller dionvomtki any La" - t o t u rse .come 'to the louse I t - her father, tton, on the pe rt of Council, to Jimmied the i - ...: i Warn)- - where she lirettloliatt Op what Petition, sna bettered that a majority of the 1 bawd &a iandeaL, s e , a nkna = elf,' told members was favorable to the levy-ref • tax. his niece that Jordon flutourg end his wyej Mr. Kirk, Mee a member of Council, re '.. ' Wilialaallill all alloy I told hlorl di pm molted that there were "instal! two Wan • - Eis Zoo., Lt my a ud io ,. - hg.... g ni i n berm opposed to the tax ( ldeurs. J. A. Hat at empt and eald that k could whip who Wagon and A. Patterson), end one:dolibtfal s e ere raised the story It be win as big is th (Mc. J r . 11 . 11 'ingiton) . '' - 1 Allegheny taeuntain. I sent for Ere limits Mr. Patterson stated that he was opposed ~ i k. - n 0. 0 ,,,n -*p.m.., 5h....., IL, hi c , o ,4 to taxing the property of the borough for any faked her who was the author of these stories. snob Palma. Ha wee willing to levy a tax She rattiest tal l n. He said if the were to meet thes2ooo still duo to eomplete Da & non h e... . ic it,,,gq, g n . ,s atr a that 7., County fund, hut was opposed to a tax 0" would not steno flap It at any rata. j PI back the *B,lOO volonterily subscribed. . . 31, 0 , Ann * i m p r a mmed th i n M G yn r o After some debate, in which - it pas indica name teller boon; came into the parlor ako: ted that those Councilmen 'oppiutd to carry a week Wore lbw toorder,and followed ing out the althea of the p eople should te lt &sigh*, MreePlikvaoh, kw the Muth , elge, the whole matter wee referred beak to fa -apt ant i., n ia nnar; ems the, talked a Councils, giving them one week ill which to • whll•aud then sent for Ere Ruth; sad 'sisal, tome to a atioinsbni.' . ;I.', trainaardt, she (Idnr—Beens) bad to twofers ...,,stilkletbens tromllghting about this part.. Y then eatualtek into the p arlor , _ ... .iastr. sun and Moore went away to t orn =Beam, tugged that he -WO fat tame `Whisi-Mr: Moot , - to hinhouse in en • cited manner, and that he hid s canrioni on Likratlarith lies. Piebrattomittben with re Mats and Km. Pkkararth toge th er oho to - ',.ool,beikinefenisealtijOrraiidneitiratA-Spr . de.U.-Marbourgb together in. sit alley; that he not interfere, but that Moore was vary angry and thithte wife had made them keep quiet; this he aad Mr. Moore went to tc;wo totethea.. Moore put - the blame on re ium—emid that, Mirbourg was arraignsn. / ..d I. B. Cohlok Waded —thee Moore -- called is him - tor: latormatior ,la regard, to. _—Xarbittag,...and_Sloarefs_aulisLesul _that ; he ,stualdnotusliarsithing, het referred taut to Thownpsen Klima& Maori sold that oaa =lLin his,wlfie to set wheat She ,as e assorted that his-wife-had ens aliundered. Ile -asked me le-a bad beard y sport 'bout Asiikatiall:_ 'lle said If that - spat were WIP r l s :hiefillilltaitlthi Kb' two itei 1 , um with MarbOurg...l.-told ldubourgon t-i ardor' bdeni floottantertukeep Out OM e"SI way. Merbialigtent for rue on &nude, . fore the ta.gedyyte go and aft Kimmel toll Men him at my stable; I mint, and Kimmell • ---" "- end liossuit nc o g Kimmel" *mad t a ct l da, 6ue Wg t li a y dse i tt tUP K a ub e ta , / old , ' ,be would not for SSOD that:hi, featly ;act: bum pf It. They then went home. I - s e tell him :Wise radon and deigb about s swamis. ..,.-=-` I aitedelitiathfeed tlutt.he and /in 84lgh - - , tnekg wslk mu kidiy, sad saw a• tau jllm p MenrAlentlessla VOL ./ WI. ' US Ittal l a i tto !,.I.4idebabOut thapagop of the tones. en ; ,n watt on elude limber, we null is Mn, Vba 'iltellad tad twitigns %Oder% and riked for te. drink :of water atdsuatething else. Yaw Pointed 'acc9 o t tkoi.:./ 01 d: Wben 'ohs . started is the dirrodoitt the =spire ay. Xes Anna back, and whet the gat ti the "_.?Lultltts bc.Atipted for Atett•tio track,..b ad -:—.414 sosoll.lwitbigitirskbit ,dinsata 4. alai trinh IlaCkr and ; riWat 61 95 , ' , P I° f • , ' • dad "sari or fir ,ad dila Owes room is I us, beftwa ekaloolaid eq.' , She Wan aid, ..Le at let‘3ltsYrnllollr ', :IPAllttltelsendis ' ~..,' .31%4016 310 Pg . "4 eul .said At Wig s'... 1 air - Ape lobs*Ast be ,**-tiol ng -- . ;" --- . .moi. , _. disci •: - tbalk-i aorabd,-. d - - -tqatifills titbir weld led 11 4 . ,qtldt did , - :TdowlAtilis: - 0104 igisiorim tb Hirtillealdieb4ll444.olol4oo4-21a. 1..:610 11 / 0310 ,44161104.014, kb? ffs2lll2lSt _ _ ?i±',: -• ?•; • '- '7) : •• ;:` - ' .-- " 7 ". „ ~ r_. r, she was soil:Ito Etrayer's for calve to aura an Wear on her side. We made her come home with us, and told her to have nothing to do with that man (Marbours), that she had a good husband and we would tell him on bee if the misbehaved. She said she would have noth - ins to do with such an old. copperh..l and se - nesionitt ; that she had not spoken to him for 14 years, when he cheated her in some batter she bought, and that she had never spoken to him slum. John Stitch testified to the same things, and a Mr. Yoder corroborated the statement, of the two men. Mr. Seigh also testified that the next Monday morning Mrs. Moore came to his house and threatened to prosecute him and Warden for chasing her in the woods. This was the cause of the publicity. Bolan's wife told the neighbors and Mr. Moore got to hear it. Capt.T. K. Rite testi fi ed that Moore came to his house to get him to go with him t the prisoner) to Yoder's 11111 end see the place where Harbours and prisoner's wife were al leged to have met.. Mr. Hits went along. Prisoner seemed very much depressed in spirits. When he saw the place, he said he was afraid there was too moth truth in the report. Hite also testified to John Moore's insanity (a brother) and Jane Moore'. situ ple• Deal, (a sister.) Also to Joseph Moore's good character. There were some other witoesses called to prove suspicious meet hip of • secret nature in different places. Bet nothing was admitted that had not been told Mow before the murder. After Mr. Moore found out so many reports he became almost distracted. Be then went to Mr. Griffith, the landlord of the Scott House,and caked him if he had heard reports of his wife. Griffith said that he would not tell if be had; but told Moore to go to Stoystown and find oat. Mr. Moore then went to A. J. Hawe's to hire • hone to go to Stoystown, bat did not get any. He had also beard of Mount pleasant, Blairsville, Ebensburg, Ortenebarg and other places, Pitt- burgh included, where Harbours and Mrs. fd.to had been seen to gather; also at the oyster saloons in Johns town ; and after having bunted up several of these rumors, he came home in the cars so digtracted as not to know his own son, who mTt him at the station, till he spoke to him several times and threw his arms amend him, when he recognised him and said "Is that you, John I" From that time up to the mur der be neither are nor plept much. but often [ raved ha the night—got up and walked in the [ garden and talked to himself. Mary Delany, his bete, who lived in the family, and his son John, sixteen years of age, both testify to I thine facts. ~ A greatertbaber of witnesses, including rev eral;attorneyi end wi on the side of the Commonwealth, testified to Mr. Moore's good character, and that they had never heard-biro we profane language ; and that he was a leader le the Disciples' Churoh ; en elder at that; often - preached, and was always regular in lets attendance at thurch. A number of witnesses also testified that they were ar unabated with Mr. Moon's family and his father's family ; that his brother John has ' keen insane for thirtfyeart ; that, his sister Jane was also simple and not able to attend to involve children, though married, and that Mrs. JoseptrMoon had symptoms of insanity. Dr. Bonn testified, that ca Friday during the trial the prisoner was taken out of the court room sick, went to the jail, where he ea. absolutely crazy, tore his shirt, acid the sher iff, who was his Inn (sited. should protect him, and look for blood er, his breast; that there are?* devils down stain, end called the Sheriff to look at them; that he could not safely be taken into mutt for ttrenty.kur hour., be. ' [ After Mr. [Moore got mustard to his feet which were very cold) and got some rest he [ got better zed was able to appear in the Court. But the fact of his predispositioe to 1 insanity, his ipsaniiy at the time of commit tang the minder, and his insanity during the [ trial is pretty well established, and he will be ampiitted on these gronodo, 11 cot any, width to more than probable. • 'Thatestimony for the defense clamed on Sat. has) .1:a0114. the test Alear Be NIARCH 15, 1864 Oiler insanity. As loon es Lb. decision Is known, which will not be before next Thursday or Friaaj, it will ba lossumilataly forwardsd to tb. Casette. The ...ilectdent Zebra on the * , )lackey.Panther—Condl thin of Vi'is have • already given an amount of the 1 .., .imendent on the eoal bog Panther, which re volted in ths killing of young neigh, and a Man belonging to ?dearer county, and the se- Slone Injury of Johnny Mackey, the "champion of the light weights." We learn to-day that Mackey was not so dangerously - injured as at Apt reported; and that with proper treat ment. he will recover. fie was standing close to the line, when. . the timberbeed matted, Mid. wan carried" with tt (se It were)' instead of being struck, al the ether men were; • This eireounts for the fact the he was not Instantly grilled. - !Wires thrown from the-barge, aeons the bow of the Panther, a dielanes of twenty-two.feet, and 40. rapid was his flight that the. Amman, who mood dose_ by, did • mot , notice . him until he fell ripen . the . deck - , l ie was struck, .by o liner nest the knees, sad the akin as torn from . the", banes, bat the bones were not broken, lik`Wnwris 'considerably cue and brulied, and hie kit; uw i finitthe el bow to the ibetildir "elade - ,'wee !smell' in k:led. A hatch, 'bleb tie hal kills pocket, wis literally - turned inside o nl ys could. not be r (oast, and .the ease y re. , nobody ef Yousisit 1100, we understand, bas sot yeebienieecilertd,plthengi diligent ;earth law boleti mode tot It.. . . - ' " • .. Yo mblntiesy Gas CoilCinapany. • Co. Glass, la Beam on Thavolay.ltiiii, . , .Cm road bill 40 lieotporata the Youghiogheny °so OaslatomPolJiltbiab names J. W.3100k. tarn, John P. Ikanderson, F. Bharplisa,W. T. Dana, T. Waltss , Day; Austin Lane, E. 11. Isiah, and Janis, IL. napkins, sad coast!. tutu damn body politic, within the rights, tranobises, poison, and ptisnanas Incident to a mention, with pavan to tab'. and hold In • aabinitatt,sillOsar and Westazoriplsad counties, tot azinsahig at any one tho one nntatwitii. aitent, , Vialtt . power to salt, mart: tags, Wit, or othatitlia ditposaot the same; flimsy pert %hamar. ma to work, wine, vo n so saadras andirand, nut, coat ' otbn . iataands or prodaessaaatalaid build Leda" asading Wad aathairiat :• 1 16,,k o r too ohamst.ll o l_ktict;_grAutsilid.i&ta -- =um! 010#111114,14:JAIX",,Thit- Wed .f_antls.:LSWlThentit4tala' y.IOW bc *Mk 'lrs 01 - Trsl•ll.VidiAlid Abundant 41.141 - 44` tassto~lo Ittackalla atiapaay; puiadAildifiktflgt. _ • • The Adams Express Robbery Case at Untontoxe a. The trial of A. P. Murphy, of Uniontown, lately agent of the Adams Express Company at that pace, took place lest week before Judge Lindsey. Ae young Murphy had previonalv occupied a doe position in society there, and as the amount alleged have been taken by him was large—over $2.300 a great "al of interest wee manifeste'd, and there was &large attendance during the trial. The facts as . shown by the Commonwealth, were simply that at various dates, from May, 1963, to Octo ber 26, I sn3, he had received packages of money, which had been alien called fur, and width he alleged to th•cbnignees he bad never received. That bevies been discharged from the terries of the company, he found himself unable to replace the packages to taken, and haring delayed accounting as 1 ,ng a. possible, devised a rob bery on the nth, and safe, which was carried into execution on the night previously to the day fixed finally for hie account to hireno. tenor. Ile then handed to his 1 , 3000a80r lint of all the packages be bad appropriated, alleging that they were in the safe, and that they had been stolen. It was shown that he had in several ways endeavored to menu facture evidence, in view of et:opinion being thrown upon him, and that on the afternoon before the robbery he had detained in hie own possession the key of the safe. The safe was found nearly smile from the office, very mush abased the bottom of it was mining, and was eftegrards found in • deep hole of water. The ufe showed conclusively that fit haditlrst been opened with the key, and all the treat ment it had received was from the inside, after it had been opened. The prosecution contended that there was only one man on earth who had any lutereerin so doing with the safe, and he wag the defendant. The testimony was very full and conclusive, and the Jury had no difficulty In finding a verdict of guilty. The prisoner maintained an attitude of entire indifference daring the trial. Upon the rendition of the verdict and the remarks and enwience of the Court, although he is not yet twenty-one years of •ge, the Court stated to him that it was evident he had at oomplices who were more guilty than he, and that if he would divulge their name. the sen tence would be mule as light as posiibla lle refused to do so, and was then sentenced to imprisonment in the Penitentiary for eighteen month•. No part of the money has been se cured by the Company. As the immense beisMess of the Company is transacted through agents, it is a matter of the highest moment to them, that such crimes should meet with sure punishment, although in this cue the Company would gladly hare had young Murphy escape, if they could have discovered hie accomplices, who I,,Youti doubt used him era tool. The COM MOD •eatth was represented by the District Attorney* of Fayette county—Mr. Boyle—Daniel Kane, Esti , o Uniontown and S. Scheyer, Jr., E.g., of Pitt. uargb, the de. fence by Mann. Patterson. Pis. ford and Shipley, 1.1 Uniontown- Je I.'oll, the Forcer Oar readers will recollect the adroit manner in aihi..ll John S. Pichl, who formerly kept a tiritaltiog sa'oort on Market etreet, swindled a nombor of panic. in this City and Baltimore, nolo( large sums of money, and then snares,- folly c-owed to Europe. A come:poi:Klett of the Ost.lotero Mirror, writing from Belfast, Inland. tinter data of palm art 2..ith, gives the following in tereeting pat...n.016-1 of mvidinGtegeon„timatiy• appears th•t •monger his other tietiM was the quarteramater of Baltimore, whose clerk he managed m swindle out of • receipt, on the ground of having cuntrarted for • large number of harms, to the amount of $ 50 ,- 000 By this memos be managed to forge the the individual whom he wee so enviously seeking for. When Mr. Maguire told him the ebargth and stated that be would . have to return across the ',thistle, he replied be hoped not, and expressed a wish to sett:* the affair if possible, without the altentoire of going bo ok: 'to Amities. lie then communicated to the detective some:information relative to communicated. 0.41 bonds of $l,OOO eaels,which he alleged wore stolen from him by his father whilst at Pits abut. On wetting this information, Ma guire proceeded to the latter place, and sae • eeeded in obtaining the Bee bonds of $l,OOO each from him. Next day Maguire proceeded to Giessen, and in about two hours, bonds, .gold and silvery:. the amount of $20,000 Witwt handed over to btu by Pleb!, whom he then set at liberty, end an Monday morning re tatted to Liverpool attar hit exciting and succersful chme. The Claim Case. lion. J. P. aerrett, President Judge of the Common Plea., appeared in Court this morn ing, for the parries of announcing Ids decis ion In the matter of the application of lira D. M. Daze, for a writ of babes' corpus, to compel Mrs. Holmes ar.d Dr. Cuthbert to pro. duSe the body of her hasband, Dr. Duke, al led to be held in restraint at the house of Mr,. liolmce. At the mama of the ootinselln the case, and In view of an amicable settlement be tween the parties, the judge Withheld Ids de ,ol glen It is fedlibellered, however; that the CASa can be arranged to the setiefaction of both parties,, without a detree Qr the Court. If not, the decision will be annonnoed on Wednesday morning. There ,is an intimation, but how It oh , talned currency we do not pretend to say, that the doctor, under the, decision of the court, would here been remanded ke the ens todiof hie wife and children—a conciggioo, "we may say; which has been generally an ticipated by the public, and which, without regard to legal points and technicalities, will hi regarded as eminently jest and humane. Tai P1CT011.1.4 1 , LITiltaNY AND 14111.1 . 1 Pill inne.i3, weekly n e wspap e rs and monthly magasinsw,ado., regularlyreceivest by espress at J. P. Bunt's, Masonic Hall, Path street, and at J. T. Sample's, 85 Federal West, Al legheny. Amongst those reoelved to day are —"The . 14 'vasty Magazine," "The American PLag,," and "The Plait of our Tinton," for March 26th, sad ''The New Natiow," of Sat urday, which is the seciund number of an able .new political, military, and litersa7 journal, understood to be specially in the interest of Major 4 / a ntral J. 0. Fremont, TIM Sortie Cu, Palomino! new arreoged on the second door of Dais ' Stfinalities Auction Rooms, fifth etrFt, tor .iron exam ination of the nubile, are,weli Worthy 4 That, and careful ezmainatlort,,by eonpotatanm• The eolleotion I lajtaelLit rare Galirry or Flee Area x*rop3hinirpiArmo. !toroth° Dor soloorfr, ankermitabiienlipint artists, both of Europe so fAt e erlAerinrxell.lu faithful ooples of , oduttrated prottobtiOns,by cruu-, tem . Cataloittfas fprsdabuet ,pd the naie place on Wpdrmeclaj.morning) , It ten o'clock; .11.h.ruzi Akintattto.--Three milkmen were earestedon Sunday end taken before gayer Lowry, chargedmlth vending milk after nine teeltak. In the morning, in violation of the city ordinance. They stated to the Maya Ouittiveyqtad been &Woad on amount of the ba4toadreatid weralinable tours . ° their ens tOntirtiterithln the prentribe4 tirne,.but that In fatmerteinrould endeavor ,to guard 'against ,einttlar,lnfritetiolut of the ordinance. after an admonition frog' thollayoz,a," isan , .darge4 upon payinnifi ot:oosta. SAM= CONCOIT.-- - Pl9l. Chrmeat Tension sod puplia;tept bar with Taunton asetenni dodge sivtak-rs Brent :Omen in Massie Halton Thursday eminent. .71' My gen tlemen and.Tadlea- will-Join in the ehonns t sod moaner In pines:tab" swag will to On- Shrol Inn Rlin-IPlnlitje nonshoi renuslinisAfetsnrnfinleir.J h o thersonien.,,:. finine—thyt4 MA; Wins Ala n 5 11 1 1 21 ICelsiniss their veleta I. the agnetotainFitzthinlitrArdWilus ~,:, y fix -.- - ~..~ i~ Highway Robbery Oa Saturday niglit,:about oleTes as Mr. Edward Connor was crossing the Railroad bridge on his way to Allegheny city, be was met by a man named James MoTiernan, who demanded his money,at the same time exhib• iting a large dirk knife, and making demo', 'stations of a hostile character towards him. As Mr. Connor was alone and unarmed, he surrendered hts pocket book, containing small amount of money, and was allowed t o depart. An information of the r, ‘Jbery was made before Mayor Lowry, anti a warrant issued for the arrest of MeTiernan. This morning it tens ascertained that McTiernan had been arre.ted and was in the custody of Mayor Alesauder. of Allegheny, nu a charge of assault and battery preferred I y his wife. Mcriernan is an old offender, they, toting sev eral charge. of seeuolt and battery end surety of the peace Ipdged against him .ithin the past few days. Re committed an aggravated assault upon his father, an old gentleman re siding on Second street, on Friday last, and on the same evening assaulted his wife and threatened to take her life. Ile will proba bly now receive his deserts. Citizeus of Lawretkceville, Atteutlou In pursuance of a call, the citizens of Law renceville motet. Robinson's Ilall on Saturday evening, March 12th, 19174. - On motion, A. J. ilarbaugh: was called to the chair, and Jonathan Longstaff was chosen Secretary. The object of the meeting, as stated by the chairman, was to take into consideration the propriety of ostitioning the Borough Council to Wane bonds, in amount sufficient to pay bounty to volunteers to fill our quota, and levy a tax to meet the same. After considerable discussion the matter was laid over until Tuesday -•- , lng, March 15th, at seise o'clock, at • a gen eral turn out of all the I •ncstly requested. On motion, the Secr Publish • notice of On motion, the reeilutione were ui .:horised to 4 is the papers. '1; preamb leoptod: and 113 sa When..., Some C.• ,unreel and terenty.tlve of the enrolled and oth• tarns of Lawreace•ble hare tont, ibuted to • b. inty food by which two-thirds of the quota under the Iwo calla for hist,ooo men has Icon furnish...lth , Goren=lnt, And ;liver., The amuler of enrolled nom of said Bor ongh b some morn hundred and sixty•ninn, the en tire borthen lots fallen on leas than one-hallo! thee* li a ble t o the draft. Therefore Browleed, That the Booty ' Food Committees of Lawrenceville to mineeted to prepare • memorial to the Conmess of the i'mted States through the Bon rab e repr,entative of the 22d • ongssestonal MS triet, re q uesting that they take curl, action as may exempt tr..rn the next draft all the enrolled men Il.awrencevire who may contribute the amount twenty-live dollar. andupwards, by which hi. Inlet hue been enabled to furnish the volunteer.. pot in the field Re.oleel, That the said Committee he re/pleated to solicit the co-operation of the Bounty Pond Com missioners of the eevorsi r,..t. • , f t 22.1 C 0... essional nWrict. 21. Fertilize Ile. man —The four young men •ho •ere arrested yesterday by M.ynr Alex ander's police, for lossulting Mr. Shearer, in Reserve township, on Saturday, had a farther hearing before ths M•y or this morning. which re/milted in their being committed to jail for trial, in default of $.500 bail each. Two other., named August Mall and Mark Jannis •ho are luipiicamd in the assault, hare been arrested and committed to jail. The Injuries susiai [IP l by Sh are .era •, bat may not prose fatal C.A. Tot, ts E. Roar, of the 77th Pa. Vvl/ wan ono nf the l'unon offlsors who escaped from Lioby uttson, hat was so untorturtzte as to ha ...eq. aro& A t s rresuowlent writes that he *es trulein sight of Vrifliatusburg when taken. He snatched scouts gun away, fired It off, and then ran, but, unluckily, came upon two nth or somas, 'who, after beating himon the hood with one of their pianos. rens .tared D11.0.1 , MT —Jacob Keay was arrested last evening for acting in a disorderly manner in the Fourth Ward, Aileghony. U. resisted le officer who arrested him, striking him th an umbrella, and endeavoring to pre il upon some •minsintances to rescue him tin the ntlicer. Mayor Alexander this >ruing heed him tie dollars, which be paid id mesa discharged. ilossoes Taff COOT Norms —Mr. J. P. Masonie Ball, Fifth etroet, has this • eerie. of cheap navels far sale. Number the latest pabliebed, containi •'The Indian syer ; or, the White P.ther of ,he hodrue• ,ggth," by J. Springer. Tat Lira asp PUSLIC SERVICES or SLroa• mass]. Bcn.as.—Mr. Henry Miner, TI and Fifth ,crest, hat reccirod from Si stench, Philadelphia, thzirelately publlrhed ifo of (lacers] Botha, Ina papa, I2mo, with ,rtrait; price. 25 sects. PRILSIOT•TION Or A Tn 9n.—The ladies of knithlleld street Church, Bor. A. Q. Thomas, utor, visited the parsonage on Tuesday it ening Vet, and presented Mrs. Thomas with valuable tea jet and other naluble strides CD.—Slef or William 1.1. Nett..., of to 57ib Pentie3Prania, arrived in the city chordal' at noon. after an eight months' ma mma In the Libby prison, Riebo,ond. TE4 al 0 ,ITS VOtt ciNmssen, viLLlE_Ny.ascTit,s &emu.. —The Goa steamer GLITZ. Ceps J. 11. •odrear, wN leave Gtr the abate sad leterinedlete pinto oe 211601EIDAT, Mb 1.4..4 4 P. fd. For freight or peerage Imply an board or to mbIS JAY. CO LLI At CO.. egrets. FO It LOUISVILLE.—Th e Da. Warner 711 ITT LT, Gaptala gnus., will Dare. el.). TBl5 DAY, ilia 16th Icatbt, ai 4 a'ri ck Tar Dwight or WIBM• apply as bard ar to JOON FLACK, shitD coLtnrowoon, 1.n.• VOR MEMPEIIB.—Thi. fine IL L . - u ad. wheal so amer JOST.FR•rs PILROZ, Ospt. Samuel ranch; Clerk. LI rxm toy, pIII it/44 OA 41.44 pa 1 liesSDAst, March nth. at 4 .'-lock a. at. • For trelght or passage ply as board or to robal JAS. OOLLINS kCO trots. FOR ST. LOUIS, .EOKIJIi,aEgt L BURLINGTON. 110 CATINIL, DA V ttlapoßT A DUBUQUE—Th. aplandid Mama MOSOATINR, apt. J. J. Ilabiamo . lam as ahoy. TILMADAT. March ibth, wig o'clock p. m. " t't4ht "ITtraritiairo - 1 -l o rahll J OHN MACS. DI. J AV'''. L - 10 tt LOUIS.-The fine &Weser MI/10RA, (.Oa. Job rale., .11l 1.... as above an THIB •th lost at i o'clock p. a. For freight or wrap apply cm board or to J. D. GOLLINGWOOD, I • =hi RAIN FLACK, WIMEL .L% PABRILItSDIMO PACKET,— • . ts• Mawr MINZUVA, Capt. John w Imo Pittsburgh for Wheeling every TUESDAY THURSDAY nod SATURDAY, making done von gsotkros with the Wheeling lid Pottershalg Peek eta Returning• lll !save Wheeling wary MuN DAT, WZDHESDAY and FRIDAY. Pesarrege freight tn.:Motes' thrsogh to Parkersburg. for ""gbd" rf g t;o7-atirArXl 7grats, On Wharf 800, at lb. foot of { 'food strtst.. den:dif oT:NG, btiLRIET ; Zia A AND -Tl. dn De l ssrugor Ammer EMMA GRAHAM, Monroe Arm, bmsussader, lame Pitteburgb every TUESDAY, a , 4 p, ta. L and Zaneortile mar, rawer. a a *West a. se. The new steamer JULIA, Wm. Coulee% oata mender, kayos Pittsburgh every SATURDAY, at I p. s., .ad Eanearille every TUESDAY. eS • 4 1 / 4 1,0, sa. Ter freighl oL . r i zlpst; on board er to Plim A rrg% It. rums* 00. Agents. no2t DISSOL OTIOJrf are KoLuTioN.—Vhe" Co partners p IM•tof.ns existln2 batereel tb ondoieigord. oadef the etyle of W Mardi 11212.25 T •f 23.. &suited on the first fay of Ism:soy. 1224. DrJtod t.tlon. WALTER ObTAIIT 'eV b. foto* 11 tb• GM. of Dir. HXNST D1L4131, .o the old .tood, No. 239 Litwin , etTeet, be bet 11 totbotlial to mottle Ibo bottoms of the let. Lou. WALTEEI3IIT&NT, Irts KE BUIPSON. • therheedleposed of enyantlesstude to Yr•• BUB! DIC4A.Iste eat. beats, n.. 1. ftmoonv Wws o. lb HMG East teethe. beetaise, atel soottlhenntally teeemeeend him to the Ceieteeiv:e_oftheloo ena. T.D. 06th, is, W L A ; I. , T#BitYANT: diotl(li.!—This undersigned baring purelmed the tim brs eMueekm of a Wv e A n l d ag p oblemmare v lly ta ; M a e removal 'Mirada 93D'Llberty rm.., lately eseelp4d by, Waiter Wont* Co., ahem will Se Mead neonipiese most of umber, Elides and Oil. at all thaw, at the bind cartel mum H ItY DEAL . tetitliv 113SULUTION ue L'Aittrithistity. pirmeschly tutelary,. extMlog b.* *D, the azdarstguld, and. the atria WL G YAMS,. mix l cw.% I. =MAW Mankind, Is 4.111 - rrffmA' tlOl3 , Ws Att., HICHABD Eirsuar Whirl ft= the Arm. The tmolools Mll,l* ramtlanal. lamer. ty, Amer Ib styl• *Won. • • • JOHNITON, • • AGOBAILD 2111330 L ettrabunch. fhb. lath. 15611 r • • WOW rfiIm4MAITION J./ sajp.,Th. yortmrship hartiolot• botwarn JO3 Y. LIAVILTON AAA 1711 IArGirAImPYM Of RA I. alinvrowit co, bar tromdloralted by motml,emmeat, JOS, I. BAJA. ILTON Attend uo tW trAMArk4AelbrmAjOnLld Armor& the 44 maarl. Cellar thitlarl •14AV. lAhr. • • JOG: 741AGGITOSIN MrAll MOTS., erAti X • W.Po•-The: ; • • rebus fhb laf arietlistatithesi Ol lhus • eIOsnAMVII G. Ikoldlsloo 3Galdlll4 ll. p i g r i um t i t 1 . 1! " ", • 'Mint it: • Luna wow, COMMERCIAL RECORD. rITTSIIITROB NA R STS [Reported Espraesty for the r.,,,burgh Gazette., yio•nos. Morel) It, Itia4 GRAlN—There to but little WL..at , 00 1. withstanding .Wbb the market dull, the doused belt, limited: ar quo, at for ft,: from ..,;e and 51,33 fbr White. Corn quiet an I:m.banval. sale of I car Shelled 61 at 11,1... N , t'oro Est , may M q i•deci at fl,"Sal,b , no trs k Bari, I . a t 151.25 51,414,r 3i , t, 4,1 re; I Oals—srnall sale. from I . re at ~ I.a•d•st. fLOCll—Couttunsa tuact Ise an t ne t tle pr•co• •re norhanz...l ,m.II from awn. at VS 41. for Extra, • d $7,110. 57.07 for Eatra according to quality. Yld.Olf 1:U0N:1—Baron 1- arm with • po ..1,1•1”ne. demand at full pm,. We ,note at I , ,al o. a.r Shamble's, for ItibLed .sad sal^fir aides It!, ..I.lr for Plalu flame, and 10itr.. for anger Lard la doll hot firm at 24e tor cit) ran Ivrea. hors no talsout enough in 31e. Pork to eatablish ROCCRIEti— Sagar u nrtn wlth sal, at It. EN for Island. and 1541, for If fir tSrlsans, Cones . at.37tyotac. 51.talos s may la , quoted at Ca to 700 for old, a0,.1 rar to 0.0 fu. new. Syrup• range all the way from 7 , to 51.1.` I,lBll—There I. .",,.,tin ued good demand Int u3d we note atnalt sft. per hhl 51_,u' for Largo 3's. White Fab es r g a r m at per ball bbl—,..sate uklem $7,75, Late Ur!, a osay f.. .o.ded arm st BUTTI;IL 4 XGOS--Tio.re ta m.ttle demand for Moll Butter and them I tab I. we ucte aelea at from to for fah . to abort. Egg. firm , it h 0127.311 per enzen METAL— lirtery firm and all••cu lug Saha tool No I Allegheny Charcoal at /GS.. Moo, and Dm tons--ors Saturday—at same figure. NAY—Loom Hay le Writ/ Mla Mort..o.a; sale • , I II loads reels males, at 5.1:10.15 per ton. LOllO I.llL—ls tirm at 51,15 par gall.. DIVED FBA:lT—Steady. altb small sales st 98,1, for apples, at:416107c for P•ax.bes BEk.Dl.—Oorer Seed is dull, with a drooping ten dency. Flax 2.ed to 112 demand at f2,ettat2 as. Tun • °thy Nevi lanominal at tasyg, , TATUKS--Sale on track of 1 4 . 0 r Vetch Illoa at 900 per bustt, GREIGhI APPLE&—TIrto. with salsa st 53,..44,ts per bbl, as to quality. ell EMUS—bale. of 17. boo I D at Citc UU tir—Firrn at:18,50 par Pittsburgh Petroleum Market. Mosel , 14.—Thrre Ina a better feeling esenllve4 , l loamy un tho part 01 hildv. of Tetrolento, and the grovel lone of the market eras tiro:mems. The ape: attons In erode wen comparatively lapse, and in eases caeca a slight advance was obtained. W. note a sale of 1,0 , 0 tibia, to bulk—to arrive—el Iln• 23, do on the sped at tl)ar. do at 210; 240 do—bids Incilided--el 24e, end 676 do at 270. The rxxlpts, se yet, vollght, but an Improvement It title nwport, may be looked for before many days elapse. Pisfinivi Is quiet bat very Ann, end the only obstacle In II i• way of basin... Is the extreme •leers of holds" Qeohettoiliv Mel ho f a irly s i lvan at tic In bend sod.S3e, free, though seine holden ere eskiug 4. sod Abe. hapthe t. to fair ilantaod at ISe for deodo rl red. fl. s idnone le Arm at 1y4,011et,25 per bbl New York Petroleum klorket. pedal bl.p.toh t the Plttabangh Gly.ett. Ntw Yam., M.n N.—The market art iteflord to Wood la vary firrnj and holders ar• aaklng rater; rale,on thawpor at alnafr . , sod ,Ihk!,...jr. futon, delharry, "Ilher• Is • fair damned Fn.. Cldo,nd prtawa aracrur; sales so the rpot GO• , !.. and 8.2!...,,Ca far A ril dellYery. The...amen Tor • • had so pidworall a influence on the market, ha Crude, and It resniataady at prevlour prier•- :I Naptha qubt sou unchanged Is every resprwu. - - rf---- -- - Weekly Roe wor the New York Pe t leum Market. 'Rep:wee:Mx:l ssly for the Pittsburg) garotte : Kr. Tow., ?tare:lll, I -o: Tn. market halCrode and Ilona,: f. e.: La. I -on eke...l durigg the week Past, to row -4:1.114 , .•r t ikv retommendalloo Sroret.ry Claw. t•• additlooml lax on 1,... , 01 Crude and 6adan"l, o t• pre rally expected, will be done. fle , h+g the ears part of the week, there vu a very mtive speroim“. deemed, and the des arse Wary. hoi ti for room. Mate and Ititttreial tern - , et • conshlere hi. advance ires. to pr The 4 rueed dud n, the ;last two or three days has been led active, yet • kn. Inquiet has i.r. . yelled, nod hill p4 . ree hare 1x . .. re-dip-3 lee all It bola. ' as Bonded 01l h n quirt during the entire we-1, and the sale@ hart been europeratively email. The European advisee •-ce , .e.l by the Amtraleman were of • more favorabl tenor, bate, view of the hist , prim.) prevalent tiara, •surted no Influence . the market. An Imnielomi gamhling trade was enema on daring the first few day, of excitement, and wove • I t the daily papery of tile city, daily includsd them i the Wee. Throe e a low among the Trade wh n o will hes+ nothing redo with "mile, - and who 4 all they can to die -enrage others from eountendo. cinK thte part of tab Petroleum business. The maturity et Rio dealers have mme to the e,q, elusion that Moth , erode sad Refined .1 mutt be taledand thee Saris lately:put forth Pt Ceter Coognes trout imponinganyttax, mem no to have been put rile. The efforts of the Mean.* to have thud.. taxed mid of the Pro/orate to have' Refined taxed, liner borne their natured point—to • 1,-.eatiend, to ell likellhocal, • Lazio be on both. Tim sales"( Crude oil during the week, conts.rioe about Chad/ bit.—netrly all as Pt his.32e for nrithi re gravity, bet inelUding oneine mire at .32 , 4 r; tenth.. granny has .41 in • small Ivey way stag= and 4..19 at :n.30%, of the aboTO cheat 20,000 bt.t. were her all Marrh and April delivery, et 31% to ale, eh. sly 2.laliitrie, buyers and welters option. The market i.. lay area scarcely am Mut. Bales were •t 41 h.oot2r ot, the 'pot, ade for Meech, and ~c fur Aptil. Of Reacted, ... the were about 42.0.0 Ohl., chieff $ at egkia.fee there lain light straw to white. an i prim. , white of which .heal 6,0.0 table .t 11.0•5 s her ail , Match, sty:lipid/. Oil to tine have Leen at GI L. chiefly. The market today wu less ImuyeAt. Tie. axles were at Wane ter prime light ern. to V 1.11... .edge for white. In Frt.. off there has been a large morel:err , on speculation, arta the Wm on the spot nod for to tore delivery, rompriwe about 31,0n0 Yid., nearly .1! within the range of aler...Y., rya the evil and to al r,e, the latter tale ea oaten:le price, paid acid inielz . of fend, however, gar "olelhee." ,•• • , The market tnutlay mu dull owl lower. galas a. r. mod* at GUM. , for light iitram to white, and .Alts. tlf Plaptlia, the mains Include brae been ZiM) high gravity al VW, lod blab Wmiern ilvdnad 11,6.1 gravity) 15c; 710 do My de (14 gravity) 2.1 c. and 14,(.0 g•llnen !71.1 gravity) ia Ivatt cant 111.1.2 roartuis , turne mm• gallon of splrini..n lignor than any other State. Illinois manufactures 10,000,000 M sellout In • year, while New York aed Ohio inenemture only grime millions annually. The city of Peoria It umonfacturing dolly About 40,- 000 gallons of spirits. •Ms of day cents per go]. ton would yield to the Gsvarnment a mvenne of 524,• 000 pm dey, or ,Irt,ooo pm =MUM. She has ..lee or fourteen ttilleries In active operation, and oh. propoom, If permitted to go on and carry out the work ha which Jibe lrettgased, to pay to the Govern • in•ut a rms.* of r,t.shuuo per anortin, Go ver n city of Chicago, with four emsablishmetth of this eaar mter, Ls manufacturing daily about 44,000 sellout. A tax of Mit) , cents will yield to the Government 1114,000 day, orooo per annum. Th ns the two cities of Peoria and*l.224, Chicago, from oh. mtnator tun of this article Monti Ir ndsr th. tax ropowd lo Otto 5.40 bill, will 'Web> the Goyernm p ent • rm.. mum of nearly Meaty millets dollen per annum, Goveinment Contracts Awarde4 at kial2l72lore. [Troia, tbo Doltlgnore Amorlean, Sit, Th. CowinWary of Bolwiatenc• to this Depart• moot, cupt . 7b..6 - ,, 11. Sullivan, halt 00111 , 11111 following contracts: Comm.& Gardner, I D,anif TN muted and ground rya .114 OD, andlo,o l o Qv do do .1 04 11l to 100 fra; A. S. Coggaball,,sooo o 116 yelorw tafintd sogar at $l5 78,t0,0120 178 light yellow do at $lll 74, and 50,- am lb. do drat $l5 116 Slltti Ms; J B.F.:mud Cu., 80 ipo m. Naw Otloan• now at $l5 78 re 1001 M, and 3c6 bobs antra at $7 40 Ff brl; Istortel Uttar, MO toil .xtra gonr at $5 49, and 400:06ls impart.. do at 17 24; Gist J Wells. 320 brls extra flour al 147 50; Samna' Elder, and 60,970 bbl. extra doer at 57 60;7J. G. Ileidsnoar, 750 brill aalra dour al $7 40, and 750 -hrls do at 87,4 0 1 C. W. $1.g 1., 41X1 bol d antra &fir - at fff 49,300 bd. de at $7 47, ..d 400 blia anparfLes do .4,17 10; John Kato:trot 675 Ms antra Boar .1 17,49; and 500 bbl. do at $7 $0; G. C. 1144rJltitt. 500 bola antra flosr at $7 di, 270 bits do ar. $7 15,450 brit do at 87 X:, 650 brls do at 87 10, 124 bdbo de at $7 28, 270 kis superfine do at $7 to. and 380 igla at 17 05 11 brt. Toledo Market. . NAM= supply of Fins I. . ~Ilaht; them Is aped iirmand for it on part of retail • em, who atilt for being mottled u cheaper thutrOala or - Corn fordesodinsi. We gusts ...b. BY. jr W.475.4,1;0; Superfine, 4,23ur.,450; Mars, skim. karn Double rum acuy Fahey, 1145,10.7,25. •13 • b.I,InOMI COG. trio Min:KM. • Wheat—Holden - sure very Ikon and am miter 11l Uig to Yllrseept at a ntateilsl advance on finnan gnat.. thins; Ill,alX woo obtained this morning in; 4 onn bush, but titian am snaree at anything over 41,31. Therettlia ab. awls of 2,00 U bug. No 1 at terms not ' nude plain. Holden of . Amber Michigan, are arm trothltik, at about $l,lll. opr..-.Pire hoar of 1,9u0p0010 a.o changing hands t Ode. there is ea enquiry, bnyont o t bring sill. jag to Wrest until the effettot the whisky tax opon eillatillen is mom ssparant, The prospect now Is dui!. the wiaraat 5111 I . au* now fl atter the otsa, log 04 Ilia H.Y. Cansl and prices are established la market. Oste—Laid 41 :no, won there are ao bop ra at that ; ,,Eyest•Nemlits parley —arrive. 111. Oloter Seed—Tbe market la vita a .11,10. Ileartitarittiondeney Vale to spier 10) hushsl al VitiO• • f• " Imparts by RAIIPOdut. • Yr. %CAMS .502. C0W5,00 110111.110. selelr"Chll ._ Cb r fi t!itu "i 13 . 9 .b r my a (21; 14 Jr. briatal, ttoblion & ed. 11.0 Pe; bait That. 0 I, Poldreell,loo btria lour, Culp & ar1;311 buys, If &Jen& co; 373 ltidee,t3 kbuidugh een 80 Oble oil, AB Doubt 03 Sr blervinee, Er Wane% aka dry,opplee, aka 'Abner mot R 40101de; 1 est lay, I litnehountl ` o 14, ki Gormley; 23 -lo ify,ShosnaltedirLng; 5 50 de., W P ode& au 50:150 doVeßonaid Aelturklot , eer mud. WP. Bbbin; JAN par balk , meat, 1.2 rlegn grew, I' Soling WO ply load; Bakedelli Jt rteu 13 tUlord, Rarbiugh cce. 100 kitty flour, Nor- Ver.Conutdiy; 1 - der Sauer; Ilday &Cbdernaline bums', noutehtitoo -balley„. John Gaugrelcb. $5 by do, Dan frollaer; bbis 011, Ostritboy; {dors pitutetl, him 111 oarbesd; OR blare; El par. bough Aro; 14 br.Oullt.B A Fahneaterek & co; # .144 r miliplol4 . 4o igin;,l S. butter, Bea Et Bell: hkrit.B 33 l lip Praidenton ItnnAnaa, Zorn sorsdA 71 Yolkt 'too; S UDR busily', Wet • , &lib nix; Ido .Lahr, P Tongor&i7 Li WI wiper, Gkrdirer & Clark:4o.7*dd idei , Ed.. ..emb4 tun 10 hit, apples, Potter, Aiken & 4 / 4" t i = B 44 rifer,V r O : r? . X -Er .1 11 Satur ha. rkn n Wl ethirlab,BEvart co; 43 bxrebeeso, C ski oats, PS Woe, boy, Itingilare, Stutter& arar 120 !Alt MR gab; Ihrstira Coffin: 03 aka dot* illitort:ltcCreety-0.=••60 WIC Mb Bib; railer, ool," togs; 13 cub poitsb,„Beidepß. Peden A rod, Bl*gibrielta7o ll7 Web:- 3,i,. 0 - i i ,i i • x iiiij i t i;i tr , mareb4:4tt pi; Aix sia. ud o am, iklll4l, _,4 l _ lo6 KW,rnatimr. - I* 41 o; WA#44W..•movP cora. *wpm # 'secti , l eat Criattto , 71 , kse robot; 4.-11abion LIS Ws. l eant leu.dou WI, - Zasoly at that It fraltalstlll'ill:bbbr info, Mu' Vegiffogipipiimmiliz.7.,! MM== /.Irs UR.I.A^CE IY,caa \ . t. • fin. , ittr.,m • •Lt• v ttl^ • prn¢Aylvanin •••tri Leatio, • 11, insurance Co. of North America. : it pr...M.4 •t: t.; ; .-• und tb.. city. It I. al , ont : I - i Ewst Libr'rty. 'r l'Aupley •r• t , It •:?. • • yarda, sod wh. tl , • r. t , , ..rt to obtsixi h.ir amppli , Cnanrance Co of the State of Penna., ).,+,•,th.. ill" "'P ' " ' • b.ir t• rapl.l.; 11,7 •• •' • 11 Mb! , h D• r •O 1••••riy •• J• • A ,11 s• [stet- i I .nranc. , U. LiSTF-tt. GE=I I=l , rub! nutlet street. Laer-r0 mina. Hartford Fire Insurance Company.' 14 ()TEL SALE.—The 1.1 new Dotal In Ott Clt), k news de the 011E81MT 1.101:6K, la offered for o.k. The building is 11nans, ho net !root an 31.a11s street, and 40 feet deep, and ountains Pralor, !Mtn; re,m, one Illed•roece. !draw tooto or Dar-room or acore.ram, spaciont Id .11, D g garoorn end !rash room no tut' taw . ; twelve Addroom,. DirlibC,o4ll3l and Kitchen no the emend W. P. JONES, .4, , rea floor, and finished stile with b mama. The bouts to pabdtel sod plastered! in the Lest style. and is ballt fe27:4ly Dageley'. Delldtn.re, 87 Weler street. ons 'cod stone foundation, and hos cel.ler and fur- A_M ERICAN LIFE ISIURANCHCO. reng . em o e ci w earrme ISng hl he , W b e i lb ng n •eTBa notelennd • strong apri og of water wlthb Vt feet of the kltdedn. The h mod to well turtdieh, din modem style, At., sod w offered all berether. TO. gm , red V upwards :of tall an acre 0. extent Call aad examine the p-aou he.,or eAtlr 44 loll!: D 613ERIFF, 51,91 x 190 19. Al Oil City, or Pi sebtash, Pa. ALEX W DILLOIN, President. I (,w ELIA NO HOUSE FOR A WORE. p , t Work, Iffcceeett • Ce.,) T. P. Lisa or be,. to *crw IDS• , IL./ The ontacrlbor offers for the dwelling • • '""" "house la which be now lisle, tattered on loath At. "to 00. P"'"'" Le mine s rirs, Ward, Alleghe ny. The I- • la g 7 feel Ape (H front by 160 deep, runolag back to • ,wt allay. I It t•• two-started bract parasite .was .4 17 Ore NI 60 3 . cellar. The oat- wises an. • wool .44, amble, 6 „ ... 4 ,, coal hems, at. There Ina large ya.r.. durronnding Or the •It le prettoem no be p " : 1/ la I, A, r I —1)." dwelling, an - ea mith .." 4 . t. ... d "'fa , ,!,hare re rd gem sad water In . It the rooms of the dwell. • n to b. 3. BIiTAN. Pittsburgh Arent./ also offer for do s doelrablii Mbbiry residence 69 revrth growl. (lineke'e Building' log I s BI.W wW.. W . rwt o P , ...IX. Ps, sostsis - log twenty acme of ground. There is • new two. etorled frame dWolllng, containing Ks romat, on the property. Tstere A mhso s young urchard of all kinds of fruft. There lea goat barn. onstunds, At. It le about • voile from the Rochester Depot. Ifor turd Inquire of H. H. BOLTS, pea,tf South !nevus, A lieshery City. VALUABLE COAL PROPERTY FOR I SALL —Theddmilemed will eell at private I We, 172 ACI/613 O F IweL, lot OFJUUKIICAL with 6 ACRES Ur hURPACE., ee an °inlet to the river, located on the out book of the Ilettortgahela river, three mated below lionutigehela Oily, and orwo half mile above Llmetown This property affords a tars ctante for those tiataraq M m.t.. • goad 'need:mut, ae It Is out surtaseed I. weakly rd root or in !oral ice, as the furthest point doe. not ex Lewd xi of • roll, from the titer, ma the ma.: It • -,lleni for }lemma del lag birthed Inform& uu will please call on J. 8. MOlllO.BOll, Leg.. Nu. .11 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, where they can see a plot of the awl; wrest; tat P. J. 11•81)138.3, reading ao the pea. - WIN, who w 11 take yids.lo ogthe property. J. 8 GAI/Dlsla, fr. icIAsPDP:A. OF PLITL/111F.LPISIA (I ttr , tg pors • I 100.1 Author - le.-I 4 'avikaJ Paid np Assets. pHISNI X IN' 4 CF'.\ NCH CO Sarpino Jan lei, 1.44 'rho na I.rsiv.e.l has been app inted Agont of thb poplar and eatia , lo romp., and I. pr.; amt to 1 WI. on fa% orable torlnt. 8. 8. BRYAN, A n T PueRTH 8T RENT, (13caluil Belding.) jr3o..sro WESTERN INSURANCH COMPA NT jIP PITTSBURG'', 11. MILLIR, PT, PP.i.G.L GOILDOEI, ¬ary. Mo. No. St: Want street s epos* s oo.'. Worm t.otos, op main, Pantsuits. WM Moore smart ess Ate mod Marko , Bab, A Boom Nistintiaa sossaapest Dinetare use sostl 1111011101 is W sonmoolts, sad Ow on Mors mind, b.promotions mid ts&rallry, to matstaini Ammeter ssilitts they Lew amemai, at efere., the 6A osomaim ta tins asks desire so I. imam& A 010..• : R.Millar, Jr.. J wale. Medan'', dleitander Sprier, Nathaniel Dolman, Itaied M. Lou, Alex bilmlek. George Dante, Campbell B. Benue C. W. UletetmeA Beni. P. Bakeyrnll, John IL Wenn., U. GORDON. fixecLov..... 1:C - SU'RANCR COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. Ocoee, corner Markel and SAMUEL ERA, Feerettry. loam. Steasetoats and Cast... losttont agatturt lose and denote In the toseligatket •of the Ikrathera and Western 'Metes, Lakes and Bayous,and the starotatiou of the Sew rattly. airatort isms and datesoye by Am OIIt.CROZZ. Wm. Bagllay, 1 B. M. Hier, .114. Park, Jr., I John Mr... R. 0. Johan., Jamas X. Cowper, B. V. Juan, B. Flartmogb, Brew Gwen., J. Caldwell, Jr., nom S. X. now., Juba B. IXlworth, Barclay Peewee, W. A.Xerlaraa George Bingham,de_ pEOPJ,EB INSURANCE COMPANY, Office, N. F. corner Wood & Fifth fire. FILE AID MARINE 1381TRAJFCR. Janos D. Punter, Oapt. John L. Rhaaa.th Pazowil P. atu-Prgr, Gtorio P. Jona, O. Datum LOTS, ChWil• Arbeckle. Wm. PlaMlle, Ja►a N aM, Win. B. Ilk" John K. Parks, chutes &Dimon Wm. Von Hirt, EM=2l WIL F. CIARDIME, A LLEGHENY INSURANCE COM- A7l. PANT Or PITTS/MEWL— Me, ltw n vilth area, Bask Block. Imosnos Assiast all kis& at Tiro sad law+. Bala, ISAAC 3O S. Prvgidosd, JOHN P. IrCOlto, Via Presklod. n. * BOOK, iwer...". °apt. John D. MeOnt. Adam Jaoot ty D.D. Sterling, Il s aULrada, Capt. R C. Gray, Jolla Irwin, Jr., R. L. tanowtor.l 0.. 47t- . Wel. Dew, E. L.MeGnow, Robt. H. DsTill .PO - 1R REJr7'. HI.7tOR RENT—To mall famny, the ow-half of a beentlfel rechtaoce to Mount Troy, ow tail. from the Alleheny Marta% Maw, with atour sera a g roun d, all eorared .tth choke malt treat, evergreens, shrubbari, u. Aa eacellsat e.. 11 el' water, .d a largo doer° of soh ater. Cogaire A. R. H &SPEY, oe the premise. raltaf BALE--Two Wrought Iron OIL 1: MILS, almart now, with 101oppla Goose necks and Ooadinalng Plps en tba cooks and wan.. Ilona complato. Lbw, TWO MAX BOILERS. Lapin of HOMY M. BOLL Oornor of Pant alley nod Idnquezna atred. falttf 11114tEFINEKY FOR SALE, located "N, at Wellea* Obi*. on Mu Ohio near .e 4 0. r.ll. S. Capacity tarty barrels per erten; on be termed to decade the emraet .t ollsbt expense. fitoraire for bath Crude and /Waned 01.1 a. *Rh eery !mem Terme easy. mor Amber Infannallon balant P. 0. BOX an, Welberne. 0. • qoR SALE—Two Cast Iron BLAST .CTLINDLR2I, to wort porpondimiari7 I gall inch*. Manager. its feet Woke =Stable for aOw told furnace or Bollneryi WI complete and la goat order. Enottlie of 00LBIL&R, WLITKILYAN L CO., ihaktf. !Rotor, Kota oonntm..Pa. VOR SALE OR TO LET—A new L BRICK 11005111 a Last Liberty near tbo Yak toad D.pot, matilabas ton rooms, tralllialabed. hmeatioa even oa OA of Apra. Ingmar. of B. SCOTT, (Of the Brat of B. VAN 0 Cb..) rah' 1w No. 143 Lftorty stnet, Pittsbarolt. A HARE OPPOKTUNITY.—.A Book, cm. Biagio:wry awl Naar, hoatot fog as* ha th. Imatic.. 11-h Lag. alq.alid John;. Mao boilasm. To a pm= with 4043 t 24 .00 0 44. 1 1 1 1 . , . 111 b. " `,`;t"ngarr. MM. --- • its:soak. Hall, ►llth Meat. [JOUR& AND LOT FOR SALE, en Gliblve. Area, to to. Lela Wood rt. _ and reesaainth• haaaa. Apply ia brACIIIIIVLL Lttataio; 1.211ka Wt.. RI Gnat Mont. IntLibeage yIoCARGO'S MARBLE WORE I=l & b•ardidd Lad varied ...twat al SWALE MANTELS, Monuments and Grave Mae& er.AOl3lll reBD4 13951INDALII AND /UMW TOVia awanurra. BLedr URpit OUTLET 121.A.Vir AItWS. am Knopf ••••6•211.,y of hand • tarp mod' 1.11 tudoued,tor..k.ol 1M1L1730 BOAT AND 1307707 PLANULINDnWy /11A1112 saurs,A,tartice, stlll4ll ,1011• Tel, ROUTLVII. -LATII.I.2PII. a, It 64 man tir &map ,OVA* Fruk ecosapEolo sad al, Wrists& B. Pm•••• mating LONG TII BIllor...ror• WI aro part.l•lllaryArk•luds••ll3s.the stmk. NIMBI*" as 014 mad. rim Bobbins. RAGS! BAGS! BAGS!. tow and acood-hsed Seamless, Burlap it - Camay Bum noes AND SALT-HACK AIL slue, printed to 'Flo,. by Jones T. HAILICir & CO, t47:',11v, ' N 0.119 North hear st.. Ehlbdelphli - - 111"110Lt3TERING.—Etaiia il Lurabar. .d large dock at voile kr lam sag p, enat tarsal= st. extreme; AraTalla TiEDS; Thar• ur no . TEr.AI3BO ; gnat. miety of SHAD T—Lra. n.oon. WS CLOTHS CAUPELSi +MD 4111FOOTZ118 MAW.* Gessacion" Ma 71/138,1S bad wilt :mod orde:34llail6lo , l lo ,._,__ - • Homo No. 112 T MEAL sisaarr,Jur,_ . - ...all AN KlUbtiormi- Abi3OINSINN cm= AND . tail= PAM espaza rtv-si ossixiarrset•atitetkr =ID odors lin at 110,, WOO= *ma Om IrAig.l• se• MO O% 7ileir•o l o4 Ms.& pfteplit glimidlll6" • • • FOR SALE-FOR Rk.rr. T A • I -Fr . • -. • a - , h.. n.• La , /ni wd Jnt.tp, 4. wn3 rang, holy lea .1- , Fry F. az grZ , CO 01 191,11! II FOR SALE—SSOILILILSN RFIIIDVICH Fos SA hare tor sale owe of the En.t deetra. hie locatloai Air a .110111‘ IR THY COUNTRY, ow to the mobs; situate at Sewickley, coutaln• tar slots two and one.tslr acres of ground, on which to erected a modern Ds...aline, not vitt* ta bbed, containing g•Vea retoins; also, EtsoLe sad other outnOnsts ; Ciao Trots, Shrubbery, So. The property ho. Wrenn the railroad and the river, with the boil binding to the holghborhood, and a prod toed lending to it, sad about Eve minutes wait to either Sewickley or Osborn Statbris. For further particulara ripely to ILIOMINToN A. BEII !IN, Odium, 140.114 Stith street, near Groot ; Or en the premises, of JANES CALI3OOII. LAND IN PITT TOWNSHIP FOR BALL—Tire Acres and Forty Perches of Land, Mutate in Pitt township. near Mitternille, adjoining land. of Willie Booth nod others, and but a short &rhinos from the Passenger Ballroadses .Iticit a TWO-STORIED FRS= HOUSE, with four apartments; a fine wall near the door. Grapes and shrubbery beautify the premiere. There is alm a toting bearing Ord:tars el Apples, Peaches and other fruits. Than tealso a quantity of good Black Coal under IL 7he property lea portlos of the late Stephen Wiley . . state. for farther particular., and terme apply to D D. BRUCE, Iraq., Ott Grant street ; Or, THOI. EARIsOW. • sib7Ow VOR SALK—A Beautiful Beildence in L nharpaburg, Mingled On Main otrees. The hens. mate. seven rooms and, linishrd attic. A well of good water and on excellent deem at Um door, with pump In each. The tot lan feet g Inches Root and MO het deep. So a street. There la Snit, flowers mad Shrubbery in abundant's. Perouse de al..ons of purchaalog a beautiful reoldance, cannot End a more plessaat use to this vicinity. • Enquire of the Uglily of the antacriber, on the premiums, or Y. C. LSOrIS, of the firma Lavin, Dal fell I Co., at their mill In Shasyeburs. toh9:94vedSts H. U. Linflft. - FSIRABLE PROPERTY tois SALE D —Tbrowotory Brick House .d Lot— of 233 by 170 tect—fronting on Wen Common .d napin tore., and conning bast to Banton allsy. The boom contsdns ten room., including bath room and %lichen, with a good senor and ceasont boo. A good aaaaa to the kitchen, with hot and cold water lo the bath room. Gast. And /noble back. The hot. to In lost rate Mar. Pound. on it.. hat dar of April. for toms apply to JOUR HAWORTH, On He promhms, 166 ghanapto street. West Oonation, Anglo.) Oily. _ OIL REFINERY FOR SALE, at Par kersbxrg, West Virginia, known as the "I{a. nallbe Oil &album'," Jun erected and in ranapiet• running War capacity ono bundirsd and My bar , r week, and ran be enlarged to sarsztana Situated matigueue toNanawha deer and N. W. Y. a. IL, with an abundant supply of spring water la. dependent of river. A. better chance ter istrestire at has never been tarred to those who wish to alma In the buebseam. Addreee W. A. CILLISCYLLOB, whiklOt -Parkersburg, W.Va. _ _ rPHRRE COTTAGE ROUSES 808 1 GAUL ingilin no Rm..o nthlfl. (NOW. Lana,) Becnnd Ward, Allreinw. on the line of Han chanter Panonnime BAllwny, snarly oppnalta RD. ml• 4.nne of Ban. LOA& Elestb. Also, • OHOICII CORTI= LOT, OWEAP .yarn. log atom &tante on the corner of bet ovum. and !was one bl /9 0 X Amp. Tts• local= bi ens of Lto mon deniable in the clq. Tama fay. Apply to W. CARBON, 21. 48 Ohio stmt. oppnite the Mayor's Oillne, AllnAtOr. STEAM SAW MILL FOR -SALE-- Eilinfiled on the bunk of tba Ohio fiver, 12 milts fro= the cliban aba Borough of Beulah). Tba MU ban tvoacreant laud with it. to an good run ning cadge, engsbla .at eating disbar - 4 , teas In Imo. and adanfralfigaxamarnotad kr barge bail& Ins porpoom For tutelar partionlais adliana BARBA & bitglAlS Dahlia Box R. fistwlcklayailla R. SALE OR LEASE,-A:TRACT. 01 - 01111,u 111Instiiith 'township - , Atieglinay eoutithha s nltuatost la Tool 11a..11,, osiatalalag about .16 arm, salts • acre. of mist* at the :inn with I d . taut:Mita tins Morro= and tn. lilt eats. - a small latistaat. to the ground coadltioa of lbw to eons Imam, tbA Dealatoald be noslool anconafallli TR partlealars tannins at 166 Toatth stmt. talaslm 4.11. TOWEL Zeal Edisto /on't. Dos SALE—Twentyinven Acree of 1: Lucas ptut et gba Lorenz him. coirinsandbigli; Um eine or Pittsburgh sad vicinity. ,luebosil otto eine from latieelisru Lauding. Thertirre on ties ptembore votesilltui trait teem and ♦ DesstrAiling wing of eicellsht inter. Will be *old together, or divided to ma varaiman. Persons ..iseirtng -a aiinury mildew" will pleas full on '• • I Pi. ALLEN LOP.= No. SI Water street "DOR li&Myinniioire - -true PUPPET, VA V* 110 - lach 441ma.r.,a 11.0 *Wu la adadrabla 41101:tplcm: or. without 'Kan Pan aft, n 7 Woad, flaalpetZlante PtilaN ap. " TWA Is wall; liatiptai/br aosay Oat krpodll pa al/Winxa O.lt sad soy. TEIOB.-ABBIIOELN 4k Allkalkow 43117. Poll.9AlA—.That dedrable property um Darragh of Mar r, *tithe emir r - Lamar asset rad' Du Mr err pal known I. Iba Aliverireei or Aelelea is reeled ft modern efileirlde Drell Dome, cre ens Hee* MANG, larThiceee. hr . Ifez.tretbor pettlplaxe ..qth. of • A. D. 8311TL1,. . „ etrlnba 0.84 PlUsbalth... EIOR WINT--Two Rooms for Moos, ti 142,10171/111 BT.: tour Enthhestd.i Toot Bams - t• Na -1 tti UttILD 1,111.11317, tutits *ho, to:. • ti ' nt: at .7 mta,_.ltACl•li'l .L 074 to 111•4gtztttylaretr-iitiO•rus 15, itlar. and ttly meets. - • • WL lc DARLINGTON.' *Uktt SiTtflikattattot•Otals• sax;ri - viiiiilro - tuph.ecintibi lbw ~.....„sltuato thi e r omor of Samoa tad - X.I.W Woks 'th thi'Botoctif - ktanttitutr, Ito Lot ItTtlitallltialtytil Dot Una. dui, umatp.ll-1•11011MMIMPZIP ab , 96; .11ottor stmt. Monthtetorot st.tho .... *ciao 'aitraibarolllllo.stovgaijp; . .7106ZPILIIIIMMAZ. a 1 - :I: •I` • : AR: p. p . 41 altuatadSallhalabLaT Athib.l l l7 , AMA; Mir tho. Ith b o b 7 / 03 a . : .‘ say leagag f.3.11,1111i0 . Min. intuit a loam; • as all sompessa . Tanks for 01940 . 1,10 Only and en le eceileteletintOrg.e:' Pita " Unpin stllllo3lo=9ltl ctn ar of Mad mat pOR V. 146 04: Aaniilleadiesdi !IV* tovisdape. inerleada.P.ase Pero ee3l,ll7oeeetuet.dla-; tame ago Pen , .• ' - Taws • Inman - • Lad j • .55. areeletiert.;._ OTION- , FLAT! BOATS PR SA Lit tug 1d193•994191, Mr, Angle** riFbast, ADDS arimall,4lll sat 14,11.T.9041=11 917 • ili t in = •Tken===itirlte sos ,,i secordLlkt i riw." ' — .lll ILLES. IS- '. • mbittf itleglasay sutra . IV. . . 016 litALE.;—Thst - -tin:kb:try , BRICK iN innaLlitiVilatabol 4a -tart It ybi iiairite 1 ciondstivabei.apatikron:lbCarlet A Dortos • artist IBLI OliPalbee 0 0 71: 13 .40:fratc-cout•he Insight =Es snliabled wret...:Cui aluird'si • Starlt!at ,' :-= f• - '.. , -0171.1 ilibtrillitly zi11i..a.,-.. , :i 1 1:,..1 ~e, .- •,- , Atelildat PiitAtlVF: 4o o - LiAti 0....=. 7 5; n 4 , 1 ItihrtaalliltOß MAI* Mil. SFr ?. 120 Its; go Tooth Wild. plropo -..). riclrus.it, Pl^• ETE, COITLCS, Nr.1,11,0 Pert, Deeember 8, 1:403. °•-•ne , r , rl n2the under-trawl h otsepi S. ylsert...maaatr's Derartla.t. ~von,L. i, ,LasKirts • •••• •.. .er of tie,. 'scot, 11,Y . s h • ' • • 11• rtn•r, and or. rt,. a. yrbich of :•—rw named tT.E• TI.•I 1 , 4 , •^‘ makr 3.1 • •.Ata ti. [rule n lITe • •ITO , " ••. qua.. my .I..erh .:E. • • • time Cifffi= co-nph, TL rlco wl.3v. •r I Packet, 0f.. , 1.11.11<q• (a 4 ~ s,l 4, of ikb...rta *Lt. ' • furnished without ..- trw xe, th. '` T. n.O •at. 4.1 w 1....,tur1y TO , pan 'star kI mi or thacription of oats, COl.l, hay, or popseot to to deltverod, mast be staisel in thy proyosalm. All ii.. rat o offend ender the bids herein la vited will le thi,ert to • rig id Inspection by the so...eminent 1 topecter, berorebeing ecocpbed. .ntracts will le awarded from time to thee to the lowest nesponslble bidder, u the interest of the Ilee• ernmeet may mini re, aol payment will be toed. when the whole amount contracted for shall ha.. been dellemed and tempted. The bidder will be required to accompany hie pro. penal with a gusormiy, signed by two reeponsible Forams, 'hat in caw Us bid I. ric.pted hem they will, with. ten days thereafter, execute this contract for the same, with good and sultelent mired., to is nun equal she amount of the contract, to &Deer the fortiße prop...! In enuformity with the terms of this advertisement; thd Inca. the raid tdditeethenld Rd to enter litho the contract, they to mate goal this difference between the offer of acid bidder and the next lowest responsible hidcler,cr, the parson to whom the contract may be awarded. The responsibility of the igimnintors Intmtbe shown by the of certificate of a U. B. Dittlict. Au:army, cotkccor of Customs, or any other officer other the Milted Star. Government, CT I Decerleible paw* known to 'hie office. All bidders will be duly notiffsd of the acceptance or reiectiou of their proposal. Tbetoll name sod P. D. addrees of each bidder mum be legibly written in thalweg:eel. Propo.le must be add... Drtitmller 0c".. 1 D. Li. RUCKER, Chief Depot Quartermaster. Werth begton, D. C., and should he plainly If:Larked "Prop, mh for Forage." Bond; to • tom equal to tffe amount of the the tract, shined by the contractor and both of hie pa actors, .111 Le required of the thiccinufal lald i.e bidden upon slitting the contract. llbuth forms of bids gentratted, thd bends, smy M ohmiced u. epplicatbm this 0010 a TOlthi 0.9 . PROPOSAL. (Sown. Conott auldtate,) 1, the mbehrlber, do hereby propme to fhnlialt mad delver to tho Unttod Stat., as the Qoartarrotattet Iwpartment u , agreeably to the 4rens of To. advertisement. Inviting proposal* tot Liar. dated Washlogtun Depot. Loortaber 4 1863 , the toy. lowiog articles, Motels of Corn, In ateks,ai per bushel. of 54 poundt. bothelaof Oari,tn ado, at re hailmi. of 32 ponada. --- tom of baled Bay, at -- per tan, of; poonda. —tons ofhtraw, at—pr trot, ord,MX I PMWM. Dollvtry to omustenot on or befors of 1185-, and tale ocesdoletml ott or bans dm— day 0t—,184-,, and phdira harsh to arm MO • watt= contract with the Bulled Wham, With rood and approved' terruitlet, within the wrote rah daye alter being notified that my bid tat barn mobrol. Your obedient servant, Brigadier General D. a. Rocxxx, Chief DepotQuartermader, s .. uhlarten. D. O. OVABANTY. We, the undersigoost, residence of , In the comity of —.and btate of hereby, jointly aid ...orally, remnant with Us; United ?hates, and snarantec, in case the Ebregoa . bid of aceeyted, that be or they within ten day. after the acceptance of =rabid:in. cute l„be contract for the same with good and stactent sureties, in • mon equal to the amount of the contract, to flaralsh the forage prosposed in contrormlty to the terms of advertisement dated December 7, WA tmder which the bid was made, and, to rase the eald .hall tali to enter Imo • contract on arenweld, cams wee to make good the difference betureen,Lhe offer by the seld and the next lowest responefble bidder, or the pence to whom the matruct mr De awarded. j Clem under our halide andeeels • /. thin —day 0f—,138-. • I hemby-restify that, to the best of my: and belief, the above named guarantors ere goodend mmotoot es suzette. for the amount far which they , . abate be eecurlty. " • To be certified Dr the rutted States District Attor ney, Collector of Customs, or any other officer wader the United States Government, or responlble per.= lemmrtt to this aka. en proposals received under this adverbintsertt gill be orened and asamined at this odic, corWITD NTIEWAY and &ATI:MOAT of inch week, at 12 al. Diddars are are the loainz of bids, U they dcairs. D. H. RIIOPra, Brig. Gan. and PROPOSALS ROPOSALS FOR FLOUR—Sig/Rd Proposals are invited till Ilse 1910 1111dTdIfT, at 12 o'clock AL, for fornithing the Bulsiebnew De partment with TVA THOUSAND (10,000) BAER= Of ?LODE. Did. will he rx tcwirectfor what It known es'. ko. I, Er. 2, and lie. 3 and for any portion lees than the 10,000 buret.. Alto for 105 butes of Plo. I Faintly ri.r. • Bide mast be In duplicate, and fOr Rage on mOrateelmets of paper. The &limy of the floor to be Comminced wftitt. fin days AVM the opening or the biditotond to rich • quantities, daily, .. the Government zasf dit9et, 4.• limed either at the Government. wanhotwe I. Georgetown, at the wharves, or at Doi railined . delmt, Weehlngtori, D. C. The delivery of all Menu awarded to be nompletad within twenty days from the opening of the bide. Payment will be -made hreertificates of Indebted mea,or mat other funds utheGoveriatund amylase for disbursement. n. usual Gonitainent invention era be nisoleijort before the, door to received, lead EOM Win be IliXll,l - which to not fresh ground. • An ceith of allegiancedneol seentoperry tb. bid of each bidder, who lea sot tbe none on &A in thle odice, and no bid wild be entertelted pestbe who have pnirloosly failed to man* vilth "Their bide, or from bidders not meant tie respond. - ... Government reserve@ die right to Nett sn i bid . tor way came. - . Bldg to be esidnenied to Cho underelDfed, ea Do. 3DS G greed, Weahington, D, 0., endorseiViliropo lab for Sloan.?.. D. 0. GTtitirr, • Captain and°. 0.7± . • Captain Washington, D. 0.. March Oh, ISM g Dania baorosAM rue. IsYrUblthulig 3.. COAIB. 3ealed Prepoubi 'to Mend at the office of (li. .Phfladolpols G. WoYkr, -No. to Sou t th Betenth ; sta., until war. of IBIDIX. INd e.AFII ldit, for anrollhof the fibril , ar of•SaGIiTY THOMANN TONS Olf. DECOY Yid COALS, ratable La the minifacbui,Cf. Liturolna. Vag Oss. go to dithered On Ugly rettrond t.n.g of the Oat Work., at dm Vast Ward sad-NUM Ward Storions. In the folleohng mantas quantlllif @lea then.. to. to sorb or the months of.4bwr, October, Noreosher,Deountor, and an ist. tots In each alb* 3 . 10/. Anna. NU, and Jwinary, Ittb x , yoft u.yosasd , . Tha cads mot be Winfred; Preslo .4 of • ginslttp approved bY the Inglnevr of the NielTfobs, ;gal to tho entrrpia on •sehinktbs: conk& b The inc . tes dteetttia'itiftrittlet ' y otebl. bairdvt . UP , bt,lltptaitil4 Ctok tli[3oolll loll and name of the mho nap. Irma ',bah lbw are to bombed. If thergas attired not tionCor,tsaintly Otakat. tbs. Worbe;' gadoPiga *ft trial&ftet-lal than Sititons, must be foamed thoWoyith„ on or biSong throb Of Mel „ Tao gran ton of 2210PonediaLli - badtrOWWO tha gralsit latanAed -air propoithbb , noise tba contrary be expresafy salad: g'• :3 'e Tfltano Mr! , :ea tidlit .. 00 0 - dp 7 Lefvz pool •In Thal* or In pat, or .to May deem bat by the intends ethe Tn.; and In the missal What at V. pima ahfrantractre to deem the , twat socerati to hit agrian.r..hoth ft quadultp and,onalltp, tho•Trodtgage Maio tha right to oat dam., abraerar•spouatty , nolS nabbed no meet the dedolency,ond chow ta contract. Ens lors yr "arose' artestipanlonch fatdnYlstaggullt ba nambi muddy; IntencaNlS In. anshaenti at boa and sin htnahe-tatttebt Wallo 2 - periods of dellvors, tho LOW of tech months beton L.A... the mono of iloitornathly ASUrafer; Oa as the option of the Trvittee will 'he arias' at tut. data 'Waived' laterrot eft' , g , Shinatt anstractors probe to make datintsitatiallar then fnlbfLf“ itA h tarotyesdea.f r as. they an to mater IC skagoVlnctl•pe•yr.odi Is inadelo do.ftrat Ome npaclnpttn • Pecan, 1.1. ttilliTayent or ceirNiletlYSl be rt. Outogdo end Nab 4101. 11 1 mat: Lbasanonat and ...hag of oggarrib Vag mllt saurad. ..19ZIN 0: Canaoii: fo=laeld . Lashooor.la.gCkdoL FROPOW4 — f - 01; • WAR 011,11TICSISCII, :wee eSChlet gasetennientero lAtabtegtneD,C..,llsedulltlyTh64.) intalrd Propceslierli s eexeeetelel - st.tbis OffICII tlll2 (Mock m » on 7 tpAr. arsich: 'Wink ter terndebing tbs tuitetterand the ereetkei er5727,1.11 H/L 7l / 4 ettat tee leennory marldeery. (innonspankel .br pins* sad itposninefisee.)Xxtbn Wrenn( 10. 7 - tug, meninx, anteirresedelneXin7tinetetaCialinu tumbled the eettlel.lteenninEClnanye; D. l l, wild inanelent twenty to sapplxten penmen Xerxes. lb* lellowfax Beal o - I`taineelnint Wes sppnlet. ea, toed= ell ph:OlM epicinnifionntaini pews etierttneteibennilLeelll , Wentenitillit ,L Awnsst OXicki.xentry. Came) Ck ra.vizsa Lteatinunt 47:70:47.2ne1 ixdo Quart., luster, Cavalry 5.2.1 71tiplwirlindemlent eget inniteiny, pad aka ifttitia!!be. imectA r!. WPM"' prouti4gode Lorellatta.: ,^ vowelwyl be ennel7eked nalterxerenabluin4 tiller via; et - anekteineit; inseeLveiellkimittcen • strenli lidrenl te4231 Dam:net isgeriellallidxftbe patios assi 1b5tr,57.177,1 to, faindelly. extents the pei leads nbxriweltee6nll .Tlnpla GleslMlpO t. set,is eoaielexbe I•plocdrialVthnedL.lllbeAr Ito Steen= elitism.= .1 :Si in4TMegle i rseed S 7 M0U74 11 .Atnt :St ,7 . 4 AM'S -feeneedee. 1 31 1 1 4 1 00 7 enidnik7: Xity ittlargestknriddlwyr*sur gtens, xersonnify et. %Me heOplft - liniw . 7x11.1 3 / I ..a7.lNnPunst.Mekna. nnla2t4:3 is .4-_ , f-Rient 14..Caraltraiarame. (10113D31 - ollePANlElic'iTvall , sites. .ot'akYJatl Lr3 Z= 9 - ,YLIr" It ' a ; •_ . groitirteoloo tx. — T. l ___ 1.11 wet erstiststod. me the 041iaille::5116, ' 1 liatlON 4:YltlCMlttlheedir,'Alf: o. 2 ltat .Itdthei llalikshee Chow - , ,teeee '•, —z- , u".4..T.:11%1 >4. 04.4400. TIONCAN, - - : : :4. , •'' 4 F-'40.53 ,1 1:114'1it 2:4 , ' 111103avtetWear bai=ite-lcaktialitalled mai cn . . 0 , , - *A m ; teatiamenftaam - - *mita Tilt var mt-,,,,,, - - - nt ti ,, : -: tAisuiliolaitiol , ~ Au, ;ct - - mbll.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers