______ --. , - . , • • .s , . .s 1 .st 1 ' .. '.. • . 1. • .....,:, - . 44'. - --"+-0 , 0, ,, ` ~..r.ar5'.4.;...,. 3.t , .... K 4,...:.... - • '4 , , .44t.h.f. , ... ~, ,,, 04”X4 r 4t0- • 4 ._•-; Ve.- ,21,,, , ,, , .. t..+7g , 4 .4,4,4:4,?.;Q4 , * 1 - •!.74 4 3 .,, , , , 41.7.74,A , N,V.,...—.:c., , ~ •.;,:_,4,,, ,k.... , ,1... ~'5 . 1....11', 4 2-vvi., .....,..,..t. , 1.k.,,,__ ' ,, ,-,k.?:ar;V:,/:,- ; :j,..i.ii , 4:: - , - -;' - ::- , P,51.W.,' , ..-! , :. e ,-, Z1 , .'4..1.4` , Far - - 1 , 1 , - 1 , - --4-r- : t 4L ilge - Aetifil o , ,i . 4.....__ Vt ~V045 .1: etAWM7714 . ....1741 1, m m i IF Arigiat agpxr.4 16 ,j 0,14,9,4 -. 44 ' 44 Icen=?d'atiektiN'.. 1gt 7 ,42 - ,ki •Alo E* - zr r`q.. . lini„disgraigumr* . 0r . ..., ma Mao ,„...., ......eretepttat 1 t '4° .‘4441t " :176 4h e thltlf4==tatesi ' h.•.hto dame toier4thihattat. 11 = 1 . 1 . 2 ,-4. ' ' .. ,• , ..# 1 ''' -'4' ll z a`i= l4.l 4eikal •4 7o4 i a° - 4440 th atitatttat i. ... l a 111 tp .irahtito,4V. Atwell ,and that the a . ..1.._ . is new :„.. , zveirr ~ L 2ODI a.] "I tty liiii . is one atti: -.:- : -- - „.iiiibdispitoittpotattro gam: ~. ~, .10 . 449_the important illaYanot fail Mean ; ;4, in m hi , Amistimitsffilltl4o the " .- 4 0 04_ 744' ... pu w_witatinzaa MsP 4-.."--.'r- ,_,',l [ slujr -- -.,-- Aisiamga,„,,,,„ . us that the 4 , 4.4v. " --. 1 '''' - , ..- fvfotadeolati ' '.431 ta Wrattlittafaii4lo it ' .. ' f:"lihe lig" 1f„'.c. 3 04 twat' 'mei% wirdatiti.'sk. IngUrilCerS • :e,f,9eiviult-ffitival I'll. i7e44 , l ' l P' " a n " l44llA rt lml liri t. mi ytitgc '..2-, - 4 ___.....,-, ..imitorit, 4....1% 7 ' ...IS6 Z r /1 anll WOM ' many years will r'' ' 5 704:44 saa - - :alii at tafasatrwrottiti . 9 q 7 - .4 '4 1 EV 1 • .a - v,c,' . ons a, ,i!zoratatriorbt P4 , e h ...Do a akth 1.41110 •••-• for states that t T.-1 - ..,..„-•, The chlta.ad _ iomin ' 'earnings a the Newyo rk am An ici4 Iti;n4l4l4l44949Lfgattg= *-- 7 4 whT sal Bon • ''.;-,4oiuha.haask*lSG*P.lmiqt" tram! miat .3 ',. • , atigt Pit ri;vntanothlik lierstfon~ . tOt 4.4 ''ln . ' '• 5940,1401' • 4,,,,,,11" .2.4413.161/14440011144/50.711"gm WO ammodations or- Tot,._ _. ,?....: , .14,14,..„,..179-;"-- ,-.,:::- - - ...Itt•p,ta 1 •• -,:..• , atait4t , • ' Among Clergy ~,.. _ ,- ~ ~,,. 'ffiß.rtalliL, r' '' ..""---mtweiteive..,.. las than ii:' . -,' ~ .14teircouppotheptantiuttatimeeh . ...'.-''' -- ditibilkd WOO , * o. l s 444° A gss ~S.lss. - k 4 mlreaj '--' c "-- ' ' C. Naar, Itey. Robast4gag . i . ' larthate Itev:Aaalsoli r k". - , ••• '•-: c - - , hithatee;4lo4l - tiALI: , I ~..- '4;4°. '•• 11, P o rterwas Vie ran of ECOV.,. ": ' ,F 3', P - iiiiii4llt 44141110ilaiddi O rnli c i u .4.4b, '''a- ..41'''''' ' ltettitl at riliaililkeakallaUllika • .. 16, .. --' "'K U 1te .141 1% 0 . 1,0 1144U°"f . 00. : ha I ..sa .4 aw . ., r , 1 -,ir...it .. ch., _ L 43 '7;C:1144., . I -111.11.4 7 a I.l o a '§rr, ~:~~.;:: „vpippotbiTh' **- 111A‘ ~..,.43,40,4 4 ,,, µ,. il V'' 'd e V7,!.."° '.::;¢',...... .., .. 11 / 4 "A . '- ':".l'r%"4' 10 t 9i ttro'litteXP taL” ..74,a4t."4 • ..eigietturidl- ifintha sis 1 • --';11.4:11";.-1'14 VilVIH"91?"01411 I t " 1 15 d re ~. ,A;i4p," :1111*PilvItilVIT'11-6.e.,...Y..- 4 1 Ira -1, ;a ,'"..4tiveg ~",,,t,-.0. Rossi ''4. 1-- e"-• 'pank • c ` i 55, /mi. „cc...4.34L1 '-iic JiAlt.ectar 1 L 7 ' k - ci;54.; '"'" u3laiwatcA/14,11; fill" " TA 4„ 4 .430 1 .1114 ul'abill" 01 - • k tivio 1 d into& d"66 lasi ( ;ag V''' "". ..; #l6ilOftillitZti "ell, ki,l,-.41...44_ !ir t ,,, - se . -- ar.of f!-- , :------ -' ... • t..,1 :k. , iqii .11 ' i . oars. ' ~, 1 k iota ;":41144. 't`l -- • , 5 41k3 tlFaVr° ' 'll . , a ”if t••• 7.,,.. ;4,X-el' iiiiir,A*4010 ... .._...„ li .- irt ,gria.,.......--- di is ff ' " ,1;,..,..0. 4,."':4AtogtrplintZW-44r, 0 4 r' - 740thintsaligiotalo„.44'41#4.i. .10V41"2,41 -.t j ell""t * 4 __, itgt. i"g II to._ p 1"... '..---- --, 47,41.4.3 w -.wird fa r giag -; ',44v•-•,11 - 7- - ylii..,--itaviziartalo toro w ti , ` 1--,,,i2,2.4-iiimbid_,. tt .- [ Vii-...540e..1..tte giiqti, 4'At a. gXr A lt ~I,q7Z7i, ~,....''' toteifng_.,..„...s.vanwat74 s i - Lir-r.ia a+ 444,--vm-T... m . otetirAil i ; ,,z,...c, +1 ?........ Th ., ,•kchit* iwaysi , &leg% v-, ... ,--- .9.oiiiia -. . €7,,,76,4,-""`. um—,-.. - .., :, , ,.. , i, , :ii ~,,..-, 4,---.m*A.,,, _,..„. -, -,,,- .1., t: . „ ltit-,!, - 14 . 7., 01.0- th-tg=2.) -,,,. + . 1 5 , .'' ''. 01 1 " 1104 inits.1..h. t" N. VIIIPSVOL 1:•-e';'4. I,.,ltiP7pkiki-tif4l'Vli , v .l-,.. '' ..- i VtivorihrmegAisr '2l ''`' tn-0411 - =MCI % 1 ':!_c'----1,•,_ , a ia nt o li, , . f---__ ..! , - rzrf illie - I. v .w • ,e,..t,--,,,- ft, r4 100,1116. i'',44 3,374't .t4-'''llittt..e. ,''' k 1 . . : 1 41 :\ '''...... r-.:~~ ....; ~~;> 1 4 ' ' Atkitlnto 7,111414 AthllMilry KitiNusciaottihi pig 'mid tooths•Toidiof 4toloititrokotmtlirktai Aswavaigiwacil. 4119 PI . .9.ItA . SIL' ' V .. . NS liii,tre.ll.). Filiii" in,hilil V IIII- lief , .ttil lointVirlFrilburgben .. Alighaj *hob. acrylim diaiNesoiacLismaiar,,Sta lbsT faceata tignk.fitAßA, , bUttLf9o394l,4BllPad _ - ..... kelrytatigna4AVlPWU trntiti t t PlO/1 , NE: . 4 I. ,Sint ° o 'IC 117 4 gl i thiV 6 o l.ll AVill , aremoy tit tle,toi ov.l44ltze43teditem•-.oa. Sitir.Ahlistelliteliflsekuold.stehlag AdlsillegroulLostiegideer herremt_goo l ll.444 v diaRTIVA9 mama. mi*lpt (CAM 1, :: 2 JuirlAmg tVITRIWt° `#)l F t gialit =IT - 41 - O: 2 —A g li""riate ' urilitittlitl* Batt! Vktivir shade vtilt .611 Atrdheid4 %tett" 'Weems 114 , dtore into the puke/ et* and died+eatctog•lnshintl btali “.14 ra+ mod' 4 list4t,ho Ask mg, pm : p *tohlT r .mwoligion *sow- wAf. 130± 1 1" -by =ftel.iarbly,pyrti rKU . 1 1 11 1 0V.,,V1 wnrek.sqaieozonew4i - o fekrivrl— ° falbwr •41,,,,s •.° 1 • - ••• kt•••••• AAAPTI L Y- .1 : .the fithalgtOlUO• c AtKeliftwof thelguiSaAmiesattioass volunteers. lu a.ii,,Cl446ii Stain* I 41Co Ith the vIgREG• 114 Luc NIT iPto*. I,filr 414.‘.1.1CaLt.n.,-Act.4orAl.: 'Alb.' AostbcsA. l 4oi.lifiW. PA 'MAW. ill 4 LEV4VVlV!lrirclifit: .. * 1 1ci..1 lttli,gr— 11t, '.•...:., iii .„,,,, %.--4111u . WM61140 " titiOtle 66thitildf. fitidehtitithiboewVaiittael,pau op. : , itiriiimattqcomiliatps•lomoi • • "/ tocerbussionsite....Avaamoni maw. t l learspumual Este,. wyu uz/L4.- . 6 111110 deleaSW .14 t 1 5 Silt bS eldialte ;. ,EWIL t a , Atka. bi ,aatodii• is.tooda i v,. J a iDarnEassi4.osz,.: , gm: . :14 : :,.,. i: -. ~.litodumiedo4. ssualianNi mial lost thitowrenzki, el ,41.441.4KPL0R MR; , .5 •_ irqr il-iorviota sc mei nialiftti et efilpds: l / 4 4 1 p.ma rift ituidatte 4:1 _eft itlitia." 4. WOW , AltrfariaG AL 4 4,1•11.37M1.• TWElDLUEafillchi l isila t it • "N" ltar7sl:o: • • YtiAtt; YititiifUllgmt f(` KitairkSilkalltitrilii” 6.4praotavaar.i.idr Saftittf.'ta ri /4 .1 ViVliykyletar,te d *id W. dyttgitAlt efl7.l.lltY • Otkihre: I.lottobligai•Y.tiortis. 4.ft,Ge'rie7 svistit.o.m, 'irtlonsl4A.7.3l4.4tiam:lakeffateil .1.4• _lfy.mildttro litl,ltt Atte • • lettA,osl"gtiel•l•s.rifid VS). t ett • Irdt, • ;t68{.33 tracti.ti4i/SierPl64.4. tppc WWl!' o reason ettbstrto. affright , 1 • &Wally The no- stOgi gal .to, y ears, 54, 00 . • WITTER a EDG..4=I:nttt4OIII ^I VDDZI '11: 1 •1 du% We of 1 bbla prime n...11'. 7V tirltbsaakhadfratals•titasb PlUkro al Cbr Pael " / 36 “" 4•666"•66 16- k- 44" ,4 " , " [ l , j oefe l aietta AIDIES-cato of 10 tons COMM* dada t Ver , k 4. &Re reithettoo4 , staoit /*di/WM.044 /WU it It. . . .Bda"*.t6e' • ' I. '4 I l ' ‘‘, • d avatt.r.figir.--iKyi4i4f44 giusopix.. Sake ° coo Lush bizt, vis pi • lit filkAp; FA*RSIMI trimuePer 46816L 1.4 1 ' '41'41 ?apt „, ,„ earth Street,Al DfUl="bro.