.~~~^ f ~~ AYZ :4 17, 1884 i: 0117 AND SUBURBAN: l'zcialYesterday'aEvening Gazette. lag littabltrgh, Fort Wayne and Chien* • Ballway—Meatlng of the' . 11 P 2 1 4 4. 101 . 6 - • , - 12 2 . 720'4aitti4tiiiii'or the stockholders of Wain* and Chicago Hall way was Uhl on Wednesday, March 16th. The steekkalders mat at the office of the company, on Fifth street, and orenised by appointing Ron. Robert Moltnigla as Chair LW, and W. H. Barnes, Eq., Begetary. Immediately after organizing, the meeting ...nejonnweil to lbe Boucle! Trade ROOMS, Fifth , :Enid; Mt. Larwell offered the following resou tion.: 12...0ferd, net toe poll. for the election of Direc t," p e o w= et the pout Cle, of the compony. at ormeoleer. Ind 'kept opm innif four o'clock to the •fterueon today, and that the voting shall be by tellet e.t.a, That the Inspectors as soon as the votes an counted shall Make eerrition return thereof, and Le the MID* mite the Secntary of the Ccuparty. . • OlMMiadi'lltat tireSeentary o' the Company shell, M icon se he =Mom the return. of the election, no tify to whin the perm= oho =t boon slanted Directers, to meet pt the iMin of the conpany At tea . COOkrk la the torancom, to-os mem, add organic,. The resolutions were adopted. Gan. Geo. W. Casa. Proeldent of the Com pany, then remitted him annual report, which woe read by the Booretary. From the report, which is quite reams:dhoti., we elk. the following euraets: The grom earl:dap foe the year mere— lront Peamongers...— 11.142,409 00 • Tnigbt —....—. 3,341,0.1316 Neil__ rape. Companta..—.... 33,063 73 Cleveland a eittsbargn R. R. C 0... 0.000 00 - Betts.- - 1!,415 31 m Mhoellansono bourne -- 14,191 04 Total. 74 The traneporcetion expenses for the year Inn Oontlxtizir traz.P o *(m lo .---- Kotive Povrr-- • ...... WI SoS,Ut tr Gummi Ispeasce... 2.17,15.3 DS Teter--_.__. —.31,024,310 fa Net eamieri.--.-.i......523ce,6."1 Is Till malt makes the operating exopenees for the year 59 per cant. of the elwritigt - For the year 3553 the operating expanse's 5 0 per cent. of the earnings, showing as increased lir montage of tbe.past impo 1863,s trea ties rasa than 20 per cent., wh s i er le the increase -b the Most of labor and suipffes has lae.n more than 39 par cent. Toutyear the amorist paid for taxes Vat not charged as part of the operating 'expense's, while this year they are includedin the "general expense," and con stitute mare than the half of that item. Deducting taxes, the oramiting expanse, wom 54% per cant. of the owning& The 6.res fortho year(axalaidve of amount deducted from inter est on bond s and paid to the 15.8-Com re Wiener of revenue) is equal to a dividend of one and three quarters per cent. on the cal.ital stuck, er Oral tits per ant. of o rieper tont. disool - tooftelers. Tina large percentage is to consequenoe of the mall capital irtnk of the oompany, but, at the mime time, it L be llowed the tam paid by tee. company are larger In proportion than are paid en any other property, by other corporations enplop ing capital differently. The tets3 expenditures daring the pear, en mitruetion and for eilditionel equipments, were $1,517,162.25. This is a very large expenditure oat of 'income" for the perm.. neat extension wed improvement of the pro perty, which should be paid for by ?Lima c.. 41. tal. It is • turn equal to 29% per cant of the of the railway, end equal to a dint. =l . 2335 per sent en the authorised stock capital of the company. Gros er.rsinp for year... Irma 0. t P. Ballread—. Tots! Incotr.a...—. rapeodftsine for opor•t:vs-•--. Chnutiactton and equ:pmemt.-.—...-. 1,617,1 M 1 --- tie Total expenditures.. .-43,303,021. Thle &telt will be farther lammed by the Inmost of intermit (about 507,000) to be paid_ 1021.1 Ist, prozinio, ee the outstanding third mortgage bandi,init of enrpitie earnings of _ _ therm ry. Thu ve greatprearare of business • • :apart the railway, demluid.Wg Increased &ail ,lthee end the extraordinary advance in prices ~ of sedkral z, g ordain" of railway supply, bsite,eseasod an egress of expenditure' over " Loonier, Wham stated. This atom has boon "Snide keit to the "Income Account" by the Porebasing Committee, out of emits in their , liands,ao that the whole of the income of 1804 is subteen. to future appropriation. e" - year there have been added to the equipment, 07 new locomotives, 004 bur than earl, andll now passenger coaches of the most approved pattern and style—air of ttee are iron. ' The side tracks for passing ins blies been IW:reseed 13 miles in length; and new' tracks at engine house', shops, eta, have been laid down to the extent of 14, Irillesi—making :7 tulles more of track. A great many new buildings, statione, eta., have bean eseetal along as line. Permanent bridg es and: diverts here bees substituted for and dewing trestle work- -In has been decided by the Bowl to continue, during 1864, aspandituree for ootuttruction and •'equipment, to the extent - of an outlay of about $1,913,000, if practicable to do so with stmeartalile economy, Forty-three new loco motives at& oast -af 1634,000, and nine new ' lpastengefoOfebes, ft a end of V i 1,500, hare alriadt'beatir, toittrieted I.n Lt.'s also d fr . Mimed 10..r.eilhartiol , a double traor-berwmin Leetsdale and Rochester (10 stifles) ion cent of $122,0011. - Extendoriorsidetricks,ll23o,ooo. perm . tosndratt' ffelath hul i ; to be - built la eompeefil stop; , —2hrteesey.td pay for this work and equip *ant Is to be derived from the earnings of the railwiy,eind bps Nan or adman Them JIM ".Parehtsidig Conti:4ll.o; to the extant of $500,000,1( so much shell br noeessary, out of earplug ot asset, now.inibo baba. of the 130madttea. , ;11 the retrommentiatfone made In tiabdittnent part of this }rotor* are lalfile sod the wasp will be tievitadeo Sditeroal, objerd: , „ . , AweiSame „of $6,000,000 is estimated fat this fief,' from the operations of the road, and wittible *twitted to yield $=,00.0,000 ep plieabbi to interest, and the work appropri ated fat; se above alluded to. Tn widereneeto the eentrnot with the Cleve land and 114".rintrth 11.41:044,:the preedent. ' slyei "Tkili•pigialoni of both roadsharebeen eutild! ,Mitiro-harroony,un.ter the igrammakiaraha great advantage of each, to tatesealerdneome and reducing expenses -- and mittgailifg grOutky, to the officers tea ikeey:iireet• lona ,Isteldent to railroad ' repidigament. During the, nine months of last yew that dui contrast Ina in operation, this oompadr wee entitled to 00.042 33 of dietitians of. the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Itieugrati gkaapany —a ram equal to $120,054 44 ?NZ 3IATZII:I•I4.r.T 11ATL1OAD Thy report then spathe:sr the New Castle and Beaver Valley Railroad, end says : "Pas aingsairsias Acre now roe estets trey; morning anderissing, between Pittsburgh and Now Oattheiter:Msainter of liftfrollee; of • tildoh. I thirg,47.•MitstAligh lildeaLersriiijaza Ster, the ra il way of OM assapanys uldo.avoier -wet idulosattrathi, Qs short Echo! On author NincesaUe will be eoicybsted ism st eentinuonsltne by mete. df the - lA. end Pittebnrah IL-iiroadjtani Pittebargh to Iris, by:- way of Lienseassid and New Castle. Tkierszto epees to Pittsburgh by nil, snubs berisc_eanntios of Pennagirinla and Ohio, fromtha Otte - Over to Lake Erie. These isonnUes areas rich in egrimilliriel yrads:eta I sad mineral sesonroes, as any:volinty iy tae . IStats; ‘Tatittaaio of the liners, thorefore eanitatillla TOn large, whietLartiLteruitan taunting nuktatialiy • the Widnes! of: thy: ' cernpeny tart of fisessotom! • • UT amnia mcuzie. r A podsiet is i ricer saming the attention at fikominast • testereated,. - . and oho "aro) able .to Oanitassinats - thotrndertakhg, to build is road. 11;aat EssrlYfurthr to Franklin a. :Esteem of ma adlesi OYU . II; TO, agi rode as to Mus..iind OW, and .through _ the . best 0:161 - of Iscrrease ant Ideutoroosintbse; Ohio link of 40 zonal ciaddetod,ore . shall herr a galtratd,linegrout Pith:burgh 011 Nay xibvirPgrillu leeath, bains, ee fsgsgieued...: the shadast and tad saute, and *tracer built to this wondarfal region. ..gyp rlok 411111;;$4,1eslit .3110 401, Raton, . 4 .:091.01410,. • .w.loa. Da, boinida sica:A Werth t Is certainly e?