Pf+~+a ESTABLISHED •IN 1786. GROCERIES, PROD UCE,lre CHARLES Produce and Commission Merchant. MERCHANDISE BROKER, And drier in all kinds of COUNTRY PRODVCE, NO. 170 LZBENTY STEHDT, lon Bier tamer, jobberitto GN)VERN. N. O.StRIAIL and MG LIftEil, REFINED dEFILLEN At SIRUP& rLoCII, RAC/ON, TOBACCO, TEAS, RICE, MEESE, RENDS, in., Nos. 212 and .443 Liberty street, Pitts- Norgh. SHEA tt LAZKA it, GEDONEUS AND comattasiox It EIICIIA NTS, Bloc 27 and 17.21talthtleld tit., cur. &wad, P , Say •111.11 11{/40i.111(.- . . 1.4.1111;1:112. ACKEOWN LINLIAR'r FioreM aka Guts Facades, radon. Ann Conartainun Maacitatrrro tkor the ago of Flour Grain, Pork, Ba ena. Lard,Natter, Chrea, Beano, Tallow, Grew* Farallon, Potato.. Pot am] Pearl Agito, gal at Linseed and Lard Oils, Driedd Green Trona; Timothy, Clover, Flax and Grata kofeda. s)ah Bdr...strata made on Consignment.. apfly No. '297 Lthookr stmt. Pitrobnrati. GORNILY, " WEIOLZBALE GICOCER, No. 271,LITIENTY 874.8 ET, Plitobargti. liaTtng pun:hued the interest or hit law partnere, art 4 continua the Dwane. at the aid stand, and will W pleased to 'metro the patronage of hie old friends had castaman. • • myltatf - - - - CommTEBB &•WILICENSON, C saws V itinicaLirn, 'Wholesal• deal e rs Is WEST_ERN ruisrars CREME, DE.LED FRUITS, BUTTES, ZOOS COLIN& Andmance generally. Also, LATHER, TILDES, O ILS, ac. , No. 217 Llborty street, Pittsburgh.. ffierc.b advanoomouts Ina 4.. Cooalgnmonts /kited. Jel2-Gmdso-. WIL P. BECK k CO. No. 185 tr arty Seet, Plttabargh, L Wholesale Gro ws, Co.:minion Heret,nats, and deafen in COUN TRY PRODUCE, PROVISIONS, BACON, LARD, BUTTER, EGOS, OHEME, FISH, Im., PRODUCE, runni,, GRAIN, SEEDS, GREEN AND DRIED , IMPITS, gm, SALT and LIRE. Jyla JOrn CANFIELD 1:0313IIMION Azin FOZRAIOI.I 1112=HANT anl wboleade dealer In WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE, RUTTER, LARD, PO/1111 BACCLN, FLOUR, FISH, PIYI . AND PEARL ASHES, BALI:RATES, LINSEED AND 'LARD AILS; DRIED NIIIIIT.-and P=4=3 generals, Not. 141=410 Front Crest, Pittsburgh. tx.2 TM*. LIMA, „rm..71/.IIILE. LITTLE & TRIMBLE, 1% holesale Ciro vas and Commission Iterchants dealers fn PKODUCC, FLOCS. LAWN, EfIXESE, FISH CA.RIIO2I AND LARD OA L.LSON, NAILS. CLASS COTIOX YARN!, Mut Pittsburgh manufacture. &Wait IL" and /14 becond street, Pittsburgh. .7. AZT S. MITYKD ....WIG D. DRYHER & BROTHERS, ( nuei , esEtors tit Itnenter . S.ASclesion,) Wholistals Dealers In roILICTON FRUITS, NUTS AND SPICES, CON "6011021131S. SllGilatS, PYRE WORKS., .te., dos., Minna 128 Woad street, ahoy° Tint, Pittsburgh. —mons sucams7to. OULP dr. S. HEPIIA It 11, Comnesrox Ifternmrts and dealers in FLOUR, GRAIN, •ANDLPRODUCE, No. '243 Liberty streot, Pittsburgh. • Choice brandsof Flom for Bake. and Family net • ninstantly en hand. Perticular atterition paid re • oMen for Merehandim generally. ooh 1j rtIiA.eLES B. LEECH, Fcoca LVD NJ CU. FACTO. Contrtsmon Streams" for the ash, of GRAIN, SEEDS, CHEESE, PRODUCE, • and agent for• the celebrated Uniontown CE MENT. Nos. 116 &COLO mid 145 Vint streets, be tweisa Wood and ihnithlield, Plushorgh. sea KIHANK VAN GOIWER, Produce and • Commission Merchant,. dealer to FLOUR, BUT- T= BROOMS, SLEDS, LARD, CHEESE, PORE. DRIED AND GREEN FRUITS, and product. geoer ally. LiGeral cash adranore on consignments. Warehouse, No. 128 Second street, Pittsburgh. 010200 . ILFTIIO.I.. READ & METZGA_R,—Hrocere and Commission Merchautm and desisrs in all kinds i of Cone try Produce and Pittsburgh Ilannfactures, No. 249 Liberty street, opposite hood of Wood street, Pittsburgh. Way GEO. & JONES SON, Wholesale Grocers and Host Furnishers, dsslsrs in MA NILLA ROPY, OAKUM, OILS, PITCH. and Pitts burgh istanutticice aWrathai[onevyaElffyilS.l24,44piltityLyt,. _ Rona? lIQOBEILT DALZELL lc CO., Whole : -LIU sale OrneeracCotamission and Portrarding Mfr. Omits, ■ad dealers in Produce atul Pittsburgh mon tireatante, Liberty ernes, Pittsburgh. D WALLACE, Commission Merchant,• and WholettalsDsaler lts FLOUR and GRAIN, Ns.= Liberty street, opposite Pennsylvania R. B. gUsl ll lo ll * ,Ospot..Pittebargh, P. Storage Ware. Louse, corner Wayna and Penn streets. nort:ly mom aasuncsr....--sons saner°. —a. Y,r LytcX. ..4MBERT, - SECIPTON & CO., Whole sea Grocer and Pfoduco Dealers, inc. 6 Sixth Area, Plttnburzh. inl6 Joao.wart trance, igvATT Su WILSON, Wholesale Gro r cen.,C4' inenlasion blerebants, end dealer, in Produce, Raul Pittsburgh atanufacturee, No. LW Lib erty street. Plttsburgb. J 025 elletSAL LIMA, T. SA TALSO6D. LINDSAY & TELFORD, Wholesale end Retell ottocEr.s.FLoult AND PIIODIAIN LIKALIMS, 187 Liberty street., Pittsburgh. Iq4:Bus i. QuioltAKEß ii LANG, COXXISSION lisseitarrs and nbaletala dealer. In Clll4l - =BIM, FLOVTI, GUAM, PRODUCE, kn., Na. 115 • Meaty atraet, Pittadnargh. J. I. T S. LIGGETT & CO, CITY FLOC; K u ...INO BULLS. wen, Liberty and Attune :eras% Pittsburgh, P. r " - C.P.eitY , Art 3 imma per day. 110 TIMES .DALZELL a; EON, Manarac ,o4lster3,9t,WCD OIL. and Commissien Men. 11 , dreban and gala At GARDE AND +.6.4.1A.ND ..ezranstrat, tica. G 9 and 70 Water ; itioet, Plttltnitgb. Advance, made on =alignment.. ..... kintParal. icIRKPATRICKT BROTHER, sue . ra z am. to Littllk. Xlikpbtricke, WHOLE X 01 arid 19.1 Liberty meet, _Plttabw h . apl3:ly waUsini ausas,lo.„, Nrt .. 11 srm IrCANDLLed, •1... carrot, - rxi 'apeelsl Partner. MEANS COFFIN, auccessorn to IRCCanaless, Means a Co., WIIOLYSALE GROOZBS, corner of Wend anste.Wster streets, Pitts burgh. CHEESE WAREHOUSE. —11.12-N It Y' IL COLLINS. Fonnotllng and Onnsionion chant and dealer In CIIIMSN, COTTER, LAKE ATM and Prodom ceorredlY,, No. SS NVOCKI artfOet, Alban Vlntax, Plttatiorgh. toyl." TJOLLAND RlDDLE;sucooszor .Ino McCall a" Sip,' No. 183 Liberty street, Pitts /iamb, genital PRODUCE, anocruir AND COX mamas XERCUANT. l eattegnments resivet, Many solicited. . Watt, 1 — YAIALI DICKEY tr. CO., Wholesale :a..Gicarn, coma:dud. Murcbantn. and dealer. In Prodaeolttibnig, al Water stmt and Front etteet. Ph. • ...JOU] L bInWOSTU. 9. DILWO —" RTIIdc CO., Wholesale Smi • thfie GrOCL llL ilist mig 130 and 133 Second street, mew ld, Pnh. DO/ ... IDora 4,01 ; ii CU, JWholesale Gro s, tors ...a Command. Machado, Nos. 172 Wood „AX4=ll4berty drat, Pittslyorgh. jold • (VIARLES L. CALDWELL, (successor te lama Hoban L. C 0..) 1.011/1 PACKER and dada In PEOVISIONd, corner of liakot mod Front mtrootx, rittmboalk. a J. TOWNSFlND,(sarcessor to Jack & Townaeral,) PORE encrimr..d doal. or to PROVISIONS, No. 12 Poorli !groat,. near 1.11.- orty,llttobtutth. 1..)0.13.1111LTZ--. ywon' & .ucccomor § to jj. 14 - o. Grad; PIiODUCL AND CONALISSIOS SIZACIUNTS, 241 LibenT end, Pittamrgh• 701111 T. TIM M. TORN . :L HOUSE .