--la arra but Z Davao at 140,41611' 11 robot G.DtStkairnatkVlT'rfds "dna th , .11.anbanslarstx than usual, "I' 2:_ii.hrhia--The moans mogiesitos 6.. z blinaftlitil(alvod •inestl ..t hum UDAt = s 7s C •6r iftlaft-Idead Tetlitatkiittgics' lb ag .419 badYltaanato ODBx XEAL:-Arza, with • ado of bbls I alfteXat Mtkir 3Firprilfiralf reririelat p`. aad Ododoa od. •litelr-irs.ArseAra WAIL& of IS non soaks Cl SUS*: _ref ., ioa. Baled •or rat jahaiiir'6•4!•,-, s•• ••• • • law h 4 a'sititati:47.l e4Vria,z,' quotad at SnfidrYZA faii moral' Ai lb. 06,60.-"-tal 0 z 0224 ir IPltfaleßgli initiriuha lel el. eOUStt Pfead44)..voAMT:b :7 1 P T.IT' SI ! unia° geito ihenzAtebtAehigise.ret. n Y .The #F4s"Otria ,M./} 6 :41 4 , 1 * f4.4A 411 ehas44l=4l3l attoMtert • 14 91 sed 4 Tn'' , t01e , •14 611,0.440f,', ` . 'tu b - • .scomintowd.tcrik stvybsmsw-s t. the 000, Uwe bare befutostated, aorne oldta crania iklalter EVares4 4#13.,c„1tel Olt= atalysaolaalftquall.nl anta tbA - Inialmandyta4aniftddlied," 1 21011 18' . 41. at/ nays eadlog at twos today, ardi.44...1b na Ship -12 italattaStarratk /4.41114nMaK11 Iterldkn, Pktladalphla 4Z bbls Defined, 70. • Crud., 114 art tnis tipttatt Odd aibat nil:datum , s Kammn ar ptbe- 664 :46 4 4 4 ,viAtat10 Ude Defined, übh,Arkr., " 1 ; Incaya-411303 b6L Crudes 1 1 isisigliztaeat" • ket. Ofidaukis.tFitVAti.lifv.re. G Nair Toes:, Dat.l6--Tho market fa Credo, W i rsain i l / 1 1441.1 1 . it1f.11,1100*44101 51 4116 10 nlaaPd• plea of bonded at 4-44G0 a the list of 14'4 % 4 tatoryttahVi , " 6l67ol Made'Olo 4o t sla ~ lwglteheat 61(5.7• xapl plan iaji t :rtth stately ano& doing to es blbb i sg for taw. •"""*"'" "P . kat. t ..447AIX t ifo rt :4 4 2lit•Va Mh '* 0114112=:17. 14 1 intsZlgoh. at op: ` 46 '' 4anfrn •M i h altAz. e tel4s r Wed tia c i 't. 'liiggiolseethra 4 / 4 dux* APO; 'eat 'Mr mono Y Irl_,_ l ,,t .11 ::;.l a Tho starket Is Una, and fr l4l tal - araL . , taalluZfe radon " te Ar-. 141 m 1 et4.rt•ootuu• a• .." 1 Ttte arrivals and mar of Rage at tb Enid°, one, ortd Mattis Bap Drove Tan* • • Oral bead abls weak. Tb. market Is firm, d pre atimorlairt, nattiapi corn A ZOO bedevil al films' Union 0n,,. T.lOl 5i7564941.0 Orbit ' M y#o WO heads:ad At Maul.. Alutlis hang Oiravuslowleiposisoob.loo e st.st`t toenai " ;o Dlihdend Dettatre trPIarroVIZIAVIMI4/ ceck"'ol thaktainlikl,pl44/00 Ant of Olt i d )ISi SIM lb. POI Won demand at th =C:ferattaxi;PMrt .41. 41401r10101Wdille, on cljlcraak, kito ' • r eaelfm4,l4l l eg x, reggeFigeilfbW.:. afttt fiend .../t4t4'7164,. 140' —" • 1 ' ` ,2 lffiliprlll - 4 His er 1 . b Young A emilAladoilhati:or a inn Mit& Cept .1 W eltatnq u na. Was ta•tar, J la bblev •Jklpfanlaarata., 40/titnagank•MDs, k*".fr ' 7-41-0111.aNtAliff 10 toll jb Pr; 1 1 W IN Deaf J Adler nr, i 4 0.4740, 4scog , pbb , cranky. n 420,pr ohs p Sl. Langley; 4 .ktl Jo* VottE C llii INOIIII We b r ool il4 hbh_lrbbler 11 ••1•11. til=1•11filkda 1 ; 116 1 1000 • ' • I -.lllll4.ll=3kladllffdr• Am; lest etc= • *.s . sat dat and. Oaf, lexanda oftifs , 44s hciY Virkafp itarateldk t New PiTft.Pi 3 syl 1104 , 1 !suer iut, in . tansou,A 4 'on,liatro- Judie 4 4 1 the cretin sotto *tato ttorion,orto I bkle 1 the then ippears, acre ke OW he -army of ion of being toting dog- to darkoy's jt took wait!, '6.- 130d -the d, eas-of These AttulSA 111, Olt . ix . exprm ill& =Misr, 1 Ay 1: ,- - . -... .c '.- ':_l._ '2- - - "•,%:- ..., ZifiLi. --2 ... ...4 . - Z"- --: -, --• “-A.- ^.L z.,..: -.3 - - . - T' . ' . •=z)...-;:.:, -. . , ......: • . Put I;:lcia.Hf7."----.4"'5-'74""''.----. -.-1". • ' . 17 " , :j.+ 7 '!'S.. -...4.-.--e--- , ...... ,. fek....t. • • . . . . . 4 A.tl •. Cl 4 ,Mt fm itq;e,TifaVilnigOV .;, 54.0*; f;41;0i 0 44. 1 4# 6 1. 4 4 4 ?. ~A i sgtit if lwqrp, h l 4 . 4s 'LP!! tar-iurtki tiffrcreimotlittnetaa telli.Pdaesgabaatetbarcui tescir-atlwe and half alms kris& un,trxcle. 1,342Ze. ,coru--Wicelpp nungualsod holden ara. t.fiw 2 , wrttfidgfd lcr ,tvatiKS/09r.,,ahendi Ipxy,ippe 11:N1111're* esurtfit Ntipt int.? Coro tad] out p vat 4.411. 1 .0 .11.c.ittni7 ktoadjutiel , brut ov I ;Hiet.l44 479 es onee.ing.liOrsi si 74rtli:)e- , tit 4 di fir" witfi Itt togio 451 • g of roperly 11 more. I .0/#l9, rrn kt^thlf t, :hot '"Dv,••1,..._•ii;4,4,•,•.„„ : „ii, : •• , ), , ,i,k i N T , , ,,....., ,, ,..,. ; 1 , q,T4,,,, „ ..,,.. 'l,loKtaL,.:iltsol 240" k Ott: ',' 171. ir ' nbe,._ 'da4 ,g "'!, I V i -- I; ‘ ,Ll - 4, , ,,, ", A -1 ~,, , ,bao,, , for lol: • . .11i/ Itrl .11Firs.brittilflaiSt ” ,cli 1./A , e0 1 ,,, ,. _ . 1 ..6*1;4 li k 6 ,,, a ,,,, v on ., ill NM.. ..,, n 7„ - 47 - in - 1 . 1. staves 4 ,9 .• 14 ;irgrirt ''',4WSWAV It Als , V, , truu do 3 2 e - trbr l a t lit g at .6 ` . i VIA:Ai .. .I O ~ 4 av=tZ t, tt , ~„..5,.a , ,,,,„, ~.„0„.„,..t...0„.,y,, ,:..... .....,,,..i,w,,.......,,,,,, ff.... 4,... ,"--, , ~., Awd!lmdrkat:. 'lu ,- e at ..4pibiridlir.4 ,, N ~ !ii,l x 'll:rott'ZlooVrl' 4 , tAltdrldr,riibibsto Vet litainvilidtvt .1 + • r test% !1,1. 13 tb,re= 24 •-• r WI& t it cr-a.„ , ar.0 , i,*.,...w a a. . e;tvotdr's 3 c,..w.l'VAKtnisio 1 deftokrbi .i..,..,.0..14,; • ,• ~ 15,..., „,•., ,„•••,•,-._ • . h „„ ste6 ' Ar,“l.7.*:•• 111- 13f47 ` do' 'olit, - ,'i ctig . 9t., 2 1 1 1, 1 dt ,..,... 1 . 0i 'iiiVigg b yllrfe.A.Ft.tliwe4 abCoB ` 6- eu- IS-. CM& . 1! 4:l , laitli ,... l o , ripvi viaE : ,,k ., \. " T ii AND ZAtitArttltaiiiilii id_u f rmisloitTMYrttEMOrarigr rorirTi a.. 4 p,.m., at t okancevale every FRIDAY, al 'S iVelitk itoll. - "rlio 4 it t a 1... ,- JUL4k. Wth.tottran, Cox. ! bit milidetatoit . 11Mbargh drkry Ur:IIMM pt A, got P:ll.;iithliribegip errery TOESVAIt, at 8 a'cloa 1 6 lit i-ItOr Pt6?tritt OVl...mgn appttoti Ward •oftcy - • '" ' • 11). COLLESOWOOD. 40st, • _l9'4W:fgt. ; . 10011LiiftitleofedITSovoi ;fel TAI: 'mar 15 Fimm b!PC lk! ~Lrf. b ~bMl.l Di iln, (Lrt4oo: ;.I .abli ti' . 1'"i:1;;7;:;a:;. , ....iiir,.:, 4 4 i F 4 191/09V1 A4 tiAt. 1 " 11 ',a..% . • 1 • - I,l*thVlirramirr 40,51;1416 •urll2o. erp!ntol It.. .1. ~ am*. *IOWA* etIt.4IMVADA r. "tit 'itntlt'llti Vitdilfg , erferd. uttAY-00-1061r,f, or to " ~..-,,,lms.gur.tussekim.LApho . 'IIA - :-_----'-'6i-riteer SI"IO"tHE.,, a- -r""nteritsr*EfUnker rertenduWft 140+ I SA CASs A . AY.Lficlianino.; ,Glisl, - col iilinTn?likklift'VM ttii i i-Vii t lrtio a 4715.1 'L,,, hat' .4irers"ter.PriMgELAo 4,4 ti.,.. four 1 .F9h4WPll—Yetlfitf.'W. 1-." JENNIMIIIIIIIK Cant. IL, al =rt., , at tle . nt, as 4/OVII DAYM—AiIr.,IT4 li M 111.0 4I :r j mit, , ,r4l- - - , 1 •Aile l a ..1” , C 1. 1 . - Agent WWI 1. 14. ii I ~..-.944",,--,4,....,,, ,, ... , ,:„.„ r„,, 4 "' igt /I ,r i c ,rti: . / . 1 %, 4 2 jfia - 1 4, 'SO,NEITk, eapc.,..Q.orduu, will learn tul nbnen MI 15`;"" 1 . 8154/ .C . TZtVi , ,i4intiktonk ' , F.' ful&U! or . ~..n a• 70 ':lt"bclit . 4l n!r Lo : ; . , 411. V. SOU- olitiiilt744fra ly,-.7".„_; i u s v n is riATlAfruiq , 6l , l4 • *iii . ot ir- , -4 ~,...,,,,L *Oink nta.i. on ti VII:r ''M vP " ' ,Z , • • 4'•A - vo gfi l a= " ....:Tni... H.TOI -1 24i4,t i ft ,4/4 4C - i : 6: , - '". art.W7sll4'.tgietrVT, xAi!ifi,ill4olosq,ilrl,l.l4l ." 4.: • Tr- . -; 1 4 1. g.,g 1 A"'9' Li ...r, • Il ltf_ A 4200..10.NAT1 ...5a..14 -- 11; ,_ . i'-semi.,l,lr-abrit,..pia h.* , tnntntk, - ,ki; '‘''''- ' terms , trimtrwrovarct K0ut0...,, ~ <1,... . ... 'At/A PnltAllt ritaPAY, Mir tlist .n 1 ' -• , rit. nonst. Lir {.r.. 4' ' 'l434' /' Vl4 '''` .." ''Vtgk. r LAUB.; " and -.3. Cl ;4.4 ' 41 . tik • 6 ... • .• - dap Clan, for PENSION. LOUNTY, II V7i.'d.3.2 Tr. II i auts,triarimuoi4rion,.ticr4.l,Pj,,.',:,f t',' •a,„.9o4,„J'it-'4.)a-ri. ?ort - , , ci IJ . Mid ' .Us4.ilib ' A,A , 44A 1440.9' ii wil V 'it 6- ml. of , PEN : 4 10Z4 I;6r/:. PY, ' lOAXIXT7. prowl • .. .' '`ltt'W 3 .44TlC k bl igitruilVE'At. AAA 3 CI E. 3 r* ' rr bbl. •..., I•ete , t•ei 14 theXt..l,Derreemert , „ ' "L. ICO. -Alihra./414i6 .1. - 1 do; bdo. Iho alitioodnlA.J mains !I: ' troliilditeluidial4...A of thAvAdAAIAISA•X•Oh xv, &A. edtanZWl,_. Nivet VOILA* Elcdoces• tee!. if sda , I+4 F 41 1 .. ., nINY la iliu agg., , • .4 . ,•• Ai tti 4. . 11 ,3 4, 4 G :w t.' is tilitU a iS &ffllf.bb=.• er p tlg d Zi, Illa4= ' ...... Nttle j i Zt e kt7 l to Itlss PulolSA•astAti . AATifi r 10. A . Illst,d2l4•lbo °sumo of lootrldlE Ow 0. 1 . 0 ,,.. ~ Isatiii; 6 =7%..=. • Le . b ..-1. f"Nettit :W• 4 4. 01 4 - Z ii— a —U Sift; Avg . Pkv i . . rrAw• ,ti..c. e1.4. - c gaEL., bthv , ~....aktaf.V:rtArimptiagn MOT. II .I.e7Jgg'..l.olSi4.6PPT:i r:"4`""" , qua.' ' '. .I,;l4,tlb4hahl ‘fits l 3 ol / 6 1 cow*. t . •Dlt 3B 4l ... l6 ,.RAMdMegr. ''' Attil 1 .1, ' .. t:i.',101.4h la SOUL Al: DODS. • .0 ... . ! ‘,llB' rofWg4iiie I' ."4"11,'"' ' - Aettl aistevil;Sir 6 legel•ncre v. tee Irei r ef p rom dke leDllt . lure dial en dlodlargo f diodoloo d'lre p:t - review i hll./ 4 01 i $ idot i.! I SErNo eloogo will consetoo, uudlo latirftl le ..0..: 4.11"11 'l4'3449ttiliy-k—d• _ 1,1,41, P0 MILLT Xl' CLAIM: 4 . ISO 'iiTl KS, eg i r -4' 4. " . ' B " W "• VA I ti n' llt r , " 4l l,l l. I , r,alta";ollo'4l.4L'ln?:ll.ri'VP ift ,, l lo Mt 1 ''' .r, TA . i 1... vkli; . rigni . . 4 t. 1 t t • . ' " vn l eatleTliPit ill.t' .T b tot. t),' I'' A'ASIAIISod,TulO_,......odAly *l t d .. i•t: 'lp" - :,,, , ,/ .' HEN, lIV.Dt.i 'OUNDERS, il * : 4 'a t. , ll • -....." . I. Y 67 tjrrt i tll7l . l7ll:g ..,14 , 'ir •• '‘ '-''' . / ‘ • P , lillino ASI•1110N went; ' .....;- • ` ' t. 4 •44:4 , i • 4- intlall cnOr Notl...ralk >O% - ;,t : i . `,' k , - • -. • est nuilo. ~ ...,..„ •.. o 4. kirdlitlirdAdadob • 1 1 4 WO. B . AA ., DOW lesrlvileltysellblie pcovertir earn to: ' I want . ota.ribh lUSAINoti.OI god armada:44T: le .e clondsr, of raisin, /JA I unloodotudilli a r lo .. ' &1. RI irdOsA4OII: I4AA 162. e i5t..7.....b..arnia Sm.J.IIII/:1, llatilooy ,# hs.ol =ill MIMI for rinaplos -Deur, 9rt.10r1 . e... 61,... N vc i muwa-g.ov, -- 1010)!sL o _, a., ~e . L „,,,,ziwzrai, , f ,-.,,,,f,,,,vw,. x ,i1,0 ,r,z4 , ......- a -2 ,, - -=, - Vai 'i' '+.6..-ri..... , tTV ta " 1 170 4 th ° l' AM' In9* •%` 9 " i A ' 7 fir ' l{l;VrTa'aitro • t EIP;Ar:4I; Puri4 or E4lOl/4i. 'affi 1 ttilloufti . • 1..44. , tlt44. 1It• • I • trw n k t t- 4 Sholddli Tom, Ii Sot.. I le, . ov • 7 • Wil° ..101rollr utUSto4ralgrraoro +uAtto li. A 17 just reoriTed. . .. . It from -1 , ,r- ~". .- DUD. TO Y •.r t h ,''''' 'IC' ,4 . il 4 1 - 4 - 11.14 , p , LIAI.I'II, / 4 • .. 0 'V , ' ; ... gullest ve • 1.• 1 '&11 Cll 1, - r. Al 7 ~ . . . ertlitvg ~ .f A Pc* ro DaoWlnpa"litii 1341.1bire. ta, - <tattoo on k' vegiegclailets: !tr' I d • - 4 . n _ tem. ODo. cat Apokroop alrevl, between Les...k. sod, 04 04 8°1:1",""?.,"!Y.1.AILIghn71, _1 - •fr,?2_, :RSP 110SOPKIETARTio AIiir.M.E.V.ItNUN V. 3.,Utltt=fidl• Ildpordusllloult.,. 6,1'611 law:, g Itit. _TOO.OZNIA.thePhi etre; Anew, E i . ..• y 'WO eettmiereeee....otee . ,py T.I. SA- % it=bl"la plate ' ' ITtgegtet l! fgak.. ,. Y d It , i.' ' wtv.-v Y.4theit tamer te-divectegi AngOzny, 1:?:Ais I, '.o,ll.Pftbrllitt.,'lr : ' -,,L.,-.,....pdH , - 300 B BlKatif e l 4,11 - Itf, - .1 Fit mI IN t_ 1 v . I i ....., ADo4l.,niirlad LliArt LA tlI) I• .. 4.• .... Ida , It IA oidli ohdldde idslo 44- ••••, .D. DX I v LACIK, 041.0, =Wet I t •.1 . - - •• '••• - • • SZlALitdoly ots-01. tilt 71 .-.' COLetN6 ---- OUI -' l 37l7 E l7 C C'', A Stn i rS, arA SHOW _MIT - OnaPri'l looo kqtim, 40 , I+l, I WA,' -11tIABLIMINIVISI &V.:T/Oli •WIIJSM, No. LI fifth 4,4, W 4 Minot. doll r i :! tiks , ' - ft ffe.th: citEAt'—qt.aii) * ; rf>, ifidaßi igarkgp ApSectlou El, lu Mono! II tu o ilplori,, k d r k ? . 1,....Udy to ~ IL 31cLAIN Ss (3 L5_..1..t!1,,_. 11. ..,.....-. ASKET WILT Indigo.. tv , 1-tri mrtfAvvotravA 11 . ,.,•# ,T.,,4,,,, / AtkirEtt.4.=lo i, dwice ••14 iirlip loft iectii, , i; - NI,. bi co 11 ir" ItYhaeN sit& on est Rrern*‘..u,Tiv 8 ortni A W AUDED TiLli HIGHEST PREMIUMS AT VIE INTNENITLONAL BIHIBITION, LONDON, 18e )3xpositiaa, Paris, 1861, In companion with 811 eholeedinglierthil achina ElPrOpe aad Araerlen, ard the Clulted nano dricelteral darantion ; Metropolitan Ya ltal. oadtata Maddegtan; Franklin Inane. Padolphit • .llnhanln anoriation, Barton literate' laidtan, Sae `Prat ; Maryland Saliftera ldochattite eanclation, Gleam:tad ; Easterly loadinta, lonirlle; Modulca • Instb tealt.Saa franalsco; and at every State and VtY Fair where • Exhibited this .14?" UPWAZDS 07 125,000 OF THESE MACHINES VE ALREADY BEEN SOLD, • Arad.whlch ekelouder than word. d the mom and pularity of the cetehrated & NTTLe. 130 ff Tan' HEWING MACEILN it—the cheapeg Irseld'de In th ta e world,. MEOAUEE 12 ILE IUE BEST. EVERT, MACHINE WARRANTED FOR THREE TURA • • ,clTs7ollilla alit 11011IMI U rtractiudeta. INSTRUCTIONS THEE• kLITATif HAPPY TO =MIT Mr° 12[1 , .. 1 TUCK. /OrChrtnatara, containing an .. o:planation of *to .ros4lps..rritb tostlmoolsts horn tulles of the high est went irtanding, given on application, either in vepoon.Or WX. BITENSIt & CO., Aicimta for tbr Pogoro State and Ra•tero Ps. Principal Office. . u s Irmpatitmak NO. /7 PIM. Street.. ..... PTITNBUROII. PA. PVIVAYUpers 1i0n5e....--.OINCINIiA7I. 0. 61•1101110 Temp10..—........L0015V1LL1, HY. 41•12111• • . •- - _ GNOV ER dc BAK ER'S Pliii/Ml2l SEWING RACEMES .•,, MI6 ONLY GOLD IGEDdL 44Irpaded to Sexing that.* to Win Dew Mach.. were evaded the Illeheat Preml. ever KU, cowyperdprA for the Brat Panay Bred. • • the Bert iffessifereprewi Mouth., and the llacYwo Work,'at [he fullOwltig BTATS ref kW, of IMP Nnk Tbfklizer ur, TIM Premium for famtly machine. -IticskPrtarialafor dontdr-cturad Feet Premium S ko machine work. °Ppm.. Poi TIM Prefer. fur Wally mach... ilifirat'Prwrotela tbr Feet Premiere ler teaching+ work. dom.Statra Edo. re. Premium fur Wetly machine . Keel Premien+ for manufacturing c.c.. liret ?o.ollolol fel' ...Moe work. lfectleit. Boa Facr. Preorilnre fur ilvolly woad.. +Flret.Prcroloin fr ruanufectorice mead. Viet drool= h. o r machine work. W.. fear Ynr. lefnft Trestle. for. mech.++ for all pre-p.m. .711.4 rtainlaa. for ...bun for Bliperloofiltdr Aar. Newt Pn..insu for machine fur all porl.e++ PrlUniern for ....Moo work. C/eteetkd Mere Aar. • .111,...Prentlum ku meco.ose p0ry...... Tirol l'relulo n 3 w fir 1.... mr.,r• ,--irttirTmoSo To r : eft liortcw.l'ttr.7. +YO'rk.. NM. Pnaciala iat tax at, wart And at tho followinit Clituitrc Fairs cAstursass Apravdtarya First .Premluro for mach., PPtpt ('reedum for +manufacturing tench.. Vlret Picuilern for Marldue work. Bkorettadke Paley Pk) Arkalhaal Nuirt, Pink Premium Co family neachlr.. ...Rime rft opthuferturtirg Pint, Prep.lc.o for meddle. work. Ra r e den (k. (31I+++) Aorlealeceof Deplorn a fir etmliv rn.hhse. Blythe. for euelena work. Prank,. (h. P. 1.1 Foo t, thr.famlly Filet ("reel++. taanalraauta, 41a. ' 'l.. (N. Y. Apeleeftweal • rltet'illentern kw fanny inechme. I 11."10. (b..(L 1.3 Poo. Pipit Pr for (sadly roarldn... • Emetted dm. N. 1.) Pair. TIM v tbr Comit machine •lireektiwic'elediede (1%.) .Fair. • • • Plot prom.m fur machine her all pork.. rairrefolom for mar.. work. ho ye, comprises all the Taint .t .hick C.' 6 ft A BAMI. IdACNIBEN wore ...Cod! trAslssr.' 'AI orally all of them the leading Bewins !Pfaritioteelrere to .mpetitlon. !Thowtdrk made npop the Gicer. A Baker. Bowing Alsadun hoe received the 110,0 Proud= ai evoty date VI. In the Nulled States where It ha been ithililted to this .irate. Peletr Booms, No: illrirrn tlr.. Pittalerreta, Pee perk...wit A. D. CIIATONLIi. Agent. PrTTFRU g4xt.,114.. D7B , iic. h WeAii:till t01:6 i A 4.1411,1.11111 erntoft" existng betarekh ilteattber here.' seder Ow 'firm of PHILLIPS, 'THEW G Cid.,haa tide day bora dhaolsed,ClLlS. LOHEJIAItT add WILLIAM PHEW hoeing, fir. hind iLe enure I n trrrstd or the other ja.t.lll. The battik...tot the late first trtfl Le nettled by LOCK WAIT!' a THEW. • WILLIAM PHILLIPS. WILLIAM IREW• CH MILES OCI.IIAHT. JOIIS TANA:OWE/A, • • Ablril V. KILT. Pittsbnrkb,'Arh,trut letb. ISG3. C11..1 LOCCIIA •^ • • OCIKRART a FREW, Producers - and Refiners of Petroleum air At ALnloB Oil. tl ELW, VenatFo •• 1.4 AV4I.IIIANT 014 WOULS, Ne;lej. ome., In a 175 WOOD Erruarr ESTIIILISILED AND TODACCO IdANII/AOTURES, 19 /SD t& arAdf 17E10 6THEET. (Formerly 42 fluahwm inwat, New Nark Would call the attention af•dnalera to the srtialss la+ manufacture, eta . - Mar - ao, B uta U p U t! ‘ a li , llt‘ l na VYT finplam nnarlrM Gemilrntru, litaulgroo, Pure Vlrstluln. Ilachltnehra, flerlanhtgan, • YELLOW , SNIGGI'. de.ttleb,lllgb Toatt Gtoteb, trial, Lutlyfad, Ilnney IF.IA Smtelt, PreeL rtath Scotch. Alltutton It railed to the large reduettoo in rhos. 10 . Irtnteent Mewing and Smoking 'tobaccos, erhinie arilldat (nand of .laperlor .itus lit). TODAWO, . • .. . . Stinantu—Long, ~:o. I,'No. 2, N.. - 1 szei 2 netted, Granulated. F 1 TA 19111,CDAVIDICV—r. A. L., or nlalsi - Wen dist; nr Skee't i'Site . ol seented OrOAOCO ; Tin Woll KhreenckLete. ~• , . ~ .. ~ aypAtigt—ft..jegp, Flpaulah, Canute', Turkish. N, T{.—it ctrl of vices util be .earn &mi 'Lio 1.. n, . . sploly ' Iteeil 4 — ItY,T. IitUKCIA 47067, - , - ~.., . ~. . . Lbmi oo Thad • V 3,30344. truitt4 Red,. • 1.,. 56,10p.4 0 U. 131. be OariocatmandilotAes,(muul .t ilnrse;;;;;s4 GAS. AND .STEAtit EITISRS, j I:IAI. ar ........ . — 7" • 'Btn,os Work, Pip°, Pumpo, Valvea knd oilblsds of fittings tor Wm.'. thg , • Aa. BIWA AtiTTATOISS ANN TAN KS ron .11211NliC. 8M.% lload trout by • nenot procome. 4.12 p24Wqr l) ( kr. 11 1 3 . 0t K; 186 Al r....Amr-OrnraN'eles • ... • ~;;; "001114• „Ann. • Tl." 5111=t 1 4. or . !io n d Mr* .rir iUgmln*4 L • WI I bay, .11=4.1 A t l '" • JAINVIIFLD. • _ . • ....- - _,, ; ;;•,4,4_,„;,..L.;1•.;0:::•• .tees.-,4rz-t• • ARI9RTMENT OF V 'Gr Me NM= ?AT/ WRNS and every vidttx, at Ole Lowest Prices for Cash. Inch:Alias 7kb 'Cloths, FeMugs, Rugs, IL CLOTHS, &c. umng varcbsoed for CASH, before ib bale leduudi an unequalled dock of Window Shades, Battings, Oylpgg WCLINTOCE & CO., Ha 23111TH STET AT THE NIOX CAILVIZT IST 1D1.2.1C., Wo ahoU otH, dating the invent month, at orbointalo awl retail, WITHOUT ANT ADVA/itle. u PRICE, *fa Um of CARPETS, Floor Oil Cloth, In awn, 9 to 24 foot wide. WOOLEN DIIODOEIS AHD CRUMB CLOTHS WINDOW SHADES AB TLE MATS, AND NANO = CO HUGS, DODS, At. These goods hoes advanced, C ENT. rst hands, from TEN to TVFENTT-TIVE PER within thirty dam and wilco PRICES . at LEES V i dm DIAN IIPACTETIEWS Car stork La almost etc tireiy new, all hawing been purchased Within ninety days, for cosh, at the very lowest prices of ho year. McFarland, Collins & Co., NOI4 tt ANDI 3 TOTE( BTHEET. Ilkymom Poet Once and Distostei 13n CARPETS HAVE ADVANCED IN on , N. W'aist 4( nrry...-A we. ouilfaiN ormolu In=rav dr7n im Nynyforal of mlensa'nel. (-Tied [...luridly byAold -And agir 't?i'y e$ d'rflpurtel'efetrlgni :II irtptic foroldsooclotyuyealcl 11. lonsilied.—A Boon , inn. ' I tivllletss ' ill , pal ost. Gm pallvid. . . ... IL Doso.ess /iintoso of iniay la valtiliyl—Ttleso l b u t WO APnedn/ hut if orglactod, are gull rdid sodden &nth. ' la, It 14 I-Pr:0". gir , A 871.11 . 1" LAM. ',(bytipepsia ti - no tr'ruall -• • I womodmad stinclad• ff..' O rri II F: ATLANTIC . 1 ROYAL 'LAIL , IVENS NAVIGA.,2II/512i d' l ion. flei'lrbtlY l'eeoflf , PION COAIPANY. , lion. Wb•slailiiil sayer!. • , mints mei stitimoa of .Alis GALWAY LINE. 1 'mum of rheumatism and ADRIATIC, LW:fO norae-pOwer, 4,100 tom. ' irrodmon by liyey•datiih• 11111LENIA, LOVU Ilorshisinnls 3,0 1 . 0 ......- . I romarka of, Go/ 1 ~,,,,,, ateA.....oliscts, COLUMBIA, 1,000 Nor 100 'Ann toms- ' and load ; and In mo r A N 0 LTA, 1,000 floree-power, 2,oi.ei lona ~,,,,,,,,,,v,,,, ~,,,,,,,,, Tito Magnifisent fttsanallip ADIIIATIC will sae : from New York for Liverpool on TtIIDAY, the 1711. r A PO'sltt4e Otil •of November. . . Bates alp:map from New York to Livorpool, pay lhar a barn, oho It n o lleva e Ay.; I - • • ••• llivithWi Orneht t; ohlo in geld or de equivaleot in currency. IntoCabin-..-----Swlfinsilata-•o•••-•—••-• W Intermediate-- .. .--. 401 00 0, W isii A 11;T —Sir :It wiCh Mile I ill 1 fatfr Pa...angora for eAnkal atan lb Londan!Paria, Rom. Ima now ally to Inform you; by./he ,„/".,,.„ bwv, rug,. EL..... Rotterdam. A ..riserp, Sr - ~.st -nut Anierran Dyepepsna g IDIFMI . end,. the loweat rat,. 'lv curral ,A flied mist dfitrelking' MASI/a , Brim. • Tares from •Llevrynol or Gaivray to N•o York frmi , .la. -I Ma foam ,hnoniy,,,,fillonal,k, p e ~,,t Boaton, tn. vs, 115, Pt.% 5100. toe.) -eight y,ro, ennd for ton years of t l thEr% I Tor pawiefre apply el the on, an.. flouts. ' ' ' Ilfire not brims free trota lit 'Daft oinfriverivi at a time. SABEL &BRAILLE, di Browns ay. -i I bans hod tt Irs Oa ifforelfontLensd 4411 on -ea loess, Inans4.o, a rm. , miwralde existence—ln pain da night. or, D. ei7 IsIEILL, 1 sthr•vy Lind rolltsal thaw Ivan fllloil - mo vs t pain and flu s h it matycrod not Imo 1101, or Ituir alnallibe fesot ity A ,ni fun,' Isefehing Jae rn- to raT6c i b All no • ...merit° fur any , kind of mane oaltakinme. ,1 my doitnviowas r .,. os al for Ain sral months heo on. I 11.-rd or )not Pas, 'that I nolifelli Or ' 10,4 ' for Muth.. I lead fake? oryyyniing.thaL. l Intl bawd , of 2, 7 4 . 0 : , 1 ..-p•in, 7itholl. !,-01 . vifig I l , tly bluetit; but 1 • te p.m-P.lli Laing tennenteMEG to ihe lily one who . Wulf... rand by tbah.l.concluflod tosg re them a trial, altlioindi 1 Ind no Leith IL than. Tim:Arse. • tesieffin,st; I flArtfl moon' rettlhgrlktft Erfure„r, looltakeetwtswfotenloGrahrawlttill WEI 'OO o box, 1 ant a owl/Noon, cad one ni ws ng I sot ... r joy a howey messlihrwe Wine Arilaylf ithOill c onvenient,' Qom rwylltdp.s„l, ..q.,.clir . It. rm think ploprr, yon are at liberty fo make isopabile and referdo sow 1.111 eliaovInG0•01.1.1 &enable. itityympti 3 O.4,lVi . 4l:Vr Pf4Si t . f ..• . - • illion. nAscoett” it For rale at In. WISIIAIIT'S Ilbillad ft poirtk.o lb Vain, e..entai v.V. Mat RAStISI; Ta...1(400, .Doe.Dollsu,prl Wes •.5001,43 nuN4smia,cl.olo..9l - if prim 1 Out sco continue to srll, until forilw r nntkc, all Reduced Fully 20 per CeuSJ rz=3 PETER LOR D diT.lO4 or m J sook6. rmscrrioitu'rweinsEtS. Hoe. 149 ►DRTiI ISTILEKT.. DITIIIIIItIIO3 TATaNT "X'X' VVINT I!ASS lee to all xt too mazinfactarers' CARPETS, LI EM r no at irrient Fr.os last ven.ton't talcs W. D. & H. IrCALLITN, No. HT rue 4xll ST la la. Dxraiaq Cirnurt• Burldiug. 171.0-Iyar. N. V , ViPli 4r . ....t. l'lttrArerrrr , ... . ... , QTlt.elll. NI'EEKI,N . 11.) 1i V .c.“.., FAIPUOL, t..n. - -ItirrE at qo Kulist k..'s, 10. a, lissom.) T. wetl•Lurra , err-mrrer-r, lb. Liver - I.A, N.../1 Tort arrri VlrrrrArrliar• - r I:eaurrh , l! rovany ars. Intended as 11..110,.: MEE= FrrN'A OITYIJnn ......... • .... Lt 3 etrry wsmoceillag tr,l3, 44, tiartlllLlvec. SAW , 01 I•Msacr.. Elst.ble is Ode; !.• ru stoointr.U. &snot.. C•stxt..--.. to London.._ Sti Dui do O. for 1, 31 fur t o P u ru L .,._, uS,OO d.t 41.• ne to ttomborg .BO Mlda to to r.....ngurs also furrurlnt 11.ro, Wu- i Loutuu. Aoturerp, eqrmlly lOW 1,191. 220. S (n. Usurps"; or Quvoustou ; 1.1 C•ntio: ITS, ftss, WS. Rte•+ogo. flour oho viol, ur maul Pr their Won& can 'bay tlrtots tiori rest. • UV txiCt;, Sorirt.,-,Thos iIb.s4SPAD. C . ITV of thit lior, ur IN .11 to to extra guano rou C o- PIT. Der. 17. Hai arcommuastin* for, lierte Cabin enri Straants.PassaussumAt ts.stsuud Wort pliable In U. D, OutTppcy. Far f‘rrarer informa. l . ply tl••• OumFrany'a War. ' • " 3011 (L'llltlsE, • • • • I is Btosuisauy, Nor Tort. - • INlOll.lllQlsi. Aguat, th u t liss , s 4 Warts Ussusq trym Its. bridge. usblUstf Pt:tabus:o_ EAI'EST PASSAGE "TUE "OLD GOUNTILP.-" ..• Pamenanta branght ant In FTIST S a STIVOSIKILS, ratto Liverpool, Londen.larry, or Cork, fur ,Twentj-lriv. Acal by idling wesoff 'fur T7IENTY-ONE =real. ' 61 LL, Apply to • 01`.; thaavg isty2,l4.eod tareft. CUNARD LivisurooL AIW 40-161:IESTON Iris I gold. or U. osiotvalrat to comae TEON NEW YORK, IE , t ca.ro.u9- But. t..ery Aptly t. TtiOltAll FlaTitieN, nEcta, ritubmk• PROPOB:SL B SEALED proposals aro invited until the I i 2211 day of 14ectuther, leo, at 12 ra., for . the 111 DES, TALLOW, 1101.1F8 and (1.01:1:8 et all soni c Cattle, slaughtered within Ow ancient line- Rept the Dlatilcyut Colombia, npriltrce mouths more, from the commencement of tile nost rect. The stove ertlolei to lie collected I,7the contraistor, and 'coward from the Mi., plagre 41 I‘l4lt cattle ore killed, at such titan au may be tleolgunt l elf by the 0111Cer in clam. The contractor shall to liable for ell lb , I.lldce and Tallow, Moots amnions Nadu., 11'41n <1,41-y animal Illaamtstenul, Unless It pall be made eathstActery peer to the 81.114,14tenee lavertment that all doe cx. tin. vett., diligence and care wan 014419 obtain sold articles. Payment will he required reer) 1,11.143 , in (74v4r4- meet fund. Blde ahotild he made In duplicate, and ‘11.044...( olh'g2avea moat be i ,h u z bacco4 noruble tur the awn, one wool, &Werth. uroa •,,,, tP .r h I A bend will he rerinimd upon Ilse and 1001. or Ow hid, for • faithful 11111111ment of Ike nod wt. r• • • 'No Dour mill berereleall which is and truch gamma. 131de to tar dtrected to.Llent. C. 8., IL 8. A.,NTosititoU,D. o„ and 44.1t.p44 .2/Inwards. ort Hides and . deLeedtd ID! E,w 1231.'ATE SAVII , A..S' 11/6"61.1, TUTIOI4.-421attermut of the condition of f the above institution on the 2d clay of bloiromber ,l , pub Wbcdln anufatuAlty to. the awl. , Amount Cr Depoilti Amount et Internet dim, 118pee1tnr5..,..1.... 1,954 01 Amount of tlontlny,ent• TWO ..... 2,4= 09 A. A. OAIIIIIEV: Troasumr... 110 trolklillgnol; MAKIN; Plenum+, lea* oxnui , lord I ho book. of tho ritiee,•eountod lb. .caoh, Itr-. MOl It*o fmuvi tit. above Makto.M..ol?..4o=q- W, EI. li l orirri • WM. It. BEIII . . recelvd DAII v, gipA 01:0 Bvrvi: pAy.Avvima. . lotrmit ;mast. Clier &at. lx%ratint4l. • • • ' • . •IFIALO J09F9.14140.10 1 % • Uou. lboit. AI. llgoo, 1100..KAE:1 4 . 1 urbt.d , Wou U. tballb, • —0: Ch 114,y, ~. .. 'W.II. Cojilzhol,' ' JOrOb . r4l.t..t. [torn.) . Childd, • . • • •I; leholoo .la No. 111 youutri IiTILETT., nolltlmeod INVHOL'ESALF , DEMO, 'IOUS .. • • - -.. Enirikat: 4.1:43.., ... . . : .. listnicipm.l td Tittdarr• • • ---- . . _,. • 'A NV Uot. ESKLV MIDI Lip 1 h iousr. No. so, (caw - latirierea Wilt sTyLssa, %?lialan ..bovivr. NW. , .. .a .°ll ' r CA. fgeorral worth:tent ortattiN-9,...P11,1L•tr. 1111:DIOINES, WINTIII• LEADS. 0 IM,_ PAINTS.' vonasq% Dyzerusrp.. rilm , o , r maw:. iiLLEIMilii. e: ,tie'st ,' ' -• * 1.... 4 • rentummyrut he oa r ii :ii if... 'Wm I. r rrtal. lied Oise -• nth a al tb silo etalre sittifsettos: .• • • '• - J: r. ncHqrakeoxo..... :Libretti aid War» g 15.10. rittabaryib.... • giIAVIT-rt-- rioioE; TOWitekta MN Inanitl , = MIL AP/Ll3. ' -*IOW& VOTIMMof lath Rm. Mg* All. V W M; 104 cs"gaiTilN/12 Illair.) 4., ' 71 50 4 0 1 q t 4 I W . I Criti ... o.3 4 ! )'74. BLit i ebitia:WAitA l444. ' . . . . • t• • - , _ . . . . . . • A's' • • , . • . _ • - - .1;i ' , *.ftifitilt.iti I'l Il Wa ' ' , 11.61 "", I I Dyspepsia' Pin .and Trea A PO'SrritiV L Yon nysper^A; • i DR.. WISTI ART Ln. troettd. itltt t 5 t,320) tlttontkod . t bra> Inito r. , 41 ttli , I . DarLr for 1/ystriiiqt. kit 111 no It civic ertici, was tlltini it itistiki L it plit - it L et con, ltittairitiet Ora AI Led been trerrtml pvisi thit 1.1\• rattt.4'.l) , p , teritip from the Xilikaid N., 10 'Olllll SEe ta rbllydel 13' 0.1 1' IS -0 lISPEPOIM I!!=ia • . . . . . . 1. ol ...teat puffs ge.ensafbeava fAf ifetJ 'ce. l / 4 --Which is ‘4.6.1 . by IL lberatheeTti ''6a of the stameris apon tahligesteal to9d,„ - It .4rcinv Immottlatoty, or • attortMfoo opor - 4ton very afeetWabd titatltlat& I!. Flesksra at 'Aciiiibm-eYbeist .ytep cram Um 1udi6.N.U9ff 9 901 , 0t i ".. 41.° of divstiag... "3. roia.bir.cmata. q r .i v em-Xlßeite •re tbsollacts of .tba mulatatig matt% the stomach. ad the tent of pare 'i uh r ai. • The stem:etch ['Wien Itainfalll' din wind,`, lb euv•eit* le evtueo4eoloßd.i* .1, - 7 arc,J..l3rngir4t - T , I 4 A lemurs blood thrhasbal by , l'ata'rfael Ala tide stago o( the ahem. 01. Lay persons pa Ms. Tlrsta Is A canstanb threbotflarht 4 ,- itidiailtenar and bastiiiitAha4 Coo. of We. 5. Ilhir:hea.:::Att , el , AiK (marls elTactod.:atth 41. 0 0 0 di...ad condition of the 6: digested foo4; . hie Verse. .tion as whoa - clam. d at'd of loth. system. • ft. ROO. ila aft rel.& qf VI. artiOn. vSUPI7.) Ni0 , 40 , 1r. felt chiefly in the heed; sick extremities: - lb. alloy , *mc ..the throat,, welp.• 'hose 0 , the Mouth Ls al .:U • °rift& .4, T. Conrugtgaes etesattssJ Many 'lk , roiles hedan ha, Imes, In tea. notbligg hot, plis!ri. l rti.74 , li I 1 ..7510.0t0i1e141 vorY kilos[ , - • L,litxmpectslablDscapopsi a 1, Woms,:rotit,,of.,4l.4wz..pn,,Mopt Inc, 'P., luiio carnal Ito rioro thou ace Year arrit tu t <loath it'Mr: from mrftitdisoaas, t ri pooda. I employe.", fo es that thioa,,fkTo a 1 rroioopt 07...1rian/I to l'halodelilhla. 'Mt 'flail calif d Giroarriattb 'MN:Mk. and ping, 14111,1,tramatobottar. ~,,,thott west. to t a Pm mai& UniTorolty, to oilier to place myse la t o 'thr 'bear moal•W' tslobts'ld'lbtl Min l;t , tooiliinco faged.t9. lo, lAPArl ittlod. tRi Mit wished for 4haath to relieve ran of ray e a dell, 1_ trelor RC Willteertl tdvertionstest•tu 4l . l 4• 4l tllidtt . phi& P4ktip, I delemlne..l to try o more, ba• a Rh Mar f ai th' I callrgfon lir. Wt. and '' Ohm 111 coold.htts•vdiethl trockt.trot- a tpir V:•!'‘Wlnil'R',.l}.Atelafts Vig:got DAT it youl,tbe ChM ii...c... I. M. TC...... , I Wu. OW ootko his tmatroetat., and iltionligh ha t , f'or month t iooiltihg itifirt7' , Wirthhi I . .ttP, ttotal.a. 'ratan with .paht. lgy9p4 . tit Loor.,la a box of Ws Dyirpepsix ?Ms, 1 tla q thou arr,-tth1,163 111 ttlftlaysTioall'ettilii 0 fb. Au any pcmat la .11,0 Plato d ke1t447,1}1 , ;Pin) vkly. • . • Wen UM.. l 16,1 tel so y persov I talthiop es 1'0.1 , 104101 ira 50...9., 000 1.U.1121,4 I .y .a..lictromrl 09 VW %MI rMird.... 1 .PA4 , 1 soy to all loppoptica, orcrywhorr, th at Dr. Wisharr La. I t.tleve, eho , nalr person on the meath that can Clue Pstir eti,t, avjthAtly. t,legrrag t ol4. d . ouOrstranharoOdlgosoaroldrao • M. 15113114 . T . s ufrla a Pfk . . 0 licir . l . do Office borili from I/ a. ro. to IT • teL „cIAIXOt. glow sad etmoulUttluax Qr. ... ~ ~..... - , i ~,, ~...,, . Drapitpaml SITODOPI&I 1.. . • • • 1. &natural aamrsoat: Bassay4.4.4 DA:. 161 , ip.xty or Old Cheater. Pr do uralfy %be en' , year and a lialfl tofferht b hythttr Irati diath 4 thstaerfal.dlowato,callvi ktytllMl.U. .211 , rhOlt tem au ramtrated wllh weakness and 1111 coda noedlmatratrlbod) ITI ato rale manta the smalleat mutual{ of 1.491, . 1 1 ir.0.4 V 41.. p i ...Ho-, It ; 1 betame err anima 1 11 . 7 that }weft& a* tame •• wan., In Ottr aria tAPLI i g tfatEEl . ..,, r e , e l VZllorlorramaad ea in lah Oatase body lute 4 ano, nod I hated every %MIA bur my huaband non my ...rat ehll every( apprahut to he branuffitakkez A. go; i .ava I, tho. tte.la anything . . I loot a/I Puy 1.111 finnll) 11k I ...PI lard Lto -4ill'•wander at plat -I,ar..hutuutild nut he mm101.4;3,41 sew I a.rennel to hell, aml that Menarm nob/UMW& aratimio &hew *wpm* to rotemon au1d..44., am say Om* wrYsm . 'WISP drolMed Mullah mind. bran th& awful twmplahit, My IATIIIA; el hien& abuntMerabest Mellow rota Paced It Klrlthrtae'e Ilumital, at Wyst Phllat}e.phla. roamed there atuo ar.ka, and ttonglit 1 wae• • .lbetnw, htlirho wiry dayramy.dreaelftd e Xplaln razloug so Ilad as err. nesting of 1 Meet mum pelfornied 1.) Urt • trildshrtNe t Mar ilyTpalm.P.Mia ...et .his.V.t..co•Jdr. JUT '" :it 12 1 ' rirolgibrilia%Vlat:7l',, L'liil a., as do thnradoma 41.6 1c44 , ...a,it... iTrziror,z;7:2;fitilt, at ;3 .0 = •Mmernloll yraTe WI A manancnt.o4lo , ~,, lbe. a Marro mourns, and at the prevent lime L art, .t aii feet health of body and =tad. end Marra nem return PilY tbCPWIPQ PI lIMITIIkiI7O., •• DT. W . 1 . 1 “, anJ to Lt. gmal MrtctlC. )11.1M. hIln.lOlM. Tram Tar Month!' that wothl marrow noire oye.l littt.•o4.o.l4rallhWi r r,„ e n p l , • ......., ,t,, „... Laud ilwrty call lore& iralley • 'an& I•rdll-try Med. allthstgoarall to for on&rlng I' VrV i nfj,r(ii:Yre!..l=M ll4ll kAt trrt'lNllel. . qu o tnitril4.l. RIM einem. Ilioaln Morn. he. - • rh11 , 15 1 1 4 1 , A1 - ... ......... • Dyspopsfell PirsP•T•ii , •tar'Walls'aldf..•W beMlivios s gotrdEP) ~ l im,•,"^ l oavip — ' - 4 ".._..' ~.u..'• „,,, - •raab la for lidl.llll l d4l/414Cat , 55.,....•11 •ss , • ... , •o• - • lad TWEI. • If ....,. stalch time 1 usr•c•••4 ray that 1 o 1.8113dr• :',. IitUDS*D;.•••• • .T..-rt.Ps 444: ..., 2 4 . MO; Oki Sir."Tuentsatiotkoarstion qprcilp •.• ....01 4.,.•••,..i 3criarioi•ci. lie • Iti . :.. •Scic tool, •10.17PViii. ihr3. Cil Db.; "LyCJA , .••••••: ( 1.• -; - iti g h • c Mir tl !14 . -..... rt.e....1 It wand IA • groat rot r . : ,• 1-, MI C WW2 ..tstrirmagn 6,1ic1td.0., Lo.. sh tmUtt, -.. ..- -misty, 00 • V. e, 6... , • ...vcsa ..-. Wl'. I?tvtat 4%5711.'17 Lib - u" . 1 1 ,0 '4 4 ik/1 4.41. 4 Ite. - 4.Ttritt „ , ,Lbi l . . -dizizi.. •uohnoollnitit. 4 witip.otoway .11wie pi u....... , t: ,I.s. -it 1 la . • TT,I4: W Igo.' sod I Moo., sod 111 otirtypted to choogek it co hterty ettists. 4 l4l: 'A. .^, ..,.er ... n-ssns, at 4•INS•1-”ARIA/tin.drity • cran, lo c•••ei- The nonce toestoplil i ttiot! •sesss slilisdesi annl4. An li-JoV ml l •Pos Woad. III: To to . " from o(I PE) my Cr.". ALIO a fr.llato of stoke , . old °eau at Wm& 111rjr.trIm Ire (5) to plat t• ) - Woken Itto atomStWOOd groat pato to my .11 scronatunted brulteeSsidulaidao, 05.oroo'lly tmllt. • Din 114111 1 1: fa all do - -Psillbohtcla sue tbat zitt , NO*l It!ria ;Ts m• eV F• e• -A •rU . d ' 0..0 slo....p.rice. Krt•cl. huml ild.• ,t. h ....3. . 1,, , ea,,,,, blia.,: . ~,, i4Q , ~..v . ,,, .„„„....., : oritivvluip ittlIOloolttt • alln•fddy difialdt - to liis 3 „li g ,A,.. ~.. ~,,,,L,4014., I tp.nomo mom society. sod shove olgootttrut id le lip d ts hossouslllto. diapoomi may to or. ItUdoo, litkitivlUg rfulilho AMU .1 , Noremalry U. otatstatlouituttu ltda (dltt'df ." astober et ondonotTlayslollA•ol• PAW 5 . % 111 , aissos oft* tem% ni .15 MAIM dtsrotsal jowls, gotioto i lsa cnsislagon t h at, f r this &Dean., ou 1110 to ttatoMai. • - -., -, .• at toy ormot oar, inusti;tliertilsti • o ems to mt• Tt,,,,,....611Eiymt.,„,...,,,.0. .0.„,,,,,„, litetokk •Int.-Ibattps4•4l*-tsttorfolle Itt Dhlota .1,1 i m ii i ,W.(4 - i i 4 0 ,7;;;;;i rte 1. wheat 4 devoutly Ow ml ttrattkiyal Mtlyttlclooft . DoorsiiitF , * Olittl4.lor. la last founds olitetind Nepal I. ,• or Tryopepala to&it 1• I ~1u1,..: ~,, fd • •!_, et to.' a- .--a , .i.oth....kloutlasultol„ sdatt-lotoos to 1 cc eiMtoolly . Pstinstf. Inn sids&cl_nl. • L..060.. , t31 monv..l.lmost ilm lot toe. of mi no•fist Id all. ddliMlZE.Onergodartritooota , % Or ,_ wan e akirldr . 4,116;001 td • • - 11•CotAlttai iud Iv .4%4 1 54%4 11 4"italta . " ' • 1 .. A. Pennorn,,nal g0tar”: 1 56.,. Arn.ott ter denim. limes" • -.•-•,.. • ..., 1..,... - ...:,,. psulutts. ILYA DILI, Contlry Dorms speettmst b• ... ' DO. td,3lltdittltectoal street, r • Iptda, tkmo sal I. usttlasoudtsopa t okra .. f:e l dett -11r,1ilaiiVreolE700141176Ud, lril7;=•04 1 5 " . b C • 1 1. p... Irtatidelptdov a -••-ta /•••• la- .. •- ,- Colombd Ohio. Dostritis.„ • .. to: Ite.; soh It slismi,*•• .• • , - 41:G. • Lit." • '-'' '' " 1100P4MtlAttth44,_:... .. ..- .. D1L46.0...L.113 SER. ionU ''•;:. 'Pr" " - 141 " . "''' . • ,--..... ....d...1.-4. , ..'=_„__ --.. si- ..: 4 ••••;14.ivii wsloj) grar,rt: „. _ i 15,0.1 . . a.q-t.t4 Mt, . ~ .. ..• ..- ...i...-- --du.....AA—. i ,„,,,•,,, - ; 4.1-,;:4-4g 4; :...,„44= i ; NA ) -- -. . i . , .... Ar..A.rt s tw 7'•• h. ; • --.... . . . • 1 ,«a ...boa _, ',. ,-.. s . .• r, ;Iv :., '..; -, ..i -..-:-: ? --.- .-....-.," - ..........,--,;- •-r•••••, , A . - -,--- ' ,—. 4 - ... - ........1--1. . 4 4-411,6,;.4g, . . , - .Ate ArDialL,ANNlftgai.., j SVOILTESn' .1 - 64 onsiavull. - k L--- Li 11113 , DEAL= fir tlio snit Anklets& of :ft :pi:. •••E-.' .10I& 411.11 C ....1 ounynne =YANA MAAS is elk %WI. 4:. :, ww...4.....7. to .1. 7 uer ,1 t. '. - ..- -; - *sums& AND-CUMIN° TOD .1.11 . 0 .111 Lita ~...,, ..4.0.% /AHOY Ter ‘ Milt .. PI prt. TOOTS. .p ~,,L.4 , WI . .1. . Vi7llll la Wet ' ' . 111410 "a1"rA ti1 e...... E ' td ._...trag ' . ~ "Mi. 1 r g ..... PA ',i • %MA ~... .'; .is..l . -..ari ~,,1 1 . . i •a. v 47-......;... .!.....-7M 7 7.4"::,.; . "7 - ^.. • " . . ,i.:. _16,1 -- 7-;Z;:z"4 4 lct. :4,-...: .-- , t- ,- .._ a Tl • . ' ' . .. ..113i1TitHOPOSAILS. " FROOMR itßit l ia • ' '- • , -.. W.,,,,%,..211,t,..0 ./1 -acre 3 Al ..esnja vosTrak t iMlN l' pam v -kgSirVel l iraiqo um earMr roiw" - ,f - P o sl s, nlrrAkt i 14tVort."0 ki, 41411. , 5. 116 .4 4 ,' aua,poati• 04T,41A.reaglf,Aiwi, ~, ,oft'arZta r ,'.7,4 l, ;•,.i.t.:,, , , .... .. C Wll ,' a 11; '1 " :41 1 It 4Attl t tV"11 nal , , hi, Asinternit , k:4l6 , totri CO ," . itllV'l:4,VVlttrtersi‘ M , lrtZ t t 17;',L ...m , ;,' HA INerse , t ILISt dOtnet.4-41l ut who VA.• aseupbted,ss oul ;ay reh ,hom I v three ,:rugprir.Nrovt trapruloWit tit tgltp , 0 ', b r' tr...rrZ"VtaraVrtAr I * it ‘bushAVistta 'qv a.bodtstokh,VTeevist bc., e. trirbtalt" tethe Grotietalkulti s "Dell 141 d straw . k ....=zrz d , 0; - 04 1 1 .1,IiN .irrepptuvisid,fg:Th, vih It, t ~, 0 „, 14I? IT . eatm krhatir qua .taly ..0., Ip. 41tOtolentlst orOjetts dioutriebt4 by th; Gsbousteasteltirwpta:Mtl WOO* Oolingrt , L o um I , 1;1 °14'4. 4 , 0 riVerXigreeritsVrtbol thr'V:l 'e, nuant ....rieki ...c i t rAt , .iin .3d., ' 'tlehlitellte'libobatestattel ctoestrzetedttlse ,hare etee.billbeire4 et/tdeted.l Iv. o 1,11 " The bidder will be required tcte.cpp+W 114 Prtrs posal with a .ituArt.dY. dazed by tyro tamale p0w..., that Id" raw his Id la accepted el two , ' 'dm tottita tint litrtitareaset-oht th emu- 0i tibetheissiatissithigpedittoUtaintltbil 16414 kalefaeTl t e o4o t 9- ttntr r ' t tlrrt 144 1 1 'utti,Tr i piaTlE, d utZttA 1, to MI ti f ' .. i-0 Pit tote ft. renittiot; dier;tirlttik goceLika, 4 141244,tbeetteeStbaotteniat • .414 blade owl the. tacslaseitsttroWeEstibbibbblr,et'4lll.P.lr* tad WI ceatnitittlAMltti t ..lol A a, . 1 . igoal , V"lkkde".:lll4ll?4;4,lo7sagittbiiit4ll.ol.4oditibti 14.411' *Witty 4teerestOreeetimretotur.talPetatil, . el? latolso 1.9 this tam t t,tt t ..; .4 It. a, I All bidders-10X be duty uonuett ut too VINSON , ref tett, of their rowled. , A o ; "TIIWI 'ma. , 'bad it,4.l)l4ditteestut en 1 ktflds_, totabririrtuomaittralmatalAps, A ,r., ,avapoutur mud Ira rafttlf , ./lrr , r 4,7 :. p.iicahos sa lar. ittlio . aVNlAtar .-Stiertti ildTrdi ' . ': " ;• t. ,''''" . ' t ' tot ,k to A b.a.g t. a-ttnOkitiaio the daqame ell qp Aasconteettirsizcont.cutimlboOt4 _Ell 7,,,,, =wit ApTrawmattsiluer iIIt,I O 6SPIT 0 """' bidders opoa signing IDI3O Oottirx, vAn u Burnt. 1.=3.4.114r , gu.rutrrr. Itsd to d4... 1 , ir obtArt OA upplientlon at this tare ~,,,,,_ VIM* Plttrttl'l.: ~ , .' , .i.it u 4 o .4:o:t t t ie -; ' I 4 1 . , Ottletdlicdb. 4 urds 4 ltturtA6 tielltltetb elm .thaltsia Mt:mattes tb4 Qu.s.. .. ari tlAttatakql at 7.. ‘ 1 .., t liattibid it t at" VAttl 4 f 4,s oYAtiall, ... 0 0 61 ~•ritif arttet i %47 1 ~,,,,j , ' Willett of Cemtlasicl.s,4l.. 4 • 0 Vadi .-, , `, .Thr AS , lo o 4 l 44.•tirJr. ii J Conte ... r - --Iritt.**f. *1" LIAIYa t ,73: b ,; . ,,7 „„ 40 „-,,- ~04,6 3 ,,,,.., - Pe,.. .. bump. ,ten L.....0.,,jdk eas I at , tt i 11.., FLU , i F 3 .----, tossotatoss , 41.--4 r r?,I{ , a,s , C2O , PUMV , u.Satratu tpoentomst %%4 ii.d.P 41. l 11 laG-, and dolt pie Eq.% o• t . daywf---- Pledge to , • ir"u"dr; lulu.. written conqatt with the (how 4 ;Wes, 4171 ettallititttYed eettuiftlesOittilo ttetisple , t. tvrt $ Ifilerbelfitlattleedtbabbreblttit .steies de ,14 .,5 _ ,. r.,...1 , 7 L 1 ottdablikalift gattli ua..l / ' , '' 'l:iirt4'icilet4V4aii .' :i ILL.., .. ~....„01, ,/,111tWA*41111X04 . a a--Gthucckh-TY y,V . .1..u).-474404e0e35 1 11Wi1r - hr' 16 : IMladt,iscl'otgitly 't'e6Vett64 , l it: the •atli . aci,!,theogisalamtus,4its i.4 ) ,f ' akalik -14d.f.5...... billlcaTtOdaljdaq tit 0 0. 7 - . 4 1 ' wittkia3C6artAN .rttiOnt o A..a4 cote thn coy t ti „seetttu gote, t o oadetest sorttre,ina's fftMulti : rdtlite hat Artheesettrsti,t to Lettdeh Thank , ' prriporol to ,murforAiri Wm. •trilkulortittetfLieradpastrilt 7, ipcs, ood, r Pt At thettad rroatuse , , iro-i,dur...rub.. 4,1 47c -- 7,. , utsaklantoridortufr ritermortt soroorot.-ca , - 111 91 7r-g . -ArVEMMVItiVit: bolder, r the , errou to whom 4 , o °, ft:tras I twailw award:s; ' -4-- toi o n • Wittiette,. ' +. 4 , Glituettretst.4rk.nds tttal.scshe . 1,,,,... ttruilet. , 4l , '•t. , l ''” --`" .-..-- 7 ' i t‘t..'llll li t tten•hykirt9s3lttt,4 th64 , 4Tir my IltiO4 Aft uttl hAtt r the a1...,te named guaruttor• ere gaud sod I Vnitittetn so artetiAs Fettle essetecra kr 111.kahrtitsk P4%l4o,l l o , ,trrad , t§odpinbto2t i dry sttelletiter of I:ll4o.lol9ovsmtattterAnnoLt uttu , r t '.,En i Vo AV' . .HPrrellt• 4 midr., •P'_rr.7 1 Ail printstalese•tetzecussa64 ALLlvrall rtminivii v ill Iv- %coed vv4 seamier , * at tilt JIB^ ort WEDI b. i.ko:a AutkirsatrAlMAt(t.4-1,,,t* , 6 5 Ilia , B.DAtt 4, ° TycirArktPV 4 "PlK s l''".t.7 I, Ont,NA 11. J i ir v t :Ft.Atas ro . trAni FEES, { e. .301-641 -,, O“, itticrYciA4lll4 , Qaup wee, 0, iIISJINANCE..OFEICS, ... ~,,, ~ , , ..\.j ,1„ , , , t,....,, ..ydak.lisreAtAtt . l*. 1 rtat>ngL o,S11:;.t Vld2cial,= un th 4 o'il ' .24. ilt*l.§4 MI tnr pscaorna litxt, , forioe, , w , rom m yee*.eir,.*o.,..lum -Ay Onesslisidedertlittheisilmloz, alt.lie, AladitAgood 1 R51 .' , l'Pl'l 4 Atr.9l4bA OK , ie7o o t.l 4 Yi ( 6 1 ' 17, 4 : 1 , P,44.oes' di Ist WevkibtAreAtecOriactbnis,, r""" th Ugh' `"".:; iitiltQa: agog I .'gre,..(lntPl `' ~.::1! tl`'", • Taw , •vqou. we. .4 most. touirdomal,titi. Lod., Mo. I n if 4-194o4tnots at tbo , Miltt&BULtrVicitruto, it utd -4 but W g' ll" ',. !:,.':Vi t it.s 4 ii‘.&, " isintreittlettkittfcrn -` X; rrinftrrr - litt - thlt iti 4 WAlf th=" i c kt " M lif!biro set thittitibfeklbtreled d INV stre • Ambito artt at Vbers l / 4 , .` 1, , to >there°, logutrkrAte4 WM*, t,.; l t 1164. 44rolebtISE7, Lgra ov,ei erlrZ , I= L.d.„. % thowteatwutsk eodt two, w- ibb0i.,,......ida.p:::,,,,,...i.:::: - ' •,,,, ..m. ,statellvertes must beastesioite hillbtatli Ittetigis: ...k.5.104 icAls• Ahab WO NU .p. nelk ow all r },,,,,,,. ... ,•s arnui,d , .... Pi n ieLSLlti '4llattiell ~., , ,,,, x 4 ! ttgt r•Zrnrca'ariONUlTlATlrgilldWi &Met .' sr - 'r °Z . .. V 6 i LifEllette Of tlk , ',ltatedt Id dt 'W U* •- '..171 thtb.. 0 10 settobtnettrests metialittlettsid tke basal "to' 4,3 • 4 Sloblite dt4,iiNtkil,ixelP he ettlls , i tabiql Wig' PlP' x P t * I' t , n -i, '44.4i 414dervillptateexcl vv,„t ex.. or , . tshere'ti, pretpoietoWl2,o-sid trattuttor6rarar tbo"uktwribttalltortretkAttibvir ro tirt*llteat , .. . o s bav lAtitak .l b.. 1.% clan ' 'D ISS4. IM=l No bids will be received hum r ather than ...eviler stalufaatarata Of Wall.* .Ild..ch "",..' MorNll4l-IriVrioS T W tbd,b1"_,...., oli*Vrf,,,t, read. to, dime (bop' ems. e '' Itatailltalltybillittattrisafttutier Wilt .mpletei, to`S•nrer Irtterioad,•4lWe•tlifa' f.. 7 for !'i. ,Laat.L... i ..., ....... ~ ..,.. .. • L... .. as, ... 17 1g Iwo. 4 isci , •Ptuf , .......s. , ChirterOrea , ereVlTialto o 'tote tattlAwD..e.tuetalo6ll by eselaceettsir Csoca lodatttrjohars.6•ol.. it iAti ., •• , o byle aye- n tI. • alopzeldl4l •••2e •affregimailif of f1'r1..., trirt 0014.414A11. 1 20 'PELIA: ,ntii. ''"'''''' .4 l 'iliallilict'elittVa l li 144 41:1;/.): , •••••• ... .t. tt.t-Illiashie. oth•Ncte. I Iffa.,a,„ 1 h "' "I"lttf. all ler , Walled 'At ...- ~ P ra, , iii 6 a 10)....p...mfiamqr.. ' 4 ,rp,,' . r..."' i ts44llilhVahnsrt..7a a. fol 'wow-. 16woirit4eass,Virt ••••"•'" -••••••••• My ,nno: Iy and Al the Watetictern arsenal, Wat - ... ere to Al the Watervliet Arsenal, West Tr^y, . al, So% I'••••• At thallfeer Ifort•Arereasl,4lacener,. 1 at:O.S . er we, lila Oa hilestwayielmenfil, ifte,Seleosrht a., •01 , 41,:, 4 1 stair at tba , l l .6l ll n%WlegliP . }, ' '' M •••• 4 !VII - At , 4l 44.,%4l..teusaciPals' A !it i.t.i. 1 , reDre 'ldid Vied auk...oft .uur.s. 1..4.0.1. I .o- 4fitette chat, Dravidale• auslM.•■• tonl.oriba ,little Palled Btatee Arsenals. Th e ebella ore Ittptftepeelf. ot woe ell et lb. thoodry cast, free of shone fo trasorporfir itlerfeh tieoust•luseillagroatiledalinaydrat.the flee aer edam ..De-Ilearive monad, nods k. Om IV! i . llk."••lf' Vti' iteggargbrTestsilelrePlottl . ft I t DID i . el d 61•4 . .....a.nyatallr , um eahof r ,k, 1m I =Vor.,4l2tmtrufl= L 44411 *lna, •ttodtlittLetat o=l ~...... ,AI ~...„... .bath *perste Addisaiest holateellijit ear Atlle . wil, If pan ,WA b/440.. rano. tftl fiat. si.''t Aff tool, bid vidU be ronsole2te es 1, ,thardrst I, tar toanders or proiorfe 6 ,- ,asel koore v. ,to. 441, 1 f.Tenftgkket.., t e 491.01 e„ !.1..' .... 4 ' 1. 414"0=2.1 -.`` <&, ' a4 l" "b'..'ilm . . a ..aa lk iets o ler Wu, rslari!,,egte 4,9 , ttee. r Ito • Itat rie- bNer 13. 71 k 4ktaltit t V. .'l.4;'''''' eStit tho74-.1:1‘ .iii.:fAdel•PolublaUlloaddwa t iV47 lls l . fil in f t.. ll,oll: o o , MAMA . , ann T, l. Cbtf a.4 o 0 . ... a Nat* N/ P.,1....1 A ,epo.v.. ',....., s saretotlAtelt .Ni 41411114016011.4 9 sublr. ..1 . 11 INTE;•:4r ifArveroitri--7 . : ' - ,.e.t ,;. . far i vver...ber 1604 itiGA , Rii.N . y ' •-• ' I nr ' nsuvittltvtf, T... with leisres t APlllC•ager d.sli • 4 ' t UAW.) ~ taffitiika tkeigalZTX:: - .;, 1 0. 0,, tto. Yuck and rb.n.dophia. ik Arwittk0r , 1 2 44.4y 1 447 the Ns- ear danger ladlognpdv7 Banday,) at Z. 5,1 v.- liit4I 4 4POZIIRVI at . Pvidvi statlona. and ottliatuit.7. fir ft= d tUrSIPY.p . TWA Inn, day at * 4:2311. , id 009 /paldtddlons. dire--t . -A,,1 - for Itnitin= 1 srtga i ll f l4l ", e IV * All ' - ' —ns-t• The tvAST inliFir4rrrei the Sutton daily (cicada r V )indi1t131,91161 4 0 11111 la ligiudilla at.. ttmove iurt VidlolUttlaitt 14 iti Tort. l , ' 1 ."1“3011111519.11INDIU liEtWel adTtolieheinladitanonton:4ooll.Mo l 44ornl dll l 3 4 1 ==! kt dar it tr,ainhat , gatatiosts, .111rst illnmlatla PlAta, ...eIaVVI" am '""E=rtir=ra ßur"l42l htia7ll/Nthien Station ...1....47=tr,..mitt1e. Eltsibm ttelitAlestil (Act* its7Argi. o MU= ailltitiszcept= at 114. 4 '2 11- i iYU 2W:sitars= nth Staddixinhsn- ~,,. t y„....%0.t. 9b.i,rttufgrAlatn , VISP I4O " p• mi. i5m,....1 1 ,, ..ht.d. witakurepot fon. KiWilatriarriat I': I 4 4 , 41 A d‘ ' i re: 'i - d...an.evaraidiamaid int A. Ole . . ilif . Tern •°"' 13 ' • ma, o . d . . 119. .m. 456ittd;WW.StiditIltA MkaidiA.XlErZ s a. m. ,- emit woaisiiuse Aranui 4 S s P.= , Eqpgo Wrap - 'or.. p lo y m r, , . . p II i t... al l . nlz lit Ite ethu ll sold I.:.w a Bain. Mitia ,m,,,,,,i=1Vh1 erna. x tz. ' I 010FireiNFErPV•Fita Avvvan- I e. '-Vgi&eft*oid6letOnit# with Ex tAl=9rtsilelWVailMlBol4llll Though adlUdlnalaridng.ligattl t:a4q4vglialtod mobtlawift4wort.rit, h i - a• • • ikiidtkirlsoAtAa- : i: . - Nv607 4 , "", ,7.„, m vi dll a d ti l4Mhatitteomdust. Wm= 4 ptmMeMil kdanalpidetti. • to al afikalwtiowthrlit_Aqva.: ",- / d..i .• .41i.i. , ,a,14431,1,4 O. 444 ii - fro SIMR - ,7 , . - 0111.11:1 112iiiimplY11 al i lli*g=ai at:7:ls%m - •° " I t• 1,.. c . • T . .., .. Mittnilliaki sn 14„.`t*rtkil, p„ altbnor* :S4hllidslano I go .v. idg:4•lgun a d *V i r ,tf $i . n i t . LlRsadoniKa Liltftio4 l Mv eata Mta*Uletlon; / tnor , ' fterov-ioLogaii, 64%,0vil bold ithapean aikinitiaterrsistuktexn , ovii• atfac..01 , 4 , 954% ...I•Sa to 0a,..4,, . . .. - pkga D,, 4 1r t ' " . 1' g ° t* ' hatt iiilektes3 be11t414.4 cacti pas abet:46d latEtCkl*naa , •• ' tai . .. ' 1 1 .1111: i. , , , D/ Cli 1,/ .tic •1 * ,*-0 Agent. 1.14 Vt.:l',:.,._•WiPf':_g_begnli • ", • ' 3 ru rar e ffl i T i TitlVOYEttlftVOSSii sll % . S., , ,,... IVllNY.l,lNavelleffatO.nd lablVddEllgr4Wrilnniglail.ka,dianitOtol, In ritt. wida m,151,=. z,, , ,i4pegAiilgeu utatnatuboamopasio...... i " 14,5 , p. , ,. I ihitnettratiTKlns r., :t11 I t e i a l g "!ti“'"liititdal IA '::- VitAdt4 eld ' '' .. i 1, nut ilidandnv. :ay . , iv•ii• , UM/ 4;.4a GA 3 Arrives Minty . C.... 1) . 11.1.5' .... ."1 GM , . . Conoectang at eieutsviville avil'lldWierviiti ta.. lyre Vville...2jeseaV,ilittaittlent, Day ' litilMitotar~iditillt liikiiiVUK Calvo, llt• ' , " 1444 , m 0 4 ,ll,~ lv:ic ieh aaa tl al i rlini roat &Da i•Jc...2_Alillei VIM 1:45p.v0 • w111vt.. 4* ... ., . kZ . , L ..11'"Cttan.Lt:LO: +.19. 4 ? Ed. 53 .. ' do llogaon.---- ..- u -j.. 5.11."1t t : 7,30 .. Atlitt4 htl(llvvvniodt-egg..kd. gat 11' S:ILD n '• • Clatuntating an 71.• dlana ranch Sr IZTalariged "TO t 7 wit h ftr4V.47=' Lb .. C Ar g i' ‘l ll Ptc, ,, C 6 aitq t yri . Won 't. , L i i. iiimcbtlAch simr9oMalim.46s lb:Adis/4th Cleve , land, Zan and 1:111CtllAti 74.114141.):br A 19191. Gwenfo,V.o N,R,s.o4itsul Cleveland It. ~... fo/d "Cele, Tido and Buffalo Vilbt r i F T, .'"V."D.: et-gihdrOti, ttiefl ' , M lvmrt' DVirOit...^yi.l ildit I i fisdaodlaarid Wallavakv,tani sldda tinn Imes • dvileltiOn•peitt ,1.1) NM,: cs.rd,,. cha , . kmEn .tn?.* ..Afmtp ,, , , - , - - Threugh Tickets to all 0.011.14E11f IF dtnta can b. ' tdrooll" at ill , Mindy att,AD.PbOl'ilillburgh. .01 ‘.to . I. 116ECLUVIEVireblliiih "'4' . t Awmt. *12444114r4g73. Eibkthipkot Azont. 4.0 Fartgater.gtii€eaton.tipo_,.. 4 ""woraTir A Agent, it thi6iilmtifi Oam/lIS itt.filitim, r.n.t. aio • iti,, n,r. "1.4 IA .. .. ~ -- BANK, "iii ,!vi Alt! „ • a onset .„ ..4 ..'"lteiltilithANT •••o alewtsiOgnisorl was .. • Wastiskseis 4311r015k•11341163, if suot. , O ••= 4 „ . eltpLilltt V,:= . t h: r.l d• lolgitliiNvorversution. trims 411. Medd% seiddidned ftrialyles. Ill•ituteilln'dlllPMEWailindst so 4 according to Um knetiseamat• Alif Ill• Ald ot entitled • ltAtSAitiloridlell . 1 1 91 99 :."1. 17, teVigaigi'aVblrtet.TelPloY, iltedelEPlim4 elittle:"4Sliil. end' bag wstsplkdosrithal thw IR t Wimp of =Vett niOdkl9•3•49 lo ldaddlella • • • • e shiAnstssAlatilimixisi h.*, tbssssixs. , u:ss. AI lif the CWT. to bereliy.t. said . Mill}in 3m0g..t ,..),,, ir i.T., 1 . 4 . 4 _ ....4a.,. =r ai,..a.,Apr ......... • m. 4-4 0..... t ...„...:-..... is 7 miss ell;WA l F "P nt i clegna r cital usi. . ..... ..ei •do i , i s iidadAddlist•ttlit Carroll. 4 .. .4...5i.....e........i.ii diAi 11134135 T xuaunrazwant OP : .. 00. il4il3lo9ll4solr.trill'Alli.) lhaliltilieditlloOo~nillsiredellnin to biasses ..........% ...11. 0.1.40U0.00Ch , vir;i ....'...... N., f. , .... , mac.. it 0'n...! . . ..' rlitb4rtri ll'" 4 1.1.11i,a,:'-zeic or ITATill3rialt &I'dMilefeiTir t a. ...,,,...r' 1 " . tor ltio eullecldon-of Nan. idte of de.. mel d. money OD &Wit, ...4 LAS and sea 1,,. t ti T i ht t tet $ patbiraitle l'itleni Tind}aill.nditiiilliten.,l4.tiWildAttialiatl9s4 in til .7‘o. .9sUonsjetoseintactlit ral i teerAtus lndoes• eatentZto Ma ci l• .lAA: 21 ; al N . lll eir4ln dm , Wise lit'otloatla: ,- i In lssontytkOtowthoosior&A.mge.i'l'i 3s.k. imilWallawtpreillsoststaoll.l.rwAson. toliors we ,Abamvsms4l.olltict4TOl4.l"r 4° ' ViLitlirigallinoliti4T kr:A sato QC nu i 1.... i• • ti 41-••••1.1, • ' billAiitkitkivizitle Speer, ' 11 = 4 "1.1.14' %.• Irtdde• a uah l , 1 Doe.l ws...:q ....1106710 1 . - 7 lirttrir 2 o: Fs I..llllNlyr , —-- --. •.:siSitStliiii rmsblss,s -i s•=I ) LiWWY-iva " iinuke.d Veßgas,_ AR oHdasxaaDcL-Pi. . aalky (rya. 9 to * o'clock :Lilo Wetlands: eng•lletardsf evaded% from May 111 to Nosembew 1111;toia'Vs1ofolost.wober Ist to img v is la rristits Lst t suser.:: ,:-.-. ttl :l-# .4Awujiois dim Ow a'mho tislot ad uf Pit 4nltii Zeeland tyke • to-f Lowitcoll. l / 4 -'.....1 , V.:41414M kw bees to. dlitlifiritolly; tiOent-lailtPiembeei don :'.' disrßasdllinasedrdiltsd,at sii,stsispc six rsx or o - - IF ;l bs.lmositor t.l th --- Z a kkuss' twot"liwit - Mom UR; atediTl 6 if tr 4 l ' = 4 4/f l 2, lL4 l4 l .a ls.lo t riat lt''.ltalit 1110,106 M Boot; <On aillig das. • &Nader -Lows, Oslo and RepladdssOunl4M-11hdll. eolicalloo st •-r..l•44'499lMM•rCialtal SPEtZL 'Xatit.l/2alisartlX 4114Pdnoels, i ti, -- zuWixotslas 7 .• , : 1 .. 11 /".1 4 . 1 ), Ts 414Viarsifvir 114filtenx. cussesictopyil:4 ': rAtiPagrAfir:" V. ' ~,..,, • A 24 emas Igr 2 otif i A l t:s.%i . .; ; ' . W.4 11 / 4 1 14:= , Jobs, C. Olo•Ooh - - • -C1050z014041.-•_..-- C7WilVob% , , t,tol .. .s.w.s.krriss- ~ 4 1 : ... 7 haw.... - -1 4iiwi'41 , -,* :A2,40.1.1.,-... : 1 -4,.ex.r. i.:;:....., z 1. 4 .nr, vse n. . W 4 . ' , rankle*, V - • ' 4. "" 'Osue . Molar, VW01144:1104.1.,;* =Sr= isolloUleit"141111L-C410',40o °°/.70111.,, ,nsrnetattyl vcsasiz,Al -• 1 qua.. ..z,..-- 1 ;.,. -, 1•24,11•Aba A1i..10 u, 1 : C .:. ii.r , :,..„.„'• Arr a .• • .74b, / 3 G 3 . . 1 1:412, rilAs.r. v . ..., , : pnbaglzit: EW. -• • a w a i .u.,;„.... ... gitt? ..... 14 ., ,n.m 4P:' , VP44V 6 w „ ? ' tre. ...,litici..... ,• A . ...L.A -4,,ife--t . -0 0 6 h..r., _ •,..,.,:; •::.; ••-• - up ~. -•v o Fl:'" ------ ; ------- .,,, , , .... :-;,-!:1i5.....w.,,,."1..ii .. ajpvt,t - 04,tierWergillitir. "‘. - • 1N1Nni.,.._,.V . . - • -- •. --' --, .:::•,",•",''.:... c4' - : '. .. - :.! .: .. "--4. '-. . '. --. : - -. -• '. -...;`- '-• L-'44V,7: .•:-...!•-,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers