- A ,'••• ••• song EMEMEI =ME E=MME ~.~5~~~:.L~:•1~ •.ir '.~~,:; :‘,.••••M:.;•:-• • .• •,. :t... ;;,. V.l* • i .ift !MEI A.. •, • , MEI • , • 1 . 4 . , • : 1 ,4 . ENE ' • •• ;ftg • Ni :11fri; 4 • ' Ywk •••,v. I , h; • PK: . 4 - 4 tt '• '• ' 1` ;: "'N- • .4.• 7 1, • *r: .:`, ; „:447 Q: -•• : =. 1. •••••• . e • :...1 • • •, • • ~:~: :- . e, ~ . ~'. BRE A t. MEE ~~. ,_ . ..)- .0 , 4 N I - N 4 Z.. " t. .f. %. V EIMEI ":. ESTmtXasim COM 870..4" . PO4: 2 a:rif4.l.itl• sibausir • ttlassatagon. Kam: ii Wand desleateUlN. r 170r,ESPR/81041-8,-BA.. e11ari5r.7 , 60,16:14P - 11111f.DA DaiIiPAIND D ' Man Slid‘LIAZ, t_t..1.4 Zll3 -0011 i., DRIED YBI.Thc O;ft lieuta- 11 GRALINS "11 . : sti * d b° 7i d.""i ii. F hi: ~.:: ,Ei LOBS, 0114, 1114.141%, . a gb et ~. mirtailirateaneemect. wads. '..' . • Uafti.l. t• 11:: ... ~. k at,„4,o -nampiilaalaPatitilin, P* S6 OCIW. --"; " ' ' : lkittimsain et 1,10,6$ .•;' l llltiifer,, __„,___ ACCI. Min* .seag4 r 'Vgbror 4 , 134.1.eati0 • 'Zlnnnall and Lard 411 n; DOW sWIR •,- • 11,1,Atike,_ . Omer, Max nun emir &MIL' ''t f di._nnUire un (lonaggatimiurst a ~:,,,, tifor raiiiiintra Augur* got ..• &die lit: Insulin ElgillitVg • g : BErtmL.ARD, Beooli rLo “t. rot_ • . 1.X447. AdIVICB,I3.I. raw AND :LA/113,, , 01/4, DBLICAA PK: 1112 0 • .*n l / 7 406‘ 3;1 end Whose • = ' • geLP4BlLEr.a.WCalitimikailitia• niad &Weis in ILQ 0/141.121:AND IHIGICa'.IIb: Libaty stmt. PA. ,4 0tioloi bands a' Plow lb/. Bakstri and tigb •• 90.ban6., Putkular.afigation, to • 0 • Itylletanndint genangly,4 • • salioKaiiiina. r. 44,41. Go 'A -LAM --Cammuc t ir vac'ieboamou &Jen is =OM QUIN. FROMM. siki saris , `i awlSBly~ FIVELLRiatt B. LEBO_ _II, 17 zknOairD ••,/ Gam isms ads woman blannart de ea N . 'au at azen. azitetWo BIOD sad spat a3r ths Vakoadosedli• mT,_Ncis 118 Elscsad and wow*. sad . rx wb u a r, sad Pittsburgh. WIN 49 1 . 1,02 70 Waite (14 • I HILIN I :45, . , w Aram &Al, • • box .W - 01ENKBU. PBODIIO2, G ;GB 42i • 00.188.102:1KIROHART.. TIWAT/LICIL 'AMICK e BROTHARi cir • (woomon to Brown* Eirkpastiabaj waoci Laza GILOM.Soioo. ator US Writ" atnet, Pikoborgb. 1103:17 - • ' rualA41:11"02 " Win) WcIAID LI". Kan. cams, Nirtadir• • MEANS COPFlll:_anooessors JAIL W mesmi*oc4waozaaiuzr4gnto. cunce, - comer akt and Warr strestaPittiburgb, VAN GORD_ER, Pzonrawu F RA cktra um I _or In ?LOUR, HUT- MtraM 3T ize 't" aa.4 l3ll .l Sl . 2 oder M; ` • . Fr& s4:rapop made at T DM=lLOrOier. VOIGT CO, suoceasortoi. G, Omit 1110.111:1al. AND 0011MIZION JUL CHANTS, IV Liberty street, Midst:gib, per.' -; JOKE TL AWOL ORN IL HO Ac (ki r auzarAuFl Gisoccsas Arm ijoixassubs Kroisorasis, career of Builtbleili sod Water streptsalitsierii„Pkr Yrt . cluuK, rarriT a txt,,. camula k Ificacauft, Gad dries In P.BoDIJOZIII,Om woos t y=1.144.14,A5../go. Ittb.o stmt.= ED WILISUILIGAZSLITON,'su ms GROOMI AND 00/IYIESION ILILECHAIT, Sus corzor of iba Diamond, No. DI, Pittsburgh. , clibMl7ll2.;• _ , ,e4MVABA: Aiwa. - Aro 1[ Fa NT Wood almost, Pittsburgh. - 000D114 , ' 7a:79 Paul t. y . glwl incommuursiusiiiis /MIK= 4,21 D 11)01[117220 DU MX_ - ito:- Woad' West, third Mae 'bore Diudand , .P.lttadregh. .plod[ nilfao* jos. ,ormia , ostY Qom:to:wow ogovirsak ziontrost 'owe ristemEk. es. - • L43...4Tha l lletiitade to E Alr. "Ir a' e l . ir w aill.Bo - 71 13. z 00 .I.4lglals -IFIM Eix:' ToZwing AND DO No. tio-Vidoritatesiot, timid #.3A+ . WO! Lt "obi , ALLisi vitt.' ~: , :. _.. 1 M / CDT; MAQIUME a' l . .iilfW ''', übligetsaD oilsil tii 4 4 DMUS Div it• Vity; I Ana, mat is PIM ttetet: Itatearo., ; -,:.,,< rli lit44Doma =lB. 4111 , YD.A..Whigesne - A Aston, ins rla . lISOI 8 frilPlat Giuunts - satmuumw-at., liro. - -is migia4 " betwassaftpered sad Tottn.baittitrantiEt + ' -, .j W I . • . 4 1 4 1 4:11100elia41), WhollpaUtand Ilatiumeden tirtifetaie• .A 4!•?.. 4E4 1 ' ain".44118i116"11. JUGIIMP.II - ILEII. • • leads sad ten • • jean mower isizzuras, Dar GOODS, • .NA. 77 79 T NT:RUM:CB k 00, Llama= Elt Thur. U s aoas, , xt;. • timits.umt.,borYtemlgrriaal • rrr 01 — 6dl JOHNIffo ... N..n.,...0.,......wni...i..hA/r..4 s DaS I t 12iT i I r E u M i relior 900 8 _ ° 1 wow rior virr iSib. d 46 , 1 10 •Praimblidau ity • • ga . --..4ig *MUMS .*;00' Wao brou idi ..i. Joimmi ?Mawr had isofitiiivi SW NV/Unr LZADANDLITKABwroNdrmx. itteswiltubtatia ' --- " „ - 7.''''' • AWL J_lOOM - MirfilWctimuus Datum is DRUCH4PLIWZB,OIUVELIunsau Azil ' Da 811111313, No. MlSSlberty Mist, ttelitrn. MI • • , id/lamb* Root sirtaision. : , • '4*: ih mem AO WI ` lirtiodoseasor ltaiivitcoge Write 11 1 *.•, - . *DUIIZ T JNIMAX I.Witatowar J./ AID, atoarasOr • =a boos xispaass, -- uct Lanai waft ifiaablire6 111 MM "AltifttOUlta. .110triniki - and Ocastadides shoat • 13=11, LAMM CM& " &kik (sitooelsor to Jsmorsitsis4 , l l o set:Fkopotano own ha,,, q = 1 59!,,,MM0 I± ll l fia i rm""" Valaillibahomexoltat to Jack- Nut & TeveilidulraurP AID slums atZIMIERM4IIII, IS sat Math zwisifireso oda 41cuifirgrWRIMBilL diEccwomtgAN, Ammar up VI - . _lliKt? ;LaW. ' , oMos, 'No. WI Graaf OWNS Mtlabitiff, Ns. , AG inadamas automated to kb au* wilf twaffaCmt. attalks. 00U4410011 MI6 ilignilehlk, la all adjefalug counGet. and al JMrilllkinad, PUY. eggs . -, knew= - Clifico GMaDOONNELL adirkairmaii Law Baas. uma,o. aiDisawal Knot. wm stated le theew Gan dahma; beaut .. k . r iw o; In d ie d la (an tilet or Gal of wates . D _ . . 111=1=14 111 AIANNEIL 10110131111. Sa a a• a SCROYaa, APR =Min 4, UV. 011ap, lourll strut, PLltibligu,:,:, BOgrrif - 41471 MOBS.' ;-; T OHNCAl QSZLLattimunartmas or u Nom AND MEW corm Olimprisoom No. losaibuy 1{0.4/14atassitt 4'00%W/iota. useinsants sot:Ate.o3l3, ha. nisraicreestk lied W..* is t : iTt . • et" ou band tad swam, iLt....44• - ..411140‘ '11.7 t " SONiw.t.rarZt A ..„, =l.'=lsms rlb bed aktea -itelbrul) " - .'..1. 1.4A0 "do t Jar mai 4 /66 Aft# l2 7.o" , "^ ' A"' .A-A."''' -'^' '''''' WM. ie algax r 1 --. , - r5..i,:,:.,...... ....- , ,e , . .;.. - ..7.,.J , .. .. i p ~,..i . L 4 . wwrl t ,." 4 01100101ERNii WHOLNAALI GllOOlllB „ itiok . onunsin — ea msacwiT., ' ll ...it'ilaitosiatatuiantr ee t, Omer amity 47,1 IL:2W fir lett • ' msoLlisalk alsociiii. - Ho. 141 &BUTT •8211.11 t; - . prrnsuzen. FA.. at pii cokoogetilabrest of kb lab km ~, •• • • • tko bootnoor ottbookraolid. Oad boptomod to naive th• pattonsto of kali& _ __ .... ow ontoorani. aNcikannan.v. : CAM& a.allsocuts axo Oman= &aim PEODI7OI. na.asoor=b. 11614., ch uxuss oNanbzegoomintosourre, Lews. 001:TON YARNS, and PNtabangh mannbatana. •,• 7.114 and 114 Pitta va. ` , " 4 /149KININM.weun .ntt ine. Ohio.) V'DONALD a ABBII Wawa aaan Nionankpipstaitita munnwlabatat la cerise. a MAR and NOL.ating3, warn= mauls and STROP% .OD ,litAooll. TOBA OO O. Ma u r ' J u a l Z 4r4 R. B 4ll °4- Po' 4 Zia at. nal .I,y -REYMAITAIDIRREBttioiaasoza Am Iteiaist a demo, Wholamb assists lu FOREIGN raUrZair AND amts. 0011. TEGTIONEEF,ROG wilagajai Iva nitioif . 118 Wood ROD SARIS 11/Ns. Fpgabtlitt. Peaug... • 11—Ocausinox dssion .661""°'7-24171:41=11k50d • -.17 6. 1. • • la. AMU. Gam. 11; 'JONES it SON; " ack unul ILLNILLA SOPA 0 Ous, PITCH., mad U 4311- Blemonasbela •saar Di OBKRT DALZEIL C E O, Wn01... ANuaz cbunictax vamT, , A. NIOSIOR PltSt• tterbtregh.- WIT Zat3lll &.*soll-aall/V01.......A. Vala-mi& AMBERT, !SWUM & VU, Wacyza, Ausismam, Pseserceir DU/xis, • stree, ittsburgh, Ps; alft Joss iniaos. W 4. .....WlLSONeMatassua 412 6. vir cow Ooh and deslen Waft. tfab tas . . , V ;9 13 .i iociu. DILi n t . 011114 - rdr")., W a ii p inaima """ " nca JOHN FLOYD it Oa, WsOl Mara (1140., 4 11mitIt Alin Woo. „ AL'S , mamma 11 lad. ilitpodj!tavas, 2Laa•La md.mss' 2_ 1 _ 12 !.!_k.14r14 , z 46 IJILLXITAPaCTIIERIT. 4 W BONATT, Idaignuo . .ar -us Alan) ......o_zwarik*"llll2,9 "M3t Wassoooon 44 No. 74 Purrs jahlbaytui sur,r; grAzimmialsak 'atom*: tury i ttis Ofty star Wozka, Pittatvg6Ps.,_ MaituDetaisra of INAGEINTOSII AND ALUM lINPNOTID - PATANT AW 0130MarniG STEAM ILINGINN3 AHD. SLID' YNS, ot ohm Nod litat 'OWL , gulag pat op machtaary Imam capacity sad of Dope= taLpaimid ta do liesiajit fratpteura, Calming:tar i ctit:tajEt li to twit Ws attatitioa ba i t BALANOND ialiITZ 0 TING INGLNWS, r Gmbh:dug sktiatfalitia , *stair, mitattalnad In this claim of baklyd JOlitigil. liAidiLl'UN it W., • ' : f. aciw';, eVirticigna Lately stre‘t., - • ' < Prrraßoikni, eiasem: =amp, isecausrar. . _ - Na 60 'rrsiktit,i, 0.• l'illsbea m =siudretarerorsotraiß XECKIET 00XKON AMMO Pt *wry dimatption. !Vlrßartkithuralied or shaped en= and BIT VI% kap or intan• WWI? ‘ ariii • • _ Fox ameortmentaybitt ranZ; mr10: WELLII, AIDDIA W,No.-416 mausrakirlAigulant=. R sad eria7 danwas of ULTIMO BRUM tmod acgiCrtill ikes per' aitsfeitTiMsr-acra a " of"Plttab MIJNILZIT & 00, Owls ILunnua. Wartmt. Wow, amok Mir,illff= BLIMUDJIALIZ "3 ; „_43110 RAMA& AUXIANTe. &gestalt ray imam a 00.13 'HAMM „Aga. Pitt sad MUM t 'd mai • o.43Ne ttio n s h art id 00. !MOM &sr abast.wood,, 4«,1:,;! 116- mhaauers.usei- ; • 'l ltr i releitita for liidawaro oolobratod PIAN - No. • 11'0 arm. Pttraborik. sonif I _ll o_klltlJl r WIWI/4 niumaallaros anaasoat, -I.4WeWookiizeil kcnmit street mad lAkki. Mem& re. onavurmr; , 2.11' 2 vonnews Ur_..A. Moly Dr; Editik. iirsoulkeem Arum" 71' BO OK fEltdfagr—Nft OVf, 17,M. G. JOHNGTON*O4 Grsztoxi* 00 4 AND dzt - nconwasi. iiikW=llitistiliiirvaate to Um OMNI of Tatra, Niigata= NO/1001 aad -13=i. talu m.n o ) " I USIPH, HOWI L Dimas ; ur,,Tu* u MM. • • MS OM. IgedifOre: tr WATON, IdACEITMA 00., Dolma" it a s •IVM m I =‘!" 2° ' s yr' WARD,' Dm= Pgst. WerT f rons, !Jorma.x,pimaggai4.ig ge" penw proms LOAXN Wig 'op teem. • nut Waldo; to twat thole many to good* ma always tod sad Itodnd stooqoptg at m , 9 kr We. 10r4r4 •--1 admadoaloatosi kWh 000ttai. 011aicarotratisit, ompooltoK w Adloodnd. ;'iMM=l P. MARRITALT‘tDaiIasurWALL Iry ejturus, Bois ottaarisu _ _ _!FR,ll_ll,.l,e_4_7l/..pedstrset r: i :~:~ FC77‘ .. i B " :I . P• 8417 gopis.) . • .11 M il°1111 ! ."e1411 " 11. Illifil t 17:aw .2 • idatit . • 11." ._ ...,. ,„..,. „ Zs,.'; . , _.:.,:i'iN*.;-..,...-:•-•,'L'.- lESEEri PITTSBURGH, tUOUDH. DIIQtIIMII lUUE?B WORM cezkaur 4 oeewPoeD, Nanabotorato *nor" =Kr *Ankh* BRA.BB WORK Arm/. Piano arliiii'oll KA 2115. . Irrr i I ANKINCITEDL . Busa OLVlEttat *AO abolotton, Irk * order. INNANDOA WORK. OSMAN LID QL3. /mum sod RIPALIIIMIpromptIy attend* lA. Pattieutar attention pold to AUL** WINN. RUN 1011,00Ait LID GANNON COAL • &to Apt& tor Us Western Dbtrbt Poet. sylvsaLs th• al* or YAW% LAuapara, 00:6-PATIIINN .01tPUON :PIMA Ullk bat orb toroota. Navin ao *has, it b mot liable to got art or otter, abil will throw ow* water thaa ay pomp or twk• Ito obw. 8A13110171L,- D. lt• A.L. WEBB Dia. Cbrimr of Pratt Ma Cbersorso arias, B.a.rower., G 1 tokkiesioir inionsErrs, Abal Amin ,tor the solo of DUPONT% GIMP° W. ' - &ads on conntionnent all kinds of Western Pro. Mx% and oaks adman Oman. LA llllll2ol Klnnooktilkontot Warshaw% =hr. 11112 TO _WPM= rt. Ilmlth A 00, Plttobloth Elokstaon. Goariod, ntoglint7e= Hail oat t n 13olood • Boom, p..... oTALDithri..wdpdge:s t, ameass; Paten num , Thelm tateskaar fiatitaisiViddiat hoops all ;meat 11 . KaiilY s dal* sc4 Uto, • ` llt. D. DlZEUniii. Yost Warts '.. aplf ',401414.1ta. LADIES' FANCY FUEb ORILDSZtirtI Tejo: ZW&8; of&Pra TUB OAPI9, OOLLARS A GLOM MATH AND OAP& Ivory mkt, and aids of ttro atm goo& oft lkoaill and for aawst IttOCIED C0.'89 Na. 1.31;WOOD 111132111% ' 6 1 1:111.1d DeirßßL W11J114.4 PAIN, RUTH= lk CO*. . 11 anolIctaroro of . . • ' 'non Qttudry strum . cusr sTasu Nowa, Ear sod, ot duo. Warranted aria ter any or nannhotorod Mr country. triruNoo so& Nokia lad Ul NUNN rod Vi and 7.21 ND Nlttsburtbh Urd M liW ( ilk/Dd.—naming just returned JLI boa tb. Nast, iv ban tow in atm an cam. BOOTS . 'jug') WJEKOZIO Adapted to the saran. Pashas can to ementiodt tettittADUßP. ■ taaW &ad tatI LDIMINI - 800T5,42.4121A88 sod 1 / 4 1,NUT Ott uLTS, at • 001 admot toe comb o at IMO. ALIMIN. 808 a 00.11 B..'n mono" Wood lima Toon! no. pl.UMßltita, OA'S AND tOltAh zurezzaeßxx.wr. VAL TATE, CO., Dolan MAD PIPI. GUM LLD.. HT. Dltitalli, PUMPS, CHADDEI6IIIIB, 111140/.1121, and PKIROADTIL fitted lap with hot and cold twat sad pi in las sag aaalwwad_ atanear palls tatandad to. laktv A Liatati, MimiWAAL a, w., . v ALLA" za, rournAr, Ming*liPA. a , --- 1111-WAsagolArl. Na.301-ineriP =neg. illsznarciarers et 0001, PARLOR AHD BIAS. LSO llTOUticitol Auumtrouxatimik, aoLLoww .1. sad aid Gur leg WU Orathig% Agergwers. well , sal RI. draAnd Dom, Dog Ines, lldgeoltti6g: Pry Poßry,Raapes. OarIPIANgs, sa4 Outings pierspg,., Atirt I OurAsige M4/I 'lO eedit. - Takentad WU, 1 Nit& Boom or Hoeft Paver. spll44ant 1 ~l.i.~axrxY ao"""'"Ys~'; IF. XL CLAM • Oa, 00. LAM Munn% PAM. ABED 1178/1 CLAY. lirCbrear AsilersowitnieS mai Scsii"Onisoce. laStfhl is' ILLIAnk SALEM • • a CO., tkulor - Malan and Meet Iron Workers, MX 11? 11cup.213,42,114t01i16.--Ifartnii larp and tarnished it with the own impnpfti , we are_ pr_ eared to 'manufacture every description of BOWIES Pain bert•imaaaar, sal wanmatad opal to an made in rho eaaotrr. 0114:11N*78, 131110)132, slim Elm mat -PIM, IowNLOTIIIIDOII,U4OONDMMItiII, - WAWA/A 01142LIJAMUTAITOWlit arrnutauwaile;.so uaapqmolr , sums, BUGAB 'PAU, and mate imanufaoturiro ef B&W au.adr PAtLiz. EOM& Itegmblas dote of ikaiiilNJlM&a ;UHLX.ililitt.l.llll/ATIO AMA os. bottles, fa the lava of Powder, It it sauthod scr ods' ens Ilqaid Oates* , of Mataltda. mat MilanaLWlMak Saida. Powdan, Ma other ahallar artadia. "Whoa mita *a tb la th• g taaratn tagalarth It Ma as Matra* Aral a puma monis omakatt ni t. soiditaa and too oF *0 ily1,1" - f011. Jetkid fq lltat. , PAlfitaTooB. • 00. PHU. - tardy and ; st Ma Jtambetter r No. 193 Opting ISt, , Sarkyaka sa ! WiAMiO#43MMUCAT ... 114 dna. PhMadias44lasat km Jobs Mama a Caia ISCOEUL Br ft conatantly br rho at tbo toevet ittigkot plot TW falt y tartittasor adaptad to fbs loaktorot Krum AND AION / in MI Resibeisot brands of OINDINI N-ANAThCI &- AID CNNWING nnbdadis-ad 000. N 1317".• If ON =NU, A.A. AL In "Ma ,t lll . — m° TrattAINWPIDO UDEN lanrob__ lonians Ay l ms. U. MALISIdi - Pteal!elli Conuthilin xmicamlell Mtn, - .66101er faall kladtro4 ootnents noauca. • _aft.us gum ! gwisarmarszer and.dwerf bio wark - se 1 .! • - • - ---- TOBAOOOi 4.. IN FOOD JITRIZA,Preirs Pa. Itoriooodolkli "bud ilorp oodititof nook sod itoOkbor Wawa It: Near -*TOLER- - erpibtililly Maio 1111 Whim of Pittolmilk tholl Do koo bow appotoitsivoio *pelf he tionnaa ore a toes offend mutt Amp_ , PIN. VW arip brut" "Tir ?Art falba aitliOoirolaioh aro • ff floor, 11mit . 94:4710114-7 • Zooitatoo •Oa taw I 014; rri nntrna I • sot callow :Wadi Cap de r W VIM. 41. Zirea.: • , ,84,14 : "Hammu t . i g uL imi estur4i, Wefts. • 'whirlwind ot on. sin. mu& fo 5644* AtooiAlutia 811 ••• aoliehaskim a, ISA WATER Inn% . si k o ortrimilUp~rasweassi tas !ft 1 4 4r11 "7"47ohistith i oh ni hi rimpag,2_,." 74 . 1 tO Max: . - :x•41.1 T Pad iSltOglirr-"nt MEE ~, ~Z ,`+BPS'• ~:~a?:. . - • . - I. ---nar- • ',.,,,- -.•=-- '' :` -" ~ ,•' .:"'. :• "1:•' , .. ~. rr:l • a1itaL1......z . , f. -2..t . .N:,.., i..,.. ~,: 2 ~.- ~ , . -.; a -,::, i ff..—.l7r z,i;-1.711.xa45: ;" ;?, , , ,. ; 1, , ,,,.,,•; . ;,,-,1 ) , ....,, ir , , i ,i , ,,.; ; ,' , Y` '.: . 4 . ;-.- , : i; .•; ..,'-' ,_._ .* ; 7:1. :;: 7 , .. 7 - ; .• ' , l' l , - ; 1 a . • - --- --- - .. , ~i .7. , ,-. ~ t -,,,, 4 .. . , ..•...' • ~ ~., 0 ,:, . ..,.., ..., . • -- • • . . . EW TERMS , OF THE GAZETTE , • ma im Rarrumr, by mail; par 00. 5, month— TO. / " &thee 3.11 tux= salvo. by fball, per rtitt..-- 00. " weak, lb. o Mite L - ,7lflazar Zerrioa,plegle °opt% per year.. 9 00. dubs of a eel% o 60, o data oTlO.fireloie" 1 =yam' one arta. to ' th9 , Part Ortabli dab. For a • blab at lawn. we will seadrelee . Tvialaa Gleam; Ter a del; of twenty,' ere w,s and tbil *um GA.simis daffy. Bleak oepia, ' cen t.. ITAlLlnfbeceiptiesearriaki tea 4 reaakena papas\ alefeyesksedwhee the ilsee expfrea _2" - ' /611. Joas4. Caimans" 'theist- Ms ri5, 16 . 2 " near Frankfort , K7lo/1040t4 norm& He bad boon illior tom damtad libido:4 Major Cionaral Thomas Iherittaiyiiii, °aim:goading a corps bt Gm, Rowi ng . a r ......46, nus e ne d to his-Waldo: drii otadab'otiso north on the - like train' whfai bOti Major . 'Qoaoral IdoCook to his lathing , _ , Jay. Crittenden wu born la Woodford) °minty # Kanto°lq about 1780, and wu the. nu or a rums who mu killed while his lon wu still very you& by the fall ors tree, leaving all irldni!, Whose means were duds; to bring up a large Nally. Mr. Oritteaden, corarneued the praetioe of •law at Hopkinsviliklmtsoosgionsesg ** ll he I onillSoLaii sow .‘ tad ion VstWation as an &drown,. Iter Ti eying: been for sew time a- lumber 'mid Speaker, of the Kentucky House of Bap. suratatired, , he was elected to the United States *etude, taking his seat Danaher 1 2814 sening,two yaw , s.. • Prom 1818 t 01835 Mr. Crittendim Collated in the_ MOO& of law_at !Yeankfort, and la 828 mu nominated Judge of the - gypsum, Court by President Adams, bus the Omuta re. ro.a to mann him, and Judge Mama Iliad the plaaa!,- 1a.18.15 he was stain elecied [W itter, this time air sit • years. Oa UM amen. sion of hie term of beide he was ri•eltsmeddrut resigned, to become Attorney deaarat aide; President Harrison;helthliitillie but six Moths, tendsdagills'resignation 'to . Pawl ing Tyler in n brief ind digailled luta. All ths Cabinet trialpt Airt'Weastes retired with hip.__'; Mr. Cloy hulas. :Wiped his seat the &nate la Yard 1842, Mr. inittiaden eat , chosen to AU hi. 'Ulat,4ad he 1842 was re, eluded for a fill tanso.'- J/41 resigudir-18.18, and was elestal'Oonrner of •Kentrutty. lie - Altdrae wader' President Pill- - airs, retained to the Sena" ethers he renialimitAidatatioBW 3 ' -- Blase hit time he has btu a member of the Meuse of Repressittitives, aad at, the pe. rlO4l of his death wu a candidate for 'owlet.. don. ills opposition to- the Lecompten con stitation, and his °oaten sine! the outhreat of the present troubles, ire SO ISSU•ltaillira Ott readers that it Is not aoctormy to gator Into details. Mr. Orittaudea wu.always , aa st °Silent extemporateou dtbsteroat eves is his advanced age, the spirit of Ids youth kid net greatly stook& id.r...Crittaadaa was oars oitkr.itovotld' to the writs 'of his Country, cad the purity of his latentloas , Amor Outdid. Aboitt - tbe Cabrium . patertial ,r,r_ tan literate's. Peace Stot - y,T.A. ramie treartil...The President Consortia. mve”Tbe Cabinet a - vai on Mi. very and Peace—Nmaticipation De `c or by a epectal Eaactment. A Washington oormrpondent of the N. Y. . writing on Saturday, sap : Mush has been said and written on the of Mr. Lincoln and his Cabinet,lll la g to ' , pesos" and "reoonstztiotles.."J Esser writer promulgates • new Foists the Cabluilf, and sash member is compelled toast a' con- Zs, eerratire or radical part as the fancy of the writer dictate,. Many of themCsbinet "sit uation" articles herein*" ingsaious, but few of them hare bun tram:, . , . • s . inus 1,141.. The late famous, or 4-famous attempt to belie the Cabinet in the. gera4l, was, ' probe. tilt', thirmoSt skald proininidishisztopurz e d otrinponthoptibile, Aud i Jost hem , / am an tharised by a member of the Cabinet, who mitered the writer la reiterate slew of its ohms in his hearing, to doti#lr, fr i zaitthsess, joll.and amoiesiost if . The Calsiilet,Zndsr a• tames, have mr amulet In. *biie se on the Idea of Waist puce, on any ba ils te rebel, ill arm. - ' There Iten.boen no 80. fie • division in the Cabinet ini`the atbjeot of or slave ry, and int,fitimAidi limo ~,. po , that there has bean al/ain't hurtle*. falhennore, the Cabinet will not entertain or Maus propositions of peat, while a rebel le in arms wino the Govermiumk . ~,,,...,„„„ii,..... ..,,,,,..„...tiliseilision the present Cabinet seat indouged ice, was on ‘ the wording of the 'Xinanolpauon Proolanardon,wad oi thin cab s coda the President ,iniii'lheAtimpostii- party. Mr. Seward arta' On. - taw 0 004 ,1, 4. 1 that no restrictloniihontd Innis& Lithe op pliation of the mociamation, bat that its appgagen sitzziaLbe laill•••l4,,likientitisl - VW* and Bteraini-argedikCe.:M g, otdin lint the President MhoseFiAfravel...2iloifollt and Ounnerous other dlstriets, therebY wan log the proclamation to districts In open re •bellion against the:Union. ~ - - - TES ser ener! •UM OA ilia gabfest of Slavery and It. ultimata fate " t the end of the war the Cabinet is a mil o differing's+ .. to the reakrabfriskielf Its ; Won Mall,,,be,•hroutia .shirt, Mei . Chase, Binalols,-W•nifeembi'Veltei are • the opinion ihatillarary* Ault ewe' • sections, whether covered by the Pro.- , r • o.msomarspribeetras,theuealibAssoi•stlisewawarithaidditiet, • biti•limpolitht to male--Inch - a radical oitanto ; she Literals Of - pOlitical econo my demaintidatemanalpstlon should be grad ual. To this effect these gentlemen favor the Idea that all mimed people remaining in Sa moa et the and of th.. I..rthßtoipudually freed Iby special 'lnaetirte l , ,$$L: member batjfrots for a moment the dia or remannum ink the Union on a basis of iiiivery, and no Bag of Irae e Nut ball es will lie entertalned hen 'Sabel leaden whieb fore "sladows an idea in imnillet pith .** iin u aid... patio Profaning!. • c t., .•••J - , o. 32.-bcgwr. A' - Ilasmensia letter , says that Preddent B~rrett, of the noWyestinif-& O. Billirc;sd tho road ' ta b isr ro. axrU gift, to .. em & bolism Tiro of the bridgea east of -the eamberland - sas wpi s ald thet/k am the Motes :Tim Mat ad i wag eo pistol on K m endal ai& He says if mad, wi ll dyiyo the rebels bash beyond: Whathastar atones, the road will be open for trarel end traniportitien in two •weeks! time. The upper dial are all vaadla and the stone odatntated for lo ten the newHtialle across lbw/tenth bausidt of thi Patiiima Washiseos kranolk: MO thre a t U ,to be wa n ." 'iv wont:, so sa istprovent [n ips diluters. fraa:fisads. • The' bridge will siosts 7 l, ooo crease. t; T;nd 4111010 1 =d .I.l!famsfai of the rftli t rates ot **meat listen and istoneeeof the 9olldefieni, tube: sae of the addolios . 4 -3T theittbiletibWf . le no t Witt, unionisableirm, ri h Wiasop.bilatibetatlisks, W M" sl ,A . q a - 1 7 10 /di 9 s _ . :llds tip liai N am .. ot idiestpert ~. ~~ ._ ....1r _. :: '~.~2~--~:4. ~t> .- ~ '. ~.;.~ ~ .9,.-,,, r ;~t~ ~a " ^ s_ °c , 4 s' `ti' . - c - ~~'`- - ,x~ .'~- a'',~t~~.S,'43o°.~'~.' flibburgh . . EtIiIDDLE IDITOBB AXE/ 'PltCOPRIBTOBIli: . . FablinUos Office, lio,'Wltimt ItOBAIING AND AVMEMI 11DMIIIEN,DA1Pri ocorrenago Tat LAWW;2olffli trp To 1311 HOVE Olt ,PUBLIOATION. , WEDNESDAY MORNING, Rimy 2% Death of Mr. Cripeaden,otlleni.' .Apiogios. ' { ear: George Washbigtoit L. Bic:Weir, R., VI. C. K. ti L`• ' iiiamirivaii o At. pzSikatLoaiiik 4., oflliotor",,," - and by o. ilx*Pr Pail- George DirAhiy, winos, meu many,of our citizens, wed ommotaily to betel koopen, tioe . grand sonunandor of the - Knights of thee Gold's thole, its lesippeaUll whombarbital this eNreereiral Os ago,t4 establish the older in'this 'great mitrOpolisi and is it Jibing episode 'in a'ratioir ailment 1362101% r Done.nuer Wineehister;y4 - IWelabni descenillrunilona of:the-int vamilisteriebier mytkicalaseeltor ins ariertain ; Leigh, er.ligtameG.Mlitt AboudshicrlaVai hNild l l4 7aarf ago, kat tamer " 1110 1 0 .°V. 8 dRAPtoPPear, 1 24 1 1/tr of .h ''ireft an orplum at.uvprpeorly age, leiter& a *up. ilertifer, po t riloony s the . lastutioit of Dill it e trioue, house ran away - trate Wrginia,itad tietrame a often and negro-lOW fiNiiir Of_ I !sans—made , motiorried te : Pirglitle4-! attended oollego—ettedied medictine—married! wealthy iremui..-spent her- fortibus. somea widoyor-,toost, eunevied in the Ku lain wareettiod - at Cincinnati, Ohio-got op 3 a grand - ulectlet' Outgo' sa - broanis one of its professors—wrote sevaittiriode. arable modical , worki—marels4mutiper wool- VW' 7,011 m 1 "4 0 4 1 " hit .14tuzkr,4 0 .. lo ksva takeriiit - military supplies tai lltratie BarierthellrinteanirsrL2 establishiA nu e& au Lobe Stag alsociaticricin Cincinnati 'and ether Mostontleities-Alsitrui • lineaiD" and Pranu.. ,, got , a grand: prejset to publish's ssiontibe andmagohanloal paper to connection Id* &Wank aganopi,unde avia.pod Per *4 IRK 111161111111i11 11: Inas of ands in Miewiestither Kuban states, II one rlosi mina spine-body let.4lllboplude*k prablici , and ofgtritsed a n ip,anp.,to work in. thinil- killisted to' Uri stark or certa iliselinerbiliger Ruldan4Orti, aid Impose* et. impiety , feta. isivar 'Of Ithenk.:.get sip al scheme tterialieeitteriuntfie !robing theunitot 'Mu brArkiusir Stitt lboads.:-.. attained as geoCiredkael viral* it Trekeellcerlorti 10 a readloaidsfthlishment for !pliparkkgtuuttupplylngpnrodinsoindriertalm 'patent ineuticissued re prospectus sit obtainiriTarp nibicciptions fortlemutebibit-. nures' esti kilintheizi Volley teat should Dor tesal aefoblbfromdependeneoon Yankselesalreisorginirit,'with Gen. WV. , 'man Teicrr,' the order of Of Enigletr of the Golden' Ofrelo-.4tarne to liar Tlfork,Wriemellitsonsplenots O . I P allet , Plomeresui-earconpalied by 'Sundry Gentenenre andetttsoltetorlo oilfired meal turinsly—boYdoll 110 • the.l34.lslaDtdiei and • Silisiituquiy - set the lietropoliten,-„crumbed strata! of Lodges' of tie Anigibuef the Waded Cliels-Aried" tOPerrahase rectum iss: fa to - =fry slid 11118114 to itigair;bit ale Geary Law Miters's ' things' IS the like light as hordid—eitteided re grand einvistiolf ot: the.ltalghtiF at Whit. DUO* ' &whip; Virgirds,upddlerthrobbedlimiself try,tkreat. ODig slaughter.lissantients.--inat to 'Kauko sad utortabed.siodo if the cutlf o f sea Attest At.l7llas with ittar4,l o,44 ". o Poteeti..ooSbentelostion Ith asiirts sue lifieUmeri,tne oppoinghi.il r , Lin lehlifed the Wiled sal oiroioliputies r burnaltkerof them 'Oat ski 47 ;bargain Until seertehrtrinialeeroftr ner raltettlore be Owed on Alfmckess , iiiiistterateit to 'this , ditp,and offender*, Wirt foraisilesiw.' Aibloto biased in tahingthisastleOfilialeiror liklalionahattheownen of steam ?web did SUN, lt-ropenednogstiaidou with iinglish basll44lll6 °° ol .o7 l PW gollishobienst • 11ileit owd aa ftliza t mo, o r ts-wmes.. par ! Wild bre outabrimmierif "Alleari set tlers but boesttd ill.rsiorne Invoindhy indebtedness to osewho hid advanced mouy endue!' aside' 'ft aid OM colonization of Marlon by the Knights— itso eompellad to 'do tomatbleg, and deter- Mined en the dogmata project of an bevasion of •Miszlinier territory from: the North-=sung=atonal the Knights to =elfin hilsehlippi and Dues for this invasion—eras checked by the PC u arienci Iles maps of the United •8 tes— sew mamas of from social d by - going la for Bukhara MKllllOl— his tau over to form the nub= of a Southern army—ro-orgaabod the oomatitation of the Knights of the Golden Circle, and elkinged it/ purpose so oompktely that It W eems a 121001 ancient lastrumant aids trait orous reirehles—:dissaminailed the traitorous Sb pruliviution ortettlitely Ohlo sod mecuans.—wss caught New Albany, Indiana, and is now desarrodly in prben. Dir*buio usorlY fifty_Toon NM but doss not look near so old, JlO Is a unalimani with pleasant panne% mad nerrou ssiegaiu tampsrament. , oEfli order lad at one time 17,000 mu will ing to ,go out u actual settlers in.blexioo, anAthere is no doubt that Dr. Sickle, was stimerely derailed to :that 'project, and to be. soling ldinself the bead of a groat military republic marbled after that of Louis Napoleon, oterhom Dr. BMW Is a griatiedmirer, arid with whoza he, on several aocaslons, atiill.:—S. ClusseircuThi. ' i Brills:is * Patience. • • --, ' ju t thwilritiah Tarilarneat, on "the-10th -o J , the ease of Mr. Beishant, si Britishostb-: Jim residing is Alabsimi' was biought ,4 1 1 0 .. Imin, for refining to join the rebel arm. w in April last dippsid throe ;orlon. thug to ,took "of watar, , and on coming:a the sir faob esob WES, asked if he would, arra- At' iass,:for - fial, - be44,.drowned, he ooltoeinoti to. pirTh' an prOtat.• %Ito ?affair teached tboliste of the 'British 00iilllat Blohmond,- and he'rinionstrabod, but to no offset, and as man could:set be heard from._ Mr. Loynd said that this was but one of Ate_riany_emaaa. of ihsTkrid:;iwid II was for remonstrating against than that the Count - at Itialunond woo °adored -to liars Mr lionfedersoy. H. (MIS L.) , was bound to say that then eats .wary eomnsittod by panona ammrestly'soilli nadir the primal authority of the Contedmsto =ointment, but.et a dhtanoi from dm sat of govarnmeat. The farther oonsidorsof the Mattar was postponed. • --: ."- -,,--.'-',*',l PIANOS; STUB LUTE, Mw linen Book, . , roa:mooLe. RIOAND ATACINtrak • MA. ay Gap, r, loaf. • %a; pe«mi. "aspic vr.l ari she 1.)11?u!iir. - sp Trak las - .Iracest Miler o.lt ile Orrl'reidoittrf, notber VOW raisawr irsollost's ulloitio Lost's:lo *and r , " o larer. &Is Ob.•*;"o,4*' P 114,1 1 -00 slicked; ilk ii,nts:••s Qm,4aks. id on !Nolo of 40 comb. • . • , tot; Weia stnekl IVIIIENWAST MAIMS • go% 1' . 1414: "MO QUIN srio4r, as *Auto raikkaimuateas:-- allplirerraatii-siverkor,tirall oth•riterfnall Wet: IA awe alb* el therbm sur 4101.4pairsr tadi Olserk4 be Ms Stetas* . f Plana 14 4 • a zrama 41811014 - 111f1.11 43.00.11 P attiuslottblutisk a g= d httttstitm rd= CM ' ADM bat Is Bur ahead salswimibt satamlid. r Pat sem moatbipost mann not baba able la IM oaa.btif of On wan. , WASSINTSD PITS nuz& HALM L bIIOTaIb4rXICULIMUOS rcprar,the but dogmatises ' la asda - • CHAIBLOTTI DEMI% aS /Mb mutt; . Bobi Agent aetnse Damns. rividef aIILODZO9L ittIfaITAIrk.CLAIMEI,T-BOMpsa: • iumcgrinons, 111.01 PAY, sad IMMO OLAIU ad • S. aid*Diatba thasab, soriber, 8 smaspas4llo,oo; .... Li ' - I Gairtin tt "" 4I V • ~ n _ ~,, . ~, lio: Ira I ' Plitsbapas. - is. B. lye sas spsposb4l4*-41.6' sadesciaad id awns • • , s lII ,AK t.pp*pip' ipa asialguissa. sad tor MP - r • ' sad X app2***L.,- spa Aillitura UloUlt i.sie r r , AIIIii fisapsda,jutlisshal ilk SA* ILAISESdk Tar dispadi aasiaild Ea:Mk stmt. , , -,-., . - : NU ' W I / 411--‘1: 3. , !;• a: . P. PHILLIEL s "liA rr.5..r.:".. , Z.: 1 ~7.. OILS; 14. IifpWIMOF.A,(I4 . 4J3NDRB, OIL BROILERS, 211 at►d 1 21 a Olautti„Water et. 01110 AGO. •'• • 11040iled.. • =.l; ":7.4 *MO" ILT i lmn .a t 7 coji Winta. Jinn lams ; J .' tar *to. linty', • 041prairi Bpiag r atannit# 00. • , WILIVAtt tt ,•• • . 17omanamoiticascaraira, • . •. • Anthuatori lei CRUDE & IlEntirED PS TBALEMII; zro. tse Norric • szoozo 'mar - • lortuortg•eipmary Omar , in. er;yiitssioi) btifg. Aug, excellent ftedllUsli fop Waling t 0,0011" n. surroregn'Onts; at oar wharf ea the &Malkin ti m a lsoatho platform of Cho- remota Bigr,a,B.TAIP 4001._ °° )13118 . 8 1 1 0$ 1111330EM1T8,- (MORA PAOII7O AHD' LIBERTY 9IL WOBES. MP Llbsril COMA& 01101 . 41;141 Reflted"or Crude Pekoleum. , . . , ~. F 6 IUBLK s ULAI4II4 X.111'66 to MIX A DPYODIIOIII,V , • . I /3/4 " 0 l i ThSZT•9••••••• , -.....-.11nr. • •811 iti!tO erritorr. • - - roirrLexsi simosiari W 411.13.1611. MAW- TORY.' ciunnar poumt. ex. W. A. °HAMAN,. actin' i, - Ilia dant .49N 1.1111( UIL VlttliErs, :-.IIYDAY # CHORPRN.W.I7,I4%' blArallicturei§ soy'. of . 1411BON OIL , BiIIZINZ LIND LUBBIO4I3IHe And amalgam 41 oBVD,B P. 1171104.14171. Of kg. *Non* thmn'.liburg. =CO 211 'Mar ALOOKOWEQUIIRS -Pirrisima. • WAIL K 4 WETMORE it Mi 90htfilide/ONlANatem -Aso •meritus dir rzriteLirma, 110"Yt1D35 LAN'lt,:2lli YORK. ar A:244 Swanks lay 6TOBJIII AND BEIN K Welt yird sad *bat; . 11i9 Han: —• •• /A. JUIN .ziee4 Lot inibairsiiset br the emolument ot the.//elk-Ordluer thermisi bave tbalr 011 'barreled and ildpied mturettoueldne ther:llte Wham., as °Me, mom edanet. - vat ty rtek, as trouble and ta• al t 144 , a rd Oaf the Allegheny Iralles,B4Dreedabomlarmente*- eldevirlime 011 lepoMpeo Mut the boats dlnet ao the ea* lag WNW ra ra p Perak'Neetor Oil ,O iks Yard, on ClUsem • rom loe address, BOX ra 12 . Or / ame ll f l M lll 7ll4 sb•Aniszneaag e ...,- - . I .r.dlrlD.Blll/L,.. I • RicsAAPtio*, auttaixacu,,, Caudillo ud Forwudiu idirchuld, UDE it 'REFINED PSTEOi.IIOI4 hill : //( ! 97264 r$ f or/dboat auttim mu Ail ut Arces .u. " 4 vaiiipm f. ti t lot isimiantui aaimmaiii • . . _; 7 1 621 m 01 .6 . . 41 inn rivet canon utuairwa. I r OBER T ASllWOlitit. . . , ; i.5±.. 1 , 1 . 1 T-.. o3 Papi mpul.w.mitikurgio Porwardkr 'it Coxiitgission ileriliiint 1 , 1 . AND, Pralzkizi axis., ' , ,-8 . 4 . - mananivouito.z.vasuamArcatiwit papoLion-emgis.- danatantli Fr ale at,lllui lowist_mast pells,2 Clibtainang Wolattlii anaomp. . , . , tv. acmasur—... —7 n . q u a l it u r *?. * ald i:= lo/ 4 4 EUVNek:a ba:4 etrullati !• 4 1110 Wit 4 1 %185111Utia ClLtai.l Xans = pa 64erl7l. ovn 04.0111 B i1ia.,484 siltwiltiftiodor wet* amomosemypTil 11/01.014 eAst mss., IMPAII orders hitt 10, Nina IThatiNiali Alook;esbmilt fair, maw, awndid WO:MOM WORW 1 , 117 **0 ii.01F44.100.1 c1 1 4 1 4 811 011i *. LIMES MIX =PIM CLIIIIOII OWE' Off.Raifi~Ll6aftjitewy a...:» Parana)/ J - 414:44wiff, YYofN :au cOrro 07 VIT*O4, • . 4ffmonu. onithil . 4loll ited*Wai fio Clih. Olosvose, r ' vai tslia zulzum D W4 II I. /1,43 4 2 4 P Vikseiverd Waiarfia abalmackaa,: , ;grog=ws at Mir ailloa,ll6. exesur 81“11Tor at thatnearkafta ayrivasaryorill MAW: 08111IDDII „ Yit a y • : lialaßOLtntiVOial&PM " A M . Mlle 4? - Or Ofibie; za, 114BilattikU §O:IJRAINSPOL iJatteatfaltot on vistivadearriti`olliCallb* aaa that lbw asoltralgaul kaa a kagaitiabiLlakitAlt net. rattail* tar *aim nalhuat Otto. ”rrv,•, ezt - • t MHZ 11/MlWrair LIU .04siouriviisaliatquateorCI ~ . . . - nltioo.4l o r ii pt;i4bli tea st -- 14i , lIJI odd ths,l646l4 2...w h ai t t p 2r, - Ana *ass APtil/DDAiXo. bY 'cui jilli mais h x.mar.,§ , ' D.".. vbasakmaadg ki" ,listio v i l *l ''' ; '''' --- • ' ~ i'. ,, , ._ lkliAmut , .7 — * 1414 ''.... :'. • . ra- ;i.v.,....iNect52”.• bigreo ". vi.".. ' --" • ",.. 04 1...1it I; , i."'T , . •! . ----. ' M s , AZOlp CZiO O tt : • --',''' M.. ,, w41,13 1 ! "4" *M il l ' d :d-444iY/Relta4l44 - • l;i 4 tir'iliiii*Vagi ••••••••• - -...e,Z.- - '•••:.i.i.A.-f. -4 " ---.% ~. - piiMPINEL WI/Rawl - cOMPAN r IMI/ A -2 I- ,rfttr-lrosld:r4 . Aol aOa ..,; ~, , I , ~.u.r. ~..,.. _..„ ATLI AND MELILLIFRINOInLtiII Clii i wit. nitav g , Jun i& Yam, .-... John Watt, ' ~ Oka U•illosa. t JOU N:Paitilki , ' `...' . ".• IC:, . • Ohiltill 8.81ii4 " . t ,• Wait. Van Illii,t - . • • ';" ''ll:7l44llta .... ~ , ;,.]:.. 4 • JOE 4: l 4r tit 3.233 %,,. t - VFW. P. (manna, - - -- i a la IXDBMEIRTY, AGAINST , .I.OBS KY nas.—inuumm Mamma= WY. PAPP OP PHILAMPOPILIA;" OPhi; ietraiol63l Chad:Alt Ong, swet Jryfth.„ • 410.41mant Ands; arm* latilllek rapthOoki '.agiyeablz know& aftAlsembly - Molt M01i55p1ype01054......1,886,393 (pn't raMONStoilt) aid 41.0400 00 Navajo, ki,P i efkl..- :sunisin • - - — 1421 fnA/9 co ittoeltsi (venni no 116,067 , 111)041, Rotas and Bills Boarktabls.„—... . 1 . 2 . 1 M0N1 6 'r ,- firriti`otaf leiiraVoisi'priseraturwatra ud.. _ O ra c t a r s ebean d p r m ead. by law en iktratTleti rike • -::/nuatkee um& on erain , &raziptten id 4 ii a l a t Qw= er'? l _ frTt at ?SPAN kMall Atf.4oe wnu lk y. 111noNtIO r brarranentkiran,penketot Iltirtr Serat„ thillave paid lanes By enie teen *noun !"eedili tar maseaie 41 Dour* tfraroby aura* imideti . 1 Ah• advinlagai ot 00. as well so (w.f.. oak ~:Id, etnrantlon rind :with nturaptimer It .. Ole. ,: ..„: ZOOM tillid iiilftittle ' 'OS '- - '- ':SiblcOlii S. Loa l w i . ( i - MIR-1 51 . 3 4114114.,..1 rill ralii:%4 ;,.;% , :%.. ' Marlow D. Lew* . . / ra l ra Z. & ru t , , Tobin Wegniiii , ,W , • lintrd %DA N ' '- " Davld % , .sgep.4llV i , ... viala; Itio zit - pookk i e. 431) O. PALX. floc Nest** . i -- 11 PV‘I t aikttyja . lac" t. ' • --- - „, \ • ~G ltnill '." • O gee o r'''7" .- sor. - Wad 6 tti: ' WRIT.ISKINADIO 101)161.YA . • i " JO:Ot t a , . , 0111.os i gith'. ifiser 44414 dfitki:s IKna•nLir• qt Aro ..4 4...49pia„Autftlite.irompail ir r iewirra ems Milian kakis in - ilki"aommum4 end. , Ida Arc assn. „ 7- .110,a!lii..V.tml fitalialie imanwor W•Wie kots• liumesd, gge.-446.4 A f iot ie to A... irlkidailk 1. be WW/IX1110:41$0.10s y wo o "- •• • •.• • ..*rf!** l . l ' 4110°1- " i 7 Oficdrazult.Wet G Opes•slimmite,'ae; - ' ' i 'Aus - - - • ' i1461-2° otos.. - gum foise imam. azrorm.e."7"—:-.=='-iva,oltir L" PPOOPIMS. ••• ; r Andrew JanweSsAngwilWnlm • pp~_ • . 1 / 1 4 ..0 0 •116. 4 - • Had Thounkei`'' ' lIILm B A I.t,, Bord. P. Bakawill, e a wa iwn ,747. • nieSo INBUkcalt.TE. . . InfiLLNOli COMFY OF NORTH • -- ""' _ Inroranee Co. of the itate of Pena's, zinz.austriuk.;;;r--';-: , --- • -; ' - • fif.44N l k4l T FlL4 3 l,l4l34o_Compaily. - -,.; t'4l4llo7l,M4dia-bi.ln fli t tlhaNlLLlMiggrallilitAndkAti 01 4 4 0 .9filgywatt.Markoi Water • L u ith ic e . nsti Wano..tiAgairi - 'Wean ' : „: lamp adviitmo.kon •« tea At, tawstrumbisatirmtlirairsiial nes , L l ab, 10 =1 0 41 1 * - 111Dawatiis MAL kiss and dampa r An".. „ - - .Trar; •• • now T. witow--”.. -nu • 7c Prioni.4 7A , RidisficE. " A MA I .I4IIMURIN I' IN Id Ukts.- AMA RANTSMFETharaitimtcetk r iiii37 "Bank Block. r,, , . ' : e t e , od' t . an itiddieitriiatikiluri .. r. ~. .: I, . : 12. BLAKKe IIN ...L:.: : 41) 1/1 0 ,..? 4?"...: 4 4 11 ! T.: avd tr eif k r' - 11•J R / 0....airflAlaii:,..: ~. ,Icaark,-,1 kl,l ',- aiaiao:-X6004 4 , -. , . , . , . t a: a= 042. Adam 0000 c O. ray, • Cop Waka. .„ 1 ~,,,, Cpl. .iiritca • • " . 1 ' '- it. L:M eiGmtw.... --' ' ---."' ki L. rannafteak;,-, tit 1410/010301Pirr IteateKVA ;NI t 4 v.elFl r,l 41111113tv e: _ !if Wk !lA* olairktd ei w k its., lOlilit - 4suAlunmoor v P A WZZ I VM elvlaW P: L.. anagootkaimsige t UraZ i ll • 7 r ro e aheM agli ORMUCtff eIW otz et to «a re gum ,- 1116 Iwo* on lattUte to portfoos sad ibIL , 020511, 9i41/1, atlPlllllrthipeamieggiv w 1 1 . 161 d 116 lre T 0 Mal la soy olio thop isottb - hogrywr,ft priliWitlni IROUZ4nrii4SIW.IVArAt. ~... [.,.: :.•1 , " . j eii. j i f ideikk2f.r;'l .:,..,.i ~,,x, !;:%:"-'15.10•.3 4:41:01;,,,,, , l i= l ita l at tall 4 "ailli t " ; ' * 1 BlithealriliaMibt2l4"". _"w . lygolelieits=rt tua lM IrlliWp-„,,..e1;T....xiiy.2.`.11 • . AftrAlPMPreir.o4=l4l l2 " Clhil i rti. Ilveliir a Viidilhi st aiilaiWai.. in ifa.,:yai iltubsksuard7Z,w r+F taD. MaKUV--Wesissi wit the basiestA.4.-1111Way, OuV Mot Oa RUM GLUM is DULL. SU partaisaitikkl Aduk. ' ;lib Imiketlgnag • ditrt--134011-bushas bisani4 41 Oa = Naelatba a Nd: atanacaiisi' 'imam" asuip. ARDal7r,gorwc ioNaggi GRAPY? DULL; • • AN- 1 4 ". 1 0 4 • 1 .7 , Pzi 4•64a0.01 R.. OW iii - Esvior ik enadspotat oitir Vain vitt& itjeitifr: adduct VW al geolallty. ve lOW trade, _ 'lour va 0,7* ac -Ibladwill oak, Altera" _ imanilnikithougdassiiainotagdo. = •• r . —inicayppleppr.- ,7 II- • -32Tik matuatroxsfintantirukt-, Watt; aid Wish( wok as,BoliliaogalTi -;- Taglisilasmadostaikbalftbdr baser • • DEEM 4.E1, 4N.
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