& .CO., Wholesale OROONWPAND CONNUSION NERCUANTS, camel at Ehalthll44 and Waten. greetn, Plttsbnrith. K, PEJIIT CO., Commission M & rolianht, and dealer. In PRODUCE, r LOUR, BACON, WOOL, GRAIN, Ac., No. 12 IDRUblial4 atennt,•Plitnburgh. Way WARD H •AZELTON, beadle GILOCIED AND CONNISSION MINCEIANT, \ Taft wooer or the Diamond, Na 115,, l'atoborgb. kohltdpos Tv I . • BAG,' , , oleaala. \ ' Grocer, licA-16 and D) Wood stroot, Pitt*. burgh. Milt ' !.tll i. —. l -- f - fi IDES KING, Wholesale Oro .n. P i t t.portxr of SODA ASII, No. STS Liberty ood.orgh. LOW Ada ,t3KRTON & EITKWAIIT, Wholcsalo .4.26ILOCEES AND COMILSSION =matIAST'S. tio.2o7.lltunitti.t. Pittob.rgh. knY IZMC=MEL=nI WILLIAM WARD,.Dettler in PROM c T twiny NOT 33, BONDs, atOIITGAGES. and socurittru far wary. rum= u guocurolOASS, through nay spurn Thom 'dabs to brat their rates, good advatt tnalitratlodllett-sad soma data ;spa at 411 camtasulleatkot mid totertless &Met!, case ' 4 ik6l 9040: attrab tWollitti: Et. ' Puri . . . . . . t f lirdt:L.p.PALlPEft& .1 i: r 7478 n W F t; -Atir7 11: Z0814;34 ;!i'r ari24 ts. 1r 'T:IjE- DAILY :1f14.4 - 1111:4CTURERS, atc. DuQuEsn BFASS WORK, CADMAN & CRAWFORD, ffienu otolcti *revery misty of Iltasbed DRAW WORK . 1 . 011 PLUNDERS, STEAM 011 GAS PITTEIL9, MACHINISTS, AND :COPPERSdIITID3. BRASS OART/Nak."o( all description., mad* to order. STEARIBOAT 'WORK, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, and REPAIRING, promptly attended to. Partieder attnolon paid to tittinK op REFINE RIES FOR COAL AND LAUDON OILS. _ Also, Sole Agents for the Western District of Penn- " - sylvani• for tho We of MARSH, LACSDELL A • a " dog's c0pie5.......- S. 00.11 PATENT SYPHON PUMP, the best ever In. _ Soma.., . ~,,,. vented. Raving no valvm it is not liable to gel out W '"' ' ft e . "P i "' P"”""• '' of order...a will thou. more water Gum any pump ' " " duke ;of IS to 10, " ... 1 to. of twice Gs Ilse. 4 P/ 0 ' " o dubs of 10 or more" —1 W. J OILN HALL At CO., I —Lad one extra to the party oendlog club. for • tisk of Mem, we will mud tke Evr_anna Osscrra VALLEY FORGE PLOW WORKS.; WV. for • slob of twenty, we will send the • Manama Gamerrs dolly. Single copier, 0 mats. nrrattraau, PA, • as All selsscriptions grimly to infeener, and papers • Manufacturers and doakra in all t h e different kinds , 01 . 0 7.;" 0 PP!*/ `the. Di• Um. spire. of PLOWS, PLOW CASTINGS, SCOOPS, CUT TING BOXES. an With greatly incremed Dent' ; Bur ro AVOID Win Dnart.—Thesupervleora ties for doing brains, we earnestly Invite dealem to glee •• a .-al. Ifanufestory, Tempera...llln , of Cook county, 111., bye veto of 45 to 1, up.- Warehouse, C•clie alley and Liberty S JOIIN HALL, t., P iU.b . o.; propriated $lOO bounty to reorttils ; and as T. J. WALL, . the city of Chicago had voted $7. to oeoh re- ISTEPLIEII WOODS, emit from the iiity„the county.gircs $23 more —. JAS. J. BBOWN. im. s. InentlerrOan J. lizienll.l..-.........n. p. Ilene. to make it uniform for city and county. Ha- ACKIN T 0 SE , 14EMPIILLL it CO., cept Philadelphia, we have not hoard of a corner Pike and O'Gara streets near the City atingle county in this State, that has done any r...„-,roaterslcti o k rau ctE r m i p tts u bah,. B Man na p u n faetnr orm em o o s f e h l l i tli . N A. . !thin like this county in Illinois and quite a TING STEAM ENGINES AND SIDE VALVES, oft multitude of counties in Indiana. all Mum and beet style. _ ___,....„ __ flaring pat up machinery of large capacity and of , , , ~.. u have very the beet quality, we aro prepared to do heavy Job- ." P.i.P,O o f, N . r., bing, and solicit work In Gals line, trusties that by , Dinaho and confidential relations with the promptness, and the cluerneter of one work, to merit , public patronage. !rebels. Like Tam ("Shan ter and the land- Ws invite spocial attention to our BALANCED' lady, their Intercourse may be said to be VALVE OSCILLATING ENGINES, in. combining ; ' advantages heretofore; unattained to this ohm of marked Engines. /o2";IY 1 -wr r„,,,,.. - 13I.AcK DIAMOND STEEL WORKti, , GlE==l PITT:Jiff/ROB, PA. PARK, BROTHER & CO., IM=TMIT3 BEST QUALITY REFINED CAST STEEL knare, Plat and Octoon, of 411 siva. Warntntod equal to twy Itnportod or osannfacturod in tat. coon • try. frdr 0111 d and warahotuto, N.. 111 and 151 FIBS!' Ind la/ and 121 sEcoND STIL EETS, htuburgh. fell:lrd unkon n od Seat Iron Wnrten, ! ,N STREET, Nos. 20, 24 and 20. Honing seruml a! large yard and fund — shed it with the moot I machinery, en am prepared to rrowinfacrire every description of BOILERS, in the Gat mannar, and warrnnted 0)001 to . 7 made In the counter coimsErs nucurs, FIRE BEDS STEAII PIPES, LUC ' S/MOTIVE BOILERS, CONDENSERS. SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, ' srrruso PANS, BOILER IRON BRIDGES, SUGAR PANS, and solemanufacturers of BARN MILL'S PATENT BOILERS. Repairing done on lb. shortest umbra. deintif BRITANNIA AND BRA IVOIiKS COLLINS & WRIGHT, Richmond papers any that many of the men who hare •mployed substitutes have loft, or ltattufect mere of CASTOR FRAMES, MORS. CCP S LADLES. and a kraat variety o 0 BRITANNIA' are trying to leer°, the Confederacy, in andel articles. Also, CAItMIIN OIL LAMP BURNERS ; noon of h ' • C and LAMP BRASSES generally, Mn. KM 8..... e ,P° " ° " 0° 0 " """ in Con street, Pittsburgh. though only a few days ago a maq,paid 110,090 ALII 'N.-- 31 COHMICK & CO.. v ALLEY !and another $11,009 fora substitute. rOCI - Ilni, Pittsburgh, Pa. CiirWarebouse.;r7l LIBERTY STREET, Lulled Slates Senator from Arkansas. Manufacturers of COOK, PARLOR AND IIEAT. LNG STOVES, PARLOR AND K ITCHES GRATF-8, ' Tho Memphis A ria., of the sth inst., says: HOLLOW WARE, etc., anal and Glam. Matilda, Roll-' If NY K , t't b tat arrived • i Lb 't• log Mill Cattings. Mill Gearing , Geo, Water and Ar. 1 00 ' 'K.' ' 00 -' ' '. - u,„ e ,, rim Sad 1, D m , i t . ‘ „,„„ , le, ‘ „,„ it„,...0.„ . ~,, ' yostorday morning from Habana, on his way, ger Kettles Pulleys, Hangers,Car Wheels, Couplings , we understand, to attend the present sesaion and eluting; generally. Also, Jobbing and Machin. of Congress, ho haring two years yet to serve Castings mane LO order. Patented Portable Mill. • o f hj„, form ~,„ s ono m r f rom Ark,,,,m.,„ Mr with Steam or Flom Power. aplaihnd , Scbastain is generally roonguised no a Union J OSEPH F'. HAMILTON & CO., • man, although he has out lately Made an open 1 avowal of Union ism. Mr. Sebastian was born In Vernon, Ten- nessee, and will educated at Colombia Col -1 lege In the same State. Be removed to Ar... 511P17111017, STEAM ENOMES, ILACIIINEII7, At. i Imams in 1838, And there began the practice , mylartf of law. Ile was State Attorney and Circuit S SEVEILANCE, Nov 53 WAVER ST., I Judge till 1.642, when be became Supreme ' .Pitt.lcmgh, menufactarer of Borax /11VETS, . Judge. In 1046 he was President of the 'WROUGHT SPIKES, common and raltroml,,,f ..ery ' State Senate; in 1846, Presidential elector, 'dnecrtption, ' and in the saam,year. bo wiii„eluagb_to_thrt 4 ". „, t . ic ,': ' ..',.f „ -. .."& o l t l Wi ot „ t ., 4s4 ? ll l ll ,llirtelirtildn • abite . ; 11l 'Which he retained • good asaortment conetantly on hand. Mr 20316 seat mmtinstously till the outbreak of the r.. vaLiii, - Ifibbik - I - 63. — , S'.. :- , 15 : trolllon, having served two toms and part of 7 7 Liberty tarot, opposite. Ru , thud. bird.h, Pittsburgh, . manufacture. of WHIP', LAMES and SWITCH. i E.%and every description of LEATHER REA I DED Senator Sumner Fully Endorses the WORK. , DI eseage. Orders aolicited from the trade, and goods prnmp, C The Washington cerrespondent of the Chi t,. shipped no per instructiom. feAy n .r 1 &W. BENNETT, Manufacturers of cog. Tra tne writes : WHITE STONE CHINA and CREAM VOL. I have jetat had no interesting conversation OBED WARE:. with Senator Sumner on the subject of the Ofkoe and Warehouse at hie. 74 FIFTH STREET. , prootd oo v o .mo. oot , no permits too t o my Pittsburgh. ` l ' hi ' I, ' that ho is fully and p erfectly llti 8 d with it, - ---- --- - - ' in fact, endorses it to the fullest extent. _ (Summon to Oriel Newtott.) Cur. FIRST AND LIBERTY M., Pittsburgh 13=1!1',1 DR r GOODS There may be difference about the details of Awe 1t0...a...a/4NC w. C.....6—..T1V seem. trap ~thwadmission of the States; bat he says these WILSON, CARR & CO„ will drop out of sight and nothing remain bat the great principle of the irrevocability of the (Late Wawa, Puy. d C 0.,) ; proeletmatlon. Thus we will have from the South, If not indemnity for the put, at leant Wholesale dealer. to FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC ' DG ,,, GOODS, ws. of Wood e 0....,,, third ~,,,,,.. ~T , , security for the future. Senator Sumner ie Dhstoond alley, Pittsburgh._ I prepared fully to co-operate with the Presl• , u . i.,... ~......,....,. „,,,, ~,,,,,,,,.. .... .., , r ,_,. r. „ . dent in hie proposed plan, and lam thus hap- IJ'&NE' MeAER)II k CO., . au i t , i ryto be the first to make this announcement FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Dar GOODS, No.. from his own lips. ft i. a great point gained ..1.40 Federal street, (second door below new Market In the coming Presidential contmt. Lfouse,) Allegheny City. , __ _ .:Ecita.S:,.M,TI.CIIUSI 75iCtil, Wholesale , Tea repulse at Fort Sanders w. not the and Retell Dealers In TRIMMINGS, ESII3OOI. only defeat with which lte rebels met during DESIEO n od ptty GOODS, of every dercriptfou their late invasion of Terme:pee. Kingston, 1 Naps. IT atoll% 1 __ Fifth street, Pittsburgh. '1 about forty miler. from Knoxville, under rem „IirACRUM. ii: GLYl)E.Wholesale holesale and mend of Col. Bird, of the First Tennessee, i vi RetailDealtnt In FANCY AND STAPLE DRY' was attacked by Wheeler's rebel cavalry on OOUDS, TZLILMINGS, de, N 0.78 Market etreet, tho 211 h ult. The fight continued without between Diamond and Fourth Pittsburgh. intermission for seven hours, and wen partici- JSt. BURCIIFIELL), (sucoesmor to !pitted in on our ride be the Sixteenth Ken • Burchfield d C 0..) Whole.. and Detail Dealer.' tacky Twenty-fifth Michigan, and six ma il, STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Northeant : panic; of the Second Tonnes.. cavalry. Ar ran.. of Fourth and Market street., Pittsburgh. ___,.__ 1 finery w as brought into action on both sides, OSETITHURIV7WhoIasaIe and WI; and the shell” of the enemy wore thrown into 5/ toll Dealer in all kinds of YRIILMINGS DRY i. . ILe town. The, Union .casual tice were GOODS, Am., Nos. 77 and 70 Worked etrect. , ' comparatively slight. The brigade of Cot. tW. i3ARK.EIt & CO., Dealers in all i Mott numbers 2,700, hut only the above mea . kindref DEE GOODS, No. IT Illnrket street, i tinned regiments were engaged, tbo others between Third and Fourth. Pittsburgh. i being posted in the roar of the town, to pre vent the enemy'. flanking them. Skirmish. ing was kept up for fire or six days before the battle. The Louisville Josernal, from which we gather these particular', Rays that at last accounts the-rebels had all retired. i R H. PALMER, No. 84 Wood Str e et, I. Denler In BONNETS, ELM STRAW TRlM and STRAW GOODS . ganerallt DR ITGOIMITH QIMON JOHNSTON, Dealer in PUHE IJ Dandle &ND CIIEMIOALS, PERFUMBItY, FANCY GOODS, BURNING FLUID, OILS, TAM ILY MEDICINES. &c., of *MIMI,. prime quality, which he affirm at lownt pries. Comer 'Smithfield and Fourth streets, Pittsburgh. Prescriptiona awe tarly rompoandcd of all boon. l 3 A. h'Aff_NESTOCK & CO., -Whole y.uo. Draggles, sod mansfseurers of WHITE LEAD AND LIERARGE, corner of Wood sad Front semis, Pittaborgh. mb7 I (AIN- P. scorr, Wholesale Dealer in DENGS, PAINTS, 01L8, VAANISUE9 AND DYE EITIIYYB, No. 286 Liberty street, rittsborgh- Ail orden mill metro proolptutontion. 'ENE GEORGE IL KEYSER, Ihnuist, No. 140 Wocal street. Cotter or Vireo alley, Pittsburgh. MUSIC, Ifc. CIIARLO'rTE BLIThLE Dealer in Mil- SIC AND IIUSICAL INSTRUMENT'S. Solo agent for MUDS- A CO.'S PIANOS, itAINEs DSOS. PIANOS. and 'PRINCE A 0025 it LODE ON& :No. 43 nab divot, mond door abo . Wood, Plttasurgra. P/orsos to lot, sad takers Io o clause for beer. nag KLIKBER te BRO. D6111(11'11 - 4' MU SIC AND 111351 CAL INSTEI7I.IENTS, and .nt. for PTEINWArS CYLEHRAISD Pi- No. 53 Fifth efrnut, Pittsburgh. buy 9 ('IIIARLES MELIAIIt, bonier in PIANO3,2I7.LVEONS, &c.. No. al Wood at. Wall= Youtt.ti stroa sad Diamond alloy, ?Mob', I..rsinft.forCE . 4- GARDINKIC a/MN, Agent for er • Franklin, Ildtadolphis and Reliance Inipnanro Companies,. Northang earner Wood and Third Ma IP. JONES, A,gont North Atohrica, • Slat* of Penntylranla. and Tiara:est+ low .anniCkaparkke, 87 Water areal. • SAMUEL:.. REA, Secretary Citizetis' In stuarmi Company, corner Market and Water sts pM. GORDON, Secretary Western In • rams* Company,92 Water street DD - BOOK, Secretary AM:mite's.) , In . sorsces Company, 37 7.lStb street. D t ORSELLERS, glfc, WIL i 3. JOHNSTONA CO, Station- V arr. Blank' Deck Thorstastawn asp Sob Printers, NO. 01Wood Ora%Pittahargh. IEO7 Krt& CO., Booksellers ant : dation-I ara,1i0.155 Wood obvert, tart door to Shakers., of Third, pittaborei. ECILOOL and .I.&W Ifoolll eamausily on hard. yi. READ. P.-. ...11. a.. Stationer, Ts reartit attest, ellanuesa! ri ic9:hi '4o'-A 11. Kona. ri Q- - 4 - 15,130110,YER07 Pa.tftei' =vit4.l2o-7„4.30h, rife- 177 i WALL PADISIC 1991VE401iMi-GW-P.:P PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 16, 1863. Viltiburgh 05azettil. , WEDNESDAY MORNING--DEC. 16, 1883 TERMS OF THE GAZETTE. blasomso E, now, by mall, per 00. mouth—. 70. week 10. " single espies Evrnteia Eamon, by mall, per year Renee, perhaps, there may bo "something in it," when the Bahama Herold tolls rts that —"Adrices from Richmond say that the month of Docetriber is regarded as the most aying one of the whole war; its entire future and essential final result depending in a very great measure upon the issue." AMONG the signs of the desperation and ex • tremity to which their great and inexpiable . crime of rebellion has driven the leaders of the infatuated people of the Southern States, one, . the mor , noticeable perhaps of all, la found in the fact that the newly assembled Congress in Richmond has been called opotby the Jeff Da vis "Government" to amend the conscription law, so as to do awny with the hitheitto preva lent custom of furnishing substitutes, If this is done, it will take away from the wealthy and .istocratle classes a privilege which they would not surrender hut under the most desper ate eircrunsuenees. Henceforth every Southern man must go into the army, the authorities refunding to the principal—of course In worth less paper—the sum paid the substitute. The RICHUITINO rr Alti...XLol.-A Little Rock Ark.) letter n.y Recruiting tro goes briskly on. One can not but be a..tonished at the great number who have managed to escape the rigid con scription of the rebels. There are, even •l ready, from eight to ten thousand Arkensians in the Federal serviee, and lk.j romc. There are eight regular Arkansas regiments, either formed or in process of formation, be sides the several thermand who have joined other regiments from other States. To-day two entire companies came in for the 3d cav alry, and come three hundred fur the 3d in fantry, Col. Fisbbach. A Remit CONFIDISION.—Tho London Theo publishos a letter from its correspondent in the Confederate camp at Chattanooga, dated Octo ber 8. lie says that among the various fruit less victories gained by the Confederates those of Chickamauga and Buil Run will stand conspicuous—and that Chickamauga should have been nothing more than a bloody and unfruitful victory, will, when Its details are fully known and deliberately weighed, be imputed to the general who chanced to com mand the troops that won it as one of tho least pardonable blunders and short-comings of history. - Tue Cleveland Leader says that the coo of John C. Breekinridge, who was taken prisoner at Chattanooga, while recently in conversa tion with Sergeant Major Tisdel, declared himself strongly in favor of the Union. lie said that he had been forced into the Confed erate service by his father. The young man thinks it would be only necessary to put down the loaders of the rebellion to secure a prompt and honorable peace. This statement is made on the authority of MajorTirdel, who had the conversation with young Breakinridge. Gnaws. Mints Simla ma EID.—A Phil adelphia inquirer correspondent, writing from (ieneral Grant's army, lay.: "00leers captured on Missionary Ridge stated that Hardee shed bitter tears ovor the drat:nation of his oorpa and the •turning of thorebel position. He was heard to say to Breekinridge, 'We harenot far to . look for the end—our beet hopes are blasted.'" TIM Ohio election was duly obsurred on the 2:t Of" Obtiiher by — the atom frills, that State —odefnuidred'and duty-three In number— eonitned in the Libby. prison at-Richmond. The poll-book and tally list hare arrived at Coleunlstos. Of -"thei whole number of rotes east, John Protrigh reeelved,rone hundred and liuty-twes one hairgiffirvitf for gi.;?. Jewett iii:7*-c44:*aiiii&;b6.- ,0 6 . 4 ,„..Di5c0 t 61 ? 4, 'Ai . 1 0 WI - :f ;slf4c;l•l'' VINF PITTSBURGH EVENING GAZETTE TELEGRAMS, GENERAL ORLIT NAMED FOB PRESIDENT. THE UNION LEAGUE FOR " FATHEIVABRAHAIL" Forlorn Appearance of the rtichmond Paper& LONOSTREETS LOIS LN IS RE CEIPT RETREAT. FURTER PROGRESS AT CHAPANOOGA NAPOLEON'S EUROPEAN CONGRESS A Y17Z1,6 e Jeff. Davis Denounced in the Rebel Congress. • VALUABLE PRIZE CApTURtD I Soo-1a Ettapatch to the Pittabergh *wane. PRILADILPHIA, Da, .15, 1869. The New York Ileral, this terhang, names Gen. Grant as the people's candidate for the Presidency. The article le written by Ben nett's own hand. This communfiy, ercoepting the ultra Democrats, are enthner#49pr the nomination of old Abe. At the annual meeting of tbe UnTon League last night (strictly private, and go admittance only by card.,) resolutions ware enailimonsly adopted to stick to Father Abraham to tho last. A bundle of Southern papers arrived thia morning. They were printed on straw and hemp paper, battered type, and with foxy ink, made of molasses and lamp bleak. The Richmond papers are very lukewarm toward Jeff. Davie. One column of the Hecooicer Is in yi , and the ewe is filled with broken type and a block of wood. The &wine/ says that Lincoln's prtmlama tion of:amnesty is Intended to utak° capital In Europa, and asks the mode. by Which the pro posal. of Lincoln -can be carried ant, and whether he Is going to insitmd the war while the &nth le considering the question, so that Unsay come to a conclusion without intimida tion. The Herald is out against Litiooln A private dispatch to a banking house in this city, states that Gen. Longitreet lost four thousand prisonen and nearly all his cannon and trains In his retreat from Knoxville. The latest from Chattanooga shows further program. Col. Walker made a successful re conuoiseanos as farm Lafayette, and captured the rebel signal station, six officers and forty privates. The remaining force of rebels fled. liapokon's proposed European Congress is a Buie. In a dispatch from Lord Rnnell to Mr. Cowley occurs this passage foreshadow ing the result "le it probable that a Con.. grass would be able to secure better terms for Poland unless by a combined employment • ties. McYnerrsox, commanding at tercel"' burg, has issued orders for 'tanning Col. B. G. Parrar'sMississippi Artillery into ear "ConslderCe progress has been made by the • airy, to operate against the kuerrilisse which m tnr , adaraaaa and b. the unsp aring inie•t the lower part of the river. The large severity ' of Russia, in eubdulig the rinser- steamer 1".°1" enii gents. Is it likely that Russia will grant, in i s ,y bs, osa 1, end .r 3 pieces the pride of her strength, whatehe refused in the early day. of diaeourageMent. Would A btersrest from long Kong, dated the she create an independent Peland al the mere 2 P ' re h ne ° h ° l ' n ' a i' ll r' t: P a l nTe r : ' l ti o Y En t ec "u s g rl. t l t 't es h ilia l t h a e request of a Congress But she would not. French officer had been murdered by the da- The prospect became one of humiliation for! esee , e that reparation was immediately de- Europe, or of war against itnsaia, add those : mag d r d ,° , our b y the combined powers who annot readyto.issialayansusland Punch 811“ i pMe a,,. bairn:J . 6f war, may well desire to avoid the - The rebel Congreee, It ill recommended, shall held tri-monthly seaelons, business be- leg PO argent. Pierce denunelatinos of Jeff. Davis, by Sena tor Foote, created a wild excitement through out the Confederacy. We have news from Key West to the 2d inst. The British schooner Maria Alberta, while attempting to run the blockade Into Bay Port on the .27th of November lout, erns alp lured by the schooner "Two Bitten," tender to the flag ship San Jacinto. The prise was brought to Key West in charge of acting master's mate A. P. Montague. The Maria Alberta had cleared from Mavens for Mata moros. The nature or value of the cargo is not stated. A meeting of Uniop eitisens has feet been held at Key west for the purpose of electing municipal omoen for the ensuing year. W. J. J. PROBABLE REMOVAL OF UN. SCHOFIELD Senator Bayard and the Anti-Re bellion Oath. VOLUNTEER NAVAL OFFICERS. LETTERS FROM PROMINENT REBELS DESERTERS SUFFERING IN CANADA OPERATIONS IN THE VICINITY OF CHARLESTON Expedition by Colored Troops. CIMEI tire - YORE', Dec. 15.—St special to the Tr.- 6.,.. front 'Washington, Dee. l•th, says : 'There are additional reasons for believing that One. Schofield will soon be removed, end • man whose heart I. with what are called radi cal., will be pot in his place. A. to any change in the Cabinet, nothing Is positively known. Senator Bayard, of Delaware, cover having taken the anti-rebellion oath required ,y an aot of the In session.was Informally re Mod of the fact by the Vice President to-day, d re quested to say whether he was prep aa#wod to take it.. lie replied in the negative, adding If the Senate, by a formal vote, regal*. him to take it he should resign. The qukstion will probably be brought ET to-menet!, and there is no doubt U he keeps his promisi that Delaware will have-a more Suing represent- Mire. A most important concession has been made to volunteer officers in the Navby the' gov ernment.' Their names will be inserted, I understand, in the register in essetly the same mariner as regular naval officers. ; A letter from Morris Island sap:' The rebel, are working very hard on Sullivan** Inland, increasing their workg and shelling Forts Greg and Wagner. The rebe l lion-clads occasionally chewed themselves, but are always careful to avoid a fight. The rebel, are said to be very savarr, and I de not ipareour men when they catch them. Itooonnolsumees are frequently made from the fleet and much valuable Information obtained. Our forces are not idle. A Special Joint Committee will probably be appointed to consider what legislattla Is nimestary to enable the loyal people of the South to restore their States to the Union on the basis of the President's message and; pro. olamation. Te this Committee probably will be referred the bilis now befoto roe grsn on the Subject of slavery, and ;inch other bills as may be introduced which bear ripen general topics. Lettere have been received here from prom inent causerratlve members'of the rebel Con grass, from North Carolina, asking unofficially upon what terms the Southern Staten would be permittedto toturisto Ole Union.- The intuadiatiorrafkhe arntrldth political Brigadier &tends has reedited suet-earnest protests from Grant and Hookar.thar it in net only vary certain that thelard will be stayed to the farm, htd that ; Congreth will corn, Manjortors of thipist fn this regard. , •It has moistly aous-14 , tt0 v knowledgeot I the gitibleuft;=. eN4* most of thapi•aathalarilridU • tr r oggr*- -- Z; 14 - fiktukkyot ids, oSiHp~ '¢ er3ga 7' 14 - _=l==itl=ml who will return to their regiments within thirty days. The nee.' correspondent dated in camp near Portsmouth, Va., lays; Brig. Gen. Wild, commanding the colored troop. In thin department, has undertaken a melt important expedition. Ills brigade left this vicinity on Saturday teat, in two columns, one taking the route through Prince., Ann county, via Kumpellio and the great bridge, the other following through a path of the Dismal Swamp. emigres.tonal ( ilandaeo Proceedings Gone/wird. Mr. Wilson introduced a bill to amend the Constitution, d.laring Slavery incompatible with a free Government, and is therefore pro hibited In the United States and Servitude is prohibited, save for the punistunont of crimes, and that Congress shall hove the power to enforce the amendment by appropriate legis lation; referred to 'Judiciary C ommittee. Fernando Wood submitted the following: Whereas, the President in his message de livered to this Rouse on the 9th Inst., and in hie recommendation to assemble at their plaoes of worship, to give thanks to God for recent victories, and claims that the Union cause has gained important' and substantial advantages; sad whereas. in view of those triumphs, it is no longer beneath our dignity nor dangerptis to out. safety, to evince a gen erous magnaniicity, becoming a great and powerful. people, brofferieg to the insurgents an opporturritytdretarn to the Union without imposing lipott Them degradation, or &stmts. live conditions, Therefore, Resoled, That the President ho requested to appoint three Commissioners, who shall be empowered to open negotiations with the authorities at Richmond, to the end that this bloody, destructive and inhuman war shall ewe and the Union bo motored, upon terms of equity, fraternity sad equality, under the : Constitution. Mr. Waehburne, of 111., moved that the resolution be laid on 'no table. Agreed Co; yeas 98 , nays On motion of Mr. Cravens, a resolution was adopted Instructing the Committee on Mili tary Affairs to inquire Into the-expediency of providing fur the payment of loss.* of prop erty taken or dentroyed during ,lorpran'e raid in Ohio and Indiana. Mr. Itolmes offered a resolution that this is not a war of subjugation: but so soon as the enemy lay down their arms It ought to cease. Laid over. Mr. Florke offered a resolution to much the same effect. Laid over. A 1210iPtion was uttered• that the Senate coinciding, when the two [looses adjourn on Friday nest, it be till Wednesday, the 6th day of January. Passed; yeas 1)0, nays 44. A djourned. Lamas from tho, Banks Expedition state, what we were fully prepared to hear, that wherever the old flag I. unfurled the people of Texas hail it with enthasiaam. They never hollered in secession, nor helped it on except nnder compulsion. It ought not be many weeks before we bear of the extinction of rebel power along the coast, and then Texas will reassert her loyalty by a prompt recon struction of her State Government. • Goer, Joe was perpetrated by • rebel prisoner captured at Chickamauga. The rob el was looking at one of oar gone, and re marked that he "didn't think that the lank. would nee them big guns mush longer." "Why net 7" iniptired the reds. "Ileearte," said he, "the Confeileraoy is gritting en narrow the fire clear veer it and hit your men on the other aide.- A CnrecnneAn Goxe Mtn.—The Sew York Doily 4r.”--/len Wood's orgen—speaks of the Message and neentap.ying documents as '• led•ra I annual reports • " and calls the Me-- sage "The Despot's Edi, t. " Two young ladies pd pleasing manners advertise inn Boston ;leper their "desire to corresp Ind with two young gentlemen for the purpose of moral inq rovement." That's what's the matter. it - .4.Prrs • 1001) GIRL WAN TED—To do gen- N_A end h , usenrork, • .1,..rt distally hi the conc. ' TO3:I I V g-h"" ' t i i i ragWrOFFlCE. tVANTED—Four good laboring handl! T to work on the LaIrm000vIll• A Sh.riviburig Plonk fond.. Lind wsge• wlll bo 'Frey. Apply to Clo SMALL, at the Gate, or to del2At B. SI cLAIN, Selneettnaor. 875 A MONTH I-1 want to hire Agorae In every county at VS • moth, paid, to sell my tom cheap Family Sewing Machine. Addma, 8. MADISON. Alfred, Mai. oclillehendaleT WINTED.—EO MONTIL—We want 1560 a month, napalm. tell paid, to our EnetZ S Awcila Oriental Owners, and thirteen other new, tmefill and carious article.. Virtatn arti• clea *ant/ma Addrese, aeltAtodayi SHAW &BLAME, Biddeford. Ma. WANTED—Bondst and Mortgagee to I T amount or $15,030, on city or 'door proper ty, coma ranging from I to 0,000. Mao, Baal nem or Accommodation papor, to amount of £40,000, I from Ito mouths ruu, in sums to roil. Apply to B. McLAIN & 00. WANTED A GARDNER—A mar rind mini without children pmfarred. Ile must nonsnitand the culture of Grapes, and not be afraid six little ball work. The right kind of • 19. C. get • trarmarient situation, and Lund pay. Engulrn at l'Alterntel onset. Pit.britgli. Pa. tied WANTED-1n an old entabliahed No- T non finnan In Philadelphia, A 0001 d, ACTIVE. SALESMAN, Who can Influence cash and short 11410 country trade. Batlns*, BOX No. 2152, Philadelphia P. 0 d.10:I NO MORE GRAY HAIR. LUXURIANT LIMB or USING 'rKE .11.105 U V ICN ATOTL, for restoring and beautifying the rialr. This Is an article but recently Introduced Into tht. country, bit has long been hat, ably known by the nobility of Frame sa their only 'effectual Unfit USTORZR. It Is complete within ibelf, S. other drestedng or aceempaniment 0f..) kind being nem. W 7 1. eectire lb. attainment of the folloarlug deal. table nemlte, other than •cline compliance ettli the directions : 1. /I anturie one mare Gray Hair te li. oriel.' mice. 2. A ICU mote tigress ce Bald Brad. J. 11eaireeser gar Nabolll6arredows. IL B stilt mote A. handmf owl licking. I. Hell! mastic Hafr eq/1 red Gizmo. t. Beal preen@ the Origial Color es Old Aga T. Li mai Frame the Buir.from gaiter, Of. g. D teal ware ell Maw+. of 4• Scalp. It Is not •D m; oontabasou filtrate of tillmr. or any other loved t Windom to cable Skit, or Hale. Price. ONZ DOLLAR. for seal! 111 0 1 s =b1. - der. Of and i thbeld and Tr i utdi 66., Mlhbureh noliblnuntserli DR. A. WEI NMANN.B (DIpTIST,) TOOTH-ACHE PILIM The preparation of this rill hu b the result of years of study Auld ;Tactic, They •re purely Vege table, and therefore not injure the teeth'. `ram. They .111 con the most violent Tootte , Aebe to •.few minutia, when properly used. Arectfeas—aren oath° cavity .f the Tooth affect ed. lad dry it well with r..tton; them an the Pill 4boalatiol the rooms. and mom It tight Into the tooth, and ermer over with eso or cotton. The_ vs ono of the boat ramedlea for this shocking pain. • rtsyszed susd wllSlesals roue, by AUG. WEENMANN, . 736. 214 OW ,0 1 8111EZT, Is2ty. siso by 411 gsbeloOde and 1re.49 ts In Pitt.baria imeLikikwb,l. ma • rINEIV;It STONINAN, • —naltrzternius or was Wozia. • 1 ask. tea:met:BO* kw WO =Os o WI OW ___ 4T4-741, m77PAN'T n ,4;4 RMIEW .4.VIISE.WEJrT3. Tftß Lame uld Etomokaos. treararer U. OTRassovas. Eaeord alsht of the dinerlcAo Actor, Mr. JOSEPH PHOCIOII, who will appear In Us prat character at Blood) Nathan. TUIS ,TumcdAy)EVENlOO, Will be presented, filch OF TUE WOOLS; or, Ins iiMMIVIII[OB4I% Bloody Slaw, Proctor. Col. Brnce ..... ..... _-______ F. Chlupendele. ___ J. 0. baton. Tells Doe— .......... ........ barns. Overture. To ...ludo with PERFECTION. L . 7 } -..?.(XINCERT HALL BIX NIGEITEIiONLY Commencing !Monday, Dec. 14(6,1803 MORNINGSTAR'S BINffRELS AND CORNET BAND ! SIXTEEN GIFTED ARTISTE I SOIREE De AFRIQUE I {Or For partionlars se. Progrnmusee. OPERA, AT MASONIC HA.L.L. The Pally eelabnetal HOLMAN OPERA TROUPE nave the honor of annonnotas • Short Season of English Opera, Cumsti.rtng . MONDAT, Dee. Mist, 186 a, Wula Bedfa beaot4fol rompositloo of And concluding with the laughable Protean Opt,atta THE YOUNG ACTRESS, In which ]He SALLIE HOLMAN will amain ern different cherecoters. - - . Ado:anion. 96 CENTS. A few reverted Orohewera Rom, 60 CENTS. Door. open at T, to commence at o'clock. .t/Mos open for the sal. of *eats on Saturday morn. og, front 10 to 1 o'clock. ear Gratul MAtlnen CHRISTY AS and SATUR DAT ASTERticONS, at S o'clock. MIS CL.IIM a GEJrTS MILITARY CLAIMS. W. J. & HALL PA'TTEREION, 144 Fourth Street, Id Nor, Claims for PENSION. BOUNTY, BACK Anil El -I.IIA PAT, SIIIISISTENCE, PEIZX MONEY, and BOASTS 104 or killed in th o Portion, promptly at loaded to. 15E.1117107.1 CLAIMS attottc.6l to •Ithout do lay doSaix pEls:sios - 8, BOUNTY, HACK -P er . T. w .A.L•TILit UA Y. (.ENENAL CLAIM AGENT Lant:nn,l try th. U. B. Gow<nazinvi_ ICV. FIFTH NTELIT, M door belay. thy 3•Altednal Pososylmola Soldiers veva of the monnhaloa, Let o Wile Soldiers, ead Woe% VifeLla Soldiers, reti bare their rent..., floinity and IJ.k P. secured at the/ °Mee. Chresdars will bewatt giving full Inform:Wl= to the Soldiers, or to deceased Soldier: Hal" ithowing wLe are nutitted to tits Pension, &,oty and Boa Pay, and the stunner of aecnritut the same, by apply ing 1. , me by letter or in Sir No cLutnrs until itolltuned. jythirns-le pENsioNs, Boutin - , BACK PAY. U. C. MACKIRELL ATTUUNXT AT LAW AtIL CLALri AGILNT NO. 114 TlrTil sraErr, Pmsztrung. Collection* In Allegheny and edloltiolg coootla. Prneccone SOLDMO (LAMS. of scary dosedye tlou , BOUNTIES Ito all dischnrged &Adler, PEN• IIONB, for wounded oaken end Soldiers ; BOUN TM and PENSIONS for Wklomni, Parrot., Orphan Children, Brother and Sisters, or other legal repro &entrain,. of those oho bare died In the serrlos, or bore died alter dlechsoge from Also., contrected to erreloe. /TIM &sego collected, and no later will be sarwerad nen. • aarein t. Metaled. telollywn MILITARY CLAIMS. BOLINTIEIi, PENSION'S, BACK PAY end MILITARY CLAIMS of vary daeription, allerted by the MR. leather, at the following rates, : Petaliol3ll $lO 00; al other clalrenS3 60. C. C. TAYLOR, Attorney at Law, No. Li Grant Watt, Pittaburifh, P. N. B. No ehargaa are made if the claim does aol succeed. and all Information Riven grata, sa4:l7 I SAAC CRAIG, UUTLicT IS ANV All ALUMNI:NY , Nova conaantly an Land • Lugo and thorougbigClTY named suck of DECKING BOAT AND BOTTOM PLANE, WINDOW ramis 81111-S ka, STINT Emma' INGS, I k L aL.,S, JOSTS, SPOTIING, , LATEL, PAL- Hap ew• 811 ardor. aartd or ar SAWLD MIT WAS N o l n Pawns a i w LONO TIMBER or POP. LAB are rartinalary 0 Mind to examine tits stock. SiirOgin• an Craig atratd, war Bonham TEETH EXTHAVT.RD WITHOUT PAIN.—We mks this method of infermlhir oar Mends and the pnbio generally that we am nay prepared to XXMACT THWTH WITHOUT PAIR in the practice of Dentistry. Stowe who hare hem poMporibot ttds mach dreaded operation many now lay aside their ham mid give us • call, as the appeneths ere bare In me has been theme? heeled dt o dr past four fan, fully establish the We :Led pan km ammeter of the operation. o Deng. or Chemi cals oar Clalranlo Battery med. All these wishing the mine of • good mid reliable Dentist will do well to mil sad ommoli with JAMES N. LINO, D. D, &, No. 159 Fourth rtrort, or, D. a KING, Na 47 Nroltidlold 40.4, NM burgh. ioteremit riIATH 9EVII LE, 1. OAS AHD STBAII FITTIMS. Nn. 611 TIDEPAL STEYET, 6llrgbwl thy, Na IA Liberty strust, Pittsburgh PLAJMOS. .1711S1t, arc. NEW TESTIMONIALS—, • • Tim Moak. of th. p - rprating out In favor of DSCLICIrtiIf V M I 1 rubloal "After hostas estantitted the Plano Tort. or the Mews. DLCKER DELO&very carefully, we have come to the conclmion, and cheerfully teettly. that they are in averytespect superior instruments. Their time is pure, rich, brilliant, very distinct, and of an entirely muskal character. Their workmanship of the very best, plolnly demonstrating that none but the very boot materials an cued, and their touch. evennees and equality of tone throughout the whole compass of the boy board, unsurpassed by any other Plane►Porta wa hare yet moo g. D. Mille, Theodore Thomas, William N.M. Chu. /mien, Theo. Ileitis, editor of the /testes! Cake and World; Carl Amanda, Director of the Darman Opera ; John Zundel, editor Jeans! of Pe& tic Wotaa,'y; T. L. Bitter, Carl Wolbohn, A choke lot of theme superior bistramenfaJest ar• riving. H flat J. . 11017 MAN DE/ 144 j. 81EDLE . BRO. have . Just received a paw kook or the OPlrbmted Soebbtlet & Schmidt's Pl-T r I 0 Thom lostromlatstuo •upertor toatLy at •sr, and will be sold at kw prime. Attu on baud, a vary mod octave ROSEWOOD PIANO, reduced from 5315 to MI. Ybilm, &ccardeons,Staing., &c. 1!1 MITIiTIELD ann . ?. H ISTMAS PIANO V From the celebrated Factorial of ladittllE t CO.. ' . The bnest stock ever received In thin city. among which Is om superb CONCERT GRAND PIANO. They aresearratand for clears" and are acknowl edged to be tb. but to the world. 1:03:=1 . . . Old llamas taken in exchaogo. Now Piano, from IMO wpwardw dol.! CIIMILOTTE BLUILE. y Filth etreet. shecoLurrzz - . c. tun. M COLLISTEIC & ICASEM, Itannhetscrars oald deem la al kinds of TOBACCOBI yr 4111 i, CIGARS, 108 WOOD STBDIT, Prfrovias. Weep. coastantli oa hand II largo sarbq 4, 4 sad Szooklag Tobaces. • Instil l I :sbatel Cabin Chagm' • firiferietatruati -~._,. ) t ; RICHAR r:7^.M rtunti .-. Ur Literal Cub otrantes en otasigntuuts * Pittsburgh or Intern Market. I Meows. J. 8. Dilworth * Ow, `• , .--• Springer lierbowr,h, Thorepows Bell, Fig. Preot. Commercial ._.D toofdaf ...J. O. anon . Mode al t TACK & BRO., Crude and Relined Petrolum, . , BENZINE, &a, 133 WALNUT IT., PirtridDELPlllll, Buehler entrmited to anr cam will raufnvoar prompt panted attention. - Wier to Marra Richardson, Barley A Ct.,tw► Burke d Co., and McClelland Dayike'Pilt• .4104.11 Ibm. Smith, Beg., Print. Bank N. -ELLA...aster d Co., Philadelphia. 4 15 3 1 3 t. • ptox CITY OIL WORICE. - LYDAY & CIIOIIPENNThei • Nstmfactorora and Ealirtar. of CARBON-014 Dr.N. LUNY AND LIMBIC/TING 011.8, sal ds4art. casurom pirrErxix.araiter.. Work., oppoiths Sturpelmrg. . . Me, No. 59 HAND STRUT. , 11. 11 ARMSTRONG, AgnnL apThanz Prrrsarran, PA. D. L Iki ILLER,JR., AGENT, - L= WALNUT BT., PRILADELPITIti. CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM On Commission emdmisoly. AU charges at rant reaao.bLe rates. .STOIIAGE YOB REPINED in cool natant. Tor CRUDE, .der good sheds. Particular attention paid to OIL TOR =POET. Fox PALI—CAUSTIC SODA, SODA ASH, to eadly CABOT & PEMBERTON, General Merohandize Brokers, 130 sorra ■IIONT El?., PIIILADZLPiIIa. CRUDE & REFINED PETE.OLEUM, CAUSTIC SODA, SODA AM, lIRIBISTOthS, DRUGS, pILB, tc., Orders to bay or sell promptly &treated to. •ol:ty ALLEN do NEEDLES, Particalor attention paid to atasignmenta of Crude and Refined Petroleum. W Liberal! &LIM.. mood. PITTSBIIIIGII. PA H ENRY ROE, 13 NORTI/ FRONT ST., I'AILADIMPLUA, Broker & Comm iamion Merchant IN CRUDE dr REFINED PETROLEUM, LTIBIIICATING fIL ASD DENZOLZ, And dealer d Ornds And Relined PETROLEUM BA BRELS. B REWER, BURKE St (Xl, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GLOBE, PACIFIO ♦ND LIBERTY OIL WORE& Meal cuts deuces cud. eu coluisixtunl/41 . Refined or Crude retrolefetn. 1103 DINIJE£I3II weir a neNcocis4., Prrrumen:PA. JOHN ...... curnaL WALLACE CURTISS, . Commission Merchants CRUDE & REPINED PETROLEUM, erazurc AND Lusarcenara ens, Xs. 134 EOLITH WHARVES. PHILADELPHIA. ifirfitorege capacity fonder corer,) br 15,000 lobla Also excellent &calcine for shipping to American anA Foreign parts, at ens wharf on Oh. Pantylkill Hirer, near the platform of the P. ft. 11. Jr2s,ly_ , ALES, WE'IIIO . I2E & CO. ; • SHIPPERS OF PETROLEUM, ILY MAIDEN LANE, NEW TONE. Amyl* [militia tor STOILAGIN AND SIITPPING et their yard and wharf, Ben Mom reyl4:tf McCORMICK & CALLENDER, OIL BROKERS, 211 and 213 South Water Street, Kr Consignments solicited. Lyday d Chorpanning. Iron City 011 Works. Jacob Pah:dor, of J. Pairder Co.d Joa. It ChalLni. of Span& Chalfant Q Co. DIAMOND OIL IVOR NAYLOR & SMITH, Refineraand Dealers in Carbon Oil, Unearputed by any In the market: Mr Orders left at their ogles, No. 41 ALUM= STREET, or at their .Or In Lawrenceville, sill to promptly attended to. Buyer. of =ODE OIL. ROBERT ASH ViORTH, N. L BT. PITTSBULOH. Forwarding & Commission Merchant AND DEALER IN OIZA ' W ILLUMINATI:NO, LUBRICATING, VIIUDI PETUOLEIIII OILS, ds., constantly on band and far aal• at dm lowest market priors. Constgatoonta and <odors solkitcd. ap7:Gm WOOD 1 ILLS OIL REFINERY. GEO. W. HOLDSHIP & CO., ktamdacturon of EVIINING OM AND LIMiIICA SING OIL. Harp oo>•tewtly so band the "err bed quality qt lIIIILNING OIL, clear and witbonatoolor I good LIIBILICATO/I, porn W 11124 BEN LOLCasdCAIIOREAST. - . . . un s< No. ss•strrn sniErr. Ban Block. ..and door, eriLl be.promptly attended to- *Oa S. WAR V 61 rune stn4t CIICDE, RUINED. 111AMINZIMAND o rL S. sta &War In Iteentag ?tat...rte. WOS WOODWARD, Pittabargb. P. (Laid! at Wm. V 4 .0 Swaid t Cr!.,) (IEI ZRAL commesioN siano2t,us7; Spacial ate:lotion Oleo to thosaltyr ' Crude 'and Refined ' Petroleum, Ito. in ..59trrn racarr avaze, oc2C-Int lAOO.OW/ . P ETROLITE OIL WORKS. Tilsairsetamn of - FILMIC WHITE ZARB= OM HINZOLS AND PETBOLZyIt. LUIIHICWITEGSIT+, Ca1P.4 1 71.0 thotitad barrels . pm BEEBE & GRAFF, PROPZ*I6I.: . 0274 i, MONOISGAIIIMS: nom, eittakirgh. of 4 dot • - *n4 z. -ib't&us* 3i ryW'~y~3 : J ~y GIMEMIE 00MXISSION lIIERCHANTS. higento of the And claim to COMMISSION MERCHASTI3, No. SI VANE= ST.. . _ . , ~,.,,,, : ,:z__„ ,. , , ' , , -: , . ..- 1 , : ,: : : 1 t . ; ;. 1 .,?. .,- , :-:-‘ ' - .' : ,, -1. . .: - 'l . -1:- . -• - c',•, ,•,..-..', - , 14:t "-, . =l,, ...- '-: ~ .re..,,, , jy s - ,- ~.. ' 1.--....,i1.4,t,„--s., 5.,-,'".•,.',`,1,-,.:- ''',?. _ '- - -1a141.,,;,•, .---‘-'.,„ -,. ~,, . q• - -., - ~---, ------: --.11:51: fiL.Thr-- -KV 1•7.-.4:- . '''''''' s. . _,..,,..„-cr,„•2i,... .. ," - It•. .n• :::",-,!..- ;t _urn„ -t--4 Fr”- oocift ',•-•:,"5, • or mum. „,,- ;7,-;',-;•;,=.7,. • -on' • :;: rx,,..:, 01"A.:1 • ,,F.A.5et.7."--, ~,,x3 ,i. - Pi • • • ':gr.):r(gregent a• • :TV • • •-7 •141-11 ' • a A.vapa • g roat.are. troui t prstibetsww4ch CaStwity caidi bylaw arti.ikart . MS. ,C, Itunusure auk& - sa orery_deseilita ' hi taws sad econtry, sr rates aa loyal la" • • • with security. - • W. - 'Maio ilia Irlu'vetio - 'Saari; i iseiettlif 'Shay two pall k.. 0 by Eye to au d own omen* , Lath Mahon ar Aaron, More*. idowithir th• adwurtsges arinsursorei as well asbiliir man' -q.rrd diVcolUF , Ism s P:kFlib vamalammooll IA Lemma paid 4ariny„ the year u 7.114311.3:.....4 06 ,c, 6 7,:. ; j r'tgrab l tr, k ;. 17 . ,' .- , - . iXt i n' e ttiil-- - 1,.., 111111' flYt I gA '..., ' , : Yel r i .V.1 "4114' . 13:a171,° . ev & ' -'.' . 11°- er5 d ..... -- w..„„ . ~ _ .l , - • --r.DMQ:IIB.M;rii-riiikkA-- - 1- . 1 . ., - - vr ,._ L A-stw ,._ 'J.l l =rirci:iiik.ii.d. . 1 -mei - am p Northeast. eor:Wood t'lltria Wt. :..,-- ' ,:.,' - Nsuitiicur., .:-• - - , - ..;.,-:."--,,.;...., . ....,..,...; bligraneeCO•Air Naga - ¢9) rniteittptii;*4- _.:s Insunaci o. of= the State 4. - timapiseinzA Hartford , Fire bwiortmcel,.-Cqmpany. . . . ~ . fier - Inenrance la the abon old •aa3 tellable am ple:Lb% on bi . ebtelned en,ippllcelhee te ; . • .. .. . - - JO'M',:4p:d. emai Butl4l=l.ll7lllileiitreet. AITESTEIiN INSURANCE. :.COMPS: I : ilrrimmou; . • :. _,' • _. r. BE. GORDON, &erten.' Woe, Xo. 92 Water '912•994:242124 &'.09..Ni Wars. bonne. op raai Ina . 47 .p.i il Ikna. t 11=00004. - 1 4 'l' i ne . " ar. veil lwom br.tbe.comsodshbc cod eA•4l7irdeler-• =9.2:99 vrosoptoeis out Lheeestibi; to issistabs. oluiroster slisissif,the best psote . dtois to thaw via derby lb be isms& - n. annsi, Jr., McAuley, Nalbsakl Helmer, M x.lilmkk, , • Geargtell.eMao.nie, ' cep Bollecren,'- W. lUcketson, 0 13 0 - - . _ 1, Arta'AXICIPIII-- Aaer,lspeer, --Dalvd 13e41.7. Exteirell, JebaliihrOmis. : eIITIZE.NI3 INSURANCE (..X)WANY, N-1 or PITTSBD - 10311..1ac pm4T -141 . Water Areas, would Iner. • IkACIALTY; prooklent. Insuresssso Nodnet lan and daznage na - iltatiok er Aber likkahnrst 4std. Wodarn• and Llama, and the natio:Jon of this Etka.' Inehrot nzetnat tent and darnags by. glre. • Vagaley . %lei, • - .'" - ark, Ji j John 81Optou,1: -- t . . Joff e. Jr. . ..Igunea hi. Cook, Etarbmo..... ..acts Owens, • - 3:Caldwell, Jr4'. • Hon. T. EL Howe, • John B. DEtwerth.. Barclay Preston • Cbarlee EitZTup:i.. • George Bingludk, 4kso• P EOPLES INSUR.,&NCE COMPANY Office, N. 8. coiner Wood,4b.l;*l FIRE AND ICAES3ININSIINAAECE; ' ' Jamoo D.: Virmr, Joh,. Wm. B. Hays,. Ida,' CWdw S.lllmell. . P. Duda Weis Ju te: - lunio=“mik. 4.11 T: - Me Prdidest. M=M WIL T. 6ARDN7i.ii. A • AAIGHENYA2.IBII:-NCEOM PANT OP PITTS3I-1:9110%,14.0. ruth .trot, Batik cl • r• • - ' Imam agatatt all kiniol Irlni and iiiiia.l4l.laltr. • UMW JOST—% Prolglog, 4 awns D. VfooPtraarai. Capt. WX. eailinEleast. tam Jos" . . Jan D. ilcOliall„- --. 'Cipt. Adam Jam* - - B. 13.13terting,• ' ' -- - - ..Capt•Mal. pun, IL: rilettflreir, - . -- i . ..„ - Bobt,ll4):wrig.; 01L5,' . 44-' - ''. -, ' . .•._. . . .. . C. C. Hammy. trarroy Copt- B. C., Cray, John Irin, Jr.. B. L. Yabnentor.k, RIDER & CLAM, - oolarumort,treuuntwrk , Petroleum and Its -Pr:Ulnae; 'Oils, CANDilft; 0440. al Litwin aramn.--;.;miir Tam 9$ Walla kin rucarr oTB' • • • .• A.pats fbr the POLTLANDX.MIIOIIM OIL WORKS, 1111 W YORK.. Vad..ll7lMo ,CIA.pLE w. b CILMIAII, - AeliPrT. la Water taal front att. =l9 LUCENT OiZ WORM . , _ : - DUNCAN, DD LAP & Pure Mite Refined . qui-Kip alb" Ha 291 LD2fl erra"Fr i z, •pmslease9.•pe STATE OF - 01110'.=;-athituscik 6iimy Coors or flrsosol. Par:is.Parcesstrantalt. and Debt. flan=a. Sone Tu. Stsubtotille t Indiana Petition to foreclose Tho undersigned has bent tippet anti 131;;iintal Om. missioner Mk ease, to sada the dams - agahert add Company; therefore notice hereby given for the bans tsof to proicot the same to nee, at toy Or Stenbornille, on or beforntke lrnszrz Or JaItIYAST,IO64; and the crofter, of Belden., Are hereby farther no that dkoree ibr the ale of Ike osarkgma premiers tified of Sad Unread Can nes taken at the Noyember ternrof said Court, mut a stay of exenstion of the mis - theroof sett th e first day of Jemmy, lft4.-was graataa to skiable the auditors of aid Company to apse, upon thrt lan heretofore submitted to them fajta is =orderer sato - certainly be :otter tin; said foul day of Jaanary„ - litati =leen Stookbaidera and creditors by that time bate their meet to the eurrender of one•balf that'. stock, ;tad their interest on their chews kgaltnt - that:o=- P.M' Sod. lbefeibre_t Ak..!- to ma - told - sale end etanze to the nrocn oanhalf- et Abell. Mock; and the canicured creditors . their debt, with out interest, I camtly tail - um you hr. - forward to JUT= .43. 110MISOleerigarY fldeOurgereY Steubenville, Ohlo, your;cornEndet of Stock - and evidences of ladebtaloces„ with entbruitYlskdol to accept the phut of reorganisation on lent fptrlai Jt oommaNtorm. ' I:ktax„ ep, G W. PORCH, t - -L.. Comminicai and Bbippu►g Miroltint frva , main, La seert.4•iniibk g lii: mewl a zsaa eov etnefiwitt • sarciuoi4iiitt..4tied.%! MIN 13 utz I A Ni-rmilasc.,-atiwrAw.xe; .1147 travitheaabse . b 6 RUSKAIV PPRiarI4**AZER: iteatriAr d_it tk !10 thiTiffilittiffiel6kii/14406:' dame: • .Fa cil lab 4 viagatua:-; thla • 0 Wr., • At.f*".491417r ' - UMPIT r nainigep . ~= N f t =MEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers