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'.. -f. ~"• '..,. • . , - - -- D:2--, - 'z. - r.-'- ' - - - - ---- - ESTABLISHED IN , 1786, • PIITTARITR art 'Fury .__QniAv 11 girl 11111\TTATil ,TICI7I r•lT:va a. rvw-ur. .... —-- --- ' 2- ' ' • e 4 : - .7.7('- ..,',1' , 74 , 1 •71_,.- '- - • --. •-'4l; ' t : ..... 4' 4 ' i.: ... - -i:.:.-.' h... ..t ilatt.;•=! 1 ::-.M. :7. -.2y,N!;,r3Z-. . • -;rirtr. , -4jja. , - -" --7 ,4.-.• •17'..•r•-• , t ,:, .Akk.:"Ji.s.:... " r as - Igi lt lia•i' , '''.o 4. -f'•:: : -.. v tr,dayt4iix*, ; ° 4 ,:, T ek'grq- : CtIABLESC.Y, Produce find Commission Merchant And dada. 111 all klida Of O.OCNTIrt PILUDUCH., L'inottasrlerVOULD .. -.. • too. •navettbs, (of the Mm of D. A D. M'Dorusbli Pittsb u rgh. • CO...Wellsville. Ohlo,l rDONALD - ILARITUCKI,ES, Whole /3J. itals Grocers, Prolate . sad' Comaafaskis Bier asses, 'jobbers In COFFEE, N. 0. SUOMI sod MO LASSES, REFINED 1.70,LE k SYRUPS. FLOUR, 1)&0021, Tonecoo,l3 EWE, WIEESE, MESAS, ao., Nat. 212 sad.=4 Marty exact; Pitt _SEMI VEti, &-bolcZNAlti GROOICBB AND COMILISION - NOILIN mama.. Lintase. M. 3; ACKEOWN LINHAETi FLoviz awn Glum Faceo., P.Drei awn Gam - must. Ifaututers, for the sale of Elam, Grain Pork, &- eon, Lard, Dattar ' Eggs, Cheese, Ileutt,_ll4.„ Groan, Fesithera, Potatoes, Pot and Peati , Attheo s Saturat., Linseed and Lard OID, Dried and Green Pruits, numky, norm', Fl.sx and Gnus Seeds. Cash ad , anoemouto oowlo oe Conelgttmenta. opitly No. 2:17 Llbrnr stmt. l'inxburgh, OisSetz GROCSU, Haring puretineritt the interest of hie late partnere, Val comilutte the burrinele at the old nand, and will patronage or ble .14 friends ':sugliashiortere.', , z: ray).s3l WEBB it. WILKINSON, Comm - I — nun. • ^.lirtanitaAn wholesale dealer. to WESTERN MLR YE CHEESE, DRIED FR1711 4 3, BUTTER, LOGS, GRAINS, =d poultice generally. Ala°, LEATIIEII, ELIDES, OILS, &a., No. 217 Liberty =met, Plttaborgh. • OClFCaal , adrannementa made. Cooslgnmenta so.. I/cited. j.l:-omd WY. P. .T:[ WIL P. BECK It CO. No. 185 LlB erty Street, Pittaburgh, , Wholoiale Gro cers, Coma:Raton blerchante, and dealers to COUN TRY PRODUCE, PROVISIONS, BACON. LARD, BUTTEL.EGGS,CIIERSE,FISH, at., PRODUCE, FLOUR, ORAL% SEEDS, GREEN AND DRIED FRUITS, ke_.VRATir and LUTE. . r, 4,18 TORN B. CAN FIEL 1), — 00.111118SION AN4/ 1 Fordamito MeaUwr and wholesale dealer In IVESTERN ILES/UWE tta CUEESE, BUTTER, LARD, POllll, BACON, FIA)U11, PISLI, POT AND PEARL AMER% iRALERATUS, LINSEED AND LARD OILS:DRIES/ FRUIT, awl. geoerelly. Nom -141 and 143 Front street, Pittsburgh. oc2 _ _ •LIGI LITTLE .t TRIMBLE, Wholesale tiro- J-4'mr• Aug Certurthelou uatn, ders In PRODUCE, PLOCR, BACON, Dr,cb ClißESE, eal FISH. CARBON AND LARD OIL, IRON, NAILS, GLASS COTION YARNS, add Pittsburgh =mu/nett:Lees 1..5re117, end 114 SeKond street, Pittsburgh, De BYMER & BROTH RS, (succesauts A..iu to Refiner & Anderaon,), Wholcaale Dealer, to FOREIGN FRUIT/WM:ITS ANITSPICES, CON-. . 1 1MMONJULT,RUOANS. FIR WORKS, de., N 0.., 129'alluf street, - above Fifth, IPitteburgh. 1.:-411141/1 • • • wel. gnu,* "(13L1" & SIT.EPHA D, CouvissioN • • •..7 Dirac: on-re Ad dealer, la FLOUR, GRAIN, AND FRODUCE: Liberty &Meet, Pittaborgh.. . Maine brands of Floor Dm Dame and Fainflynno coastal on hand. Particular ..Mention paid 'to filling en, Fir Merchandise cm:m.lly." bur... 1114: _ ntA..„ "bES LEECLI., k LOVE, ..iND utiatn AXD Cuilll.lo3l MC.11.2 far the sa,la of 011-‘l l 4, t3ZEOS, CLIMESEI, PRODUCE, .od a.,,"ent fur the nelebrated Up letdown OE-' MENT, Noe. 1111 Band and 143 Tina etrcele, , „henna Wood a o uilinalibtla4l;.ll•ltt.sbargb." eel •- •:-V141LN* - 1 , 7414;tiOuvER, Produe . e . 7l -" deole its FLOUR, BUT BROOMS, SIC 1110211,,LARD, CHEESE, PORE, • DRIELIAIR GREEN FRUITS, and prairie* gaper . ally. Liberal mah .drivers no conalaronenta. No. IDi &mod anent, l'itiebnclib• ...MIR IL :HEAD-.gBTZGAIt, WGrocers and Oonttalsaion 3lerehan tit, and dealonsln all kinds ;of conatry Produce and PittAburah Ilartufactures, ~ 749.tiberty .knot, opposite tnnAl of Ilia:detract. 7Pittaburph. Way GE% ' A . 0:4%,1131 SON t _jVhole,iale ~ 7 • Grote:nand anal ibildiam unuermi la BILL ROPE, OhREV, 01L5, PITCH, , Nalbaliktifsstunadfartictee, a i tent: i oboes the Konotfohela Bridge, Plttabtffah.--- - • ill4l:ai-ERT7I 1., 0 n `i'‘,4l.lltelYeilleenentiCouitaindou cud Toreranalug Mer chant., and declare 14 Praia. and Pittsburgh 03.- olletures. Liberty erect, Pittsburgh. D. ,IVALLAVE, Commission Merchant, and WitMesale Dealer lei FLOURrsral CHAIN, No. 3.5.3 Liberty street, opposite Pennsylvania R. R. Passenger "Depot Pittabarvb, Pa. Streage Ware .l=l.....orrser Wait". and Penn Meets. no17:1y mmax LA.11.13F.R.T, SHIPTON & CO., Whole saleGroe.eri aud Proem. Dealer*, Nu. c 81:th street. Pittsburgh. , Jain - -JOHN IVIMON. WATT . t WILSON, Wholesale Gro cers, 00001m1011 Nerobsosts, and desists In Padua" and Pittsburglinisoofsettites, No. ltA Lib erty suet, Pittsburgh. 11110[1. (JIM, T. Jr -101.10 TCLIVILD: L),NDSAY...& TELFORD, Wholesale ndIIetaILGROCEILS, FLOUR AND PRODUCE DRALCDS, ravrty arm; Pittsburkb_ ~.t;, QCHOMAKER ' LANCI, 0011111ASION MLII.CILASIn d nrholesiale deafen in G 110.• • . FLOM' GRAIN, l'ltthill:43E,tn, No. In Liberty meet, Pittsburg], • nel3:illy J. - I. . pinta I S. LIGGETT & COCITY FLOU _V • LNG MILLB, center I.lberty sod Adams otroet& Pitthburgh, P. 403 harreli per dap. app . TAMES DALZELL riLanufao- Ammar orLAEID OIL. &Ltd Cum cniluirla Iter. chants Ico the ` purchased 19 d asia CaDDE AND :j /USED MTItPlirD3l,O& C. 3 aad 7u Water ibiet;Plmbaigh. &dn.., mode. on coexist-lune:oa WM:kgltik . ll{M. ..... -JOS. 61I.6rAtIllICK. T — KIRKPATRICK k BROTHER, suc t.te-cessbirrto'prinx .tr.:_ttitirpntrlelt.a, WHOLE . "EIAI,IC GROCERS, Nos. 101 mui 123 I.4erty ttrecl, Pltlabintu ap13:17 MW , 10. 1 1.4,111 TAISPLEm. cosrut . , L Spoclai attuor. "AA — corriN, .uccessors to al'OatitlikeLl, "W ank a Ca., villoixsALe G110011113;eltner or Wood and Water stmt., Pine . T,sßr ntilltilteralterchigardifiTATT,'"E.Zri : 1731 C ap4Prqdiwe generally, No. Nliood . text, nitsbarghl IEIO " 4 . 'V.IOIIII/E, successor o Ifeol.ll.llBcm, No. 1113 Liberty Btr.a, Pitts bwlbiliwnd moDuckvaaoczair AD COM MINIS OILBIZACHANT. Comignsoznp half nolletted. ly :A DICKEY & CO., Wholesale 4 `IA IZL=cd dTktl7Lk: dalstreeriure.„ •so. w. Intwoirru.— ..nascoirrs; St co., Wholesale t/ • Gram, &.. 130 szke,l 1.T3 Seccuad ximt, near' • - . - I'lMM:re,: • • • • not falA~~t. oo _r~~D....~_.._...._..._..'h~c~arnor,. lOUN and f.,A, Who's:side .Gro: V . an and Conisalialon kettaicots, N 054 172 'Mal Asa= Udall' street. Pittsbitrial. Jen. _ • RLES L ALDWEL4 (successor P:4lnm Mimeo & C 0.,) PORK PACKER, and kinder In PROVISIORB, turner of &Minn Inn' Fro./ atnistf,Pßlnbargti.... - lag END (Isarcessorlo son dOrownaed . ,) 4011 X PAONZA and deal er b PBOYIBIO3SS Yo . 12 Fourth street, near Lib „atty, PlttaNnlth. , • net !at. •ortzzgavia rotor. VOIGT- $ CO ., Eateccebsors to ti.-0.-61iiitPHODITC8 ACID 'COMNISSION MITICHANTB. ?17 Liberty *tree; ilitsbargh. JOHN. L HOUSE 0:).e. Wholesale GUICEIMSAND COMMISSION VOICIIANTS, earner of Elmlrldle4d and Water stmt.", Phtthu . IT k' W.; 'Commission mattiosm, sad &alai in PRODUCE; TLOTTR. EIAOCOVIVOO/4OEMS; &d.,170. - 12 Ilmlsheeld stria, Pittsburgh. - forlly WAR 'REALISE' N', holesale GISOCEN AND 00111118310N•KEUCHAbli, WS' earner of tioNgsmaisd,-No: IS, Pittsburgh. rrout„ :.. BA t E Otpcac, Nos. 13.1u1d Witedstreet, PI • • • • " • ^ !itatif drw. .wweTeir" .A 'L• • ER t „Wholesale pro. ..Cl:errazinicirter of SODA ASH, No. 27S LDNuty stmt. Pittsburgh. • . =SS EDGERTON k STEWART, Wholesale aSW= AND COMICISSION NEI=MASTS, , - ;SpOgrpg,eaViroal;PitabaskU u • war. _ 7 :tlittl -1 0, enter inPROM: .715301W0V1A 1102,114 KOSTOAOriria ii ,mom dierprosure,LOASS: sivrirenr• amioada.tanag. iltopswithing to lanit their sAiogy gOooi Mon. tog% can alwoolltut lotoad Arta noir .at ,Aty aloe Tor We, : eatwkreirsoulous t.e.". 1 14 1,1 F4 104 OPPCilib Et, APO 141t: - -,,_ i':- ~ .: ,e,tl - , , , ,' ‘ ,7- -- •:.i.i, , ',. --... 51Elita t ' IROfIERIEs,PRoDUCE,Isc If LECTIANDISE EIIOKSE, NO. m LJJIHRTT 87138827, ri=2=Es rd. 27 222 V73l2lthildS At., con Bacond, GS=I[E3 • Fa. 271 LIBEtt74 STIIErf, Illuburgh .7 . 4.trVP.ICTURERS, tfc. VittsburAll 05azttiti. BRASS WORKS, CADMAN & CRAWFORD, Monoiroticeezo of on:7 ♦arfntl of lottloOl TERMS ON TILE GAZETTE. BRASS WORK YOB PLF3TBERS, STEAM OR • Masora EAMON, by melt per year......--SS 00. OAS FITTERS, lIACKINISTS, AND -- COPPEIISMITHS. BRASS CASTINGS, of .11 datcriptloas, made to •• order. STEAMBOAT WOES, STEAM AND OAS.' " " elngle wi1e............. 3. FITTING, .d 'REPAIRING, promptly attendrd to. gernmo Eermon, by moil, per year........, 4 50, Panic-104r attentlnn paid to fitting op lIEFINE. RIES FOll COAL AND CARBON,O4S. " month-- 38. Also, Bole A grata for the Western Ilbtrfet of Penn- , " " week ..... .... 10. eyleartta for due tole of MARILL I.4IIOBDELL 8 . ^ .tyglo copies ..... —.--. 2. CO.'S PATENT STPHON PL•2lPrehtPheat ever in. Wenn. EDITION, single copies, per year... 2 WI. rented. Ilartnit no valves It le not liable to get out of order, and will throw more weber than .y pomp . " " dubs of sto 18, •• ... 1 50. 0 tWlon Itallso. pomp ' e " olnku of 10 or more " I 25. JOHN. HALL & CO , ' —and one exit. to the party sending .hob For • • - - - -- _. _ _ _ _ _ stub of filtoeta, coo wllt send the Trcerso 'hymn daily. For • Cob of twenty, we will meld the kloirsyso Comm daily. Single, copies, 0 crate. ear AD mtbecriptiensstrictly (a edosece, sad papers oLanttlhetttrers and desists in all the different kinds spray. otappod . 1 . 10 the nine espies. t ot PLOWS, PLOW CASTIMIS, SCOOPS, CUT TING BOIES. AA With greatly tautened fecal- ; nn C oo d o th, t os s... , so ososoot l y d oo L s , . Richard Cobden on the • Rebelilon....lle era xua Tali .11annfactory, Tempersnoertille. Rebukes the En la sh Manta kir Tro.' Mein alley an d Literevnt.,Titode.h. ! terventlen—and "Mr poses their lg..' JOHN HALL, norance of Mimi-lean Affair. • T. J. HALL, STEPHEN WOODS, An intelligent and instructive discourse JAS. L n:Leven. on American affairs is by no means a corn y. "'" '"'"*. mon thing to meet with in the reports of ASACKINTOSH, HEMPTILLL d corner Pik. and O'Hara latest., near the City I the multitudinous speeches, lectures, Mo., Water Works, Pittsbutth, manufecturets of BLACK-; s him, s.„„ from time to ti me i s . the INTOSH HEMPHIL N IMPROVED OSCILLA ^ findTING STEAM ENOLNES AND SIDE VALVES, of, English papers. When Mr. Cobden or •11 lOW. and best style. Haring put op machinery of lugs capacity and or I Mr. Bright is the speaker, however, it le We Lent quallt7i ere Sr. prepared to do heavy Job- otherwise. On 6.24 th ultimo Mr. Cobden blng, and solicit work la this 11130, treating that by prnmptnese, and the rharatler df bur cork, to merit t delivered his annual address before his w. te venial attention to , our BALANCED I constituents at Rochdale. Three thousand VA INN OSCILLATING ENGINES, . combining persons were assembled, and the Mayor of adrentages heretofore unattained la this class of Ifsrinee. • L- italdY the city presided. Mr. Cobden devoted We BLAC`K .M AOIND STEEL, WURKb, greater part of his speech to a considers- I tion of American affairs, especially in re. lotion to the attitude of the British govern ment towards the United States, We can- I not refrain from laying some portions of! this remarkable speech before our readers. After some preliminary remarks on the necessity of Parliamentary reform, he went! , on to speak of the English mania for inter- I , TOO tion, and of the advocates of interference in American affairs. We take up the VALLEY FORGE PLOW WOMB, FUINBURGH.PA, PITTSBURGH, Pet PARS, BROTKER & CO., klaatActuren of BEST QUAIJii(iLEYINED OAST STEEL, Square,Flat mid Octagon, of an Mara. Warramted equal to any imported or manufactured to ti d. coun try, llfirOdica add.•arshonaa, Not. 149 and 151 - YZBBT 120 and 122 SECOND STA SETS, Plttabmigta fel 1:1311 \V/' , LIAMit .1 115;MM:A ii(sl) , BOILIII Makers and Shiwt Iron {Torten, PENN STREET, Noe. 20, il`l Si and MS. Raving .reamed a largo yarn and itindalted it with the most improved machinery, in. are mced to manufacture every description of BOILERS, in the best manner, and warranted equal to anymade in sh• annidry. CRIMNETS, BRICIIVi, F/RE REDS, •STEAM PIPES, LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, CONDENSERS, SALT PA NS, TANNB, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS. SETTLING PANS, BOILER 11003 BRIDGES, i SUGAR PANS, and w.le manufacturers of BARN• DILL'S PATENT BOYLE/IS. Repairing don. on the abortest mulct.. 4clBitf ViITANNIA AND BRAT S WORKS COLLINS & WRIGHT, (Sweoeneore to Off' Newton.) Manufacturers at CASTOR FRAMES, MUGS. CPP.ii, LADLES, and • great variety of BRITANNIA article.. AWN CARBON OIL LAMP fiI:BNE/Ri land LAMP Bl:tabu:l7k. AESEB,g - enerdly. &mad itneet, P ALLEN M CO' /{.3IICK VALLEY ; rovroßT, Pittsburgh, Ps. larWatnhasini, =1 aelar STREET. 'Sfassfattirers of COOK, PARLOR AND HEAT. T.Na STOVES PA RIAIR.A.E.D.KITCREN RATER, HOLLOWWARE_ ete.,Sttioi atul claw Moulds, &Ai 31111V6tiard, RIM Cfaribg, Gal, Woo' , sna thin Pipe, S, dlfoai, Rog trona, Wagon 0.- gar Kettles, Pulleys; Ifarigels, Car Wheat, Couplings aad Csatiugs generally. Also, Jobbing and lifacluna Corthga made' to snits. Ppautod Portablo with Steam or Ilona Paver ' .4,l4:rtwud jo!!!EPLI F. ti & Car. FIRST AND LIBERTY 6TB, Plttrburgh, Knantlistarari of RIIENBIOII STEAM ENGINES, MACMNERT, So. Mylsstf ,O...)al'kaitsCi, _No. 53 WATER ST., t e l =ourgh, manufacturer of BOILER TatiPIRES, common and railroad, of every Tirtfrasur alsed or ob•pectSPLiCia and EINETS; lan, or *mall, Made to attlAr .111 short lan.. A copy ossortatascoonottolloPlPna.....-mmum. 1010 — ELS, .&1D1 ) 1.7 CO., No. :Ml' Marty street, Oppoafta Sixth; Elltsbumb • manufacturers of 1V14.11.8. LANIM and SWITCII. ES and every derription of LEATHER BRAIDED WORK. Orrlem Solicited from the trade, and good. prompt ly oh,ippod to per Instroottona. fes:ly TA & W. ture - ra of MATE STONE CITINA and CREAM COL OIIND Ofllco .ftd Warebonso at No. 7-1 VIETH STREET, Pittettnrh. toblAly irony Goons. JOBS 11TLMTN.....17.3.5ZCA trcoolutsna W/LSON, CLidL CO., (Late Trthers, tew 3 es,) Wbolesale deatera to YOSLED3II AND DOMESTIC DBP.OOODM, No. SS Wood atrrot, third house oboe. , Diamond alley. Plltabarth. plO:tf 1. t 1 .13 .110,.-....1(.1 errna. 2.10A80Y k. CO., Dealers in I_,YOREIGN AND D031E571C DRY GOODS, No. 140 'Federal Arent, (arcond door below new Market lionse,3 Allegheny City. _ . EATON, MAORUM & CO, Wholesale and Retail Denie TIMGS, nratEs Ned BHP G O O D, S of 07.ry deeerlptien, Noa. 17 and 19 Fififi'llYret, Pittalntrih. A/rACKUM & GLYDE, Wholesale and Retail Dralen in FANCY AND STA PLY. DRY GOODS, TRIAIMING.S, kc.. .14 , ,X, Market rtriet, between Diatnnetel /sad intoll3 /411.11burilt. T M.BURCEIFTET. , (succes•or to el n s rthadld A C 0.4 Wkolatala and Retail Dealer In STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Northeast comer of Fourth and Madkett T greet, Pittsburgh. . . . OSEPLI 110.1-4 NE., Wholeaale and lte- • tail Dealer In all Itti3d4 of TRIMMINGS, DRY GOODS, Ac.,Noa, 77 and 7911a.rket rtreet; JJ. W. BARKER& EX)., bealers in all mod. or DRY GOODS. No- 65 Hort' t ~ r oot, Ugtirma Third and Fourth, l'lttebturgh. RH. No. 84 Vic, SEreet, • Dealerfn 13QtiSMTS, HATS, STRAW TEM. end STRAW 'GOODS generally. DRUGGISTS QIMON JOHNSTON, Dealer in PURE MINCIM AND CHEMICALS, PEBELIiERY, FANCY GOODV., BEIRNING FLUID, OCIA rAN LLY MEDICINES, 3e. , cif rtzletly prime , cis/ADP', which otters a lowf-st Colmar ScoltWield ..d.rolath &Dews, INDaburgli. Pmeertptiosts ente fuur compocuadal .t AU hour.. - • BeA. FATIRESTOCk & CO., Whole- Palee Droirts, inaltntactunn, of WHITE LEAD AND L THADGIE, corner of Wood and Front "oats, Pitt.burgb. 1011ti'. SWiT - Wholesale Dealer in (J DELUGS,• PAINTS, TARNMEIES AND DTE STUFFS, No. 250 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. All ortierexill receive pr opt attention. - firGEORGE H. KEYSER, Druggist, JLF No. 140 Hood street, corner of Virgin obey, Pittsburgh. J►IURW :Pr CHARLOTTE BLIYME, Dealer in MU SIC AND MUSICAL INSTEEKENTS. Solo ogrnt for ECNADE A CO.'S -PIANOS, SLAMS RHOS. _PIANOS, and 'PRINCE WWI'S MELODE ONS. No. 43 Fifth street, sooond door abcivs Wood, Pittsburgh. Plano. to lot, and taken to nschange for my. KLEBEIL az BRO., De.alere in MU JLI, SIC AND MUSICAL INSTRII=III , awl see agents for-STEINWArB mu-rat : um) PI ANOS, 11,A SS tin *trent, Pittsburgh.. mr22 CP.AIiLES ,11 - MELLOR, Dealer in V PIANOS, MELODEONS, 2c., N. D Wood et., between intudb street WM Diamond alley, Pliteb'g IXBUR.tLXCE 4Gl&4**l`S. GAIIDESER COFFIN, Agint for . • franklln,Thfladelphia and Itallanna lst:trance Commute% Northeast turner Wood andlitird W. f,..,,J.T.'..,:;e`gef.,n`. l Cdorth iOro Omni2selee, ST %ter street, SAMUEL RE4, secretary Citizens' memos Com...y, comet. Realm sad Wets I EL GORDON, oretary Wqstorn . nrrance C0mp1a7.7.: Water stmt..' • JI7OO.4OELLERS. Ise vinfX: 7 ,IOELNSTON-L- Cail3torition -1 ; 'Dui* Book , Nthisaiturirs' ad' Job Rrlaters.X.).•67 Wooden...et; Vltisbvtret.: - ! .40 • .IrAY:;l7o.).,,Aioksellate ;Auld Statfon wici4 oteetakendobe to (Ito co - =Pitteatt.: SCIIOOL , m4 LAW 1100 Ad 472 4 01L1ME aAbtliatiOVEße,', 10114.-`,ZawXO49/411y110. , ....iedt,YitTla , • , Fr. FA - ,0404.v0r, _ _ . TUESDAY MDESING:::. Qpeeclk •it this point ratsusit •'SOCISTY," /LID fly nitwits sorter ISO AMER:fell! /PPAlla. From the beginning of this American war, thin lamentable convulsion, from which you have suffered so much, one great and funda -1 mental error in the conduct of statesmen and governments, and in the conduct of a large portion of the Influential classes in this coon- Itrls has been, that they have made up their I minds that therecan be but one issue to this 1 civil war in America, and that is a separation between the North and South. [Cheers.] I. told you when I was here last, when that ; spirit we:, If pcssiblo, even more ripe than It 1 is now, that I did not myself believe the war I would issue in that way. I hove stated the name opinion since in the House of Commons; t yet I declare to you that, taking what is called! by a cant phrase in London, "society," which means that upper ten thousand with which members of Parliament are liable to ohms into contact in the clubs and elsewhere, nineteen twentieths of the ruling chases (if I may use the phrase) that you meet in those purlieus in , j London have been firmly omvinced from th e 1 trot that the civil war could only end in sepa- 1 , ration. [Hoar, hear.; How far the wish was ' father to that thought I will nut pretend to t [Cheers.l I believe the conviction has been sincere; t believe it has been founded on the belief that, h,oking at the vast extent of • territcry occupied by the Insurgents in this I war, It was impossible that they could be sub jugated by any forces that could he brought I against them by the North. IGAMANCR or alingleaX AFFAIILS. But there has been a most lamentable dis play of ignorance nmougst those classes to which I refer, if we may judge bg the 00D. duet of the organs of thespress which may be considered the exponents of their views. .There have been errors in geography; mighty rivers, to which those in England Carl hear ne coo on, wi undrods of mile, of steam . tallois;'ll', Uitieww..dasatiland o ie t .these. leading organs - tuildinitintii ono rhea and lb Into another, in utter disregard of the rules of geography. There are a number of great cities in America—citios of ono hundred thousand and one hundred and fifty thousand: inhabitaata—which are among the largest! shipping ports for raw produce In the world, in the interior of that country. In one of 1 them I have seen a mile of steamboat, moor- I ed side by side, and yet of those great cities, 1 and that great commerce, forming part of the strength and resources of North America, the ruling classes in this reentry know netlAug. You don't find them in hooks at Oxford and Cambridge, whore your undergraduates are I, obliged to study before they can pass their ex atalaatiOD, IitTCESS OR TIM BLBELLION IMPOSSIBLA. I It Is in utter ignorance of those resources that the opinion of the ruling classes in Eng , land has been come to. Dot I, whom accident, perhaps, more than any thing else, has made as well acquainted with the politics and geog raphy of that country as with my own, I have never believed—and I believe now less than over—that I shall ever live, or that any one here will live, to see two separate nations' within the confines of the present United States of America. [Checre.] I will tell you ' candidly that if It was nut for one eanse,..li should consider as hopeless and as useless the' attempt to subjugate the Bouthernltates of America as the parties do upon whose views, I' have been commenting. It is the object with which the separation has been made that, in my opinion, renders the success of the seces aioniste abLlntely Impoesibte—Dear, hear]—! and if the moral and intelligent population of ' this country bad not been systematically mis led upon that question they would have been unanimouely of that conviction. [llear„ hoar.] We were told in the House of Com- ' moue by one from whom it was almost Incred ible that it could have come--once the great »hamplon of democracy, once the vast advo cate of all the rights and prinelpim of the unsophisticated millione--that the aril war., originated becauee the South wished to estab lish free trade principles and the North would not allow it. [Laughter.] . Trta rats,: PAZTESCIII Or Tax MICIALS. I traveled in the United States in 1550, the year before 01 fatal shot was fired at Fort Sumter which hos had such terrible reverber ations ever since. I visited Washington dtir inn the session of Congress. Allow Learry a Bag wherever I go when I travel 'abroad, whether in France, Ammica, Austria or Iles- Rio. I &tepee become the centre of all those who hare etrong convictions and purposes. with reference to free-trade principles.' [near, hear.] While I was at Washington I was dis appointed at finding there we. BO little Inter est felt on the free-trade question. There was no party formed, no public agitation, no discussion whatever von the subject. Tho 1 rimed, the political told, was whe occu pied by one question, and that question- was slavery. [lieu, hear.] I will mention an il lustrative tact which I have not seen referred to, and to my mind it is conclusive on this subject. In December, 1860, when. CM:ups/se was titling, and when the country was in the agony of suspense, fearing this Iml:wadies rupture, Congress appointed &committee, eon_ stating of thirty-throe members, being arepre sentative front every State then in the Unlon, and 'that committee sat from Dec. 11, 1860, to January 14th,1861. It was called. the Com mittee of Thirty-Throe, and was instructed to inquire into the perilous state of the Union, and to try and devils some means by which the catastrophe of secession could be averted. I have a report of the proceedings of that committee. I believe theme is not anotherro port in this country ; I have reason to know in. There are forty pages. I hare road every line. The representatives of the slave States wore invited by the representatives of theme 'States to states candidly and frankly what were the terms which they required -in order that they might continue peaceably in the Union, and in every page you see theirpropo sitlene brought forward. From beginning to the , end of these forty pages there is not one syllable sold about tariff or taxation. (Cheers.) Prom begin ning to-end them ill not a gnevan,e alleged bat that which is connected withthe- mainto mince of slavery. There aro propositions calling upon the North to , givelnereasoci se curity to the realatonanee of that institution. They are Invited to extend the area of Armory,. to make laws by which fugitive slava sludlthe given up. They's= pressed to make treaties with foreign powers by which those powera should be required to give up slaves. But frouthsginning to end no' grievance waa 51-7 &god but what is conn - Arltlf (Roar, bear.) It Is amrry, idertiry, slavery, r4b e OP4ISPf4O-41(4 0 arsIentq ' •441sr ma can or IHL waik. IL Is nia astoiditliVinthitaes of Dab atitieittAtiSt,Ektlikemid UT. the r .t#l l !MO& .wfth go? *Mr 34.1. sense of self-respect, to get up in the House of Commons and say that the secessiog, of the Southern States bas been on a question of free trade and protection ? [Cheery.] This is a war to extend and perpetuate human sla very. [Prolonged applause.] It isa warnot to defend slavery as it was left by their an cestors—a thing to be retained, end to be apologized for. It is a war to establish a slave empire, whore elarory shall be made the corner-stone of the social system, where it shall be defended and justiffed on scriptural and ethnological grounds. [Cheers.] I nay ! God pardon the men who, in this year-cf grace, 1E63, should think that snob a project es that could -be crowned with success. [Cheers] Now you .know why I have from the first never believed it possible that the Sarah could succeed, and I have not founded that faith merely on moral instinct* which teach us to repudiate the very Ides that any thing so infernal should succeed. Na. It is imusth Inthrs world the virtues and the throes go together, and the vices swathe weaknesses are lasaparnbla [APPlamsa-]- Nadvaa OPTUN coa►ttCT. . It is therefore I felt certain that this-pro ject never could suCceed. [Applause.] For how is it 7 Here it a community with nearly ballot the population Holis, and they are at tempting to fight &neither. community where ievery workingman . is ....freeman. Ti is as though Yorkshire and Lancashire were to en ter Into &tont:Het, and Wins understood that in the ease of one, all tkelaborirs who did the muscular work otthe =entry in the field; to the factory, on the roads, or la the demonic establishments—all the bone and mhscle of the i country—should be eliminated from the fight flao t.re p os u e la il ti v:: i s l o a d n op d p y ortt t il ak y e wts 7an o fitt e d thenn.ofnnining away; how could a commeni ity so eirentasta need fight against the neigh- I boring country whore every workingman was 1 fighting for his county? How could the one lave a chance of succeeding, even if left to physical force; without the moral codsidera- I hone to which I have referred. Yids is the / condition in which the two sections of the; !United States are now placed. In the one l' case you have honor given to industry; labor ie held to honor. What do we hear 7 Have we not heard by way of reproach by some !people who fancied themselves in alliance with : our aristocracy—tome °four writers who wish ' to be supposed they are themselves of the aristocratto ordor—es a stipa against the North, that their President was once a rail splitter 7 [Cheers:] But why Is that rail splitter elevated to be President of the United States 7 Because labor is held to honor loth. United hates. [Chewy.] AIMTOCRACT AGAINST ONNOCRACT. 'A I With such a collet going on, and with such a result as I feel no doubt will tones, Is it fair to speak of such a 'contest as that and sai !that it fee otruggle far empire on one Int (1111 andlor independence the other? I say. t In an aristocratic rebellion against a demo orate government. pilitplause.) That in he title I would give ttite:,..,;.ln all history, when you have Infd the aristocracy pitted aguinet the peopl4 in a physical force and conflict;the aristocracy have always gone down under:the heavy blots of the democracy, (Hear,ltear.) When repeak than let nobody say I am there fore indifferent to the progress of misery and devastation and rain anti bloodshed that is now going on. No; my indignation against the South is that they fired the first shut, and made themselves responsible for those results. I take, probably, a stronger view the most people of this country—and certainly a stronger view than anybody la Anterica— et the vast ;saltines of life and economical comfort and resources which must. fellow to the North from this struggle. They are cola- • taken if they think they can carry on a civil war Like - this, drawing a million of nice from productive,ingustry to be engaged in the pro- cases of attraction—to spend two or three l hundred million, sterling—they are deluded if they think they can carry on a leer like that, without a terrible collapse, sooner ne later, and a dreadful prostration in every part of the community. [Hoar, hear.) That being so makes me still more intolerant of the cause. But of the result I have no more doubt than of any subject which lies in the future. TUX UNITZDUTAIIIS AID C9L4OI.IEJLEGIT MU:WEST& Now I would ask you why do some people wish the United States should beard in two? They think it dosirableit should!. weakened. Will that view boar discussion for a moment ? I hold not. I am of the fpiaon which our statesmen wensin the Limier Canning, who thought IL tlatirsbba. for ..Euralethat America' • should. leo Inseng, - become - Xi snlltdd thereby.; prevent European Powers from Interfering3Wl Asturian affairs. That has been the ease hitherto. That country has prospered, and it has never come to interfere with European polities ' whilst it has kept European govern, moots from intertbring In ether American , states which have been less prosperous or less orderly than the United States. What has followed of this disruption? Tog have Fran. going into Mexico and Spain to St. Domingo. There are horrors unutterable going on In St., Domingo because Spain has invaded that country—[hear, haar]—with a view to re conquest And the French Emperor has em barked on a =roar in Next. which I will 1 I only characterise so the greatest mistake he has over made. [Load applause.] These enterprises would never have bean undertaken if the United States had not been in this difaculty, and it is the least creditable part of these enterprises that they have been undertaken because America was weak. [Hear, hear.] It only required, that the North should have ;been a little weaker to -have enabled those silly people who an going about the] country to have carried their •project, and to have induced England and Branco to interfere to settle the rebellion. Blear.] Is that de sirable? [Cheers.] Don't you think wo have enough to do at home? Do you suppose that Europe has so little to do that she can afford to cross over to America to set that country in order? General ifallecbs.Roport General lialleors official historyof the mil ; Bar; operations of the past year ocmrples ten columns, and gives a complete survey of the field. Beginning with thou:period:aro of Mc- Clellan by Bernside, the , report epitomises the movements of the Army of the Potomac' op to the first of the present month; ;bows hstsbur losses at flettyslenrg were 23,132 kilt ed,wounded and musing, while ourforets cap tared 3 guns, 41 standards, 28,177 smell arms • and 13,521 prLioners; and cansurei General Meade, in the following terms, for permitting the escape of Lee from Pennsylvania "Mating a day at 2diddletown,Gen, Meade crossed the South Mountain. and on the 12th (of July) found the enemy occupying a strong 'position on the heights of Marsh Bun, hi front of Williamsport. Instead of attatikkog Lee in this position, with the swollen ;waters of the Palomar in his rear, without any, means of °routing his lug:Glary, and when ni defeat must have ,oaused the surrender of hit entire army. be was allowed time to elmarnet a pon toon bridge with lubber collected frorh canal boats and the ruins of wooden hottest, and on the morning of the 14th his army had froesod to the south aida of the river? During Lee'a ininsion of Pennsylvania ordepp warn given for a movement upon Dish mond; but tba effort fallod for muds thus stated by General lialloek: I When the rebel army was movin north upon Maryland and Pennsylvania, , n. Dlx sent allot his available force from Horfdik and Fortress Monroe up the York River, for the porpose of cutting olf Lee's eommUt4atloris with Riehmond abd of attacking.thai place, which was then defended by only a handful of militia. The expedition, however d ailed to accomplish a single object for l i wkileh It _had bean Otted out, the tailors fel Ring, It was alleged, from - the tnefficlenery °l i ons of , the generals commanding. General Dixthere fore ordered its return, and tent the hive of which it was sotaposed to reinforce th+ army of General Meade, north of the Potential:" 1 General Gillman Is praised in the ;report for his oporations against, Charloston4 anti a briof mammary Is given of the operations-of Genoral Bitisks In litnthigua and Texici - The exploits of Grant's amain thoelegeof yieks burg, and We battles wash prenatal , #.sta... pitalation are warmly =Wien. Gen. Hallsalt sips: "When we consider the charade - 1f the eountr7 in which this,anar. operate ,;the 4 , formidable otataelea to be. overeente,: . the ntun her of forees and the Strewth: of the e Ey', work*, weraluitiot fall to admire the rage and ea durance , of the tteaKant - the skill and daring of their commander . No emote brilliant ezplott eau be found Stiraillita ' tory. . It has-beim alleged - jaatt tlie allegationitiat, has beenwidelynirculateetkPlii.4uns that An; Grant, in e: the aeadeqsgthia tam - 1 potititelk drip zed thi.i. udlent en ,. periers„.;..ltja hardlynee . teataaas that ftsostanestoolree__ . ' 11:e.0440 • le a.sttuetiterf bbtaterscra• .elseseti , best 'ofhile.O.Ulailfeitt*43g. • ' t4l4l4:ooavrigm4o,• b" t a =t4easpleteeti hthel • .... , • Pet Tower to runlet* the execution of any plan he PiAlit to 140pL " : . . One half orate report is devoted to a re , view of the Chattanooga campaign : "While General Grant was operating before Vicksburg, information deemed reliable was received frord captured rebel correspondence, , that large detachments were being drawn from Bragg's army' to reinforce Johnston In Minds. !Mpg. Reinforcements were sent to Greet from other armies in the West, bat General Musicians ins left intact, in order that he might take advantage of Bragg's diminished numbers and drive him back into Georgia, and than lemma loyal East Tennessee from the landitif the rebels—an object which the Government has kept constantly in view from the begftuting of the war. I therefore urged upon General Roseerans to take advantage of this opportunity to carry out his long-projected movement, informing him that General Burn side,,weinkt eo-operate with his forte, moving fitiM Kentucky to Eau. Tenneuee. For vari ous reasons he preferred to postpone his move ment natll the termination of the siege of Vicksburg." • In order to avoid.any misunderstanding of She (wirers given to General Romulus on:thisl eubjeat, General' lialleck eau the full corres pondence wnloh passed between them in Juno last. Go the 11th of that month General Rumens wrote as follows: ; 2duarassenoao,Tenn.,J tine I 41863. I "Your despatch of to-day is received. Ton, remember I gave you, as a neccassiry condition of muss; an adequate cavalry force. Since thattime I hare not lost a momentin mount. ingeur dismounted cavalry as fastest we could gat horses. Not more then three h' dro- or dered"iin to be mounted- The Fifth up from Donaldson, arrive to-day. The First Wisconsin wilt be here by Saturday. tfre My preliminary infantry movements have nearly all been completed, and I am prepar ing to strike a blow that will tell. But to Aeon you bow differently things ate viewed , here, I called on my corps and division com manders and generals of cavalry ion answers in writing to the questions: - "First—From your beet Information, do.you - think the enemy materially weakened in our front 1 Second—Do you thing this army can advance at this time with reasonable prospect of fighting a great and eucoeeeful battle Third—Do you think an advance advisable at this time? To the-first, eleven answered no; six yes—to the extent of ton thousand. To the second, four yes, wilh doubts; thirteen no. To the third not one yes ; eaventeen no. "Not one thinks an nth - aura advisable until Vicksburg's fate is determined. Admitting' these officers to have a reasonable share of military samierity, courage and patriotism, you perceive that there are graver and stronger reasons than probably appear at Washington for the attitude of this army. "I therefore council caution and patience at headquarters. Better trait a little to get all we can ready t o insure the best result. If, by so doing, we, perforce of Providence, observe a groat military maxim—uot to risk two greet and decisive battles at the same time—we might have cease to he than tif ul for It. Atoll events, yen see that, to roped success, I must have such thorough grounds that when I coy , "Forward," my word will inspire conviction and confidentoo where both are now wanting. , I should like to have your suggestion. I "W.S..RO3ECIUNS. Major General. "To Major General 11. W. ilsmacx,' Gen. eral-In.Chief." On the 11th of Jon' ,; a to3r.d Hallerk re plied sharply to this letter, to the effect that the military maxim of not ;igbting two great battles at the same time did not apply in this rase; that another military maxim declares thht "councils of war do not tight," and that the authorities at Washington were becoming impatient rat Reserrans' inaction. To this totter General lioseeraii• ;Lade the following rejoinder eAnnt Jartro. I , crau. tit,' na Cr ataxal 7.n. I nurfrnoolnoro, Juno 01, 1J , .1 j "GragaJL: In your favor of the 1216 inst., you say you do not see how the maxim of not fighting two groat battles at the Fame time applies to tho case of this army and Grant's. Looking at the matter practically, we and oar opposing forces are so widely separatod that for Bragg to matorially aid Johnston ho mart abandon our front substantiselly, and then we can move to our ultimate work with more rapidity and less waste of material on natural obstacles. If Grant is defeated both foroes Will tome here, and then we ought to bonear our UM.' • The - same ratextm - ttierftddilds, tte you take it,a Biagio army fighting two groat battles at the same time—by the way, a very awkward thing to do—would forbid thin no tion's ,engaging all its forces in the great IVest at the saute time, en as to leave it with out a single resume to stem the current of j I nas/able disaster. This is, I think, sustained by high military and political consideration.. We ought to fight hero if we have a strong prospect of winning a decisive battle over the opposing force, and upon this ground I shall act. I shall be careful not to risk out last re serve without strong grounds to expect snc coos, W. S. Bost:rases, Gen. nydaf. tle ist D. W. Halleck, Gen-in-Chief." The report then tome op the result of the bottle of Chickamauga and the victory of Gen. Grant. The concluding plJsages•of the document relate to the details of army organ- isation and tho exchange of pri.oners. The following paragraph gleam, intimation of a possible retaliation for the outrages billeted ; upon our soldiers held as prisoners at Rich- . mond: • "The rebel prisoners hold by the United i States have been uniformly treated with con ' sideration and kindness. They have been fur -1 nished with all necessary clothing, and sup plied with the same quality and amount of toed as our own soldiers. While our soldiers, wh• by the 'casuelities of war have been captured by them, have been stripped of their blankets, clothing and shoes oven in the win ter season, and then confined to damp and loathsome prison., and only half fed on damaged provisions, e have termr actually starved to death; while hundreds inated their ezietence loaded with irons in filthy prisons; not a few, after a semblance of trial by some military tribunal have been actually mur dered by their inhuman keepers. In One, the treatment of our prisoners of war by the rebel authorities ham been even more barbarous than that which Christian captives formerly suffered from the pirates of Tripoli, Tunis and Algiers; and. the horrors of Belle lee and the Libby prison exceed eon those of the British hulks or the Black Hole of Calcutta. And this atrocious conduct applauded by the poopl• and recommended by the public peers of Richmond its a means of reducing the 1 sake° ranks. It has been proposed to re taliate upon the enemy by treating his prisL mien precisely as he treats ours. Snell re taliation is fully fruftilled by the laws nad usages of war, and the present ago seems to call for the exercise of this extreme right. Nevertheless it is revolting to our sense of humanity to bo forced to so cruel an alterna tive.. It ta tipped - Well Interest, if not a sense of justice, may induce the rebels to abandon *course of conduct which must over remain dlsgmeolo thoid and their cause." Tits Cleveland banks have put at a discount 1 or oue Kai! por cent. all currency except green baelis;tuttional banks and Stet* Bank of Ohio. The Clueinnatipapers say that the same pol io, has been ptuvued in that olty, except that the 'hankers there, in addition to the notes designated, take Kentucky and Indiana cur rency. 311MALIrTS. ('IOOD GIRL • WANTED—To do gen {.ll oral heoaetrork, a - alert distance In the cows try. Illitheat ishgea paid. .lelt the GAZETTE des: it OTTIC/R. ANTED—Fora good laborin'g hands NT to work on the Lawrenceve g iv en . nerpg plank ItoteL Good wage. will he Apply to Gbh/MALL, at the Gate, ur to L del2:in B. Mc LAIN. Seoneettetor. $751! illa troo ll unty r— o l t "flati,ato. trite Agents Wel t tome my now clamp Family 41' yttoomo. - DIMMON, glaze oteamomitotT -WANTED.—tpo A MONT/L—Wo Ranh hblt PO • month, expenses Sid, to .ell our • 'Peeera, Oriental Ames, era thirteen other new, at and curious articles. Itlttieo clen vent/rem - I.4lmdaerf tillAW k OLAItIt. slaaefura , lb, TANTED-Bonda and 'Mortgages to .4.sLainatat of 123,0 r), on city or county, prom -47,,16 owns ranging from 1 to "%az/. Alio. Bod een or AccommodatJaapaPer.lalmoltat of MAXI, tatiartn3at 1 to 6 =albs to ron, to sums to Bait. . Apply to B. Pt cL.ALF/ A 00. WANTED:4 NE max :Meta Matileltheet c OARD hildren preferied: R.—:-A mut undentand etti trainers of Grapes, and of Ae amid an HUM Ina 4 N.M. The rightitladelertnen ran gat* permanent attration, andprod pay.:Famprlni at Perend etreatePittantreM • 1 rxsztrz, -. 7 • . • phn,m r., quAtA 211.91 a .I !tallis4ol ,l 4. ...• 4;61 ,=. Iv * 0 , 0 ,.,,.._,,,.., .t.Parilzu..-,,,,,,-.•-•a.-,r.,4 L•,111,41.iii •.;...-.,,,,,,,< , •v:.4 . ?..7•. ,, , ,, ,vv . 4 , = 4 . --1, 4 ,,,-,. ..... y .. ; ' ,„ . c. ~, ..........:. • :•• t ..„•0 1 .1 4 ....-•-r...,- ~•,:,,,,,,..:-..„ • _ . _...... • ~ .. .g ...5..41.6,r.ii... EVENING GAZETTE TELEGRAMS. NEWS FROM MEADE'S ARMY. COMMISSIONERS FROM NORTM CAROLLNA THE CAPTURE OF THE CHESAPEAKE. MY OTHER ACTS OP PIRACY PLANNED. The Perpetrators British Subjects Spacial Dispatch to the Pittsbctrgh Garotte. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. Id, 184.3 We have news direct from the front o Meade's army. Deserters say that large portions of Lea'e troops are disposed to take advantage of the President's offer of pardon, and that a large majority of North Carolina and border state troops are Sick of tho war and will desert at the first opportunity, is take advantage of Lincoln's proclamation. Gen. Meade demands a court inquiry into the oondlet of the recent advaJme across ,the Rapidan and subsequent retrerat. Gen. Sedgwick will command in the mcohtime, by seniority. The story of rebel commiasionersiabout to come to Fort Monroe for praoe, has no founds ti on—the work of sensation reporters. The truth Ls that North Carolina is sending commission en, and if they are received by President Lin coln and Congress, conualssionere from other Southern States can follow in rapid succes sion, and a National Convention will be pro posed to settle all questions North and South. Congress can treat with States, but. not with a rebolgovernment. The States have always been recognized as such. The Chesapeake loft Sholbourne on Satur day morning with an increased crew and more coal. A strange steamer is in Mahone Bay, near Chester, with coal on board, probably for the Chesapeake. The details of the cap. tura show tho murder of Mr. Schaffer, the mate, the most diabolical on record. After replikd attempts to murder 1111 the officers of tit. eel, the pirates pot them in irons and lauded them near St. Johns, N. B. The per petrators are not Southern men, bat British subjects. Numerous acts of pirac3 have been planned, and several of the vessels have nar- I rent; escaped a fate akin to that of the Chesapeake. The pirates rail retain posses sion of tho remaining engineers and firemen, and will still do so until they are replaced by others. The Chesapeake pirates expect to shield themselves, if captured, by producing their orders from the Confederate Government, a copy of which was handed to Captain ' Willetts, by them. W. J. J. From the Army of the Potomac—Both Armies Constructing Winter guar.. tent—Rebel Soldiers and the Prost. dent'. Proclamation Court of In- Wry In Regard to the Late Movement —Gen. Meade, etc. ; WatiIIINOTOX, baton:kb.. 14.—A special to the 77wc., says: Both the rebel army and nor own are busy constructing winter quarter., The indications of quiet is not to he mistaken, ec will be seen byJ.be liberal granting of fur loughs by the corps commanders, and the re turn to camps of exiled sutlers. Tho three year men are rapidly re-enlisting. A remenoissancn on Friday, by the First Massachusetts and First Vermont regiments, ander Major Junoway, toward Sperryville, had a little fight with the Sixth Virginia, but developed no other force. A lirreshrs special dispatch from Culpepper Court House, dated Dec. 12, says: Deserters from the rebel lines state that large numbers of soldiers will take advantage of the amnes ty offered in the President's proclamation, as • seen no they can become acquainted with its provisions. Averill's soldiers would have come over to as lb large bodies long wrote, if they could have boon satisfied they would not at once have been impressed in the Union service. They have been assured by their officers that would be the fate of every de- serter. There is do doubt that a large major ity of North Carolina and Border state troops who are heartily sick of the war, are dainties of returning to their allegiance. Washington, Dee. 13.—A reported Court of Inquiry is to be held, at which all the facts in regard to the movements of the Army of the Potomac will he made oat. Army of the Potontne Dee. 13.—.1. specie ditpatch to tho Wor././ says: Gen. Mead will retain hit preterit petition as Common der-in-Chief of this Army. Gen. Banks Slek—Prize Captured. Nay Your, Dec. l4.—Advisee from Now Orleans state that Banks had an attack - of fever, but not dangerous, which was the cause of Ms going to New Orleans. A bark wan captured at the mouth of the Rio Grande. Cargo valued at $lOO,OOO. NO hIGRE GRAY HAIR. LUXURIANT HAIR DT - USING THE YLICJIU-VIE.NA.TCII-1.. Tor restoring end beautifying the Heir. This is an article bat recently Introduced Into this conotry, hat hee long been ferentbly known by the nobility of France en Iliac only eflectaal llAlit RESTORER It le oompletsi within beelf. no other drawing or accompaichnent of any kind bang neces sary to secure the attainment of the lbllowing dna raHe restate, other than acloee compliance with the directions I. It wig, 4.an.re's ewe ewirsecc, raters arc, Heir . D imell make 34 annem Bch/ Has& 3. ft will macro die Natural Secrailans. // 4. licia rem. Me Amble m clana. 6. 11 oral mike . Lae Hair P4B aed ai Giner, O. /I all proem Ow Origieel Cater to Ohl Arr. 7. Bard! parent the Nair/ram Falliee Qi. 6. 11 will ace all Laaareee of m Scot,. it Le not • pp ; 400 W. 00 Nitrate of tiliver, or ea/ other ingredient inJarlom to either Skin or adr. Price, ONE DOLLIIE. For rate :lin ! 7 =;(l l l r lVerial A t, Oar. of 2mitieleld and Foam Sic, rittib:r.h. Del Mokx.wr DR. A. WEINKANICS (DKNTIBT,) TOOTH-ACHE PILLS. towpreparation of thie Pill het been the result of not !study and practice.. Th.y ars purely MOP table, and therefore will riot !alum the tneth or sum. They arlll mon the most Violent Tootb•Aehe In . ant minutes, When properly mod. Dire:time—Clean ont the cavity of the Tuoth affect the ed, sad of t he dr vait well with cotton; then cot the Pill sizeuund prom it tied into the tooth, and corer over with wax or cotton, Lateng ose Pille ere am of the beet remedies 'far this paha. • Proparod sad told irbole a end bj AUG.. WEMIAWN, No. 211 01110 STREIT, Alloetegm City.. Aknd olmo by 11l wbolesabs awl ret44 : Drgaistal , • fr! no.tletni Pittaburet mid Alleßb.oY. to 450364 emoreit(4l774 .7. J. BENDER & CO. Dave opensd Vlttaknulb , WIIOLUALIE DAIIO AND JODI:ONG 11(ICSr... No. 341, corner LIBERTY & WAY.NE, STREETS, oppaelto Raton Pawner Divot, and now otter for pale a gone.] assortment of 'DRIDTS, - . PATENT MEDICINES, WRITE LEADS, OILS, , 'PAINTS, VARNISHES, DYESTUSIDS, ITINDOW..OLASS, GLASSWARE, an Purchaser& will end our stock at all thnek well as. sorted, and prices ma a. to give Minn satlsikat km. J. J. BglijAll.ll 00., nom , nor. Liberty awl Warns rMosta, Plttaburgh. mrattm.... NJ .W. - PORCH, . Commission and Shipping Merchant, NEW OBLILANS. LA. 11. Jack a Co, Zit More, t • Illteb.ll it • - . k 'PhflidelpMk t ; Mr. litdelt4 arj., 2001 3 1 18:41 i3' *Dir RICHARDSON, BARLEY , muirmwyrawmcwilmwmc':., Crude and Relined PetroLenin ) Na 19 rawn Ernurcr, Prrrontrtan: car Moral Cash &trancesan eansignranntn.thr. Plusburgh or Eastern Markets. Springer tarbangb. Erg. • Haut: m MO:fn TACK & BRO., • - Crude and Refined Petroleum, BENZINE, &a., 192 WAISCT BT., PHILADLLPAIA. Business entrusted to our we will risculti.imr prompt personal attentkrti. Refer to Mesaallithardson, Barley C4./Thelliir. Burke it Co., and hfcCiellmul ,k Darla Plttsbrugh‘ Thos. Smith, •lbg., Pmt. Bank N..t.; - 734 L. Irbeet et Co., Philadelphia. ahSAT IRON CITY on. WORKS. LYDAY & CIIOSPERRII B, Hannfictram and Rattner* of CARBON ZINO AND LIIIIILIOATINO OILS, saolgsalers to CRITI3III PETROXAC I FIM.. Works, opposlts Musrpaburg. ••I OS., No. 59 HAND EM ET. D L MILL ER,JR., AGENT, ; 123 WALNUT ST., PIIIL/DELITILL: • - CRUDE 3t REFINED 1 , l ETEILEUId On — Comealsalou exclusively. AU cbxrsei at =at reasonable wee. STORAGE FOB REFIXED in cool cedar. ref CRUDE, under good sheds. Particular &netting paid to OIL FOR taroirm. You Ws—CAUSTIC SODA, SODA AAR, do. CABOT & PEMBERTON, General Merchandise Brokers, lAS SOUTH TTIONT ST., PHILA.D4PELL CRUDE & REPINED PETROLEUM, CAUSTIC SODA, SODA ASH, BHIHATONA DAVOS, OILS, Ac, Lo, Orders to buy ar tall promptly attended to. ALLEN & NEEDLES, • PIIILADELPLILk.-, 001tHIS.51 ON iIIEBOILINTI Particular attention paid to oomignmeo of Crude and Refined PetrOleum CdPrLiberal advencee made. autl HENRY ROE, la NORTH FEONT ST., TLIILADELEECEL, • Broker 6c Commission life;•cluant CRUDE & REFINED PETROLE7III, LLIBILICATING OIL ASD BENZOLE. AnJ d.der In Oro& and Sefilmed PETAOIXtra BA lIRELS. BREWER, BURKE& CO., COffiNISSION IfEIICIWnB, Ageote of the GLOBE. PACIFIC AHD LIBERTY OIL iTORES. ilabend cub adiances madam anniparratts of Refined or Crude Petrojeum eon. DOQUEEINII WILT t lIANCOM RHIN wm.wconnse. waLheog culiToB, Commission Merchant:S. I=l CRUDE& ItEITNEVRETROLEITIC DENZIIIi AND LDBRICAITNO OILS, No. 134 SOC7H WHAIIVES, PHILADHXPIIIII. Mir Sterage capacity (under comer.) for s , hhle. Alen excellent facilitim for chipping to titan and Foreign perta i n; oar wharf ea tlm SlkW near the platform of the P. IL It. jedSay WALES, WITNIORE C 0.4,. 4 , ' COXIIISSION NESOBARZB, SEEPPPJLS OF PETROLEUM, 112 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORE- A.tnyl9 facllltlee Wt STORAQE AICD SELOPING, al alai h ard and wharf. Err Boos agylar • - - cOORMICK 6 CALLENDER, OIL BROKERS,! 211 and 213 South Water Street arMu4l==baalkWd. • Lyday h Chorpentang, Iron Cily OD Worka. Jacob Painter, of J. &dolor & Co. Joo. R. Chalhnot, of Spang, Chalfant t Co.. •lrjat/Y NAYLOB & SMITH. Refiners and Dealers in Oarboi Or.trygesed b 7 any to the market. • *Orders left at theft office, No. fl IifiNSZT STREET, or at their wort. fn Lawnotoerftl‘ bo F mhil romptly attended to. Buyers of MIME OLL. °BERT ASHWORTH, No. 7 BT. mama BT .. PTITSBIIRCIII. , Forwarding do Commission Menton AHD DEALER IN OU.S. OirILLIMITNATITA LIIIIRICATINO,CAUDSI P6T.IIOLEIIII OLL.4„ day. cotteteeitljr on: cidd.wd Ibr sale it the lowart market price.. Goollignmenta and eniere *incited. . aptece W. MUMMY notosun• WOODVILLE OIL iI3FINEIt Y. CEO. W. HOLDSHIP CO., Harrolkotorern of BOMIDIC OIL AND 4uurac..l. MO OIL. Seep consilattly en band - tlia - ttry Nat quality modl/KING OIL, drat and villhont rotor; a/so, • LUaIIIOATOII, pure 'WHITZ %AN ZOLE and CAB GREASE. • 1161 . All order, loft at IrITTA fiTIMBE Bank Bkick c antoond door, frill le pnomptlfatfrodod • R.B, 'WARING, -•-. CRUDE, ECRYZNED,.ALACIIINEIIT AND .(2/ I.J•S And doolortn Enduing 1 ".11 Na sa IiAttEET sz. rittP4andi WD ARD~ (Lae of Woe. II:Wcodoi arssaat. COMMISSION =Amin,' egedal atteatlon eterg to the 'alio or; Crude4nd -Relined Petitileturi.. No. m sour/union. eruarr,lnarei. JACOB PETROLITEVIL .thuinuestm, , PRIAM inirrz couicif,on, Ire:aims pr.racoutwt unBBips.Tgri.clL t! .l, c*Pailtr two thatuwa**4s*** BEES) 3 .&'aaarrrriwritigwa ,- * 0,20.4-449219,59A.ng‘cu0mpz...rig0uv.74. P il . *7 1 Y. 611 ,„yrli-h 1.13'4:40:'10011 f s a 67 - :l.. * a .. fea IW fkptogpsa e'.74.1- OILS, AT. IDIMNITY, PANT, OP .11111,63) cbeetunt stbt,siesr.V . Statement of Moto, Agreeably to an - let .5 ! Tint Blortmes. stero aj por l Eatat!=tzl ! Stockstsroat4 voluk - ,Notes'amt WWI Tteoit O. Zia Pratt Comma, tok ban btablebbttlzwil: ibtarabao P* 4 o1 fn 02 : Mats tbalr.tratorialliayato34os_. they bum paid Imes leaemd TS Fear arm.: - Dollarvia.r. l 7 B . of the adran ilf tagat of lanrance, g(akeell ty•Addln 4..EgkeekNilt:Prw!*" all lia-; • 13101111111 17 , lasi* a mit dIHID4 the you •'• Ilaakerc Lees: — 711,5 th. :: ~ - TotdarWagter, - • Coo. W.BlebArit Shama C 7 HA • HABLIS. ..Geotrswer - 8A1H,b...Y.8.-" Rrt.fideaL • ' 'EDWABVC:DAIIL PriddieL . kaltr# 3 4beteftentsreolga, - J.4I.IIDBFJ/,COITLII,AppaL Odk• blirtheeit tee. Wood* Third stt. INSURANU4, LauAlice CiL, of lii*ltt Muerte& Prrranscn, inumme Cer. of the State eamnut., Hartford Fir — o •Itumrpoor Colapany. ear Ismorsaco la • thck aboTerolisadilgtable cam make can be obtained ea applicalioatAa l PTAt 4 i Amt. tagaief inataieat Water street: 131 4, 1811 ri p e l, Why , 82 Water street; 44g 41.% Ware- WU& *ma.. wairsd a 6 of-17m,bcd Mork/ nth,lbw Inatiittimf modearryi , Dinclon id* an 1 " 2 AVon c..... 140. 'iamb an Zeta , b'il„polniptasom aa4 zsabblo thane. <ma delf ambiat or araiat, bra tr.fmth,io ( f..° , fk! doing° Jr., lames attier, 11 fel George Dante, Campbell D. BOTTO, C. W. niCkStllol4. - • . CITIZE,YS INSUILUA;BWIWAN Y VI.rfSBMIGIL" - 011154.corriee ;Lula itnd water, Area* !!"0,14 shantsr, =Mei 'and dateage ' licatavigation frontbern, -IVistern 7 Dilseivledaa !and Illiyaue,and the aaription of the Bela. Insure against hum and diuna& PlEtCfrlffi. Wris.llegalmy, a. it Titter . ; u. Park, Jr., . , J9tert bhfptora w. O. Johnrion, Junes U. CQoper, B. C. Jena, s.l2farbangb. , Brew Owens. jr., Don. M. John &DI north, ItarcLay Prevost, , Cbarka lux. Garna Bingham. - - .P 1) E PEES INSURANCE ()MPANY offices.E. E. corner itiodA ste.. FIRE AND Mat= IXSTIRANCE. pnrato, Matt, B. Hap, E. Parker Van Kirk, t " , t riVe n l icu in. 04410 •:. • : • • TrA77r7L7. Premsrum.PL _A LLA.._44ENY ;INSURANCE. CO5l- II: ram' or 71 11SH:C11011.= Cece. Filth sutellank.l3k.c.t - _to.Tue•!?lnsitejokdr or 712, ancd Vratite Meat JONVlAliaridami,. Box: JOHsA WMAZY rititfta, 4311. - Otpt: vrit Itzwaisaa Jew. toluiDteiked, ' .lll=Zst swbi " . :Caw WkILIZIMM. L,McGrear luthe hais, C. 0, LI nary" Ilsavey CsPt• C.. Gray, John IrWins IL'Lailinesucki RIDS & CLARK, • • COEtt [WON Itta,ClitjUM 3 Petroleum and-lti Freda*, oils - „Pa ND.tats, , tarixv-a•2? =an ;rens. sgly479#l.= numr. • *- afar Agents for th•P0.1127 WORXB. XIV _ X 0.1113. PLEAMNI CAN2°L.MTI 002.1 PAST, .11tArr, , ssf. A. - 0 1,,41-aprz, VS Water:an:Ma; sts. VCENTOL WDE a Nis` 16-31ffia.-.t4t4;olia,._i ; .!?. /a4 C 4-4 91 2 4:4PAFIrcr OTPJFIZtjA ":I.l2EnDtd7l4 PAL 'RPEAL ESTA.TE SAVINd /NSTI- • - 31711 0151atitnent - ot thioaa or the • !- shove tattibstloniti -tb• 24 tlarttBalt7abr. IBA . tb•tbsdetr.- ABtitmt: rierciat.w...masc;. - tania • Amount orlatettoAlseaktqUatt.4-4BittS•S AmFtint of C,Qatbrizz First Liens ortllial Tinned Etats% 7. F. Deb“krtit4tcs 40.000. 11,(Z1 712. 6.13 SF' 4.1. - 1,150 Co ' 21: 4r 4'd , rart.Avapinz.c. Attliielr 4.A1117, AlAxate4a Epber, . Daild .I.l.:Leag, - Zees J: Thomas. ' :Beetja....llakowell. Jahsk.ll,X•Goas. ..F4 ii, Gamin. ik.sw.7. Jima. p'..-Yenier, Capi .Jobeek EZSgel EY~Ti'~:~~ 1r 33 't= ~. ~.;i;~;;r.y~,,. ' V ll.' ~~~ -' "":• 4- i: 70 , - 4 '.....,
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