..s•A ;atm ESTABLISHED r, Aimiumutemki II AMES C. BALSLEY, Mez4hant., NEIKIIIARDIHZ BROKER., i , 231 nt.43 f.. 17215 to 14 gni tam OD_ TOIIN HALL A; CO., ; ! raid* " VOairit i o* WO* PA, . legata t a l et i TATalfige t NtAbgls UtkatithrideiarClS,„ SCOO °MP ei Iscip7 gi t OVZINI3422nIMATIAI to ' l'rhearre,!..,llgirarai si btitrtda., I . tbigN, nn '4 anti:DM antutthhilit ,:' ' o r. ettani,... 1 h... 1 ..iAll. 1. BIIOViN. ...;42- , Ir. 5.111aCitrra1ti1........a. lIICIMULL.__-.,.. ........ P. MM. ..VEACILINTOS.HOI.I9Ithti E CO.; .OE. comerO'HaraO Pike and Moots, ow 155 CO, °.P 4 ' l l_ .._. N ''.' " '! ""—, .. ______ Water Works, Pittsburgh, maanfactorent o I t IRCh: . --- ._ ~ . .-- I ~ WM l l l lMll t rig i ar &VIM vE ri: all erns and best ste. , ...,, ,e 6144 1. 1 1, pet op m ar -D:l7 of,4rge and 4 .12VM,VIM,1 If, , j '''. prosoptnem, and the'clearacter of our work, tll4.eln 'i il l i rtspec erg= to ontlA A VALVE OSCILLATING ENGINES, na A . in advantages haretafore nuattained la this *did Engine.. l' BLACK DIAMOND STKAL W t - 14; 11 it I i ' ll kria4,4l. ' VI ~., ~ .."' Plitt mitergth . & c .4- , ~, , 4, ~,,., Itgutr a ov I ~,,y,.,, 4. v i k a poiyhtn ej ao66 oAsr 6 ,u ,„ fr: . 4 nM 6,.,: rt ii i iat ti F46 , l* - 06. , iitliii.m.m. , %Afft.6 Yi . .1111.t. va ll 114.1tOolaatiT 17,04ko6.ampumbap.6...3o6Ap.maasi imicp - 7 1 . nos.uattissilabithaerazETA, pita, arra. 1 : ~ .i A T . +ft .N. 141. ---- F, ;COMMIE ) atfritir %ha 1, ',5 4,6 =ll,l ofmaw r ,,,0,,,,-. 4 ...,. ! th, ,„ 7,..10,,t re. ,fi . .:ttlraws . . , 11A - k ! - ,-..-.• Biz STEAM • . goi: .N efiSEl s ti l 4 ' * t i :fl .. - 0. ' ?, la' .. I • 5 017 11 e, ILIL 4,.. i p. .. A. ... , 7 :.7i..., v ,. . 47 1 , 7 . 7 I di' .-• &sFMnri IgglitiMill 77BItETEhisirl , ,EiMIETREM VA)H . Mitageak l PA l Mizri ~ . ~ 04i 44,1Wairt=ttr,«Villi ; c 0 t iliiitAwytild" it-ILp, 1 . • I. '' ingaliit i s to Orin Rolston ) .iii134;41(..14,E.4.7 - 1.L....._. - .... 7 ,7 .r,,.... - - ' ClUt, 1.". : 8.: .11 1 ' 11 .' liAit 1.).:Co MISSION +lll7l,444,;4otikaihiilliberzs, mot+, (TM I 1 40.1,11nak,a416, ‘6,4140*, nv,,, , ,,, LADLES, .11 a great varlet ) of MURMO AND PRODUCE, No. SAS Liberty street, P [WI A hl "" ki t... j ". R ktl = -L t. 1 ",..g i t, 8 9 : . A N D for Rakers end I • atadtILAPIAI liategamisaig-ilarTiW ...der - -" I constantly on brunt. Particular =tenths ' h aaisitaailitlitaVitlaiNillii'llEtlik •. 4: ' Attnaltn4= -o =‘ ':,illii i.t. IL,LEE 'II .14. Folmar, PI taborg , Po. 1...i,11. tdio igkirifilaiii, ?,iii,j,„galc:‘, AND Aiinufa.mmuuniumr.amagri the sato or RAIN, SEE S, CHEESE, p Vr., igtub3 , 4l :Anr ixi l awk , o3ll2ll6 ar i na i t:P AT T . 1 - a tieiMPlKAgittrAl i ,,, n ,' - `,,,,,bt IV i01x** 4,0026 . 1 . 411 4 41 i". li°" . : , et i ,,...„,,,. 4#1 , 44 ,, „ ipe ,,,,,,,. i „, Ins ill Castilla, Mill Drachm, Gas, Wag and Ar- ' i..klrti. • - r 81hsrit, P 'me :n gar el orMlleriliniorrgiGen,=,6npengs '4 „lb .o,,,,,gtak,Rl44l4llaVadtptiepfin FLO It, BUT. and eastinp generally. Also. JbLbing and 11.1ilup. at SMNIVDSPErffirtIIItES , PORK - A . ,AM ,,, drhii: r 0 ftq a.4.1.4....4. , 4bi. marl .641, i a.64 wWol . lll2 , y r iark e te6l. ~gen.:-. . ... ' otvsMolioll , •it • .I.llWklitßittL . TON &:c4i., Warehonort.; lOio.aonol ator , litiston h._ _ .WeivA o a 7- . II3 ZIWEILIEEZIL- oiAr a.v - C.nUry 7 , NaltiratEN.AlbilltßlllMMrs., Pittiborgh, T_IIBAD E METZUAR, . Groe rN .... ~ .6 nap. 1,... uW. , lsde Ks 1.4 ~ia te $. i 4 .a PrmaressideieskuittmaidOrAWM. 6 t..-.--, Antetagiernior..w. ' .„ !. "4 4 .t o a i r t ri o urgo r giv i i .w r61. , 6x : supr w ir a s itii i ii s ,„ 4 .. 1 ,;. , ,43.4 " 1 41' 626Zuk.... 6.646.0.44-16.... .4. , -- - --' 1417 -- 'Y 61( ----- n JOSE.. S „hErAimm,s_ks, wisiragiViloata 'IdAsit4WAN, I Wholesale Alfa. i rg ,nrantt Groaatio anti lug 1 - .-64116.% demi In me- Wa ° l7o " 6 P/Kr. 5 ." . .... 0 ."414- Mitglq i 3olol llll4ll % fit' , WAslikair.444Y 1 - • 80111Wr 4.00 ,lASIIII , tweidl odettoti 1 Y it‘ "it 'IPM WARMerazrr, Fit ." AI:MAW tie kt—La !Mut and e1e.01021,144 XIMM.VIII.I"SSON COM aiStirdaultArit,. Ddint;s; MOOS; GRAINS, an d produce room!' LEATITEM, WOES, OILS, Ate., No. 21 Mite J. rWhP., IiEP: & 'W. elly lltdict, I%Mb-A U . nom ComnlistA MelThanln, 11/ TRY PROD PIZOVISIO` .., ,lol izwilt ti chm.,! TREITR,:II:- HALT lunl LII OHS 1.1: bilN Fl FSA. " , '. 4 nx.AFiVIANSFii .ASFIEP, NA LiRATIPI, ' I.IIP I , • 0 01 1 4*1 1 ,41140414L P 4 Q1,J y r1ffi1,,.......,,,...,....,,.....1411E0 1'LL116 , 1 , .. TEA , Blur ARM Ma,' %V 10 le Or& LA. nein arnI . CUMULLI3.IOI3 . 11frxellailti: S nr. In IaTIN E ARLIMINAIVNV4T , VEr t . Fi . ~.. o. 4m , lin i chh i rat i rtAgi pi t i t. urfgoir• tre ..cdillo4q9l4 4 l49,pagpitn&O , _ 1/4fie aLtelairgt . - At.! Vet himeis ~PPPEAT_"4I.4I AUL & CO. atawkia4eniktiorion C O Formr4 chants, and deslois in Produce and Pittebt street, Pittsburgh. 1114:W. d AP.E4-Cammissicm.M! ...1Whoto.1,1).• erbn PLOW/tag . No. =Liberty street, opposite Pringle/ . Partaker Depot, Pittsintry,h, Pa_ Sten house, corner Wayne and Prat streets._ tilitsr LAUWsif 5utrm5........, LAMBERT, SHLPTON & CO. sale Groom .ad Prixtuat Dealers, It street, Pittsburgh. Julio Jo • WAIT .t WILSON, Wholes• uric Carnmission Morchoot, and Pnxloca and Patatoargb manoracturcs, N• eanityliattiteNiii• hbingiggiClMll7tEDlNDN% .1)N4A.Er4,157 LOFra *lons, Pittotrargl .VI"P." hI i 7 "" 5/37*110111NSiii, -- ' latiteworre wholooolo deolors t gIincitMEANAMODUCE, ••• -tort I S. LIGGETT & CZ', CITY t cy • IND MILL., corner Liberty m atzrets, Pittsburgh, Pa. lOW - Capacity, 410 bombs two day. JAM ES GALZELL tiOsN, Morris of LARD OIL, and Control • ebints tor the purchase mad mi. of OR REPINED PETROLEI7.II, Nos. 69 and Pittsburgt. Adranors mods m wn VAlR4frkiteir4 • moon to Brown & Klekluctr .4.4441, 0 4 ,16, 144 1D1 4, 1 4 1 4e .. 1 il==goinitHaraiTim OFFIN, elecc I our.us, evict.. of Wocd caul Wttor sir "I'EN4i4Y44AI h4i1..434400. nil 11 le huki r=aalc § eNi6tbli m chant and el,,alcr k CLIEESF, Burn MZ=ZM IttiMATiVAittUißliarCit eS, ' Mani k Pon. No. NM beriy a44" MerifiNSVP MYea traly solicited.. • Taal KAN FP X. Paa, f etar i ali43 l !TS I DnAVOTitint . CO., 1 s Grocers,Ats. 130 and 132 Second •! dmithlleld. -- • k c " 4 ' k iftßlVitt4rit., tl mit spud Cotsualssion %Tr.. Kos ' 74 Mrtet, (ADNV'ELIG, (6 ."4 . 1 3fif4V. Q*4, - . .:..,...c. toniti • win *Town..,) K PAC er in PROvisioyA, Ids. 12 Yourth street I crty, Ptttelertsh. • " 1 1 : 1 0 1 1M40 - 65:: ! 0..0.N!, PRODUCE ANDCO ACEENCIIANTS, 247 Liberty strtet, PIM • 0114 411 M. Lit GITIOO2IIBfAAD COMMISSION corngr of Broltbiteld and Water Woes. ' 4 1 14§1114, 1 114Mt1it 40 — ., , Iforcluants, and dealer. In 11101)11 BACON, WOOL. GRAIN, to., No. 12 suer TittemrAh. if.&1113 4 1 - IgOVIAWIV Jel GlitOefill AND COI/AMMON .„..6„Al t iggiro &Or/114N 449 1." - `ILLIAM BAGA any • TT CrOCCT, N.. 18 .11 'A) Wood .1 burgh. TA T 'E&X i i r iciE int ittrAthfgi car. Importer a SODA A9H, .!to. ongti, rim? r MO, E TX 11 R 0 C K. 107 athet, riltAurgb. •Rof• .6 , w44 - Izw •J GI all oe6rAtes for Row,. • onr=nirrafiSt " a w s i 11 . 0 Tot ;bet•a„,,_ • ••••• ", • •,-• .:SYTOZ, E!INEM r.. -I II! A l tRY? " - .7tratlrtrsidfcieeliEirue --- rouQugsiNt titASS WORKS , n _CVAN:g4Asg,P.P437O4IO, it till ri l r " Arrtr rb llill i Tt 'd BRASS WORK TOE . PLI7IIIIIIOIB, ,STEOI6 GABRITIIIIIIIIIWRIMET*RN9 .- ' . ~ co =Ass mnscrkWba.,_ ' i4 . 4 . t wise. 17.5. M. . .,,LIOW WORK, AnW GAi. : 14 •A; teINGe atteinionften - =r= paid to ARRA _,ElFRarg, ,am . vio A DA.L i t g r o t LitroN v,.. . i,, i„ ,,,, M.*. ItßayltigM u , igh= seated. Ilsningno salves it is not Rabb.tee get oat ae.t.iiitqlgliMirl•••thr th...97lniinli in t riad Re i PRia acii4Val Ccsb Alen lu 9 CON ire ,Nok {burgh. largo or email, madeto mootoo, temotrtre 13; AV ' ES. and erery 7 OmeadiMONe" WORK/ Orders toltelted ham the ltialiETT, Offs on and Warehouse a 4 No. 74 1/I 7t h TNINST . , Pletaburgh. Iddy.• rinfargoThi • JOSS inile....taiell: .11/..... VA 1 r « l 124419 W IL6°N ' " a#l . 9 3 W .f i , (Lae Moo, Perri CV.V Nl* 40241441400 illaratiglatigiga4c ll4 STNY DUYT.OOIO3, No. 04 Wool street, thlrgl lurooo ohm, Diamond alley, 1914.40m7b. '4olo:tr 11/.1114 ii..9l2.+e,mti. Ifs. W.. ili 'cwt. . A.,.NE, McABOY k CO., Do ere in %%T i p, =M i .?. i stti wl , v g ar -r,,, A ' 1,,a7. i AT q m...“WAVIECO., d 1 wa nt s N041 1 460.14 4 3W , V15......545: No 4. nand is _nab .t.n.t. ritliZi. Nr_ __ 00 1 " 14k- kytkrlik f tV . '"Ic1- 4 1 -- LI IMAL Lati • YAWL , Vt4'436.. # dee , A a ______ L.. 1 _..........vaiallOstr ot ei I Z "ii" 'AV I I , g targb..." .4 "tincig4: l l.og.ag 2 - ',itultrmiggiggai g . 7 i 14( : , 1) arar I r r, t "rlV.•l3Aftit A p .*,._ e u.kim.amm 4.r..-.l# trewthilrillaslArillasirtb IsiikiCh Rki,lik`aigyAUT 1 4 149 A nsIATKVICATI ~..i.,-“,......-....-,...---- iNi•Vo• ty • 1 4020 • ;iti, Pith .' %olio . . sl stre.st, a a l t 4 ,.,, , MVI. - trjj] 14/BUIS AJ DRUGS AND MEDICAID PIM vomr.ecommeuetomlrfi ILY INCLICINEA, Au., of stticsir prim *lDeleWPlßDAStlovrrst prism .!_ , Ckr uraWurth strrets, DDI-091N#41e full) rompounded at all tours. j tsg t iSUITCK .!E CO., .taf.r/ ' DrDku Ca; us WW1:: 411K4410141412, - ;si zoS. 1,4 , t • „ - •T i TF,P• ;6.: . ; T. I 2 lip. r (OW Itt.b 1 46 .4 1 ccessor katll an 4 L111,411' . 13 1o tl Yi‘ h •• 4710.43 •11110* pitiv . Alum to 141PHIO MALIBU I ' 'solo agent. fay r `ANO9 ..77 1 01 ; sulthlldd yttty' nie;nie CUM T. e : I rr . lain f W " i t . i' MAW, 4 4 '-gtV.Pl2nlr* r - • ... , . 54 • ..v /,~ _:~7~ TS.UA6IIAS`DIDBICxNtF: `~~~C~l7r El3l==== !' THE'GAZVVIII • A1A1g.t.59144...r. ,El l eassa Ennio; by taill,peejW:44 rn "• • " ••• • ' '" aux Evrhoir,iftits.y.spui, • .• ei.kar4f a -fad one .•,,, •alakeannallallif to the Ib t nF t i: -. 45 4 4er t; i.XiiVfSO4l; l 4 igt:Seooo. daily. For • club of binnity,;•no•quill ' WiliwilicliairiniNVo l s, irit•ir`lptiOis is44 all!trel 16ii., 5 • • ohms dapped veba5k•h•515.441155,51;.. Nbat. Dld ::England ,Stop. , :11 -4 Rams. .., 4 cperoPpowlagF Of the ,N. Vi l 4irTh'e the *following story, whiettL intim* the 4epresapk.enthentielUZLl.S,Asi , ; - Idiciej Wont, thotiir moo 'tiVS,F4eAse, editiefeetorgy. ,transom lospeaanii . i3s , eit hatfoliht trasibils/r, without*pi el of fthooeireamloonticasealooA I, 2 11 th te 4a4e i. fe*,e 21 .f#:iggr trAtedtiork' r;t 4ho rebel swam by, -. 1 el : fibsratoment , has been attrihwowisto causes, allot which , probably Itattora To n s4drtrig h the'linel rett4 It erlii=gherth,e o iir . 16 44 ) . It• tho osionse,,inzuredas poling ' iklir to tlm , North, hat mot, i wt. fat Swain,•been•rerule Tel I .'., ' '" a." `. V l4 o l3 ll ' orli ,e fit .4 vltt?4 , : 1 ,11,6 j i l t:t., 44 iglu" to ttl ON. me by a diatingulsbed. Atocriumnstill I hat dust returned from Englitrit 101er pytod. , oolll.sr feeflitih 'for ' b i -1 iTtlalntbil' httl the lesW'publicA p. l IMP 6llPill4" mitt Mho iliaAllaci loots mac from handyanictets. i ..• , ii ip I i i Wirildiillrt , Biiirottl ,, win Absent' so eurpe r rieh h° 'TM IletAtTAte a t 'Mini of :thphil4fto titpa. Xtsaltle iocawto ithoifollosaing {unofficial) I Mr. A tiomo,olu,Mrinister , toy engttod trnott t lytlAs olittlaidetret pithy Totifra, t \ VNt l VO C : r .fp n VfAiCl F , t A ti4 ;2ll:ot ' t f i What .ilo thoyirroatif Do. they mail I wan?. It m a, bit the.matt thillastrOht t i thd Whtltl it fot tul and it Is teltdint . 0 ~r ft , F ivlosity *sire to .aroit , those rams ore permitted to ,aiditti. tho people will force us into war, who I wish it or not. Ito shall n o t be chit 64 , 464P0re.1biL il Vii:426l ernmont ought to understand this " IlittlitCr'PAlntrcollaim recoiling thi 1 Whig upon Yisuisitssaoll,uul. saki to tgil i~ri n il , Wl< drJllll 1../ I 1 do not coil upon your turdnhip In et.bmilinagY , i Until haw twelve& • out,poken, sincere tottervfroll 'Preald coin, which, thuokkh„llitinacik,k, privato closet', Mild .ol. 1,. in othe I +Ro Itaiwilat outgoing not designod to b held from your knowledge. Ho aosairilloftrtanail thb ,, netxt la .tla I lish gini l t ff fo r. V uAtlign, ,Affairs, and' 1 by saYtrie ..-- 1, arthlitiv.tiota.dirdom , y, your lords the honest, straightforward dealing of masa u nat., to c 1114 U a 1 o Jll-I i A try gazieempird.the order for tenlion lit the rot:Fel ric. was ram:miler Robert small _commanding h U .'ll. VabfTi SP.M4L4P , hr#7ftn.g , t Rh° the steamer Plaftl9l-x4k pg,Silpflesstpt Rime two years rince, has since ti itciatilkkectilakkeiigientiStatitii to the r ' AT A r fIWWY.R.S• kro.r, red Keokuk es•pil4 to the Poet IsFIA limili i Alitiglaillithakeintikitt igEkEklY4S44f r ft t Pif. , 1 14PftrirS , YerY creak ale the entire *vast, and eliffif i liodififfinieN.Art t lii tfterenerring oniminty.wessels ha &gal :NT I M o th t iimctaisava° boo if Charlesten harbor. A recent tette says ' A r itistryithltiolftlatt'elaiOttiffine lwell, chief quarterultintirPtif "tllls - Elephrtth nt, re 4.if",,d!kitatillfititia: .411.hia cruet w are she would be liable to come under lb ere of rebel ,guna o ...Theueinpialai-a-brawn white otoseditand,AnArn.with,..the , . The Jawasatthe.taakbeiauta kuuts at , he dquar tors Lieutenant-Colonel Elwell, with t con. suitatilditarinhietershlghereialkority issued the following order, which, for simpl 'ware to a braseffirklitiyhtnegro, officially owl ed ' Asap , seldom keen equaled „in this or irhldimftridiene k livddiaberry to Rti thilf.Be ulegal .gtoolLttok, coalman of the vessel, and ' faithfully discharged the ty re slibtiqUitto. ,1 I . .. ~,,,,,, -o rzy . :l. , S C .l7s Q o t; w rr i tem . .4 A rr i , :,. it ..0000io / I'. Isontra„ L'hict A/Zit ermas -oer , 11,4,a 211, , i5. id i.i. • — MrU . 1 deans !pioribMtanfirlehiliillfilaf AIi.AWN m o lt ~bz 'i tratorport Planter as captain. Ito bro Is bor.out of Charleston heshar more than a year ago, rontibiq *odor the gum of Sumter, Moultrie, and el Ohm iiMit t iVillikli 4IP jil 41 , , er 1 4 0 .04 1 , , un ols lire ,AO 0 .. , 0 M", sorthy of the position. Thls to due Mtn as apetw, • +l"Vert I:4lP4,ittSlViirt",;.."*. L ril4 • him, therefor, not give Clot shamer to this trace l ' ll " slLltsV i l' ictettiitri, yzat ca4,twat 14.6 pt, J. J. a " The _above order was immediately a by Gen„blipißilLe z 9ni tho "right man' black) i. in the "right place." sosittniiin correspondent of the N. Y. World, in from Chattartoogaogtres the most glu count of tile fortunes of tho -friAker **thine!! I., , thivw•A s 1,1"' - `11'" ? , rlg 'r o ragg urea', are ea ?,Ire now botllitccu,9r tyruty thous 1144Ailikit9tdre‘Atetiitteen pieces non, our captures having reached six 4 ± l .llffyti6l4+'e'hl ieh are non parked 11 of Gen. Thomi #' head:virtu.. Th Tliuigii 1A• t.• - Watedre at. en rebel fo cee is the - , gplsimitiWifill' eli.4trituteeneWhoirs : Brag:pita 20,0001lia.:Nissittsiptiir 115,000 ; at 5,0001 artiLlicattcnd Asinvariaue place I This to exchisiTufthec . ,e;est of tho sitiea ntf Vregular guer;tilas. 9111EY, 9, YAM fitettAVlttrutit'llt Itextre.. , =T:et 5F0re,t94, , 1PT1VP,9..049 fPANktv.te. , Of the'tt ray, party over the coascrra the late election in Brasil. Out of m House, only tan coneervatives he elected. The liberate aro in favor of tbb Amdtbdrittill'Ar oetablishing steamers from New York to Rio San. , Eindept toomeop l y epo en of a staamai p line Brazil and the United States. - Tot. Richmond Enquirer reports the (karat one hundred dollar"; edirfell4 ey, per barrel, and compliins th t o living orßrEall YtStEr, 11W over sev drettjggig4e:l4oardeg' .t An "hitting trabrutd' informs the New Orleans this person..ie hatpin:" teivltoor on tion' till the Federal, gel Riehmon 54ahe orpectini barrel of will bo r . vat 5406 4.l.l.l•CaiyMafair ngre/ICIJII I money. 'OPIttS Ith inst., Ear. G. li. Ch&nor oillmrata riclatetla tiettyi Mord, 13 .oilinghis staLament.la England 161 t wpd titutlunalinatitsrtion; than ; quid isn't:a r aintaq. 111 t 4.1.11 Tr a il d pdqiedr4 'd oncapyttlg.jcwiau saggaiitiig thu psehapttltirsdVie. Wdinnussad TeretiEVe4 :. 4 1/A 3 4 PIO t Mr. qqatoJ; THERM aro, pa onny,, in prowl calnUttAntreft Yrt_ au 11 . - rts ifra, r Mffir#l.9:#l , Ml4l n. Tittilialnisteil4skfilare2olllloaanrer-,- IfardbigoOulblo e itPitglittnt , . Preeate lad eadw.llN*4lclaitnalk; ; 13 wompS 4 D C liet V . v 0 .:,rel tAll beim aire—Dooll otrarain. W L imei fop ; Huhn, Westedth, Atha, , n - ‘ H 1 •44;a0 oi ciiiiiiittir• ' • . bmtakil • „ISetanctr,_ 00000 . 1 r, of How Wk.' . ~...tO. : 0 pm* lasoltbero r a -1) . 40 1.% ' A. • 1 r%Broser, of •Wberseht:: • ... • , 4 V ,FP4= 4 411i= ' ,4 ' Th itir ri l ="i CA; o ' a o o lrioi trf,, , ,,, a ,kk._.............._._!-i. wt i t . •.:. ...tlet, 'OD& " - Pj." , 9 r.,. ~je 4114,-;e." Jo i j. !? t j;w ", v ., vi ... 0 , 3 eri0r.,.4 . 1767- 4 4- . . 4 ,411 ,kA!,ilFmk, .• nueorl g 2 -; ' • f iw i',..,,t ,, , 4i=tas z lerigribilintii: ' sibmost l 444 toakta•Oftsanaitu 1011a12,1 1 R.I.AkalallilaarefiXops . 14..ior=_I. _77l 7 = l tt ) poluidfoußovii Amen gitiltOgus New .0 , 2; ca. , . 0 I NNlfang.a.sateeliat rtrAmtut 1 11.1 ll of nu. L.. Aroiv . imii • ~ CP oik ; Andersol; tr; tlirketitorT; T og P Wheeter..ai ismattla.; Ili h • /1.14 , 1 Judiciory,Wilson, of To Boutse r j 7147 6 0435n0rt Tat, lilri_o_ g p. i „,,, r af,,x", ~v.,;.,:.".8t,,f,11 . 4k t r eir l l6,4 l ~,A :, ,04 0,41.1,0 „. m.,.. 5f4. c•Y itopprn,YptiVpifiel •sea 'a 0 'l. ".- • '• ' ' • pek, — ndthe44lA . W . :trilit oil, o r Peousyleanta; Lenora. Ortartoraulltri Peon; Leteart AFFT O I/ 00 1 001 . 1001 . 6 0:141 Oran; llOlllltil, Or Neer fampattirr; It. •I 'lri ?"; enti 4. ll.t 4 i ' itho ' yei.,d Pe , INl=VetatOnt . • "- knYtfti Y° 4 '; E440.T.Et444101.9§4...ii ww.,41. ~ kral - fi.*14.4 l i ti.ifii ; A;i Intr,:oll.Ar 'Or ; neana, Peno ilv _. rue / or lIllools: Freenton 4 , ,,' . 1ta1tr, qfAeyr,ll.orktieb 101114, oa r A OO . or 3 r , ....• aotu. Uinta. • ''v "r0 , ..9; arri., of Blorylond. O F VolltWillOVlr k-l' llr= * f f I . eltr ir- , ° ' p Yqx-1,14- d .e.parNK en t.w ..7a. ; Po , -1..., , .444 ... re dim, of Atlctrigaro; , . . ton, of. l l:d ' onieler i —kilA t oWoeltisineWr " 0 ' $ of Witroostw e hut.24l,lln. pi' 1111nois; . c , on•g•btornl•rlsrh.t.u:7 4l . o .. of I. i. 11' . itito 4 LZO tl'lrraFFlVlri' - --9 , • to ienro rifforre—Seliqnek, of Ohio; F eroctb e ; 4 1 of Initolv ,- tinikastroPcgclitacky; Garfleld, Ohoo o . L, ? ,„„ o r likeouri; Odell, of York:. Iv or . Pt. 44 .1 It i alkt i fe . r, of lileM; Kr! 4 .i. rr‘:.m,, , natriw.".-4.:4?-. , of, ..,,q. arirtureax7,, ,, Mnlo; Keay, of Peouryl”r 14641,11.1%, 6P4.111Pt Brarelot ,„•ertosr, of Indians. Ackfrea iiittakiM j , Feer,Foodltt.• Oral; of Indloon; r ie3Iard.I..IIP4VAPPFhtIAV ho? !WV Wean 'e eZ 7 O Lti. • t liar to Like • t nas. llows ring in what hnt. if gland, her we rought' harbor hieTa l imor the la k uphh °rata let and • ender "fHril Ft Ot thaorernoutqdismo; lanelay+ li tg i l,c;*Mt prps.tuAL “--nlvtgegivy -I...artim.otasam,of e 54, nttiltr l ir cr '" 4 "T 4:4,,6„ fI ALOVEN ° SiT4V4 Itainiga:ParcTl 1,44 No York ; of.llllsvuri ; rll;Wk]e F "" . ol ' 07 1 =1: f r r l rn/Mt i j, ' w Tot Ula B VarZlWouana: l ongairt.Ati as q ' li!di l t - di t trel4,4 of Peessayl_rwAi IlkogNe*. Jerwr; IL t ChaltWorfiaf oy Minot! : ! Prieselinove, 1101312004 - erf DI Yt4Atuf . 2 Myers, of r..... \s,ICJWOIO,4f. tenon, of New 1 . r - Mrasalliforsaar neeticut; Simla , Shwa. of Wbc. lispeaditeers ' Yerosent; 411 8 - ..sitartrisMerery, ,Inrpral:terainAtlia oriie'nEnrerretemek , Airetisse,.lolrle i...Q.AL•Mliffoi...4 °War' Myeaa, int Pannsylesedat 4 , 11a14.41, Wood. ; Ana]: oC Ctibabotlent. • . ileprkeilino. f4f tb, banib, DePoree of California, Illiddleass; of .PlrstJaeller t ; Col Pennsylvania ; Donnelly, of Minnesota I 1 11 , 19). Sia ''' Atlit !Aft14.40 mill'-ir ra , ' . 0- 4, - irpogy-41, a 'ixtO'spi4 , s,Rivmpi,to4 iok. .• ,-4 - lAddildr ... k. , p ec i r t,4l 4 ;: o. 0,..n r4 Ir. 5.0 114 i... „;i 4 . 49j4 1ip, an at . /n.i.P. , , i 4,, L L. WrrralitiVi Ytheeatii: ' l4 . liikil a two hundred , and - sixty iiei r adettp 1 • r ntraetiinkreieiy.l,66tititrir .oinetya4ttbd'hate-IrearAdteltht pant year ' fortyain a e o% itefi from the'lhitattthunteers. the,-adetaird'easrpMfinti* hilt:talks dVtrVI,Vr - L U gt.intAAVCY4 . 14.9 MI haitlJ.JarUnilnmert. ,, w .theiraan inand.ulinaoln,;srares ri g letter cry tre , , .r. 491? ! • „, ..d, and of fin s •tbree itEVIA mitt- iNnViT 1 1 4VP*Odkir. 44:40.0.17 coilanoni at awn& Asuulr.4..sinao,..us.drud t Maw u again. 410. the,itiblvirtiplaYed'OVl ' accoehttid fo4",•lteollittiit;•oll"ds, Rri.5. 1 0 0 !1. 04 .44 bit qvs ANISAWKiId , Aurignucutu 1 . ouiranVitionths the people of lb *we flubllttibtql Eapsid far at pgi Or °r AI Jispdt, 4.; • r tiro iwraeh KOS in ro Orin Lowor a boon •paning lino of • ro. tr i bluk* 1 oiwoen A r fate an %.11011=10OXIMIt.ef .m•• 04n, 41 rem tack:, +Morgook•c11!: of IrlObillitVdbn.' y S iiOteit§ iil44n• goy. 07.ttoknoto:7 or • veg. north La.; orwryl9 o p•Losmork, • 11 vo ID el 12114. 0 otllf #B FNTEV--tirbilegtredlettiirinF ,to Trgic", tk.g/IPlPll_hPolne..4ll3 l3l auk' Kos& Got,. erica, inn bo dun.. Ga. MALL, at the Illater, , erto• • - • - P. Xiti4n1.,14., AtulAi,fi to hir c tmz.oty*tm month, aid, to with *AntO,Mttnialltrforntog o*, Alfred, I of Noti eerier, • lavery ting It, Coop , drain !) time, t mtg. the In a Prim vvzdy.,: 4 ( AlS.l*.apcnno. 4Anwto •ncl wl c 4 blM l ll. SPit • I X 1370411e1ea 7 dim velptjaßt,A. • " • • • . 14-7717 !. VT io taMATlcaiOnsir• • " if..l4DErte. =lSfffMl niispir, - mar - prick tei In (bo on kttjtnalrr Intt iirCos u ,hc patAls aft. tfriijpicesta a reboil doubtless Utica. (itt(peg the ilria.thavabottle of Chicks- I , tbirty printeti libdb(lttgre,i ISiomost cols( and WAlfri4l.*• , . 4 quilriA 1 6 . '4II64 O OWZA' • . atir /t 4y, wo roning nom Ito ,C 00.14 , rawerAteccomitodattou itoontlMU o I havluttrom 1411mNiMliodot lomar t i Werioi.o.omooloo ird • itirdi.V.,: i r, s l amp !. 5.4 reitoiltirt. -; ba•14 4 630 ,4 ti • i'! : : •' ,. 7•: , ..-'l' , : . !t !'.' urarniN4A,saxild;estsi • • TY Clan Il 4l a 9osill tsahlidftt.imisi ." 1/14—"MIM ' MN-444 ri delnw- - f t it a 41.14" 44 4 .. • : Um, of fh. Pedoo4 ink- St Don of lowa ; • one Ken- Ohio: r tt I 1'7714. albe" 1 9 F t • 4WD.* utriteA !tura ,last it. whorl alive =May aortal ,d 01.1 T 044111110 ttte.Piesident and Ida: gifrail i 4,lnvict44, l w4kiet4ttebvsk fill°sO 4 . - 1 - .'em • , al itiltlszatiessrevDee.ity,l3. , ""iltitieSidluiPelrettrardstifieteliPrifil Mi 6 : 0 4 64L t 1 tskstil'il42citi,t''.Y°ll4:*i;i4 501 1 - a - a rtrM ll .il 1.: i. .11,1 It .110,,,, i -I. I .....tVAT lIRPF41 I R , lg U rn i 3 4 A 1,0451 R • i n 1 .9 aelwacutterpteil .kfinintl frlaiintlelfbla crs eIA., The Mreinwierarancerthaditoodatsin elff iiittlitiV latillhd , hero with arms for Calif . bgliJitat ° Thlinkabli trfild".st.g' Blot toted* her at the breakwater. lifi'Liitiiii h int e's'll.' igiltilif '4,ld 6441 1 .0;4Nir , liirrAt4p, 'atlantic . ' The Collectors, of Nort h ern i Ay. hay, Aar tdoidtuthel'ilrikinatr.ittvi tour JAW t °salt ginetattutfaatoatt voiterdatie the envy, 04. ' be k°}Agiil3 Rill liiiMAPP4 F9!tkhr 1 c**** alto slurries. Secretary Welles refaeod ''"" The In3VlAlllittAn't. !b' - tira. '74 noooto. It earilluiVqhie Axkittabitrati .kinik imitt4PAl.tutitoifOidimPitto4o4 l od sum measram, legislation and the coeduct fdllua war—hfiehigge natrflige.iiid l rn o ' tonto 4 -41dhitelvIcentiBitetirlIft.' Alike hit& proved Tilden `"o'nt.f" a ro s lganlir& m ar, el OtirstAlibolOrMiltoitttirtattitrAtilit a T. 1 ;,, mentalist, Stanton a mad balledne a liiila thowantatwouor areitltibissßitTen W /a , .b. ring at his port. As for Blitli,Vat and tlini}yo.? - titifiLtioalATU, A , mit* t.,, .!..:':: . . :i' r 0 out the ratelberrofntliptrlettidfq on; 1 acorAnS):4Venitli;4o4l:4 o Pa.di qui. Halleck,iliff , Ptetfittent• 'himself is alai indi iiv iavAri,:ol't qii:Ati,: t 'aueiht,:.ri;;,... o qi,, 1 Cary !sitar.. 'ben. Burrisithi?, ' , rit de 'aka-, burg flimsier, 0.114 oon. Hooker's Ltd iable fil 1 •4 4 • 114 '.. t' f (t .Vf f i c o 6 • 4 s'll_ l, Aa -b 4 , I' t4° , among allec•einmete on coa•ut . Iflr...Lin cola' I' Vit t 1 1 011•40WA I O te - 1 itiA:7 ...:,• ',.,'' '.e-Theneaptorefeti the relict gervisan al:Cluidef pity c r ,lo f ;, rc 86 15 sl. ii•VentUAr AL,iilliN oß r-, taro. affair.. Cm. West wear, the 1 midi, ' li.Lla.Wtci..iik:Csiw ,",,,,, i ;l : . ...,Ai . diifittili'sehts 4 m6rattugi hoot Fai Vilid . .°7l.V ° .' l- :° '°° #. k NiAlt ?P . ' ;I'F,t_.! , I ' 6 ',4F 7 1Y1 sxualnundes, is is eltreoeivedu • Thuont life 1ii0ea35p0p0,,,51,4"9e061161f1Y ', geris. - corning into our lines. . _ ... , .. unn u ~i I ' lll iV~ t ~~~~_~ _ ~d~~ to ttualthittheio ~~'~~~',~y8 4 5a~ 5 ~ 1 ' Itiloti lba publiih from anaad4 0. aiiitt ‘iao_fai .hiet. ,iticbmbh jil.4, , .1,...9:11ttitt I dneti maita, .t Now tin} am gall .anen-ot- wit'ln' .loa•ay.l4 tltiatO lotiftiqttipusi Oiltri*.4tj Witt • .3.11.5.nuin" ' ankr 'ENEV4Iann, a i *Ms lg Pc. blob/ At. t , 47,1 , F5 that matt aqa} li ILI ~. “ , 4 'WarkA fladter rp ( frplt that x ing, it nett!) slay It Allamai i l i an , 4 4 etaiioil will , abraaki;Ut h and itaka*, d unfits %ANA rmyl e tt.ft qprl t, it, '-' ........ __. - tlaketa... liar ' a Vali 'aO ogt 'clprOAKEP*lr. 0 0 0. .ipptdet* lroilii , itill c. ~.,...,„, :-.....,,,. „.. P4Qll.l4Rausii 110,isci1 tuiipliiiiiiicCaukot,za. /Seals= at Charles City lime—whine Rebel comsamollCol* .: i I t• s• i I POITIrps6 fdomtOtiVilei)4.'tT.4l.o" . Tak.ntiric 41:1H ttio‘ (VAtttiettotion to hollotioi e'n" tittler b r. 2 iVriL. sl/1 41 14 / 1 WAIF :cdpplitioN. i 4 it(11441 . i44. C.pitii;644o. Abel • ...,,thimirmy firing from their ti iYesjiptarest•esttotOvere and eighlyttorl Mint* Aholitooiltoltedaclasefavoppi ilfty-fire horees,...s?‘ peme.enTdr, coney ealalt..ame,•dwleft-oon-ebel The enem,rs onnowlethte ktreticdpelep • hetteldhe provieioas; tlio i Pea alme.telliii• hTelfeelitdeie me serge/at, wet killed, sad !due seemieeL. 4111. • titled to WO emmendition fortillhol altilliholiteP.hdA indtol. Wet • e6ll,o:teroib plotti a ls o :t on ilo s ee , ,f , 4; . rembisallee,eli miejidlkeproy •- s'7 TINA Alen 411:0iVielltOX=GTEI 11. i •: I 411,1 A t basettetttNi Dtgaetruuk:Retteat PS9l2lCd 4l l9k4l4,*WaTilAkirlivt, Aerate condition.. ii - riiirAti,•Dco.lifi.x.4llkleoe from vale to the Dith, *to that Longetrmit'; is at Itogergille. During the retreati aseet,loaa them, themstod oxia,psiaeat deserters. There were mane. of fa hilrttrtfly telly tl 1/ortl oot hard service, and is diabearteno: 'The tkentiut filitilk4:on*OlnVirpau2r. *tot fifth/ it tie% d bd~ 4 . ooa i tteigeg 429fiNli h j p l Yoiliti'luti;cairtigei.. 'lli ouis t Two of our hoary waterline tilde •Catitviatol Illad'lctiOrilla with s L lTinta weiwinity'l4l.% *1111 , 10444 * Tulle when the rebels retreated. . • "ThepVl4lWthatfUlf I:Willie de tittitai itlAirtiml.ariA7Auging consumed eye thing catablo. .o•Laingiteeita'tenur in tertian tedi. to lt, moralized In an extgnordin . ary,ilagtop b thw Tenor ,:charluirtun—leamln •ntnl ,:r....Teirtirinitbai.City/ 5121 9 1 r. Ton:s PO:!lorite.,ir 41 lOW ea..o 4al The tumor dial DatAgrouwoollidtotitinstro gahaliioimikaimiliabiliihet. , itoit) send them oath, probably Iltflillotif` atm social Jtv, W.lat ;Tor • Vast - moyetoeut, Hult‘e I woat le tiq.ol otte a I. l ollli , § wei I, still stibAstino, hV Our kuardi 'Mae tall'porscsaTon of the aibUf. city...dashnees prerallf et ni aouregard hos ordered the street lato tioffghtrd, eat lights le the home's!! thing and terror rule 1n.f40 et:Gan erwterth-tiot - fOr to. milltarr.liladura t oolty• would boolgulltldithelf.• it:4idtWel4/.yio , 1 • 1 06 1 11 . 1 4 0 EVE ta • • . .....oi : Wilt 1410335et1.hA5..4 1 05. rl l, 1 A rislinincini;9* W--4 tiio altdi .. .htllio Ididt'dr fitcro:Af.cui 14 Ind 1 I ' I ohl;' id GW. 'n'clodh thisiniond Qinoi: I • • - J. too ...of,. thoi / buildings; nalgi yaho storohnose and lamber shod. Tire 3os in - di- Mega itt toldnlCl. A Ter, spun* Ito shonto was raginitiriMPLlolh, Ind" MA 1 Itlid wu ► 1 i tenn fl itirti l learlitVit k le rskia bel• SZWICINLthig• Ow nostnoolion...o p..oner, poopiorty. Tits workmen and chisern _wan 1 pltdnithlty . Pf TOtitalkit:1 0 . 1 4it . i, 4 ;: . ,I!;:: 1 041 4 441 Olit/ 13441 0 ..4 ,or. p.... t _ __litdi.-the;. _ .` aliwiNC - Klawaf‘ ibi&V - 44 11 = law' NM 4.4. y. Most' Iflj • loci - here. I .7 - 1V.. 1 .140 4 f# 4,01.* 1 ... az. tif.• ''..it ~,, -r ?!!.'...5",, ,, i.: , . -- . ,- ... , ::: . -11..-7 , ?; . : , it. -, ..-‘l .- 4 ,, :k. 4 . - ; ,!-L-,.....:,.. . f _ ,,, _ , „ .. . ~ediTn 7 . 31250 tc 11.1- irri t 6/ O n ' tame); istifFeil tactal iced Stab:in • 1-..4.Oetthottimod Omit hsto4rod Itu. Aqt;ol.lkomo4osogitt4f 14.9441,16. 414 1 29 0 .04 2 1 - gicielfflACric` - 4 0 tct . fr9z. , ofTcOol •sr„ ,". Sth rite S 5 Mei diCali% tor!Cein Sim - Vat rismoie iirld the '; bet TOW sea ht V bithoi it =WV tsty'etdori Ititotralogthe - pewit bight codas . imw stitrin!' &moat , itssioroalratill cam ottiotahtskost pita is,tirttiotiow., , ,Tho!thatikil. Ardorid itsoim 40* tog tat 49E , 4thecf , P , - 0 . • ^ -I-0 " P 1e 414 g ;*# ' a ri ti to d c ' .',l4lol74Titift" 4. " , • TSB 531tilUri Tarettiy ' thaverb =tab, , :ptaltit'br tot adhrr ErneekittatlOXiii3soltill froopolopiyhog r, r Octaatillgottn• hei4 , 1 11 1 , 011 wood, AD lOge with , ,e.r.temill.gr 4/4fi e iMpf P r vi;74 .11,, s twmis Vi vv- Wet vo ' . ..mictezzalkiarae • is,„ Sour atm thieves itbat•bdtter %tor thhi lwelvitoipboodotnidti oshoro tbito - oVeli sad oranit-lholl. tloptalttAiOn*MA taluiderdatioAkiltakrttlio Four of the crew were ktlleCiuttAK, FitALFRDIt r , Tp , .. c ,,, v „m ar ptreVraill, ifghliNhPieih r gita JAM iFMCIFErth Melia/ itah gooboict wortght t to the Von Wt dtitrek ' utithhi huroyttnqiellgtoaelktirieScingzone, , i I w"pitnevinioonriA 9' +4btlill 4,1...11/1 k 101.11#,-; • I nit .1 if I 1.44. PT.'Bl#ll l tV " ri ITAIttINBUE I REAII . gSIIWrIt , "1. triANN.IICIVRCTir. ATIIIGTA.I.B6.IIfE 4,ss"cilolstlvlfrmfacipaeparovaa4l leu fie titeMirtban.),tkp i c.lirtd. ad/ thunt , elltilathlN. I...l.4l.lskiu , ieurllllols , rclitil.A344 NIA , • 4r.o4ll3itavaPni t rVlTlV ." 'filittspabto IrtinKfteld g IlloalLellitilvodii*LAMsss44l s l , l7l , ll tailt.x j6 V.TP.l,„,vor gagttemp ~„o.4 6la o a i k thriller +kW,. MI 5.15 , t4114541. AiMptrriptsaii,#g.M4lpo. Artitl t ealg,4llkAMty. fruk."4.7 lth.that H 05,11,11Lkomialcailisue lebieft 'A '" ru m Vitiketifidiii 451,111 , 45 t al,Lluat.s.64/151t 4Eik, Nf ,4 ma 111:11WI MAMATibsial:t ini orveoi 14017,670 country truda Elas lawevt. matairct.6loos.% th r=hrter it.nr i t v Ol i flial ktkol•#dlobtfitacas: • egg= 17 tijari r a peri toot oot., i o 'P P M -AM /tip : a taasiar4 7 4".• r; 7 :l:6:7 , iiie"A i .1111414,101kUlatacatiarlatd. :CD W .4l4; Hrr L iel. l oi hader.etisittehita7t4hAiiimitniattl PI Jeal• IN•aramarce•atrqdaolrawao I.ldt Ili :IMOVlMltelVartrb i g XIIV ' • "1.1161051kr latiak - 4 , %104 . 1kit ddhli+ , l4 4 1 I%U:rill nada, An A.l a, AS lgillklilrittilW f NUB kiiiLlil4g , A,BAIEGIAINe" ali,•,, ~,, a, ~,.,. 1 ....L . ,,,,,....,.., . ILIIIII p.l 1,01 LIS I MAI#IN I V.IVP a t /401....1,1 4 wEibin a filkietnilb4;alint . &ataxia A rtho,,kapamEasirati wastaLa Bean,an acre of large and corak abundance of grater on the plan:' ," Alm, • Haasrandterazas disachaster. riaaaartlealanalaqahaLattbni,l ... .., ~...4`?An - VA41.14-WarsiiirSagrAlltrd.LE.+VA 1 ti t O R AWairtMthMr V Chad la+Ard; lowthmo• - taid.4nift 40114 , % ; : ugtorboy I r. leslo,44rardail. 5.41 : . . 1 ,,,, 01 , vmon t z , :ri A r t 6,„, A. ' , .....taid,,,,pi........,4-... -.. %37'"V°:;,... - irem:::• In .f , I , WEENCEINTLE -il MIRO ' BA i 1 k PAO PigH2i nalBAZE•44. , taa.atagr trnauf Vo l glVlVetaqatra P ielr , Vat 0111141114 . .14•1141Mfbittlid..110. :g l t 2 ".•,,j"thlt,462"Vaßi..Pltt•Urglis,.r.. d 4.:814A1t9t, tatraV,teml tkf=, mien 'more ha Nam oetedettion rem% aNdirewomatte; Abehsl mtrata-A wo-,10 „ A i, ..., &44 ...:., WilL MA.REMtittitle„. 108 ~ tn; ttii l .Nt k t 4 d o lfaut ge t 11171 mart - suara for. rttm D Lott:No.ls moll adar it enr asap pun, . 9PWVIYAthr •ItalM o m , . Aikkeettgob 1111.0" " " C citsw: vonstutxktatetibrielidad , wlfengl.rip SWIM id= bn. ii /Wee% Asti= Unsivalas at at Ir. WNW& fitelr:•_Rfi, T "Matinittrievio;.lh3titieu a am JEL 11.8.8.V711, timaylwa r , ,Ai.NoVasikr,Do4o4 , AttA Aryoir.:g • .'tutr”....,u ..Ate4 ertrPlklo, wxzw...lerod AM . 2.*4 ..7--- he tZrotdeerw-e s*.tTraks analmaztrial. •—• • • itaN'X,ILLCILAULL../e • • itirmaianswki vax 4- 0 4-fti to m. - mow oceopted t ire.. Cid No 4alry, known the Omen ,TTkr7o • to r A caPir'• - litiflelfel , Awt. T• a . 6thit • • rit - TRAAl2•Vtiflandlit • • , TaistbeAltstatiwairit ft* 1%. ;mar Eltioberetiftoo4powloGhk. rif.rtraiSrA c le .111944!711-1.1.1 • SALE....AL laripAkitao.lil on.lkniVuLteei tas=entll IlTratbrifgr Ot F un-pg • R i--_- ac ,u 6, ttarl Slick IlestraoklUiJittAlt Rona , MeV - Mal t =7 l % sod P Inv , /or IvllbirlikihgeitidAVier ' .t_i_US• Q. oopigrat JR SA L E--A 4:01 W. 4 4.42•44114 d 141. eV 30er tosi riatieVaVini : 4 lppty At Nb..41-L imam- - Aria - cut . ,i4cL:7o.ltatraihitilibt I • bona framitettll Wt./ • Ati-v•i",r...:!4 46„101.11:111. . s • " Alta l ,==.2e,..e.;• raw' ot - ti • 'l2l,l4:ol—W.Aikol. . - e ••••', la la; *:4lt. •=iistfl;.• ;4 atzarvAlw .as.r. PVT WV-14-61;674.14:k Wodhe to.oiall4 "Mom :', 41 0 1 3t • TAT I Ft i M - :: 47:4. 4 . ! 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Ito! t{4ll : SZEDJoaallAbotrvnebtlasliswinreselkillig BM/ OttAdid.lo.l.llo:KnotarAlDVl! TritathiVail i m r. 7; i.m. e i ..: 1 3,4, Ma: 1,4.11 A ~ril. :t .i ...I totOiaia7 SOngagaing a CailigniOn ~ -.. :„ :I ‘:• . o ' 7.4ligi t li WA ' I: ri eariaurmniamer:LtqnneaTi ' E i rti M V "44.4'4.4 417 "3"i " am „,%I. H INV I tOsrk cps,, •- •:•.. • ea:o.l'nm :**`" • • 111110 t -vroopiliniVogitzFecEtv. of lOU NO ALL, aluirvAdlintela L Wittl E Nol4ooll6 . WATO •sr ofdili 9 lefelit 14abascknowilldA" tHIAbi Al A?, :,•as.i , doa. iai Li • 4) 4 1,4 li:L•v•zu , MIVM , ••••44 "AO , anartwititiparnikeli • It. -•-,444 i.. 1,14 4414.'4 114.143144.0a6 luiremit ortaiebilkA . "*. a . " 1111.4 • Wilak % . * 1 "0 0 1 1 / 9 10 1 ‘ ) . Or 4M/tali difil'allll;iNikleirrettqf . mew= Ammi!ea:oo, "-oafUm! Saii • CUL - :WAR ' - XViititogrSestr,Li 4 timiestral tiretlip4 tirgr.t ,GUalc./.lORf, no7g..Tv. t 7C114 1T 1; -ifiL l24lll4l."T + "Pin° kaok • OFIAHL • - '42irtbr o;geaktgoildetr. , .. sxmisatLoa ti J ...tr t pF; t. i id* btllll ,mtaf WWI 111 ari, ca u tgg 4 la : 4 15 haiku 6 41 0 1 -41.941 hflarraneeeee of NOlik ANNlrlat. 4IISSITI2a aiithaLhastAlL.llo VIII , faimsval l iAktatAVAb I ~utuith La# 1 04 aa4 12. 4" '5!" 11 ,06414 1l ettl i4 iti Vite6MAIL, , Gut .1r sonsolutair 4.4.4tiFt..19 in I I I 4 414 1 74011 ;#1 Ihrealdligire 4 llllrialWelnika l * litlaJ74 41477001 aPiql & 174 - 412414? 141/4/ araliOcitilKitit ' 7= l ey 4 lMPU il ge:r uj ir r t I Su autilfiilll4 Luaiga ALufiiirtiTallt*HilMt - - 1 ifiditaii:gißilawiteinkbUitariqapitill.j 1 AiPlairEliiiriMllslllo7l:74.i 014:PA lAA/ V Witg.tiefitW.,44ll3l.4: 41-80 -11,- V 8 1 2 " arpgrre ia4l,e'l•46 . 13 •dr7 . :, 1.. e ., qv ittt ru paletuti - 6,4lltrinila2:. ' . ... la lg .: .. ' •• . 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