LEI r 4, itsburgit 14112t14, SOMEDAY - IdOBSINCE+,:rDEC:I7 1863. - . C - 127..AND 8073U.R84N ~.-.,. ifirelTilliClAL PArgrt.in, • - ' T.TritlciN;--crrit--;.rxc;nicrr. ' ' 't - - - ' - YorilVro • Al t - , , JAMES LOWB. , SA. - i , , ... cur CONTROL Ell : .Icorts mco ao. errr •rnasun • : - svumwtEl AVM , • Arrest 'of Juvenile ea. Toteday, the Bth kit.; tie grocery drysgoods store of Mr. Thomas B. Gibson, of .14We/own, woo entered whild ho was at • ner,ancliamtt one hundred and fifty do 'ra - hi:Money taken from the Wit On )to day .lotthe Stela wad entered in Ode same ay,' and fortyeight dollars more were taken On both deesslonitthe store had boe l c, enterid by Zt?!.'ilitlecking one of the doors. Nu , clue w s ob , d•trs the thieves until the 'egged larceny .4. • 'committed, when suspicion feli upon tit= boys named Joseph rougher. tobert Johnston and James Deurther, who resnied in khe , trillagei enti who loft for this city alter the store hut been entered thOsetend time. Mr. Gibsedltamediately followed, and on striving . be made information bete. e MayorAlexaider. On Tuesday evening, after a long seareb, be succeeded in finding-John - eton on the street, and took him into custody. •. The Bougher boys had already rated-nod to " t'Bakerstown - , and an Tuesday evening Mr. Oibien started out, in campthy with offic e r Will:OisWednesday morning the °Meer visi , tad Flnugher'e bottle, andartested the boys in thatebeds...; Their guilt 'was soon. Made ap parent, and Bo th rman brought to e!city and Committed fork. further hearing on Saturday. joseplt Bnughor ie between sixteen and *lronton yams °lege, while Johnston be - teem - fourteen and, fifteen. James Bougher G mach - younger, and does not zoom to have teen hisplicated in the larceny, farther than that he received two dolikrs m husb-money. The-guilty parties on reaching the city, nutdo itunberotgurchiume—oenong other articles they purchased each a cheap watch, at Wet . tin', on Fifth :street, paying fourteen dollars. At Thompson's, on Wood street, they bought two four barreled pletols, at ten dollars .4..ach, epj glass, and ocher articles. At a clothing stem, in the same vicinity, rougher purchased paha Of pants, a vest, neck tin, hat, and other articles. Most of the money which was spent hue been recovered by returning the goods. When minted, Rougher had twenty . ulnaticliars in money on his person, and . Johnston had twenty-tin. There is a pistol , iinC•eatch yet to bo recovered. but the officer has "bees told where to find them. The larceny was is very bold-one, but the young rascals -exhibited very little tact in their subsequent open:tumor. The Draft—Volunteering, etc The Board of Enrollment, (22d District,) meets at.lo o'clock, and VMS those eases of Manifest Permanent Mobility; fthey do not, examine oasis of oonsomptine, diseases of beard, liver, kidneys, etc., until the parson is drafted.); • After these the names of applicants for illienage, non'-residenco and unsuitable age, 'cambered from 800 to 900. will b eallod--nono Away Bro 900. Any applicants under 800, heratofare celled, may bo called on Friday, by leaving their names and nambors in the front 'ballets office, second story, during to-day, Ihit their papers may be searched out to night. At !WO o'clock in the afternoon disability case: will hare another chance, no • mon, hoc. Ifyi•the number of the application—and eo at 'tan end two oath day: `frEleetion of Parent" applications may be ..flied but will not be hoard until ;Wednesday, 22d inst. - Numbers from No. 800 to 1,000 Will be .'") 1 0 11 Sd on Friday—from 1,000 •to 1,100 on - Saharelas•—and none over I,loo'eaa be heard until the parties are drafted, unless the Board _site on the 20th (Sunday) or the Deportment • extends the time allowed them; which expires on that day. atelhe Board are required' to give a. pre, A : reroute to those desirous of entering the err !leo,oser those who desire to avoid it, the es- Pragalitws...(tl.w. c4,11,18' do .reitilitbnito of !Ix oreight4:44) Mims a good . deittat their time. West Elizabeth bitillfi3d' her quota Elizabeth township is making a ' , Wrong - e fforts and other districts are organ isinglor-thelamo purpose.' Alleged Arson On Monday evening, en old frail. shanty . . located In the vicinity of McKee's Rocks, and isiabiplisd bye colored man named DaviALee; was dextroyedly fire. It became neisodabout that Lee had sat fire to the house, and ho was arrested. On Wednesday ho had a hearing before Mayor Alexander, but there was no evidence whatever again:W Mm. Further more, he proved that he was ucross the river, at a stoic, when the lire broke out. The sto ry originated from en expression made me of by Mrs. Lee, to the effect that her husband bad been seen outside of the house; just be fore the tire commenced. They' had been oituirrelling during the a ft ernoon, Ishii the wo man may hare imagined come malice malice on the pert her husband. Ile was promptly dia. chtned. Shocking Accident. • On•. Wednesday afternoon, between three and four o'clock, a lad named Thames Law, ": son of a widow residing on Fleming street., In L. , 6o:Third Ward, Allegheny, while riding oct a stook train at Om outer depot, became fright ::Awed at something, and lot attempting to jump off he missed his footing', and fell upon the *heels passed over one of his r •legs, crushing it so that amputation beeohse "lietaleiry. 'Dr. Dickson petformed the opera .lion, and expressed the opinion that the boy May not rooover. The irractleo of jumping upon the cars, so prevalentAniong boys resid ing Oder our railroad depbts, Is epteedinly . 'dotage - tour:spend paretits ciiihot be Coo careful In guarding their boys agailat it. attoln . SEASON 09 ESGLIstL—Our citizorm will loam with pleasure that the manager of the eelebratedllolmen Opera Troupe hesarranged for two weeks of English Opera-at Masonic Ball, commencing on Monday evening nest, and judging from the tone of the press of the principal cities of the 'Union, there is agmat 1. musical treat in store for us. The Cincinnati Cbsectercialsays "Last night was the fourth Of the - IfoLmen Troupe in Balfo'a beautiful opera of the Bohemian Girl, and the Theatre was again crammed to its fallestrapacity with ihe 4feet our city. Each glee of this open was rapturously encored, and the gifted prfaut dons Mesa Sallie Holman, was literally bombarded with boquets, besides receiving en ortaairions .• 'Seidl after the opera." As the:Bohemian Girl Is their openipg ricer, hatir,wa.; , untioipato ' a large atteridatteoiltait weabilasiggeet that the seats may biteigaged se the lu ll on Saturday, from ;ten &cloak. CO 01:10. • riVinsona,i•drhe Pittsburgh farorite,,doseph : Proctor, nude hit first appearance 'this season na !Tuesday -ereningile-Sherldan Atnotries' 'great 'dranuCorVirginins. Ills • rendition of the; ehlriteeetedidted theNranmestincomicuus. tlie On — .lTbdrioiday needling Idr, Proctor appeared nt,Jibbonalnopui, in 'the' driurs.eflho Nick of the Spoe;tt'which be was sklatiribii supported, ibyXassrs. ChiPpendaio, Salton and Ebtrtlie:' To-night Air: Proctor appears siaiek Cade, In Judge Conrad's great drama oftititziaits: . "AA Suture Coin," COIN:M.-FOP aril:mare of the Importance of checking a Cough or. oßlight Cold" in its tint stage ythat which, in tea beginning, would yield to a nUd remedy, . :11trueoete'd, soon atticki tha lugs. Brown's . .Bronchial Troches giro sure and almost im [neliate - relief. Military -Officers and Bol .dicas should have them, as they can be'ear. did in the pocket, and taken as 0CC4401.1 Minenow,itnn—On.blonday of but week, Henry Ault;n4uet minket . of Eli 'tamale, Schuylkill awing, was found dud In bed st hie bearding-house, with his throat eeinne that he 4 bed boon dal:bine -,Jnilornome!timo, and; that be cOnmitted the.act while .-Isboringiinder deprOultin of ophiii caused byblo ozoneses.. • •• liaarm—Darid•Poiroli; le Tory Old roaidanror ittflfoidlOsinthip,Joniaut county; died yeryr addibinly, on Saturday last, in Pat tation;., ACtoriafound donot, bed—taring aprarentlyidep away. , .; , • CiotElilePP.Polol; Ilitano°SierYoflina°4Bo''CrekboWak° Fifth 41" 4 f 4- C.L 1 4 6 RA.: Ol l (6 Pkw . • - '4licat AXP.Aurris atter.. ' „:44 1 00:Tig 1 • rq - • ----7,4"11 11112",•: , s , -,'. - Pi , ,-, --.•.-.-, .- .. , ... .., r.;&,- . 4:7,, , ,•,:‘,. .., - •'.. ,,, '.`-'4...,1..7 : : \ ,::.,....:.:,,,„:... 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Ile stated that, during the performance, the au dience was appealed to for the loan of a hat, by one of the performers, who desired to show them a "trick." Or Informant, having a new five dollar tile,:genemuily tendered it to the performer, who undertook to cook some eggs in its fa Prof And:Sion. After break ing several eggs in the hat; and stirring them around, the performer, looking very much surprised, stated that "the eggs would not cook," and banded the batto the owner com pletely daubed, and unfit tor use. This was .the trick, and every one In the audience seemed to enjoy it, except the unfortunate . owner of the hat. lie wcoaln't seo it" in the light of a joke and enpeasked his Indignation in unmeasured terms. - Ite.was handed a five dollar bill, however„ and- Furbished with ai old bra to wear home, but still he felt out raged at the eondnot oftha tronpe-aid justly so, we think. Stitk prieSical joking is cer tainly in very bad taste, end we , would advise the troupe to refrain from such cnrry, tricks hereafter. A New 'Use roe Tura,--The wings of the American blackbird, so abundant in Sane= among the Flyer rushes, are appropriated to a ,pretty purpose. The milliners have pressed them into Fir! iio. The *lnge taro coalblack, with a patch of vivid vermilliun at thershout. .der. They arc placed in.tho little bats worn by misses and young children. The effect is very Jaunty, suggesting the partridge wing in Scotch caps, as shown by the fashion plates. The pinion of the rod winged blackbird is much handsomer. • SD.CoaD LDOTCIIC DT DE..PBX3TLY.—We are informed that the second lecture on the East will be delivered by Rev.aanses Prestly, D. D.. In the United Presbyterian Church, on Sixth street, on Tuesday Droning, the 22d Inst., at 7 o'clock P. M. Tickets of admis. sten, 25 oents—to bo had the teachers and at the door. Subject—" Pilot I saw at Jeru- CE/RLICI Dicrsas'it ow COUIS.7IIAB Broor•—"Mrs: Lirriper'iLodyieys" is the title of Charles Dickens , . new Christmas Story, Just published by Messrs. liarper & Brothers, and for sale here by W. A. Gildenforney, 45 -Fifth street, and- by Henry Miner, 71 rind 73 Fifth street, (nett door to tho Post-otheo.) }aril. ACCIDEST.—A man was last week killed at Wallnoe'r Hill, in Deerfield town chip, Warren county, by falling across a eir oubtr saw, - while in motion. His right arm was cut off, and the saw parsed half through his body. He itl the eeeond parson who has been killed in the sumo mill within the past seat. "Elea LIIIIIIPI[II . II lionomus."—Messes. Harper S Brothers have published this now "Christmas Story by Charles Dickens," nt the lorr price of ono dime. It is for stile at J. I'. Runt's, 59 Fifth street, and et J. T. SAmplo's SS. Fedoras street, Allegheny. Mu. Zr!fDres CONCGET.—Our city marts will bear:in mind that Mr. John Zandol's grand !acted organ and vocal concert will be glum this evening, in Dr. 14ward's Church, Penn' street. The progrnmme will be found 'in tar adiestiaing columns •"Mery.sz;' elm JAnts.ay.—This acne:gag monthly for January is inM'and for sale hero Hunt's, hiasonio Hall, Fifth street, and at J. T. Sample's, 85 Fedora! street, Al legheny,. . Votrrs's /ND CELILDLEWS boot', et BicClelluntri Auction, 55 Fifth itreot. sNECI4 LOCAI, ZiOTICI623. THOILIS Parcae, and Ornankontll Ronfor, and dealer to ponneylvanla and Vermont •Isto a the boat quality at low rata,. OtEna at • Alex. Laughlin's, nasr the Waior Works, Pittsburgh, Yr,. • FOE FALL axe WEIMER Wikl...-The Sam uteri s past, and by the zoming's frost, we begin to apprehend, that fall.and winter will shortly be upon as, and wo must provide our selves with the material to keep as corn fcrt abla A nice .fall suit, ore good and well made overcoat are the very thing, and we do not know of any place whore our readers would suit "theiiiselves better than at Messrs. W. li: Meese . Co'. clothing establisino.t, corner of Federal street and Diamond Aquaria, Allegheny. They have sicts,received a mm pieta auerttotest goaded MN furnishing goods, and a great variety patterns for waistcoating, ko listiertinew, have you examined the fall and winter stock of picas it the Merchant Tail- Inring of Bantrilraham k Co., No. b.& Market street ? • " • Afresh rapid,' of good!every:week nave yolk examined the prides of, goods at the Merchant Tailoring estadGiahmont of Ram. Graham k Co., se. 64 -Market street; if cot, now tido.* jou wboid, end wive 20 per oat. la your clothing DEL Every garment warranted a perfect fit. 19•111111. 131/111.101, GIO. MCCLSOLVIS. KANTUCILY BRUJOLAPPEZCII.7II.-ISirs. Anne Naute, of Louisville, Ky., says in II letter : "MIMI in New York, this 'rummer. I pur chased by way of experiment some of Alm S. . Allen's celebrated Bair Restorer end Zylobalsamum, which I have found valuable. I now write to have you rend me a dozen of each by express, for the one of my friends." Sold by Druggists everywhere- Depot. 198 Greenwich ■treet, New York. Bravos:an Onwtoie.—The following we take from this week's, United Presbyterkm,one of the most, Influential religions papers the West. Speaking if th e Wheele r Wiloon Sewing Machincrit says: "'This is unquestionably the best sewing maohinwfor family purposes now in the mirilset;eind - Js more In demand than any Oleic - - 'OS 14 one which we con mwt MalplaifiCalY . ll . oolTlal.Ad, 4nl for this reason, hare selected it as a premium.'.' Itwslord. Seer iLLC:.I,7II) 031 Kru' roe, fine assortment of fall and Winter Clothing, lately rerbived •by Messrs. John, Wier At Co., Marehaut Tailors, lie. 146 Tatars! strut, Al legheny. - The, noel of clothing consists of the lineat,Tarkty of gents' pantaloons, rests, coats enitovemmats.- The style ef 'patterns is tasteful Mad fashionable. We would LIM it • 101 of our reado'd tdgive the above gentlemen • gOLDICILS . Smut.. 11071C1.—Da your duty to yourselves, protect your health, use 11,01- loway's Pills And Ointment. For Wounds, Sores, Bowel Comphints end Fevers, they are perfeot safeguard. Furl direetions bow to use Otero with every boa. Only 25 cents. 210. Sit Anyestaismarr of elegant and useful Christmas presents for sale .by.lBen. W. Mob lay, 118 Federal :al., Allegheny; in another goltnim. stook it worthy of attention. (harms And earrtege tans wth be taken at the - Omnibus Auo, Porn street, day urnigbt. ordmidett at:tbe tbore,pleee wilt be prereptly *Waded to. • Al) eisllceorwE ~eDaitnaddlanoer' ' Dorsal. Inrrerrirra, NriJ 251 Pennaireat,: is .";tbopfUttirbefto, you - inn:( rot' th e but cheap_ ilentiatry.ln , Don't forgot the place, No. 251 Penn street, near ELaneock. • ' O. Elul., Dentist, 248 ;Pain atroet, Fiji :.- teed to all bottoms of Ida mulatto:, A liariTenstou or ran - Baum.;.-A. memo rial laid before the ~O ettoral Council" of the Epiicopal Church Confederate States, was referred to n 'select cominitte, (of which DishopOenerat Polk ischairinan,) ,with instructions so to rens° the prayer book as to free it from all traces Of aboli tionient, andalso to consider and report on the exiimliency of a cerreetcd Southern retsiotrof the Old and New Testaments— ;especially the latter. • SitITIL—On Wirdneeday.tbe lOth. instant, • t o'clock - e. at., after • Ilogerlng Mee, litre. Saltill; 41 George t mltb. The Amoral .rill taco p aeo from the rothloneo of her hcaband, 5.:+. ?A Tomato stmt. 1 Ile gheny , Farnaziat 2 o'clock DENICANAP.,..-013 11:1;ty, the lath instant. hlro. ILIZAIMTLI ,LEWSNAP. rollot of the lota Col. L Dowsmap, 12 the 28th fete of trot ago. .7anerel from the made/tee of her .on-In•leor, Goo. Itlddle, an 7hanna➢in etrent, S. and Wen!. City of Allegheny, on Tatnurntr, the 11th Instant, at 10 o'clock aim. •. • 11113bECENr• " ÜBLICA . In on toodranufacturo of Into. Bunko:kat to Errol Dietloran. Dame Idszaal Lyon oa Us Ant/rudy of Nan. Braa's Itiem of thanld World. ~ I dllroltinriplos of Paltleslit.conotoy. Anstrd'a Groot Pons Book of Mama. ' guidz'o Burdlos la Natural 1 lror dilo try , RATA CO., 4WoOd stmt. VVINCAN, SnmsrAti*(lo.ll' tiigtt .1.• , lIITIs kra elllnJou Bank4ol3lll,:aad atgbs BM on enVportant-tcnrs In Grecommorream Sititigalad iter.lbs slater m*o Vat pc*, l ~ . e tszps I. p,im1L111111441115. l& - a4 ,' , 4Z :.. t4onstatiledflibltn i 021511 M - 4 Oni"" - : 10 11 14 1 4 -Re 6 neikl4 .IVstactiusiliteale*.:' ,- 4%.,11" WED; - ..: ._.. '~'i~'{ zc'. a - SeatTyTrtet. THE LATEST NEIVS l i y ?or his T'' l°° " ° °°'°° °I ih° bat " °.° ' °m ' i , k genital, to be soviier offck GelieraD 5r1i:74... BY TELEGRAPH. testimony raa G Ectei .k , the, C,....camiDee c n tt.3' _ _ c co art n'l '. .01 , wt. ,- 13,a;31'`' : • 4' 3 , OUP. SPECIAL DISPATCHES. SI,. 1,1, .2. , ‘'LLIIT of '• '. ill. . ..... FROM WASHINOT() N. ;'''' ' ''' '' 1 ' I .. '-' '' 1 ' -__ i Of , -..., . L : t r'.. . . tr....'' ttild Spedal Dopatch to tba Mtg.:nil Gazott, t tb , ~‘t ery -- ; ^ I t't ,'' '''co 1.-. ' 1 It , r t E, W,14111511T0‘ Clrr, Dec It, I- • Senator Sherman has procured for the ore 'of the t Western Sanitary Fair, and ha, 1, warded to Cincinnati, this evening, the 11/1g nal autograph ropy of the Prosident',. proclamation o' amnesty, accempon rig h. message. It is full of interlineation, eoi ensures, and as an evidence of the varirm, shades of meaning t, and Gran aldeL Car President inclined in drawing it up, no w,.:1 cc a historic document, will command general in terost, and excite lively bidding. Forney hat furnished a highly valuable colloctloa of au tograph letters from prominent men, North and'Soutla, which will be sent out to-morrow. GCS. 000OVILLP--7111, 11413.30061 DtrARTI:rNY Gem Schofield bee arrived in obedience to to the President's sumoone, and had on in terview with the President to•day. li.eporty prevail: that he boo already peen re moved, but up to noon to-day, at nay rate, they were premature. The better beli, C. however, is that his removal has caber been determined upon or is very probable. 4len. Roseerans is still regarded as his must eueecaaor, if the removal F made, the war oteehostility to him may to tcrlere. BorneWeil also talked of. I=! Brig. Gen. Bufnrd , n noted cavalry t 'Xi., of tho Potomac Army, died in thiii city to-day. ASIVIDISENT TO nit CONSCIIIPTIO4RILL. By an amendmont to:tho consoription proposed by Senator Wilsoo, in the-Senate t , :• day, the following persons ore ctemp:. curl/ as are mentally or physically unlit mita, ry duty—Vice President, 'Judges rf (Luna., Governors of States, Head. , of liaccutive Ila partments, the only fan of a whirs wholly d-- pendent on him for support, the only sen of as aged or infirm parent ur pa,ents, o h, fly dependent on his labor far rapport, and'., , case all no drafted of so,ral bons, the poet::: or parents may select which .1.11 be , o. m, , ' the on'y brother orphan ch,ldr, tacit years old, when two sets hove de ceased, or been disabled in miltiar) et rr the ri.i,1,10 shall Lo exempt. rt.e: , i r 1C•. The CeltowinginlA•,, Feutor W.l on. I. been introduced: Be it enacted by tho Senate and Boo•• Representatives of tho United Seater ..:.S me ica, in Congross asenabled—to.c-thipls or I. houses cortex:Laing : That the follow iag ho propoposed to tho Legiolatur, of the se, al States as an amet,dmoat to tho C.,ustitoti of the United States, which, when , atte..,l throo-fourths of said Legislature, : ,hail valid to, all Intenta and purpose c. pies ssid Constitution, namely 13 : t+• , Hari: I, slavery being incompatible siLll :7L governmont, is forever prohibited i u led States, .11.1161 involuntary scrvitutie sha be permitted only a. 114111.1.mrct ( . 6 edam. Section 2.—Cengreass power to enforce tine forrgbing sect On 4 article byiappropriato Legi.tatlLm. Revertly Ja11,01t1•11 castigation cf fret t Davis, yesteralay,is n subject of much ..ons.lo• ulatien. It, was all the more appserive ar stringent ag coming from a border ,;.‘to r heretofore noted no au ultra CO 3:e Some Western gentleman tenet tenet rt-•i 11 1I t, the Sanitary o „ mweeion, waited on ibe i're•- ident to-day, and represented that th:• r<(o•..i of the rebels to txchaoge Fi,,,ner., V. a! much owing to 'mismanagement ~1 sinner Meredith as for any other rime.,. y represented his Inthitq also described hitt as petulant and overhear ing, and consequently baring brought his per. sotal difficulties with fluid only by his own conduct. 12= The following dismissals from the ser,i, have born made within a'weel: Major \Vta. M. ?Ifthry,•lith Illinois voinateetr, for ron• timing false and fraudulent IIeCLUC.i!. the government; Capt. F. Deicke, vohanteore, for absence without oath:lily Col. John NI te, 30th rientocky inount"l in fantry, for selling captured property, ai,d propriating the pro , :ecis to hi: own tut., ,t4d using government transportation fir ',hale purpose', improper treatment of n n in• c••,. ml slowed officer while ho was ir, o: hia duty,and incompetency ; Lien t. Tht.F. C. Platt, .4th Ohio volanteere, for abscl.ce oat barn ; Lieut. Wan. 1). Mann log. :12.1 volunteer., for rendering lain and fraudA;;;:t accoUlt4 llgai.Lthe go, ;nal., : Jo ~ Ecyr,lrth roluntenra, improper r., , aonm drunk in a publi, ball room, rrri•iin; nu or root by tbe police; Copt. It. C. .ImLl..r, Minnoaota volunteer", for drunken.", naing profane and nbaceno language in the rota:• atrectt or St. Lou!, and at a publle d,no, r We, not paying anbsiatnoce bill to 1100 Dppartmeni, and not re ndering re torne of poblid prnperty. Four highly important rpecici cutawiooca wero ennounee4l to-day in the On Pacific Railroad--liteveno, I nnis; Wilder, Kamm, ; Sttelo, New York Iowa; Colo, California: So blo, 1)1‘lo Donnelly, Minnei6E, ; Steele, New envy; hleClurg, Amos, ; Ventoon, li co ltseizy Levenr, On Emi,valion—lraeliburno, of 111 , Gtifl null, of lows, Lna, of. Indiana, 111,:d,i,,,„ Mau., Rollins, of Missouri. . Oa EmancipV.lon—Elliott, of blahs., lie of Pa., Knapp, of IIL, O,th, of Ina., toyd; of 3.lo.;Kalkilech, of New'York, Cobb., of Wac.. hak:eon, of Kentucky, MidKetoc., l'f N " 4,17 Jeceel. - On-ebellious Staten-t-Davir, 0f..l .1., (1 ocoh of Mans' of E1 . . 01i1L1,3,•44 J ~, ton, of Now 'fork, KOlnuin, of DCL, blow, of SIo., English, ot,Coutt. Tri1.132111.11T or 14000008 IN LICHELLIGPS ST6TE.S A resolution introduced by Air. Ashley. of Ohio, and roferrod to the Military Committee, authorizes the enlistment of ecgrocs in rebel lions districts by recruiting officers from the different St ten, and to bo credited to those States CO if they had been unlisted in-their borders, rind to receliro tho eanto bounty, pry, &c., as other troops in the respectiro States. A bill was introduced to repent the clause of the Conscription law limiting forfolturo to life estate of rebels. OSZCIL0:11' snout or Tar. 842T1.F1 Or CIIICKL Tho War Department boo hitherto practiced • singular policy In terming to publish haw crane report of the battle of Chichaniauza, though no reasons of too great a length, inn proper revelations, or the like Were alleged; sa Was at trot given oat, that his report, end the tentont for his removal would bo made pablio with his annual report; but, 113 this has not been done, a resolution will now ho put through Congress calling for Ito punlimaion. #DVICGS r60)4 Trieste advice' from Charleston, say that nearly all the inhabitants hare bean . drieen out of the eity, with the exception of a dew of the poorer dance who remain two or three miles bath from the city limitr; they are in a destitute condition, and dependent on halfra; 'Cons :ken theca by the rebel Commissioners! , The stores are all closed. The Mills Lelia - a hes been:it:reek thine , times - jwith shell', and •If • • , . 'IL ,14 ' Tat Dont report o ... 11:. 4§iiiiiiiii . ' 41:1 - ' fAs Peal • ilt4 ealniti 6 'POshat ,- . * ,0 au - ' 0 root, linddorttoci d a etatpoUockereerora ''''''-s:ia,-;. hi. r utz t,g i elar i ttion oi a pro: ;;or ta,n; ct th rcn :1 a of the r.11,i;1.,i,t, %LO .-e1p , f1, , 0:..r),,,n;:y. Ajar try .^ Is. :r • ,1 • S:111.0 bru nn • . b I I Ire 3 :Lb DIDTCCILLICeIIpfq , I 4 I - tpt . os. , .--.R,, an 1 ,.. Lil ,lUZL 1.!, ~1. . 4 .: i..;!! ... f. ••: .•. ib.rlattr , i .• - tle4l! 11.'1 .r •1- nqc sr•11••••. i . • • Pile ipAt 4! 3 11 fh..lq:;Bitut oP rc.orwr3c 51,15 iu f", froPlitn. cY1,11d.....L Er% • pi A: .t 4IS and 11^ . . - fitt C.. 1 • • tn :Tints II Iftn t • i Cm al - st a tat. We Ln.a lat,iy nude 4 •,., 4 , 41v4; 44444 4:4.4,44,:tt0r. r 144 14 . .4;;444.. Cp..; 1.. field apaiu, to “A.t...0t0.v: unto rtpr rin'tiV” br. :.r op nr,-•..,A .ffif Th:o:7 1-415 - ;.ri) r , arne 'I. 0, in EGIEWII9I2I 1111111=IMEN1=1111 the leolnti:ility I •:, •[ xe, • •iei ••0 1!IIMIIIII!illl t 11. c ; 4 ., ztt—ly of 11 MEW The Puna to retthtel to ergo, ah, r,• :Lc 11.. n =MEE ;`. +,;13 1:11=EllE111111!11111 lIIIMMEI 111111111 ~ ~ 3 's 1.,r, , FROII WAS . an; ndit "6117."?.. Cpl petit., Occupied by P. , 4. 11, al r 5 The Vi'inr, or 0,4 Connect rAI 11) 'et!...,7-ap •-<A:n. , u ford .lapjaa‘itat,l at 11,J r (:tr. Lune' Dra, a a•ta rl rti malit'aa •! ''ir • jn3t ant, : : :1. lc,: 1 t.i =OEM i ~.r . guist,:t r ,t,t4 rc, :1%1 ins.; `• P to If ..10.. zc, , c.- c •c. o :Fro!. • n!r t! - .c Geo. Le`ic ; • .^.1. , front Aittsrottri, r Wit:2 Ilia , 3 • : • : day. 'rho of 2. L ir in qra:t•iog, and it i• that th:y w•;' up to i4,1) , :1.Q.)0 uith , tl n rein( ..$ the • f 1 aileg i ,efriroer-n, $ ll , from Gener.sl :11$ i• tit' • ;•. $. $ tirrsecil t. hisa sssi s4 , retcl 1,1141.1, n ,'~ rn~ rb mo. . ccl , k, W, .A l'ottt t it,: al!uges itursi,ts•at ,P.b reit:re:fro to t. ,110 . filltr I • n,lisrities 10,7: rlscrlcAl tl , • t. 71:450n 311 , •141.1 “.714,111);,,IC co:. He Tor , ,ri••-•, hnwrr,r n. auiver styp:• , it Tit:ft..c that hit,: la-ea reniviri op to :1, liars tha kctcr adi irritte.e.,,and mU, (L., howe.cri ia wtll rat iont.l reciaoly ad. they rat6.-a thefr roliii4r3 in late 3 , 614. lb. aLiq:ali;3. of rilit , lis'tkari misrepres:at“tiqn putfi sic eltait, helsafter es/miss wdliplie.l,, is more real re.t?oa , iusikg :by pert._-o or at tilt Da,ple of Rhi . ..WMULOt tl o loot that through lkellcralll7 . of .c.nr Siovr:p..mer4 ar.d. 4 - L:41,, 3,1-14c.,er,. in dish . hssa - 11,6sim:raill , ttiiiia'.1iiite , :,}tr,cr tb. a any r...ap.outd.ave ia.ibe-rrl.sl Prom tier -Orittatis..i.capte „r CobeMG - TeraF::—.74tectttnii)at;,,t/ N'tr tont; Dt.c. 10.—Tho rt., tour Thou,. • A. t50 ,, A.t, 1 ; 0 9 Ntl , or. N r l, , The .Nort •thlear.s :Leo has tLe 04eial infortuat Lien received n t head quarterg tot all the rebel t.urkn of Port Ca bal, Toodh bare barn captured by ' , Ur Net a that. cr.ss to-t, on our ri,!r. i'ort Ca het to and the exptn.ed works are a it44.tel g•it the. potat of a . pcninlls, whim fPFitatel rosy frnua thollulf: The pesees,;on ef this point clears the cutrence / o Jac Bay, Ores the Union army ireprtLat plarec Ramrly, Port I.avine" end Matugrtr,le, a t.hp,rt.•Al.,,taare hack Cr, the Bay, Victoria ned • Ile'VeittVe the, Lit trio, ell ot which aro opon 'th.q .ouuttpr.tiu uf troop. largtoinntitity.of title •.f Dad ar...cupinlatad at Victoria, at thO tline , .f the clpfure of Brearaucille, And -there mad ae elle, tot of the utturre getting it oat, of the camt,. and .(1 fatalil of itttloving it escept by :II; slow prnretoi of teettne,lt.pruLaiily Ft', be cotne the property of tile I, •" 7131o r t4ado.iftuttier brircit Aahpro. r tiop.'l6.4fiarlCos (fort Beau fort reirort th ' orim tho ratinOhm,..3l , the Gth tim Upited ritatcp guoiwiat , Axits,;Liont,; Deolua ' ilitOofaii'T'ajiciOlraifo'tuaner tiyint -to get: VittOlogtOle. - "Shri - Ovo churn, and tho robots to artvq,.., thologolvai run tier on slicro.., and rat - bar o boarded-I,er , aAkt71414 , a . 41ittif74134,14t. not be,rutt, contritterp!thvinctm....AtztyptimiJaoo to:I4T taiollatikitrito:4llthq,irakkatli .ifraogl.s4r.t. tirt4ti . l - IM.VirectlotPfirf,4oOWLazi4.trituVartif inthildatiiii!filat'iiioate. 4 !i*.eok4SLlA 110W410-4if ili i i 4Parti V r e l743 P: 4l 2Nr4 '. iiiertclitirktithcktstrpetall A:Q . '':•4gftti`,l , Pqt" ; • 4111 BIL-EnGSESS.-FIRST SESSION. resolution 'tree - adopted in etrketirrg the Committee on Military Affairs to iskeire inte the alleged intormonity of the inoWIT iier 'rounded soldiers on the Netecr••ite i•e rt., , ,!11:i m s were introduced, helm, Mr. Rolliag, of Missouri, deeletiii; Cu. thin 11.,are is prompted by just ri li•ut •'.11; !he zealous prosecution :Lo wa , inaugurated by the , Iniquv:er - nr.d ;het the duty of the riercitreent pr,•-cuts the war until obedi- •!., ••I nut the lases is se tint , bn!l nut be preset= •! I o . : subjegs ' ,vva to 6.v nn lite la. •'•. ttnyt 111. aid.uv or. ,0 re•oke‘t 114. when it ad , 1Vt.1, - 1.• viiibe the !iti. c::1 the f.,l!..iwirti; which • Wouteto, Mme: the b-ooking out of tho ro hollh‘n, rorh.nnorn held b. tho United Statcs becn t: Gated under the rule. of war with tcu tu.,t houlauo o:nzidetntlons, and whereas on leorniug that our aoldiLre, held at Rich re..olt were roflor.ng ant., death for food and L:othing. by the eunfe.osion of tholr captor..., i,,11.” loure"!ir, of Foote, of the tibel Con . ...h, oonantjseary gnoeral hairing-starrod • tr•orar•,ho t, fends of the pris on., n 0 ,17 the Aol die• • old societies, -continued sO.l thing tio al forbidden f.-;ne re),l k.whoriLa.. Therefore. 1..• •', I I. Wanton act of cruelty unpreen•krit , , , l in m Ann warfare, at war with itutruin, i-cutitnt.iii.: of tho age, and Mititt ..• ..ecr.4tion of %lilt Route, and .11 .•1,1 of .orb ionlmous .... "f :be Almighty. IMICOM /.•••..' • , rnatnitten on Roads Ito in .:rutted iii inquire into the • it •.: a tonal around the ir ?I , .itli•ii..!oit , m,ininieing at LL4.4,L, , a 4:: I ll. r,tetin ,.m.attoo hare • t . t . 7 v.h7r74.1,.. A Lij.darncd. Sr, tr 0,0.11 pre e 1 a memorial L.., tt.r :th and oth Mafia- • r reklng fur the lutnu ar xrutalutrrd other . ;.• • Military Committee. •, r•I 1,,,ek the joint rerolu /.1 t'Anigrnsi to , nt , -74 :tad men of , , re r e u st,ewistion fur 1 1, 1 1 , y r• .41 1. LI 111, irristuiont by I. to ,ar Knor.o prisoners. 11 e made L Brown, of O.lCOOln, .0h.., r too pr i sons of the . ' n• • :•••Ntiers were in irons, • • • her wbo Were not in irons, .•.• I . .") were to Le put to ..I.Brra I..ed been. The See .: W.,. c tented iLeno foots to ••• o I;aelv.oc. I.iit received !... 70 11,1 b Qizantrell Orld it. i. ,11.10.) Or Kansas. I'iso Mr. ILM t .I mpcnml lb.• bsek."l.ay .rd 1,0.,Atv v, •ii ,m.l..!wentr. .• r ,nirb.brced a bill to r4atie.4 tho ,•1 All, t t irizena, by rear,un of the Laid nn the tablo end tho resolution rein IVAo,i:IJ of the petal,. lo.r ':• 1.4 adjournment g I up. M. Felrendrn cored it bo tic Th.. Itv.:l-11 was loft. ioaa ;;;tr,i1;...; a 4.11 I. ausan,ltneal •:;,;; ;111.1 e,lling uut the ha- ...c 4 ..• fn.m C.ll, offered a •'te.L n.. 1 41grveti to, asking .•••, i n Miliwrry AWN., bo .u=t•or:• • nqu'r , • Into the enure, which ~.• 1-1 •!lie,: of u large Handing z.truy ; 10,./ lo) ti people of t•.t: dn.,' a hill to provide o r of the eppr,.priuiton for the • 1.4 LI actually employed 10 D,pnf tear of Mir,ottri, which •ct. ,• I t a o•iiiinittve 40 War and I=2El : 'ill 21, of the dehy of the `, l'aYurteter tienoral, 04:111 the 2rl .t. ,hr n•ljtmttnellt and Payment firer-.e.1 ' , Wien., and report i. 11 • Ilecemary to fa o.;.o.trurni, and payment. NC. of t,a; vI9I fu. Inging:iouthern ~• it t, wing sa, itai.tng dispatches :ht. (Eel,nit paper; •• 4at plan atuu.ing. I W., eh • No perch injured. ph. t S. firtug tytt Sumter. output • a thn part of the manta,. -Thu Oro at Sumter ••• 3. wi.u, . •: an! unaroiJnble. It I. to been eel/orate • ...t e asel the rtrength of the g, eel l• i . 0 .. No thing on So - It • • .•.,J... Or I and eery little firing It • %tat. t!.. lett: • . tie Ile ware thrown Thtrigra Tstuhr • 7.• tr•mera, .m tab evliad ogaaa r: s..e I.:. 6. brig Perry, cap &are.l at %....rrin mi.:. hate arrived hero. ,!:d'ct. td • The casualties atbozater ~...tergr, gyro 3 L. ,0,1 and wododed. 30 Ai i, 4 1 .Item shop of e•sort's led; 1.• • • • sdirld, end sere de, tr. . thrtiwn jot* the city, r Omit tire, which .n , • nrtr. he t.11 : 1..! • , IL , ~„ y LII;I:t 'at interValp 1.3 • 1.. , .7 i•.•• dUr -0,4 ' 04.!Ding. Filentor kook s. -.etc es.lso.no. Tho fire o..ersounientod so the out., limber Rua of di- ...sete of the work,. Some am deruroyerl. The eisemy'r lend be.- ..di,. opeued heavily upon lhe fort during V. 1 . ..., a•te rtpiiod t.. 11 Fort Moultrie. ba•lvii... h henry firing war kept s p nit :in, hot a..: s.. uh among.. 1,54 &q t ., so dcdlp o..cenr.ismg •r•i• , ••••.i.,..1 On • neoLl rrtiriag, sinco 15..0t Las pines Cnoshcrand lisp In his Ir ••I hi, •-nr. Vans* an•l itssi.en's Ilse mnsolidstcd, 71e.e t• taut nee ..;At that he will I. r•I the .' Vee;lt'oe e•tottnahl has •ereveuell Jr:lithe the seiid betly. 1.1 - 'Cur asusin bet: or our rotteol t .. et It i• • ••,... lite. LengetretiVe hutlt,turLit: are ea.:v. V... 13 —The situation, et the frortt r. tosics uptisaugcrl. Sumo two Luodred or thse wohtolod at Ntant,illo hate arrived Lra:. Staass., 3icsirstis staff. es reped gin tdn Gcnerd, &frivol.' In Aurrell seurstycen.mst• 1.1 Itiebusond. 101 l M0t ,61.1 i• vstis6e.l la• Is In A Hairs la Texas Sr. Idiom. Dee. M.—A special to the Damp endroPN:• it gentlemen named W. Taylor, itrrtrOgt fore to-day, hatter left Denton, Texas,no hundred relletlamth of Red Rivor, %at h: r • t, he understood Mhon be left that it i - o coal+ bad pe .s e ~ t ea ' et th e cation ;litilisi4poledhag Sabine Golf, Gateeston and •-rirowv.olll.: cud that the Federal foree .0 nirsathg Red riot, and matching on Aloe- Aillirlabign the rebel Oceern I Taylor mail ed nit thank. :derider had adored the , circulation *ranent.the State, a pledge dtvoting Ilfe, libert and property of Ciliteto to sapport Ahnlidonfederacy; shwa refusing to sign It aro tiontiddred totality and traitors ' ender', tabs treatsd es aorta. lb. ncitioes titre VIII Levu tonsigittled sail preiniaailthcir,creedoin. The Ste..i. 011.4 with negrocs and ptook taken ;here, by rebel owners. from the States forthie teat and north. - The tionfed ereto *my In TOM. Se. generally siren°, on Pe eel limits of alto State. ,kirby Smirlt tr n.ll the troqp, in Texnz trtiral of J , ,itt. liorgau to Richmond ...The New fo rk Commercial Adcer.. tUer ^lll Now Your, IC.—Report toys, John Morgan hss rearl.e.l Richmond via tho Dig Ssody Myer. J.C. Davis het given him common , : in the ora.y of tleorgio. h re,,:ted tn..' the rhamerrial Adore s hni liven roll hp 11a 11 Son , to so:metal reivoi.•. among whorls are Mr. 11. Riarlbort, of the Werld, nod Dlr. Ifotoon, once ufttia but mnro recently ongaged as President of tho Contineutal Rank Nola Co., and to.Woll otiret Rooker nod opeentatnr, who nrc.thoprin climb , . 7t i. told thesew proprietors will tato poodeasica 4aotpcy fit. • . Sicamor Arabia. JouNs, N. 1 : ., bee. steasuldp. Aitthie.Jecto.lleltitA ott the Othopassed" , Cape its OD Snoday evettliflho uth. ,71 The newt tivnirF thd'Aicaciated , ttt t wl4l time d* ispat Terk and Sall rtt1114241:1, 4t4)444DtirD .c 440 ", • .f11.14.441t1 fiD*ol titsFe rj : ithe t . b.hrf ,eoniiot- Xe :Yeas, Pio: ft.—Me steam: Chum plat, froierdrataial4'ef the 7 tb, has arrived to-eight, with about 000,00 - sad a lam number of passengorsj-entoat -whom b the lion. J. S. Mackie. the American Commis sioner to Pena, ell questions between the the tountnes hasistg been sljnsted. Bale of Go'ernment PEILLDILPLIIA, Dna. 16.—Tho niln# Of Gov ernment bonds to-day reached $1,561,15e. Markets by Telegraph. Mr , In, Dec. ft.—Receipts of cotton la tales i holders 413 kin, laitge more than Miyeri UM- pay sales of 6 bales gnat in ordinary middling at %Wats. nom 'metier, Mims( firmer. Corn steady - and otteban74.. Oats unchanged. Cutrauo, Tec. 12.—Ylour dna. Wheat, firm and 141,44 e higher. Corn, dull at OlganiXe. Iteeelpta, ;,4tat Mita nottr, 17,000 Omit tritest, 12, , 6U b1ab corn. Bogs firm and attiv• t 51ir35,..gc. Dotard hogs dull at Siii_dd3in for lots dividing on D3O Vat Primanns.rots, Doc. 10.-1 - tour dull, and tbanapll limited tar I•otee consumption; Soo bbl. Yinnayles riLa and western sold at $7,12%@7,23 bbl tor" ordl.• nary, and 21,30 for good extra family: Mailers and b,,k,,a prim mote fronisVo to 611 for superfine to fancy brands, ammling to quality. Bursas°, Dec. 16.—rour firm and in fateldrruand. Wheat steady •, No. 2 Clilca,v Mins PA. Co., nominal, at 1.7)441,r... Oats us haleit 1'..,YA768 for. Canadian and {Waters, Barley =hide al 11,300 I 35. Ilya polet at $1,23.. Dressed bogs tptrt ,tot s it@Te. Lasky steady at Mc. Itupo b four, 5,000 blab wheat, X,llOO bt.b MIL Kra rasa, Dee. 111.--c.otton, firm and. mare ac tive at W.le for middling uplobtb. Flour d. 7 l ,botperi 88,40400,6044,4050, for Extra Mali; 87,4470 An. , . IL 0., anJ 57,4049,50 Netts& brands, puke tag firm. Wldoky heavy at 83@frre for Vega/ Wheat, mom active and fully lc better'.4 SI, 1,47 for 41,1,a50 Spring; $1,30 for old dal ftl,4 1.49 for llllwankee Club; 117,60a1,51 for tiloberla amok..; . • 41,70/41,711 for Mawr lied Westin' 1 111,42 for old do; $1,6001,G1 for amber 31Ichlgatiotrul 81.76m,as fo r teldta truism. COrn,lc - . 'Wier enenk na ae. , wand at 91,2101,25 forydlipping taltoll'ittentrit, In .rove, and 51,47.90 at. Oats a Outdo Oratorio Wan: for western and S. Goff. Dna. 'Pork! • oho& ...lei ; gl7/;17,9.5 for old 'aria, and 818,23 j for new do. Doe unchanged mid*tato demand. Ndw York Stock d Honey Market. gee Kew Tome, Dec. 19. yls in-fitir' aeIII.J. glorying 4,}xtmagadull at '%. Gold o than ratter anJ watiewbut ['tern, lar ; aliening at 00%1 adv.'s.% leg to 4934, and chaing quart ot 100' Government storks; l'. 8. 6'. 81 corippn. 11/A,,, 7..,1'a WI. ' .. 1 Stains better, dud o fair Moines. dolma., aid clueing strong. , c. t a . c scrip 11174 P. it. %V. 2 8234tIlartem , ILY P. rid U, N. c,I. 107 raellieltall 017 lauickailver Co 8 PEW L Jrorscztl. v SUPERIOR COPPER MILL t SMELTING WORMS, Pcsanneun, PARK. M'CURDY S CO., Manufacturers of AIIEATILING, BRAZIERS' AND BOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER BOTTOMS, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, &PALTER SOLDER, Also, traporters and dealer. In MMTALS, TIE PLATS, SHEEP IRON, WIRE, Az. Conantly on band, TINNERS' MACHINES AND TOOLS. WroSonun, tin.l.W/71151T and 12.4181KG0* . D SS& Pittsburgh, Pc Spa-tal ord.n vfCapprr cul toYnldnllrgypmtfrr. =l:l=3 IO CONSUMPTIVES.—The Rev. E. A. WILSON'S remedy ter the ctre CONSUMPTION, AISI'IIALS, BRONCIIITId, to, cot he obletned Ia PlMA:emit of 30.3Eril TLENZEG, Lriassitt, Career Slstket Areal nal the Dtamend. deklindetT P MU'S tc. GILIRISTMAS V From th• colebnitad ractotic• Cif . & CO., • The fluent dock ever rroeleal in this city, among' which Li ono etiperb PONCRItT CUM) PIANO. They are wars-wed for eight years; iad ineackolowl wised to be the beet In the world. • • old Pianos barn In exclol-ge. N.or Many from =upwards. dcl2 CILiBLO'ITE BLUME. 43 fifth drag. . . EW VES7I3IONIALS.—„. n. Musical ))..ten Drake East - sisaklns aut to favor of DECKEIt'BI t y I . lAlilas I " eller harinc examined the Plano Wants of the Aleeera DECK= URUS. very carefully, me ham mum to Om maclusioN and ctumftais :miry, that thq am In ' , fury reepect al:parlor instrument.. Their time I. pure, rick brilliant, rosy distinct, and of an mthely musical character. Their *orb:cal:ship is of tho very best, tiomonstrating that nowt but the very beet maze rlaix are moil, and their touch, eArtrina And equality of tone throughout the *bola annum of the key beard, interim...l by any other Plane Porte re hare yet limn. S. B. Mills, Theodore Thomas, William. Chas. Predell, Theo. Hagen, editor of the ifeeicsi *treks and D'art(' ; Carl Ansbute, Director et the tonna. Opera; John Lunde], editor Joanna qf he Irma/lip; r. L. Flitter, Carl Wolfiohn, A choir. IA of these superior lertrumentaiust ar riving. J. x uorrmAN 4=0., 61 Fifth strottli SlM==l • .41 MT lOW SALLEE. • " • pUItE . I.IqIJUDS, WINES AND COE: DriT,R.-o u YRIDWY MONS'S% D. 14th, at 11) o'clock, will be sold, a: the Comtnere:al Palen Rados, No. 3t Wirth street, the Co4lowing !earth:oat Sc.„ to which the attention of the trade le lamed Il bbl.. Old Rye Wlaleky; de do liourlede lT tdely. I cut do Irish do; 6 bbl.. Odgoss Brandy: IS owes 061 Bordeaux Ileutedr; 10 do pun Weeneb do; 10 do do do Donna: S. do do Chary de. 0 do Owes sat Ibloo Moen 1451. Old Poet W 1... 4,16 DAVIS& IIteILWALYII. Aost'n. DRY GOODS, WOOLENS, ka— On TII UZIPIAIT, Dee. 17th, at 10 o'clock a. be..eld IlVelock p. m. , will be weld, 4/ be. Cenemerclel Salein Stoats, be. 6611116 sort, • lam stools of WooSes °vele, Dry Goode, de., to which tbe attention al lb. •nde Is Willed. Also, se WTOI4 Of Doan A now tote dam/lock Glove. de. Tb• stock memorise, a DM Dr. °, Zephyr Wanted Goods, all Weed 86tete, Ladke /7k5164114 ring Reel hoop 660,1., Idea. Doe NCO lot Collars, Ladles' Deere Goode, 6-4 Cloth, Peery Geode, dr. ate • DA1311• IataLWAIEE. Ascent. QEY Cyril WARD BUILDING LOTS: Tussmy zVENINCI. Dee. ed. at 23i Mbsele, atlt I. eed, a. the Caomosetal *Me Boats, ri fifth street, terries Banding LM. la the &am It Ward, Mame as nael. Ems aad Dombldla @treats, Wog Noe. 24, 23, ta, 17, VI, 30, 31, 33 33, 34, 33 aad 00 to Jobs danger's ptaa all: 1 % 1 ..10.003 tr , 100 m late albs lots Dr. Gmarm Relebbskla.• • Tams cub. Far farther partlasdan samba af J. L. Heath., D. Bakevall's DaMlas, Grant dell DAVIES ItpILKAMIS. Aaarn. FAMILY DYE COLORS. - rATUITILD OUTOBT.II t 3,100. Mel, Awl( at.., Wsetfa: Sin, •411 0.... bark Blue, /rages.. POI ?tar, liffilas. OverAllihm. Merem, am* Hmono. 0..0. Dwt Mr., Pik . 1.401 Lfrvef., P. 7 ,0 .- 8...... e Thou", Roma rwst.. 0 ten. tial.ol4 1...., &cad, A ar! Drab, P:atir, tfgAl Drab, Sol/.rig., raw. bre% ride, a nttell IMA ream.• l'ne• Dydug bilk,... Joods, Shawls. iicart• Wean, Ebb. ~. .. 'besets. lists 'ham Cid Glove., CbUciWacciothing, and all , k ID& of Wfttlor Armed. _ ./tlr • eAVINO oreo ren CZNY.'II4. . . _ Tor 'l5 et,. yon C. 1.9 color u many goods u would otherwise coat en times that Iyn. Va... Madre' eau be prodosed from tho nee 01. ThiS peva. atropte and anysno can two I. with po*ct 40C1.4. Directi6ns to Inglis], Treocdstol Gormoo; Ladd& of each wing. • • • Tor farther intermation In Dyeing, and citing perfect knowleele• what wolso ars best adapted to Oa owe °than, with way saittabler recipe%) porthoor Roweßem.' ?natl. on Dyeing at d Coloring.' ...by Mtn o.TlYtirt or peke--]0 cents.. Manufactured by now' a erarVis, BrambniyOlustoti, ' For de by deviates and brakes pnarainy e Fo r —— - A N A I. Y 816.— fro ALC11111,...........3120. an .. raa OL 114 v-.- 1.31. Lon-- ...—\ lisastua—. .01 Wma.--..- 4 "-16.10. • •. Duke norePted thelegoary AT the We of lb. SIIiPLA CLAT, mined am et, Loole, - /lIA. Ls* vile the attention of Glue end Stood Illanufactlatoll to the Auslysle given vtGove,na fryortod by Pro& A. A. trays, of Lluton„ and J. C. CU,* Phlledolphls. which, together with duo teetOtnotnal experiotrob 17 enentdenarere to PltteLunb,"Clnelniastl and' St. Lode, determine. It to be the pursed and mart reln. - We Cray nose known. 'clamber l'oerlgn or Avnefloon. Pots tea& frovn It hove flood to the Clue Furnace teem IX,to d month. . • . • . Tbs Attelytts to of.tha Clay ea taken teem the mine, eltbont any lc uhlag or furperetkrn whatever. I, pato n. gent adbeeleeseeg and plaetlcltygtolltlee,. whicti ale not etwon by the inalyels„ god whleb ad- aft of the =tuts of • Urge proportion of OW at. horned Hay. • Las nor pre be 111 oviern tbe oboe* MY to barb typed o wed St. Lori, or tlv4vered buy. - n,.1.11 eranz, •: . . TORS = FOR , BEINT ON i RARKET, Et7cltl7.—lbe baholin.• Vv. Matiu4 rer cal.laville,ll. Wass & Dear, k* • kre4 &rt rast.44&&& et , Faisuma x iMV • Ai&reo ' ' ''• ". JO AT,Ir TOSEPIECOMF_ , Dalidl&g:eotner of &Waft& Slid Grua cutsia talabarge. IS: toilort * Pr. 11&.; 11.-mon• scoots. ior•l,Lntt at 33.11 ()MAMA /*ONE - 4M ' gedis4l Ibt __±, • . I - ~.41.1013 MW, O 21111 boil . " • • '4!%1 0 a: , ".•71'. , Lima esen i u u "t•-• w.r., Arrive!. Timkrhistsicsatd sem : * 11-16" ; - if-OZIaitli! Diu : 7 4 4 .4 7- lasteT44 . tn. pkar mgl4lndle*4 abolit;4ll79t, asele. vetted 'Le ti: ll o:4oeosraAtALeftiow'r#oo lad. melt hos kern enowoms,-14414tia . 140 Lee sin= - OD evideace of - stsull tient47o:llctzoga; 'bola; rilto, Li (attar slowly, tlyinth*b.ribk ri ,PJ eeter,etiweL tb let Out "Uktmoi l liittelnititonAltut lode. "Tiiviithicr condo. adreki:,4lid:siZiorlth Denham at whoa coatinar*T+o htisk, and she raqta:ariti- ihilpme r ati intr. , 4171 u As there 111 T q64o:ll:llaq . a . tio4r enl 46.16,z 6:64- 6-6661.. , pad Dili , appatrnllf. "Aosta= to got foll trips, in thaellortert poettli* thus, there warn some tatienatiookihrown *tit yei. - usrday that the to of irelgliftweatlles manul.- Whethar ft wasaccompliahed or dienvmsaisoMabla to stat*latt writs - rattled that shippers CD wi thin., any obstacle* In , the trig; I Ditoanitioatama deolre to eater into each intirrintraniaL Theo*leals since'inhtiecludio Ariumle• r Dail, sad earti with - is geed tiiii,: , ;Theeehis Beddit Grads, Item Ciaelazal4 grid ifi. SCitliehtlnite Beftllesdoa,sraelos here to-diii:" ihhjeindeEnhhi willbe here this morning without doubt, e 3 abs-wag. 'test ashore distance below. Ludayffelop, The derarturerincre the:Whit& Bose tad 'Llonlhti. for 8t Louis; both WAN' . good etrips, hadadlasi s. large number of passaartai, Thisastsgs SF _;eltiied farell City:within ezakiliat 04*. WC. et tihrtehltio; Is the - eltirlliriiiliMirtnee Georgetery ; sad will . heorelni for Phiciateiti:'":23ept tblertLih bundOlg • 6 •• •hk.heet L now on bit - way to dist 4 ,iiiiaMtend hes ,00neirsetlas, eotemporsmesys : . , It has been summated to us that deubtlea agentsmme.of the iteamahlp fromNeer D k. Inn* to New • - fork, who get up nth antlinabli• aeries aboufattuoners being trial inlet by guerrilla., on the Nialalppi.river. These.reportneep OM= sauna tab* trop, and lieu . ham a lehder4 frighten highleaste travel from steamboat. in the thaw. littotinthlpichergilliPpimage, ,frniVrow Orleans triNew Yarfr, and athiseraloPeih oengenrisritary clearable: TheiLaancape r . tb," M*C of New Orleans fall of peeple, erlallo 4 attam: boaarconduralrthe Meer can get very re IFILKSCII, I,ta,a-refy common thinclor:Nel Orleata gra M i er rex! ' il i tVle o t tt l it;lll . • w !"r ogira n k theris that there's§ comparsitivery • Rim tiger 4 , 'Outage-by *saliva, end not Mratsty gene. In all Meehan Mt by-ltri rag. on oteggs slum the, 'breaking out of tho odor. tt Oapt..Rebinmea- hod hob news comer, Ibe. Kota 11oblowan, brought op to the wharf idsterday, and being ahead completed, oh,' wN commencr, loodlng Immedlately4or Cincinnati and LeuiseMe., A Interesting and plant= ithdr took platoon the new aratrier Darling Tneeday arninte, sod all three who weroeo fortunate as to be In attendance, . we am told, enjoyed It hugely. It moms tliat_gulto la number of hulks and gentlemen assembled an board i this tine steueer on the eventim abort .ruenti ! Med, end • lively titneensad. Alters ,nadtpt:ecos repast —gotten op in such est* sa tialf teIAIN of the Doc. only know, how—eheiestivitlee closed at elate hour, with the marry dance, and all railrallighly planed with Mellor darner Darling, and her.popsdat and accottiplished °Moms. In con@thilirigttda brief no- , tim, We May tory properly re alit ihst3lle Dealtig will loam t - .s:,Cii; pooltirely, fotAssuphle ' .• The well4theirn and populir steamer, Ilineria,. Gordon, till ixeithely lenettolij Ilur Mee • call and. lanthiellle. Sewn. 'airide and Ihuthilig as associated together in the olDre. , , Capt. U. 11. Derioney, of the Jannis Mobil az rteed theally yesteeday r bating Mittio thirtulhitt advance of the boat, by mit Capt. D. refuntsh&T-' tog discharged about two-hundred tons of freight at Parkersburg. The JClttlie will commence ndleint Immediately, for Cincinnati sad LotiferMejind• paseengen and eldppersabould bear thls feothi Mind, She fine starmerlinnolo Dyere; CoPellusk, as will he want by card, le announced to loare'foi Cairo and St. Laois to-morrow evening. no "Sted, Whlb and"pocket amt, is the amt./med.''' . L lisiket for day., loosing poqtlvely tb4 o.roing, IDA hay Ina lupeoramotiitiorm for . vorseogrre: siij.pleuty of room for (might. .I'I7ITIBIIRGH Tinveria. lame awl TYlrd Idea of the, America. actctri W. JOSEPH P120C1011., who will appear to tho bfwatifhl trs of Jack Cada. . • Will be presented, Judge Cenireure celebrated Irazedy In Ave acts, ' JACK CADE ; ar, TEE -BCISTASTEE 0? Ell2O. Jack sat Worthy lard cueror4_,— • • — fr;;;7:a: - Tnek , " VILLIFOODDTP:" i OD ZED; ZUNDBL,. . 01101LNDIT A 191: Drezci:crn:', OF BRIM of PLTUOLUZI (Vs. Usnaz Wails 11r4orria,) GRIND, SACKED,ORGIII O:OCAL ONCEitt: TO.llo2BoW,(Tbsirati;)l:Po. nit); At tb. gicostel Prestryterlat"(ltty-Da, .1.0.,) Clio:Rely -comer or Penn ►nd !nut ea.; tbo prootttla to be sppropriateil to the Chtllthltt to. to the Swat." Cocottattlon. • I. Lou .!ochry VoSmeary ors the Orman. t "ChdeU.o, the morn creeks sweetly o'er thee.' fee Solo rod Chorus. Composed try .1. Zundel, htrlol•e Deed !larch. I'm the 4. ♦lr, "In Itatlre W...rtb.. frets thy Oruor •erbriCrsillem r "..y.------J. nada.' kerasseel Quiatstre for male emers.---.lltaitssf. 0. Alr, rom the Or 11tiMish.. -* • S. 11On:dente* to v •• Or . 4 7bir • astort" (Oro Rrelmarm's vssele um the Gam> Tra, Onas avds, 7tme, ./loades." Astlifirosles7l reared by Utica stet Obeli. ;l Soviet 0. enesdCbierum ems s'lllmltmelatt:'..-Clasclet isr coaxal to ,timeosome Ni'cloct: Dais . Illekete44o AMU ZACll:4mis, be 43 at, die gatter ads &aro of Um Oslo% :1614er K. 61021 10.ENGLISU OPERA, AT Th• Pally oelebett HOLMAN OPERA TROUPE Short Season of English Opera,: CAntnenciai on 1110SDLY. Dee; !Slat. usea. Anerconclading .7th Dr ioniciblo rnActa OW 31 UI Tins TODNO ACTIACfS: to Ictdch Mot AAALIII DOLMAN oral Dotato mix clidnont .chorocters. A/minion, 2S OINIIL • few . Nome Crrtileotts Brat, 611 (=DA ", Nom wen 141, to COMMIIO, Ty, .folocir.• • wpm text).. tnN of Mats of SottuttelAmor", dm from 10 10.1 o'clock. •• • A • • islranad Maus.. cattunue..o . nettlV DAY ADIIIANOOIift, it t otclodt. • . • /fetal: SIX xlcarttro c•istatocini 11414111113‘ , . . . MORNINGSTAR'S . ; , INSTRlLtak` pp • • , tr46<: , ":, 4141T1M1 tr; • ••••- ••• •••• .• SOIREE De AER.I4ItI 1 rdisalan in? Prognonal. dell:b • • ; 8.21, AinTursupia. AC•4‘. ;O:ri/Ditlat 4 . - . • • 17 , puri Concintrida ICO bou•saiortedPose,: • ,'I MI •do Pearl Starcbr • • • 7 • .; Yu do lillyre Moms !Ranh; do' OottiEtorchi :•• , • 80 bp& CL,Sods; " • kwi . s.:4- 4 5 • • . •-• 470d - rillet - •c , haws aide 11p*:4, dal4 • • . ......4411111111PAIP PIC 11 • i tiA . —With. primMil.p. Mom ,- • : a ..I ° 3 ..t....17C-r . . :: : 4 Z...... ao dd•y) :.`do --; •• "•,•de;L: lesudeikadd•diddby.: :: ~:*-..--.. ,:,!-- . c.: nerd • • .:, • • , 7.IIREPATRICK,hIIIIO: LAItb_NANTE II 7 I 4 - 01 1 / 1 5 . 1 . a 11h. .. " ,primpaidtdardail7Litr um dais. :- . rpaltrrit •• dEgl).--1001Mthris p ri me *i.,2ll . l.4 , ,,Tsotiriti mrsa:Mpt:ke ,=: : • ~i5 ; 2 = :,.. ,:: r•-• :,TRIV.Fr a VASA.- • , :MA I ...... , i - I „ altiw a t-+.iG ~.~. ~. .~ 'v+ xrl yy`tt~t r s , P f _ ! _~.. ~ , / ~ jam,, `~ ~` ~~... /t . ifsa a a -•;:11 - 4.to:q loo. l ***4 - 14/11 174151, am= incrilAuGirscia. .verusEJNE.&.7B E=!l THIB (Shuntlay) EVENING, C U I :M C W..'M 09. HXABONIC FLA.LSI4. thn IM tenor g a. With 14I1e beautlfal Ovmpaßitto ?.! Tnitoannis Gnu.: ' .t. --. - i - --A- -, _ , • - - d -,A: ~: • j , ..r::- _ - : , : - . ..ii.: 17g .•: : .. - ±; , 2 .,..- : !g r ia. 4-,- ;•*; :A•V.:.-!:; • .4,:.•-•:•:1,,P.,....'454-s:f-V*sjf.;4,;-,,:•;,V: •tr,,.. vg , - ;,- - -g•,..z 3. '. 771 : :!: ' --..-.:,•: 4zKr-•:0-:..:,,..,,,f--:.::,,,:j::,-,L-,•_,$,,,,..,• - - &kat. Emscraz_xY l 11 ' 4 ' 7; 4 '"."“ meaorgitads,:ww-. , ct u z pia puts, ditEreir 11 7 - "'"*"•' tad • - fitsrfireiliON . WWI intticaibiat tadocettiwwsd:unonsdedit_..... ft ilsett a ! it - Weida itto4. Peithettnuntlint V 4 .7 - ti i , lizOOP"V h " drl4 Thkraus.l , 6l - aaiirotelle 4 -:,, / ?Victim= =Mont &adage tfoexv They oinicecans 'teas Of p.t7., 11dr5a 74,.. , - Thiyatrupgsbutberf l a rik , s3 2 .. ... mai , bras, Tbpperreafeedatmatbi!P., - 7 6 1115 1 4 btk 4ll -* ...A 4l / 1 14 ,-- • , • .124 Ase• VApikildliatd "„Tbilirainllnis!...neFutk,""*. -talient,A c Ibeyinalukhr - senk iitarAlL--, • Thalr 164 etbsinted tutbitettp•AffaMOri six l.',, ion;pos4V,V,i4.4.l_ grani, , aisellwomettmutle . ct "nedbilr Set , rkarbk4°M. 7-A enAniskii , s Vo thut nu. Si. A &m arker MoustilLn.ww.."" 7 uktrat, tansreAvatrze et 2 4 0 2 k,ViOi-tti446t+lltisnd :2 amsiu t44 l.l., LfputtFre lmuthsai., ; et. tast,,ttne..6lL_tet,if/wr, "tura oti . Ag?oasi. ' Y40. 9 00 4 .: P 4 40 63 n.1tt 1i 1 1 no rattan dr In balk. Jaalaspoiter, w : Rn anly f our iibfir Mlle; • Afrpars=l.7l*itatlng thia kcttleiroit4llk4saiaani:aarsaiiiipiiip,wh 2 thra mho matanca-niunicer:llooll 1.a111,11.1ana•C" P * o4:**lrigiiVinl . Telejlt i 7 ,ll.s.- lagi.444l.aa.*P l *, toitYkinividta anic~ln WW2 taeunrain itenti.id 5* Distco's Plan. - 411 { 4 . 11 . 1 4. - -. l o ,l o 4 * . e oi o r.merth " Z Agto l . Palbotil sko.atmph trfd of . I =o l tiwolridonto we orment. of their wore! sut apkt",6ityt "rgwite . jisg iy)ar,f abl , ang- 4 , oraid.P. .4144F 1 4.1a. mboas orl . . . remaci-Kmer - Volltioithray. F. Y. 0 , 1) it,AILTP Gratt(l,s'.ll BM ibis. 6 ate ',Weil); And;;1414,, '' • • • ertogolt 40111110014. , • - iumwendas#&fiurraurturtreou. arftalia- - wwei'" ''''' *--'-• ''''' ' - 41113EATiliaRRA RES: ~ .- 7 ,llr.litroneB Specific 4.l.4n l s4 4l o l lll . olnetttbr..,Able*. l /vf the or6azi -IV ix sibs:sexy ,ot smiand PiliidanYbcia devnield I. eitoo inntment o ." 404 4bmllmo6!Td 111 1tMdonta sat ,23•ll.tit ihotntban.tmeaft in**. _ 2tis rodixtion In tt " 4 !tß dria l h O tiden " a n d d i ffi s ing (tat * bra ihnialitaken pnettce and thozameroug f. Co. Pairwauds afyre4 to the It [.rb.tq u k. It setr Itt•ncbits‘ sod - tweets atconiAand..-,4gtir — i ' or Clas dhearlr _ - . th16 , 114 " 4 " . heglag Pg.Amami FEralkolontiPli Imitestattsted • by "P' l4 ifPi 4 a " t ". ° l ' ' ( "I g h " tLt tlgoaturo d etu proprteter 6 snood mat box. lone abler I* P. 2 1". PrIP 11 ; 41- WS trf - -- to: lawn:ism, Sap, bopileter. Olzuxtinatt. 4. 4 4 p 1 as 7 ;730,- 111 , 40 9t r* a • • fir ravage as itholaselibr GSM: 71. MUM, To uiectrausiF PfIiSEUBDI AID vim= .I':, 1 LEI:r:VEGIA- 4 /CM". 11, 1 : : / 663 ..„: 1 1"$ i ltk, upterslgned rnild. tsopjoik tabs:dim ,--,,, - 1-. Ito t•Rnitaration 15t0164 SI i -._ ' .12 4 .- HIPJX/VWELV3 lII=IMSAL cornizz=m, - I , z - a . -,--, , Tor a Tamatalkiumg anigazt... 71 , 11 ,- -nu... If. 14 Tour- sagoznany, , .. -1 ,- ;-, nit-egos 4 - '' '' ' '' s ilow , , Ls or sit 4, amt Geneiaz liar; ''' 7, '‘t 4- Aye for tL Aksca 74040 Xtraittemitkass a pi. , t o:lMlATlOtlannii _ ,utispost porfoct 4110.14 4Nl44ll.entrigivatt to Mt public, latch. Emu LOWILTIONIQII ill= 6110 sad Di- - zt.,q , daistrutesa Iblvitineint wittiont the bast plpbsc,. - - -;;;;,,- edam atidasettili, alstittibi. Bliblumir Unr ' ' 2 *•?:+: -044 9 r 8 1,= w - ° ,71. , !_9 14 a dir4a2 " a *" 94 "jA ' l2. "Alga. PrearitikteXo4lMlCh gamindee . , 7.. -',,,, - ;2;1; win to New Ibglaml, bus the icrnlkboat 4 ista • -..: :44. , us mod 110 , ; plat =Veto of iisls!„ and 6 lY 4 “44, "nIV. pima - EL_alcar• a— th••ittaattaa at invalids, to al/1 Mai flat a Mkt cotton:dry to. • tale*.mlittlava Martteg to tls• cam- maia natal et Etatoza aF 'dawdle's& I Estact mak • . *OWN la On them, which Eli t• men& JOI12( L . HUN - NE=l4 Prspaiater. • for tits 11. aliEsalsaliatta ntsl deales• - Ttba ' , mated ttvadata dt exampaptisaco ID Weed. " Balm of vial Ma'am a s coauattalam of aal• Us PI ttabantt. at by J. Taltca. -0. fL Lop. IL, D.,Joseph JHSI ;ln Allatbany • 1 a lt i 'W. J. Yams r c t. At. tellioafavr., ••!0140.1. Abate, Mtg.:MM. tirra.COMMIPTIVES, ' 1 .. , . .._ ..IS. afillither, bear rortas4 : to buitti l• . 1 ii'lliiiiri= 4 irii starlit* Wag'' alba lastag sillso p••rciith & Mil tan 'LOKI/ 0 .4 _... , 2 SatitEsTdriii dficiii, Osatusaptioa—bi aaadot• to - alas inti.m to Ws tatlaw'rafbien do zooms atom. 4 •liiim lasi - MU. it. bb >win sis 4 is =ST* ct the Saalarirtlaa amt. ( bee at stisigi4) TAD the Cm. Una kr preparing sad ten OA amo• Which 0 . 1 7 will dad a my* amp? COILS CXM.O2I, drIDZILL , iI4O.SCI2IT . IS, oproas;' COLDS, 'A>. Into matp . 1 vlytect et Ms adttrt.li.r.lis 'rafts Us Lam.iatkta lis t r Ina& oi.irakim, not . 9 i...a tedbranum '' lAA*. coacidive to be tuni:wa; and be betel' every - suArrer will ii. 7 his ,iiamatti, •• II WWII wit ,'t ! tam =thaw. and gm pm* a tawny . ,:. Pantos •rinbia; tam tassarisika litll pan adirso • ...- - • • Illv. EDIVA.BD 4...-1•126607 f, - - - - W altlioto. , qlA4 Ktaga wallaA-araft Tart ... The ebn• remedy may to obtahlia is ritbbs4ol or , _ 1. '. ' - 70152.17{ tunas°, Damon, ,*--, "Ccrearliaskseattert .i 0 tbs Marred. Paitoristcr.:'ardw 4 s. , •452m•••Y •,. lIVIZIEWCONPISSIONO AND `A in o 1 fi9 OVALID, alruntnamaito4c 9ftlism L1T•123 Dainty, -/mlllllOl.l um . 0 . Who bas cul‘d ? IlhinishiPlik eiliMPl* Nur? • areal bashagas4 emellunr, • • Illy erdning • patina! Atttlopeo emu. 1.4 t• bad etas NalUr e • WIWI= xmAnt, mym •• • &dant shin f,7=na ._ . . a.— , Roccxsex. 10*ROBIN130* BSA: &CO (Imo , . egabaiwtertagiso,artneor...t.i WARamn a Toccriltnrocoxporliituurtimritrabyt t , - 44 . th-coirew..t IOAT : ASD . . szknorm nuirleatritiwAtalremWmus,4=7; 3404 q i, V = 0 11 WW=.0Alm:: mA4 - 441:45 , *%iMa:TAM4asTm 110 4. 4 4 1 PMAR4 0 4"2.1,. -, Am . wagAmiaxmT47l74mmen% townmmummwm—: . , -----aap[l222V,i ifrallsram • fig tomtittesraf_lo)l.4th Loa lrw dirrai ✓ **rapist ia. Twatt,4ll4d. rho modes of trratamooraluerardiram m , ra fram:rad Cohn aztrazaudraMra lattl.stt* aratarara lb. moans of atm Tniats. enra AS) addres..ll.trratlrraf" fragrant =Dd.)* r . Uri raMmtt f0a1...1; c Dte'rra to Itt. - DA.wcar 1.63"410 rairrast, ' ouctani tux 'ltA r ae:ANTlT;aooor lowyrixDor (Maps; brlLUTaat. Alrgmai Loadantutro odu wadi* dr al pvcr dirucithk odsatid r "./abbfaa aamaD at J.• , - , i. , ..,- , --, '45 ••-:,•-::.:::,-..:;;;, ... g.:. - :? 1: : .- ' , .: -..1. ...F : '7Z . :: , ;`io'.' ;,‘ • 7 . ::::?. - .'' .1, • ::•••-•.-. . . . , ~ Y ~~ y~T~F ''-~ 5 :~: ~~~- x ~~" ~M ; ._ ._~. F '~> .~ ~ ' ."... .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers