qtrr ~ u ~ 3;.. y ~ y ~.a:rr ^' ~P~ ~ i °' k ^ ve ~, xa ~ r ~° ° ,- `'t y r V ~ ~ r '~`~~r. .ESTpLISIIED IN '1786. :;ioauemmuiro.r, am. lanagam: "CO.; 'N.. 185 Lib. oar (Igust i atourat.ts• - ,*ganapa rc - Ne&diusisiod• baLts, sad warm. Ist - - "Amato& /muumuu.- It. 1.•81). DUMB, NeilS, omit, );611.1 3i rruag. OWN SEEM 4216211 DirtW r; FLO Ile • 16 pun. v a - w SIIII3ON =, wbolosale &Won fik j_ LIMY' Off „ T ia , kip la liozff . ifbertr , ZOish gdMacemstoit data', ...114ALUDIONM.At,407HAR,T, Mani —ma wro Gatti 'AMU; PIOWII Clasmansa 1 -:11 1 1.1mad. Maw itmitilisr Pot sad Rd dam; AlsinalsA, _ldairsdasCiaintelts sad ; qk Gam I.Twidektit 13011 1 11= :Dish Mop= Inlall 'aptly - lia:stindlasty st..plasbarsh. thsrassica. :::=mQ .14merE,Atz iomi f — rairs, • • 19vi. Inns& wagsg. Poe. 4- r 1/4 ma , Idpony Weis, - Pttlbrg. w a - • • • tan. moons AID ILIUMMOIELION ars obesur of the Mumma, !b. PI burgh. INXINATON a /Mg WARA Wllola. 11/ Nair ammo ilia> Chuneiwas Xnasarta, No. 107 Wood Wm; Pitisivaga. Dar .4zooDa.fi loss vumat....musicima.....wnikoiasues. rILEON, CARE & 00., -i- , • (Lau Wm% Porsoho chi) • a Ashiataiiiia Swami4 04: - , --, .TOBJEGN AND DOILIEII3O DBT DB, iill. di Wood Arad, thied boon Diamond ' . ) A ; PtstsbErp. sodoolltt A LBX. BATES, mas IN pror aro &nom DST m4, GOOD%llltoboughDi CLOW At aro. raiii or, t 'N. IL-41LOAN6 Mao to Older. id130:1 SUE% M. 1.11/11.....7. sus ir •• it 00 Litiale MoABOY rs iD innings AND mamma D T 4100D8, • ICNDlAlsralrenotasimeadow skir, tunny • F is ATON. 2140,54Thei1k00 dizoik E vinna Mom. ; ; saw *scram ' olianad y MBA • , .7° -q 1a.43 • i ag4tateillkik4l and ~.- k I Wear 7 iii:22olr IA DM' •=s cisso r}rine au •- *Aar "-, ', As ' , ISL.; ISSISOSIMLIadIetu l so : iiv„aimiliwkooossomoso , somas so.1112•2141k411131 MUM ritilf.6oo4, Monk. AmiteaniteatlawiltalislwenollA .1 'soar I Tusie.Pll H Atic_WiLep.. 0 4 1, an t g o . d),. son nnaorncon mods sis sw B,l 7ifsk zna • • 'woos. 5e..110.6 n aad TIP alri°l " . "''' - ' - "iV BA.Mint O = ur Das 44. 0 =6111; 016. 6filbrdird dh ,:idi t hadessit Third sad , . . - C; 0, ... A DRIMOIOSISTai ° ....` . - - ....WA. - 1........... - Aoi. ........;.i... .....4,•:.;;.r..: ........ Bil flrMiii.Tr=... , a rAtnuir - Manua /ISM o=ses __ ... 4nst : =4. - &err ElesVp: i: 7 , A t li ar t mi a , nl 4 l ,9 o :06. . , aniciaifirciAd i. in, _fiIMEM. " ,-114., 47JeAkibiantiedi 4 . 00.1 Wilms &Wair.lrtasedllwr ilia 1ia.......74, WHITS •:bilitD , ANDLl'lltiltaWiataThirofir sa4 • • 1 elt Is i44PI t t s to• as h . ~., 'c - nail " i • :*- ,-- ''- . ; k n ll ; o rBdilelsoliil-g-3Pras.lA,liMcdArY2leal-Wm Dikg r2,ollCMPAlsio • 33111 rso T sum = i.. • ; ' llig; AMU. I ILAClMbarpareame, .js. t r iviWood Mut, ensia- • ot Wood strut andi Virgin Om litUtrueiwith. - . 1 v v - P.IIIODOCL saars, Lamy r avow. 11-11XERWY I MILFORD litioupusa ''..lll.takiirluobuiAlio via- J7isabarik. I : .11T4qf I - trMI - 1M ME. Co44ll:_asallourbegii AVM fthAIS. IA UAW 'XiAts_(ituopeilimatio C Jaws asesma ham raaaassaa tkekt., it 120,11101/, emir at Mal* sad Xeraktist, J. Ttr •• • I , (nooessor to sok %lt Boa • Ikmisella Par= !Amiss dm maim ai -lEllOllll7=l/144., mei LI • r. MAPAgrL SO. .$ COCHRAN, Amain AND' Censiguirpis Moth sate Want serag,'PPll. Pa. An baihro es W temilAd l SA. -- 7110fAmirrn - modWPAIIPP W= IA& hi AnmeAmeLlad sad ilioWeArtesodiais we - astly fIORN G.: Ma:COlt HILL, Assess sr ag u m . o n o % nom" story Km% Iry BMW 1 =4 11.11113541 1011e anis Sr As or dam, boAittiVelttitTh;* Moira 011111111.4 • Taw. Map, VA Stara alimulik. BOOTS 4KD space. -TORN CUM= lisatunimat or 1100 TO MID MOM ol mei aisteliqs,dik 7 , . ISMS old lbw, itudszegb, is. osusuy W _ALBR= j , 914.4)0 WNW emoir Wt, ma Barn. mums 111101114-1 Vont% mid linos • pa ..E7NUFICIM -- 0 ,,,:u si noir .."2 fA • sawfwiratir.st.l4:: : - AIX/Ng . XOO6 to• handsaw ribbed Bid* •', 441 .. Xs 0000. girt ;) 06. ore .. z e = 4 Par sai# VS iirg*/4" .1 47 11. 101PAII/CIIK _ ~ ."H . .. 1--1-. ''' 6 ''' " - ...:e.. , 0 El _ 10 1 ---- IL - . y --- i: 4 ';'' - , .:.,:, ~:,,,•. ,• ~ . GROCER/B. kILZEAR, rioLattuai azfxrzes toitiessmar ezzatitys, • rf ,0,2 1 ) V 41irthleld im* • :4/44111M0R. PA- M ~.x~~~. nzoutim A s azocau, .. .AlopinittiNATT . Stite p irs_ 1,... we irt I leainc n ir• bil =Ate • Se. to nodes the petmetlie, z Eh Ma" TRL!dBLE, ifs • Lessem Ckatasuies • • • • : ‘ ,ll wiLin..reozi, ea bout lacetain.—......as. a am. eitionsua„ (of the late dna of D. ll'Donald Pittsburgh. • 00., & UM IIL adulasocue, Puma= AID CM) Nn Jobberele 001121. N. 0. SIIIGLEI sod BiItINED UMW gram TOBAOIXN h. BEM. U., No. MI and Sid St.. Pittibars - no 0. lumen. 14 RYMER k BROTHERS, °omen RAI to gessoes I dealers b 401IST011 •sta As t= Asir on, an lITATIONIBT,BU FM WO &Oral 196 and. WI wood atzvot, abouCIIIIN ban% . 11/011111 H a ari Aurazems. a l = urr"„iin) tuid ilsida*Mos Mem asa Prmapiim IlAsu Trla' UfrV End. ePpildta head a ; Ptttsbarsiti; og ma. *pair cBOI a• , JONES SON,, WllO • - Gloom aza 'Boa? foimanaaai 411A.Mbirk—itOPC.--01/lII,G7OPLA MOH fittelemilt taaaafootared artiteri, 111 Water at. alma this Mono • • la • Pittsburgh, Pa. lOW= DA."..1., I)4LZELI i / 6 Waot,p. s 00/1110ilitiN aD Ifeawhazure Io , PRODIYOS aD L Pitt& nuunilhotares, Pitts • • h. mar toatonat...—aann anlons..-4. WA/.laeli . .Abuizirr, SUIPTON & 00 , W HOLZ- ont.s Gamma and Moorman Dantisa, No. 0 slob attar, Pittsburgh Pa. , Ja.113 sons 11M.174..:.«......... JOHN 11111•01. WATTA WILSON, -Wacusiula GllO - can; Ckaummuos lizsclunts, and dealers In Ilsodann and 211,0dinxigh iminufsetnres, LISSLIk. on, .beet, Pittsburgh. n2s L. O . • I-I)ftuomoos 10 • CO & , Vino • aid &Wen •• 12,01 YNC. 50 - W , ater street, and 66 front Mee 00. W. 030101011...........J000 0. Pal/OM% C:Iel; :DILWORTH & CO. Wsowswa °somas, Nos. DO and MI &Lod street, ma Pittsburgh. nol OIIA C0.,-WHotainurrizo": cm.= Coximarou/Lzasomo, 740. 172 Wood d 21111dbosty street, "Ruby:cab. yol6 *WILLIAM , BAGALEY, nozsamm Wd o dlig N , Oll, 1,2 430 .20, Wood qtroot, • • -KK -KING, NoLatium Gams; Zapata. of 3020.A.22; No. 273 Mom steed, othe Pow P:d ; J 34 4,111 i D. &W. BENNETT MANOVACTIMEIRS or WHIT 7 STOMA CHINA. MID =LAM ieLosign MAIM . . eirOrnas azo WALT:QOM LT iSq 14 turn, &num Prrtszozair, Pa. nadlaytcm areinuomeo.„*.a.yoion RHO. MA • 1 111M.P . • ilter - WOW. Pa, Iganahmtutera ot 111A.OX12NT(11111 AND PAILL'iI lIIPBOVXD PAIZIPZ9 trzzAtt AND ALM ULM. WWI dies and bed NOM. Haring Whip oachlremy of large osimity and of the tog quality, ...r. promod to do Aeon Job. NA& autiwatdt latbee Me, =Awes that t,7 _tattepteisspatron , isuagel .the cbereatar of oat :murk. to merit public • We turbo attention to our /iAiildellD VALTZ TING- ItiiOIHE9 , ea combining Montego heretofore nuettainod in thin ciao of linghom • ram K lIAMILIWN4IOO., _Oceser of ltri . t and Ilbsaly attest, . - PITZSBITAGII, Pe, - ILINIIFACTIMIS Of ADPIDIWB - MAIL szarpm,,II.I.I3IIEINIET, - • • ri !VI s NO. 50 WATBS'ST Miia . AL . pgviaciarearstßoll:llß • WIGIXLELT,OOIIXONAND H.LELBOAD I FB. , ' elturs . • AIM ii 1 11. & 00.0 No. • LElialy - strut„_ snobs Binh, • sumobetoriesof win% LAMM A.ND sad grey depalptios at LIAM= B&AID Ordinadkitsateasaibillk Usu. amid gam 041111311061. .VXONLS/011 GLASS WORSS.- aaIvOIars;PLIMILLVTIOO., Gaaai Naltimo, amass. Warbsoss, Ma. IS Wood stroot; - coma: of That, Pfatabargh. Pa. . oloadyd JSDBIC, X~ egLABLIITTSBL Dwia- IMMO AND wunom, IStraUbliNto. Me opal kr IMAM& 00.'S PIAI4OO, HAttlio MOH. HAMM sad I%DM I 00.13 , 111160 DIP OIL No. iS P WNW, wand door Aar* Wood, littetougb,P trallAros to 10U 10 ron wt. abase too sow a virui Lisa limos sad lola yowls for -11bMaysta volarrited Ka 63 my 29 IWO! ii.thifiLLWl, Datum is u,riarinalwas. YO. I Wood stmt. Woos DKA`TIBTRIM J9IIPIIADAMB, Thorne; Connelly's Walt. Dm= of Dimond sad Groat streets, fftliburgh. , - • ' Rommokii—Or. is 1/1. - hdkitly Dr. Eonook. Tboodoe• soew.. Irsott. laylbfl7 HOWILIIALLABLI4 isc. UPEVIENSTON . 00.,iSTAnas _Pam kumacrromu. maros J vissflrom Ft 'bed stn." . ••• • sac &,_s (XL, .13cloi Wietehi; io. " 6d Wood Street, next door to the ZTiki•PlUabiugh. Pr_ 80300Lr immmn . and I,ao„Rawk Ammaximm. T .wm Su. uriammmirnftwaistmckagmluthic 400WilEMMIEBVIMAziof: sr 'rm. U MINN 2111111=111111 =a drum Gam splo. Ne. 77 *4O Snits /1414 17 3 1 4 ' AMA9BITht is I E or Noma, OA, sea soil 111 Mishreilin= • am RAO . SLOZETE WILLIAM WARD, Daum Whim usottionsi Ikns, Marimanqietlaw smiths for paw. 4 f Prom terproaus LOANS 'through terra -Tiara libido( to haus Mott isms, ItevoilsA tritlo,=. t=ll - Oft% amid gersif : :WNW VO. I:C=ZI=M W P. MARSRALL, DaiLisirWata ztomitopi Meet rAlii4: 9 oC N00D . .461•1 • Noise 110 RAM irritairrant Ise maw 5 .I.` • . *LOT U— 3.p kilsnakoka, Mows. Closhkitrd Pars, Thlosl4 ..4.ll,•lb l irlntift *Wilber. lased MI /LOW stinot: - -; • is ik • I f W KU% Obit, th e Ai d i oymtu werroatal to give Ili" 11, dosillut.". Oa lottodatioli Qom bibre p_opLloidsig. soutimi ,... , To! ado by J.* H. PMlgans, .IgTTSBURGH, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY , 28, 1863 'AtisciiiViMiottit s &au's. DUQUESNE BEAM WOMB. OADIAJI * catorraip, . ita q uisotanas orrori- earleti"o! finished • . . Buss wool cos mots ems OR GAS.‘lllll3l=, NA AND °Demos:cm • mass CIANZINOR, a an asseripeka4- made to order. BTRAYBOAT WORIWITNAN AND OA& lITIING, and REPAIRING prompt, Waded I.. Particalsr WWI= paid! to Infos Op R. RUCS Full 00AL. AND CIARRON On& RKTIN ..AW, &UMW" Ibrabe Western tddriet et Roo eilrerde Ibr the eats et KAMA LAUDDRLL 00.'8 cATIOST SYPHON PUJO. thir bill ever landed . Hering ao yahoo, it ballot Why to rot out of. order, sad will throw mint water than soy Done of twice he site. - apll nM. BARBOUR, • A , • A. L. WEBB A BRO.. • Genoa,. to , Pratt and Clowares awls, ILIATIXOSS. - 4311=111J, 0011111188101 f 11/31 , 0HAIITS, And Ato fir tbo tale of DOKOHT'II GIMPOW. CND BAlll7 11971111. Bash. on 000sfamont all Idols of Wtti ern Pro. duo., aid - mai* advancer tkaroor. N. B.—Ballroad trait fa emit of Welshes's. mvn To William B. Smith it mo.l Sittirilth Miler likketsce. !Venter & Simard, - • tt Oalp Shaphardp iiirshtateßank, Baltiommi Pord • Stu.' - DATENTED t t .8, 1861. i • .J. Dithritlia'sstent ,owd. onlgrauk itsnusciond _.u riniNT- , GLASS. This, Chbanlis are hamlet bras! Ilatilass, bisttas ell paned tgral tituaqokealK4 Mar WO . L.D. DrralliDo& rod, Yin are warts •IT Wadd &Argt h itni t a . l• LaSDINT FANCY PQM .; OkiLLI!/11115113 FANCY 'ORB; emirs FOR OAPS,OOLLABB GLOYI94 MATS AND OAP& Ivory variety and stile of the eboo godson Mad waft for We at KaCIORD I/031 No. in wooD; sTliasT. BLANK DIAMOND ST WoKILS, EZT TEL, Ulf G PA, PARK, BROTHER & Kaludicturen DT= QUALITY 88J/HID CIABT STSIAL. Square, flat sad Octagon, of all ahem! Warranted equal to any. *imported ar . atanunicorrod in this ftata7. atarufflor and Warabotum, It a. 149 sod 151 WLIISI tad ISO and 1411111100 ND 41 T1081T5, Plttatough. fahlyd NNW til/vDN.—ltsving just returned from the Zest, toe hem non In anne an entail- NOCXXII AND SIMONS adapted to Cho laawm. Dealers eau be imaged with ZeiDirt, N 1 ZB' sad LililLDßAtilsoll44lllll.ltEd gad //NOY aßtila, at a alight &d B. ew:molar dealt, at aZ3. tidiasm, sox r oo.•a, 71. comr Wood sad iosizth sta 14illtlitrai, (lap 'ANL ISTEAM• J. '17 t rnme.—NZW . , W.M. TATE;Jr., & CO., Naas in tiaD 11124" 6ShILIT Da cadMIM S Dw,Wip , OHANDIra i 4 112ho h lIM cold drstar sad go In Ills soot adprofoi. bd. Mat 74/71114.14 MUM?. bligkx% . &Wow. Ulalgtoni• N. samodscl do. Wu" ALIAM, VALiai ovirpon. Pitiaborgb, Po, OrWassiorin, No.llol Minty WOO. Minnutheiltrats et 0001 L. PARLOR AN D IiNAT. WtOVIN. PARLOR AND 113TONJIN HOLLOW WAZI,ono., Slog sod Mar Woolds, INgl• log MU Oman" lO I Cloorlog, Or, Wow sad AN Uses Pip, And Izo Dog trona, Wagon c IIE gar Honloo,Pulloyo, OarWboala, and Owilop gonoaily. Moo, Jobbing igad !Antilop wads to only. Pomo god Portal& MA with Maim or Horse Power. splgraaid L /1. .OLLINII INAUTIAL ALLEGHENY COAL YARD W. 1:014.11117 • 00.. Design L.UO la k IPLODB,PLASTIN Iit.NTRILN DISCS AND DINXCILAT. 11111PCIoner Audirmoaanot and &WA Domma. laNtly • - . tAi LLL.Lesan B*Jt HILL & UU. , Boiler 'lf rutin and Mot Iron WortistA - 14111119 eTIIII2. Eica.94 49, laza 111. Begin isaimal a lam and tarn Mot Itiria:themaat ispnmd 1111. IWO ta tate 1111417 atgliPti ol : poi= stye tank wareasteil Acta! way iamb tit mato. 011111.111GYS •asiatuni iw ureto woimanVlL lob D NSW, TAISIUI,Ott. STU ITATOI4I, emu NO PASS , 5011011 1 11 DAlDlalith PASI6, and mole istanataertii, of BASS. ,44LLIr alisat natio. PET= t pcniss.. Rant" dm* oil ab L[})txlistsYulYJl Ti UV NNo Lb to a as, botioi, is tie kiss's at lords". Is is ssistasd to gods] wilitozioo arm SU *Oa MUM* dt Itlogosoia, lisrotogs mad moot glibleol Waters, Md.= roardoro,asioiloor-olallartirtklos. Alm 1. " 1, Um 'sensing nirollalA JOAO op oll,trabio Arad oo the gaunt'yank, ssuovas Cpprtl ooructtog Wet" mg cooling off all bins. Wats. Prime 25 onto. ecold by Awn. FAHNINTOME CO.:Tilts; bargb, and at th e Asititactary, No. 191111p1 • at., Ulm fork. es - • C W. llttUftcllittAbl, No. 32 bomb stuns ems, rinamiado, Apia lb, John limos NICODA AUIIL, Hu It censtantly Ibr psis at the Smog ntwits{ Wes Ills Asti Is puitstissls adapted to th e . 14.1:41,g 0! glass. LYON ANNEMEALL,69IM lalW DIMAS 10 the oast meted braoilißl eLAVANA 010128, .nd all kin& of111(01.111ir iliD =WINOTOBACCO /NUM , FANCY liIZZEBOBAOII PIPB/4 TUB e t t a t be mit DLI middy, .lIN 101 - ST. 80'M li. be Trio& supplied Nam , „ taylladly CUM U. , Produce k Mere Canadian lerekut INEWHANDDIN Biota* And dada in W kindle! 00WITS7 nitoDuci. ffNEiZZI;Mr;M =M °°' BAIM, Manuastaion ;sad obelus b .11 kiadi itillA000; 11113/1 7 8 LID 11111E1•118. 11* woos onSii. sin 12 is z. Pr Karp caidrarais ' ,. ll* a lugs raid, of Pips sat lasoldat: • sun/ claii "..'4lli. , IL - ENGLISH :: respectfully JNI: Mime:a - Nihau ',of Plabargh, WA be kas tom wet tar th. Wool /Op Si' A esa's 01111111 . 2 , 11.111140811011 M Pig. Therailknanalilliall 14 tha lazgist boom id ihe city, man WWI an; . • Gams, Etwarrot nom Illugll 1 00., 110011111111) a ch. ' „ baS,Orn Tillo Co., Svc Masa ft go., .. J P it: - 'll:_hrWrisati, •• susliforgrass i . ima m UP ' MIA= limat .IPietkular atrnalcu s o thaAttlog up sad. o4011:112.1:, , i. 41 .411 Imams! 11 MS 000 Z i Aci . onfor.. All% 3 ... ,cwannos, a 'aU • mob al las daalariaaalar ' _,_ ___,..... ~- an in t wods as Sac 111 alla %MI Illeallii 4 / 4,0 - zomi-b•prampagy attramll to, _, _ z NM. samaid. a volt* beam pliallad me &al" at way Talas_' alaarlraal la UM/ Madam.- win Isola la ElTaa is MO 111/10,-, - -- MUM NOM itaX MtIMMM psburgit Sazettil. • B. RIDDLE & IDITOkIi'4ISID PROPS/BTONa. Pub Hullos Offise le. 84 Mk Etna uniffora wows' . nitazDrnois,,D•nr. 'oortenalla RSa warn wawa UP TO TEI HOUR OP POPLICWITON. ,ITEBDAY MORNING, JULY 28. NEW TEEM OF TUE GAZETTE, . morn brig I* ma kwe . .voitel veuk.„.. IL ammo Ammo% by ma% Per Par 4 6 4. 0 0 sonar"—! sr in " *WI Wzazie Itorion, doge topfas,:pwr year.. lea • 111. " slabs aid to 10, I. .6.1 Kt ". 'abbe oilOoensere - I 116. —and ms OXUS to its patty wading dub. lot • dab el Mien, we will esod.theAnsiss GUMS day. /sr a club of twenty, we wilt Yonne Gssessitildly. tingle aspise,s ciests.,-; lariat szteniptleas *(aids ailseasss, sol:paporti always stopped wb Ur ONO spies. A 61,6110 charge Agalast Uoirentoi selasur...startllng Develogiumati.,. The' Saila (N. T.) /Isom ooatalas the So/lowing " ' TIN Ootethiaditat4 aNaarsef tia 66th zeal; meat N.' G. 13. - N. Y., residing In ;then Wand' Assembly, dhitriet of Mims aunty, hate published an address to the (Wilma of that district, width °ordain a stataatoth of; foots calculated to startle, eoi only the athmenity . to whonaitis addressed,lhatthe !eyed nevi* of the entire elate. The nanativ e *; ilvests again may be briefly given. ,_ . On rtheivinelio general order With/ b y Adjutant thmaal of thle State on the 19th of Jane, Crating the °mutation ore regiment of the New York National Guard in each As sembly distidet,the others of the 66th in pointed a mating to bo held at Wilson for Ike • purpose of taking the proper stops ia meg don of the order. Their dlatrict pertained four fully organlasd companies of the , /Nth,. but the lidos& of that existing s ,si iib. t : re sided eisewhoth e •In sad th ee, . nun the tams of the order, a Colonel cit'the no district organization was to be enpolated I' and thee* 040011 mooted, ma_ a "mita of curie, to_lie "aineatid la thethhatton of the fame. Before, their meeting wthludd, how, em, they reosind lidermation that one Wm. Melina, of Cambay, a man natal= to. them, without military azeorisco r..“..4 viouly thoonneed• with Ik. mus, Ph awn appointed Coln . . -z 1 it . Necessarily the appointment its latisile;' factory. They mot 'and hand the unanimously desirous of Noariter the appoint mat of Colonel George L. Moot., Pater.' Their feellop were ammuleated lin NO_ Wes, and he expand himself fa ,_ rablydth.. posed to an accommodation of the abater, which should plan Colonel Noah" at the head of the element, himself taking a lower cont. mission. A meetiag woe eppeino to arronith NW settlemea, whet suddenly .41Iiienef& - disposition underwent a change ; trivit tad his owl piansitioat ramiep ) o' 'a if any itonfersace ' and deslaied his • fatila to premed in the arldtrery exondseof the an. dimity conferred imam by the likmem or. And now aims the startling development to which titre dliataltise led. II converse tin with some *INA *Lea, lir. McCrea gas en explaaatioa of his widtht , and this thplanation is reported in their address, as below. It is the statenant of Cali liestdo. non and in introdnang it the eaters say: " This statement war rodnood to din g very soon after the convaqthioa„ and leatathat Pettit deciara....thel Nar. ii. same in substanoo—in hot, mai Weld for word." Moto who know au& geallemea, plea impact' nlionee in the truth of the statement, to which they are rattly ''st any time to testify, whist is as follows} " I saw Colonel McCrea, July 74 1863. Be said to me about noon 'I did no snot the. omen of eolonol in thiidistrict ; b tas it was praised on me by men that I b W e to right for our Gaertner I accepted. I Ul ay to you, but antidentially, the obj t t o this is to get this militia form Into oar have proper men .appolathd—aad, if Gotham lashes to resist the National tits% which he Intends to dzi,as lis thinks it the° Ututional, he can do so safely; for Is th wilt have proper: mat In dice over th is Nati ad Claud,. 1 seas to wand it to his.wish, the drat,- 4 ' and the Teeple cannot help law, 'th they will have no military'Utad th sea ate tad to their with. I bath this from head quarters, from gestianen that saw the Gov ernor on this nbject. It Is vet only my view u of w . , this mitts% but the Goveraor' i s aid oar h .,.... - Tie p a tios= who bring this sintesAnt of alanalag!facti before the pabllo eie alma la number, and by name as follower i CaqJames M. Newman; Captain U. Zech hi Captain J. Vf: Itgglostoe, Captain 8. V. lieehtenn, Lhilatenant WA. O. Pa lle, Lfeutessat Alvin ;Wilson, Lieutenant J. Vitheat, Lieutenant H. Outwear, Lint. B. hillier, Llentaabilt Wm. Pook 'Qua's muter J. M. McChesney. 1 They say in Moir address: "go A nadal , able portion of oar number w deticerais4 ; long ststding ;" sad impress tie ,"bellef"--. whisk to evidently, so far as the Ind abase L roacerned, a Millions hop, rather than n.'. asalat"-;that "Kr. MoCrea grossly Wanly- Asada Governor &moor end the great ma jority of the desecrate party." Now, what, It baguet every loyal 'Wien to ask; are we to think of this media ? .If the testimoth here brought tamp tau unsay ported by any other Inasittionsizkvi a ttaimis of a monstrous design, la the don of the Etatemllitis, to make It th e trumeat of mown to the National Giovernmase-e seamiest pawls th ebanditof a rebellious state Cferernor, to be used la resisting the " w awa a • national law—then:we might justly refuse to seaside? it waned sallicient fa tko isithaing ofate a dreadful & pupil:ion. But it dote sot 'toad vamp rad. There has toed moretium one p gin Gonna don with Goveruor lloymoar's = atddea an. dertakiis to , recepathe the Blest, rellitia, of • dna sod Welapea slisisater. Who Gaol ABA pt . itsume, a lial seplanatloa of the tofMa T of 4 1 - inhseamless& opponent, tie war 11ad ,7 reibilar litth'-sh• dabs z—ie It hips; had lith we hear . 4 La YAM ell (Wealth& Utah the minor on Wain" been made of: the same - on okareeter? The &alai of Governor Seymour ha relation to the riot of last week in New 'Yak is not easulatai to , discredit the tealmoby of his Niagara 4 0 astr C°l°l•l* pima ILIETBAOTID HOOT: 1 PAIL—Wo DU DO radial ot tog one &V Maio dal -tioglaz ale on t - aro aro rics a,_ l . pE, I Dr TIIDDR PUN . Um Davo bon Ova ide saot Doodad odds Doso sad NI a Da sk= • la dm War boo Dna j a ci ti a=4 6 l4) Ta l l =ion. Dr: as aotnaio Bolan am & atrium :wog lao warkoo of • good sad Maids Dud* all do lAD to fall sad moult via JAMS & DID& D. D. IL. or D 0. anta . s . Ma DIM Wail a. maw ita. a aidasibs a„,ptidpik. ('NTRAL D R UG KORB, - : .- - . . - am.. OW owl Mani ars, Alkjease, 0 1 9. A; =LA - Prawievie.i SPAIIILLING /ODA WATIlit, . . , . , - Pall Ult .1100101111111111. ito. 0011 70 11w ir sac,Ir * 1 = I '' .14--.'r- - •,,'. - '', • '' - . 1 .......„' sme :psumwas voi MIA .- . ..41.04: laud Lys eisithe di OMITIS WilltiLik s - 3 1 1 1 0 17 1 ' Cel limitroma I= IA - Wilatift t• but. o w ....,-: i lliS laillit °N MI TOREA • ' ,A._,_,. IgrAtell. 1 ,1611, 1"9. !' ' "" ''' ib min)lllMr..alierilW th's alum UNA llKablisii ts liqtra des. &Woo 01811111,1•!. *WM obi kr IWO* FENT 41. - . lusiVirollmulirM.l,lll'ol7,4 ter. our 'Cf.7' . ‘ . "l. P^,t . G il " PLAIrOS. B uszu Line, A new Singing Do*, 1)R 801/00L% MDADENTINI AND .1017/2111.11 ,014.8b703. I, sr YUO. r. Isom Oontstea Ittipltem. limns which are the toilowlng r 'oetandWp tbr Vette gam 7," .!Mbe Vadat Melee' 4 .2lattlwOri a( irettleci "I hay. no Welber now ;" !gime Ittweigiti Dwelt. ..lirake I 'lle freedom e Odle' lost end )bead • .N . Jhut't /k7 Bl <Am r ta, / 10 . s Plicts.lµ 04*mi; ZS teats leech. j Ooplts mall .ed Ticei P S P t °Mtg. - CNA& o : 4 ritiO 3 ; Ad Anat. --. ----- i' ' ~.) iseit • , .. ) br /vier ifei iilr Tin& .., . . , . tte Its etaway ‘, BO'S., ~ ' Rb gtasse a' f ...at, , . sThatvf#Yl3 1 1 7,- 1 .1#5 umbel ut FWT "Olt FiV' tifelrodsli rats, Lo,ndoi .z: a.* ..:Rtsi.,sb•sa.ouial Rte: - aurm v arlrtliegtritjOrii 11 1 1rjoich;pagy.tatildiadifall Sr Ef: FAA'S!" I"AMC& ,XVS" 91 NlAToslosimtitivrouttolotolf U* Mbar airtiebsuitatr, 147asal a deebishe isrill:th theraint,..._ 1 1:= alarstAramagr eato•dad., -Tor Cooirdi Oa ire • 4 doEbrii ib_is to ad cati-Ary . or . roar odour .:IF NNW Plra , Y RIK . HAIM BEClallgir. Mirlaltft B.:PIANO, spalstA_Lir bestoolirp.Pleass me roe sale try . `VT MOT= T L Ma ruler,- . Mr'AgraitTurghTNXB IiZOTEITTE , 141011 sad Mame .E7AnrioNtt.Pa; ' , .~BHIP.PLR"6.--, ~ . .I - . _I; rftIII::ATLANVIU - 11i II 4 - 4 — i ...Boy.: 'lig; wripm. it 4, - Twit ooltrAty, • • - - --, - I -•-• • IG .. Ai N if' iIN . A 0 I t,o r u, ' ADRIAMI,O Norosowet,lM :. MUM44,OW lerwpmeri S.iS W.. OOLD dna.,l,ooolorwporrl lons ANNIJA lAN Hooloott, a , go•e• , gi mme laic • townsbip AbutTto will m Amor ofiketioay, to N.. Tk,ISRI D • - SUDAN iko'Veiktlatglto ~oinecbrthe . M a 49 , 64 = " ag i rjrgvelpsol """" t i C i l l Sfel l Pa. 7 :- rms.'. 'oo. tio . .jpinymt la. outroaT; . . . . , T i:,..4 1 717 ! OPA : „ 319000 .4.1. ......4 ! .. uocd „„,...-7.-.0 = 4...6,,..,.,,i. len* 1 ZuAus : 0 "4./ 118 aieFt ,- . ie tu , . or, D. o i ••, ---bloaws.-----ara, iv ISRS Nov.t. A) II _ WIC 4. allathi.7l * AgaddiSi.•••" - ' . .!400 1116011 - f t e rit T(H.il 10014%, 'WinnUrto Oodidoisoar. drill knows: os lbw, -Nor* . sod - S'AiNadal .. ..114ststuddo orolottodidid osit io . ptlowis NITN-ON kV, 4 11 / 1 . 1. CLIMIAN,2I.IIW,TOIII .Botngdsds, dug B. CR= ON ..11,d2ONLOUR.—.....,Osturday, An. 1. 'slat itareinzakiadlairt!Ots4'. as' aoass. arcia r.gr . 'l*PliexPe" or dre ONItt•INN -do. ....N.haa,...16-aa do. to WO 80 44tJeithikbilM91.90 dXr•111,Ols bard 10 analarssaldiat , to gin% rpoosol,,Rod , o - didsolotspactild *OA, fond essi: Limpid os , t.lsl OW% . t g lia Th' ot " ski I. Ite forgave tlon tidorscia gavel oldoVonr• ld Moo. •. JOHN G. Wits Ms, Brood. oo 7, N. Ir. JOHN THOMPSON, ettt. Baird strut, arst bum from tba ulutts, Wilke Mubarak. 18itg —ULEVELAND, 1311 t L.A. vv. RAW LID LAILI HU ,li • salons Luiz., - -sums Gai•evot kni - bgesierolarm . _. . • • 1111713 A-N Ws...R.D. GAM .Wl4. itxtrwas, , , RID no dating the nom batman i6 { "Um posh aft taboret, i . - i Loam 414miaail far Doogtafoa Atty. num. Magismo sad WI Qty, arsobtas at Para Banal lattlagtou, Pot *talky rionialf lenlitnik. ?Mid - 'Albert% •krb_4l.beets cad . TrAftte. brev WitrANZSDAY WINO% at T ce loam aoclaur be climoload avos7 *LTUILDAI. 1101111119. I itri Itsfr i= otatatoupti tow wilt pimp& at. tietion. aestivate d.l bum beaded@ eta alai theta to• non; ortt pima Ina teal witimaill damp for _ - 'Beata - . fIrGAZI ' 0.00.' -.- flptiikaur inranilt ' ' AOLES. al f , .11,11; ...Iforrltioturltos Ilia mtlimoitzl *law =lt toadoto. who &atm to tba a, •of proo Buss= MI MI 517 C sours ..: ~...... . ilas malt' tally the war' aunt to of eta atimits.. that ft Mud it to all othai WIN Liken all MEd emsaisa.ib, aG281.1111 LII oftea.:.-Par oak br , -f I J. 91•111011 D, Analog lforalta, banshee:direr of No Imola& Pebble Itpactaelso imrlo 'Mb sulat- QU'!tJT • ' AL41147 t. GM. Cll4O . aosguialty se Dana a'il'oro isiliOtei 'task of DIMING BOAT rtau lim aL k lruliXrir 711A161 ntrrit wurrLas, 111 . 011711314!,' 11411611,144 &Li ha • " lif_ l 4lAlll,_eidn_kit, ;Iturs wit& prosptare siam akbk tsba -• • - a• PoimitAnaibtlo. oll4 Ikea lor. LIM 1111flit$W141 . lwritiPl esam *aide 040. liatthigia; mplirgtr am 4 a aivaiiiraaa, manmoraaae Or WIWI Nave al :Inik6Si ma. ad - imake to or*AOPAWO SWUM =MIN will 01,01/1; suvini IS' khaki ILIDDINSLIbk. Ifuodiri PJUINNI WORN FON WINDOWS. M. luau • 51L.;04: NANDLITAL INAS. 13/ n0w 411 , . • : WAS dm auta at sale, • .; . pest i'lirrrin Zip -indi4E,274 - . ' -,: 4 1 - 'll I • 4: ',* 00..) , . , - rum? . " ;Ti .. mai„ iiii, ilik Olistketag um ANL, .1 pa Y. ' - " ' , lIIIMMIpS .frimodia.,• 3 **Ml.l' ....ZO,,ta m • sr 4A.Z.. .11011111.-lIIN AID ORlAMlNTU,*rtiTitallo awaiting mm azaktia4, . 14. ei ramp erioursz tomb= (WREN{ BUYERS ATTENTIONI SOO bows Waters Room Mom; ZOO do thole. Catlin ddo;; SO do Somber( o tO do at= tarp thus &; lie do ammo ,do, KOWA. choke IIII 141 . 1 44, 1 411; dooldadke silo hi W3llll WILXIIIIIOZI,-'1 moot? XAMITARY , UNTIII4, lit pinwl,ll. liOlt PAT E . .. d am :Z vaI.4ZIF CRAM of 080114004 , 090401161 U. . mother. iss tie Mr. via: 0 001 digao4o 00„ : CI. MLILOI 2 . Ationa . Gnat iftelotOnttapiew . diow. so _awls If tho data 404 col .4w:ft& all mlswa three gratlC"airily ' k UIJA•I46 bbla, la sob ivy - • •*- ;#ll-DALMILLaIiON,F J • , s , * sad Waihr supstk /MLA litsl3Mta ti, anitablet for. Aria likalotto jut toottni at iturpmitt 110-7 CWr R V* II sad at "1M 14111i11011... iLlt tr111,4-6/50 : thq.ladiadm'abb iu.niunna. woad TO Witte bble. prime• (Iroise en cum igrag•bs _ JAS. D&LINLy a vox *tilt witatatrot. - - - - g n einittsuiw b 2 i tartit aa :4111"24 1 • mouniximaittaVis: Una Mir. melted Aikido 1111 4 1 *B• 1 111 - - re, ix? rum' ov VOiItIMK LXXVI---NO. 219 OILS, 4111'es. MoCOMMIK 41.f.g,N,DH33, OIL BROILERS, 211 and 214 Eolith Water CHICAGO adrOcotelguseents solicited. =IFS TO /MAT & Osoinmitts, 1z City 011 Works: ho s. Pam's, J. Painta tC. - Jao Omura" 114,8, Gludfouit ft Co. ' W•p140B a Otriqnss, _ - Azadeaunin CRUDE & REFINE!) PIT 140L11111 4 Ho. ei NOE= asoothYi H T f , orlltorsge rapacity (=kr coTir4 f0i15,000 bbis. Mao sioslbuit tsidliskos torsthi Murk= saikranOgis: pmts. st air 'Ma aki. Bobs . ,111211 .. 11 1 2 . rsIsktkors . is rsaps. BBarwEsi• BURKE &CO.; i . 1:10311108.10k RERCRigiTif, • Agents Olin .; 611.0811, PACIFIC AND LIBZRTY OW WO}lkEl. - Liberal cub sdunims lUde of Oonslicments Reftled - or 'Crude' Petrolegun oos romans war Ac Biaoooi 6iif sh 1.20:ty R ibßA4. otAAN., Comansiioi *NT& _ rsmxoLsvit rits raODUrrtta intao (1.1.11D414. _6l liiOLD /4111INEE' at ion." 89 RAND 1 1NrAtealatortb.,POWITAIIIN wosta; NA* Toßtr: -- eAt - n4anai ~0e,n144 , Agent. RObI.IIEVY 011..W0M1U% • 1.1%1U Y, 61108.1 7 ,1 X lON „ •-Mstattreturpro esti 'Befixten p 1 OMiIION OIL; ItlEnniZ AHD LtripllOATilla astunit pi:sailorsum 1111117 kin As, Oppante Buartaburg. Oltlie in rziatik BIND*, Duggan's *sy, splLen . Prrrnassu. PA. WALLAS, %Christ/ES a 4.X.%, cOrazan3isioDr.ls4l.lMCAANTß. &SD ■UIPPICKII UP P/LVIAULECIII, U 9 MAIDEN LANE, .NEW YORE. K AEnpLE farillUe: for BTOBAEE &ED eau- PING,aI ask laid and .bast IL= HOOK. En HAI OW Miss need nos be , embarriesed " bp' the' oaforommt of the Bala Optimum, whoa thoi.esa Imo their 011ibarealudiad Mimed without tato:Mug tho Ong Whams, aeohosp; mom antapt, with Ism 'mai tt.e troublo sad la batter order, at . • • tzars - oz . p-rza-A- Ori thi.Uirluouslrallay ibollll LIMN/LOA .Tin. whom Ly I 4: is pumped nom the boats dined to the QIN as 4-gdPPed to any pantocost without ald , ttartzur st =plag. —• ' tittao Oltimos l9 4. i mo u lor — 11.8: % Patt...oaio.: Mama, nox„ - soe,' , urge ; or I 'um be gym dotty at the Oil !Malang& spa - - ' • • - '.1)6T20 1 4 11 PBX, commit:ion and Forwarding Dierekuls, ORDDE & .BEFENIID PET.4O/A* Er. -. is - wzi =air, tiv o usalL 0 : 1-0614 11E 1,011 7tig ' 11111211111418 1117/011171W1111 / „ - 'Wren: o.4:llLrosidat 411; Mumma HAILIVIII.- - TDOZ/10111 lizii,Lery,Prlsl.CkauxiFtdat Sauk.. .ROBERT 113awoltrli - ', - - • ; • . No. 1 BT. MAUI MIXT. P1+14,116 , Pomading& Coaimissiciallachant . - . Asb ikAthui is biz& - ~ '• '' 6 sr ILLUMINATUIG LOBEIRIATI 0' ORIID.II 4 PRTSOLIIOII taLs, so., Doss tinily. Mad, sati Am obi at {be lowanAlol*,p3out, utancurra PO Wa !MfIPFP I 7 II, :,-,. :, , , --.-- . _ i ' aP 7 :ink aso.m. as .1z,—.....4._,:,.....r,1tinair -golasilar• WOODlMALLEarlafairiffit. - ttiosort - WAG ti n.. 3446.; • - • - 4 --t4 crow' ivroorozioito or , i ~ BuBJEUBMILIe MID LUBIWATIIIig - 014.: gig i o s k j ostositli; lOC Aso Togl o r os I:ll4'itlilar slid 'Atheist odo *IA *POI &IMRE TOI4 rimiL lirllllll LIMO sad ULU eariatortiri.latio:no, am* Eat; *spout eaor, vde w Aokstoly ottondod to. ' 'oterhs• • ' " • , ly/0/11/0 WORIDEL : 4'trE W M i lasalsdistmq PUZI W #tl ll iOrA ßD q uul4 4 l °IL L • coMosola.ra4tbatriptemit,r altmaihm - inTobses.z6 lAMEB ISWm.- ' °trier vrraoV. - 1 -,-, lac - • avWtolksi.ew. of Mani o4i Ififot rM o; pay. protipt A suassw ; . , 0:_o% Vag 40* - 0 Writ • • - WWl* 0:i1J1SON 011,0, bvz , ,STAkk 4 ► plats! VAMillt bikkikkiksiglk ~AlliVEILLO115011111:1111:111i1 :o4 atuanvie r 7 isoi ilatecsmacifosi butt bra, "PISMOBIAt_ „ sainsa MAIM - AM w„,macs, - j um j ae. uu- k t 4 ta : a or. — , 7"M9 . -13 dtry =1 TmiplabAtalli ~ •MhArelff WWl • fa Se a . alai es LON "s", viabe oriast, .. I 1 1. ~. • . • , Lonaziamititit; _..............,- ..--.....—-W. -BUDD, , : T r ait . , Ax Mill LW - ' 7l Piiriai . 18 - 1 Ilsibet- - ikt trilC biAoisead Or oak - - I4E.Vopin .40; Lff S mit." v pxo pLES LNSURANON CONAN Y 011ioe, N. E. apron , Wood 14d Elf* lin ITEM A ID KJILIXTeR lisußea as • wii.L. , phat t p., n- • - JaaN- D. VaZIIII. Johit Wm, ' _ , ong4 Jabs L. "lAA VI& A. Ns" - fkunael P. PAshia.; ja w AL park, -_ . *. Soap iI.AMON Chubs 8. Blum; , Venlig Esau% 'twat. Yid Eft, • ^ - ft - Eamon bp . t Wit "'nada% PinlilimA • JOBE wArraves wk. i. GARDNER. . hi." . • • Hat, INlAMibilTl — AuelbitiT ,Wm isT par.:—Fissamiannistataziosimp. Nun. 07 PHILADALMILL 11044% =mad fA Ohestout Area. sear.liAb., . , • ' looomist at POO% :AMP* 14 , 138), potgiohoe eis* to to sot ot datot Bal a -Stistilt 1,84t03 u= l t i VimemiN".. OD t tO 1014116 qtatipottirt tro• OtrottOlt Dowat ii=pnieentert Sotto and .Ittllo .tioselta (WO NMI 00 1,821 27,919 IC al r I na wax pro/00 vi ich 'ay Cloiikpiny taw CM' Dj hnr ms tram Asks vakk • in Insteinos raids on silo dun . 7p1196 et wpm, la awn sa d amuktryi aj Weis lewii are 001:0919euf /Aim 120 Ir liiiiintiniiioa; paled of Wet, tbeylurry pildjanalky : llll , 9 to aa,smant sacoadll4_ fasi Mak* qf Doan"; thiprby evltisooe thivis oriwitaph isigull as V a ind m .. 14? 1•90 w 112., proluptuve II MEEaiE • " CharkilL-Desiiker, - • /weelea, Jeenkital 24 m*: Jame jit,t3mkt4 Meg Wisema n - Alward 'h A 441 B. AMMO ,i1:72 - raj. Somme its 3 =Whi4d... •E 2 PW aion .Wo. Dia.l4 Preeekee • L.l' 00Y/MI, m . )l . Peke Ilietkosiceoz. Wood •Mt de. WESTII.IO lhoti UJy Utibit irrolrivrresosao; • i4',li.ooBPQßAtiWwww I Me, No. 92 Water Meat; Spina /I Co.'s rt 1102 ,02: 21 9 2 w;.P1N 2212 41n: -• • . . •• Witt aware senasst an ,histia ZWe oat Not Now " &Nowa lastaatiotaieereatt nt Dawson wtet ar11,14 PROPOI._ .011 ad. onmenqh . 1 44itak. "w• whid; birnWirinn olat trberiattr, to ow the ellaraeow auteentber newcwrowood, =wig Ow bre . natMon to am who desire to be •-ABSZTE.VOTOBNII 80, - 16699 Stook: Antotalte*. MAO CO 2,190 01. Open Ana:onto, 7,809 Ce 18,3151 99 Proweitan ' 22.92 b 10 rioter ea pub ram7t - ei—: mow is 11 . WlUstar., James lithalff, Nathaniel -Hobos", A;a4ilsoka, W B. hank. .0. 1 1 . Naspos. rbtWdU. ERBWUirOR i CORP OF KORTH stsB.lo. T 1. Inserance Co. Of the Atate otPeruest.. ''PEEILADELPIIiA. ' - Hartford. 'Fire lei te Company. .: ioirzs.... • 1* Us above old -ALA colloblitiOom Ipaxasottot 14 obtaftuo b ; / ffplkotton 10 W. P. JOlttil, Atoti, ' O'SBlRdlaco.B7 Watts street. fIIT.LZ.EIN'ti IN luicol ta quit? Ael Y v., or rirrea n.-xne .;corns Idalust and ‘Wilsgrodtd, .ddoodd. Bode. preekm. . amnr. T WK. . AOAL . laiures boat' and uirpa. el • towed_ aipdis - Wilma &moo in iho unwrap Am &Wawa. d end 7,Wasticra - , LW. as Beyond, "dad tat. n. won alibi Sams. , : amass spins& loss and diii•ii*Obr *.giL;PO/ 1 1; ' Edink 'lobs Skip 1L! IA , •.a. IL .• • • . .71:— 7.-... . ; 41; : . Bemis Owls; ~... J. Odd , r., Hog. %It: Nom 6. , - 'Ma 13.' ~ • . `Mires.....-...-Mani* will 6korge Bingham. ' . ...will gX.IIEIOC - 1141611ILLAUli lA .11 !PANT OtTITHHIVILINL. r Me, N 0.517 ins , bigamy:aid in OJOING Wadi of frizsiii.4`4larfas Hilt.. I , IBAJL .Priatialt. • - JOHN 1X,1006740, !fee Proiassal. D.:IL 10014 assnitejl. • ' , .-.-- ay* W a MAN, Neserim Aits.. ' 11:00TOSII: 1 :. John D. !Word. . Adam Jaooas .., ' lit i t. - BOnfing, . Oapt, Wm. Da% - B.L. - 111cOnsw, Hoirt. .H. D.. 1 & ^.lsaiterJones: =Earn . :,• 06 A1 , 41 :0M71 3 irwfa, Jr. 11,1,11hineatmlc. - paNyaohs, Botrwry &BACK PAY. . 2" F 4 T llB - '1 " Fs imuuLu.ilovasinclurr Atm; Jaaa "ma, aka lady him W aishana. •Aultooridoi ho:io 39 . 4: tho skin. Vt. " wrmi s ril le4 =ro si tit i : Tr ° Ik irtio q millirt . Lbb *tattled to the WO Sanity r§ Soldie Drammen oil dhow, aro stuttlod to po tto=4l7ldoini &Wort taw die et us titled. to Asso rib*** oottutt to pooloto sod ths lkioilky.4to,i M. 11111corof Pam, *levity datectriot4 pet:aptly at- OWNS , to .. /So Qin* mild, la at!' otot =tit the ioon.ptroollloookr • 1 liklyauLls ZiAWL rAr. a'LlFz!ufz -40 ,4 ,fildhclitinitt i.ol l lloMattsbarrx,". C llll, Wif APPV446lbit C0W4111.13 Pmemmem DO cmogy Isom; totrimak stratiebarpd wow, ma. 110" IMIIMMASPOrk 11101Ikgm MOD.. rise 1131110aus Ext Widow*, Pumas, lllMOmm.lllmmimmlast4 Sitmairte caw bop= t giro:lot • :NlPAAVOLllrdaesktirlittfillafkm-We have this do, alsociatokottb, so In Ms itolltni ltlil lrbouue.i Ai is HllLt%`lbb its( outtio e, ot to to l'i riZo likP W like ild ma bialkdlote. ,, • - Noy Stetti,lB64. . 11111412 GLUT. IMO= • 7 / 4 1121111111/1/Ll7. /111DIEW Dm R 0111147.4 41311 . ,, . kiweiolieleowee el; mil dew of ONO. ad sad IfeWiloutewelledcoselwarksWilk • view o eialitos bad of leca • eriviiiiiffew,l_ Wide *Um of the tit& - - • Sr Mole ~ oweier• ideskauctiaa- Water Kil44lll.kilis Dims tostoLatty*tont doitto to ioindolt fee alley . • atioNJOHNITOII. • ' Ilifthiletd sit iri4 . ita susses. suaaaa'i ii riapAliiioire.tai soling at to anti 1 sod &MN such se 'lollo.lotltall litts •t larbattibtdr kraavgiceo. 1714 1 TYVV1173.7 -1 M:lfaM _ __..,-,,...T.~,,,,a ==Ell 4.41uwa1, Jr.. ProWei' r -.Alexande "therld Mr•LonA, Beet 4. Thomas, ' Ben): Icliakavall. John B. N'Oesee H. GORDON. Mani
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