* ape* *Eon on thepartvithir eLtisette ofrittebmOirs'l44 to ae stunt tAkit., dap brae ItieT,W*4.l4. croistaivik,' , of 1 road Trani caithL Li Itaakni; lined° -oisamaisa 11.Amworthy o r f actrfficuudenstion„ - en the putt of trill rinaote .14.1411 g Otis.Ot,talr4 411iliatumm: . ,1111uPleiti-then readirto ths:Allantioand ersati:Western- ',Railway, which crones thli p ge aiitayzdtid.. ntrruldinitsyt: , -.Wo hale gochits,** . if 440 tat.huttio Lgoms tioa-sii , tl i tplier ibatlOMPUtri, • tcl• ad* mks arit reek irtdi 1.0 hies gcc ls • Ckiri.c. aat; thi'll*Sataf their mad in trirried on the You IVeyna and Chita& Railway, between Valparaiso and Mono, kerEtinates on the let of July pep, aud will untimoutawad, becaai parties cnn trolling. the awl corporations that own the rtaffsbastarien Valparaiso and Richmond, Lad , haro got np a scheme.for a new corporation to build an independent line into Chicago. In reference to the Pittsborgh and Connells rills the report sap: "So far no is known to your Board, the prospects of this read are not more promising, ii as much .o, em at your Insiasaintingi The different stock holder interests de not seem to be in har mony; and until thee. differences are recon ciled. no Progress can be made In building that rasa." usCaltall Of TEM O•FITLL STOCt. _ . The report then diranstios the importance of an increase of the capital 'took of the com paay. The earnings have always been end are even eche limited, by reason of an in nazism:7 of capital to complete and equip the railway te the standard its commending geographical position demands. On comparing the annual increase cf e•rn inp with theincrease of capital invested, it appears litat t irOm 1857 to 1853, inclusive, the earning' have increased 209 per cent., while the capital hat increased but 31.68 per cent- During three , years of this period, there ow a large smoelat of capital unproductive, as the railroad had not yet been Opened for use .s_o_ollieago. Commencing with the period of the completion of the railroad to Chicago, (Jan. Ist, 1859.) we find that, from that date to the 31.1 of December last, a period of Ore years, the earnings have increased 168 per cent., and the increase of capital has been but 19 per coat. The fact is thus presented, that the cut:lnt Income of the railway is not sufficient (ht. though it has increased beyond the aoticipa- Oen of the most sanguine) to complete the railway and equip it as fast se sound policy dictates, and therefore some new scheme must be devi.ed. After much ooneideration of the question, the Baud has decided to recommend, es the heat plan of obtaining the reinlaite autos:me of money for the purpose, an inereaas of the capital stook to an extent necessary to the object, but within the secured ability of the railway to earn and pay full dividends on suck increase of capital stook. With the assent of the parties In interest it Se proposed at once to increase the cepital $3,500,000, which, with present rapt tai, will make $10,000,000, and to expend the same alt soon as practicable on the road and equipments. The property, when properly improved, will be capable of earning, at the present rates of tratlia, $8,800,000 per =cum, sand with snots a business oace uyon the line the earning. would hardlytell belt, w 56,000,000 per ennuis* to periods of commercial revultion and depression ef I:witless ; but should they fall helots $5,000,1100,411 the deman de upon the 'tteritsurY Could lus met, and n regular dividend sttilkbe paid on. the whole capitol stack. There to no leading road in the c.‘untry whiob has so send • fotualation for an increase of eapl tat swilts ar.thrsnce of dividends. The President then enters somewhat elab orately into a discussion of the facts hero stated, to prove the importer-ft and advanta ge; of an incr.ee of onpital. The report :hen says t "It being. then. the Intermit of loth hot.: and stockholders to as sent: to an Increase in the capital steel-, we have ovary reason to expect your honorable action and assent." MEI The report then alludes to the appointment of Jehn B. Jervis, Ran ,aa Chief Engineer, end J. S. McCullough, Esq., ao Genera! Superin tendent, and compliments these officers highly upon their energy, judgment, and experience. The report coneludes thus t "The Board with phuntztre bear testimony to the capeolty, real and fidelity evinced daring the year, in the dis . ohirge of their respective duties, of the princtipal officers of the railway." On motion of Mr. Larval!, the report was accepted and adopted. The following resolution', recommended to lb., favorable oonsidorati.in of iboatonkhold • MS, by the Board of Directors, were then of fered by W. B. Hickok, DN., of Blehrtrlrl, Ohio: Rewired, That It is expedient that expete , :tuna o r co,: ruotien, aqui pment, and oh: te port ta en t the , r- • to, in cairn now capital, In the is la pre sided for by en incream of capital rock of the mm. hoofeci. That the bereave of rap:t. el rock ehould be made soltof far tn. purpose of buildtug Co.' 01014 • double Inert, or eusL part thonivf, at may bee expedient, and for equipping the rt d pte• el inp, nth additional rolling .took, machinery, appur• tortar—se and other facilitme, as may be neemmary to properly do all the liminess which may offer, and for no other purpme ; and should only be maned from year to year in mach amounts a the Btocoers, their antic al meetings, May de s .de upon khld . Thetr do skims shall he Meted upon alotailial otti mate, made by the Board of Directors, of the &MOM. of thooey necessat7 far the troth of the year, and that the tow Lama stor_k aou only he e Id after public cosies. lkeelowl.'Mat tlitilluresso of capital for 1004 Mall tot Matta ifla,E 6 iC°l Roolregl, That theSteckholder• harsh) recommend, and as fat am Iney be mememary, authorise the Board of Directress to make met movement or arr.ne omen t with the holders of the hoods under the mu.t deeds at will enable them to increase the capital stock, m Indicated in this receding remintions. 9 x,6:2 aJ Samuel J. Tilden, Esq , of New York, 'poke at coneldersble length in support of the resolutions. He contrasted the present cos, ditlon of the affairs of the company wall 1 , , past history, and paid • high compliment to the ability and jodgment of the Prssirlent, tan. Cass, whose efforts bad contr.:bitted so Largely to the sucrose of the road. Win. B. Ogden, E-q., of Chicago. fo;:owed in an able and vicious speech. He Ir pa, Outdo reaoloriolut, authorising en irer,aae of the capital stock, would meet with ins onazlmous approval of the stockholders. Mr. Lerwell also 11..0 •typori of the resolutions, sad moved their adoption, whlch was unanimously agreed to. There being no utter business the me,t.,ig adjourned. The election is now being held ender the Y61 , 0[100E13 above reported. The following is the only ticket being voted for For Directors J. F. D. Lanier, Louis H. Meyer. Samuel J. Tilden, NOW York ; J. Ed. gar Thomson, 0. W. Cass, Springer ilarbatigh, Penneylvants ; Kant Jarvis, W:Ills Merri man, Robert Id'Kelly Ohio; Samuel Hanna, Jaime L. William!, Pliny Hoagland, Indiana; Wm. B. Ogden, Illinois. Political Nominations The 'piing election will be held on Friday next, in the several districts throughout the county. The lel:lowing [Talon nominations have been banded or flir publication Kraiiwykusa—Burgas, W. C. A ughlnbaugh. Council, lint Precinct, J. P. Penn, James Reddick. Selond :Precinct, Frederick - Caudle, lames' Reek. Scheid Directors, Alex. N. 111cOanigle, John Gallagher. Assessor, (Romp A. Powell. AssLitant A on, Alex. McLean,' August .Krain. Constable, M. B. Karmen- Jorge of Electlans, First Precinct, James McDonald; Second Precloct, Wm. Graham. LIEROCAOrt.'4 Election, Fret Precinct, David Atighleliangh, Second Pre inncte, Thomas Etscuip. ' St-tri•-kley I.6r.wgh—Chicf Burgess, Wm. liarLscigh. Aselstant Bargees, rum Stuck. Council, Robert Winton, Davi d S. Anderson, Freud Merriman, Sol. Ague, James Pren tice, D. R. bloPherson, Charier Thornburg. Judge of Election, D. R, McPherson. ,In ector, S. C. Metrilteri; JobeC. Atidessow. Jaatleocif tho,Pitamy Cleo, .E. As sessor, T. 11. Nevin. Aselstant Asseesors, James A. Knox, 11111Fuun Ilmtitnigt. School Directors, 3 jean, Samuel Gaston, John Mil- Yrtlin Thompson. Constable, Jtimeof Erwin. Shaky Towteekqs...—Suporelsors, Gen. Whit more, George DUB°. Assessors, John Miller Esq, Joseph Lee. Assistant Assessors, Pe torXenosearilestry O'llore. Judge of Eke- Won Was. Semple. Inspector, Geo. Kett. Auditors, Win. Sample, Ramos Le Raven. ;Coptithle, John Moons: ,Echool Dlreotors, !WM. Sample, Geo. Kell, John Smith. Town hip Clerk, Ralph Bayley. Pitv ; Teeleakip.,,—sAmdttor, E. P. Jones. ;Treasurer end Candor, James M. Bunter. ISnpervisor, Joseph Crawford. Township ,Clerk, Jas. Cassidy. Assessor, Rota. hider. Assistant dotesson, Jas. M. Rooter, Mat ithew Antletion. Suttee of the Pence, John ( Petty. Judge of El.:Mons, DraleJones. hi lt/petters of Election, Wm. licrrison, Robert loder. School Directors, Samuel Martin, ;It'illiem U. Brown. Constable, Frederick ;Smith - . - The General ,Conterenee of the Math. odlat SA DV Church. We understand that It hos been determined that the next General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the limited 'States shall be hold at St. Georp's Church, to cemmemeing on the let of May Most This animal session of the soprano tallies Of this large and Iliffneotial body of Chsietians to likely to be the moat Important 'of any *Melo , has been held for years, and !will, without doubt, attract a vary unusual mumbler of-persons to the city, who will desire ito attend daily and witness its deliberations. Although ftdatly-a, religions body, it cannot be otherwise thus - that many question' of stabile Impertance fiat wholly within the Hue pf Chink duty, ander ordinary circumstances, will come be6r0 , 11.---Ameng these - will be that of loyalty to thieGioremment; the status bf slavery at it may boar on Church economy, lad the neleetetreedtdiriffi 'Methodism in the nthelllidui - Mimi, Oil! ;doyley* been tmiessied tees trains. Revirnarty Wneamuo.—ln consequence rowdylm IrkWhaellog,, tba, Me, or has end idles"detaldntsiloant to be clout as ,tit; inposidbliv.lar-sba ,4 t 4. krmests - ThsOilotiLliWtAl. 0,14 Itto4o*Ols'itfrAitoA. 10.44101100:40 , 11: 1 40 .1- ..a .- . , oar Book Table. Taacsravr yn Eirsomorr at firs 11... s w Lcr• rgas 4tory of his Ltfaani Litorary Labours, Incieding .election horn Lie dial - oaten/air Sptochos, now for the ftret time tutthemd t,Tether. Bp Tltcwiore T.tl rc , roi , Ifcmar. 4. le Ftwww 4eet de Lehr, Ta which it attir‘i le by Dickens, and A Kketch, br Antbnne TrolloP , With Portrait and ILluetratione. New Tort D. Appleton tt Co Pittsburgh . for est. by Henry Mlnsr,n and 73 Filth .trot. :4.21.r. This most opportune •olume will supply want which bas for some weeks past keen making Itself felt—only to be acknowledged nd inadequately met in the maltitudinoue newspaper and magatine articles which have appeared in rapid succession, sir ith the general pretence of giving some account of the life and writings of the author of "Vanity Fair," but for the moat part, in south, only amusing —that I. to say, tantalising, not satisfying— publio expectation. Mr. Taylor, the writer of this memoir, claims to have some poculiar means of acquiring s informath , n for the pur poso of his sketch of Thacheray's life and literary labors, and we must ray hi: book ap pear. fully to Justify tits clam. it is deeply interesting, from the fast page to the last, and has tempted U.l greatly to quotation : which luxury, however, we cannot indulge in for the prevent, for weal of space. Certainly it will serve the purpose its author intended, and be "acceptable as filling an Intermediate place between the newspaper or review article and the more elaborate biography which may be expected In doe course." ANIOI2•WAILLIinit'S FORTIJOI.I. A NOOLL. By lintus Les..—ln the 174 closely, but oleuly, printed pages of this new number, (being the 239th,, of Messrs- Harpore' popular "Library of Select Novels," the most insatiable novel reader will surely fled at least the satisfaction oft story told without endue curtailment of tho fair, full-rounded proportions that this most profile of the arta that minister to W1{1010123 leisure so fragrantly makes a reedirioeine Ton run, of meccas In its more ambitious enter prises. Bat the renders of "Helms L.'s other books will gladly 'consent that the shall have ."ampleecope and vergeonough," when ever the demand is made—for they viii con fidently anticipate o good retult, even up to the COPIDOO of those prolonged rojoy,rsents which our grutt-grandotothem owed to the voluminous Richardson. It is a worthy cd• dltion to this favorite .rice of modern novels. —For sale by Henry Miner, 71 and 73 Fifth street- Price, 50 cents. Tux Wire's Seedir. Br Mao. Ain S. Srtrauts.—Mr. W. A. tliblonfenney, No. 45 Fifth street, has just recei red from the pub lishers, Messrs. T. B. Peterson and Brothers, Philadelphia, the above-named work In di1030•1610 volume, paper coven, 450 pages, price $l,OO. 'As the admirers of Mrs Stephens aro very numerous, it can hardly he erecting to obarsoterise any now work of hers In the [Mtn, common pleas terms, 111.3.1.i41inn ib interest, its power to Impress its readers, etc. —but we we may employ the words of ono who hoe read "The Wile's Secret," and say, "that no lover of the exciting in TODISICO CALL fell to be eager to unravel Its intri.mcies after reading the fret few pages. - —"The Wife's Seoret" is ale. for sale by Henry , Miner, 71 and 73 Fifth street. A Scoundrel Unmasked John D. Wilson, who was ermined yester day by Mayor Lowry's poliza, charged with being a fugitive front justice, has been corn misted to jail, and a telegraphic dispatch sent thu authorities of Fairmont, West Vir ginia, announcing Lie capture. Officers Long and Herron this morning visited the house where Wilson had been boarding kept by a man named McCleary, on Lacuek street, Al legheny, and sucareeded . in capturing hit bag gage, consisting of two trunks and three car pgt bogs, which were taken to the May ore °filar,. Upon examining his trunks • full pet of burglar's instruments were discovered, to• gather with a quantity of crunterfelting and a piece of metal for making counterfeit can. A loaded resolver, a large knife, fuses, and a bottle labelled "strychnine," were slap discovered. Ili' wardrobe was very °eyela sh's, and hu had in his possession a number of vest patterns, neat ties, et., which were all of the best quality. Wilson exhibited great intarest In the affairs of John Smith, confined In the county jail on charges of mail robbery and burglary, visiting him frequently, feeing lawyer. to conduct the ease, and furrashing him wit: money. It eras through the interest manireeted to the slain of Smith that suspicion was attached to him self, and upon inquiry being made, sufficient Infocinationwet. blatained to warrant his arrest. Several threatening letters, purport ing to have been written by Than... :mutat, a brother of John, from Creatline, (chit, have been received by wuneaste• iu the burglary case, threatening them •iila dire vengeance in case they appeared against hue. These lettere were to the po”easiou of the Mayor, and upon comparing tbana f with others found in Within bi bagoae, end written :he bandlsriung was deteem.., to to tn. sante. '1%.14.31115un d,114, di: . no atecomp.u.hed rascai, but he will hardly a..,,tit: t,lr rLauley ti. ox,cite htt 1131311111 Oa M,..n.,ay elterne,n, the members of a farmly rceidiug et Federof itreti, In the Sixth Ward, with the tacepttoe o. the mother, let: the hr.:to o. visit the enteriAmoment of Tom Thumb. The lady on entering an up per room, wee hvrifted to observe the moving to and (to of a closet door, it being apparent that there was tome person concealed Willed wall fright, sae hastened down stairs, and summoned some of her neighbors. On entering the same room :gain the closet wet found tenantless, and the friends of the lady wets about having a lush at her expense, when she entered an adjoining room and found that the closet door there was in mo tion. A polio, officer wail summoned, and when the door was opened a well dressed young lady was revealed—* Jaunty hat, kid gloves, and a gold bracelet bring among her adornments. She was asked her burners there, and stated that As had time in to ccl. lug money for the orphans' asylum! She had a reticule hanging front her wrist, in which was a considerable sum of money. On lunching about, it was discovered that the had rifled several dresses, and had ■tolee about ELI dollars in meaty from the pockets. The evidence of her guilt being made thus apparent, she began to try, and begged off most piteously. The lady declined to pros ecute, and the officer having no warrant for her detention, let her go on eurrendering the money which she bad stolen. No oae.knew the girl, and she may thank her stars that she was not held to answer a charge of larceny, and thus be exposed to the public., NOT RIIIIT Warn, TUX 511111.111211.—The statement hue been made that M.J. Retry" elected to the - State Renate from the Indiana and Armstrong Distrlel, was among the exchanged 'Union °Mier. released from Libby prison lestswerk. Maj. W. B. Nearer ;Mars hat such is not the taco. Maj. harry White Is Veld as a hostage In the Penitentia ry at Balisbury, North Carolina. Another efifteer of the same name and rank, belonging to • Pennsylvania cavalry regiment, was ex changed and acoompsnied Maj. Neoper and other exchanged p honors on the flag of .race boat from Richmond to Fortress Monroe. Aims= or A NOTORIOta Dtsearait.—On Tuesday morning Wash. Gordon, a member of Hampton's Battery, who has become notorious by the number of times be has deserted, was arrested at the office of Provost Marshal Wright. Gordon, it appears, had enlisted as a new recruit, crediting himself toe subdis trict. Ile had visited Capt• Wright's owes for the purpose of gating his papers arranged to enable Marto secure his local bounty, when he was identified and taken in' custody. Drarcrots Biansan.—The stockholders of the Mantliold Coal and Limo Company bold • meeting on Monday, at wbiett the following director, to @erre for the ensuing year were cleated Jame, ManhalL John Scott, George Bingham, Pr. Bch m, W. Wilcox; B. A. George, The following oilleen were el.etod: President. James Marshall; Vice President, John Scott, Secretary, Pr. Baton; Treagarer, R. A. George. Turiposx's Concurs POSTFQXED.—Oar regd. Sri aro informed that Mr. C. Tetedoon's St ored Connect L postponed until the 24th inst. This L done that somo of his pie-eemay bo further rehearsed and improved by the se. compaolament of a guartert of string Invtro• clients, Artotarmair.—Georgo B. Payterieof Man chester, formerly engineer of she Pittsburgh and Cleveland Railroad, has been appointed Assistant Engineer In the Betted Stales Navy and boo bten ordered to report at Baltimore Smut. Nottcn—lnoluded in the sale of Furniture, Sce., at . McCielland's •nation, 65 Fifth street, will be • Supertax Extensive Table 'Wardrobe. Dreseing barium, Book Cate, Wash Stand, Mirrors, he. Tax Barns Ou, Rosman, by estalogus, b. 'old this. *fazing it half-peat aorta ..tdock;.by Doris e..ldeltwaino, as tbolocaod door ottlfdr iderrOb room', 54 Titth-otroit. MCCrtl= 1011 , 12rOUSII) AD Fyi,b4!....Thanitki ittamstipl tatook4 •-• COMAIRRCIAL RECORD I: fur the rithsbcrgt. lnart 4 WcroCtstur, March GGAlN—Thnt.ll l• dt.ng In .6. Gr.kin mark.", and , ot hth. t ht.l tn n.I is Ittnited, retent.ta •n.I supply ar • 11;ht. best to n..mlnal at {t. , o fnr 11. d ft.htt w I Com way ''•!,r. I nt.nr, itl.ll .1.16 nhl—nn !rank. Ithl 1., !' Gft f EMI,- •figar it .(alr( I k•t eery flan, • ith sal., a ( I r ate. and I , ' 14• 1.•••• •i.fi. wean.etl.• a, h-xe gra, a'l ' Leo(, i . Moises, tirai • rth a up• vrand t(thdatt , (. aal.n (.1.1 at ttia - or, (Lodr.at a. I.yrup. ethge all the a., Ir• m 7. P• PlLloVlSltthn—ltt , on o. firm with a gnu. demand at hell prlre.. W• routione to wt.., At lot, tet IL2al for Itil.heal and t ur SI Ks, 14: Pit . Plain Ilan, and 11(01:, to Sui(er Cured. Lard la dull and um - hang , l, nod the sari, rinnarka will apply to if,.. Pork PLA Vll—There is a fair I.:aid...and for (hot arti cle, while prirea are unchativd Small Italia of Spring Wheal Family et 1(1,•05ti,•5, and y 7 n. to r,v , r Winter Wheel In. IP ICES—The marls, a eery firm and sornewlith •anted, owing to an advanre in liew York. and the Lava:tea there ha., of rourto, lorod Lai a corr.. p,nding result Mein. Wo nho mlnnt. at 4tw. for Pept.r —in 01.1E1-30. for All.loc So: for Cloths; 700 1,.r 1 , ..(a, and 3 analltr. SENDS--(lour (•••1 id thry dull and (1(0.,pint,.. lent vale. at 157,:4 , Timothy Bred hinarilleal at $3,,Ma1../L. Flax. (I•rd Is firm and marts with toady .ale at 12,50 a 2,35. BUTTER & r.o6S—Butter I...est re tt.l in arms demand; oak. of 8 1.4b1.1 atrtetly ch.tet. at Jac. Fogg. steady, V/ Ith roIr• of .TO Ran at CHEIL.SE—Is firm, and the aupply of primp light. salts. of 30 has Weoterti Itaa,.rve at I and u 0 do togloth bait, at 15•1534 r, /Mr CLAY—bt,aily; with mleo of IliNootirl at from 527 to $3 wt . ton. PIG LEAD—Ie quiet but unehanged. aaleo of •Kladena - at 1 . 3 c, mom. holdore aaktngt. FlSH—Salta of Lake Betting, at VA.. pr Lalf but, and Whrto Flab at 67,6 u. 31a-bon) mar in..4..rd at $0,70410 per bit for Medium and On 12.50 for No 3 Largo. ItAT—Io quiet and notrilnaili nu. •h•no41: min of looa• at 1.33 w 3. - td per ton, • SALT —ll.lnll and nominal.. 1.!,4P per bbl. EILANS—Firm, • Ith alas at 11,,60te.t.7!, bush ASHES— Pearl. Ire:awllN , bat unchanged at lue. °ELLEN APPLES— Drmand grcod and market firm with .t COO 4:114" per bbl. Pittsburgh Petroleum ll'Dirket. lir.,—There Is a oontinned goal demand for Crude, bol the large receipts of tho psat two Jay has reused hay,' to bold off 1n antlelpatlln of lower prices. A. yet, howevet. there la no change per. entitle, and we e,oltinut. plot. .:.1a21!..ir In b u lk, au .i lett, tale ot Ws Y do at ; tda .c r, and 14., do at gOye demo-1 Is quirt at firm at former goot,..nee —6 t 'tad city brends of bonded and :.3c. free: the tails axle re ported was 100 Gals Ere, at Naptira In to fair dernuit knit P.m et Iflol9. Iteelduorn st from E4,t111 to pie tempt, ne reported t. Wharf:us,. r All n, kr, as folL•we rrn.r. —Jam, Wnlklh• LLIe It Ashworth, 113. II L Dnll, .0. II klrlsei••• .1 Benny, J I'one 4s: Eisher A Bro, W•rlug A IL.ng, 171, rh.eotor A [ln, J Leila 6her, 2A°, A I. /1111.-1, Be.l t /101, 211, AS.: D. Cornplapter , II IL weneweh, wL•h J al Brew, Burke A , ho:—tutaL fwg!, . dodo," —llnncau. . Srt. New York Petroleum Market Sperm! Utspetcb ta, Ihn ritUtlargh 6szotte. Iry IThaa, March I. —Th• marl, for Penal. cou- Ithaca dull, .u.I its, 1•••• again dealseel; Reo,l 011 the fifot al ..a fur A fall delflery. Tber• f• a .4f-rare demand fur Ilerthea Itussi but at Mgrs.-rots., tlit,tatt..u• t•st tits spot may w 515•5 ea 1,•'• C. Ft, :..ntfLuff• ta inc.! wItIA • falr tie• niand but it, 5.•., boo loc:iff,l alialftly. Sales a the ay •t !ta to halt ffltaf• to •thy.c fee. lefff• . There la • fair Urn...l(er NoLiftha and pncr• Sr. firm wall aalo• of tfl',eff., af 2'., AlleglieJty Cattle alarket. ne receipt. et heof cattlo wore very ligL l, but the supply was equal to the nernan.l, end the pmes we's at tract sOr as, u vet I,•wor them last week, especially tut the leaner Lind. Van,rte cir , ummteac.• ha.• ootuLtued to petal., Oft. r...uct!e, In pr TLIs le the lonteu peas. n, sod Lnt,h.rs'moat is uot la great dersa.al. Ike people do. t seem in.-1t0...1 to pun:haat beef es the pr.ce demanded, end are pner oilr Secorutug more and Wore almtocul. , u• fro, an, Mel to t..o.ere totutkg rant, ~onotal CDCIIPIMPti..O. Sod in al,lition, there ass a largo lot of .till foci rAttlo itt market whlc, th•`l.ltobors portLaaed at way prl.. they pl ,, eserti to ”fler. The /seem annsa.d was very anta::. W• du not thtek that say th./4 'as eeid for eLipa.e4.t east ward, except aoeerhcoet,t et,k, IA OLIO let chipped to Sete Tart by Oterteralt A. •bien elosebought obi° az each prices that 1,.a, tee. 1.. • Id hare to swvaritaa-n. The :tura. o's Tama y wee s:1 .. • nal 1., a 1.4 of :elected goeerneeeet c.e. t et, . tiered se seen" the pay:nett t.fLitre feed bkile a5...1 leer Ida tended to reatrut eperatioae, wee the sta(e.. ••rah e ai•tces from New Tads awl Polls Rau" Carr", J. Myrna Urn, n..014119:1 1011 , 4r1 rat 0e averaging about Jo) C>l. at fr.na g 3,50 to itb,ut , Thu abate let of c•ttlo use ltababt rot got but being lob light for that twit"... titer bad w u ly paid ft. order to ar old Ible Mrert bra bought .11 head of g.... 1 hese; got eratnent . at tte at pricee magma frt.] Sp a ge 0;e SMIMNIMMI 11. rrkk 2 Ilot.ol re , t411,.: la.od ere,. int 10 , , to 17,7 , , !wad , to gliaMißElNiMil M=Mh=l3 havt , ./z .444 n uliaN i, t cattle at prwo• raavo, $3.60 ,kra 30 0.. A a 115.21, :hntl..tt 1,1,6 , 1 at 14,00. W Y 11,1, 1: at fr.. 10 S.I.L. 10 50,00. W) Ile I. at 641,00, Jobu 117 tor C at 10 al 114ab,11. MI=II The .1.11 , 4nd 1 r ahnpora/Puos light. and !h. rcetrikt 1, inxel/•e. 3r3tile pr,ez are born, Laity Unril4.lgrki M 11,4 r•ports trertmg ..13 3, head dual, 1....t.•:•1 79 at /71.7.7!., b.7tro.ur 140 at 1ff.^7,13.. There to hut murk inquiry f, iloes. but sa tilt. of ferings sr. very ligtit, tue marks.. I. steady at about lAst seek'.qdotat ion., $7,60 to 501,9.5 per ..t, al to quaff:). Es, incur r.purts having *old 215 1...41, ri :7l ,,„ qual!ty, at r,23. sn , l W 11.3,t Bold 79 b wad al The Mew liaaunal Currency •ct. Ibe bill remodeling the tiallofThJ cnrr.nry act, a. reported from the Commit,. t 4 Ways and Ileatia, by reproatratatleta. !loop,. of NfammeEu tett', lixee the from of of11:e at fire Tea• ft, th• t'.,.;.tr I er .4 the Currency. A...dation. for Looking moo to formed by not 1... than Eta person.: sloo,doo Is the minimum limit of capital, and F 20 0.000 in nitre of • popula tion of W,OOO Banks ars empowered to discount awl nog Aisne promissory bete.. checks and tabor evidence. of debt, to mem deposit., buy and all and buWen, luso money, and circulate noon. An innwass of capital IS snowed, the mash:nom to Le determined by the Comptroller, and the capital rosy be reduced by a twodhirds rote of the atorks hoiden. Fifty per cent. most to paid to before corni. googols{ bueinnekitli United State. roglatwed bond{ hearing loieroet, shall to. traseferred An the l'oned States Treasury to not Inn than one.thint the amount of the capitol ,rock paid In, but In no can lea. than $3OlOOO. tho dellyory of such bond. - to the United biases Trnsarer the bank. are roti.led to recoire notes to me amount of to per ant. of the current market salvo of tho Called States bond. tratuderresi. The amount of circulation to limited to $30.1)00,iii.... The total Hannifin of any Individual company shall at no time ...coed 00..1..tb of the capital neck paid 10, hut Lena fide kill. of •i.hange drawn against aetually coinintot regard ed an messy borrowed. Th. r g at, of Intone bard Is wino percent., which may bo taken In Oven., and the taking of a higher rats *hall forfeit the roll,. interwd. Batas In St. Loot, 4m6rtilo. Chicago, New 01in... Cluninuati, Dahlman, Philadelphia, Baton, New York, and ban Francisco have on hand at least twenty -five per cent. of the eggrniste amount of circulation end deposit. All otters 0.11 kw. fifteen percent. When lower in funds. n 05411.1. enmity or loan. can Ise made or dividend. mule of pronts man the amount 1. restored. Each bent •.ball wieet an ...late In oneof the principal title. to redeem its twin at par. Defers declaring dittdo.l, on. tenth of the mudlis moat be carried to •surplue fond, until It shall manna. to twenty per mint of the mplosl stock. No bank .hall make lons or discount on security of its two sham of capital, or putcbssa such sham.. =dm. meets." to prevent loss upon debt previously contractni, and stcekso purchased must be told withinsix months. All associations seater this act, Shen dasisnatsd by the Flec.refail of the Troraeury, amy be depositor's. of the public moneys, excepting receipt. from cult toms. Ch'cage Market March It —The Wheat marks onfttred • decline t4 l ;;ln o r f :t o il I g r.: 1 111: market closing ?Tea.) and deprsa.rod. T 12.• nour osarkst was este., mlllagg at 9,4603,60, and lulled wtoter ey eras at 56.60. The market for old Gorr; ruled Antal but Grin, and we note light urea of No 2 at Learlre. N o w Corn; hovered, mu In Irma demand, And tba market fall about 2z per bubo'—with &ales of No 1 at I300112o; No lat 7841a1e, nod Rrjeetvl at 73a. 'Winter•in• apeeted ' New Corn" Ina sold at Tkrao to item. The market for New Corn clonal AmA. The annulus for oat. ruled less ion. and priers dullnd Abinthushol — wlth sale.of winner receipts Te 4at 63ialtillis, sod fresh at 64%e. by. was le fair demand and study at 51,00.501,02, ae• carding to the is. of the mein. Barloy lo store was entirely fusionist; but utopia lots out. In Air dsmand, and ora unto sales &ti11:27/IX, Th. market for highest.= was more action, and prim. advanced to per gallon—with sale. of about 1100 MAL at 111682%o—ohlstly at Plc, th. markst noising study at that prin. MAW° Grain Market. linsMa 11.-81 our —Than. mu bat little doing, In 'War yesterday na account of th. man Balm 0.11 about 0:08 bbla la small lou at le for ordlnany Can. ads npring sB,BB far Illinala Spring /Extra; $1 for 10. and 57,75 far doable extra Width Wheat ra dians. Wheat—Narked doll, but bolder" ars drsd. *Was MO haat Sheboygan cluhat SIX and 510 btmb White Leatackysl,7B. Coru—llrld at $l,lO for New and 51,W;u1,1% far Old 1 /Sedum from atom. Oats—lo Melted drsound Males of 600 bomb at air. Ilys—No Wes reportrd. 17.11 $1,173€11t,23. Aar- Illy—Thur. It but Illttio doing In Barley. pale. of CM Dub Canada at $1,28, and 709 Dash at 51,23. Rjo In Detroit. {hats the Detroit A 4rerther, I=ti Huy= coottnas .offertng Menne. bat eor log to ewe being none to come forward, the Me lo purely obmlnsl. It du bete long etbkmt,thetVie Weld. a tldsge toed. e. E l li s flog i b -n erts ' ot a =t r Q:res ar WO WWI. .Ctg*mos We tae divattinhris, lWilirl*WQ*posaymeitainica otty,t, w}m.lisalaterst btfluti arossamowjamerw — •L' Imports by Railroad. Pnnetma It. W•nre •IrA March I,,—S.SE24bonldero.. 7 P Hann..is bid" 1.,.t• 11 b(4, 11.4.1 ••••.41, 11,- rono • c0....1.41.• wind, J A 113/.12f /1.• No 1,11 D Ps, tt. r..,31,1 •,•..” b I 11.-1• , , , °WS', Sh.,rnaker A LAO,:. lb do. it, 1.15.1,.. S.if,d. 3 tads apple.. I. I r. ;:t P I.ln. ~.• h:K. 1.411 9,1•••• r, - CA:I Pk, AH. 19 told., A llorklll , l, 11,144 1 I. butt., F 1 ,14. A d•.•r•p1 , ,,, la. Mo. mi,dld. 1 • • sIL4 7 W•lntl;,ld..lr• Lskido E 11 .11,),,r, A d •. II 1.1 1. fl•Anr. S PI Floyd, 4 , 1,1•14 Wln • ~ A 4,4 , bulk hams. 9 IlarbA,.. •. P.ldwoll, It. 461...• fLur, ••• A A tAcc Amy STATI.A4. 31 ~ 1‘ •..t.• • Simpa./A 21: 4.• ..i.:•••, .1 It I _. bnlter and lira,. 11 do J„ lour bble, .1. P 1... , .1 11 • nom 0h00..5 , 0 S r I.S. do butter, I do %cu...., .1 I . 4.YLLARD •xn rnn.n , II st. , l-.1.. 313 r 2 cars ot/111•4.1.,133 , 1.....1 Ili,. 1. , 1.41. . 3„ 3 ... G•eAc, 3 , .d I I r.r.m., r A 1..1... 41.t.5 sag, A1a.r.1.1 CO. I. 14,1. 13 r„, , t. 3 k 3,4 5e.r..1.. I. H bert. ".4 Lnl H Ilsilde A co. 11 t,.11. lonzl,r. A A. W , dn, Plurrn. , 1.1 17A hark -k• wheat, Fen.no A ro. A 31 be,. 111061.1 s Al'l'.ll3 A 1....1. 11. 11 , I arm th., I t 1211. Ti., tasrkat 1 , 1110. . I II.:, . g•hAi okimpttr. , and sh.i.ping O.' . ' rl,- r...np , . I,worge , Bank.t 1:1-ur , ,, 111, ,••• r t 11.• cm. acid though not in silipinna at 57 pe, 'oust.' Sale* rb.wi Aar rund,. Pll. tO Bake mei Itng at 53 loom and packwi. at 54 per qt/In,kl.iirtn, but 11,a demand how hoedeno.lr,7l.l `LIPS Of NI. lat 31 ..••• JO. No. large •t $11.50al 2., and 11,4/ara sit. 10,56: N.. 3 largr at IY.Sea:". mad u...,11una r Mart. Alearrtes ara arltiag at S.C.SNIS par I [`waled Elerna, are fir= at 111,Wat, par 1,61 S.l.lm•n rrarce and held for an &deem... S - TE.I.4H O4T.\. LIOR CINCINNATI, LOCI:- • r VTLLF., ET ANSVILLE d ASII • ALIA.—The floe meataer Old E, eapt J. B=M@=== party ee lIIUMSDAT. 17th mat., at t p rn Y. , r !might or paa.age •pply boatnt o g 0 JA. Jr tr: F 0 R LOUIS V ILLE.-Tl‘,. • stesmar 1 ItIbTLE, Smug, grill Ll w`,.•• rat I, Y. O. 17 thltant. at 111 o'clxl /or Wen or p•mmir apply.,. Larry rt. to JOHN FLAC', nttl4 J roL.LlNnwueD,} Eta;LAIL witHELING IL TA aKt.r..uvlZt.i TACK dne steamer MINERVA. ...apt. ./..),t1 G0n.A....; I leavo rtilabtarzb tnr Alwliur eury TUESIJA 1, TIITILIDAT and SATI 141,1, tas•klag , :o•o• rte.tiotil with th• Wbev.llpg awl P.rlr..rsl , l3tg Ps et. Itotorningi. vtll le••• M.•N DAT, TIMPNL!. , DAT and 1 , 1111,1 mad freight rrcrlpi.d thrnngh to l'arLor..r,g, FT height or 5,7 ,,. • , :t t y 5r .. , n ., Li.7;. • ; : , te nt, 111 . tuvf U.•t, al I A. of et dwil.dtf rjI)RWIIEEIINIi,dI:IKIET- jr..i TA AN D ZAN ESI'ILLF..—TInOI.I paareniprr •nrarnar VtIDIA GRA II A NI. 51.•nr, Command., learn PM..rah T I E.,DA 1, •• I p. m., and tanea.lle r.r7 1,1111 , A T. nt • •• A ta. The nnve Maararr JULIA, Wm ,'• ander, lea,. Pitodpurgh ever, T hl•a 1 p. ka.. and 7..r.111. *very y, A ra• Inf freight or p...1r...yrt• • • • J. D. CULLINn I A,:•:: P 11•1:,.. FL IL t eon Laroa.lla Lio BAJrlifi SKiT)VD NATI ). ;,- ; 7 1L s. BANK In= TREASCBT . DEPARTIIKST URI nr Comrtant.t.as or +ha ,`,Anettet, Waahl,t4ton t sty, F•a 1111. Ildt. 1 1 Wlttaltu, By .atielt , tory reldenh pmeont, .1 La, lb* uudendfued,ll ha. tmeu made to aim... that SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF 1'ITTSBI'll.:11 In lb. Gottuty of Allegheny. and Stat... Penne , t,.. n lA. hlll been duly oriao Ism/ ut.der and dont,. the trormmthente of th. A, of 61•144, ^•., ',An Oa to yomenla a Nat kmal I'nrren, comm.. a pledge of L tEltml Stamm and the arcuLLllon and redemption than.. " approved Fohroary 4.5111,11411, and b.. ootaplied with all Ibe provision,. of mod Art requterd w Im "dmill,ml .111 blo, for. [O,...MICILIR Ibe bn•lnem of Book .nu Na., therefdrs,l, 111,. 51,ct'rt I,:n I .mptrwl,. of tha f'nrmocy. hem. dert.fy 11,, the 151COYD NATIMNAL P111. 1 111'6 , ;11 amthry of AlleOelty, and Sta. of F.mosylraula. aulhorlamd h. mar.mdmd.. the of 1 1..nk101 4.1 the .Art aldmeold. • lo .stlwoo) rhernuf ffitt iut.l Ihla int. 4.: t , l 111-4 MUGU 14 ,, T1t,r11 -- tY•airrvllat 4,111.• THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK OP PITTSBURGH, P/. Th. fUON I.flT TRVIST 1 , 031 r ANT 1.•••••: n•utted th• Nati qn•l ( r d.rl.d..n, Art.. ttl• • th• tr.•••atmn of •I ••• •••1. aft. t D 1. 1 ,112 [lra 10. , ,,-tat and 11••1.••• i•c••• on tea. n../.• • .11 .1• 01 t• ran•try. ea n. Til.ts,lltanr. 13' . /trot, r IJ.it. F 'Vv.. prr 0. E,. N Alt NE.R. cdei, .NO. E. PATTERSON, Cuhl.or THIRD NATIONAL RANK, - QF PITTSBURCII. TitCALSBRY DEPARTII ItNT, Or riga ore eirMIRMOLI.S. Or ITS Curt aaet-e, u p VtLtoon it., t Feb 21, 11,4. Wutt•lttaa, By la.t•Atter, ..Went~ memo. . tr. the ottearsiovel, it la. beou =ale I. %prow that the THIRD BATIONAL RANK Of PITTIBCBGII, la the , ouhty of A Ilaglnety end Sta. of Feurayl vartla, Lu bean ealy argautled uuder tad accordluc to the rdquirety.ts of In. Act of Uourreaa, ethil. Ant to provlde a Notional urrroucy, paconal ta a ple.he of Vetted elate, Stock., and to rovlde for the cbertlatlon mud redemption thrreof,' aproatel February 2.3 th, 1863, tad but oosopliad.alth all It.. pref. - talons of sold Art required to be natoplltd •1111 before taustannelutt the bualoomo of Banking • Now, brrollo, 1, Ileith M.Callueb, Cc ropito of the Cortoncy 4. hyrebo eortify tho at t wad THIRD NATIUNA L RANK UT PITIPT:ROB, Omni) of Allogbooy mod Moto of Pr0w1...1., lo anti-..mod to oon3rn.roo Ins buslnost of Raskin' o dor the act afbrowal.,* to orettromay fah. .•. f Yoltoom my hand aud saal el offloa. (Mirth day 'of releamo7,lBol. [..; HtGa MoCTI.Lft(IB, flompirollec of the Caormoy. THE THIRD NATIONAL BANK flarle.a orianlred pada the NaMortal Cornrow Ad, le sew prepare.' to AP Geuera/ Bankistir Business DIPOSITSttfYIIVED, Lach.u• nc the prin• rips' titles of the Tut anal Weal bon ht and sold, and ullertharc toad. le every aocrealble part of to country. Offlo• for lb. retool. (until tk• orangiolion of tba Bun Banking 1.1,... ononor of Wool nowt awl ' , login allay ) I • Om Banking 'loom of tho 111 fi SOA TSIITITrrIff No. 110 Smithfield St.. I.PPOPITT Tar, memo's gousa. nip 1:101.1 Renry Gersi, B A. 8. Bolt, K. H. Tlortatatt. L ItloreA,Ate* ADAX 11 a. lAIIITILCITZ, • IMBILLN, rteekbatt. , Nr, pre M. 4013.11 DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, NO. 65 foinom Stun. Cale.RlEttED 111 1.35 h Open daily from 9 toy o'clock, &leo on Wed...de/ and Saturday evenings, film Day tnt to Novembe. Rom T to 9 o'clock, and from November lot tt K g ‘i l Lit "' neett.l ' l . 4i t •T k. rtnna not lees then On . Dolls:, and • dividend of the profit. declared Meths year, in June and December. Intelsat by been d.. elated euni..onsily, Jm3e and December, Once the 13•olt wea organtmd, at the rate of .1, per act • Man. ' • if not drawn out, Is placed to the credit of the dap, as principal, and boar. the earns the tenet from the first day. of June end December, nom. pounding_ teiee• year without troubling the depoal. tarts n oven to eat his paw boot. Al kite rate money will doable Whew than trete...team Booka, containing rid Charter, Sy.Lses, Bake and TteguLatioas, furotthall gratis, on appliatlon •o the ellSoa. YezernWee—OZOßOD ALBILITS. vma Irt1818131111; James Manley, Joint. Ti. D. Mete..., Jena B Bt:soberer, Wm Dongles, /men Herdsman. lawn M. renteek, Pats ►. Madeira, James kbidle, William J. s.ee,..c, Joint B. Mar•Alse ►. M. Pollock, M. D , John G. Dackokro. • - • Mary J. Lyzett, Jahn Marshall, Wilt Adam,,. Yohn 0. Bindley, rinArg, l3l LA. Alms=A. Carrhc, Marks A,Coltoa, John XV.), BOW. Paimastoct, John J. Ravi a, Mar 11. Bunk Richard Ham, 1.03 i. 1). Rally, 4ccarraaa 'Nauru zahll daw EMI Robert Robb M=)=l .- - Maunder Spur. Maunder 'Ma., Vu&let, true WtMitet. . wn,. 1. !ran, Cltristtuk 1.—C11619. CW'rell SPORWMEN'S HEADQUARTERS, ,_lDa WOE. ovum. JAMES SOWN ititiriu•ittogtikii et Stportain anQ Mho* to Ids Vgailrla r lL,T r e s ipoWßOAM 'ISMS sad 1 POUciameDIUNILARIA Wars =aternsakts, 11141fIlialait.oaf FOR SaLE—FOR REJr7' R. n"( FOR kt,Ii.AGE: TWO I id;ALE-1 he un twrt, •, . • , j •• ,••• Ma 1,0 -t• ••••• • .te• • r• a•.• •+.! r,nr• 1.c.: I. en 11- c f h,4•1 A I•ztlf rTavdir Pl.l, It a . Rapti, !11V .1. n Pl3l fratdi a be preinton. o. Mt. 1.1 SI. etc., r m .. both Irn.laver ptvowr.v.vr T , ) Lanfel a.ntl damp, att... t.l r•ri,lng dept!. fL,,,n, Id o feat I o Itonn.lary ain-et, • ' , era the., 1.. tina Cryan. aater. and pear loa. of the Prh.ylvania rallroad The I...atn.t, lar, •by the sitex,,u • , 1 lia na. engaged In aa It pr,enta •t•ant %et eurpaare,l by any •r.uud the city. I , a•laalt ta.t tbe city line and Katt( I.ll.wrty. I . ..L.neylvabla tiallrnad Unni.allyare •4t.41.1:411inc Moir eannieive cattle yard, and • In.r. tl.n bete will anon haw. t tn.- sort to ran .In rfi er0.,• , / b - er. 10 " 4. the ~ttln yard. orlon, 11,. ...I." ltruite wan enni, h.,n tn their Loco Itr. . ra,a.ll innlenet itlaiinu, whichhieb tor. •orr .ond thorn berme-a,). rme Apt y et ttn tt-al Eo". mot I euranoe Who,. of G. h. 11 A rotait Arr., Laarrnco.ll444. . - HOTEL Ft) 'ALE.—The Bpiendid no. 11. calf. ID, us offert.l Inr ser... The buildir.c le 705.0, Su (net front nn Nia'o s•re.t, and 40 leen deep, •0.1 contains SIII114•1....11, 040 Heal root, 1 •4 o room rotn.rnr tttorenronco, .parlous Linn, B g• garra-ronn, arni V; aeh n n Sr.. door; t 001... Bed•rorna. non, tont Kitchen On 0.. montol Or. atn. 4t• 0 - •04 r-nrrns. The house la paintol mr , • inantcred It. ..ttr. Not etylo, and le botll gooll •fifi In •n.ta n and had tellar and tnr• Lova fin en. min. tl.• ll ong The nnten4o ar. riangonle te W 4.1. o Pak. neer. and otrong et.• trr rrner anthrn 41, t nt . tine titan... The h ,nrr. •• to-1 , trnorbro on •tyle, and le nft-re . •.I Ti.. groin.' Is onward. h.ir• nf anti ....Ws Ll:ta rot:ORA,, tr nerairr, ittlP`ns , ttot ('"y. or Plttaltareh. P. _ - D 1101::.,:}C FOR SAI.K.- ott , rtt to aale the dwellina how.. in n , ~•- 8,410,1 on nonth tint std, .y. 7' • 'A 411 tx.tot Root tt. I. t to a 1.0 feet alloy. It le • tato.tort«d contatlus ex room. and ..liar. The out-honor •rs • wash how.., stable, h.•nw, .Ic. Thr , a s • large yard surrounding the dr.tling. filled v. - lll:shade and °roamed:llAl tr... There Is .wand watev In alt the Mom of the dwell ing 1 also offer for sale • doslratle nonatry dasldancs Ilecnosted township, co.ty,Pa-, contain ..ng twenty as of ground. ikon 111 a us• two. storte4 Alms dwelling. containing six room on on the ~rnp/oty. Thorn Is glen • young orchard of .11 Sleds fruit. There. t.• good barn. outhouse., he. It l• sheet • 11.1 e fr,Au the 6oc4e.ter Depot. rt., 4.1141 l Inquire 4' 11. 11. 13CiLEa, is:. If h"citt. Amnon, All.ah.ny 1111). VALUABLE RIVE R. PROPERTY V fon en La, pita atod on the klncong•bala at.ov. tha drat Look. 6arlaj • r cot •irar of 57 I•.et, and oatentliaj Lack 4, atradd , ak adloto'ng the llonotllarl le Railroad. cuo• doing, 4 acne art.! 77 p. , ob.t. Thla l• an adistra, kycatiwo manotactor:og porpowt, haring thn OR la tract and t atoll street Lao ralltoal to tho rub, and taw 311i1 anJ Latialoga tFnr•ral arettnd. V..r Laren., .te., apy , y Ma Ill' ANN TCOTIN, on tin, prant.a.., 0( to W. C. a 1:G/I I SE& CGII, Mr. It lisunond •trwt l'itaborgh viblaztr OIL REFINERY FOR SALE, at Par kersb.try. West Vlrrn!a, anzat AA the •. KA. na•hs Oil I:ctn. - 7," Just erect...llnd la cot:opts.. rantotn, 41,4, rapacity one hundredand BR) La, r seek, and cat: I , • en larprd to •n 7 extant. iltn•ted ccatlanuus to Kanawha t tsar and S. W. V. EL. .101, aa abundant supply of spring stater tn nd/Ot of rt... A 1.4,tt.r .:hone lnvesfus.al has me., Lon otkred t., thoas also Irish t engage to thi Addreas W A. eIIAIICELLOEL, W. Va. =:=l F iR RENI TUN MT. 11li.PA MANSIO2I EMBEMEMiI £.qulr. of 11 71. LI:CICY, at Wo.-41, ?km, or .1 eJ r...41-are a. 11 , •.•r ..r•s floor oboro Or. 11101 . 11 Iran 1, tehll SL LARII7II K. LiIrKT FUR AI. F , tit lour, 1: bed 14 Rol 10.1.., 3 11... t d4ep ; will Will. with 'we Inch I.l,vta. nmen4 , l lands nod. • na.let„ .11 pytt•-u14.4 a .ply . GIZETTII OFFICE, et .t I J B. SSE ALIA. mtkll 41 . EAM SA \V MILL FOR SALE— Sitant...l ttm bank of the Obi. rivet, 12 mtlow m the ctty. Io the tk.roagb of 13ostckley. The 4.11 ha. two .cr.• of Laud wall a la in cant roo ord , r, capable ef eottto, tfmt.st 3 feet to and oalol irat ll neuetrocteal f.a b.,g-• Patlaaoa r !orteet add,. nANN, McbIA7ICII., i,- B..ateltLa7alllo P. 0., Ps_ , 4 1 1)1( : 4 ,11;r: ItR I,EASE—A TRACT • •S" ( - 01 g.ll4.both tt•vviablp. ALl•gbeny P... 11.. It Pen' N. 1. mosasolog star= .4,-. •urfnu - a. •t t 6. river, with 14 ,t•rtt• at,t,n a 1.1: A amall [tie pr•-•,a•t e., , lktina at pit, lu t v ow t..Lk .trsvaanally part.alara in.prlra at 1 , . tvo , to eltawt. MrS la G II TOW 11, 11..1.1 [Amt. t.,•1 SALK--Twunty-ievert Aorta of t.art of the Lorou• nerrst. ommarullus • •le o ..f mud vlcatlli. I. &Luta ono e,be trona /of., for, rtlore . re• {Lc reroute. own. dn. troll sod • neve, C• 111.4 prlog exc./lent valor. Wal A.. 00 Wizether.. ttrldod to matt purr/ma,' Peron. &oiling • •ototryr reokl , otr• • 11l lawn roll on L. ALLEN L.0RZ5114 No. Water afar:. - - - - - -• SALIS.--A &num Exam., 13 foot .trot.,, w lar-11 cylluder, 13 1 try t 7 ahead, and of about 160 hens pawn,. Also, on. Slorator, iwn Dr, Ovem, .td Steen 903.• Pullen, one .p ht norlog BlachLse, van Clualu erw, we machine kr swath' Poop Bodo kr 00 Went, ova brma Tod/ 1116b1., aud slaut 100 4+l. T., d:. lonb 8 haftioi. •Il of tbn arttriaa arlli so at • pest bat rain 1..? aplo3 , ng at vac. at td YIFTII ItnEET. I~Vla ALIj -A F rame House, contain L hr lbw room. •Itua. ne the corner of thou moo rhlarbat avert+ ill the Do Knoche: Knoche:mum. im Lot is IT foal hoot by es eat . Ttcatt guy. Inquire al 'THOMAS MAIIPNIVP Wag., hbop, 11.aser atraol, Maori...tar, or at the resider:se of the a4bwrillnr, to AlrClorr ta•rothip 304EPIT ram'''. _ - F , OR SALFp TNIIT P EtT VALVE NOIIIII, 25 Mel ey!tod.r, 5 that oroko, la admirable condition, with or without nolo Sl)alt, ITlanitat, boron Pump, M T. laugh. I. trail miapted her many purpOnea, ci n.pmfallT Unrllmg MU Call and pm 11. Lanuaz Li I 1%)., Ameba, OoMan 111.11. j :.aril Allacbany L'OR SALK—That desirable property 1 els:lat.:l In the Lionsagh of Manchester. on the ro•rner Locust st r eet and tho Ohio river, and L.own as the tire.a.roed property. 00 .Mo[l 1. a modern style Drirk Dwelling Deem. Car. dr.; • Bonze,- Stabe. to Eltutoe. ha. rt • farther parties:Oars enquire of • A. D. SMITH, eth W. etre& PlD.buntb. ( 4 10 R RENT—To a small family, the 1,,. -half of • ln 'hey, m or ils from the Allegheny 1114 Mot 11..tme, With .i.ont 1 , 4 Dore of gyound, all oorered .rite choice I,lt true, overgroeuri, ohrtibbory i Lc. An .acellent sr •••ter, imiti • to ry Moen, of soft mostar. Enquire of A. 11. IIkIIVEY, o• u,. prondsca. Wrooghc Iron OIL alztuAt pew, with Copt.. Cknow Necks nand...log rlpe, All the melt. /ad tl oe ,wmpleto. , :ncialr• of El UGH M. 1101.1 E, Corner or rut., alley sod Uoyo.aae strrol. VOR RENT—Two Rooms for Oftioes, 10 so. 142 YOOlllll kit near emit. Geld. ¶.O Room. to No. 140 TN 1100 OTILINT, mat 6.lth/Srld. Moo, tor • tom of yrus, VACANT LOTS In OJO !JOAN Wlard—on Orono.. Bailor and Al!lsobel,' WAI. M. ILIILINOTON. Olktf No ST inftb .V.t, as siolot \IL kih1 0 1.' En I aht SALE, loomed VI at Wrllsellte, Oteln, an Om obi, neer nod 0. • U. forty Mfr.!. por week: no be Po erased to doable lA. stone/ at r) .1141st response. 1 , 4 .0 tor both era.. .n 4 Refiß"li .tot easy re7tur T N: . l.7.7titaelost • 4 4r.50 I'. 0. DOI 43. 11'411er11 0. ISALE—t , CALES AND WAG°. . • bare two goml .nond-band PIATTOIIII hi:AL.E.9 Isro, the other pm.q. 11e.. on. goo - nn , t-bend ooe-henee 'WAGON. tooofte vi,y inhlnclo J S GTOGETT & HO. 10411. -- RTENT-01/ NM Room In the Balidlog forn,r)y oocaukd by John E. No Sc Marko* otnocc, noot 000 r to S. nolo.. 8 done Ssoklos Homo, Apj ly to ROBERT P. THOMPSON, EIZEMM OTICR--FLAT lIOATB FOR se LE. 11 —VW to .A L L at Ito ltlaab t ay vaL w a. April lit, toraral FLATS oral FLATBOATS, 43 pay Itiortage TM. comer. a• trinnatof to items Ma sotti ►od pay charge.. other it lay grill P. aold according to Ism JA ALLEN, labttd Whartioaator. Alln ,ho, Waar ARABB OPPOKTUNITY,--4 Book, Matloam and Hein Depot tor obis, In the best locatios. fa • lame olty, arid &dna • doe button. To • perm= sena about s2,i owl's!, It lON be at Kent oppo rt on I ty to e agave himself. Tor particulars rail at JOHN P. ammo, 1•111:1J throafa OWL. /Mb street. FOR fil.i ro tt Ott ItECNT—A Farm an Acmes, d land. in Wi.klas township, adJoia• Inq Under eter Peekrot,and +Milk) slintn dis tance area l'OlMPszt% Ualkood; Textile reaaoaabte of MEL AMIN • • . far " . Tint door Hum TtrthowllisatinaNst; ROUES. - AND at WT - FOR Alai/Biota Cab= m, b:lbs - Ilinbtb - aft' 4lfi cot roma fn ::,111611113121&11. idles Nall 110•11114Viteril: PROPOSALS. • -n 1 an. Inna...d 1.• 1 r540.1 , 1 b. .upttlyin, the L qua ,- 4.1 - .....1• r • 1 ,, .4 W.LLE,40,..n, I , De'.lllll.kl, J.:at...nil% •t/e. FIAT. CORN. OATS and STRAW Ilid. wall M receiv..l for of m o.ls, and , wards. Bidders most state at hich of th• named points ,her prposo to make 16: tur.es, and ti.. Jet.. et which .111 make deliver.. i , . rat, the qtatn• tity , of each artide prupoeed to by de:i.e.-a, the tame .hen said &liven.+ anall to winta. , tired, sad yr:, n 1, , be completed. The prim magi be Aerie,o out to word. no the bids. Corn to ho pot up le guxt stect .sob, of .bunt tat bu•beis each. Os. in like tucks, of ate,t three bustle...cll. The sacke tube furnmbed without tu to charge to the Government. The hay aud slaw t. eecurely Tht particular kind or de.cription of tuts, corn, hay, or strew priptuet to bs deh.eted, must brytated in the proposals. All Ue article. offered tinder the bid. herein In vited vial he subject to • rigid inepection by the I;o...7mi:tent Intpector, Lett. tieing ....Tied. o,stracta will b. tivrard,l from time to time to the . . I , weet respnualble bidder, as the Interest of the Cro• whmeat Ina) replier, funt parrent will be made en the whole amount contr. - fed for shall we. leen deltee,d and arcept,d. The I , Ohler will be reptlevel to am - v. 1.0 hl. ;re veal wrth a tolerant). signed by two responsible that in hts tot is *reeved Le or they *AI, 'said o ten dap, thenwiter,arerote theCOOtroket for the same, with sod suffkient snrettuf. sun, Mn.] tr the amount of the rootraLl. to clahvot the forage. pr0p , .....d CouL.ratlty wlth the torthti this edeerti.toent. ane. incase toe said bidder should fort to enter lOW the oontract, they to mate ( 00,2 the difference hetwwen the offer of Bald bidder and the nee] lowest rteponsible bulder, or the paw.n to whet the rentrat ros y ho agranl..d. The rcepoostbillty of the guano tors rural be atm. the 6flldat certtheate of• V. 3. Dtatnet Attorney, tiollector of Gustunte, or any other oftlo3r ender the Cnned 6661 w thaTertkitoe6L, or rwputalbh perm. Itootro to ads office. All bidder, will be duly notified of the acceptasee rejection of tbeir prnpueal. Th, hall aurae and P. (.). soldr . M ...h bldilsr want he Irgthly ...lava so the propiaol. Ja must be .40 - egged m lirigndier Gebeml D. 11. Ch/•I Dopoi Quartrsmumr, Wash inFtr; D. tkoialtl I. mute,”Propc.- Ilonebt, in • sum equal to the amount of the con tract, Allgood by the contract...tot ton It of hi. an*, endure, anti 1.• revaired of ate euccestful Ladder oe bldflora Ilgrong the contra, t. Blank Ar.rtne or Lid., imam toe., and tonda, may Ire obtained upon applfcation at this aft,. TULL% or PLLOPfxSaL Cwt (Late,) I, the subscriber, do brroby pr. ituee to furalsik a. d stellsor to the United tltatee,'M the Quartermaster'. Itepartmout at , agreeably to the terms of rota adesethoment, Malting pmposals for forage, detest Wasidagtem Depot, lesember 8, a G 3, the fol. lowlng articles, via : —.abets of Cora, lc sack:kat per bbd. of 68 paunds. boatels of Ow, la mega at pot bcatod, of Xi poorads. tcus or Weal Day, at per tow, of 9,000 tao, of Straw, per ton, orz,rou pounds. Deirteri to commenceonbere tbs day of —, ISt-, sza to he comple fo ted.% or bait. Mee day of—, i.e. and piedgo toyaelf to enter Into written contra., w I ate United Castes, With good and approved sec:mm-1, wabin the timer of tea days after being notified that tcy bld bas bee. accepted. Your ob.:divot servant, General Chief Dep, 0048.rtsarmaator, 17.h1.41...m, D. C GUAitANTY. Mi, the undordataa.l., reeldrt44 of the county of, and Mote of koreby, Jointly and eovorally, coeenaut with the United !hank and gneownin, he Lame the foregoing 1.1.1 of within ten days eller the acceptance of asid hid, exe c., the contract for the nom with good wed en/Helen sureties, in • mum equal to the &meant of the contract, to larolati the forage proposed to comformity to the ternto of advertisement dated December T, h A under which the bid was nude, and, he t 0... the meld - .hail fail to outer iota. rootract a* aforesaid, wegcnor ante, to make good the difference between the offer by tho mid - and the next lowret responsible bidder, or the person to whom the contract may be acuseded. W Ilc.q f Olven under car hands and vala ad,' —day of —, 1 . 5.11 I hereby certify ltwt, to the heel of my Itstowl and belief, the at:oven...l e.aarantore are good and milk:Lent wi wavelet for the amount for which they °Ger to be wcartry. To to vertitlod tr 7 lb. Ceased /Hate Mark. Attar , noy, Ocala . ..tor of lartorot, or avy other oeloor tauter tit° Cultod States Gotororsout, or rrtyostiblo porton trrown to this °Cm. Ail proposal. reeelsial ardor this acleortiaesneat will le opened and examined at this all,. on V , 1,10• /ODA! said SATU/DAY of each week, at 12 ca Bidders are respectfully Welted to W prawn{ at the dpeattg of bids, If they desire. . . D. n seen, Gtra. sad Quartermaater PROPOSALS FOR FLOUR—Sealed Proposals an tosltad till tn. IPro INSTANT, at 12 o'cisclt N., for foralshlog 111 s Bulaistrocs Ds ram:glens with TiK TtIOCSAND pion rAzaraz Of YLOIIII Ends b. rroolvtot for what t known. No. 1, No. 2. and No. 3 and for any portion Ins than the 10.000 barren. Moo for ICO bomb of No. I family floor. moat be In duplicate, and fOr each grade db separate eheote of paper. The denser, or the flour to he commenced within Ova toy. from the opening of the Ws, and In snub quatalltm, daily, on the ilosecoment may direct, dm lleeend either at tb. Government waretrume In Go,rpetown, at the wharves, or at the railroad dep.., Wmhtoren, D. C. Toe delivery el ell flour aermird to be completed within twenty days from the opeolna of the bid.. Daymeut •111 be made td mutlbeatos of Indebted. tteem, er word ettscr funds on the Government may ban fur oraLumement. The nova! Government Inopsction will be a...dein:at betas, the donr to en - .lewd, sad none will he accept. of which te not tooth ground. On oath of altogiance moot acrompeny the bbl ..f arch li.lttsr, obit 1.. aot the oath oo el. In this ettEce, read tie bid or 11l enteemined from potato who base presiontly foiled to comply with their hots, el from hidden nor present to reopond. Gstverament moron the net to reject any bid Grant's Dld. In toiwarelood to the undersigned, at No. Stild omit, RaahLngtnn, D. C., =domed "Propo sal. for roar.' B. C. OILIMIE, Captain and 0. 8. V. D. 0.. March 4th 18M. 182118:41 PIErCTT QvA. - rum...a Orrics, itt.bursh. was U. 11.154. f 00,000 BUSHELS OF COAL- kcal. Propoul• r•r•I•M at Ulla office until th• Isf MAHON, last, at IS o'clock N. for th• furnishing and dedirsry of Tent HUNTHIED THOUSAND HUSEIII.23 Or GOOD MLIIOHAIIT• ARLIE PITTSDDIAGEI COAL, at th• piar•a and In cnaatltlca as follow, .11: 100,01:0 hash.]. Tlck•harg.illst ffißia The above coal to be delivered allows me pmeible artur signing the 001,1tratot Proposals 1211,111 t state the prim for each e the stems place* mparately. Prop:gals must be sagresued to Lt. Col. 0. °rm., DtTbt7 Quartannaster .osueral. Pittsburgh. mid marW .• !Topmasts Orr, °Gal as by delivered at Vicks burg, Ilgeophis, Or Cahn," es the ease may be. Bide mill be received Ptr such of the .bore named places, sr for the whale amount we ruy tuft the bid der. The ability of Ilts bidder to eit the eon tract, ehould It be awarded to him, tout be guaranteed by two respell:4lbl* perm., whom ailmstarne nut be sp routed to the r aarantee. The reeponstellity of the guarantor. must be ahown by tbeollicial cortitamte of the Clerk of the neared District Cern, er of the United litotes District at toretY• Bidders mitt be present In pore= when the bids are opened, or their proposals will not b. considered. Bonds equal in amount to half the aam to butt reheat on the contract. signed by the contractor and both of hie guarantor.,will be required of the suc cessful bbitier upon . toning the contrast. L the howl lOW accompany the contract, It will be name smy for the bidders to hare their bandanas* with Mom, or to heel hoods atoned Ia maticipaticat,and ready to be produoed when the Contract is doled. . - We. _--., of the county of —, end ghats of— and of the enmity et of State of hereby guarantee that la able to Nldl • contract, In scoosdenre with the terms of his preposition, and that, ahocrld his propeeithartm accepted, be will et once enter loth • contract themorith. lelmalet the mutract be awarded him we are p=apered to became hie marrities. Re this 'guarantee court be entaasa the qttalat certificate abase mentlened.) Prop:wale front dialoyal pollee will set be meld. erect, and mt meth of elle.lase will be molted of eneeenfol bidders before dining contract. no undersigned sane rsce to the right to reject any or all bide that he may deem too high. Payment to be nude viaa the completion of the contract, or so soon thereafter .o the ardlerstgard shall be is foods. 0. CRUM, eahltild Lima, Catena VAL firearaL iNLOYOSALS iO MILL AT CILKEI , 11000, P. 0. Was Dirattimer, Cee.une Duman, Office of Chief Qoaneacceeeter, Vashingtm, D. C., /dards / tb , MIL Seal d Propeele . received al this patdi 111 12 o'clock tn. ' oa, IMIDAY?-11,atch 1tt.1864, f,r !mulching thems/diet aid theetrectionorneTtAX KILL, with the neccemzurisakanary, (accompanied by plane and epecitications) tor the poremoof pia& log, cutting, mining and deeming the feregerattone funilebed the am lry harem., Oleeborcs D. C., with eatticlent MACIi) to eapplylen thousand bona The followirts Dam/ of 011igere Sfi Men entettat ed, tombola All.plena sad itp.lficitims and papers. ref -mini n th. be aubtaitted: - - Colonel Amon Y. Nulty 2,1 Ohio Cerstry. Colonel O. 8. botralL Itl illmactnaatteOsealiy. Lao:tested Colonel Jame ft. Ski% Chief 4:llounalt. mann., Cavalry Boretn. the plan which prmisea noel coenolay, and cals coon be erected, Wlll he , eructed. The vetted menet lade will be reglibrid. • Sc rowed will twootatidered nattem stampeded by the oath a allegiance, and wartlike:* tam • some. knit to this Berm: of reeponelbillty elite parties, and their ability to faithfully entente the =argot Payment rem be, made on completion of contront, or r tow tharnaftee a hatele any moefred Proponalit sent le ...adorned. Proposals Zir the Eractt4a of Steam min at Glestaro." and addromd to Lieutenant Colorel /mom A. ik42„,CLlef Mum, termanter. Cavalry Bore., Ifiablagtoa. D. IL ' Any farther foirtreaktfoni.Melmsw.Msl7 ghee, romonany or by tettnr,•001,00,011110010 ~ . JAXES A. ElMMLlntaloimtel, mbltat • • abfor(VlLVilmilly Hanoi. .. OaDlii=ao, (840m - ii'o437nuiliohm - *439.) POSY 'PACIEZB; easocup - - own Amin AID ITBEf Mira. selKy temesik 114 ft-IIL R MID* pENNsYLVhasIA 11 CE:.:7I.AL IL EL WINTYL DII E. AUS -11.10:1.-ti Da DAILY SILALISei. - Crasaaat ttg m are briade Ile kin Kati. Val of tl.b eat,liert Ocnal.l. track and ray., and evert p.titpl. care will b• exercised OW the x I u3d rapid ourvaztort 0 trol4tt tra..0.3 tLe treput la Pilllabrogel n. il'h01:411 L000.4.210.134T/Ohl TAMA ;uses ttm. eitative. (except. 12Inuday„) at h:IP a. tn.. at.+pping as Btattono betwean Pitt. burgh an.l Phlienl,l,,hh,„ and making dlnot mune. LiLlb Lt., N.. York .4 rtiladulphla. T.° T11R. , 12t311 It AIL MAIN loam the Par ..agar tinthaA aver: morning (except Bondoy,) at h 0 a r4toppn, call at principal making dirnct nonnectints at Hartlabuts be • O mxv and Washington, *TA for New or via Etila delohLt.. Tie Tli LITHISB 7SAIH heves &Ilya 41 : 6 P nt-..teoPPtret only at principal Mations. =Alai Aimee conoactiou Ilarriabnrg far Baltimore. W. TLnFALS4: b L/ li;. P leatea the Btatioa Oltootet Bonday) BAA p. m, stop only at principal at. dons, conoectlne Barren tor Baltimore sad Waahletatoro ami for New York I. v AllentOwn rants. aithout change of tam al" at PUndeaptda lbe New York. .11.0(XIM1UDATIO9 THAWS. Tr. , Johnstown Accommodation ?rant kens daily wocpt Sunday) at 3 X pp.. m 1 stoning at all Station% • d running ws ht es V.nrmutat. First Acoo.modation Stain At Wars Station ds ay texaspi Smnias) at 6:3-• a. tn. Swim] itcoommotAtlon Train Mt W• 1111 Station daily (eacro Scmday) at 11.40 A nt. Third licnommodatlon Train Mt War. *SWAM eat. daily (ezcopt liPtsdey) at &601 i. m. Fourth Accommodation Tralm tar Wain, Matins !mom dally (moopt Sunday) at dcOD p. m. Ti. Cl.u.n.t. Train lama `A all's Statiol3 onoty &to day at Sint a. to_ rettur-Ing, kens. Plizaburat at 1215 p. 11.3ammang halm arrim In PULburgb r 6,130rr : flaltron. Warm ._... 12:50 p. m .. PkiladelphM I.IV p. m. Tatman 1:00 ► oa. Johnstown accemmosietton..--,—.10:08 S. a. rim Wail% Station Acmont..rd.stion.-- 6:26 la Second Wars Station Accommodation-- &SS a. 'Card Waits Status Accommtdatlon.—.-. 1.56 p. m. loath Wars Statica hocommuilatlon-- 6176 p. m. Batts,' Lamest .m &Rh* lath Philadsolpas E=l , l .1 1.9 A p. tn. o, Ilcmdatin for Blair . ..Me acid I manna cona.t at Bain. silk Interaction with Thrtingh Ancommadatkm Johnalawn Accommodation a/ yzSpa, ham LA. mad with Battlnare Zama aal .Intoarn Amato modalon West. Ira. br Inatabarg connect at Cam= Id* L. prow Traln• said /fa 1.. h, W..t, laa with Throw& Accommodation and Ewan Train Lat. vas: To Now T0rt...—.111 00To W To Phendelphia—.. 10 60 To Lootaour 111 al To lisrriabusg.... 7 t 5 To Ali - DJ ti t Baggogr obookrd to a Atatioes on the Ponoodlro tds Orotrot Railroad. wtd to Plollodelphlta Boltkoon and Nev York. Poserneera parchae Masse In the oars will to elearatei um enema ootoAing thodlotanco travelled. solditlou to the a:Athol tube% eaeopt from endow .het. the Closniany h. edrtd. NOTICL—In no .f kola the Company •111 bold thameehoo roeponatblo br Damp catty, and der m amount not 1104 H. 8.--da fhtenlbto Lino her dm entplored convoy poosenaera and te=o to and Qom Une pet, at a chary not to 25 owns, thr each pes t/seater end bounce. Far tteltoto s ay to J: ANS, Apar. At t h e P.mm:vanla central Sallnad Ramo" Station. no laftarrtr mod Gran, •trwta. lae SHIPPLIrG. ZIKAAI WEEKLY TO 'LW -14.) LikPOOL, torkitlog c QCY.K.NbTOWISI, toots TbA well•knulrt, musamark of LiTorpo..l, Ise, York AL.! rbliadolphla Brkozoklktp C.:•ompaty art, tkkerolod rollovn • CITY OW ICLIV TOILS —llortuday, Math IL lisrab 2s. And evory roooralth4 &Ohre-ay, .t faoL from PI 44 North Illy*, P4va644, acid. or W gnawing is Oss , sseS• fume Mau.-- —SED --$3O 00 do to London._ 6.5 ti.l do to London St GO do to Ports.,— 96 00 do to Adds -. 40 60 do to Ilatoloolz .to 00 do to assobi 07 00 ramortgrrs also totwordod to Him, Drawn, Ude tordart, Antwerp, An, et ovally low rates Pares from Ltworpool s or Q.....04.ns ; lot MM.. 076 W 086, 1106 . Oto=io , 00. nooks nO9 WWI to mud in their trio:oda con boi ticket. bore at thou totes Tor foritubr tnlbreastlim anly as the Companyli Mom. JOHN G. DALT, Airerat.. lb Droadva, N Tart ;0111C THONPOOS, I/c1 ic.. .4 alma cam; Int boas* fr.! the en1210:11 Pluabscrzt, C UNARD LL\ --zitasty from M b VICIIPOOL ozatierow 193 In gad, or Its orialvaleat IL carsamc TEIOM ISTIV YOWL, {ZS In Ballo orery watt •rstly to ' , C , 21 AS 1L151.121151, 04e=1. CLAIM AGEJrTS. PENSIONS, BOUNTY, BACK PAT T. WALTER DAY, Soldier.a' Claim Agent. LICZESLD ET THE O. E. 60TEIMEENT. No. 103 Fifth it., 61 da.it belch the Chiliathsl Ste clusg• 14 IMO mat( ate clam L •oll•cted. SE CLAIMS, of over, de•crtpttost, pemoestad LA4 prottectassd blur. CottArem. at. Costs At C , Attztat tb• Aztvntt•• Departs:L.3Am, .4 Par:Amur At Wuttingtos, D. C. Prfse Mow.) mad Dmartftlss °Miters' Claims prof t:• •ttesdrd SOLDIERS' CLAIMHy BOUNTIES, PrIC3IOI . IB .1.1713 ittaTAIIS or PAY. Per-myCy atior.dest to by IIITIIITES I RIDDZLL, No. 1 rani% atelet. Vittliburgh, d•rhemdawl MACKIIELL 1 JOHNSON, •TTOIt,riIETEN•ATA.AVIII, Lad U. E. 'imaged 3OLDIEBS' CLAIM diSZITI2I, No. 6Y CIES= lIIIINET. NOAH W. SHAFER, na IUI3 Fifth Agresti. Pittsburgh, P.. Malmo for PEATI D NII, DOIMI T, PEN= oei LT, rtgoroeuly prosecuted. MILITARY CE/EIR4 INAIMPR A PLRISIONS, BACK PAS ..d NELLIWIT CLAM of owl &oalylloa, oollectod by the Job melba., at U. &b owing rat., of.: Paolo.. ;70 00 ; mil ran &dm 13 00. C. 0. TATLOS, I.ltorboyr Zallh N m .. 7$ Gu m N01.0 7 1 1 1 0a1411a0. LDIm. mam N a.an o d al tolrbt m lop ot OUR; if/ft. ' - rfT.OffiILIMMTEti.VM ATION cexpAst, Ott. CITY, Penna.. in poiravel Mi. ne•lrw OM mad bell Crude and, Refined Petroleum On the neet namable tame, and to, wake Morel stews. CULTXR, Pnosidiett, Ofitot, re. 31 Pine Vaut, Y.v lett 'WX. SWIM 1.. s. on en.. wattau ciEstra, Art, on en,. SLIM WILNJ NS, Ag't, ititebargb. i.Te eta reunsylenals Ceelee4 *lO be .toad at ths Coasters &sites: irstsheass, !rebel . '" side Oliver. wait RIDER Ft CLAIM, * COKIIINEELOS =MAIM est iscsyre Petroleum and its Prodnets; Oils, CAIIDZDA, 44. 44 lIROJID STE3II----ISsw, VAL Ye WATIII i 123 FRONT 11,31—....rfersioiesi. or Aponte Ihr the POIITLAWD Hil:031:1211 mt wan, 15111 W ILITLE - W CANDLI 00XPANT, fee. • ' • W. L. 0/12.11133. am*, . .I.T3ca . le Mrstem• 133 • LucENT Oil WORM DVEIVAN, DUNLAP Et CO., Pare White Refined Carbon Oils, ooze, Noose UZI= 61MM.: - - • " 041 . 1 " 0 . Pr17,44 . 74 . -0 *- ,P4t. visest,oxfPritores: DISSOLCITIOSI.)F —The partstembtp. forn irthrtfig the andertimxdomdet thestYlser-Val. G ETON d tuetnallr dimelred, .;tslu t udett from this ate. VaG/lABD BrISIIN 'Wiring from, the drm. The husy.melifil he.euttt eeSetZer ly, =der the etre es heretoksre. Wit G. .10111STG.11, sort. a..ion-lisres.-- 11.10IIARD 111:403. Pittsburgh. roAsctosr.4. - . DISSOLIITION OP ,CCIPARTNEER-', BHl.7.—The pashasehtg. beretibene eels i ep Wien JO B. 7. 111 .74/aO7 klet. MA dater the Ann of 1011. - 7, 'EtilltUaghr 1,.c. 4 ....... bees illatleed by *Meet a:3l4mM' - ,114.;7; lir .-.,! 'LUZON wt 2 attend tithe uneetEted ermetatii • Oil' fray at the elditeaketesat Ana sui Mate Vi.' ' JO& T. HAMILTOW., ~. nOPARTNERSELIP.—Thet Sd bans thlstanowlitte MOP co nisi itfurbrwaßtara• cometeacaltsrc o pzisitoknzotani Pagrakeio .mltslacdacte. 3. WAIII3O zuzz a t mina. lug* • sane-
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