;r~ ^i '^-.tea c~,i~~:~~~,f~`?rya.;si ~vr7~'~k~~~"~ i`s'K'.~"'trrr<:f S,: ~~5~.t,~'.I~~"'~y-~~~ a _ r ..,,., .~c~ ~?ay'"'?,~''~' t,~a_.",,""' r.t^S.t .ro - . . e~~,re~rt~s~rx+;;a4 ~~,s. ESTABLISHED EN 1786. CO.INALLIBIO.4", ilfc. • sunzoi. P. BEM & CO N0..1.85 Lib W i f"strittroet/Pttrimitigh, Pa. WOMAN Go.' on, Occadolos Estobatts. sad OA= DI aim TaT-raontros. esovreweerN BACON.MDUD, =TM. ZOO& ORME MU Da.; PRODUCE. FLOUR. aiunk,CllDs. ORIBiI ADD DJIW VIVITO Da.; SUM and LINZ. '/716 WB &r:WILKINSON, Cammitcar v v unimurft;Wltolisa' le &Olen in WRDTI2II RIDERVB cam; Damn MUM Burris, NE& OWN& &WI produce pmenhUs. Doi DRAW OILDi Diks: /40.1 . 41thictr, • - strait or' Cosh oinnormet - • Is. Oortglim un t s pe. naniaar p i temuzows LaiaMat= Ana lisato Imam, Panama /am vasuounn. Idaaamins. folio sob al -111ankOndailliej4fin% Irea. Grr La-r / d a .. i ß l a a tt y n - ar Pa w.. ,C-luPemrana.-dli s 'P aa ea n r - l -i M an e a m la , "n ag . Died and @ran • : Gila Mamas nada an• ta. - • •ly 110.437 • Clandannan• Eltisbana. , ‘ • - - OHN B. CANYI RID; Comm. B , ' if .. 1:I 1 4 1 - POT Ald Mar, tidal:lmill !air. OM AND LARD OILS, DRUM PR and Produce ,Plos. 141 awl 141 .11tadistriet, Pfttm .fflfg 01119. k• %Po& of .11ax Ibr lialass sail • saisuiriwuk • ' ' ' 4#(14 4 , 01210MA,SEIVik ',G Cokmagum. iitilituurwiaurirbotelas aillescla4ZOC34. aLCO, 4'1,06k gium.lteki OSP!. .t. sibekaitbi, Po—PRODLIONo Apatils• • C ("WARM 44 1 44,-Aolia'Aitit Mats llairla litumuribr Um sib or GIIMAN,IBLZDS. !RBOngo/4. 16 .1 ' ir ar NOW Jar the blib4444 , lbbassis QS. US &wad re , Ibt,babbeetw TANIS DALZKLL k 130 k. 31,46 - ib,, Tramlß "JP Oik °onus= Jano awes is LOA • • • sad Ws at CIIIIIDMoitiD. UOLIWIMUDD i .dtio st &*r 31i4i. MGICNI PRODUCE% n" TARIONICCUOLUM istszossisccs. sistramils: ir KIRKPATRICK & BROTHER, s (ssoonessa Bann/ IthicpstrlakS) sass GBOOBI6 Ha. 191 sat 193 Liberty stnst, Plltabartsli. • aga:l.l wiLudx xsass2 awl p ares adixo n'easaisod, Special Parlour. MAIL ookeni, is LTA Il•Ciadler. Mans We.. WM =o CIRO.to ORES, corium of Wood and Wider udzooto,Pittobargb, Poon's. - . •' . - • - " SAM/ WANK VAN GORDES,PrAmmara x ooKKianoz XSICILL*; _data in MR% _BUT-. TZR, BROOMS, SICILDB, LAID_ OlinalkPOßlL, DB= AND OM= TAMS awl Padua*, pzp, " • ...1;. • ma. sarrivoile a. . H-VOIGT 00_,:imoiamor to I: G. A. 4 Graff. PSODUOZ AND 0011.1128310)1111.1310. 1711ANT13. Llbert7 4ros4, Pitta • Pa: ~:=ll JOHN >L HOUSE C 0. ,., Wackuisar.ii 11 Gloms Auto Ommium Y.n=.B.lrn caner of thalthileld ad Water amok Pittabatrh.2•-- I lOUN., X/21717 & Nutou t zed &alas In P.TWOLICIII= BLOM, WOO MULL to, Ho. Moot. Pi nybkly • -- • VDWARD - lIKAZILLTON A Watuanaza 0110011J3 AND 00AXISB 1 ON 11.11101111 T, Zan acne of tam Diamond, 711 a. 111, Pittsbares.: • m3li•lyn ILDLUILV & STICWAtiT, • Waour .141 a= Gomm Aim Coomisrox Pfroscsarro., No. NT Wood Meet, Pittsburgh. jettlly DRr vaiktiw;'-- MIN 1111410a....A1M W. c o, WILSON, CARR & Oa t (Logo Wildcm, Pow • *mama *.z4tospy., ' • so . alum ANDISOIII3IIO Did iitiChiol9,' la. 14 Wood street, third house aims Diamond , Plttabarsh. splOultt A LES. BALI'ES, Thwart' tir &NCR Asp 4101. fil'Afti DIM GOODS, CLOAKS * SBAWLB, Na. a 7)151i strait. Pitlebemb. fa. N. IL—OLO•121 is& to &dm ' &MIMI • S oABOY • 1 / 2 •1001. dx CO -Demises m J./ TONNIGN AND mums= DRY. GOODE% No. 1.40 Zedsiftramai Cox" door Weir sawilar. , Jut Bier.) caty. middy VATON IfACRUES ,O. Wholesale .1.2 sad 11•411 Dealers la ZULE.WILIMIOI. Drain 'add MIT CIOODS, a 1 dreriptios. Nos. 17 sad 1511 the singe, ----- - MAtllithla tiliXDB, Wholesale and J.U. &NW Dealers In FADDY i STAYLL DRY GOUDB, Tautninoe,aa. lie .7g Market sagas, bottoms Diaatot4 and runbatirk: m. bUICIALKLE.LAU, sacousor J . Eu=chMtd i Wholinis sail gitall Dada. ISTAPja AND_Lutclir EKKID4- *calk. JkILUANZ' Wholesale and Re, u Ihiale9l9 , lll-Ichairef-211111111N914-DlFr GOODS. 99.. Ms. 17 tad 79 Kukla dm& ; • JW. BARKER CO., thiumai Tyr, Day • Goo" No; 80 Nadia itrwilt, istirlat Wed sad sourth, Pittsinup. • • - • DBEAKUNTi. . . oi76ll7erißir DI/1308 AND 011 XICISLILEZ$1117XXST. FANCY 00 0 11 4 - 8M11471. 'Mai TAX" ELT NE,DIOI.=. do; box, d atehdly prime gad ley, which be at lona, Corner Smith- Add pi j 5 Ad and Igarth IPrescalptioce ainctday lam • , , • did at aD hoar& 14 A. PAtiNlfalT(X)X, a W., Wawa- Ali &us Dimmoin and klanntacturar of WIRTZ GLAD AND =HAWS, colutiof Wood an Front stresta, PittsbamM. tolt7 _1 OHM' P. MOTT, Waormata Dios CP DI PAINTS, DILA, VADATIMMI AND DYi 15203115, No OS Liberty street,littarn— All cede= will realm prompt Mandan. Dec GEO. x ILEYIII.II, thareatn, 110 Wood stook carnet of Wood Argot and Virgta &Doh Pfitoboirei. P.. PRODUCE.-- - Mina. .INDPAY st TBLFORDOrsoissam. Lamm IterAn; GIUMBIBOMOUIIi MID PRO DUOS ank DJULlMill,:lBl.l4baty streetinttebargh. _ • H • • • WAILIWO 1111,-111/Nit ‘,l . OOLLl3B,lladCbanakolos Mon * sad. dealer. Is OHIITYITNE6, LAU MN and" Produce posrally, Ha 1 Wood stns., abOVa ALLUWMALIA, (sn 000taor to 0 11 = Hama U a C 0..) Post ,Ilammiaad draw In PROYISIONII, roam of ll larb4 sat Mat eta, Mob • , , JMI J. TO N- • D,( "T` • ". 4 , 1 gur. on Towlessi,) Pons noon Asa muss' u n rzovionivlts.l2 Port Aimior Libiresi .arroit.rArs. gi&fl.-IL-4300kfittlfi - Arrow - vm IAT. MSc% So.' 110".Gesat Mut, Pl Ps. - - All budosou ontnotod -to kb oars will main prompt ottontlos. mods Alkt lad la all aillolnlos otuatimo, goad tie lanky rash tad prosrptly. malt TOLD( itaooo/01LL, Arreasnrs Ontoi, NANA dory !IWO Latriglgo. nr, Iv Dlimmond stmt. - , • WM Mood to Ilbo W collso; Um of AMIGA bosatkoy/tt tr, of *iambic Ito Aid S. 801K11:114 SINIOIIII. 111.0. 80110YBIt, .Anassirmat LW. Pik% LIS Youth mut, Plitasegh. BOOTS' *LTD SHOE& OHN OAMPBELlliaiturAmuzaz or 20075 AHD BROM • Ha • • :40,8.H.E5ta.. • 4141,0.: OF sass LID BATAIL ' . : BKOR; QA.MUNItPREVEMBON,' l'l nwa p , ier - smartie itam,sulAnugaii, over W ee L 4cbonzer 4 Lirmi, u p : rdi, &Lam. Mu. villOSSAb.ia - "au uut Watranto -N. ed. ira load Rill *nob % arm , • . in • NAM Wt _ - _ - . ' • • " . . . . - • s . •ri .1‘ • • • - _ _ ;•., - • . - armicEra.d.rsovs DINIINSNI BRAIOWORKS. ()ADMIX CRAWFORD. masinhataiti. of limy Isrifity of finished DRAW WORK Nos puma 471:eat ox OAII- 7 / I TIMS. -MA 41/D OOrkIEBEMITHIL ItßAlVM ,l 7 A:u t i g i ns,- loads to alicw . AT. W MID GAIS., Gi 0 promptly attended M. rerstl i m r ilar attentkin pidd to Athos up =rum 1118 rub 00•1.01,111 D 0141110 1 / 1 01,11t. Mao, Solo Aratelbr theWerteri Dietrtet . ef Pena mlvaala kr the sale of 111•11.88 ItkIIPDGLI. • 90.13 PAS, szp.nort_Pß3l4—the Mit am i tmmdsL Walr l 4,o klaus luau to mit ant Warder, IMF throw maw water than and vamp of twice Its elm. Via D EL BARIMIIi, • . . . A. L. wzas a Baca, Pomp. qf Pratt sad Coaramte fltrera, ailinlat . .o 6 itanfelataClllAMTa. Ana agents fail( - of DtrrowrB MINNOW DNB MAD &MITT rirla. • Escatrio on oorudgannent all kinds of Western Pro deco, and soaks alma* thereon. • • 11. D.—Balfroed track In front of Warehouse. LIM ea Malmo Liken' a Clo. • PUS:dowel ; !Haler • ainketion ..,....! ~ i lI cCI as 8141Cir717 lercaants' Bank Beltanors; (B. Po Ford • sous, • ATENTED . 8, 1861. - • Dithridge 4 a .Patent Uttil, cgs, MiatiSciared of FLINT - GLAsr introodmids, ars latanded hiaiy - wirlis hicasba au F L k czar .D. DI72IRIDGA : roetPlltt Gbus Winks - 417 W : laibtactTs I i ADLES' FANCY MRS 3 CIEILLDILZH'I3 react rums; mars rim 0AP 8 ,001.1.1,213 • OLOYIgIi 1 . A.113 ILIND OAP& Wary variety end etyte of the above good/ on hand and for gals •t /WORD & CO.'S, No. 134, WOOD wrszwr BLACK DIAMOND tiTZKI. WORKIS, rxTrasusal.P... ) " Itioudietwits of BLIT QUALITY OAST MEL. fk=;e Pi i.t any atat s t=l;g6l all to ha or asatialsoturod to thh! . isca.l4l loul 190 and 12:1 blioo BTILILLTS, PtL6egh. MJAW tiUuDd.p—ttanpg km/bet:tuned th• Zan;wehave now IA dons an tom. As..N - E) BIECOESS Adapted to thi season Dealers can be Replied with LEDIILEIWitIa gb't and tig.Liflitilil 5t10216 lanTlß3 821018, at *slight advance fee nub, at (MO. ALMIXS, 80N 0028 Ha IL comer Wood and Fourth WI. tlottihustr_ OW.; //17:1110.—ANW lEITASLLSRAEBT. W. TVA, Jr., & Co, Nitura In Lsap PIPIL,EIREIZE LIAX4 alr- DRARTS, PUMPS, CHADDZIARUS, BUMMEZTei and PJINDJUSTS.- •Rtindinisp Ato d up with bet sn• cold water *Kepi In the most unproved moaner. 7(0.110, Post Rah) ransAuarals r, • door below Robinson, Alloglisn. R. B. -.Boosirior sonsuluttir *Mudd to. fedayp Ak"Ni mivolidkuuN t it w..,.VALL1117 Irotriarr,lltisbnith;l%.; ' • • N 0.301. Kaaalliatarets of COOL 'MOM MU?. t ST O VarCit_ inD a ardpurits, r W - -L i tmuft.ft 3l : r e = .Iv.i agoa '= l Eall at Ir., paw. !P,ar. v. a. awor, ALLRiatIZNY COAL YARD. w. m. OLANEY • 00, t 94 r), IVI'LasIIIiinYMF"VA/L4815. sem.smi4olowil — atom - so:iicwierco. wady d W. r Boiler Yawn and 131metWarfare..P1410 H0e.30. *.iviLitehts estersd =nerd end It with the MOGI lowroved ery, we ere prepared Skiwalfiellepooto rem dasmisky& of BOILERS to the beet =neon. eel toortatated equal to ositt the eonetes. 0111.1LNITS, ditad L OO O I O 2 II7 I ISOLLZBACONDIWIIifte, .WL lama, AGITATOIin. .11 1 117APER I BOuss mon namings, AMUR i iv of Wft._ Itepatrior hotw on Wicittf.4llTHATS MAGNMIA s i 6cni•togemo.ll2-121.1 01111 . vll Prradre;...l4 Is matillsd lospwM petisrsace mar Um NAM OltraSs at Maproda, earatast miatillimiral . Waistai Gaidtlta Pawilan, sad Mbar similar a t ig aSbassorala dalit=yl OlCltti= , so mast yakos, 9 94 ". 11 . MI . try limmts. TAHNIISTOOIi s CO., Ylits4 trtupokadat the illasalscieryllic.-193 • • • - Karr York. CI W. tIiIUNOHNIAN, No. 32 boost' Ito; street, Phfladelptda, treat for John Marra t Ws , ISODA. ABEL Hie k osestantly kir male at the lowest aortae peat This tab ts putisaistty adapted to tles matter et LijetaAßNlMlLii-1114931in AZD IsitNi"mideriitoot 4 rands of arinas b m HA .010 . mad ail kb& of INOKINO AND ^OHNWING- 000 '/N1717. /ANON imasoueux TUBctiVatt_hilTN. onIotA",NNDX4-?3,03,,14.:: MIX.NII/2 MAtiliadoffl°, l nl "rm.' 04 1 .A.9•• s44lthig - • MAN k And dnlalnlll Midis! 001/TPXS P PBODUOL Jr.. 1711 talliri mum PA. ariaa.^..o - . a•• a. um., MOOLLISTER & . • indictors= sod dubs to all Una of SOB/1000 i lINCIII7 AND 111WAREL lee WOOD =Km Prrartvaan, k I a IUI - 1. — ` ..--- ktf. • Xtaf. l .--13/1 - ' respectfully JIM. - biome SU Minna .11Vitabibarbb, that be MI bean abpststed sob sent *nth* ads of lly. In • kV/ stigiaal 0101113/7f 4711:1401/1051Y1 PIM. , Tiny ass irsannsinnid by SU Wort Mims In *natty, sang with* ars z ings: .Bisatart it Clalaceass At Ock: - '' - -, - o useamc kco u _ ten can rsmuc t ,.._:, 1 pi . M.11114-133un NOM/17.1, aav atioatku Mior filtbag op mot marts& oLooouiril - an Of SIMS AND =Olll OOOSY sole to order. AU% SRAM cusruicfs. of all AUoomeatChspkoOlitrofilah__.• ordatiloft at seen/ It WAIT= 5171 M, mat.Lthosamftbto, borroooptly ottonalot it& toiotAbli-prootiosl 'slodoo. 01100110 pars' omporfloopoPt thofrlotodsont, la boon to give ostiorsittion ovary nowt. datkly • • Jog sod kr au.* " /SATAN ZIAIM h. 00. Vittsburgh Oazeto S. RIDDLE .& 00., . 2DiTOBB AN,D PROPRIIITOBIN Publicatiai Office No. 84 Fifth Street. NOME° ABM LIMNING IDITIONB, DAILY, OONTAINING THTa Linn =WU OP TO THI NMI OP PUBLICATION. MONDAY MORNING, JULY 27 Han. William Whiting on Colored The letter of Hon. William Whiting, So licitor to the War Deputment, written' IA an! swot to an inoitation from the Fremont Legion to addrsu the mass emanation:of 001-, °red citizens held at Poughkeepsie, has been published. H. pays a high tribute to the courage, endurance and heroism of the col ored troops, of whom there are now 40,000 Ise the United States remise. We make the fol lowing extracts from the letter On the 22d of May, the War Department issued a general order (No. 143)otablieking a bureau in the Adjutant 'OILISKIWI °Moe for the organization of colored regiments, where by the system of employing them as a part of the forces of the Molted Stites has beoome the fined and permanent policy of 'the Goy monist. That policy, sanctioned by - L Con pees, carried into practical allot by the:Gov ernment, has been approved by the general consent of wise and patriotic men. The mush try cannot afford to lose the aid of it* beat and Olaf supporters in the South. The employment of, colored troops, it -true, was id the beginning experimental The law of 1862,whirds. first authorized them to' enter the service, provided no means of pay ment. The stoond law which permitted their em ploymeet, authorized them to be paid ten dol lars per month and one ration per day. This law was, however, made with reference to those who by force of ante, or by provisions of statutes, had been recently freed from bondage.% The important class of colored radian from the Free States were probably not in the GOD, temptation of Congress whoa framing these Acts. But now, while ooloredmen are ad mitted to be citizens of several of the North ern States and of the United States and since the Conscription Aot makes no dininotion be tween white and colored citizens, bat them equally to be enrolled and drafted= forces of the United Rahn, there seems to be no reason why such citizens should not, when volunteering to serve the country, be placed upon the same footing with other soldiery as regards their ply and bounty, The attention of Congress will be directed to this subject, and from the puma man ner in which GOT have treated the soldiers heretefere, it Onset be doubted that thiry,will honor,. thenteeleu ;by doing fan 'jostles to those of every color, whet telly round the Union flag in time of 'public danger. Bat I do not forget that the colorid sob diers are not fighting for pu. _They will not let their enemies reproach with being mean, as well cowardly. They will not loselhis: their first Chance, to vindicate their right to be called and tooted se men. Pay or no pay, they will rally around that banner of freedom which shall icon float over a wintry that contains no slave within its hordes's. The policy of the Government is lined and immovable. Congress has passed the irrevo cable acts of emancipation. The Supreme Court of the United States have unanimously decided that 'll2 July :1 1 / 4 11361, we have been engage d ol in a territorial ; civil war, and have full belligerent rights against the Irdusb hub of the rebellious diatriots. The Presi dent has issued prodentationtunder his hand and real. Abraham Lincoln takes no back ward step. A man ono made free by law oansot be again made a slave. The Govern ment has no power, if it had the will to do lt. Omnipotence alone can , re-enslave a freeman. Fear not that the Administration winner take the back track. The President wishes the aid of all Amerieses of whatever &sant or color, to defend the country, and to reap the fruits of vinery. Henry Ward Beecher in Loadoa. A London letter writer gives the following An reference to the movements of Henri Ward Heray Ward Heather left London on the Rh for Paris end Switsuland. His oond nental tour will occupy about two months. He stayed two weeks in the country, and, on arriving at London, put up at the Golden Cross Hotel, Strand.- Despits the usiduous and respectful attentions of which he was the object, be kept kb word relatiroto the a:seld om:le of all great publie denionstrations. This, however, did not t him from sharing a temparanoir t, given in . his honer at the London Coffee Beam As he made It a condition of soceptanos that no no porter should be present, no amount' of the meeting appeared in the popery. I pthoroct , the following partlauMrs from one of the -guests: <i lidward Bolos, li. P. for 'Leeds, toak'tle Chair. and in wintry fads% address wsloinced Mr. Beecher tithe second time to this coun t:ye stating t he ono, had the honor of re. calving his father as a guest. , Ilejspolte Mr. Beecher position" Stows, of temperance, the was and abolition:. To this, Mr. Beecher responded 'altarecteria timidly, In blended stride of•halosta's Palms and colloquialism, delightful Co all pan.*Other speeches were made , and' 'everything protteeded plearnatlyitustlf somebody had the bad taste to &Made to gnarl= 'affairs in - nn nag : Baton spirit. TVS brought .Mr.-Biech. 'erto his feet again, and he electrified his au- Lifters by •11 2 f54 burst of eloquence on the anbject, of ad's_ attltuda—towarda:the- Brreid thetas uring thr Blibillion; &aril* - the 'Abolitionists of Great Britain, with biting false to their prinolpies, , lntionsisteet end de fies:it in Wishbone. Americans -had hoped not for material, bet moral countenance from Bugand a he amerted f she Might hanechier. ed so much at the sacrifice of so little, but appeared- deliberately to - ohoosethe ' von. Mr. Beecher completely carried sway'ili feeling of the meeting with him, sad earnest hopes were expressed that he would address a pubilo meeting. The_ time had-gone by for that, De answered; he might do so on his re. turn from the continent. • - Ha also attended a brealrisat glen t 7 the Congregational ministers at their libraries, and prenbiatmrarly-hlz—floott,-Mity-Chans berialn, where he made a rpm& entirely on the war, plying a striking account of It from the fall of Sumter, downward. He Mai like wise honored by a dinner on the day pram& lag his ispartareforinaes. A special aupatahlo the Olasinsail Graitu, from Mimphis, July 21, ,Is ClAtro, July 23, It L minted that Ga. - -Hurlbut bu Un dated his resk:tton. He designs blaring the serriea.. BMA'S fight 'Judson, Tenn . It a more brilliant stab thinit Ant repe nted. 1 711 .8 1 i men rode down thectibifs tin-playput ting them oontpliitel7 to Sight, Md. Phil a pf the - IntrllLitUaelted oaf of the fiats' nailing; NAM: had 178 Ind ,wansded, Imeladdag tea. monnifisloned ofileere. < On. hundred pilot iraftegular trooplwerit Jahn. :lieu hil• died conscripts were alk#wed to gainer. Tie hundred - 41nd of arms were rapture& - • Pemberton marched out of Vicksburg err the 12th,:wItk 10,000 men,..aboatls,ooo of whoa _were on beWt :- TI. Govarnment4 furnished-or anoint leek iegi data wagon and fair, notes :'! 'The oaken :were'mounted, were 'mounted, and retained thill stdemas, SIX_ day's, rations were: also furnished them Thoma r ripOrdiii foie- ing some of • PeorbarMater mu Into kis army. Tao aswl from - Ibdrolppi, fa_mtorammis omi thapsThfif t Taitial. firast!oossaiirlia biq ;Miming in the malts :•of hlilimos worill Motor,. BhorrojklifjobisalimiBmaff.l lios k IW J IY b#linits Start mod tildposia MAUD:va 6 wW fall molly lato oar Midi, upodollymow that Formilliit truly Alps , roud t mmfP PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING, JULY 27, 1.863 Soldiers. From Tom A Record of Istkuutai Cruelties. The editor of the Memphis Rdistiei ns heea upon $ ,lest to Nashville, attending • State Convention. He communicates the following to his paper, and he vouches for his inform ant It is sickening in detall—horrible In conception, and the wretches tr, toPerpotrated the outages named in not #it . fo r hanging. Some new and exquisite torture should be in vented for their especial benefit. Here is the &Mob: FIVIII COL Bobert..t. Crawford, of Grams oonntyainn., who is a refugee, and was one of the Vies Presidents of the late:Clieasttlen at Nashville, we tarn the following, faets he reliance to that beadifut fildiritserland of Anemias," East Toanessae.' CaL' (Mastoid has a personal knowledge of sloe Of thelads, having left the sous of smadanisCuldas re cently, and roads' ' for the tritli'd all of think, as his Information was obtained from truatworthy persons, and writtia down on the spot. MEIN BILOTRII34 Last summer three young men, brothers, named Anderson, left their homesin Hawking oonnty, and attempted toinalle theltway Into Kentueky. They. were .nested by a squad of Confedeinteearalry on Minsk?, river, about seirenty-lire MileatroSMEnonrille, shot, sad thrown into 'the ' river. Their, .bodles were found floating ,in the `stream, itteenhalles from their own forsaken homes. TIN apAzorry or ant. . . In the month of Tanury, 15611,,at Laurel, N. 0., near the Temente border, alt the nit was seised for distribution by Confederate Cbmmlstioners. ' • • Silt Woe gelling at $75 to 1100 a sack. The Cuamissioners declared that the "Torbm should have none," and positively refused to give Union men their portion of the quality to be distributed in that vicinity. Thio pips ble injustice roused the Union num; they 'as sembled together and deMradned to seise their 'proportion of the salt by forte. They did co, taking at Marshall, N. C., .whso, they deemed to be their joo share. . - Immediately afterwards the 65th North Carolina Regiment, under comnuind at Meat Col. James Leith, was ordered to Laurel to arrest the offenders. •21111117011111111110 L. M. Allen was Colonel of the , regiment, but had been suspended for elz months for mime and drunkennesi. May of the mm engaged in the salt seizure left their homes. Those who did not partielp?te In it Imam the sufferers. Among those arrested wuraJoirph Wood, about' 60 years of age; David libellee, 60; James Shelton, 50; Roddy Bielten, 45; liaison King, 40; Hahn Moors, 40; Wade Moore, 55 ;Judah Shelton, 15; Was. Chilton 11; James Metcalf, 10;-larpg Channel, /0- S a muel 10 .authie sons of Llfus Shelton-1i all, thirteen men sad boys. Nearly all of them declared they were Innooent, and had taken ao pin in preprtating the salt. They begged fore trial, asserting that they could. prone their Into - Wipe. Ezammczam paL Allan, who• was with bh troop!, but not In command, told them they should have a hial, but thy would be taken to Tentlrba for that pupas& They bade farewell to their wires, daughters, and sisters, dhastirtg them to' prams, the witnesses and btintthem to the Court in"Truieuse, where 114 their trial would take place. Alas hew lit tle Wry dreamed what alatisessalted thus I sows= noso '• . , The poor fellows o had proceeded bats few miles, when they were turned from the road into a gorge in the Monstain,,,and liattod. Without any warning of what - wee to to dope with them, Ave of them were ordered to knoll down. Ten pearls trent of them Ave, a tie of ;soldiers were plaited !with loaded motets: The' terrible reality dished upon the 7Leds of the doomed metriote. • Old roan - Wood (AO yelms of ask) pied oat "Per Ood's take n men, you are itoy going to: sheet no f If you ire 'going to Murder .u; 10+4'as - et least time to. pray."/ A Cal. Allin was remanded of his promise . to give Umtata trial. They were informers( • Mien had no: authority; that Keith se ii ,00Minand,t . and that there wee on rfraYing.' ;Tho 'order was [lna to litaithootil mew and itoss pat their handl to, their. and rent the air vith ei r ilf atiW aka Of 4isitain:_thitiolditre way and seitati4 to obey the command. Kai thitaid s if they did'not be Instantly, he wOuld" make theta' dingo Nam with &hoe prboasta. The soldiers tabled their •,gans,• the victims shuddered °climbing)... the Wol4' wig ens tee* and the ire men foU pierced with rebel bullets. Old man Wood and ton were- Ala In the head, their trtaintriest: wog oponthe ground, and they died without a struggle: The other three lived only a few minium/ KOMI OT • BOY OP roma slums. ti/e others were ordered be kneil„ among thrUir little Billy Melton, a mere and. only twelve years old. Efe implored the men sit to. elubst him in the far.. “Ifiul have'Mai my' 'faller sad brother ' .1 , 14 "you. hire slot my fetherin the fees; do notsbacr - worlirtbsf facia." Be covered me Lao. 'with his Midi.- Thb soldiers received the order to are, and Ave more fell. Poor little Billywas wounded In both arms. Be nn. to an agar, clasped him armed the legs, and besought him to spire his life. "You bass killed my .old father and my three brothers; you have ,shot mein both. arms—t forgive you all hhie-,1 crag get well. Let me go home to vormoliter and sistere." What a heart of adamant the Eska must have wbo oould disrepird snob en' appeal. The little boy was drama back to the,plaos of execution; again Outer:this word "Am" was given and be fell dead, eight ball, hiving entered ' his body. The remaining three were murdered in the same manner. Tame In whom life was not entirelteilinel, the ,beattless Clare iittiatAiii with their .•__ . • . . , hole was 'then. dip sad the thirteen bodies were pitsbid Into I t. Tho'griCe' scaraly la d rr on e n nongb; some Id the- ladles lay above the A . mut:dimmed kargrans_ N. 11. D. arilt - Tergiallorr Int;e1•111t —.-- '0, Tonneaus oompirry. DCA Ala Igor* Caro: uaa gegimmit, jumpedispen., the giliang bodies; and raid to setae the sew r. "Pat Alba for me, while I duos Um damned noun. 74 - 414 down to and through hell." The grave was'euril lightly with earlk sad the mut day When.tho wives mad feadlies of- the at deed meilteard - of their: Site, Honked for and found their grave, the hop had rooted up sae Man's body and .5105 hi. heed 4g, iroananto enreasuus --- Copt. Moodey, in @harp of • cavalry fora, and Vol. Thomas, fit -oomnued of w - number' of ladbas, almosspaiii•gdteith's men.; Theis- prooNded> tot Teanormet Keith's; mu' 9s. turned toSaural, and were instreoted to• with that the cavalry lad taken Ski:prisoners witk them to be tried, in ecoorbace with the pledge of Vol. AU.., In their propos *neigh nig country, many Union_ sea were known to , /taxi been killed and sealed by the Indians., Upon the return of KAU' sad his 'mon to Laurel, they began systematioally to tutus the women of f 07611 1 21, to form them to` ell where their father authusbanda were, eat what part oath had taken In the salt ran: The ' p omen refund :to, divulge anythJa• Thy; were then whipped with hickory switch es—many of them till the , blood soused In stooks down their pimps* to Um pound: end the mu who did this trencaUmt• scegisn: • xuraire'a costsours; • • °alibi 13th of •Pirbrltarls MS_ I spied of sold*: were seat to 0 011 uilPi daalstititeol 'ken, of Grew Oonly,Tatireme,,a very re. Spoitstle, industrious men, 10 sc.gppe an _ l'Aloy:0 11 0 hire- 'toting: ab when hi an one of theniihe nit to the back ofi his bora ; others VW/polled behind the -tratni and, without heUlag, or attempting to arrest Wer e ona.sf. tint siothim-throup deehotilllng him tassizar. Ins Uwe& little Children who saw Is rat to Ike house and'told• :their mother; ohoosmi' out erloging _her binds in impish, and screaming with. terror . The mil - warklitili this,le They at her agaitir le ON had only, del a "4—d Tory. Mb dared'men was highly_osturasilby bore; and wan Atia-usiloeSOsisp., iiirronut si gult ite Ctillestothat,VP=iiio - 4-61124 11 1m14 - 1 1 1 1 VM ► MAll. trnavAilltamp tole .- ~~~.~ ,- ma y ~.,,..~_: !==M A Ititiiaissi Itiert.—"Whibiroar sorisons alGettribarewiri attending to the wounded as they trim nought to thelwipitals, without mud to side upon which they had fought, s Mod Colonel, morered with. blood, was or dered to plaesdin a 'bath. He' was lifted earathily in, and than, eutlnglds 4 17411 about himorpsa those who had taken Aim ipso tiaderinbnut into o flood.of tabu; and wept Us MAW- goo:Win himself, ..he said to. those mend hiw imps shall le,ter- Elias for raisin my hand ,malnst the stars and steljao and 'lt I - mover `from wenn& I *AI' not 'map • hove d 6 the 'like ends, tett trylo make'amends; so' fat as I ma, for the wrong I hairs dote." • I Tim Oita SIIIiDIIID MID Yterf.suirr Pun wrimuu VoLurruan.-,At the hatti&of.Get tjabarg, Lieut.: Oa Game KePulaad, beingaM only *old oilicerwith iinenkSannsylvanla Voluotiert, took 460 man Und,l9,olleers beside blew*" and, Adjutant into battle; said but 101 Ma Oil 7 Officinal d to their' .the inning. Sat they • folight like ' Ural," Eiaight thousands 'dime foes. Colcltelhislantluid his sword-iiiit .stanoki then 'bit' horse, - and finaily was isoeudieLin both legeiene of said' has eines been amputated below-theknee. ;The other wound will, It is thought,. heal 141/11118 TEI LAKI:II.—The amount of 'elUital Ilia:tad In` Ike wiinmeroo og - ea grist lakii haidly. feallied L ib,' pabliO ontaide' of business' etudes imnbidlitti ly interested- In the -trade.- The - following statement of lean:4 skein 4assels noir 4n- Eked in- this busiasta in. Compiled fro*: the , Marine ..liegistey for the prasent year, just il -1 Owl .by,:the board of .lake underwriters:— iliesasera,l)l4; propellers and Inge, WA; bark. aid barquenUnos, 191; brigs and 70; saltoonire, 1;030 ; sloops, In ;, basses, 60, Total, 1,761. ' . . Ora or abr. DIiTIV CELLMUIII Ix WlBOOll - Oshkosh (Wil.) Northwestern sips : "We have been Informed, on reliable author *, that there h s- obibi oh Jefferson Davie, the Preeident of the so.oalledi flotilla= Con-. Wanton being educated ainonethe Stock bVidg• Todien‘ at-their settlement, in fibs*. nee qounty. Osiris, it. Is well known, was stationed at tort Windehego, some years ago,, eat • tiiie. formed' the acqualatanoa of the mother'of the child, s Ifenonionee squaw." , - +' Austell or lionwowe.—During tie' current week , tile , Jintazon, , from London,/ and. the Cynosure, dram: Liverpool,_ arrived at .New- York, loaded with diaeiplu for lin:4bn Brig.. Um and his band. ' The former-brought 877 i o p•rsons d the latter 747—total, 1,824. The Iminigra i s are; In the main, intelligent, well dialed- pis, who have some means, and an ahlBfog 'lief in the faith aid 'practioe of the 1318,1ake people. / L Carman IT Puuns.:—The rebel privateer t r ifle itga Iblittit asptared the New York. ship Geo. i "front Cardiff, Wales, for rreocand bonded her in $lOO,OOO. 'lt will nterabered ..that the Griswold took out 4400,000Wrorth of/food to the' stoning Eng- Ilih winter , and was on her I* , tap trip , to this' country when captive& Cows C;IP , OIIIDDAVIIS is bolos organ- Safi for 'lltexioo... They ire to Gammons, their on i the Lt of October. There, is also a talk of ,a Inancial undertaking, Lamely, an oliniterial Bank of hlexleo," in confirmation et! w eh It is known that the Paris mint eobilitS Yezkin dollars. These dollars ex hibit the prod!, of President Juana. Winton from-T=lllo to - the 25 th of Tune luo the whole of Honduras wail In a stets of great uneasiness on amount of hostilities In the interior of the republic. The rebellion wu greatly on the increase, and the inhabl teats of Truxillo were is constant fear of an VALLAIDIIiNAX'S Paosrarrra.—Saneet Cox, If . k o taber or Coagreu from the Columbui.Dle t, utl sae of the leadleg Democrats of Pilo, a tow dap 'ago,' admitted, t 00111111111. .tl4a, that }hough would but Vailaadlghara 60,000 votes In the State of Ohio. • iliinisprtriii Nisantn.—Ai - ladf has been ftwkinkTdiwiston, Me. The enrolling oI r„ln irlidtlig abounding house, asked for lit of names of the boarders. One of than Francis Aitken signed Frank Parker. • k wah - aosordlngly enrolled, and ts now .0117/30/31011.—At. Alexandria, -Va., fifty to of wham,' It le stated, have already n isantoftrjAlia Mlle& States Attorney, faring **mien of these estates to be in • against the govorament, and conduit . that! proporty to the United Mateo. ak4 • aw Us. Iva Oat.oiesola.—Mr. Grave, • 1? eh Opiates, proposes to destroy the et lateaseirbitter medlitare by Wallas. • rofetat.Mith them In oartaisvpropdstiont: H aside that.thotesPiad.odor, pea of sa ss . tide, an be annihilated. =, Slit f•PLorG. A TLAN -- 6. imsit T_ - BOTAL WAIL . lITXIIII NAVIGA. / 11 .9 0 * 1 !ANir , • '.t ME* . i MAL WAY Lilt., ' O : OII TATI4LI.ID9 Hotaropotrar„ 4,oootone. jll4z4V4ll4=PO-4,1= its:. GDIA. 1100 Flable.poinitr, 8 000 tore. - • t 1 4 1.ahuatp 411Thrittlilettl en inia Delway, tolls. Tort. Oa WXI. 6 I itt 4 f161, DATA Ulbor J.., to be killowed by th e, etehteseehltbelfae every' altbreet*Wodieirda. " snoop tram Ideseyed to Neve Toth, pap • th Me-orite eettivilent IN ogrunty t ok —...ine 4)0180,tqice.....,4....5' 113 Oh epitome tpply et the dote of the /ion* ' . shill. a immix, sh Smut traY• , I 4.0•1•14 hill, Yabeter. Zheaby _____ _ or D.Obreefete , 0 ittibt,, I B. Jr Chime No. TO 11 4 41 b Street. Pttia uilding borlb. 1 ag —CIRTELAND 121A01 1 . 4 11 1 Mb/ Aram ainrutarsuso SHORE. LINE. 11 . 1, * 4 00 I .olo*-tiviare etaiinf i ' _ . - , e gum W.D.su am. Wm. Aaiun. . _ ~ roodhekeilleosoessentween the daft PIO 1 4 as ' At i Li 1 " ''' Volt.isketilai;ara ' a nitroti. Lothhtitot . Point Ambirloh Perna Ergrry WEIDIIIII6DAT Ilasego 64 if A ldl etiielitte ' MentliDAT to ' l3.pairinnetetetampteh • ottoteeme mode. Shippers bor. lag cos lend there to our dew wtp ko on Ire/ bolt wittiest chary tot_eteDmi. .„ liZetso ‘ - a. a•sarisoN a cio. oirrtart ALLIKUMII eiltft _ 4rta.g. iMistratl ink Mark st but, sad tko n 4it steak Dl - Drama. lion. AdD r inabow MIAMI esursomerzme, JOISTS, llPOWninir /ATHA rri• um& ha. es. e 4. .: g , ..., i refill' in .oraiin. swi !taunt . ages , etia 7aidel far taw:. , , - 111. Pawns grattra LON° TLIUMUL or'PON : US 11l O P 111 1A1 ,lilrriliT. ear Ittg 124 " . ed24:11 -t- CHEESE /3UYER9 -ATTNNTION 1: 1% do do r t iumists. - • . -- scr do - fortoz MAP mud 1150 do toifloas ' SOO both. *Woe nupdrlid A pplar„ • • 11 id* sad air ads b7 llllll/1 WILILI glom - SIT Liberty mstiot. AA/UMIAK I , MAL .P 111111510115, SLY. and - CLAIMS al • dlisoriptlos. *Made' by 105•1501)4setfarnr,•4 tbs 5044•,•15a P•sdass,slo 54. othpr abobs4 SS 50. QO. SATLOI 110:151 Ottifste•• littsbatiS, MIL / 11611 ; 1 1 11 51414111_ susooloofitssllsl . A • " " damelow.tot. - the LW Ira ra---tok larAlLike t plitLaitaarail# Lutittimo 4 1110 pommel el( thy , LNARIL" wii•pot,ll6 sat/ 1 14!C 1 441' anti- ' 7 pia jr=::1 1. 0- — mos' •- PIITLITPEL. art *5 ...entyrn A-Iv -777 (UMW ~. • . ' " "J.) a., L _ • , sitnommaitedo . , -;-.! 44 2011‘.:Ack. ° istia.7oWator ANGLO: rt,112141)r wait, L.A:T9MA (Mc, •," tu,, LOWNSOULta- MUseefi imi!laM*Viiiii *Wink be c• i _ • 4 wo), DALZIALLi4,, , . viand% Irina oillet: ' '~ '.ice;'= ,%-j' • " rid 5 ,~w ~` .7 W N:.: `. ~_ ,LX2N - 1 (PILI.IIv. 2 1 1430011M101C VALLENDRR, OIL , BROKERS, 211 and 213 Elonth Water at, CHICAGO illreonstraitsats aollelled. Luttris quoirinnii, lets 01:7 011 Wales! JLEN EusnakJ,Patuter Jab: Ifturaireiflpsat Chalhit4oe. NALLAUE OURTINEV / • iIOMMLBI3IOII EA80R.13221. - And dtattioin. •0411DEttlIBTLHEDPIF1110 LEM • • AO NORTH 'BIOOI4 NMI% / PRILIDZIPIU/6 • eir Mk . Stollte .itilotty Nodal , coma for /4,000 Also oviellont Ottawa toesg to Awoken oodifotolin ports, at our ,ithatf °xi tit* &Welkin Blur; noatilie platter:a of tbot Poona. B. B. BREWER, BUBHS kOUr 0011MIEIBION lIIERCHANITA Agenta;if CILOBZ, PAOIIIO ALBD fiu.'womut. oar Liberal oath adman sada GI C0.941111:14121 Ikeßued or Crude Petroleung. Ooz. DrQDma *An= HAI MKSMI (MX3IIBBIOI .XIBOHANTS, Ana ractarft , • r t ioni,otAtit Orb PIODUCTI I / 4 . WAS, 61 8110 ADVas. 69 RAN! ) iNsleatelbr the PORTLAND/C=OO2M 011 k WORK 191 W Tom P6a4lqp.l43•CD, ! . • 1164 4017nis 15011ang dm*. pow CITY !:111. WORKS. " LYP.4l'.:¢ 1711012 PRIMING, Manufacturers sal Refiners ef C 41124511 'OIL, IMBIZIIIII AND LIIIIIIIO/Allia ==l CRUDE P 212'11 - 0 L1.71.X. . lirlirorks, opposite Bbaryiburg. bolos fn P=HBY BL4Oi. P41"1". 6pima k . PErnimunr., P MaMiliam d0.1Mi%38 oiv,raEßC ANTa, -auie YSSJM PIM/lOWA Wit 118 MAIDEN LANE, HBW.YOBL 011 - Ampla training for lirp:A.9E - 0211) meta qitpal.r mplasidmhart. Z") Alit Ailing — Delia ilOf ,by tits -ialionealtrat of the Italic ' can bate thelz Oil barfelykaimi &Wed :I=aohlog the Oily Wharf* ea obetio, more ceder,protapa, with Is Zak. tem. trouble, Slitter -and is at 1111"19 Oil is RD,' Oit the Sllsthen7 Valley Railroad; iierie tatitaoia; -tit. Vit'ulPfultPfd Oen theboats Owe to outood .hipped an or - _,W ps Zt, ion eef. of ban utstslomytag af meth • : Allotlire ttosaptl: 1420144 MX • . C UMOII atiretti, en Miami Paiei t =l. & . Poet tintei address. 301 OM, Pit par I. out be ~ea dell at the Oil ass'DAVID-11M ftloLtokw, Voinuttuioa Fonntreirletcluts CRUDE .841 FINED PSTROLIMA erldligeol ow ammo= to cendipatatts lot Pittsburgh octagon Iladuila, ~ - ' iiight J. SPUN= thaytifit,Jl4, 5 " 211°1 9 a 1 ", 4 . at../tga) ikelErdat Hut., ki . OBERT 'ASHWORTH, ' iit:i " .413 , 611 a11it Firwarding * Commission 'kraut' Forwarding • • •• - latimatintirribra,lotalornita,olllDlll PztAALßOOL.M.L.o.a.o.,couwailyggi for Mk ar. isatrlxatio Os mulct k 1,000,915111011111111, •Liutosta - " • - Wrath ' • ii.iiitissiir --: " ''' -'' iisii iiiiimt , OODVILTATi-ii=uraillißßY:•;- • ' a A :.,.. 014 :-.-- F - - - 'firokbiew. - Hottettli. 4 ,013 fi r rI Q _ i11...ff. ill OM AND LITISMOAU4I6L.Q... iniatritlylini." biol. th• , tort*fis . 4w . ificir Ig..4l4 l l.4.yArad i r t kaa till i s aratem 431 .17:43 " f. 3 ..., "-,' -"..--.„-. : ,-; -.2, - r all ItirAlloidPi Aft 'at No. 65 rain ' :Swum Bank Block. moral:Moor, MU be pitmapgy attesemd s to. ' - LUIDENT_ ,011NORKS, • t • Tgritcaii, 00., 11111PINDD;011ia0V011a 011ptsiitas1 LA;647 . `#21... - a 50444. " • ;1, - ,:a . 011.01ryrtliOti. :wiputThil Ow 41 5i40444 metre Itrit;!t;nio.oool4 rump' lilll , lllollB AND: .1:1A 1 118:4 , 1tAillION OM; lIIIIK44I4Cidi at Amin Milk X44:43 *MOW svroralubao37Z> ,;^ .te a ; staltrifttl!APlMAlßllholl . 7 ~ 4,a. Wr i apit4 Arg vtinctt. oll l. )tiPoY; akpiiihs to, Mimi our tom . " Trainroitstritablv Jur! ofts; itookas Soo" risticsrix_— 01.11 llikUtt ,hlol4lgeratax toamine" i)r• en'tudi • - caw the ha US Pailleillael boa h1t1 1246 40 41110 limn, salable to! itedig Ram& , • 7 - • - • • Lt Ait01112; -:„; • • WiwiliettaLOYlN irW/r.P4 M j nir 4 MMA !NO. 218 jlJrillit4ire ' pigogus mamma COMPAN 010 4 44 .A. 0 # 114 1t0ad and Affil, naintkui as Wu.. Phllllw, ~: ; , i ; Jape _4 lr", wt._ . t, , Mut Watt, - ark ,ms .14 Zane= Nom, Di /big% : ' i, t. S®ll. x: , Job* IL racks.' .. .iltheap.ll.,Jar4 , . wi,„lfia Kirk . , COlasioa, /pik' - i• EQEiO wars. among. INDEMNITY AGALINST'LOED'ISY VD= 1.21/1111LUKUI tXtY • ?LIT OP PEELLADILPILUA. 04Ias. !Mimed Of attakont stessi,sitat 11taticiust of Amity' a aor'liy LeACI, Poll a .1 4P 10 447.te la : - Hertilioetpges, secand... Rati/Xotatt s. lf illLE0111111V) don- 109 roes ocr TolVonri *ee_inPai Pathdar*l Stook*,fitesint JC1,761100. .ICotss and BBL Sigel hal 11,200,061 ed ttr Tho , only prati fres proadizii tab tbrapent Ain Odds by binary! rolp, rbiba haw beta debuyalimio. i/ 110 1110 1 .1001001.1r117 / 11121 1 111 6 Pr0b.. 1 7 ba town and oototry, at rates anlow Ns aro consist, oi Ilbtos their tamparstion. a parlod.cd thirty ,Yym..v !hay km nib' law by Ankle Jib amount exceadb4 lkar 11111 kin , •J" Mier% ULM), &arab' inidenos .0( Shedeunenr el laseranos, as well as tber &bill. sad to mot with -prom:o324w II ItsbUltles. Lams . paid diulisiths . . : : ..• ~..1 .. j'_..7.hislanaisi ::1 - 1 :Oluiiieli N. gazioluer. " . buil yam, . • Monlod D. Loft, " Jimb B . . th; Toblh, WiliPirt., , ,..,:_ - -Au c_LIN3., Divid B. Draw% , . Geo, h. -ir plaiasti Gisii_%-:±•'.•-‘ ; . * Taw ~, AZ,LX.B .33 Praikko •.. ' `IDWALSD 0. Vill.Ll4l , iod Prehishi , 1 10 ... A . ihmint aldril_lnt. _ fts. , •. -,, 1 , : .., , ./. 0A2.11h/XX 00111 N, Apia, - - .olll4.Nlrlkeigt,per..Wood &Third .t. strgitabi us (mgr.* - WAY 9 7 0/7 11 4nnum. • • ' 11. mu,Liii„rir.. • aoltDoWsraidiiir: - - - O Rua ..99:Wulas knot; aping kW,- It Mt nitZstab% Pittsburgh. • . sre Mail Air' 'lin!' dad A Row butilLthre,tiosageil 111,Dirsaar* wP4 ars wietj , * Oa' ectassimitif, sod wit ara Jwn IONA: 1 114truilemusout;UkuusiUgi , ousissau. Übsruater 1665011 Ougr ham ammial..da f.l 1 " 1 - .rnifiellieelleAsellalia "Wird be *raw/4 7 40=4 00 . 2 94.Z 1 .4 akes:/ 36 $* 2,180 - - . e . , = ... .tdz:ierate, to .L ..... )...i.......::::,.».....::. - ;W W ' ..........4..........".i....... 34 55 / 69_ Ptenitunlitotes.:-. - ' ' ......-.... NAM /11 Notqls l 4 AWL Cnioill ' es — d . " 7- . tam vt. ti.: - Auner;lr. • ' ,•' l" Allan: Alkyl, huniigtAgliy...,- 1 r , . ' - . lllsiandir Opsery .• - ~ flatkuudal•Hollaws. :David M. Loaf; 0. It. !WM, , aFk B. Wiliume. - my.3o . . . I.lf. 60iii08. tweriAary. INIUISANUE; . • .iIiSUBANCIC-6oiry OF NOT4TH AlCalled • harems Co. of the State of Penzetti,,:- PELLADILPHM' -lEf!wtfi)r!i ftebLiiartizioe Compaity lir lawman* fa the dare 1411•240iiii Mina= 1 . 1 . obW 1 2 1 • 11 . biannesitiog 10 „, „. W. P. Jona, Agon, r'alloWStresiSTWaioritnoi.”';'` 111117ANIUNSUICAN 16 130.11 PA N b ‘W ‘ -i " nrr.4k o ,l3 , lnkg Maxim sad: t i !" .114. witfil A:4 ciWALIRIAILLith•Prottra:- Ibittto OttligabsoWsiit .' " . 1 " , ; V ~,-•:-".'-'" _ Dismit_ optaol.ll4ll and dame woe ximigitto at lbw atio ima - Introits wan, Inkaa an Big=i mi.. ..o.)llgOVAkin btibir ow, :. : , r .i•,.., ~:_1,,, : 4,.===.t.P741 4 ,...: .._ . . Atartil t..l),Li*: Alt glitigi;.i ~_, , ..14 1 44. 0 .10,LELV.111, YJnr. , , • - • , ...2 ,, - I MU • jklismo7 CLI 1,:_: 0 4; - • J ., - -..• - r _rizit i v,„ , ... „J a r* •.. amok Stighatita 1. I . rd., .i..;) li. .E,,ttso,u - - .. . j i,:--- xoilitililiADJUJlL , VU . I `;' ,7 Zi. /13MWITTSBIOLGH., OM, No: illtlllb Otrayit, Beak no*. , , - , - ,- -io ,I. '. , ..• I -•-- • - - - -... . :IrT, ll . l Pt ialt ali ntreilodAtarbis Milk 3.,-,1 'fnsiiial., 7l..,mw , "... - • 'mom ~ ‘ 1 0 .6: frorilksalli; 'tiiiisiri v iii te s i" '. ' ~..r 4 0.i.i., , Joluiti. iii, - ' •:- ,' i , 41:1R n IMMI ,I.:-:- - 04 0 0 A 4 • 1 7•0315 ;L - '''' -..H. B. eterlbg ~ •• , - Viil7 - 1,1 - klikW , ' ' L On& W. Deti '' 1 ..1 Irvin... Tr. - : B. L. nal '- t 7s: t4.151tre.,,b4. 7 ~•• • - a . bir - fi. Th rlA,s ~.. .. .. : lINTY 4.8 Ps r. Lug. r. ' , *o; los Alk tic; gkiil 40 ; NW , :Kodak Oblditto. h•7 l 9 oo Wis illiTSl - 1111/kSPO ftialX 6 7 I.444l4liWzli t lim i VarAl tia . L ..... briitto on .4 to the $lOO /toobV, 'fioltitz ''by moonot Moue, w somata to pia •dolit:Sitom ot edam ttbotibt 14111 Na *Otto; stVokittlittl'to Ittntion. sad lb. Itpu Angola °finery , promptly totted:to :; ft• Raab' bratty tow as riNeuybq, % 1 1.4 ' f4Y . t., #4 4 .4 11 !‘ ?AV , 1 11 MX#CiliZIZIO AlkinidemrrtgWvottleilreileri: 1 . • „74144. - ; w e=I4:ZVIUM 4 `II 47 4 to.F.lWNowiglairiati, Omit aid murk oe otkei Mal ram, citAlermlitAnsi "Irei!iiv-- WOW atm d 6004.• &PR I 4 4 1 1,4" 111 1"404. "fie t : =2 4 dK lettor s 6 • Milittaiir tITIVIS:-=__ OM* ' elgoditeltatttk is Is no Aiw , lllll 7 7 ' bustosti. 4 l4l7LA the Kele the tit to ''' RUM OR *Dm.; the t• take ' ' eltkeethb day, The Oil besimart WM lite Maid SS:, *, be thevedetetepu . • dee hereteehea. . Ail *IN Pita ~ ••• . ISM *QUI* '• ' - • .171,0billigiri' i it‘li ' d." . *An Or ile4ali lied AO _ _., • ,PlO/linw, ~ -, 2t ,1 ~,• :.n:;. I ; tiliV e ntlieged oai um. wines' 'ow o . limskin& el k0i , ..._" aPaillizth longed:Oft ,-,, !.r 7 Ml6* ici j= ' ibirthildd" - ',liii ar i ''''' AkTNINU ifitY sll4.4ilSkiUs ales, -AA , r• W. "Mont dangle to aagthlng alea. , :1117 zi.-1 _ of : ooessir:ftque* N o leadatk alase4a, • turAtakiuras emu •au m so /I. El i tif l V -- iirisk 'sr nolaukTiqir BIT": Ibrerepelkimc=s, D ViusimariAr, 111404.--- • ot , , W",,lit-7,77.o l4 rfattif!Aoll „Flo Lit.otiL.,a.,,t,'„? Si itiakisthaetiMeagnizaideasthiVAl t is•ck --- • - • •• te . oas,uanorititunT.Y r ilmkgrimeate l i k ilijp-...., , , 0. -, P 0 0l 'CIWIJULINT•IVIMIL-2 barsebreholte r G-11 " J r 9 1144.. impag..l4,,Atosestuatty•aoli°2 tvaigg. ill"."8616 M. - . 6): "Mailia"ll4lZll 4i reaft a rt: 113113:11;1:
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