Oshrgh tin it 8. RIDDLE & CC, R19.141:4*16716i: ,„ plttitaidesraer , tatere4 L if not of 5 - 44,0 ! ies jaw; :dacha - Manage . of :4W0 2 1 -. D4 l69 .:firdlikehoMissal itmeture Airaisit*idiert the:insult. of Sane year 4 '..ritellkesi,..ognslnating la the leases end litisOtihs campaign Whi4 flow closes 4 1* approach Of winter, etteeit at 4 000:Str Sou* be impressed "not only iltthe world besides, with tliiithit the "ilia :0111011...0 a Southern 71040 - 'Wars is about at the last more, and *Or :mins be played ott, or given up,—it -",401 gra4f7 natimaliinineity fohearwhat . . , odeltptinte4 himself him to Bay to 14$ - COIWTS at , Itionondi and in %that speikce maid the baron and deco- cruise elan:wolf and his ',llidlotrirators intro brought upon all who Palmed ital trusted them. ' - allfe,therrefoii,'to4y SS we haie alrefidy our readers all'the most import 41.1A""perittinental Reports celled forth by Vatting of Congress, endeavor to moot p.‘ , ..;Aisaforesaid , :ragnirenient, by rewriting *lois of the rebel uPresi ,....,y-:#l,qe...!:htessne,—in fact, all of It that can iwyhther than a purely local-and per- After reading it, our readers will no doubt ttp:thedT mindspatt it is what we yes r'Asidiydotecribed it to be—a gbook of lamon i; talons; not Written as a good man, or a irtneihiPliet; would write it, penitently end pilakstiTely, butjast u the other kind of a aisaind.the,falseit of 'prophets might be ishPlged to writs it, spitefully and bitterly. itnEIAGE- OF JEFF. DAVIS. • iewfbestona of Disaster to the Rebel 4111WIM-Moreign Relations Unsatisfac tory to Davis—The Fachange of Prisoner,. • • "Gratereversestiefelouranns soon atter „--", your departure from Richmond. Early in 493 y our strongholds at Vicksburg and .ort- Godson, together with their entire ::garrieorie,uspitnleted to the combined land ~! .`artd astral 'forces of the enemy. The lot • pactamt Luttrell= position of Jackson next intollteir temporary possession. Oar 111Wrutettesful assault on the past at Relens -.Wag follosrA at o later period, by the in _V&1110111,of Arkansas; and the retreat of a-our army from Little Rook gave to the ,altabar the control of the important valley it is situated!' • • "The able commander who conducted,the campaign in Virginia deter to meet the threatened advance oo Altietnitortdfor which the enemy had made bag and richly preparations—by forams theirlllllllo to arose the Potomac Lad light defense of their own capital and Nrettel. ''..Transferring the battle-field to Iketr own soil, be succeeded in compelling *flair rapid -retreat from Virile's, and in the hard (mitt battle of Gettysburg in -Stied inch severity of 'punishment as die cblel them from early renewal of the cam pilau as originally projected. Unfortu meetly the communications on which our general relied'for reetiving hie supplies of =munitions woe interrupted _by extntordi. nary Nods, which 20 swelled the Potomac 18 to reader imputable the fords by which Ida *harm s had been made, and be was „Gine forced to a withdrawal, which wan Vesdueted with deliberation, after sem:ries kip tabu of captured supplies, and with acoustint but unaccepted intim of battle. - On more-then one *cession the enemy hoe ideate readalemonstrntion of a purpose to !draw, invariably followed by a preelpl., - tits retreat to intrenched lines on th0,0,n.: Omsk of ens forces." , albentee cheek thus opened to the - the invaders sr - an points wee inch as la . a ••• of their early elm:d olma-from perilous or the territo-,, , pearl 'only °coupled by them, wben tho country maspainfully surplsed by the intelligence , Gtat the offhier in command of Cumberland Otip had surrendered that important and priZy defensible pas without firing a shot, - twin the summons of liforce still behoved to hare been Inadequate to its cminetion, and;*ben reinforcements wore within.anp• potting distance and bad been ordered to hie tad. The entire garrison, ineludiog tbs commando?, being still held a orieoo eslby.the enemy, I are unable to suggest sajraightliation of this disaster, which Lid oPelle Elate= Tennant:sand Bctuthweetern Virgisieria kraals operations, and broke tha a ofttommunication between the test , of government and Middle Tennessee . This easy ettetwasof dummy was followed by an advance of , Ceneratitoseerans into Georgia, and our army evacuated Chatta nooga and availed itself of the oppohunity tins afforded of winning on the field of Chieltnmange 000 of , the moot brilliant and deeleits siderite af tie war- This signal defeat. of General Emma= was followed by his retreat late Cbattenoogs, where his , Maperilietipositionhad the immediate effect of ranting the presurebf 'the Invasion at ertke points, dortiny the concentration, for • hls relied, of largo , bodies 'of troops with drawn front ebe armies in the Mississippi Valley and its Northern Virginia The Catabitted forcer Lbw soimmnialed against ws Tennowe to greatly oottiumbered OCT.PAT ta to encourage ibe enemy to at- • _After long and Severe battle, ill which peat carnaga,yaa Inflicted on him, genie of ear *wipe itexptleably abandoned post ' !loaf of greatatrintsth, and by, adittorderly wiiireaCcompelled the commander to erica - Altar A. forces elsewhere inscesstal, and 10 retire with his .lelude army to a .. , pastUon ileret terewly.oi thirty miles to the 5e5r... , 11 is bellased that if the troops who Melded iak e , usalil laitcot t with th valor ihtob th ey lstonfn ionrfnd ebigwt roiested 100,biltl,-(n.llrfttertarte ft!llr‘.ku*"lienuare%is: twith v slaughter s - d oLi try wealllms, esc aped taisfortnne, and As the - martilleation, of the first Ce • felt that luthreaultad from cotseenaduot by • the troom In the meantime the army of T.:9llo*.Eternside 'waif drlrenltom its field pailtions iii-huilerxt Tennessee, and forced .t. - 10 - retriat into Us betienchsteuts at Suox• twine weeks It was threat .by the forces under eateral plesiffstreet - ` No information has t'sclittltittl list of tbellual torah of the *per ,: 1 -114i01114tat Dar . econtnandur, though Warn , Oat* bee • arrived of ibis withdrawal from 1 .! marroas. -:;OMO4P014 theeleseage esia; - - ,;, , iregrekto infants James; there has blest no improvement is the slate of Our relations With foroign count r i es p ine, my January last?. Oa the cOn• • r': teary; there bu beeaa still greater diver- In' the :conduct European nationl traUW . :.'llat. prattled impartiality which Whilliheafirteaalosemmeet neutrality, and eases, bee assumed • e)ars.tsr m 0.104417. :llltotibawafttiretotorettseninfoimed that, %Yeoman undsmitanding. the 'pieties in cationtouching the emitest on thle con kid beett'ltft ibifortign. powers to th..grest=marltimevaitlot, lot Western liatnik and thittlho'gevernments of these -Ayisaatitina had *grata - Air kite no tuella. !ng preeloass - conoert. The milt Meet s iiiiiiiiii therefore placed f.*: the poirwrof either Franco or Errglatui '. - -'4rattbittittat ni plesintre. - the licssgaitton to ;Odd confederacy •. Jody en. 11Wd wt: even to. prolong , the oottUtiti ....,;.,,,,..autith at heathlike an Me 'Woof the A haat if the yelley:ef Cher,. could be promo. ledbi 04;41=0 at . et riot: Each, than bo l3 4oovPooluesiis! gnat iale sa t.. i qF,•-•:.,4tiZ , :ipe silo Attila .thent oat of lotOtetakaf ;beak ''..-kititatelea, kola ‘;.fltlitms partued 'lv betrayed' ri. 'winch for •• r ib greater I..totesseary." , : • . itaa timmitian eiNED t n ,reteitaoeto tholoteetnacte 04 the tdtqkestiti, and allausseijit length the Windily of that aelion tadit-ittetnel lei,. In this cotutelion ft le geld: • "The Intimation that relations with these Stets would be discreditablubteause they ilsvebold tug, would probably hare been omitted if -the racial personage who has published It to the world bad remembered that theta States were, when colonies, made slatreholding by the (Walt exert:tile of the power of Great Britain, whose dependen cies they were, and 1110E13 interests in the slave trade were then supposed to re _quire that her colonira should be made aleseholding.". It is oomplained, also, that England has tooted unfairly in permitting the Federal@ to obtain supplies in that country, while denying the etime privilege to the rebels. The cowl° of France is thus referred to: 'lt is not in my power to apprise you to what extent the Government of France shares the views unreservedly avowed by that of Great Britain, no published coerce pondence of the French Government on the subject hewieg been reeeived. No public protest uor opposition, however, hoz been made by his Imperial Majesty tgainet the prohibition to wade with us, imposed upon French citizens by the paper blockade of the Belted titatee, altbsugti I have reason to believe that an unsuccessful attempt was made on hie part to secure the assent of the British Government to a coons of ooziest more sonscnant with the dictate's of public law and with the demands of justice to ward. ne." AS to tho right of the rebels to oisim recognition at a nation the message !eye : "For nearly three years this government bss exercised unquestioned jurisdiction over many millions of willing and nutted people. It has ;Deland defeated vast ar mies of invaders, who have in vain sought its subversion. Supported by the confi dence and affection of it. citizens, the Con federacy has lacked no element which dis tinguishes an independent nation , accord ing to the principles of publio law. Its legislative, executive and Judicial depart ments, each in its sphere, have performed their appropriate functions with a regular ity as undisturbed as its a time of profound pesos, arid the Nitwit, energies of the reply cave been developed in the organiaou in of vast armies, while their rights and lib, ties have rested secure under the prate° tion of the courts of justoe. This Conti& ersoy is either independent or it Is de• pendenoy of the United States, for DO other earthly power claims the etght to g,voro iR Without ono ni.torto f.et on trtuzn the pretension Gen rest, without ono hue or weed of treaty or ,Vveri.lll which can live oolor to title, the United States have se emed, and the Beulah government Lae obovea to concede, that these sovereign States are depentiencies of the government which le administered at Vieshingtae. ••)rest Britain has aticoroiogly entertained with that government the closest end most intimate relations, while refuel'', on its demand, ordinary amicable lett rewire.. with us; and bat, under arrang.inente made with the other oatimts et Boor_ cot only denied our joltt claim of almiasion into the family of nations, but Interposed a passive though eficetual her to the se knoeiledgmeut of our rights by other Powers. So moon as it bad become appa rent, by the declarations of the Brute!) ministers in the debates of the British Parliament in July lest, that Her Majesty's government was determined to persist Indefinitely in a course of policy in which, under professions of neutrality, heti be. come subservient to the designs of our enemy, I felt It my duty to reeell (be commissioners formerly accredited to that court, and the correspoodetais on the tube jest is submitted to you." 111113 OUT A ELEILLDI “Prealciont” Dario goes no remedy for s. these evils. Ile Days. am well aware that se aro uufortu • stately without adequate remedy for the injustice under which we have enders:A at the hands of a powerful nation, ut a just tore when our entire resourssa are absorbed in,the defense of our lives, ltherties nod in dependenos against an enemy poesereod of greatly superior nowhere and material re ecuircoe. Claiming no farm, desiring no aid, conscious of our o 0 11 shil.ty to difeod our own rights egoista the utmost efforts of an Infuriate foe, we bad thought it not ex travagant to expect that assistance would be withheld from our enemies, and that the conduct of foreign nations would bo marked by a genuine Impartiality between the belligerents. it awe not supposed that a protested neutrality world he to conduetel as to Jaettfy the Farei t ru 3.erstary of the British nation tL explaintag, in cotreepon- dance with our enemies, how Oho totpartt►l observance of neutral obligationa by her Idsjesty's gavernment has 1.13118 been ex. ceedingly advantageous to the mite of the more powerful of the two contending parties. The British government may deem this eat a favorable oecasion for rs tabliahing, by the temporary interlace of their neutral ligbte. a precedent which 4101 Justify the ft/Urr ezelelae of those t z• trams bolligorent prritoaioas tG.t the.r naval power rendere co formidable. .1 have stated that we are withetit ad,. quata remedy splint the injustice under which we gaffer. There are bet two meal area that seem applicable to the plesent condition of our relations with neutral powers. One ir, to imitate the wrong of which we complete, to retaliate by the de. aeration of a paper blockade of the coast of the tidied Suttee, and to capture all neutral vessels trading with their ports that oar oruitere ran intercept on the nigh seas This measure I cannot recommend It is true . in so doing, we should but follow the precedents set by Great Britain and France in the Berlin and Milan decrees and the British orders in councli s at tba be ginning of the present century. Bat It must be teroetchered that we' ourselves protested against ;boo very measures as signal violations of the law of nations, and declared the attempts to excuse them, on the ground of their being retaliatory, utterly insigntlioant. Those blockades are now quoted by writers on public law as a standing reproach on the good name of the nations who were betrayed by temporary exasperation into wrong doing, and ought to be regarded rather as errors to be avoid ed than as examples to be followed. "The other IlitttaDU•o Is not open to this objection. The second attic', of the deeds• ration of Paris, wedoh provides, that the neutral flag covers enemy's geode, With the exception of coatrabandof war,' wag a new commotion by belligerents in favor of cen trals, and not simply theenunciation of an acknowledged pre existing rule, like the fourth article, which refened to blockades. To this concession at bound ourselves by the convention with Great Britain anti France, which took the shape of the reeolu• Mons adopted by your predecessors on the 18th of August, 1881, Too consideration tendered no for that concession has been Withheld. We have, therefore, the nudeiti• able right to refuse longer to remain bound by seompset which the other patty Wales to falai But we should not forget that war is but temporary, and the t pence shell be permanent. The future policy of the Cone Worley must ever be to uphold neutral rights to their full extent. The principles of the declaration of Paris commend thero• selves to our judgment we more just, more humans, and more cosmonaut with modern civilization, than thou belligerent preten sions wille:, greet ns.al powers have here• torero sought to introduce into the maritime coda To forego our undeniable right to the enemy* of those pretensions ie s policy blew, worthier of in and our cense, than to revoke cur adhesion to principles that we approve. Let our hope for redress rest rather on a returning sense of justice, which Cannot kilt° awaken a great people to the . isoneolortences that tbo war to which We are engaged ought naher to be mad° a reason for forbearance of advantage than glggccactonTor the unfriendly conduct of which we make just complaint." Oa ao movemen t s lii Mato &a/lacuna eientioi the , jest' -year have pro died toiroFtgitt!o4egee to the oondlliot of Otte.'strothiro osishbor: Thu beim. tiIIeD 'oCthe snaligPfbl ' au) vtesetk use the 7, eitablte of , goeirometrti,tellowe d - reeling cusp I in - ' the Ocestitti uos. At the eattatoomee-extltte-iertly Atihttetb-Intoubt.et to own ini*anteeela and t lat,illitiona - to thatit of Other eenntrite, vegan have no dispoiltion ..to contest the exercise by them of the game right of self government which we assert for ourselves. If the Mexican people prefer • mooarely to a republic , it be stir plain duty cheerfully to acquiesce' in their deci sion, and to evince s sincere and friendly Interest In their pronperity. If, however, the Mexicans prefer maintaining their for mer Institutions, we have no re lean to ap prehend any obstacle to the free esirsise of their choice. The Emperor of the French has solemnly disclaimed Bey purpose to impose on 11 , zieo a form of government not acceptable to the nation, and the emi nent personage to whom the throne bee been tendered declines ire acceptance un less the offer be sanctioned by the suffrages of the people. In either event, therefore, we ms) constantly expect the continuance of those peaceful relation, whioh have been maintained on the frontier, and errs 6 large development of the commerce already eixisting to the mutual advantage of the two countries.' re= Tits rebel army, according to the men sage, is to better condition than ever be fore, but men are still greatly needed : ..lo view of the large coporiptiOn re. cently ordered by the enemy, and their subsequent call for volunteers, to be fol lowed. if ineffectosi, by a still further draft, we are admonished that no effort meat be spared to odd largely to our effective force as promptly as possible. The sources of supply are to be found by restoring to th , army , all who are improperly absent, put ting en end to substitution, modtfying the exemption law, restricting details, and piecing in the ranks sub of the able bodied men now employed es wagoners, Press, cooks and other employees who ore doing service for which the Degrees may be found competent." The message recommends the organist lion of an Invalid Corps, and urges that all new recruits be assigned to veteran or pulsations, instead of being formed into distinct companies end regiments. AB_lo the ordnance deportment it is said: 'The reports from the ordnance and min ing bureaus are very crs , if int, and the Monition of our meson of eupply of rrrrns onl munitions of war from our hems sources has been such as to encore oar shifit: !mon to become natiuly, if L.,•t independent of suppries f rem foreign countries The establishments for ttr, et, leg of guns end projectiles, tor m.tutt. facture of small arose and of guopOwdtr, for the supply of okra from artificial nitre beds, and ncraing operations geneprily, have been so distributed through the er ,,,, t'y al to place our 'resources biyund the resell of pat ',al diemrtere." 1111 The suspension in the ex:httn,e vi pi is oatus is laid, of <hue., at the of the feder•llNClbUtitie, ..A esetematie and concerzxO ell•irt hay been ms le to qaiet compiwinte to the Clotted States of those ref eli•ee nod (stand; of for priet,nire to our 4, are understand •hy the c•rtel i, n. t caromed in their favor, by the ircon,ll6,l aesert too thor we are the p•t ileawbu re: use oomph rune. Attempts ate ah.o made to ebie id themstivos from the execration tx,i,- ed by their own 'aliens treatment of cur officers and soldiers now captive in their bootie, by mietatemente, such on that the prieoLetts held I.) us see deprivcdof foati ro :his lest noeuestiou the condi:sire at tmer Let been male tn.t, to acoJrd %nee with ;,rdere of the d• rte . Mehl, the ratlOob of the prieonera art pr•msrty the s ght.rittly and girtilty as those setired out to oar own gallant soldiers in the field, •al whioh hero into (timid nufhlteht to .uppot them to their witiloht eltalpalgoit, a lAN It it. cot pretended by the entoiy that tbey treat prisoners by the acme generous role . 11y on4n•lulgence, perhaps un prtcede. , to we boor e•en ailowrd the prieont re in our hands to be supplied by their Iti ti. et home wf.h eocultirot net t. j its.l by ttin Men n Lo captured them in bet,le riot :a this leettteltlit, the most revolting inhomenity has chant et issd the ciuduct of the United Stfitee towards pritioni , 7l held oy them Out pri,ntioent rare , rti i ch selnAilt lio ti,11.0. or pr littioc , Lat.., sa fig s as a test. The arse:its or our et toy. nacres of SOlDherit :,tmst•r. and unprepared - for the mud ol a n•.rtber u winter barn Leen coottyrd, for itritiricoo. moot, llttriog thy rigors o 7 tho present tiv, eon, to ine Met, northers sad eXteiee..l tit nation, cyst ecubt be selected by the enemy. nen., beyoti . l the reach of oom;orts, a,d ofen core of tswe (tom home sod fstetiy, and exposed to toe pierciog cold of the osr,bero lakes they ere held by men sib, cancet be ignorant vf, even if they di use design, the prohtble result. Hew many of Oar unfor,unate (mods and minarets., who he,' pissed unsoathed through numerous battles, will perish on Johnirma Island, under the cruel trial to which the; ere sub jected, none but the Omniscient can fore. tell•" 'The report of the &crone/ of the Nary glare in defail the op.frafiuos ut that de parfroentaince January loaf, embracing in• formation of the disposition and employ. meat of the smith, cfricere and men, nod the construction of cruel, at Richmond, Wilmusgtoo, Charleston, Bavaaoo, &how and on the rivers Roanoke, Noun', Peden Cositaboooliee and Tombigbee; the accumulation of Chip timber nod supplies, and the manufacture of ordnauce sod old nacoe souls and equ , peneute The loon dries and workshops have been greatly im proved, and their capacity ill supply the demsods for hesey ordnance for coast and harbor de fence loofas limit.: by our d , fi• oiency in the rf quisito skilled labor. Tan want of euoh labor and of seamen seriously effects the operotione of the dep.:strum:it. "The oQi.h, courage and inanity of our cr&sere at sea cannot bo too highly coma mended. Toe, hare Inflicted heavy losses on the enemy without suffering a slog e disaster, and have seriouely damaged the shipping interests of ibe United Statre by compelling their foreign comma:cc to ee. the proftonien of neutral 8 sp. GM= •• the Pottreester Genets.: rei!nrte be to ut rant department for the fiend )(sr ending rho 80. h of Jane feet to have been $.3 3348,58 01. and the einendtto , ce for the eozo I 0,,,8 $2.602,084 O. Toe statement thus tahthlta ea *lase of re ceipt. amounting to $07k084 41, inneed of te deficiency of more than a million of dollars, ea •as the cote in the precedlog fiscal year. it is geafiflloy to perceive that the department bee than been mode self anetaining, in aceordince with round principles, sad with the ',spree, rt quire merit• of the cenetaution that tto e.T.penere should to paid out of Ito own revenuer al tee the I.t of March, 1863.'• 0.1140Lt19/02 The =imago concludes as follows: toThe holm lest year entertained of un early termination of the war hes not been retalised. Could carnage have @aliened the appetite of our enemy for the deetruotioo of human life, or grief have appealed their wanton desire to inflict human !tat tering, there has been bloodshed enough on both sides, and two lands have been moth ciently darkened by the weeds of mourning to induce a disposition for peace. , •If unanimity In a people could dispel 'delusion, it has been displayed too urunis bekably not to helve - silenced the pretence that the Southern Ststee were merely die• turbed by a cautious ineurreettoo, and it must long eloce have been admitted that they were but exercising their reserved right to modify their own government in such manner as could best entire their own teeppinees. Bat these consideratione hive been powerless to allay the nechrietiao bate or those who, long aceristomed to draw large profit° from a union with no, /rennet control tho rage excited by the conviction that they, by their own folly, destroyed the richest sources of their own prosperity. They refuse even to listen to propoaals for the only.peace possible between ae—e, peace which, recognising the impassable gplf which divides ma•malign° the two Deo-- pies separately to recto/arrival the Write Inflicted on both by .tho, :triton.are war now waged sgilaittuk, ongoing began tAftnirbadlitztatolatiott . of their oanstitntitkvhlelf fortialoAo'ar, tea pt to notret“_klattlii; th ey- :hart 'bits hardened- Avollsiti*tit (bey no longer attempt to Toil their, PooPolo . to.doe the Azollotbrert the *_governt, tat Oiartfo#l 4 lldenoOortheseatote-o• WO limo , f,j4 Z °l lll °." T 134 r dri . : --7 1 tmeakloy. -..% _ , 4.110. DALEMLIIIIOA . : 1f......'.....:4'..,. ' :—....., •:,- , ..,:=4 L ~, , , , :f, 4 .. , , , ::: , .... 4 ;:;,-..,..a;:. - 4:4 - Z -- -.: 1:: kV .' ' 'i'il.4:.:.t-?;..e; :,+:4 Zke.A...,: - . 'Z—::::",),:d;.:--4,i3,:,:, 'know Mot the ad: satiate Up for Lphlee le in the eigotter oar resisianw., as the ies ea tiou c f their b'stility L 3 only to 1.4) p , ected from tioe Neeente of t:a.it DednAl- Lica .Ihe patrio•iem of the people hoe proved equal to every sawifiee demanded by oar eceutry'e need. We have been united ea • pet pig never were united under like dr eumstane, before (lid has Merged us e Intorpn 11 11 , prOpOrlitan“• t o one me ..., std. Jodet Hi. divine (sloe, our labors must at last be eroirotd with the reward due to la• n rho hare oven aii they pis • teased .o tue righteous defence of their %lot:timid° tighue , their homer .nd their altars PUBLIC .rOTICES JOHN ZL'SDBL, ORGISIBT LtiD DIIIECTOIL or it-lc Or P L.l - 11017 PR (P,r. Lit • rr 13.camia, CM - SCE, sW Or. • GRIND, SACRED, ORGAN & VOCAL CONCERT, TO..IIOIIDOW, (Ilunday,) Det.l7t4 At the Second Prenbytertma (Bee. DA llow• •rn'a,) Church, corner or Penn and Irwin etc, the proceeds to to appropriated to the Chtletlan or to the Sanitat7 Commie:don. PROGII.A.II3IE 1. Introductory Voluntary on the Organ I. Kilo morn innate sereetly u'er thee: . For bolo aid-Chorus. Compmed by J. Zundel 3. Patriot'. Deed March. Fur the Organ. J. ittindel. 4. Mr, "to Native — Wart — lL. : from the Oratorio, "Me Crmtlan," by J. Haydn. I. gamed Quartette for male indcm......../CrsuMer. 6. Mr, irolu the Oratorio, "Ile blemish." EIZZE=IOI (Our Itedoemer's hut word. on the Cron.) For Organ arranged a. Tuna, .Dandee." Antiphesdrally arrant. for Organ and Choir, by ....._..._....._...J. 9. Grand Gborma from n InrCoocert to common., at 734 o'clock. Doon open at 7 o'clock. Tickets-20 CENTS ESCll—may be had at the Matto Stores of Kra Blom., Mr. Klebor and Mr. d•16:%1 Paovorr 31•Arinat. e Orrtms, tru Utar. PA.. } No. 89 north street, Prnenekon, Ps., Dec. 15, 119.3. ELECTION I3Y PARENTS.- Crmg to the fact that the time for bearing atu•reeidents, those node or over age, and mining mane of awaitbel permanent physical li.- ability, mplres on Dec. /10th, the Board of Enroll. meat will not hoar men of Election by Parent be fore WELiIiEttDAY, Dec. 931, at 10 o'clock, when all such applicatione will be considered in the order they are file+. Whore one of the eonn in enrolled in orwMet districts. the Applicant must prieltic: a eer lificato of that foci (ram the proper fkarl. By orlir of the B;-aril of Enrollment. J. HERON FOSTER. Certain and hafts Mervbal 4 2 - 11P4t. Pft &IS :Iti Itx L- lli s?.PITTSIWIZIIII SANITARY CO.M. TTEL. Offt , er.,l Pepn.luvry, 39 Fourth Strret, Bourn Wood and td. krt El!=IM=1!1=MI 511,2./ . 71.-JOREPLI R. HUNIDNI Coairl'avql. , os cf m.. 7 ”.1 rolfrited 8, IT.. Dent to all rum of the army Innarmatien forni.hei In relation to the eta and arcande4 in thin VAnarii and licreplials. Th. frei.iht oe irsoda dometed V paid tun, GA!CITAILY COYMITTEE d=3.4111 NEW (YM.NASTIL'S AT NEVILLE !IA LL.—Tbe ortnn tar I.IIP member* at nark Moo of +. tint Lath.% and Ozotkmen, TUESDAY and Fltlnd V EVEN INGS. at Ladles mai M 11.4.6 Witl.s MUST wad 6ATCADA Y &FIT IiNOONd, at 3 o'clock. IMMEMME =ME L 3 -PII.IMARY MEETING.—The ❑iol2 roter• Ih.• riot Ward, Aliarhelay, wry lorited to meet in WASHINGTON HALL, Ba boon stoat, co PATURDAT 11.VPNING NEXT. lath lost., et o' lock, to airman imitable ,kirir Oat. to Gn vim at Mr at the Primary Meeticka, for the tat', Imam, By retmeat of delSit4 MINT TOTEM& Orrrcv er rot Orrtruts INSVY•PICL no. r t Pltt.bot b, Ltec Ilth, lto J . DrVIDEND NUTICE.—The Pros. Idret arid Director, of title Ootpan• have snit da, declare-I a PeriGond of 1 - 01.71: DoLLens PM, tHA ltE, frac of L. le. Tax, rarable to the Otoeltbottler, tombs Lib. 4 , 15 Ivr ,A.IICEL If RA, Secretary. Ylttabore, Dee 10th, 101. 11 . U.A.N ELECTION NOR Till EATEN DIRECTORS OP 11118 COMPANY, to rem Qat.; the ensuing year, .111 be bald at that oCISta no 'HONDA Y, the 2.lrt tut., hettteett lha Lours of II a. ea. y rm. da10.1.1 NA'YrIIXT. UT..'.. FvrrrtarT NATIONAL BANK OF A LLEI/EICSY.—Tbe Boatel of Ihree , ere b... thts day called on en assessment Tifty Per nent, of the Capital nnsck of ••The Tint Itathstetl Dank of Allegheny." r. yebls ton the iftb Inst., el the &nee of the Mesh/mks' gating"' Dank. Allegheny. dela.% T. 21. h&VIN, reenklent. • C.IrrDIDaTES ri - TCAIItONER.—Joet; Mcetc - Na, o I le - lit/ the First Ward, Allegheny, srib be • oandi date for Coroner or An County, subject to th decision of the ensuing County Colon Convention. TH.E MAYORALTY OF ALLE " an RN"( —Capt. Besou Daum, .t en urgent eolleitation of [litany eletaen, has consented to permit his name to be need o. a candidata for the ltheyonelty of Allegheny City, at the ensuing municipal eloo , Una nollkte 4 XE Ir AD MR TISEMEXTS eIGOS, at dlll eCLELLA ND'S Gant 8110 ES, at dell It eCLELLANDII AUCTION CIREABK-35 bbls. now landing from steamer Mirterra for osbfo by d. 15 ILbIAB DrOSET & CO. BAsiLwr WILLOWS-72 bd uovr I.dlrig, fur salt, by arid ISMAIL D1C1167 t CO. WANTeD. Y V 10 M. 10 Work at Gravel Itootbag LLTION, OLDDEN & CO cor. Firth and Wond sta., 2 ntory. FOR SALE—A large Cottage BRICK DWELLING DOCtitt. on Borough street, Law rencerfllo, with large lot of greund, kmatlfnlly or namented ; fruit and thada tree. IL B W. GILL, gg Yiftb atrset, Pittsburgh WANTED—A permartent . :_zituaTiociTin eon. Mereandle or Bidiking Bowie, an Cl,rk, or for general bushman, by • young roan who bas hod roperlsuro In Book-Keeping, and ran &Iva good Wry rob reoors ; wishes to make blowelf wafts% and le not afraid of work. Battsbed to comm.., en • modarata wavy. Adams, "A. 8., LQ t K DUX 101, Pittsburgh P. 0. • dolfoit THIRD WARD UNPAID WATER RXNTS, CITY, POOR AND DQ9INLS9 TAX. E/3, Wr 1663, ars duo and must be Gold to omq:um. Deco,lord at City Troasurce• Ornoe, Fourth otroet, durlott bashes+ hour., or at my residence, No. 170 Webster strata, opposite ths Fatal. Works, Ito., 6. to 6 a. at. mod 6 to 7 o'clock jt, m. doemf 11.1GEIFINAN Collector. TWO HORSES STOLEN.--Stolon from the presolists crake stannolbera, In headwater. on Thn•aday ataht, Doe. 10th, IinOWN 11080 E. hilad orate ars, and eery !Arpin the toy I also, a BAT 110a8C,—both Odor ordleary drat norm A Unseat reward wUI As paid for any lotorastion *OlOOlOl 1..,1 to their recover, Address, MiI . IIDOCS a 00., • delhit Itshybeatsr. Pa. ESTRAY —Came to th o promisee of the subscriber, propolotor of the Rod Mon tot, Bt. Clair *Moot, Pltrobotoh, a 130BILEI• 801133, with tar orbits legs, .boat 12 you. old. Tho owner will please was forward, rev. proporty, pay tharlao sad tato Mao away, or ho told bo oold ac- cording tb law. detain R. P. GORDON. JUT RECEIVED. Men's end Women's Felt 'Overshoes, Me bad article for keeptng th. fret worm sod dr/. to be had. OW erel wee tbem, .t BORLAND'S, MI 111arket doe, d. 12 mond door ham TULb. NEW HISTORICAL WORK. HISTORY Of CHAIILYS, TIM BOLD DUNI Of DIIROITNDY. By Jobs foster Kirk. 1 rots.. bro., with potirstk for sale by KAY t CO2PANT, den • 80. 65 Wood street. QTORE FOR RENT. ON MARKET drltEZT.—The hanalsonto Iron Trent. No. .6 Natitet Inset, next dear to N. Balms s &m', to of.. Ilned Ibr root on Pa of January nut.. . Adder, JO= WAT. 6rinekleevinnn. ti. „ 'PM atax—A. lirsklase Bread. Cart .L; inn that ta.traltQls Ittrailpdatar 'Of It - Wm, SAWN' orAndlotenium U4otra aa tha' TON OBEICTS. IQlELlMlgo,tAllostrtb-atmt: .nl*-imisEmE.4-rs GOAL LAN ! COAL .I.ANDi-Frtr Fmk, 4.2 acres at gnod 0.1 Land, numee on the L.Wt. Eaw 1111111. I.llrrad. r price and tern. npFdy deld tL CCIIIIICktr d oOn* bl M.rk.t 61. STILLMAN WANTED. STILLOILAIC NVA.NTED, At the !Abell t: Ott Werke Immetltatelt. f.ii .::Le Work , or et the • Met of BREWER. HU MI F. A LI,, Corp.' Hancock gullet tad Bnqu• eke Way. del6 . it. PAINTkIt. tIACKI:rt _ . ATA_L BLE I AHD[ FOR A LE. —1 7 4 Aoluis, ins plenmat Ineation, them n. 11,4 fn,! ,be et ti, ifFa high state of culti , nil smw.th. good iatta. w.ll trate,rtd and nn.b.r gt,d !once. ; tuu.stm7 b ick hocilo and aLL solLsble ontbonnos , tint 711“, orchard of ibout ten s ; tom .to r.res sores of prime timber. lot. 1864 arislaing to portliart a good farm, 1:11., thr city. ate inritrd to saamlno this 1. , 012,t). Apply to del6 S. CUTIIS PIT 11W.15.01 Marls.< st. MEDICATED OX VOE DR. 'WOODWARD. Cot.ulting Physician of tba Lung Instit ob., literal, New York, haa °potted au oilica at No 47 SkilTii • YIELD ;TI&EF.T, for lb., parpose of tusonfactut tag adntluistsoing. OIYUEN, and 3IEDICAIED OXYGENIZLD AIR . a curative /want lu Long Disease., Chronic. Coliplaints, and an tutpura les of Dot blood. Charge. reasonabla and cute. cos rain, dal6.ltardawF n. STATE OF .RICHARD HOPE. Dix E—l. ten of Milo nietratibn on thn wstalo of Richard Rope, decoasod, haring been grant.) to the nridersigned,all powous indebted to maid wale aro requestad to Ina. immediate panwent, and thew ,I . lo lt against the mum wd I nuke known the mm, without delay. to GEORGE METRGd R. Se. 1140 Ltheriy start, Pittsburgh WILLIAM ROSTER HOPE, dalUilisildss No. 10 Hand sourer. Pittsburgh FOR TILE HOLIDAYS. A ~18.2dia emortmcrit of SUITS ASV OVERCOATS, All 031. and Ida a, f Boys, Youths and Childress, 70 be found et • No. 19 FIFTH ST. GRAY A: - LOGAN "OLOTIOIC OF I'AIt'ESER:, , HIP —n partnereblp heretokri• extorting ands the Ilrin 11.tREL Eft n N I OLU. , at tbt. 11. y 414•01,d by mutant runwol, ILIUMAn DARK. , It beetn7 purchetetedtln. enure 4 t • rmrt 7/./qIII IL f'..II:KER .1..L1N I=l I'II()LSTERING —ll4vin, NI • Ist pr sto. k of CArlll, I 1.,.m al , e otY, gr.a bar.galrls extr-melt' low prt , ,, FEATEI2.II BEN., HA lU, 11Unli SNIP ArTRAI3BE.9 Tari,ty 1.f1.1 P PS, TA VI .113 d gLOOIt OIL ()LOTUS, CA 1 . 1: • EM805.,1,1. TABLE COVERS, ADI L. 11 1 ,1: (:BA,!, (PA •F'•! MANILLA BORDERED MATS, f mad cheapn... onourpaes.l. All ord.ra pr•rapil 1 1"." PEDLUA L ,TI/EXT (formerly occupi.l by Dlr. bwmph. I Tr!. l, l;e PARKER E UROPE:IN AI'AI)R.At tb, ,dacallva of Yul `G Milli , IIt:tILEMEN, nt TUE K LOTZ. D.,tar t,t IV! -a;.1.• 1,01 teeny. af. addlt,nal littrt It.v , att•tt , W . t. toe fttattty, whore Urc7 sat fine the cottl,rt , it:. :Atm.:l,ollC. la a refilled y tt:•• Ais.etnAluhtw•nt will he ea.:tied t • ,Itt.ro sit (1. , knowledge requt.tte I,r n cool:Attic:al IV, or tot ••, t, the Utovtlttatir.t. troquent 7 alit in thnt...a..trul I ron.. Dread...a, with cx . .....a10ual mon. di.taat eursior. at, ortI: a. co duiTt. to health sod ligor of Moty. Plc quart.rly Eleierve.: I. and , pi/t.b, . A patrLns: ltaAo Peztmo, c. Jo. of 1i. , w0; t• the rof Lb , [acct, D• THE, del.: . N.. 4 • Fe:t n StrA•er. Gt El' E, k::-.T! National Bank Note Reporter • . Hay horn ttott.ely ro-eqt vett nom clod Itcnot.o.: itpo, gattl ttatolfot rood Intl tityrrtptt,- ligt a GE!. • lINS DANK NOTES. 4ntdna jog t.lt tho CU!: - .. c UYT, ia:ED and Mr RlOl g NIA ! bank. The BROKE , CLOSED and WOR BA , .t laara are arravgrJ slphat.a.tletily at Mn o tritstra,- an.rot of once all Otc, nt• .rgan:ard d r new NiT;ON AL FUNislqt: LAW, W OE4IIAL Ina, Tb. rstes of at-coact HllSitruon, NEW TORE and OLSVEI.-iND •re n toretoru,, Lttersby oonblialog Lr. &re ev.l W.Alerrs Detft-1..r Itt vtt Yotti Woo contalas fort, br.,l p of clem:y pr toted and .rofully r00t...1 onotw.•n4 D torrpot nod boot Deocolcr G.on ter rank Proud, pubLobod. Sot..tription pr.. qtiE DOLLAR t YEAS. I, advor.ce 6n.e10 cooing LTVn oon;.. ' ' FLLD LA TIE. u• I , ulpL, Fa j RECELNED AND Ft 41 SALt BARGAINS FOR TUE D. 8.588 GOODS! AT RIC D 'L" CICID VIZ I C-E, At WIG, McALIOT a CO',.a Q,ISn 15. I 4 FEDWRA 1. PT. .I.ll4,zhepy ORRISTMAS (100D6 ! =EI ALDOMS, GOLD PENS AND CASES; LA DIE3' 'WOKE BOXES, bAICEICLS, POUTEIIONNA LEE, TOY BOOED, ISTELLECTUAL AND ANICEINO GAM NS, c, &a., la groat variety, at Ow nor Duct flan TAOS. E. WAKENIA.II, lot Federal .trot. AlltevoY. IiTAGAN - 8 MAGNOLIA BALM , 11. Siertlnes Arnbrcalh, Hr the Haar Lelrtl's Bloom of Youth ; Alre. Bair !twofer; recripti”a ; Perfergery .4 Toilet Artlatv, n.. Family Dye Colors; Gent's and Mite& bboulder Brarce ; it riZt n t e Iftatquality, kept eerefter.t/y GEO. K.ELLY% CENTRAL DUtO STORE, & Faders] ga.. Mu-it., Ilotift. PRODUCE. woo B. Duckwheet Man, SO lb sack% MO lbs. Troth Roll Rutter; 7002/ m., cleolce packed as WO dos. Fancy Broom.; KO this. Ruseett and Del/flower Apple, SOO bust Drlsd Apples; 200 tames Goshen Choose/ 103 do Western Swerve: 11.0 do English Diary; 600 tbs. Family Flour, In ants; WO bust dried Peaches, to anise: )o0 do do Apples, do; In store end to arrive and for sale by del H. RIDDLE, IRS TAbdrty street. N l'Elt }TM ER Y.—Jaquid' ce.,6 bratcd American Perfumery compere. ferorably with the most eaquielte of the impart. d articles. The following are pertleularly recommended; lIONDOLETIA POND ROSE. GERANIUM, PATCHOULI, .TLISDEP MUSIC, SvCREY CLUB, HONEY BUCRIeg. For .ale by SIMON JOLINSTON, Corner Fourth and !Smithfield streets. A fall esaqytment of FRE2,altl AND PAWL'S'S zEartatpnr, SCAPA AND FANCY UOODP, al ways en land. EXEMPTIONS FROM TEIEDRiET. —.lllent: - Oersone enn•lled In the r rung dram ru ne . who erereunder 00 Or Orel 35 laud c.rried,l on the let of July loft. bat moot especially bethera tad mothers haling two or more anue !labia to the drat, should filo their dab= l.eneutolern. at no claim the Kroand of tleottun by falba' or mother tan be the after Saturday peat. N.B.—The paper., lama. tory to be alto la the above ra.e.retelll , l7 wlldr tut Hat Med by W3l. T. DSli 31, 103 TIIIT et delk.lwr Third door below Cathedral. StTPERIOIt PIANO FORTE .77'0 R. f 3 A. Xbd.b7 ILLLLET, DAVIS It, CO., 11013T0.15 ' It can 64 wen at the “Prealgtarten Leek Items. 47 newt street. ktektf tin or A1.440111.1'. Trrunrer's Mice, rec. 1, - 1.40. ALLEGRENT CITY COMPROMISE BONDS W.ANTED.—Parties bolding tiotorro- Wee Bonds elite City of Allegheny, Pa., ore hereby notined that the Sinking Foad for dada trill be hi exalted to thole, Donne at the lowan raj. °Cared .Pr.mmmts received until SATURDAY, the . 2.1 day 01 January, loaf. • Sy order of the Committee on Finente. „deCtil D. MACTERRON,rity Treeer,rr MILL FEEDS MILL FEEDS • T 5 TO !CO TO2OB OT Bran. Olhipstuffb and IdiqdUngs, ramie by sixes= t ENOS, MOTS redenirstrett. illeghetty DOQUETS, CUT FLOWERS : IO. i lramuded fo orts ? .r emu , lwrtbAnnmotWechilo4o43lo2#l:oo,V;'' ..i3atettani4sa , Lbati to 1 tbs(l 'imuirtflaansebrutow. _l. Amity rpRIOATING ,H - iobbbrapatoDickatookiti , 7. *ili *WM* 44l i l / 107 1MNOWAiiicilIVC tl-f4Asnku3 Lriaito/A, el* "audio wfraospric ~r '';. . _ rrierrszazE.rrs.' 1863. TUE LIOLIP.IYi. 18. k. HOLIDAY PRESENTS ! 1E1=!!!!!1 MUTING PLii.,,l,l:llT,Lft.!,. PIIOTOGIZ kPU 11.1131 Of th< Net hymn Wi(pkr, 1;111:ECIII!M3f!!!!!1!! ALTOGILITIGIALIIOIII. TO ALLI:3I3. (AFT BOUSS JrVxN7Lt: A Lapp, revel. e n.l r.•mpLa w ready, JOHN P. HUNTS, IC Ii IFTH STIMET. L HIRSH FELD, ..ro. fi3 Wood Strtet, 0011 ILL /..1 1 , 41 di Gls eotlr. mrla L. et MEE'S FURNISHING GOODS, CONVLISTE IN EVENT BEANO] Overcoatings, Cloths, Cassimeres,&ct, I=l Ma tilt •r<> 011:131-C17., lu our wool 'JIM/ 041, at COUT Our atwortturt.t ntiLl rouittlete In all I 4 branch., and us nrgo our frutuds • 1.,1 patrols. to tune sad buy .arty, as too art .!....ttrut. to c not colt stook by UN. FIRST J t•Ali , 1,1434 =EI THIS IS ) HUMBUG, t I n. 4.1 ea COST PRIUE. L. RTItBHFEID, pIiOTOGRAPH. ALBUMS! CA RD PHOTOGRAPH@ 3 v t!! tn.• Id et Lt/WI:Il PING -9than any oaan Books, Papers and Magazines Ahr.yn o. 1.Ar77.3 ANP GE.NTLLI Aro r"spettfttlly In ytt..-1 to call and etnmlpn the et,,lt nal pricy, JAMES T. SAMPLE'S, IS= No. 88 Fetters/ it., Alinghetay 4E1.1. .`.•l THE PRICES WE Albums Holding 50 Pictures, 83 00 boned, tro Albums Holding 20 Piotares, 81 60 Douai ha Ileterce, two clop. We hare 1111rturne Holding from 12 t *OO Cards ens h 1 er,r D.att • :LP.. tr 7 111. m., at Pittock's Photograph Album Dopo OPPOSITE TILE ik.i OFFICE. - -------- - WHAT CAN RE NICER, Cl 3 12.1ba'r lAfT3 r'FiBbENT Than • pair of ttuae el./rant G. K. H. H. F. B. F. L. BALMORAL% CONCERT HUI, SHOE STORE, No. 62 FIFTH. STREET. WirGLOVE AID BIGD =EL, TLFCT DOT Tom FLANNEL Lbitn 642 THE HOME CIRCLE, Vol. 1. 211 X 1:1011E CIISCLZ, V,4. L TUE SILVER CHORD. rue 5110 W EU OF PLA.B.LB. Tho above ale choice collociloso of Total and I I:=1 CERISTBIAB pßzsrans LZEEIS CHAS. C. MELLOR, 81 WOOD STUBET EXCELSIOR FLDIT GLASS COM STREET, bc.twaysk Pen:wry/v.llls Avenue utd tb• RITor, [wax .V.l• - y, • Largo and eetceelo. WORKS. • Ith 611 the modern improv meet', end will be In complete runnina order on about Lira FIBS? or JANCLUIT, •rhoa Ow, prtrand to most urt.ture • Praptal.37 vullts of Flint Glass Chinineys ALI order. promptly attrotlet! to. C. 3- OPYICE J 7 ROESS, Address, JAS. M. LINDSAY, d.14:13' TEDA WEER l'ECLeife ATTENTION is called to e.J one largo stork BOOTS AND SHOES, Pala for amalgam aod danabr.ily ...lot tro aurpaas. rd to the dry. 1341 and .care a mkt present for little monoy, •t Jud. S 7. 800LA5.10 . 13, Int Market at.,- dot! &woad door from IWO Anat. $1250 Is;iiissi „ : l;gn, 9 l. l %"b4ll,P% ell In good order, sift ill Penn towship, ruler the :17 Lae contabalnir tre roma, atria ebrry, • good power, m front; good of WM= et the tiler, e.nd • • large lei, vrbkr..h be .old upon moon able.ttrres. Apply' to a. B. PATES, Poramerclel . Broker. del 4 MP., Batter street; Lau reneireltle. F LNE p VILE.; 'iLLL.Nti er. ►OP. BALL—She loge throttWteri DILI= DWRl.Lttia, 2to. SS Penn street, below Iley ttn le ceased tar web. Price /VOA The Wen bath, ternialwd with marble nseatels,psand water.. teu . ne yard and airy la the tsar.. Any one whip*. _ t... the hoot. ewe enter through the We gate on Penn street. JOLLY - WAY. Jr., • ewilleheited neneteltrretlw P. o. Cal.—To any ono in Oil City V anal has old 'arndemnod OIL or WIIIPKILY .}11,1=1,11. and mate to son Many can rill at •-• Z. C. ZOCKfild 000rza 111101'. • N41711n . eades winhotm., , Aber, o l e g Own , . rh .41anta of Oa. lotettdos Pm*. Saah wilt saltably. Minnie:ll# rAatuoirpan.- , Alauts • --- • ti now , I=dfor.ollio Tabs- ' .-inadoxingzireft, • . l• ;Ely JD rER TfP.s. T; it IL Y DYE "COLORS P.I.TESTED OCTODLII 12 le.O. We Dart Gm Aak, G S rAar c LigLl Grtem, 14 , :rk PMr , er ,A.l Doe, ft iirOC.tia FVevekl 1a.., , are D-oaa, • Etteario, Polk, I,ht Pride. dna" Dramas Snail Pser.fa rho—, Prob e k Prob. L hat Pora Dr 4 ! 1 Astno irtle Polo, For Prang Eat, \M.Aen and altatill C.d.., Staab, bresuies, Ribbon., Glossa Dottnets, lista, Frathero, Kid Glos. , Chlldran's Clotting, and all kin& of Wearing Apparel. IFSF d PAVlriti or 60 PER CERT. - INC For 26 rents you can color as mans goods ma would othsreelse rat Ova limn that sum. Various shades ran ba produced from the same dye, 'lts prom= to simple, and any one can non the dye alai perfect me cow. Ibrectiora lu English, FretiCli and Germ., insiiie of each parlays. For further Information In Dyeing-, ,nd giving perfect Stwoirdge • had colors are bast adapted to dye uver others, alth many valuate& rocipos,) purchase Howe k tureens' Treatise on Dyeing and Coloring. sent by mall otl receipt of prico-10 snots. Manufactured by HOWES. STEVENS. Yul Brnaderay, Dalton Pe r tale.by drogri. nal uad glealrn pnei-Adly A N A I. Y S 41 t" A.LOSIX..----31.50. 51 Louis, no. P. OS )1 AC w_....._. .0/ flaring accepted the far the sale of the SEMPLD CLAY, mined item. ht. Lona, Mo., I in. rite the attention of Glees and Stool Kthrifactstrere to the Analrais 0.11 above, as reported by Profs..A. A. flop, of Dalton, and J. C. booth, of Philadelphia, which, together with the test of actual experience by manefxturers to Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Lents, determinist it to be the puree[ and most rake this Clay now known, whether Foreign or American. Pots made from It have stood In the Glare Parnace from ON to 0 months. The Analysts is of the Chty u Wien Irvin the tatrio, without any washing or preparation whatever. I. popom. great adhesive.o and pluticity qualitlue, which are not shown by the Ana/yeie, and vetilich ad. mit of the miantre of a Large proper itni of shell or tihrnod clay. I am prepared to Girths atm,. Clay to L i e shill - Toil from to.. Lou. OT Jell veroil herr. H ENRY G. HALES (X), Are ,or Moe :ring their Fall and Winter Stock, kitil Write their trim& wed the pribile to examine I=l over brontght to W., ,-".tot. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. 00IINS11 01 PENN AHD St CLAIR STUrDTS, GOOD! BETTER I BEST ! ldeu'e double cola and double upper I.OOTB Ylen'e Female tool BOOTS: Nen•. line stitched BOOTS - • - Ladies' and MUM . tine pas. lipped O.I.LECOLALS: Ladles, Milani' and Children's BOOTS, GAITEtia and BALIIORALS, of ovary description, sailing lacy his. tar Ot, m a rail, JMIEBS ROBB, AIAiIIoTEDD H id mli.pe. Prim Six Ceuta. A Leann on he Nature, Treatment and Redloal Cure oflpsmatorrhe . ra. or Seninny Weaknoaa, Involantary Minbalons, bortuil Debility, and Impedimenta to Marriage morrally Nerrommete, Consumption. Spllrpay and Pits; Men tat and rhyilcal Incapeolty, remltttig trots Self- A bum, k. 0., by Ds", J. Cosy ationd, M. It., awbor of th• oGreint Book, ho. "A 800. to Thomas:At ot Bunton.," sent under .e.l,in • plain wiretaps, to any addross, Toot-paid, cm receipt of six yenta or to postage stamps, by DIL Cl!. J. C. !CLIME, 127 Deem, .New York, rags 001 n Boa 26191. aelflaindsor-la EYNA AND EAR DR. BAELZ Pays particular attention to the treatment of CURONIC DISEAFI., the EYE and ZAR; operates on CATARACT, SQUINT EYES, for ARTIFICIAL PUPIL, !wefts AILTIFICLtI. ETES, and treed, all INTLABIidATORT ETES; also ELARD BEARING, and all dixamoe starting th.o Ear and leading to Deafness. Ifo 1/11/TH STREET. terrMlyte dzertlirANT CALMETLILIUSSZ3IIIICretac, Corner CI and Itatetreete, Washington., D. C., NOT. 2111:4181:0. XTOTICE.—The public oale of Quarter .ll masters' &cock-advertised for WEDNESDAY, the I'd of December, Is postponed until WEDNES DAY, the 10th. C. H. TOMPKINS, &Ltd Captain and A. Q. M. C. S. L. Ti OTEL .A_ND LOT FOR BALE, situ nu In the Borough of Mat Newton. Westmorra land county, P. Lot an Shin street I. LSI fast; on Rothood street IDS leek Brick Beta] SS feet by 66 Diet ; kitchen SD by 16 feet. Stable DO by 12 feet. If not sad, It sal be ranted. West Newton, Nov. 30, Ism. DU SI:LERMAN & CO.'S Sigh BBL on the Caton Bank, London, arid Sigh Bills on ovary hisportult town In Germany, Fran •. Switzerland and Italy, for We In moo to milt pro chaser., by WAS. EL WILLIAMS a CO., Wood .toad. oanoo. of Third. FLOUR! FLOUR 400 bbl.. Ford's SE Bsker`s Flour; '• Bun. WS 400 " Pride of Ithanstota SAW. non. 800 Dayton Fstraly • Golden &oaf Baker's •• 1200 " various brands Lx. k F.c. •• For .1s by - BCEOMAKXI d LAN% d. 14 .t 23 Liberty street. RECENT EiCIENTIFIC PUBLICA T lONS. Tram en the bi.ufacture of Iron. Supplementto Uri. Me10...7. Donau' Manual of Geology. Lyall on the Antiquity of N.. Brace's Ramat ebe Old World. Ann Nimble. of Political &pommy. Anated'e Great Beane Hoak of Natnrs. Agonies Studies In Satrtral Yor sale by KAY a CO., fd Wood eereet.. SUNDRIES. 100 owed Cozowntratod Lye; 100 Doses snorted Soap; 100 do Perri dearth; SO do 011 m Glad Starch; 10 do . Conk Starch; 150 kegs 8 O. Soda; SO koxed do do; 10 outs Bah Soda; loam, sad for solo by del{ J. EISEMAN HICK 61 SUGAIOS..-2u EMIG. prime N. 0. SKr; 30 do inlyr.3 60 tlorceo do do., 60 DEL. crashed do; 50 do A...Coffoo" do; m do A do do; 60 do B do do; . It atom cod for solo 4' - 004 J. KIRKPATRICK 2.. DUO. NEW LEAF LARD, Irt Tlerc.., Banel.l and Crxics, Tar ado by poll CLUE. L. CALDWELL. Market Wee.. tronter of /Da PRODUCE. wo Ms. prime Greene Apple.; 10 •• !Swett Cidful 50 bush. White Be.n.; 3,000 Mil. Buckwheat flour; /cut recalled and for male I,: J. 19. DILWO3III A CO., nola Noe. 130 and L 2 Second meet. LIME 1 Ll3= I 100 bhls, fresh Extra lirtata fors:110 b 7 ErENET R. COLLINB 200 B'S R BUNCH AND 10 frets eipw &Nabs* Ilatdrui sa e casts new Oarraotr. Icistrtastml by um. razAixt:roN..- g • • u.: tiEs; to boxes LE310.511; - Jun recetted and for mit. bi z= • Ems . Nay, 726 and =Waal irtre.t. ITlsatriitiSAL '01AY1111:8 WRING rBB ate 6 4 0 2 0 4040 to hi the Very best 10 me. Call and era them .113 the India Robber Depot. No& tt and Clasx atrtet. _ a. air. kazaars.. Bola 'amt. to WI. coaxal S.AILE-1000. bblo Extra No.' 1 Solt for .ale et 1145 Meet). stied - by dpuble and 4ingld kale), t,7 Zadll4 toszadoeturoekd sale by • 'i - - *St AMZS BOWE, LW Wood street:, soo• jai. - nun:talc in store. sae :or *46 ittlat r aw _ , , bro. 2. 1 / I Liteny streot.'l iLL 13a4 FAA • daltrui'lteful la On, for ale tr.:„,-44-DAtZELL ttON, Vtantla" 111.11,9kr WALT,/ RAPX.46--..13,#4:4111 w at Pizas. cbaserds lT. z a _ atrwL 1162g017 . TBAVELING ;T:1 =c=o2 .VED/C4/. LINDsErs DIPROTED BLOOD-fflUal. F. ttas curs or all 4:adosacs 'Hang Crtas ar, tap wt. Clooct, oguah 132=Eff !! I=l came, Eryelptbv. Be{L.Ptra pnn on the Fs., Ewe Zyen, Scold r..". 14, T.ttor AtEctlora. Old and drubborn Dbordoni, DTV"P• fa. ConiTenefa, Jana.:lce, Salt Ithancm, Xurzetrial Dioglapen, GertzralDebtlity, Liver Coto pialut, 1...5a ar ApNtite, L.s. Spirit., Ton! Stare..la Tomato Complaints, together with all other as callors from rao Improper coadltion o f circulator, O'k'ra. a gvaeral Touts, it. etrects are most be-tapsitt, .yd I=l used peraerariagly sad ow- cunllng kl directlaos. /7/MS'l'i NLA.L.S ne pinidetOl hal. OMIMMO. •004101 o 1.0.1,i 10 all • goad •Im.l volume, all of was rho free • ❑1 01, fertqp of thou, wh. lure teen =red b 1 the lllcod Searcher, trom Irbkb he ML•a4 the feilowiez VIE infant runITIETI—THE WORLD CHLL. LID V ORD l I.l:,rwoji 173 EU•ts L--rHD BLOOD-SEARCHER OLORIOUSL y TILIUMPR• 4117.--tisornththement of David McCreary, of Na pier Township, Bedford County: In Apnl, imen, a. neer . 1 can remember, a small pimple made ire eppsaranoe on my tipper lip, which won became emerged and are. I [INN tql.litlen of Pone!, and a a ash of blue vitriol, without elk.. Finding the sore extending, I called on Dr. Ely, of Ithelistierg, alio prououncei it CdfiCEIL, and pro ecribed a wash of sugar of load and bread pi:mitten. Flat:leg these remeillm of no craft, I Mika! open Dr. mieler of Daridsthle, Somerset chanty. who also I onouneal the disease Cancer, and gem me internal .o external remedies—the latter tonshmog prinde pally of cam:tic—WM all to nu purpose, as the dinees continued spreading toward the nom I next toed a preparation of arteule ' in the Linn of salmi. This I lot a time cLeckod thedimase, last thin it:Emma:Mon soon increased. I neat allied upon Dr. Mithkr, of Fit. elsuargia Bedford county, who also pronouncai the llamas Cancer, and applied a mire, said to Le a never failing remedy, but it had no effect vaudoise In checking the spread of the are. • In December, In the some year, the dfseme I.d eaten away a greater part of my lip, sad had attacked the nem, 'Shen I 'fret to lA/weaned, where I consulted Prof. IC a. Newton, of the Eclectic Medical College. /le pre dotoiced. the disease "a retain.= Cancer. aupertit osed by on incrilinate me of mercury.. lie applied mild zinc ointment, and gore me Internal remedies. My face healed op. but the tne.omation wee not ' thoroughly removed. In February, 1857, he pm ' ninmesd me cured, .d I left for bums. In April s the disease again return d, and so violent was this pain that I could not rest . night. Late In May I returned to Cincinn.l. and again placed myself un drr the charge of Dr. Neaten, with whom I remain ed until eeptemler, during which time he mad every kao remedy, and partly succeeded In chocking the diegri3e i bat when I rcturned home there were stilt tliMeglischarging ulcer, upon my foss. 1 .neittied sialicig Newton • preparations, and alto medicine that tliCt Etna Dr. Ely, but the Canner continued grow ing until It had eat off the left side of My %tem the greater portion of my left check, sad bad attacked my len eye. I had given op all tame of ever being cured, Once Dr. El; said he could only giro relief, but that a sere not itepimeille. In March, lilt, I bought a bomb of .BliKednienrcher,' but I mart coa fees that I had no faith in it. I was very weak whim 1 commenced ming It; but I (o.d that Igained stmegth day by day, and al. th at the ulcers um mem,. drying up. I continued, nod when the third teststs was taken my face was heated mill by a alts. de. I used a fourth bottle,and I hare been heelthier sinnethan I bare hen for the last acres Years. Al theamb my face is midlf &figured. I =still grate ful to • benign Proredence who lm invited my We and which bar been done through the luatimmurmal- Sty of . 4 1iiiidsey's Improved Blood-timuctar.. DAVID fleCreleaity, Sworn and subscribed this Met day of August, A. D. lia, before me, one of the Joatices of the Pease, in and for the Borough of Moilidayetrurg.._Blair Co., Pair., JORII COUW, J. P. Withene : B. S. Yeats ,IXPZ 0 rzo_E Lop IIL/1111 . COLWIT, sa. Personally appeared Laken moons of the battles of dm Pesos in and for Blair county, George P.opp, who being dilly "warn according to law, doth degas, and say: Two years ego I mtn afflicted with pain be. tine. the shoulders, atmcet constant 'mach, tam of appetite, chine, night resat; and stay robJect to take colds. Ist length became so weak. that I maid hardly walk; my physician did toe no good. Som n tints last fell I commenced taking Lindery'e Improv ed Blocd-Eeareher, and by the use of two betties ma perfectly mod. '1 tbel safe to recommend it to al win" safer from ver Mamma general debility, lon of appetite .d other diseases aHeing from impost" of the blood. largold not (MD to.do withret it. I ambler it an cliadlent himily medicine. • ( B lifocdr) GLOW= KOPP. nwerrn sod sabscritad this Intl, day of March, D. HU, before tile. J. GOBLVT, J. P. Sora.—Slr. Kapp to a maident of Frankidown, and le well known to the dtizens of Blair and Seedbed coantiesas a roan of excellent dowse-Wand Intimence. ANOTHIIa C 4913 OP scraorma ODIZED DT marraars BLOOD-MEC:ERR. t If there be any who still doubt that Lindmy's Do. pond Blood-Searcher him and will perraitnently outs the meat desperate and longstanding cases of hoof.. ale, let them tend the following and berconvinced t Dr. J. M. Ltadsey r I was anlicted Ora number of yeas, with a dismal/ said by my iihysiciam to be Baofula. For the hit three years I sue. bed that I war unable to be out of my bed. I tried all the remedim and the best phystaans /wan this to pm sure, without any honencial result— I amtincid growing worse until the dash and skin wen entirely eaten off the left Mils of my faoe, neck, shamble and arm. My earnings wore so great, and I wee so he reduced, that it required the efforts of two pen ass to move mein bed. This was my condition when I was Ludnoml by the Menus. Balaton, of Eiderimarks try your Improved Blood Searcher. Which; to toy pest sellef, and the satisfaction of my Mende, I moo db. covered was helpins me. I continoed the me of it, and gained m rapidly that he coneldonthly lees than one year I WM gbh to go about and amend to eonsa of my household di:like, and the parts stetted wets all healed up, and covered with toned, healthy geth and skin, and have eo continued mot since; and I awes enjoys state - of health that I had far year, stem up all hopes of mar againNAN beingCY B eal blessed with. NY; Near I2lderton. Annetrerf: *aunty, Fa august It, ]had. F=! Tieing of eted with a grievous tatter on the antat and Lae--after trying many remedial which utterly failed to arse—l atulperenadod by W. M. Barrie Co. to try Linkers ;reproved Blood.Seascher,” and now, ea conks alter cling the armed beak, pro. nears myself cured. Tkr totter broke nut some. thing over one year km oa the larlde of cry acme, eatetallny from the elW,n down to the Orion,, on my fuce, irataedlatoly araand themontb and ebb., .d continued to be a perfeat torment to tee careeby the Blood-Searcher. Slyarma were at times amnia :pekoe, owing to the deep cracks and Kea on thrm,liable to bleed at mu time On the kart exec. Con to lift or work, and eolnothroo en kepi 1 could aenoorly poorest tenting off my Crab. Y Lava now been oared ate weeks, and feel It don to Er. bindery. "and to the public generally,- In makathkatatement, in hope that other. lfke myeelf may be benelited by wing lola invaluable medicine. bar JA...""T . 1711,305. Sworn to and mho:reed before me; one of the Al. domes In and for the city Of Pittallnirgh, tills 2211 day of Jody, A. D.lBO. AS D. NOLISTEE, AlEorman. Tzars':ow, :eatery 2ith, J. X Lindsey•JDeer Sit: We are eeryarar oat et your medicine Oeue ser.d as tiro dawn. We wzuld Oates' that your mediates We cored. caw of &ra de that has been weans oa too soars: the twit wit eaten WC the lady's sentryoo arid we ibe shoe working. Theo to at the eighth. bottle ,iww, sad the ILtah, is greweletz on eery raw- 1 our Illoorhaearcber is going iII over the- owitry. The people We ••7 •temp pleased with the alma was: Mow" sod co statement crew. account, sad °bilge cm Yours truly, • JOILT.E.&I6IO3r* 00., Maarten; Indlans-Statlow . AS A TONTO, it bxf nit`eliAL Un liti;the many vile mixtures °ailed "Blt• Mrs," it creates no false appet.te, gi;es tone and Tip; to the eystati grad oully lug permanently. - - BEWABZ or .c6m s DR. sassrmsriißuloa &alarm - has J. IL. FULTOWB name Print°4 on each label: -iti!hee all others. ' ; misini ( Dritiat . . Nik intokiale and tetsnAitilivz;„ . . . Az 137 Aiiial.9 Feint STA - .1:. f:::t,f.11.,`7 ToVicoasiaotdaleyriffe, ' •''* '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers