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Few P►.Wv 1W . d w /HMOS MAK limn HAMPTON. . For ',llionsbip. L JOAN P.OLLSIL , • n. ALIMICDSLACIE. 111, atill 8.,: —'- vv. , wll. H. DZINNIBTOIL v. VIOL L BIGEIAY. ' re. Otori of ClmoiL WY. A. Er.lll3ON. leo Omer Drosionr. DAVID *HEIN. Ja, • • A.11.1)111 ' EIoOLURL. ' WY. 4.11.1011L15= ' Pm O. - i x emskeismir. • . 01:08 1 31 6 HAMILTON. M Dvngior io.r. Jail J. getout of Mr. liamtll. 'Kr. lawns Bawdll, - the oarsman, when ra nt amitiit, with Mr. Ward, of New York, hae wasted so muchasoltanantameng sports., men, astir adtxt.this yostertiaY. Hi ix; plains his defeat in a few wetae. He states that no fairness whatever _.tru shown Mm either by Ward or las friends. At tho_itart Ward got two lengths ahead, owing to the bantling meaner in whin Ma was gives. This advantage was overcome beton sae lint. two wales tad been palled, wham Ware; flails' honer. Whig behind, putted dose armies liamili's!oar, - wad when mid' by, /Mina to A.tap olf;hentitad . by Muting him to go to very ',warm fiaraurs Ohl was at one tun Wade Ward's boat, and , lut would kayo moppet thou ant Wished foal play, ban Wit bedevid litansedubte to win, notwitaimitimig tkii Man n y ti N ausent. la tanlisigth• sliaba efiteaente neared him, and the waves greatly lotardad his pro. jto•o. Mate woe lohollwl by • lust. oevid tow twat, the man to whim kept post. Jai Maks to how manould'amsr, mime Ham. tat hod 4,0 /444 otioad-for. humid, Timm lour ware she may tees who taw Vraid ran spinal UMW'S oar, sad Whelk talk chirp Ot top loy Wadi 11144 thejodOe,, they using Ward's 101E144 %satinet* to.; Ma, Lamm was „ man dental. Nandi anountels4 many Mhos, lan noynoes—was Admired and hootirlfae,. by *stamen whom he had Mateo at lhodoile tad was treated very shabbily 'Wahiawa; ram. With all. Quo disadvantagei he was may bosun arm lengths, Louisa of as reponse'. Int Mb contest lam 'Anus de. outgo. a New vk sporting man 'Mead on Wan, arm oaued to pat . Op 0,000 fora match the neat day, en the NM, amuse, bat Ward rotund. s rtitgoughet. who boned Hamel, salami to pat up a alwdlar sum for a rate an Me finny/lull .or Miriam river, bin Wart banal oat tar*, again. Hamel, homiest', Is detentdOwl Mal Watt &SU SOW DM ,Skipiair midis oonlidant of MI aoluty se' bias tun at all Mum on a lair nes. ' • '.•• Before 111..:11: Cossireisetorier Bailey Mr. ...fferstberger, who kespi • clothing Ohre. was arrested on the charge of Maas Hoary Led to desert. It Misers Levi who was a hioastript, or • 'substitute, welt into , liers/bergres store, la his Mulform, WWI for- • a suit of artistes clothes, was labia op emirs, measurod, sod the clothes brought to Ma to tits soma story, where - he eielsaged shoddy for the articles Jost putehosed. doting bought comprised pants, coat, Vest s ; hat aad shirt, together with a carpet big. , The soldier clothes were put late the carpet bog, *au Libel meat to mte Younsylviala Bail road P.110a131,5 AldiPOlt to take. to MN for BarruloargrZerreerrier mein" e boy Moog to sorry .tie carpet big. Levi also .swore that to waidittak at the time of the patetismo, had by t• duos of • Woad, holism, chi aut ism's clothes as • disguise abuse, to hoped to seashell eidicuity" with some hatband whom ae appeared to have ewe to avoid. Uapt. lielloaSao that the soldier Levi was not crook' w brought down trom the Gen. His Weir apple:oo'w W one of the potato of In. defease, smother was that lei value bad been awed for As *knees, sad generatly the scouted Wag !gamma oi l tho pomades la such caw. liersbbsrger was held to bill la tie sum of $l,OOO. tOlitailrer shills mat simian of tho U. rt. Dutrret Coart. 'Alex. rink became his infer}.• S. District Attoraey;Daraelsa, appear ed tar the Governotees, and Jab. M. Keeper riot for the defense. iiosge . uauig,New. Oar entirprislngheighbre w. B. Jaeksoa, whose limy' stables an on Poo:Mot - reef, be low lisulthAeld, receired ui \ sante 'Ails set, a most beetttitel satire It It is &swab' . two horses, - altkoughvery llgbtl7 built. The aides with the earring are *Tel, sad an with the Inset frozen platod LWa. The ta side le trimmed Ida Ins blies. 'Weis SUM fringe and tassels. Although more posttes ts:ly tat/Faded tor blasts, tollhouse iota hold a coils lire ash a half tool long. Its soar*. Mono* wlal obviate the necessity of framing 1 the corpse of salmon la Flab" passing tluetighJackson's its btu we were aurottes4 4 thsi went of hie estabiisitesant—so =hi karats, oetriages, hearses, bunko, ko., wind by the , pogo on serious omaaton. A owe complete 'leery . stable Is sotto be loud in Cur city. In regard to the lithiat's keine lutroduled by idr. Jecitsoa, we wold,t Invite the atten tion of those who may oo nada the patella mosses, of burying their lime ones, to this mods of naitnusaad coureibmos. Sarbonsi veserter. Thoi; Williams, residing at Um onto of Walnut sod Y Itilllllll, was arrested last Elatards, *ming tor' violation of de 214 sad 2,4tireaticos of the conearlotiol fuoueolog etusea's clothing to. Peter Meal, • seiniet, ban' sabering mm she" his boos& Macs had been 'aseepteo as • substitute, beat lea the a &boat & week ago. -Oa Basuto he west to the Polon Matoball's *ides, dossed in ciusea's *lotto, nada the same'of John Mack, &compassed by WU. Mama sad anodise maw, who lad taloa him there to pan him se • substitute; Bat - the lowness of the trick did not sussed, and Mom ass arrested ail Alt ilaserter. Naos was grass at the time. Be was plasea fa trolls, tuna altar commg to his senses, MO labium. dea s sloes WlLUSlllefor laroshiag him with citisem's owning , end prooattag aim from sepottlag IA the tandowouta. Tas Mathes ro t end to were Loud in heaps. Arrival of tte tits eau. Oat. J. L Portda rosittrati saraliorthy about IWO iron from the _boisittios of Clarion, Lidless sal Jodarsos, antis& la tkla city about too Vistoet Mat auger. Uri mom from Island Pasty six miles from BmaboartUo. Alm taking sapper at Wm goons of Ik. Bab oblimoo Commitroo tbol moat to Camp By r- . Lops sou Shit latbattir.- fjoi; Ito& IL ttalloglites rotlatoat, about 700 Watiamartid, lat., Ray on, &a d Ammons madam, also wind bat bight ins Liverpool, Az Rollos from Milh ous'. After okay minor Milo City Build lags, they loft for amp Smooth tsar Wilt- Bosailinficaiasosa.--Nattusalsl Shoat, a privaus to taolCii Rogi*Of /afoatry, was ocoaglis before Jade ilLtfOosa last *dap do, on mit of 'labors ifoilw‘. Rh Who aimed for his alsoliargos oa masa% of the boy's botailaadar - 20 awl of op. Tito Masai who silistod tbo lad ,sold his. as the timid aabstiag Wits was wader 20 years of op. Tho disohaSp was ligiarrare. To Obarazias..—The Unita& Sams Druid Attoram Mr. Cusalmla oi. ske investigation 01,1 at atiarps began Kr. itstikbirgar tat galas a ficaarar, amen that ao pun had ansks I. naafi, Elaltat &lass retain to ohosclat idea' elmaging Ida soldier &atm for Mum' , (dailies - amass thank?. a . .daserua tam the U.tua thaw wales. p -saes Xmas *Taw issetrig, etrostatleg., hiteststsg,,or paying .ost ot sootalito %okapi, S nal" 0f0.410144 Pewits . ," is • • Tioubtbin et tho iat of Cowie 001 out ornately bo 'Urn" 011etahot lti* *or' .tho Mutt URA ot - tbs. Waist' . Sato; Cont. . ?onto@ ltoldles teams hot better tots melerues to seam *Mir simulation. , hoi tha protlll. l o Atenellit to asp Wits," by she pulls. • h...:~...~... _.~,,~.....w... - Ctrenr -Wrrli • 4 - 1` - Floury Sal i 401" was' Mililiflet for Ichisely swearing Watt, was the only eon of a wid owed mother, and hei Only 'dependence for supped. Ilenry.Boyd and Wm. Slater testi fied on mai, to the fast, b and the czemption was granted, but before dial notion, the Pro vost Marshal was Induced to believe that fraud was intended, and theabove charge *as laid before the . United States Comerhisloner, EFq.. against the trio. The ev- Idenee elicited en the examination, showed that Eihrliir's mother resided in Uniontown at the time he was drafted, and was sipportad by the industry of two daughters,her son hay ing *sly contributed $lO in money, end about $5 worth 01 troaeries tp her support, since her husbana's death, eighteen Months pgo. As soon as he feud that he wits drafted, he went for bh mother, andeithough she was lariat to travel, brough t her. tcrthis city, and at ones took Boyd and filcilitito hear his statement, to the effect thit,lashras kervalyoupport; who knowing nothing - of the facts save what the old lady.told those; Signed the oirtliosta. Before giving his decision in the ease, 11. 6. Commissioner Bally fiery properly administer ed a severe rebate to Messrs. Boyd and Slater for certifying onwath to statement< litlsnob importance, without email knowlidgewf the ',feats; declaring that their action appeared to him more criminal than that of Barite?: The awliMal were bell in their own recce stenos, to appear at the next term of the II S. Court,"to answer the charge. Distriot ,k.t. torney Carnahan for the government, Mar- Ihalltiwari Beside?, Eiq , for the oonsoript Shrive?, and John Barton lA. for Boasted Sister. The Draft; ie . tate Plait Ward. The draft in the Tint ward of this City has been eompleted—the &moiling Board having passed upon all the drafted wen who reported. -Itappears.ttat out of 0110 bundred.and 1111,811- ty.Gar who \ were drawn, forty. three failed to report, and will be touted as deserters. The following iiihibits the result of the draft in the ward : Lid 110t,a0111111, 43 Paid id Parafettid' ........ 19 12 26-116 atuabsr of thole who have aot 'yet report ed will - doubtless do so voiantallii, whim 'othsre.will.trepieked ap Aroma., to day. I: is pica:aide, hawser, that a 'amber of them mai have Left the city. Fatal Accidents. i On Saturday, a man named Charles Gorm ley, while engaged in digging a well in the Ninth Ward, was killed by the caving In of ipertion of the earth. Bo was about fifty- ' dye years of age. - John Johnston, aged sixty years, and who had been employed tor tiveral years past with Mr. Long, guiding seven miles out the Blownevitie road, was kicked by 4 horse on Saturday craning, and killed. .11e entered the stable for the purpose of .attending to the horses, and had teen kicked on the head, Monists dislocation of the neck. 'A lad, whose name we did not learn, was drowned in the Allegheny liver. OW MM . ' IMMO, on Saturday evening, by the upset 'lnca &AIL ailLlT44tr XOTICEN. B iABD ESICOLIAILIS r, 1120 Illarator or P mu, 98 roar* at. Photbaroo. Po., Joey lit 063. TEIE Ba&RD WILL MILIST THIS BOZNIOG. - at and erefillte Bob Mato. taint .0 4, lock. wt. -4,4 lb. roll o f Li etute tifell.eer do ILIA Word .01 be ra11.4 at is bleb luau like pop= drafted moo lbet ward =T— IM Pods.. Use itclOple of lb. Collector of Internal ' lisonuths: . _„, SA, Tromsava alibbcdled sLiballtate, wagtails lb. ! Om hoard _ • • • 04. late 7 woe hoard thst be Is eastopt ay law, ky mom of Physical Dashillsy ~t othwalma 4th. Ask and moor. tart rem kiss. to palm: • a aub• 5t11416, cr pa. the oamastmloo we -7 OIL Bseelse Cl. est orm. Ad, sae gems! a at at. renaslase 16,111 tams'sro 4 to the camp tt,Ott . betas tratelahad sear tabet 7 DILA! t all Meal who upon from the several slialrl to on the Gaye t bowing will am bee:met wvo eemitme far sot repor s dsa pieros'y AO7 VII Is r port astute 541 be r-1510 4. at Its... Isatoutrte • , soul teeor arm ere ree‘hre. 16. Smut wd, be to cambia loath I riosorh is. m., napalming en moor for clswer et t o &wk. tabor cirri te will 904114 d fa Lis slob ri,44 tlilp won cram. •• rsirsl3 as la y fa Vaasa, • h lb eta probe to tio so I s•osrs 1 hulk w.rd. 111 today July 17, Ikon I to 76; Toss. day. a 517116, Loss 76 to ''Nl. - 71Ith lewd ersclasmisy. to IL froth 1 ton: Thersoky. Joly L.O.h, awn 16 to ILO; ludo,• • Joly 11, frogs al UP al j 1111.41121111 . • Ass 1, from 111 to MO; litowas7, Ash. & beta ant boost. sixth mirk, Teeeder. 614.4, trots I to 10; Irsil sor dey,_Asus. 5, Irma 41 ta .116/ ;.Tharselar, hog.. from tot t - , so; /rids,. Aug- 7. fr m itui to t 6, 1 • telista ward, Priam. As g. 7.7. h., heal Ito £S; lets scup I, Irasl2B to 100 , SIUI6 ~erard. 10.4.,. An. 10,; from 1 to 111 ; 11116CSN'iialp IL, boa 66 to to IPS. ,T • /sloth sired. Weilai alas she 111. from Ito 76; Iharilley, ektg.l3;froat If to 160; Friday, Aug. 14, Dui silt tolls*. . • ' lawresceshms, hill, Aut. It. e. m„rfroui Ito 1 0 i tkoloros7. Ash - .6.. Is 91 to lull; Moodily, As& !MUM WI "alit; • Semsonmassrl Pe, !Sudsy, Aug. 17. r. M. , frixo 1 to 60; •tweedii7,Ae 19; from 61 to 71.. Wmt Pitabsigs, y L.g. le, r. a., from 1 Momegabela Bartsch, Weiloteday, Avg. 19, from balks Pittsburgh, wedandty, Amg. 19, Lamp , to; 9hatedey, Ass. 11. mom el to 77. shoittillimo, a bor. 607. Aug. tO, from 1 to GO; Pride*, Aug. 21, troa al to 110, lletsodoriawik oh, tr to /Sitio 111. . 1. t Blrawolhaste Iffoodalr.' Aar. MI, trom 1 lo OS, I "Iseeloy. AAA lit, from NI so bilk - . ~ ... Uslieespres Wednesday, huh 11 • tau 1 io 17 Iltastiesis lilorowilo. IV isloteLay, hog IA e h. , from 1 toff. • • I w set to a thoth, Tharirrily Aug sit, from Ito 11. ! Pll. th :Uwe say. Leg. al, !omit to 10; Prouty, Aug MI, from 11 to b 11. wines. Daisy, au& 511, from 1 JO 10 ; Saluda?, , 1 Lai 99, fresilil so 76 - Pala. Slatlaiso An. Ilk from 1 to EL ',rhos. Moese7,'Aag. 111, from 1t0,4. • - Pigeon. iloassy. .11 14,11; 6001 to 40; 'Pasiday * phis., ilredir, rmit 1, treat I. Id 60; 7Pediss dar,76set 11. nom ot to 714 .. Pisa WreeisAley,.:epi. 9, (Om 110 It ~ „. thereat 1 A Iltreboesdar. lorpt r. ir• 111 . .. hi 611.101 iiiallsy, tow; trom Ili to 101. •••!' olisstor a IPS 'oft ..7,. so. 1, tram 1 •to 75; Bet. gutsy. ceps 6, frost 76 to I IA • Allstam imierday. o pt. 6 . Liom 1 10 ta 1 1110ad.7, lops. I. Imo to to lOW 'c • ~_ • , ~ aellisim, Ts eds. 16-pt I, bolsi io SI. . so ..a-11. 71setway, to. ps b. Ir, m ; to sl. /soma: Vt.timosey, at. It Io • i will. W & . , lower !et; thaw, .ds *lay, *lst. 9. UM / to 21; 9 bassill7, repo. 19tr.th 51 14 /14., r 114.1. Mat: ii, is 101. ha 1111, ! _, , I oleo: Fraley, 5 !pa 11;frciM 1 to 69. holt!, eassiway, Aug. •11, tram 1 sal. Net 17 ht. thistr. liuswrils7, rept, 15, mom Ito 10, taw , isettedaY. Oohs 12 . ,ryes I to 11. 1161 1 •7 1110 . 110 • 61 7. ortit 1 1 SM ) * I. 11l 111 Psliso Pao , *Mimi 5-96 . 16, *seta to al. 91;011.7 moadm ; rer.l4., IP. Ilk. Mall l to au. sebtoetat, Teselmi, emit .6. nom 1 So 67 ' Moo° ossodm,,titpt. 16, r a , Irma 1 Wit CresSWst - T modes, apt 16, F. it or to 1 top. Noll" %Adm. mays. . 15. it. la., Iron 114 L ' •IX 11111.21.0113 • - for pos mat al POD ma. bs baadtd the 08Ice it hey tus, Tim for '4l o.ber sans* w.li too toad when us spolcsest Is call!d bola. the Dow& sa SIIIVIO3 II aim - 8, 1833. . . Omomhowasfatonloi. ol Inn. sr, oz. rispq on totodnohittlnils *lnuits o Idnotisj , ... ; ',.... ; .--,-..-..t". - • -*LIM. „ Jr , rtet'ef . posli r ee Dspestiseati dated Joky 19, Dal MMODSAAlllrlfmastrp on AM 'mama of I ' , Olean% Moll Al. below board as adult 1 en . le CI "Wairl ike ' l iiie r illith Slid Wee ilt **GOTn enmeat or vilVos DO delmoDo..9•DmiDieet., - • u. sb. Use mite be ppm tote the belted States ODA Tien lolMM•ditom mmt 4ste._ . , : - AL Tlat-lik-Moi some OoDend ble Intmitlott W. booms • althea, el ttm United Mum aid Ilse DO9 aseectied the MOM of oullrop by Tolley et oey elego 11oe Di say Stew ....-, .. . ~ , . 4154 Abet be thlme to tot seemed from m ilit a ry ' ammo op um vomit that La p the 4101114 at ii. rev - din 09emaseet.'and Imo am doelizid Me intimates, alteim, • elt ma of the UMMA - Allattik MO:AM DAM to Ley 14Am ......-..- , like alidasit so be tuppxsol*lfi • M 7 rsoftb9 if tbe Amite to .ssUllislitpat 114 puty deities g uests so tollystiddealbereta Oath, +beset et Steatites WI DM diabbars• Mot Am! 9 1 *.t,....y0 It sat Wisest Woo Wel ram 'bide* Mat tlete• Mutt, 'Womb Ate Protest Melia taimeAt.,toe &moos bilitit Dininttninst At AteMOD pertismto.. Pte empeedloy Ey MiMeteoftbi DIM shittl the ASD' - 'dim of the Matt mmtlettext be mole. mt,s lOWA al Abe Sista UpOgilaztat iti.il • !Opel' pm, b• oosiodeml ethieeth et thefille4 .riasiberthli pia , 0101 1 1 sf.le 14. 1 0 1 *$ V 1 ,. 1 9. 11617 f rill Wellifli el turothaest. alit' In parnwea or. dem atm oti et ettos um% times erupt , pet leeof ii Itibi , it,thi, Ole the eetellee4eie ..) tiolors.prodoetog id ., ? a ims limy% eller Die memembeut ( r m . , Ti its b.' id,,,,pro to Me , seam mid - *mem sy.bet eme moo bte mote te - meta hot. um toll ae.lle at. ttSot,) •to produce on feomyteSle sabnitose.. Lay dm dO4 feast OlOttodtit to• Ole lethie.ll.Bl b.,, tae oemweilme to pay She ttemktioadeed &boy% .: . littenSar ot Um amid: 1. , - - A. Mittel rOßTAlVrestOont,,. - CI” Met PeotoesiAmeibil AM Atm. Ps. bildt !Ml= MTEST'NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES FRQM WASHINGTON. !rectal Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Orrecte. Wassurovoir, July 25,180. ores 11051? mares. I The Itlehtnond WAig thus laments over over recent raids Pair warning was given by the Yankees of their intention to organise 10,000 mounted men, and ravage the country far and wide. The Southern. newspapers did all In their power to awaken the people to a sense of danger to keep them from trusting to the aid of the government whisk already had its hands More thin fall, and to inculcate a lesson of self defenoo. These efforts of. the prose wire reworded with but little snout, owing, it le to be feared, to the inveterate indolence of the Southern people. , The eensequencas of this ship-shod Southern way of down things are before hi In the 'rig on . /Enoxvilia, and the destination of the bridge at Strawberry Plains. The; inid anithohtitond and burning of the bridges on . the South Annii, the raid on the Virginia alit Te 11114.1011 Railroad at Wytheville, and bittly, the inicoll the plegtiohand Widdrin the t he; of the bridge 500 yerds, Ding, the lou of 5,050 bale. of cotton and the-two ear Rodent ammunition, thi burning °tan *forts:et rot ton Lowry, and other losses. Darks the exoltement in this city, caused by Speen' exploits, it was bitterly said that the Yankee raid on Richmond was as pleas ant and easy as a fox-chase. It is certain- that other raids have been safe and agreeable put-time afforded to the Timbres by our un prepared condition at rolnts whore prepare. Lion ought, by: all meant, to hare but made, is the best pouters encouragement-for them to assail all other prooes: II • thouland tee horsemen can sport leisurely, around the Confederate capital, we may be sure that : wilt not be deterred from enj eying thero in every interior county of the Southern Statile. Letter writers tell us that the Dutch far mers of Pennsylvania did exestlent bush whacking- busluess upon our forces, thereby saving a groat deal of their property, and helping not a little to expel us from their soil. It la tree we are not wedded to property as Datoh Yankees are, will not fight as hard to protect it, but for vary shame and for the sake of southern manhood, we might try to show at , least as much spirit as Penneylronlins. A correspondent of the Whig, who signs h.:legal( an old resident, after ailing Bat he is ever 607 ears of age and in the servioe, complains that every gambling shop, bar room, store, billiard room, and ten pin alley in the city of Richmond, as well as the prin cipal cornets of the main streets, are throng ed with scores of strong, heel,tby men, all of them In Bowler of manitood. who are net in• the service of their Mary, and Ingulres why it tat' The editor answers as follows : The sight which so naturally offends the eyes of oar friend, an old resident, °Raided; equally the eyes of , the members of Coerces while In this city, and they having satialled themselves that these stalwart drones and biseklege, were for the most part, or claimed to be, not chines of the Confederate States. pained a bill subjecting to oonscription, after the Ist day of July, all aitisoos between 18 and 45, residents or sojourners within the Coated *rate States. The President did not think the bill worth signing, and it thus failed to brooms a low. Had it been otherwisebviar *or- I respondent would have .been spared the I trouble of applying roue for information. 1 The remains of Gen. Johnron Pettigrew. I who was killed during the engagement be tween the rear-guard of Lee's army and the enemy weer Williamsport. arrived here yes terday evening on the central train. A large number of parsons assembled at the depot to ',Dieu the funeral ceremonies. After some dibly, the body was transported from the ear to the hearse, end conveyed to the Capitol. It will betaken be North Caroline this mess lug. The Whig has an ailvertiiiemeni from the . Aillittant and Impactor Genes ll'S office, giv ing • sohodole of prices to he paid by the I Government, reducing them in all MSS from market value, end in 50011416114, malting a se duties of over one half. - The Richmond Whig, of the 231 but., just received, contains the - tollowing Medal ells- I patch, rewired at the rebel War Department, on 22d alt. Cleschieree, Jefy 22.—The enemy neon lassoed shelling again yestorday,ilth but few osanaltros on our part. We had in the battle of the 18th lost. 100 killed and Wound ed. The esesay's loss, including krisoners, was about 2,000. Nearly 800 warn : buried under a Sag or trues. Cal. Pattie., dating ; Brigadier General, end CoL Shaw, commend-1I hag a negro regiment, were MULL I (Signed,) G. T. Beituoszw, iffijor General. - The Whig says, editorially, that the South Carolina troops are, by order of the Governor of that State, to remain at Columbia and Ploreneri, for the present, the faros at Charles ton befog deemed sudden% to prevent an Si, took of the enemy. Tie Sorg Carolietaa learas that while there is meth anxiety, there is abiding tonddenee Mit Our valued old city will he eseimeetslly defended against the dtabOlloal invaders. • ".,The evacuation 'of Jackson, MIS, left in thelands of the enemy, as we learn from the Memphis Appeal, the rolling stook of the New Orlesaj, Jackson d Great Northern; the Mississippi Central end the Mississippi 4 Tennessee railroads.. Tffli motive power alone consisted of over f o rty enemas. To have saved this invaluable property it reguirsd only the oGnst:notion of a teasporari bridge moss tem Pearl river. Six weeks of time wore el lowed for this work, which might have been done in six days. Whet were the railroad and military authorities thinking about? The Joss II of inosisalahis importing", sad in. the •prosentaindition of thlegashally Nothing seams to go well In Southwest» • Roister news bpi Cherieston us Yds than iliekoontained inlbe 'robot reports already forwarded, but the feeling abort a 4104 Ono!, au is not so intoyant: , - • L.. •• StdtitNton of /19 10 0' 3 ladro': 1 0 1 4 1 0 1' is`Salt indilittief ,0 lionotiAr or, ins Coors. 1 1'ho 4 Oosantsiin nonof Aviculture fun h. - , 'nod statement Ott 'tint Aowitition, of ,the crops (lestt--monthi . the •Valtint States} The tiondttilit *tont :wee may ito#lztint not ottottitti r rho 1t stud it Lula breadth ptintid. ooinlthOi oar Wm. Vont also ellahtli Leila! the atom. • • The date nroonniiienilin et the War po piiiniint,,olnifo:ion how largely Tampon lei t onuttoted to !antra; near„almost • , trot- dilissiansea twenty -, irOitiiiints of tiftinisy otti'oinolm inta, two boon* tliwotot, postof witiottmote; wits ep fion re f u g e es Orioalspr beyond her • • - • borders. ♦ mom ov 1314010 m, Goa. Ifolatoolnuts juo WWI bootee d In do Investigate "t hi oondnot of metals Mon of Goa. liliononsa's oomesall &Was e •~ux-'~"s+~:..~x%a' Esc ~;.eF~~ the pregr_eta of tho'grist ed 4 Is tie Tees d Lee's way. The west eras easpoed et Gm Nil Weber, Padgett; ;CoIL Darts sad Wer ner. • , LZILITLLOV notsaisrus. Upwards sf: Midair salted this arising from lira:roam Tits laspst portion sr* members of the 2 ems; the out belong to the 49th lissisohasstts. Special LotiPlY:b to the resteburgh °Matti. PIIL/DSLFIIIIp July 35, 8. e llet Ths statements molted hertss to army movements oil both Meade and Lee eery eontiloting. It is au:Adeptly belie that Meade has Loo's omainualution with Riot:- mond at his moray. Both armies are making rapid movements south• west,and a great bat tie will no doubt be fought north of thi Bap poltannook. Direct communication between the army of the Potomac and Waehlagion Is ostibilated; while but little hopes, aooordiag to the state moat of • deserter, are entatained by . the rebela of being able to reach Blohmond In safety. Their whole Ankle seriormly :Macy- Aid by our mall. Lee's fore. is outman:du follows r Stout's osralry, 11,000; tonptiest's and Bweirs Corps, 18,000 ("oh ; Ifill f s .Corps, 10,0011. 'Thus, with 18,000 more reboil at Riskmond 'aadloterobusg, are »Poi :big Ueonstilate Um whole rebel form. -, Tim flogorit.nery aura had so few troops al at ement. , Sinop their recent losses it Port Endue: and litleksinitg, all the troops they can muter, la estimated Sr follows:'80.000 at Olselutob, indor Boinvegasdrloo,ooo it Hobilei 16,040 wider' lifameaduk• and Prise; 24,00 under Johns ton; 00,000 under Bragg. aad - 35,000 at va rious dotaahod points, in ill, only 340,000. Lee's army to the larvtt and best organised of the South, and the foto teethe Confedoraoy depends on him. . . • .. Lsilier received *Oars not to .fight Nude now, but to mums in sub. • manner as to draw the Itaion - srmy towards Staunton or' Gordonsollio, by which Smithey hope to ro tator(' tee: It Is rumored in Washington that the lir jor Gousralship in the Army, ,accent by thi retirement of den. Wool, ',Me tendered to On. grant. Nether the War or Navy Dopartmonta To eilved anything from Charleston later than the 17th Instant. Special Dtopotob to the fittotaillt Gosotte. LIXIIICITON, Ky., Sal, te, 1893; Scants bring word Qat two °wolfs' rest saints Ewe occupied the 69. Gilbert talegrapits that floott's avalty drove la lithe roma along the Gemberlaad. Oar mat jollied their 'detachments sad hit book to Logue. where, after a short engsp. rant; tbey determined to:stead: Gainforros masa were forwarded by, Gilbert. The rebel ambers are esthastad _at ,liitsea handled. Their programa of invasion Le beatable. Raman hi bonny hi amber and terror for a far days, and theiryso will bear of the oar. tare of large Leather oflll44lelesde lobaatious rebels. 8.8.. Arrival of Ike City of lbw York. Now Your, ilaly 15.—Tlas City of Nur orkloada tn. gawp (1014 Q 110040104 11 is maw days—the quieten Caws ea record for a sinew moaner. The Bolismbin salted oat ea the 154, sad Ahs City of 0011104 the 141111.: In the House of Colawmakea alte 14th, Mt. RAWL withilnewskillawaloh for t%wruF 4 opinion or - Um eontisirieldigg . iiliiiiirLtiel; tit, wishe el Lord Palmeraina. L mentorP mad s Mr. Robust. did tight f i n withdrawing the motion. its lisped this would hi, me last tome wain say asesiber ot Parilament would make ore of his Uitersourse with any foreign sovereign. sash proosediags beteg extremely inegnier. Mr. O'D4notighne protested *Oast Mr. Flosionsk's hostiiiiito toe North. He believ ed Nr. Booboos's islands, were &matted by . obo e belief that the .deehreition of AM Celan maid bee great mirmitage to NeglasC , He *honk' oansider to the ;moot that mad be. , . , , Madrid, Ana I.ll,—Tas ssiortioas of Span ish ounials that dpaln Intends to reeogalzs the 400140111 Ontiadersay are stools raise. paln will wait the swoon 0i Neg Mad sad Priam. _ The Polish Natiorial Goreraseat - hair tit fetid to agree to um Az polite .of the ab powers, out will lassie a meatball. to Otero _ Th• 2 &awe otnation to the anon of an BogWinn* la Now Yon, and no edam of Ws beta by bin oa Beane Vila., a* 'onion for tne Oontodaisto It says a iganntoe Ann bo obratan for tba Wet* of the property of neinrals withla tto Jul. &On of tba Wastuagton'6ovoranent. • . sonnies* Nene, , Finnan Masson, Jul; 210—Ilisluitoad puns to July 28 are reelattal. The Sadiati, at Jaty 12/, tali that 840 Tannin pruoaer ansama L llttlivaolul coa Monday. 123 este inn Jaateoa, Misa, aid 'ripe buena froaltlimitoarg. • Giarlaloa, .J•ty 18—tad Ina,-alas; Ara Kennon, and lin son and /aortal boats, as; elated by two Lad wanton sweatias Sou, nary' lied larlassly at for Weimar all day. 0/01 bt vas eaniasso was astound.. , (dips*,) O. T. Maarisa,Joly 23,—Cluaser's torus; whip haul aim the nanny gush of ii.potted to b• monht. towards' etell44ll aed ;0101401lb. Olio fro*' Shinn', patouay, matt that! °hostas liaa' Gain Koh to: amity Biases anny is mostly at Ohithisoop in& lionaltur• Sou Jobtudim , hunts is Wag Woos!, . Otiarliston dal*. of tin lOti alma that Fort Wainstatiii heads Qui, and that the Yukon hu Dna aniiitind: on Rally Land and rip, mated to Koala LUGO that the irn-elads ban/ pasts -ooatlaw* to 6°1104414qt Tao Upoit, that Pillow to in Wait tinuiteem Mull buds ot gonna@ ate sahisoLot iki massiption and swains hoses.. Venn an ail tin 11401111 Mt ilk balmy:ski bkhablosais, . .„ Sewn. Flight Mumma ties. Itleyit sus the stein! tyieper4•Coosplete" Rest of the Rebels. .' . . , . Lao armors', Jab , 22.-0 a Thursday the 16di a dross, lips around. toting Blast sad the rebel Was.. PorP o to roduktl22 In U. oomptoto root d the taboo.. ' ' _ .., Boding the rebels had fallen bask Trod port Ottawa, Shut, with 2,410 min sad 12 anasi.latt 11 Strait, and attor,marohlaw licy and in tanaty-four Mari, •loud tha iamb MOO strong, In position on Ilik Crook.• Bloat Inuardiately attacked thew Our artillery dismounted two Mod tau, whkA wars sap quad: ,A charge was de made. alga the , way Lod In confusion. Oar oddly war e panning when the south lift:; - . , _ - ' Thd rebid lota Is 00 1111ed,14. 'maimed, L aid 100 pdsonon. 'Oar lou 16 .10 .klllod- 63C 10 wounded. Vie es tared s quotes) =of Com. middy stand. Angst, thowilt 'Mak, WO* ..* . aliad4d i3l OMB. , . , , 'Official AlittOlUlt of Oar Captures ,at , i roil Itiadsoa. . .., f:.. -... } :lilechtrakeeagDarese.'oi ni1...,a••••• feta AtiaT Otare Boat Bunsen, . . , ~ ia1110,4863.-._ lull 10, tiris— t a li ro b he t rzr ia to t : o .afo= t o fkat s,6ooD utr ioaed, bolaalai 1 Major Goa. m ad 1 Nei Elaa., sad 10 pboosof =batteries asialleisg at *on Sabi ; a - good Oipply of proisotilaa fot Nue sad boos gam, 4.410 pima 01111111104 pOw dim 0,000 eta*. ;of. vats 00,010 Iv/W . O amatl astasuiltioa; Wass a matt anoint .ot atom of wino Wads.:• Woosptaraliketa , otoamira, OM of OM h 10 * . c rult will hi of groat atria at tan N. P. Baru ; woo ye" AZ-Dispatch from Gies. Seinirewtritt _ Caaaaspos; fo.—Aftocafildapillolaa , . Imagist ot arras how. Oiramay sosonita t tho'-Alamo at Warm 111 .11 4 Tailti aail;rov piatodly. Oat Ps"l..:fregktdaalaaltalP sad npalooa lata _,_ . .V:, 1 ; 11 00 0 it. , Oar lon wis aomairsiovw MS 1141116 1 1 11101011111111111, isloo ll4 -,'• %WWI was aimanalliffiNg OS 11411 ebb. I.3s4itusum. 4 " , " Patton Elate ojfacktitosono.nnupa lion of P en th Wtio 2l.°3 ll :l o li f as. Jt.jaoks:illiovzi.2:4l.tilii—eSisPsP:r. "tl:l3:frois, of mi thMeeciliol • On this 15th a portion of oar forme, under Gen Parke, made the attack, and were met by • legion of mw ratan fro nt m Saith Ca ur,ro line, whip, afteraneogigame of hatfanho retreated with loss. Three kindred of our men efoopleCtheir --PoSitiat untll the next morlainlf,lfllm thii7 Made • second advance, and diseovered that the rebels had -evacuated, ‘settleg fire to a number of o ases containittraommiesary end quarter star stores, which were entirely eansimed, th . the addition of some fort 7 other buildingsdinited from bousee fluid by the rebels. The city wu at once occupied by Sharman, Wiesen a foroisof cavalry to interrupt the communisation, and to prevent the anny of Jobaston from joining Bragg, which it was wsp_posed he would endeavor to do. The rebel army left but little behind. So deliberately bad they left the place that they took •11 their dok.with them. Deserters are untintially coming in from Johnston's army. They express themselves ,dbutislied - with the shape the campaign is taking, and willing to throw down their arms cad take the oath of allegiance. Federal loss in the various skirmishes Asa assaults amounted to 900 men. Bet few people were found in the place, and Most of them foreigners. Pemberton wee carded liberally as i traitor Ind unworthy of anfidenoe. E At Vicksburg, the Federal wants yens being leeded, and the rebel fortlficatiOns pat into. • more perfect oeiditicus, - • number of the finest guns tieing mounted and Placed on a hill, as • first class annuity forsilleation.,_ .. FLeta* — By the arrival to ivel of the stearer Im lin, we have *deices from New Orleans to ilth,Portnntison to the 19th, and 'Fucks. erg to the 21a. - , . The Imperial was the first steamer to New OnCiats, having arrived on the 16th. On her arrival at the landinteshe wu crowded to sof !Outten with people. It was almost impoi= Mae to oonviesse them that Port , Hudson and Vicksburg had fallen.': .' , i :- , • . , .A large number of the prisoners ositiredit Port Hudson are joining the Federal army. ` IThileq.,l94lewit-tiVielatell.b.PAnyurg.rOU-liEfates" loin at 136, exchange on New York at t3i, and S un ites st 163. , .. . - , • „, _ . Lees Tardy. 1110teelle SI ill Accounted : tora.lfeesei Captured...Y[om this mi. ***** plat Squadron. • WAIIIIINGTON, Jnly 25 —The /Valletta/ Re- Wafts, of this afternoon, statem that posi tive information has been received here that Lee has been delaying on the Potomac to ena ble him to goi away safely with tee plunder he has ',oilseed in Maryland and Peens, ha ute, and because his forces have been gather ing the new crops of grain in the Shenandoah Valley. Re is now movies towards Bah- Mond, with an immense train of supplies, the necessity of procuring which was increas ed by the fall of Vieksbarg and Yore Unison, aid is now intensified by the elating of the Tenneseee Railroad, which 'was a great me dium for procuring supplies for Lee's army. The Navy Department has received infor mation that ,she steamer. Santiago de Cuba captured on Jody lfidt. ' the steamer Lissle, of . Nissan, eftsr a clin e of two hours .. She was formerly owned ' Wilmington, N. 0., and waken ker wend trip to snit from' Wilming ton. Her cargo consisted of brandy, soap, dry kiods, provisions, do._ , - The following wee received at the Mai P 1- pirtmant thle mottling : ' , Piaci Snip Btacrustrx, 1 1 - .Ors. Virisanoto, July 1E1; 1863.1 • ' Ear: I have the : honor to inform ken \that thq expedition I gent into the Bad River te , ". Sleekenpro very eneesseful, ascending and Tennessee rivers, tanning 'parallel' with the Mississippi. Lieut. Commander 1 Salbridge made the head of nnellgation, Tenses Lahti and. Bayer Macon, Wily mites above Vietnam sad within - five or six &Iles of 1 ttuic Mlestetippi Aver. The enemy were taken 1 • by imuprimu - , The rebels that have aseendird ,' to ihat region will be *bilged to SWAM tattler' leek from the rivet ti not' go away altogether. Lieut. Com. Sednidge divided hit force. on 'lading the transports which hid been cunt int stores to Walter's army had escaped up setae of the narrow streams. lie sent the Seititsi and Rattler rep Little Red Amin ' small tributary of the Black, and _the Shiest Rosa and Petrel up the Tens is. The night wan dark and it was mining very haid. the Neste* andMattier encseedel in ;capturing , the'rebot steamer Louisville; one of the largest anti perhaps best steamer in western waters. l i Up As Teem, or one of. its tributaries, the Forest Rose or. Petrel captured the steamer 7 .,, xi loaded with stores of sugar and ram tor • rebel army. riding that the steamers which hiad ion nryid Wilkie/ armj had retuned up the , Waddle, theaxpedition steroid op thatsiver, and'eatue snddealy upon two rebel iruassiers, in s, : a tt i rebate sat them on lire and they Wes* ed. Oae steamer loaded with amine tittlin heaped above the fort at Harrie t which '.is a every strong work, and nnessalieb Ai with wooden gunboats. . - ~ • . z - , L; ' • - Lint. fisibridp was fortnaato enough, however, to hear of a large quantity of am. intuition that hid lately been hanled-from Btatelkes and deposited at Trinity, nearly due Wise of Retakes, and.' 'from whence sores; ore t cattle; guinea &maintain:a KID WW 4I ; . He 4 81041111 1 4;1 5 . 000 reandc of Ma' eh bore amtemtition, 105 rounds Enfield and Xil meads filed' ammunition; 52 here. bean sugar. 10. puncheons rnM,'-`ll' Sirrali lice a nd MO barrels Malt, allinionting to the Con crate govainmlat. :. --' Wa u Cit a ; if lett:4lieeek withouti ails- - ' l'hmieNeeriluive shown great energy in this ezpolitlee, and r have m et' with no mishap. They. proeared a good deal el liforogitiorir by whisk blare moveiskelece will baregalated... The. people in that leaden are very beadle to thli govarsusent, ead•are,vankrebels. •I have eiveliesor tobe:lr' . ' ''' • ' . ' re*: wodie,w:4l«: °t i lt. ata9riliti ILO th e Vl(holifil- VD. Cossimoillo. 4 o,lkcial Daspitcli Ira= Cloli,SOckelloid. . , ~ CtiotiiiTf. July 26,--11,to follooiing iiio 'bon Slit iii Itemilinsiiirin :,..,' . ' ~. H frisrtera 011 do Fio1411:1414 Sara o/. Now ithiin;'o ads do To _Ookzei Loot, Nokosood, A. A. 4.—.8y the bloosizo of Al: stlitty God .I hue nosnedatt in eapturbigr,, Gen: Joh* it.:llinvin, CoL Cliarke;, sod tbs_ balanbrof tin eionionaci, ainciantit otp about. 41 gelsomilg 'riot start with Morgan roil , lookthotliit.trala foe Gibeinnsti, sad awnithi GloWill! *air itir; tinnapbitation .for the tannin., r" - ( B ulined.) 7, ' ' . ' Thifi-Daiift‘la Mew Toth. ' Na! YouWi.lita 35;-ISfearlislo.9oo It el reidreollieted for the Wallin al the . ponce sea, , !nom Sad soldiers. Wand er kUiod 111 OA riots.: Detachments of troops front the Alski of the Pelmets hare arrived , to take chary' of the - draftee lawn in' the,,NPrtitun sad Latent Mates. ; ;Their up/hie/pal -duty will bp taint& renewer. , Thor go to El. ,sirs and other partial thialltew,and to Vig nola sad Connecticut. . TIR dish Is the 'l4d -*aid; iraa , anhi•i, WI amain , othapietlig the. SW Mongrel ale plif ;Matra' , At thP cloalotoVike .daffw, 1ng,74 cheer" were Oran for the flonetta. tight r s ,wrOug. - The" draft for thealtg,.la now oow taiititti Ilia ~faiception al: the'lpt wie ldl4l u-- ,', ,,, •L'. ... paw, Jul y' 2C—Passingini A ith• avtilmi: hire W-dag Iron - Vas**, Tpuert-that our. 4 . 02 5u10m• ilthigel..geOttnia. sad thattke put , tit ortJohusi wil it whiled for tha , mt eat. ; , f-±...._-- - 77.7,. ....._.r. _- .. L ^ A atet - inlaid UM , warning. Waging New o*asif pa , a fat s tbe I Verve}, ken* bg . ..t1 ifoin .. thatkta. - ItiapUe, di """ \• et Witfig,.. •de trip dvis ilia hid _ ,it tambli; -:_. , . ~. s t idAsa , ,s*Afi) **lt, oillipta ftis Noll. litioa • diti 'Aalitiani. 1114 t 11040* ffam the fi°:°°f O l T of ' 4 . adsin__ u ,:i !ad Mt .'nhvahl 'ltte'..iintll4 4 •!..- 11 Irri - -- r ---- . --- 6 .- - -- ~.,, ~..,,, .1.- Scolthe 4 Ana, of . .tic` saanicatiitail Qua): 3•11..2 4 .T4laistaillitat Loomis& thol. Billow, it fittiaN suf. britviat hitt 4sy.lTbsy twin: tut' Vieriesaliwrrer Wiled .to Jultioal: Ili **Oil #iligiAtAliki: ibrdisitag etarkiit ;104•2*itivuseiud• taispiatry' liivitaigotea Ws to .Wilve sea* '401114 bp whisk Alashadapt fa .4*-10.0immt *do llakat-iitleds , amp iitid latitpli it dot mattoiristeiotiOady'lltnittli•lF. - aid err Issa7 ha Pomp. 3'07•, Mated dhoirAll Si ,Vhdraburg.altd; attic la Aad ffidlehr (bit = mi te JeWwW, Asa Cu -le..ilttift.van-, °ea. Logaut was readved here irlut spa? audie of =Teel, . . , From the Arley of the Pete - tea Wasuuturos, July 16.---Adilem headquarters of the army of the Pate. re ceived to night, say that during the pail wok_ our troops have not been" Idle, but by °ion scrutiny of LIMel movements and by - PIA matches has secereded in baffling his errl l attempts to easel{ warn Virginia ! V or*" • I stalled his attempted posseselon of b PIO of the Bins Ridge. It is grmerally he is now moving nodal towards; m ton by the Shenandoah Valley. He tried B Jok ers', Ashley's and hienasaas Gaps-butt ad a strong. Union form already them. t the two last named places he was driven beek with cossiderable lone At Chester Gap our 'rivalry nee* ,100 of the cattle stolen by the enemy, t venal hundred sheep and a large number of nu. Several brisk ellmoishen have takeri The prinelpal dght assorted on Tuisdey even ing, between Linden and Front Royal; in which a brigade of rebel infantry probably Lee's tsar guard, was driven through the The cavalry has sorties. The several commands have made arduous mmehes and remenoissanses, and completely. foiled -Stuart in all his attempts .• laid on our dank. Edna. hiosbes email but energetic band her alone &ex us ; tastable, miseipally by cutting oil forsging.pszties ant messesgers. A private of cavalry reports that on Friday as • divi.ion of cavalry was reeostoiteringlx the vicinity of .Amissvilil, a large ogress of rebel infantry was seen advancing In that direction, tied our cavalry was complied to fail back. ,This form is supposed to be Lost meet's corps. Up to Saturday sight, tiny ever, this report bad not been conarmed. It is impossible to conceive the poverty of the country through - I/bleb the army . passed. With the °sorption of licedos musty them is nothing to harvest eserpt a - few gems of wheat one eon, and this must be dose by manual labor, as the eountry her been entire ly etripped ot stook, The latiroad is now In running. to Warrenton. Our supplies which have been meetly ex hausted are flowing into the army, and the mail,whisk have teen, entirely suspended sites the army monad the totems° are as:- tangly Awaited. Though the army has bad fatiguisg march end consequent privation', it would be a to suppose that itie Multi* down in Idleness. Toe m ger who brought to Washington the above inteiligenee, reports that to-day of Meshes guanines were captured near Fairfax Station. liamisoas, July 18.—The following dis patch was received on Saturday tram the headquarters of the Middle Deportment: IlionQl7elilee MIXT or Tan Formai' ' ' . Front iloysi,lniy 25, 1863. The Major General Commanding directs em to inform you that he engaged the enemy at this point yesterday. The enemy appears to hare withdrawn las whole army. is undosbt edly ',trade to Culpepper and Orange Court House, and probably ate rear , law passed. the Shenandoah at this plies and Strasburg.' A. A. Merrill/II • Colonel and Chief of S taff. The following inlormution was remind at headquarters is this city to-day, by General dbenot.• It is from Brig. Can. Lockwood: The enemy has. dlaspreirel from Oar front entirely, and is nowhere north of . Winolaster: Our cavalry was in• Charlestown yesterday, (Friday.) and moats have 'been sent out - to . tee dietaries of ten miles in every illreatlo4 Without any signs of the enemy. - The Operauese bemire Charleston. New Your, Juli 26'—We are indebted to the //mild, for the following *exeunt of the operations near Charleston. tuelved by the krego en the 19ch. - The , Abele attempted -to "drive ear forces from James island. The atrial" was sudden and unexpected, lent, Erin. Terry_ met and re pelled them with 'grist sisughter. The gentlest Pawnee, which supported the eft item, grinuuled. and • rebel battery open ed ipon her. firing about fifty shots, thirty. Dine of 'which 'hit her. She subsequently lloseutoffand opened upon the rebels, vetting "them to Sight. - _ ' Oar ow:tattles were smear and the rebels were taught nelson they will not soon forget. The bombardment of Pert... Wagner vu re dewed oretteemorning of the 221, the iron °rade auoDerataig wimp* army. Darts g the day Tort - Wagerer was'silenced for some time, and:the oolors shot sway. The new Melon ,battirces.were opened upon the rebels ,doing - great execution. A'Uharge'iras made on York Wagner, and our :troops, alter a desperate straggle, ware obliged to fallback, which they, did in axes!. order, and held their old panic's'. The loss on oar side was quits swore, bit our total loss of tilted, wounded and missing. oboe the" 10th, is only ' about 1,000:' The 48 th: Nair orb lost about 050 man, and only S officers escaped Unharmed. . The Ostskillmas strut over 10 'limas, but is all right. Atm - went to Hilton for , supplies' ud seat. Tile' 'steamer Arago, from CharlUtOn Bar, on the afternoon of the 23J, has 'arrived: .Azonglar passengers are Cals. Strang and Seynioar woundad, Oct. Jackson and Lint: Cot Rodman wousdod. add odium' ' Ti. Arago on the :tat,' captured the stain er .Emcna, of. London, from Wilmingtoa ler . 134Mtads, With a cargo turpentirmy and gotten, Ind towed her into this rat." The steamer Champion; from Aspinwall, Da YEa Ith, has snirod. JOhe has .$OlB,OllO - la s tat steamer podahsntas, frost. Port Royal a: the 2;01, has arrived. .7 .. . She hoard Assay firing when off Charleston. -The Olga of -Sort 'Wagner was favorably pro fftio4peoflbecti.'•ltuntheen Dlipateltim. Tilt& 4111i5/1.121- taros ' sPectils sate - that, It 1 - OTbeliMed. that Lsii i suireedsd in oomph% with bb army, atiel,,, ' at Galpepper or Onto" Gout Bosse. tlativ si,sight. - - . -- - - '. .- ~3i The affair. at Chester Gap is; -supposed to haver NOM with his Tear pieta., :, :. • 1 ' C' • ' ', ..11: f.s ritisir dispetal drted Nur col, Mimi Jill si n 18, s that their army to -Olt tallies back. Jt., la toted that tho clam* of :hobos ;after there Maims left: faimelly'amtendaed - the . • The same dispitcTststes that'the rebels taiptared and destroyed 100-federal wands. i in lacy stone, is L . Grant Mar. '••4ltsti -that the Mde s crossedtherimir an thel7th In Strong form din movie, on the radii steadily.' "A. Orton dispatah of the, 90th states , thas .all thirebel Gengsh taken st Viskslati have bsenelehanpd.. ; , ? - i :- , - !' -' '' • ' . , . ,Iffunitar .44 - mi.ej. : Aiso•ok.-..,.-.. Oniiiimient. July 95.—Thefenersi of Yej. liatlatik, Paymaster is the 'United States . May.' I f Get knowi as the father of tits light; 'bird mks. took plods this Shaman. he _proms les wait lengthy and imposingiin whist ' were S,Beresidresd.-atalt..ll4...Gint. Cis i ;ma itir. ix: heads- of thsididereet military ,datr a tients of tits city, two companies of tai , the Trosessess, his three sou, N.J. 'Glos:' cOook, Col. Dat McCook end Copula Mooocik, of Gen. Boyearsta • Maff, together with Ike QUO, (kn. lleCook's personal staff, wets 14 a ttendan ce . '-.'l 1 from.•t.iattloinis. ' ' Bo Viusouscro, July 25.—Gedness dating the fortnight now closed has boon dull: No impterionnt is tooled for-before the middle i ;Ot.ing it, ss we generally have feral doll Tookebetween thosprlog and tall trado..__.,• The ries Of new wheat some established' ' 4t ins, d ono-holt opt, per pound.- Wool Is ;490;1 misted. .. _ . :: i...- . - ::: i......6.'4) , minor =taint distsick his bon Ois• covered to Nevada Territory, oovsotr 'intim . north'of Iloisolivoi:. The so** promise so li:o#tOnsive' lid, .Talsablo, ' About slat,' bliaiis have been halm. J. Y. Sakor.nroaro, CaL CliakoisAdta ball, of llontsviltec, ate,.L.,Utigeo . Arm itednocd#,9lB3oo o or 20'000 . ' , Nur rrili,4;3l-1,14-tAt;linteritlin Itlx-' lflowitis Tosa.,-JallOkki • etnifiniii thi ear tan of italanultooWs oo -'14 1 6. 1111 r 1 ! .#a' 1,11)ob scao#or*lgial.,lltaalay. --, - .2:S# if.iirki ii sodooot Im - am,' tfoit to MOO or 20,0 #. - , - 1 [ ;-- il l . 1-..' Death! or nose -Jolili J. Critter el. ' ~` • Lau0tn...,. 1 or ! , oz. - lobs . eft.. **do, &OS .lElublf.piol tlooeteeloek 04 okozoto, at Ito..lOfifortiiritbottpila or @Omer= gly in J sololoffeC et Ms yforaltles. -1:Itto '444.66: al 0411,1161,1111 q./ 'Wirt.' is 4, ',lti l i Z., el lib 41 • • - ' - ^ '•'' Fruri ~Pi rftiert~ ii e. iis s :iic. : a iii a—a-W - o a f3 , : , O conebb nds, pialed ui bow aarYla Um ee":ali:.ll7l:6Vj4l "' l " 41 4 " - :t IbromZ a ti?sow .1 a. saarays. I. 4;43. LWOW? 04 cIiTY *AMU** cp • ir.x.•••zremir sod as,. Ora. kir,. surepatio, mo sou. pug - . RIVER =TELL' The rime is SiXl speeding steadily at this point , telthinitlittlisiree four feet in tie the :el by the .plerrinarks lad evening: ..Tbe -owdber continies 'ekes and extrimelj bat, withipa maidens! shower There bnot.miseb dohig at the whinged notna. toad Improvement In she riser bosicsss most to ...s -pirted until there te more water. • 'lb. oirly. antral we 'Dare to reocad b the Jimesll Gib:acre; Irina Steubenville, Where she bat bean lad tip 'Hilt Atirlight and Swab. are toothttok end Will pro le be found at the wharf this morning. As will be seen, by cad. tbe ,Janses B. GI mot*, , Capt. D.S.H. Gilmore. L . aneounced be. Patio and St. Louis on Ttieidey. ,the bs a a nit lelas stumps, with Rood wiucalmettailiddlor passengers; tied plenty drown . • , The 011 City .came down *ma Einlentint yesterday, and will lea, loS,Vilieellog to •Say. • She , teparts the Allegheny au falling rapidly andsate:as c reet many bulk all basis;,whicAlehOcl City on swell, are now grounded at verbal plecea , Tea ltnmw'ret OPlln4&ttininer ' airinea °rearm on slaty le; wl.b nierebandle• from St. Louise The following bat justteen made Public. at Steamers destined for New Urban., with towelan... Ldl.s rbispd Ind permitted accontucc Sc, um, wit iha convoyed .O the way tbrooeir to Vt. kebuts, train, Ashleh plate a bunks at Sam will In tinny to Wert enciw 1110 .day morning to sins prancti.a to the O. n. TO)IL .No tessele will tie p rinittel to 40 deco the ltrOt wlttnnonoo9,ol for lb. •un Woomera will be obliget to lay' weir a •eas it. they go 051 4. TM" on cc MOM OM day of tbo-k ten on 'gallon ann Toys start. - Armed Is. bowator, "costoS batse• ea times will also gun moray. bat no resoled. y -must be espected.-truw L4llOl. 4,r gnat ot.eaten, ea our war toms to stop ma the way: Sou wrens...eat wiu alasigroe4.A4ll‘?4 , o 863 vaviii.D., Possum, ' Rear Admiral Coma's sloe tniOodron. • ttooloinrr er ?se dread uI VAACK‘II• mined on 'f) and the street r Citt bf• a bon, untie that boat. trttles on tirr way tram t.unt to • ltlemph s. wee ssrountl on' tbe bar at lirrtubtutout.. The nAte4 sod tee Cum .crod este • boon 4 lot to nr6of 'panful; tit • boot over tbe.bar, tbe spit, a tong nod Leavy plied: Of ittobrr w.stet by bloats and Witte itteourd A. We r" Pie, beets,Quiett es &Loh of Iliptolug tour t be. beck bend/Ver. anted uu tee Stow ows arson sett kneeled Into met; eitont rd e orutwoe 1. The boat at Perth* but int pios of a tut her vill age. The baths of thus etntal oar tbirtien sale buried decently on thelett maitre., by the -sone of 1 the sccideut —llantlavols, J.korual. • ••. Pion Gur. Na' no , calved at Mheloing on Friday intoning from. O. Kenai announcing that be had rra r d Pedal's° river, wad wonldocenpl ger. -"lbut.en Saturday. , WIND s BIIII3IIT-1111k#3, at -Boorishico. Jed. .1%010 b len, 0 ii. 111014 11,.rkaticir. .liampme• Pa. Battery. , Tciday Joly:1616. MAL 60ttaIla:11 aiod 63,1 .6- tb0 . 25t5 nitaot;it 11 o'clock 111 ILtZaeats ot' am. Wand Bord.rotto D. Friona sopa o•ths MILITAIRr A'OTICEB7_ - I.9loTutit Ilfititla • L.% .0 it V• tO9, • Lin visfUlt or Plaite& r. 98 Taw* Bi.; Pitt:bu go; .11:4 Midi_ 1983 fi - lIICEMPT.III4 FtiOM DRAFT.— • tow . sooordano. with ord<yr, I ptibitan thi. fol. lowtogltit of rrsolis zempt-d town drat by who • Pkiirt of 5W3°1.041.10 - ta tb • Mai MIA tiate, with lh• iftwons th• tr tx•tepi ion: it wool ig la? - rviiinnula '4lFcrtismc . Residene. ..43satualtutes. . A'. Yams, Dam b - Oak; is. It. ON. ei not. Nasalor nr•mo.o 11 0 4ribapse, Bitmlaebsta; Tuea Wit taws. teCkasall. Lwineasvilte. Jno.S Jowl* P. 64 Pot tonomblo, .1 swim 11.40annoll •t Re.hlen, Plan townWilp, J.inn- nand., • • PAISIZNIS .1117XDILD D•Lt•ASS. •.• ', • ' , . DOChteuga4ram,ra data J a als2l. feh reed ' - 1 Bail LOVIS, damson Lab% 3+32.1•m• I t Wag Jacebll P.tam o 2,Wllkion ze, td• a mr, 0131,11 • Jiro 8 Leacatt,M Fora , •Aut. Mal .r, 3 ...aril , • John Baia lbw ID .1 a..rdr U. rtr, 32 ..rd ',bathlltrnary. K.lll a race Mattock.. 31 ward. Jos AMMO% Jr., Yam :1,,- " • .. .11111101241LatiSS or am : • Dijailliir .7 . 4d- ad— Tr. than, Ore. marled ' Witarmai-;.ll3prestaaJletbarthy, rocas t rooky:. -' b -11aMd L'Howarl. 3.1 w.re—acdar t aea.y. Milt- , - amm.e.-11braty - mbwa'd, rand - t awls. _ 'Dante" lb laratama, colo,d, 31 wara--omithfr , y. ... - Ma. marrled. Witabaser—Slwara Loves, G. hinr &MO.__ - . Charles Blame, ral Wart —nada twenty. it-.. . nemm—Oharlone Slam. 3 Ins Cab terra t. -, . Was. Lonktrart, 32 want—tali r twenty,, it; ~ ~ Man—Bohan and Gs ed. Lockhart, Darrel.. Max 0-Iden 3d ward—.Ter mart, Ova. mar tea.' Witnaasee—lho. lobar .n,-W. X kloblmo, . . John OrsiNry, ed ward—mar tab..) , Ora yeas. it. amv*--bleva b a lry. norm Orri bor. Bar W o Gray. ad ward:- over thirty.fire, marslod. '"." Wlumares;-.1 11 &Mtn% W li./lamblton. - ' ammo MllOlll.lll SOS Dii•Laiii• I 'EMMONS. ' • John Xellaprotdb, 3d ward; Wittman.; John . Torkamp, It cbwarts. ' - - . ' Tom Hai. 3 4 I mrd.- - Wltraumm, Patrick. Hatay. ' -• Wm Barhe Le i. 3d . raid. Witniabem,,Marttry Po*. „,... W J WK.*. rd Maid. Wltnerirs, IL-11.'„11beteri.'.' u 'Jobs- , .ebii. i t p , I, J i ll, i b p . Yos t , e 3 ,y r. d ward.....Wltammea. . , ...1! b 1 1 ,1 0 ,, ", War beams, Moran* Wilma:cr. w D sielip; Jea • ! Jar Ill'h. ro, 3d ward, Wltneebee,W D Ebralfe,lM ' Badolaa Sodas, .sd ward Witimies, tranctr r•-, sobilhareby and War Thariby,3.l ward._ Wit, cease. L Osgood. Itantorn dd mon ' , • at Haanbattaa.34 ward. Viltamemi, Martin Cloylo, PaM Harry - Lard int. 131 ,wald. Wltnesina, Imopald. 11.11bruaer;11 mid &rattan . - John Moment'. ad wird:•' Mitnemes; Dennis Albin. Max X' Maar. IX ward. Wthreaate, Mx Walker, • lrfadirlcat Xia,ll.3dMMtd.H :-_XXosselmreterJa4ob, - . Johh , ... . - . ' rd wind; rouble lo•ui n .t hangs. Joao Igriiibt; Ed :sr.; d- nth.. ot.tal a. - - Bobart, -thane - 4 3d . ward; t liWatia' • dm , . b a dii. dimmed kora anntirat, LonaonitiOnititlcati , al Dr 0 • John Birst;ia . ctilonitianiptionai thy din; ea idlest* of Di brOonk.• JOll It Tam psaa..a r -W. Nwidanna ai.ard; dattioaa in 'titan araissaand.o Bandinaon.3l - ara tenancies* Telma. 'Dabs B 11..1 E irwa.,rar. noon. . .• . 'rata Waal; atm wart pia.Wvaliaadt podia; o ,r. ~ Aldo oi r %sews. Drolad in as war) . , John al 110.1%3 1 want landasi heard • ' - ania.Wallawaaid wardi'inarrara er Volt. Patr eV...04m0.; i ..rd; 12•1101.6 t I eit.cireo„ , .1 ho o.l.lirtiv; 31 was;altvolioa sad dram dabliity, :ratan.* • of his John Daman.' sal W. a iliaanua . 'JO • *SLUM. LI ward. darn:tire [loth.l. • Dan einair. 34 ward, dii• 010ra Wank. . , ,-, Rai a wrpDNl. bd w.ddi tnnitioaal (llama o 4; . 11 ° 00 0 61 .• DIIPIXDUCI 0/ L aMar:M . 0:1.41014 TAUNT& • . • Patriot Ileardla. par 3, WltMe.ll4l. AV/ 11 1d% Androw ' ' ' . • • • tar asailcaViii'aii.34 8: U. TooF.llVaisidus. 4:o V, 14 h P B U. Alaaander Patton.An Y. 71,0 p.n. Ilamtliaihbotra Latour rp .Oci AL, PV. aux PlaWillaisal or aornia•ist oluiEtir 01011 TISLII. I.oea .. ,1111 /I banal - Pails* id win kwitrism'a, Jckn Etalf: grow. 13•0160aLalata. : 111=110 anaozitin 111 .. aiaa. , . •• • itarc • aini. ~ 11.4,1 dint. WA: rianatreog, Third Inv d. bard. flak, - - - e Ai/rata and Prevost idatilnit64iLlairan,ra. ff=3== fr - NINTR WARD UNION LIiAG II! Ines 'tat tan swilat A 3 . 6 " 1 '.1 QA 4 " D A V ' ruder. of 10101a.C11 111 be transactilkfilloglsiol•nos is zecimmed; ' - 11.SS*41.V.i.t 4'210 ;I; OCIONTL: 31W ti e There vim 011.110100isig stilts On'on uststy *vas. Ors Clesisoltsos, ss.l{l . o'clock. • at on Vi *DS oar , • WW1.41111 ISSA, lA* safes c 4 Iklarstfll **lerj4, • mine wow . As tits state (kmeest4o9 meat. PO Gat .f ASPIC tb.. - 11,111 Os busliess 'et toot postwar . laid bolos %be Oftuati, S. sad .• ;O lt 11 uTIP 4 P 118.64. 12):t4 , J Tit srsitsltr P.e .ten -:, • ,'lrkttlital. 3 I WA_ r.O 1 '‘ • liatilidl,tlo , belt• at tte Bowl of vital {ti) +VW 1f tM.GtU. 01 rlitioutt4Yh. an OSIOUAIO dal Ot ag10•i.1.11 1 . esrtl OWOOLIII.8; 1 4 ttipqt,ftnua ititrittorsot the .1 tsbarda atailtra7, tat Cua.el. to SO v.*, lb* teiikwa f.rw Stumm da411117131, , Wit 9 ~,loata. Outlaw.. - • /11 '4 4 Iit,,SiOCISICIIr, etd ol b.x l. CerICLOAL-ofrike bcoskhouteritor -- ' Lirtiolsw Weft , atilled- this sok =oda, will 1411101111 1 sad Ihrbetata to aro ice dm tual4stgi,;l.„ roll 110 a 44T. lb • nor dair of .r,o'y vkit, 0111*__ sise-ixsparit;it .blaPaant4lll4i ; • LWOW lab hOggeff.i fi 0:10011.16.11. mod, , ^ ----,-..................---- grsiorica IS EIBRITSY GlVSNFolicltti 7 ' ll .24 00 . 011100600. 60, *ls Ewa ot:thi virmt; ',,,- . :%'..1 1 : VIM Iniroplo• 0 army *.kst - au Itor.ostsuit air ,-',-.. VI 1.,./Miet ( by 00)" PSI' 'BOA ILI ~014,1motit 1 , d ..i. gip sum WWII , I thid pk)ibli a* Igo itbia :,,t ~tf g , 4 .411.0amisols - , Patebanr.:-.. or'' *fi r to ',: nib 401 01.4804,408101014,1 taw ittosiabViiilir 4, 4111"14M°=1:1-'!iy• .•1-" ° " 1 , 1 J'''''..t. ~,:' :. fog, i jil,l.lll7.iirl, obbillr.olicjll . J 1•',, , ' .. . . . '---- 16' • itaill* I l' ..1.2.1.,.k. v . : Allik 1.1%.111W ' . - ttfV 4l,l, ham Ote Up abwrosal istainidistopertiiirTOOk r . , , - ...'.7 DAY, Mk Ira .os 4. - 00 took p.. 11 1 ,. - - - '. • ''' ' hirtniglif avisiffsw Moly al Wu& • toff --,,, -:- ..f• . .... . . . . Talt - PR , R•011 10 ?:•' •,, .....4 ,. . ~,:..:::...:.:.•;:*,,,.-:-:.i.,,i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers