Ills - 41 • , 4 5 • •• • ; , *:' s .• • • E==ll ME=IM :r'z~' ; ~'~=:' r.q • ••••=4:: •• MEM ;!;::.;: =MSS/ MOE EOM MEC WENS , . ..... ' • -,, • • !,' :' -4., • . ... ' , :;. ~ / ',.....1.1/4. 4 .. • 14;' ,)S!' - . ."::!: '‘'n ,%:,4::Ye-,:':"-:F;;;24...:•••:: :; "• ..,i-rt.p.5t,,,!;;;;.; :,• ' 40..::•,:-:,..;' •:•:, k.:-:...,.•• 4 4 '..4%.*-::tl',:!:•ffi'll'1, ';-,,:' :: , , , i„ .. , .• 0,, ..:':..:,:.. : :1-4." • ,:,-.5:*•;:::.,1'.. . '' : •;;. ; 7 ,1 ,*: • ..:•,j ,4 0 4 10 -4 . •.4•:e•: : 4 •::;•. •14 s7 e1;i;i ' •: ! ':•• ••••: , 44 , :‘ ,, 10•4;.?..1t,,f; 4 • •,' - . • :4 ; ; • • ••‘*. 4=7 'rte. ~ 10: 1 . 1 i51!40 ,. :04#4 , :,. IfONINLY MILKEN% JULY 47 Polittoal Eileen, of its Legislation • of 1882. • We brie hlready stated the effect of the legislation of 1861 upon the fortusei_of the Republican party, as shown by the elections of that year. Lit us now examine Its in fluence—strengthened and reinforced as it was by; the events of tie mouton of 1862 upon the political contest which followed that session. ''•';, • The Hopkins Committee Aid and, as we have'aiready stated, that the Tonnage Tax Law was procured by corrupt and illegal means, and , lint the °Home; the Company bad either evaded the *ones of the HMO or declined to testify. The House had previously repealed the law, by an over whelming vote. The Senate, with a large Republican majority, and all this evidence before it; under the joint influences of, CoL iticedtaa and the Governor, refused to con cur—eve ,'Democrat voting for the Repeal except Do , of Philadelphia, who had been 'intruded by the Company itself at home. The election came off, and thd Be• publican party was beaten throughout the State. Why was it? It is idle to look for the causes in 'the management of the war alone. A fact or two will show how far the vote was effected by local causes, which would be still more operative with Goy. Coins himself Is a candidate. The Speakers of both houses—one of whom, was a salaried Solicitor of the Com pany—were candidates for to-election. They were both beaten. Lassos, the Senator from Bradford county, a man of undoubted abilities and • unusual eloquence, who had abandoned his costittz ants on thst quetion, in the face of the most public and solemn pledges, was , adroit enough to procure • Republican nomination, with the aid of fierudor Wuator, as a can didate for Congress in that strong Republi can district. Such, however, was the re volt of the pnblio mind, and such the fierce ness of the onslaught made upon him, that he was literally driven from the field under the pressure of an irresistibleyublio opin ion, by an independent candidate, in the person of the Hon. IL W. Taacrr, a member of the Rouse, who had distinguished him self throughout by his hostility to that in iquitOus measure, and to all the Influences which surrounded the Governor. AIM OTIOICI, of 1100011131, • member of the House, who supported the twin measure of the Banbury g Erie swindle, as it bee been generally denominated, and opposed, with great vehemenoe, therepesl of the Waiter's law which robbed the Treasury of so many millions of dollars, althritagh he had lacked the courage to vote foilt, succeeded in pro. curing a party nomination also, but was beaten by an independent candidate of the same With's, in the pusonof Judge Ilase, of Centre county. And' it, :my_ be stated, perhaps, by way of contrast, and as a fact of some signilicanoe, that the only mem bare of those two Legislatures who have been retuned to Cougresi - in this Vest oriels of the Nation, are the very two Be publicans of those bodies who distinguished 'themselves above all others by their con stant and peralatentioldility to the policy and sots of Governor Coins. We need hardly add that one of these gentlemen is the member elect in the Twenty-third Dis trict. It is equally significant, on the other hand, that his (the Governor's) con fidential. friend - floCtanut-Lirho. was the priaoipal agent in that.,,trapearnim„", and whom he, still continues to lean upon, In connection with other indleidizals who don't exactly believe in the 'rumen:of the war, and would he glad to sew it arrested by foreign Figervention, if nectissirr has not chosen, although ambitious and'able, to *mounter the popular resentment, likelds colleague, Eqws—and would have been left out in the cold =their but for an office con ferred on him by the General Admirdstration upon the urgent. solicitation of Ote Governor. Does the Vnion party propose to take the air, Lathe same•my, 0 third time, fir thi benefit of Governor Cumin? If his 'con duct and policy have proved twfatal'to his friends and admlrery haerwill it be with himself when he comes again before the 'plople to _amount for his stewardship? Will thorny to hint, as he himself reports of the authorities - at Washington,- done,. goal :and` 'faithful servant I Thou haatbeen faithful in few Ltda.-11,M make thee lord over many &imp " ? Or will they not rather cast out this unprofitable servant' -who hi* not even baited his tal ant in the ground, but like " the bum Judean,' sbeolutely thrown it away—lnto , outs* darkseist It may be insisted, howwrer, that. there • were possibly other reasons for the results to which ITO Itare juot i referred. :It must be admitted,stall events, that the eoineiden em are 'titbit remarkable. But sitkaugh elm press haa hien mainly sikatt, does it Mow that these Wags was oakm" to the people,-or have been without their street? What . we may ash was the fate of the four gentlemen. of the Bottle from this OWI4 who wenn unfortnnatitas to vote for thet buy, Does anybody suppose that TM , : Wnsturs had followid the example of his colleagues hti would have Wawa :the confidence of the people, or have'.-been child Itn, either then or afterward., as a • party candidate , or mold have been sleety id, is he :has . been, if nOMliatedt reputation foi ihe highest %hot, even in a cask like this, wail have dazzled , the people into forgegolciss; of -that ans.:un ha - ppy vote, whiok•ititi tdamsget Oien tire ,plektioa of many of, the smut The. gave it. Is itiontible chit it - can be for in the trusted. &oil:Ulan:who then held the interests and 'the . people of this Slate. in-the hollow of his Oita liestd, , and in an evil bout 'betrayed' _ Tlts &oars or rem 13ustrza,—A late Leaden letter eatable the folliwing: The British Bousrursessi let the y tiamt~ ; : steam opt of tie M. the • other day,' leaded pith =mittens / of war and the most primp. fat ertillery ever sent frenithis country to , gbe BOUM. Site lay 'disabled at Gibraltar, vitaiold tott'Coatederatesympsthlser, her same °imaged to the Gibraltar, game :: -to England; hie. been thoroughly overhabled sod regtl l ,4 , aad now Is oft legal; loaded; I jag, with-material of war. Mr. An ame did his ate sSi 1 0 0 4 /or; but wititOr. abs her its:4 itstatit t li oho:1mM for Na • .2• € •. ••• j• The Capture of Gen. Morgan. The military career of biotite; the no teriOus guerrilla chie4,ltas at length been hrought to inadden'eltise, and since he is itowiipt:tionsr lit cur hands we shall hear no more of him as a rebel leader. He has been a very troublesome customer to us, and his capture will be hailed with great satisfaction by every loyal citizen. " -- Seeeral dispitches were received in this city yesterday • (Sunday) announcing his capture, with his lila and the balance of his command. One of these is an official dispatch, from Gen. Hamra, commanding this departme'nt. Monaca wait captured at three o'clock, on Sunday Ocrimans at Serous' church, seven miles southwest of New - Lisbon, Columbiana county, Ohio. His force had been reduced by previous captures to three hundred and fifty men. Gen. Baoons, on learning that Mescaa was heading eastwardly, with the evident Intention of escaping across the Ohio river at some point between Wellsville and Wheeling, dispatched a large number of troops to points along the river, including three regiments of 'infantry and a battery of artillery from this place. The Gilneral also went down himself, to direct the move ments in person. He had troops stationed at Wellsville, Steubenville, and Wheeling, and, the steamer Cottage was partroling the river with a battery of six 12-pounders under Captain Timm. From what we can learn, Moseaa en camped en Saturday night at or near the town of Richmond, in Jefferson county, Ohio, about six miles north of the Ohio river at Steubenville. It Is reported that on Sunday morning he pushed on towards the river, but meeting a spirited opposition theist, took theroad leading towards New Lisbon. At nine o'clock Sunday morning, when about half way between Steubenville and New Lisbon, at the town of Benignity, where the road crosses Yellow Creek, Bios ass encountered the forces of Col. Saute =row) and Col. °Aramaean., and a sharp tight entitled, in which twenty of the raid en were killed ,and two hundred and seventy . .. Ave taken prisoneza. The balance of the rebels escaped across Yellow Creek, and continued their flight towards New Lisbon. About midway between Seals bury and New Lisbon, at a place called Saone' Church, hioactaw found himself at bay, being completely ennormtied by our troops. lien. Baooxs had dispatched a forte from Wellsville, on the New Lisbon pike, to head him off, while Snaexxxioart followed closely in his rear. ,fdilitia were also sent down from New Lisbon and vi cinity, thus cutting off all hop of escape, and compiling& surrender. Gen. Llama, and the officers aiding him, have managed this affair with great @kW, and the promptness and energy which they displayed reflect upon them the highest credit. Col. Gesseoffea, who had charge of a regiment of six months Pennsylvania militia, and who participated in the cap ture, was formerly in command of the 11th Reserves, and is a competent and skillful officer. Cola Brews, also be command of a Pennsylvania militia regiment, sided in the pursuit and capture. Five companies eternity, which lailbeim ordered forward from this place by Gen. Become, had =- baked on the oars of the Cleveland Rail road, on Sunday afternoon, but the. order was countermanded before they got away. The roiling stook of the Cleveland road was at the disposal of Qen. Remora, and every possible effort was 'made to prenat the escape of the marauders and secure their capture. iffoaoax was taken In Gen. Hamm' Department, bpi he will be sent lo Oncinuati. - - Tia Harrisburg Toiegrapili objects to our remarks upon GOT. Corns, on the ground that he bas ainuist publicly and, offiei*Uy declined to be candidate, and that to at tack his administration, is only to pare the Way for dissensions in the par q. The Telegraph begs the question in as. aiming that he is not a candidate, merely because he has publicly pledged himself to thit effect. If the hot had been so, we slMuld net have thought It 'Mirth while to Meddle" with him just now. It is clear, totem, that he is a candidate, and la' etcM'a way as to evade attack and head of ;Octillion. His friends are boasting every where that the matter is"so arranged as to saki gut filiation of his momination. We irliM to save the party from defeat, and Mow by sounding the alarm and ; preveit- Mi such a result before it is too 'late. We thitakire are doing it a good arrikm la this. If *M. :017211:Il it .the sufferer, he. most blame his friends and not u. There is no potation however for rikeensione among the'. friends of the Union.' The friends of. the Goventor who are Most anxious for his nomination are not g a ierally et that num. Ares; Those who arts can readily heal the breech by withdrawing Mtn. It will be verlf_small" sitaillee, and there will be still a Ewen left for adoration wide enough we sicitdd think, to;satisfy even the moil fers. MMus. , Mole linglials lisps fos Us Rebels. the 9th of July, at Liverpool, writes scorreepon dent, Mr. ' John Robinson bough- ed frobildi slap-building yard, Duke/ Doo s t 4 finely proportiened woodetiversel; on new principle, for which he has taken out patent. The peciallarity of ribia.ves -tidal-build is in the formation of - the bot tenni; which ris . nearly flat, thp keel Sad aides of the vessel taking the ground to gether. This mode of ' building is canal& end by some mustiest men superior: to the old Mode. The Blehitiond, launched atew week' ago from the same stooks, having per formed a voyage to Gibraltar in a very short space of time, and *timing a very adze cargo, seems to have given her own s% entire satisfaction. The Virgbds is the pioneer vowel of the new-formed 'Dixie' line of traders, and, in addition to her Immense 1 . f 0141711. ig ttatfo is •xpeited to i•••• a vm fast sailer. • Her tonnage is nl6 per, zoielta., and her draught of water is very light; She will be commanded by Capt. CA,Mmec, a gentleman of eXpefieueu. The r ant; teasel of _ ilds_linei the %Jeff. Davis, prDl be laid down' inmedbibly, sad le es• pected to 1* :may - far tin about D OnaioreortaliHsw.You Seim"' ort, A 1 27 are MA lir late coastitreats",.. sad unloads." Inset McCann calls them UWA e ianocant pooplar The Daly - Non coils ;them "the populaoor wit - R.4a"the peOpbsti The Isprise aluttaoterlies Alsoa sa , "earspd sad calmed onearipta" Ths, World de scribes them as the uhibaing.populatioa." The, Boston Cowie, sari they are Nixes poriited'fellow oltleoss". sad andigolded Perloplr" IrbolskterlkAat be, regarded as mazer* awaits of lime : sad order." .12ii osaittry muds them as madam sod robin, agelait wham; Offenders as they ami ag4aut m sadrader' eTery pes#lllofllie linisbealleausigek ' Dr. Dangle la Philadelplua. On Thursday evening, u large meeting of clergymen was held at Old Pinastreet Church, Philadelphia, to *ten to an ed. dress from Bev. Dr. Rum, of London,' on the subject of British and French sympathy respecting the war for the Union. There were many others also_ prevent, and the liveliest interest was manifested in the statements submitted. Bev. Dr. BRAIXICID, pastor ' introduced D. Rum, whose elo quent address elicited frequent outbnnta of applause. He stated thathe represented a large class of the clergy of England and France, who had signed a letter addressed to the Giorgi of, this country, tendering them sympathy land cooperation in the good work Of hastening an the reestab lishment of a Union freed of the incubus and crime of slavery. As a nation, Eng land was never anti-slavery. The aristoc racy were too frequently on the side of the alavehotders. But he was proud to bear testimony to the staunch devotion of the laboring men of England to the great cause of American freedom, which means the American Union. The leiter, quite a lengthy, though a very intertang docu ment, and being signed by 4,008 ministers in GreA Britain, and 7bo ministers in France, is addressed to theaters, of Amer ica, was read by Dr. hassle, and its read ing was received with much attention. it represents slavery as a calamity to the no tion' in Which it exists, and as dishonoring Christ when upheld by any of Ms intonate; while they denounce the system because it gives . to man the opportunity to treat his fellow-man as cattle. How rue Nsokons uc SLIMEIXD.—A Utter haa been received in Liverpool from New Orleans, in which it is stated that in the batUe in which so many negrotis were killed, the negro corps were forced on to the conflict by the Federal. at the point of the bayonet; that on their approach the Confedentes ?nerved their fire till the no. happy blacks were close to the muzzles of the guns, which then tired upon them, with the moat destructive effect, and they were driven back with great lose. As they re treated they were Rielly the Federals and again forced back to tight at the point of the bayonet. Jons T. Bumaves died at Washington, July 16th, at the age of 81. Mr. Sullivan was formerly a banker of Philadelphia, s Director ottne United States Beak, and an inflexible opponent of Mr. Biddle, and sup porter of the policy of President Jackson in regard to that Blink.. The het twenty live years of his life bas been passed in Washington, where his ample means were distributed with a liberal hand, in acts of benevolence and hospitality. XX /V" ' - JILLO raiterns WANTED. -10 BRIOILLAXIMS, to voile on no olloposy Oryban Arenas. Apply to JAIL BERN at the /Ccoololor Ott IlDi I.llllle TSTO.'O2 ilarloa Anne &M. 8., Alleskooy. • AS I. LUeir UtiEUK, no. / 1 Bigned A. D. SUIT' • 11110111148. t. WK. itvaGe. 50K. for MPG 66 , dated Joly 6d. De., nestle .t the Mullah& Trost 00. Tee person Mails& the was will paws let= It to alleirs. 8111111 & 111WTd11114. %ter street, es the motes; of to. same bee beim stopped. halt WK. ltOOO4OK. 10 I SAM W JS&Ysi. 1.11. V All, POOL. toaddas at QI7IIIIISTOWX, (bit lianas.) She well Mum steameteA Sow Sark mad Plalithdpide Steamship oompasy of toteaded to sail is Wows oar ON LOSDOS........eatarday, Sm. 1 unT or MEW TOIL Alattatap. OM OS ItaMOSISITSI/.....--Smosass. tm. IL aad st o op matsallag Satarday. at mom, Mom it` kl, Ikea Myr. . RAM Papal. do Mid. or di opsdatomi b Deramo. Irmo thiam--310 00 Magas& do to tondos.. Id 001 do. Loudon.. It Mt do. to P05t0...... ill 40 do. to P0i15......'110 do. to Moototrit IKI CO do. b Mogan IT id Miloodial Moo tom:lW to Rano. Modloa. liodoot. distort), M., at amity low Mo. Itota tktorpookos Quonsureut Ist Chtdo4 rd. NO. VOL &weep, po. Times trio slob to aid ler Mar &lob ow boy tiokito hors at thaw. Mac tot foram tolonostke onto 6. DA L Wi t, s Id Broodwip, S. Joint THOILPSO/I, l pn t, Mad Oda, trot boon from tat molds/ • Pltadler. 11011Patit WitiOUT bUN [l . L11111.—Th• Port BL VrASAItI. atm • loodtag tor Ltvorpool with OM, Itaotor poet - of to, wog* on bawd. inn loom with. darysta. LOW moo tattslo ow to slapped at soda oPda7 to rat=s wsiGar • Bum . nabdepu; . or. EITOIIOOCB, IMOSTIIar Jytiklw R P. kiILANDS. 1 _ COMMISSION MERCRLIT, Daidar 01111D11 AID 11117,1102:91141, lILLT BOAT!, 1.01111111, nAvse, &a; to. ' ' Oikeia Plitt DLOCti,4cintlsginglibms7 Ifilisrf.tinsearsis, rm. Oro IL BAIWALL 4 .-4004) Jaw Oil Bar. wIW fa OATS sat km We Ihy_ J.. 5.1.100271 *OO.. • 7 aind *dm' otr.l. 1110 Laza WA.IIII ELAIXILLINEM ek,TIVZSIS, asoll sill SWIM Applylci Iles NATIONAL STEIL WOBIE. Soo" owl ammo, tak to Oft See.: Sow IS& Uty. • Se kj&W 1108100••";I" - Benumbei . lho None veleta daily I: L atted I. a pa* to f.Waeldae. lad sad Lard } 6t, SWO 011 • 3 •ula Our." Sem well Wank by Alfa ..loodlffe. Mails by V. heist Wallezu vbst mosse implant* of the widedibamoted foals. 800 Salty ffold Meta ad Wel:4 bees meacibed. Noe assilmast, bblb fa sada aid vosob4 Ala fames eagarpmsed. Peke IS oats Pabilebot by Lee a Whir, • tbflafelpida sad kw sale at all Mara Stoma. Alio, la pr o .-. 1 Loved fball few on Vag as ben," by she'imee bather. Isad at S UYYSEt bTOOII, Boots, Shoes' and Gaiters) Barbs Gus% ai Jr °MILLS/DI! AUCTION HOIIIN, Ha 16 •WITTE 11181111 t J 15 MOTIOIL—Tba wade:signedltaripg . pursbood ssUrs suck mon tbo long w. ; Sabha,* bsosobt J. L Nooo/11, would **soma total" old ossOrsorts sad gill psbllo ll4»menl to slur* Mk Liberty .treat, patsy Ooopped , h' J. IL MONO whoa a Isom and oosokto stock ot dad: ans. soLdbootslitorV tisstbsY ddlapj L4ss; Ott., Ito caa b• lama. sat et linnet naa,. e, H. A5D1111014 No, ilk Ltbsety itiist. N ARTIER% " PROM 'TEM - MDR I amp MUTSU mat oardially Oaausand my isixosne sr I max ot strict_ Moony sad goodbotbsiii Mar sort meth to mos I will matron to occupy Mr. ANDER. ROWS tousttsiproos4 sod Tat tau st•st Oman lishsduillibia bu4da ll l ..ll. c" All i l • -Js Idtbo Iled; ' "; A*, UTIOB lb • IthlSY tilVitiv • t .4.11 ttit Ptiotaioshtp 1'144 'Maim beluga US 111111111111 Ltd. IL 5111111111, near Ira Of Diktltati 111111111 lON, woo dissolved Jalo ISA by sabia-ccoorat DARING 311111111111 is isaaodsmi toots', sit debts dos to or &VI& Oomptny. or, L B/111111T. • NOTIOE IS HNRBB C GIVEN that I aissototod WILLt- 1 / 1 111/1117 with as la Mu tuoistiotaro sad oolott i tlldiottiloro, sioe ot/Jo of to Asts to Do D.. & B the pootoontvp to data &oat Jab 11.3 C J. aI .TA X WU Will iNXIIIOX4IX) ' prepi t I MAINS or Malin tar misuptiash pi 4 , 111" . . , hl4lOll - Nan laiAllll . PTRM, p 1.1) linelbSt—Alair& +AI EAWA borrest. br dillebrersTakLpstrc tebror salt Ow ids it QED. taldam mnil arojp, we: oak. U/ kin lo B . • bb new for Iris 14 Nal p. PD. 1.4 A) 6 ..0 3,01.10 pOsul A IN 711 . 141 .—bbItlIiew Yor (j tor t " 1111"61.4 "" i g i lizo.i c i b= To. gab -0 - 10111UNA-45 'OWL; agloocrAntrottoop sradefifoimiaorgsk Ms MCI • Anciav,er:mr.razi. .—V_MAILOAC-24.1111:-.121) Gothfa i re . Coutoicia; IBM N. CO 41/nuarzszmicirra MAGA Z IN V, . . iota, USW. 800118 a• 0 .Ntomp SIGN JCL onl7 6 eetao. 062:41 tlitt of 111816.1.;8 191116. BONS MI6 TWA 6/UM. logy 6 cents. 84 e kT10$DtSY P0E2601.105. ° A 4 / 8 6 AND DAMASK NOTE PAPXII.6. IdaTILLa stamped on paper and onnkcos. PHOTOGRAPH AMMO, all sates, prices, Woo and qnslltion °ARV= DE TWIT/ POOH= BOOK& OUSIIIIIOI HOLLNEG, 4to. GOLD PSDB, warranted the but that are madr SOLD AT JOHN P. HUNT'S, Maionio Hall, fifth Street. CLOFING 01:11` BALE OF b1:1151&UsE, Boots, Shoes, Gaiters and Balmoral', AT 1111117 RIDIII7IIOIIII. ear 00%U atdllo/035(8 LO ♦T nu Most s . NSW Gaiters, het tenons, Daly.. 11 00 " Loot thorn IOD Patent Leath.: Show, 1 00 'halm's Heeled (lowest 100 " Morocco Heeled Boots, 100 " Lasting Ellwers,prtine........--- 60 Bop' and Touth'e'eltoto no to 1 60 06Wren4 r al Blom 26 sod other goods In proportion, at BORLAND'S CHEAP CASH STORE, IS KAMM BMW, SAS Ilerudder Fora Tlt h. F IL L YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUM& 50,000 OABD PHOTOGRAPHS, (ONLY 033 DOLL/LE A DOZIN,) GIIIIIAL., ♦OTYZB9iB AHD A 02088; PAOKINENT KU AND WOMIN CopNs of Inn pannuas AND,,zainansee. AA oak, 41 a down; oy 10 anti nob, Al' P.ITTOOM'S nooctramoinar AND KIM • MTNBTBIDT, OPPOPISII TEE P.O. BOMB MO A law imp* of PHOTO4II/421110 •10 always am band. Pia wiLiaAta A. WARD DENT IS T, Ilenehoe's Building, fd tloor.,book entreace o Marty stool. (like sous from •e.m.WI 3 p. a. Is order to • pow Ind ere mottos Da the pert althea/tufa soy aoU epee ms I deem it my dory to.drelssite some otthe thine COUIROJI UM el IVIIIII,I7.IIkidi I do not do, in the Int 1111011 1411504 pen. dikel MIMS 10 sny OD./ do wei Make sheep sits of teeth ; 1 do nos b01d.., hI their marauder/. sound, beittey teeth, In /our to beat artUkdol oar; I do seep b soy enttearee do. tiny the maw of teeth, tbeteny render tar nem Hale to tie toceOlshMel denier. end their .early / lox the axe rant. Th.r. sod comma ether things which / 004111 opeolty. I d not- do. In the oatrief metelise fraper,ter Who( the teeth; 1 nub* berm linnet as el fold, experlense bumf . intedltt the loot of all elleetesl to thinmown UO3. In ill mmeskereeer. invontig tes ',peen/ore et the teeth. ldo sot beettio. mne um orlt. 'b the quillty Of Map or plop of sold.numbn at wine tnested In the loa.e or 'id or. out beans Whinny to my eeetwomobip, varbspe / ideruld me ore memeal akin. e jwISVA R i f UNICIPAL . CLAIMS OF Tag LI.I. CATS Off PRIBB011411.—Tb• Ituolcipol Clams of Do City Ibr tbs so.otroetlm os Sarre br too 1 . 4=01 of Mrs Dos, by tb• posting of trostdooosi sins; sad soder tbs Chsersa Oirositto sod Martyr oosmosswat of MIN bunts boob toososa by tbs Wort to bus of lb. etry sots, 1 Web, even to on pude" WOO ons stiff ts wows sr sata otti lobo.. tbst If May w 1 b to own further MI. mat taltanstsly SOWS taws* Calms. now lo Use boats Otto sosiselbroot. as tits eolksitor. 1011410 . ..J. W-.. fr. M eta. log Plitostrisib IVOTICH 1600111TRLOTORS.Pro• LW park yid be h e op to tho SSTs AMT. Ink at tit Ma a the amloothcsued. Margit Suild/o& tws Onoling.Povlnitoid MUD' with Ckutetowt. Pato*. ohm his Lops to lakes And- Filittot; bolts at Motor', Lioahut Mob stoat ?Nobel.: ' lahho Witordlog Ittoilator. WiMEM Titopulkokii U . stAsaSlos In6lo=ll *1 XlO DIXXXX, the LIZ and llalt; ova. Nos w'o/12 SWIM? MIN kw Alitirl. .. , 141; PUPA. helmets a31111101.&1; •Xl/14 and Cram all LIMAIIIMILTOXI Xing We 1111119 Wum= affootlai ilis - Xar Yd ka =:r. — :ll;r — PXWX 11111111 ST. TO DRAIIIND MEN. 'Mont Oirinia szygrnos Our Yin thirk ppm drawn up by pWug IsPm T. viz . Us DAT. No. so /dual Ist, fy . l Opeorito Trink•To 9m416; Allesbany. ..11• ORNTLIOLEN'tI 11011111111;•PCMITMIIING GOODS. Maims oat I. low pAow, i$ • INLAollittlt &GLUM'S, 17U , Itsztei bat. lesib I Diamond. TUEIitirir:WOULD . DO WELL TO L call s aadartlak op* Umatilla§ 'llth that very wit.; landau, . ON TRAVELING GRUM CH GIG& *alma nicartsd • lug• Walt* as mai, hafthaa• hatrinshita ' ' 11110RIIIII GLTDII, .... Mirk* at., Wt. lh Intik I Daawak OT/Orio—Vore bps ibis day salmi& AT +A' led• 14111 loll& In dos ISAMU adds d Elm di/doll/6m The sided Um &d e in Wars, litlibcasiginka azotelas. 4 3 1 1/ 1 1 ' - Filieinu4 Jaw 214. tea. I ri3lig M1Y11011,4111 panic= Indebted to the ids Its of DT. DAIS ,111 MOWS' aro is. .41.11 - itt to mit ups& LIAM K. NoOtattiliD, Tl7dy old Otilot mu has Wool. who it siathot , hod to mottle the budrdo of the Ws entasd to no Ws Ma Ildr . DUN; ttt ior. lewL . - lritm REWAIRD.=-A. , reilinabla reward will b. Watidr 'kw Mimi. M 7A7. Basally of Taw - 21021113. escaimd from do Ckompara 'arra ru tle tarts= Two 602s*LII mud one NAT. WM kat to Ire mart old; NIA marked with Um , THUS. W. 1 , 11NIII&T. • .be • J• iw MM. 18811 ROOBNIK.OITRATB' MAtMICHLit LAI peocladthnial botaandts la MO Ilawlaella, Mamma al - Ma lama* IlserlbarnOiall all cam. plalatuarimlar ben acaahy. . tor Ws a& a/MA. MOLLY'S L DWG wait% minor Mb lakaaal auwda ll .I\tEXICIaLN MOSTA.NO LINIMENT AKA earn ithestmetbus, mei lathe In the aick 404 Bid% Arid a% Maim. BUraili Meth Oath et Moandeee • • Pored* at Oft A: UGLY'S. OINTAAL DUO ime.- d Modena Itewita, 1•101 Un: . " si. A., ,LLAALKUNIYB IVORZ.--1 TraitElo oii W nine. With goad ioarialtole Ili Military Earrio.: 87. WO= A. BasaisovA r lE. D., Ea ca Emma D. OA. 1 oiol, inx. With ammotoi. PtiOi lE. -" 170 • • Kiri Ar. 00.. Nod* Wood otrooL piLiz%Mil k)...gin eandysle -end 'Lions. isellpeneinsotues.y. is ea 111011 t lA. lIIMINLikas,. , II7 Cloths MOM. rtALtladliog.i...,..l.sAttlipoNi I ••-;: ' 14.) 100 boisollookbeizaidoo 1..: do • go. It. osat Cltoosol • •76 'do Clookokou ' do . lasi foostdod AIM No Ise Pooped stook 1.111 , VIN.INIC VAN GORDIIB. t -N V .btil • chMitta -•i MA, /of 441. 47 1, 1 tat TA w Pomik, lPahvti rji MAI 67 ths buTalw et nt.ll. at nadir,. 4war semi. . U earomplity Hand etreet.: ..BLADi 4. • o.l l4 4hOr'r tr ia, fIX•11P016108 ispEredamiljk . gilif 1 1 111 - ,4111asalli War N 614 4 far . .'"'!"•• CZ= .rw 4D rxnris rt ; i. LAEIV FURNACE FOR SAL' ha iled at. Caul Dom. Tasoaraosa county. Ohio. its OlstataidAt Pittsburgh Battroad - sad Ohio Ow boast In blast as small =pane. Tar id& or to imamlos ta. property can do so %pea s ottoman to Mr. 0 0. 8. DDAAIDOBVT, Omit Darer. for Wm.. do . add or apply to DAVID V ONAV, tams aqua, Ps.; ' or, 11110. a SOK Do. a Drawl Bt., N. T. „1 .Balt tam - - NRVER &SO N TO FAIL, I DIXONPA non Tic BLICIBEUT CIRNINATIVE, DTAINTIZT, DLUISTIZA*. IfLIIX, MOW= DODDS AND SIINNIDI COMPLAINT Tim browns, Wes toitiry to the arils of this The y. rannereaa dabsports_ of artontibbrg cum attest Its value. It has adosatsgeany other truatedy, at ones to the earls; th e abeam,mportJag tree and streagth mew*. sioe eadbarntlese to flag Infant, and porreffid to dm adult Oise. T. the iota., ea 1 17, It Is Inea'aeble, being arProPrleady to by tame, In many oerldlostes, "The Soldiers' FriencL" Mother' Bad ft superior to exm soothltm Imp Am ehtldnot teething, treed from the tolortom galore of BAItOUTICILI, One rut to the satkeer b 7 remorthi the Mame. IWU by nape etabla dukes everywdire. Pr'oe, 25 01511 A BOTIVL • WY. F. DAVIDSON, kasii4 itilatitNATl, 0 A N A Llrldlts. _ _ _ _ - ti.a. i'• /.., I sun. —.:-49.5k .4, - 40 Antuu. —ALIO. Piga I.a. Ism. RAO '-- SL LOUIS, MO. Li.. .01. limumna...—. .01. . 0r A 1 • w............ 16.40. 100 1111T1114 . SCP1p114:1• Alma tan the we st the 88111 PIA (Mal, a • wear Et. Loots, Ito.. 1 Is' ate the Wanton ot • Is sod Peel Y.salutande tolls analysis pm sans. as yew ad- by Man n. h. Halt. 0 1 D • • • sat J. 0. Booth, Id Medd* 1.1111. whisk Uses with the test of acts s gaped poi by ass ~• ..• to Pinsbersh. Clasisestl sad et. Lords. • • lase tt to be the pare t and most esinabte Clay . known, whether ftes - is a sneak= Pots s • Iron It hers stad Is the Glue lorosoe iron • to 9 isonthe. the analysis to • the Clay si takes hop the wine, wham - sae tog or preparation what, mt. It pram dedhannsers'esd p esttota whki as• shown by • the s sloes Wadi of the • Went Opp roped's+ of dull wr burned • I sos sow • • •to in orders kr the shoes OW, to be • • • .. Bt. Loida or daltioned Urn . /GORDON, 1 • o. 111 8100 ND STIZIrd, Who irrational". Pa. • 11611 1 0/I.lAidre INS trlnuinis 60,000 A.CRIB PIU TINDIB LAMM, • ekagina to ths / 8 . Vary • Veils Ship Mast Com: pa y, - nod sabred "the mat rateable Sodas of pits awls now'to be • • odln the United Stews will Wiegman for sale it albite amnion. In Detroit, on the In DatiOlf a/onions Ball: • pale apltive. Par asp sad =tenses sddres / SOMA put, dietrol l. tellAtwort WILL A thlAfin./A I Mother aittni of "limn nimillturnait oaLl MUM' Ton i BOOTS. 11111r0611 sat pt par, et 14.X111 ROBB% Iro. MP MAW! nine y ~,F, atipa ZUtt v2t, JUSPer, COSTA fl Si AOltill, All wader hum, i s a good state of caltivatkoz. SU Improvements Matt of. cur BRIM DWII. Ll3Ol. containing 10 MOIL ; MUIR BAEII Impair 11611:131. with 6 rooms and good edidamil of loan Mum 00AL soder Um whole farm. Ml tab la Baldwin fownsklp, about Ave WY* AO5 Um dtj. Insta at 3.11111114 WAYBILL tOO. Its. Ile 'earth shoot. *X.TRACTAIU) WITHOUT T leala.-11r• tot. Ude arethad !shrubs ow hinter aral the puhay gesaralla that we ars ace rrataiSrliar au= WITUOIIT preottia el Deatherir. .riere who Om ter partootha fhb oath dreaded operettas sal aro ory .etch Ora. hen mad the we all, ea the sow nate hen la am bee bow tweet darn Mte i = loaf rue, folly the lab elteraesse al Use orarettoa. o Drip ar Cherekals sae (lamb Better, seat An thew whither the ameriale et a goad rad Whorls IMMO do wen to tall sal malt eater - JAILIBB 91, 111/9% D. D. By 110. 90 Mb straet I Istimmig ' ST 47 4 1 111101•41 41 )14, Intitebird, DAtiti/LUSZKOM TWA !VLD WUN., L rzr.“--em widordpood b to. Welland et beteg oat 'Wipe% Pao sop in ot lloalmolli ho. houit or pooopoot. 'Wm le =mist tirtod flag KO mow., losholtog tit sourootbotoomor oCILIAI ItIWNIon," or Ant dos +inert V Itr loose ass dolotts ola to mama! fora oeMrom..6 ri rto= .1" at lian ' Pr lb' ra The asthma mob oro7 not • , ortliorot ifitttre fil i t2tO. : lilt) ULl.a l ' erti/LEI4 . 10$ Wa ft era tour doors Mos MP. Azi clads' at their !up @toot if 50811060, 6101, AolD 5110A86, At tironor' lyrist Oink -Frio% to prows [xi ilk* Aft /3.Uto 1414 IMArk. • PT • OBITTPIOLTIIe, •"' To be aim!' by oppUsua — ' kr. ozoiaptios; good ti bOsidot., &or Lae ezehouvoly by hast •on = of IN Wfiro4 w Tiara stied*. S ouninve BUN9X3IMMO, tencatirs Raman ROM% mum .14 is if Sri titAmirm—,d aasogv- LIM mat al Batasail Mamas la kept of baud at Ilia tailcoat Mama Clka, 14.41 Miter stmt. osay. Pram porabadag ta qatattdo mat la at , tarat the Gapausartillstaa, .sil. AMU, a. eh. n.aut. tau GAIL biLUlialiS.—/, 1 poen. A.r tarp twat u•luom. pat . up 'wady tar th• glabwris'9llll7"'l' rnlli t reirsisniw.. js24tomer Minty mit Heed stnwta • A 114111.1141 D UM& Lb/A:33U; telleirt44 AM. ohao,iliati 7Low'lYesltt .Soitook. Geobinaj riUly roam, Ludas sod *foe Ctrookom for rbby , . :JOBNAtAtiNutikW. /A *La V b a VAL ilkWiernlil jut lar reosind mad tatails whollisOiraadietall; it the - ~.4024,-/M14114*.:- • wuil MO semi& u• •L uilikaddis I cialstikS I 40 '4O auk. thalbFE L eon sad far ads- ' sdod Istalt•WsTartininW. t • assysz.--• iU bouu FAIR* Laity; kiri;li - ono. ix - satersir. it: • loft*, • gii rllv.ll4e.thurakit tauc s ak" lOU Mime • joss giram4ikr-,-, •Ai NUR WlY*Tittnir. •• ' • • !SU 41.4y4) APPLIS Swab yy piss :.!nisl4bwtramisimtulati i i 4 :,.l rarAMAID.TaId UtteW-:BRIE: FIRT,—W• luaa la star•loo baskals Tat ssa Septet's's*. Sad la aft** . 1" ~r~±? Dar WOOD& COMMENCING • isroikheir, enayl 21111, 1863 /MOTU= MUT ANDUOTION AT BARKER'S, 59 Mcirket Street, CLOAKS, S L 5, DRESS GOODS, LACE SHAWLS, Points. Mantles. / momwoup, &u., &a. J.IPS NEW DARK ()ALMA sr J. M. Burchfield's usszaaaazD munnse ; IRISH LIIIII3IS I WU= 31108111; annum CAWOOD; 1110101111101 CALLIOOdy 111.017281NQ DILATIVI; SWIM= 000 DIR C 19111111; out at Cost, and Len ! Myths Jed mused boot the rot sith • 'took of m 'll)0D11, to oddities to the stool alessdy es baod. iitniumee WM And • ewe wearisome of to Woe *GM- hat L AWNS " BEEAGES, SUMMER DRESS (4011118, SILK. lANTLES, BUMMER MANTLES, SACQUES, 02R .A.P.•82 BILLING VIET GIMP AT Aie2c. mates', No. 21 ROTH STREET. oar • MI steak at DiIIITSTIO AGD BOUM • 111111.1111. GOODS mnsmuly oa band. JULY .186& SIACRUM £ CLYDE'S ye ..m roceiptet=lll GOODS, bought bales thipi‘oset drywoookmimprepos,ead au* cake *emboli! sale mod motall *mom at swot LOVES wad VILA MM. handsome froortarte of UM MIME. NANO! GOODS and 'MOH. Sr. dodos oat, at notoort priory our stook of atrium nnocrigs,:iinimas 101- Mb/M IMMO:1p SMUT irfl,ol7l aura= numb= bop/. to Disks brio br our Fall porcholos. , . Goaatey Mankaats ‘lll ropasiaaaata e,UatoetN with all goo , a hi au Unlia smd at ;aka ma law Ns lay larooolls than city ar la ZACRUX GLYDZ. ICAU. LIIIT mar: Iletwes Yount wan and Dtaao.d. NSW GOOD I GRENADINE VEIL% Ilins sew and besittnel Arks. CAMBRIC TIIIMBINGN • 1•10/011 1111111711211111‘ Embroidered Nouulterohiefs. Lin irittl; Sun Marla* PARIS TRIMMINGS, . Is all Ow Med& aka. • MN. a lalt Ow of am amp HOOP SHIM imt Itat on kah by JOXEMII HORNE & CO 77 AND 79 itsluarr or. bis iiii.DOUJW PALOBIit To dose oat oar 11311kIladER sTcaorc.. Tel aid =Wag one say-poilisa Cl am NM AMR STOCES, ban , dirlunalastle _ Reduce Prices to . Ruch* Point 41/ WM mutt saddest With PIANNiII OH @toot le sew am. auk peramet:thi g bum Well Wed. We are oho ta amity neutp4 or OW AND zunrwis GOODS tbst u z==, ea Itedfai Nerehaata and Dealers who bailor Dub WI lisd oar prim as kw as IR say imam Ism* zero*. isopi al GO., Jin Zs. 11 sow man: - NM? wows:, • !MUM) want . DE ®, DJOINIAZD AID GIMP 3D " t: - L -. C31 . 0 0 • las inommax, am% piuusnummauck,, _ .ANDouinD M lINIT2D n4Oll. < _Ant nehyd• <bird' broigiN6l4 PrilliANuabb geoe4 tit choke Ofiatiiel "- 31/414ar t f** lixertiiif ye rows ft. Ist.lia4-iiitaipeiiv. 'own:NG puT CRUAP,.. Onen zanzir *Aiiiisiiisiasii sal c ✓ iabikm a 42 fiii maw% big 71gsdia tat. a &mom. Jrar MIMED. RLO.CUTTNAtq* CR MID WORDED SOLDIERS. i JAS. E. B lllll llotll, DM., - o r 01130111NA1,, 1 _ . lita9latorad an latartralainli At Bia• an of thV Ilsolluy ant Scibait•nce Comilittauk In gin Rawiteg ,: 001q0ERT HALI Today Evening, July 2StA. or mut., ao ozrza—to I. Lid at ea Nada sad Book Nom of Phalanlo AU et n at 734 o'clock, la museum; a$ & • IWWI.ArTS. 110 , -650 • YOST B I••••IN in ant W Ansa at $lO • eolith, **roma. pad. akedi -0,11'040ma.4 ' , mak ihnunofed AMINO other saw, ilmotalbd Garbo ettidles. FUtesa a•••••••T fillaW a cadmic. 11•Witerdilra. -WAra&o...47 o iy 110siTH want so yisto,tis'ain onntit 175 a neatly swam Va. to anal , ant oktiv taatql . :11/34 lavabo& Adana, - 13. MADIISOII, • ciVrllladr ~fi.d t L*B. lIHARPe'BURG LOTS AT AUCTION. 90 —on tATURDAT AVURSTIOON, Aetna la, 11 **Masi, wat be soli, on , tee pandas. a the Borough" of thapene,i. the nalortag. valuable ,bandial bb insantaaing at the tomer of eearti Claim allot and OtAbony attry, , neatly apposite the Paoli," &boot Homo - Use lot it Mot a bassinet on/loath Coal eaten mai . back 99 hat !bag ratb.trr. Why. Maur adJ I.leg lee;lialk al tett nebt• In tt al neat! ttiul ativetiOod 'l,uotio teem Otto Id kg !belay Yoh 110 dad heat on' Hiddl. at•eat; end ente-deng bearllo fat, to the ere. el' env* bee._ sot et the odeas ample and daunt (.11114 seat% le net Mitt en ll.ot. ea. anneaneenthit 01. mg tali% Woad Di p 111.0,1 lett giott, h tralirda *lllll2 etsete,►SlM .litebame t sot Sa .% .1...rt.k.a Wltllolllo4 01 lilt dednne geed peonarly to bliagebarg is colacl. to nue too. ma Is NM ht . IllaaVirit4:,,olll:ilkird ; then Wales Lt c eta elet%tee iti:ra..artat inane% aeornrod 'by bowl' UV • ulna* mialiwanne,-Anotts. pURVICNCini - rucqosttArix ROODIB E , onus nnu LED-luny.= CM mil id nadir, ono Itkdiardaou'y Jowetry star.) Pzmmsa!, PA. Famiktants, of ovary dos to . d style; plan or 'atiorod. boa the oopast Outs do Ilona to ehditoot Mr. lITEVLUIONOrookt portkoattly oat tt. ob. bastion of tie asio nn.: to the Dag mem& billty of mu sttatam!mmt, bans b 7 n it s 7 ito short filifif et ottani. - Paroad atanam, dad saythattiieinew Pa& GOLD 1011DEMSO - • ~ WINDOW 87fi DE, - • , „ 4ms* • Bsoisvii B !- ODLOYBn NEW CARPETST-ORE McFarland, Coiling & Co., FIFTH STREET, &twoea the Tan imrriasivadTAiraTia,soratsma. rum-_..__...- jPiter, 4 .M4 ll c l h • ; NEW CALIIPETI4.- 7k, pi indium aaao taw , nosai imam*" of Ow MMus finfu4s, vs an mann l abs amnia pd. OEM la BIM= sad INUZ, sad an Mb to air a umplato Mookamat st Cups% Floor Oil Milo, Nap% is., WKk a may Logo roloatku Mum, , omits ircurrocs a co.; _ pri;inpr. MATTOIt+I4 • FOS 117111:111=19FECIMG. 168 " Itffi aint ig 'Atha P.', 6 C, 48 Elk White, Chocked altd;Futcyllifaitthigs, tieva7 giosal at knur l ier qualty. OLIY WOLUITME * Co, I.k unwire. Ri. Affilekkalai at m Illautuant et ems ihnuon in - A IrtrIRIZTIIIIIO-1Z111! rmultriaan. rs. as iinsiters Ima not NA/ViA !MD 11131111 V rorstutip es Imeal., eta* TisAL imuu mucus, ,one alicard /Mond and% 4apialift aso. 4IILLh Pmd ! t ar .:- PATitr; ;pm isigh ao; „~'”, t•&P° I,' °Wu -LA wrammosuagros 'mai ea band sad Maks to ceder TROITEAID Num °mum amyrarann t NaDDLIBiI i „be • losadr7 . t. • vr wVu ros.wwwwv,4o.; _ wn , 02 , MBA 70,1114 Ibr Mayon lb. • 7 dm Os wait taw mg% at. ' ~*.. - . a. m. OMIT DITTIEWEIRGairiIic, - mai 1.• ortortuana co. 117 .lidLOVER-4191.-:•_ 11114 alik.ll4 Ml:k i f i rtm0111,01k: amass la, imaALED METIOISLI GUM, . • Om lama% 11. Mr/POmamaars mgod irali trtir 'Olfahif Mad ausaes......Ami,- . ±kans, WNIMORROW & 00,4, - I tin, am" um OBWARIBTAII.IIII2IIIL% " 311 U0 394- 1L50,41X41124 so. al. LiaL.l le=3:11 . latkluutk; , rir 2 LOW. I. AitaVU , - azi. 1-:4*.toonaiike; di • eigiOt aft „PM, do Nita •• Lotntri sn- TM.lll4ll33 V lllllo 'll6Dtakti..afttaidt Crawlostast. tifooltoestriooolootom-,•. Dobill 1 7, *ad' toapoti•otto to-: stopmerspoorat/Filtormuney, nomorpttoo. PIN lao , Sistil tad Ploolosl. TIN HOU .11.6f100. Debt: autbox ut , tb. Grows Boot. AL "4 , 11401111. Tktoi Of tiattorsto." ; =Etat otottr"odo IL.Ong plitti wok**, to lay Oildrett. oatie w . pa ' s ' A omt: inani. at tom proOooo mu" Of Pr. pittionattor toolt.ilot Oast .• CUITM; I 4. im" in that Nt , bah' lab lihmilp,st Ms in-47 vit Cloth Dealt J. A IL ens No& lima SO. died. TERTAIN. mri&l- , 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers